#where you put tiny babies in ridiculously fancy outfits
the-pale-goddess · 2 years
What do you HC was the first couple costume Ethan & Tiffany wore and how many Halloweens did it take to convince Ethan to wear one?
If they have to choose, which one would be their favorite costume they have worn?
What’s the most ridiculous costume Ethan has worn just because his kid asked him to?
Anon, dear 🧡🧡🧡 Thank you so much for sending this wonderful ask, it was amazing to come up with a Halloween HC and reunite with my babies! Sorry if it’s too long lol
Before kids
Ethan Ramsey doesn’t do Halloween, it’s as plain as the nose on your face and Tiffany doesn’t poach on that territory—she respects his boundaries immensely and would never try to breach his comfort zone for the sake of her own enjoyment. Tiff usually gets her Halloween fix on the peds ward where she dresses up for the kids and does a hospital version of trick-or-treating 🧡
My two workaholic doctors rarely get a night off for Halloween, so they usually decline all invitations to costume parties, much to Ethan’s huge relief.
The one time they didn’t decline happened right after Tiffany’s residency. The gang made it very clear that every guest must be wearing a costume, but Tiffany didn’t expect Ethan to entertain this silly idea (or feel threatened by The Organizer, Double-Oh-Tiny Trinh). She had to pick her jaw up off the floor when Ethan asked her what’s their plan. He offered to go as “that unsettling Addams couple” (as a little nod to Tiffany and her surname, obviously). He figured that the costume is pretty undemanding and, more importantly, he gets to look human. Besides, he cannot keep his eyes and hands off his Morticia, so he makes a perfect Gomez 🥰 That was their first and last costume party before kids—a glorious exception to the unspoken rule.
After kids
The Ethan Ramsey doesn’t do Halloween rule changes when NJ (5) and Letty (2) are about to experience their first trick-or-treating while visiting their great grandparents in New York. NJ chose to be Captain America, Tiffany picked Black Widow, and Letty was given a tiny Scarlet Witch costume. Ethan is obviously sticking out, wearing some fancy black suit and his unwillingness to be a part of the Marvel universe. However, he would never ruin his son’s excitement and the event his loved ones were eagerly waiting for…So he agrees on T’s last-minute idea and decides to put the Iron Man mask on, along with the brave face that would help him survive the evening. In the surprising end, Ethan finds himself deeply moved; the sight of his family—the family he thought he’d never have—wandering around the neighborhood in ridiculous outfits and having fun together, filled his heart with great sense of accomplishment and belonging. Plus his smoking hot wife wearing a skintight black jumpsuit and red wig was an absolute vision...But let’s keep it PG jkdjgkdgdj
Halloween costumes became a tradition (only for a few years though; when The Ramdams enter their teenage years, they lose interest in dressing up completely and Grumpsey is relieved of his clown duty lol), but Ethan tries to play it safe whenever possible and chooses costumes that aren’t really costumes as they require zero effort, allowing him to maintain his dignity. Tiffany always finds a clever way to match his choice (or lack of thereof) and comes up with a couple costume anyway. However, sometimes the kids would insist on going all the way, and Ethan is consistently helpless in the face of the power they hold over him...
Some of E&T’s couple costumes over the years:
Peanut Butter for T and Jelly for E
Doctor Strange and Clea - Tiffany’s favorite, Ethan looked so hot he should be illegal
The Addams Family 2.0 feat. The Kids
Cardiac Arrest for T and Medical Record for E (it’s all about the puns)
Pumpkin Pi(e) for T and Dark Matter for E - Ethan’s favorite, guess why 😂
Sexy costumes not included, they don’t need Halloween for that 🖤
Ethan’s most ridiculous costume? Letty’s unicorn.
Before you ask—shockingly, Tiffany had nothing to do with this, but she made sure to get everything on tape and teased him mercilessly (those riding jokes are too tempting, you know). He absolutely hated every second of engaging in this buffoonery, but he would do it again just to see pure, unadulterated joy on Letty’s face. Growing up, it’s one of her most cherished memories (and the reason why Letty claims she’s daddy’s favorite kshkshdkbdkb)
I sincerely apologize for the late reply, but you have probably noticed that I’m rarely here these days…Once again, thank you so much for still caring about E&T and my nonsense, it means a lot! 🫶🏻
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general-sleepy · 2 years
The ethics of involving children in religion before they can fully understand and consent to what's going on is a whole discussion, but you have to admit that Catholics went off with Christenings/Baptisms. You take a tiny, mushy baby that has literally no idea about anything that's going on, dress them up in one of the fanciest outfits they'll ever wear in their entire life, and then have this whole elaborate ceremony dedicated entirely to them, that again, they do not have the slightest capacity to comprehend.
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brattyfics · 3 years
Like That
Pairing: Rio x Black!Reader
Summary: You and Rio get to know each other better. Loosely based on ‘Like That’ by Doja Cat. 
Warnings: Smut.
Word Count: 3.5K
Installments: Say So | Like That | Talk Dirty
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And baby, I want it, and I'll just be honest 'Cause I just can't front when I look at you
About six weeks have passed since Rio declared himself your man, and you quickly learned he took the title very seriously.
He was busier than usual with ‘flipping his game,’ and you were busy preparing to transition your shop, but you saw each other often despite time constraints. You agreed date nights at least once a week were a must, but when you couldn’t see each other, Rio made sure to end nights with a phone call. Virtually falling asleep next to him gave you butterflies, reminding you just how exciting new relationships could be. It took prodding, but he told you made-up bedtime stories and the boring details of his day. In return, you shared things about yourself— childhood memories, the crazy things your mom did to embarrass you. He was sweet and attentive, and you found it refreshing to be with someone who was just as infatuated with you.
On your second date, he took you to his favorite restaurant, a fancy sushi place with expensive rolls. He taught you to hold chopsticks the wrong way the way he did and even fed you across the small table, a couple of unfortunate rolls falling apart due to his prodding. You tried your best to hide your amusement at the pensive look on his face. For whatever reason, Rio thought of himself as a sushi connoisseur, but it was clear to you that he was still learning.
“You’re no better than me!” He admonished when he noticed the way you held your chopsticks. Like his technique, it was incorrect, but it worked for you— sort of. “I never said I was.” You couldn’t keep the amusement off your face any longer. “You’re the one who comes here weekly. I thought you were a professional, and we’re in the same boat.” He folded his arms on top of the table as he insisted you were wrong, but secretly he found your teasing endearing. Later that night, he called and gave you a cheesy line about loving to see you smile.
The following week, you had lunch at a mom-and-pop soul food restaurant that served the best cornbread and peach cobbler in the city. The owners, an adorable older couple, Donna and Gene, and servers alike stopped by your table to meet Rio. Donna gushed over Rio, showering him with compliments and extra cornbread. “Girl, he is cute!” She told you, failing miserably at whispering. He smirked as you rolled your eyes, but he handled the attention well, being friendly and personable even when Gene kept going on and on about changes to the menu, one chef to another.
A few days later, he called you up randomly and asked you to get ready and ride with him somewhere. “What should I wear?” You asked, hoping for a hint. You could hear him smile as he said, “It doesn’t even matter, ma. You always look good.” The occasion had turned out to be ‘Foodtruck Friday.’ Barbecue, kebab, taco, ice cream, and other miscellaneous food trucks were parked in a spacious lot in Downtown Detroit. You settled at a picnic table and shared several plates of food as you discussed the possibility of your own mobile ‘Mad Batter’ shop somewhere down the line. It got you thinking about the future.
“Where do you see yourself in five years?” You asked the dreaded question in between bites of a colorful Korean fusion taco. He stiffened as he considered the answer. “What is this, a job interview?” Sometimes you saw peeks of bossman Rio rather than the Christopher Castillo you were getting to know. It happened seemingly out of nowhere when you asked questions he felt were invasive.
You looked up from the panko-fried shrimp, red cabbage, shredded carrots, and tasty orange sauce wrapped up in a flour tortilla with a frown. You had two choices: respond in the way he had or make light of the situation. So, you said, “Kinda. You’re auditioning for a spot on my roster, so...”
He stopped chewing the half-eaten dumpling and swallowed hard. “That’s not funny.”
“You better start taking the interviewing part of the audition more seriously then.” You wiped your fingers on a napkin, and he gathered your hand in his own, wearing a look you couldn’t decipher. “You got it, ma.”
You played a game of mini-golf at the local arcade. Rio stood tall behind you, holding you by your hips as he corrected your stance. You purposefully arched your back, brushing against him just slightly. “Like this?” You looked over your shoulder with the most innocent look you could muster, but his eyes were glued to your ass. “Yeah, just like that.” He answered in a low tone without looking up. You giggled as you took your swing, adding a wiggle for his benefit. You pretended to care about the ball as it glided across the bright green tarp towards the hole. “How was that?” You chirped, looking down the lane.
“I can’t even lie. I don’t care about the game right now. I just wanna watch you.” Your aim was terrible, and the ball never went in the hole without several attempts, but he insisted you finish playing the course. You teased him about it for days after despite his claim that he actually enjoyed the game because it was one of Marcus’ favorites.
“Stop lying! You just wanted an excuse to openly watch my ass.”
“Why you always gotta call me out?”
You shopped a cozy health and wellness store with hundreds of cool little trinkets for sale. Neither of you had been there before, so you took your time exploring, stealing unexpected kisses from the other. Rio took full advantage of the size of the store, pulling you by the hand and holding you close to his side.
He frowned at the large collection of shiny crystals. “A rock, really? What does anybody need with a rock?”
“It’s not a rock!” You hissed, head whipping around as you hoped the owner didn’t hear him.
“What is it then? It looks like a rock to me.” He picked one up, turning it over in his hands.
“It’s a crystal!”
“What’s the difference?”
“It has healing properties...” Rio snorted but strung his arm across your shoulder and listened intently as you read the info cards to him. When it was all said and done, he bought an aventurine stone to apologize to the owner for prosperity, well-being, and good luck.
The next day, he disappeared with no warning. You had been worried sick until Mick let you know he was busy handling something. It would have only taken a minute to tell you that, so you were (understandably) pissed. He showed up at the shop several days later like nothing had ever happened. “What’s up, mama?” The greeting that usually melted you grated on your nerves. All of your feelings about the situation bubbled up to the surface. It was hard to find the right words— you were still getting to know each other, so how mad could you be? At the same time, how little did he think of you to not say anything? Finally, you settled on, “I can’t do the disappearing act.”
Rio wasn’t used to answering to anyone, not even his child’s mother, about his whereabouts, but he put his palms up in surrender when he saw the serious expression you wore.
“You’re right, mama. That’s my bad. It won’t happen again.”
And it hadn’t.
But knowing ahead of time only made it a tiny bit easier, especially when he didn’t have a set return date. You were going on day seven (the longest you had gone without seeing him since you started dating) when he called to say he made it home and wanted to see you. Your heavy heart swelled with relief. You missed him way more than you probably should have, so you insisted on a night in at your place, wanting him to feel relaxed and at home instead of on guard somewhere public.
It had been a long six weeks without sex while he romanced you with delicious food and beautiful words. It wasn’t an easy task, but you knew as soon as sex was thrown in the mix, you would be done for, either destined to be his or ruined by him. It was a scary thought, but distance had indeed made the heart grow fonder, and you cared about him enough to take a chance.
He was set to arrive within the hour, but you were still unsure of what to wear, frantically rummaging through the dresser for something cute and comfortable. You let out a frustrated groan when your phone started to ring, thinking Rio might have come early, but when you look down at your phone, you see your best friend’s name and face. You swipe quickly, accepting the FaceTime call. “Hey, girl!”
“Hey, stranger!” You pick up the phone, so you can look at her. “Really?”
“Yes, really.” She replies with just as much sass. “I haven’t talked to you in what— two weeks?”
“We talk—“
“Okay, fine. Text. We text every day. What are you talking about?”
“That’s not the same.” She insists even as you remind her of the ridiculous amount of time you spend trading memes and food pictures with her.
“Anyway, what are you doing?”
“I’m trying to decide what I’m going to wear between this, this, or this.” You move the camera around, showing her the different options. A black-and-white tank and short set with ‘Being cute is not a crime’ in a cute font. A fuzzy grey sweatsuit set with hearts, or a simple cream hoodie with matching shorts.
“Um, what’s the occasion?” You giggle at the look on her face, knowing she thinks none of the above are appropriate for wearing outside of the house.
“Movie night in.”
“You need help picking an outfit for movie night with yourself?” Her face scrunches up in confusion. “Wait, is it movie night with yourself?” You try to be casual about it, shrugging your shoulders in response. As usual, she sees through your bullshit and goes straight into an interrogation. “Oh, bitch. You been holding out on me!” She asks you five questions in a row without stopping to breathe before settling on one. “Who?”
You gnaw on your bottom lip. “...Rio.”
“Rio?” She frowns. “Like the guy we work for, Rio? With the eyebrows and the neck tattoo, Rio?”
“Yes, that Rio.”
“Wow.” You wince but decide it’s best to get it over with. “What? I know you, so I know there’s more where that came from.”
“I don’t know what to say! From what I can tell, he’s a decent dude, I guess, but you know what he does. You definitely know what we do for him! You don’t think that could be a problem?”
“It’s messy, for sure, and I can admit that, but I’ve been thinking about getting out anyway...” She nods. “Then, I guess there’s nothing else for me to say about that. You’re both grown, and you know what you’re doing.” She was your best friend, which meant she’d always give her honest opinion, but wouldn’t berate you about your choices. Just like that, you return to your regular discussion topics, everything from warehouse gossip (yes, even in the business of crime, there’s a rumor mill) to new music releases. Before you knew it, forty minutes had passed, and Rio was calling your phone. You promised to call her more often before hanging up.
You sing your ‘hello’ into the phone, hoping Rio can’t detect the shakiness in your voice as you clumsily pull on your bottoms.
“Hey, mama. You about ready? I know you’re sensitive about your space and all that.” He was referring to the fact that he had never been past the doorway of your home. Your home was your sacred place, so you were extra careful about who came in and what energy they brought. It was always nerve-wracking to let somebody into the space that you cherished so much.
“Yeah.” He picks up on the hesitancy in your voice. “Are you sure?” You nod your head as if he can see you before telling him yes with a giggle. “Alright, well, I’m outside. Can I come in?” You bite your lip, butterflies fluttering in your tummy. “Yeah, I’ll come unlock the door.” He whispers his thanks, and you take a moment to force yourself to relax. When you meet him at the door, you do so with an open mind and heart, taking in his appearance with a goofy grin on your face. As usual, he’s dressed in all black, wearing a well-fitted t-shirt and sweatpants. He’s casual but still so high quality and attractive.
“Hi.” You breathe out like a dork when you realize you’re staring. It helps that he seems just as mesmerized, stepping forward to envelop you in a tight, warm hug. He sways you from side to side before pulling back, his hands resting heavily on the top of your ass. He settles for a quick peck on the lips because he has something to say. “You’re as pretty as ever, darlin’.” He says earnestly, shaking his head as he steps back to look you over once more.
“Kiss me again.” His hands cup your ass as you devour each other in the open doorway. You forget your surroundings. “Damn, ma. Can I at least get inside before you jump my bones? I don’t mind giving your neighbors a show if that’s your thing, but…” You turn to hide your embarrassment, leaving him to close the door behind you as you gesture around the room as if you’re in an episode of MTV Cribs. “... here’s the living room. The kitchen’s through the arch. The bathroom’s over there...” He follows you with his red as you point.
“And the bedroom?”
You snort. “The tour stops here for now. Sit down.” Your tone leaves no room for argument. He settles into the soft couch while you grab the snack tray from the kitchen. Homemade popcorn, chocolate-covered pretzels, and dried fruit gummies are on the menu.
“All this for me?” His arms snake around your waist so that you can curl up into his side. “What we watching?” You grab the remote. “I saw a trailer this week that caught my attention. I’ll play it for you.” He didn’t care what you watched as long as he got to be close to you, so it didn’t take long for you to get the movie started. He stole glances at you when his knuckles brushed against your bare knees under the blanket. You’re embarrassed at how wet the small action makes you, so you stretch out across the couch and place your bare feet in his lap, silently planning your revenge. The movie may as well not be playing because you couldn’t be less interested in the plot as you lightly stroke him through his sweatpants with the balls of your feet.
“Ma...” He warns, watching you in the low lighting. He’s come to learn you like to tease, but he doesn’t think he can take it, not tonight. “Hmm?” You hum innocently, loving the strained look on your face. He doesn’t move even as you sit up on your haunches and kiss him. It’s slow and long in the best way. He pulls you to sit in his lap. His hands roam your body as you grind down onto him, relishing in the feeling of the soft skin on your tummy. He sighs into your mouth as one hand finds your bare breasts.
He pulls away to talk shit. “No bra? You just knew I was gonna put out, huh?” He pushes the cotton material up so he can see you properly. “Perfect.” He murmurs into your skin. You let him kiss and lick and suck on your nipples until the pressure you feel below is too much to handle. You’re a quivering mess when he finally helps you pull the cotton material up and over your head. It lands on top of the television behind you, but neither of you notice.
You nudge him until he removes his own shirt, and then he lifts his hips to help you when you begin tugging on his sweats. They puddle at his feet while you spread your legs wide, desperate to get your hands on him. “I could cry right now.” You admit honestly when you finally see him, biting your lip. He arches a brow. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing, darlin’?” His hips jerk when you take him into your hands, the cold temperature surprising him.
“It’s definitely a good thing.” You whisper excitedly, staring with wonder as he hardens in your hands. He barks out a laugh, stunned by your ability to make him laugh, even with his dick in your hands. “That’s really nice, ma. I feel real special.” Your eyes meet, and silent promises of all the filthy things you’re going to do to each other are exchanged. “You should. I’m about to change your life.” He throbs in your hands, loving that you find small ways to challenge him.
“Come on. Let’s go to bed.” He wraps his arms around you in preparation to get up, but you stop him with a shake of your head. “I don’t wanna.”
“No? What you wanna do then?”
You answer him by slipping to your knees. You spit on his dick, stroking him up and down slowly. He watches you closely as you lower your mouth, wrapping your lips around the tip. It takes a lot of restraint, but he lets you do your thing, slowly working him deeper into your throat. He closes his eyes as he concentrates on lasting, but he can’t turn his ears off, the obscene smacks painting a vivid picture for him. When you swipe your tongue across his balls, he moves to stop you, grabbing your shoulders. Fire dances in your eyes as you realize you got him where you want him. “I don’t wanna.” You repeat.
“You are a brat.”
You release him with a pop. “The biggest.” You admit, swallowing him once more. He groans, thinking he can’t believe you’re the same sweet girl who bakes in a frilly pink apron and begs him to tell her bedtime stories.
“I want you to fuck me now.” He stops you before you can bend over the couch. “Slow down. I want you on your back, darlin.”
You throw his earlier words back at him. “That’s nice. I feel really special.”
“You should.” He mocks you, instructing you to hold your legs wide. He wastes no time licking and sucking you as enthusiastically as you had done him. “You’re so pretty. I could eat this pretty pussy forever.” He compliments as you squirm in his hold. “You’d let me, huh?” You shake your head frantically. “No! You’d drive..me crazy!” Payback is a mother, especially when Rio’s the one dishing it out. “Wait, wait—“You whimper, clawing at his shoulders.
“What?” He cajoles. He almost wants to laugh at the distressed look on your face. “I want you.” You pout, trying to sweet-talk him.
“You have me.”
“Not like this. Inside.”
“Yeah? You sure?”
“Mhm.” You swallow, watching as he fumbles around with his pants searching for a condom. He opens the golden foil packet with expert fingers, positioning himself in between your spread legs. “You don’t have any pointers for me now?” He drags his tip up and down your slit, slowly pushing his way further. Teasing. You shake your head. “No. Just fuck me.”
“That ain’t polite. You gotta say please, mama.” You scowled, but he didn’t budge. “Please.” You pleaded with the sweetest tone you could muster, sighing as he gave in. You cursed at the stretch, him at the way you squeezed him. “You feel…” He couldn’t find the words, so he buried his face in your neck, trying to gain some composure. You caressed the back of his neck sweetly. “You feel good too, baby.”
His hips stuttered forward, and you gasped as he worked himself deeper. You grasp his shoulders tightly, your nails embedding themselves into the soft skin.
“Yes!” You squeal.
“Like that?” He grits out, struggling to keep his rhythm.
“Yes, just like that!” You cry, moaning as he pounds up into you. His lips find yours again, and it’s bliss. Then before you can stop yourself, you’re calling him Daddy like it’s his given name. He groans into your sweaty neck like he’s in pain.
“You’re so nasty.” Overwhelmed and breathless, you whine your protest, “You’re nasty. Look at what you’re doing to me.” His eyes shift to where you’re connected. You’re creaming all over him and leaking down onto the couch, but you can’t bring yourself to care about anything other than coming. You do just that, mewling as you make an even bigger mess between your legs. He whispers filthy things into your ear as he finishes, grunting at the way you seem to be sucking him in even deeper.
“That was—“
Neither of you can bring yourself to move. Your sweat-covered skin sticks together. You swipe your hand against your forehead while he pants.
“I wanted to ride you at least once tonight, but after that, I’ll be lucky to make it to bed.”
