#whenever i checked before it was 70-120
melodiesofmidnight · 10 months
Finally back home after a 2500 mile drive, had a calm work day followed by a delicious teriyaki noodles dinner, and am now drinking peppermint hot chocolate my husband made for me whole I finally play the Crash Bandicoot Remastered Trilogy after 3 years of wanting it. Life is good
2 notes · View notes
folliesandfolderols · 5 months
Writing prompts days 101-104
From this prompt list. If you’ve read this far, I’m not sure you need any explanation, but the short version is I hadn’t written any fiction since 2019, I set a goal to write at least 150 words/day in 2024, and this list was my way to restart. Also I abruptly decided on day 2 I would write an entire Tim/Damian story connecting all the prompts, because I am Good at Judging My Limits. /sarcasm Anyway, I finished the rough draft a while ago and am now unlocking the old entries as I edit.
Read from the beginning here, or on ao3 here.
Days 96-100 here
11. “I’ll make you feel good, I promise. Just trust me.”
34. “Not so fast, bun.”
70. “I-I promise I’ll be good.”
78. “Let me ride you.”
101. “Lift your hips up for me.”
103. “Look at you, coming undone before I’ve even started touching you.”
106. “Sweetheart, you’re so responsive to my touch.”
107. “I think you’d look even better under me.”
120. “You only get to watch.” “B-but—” “No buts, sweetheart.”
They dropped off their passengers, Cass, and Stephanie where Jason was waiting and practically flew to Leslie Thompkins. On the way, Tim texted Katarina to get to a safehouse Damian had previously set up for her. After that, he called Dick and asked him to go to Metropolis and move her. Obviously she had been suspected of passing along information to the wrong people. 
That call turned into him persuading Dick to take care of Katarina and get some rest before coming to Gotham to check on Damian. Dick finally agreed, but it was a close run thing.
The new Redbird, though it was substantially more outfitted than the original, wasn't really made for people suffering bullet wounds to stretch out comfortably. Damian remained silent for the trip. Whenever Tim glanced over to check on him, he had one hand over the wound in his shoulder, adding his own strength to the pressure dressing they'd hastily applied in the field. His skin had turned chalky gray.
"Almost there, Dami," Tim said each time.
Damian kept his eyes closed and didn't respond.
Leslie had obviously been warned by the others, waiting at the back entry to her clinic and resigned about it. Tim had stopped taking it personally a long time ago, but he still felt a pang when she leveled a tired glance at him and sighed. "He's practically a baby. Isn't dying once enough for you people?"
I hope so, Tim thought but didn't say, as she helped Damian limp to the exam room.
"I was never a baby," he heard Damian tell her before the door swung shut. Tim tried not to remember all the ways that could be true.
He stretched out in the driver's seat and let everyone know they'd arrived. Jason checked in from the immigrant legal advocacy group he'd woken up. They were working on temporary shelter for the people brought to their doorstep while Cass and Stephanie worked on meeting their even more immediate needs in the interim.
After an hour, Leslie texted him to come get Damian. He met her at the door. Damian blinked at him owlishly, domino gone. His bloodstained costume hung in tatters around his torso, most of his skin above the waist bared.
"Painkillers?" Tim asked, wrapping Damian’s undamaged arm around his shoulders.
"He's on Vicodin and antibiotics." Leslie handed him two prescription bottles. "Follow the instructions exactly. Being a hero doesn't free you from the possibility of addiction. He needed blood. Make sure he takes iron, too. I know you're all intimately familiar with wound care so I won't bore you with further info, but that bullet came damn close to the brachial artery and it could've been horrific. Absolutely no vigilante activities until six weeks from now."
"Got it. Thank you, doctor." Tim hesitated. "Does it help to know he got this because he saved a couple of women from being trafficked?"
Her face shifted into a sadness that impressed deeper lines around her eyes and mouth. "Maybe a little."
Damian fell asleep almost immediately. Tim drove to the cave at a careful speed, doing his best to avoid the potholes and road hazards that the car's sports suspension exacerbated. He parked and got out to see Bruce looming in wait, still in full costume except the cowl.
"Don't," he warned, shutting his door gently in hopes of letting Damian sleep through whatever recriminations were about to come his way.
Bruce, of course, ignored him. "Your information was faulty and you didn't catch that fact?"
Okay, they must be doing this right here and now, then. Tim crossed his arms and fixed Bruce with a steady gaze. "It came from a trusted source who didn't know she'd been burned. Her information’s been invaluable to our progress."
Bruce nodded. "So you failed to protect her and you failed to prioritize the civilians' well-being."
"We did lose five of them," Tim admitted. "We had no way of knowing that Falcone had decided to set his own men against his dirty cops."
"You went in with inadequate recon and nearly got forty innocent people killed."
"Forty-five." Bruce's head tilted in reluctant inquiry, and Tim clarified. "Forty-five, counting our team."
“Completely unacceptable.” Bruce swooshed his cape dramatically as he turned on his heel, striding back toward the Batcomputer. “You all acted in an irresponsible and reckless manner tonight. This is what comes of partnering with Hood unnecessarily.”
“This was Jason’s case to begin with!” Tim protested, a flush of real anger making its way up the back of his neck. “And if you listened to the comms recordings you would know he tried to tell me we should call it before it all went sideways.”
“And then you allowed yourself to be baited by Damian into continuing in spite of it.” Bruce sat in his chair, back pointedly toward Tim.
Tim dug his fingers into his thighs and prayed to a God he didn't believe in for the wherewithal not to commit murder tonight. “Damian didn't bait me. I'm glad you brought him up, though. In case you care, he's recovering from a gunshot wound in the passenger seat here and could really use his bed.”
“A gunshot wound he wouldn't have incurred if not for perpetuating the same foolhardy behavior he evidences far too often in the field. He’s benched until further notice.”
A bark of incredulous laughter escaped Tim’s mouth before he could swallow it down. “Bruce, hello, do you know what year this is? Damian is an adult. You can't bench him without forcing the rest of us to take sides that I don't think you want to gamble on being in your favor. And if you wanna call what he did foolhardy, fine. It was also fucking courageous and saved two women from exploitation. Damian took a risk and decided his body was worth sacrificing for their safety, which is precisely what you've trained all of us to do as easily as breathing. If anything, tonight proved that he's got his priorities exactly where Dick hoped they’d end up, back when he first gave him Robin. In other words, your first Robin succeeded in making your last Robin a real hero. I'd tell you that you should be proud but honestly I don't care if you are right now. I need to get your son to bed.”
Bruce's only response was, "Hn."
Tim rolled his eyes, grateful they were still hidden, and walked around to open Damian's door. To his disappointment, Damian's eyes were open, tracking his movements. His face had gone expressionless, a decent indicator that he'd heard the entire conversation.
"Hey." Tim kept his tone soft and his movements slow. "Let's get you upstairs."
Damian nodded, gaze riveted to Tim's face like it was his only point of reference.
Together, they hobbled to the elevator, then up the stairs again to the bedrooms. Damian stayed silent except for an occasional grunt of pain, but by the time Tim leaned him against the hallway wall and swung open his bedroom door, sweat stood out in a fine sheen across his face.
"I cannot get into bed while I'm this filthy," Damian protested when Tim tried to direct him toward the mattress.
Tim peeled off his domino to better meet his gaze, wincing at the pull on his skin. "You can't shower, either." Damian swayed in place, jaw set in the way that meant Tim wouldn't be able to talk him out of it. Tim sighed. "Okay. Let me help you to the bathroom and you can at least clean up with a washcloth and some water in the sink. Sound okay?"
"It's acceptable." Damian leaned into Tim's side heavily enough to make him widen his stance.
Tim helped Damian get out of what was left of his clothes, then sat him on a towel spread across the toilet lid. He ran warm water and soap into the plugged sink while he rummaged under the sink for chlorhexidine.
"Ha! Found it." Tim brandished the bottle in triumph, then faltered. Damian's look was so intense he felt it like a physical pressure against his skin. "What is it?"
"I heard you speaking to Father when we parked in the Cave." Damian swallowed, nausea shadowing his face for a brief moment. "Your defense was . . . unexpected."
Tim huffed and shut the taps off. "Why unexpected? Bruce was being an ass. I know it's because he was scared and angry about you getting hurt, but that doesn't give him permission to talk that way about you."
"Perhaps I deserve his disapprobation." Damian accepted the dampened washcloth Tim handed him and began to clean up.
"You did the right thing. I'm impressed by you."
The words came out of his mouth so easily that for a second, he couldn't understand why Damian faltered in his movements and turned red. Then the reality hit him and he spun around to face the doorway to hide his face, yanking a drawer open as if that had always been his purpose. "Just gonna grab a cotton ball to clean the skin near the wound that isn't bandaged."
Damian's voice sounded strangled. "Very well."
Once clean, Damian consented to be dressed in pajama pants and helped into the bed. The frame was high enough that even his long legs needed to hop a little to sit on the mattress. He winced as he scooted across the sheets.
Tim fussed with the pillows, piling them to lessen Damian's chances of rolling over on the hurt shoulder in his sleep, and to keep the wound elevated above his heart. The cats started warbling in protest outside the closed door halfway through the process, so he let them in. Alfred chirped at him till Tim lifted him up to the mattress, but Pennyworth and Kent leapt up to press comfortingly against Damian’s shins.
"There," Tim said once they and the pillows lay in the right configuration. "That's decent. Can I get you anything else before I leave?"
Damian looked at him askance. "What do you mean, 'leave?'"
Tim frowned, confused. "I have work so I need to get to sleep? Plus you need rest so I wanted to clear out and let you get it."
"Ah." Damian lifted his chin, expression once again remote. "You may leave. If I require anything else I'll notify Father."
Tim nodded. Damian didn't need to know he'd be spending the night in his old bedroom on the opposite end of the hallway. Just in case.
Before he got halfway to the door, Damian's irritated words stopped him in his tracks. "What makes you think I need you to 'clear out' in order to rest? I have been trained since toddlerhood to obtain sleep under the most challenging of circumstances. Your presence couldn't possibly undo my abilities."
Tim started to reply, paused, and then jerked his head back in realization. Pivoting back to face Damian, he asked, "Dami?"
Damian scowled at him, but his fingers plucked at the gold thread of his bedspread. "What is it?"
"Would you like me to stay here with you?" Damian swallowed, and Tim thought, too late, I should've phrased it in a way that let him save face.
Damian surprised him again, though. He dropped his gaze and said, "It would be a prudent decision, considering I am recovering from a gunshot wound and the subsequent blood loss."
"Okay." Tim stepped toward him, then back again. "I just need to run to my old room to get some stuff. I'll be right back."
He dashed down the hallway, snatched up his spare toothbrush and some pajamas, and ran back to Damian's room again. Damian was asleep by the time he closed the door behind him again. His eyes slitted open like his cats’ when Tim started walking toward the bathroom.
"Go back to sleep," Tim whispered. "I'll join you as soon as I'm clean."
He took one of the fastest showers of his life. Something that lived adjacent to that grabby thing in his psyche preened in satisfaction when he stepped out of the water smelling like Damian's bath gel and shampoo. Once he dressed and brushed his teeth, Tim padded out of the bathroom and toward the bed once more. Fresh with the temporary alertness of his shower, he had to resist the urge to go lift the cover on the easel and check out Damian’s latest painting. 
Damian woke as he watched and inched backwards so Tim could join him, ignoring Alfred’s trill of protest. One hand reached across the mattress, grasping at the sheet like he was trying to grab Tim but couldn’t quite reach him. Tim’s chest immediately turned to goo at the gesture.
“Don’t worry, Dami, I’m here.” He lifted the blankets and joined Damian, lying on his back.
Moving with caution, Damian edged closer until he could rest his head on Tim’s outstretched arm. Almost instantly, all his muscles relaxed into Tim’s side. Tim smiled as his head grew heavy where it lay on Tim’s bicep.
“There you go.” He kissed the top of Damian’s head and caressed his hair with his free hand. “Get some sleep, sweetheart.”
The next night, Tim dropped in to check on Damian in person, not trusting either Dick’s or Bruce’s assessment of his well-being. Sure enough, he found Damian flushed with fever and striding around the library at full speed, examining the shelves.
“Damian.” Tim grabbed the elbow of his unhurt arm and stopped him in his tracks. “You're obviously fighting off an infection. What's so important that it can't wait for you to rest?”
A muscle in Damian’s jaw spasmed with frustration. “I can’t find a copy of Al-Kunūz al-fannīyah fī al-rumūz al-Maymūnīyah in the original Arabic. I know it used to be here and now it's disappeared and I know it must be Todd who took it if it’s gone but he denies it and I—”
“Hey, hey.” Tim slid his hand up to squeeze the back of Damian’s neck. Damian heaved a gusty sigh and hung his head, eyes closing in defeat. “It’s okay. Let me help you. Here, sit down and I'll look, all right?”
Damian collapsed into a suede wingback chair, confirming beyond any doubt how wretched he was feeling. The cats promptly swarmed into his lap, complaining vocally about having been deprived of their preferred seating for so long.
Tim looked through the shelves in the right section and surrounding areas carefully, but he didn't see the title. They all were fanatical about returning the books to their proper places thanks to Alfred’s stringent training, so he didn't think it could be anywhere else.  “You’re right. It's not here. I'm ordering a copy online.” He pulled out his phone and did just that, after looking through a couple of international book dealers. 
“Guess what I did find, though?” He waggled a copy of Ghabat al-haqq in Damian’s direction. Damian gave an impatient “tt” and Tim smiled. “I know. But at least it's the same author. How about you sit there and I read to you?”
“Very well,” Damian allowed, with more grace than Tim had expected. 
Tim sat on the loveseat opposite him and began to read. At the end of the first page, he glanced up to find Damian sitting bolt upright, gazing at him in what looked like shock.
“What is it?” Tim looked down at the flowing script, rereading quickly. “Did I butcher the pronunciation of something? I'm not super good at Arabic yet and I've mainly learned fus’ha, so it's probably annoying for me to read this. Sorry.”
“No, I—” Damian closed his mouth, swallowed, and continued carefully, “I hadn't realized you spoke it so fluently. Your pronunciation is adequate.” A pause, then, as reluctantly as if Tim held him at gunpoint: “I enjoy listening to you read.”
“Oh!” The tops of Tim’s ears blazed with heat. “I, uh—should I keep going?”
Damian nodded, relaxing into the depths of his chair. “Yes.”
By the time Tim got to the fifth page Damian’s eyes drifted shut, and he only read four more pages before the first soft snore interrupted him.
A text from Cassandra vibrated his phone. How's Damian?
Tim shook his head. How had she known he'd be with Damian? He typed, he's grouchy feverish etc all the things u wd expect 
Recovering though?
Tim snapped a picture of Damian drowsing and sent it with promise u will delete
She sent back a heart and I promise. Okay if I tell Stephanie what you told me?
Tim tapped his phone against his chin, considering, then shrugged. sure
He fell asleep on the loveseat, and by the time they both woke up it made more sense to spend the night again.
The following night Bruce and Tim were on patrol, so it proved convenient to return Redbird to the Cave and see if Damian was asleep yet. He was, but he blinked awake as soon as Tim approached his bed.
“How're you doing?” Tim whispered.
Damian gave Tim an unguarded smile that warmed him like firelight. “Better now you are here.”
Well, if Tim had been looking for proof he'd taken his Vicodin, that response would have provided it. He'd planned on going back to the Nest, but Damian’s words made him waver. “I could stay,” he offered, heart in his throat.
Damian said nothing, but moved to leave one side of the mattress available and pulled the covers back. Tim leaned over and kissed his forehead. “I'll shower and join you.”
While he waited for the water to run hot, a text came through from a number he didn't recognize. How's the baby bat?
Jason’s latest burner, then. When had the others decided he was the Damian news source? Though, considering how taciturn both Bruce and Damian could be, he guessed it was a logical conclusion. If they knew he and Damian were together, anyway. 
ok, he replied. gonna spend the night at the manor keep an eye on him
Jason texted back, Make sure that’s all you keep on him, Timmers. 🚫🍆💦🍆🙅‍♂️
Tim rolled his eyes and didn't bother with an answer. The most Damian was up for right now was the occasional kiss, and even then he sometimes looked a little dizzy afterward.
The third night, Dick texted him as he was driving home. hey Tim can you check on Dami tonight? I know it's out of your way and I'm sorry but I don't trust him or Bruce when it comes to taking care of himself and I know he's been working full days at the office. I'd do it myself but I've got things I need to take care of closer to home like our mutual friend.
So Katarina needed help with something. Considering they'd upended her whole life again, Tim didn't begrudge her Dick’s presence. yeah sure no problem i was going to call him but i can go by
A long pause. Tim waited to see what the response would be. He had a theory that Damian couldn't hide much from Dick, or at least not for long.
Finally, Dick texted back, Thanks! I really appreciate it. So clearly with the lack of follow up questions, he suspected something was going on. Tim considered just telling him but rejected it when a wave of nausea splashed through his gut. Damian could handle that conversation when he felt ready.
By the fourth night, Tim gave in and packed a bag to supplement what supplies he still had at the Manor. He hadn’t realized how empty the house was without Alfred to make it a home. Something about Damian only having Bruce’s accusing terseness for company rubbed him the wrong way.
“Hey,” he greeted Damian as he entered the room.
Damian, currently balancing a sketchbook on Pennyworth’s back while he lounged in an armchair, set down his pencil and gave him a guarded nod, eyes fixed on the suitcase in Tim’s hand. “Hello.”
Tim laid the suitcase on the bed, opened it, and crossed to the walk-in closet. “Did you already have dinner?” he called over his shoulder as he pushed Damian’s clothes over to clear some space for his own.
“I haven't, no. You?”
Tim emerged clutching a half-dozen hangers. “Nope. Order in or cereal?”
Damian scoffed. “None of us can expect to operate without more protein than that. The new vegan place near the airport has an acceptable range of options. I'll put in an order now.”
Tim started buttoning his shirts’ collars around the hangers. “Sounds good. Get me something fried, please.”
“As you wish.” Damian began typing on his phone while walking away.
When Tim carried his toiletries to the bathroom, it was to find Damian’s belongings mysteriously relocated to a single side of the sink.
On the eleventh morning, Tim awoke groggy, still recovering from the work week and Friday night patrol, which always had an extra flair in Gotham. The cats were gone for once, having deserted the room when Tim opened the door to come to bed. Damian curled around him, the sleeping big spoon, and his morning wood pressed against Tim’s ass. Tim couldn’t stop himself from rolling his hips back to return the pressure. His hand was no substitute for sex with Damian, but he hadn’t wanted to ask when the other was clearly not feeling up to par. 
Damian gave a sleepy groan. His grip on Tim’s arm tightened as he thrust against him—and then loosened again with a sharp inhale. He’d hurt himself with the unwary movement.
Tim rolled over with caution to face him. “Good morning.”
Damian’s face was pale, but the slight smile he offered carried genuine warmth. “Good morning.”
Tim smiled back. “This,” he dropped one hand to palm Damian’s erection through his shorts, “seems hopeful.”
Damian’s eyelids fluttered in response to the caress. “Sleeping with you without sex as a component is all very well, but less satisfactory since I’ve been feeling better.” He made to reach for Tim but thoughtlessly moved the hurt arm and froze.
“Looks like most of that blood transfusion isn’t making it to your brain,” Tim teased, scooting closer. “Here, let me take care of you. Roll over onto your back, on the pillows so you’re propped up. Lift your hips up for me.”
Damian obeyed, angling his hips to allow Tim to pull off his shorts and underwear. Once naked, he reached for Tim once more, this time with more caution, but Tim caught his wrist with gentle fingers. “Not so fast. You only get to watch.”
Damian’s eyebrows converged in consternation. “But—”
“No buts, Dami. I’ll make you feel good, I promise. Just trust me.” Tim ran his fingertips up Damian’s length as he spoke, watching with fascination as it twitched beneath them, leaking a few drops of precome. Damian flinched and whimpered, already panting. “You’re so responsive to my touch. Look at you, coming undone before I’ve even started touching you.” He ducked, sucking at just the tip, lapping into the slit as he stroked the rest with a loose grip. Pulling off, he added, “It’s really fucking hot.”
He stood to strip in front of Damian’s avid gaze. Before he could ask, Damian said, “I’ve got lube in the nightstand drawer, there. Condoms too.”
Tim got the lube and a condom out and climbed back on the bed, kneeling between Damian’s outstretched legs. He poured the lube into his palm. “I’m gonna get myself ready for you.” He started with one finger just to tease, throwing his head back and groaning as it breached his entrance. “Oh fuck. It feels so good, Dami. I’ve missed having you inside me.”
Damian grabbed the sheets beside him as if he needed an anchor. His voice came out cracked. “I’ve missed—" He cleared his throat. “I’ve missed being there.”
Tim dropped his gaze to fix him with a lazy smile, adding another finger at the same time. “Yeah? You been getting off without me? Tell me more.”
But Damian shook his head, eyes tracking every movement of Tim’s, a hunter deprived of the opportunity to capture. “I haven’t felt well enough to follow through till this morning.”
Tim had to pause to lean on his clean hand and kiss him on the mouth. He just . . . had to. One kiss turned into another, and another, until he shuffled his knees beneath him again and kept kissing Damian while he continued opening himself up. It wasn’t easy, but he managed. Amazing how motivational sheer horniness could be.
Damian tore his mouth free and tried to move it to Tim’s chin, but Tim jerked back and put his free hand on Damian’s chest to hold him down. “I told you no,” he said, all stern rebuke, then grabbed the lube bottle to pour more on his fingers. “Be good or you won't get what you want.”
Damian let his head fall back, suitably cowed. “I–I promise I’ll be good.”
Tim had to stop moving and close his eyes because his entire body caught on fire. Or, at least, he was pretty sure it had, but he couldn’t look because that would involve opening his eyes and seeing Damian choosing to obey him and he might die. Or come. Whatever.
A few deep breaths later and he felt safe to look again, though he avoided Damian’s face and instead focused on his cock. “Okay, I’m gonna just—" He ripped open the condom and slid it on while Damian quivered, aborted movements just barely checked.
“Drake,” he whined. “This is unfair.”
Tim couldn’t resist kissing his forehead, and that meant he also couldn’t resist kissing down to one damp temple, then over to the other, then his mouth again. Damian parted his lips at the first glancing touch like he was starved for the taste of him. Tim sighed into the kiss and let him suck on his tongue.
He pulled back and kissed the tip of Damian’s nose after a minute. “Frustration looks good on you.” He swung one leg over Damian’s lap, straddling him and reaching back to take his cock in hand. “I think you look even better under me. Let me ride you.”
Damian nodded, still watching him with that predatory focus.
Tim sank down, inch by inch, always a little surprised at the amount of stretch Damian’s hardness required. He had to remind himself to keep breathing as his body opened up. At last, his ass rested flush with Damian’s hips. 
“Oh fuck,” he whispered, rocking in place just to enjoy feeling this full. 
Damian moaned in response. His head lolled back against the dark oaken headboard. His hands had gone limp and his shoulders relaxed. Only the rapid rise and fall of his chest gave away his arousal.
The power he’d surrendered set Tim alight with satisfaction. “Fuck, Damian, you’re so good.” Damian whined again, eyelids heavy with lust. “Look at you, holding so still for me just because I told you to.” He leaned his head onto Damian’s unhurt shoulder, struggling for control. “Can’t believe you let me do this,” he mumbled into the soft warmth at the crook of Damian’s neck.
Damian turned his head and nuzzled him. “You’ll reward me, won’t you?”
The warm affection in his tone turned Tim’s bones to liquid. “Of course I will, sweetheart,” he managed to reply. “You’ve earned it.”
He leaned back onto his hands and started swiveling his hips, rather than lifting up and down in a motion that would probably jar Damian’s wound. Damian groaned in response, but stayed stock-still while Tim did all the work.
He trusts me so much, Tim suddenly realized, and the revelation hit him in his brain, heart, and dick, too many feelings to process all at once. He had to jolt forward and hide his face in Damian’s neck again. 
The sudden movement seemed to take Damian by surprise; he gave a shout like he’d been punched in the gut and his cock throbbed with his orgasm. Tim couldn’t wait anymore and grasped his own erection, rutting against Damian’s abs while he fucked into his fist until he came all over Damian’s belly.
They breathed against each other for a timeless space, heedless of the mess between them. At last, though, Tim had to lift himself free before the condom couldn’t do its job anymore. He took care of it, then went to the bathroom to get a warm washcloth and a towel so he could clean up Damian too.
“Mm,” Damian said, watching Tim dry off his groin. “Can we go back to sleep again?”
Tim hesitated, keeping his gaze glued to his task. He should do more casework, find out where Falcone had gone to ground, finish setting up a new identity for Katarina, check in again on the people they’d freed. But if he got up and started doing all that, Damian would feel obligated to do the same, and he really needed his rest to fully recover.
“Yeah. That sounds good.”
