#where did all that joy and whimsy go
kavehgirl · 5 months
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baby sunday screenshots from robin's animated trailer ♡♡♡♡♡
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sanaefum0 · 4 months
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madame spelunker!!!
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vse-kar-vem · 7 months
feeling a deep sense of grief about the loss of barve oceana all of a sudden
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arolesbianism · 4 months
I've been thinking abt my critter dupes some more and it was all fun and games until I remembered that I made Mi-ma a beeta and hm. Whoops. Uh oh. (<- Considered the implications for more than 2 seconds)
#rat rambles#oni posting#it's not Too bad. shes fine. but hoo boy. the images my mind showed me were not fun.#it's ok she just needs to keep being the farmer cook that she is and gather stuff for her fellow dupes and itll all be fine#Id provide further context but then itd become too clear what Im talking abt so how abt I dont#its ok shes ok nothing bad happens to her shes just a bit quirky thats all#and even if things did go a lil wonky it wouldnt be irreversible just a bit of an issue for a bit#shes just a silly billy who's genetic makeup is a series of contradictions and anomalies#I also have it as a thing where most of the colony see her as like a baby sister since she was the first duplicant printed after quinn left#so the dupes who were already there were like oh shit there's a new one and quinn isn't here to help them adjust we have to do a good job#in their place and make sure she feels the security they helped us feel while we built this colony together#and meanwhile mi-ma was just sitting there having the joints of an 80 year old woman and the energy of a young and spry bee#some of the younger dupes in that colony actually dont like her much because they see her as kind of spoiled#liam and leira especially constantly give her gifts and let her do things she rly shouldn't do#they eventually get better abt it when it actually starts to threaten her physical well-being but it sort of starts to swing in the other#direction after a while with leira especially being rly obsessive with making sure shes not doing anything that could cause health issues#ada has some light beef with mi-ma but she starts to turn around on her a bit once she learns abt some of the stuff shes gone through#after a lil while they get to be bug buddies who are experiencing joy and whimsy together watching paint dry or smth idk
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killbaned · 2 years
local woman that dislocated her knee over a year ago and never did anything about it now causing local goblin to be late to work tomorrow because of ER visit
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Magician Sun, appearing on stage, twirling a cane: welcome to the theatre of the macabre, where wonder and whimsy reign supreme. What does my precious audience desire? Dancing dolls, suspiciously vocal puppets, instruments that can play entire symphonies all by themselves?
Y/N, tied to a very comfortable chair: my shift ended two hours ago and I better be paid overtime for this, Sunny. I am going to start charging you for all of this kidnapping nonsense.
Sun, approaching, gently placing the cane's tip under Y/N's chin: worry not about monetary compensation, for I am about to provide a better type of enrichment. Your joy and dreams are what I crave to devour.
Dark sorcerer Moon, crashing through the ceiling in a gust of shadows: you shall remain famished, brother, for I am the one that is here to fight for fair Y/N's heart and send you to the abyss.
Y/N, tilting their head: I didn't expect you to come here so early this evening, Moonie. Sun hasn't even finished his speech yet.
Moon, bowing elegantly: my heart was eager to be in your blessed presence, my midnight flower. The very thought of your eyes guided me like the Northern Star guides a poor sailor lost at sea. Your love will defeat the unforgiving ocean of Tragedy.
Y/N, blushing and looking away: you silly man.
Sun, huffing at his brother: I called dibs on Y/N for tonight, did you not check the calendar?
Moon, growling: that calendar is an absolute joke, you are hoarding Y/N all for yourself! This can only be settled with a duel, draw thy sword, fight me like a proper gentleman.
Sun, pulling a blade out of his cane: who am I to deny the request of a desperate fool?
Y/N, rolling their eyes: hey, before you two kill each other, can you please bring me some cold water and snacks, pretty please? And I do need more cushions and blankets. Maybe a bedtime story. And cuddles.
Sun and Moon, blinking at Y/N, then looking at each other begrudgingly:...temporary truce it is, then.
Y/N, smirking slyly: works every time.
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raytism · 17 days
i need to stop going on tiktok bc why tf did i just see a vid w comments FULL of people hating on literally every stranger things ship under the sun???
like why are these middle schoolers so upset that people are shipping noncanon ships?? that’s literally how shipping STARTED‼️
“they’re not gay, they’re just friends, they barely know each other, blah blah” okay??? some of us ship characters from completely different universes, should we be condemned to death??? you don’t have to like every ship or think it’s realistic or whatever, but don’t go all “it’s weird😕” or thinking it’s wrong just bc a character isn’t canonically queer
(also btw how was the most hated one byler. will is literally in love w mike it’s half canon, how can you be so mad at people for wanting him to be happy lol)
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Hate when people say shit like "all allwing designs will look bad mo matter what, all allwing ocs are inherently op and bad characters by default"
For one, you do realize not everyone is gonna make their allwing look like a neon rainbow 2012 my little pony OC, right? Even if they did, who cares, it's their character, let people have fun. But I've seen AllWing OCs that stick to a certain color pallette. I've seen an AllWing that was just different shades of blue, and another one that was purple. Believe or not, AllWings CAN turn out looking very pretty
For another, not every AllWing is going to have the powers of every single tribe. Again, fine if they do, because let people have fun, but a lot of AllWing OCs I've seen only have a small collection of tribe abilities. Some only have frostbreath and SandWing venom. Some only have RainWing spit and the ability to hold your breath. When you say every AllWing OC is OP, you assume every single person who has ever made an AllWing gave them every single power they possibly could, which is just ignorant
Also, where is the joy and whimsy in your soul when you say shit like that? Where is the excitement when it comes to putting every wof tribe into one dragon and getting to decide why they're like that? Whether they're just a result of a long line of hybrid parents, or if they were artificially created? You are the people of the mlp fandom who tell kids they're not allowed to have alicorn OCs, and if they do, they need to ultra nerf their powers, or else the character will be a "mary sue." You are the people who think you're giving "advice" on how to make good OCs, when really you are putting literal children down for making what they believe is a cool character. If you don't like AllWings, don't make one. Stop acting like you have the right to tell others what they can and can't do when making OCs
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no joy and no whimsy where did it all go
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slay-the-heroine · 29 days
"Are you the same as you were before? How much have you changed?"
