#where are my people why does no one have normal interests like kpop and gay fanfiction
everyone i love either existed two years ago or live 200 km away
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Goldy I never thought I would reach out to any Jikook blog but after your last post I have to. I am an east asian american and trans. I have never spoken on this issue, commented or posted about this. I am a Jikook supporter but sometimes Jikook supporting blogs don't feel like the friendliest place. I want to thank you for changing my opinion on that. It is an insult to BTS to say Jikook don't know they seem gay or that they don't know what gay looks like. It is an insult to fans like me to say it would be OK to do the things they do if they were cisgendered straight men. I personally saw a few people say or dance around this and they got intimidated by big blogs for it. I would never name names because I beleive in free speech and the right of people to express themselves, as long as it isn't hate speech. Supporting lgbt people and making sure they don't feel endangered is MORE IMPORTANT THAN STANNING A KPOP BAND and I say this as a 4 year long bts and Jikook stan. So many people don't want to touch this issue and I understand why.
But thank you for supporting ACTUAL lgbt people as well as bts and showing stubborn people that BTS mean gay rights when they say gay rights.
I don't know why but this Ask made me cry...
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I've been reading it over and over for the past two days and each time I feel humbled by it. Thanks so much for sharing this with me.
I think the era of the obsessed 'kids' and '13 year old shippers' in this space is coming to an end. I think it's time for a more nuanced mature conversation on what it means to ship and stan our faves in today's sociopolitical climate.
Let's intellectualize shipping and use it as a vehicle for social change not just pleasure. Sabotaging political hashtags is a start. Trending and donating to BLM is equally important. Fighting for gay rights and recognition is the next step and a natural progression from here- and about damn time!
Gone are the days where celebrities and idols were immune to accountability and personal responsibility. We live in a world where everyone is required to be converstant in and sensitive to social issues. Awareness is woven into our collective consciousness and for some of us we cannot divorce that from our pleasure receptors.
Hate to quote my pastor but, 'As a kid, I spoke, thought and reasoned like a kid. As I grew up, chilee darling, I put my ghetto ways aside. You feel me?' Lol. Yea, my pastor hood like that. Lol.
The fact of the matter is, BTS has a higher mature demographics now. Majority of us grew with them, if not past them. They are not seventeen anymore, Jin is almost thirty, the youngest in the group is past twenty three and majority of their fanbase are breaching Young Adult well into Adulthood and beyond.
We simply cannot view them with the same lens anymore. If we did, we would be infantilizing them if not enabling them.
We ought to be able to have certain conversations that reflect our age, hearts, backgrounds, experience, values and beliefs.
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We can't sit behind our television sets and smart phone screens in this day and age and assume BTS sat through a performance like this and did not for a second think about what it meant, why the crowd cheered at certain moments or even understand the impact, message and intent behind it- especially not when Halsey, an openly bisexual woman and advocate for LGBTG rights is an acquaintance of thiers.
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I don't know how a fraction of this fandom can assume BTS would have a collaboration of this nature and not know anything about the gay rights discourse or what queer baiting is or not consider how their actions may or may not be contributing to the marginalization of persons as these- to not have agency and personal responsibility or empathy.
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JK cannot stan a gay artist such as Troye Sivan and divorce his music from his sexuality because it flows from it. Not when Troye has openly spoken about the struggles he went through as a closeted gay man, coming out and how that affected his mental health.
JK knows what gay is, he is aware of the struggles queer people face on a daily. His decision to cover, license and recommend songs by this artist is a deliberate act coming from a place of being informed on the matter.
Jimin knows. RM knows. Suga knows.
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BTS cannot prepare a speech like this while oblivious to the plight of the LGBTQ plus community. I refuse to believe that simply because it's not true. Anyone who says otherwise is a scammer. Lol.
And I think they are intelligent enough to have cognisance of the fact majority of the world view certain aspects of their home culture as problematic and non-progressive and that this same world is watching them and what they do in this space matters.
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They are part of the conversation. And it's in their interest to present themselves as queer a queer friendly band and company by distinctifying themselves from these 'traditional' Kpop bands.
I believe they know that being woke gives them a competitive advantage as MCs and advocates for the youth in today's world.
I believe they are aware certain things in their 'fan service culture' doesn't fly in the space they compete in and want to compete in. They are competing and rubbing shoulders with top LGBTQ plus advocates, sharing seats with them at awards, standing next to them- they best to look sharp.
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It's obtuse for anyone to fall on the 'culture' rhetoric to excuse certain behaviors of their idols when actual queer people from and within that same culture fight against it.
Most S. koreans I know and have come across complain about their 'culture' and some even harbor strong resentments against this whole fanservice culture.
Holland, an openly gay Idol from South Korea, has equally spoken out against the 'fan service' culture prevalent within Kpop on several occasions and laments how it depoliticizes queerness and affects actual queer people within S.K.
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And isn't it funny that the same conservative Christian population who strongly oppose homosexuality in S.K often lead online campaigns against Jikook for 'promoting homosexuality' because of certain fanservice and skinship they do?
If skinship is normal and fanservice is culture, why does conservative S.K keep pushing back against it? It's their culture uno?! Lmho.
Queer south Koreans and conservative Christians hate fanservice culture and yet here we are using their culture to defend it as if it's all black and white. Lmho.
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Did they or did they not see South Korean's reactions to this performance by Jikook? The mixed feelings most had about it?
Men can nibble on men's ear but God forbid they toss them in the air and catch em💀
South Koreans are not a monolith. Their culture is nuanced like any culture. It's not static and not clear cut black and white either.
It's one thing to respect other's culture, it's another to perpetuate it in ignorance. Perpetuating their culture and being religious about it does not allow for the dynamism inherent in their culture.
Troye Sivan talked about how he'd stop in the middle of his concerts and performances upon seeing the hyper fangirls in the front row and then think to himself, 'I know they know I'm gay, so why are they still here...'
And this was before he came out.
Jikook know we know they are queer or that we think of them as queer. When Jimin talks about 'those that love me for me' he knows exactly what he is talking about or rather who he is talking to- it's not these hets I'm afraid.
Troye also talked about being privileged because he lived in a rather queer friendly neighborhood where everyone is gay and so he'd always felt safe coming out.
Isn't that what JK is doing?
Now this is a person who's without a doubt had a lot of influence on JK in his early formative years as an Idol right down to his decision to move into a much queer friendly neighborhood of Itaewon.
They know we know. Jikook is gay.
Thankfully, there are reports of a rising number of LGBTQ plus in South Korea, a lot of allies, a lot of queer folks coming out and a lot of companies opening up to working with gay idols and aspiring idols.
It's such a relief but a lot of work still needs to be done and I stand with them on behalf of Jikook and any queer folk in SK.
My sister is helping me reach out to an LGBTQ plus advocate from Seoul for an interview for my blog. If everything goes well, I'd love for her to share her thoughts on queer passing, queer baiting and fan service within Kpop and how that affects LGBTQ youth in South K.
It's a conversation I'm really passionate about and interested in.
I love me some ships, but I also love me some queer advocacy and human rights uno? Lol.
Thing is, I may quit BTS one day, but I can never quit being me. Being human. Always put the human first is my motto.
Oh and I hear people are plotting to cancel me? Chilee. Y'all do that but:
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Let it echo.
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many-gay-magpies · 3 years
short (or not so short) little kpop fandom rant below; putting a readmore because i feel kind of weird saying all this stuff on a blog that is pretty much kpop dedicated, who's follower-base is made up of mostly kpop fans, but i also just feel the need to get it out there, so. here we are
(disclaimer: im not using 'you' to direct this post at anybody in particular, if anything it's directed at myself, you just feels more direct)
kind of going off of that post about parasocial relationships i just reblogged but like. ever since watching that one video by a dude im subscribed to on youtube about stan culture and fanfiction and stuff (i think i might have linked it on tumblr at some point? maybe?) my experience in the kpop fandom had gotten... interesting, from a personal standpoint
like im starting to wonder about all this stuff and think about the fact that ALL fanfiction, even the nonsexual stuff, is still crossing a bunch of boundaries in a way? because like youre writing all this stuff about REAL PEOPLE and literally making headcanos for how they would be as boyfriends, how they'd react to certain situations, how they would be in fights for god's sake, and its just-- these are real people. you dont know them. you will probably NEVER know them on a level higher than maybe meeting them through a fanmeet, or if you're lucky running into them on the street or something. and you can't... know how these people you've never met will REACT in situations like the ones you're thinking about, you can't know what they're like off-camera and outside of idol life. and i kind of had a point with this particular section of the rant, but i forgot what it was, so i'm just gonna move on
the thing with me is that like... i think all of this stuff, and yet i still read the occasional y/n fanfic or (god forbid) full group fanfic, often with ships involved. and i justify it to myself by saying i know these aren't the REAL people, they're just characters someone else created in their image; all of this stuff is written based on the images, the characters presented to us, and not the real people underneath (but the problem is a lot of fanfic writers probably dont feel the same way; they think like it's the real people they're writing about and treat it as such). I tell myself I read and enjoy ship fics because I would enjoy the samd dynamic with ANY two people, because the relationship is something i'd admire and long for in real life, it doesn't matter who with. I don't ACTUALLY think these two idols are dating or think they would act like this—its just characters. But it's still just like... where does the boundary lie? I'm thinking all of this stuff, but if i dont act on it, do the thoughts even really matter? Because its what a person's actions say about them that matters, just thinking about something... right?
So as you can see, I'm conflicted.
