#where you think varka got his name from
lupicalled · 2 years
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          fair warning, you touch razor without his consent he will straight up bite you.
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kaeyacollection · 4 months
Who's ready for my Master Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Crepus Theory!!
I originally posted this over at Hoyolab and people there seemed to really like my favorite joke theory that Crepus just tries to gaslight the whole of Mondstadt right after obtaining Kaeya
Majority of this will be the same but with little tweaks for the wonderful tumblr audience
This joke stems from Kaeya's introduction:
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and the use of the word "rumored"
Cause it's not like it said beyond Teyvat or the seven nations just Mondstadt
And I mean like c'mon how many families are living off the grid in Mondstadt
(Actually... Don't answer that I forgot Glory's boyfriend is just
Out there in the bush with Razor...)
Initially I had the idea of Crepus walking around the markets one day carrying Kaeya with Diluc beside him running into Varka who asks:
"Who's the boy?"
"You mean my son?"
"Not Diluc the boy you're carrying"
"I have two sons? You know this??"
But then the Caribert quest came out mentioning Kaeya ran away from home near immediately and was dragged home by Crepus just as fast and it became even funnier
Cause imagine you're by the docks one day and richest man in town gets off the boat with no cargo but instead a tiny child you may not have seen before that Crepus seems to be very cross with at the moment and threatening to turn him into a leash kid if he runs off again
In a small town that loves gossip do you know how fast that information is spreading? Cause I do and Varka's knocking on Crepus's door 30 minutes later like:
"Is this what we're doing? We're just taking kids now?"
Both paths lead to Varka asking where Kaeya comes from and getting hit with a
"I think you're a bit too old to still be confused about the birds and the bees Varka"
Varka getting frustrated to the point he just starts demanding Kaeya tell him what's up
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Love to see him following in his fathers footsteps of stressing Varka the fuck out
And upon hearing how his birth father left for juice and didn't return Varka went
"Good! That was ALL I needed to know!!"
Follow ups on if his father intended to abandon him or got lost in the storm and needed a search party?
Don't care!! You weren't kidnapped!!
Welcome to the knights! 🤝
Which bringing it back to it only being a rumor
In a town of alcoholics, who's gonna call out the one guy with the winery?
Here's some add ons that got sparked from the comment section 😘
Bonus panels would have included Varka showing up with Rosaria one day mimicking Crepus about "wHaT you ForGot I haD a Kid" sparking a trend within the community of just adopting random children to the point posters are made saying "In Barbatos name: See a child Take a child"
Alice seeing it and pulling a "when in rome" tucking both Albedo and Diluc(who is yelling he is an adult) under her arms and telling Klee if she ever sees someone in need of a mom let her know she'll send over the paperwork right away
And then the last bonus: Venti wakes up, walks in through the gate while playing a tune, and stops when he sees the poster, not sure if he needs to start yet another revolution, or if this one is fine actually
I imagine the posters had to be taken down because visitors were losing their kids left and right and the solution of parents pinning a note saying "not dead & still want custody" to their kids shirt didn't catch on but the saying still lives strong in the hearts of Mondstadt's citizens I mean look Bennett and his 27 dads Mondstadt may have a lot of orphans but the demand is even higher
Comment on original post:
"I have a headcanon where Kaeya fooled first Crepus, then the rest of Mondstadt but.this is too funny!! I want to see this happening!"
Which prompted one of my new favorite lines at the end:
"Wait by fool Crepus first do you mean like Crepus finding him out in the storm bringing him inside to ask him where he lives and Kaeya's just
"? I live here? You adopted me? Are you feeling okay?"
Cause I'm absolutely cry laughing over this that's so good but that also means when Kaeya runs away Crepus is just
"hey no no l'm not misplacing you a second time come home" "
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fancyfeathers · 4 months
Voice lines about the Cecilia Knight (the Reader)
from my Yandere Capitano x Knight Reader, that you can read here
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Jean ”You want to know about the Grand Master’s daughter? She is a respected and revered figure in Mondstadt, even if she doesn’t believe she deserves it. She is the apple of her father’s eye, I think he often gets worried about her safety though. One day though, if I get named as the Grand Master I will have her as my second in command. When she returns from Sheznaya I will see to it that you are introduced to her personally.”
Barbara “The Lady is often seen at the Cathedral, she always sits in the same pew in the back of the church. She is a devote to the Anemo Archon, I quite admire her. I only pray that the Anemo Archon protects her on her travels.”
Eula “(Name) is the Captain of the the Recruitment Devision of the Knights of Favonius. She is like her father, but when they spar be holds back even more than he does when he does with me. Does he really think she is made out of glass?”
Kaeya “Oh? You want to know about the Grand Master’s daughter? Well I have know her for quite a number of years, since we were children in fact. Even as a girl she has always hid in her father’s shadow, there was actually a time where she got so scared that she wouldn’t let go of her father’s pant leg. That aside she is quite a responsible individual, always taking charge when need be, but never taking the credit she deserves.”
Lisa “Lady (Name), I once had a conversation with the Grand Master about her. While she has the Will to do what needs to be done and the strength to do it, she takes no credit that refuses to step in the spot light. That is why Varka worries about her so, in his words as a knight while you need to be selfless you cannot let yourself loose who you are because then you will break. Oh if the Grand Master knew where she was now… *sigh*”
Venti “Ah, Captain (Name), the selfless captain of the Knights of Favonius. The day she received her vision you should have seen the Grand Master, he was practically glowing with pride for his little girl… *sigh* but like him I do worry about her, she seems strong but in reality she is fragile and I’m scared that she will break one day.”
Diluc “Lady (Name)? Hmm… she is one of the few knights I still hold in high esteem, she works efficiently and executes everything to the best of her ability. If only he knights did not have so many limitations, then she would truly be able to work the the best of her abilities. Outside of her affairs with the knights, I know her quite personally, she is probably the person I confide in the most… When she returns from her diplomatic mission, which I am somewhat against, you should join us for dinner one night, she dines at the winery with me quite often.”
Childe “The diplomat, ya I hear she’s the daughter of the Grand Master, the Titan of the Knights of Favonius… though she doesn’t seem much of a giant herself, quite the opposite in fact, but her majesty,the Tsaritsa, clearly sees something in her to be a potential threat. She is currently back in Sheznaya as an envoy of the Knights of Favonius, and Capitano has seemed to taken quite the interest in her. If she ever does become a threat I would love the pleasure of being the one to take her on head on in battle… but that honor will probably go to the Captain.”
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seravphs · 1 year
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Diluc runs into a once-familiar face at a ball and has a crisis. 
wc — 1.4k
tags —  regency au, Diluc is the epitome of a repressed regency man trying to be proper but being violently turned on by the tiniest amount of skin, childhood playmates meet again four years later, hand flex™️, title from BNHA episode lol
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Diluc hadn’t been prepared to ascend to the role of patriarch of the Ragnvindr dukedom at 16, but he had been good at hiding it. 
There were many things Diluc was good at hiding, and from many people, but his childhood friends couldn’t be included among them. Kaeya and Jean could always see right through him. This ability was not appreciated. Especially not when it was used to their advantage. 
“Please, Diluc,” Jean says, knowing she’s wearing him down. “You know my father’s on an expedition with Varka. Who else can I ask to sponsor Barbara’s debut as a debutante?” 
“Kaeya.” Diluc replies flatly. 
“I love Kaeya to death, but we both know he won’t do. His reputation is in tatters!” 
It was true. Kaeya was known as a bit of a lady killer. Not for the first time, Diluc cursed his brother’s less than discreet ways. 
“Please, Diluc. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.” 
He knew she wouldn’t and Barbara was a good child who deserved to have a debut, so Diluc begrudgingly found himself playing chaperone. At least Barbara seemed to be enjoying herself. She was one of the most popular young ladies at the ball, with scores of men nearly fighting for the chance to mark their names down on her dance card. 
Diluc himself was bored out of his mind. He took another sip of grape juice and realized belatedly that he had almost finished the entire bottle, as drinking to avoid conversation was all he had been doing for the past hour. 
He was just thinking that as unfortunate as it was, he was ready to tell Barbara to wrap things up so he could take her home when a scuffle broke out on the dance floor. Two boys seemed to be coming to blows over who got to take Barbara’s next dance, with the poor girl caught between them. 
Diluc shoved back his seat, but someone else got there first. The more he looked, the more she seemed familiar. 
The memory returns to him like the first sip of water after a drought.
He was a little shocked, to be honest. It had been, what, four years? If you were who he thought you were, it was a little past the usual time to be debuting. 
You had been Kaeya’s age, he remembered. 
Why was it so startling that you were older now? He had grown. Obviously, you would as well.
His heart doesn’t obey the cool rationality of the mind that got him through fatui ridden Snezhnaya. It strangles itself in his chest, marching to an unsteady beat as his feet carry him slowly over to where you have separated Barbara from the boys. 
They’re jeering at you, calling you a spinster, an old maid past her prime. 
“If you’re not careful,” Diluc says, “you’ll be the ones with no prospects while she’s bided her time for the right man. What lady wants a husband who flies into rages over such simple matters?” 
The Ragnvindr name carries the same weight it had when Diluc’s father was alive. He swallows hard. It’s always strange, watching people turn their eyes on him with the same respect they used to give his father. Crepus used to be the wise one breaking up petty arguments such as these, he and Kaeya the young and immature boys. 
Now everything was different. Diluc has to face the dawn. He was the head of the Ragnvindrs now, duty bound to uphold the legacy of his clan. 
“Diluc,” you stammer, a relic of a time when you had been children and manners were excusable. So you remember him, too.
Then, “Mr. Ragnvindr,” with the understanding now that things were different. That propriety was necessary. 
To hell with propriety. Diluc wanted to hear you stutter over the syllables of his name again. 
He doesn’t smile as he lets his gaze drift over you. He can’t. There’s too many emotions bubbling in his chest. He’s not sure what kind of expression he wants to make.
Your appearance inspires odd feelings in him, a mix of nostalgia, love, and sadness. He wants to touch your face, and feel the softness of your cheek cradled in his palm. He wants to see your eyes close as you lean into his touch. He wants to measure the tiny gap of skin between where your sleeves end and your wrists with his fingers.
Instead his hand flexes with a movement restrained. 
Finally, after allowing himself one final second to drink your appearance in, he says, “Please let me escort you home.” 
Barbara is unusually quiet on the carriage ride back. She darts quick glances between you and Diluc, which slightly unnerves you, even more so when she practically flies out of the carriage into Jean’s arms and starts whispering frantically. Jean nods and pats her back, waving goodbye as Diluc’s carriage trots off in the direction of your address. 
You still haven’t spoken more than a few words to each other since that first moment of recognition at the ball, but when you make to leave the carriage, Diluc grabs your wrist, his fingers curling in a delicate ring. He’s careful. He’s breaking custom.
“What is it, Mr. Ragnvindr?” You prompt after a moment of silence. 