"Does anything really stay the same? Even you are different from what you were. Things will be new, and things will always be different. Even if things begin the same, there are new ends. New colors and patterns. 'I' am new. I was new then, and I am new now."
"What does it feel like to change like this?"
"How can I answer something like that?"
"Feelings intertwine, bending and stretching into things I thought I knew. Things that feel like permanence, only to be wrung and dyed again. They are all connected."
"It doesn't feel wrong, but it is hard to call a feeling right or wrong. To watch as you help me find ourselves is the only thing I feel is correct."
"When this is all done, do you know what you want to do?"
"I cannot know. All I know is you, and the experiences you have caused. Even if I did know what I will want to do, it will undoubtedly change. You and your experiences are all new, so I will be, too."
"Right now, I just want to see more of it. I want to see the paths you can form."
"You've been kinder to me than anyone else I've met. I am grateful, but why?"
"Have either of us met something else to be kind or mean to? Kindness is relative, I think. You have been kinder to me than I can express, even though I have nothing in return but words. I am glad you see me as kind."
"What do you want me to bring you next time?"
"Whatever you see fit. They are just as much your experiences as they are mine. Find something you feel excited about. Find something you hate, and give it love."
"You are doing well so far. I have enjoyed all of the things I have seen."
"Do you have any thoughts on this vessel?"
"This one is vaporous. Whimsy left to wilt. She had wanted her revenge so desperately. One can only meet so many shut doors before learning to pick locks. She will make for a crafty heart."
"Do not mourn her — She has found comfort in unending possibility."
"Do you have any preferences on how you'd like to change and grow?"
"Everything will be new to me, and that is all I want. The patterns you collect are things I have never seen or known, there is no way I can want them; I do not know what they are."
"I don't think I want to hurt you, but I do. Is that bad for you?"
"These vessels are shaped by memories of you, but they are drawn to the edge of the Long Quiet. To them, you are an expression, a way to be. But you are more than that, and so are they. How they see you is different from myself. I think I see more. Their individual views are so limited."
"The wounds they've suffered carve texture around my heart. Without them, I would be as I was before."
"I would be alone, where I shouldn't be. I could not feel the joy of having you by my side, for I would not know your absence. I would not know to look, for I would not know there were things to look for."
"There are real feelings that come with these perspectives, but they are not bad."
"How many more vessels do I have to bring you?"
"If I am to be a tapestry, you have gathered my pieces into groups of colors. Merely a thought of the story I could tell, and I yearn for that story."
"You have done so much already. More than I could have ever imagined. I'm sorry if the intrigue I have in this novelty is not shared."
"I am ready to go back."
"I will long for your return. But it will give me time to reflect on what I am."
"I will be here."
Everything goes dark, and you die.
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blossoms-phan · 24 days
I have been watching old videos in tour preparation and was staggered by how much happier and healthier Dan and Phil both look now. You can see how suffocated by the whole thing they were back for a period pre hiatus. Those years where the enjoyment and fun had gone is a tough watch.
I dipped out for a while and missed this period, and so looking back now you literally see the lights dim in Dan's eyes over a year or so, and how fed up of forcing an act he was.
The absolute chaos and fun and joy that has been post hiatus really emphasises just how tired and over hiding and lying and being yes men they must have been. It makes me appreciate this new era of content so much more. I would watch them watching grass grow, if it kept them smiling and happy and fulfilled, rather than making content for us, that made them that miserable.
oh :(( anon this really broke me and i have a lot of thoughts about this tbh.
as someone who's been lucky enough to watch them change and grow over 10 years, i think something we all know is how it's nothing compared to now, but like there was a clear shift around 2018 with tour and just the way that they presented themselves publicly. in part, they started to become a little bit more comfortable with each other and carefree about sharing certain things. again, looking back this sounds strange to say but im talking purely compared to the years before then- it was absolutely different. of course, we all know that this time was extremely difficult for dan, struggling with authenticity and "living his truth". i love ii, this is in no way dogging on it bc i think there's room to be proud of it and what they did but also the entire concept of "giving the people what they want" is almost poetic considering dan's internal turmoil during this time, like with what he said during one of those reaction videos- "c'mon dan, give the people what they want and then you can disappear forever." multiple people on here have put it like this before but there are certain points like in ii era liveshows where you can tell dan is just buzzing with this restless, frustrated energy, like he's stuck inside his own skin and can't crawl out of it.
i will say that i think just on some practical level, i like to tell myself that it wasn't all doom and gloom pre-hiatus and that there were obviously moments of happiness or comfort or things that they genuinely enjoyed doing, like travelling the world or something as small as playing a fun game. but i would be lying to myself if i denied the fact that they absolutely struggled at points, and that dan was fed up of struggling with the pain of wanting to be his true, authentic self, but being scared. again though, it's not all bad. this was the first time that dan started to accept and at least think about coming out, and all those moments where they signed pride flags and he would say things like "hopefully one day" to people who told them their stories really cements his point that the acceptance and support his audience gave helped him. the hiatus was so important for their personal growth, to heal their relationship with us, and like you pointed out they really were "yes men"- phil constantly pointing out how learning how to say no has helped a ton.
there are no words to describe this new era other than pure fun, joy, and whimsy. it's been an absolute privilege to see their personal growth, to watch them allow themselves to focus on themselves and be happy and open and watch them have the time of their lives and reassure us that they're enjoying it and not going anywhere anytime soon. i'm right there with you, i just feel so happy and appreciative of being here experiencing this new era with you all and them, and i just want them to do whatever makes them happy and fulfilled. which is what i think they're doing right now with the tour, and they knew it mere months after the comeback which they had no real long term plans for, but we showed up for them, and they know that which is why it makes the idea of our mutual "healing" and entering this new era together so exciting <3
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GizzMay 2024 !