Now, something else worth noting is that I... don't necessarily think fantasizing about idols, in whatever way that might be, is bad. They're attractive, the images and characters they present often compliment that by being nice, sweet, funny, etc. It feels normal, to me, that you might fantasize about dating them or hugging them or kissing or being friends with them every so often—especially during the pandemic, when people rarely got the chance to actually see other people and (im speaking for myself here but i think its something that can apply to others as well) sometimes ended up filling the void with parasocial relationships instead. the fantasizing isn't the bad part—to me that just feels like a part of being human. its that we're taking these fantasies and putting them out into the world in the form of writing, reactions and fanfictions and the like—we're writing down our fantasies and letting other people read them and fantasize about them in turn.
and to me that feels... weird. personal. kpop idols don't need to know the fantasies you have about them, and no matter how impossible you think it might be, if you post something online, anywhere, there is a chance that they'll see it. and above that even, our fantasies, in our own heads, feel like something that doesn't need to be—or even shouldn't be—shared out loud (artzyy if you're reading this, you can probably figure out why i got so awkward and felt like i'd overshared during our conversation yesterday). i mean, if you're comfortable sharing your mental fantasies with the world, by all means, you do you; im just... not.
a lot of this is why i... actually don't feel uncomfortable writing enhaverse fanfiction (exhibited clearly by the two vampire jungwon fics that are now floating around my blog, the sunoo lily fic in progress in scrivener, and the various other ideas for fics still floating in my brain). because it isnt "real people" we're writing about, or idols' on-camera faces that we ACT like are real people, it's characters these boys and their company have created specifically for their music videos and lore; entirely different, fictional people, just with the same names and faces, which we've basically taken and spun into whatever the fuck the tumblr enhaverse is now (delightfully full of angst, gay longing, softness and a whole lot of fucking projection... you get the idea.)
but its just-- weird, having all these feelings, making all these justifications and having all these morals in place, and yet being part of a fandom that for the most part goes against every one of them. but i haven't left, or really changed my behavior at all, so its... yeah. weird.
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s1utspeare · 3 years
Get To Know Me!
@foxofninetales tagged me in this ask game and since I LOVE HER i will now be doing it (i mean i’d do it anyway but now it will be filled with love for FOX i am not accepting CRITICISM ON THIS POINT)
Part I
name: Brigid! I’m named after the Irish goddess of like, poetry, healing, smithcraft, and protection, or the Irish saint (they’re both pretty similar it’s just whether or not you’re talking about Celtic religion or Catholicism). She’s very cool, and I think it’s a very fitting name for who I turned out to be!
pronouns: she/her
star sign: i’m an insufferable theatre kid of course I’m a Leo
height: 5'8″ babeeeyyy (172 cm). I’m not short like, at all, but all of my family members are over six foot, so I’m like. tiny in comparison. they all make fun of me all the time for it :(
time: 8:49pm! A delightful time of evening!!! 
birthday: July 31st, same day as Harry Potter lol.
nationality: american :P
fave bands/groups/solo artists: hnnnngggghhhh why would u ask me this I don’t KNOW jk i just have a lot uhhhhh all time faves would be Bastille and Mumford and Sons, but I’m SUPER into kpop right now, so my top groups are BTS, Stray Kids, and One OK Rock (who are technically jpop but I really like their stuff). I also am a Broadway BITCH (hello, theatre kid) so before this year all of my Spotify library was basically just show tunes. 
song stuck in your head: Get Away by VeriVery. I think they’re a pretty new group? idk i saw them on one of those tumblr promotional things and checked out the music video which is like??? really interesting conceptually? so I’ve just been listening to the song for a while lol. 
last movie you watched: Train to Busan! I’m gearing up to write a dmbj zombie apocalypse AU and so I was like “this is a popular zombie film! I’ll watch it for inspiration! :)” holy shit. holy shit i was so wrong. It’s one of the most viscerally affecting films I think I’ve ever seen, I was like. On the verge of an anxiety attack the entire time but in like the best possible way?? it’s a mastery of character introduction and action/horror and I cried for like the last ten minutes straight. SO affecting. I do NOT RECOMMEND IT if u are already made anxious by zombie apocalypse scenarios, blood, violence, and a Lot of Death. 
last show you binged: hmmm uh like I’m currently watching Mystic Nine but at like a normal pace, so the last show I probably binge watched was maybeeee The Uncanny Counter on Netflix? HIGHLY recommend that one, I made @cross-d-a watch it and I’m living for her liveblog reactions lmao. Idk most of my free time has been spent writing the past few months which. After months of only having the energy to watch shows is kind of really invigorating? the things u can do when u fix ur health I’ll tell you what
when you created your blog: in 2012 asldighalsdkfjladskjga i came on here to like burdge’s pjo fanart :)
the last thing you googled: "is it bad not to have an air cap on your tire” ALSDIGHALKDFJLADFJA FUCK ME (i learned that it’s not necessarily bad but it can get dirt and stuff built up in there so I went to the store after work today and replaced it)
other blogs: everything is here bc i am too lazy to create a sideblog! so sorry to everyone who does not follow me for cdrama content bc this is all I am now. 
why i chose my url: cause it’s my ao3 username and i wanted people to be able to find me more easily on tumblr! :) the long answer is because i love shakespeare and also i think that slut is a really funny word and concept for me especially because i am one of the most sexless people u will ever meet in ur life so slutspeare is like. an aggressively ace joke that only I think is funny. 
how many people are you following: 588
how many followers do you have: ah just over 200?!??!!? which is like. a lot for me. I think it was like 75 up until like last year omg 
average hours of sleep: my sleep app says I average around eight! which is very good for me! I do have to get enough sleep consistently or I will Have A Bad Time so my sleep schedule is pretty good and luckily I don’t have the Insomnia depression I have the Sleep Lots one which I am glad for bc idk what I’d do if I couldn’t Be Unconscious regularly. Die probably. 
lucky numbers: I don’t think I have lucky numbers?? my favorite number is 21 for no reason other than the vibes alone. 
instruments: i’ve played the piano for uhhhh.... eighteen years now? and I can play the ukulele and am surprisingly good with the recorder since I’ve had to play it in Multiple Theatre Performances. I was also an honor choir singer back in high school so I’ve done a lot of select ensemble stuff which was super fun! 
what i'm currently wearing: a Life Is Good long-sleeved t-shirt that says “Not All Who Wander Are Lost” that I got in a military surplus store like a million years ago and red Adidas athletic shorts that I found at the thrift store a couple weeks back
dream job: playwright! I just wanna be a playwright! playwriting is like drugs i literally go nuts for it
dream trip: I don’t know??? I don’t really like traveling tbh aslidhalkfdj umm I do want to see the grand canyon sometime before I die tho so maybe a road trip down there? I definitely like traveling solo so I’d probably just hang out with myself and drive and go to whatever places I want and see dumb tourist attractions and sing loudly in the car
fave food: CURRY i know i said eggs the last time it asked me this but I miss my local Indian restaurant I want to eat literal Platefuls of tikka masala at 12pm at the Indian buffet after my physics class again :(
top three fictional universe you'd like to live in: hmmm i don’t know, actually! probably one where I have Powers and could do Cool Hand Motions and make Lights Appear. If I were anywhere with like. An Actual World-Dooming problem tho I would not be helpful at all. I would just die. Besides, I already live in fictional universes half the time, I’m a writer! 
Part II
last song: Basquiat by Pentagon! The music video is like. Very whumpy. So if you’re into that... the song’s also a bop
last stream: i don't watch streams very often, I just watch clips from them, cause those usually just give the best parts lol 
currently reading: mmmmmbbbaaaaahhhhh literally nothing? I’m trying to get caught up on the backlog of dmbj fic I haven’t gotten around to so Binding by @vishcount is next on that list! oh I guess I’m also reading Johnny Tremain with my kids (one of them SPOILED THE END and I forgot how it ended and now I’m big sad). 
currently watching: Mystic Niiiiinnnneeeeee! love those gay history bitches. everyone in that show is so funny. I just finished the Fuba Side Plot tho and now we’re back to Politics so i’m like >:( someone give zhang baby rishan a hug (and then i write angst about him what is wrong with me)
what is antipoetry to you: antipoetry??? what the heck is antipoetry hold on... uhhhh that’s just poetry. who came up with this term. i guess like lyrical fiction would be the technical correct definition but idk I consider anything to be poetry! like that’s the whole point! poetry is poetry is poetry as long as it’s focused on intensity and emotions it’s poetry! a haiku? poetry. the random one-lined mess of words on my phone? poetry. a literal drawing of a cardinal with the word “bird” written next to it? poetry. idk I’ve been trying to teach my kids that there are no wrong ways to write creatively; if you’re expressing yourself and making emotions, then you’re writing! also like half of my work could be considered antipoetry lmao. I love emotionally supercharging the mundane.
currently craving: i have noooo ideaaaasssss i’m literally just vibing. uh. water? ok i took care of that one my water bottle was right next to me. 
uhhhh no pressure tags for @xia-xueyi, @nope4ever, @bookjoyworm, @elletromil, and @gaiahenshin, as well as anyone else who would like to give the full-rundown on themselves! :D
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FAQ - Personal & Tarot
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Get to know me! Plus some tidbits about tarot 💜 I’m an open book, so if you’re ever curious about something, my asks are always open to personal questions.
25. I just had my birthday on the 7th of September
Illinois! Smack dab in the middle of everyone
What kpop groups do you stan?
In this order:
Monsta X + Wonho
Ateez?? (Still getting to know them)
Stray Kids?? (A friend is getting me into them)
ITZY?? (Love their music, just haven’t pulled the trigger)
Bias? Who’s your bias?
BTS: (Bias/Biaswrecker)
Namjoon / Yoongi
Monsta X
Shownu+Wonho (double biased biss) / Lately it’s been Changkyun but Minhyuk has been testing me
Jinyoung + Mark / Jaebum
Jae / Young K
Yeonjun / Soobin
 Chaeyoung +  Jeongyeon / Dahyun + Nayeon (I’m gay for all of them TT-TT)
San + Mingi / Hong Joong?? (Still haven’t discovered my biaswrecker, but he does things to me)
Stray Kids
Han + Chan / HyunJin
Ryujin + Lia / Yuna?? (Still getting to know them so I’m still unsure who my biaswrecker is)
Are you in school or do you work?
Neither! I help my parents keep up their house and manage the pets we’ve accumulated. My sister occasionally has me babysit her youngest too, so I’m basically a housesitter and babysitter. I just don’t get paid like one TT-TT
Yes! Love my rainbow babies and fully support them. I identify as bisexual but am wondering within the last couple months if I’m actually pan. So, its a work in progress
My MV spreadsheets, streaming and singing + dancing. But your girl isn’t any good, so don’t hold your breath. I also picked up bullet journaling and have already made mistakes.
Why’d you start this blog?
I’ve known for almost 6-7 months now? That I was going to do something with tarot and youtube, I just didn’t do anything about it because I didn’t think I would. But one day I woke up and decided I was gonna start on tumblr, so I could bring you guys with me on my youtube journey. 
My purpose has always been to help others, along with finding something that I could determine my work hours. But I never knew it was going to be this, until I started getting into tarot. From then on, everything just fell into place.