Diluc looks caught in a trap. His heart is torn between longing and righteousness, wanting you and wanting what’s best for you (which is not him). 
Diluc is too much himself to be any good for you. He has long since sworn off marrying anyone, knowing that the Ragnvindr line would die with him. His father would have been disappointed. 
But he would be more disappointed in Diluc’s other activities, like vigilantism, so what’s one more sin to add to the list? Diluc wouldn’t take a wife just to leave her bed cold and empty. He couldn’t marry a woman so that she could wonder if he was out with someone else instead of having dinner with her. He can’t share this bloody and bruised life with anyone. 
He has long since made peace with this fact. 
Within his own estate, Diluc shuts the door behind him and leans his back against it. He slides down until he’s sitting with his back against the wall, head tipped back. He’s grateful all the servants have gone home but Adeline, who he knows is asleep in her room. 
Feeling like a creep, he lifts his hand to his nose and sniffs tentatively. If he concentrates, he can still gather the faint whiff of your perfume lingering where his skin had touched yours. 
Diluc could never be a good husband, but he dreams he could be for you. Silly, impossible dreams, but they get him to dawn.
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pitxroxas · 2 years
More More Horseboy Kaeya HCs bc my brain is in overdrive
When Kaeya got his vision and was practicing with the powers the first thing he sculpted was a horse, funny enough it was the exact same mare he had as a kid. He just stared at it.
Kaeya then went batshit crazy trying to make it alive so he could ride her or something *sobs gently*
After bothering Albedo about it the gays figured it out and now Kaeya almost always goes out on this Cryo mare for expeditions or raiding and shit.
His ass constantly freezes over but its not like he cares, he has the one thing that Varka took away from him
She has no name yet (bc i cant think of anything boohoo) I was thinking Luna or Ice / Snow in latin. Idk, I’ll get back to you on this.
She’s kinda mean tho ngl
Diluc stares blankly at this cryo horse. he constantly has to ask himself how in the archons good name does this work
Now Diluc wants to try this with Pyro
Kaeya has to talk him out of burning his ass off unless he can make fire-tolerating tack
Also Kaeya’s horse comes with tack
She melts during the summer it gives Kaeya seasonal summer depression
Kaeya’ll pull an Elsa soon dw
Kaeya’s cryo horse is the best thing that happened to him he’s kinda glad he has a vision
and I think thats it for this session. Thanks for the 30+ notes on part 2!! God that makes me so happy, im just here on my knees bothering my friends with it bc im so happy. Goooddd. Also!!! This HC was inspired by that BoTW glitch where you can freeze a horse over and ride it. Pretty neat, amirite? ALSO ALSO!! Please by all means feel free to use my hcs, you can credit me if you like i really dont care, but by all means please ping / mention me if you do any sort of media with this i need more horse content hoyo has shat on me with that.
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mango-jpeg · 1 year
After lunch, while the rest of the camp is lounging in front of oscillating fans indoors to escape the heat, the senior staff piles into the poorly ventilated living room of Varka’s house. It’s midsummer, and that means staff evaluations.
“Any final thoughts for Bennett?” Jean calls out, to generally positive mumblings. Above them, the ceiling fan creaks laboriously, stirring the hot air into a weak gasp against the sweat on Diluc’s brow.
Jean gets the only decent seat in the room, a moth-eaten armchair, while everyone else crams in around the coffee table and tries not to sweat on one another too much. Diluc could probably snag the chair, he’s the one taking notes after all, but he’s not a monster. Instead he’s shoved into the corner of the sagging loveseat while Keqing tries and fails not to slump into his side, the deflated cushions doing their best to deposit her in his lap. On her other side Ganyu is sitting half on the arm, half on the cushion while she works on a friendship bracelet safety-pinned to her shorts. Aether and Lumine are on the floor with their head counsellor binders open in their laps, Gorou’s perched on one of the rickety kitchen chairs braiding Kokomi’s hair, badly, who’s more occupied with her outtrip planning than the topic of their actual meeting. 
“Since he nearly burned down the teepee he’s been on his best behaviour,” Tighnari remarks, not looking up from the materials he’s spread on the floor in front of him; dried leaves and flowers he’s arranging on card stock. Cyno’s leaned up against his shoulder, watching his hands with the kind of luminous attention that makes it impossible to look directly at them. They’ve truly ascended to a new tier of PDA, where even the most innocent of contact looks embarrassingly intimate.
“I saw him with Timmy this morning,” Diluc says. “He seemed really good with him.”
“Oh and Timmy is a total nightmare,” Aether groans, his sister nodding vehemently in agreement. “I’ve never seen such a homesick, wet blanket of a camper. Bennett is working overtime with that kid.”
“Maybe we should rotate him off cabins next session, if it’s that bad,” Jean suggests. 
“Yeah, just gotta make sure he doesn’t think it’s a punishment,” Lumine says, wryly. 
“What if we—” Keqing begins to say, but is dramatically interrupted by the door slamming open. To be fair, the door is barely hanging on to its hinges so this happens every other time it’s opened, but when Diluc sees who’s in the doorway he can’t help a quiet groan.
Kaeya strolls in with an armload of candy, his stupid over-large aviators precariously balanced on the tip of his nose. “Stopped by the tuck shop,” he announces, unnecessarily, then dumps his spoils on the coffee table. Everyone dives for the candy—hardened gummy worms, dried fruits, knockoff sourpatch kids shaped like broccoli—as if they don’t gorge themselves on it everyday.
Kaeya’s changed since sailing into no-less scandalous jorts and a staff shirt from two summers ago that’s slightly too tight now that he’s apparently a gym rat. The sleeves cut into the flex of his biceps and Diluc looks back to his screen.
“Any other notes for Bennett?” He prompts, tired.
“What’ve you got?” Aether asks around a mouthful of banana chips. Diluc reads out his notes; attentive to campers’ needs, must build confidence in himself, continue to avoid eco activities, great involvement in programming.
“Sounds good to me,” Lumine says, serenely checking Bennett off the list in front of her and moving on to the next name. “What about Razor?”
There’s a momentary pause that feels excruciatingly long. Everyone chews or fans themselves, clearly trying to think of something productive to say.
“He’s a fucking mad lad,” Kaeya says eventually, which is so completely unhelpful Diluc doesn’t even pretend to write it down, just shoots him a dark look. Kaeya leans his hip against the kitchen table, apparently indifferent to its pained shriek and any concept of modesty as he folds his arms across his chest, muscles flexing. He grins like he thinks he just said something funny, which is one of his most insufferable grins by far.
“I caught him eating raw sumac leaves during Survival,” Tighnari says, thoughtfully.
“I’ve had to ask him to stop wrestling with his campers twice,” Aether says, half a sigh.
“Oh, yeah, and he has punch-Jordan in his cabin,” Kaeya says, pointing knowingly at Aether who mimes hanging himself with his braided hair.
“That kid sucks,” Lumine chimes in supportively.
“I heard Razor say he turns his underwear inside out so he can go longer between washes,” Kokomi says, absently, not looking up from the provincial park map spread out before her. Diluc resists the urge to put his head in his hands.
“What! Doesn’t he take his laundry in on his days off?” Jean demands, predictably distraught by this information.
“I’m pretty sure he does,” Aether says, his voice tipping up into a question. 
“Did you see his awesome costume for the leadership camp-wide, though?” Gorou interjects, clearly scrambling for something positive to say. But at the same time Ganyu tentatively replies to Aether; “Or is he still just jumping into the lake fully dressed?”
“Doesn’t he shower?” Jean exclaims, and everyone piles on from there. Diluc gives up and closes his laptop. Kaeya catches his eye and grins.
Twenty minutes later, when the bell rings for afternoon activities, the only thing Diluc has written down for Razor’s eval is: Energetic.
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
masquerade. [ diluc x reader ]
prompt: you’ve never liked people who stick their noses where they don’t belong. but, then again, you’re a hypocrite, for you fell in love with diluc ragnvindr. well, that and the fact that you’re just trying to figure out how he’s alive when you buried him three years ago. (”you’re adorable” for my 2.5k follower event) pairing: anti-hero/villain(?)!diluc / knight of favonius!f!reader warnings: mentions of death, alcohol word count: 2.2k words
a/n: stepping a bit out of my comfort zone for this one, but god, this was fun to write. my diluc favoritism shines once more fjdskfd. this feels like it should be the start of a long fic, but tbh,,, hmm ?? idk !!! would y’all be interested in that?
it was only a matter of time until you saw diluc again. surely, you hadn’t expected it to take three years, but seeing your supposedly-dead lover at a masquerade party? such theatrics were only ingrained into his bloodline. the darknight hero loved to be in the spotlight, as long as nobody knew the person behind his actions. of course, it was only in diluc ragnvindr’s nature to make his reappearance into society at one of teyvat’s biggest yearly events: fontaine’s very own moonlit masquerade, a ball intended for the likes of government officials and greedy socialites.
under normal circumstances, diluc would have been extended a proper invite, much like you had been gifted one. you, captain of a battalion of mondstadt’s finest soldiers, were high both within the ranks of teyvat’s political and social sphere. what elevated you to your highest status, however, was your former affiliation with diluc himself. you were the former fiancée of the ragnvindr heir, only having had your title severed through his rather untimely death alongside his father.
as diluc’s almost widow, you had both inherited his estate and the responsibility of burying him. which is why, of course, you nearly dropped your flute of champagne that had once rested comfortably between your fingers as an oh-so-familiar voice leaned in behind you and murmured softly into your ear.
“would you care for a dance?”
you whirled around, the golden beverage sloshing onto the ground from the sudden movement, and came face-to-face (or rather, mask-to-mask) with eyes that you had longed to see every day for the last three years. if this is some sick joke, you thought, if this karma for how i failed to protect him, then let barbatos strike me down now.
yet, no flash of green anemo energy came. rather, you were greeted by the parting of his lips to reveal a familiar set of brilliantly white teeth as the corners of his lips upturned into a devilish grin. it was unbecoming to see such a serpentine expression painting your lover’s face and it only served to form a pit in your stomach. despite the mask, you knew beyond all certainty that this was diluc ragnvindr.
but, you also knew it wasn’t your diluc ragnvindr. that diluc had died the day you buried him, even if diluc himself was standing in front of you at this very moment. rather than respond, you press your lips into a firm line as a multitude of emotions pass over you. even if you wanted to respond, you weren’t sure if you could wrack your brain for anything coherent to say. you stare silently into the eyes of diluc ragnvindr, which were once vibrant like unpicked cherries glistening in the summer sun. now, they were no warmer than the chilled wine he had once derived his fortune from. 
you look at the eyes of your lover. another man stares back. as the two of you dance with the silence between you, rather than each other, diluc’s smile inevitably drops before he clears his throat.
“might we talk elsewhere?” his voice is less sultry and less playful. like a professional wine taster, you knew how to read the hints of emotion within diluc’s tone. even after years apart, you still knew how to discern the flavors that carefully interwove themselves into each syllable that fell from his lips. in this moment, the bittersweet aftertaste of vulnerability shines through.
and with that, your steely resolve breaks as you spoke your following words.