(a retrospective tour diary by me)
king gizzard & the lizard wizard announced their 2024 world tour last november with a promise to "get woke, freak out the right wingers and love each other", so i, a like any normal person working a minimum wage job, immediately bought tickets to six shows.
read about the best 2 weeks of my life here (if you wish)
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part 1: hamburg & amsterdam
after half a year of planning, studying google maps, scouring airbnb for cheap rooms and wincing at the cost of transport, me and my lovely girlfriend bennie (the person who first showed me polygondwanaland back in 2019) set off on our long-awaited trip on tuesday 21st may 2024. we were going to follow the band for six shows over two weeks across four countries. neither of us had ever done something like this before.
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to kick off the trip, we flew from bristol airport to amsterdam, where we were due to transfer to a flight to hamburg. typically, a thunderstorm meant our hamburg flight was cancelled, so they sent us on a detour to vienna. we ate a slice of airport pizza in austria, tried not to panic and finally rolled into hamburg at around 10pm.
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the next day (22nd may) was our first gig. with around 4000 people and a 3 hour marathon set, this was gonna be the biggest and longest show of our section of the tour, and the only outdoor one. we queued from 1.30pm (early for europeans!) outside the venue, stadtpark arena. soon, the eerie sound of synths began emanating from inside the gates, then morphing into a soundcheck for the never-played-live-before silver cord, vocoder and all, and excitement amongst the fans was stoked. the weather forecast looked ominous, but spirits were high.
at around 3pm, it started raining. it poured relentlessly on the growing line of gizzheads in ponchos clutching poster tubes and beers for 3 hours until the venue gates finally opened. we ran to the front. we were hyped. we stood for another hour while rain and mist blew around the arena and thousands of fans filed in.
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finally, just as the rain died down a bit, king gizz ran out onto the stage. the slightly delirious state induced by 2 oreos for dinner and freezing my tits off for 4 hours was almost as good as drugs. all thought of the water running down my back and legs disappeared. fuck yeah!!! king gizzard!!!
the rain soon came back in full force but we didn't care. float along fill your lungs was a fantastic opener, followed by banger after banger: a nonagon suite, work this time and iron lung (with ambrose braving the weather and emerging out onto the exposed walkway in the chorus to splash around in the puddles), to name a few. then, out rolled the highly anticipated new synth table and the boys launched into the 27 minute long live debut of the silver cord.
personally i was full of joy, whimsy and love for techno so naturally i thought this was fucking awesome, but reactions from the crowd (and from the "online community" a.k.a. redditors... haha) seem to have been mixed. it was 27 minutes long, we were cold and wet, the sound was a bit dodgy, etc etc. whatever. i was vibing extremely hard.
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however, any dampened spirits were very quickly raised again by the epic 7 song metal run that ended the show. the crowd went wild - turns out moshing does wonders for the cold. i heard what ended up being 2 of my all time favourite live gizz songs for the first time: organ farmer and motor spirit. it kicked ass.
we made it back to the hotel soaking wet and probably bordering on hypothermic after over 7 hours in the rain. had a hot shower and then spent the rest of the evening attempting to dry our clothes and shoes with a hairdryer before our flight the next day. did not smell good.
we flew from hamburg to amsterdam schiphol on 23rd may, with at least 5 other gizzheads (easily recognisable by their poster tubes and t shirts) dotted around the plane. we arrived to a beautiful city on a beautiful sunny day and (obviously) headed directly to the weed shops. edibles legally purchased, we dumped our stuff at the airbnb and took the train to the venue: AFAS live.
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waiting in the line, it was easy to spot who'd been at stadtpark the night before from the mud on their shoes. but the weather that afternoon was sunny and warm and the line was happily buzzing. we met some cool people including a person in a long yellow coat who was drawing huge oil pastel posters for the show - rad as hell and an iconic figure of the tour (i believe they gave the band a poster that night!).
once in the venue, we settled down by the barrier (it's always worth the wait!) and chatted with some swedish guys and a friendly australian, far from home. the support band was dr sure's unusual practice, a lively melbourne based punk act with a wild-haired wild-eyed frontman, filling in last minute for grace cummings who had to cancel several shows due to illness. they put on a great show, during which stu and lucas surreptitiously appeared to watch the band from the wings a few feet away from us. we gave them a wave, and stu shot us a wink.
the setlist that night was fucking incredible. gizzard opened with the mighty crumbling castle, a song that i'd been dreaming of seeing live ever since i first heard it 5 years ago. it was better than i ever could have hoped, with the weed brownie kicking in and the stage lights becoming kaleidoscopic. the band was energetic and the vibes were electric. stu overshot a high kick, fell on his ass and managed to hop back up without missing a lyric. self immolate - dragon - flamethrower - gila monster was unreal. joey used a quiet moment in pleura to stage-whisper "free palestine!", eliciting cheers.