He took the washcloth back to the bathroom and rinsed it out, then returned to cuddle up into Damian’s side. The world wouldn’t go to hell if they rested for another hour. Probably.
days 105-108 here
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fmpyear2kb · 7 months
Developing my Alternative controller project for BAFTA ygd
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Firstly, I needed to turn my endless runner into a version of Flappy Bird. To mimic the infamous pipes, I rotated the floor and duplicated it, making the only way to get through being the gap in the middle.
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Since I made this change in the master tile, I didn't need to rotate the object in every single actor, I did however change and add background decor by hand.
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I had to turn the floor's collision off as it meant the player could just slide along the ground, encouraging them to not jump repeatedly.
I had to turn off the 'cast shadows' box as the obstacles casted a shadow onto the character's new model and this made the player unable to see where they were. I just had to disable this individually on each static mesh as the bar contains multiple for the light system to work.
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I had to change the collision capsule around the player so that it matched the new model. Adjusting the settings to make it as spherical as possible so that it was reliable.
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Both settings were set to 90 as this was the most accurate and pleasing hit box to have. I experimented with it being smaller and larger but this sits just right between the two. Having it at 70 was off-putting as you were able to hit the beams a little bit, and 120 was too much as you could hit the beam and fail without being remotely close to it.
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To make it more apparent that you would die if you hit the ceiling or floor, I created a pulsing material signifying the death box. This game is going to be as accessible as I could possibly make within the time I've got.
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Whilst play testing I noticed that the player would slide along an invisible floor before falling off, and an object preventing the player from going up in a certain location. The culprit turned out to be attached to the meter actor, and was only discoverable when I viewed the game with player collisions. This stumped me for a while as there was no visible object in game or in the editor. Whilst checking the components tab I discovered an unused box, when removed fixed the issue.
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Here's the outcome of deleting that box.
The death barrier on the top and bottom where spawning in with a gap barely big enough for the player to get lodged in. I tried top resize the boxes but this did not change the size of the gap whatsoever. Eventually I noticed the arrow the tiles spawned from, wasn't quite in line with the box; I moved it back and the issue was resolved.
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I have now tried adding particle effects whenever the ship goes up from the input from the microphone. So far I have not succeeded. My efforts have only resulted in the ufo having the particle effect spewing out constantly. I've attempted in the Third person character, the audio meter, and the reactive bar in the widget. So far these have either not worked or spawn the particles repeatedly.
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One of the failed attempts.
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After coding the screenshot above, I did not succeed however, the particles only spawned once.
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Hopefully it's a step in the right direction but I will continue to experiment until success.
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After too many failed attempts, I have finally made it so the ufo only spawns niagara particles when there is sound input. I did this by seeing the loudest the microphone could go, and then setting that as the max range in the clamp, whilst setting the lowest to 0.3 as it averaged as the lowest amount of input. After the clamp's values were set, I made it so that the particles would only spawn if the detected input was any greater or equal to 0.3. This worked!
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Video will be posted soon.
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Whilst testing the different methods I thought would work for the particles, I discovered if you get stuck under the rest tile, you couldn't continue playing, you would stay there until you quit. I swiftly dealt with this by putting a collision box which will shortly be changed so that it's the same as the top and bottom deathboxes.
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This needed to be changed as hitting the regular collision box would be too forgiving, and it couldn't be visible.
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I did some play testing to get some feedback and also to see if anything broke whilst people were playing my game.
The last thing to do was add a menu and instruction screen at the start of the game. For the menu I had to create a new level so that the tiles containing the beams did not spawn in as they were spawned by the gamemode.
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Here's what I had placed in the new menu level.
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And here's the menu on top of the decoration.
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The menu widget didn't have too much in depth code just a few on clicked events where I set it to either open the level containing the gameplay or close the application with menu music or button click sounds on the end.
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For the starting instructions, The controls needed to be explained to the player as it wasn't blatantly obvious from the get go. The code here makes the text I have typed into the set nodes appear on the screen and then fade out thanks to my animation references.
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It made sense to slowly introduce the player to the game. So when the text was fading in and out, you slid along a green beam so that the player would understand it was safe when it reappeared in a rest tile and it would tell you to make noise to go over this particular beam. With both the tile and the widget, the player would know how to play the game.
Once this was complete the project was built out and I filled out the submission form for BAFTA YGD. Whilst I was waiting for the consent form to be signed, I created an itch.io page for this game too, which contained my gameplay video and screenshots that I could use to finish the submission form once the files were all ready.
I hope I at least become a finalist but why aim for second place. Best of luck to me.
0 notes
grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #67: Medea (Lily)
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re taking a blast to the past with Medea again, this time before Jason screwed things up. Medea Lily is a witch with an extreme focus on healing and removing status effects. If you think that sounds like somebody got their cleric in your wizard, you’re right! 
Check out the breakdown below the cut, or the build sheet over here!
Race and Background
Much like the older Medea, the younger Medea is a High Elf Noble. This gives her +2 Dexterity; +1 Intelligence; History, Perception, and Persuasion proficiency; 60′ of Darkvision; the ability to Trance instead of sleep; Fey Ancestry giving you advantage on being charmed, and the Prestidigitation cantrip. The only difference here is the cantrip- you’re not that aggressive yet. (Almost like they have the same backstory or something.)
Make sure your Intelligence is high-studying magic is hard, but you’re good at it. Second is Charisma- you’re a child, people like you. Most people, anyway. After that is your Wisdom- you failed one really important insight check, but you’re good at healing and some of your spells explicitly use your wisdom modifier even as wizard spells. Children are pretty nimble, so pick Dexterity next. We really don’t want to dump Constitution, so we’re dumping Strength instead. Medea was never a powerhouse, and you’re still a teenager.
Class Levels
1. Like Medea before (after?) her, Medea Lily is a Wizard, meaning at first level she has proficiency in Intelligence and Wisdom saves and two wizard skills. Arcana will help with your studies, and Medicine will help you heal when you run out of health slots.
First level wizards learn Spells that use their intelligence to cast, and they can also perform an Arcane Recovery, regaining half their level (rounded up) in spell levels on a short rest once per long rest.
Wizards get a lot of spells first level, so to speed things up, I’m just listing them and bolding the ones that are very important or very in character. For cantrips: Blade Ward, Mending, Light, False Life, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil and Good, Shield, Sleep, and Magic Missile. 
Mending is literally how Pain Breaker works, restoring something to how it once was. Mage Armor is one of those “you can’t prove they don’t know it” spells, but it’s good for not dying. You have 6 health. Don’t get hit. Finally, you might not specialize in offense, but having some caster balls to throw around in a fight isn’t a bad idea.
2. At second level you specialize in a school of magic, and Theurgy will help you get that delicious cleric chocolate mixed in with your wizard peanut butter. You get a Divine Inspiration, picking a domain that will flavor your later features and spell list. Life is pretty self explanatory for this character-it’s almost entirely what you like to do. You become an Arcane Initiate, letting you learn Life Domain spells, and after learning all those you can learn other cleric spells as well. Finally, you learn to Channel Arcana, giving you power similar to a cleric’s channel divinity feature once per short rest. Divine Arcana uses your bonus action to add 2 to your next spell’s attack roll or saving throw, and is useless in this build. Preserve Life uses your action to heal five times your level in HP split among any number of creatures within 30′ of you. You can’t heal creatures past the halfway point this way, and you can’t heal constructs or the undead at all.
Now that we have our list, it’s time to fill it out. Bless and Cure Wounds are our first Domain Spells, and they’re also very in-character. Being a white mage without healing is kind of difficult, and Pain Breaker lets you reset your party to peak performance to enhance their saves and attacks.
3. Third level wizards get second level spells, and we’re going to continue to fill out our cleric spell list out with Lesser Restoration and Spiritual Weapon. The former is another Thing Pain Breaker Can Do, ending one disease or the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned condition with a touch. The latter... isn’t really your style, but if Jason can summon the Argonauts to fight for him, you should be able to get their weapons at least. You use your bonus action to summon a floating weapon that lasts for 1 minute without concentration, with the ability to attack with your bonus action (and on cast) and also move 20′ per round.
4. Use your first Ability Score Improvement to grab a feat. You’re a caster from the age of gods, so you’re just a little bit more magical than everyone else thanks to being Fey Touched. This raises your Wisdom by 1 to round it out, and you learn Misty Step and Beast Bond. You can cast one of these spells once per day for free, and again with a spell slot, but they both use Wisdom as the casting modifier. Not that this is an issue- neither one has a save or attack roll.
For even more spells, Spare the Dying is a cantrip that you technically shouldn’t be able to get yet, but whatever else you’d get we’d just replace at level 9 anyway. It lets you spend an action to stabilize a creature without a medicine check. Healing would be explicitly better, but sometimes you don’t have spell slots.
For your spells that need slots, Gentle Repose extends the timer to revive a corpse by a week, and the corpse can’t rot or become undead during that time. See Invisibility lets you see invisible things, as well as the astral plane. Pain Breaker returns things to the way they should be, and most things should not be invisible.
5. You know the deal: a new spell level, another notch on your cleric spell list added. Beacon of Hope gives any number of creatures in range advantage on wisdom and death saves for up to a minute, and they always heal the maximum possible from any source of healing. Revivify brings a creature that died within the last minute back to life with one HP. This is the one thing Pain Breaker can’t do, but we need it to fill out the list, so we’ll have to suck it up and be better than the real deal. Sorry, I guess?
6. Sixth level Theurgists become Arcane Acolytes. They can Channel Arcana twice per short rest, and gain the first level benefits of being a cleric of their domain. Disciple of Life heals creatures you’re already healing with a spell of first level or higher by 2 plus the spell’s level.
Speaking of healing spells... we’re still stuck in the wizard spell list, so we’re not getting any. Instead, grab Dispel Magic and Remove Curse so Pain Breaker can break magical effects as well as simple damage.
7. Another spell level up, another round of cleric spells. For the fourth level, Death Ward prevents one creature from dying when they would the first time it happens within 8 hours after casting. Guardian of Faith is another spell we have to take, flavor be damned but just say you’re calling down Herc to bust some heads; he’s always down for that.
8. Use your next ASI to increase your Dexterity to help you not die. You may have noticed we’re not taking a beeline for Intelligence this build- since most of your spells are healing, a super high save isn’t that useful for you.
Honestly there aren’t many fourth level spells that work for you, so let’s go back and grab Catnap to remove the tired debuff from the party in 10 minutes rather than an hour, and Protection from Energy for some proactive healing, a.k.a. blocking.
9. When you get fifth level spell slots, we can finally finish up the Life Domain spell list. Grab Mass Cure Wounds for our first healing buff since level 2 and Raise Dead for another spell that breaks canon but is super useful. Also, replace that last cantrip with Spare the Dying if your DM’s a stickler.
10. Tenth level Theurgists become Arcane Priests, gaining the sixth level benefits of being a Life cleric. The Blessed Healer feature means that healing others is the best way to heal yourself. Probably not the best way, but a way. Whenever you cast a spell to heal another creature, you also heal by 2+ the spell level. Now you can heal while you heal while you heal.
Now that we’re free to grab more cleric spells, we can spread out a bit. Resistance helps keep a member of the party on their game with 1d4 on a saving throw as a cantrip. Greater Restoration can reduce a target’s exhaustion level; or end a charm, petrification effect, one curse (including attuning to a cursed item), one ability score reduction, or one hit point maximum reduction. Dream lets you shape a creature’s dreams, either as a way to communicate, or a way to torture Jason. If you choose the latter, he’ll take some psychic damage and lose the effects of that rest on a failed wisdom save. Also, if you have a bit of his hair or body part, he’ll have disadvantage on the save. Just something to plan ahead for.
11. Eleventh level wizards get sixth level spells, but now that we have a whole new spell list to play with, we may end up going back for some low level spells too. Heal combines Lesser Restoration with Cure Wounds to heal 70 HP and end blindness, deafness, and any diseases on the target. Going all the way back to level one, Purify Food and Drink removes poison and disease from a 5′ radius of food and drink, which is probably how it should be.
12. Now that we have a way to torment Jason, let’s bump our Intelligence up a bit to make that save even harder for him. True Seeing follows that tenuous thread of logic that justified See Invisibility to its conclusion, giving one creature you touch Truesight and the ability to see the Ethereal Plane up to 120′ away. Contingency lets you cast a fifth level or lower spell up to 10 days in advance, taking effect immediately after its contingency is met. The tough part about being the healer is that nobody’s there to heal you. Now when you drop for the first time, you can instantly give yourself a fifth level Cure Wounds and keep going.
13. Thirteenth level wizards get seventh level spells. Regenerate and Calm Emotions will help you restore people to their natural states, both physically and mentally.
14. Fourteenth level Theurgists get to skip to the head of the class and become Arcane High Priests, nabbing the cleric’s 17th level feature before even they do. Supreme Healing means that all your healing spells always work at maximum power, no rolls required. This really amps up Prayer of Healing for out-of-combat heals, and all that extra HP makes Warding Bond a slightly less terrible idea.
15. With your eighth level spell slots, you can get a Holy Aura, giving allies within 30′ of you advantage on all saves, and imposing disadvantage on all attacks against them. Also, when a fiend or undead attacks, they have to make a Constitution save or be blinded for the duration. The Antimagic Field is more your older self’s domain, but most magical effects aren’t the way things naturally are, so we can swing it here too.
16. Use your next ASI to bump up your Constitution for more not-dying. Also, grab Telepathy for better communication with the party and Aura of Life for auto-healing and necrotic resistance. 
17. When you finally get ninth level spells, Mass Heal and Power Word Heal should come in handy. The latter is just about as strong as healing gets in D&D, fully restoring a creature’s health, ending any effect that is charming, frightening, paralyzing, or stunning them, and they can use their reaction to stand from prone.
18. You gain Spell Mastery in one first level and one second level spell, letting you cast them without using spell slots at all. You can swap these around if you need to, so don’t feel too much pressure here. That being said, Cure Wounds and Lesser Restoration are good picks, so you can always have some healing ready. Also, you can now Channel Arcana three times per short rest.
For spells, Invulnerability lets you heal yourself so quickly that you don’t take any damage at all, and Wish will cover anything that comes up you don’t have covered.
19. With your last ASI, max out your Intelligence for the highest saves and most prepared spells. Now that your saves are as good as they’ll get, grab Dispel Evil and Good to protect yourself from extraplanar creatures. The spell lasts for up to a minute with concentration, but you can end it early to end an enchantment effect from an extraplanar creature, or to try and dismiss such a creature with a melee spell attack and a failed charisma save. Hallow can protect an area in a 60′ radius from those creatures, and you can give it an extra effect when you cast the spell. Both of these features last until the magic is dispelled, but it takes a full day to set up and costs 1,000 gp per cast. Useful for setting up a base, not so much in an emergency.
20. Your capstone level gives you two Signature Spells, third level spells you can cast for free once per long rest. Picking Dispel Magic and Remove Curse means your Pain Breaker will be working even longer than before. For your final spells, Scrying is just useful, and Temple of the Gods, letting you create a small temple over the course of an hour with a door only creatures you designate can open, and the ability to force extraplanar creatures away from it. Casting the spell every day for a year can make the building permanent. Does it match Medea Lily’s skillset? Not really. But it’s cool, and you deserve cool things for making it to level 20 with less than 100 HP.
You are really good at healing, and you get to enjoy a late-game healing boost much earlier than you really should to be even better at it.
You can shut down a lot of status effects easily, or prevent your party members from getting them in the first place.
Spells like Dispel Magic, True Seeing, and Protection from Energy mean that you’re pretty good at dealing with magical threats, and at higher levels you’re especially good against extraplanar creatures.
Ultimately, healing away damage isn’t as effective as preventing that damage by killing the threat, so your most effective use will be outside of combat. Statuses like being blinded or deafened are much more pressing concerns, though.
You have a very limited offense. Magic Missile can be fine to fall back on (unless they know shield), but you don’t have a lot of power behind it.
Your HP is super low, barely breaking 100 by level 20. That means power word kill will be a huge threat to you, especially without your older self’s counterspell. Also, plenty of martial classes can easily deal that much damage in one turn. Healing doesn’t matter much if you’re dead.
Next up: Time for a great victory!
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ragdollrory · 3 years
20 Fic Writer Questions
Thanks for the tag, it's been forever since I've done one of these!!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
60 works in total.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
220,400 words.
A nice number! Not that big perhaps, but for about two years I mostly RP'ed, so there's a lot more words there for me to put up on Ao3.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
5 fandoms.
ATLA, TLOK, VLD, HP, SK8 and Given
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Because I love you (Kyalin): 260 kudos
2. Come back to me (Kyalin): 125 kudos
3. Now that I found you (Sheith): 120 kudos
4. Kosmo duty! (Sheith): 119 kudos
5. The Prince and the Blade (Sheith): 111 kudos
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I answer every comment, but sometimes it will take a while for me to do so.
On average, I have 3 jobs and run various accounts (some for other people) so I usually wait the comments out a bit, and answer in like 70-100 comments batches, or else I'll never get anything done.
But I love comments, I read them all, and I get stupid happy whenever I get them.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I mean... that is posted?? I don't know, Miscalculation is MCD, but also She who lives in the mirror is pretty heavy, and it took a lot out of me.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I'm going to say Kosmo duty! but I honestly couldn't decide. I guess my readers should decide that, and if anyone wants to tell me which one they think ends the happiest, then I'd love to know!!
8) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I ADORE crossovers!! I don't know about craziest, but I'll leave the two I'm most proud of, which are:
Her fire - a Voltron Legendary Defender meets Avatar the Last Airbender fic, which I'm insanely proud of, and anyone that reads it will have a special place in my heart forever.
Hold my hand - Harry Potter crossover with Avatar the Last Airbender, which is angsty, but lovely, with a hopeful ending.
(Both of them are basically me being in love with Azula)
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I have gotten hate on anon asks on Tumblr, both for fic and RP, and recently I got a pretty shitty comment on a Harry Potter drabble that I uploaded to Ao3 from a Tumblr ask.
I've always deleted them without interacting, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
People, if you don't like it, no-one is forcing you to read it, least of all to comment. Don't be shitty, and let everyone have their own fun!
10) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have. I've written hate sex, and dub-con, some voyeurism, guided masturbation, idk, varied stuff... the thing is, I'm not good at writing smut on command, so it's very, very little compared to the angst, hurt/comfort and fluff that I have going on.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I've had a Kyalin translated to Chinese, and I'm good friends with the girl that did it now!
I also have an irl friend who doesn't speak English (my first language is Spanish) who uses the google built-in translation to read my fics, and I've checked it out to see if it was too awful, and it's not the best, but at least it keeps things pretty accurate. She also asks me if something doesn't sound quite right.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have an ongoing series called What's in a Word that was started with my RP partner, and I guess RPing is also co-writing a story, so yes.
14) What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Linko, always. Bumiroh, OTP. Sheith, an addiction.
Idk, it's impossible for me to pick one, I'm a multishipper for a reason, hahaha
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have faith that I will be able to finish all my WIPs, because I try to stay as positive as I can about everything. However, I do understand that sometimes readers are anxious or eager to know what comes next, but authors can't push the fic forward at the time.
So for those who might be reading WIAW, if you happen across this, I ask you to be patient. I love that verse, and I'll get to it, but Lin and Mako deserve me at my best to give all of you something of quality.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Angst. I thrive in pain. Probably love too. I think I can write a good painful yet love-filled fic. Very tragic.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not particularly happy with my setting descriptions, but I'm also not sure I want to change that. Like, if you read one of my fics you'll realize I usually describe the bare minimum of a room, or house, or whatever place. I don't like it, I don't feel comfortable talking about the vase in the corner table, and I think readers do a much better job of filling those blanks while I squeeze their hearts with my hurt/comfort.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I say people can write whatever they want.
Would I appreciate it if they took the time to make it work? Yes.
I think the most that I've written in another language (including my own) is like three Spanish sentences in a silly "possession" twitter thread, and a few words here and there in Japanese, mostly for honorifics.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I wrote a very dark HP fic, that will never see the light of day, and I admit I have also written a Twilight fic that has been reduced to ashes.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I can't choose one, but anything that has Azula in it. Honestly, like, if you ever want to make me happy, read my Azula stories, I have poured my entire life there.
Tagging: @firelxrdsdaughter @linguini17 @chiefbaefong @watercaressesearth
And whoever sees it and wants to do it, you're tagged!
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bandyisdandy · 4 years
Persona 4 Golden - The Rainbow Connection (2/10/21)
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Anyone who knows me within the space of gaming knows that my favorite game of all time is arguably Persona 5 Royal. The game just oozes personality and fun from the get-go. It is easy enough to pick up and check out, but also deep enough to keep you engaged for hours upon hours, hungering for more even after the credits roll on your 80 to 120 hour experience. Saying this, I also have to admit that, while it is the fifth entry in the franchise, I had never played another Persona before vanilla 5. Whenever hardcore players of the series I met over the years heard this, they insisted I play 3 and/or 4 before I go on saying that 5/Royal is my favorite in the franchise. This past January, I decided to finally pull the trigger and check out Persona 4 Golden on Steam. After playing the game for about 70 hours, I defeated the true final boss and finally put the controller down for a bit. All I can say is... what a god damn magical experience this was.
Persona 4 is a JRPG (Japanese Role-playing Game) that puts you in control of Yu, a high schooler living in the middle of Tokyo who is moving in to the country with his police officer uncle and young cousin while his parents go away for a year on business. While there, you meet a young man named Yosuke and a girl named Chie who tell you about a mysterious phenomenon known as the Midnight Channel that shows up when a heavy fog rolls into town and the clock strikes midnight. One night, while viewing this phenomenon, a girl appears in the screen who looks an awful lot like a senior to the students at their school. The next day, her corpse is found strung up on a telephone pole, baffling the police due to the fact that a similar death took place around the time of Yu’s arrival. While investigating the murder of their senior, Yu and Yosuke discover they can enter a special television at a department store, where they meet Teddie, a living teddy bear who can lead them through the fog-dense world within the TV. Upon finding a space where their senior once was, they fight beings known as Shadows and awaken Persona, living embodiments of their fighting spirit as well as their own belief and acceptance of themselves in order to do combat with the Shadows. After their victory, they figure out that someone pushed the upperclassman into the world within the television and the Midnight Channel prophesizes the deaths of those who appear on it. Using this knowledge, Yu and Yosuke continue to make friends, investigate the case, and do their best to uncover the culprit before a year is up and Yu must return home.
... That seems like a lot, right? Well, crazily enough, that is probably the first 5 hours or so at most, and there is another 65+ to go in your first playthrough. Now, this game, at first, is a tough sell especially if you are like me and played 5/Royal first as those games have spoiled our perceptions of what the franchise is and can be. Persona 4 Golden is definitely a step down visually as well as design and music-wise in comparison to 5. It just does not have the same substance that game does and the gameplay, in comparison, feels a bit dated here. The Shadows you encounter in 5′s dungeons are also the enemies you actually fight this time around and the Tarot Card system makes collecting and recruiting Persona much more annoying than the way 5 handles it in combat. However, while it sounds like I am being quite harsh on the game, in reality, this is by and far one of the best JRPGs I have ever played and cannot be recommended by me more. Since I got all the negatives out of the way, let’s look at the heaps of praise I have for this triumph of a game.
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First and foremost, what really sets this game above and beyond a lot of others, maybe even doing this better in many respects than Persona 5/Royal, is the characters. Every character is just so damn interesting, and really adds so much charm to what is already a rather charming game. They bring the story as well as the countryside town you now find yourself in that much brighter and bigger. Each one has goals, values, idealizations, and realizations that flesh them out more than most games I have played, all of them having incredibly satisfying conclusions to their stories. Some stand outs for me are your young cousin Nanako, who is lonely due to her father always working as a police officer and her mother passing away in a car accident a few years prior to the start of the game, Kanji Tatsumi, a punk who uses violence and fear to mask his incredibly soft, caring side that enjoys arts and crafting more than he would care to admit, and Naoto Shirogane, a young detective hiding her femininity in order to find power and prestige in the world of private investigation which, in Japan especially, is a male dominated field - these are just some of the memorable characters you will meet. I am currently doing a second playthrough and have already met two characters I never encountered in my first playthrough that are honestly becoming some of my favorites in the series! Building relationships (yes, even romantic ones with your female classmates) is key to not only finding out more about them, but also key to getting stronger, unlocking abilities and weapons for you to use in your playthrough that will seriously make the game not only easier but I would go as far as to say more fun in regards to what possibilities open up to you in combat. Growing the bond between you and your friends within your party is also the only way to strengthen and evolve their Persona to bigger and better forms, making combat flow easier but also giving one a true sense of power, purpose and meaning in the memories you create with Yosuke and the gang.