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@woahitslucyylu @briannab1234 @sheeshgivemeabreak @breakingnewsin-no-oneasked @angelreyesgirl @blessedboo @glimmerglittergirl @apantherinmypastlife @brownsugarcoffy @marvelmaree @starrynite7114 @scuzmunkie @thewarriorprincessxo @sadeyesgf @pearlkitten33 @imanerdychubbyqueen @literaturefeen @ourlittlesecretsoveragain @everyhowlmarksthedead @yourwonkywriter @trulysuccubus @sparklemichele @luckyharley1903
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thedollface221b · 3 years
A Touch Of Magic
Pairing - Younger Neville Griffin (Misdirection - Inside No 9)/Original female character (can be read as reader insert)
Rating - Explicit - Over 18s ONLY
Warnings - soft BDSM
Summary - You get a job working as an assistant for a young Magician, but you find yourself fiercely attracted to him. Can you keep your mind on the job, or will lust win out?
Dedicated to the amazing @barkilphedros-hat for being wonderful. I ❤ you!
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I searched through all the available jobs pinned on the job centre noticeboard and sighed. Absolutely nothing, yet again. I was just about to give up when I noticed a small, type-written card in the far corner. It read:
Assistant to a young, up and coming Magician.
Must be flexible”
Beneath that, written in red pen as if an afterthought was, in brackets:
“(Both in hours AND body!!)”
Typewritten again for the following:
“Please call Neville Griffin for more details”
Below that were two numbers, which I presumed were his landline and his mobile phone.
Scribbling down the info in my notebook, I resolved to call this Neville Griffin later that day. I had absolutely no experience at being a magician’s assistant but I had always been fascinated by magic ever since I was a little girl, and I was always being teased by my lovers by how amazingly bendy I was in bed – so why not give it a go?
After a brief phone call where we spoke only to arrange a meeting place and a time - his warehouse at noon the next day - I was left to wonder what Neville might be like. I couldn’t help but pre-judge him, with a name like Neville he was bound to be a total nerd, or perhaps older than he was letting on. Still, he did have a nice voice...
Whatever, I needed the work and impressing him with my appearance could go a long way... even nerds liked pretty girls and you didn’t often see a plain magician’s assistant, so I needed to look my absolute best. I spent the rest of the evening exfoliating, shaving, deep conditioning my hair, and giving myself a mani-pedi and a facial in preparation for the following day.
Despite my best efforts I slept fitfully, nerves getting the better of me. Putting on a little extra concealer to hide any dark circles my sleepless night may have caused, I finished off my make-up with a pop of cherry-red lipstick. Something a little bit daring and sexy. It paired well with the knee length, floaty red summer dress I was wearing, its sweetheart neckline giving onlookers just a peek of my décolletage.
I arrived at the road the warehouse was situated on a few minutes early so I could scope the place out. ‘Number Nine', I read off the GPS directions on my phone. It was a fairly barren looking alley, the kind of place you’d see on police shows where murders or rapes had taken place. I double checked my bag for my pepper spray and my rape alarm. All set.
Taking a deep breath and fixing a smile in place, I knocked on the door. It took a minute before I heard the heavy, metallic clank of a lock sliding back and the creak of the door opening to finally reveal Neville Griffin.
I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t a young, ridiculously good looking guy. His long, brown hair - just reaching his chin - framed a classically handsome face. Azure-blue eyes hid behind wire-rimmed glasses, resting on a strong nose, and his lips were a delicate pink and looked deliciously plump and kissable. He was dressed in a dark blue hoodie worn partially zipped over a red t-shirt, black jeans and a pair of black converse All Stars. All clothes of a typical guy in his late 20s.
“Oh, hello.” he said, his forehead wrinkling in confusion as if he hadn’t expected to be interrupted.
“Hi? I spoke to you on the phone last night, I’m here about the...”
“Oh, the assistant job, of course.” He wiped his hand on his jeans even though it didn’t look particularly dirty. “I’m sorry I was working and lost track of time.”
He held out the hand and I took it. It was warm and soft, with several calluses on his fingers, likely from day after day of practicing card tricks. For a guy of relatively small statue – around 5ft 7 I guessed – and lean build, he had large hands and long, thick fingers. My pussy gave a small, involuntary throb at the thought of what those fingers could do if given the opportunity. His grip was firm and I idly wondered if he was one of those guys who looked slight but was actually deceptively strong. Fuck, I had to stop thinking like that and concentrate on the interview. This guy could potentially be my Boss, not a one-night stand.
“Do come in,” he nodded, standing aside to let me enter the warehouse. It was dark, despite the overhead lighting, and the entire place was cluttered with debris of various magic tricks, boxes, notebooks and unquantifiable detritus. I noticed a zigzag lady in the corner, and a very cool looking guillotine towards the back.
Neville guided us towards two old, shoddy-looking stools placed right in the middle of the room and indicated that I take a seat. I sat up straight, my knees together and my hands placed in my lap. I had read somewhere that it was how Royalty was taught to sit, and that it was supposed to make you look more elegant and sophisticated.
Neville threw himself down on the stool in front of me, our knees almost touching. I could feel the heat emanating from his body, smell his aftershave, which was a musky, woody scent and very sexy. Jesus, I had to stop thinking like that!! Concentrate!!
“OK,” he started, “First off, are you a fan of magic?”
“Oh yes,” I said honestly, “I’ve loved it since I was a little girl.”
From his nod and smile, I figured we were off to a good start. The rest of his questions were pretty easy to answer and we fell into a casual conversation rather than a formal interview. It was looking good.
“And just one more question,” he said finally. “Do you think you can drop ten pounds?”
The flat of my palm made a satisfying crack as it made contact with his cheekbone.
“No!” he cried, clutching at his reddening face. “You misunderstood. It’s because the spaces you have to squeeze yourself into are so tiny. You need to be as small as you can possibly get yourself, that’s all.” He rubbed at his cheek. “I think you look perfect as you are. I mean fine. I mean you look...” He stopped. The other side where I hadn’t slapped was turning red now too.
“Oh.” I dropped my head, kicking myself for losing such a great job in the dying minutes. Talk about clutching defeat from the jaws of victory. “I’m sorry.”
“It's fine.” He stood and offered me his hand again. I stood too and took it.
“Thank you for seeing me.”
“It was no problem. Well, almost no problem. Can you start on Saturday?” he asked, looking almost scared in case I slapped him again.
“You mean you want me?” I asked, shocked. I couldn’t believe that I had still got the job despite screwing up so heinously at the end.
“Yes, I want you. For the job!” he clarified. Together we walked to the door of the warehouse and he showed me out into the filthy alleyway. “Saturday at 4pm. Don’t be late.”
As the door shut behind me I did a little happy dance before setting off to catch my tube. I was going to be a magician’s assistant. What the actual fuck.
I wasn’t really sure what to wear to my first day as a Magician's Assistant, so I just threw on what I normally wore to yoga. Skin-tight lilac leggings with a matching sports bra and a sloppy, cropped vest in baby pink. I chose ballet style trainers as I thought they’d have the most flexibility if I had to do anything particularly bendy. I covered it all with an oversized hoody to keep me relatively decent on the tube. I didn’t fancy having my ass groped by some greasy stranger.
The door to the warehouse was slightly ajar so I just knocked on it, called out a hello and let myself in, unzipping my hoody as I walked through the cluttered space. I tossed it over some boxes out of the way. I didn’t see Neville at first, until I spotted him kneeling beside the guillotine, tightening some screws. He looked good in his dark blue jeans and navy and white striped top and I took a moment to appreciate the view. He didn’t seem to notice me at first so I cleared my throat. Still nothing. I called his name again, louder this time and he jumped, looking up at me with wide eyes, scrambling to get up while simultaneously pulling earbuds from his ears.
“Sorry I didn’t see you... hear you come in.” he said, winding the cord of the earbuds around his phone and setting it on his desk beside him.
“I'm a few minutes early,” I said apologetically.
“No, it’s... fine,” he nodded. I noticed that he was still looking down at the phone he had placed on his desk. I wondered what was so important about it. Especially as it was switched off.
“I didn’t really know what to wear so I hope this is appropriate.” I indicated to my outfit and he gave me a quick glance before looking down again.
“It's fine,” he repeated. OK, so it was going to be like that. Still, if Neville was going to be weird and anti-social it was going to make it a lot easier to not be attracted to him.
“So what are we doing first?” I asked with fake brightness, trying to lighten the mood.
“First things first,” he tapped the table three times with his fingers and then finally deigned to look at me, “Your name. We need to change it.”
“What’s wrong with my name?” I asked indignantly, crossing my arms beneath my breasts. I knew this action would push them up slightly and make them more apparent but to be honest I wasn’t really caring about that at that particular moment. Neville, however, definitely seemed to notice as his eyes widened slightly before he realised himself and forced eye contact again.
“It’s not exactly showbiz, is it? You need something with a bit of spark, a bit of pizazz. So from now on, your name is Miss Ruby Jewel.” He moved his hand through the air as if performing some mystical action.
“Ruby Jewel? It sounds like a fucking porn star, no way!” I shook my head.
“Well, I was thinking more Bond Girl,” Neville sniffed haughtily. “Anyway it's too late now, I’ve already started designing the promotional material. You'll get used to it. Besides, it goes with my ideas for your costume.”
“Oh yes, I meant to ask, where do I get my costume? Is there some sort of dress shop that caters exclusively for Magician’s Assistants?” I enquired, half joking.
“Of course not, you silly girl!” he snapped.
I jumped. While I was shocked at his outburst, I was ashamed to say that a part of me found the dominance in his voice... kind of arousing. A shiver travelled up my spine and I felt my nipples start to harden against the soft fabric of my sports bra.
Oh please God let the two layers of my bra and vest be thick enough so my erect nipples don’t show through.
No such luck. I could see them poking out through my top like two tiny pebbles.
Neville cleared his throat and continued, rubbing a hand over his face. “I’m sorry, I’ve just been working so many long hours trying to come up with new tricks... I just need something...” He trailed off and turned away for a moment before shaking his head and turning back to me with a smile, as if the previous moment hadn’t just happened.
“There’s a local seamstress who will make your costumes couture. Although we can only afford one for now. I’ve already sent her my design ideas and so I just have to get your measurements and email them to her and she can begin.”
My heart leapt into my throat and my legs almost gave out at hearing him say that. Surely that couldn’t be right. “I’m not going to her to be measured? Isn’t that standard?”
“Doing it this way will save us time and money,” he confirmed, already picking up the tape measure from his desk. “I think you’ll love your costume. It’s going to be ruby red and adorned with lots of sequins and jewels. And you will wear red lipstick like the one you had on during your interview, as that was...” He paused and swallowed hard. “Sufficient.”
“Does it have to be so... gaudy?” I asked, my nose wrinkling in distaste as he measured my height and my body length.
“We need you to be as bright and flashy as possible.” I quivered slightly as he fastened the tape around my waist. We were practically nose to nose, except he was looking down to read the numbers on the tape. I could smell his aftershave again but this time I was close enough to also smell his shampoo and his soap. He smelled clean, with that same woody, musky scent from before, but with a hint of coconut from the shampoo. Heady, sexy and inherently male.
My pussy was throbbing again, despite me telling myself that this was my Boss and nothing could ever happen. Unfortunately my body didn’t want to listen to my brain and continued to send signals of arousal south. I could feel myself getting wet already. Fuck, this was bad.
He whipped the tape away and stood back, and already I missed the heat from his body.
“The reason Magicians use beautiful female assistants in bright outfits,” he began, rolling up the tape, “is because we want the audience to be watching them here...” he waved his empty hand around in the air in front of me, “while the magic is happening over here!” He clicked the fingers of his other hand, then opened it to reveal that the tape had disappeared. “Classic misdirection.”
“I’m impressed!” I laughed, applauding. “OK so where is it?”
He leaned in and for a split second I thought he was going to kiss me. Instead he brought the tape out from behind my ear where it had supposedly been hiding. The disappointment of not being kissed must have shown on my face because he said “What, the old ‘behind the ear’ gag not good enough for you?”
“No, it’s great, really.” I faked a smile. “But we should get on, don’t you think?” I wanted this torture over with as soon as possible. Still, Neville had called me a ‘beautiful assistant’. That was something at least.
“Yes, quite right.” he agreed. “I just need to do your... ah... your top area.”
Wait, did he mean my bust? Was Neville really going to put that mother fucking tape around my breasts? Fuck!
Awkwardly he put his arms around me as I stood frozen to the spot like a statue, my arms stretched out wide either side of me like wings. I didn’t even dare breathe. After fumbling with and dropping the tape twice, he finally got it around the largest part of my breasts, touching the two parts of the tape together as quickly as he could. His knuckles brushed against my still painfully erect nipples so there was no possible way he couldn’t have noticed them. The movement was sending little zings of pleasure through me and I had to clamp my lips shut so as not to accidentally moan out loud.
I noticed that his hands were trembling and when his eyes met mine for a moment I could see how large and dilated his pupils were. Wait a minute... was it possible that he was finding this just as arousing as I was?
“OK, got that,” he mumbled, letting the tape drop to the floor and rushing over to his desk to jot down the details. “I’ll email those details to Sarah tonight and she can get started on your costume first thing tomorrow. I’ll give her your number and she can call you when she wants you to come in for a fitting.”
“Sounds good,” I said, eying up the bottle of whiskey sitting on Neville's desk. God I could really use a drink right now. But that wouldn’t be very professional and I was already walking a very thin tightrope there. Instead I went over to my bag, got my bottled water and took a long slug, hoping it would cool my ardour as well as my body.
The rest of the evening was spent explaining to me how most of his bigger tricks worked and what I would be expected to do as an assistant. I was actually quite excited to begin learning how to perform properly.
“We'll have our first proper rehearsal on Monday, but we’ll take it slow and I’ll just walk you through a few tricks to start with using the actual props,” Neville was saying as he walked me to the door. “Nothing too difficult at the beginning, maybe the zig zag lady, or I could saw you in half, show you the Rope escape...”
“That all sounds great. Well, bye then,” I waved, fighting the urge to grab him and kiss him goodbye.
“Bye, see you on Monday,” he smiled, and my stomach did a backflip.
I lay in bed that night thinking back to everything that had happened that evening. Remembering Neville’s touch, the way his knuckles brushed against my sensitive nipples, the intoxicating scent of him. Fucking hell, I was so aroused!! If I didn’t do something to take the edge off I would never sleep. Fumbling in my bedside cabinet I found a small bottle of lube and my trusty rampant rabbit vibrator.
I let my imagination run wild as I switched on the pink silicone device. I closed my eyes and pretended the long, thick dildo section was really Neville's cock as it stretched me open, and the tiny little ‘ears' buzzing rapidly against my clit and sending electric shocks of pleasure through me were really his fingers working me to orgasmic bliss. I recalled his domineering attitude from earlier and quickly made up a fantasy scenario in my head where I kept getting the trick wrong and he was shouting at me that he was going to have to punish me, that every time I made a mistake he was going to have to fuck me until I learned to get it right.
I came hard and fast, his name on my lips.
I felt dirty once the afterglow had worn off, and not the good kind. Neville was my employer and no matter how attracted to him I was, I shouldn’t be getting myself off thinking about him like that. Even if it was the best orgasm I’d had in a long time.
I turned over on my side and fell into a broken, troubled sleep, full of crazy dreams about being sawn in half, and Neville leaving me there, carrying the bottom half of the box away with my bottom half still inside it. OK, surely that had to be some sort of weird sex metaphor.
Monday came around quickly and I was back at the warehouse. Despite telling myself I wasn’t interested in impressing Neville, I had dressed in one of my cutest vest tops - a tight black ribbed number - and a short, ice-skater style skirt in a bright, ruby red fabric. It was probably totally impractical for what we would be doing but I figured I could always claim I was trying to match my new name if Neville made any comments about it.
As it turned out he simply gave me a quick glance up and down and then told me he was leaving to run a few errands but would be back soon, and that I should pick up a deck of cards and practice shuffling them while he was out.
After almost 45 minutes I got bored of shuffling and started to poke around the warehouse, snooping in drawers, looking through boxes, peeking in notebooks. Nothing was particularly interesting, until I opened the bottom drawer of his desk. There, hidden amongst papers and decks of cards, was a box of condoms, still unopened in its cellophane wrapper.
Why Neville, you sly dog.
Of course there was nothing to say the box was new. He could have bought them ages ago, stuffed them in there and forgotten about them. They could even be for some kind of trick. But maybe, just maybe, he had bought them since I arrived, and that could be confirmation that he liked me back.
I closed the drawer just in time as Neville came back into the warehouse. “What took you so long?” I pouted. “There’s only so much card shuffling a gal can do.”
“I do expect you to be fully proficient.” He grabbed the cards and shuffled them like I’d only ever seen Blackjack dealers in Casinos do, with lots of fancy cuts and flips. OK, so that was impressive.
“Can we start working on an actual magic trick now?” I wheedled, my hand in a light grip on his arm for that little extra peer pressure.
He was staring at where my fingers massaged the bare skin. It was unusual to see him without his hoody – I remembered he had left wearing it but now he was just in his black t-shirt and light blue Levis.
“Fine, let’s do the rope escape,” he said after a moment. I let go to allow him to cross the warehouse to get the correct prop he’d need. It was a large wooden X style cross about 6 foot in height and behind that was a slightly taller pole. At the top of that pole was another rectangular pole coming off it, rather like one that would hold a shower curtain. Only this pole held a thick, dark blue velvet curtain that could be raised and lowered at will.
“Let me explain how it works,” Neville began, wheeling the entire contraption into place. “You will stand in front of the cross and I will take the rope from where it is already tied off at the back here, loop it around one ankle, then the other, then up to your wrist, then the other, and then back down to tie it off tightly again. A member of the audience can come up to verify you’re securely fastened in.”
We moved around to the back. “But the secret is that this lever here can turn and give you just enough slack to get out. So the trick goes that I tie you up, I pull the curtain up, I twist this and free you and I climb in to take your place, you twist it back to tighten the ropes again and pull the curtain down to reveal that we’ve switched positions.”
He looked at me to make sure I was following. I nodded - it all seemed pretty simple.
“With practice we can get it down to a matter of seconds to make the switch.” He snapped his fingers on the word ‘seconds’ for extra emphasis.
“Can I try?” I asked.
“Of course,” he nodded, almost proudly, as if he was pleased to see that I was so keen. I lined myself up against the cross, both arms in the air and my legs open wide in an X shape. Neville expertly looped the rope around each limb, loosely to begin with. “Are you OK for me to tighten it?” he asked. I gave a quick nod of acquiescence and the rope immediately snapped tight against my wrists and ankles, causing me to let out an involuntary gasp. He tied it off at the back and came around to stand in front of me.
“How does it feel?” he enquired. I noticed his voice was gruffer than before. “Can you free yourself?”
I twisted against the nylon rope in vain. “No, I’m well and truly trapped.” I confirmed. There was nothing I could do to free myself. I was totally at Neville’s mercy. And oh fuck if the thought of that wasn’t a massive turn on. My clit throbbed, and I wondered if I dare push the envelope with Neville. If I was right about the condoms, he wanted something to happen between us and this might be the perfect opportunity to test the waters. But... if I was wrong, I could lose everything.
“I feel so vulnerable like this,” I said breathily, my voice dripping with submissiveness. “You could do absolutely anything to me and I couldn’t stop you.” I sucked in my bottom lip and looked up at him coyly through my lashes.
Neville let out a long, shaky breath and stepped towards me, placing his left hand on my hip.
“Anything?” he asked, his voice cracking a little. We both knew exactly what question was really being asked in that one little word.
“Anything... Sir.” I confirmed. And with that his entire demeanour shifted. Any trace of nerves were gone, and the dominant Neville I so fantasised about took over.
“Do you know the traffic light system?”
“I do,” I nodded. It was on.
His fingernails dug into the soft skin of my hip even through my skirt. I’d probably have bruises there later and I’d wear them like a badge of honour.
“I already had to take a very uncomfortable walk home this morning with my hoody tied around my waist to hide my hard-on, thanks to you coming into work dressed like a little whore,” he sneered at me. “I think we’re going to have to have a very serious talk about professionalism in the workplace.”
The hand that had been on my hip suddenly disappeared, only to reappear with a hard smack on the side of my buttock, the only part of my ass that was accessible. I gasped at the sharp sting and then moaned with arousal as the flesh burned. Another smack, only this time he slipped his hand under my skirt and groped at the still-smarting globe of muscle over the satin of my underwear.
“I’m sorry, Sir.” I moaned, wishing that I could cross my legs and put some pressure on my almost painfully throbbing clit. But I was still bound and completely at Neville’s mercy.
He stared at me, eyes fiery, licking his lips like a wolf licking its chops before devouring its kill. He obviously enjoyed me calling him Sir, the light blue of his tight jeans doing nothing to hide the thickening outline by the inseam of his right thigh.
He must have noticed me staring at his hardening cock, as he palmed at it with his right hand, admitting, “I already came once today thanks to you, you little slut.”
“Yes Sir,” I gasped, trying to push my pelvis forward to give him more access to my ass, his fingers kneading into the hot flesh. But I needed more!