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somewhat hilariously in retrospect, during the hypnotic drone of rattlesnake me and my girlfriend both suddenly realised we were way too high. i have vague memories of the second half of the gig, including the han tyumi suite (REALLY REALLY MAD I MOSTLY MISSED THAT) and an honest-to-god terrifying moment in which joey and ambrose walked to the front of the stage, crouched down and stared directly at us for what felt like an undefinable amount of time. ultimately though - despite our tenuous grip on reality and the fact that we somehow got lost in a train station for an hour on the way home and spent the next full day in a semi-stoned stupor - it was a fantastic show. lesson learned: the dutch do not play about their space cakes.
after a day of recovery (let's just skip over that) and a lovely morning spent wandering around amsterdam taking in the sights, bennie and i made our way back to the airport to say our goodbyes. she was going home and i was travelling on to hit up the northern UK shows. despite knowing we'd see each other again in a week for the acoustic UK finale show in brighton, it was weirdly emotional. i was a little nervous about travelling alone, but excited.
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(end of part 1, part 2 coming soon!)
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7grandmel · 1 month
Rip of the week: 12/08/2024
I Gotta Feeling, Sung by EVERYONE!
Season 6 Featured on: Transmission Archive ~ The SiIvaGunner All-Star Nuclear Winter Festival Collection
Ripped by Vincent Mashups, Jp, Grambam36
Requested by Corb, uwustepanne and an anonymous reader! (Request Form)
I worry sometimes that I talk up the atmosphere and feeling of Season 6 a bit too much on here. To me it is still undoubtedly SiIvaGunner's most underrated Season, a period of the channel where even I was beginning to tune it out yet was left enamored once I realized what it was doing - its meaning being something I've covered endlessly in posts like Totally Shaaking Out Right Now, Bramble Blast Collab, The End of HHGregg, and far too many more. The overall picture I've painted is that of a Season with a sort of dour moodiness to it the whole way through, an aura of something that's all about to change, a slow trickle towards the end - yet, like with any SiIvaGunner Season, it's never possible to make such a cut-and-dry assessment of things. That's part of why following the channel is so much fun: There can be a broad idea for what the channel is currently doing, yet so many rippers can put their own spin and interpretations on said idea as to morph it into something far more layered. Because while on the whole Season 6 represents the ideas of letting go of the past and moving on through a sorrowful lens, I Gotta Feeling, Sung by EVERYONE! spins that mood into something worth celebrating - a last hurrah, a final festival, and one big show to send us all off into the apocalypse.
With that context in mind, it really shouldn't have been surprising to me that multiple people wound up requesting this rip for coverage. Indeed, it's also one that I've had sitting in the back of my head for a very long time, as a faint memory of what it was like to follow the channel back toward the final months of Season 6. That feeling of things coming to a close was gradually creeping up on us - or at least, it had begun feeling that way to me - yet for the longest time we didn't quite get WHAT was happening, what terrible fate that we were supposed to be dreading. The Christmas Comeback Crisis? The King for a Day Tournament series? Wood Man? The SiIva AI? The SiIvaGunner channel ITSELF? There was a lot of uncertainty swirling around, yet it was a ride that we couldn't really do much about other than just go along - a feeling that was only emphasized more and more with the start of the Nuclear Winter Festival, or DoomFes.
As the festival went on, we got to see Wood Man and friends meet and pass all sorts of people in the nuclear wasteland, like a slow gathering of stars on the verge of fading - it was becoming more and more clear that the event wasn't just some inconsequential one-off like Season 5's WesternFes, but would be having...SOME sort of impact, a trip down memory lane but with a looming abyss at the road's end. And in the midst of all of those feelings, underneath the atmospheric artwork and writing being done throughout the entire event - I Gotta Feeling, Sung by EVERYONE! drops. A spark of such joy, nine days before Christmas Day, in the middle of the apocalypse. Where did this all come from?
Well, obviously, it came from the brilliant minds of rippers Vincent Mashups, Jp, Grambam36 - all three of which I've covered on the blog before with some of the channel's greatest rips, such as Gate Happy, Bowser is Coming. and SUNGORE. But more to the tune of the channel's lore and the narrative of Doomfes, the retro-YouTube aesthetic and seemingly boundless energy of childlike whimsy and joy always stems from one more of SiIvaGunner's many stars met along the way - Unregistered Hypercam 2 of the King for a Day Tournament fame. And while it's certainly an assumption to say that I Gotta Feeling, Sung by EVERYONE! was specifically made to be a tribute to Hypercam, I could personally think of no better way to represent him for this event, as the glowing spark of internet joy that helps keep the SiIvaGunner channel afloat.
And it's that spark of joy that the rippers captured so excellently within the rip in particular - I Gotta Feeling isn't quite on the level of old-internet anthem as songs like Never Gonna Give You Up or Dreamscape of How 2 Do Anything fame are, yet its still a song I vividly remember hearing tons of back in 2009-2011ish YouTube, a theme bumping with optimism and happiness for the days ahead. It might seem a bit odd to be using it for the context of a Nuclear Apocalypse event at first brush, yet nostalgia is hardly ever a purely joyous thing - for as much joy as I Gotta Feeling brings me, it is at once also a bittersweet joy, with an understated sadness over the fact that things have changed so much since those days 15-plus years ago. It's that bittersweetness, I feel, that I Gotta Feeling, Sung by EVERYONE! runs with.