I’m not looking to get pewdiepie famous, I’m not even going to show my face. I just want a job that allows me to help others while also providing for my family. My future partner is also supposed to help my journey as well, so I’m curious how that’ll play out too.
Why Sailor Moon for the aesthetic?
Ever since we were kids, my sister and I would always say she’s Rei and I’m Serena. The personalities matched, the colors fit, the styles fit, everything was synced in. It just made sense to do Sailor Moon, I’ve always related to her and loved what she stood for.
Not to mention, these are normal girls using their powers to help the world and those around them. Which is essentially what people in the tarot community and witchcraft community are trying to do too. Just using the gifts they have to spread some calmness and guidance throughout the journey we’ve all been assigned.
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artist cred  (If someone can link me to the original post, i’ll happily swap links)
How long have you been doing tarot?
I got my tarot deck as a christmas gift last year. But I didn’t really start using it until March-April? Like, heavily using it I mean. I’d ask it a question or do a reading once every three weeks or something. My deck had a lot of patience with me.
So in short? 5-6 months? But I’ve owned it for longer.
How many decks do you have and where did you get them?
I own three! One tarot, two oracle.
Both the oracle decks were purchased in amazon and the tarot deck was my christmas gift. It was purchased at a local 5 and below
When did you start getting into tarot?
Fall of last year. I stumbled upon stargirl’s videos and her readings were so spot on and everything I needed to hear. It piqued my curiosity and when a friend of mine posted on her kpop tarot account, I realized how much more interesting it could be.
Can we request more than once?
Absolutely! You’re not limited to one ask, I only ask that you space them out. Energies can get full up and merge together if you’re asking too much or the same thing back to back. I also don’t take follow up questions, so make sure it’s a different topic request.
How many questions can we ask?
I go more into depth on this in my Types of Readings post. Per one ask, two yes or no questions and a 4 card reading. 
How often do you do your readings?
It honestly depends on the day and my migraines. Sometimes I get eleven readings in a day and then take a day to recharge, then repeat the following day. But sometimes I just do five readings daily. 
But I won’t do any if my day has already been draining or I’m suffering from a migraine. I wish I knew what triggered them or how to get rid of them, but nothing works so I suffer with them.
Why do you only open personal readings for a short time?
Because of my migraines and how my days go, it’s just easier to accumulate a list and work on it slowly. This way too you guys can see how many I can accumulate within that short time, you’ll know how long it’ll take me to get through them.
When will you open your personal readings?
Whenever my to-do list is empty! Then I’ll open the personal readings for a few days or just a day, depending on the situation. Long enough to accumulate another to-do list and then you guys can see if your asks went through.
How long do you think it will take you to get through your list?
My current list is getting easier to get through, but sometimes life gets in the way. It all depends on life circumstances. I wish I could give you a timeline, but there’s no definitive answer to this. Sometimes it’ll take me a month or months, sometimes just a couple of really productive weeks. 
Why don’t you answer “x” question or “y”? 
I don’t answer certain questions because I have personal issues with them. As a reader if something makes me uncomfortable, the cards will pick up on that. Which in turn will affect the outcome of your reading. By not answering the question, I’m saving you from getting an incorrect response. But there are tons of tarot readers on tumblr, where I don’t answer something, I’m sure you can find someone who will.
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oscar-mildes · 5 years
elvira you know I always see what you're hiding in the tags,, I will always read it if you answer all of them abhsjdbs
nev you asked for this and im going to go thru with it bc im an oversharing idiot like oh you asked me how’s the weather i will tell you about all my trauma instead :D 
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? i’m cis yo i’m she/her. i’m biromantic ace. thats the label i would put on it i guess. i really just refer to myself as gay bc i like pretty boys who look like girls and pretty girls and pretty nb and queer people and basically i just like pretty people ajsfbjf
How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story? theres no story to it. no epiphany or realization. i just always was ok with thinking that girls were pretty and that gay people are cool and it wasnt until recent years that i was like oH SHIT AM I GAY
Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it? no i guess bc i’m a girl and id as a girl and have a very obvious girl body
Who was the first person you told, how did they react? i guess my best friend. we’re both very ok with gay shit and we just always made comments about pretty girls and now we’re both pretty gay. i like my big tiddie anime girls and she likes her pretty kpop girl bands
Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel? i’ve only “come out” to some of my friends. i would NEVER in my LIFE even imagine telling my mom i like girls. shes homophobic Like That
If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react? uhh see above. my mom, stepdad, family members are all homophobic. hispanics in general are Like That rip. i think my dad would be the most ok with it but he lives in mexico and i dont talk to him often anyway. doesnt matter
What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality? i hate when people ask me about the ace part. like they have a bigger problem about my not wanting to have sex over the liking girls part tbh. sometimes it’s difficult for me to even describe where i am on the ace spectrum. it’s honestly the more difficult part 
Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear. basic nerd. you know those fics like “she dressed in a black t-shirt, skinny jeans, and all star converse” yea that she is me
Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships? ajkfj this is a good question and canon wise i love Ash and Eiji from Banana Fish, Uenoyama and Mafuyu from Given, Nezumi and Shion from No. 6, and Simon and Baz from Carry On. Not canon i love Kurama and Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho, Izuku and Todoroki from My Hero Academia, and Inosuke and Tanjiro from Demon Slayer. Note how most of them are anime i
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any? i dont really wear any bc im lazy. if you like it you do you but idrc for it? except for lipstick i LOVE lipstick i have all the colors. i wear it so it distracts people from the rest of my face
Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you? ...no
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community? i live in the south so ive heard tons of shit talk about gay people. i dont really have any that stand out. my mom just likes to say that we’re going to hell :D so let’s give em a show ay
What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community? i guess i like how we find solidarity in each other just bc we’re not straight. most of the lgbt+ folks i know are pretty chill about everything
What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community? terfs but they dont count
Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not? i live in a small town and i could never sneak out of my house for that bc i still live with my mom so no
Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity? theres so many big celebrities now that id as lgbt+ but im going old school and loving my man, my tumblr url namesake mr Oscar Wilde. my man got put in jail for sodomy 
Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet? lmao never bc im mean, ugly, and terrible at talking to people irl. i had a bf in middle school? but bc i was 12 i dont count it 
What is your favourite lgbt+ book? Carry On and the sequel Wayward Son. (very anxiously waiting for book 3 Anyway the Wind Blows come on Rainbow Rowell)
Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened? for being gay? no. bc im not really out. ive faced discrimination for being a brown woman tho :)))
Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show? yall i love gay anime: Given, Banana Fish, No. 6, Yuri on Ice yeee. i dont really watch tv with real people but i think that Brooklyn 99 does a very good job with Holt and Rosa yall im love Rosa
Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers? theres bloggers??? um idk i love u nev so you count right @why-do-you-pick-flowers
Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim? for a while everyone was mad as hell about “im gay for ___” and idk im gay for everything so thats a “slur” i use for myself
Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it? ive never gone omg i’d probably be intimidated as hell like i have a lot of problems just existing so to be existing around very flamboyant and extravagant people like that makes me break into a nervous sweat
How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you? ive always felt like a girl even tho my mom always said “oh you like boy things??? you should have been born a boy” but like, your likes and dislike dont determine your gender. i like “boy” things and “dress like a boy” but i dont FEEL like a boy. ive never had any desire to become a boy or id as a boy. gender is a social construct fuck society
Are you interested in having children? Why or why not? i have a very complicated relationship with children. babies are ugly and toddlers are annoying but i feel like if i had children i would love them obviously because theyre mine. this is gonna be a weird analogy but like i dislike cats. BUT  i have cats. and i love the fuck outta them. so i feel like thatd be me with kids. but im ace so like.... who would even have kids with me. i could not. pregnancy seems like a hassle and adoption is... i have thoughts on that but thats for a different post. also i can see myself being married and not having children OR having kids without a spouse. theres just something complicated about having both??? maybe im just fucked in the head idk bro
What identity advice would you give your younger self? you dont hate girls you like them, dumbass
What do you think of gender roles in relationships? fuck gender roles. get pegged, bros. i also have a very specific dynamic if i ever got into a relationship (which you know. wont happen) but like if i dated a guy i feel like i’d be very top. a MAN telling ME what to do??? fuck that. but if i dated a pretty girl??? top me pls
Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender? i think ive already said too much oh god someone is gonna look at this and be like what the FUCK but like lmao dont be afraid to ask me i apparently have no shame
What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+? it’s scary at first because you think “im not normal” but like pray tell me what is normal. do what makes you happy. fuck society
Why are proud to be lgbt+? i’m comfortable with the people i like. i might not be very confident and i have depression, anxiety, self esteem issues, probs adhd or ocd idfk but at least i know if i see a pretty girl or smth im gonna be like wow that girl is pretty and have no bad thoughts about it. it’s just how it be. after a lot of dissecting my past behavior, ive always been this way. you cant change who you are. just accept it
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artemissarrows · 6 years
Sweet Combat: Gender-bending, delightful, and queer-adjacent, but not actually queer 🥊🥊🥊
So aside from BTS, another K-pop/C-pop celebrity I love is Luhan, formerly of K-pop group EXO. (If you want to learn about why he left, I recommend the Contract Disputes episode of the podcast “Ask Me About Kpop,” I love digging into those details and such!) He’s now an independent artist/actor/general celebrity promoting in China.
Luhan stars alongside his real-life girlfriend Guan Xiaotong in Sweet Combat, a sweet rom-com centered around a school that trains women in MMA. Luhan’s character is the first male to attend and he ends up being trained by three seniors—including Guan who is the best fighter at the school--as a first-year. I really loved it and totally miss it now that I’ve binged through all of the episodes. Some mild spoilers, but nothing related to the last few episodes, and also this is a rom-com, it’s pretty easy to decipher who will end up with who after the first few episodes ^_^
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This show has such a good heart, and celebrates gender diversity.
By and large, this show comes down on the right side of things: people should help each other, bullying is bad, manipulating people is bad, and celebrates chosen family. Luhan’s character is poor, has to take care of his two small siblings though he’s still only college-age himself, and has to work 2 jobs to support them while he’s in school. His friends all pitch in to help make sure he’s OK and his kids are OK when he has MMA practice and cook him food. It’s super sweet! We also see one character who starts off bullying Luhan begin to change for the better and understand that bullying people to hide your own insecurities isn’t the way to be truly strong.