The other thing that really made me fall in love with Persona 4 Golden is its story and location. While the bustling cityscape of Tokyo and Shibuya really makes Persona 5 and Royal feel big and grandiose in its vision of what a modern JRPG can be, Persona 4 Golden, while feeling smaller in comparison, feels much more unique and, weirdly enough, nostalgic - at least for me. The town of Inaba is small with little to do at first, but it still has some beautiful and honestly quite intriguing sights to see (I’m looking at you, Greedy Shrine Fox). As you become more accustomed to the town and what it offers, it surprises you and opens up even more based on your time within the game, the weather outside, and even the time of the day you are out and about exploring. I grew up in a small town outside of Boston and while it’s not exactly like Inaba, the parts I spent most of my days remind me of it - areas covered in trees near streams with small restaurants and bars nearby, nature trails to walk, seeing mostly the same people each and every day - it really sent me back to life growing up when I was the age of the characters and truly made the game something memorable and instantly connected me to what was happening. As for the plot, I am a sucker for a murder mystery - I love true crime and have always loved police or detective shows growing up. Being able to work towards a case and have your decisions, investigations, and choices up to certain points have merit and weight behind them in regards to what ending you get is absolutely amazing and really sets the tone for a game that shrouds you in mystery and keeps you at the edge of your seat at all times, all the while still finding the time to help you enjoy the ride with laughter, tears, and dialogue that just really gets to you from beginning to end, sticking with you even after you’ve beaten it. Throw in some seriously fantastic boss fights, great music, and top notch voice acting for the time and it all adds up to a package with so much content and so much to tell you along the way that you just can’t help but keep playing until you absolutely have to put it down, only to continue for hours and hours later on.
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All in all, Persona 4 Golden is a seriously fun game. While I still think Persona 5 Royal is a better game than it, I cannot stop thinking about the journey it took me on. The places I saw, the people I met and became friends with along the way - it’s a surreal, dream-like game that really gets you thinking right from the beginning and keeps you on your toes until the bitter end. I found myself engrossed in the lives of these characters, worried for them anytime something happened to them within the context of the game’s narrative and only hopes to see them come out on top, and thankfully this was usually the case in my playthrough thanks to the choices I made. I can only wonder what would have happened if I chose things differently - where would my characters have ended up at the end of all this? Would things have gotten worse for them? Who knows - all I know is that once the game was over, I had nothing but smiles and happiness going through my head as I saw my friends say goodbye and I loaded up my stuff onto the train. All those precious moments, etched into my mind forever; the hardships of the dungeons, the toughness of the Shadows, the mystery of the killer - that’s how you create a great game narrative, and finish it with an even greater, satisfying ending. Check out Persona 4 Golden on Steam TODAY if you liked this review! https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/1113000/
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doloreswink35-blog · 4 years
GSA Search Engine Ranker Review & Tutorial - YouTube
GSA Search Engine Ranker Ultimate Tutorial & Genuine Review
Table of ContentsIndexing and Linking with GSA Search Engine Ranker How to use GSA Search Engine Ranker correctely COMPLETE GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial Understanding GSA Search Engine Ranker training GSA Search Engine Ranker Review & Tutorial - A New Guide ...
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Uncheck the alternative so you can stop getting all the captcha windows to popup. Uncheck the alternative. A third celebration indexation service works, however not necessary. We do not use any. We just enable the lower tiers to serve as indexers for the upper tiers' backlinks. Uncheck the choice.
Save only the site lists to increase the performance of GSA SER and besides, these are the lists you really require in order to run this software more efficiently. Examine the choice if you will be utilizing a lot of PR filters on your projects. Backup your website notes routinely, just in case.
Use and on a daily basis. Usage whenever you start seeing method a lot of and messages in the GSA Search Engine Ranker log. Tick the checkbox to make sure that SER is not attempting to send backlinks when your maker has no access to the Web. Usage SERengines to develop some really good Web 2.
Make usage of GSA Online search engine Ranker's Scheduler to run just a certain quantity of projects at a time. Useful if you do not have the capability to run many projects on your SER circumstances i. e. insufficient proxies, not enough RAM, weak CPU, and so on. Constantly take a look at the variation history after an upgrade to see what's changed and what's brand-new in the world of this GSA SEO tool.
It's well worth it. Group your projects into job groups for a a lot easier navigation through GSA SER. Create a good and clever calling convention for both your jobs and your task groups. Set the top priority of all of your projects to start at the most affordable so that you can easily offer more attention to lagging projects later.
Erase Target URL History so that the project can start getting target URLs from the top of the website lists. gsa search engine Ranker reviews. Beware not to delete your account information. We will take a look at Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3+ optimum configurations for your GSA SER tasks. Short article, Directory, Social Bookmark, Social Media Network, SEREngines posts and profiles, and Wikis.
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1% specific match, 4% partial match and LSI, 50% branding, 25% generic, 20% naked URLs. If you will be running the Tier 1 towards a parasite site i. e. YouTube, you can merely move the 50% from branding to the partial match and LSI anchors. backlinks at random areas, 0 2 authority URLs, 0 2 images or 0 1 videos.
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Short article, Online Forum, Image Remark, Microblog, Social Bookmark, Social Media, Wikis, SEREngines posts and profiles (optional). 5% specific match, 25% LSI, 40% generic, 30% naked URLs. backlinks at random locations with 33% utilizing the choice, 0 1 authority URLs, 1 3 images or 1 2 videos (GSA SER help). No limit on the PR, let the link building beast throw some link juice down to the Tier 1 backlinks.
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30% exact match, 70% LSI. Generate the material for your GSA SER jobs using Kontent Device and its pre-defined Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3+ templates. Integrating it with WordAI's effective spinning properties and occasionally mixing it up with Spin Rewriter, offers you the content you will need.
If you got the time, you can also add a manual touch to make it even better. Examine the option and also add a few exceptions in the location, for instance,, etc. Depending on the age of the site, configure the quantity of backlinks permitted to be created each day.
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e. the upper Tier they point at. No point in linking to Social Bookmarks and other nofollow platforms. Yes, they benefit indexation and social evidence, but not a lot for link juice (at this moment in the space-time continuum). Check the checkbox from the tab to make sure there is randomness in the backlinks developed towards your customer URLs.
Usage for the option. setting should be checked The setting should be set to. We do not utilize search engines to scrape target URLs, so uncheck all search engines by default, 8 are selected. Only usage website lists as sources of target URLs of your project. This will skyrocket your VpM and the overall efficiency of GSA SER.
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We never utilize arranged posts, only special domains. Only when it comes to developing Tier 1 jobs with SEREngines posts and profiles solely. Only then do we permit scheduled publishing. Check all kinds of backlinks to produce. Inspect the choice and set it to a minimum of 900 seconds. Usage Yahoo emails.
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Constantly evaluate your task before you start it to ensure all is good. Do not choose the Web 2. GSA SER help. 0 engine type ever, because it is not supported anymore. Usage SEREngines rather (gsa Ser Help). This was the answer I obtained from the SEREngines support when I asked why I had many error messages in my log for my Web 2.
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You can inspect the example link pyramids we have created, that are optimized for GSA SER by going to our Services page. Another very essential thing you ought to do is go to the folder inside your GSA Online Search Engine Ranker installation folder, and edit the following. dat files (these are default texts which GSA SER will use if you do not clearly specify your own content for your tasks): about_yourself.
dat comments. dat comments_forum. information comments_guestbook. dat comments_guestbook_german. dat comments_image. dat Produce your own highly spun material and replace the one currently existing within these files. Beware due to the fact that in some of them, there are macros utilized, so first, take a look at this and become aware of the technique GSA SER uses by default, and only then exchange them with your own material.
Modification these on a weekly or monthly basis to leave no footprints on search engines. GSA SER Tutorial. This is extremely crucial otherwise you risk leaving material the exact same as countless other unaware GSA SER users, which will one day come back and bite you on the ass. Not the other SER users, however the effects.
To start with, I want you to understand that if you truly do not have the time to develop your own lists and filter them the best way, you will have to take advantage of the services of some GSA SER site lists provider check out this case research study of the top 4 GSA SER site lists service providers which will assist you make a notified decision or have a look at our site lists - GSA Search Engine Ranker Training.
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edogawatranslations · 5 years
Danganronpa Kirigiri (3) - Chapter 5, Part 1
Table of Contents | Previous: Chapter 4, Part 7
Chapter 5 - Deadly Life
The rays of the morning sun poured in through the windows of the train car that was occupied solely by Kyoko and me. We rode side-by-side, our bodies rocking with the train, sharing a fleeting moment of peace. The snow had stopped, leaving only a dusting on the sidewalk outside. I was convinced that if we remained on the train, we could take in that scenery forever. But life was cold and cruel, as both the window and the view became obstructed as more and more people boarded.
We got off the train at our local station. It was past ten by the time we got back to my dorm building. We reached my room, and I was finally ready for a moment’s rest—
Or so I had hoped, but upon entering, a bizarre sight greeted us.
Five black papers were lined up on the most conspicuous part of the wall, each pierced by a dart. The word “CLOSED” had been written on them with a fluorescent pink highlighter. At the tip of every dart was also a Polaroid photograph, each of a different person.
“No way… Seriously?” I muttered in shock.
The papers were five of the six Duel Noirs assigned to Lico.
“‘Closed’… Does that mean case closed?”
“It appears so,” Kyoko said with her eyes wide. Even she was surprised.
“I can’t believe it! He solved five cases in one night?”
I removed one of the darts and checked the card.
Location: Otohari Island — 70 million yen Weapon: Guitar — 10 million yen Trick: Locked Room — 120 million yen Miscellaneous: Loudspeaker — 20 million yen Total Cost: 220 million yen
The attached photo was of a young man. He was in a chair with his arms tied behind his back, glaring angrily at the camera. A boy stood next to the man, holding up a peace sign with a large grin on his face.
“I’m calling him.”
I took out the phone I received from Ryuuzouji to contact Lico. The phone rang three times before he picked up.
“Hey, Lico?”
“Good morning, Yui. I stopped by your room last night, but you weren’t in. I was disappointed I didn’t get to see you.”
“You mean you snuck into my room. I don’t really care about that, but what’s with the darts in the wall?”
“I apologize for leaving holes in your wall again. It’s a habit of mine.”
“I didn’t mean that—well, that is a problem—but why?”
“Those are the Duel Noirs I solved.”
“You say that, but did you really solve all five? How? Is that even possible?”
“Of course it’s possible; in fact, I was quite dismayed that they presented no challenge whatsoever. It’s apparent these cases are designed with you in mind.”
“Tell me the truth. I know you’re talented, but don’t expect me to believe it’s possible to solve five cases in one night. Did you actually know about the Duel Noirs ahead of time?”
“I’m not lying, I had no knowledge of them at the outset. There’s nothing more boring in the world than solving a mystery with prior knowledge of the solution.”
Considering his obsession and love for mysteries, he would never choose to involve himself in a case he already knew the answer to.
So that means… he really did solve these cases worth hundreds of millions of yen in the blink of an eye.
I was once again reminded that triple-zero class detectives possessed extraordinary abilities far beyond my imagination. It was a mistake to judge Lico based on his appearance or compare him to other boys his age—he was a detective of the same caliber as Gekka Ryuuzouji.
“To spoil the fun, I’ll tell you that I captured each culprit before they could commit murder. Catching up to a criminal with a head start requires running at a pace faster than theirs, but if the criminal is stalled at the start line, all it takes is reaching out and grabbing their shoulder. That’s how I was able to solve five cases in one night.”
“What? None of that explains anything.”
“By solving a case before it occurs, you can skip the time-consuming locked rooms and impossible crimes.”
If that was what he did, he didn’t have to break a sweat…
But what sort of reasoning could possibly lead to the culprit of a crime that hadn’t been committed? Famous detectives could solve all sorts of difficult cases, but Lico seemed to possess prescient abilities bordering on the supernatural.
“To be honest, I regret solving everything before getting to discover what sorts of murder tricks would be used. I don’t feel fulfilled at all.”
“Sounds to me like there’s malicious intent behind those words.”
“That’s because there is.”
“Stop it before you ruin my image of you,” I said, feeling a little let down. “I’m not questioning your abilities or anything, but are you sure these people are the culprits?”
“Yes, all of them have confessed. They are the culprits. I wrote down some of their personal details on the backs of the photos, so it might be helpful to memorize the information in case the Committee comes to check your answers.”
“That’s thoughtful of you.”
I flipped over the photo in my hand. A description of the culprit was written with girly handwriting.
Culprit’s Name: Hironori Hari Age: 29 Birthday: December 29 Occupation: Systems Engineer Miscellaneous: Proficient singer. Sought revenge for his high school crush who was driven to suicide.
“The photos show them tied up somewhere. Where are they?”
“Ryuuzouji’s castle.”
“What? You tied up our enemies in the enemy’s castle? How is that a good idea?!”
“I have taken measures to prevent Ryuuzouji from finding out. The criminals are being monitored by the other children, but it won’t be a problem even if Ryuuzouji does find out, since we are aware of their identities. They’ll be spending the next seven days in paradise.”
“I hope nothing goes wrong…”
The criminals Lico captured were unable to exact their revenge. Once the time limit was reached, it would mark their defeat. I wasn’t sure how the Committee would judge that result, but under the rules of the game, failing to kill one’s target in the alloted time should count as a loss.
I checked the other challenge cards and photographs.
Location: Hades Aquarium — 50 million yen Weapon: Block of Ice — 3 million yen Trick: Locked Room — 100 million yen Total Cost: 153 million yen
Culprit’s Name: Kaei Kuchiki Age: 56 Birthday: February 10 Occupation: Diving Instructor Miscellaneous: Father to three girls. Sought revenge for his wife who was killed in a robbery ten years ago.
Location: Hades Aquarium — 50 million yen Weapon: Sulfuric Acid — 10 million yen Trick: Locked Room — 100 million yen Miscellaneous: Blowtorch — 5 million yen Total Cost: 165 million yen
Culprit’s Name: Otsuko Kuchiki Age: 21 Birthday: February 25 Occupation: College Student Miscellaneous: Daughter of Kaei Kuchiki. Sought revenge for her mother who was killed in a robbery ten years ago.
Location: Sawameki Nature Club Center — 30 million yen Weapon: Log — 3 million yen Trick: Locked Room — 100 million yen Miscellaneous: Parchment — 50 million yen Miscellaneous: Jewels — 200 million yen Total Cost: 383 million yen
Culprit’s Name: Tatsutora Oboro Age: 33 Birthday: April 13 Occupation: Detective, DSC Number [355] Miscellaneous: Detective specializing in international counterfeit money schemes. Sought revenge for the Oboro family in connection with its 150-year-long relationship with the Sawameki Nature Club.
Location: Ambition House — 180 million yen Weapon: Large Shears — 5 million yen Trick: Locked Room — 200 million yen Total Cost: 385 million yen
Culprit’s Name: Seika Kumano Age: 20 Birthday: July 1 Occupation: College Student Miscellaneous: Planned a closed circle getaway with seven other students. Sought revenge for a friend who died falling into an underground lake during a school camping trip in an alleged accident.
In the span of just one day, six of the twelve cases had been solved, reducing our total caseload by half. Furthermore, Lico had solved all of his cases before any murder could be committed, meaning the death toll so far was only one. Who could’ve imagined things would be proceeding so smoothly?
That being said, Kyoko and I had five cases remaining…
“By the way, Yui, do you know where I am right now?”
“Why are you quizzing me all of a sudden?” The answer came to me straight away. “Oh, I got it. You’re on a cruise ship.”
“Bingo,” Lico replied gleefully. “I’m currently in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on the S.S. Echidna. This is the last of my cases. It would be a waste to solve it immediately, so I’ll let the culprit’s game play out as planned. As we speak, I’m enjoying a game where my life is on the line.”
“Wh-What sort of game is that? Are you okay?”
He must’ve been in a situation similar to the one Kyoko and I found ourselves in at Norman’s Hotel. But Lico seemed like the kind of person who’d win at anything.
“Can I reach you anytime?”
“The game doesn’t permit the use of cell phones, but I’ll keep this one on me so feel free to call whenever you need. Now then, I should be getting back to the game.”
“Wait, Lico!”
“What is it?”
“…Don’t die.”
“You have no need to worry. I’ll be awaiting a kiss when I return.”
He hung up.
“I wonder if he’ll really be okay…” I put down the phone. “Everything seems to be going well on his end, so we should get started on our next case.”
I looked over the remaining Duel Noirs. Based on total cost, the Takeda Mansion case was the third most inexpensive. Two of the remaining cases were cheaper, while three were more expensive.
I worried about what came next.
“Let’s see… the closest location is…”
While flipping through the challenge cards, I snuck a glance at Kyoko, who was staring at the wall deep in thought.
“Kyoko, what’s wrong?”
“…Huh?” She snapped out of her haze and turned towards me. With a pale face, she shook her head back and forth.
“Do you feel sick?”
“I’m fine.”
She didn’t look fine.
“Why don’t you get some rest?” I suggested. “Stay here while I gather some information on the other cases.”
“I shouldn’t.”
“You won’t be able to recover if you continue to wear yourself out. Please, just rest for a little while. Okay?”
I pushed Kyoko onto the bed and tucked a blanket over her. She looked up at me with a troubled expression.
After I brushed a wisp of hair away from her cheek, she gave in and pulled the blanket up to her face.
“I’m sorry, Yui.”
“There’s nothing you need to apologize for. Get some rest.”
“But the time limit…”
“Don’t worry about that. Like I said earlier, we can spend 28 hours on each case. Right now, we’re five hours ahead of schedule. At least take that extra time to get some rest without worrying about anything.”
She seemed unnerved, staring straight at me with her trembling pupils, trying to find the right words to respond, but in the end, she looked away without saying anything.
I stayed by the bed, watching over her until she fell asleep. Occasionally, as if haunted by nightmares, she would toss and turn, her sleeping face visibly distressed.
What drove her to be like this? What did one of the calmest girls in the world have to fear?
She had seemed different ever since returning home from the Norman’s Hotel case. Something had likely happened at her house, something terrible enough to make her opposed to going home.
I had no idea how long Kyoko would continue to be like this. For her sake, I needed to get to the bottom of what had happened to her. If at all possible, I wanted to rescue her from her suffering.
But knowing her, she was intent on carrying the burden all by herself. She didn’t want to involve others.
An idea suddenly popped into my mind. While she was asleep, I could investigate her house. Just for a quick look. If I could find out anything about what she was going through…
As I tried standing up, I felt something pull me from behind. Kyoko had grabbed onto my clothes without me noticing. My movement caused her to open her eyes.
“Yui… Are you going somewhere…?” She asked with concern, still half-asleep. “I’m… going too…”
She started to get out of bed, but I stopped her.
“There’s something I want to look into, that’s all. I won’t be long. I’ll leave the phone with you; my number’s in it, so call me if you need anything.”
I placed Ryuuzouji’s phone into Kyoko’s hand.
Her expression didn’t change, but it clearly looked like she wanted to say something. I thought of countless possibilities of what it could be; perhaps all of them were right.
“I’ll be back soon.”
In the end, she never said anything. Only the sound of her tossing and turning reached my ears as I left the room.
Next: Chapter 5, Part 2
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timejohn1-blog · 4 years
Believe In Your Web 2.0 Backlinks Skills But Never Stop Improving
Cracking The Web 2.0 Code
Table of Contents15 Tips About Web 2.0 Backlinks You Can't Afford To MissMore About Web 2.03 Signs You Made A Great Impact On Web2.0 Backlinks
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This method can help you to share various concepts with your users. Using its category functions like links, tags, and images, you can utilize it as a terrific way to present individuals with your innovations. To help you more to get the most out of this link structure strategy, we have assembled a list of high authority web 2.0 websites listed below: 1 35 45 4.5 2 20 37 3.7 3 16 36 3.6 4 20 37 3.7 5 23 37 3.7 6 13 26 2.6 7 19 36 3.6 8 20 34 3.4 9 15 25 2.5 1 myspace.com 95 81 8.1 2 my.opera.com 95 71 7.1 3 issuu.com 94 82 8.2 4 goodreads.com 93 75 7.5 5 academia.edu 93 69 6.9 6 wordpress.com 92 88 8.8 7 storify.com 92 72 7.2 8 xing.com 92 69 6.9 9 sfgate.com 92 69 6.9 10 blog.interia.pl 92 55 5.5 11 soup.io 92 55 5.5 12 pen.io 89 74 7.4 13 myanimelist.net 89 74 7.4 14 blogger.com 88 92 9.2 15 purevolume.com 88 92 9.2 16 foroactivo.com 88 92 9.2 17 friendster.com 88 66 6.6 18 sitew.com 88 66 6.6 19 docdroid.net 88 66 6.6 20 tumblr.com 88 66 6.6 21 dailystrength.org 86 82 8.2 22 fotki.com 85 73 7.3 23 gaiaonline.com 85 72 7.2 24 quizilla.teennick.com 85 51 5.1 25 onsugar.com 85 51 5.1 26 smore.com 83 68 6.8 27 travelpod.com 82 62 6.2 28 ge.tt 82 53 5.3 29 blogsome.com 82 51 5.1 30 soundclick.com 80 99 9.9 31 netlog.com 79 67 6.7 32 travelblog.org 79 60 6 33 20minutes-blogs. fr 79 60 6 34 bitcomet.com 78 60 6 35 kiwibox.com 78 60 6 36 allvoices.com 78 58 5.8 37 jambase.com 78 57 5.7 38 areavoices.com 77 65 6.5 39 kazeo.com 77 56 5.6 40 tribe.net 75 66 6.6 41 selfgrowth.com 75 61 6.1 42 ipernity.com 75 61 6.1 43 snappages.com 74 56 5.6 44 twoday.net 73 59 5.9 45 wix.com 72 54 5.4 46 blog.co.uk 72 47 4.7 47 travellerspoint.com 71 54 5.4 48 wallinside.com 69 60 6 49 blackplanet.com 69 60 6 50 citeulike.org 69 54 5.4 51 blogspot.com 68 59 5 (web2.0 backlinks).9 52 multiply.com 68 53 5.3 53 doomby.com 66 53 5.3 54 freepdfhosting.com 66 53 5.3 55 livejournal.com 65 57 5.7 56 insanejournal.com 65 55 5.5 57 jux.com 65 53 5.3 58 mouthshut.com 65 53 5.3 59 webspawner.com 64 61 6.1 60 blogdrive.com 64 61 6.1 61 diaryland.com 64 61 6.1 62 bravejournal.com 64 61 6.1 63 manifo.com 64 55 5.5 64 cabanova.com 63 75 7.5 65 vefblog.net 63 58 5.8 66 doodlekit.com 63 55 5.5 67 thoughts.com 63 51 5.1 68 blog.yahoo.com 62 65 6.5 69 weebly.com 62 60 6 70 kidblog.org 62 54 5.4 71 yousaytoo.com 61 67 6.7 72 blogspace.fr 61 60 6 73 inube.com 61 60 6 74 ziki.com 61 56 5.6 75 datahub.io 61 50 5 76 blog.fr 61 49 4.9 77 23hq. com 60 68 6.8 78 postbit.com 60 58 5.8 79 fotopages.com 60 54 5.4 80 workitmom.com 60 54 5.4 81 blog.com.es 60 52 5.2 82 vip-blog. com 60 52 5.2 83 sosblogs.com 59 59 5.9 84 migente.com 59 57 5.7 85 ourstory.com 59 55 5.5 86 hatena.com 59 54 5.4 87 sphinn.com 59 54 5.4 88 hazblog.com 59 53 5.3 89 worldvillage.com 59 52 5.2 90 getjealous.com 58 60 6 91 nexopia.com 58 54 5.4 92 kickofflabs.com 58 54 5.4 93 asianave.com 58 48 4.8 94 jimdo.com 58 48 4.8 95 blurpalicious.com 57 71 7.1 96 zootoo.com 57 57 5.7 97 sailblogs.com 57 52 5.2 98 pusha.se 57 52 5.2 99 20six. co.uk 56 62 6.2 100 en.over-blog. com 56 57 5.7 101 beeplog.de 56 49 4.9 102 blogigo.com 56 49 4.9 103 hotklix.com 56 47 4.7 104 ohlog.com 55 56 5.6 105 bigcontact.com 55 56 5.6 106 mytripjournal.com 55 51 5.1 107 geckogo.com 55 51 5.1 108 freewebsite-service. com 55 45 4.5 109 iblog.at 55 45 4.5 110 trusted.md 54 56 5.6 111 bloggers.nl 54 56 5.6 112 fizzlive.com 54 56 5.6 113 blogbaker.com 54 53 5.3 114 bloghi.com 54 53 5.3 115 jigsy.com 54 49 4.9 116 busythumbs.com 54 49 4.9 117 joe.pl 54 49 4.9 118 sweetcircles.com 54 49 4.9 119 awebcafe.com 54 46 4.6 120 spruz.com 54 43 4.3 121 webgarden.com 53 62 6.2 122 freehostia.com 53 59 5.9 123 mymfb.com 53 55 5.5 124 zoomgroups.com 53 52 5.2 125 friendsite.com 52 53 5.3 126 snackwebsites.com 52 53 5.3 127 uwcblog.com 52 43 4.3 128 exteen.com 51 59 5.9 129 iseekblog.com 51 59 5.9 130 own-free-website. com 51 53 5.3 131 space.travel 51 45 4.5 132 iloveblog.com 50 58 5.8 133 de.la 50 53 5.3 134 yuku.com 50 53 5.3 135 blogskinny.com 50 50 5 136 yourtrainings.com 49 53 5.3 137 a-thera. com 49 51 5.1 138 unityfirst.com 48 53 5.3 139 greasy.com 48 46 4.6 140 bloggerteam.com 48 46 4.6 141 forumotion.com 48 46 4.6 142 centerblog.net 48 46 4.6 143 page.tl 47 53 5.3 144 bravesites.com 47 47 4.7 145 beep.com 46 75 7.5 This was the list and some functions of web 2.0 submissions.