He moved behind me and I could hear him searching through the drawers. “The good thing about being a magician,” he smirked, coming towards me with a small pair of scissors, “is that I can make anything disappear.” He reached up beneath my skirt and with two simple snips my underwear came away in his hand. He slipped the scraps of black satin and lace into his jeans pocket.
Because I still had my skirt on I wasn’t actually exposed, but because of my stance, my legs spread open so wide, I felt more naked than I ever had.
“This too.” He placed the scissors at the bottom of my vest and slowly began cutting. I protested at first but that earned me another spank.
“Sorry Sir,” I apologised. Just knowing that I was completely under his control was making me so aroused that I could actually feel my wetness begin to drip down my thighs. He cut the vest away completely, leaving me in just my sports bra and tiny skirt. At least the bra zipped at the front so he wouldn’t have to cut that.
He set the scissors and fabric scraps on the desk and came back to stand before me, eying me hungrily. “Please Sir,” I moaned. “Touch me.”
Agonisingly slowly he clicked the zip on my bra down, tooth by tooth as I writhed against the ropes. Finally my top was completely open, and he took one of my hardened nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hot, pebbled skin. His hand massaged the other breast, rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I groaned at being touched at last, my hands clenching in empty fists as lightning bolts of pleasure ran through my body.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he mumbled against the skin of my chest as his free hand found its way to my upper thigh. He rested it there for a moment and I whimpered, desperate for him to touch me more intimately.
“When I’m ready,” he scolded, biting my nipple as punishment.
“Yes, Neville.” He looked up at me through his impossibly long lashes with an angry look on his face, and I knew exactly what mistake I’d made. “I mean Yes Sir, I’m sorry Sir,” I gasped out, feeling my whole body flushing with arousal.
“Good girl,” he purred.
Torturously slowly, his fore and middle fingers traced a line across the smooth skin of my upper thigh, up under my skirt and then dipped down into the crease of my hip. He explored further still until he came to the delicate fold between my thigh and outer lip, where my juices had already dripped down.
“God, you’re soaked!” He sounded astonished that I could be so wet only from what we had done so far.
All I could do was moan in agreement, straining to try and force his fingers to slip closer to my clit. Thankfully he didn’t make me wait any longer and slid the two fingers either side of my dripping hole, collecting as much of my fluids on his thick digits as he could while still avoiding entering me, before at last rubbing his fingertips over that hot little bundle of nerves at my core.
I jerked and cried out at finally being touched.
“Easy, baby,” he cooed in a voice one might use to soothe a startled horse, all the while still rubbing circles on my clit. “I’ve got you.”
The ‘fuck’ that slipped out of my mouth was practically a sob. Neville really did have magic hands and I could already feel the beginnings of an orgasm building deep inside me.
It was killing me that I couldn’t reach out and run my fingers through his hair, but being tied up was turning me on more than I could have ever imagined it would.
“So fucking wet...” Neville moaned into my neck as he kissed down it, and I gasped as he suddenly pushed both fingers into my pussy without warning. The hot stretch of it felt so amazing and I just wished I could clamp my legs around him and grind into it. As it was I tried to tighten my muscles around him as much as I could. His thumb continued to work my clit and the tight ball of electricity started to grow deep in my stomach. Fuck, I was close.
“Gonna cum,” I gasped.
The thumb withdrew. I groaned in frustration and displeasure. I had been so close!
“You cum when I say so, babygirl.” he said assertively, biting and sucking at my collarbone as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of me.
Finally the thumb returned and my pleasure built to a crescendo again. I couldn’t help myself, I moaned out, “Please Sir, let me cum!”
“As you asked so nicely,” he smirked. “Cum for me.”
I closed my eyes and allowed the white heat of my orgasm to overwhelm me, crying out as the waves of pleasure flooded through me, over and over and over.
Finally I blinked my eyes open, my body heavy and satiated. He was holding me up, as my legs could not do it for themselves and he didn’t want the rope to cut into my wrists. Reaching around behind me he pulled the lever to loosen the ropes and helped me to step out of the bindings, as I was wobbling like a new-born deer. Then he lifted me up and carried me to an old chaise lounge in the corner with half its stuffing missing.
“Are you OK?” he asked, checking my wrists and ankles for chafing. Thankfully there was none.
“I’m fine,” I answered honestly. “But what about you?” I nodded towards his crotch, where his very obvious erection was still waiting to be taken care of.
Once he knew I wasn’t hurt, dominant Neville came out to play again.
“Oh my sweet little babygirl, don’t worry,” he smiled, “I fully intend to take you.” He grabbed me by the neck to pull me into a deep kiss. I realised that despite him just giving me the most amazing orgasm, this was actually the first time we had kissed! His powerful tongue probed against mine, his hands roaming over my mostly naked body. Finally, with my own hands free I could touch everywhere I wanted to. They raked through his hair, across his back, cupping his tight buttocks. I was in heaven.
He stopped the kiss after a few minutes and stood up to pull off his T-shirt and jeans, while I slipped out of my last remaining pieces of clothing. I lay back and admired the view in front of me, this beautiful man all mine, his huge cock erect and already leaking pre-cum just for me.
He leaned down to kiss me again and then with one hand flat on my chest, forced me to lie back on to the chaise lounge. Both of us were now fully naked, our bodies shining in the dim light of the warehouse.
He reached down into the back pocket of his discarded jeans and pulled out a condom that he must have stashed there earlier when he was getting the scissors.
“Ready?” he asked, tearing open the foil and carefully rolling the prophylactic down his thick shaft.
“Yes Sir, please take me. I need you.”
His beautifully reddened, kiss-bitten lips twisted into a satisfied smile and he laid his full bodyweight on top of me, the blunt head of his cock resting against my dripping entrance. He teased me for a moment by circling the flushed cockhead around the hole before finally breaching my tightness, just with the tip at first. I let out a long, low moan at the delicious stretch and wrapped my legs around his back, trying to force him into me more quickly.
“Ah ah ah!” he scolded, his left hand flying to my neck. He squeezed lightly in punishment, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle so I didn’t need to use any of the safe words. “At my pace, little Princess.”
I kept my legs around his waist but I ceased any attempts to pull him closer. I threw my head back and mewled as he finally started to push himself in fully, enjoying that deep burning sensation of being completely filled. He bottomed out and began to thrust slowly inside me, drawing himself all the way out to the tip and then sliding back in again.
It was like sweet, divine torture. He obviously had no intention of rushing this, each stroke brushing against my G spot just enough to start building my orgasm but not enough to actually make me cum.
He kissed and nibbled at my throat, working his way up my neck to suckle on my earlobes which made me shiver with delight. I could feel my skin prickle with goosebumps as his tongue worked its way down again, finally ending up at my breasts. My nipples hardened in response and he sucked one into his mouth, his warm saliva leaving a trailed string from the pebbled skin to his bottom lip for a moment when he pulled away.
I grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled him down to kiss me again, and as we kissed his thrusts began to speed up. We moaned into each other’s mouths, the arousal building for both of us. He reached down between our writhing bodies and started to finger my clitoris again, and I groaned loudly as immense pleasure overtook me. Neville was grunting with the effort of fucking me now, his thrusts growing more frantic and erratic.
My second orgasm was building, the tight knot of pleasure in my core growing as Neville’s cock brushed my G spot with every stroke, and his fingers expertly worked my clit.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” I announced, my eyes fluttering closed, stars behind them in my vision.
“That’s it, cum for me my good girl,” he praised. “So fucking beautiful.”
I let the orgasm wash over me, pure pleasure spiking every nerve in my body until everything turned white and I shuddered in Neville’s arms.
“Jesus, uh, fuck,” Neville groaned, and I felt him stiffen, then he too shuddered as he came inside me, his cock twitching as he unloaded into the condom. After a moment he collapsed on top of me, completely spent.
We lay there for a few moments until the chill made me shiver. Neville stood up and turned away to dispose of the condom, seemingly embarrassed for me to see him do the ‘clean up’. Then he grabbed a bottle of water from the small fridge and a blanket that had been thrown over some boxes in the corner, and came back to the chaise lounge, throwing the blanket over the both of us.
“Are you OK?” he asked me, handing me the water. I took it gratefully and took a long drink. He did likewise and then set the bottle aside.
“I am,” I smiled, snuggling into his arms. Even though the dominant Neville was a huge turn-on, I was glad that he knew how to do the aftercare as well. “So what does this mean for us?” I asked, even though I was terrified of the answer. “Was this a one-off, or...”
“No!” he said, a little to quickly and loudly. “I mean, if you want us to... I’d like... do you want to go out? I’ve always thought you were attractive.”
“Same,” I smiled, relieved that he wasn’t just using me as a one night stand. I wanted to be with Neville. He seemed like a really nice guy, and they had been few and far between lately.
“So do you actually want to go out with me?” I asked, reaching a hand up to curl it affectionately through his hair.
“I do,” he confirmed.
“So... a proper date,” I mused. “How about tomorrow night?”
“That sounds great,” he smiled, taking the hand that had been in his hair and kissing it. “Oh, but I’ll have to take a rain check I’m afraid. I’ve got a magician coming round tomorrow night to show me a trick I’m interested in buying.”
“Oh right,” I replied, feeling a little bit annoyed, but understanding that work needed to come first. “Who’s the Magician?”
“Some old guy called Willy Wando,” he said. “But it probably won’t come to anything.”
Even if Neville didn’t hold out much hope, I had a funny feeling this trick was going to change his life.
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dakotafinely · 3 years
Hi 👋🏽 I saw your requests were open and I have an idea. Remember those rottmnt headcanons you gave us for the reader seeing the turtles baby photos? Do you think we could have some headcanons for the turtles reacting to the reader’s baby photos? Sort of a part 2 ❤️🧡💙💜 if you can, thank you 🙏🏽
*Vibrates excitedly* YeAh SuRe MaN
He can’t handle it, baby you is frickin’ ADORABLE and he loves it
“Look at you [Y/n]! You’re so precious!” “Pls for the love of God STOP I will die of embarrassment, don’t test me!”
He loves the ones of you in dapper little outfits.
You’re just so adorable and fancy and aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
You honestly barely remember half the stories behind the picture but you try your best to remember because he looks so cute wanting to know more about the stories
“Oh my God!! Look at this one!” “Leo pls stop pointing out the ones where I’m blinking in them.” “But they’re so funny!”
Seriously, this boi will take every opportunity to point out your most embarrassing photo’s ever
(It’s for revenge but we don’t talk about that)
He’s favorites are the ones were your mid-laughing
Both because their HILARIOUS to look at and also because-
Well, your genuine happiness is his favorite look on you
He pokes and he teases but it’s genuinely in good fun and he loves hearing the stories behind every photo
He’s “emotionally unavailable bad boy” image should stop him from fawning over your adorable pictures
That, in fact, does not
It’s cute watching him study every picture, looking into the little details as if he could just imagine what was happening as the picture was taken
Of course, with each picture is a whole theory of what’s happening, then looking at you like a Labrador waiting for a treat
You can’t help but giggle at bit at him for it
His favorite’s are the one’s were your doing something with intense focus
The look of concentration, the clear passion being put into whatever you were doing, he loves it. Even if it’s ridiculous or simple. The little quirks that show how deep in focus you are he just- melts at it, it’s so cute!!
Any science project photo’s he’ll point to and be like “See! We were meant to be!” and you can’t help the grin spreading as you roll your eyes
You’re so cute
He can’t- He’s dying
Look at you
So little, so tiny
He loves it
And when you retell the stories behind the photo’s he’s-
Look at your little outfits!!
Will be gushing for hours after the fact
*Flips table* WHY IS MY MEMORY LIKE THIS!?!?!?!?
I am SO SORRY!! This has been sitting in my drafts for... *zones out trying to remember the passage of time* ANYWAYS I meant to get this out sooner.  I just had to do Mikey’s part and- I hope you like it! Sorry for the wait! This was cute little thing to do and I had fun with it! Thanks for the ask mon amie!!
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peachyteabuck · 4 years
trouble looks for me [thorkyrie x reader]
summary: valkyrie has no choice but to break a promise, so you have no choice but to misbehave. thor, well, he’s just along for the ride.
pairing: thor odinson x valkyrie x reader
words: 6,666
trigger warnings: sub!thor, brat taming, spanking, degradation, orgasm denial, creampies, strap ons
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It starts at the restaurant. Valkyrie had been working non-stop to fit in everything she had needed before the end of the fiscal year, leaving you and Thor with her for weeks on end.
In combination with Valkyrie’s strict rules, this also meant you and Thor had touched each other, let alone made each other cum since…Oh god, you can’t even remember…
You’d both gotten a text from her that day, telling you to get ready for a fancy dinner and that she would pick you up at precisely seven.
That left you with five hours to get ready which, to some may have been a lot, but for you…
As with most men, Thor doesn’t take long to get ready – even if it took him a solid forty-five minutes to choose the correct pair of panties (he settles on a baby pink pair with a small, white bow. By the time he was tucking his pristine white shirt into them, you were just finishing up your eyebrows and foundation – let alone had you picked your outfit.
You had narrowed it down to three dresses – a deep blue, thigh-length long-sleeved one with a deep V-neck and makes your legs look superb, a little black dress with tiny straps that leave nothing to the imagination, or a baby pink, floor-length gown with a fitted top that shows off your shoulders and tits and whose skirt flows behind you just as waves recede from a beach at dusk.
(It doesn’t take you long to choose that last one, to say the least. Plus, it matches Thor’s panties. How couldn’t you choose that dress! How!?)
You gingerly place it on the bed as you go back to your bright vanity, placing your numerous eyeshadow pallets and lipstick choices in front of you so you have an accurate view of your make up-related choices for the night. You’ve done looks like this before, played the cute, coy girl many times. Still, you like to make sure everything is perfect – the eyeliner and the eye shadow and your brows and your lips and your highlighter. It all has to be perfectly placed on your face to ensure maximum balance between “totally gorgeous” and “totally fuckable.”
It was ten minutes to the approximate time Val had said she’d pick you up when you’re notified of what could possibly be the worst news ever.
Hey loves, so sorry but a colleague needs some more convincing on a budget proposal. He’ll be joining us tonight for dinner.
You groan loudly, but immediately cease when you receive another text.
That means you both need to be on your best behavior.
You smirk as you go back to adjusting the bracelet Val had gotten you during your vacation to Boca last year. No matter what, no matter who joined you and your lovers, tonight was going to be fun, and whether or not this a blew back in your face was not a problem.
Well, at least not your problem, and at least not now.
You finish getting ready with the fire of vengeance deep in your stomach, jaw set and eyes narrowed as you get the text from Valkyrie saying she was outside waiting with your dishonorable guest (your words, not hers).
You greeted the older man with a curt nod bordering on polite. Luckily, he pays more attention to Thor, moving to shake his hand despite the award angle.
If it were any other context you’d spit in his face, make a passive aggressive comment, something more than all but ignore him as you cross your arms and slump against the fancy leather seating with a small huff. Either Valkyrie pretends not to notice, or she’s too busy allowing Thor to work his patented charms to watch your every move.
Either way, it makes your sour mood that much worse.
The car ride is long, meant originally so that Val could tease you and Thor while she drove (and because all of the closer restaurants may or may not have you banned for life, but that feels like an unimportant detail as you huff and pout in the back of the car). The ride, one you fully expected to be electrifying and fun and full of very unsubtle teasing, is mind-numbingly boring. Valkyrie and the Mystery Man are talking about numbers and other things you don’t care about, the former obviously trying to keep her cool as a man who thinks he knows more than her attempts to explain something she has a master’s degree in. You’re sure that if she could channel you during a particularly bad day to scream and claw at him she would, but no. She’s a professional woman at the top of her field attempting to expertly yield power. For Valkyrie, there is no lashing out; there is no way to regain control once she loses it.
Part of you respects her immensely for this: you acutely know what it’s like to be belittled and demeaned by people who should know better. She’s a bisexual woman of color in a predominately white, male field. Her job is hard, dealing with the men she works with harder. You and Thor listen diligently to her post-work day rants and desire for revenge, help her destress in any number of ways. This part of you wants to snap his neck so he never bothers her again, taking your rightful place as the devil forever keeping watch over her shoulder.
The other part of you wants to snap his neck so that he would leave you and your lovers the fuck alone. Is it too much to ask that you have a nice dinner with Valkyrie and Thor – a dinner where the only thing that could mess with the night’s activities is you!?
As you listen to the man explain what a “tight job market” is again, you wish you could bang your head against the tinted, bulletproof glass so hard you would pass out.
Yes. You think. Yes, it is much too much to ask.
It’s not even thirty seconds later when you get the most magnificent idea. Thor’s not paying attention to you, either, watching the world pass by outside as he thinks about…whatever it is runs through his mind when he’s trying to block out people’s voices.
You wait for the conversation to become loud and thick with tension to strike – knowing neither of the people in the front seat will be paying much attention to whatever it is will happen between you and him. When the time is right, you run your hand over his clothed cock, skin alive with electricity as you feel it twitch.
“You shouldn’t tease me like that,” he hisses low in your ear. “It’ll get you in trouble.”
You just smiled, painted lips twisting into a faux pout and big eyes widening purposefully. “You promise?”
You continue to tease him, sneaking your hand into his pants just to hear his breath hitch. You lean once more, just as your fingers brush over his lace-covered cock.
“I’m getting wet just thinking about you,” you whisper. “Thinking about you coming in your pants before this fancy dinner.”
“If you do that, I’ll cum,” Thor growls lowly, desperate to keep it from Val’s ears.
You smile just as before, leaning close so your perfectly painted lips touch the shell of his ear. “Is that a dare?”
He narrows his eyes at you, trying to remain subtle as Val and the unexpected guest talk about break evens, or something equally boring.
“Seriously, you could get in trouble if you keep doing that!” he whispers, voice pointed.
You just look at him, eyes ablaze with mischief. “Oh, so it’s a challenge.”
Thor just glares at you before turning to look back outside, biting his lip and trying to find a distraction as your hands go down his pants. “Does it make you hard,” you whisper back. “knowing I could do anything I want to you right now? Does is make you hard knowing there’s nothing you can do to stop me?”
Thor’s jaw tenses, but he says nothing back.
“C’mon,” you tease. “Don’t you want to have a little fun with me?”
He shakes his head but says nothing. You huff, baring your teeth a little while you stare daggers into him.
Thor only speaks when Valkyrie’s tone becomes pointed once more, easily covering his own voice. “S-she’ll catch us!” he hisses.
You roll your eyes, fully aware there’s no way either of the people he’s talking about how any interest in either of you. They’re both stubborn, bullheaded, determined to win whatever standoff is happening between the two of them. To consider that they would just turn around to check on you or Thor is ridiculous, to say the least.
There’s no reason they’d look back and see you with one hand down Thor’s pants, the other spread across his thigh; there’s no chance they’d see his eyes screwed shut and his lips barely parted or your wicked grin.
Still, you fun is cut short when the restaurant pulls into view, making you wretch yourself away from Thor while he tucked himself back into his pants and tried to calm the deep blush that had spread across his face. It’s useless, though, because as Valkyrie hands the keys to the valet neither she nor the unwanted guest take a single look at you.  
You roll your eyes as you’re seated at a rounded table in a far corner of the restaurant, you and Thor on one side with Valkyrie and her colleague on the other.
It’s annoying, so annoying. Watching her pay attention to that man, that fucking colleague instead of you. She promised – she promised! – that all of it would be over, that her deadline and goals were going to be met and done and finished and she’d put away her work life for one night to pay attention to you!
(And Thor. But whatever.)
She and the…male…are talking in that tone you recognize from those mind-numbing political dramas Val loves so much. It’s nice, courteous, but fake enough to be sold on Canal Street and threatening enough that it makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up straight.
Needless to say, you don’t like it very much, don’t like it very much at all. You have this indescribable urge to use your perfectly done, almond shaped matte nails to claw into his face – marking him for all to see how easily he was taken down by little ole you.
A similar itty bitty voice wants to fake a medical emergency and order an UberX and to get as far away from him as possible and then fake a slightly more extreme medical emergency every other time you are forced to be around him. There’s just something…slimey about him that you can’t place, like cooked chicken that’s gone bad. It makes you wrinkle your nose each time you have the misfortune of catching him in your eyeline. Thor notices, his face softening as he takes a drink from his glass of ice water.
“You see it, too?” he asks, ducking his head low so to remain unheard by the slimeball in question.
You wrinkle your nose, angling your neck back to whisper in his ear. “I can feel it.”
Thor lets out a small snort before turning back to his first course. You don’t know what he ordered, and don’t care to pick at what Val ordered for you. It becomes obvious halfway through Val’s salad that neither of them – neither of the high powered people in front of you – are paying you any mind. The coworker asks Thor what he does for a living and he’s given the usual lie, that Thor’s a grad student. He doesn’t ask you anything, only giving you a once over before licking his lips and taking a long drink of his expensive red wine.
If you ever wanted to kill someone, right then was the peak of those urges.
It doesn’t take long for you to become a tad more comfortable, a tad of tenseness falling from your shoulders. Almost worse than being uncomfortable, you had become bored. And that, simply, will not do.
The easiest target, Thor, remains unphased by your change in demeanor – either not noticing or choosing not to react. It doesn’t matter his reasoning, you know he’s simple, uncomplicated prey. If the years you’ve known him hadn’t proved that, the incident in the car certainly did.