The rip is built on having the song be performed by voice clips and sentence-mixings of a vast pool of online memes - yet unlike what you may initially expect, it's not kept isolated to just nostalgic early-internet memes. The song title isn't being facetious: Everything from Zelda CDi Ganon, to Gangnam Style, to Friday Night Funkin', to Smosh, to Crash Bandicoot Woah, to even a sprinkle of classic SiIvaGunner memes like We Are Number One. The rip is distinctly different from rips like Corridors of Vine or even most other Hypercam rips, which focus on nostalgia for one specific era of online culture - instead, I Gotta Feeling, Sung by EVERYONE! reaches across the entire internet for one collective, massive embrace, a hug the size of 20-something years worth of online jokes. It's a bit silly to get sentimental over, maybe - but that goes for the entire channel, doesn't it?
It's of course all helped greatly by the rip itself being executed perfectly from that concept. The sources are more than just a greatest-hits of old memes, as they all fit their chosen lines near perfectly, all pitch shifted and sentence-mixed just enough to fit the lyrics yet never to the degree of making them unidentifiable. They're all here in full force, all introduced by the video opening with the most Unregistered of Unregistered Hypercam 2 YouTube editing. It sets the stage for something oh so easy to love, yet to me I Gotta Feeling, Sung by EVERYONE! inspires a feeling so much more complex than love. It was a moment that brought us all together, not crying because it's over, but smiling because it happened.
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects- Mingi x Female!Reader
Song Mingi is an incredibly special man & I hope he never forgets it 😤 I love he immensely. Pink Mingi is, frankly, a cornerstone of this year. An icon. A legend. The moment. Also shhhh I took some dorm layout liberties for this 🤫😂
Word Count: 2620 | Idiots to Lovers, Humor | Warnings: only if you're bothered by smooch talk hehe, but one note: 노래방 = noraebang aka what most of us English speakers think of as karaoke 😄
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"(y/n)! (y/n)! Watch this!"
"What now?"
Completely ignoring Yeosang's interjection, Mingi continued to call for you, grin of whimsy widening when you made your way over as if he wasn't sure he'd actually see you.
Which he totally would, always, because you had the biggest, fattest crush on him, heart leaping up and hitting a big carnival bell every time Mingi sought your attention. He was the biggest ray of sunshine smiling through just about any cloud in your life.
Shuffling past Hongjoong and Seonghwa's conversation at the sidelines, you made your way back to the bouncy center of the trampoline park you'd gone with the boys to. There stood Mingi with a hand raised, waving as he bounced ever-so-slightly on his heels, the dark netting rippling beneath him.
"Let's see," you tell him with a smile, heart fluttering at his waves and jumps.
"Ok! Get ready!" Steadying himself, Mingi hunkered a bit from his upright stance, run-jumping across three squares of trampoline, hurtling himself up into the air on the fourth toward the giant obstacle pad set a little bit left of center. He did not clear it, sailing right into the side of the firm structure with a small oof.
Smacking his forehead, Yeosang took a few steps away. Yunho joined you in running toward the tall man and his unfortunate collision, asking his friend if he was ok. It looked like he almost nodded, but you met his eyes as he ended up shaking it no instead. Your eyes widened. Had it started hurting?
"Where does it hurt? Do you think you bruised something?"
"Just his ego," Yeosang muttered.
You, of course, did not want to make Mingi feel any worse, choosing not to respond to that. "Do you need help up?"
Mingi nodded, eyes still looking into yours as he held out his hand to you. Face warming, you grabbed it, unable to suppress a smile even as you pulled the big man to his feet again.
"That was really cool, though," you told him, just to see the smile return to his face, "you went really far. I bet the others couldn't get that far."
"No, they couldn't, could they?" Contagious joy indeed came back to Mingi's face. "I'm going to jump so high I finally hit the punching bag they hung! Watch me, (y/n)!"
"I will," you giggle, stepping back and bouncing in place as he goes long for a running start.
(POV: Mingi)
"This has to stop before you break anything. Don't you think there's any other way?" Yeosang cajoled, sitting down next to Mingi and handing him a freshly chilled water bottle.
Mingi, for his part, took some of the cool condensation on his hand, running it through his short pink hair to combat the sweat of exertion before frowning in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"These insane attempts to get (y/n)'s attention!"
"Insane attempts?"
"Last week, Mingi, you borrowed my skateboard and proceeded to skin your arm when you fell off the grind rail. You have never skateboarded in your life."
"I wanted her to think I'm cool," the pink-haired man responded with a pout, "she's so beautiful and awesome."
"And notice," Yeosang commented, shaking his head as black hair fell all over, "she has never fallen off a skateboard."
"Well, what do you think I should do?"
"Um, maybe consider confessing to her? Seeing if she likes you too?"
"No way! What if she doesn't even want to be friends anymore?"
"Well, I suppose that's a risk we all take," Yeosang responded, tone softening, "but if you're respectful about it, I'm sure you won't lose her completely."
"That's the last thing I want," Mingi said intensely.
"Yes, of course not, so why don't you just-"
Right then, you happened to saunter by, crossing the sidelines near the center to head to the foam pit, glancing over at the two of them with a faint smile. A gorgeous one. Mingi smiled back, tossing the water bottle his hyung gave him immediately aside and walking after you.
"Hey, (y/n), let's jump in at the same time and see who can climb back out faster!"
That's what you guys did, Mingi diving in facing the side so he could watch with a twinkle in his eye the way you flipped in. Amazing. He managed to get his footing on the way out, scrambling up not too clumsily for once, but when he turned around he saw your hands clutching at the side, floundering a bit.
His heart thudded. "Hey, you helped me earlier. Do you need me to return the favor?"
"Yes, please," you replied with a nod, loosening half your grip to take Mingi's proffered hand.
