#where you could love literally any man on that show who committed countless crimes
rigginsstreet · 2 years
one thing about me is that i will never stan a fan favorite character
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Who you should fight: Game of Thrones Edition
Your wish is my command, Anon.
JON: Damn, you really do aim high. If you want to fight Jon Snow, there's nothing really stopping you. He wouldn't want to fight you, but he would accept your challenge honorably. Perhaps you would win, perhaps you wouldn't. Jon doesn't really like violence. He was victorious in the battle of the bastards, but only with the Knights of the Vale showing up at the eleventh hour. And he would have given his life to the Army of the Dead if Benjen hadn't shown up to save him. So you might win, it's possible. Just be prepared for the Starks to send their regards if you do. With Bran's visions, there would be nowhere you could hide. With Arya's faces, you'd never know she was coming.
SANSA: Look, it's not exactly wise to fight a Queen. Something to keep in mind going forward. You would almost certainly defeat Sansa, since she has almost no experience in actual fighting, but that doesn't mean your troubles would be over. Expect the Starks, the Northerners, the Knights of the Vale, and Brienne to rise up and hunt you down. So if you want to fight her, be prepared to run for the rest of your life. But really, why would you ever want to fight her in the first place? Between Cersei, Joffrey, Ramsay, and Littlefinger, hasn't the poor woman been through enough? If you go through with this, you'll be fighting a sexual assault survivor. Think about that for a second. And then don't fight Sansa. 
BRAN: Okay, okay, how about you just don't? This isn't about whether or not you should fight Bran, because to be honest - you can't. Bran is gone. Everybody forgets this but Bran is effectively dead by Season 7. So no, you couldn't fight Bran if you tried. All you could do is fight the Three Eyed Raven, and seven hells, why would you ever want to do that? Could you kill him? Maybe. He can always see you coming, but he doesn't carry weapons and he's paralyzed from the waist down. But who are you, the Night King? If you kill Bran, the world ends and the long night begins. Don't be The Night King. Don't fight Bran. 
ARYA: Ahahaha...sure, go ahead. If you've got some sort of death wish, feel free to try and fight Arya Stark. I'd give some line about how the Starks would come after you but frankly, it wouldn't come to that. Arya wouldn't be in any danger and they'd be well aware. You do know this is the girl who slayed the Night King, right? The one who single-handedly wiped out House Frey? Realistically, the fight isn't even going to happen unless she's in the mood. If she is, expect her to toy with you for about ten minutes before running you through with Needle. If she isn't, then you won't ever even see her. You'll just get a knife in the back from whatever face she's wearing.
DAVOS: Seriously? You're going to fight an innocent old man who doesn't even have all his fingers? What are you hoping to gain from doing so? Does beating up old men give you satisfaction? Well, it shouldn't - unless we're talking about Pycelle. But we're not, so put those weapons away! Look, if you choose to fight Davos, you're very likely to win the fight. And in doing so, I suppose you could reunite him with his son and his surrogate daughter in the afterlife. But just do not fight Davos under any circumstances. For goodness' sake, what did he ever do to you? 
THEON: In terms of physical combat, you could probably win this fight. Theon isn't shown to be nearly as strong as his sister, and he's also suffering from PTSD. So there's a very good chance that you could defeat him. But Yara is going to literally cut you into pieces if you do. With everything Theon has been through, don't you think he's suffered enough for his actions? Ramsay tortured him so much that he forgot who he was for a while. He castrated and flayed Theon. Kept him as a slave for three years. And even now, Theon is still recovering from what he went through. He still hates himself for betraying Robb. Just let the poor man heal in peace, won't you? 
YARA: Go ahead, fight Yara. She's not exactly the nicest person, so she could use a good wake-up call or two. Her only real redeeming quality is that she loves her brother. On the other hand, she's Ironborn so she might just enjoy the fight. There's also the question of whether or not you would win, or even escape with your life. To which I say - don't expect anything. Yara is ruthless, and she doesn't play fair. She commands the Iron Fleet and they're loyal to her. This woman was her Uncle's prisoner. I think it goes without saying that she's tough. I doubt you could win the fight, but feel free to try.
SANDOR: This is the only character that would probably enjoy the fight, so go ahead and spar a little with Sandor Clegane. Don't actually hurt him, because he's obviously been through enough. But enjoy a nice, friendly bout with the guy and let him get off some steam. Of course, I say that under the assumption that you COULD harm Sandor. The guy came close to beating Brienne, and his final Clegane Bowl with Gregor ended in a draw. Plus he's like...huge. So not a good chance at winning. Even if you use his weakness, fire...well, he's won a trial by combat where fire was involved. Don't be a jerk, don't kill Sandor. You'll wind up on Arya's list for sure. 
BRIENNE: To be honest, you aren't going to defeat Brienne unless you have exceptional skill and training in combat, and even then. The odds aren't in your favor. She's packing Valyrian Steel, and some heavy armor as well. Has Brienne ever lost a fight onscreen? I don't believe she has. Her weaknesses are emotional, not physical. In a fight, you don't stand much of a chance. Especially if she's trying to protect someone she cares about or honor a vow. That's her berserk button, so don't mention oaths. Or Jaime. Or Sansa. Really, Brienne is one of the most wonderful people in this entire series so why would you want to? Hang out with her instead. 
GENDRY: This one is just a bad idea overall. The dude has all the skills of Sandor, without any of the discipline that Brienne has. Remember how the Rebellion was what Robert referred to as his glory days? How he ousted an entire dynasty because they had offended him? The Baratheons are known for their uncontrollable tempers, and we haven't seen much of this in Gendry, but it's there. Put a war-hammer in his hands, and you will never be safe. Just look at the guy. Have you seen how buff he is? Besides, Arya would definitely kill you, even if Gendry doesn't. He's such a sweet, upstanding guy to begin with. I don't understand why you would even want to. Don't fight Gendry.
JAIME: I suppose you could. The guy only has one hand now, so in terms of combat prowess, you would probably win the fight itself. Assuming Brienne doesn't get to you first. Either way, expect to deal with Brienne, and that's not someone you want coming after you with a vengeance. Even if you defeat Brienne, you still aren't in the clear. Tyrion may not be one for physical fights, but rest assured the man will make you pay for harming his brother. Someday, when you least expect it, you will pay. To be fair, Jaime does have some crimes he needs to answer for, but he also saved King's Landing. Really, just don't fight him. He already feels badly enough about his past.
CERSEI: Always fight Cersei. Always fight Cersei.  This shouldn't need to be explained. Think about everything that she's done. All the people whose lives she ruined. Whatever terrible fate you can inflict is one that she deserves. Yes, she's pregnant, but don't forget - the witch in Season 5 warned her that she would only ever have three children. That baby isn't going to live no matter what happens. I suppose you'd have to get rid of Gregor Clegane first, so bring Sandor with you for a double knock-out. Other than that, I don't see anyone coming to Cersei's defense. That's just how awful she is. Jaime might try, but I think Brienne and Tyrion would be able to restrain him. Yeah, just. Just fight Cersei. 
TYRION: Damn, why would you want to fight Tyrion? So he made a few judgment calls that turned out poorly. He was always trying to do the right thing, and all of his decisions were well-reasoned. His entire life has been constant suffering. Do you really want to add onto that? Well, if you insist, you'll almost certainly win the fight. Being half the size of the average man and consuming alcohol on a daily basis would render Tyrion one of the physically weakest characters on the show. You could probably get away with it as well. I mean, Jaime would come after you, and hell hath no fury like a Lannister scorned. But like I said, he's not the strongest either. Just watch out for that golden hand.
DAENERYS: Should you fight Dany? I suppose it depends on your point of view. She's definitely committed monumental crimes, but she's also saved countless people. You have to ask yourself if such a divisive person deserves to live or not. Really, we could argue that point until the cows come home. The real question is - could you fight her? Ultimately, the answer is yes...if you get close enough. You'd have to get past her armies first, but once you do, she has no experience in direct combat whatsoever. An easy kill. That you could celebrate for ten seconds before Grey Worm or Drogon rip you apart. You can only ever tie with Daenerys, there's no winning.
MISSANDEI: Stop, stop right there. What are you thinking? You know this is how we got S8E5, right? This is what pushed Dany over the edge, so, just consider that for a moment. What would possess you to ever wish pain on such an innocent soul? Missandei deserves the world. She deserves to be free and happy. And you want to fight her? Go ahead. If you could actually land a blow or two, you might win rather quickly. But Grey Worm will rip you limb from limb before that happens, if Dany doesn't issue an angry "Dracarys" first. Actually, if they don't get there, then I will personally climb through the screen myself and fight you for threatening her. She is the purest of cinnamon rolls.
EURON: I will literally pay you to fight him. The man is begging for a punch in the face.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Otomate Party 2019 Piofiore no Banshou: December 31, 1925 drama
So... I ended up translating this as a favour owed to someone who I got to borrow a switch from before I got my own. Haven’t actually played piofiore so I might have used different words for the chars as opposed to what’s  in the game (please tell me if you think something should be changed since I strive to match the game text). 
This is likely going to be the only piofiore translation i do since I found nothing aside from some of the stories that came from a store bonus booklet which ended up being translated and put in to copy-able text that I could read....  and I have no interest in going further out of my way to hurt my hand by writing out the text from any more dramas from a fandom I don’t really have any interest in... as I already did so for this. 
anyway, I translate from Chinese into English so this may not be 100% accurate. the video for this has now been moved to my private blog.
Piofiore no Banshou: December 31, 1925
Translation by KumoriYami
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Nicola: no one's here yet, though this is definitely the agreed upon time. Well, it is New Year's Eve today. If no one comes after midnight, I'll just head back.
(door creaks open)
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Gilbert: ~hums~ haha yo, nicola!
Nicola: Hello, that really was quite an entrance, Gilbert. Have you been drinking?
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Gilbert: I haven't/No [check audio], I just recently met interesting man at a/the bar who dreams of going to the moon. It was incredible, like we weren't strangers at all.
(door creaks open)
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Yang: What, surprisingly no on is here yet, and it seems that I'm early.
Gilbrt: Noo, you're totally late, late at the clock, Yang.
Yang: In any case you were also late, Redford
Nicola: Can you stop being late all the/every time?
Yang: As always, you have such a strong sense of time, Francesca. Are you really from this country?
Nicola: How rude. My family is of pure Italian descent, regardless of how far many generations back you go/regardless of how far back you go.
Gilbert: Ah, what happened to Dante? I don't see him.
Nicola: Ah, Dante, he was taken by our consultant.
Gilbert: Does that mean he'll be arriving late?
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Nicola: Drinking to much— it'll cause a certain .... you understand?
Gilbert: That's true, although that hasn't been exaggerated/that's no exaggeration, the situation still hasn't reached that staged.
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Yang: Ha......This is terrible. Why is it that on the last day of the year I must see a man's face/Why do I have to see a man's face until the end of the last day of the year?
Nicola: That's what I should be saying. Well, it was pretty nice to say hello to that child anyway.
Yang: As expected of Francesca, you're simply full of impure motives/bad ideas/have/are a collection of bad ideas.
Nicola: Yang [check audio might have written name down incorrectly], can you say that to me/do you have the right to say that to me?
Yang: I'll be taking that woman/That woman will brought back by me anyway so you should give up.
Gilbert: What are you saying, Yang. Also no one asked for your opinion.
Nicola: That's right, that child isn't yours.
Gilbert: Right, just as Nicola says, she's interested in me, so don't do anything unnecessary.
Nicola: That's right, she's Gilbert's— eh?
Gilbert: eh?
Nicola: Who do you think is interested in whom?
Gilbrt: Ahaha, don't make me repeat this since I'll feel embarrassed. She's already to go out on a date with me.
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The two of us went to a gelato store overlooking the coast/sea...
Nicola: Isn't that just eating gelato in the same place? You can't be certain that she's interested in you.
Gilbert: Oh? What's wrong? Are you jealous/feeling bitter? Nicola.
(Yang’s VA starts walking away)
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Nicola: For adults on a date to actually go to a gelato store [parlour] by the ocean, it's completely tasteless with zero sense of sentiment involved.
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Yang: Hm...
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Nicola: By the way, last week that child and I enjoyed an evening at a nice and stylish bar.
gilbert. Oh.
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Yang: ah, there's a split end
Gilbert: Ha! Isn't that just inviting someone to a simple dinner?
I mean, she's also lived at my home.
Nicola: That was since she couldn't do anything about it after you begged her, and was only pressured into do so.
Right! Before that, she specifically made me some desserts as a consolation.
Giilbert: That wasn't just for you. It was for Dante and Leo.
nicola: keh
Yang: Ah, I don't know when a scratch got onto the pipe.
gilbert: [Anyway?] Yang! 