The next hour or so passes in a blur, the man leaving just before dessert; citing some work emergency or needing to get back to his wife and kids or something else you don’t care to pay attention to (though you do notice he doesn’t offer to pay his portion of the check. Even Valkyrie seems annoyed about that). He’s waved away with a curt goodbye, tense words of rehearsed professionalism exchanged as he waits for his UberX to arrive. It’s uncomfortable to say the least, and you silently rejoice when he finally exits the building.
The second he’s out of sight, though, you’re grabbed by the back of your neck and dragged so your nose touches Val’s.
“You’re fucking kidding me, right?” she hisses, teeth bared and jaw tense.
You’re stunned by the action, but not enough to not give her a small, wicked smile along with a small, “no.”
Just as Valkyrie’s about to retaliate, the waiter comes around the corner to deliver the dessert menu. She lets go of you immediately, pretending (just as the scrawny waiter is) that no one witnessed the interaction as the waiter begins to rattle off the night’s specials. The three of you choose something different with the same fake smile plastered over your face, one that drops the second he returns to…wherever it is waiters and waitresses go once they’re done talking to customers.
Val turns to you once more, grabbing your knee through the fabric of your dress – a warning. “Just you fucking wait until we get home. If you keep being a brat, you’ll regret it.”
You don’t respond, instead taking a sip of your ice water in a cup that’s one step down from a wine glass. You’re exactly where you want to be, why would you apologize, try to walk back your actions or plead for forgiveness? Now that Valkyrie was giving you the attention you were playing for, there was nothing you felt the need to explain.
The rest of the meal is nice, easy – you all ordered different desserts and pass spoonfuls of each dish between the three of you. It’s nice and sweet, a direct contrast to the sharpness Val had demonstrated just minute before. All three of you continue in your happy little bubble all the way home, cute and smiling and confusing the old heterosexual couples in the restaurant as you sit and leave together.
It all melts away, though, when you get inside the house.
The second you cross the threshold; Val grabs you by the arm and pulls you close to her. You yelp, more in surprise than pain – either way, she ignores you.
“Get your ass in the bedroom and stand at your place, facing the corner, while I wait for you,” she hisses, teeth barred. You whimper when she pushes you away, stumbling up the steps as you scutter off. You fear if you stay or so much as mumble a dissent, she’ll issue a much harsher punishment than the one she’s already planning. Given the anger in her face, you shudder at the thought.
Thor remains just inside the door, hands at his side and awaiting instruction.
Val only turns to him when you were out of sight. He stands there, cock hardening once more in his dress pants while her eyes bear into his.
One of her hands goes to cup his cheek, thumbing over his light stubble. “How are you so well-behaved and she’s like that?”
Thor just gives a small shrug before following the woman he loves up the stairs, trailing behind her as she navigates the prime wood floors despite her high heels and sour mood.
When she arrives in the room she exhales slowly through her nose, not necessarily happy to find you in the place she specified – but at least she hasn’t been disappointed once more tonight.
“Turn around,” she instructs you. You huff and cross your arms over your chest but do as you’re told. “Now, watch what could happen to you if you chose to behave.”
Valkyrie goes to unlock the special drawer at the top of her custom dresser, the solid gold key held on an anklet she wears all day every day. From it she takes Thor’s special collar – the deep blue one with solid white trimmings and PROPERTY OF BRUNNHILDE engraved into a small placard that rests in the center.
Thor accepts the mark of ownership[ with ease and it makes you want to roll your eyes. He’s always one to give in easy, who lives to be dominated. At the first sign of Valkyrie’s dominance, he opens his mouth eagerly for a gag, wiggles his ass for spankings, tilts his neck back to be choked. It’s pathetic, and Val loves it.
“Aw, I’ve barely touched you,” she smiles. “Why are you already opening your mouth, you needy thing.”
Thor just whines high in his throat, pleading up at her as he keeps his position on the floor. He wasn’t asked a question so he can’t respond, can’t speak – all he can do is sit there and hope she takes pity on him and gives him whatever it is he wants, needs.
For now, though, she’s got something more pressing to deal with. She sighs before turning to you in the corner, your nose pressed where the two white walls meet with arms at your side. Below your feet is a light pink mat demarking where you are supposed to be, where Val makes sure you stay when you’re waiting to be punished. If you had done something less bad you might have been able to face outward, but no. Not only had you behaved incredibly poorly, you had dragged Thor into your pitiful little game.
Thor – Val’s golden boy. He’s the apple of her eye, the sun after a storm. Thor’s always good, always perfect; always follows rules and does the right thing and never, ever talks back. He’s always her first pick as a plus-one for parties because he’s so wonderful and charming and can make any man or woman or pet fall head over heels for him. He’s like a fucking golden retriever and you hate him for it.
The worst part about that special, untouched crystal tchotchke of a man is that you’re never allowed touch him, to smudge him with the oil that pools on the pads of your fingers. Each time you see him – all shiny and new like a Tiffany bracelet just out of the packaging – you feel like a child dragged to a fancy art museum, forced to keep her hands in her pockets as adults gaze at timeless works of art.
It infuriates you, and she knows that.
Valkyrie pushes you down to the ground, teeth barred. “Get on your knees and keep your hands behind you, you stupid slut.”
You do as you’re told, bratty façade breaking away.
“Aw, look,” Valkyrie coos to Thor, sarcasm dripping from each word. “Our dumb little whore can follow directions! Isn’t that surprising?”
Thor, always one to follow directions, says nothing in return.
Valkyrie hmms happily at his obedience before turning back to you.
“Are you nervous, baby girl?” she asks. You nod slightly. “You should be. You’ve been a very bad little slut.”
Silently, one hand moves to cradle one side of your jaw, while the other pulls back just to land on your cheek in a sharp SLAP!
You cry out at the sharp pain but still squeeze your thighs together to quell the deep heat in your center.
Valkyrie laughs, lips forming into a sneer. “Just a little pain is getting that little pussy wet, isn’t it?”
Your mouth goes off faster than your brain can process. “I’m still turned on from fucking with your baby boy in the restaurant bathroom.”
Valkyrie slaps the other cheek, speaking over your cries of pain. “If I hit harder, will you be a good girl?”
You cower, too terrified to respond.
“Hm…” Valkyrie hums, unimpressed. “Do you like being punished?” she asks, looking down at you with har arms crossed.
You shake your head.
Val just smirks. “So if I checked right now, you wouldn’t be wet?”
You gulp and cast your eyes downward. Still, she continues.
“You’re such a fucking brat,” she spits. “Do you even know why?”
She doesn’t wait for a nonresponse before continuing.
“It’s because deep down you’re just waiting for someone to put you in your fucking place.”
You gulp, but don’t deny it.
“Stand up,” Val hisses, watching as you struggle to get to your feet. As soon as you’re back on your feet she strips you, taking off your dress and then your shoes, leaving you in your lingerie.
Doesn’t even take the time to notice you matching Thor…she really is pissed.
“Spoiled little slut,” Valkyrie hisses. “You just need someone with a firm hand to teach you a fuckin’ lesson, don’t you?”
You swallow, petrified. “I’m sorry.”
Val raises a single eyebrow, but keeps her arms folded. A small victory. “You’re sorry?”
You nod. “Yes.”
She narrows her eyes. “Sorry what?”
“Sorry-“you hesitate, terrified of saying the wrong thing.
“Daddy,” Valkyrie instructs.
“Sorry, Daddy,” you mumble.
She narrows her eyes once more and you scramble to correct your mistake.
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” you say, straightening your back to enable you to look her dead in the eyes. “I’m sorry for being bad, Daddy.”
Valkyrie just hmms, tapping her foot against the hardwood  floor. “You know that alone isn’t going to convince me to forgive you, right?”
You cower away from her, shaking your head. “No, Daddy.”
“Well,” she sighs, looking to Thor – who just gives her a light shrug, just as before. Like most men, he never knows what to do with you. “I’ll just have to take you over my knee, won’t I?”
You gulp. Over the knee always lead to something more – something worse. You’re terrified to find out what that might be.
Val sits herself on the bed, gesturing for you to lay yourself across her thighs. You give her a sneer but do as you’re told, laying your naked body across her legs as you wait for your punishment to officially commence.
She runs her perfectly manicured nails over the supple skin of your ass and back, watching as goosebumps form and a shiver runs up your spine. One hand rests on the back of your neck, holding you in place, while the other ghosts over your center.
When you whine, harsh slaps are laid against your ass, at least ten in quick succession. She ignores your cries as she yanks your head back by your hair as she sneers.
“You brats just love trying to get under my skin, but the moment I tease you, suddenly I’m the bad guy?” Valkyrie laughs while staring down at you. “Don’t act like you’re not getting exactly what you wanted, baby.”
For the first time that night, you bite your tongue and stay quiet.
“So now she wants to listen,” Val smirks. “Now the little brat wants to shut her filthy whore mouth and open her little ears.”
You whimper, curling into her as she continues to spank you until your ass is burning. Tears are threatening to fall from the corners of your eyes when she stops, pushing you off of her and back onto the floor.
“Enough punishment for you,” Val says, turning back to Thor. “I’m gonna focus my attention on someone who actually deserves it.”
The man in question remains in position across the room – him leaning on his heels with hands palm-down on his deliciously thick, bare thighs.
Fuck, what you wouldn’t do to ride him.
Valkyrie cups his scruffy cheeks with one hand, the other moving to run through his perfectly tussled hair.
“You wanna be my good little whore?” she asks, gazing down at his wide eyes.
Thor licks his lips, nearly jumping out of his skin with his red cock bouncing against his stomach. “Yes, Daddy. I want to be your good little whore.”
“And you’re going to be a good boy and do as you’re told. Aren’t you?” she asks, smiling as she watches him fight back a moan.
“Yes, Daddy.”
Valkyrie smiles, cooing. “See? It’s not that hard to be good, is it?” She lets out a faux sigh, tutting. “I don’t understand why some sluts just can’t get it into their dumb little brains that it’s better to behave.”
Neither of you say anything, the silence heavy; you have nothing to say, no retort at the tip of your tongue. Your whole being is zero-d in on Val as she instructs Thor to shed her of her black, lace panties – but not before making him leave a kiss there.
“You’re going to eat me out,” she says, backing up against the wall. “But remember, you’re not allowed to touch me unless I tell you. And good little whores do as they’re told, isn’t that right?”
You can see Thor swallow around his heavy tongue, eyes blown with lust. “Yes, Daddy. Good little whores follow instructions.”
Valkyrie just smiles. “Good boy. You may begin.”
Thor dives between her thighs without hesitation, Valkyrie moaning unabashedly as he licks at her clit, drinking her juices like nectar from a forbidden fruit.
“Is it turning you on?” Valkyrie laughs as you whine from your place across the room. “Watching my boy eat me out against a wall?”
You gulp and nod best you can, desperate to please.
“Good girls don’t like this kind of stuff,” she says, lips curled into a fake smile. “But you’re not a good girl, are you?”
You’re nearly shaking as she moans, pressing her center further against his face.
As soon as he’s given permission Thor throws one of her legs over his shoulder as he spreads her folds with one hand and grips her hip with the other.
“Aren’t you a good little slut,” Val murmurs, pushing Thor’s hair from his face.
He moans, eyes screwed shut. His hand leaves her hip to push one, two fingers into her. “Yes, Daddy, I’m your slut.”
Val’s own screams are broken, loud – he’s excellent with his hands and finds that spot inside of her easily, coaxing her to her peak with ease. As she comes down from her high, panting, Thor looks up from her legs, silently begging for praise with glazed-over eyes.
She grants it to him when she catches her breath, rewarding him with sweet low words that melt like butter on Thor’s golden skin.
“Such a pretty boy for me, aren’t you?” she coos. “So well-behaved for your Daddy, so good at following instructions and making Daddy feel good.”
You growl silently from your place on the floor as praises fall easily from her lips, wishing you could get that same treatment. You know you don’t deserve it, especially after the stunt (or stunts) you pulled tonight. Still, you wish you were the one on your knees, being coddled by Valkyrie as you gave her as much pleasure as she could ever want.
Val clears her throat one last time before speaking again, legs still a little shaky. “Now, I’m going to tie you up so you can sit there, dripping, while I give my good boy whatever he wants,” she tells you, getting out the rope.
You whimper as Thor moans loudly, holding your wrists out obediently as she walks over to you.
There are times you want to push and push – but the threat of being tied up and discarded into a corner while Thor gets all the glory while you’re denied or punished (or both) further whips you right into shape. Somehow you had missed stopping at the edge, had jumped off the cliff with no parachute. So you accept your fate, wait as Val bends down to tie your wrists.
“It’s a little too tight,” you whine, flexing your hands.
“I know,” she tells you plainly. “I don’t want you running off like last time.”
By “last time” she meant one of the first times she had ever tried rope play (not only with you, but in her life). As many inexperienced riggers have undergone, she looked up mid-orgasm to find that you had wriggled your way out of your bounds and were able to get yourself off. She was mad at you, of course – wouldn’t let you live it down despite how long it had been since that night.
She was mad at herself, too, though. Valkyrie is not a woman who enjoys feeling as if she has failed, especially when it comes to you and Thor. The sight of you writhing freely on the plush carpet in pleasure instead of tightly wound while a vibrator was placed just out of reach was something Val had thought about for weeks before she had found a night with enough time for the precise execution she felt necessary.
All three of you were sitting on the floor of the bedroom. She had Thor hold you as she followed the instructions she had memorized, eyes trained on the rope as she weaved intricate, functional patterns over your skin while she tied a vibrator in place. You struggled the whole time, but Valkyrie didn’t mind. She liked it quite a lot, actually – always revels in how your will to fight never ceases but your ability slowly surrenders to whatever bonds or complex mental game she had set for you.
She was fucking Thor with the new dildo she’d bought for his birthday when she heard something she knew she shouldn’t: you, moaning. Not whimpering, not whining, but moaning. Without regard to how Thor felt about the matter she pulled out so she could see why you were making noises associated with unfettered pleasure instead of merciless teasing.
She found you, fucking yourself against the vibrator with eyes rolled to the back of your head.
Valkyrie shudders at the thought, at failing once more. For her, falling short has never been an option – in academics, in her professional life, and, now, with you.
So she checks the ropes, then rechecks them, before leaving you on the floor alone once more, allowing her to return to her other, more obedient lover with the security of knowing your arms and legs are bound.
Thor watches the woman’s every move, still on the floor but holding infinitely more freedom than you do. His eyes are glued to her form, watching her like trapped prey watches a predator as it awaits its impending death.
Then again, is Thor prey? Is he the one tied up, awaiting judgement day? Or is he the sweet little pet of some apex predator who sees the ocean floor she prowls as a playground.
“What do you want, baby boy?” Valkyie asks, trailing her perfectly painted almond-shaped nails against his chiseled chest.
Thor gulps before answering. “I, I want you to ride me, Daddy.”
Without further discussion, Val grabs him by the collar and pushes him onto the bed, practically devouring him as her lips meet his. When she pulls away Thor chases her – and is met with Valkyrie’s firm hand pressing him back onto the sheets he had changed that morning.
You can see his eyes – the helpless, dazed that washes over his face as he realizes his pinned to the sheets.
“You want me to ride you, baby boy?” she purrs, teasing him.
Thor nods and stutters out a small “please,” pulling his head back to expose his neck.
Valkyrie just chuckles, moving to bite bruises into the tender skin there, still avoiding the place he wants her the most.
The man under her moans lewdly, fingers digging into the sheets with knuckles going white.
Valkyrie lets out a small laugh when she moves away – finally able to take in the most beautiful sight she’s ever seen. This is that art piece in that museum you were bemoaning earlier, the thing she made sure you’d never damage.
When she aligns his aching cock with her center you nearly explode, desperately wishing you could be riding Thor’s face or groping Val’s tits or something that isn’t you being unable to touch either of them.
The ache between your legs only worsens as you watch Val grind her hips, as you watch Thor’s large hands grab everywhere he can.
“You want to come inside me?” she asks, breathless as she fucks herself onto your shared lover’s cock. “You want to eat your cum from inside my pretty pussy?”
Thor groans, eyes screwed shut. “P-please, please I want to-“
“Shh,” she coos, “It’s okay, baby boy. It’s okay, just do what you wish. This is your reward.”
Thor nods, whispering a slurred “thank you” before fucking into her harder, using everything he can find inside himself to chase the ultimate pleasure.
“C’mon baby,” Val coos. She’s close, you can tell by her strained voice and God all you want is to be up there, kissing her or rubbing her clit or doing anything to help her feel pleasure.
But no – you just have to watch as her stomach contracts and Thor whines at the feeling of her orgasming pussy on his close cock, babbling as he comes with a deep groan; his whole body tensing as his eyes screw shut and mouth hangs open. Even from your shitty angle on the floor you can tell how beautiful he looks, how beautiful they both look as they come together. You’re both jealous and remarkably happy – wishing you could be up there with them but thankful you’re so much as allowed to watch the other two people in your relationship.
It doesn’t take long for them both to dissolve into an overstimulated puddle, each of them trying to catch their breaths as you await the next stage of your seemingly-never ending punishment. It comes after what feels like forever, when Val nudges him to move over.
Thor lets out a frustrated groan but rolls over, leaving room for what the woman on top of him plans to do next.
Valkyrie moves to grab a toy and its matching harness from its special drawer in the walk-in closet, where each dildo is arranged in ascending order by size and girth with the harnesses. It was one of the chores Thor was made to do the morning after along with changing the sheets and restocking the water/snack minifridge that remained in arms reach of the bed. Valkyrie prefers a tidy home, one where she knows where everything is because everything is in its place.
Being the hurricane of a woman that you are, though, these moments of bliss are minuscule and fleeting – days full of shopping for clothes and trying dessert recipes you’d found online and annoying Thor by moving things just out of place.
It’s one of those little things you do that drives Val insane, one of the things that drives her to fuck you as hard as she currently wants to.
When she’s got the toy snug against her skin she stalks over to your place on the bed. You’re forced onto your back, knees forced to your chest to allow the woman on top of you easy access to your dripping center.
“Aw,” Val laughs. “You get so wet for me, don’t you?”
You nod, trying to give her your best innocent doe eyes. “Y-yes Daddy.”
Her smile reaches her temples as she enters you at an achingly slow pace, keeping you bent in half as she watches your face like an eagle watches a muskrat, as she watches your eyes roll to back of your head and you whine for more. “I know exactly what you want, princess. Know exactly what you need-“
She grunts as she begins to fuck into you harder, reveling in the sounds of your dripping pussy each time the toy bottoms out. It’s loud and pornographic, mirroring the depth of your moans.
“I-I-“ you stutter. “D-Daddy p-please!”
Val just smirks, reaching one hand out so she can snap to grab Thor’s attention. With no words exchanged between the two of them, he grabs the large cordless vibrator and switches it to the highest setting before handing it off.
Even if they were speaking, the screams that erupted from you as the toy was pressed to the most sensitive part of you would drown them out. Your loud babbling and the tears flowing from your face only push Val to fuck you harder, not letting up even as you squirt once, twice onto the covers – soaking the bed and your thighs and Val’s toy and her thighs and probably the mattress. She only pulls out when you beg in the broken voice she loves so much, when you finally give into her demands and apologize.
“I-I-“ you whimper, some last part of you holding out. Val knows this, knows she just as to wait one more moment before you’ll finally give in.
Still, she gives you a little nudge off the edge of the cliff. “C’mon love,” she murmurs into the sweaty skin between your shoulder blades. The contact makes you shudder, and she knows she’s got you right where she wants you. “It’s okay, just tell me what’s on your mind.”
You swallow what little spit is left in your dry mouth as you desperately attempt to speak clearly. “I, I’m sorry, Daddy.”
She smiles wide, kissing your temple. “I forgive you.”
You lay there, twitching, as Val pulls out the thick toy from your dripping center. Somehow you find it in you to choke at the empty feeling, to reach a hand out in a pathetic attempt to bring her body back to yours. It doesn’t work – Valkyrie has to put the toy in the bathroom for Thor to clean later and needs to grab water and a snack for the both of you. Still, you make small, sad noises as she walks from your shaky line of sight.
Thor does his best to comfort you, draws a lazy hand across your sweaty stomach and draws random patterns on your bare thighs. “She’ll be back soon,” he tells you breathily. You know he’s right – Val always returns back to you whether she’s traveling to the kitchen or Dubai. That doesn’t make it any easier to hear the patter of her footsteps become quieter as she leaves, though.
It feels like an eternity when she returns, holding a tray with a pitcher of ice water, cups, forks, slices of strawberry-vanilla cake Thor had made after you requested it oh-so-sweetly a day prior, had given him puppy eyes and jutted your bottom lip out. Val places the tray on the floor in front of you and him, pulling you into her lap as you two eat in silence. Only occasionally does she steal a bite from either of you, leaving kisses on random bits of skin while telling you how good you two did, how proud she is of both of you.
When you’re both finished Val puts it all aside on her nightstand, allowing you and Thor to lay down with her.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me next time?” Val asks as you snuggle into her side. Thor wraps himself around you, large body warming yours. His arms, thick as your head, are long enough rest on Valkyrie’s hips.
You leave a kiss on her bare ribs, smiling. “Not a chance.”