Make sure to use the best websites to guarantee the most positive impacts on your rankings. You should likewise take care of posting important material whenever usage these websites for link structure methods - Web 2.0 Backlinks. It will assist you to remain away from numerous penalizations.
This site utilizes cookies to improve your experience. We'll presume you're okay with this, however you can opt-out if you wish.Accept Privacy & Cookies Policy Web 2.0 sites emphasize user-generated material, usability, and interoperability. So the concern is do Web 2.0 websites benefit SEO through contextual backlinking!.?. !? Well, yes it does. Among the ways to produce backlinks to your blog or site is setting up web 2.0 sites. Do Web 2.0 sites benefit SEO through contextual backlinking Drawbacks of web 2.0 sites is that a lot of backlinks from web 2.0 sites are" no follow" so the high page rank of the site does not get passed onto your backlink. You can send your post directly and get it published on the internet 2.0 site like WordPress and primarily these websites won't have strict moderation. You require to make sure that you submit quality and unique posts. One thing you must bear in mind is that the domain authority is very great for the web 2.0 site, but the page authority may be less. You can develop your brand name for your site and get backlinks, however you got ta make certain that you don't do it entirely for backlinks.
Many of these sites do not get web traffic straight to the websites you developed so you need to promote your web 2.0 page/blog on social neighborhoods and the user will come to your website only if your material is important. using web 2.0. Do not fret- you're one click far from continuing your regular check out. We're devoted to keeping Fiverr safe from harmful visitors. Something in your behaviour.
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has activated our security systems- We apologise for any trouble this process may have triggered. Advertisement blocking or ad filtering software might hinder our capability to determine you as human. Modifying your headers or user representative might trigger some of our detection tools. Make sure you do not have any web browser extensions tampering with those. Make sure JavaScript is made it possible for in your internet browser. If you're still having difficulty accessing the website, please contact Client Assistance. So, in this post, we respond to: Before I reveal you the very best Off-Page SEO strategies utilized in 2020 for Off-Page SEO( 2020). Let us define what Off-Page SEO is. This term suggests all techniques and activities youcan use to use on your site to level up the ranking of a page with search engines like google. i utilize a number of the web 2.0 backlink to my cash site and still web 2.0 backlinks works. i got the fast position in 3 month useing just web 2.0 s. One grey hat technique typically recommended for producing backlinks for improving web page rank is to develop a private blog site network of Web 2.0 websites that link back to your page. Examples of some of the most popular Web 2.0 websites are and. These sites provide servers and content management systems that enable blog writers to produce their blog site on their server. One of the biggest advantages of this SEO linking strategy is that you can make your external links extremely pertinent to the material on your organisation website. Search engine algorithms appoint a much higher SEO trust worth whenever there are highly relevant contextual backlinks connecting to your primary site. Most web 2.0 websites provide complimentary styles and the basics tools to establish a blog website. In many cases, the expense of developing and hosting a blog on Web 2.0 sites is freeWeb 2.0 websites, such as WordPress.com, have high page ranking on web search engines. As a result, your blog site will; have a higher authority and supply higher ranking backlinks to your organisation site.
When selecting Web 2 (web 2.0).0 sites, stick to sites that have high ranking root domains. This is an extremely important function due to the fact that it allows you to alter the URL domain name in your backlinks if your site address modifications. It also enables you to change the anchor text in your backlinks. Anchor text is the visible characters and words showed as links on your web page.
You can produce a complimentary email account by going to Gmail.com, Hotmail.com or Yahoo mail.com. Having a different e-mail account for this function will assist keep your individual e-mail account from being cluttered with interactions concerning these websites. Many Web 2.0 sites will provide you with a range of totally free themes for your blog site. As an outcome, prevent stuffing keywords in your blog site title. An exceptional source of over fifty web 2.0 platforms is available The more material you contribute to your blog site, the much better. Preferably, posts in your blog site must be special product and 500 words or longer (Web 2.0 Backlinks). It is crucial to add fresh content to your Web 2.0 site. Ideally, there ought to be 5-10 pages in each of your web 2.0 blog site sites. With programs such as, you can often generate spun short articles with 80%+ originality. As an outcome, online search engine crawlers will not spot these spun articles as copies of your original document. Nevertheless, real people will quickly recognize that they are copies.
and see your Web 2.0 site and your company site as spammy. Adding images can considerably generate more traffic to your blog from image-based online search engine such as Google Images. When you add images to your blog, it is necessary that you add an alt text that tells the online search engine spiders what your photo is all about (Web 2.0 Backlinks). Preferably, the alt text that explains your pictures should consist of a keyword or.
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phrase that you are attempting to rank for. Including Benefits Of Using Web 2.0 to your picture is likewise advised. Captions are typically the most checked out content on a web page. As an outcome, it is great practice to add them to all of your images. Embedded YouTube motion pictures can also improve the quality of your Web 2.0 website. Keep in mind to add alt text and titles to any ingrained motion pictures to get more SEO traction from this content - Web 2.0 Backlinks. Internet online search engine,.
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such as Google, provide more weight to your website when they see appropriate and natural links to high-authority websites. To avoid appearing spammy, you need to use anchor text in your links to high-authority sites that flow naturally in the sentence they are within. The hyperlink needs to likewise take the search engine crawler to a relevant page within the high-ranking website. When using this SEO strategy, it is finest not to exaggerate it. A great general rule is to limit yourself to three or fewer links to high-authority sites. Another reason to consist of links to high-authority sites is that it prevents having web online search engine not see your Web 2.0 site as a legitimate website.
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insomniac-dot-ink · 6 years
Tiffany Green and the Monster at the End of the Hall
Genre: supernatural thriller/monster story, wlw
Rating: M for monster-related violence
Words: 12.8k
Summary: Tiffany Green has watched too many scooby doo episodes and now she’s trying find the local monster at the motel her mother works.
Too bad there’s a rival monster hunter in the area.
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warning: for serious injury, blood, and fatalities
Tiffany Green sat crossed-legged with a transistor radio in her lap and the bud of one headphone in her ear, she stuck her tongue out a little bit and squinted into the dark.
The space was cramped, four walls on all sides brushing against her, barely fitting all of her knees and elbows- which her aunt joked was 70% of her to begin with. The carpet underneath was thick as sin and smelled of must and the death of the 1980s, a mini-ironing board was pushed to the side on her right.
She wore a large brown bomber jacket that’s sleeves pooled around her wrists and made her neck sweat. Her lank blonde hair fell down past her shoulders, which she tucked it into her jacket to keep it back, though her fringe bangs in turn fell into her eyes more than a couple times anyway.
She had long limbs, knobby elbows, and an almost sickly pallor that her father called ‘the antithesis of California darling.’ Her eyes were a flat grey that sometimes shifted into being a proper blue.
She wore stark white shorts and a peach tank-top with spaghetti straps that teacher’s traditionally didn’t appreciate. She had notably ‘attentive’ large ears with three different earrings in each, a sun, a moon, and several stars attached by thin silver chains. She hummed as she worked.
“And she’s a maniac, maniac, on the floor.” She sang softly to herself and hunched over the buttons of the old radio. The speakers droned from one station to the next.
“--It’s going to be another scorcher-”
“-you’ll have to bury your head in the sand to ignore this ne--”
‘--I wanted you so bad, before I you came into my life I-”
“--a dan--”
“--as--” Tiffany shook the radio in midair and crunched herself up in a ball around it, “just one good signal,” she pinched her lips together, “come to mama.” She kept turning the knob until the radio went completely silent, channel 98.3, a sudden, inexplicable hush erupted from the other end. She paused, heart tumbling down her throat and eyes going wide. She ripped her earbud out and stuffed into her pocket, she leaned forward.
Her knuckles bleached as she held the radio harder and stuck her face up to the dials. “Hello…?”
Static warbled through the signal, a sudden buzz that sizzled through the air and made the hairs on her arm stand on end, her mouth fell open. “Tell me what you want.” She whispered.
The static increased, like it was singing. Tiffany shook her radio, “Tell me why you’re doing this.”
The static crooned into a soft hum, she held her breath, waiting for something. The silence stretched.
“Oh. No.” A voice huffed, “Tiffany!”
Tiffany jumped violently as another voice called out.
“Tiffany,” banging came from the other side of the door, “young lady!”
Tiffany flattened against the wall as light came flooding in from the entrance, she hissed at the intrusion, “noooo!” She cried with a sharp soprano.
A scowling face loomed over her, blocking the door, her mom put her hands on her hips and frowned deeply. “You better not be doing what I think you’re doing.”
Her mom was a medium-sized woman with wide hips and curly brown hair that was tied back by a thick white handkerchief. She wore practical shoes, practical jeans, a blue t-shirt reading ‘Anne’s’ on the front, and a single simple necklace with a ruby in the center.
Her face was wide and expressive, she had matching ears to Tiffany’s- though they were slightly less adorned.
Tiffany glowered up at her and held the radio up to her ear, she closed her eyes and waited for the static again. “Ugh!” She cried loudly, “mom, do you realize you just interrupted the find of the century?” Her mom groaned and held her head, “out, out, we need this room cleaned an hour ago.” Tiffany tucked her loose bangs behind her ear and sat up straight, “why? Nobodies here.” Her mom wagged a finger in the air, “if you’d like me out of a job and no dinner on the table then this room is cleaned by 12pm.” She gave her a sharp glance, “no hiding in the hotel closets and listening to music.” Her mom ushered to her feet and Tiffany huffed.
“I wasn’t listening to music, I was-” “Looking for aliens,” her mom sighed deeply. “Tiffany. Please, honey. I love you. But you have to come out.” Tiffany could have broken into a guffawing-laugh at that, but instead settled for a deep groan .
“It’s a monster mom. M. O. N. S- I mean, you get the point. Not an alien.”
“It’s not going to have to deal with an angry mom if it doesn’t get a move on.” Tiffany promptly scuffled out the closet, eyes down, “the owners will thank me when we aren’t considered the most haunted motel on route 78.”
Her mom tutted again, “we aren’t haunted.” She paused as she reached for the sheets to clean and launder, “we’re just… unlucky.” Tiffany sighed deeply, “I’m going to go try to commune in another room.” “No closets.” She called after her, “and no bothering Mr. Thomas.” “I hear you,” she waved her hand in the air as she stalked off. “I can’t believe that girl is almost 20.” She could hear her mom muttering as she started busily folding and scrubbing and getting down to business.
Anne’s Roadside Motel was a two-story building with around 120 rooms in 30,000 square feet, the place had two owners- neither of which were Anne. It had mattresses people checked for bedbugs and small televisions from the early 00s in place.
The motel had a staff of around 25 people, all of which Mr. Thomas liked to keep a personal relationship with, Rowing was not a big town. It’s main source of income was the highway and the highway was trying it’s best ‘not to become a low-way’ as Mrs. Rodriguez joked.
South Dakota hadn’t bothered to fix roads up in this part of nowhere in a while, it wasn’t close enough to the oil fields and was just south enough of ‘who gives a fuck.’
Tiffany hadn’t been back to this town in 2 years, instead living with her dad in Northern Cali in order to graduate from a ‘good high school.’ Tiffany took the 10 hour car-trip after throwing her cap and had been sitting in closets with a radio since.
Anne’s Roadside Motel didn’t have an Anne in it, but it had a brother and sister that installed a pool 2 years ago and discretely set up rat-traps to really spruce up the place. That was until the rumors started going around, the ones in the newspapers and murmured on the TV screen. Anne’s was having a string of ‘bad luck.’
It looked normal enough, with green flooring and yellow wallpaper, a muted yellow, the type of yellow that bridged on giving you a headache but didn’t quite get there. It smelled like chlorine and wheat, but there were worse smells out there.
The lights were low-hanging and mirrors were from the 90s, the tables were all wooden and the pictures were of random rolling purple mountains that was somewhere definitely not South Dakota.
Breakfast was at 7 every morning and Tiffany got there usually at 7:30 to snag the ‘better bagels’ and some burnt coffee. The other staff liked her, but maybe that’s just what she told herself.
And maybe it’s because she was the only one allowed to talk them about the incidents. Anne’s Roadside Motel was two-stories and 120 rooms.
Tiffany Green planned to visit every single one, and maybe prevent anyone else from dying here.
Tiffany was sitting in a swivel chair, making lazy little circles in place and balancing a pencil between her fingertips. She tapped her white sneakers in the air as she splaid out sideways. A woman in a busy red suit jacket and slightly too-tight matching skirt sat next to her in a smaller swivel chair. They lounged just out of sight behind a long linoleum desk with a little bell on it. Tiffany kept her eyes trained on her, trying to catch her eye.
“So,” Tiffany finally said and jerked her head toward the plump middle-aged woman beside her, “last Saturday.” Mrs. Candice Marx gave her a bemused look, “you want more?” Tiffany turned completed toward her, “as much as you remember.” Mrs. Marx, no relation to Karl, looked left and then right before leaning toward her, maybelline bright lipstick puckering, “you know Mr. Thomas isn’t too keen on us gabbing about it.” Tiffany sprouted a slow smile. “I won’t tell ‘em if you don’t.” She sat up straight and a jabbed a pencil in Mrs. Marx’s general direction, “someone has to stop this trouble.” Her blue eyes light up, Mrs. Marx read a lot of detective novels. She bent down, “It’s not all that much to go off of.” Her plush red lips are making a perfect ‘o.’
Tiffany gave her a thumbs up and grabbed her pencil a little more firmly, putting it down to paper. “Whatever you have, whenever you’re ready.”
She cleared her throat, “Well, okay, if you’re interested.”
“I am.” She nodded firmly, trying to edge her on. Mrs. Marx touched her blonde bob, primping it, as if she was being interviewed for local day time TV, “Danny was staying at Elsa’s so I agreed to do the nighter, it was Saturday, last Saturday. Ms. Thomas is having us do the late reception for real you know. She’s a real… well, she’s a real go-getter. Going to improve the stains in the reception hall next she said.” “Uh-huh,” Tiffany focused on scribbling nothing very meticulously.
Mrs. Marx tilted her head to the side, “I was just resting my eyes for a moment-” “When?” Tiffany started really writing.
“Oh, I’d say around 2am? Maybe a little sooner.” She snorted, “We weren’t gettin’ any calls, except from crackpots asking about setting up seances here. You know Mr. Thomas won’t have any of that- he’s not into that type of money Clyde says.”
Tiffany tried to keep her expression blank, “What happened next?” She twisted her mouth, “well, no phone calls. I was sittin’ right here, I don’t know really what it was, some sorta noise-” “What type of noise?” Tiffany sat completely upright. “A buzzing?” Mrs. Marx scrunched her nose up, “no, maybe, it was sorta… crunchy? I was drifted off, all I remember next is just waking up, don’t really know why. One moment I was lying in the chair, and the next I was upright and lookin’ at the lobby.” Tiffany leaned forward, “What did you see?” Mrs. Marx bent down very low, her caked-on mascara almost close enough to brush her, “That’s just the thing.” She breathed, “everything. It was bright, too bright, you know? All the lights turned on.” Tiffany nodded fastidiously, “What did you do?” “Well,” Mrs. Marx flattened her skirt out, “I thought of high-tailin’ it out of there, don’t want to end up like poor Mr. Koviak.” “Yes, absolutely,” Tiffany was jotting quickly: noise, lights, waking up.
“There was this real… feel to it too. Like something cold, or like a headache, right before the pain part.” “K,” Tiffany furrowed her brow: headache?
“The lights were all on, even the ones that are motion activated,” Mrs. Marx’s eyes were wide, “but only in the left hallway.” She pointed, “Right over there.” “What did you do?” Tiffany adrenaline flooded her, “What did you see?” “Well what was there to do? I-” A bell dinged. Tiffany gripped her pencil so hard she’s afraid it might break in two, light footsteps approached.
“Excuse me,” A rich voice called out. “Are there any rooms for tonight?” Mrs. Marx and Tiffany turned toward the lobby in unison, Mrs. Marx immediately burst into a practiced smile. “Of course!” She pushed her rolling chair toward the desk and sat up straight. “What can we do you for?” The customer was a young woman with long brown hair, it had a sleek shine to it but was choppy and uneven in parts, as if someone just hacked at it a couple times. She had high cheekbones, an oval face, and lightly browned skin- native probably, from one of the local tribes.
Her eyes were dark half-moons and her lips were turned down in a grimace, she seemed a little taller than Tiffany. She was wearing a green shirt that reminded her of the military and was carrying a large duffel bag on her shoulder.
Her teeth were stunningly straight and white when she spoke and Tiffany had to lean back from the glare of them. Tiffany hunched her shoulders like a cat sprayed by water as the stranger interrupted them.
I was so close, Tiffany clenched her teeth and pedaled up to the desk next to Mrs. Marx. She was chattering away.
“So there’s bedrooms in the west wing, but not the east right now, but the sunrise in the west windows is just to die for. You can see right all the way to Black Elk Peak, have you been there darling?” “Can’t say I have ma’am.” Her voice was still low and steady, Tiffany eyed her big bag. Something was different about this. “Well it’s just lovely. Especially from the west wing windows!”
“What brings you around here?” Tiffany interrupted, she could feel her mom cringing at her from rooms away.
The young woman raised her eyebrows and refocused on Tiffany, “Just passing through.” Mrs. Marx nodded, “Most folks are.” She agreed, “A real travelers town.” She gave a small laugh, “My own Ricky, that’s my husband, was only passing through when I met him! Said he’d never stay, but look at him now- a curmudgeon with a house in the hills.” Tiffany snorted at that, but the woman just arched her eyebrow up, “sounds nice.” “Oh it is,” Mrs. Marx could go on, but I thought I’d spare the traveler a little.
“Well alright,” I crossed my arms over my chest, “As long as you’re not here for any ghost-snooping, Mr. Thomas is telling Spook Hunters to stay out.”
Mrs. Marx gave a nervous laugh, “I mean, it’s not all that.” “Oh,” the woman just cocked her head to the side, “Ghosts?” “No ghosts,” Mrs. Marx said quickly, “Bad local legends is all.” The woman leaned across the counter, “Should I be worried? I’m sure I could keep go-” “No, no,” Mrs. Marx shot Tiffany a sharp look. “Nothing of the sort, Tiffany here listens to… a lot of wacky podcasts! How long would you be staying with us?”
The woman relaxed, “Just two nights.” She said evenly, “you have internet, right?” “We have internet.” She nodded briefly and then eyed me, “And as long as no ghosts come out I suppose.” She gave a thin smile and took out her credit card. Tiffany leaned forward, “It’s not actually ghost, it’s probably a m-” “So credit card? What name should I put the room under?” The woman adjusted the bag on her shoulder, “Lona,” she said simply, “Davis.”
Mrs. Marx was already nodding and moving onto when breakfast was and the ‘no stealing our bath towels pretty please’ speech with at least two mom jokes.
Tiffany examined Lona again, her eyes dragging up and down. There was definitely something lumpy in the sack, and her boots were metal-toed, a circular tattoo was around her right wrist. And that probably wasn’t her real name.
Tiffany didn’t notice as the transaction completed.
“Have a wonderful stay at Anne’s!”
Lona gave Tiffany another curious look, “I will.” She turned and left, heading to the west wing.
Tiffany exhaled, putting a hand over her heart, then she whipped around to Mrs. Marx. “That’s a monster hunter!”
Mrs. Marx drew back, “What?” “The shirt, the bag, the boots! That girl is here to hunt the monster.” Mrs. Marx wrinkled her nose, “She seems just like everybody else. There’s all sorts that pass through, why, just last week we had a man who was a professional clown. He was dressed normal, but he told me all about at the counter. A traveling clown! Have you ever heard of-”
“Did you see that protection tattoo? She’s on the trail.” Tiffany was certain, a professional!
“Now Ms. Tiffany,” Mrs. Marx clucked, “you can’t make presumptions about someone. Especially,” she put her hands on her hips, “Customers.” “I know, I know, okay,” she waved her off, and tried to keep her theories on track, “we were talking about last Saturday first,” she kicked away from the desk, “I’m all ears.” Mrs. Marx’s eyes went wide again and she turned back to Tiffany, returning to their previous hunched position, “Well, all the lights were on-” “My fair Candice!” Another voice carried over to them, “And lovely young Tiffany.” Tiffany winced so hard she thought her heart dropped out of her ass, “Goddammit,” She cursed under her breath.
“I just saw a customer walking to room 200! A good sight.” They both turned to Mr. Thomas in unison, Mrs. Marx smiling through.
“Indeed!” She chirped, “and more than one night too.” Mr. Thomas just hummed at that and looked between us, “I hope everyone is keeping their wits sharp.” Mr. Thomas chuckled, he was a small man with a pointed mustache and crinkling boyish blue eyes under round glasses, he wore suits everywhere and shiny black shoes.
He also said very pointedly kind things that always translated to ‘keep working’ and ‘do your job already.’ This was his ‘keep working’ phrases right now.
Mrs. Marx shifted in place, “course we are! Sharp as a church point.” She winked, “Ms. Tiffany was just…” She glanced at my notepad. “Doing some schoolwork!” I nod despite the fact I had graduated highschool two weeks ago. Mr. Thomas smiled over like he was making a Christmas list, “Well if you’d like some hel-” “Actually!” Tiffany stood up, realizing she probably wasn’t going to get any more out of this. “Time for me to go. Let’s talk later.” She gave Mrs. Marx a meaningful look and she just nodded.
“And Tiffany,” Mr. Thomas called after her as she tried to quickly scurry away. “The rooms aren’t playthings.” That was one of his more blatant instructions and Tiffany was struck for a moment by feeling six and chastized by the neighbors for throwing things into their yard. She meet his eyes steadily. “Of course,” Tiffany flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and started walking, “I’m not playing.” She escaped to the second story ice machine room, cramming herself into the nook between vending machine and wall, she started to pour over her notes: noise, lights, wake up, headache?
Her thoughts dragged back to the girl at the counter and she wrote in the margins: monster hunters coming.
It was late afternoon, the sun was streaming in through the small box windows at the end of the hall and the AC was on full blast in the simmering heat of summer. Tiffany was holding her pencil up again.
“I know you haven’t talked about it yet Mrs. Ludwig,” She followed the back of bustling old woman in a long grey dress and white bandana tied around her head. “But I’m here to listen.” Mrs. Ludwig didn’t even look over her shoulder as she walked into room 203, it had just lost it’s occupant, a Mr. Virilis. Mr. Virilis moved to greener pastures and left them with only around 5 other customers in the whole motel that night. Two of them were semi-permanent residents at this point, so she wasn’t sure they counted anymore.
Tiffany tried to step in Mrs. Ludwig’s path and catch her eye, “Please, I know it’s a very traumatic experience. I’ve been through that before.” It felt like the five stages of grief as she attempted to bargain. “With all the, uh… blood? Was there blood?”
The Koviak case had been ‘confidential’ and no details, except the occurrence of the death, had been released to the public. He was a traveling European businessman found dead in his bed two months ago, nothing else known. Mrs. Ludwig still didn’t look at her as she got out the cleaning carrier and gloves, she pushed open the propped door with her hip and didn’t look back.
Tiffany steeled herself, she took a bold step forward, “Mr. Koviak’s family has been asking!”
Mrs. Ludwig paused, turned, and fixed her with a potent icy glare, “do you plan on helping me clean?” Tiffany grimaced, her left eyebrow twitching, “Yes! I could. If… we could just have a short chat about the body.” “Run along Tiffany Green.” Mrs. Ludwig closed the door behind her and left Tiffany in the empty hall. As she had all the other times before.
“Fiiine,” Tiffany groaned and did a little spin, dragging her feet down to the other end of the hallway. If she knew Mrs. Ludwig she wouldn’t get another word out of her for at least 24 hours.
Tiffany flipped through her notes again, the fluorescent lights blared overhead, she would have paid them to flicker at this point. Buzz. Do anything.
She walked blankly ahead and fretted quietly to herself. No leads. No knowledge. How did it get around? Was it large? Was it corporeal?
Did it hate motels or just those in southern South Dakota? She just didn’t know.
It wasn’t until she was in the next hall that she heard a whirring of a machine, Tiffany looked up sharply and her eyebrows raised. Someone was actually using the motel gym.
There was a giant glass panel in the middle of the west wing, second floor. It held one elliptical machine, five weights, three sets of bell bars, two exercise benches, three jogging machines, and a water cooler. It had a speckled tile floor and frosted rectangle windows that barely let in the light.