It also does generally deviate from strict male/female gender norms, and appropriately punish characters who don’t approve of people crossing gender norms. That being said, it does all of those things within a decidedly heterosexual context, where actual queer relationships are seen as outside the bounds of “normal” society (ie, we don’t see any). If this were a real girls’ fighting school, I can guarantee you that there would be a LOT of queers there.
Fang Yu, the lead female character, was forced to be a boy before her brother was born by her grandfather. Grandpa’s also a sexist jerkwad, and we all see it.
Fang Yu comes from a wealthy family, and her parents died when she was very young (absent parents is definitely a theme here). Her family owns a big corporation, and her grandfather is extremely concerned with succession. To that end, he forced Fang Yu to wear boy’s clothes and to be a boy before her brother was born—and then made her switch back once her younger brother came into the family (Fang Zhou is one of my fave characters in the series!) When she came back to school as a girl, all of the other kids in school called her a monster, which deeply scarred her. She also recalls looking at girls’ clothes longingly and not being able to wear them.
This whole situation is super interesting to me, although I wish I knew more about the cultural context under which it operates. Grandpa is clearly so concerned with who’s going to take over the company, and it must be a boy—how could a girl be as good at business???? We really sympathize with Fang Yu and her desire to prove herself through her MMA. She’s better than most of the boys, and she knows it. It’s also an interesting twist on the enforcement of gender norms. Instead of forcing her to be ultra-girly or something like that, Grandpa forced her to be a boy—thereby show that he knows she can be good at business, but only through the performance of masculinity. Wow, dude’s got some issues.
There’s another rich kid and business partner of the Fang family who tries to woo Fang Yu, and he was one of the kids who called her a monster as a child, and still thinks she is one (he literally said so). I have to wonder if that’s connected to her prowess in MMA, which is less common as a pursuit for girls, stereotypically.
Luhan (uh, Ming Tian, I guess) exudes positive, non-heirarchical masculinity.
Luhan’s character is a really positive version of what masculinity can be, in strong juxtaposition to Fang Yu’s grandfather, who uses his power to abuse and bully others (bullying’s a strong theme here, which is cute). Luhan and his two little siblings’ parents are gone, but he is so tender toward the little ones and takes care of them so well. 
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He’s perfectly content for three senior women to coach him in MMA. He’s also just a kind person who doesn’t want to hurt anyone, sees the best in others, and is extremely smart though people sometimes underestimate him. He turns into the senior women’s coaches as the show goes on, and excels in both his analytical approach to improving their skills, as well as that balance of supporting and pushing.
And he always considers Fang Yu his equal (if not his superior in martial arts!) and treats her as an equal co-partner in their relationship. He’s perfectly willing for his feelings to be squished on her behalf and I sometimes wished he would be more honest about his desires—although this *is* a rom-com so if everyone were honest about their feelings we’d have no more show. Anyway.
I find it so telling that folks were criticizing him for being too feminine after seeing the show trailers. Absolutely not, he’s an upstanding dude…..even if he occasionally wears his own Luhan Studio merch on the show, I can forgive him.
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Fang Yu’s best friend is butch AF and she’s soooooo hot
Fang Yu’s best friend is Cheng Yanan, the head of the boxing club at their university and all-around badass. She’s also butch as hell, and everyone’s 100% accepting of it in the show. Literally no one says anything. This makes me incredibly happy! 
She’s not gay, though. There are straight butch women for sure—and her love interest is incredibly sweet and another character I really like—but that’s maybe a bit unrealistic. But there is a scene where a girl at her school writes her a love note after seeing her on a run which is played for laughs….but seriously, Yanan is the shit.
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Ugh, stop.
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Queer adjacent thing 1: absent parents and chosen families
This isn’t an exclusively queer things, but felt like it was getting close. There’s a distinct lack of two-parent families in this show—we actually don’t see any on screen at least. Everyone has at least one parent who is absent or deceased. Instead, the friends all rely on each other for support, childcare, and general camaraderie. It’s also a college age thing I suppose, but also feels like a queer thing. Queer young people learn to rely on one another when our families don’t accept us—or even if they do, we recognize and support members of our community.
Queer adjacent thing 2: Sun Hao buys a suit from a gay store
Sun Hao, the second male student in the MMA school after Luhan, accidentally buys a suit from a gay kink store—it’s very flamboyant and played for laughs. I’m a bit sad about that, but so it goes. Gender diversity is apparently OK but sexual diversity isn’t? Or also, it’s fine when women are butch because masculinity is better, but when men act femme they’re stepping down in the world so why would they do that. Sigh.
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Hello, gay panic!
 Non-queer thing I also loved: Sun Hao and his mom
Sun Hao’s mom runs a noodle stall, and she and he have a really wonderful and close relationship—they talk all the time and support one another. It’s extra-cute and I love it.
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My only gripes: anime-styling in live-action & copious Adidas product placement
This show is apparently based on a manhwa or Korean comic, and unfortunately it shows sometimes and not in a good way. The director can never decide whether to make the MMA realistic or whether its magical realism MMA/normal life + magic, and it switches back and forth between things that look very naturalistic and weird-looking SFX. There are also some characters who are a little too stereotypically anime-y (looking at you, Song Xiaomi!) But since these moments were occasional and not all the time, I could live with it.
Also they must have signed something that says that Luhan always has to wear something with the Adidas logo on it….because he literally always does. Okay, we get it.
But those are small potatoes. This show is great, go watch it for its cuteness, great character relationships, and enjoy that it’s reasonably progressive on gender stuff.
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yuwutos-blog · 7 years
Diva: Kang Daniel Make Up Artist!Au
Request: Hi! Can you please do make-up artist! Daniel au where y/n is an idol and Daniel is her make-up artist? Thank you :)
AN: Thanks a lot for this request, anon, I had so much fun writing this! 
SORRY FOR BEING GONE, I had to deinstall the app from my phone and then forgot my password. The whole “forgot my password”-thing didn’t work either (when does it tho) so I was forced to figure it out… also I don’t like the ending of this, but meh, whatever
You were Y/N, the new big hit among kpop stars
Chic, yet on the ground, attractive, an amazing vocalist and rapper, cool concepts
All of this, made you the new idol
Your first few concerts had been completely sold out and you had gained a lot of fans
Music shows had never been as wild as when you performed
Recently, you had been preparing your third comeback and the world was thrilled to see what you had in this time
But you too, had your little problems
Although you were a respectful person, there was one thing you hated…
…make up artists cue dramatic music and lighting
There were nice make up artists, of course, but you had always gotten mean snobs
And because you didn’t want to deal with them and made it pretty obvious, they soon called you a diva and left
Three people had already been in charge of make up, two men and one woman, all of them middle aged and grumpy
At this point, you were literally begging your manager to hire someone younger and nicer, whom you could befriend  
That’s where Daniel gets in
The cute, egg jelly loving boy, had always had an interest for make up
People’s faces were his canvases and it was a lot of fun for him, to practice make up on his cousin
Yeah she was five, but still a girl!
He had always hidden his talent in middle and high school, since everyone would have called him gay
But this bunny just loved it, so why should he stop?
After high school, he went to a make up school in Seoul and had to leave his mom and cats behind
Sorry Peter, Rooney and Mrs. Kang
But they were happy, since he was able to pursue his dream
And now, that he was just out of school and a professional, he searched for a job
Y/N’s make up artist? Hell yeah
And that’s how he got the job
He started the job two weeks later and as soon as he came in you were like “damn shawty hot”
But as you found out, that he’d be your make up artist, your whole happiness faded
From what you experienced, men were the worst
But not this boy
He introduced himself politely and began doing your first look for the music video you were shooting today
And he talked to you and honestly, he was SO NICE
He joked around to make you laugh and you could get used to this
When he was done you took a look at your face and dAMN, WHERE WAS Y/N
The whole look was a lot better, than anything these experienced people had ever created
You looked amazing and were excited to shoot your mv
You had a dancebreak and the choreo was super difficult
so once you had done all of it perfectly and without mistakes or laughing, everyone cheered
and guess who was the loudest?
the manliness and fun side of a boy from Busan came through
it wasn’t anything special that he cheered, but it made your heart jUMP
you soon developed a crush on Danik
flirting was normal between the two of you
basically all staff knew of your crush and they rly hoped, that Niel liked you back, always secretly fangirling about the two of you
even your manager thought, that you two would have looked cute together, but you were an idol and he as your manager was in charge of your management and knew how much damage dating could cause
“Y/N, don’t forget that you are still an idol and can’t date!”
cue cringeworthy crying and whining
he eventually gave in
but the hard part had only started
HOW WOULD YOU MAKE DANIEL CONFESS BECAUSE YOU WERE SURE AS HELL, THAT YOU WOULDN'T normal life continued, with the small difference, that you were a little more awkward
he didn’t even notice tho, smh
the promotions and so on continued and the final day came…
…your last stage for that promotion
it was your last time to see Daniel before your next comeback
you arrived hella early (as always)
Niel was just blending in the concealer, when you started a conversation
“almost no-one’s here… maybe they didn’t want to deal with me anymore”
he chuckled along and gave you a heartwarming smile
“it’s just very early. I, for example, like dealing with you”
thank god he couldn’t see your slight blush through the foundation he had applied earlier
“really? I’m not a diva?”, you asked, still joking
“hmmm… I’d say you’re more of a princess”
you were significantly taken aback, which he ignored nonchalantly
pleasurable silence lingered between the two of you for the next few minutes
“You know, there’s actually something I’d really like to do right now. Maybe even more than doing your make up”, he seemed to start a new topic
“oh really? and what is tha-”
you were interrupted by Daniel brushing back your bangs and softly leaning your head back a bit, to place a sweet peck on your lips
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streetkitten · 7 years
Regulation of the Black Woman
The original purpose of this topic was to express my annoyance with how people flock to “pro-black” comments made by non-black persons, but the same people who flock to those individuals have no real intention of supporting them unless they are speaking up for pro-blackness or are black themselves.
After going through the motions of trying to figure out why humans do this, I came across an age-old problem: black women.
Black women are a problem for society. If it’s not the skin color, it’s the hair, if its not the hair it’s the attitude, if it’s not the attitude it’s the body-types. No one is more scrutinized than the black woman. Period. Black women give and give in order to find acceptance in various communities only to be met with disdain when they want to voice opinions, thoughts and fears about themselves as black women.