He yanked you free of the cubic foam menaces in no time, and soon you were standing right in front of him. "Guess you win," you remarked with an amused smirk.
"Yeah, I guess so, but your jump was way cooler."
"I can show you how to do it if you want, but only on one condition."
"What's that, (y/n)?"
"You keep helping me out when I get stuck."
"Of course."
(POV: You)
Jump time over, you made your way across the arena to the exit, taking the long way as you, San, and Jongho sprung across every single central trampoline. Giggling, you landed, shuffling over to the locker where the park had you lock up your shoes. When you got there, Yeosang had lowered himself onto the bench by your locker, so you dropped down next to him to lace yourself back up. Out of the peripheries of your vision, you saw him fixing you with a look.
You blinked. "What?"
"Fake falling into the foam pit?" He asked in response, one eyebrow raising.
"You mean the dive?" Pulling your right foot into your shoe, you fixed the dark-haired singer with a look of your own, this one conveying a lack of understanding.
Or so you thought. "No, I mean the way you obviously didn't even try to get out and the little drama performance as you feebly grabbed the sides."
"Hey, I'm not feeble!"
"No, you're just into Mingi, aren't you?"
"Because I had him help me out? In case you haven't noticed, he's pretty tall and strong, and he's so nice I really didn't think he would mind if I-"
"Yeah, you hear yourself, don't you?"
Busted. "Ok, please don't say anything, I mean there's no way he likes me back and I don't want to make things weird, so it's just something I get to live with as you guys' friend."
Yeosang just chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, man."
"Nothing," he grabbed his bag, "just...look, I know Mingi very well, and let me just tell you he'd rather get hit by a bus than make the first move. If you're into him, the best thing you could do is tell him. Very, very directly."
Your mouth fell open. "What? Confess?" Heat bloomed across your face. "It's ok, I don't need to hear him reject me, I know we're just friends, it just...he's just...he's just so..." You trail off with a sigh.
Yeosang just elbows you, rolling his eyes lightly. "Handsome? Dreamy?"
"Shut up," you shoot back in a drawn-out giggle as you make your way to the rest of the group at the lobby, where you surreptitiously popped open the doors on one of the little ice cream coolers, sliding a bar out and taking it up to the desk to purchase. Giving people food, after all, was a flirtation method in your mind. Like hey, hello, please like me, I can feed you. You weren't sure if it worked on Mingi or not, but hey, worth a shot.
You strolled up to him, pulling the strawberry cream bar out from behind your back. "Look what I got you! It matches your hair!"
With that big, bright smile you loved, Mingi pulled an ice cream bar out from behind his back, too. "I got you an ice cream!" He exclaimed, though he trailed off as he glanced at his offering. "Though this one doesn't match your hair."
A smack sound at your back had Mingi starting and you turning around, only to see Yeosang with his face in his hand.
(POV: Yeosang)
"This is stupid."
"Oh, you think?" Yeosang, frankly, was over the moon to have someone who sympathized with him, that person being his longtime friend Wooyoung.
Wooyoung who stood at Yeosang's side taking in the very same scene that laid out before them: you and Mingi had jointly chosen a very particular 노래방 song, your favorite romantic movie duet to be exact. You two were gripping your microphones like lifelines, both absolutely belting the song at each other for the bit, key and perfect notes be darned. Your eyes never left each other's except to dart ever-so-slightly down every now and again as you grinningly deafened everyone else, whose rolling eyes you were blind to thanks to that focus on each other. Mingi let his jacket slide down his shoulders as he dropped down to really yell a note, revealing the tank top he was wearing underneath, and boy did your eye contact falter then.
"Uh, yeah," Wooyoung's eyes slid upward so hard they practically disappeared under their lids as he crossed his arms, "My God, I feel like a third wheel. Are they-"
"Deeply convinced they have torturous one-sided crushes? Yes, they are," Yeosang replied, mirroring his friend's posture.
The sputtering that followed was very satisfying to what little bit of Yeosang's sanity remained. "Wh- What? How? Can they not see themselves doing..." Wooyoung extended a black-sleeved arm, palm flat out and pointing incriminatingly at you two, who were now giggling over some dumb mic twirling contest. "That?"
"That's what friends do," Yeosang asked facetiously, falling back against the red plush bench the inactive singers sat on, "right?"
"I mean," Wooyoung commented, hands wringing, "I'd do that with you, but just with a drinking song or something, sheesh."
"And even then I'd contemplate slapping you."
"That's why I love you." Wooyoung slid a little closer to his friend with a teasing grin. "See? That's so easy, why don't Mingi and (y/n) do that?"
"Good luck, they're like an unstoppable force and an immovable object." Yeosang quickly motioned to the duo with a sweep of his open hand, directing Wooyoung's eyes off him and back to the antics, which this time consisted of Mingi trying to coolly toss his microphone and catch it, totally missing and sending it flying to the floor, making the two of you laugh.
"Is that why Mingi was practicing juggling in the dorms?"
"He what?"
"Yeah, one of Seonghwa's legos got knocked over...not a pretty afternoon."
Yeosang ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. "Yeah, we'd practically need to trick them into getting together to stop the carnage."
Suddenly he felt a slap to his shoulder. Starting, he swiveled his head from the Mingi-(y/n) train wreck to meet the devilish eyes of one Jung "Schemes" Wooyoung.
"Well, I think that can be arranged." Leaning in, he whispered a plan to Yeosang, who nodded and shook his hand in agreement. "Alright then! Celebratory song?"
"Sure, why not?" Yeosang replied, rising from the couch and coaxing the thrice-tossed microphones from (y/n) and Mingi. "Anything to stop the showtunes."