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a-world-in-grey · 5 years
*Kicks in door* I need to tell you about Sola and Libertus, or in other words the SAPPIESTS SAPS TO EVER SAP.
-So when Sola and Libertus finally start dating (which is a whole ‘nother story because Lib is Dense and the glaives are Suffering) the two are tooth-rotting levels of Sweet.
-Lib puts his braiding skills to use and makes flower crowns for Sola, which honestly Sola loves more than any jewelry Lib might buy, because the flowers are gorgeous and Lib made them for her, even learning the Lucian Flower Language. The gifts have meaning. It’s a thoughtful gift and Sola wears the crowns until the flowers wilt and Lib makes her another one.
-(Then Lib finds a place that sells quality silk flowers and learns to make crowns and hair pieces with those, and Sola starts wearing flowers with pretty much every outfit based on what she wants to ‘say’.)
-Dates between them are low-key, usually hanging around Little Galahd. The Galahdians don’t gawk at Sola for being a princess and Lib loves showing Sola around what little slice of home he’s still got, and teaching her Galahdian culture.
-One of the few exceptions is when Lib and Sola dress up (not super fancy, but fancier than they usually wear around Little Galahd) and Lib takes Sola dancing on the roof of the Old Cathedral during one of the firework festivals, and Lib carries Sola up all four flights of stairs because Lib maybe didn’t tell Sola exactly where they were going and Sola wore a pretty pair of heels that she’s not keen on climbing stairs in. And sure, they could warp up them, but it gives Lib the excuse to carry her princess-style.
-Sola throws herself into learning Galahdian Culture the same way she does anything else - completely and enthusiastically. She learns how to do Libertus’ braids (and the first time she asks Libertus if she can leaves him breathless with emotion), listens to the stories and tales and learns about all the things that Lib and Nyx and all the Galahdians did growing up.
-Sola tries Galahdian Cuisine. It doesn’t go well. This woman is fierce yes, but oh boy do her taste buds not agree with galahdian levels of spice. Sola pouts good naturedly even as the rest of the glaives tease her for her Delicate Lucian Palate and Lib gets her a glass of milk to damp the heat in her mouth. 
-Sola being Sola, she doesn’t let that stop her from trying Every Single Dish despite it ending the same way every single time. Sola would accuse Tredd of being an asshole and adding more spice on purpose, but the other glaives eat it just fine so Sola just takes the glass of milk and one of Yamachang’s milder versions of said dish.
-Lib loves picking up Sola. Sola tolerates being carried around with fond exasperation, though she won’t admit to anyone but Lib that she actually likes just how far she can see when she’s sitting on Lib’s shoulders.
-the Galahdian kids LOVE Sola, because this woman is Big Sister All The Way, and has no qualms making time to play or chat with them when she’s off duty and down in Little Galahd, and Lib just Melts whenever he sees Sola with the kids, face light up with pure happiness.
-Sola and Lib are very casually affectionate with each other. Holding hands, quick kisses on the lips or cheeks or forehead, Sola sitting in Lib’s lap or Lib laying down with his head in Sola’s lap, lots of hugs - full hugs, side hugs, ALL THE HUGS - and just casual lingering touches. Little quick displays of affection.
-Sola actually moves out of the Citadel and gets an apartment with Crowe in Little Galahd. Mostly because she likes being in Little Galahd - the living conditions are shit compared to the rest of Insomnia yeah, but it’s the people Sola moved for and frankly she’s lived in worse conditions out on glaive missions - but also to bring her father’s attention to just how bad it is in the slums.
-Even though Sola has her own place with Crowe, she spends half her time at Lib and Nyx’s. When she’s at her place, Lib is also typically with her and both Nyx and Crowe comment how damn domestic they are.
-Lib has woken up to find Sola in whichever apartment they spend the night at, making breakfast for him and Nyx and Crowe (the other two joining them in the morning no matter where it is) wearing Lib’s shirt. It makes him ridiculously pleased and Galahdian lax attitudes about nudity mean that Lib, Sola, Nyx, and Crowe have sat down for breakfast wearing at most two outfits between them.
-Sola goes to town on the nobles overseeing the Galahdian sector, pushing for the funding that the slums desperately need but ‘are never enough of’ when the subject is brought up. She’s seen exactly how bad it is in the slums - even for the glaives who actually have a steady income, Lib and Nyx’s apartment has a hole in the ceiling - and those are her people dammit.
-Sola also hears how the Galahdians had to stop wearing their family beads in their hair because they kept getting reported for breaking the Sumptuary Laws, simply because rich assholes couldn’t stand to see the ‘dirty foreigners’ wearing the precious stone and metal beads that were so common back on Galahd. 
-Libertus stares at Sola in Awe when she tells the glaives about getting the Sumptuary Laws stricken from the books, every inch of her Vicious Satisfaction. Said satisfaction disappears when Libertus kisses her senseless, but Sola’s okay with that. Lib’s a fantastic kisser.
-Lib starts seriously thinking about proposing to Sola, and is Determined to do things properly, because while Sola likes being able to be a normal civilian, she is a princess and Lib refuses to have anyone making disparaging comments about her. So he goes and asks Noctis first if he can marry Sola, because while Regis is Sola’s father, Noctis is the one that Sola will do almost anything for. Seventeen year old Noctis attempts to give Libertus an intimidating stare (not bad, but Lib is used to the Captain and the Prince is far too pretty-faced to pull that kind of thing off) but gives his blessing, telling him that if he breaks Sola’s heart Noctis will beat the shit out of whatever Sola decides to leave behind. Which, fair.
-Then he asks Regis, in front of Cor and Clarus, and yeah, the King, Marshal, and Shield are a hell of a lot more intimidating than Sola’s baby brother. Regis tries the whole ‘why should I’ deal, and Libertus honestly and wryly states that Sola won’t let anyone dictate who she does or does not marry, but having her father’s blessing would mean a lot to her. Clarus snorts while Cor and Regis deflate, because yeah, Sola would tell them off for trying to prevent her from marrying Libertus and then elope with Lib just to spite them.
-Cor takes Libertus ring shopping. Libertus wants to buy the rings himself, but Regis tells Libertus that wedding rings in Insomnia aren’t cheap, and Regis would rather Libertus completely ignore the price tag and focus on finding a ring Sola will love. Libertus chooses a silver ring with two thin bands connected by interspersed tiny gold flowers with tiny blue topazes in the center of each.
-Meanwhile, Sola has been talking with Nyx about How Galahdians Do Weddings. She knows she’s not getting out of a Royal Wedding, she’s the King’s eldest. But she does want to marry Lib according to HIS traditions too. Nyx DOES tell Sola that proposing to Lib means joining HIS clan, but Sola is more than fine with that. Screw the whole ‘Lucis Caelums not allowed to marry out’ bs, Regis has Noctis to carry on the bloodline and family name and Sola wants to take Libertus’ name.
-Nyx is Best Wingman, getting pretty much all the glaives he can to turn up at Yamachang’s after work without tipping off anyone’s suspicions about what is about to go down. (Part of that is Sola’s credit, but she’s just making sure Lib is too distracted to keep one eye out for Nyx Shenanigans as usual.)
-Libertus.exe stops working for about two seconds when Sola pulls out the courtship necklace and bead, before he lifts her up in a bear hug and spins her around while happily accepting. Then he promptly sets her down, kneels, and proposes with the ring he’d been carrying around trying to find the right time to propose.
-The glaives go nuts, all of Little Galahd pretty much starts partying though the Actual Wedding Celebration is planned for a later date so everyone can properly prepare for it. Sola helps Lib with the necklace and braids the bead into his hair - a large silver bead with gold inlay that stands out against Lib’s dark hair - and Lib slips the ring onto Sola’s hand.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
Maybe I Am? - Chpt.3
Characters: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Summary: The guys meet up for a casual Sunday farmers market trip but when they get back to Bucky’s apartment things heat up fast. Master list HERE.
Content Warning: basic second base smuttiness; swapping hand jobs and some frottage.
Word Count: 5k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! I told ya'll there was gonna a lot of smut in this one and I'm starting to deliver as of this chapter :) So please, enjoy some lovely smuttiness on this fine Wednesday evening lol. XOXO - Ash
Chapter Three
“I told you so.” Natasha cheered over their plate of danishes the next morning. 
Bucky’s smile was sphinx-like as he nibbled on his pastry, “You did. I’m still not 100% sure he’s not going to just bolt at some point but I think that’s a risk I’m going to have to take.” 
“It sounds like a risk worth taking if one kiss has you smiling like that twelve hours later.”
“Ugh, Nat! And for the record, it was more than just one.” Bucky chuckled as Natasha shoved at him playfully.
Across town Steve was helping Sam tidy up in between classes and trying to avoid the grilling he knew Sam wanted to give. They had recapped the last class and personal training sessions and planned out the room for the next group coming in. They went over all the adjustments needed to the next week’s schedule since they were still covering for Thor who was out on paternity leave for the next four weeks now that his wife Jane had the baby. By the time they were setting the last of the kettle bells on the rack they had run out of gym related topics. Sam gave him another side eyed glance and Steve sighed, knowing what was coming.
“So are you still talking to Bucky?” Sam finally asked.
Steve had been reluctant to tell Sam about anything other than their first meeting. He hadn’t even told Sam why he’d bought the new outfit for earlier that week. It was still so new and he was unsure himself of where things were going, or where he even wanted them to go. He figured if in the end he realized he was bi or gay or whatever, then he could tell his friends. But until he was sure there was no point in announcing anything. “I am.” Steve admitted reluctantly.
“And how’s that going?” Sam seemed genuinely interested but Steve still clammed up.
“Good, he’s a good friend. We’ve been swapping memes all week.” 
“Nice. See, it all worked out and now you have someone else to send those stupid GIFs from The Office to.” 
“Hey, don’t knock one of the best TV shows of all time.” Steve glared pointedly.
“Whatever floats your boat, man.” Sam moved on, heading over to the desk to check the roster one last time before he started pulling out mats for their next class. A small twinge of guilt bit in Steve’s stomach, knowing he had let Sam make a wrong conclusion and hadn’t corrected him. But really, what was the point if he still wasn’t sure of everything himself? 
Bucky woke early on the Sunday after their date, restless in a way he hadn’t been in a while. He wanted to see Steve again but it had only been a day. Bucky busied himself with too much coffee and a book while he did laundry in his building's basement, trying to distract himself for a while. By 10am all of his standard keep busy chores were done and he was staring at his phone, trying to make Steve text him by sheer force of will. Giving up he started swiping through Instagram, catching up on his friend’s weekend adventures. Pepper had posted a cute picture of a bouquet she bought at the local farmers market and Bucky realized he had found the perfect reason to text Steve. It was innocent enough and casual so if Steve was busy or declined it wasn’t earth shattering. Plan in place, Bucky fired off a quick text.
Bucky Barnes [10:17:44AM]: hey u. im heading 2 the farmers market in sunset park. gonna stop 4 more of that wine. wanna come?
Steeeeve [10:19:23AM]: Hey! That sounds fun. What time?
Bucky Barnes [10:19:52AM]: headed over now if ur free
Steeeeve [10:20:08AM]: Okay. I just need to throw on some shoes and I’ll head out. I can be there in like 15min. 
Bucky Barnes [10:20:33AM]: k see u then
Bucky scrambled to fix his hair and pick a shirt from the pile he’d just brought up. He hadn’t expected Steve to be willing to meet up so quickly and he was still wearing his laundry day sweatpants. He was closer to the market than Steve but he also needed more time to get ready so he ended up getting a “I’m here” text from Steve on his way. 
Steve was waiting by a jewelry stand when Bucky caught up with him. He had been wandering around for a few minutes and the display of beaded bracelets caught his eye. They reminded him of the ones Bucky had worn when they first met and he wondered which ones Bucky would like. 
“Hey!” Bucky greeted him with a small wave as he approached.
“Hey.” Steve echoed happily. He almost reached out for a hug but something held him back and after a second ticked by he realized he should have just done it but the moment had passed. 
“What are you looking at?” Bucky asked, a little disappointed he hadn’t gotten their standard greeting hug and wanting to move on. 
“Oh, these things caught my eye while I was browsing.” 
“They’re nice. I love the way the translucent ones almost glow.” Bucky picked up one of the vivid pink ones, letting the sunlight hit it from different angles. 
“Let me buy it for you.” Steve offered before his brain caught up with his mouth. 
Bucky looked skeptically at him, “You don’t have to do that.” 
“I want to, please?” 
“Thanks, Stevie.” Bucky said softly, handing the bracelet over. 
Steve blushed at the nickname, ducking his head and walking over to pay the sales girl for the bracelet. Once purchased, he returned it to Bucky who slid it on his wrist next to the two others he was currently wearing.
“Perfect.” Steve praised. 
Bucky was looking appreciatively at his newest addition while Steve was looking appreciatively at Bucky. God, he was gorgeous. Bucky was dressed casually in light washed jeans and a dark grey shirt with no one should live in a closet written in fancy script with a wand below it, all in rainbow colors. Leave it to Bucky. “I like your shirt. Harry Potter reference, right?” Steve guessed.
“Yep. I found it at Pride last year and I’m completely in love with it.” 
“It’s very you.” 
“I’m taking that as a compliment.” Bucky preened for a moment. 
Steve chuckled, “Come on, let’s go get some coffee. Altitude Coffee has a little pop up shop back that way.” 
Steve and Bucky trailed their way through the bustling farmers market, picking up things here and there. Some they actually needed for groceries, but others were just fun impulse buys. They each had overly full canvas totes by the time they were done, and hauled their finds along with them to the wine shop. They each bought a full box from the shop, having stocked up on a half case of their favorites, which only further slowed Bucky down. While Steve had the muscles and endurance to haul a giant tote and six bottles of wine around the city, Bucky did not. 
“Uh, Steve.” Bucky panted out, finally giving up. 
Steve looked over and realized Bucky had fallen a few steps behind while he was talking about a winery he had visited while in Canada a few years ago. 
“I think I need to tap out.” Bucky admitted while shifting his bag as much as he could to get comfortable. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry.” Steve shifted his tote higher on his shoulder, wondering if he could sling Bucky’s on next to his. “Here, let me take your bag.” he extended a hand towards Bucky’s bag.
Bucky was conflicted, he wanted to try and at least get his stuff home but Steve probably could carry both without breaking a sweat. Damned muscled god of a man. “How about this? Since I’m the one wimping out, let me call us an Uber. I can probably get us one less than five minutes.” 
Steve frowned at the idea of an expensive ride all the back to Park Slope. “You don’t have to do that. I can carry our stuff.” 
“If I call us an Uber we could go back to my place and try that baguette and jam I bought.”
“Ooh, that’s a good bribe. I have that cheese I got too.” Steve looked at Bucky for a long moment. An afternoon of good food and even better company was too tempting to pass up. “You sure you don’t mind me coming over?” 
“Not at all. It’s a tiny little crap shack of a place, but it’s my tiny little crap shack.” 
Bucky was already pulling up the app and ordering them a car when Steve finally said, “Okay, let’s go.” 
The Uber ride back to Bucky’s place was barely more than ten minutes and they sat cramped in the back of a Prius with their wine boxes in the trunk and their totes in their laps. Bucky was trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness and shot Steve amused glances every so often, making the blonde have to tamp down his own laughter. By the time they got to Bucky’s apartment Steve practically leapt out of the tiny blue car, grateful to stretch back to his full height again. He insisted on carrying both of their totes and his box of wine bottles up to Bucky’s apartment, leaving Bucky his own wine to carry. Thankfully the building had an elevator and Steve seemed barely phased under the weight of all their stuff. Bucky tried to ignore the filthy thoughts racing through his head of what else Steve was strong enough to do. Like pick him up and fuck him against a wall. Or something. God, Bucky hoped Steve figured things out soon because he was barely through their second date and wanted to climb the man like a tree. 
“Home sweet home.” Bucky announced as he swung the door open to his apartment. He flicked on the recessed lighting in the living room and showed Steve to the kitchen where he could put their bags down. It was a cute little one bedroom apartment with a decent sized living room and dine-in kitchen. 
“It’s nice.” Steve said looking around as he placed their bags on the faux granite countertop. 
“It’s tiny but it works.” Bucky shrugged. 
Steve noticed the would be dining room area of the kitchen was set up with a desk and three wide computer monitors instead of a table. “That’s quite a set up over there.” 
“Oh, yeah.” Bucky looked embarrassed for a moment, “It’s a little ridiculous, but when you work from home it’s kinda nice to have a sweet setup. When I signed on to work for Stark Securities they gave me a signing bonus so I splurged and bought better equipment and that fancy office chair. It was completely worth it too.” 
“Good for you, you deserve it.” 
Bucky blushed lightly at the sincerity of Steve’s tone. He nervously spun the bracelet Steve had bought him around his wrist a few times, hoping he wasn’t setting himself for heartache. “So, lunch?” Bucky offered, the momentary tension dissipating. 
“Absolutely. Let’s break out that bread you got.” Steve started rifling through his bag for the soft cheese and candied pecans he’d bought while Bucky pulled out the heavy loaf of artisan bread, the little pot of homemade plum jam, and a bottle of Chloe Prosecco he’d bought at the wine shop. The bottle had been adorable with its fancy little bow and the sales girl had said it was a popular choice.
They laid out their feast on a large cutting board, teasing each other about how posh the whole thing was. It was a simple but seemingly elegant lunch spread and Bucky liked that their official second date had a bit of a classy feel to it. 
“I’m sorry I don’t have a table or anything for us to eat at.” Bucky waved his hand at his little office space. “I normally just eat on the sofa like a heathen.” 
“Honestly so do I.” Steve admitted with a chuckle.
“We can be heathens together then.” Bucky picked up their wine glasses while Steve carried the large tray out to the coffee table where they set up their feast. Flicking through his streaming channels he settled on Disney, knowing everyone loved those movies. “Have you seen the new Beauty and the Beast?”
Steve shook his head, “No, I heard it was good though.” 
“Good?” Bucky feigned offense, “Stephen Gilligan Rogers.” 
“Not my middle name.” Steve chuckled but Bucky was undeterred.
“BATB is not good. It is iconic. The elaborate costumes, the backdrops, the music, oh my god Steve, the music. We’re watching it. End of subject.” Bucky started up the movie, not even slightly apologetic for his dramatics. One had not lived until they saw Emma Watson as Belle. 
Two hours later Bucky was curled up against Steve, watching with misty eyes as the palace furniture turned back into real people as the curse lifted. Steve was completely engrossed in the movie, barely registering that he had been stroking Bucky’s hair for the better part of an hour. 
“Now do you see?” Bucky demanded as the credits rolled a few minutes later. 
“You were right. That was amazing.” Steve conceded. 
“It was always my favorite Disney movie as a kid but seeing it redone in such a perfect way really gets to me. I’ve threatened to dress up as Belle for the past three Halloweens now.” 
Steve grinned at the idea, “I think you’d make a beautiful Belle.” 
And just like that the air shifted. Bucky was suddenly very aware of how close they were curled up together and the way Steve was looking at him like he’d hung the moon. He didn’t want to rush Steve, he was willing to wait as Steve figured himself out, but if he kept looking at Bucky like that, his timeline needed to hurry up. “You’d make a very handsome beast.” he finally said, going for levity but falling short. 
Steve blushed so prettily, his eyes locked on Bucky’s lips, the bottom of which he was chewing on again. Steve knew now it was a nervous tell and it gave him a little thrill knowing he wasn’t the only nervous one. “I think I’d like to kiss you again.” he admitted quietly. 
“You don’t have to ask, honey.” Bucky purred, leaning in to press a tender kiss against Steve’s lips.
Steve’s body was shaking with nervous energy as Bucky shifted up onto his knees so he could kiss Steve easier. Bucky tasted like wine and plums and something very uniquely him. It made Steve’s head spin as he chased Bucky’s tongue with his own. The fears and worries over what he was doing died away in that moment, his whole being consumed by his desire for the sweet man who was practically in his lap. Steve still wasn’t sure what it all meant, but he knew he wanted more. 
Bucky was so thankful for a repeat of the night on Steve’s couch. Kissing Steve was electric and Bucky couldn’t get enough. The hard planes of his body pressed firmly up against the softer ones of Bucky’s, which only made Bucky more desperate for the close contact. Despite having a thicker build, Bucky felt small next to Steve and he loved it. Feeling brave, and praying desperately that Steve wouldn’t bolt, he swung a leg over Steve’s lap and sat himself atop Steve’s thighs. “Is this okay?” he asked once he was settled. 
“Yeah.” Steve shuddered, “Yeah, it’s fine.” Steve let his hands come to rest on Bucky’s thick thighs on either side of his smaller ones. While Steve’s thighs were hard with well earned muscle, Bucky’s had natural musculature and a softness to them that had Steve wanting to sink his fingers into their plush expanse. Bucky had gone back to kissing him while his mind wandered and Steve decided to give Bucky’s thighs an exploratory squeeze. For science really, just to see if he would feel anything. The kissing so far had been fantastic but Steve worried they’d eventually hit a point where everything went to hell and he realized he was most definitely straight. And then he’d lose Bucky forever. 
Bucky made a light huffing sound when Steve sunk his fingers into the soft meat of his thighs. He was thankful Steve was getting a little braver and decided to run his hands up and down the length of Steve’s ridiculously muscled chest and stomach in a tentative exploration of his own. 