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Yang: What.
Gilbert: Why aren't you showing any interest in this?
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Yang: Because it's extremely boring, and I can't help it.
Besides, even if you want to argue
Wouldn't it be hard for you both to compete with me, who has already slept in that woman's room?
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Nicola: eh, eh, ha, eh—?
Yang: I slept there.
nicola: eh?
Yang: The bed in that room was so bad, it's not even worth mentioning.
Nicola: [you know that] Using force is a crime/Used force to commit a crime? Yang.
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Gilbert: Ah, wai-wait, wait,  hold it, Nicola.
That guy literally broke into her room without permission and slept there, that's all!
Nicola: Even though that was an unsuccessful attempt, wouldn't it be better to send him off here? In order to ensure her safety.
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Gilbert: No, why are you always so quick to anger /why do you have such a short temper becomes so low when Yang is involved
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Yang: che, how boring. In the end though, what's wrong? A man who makes a woman wait isn't a man, is he?
Gilbert: No, no, she's not waiting for you.
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Nicola: nn, she's waiting for me.
Gilbert: No, no, that's also not right.
Yang: It's a pity, but I'm still the one who makes that woman most happy.
Nicola: If you don't want to compete, why don't you go back? Gilbert?
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Gilbert: Ngh... Really, why are you bothersome.
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Of course my desire to touch her is no less than how much you want tooooooooo
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Nicolata: Gilbert, what the hell are you trying/asserting—
Ah, you, since when were you over there?
Yang: I see, it's no wonder why someone's gaze could be felt from the start of this until now
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Gilbert: No, if you noticed, say something earlier, Yang!
Yang: So when did you start eavesdropping?
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Nicola: from the very beginning, everything....
Gilbert: ...if it's true, there's no way around it
Nicola: Eh, wait, Gilbert?
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Gilbert: When I see you smile, my heart becomes heated.
I want to touch you, and to hold you, regardless of where
Of course, even now.
I sincerely mean this.
Although we're only friends right now, I truly would like to have a special relationship with you one day
From now on, I will ask that you please be aware of my feelings.
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Nicola: hey, hey, wa-wait a moment, Gilbert, why are you suddenly talking about love?
Gilbert: Hm? What's so strange about that?
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yang: I think the the development just now was a little strange. 
Gilbert: I didn't say these words as a joke.
I want to tell people what I truly feel, and to the woman I love -
nicola: I don't think those are words that can be excused/forgiven for such a reason. You see, she also—
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yang: ...You have a somewhat approving mood to this/You’re slightly receptive to this?
Gilbert: You see, a man needs to be honest, remember that well
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Yang: Thanks for your guidance, so what will you be doing? Francesca.
Nicola: What's going on?/What?
Yang: Do you want Redford to enjoy himself? Why don't you say one or two passionate words of courtship?
Nicola: Aren't you clearing enjoying the excitement/this?
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Gilbert: Hehe! Don't force it, Nicola. Even you aren't able to love in the way I do.
Yang: What, Francesca? Are you not going to say anything?
Nicola: When it comes to that, I naturally also have feelings I want to convey
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I think I'm messing around with you to some extent, but aren’t you always messing around with me?
I shouldn't be taking this seriously, and I understand that from the bottom of my heart.
I'm in the Mafia, and you're an ordinary girl.
There are countless reasons I can list for why we can't be together
even so, this is a real headache/dilemma.
For the first time, whenever I'm in your presence, I can't do what I want.
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I love you, signorina.
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Gilbert: Oh. Eh. Th-Th-That reaction was quite intense, so.. what will you do? Between myself and Nicola, who do you want to choose?
Yang: there's no need to ask such a question, Redford. Because that woman is already mine/my thing from the start.
Nicola: But I don't think any girl would choose a savage man like Yang?
Yang: Whatever you say. Fine. I'll accept your provocation.
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Oi, you, become my woman.
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Gilbert: Why would you start with something so thoughtless...
Nicola: I'd doubt your common sense, though there never was any common sense in Yang's dictionary in the first place/though, in the first place, there never was any common sense in your dictionary, Yang [check audio].
Yang: Shut up, don't interrupt me.
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I hate cheap women who grovel, and having said that, it goes without saying that women who show fear are also boring.
I'd kill women who bore me, so you should actually look forward to it/this.
Perhaps you'll be a good toy to stop me from being bored.
How is that? If you come to my side, you will have a taste of a whole new world.
Should I take you back now and show you what it's like?
Adult games, that kind of stuff—
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Nicola: okay okay okay, stop there!
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Gilbert: On top of that, we can't go further than that/that's not going to work
nicola?: eh?
Gilbert: Would you have already been stabbed if Orlok was here?
Nicola: He'd/It'd be very nice if he went home.
Yang: Hah... what a noisy bunch. I'd have immediately brought her back if i knew it'd be like this.
Sweet words are enough in bed—
Gilbert: That's enough, Yang.
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Yang: What are you doing, let me go
Gilbert: Who's going  to let you go. As soon as I l do that, you'll say something stupid.
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No, [instead,] we really shouldn't have met on New Year's Eve.
Nicola: In the end, there was simply no time to talk about work. Let's wait for a new opportunity to find time to do so later.
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Gilbert: Ah, that's fine. Goodbye, Nicola. Alright, you're going back Yang!
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Yang: There's no helping it then. I'll go back for today, but next year, I will make you mine/my thing [东西 is usually translated into "thing' or "stuff" in chinese... tho from what i’ve read, i kinda thing "toy" would work? might just leave it at  'mine'].
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Gilbert: Ah, that's enough!
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Nicola: okay okay, buon anno, have a good new year~
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On this street [alt: district? check gameplay videos], we welcomed a peaceful day.
But as members of the mafia, a hated and loathed existence, this peace [of ours/now] will not last forever.
In a few moments the new year will be here. It will surely have trials that that haven't been thought of.
But, I will protect you until the very end.
(bell starts ringing)
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Ah, it's here, the new year
1926, it's about to start—
-----end -----
images cut from video of the 2020 otomate new title party tho this drama was originally from the 2019 otomate party... i think?
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danishmiilk · 4 years
kiss, marry, kill 🏹 🔪
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pairing || kim doyoung (did not appear so tbh what is the point but it’s funny i swear) x fem!reader
genre || crack
warnings || swearing
au || idol!doyoung x haechan’s sister!reader
word count || 1.3k
summary || friday game night at the dreamies’, where they force you to admit that you like doyoung + you’re haechan’s sister and you visit them every friday 
note || you’re a 00′ liner! i decided that there aren’t enough doyoung fics with this kind of setting and i love the party games so here goes
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“Let’s play a gameeee,” Jisung whined from his position on the couch, tangling his fingers in Chenle’s orange hair to pull himself up. It was Friday game night at the dreamies’ dorm, which was a big deal. You and the dreamies would sit around the living room with numerous card, board and video games strewn around the floor while ordering takeout for all the food you could get your hands on. These nights normally ended with the ‘127 hyungs’ bursting into the dorm a few days later and cleaning the place up for you. These cleaning sessions were normally accompanied by grumbles of, “damned pigsty” “how do the kids even live in here”. You would like to stress that nobody asked them to come down and clean the dorm because the dreamies were perfectly fine living in the poor excuse of lodgings (after all, dirty was their natural habitat), and to quote CEO Chen’s indignant comment in Mandarin, “Nobody told them they had to clean up for us! We’re perfectly fine! Now what they COULD do would be to actually cook lunch for us, because setting the whole building on fire is something nobody wants to do.” Basically, these nights were a disastrous, chaotic mess. Though everyone had to admit - it was an enjoyable one.
This one game night hadn’t been much different from the weekly ones, except (and this was a very big except) that Jisung had tripped over the carpet and spilled a whole bowl of ramen onto the gaming control, which now ceased to work. “And what do you suggest we play, monsieur Jisung? Our video game night is ruined, so thanks a lot,” Renjun groaned in obvious boredom and displeasure, finally looking up from his phone to slap Jisung’s thigh, “Oh and by the way, you’re buying us a new gaming control. We were just going to pool our money to get one for Christmas, but since you spoilt the machine, I guess our wallets are saved!” “Hyung~ I said I’m sorry! Now please please please let’s play something, I’m about to be bored to death,” Jisung pouted slightly and schooled his expression into a pleading one, with those puppy-dog eyes that always worked on his hyungs. “Fine, fine,” Jeno succumbed to the magical power of those enthralling eyes and reluctantly peeled himself off the ramen-soup-stained floor, “Should we play... blind man’s bluff?” “God, Jeno, you’re really no fun,” Donghyuck threw a rainbow-coloured sequined pillow across the room, hitting Jeno’s face perfectly. “Bullseye.” “What should we play then?” You huffed slightly impatiently. All this banter was getting you nowhere. Seeing a conspirational glance pass between Hyuck and Jaemin, you should have gotten suspicious and said no immediately, but curiosity got the better of you. “Kiss, marry, kill,” identical smug grins appeared on both the boys’ faces as they chorused the name of the suggested game. “How do you play that,” Renjun asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Did he not play that game in China, or was the game they played just another variation? You laughed and explained, “Okay, so we’ll give you three or more names, and you have to choose one person each to kiss, marry and kill. Hyuck can go first!” 
“Hmm... y/n, Mark-hyung and Jeno,” Jaemin leaned forward eagerly, eyes twinkling. “Wait... can we come to an agreement that whatever is said in this game, stays in this game?” Everyone nodded, knowing that there was to be countless litres of tea spilled during this game, making for extremely convenient blackmail. (You realised by now that nobody planned on keeping this promise). “Well... Hyuck?” Your brother shifted uncomfortably in his seat before opening and closing his mouth like a fish. You knew that he’d already come to arrive at his answer, but just could not gather the courage to actually speak it. “Go on, Hyuck, when have we ever judged you?” Jaemin stared at him with a smile that was probably supposed to be encouraging, but ended up looking creepy and maniacal. “Okay, well there was the time he tried to put cheese into his milk tea and you screamed at h-” “No, Jun, we don’t talk about that. Putting cheese into milk tea is literally a crime,” Jaemin slammed a hand over Renjun’s mouth, all the while smiling crazily at Donghyuck. “Uhh... you don’t convince me, but firstly I guess I’d kill y/n? I mean I don’t want to commit incest and she’s my sister so I’ll just throw her a grand funeral and be done with it.” You clasped a hand to your chest, pretending to be mortally hurt by your brother’s words, jerking like you just got shot, “For the 127th time, words can hurt, Hyuck! I-I’m so hurt- I’m d-dying” Ignoring your show completely, Haechan continued, “Then... I wouldn’t marry anyone I can’t kiss, and since we can kiss without any feelings involved, I’d kiss Jeno? And then gargle with holy water. Yeah I’m done, let’s continue.” “One sec, you need to say ‘I’ll marry *your choice*’ before you’re finished,” Jaemin grinned at him. “i’ll marry... Mark-hyung,” the tips of Hyuck’s ears turned red while he spoke, casting his eyes downward. “Hyuck-hyung likes Mark-hyung?” Jisung asked, eyes widening, “Wait, does that mean they’re dating?” “I do not like Mark-hyung! And even if I did, he wouldn’t like me back,” Haechan mumbled in obvious disappointment, “But anyway, enough about me! Y/n can go next!” “OOOOOOH, I KNOW HER CRUSH!” Renjun suddenly jumped up and down with glee, “LET ME ASK HER THE QUESTION.” Your eyes narrowed, shooting daggers at Renjun, whom you had only told your crush to because you were the closest to him among the NCT members and nobody tells their brother their crush. Chenle nodded quickly before telling Renjun in Mandarin, “Renjun-ge, force her to reveal her crush when she answers ‘marry’” “Chenle you little shit- I SPEAK CHINESE TOO,” you yelled in betrayal.
“Whatever, y/n. Hmm, Doyoung, Taeyong and Chenle, kiss, marry, and kill.” “Firstly, I would kill Chenle after subjecting him to hours of starvation and torture,” you basically spat in Chenle’s direction, extracting a sound of displeasure from him, “I’m too young and rich to die!” “Then, uhhh, I guess I’ll kiss Taeyong?” You were getting more uncomfortable by the minute and the dreamies could see it. “And who would you marry?” Renjun wriggled his eyebrows. “I won’t say it! I don’t want to!” You could feel your ears heating up. “Say it, or I’ll tell Taeyong-hyung that you want to kiss him,” Renjun threatened you, completely disregarding the privacy agreement. “Damn you, you bastard,” You called him some very attractive names in Mandarin before muttering at the lowest volume you could muster, “I’ll marry Doyoung, okay?” 