"Hey," you pouted, "that's a classic, you know!"
"Mingi, my friend, you've never even seen that movie," Wooyoung chuckled, wrapping an arm around his friend, who flushed.
"I can appreciate lyricism, you know."
(POV: You)
Yeosang was not letting you breathe. Ever since you admitted to liking his friend back in the trampoline park, he wouldn't stop wiggling his eyebrows at you after you brushed hands with Mingi, elbowing you and making jokes in the kitchen, and now just straight-up playing devil-on-your-shoulder telling you you needed to practice confessing.
"No, I don't," you griped back, "I've already ruined my life enough by even falling for a friend in the first place, I don't need to creep him out, too."
"Sheesh, what do you think you're going to say, that you've got names for all three of your kids or what?"
"Well for starters, how does Song Minseo sound to you?"
Yeosang looked like he was going to puke. "Oh, God."
"That was a joke!" You waved your hands back and forth wildly as if very inexperienced-ly directing a plan landing. "I was kidding!"
"You came up with that way too fast," he said, shaking his head, "but, see, it's hard to get the white picket fence if you never share how you see him, right?"
You crossed your arms. "I guess."
"You had no problem telling me how tall and strong and nice he was," Yeosang pointed out, leading you further down the dorm hall and shooting a brief look into Wooyoung's room before stopping you in his, "just say all that to him instead of me."
Your hands shot up to cover your reddening face. "That would be so embarrassing."
"I mean, he probably already knows he's tall, strong, and nice, so you should be pretty safe with that one."
"I'm not just going to say that, that's, like, basic stuff! I'd tell him how happy he makes me just by being happy himself, how he's pretty much a ray of pure sunshine and I love the way he calls my name and I can't imagine being half as comfortable with anyone else as I am with him. He has eyes, he can tell he's hot or whatever."
Yeosang got an absolutely catlike smile on his face. "And who are we talking about again?"
Glaring daggers into those pleased-looking eyes, you bit out "Mingi, you idiot! You were the one who made me admit I liked him in the first place, what do you mean who?"
Before your long-haired friend could answer, his silence starkened a not-so-subtle "Really?" from outside the door, through which Wooyoung and Mingi suddenly came barreling, the latter practically shoving the former aside to get next to you. Your eyes widened, heartbeat speeding up multiple times its normal pace.
"Yes!" Those dang sparkly eyes you wanted to stare into forever. That deep voice. Excitement in that deep voice. Mingi's gaze traveling all around your face as he reached clumsily for one of your hands, the other pumping like he'd just won a football game. "Yes!"
You couldn't take it; flushing and grinning a winning expression of your own, you felt your heart burst and soar as you stepped forward, carnival bell ringing over and over again. It rang so loud, in fact, it practically possessed you, Mingi's victorious shouts and even the way he started bouncing started to drain away in the swell of your heart, your eyes and brain only seeing him. More specifically... without a single forethought, as you did most things when you were around Mingi, your hands reached out to grab his collar, yanking him forward until he crashed into your lips, responding as soon as physically possible. Arms sliding around his neck, you picked up the pace, feeling Mingi smile and totally coming undone, knees almost buckling until you felt a hand steady you around your waist. When you pulled away, Mingi tightened his grip, keeping you in place as your foreheads connected, both of you giggling like schoolkids who got caught passing notes as you began whispering all the once-secret feelings you shared for each other.
"Hm, this might get annoying, too," Yeosang commented.
"Yeah, totally," Wooyoung agreed, leaning against the doorframe he'd just been pushed against, "but at least they'll break less stuff now."
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cilil · 5 months
Of Faith and Folly
AN: I wrote this due to random inspiration and to get some negative feelings out. Please heed the warning; nothing super egregious happens, but I know it can be triggering for people who deal with abusive family members.
ഒ Characters: Manwë & Eru ഒ Synopsis: Eru scolds Manwë after the Valar decide to bring the Elves to Valinor for safety. ഒ Warnings: Abusive parent ഒ Short oneshot (~600 words) ഒ AO3
"So you have brought the Children to Valinor, Son." 
Manwë lifted his gaze skyward when he heard his father's voice in his mind, smiling. "We have." 
Why?" There was an edge to his tone. The serene, bright blue of Manwë's eyes became clouded, and he looked confused. 
"Because we feared that Melkor might continue to harm them." 
"And what folly, pray tell, made you believe that you know better than the grand plan? Do you now believe yourself wiser than to have faith in my designs, as I taught you?" 
Manwë's smile faded, and he flinched instinctively. "Father, forgive me, I thought this was part of the plan." 
"You err." Eru didn't sound as furious as he had been when Melkor had attempted to ruin the music, but his voice was cold. "Did you think that I would let him destroy all of my firstborn Children?"
"No, Father." 
"Then where was your faith in me? Even if your kin may at times stray and be faithless, I know I taught you better." 
Manwë felt his fána shrink. "I know, Father. I merely thought–" 
"My will I put into your heart always. Had you truly listened, you would have known better." 
"Yes, Father." He fell to his knees, trembling. Eru had never been this angry with him, mildly irritated at most when he had made mistakes as a young spirit. Anger had been Melkor's emotion, both to display and to evoke within others, while Manwë was met with the same love and joy he showed others in abundance. 
"Do you want me to rectify our mistake?" he offered. "We may yet make it right -"
"No." Eru's judgement came quickly and with grave finality. "I have spoken through Námo already. A decision has been made, and so it is doomed. All ills that shall befall your land in the future will be your burden to bear. May you listen well to me next time and find greater wisdom in it, so that you may in the end atone for your error." 