“upstairs. down the hall and to the left, there should be an empty meeting room. no nation has claimed it as their space for the evening, so it should be devoid of any people. go there, i’ll meet you there in ten minutes,” you instruct and the dumb, arrogant smile appears on diluc’s face once more as he nods at you before quietly slipping away.
you briefly consider slapping it off before he can go, but just like before, you let him slip through your fingers once more.
precisely ten minutes later, you walk into the designated meeting room, having excused yourself from an enlightening conversation with one of sumeru’s top scholars. despite the short discussion, your talking partner had been rather intriguing, but you had bigger problems to deal with. letting out a sigh before entering the room, you take note of the way diluc, who leaned against one of the walls, stands straight up upon your entrance.
at least he had that respect.
you close the door behind you and, for good measure, you lock it. as the lock clicks shut, you hear the noise of diluc unclipping his mask. you flutter your eyes shut and inhale before turning to see what you had longed to see the most over the past three years: the face of your dead fiancé. a scar mars his cheek. it is faint, but the sight of it grounds your thoughts, for you know that he is not a ghost, nor is he the man he used to be.
he has changed.
your heart leaps at the sight of the man you once loved, the only man you thought you could ever love, the man whose last name you had taken on out of honor after his death, even if the wedding plans had been cut short. but your brain scowls at the sight, wanting nothing to do with him. it screams within you, demanding attention over the way your heart beats rapidly and urges you to rush forward into your lover’s arms and hold him close.
diluc takes a step forward, but he seemingly senses your trepidation as a brief flash of uncertainty crosses over his face. he makes no move to close the distance between the two of you. neither do you. diluc parts his lips to speak, but you hold up a hand for him to stop.
“no.” you say, voice resolute. “i talk first.”
diluc visibly swallows as you unclip your mask, only to be met with your irate expression.
“three years. it has been three years. where were you?” your voice is steely and you smooth over any shakiness in your words with your anger, filling in the cracks with bitterness.
“(y/n), i’m sorry, but i-” he begins, but you take a step forward, your scowl worsening.
“cut the bullshit and answer the question i asked you, diluc.” you snap and diluc’s eyes widen, as if he’s somehow just registering that a simple apology wouldn’t be enough to immediately woo you back to his side.
“i was hiding in the inazuman countryside and i only did so becau-” he begins, but you cut him off once more.
“thank you.” you say dismissively, waving off any additional words he has to say. the corner of his lips twitch with amusement, but you elect to ignore such a thing, for the sake of your own temper. “i only have one more question. why did you come back?”
hurt mars diluc’s expression as he registers the embittered tone of your words, but, much like you, quickly smooths his own expression over to one of indifference. yet, the affection he holds for you still shines bright in his eyes. you hate it. most of all, you hate the way your stomach does backflips at the sight.
“i came back for you.” diluc confesses, finally realizing that any longer of a statement and you would have cut him off. a sharp bark of a laugh exits your lips as you stare at him.
“it’s been three years. you could have come back at any time. and yet, you waited three years. pardon me if i don’t necessarily believe you.” you scoff, turning your body slightly away from him.
 “it’s always been you. i had to do this to protect you. my father and i, we discovered things that we shouldn’t and he got killed because of it. i was next. if they didn’t get me, they would have come after you first.” diluc explains. you listen to his explanation wordlessly, before glaring at him.
“who is they and what makes you think i couldn’t handle them?” you snap and diluc’s expression contorts as if he expects his next words to cause you pain.
“ordo favonius,” diluc says, voice quiet. much to his surprise, you laugh. it was the laugh he had fallen in love with, yet it is different. a shell of what it used to be. he wonders if this is what his absence did to you -- or if it is the result of his return. he’s not sure which answer is worse.
“really? really? that’s the best bullshit lie you can come up with?” you say, folding your arms over your chest as you look at him incredulously. “the knights of favonius don’t want to kill you nor your father, nor me or anyone else you might know. they’re harmless.”
“no, they’re not. they’re wolves in sheep’s clothing, you have to believe me.” there’s an unfamiliar desperation in his tone that pulls at your heartstrings, but despite his earnestness, his words still play the wrong notes. you aren’t convinced. your eyebrows scrunch in thought before you turn to look at him, eyes narrowed.
“diluc,” you begin, words cautious. “are you the one who attempted to assassinate grand master varka?”
the acting grand master had returned to mondstadt from his expedition last month. not even a week later, an assassination attempt had been made on his life. much to everyone’s surprise, the organization, especially varka himself, refused to release details about the attacker. if diluc was the attacker, then the knights were seemingly scared of revealing that he was. but... why?
doubt finally plants its seeds in your stomach, but you know you can’t make any brash decisions tonight. not now, not when you know there are good people within the organization. jean, the dandelion knight, the one whom you had cried to after diluc’s death. albedo, the calm and collected alchemist and his younger sister klee, the knights’ resident spark knight. kaeya, diluc’s own estranged brother, whom had not contested your inheritance of the ragnvindr fortune and had gone so far as to decline any amount of money you offered him as his rightful share. they were all good people. they wouldn’t stand for such corruption. would they?
no. you think. they wouldn’t. they’re not safe either.
diluc is lying. he has to be. he wouldn’t have stood idly by for the last three years if such good people were all in danger. he wouldn’t have stood by for the last three years if you were in danger. would he?
your former lover notices the way your expression alters with each new thought that passes through your mind, so he closes the distance between the two of you and places a hand on your shoulder.
“come with me, darling,” diluc pleads. you refuse to meet his eyes, knowing you’ll break if you do so. “please. i can keep us safe.”
“i can defend myself,” you snap, but your words sound hollow, as if you’re trying to convince yourself. his hand doesn’t leave your shoulder, but you make no move to shrug it off. his refusal to answer your question gives you the answer you need. “why did you try to kill him?”
“he is not the root of the problem, but he is one of the main pieces of it. i cannot explain here, but if you come with me, i can. i promise, i swear to you that i can. just... please. we don’t have much time, they’ll notice your absence from the party soon.”
hadn’t he also promised to love you? love does not mean abandoning me for three years, you think bitterly, yet your heart urges you to listen to your lover. you take a step back and diluc’s hand falls to his side. you finally meet his eyes with your own cold gaze. the warmth of his pyro vision that courses through him does nothing to soften their iciness. diluc’s expression is no longer stoic. he looks tired and utterly devastated by your rejection.
“you are as beautiful as you were the day we met,” diluc begins and you tear your gaze from him, unable to keep your eyes fixated on him any longer. “archons, even when you are angry with me, you are adorable. i lov-”
“don’t.” you murmur, finally turning away from him. “don’t say that.”
you walk over to the door, hand hovering over the handle. you stand there for a few moments and the silence between diluc and you is nearly suffocating. tears brim at the corners of your eyes, yet you reapply your masquerade mask to hide them from any partygoers. you let out a soft sigh.
“five days. meet me in mondstadt in five days. as to whether or not i’ll go with you, i’ll give you my answer then,” you murmur, before slamming your hand down on the handle and exiting the room at a brisk pace, head held high. five days of mourning was all you had been given in the first place. it is only fitting that you give him the same time period.
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Calculating Kaeya’s age of arrival in Monstadt
(09.04.2022 Thank you @moni-harmonia for pointing out some mistakes. I’ve edited the post to be correct)
I understand the post is quite long, so if you’re not interested in the details and the process of where and how I got the info. Simply skip to the end, where I’ll leave a short summary of all the points discussed.
First we need to find Kaeya’s current age (when Traveler arrives in Monstadt)
Since in the CN Kaeya refers to Diluc as the older (sworn)brother and vice versa. So by establishing Diluc’s current age, we can at least set a max age for Kaeya. Since Kaeya’s birthday is after Dilucs, from 30. April to 30. Nov they’re exactly 7 months apart. Also, since Kaeya’s story brings up the fact that the two used to be like twins (really close, but also probably around the same age), it’s most probable Kaeya is 7 months to around 1 year and 7months younger than Diluc
So Diluc’s age:
 We know that he was 18 (just turned 18th), when Crepus dies, after which only day or few later he leaves for his 4 year Snezhnayan Fatui hunt tour. When he comes back he’s 22  
“Four years on, Diluc had returned to Mondstadt and taken over as head of the family winery, now a young man.”
“In the space of these four years, Eroch had been purged from the Knights of Favonius after being shown to be a traitor, while Grand Master Varka had left on an expedition, leaving Master Jean to assume the role of Acting Grand Master.”
And since Varka had already left then, that means the current story can’t take place much later, about a half a year (bc acording to Jean Varka left about a half year ago). 
So Diluc is 22 currently, which means Kaeya’s max age currently can be 21.
With Kaeya’s age established, let’s move onto how long ago he was left, luckily this mentioned in Kaeya’s character story. 
“Even when the Grand Master demanded information on his background, Kaeya skirted around the issue and gave only vague answers devoid of details.”
"One afternoon near the end of summer a decade ago (this is actually 10 years), my father and I passed by the Dawn Winery."
So we know know it happened a decade ago, which is 10 years, but we really don’t know when this conversation took place. 
Now here’s a bit theorising on the most logical Kaeya’s age at the time of this conversation, which I think to be between 17-21 years: 
The 21 is simply, that they had a talk before Varka left.
Then there’s a possibility that this simply was a random conversation they had, during the time Kaeya has been the Cavalry Captain. 
But I’m more leaning on the time, when kaeya became the Cavalry Captain. Because it would make sense to do a bit more research into the person, who you’re soon promoting to Captain, which is high position of lot of trust and responsibilities, so making sure the person is ready and suitable for the job must be critical aka to fill out a detailed form, a life record of a Captain. 
Probably like a Captain promotion interview, where Varka was trying to get more info from Kaeya, of whome he (at that point) had nothing more than a name and records of his years in Monstadt. 
At any other time Kaeya would have been able to deflect or change the subject, but since it was a necessary part of the Captain promotion processe (notice the “demanded information”), he couldn’t do more than just give the vaguest answers (hoping they would satisfy the Grand Master). 
We don’t know exactly when Kaeya became the Cavalry Captain, but we know that the position used to belong to Diluc, who by leaving freed it and since most probably the KoF wouldn’t keep the position empty for too long, Kaeya’s promoton had to be not too long after, so around 17/18 (max 19). 
Of course there’s also the possibility that Kaeya was not the immediate next Cavalry Captain, but someone else had it for a few years (maybe some like Eroch)
I think it’s unlikely the conversation took place before Kaeya became a Cavalry Captain, but there’s still a slight possibility. So minimum would be, when Kaeya was 15 and the reason was him joining the knights. Because if he was any younger than 5 years when arriving, then I think he would have simply been too young to be left in Monstadt (aka any younger and Kaeya would have been a toddler.).
So now that we have all the needed info, all that’s left to do is a simple substraction: 
17 to 21 years - 10 years  = 7 to 11
The end result of all the theorising is that Kaeya’s max age of arrival in Monstadt is 11 years and min age 5 years. But due to above mentioned circumstances the most probable age is 7/8 years (maybe 9). 