The whole dorm exploded into cheers, like they were cheering for their favourite football team winning the English Premier League or something. “How long have you liked Doyoung-hyung for?” “Would you KEEP IT DOWN? 127′s dorm is upstairs! WHAT IF THEY HEAR YOU,” you shouted hysterically. “HEAR WHAT,” Johnny’s voice floated down from the floor above. “Fuck. NOTHING!” you replied. “And... about two years? Ever since the empathy era?” “Noona, you and Doyoung-hyung should get married! Then invite me! And give me free food! And get hyung to cook, his cooking is amazing!” Jisung chirped excitedly from the side, running around the living room. His next step brought his bare foot into the empty bowl of ramen which he had spilt earlier, and he tripped... falling face-first into the table of food that you had ordered, spilling everything over the floor and making an even BIGGER mess. “Oh. My. God. KUN-GE!!”
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Can a request a fic where levi's s/o is still in the underground and practically runs it then something happens (maybe scouts getting killed) which gets her to a trial (just like eren in s1) and she gets to the corps but she's as rude as she was on the trial even when she sees levi then somehow levi manages to make up with her?? idk please do your magic
A/N: Ok so I didn’t intend for this to turn out how it did! It’s actually quite funny how the trial became some kind of Danganronpa/Phoenix Wright hybrid, but I hope I could capture what you wished for! Please enjoy it .◟(ˊᗨˋ)◞. 
and yes...the ending was planned to be that way ψ(`∇´)ψ
Tags: Levi x reader ✅  SFW ✅  slight fluff ✅  minimal angst ✅
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You idiot - Levi x reader
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Humanity’s strongest soldier was quite the nostalgic type of person, despite his appearance. If someone claimed that he would like to stare out his office’s window and reminisce about the good old times in the underground, people wouldn’t have believed that. Yet here he was doing exactly that.
For him, it was perhaps the hardest and most lonely time in his entire life. Had it not been for Furlan, Isabelle, and you.
At first, it had been just the three of them, you joined their crew later on after witnessing a fight between them and some of your teammates. After separating and calming them down you proceeded with an introduction of yourself. 
You led the majority of the underground people and their respective crews almost like a mayor. Every shop and every inhabitant knew of your capable and fair way of handling confrontations or business in general. They knew, respected, and loved you, especially Levi.
At first, he was reluctant to be one of your many supporters so instead of relying on rumors, he decided to construct an image of you by himself based solely on his own impressions.  
That was perhaps the first time he came across gossip that turned out to be based on reality. You exceeded his expectations in more ways than one. 
Whatever you did or said had a great impact on Levi and even made him change some of his bad habits, abandoning his laid-back gangster lifestyle was one of his many changes.
And not soon after, the young man joined the survey corps - a decision he wasn’t so proud of, so he decided to keep it from you. Being able to leave the underground and be a part of that squad was something you had wished for since long ago, so he thought that this news would’ve scarred your friendship.
So after some months, he disappeared without telling you anything, leaving you behind confused, sad and a tad scared.
You asked yourself if you did anything wrong.
Did you upset him by any chance? 
Why would he leave without telling you anything?
You were friends...right?
Levi’s sudden disappearance left you with a sour and hurt feeling. You tried to come up with an excuse that should’ve erased at least some of your negative thoughts, but you failed...
The man frowned as he remembered the expression you wore the moment you first saw him again...in court.
Erwin had sent some of the scouts down to the underground to recruit more soldiers, some weeks ago. On that day Levi had to do some paperwork so he stayed behind in the headquarters. You, on the other hand, had to run some errands at the other end of the underground, so you ended up missing the survey corps.
The moment you came back the thing you were greeted with first was a pair of cold handcuffs around your wrists.
“You killed some of our scouts and hid them behind building XX...the exact same building you came out of some minutes ago.”
That was the accusation the police had thrown at you, based on the fact that your boots were stained with a few drops of blood and that you were the only person without an alibi for the time of the crime.
The majority of your followers supported you and knew that you’d never commit such a crime - especially not against the organization you wanted to be a member of - but much to your dismay, the military police were way more adamant than anyone would’ve given them credit for.
It was just a matter of time and the news had already reached the captain’s ears.
“There’s no way (Y/N) would do that…!”, he thought.
Of course, as Erwin’s right-hand man he had to be present during your trial and stand there, accusing the woman he had so much respect and love for…
Since when did he fall in love with you? What was the trigger and why did he never mention it to you?
So many questions and he still hasn’t managed to find a single answer to any of them.
He wanted to sort his feelings out before the trial so that you could return to the underground as the innocent woman that you were before the accusations of murder had stained your white vest. Unfortunately, the firm knock on his office’s door signalized him that the trial was about to start, alas there was no time for him to rearrange his thoughts.
The trial had barely begun and almost everybody was ready to vote you as guilty.
Firstly some of the guards had to literally drag you to the pillar in the middle of the room, some bystanders even had to help out in restraining your struggling figure.
When they tried to tie you to the column though, you managed to throw one of the several men onto the ground.
If that had not been enough to shift the jury’s opinion about you then fear not, since that wasn’t the end of it.
You insulted the police, stating just how incompetent they were for arresting you just because of your old and dirty shoes. You even went as far as to actually spit in front of you the moment the judge had commanded you to stop yelling and resisting.
“What is that idiot thinking?”
Looking at the way you mocked the entire courtroom kept Levi on his toes the entire time and luckily there was a person who knew why and was willing to help him out.
“Excuse me, judge, may I speak?”
The deep and raspy voice of the survey corps’ leader echoed throughout the entire room, silencing not only you but also the entire bench. It was the first time you looked to your left side and noticed the familiar face that had apparently one focus - namely you.
“L-Levi…?”, you whispered in disbelief. And even though no one heard your silent voice, he was aware that your immediate change in behavior was caused by him.
“Right captain Ackermann?”  
Erwin suddenly calling him in such a formal fashion was something the soldier would never get used to, but it was the wake-up call he needed right now. The black-haired man caught a glimpse of Hanji who was pointing at a thick stack of papers she held onto.
He cleared his throat and looked up at the elderly man who eagerly awaited what Levi had to say...
“(Y/N), hold up!”
“Stop following me Levi, I want to be alone right now!”
Ignoring your plea, the man took a hold of your wrist, causing you to freeze up and involuntarily oblige. You didn’t want to turn around and faze him, too afraid to show the happy and relieved face you were making.
The reason behind your good mood wasn’t because you were pronounced innocent, nor was it because your long-lived dream to join the survey corps had finally come true, no... 
Levi had saved you...and the way he did it, made your heart race.
“Your honor, I’d like to run this case by you one more time…”
“If I’m correct, then the military police arrested miss (L/N), because she had no alibi during the time of the crime, correct?”
“Did the officers take her statement about where she was because there have been some new findings concerning that…”
“There have been several people who saw her talk to XX during the time some of our scouts were murdered.”
“Furthermore...it has come to our attention that another person was seen with the victims just before they lost their lives.” 
“Oh and concerning the issue with her shoes...they’ve been this dirty since I’ve known her.”
“(Y/N)...look at me.”
You hesitated but after some time you once again gave in to his request.
“How long has it been since the two of us looked into each other’s eyes like that?”
“Since you left the underground...you jerk”, was your answer, and to make sure he understood that the insult was just a joke, you softly punched his upper arm.
The frown that contorted his features reminded you of what had happened just a few minutes ago.
Just a few minutes after the judge had agreed to pronounce you as innocent, the three main faces of the survey corps took you to their main office.
Erwin had then started a speech, talking about how they had found evidence that the real culprits behind the killings were actually aiming for you and whatnot. You didn’t or better you couldn’t listen to the man you once respected and dreamed to work for...at the moment the only person you gave your entire attention to was none other than Levi.
The two of you were looking at each other, your expressions perfectly recreating the inner turmoil that occupied both of your minds.
Guilt. Sadness. Worry. Anger.
Annoyance. Relief. Wonder. Countless questions.
It was evident that right now wasn’t the best time to tell you the reason you became part of the survey corps. 
It was not because of your skills, but because of the judge’s fear that you’d run rampage if the jury had voted for guilty. 
Unfortunately, Erwin wasn’t a man to sugarcoat the truth, so he straight out told you that it was all just a pretense and that right now you were under severe surveillance.
“I’m leaving.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m not some of your reckless cadets that need surveillance 24/7, I’m a full-grown woman that can look out for herself and besides I think we all saw just how good your ‘surveillance’ was when your scouts were killed off down in the underground, didn’t we?”
“(Y/N), what are yo-“
“Shut up, you ungrateful prick. I’ve had my fill of jerk for today, so please refrain from talking to me and Sir Smith...I think we can agree that neither you nor I want to play babysitter so let’s all just take care of our own business without the whole ‘I’m the leader so I have to do this’ mentality, ok?”
After saying that you straight out left the room, not even bothering to close the door and that’s how Levi ended up following after you...which brings us to the present situation.
“Even after so many years, I see that you still haven’t changed that rude attitude of yours.”
Your eyes widened at his sudden retort and caused you to chuckle.
“Render me surprised...who would’ve thought that the adorable Levi Ackerman who used to look up to me would one day become so sassy.”
He should’ve at least cracked a smile at that, but he oddly didn’t and you had a hunch why.
“(Y/N)...I’d like to explain some things to you, so will you listen to me for a second?”
“Well it’s going to take more than just a second, isn’t it?”
The moment that question left your mouth, you instantly regretted it. 
In truth, all you wanted was to finally clear things up between you guys and luckily Levi appeared to desire that as well.
“I’m sorry that I disappeared without telling you, but I was afraid that the moment you found out about the offer I had gotten, it might hurt you since I-“
“Since you got the position I wanted before me?“
A reluctant nod followed instead of an answer and all you could respond to that was: “You idiot.”
After that, you couldn’t help but laugh at how pointless all of it had seemed and not soon after the man in front of you joined in.
Your laughing voices resonated around the silent and usually dull halls of the survey corps headquarters. 
Levi was laughing at himself and how stupid of him it was to assume your reaction beforehand, despite knowing full well that all you ever wanted was the absolute best for the people who were most important to you.
You were laughing at how immature your way of acting was towards the court, Erwin, and most importantly Levi. It was no secret that you felt bad for making him feel that way and it honestly surprised you at how much he had grown as a person since he’d left the underground. His growth had really surprised and impressed you at the same time, you even played with the thought of confessing to him right then and there, but then again...that might’ve been a little bit too much for your first ‘real’ conversation after so long.
Is now a good time...?
A pair of grey eyes looked at your laughing face as you slowly started walking away. 
If not now...then when?
His hands were sweaty and trembled ever so slightly causing his nervousness to go up on a higher level than it already had been.
It’s now or never!
“Levi? What’s wrong..?“
The man just realized that he had held onto your hand, stopping you from walking just like before.
Do it!
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thegreenfairy13 · 5 years
Dog Sitter Part 14 - Together
A Gobblepot fanfic. When Oswald loses his dog Ed, Jim Gordon finds it and does an excellent job when it comes to taking care of the mobster’s furry friend. Read it on Ao3 here.
Thank you @mexican-texican for correcting my mistakes and @butterfliesandresistance for holding my hand.
“That’s your idea of romance?” Jim asks with a crooked smile, feet dangling merrily from the pier.
The air is foul and fresh all the same. Oswald tastes salt, oil, and seaweed on the tip of his tongue. He smells Jim’s fresh cologne and the sweetness of his vanilla ice-cream.
The Captain watches him with an expression torn between curiosity and bemusement when his tongue darts out, wrapping itself around the cone, savoring the icy treat. The mobster’s eyes follow the movement. Staring at Jim’s mouth, he wonders how those cold lips would feel on him and blushes. Give it to Jim Gordon to eat an ice-cream in the middle of March when it’s still freezing.
He should probably be offended the other man doesn’t immediately understand, but it’s a bit hard with him sitting so close to him, his body-heat warming his aching bones. Jim is like a solid rock, particularly in this context and in this place; A safe anchor keeping him from the pitch black water trying to drown him over and over again.
Making a choked chiding sound, Oswald grins innocently at the man beside him. They are both sitting at the edge of the pier where their shared story began all those years ago. It’s the very place Oswald Cobblepot died and the Penguin was born. It’s the site of his personal reincarnation and a memento of his greatest fall. He knows exactly how cold the water here is, knows how it tastes and feels, how it burns in his lungs and eyes. He remembers everything about this water whenever he closes his eyes and goes to sleep. It’s a blanket that would cool him even on the hottest summer day.
If Oswald learned anything here, it’s how death is not the end, it’s just another beginning. Especially in Gotham. Nothing ever really stops, nothing ever stays the same. Especially him and Jim. They have both made mistakes, trusted the wrong people. They had loathed and fought each other and teamed up whenever the situation was most dire. They had started right here, and here they should start again.