The elliptical machine was whirring round and round as someone took it through its paces. Tiffany slitted her eyes, she recognized the figure: lean and muscled, the girl had a long choppy ponytail and a tattoo around her right wrist.
Tiffany stood there longer than she rightfully should, watching the girl’s back get damp with sweat and muscles strain with every quick step. Tiffany was tempted to inform her that, according to her notes, this wasn’t the type of monster you can run from. Training wouldn’t matter.
She doubted that would go over well.
Tiffany was leaning toward the elevator, trying to get her body to remember itself and move, it didn’t. The girl paused, her legs slowly pumping to a stop and the machine grinding down, maybe she felt Tiffany eyeing her, she turned. Their eyes met, a little tingle went up Tiffany’s spine, Lona’s dark half-moon eyes search her.
She tilted her head, expression placid as she hopped down to the floor, unreadable, she didn’t break eye contact as she moved. They stare at each other as Lona reached for a towel and wiped down her wet brow. Tiffany bit her bottom lip, maybe she’s the monster.
That seemed unlikely.
Lona took her time walking casually up to the giant window pane, Tiffany stiffened, waiting for something. Lona pursed her lips, cocking her head to the side, still considering Tiffany.
Tiffany shifted in place, her skin crawling and neck prickling, she had a feeling her cheeks had already flushed red.
The girl’s face shifted quickly, mouth falling open, eyes widening, whole body reeling back from the window. Lona pointed wildly over Tiffany’s shoulder, ‘look out!’ She mouthed urgently, breathlessly, pupils dilated. Tiffany jumped, whirling around to look left and right, holding her heart, preparing to run.
Tiffany untensed when nothing is behind her except garish yellow wallpaper and her own thumping heartbeat.
She arranged her face into something stony and unamused, she clenched her hands and turned back to the glass. Lona was grinning.
Tiffany tapped on the glass and leaned forward, “You don’t know what you’re in for.” She mouthed the words slowly, “it’s coming.” Lona frowned at that and then shrugged, “I can’t understand you.” She called, voice muffled by the glass, but still legible.
“Oh.” Lona flipped her long hair back, “do you work here?” Tiffany took a few steps back, “No.” She called, just loud enough.
“Good,” Lona turned back to her elliptical machine, “go home for the night.” Tiffany arched an eyebrow, she took a deep breath, “I don’t think so, I’m going to be the one to find it you know.” Lona glanced over her shoulder again, “Excuse me?” “I know who you are,” Tiffany pronounced loudly, “And this one’s mine.” Lona rolled her eyes, “little dramatic, don’t you think?” She wiped her neck with the towel, “Go take a nap kid, you’re not making sense.” Tiffany growled and then turned on her heels, look out. She mouthed the words and blood boiled from being pranked like a five year old in a haunted house.
What a stupid act, stupid customer who is definitely a monster hunter. Tiffany stomped toward the elevator, thoughts frenzied and whirling. She barely stopped as the lights in the hallway flickered. She froze mid-stride and looked up, the lights flickered again.
She gaped and took out her pencil, wielding it like a spear. She searched the hallway, up and down. “I’m here!” She called breathlessly, “I’m here.” Her eyes stayed glued on the lights, but they remained shining and motionless. Tiffany gulped and squared her shoulders. When she looked around she saw Lona in the hallway too, she doesn’t look half as amused this time. They don’t so much as nod at each other as Tiffany departed.
I’ll find it first.
Tiffany promised herself she wasn’t going home that night.
“But mom,” Tiffany could feel herself whining, “I need to stay the night.” “Not on your life.” Her mom threatened, her curly dark hair tied back and mouth turned into a hard line. “Can’t you be into, I don’t know… boy bands? Hockey? Anything else.” She closed the car doors of the 2007 volkswagen, Tiffany bared her teeth, “do boy bands eat people? No? Unimportant mom! This is important.” Tiffany was suddenly remembering all the reasons she left in the first place.
Her mom grunted and turned the car engine on, “Do you want to get hurt? It’s not a game.” “Hurt?” Her eyes lit up, “So you do believe in the monster!” Tiffany retorted shrilly, “And I’ve been training for this, I’m ready.” Her mom veered out of the parking lot, “The only monster I believe in is my daughter’s ego, and she really needs to place it somewhere else other than bad scary stories.” “You’re making this impossible,” she tried to chastise back and crossed her arms over her chest.
“That’s right, missy, no bothering the motel tonight.” Her mom sniffed loudly and drove them home.
Tiffany pouted and complained the whole way home, she figured this was how all monster hunters were treated, unbelievers were just part of the job. At least, that’s what she told herself as her mom lamented her behaviour later that night on the phone with her dad.
“I just don’t understand, how many horror movies have you been letting her watch?” Her mom paused, as her dad answered. Tiffany hid around the corner and stared at the wall, she had refused to come to dinner that night.
“Yes, Henry,” her mom sounded tired, “But I’m worried your indulgences have let her grow up like one of those undomestic- she’s not a field of wildflowers Henry, she’s a young woman, with a future. Stop it, stop, I don’t want to hear any more of your metaphors. She’s not a clay pot either! Goddamnit, you always do this. All of those self-improvement classes and you can’t listen worth a damn. Don’t start on me.”
They had one of their usual arguments.
Her mother sighed loudly after a few sharp barbs, her voice grew soft and tired, exhausted, “I just don’t know what to do with her.”
She was 19. And apparently no one knew what to do with her.
Tiffany had a clunky transistor radio in her lap and the itch of a lumpy blanket wound around her shoulders, they had My Little Pony characters on them from years ago. That was neither here nor there for her in many ways.
The clock by her bedside read 10:47 in bright red letters and Tiffany was hunched over and squinting her eyes in the dark. Her mom would notice if she turned on any lights, even at this hour.
She was certain the older woman was still holding her late night wine and indulging in her stacks of romance novels. Everyone was a paradox in their own ways, but Tiffany doesn’t point that out.
She was busy twisting knobs again. The hush of the radio blared through the air.
“We have a great setlist for you-” “Nobody, nobody, noooboooody-” “I can’t be-” “Sh-” “Ja-”
“Bzz-” She kept twisting.
Some part of her began to sink with each turn, what am I doing? She tried to push the thought down, she knew what she was doing. She knew what she saw all those years ago with her dog and she knew what she wanted now.
She had called it her ‘gap year’ between highschool and college but there was no plan to go to UCLA or San Jose University. She just needed to prove herself this once.
Monster hunters didn’t need to pour over biology textbooks that took her three different rereads to even fully absorb.
“Mountain mam-” “Sex, sex, and-” “Kis-” “Oomph,” “Ssssshhhh.” Tiffany’s hand froze and her muscles tensed, she landed on a chanel, one with strange static blaring over the line: 98.3.
She held her breath and brought the radio up to her ear, “Yes?” She whispered at the speakers and she hoped that her mom was almost done with her wine by now.
“Sssshuck.” Her eyes went wide, “Please.” She didn’t want to beg monsters, but she couldn’t lose this. Tiffany clambered to her feet and shook the radio, “Tell me.” “Sssshuch.” The radio buzzed, almost sing-song, and gave off an eery crunching static, Tiffany exhaled, closing her eyes for a moment, absorbing it. The radio buzzed, she jumped to her feet and reached for her extra-thick socks. She threw off her blanket from her shoulders and yanked on a pair of shorts and button-up shirt.
She didn’t hesitate as she quietly shoved the second story bathroom window open. It was a half mile walk to the motel. She turned the radio off, shoved it in her pack along with her notepad, several pencils and a dull kitchen knife she had carried off days ago from the dining room drawers.
Despite the heat she yanked on her brown bomber jacket and lifted herself out the window. Maybe her mom thought it was too high to jump from, maybe she underestimated how determined Tiffany was.
Maybe the woman was curled up around her ‘Favio x Angela’ novel and was far too gone to try and figure out once again what to do with her daughter.
Tiffany climbed down and started walking.
The night was a warm sweet milk around her, cradling her and leaking into her insides like a fiery gas leak, her shirt was almost soaked through by the time she saw Anne’s. The moon was a slice of silver cheese in the sky and the South Dakota sky was a river of sparkling white blemishes against inky black night. It smelled like dry grass and dust.
She breathed in the silver and exhaled warmth, it wasn’t like this in North Cali, but maybe that’s why she came. She took out the kitchen knife, it had a plastic covering and she slipped the weapon into the waistband of her shorts.
It dug into her thigh as she walked, but she ignored it. The monster hunter had warned her about tonight, she knew she had to be here.
Exactly four lights were on Anne’s Motel: the lobby with its vibrant pale yellow light and three windows alight with their soft beige curtains drawn. Tiffany went around the back, walking past rows of low rectangle bushes and spotting a narrow metal door with a red sign over the handle: fire exit. It was supposed to be properly locked but she shook the handle back and forth gently until it clicked in place and she pushed her way in.
They were modernizing Anne’s, but it wasn’t quite there yet.
She squeezed her eyes shut, hands on the handle and bracing herself. You can do this, her ears rang, you have to.
She shouldered her way through the back door and stood in a dark hallway, lit only by silver moonlight at the other end of the long space. She held her breath. It was quiet.
The shadows seemed to play before her eyes, shifting in place and forming ghastly shapes in the dark. She sucked in a breath and pressed herself against the wall, letting the door slide closed behind her.
Nothing moved, no lights flickered. She steadied herself, “hunting,” she took deep breaths and held her chest, “Hunting is all about facing fear.” She edged forward, almost spooking herself as the motion sensors picked up on her movements and blinked on. She had rub her eyes a couple times to adjust to the sudden flood of light.
A flicker of movement arose in the corner of her left eye, “ah!” Tiffany jumped back and rolled to her left, careening to the floor on her knees. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears, but when she looked back up nothing was there. Again.
Tiffany took deep breaths and crept her way toward the east wing of the hotel, something had to be there. It was time, the radio had been buzzing.
The lights stay on.
Her pulse ran ramshackle through her veins and Tiffany practically crawled her way across the motel floors. The plastic knife protector dug deeper into her thigh, but she doesn’t feel it. She edged up to the second floor ice machine room, just outside the east wing, and waited- eyes opened, jaw set, world spinning slightly.
“This is it,” she whispered to herself and began to wait.
She crouched, checking, waiting, eyes strained on the fluorescent lights above and frequently sniffing the air for something. She stays perfectly still, biding her time, waiting, until the lights turn off again, and then flicker, once.
Tiffany’s eyes dart back and forth in the dark, she crept out of the ice machine room and looked up and down the long hallways. She opened her mouth to call out, ask something, prompt something.
She heard a hiss instead, “What are you doing here?” Tiffany flinched and spun around, two half-moon eyes glow in the dark behind her, a growl rumbling in the girl’s voice. Tiffany’s lifted her chin and blinked a couple times, “Oh.” “You shouldn’t be here.” Tiffany’s brow folded in, “My mom works here.” It was probably the best defense she had.
Lona’s eyes were hard and shifting around the room quickly, wildly almost, “Get out of here.” “What, are you ordering me?” Tiffany tried not to sound petulant.
Her hand came down like an iron claw on Tiffany’s shoulder, hard enough to bruise, “Yes.” That’s when the lights flared on like the sun itself had been pulsed into them, flaring to life and filling the whole space in a brilliant glow, Lona widened her stance and drew herself up. A noise like a low buzzing gurgle sounded behind them, quiet and licking at her insides like sandpaper over skin.
“Take my hand.” Lona put her hand out and Tiffany eyed it. The lights flickered above them like a sudden rapid eclipse. “Uh,” Tiffany reached for her pack instead.
“That’s another order,” Lona took an aggressive step forward, the lights flickered quickly above them, fritzing and blinking.
Tiffany gulped, “I’m not,” she tried to summon her courage, “I’m staying.” “Take it or I’m carrying you out, civilian,” Lona growled and Tiffany gave in and slipped her fingers in between Lona’s. Lona gripped them, “Don’t look back.”
They started to run.
The sound grew louder, like a clunking car engine purring through the air, metallic and crunching to the ear, static fuzzed just below the surface of the noise. The lights flickered.
Tiffany looked behind her.
“Ah!” Lona skidded to a halt, painfully squeezing Tiffany’s hand as they came to a jarring stop. Tiffany was still looking behind her, the hallway was painfully alight except for a deep dark nothingness just after the bright fluorescent overhead. Just at the end of the hall, it was too dark to see through.
What was it?
“Excuse me,” A voice said shrilly, “Oh my, I thought I heard some commotion.” Tiffany was dragged back to the other issue at hand: they had been stopped by Mr. Thomas, standing in a bathrobe and eyeing the two of them. Specifically, Mr. Thomas was eyeing Tiffany, standing in the middle of the space with his hands on his hips.
Lona drew herself up, “Sir, where is the nearest exit?” “Exit?” Mr. Thomas blanched, “is this young Miss Tiffany’s doing? I promise, any tales she might be spinning are hyped up! Please considering not cutting your stay with us short.” He gave a small, placating smile.
Lona groaned, “Sir, you don’t understand…” She reached for him next, this time with her left hand.
The lights flickered. Lona and Tiffany both instinctively took a step backward. Two of the lights went out behind Mr. Thomas.
Tiffany tried to stutter out, “Mr. Thomas,” she took another step back, “Come toward us. Slowly.”
Mr. Thomas made a face at her, “I’m sorry Tiffany, but this bothering of staff and guests has gone on long enough. No tricks are going to change that. I’m afraid I’ll have to ban you from the motel.” The light directly behind Mr. Thomas went out, a thick tangible darkness sat behind him.
Tiffany’s heartbeat pounded painfully in her ears, move, she commanded herself to move. Reach for him, beg for him.
Instead, she stood with her back to the wall, still holding Lona Davis’s hand like a five-year-old at an amusement park. Tiffany swallowed, “Okay,” she said slowly, “but first you need to-” “Shh,” Lona hushed her and pressed them both firmly up against the wall. “It’s too late.” The last light in the hallway went out. The buzzing crescendoed into an insect-like metallic cry, a song like a garbage disposal, and two perfect round lights came on from behind Mr. Thomas.
Like headlights.
“What in God’s name,” Mr. Thomas turned around as the white lights fell on him.
The headlights blinked and Tiffany took in one horrible twisting vision: a creature with two hooved feet, a massive furry body that took up the whole hall, two dark wings hanging limply off it’s back. She squinted at the face but all she saw was headlights.
And then the headlights tilted up, an enormous mouth opened wide: blunt white teeth gaped and a grey thick tongue snaked out of its giant mouth. Mr. Thomas didn’t even get in a scream before the black lips clamped down. Teeth snapping down as Mr. Thomas’s head was rested from his shoulders.
Tiffany got in a scream though, “Aaaah!” She let out a piercing shrill cry as the blunt teeth chomped through flesh and bone.
Her stomach lurched like the titanic sinking as a grotesque crunch followed, the sound of bone and skull being crushed by huge molars, thick red liquid splattered across the carpet. Tiffany couldn’t move.
“Come on,” Lona stayed true to her promise, grabbed Tiffany around the waist and hoisted her onto her shoulder. Tiffany squeezed her eyes shut as she heard another crunch and Lona carried her down the hall and through the emergency exit.
She had met the monster.
The next few hours were a smeared blurr, filled by a sickening headache that made her whole body tremble. The first thing Tiffany did was sag forward and vomit up the dinner she hadn’t eaten.
It was clear and tasted like bile. Tiffany puked again at the sight.
“Let it out,” Lona’s voice was no less hard, but she wasn’t hovering over her at least. Her hands were busy holding a small mechanized crossbow trained on the door and twisting something around her wrist.
Tiffany took deep gasping breaths and tried not to puke a third time.
It was real, it was all real.
She had known, but knowing and seeing were two different things.
Tiffany raked at her shirt, as if were too tight, as if there wasn’t enough air in her lungs. “Here.” There was a tap on her shoulder, she turned as Lona handed her a water bottle, “Drink.” Tiffany greedily downed the entire bottle before gasping for breath again.
“Oh my God,” she started to repeat, “Oh my fucking God.” Lona just snorted, “the first one is always the hardest.”
Tiffany’s head was light and there were spots in her vision, she glanced back toward the emergency exit and wiped her palms down on her shorts. “It, it, Mr. Thomas...” She squeezed her eyes shut before taking a rattling breath, it took another minute to open them again.
She wanted to scream again, she wanted to run back in there, she wanted to turn and run the other direction for miles and miles.
“What now?” She finally rasped out instead. Lona raised her eyebrows, “I assume it disappears again after feeding.”
Tiffany’s face fell, “there was a body for Mr. Koviak.” Lona turned toward her slowly, “perhaps it only eats the head.” She took wobbling a step back from the door, “it’s so much more… it’s so much.” Lona patted her shoulder, “Drink more. This will be over soon.” Tiffany drank a second bottle of water, she turned back to Lona, feeling limp and queasy, “What are you going to do?” She leaned in close, clenching her hands down so they wouldn’t tremble, “How can I help?”
She tried to push down the sight of Mr. Thomas’s limp body falling listlessly to the ground in a splatter of red. She tried to push down the crunch and the flickering lights. I can help, I can help, I can help.
She repeated to herself over and over. I can do something.
The other gnawing voice in her head wasn’t as persistent, but just as loud: your fault.
She finished the water before handing it to Lona, “What can I do?” Lona eyed her up and down. “Go home kid,” she sighed, “Actions over for tonight.” Lona turned to leave, Tiffany’s hand jutted out and grabbed onto her sleeve.
“How old are you?” She asked slowly.
Lona made a face, “How old am I?” “And tell me the truth.” Lona snorted, “I’m 21.” Tiffany let her go, “Then I’m not a kid to you.” Tiffany lifted her chin up, “And I can help.”
Lona tilted her head, “Were you not just in there? Did you not just see that man’s head get bit off? This isn’t a game.” Her tone remained even, but there was fire in her eyes.
Tiffany looked down at her shoes, “please,” she didn’t like the waiver to her voice, “It’s my, my f-fa-” “It’s not your fault,” Lona hand waved her. “Unless you’re a monster with hundreds of teeth of course.” Tiffany pinched herself so she wouldn’t cry, she looked up again, “What is it? What is that thing?” Lona scratched her chin and looked away, “Nothing good.” Tiffany sighed, “Please,” she took a step forward, “Let me help. I knew Mr. Thomas, I know everyone at this motel.” Lona arched her eyebrow up, “you know everyone in here?” She pursed her lips, “Do you… do you have any keys?” Tiffany perked up for the first time that night, “I can get some.” “Ugh,” Lona threaded a hand through her choppy hair, “You can’t come on any of the actual hunts. You hear me? None of this again.” Tiffany nodded vigorously, “I need to avenge him, any way I can.” Lona exhaled through her nose, “I better hope you like books then.” Tiffany shrugged weakly, “Where can I sign?” She looked down and gave a mirthless laugh, “I always wanted to hunt monsters.” Lona almost popped a smile, she put a hand on Tiffany’s shoulder, “Don’t. It only gets harder from here.” “I thought you said the first one’s the hardest?” Tiffany examined Lona in the light of the moon, neither of them were moving back inside yet.
“I lied,” she started to walk, “They’re all hard.” Tiffany wasn’t sure she liked teaming up with a stranger, much less one who would boss her around. But the image of Mr. Thomas’s stark white face being engulfed was too much.
Tiffany shuddered, this really wasn’t just a summer project, it never was.
They closed the motel down after that. It made sense, one of the owner’s had just been found headless in the hallways. His sister hadn’t made a comment yet, but it was said she found the body.
Ms. Thomas was a mousy woman in her late fifties, she had iron-grey hair and wore knee-length dresses everywhere and jackets that looked like they were from the 1920s. No one had seen her for days afterward, though Tiffany’s mom made sure to bring her soup every day and leave it at her door.
There were rumors the FBI would be sent in to look for any head-hunting serial killers. But those were just rumors.
There were rumors the Tiffany was there, that the maids were in on it, that the stranger passing through town knew something. Words flew and Tiffany felt a tremor of fear gathering in the small community.
She saw her mom pray at the funeral, get down on her knees and bend her head. There was a slight summer shower coming over the land that day and no one bothered with an umbrella.
They all stood in the light rain and bowed their heads, Tiffany knew her mom had become an atheist a long time ago, but she was muttering verses under her breath as they left. Maybe she thought it was the work of a demon after all, or maybe things like this brought out other sides of people.
Tiffany didn’t say anything at the funeral, just clenched her teeth so tight and wound her mouth shut so firmly that she thought her jaw might shatter like an old wind-up clock. She watched her shoes as she walked, entered, listened, left.
It all felt like something else, happening to some other girl.
She didn’t sleep that night, she hadn’t slept a lot since the night two weeks ago in the motel. I can do something, she repeated it to herself. I came here to do something.
She played with her transistor radio every night and waited.
It was a Wednesday at midday when she finally sought out Lona again, it would be a place to start.
Tina, from her mom’s spin class, knew Sierra, who worked at the local grocers had heard from the cashier that Lona came in every morning for a danish and a coffee. The girl was like clockwork, and better yet, she was still in town.
Tiffany rolled herself out of bed that Wednesday, glanced at the college pamphlets her mom left just outside her door and then brushed her teeth with the force of a steam engine. She didn’t bother with breakfast as she waved at her mom and left for the morning.
They were both out of work at the moment so Tiffany told her she was going to go look for a job- and it was, a job of sorts at least.
Tiffany found the girl in the fresh fruits section examining a shiny red apple, hair was loose and pushed over her right shoulder. She was wearing a navy blue shirt that day and capri jeans that covered most of a bruise on her calf. Tiffany came up behind her and cleared her throat.
“So,” Tiffany made the hunter jump. “When can we catch this horror-terror?” Lona turned and made a face, “Oh.” She paused, “hello again, uh…?” “Tiffany,” she said groughly, “Tiffany Green.” She put her hand out and they take a moment to exchange an awkward handshake.
Lona put one of the apples in her basket, “I’m afraid progress is slow.” She said carefully, backing away, “There’s complications.” Tiffany stepped into Lona’s personal bubble, “Put me to work then.” Lona pushed her hair back and started walking the other direction, “It’s not that simple. I don’t need you yet.” Tiffany followed her down the next aisle.
“Then need me now.” She insisted, “We don’t have all the time in the world, even if the motel is empty right now.” Lona didn’t look back, “We have at least a few more days.” Tiffany frowned deeply, “Take me with you.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Aren’t monster hunters supposed to have backup?” She chased after the other girl’s heels.
Lona arched an eyebrow, “Hunters are supposed to be careful. First and foremost.” Tiffany opened her mouth and then closed it, ‘careful’ was not on her job resume. “Please.” She tried again. “I can’t… the motel can’t stay closed. My mom’s worked there for twelve years. I can help.” Lona wandered her way to a tall silver coffee dispenser and doesn’t say anything as she fills a large canister, Tiffany felt like a lost puppy as she followed her to the cash register.
“Fine,” Lona finally relented as Tiffany trailed her to the parking lot, “You can come back with me.” She said slowly, “there is something we can both do.” Tiffany’s mouth breaks open into a toothy smile she didn’t know she had in her, “You won’t regret it.” Lona just clicked her tongue and made her way to a blue chevy car, “Rule one,” she got in, “listen to what I say.” She just got into the car after her.
Books. Tiffany should have anticipated books.
There was a second hotel in Rowing South Dakota, it was a motel 8 with 24-hour service, an outdoor swimming pool, and actual lawn chairs next to it. They were Anne’s main competition.
Tiffany was led through the cramped parking lot all the way to room 108 where Lona took out a set of keys and jangled the door opened. Tiffany glanced at the room momentarily, the curtains were drawn but the scent of sweet wine and something smoky wafted out of the door.
“Come in, come in,” Lona gestured quickly and Tiffany gladly ducked into the AC-blasted room and out of the heat. She turned in each direction, pictures were on the walls, books were open on every surface, there was a crossbow in the corner.
“Wow,” She breathed and milked in every second of it, Lona covered the crossbow with a blanket and pushed a pile of books aside to let Tiffany sit down on a small chair.
“Who knows, maybe a new set of eyes will actually help.” Lona muttered to herself and pushed her hair back- a habit Tiffany was starting to recognize. Tiffany twitched nervously, concentrating wasn’t her strong suit. But this was a monster, this was The Monster and sometimes that was enough to trick her brain into cooperating.
She tapped a rhythm on her legs as Lona firmly closed the door behind them, “SO,” she spoke up, “Are you finally going to tell me what we’re looking for?” Lona didn’t respond right away, opting to walk silently back across the room and take her seat on the single red-quilted bed.
“I don’t know,” Lona said clearly, evenly.
Tiffany leaned forward, “What?” “I don’t know,” Lona repeated and then turned away, she made a soft frustrated sound, “this isn’t what you think it is. These aren’t your mother’s monsters, these aren’t TV monsters.” “Okay?” She puffed her cheeks and drew a little closer, “I’m all ears then. What does that even mean?” Lona met her eye, “maybe there once was, I dunno, perfect vampires and pure weres.” Tiffany studied Lona’s face, as she was hesitating around something, “but?”