Diluc is currently 22, Kaeya is younger and thus 21 (he’s at least 7 months younger )
Kaeya had a conversation with Varka around the age of 17-21, where Varka demanded info about his past
Most probably the conversation took place as Kaeya was promoted to Cavalry Captain.
Diluc used to be the Cavalry Captain and when he left (being 18 years old), the position was freed. The KoF would not leave it empty for too long. So Kaeya most probably was around 17/18 (max 19) when he was promoted. 
From the conversation we learn that Kaeya was left in Monstadt 10 years ago
substraction (with min and max): 17 to 21 years — 10 years  = 7 to 11 years
Most probable age substraction: 17/18 years  — 10 years  = 7/8 years
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travellingarmy · 3 years
Requested from Wattpad.
Child, male reader. Completely platonic.
Word count: 2.2k
You don't know where you came from and neither did he, but that question doesn't linger on for too long, allowing yourselves to enjoy in each other's presence.
He wasn't one to have an interest in taking care of children, but ever since he found you in a woven basket in Wolvendom, he made you the centre of his life.
"Diluc, I want to train today!" Barging into his office, you greet him an enthusiastic- yet loud- morning, slamming the door wide open to create a booming sound that Diluc no longer gets a fright out of. "Can we go outside today? Please, please, please?"
He looks up from his paper to eye your person before returning his attention to the paper. "We can go out today, but it will be to the tavern. I have something to do."
You pout and slumped onto a nearby chair, your ears slightly drooping down like the hybrid dog you are. There were few people who had an animal appearance like you and perhaps that might have had been the reason he was drawn to you.
"I said I want to train, not follow you on your errands!" head snapping up as you whined. Diluc slowly closes his eyes and sighs, quite tired from the work yesterday and the added work today. However, he knows how persistent you were and how you would get annoying by the day that even Adelinde starts to get a headache. With that knowledge, he stood up shortly and looks towards your petite frame.
Your eyes sparkled and a child-like smile forms on your face, knowing what he'll say next. "Did you have breakfast already?" Diluc asks, although it was nearly afternoon, and you nod almost immediately. "Then we'll go out and quickly visit the tavern. Afterwards, we can practise your archery." If he was going to shut you up while doing his work, this method was always effective.
You hop off the couch and rushed towards the red-head, grabbing his hand and allow him to lead the way.
Although he adopted you, he did not put himself as your father on the paper and asked of you to call him by his name only, but that didn't matter to you.
You bid Adelinde goodbye and outside, you took big leaps, excited to get on with archery. "(Y/N), slow down. You'll trip and then we'll fall," Diluc points out, slightly bending as he chases after you, trying to keep up in the light of your steps.
You slowed down, walking at a more comfortable pace. For you, stamina was everything but since Diluc wasn't a child, he couldn't go as fast as you wanted. "Sorry, Diluc."
However, throughout that walk, you did stray from time to time, sometimes letting go of his hand to peek what could have been hiding in rustling bushes. "(Y/N), come back here," he would say, gaining your attention back to his side.
Upon entering the gates, a particular someone just had to show up. "Oho~ Fancy meeting you here, Master Diluc," the all too familiar Cavalry Captain greets, souring Diluc's day. Kaeya's smirk stretched a bit, looking quite smug as his eyes move from him and to your petite stature.
"And good morning, (Y/N). Are you here to run errands with Master Diluc?" He asks with a close-eyed smile, ignoring the murderous aura coming from his brother as he leans down to your level, hands on his thighs.
You nod. "I want to learn how to charge my arrow like Fish lady!" you say with a gleam. Kaeya stares dumbfoundedly at you before finally realizing that you were referring to Fischl from the Adventurer's Guild. "Oh, I see That's some intense training, but I'm sure that you can pull it off." He ruffles your hair and chuckles.
"Sir Kaeya, as a captain, you have an awful lot of time to waltz around lazily," Diluc comments, his grip on your hand tightening, but not too hard that it would hurt. This comment's venom flies by over the aforementioned male as he chuckles, shrugging. "What can I say? I'm sure you're well aware that Grand Master Varka has taken all of my knights. Who am I supposed to captain?"
You mused at the two brothers' bickering silently and see that Diluc's eyebrows were twitching-- most likely from the annoyance his brother is giving him. "But as a knight, you should have at least something to do."
"I do, and that's speaking to (Y/N)," he says. "It is a knight's duty to make sure the people are safe and so, I am speaking with him to make sure he isn't being forced into training by you. You know how wrong that is, don't you, Master Diluc?"
"Tch. I'm well aware. And on that note, I believe you're more capable of doing that than I," Diluc crosses his arms as he spoke. It was getting to the point that your feet were starting to annoy you. Standing still was not something you like doing. "Diluc, can we go now?" You tug on the hem of his coat with your free hand and pouted slightly.
This got both of the brothers' attention and they looked at each other. "Apologies, but we have to go now. You know how children are," Diluc says, feeling quite happy.
"Aw, (Y/N), doesn't want to stay with me?" Kaeya pouts. You shook your head and smiled. "I want to train!" you voiced. Kaeya hums in acknowledgement. "Hm, I see. Then, I won't keep little (Y/N) too long. But promise me you'll play with me next time." He offers his pinky finger and you took it, lacing your smaller pinky. "I promise!"
After that, Diluc tugs you along lightly, not wanting to stay anywhere near the captain, heading towards the tavern to speak with a waited person. "(Y/N), you sit here, okay? Don't stray away." Diluc says and helps you up on one of the chairs outside. You nod, swinging your legs that dangle off of the chair. Diluc stares at you and shows a small smile, ruffling your hair, and then walking off.
You were left alone, but not truly alone as you see Diluc not too far from you, talking to a man who looked wealthy themselves. It was probably a business negotiation of some sort, but you were too young to be bothered by trivial matters that did not involve you.
"Hey, hey, look at him." Whispers. To an average person, they wouldn't be able to hear it, but you weren't, and so, you heard children whispering behind you. It was also evident that they were talking about you as you heard another whisper, "He has doggy ears. I want one."
You thought they would just talk like every other person, but that thought was dismissed when you hear light footsteps coming your way. You turned your head to look down at the other children. There were two boys and a girl. The girl was most likely younger than you and the boys were older-- older than yourself. They look like trouble, you thought to yourself.
"Hey, you!" The first one to speak was one of the two boys. He has jet-black hair and wore thick glasses. You hopped off of your seat and stare at them silently, waiting for them to continue. "Is that thing on your head real?"
"Uh, yeah, it is," you answered, getting off from the chair to have a proper conversation with them. It was a common question asked to you that you lost count of how many times someone came up to you and ask.
"I don't believe it," he voiced, crossing his arms and lookin smug. "Yeah, let us touch it," the second one spoke. Your brows slightly furrows. Who were these kids and why were they suddenly asking to touch your ears? Yeah, sure it was strange and not human-like, but who gave these kids courage to spew words like that?
"Sorry, but they're really sensitive.." you state, your brows slightly furrowing. "Oh, please. I bet you're just saying that because it's actually fake!" Without warning, he reached for your ears and tug it harshly and you yelped at the pain. "Woaaah! Did you glue it onto your head? You're so weird."
"Please, let go." You knew how much stronger you were compared to average children, seeing as you had a vision and was trained to combat and so, you didn't dare use force to get him to pull away, wrapping both of your tiny hands on the wrist outstretched to you. Diluc always reminded you to never harm others. "Please, let go!" you repeated, slightly louder than before. Water started to form on the corner of your eyes the more he pulled on your ears.
In response to your distress, your vision glowed and sent a tiny shock of electro from your hands that held onto his. It wasn't harmful, but just enough to make the kid hiss and stumble back. "H, hey, what did you do to him?" The girl reached for her friend, looking at the hand that had a slight purple to it from you.
And to make matters worst, an older woman came running towards you four, seemingly to be one of their mother. "What's going on here?" the lady asks. "Mommy, look what he did to me!" the boy showed his wrist with tears on his face.
With one look at it, the lady turns towards you. "Excuse me, do you have any idea what you just did?" "I asked him if his ears were real and he suddenly attacked me!" Liar. He was lying, but you had no one to back your claims.
She huffs. "How dare you! How would you like it if someone were to do that to you." She reached her long, slender arms for your wrist. "Where are your parents? I'll have them know how naughty you are." Grabbing your wrist, she tries and drags you from your spot.
"That won't be necessary." Just in time, Diluc came back with the same, glaring-like expression on his face. The woman's eyes widened and with a gasp, let's go of your wrist. "Master Diluc?" she calls.
Diluc looks at the woman and to the children, inspecting the wrist that had been bruised. He had heard the conversation from where he stood and sped up his meeting with the person.
"Tell me what happened?" he asks, eyes returning their attention to the woman. "Well, this brat here injured my child and I was about to look for his parents."
"Oh, really? (Y/N), don't tell me you've forgotten what I told you about using your vision?" Although when he asks this, he already knows the answer. You shook your head. "I didn't mean to hurt them, I promise! They were pulling in my ears and.." Your voice grew weaker into silence, drooping your head down, thinking that he wouldn't buy your excuses.
Diluc sees this and immediately kneels down to your level, putting a hand on your shoulders and gain your attention. "Hey, look up. If you know that you are in the right, there is  nothing you should shy away from," his voice was low and spoke softly to you.
Your eyes brightened up a bit and Diluc smiled-- not showing it though. He lifts you off of the ground, putting and arm under you for support as the other went on your back.
The lady was confused but most importantly, scared. "If you're looking for his guardian, you're speaking to them," Diluc spoke, eyes glued on you whilst the words directed to her. "But before you do that, demand the truth from your son." With that, he walked away, leaving the mother to ask what really happened while he comforted you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and bury your face on his shoulders, trying hard not to let a single tear slip. You idolized Diluc for his skills in combat and his ability to never cry and so, you didn't like crying. It made you feel weak and nowhere near to become like Diluc.
"Hey, it's alright." He rubs your back, noticing your shaking body trying hard not to cry. "It's okay to cry, but don't cry for foolish people. You'll just give them what they want." In moments like these, you see Diluc as a father with his comforting words and life lectures.
You hummed and became silent. Yes, you can't cry for those types of people, you comfort yourself. Taking a deep breath, you peel yourself from his shoulders and showed him the smile that he would never admit he loves to see. A smile that gives others strength with the look of fire in your eyes.
"Alright, do you want to train now?" he asks, slightly smiling. You nod, but stopped yourself. "Wait, don't you still have other things to do?" you ask, to which Diluc ruffles your hair with his free hand. "Those can wait tomorrow. I could use some rest right now."
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theabysscomeshome · 2 years
Rosaria, 7, 12, 16, 24?
7. A quote of them that you remember
I'm glad this just says "that you remember" and not "your favorite" or something, because I am terrible at quotes XD But I've never forgotten her voiceline where she gives, like, a blessing and tries to remember Barbatos's name.