Before I go any further, I need to explain a few things about the black community that is not always common knowledge to non-black individuals. These issues are not often addressed (outside the black community) nor taken seriously. So based on my original purpose for making this article, let me begin with the source: Interracial dating.
Interracial-dating is not always welcomed in the black community due to various OBVIOUS social issues. Even so, black men have more free-range to date outside of the black community than black women. More-so the same men who fawn over white, Asian and hispanic/Latino women will often times degrade a black woman for doing the same. This issue has become apparent to most in the anime community (Japanese animation), which has transferred into the kpop (South Korean music) community and beyond. We even see jokes about black women dating non-black women and see it promoted in non-black communities (Hollywood), whereas the black woman is rarely seen in interracial relationships.
Regulating “blackness”.  How did it stay strong well into 2017?
1.Black people constantly regulate each other’s “blackness” based on stereotypes- hiphop, having soul, chicken, slang, Beyonce vs, hood-movies, etc. such stereotypes were enforced through the decades by non-black individuals who thought they knew what it meant to be a black person.
2. Black people come up with things like “the black card” to determine if they are “black or not” based on stereotypes imposed on them by the white community, which we have reinforced & re-imaged for centuries.
3. A lot of Black people who are willingly to give up the “black card” to enjoy their hobbies with no regret, do so hoping other black people (and society in general) will stop making fun of them for it.
4.Even after black people accept their passions (by accepting I mean doing it publicly), they are then given “new names” like “weird black girl”,  “white Korean”. Black people are believed to operate under very basic guidelines of what it is to be black. Most guidelines consist of: hiphop, poor, overly sexual beings, dangerous, only support black products and black people, uneducated, etc.  Operating outside of those guidelines result in the above mentioned.
If you didn’t know white people appear to be given free-range to like and do essentially anything b/c they are involved in and have taken over a variety of industries. The black community is involved in other industries, but it is not often promoted or praised. When they are praised, it is solely because the individual a black. Meaning they are praised for doing something that goes against the “guidelines”.
What does this have to do with black women & kpop and some tweets?
1. As stated before, black men have more power to date outside the black community and receive less scrutiny (by both sexes). It has become a societal norm. Possibly related to men being allowed more independence than women? Maybe.
2. Black women dating outside the black community is met with severe scrutiny by men and sometimes by women (who uphold what most black men believe to be true.) If you notice AMBW FB groups and IG pages, it’s not purely out of fetish like many want to believe and enforce on others. These groups and pages are created due to stereotypes, prejudice & racism they receive from their peers and total strangers. This issue of scrutiny applies to all ethnicities of interracial dating, however the black community is criticized the most for doing so.
The Asian community is seen as odd & unattractive. Another ethnicity society says is undesirable. So often times, when you have two ethnicities deemed as undesired are with another the confusion is high. People who don’t know how to process this information, their immediate reaction is generally on the lines of “What? Do you see that? Why?”
So what does any of that have to do with black women and non-black hobbies? EVERYTHING!
1. Black women are known for being the loudest in the black community when it comes to black lives. They support other black women, black men, black babies, black causes, etc. But they rarely see the same support back.
2. Black women are heavily regulated & judged essentially by everyone- black men, white women, non-black men, gay men, etc. Black women  have to uphold standards place upon their heads by even other black women. But lets face it, those women are only mimicking what they’ve been taught by those already mentioned. 
3.You would think black women’s life-long efforts of supporting the black community would transcend as black women navigate away from black-stereotyped hobbies. Black women have “proven loyalty” to the black community time and time again. Often times, black men do not reciprocate that notion, and often times it is seen publicly by non-black communities. Which generally results in a further negative image on black women that easily reinforces the above mentioned stereotypes.
What more do you want from black women??
Their bodies apparently. Black women are one of the highest sexualized groups of individuals (Asian and Hispanic/Latino’s suffer as well, but not to the same degree) so it is no surprise when black women decide to do their own thing the black community gets upset. Protecting the queens? Maybe. Regardless, black women have found their independence and it seems everyone is out to stop it from happening.
The natual-hair trend is no longer a trend. It is becoming normalized in households. Skin-bleaching (colorism in the black community) has reportedly dropped in various countries over the last few years as women of color pursue their natural journey. Which means finding beauty in their natural-born looks and moving away from flat irons, relaxers and weave. Black-african hair is one of the most scrutinized on the planet. Where afro’s mean “black pride”, corn rows are “thugs” and “hiphop”, while dreads are “weed smokers” and “unkempt” beings along with short hair being a symbol for “tribal African” and black females having the inability to grow hair which is the sole-purpose of weave. Black-African hair can’t simply exist as hair like other ethnicities.
When beauty products come out that show black women as the target market, many believe black women are trying to be special and segregate themselves from other ethnicities. This is not the case. What many find offensive, are persons who are wholly responsible for the lack of diversity and representation, have the audacity to complain when a brand emerges with a target market that does not represent them.
Brands like Rihanna’s Fenty, is doing what many black women and other women of color have been asking for for decades- a proper line that represents the diversity of melanated skin. Now that women of color have this brand, beauty corporations well-known for marketing to white and fair-skinned persons are surprised by how popular the darker tones are. How many times must women of color ask “white brands” for representation before they seek out whole new brands for their needs? Coincidentally enough these other brands seem to be releasing darker color palettes as well. It is interesting to see this all play out. It further proves the message many have been preaching for decades: black women really don’t matter. Unless of course it goes against the grain of what society has bestowed- worthless.
So with all that in mind. I would like for people to remove stereotypes and prejudice from themselves and simply allow black women (women in general, but that’s not really the point here) to do and be as they please. Black women are not created by a set of rules. Black women are not here to fit the needs of others. Black women can be educated, love anime, visit a country not in Africa, dance to kpop and more. No one needs approval from anyone, especially black men, to do as they see fit with themselves.
*This post partly unfinished due to what seems to be an unending battle between races, sexes and the uphill battle of being properly heard and respected. If you feel major points are missing that are very crucial for painting a bigger picture feel free to add on to your own post. Eventually this post will be edited. Thank you*
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kpopismytae · 5 years
A Very Disturbing New Years FF (Kpop)
I hear a loud knock on the door and jumped up.
“Ugh. Can’t they knock quieter? I’m taking a nap,” I say sitting up, going out of my room and into the living room, opening the door and groaned, “Go away!”
I slam the door right in their faces until Minho opens it back up, “How welcoming.”
“That’s why Areum usually opens the door,” I walk to her room straight-faced, still in my pajamas and see her putting makeup on, “They’re here.”
She smiles and jumps up, “YAYYYYYYY” and ran into the living room.
I walk back in there and scratch my head, “why are you here so early?”
“It’s 9,” Kibum says, “We came at a normal time.”
“And where the hell is Sehun?”
Jonghyun said, “He’s coming later. He’ll be here in around 30 minutes.” “He’s the only person I was excited to see, “I sigh and go to the couch and lay down, “Shut up and let me sleep.”
Jinki runs into the kitchen and opens the fridge, “CHICKENNNNNNNNNNNNN”
“I said to shut up.”
“So mean,” Taemin laughs.
I glare at him, “shut. Up.”
Areum jumps up on Minho’s back and shouts, “TAKE ME AWAYYYYYY”
I get up and go to the kitchen and grab my pan. I run after them, but Minho is way too fast and wouldn’t let me hit her, which made much just want to hit him.
“Get your ass over here,” I shout.
A door opens and I turn my head to it and drop the pan, “Sehun!”
I run up to him and jump in his arms, “I missed youuuuuu”
He smiles, “I missed you too,” he looks at me from head to toe, “Why are you still in your pajamas?”
“I didn’t have anywhere to go so what’s the point?”
Minho comes over and chuckles, “Nobody would want to see her in a dress anyway.”
I jump out of Sehun’s arms and pick up my pan and start chasing him again, “Get back here you fuckin asshole!”
A pair of arms then picked me up and took the pan out of my hands, “calm down.”
He sets me down and I turn around and see who it is, “TAEMIN WHAT THE FUCK?! DON’T TOUCH ME LIKE THAT! I probably have aids now.”
“I don’t have aids!” he shouts
“I’m sure that’s true.”
“Stop flirting and just give us some food,” Kibum says, “I’m hungry.”
“Me tooooooo,” Areum whines.
“Nobody asked you,” I respond, “Starve.”
“Stop being so mean to meeeeee.”
“You should be used to it.”
“I don’t want to be used to it. It’s not nice!”
I roll my eyes, “I don’t care.”
I go into the kitchen and take out my cauliflower and sour cream and go to the table and eat it, “I thought you guys were hungry. Go eat something.”
“GO EAT A DICK!” Areum shouts.
“Nah, I’m good.”
Taemin mumbles, “eat my dick.”
I cringe, “ew no… That’s nasty. I don’t want bumps in my throat anyway.”
“Hey, I was kidding!”
Kibum sits down, “He probably does have herpes or something.”
Jonghyun sits next to him and leans on the table, “as long as he doesn’t spread them to anyone I don’t have a problem.”
“What if I have aids?”
“Then go get an std test I don’t want any in my asshole.”
“I don’t actually have any aids.”
Areum shouts, “You probably do!”
Jinki covers his ears, “Stop! The Easter bunny won’t give you any candy if you talk like that!”
I shout, “Shut up! You kids are giving me a headache.”
Sehun whispers to me, “shouldn’t Jinki go to the hospital.”
“Probably too late for that now. He got hit by it 10 years ago.”
“Fun times.”
Jinki shouts, “It hurt like a bi- AHHHHHH A BRAT!”
“Aww is Jinki not getting his easter candy?”
“I PEED ON THE EASTER BUNNY LAST YEAR!” he shouts, “It feels so good to finally tell someone.”
Everyone at the table judged him.
Taemin looks at me from across the table, “your eyes are so expressive and beautiful.”
A blush creeps on my cheeks, “w-what?”
He smiles, “I didn’t say anything.”
“Stop flirting with my sister,” he nudges him.
Jonghyun says, “well you don’t seem to have a problem flirting with my sister.”
Kibum rubs his chest, “calm down baby.”
“Fine,” he sighs.
Sehun leans over a bit and smiles, “see, he probably likes you too.”
I punch his shoulder, “shut up!”
I stand up and put my food away, “I’m done.”