“It’s the twenty-first century, monsters change, grow just as the world did, they didn’t stop adapting just because people stopped believing.” “That, yeah, yeah?” Tiffany rubbed her neck, “Yes?” Lona cracked the book open and placed it on her lap, “it’s a hybrid.” She said simply, “I don’t know what it is, because it probably wasn’t bred into this damn world until recently.” She uncapped a highlighter with her teeth, “Damn bastards.” Tiffany blinked a couple times, “hybrid… like?” “A combo, mix, mutt,” Lona highlighted something in her book.
Tiffany looked down at her lap, “Monsters fuck.” She said to herself quietly.
Lona put her palms up in the air, “That is your great take-away?” She looked up sharply, “You can fuck monsters.” Lona rolled her eyes spectacularly, “most only once.” She shook her head, “And you haven’t met a more annoying creature than a vampire-fae or banshee-werecat, hybrids don’t make this fucking easy.” Tiffany gave a sideways sloppy smile, “You really are a monster hunter.” Lona snorted gently, “I thought we established that, yeah.” Tiffany grinned to herself and looked down, “Give me a book.” She gave her a thumbs up, “Let’s figure out which of these things have been doing the nasty.” Lona leaned back, “I’m trying not to regret this.” Tiffany winked, “Try harder.”
She gave a hoarse laugh and Tiffany cracked the spine of an ancient tome that smelled like dust and molding ink. The first picture was of a demon with seven fingers on each hand and a head of fire.
She kept turning.
They had a bulletin board. A bulletin board and string and seven questions in scrawling large print. It felt like a 70s cop show and Tiffany was the spunky assistant, spunky and full of potential- as long as she kept herself whole and uneaten of course.
She paced in front of the board, the seven questions were written in fat sharpie marker and read:
How does it move around?
Where does it go?
What can it manipulate? Light? Sound?
Why is it eating just heads?
Mothman?- that one was scratched out and given a little frustrated face next to it.
Why the hotel?
Why Rowing?
They were both looking at it with blurry eyes and a slight headache by 11pm. Tiffany had sent a few hasty texts to her mom saying she was at the movies, her mom seemed to willfully give in to that.
Tiffany stretched and yawned one more time, she glanced back at the board, “What if,” she pointed to number five again, “angry mothman.” Lona groaned, “I told you ten times, it’s not mothman. He doesn’t eat people.” “But what if,” she rested her head on her own shoulder, “it was mothman? Or mothman… saw a sexy subaru and decided to have a little fun.” “Oh my god.” “I’m just saying!” She threw her hands in the air, “it has those headlight eyes.” “Yes,” Lona looked ready to toss her book across the room, “And we still have no idea why.” Tiffany yawned again, “Machine-mothman sex.” “Absolutely not,” Lona massaged the bridge of her nose, “I don’t even want to live in that world.” “Too bad,” she grinned, “I just made that world.” Lona flopped down on the bed, “what’s that you say? You want to offer yourself up the monster as a sacrifice? Virgin sacrifice? That’s very noble and bold of you.” Tiffany stuck her tongue out at her, “Hey, I’m coming up with ideas over here.” She fidgeted in place, “an’ m’ not a virgin.” She mumbled. Lona chuckled, “You know I have a lie detector-rune, right?” Tiffany’s eyes went wide, “Really?” She almost stammered. Lona tossed her head back and laughed, “No.” “Ugh,” Tiffany picked up one of the nearby dislodged motel pillows and threw it at her, “bad people get eaten by monsters you know.”
Lona sighed, “everybody gets eaten by monsters. That’s how it is.” Tiffany looked up at the ceiling and listened to the AC blast, “Maybe…” She mumbled, “It’s a weremoth-car hybrid?” Lona gave her a tired look, she shrugged, “turn to ‘were’s’ in that book over there.” Tiffany spun around in her chair, “Really?” “Not the car part, no,” Lona sniffed, “But we have to figure out the timing in between feedings, figure out something, anything.” Tiffany frowned, “Do we know if it’s feeding or not?”
Lona hung her head, “No. We don’t.” She rolled over and pointed at newspaper and book clippings, “We know there were cults in the hotel.” “For one night.” “And a burial ground.” “Ten miles away.” Lona closed her eyes and sighed, “what about a weremoth again?”
She grinned, “On it.” Lona trudged over and looked over her shoulder as she read, poured over the words, the symbols, any of it, all of it. Tiffany glanced at her several times and wondered, not for the first time, where she came from. And where she was going after this.
They kept flipping through books.
Night three approached like a bad hangover: thirst, headaches, and staring at nothing for a few hours straight. Her mom was starting to ask where she kept going, there were only so many movies out and she apparently didn’t buy the new ‘I made a friend’ excuse.
But Tiffany was 19, she was allowed out of the house. And into the motel 8 room 108.
Tiffany was lying on Lona’s bed, back resting against the headboard, and transistor radio back in her lap. Lona was in the corner furiously flipping through yet another book, this one titled: The Supernatural of North America, volume Five.
She was growling, “no glowing eyes, no winged creatures with glowing eyes. No head eating!” She spilled the book onto the floor, “Useless.” Tiffany kept her eyes down and responded in a monotone, “Don’t give up yet.”
Lona angrily got to her feet and started to pace, “So useless. There’s nothing here, we might as well name it ourselves.” Tiffany’s mouth twitched, “The Lona-saurus.” “Yeah, why not.” Tiffany laughed, looking up, “Lona-terror.” She shook her head, “Don’t you want it named after you?” She grinned, “No.” she tilted her head to the side, “Though I do have a question for Lona-Human.”
Lona paused and raised an eyebrow, “Yeah?”
“I’ve been thinking,” Tiffany kept fiddling with the dials and glancing around the room. “How did you get into this business anyway?” Lona glanced over her shoulder, “I told you earlier. That’s confidential. You shouldn’t know about all of this,” she was murmuring now, “How am I going to explain any of this?” Tiffany frowned, “To who?” Lona turned on her heels and kept pacing, “No one.”
Tiffany groaned and kept flipping through her channels. “Jesus lov-” “Shuckin-” “Pi-” “Shh-” “Ki-” “Would you stop that?” Lona crawled onto the bed with her, “I don’t know how much time we have left and it’s distracting.” “Shush,” Tiffany suddenly sat upright in bed as she found the chanel again: 98.3. It was dead quiet. “Here it is.” The quiet stretched on and Lona reached to take the radio from her, “Knock it off.” Tiffany rolled away from her.
As if on queue, the static blared to life.
“Oh shit!” Tiffany shook the radio in midair, “There is it.” Lona raised an eyebrow, “What is it?” Tiffany glanced up, “this is the chanel,” she bit her bottom lip, “The monster channel,” she whispered it and glanced at the door just in case.
Lona scooted closer to her, “Well it sounds like you’re getting bad reception,” she didn’t seem particularly impressed. “Here. It’s probably a blocked chanel.” Lona reached for something in her pocket, holding the object with her right hand and bringing it to her lips. She seemed to whisper to it and then spit on the surface. Tiffany wrinkled her nose at that, but noted closely as the other girl placed a shiny metal rock on top of the radio.
“Turn the dial now,” Lona commanded, Tiffany reluctantly complied.
“I’m telling you, it doesn’t get any clearer than-” She turned the dial and voices immediately began pouring in through the speakers, chanting, singing, wild and strange. Tiffany’s breath caught in her throat.
“Sanguis Bibimus. Corpus Edimus. Sanguis Bibimus. Corpus Edimus. Tolle Corpus Satani! Ave!” Unmistakable gibberish came over the speakers with a grating metal sound in the background, unmistakably dark, unmistakably powerful. The hairs on her arm stood on end, demonic.
Lona stood up immediately, “Of course,” she reached for her duffel bag, “Of fucking course.” Tiffany bounced to her feet, radio still in hand, “What, what is it?” The demonic chanting continued. “Stay here, turn that off,” Lona ordered, “I have to hurry.” Tiffany grabbed her wrist before she could dart away, “What’s going on,” she shoved herself into Lona’s face, “You owe me that much.” Lona struggled with something for a moment before opening and closing her mouth, “Do you remember what the monster looked like?” “Yeah,” Tiffany shuddered, “glowing eyes, wings, huge ass mouth.” “Remember the teeth?”
Tiffany squinted, “I… don’t think I can forget.” “They were blunt,” Lona shouldered her way toward the door, “This isn’t a carnivore, someone else is doing this, that channel… it must be going through the whole town.” Tiffany followed after her, “You’re not stopping me from coming with.” Lona tugged at her hair, “I don’t have time for this.”
“Then don’t fight it.” Tiffany reached out, “I can come with you now or hitch hike there, I’m not staying.” Lona pinched her lips together, glaring and wrestling with something. They stare off for a long minute, finally, Lona stepped aside and Tiffany climbed into the car with her.
“Rule number one,” Lona was speeding down the city central road like she wanted to leave skid marks on it, “Don’t come in.” “No.” “Rule number two,” Lona growled, “Stay away from the monster.” “I mean, I’ll try,” Tiffany could feeling her blood pumping through her ears, I’m not going to freeze up this time. She made herself a promise.
“Rule three,” Lona swerved into the parking lot, her face a placid sheet of determination, “if I say run, then you run.” Tiffany nodded, “I can do that.” Her hands trembled slightly, she balled them up and met Lona’s eyes, “I can do that.” Lona’s face slipped into a small smile as they pulled into the parking lot, “And if you can’t run…” She handed her a small pointed cross, “Fight like hell.”
Tiffany smiled back as she took the pointed cross, “Is this for demons then?” Lona kicked her door open and took out her crossbow, “We’re about to find out.” Tiffany edged out of the car and ran after her.
Tiffany watched Lona’s long hair swing back and forth as they strode toward the hotel, no lights were on, it stood quiet and empty. She nursed a growing nausea in her gut at the sight, nerves burning through her system and forcing her feet to follow Lona anyway.
“Lona,” Tiffany chased her heels, “I’ve got your back.” Lona snorted and looked over her shoulder, “I am going to be in so much trouble for bringing a civilian into this.” She pushed her dark hair back, “Is there anything I can say to get you to turn around?” Tiffany drew herself up, “Not on your life. Now,” she cracked her knuckles, “Lemme get us in.” Tiffany found the back door and carefully jiggled it open, she could feel them both holding their breath. Hybrids, she was still wrapping her mind around it.
This wasn’t the movie monsters, it wasn’t even the white-limbed forest walker she was certain ate her dog all those years ago. This was the real deal.
She doesn’t have time to process what this would mean, she cracked the door open and a buzz sizzled through the air. Their eyes both went wide, Lona darted in first, crossbow out, Tiffany pushed her way in after before Lona can lock her out.
The door shuts softly behind them and the lights flicker softly overhead, Lona crouched down and Tiffany stood in place. The yellow wallpaper and green carpet suddenly seemed like a funeral walk, she looked down the narrow space and looked for something.
Lona grabbed her wrist and forced her up against the wall, “Don’t just stand there.” She hissed and placed Tiffany in the corner. “Careful.”
They crept down the long corridor and the echoes of demonic chanting reverberated through Tiffany’s headspace, remembering the sound of ghoulish voices calling across the radio.
You knew there would be dangers, she reminded herself, you knew it wouldn’t be easy.
The lights flickered and Tiffany looked in all directions, waiting for teeth or shadows or giant wings that swept them all away. She tensed her muscles and crept after Lona, keeping her back to the wall, the lights flickered.
It’s quiet, but Tiffany swore she heard the sound of distant buzzing, metallic and crunching.
“I don’t like this,” Lona murmured, “We needed more… more time. More information.” She heard her take a deep breath.
Tiffany clenched her teeth, they hadn’t figured out what the chanting even meant. “It’s coming,” she said, “We have to stop it.”
Lona nodded back, “Keep your eyes open, we don’t know when or where-” “Aaah!” A shriek shattered the air, gut-wrenching and sharp. They share a look, then they are running. Tiffany flung herself toward the cry, focusing on pumping each leg forward and keeping in motion, they followed it toward the second story.
They crashed into the fire escape door and sprinted up the flight of stairs, it was east wing.
“You took him,” a wobbling voice cried, “You took him, devil, bastard.” It was a desperate, watery wail.
Lona burst the upstairs door open, the hall was dark, dark and breathless and a pair of eyes are blaring like two white perfect headlamps. Tiffany blinked a couple times until she could see more clearly.
Ms. Thomas was holding up a fire-poker and brandishing it back and forth like a sword. Maybe she had come for vengeance too.
For a moment Tiffany’s breath is taken away, the creature loomed at the end of the hall. Eyes like flashlights, a buzzing emanating off of its body. It’s massive mouth was a slit across it’s lower face, she could make out two fuzzy atena hanging down above it this time.
It’s massive furry body filled the space and blunt white teeth were just visible in the dark.
Ms. Eve Thomas held up her poker, “stay back.”
The creature lumbered forward undeterred, but Tiffany was moving before she could question it, question anything. Ms. Thomas stabbed up at it’s open gaping maw. Tiffany lunged first, tackling her to the ground and falling head over heels into the wall as the creature’s mouth came down over nothing.
An arrow whizzed above them and a solid thunk carried through the air, Tiffany looked up to see the end of the projectile lodged into the creature’s right shoulder. The creature stumbled in place and took a moment to touch the black arrow embedded into its flesh, fresh black blood oozing out.
It threw its head back and opened its mouth wide.
A buzzing insectoid noise lept from it’s throat, Tiffany reached to cover her ears but Lona was yelling at them. “Move,” she yelled and let loose another crossbow arrow. This one just barely grazed the creatures left leg and left a trail of blood spilling onto the carpet.
The creature stumbled forward, saddling up alongside them, it’s thick arms reaching out wildly and grasping in the dark, Tiffany could smell it’s musk, hear it’s labored breaths.
Tiffany pushed Ms. Thomas forward, “Run!” She yelled, “run goddammit.” Ms. Thomas scrambled forward, reaching for Lona, but Tiffany paused, there was something on the ground, something behind them. It was a thin strip of white paper, black ink was scrawled vertically along it.
The paper lead down the hall and up the creatures back, up and up, Tiffany followed it with her eyes. She licked her lips, “Lona,” she said slowly, eyes not leaving the paper, “I’m breaking rule number two.” “No you’re fucking not.” Lona called, trying to reload another arrow just as the monster lurched toward her, slow, but deadly with it’s thick grey tongue lashing out.
“Huh,” Tiffany grunted and sprung to her feet, it’s headlamp eyes turned toward her, hitting her directly in the face, neck turning like an owl’s. Tiffany threw herself on it’s massive furry body and climbed.
The grating buzzing noise boomed, Tiffany flinched but managed to dive for the paper tied around the creatures neck. It was arranged like a noose, tied and scrawled with inky dark unreadable letters.
The creatures hands thrashed at her, Tiffany kicked at it’s claws and latched her hands onto the paper. The moment she grabbed the scroll a fiery burn bloomed in her flesh that sparked all the way to her elbow, burning and bleeding into her skin. “Agh,” she screamed and let go, luckily, she slammed into the wall instead of into the creatures enormous mouth and searching tongue. Pain burst from her head and hands, she hit the wall and slid limply to floor.
Her vision blurred and tilted, but voices were yelling, calling, she feably pushed up and fumbled back to her feet, the world was a rush of nonsense sound and light. A hand thrust out and grabbed her shoulder, yanking her out of the way as a row of blunt snapping teeth descended.
Tiffany is pulled to safety for a second time.
“Thanks,” she said weakly as Lona crashed them into the nearest wall and out of the way.
Lona’s eyes didn’t leave the monster, “What the hell was that?” Tiffany glanced down at her burned hands, headlamp eyes were sweeping toward them once more, “You’re right,” Tiffany reached for her pocket, “I don’t think it wants to do this.” Lona pushed them back again, “We need to retreat, regroup-” “Hey Lona,” she thought of Mr. Thomas, his face pale and mouth open as the teeth closed in around him. “If anything happens,” she took a deep breath, “Don’t tell my mom I died doing something stupid after all.” Lona’s hand was firm across her shoulder, “Don’t you da-” She wiggled free by jumping out of her brown bomber jacket, she slid smoothly forward and jammed herself directly into the monster’s path. The headlights blind her for a moment, but she jumped up this time, leaping blindly just as the creature lunged to take her head off. She wound her arms around its neck as it bent down.
A thick grey tongue licked at her leg, but she kicked and grabbed at the paper noose tied firmly around its neck. She cringed at the searing burn in her right hand, but drew the sharpened cross up and sliced at the paper. Tiffany prepared herself to have to saw and tear away, but the paper broke like wet tissue paper against the press of the holy object, it smoked gently and fell away.
A deafening screech followed and her whole world tremored.
Tiffany was falling again, falling and falling, just as a pair of hands collided into her back, stopping her head from cracking against the hard floor. Lona had dove for her as she fell away from the beast.
The creature screeched again, it’s voice insectoid but losing it’s inhumane metallic clang. Lona started to pull, “The door,” she yelled and started tearing away, “We need to get the door.”
Tiffany barely remembered stumbling and sweating her way down the stairs and back to the first story, her hands screaming in pain and head spinning. Lona shepherded them toward the fire exit just as the creature rammed itself into walls and ceiling, knocked out the lights as it flew rapidly in all directions.
The emergency exit peeled open and they threw themselves out. Tiffany gasped for air, Lona pushing her out of the way just as a huge furry body burst out behind them.
The summer air was somehow cooler on her flushed skin and she swayed in place, the fight leaving her battered body, but she couldn’t let her eyes close, she stayed in place, transfixed.
The shadows melted off the enormous humanoid beast, the dark blacks fading into a sharp silver, it’s wings extending, grey and covered in spotted intricate markings. It’s headlamp eyes shun in the night and it’s antena extended.
It was a light grey now, sparkling almost, wings massive and whumping in the night.
“Oh,” Tiffany stepped back, “ Oh fuck.” Lona kept her hands around her, she chuckled, “Huh,” she said simply, “A fairy creature.” Later, Lona would call it a ‘will-o-wisp’ mated with a moth beast, a lost mutt fairy creature.
It’s movements were quick and decisive, slightly lopsided and presumably still wounded, it sped into the horizon. It’s silverback disappeared into the trees, the buzzing and screeching following it and the world fell quiet and still.
“Will it,” Tiffany felt her tingling limbs to make sure they were all still there, “Will it eat any more people? Should we go after it?” Lona’s eyes trailed down to Tiffany’s raw red hands, she shook her head, “Someone was controlling it. With those chants and that leash,” their eyes meet, “it should be safe now.” Tiffany exhaled, “Who would do that?” Lona shrugged, “There are plenty of bad people in this world.” She pushed Tiffany’s blonde hair back from her sweaty face, “don’t worry about it.” Tiffany slumped down, “There you go again. With orders.” She chuckled and sat gasping in the light of the descending moon, “You’ll notice I’m not very good with those.” Lona collapsed down next to her, “well thanks for not dying at least.” Tiffany shot her a slow smile, “Thanks for letting me almost not-not-die.” Lona chuckled, “please don’t thank me civilian. This isn’t what we’re supposed to do.”
“Okay,” Tiffany’s head lulled to the side, falling onto Lona’s shoulder, “you’re welcome then.”
Lona put her head down too, “That was stupidly brave, there.” She sighed, closing her eyes, her voice becomes lower, small even, “Don’t become a monster hunter Tiffany, please.” There was something unsettling soft in her tone.
Tiffany closed her eyes too, “Too late.” They stay there for a very long moment, contemplating their own mortality, burns, and various fly-away feelings seeping into tired bones.
Lona was gone in the morning.
Tiffany torched all of her college pamphlets on the burner, bandaged her hands, wrote a note to her mother, and followed after.
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ahouseoflies · 6 years
The Best Films of 2018, Part I
I’ll associate my moviegoing this year with two things: subscription models and superhero films. Realizing that I was the target audience, I signed up for Moviepass in March, then canceled just before they started extorting people in July. (I’ll remember you all semi-fondly, conniving alarmists in the Moviepass Reddit thread.) Thanks to Moviepass, I took full advantage of my free time over the summer, and I found some nice surprises that I wouldn’t have checked out otherwise. From there I joined AMC A-List, which is the rare corporate service that I cannot complain about in any way. Moviepass always felt like some kind of drug deal, whereas A-List is as easy and inviting an experience as possible. I get to seek out Dolby, IMAX, or 3-D showings instead of getting locked out of them, and the electronic ticketing helps with my last-minute availability. (I’ve mastered the art of lovingly putting my daughter to bed, only to desert her and my wife five minutes later. “You know, there’s an 8:10 showing of The Predator, which means 8:30 after previews...”) My overall viewing was up 11% this year, which I have to attribute to these subscriptions. Perhaps I saw too much though. After a self-righteous five-year ban on superhero movies, I caught up in 2019 like the madman completist that I am. On the plus side, I enjoyed Wonder Woman and Guardians of the Galaxy, and I vaguely feel more connected with the culture-at-large. But I could have been more selective. The diligence required to watch X-Men: Apocalypse late on a Thursday night took away from, say, my Orson Welles project or...reading books. To get some of the business out of the way, I haven’t seen Burning, Shoplifters, Destroyer, Cold War, The Sisters Brothers, Tomb Raider, The Wife, or The House That Jack Built. Not all of us get screeners or care about seeing The Wife.  Mostly for argument purposes, I list everything I saw and divide the movies into the categories of Garbage, Admirable Failures, Endearing Curiosities with Big Flaws, Pretty Good Movies, Good Movies, Great Movies, and Instant Classics. Hey, speaking of superheroes:  GARBAGE
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123. Venom (Ruben Fleischer)- Venom was first announced as an R-rated film until it was neutered into PG-13 at some point in the development road. That was the right choice because this is a movie, in all of its broad, careless storytelling, for children. "So he's going to get married to her but then he looks at her email and then he interviews the guy and he gets fired so then she leaves him and he drinks now?" This is a dummy's version of what a journalist is or what a scientist is, and it never shades into more subtlety than exactly what is on the expected surface. I guess that Tom Hardy gets to jump into a lobster tank if that floats your boat, but the story is stuck on fast-forward for the whole movie, never relenting to develop character or do anything other than communicate information that we don't really need.
Venom is almost--almost--interesting as a new branch in the superhero economy. Why shouldn't Tom Hardy and National Treasure Michelle Williams trade the equity they've built for caring about their work into this trash? I don't begrudge them that for a second. I hope they make more money for the sloppy sequels. 122. The Equalizer 2 (Antoine Fuqua)- The first Equalizer was flat and pointlessly long with pedantic dialogue too, but at least it had the Home Depot sequence. This one makes very basic stuff incoherent and dawdles all the way to the end. Your boy is now an expert hacker too? I guess it's too late for Fuqua to start caring about scripts.
121. Mandy (Panos Cosmatos)- I need somebody to explain to me why, dramatically, this is good without something like, "It's so metal! What a midnight movie! Chainsaw fight lol!" If you want to talk about the visuals that are stylized within an inch of reality, then I'll listen. But there's nothing to hold onto dramatically. I think I've developed an overall irritation with revenge films, but this filthy dirge of a movie felt empty and endless by any standard. 120. Fifty Shades Freed (James Foley)- Its intentions are too guileless to upset me, but Fifty Shades Freed uses up the goodwill I sort of had for the first two by tugging the viewer relentlessly through conflict that always seems temporary. Part of the fun has always been how bizarre basic human interactions seem in this universe. (Has anyone ever returned from a vacation to be surprise-promoted?) But this entry expects way too much from its viewer's loyalty. 119. On Chesil Beach (Dominic Cooke)- There's supposed to be a disconnect to the behavior of the couple in On Chesil Beach, a movie that asks us to harken back to a time when newlyweds were so sexually innocent that they had trouble figuring out how to consummate a marriage. Their fumbling seems foreign to us, which is the point. But what's the excuse for none of the behavior in the movie ringing true to any human experience?
I'm talking about Florence refusing to tell her string quartet that she's engaged because she thinks they'll assume that her marriage will break up the group even though she's sure that it won't. I'm talking about her father, who feels the need to humiliate his son-in-law in tennis because that would prove that he's dominant over the boy in some way that being his employer does not already prove. I'm talking about a plot that literally would not exist if the characters had just engaged in one conversation that it seems like they would have had in the flashbacks, which frame them as a kind of open, reasonably affectionate, easy-going couple. But by all means, McEwan, change that whenever it suits you. 118. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (J.A. Bayona)- I reject the whole premise of this deliberate lowering of stakes that never rises above obligation. To paraphrase a Griffin Newman joke, it makes Jurassic Park 4 look like Jurassic Park 1.
While we're here though: Can I have a movie about the guy who compiled the guest list for the dino auction? I want to see a guy looking at a spreadsheet--or is it an Access file?--and getting to, like, Mark Cuban and weighing the options: "He probably has the $27 million to spare on weaponized recombinant DNA. He would definitely appreciate the wow factor of having his own Indoraptor. But is he more of a neutral evil or a chaotic evil? I guess I'll reserve a seat for him and send the invitation. If he says no, then he says no. Okay, we're still in the C's..."