12. Sexuality hc!
Tbh with most characters I don't tend to get invested in a particular sexuality headcanon, instead changing it to fit whatever scenario, au, or ship I'm playing with at any given time. For Rosaria I'd probably go with some flavor of bi.
16. A childhood headcanon
I want so badly to have more details about 1) Rosaria’s childhood pre-Mondstadt, 2) that entire scene of Varka meeting Rosaria, deciding to spare her, and leaving her with the church, from BOTH of their povs.
We’re told she was taken by bandits (which: weird that they’re called bandits when every other outlaw in Teyvat aside from the samurais are called Treasure Hoarders) when she was a baby, so she won’t have direct memories of this. But she’s very aware as a child that she was taken on a whim, and this plus her disbelief that her bandit father could have cared about her leads me to believe that he liked to remind her that he picked her up on a whim and could easily change his mind.
Honestly that whole relationship has a lot of potential for exploration? I get “gruff recluse teaching kid skills in the wilderness” vibes, like you see in some video game origins. Except instead of those being accompanied by awkward displays of affection, they were accompanied by some pretty brutal “discipline” and an insistence that she’s not worth more than she can do for him. But I haven’t decided how much of the latter was from him specifically, or from the other bandits.
Anyway also: for all she hated the bandits, and life as a bandit, I hc that she saw Varka’s rescue of her and subsequent depositing into the church as not fundamentally different from how she was taken by the bandits as a baby. It’s all just being taken and passed around by the whims of people she doesn’t trust to actually be looking out for her best interests.
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
Tbh for all she has a ~dark past, Rosaria doesn’t strike me as someone who has many secrets? She’s pretty upfront about things even if those things will cause a stir or make her life harder. I don’t think she talks about her life pre-Mondstadt a lot, if at all. Not because it’s a secret, though, but because she doesn’t have many good memories from that time and so she never got in the habit of trying to hold onto or remember things that happened to her.
That said: I don’t think she’s ever told anyone about everything she did when skipping class as a novice. Some things, sure. Getting into fights. Getting into trouble. Sure, she’ll admit that. But the time she spent listening to merchants and writing down what they said? Time she spent trying to figure out how Mondstadt works and trying to adjust? When she was off-balance and unsure? Yeah idk that she’s told anyone about those things.
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ellitx · 4 years
Twig | Albedo x Reader
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the final act of TWMA part 1 part 2 
can be stand-alone
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disclaimer: this is written before v1.2 so my interpretation of albedo’s story and lore is not accurate. these are just my assumptions and understanding that i based on each characters’ voicelines about him
word count: 3.4k
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            Something felt odd. What in the world happened…?
            The male awoke from an unfamiliar scent that drifted through his nose. Likewise, he has woken up from a restless sleep due to the rough waves, to glimpse at the glowing and radiant sun peaking above the horizon out of the window. It extended its vivid light across the deep blue sky. 
            Its dazzling and inviting rays flowed through the window providing warmth to his body. Slowly the fatigue of the endless dreams was seeped out of him as the warm light trickled into replacing his unrest— it eased his body.
            His mind meandered aimlessly into nothingness, continuously staring at the beige wall painted around the room.
            He is aware when he is forgetting when there is something close yet hidden, yet he cannot at that moment fathom what it could be. It’s as if he was following a bread crumb trail and it ends, so he stopped. 
            It gives him ideas as to what is missing from his brain because if one always got stopped when traveling, you would know that there are blocks in your way preventing you from continuing any further— even if he has no clue to as what they are. 
            A peal of melodic laughter that is mirthful and playful then reached his ears, stopping him from his dreaming. Albedo turned his head to the source of the voice and saw a girl— that was around his age— chuckling as she held a tray in her hands.
            “You’re finally awake.” She brought down the platter on the table next to him and poured a cup of tea. His visage frowned and tightly gripped the blanket that was tucked to him. 
            Why did he felt that she was mocking him? He doesn’t know why but for some reason it did irk him. He forgot about his memories. He doesn’t have the slightest clue as to where he was and why he was here.
            “Here.” She gave him the cup and patiently waited for him to take it. So this is where the foreign scent was coming from. He thought to himself.
             The smell was fragrant but had a tinge of spiciness in it. It made his nose crinkled but accepted it nonetheless— quite hesitant, as the girl observed. Taking a small sip of the tea, it surprised him that it tasted sweet. It was quite unexpected because of the tangy fragrance it gave off.
            “You look so lost.”
            The laugh came from her like a newly sprung leak— sheepish at first, stopping and starting. She wasn’t done yet though, he could tell from the way she turned her head and half-bit her lip. From deep inside her chest came a great shaking motion and her muscle face grew tight.
            His eyebrows arched as he put down the cup on the tray, waiting. In moments this female’s laugh was more like a burst water main arching into the brilliant summer sky, soaking everyone around her with unrestrained gales that deliberated her to nonstop giggles and picked face picture of glee.
            Albedo wanted to stay straight-faced and walk out the room— she was, after all, laughing “at him”, not “with him”. But before he could stop himself, his poker mouth twitched upwards, and was smiling despite himself.
             Nevertheless, he didn’t hate it.
             On the next day, she was already bombarding him with questions. 
            “Hey, hey, what was that thing you just did? That was my sister’s research she’s been working hard for and you’ve already solved it?!” [Eye color] optics sparkled in awe and admiration as [Name] gazed at him from her side.
            He peered into her eyes and nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, continuing to read the texts of the book she gave him. “It was a minor mistake she had done. I’ve read some pieces of information about that topic and was not expecting I would stumble upon it.”
            She puckered her lips and pouted as she snatched the codex from his hands. His answer was so vague! It didn’t really satisfy her curiosity about this outlander. “Hey!” 
            The female raised her arms, preventing him from reaching it. “I won’t give this back to you until you tell me the whole story!” Albedo’s brows folded in confusion and struggled to grab it. “That is the whole story.”
            Her cheeks puffed and watched him yanked the book from her. It was disappointing, to say the least how he easily took it. 
            Sighing countless times already made him question himself why this girl still insists on staying by his side. It’s not like he didn’t like it nor does he like it, it just raised him so many questions about what happened yesterday.
            Why would the Knights took him in considering how [Name] just effortlessly helped him out of nowhere. Not to mention how he barely knows a single thing about Mondstadt. It made him indignant how he can’t remember even the slightest thing.
            He doesn’t blame anyone for it. It’s no one’s fault that he lost his memories.
            Just thinking about this bizarre occurrence that just magically appeared out of nowhere made his head ached. Though the tug on his arm caught his attention and looked at the young teen in puzzlement as they started to march off to archon knows where.
            “Maybe I should tell Grandmaster Varka about this…” She softly muttered to herself. He caught her words perfectly and so further press a question to pique his interest. “Tell about what?”
            Both of them slowed down and paused in their tracks, stopping midway near the fountain area. [Name] chuckled and winked at him playfully. 
            “You’ll see.”
            Albedo hummed and looked fixedly on the back of her head as they continued to walk silently. 
              There was a delicious moment where his face washed blank with confusion, like his brain cogs couldn’t turn fast enough to take in the information from his wide eyes. It made [Name] stifle a laugh at the expression he was currently showing to all the members of Ordo Favonius.
            Every muscle of the male’s body just froze before he looked away from them to the girl who stood beside him. A grin crept up onto her face, it soon stretched out from one side to the other showing every single tooth.
            Surprise isn’t an emotion he’d ever taken well. He could tell himself he was at loss for words. He guessed he found himself dumb, in a sense that made his lexeme stopped flowing. Stopped because she has shown him a new direction he never anticipated for a moment.
            Every member knows she had saved him— saved him from what though? That he did not know, he never asked her about it nor did she even tell him what happened to him. He just let it be.
            Receiving the news that he’ll be a member of the Knights, to have the position as the Chief Alchemist, really made him bewildered and surprised.
            “Isn’t this happening too fast?” He questioned whilst quirking a brow.
            “Hm? What do you mean?” [Name] tipped her head as her eyes stared at his own turquoise ones.
            “Why is everyone easily agreeing to it? I’ve only been here for a day and just assisted your sister in translating. I appreciate the thought that the Grandmaster here is giving me the position of Chief Alchemist but I can't help but question why.”
            She glanced at him, her mouth pursed but slightly open and loose. Her eyes are fixed as if she’s looking at something a yard behind his head. He called her name to garner her attention.
            She blinks, refocused. “Albedo, it’s actually been five days. Lisa talked to everyone about how genius you are.”
            Now it was his turn to owlishly blink. Five days? Does time really move that fast?
            Well, he did hear the saying that time flies fast when you’re having fun. He never noticed about it and now that the idea battered him, it continued to linger inside his head.
             What happened yesterday, what happened today, everything still feels the same. Even if the fragment of memories within him seemed to etiolate. His hands clawed his chest, feeling the unusual warmth from it and throughout his body.
            Everything has been important to him and will be important to him.
            He knows that these distant memories seem so far and vague but are significant to him.
            He doesn’t understand the reason why, but he shouldn’t forget.
             At least that’s how he thinks things should be.
             The sound of the ticking grandfather clock echoed throughout the silent room. It sounded so monotonous and lifeless inside. The tall and antiquated object stood there as the gateway for old-man time, the golden pendulum making its steady way back and forth.
            The silence was so eerie, though none minded at all as two teenagers were fast asleep, still remaining inside their dreams. 
            An aroma Albedo has gotten used to woke him up. It’s the smell of the herbs and various flowers that have mixed together giving off a sweet and minty scent. He opened his eyes and stayed like that for a few minutes.
            The alchemist tiredly glanced down to see the papers are now messed and scattered all over the table. Heaving a sigh as he raked his fingers through his hair, his aqua optics went on to the female’s sleeping body that rested on his lab’s bed.
            She still hasn't woken up.
            He stood up from his seat and quietly approached her unconscious form to check on her condition. [Name]’s features were much softer in sleep, the lines that usually creased her brow replaced by youthful appearance giving off a child-like look. 
            She looked peaceful, he thought to himself.
            He pulled up the blanket over her shoulders and turned around to continue making remedies for her once she’s awake. 
            The Knights of Favonius were worried sick about her, especially her sister, Lisa. They were hoping and praying to the Seven she’ll wake up from her coma. They all miss her presence, days of not seeing her wandering around also worried the townsfolk of Mond.
            She has been cooped up inside his room while Sucrose and Noelle assisted him in taking care of her. 
            The morning dusk is about to arrive and Albedo has to continue doing his research nonstop. He does so wished to see her [eye color] orbs finally open after the incident. It hurt him to know [Name] has been like this that he did not even realize until the Acting Grandmaster and her sister told him about it.
            He stared at the small plant that was placed on the windowsill. Its leaves started to fall off from its branches as it slowly started to wilt in the darkness. He grabbed the small twig and observed the faintest of light it gives off.
            Would it hurt to say that it reminded him of her? 