A choked noise made its way out of Steve’s throat as Bucky touched him with feather light hands. He wanted to rip his shirt off and give him all the access he wanted. But he was taking things slow, Steve reminded himself. Unfortunately, not all parts of Steve got that memo. 
Bucky had shifted a bit trying to sprinkle kisses along the sharp edge of Steve’s jaw when he accidentally brushed against an unexpected guest. “Oh, shit, sorry.” he blurted out, moving back an inch so he wasn’t pressed against the, frankly enormous, erection in Steve’s pants. 
Steve blushed from the tips of his ears all the way down his throat. “No, I’m sorry. I guess I got a little carried away.” 
Bucky glanced down at the tenting of Steve’s pants. Damn, he wanted to get his hands on Steve like yesterday. “I could, uh,” he cleared his throat roughly, “help you. With that.” Steve looked at him with wide bright blue eyes, so open and unsure, that Bucky started backpedaling all in a rush, “Or not, we can stop. We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.” 
Steve just grinned and leaned in to kiss Bucky again, his motions almost questioning. “I think I’d be okay going a little further this time.” he said quietly against Bucky’s mouth. 
Bucky squeaked involuntarily at Steve’s words. He was now dealing with his own growing problem at the idea of getting to fool around a little with Steve. “If you’re sure. We can stop at any time.” he promised. It would probably kill him, but if Steve said stop at any point he would be off him in a second. 
“I trust you, Buck.” Steve told him, brushing a strand of hair back behind Bucky’s ear. 
Bucky wanted to melt at the trust Steve had in him. He was too good to be true and Bucky just had to hope it would all work out. Gay or straight or somewhere in between, Steve Rogers was an absolute dream partner. Bucky shifted himself forward a little so the hard length in his pants could rub against the one in Steve’s while they kissed a little more. Bucky let his hips rock a little as they moved, giving them both a little bit of tortuous friction. 
Steve was panting like he’d run a marathon, and he knew this from personal experience when he and Sam had run the New York City Marathon a few years back as publicity for their gym. He’d never thought making out on a sofa would have quite the same effect but life had been full of surprises for him lately. The friction against his dick felt amazing and there was a naughty little zing of arousal knowing it was from Bucky’s erection rubbing against his. He would never have expected to enjoy that so much but there he was, fighting for self control like a horny teenager. He wanted to get Bucky off too and not just selfishly sit back and let Bucky take care of him. Steve was well acquainted with getting himself off and really how different could it be doing it to someone else? He was feeling bold and brash, knowing a hand was just a hand and really he had to start somewhere. “I think I’m ready for more.” he spoke up in between heated kisses. 
Bucky paused, jaw hanging open in shock. “Like, more more?” 
Steve nodded rapidly. “Like second base more?” He held his breath, waiting for Bucky to process what he’d just asked for. 
“God,” Bucky heaved out a breath, “You’re gonna be the death of me. Yes, second base, yes. Get those pants off, Rogers.” He stripped his own shirt off eagerly while Steve just sat there, amused.
“I kinda have this gorgeous guy on my lap at the moment.” he teased.
“Sorry!” Bucky yelped, hopping up so Steve could pull his pants down and off, quickly followed by his tee shirt. He sat in just his boxer briefs on Bucky’s sofa, looking like every Calvin Klien ad fantasy Bucky’d ever had come to life. “Jesus.” he whispered harshly. Bucky couldn’t get his own pants off fast enough, leaving him in his own silky boxers to resume his perch on Steve’s lap. 
Unconfined by pants Bucky got a better feel of Steve’s cock and he was thanking every saint he could think of for what was about to happen. He shifted himself closer to Steve, his thighs spreading wider, and he reached down to give Steve’s cock a tentative squeeze over top the soft cotton of his underwear. 
“Ohh.” Steve gasped out, his body trembling once again. His eyes were glued on Bucky, not wanting to miss a moment. He was so handsome sitting on Steve’s lap. His long hair shining in the afternoon sun that flooded in the glass balcony doors, his lightly tanned skin decorated with a series of finely detailed tattoos. While his muscles weren’t hard and cut like Steve’s, Steve loved the slight softness of the other man’s body, giving him something to sink his fingers into along his sides. It felt nice, and right, and Steve realized in that moment he was more invested in what was about to happen than he had been for most the sexual encounters he’d had with Peggy. It was startling but Steve pushed it down to deal with another day. In the moment, all that mattered was Bucky. 
“Can I?” Bucky asked, trailing his fingers along the waistband of Steve’s boxer briefs. 
“Yeah. Can I?” Steve echoed, tugging at the silky material at Bucky’s hip. 
“If you’re sure.” Bucky prayed silently that having an actual cock in his hand wouldn’t send Steve running for the hills. 
But it didn’t. Steve pulled his underwear off when Bucky hopped up to do the same and he was all nervous excitement when Bucky resumed his perch. He hadn’t thought of what to expect but Steve was blatantly staring at the thick length of Bucky’s dick. It was shorter than his own, but Steve had already known he was considered a bit above average, and it was girthy in a way that made Steve wonder if he topped or bottomed. Because, Steve thought with amusement, these were things he had to consider now. But not right away. They would take things slow and he would see if this was even something he wanted to try. Steve reached out a hand to test the weight of Bucky’s dick in his palm. He slid his hand up and down for two quick strokes, testing how doing that made him feel and was pleasantly surprised that it was a pretty familiar act. The way Bucky hissed out a sharp breath and craned his neck back, eyes shut tight, made Steve’s own dick jump for attention. Oh, this was kind of fun. Steve moved his hand for another few stokes, enjoying the way Bucky’s body reacted so blatantly to the pleasure. It was easy to get him worked up like that and Steve was genuinely enjoying himself watching Bucky become a desperate, needy thing in his lap, thrusting a little into Steve’s fist. 
“God. Fuck. Stevie, slow down.” Bucky pleaded. “I wanna take care of you too, honey. Can I? Please?” 
“Okay.” Steve acquiesced, bracing himself for the pressure of Bucky’s hand around his dick. 
Bucky eagerly wrapped his fist around the hard length of Steve’s cock, sliding it up and down the impressive length until Steve gasped. He leaned forward to kiss Steve from his jaw down his neck to his collarbones while he groped him fervently between their two overheated bodies. For as simple as it was, it was absolutely exquisite. “How you doing, Stevie?” Bucky prompted, wanting to check in to ensure Steve was still on board. He rested his forehead on Steve’s shoulder, waiting patiently for him to respond.
“So good.” Steve managed to moan out. “This is amazing.” 
“Wanna try something even more amazing?” Bucky grinned devilishly. “Just hand stuff, promise.” he added for reassurance.
“What can be better than this?” Steve questioned but motioned for Bucky to go ahead with whatever he had in mind.  
Carefully, Bucky shifted forward one last time, pressing as close to Steve as humanly possible making his over stretched thighs burn in the process. He slipped his hand from Steve’s cock and lined it up with his own, wrapping his fist around them both the best he could. He gave them a quick stroke, reveling in the sensation and waiting to see if Steve would enjoy it too. 
Steve’s whimper was a good sign. “Please.” he begged, “Please, please do that.” 
Bucky picked up the motion again, rhythmically pumping them in his fist. Steve was making little broken ahh sounds, unable to keep up with the pleasure thrumming through his body, and it spurred Bucky on to bring them both racing towards their release. 
Steve could feel the pressure building, his body was on fire and he could barely bite out a warning to Bucky as he felt his orgasm ripping through him. A half formed “I’m g-” was all the warning Bucky got before Steve was spilling all over his hand and cock. Watching Steve come undone, the pure bliss on his face, had Bucky following him over the edge of his own climax seconds later. His body shook hard as he spilled over his hand and across the rippled muscles of Steve’s abs. 
Steve’s cheeks were flushed, his eyes shining, and Bucky mused he probably looked about the same. Steve was so stunning sitting there with a wide, lazy blissed out smile on his face. Bucky giggled a little realizing how incredibly lucky he was. Steve really was just perfection. 
“What?” Steve asked, joining in Bucky’s infectious laughter. 
“You’re perfect.” Bucky admitted, speaking what was on his mind. 
“And you’re beautiful.” Steve leaned up to push Bucky’s hair back where it had fallen forward in his face. He pressed two chaste kisses against his lips before pulling back, feeling a little extra affectionate in his post-orgasmic haze. 
Bucky made a muffled mmph sound, leaning into Steve, just wanting to be close for a moment. “We made quite a mess.” he said finally, the squidgy feeling of their come between their stomachs not exactly a pleasant one. 
“We should clean up.” Steve agreed. 
“Come on, I have some wet wipes in my room.” Bucky lifted himself up off of Steve’s lap, suddenly cold without their skin to skin contact.
Steve noticed his shiver and as soon as he was standing, he pulled Bucky close against him in a warm embrace. 
Bucky basked in the warmth, his brain effectively turning to mush again at how sweet Steve was. “You spoil me.” he whispered against Steve’s firm pecs.
Steve dropped a kiss on top of Bucky’s head, “You deserve to be spoiled.” 
It took every bit of willpower in Bucky to pull back and lead Steve down the hall to clean up. He could have stayed wrapped in Steve’s arms forever, sticky cooling mess on his stomach be damned. They exchanged quick, adorably awkward glances at each other as they cleaned up. Both wanting to get a more detailed look now the heat of the moment had passed. Steve tossed his wipes in the wastebasket by Bucky’s dresser and then pulled Bucky close by his hips, “You really are so beautiful, Buck.” he told him softly.
Bucky had been careful to wall up his heart when he decided to give Steve a chance. He didn’t want to risk another heartbreak less than a year after what he’d been through with Brock. But Steve’s sweet words and affectionate touches had the walls crumbling a little despite Bucky’s best defenses. “Careful.” he teased with a pang of truth to his words, “You’re gonna ruin me for all other men, you keep this up.” 
Steve chuckled and kissed the top of Bucky’s head yet again. There were so many things he wanted to say in that moment. Raw, honest things that ached in his chest. But Steve kept them inside, not willing to let down his guard so completely just yet. He still didn’t really know what he was doing but damned if he wasn’t loving every second of it so far. 
“Come on you, let’s get dressed.” Bucky said finally, tugging Steve’s hand into his and leading him back down the hall.
Steve left shortly after they’d redressed and cleaned up the mess from their lunch. It was a long, drawn out goodbye in the doorway, neither one of them really wanting to part despite knowing they both had to get on with their usual Sunday routines. Steve promised to text Bucky once he’d made it home, insisting he would have no trouble carrying his tote and box on the subway. And then he was off down the hall, looking back just once before he got on the elevator and wishing he could have stayed. Bucky walked over to his glass balcony door, watching the street below as Steve crossed it heading toward the nearest subway station. He was trying not to get too attached but after the day they’d spent together, Bucky knew it was a losing battle.
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krismusings · 4 years
The beginning. | Ro & Landon
Discord thread featuring: Roman, and @davieslandon
Where: London, Roman and Landon’s shared flat.
When: Nearly a decade ago.
Description: Roman gets his first directing job, and runs home to tell his boyfriend.
Trigger Warnings: too much cuteness.
“LANDON!!! LA—“ Roman started yelling as soon as he entered the door of their tiny flat to slam right into his boyfriend, who clearly Ro had not been expecting to be so close to the entrance. What was he even doing?? He’d like to think the young male was just waiting by the door for Ro to get home like a longing dog, but maybe that was a little too romcom. “Christ, sorry.” He quickly apologized, and reached to straighten out Landon’s clothes like a fussing mother. They were so young, only eighteen, but it felt like they already knew what they were doing in life. It was easy to think they’d figured it all out at eighteen, out in their own, trying to make it in the big world! “I got it. They’re letting me direct the fall production at the local theater downtown. Youngest person to ever direct a play in the history of the company.” Ro mused with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead, as if he were about to passout like an overwhelmed southern belle. “Better get used to the spotlight baby, because you are now dating a celebrity.” Roman reached to act out a hair flip while brushing past the smaller to slink over to the couch.
Landon lost count of how many times he turned to look at the clock hung by the kitchen window. Roman should have been ready by now but he was yet to receive a phone call or text. Shit. What if this meant he didn’t get it? His boyfriend was going to be crushed and Landon wasn’t sure what the right thing to say was in that situation. The tension was killing him so he got up and walked to the door, pacing up and down in front of it. He jumped a foot in the air when the door burst open and Roman walked in, yelling his name. They ended up bumping into each other and Landon almost lost his footing if it wasn’t for his boyfriend’s hands keeping him upright. Roman’s words finally registered in his brain and he threw his arms around the other boy, pretty much screaming in his ear. “Ro! I’m so proud of you! I knew you could do it, I just knew it.” He was rambling at this point but he couldn’t find it in himself to care; he was so proud. “I’ll make sure to get my outfit ready for your first red carpet”, he said, following his boyfriend and sitting down next to him. “You better not forget about your unpopular boyfriend when you make it to the top though.”
They were both being overly dramatic, which seemed highly appropriate right now. Truly though, Roman had never been more excited about something in his life, and he really wanted to prove himself here. He could do this, he could fly above expectations!!! It really fucking helped that he had someone so supportive at his back though as well. Landon had been that one consistent in his life for almost as long as he could remember. He was that first light in the middle of a tunnel of darkness, and Roman was thankful. “Whatever, you’re essential to the formula.” He smirked, and threw an arm around the smaller’s shoulders. “Seriously - I couldn’t have done this without you. How many hours have you put in to listening to all my theater rubbish?”
Landon had always known his boyfriend was destined to do great things. It was hard not to notice when he was watching him practice at every hour of the day. It was so rewarding to know other people were finally seeing what Landon had known all along. He couldn’t keep his smile at bay at being told he was essential and he cuddled closer to his boyfriend. “Too many to count. It was nothing special though, you know I don’t really get any of it so all I was doing was listening. This is all on you; on all the days of practice and of constantly trying so hard.”
Roman just shook his head while Landon spoke, because he knew the boy was going to be humble, and give all the credit to Ro. Roman knew better though, he knew that Landon had spent countless hours listening, and doing his best to help and support Ro in any way he could without making him feel like he was wasting his time. If he hadn’t had that behind him, he didn’t foresee himself ever getting to this place. “Listen, I jus’ - I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad I have you.” Roman reached to grab his boyfriend’s hand, weaving their fingers together before pulling Landon’s hand to his lips. “I love you.”
Hearing his boyfriend say he loves him was never going to get old, no matter how many times it happened. It felt so good to be with someone knowing you love them unconditionally and they feel the same way. They didn't have any of the drama and complications so many of their other friends had and Landon was proud of it. It's not like everything was perfect all of the time, they were only human after all. They argued just like any other couple but he was confident in the knowledge they could work everything out. At just eighteen, Landon lost count of how many times he was told they were too young and what they had wouldn't last but he never believed them. What was so wrong about falling in love at a young age? "I love you too. And I'm so happy I could be here to support through this. You know there's nowhere else I'd rather be."
Roman scrunched his nose at the smaller, feelin’ the cheese with his sweet words, but fuck if he didn’t love it. Ro leaned in to place a quick peck on Landon’s scruffy jaw, and then one to the corner of his mouth with a shit eating grin. He was being a kissie monster, yes, I said kissie monster, which was only distracting for a split second before he realized he was starving. “You know what we should do?” He asked while jumping up off the couch despite having just sat down on it. “We should go out and have dinner, to celebrate!” He expressed with hands gesturing in the air, his eyes on his Chelsea boots that he’d kicked off at the door. “My parents wired me some money from Italy, why not spend a little on ourselves?”
Landon bit his lip, a little unsure. The idea of going out for the dinner to celebrate was nice, especially since it wasn't something they got to do very often. Not to mention that Roman deserved it after his great success today. He just wasn't sure if they should be using the money sent to Roman by his parents to get food from an expensive restaurant when they could save some money by going somewhere cheaper. Maybe it was time he stopped worrying so much and kicking his pride over money to the side. After all, his boyfriend deserved this and more. "Sure, going out for dinner sounds like a great idea. Let me just change real quick and we can go, I look like a mess", he said, giving Roman a little peck on the lips before he made his way to their bedroom.
Ro knew how Landon worried, especially about their expenses, and at times Roman found himself right there with the other. The thing though was, they’d never really been able to do much celebrating, not in the traditional meaning anyway. Ro’s usual go to was baking Landon a box cake with the intentions of cutting, and shaping it into something ridiculous like they enjoyed on food network. For Roman, it had always been about getting creative, and finding his own way to make a moment special, but maybe tonight he wanted something a little different. He wanted to sit across the table from his gorgeous boyfriend, wine and dine him a bit, show him off. There wasn’t anything wrong with that, was there? When they were finally seated, Roman felt the need to reach for the table cloth, feeling of the edges like the nosy little shit he was, even after the waitress had come to get their drink order. “Not used to eating at restaraunts with table coverings that aren’t meant to draw on.” Ro cracked a joke with a slight laugh, and then picked up a menu, which was what he should have been focused on from the start. “Please, relax and get whatever you want.” Roman advised while reaching across to grab Landon’s hand, able to sense that he might be freaking out a bit at the prices. “Mum and dad sent us plenty. They snagged a large bonus from the excavation site, and wanted us to spend some on us. So, no pressure, yeah?”
Even though it was true that Landon was internally panicking after looking over the prices in the menu, he couldn't stop himself from smiling at the other's words. He knew him so well that he didn't even have to say anything before he was trying to reassure him. He let out breath he didn't even know he was holding and nodded. Landon wasn't about to ruin his boyfriend's night by giving in to his panic and, if it was true Roman's parents sent him so much, then there was nothing wrong with enjoying himself, right? He made a mental note to still be a little careful over what he ordered but he nodded and smiled at the other boy. "You know this is our first proper fancy date? You shouldn't spoil me like this, I might just start getting used to it", he teased with a little laugh. "Don't forget to thank your parents for me, by the way. I appreciate that they thought of us."
Landon was so adorable, and angelic, like a little piece of heaven in an overly expensive chair. You could practically see the halo around his little perfect head. Sometimes Roman thought Landon was too good for him, that he’d finally see through to his deep seeded flaws, and issues of the past that he chose not to talk about. Ro’s adoptive parents were amazing - I mean, who could say their parents were historical researches out digging around in the lost city of Pompeii? They were kind, and thoughtful, and had tried their best to give Roman a new life, and what he needed from the moment they took him over. But, there were still the years he’d endured with his birth mother, the woman who didn’t quite put Ro as high on her list. He saw things a child never should, and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t mess with him sometimes. “I did know this is our first proper fancy date, and if you must know, I plan on spoiling your flawless arse until we’re old and soggy. There! I said it!” He held up his hands, and then sat back in his chair. He knew what he would be ordering, and was now looking around for their waitress who should be able to read his mind with these prices. “I’ll tell them, they’ll be glad to hear it I’m sure. They like you more than me anyway.” He joked.
"Now that you've said that I am most definitely going to hold you to it so there's no going back." The thought of growing old together scared Landon sometimes. He didn't doubt that they loved each other and would do their utmost to stay together but sometimes his doubts were too loud to ignore. It was clear that Roman's career was just getting started and Landon was taking a gap year before he tried to apply to a few universities, even ones outside of the UK. What was going to happen if he got accepted and had to move all the way to America? He couldn't ask his boyfriend to move with him at the risk of affecting his chances at getting more important jobs. He shook his head, trying to rid himself of these thoughts. This wasn't the time to be panicking over the future of their relationship. Today was all about celebrating Roman's success and getting to enjoy a nice dinner together. "Oh please, your parents adore you. They only like me because I keep them updated on everything you're doing when you're too busy becoming famous to let them know what you're doing." Landon looked at the menu one last time to confirm what he was going to order. Worries about the price aside, he was excited to get to taste their fancy food. Usually, his idea of eating out consisted of getting a burger from McDonald's or something so this was something very new for him.
Roman gave his boyfriend a cheeky grin when he called him on his word, feeling ridiculously giddy enough to make his knee bounce below the table. This was so out of their element, and different from anything they could have pictured doing together, but they deserved it. That was that. Ro gave the boy a playful eye roll when he spoke about his parents, knowing they did like the way Landon kept them updated. Roman was just a busy guy, he didn’t text his parents like he should. But in a way, he’d still kind of always felt a slight disconnect there, knowing they were good people who were kind enough to give him a good life, but they weren’t his parents really. “I wanna try the duck, but I’m scared.” Ro admitted while leaning back in his seat dramatically with one leg over the other. “What if i hate it, and cause a scene?” Of course they both knew Roman was worried because it would be money down the drain, but he decided to go with a ridiculous reason instead.
Landon could totally imagine his boyfriend acting dramatic if he ordered the dick and didn’t like it but he knew that wasn’t what he was really worried about. “I think I’ll play it safe with some pasta. So if you get the duck and you don’t like it we can always switch?” he offered. At least that way they wouldn’t be wasting anything. This might not be something they did everyday, but now that they were here Landon was determined to make it worth it. He wanted it to be special, after all they were celebrating Roman. So if his boyfriend wanted to order duck, that’s what he would have. “If both of us hate it we’ll share the pasta and get the duck as take away. I’m sure we’ll find someone who likes it.”