Oswald thinks it’s poetic. Jim thinks it’s macabre to come back here.
“You exiled me from Gotham right here, on this spot,” the mobster declares, mouth hardening into a thin line.
“I remember,” Jim replies drily. He stares down at the water sloshing against the concrete and Oswald wonders what he’s thinking when a drop lands on the tip of his shoe. Did he ever regret not burying him in the floods?
“I died right here,” he continues. “Literally,” he adds with a little snort when Jim turns his head in surprise. “Ed shot me in the gut on this pier. You see, Gotham tried getting rid of me more than once.”
“You came back,” the cop notes, expression unreadable.
Oswald nods. “I own the harbor now,” he explains with a little shrug.
Usually, he wouldn’t feel insecure about revealing his influence or his power. But around Jim, he’s always a bit nervous. He’s giddy, like a kid showing a secret hideout to a friend. Or, well, he assumes that’s what it would have felt like if ever had friends.
“Nothing enters or leaves Gotham without my knowing.”
Jim acknowledges that statement solely with a curious glance. When opening his mouth, Oswald expects him to ask questions about everything that gets smuggled, about the goods, and possibly the other people controlling the harbor.
Instead, he bumps his shoulder slightly against his. “Good. I was already afraid we’d get shot in the back any second.” Jim pauses. “Well, I suppose that could still happen,” he grumbles sarcastically. “We’re quite literally sitting ducks out here.”
Oswald chuckles. “I can assure you, Captain, nobody would dare to. Besides, it’s too dark to get a good shot.”
Scooting closer to the edge, Oswald allows for his bad leg to fall over. With his destroyed limb dangling freely from the pier, the pain is almost bearable. Jim jerks beside him at the movement. One heavy arm shoots out and wraps itself protectively around his slim hips, pulling him slightly back.
“What the hell are you doing?” Jim scolds angrily.
For the briefest moment, Oswald allows himself to lean against the other man’s broad chest. Resting his head in the crook of Jim’s neck, he closes his eyes. Smiling to himself, he starts playing with the cufflinks of his shirt.
“Relieving my leg,” he explains, grinning mischievously. “But please continue doing your duty,” he adds when Jim removes his arm reluctantly.
The cop beside him snorts. “You’re terrible,” he states while the gangster already misses the warmth.
To his delight, Jim scoots closer. “Just making sure you don’t fall in,” he mumbles unconvincingly.
When he speaks again, his breath is hot against his ear, the arm lingering against his hip soothing. It’s not the question Oswald would have expected, but maybe he should have, given the place. Jim probably thinks that’s what they are here for.
“Why did Ed try shooting you after killing his girlfriend? You two controlled this city, I never understood what happened.”
The mobster sighs. His plans concerning Jim always have a flaw. Somehow he’s never capable of stirring the man towards the direction he wants him to go. The cop must think it was Ed who manipulated Isabella’s car under the influence of his Riddler persona.
“Did it ever cross your mind that I killed that woman?” he asks tentatively.
Jim frowns. “No,” he admits to Oswald’s utter delight. And wouldn’t it be fantastic if that truth could stay buried forever with Isabelle? Jim Gordon, the man who always thought the worst of him regards him as innocent for once, but he’s guilty as sin.
“Oswald, why are we here?” the Captain urges.
“Well, not because of Ed.” The mobster purses his lips in disdain. “But since you mentioned it…,”
“You started this when telling me he shot you right here,” Jim reminds him. Pulling slightly back, he scowls at the mobster with an expression usually reserved for the interrogation room.
“Right,” Oswald sighs in exasperation. Suppressing the urge to chew on his fingernails, the criminal slightly pulls away from Jim. Leaning back, he presses his hands flat against the concrete for support.
He wonders what to tell Jim. Originally, he wanted to pull the wool from his eyes. He wanted to show him how deep the corruption in Gotham truly runs. He wanted to show him how utterly useless his efforts to save the city have been so far and propose changing it again for him. At last, he feared it would be too dangerous. Tipping him over the edge is the last thing he wants. Jim is already too disillusioned, too lonely, too sad for the lack of a better word. What he truly needs is hope. And Oswald is ready to give the other man everything he wants. If it’s hope, then so be it.
“I think the view is quite lovely,” he replies with a lopsided grin.
Jim rolls his eyes. “And all those sweet memories.”
The gangster ponders how to continue. He brought Jim to the pier for a reason. He wants to give the man a present as well as proposing a deal. It’s a precarious thing. Even more so with Jim’s question about Ed.
“It never really crossed your mind I killed that poor woman?”
He can’t see Jim’s face in the darkness but he hears how his breath hitches. This truth is a dangerous thing. When this night is over, they could end up being enemies again. But now that the question is out in the open, there’s no way around it. Oswald wants Jim. And lies piled upon lies won’t make for a good start into the future.
“I saw the way you’ve been looking at Ed. You cared about him very much. The way I see it, you let nothing harm the people you love.”
His voice not once wavers. It’s a simple statement and probably the sweetest thing Jim has ever said about him. A proof the man indeed regards him as something more than a monster.
Humming in agreement, Oswald stares into the darkness of the sea. “And if I had?” he asks again.
“Then I’d have to arrest you,” Jim declares with determination. “But you haven’t,” he adds with even more certainty. Turning around he stares directly into the criminal’s eyes and the mobster’s breath hitches in his throat. The man before him is one who knows the truth exactly, knew it probably before - and decided to ignore it.
Yes, Jim has indeed turned into a crooked cop over the years. How many times did he turn to him instead of doing what is right? How many times did he compromise already? Which crimes he committed did he overlook?
“Would you really arrest me?” Oswald can’t help asking and the desperate noise Jim makes in return speaks volumes.
“A man we all assumed was dead used to be the centerpiece of your club,” he snaps back in response. “But yes. Yes, I would if I had no other choice.”
Maybe Oswald should be satisfied with this answer but he must push Jim. Either into his arms or so far away from him he doesn’t come back. “When would that be?”
For a moment, the criminal is certain the other man will get up and leave. He pulls his leg towards his chest, rocks forward and then decides to stay put. “If I had to choose between killing or arresting you.” He shrugs while dropping the remaining cone into the water. “There are powerful forces in this city beside you, Oswald. You know that.”
The gangster nods. Yes, he might be one of the most powerful players in Gotham but so is Jim. And so are countless others. Some are known, some are still lurking in the shadows.  
“I could never truly corrupt you,” Oswald pauses. “But you’ve teamed up with me over and over again.”
“You were always on Gotham’s side,” Jim sighs. “You are Gotham. But I messed up when turning to Sofia. And now I have to live with the consequences. I thought I could distract myself and for a while, that almost worked...” His voice cracks and Jim leaves the sentence unfinished. The Penguin knows what he wants to say though. He can see how the guilt and the loneliness are eating him up from the inside.
“So you want to give up and throw yourself in front of a bullet?” the mobster asks curiously.
Silence is the only answer he gets. “You can’t serve Gotham as a corpse,” he tells him softly.
“I haven’t served Gotham in while. I’ve only brought destruction. Oswald, I became what I fought against when coming here,” Jim admits ruefully.
It’s not true, the gangster thinks. He has seen what embracing your inner darkness truly means. Jim is still one of the good guys, he always will be. Whenever being forced to choose between good and evil, Jim would never choose evil. He may struggle, he may make horrible mistakes but at the end of the day, he’d be a hero.  
“This city needs something more than me. This city needs hope, a symbol, something…anything else but me.”
“What you’re talking about is a vigilante,” the Penguin snorts. “What this city needs, is someone with enough power to truly make a difference. And I can be that man. Together with you,” he states with a little jut of his chin.
“But why me?” the cop cries out, frustrated. “After everything…”
“Because I love you!” Oswald bursts out. “Because I’ve loved you for so long.” Taking Jim’s face between his hands, he forces him to look into his eyes. “Because it was always you.”
“There are no ‘buts’,” the Penguin growls. “I might be a psychopath. I might not care about the value of human life, but I care about you. I care about Martin. I have the power to give both of you everything you dream of. I will change this city for you if that is what you want but you need to be my conscience. I don’t have one, it’s true.”
His hands fall to his side, numb and powerless. Why can’t Jim see? Why won’t he understand?
“We can’t be together,” Jim whispers, at last, gently reaching for his wrist.  
“Why not?”
“Because I am what I am. And you are what you are,” he explains softly. “And maybe we’d be happy for a while but you would miss being a crime-lord and I’d miss being a cop. We define ourselves as the men we have become. What would you suggest? Meetings in secrecy? Lies? It would destroy us,” Jim finishes.
Slowly releasing his hand, the cop starts to get up.  
“Stay put!” It’s a harsh command and it’s intended to be one. “It is you who keeps coming back again and again. It’s you who demands favors, who took care of my dog, who came after me when Martin was in danger. You made yourself part of my life and I’m not allowing you to come and go as you please any longer.”
Surprised, Jim stops. Opening his mouth, he wants to say something but the Penguin lifts his cane and the man falls silent. “I have never defined myself as a gangster. I strive for power, I need to be in control,” he carries on, slowly rising to his feet. “I can exert my influence legally or not. I really don’t care,” he shrugs. “But you could give me a reason to. Care, that is.”
“That’s too much of a responsibility,” Jim whispers, appalled.
“Are you scared, Jim Gordon?” the Penguin demands to know. “Scared that you could really make a difference?”
“It wouldn't be that way,” he contradicts, stubborn as always. “I would end up being another one of your lackeys.”
“I would never ask you to do anything against your will,” the mobster objects.
Shacking his head, Jim turns to leave and finally, Oswald’s temper flares. “I have always been honest with you. I kept each and every one of my promises. It has always been you who acted like a coward. It’s you who left me in Arkham, it’s you who choose to believe I murdered my own child….”
“Then you probably should stop your putting trust in me! And it’s not you I’m afraid of. What do you expect? That we declare our love on the cover of the Gotham Gazette? Your allies will come flocking up to you, expecting you to ask me to look away! What would become of you, if you decided to date the cop who arrested half of your business partners? Did you ever think about that?!”
The Penguin’s face darkens as anger threatens to overpower him. The rage, his old friend, is coursing through his veins. But by now, he learned to control it. For Jim and Martin, he could always be patient. As well as for his mother, a long time ago.
“Look at the ship approaching the shore,” he orders haughtily. Reluctantly, Jim follows his gaze. “It’s loaded with stretched drugs,” he explains. “Drugs that could and probably will kill the people consuming them.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because I need you to understand what a true partnership between us could mean,” he screeches in frustration. “The men on this ship betrayed me. The goods on this ship arriving in Gotham equals mindless murder, and I’ve never supported such a thing. Despite all my flaws, I strive for order.”
“Those men betrayed you and you want me to arrest them,” Jim concludes. His voice is flat, stripped of any emotion. The disappointment emanating from the man is almost palpable. Lying is not an option.
“Yes,” the gangster hisses. “Yes. They broke our deal.” Taking a step forward, he jabs his finger into Jim’s chest. “And tonight, they will either die or end up in prison. It’s your choice, Jim. Together with me, you can cleanse Gotham or allow for criminals like me to uphold the order. This night here could be the start of our partnership, or the definitive end of our alignment. This city can’t change overnight, and it won’t be pretty. But I’m offering you the chance of a true start.”
When the cop takes in a deep breath, Oswald almost expects Jim to run away, to leave him alone on his harbor. Shoulders slumped, he regards the Penguin for a long moment.
“You want me to take down your opponents.” Fists clenched, the Captain stares intently at the slowly approaching ship.
“You still don’t understand. I want you to take down all of them. With my help. Until you and I are the last two men standing.”
“I…” Jim works his jaw but no further sound escapes his mouth.
“You wanted to change this city with brute force and within seconds. You used your fists, your guns, and even Sofia Falcone to do so. Now, I’m offering you my genius. Choose wisely, Captain,” Oswald urges lowly and finally, the Captain cracks.
It’s a tiny gesture, an almost imperceptible nod that lets Oswald know he has won.
“Together,” the cop whispers at last and the Penguin hides his emotions behind a smile. If he could, he would break down and cry, or throw himself into Jim’s arms. But it’s neither the place nor the time.
“Together,” he echoes instead and before he can understand what’s happening, Jim leans forward and presses the lightest kiss against his lips. The moment is so short he wouldn’t even be certain it happened if not for the sweet taste of vanilla in the corner of his mouth. The cop is still rigid, tense, but ready to give in and that is everything Oswald could have hoped for. He’s practically vibrating in front of him but there’s also an expression of determination on his face that tells him there’s no going back now.