            [Name] is someone that has to be taken care of carefully. After all, when she saw what he had written about her condition, she didn’t want to believe it. He wanted to say that her “friend” was just a fragment of her imagination without affecting her mental state.
            He hovered his hand over the small branch, watching it bloom before his eyes with ease. He placed it back in the vase and returned to the table. If only he could easily return her back just like how he did with the plant.
            Return her from his arms again instead of that bard.
            He let out a bitter laugh at that thought. This was his fault. Why would she come back running to him if he did not even once give her his time? When they’ve finally met again for so long, she was avoiding his eyes.
            It hurt him, he won’t lie about that. Her welcome to him was just a simple nod and that’s it. No hugs, no welcomes, not even a small smile was given to him.
            If he did stop his research and at least spend time with her, will everything change?
            Albedo shook his head as the answer to himself. Even if it is, why would he still continue hoping and thinking about these things? Sometimes his formulation of the rationale of real-life situations irked him. 
            This isn’t alchemy, genius.
            His self-feud stopped when he saw her fingers moved the slightest from his peripheral vision. His heart fluttered and gave him a bit of hope if the archons had finally heard their wishes. 
            When her eyelids flickered open, the sight was not what he was expecting. 
                      A lone tear trickled down her cheek. Her lips quivered and continued to look at the distance. Out of complete silence, her soft cries arose. He’d never seen [Name] sat like that, so deflated. Her loose shoulders shook, her hands hanging low, making no attempt to conceal or even wipe her own tears.
            All of these emotions coming to him at once hurt him.
             His head throbbed and let the feeling of guilt crush him.
             The giggle rolled around the room like a child’s spinning top, vibrant and heartwarming as it moved around the people in its chaotic ways. It came in its fits and bursts— loud to soft to nothing at all and back to loud again. 
            It was as if there was an invisible feather at [Name]’s nape brushing softly; she squirmed and raised her shoulders to block Barbara from tickling her neck. The laughter built up inside her like so much water behind a dam, making her shoulders and her belly hurt.
            She cried when Klee jumped onto her body and joined in with the deaconess. Their carefree and playful tittering reached Albedo’s ears when he entered the room. Their eyes darted towards him as their laughs died down.
            The Spark Knight ran towards him and hugged his legs, overjoyed in seeing the alchemist here. He knelt down to her height and patted her head as a smile slowly crept up to his face.
            [Name]’s laugh caught his attention again, though he did not dare to look at the two females. As much as he tried to focus on listening to Klee’s words, he cannot help but listen to the former’s gentle hilarity. 
             For some reason, it made his chest wrenched every time he listens to it. He wondered why that is when it’s something he remembers all the time. 
             He recalled the day he got his Vision. It appeared out of thin air on his desk and she was the first one to point it out. It surprised [Name] why he had gotten Geo instead of Dendro. She watched him fiddle the trinket in his hands as he continued to analyze it. 
            He didn’t really mind whichever Vision he got. As long as he can continue doing his research then it’s fine with him.
            He didn’t know why he found himself laughing so hard, but all of a sudden, he couldn’t stop. His breath came in quick gasps between his unstoppable tittering. Tears gathered in the corner of his eyes, threatening to spill over.
            She was confused about why he was laughing all of a sudden worrying her. He waved his hand dismissively and pointed out the expression that was currently painted on her face. Her face reddened and slapped his back jokingly.
            After their short playful bickering, the Chief Alchemist plucked a small branch from a plant and hand it over to her. 
            “Visions are gifts given to us by the Gods. Think of it like this sprig, there are many possibilities which among the elements they’ll receive yet no one knows what they’ll end up with until they’ve received it.”
            She furrowed her brows as her brain cogs continue to process what he meant. It finally dawned on her what he meant and hummed. “But not everyone can receive Visions, though.” She remarked.
            “Exactly. They may not bear fruits or maybe yet, one day it’ll come to them.”
            “That’s not what I meant.”
            “Then what is it?”
            [Name] sighed and rested her chin on her palm. “Not everyone is blessed by the Seven.” The male was still and quiet. 
            “Well, I’m no god. I may not know how they give out Visions but it sure is something remarkable, isn’t it?” Her eyes lightened up and nodded vigorously.
            “Right?! Wouldn’t it be better if they just give it to everyone?” Albedo laughed and admired her own exclamation. 
            It surprised the female teen that he just suddenly grabbed her hand unnoticed. He observed how small her hands are compared to his. He placed the twig on her palm and with a simple motion of his wrist, the branches started to grow as small leaves then sprouted from it.
            It occurred to her just how amazing Albedo is. She raised the small branch in the air and examine the faintest glow of the leaves it emitted. She gasped and stared with wide eyes as isotoma flowers started to bloom from the ends.
            “W-was that suppose to happen?” She turned her head to him and pushed her arms forward to show the herb to him.
            He bobbed his head and took out a pot filled with soil. He used his elemental skill on it and a cecilia shaped flower appeared. Instead of the usual vibrant white, it almost looked too rigid and rocky.
            [Name] poked it and it really was sturdy. He asked her if she can use her own elemental skill, to which she responded with a yes. She twirled her hand and he can feel the air starting to get cold.
            Small snowflakes started to form and dropped down on the pot. Once the snow made contact with the rocky flower, it formed into a crystal and bloomed into a refreshing and spirited cecilia.
            It felt like a real flower instead of the stony one they just saw. The alchemist plucked it and carefully tucked it to her ear, adoring how well it donned her appearance and perfectly captured her delicacy.
             Cecilias really does suit her.
             That day, the day he only showed it to her. It’s the memoir he cherished the most. It’s the only special memory he couldn’t forget.
            He understood why. He keeps thinking of her.
            All these mnemonics with [Name] are important to him and are everything to him.
            And on that day, he believed she wouldn’t leave.
             A smell of a nostalgic sweet breeze wafted in him. The winds kissed his skin making him wish to go back to sleep, yet the sound of familiar laughter was what made him want to open his eyes.
            He recognized those sweet mirths. It’s so close to him that he can feel the figure’s shakiness. The tree’s shadow helped him not to be blinded by the rays of the sun and the gales that caressed his skin were so calming, but his focus was purely glued to a smile.
            Her smile.
            He still waited for the day when he can show the small beauties of life to someone, but there are no fools like him in this vast world. Perhaps they exist, yet they must be distant, enjoying the same sky with other eyes yet the same thought. 
            The whistling of the birds that awaken their sleep in the trees, letting his perception be painted with white, yellow, and blue. It battered him that he was currently laying on her lap.
            So shall it stay put, a smile eternally stained upon her lips. Her joy, her love, her laughter, her cheer. All will reach the ears of those who have forgotten the warmth of such harmonies.
            Emotions came to his mind like the waves meeting the land. They come to him, soaking his entire being and helped him to understand his entire self better. He felt wet hot tears filled up his eyes.
            But this was no tears of grief. 
            It was tears of joy that he has finally heard her laugh once again. Much closer than before. The distance with them has now shortened. Is this the archons saying they’ll give him another chance?
            If it is, he’s very thankful to the Celestia and to the Seven. He was so happy that all he can do is cry and let the tears continuously fall down his cheeks. The tears stained his face but he didn’t care if it did.
            Albedo was just so ecstatic he finally got to reunite with her. He can finally hold her in his arms and apologize for the mistake he has done to her. He missed her so much that he can’t bear the pain anymore of how distant they are.
             And so he promised himself he won’t ever forget her.
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 this oneshot is based on this song   
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neqeyam · 3 years
Dilucxreader and kaeyaxreader hc’s
with that out of the way, let’s get into some hc i have about everyones favorite siblings!
some of these may be a little NSFW, but for the most part they should be SFW.
Diluc is gentle with it where as Kaeya can go rough or be gentle. 
Diluc is a dom, and a very good one at that. 
Neither of them are straight, Diluc gives me closeted Bi vibes, Kaeya is definitely Pan & Proud(TM) (Kaeya’s reasoning is “if you catch my eye, you catch my eye”)
Diluc also gives me confused about his gender vibes, so I’m thinking that once when he was little he tried on a dress and loved it so much he wore it for like three days straight, his father was a little concerned but figured it wouldn’t hurt to let the boy have his freedom while he could. Kaeya got in on it and the maids ended up requesting tailored dresses for them. 
Kaeya often wears dresses, he loves them. 
This is also one of the reason they keep their hair long, that and for their s/o’s to braid n such. 
speaking of braids, Diluc is a MASTER braider, but kaeya can’t so much as do a fishtail, my guy couldn’t sit still long enough for that. 
Diluc’s idea of a date is taking a stroll (or carriage ride) through the hills and cliffs of mondstadt at night. 
Kaeya’s is kinda similar but he’ll take you via horse back, but he has a specific destination in mind. (probably dawn winery to steal wine from diluc) 
Diluc may hate the wine industry but my man learned all the secrets to the trade and make a KILLER cocktail (idk anything ab alcohol pls) 
Kaeya loves giving his s/o and friends piggyback rides, idk but I feel like that’s his form of PDA lol
Diluc HATEEESSSS PDA, at most he’ll hold your hand but anything else is a no go
diluc adopts diona. no i do not take criticism, he saw how Draff treats her and stole his child right out from under his nose. with the promise to Diona that he’d cut off her father from a supply of wine the best he could. He also beats the absolute FUCK out of those creeps at the Cat’s Tail that hit on her. 
same with Barbara, -you know what, fuck it, diluc adopts all the teens/kids of mondstadt- they all eat well, sleep comfortably, and are well dressed bc of Diluc. (razor doesn’t know he’s been adopted tho, diluc sorta let’s him roam. he has youngest sibling privileges) 
klee doesn’t rly spend much time w him but that’s okay bc diluc knows she has Albedo and diluc, for the most part, trust albedo not to fuck up a perfectly good kid. 
kaeya has to beat up that mf that stalks barbara daily, he takes great joy in it. 
no matter who kaeya is dating, he is always also dating Albedo, those two come as a pair (sorta- more like kaeya drags albedo into things with the promise of knowledge and experiments)
bennett has no shame in calling diluc dad and as many times as diluc has told him “i am not your dad” bennett never stops, and diluc never goes further then simply reminding him that he is not his dad. 
diluc listens to all of fischl’s stories without the need for Oz’s translations, fischl loves him and stops by Angels Share every time she comes back from her home world with more stories. 
diona and klee have a table at Angel’s Share that is reserved for them at all times, especially during school so they can do schoolwork where Diluc can keep an eye on them. 