Everyone stands up and goes into the living room and sits on the floor.
Areum says, “Who’s bored?”
Kibum says, “Everyone.”
“How about a game of 7 minutes in heaven?”
Minho looks at her and goes, “What? You’re going to have sex with someone else?”
Jonghyun looks at him and glares, “What?”
“I mean… nothing,” he smiles.
“We’re not dating anyway,” Areum says, “Just friends with benefits. I’ll call some girls over so we can have more people for the straight guys. If it is the gender you don’t have an interest or you’re related in you can just spin again.”
She took her phone out and called the neighbors and soon a knock came on the door and it opened.
“Irene, Wendy, and Yeri! Come in!”
“Why did you want us to come over?” Irene asks.
“7 minutes in heaven!”
Wendy says, “You need to get me drunk first. Where the soju?”
She told her where it was and she brought 2 bottles and shot glasses for everyone.
After we all got drunk, we all started playing spin the bottle with a now empty bottle of soju.
Areum leaned her head against Minho and started laughing hysterically. 
“Chillllllll,” I say in a drunk voice, “someone spinnnnn”
Areum stands up and starts spinning, “I’m spinninggggg.” “I WANNA SPIN TOO!” Jinki gets up and starts spinning with her until they both fall and laugh a lot.
Wendy raises her and says, “I will spin the bottle.”
She leans over and spins it and lands on Minho. They stand up and go into one of the rooms and begin their 7 minutes.
Areum starts sobbing, “SHE TOOK MY B-BOYFRIEND!”
“I thought you weren’t dating,” Jonghyun says.
“BUT I LOVE HIMMMMM,” she sobs harder and curls in a ball.
Irene goes to her and pats her back, “Areum it’ll be ok. Just have a good cry.” She starts crying with her.
“You guys are being so emotional,” I say, “Also, you’re the one who recommended this game.”
“I knowwwww,” Areum whines, wiping her tears and sits up, “I’m ok now.”
“You’re too drunk…”
Minho and Wendy come back with their clothes messed up and sit down.
I raised my hand, “I go now.”
I spun the bottle and landed on Taemin and smiled, “come on let’s do it”
He stands up and while leaving Minho shouts, “If you give my sister aids I‘ll chop your dick off.”
We got into my room and we sat on the bed and started making out. He put his hand up my shirt, ready to unhook my bra, but I stopped him, “w-wait.”
“I need to confess something. I’m a virgin and I don’t feel right losing my virginity like this.
“Honestly, I’m a virgin too.”
“What? You are?”
He nods, “But I’m embarrassed by it.”
6“So do you just want to make out?”
He attaches his lips to mine and moves down to my neck and sucks on my sensitive skin. A soft moan escapes my mouth and I run my fingers through his soft hair.
Areum comes and knocks on the door, “YOUR 7 MINUTES ARE UP! GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE!”
He didn’t listen and kept leaving hickeys on my neck.
“Don’t you t-think we should go b-back?” I stutter out.
He puts his lips back on mine and we start backing up and going into the living room.
“Ooooh Seulgi’s getting some,” Areum says.
We sit back down, still making out.
Minho clears his throat, “I think it’s Areum’s turn.”
We detach our lips and Areum goes to the bottle and spins it, landing on Kibum.
Kibum says, “It’s the game. We have to.”
She sighs and stands up, “okay…”
They go into the room and finish their 7 minutes.
After playing 7 minutes and heaven and drinking 2 more bottles of soju we were tired so we all went into the rooms and Irene, Yeri, and Wendy went home.
(My room: Taemin, Kibum, and Sehun; Areums room: Jonghyun, Minho, and Jinki)
At 11 pm we all woke back up so we could celebrate the new year at 12 and we sobered up some. We went into the living room and drank a bit more because it’s new years. We watched some fireworks and at 12 watched the countdown on the tv.
“5,” the tv started counting, “4,” it continued, “3, 2, 1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
Areum started making out with Minho. Taemin and I looked at each other and started making out again. Kibum and Jonghyun did too and I did overhear a special conversation that Sehun had with Jinki.
Sehun sighs, “I’m so lonely.”
“Me too,” Jinki whines.
“Are you at least a little gay?”
He shakes his head, “But I don’t mind trying something out.”
Sehun and Jinki started making out with each other and Jinki sat in his lap.
The next morning we all woke up in our rooms. I had no memory from last night and I was the last one sleeping so no one else was in the room.
I got off my bed and went into the hall and saw everyone sitting at the kitchen table. I saw Taemin and remembered everything. I put the hood of my onesie on and hid my face.
“What the fuck did I do?” I think to myself.
Sehun looks at me with a smile, “Oooooh Seulgi come here!”
Jinki rubs his head and pouts, “My head hurts.”
Minho slaps him in the back of his head, “That’s why you shouldn’t drink so much.”
“But he becomes more normal when he does,” I say.
“I’m scarred for life,” Areum says, “I had sex with Kibum.”
“Well, I had sex with Wendy,” Minho says, “Let’s just keep having sex with each other.”
Areum jumped up on him and they started making out then moved to her room.
“I’m too hungover to care,” Jonghyun says, looking depressed.
Kibum rubs his back, “I’ll get you some hangover soup.”
And that’s how everything got awkward.
Next: A Very Disturbing Valentines Day
0 notes
nightswithkookmin · 4 years
BIGHIT vs BTS SHIPS The Difference Between Jikook and Taekook
I think I have explained the commercial value of ships when it comes to content marketing in one of my previous posts. But allow me to use this opportunity to address it in depth.
Bighit did not invent shipping. Shipping predates Kpop and plays a vital role in spiking interest, relevancy and longevity of that interest in a piece of marketed content. It sustains Audience Retention rates and improves engagement rates significantly. It is a powerful marketing tool when used right but I'm not going to get into all that in this post.
Fact is BigHit does benefit from shipping culture because it is one way they keep the audience engaged with BTS content even when they aren't putting out new content for the market to consume. BTS ships serve the same purpose as all the Run, Soop, Bon voyage and myriads of sub content they put out. You may not watch Run every day, but if you are a shipper you will like a ship post at least once a day.
Shipping is organic and costs nothing unlike most other marketing strategies available to the marketer. TV programs such as Harry Potter (Dont lie. I know you shipped Hermoine and Harry. I did too. *tears) Star wars, Friends, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Shadow Hunter to name a few have all benefited from shipping culture significantly.
Can BigHit do without ships? Absolutely. They would be a fool to though. Shipping is just one of the many resource options available to a marketer. It bridges the gap in between formal contents and keep interest in a brand going.
I smirk when some people dismiss shipping, look down on shippers or make ignorant and ill informed comments about shipping culture in general. Audience retention and engagement is king in today's economy and BigHit taps into this resource very well.
All BTS ships are thus relevant and valid. All of them. Unfortunately, this is a numbers games. Numbers play a key role in the commercial value of a ship. And it is a fact universally acknowledged that Taekook and Jikook are ships with the most number of fans and as such provides higher engagement rates within a marketing context.
Taekook is the biggest ship not just in BTS but in Kpop. It is followed closely by Jikook. Does that mean all the ships are nothing but shallow interactions engineered to keep us tethered to BTS for as and when they are ready to sell a product to us? NO.
I don't see BigHit actively curating these ships and masterminding them.
What I mean is, I don't think BigHit is asking the members to interact or even forcing them to interact- except in recent moments but that is another topic for another day.
BTS interact with eachother from their own free will. Of course no two interactions are going to be the same as no two relationships are the same. We cannot compare Taegi to Jikook or Taekook to Jikook or even to VMin because the friendship between Jimin and V is not the same as between V and Jin etc.
No one is forcing Jungkook to interact with Jimin. No one is forcing Tae not to interact with JK. It's absurd to think in such a way.
They all interact with eachother and provide that content for BigHit's use. All BigHit does is decide when to show us that content as and if they want to show it to us at all. They are a business and all these ships are just marketing resources and so they will show us a ship's content in a way that advances their business marketing strategy.
However, if two people within a ship barely interact or do not interact at all with eachother then there wouldn't be any content on them for BigHit to promote or use in their marketing campaigns to begin with.
What I'm saying is, if Taekook sells- as in if there are a lot of people interested in seeing their content(which there are) and those two individuals actually have moments together on or off camera, then in their estimation BigHit will market that content to us. If Jikook sells they will sell it to us; as long as none of these ships are damaging to the reputation and business of BigHit.
[CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC BELOW- Proceed with caution.]
A ships value to BigHit, in my opinion, is contingent on its commercial value as discussed above but if that ship causes BigHit to lose money rather than gain, if a ship negatively affects the business or reputation of BigHit then that ship is as good as dead. They will kick that ship off the spotlight real fast.
Taekook and Jikook have both had moments like this where they are temporarily taken off the spotlight or even asked to tone things down. We've all seen it don't argue with me.
Not everything BigHit does is about these ships. BigHit is a brand in of its own. They have several other brands under their brand and they can't afford to ruin their brand image or any of their artists.
They will not hesitate to shut down a ship if it is doing more harm than good. They did it to Taekook when that ship was in it's hay days. As soon as they started recieving a ton of negative press that is when they started getting 'seperated' -on stage anyway. I don't think they were seperated or asked not to interact off camera. Clearly they do. They are friends after all.
BigHit does the same thing to Jikook whenever they start recieving negative attention. But we see them interacting backstage nevertheless and usually this happens at the same event they get 'separated at.'
It's nothing personal, just business.
[Controversial content ahead. Proceed with caution]
At this point, I know you would be asking why Taekook seemed to have dimmed as a ship where BigHit is concerned but Jikook recieve the same negative press and yet they still market Jikook and shine more light on it....
A Taekooker friend whom I had this discussion with pointed out to me that it seems whenever Jikook receives a ton of negative press BigHit claps back with more Jikook content and in an aggressive way yet has it being Taekook we wouldn't get any content outside official content for a whole year.
To be fair, BigHit treats all ships equally in my opinion. Jikook gets penalized for certain moments just as much as Taekook or any ship gets punished. Example, after the New Jersey VLive Jikook were banned(allegedly) from doing a Vlive on their own for a whole year and after the ban was lifted their VLive was monitored the same way Taekook's Vlive was monitored.
Secondly, perhaps they keep pushing Jikook content because that is all they have? Perhaps, they have more Jikook content than Taekook?