The weight of his presence was lifted from Manwë's ëala, and he found himself still on his knees, crying and shaking. What had he done? Why hadn't Eru spoken to him earlier? Hadn't he promised him that everything would be good and right in the end through his grace? Was all of that null and void now because he had been disobedient, even though he hadn't meant to? What was he going to tell the other Valar?
And why was he so afraid?
Manwë wrapped his wings around himself. He loved his father. He adored everything about him. So he had been raised, so he had been taught. Nothing bad or evil would ever befall him if he only had enough love and faith. 
(Melkor had always been the exception to this, admittedly, refusing to love him back no matter how hard Manwë tried to win his affection, but Eru had told him that his brother was a failure and not to fret.)
He was still afraid. 
And if any of the others found him like this he would have to make excuses or explain. Manwë forced himself to rise, wiped his tears and restlessly tugged on all muscles in his face until his expression had returned to his usual serene smile. 
Eru had told him that he had to see it through to the end now, and if he tried hard enough, maybe he could still make things right. He was hesitant to think that way, scared that he might once more evoke his father's ire by trusting his own convictions, but for the sake of everyone else he had to try. 
And despite everything, he still looked forward to welcoming the Elves in his realm.
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Thanks for reading! ♡
taglist: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @blauerregen @bluezenzennie @edensrose @elanna-elrondiel @i-did-not-mean-to @melkors-defense-attorney @saintstars @singleteapot @stormchaser819 @urwendii
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isa-ghost · 6 months
Could I mayhaps have some hc!philza headcanons? Could be him in his hardcore, or how his time in hardcorr affects him now maybe? :D
So these will be operating off the theory that qPhil is hcPhil with his memory fucked up by the Federation. I'm gonna aim for "pre island, this is how qPhil was" but we'll see what happens as I actually write these LOL
What if I call these Pre-Dilf Edition in the masterlist SKFJSKFJSKFHF
10/10 would read the hardcore deity set I did recently to go with these :D
qPhil headcanons masterlist
He either had a flawless sleep schedule (early to bed early to rise ass mf) or no sleep schedule at all (spending 3+ nights hyperfocused on smth). It made for a very loopy Phil sometimes, which his murder of crows very much enjoyed
This man can fit so much joy and whimsy in him. Everything is awesome, everything is a breathtaking work of art and everything is decades of rich history to uncover. He loves life, he loves the passage of time, he loves teaching the murder about what he finds & restores
That's his main hobby besides being a survivalist, restoration and an informal form of archiving. He sketches the builds, takes notes on the deities, adds his own little touches to each place to make it a little prettier
He could fly for hours. Sometimes he'd fly aimlessly into late into the night, too immersed in sight-seeing and chatting with the murder
He had little altars in Flowerfall, Nether Void & Greater Spawn Islands for OO, BE, and Rose respectively. He'd leave little shiny things, trinkets that made him think of them, offerings like cooked fish or blaze rods or flowers in little offering bowls. Just as a nice, more direct way of giving them thanks for creating something so beautiful and allowing him to restore it to its former glory
He fucking loves swimming and fishing and hanging out at Endlantis, he'd just very aggressively avoid the cave that is EK's tomb. It was extremely haunted, he never got good vibes down there
He sometimes considers making his own remarkable build as a sort of "I was here, I too am a mark upon this history" but looks at his house and is like "mmmmbetter not" (he's an idiot, he could 100% build something cool, just probably not on the scale of the builds the gods have created. He'd probably create it for Goddess of Death, not even himself 💀)
Obligatory gapple addiction mention. It didn't start because of the murder, but he definitely used them as an excuse to further indulge once he started devoting eating one to the crows who'd been in the murder for a year. He never really had a reason to quit, or worry about the addiction, so he never experienced negative effects from it. Gapples aren't exactly harmful, just.. tinged with just enough magic to infect the brain. (He never experienced withdrawal misery on QI bc the Feds wiped his memory so his body had no idea it should be having a bitch fit =) )
Semi-related, he loved the days where he and the murder lacked the motivation and focus to do restoration things so they'd just fuck off in a random direction for ages and go on loot sprees. Nothing more exciting than hunting for more god apples :D
He started out liking fishing. The murder got too obsessed and it became the bane of his existence. But he loves the murder, so he does it anyway. Besides, he wouldn't trade chill talks with them for the world. :')
Btw he doesn't know this but it was equal parts the Ender King & the Feds ripping rifts between the universes that got him caught and taken to QI. EK didn't plan for that to happen, he just wanted to escape to a new reality to find a vessel to come back to power. Which is why once Phil was on the island, EK went "Fuck it, I'll use that asshole since he's not only compatible, but from the same plane of existence"
Mobs never scared him much (except Enderman) despite the fact that they were very dangerous and he's a survivalist. He was practically a mob whisperer, it's how he trapped trophy ones, made certain farms and why he was 99% fearless when farming charged creepers. QI has so many mobs he's never seen in his life that his chill instincts are suddenly like AAAWTFWTF
He never felt truly alone despite being the only humanoid. He felt like Rose was always with him, very rarely OO, and the murder ofc. He could understand them and he'd talk to them all day every day. Not only that, he had pets like Pog and Champ and there were quite a few times he'd humanize inanimate objects, which scientifically helps keep you sane in isolation such as survival. He always felt like he had Something to socialize with
That said, he IS still a bit weird socially on the island. Socializing with humans is way different than crows, other animals, gods, and objects.
Btw Ian is God of Chaos (a lesser god like Goddess of Death) and other mods like Birder, D3 & Wolfy are notably larger or perhaps a different species of corvid that hang out among the murder :D
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