Kaeya taught bennett how to wield a sword. end of discussion, he did i was there i saw it. 
diluc has taken to teaching razor how to use a claymore since Varka (is that his name?) is ‘away’ (probably dead lol) 
kaeya leaves little trinkets in the woods near wolvendom for razor, razor doesn’t actually know who kaeya is but he thinks he’s neat nonetheless. 
diluc and jean dated during their time as cadets, then realized they were better off as friends. then jean came out as lesbian and started dating Lisa. Kaeya will not let him live it down. 
jean obviously had the most potential of the three of them, she was a quick learner and set herself to impossible standards. there were some younger (mostly male) knights who HATED that she was the Gold Star cadet, and often times tried to make fun of her. cue buff late teen Ragnvindr siblings who aren’t afraid to get mean. 
once diluc gets his claymore it’s all over for the people of mondstadt. my guy comes back JACKED and HOT and Donna is the only one brave enough to call it like it is. (fuck donna tho shes SO annoying lmaooo #donnakinnie) 
kaeya’s favorite pass time is poking fun at diluc. 
diluc still knows how to wield a sword, mainly bc kaeya forces him to spar with him once in awhile, it’s mainly for kaeya’s benefit but at least diluc stays sharp with two weapons. 
kaeya tried to teach diluc how to be flirty when they were teens but it,,, didn’t work LMAO 
kaeya is a fucking MASTER of hide and seek and tag. my guy is so competative for NO REASON. he refuses to lose those two games. once a lot of the people of mondstadt got together to play a game of freeze tag,, it took kaeya a little under 2 hours to tag everyone and win the game. 
kaeya tries to teach klee how to stay in jeans good graces so she doesn’t have to be in that mf room all the time. kaeya also breaks her out of that room often and just lets her go ham on some trees outside the city walls. 
recently, whenever klee feels the need to blow something up, she asks kaeya to walk with her to a special spot in dragonspine albedo showed her and kaeya acts as a chaperone and mediator for her ‘bomb tests’ 
wow theres alot more here than i though LOL,,, this is it for now ig
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
A-Z for the oc asks (:
Help okay this is going to be so long it is under a cut.
A. Annoying: What is your OC’s most annoying trait?
Always monotone. Which, as his creator, I'm legally obligated to say I speak exactly like him about 80% of the time. Very dull, monotone, steady at all times. It's annoying! Or at least, I've been told. So, yeah. That.
Puts his work first always. Those who know him only know a small smidge of the work he does and it would seem like there's no way in hell he has SO much work regarding that one section. But yeah, he's a workaholic who does just.. a lot.. behind the scenes.
B. Best: What is your OC’s best personality trait?
He's very observant! He can be dense regarding romantic stuff of course, but other things he's hella in the know. Sulien remembers or notices everything somebody he cares about says or does regarding things they like. So yes, he will always have your favourite takeout and snack ready before you even realise how sad you actually are. He knows.
Like youngest like eldest I suppose. Ohm is also incredibly observant. Ohm is a bit more annoying with it because he will know you're injured even if you try to hide it. But beyond that, he's like a dog. You're sad? Cool let's go do something! Literally contradicts his above annoying trait but I mean, Ohm is weird as hell, he manages too many two faced traits. Anyways have a lollipop.
C. Child: Your OC encounters a crying, lost child. How do they react?
Ooh.. He's confused.. Sulien doesn't do well with people crying in general, let alone kids. He's had some practice with Tartaglia's little siblings, but that's not very much. He's kind of a yk criminal, so he'll probably bring the kid to the nearest location that looks like it'll be able to help them find their parents. He won't stick around for all that long, he's so awkward.
He is on a fucking mission. Ohm is a doctor, he's a very good doctor, he's crouched down talking calmly within seconds. Always has lollipops on hand for this, and for himself, but mostly this. The kid's hand is in his while they're chewing away happily within moments. Then he'll find the parents, and they WILL get scolded on losing their child. Captain Ohm is not pleased ):<
D. Desire: Your OC has the opportunity to get the thing they desire most, but it means betraying a friend. Do they do it?
Yes. He does. A natural infiltrator, Sulien is known as a betrayer for a reason. Merely a job for the most part, a business transaction if you will. All relationships can be sacrificed in exchange of Freedom. He doesn't care. Sulien is tired, he has few friends as is, sometimes people need to go.
No. Because betraying a friend for what he desires means to throw away everything he's ever signed his own life away for. Ohm can't do that, no matter how much he craves Death or Peace. One is obtainable if he makes a mistake and the other is unobtainable. He'll get there in the end without betraying somebody.
E. Excellent: Which of your OCs is the most virtuous?
This one will surprise people who don't as intimately know their stories. I mean come on, you have the Medical Captain of the Knights of Favonius vs a Fatui Harbinger, right? And yet, Sandrone is the more virtuous. Curious, isn't it?
F. Forgive: How good is your OC at apologizing? Do they own up to it when they’ve made a mistake? How easily does your OC forgive other people?
He's so condescending without meaning to be.. Mostly because the times he's apologised, it's been while arresting or killing somebody and he's saying sorry for betraying them. He makes an effort once he's realised he's hurt somebody he cares about, stumbles over his words, but he'll try. He always owns up to mistakes though, especially since he makes so few and he needs to be a good impression to his subordinates so THEY don't make any mistakes. It would depend on what they've done to him. He doesn't forgive nor does he forget sometimes.
Very good! He's a fantastic liar :D! Ohm knows that sometimes to appease people, you have to do what you must, and he's a king with words for a reason. Another one who leads people and needs to show up as a good leader, Ohm always owns up to his mistakes. There are though.. Some things... In his personal life that he's only ever told two.. maybe three people.. Those mistakes.. They run so deep. Hurt too much. Ohm may be a very forgiving person, but he never forgets. Never.
G. Guilt: Does your OC often regret their decisions? If so, describe a decision they regret.
Conditioned to not feel, he ignores things like regret or guilt. He isn't programmed to feel them. He can't afford to. So it isn't often that he'll regret a decision. But when he does, he thinks about it forever. What he could have done better, what would have changed the outcome, he's supposed to be the best in his field at analyzing any given situation and yet.. Sulien just thinks too much sometimes.
A lot of the things he has done he regrets, even if he deems them necessary to choices to make. I suppose Ohm is interesting like that, outwardly, he keeps going, keeps pushing forwards. Inwardly, it's a constant blizzard of guilt. I've always likened Ohm to a man damned, so his feelings about his decisions and the guilt he feels when he makes a bad one definitely fits into that.
H. Honesty: How often does your OC lie? Do they believe lying is ever justified? Describe a time your OC told a lie, or told the truth even when it was difficult.
His job is to lie. Head of Reconnaissance for the Tsaritsa, the puppet's function is to infiltrate what he needs to in order to gain the information he needs. Always adaptable, moldable, he's a liar at any given time. Even if he'd rather tell the truth, he never does, in Her name everything was justified. To tell a time he lied would be just looking at his work history. To tell a time he told the truth even when it hurt, would be more interesting. To compromise; in /almost/ all of his voicelines, he's actually telling the truth. Try and figure which are actually the lies..
Ohm is clever, cunning, his personality handcrafted, perfectly put together piece by piece. Unlike his younger brother, Ohm is a natural liar. It comes easy to him, every honeyed word spoken from a tongue of silver. He has sins to hide and karma to beat back, if that means lying? Well. So be it. His most obvious lie that's revealed throughout his story quests would be that he's almost never on expedition to a nation for medicinal supplies, but rather he was infiltrating Snezhnaya to try and find his brother. A lie very few people knew the truth of, most notable being Varka, who gave his approval. Some hard truths are better off buried for Ohm Ambros.
I. Individuality: Is your OC’s morality more influenced by the society they live in, or their own critical thinking?
I mean... I'll just be honest, Sulien got tortured into utter compliance by way of forcing him to forget everything he ever knew. He's smart as hell, but if he has no frame of reference, then yeah... It's influenced by the people around him, his environment. Sulien is getting better about it though.
His moral code is a roulette wheel and he's not sure where the bullet is. But hey, it's fine. Literally, I have nothing else to add. Ohm kills people, like, straight up disposes. But he's also a very nice man, so..
J. Jealousy: How often does your OC get jealous of other people? Do they keep their jealousy in check, or does it influence their behavior?
Both of them aren't very jealous people, one because Sandrone doesn't even fucking know he's jealous. And two, Ohm is just kinda dense unless someone is like.. uncomfortable, then he'll notice.
K. Knack: What is something your OC is skilled at?
Sulien's skill that I like to talk about the most is the fact he personally repairs his mask(and other things) with Kintsugi! It requires a lot of patience and technique and he is very good at it. Takes him forever though ngl.
He loves his origami. He's very talented with it and can make pretty much anything. A lot of stuff he can do either one handed or without looking, but the more complex stuff he actually needs to concentrate on. He has a nasty habit of folding his briefing papers into cool little pieces.
L. Loathe: What qualities does your OC loathe in other people? Do they tend to be judgmental of others, even when it isn’t warranted?
He doesn't like super whiny people. It's just a personal pet peeve of his, he'd rather not. Like the whole high pitch "hmf!' kind of whiny? Yeah. Despises it. Otherwise Sulien isn't very judgemental! He's pretty respectful in general.
Lmao Ohm is a hypocrite. He dislikes people who are reckless and put others in danger. He'll willingly put himself in danger, but not his team, which is the only real difference. It's weird, he's best friends with Kaeya and yet- ahem anyways. Call it the Doctor Vibe or w/e.
M. Mistake: Describe a time your OC did something bad, or was wrong about something.
War Criminal! Congratulations! He was behind the scenes making sure the sigils of permission were done correctly. I mean, he's a war criminal in general though. Personally, good dude. His work? Mm.. He's done things!
I can't even be like "this dude killed two people when he was fourteen! that's bad!!" cause it was sort of warranted. I think, to Ohm, his biggest mistake would be "failing his parents' one task to him" which was to protect Sulien. And he failed to do that and lost Sulien for pretty much eleven years. It haunts him constantly.
N. Negative: What does your OC believe is their worst flaw?
Sulien has a bit of a thing where he hates how emotional he can get. He's been equated to machine so often that when he feels, he doesn't feel real. He dissociates and he hates that feeling. To him, it is his worst flaw. The puppet being emotional? What's the point? But he also doesn't know how to express his emotions in a healthy way, and I think it makes it all that much worse when he feels so strongly sometimes.
Somebody who has a low outlook on themselves, there is very little Ohm likes. Though his inability to feel like he belongs or perhaps the karma attached to him would be the worst ones. To be haunted by demons, among other things, it is utterly ridiculous to him. And yet, here he is. How one can find comfort in somebody like him is just, beyond him.
O. Outlook: Is your OC more optimistic, pessimistic, or realistic? How likely are they to believe a bad person can change?
They are both Realists. To take a situation upfront and deal accordingly is who they both are at their core. Sandrone is more likely to believe somebody bad can become good, because /he/ wants to be good. Ohm is less likely to believe this, no matter how much he may want it to be true. But at the end of the day, products of environments that were so truly unkind, they are both realistic of the grim world around them.
P. Positive: What does your OC believe is their best personality trait?
For some odd reason, Sulien thinks how blunt he is at times is a good personality trait. I mean, like, I guess? He believes it at least. Sulien just thinks that being blunt is a good way of dealing with things without any communication problems or misunderstandings, and that's true to an extent.