“You shouldn’t be here when the GCPD arrives,” the cop mumbles while taking the smallest step closer. A strong hand strokes Oswald’s jaw and his eyes flutter closed.
“Am I going to see you later?” he asks when Jim removes his hand reluctantly.
“Yes,” he answers without hesitation.
“Promise?” he presses breathlessly, like a love-struck teenager.
“Never again,” Jim shoots back, the tiniest smile spreading over his face when Oswald finally makes his way back to his car.
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noisemakerreviews · 5 years
‘Joker’ Paints An Uncomfortable Picture of Today’s World
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Never did I think I’d see the day where I could parallel even the darkest of Batman themes to the world we live in. 
Todd Phillips’ latest blockbuster Joker stars Joaquin Phoenix as the clown prince of crime we all know and love. Phillips’ other films include the Hangover trilogy, but this new film doesn’t have a happy go-lucky trio trying to remember their drunken stupors and find their fourth mate. 
Joker makes the audience laugh, but in a nervous, sort of uncomfortable way. 
At the Venice Film Festival, Joker received an eight-minute standing ovation. 
Reviews poured in following the Italian premiere and they backed up the hype. Mark Hughes of Forbes said, “The fact is, everyone is going to be stunned by what Phoenix accomplishes, because it’s what many thought impossible — a portrayal that matches and potentially exceeds that of The Dark Knight’s Clown Prince of Crime.”
The film opens with Phoenix touching up his makeup in front of a vanity. He hooks his fingers in the corners of his mouth and pulls them upward in a smile, downwards in a frown, then back up again; a single, mascara-stained tears roll down his cheek, and laughter ensues. 
Phoenix plays Arthur Fleck, an eccentric man with a funny laugh and a horrifying past, searching for his identity. The film encapsulates Arthur’s journey with himself and his downward spiral into becoming the Joker.   
There are some prevalent themes within Joker that are worth talking about; the most prevalent being mental health and its effect on people in today’s society. There are several scenes in which Phoenix is sitting in front of his therapist, and she eventually jerks the needle off the record and informs him that the city has cut the clinic’s funding and their meetings must come to an end. The therapist goes on to claim that the higher-ups, “don’t give a shit,” about people like him or her. 
According to the National Survey of Drug Use and Health, in 2016, 9.8 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. had a serious mental illness; 2.8 million of those adults were below the poverty line. Insurance companies have also been known to skimp when it comes to mental health cases, which makes it that much harder for people relating to Arthur to seek help. According to a study published by Milliman, in 2015, behavioral care was four to six times more likely to be provided out-of-network than medical or surgical care. In President Trump’s proposed 2020 budget, his administration aims to cut $241 billion from Medicaid, an assistance program that provides healthcare to low-income Americans.
Dancing is a symbol that is heavy in Joker. According to a Harvard study, “dance helps reduce stress, increases levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin, and helps develop new neural connections, especially in regions involved in executive function, long-term memory, and spatial recognition.” After especially tense scenes, Arthur begins a slow, emphasized dance routine that is hauntingly beautiful.
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 With mental health being such a prevalent theme, Arthur clinging onto dancing as a coping mechanism or escape from the world backs up the analysis that he’s doing it to improve his mental health — or at least attempt to. 
In any Batman rendition — comics, movies, TV shows, video games — Gotham is always on fire… literally. In Joker, we see a bright Gotham in the beginning, with normal big-city crimes happening: teenagers stealing things, muggings, etc. By the end of the film, Arthur has bred chaos in the streets, and we see the imagery of Gotham that has become so prevalent within the Batman universe. In both Arthur and Gotham’s descent into madness, there’s an arc that’s ever present: protesting the elite. 
All around the country, protests have emerged to combat the elite. Most recently, climate change has brought criticism on the world’s elite members and their inability to make a change. In the past, police brutality has created protests in riots from victim’s families and their supporters, calling for change in law enforcement procedures. Countless marches have been held in response to several pieces of legislations passed (abortion laws, Planned Parenthood budget cuts, LGBTQ+ rights). 
“Kill The Rich” is a headline that pops up time and time again throughout the film, feeding into this “protest the elite” arc. Arthur guns down three rich men in the subway following their harassment of a woman and a physical altercation between himself and the men. This sparks a movement within Gotham that empowers Arthur and makes him feel noticed, something he’d never experienced in his life before. Citizens of Gotham supporting this movement don clown masks to imitate the suspect, aka, Arthur. 
Joker has faced its fair share of backlash. Stephanie Zacharek of Time Magazine took no prisoners in her review, stating that Joker, “lionizes and glamorizes Arthur even as it shakes its head, faux-sorrowfully, over his violent behavior.” Other reviews have had similar opinions. In 2012, a mass shooting broke out at a Colorado movie theatre during The Dark Knight Rises premiere. The assailant fatally shot 12 people. Family members of the slain victims wrote a letter to Warner Bros. expressing their concerns. 
Sandy Phillips, mother to 24-year-old victim Jessica Ghawi, told The Hollywood Reporter, “I don't need to see a picture of [the gunman]; I just need to see a Joker promo and I see a picture of the killer … My worry is that one person who may be out there — and who knows if it is just one — who is on the edge, who is wanting to be a mass shooter, may be encouraged by this movie. And that terrifies me.”
In what is perhaps its most iconic scene, Arthur eccentrically dances down the stairs that we see him trudge up throughout the film. This is also the first time we see him in that iconic purple suit, green hair, and a full face of makeup. He is dancing to Gary Glitter’s “Rock and Roll Part Two,” which has earned the film more backlash. Gary Glitter is a convicted pedophile currently serving a 16-year prison sentence. According to CNBC, Glitter is allegedly slated to receive royalties from the use of his song in the movie. 
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People took to Twitter to post their opinions about the film. One user tweeted, “#JokerMovie was the most brutal, uncomfortable and tense movie experience I’ve had in a long time. Joaquin Phoenix is chilling. The film was spot on and did everything it should have for a character like the Joker.”
Another user tweeted, “Outstandingly Disturbing. Prolific. Necessary Blessing to Modern Cinema.”
As much as I enjoyed the film’s premise, production, and Phoenix’s performance, I do think there are some troubling themes that need to be brought up. Arthur often justifies his heinous actions by stating “they deserved it” and using the defense that society treats “people like him” like “trash” so, they should all die. He feeds into the “Kill The Rich” movement that he involuntarily created in the subway when he committed what we presume to be his first murder(s). 
Though I know the concept behind the Joker character, I can see how this can be construed as glorifying gun violence. However, we can’t have the Gotham supervillain without violence and guns. It’s an accurate representation of the character, and it’s unfortunate that it parallels a lot of what’s going on in the world today. 
The Joker is also painted to incite pity within viewers, which a lot of times, it does --- or at least attempts to. This is classic Joker behavior. In Paul Dini and Bruce Timm’s comic Mad Love, readers meet Dr. Harleen Quinzel, a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. She gets assigned to none other than --- you guessed it --- the Joker. Though this woman is highly educated (we won’t talk about the things she did to get that education), the Joker still manipulates her and convinces her to not only help him escape Arkham, but become his partner-in-crime as well; Harleen Quinzel is no more and Harley Quinn is born.
She pities him and his situation, and he spins his tale of woe so expertly that she has the wool pulled over her eyes. Throughout the comic --- and the general timeline for Joker and Harley --- Joker mercilessly abuses Harley, from pushing her out a window to not noticing she was gone for six months. He is a cruel, manipulative psychopath that nobody should follow in the footsteps of; however, he’s good at his job, and Joker showcases that, however controversial and uncomfortable it may be.
Joker is rated R for a reason; not only are there a few F-bombs, the violence is staggering. However, when dealing with a character that is known for inciting violence and not caring about the consequences, tough scenes are necessary. Phillips didn’t shy away from blood and intensity in his murder scenes, and Phoenix went all in when it came to brutality. Personally, (spoiler!) I never really wanted to see Robert De Niro’s brains blown out the back of his skull, but you can’t have the Joker without some blood. 
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And finally, while the troubled citizens looking for a leader are terrorizing Gotham following Arthur’s murder of Murray Franklin (Robert De Niro) on live television, our hero’s story starts. Thomas and Martha Wayne are gunned down in an alley outside a theatre by a rogue thug and Joker fan, and young Bruce Wayne begins his famous story. 
Joker was original in concept and plot, but had just enough callbacks to the comics to make it permissible. The atmosphere in the full theatre I was in was palpable. There were chuckles and titters here and there when Arthur would make a funny joke, or everyone was just laughing off the tension of the moment. There were also audible gasps and groans when things got especially rough (such as the aforementioned Robert De Niro scene). Joker did exactly what the real Joker would have wanted: it incited a reaction out of people.
I had low expectations going into the movie because, as someone who grew up reading Batman and loving to hate the Joker, I was afraid my favorite complex villain was going to get ruined (looking at you, Jared Leto). I was pleasantly surprised by Phoenix’s performance and Phillips’ take on Mista J, and it was a refreshing performance that was a polar opposite from the late Heath Ledger’s, but equally as convincing and chilling.
An Oscar seems to be on the horizon for both Phillips and Phoenix for Joker. The film is raunchy and tense, and I didn’t know I could hold my breath for two hours. It’s exactly what a Joker movie should be, and I’d encourage anyone to go watch it.
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onlyinmyimagination · 6 years
Keeping Tabs | His Side
Jason Todd X (Female) Reader / Character Insert
Mobster/Mafia/Criminal AU
Genre: Romance, Fluff, bit of Angst I guess
Warnings: minor character deaths, some violence, some curse words… 
Notes: I made up a character who isn’t even important and Arsenal makes an appearance
***This is NOT the sequel or next part of Keeping Tabs***
This is honestly the same as the original story (Keeping Tabs) but this one is written from Jason’s point of view/perspective sorta. You don’t have to read the original to read this. It’s almost the same (just longer). 
***Again this is NOT a continuation of Keeping Tabs***
Original story here // Part 2 // Part 2: His Side
Based on this prompt, but with modifications
Prompt: During a bank robbery you’re surprised when the criminals seem to recognize you and retreat in fear. Only later do you learn that your high school sweet heart crush now runs a global crime syndicate and has you placed on a “No Harm” list. You decide to pay them a visit You meet your crush again after all these years.
Jason Todd’s first love was in high school. It would’ve been nice to have been high school sweethearts but that wasn’t the best of ideas at that time, or anytime at all really.
It wasn’t exactly love at first sight. It was a love that grew the more he watched you.
He remembers the day he met you so vividly because it was the only day he had gotten so beat up that he had been unable to move for hours.
Jason’s life hadn’t always been so great. He always got into some sort of trouble so it’s no surprise that he eventually got himself involved with some really bad people. More specifically, he got wrapped up in some shady business with a small mob family. Then he got into something of a disagreement with the mob Boss which then resulted in a more physical disagreement that landed him near death at some random park. So there he was, sprawled out on the dirty grass; bleeding, clothes torn, and looking like a hobo.
“Just you wait, old man,” Jason grumbled to himself as he remained unmoving and in agonizing pain. “I’m going to take over the world, you’ll see.” Some time passed and he still couldn’t bring himself to move. Countless people had passed by him, ignoring him or avoiding him. Some people even screamed when they saw him or threw dirty looks, but he didn’t pay them any mind as he focused on planning his revenge. 
And it was then that you appeared before him.From his peripheral vision he saw someone loitering near him but he continued to ignore all the passersby.
But then you spoke.
“Jason?” came the hesitant voice. His eyes landed on your form as you approached him. You kneeled beside him though you were careful to keep your distance. “Jason, are you okay?”
A scowl marred his features and he demanded harshly. “What do you want?” He couldn’t believe his luck. How could someone recognize him when he was in such a mess? He was sure no one would have suspected the homeless-looking person on the ground was Jason Todd.
“Do you need help? I go to the same school as you,” you stuttered. “Let me help you. Should I call an ambulance? Or take you to a hospital?”
You were asking so many questions but not the ones he expected. Not “What happened to you?” or “Who did this?” or “What are you doing here?”
“I don’t need your help. Go away,” he dismissed you with a controlled tone. This was unexpected and he didn’t know how to react to you, a complete stranger.
But you were stubborn. “Should I call the police to help?” you suggested.
“No! No cops!” he immediately yelled. “Just go! Leave.”
“But I can’t just leave you like this,” you answered meekly with concern etched in your features.
“Damn it, just fuck off!” Jason shouted, making you flinch back. “I don’t even know who you are, for Christ’s sake.” He glared at you to scare you away and he thought it worked when you stood up. For the love of God, he even watched you leave but no, you returned shortly and placed some items on the ground next to him. You had avoided his gaze as you did so and he watched you sit on a park bench a few feet away. He let himself relax while he contemplated what to do now that there was a girl keeping him company nearby and a variety of unknown items next to him.