Jikook spend so much time around each other and they don't mind their interactions being filmed as content. Not because they are doing fan service but more so because they are lowkey exhibitionists or exhibit exhibitionist tendencies. Lol. More on that later.
When it comes to Taekook; Tae have said once that JK avoids him off camera which I assume by that he meant Jk doesn't interact with him much off camera. Now it could also be that Jk was not on good terms with him during that particular period which is normal because friends fight.
Jk have also said him and Tae's relationship is not for the cameras and I assume by that he meant they are both are not comfortable providing content for Bighit to use as marketing because as I said all these ship interactions are by their own free will. Bighit can't force Taekook to interact and if Taekook hasn't given them permission to air certain moments they just can't.
Or... or....
The reason BigHit pushes back with more Jikook content even after negative press is because Jikook is real. DEADASS.
Hear me out. Calling Taekook out for promoting Homosexuality in S.K will be deemed negative press if Taekook are not gay or in an actual romantic relationship. Calling Jikook out for promoting homosexuality will not be deemed as negative press but an abuse if Jikook are in fact gay and in a gay relationship with eachother.
BigHit is not homophobic. Bang PD is known for his openly support for members of the LGBTQ plus community. If people hate on Jikook because of their moment he will sympathize with them and shove that in your face.
While Taekook negative press will be a nuance, Jikook negative press will be revolution and BigHit will make a statement: a statement that says they stand with LGBTQ plus community PERIOD.
They will do this not for money but for the boys so they feel loved and supported. So Jikook knows they are not in this fight alone especially coming from a highly homophobic society as S.K.
The thing about Jikook is, Jikook is real. That alone gives BigHit a competitive advantage in the Industry. It means Jikook produce more content for BigHit over any other pair and that content is juicy. It's similar to how companies want exclusive access to certain power couples in the industry. If Jikook are real and BigHit have access to them, exclusive access mind you, then that places BigHit above the competition business wise.
Think of Jikook and BigHit as the Kardashians and Entertainment company behind them. Jikook has given BigHit partial access to their private lives extending beyond the access they have over BTS.
If Taekook or any ship give similar access to them we will see more of them. If they give BigHit content we will see more of them. It's as simple as that.
Jikook is a brand and BigHit is their brand manager. This means BigHit gets more content from Jikook and is at liberty to use that content any how they want and milk the shit out of it. In return, BigHit has a duty to protect Jikook and so no. When Jikook gets negative press due to homophobia BigHit is not going to cancel them.
May be chill on them for a while, because that exposure they give Jikook can be traumatizing for Jikook especially if the feedback is negative.
What I'm saying is, where Taekook would be asked to chill and lay low from public scrutiny it will be because BigHit wants to protect their business interest whereas in Jikook's case it would be to protect Jikook themselves. If Taekook are both gay and in a relationship with each other BigHit would do same for them.
I don't think BigHits marketing tactics however affects the status of Jikook, Taekook or any other ship's relationship in any way. Jikook is real whether it is made the center of attention or not. Taekook could be real regardless of whether they are marketed or not. Just because a certain ship is put under the spotlight doesn't mean that ship is 'real' neither does that negate the genuine friendship that exists between members of other ships.
It is weird to me when people associate BigHits business tactics to the validity of their ship. There is no correlation. BigHit is a business, BTS are their artists that make them money- all BTS not just two members from a ship. BTS is one of the most powerful brands in the world right now.
BigHit will explore and exploit all the relationships within the group, platonic or otherwise, if that will help them sell more albums or even Icecream.
Jikook gives BigHit a competitive advantage more so than any other ship in BTS not just because they are the second largest ship in South Korea but because Jikook are shaping out to be a power couple and Icons for the LGBTQ community. There is a reason why companies rush to support Pride month parades. I'll leave it there.
So no, I don't see it as BigHit highlighting the ship of the era as you put it or alternating between Jikook and Taekook as and when. BigHit has a business to run, shipping plays a vital role in its business marketing strategy but not everything is about these ships.
The members have a role to play in creating content for these ships and Bighit won't hesitate to market it if the content is quality entertainment, consensual and plays to their overall marketing scheme.
This means if Jikook ship content are boring they will choose to show a much entertaining ship content over them. Nothing personal.
I just think they treat Jikook differently because as much as they want to pander to our delusional shipping interests, they owe Jikook a duty to protect them from homophobic people. When you hate on any ship in BTS, BigHit assumes you are nuts but when you hate on Jikook BigHit will immediately assume you are both nuts and homophobic.
Promoting Jikook is business but it is also validation and acceptance and support. Bighit has a proclivity for sensitizing us to Jikook and normalizing their relationship.
If Taekook are also in a gay relationship they will be treated the same and I will support them the same. But to me, I believe Jikook are real and therefore Taekook and Jikook are mutually exclusive. Both cannot be real at the same time.
Ship whatever you want but support Jikook and stan all seven.
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mountaindews77 · 8 years
The 70 Questions Tag or whatever
Since @forevertaeyeontrash cared enough to tag me, I'll care enough to do it
1: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yeah, I have amazing parents so we have a pretty good relationship
2: Who did you last say “I love you” to? My niece or nephew. Idk which one, I say “I love you” to them like 15 times a day
3: Do you regret anything? I made fun of a girl in like the 1st grade and I want nothing more than to apologize to her. Other than that, just me being embarrassing and awkward
4: Are you insecure? Hell no, I’m gorgeous and amazing. Honestly like why don’t I have 1 million followers yet
5: What is your relationship status? Very single
6: How do you want to die? Quick and painless
7: What did you last eat? A piece of chocolate cake
8: Played any sports? I played basketball and softball. I’m gonna start doing kickboxing soon (Does that count as a sport?)
9: Do you bite your nails? I don’t bite them but I pick at them
10: When was your last physical fight? Umm maybe with my sister? We didn’t fist fight or anything tho. I accidentally hit her and she tackled me and hit me back harder, several times. I’m like TT
11: Do you like someone? No, thank God
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Nope, I’m to sleepy for that ish
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? Eh I strongly dislike people but I don’t hate anyone
14: Do you miss someone? f(x) D: They need a comeback ASAP
15: Have any pets? Yes I have a cat that doesn’t love me
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Umm normal? Idk, I feel like I always do
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? Lol no
18: Are you scared of spiders? I lied about who I hate, I hate spiders and parrots
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Yeah, not to change anything but I’d like to see what the past looks like and convince people I’m a fortune teller
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? I’ve never snogged/made out with someone
21: What are your plans for this weekend? Nothin interesting
22: Do you want to have kids? I haven’t decided yet. But I refuse to get pregnant
23: Do you have piercings? I’m pretty sure most girls have their earlobes pierced (Me included)
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? Lunch and P.E (I know they don’t count)
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? Uhh not really my past but I miss my ex Youth Group Leader. I haven’t seen her in months and am sad about it
26: What are you craving right now? Bruh, I’m always craving some good Chinese food
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Uhh maybe? Idk?
28: Have you ever been cheated on? Not that I know of
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Again, not that I know of
30: Whats irritating you right now? f(x) not having a comeback yet
31: Does somebody love you? A lot of people love me (Friends, family)
32: What is your favorite color? Grey because I like being special
33: Do you have trust issues? Yes and no? I don’t trust a lot of people with my secrets but like idk I trust them with other stuff
34: Who/what was your last dream about? No idea
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? My sister, she made fun of my crying the next day
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? Lol no, you mess up once and that’s enough for me
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? Neither, they’re both difficult
38: Is this year the best year of your life? I hope it will be
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? Idk..Maybe the 1st grade? I was super young tho
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? The only time I’m naked is if I’m showering
51: Favorite food? Chinese food
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Yep
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Set my alarm to wake up
54: Is cheating ever okay? Cheating is never okay
55: Are you mean? Umm like how mean? I’m brutally honest, usually grumpy, and sarcastic af
56: How many people have you fist fought? Zero and counting
57: Do you believe in true love? Yep, I also believe opposites attract
58: Favorite weather? Cold weather because most of my clothes are for cold weather
59: Do you like the snow? Who doesn’t like snow?