Roman had to smile when his boyfriend tried to weigh out the pros of ordering duck, and how the could deal with it if he didn’t like it. Landon was always so good with that, taking issues, and turning them around into working solutions. It’s what made them such a good combo, they balanced eachother out, and fit like puzzle pieces. Aww. “Okay, you’ve convinced me.” Roman pointed at the smaller, and then proceeded to order the duck along with Landon’s pasta. “Okay. So. I know that tonight is to celebrate the directing thing, but it’s also officially thirteen years since we met. Did you know that?” Of course he didn’t know that, only Roman would be particular enough to remember a date like that. However, to be fair, it was the day after he’d been adopted officially. He’d always remember that.
With everything going on lately, the date completely slipped Landon’s mind. His only focus was on Roman’s upcoming audition and helping him out as much as he could. The reminder of the special occasion made Landon bite his lip, feeling bad that he didn’t remember on his own. “Oh shit, that’s today? Now I get why you wanted to come to a nice restaurant so much.” Roman brought him to a nice dinner to celebrate their first meeting anniversary and Landon didn’t even get him anything because he forgot; he definitely wasn’t going to win any perfect boyfriend awards any time soon. “Thirteen years is a really long time. I cannot believe you’ve tolerated my ass for all this time,” he joked. “Can you believe we were only five years old when we first met? School would have sucked without you there.”
“Thirteen years is a long time. Most of our lives.” Ro nodded, letting out a small snicker at Landon said he couldn’t believe he’d tolerated him so long. “I could say the same to you, maybe even more so.” He said honestly, his fingers spinning his wine glass around by the stem of the glass. “You were there for me during the hardest, most confusing time of my life. You made me feel like a kid again, which sounds dumb, but I was a five year old boy who’d seen things no adult should even see. You brought me so much joy.” Ro was getting corny, but he couldn’t help himself. It was a romantic night, and you can’t spell romantic without Roman, right??? “I got you something. It’s - jus’ a promise.” He muttered while digging in his pocket for the small box, pushing it towards his boyfriend. “It reminded me of your eyes, and I want you to think about me when you see it.”
Thirteen years. Wow. Hearing it out loud finally drove home the fact that they'd known each other for most of their life. Roman was his first ever friend at school and it was both a amazing and surprising that there friendship was still going strong. Stronger than ever actually, considering they upgraded to even more than friends. The others in their little friend group were always jealous of what they had together and now Landon was starting to understand why. What were the chances of finding your soulmate at five years old and be lucky enough to fall in love and be together thirteen years later? Landon wasn't really sure where his boyfriend was going with his little speech. It kind of sounded like- but no, surely Roman wasn't thinking of proposing. When the other said he got him something Landon fought not to let his jaw drop to the ground. Shit. So many thoughts were running through his head in those few short seconds. They were eighteen, everyone would say they were crazy if they got married now. But, they loved each other so it couldn't be that crazy. He was shaken out of his thoughts when he realized Roman was still talking and saying something about a promise. Oh. He picked up the box the other boy pushed towards him and opened it up. It was beautiful. Taking it out of the box, he was quick to put it on and tried to hold back his tears when he realized the inside was blue, just like his eyes. "This is stunning Ro, I don't even know what to say. God, I didn't even get you anything." The beauty of the ring was enough to distract him from his surprising disappointment over it not being a proposal.
Roman watched his boyfriend closely when he opened the box, Adam’s Apple bobbing from nerves, worrying that this was a bit much. It wasn’t a hugely expensive ring, but he’d thought of Landon when he saw it, so he had to have it. He shook his head immediately when the smaller said he didn’t get Ro anything, because that definitely was not why he’d made this purchase. “No, I mean, it’s not like it’s our actual anniversary. I don’t want anythin’, I jus’ want you. That’s the point.” He smirked, and chewed on his lip the second their waitress decided to bring their food. Odd timing, but at least it was quick. “So. You do like it, really?” Roman pressed further, just wanting to make sure.
The more he looked at the ring, the more he fell in love. It was simply beautiful and he was definitely going to be wearing it with pride. Landon wasn't expecting their food to be placed in front of them while he was still in shock over the gift he received. As if he was going to be able to eat after such a surprise. He looked up directly into his boyfriend's eye, wanting him to see just how much he meant it. "I love it Ro, this is the best gift you could have ever given me. Thank you so much, I love you." Even with the food right in front of them, Landon got up from his seat and pulled Roman in for a quick kiss. It wasn't anything too heavy, considering they were still in a restaurant after all, but he needed to do something to show him just how much he appreciated it.
Roman watched his boyfriend with an adoring smile while he just stared at the ring, taking it in, and seeming to love it as much as he hoped it would. Roman was actually shocked when Landon got up to round the table, and give him a kiss, but he returned it with vigor, his cheeks slightly blushed when it was done. He was over the moon at this point, even happier than he had felt to get his new directing opportunity. In fact, he’d forgotten about that for a moment, and that was a big ass deal. “Good - I’m glad you love it. And, I’m glad you love me. Thank you for always loving me.” Roman said, cheesy as Wisconsin cheddar covered heartattack. What?? “You’re the most important thing to me. I jus’ don’t want you to forget.” He muttered before slicing up the meat on his plate, and taking a bite without even looking at what he was eating. “I forgot I got duck, and was expecting something else, and was very taken off guard.” He snorted at himself, and then chewed the rest of what he’d chipmunked in his cheek. “S’not bad though. How’s yours?”
Landon got back to his seat and dug in to his pasta, although his eyes kept drifting down to his new ring. He was never going to get used to having a promise ring on his finger, and one given to him by Roman. He couldn't wait to get home and call his mum to let her know. She was going to be even more excited than him, judging by how much she loved his boyfriend. His sisters would also be over the moon and insist he recount the whole story to them, although maybe he should leave out the part where he thought he was being proposed. That would just embarrass him in front of his siblings and they had more than enough stories to make fun of him with. They didn't need one more. Landon burst out laughing at Roman's reaction over the duck. Of course he forgot all about their agreement in case he didn't like it. "I'm glad you like it. Mine's amazing. Switch?" It was a thing they did when eating out by ordering different dishes so they could try out something different.
Ro loved Landon’s laugh, so of course he smiled wide when the boy responded to his over dramatic reaction, easily pushing his plate towards the smaller when he asked to switch. They did this pretty much anywhere they ate out, used to sharing more than maybe other couples did. Kinda came with being a bestmates/boyfriends combo. “Mmmm this is good.” Ro groaned as soon as he tried a bite of Landon’s pasta, and then grabbed his wine to take down a few hearty gulps. “Are you happy, babe?” He felt the need to ask, not because he wasn’t sure, but because he just...really wanted to hear it outloud right now.
Some of their friends from their usual group sometimes made fun of them for the way they behaved. They said there was no need to share everything and, while Landon was sure that was the case for other couples, it was different different when you happen to be dating your best friend. You don’t just stop doing things you did as friends just because you’re in a relationship. Besides, anyone who didn’t agree with their sharing system was stupid. They got to taste two dishes at the same time. Landon called that really smart thinking. He looked up at Roman’s question and smiled. “I don’t think I could be any happier right now.”
Landon's response, although he'd practically expected it, made Roman's face break out into possibly the widest grin he'd ever managed in his short eighteen years of life. All he'd ever really wanted, even above directing his first play, was to make this boy happy - from day one. They were just kids when they met, and had developed an instant bond that never wavered, not once. Where Roman went, so did Landon, so naturally Ro only assumed that this would be the way things worked from here on out. "Good. Me, too." He nodded, cheeks now sore from his intense smiling, even reaching to rub his cheeks, and stretch his jaw. "Making me smile so bloody much, I'm sure to pull summat in m'face." Roman eyed his boyfriend, and then reached for his hand. "As long as I've got you, I don't need anythin' else."
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kallura-icedcoffee · 6 years
one man’s trash is another woman’s love life
A/N: for @/princessstaryknight who asked via DM for a drabble inspired by a reddit post where a woman constantly takes her trash out last minute so she can flirt with her garbage man. I was also asked to include my oc Kallura daughter Mina. I’d link the post but I’d like this to actually show up in the tags (thanks a lot tumblr)
“All right class now settle down!” Ms. Arus instructed.
She should have never allowed the children to have some of their Valentine’s treats early as they were already bouncing off the walls. Luckily recess was soon and they could burn off that energy outside. She pursed her lips and blew a loose strand of blonde hair from her face before standing at the front of the classroom.
“No if you recall, as your homework in honor of Valentine’s Day I asked you to write a little report on how your parents met. Did you all complete the task?”
“Yes Miss Romelle!” they yelled in unison. They were still getting the hang of last names.
“Wonderful! Who would like to go first?”
The kids stole glances at each other, sunk down in their chairs. They were still getting the hang of public speaking as well. Romelle’s nostrils flared before she stood straight with clasped hands.
“Mina Kogane. Would you like to start?”
Everyone turned to the young girl at the back of the room who winced at the sound of her name. Her shoulders dropped and she reluctantly grabbed her paper and headed to the front. Once there, she took a deep breath and quickly brushed off her overalls, made sure her pigtails looked presentable.
“So Mina, where did your parents find each other?”
“In the garbage” Mina replied.
The class erupted into laughter and giggles which caused Mina’s cheeks to puff up in frustration. She clutched her paper in her fist.
“That’s enough!” Ms. Arus bellowed before chuckling nervously. “Mina, um, can you explain what you mean dear?”
Mina calmed her tiny rage and tugged the paper straight. She cleared her throat and began to read…
It wasn’t the alarm that woke her up, she already slept through that. It was the actual roar of the truck as it pulled up to her neighbor’s house, followed by the hum as it sat idle and then the loud whirring and clanging and buzzing at the arms came down and grabbed the can off the street to dump it into the back.
Her eyes shot open.
“Shit! Shit shit shit!”
Allura threw back the covers and scrambled out of bed, nearly tripping over a pair of jeans strewn across the floor. She bolted into the kitchen and yanked the lid off the trash can, tying the bag as quickly as possible before snatching it out and sprinting outside. She didn’t even bother to put on shoes.
“Wait! Wait for me!” She yelled in an almost frantic state as the truck, which was now in front of her house, began to pull away.
She raced down the walkway to the curb when the truck stopped and a man got out of the passenger side.
“Wait for- oh it’s just you.” She sighed as her body slumped.
“Excuse me?” The man laughed incredulously, placing his hands on his hips.
“No, I mean, I’m sorry. Am I too late?” She held out the bag.
“Nah, I got it.” He smiled and took the garbage from her, tossing the bag in the back.
“Thanks” Allura said, disappointment evident in her voice.
“No problem” he smiled and absentmindedly scratched at the scar over his nose.
Allura pouted and slunk back into the house.
“She wants you.” He said as he climbed back into the seat of the truck.
“Shiro please.”
“I’m serious Keith. She practically recoiled when she saw it was me and not you.”
“She’s just forgetful getting her trash to the curb.”
“Every week? She forgets every week?”
“Maybe she’s a ditz I dunno.” Keith shrugged and continued to drive.
“A ditz who forgets her trash every week and comes running out with it often in full makeup at eight in the morning?”
“Maybe she has a fancy job.”
“Or maybe she wants your d-”
“Ok you know what?” Keith laughed, cutting him off. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“So you’re saying you wouldn’t?”
Keith licked his bottom lip as he pulled the wheel and turned the corner.
“I’m not saying I wouldn’t, of course I would, look at her. I’m saying that’s not what’s happening here so drop it.”
“Dropped!” Shiro put his hands up in surrender.
That night Pidge leaned against the doorframe of Allura’s bedroom, arms crossed and shaking her head at her roommate.
“Are you insane?”
“What?” Allura scoffed as she prepared for bed, putting the last of some large curlers in her hair.
“What is that?” Pidge motioned to her outfit.
“Pajamas…” Pidge narrowed her eyes at Allura’s “pajamas” which consisted of a red silky nightgown with floral mini robe.
“Yes, I wear things like this to sleep all the time!”
Pidge eyes drifted to the shopping bag on the floor.
“Uh huh. Anyway goodnight lovergirl.” She rolled her eyes and returned to her own room.
Allura glared and paid her no mind, grabbing her phone and making sure her alarm was set, with a back up alarm and a back up for the back up alarm. She’d be ready this time.
The following morning her first alarm failed her but the second came through and sure enough she was outside, in her saucy nightgown, garbage in her grip, disheartened while handing it over to a highly amused Shiro. She sulked back to the door feeling like a fool and turned the knob.
It didn’t open.
Her lip curled and she tried it again. It was locked. Her face scrunched. That was odd as she didn’t recall being so careless. She rang the doorbell. When that received no response she banged on the door. Eventually it opened, but only slightly, the door catching on the chain lock.
“Morning!” Pidge beamed.
“Uh morning, let me in please.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“For the past two months you have been disrupting my beauty sleep so you can go out there and flirt with the garbage man hoping he’ll notice you. I’ve had enough. I’m not letting you in until you ask him out.”
Allura leaned forward while closing up her robe tight, it was rather chilly.
“Pidge are you kidding me?! This isn’t a game!”
“Oh I know, so you better run now before they get too far down the block.” She grinned through the slot.
The door slammed in her face and Allura could hear it relocking. She cursed. She knew Pidge never gave empty threats. Allura exhaled loudly and begrudgingly walked toward the garbage truck, praying none of her neighbors were watching this early in the morning. The truck was two houses down and when she knocked on the passenger door the window rolled down.
“Hey.” Shiro smiled knowingly and leaned out the window.
“May I talk to him please?” Allura hugged herself and looked down at her feet.  She didn’t need to say more.
Shiro had to stifle a laugh as he rolled the window back up and turned to Keith.
“What’s going on?” Keith’s brow arched.
“She wants to see you.”
Keith nearly choked on his saliva as he gripped the steering wheel tight. He cleared his throat and slipped out, giving Shiro one last “don’t even start” glare. When he came around the truck he paused, halted in his steps by her rather…inviting nightgown.
“Uh, is there something I can help you with Miss?”
She shifted uncomfortably, partly due to nerves, partly from her bare feet on the concrete.
“I, well I, if you weren’t, I mean if you aren’t seeing anyone, would you like to go get a drink, or dinner sometime?”
Keith blinked and his heart skipped. Surely this was a prank. He was a garbage man. There was nothing thrilling or exciting about his work. Women simply did not ask him out on the job in their sexy nighties while he was collecting their banana peels and crumpled stained napkins.
“Are you serious?” he replied after a long silence.
“Quite. I wouldn’t be wearing this with curled hair and false eyelashes if I wasn’t which I realize now is rather silly.” She sulked.
“It is a little silly…”
He chuckled and her expression fell.
“…but red is my favorite color.”
She looked up and a light seemed to flicker in her face.
“How about we start with coffee.”
“I’d like that, um…”
“Keith,” she said it with a relieved sigh. “I’m Allura.”
“Allura…that’s pretty.” He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Thanks.” She grinned with a blush.
“And then they went on lots and lots of dates and they kissed a lot which is really gross and then they got married and they had me and mommy is about to have my baby brother which I’m ok with I guess, but if I don’t like him I’ll ask if we can send him back. The end.”
Mina looked up, satisfied with herself. Ms. Arus looked at her wide eyed before giggling and clapping, which led the classroom to follow.
“Well that’s certainly an interesting story!”
“I told you they met in the trash I wasn’t making it up!”
“Yes of course.” She gently pushed the little girl by the back to urge her to sit down.
Romelle returned to the front of the room and sat on the edge of her desk.
“Ok…who’s next?”
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Next Time
Hey there everyone! I think I’ve finished up the short series ‘Etiquette’ it was always meant to be a short little thing so I feel like stopping it here at four parts leaves it resolved quite nicely. The first three bits of this story can be found under the tag ‘Etiquette Series’ or on my Master list, where all of my other Ikesen works live. 
I’m tagging @little-mini-me-world per request.
Hope everyone enjoy this! Have a grand day!
Next Time - p4
I was happy I had taken that quick shower. It was balmy out, and the last thing I needed was to look like a hot sweating mess on a date with (YN) when she looks so damn perfect. Even after an hour in the gym, her long black leggings with the mesh up the side, the bright orange tank with the crisscrossed back, and her hair pulled tight into a messy bun, she was undeniably attractive.  
We walked up the hill from the gym, opting to stick someplace close, towards all of the restaurants in the area. It was pretty clear this was going to be a casual affair just based on how we were dressed, she may look great, but I had put on a fresh baby blue T-shirt and a clean pair of gym shorts I had packed for the occasion. Not exactly fancy dinner attire.
The further we walked the more my anxiety over this whole thing spiked. Where should we go? Was she a vegetarian? Vegan? Did she have food allergies or a high disregard for spicy food? My thoughts were spiraling out of control fast when she tugged on my backpack.
“Is here okay? I could really use a burger.” Unable to respond for some ridiculous reason I just stared at her and nodded. “Awesome, they have great milkshakes too. If you do that sort of thing.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” she stared at me as I held the door open for her. My face rapidly heating in my own embarrassment.
“A handful of reason.” she laughed, shaking her head. “Honestly the only thing I really know about your food preferences is that you like strawberries.”
“I’m never going to live that down am I?” I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my shorts and stalked in behind her, head down to hide the color I could feel covering my face up to my ears.
The food came quicker than I had anticipated and dinner was going surprisingly well. There had only been a handful of short outbursts that slipped through my filter, but (YN) handled them expertly with some of the snappiest comebacks I had ever heard. Despite all of that the conversation flowed easily.
I found out that she had moved here for work and was initially from much farther south. So the climate here had been a bit of a shock, but she was enjoying it. She didn’t have many friends outside of her office, so she was happy to be able to talk to us at the gym. I was also clued in that (YN) also really liked art and if she needed a day to relax you could probably find her in the library or by a pool somewhere. We talked a bit about where we were in life, and I was happy to just listen to her.
Every so often I felt her concentration ebb, as she looked behind me. I really wanted to know why she was making such odd faces but it felt rude to turn around. Maybe she just thought my stories were weird. Maybe I was acting strangely. Thankfully, before I could ask, our waitress walked over with our desserts. Breaking whatever eye contact she was making with whoever was behind me.
“I’ve got one Orange Creamsicle Milkshake.” the waitress lifted the glass to which (YN) raised her hand.
“Over here!” I was drawn in by the look of pure excitement on her face.
“I didn’t know someone could get so excited about ice cream.” accidentally verbalizing my thoughts again.
She cocked an eyebrow at my comment. “I didn’t know somebody could be so unexcited by it. Maybe you’re ordering the wrong stuff.” As if sensing the incoming tiff the waitress set the chocolate shake in front of me and hurried off towards the counter. “We’ll have to fix that.”
“Oh, and how do you suppose we do tha-” about halfway through my thought she shoved a spoonful of her shake into my open mouth. Instinctively I closed around the cold metal, swallowing audibly. It was good by I didn’t want to admit that to her just yet.
“It’s not bad, but it’s still just ice cream.” huffing at my comment, she dropped her spoon back into her glass and continued to drink...uh, did she just. She did, didn’t she? Was it on purpose? Should I tell her?
Looking up over the glass, straw still on her lips. Lips I really wanted to kiss. No. Focus Yukimura. “What?” was all she said, grinning sly as a fox.
“I used your spoon, then you put it back in your drink dummy.” No tact. Why did I have no tact?
“Ah, you’re right.” picking it up she cleaned the rest of her milkshake off of it herself before holding it out to me. “Did you want to keep using it?” she pushed her shake towards the middle of the table “I’m happy to share.”
As if on cue a man further back in the restaurant and I choked at the same time. Maybe that would hide my embarrassment a little more, but probably not.
I made it through dinner, and we now walked shoulder to should down the crowded sidewalk towards our cars.
“Think there’s a game tonight?” she questioned looking around curiously at all the people dressed in blue and orange.
“I’m not sure, but at least we blend in.” I stated noticing that both of our outfits unintentionally matched the home team’s colors. “You like soccer any?” I looked down at her trying to keep sight of her in this crowd. She was so tiny I was afraid I’d lose her. Not that she couldn’t handle herself, but it was bad form to lose your date.
“I do. Next time we should go to a game together.” Did she just say next time? She eyed me with a cute smile and a sidelong glance. “I think that would be fun.”
“I, Uh, yea. Yea, let's do that.” that was terribly awkward. I could hear Shingen reprimanding me from wherever he happened to be.
“If you listen carefully,” she paused to giggle “you can actually hear Shingen cringe at that answer.”
Now that she mentioned it, I could, but I didn’t think that was because I spent so much time with the man. I grabbed onto her hand and dragged her off in a different direction, hiding in an alley between storefronts. Not long after, Shingen, Sasuke, and Kenshin all traveled past.
“You had no idea you had such clingy wing-men did you?” she was choking back laughter, her eyes dancing as they looked directly into mine. “They’ve been following us all evening.”
“Excuse me.”
“You mean you really didn’t notice? They sat three booths back from us at dinner and even came up to me when you went to pay the bill.” she placed a finger to my forehead as I looked on bewildered. “If you make that face too long it’ll get stuck like that.”
“I don’t care.” I shrugged it off, crinkling my face harder in protest.
“You should. Though, truthfully I’d still date you, wrinkled forehead or no. So I guess, keep going, it’ll chase all the girls away for me.”