Annoying, was the word repeating in his thoughts.
A long time passed by before he willed his injured body to move. He managed to put some weight on his arms to sit up and he caught your gaze while doing so.
“What are you looking at?! Stop looking at me!” he yelled out to you, making you turn away quickly. “Damn it,” he mumbled as he brought his hand up to his face. He suddenly felt guilty and embarrassed for yelling at you so much. A quick glance at the items near him and he knew what they were for. He contemplated calling out to you to help him treat his injuries but he figured he had ordered you around enough today. He dowsed all his open wounds with the water you supplied before applying the antiseptics and wrapping himself up with the bandages.
You were still sitting on the bench and he eyed you curiously as he fixed himself up. He couldn’t help but notice the tension in your shoulders and the way you fidgeted in your seat. You must have been uncomfortable waiting. He scoffed at this. No one asked you to stay and wait for him. But he was grateful so he pushed through the pain to limp over to where you sat.
The surprise on your face was evident, and you were even more shocked when he thanked you and apologized to you. Your eyes scanned his body’s condition and he felt slightly irritated by your ceaseless fussing.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?” you insisted and he wanted to roll his eyes at your stubbornness.
“It’s fine,” he stated with finality. Then rather awkwardly he said, “But hey, let me thank you with dinner or something to eat. I don’t have much on me though.”
Your eyes widened at his words and you were suddenly so flustered he couldn’t help but smile in amusement.
“Oh, no. It’s fine! I’m glad you’re okay so I’ll just go,” you said while fumbling over your words. You were about to turn to leave but he stopped you.
“Hold up, I’m hungry and I need company. Are you really going to let an injured person eat alone?” He raised a brow at you as he awaited your answer.
You fell silent while you despaired over the predicament. “Okay. Where do you want to eat?”
Jason smirked at your easily exploitable nature and contemplated dinner options. Judging from the intense pain, he had most likely sprained his ankle so he figured he shouldn’t be walking too far. He motioned to a nearby fast-food chain and you walked with him into the establishment. From there words weren’t exchanged often but he was able to take the chance to subtly observe you for the duration of your time together.
He bought food for you without your permission and he thanked you once more before he insisted you return home. It was already getting dark by then and he needed to call for a ride to pick him up. He didn’t want anyone he knew from the “underground” organization to see you with him. Despite the kindness you showed him, or rather, because of the kindness you showed him, he vowed to never get close to you. He vowed it then and there.
That did not, however, stop him from doing research on you. He had committed your face to memory and easily found your school records - finding everything from your classes to your home address. It was difficult to stop himself from going up to you at school and even harder to stop himself from watching you whenever he caught sight of you. As far as he knew, you didn’t tell a soul about seeing him at the park when he was sure anyone else would have had they found him instead of you. You never sought him out or tried to talk to him no matter how much he secretly wanted you to.
He used to watch you laugh with your classmates, watch you wait for your friends outside their classrooms, and watch you help your teachers carry things to other classrooms.
And always, without fail, the moment you turn your head in his direction he would look away and pretend to focus on something else. For years this was the most he allowed himself.
As time passed his Red Hood persona slowly gained rank and reputation within the underground community. Despite this he always kept tabs on you. He knew where you were everyday, almost every moment of the day. But when he finally reached the top he could no longer keep constant watch over you. There was too much to do and a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. So to guarantee your safety he let the whole world know you were under the Red Hood’s protection. He created a No Harm List and placed your name on it.
Jason is checking the activity of a small gambling establishment run by a triad gang when the communication system alerts him to an incoming call. “What is it?” he answers into the mic built into the red helmet.
“Uh, something came up,” Arsenal’s voice comes in through the speaker. He sounds hesitant and cautious. “Something you won’t like. It’s urgent.”
“Then spit it out already,” he sighs. He signals the men around him to leave his presence and let him talk alone.
“Your girlfriend ran into some trouble. She’s at a local police station right now but her name came up in the federal system so I checked it out. Must’ve been some big trouble to get on the government radar. Though it’s most likely they’re using her to get info on you.”
“What girlfriend?” Jason demands with annoyance.
“The girl on your List, Jay,” Arsenal replies. “The only name on your only List.”
Jason curses after taking a second to register his words. “Tell me what you know.”
“I was telling you before you so rudely interrupted me.”
“Arsenal,” Jason warns as he moves to leave the vicinity. He motions for his men to follow as he gets into a waiting car.
“Relax. There’s not much info right now. She was literally just registered into the system.”
“Fine. Keep me updated. And I need a flight out of Hong Kong right away.” He can’t help the need to check on you himself.
“Got it. Your jet should be ready at the airport.”
Jason is in the air in ten minutes but his mind is elsewhere. For the next few hours his thoughts are full of you as worry and concern gnaw at his insides. He calls Arsenal when he doesn’t hear from him after so long in the air.
“Got anything?” he asks, almost demands.
“Yeah, but nothing you’ll like. I’ve tapped into their security system and database. Apparently she was at the scene of a bank robbery. Witnesses reported her for suspicious activity because of what was seen and heard…” Arsenal’s voice trails off slightly as he reports his findings, “… because of the robbers’ reactions to her. Jay, she’s been listed as a possible accomplice to Red Hood.”
Jason is silent as he absorbs the information. Panic and denial consume his thoughts. Then he asks a question in a low voice, “Who were the robbers?”
“They’re from Sal’s gang,” is the quick response.
A string of curses leaves his mouth as anger courses through him. The measures he took to prevent events of this nature were not enough to keep you safe. The last time he tapped into the public cameras to check on you around the city, you had been safe at home. But now you’re sitting in a lowly interrogation room, treated like a criminal, and accused of wrongdoing. The predicament you’re facing makes him absolutely livid. He takes deep breaths to calm himself.
After a moment he questions with a controlled voice, “The police still has her?”
“Yeah, she’s been there for about 5 hours now. And that’s just to retrieve her records and files. They’re doing every possible background check on her. They won’t find anything, right?”
“She’s clean,” he seethes, anger filling him again. He feels offended that anyone would think you are anything but good. And God, from his experience good is an understatement.
He gets to your city after another 2 hours of flying. He grinds his teeth in frustration when he finds out you’re still inside the damned police station. With time to kill until the police release you he goes to off the lackeys who thoughtlessly caused these unforgivable cascade of events.
It doesn’t take long to find Sal and demand the idiots be given to him for retribution. Sal presents the men he asks for like a sacrifice and he doesn’t bother to lecture them about the offense they’ve committed. One bullet to the head for each of them is all it takes, and he’s soon near the police station where you are and staking out the area.
With some resources at his disposal Jason sets up some equipment in a nearby restaurant that is affiliated with his organization. He taps into the street cameras to do a quick surveillance around your area of residence and he finds he is not the only one doing so. He easily spots officers stationed at different corners of your street and sees one officer exiting your home. It’s only logical to assume your home is already bugged and he mutters curses at the events unfolding before him.
To set up a perimeter, he taps into the public cameras around his location and tracks the GPS navigational systems of the cop cars to help him avoid any authorities patrolling the area. He’s immediately on his feet when he sees that you’ve been released and now walking down the block. He leaves the restaurant and waits inconspicuously at the side. You’re completely unsuspecting and defenseless as you pass by him, and it’s all too easy to grab you and pull you into the secluded alleyway. He wants to scold you for having your head in the clouds especially now with everything that’s happened, but he refrains from doing so as he looks down at you.
Your eyes are squeezed shut when he pins you in place and he wishes he didn’t have to confront you about the recent events. He doesn’t even know if you remember him. It’d be good if you really had forgotten about him, then the police would have no reason to suspect you and they can leave you alone for good. If you don’t remember anything about him then you don’t have to be involved any further, but he has to know so he asks, “What did you tell them?”
You’re looking at him with such a frightened expression that he feels guilt wash over him. Then he’s angry all over again. He doesn’t regret offing those incompetent lackeys but damn, if he could shoot them again, he would.
You give a simple answer of denying knowing him and his men and he’s relieved to hear that you have yet to find out his identity. You’re speaking again in a softer voice this time, and damn it all, the last time he heard your voice like this was the day he met you. He’s partially distracted as you speak but then he hears that you were shown a picture of someone you went to school with. The gears in his head are turning and he dreads the possibility of you remembering him. But perhaps it’s a chance, an opportunity, to reveal his identity. If you remember him, maybe it’s a sign that he should reveal himself to you? A sign to tell you who he is? To tell you he wants to be with you? Is it possible you’d want to be with him too? Would you return his love if he professes it here and now?
No, no. That shouldn’t be his main concern. He needs to confirm what you know first.
“Who did you recognize?” he finally asks as he studies your curious expression. It takes so much self control to keep his conflicting feelings at bay. He’s stayed away for so long, and facing you now makes his resolve waver.
“Jason Todd,” you answer. His name from your mouth feels like a bullet to the heart and he’s breathless. He feels so incredibly weak and full of doubt about everything he’s done up to now. He sees a beacon of hope and he wants to tell you everything. If there’s a chance you’ll accept him, shouldn’t he take it? He wants to tell you that he’s sorry, that he was only trying to protect you, that all he ever wanted was your safety and what’s best for you. But a question from your lips puts his resolve to the test, “Do you know me?”
He is supposed to answer no. He should be saying no to protect you, to keep you safe. But he wants to answer yes, that’s he’s never forgotten you, that he has always been watching over you. He stops himself from saying anything thoughtlessly and steps away from you. That’s when he hears the quiet alert of a cop entering the perimeter. He estimates he has only a few more minutes to talk with you and he decides to save this conversation for another day. His first thought is to formally apologize because you deserve at least that much for what happened today.
“I apologize for what happened today at the bank.” He can’t hide his irritation when he explains the source of the problem. “I had to fly all the way from Hong Kong to take care of those idiots. Because of them you had to go through all this nonsense. They were never supposed to go near you.”
“What happened to them? Did you punish them or something?” He finds himself smiling at your concern for the wellbeing of those lowly criminals even in the face of your own disadvantageous situation. He gives a short laugh, feeling almost relieved at finding out first-hand that you are still the same after all these years. Most likely you believe they don’t deserve punishment since no harm ultimately came to you, but you were now under suspicion by the government, and that was a punishable crime to him.
“You should be more worried about yourself,” he tells you. He explains how you’ll be watched and monitored from now on and sees the panic flash in your eyes.
“How did you find me?” is yet another question from your lips. It’s vague and he wonders if you meant to ask what resources he used to find you or if you meant to ask how he knew you were in trouble.
He answers vaguely in return by explaining how easy it is to track civilians and then tries to coax you into secrecy, “Keep quiet about this, got it? I’ll see you again.” He hears another alert from the surveillance he set up and he knows time is short.
Emotional turmoil shakes his reasoning again when you ask how you can contact him. You’re not supposed to want to see him again, and he wants to scold you for not being more careful. Even if he made it obvious he will not hurt you, that shouldn’t have been a good enough reason to seek out a global criminal.
He says curtly, “You won’t be able to find me. I’ll come to you. I’ll see you again.” He ushers you onto the open sidewalk and then rushes back into the restaurant to pack up his equipment. He leaves the owner of the restaurant with a hefty sum of compensation and he’s soon on another flight back to Hong Kong to finish up his business.
A week later Jason is ending a deal with a gang at a Cuban port. He’s been itching to visit you again, but being the head of a global crime syndicate means organizing ahead of time before taking care of personal affairs. A flight back to your town is already scheduled for him and he should be in the air in an hour. He needs to hurry since he only has a short window of free time.
When he’s in the air and in his private jet he immediately checks the activity around your area. An officer is on lookout not too far from your place and is keeping watch from his car. Jason already knows that all your phones and devices were bugged so that they could listen in on any and all conversations. He works quickly and from an untraceable number, sends an encrypted message to the officer’s personal phone telling him to take the day off. Another message is sent containing only a very high number. He wires that exact number into the officer’s bank account and he watches the street camera for the next move. The officer looks around him then drives off and away from your street.
Well he got the officer away from you but now what? Seeing you now would put all his years of hard work trying to protect you to waste. Those years of dedication to your safety would be for naught. He forces himself to think rationally. Well if anything he got you some time to yourself without being tailed by the authorities. It’s not an entirely selfish move, right?
Once he lands and disembarks from the aircraft, he heads straight to your place even without a plan of action. He checks the street cameras en route and finds that you’re outside, walking just a few blocks away from the park. The same park he had met you. Are you going to it or coming from it? Are you just walking by it? His heart is hammering in his chest. Are you seriously going there? He had hardly ever seen you visit that park after your encounter with him. Is it just coincidence? Is this his chance?