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117. Tag (Jeff Tomsic)- Tag is going to show up on a lot of "worst movies to ever win an Oscar" lists when Jeremy Renner wins an Oscar for it. 116. A-X-L (Oliver Daly)- This is a melodramatic movie about a weaponized robotic dog and the dirtbike kid who befriends it. Nothing wrong with that; a ten-year-old boy might like it, and there aren't enough movies specifically for that audience. But what's weird is how nonchalant the main character is about the whole thing. He immediately starts training this one-of-a-kind "war dog" android and imprints it with his DNA like this is a regular Tuesday. It's one of many things that is just kind of off in this picture.
This being a cheap genre film, you do get treated to those L.A. locations that have been around the block. I think the nondescript complex that houses Craine Industries is also the one from Sneakers and The Lawnmower Man. You know, Craine Industries, the company that is working on a $70 million prototype for the military but, because this is a cheap genre film, seems to have two employees.
I do think there's an interesting movie to be made about motocross. The movie kind of works when it's just about an underdog father and son fixing bikes, before it gets into all of the robot stuff. ADMIRABLE FAILURES
115. The Little Stranger (Lenny Abrahamson)- Dr. Faraday: "Wanna marry me?" Caroline: "Maybe. Do you actually love me?" Dr. Faraday: "Probably not." Caroline: "Hmm, I think I would marry you only as an excuse to go to London to get away from my dying mother and this crumbling house that probably has a ghost." Dr. Faraday: "Oh. Well, glad we're discussing it now because I want to marry you specifically to give me a reason to stay in this crumbling house that probably has a ghost. I'm drawn to it for some reason." Caroline: "Is it because you grew up poor?" Dr. Faraday: "Yes. All dry, cold British stuff ultimately comes down to that.
114. Damsel (David Zellner and Nathan Zellner)- Had I done my research, I wouldn't have watched this Zellner Brothers follow-up to Kumiko the Treasure Hunter, one of my least favorite films of that year. Like that movie, Damsel is a story of two halves, punctuated by a shocking moment that happens halfway through. Unfortunately nothing interesting happens before, and nothing interesting happens after. 113. Suspiria (Luca Guadignino)- This is a movie about duality that gets extended. English, German, and just a sprinkle of French. Six parts and an epilogue. A dual role (and a bit part). Personalities that clash until one pulls ahead. There are ideas here. But, especially considering I don't like the original Suspiria, I didn't find much to hold onto as a visceral experience. It's a long, foreboding sit. Guadagnino knows how to end his movies, but he still doesn't have much to say for the long middle parts. Shout-out to Amazon; I hope that, in some circuitous way, betting on maximalist Italians helps them to sell paper towels or whatever.
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112. Early Man (Nick Park)- I still love the Aardman aesthetic, but this material was thin. It's too juvenile for adults and too adult for juveniles. 111. Beirut (Brad Anderson)- The screenplay takes an hour to set up what should have taken twenty minutes. Some of that time is dedicated to developing Hamm's burnt-out alcoholic wheeler-dealer, but he's a character we've seen a hundred times before anyway. Some shorthand would have done some good. Once the plot gets going, it's serviceable, but I was bored by that point. Pike and Hamm need to fire their managers. 110. Upgrade (Leigh Whannell)- I'll admit that I owed the film more attention than I gave it since I was nodding off the whole time, but nothing in the gloomy programmer interested me enough to want to go back.
109. Red Sparrow (Francis Lawrence)- Good as a steamy blank check provocation from the director and star--not much else. I'm sure people will take down the easy target of Jen Larry's Russian accent, but they're ignoring just how much she tries in something like this. She is a gargantuan Movie Star who commands the screen, and a lot of that presence comes from the commitment of, say, learning how to ballet dance for what must have been months. She hasn't slept through a performance yet.
I didn't think this endless movie made much sense, especially near its conclusion. Perhaps it's my personal distaste for the way that spy movies introduce major plot points without so much as a music sting to guide you. As soon as anyone says the term "double agent," my brain turns off.
108. Hot Summer Nights (Elijah Bynum)- If you want to direct a music video, just direct a music video. I like all of the actors in this, but the filmmaker has nothing to say. 107. The First Purge (Gerard McMurray)- Even James DeMonaco seems to be admitting that the bloom is off the rose a bit, since he only wrote this entry in the franchise--and his direction is missed in the action scenes. Just enough of the political subtext remains, (The New Founding Fathers get funding from the NRA, and a character uses "pussy-grabbing" as an insult. Thankfully, a Black church getting shot up by men with Iron Cross flags happens off-screen.)
But there are more characters I didn't care about than characters I did care about. Since its prequel setting doesn't reveal much about the world that we didn't already know, the film needed to do a bit more with the survive-the-night scenario that we already saw in the second film.
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106. Vox Lux (Brady Corbet)- A movie that, up to and including the last minute, keeps promising something better than it actually is. Everyone here is making...choices… 105. Madeline’s Madeline (Josephine Decker)- I'm glad David Ehrlich liked this as much as he did. There are some intriguing ideas, most notably the suggestion that a mentally unstable person would be better suited for acting than a healthy person. What a debut for Helena Howard as well. But for it to add up to something by the end, I think I needed it to have more dramatic structure--the sort of fall of the Molly Parker character feels invented and insincere--or go all the way into experiment. 104. Shirkers (Sandi Tan)- One of those "you won't believe what happens next" documentaries that positions itself as an example of truth being stranger than fiction. But removed from a festival context, does it ever rise above its logline? Is it really even that odd?
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practicingmedicine · 3 years
Practicing Medicine: Chapter Three
Battery Level: 97%
Wireless Signal: (?)
Operating Temperature: 82F
BP: 120/90
SPO2: 100%
Temp: 98.5F
RR: 15
HR: 70
Day: 23 SEP. 2279
Time: 15:00
Current Temperature: 69F
Atmospheric Pressure: 753 mm
Background Radiation: 0.231 RAD
“Oh, that’s terrible! I mean, I had known that Penny was sick, but I didn’t know that she had cancer !” said Mrs. McBain. She gave my hand a tight squeeze, and then released it. “If there’s anything we can do…”
“There’s one thing,” I said. Both Mrs. McBain and her recovering husband looked up at me. “Look after my momma. Make her nice meals, give her hugs, and send a letter to the followers if anything happens. I hope I won’t be gone for long, but if I don’t come back…” I thought for a moment. “Look for help. If you can’t find any, at least make her comfortable.”
Mr. and Mrs. McBain shared a look that suggested they were worried about me. “Of course, I’m sure that ain’t gonna happen. I just like to plan for the worst!” Mr. McBain smiled at me from his bed.
“I appreciate that kind of thinking, son. Things can go to hell in a handbasket pretty quick,” said the Sheriff. His wife glared at him.
“He’s not going to die, Kurt! Don’t you suggest that kind of thing!”
“I wasn’t suggesting nothin! Just saying that it’s good to have a plan- it’s a staple of being a good doctor, or so I hear,” said Mr. McBain, looking at me again. I forced a laugh.
“Yeah, I guess it is! Now, you two, can you do that? Can you look after my mom for a few weeks?” Immediately, Mrs. McBain nodded. Mr. McBain gave a thumbs up.
“Of course, Isaac! It’s the least we can do, really,” said Mrs. McBain. I smiled.
“Thank you,” I replied, and headed for the door. Mom might come looking for me soon, and this’d be one of the first places she’d check.
“Wait, Isaac- do you want to call your mom before you leave?” suggested Mrs. McBain, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head.
“No. Well, yes, but I’m afraid that she’ll change my mind.” I hung my head. I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity, but I needed to do this. I suspected that I was going to have to make a lot of these kinds of choices in the near future. “Thank you though. I’ll try to repay you somehow when I get back.”
“Isaac, dear, you already have.”
I smiled at that. “If you say so.” A cloud of dust blew in around my legs as I opened the door. “See you folks soon- tell Mom I said goodbye, and that I love her!”
And just like that, I left behind everything I knew, and strode into unknown territory.
Well, not really, “ Unknown territor y,” not yet. The next place I went was the town square, which was quiet and empty today. I was thankful for that. I strode past mom’s Casino, which was my next destination, and crouched down next to a little patch of brown grass and concrete between the sidewalk and Bison Steve’s. That was where Father had been shot. After that, he backpedaled for a while, and then ran into the side of the Casino, where he fell down and bled out.
I walked over to the wall. Me and mom had painted it together, before he died and after. I usually left him something; The first time it had been the snow globe he was going to give me, then it had been cactus flowers, and it kept changing after that. Whenever it stormed, the items got swept away, which I was okay with. He wasn’t even buried there, and it wasn’t like he was in any state to need the stuff. I would just start over, leaving something new every time.
But not this time. Not only was that in the past that I was trying to leave behind, but it was also kind of stupid, as I was starting to realize. Instead, I just crouched down next to the spot, put down my bag, and tried to make myself look presentable.
“Howdy, Father- I’m going on a little adventure, out in the wastes. I’d be real grateful if you could watch over Momma til I get back.” I didn’t know much about communing with spirits- still don’t, but it felt like a nice thing to do. After all, I was going to be gone for a while.
And after that, I stood up, wiped away the tears that had been gathering in my eyes, and walked into mom’s bustling Casino. The mysterious new city of New Vegas had taken a toll on business, but Primm still had the most convenient Casino on this side of the Mojave.
“Good evening, Mr. Saller! How you doing- I heard you saved the Sheriff’s life today!” said Johnson Nash, an old, wrinkly-skinned man and the overseer of the Mojave Express mail delivery here in Primm. I smiled as I approached him.
“Howdy Mr. Nash. My mom is dying of cancer. Are there any caravans passing through here?”
Mr. Nash looked surprised. His gaze shifted to the window. “Well, I… Really, Penny? I’m so sorry, boy, she’s always seemed so strong to me! I never would have guessed that she…” he turned his head to look at me again. “Sorry. I’m reminiscing. You just missed an NCR caravan heading up to Nipton. If the schedule keeps going like it has been, another caravan should show up next month…”
“Crud,” I muttered. I thought about saying something less polite, but Mr. Nash didn’t like me swearing.
“Sorry,” said Mr. Nash. Then, his expression changed. He glanced over his shoulder.
“Oh, I almost forgot! There’s an unsponsored one preparing to leave right now, bound straight for New Vegas. It’s a little caravan, three people, a couple of brahmin and a wagon. They’ve run the route a few times, but they don’t usually pass through here. The leader- Gram, I think it was, says he’s with the NCR. He’s got a ranger with him, so normally, I’d be inclined to believe him. But, the NCR never told me about them like they do with the rest of their caravans, and only the ranger wears a uniform.”
I started to walk away. “Thanks, Mr. Nash--where can I find them?”
“They’re out back behind the Casino, sort of over by the hitching posts, but I wouldn’t mess with them. They seem kind of shady to me,” he said. I turned my head to grin at him.
“Oh, I’ll be fine, Mr. Nash. I’m sure they’ll jump at the opportunity to get a doctor on board!”
“Hands behind your head! That’s right, don’t move an inch!”
I shouted out in pain and surprise as the great-big person with the ranger uniform pushed their boot even harder against the small of my back, no doubt leaving a bruise. Without even registering it, I had moved both of my hands behind my head.
“Good. Hoplite, search him!”
A stout, bespectacled ghoul wearing a plaid three-piece suit with a tan cowboy-hat sauntered into my field of view. I hadn’t met many ghouls before, but I could tell by his demeanor that he was no spring chicken. Maybe pre war, maybe not, but definitely vintage. Maybe even antique. He stared at me for a while, then took off his hat, and tilted his head in my direction.
“He’s got nothin, Tandi. If he had a gat, he would have tried to reach for it when you spotted him,” said the ghoul. My ribcage felt like it was going to crack open as the ranger put even more weight onto their one foot.
“That’s not what I’m worried about. I bet he’s a legion slave, check his collar, look for brands on his skin!”  
“I ain’t a slave,” I said, and instantly regretted speaking. The ranger laughed, a strange, hollow sound once it got passed through the helmet.
“Well, the kid ain’t a slave! What a goddamn relief!” The cheery Texan twang didn’t mesh with the deep, slavic voice. Every word that the ranger spoke sent chills down my spine.
“Look!” I shouted. I reached for my coat collar, and the ranger raised their foot and jammed their heel into my back again, harder than before. I screamed out something incomprehensible.
“Try it again, slave-boy-“ I could hear the ranger pull the bolt back on their submachine-gun, and I’m pretty sure I pissed my pants a little. “…And I put a round in your kidney! Maybe death don’t scare you, but pain like that’ll make a tough man cry. Ain’t that right Hoplite?”
The ghoul let out a tired sigh. “I’m not about to play good-cop bad-cop with you, Tandi. Let the poor kid go.” The Ranger kept their foot on my back for a few more seconds, pressing just hard enough to give me a sharp pain in my ribcage. Finally, they released me, leaving me aching in the sand.
As soon as I had recovered enough to breath, I flipped myself onto my back and started coughing. My whole goddamn chest was aching, which was an unfamiliar and unpleasant feeling. Of course, that wasn’t what I was thinking about. I was instead thinking about how I almost got shot, how I almost died less than an hour into my journey, how I almost failed my momma…
I started crying. I knew immediately that it was a bad idea, so I kept it silent, but I couldn’t help but let a few tears leak down my face. No one seemed to notice it, probably because they were still talking amongst themselves.
“…we do with him? Like, I’d feel kind of bad leaving him here…”
“Whoa, big friggin’ idea right here: why don’t we ask him what he was doing? He don’t look like a bad guy to me…”
“Leave him here. He’s a runt and a coward, and the only thing I-“
“Buzz off, Tandi! No one invited you to this conversation!”
“Yeah, shut up, the adults are talking!”
“What? I am thirty years your senior, Savvy! ”
“… Ladies, please. If we don’t make a decision soon, I think the suspense might kill him.”
“Still time for me to kill him.”
“Hush! I think he’s listening to us!”
All eyes turned to me. After a few seconds of feeling like a bug in a magnifying glass, I threw my arms into the air and craned my neck in what I can only describe as a full-body shrug. The ghoul laughed as my arms and legs thumped against the sand.
“Did that hurt? That looked like it hurt,” said the person who I hadn’t seen yet. I could hear her walking closer to me. I didn’t look up.
“Little bit,” I admitted. She was standing behind my head now, and, not wanting to lift my neck, I strained my eyes to look up at her. I couldn’t see her so well against the glare of the sun, but I could make out the general look; she was a young, heavy-ish woman with a bob of black hair and what I recognized to be some-kind-of-Asian features, wearing a faded floral sundress and a floppy hat. I smiled up at her, and she smiled back.
“Howdy there!” I said, and then regretted speaking so loud. My chest still ached.
“Hi! I’m sorry about our ranger. She’s kind of aggressive,” said the girl. I snorted. “Anyways, what’s your name? And, uh, would you like to stand?”
“Isaac, and no, not really,” I replied. Still smiling, she withdrew her hand.
“That’s okay. What were you doing back here? Was this just bad luck, or were you trying to find us?” I nodded absently.
“Both, I think.” I saw the ghoul cast a sidelong glance at the ranger.
“A wise guy? Oh, this’ll be fun. Maybe we should kill him after all,” said the ghoul, and I laughed a laugh that was really just a thinly veiled prayer to God that he was joking. The girl gave him a look.
“Gram, hush. Why were you looking for us? And don’t beat around the bush anymore, I hate it when people do that.”
Normally I would agree with her on that, but I felt like I had a little bit of a right to be insufferable. Given the circumstances.
Don’t push your luck, I thought to myself, you want to join up with these folks. You can still spin this to your advantage! Except, I didn’t really know how I was gonna do that. None of them were taking any sort of pity on me, so I doubted I could play the poor, innocent boy card, and I wouldn’t press the dying momma thing. Past that… well, I wasn’t really sure what to say.
First though, I decided to stand up. I couldn’t have looked very impressive, lying in the dirt like I was. Trying to appear as though I weren’t in incredible pain, I stood and dusted myself off. I turned to face the girl in the dress, who was looking awful unimpressed with me.
“Well, since you asked me so nice, I’ll keep it simple- I need to get to New Vegas as soon as possible. Someone at the casino told me about y’all, so I came to see if you might take me on.” I turned my head to look at the ghoul. “You’re Gram, right? Nash told me about you. Said you were kinda shady, but I trusted that I’d be alright.”
The Ghoul nodded. “Yeah, that’s me. Sorry, but we ain’t taking any new members. We run a taut ship here, and to be honest, I don’t think we need anyone else gumming up the works.” I started to talk, but the ghoul raised a hand to silence me. “And, forget about paying to come along, because this job here is paying enough for my retirement! Don’t think I didn’t see that look in your eyes, kid.”
There went that avenue. I tried not to look defeated.
“That’s alright! I don’t got much money anyways,” I said, which was technically true- I wasn’t very liquid right now. “I was thinking about offering my services. I’m a doctor, see!”
“Nah, see, I already told you, we don’t- wait!” I could see the look on his face change as he registered what I said. “Wait, a doctor? Ah, I should’ve guessed by the coat! You roll with the Followers?”
“No. I’m looking to see them, actually. My aunt Julie leads this here chapter, and my father was a big shot there. Taught me a thing or two, before he died.” I said. I showed him the badge on my coat, which was a little metal circle with a stenciled-on cross with forked ends and a circle at the point where the two lines crossed. He examined it for a moment, then nodded.
“Badge seems genuine, so I don’t think you’re lying about your pops. But, how do I know you’re any good as a doctor? We can’t exactly have you perform a demonstration.”
I had a solution to this one!
“That’s easy! I saved a man’s life this morning, and I can prove it! Name’s Kurt McBain- he’s the Sheriff of this town. Ask anyone in that Casino, and they’ll tell you that I’m not lying. Mrs. McBain shared the news with everyone , so there’s no shortage of people who know,” I said, grumbling the last part like I was disappointed. I was secretly thrilled that she’d told so many people, but I was pretending to be disappointed because it seemed more in-character.
“Cook, why don’t you go check up on that story? Tandi, go check the perimeter, make sure this isn’t some sort of distraction. I think I’d like to talk to the kid alone.”
The other two members of the group departed wordlessly, leaving me alone behind the Casino with Gram, the weird ghoul who spoke like a gangster from one of the pre-war crime novels that my father would read me sometimes. He scared me less than the ranger, but more than the other person- Cook, he had called her. I couldn’t really put a finger on why.
“So, Isaac, let’s assume you’re telling me the truth, for a moment. Just how good of a doctor are you?” asked Gram, walking past me to lean against the peeling Casino wall. I thought for a moment. That was a hard question.
“Well I’m more of a medic, really- general physician in a pinch, but I studied for trauma. Given enough supplies, I can patch up most folks who haven’t got irreversible organ damage,” I replied, thinking back to how I’d repaired the Sheriff’s leaky artery with a stimpack. I might’ve been able to fix it without one, too, if I knew going in what exactly I’d be doing, but I wasn’t sure if I trusted my emergency sutures to hold on their own just yet...
We talked for some time about what I’d done, and what I could do if I absolutely had to. I explained to him that if I set up a pip-boy profile for everyone in advance, I’d be able to get all sorts of information that I’d otherwise have to find out the old-fashioned way. All the while, Gram was scratching the back of his neck, looking over at the back door to the Casino like a deathclaw might come bursting out at any moment. He always kept one hand in his coat.
“Well, Cook’ll be getting back pretty soon, and I’ll call Tandi over the radio once Cook gets back. Assuming you ain’t lying or holding anything back, then you’re on. I’ll give you ten minutes to pack up, and then we’re leaving.”
Despite everything, I smiled- I just couldn’t help it! The sun hadn’t even set, and I was already starting my journey to save my mom. No one could tell me it was just an idea now, because I was taking actions- taking risks, I realized, and it was already paying off. I was elated!
Suddenly, the back door to the Casino opened up. Cook stepped out, her expression unreadable.
“Hey, Gram? So, I asked around, and I’m pretty sure that he’s for real. There were some people who hadn’t heard about the incident, but most of the people who I talked to confirmed that the story was true,” she said. Gram raised one of his bushy eyebrows.
“Hm. How many is, “most?” How was your sample size?”
“Eight out of the Ten people who I asked answered in the affirmative. No one actually denied the story, they just denied knowledge of it. The details didn’t deviate much between accounts, either.”
Gram turned his whole upper body to look at me. He whistled. “Damn, Isaac! Either you’re the fifth best conman I’ve ever met, or you ain’t kidding about the whole doctor thing. I’m gonna go with the latter, because I’ve usually got a pretty good eye for cons.”
“Are you sure, Gram? Not knowing about it is what makes a good con. What if you’ve been getting tricked all the time, and you’re so bad at spotting cons that  you didn’t see most of them- even in retrospect!” suggested Cook. Gram scoffed.
“Please- when you’re alive for as long as me, you learn a thing or two about people and their tricks.” He sounded cross, but I could tell that he was smiling. Cook made a dramatic gesture.
“That’s what they want you to think! It’s how they’ve tricked you for so long!”
“Who’s tricked who?” asked the ranger, emerging around the corner with their barking-iron drawn. Every muscle in my body tensed as I tried not to jump out of my skin.
“Cook was telling me about all the cons I’ve apparently missed. I got a pretty good eye for cons, right, Tandi?”
“How do you know you can trust my answer?”
Cook grinned from ear to ear, and I found myself smiling too- her grin was infectious. “I told you! You’ve been blind this whole time, Gram! I guess living so long has given you some sort of complex…”
Could I wedge my way into this conversation? Did I even want to? The group seemed to run on an awful lot of unspoken rules and agreements, and I definitely didn’t get the impression that I had been invited to this particular conversation just yet.
“Et Tu, Isaac? Has this all been some sort of set up?” Gram asked, throwing his arms out and contriving to look betrayed. I took my invitation and tried real hard to look menacing.
“I’m sorry brother, but you shouldn’t have crossed the mob. You saw what happened to Sunny, didn’t you?” I said, making a little finger gun and calling desperately on my vague knowledge of “The Godfather.” Gram raised an eyebrow.
“First off, that’s not what Pacino sounds like and Michael didn’t kill Sonny. Second, you’ve seen The Godfather?” He sounded more intrigued than surprised. I shook my head.
“Read it, actually. My father read me a lot of books when I was younger. Are you from New York?” I stopped. That was a weird place to end the sentence, since they couldn’t understand the train of thought that led there. “Sorry. It’s just, we were talking about The Godfather, and you sound a lot like the voice my father would put on when he was playing New York mobsters.” Gram looked at me strangely, or at least I imagined he did, then nodded.
“Yeah, yeah I lived in Brooklyn before the war. I’ve been a lot of places since then…” He seemed to think for a moment. “Have you seen what New York looks like nowadays? It’s worse than the Capital Waste. If I hadn’t gotten outta there, I’m sure I would’ve gotten killed by now.”
“Well, I haven’t been, but-“ I started, getting ready to recount one of my many stories about father’s adventures with the Followers. Before I could finish, the ranger stepped between us.
“Beggin’ your pardon, Hoplite, but the sun’s setting, and I don’t want to spend another night in this shithole. Are we taking him or not?”
Gram shrugged. “Depends. Are you sure you wanna come…”
“Isaac,” I said. Gram nodded.
“Right. Now, Isaac, before you agree to anything, I feel like I’m obligated to warn you about the dangers of this run. There are raiders out there, there are legion assassins, mutants, and because of these things there will probably be death. We haven’t had a casualty in years, but you’re still probably going to watch someone die.” That last one hit me like a punch in the gut, but I think I managed to keep my reaction under wraps. I just nodded. “You ever seen someone die, Isaac? Are you gonna shut down on us as soon as someone gets shot?”
“Yes, I have,” I replied, and left it that. Gram looked satisfied.
“Good. Let’s get going. Isaac- as of this moment, you’re hired. I’ll give you ten minutes to pack. Be quick,” he said, shooing me away. I shook my head.
“Actually, I’m already packed.” In retrospect, I probably should have taken a few choice magazines with me, but those weren’t particularly vital. I had my jump bag with me, and I had the clothes on my back.
It was kind of sad, actually, to think that I didn’t own a single item worth taking with me that I wasn’t already carrying. Maybe I just wasn’t thinking hard enough.
“Well, in that case, we’ve got no time to waste- let’s hit the road!”
Under normal circumstances, I’d have felt awful sad, leaving home like this, not knowing if I was ever gonna return. But today, I was satisfied. I’d made a decision, and I was finding a way to carry it out!
“Cya soon, momma,” I mumbled, and loaded my bag onto the back of the wagon. I was leaving all-standing, and the journey ahead of me would surely be long, dangerous, and full of unpleasant surprises. I might even die a horrible death, end up face down in a pool of radioactive waste...
I’d never been more thrilled in my entire life!