“My face isn’t that scary like this!”
“Sure it’s not. You ever actually looked at yourself making it?”
“Ah, No! But why would I?”
“Mh, that’s what I thought.” she turned on a dime, pulling out her phone. Before I had time to react, she had her camera pulled up and had snapped a picture of us. “Now I just need your number to send it to you.”
I stood there stock still, what had just happened. Was I really just out-Shingened? “Only if you’re sure you’re alright with someone like me?” I hesitated to hold my unlocked phone out to her.
“I’m more than alright.” her smile was brighter than the hot sun coloring the sky around us “How about next time we go on a date without your friends though?”
“Deal.” I said, finding that I couldn’t wait for next time.
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 01.09.17 lb
wishing you all Eid Mubarak! 🌙✨✨✨✨  may the day bring you and your family all the happiness and love! 💖💖💖 
(and lots and lots of yummy food. gifts/donations in the form of biriyani, sevaiyaan, and other assorted noms are always appreciated at tellywoodtrash. 😊😊😊) 
anika’s hungry. (jism ki bhook? 😆😆😆)
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ohhhhhhh yeahhhhh, billu’s here to mitaaofy The Bhook. 😏😏😏
god his hair is so fucking ugly like this, please can he go back to his old non golden hair. or at least put it up in the “i’ve been electrocuted” shock-puff instead of this weird side comb over a la mahi. i can’t concentrate on the hotness of the scene thanks to this! 😣😣😣
whoooooop, the truth of the pav bhaji is out. 😬😬😬
billu’s like you’re no gordon ramsay yourself, missy. 🙄🙄🙄
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eeeeeeeeeee. 😍😍😍
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lord bless rudra, the stupid cupid of this house. 👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽 doodho nahaao, phoolo phalo, mere laal. 😌😌😌
waaah! billu taking anika out for pav bhaji date! who are you and what have you done to our organic and clean-eating billu? 😯😯😯
ugh pinkyyyyy ka nonsense. 😤😤😤
shaktiji has had enough of this garbage. same, shaktiji, same. 😑😑😑
did om get his satyavaadi side from chote papa? 🤔🤔🤔
goddddddd, anika is going to get the keeda to fix this mess now. GIRL NO. PLEASE. FFS, PLEASE. 😫😫😫
oh. of course he got a pav bhaji thela INSIDE oberoi mansion. this extra ass fucker. 🙄🙄🙄
ok i’ve said pav bhaji so many times in the past two days, that now i really want it. GODDAMNIT I’M SUPPOSED TO BE EATING CLEAN TOO. FML. 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭
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lmaooooo she almost passed out from another pav bhaji induced (mouth) orgasm 😆😆😆
shivaay, you’re really facing tough competition. i really doubt you’ll be able to bring her to such ecstasy. 😝😝😝
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“kya hua, theek nahi hai? daantoon mein usse?” 
ouff billu! 
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“kaisi hai? boliye!” “khaate waqt bolna nahi chahiye.” “koi nahi. main bolti hoon. aap bhi boliye!” *quietly to himself* “tum bohut bolti ho.” 
i can’t handleeeeee his adorbz. 😚😚😚
“main raat mein citric acid nahi leta.”
god this man and his insane dietary rules. 😒😒😒
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ugh they’re so cuteeeee on their ridiculous improvised date. 💖💖💖
oh boy, she’s gonna bring up pinky. girl whyyyyyyyyyyyyy. 😣😣😣
yup. called it. billu’s repressing all his feelings about this. it’s going to come out as a jwaalamukhi at some point. *sigh* 😔😔😔
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this is the most normal outfit i’ve seen shivaay in since forever. he’s looking verrrrrrrrrrrry nice. 😍😍😍
these challenges are so amateur and childishhhhhhhhhhhh. they’re grownass adults, bruh. who’ve already been married for like, a year. 😑😑😑
ohhhhh boy. i don’t even know what to expect with this. 😟😟😟
pffffffft, he doesn’t sound anything like her, other than all the catchphrases. 🙄🙄🙄
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i am loving rudra’s delight at all this though. what a cutie. 😌😌😌
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lmaoooooooooooooo rudra singing O JAANA. such meta. 
ya gaana sab ko sunaayi deta hai??? 🤔🤔🤔
apparently rudra’s changed teams and is fully on bhaiyya’s side today. 😊😊😊
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bhaiyya’s using opportunity to CLOSELY OBSERVE bhaabi 😚😚😚
anika’s turn! 
she’s better at this than he is! she’s got the phone waali tadi down pat! 
hein? “what the”? behenji yeh aapke pati ka dialogue nahi hai! 😟😟😟
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aaaaaaand there goes the phone. 😬😬😬
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damn girl, dat booty tho. 👅👅👅💦💦💦
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um yeah, billu looks turned on af. 😏😏😏
aaaaaaand pinky’s here to ruin everything. 😒😒😒
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my poor boy though. he’s sooooo close to tears. 😥😥😥
(great subtle acting by nakuul here, the clenched jaw, the pained swallowing. bruh, why can’t you be this toned down and effective in all scenes???) 
god, this tapasya nonsense again. 🙄🙄🙄
yup. def taking a leaf outta omki’s book. 
he’s righteously outraged on HER behalf. she’s heartened and all dreamy eyed at her suddenly amazing pati, but oh, the guiltttttt. 😐😐😐
time for dadi to lecture. 😒😒😒
teesra challenge is... poverty? 🤔🤔🤔
hardy har har, what a fun game for these outrageously rich people to play! 😑😑😑
oh god, shivaay has to go live in a chawl. 😟😟😟
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‘oh my god, i have to call the chawl ppl and warn them what’s coming. 😕😕😕’
billu’s overly confident. my god son, you should be hella scared. you won’t be able to survive. i’m middle class and *I* can barely survive middle class life in india before screaming to be put back on a plane home. 😶😶😶
rudra: yeh toh koi reality show jaise ho gaya; end mein bhaiyya bolenge “i’m SSO, mujhe is ghar se baahar nikalo!!!” 
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“zero sambhaal ke!”
200 rs. dude. one of billu’s fancyass coffees for the day costs more than than. 😗😗😗
lmao “woh burger waala meal kar lena. veg. non veg toh aayega nahi.” 😂😂😂
yuppppp, no one’s nikaaling the gaadi for you, son. bus se jaa. 🚌🚌🚌
ok even the kurta he’s changed into is tooooooo fancy. 😕😕😕😕
dude, you have just 200 rs for the day. auto mein jayega toh 50% of the funds are gonna be over in that ride. 😣😣😣
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lmaooooooooooo SEAT BELT KAHAN PE HAI hahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣
of course, he’s worried about his hair. 🙄🙄🙄
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anika just lost her patience and told him to stop being an ass to the autowaala. lmaoooooo look at him sulkkkk. 😚😚😚
lololol everytime he wants to be called “hot” instead of cute, the universe sends him a sign that it’s not meant to be; pehle daadi, ab road mein khadda thanks to which he went and hit his head. 😆😆😆
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“yahi toh iski best feature hai.” chance maar raha hai billllllu. 😏😏😏
“aaraaam se le jaana, lambe raaste se. koi romantic gaana nahi hai tumhare paas? O JAANA suna hai?” 
lolololololol this idiot 😂😂😂😂
ouff tejLana nonsense. fwding. where my rikara babiessss? 😩😩😩
here they are!!!!! 😊😊😊
this set looks familiarrrrrr? was it used in the bareilly track? 🤔🤔🤔
something’s shady about this guyyyyy who’s the caretaker. he might try to loot them too. 😐😐😐
awwww, he’s giving her his handkerchieffffff. 😘😘😘
who stole the murtis????? 😯😯😯
yup. this fucker with ALL TEH GOLD on him (more gold than anika at her wedding with vikram even) def. has something to do with its disappearance. 😤😤😤
oh thank god, om at least listened to her and believes her without awaiiii ka misunderstanding and drama. 🙄🙄🙄
ouff such long tejLana scenes.
omkara’s interrogation koi rang nahi laa rahi, toh dabanngggg gauri utar rahi hai maidaan mein. 😎😎😎
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time for her lame candy trick. 🙄🙄🙄
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hahaha, om’s face. 😆😆😆
oufffff what even is going on with tejLana??? ouff i have to go read the written update now. 😒😒😒
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eeeeeeeeee. how impressed he looks. my babies! 😊😊😊😘😘😘
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okreadyscenarios · 8 years
Analysis: Astro as Boyfriends...
To the anon that requested this: I sincerely apologize about how ridiculously long this is;;; it’s like rly long i’m so sry but once you get me started on Astro as BFs, I could go on for hours, okay? like they’d be the best boyfriends EVER don’t fight me on this <3 T~T
literally the softest boyfriend in the world
always wants to make sure you’re happy and comfortable
if you’re not though
he becomes like this unstoppable pillar of emotional and physical reassurance and support <3
he’ll always snuggle you until you feel better
or until you’re ready to talk about whatever’s bothering you
loves to bear-hug you from behind
and just totally wrap you up in his arms
SUCH a good listener
incredibly patient!!
loves showing off for you but gets embarrassed about it easily
buys you little presents all the time
just lil things
like “i saw this and thought of you” type of gifts
bc you’re always lowkey on his mind
lowkey what am i saying?? ur highkey on his mind
let’s talk about skinship =u=
*cough cough* ABS *cough*
srsly though, he has a rly nice body;;
loves to give you sweet, slow kisses
but also loves making out with you
probably sighs/hums a lot while you kiss
plays w/ your hair a lot (esp. when you’re making out...)
likes to kiss your temples, neck, wrists
also loves doing that thing where he puts your hand up against his hand for size comparison
and just keeps your hand there
bc whoa it’s so much bigger than yours!! (it’s not that much bigger)
(he just likes to feel like your protector, you know?)
(even tho he knows you can protect yourself)
i have a lot of feelings about JJs hands okay?? T.T i’m sry
has this super low, husky voice when he’s sleepy or just woke up
likes hugging you from behind and burying his face in your hair first thing in the morning
loves nuzzling into your neck
alrighty back to fluff <3
things he likes to call you:
baby, jagi, mine, beautiful, dearest
i feel like JinJin can be super romantic
like he’s the type to write you legit love letters and poetry~
and buy you chocolates and candy on special occasions
as cheesy as it is
he means it sincerely~
he loves the sound of your voice
and the way you smile when you kiss him
and the way you smell really makes him<3<3<3
he loves when your hair is messy
or when you’re wearing pajamas
or a slouchy hoodie and sweatpants
or when you’re all dressed up for some fancy occasion
you can’t look bad??
you look good in everything??
he loves your body
even if you may not love it yourself sometimes
he loves how you look in the morning, though you claim you’re a mess
he thinks you’re beautiful <3
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yeah okay we all know that he’s the goofy sunshine bf
as silly as he acts, MJ also has many moments of genuine seriousness
you’re one of the few people who sees that side of him
the side that’s not always a happy virus
the side that has bad days
the side that feels down sometimes
you’re what helps give him strength to put on a happy face, even when he doesn’t feel like smiling
i’m getting way too far into my personal headcanons about MJ, sry;;;
what i’m trying to say is that you’re one of the few ppl he feels comfortable enough with to expose his insecurities and fears
and that’s like a really important thing for him <3
matching couple outfits for dayyys
enjoys taking random blurry photos of you and captioning them “LOML”, “look at this thing of beauty”, “cant believe how #blessed i am”
he’s a really great battery charger!!
like just talking with him for a few minutes leaves you ready to march into the day with your head held high
like you two really help each other stay positive about life in general
you know you can rely on each other~
he can always make you laugh and smile
for real, it’s impossible to not smile around this guy <3
loves giving you little pecks when you least expect it
loves giving you eskimo kisses
and just peppering tiny kisses across your face
has a tendency to puff out his cheeks or make his ducky face (you know the one) when he wants a kiss from you
he usually gets one <3
when he doesn’t though, he starts whining
he’ll tug on your sleeve
run his hands down your arms
and try to get you to kiss him
by then it usually works
if not, he just mopes the rest of the day
and snapchats you pouty selfies
you finally agree to give him a kiss when he gets back, and once he comes through the door he just TACKLES YOU <3
likes biting your lips, your ears, your shoulders...
OKAY flufffff timeeee
he LOVES <3 making you smile
like whenever you smile or laugh because of something he said or did??
his heart just ??? explodes from joy
he can’t believe you’re his
oftentimes feels like the luckiest guy in the world~~
he likes to just pet your hair and your face
it calms him
he also enjoys laying his head in your lap
and you try to make it a romantic thing
like you start playing with his hair
and gazing into his eyes
but he keeps staring up at you and pulling these ridiculous faces;;
which causes you both to burst into giggles
things he likes to call you:
honey, sweetie, sugar, cutie, pumpkin (+ adding “-pie” to any of the above)
he loves the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh
loves the sound of your laugh
like he wishes he could just bottle it up
thinks that you’re legitimately the best thing to ever happen to him <3
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the most considerate bf
loves doing things for you
anything from sweeping the floor to giving you a shoulder rub
always picks up right away when you call him
even if he’s like in the middle of something
he just picks up
he doesn’t consider it an interruption or anything bc you’re like a part of him <3
your presence in his life helps motivate him to work harder
like that provider instinct kicks in when it comes to you <3
wants nothing more than to make you proud
treats you like royalty~
loves leaving you little i love you notes in your lunchbag, on your coffee cup, on the bathroom mirror, in your shoes...
definitely the type to love buying you jewelry
like it doesn’t have to be expensive
it just has to be meaningful
and when he sees you wearing something he bought you his heart just soars <3
like “yes!! look at that!!”
"its my pretty thing wearing the pretty thing I got them!!”
now for skinship~
is more shy about it in public
his limit is like holding hands
but that’s only when you’re in public
in private, he’s a l l  o v e r  y o u
loves to trace lazy patterns into your skin
your wrists, your stomach, your back, your lips
likes to kiss your hands
loves when you lay your head in his lap
is all about taking naps together
will often cuddle you for hours
when you play with his hair?? he just<3<3<3
((can we take a second to think about post-makeout!Eunwoo, pls??))
disheveled hair, slightly swollen lips, gazing at you with bedroom eyes...
((are you okay? bc i’m not okay ;u;)) i’m so sry;;
moving on!!
just loves studying your face and admiring you
he could stare at you forever~
surprisingly, he likes to initiate kisses (if you two are alone)
very playful kisser
enjoys teasing you, but can never do it for long
you’re just too irresistible to him <3
loves to whisper sweet nothings in your ear~
your smile enchants him <3
your eyes bewitch him <33
*this boy literally thinks you’re the most magical person on the planet*
things he likes to call you:
jagiya, doll, bunny, angel, darling
absolutely MELTS when you do aegyo
he just becomes putty in your hands
he loves it when you get shy
or when you’re vulnerable around him
he loves being able to comfort you
and making you feel happy
you have no idea how much you mean to him
nothing makes him feel better than seeing you smile
even after a long day
even if he’s feeling down
just being with you
he knows everything is gonna be okay <3
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most honest boyfriend ever
like Bin holds nothing back
sometimes he probably should just keep his mouth shut;;
“jagi, you should really take a shower”
“have you brushed your teeth yet?”
“i ate your slice of cake”
but most of the time it’s cute stuff...
“you have the most incredible sense of humor”
“I just noticed how adorable your ears are”
“the most beautiful thing I've ever encountered is your mind”
so you usually forgive him...
he’s like the physical embodiment of Daily Odd Compliment
like you sometimes wonder what runs through this boy’s head??
(spoiler: he’s usually thinking about kissing you)
will text you like six thousand times a day <3
loves eating with you
loves feeding you <3
LOVES it when you feed him <333
likes putting whipped cream on your nose/cheeks/lips, then kissing it off
wants to make sure you’re eating well
and that you’re happy~
really likes kissing you
like REALLY likes it
is probs kissing you 25/8, 366
little pecks, deeper kisses, to full on makeout sessions
this boy loves them all
and will do any combination of them at any given time
is also shy about skinship in public though
but only if it’s around ppl he knows
if it’s just you two around total strangers then he’s cool with being clingy
loves it when your legs tangle together while cuddling
holds you really close even when you’re not kissing (though you usually are)
loves running his hands up your sides
loves kissing your belly
loves it when you tug his hair while making out
will sometimes mumble your name/”mmm, baby~” when you’re kissing...
((stop that, Nessa. this blog is PG-13, good lord;; >///<))
loves playing with your hands
enjoys it when you make breakfast
or when you two make breakfast together
you prob made matching aprons that you wear
with something super cheesy on them
like his says “kiss the cook”
and yours says “i’m the cook”
or smth just as cringey;;
which of course gives him more excuses to kiss you...
loves how your voice sounds first thing in the morning
loves it when he can hear your smile over the phone
things he likes to call you:
sunshine, buttercup, snicker doodle, sweet pea, kitten
king of cheesy pet names over here;;
finds it adorable when you wear oversized sweaters
really admires your intelligence and perseverance <3
like you’re so strong!! you’ve overcome so much!!
how u so strong but so soft??
you lowkey confuse him
but the mystery just draws him in more
this boy really, seriously loves you <3
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dating Rocky would be an experience
like i feel like he doesn’t fall in love often
but when he does he falls very hard
it’s such an intense, passionate thing~
you borrow his clothes all the time
but he doesn’t mind
(in fact he kinda likes it <3)
likes going on nature walks with you
more the possessive/protective type
but not in like an unhealthy way
he wouldn’t go crazy
just like in a “you gave your heart to me and I’m gonna protect it no matter what” kind of way
so he likes to put an arm around your waist/shoulders when you’re in public together
bc he wants everyone to know that you belong together <3
working out with him
or him working out and using your kisses as motivation
whatever floats your boat~
he wants you to be healthy, though
he doesn’t care about how much you weigh
that’s not important
as long as you’re healthy, then he’s happy
he wants to make sure you’re taking care of yourself <3
okay so he either gives you light, sweet kisses
or it’s full deep makeout
there is usually no in-between
go big or go home
tends to growl(?) into your mouth when he’s rly into it
like just a low rumble in the back of his throat
loves grabbing your neck when you kiss
and running his hands up your back
and playing with the hem of your shirt
gets a little rougher with kisses sometimes
is always careful not to be too forceful, though
(bc your comfort is his #1 priority!!)
loves when you lay your head on his shoulder
or vice versa
he just enjoys when you lean on each other
emotionally and physically
loves giving you massages
REALLY loves kissing your neck...
and your collarbone
leaves trails of kisses along your neck/cheeks/jawline
okay i think i need some fluff now;;
things he likes to call you:
babe, gorgeous, pet, jagiya, Y/N~ but not just your name, like the way he says your name oh boy;;
loves the way you move <3
like it doesn’t matter if you’re clumsy or uncoordinated
he feels like he’s watching poetry in motion
he really admires your ambition
you inspire him a lot~
he loves to teach you dances (esp. ones he choreographed)
likes to admire your profile~
and just different angles of your face
and thinks your body is a-maz-ing!!
he reminds you everyday that you’re beautiful
and that he wouldn’t want to be with anyone else~
likes to touch his forehead to yours and just gaze at you
he gets lost in your eyes easily
you’re just the best person in his life~
he legitimately thinks you might be his soulmate <3
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cutest!! bf!! ever!!
tickle fights
pillow fights
pillow forts for that matter
and snuggling on rainy days
or during thunder storms
expect random texts at like 3am
they could either be about dolphins
or like the state of the economy
the boy has a broad range of topics on his mind;;
“no, YOU hang up first... <3”
so. many. selcas together;;
does little things for you
like buying you muffins on his way home
bc you said you liked muffins at one point
has a surprisingly good memory for things like that
like he knows what kind of breakfast cereal you prefer and which brand of fragrance you wear and how well you like your toast done~
he just remembers these things
bc he cares about you and wants to make you happy <3
what about skinship?
likes leaning down and kissing your head bc he’s a giraffe
likes kissing your fingertips
loves it when you pull him by his shirt to kiss him
loves just holding you in his arms
and tickling you
both with his fingers and with kisses
~butterfly kisses~
loves blowing raspberries on your tummy, arms, and neck
gets shy about making out~
he’s so scared he’ll mess up
that someone will chip a tooth
or get their tongue or lips bitten (not in the good way;;)
he warms up to it with practice, though
sometimes giggles during makeout sessions
but somehow it doesn’t kill the mood
it just like reinforces your love for him
you two laugh a lot together
it’s actually a rly beautiful thing <3
back to fluff (but wait that was fluff)
loves doing silly little acts of love for you
like recording an “i love you but it’s really time to wake up now” song and setting it as your alarm in the morning
or sometimes you wake up and find like
two poptarts on a plate beside you
with a note saying “breakfast in bed!! hope you enjoy~ xox Sanha”
like smh this boy;;
things he likes to call you:
((okay but side note, he uses the most random pet names))
((he comes up with these on the daily))
cheesecake, sprinkle-nugget, bunny-fluff, twinkle-fuzz, sugar-dumpling
((the list goes on...))
says dumb little things to you like
“guess who’s my favorite”
“you are~ you’re my favorite, Y/N...”
then proceeds to giggle to himself for the next ten minutes
would be so lost without you
loves to tell you how nice you look
but gets flustered whenever you compliment him~
he just thinks you’re the cutest person on the planet <3
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