He rushes to the park, arriving ahead of you, and goes straight to the spot where the mob had dumped his bloody body. The memories and emotions come rushing back to him and he thinks it’s now or never. He goes to look for you and finds you strolling along the path at an easy pace. He moves to meet you as you make a turn on the path and you finally notice him with a frightened yelp.
“What are you doing here?” you ask. “I’m still being monitored. Aren’t they after you?” He fights back another smile upon hearing the worry in your words and in your voice. Maybe you’re just concerned for your own agenda since you had questions you wanted to ask him yourself but he likes the concern you express for him. He admires your willingness to help him even if it might stem from selfish intentions.
“I paid off the guy who’s supposed to be tailing you right now. I also blocked the signal of the nearby security cameras,” he calmly responds. He watches as you look around and he beckons you over to him when you look back at him. He gently pulls you along as he begins to walk while keeping a hand at your back to urge you into step with him. Your steps are slow and he can feel your nervousness as he guides you forward.
You ask him, “Were you looking for me?”
He hesitates to answer. How much should he tell you? “Not exactly. I noticed where you were going today so I decided to visit,” is his vague reply.
“Oh. Is it because this area is a good place to talk?” you ask slowly.
He answers simply, “No, it’s no that.” Suddenly he’s desperate for you to understand him and his actions. With a small gesture to a familiar area of the park he says, “That’s where I fell in love you. Thought it’d be nice if I could visit again with you.”
He feels you fall back and eventually stop walking. He dreads your reaction and the expression on your face, but he fears a lack of recollection the most. “Jason?” is the barely audible inquiry. “You’re really Jason Todd?”
He sighs softly in relief and faces you fully. He doesn’t know what he would have done if you hadn’t remembered. “Yeah. Sorry we had to meet again like this… when I’m like this.”
You step back and he fights the desire to step forward. “Why didn’t you just tell me? Why did you have to play this mystery game with me?!” He’s speechless for a moment with your words indicating that your initial thoughts are of having been toyed with for his entertainment.
He quickly becomes defensive as he responds back, “I wasn’t going to! I wasn’t going to tell you but you - ” he pauses to calm himself. “But then you came here. Here, of all places, and I couldn’t resist. It would’ve been better if you had forgotten me. I would’ve let you go and never bothered you again.”
“Forget you?” you question. He is surprised to hear the hurt in your voice. “I thought… I thought you forgot me! I thought that day meant nothing to you! We never talked after that -  you didn’t so much as spare me a glance for years! I was sure you never even knew my name!”
He can’t help but feel hope and a sense of relief at the fact you thought about him as much as he thought about you. He starts to remove his helmet as he explains himself to you, “I told you it’s easy to find someone. Finding out who you were was easy. But not approaching you afterwards was intentional. I chose not to. It was so hard to do.” He holds your gaze for a long moment until you look away.
“But why?” he hears you ask with a hint of sadness. “If you loved me, why would you avoid me? Why did you choose now to do this to me?”
He can’t stand the thought of hurting you and he’s ready to tell you everything. “All these years I wanted to protect you and keep you away from this, the things I do. But when the opportunity came that you could finally find out who I am,” he takes a deep breath, “I crumbled. My resolve diminished. I wanted you to find out; to know who I am. After so long you came back into my life, and I wanted to talk to you and be with you.”
You’re watching him and he knows you’re wary. “I think… I want to be with you too, but can I? You’ve stayed away from me all this time - ”
He stops you before you can express further doubts about his sincerity. His tone is almost desperate as he says, “And I don’t think I can do it anymore. You’re as sweet and as kind as you were when I first met you. I can’t leave you alone in this miserable world. I’d rather protect you myself.” He steps closer to you without realizing it and holds a hand out to you tentatively. He can’t restrain the smile that spreads across his face when you slowly place your hand in his. He gingerly grips your hand, elated to finally touch you after so many years.
Your voice is playful as you say, “I think I lived just fine up to now though. I was under your protection all this time, wasn’t I?”
He scoffs then and with a shake of his head he responds, “I put your name on a No Harm List and it wasn’t enough to keep you out of the police’s hands. From the very beginning, I didn’t want them bothering you because of me. But it’s even worse that idiots from my group caused this mess in the first place.” Talking about his criminal organization reminds him of the business plans that were scheduled for the day. He groans and lets out a loud sigh before explaining to you, “I have to go now. I need to fly to Venezuela for business. I was supposed to be on a plane by now.”
“Okay. When will I see you again?” He sees the uncertainty in your features but he marvels at how easily you’ve adjusted to the flow of the conversation. This day really turned out much better than he had expected - the best possible outcome in fact.
He contemplates the situation with the government and says, “I don’t know. It’d be smart to wait until this police business blows over, but I don’t think I can wait that long. I’ll make sure to come to you as soon as I’m done.”
“Be careful,” he hears you say and a wide smile spreads across his face. “Come back to me.” It really did feel nice to have you worrying and caring for him again. He had no idea being in your thoughts would make him so happy.
“I promise,” he says as he places a kiss on your forehead. “You should go home now. The officers assigned to tail you are about to switch shifts now.” Then he’s struck with mischievousness as he lowers his lips to your ear and whispers, “Unless you want to run away with me right here and now. We’ve waited long enough, haven’t we?”
“Don’t tease me, Jason Todd!” He lets you shove him and he laughs as he puts his helmet back on.
“Lay low until I get back,” he urges, hoping no one finds out that you’ve made contact with him. Who knows how obvious you’ll be with the government watching your every move. He still faces you as he takes several steps back, almost unwilling to take his eyes off of you.
Then he turns to run off.
This is just the beginning. He finally has everything he’s ever wanted and, he thinks, the world is finally in his hands.
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The wasted potential of Clone Conspiracy
Oh son, I ain’t even done b****ing about Clone Clusterfuck yet.
 Because what’s arguably the most unforgivable thing about it is the utter waste of potential.
 Yeah, yeah obviously Ben Reilly’s return got fucked up, but I’m talking about more than that.
 Look, love them or hate them, the big Clone arcs of Spider-Man’s life have at least invited an examination of something poignant to the human experience through the character of Peter Parker. And in fact on balance have provided some pretty deep exploration of the character and even developed him in some pretty siginifcant ways.
 The 1970s Clone Saga (which I call Clone Genesis to distinguish it from the 90s storyline) dwelled upon the idea of grief. Gwen Stacy returned in the storyline forcing Peter to address his old feelings for her and his new feelings for Mary Jane. Though he obviously still hurt over her death the story concluded with Peter completing the grieving process and moving on with his life to be with Mary Jane and over all putting Gwen behind him. In this sense Gwen’s clone was a literalised metaphor for her place in his life, her memory, his feelings for her and the guilt he felt in starting to move on from her as opposed to dwelling on her memory and absence from his life. It was particularly poignant as it was in direct contrast with the role of Miles Warren. He also loved Gwen but he didn’t grieve her properly and move on and that pain evolved into an unhealthy obsession to bring her back and avenge her death. To this end he became a monster, committing crimes and breaking the laws of nature itself.
 The 1990s Clone Saga was an examination of identity. It had Peter, Ben and Kaine literally and subtextually ask the question of “Who am I?”. They asked it to themselves and to the readers. It was a profound exploration of nature vs nurture. The conclusion of the story illustrated an important point, that being that the circumstances of our births do not determine the value of who we are. Ben Reilly died a hero protecting the man he believed was a pretender to his identity. And yet he was in truth the clone the whole time. Peter Parker was not a clone but the weight of his pain and traumas managed to break him more than once, with Ben being a vital lifeline to bringing back from the edge. Kaine too was someone who was even worse and turned into a monster due to his torturous life, although even then he still drew a line in the sand about how far his actions would go, he after all never murdered for fun or people who were not themselves criminals guilty of serious crimes.
 One might argue Peter’s character was developed by proxy through examining Ben and Kaine, but even if you disagree Peter himself did develop as a person, growing to accept that the life he knew wasn’t real but that it did not matter, thus teaching him an important life lesson about how our actions are what’s important. He also developed as someone who now had a brother to bond and confide in, as a husband who chose to retire for his wife’s sake and as an expectant father. We knew a Hell of a lot more about Peter Parker at the end of the 1990s Clone Saga than we did at the start and he was a much more layered character when all was said and done.
 But then we have Clone Conspiracy. All of the people barring one whom Peter had seen die on his watch, all the people he arguably felt guilty over were seemingly alive and well again. And...we got very little emotional reaction from him. Peter felt immense anger and hurt at the sight of Gwen or when he first met Ben Reilly. Here though? Slott utterly undersold the realistic emotional impact this story would have upon Peter Parker, as evidenced by the offhand comedic way it was referenced in ASM v4 #25 and the lipservice he paid to the ‘therepy’ everyone would need in the wake of the story.
 Nowhere could it be more evident that Dan Slott is a writer unsuited for Spider-Man. Spider-Man is all about introspection and emotions. The ‘Big Concepts’ that might work well for a science fiction series like Doctor Who or Silver Surfer at worst have no place in Spider-man and at best are entirely secondary to how they affect the characters on an emotional/psychological level.
 In this case it’s less important to examine the societal question or shock value of using cloning to revive the dead than it is to ask “How does Spider-Man feel  about this”. You HAVE to get into his head you have to show the gauntlet of emotions he’d be running through. And there is incredibly fertile ground to do that with this story but it’s just amounts to continuity porn. We get maybe a few lines of dialogue exchanged between Spider-Man and his dead loved ones sans Gwen and that was it.
 It’s like in Spider-Verse, where you could do so much from Peter meeting the daughter he never had, or meeting Ben Reilly again, or of Mayday meeting Ben Reilly, or Hell of Peter getting to have a heart to heart with a version of Gwen.  But it’s not there. It’s just focussed upon the fact that all these people are in one big story and that there is a grandiose threat at hand.
 In this story why on Earth did Peter not have a conversation with Jean DeWolff where they FINALLY got to talk about how she was in love with him? Why couldn’t Peter tell Ned how sorry he was about letting him die or about Hobgoblin setting him up? Why the fuck didn’t he have a sit down with George Stacy and ask how and when he learned Peter’s identity or apologise for not living up to his promise to protect Gwen?
 I’ve already talked about how godaweful that conversation issue with Gwen was but even then Peter didn’t seem that affected in or after the story over the facts that
a)      Gwen died whilst conscious and feeling betrayed by him and
b)      She essentially forgave him for her death
 One or both of those things should have a profound impact upon Peter going forward. He should feel even more horrible about letting Gwen die and possibly re-examine the idea of him dating in light of that. or he should feel immense relief since he’s been atoned for the sin of accidentally killing her.
 But he doesn’t. He has a few reaction shots and then its back to normal.
 The story basically serves to bum Peter out like countless stories beforehand have. Not only is that reaction immensely cheap and undermining to the realities of how he would feel but again every major clone storyline before Clone Conspiracy (which is a sequel to the 70s and 90s storylines) has served to do some poignant point of character exploration for Peter and develop him going forward. And this one just didn’t do that at all.
 And again it COULD have.
 On a broad thematic level Clone Conspiracy could’ve examined the theme of grief and guilt in Peter’s life like the 1970s storyline but in a new and different way. Or it could have served to reaffirm or more clearly define Peter’s attitude to death and ethics regarding it. It could’ve been the story which illustrates how and why Peter carries those he’s lost with him but doesn’t let their deaths eat him up inside.
 Or it could’ve developed him by having those he’d lost learn who he was, why he does what he does and better understand him. And from that they could either have forgiven him for their deaths or made it clear they didn’t blame him in the first place.
 In a sense this would clear the slate for Peter’s conscience allowing him to go forward in his life unburdened by any lingering guilt he might have felt over losing those people and/or not blaming himself for any future deaths that might occur believing that those he let die would have forgiven him or not blamed him if they truly understood him. It could allowed Peter to accept he is ultimately human and that so long as he does his best he has nothing to feel guilty about.
 Now do I think that’d be a good IDEA to go that route? Well maybe, maybe not.
 But it would’ve been SOMETHING beyond the loud frivolousness of the story as we got it.
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joyfilledwander · 7 years
I would say that this is the year that I discovered podcasts. I’d listened to one or two over the years, but it wasn’t until 2016/2017 that I became mildly addicted. I blame Serial. This binge-worthy true crime podcast launched in 2014, and since then, I’ve been looking for it’s replacement. I love that podcasts are diverse in content, creative in production, and created by ordinary people with passion. Sure, there’s a few I enjoy that are star-studded and celebrity endorsed, but I love the everyday stories. I love that podcasts are [usually] weekly, or at least seasonally. A podcast combines the imagination required for reading a book and the anticipation of waiting week to week of old school TV. Living overseas, podcasts have helped me stay connected to American current events and cultural phenomenons. And they are perfect for those flights, train rides, and bus trips that never seem to end. So check out my handy list of podcasts for travel days and download something new!