60: Do you wanna get married? Yes
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Eh Baby is kinda cringey
62: What makes you happy? A lot of things but right now I’ll say an f(x) comeback would make me ecstatic
63: Would you change your name? Maybe my last name when I get married? It depends on what my spouse’s last name is and if I like their last name
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Yes it would
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? He’s gay so I would probably be shocked af and ask him when he stopped being gay
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Yep
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? A kpop friend I met online, but in person it would be my brother in law
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Umm @kyutey maybe, I don’t really remember nor have a bunch of deep conversations
69: Do you believe in soulmates? Yaaas
70: Is there anyone you would die for? I would die for a lot of people, not even just people I know. Like I would die for a child/baby or a nice pregnant lady
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years
Who are you craving an apology from most right now? No one. Have you ever had to use an epi pen? Nope. Who do you know who’s deathly allergic to nuts? I know no one with that allergy. Who do you know who’s colorblind? I have a colour blind friend. Have you ever been accused of shoplifting? Nope. Have you ever been accused of being gay? Yes haha, and well I do like girls as well as guys so yeah bitch what about it. What color is your robe? Pink. Do you wear a wristwatch? No. What youtube video are you most looking forward to filming? I don’t do youtube. Did you want to go in the performing arts when you were younger? Nah, I would be in musicals my church would put off at Christmas time though haha. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? Yes its what I'm going to school for. Who was the last person who was rude to you? Idk. Who was the last person who hurt your feelings? ^ What color rim does your full-length mirror have? I don’t have a full length mirror. Describe the worst allergic reaction you have ever had. The only allergic reaction I've ever had has been my mouth swelling up from using cinnamon toothpaste. Do you like the name Eliana? Sure. What is your favorite Spanish name? I love the name Marisol What is your favorite Japanese name? Shouyo, Himawari, Hinata, I have lots. Do you have to use a sunlamp? I used to but I don’t anymore, I don’t have SAD just normal depression. What current health problems do you have? Type one diabetes, psoriasis, eczema and mental illness. If you could go back to school, what would it be for? I’m attending University. Would you have fun decorating a house? Yep. What do you want to do for your 30th birthday? Woah thats far away so idk. List five adjectives that describe you. Sarcastic, Bizzarre, mysterious, interesting, ethereal. List five adjectives that your haters would use to describe you. Snobby, antisocial, weird, I can’t think of anymore lmao. List five words that your best friend would use to describe you. Funny, sarcastic, beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful. List five words that your biggest fans would use to describe you. Bruh I have no fans. What big city would you like to visit that you’ve never been to? Tokyo. Have you ever posted a Storytime video to youtube? I don’t do Youtube. Name someone you know who acts stuck-up. I’m sure I know some stuck up people but no names are coming to mind rn. List five people who have tried to kill you. Who do you think I am? List five friends who have turned against you. None. Do you hate anyone? If so, who? I don’t hate anyone. What is one tragic news story that has stuck with you? I’m not sure. Who is/are your favorite author/s? ^ If you were a triplet, what would your two sisters be named? Elizabeth and Charolette. What would you be named if you had been born the opposite gender? No idea. List five names you like that start with the same letter as your own. Iris, Irene, Illias, Ilia, and Ivory. Which Disney princess is your favorite? Mulan. What is your favorite Halloween candy? Caramel apples. Favorite magazine to read as a teenager? I don’t have one. An unpopular opinion that you have? Idk. What’s the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced? I have a high pain tolerance so idk. What’s the most emotionally painful thing you’ve ever experienced? Havingl with loved ones who were in a deep depression/ were feeling suicidel. If you do youtube, do you have an uploading schedule? N/A. Have you ever been banned from an fb group and you had no idea why? Nope. What was the last book you read about? A home invader. Lynnea, Liberty, Lydia, or Lila? Liberty. Ellery, Eliana, Emily, or Evelyn? Evelyn. What does your name rhyme with? Nothing I can think of. Did you have any *N Sync albums? Nope. What genre of music did you listen to as a kid and teenager? Alternative, rap, R&B, classic rock, 80s, 90s, Kpop etc. What genre of music do you listen to now? The same. Were you “sheltered” as a kid? Are you sheltered now? I wasn’t sheltered at all lmao. What does your name mean? It’s a term for fox grape. Do you like the color pink? It’s my favourite colour. What is your favorite shade of pink? Pastel/baby pink. Do you like how Avril Lavigne mixed girly and rocker styles together? Idk. Gwen Stefani, Lady Gaga, or Katy Perry? Lady Gaga. Lauren Alaina or Scotty McCreary? Whom? Mandisa or Colton Dixon? ^ Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood? I’m indifferent. Paramore or Avril Lavigne? Paramore. Do you listen to any foreign music? Yep. Do you eat foreign food? That’s mostly all I eat. Mexican, Chinese, Italian, or Japanese food? Japanese, but I also love every other food listed here. Do you like seafood? I love it, it’s mainly what we eat where I'm from. Are you in pain right now? Nope. Aeropostale, Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, or American Eagle? I don’t really like these stores, but AE if I had to pick. What stereotype do you fit the most? Bisexual interent girl LMAO. Favorite Backstreet Boys song? I don’t have one. Were you a Britney Spears fan ever? Meh, I like some of her music but I wouldn't call myself a fan. Were you a Taylor Swift fan ever? No. Fairytale which resembles your life the most? No idea. How are you feeling today? Content, lazy, happy, relaxed etc. Do you wish you could cast a love spell on someone? No. Fictional city you’d like to visit? Hyrule castle town. Movie that made you cry? Wolf Children Ame and Yuki. Book that made you cry? Not sure. Your favorite book? ^ Your favorite movie? 10 things I hate about you, Spirited Away, Wolf Children Ame and Yuki. Favorite Mary-Kate and Ashley movie? Don’t have one. Age you enjoyed the most when you were a kid? 1st/2nd grade maybe? Have you ever been homeschooled? No. What would you name three girls? Lucy, Ophelia and Charolette. What would you name three boys? Luca, Levi and Elias. Favorite name that starts with a “Z”? Zuko >:) What’s a good name for an alien? Piccolo. What question should I answer in my Q & A video? Leave me alone Youtube geek ass. Favorite fair ride? The one that shoots you up in the air. Favorite fair food? Candy apples, beaver tails and like the fries they cook there. Favorite drink at the fair? Idk lmao. Most missed memory? Not sure. Are you allergic to any medications? No. Is your heart hurting? Yeah but it’s getting better. Thing you are looking forward to right now? University in a couple weeks. Have you ever had the police show up at your house and been scared? No lmao. 
0 notes
spn-traxx · 7 years
spn rewatch 12x02
tagged as ‘spn for ts’ those who want to block. enjoy!
"Preform. Drink. Sleep. Repeat." Is this them calling out dean winchester
ok its an empty tea cup but u tried sammy
Mitch just tryna get that promotion ....
ok to start with i just ended up watchin 3 seconds of something called better things ... thanks random website im watching spn on. I wish it was better things.
Preview showing me sams pain please stop im crying.
is this why people ship them... this one scene where sam isbeing manipulated by toni by sex. i hate this. i hate non con and everything it stands for
WINE IN BED if that spilt it would look like blood
we report to no man.... we free souls
also is sam saying this all out loud??
bed scene to dean and cas okkkk transitions where
“check real estate” .... get us a flat soon bb
no dont leave me with my zombie mum thanks
cas googling quick like "how to b supportive bf"  but only loads the first bullet point lmao
mary ears were burning
mary and dean do that thing pretending they good when they not ... tears
“forwards hopefully” lol.
“I STARTED ALL OF THIS THE YELLOW EYED” THING.....GASP theres a leaked spoiler about this that it blows up into a big thing so ///early points/// wow. they PLANNED this wow.
why u asking .... dont like her again... brain would liquify stooop
i dont like these less pleasant methods dude. At all. Leave sammy 😢😢
it looks like a raptor claw. dino baiting in spn why
NO THE SHNK NOISE i hate the shnk noise
ahh the next morning.
cas out there fully looking at real estate for dean and found a farm.... he got a hay truck now, he blends in perfectly he doesnt need that tree camo
"We never kno we are hunters" mary my heart is breaking please stop
and she damn well can handle herself as u will see
O BOI 😂😂😂😂
Tonis calendar blocked out as "torture sam" for how long ew *shudder*
ooo first evidence that bmol is out of date
how did they dean did it hmm
ROWENA. Ok but i love her so much.
CROWEWEY. i love them so much 😍
their banter im 😂😂😂
she just wants a normal life crowley leave her alonnne
PFFFTTTT thats not a tiny favour crowley cmon. work out ur favour sizes
ahhh vnc vncnt he worked well as lucifers vessel. outdated rockstar who drinks. and he wears eyeliner so im down.
"Preform. Drink. Sleep. Repeat." Is this them calling out dean winchester
Tomi leave with ur 2002 split down the middle hair style. Let him look at some model stock photo
i thought that they could only use vessels from blood lines but ok ....
dean appreciating mary as a hunter
also all these wide sweeping statements about hunters
"It changed dad" u can say that again. DEAN CONFESSING STUFF
also .... no dean thats what u think ...... sam was learning and had a gf ..... why u tell ur mum these things please.
hAHHH - scream of terror me too vincy
everyone knows whats going to happen why they drag it out for so long
why does lucifer have to ask for permission for vince vincenenety???? he didnt for any of the other vessels except sam .... what kind of bs .....
swallowing those pills was selfish but she was in an abusive relationship. thats so sad.
he has an aura of supreme evil 😂😂😂
"Its exactly why im retiring" 😂😂
"He makes oatmeal look interesting"
why not the location? mother / son team up!!
rowena doesnt care about ben tho lbr. Shes a beautiful funny women who could like magic women up. Why does she need a man....
they should bring sam fresh clothes honestly how long has he been stewing tf
"Dude help me" ..... "i cant believe that worked" see mary and cas have no expectations for each other so they act get on better than mary and dean *cries*
brother are you okay ..... isnt this what kelvin says. hair split guy cares about you....
CLASSY ONE LINER THat ive heard 20 times
where is dean even walking. he got his gun out like its not a crime tf. Oh wait americs ... never mind
BEAM ME UP SCOTTY "son of a bitch"
so was dean just standing there and got grabbed wtf? Underestinated tonis strength
get off my throne would have been better but i appreciate it.
Beiber more ur style 😂😂😂 i like crowley
Real estate has been mentioned like 5 times this ep. They all want to move away.
"Mani mani mani"cure lucifer jeez cut ur nails.
why would sulfuric acid hurt them LOL they literally made of sulfur dumbs
no hesitation strike hurt the nation
Spit blood hunnyyy
“tea and a beating” 😂😂😂
ew ew ew ew face melting. Good acting of being burnt alive.
his vessel struggling to be healed or melt away
damn this is what lucifer should have been from the first of the series....
also lucifer snapped lucifers next last time
Posh spice angry spice 😂😂
she missed some juicy gossip
archane topics - this probably explains why they so out of date tbh
Sams like tripping out right now
WHY SHE HIT SAM LMAO HE IN A CHAIR 😂😂😂😂 sam still tripping out hard
Dean u got one hand free tarzan swing over there
U can make spells by cutting ur hand ... ok ... rowena teach me ur rich witch ways please
SAMS TRIPPING SO HARD IM DYING 😂😂😂😂 dean and his mum came back knocked out toni then cas and cas british twin turned up
um ..... toni didnt face those consequences in london.... why winchesters obeying their code?
Mitch just tryna get that promotion ....
LMAO AND NO HE CANT FINISH U OFF his ass got beat in 1 min flat by ms watts
where cas
SAMS FACE. i didnt like early mary in this like the way she was written.
no ... not now....
why dean wanting pie when he be wanting cas
pftt okay lucifer talking about snapping her neck. Glad that plot point was adressed
empty throne oòooo
ok its an empty tea cup but u tried sammy
sam pulling that hsm "i dont fit in the status quo" vibe and marys like .... u dont get it sam.
another puss in boot reference .... marys boots.
also sam had to read johns journal about catching up. Deans the only one who stayed  a winchester thru everything ..... sunshine please .....
dean be here looking at pics with beer. But. Where. Is. Cas.
Welp there he is ... from an episode 20 years old
sam is thinking of that "a potato flew around my room" vine looking at that fan
"Honey not vinegar" thanks mitch.
Anyone who works one case (1) case with the winchesters get cursed with winchester feel syndrome.
hes sent for ketchup.... oh no....
james bond vibes .... still no face
he should have worn a mask the whole season honestly lol
That place is def not london 😂😂😂
0 notes