0 notes
tech-battery · 4 years
NVIDIA RTX 3060 Ti review: The new king of $399 GPUs
So far, we've been nothing but impressed with NVIDIA's RTX 3000 video cards: The RTX 3080 offers a tremendous amount of performance for anyone willing to shell out $699 for a video card, while the 3070 is more practical at $499 but still offers plenty of power. But as usual, NVIDIA isn't stopping there. Earlier this month, it unveiled the $399 RTX 3060 Ti, the cheapest entry in its new lineup. Given just how successful NVIDIA's new Ampere architecture has been, I expected the 3060 Ti to be a solid improvement over its predecessor, the RTX 2060 Super. After a few weeks of testing, I'm somehow even more impressed.
Despite costing just $399, the RTX 3060 Ti is even faster than the RTX 2080 Super, which launched at $700 last year. For most gamers, it'll be more than enough to play modern titles in 1080p and 1440p, and it should keep them satisfied for years to come. At least, until they start demanding higher resolutions and more frames for high-refresh-rate monitors.
The RTX 3060 Ti delivers plenty of power for $399, especially if you’re planning to game in 1080p or 1440p. It’s even faster than the 2080 Super, a card that used to sell for $699. Like most of NVIDIA’s GPUs, though, ray tracing can slow things down a bit, but it’s at least more capable than the 2060 Super.
You can think of the RTX 3060 Ti as a stripped-down 3070: They both run NVIDIA's GA104 GPU and have 8GB of GDDR6 RAM, but the cheaper card has less power overall. It features 4,864 CUDA cores and a boost clock speed of 1.67GHz, whereas the 3070 offers 5,888 CUDA cores and tops out at 1.73GHz. Still, the 3060's CUDA figure more than doubles the RTX 2060's 2,176 cores, and its new architecture also includes updated RT cores for ray tracing and tensor cores for AI processing. As with NVIDIA's other GPUs this year, the 3060 Ti features fewer tensor cores than the card it replaces, but it makes up for that by handling AI tasks more efficiently.
The company is also counting teraflops very differently with its 3000-series GPUs, which makes it tough to directly compare their figures to its older cards. NVIDIA rates the 3060 Ti at 16.2 TFLOPs of shader performance, whereas the 2060 Super offered 7.2 TFLOPs. There's no doubt that the new GPU is faster, but don't expect it to literally be over twice as fast, since there's a lot more behind that performance than raw TFLOPS numbers.
Despite all the differences under the hood, you'd be hard-pressed to tell the RTX 3060 Ti and 3070 Founder's Edition cards apart. They both feature NVIDIA's revamped PCB arrangement, which places the bulk of the card towards the front ports. Two large fans keep things cool, with the rear fan blowing air right through the card toward the top of your case. It's a unique approach -- one that's worked out well so far for NVIDIA. The 3060 Ti typically idled around 41 celsius and reached 74C under heavy loads, with a maximum fan noise that's far quieter than the RTX 2060 Super. As for ports, the 3060 Ti features three DisplayPort 1.4a connections and a single HDMI 2.1 socket, which supports 4K beyond 60Hz and 8K displays.
After spending much of this fall testing out powerful new GPUs (be sure to check out our reviews of AMD's Radeon 6800 and 6800 XT), I knew what to expect with the 3060 Ti. It's just going to be a cheaper take on the 3070, right? But what truly surprised me was how much performance NVIDIA could deliver for $399. As I mentioned before, the 3060 Ti easily bested the RTX 2080 Super in all of our benchmarks, which proves just how much of an upgrade it is over the 2060 Super. But I was also pleased to see that it wasn't much slower than the 3070 either.
In 3DMark Time Spy Extreme, the 3060 Ti came in just 600 points lower than the 3070, whereas the gap between the 3070 and 3080 was about 1,300 points. When it came to 1440p gaming, the cheaper cards were more closely matched. The Shadow of the Tomb Raider benchmark reached 88fps on the 3060 Ti with maxed graphics settings and ultra RTX shadows. On the 3070, meanwhile, I saw 107fps. That's a big difference in raw frames, but it's not something you'd readily notice while you're playing the game, even with a 120Hz or 144Hz monitor. Similarly, the 3060 Ti hit 85 to 110fps in Destiny 2 with the highest graphics settings in 1440p, whereas the 3070 typically clocked 100 to 120 fps.
I was able to get Cyberpunk 2077 running on the 3060 Ti around 65fps in 1440p with mid-range ray tracing settings and DLSS enabled. Turning off DLSS, which renders games at low resolutions and uses AI supersampling to approximate the look of high resolutions, brought the game to a sluggish 40fps. Pushing the 3060 Ti a bit harder, I hit 55fps on my ultrawide monitor's native 3,440 by 1,440 resolution with DLSS. To achieve that, though, I had to switch DLSS to its highest performance setting, which at times made the game look like it was being rendered below 1080p. As you can imagine, that wasn't playable for too long, even if things were running smoothly otherwise.
The 3060 Ti's limits are more apparent when you start stressing it with 4K gaming. Destiny 2 hovered between 45 and 60fps with the highest graphics settings, while the 3070 was more stable between 70 and 80fps. Throw in ray tracing at 4K, and the 3060 Ti starts to fall apart even more. Shadow of the Tomb Raider crawled at 32fps with ultra ray tracing shadows. I suppose that's not too bad, though, as the 3070 could only muster 37fps with those same settings. (For what it's worth, the 3080 also struggled a bit to reach between 55 and 65fps.)
Clearly, the 3060 Ti isn't the card you'd want to pump out native 4K games to your TV. But at $399, that seems like a decent tradeoff for anyone who's primarily playing on a 1080p or 1440p monitor. And of course, it's also only $399 in an ideal world. Right now, the 3060 Ti is out of stock at every major retailer. And even when they're available, many cards from NVIDIA's partners will go for $450 and more. It's always been tough to get your hands on the latest GPUs, but that problem seems even worse this year, as the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed production considerably.
If the idea of 4K gaming intrigues you, it may make more sense to save up for an RTX 3070 (again, whenever those are back in stock). And if you're married to the idea of true 4K gaming with maxed out ray tracing settings, the RTX 3080 is well worth its $699 starting price.
If anything, the RTX 3060 Ti proves that NVIDIA’s new Ampere architecture can scale down very well. The fact that it’s faster than the company’s last $700 card makes it clear just how much of a deal it is. And while I won’t say it’s enough of a leap to upgrade from an RTX 2060 Super, it’s something everyone who’s held onto their aging GTX 1060s should consider.
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fyxollie9045 · 4 years
Outstanding GSA SER manual
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial
Table of ContentsGSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Manuels and Guidance COMPLETE GSA SER Tutorial by Asia Virtual Solutions GSA Search Engine Ranker Review - Best link Building Tool Help GSA search engine ranker manual by Asia Virtual Solutions Rank YouTube Videos Using GSA Search Engine Ranker Easy
Set the HTML timeout to 120 seconds to make sure GSA SER manages to sign up accounts on more complex websites. Usage proxies for search engines always. Use proxies for submission too. Tick the choice to stop jobs on no active proxies and then to reboot jobs on active proxies.
They will be reanimated not long after. Replicate GSA Captcha Breaker as some other captcha fixing service, for example AntiGate, and connect it to GSA SER that method. Usage ReverseProxies OCR as a second captcha resolving service. Include it through GSA Captcha breaker's menu. GSA Search Engine Ranker video Tutorials. This will resolve difficult captchas such as ReCaptcha.
Uncheck the choice so you can stop getting all the captcha windows to popup. Uncheck the option. A third celebration indexation service works, but not obligatory. We do not use any. We just enable the lower tiers to act as indexers for the upper tiers' backlinks. Uncheck the choice.
Save only the site notes to increase the performance of GSA SER and besides, these are the lists you really need in order to run this software more efficiently. Check the option if you will be using a lot of PR filters on your projects. Backup your site lists routinely, just in case.
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Usage and on a daily basis. Usage whenever you start seeing way a lot of and messages in the GSA Search Engine Ranker log. Tick the checkbox to make sure that SER is not trying to submit backlinks when your maker has no access to the Web. Usage SERengines to create some truly nice Web 2.
Utilize GSA Online search engine Ranker's Scheduler to run only a certain amount of tasks at a time. Useful if you do not have the capacity to run many projects on your SER circumstances i. e. not enough proxies, inadequate RAM, weak CPU, and so on. Constantly take a look at the variation history after an upgrade to see what's changed and what's new on the planet of this GSA SEO tool.
It's well worth it. Group your projects into task groups for a a lot easier navigation through GSA SER. Create an excellent and smart calling convention for both your jobs and your task groups. Set the concern of all of your projects to start at the most affordable so that you can easily give more attention to lagging jobs later on.
Erase Target URL History so that the job can start getting target URLs from the top of the site lists. Gsa Search Engine Ranker Reviews. Be mindful not to delete your account data. We will look at Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3+ optimum configurations for your GSA SER projects. Post, Directory, Social Bookmark, Social Media Network, SEREngines posts and profiles, and Wikis.
Indexing and Linking with GSA Search Engine Ranker
1% precise match, 4% partial match and LSI, 50% branding, 25% generic, 20% naked URLs. If you will be running the Tier 1 towards a parasite website i. e. YouTube, you can just move the 50% from branding to the partial match and LSI anchors. backlinks at random locations, 0 2 authority URLs, 0 2 images or 0 1 videos.
Tumblr media
How To Build Backlinks With GSA Search Engine Ranker
Short article, Forum, Image Remark, Microblog, Social Bookmark, Social Network, Wikis, SEREngines posts and profiles (optional). 5% exact match, 25% LSI, 40% generic, 30% naked URLs. backlinks at random places with 33% utilizing the alternative, 0 1 authority URLs, 1 3 images or 1 2 videos (GSA SER reviews). No limit on the PR, let the link structure beast throw some link juice to the Tier 1 backlinks.
Get Kick-ass GSA Search Engine Ranker Help at - Asia Virtual Solutions
30% precise match, 70% LSI. Produce the content for your GSA SER projects using Kontent Device and its pre-defined Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3+ templates. Integrating it with WordAI's effective spinning properties and occasionally blending it up with Spin Rewriter, gives you the content you will need.
If you got the time, you can likewise add a manual touch to make it even better. Check the option and likewise include a couple of exceptions in the location, for example,, etc. Depending upon the age of the website, configure the quantity of backlinks enabled to be created each day.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial
e. the upper Tier they point at. No point in connecting to Social Bookmarks and other nofollow platforms. Yes, they benefit indexation and social evidence, but not a lot for link juice (at this point in the space-time continuum). Check the checkbox from the tab to ensure there is randomness in the backlinks developed towards your client URLs.
Use for the option. setting need to be examined The setting must be set to. We do not utilize online search engine to scrape target URLs, so uncheck all search engines by default, 8 are chosen. Only usage site lists as sources of target URLs of your task. This will increase your VpM and the overall performance of GSA SER.
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GSA Search Engine Ranker Ultimate Tutorial Guide
We never ever utilize set up posts, just distinct domains. Just when it comes to developing Tier 1 tasks with SEREngines posts and profiles specifically. Only then do we permit arranged publishing. Check all types of backlinks to produce. Inspect the option and set it to at least 900 seconds. Use Yahoo emails.
Tumblr media
Constantly evaluate your task before you begin it to ensure all is good. Do not choose the Web 2. GSA Search Engine Ranker training. 0 engine type ever, since it is not supported any longer. Usage SEREngines instead (gsa Search engine Ranker tutorials). This was the answer I received from the SEREngines support when I inquired why I had so numerous error messages in my log for my Web 2.
How to Use GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial
You can examine the example link pyramids we have developed, that are enhanced for GSA SER by going to our Services page. Another really crucial thing you must do is go to the folder inside your GSA Search Engine Ranker setup folder, and modify the following. dat files (these are default texts which GSA SER will utilize if you do not explicitly specify your own material for your tasks): about_yourself.
dat comments. dat comments_forum. data comments_guestbook. dat comments_guestbook_german. dat comments_image. dat Generate your own highly spun content and change the one already existing inside of these files. Beware since in some of them, there are macros used, so first, have a look at this and ended up being aware of the approach GSA SER uses by default, and only then exchange them with your own material.
Modification these on a weekly or monthly basis to leave no footprints on online search engine. Gsa Ser training. This is incredibly essential otherwise you risk leaving material the very same as thousands of other unaware GSA SER users, which will one day return and bite you on the ass. Not the other SER users, however the effects.
Firstly, I desire you to know that if you actually don't have the time to build your own lists and filter them properly, you will need to benefit from the services of some GSA SER site lists provider check out this case research study of the top 4 GSA SER website lists suppliers which will help you make a notified choice or have a look at our website lists - Gsa Search Engine Ranker Video Tutorials.
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gailstansfield · 4 years
How To Get High Quality Backlinks GSA Search Engine Ranker
GSA Search Engine Ranker Full Help Provided
Table of ContentsUltimate GSA Search Engine Ranker tutorials Genuine GSA SER manual GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial Blog post GSA Search Engine Ranker - video tutorials GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Latest Post
Set the HTML timeout to 120 seconds to make sure GSA SER handles to register accounts on more complex sites. Usage proxies for search engines always. Usage proxies for submission too. Tick the option to stop tasks on no active proxies and then to restart jobs on active proxies.
They will be resurrected not long after. Emulate GSA Captcha Breaker as some other captcha resolving service, for instance AntiGate, and connect it to GSA SER that way. Usage ReverseProxies OCR as a 2nd captcha fixing service. Add it through GSA Captcha breaker's menu. GSA Search Engine Ranker Manual. This will solve hard captchas such as ReCaptcha.
Uncheck the choice so you can stop getting all the captcha windows to popup. Uncheck the choice. A 3rd party indexation service is beneficial, but not compulsory. We do not use any. We just permit the lower tiers to function as indexers for the upper tiers' backlinks. Uncheck the choice.
Save just the website lists to increase the efficiency of GSA SER and besides, these are the lists you in fact require in order to run this software application more efficiently. Check the option if you will be using a great deal of PR filters on your jobs. Backup your website notes regularly, just in case.
Should I buy GSA search engine ranker? Reviews
Usage and every day. Use whenever you start seeing way too many and messages in the GSA Search Engine Ranker log. Tick the checkbox to make certain that SER is not attempting to submit backlinks when your machine has no access to the Web. Usage SERengines to produce some actually good Web 2.
Make use of GSA Search Engine Ranker's Scheduler to run just a specific quantity of tasks at a time. Helpful if you do not have the capability to run many tasks on your SER circumstances i. e. not enough proxies, insufficient RAM, weak CPU, etc. Always take a look at the version history after an upgrade to see what's altered and what's new worldwide of this GSA SEO tool.
It's well worth it. Group your tasks into task groups for a a lot easier navigation through GSA SER. Develop an excellent and smart calling convention for both your projects and your task groups. Set the top priority of all of your jobs to start at the most affordable so that you can quickly give more attention to delayed tasks later.
Erase Target URL History so that the job can begin getting target URLs from the top of the site lists. gsa search engine Ranker tutorials. Beware not to erase your account data. We will take a look at Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3+ ideal configurations for your GSA SER jobs. Article, Directory, Social Bookmark, Social Media, SEREngines posts and profiles, and Wikis.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial Blog post
1% exact match, 4% partial match and LSI, 50% branding, 25% generic, 20% naked URLs. If you will be running the Tier 1 towards a parasite site i. e. YouTube, you can simply move the 50% from branding to the partial match and LSI anchors. backlinks at random places, 0 2 authority URLs, 0 2 images or 0 1 videos.
Tumblr media
Short article, Forum, Image Comment, Microblog, Social Bookmark, Social Network, Wikis, SEREngines posts and profiles (optional). 5% precise match, 25% LSI, 40% generic, 30% naked URLs. backlinks at random places with 33% utilizing the choice, 0 1 authority URLs, 1 3 images or 1 2 videos (GSA SER training). No limitation on the PR, let the link building monster toss some link juice to the Tier 1 backlinks.
Get Kick-ass GSA Search Engine Ranker Help at - Asia Virtual Solutions
30% specific match, 70% LSI. Produce the material for your GSA SER tasks using Kontent Device and its pre-defined Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3+ design templates. Integrating it with WordAI's powerful spinning homes and occasionally blending it up with Spin Rewriter, gives you the material you will need.
If you got the time, you can likewise include a manual touch to make it even much better. Check the option and also include a few exceptions in the area, for instance,, etc. Depending upon the age of the website, set up the quantity of backlinks permitted to be created every day.
GSA Search Engine Ranker: Learn To Rank Sites
e. the upper Tier they point at. No point in connecting to Social Bookmarks and other nofollow platforms. Yes, they are excellent for indexation and social proof, however not a lot for link juice (at this point in the space-time continuum). Examine the checkbox from the tab to ensure there is randomness in the backlinks produced towards your client URLs.
Usage for the choice. setting need to be checked The setting ought to be set to. We do not utilize search engines to scrape target URLs, so uncheck all search engines by default, 8 are selected. Just usage website lists as sources of target URLs of your project. This will escalate your VpM and the total efficiency of GSA SER.
Tumblr media
How To Build Your Own Auto Accept List With GSA SER
We never utilize set up posts, only unique domains. Only in the case of producing Tier 1 jobs with SEREngines posts and profiles solely. Only then do we enable scheduled publishing. Examine all kinds of backlinks to develop. Inspect the choice and set it to at least 900 seconds. Use Yahoo emails.
Tumblr media
Always test your task before you begin it to make certain all is excellent. Do not choose the Web 2. GSA SER tutorials. 0 engine type ever, since it is not supported anymore. Use SEREngines rather (GSA Search Engine Ranker training). This was the response I got from the SEREngines support when I asked why I had so many mistake messages in my log for my Web 2.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Free Guides
You can check the example link pyramids we have come up with, that are enhanced for GSA SER by going to our Solutions page. Another really essential thing you must do is go to the folder inside your GSA Online Search Engine Ranker setup folder, and modify the following. dat files (these are default texts which GSA SER will utilize if you do not clearly define your own material for your tasks): about_yourself.
dat remarks. dat comments_forum. information comments_guestbook. dat comments_guestbook_german. dat comments_image. dat Produce your own extremely spun content and change the one currently existing within these files. Take care because in a few of them, there are macros utilized, so initially, have a look at this and become aware of the method GSA SER usages by default, and just then exchange them with your own content.
Change these on a weekly or monthly basis to leave no footprints on search engines. GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial. This is extremely crucial otherwise you risk leaving material the like thousands of other uninformed GSA SER users, which will one day come back and bite you on the ass. Not the other SER users, but the repercussions.
First off, I want you to understand that if you really don't have the time to develop your own lists and filter them the proper way, you will have to take benefit of the services of some GSA SER site lists service provider check out this case research study of the leading 4 GSA SER website lists companies which will help you make an informed decision or take a look at our website lists - GSA SER Tutorials.
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clarencecaruso · 4 years
Understand GSA SER training
Table of ContentsHow To Build Backlinks With GSA Search Engine Ranker GSA Search Engine Ranker Review & Tutorial - A New Guide ... What are the best GSA search engine ranker tutorial settings Exceptional GSA Search Engine Ranker video tutorials Latest GSA Search Engine Ranker tutorial
Set the HTML timeout to 120 seconds to make certain GSA SER manages to sign up accounts on more complex sites. Use proxies for online search engine always. Use proxies for submission as well. Tick the option to stop projects on no active proxies and after that to reboot tasks on active proxies.
They will be resurrected not long after. Replicate GSA Captcha Breaker as some other captcha resolving service, for instance AntiGate, and connect it to GSA SER that method. Usage ReverseProxies OCR as a second captcha resolving service. Add it through GSA Captcha breaker's menu. GSA Search Engine Ranker Video Tutorials. This will fix difficult captchas such as ReCaptcha.
Uncheck the alternative so you can stop getting all the captcha windows to popup. Uncheck the option. A 3rd party indexation service is beneficial, but not necessary. We do not use any. We simply allow the lower tiers to act as indexers for the upper tiers' backlinks. Uncheck the choice.
Save only the site notes to increase the efficiency of GSA SER and besides, these are the lists you really require in order to run this software more effectively. Inspect the choice if you will be using a great deal of PR filters on your projects. Backup your site lists regularly, simply in case.
Spot Light On GSA Search Engine Ranker reviews
Use and every day. Usage whenever you start seeing method a lot of and messages in the GSA Search Engine Ranker log. Tick the checkbox to ensure that SER is not attempting to submit backlinks when your device has no access to the Web. Usage SERengines to produce some truly great Web 2.
Use GSA Search Engine Ranker's Scheduler to run just a specific quantity of projects at a time. Useful if you do not have the capacity to run numerous tasks on your SER instance i. e. inadequate proxies, insufficient RAM, weak CPU, etc. Always check out the version history after an upgrade to see what's changed and what's brand-new in the world of this GSA SEO tool.
It's well worth it. Group your projects into job groups for a a lot easier navigation through GSA SER. Develop a good and smart calling convention for both your tasks and your task groups. Set the concern of all of your tasks to start at the most affordable so that you can quickly offer more attention to lagging projects later.
Delete Target URL History so that the job can begin getting target URLs from the top of the website lists. GSA Search Engine Ranker Help. Be careful not to delete your account information. We will take a look at Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3+ optimum configurations for your GSA SER projects. Post, Directory, Social Bookmark, Social Media, SEREngines posts and profiles, and Wikis.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Manuels and Guidance
1% specific match, 4% partial match and LSI, 50% branding, 25% generic, 20% naked URLs. If you will be running the Tier 1 towards a parasite site i. e. YouTube, you can simply move the 50% from branding to the partial match and LSI anchors. backlinks at random areas, 0 2 authority URLs, 0 2 images or 0 1 videos.
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GSA Search Engine Ranker Guides - SER Verified Lists
Article, Forum, Image Remark, Microblog, Social Bookmark, Social Network, Wikis, SEREngines posts and profiles (optional). 5% specific match, 25% LSI, 40% generic, 30% naked URLs. backlinks at random locations with 33% utilizing the alternative, 0 1 authority URLs, 1 3 images or 1 2 videos (GSA Search Engine Ranker video tutorials). No limitation on the PR, let the link building beast throw some link juice down to the Tier 1 backlinks.
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30% specific match, 70% LSI. Produce the content for your GSA SER jobs using Kontent Device and its pre-defined Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3+ design templates. Integrating it with WordAI's powerful spinning residential or commercial properties and occasionally blending it up with Spin Rewriter, offers you the content you will require.
If you got the time, you can also include a manual touch to make it even better. Check the alternative and likewise add a few exceptions in the area, for instance,, etc. Depending on the age of the site, set up the quantity of backlinks allowed to be created each day.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Free information
e. the upper Tier they point at. No point in connecting to Social Bookmarks and other nofollow platforms. Yes, they are great for indexation and social evidence, however not so much for link juice (at this moment in the space-time continuum). Check the checkbox from the tab to make certain there is randomness in the backlinks produced towards your customer URLs.
Use for the alternative. setting need to be examined The setting ought to be set to. We do not utilize search engines to scrape target URLs, so uncheck all search engines by default, 8 are picked. Only usage website lists as sources of target URLs of your project. This will increase your VpM and the total performance of GSA SER.
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GSA Search Engine Ranker Review & Tutorial - YouTube
We never ever use scheduled posts, just special domains. Just in the case of producing Tier 1 jobs with SEREngines posts and profiles exclusively. Only then do we permit set up posting. Check all types of backlinks to develop. Examine the option and set it to at least 900 seconds. Usage Yahoo e-mails.
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Always test your project before you begin it to make sure all is excellent. Do not select the Web 2. GSA Search Engine Ranker tutorials. 0 engine type ever, because it is not supported anymore. Use SEREngines instead (Gsa Search Engine Ranker Help). This was the answer I received from the SEREngines support when I asked them why I had numerous error messages in my log for my Web 2.
Greatest GSA SER video tutorials
You can examine the example link pyramids we have actually created, that are enhanced for GSA SER by going to our Services page. Another very important thing you must do is go to the folder inside your GSA Online Search Engine Ranker setup folder, and modify the following. dat files (these are default texts which GSA SER will use if you do not explicitly specify your own material for your jobs): about_yourself.
dat remarks. dat comments_forum. data comments_guestbook. dat comments_guestbook_german. dat comments_image. dat Produce your own highly spun material and replace the one currently existing inside of these files. Take care due to the fact that in a few of them, there are macros used, so first, have a look at this and become aware of the technique GSA SER uses by default, and only then exchange them with your own content.
Modification these on a weekly or regular monthly basis to leave no footprints on search engines. gsa ser Help. This is incredibly important otherwise you risk leaving material the like countless other unaware GSA SER users, which will one day return and bite you on the ass. Not the other SER users, however the consequences.
Firstly, I desire you to know that if you truly do not have the time to develop your own lists and filter them the right method, you will need to benefit from the services of some GSA SER site lists supplier check out this case study of the leading 4 GSA SER site lists providers which will assist you make a notified decision or take a look at our site lists - Gsa Search engine ranker Help.
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