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Mysteries & Criminals Serial This where it all began for me. If you haven’t yet experienced the obsession that is Serial, stop reading my blog and download it now. Come back again in 12 – 14 hours. Sarah Koenig, a producer on another fabulous podcast, is the host & investigator of true crime narrative worthy of legend. In 1999, Hae Min Lee, a high school student in Baltimore, is found murdered. Her classmate and ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, is arrested for the crime six weeks later. He’s always maintained his innocent, even after all these years behind bars. Sarah Koenig & team set out to try and uncover the truth, or at least answer some questions about the inconsistencies that are glaringly obvious with Adnan’s case. After the twelve episodes of Season One, you’ll join the millions of people wondering… “Is Adnan guilty?”
Recommended Episode: Well, all of Season One, but a standout episode was Episode 5 “Route Talk” where Sarah & team recreate the route police claim Adnan took that day he supposedly murdered Hae Min Lee.
Criminal Criminal, like it sounds, is a podcast about crime. But it’s not a murder podcast. And it doesn’t just focus on one crime. Criminal is a broader look at crimes & the criminals who commit them. New York Magazine says it this way “Criminal is a true­ crime podcast that understands crime as something sociological, historical, even anthropological — that crime is a function of people, time, and place.” Host Phoebe Judge has such a smooth storytelling voice that you’ll want to listen to this podcast for hours. Episodes are usually under a half hour, and it’s great for trying to binge catch up on these episodes. Whether Phoebe is talking to someone about how to fake their own death, the legalities of assisted suicide, or the ramifications of identity theft, Criminal is a podcast that will educate and entertain.
Recommended Episodes: Episode 45 “Just Mercy”, in which Phoebe interview Bryan Stevenson about the prison system and death row in America. This episode was so fantastic that I went out and got Stevenson’s book and devoured it in days. Another stand out is Episode 15 “He’s Neutral”. This is the episode I recommend to people who don’t normally listen to podcasts. It’s about a guy who gets fed up with the crime and downward spiral of his neighborhood, he inadvertently creates the largest Buddhist shrine in his city.
In the Dark In the Dark can be one of those podcasts that tough to listen to. It’s the story about the decades long unsolved abduction of Jacob Wetterling from rural Minnesota over 25 years ago. Host Madeleine Baran talks to Jacob’s family, to law enforcement, and other people connected to this case and begins to ask questions that should have been asked years ago. Could Jacob’s abduction been prevented? Did the police do a thorough job investigating the crime? What impact did this case have on the national level? What can be done to keep this kind of crime happening again. In the Dark is a such a well researched, well edited and well produced podcast. Listeners feel as though they are investigating this story with Madeleine. There’s twists and turns, and emotional heart stirring moments. I can’t recommend this podcast enough. After Serial, this is the most elegant investigative podcast I’ve ever heard.
Recommended Episodes: Episode 3 “The One Who Got Away”. This episode follows a brutal look at what law enforcement didn’t get right the night Jacob went missing in Episode 2. In Episode 3, we get to hear about an attempted crime so similar to Jacob’s, we begin to realize the law enforcement in this county have had problems solving crimes far before Jacob went missing.
Crime Writers On OK, here’s where I get a little meta in my podcast tastes. Crime Writers On is a podcast in which a hilarious & educated panel of journalists & crime authors comment on other true crime podcasts, books, and documentaries. If you are thinking, that sounds pretty dull, fear not. This podcast is anything but dull. Rebecca, Kevin, Toby & Lara are so well versed in the arena of covering true crime as news, and even fiction writing, that their commentary into other true crime productions genuinely adds value to the original material. They review both seasons of Serial, so if you love that podcast, be sure to check out their week by week analysis. They also provide “True Crime Updates” [insert echo here], in which they give news on trials or sentencing of previous cases they’ve covered. Two things I really enjoy about this podcast, is first, their sense of humor. I am often laughing while wearing headphones, causing my husband to look at me strangely. But I can’t help it. It’s so witty. Second, the ads. Almost every podcast has to read out their ads, and I used to think, well there’s no better way to do that! But Crime Writers On took ad reading to a whole new level. Kevin, specifically, will work an ad into the actual story they are covering without anyone know he’s setting up an ad…catching everyone off guard. When they are talking a suspect having to go on the run, Kevin casually mentions he may want to dye his hair using BRAND ABC hair dye. Cue laughter. Cue ad music background track. It’s clever, and I appreciate clever.
Recommended Episodes: Really any episode that you recognize the material they are covering. I discovered new podcasts & documentaries based on their reviews alone. If you enjoyed [or loathed] the S-Town podcast, Stranger Things, the Amanda Knox Netflix documentary, Making a Murderer, and the Jon Benet Ramsey CBS special, they’ve covered all those topics. Pick one you recognize, and give it a listen! It’s pretty great.
Crime Writers On
In the Dark
Society & Culture 99% Invisible This is a hard podcast to describe in a nutshell. Probably because every time I try, I make the nutshell sound incredibly dull. But it’s so far from dull. It’s a storytelling podcast about design, architecture, and about the little things in our every day life that we fail to notice. Hosted by Roman Mars, whose voice is tailor made for podcasting, 99% Invisible is one of the most creative podcasts I’ve ever listened to. Each episode is usually under 30 minutes, which allows it to be a very binge-able podcast. I rarely listen to just one episode. So many fascinating topics have been covered on 99% Invisible, and I’ve learned so much from listening to this show. I find myself telling stories from the podcast in daily conversation. Ever wonder why the US is one of the only countries in the world not use the metric system [a fact that I loathe while traveling the world – Episode 280 “Half Measures”]? Ever thought about those dates on food packaging that tell us when food is about to “expire” [Episode 195 “Best Enjoy By”]? All this and more are tackled in this creative, clever, and often humorous podcast.
Recommended Episodes: Episode 284 “Hero Props – Graphic Design in Film & Television” talks to a designer to creates the physical props that are featured in entertainment. It’s super interesting. Episode 53 “Ten Letters for the President” talks about President Obama’s practice of reading and answering 10 letters a day that had been sent to the White House, admits the thousands. Episode 184 “Rajneeshpuram” is about a weird cult that set up in rural Oregon in the 1980’s. I could list countless episodes to recommend. Do yourself a favor and subscribe, and then go back and catch up on them all. It’s sure to pass the time on a trans-Atlantic flight in no time!
The Memory Palace I first stopped on this podcast because of it’s name. What did it mean? It seemed so cryptic. Then I downloaded an episode called “Picture A Box” [Episode #48]. And then I stopped what I was doing just to listen. The music, the voice of the narrator, the rhythm of the words and the story…I had never heard this type of podcast before. Creator Nate DiMeo crafts works of spoken art through The Memory Palace podcast. Each episode is short, less than 20 minutes, and focuses on a moment of history. Such as Episode #48 “Picture a Box” tells the story of a man, a slave in the South in the 1800’s, who literally packed himself into a box and mailed himself North. I love this podcast because it’s the one you listen to, and it transports you to another place & time. When you put on your headphones, and listen to DiMeo tell you about someone you’ve never heard of before, everything else seems to fade away. For the long nights in crowded hostels or layovers in busy airports, this podcast will help you shut out the world and pass the time with something beautiful. In 2016/2017, Nate DiMeo became the Artist in Residence for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, creating special episodes to correlate with paintings and art in the museum. This podcast is art, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
Recommended Episodes: All of them. Or Episode 48 “Picture a Box”, Episode 93 “Local Channels” about Florence Chadwick’s famous swims across the English Channel, or Episode 61 “Orbes Cintilantes” in which DiMeo travels to Brazil for an event in which his podcasts had been written into a book and translated into Portuguese, or Episode 88 “Open Road” about the Green Book and traveling on the road for African Americans before Civil Rights.
99% Invisible
The Memory Palace
Pop Culture The West Wing Weekly If you are a fan of the 90’s-00’s hit political TV show, The West Wing, this is your podcast. If you’ve never seen the show, but have been wanting a new show to binge, this podcast is the perfect complement. It’s hosted by Hrishikesh Hirway and The West Wing & Scandal actor, Joshua Malina. These two a really great pair. Hrishi is a super fan of the show, having seen every episode many times. Josh, having acted on the show, provides “insider baseball” knowledge and real life experience from his time with writers, directors, and creators on the show. They are funny, combative, detailed, nerdy, and all in all, fangirling over this excellent piece of television. I myself am a late comer to The West Wing, having binged it throughout 2015-16. So with the entire series fresh in my mind, I was ready to embark on this podcast journey. Each week, a new podcast episode is released, chronologically following the TV series. Most weeks, Hrishi and Josh bring on guests to interview, sometimes original cast members and show creators, or people who work or have worked in real life Washington DC focusing on the issues that the episode is discussing. I really enjoy how they take a piece of television almost 20 years old, and find modern themes and relevancy. While still bashing the very out of date moments as well! When real life politics is hard to take, turn to President Jed Bartlet…and Hrishi and Josh defending the spelling of his name.
Recommended Episodes: It’s hard to single out an episode of the podcast without talking about the episode of the TV show, because they are directly linked. So I’ll just talk about the guest interviews I really enjoyed in specific episodes. I loved when they’ve interviewed Aaron Sorkin, the writer & creator of The West Wing [and more!] in Episode 2.22 & 2.00. All the behind the scenes info was just fantastic. The live reunion episode of the The West Wing cast is a great episode, and worth the listen if you also loved this cast. Other great interviews include Episode 1.21 with Bill O’Brien, who played the translator to the Joey Lucas character. Also, Episode 3.00 with Former Press Secretary Mike McCurry commenting on the Isaac & Ishmael episode was particularly excellent. See, it’s hard to pick just one!
You Must Remember This This podcast is not for the casual movie goer, but for the cinephile and ardent Hollywood devotee. You Must Remember This is a storytelling podcast about the secret and/or forgotten histories of Hollywood’s first century. If you live for Turner Classic Movie channel marathons, and fall asleep to Audrey Hepburn & Cary Grant films, this is the podcast for you. Each season of You Must Remember This looks at a different topic or celebrity in classic Hollywood. The incredibly well researched episodes are written & narrated by the fabulous Karina Longworth. She weaves her own writing & research with vintage film clip audio and guest star narration to bring to a life a specific movie or moment from film history. Past seasons have covered the Communist blacklist of Hollywood in the 1950’s, blonde bombshells who died before their time, and stories from the glory days of the MGM studio. Take a deep dive into cinema history with over a hundred episodes with the glitz & glamour from La La Land.
Recommend Episodes: My favorite season [maybe not surprisingly] is the season called “Charles Manson’s Hollywood”, which is a 12 episode season focusing on the life & the murders associated with Charles Manson, his followers and his interactions in the entertainment industry. It’s riveting, horrifying, and beautifully produced. Part 9, entitled “August 8-10, 1969” specifically covers the murders in which Manson & family is most famous, the murder of actress Sharon Tate.
Myths & Legends I wasn’t actually sure which category to put this podcast into, but finally decided on Pop Culture, because so many of the stories covered in Myths & Legends have been inspirations behind our favorite Disney or superhero films over the decades. Each week, host & creator Jason Weiser takes a story from myth, legend, fairy tale, or folklore, and retells it for audiences today. “This show brings you folklore that has shaped our world. Some are incredibly popular stories you think you know, but with surprising origins. Others are stories that might be new to you, but are definitely worth a listen.” If you love the King Arthur legends, or Greek mythology, or the conquests of the Vikings, this podcast is sure to entertain. Weiser’s creative storytelling ability is really what makes this podcast work. His humor and snark bring a comic commentary to these ancient tales. Myths & Legends is a podcast for the nerd, or the literary scholar, or the superhero fanboy in your life.
Recommended Episodes: I loved all the Disney inspired episodes, such as “Aladdin”, “Mulan”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Hercules”, “Beauty & the Beast”, “Pocahontas”, “Snow White” and even “Frozen”. Not surprisingly, the modern films have taken some liberties from the source material, and it’s entertaining to hear the original origins of these beloved tales. Also, I’ve learned that Japanese folklore is incredibly creepy.
Myths & Legends
The West Wing Weekly
You Must Remember This
Hope this list of some of my favorite podcasts help pass the hours of traveling and layovers and delays with levity and entertainment. Do you have a favorite podcast you enjoy while traveling? Let me know! I’m always looking for more to add to my queue!
9 Podcasts for Long Travel Days I would say that this is the year that I discovered podcasts. I’d listened to one or two over the years, but it wasn’t until 2016/2017 that I became mildly addicted.
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