A man bound by contracts, it'd be how dutiful he is. Diligence is the name of his game, ultimately. He's been doing this since he was a child, he better be good at what he does, and he is. He always fulfills his duties, always does his role, always plays his part. His work is who he is.
Q. Quirk: Does your OC have any (minor) bad habits? If so, what? (Biting their nails, sleeping in, procrastinating, etc.)
Honestly most of his work takes place at night or the evenings, so he usually sleeps the day away. It isn't the best for a person, but he does what he must.
Due to his insane alcohol tolerance, he definitely drinks way too much. But it never really hits him...? So he just kinda drinks those lil fruity drinks of his cause he likes the taste haha
R. Respect: What qualities does your OC admire in other people?
Honesty. He admires honesty the most. Sulien has been lied to a lot, had things taken away from him that nobody should ever have taken away. He just wants somebody who will tell him the truth, even if it hurts.
Surprisingly, Ohm likes people who are resourceful, a little bit cunning maybe. He likes people who are useful to him, and being useful means being able to think fast on your feet.
S. Success: Describe a time your OC did something good, or was right when others were wrong.
Most of the time LMAO bye. Sulien functions on one perfected line of code. "Analyse the situation, filter what is appropriate, narrow the results, speak." He tells Pierro straight to his face that he's a better information gatherer because "the difference between your recruits and me lies within step three." He's not often wrong, the other Harbingers hate him for it.
He does his best to do good things to make up for all of his bad karma. A doctor, a captain, an adeptus. He sacrifices his own vitality to heal others. I mean the list goes on. He tries, very hard, to make up for the things he's done.
T. Troubled: Which of your OCs is the most flawed?
They're both flawed in their own ways that I can't really compare them.
Sandrone was broken down into bits, had literally every sense of self or shred of dignity stolen from him, and then he was turned into a tool and used time and time again. That trauma will never go away, nor the problems or flaws that arise from it. Then you have Ohm, who was forced onto a path of bloodshed and slaughter in the name of Celestia. A pawn that has lost everything, everyone. Who failed, time and time again, and has to live with that, with himself. That also doesn't ever go away.
And I think to compare them would be unfair. Especially when the more they learn of each other's pain in their separation, the further they fall into that guilt and pain for their twin. They always blame themselves for what happened to the other.
U. Upgrade: Does your OC strive for self-improvement, or are they less concerned about becoming a better person?
He does what he can with the circumstances he's in, if that makes sense. There isn't a lot that Sulien can do to change himself or the things around him. But he tries to learn better life skills(like cooking) or pick up new hobbies and stuff like that. He really does try though.
I don't think that Ohm sees the value of self-improvement. He knows he isn't a good person, and I think he knows, deep down, that he can't really change that.
V. Value: Is your OC more selfish or selfless? What would they sacrifice for a loved one? What would they sacrifice for a stranger?
Ooh they're so similar haha.
Selfless, he is always doing what other people want. His opinion always comes second. For a loved one? He will lay his life down. For a stranger? Well he'll do his very damn best if the situation calls for it.
Selfless, following a set path laid out in the stars before him, he has no choice. Fate has called and he has answered, what he wants does not matter. But put his loved ones in the firing line? He'll die before they do, he can guarantee that, and he has the power to ensure that. An innocent stranger will receive very close to the same treatment, too.
W. Worst: What is your OC’s worst flaw?
He accidentally gaslights people a lot.. Like he lies to lie at times because he's so used to it? And if you've never been gaslit you are so lucky, its such an awful feeling. A lot of the time when he does it to people he cares about, he really doesn't even notice. And I think that's pretty much his worst one. I mean and he kills people but w/e.
He's self destructive. It's such a big part of his character and just who he is and it shows a lot about who he actually is. Ohm can't stand what he's been pushed into doing and yet he continues to do it. He'd do anything to wash himself of these feelings and it leads to incredible self destructive behaviour. He also kills people but w/e.
X. X-ray: Does your OC believe that they’re a good person? Would you consider them a good person?
No, he doesn't believe he's a good person. I, as his creator, know that he's a genuinely good person put into a bad situation and forced to make bad choices to survive. He just doesn't see it that way, he can't, he's been conditioned to believe whatever they need him to believe to get him complacent.
Also doesn't believe he's a good person. And I, as his creator, know that he's bad at his core, but he tries so hard to do good things. He wasn't given a chance, not really. He tries to make up for it, tries to cleanse his sins, but that blood never washes off..
Y. Young: How has your OC been influenced by their past? Are they a better person because of their past, or a worse one?
-looks into the camera-
The answer is the same for both of them. Heirs to a clan favoured by Celestia, paths set in fate, destinies controlled by stars. They are influenced by things even further than their own pasts. Sandrone was allowed to forget his past, forget who he is, and what he means. Is that good? Is that bad? Who knows. But when he did remember as a child, he was very much influenced by it. Then Ohm, well.. Past mistakes and failures are who he is, right? The last thing he remembers is his father's words too him regarding destiny and given how ingrained that is in their family line. Well..
The past means everything to them.
Z. Zealous: Does your OC have any guilty pleasures? If so, what? (Watching reality TV, drinking soda, reading cheesy romance novels, etc.)
Answered here
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kingoffiends · 3 years
Thinking of worshipping Lilith? Don't know where to start?
Well I got you! I got plenty of advice for worshipping the fertility goddess, maybe even with a bit of Kabbalah in it~
I'm No. 11 of the Fatui Harbingers, codename Childe, but also go by Tartaglia. And you... Hmm, you too like to cause quite the stir, don't you? Something tells me we're going to get along splendidly.
You know, there are better ways to seek out our enemies than... well, standing here.
This place is pretty dead... By which I mean, there's nothing to kill.
I wonder what the rest of the harbingers are up to? Plotting and scheming on an ever-grander scale, no doubt.
Where I'm from, if we didn't keep moving, we'd freeze to death. Literally.
Ah, perfect weather for fishing! The sound of the rain scares them away, but once it stops, they're yours for the taking.
Haha, ahh... could it be snowing in Snezhnaya too?
The world looks glorious in the snow. Pure white, like the light of the moon. A perfect backdrop for bloodshed.
The wind is picking up. There is conflict in the air.
Just look at that wind blow!
The wind permeates all, cleansing both mind and body. Excellent.
Morning, comrade! You're raring to go today, I see.
You look well. What's your secret? Care to exchange notes?
Whew, dinner was quite the feast. A spot of exercise is in order.
Today was great. See you tomorrow, comradel
A warrior must always be ready to face any challenge with his blade. The outcome of the battle is irrelevant - what matters is that you learn from the experience.
Ah, I'm sure the Harbingers must know of my dealings with you by now. Oh, I'd love to see the look on their faces... Hahaha....
I am the least adept with a bow. And that is precisely why I must master it.
You wield such powers without owning a Vision... I really am excited to see what you have in store for us... Let's see how far you can go. Just don't go dying on me before you lay it all on the line in our own final battle! I won't allow it!
Comrade, how would you like to join the Fatui? ...Actually, scrap that. With your capabilities, you and I could head-to-head with the Eleven and win. Wouldn't want to miss an opportunity like that. (Actual voiceline: Comrade, how would you like to join the Fatui? ...Actually, scrap that. With your capabilities, you and could go head-to-head with the Harbingers and win. Wouldn't want to miss an opportunity like that.)
If it makes me stronger, I'll take it. Vision? Great. Delusion? Don't mind if I do. Heretical teachings from the Abyss? Sign me up.
The skeletal-white snowscape devours life without leaving any trace. It is the invisible enemy we fight against each day.
I once ventured deep into the abyss and came face to face with an enormous beast. don't know its name, all I know is the sight of it chilled me to the bone. But mark my words, one day I will march back in there and behead that beast, and you, comrade, will be my witness!
It's been years since I last saw my master. I should hope that next we meet, I'll at least be able to force her to use both hands to beat me...
There's far more to that man than meets the eye. As for the extent of his power.... lots to look forward to. I think.
Tell me, how has Mr. Zhongli been lately? Not bad, you say? Seems he's had no problem acclimating to "mortal" life. Hmph, he sure had me fooled. Such a fiasco mustn't be so easily forgiven! The only way to reconciliation is fierce combat! What do you mean I'm no match for him? Hahaha...
Her Royal Highness the Tsaritsa is actually a gentle soul. Too gentle, in fact, and that's why she had to harden herself. Likewise, she declared war against the whole world only because she dreams of peace. And because she made an enemy of the world, I had the chance to become acquainted with you.
Varka? Just the thought of one day going head-to head with him in combat. the fabled Knight of Boreas himself, titan of the Knights of Favonius... It makes me buzz with excitement. It's a beautiful life we live in this world.
Remember, comrade, one day I will conquer the world!
Face me in person, man to man, and I'll always have a chance of beating you. Same goes if you're a deity or a monster from the abyss. But the Harbingers? They are more enamored with their intangible methods, spending their days scheming and maneuvering. This is why we cannot get along.
However far away my motherland may be, we all live under the same sky. That snow-white moon... My family must be able to see it too. hope my siblings are well... And hope that they have turned out to be formidable warriors too.. (Actual voiceline: However far away my motherland may be, we all live under the same sky. That snow white moon... My family must be able to see it too. hope my siblings. I hope that they have turned out to be formidable warriors as well.)
Comrade, a word of advice: Don't go yelling stupid things in the heat of battle. They might sound good in your head, but if you think about it, they make no sense at all. I'm talking about things like, "I'm on fire!" That's the last thing we want. Fire leaves behind nothing but ashes. And you must survive at all costs.
Ah, how time flies. One day. you will see how I conquer the world and crush the thrones of gods beneath my heel. In the meantime... no dying, comrade! Keep yourself alive, haha.
Ice fishing and combat follow the same principle. Patience and decisiveness are key. Though having said that... I suppose the same is true of everything in life.
My pet peeves? Hmm, well, to be honest, I'm far too busy journeying with you and slaying powerful enemies to dwell on such trifling matters.
There's plenty of delicious food to sink your teeth into in this world... and plenty of fights to sink your teeth into as well. Life is beautiful.
Food is like weaponry. A true warrior never deliberates unduly over their choice of weapon. nor do they do so over the food they eat. Neither should you.
Happy birthday. comradel Anyone you need knocked off their perch today? Let me know. I'll happily oblige...
Ho. feel like I've gotten stronger! Now, who shall I use as my guinea pig...
"A warrior's strength is like a dome. The bigger the dome. the more opponents he can challenge inside it." Hmm. who was it that said this again?
Bravo, comrade! Thanks to your help. I am one step closer to my goal of conquering the world. I doubt even the Tsaritsa herself ever expected I would make it this far.
Comrade. Make sure you keep training too. Otherwise, who will be left to fight me to the death when the world lies defeated at my feet?
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genshinfanboy · 3 years
Holding Them close.
[Ask contents:  Are requests still open? Is so, I'd like cuddling with Kaeya after a long day of adventures- one shot please! And if you can, tooth rotting. Gender neutral is just fine, and anemo vision is additional. Forehead kisses tho-- if you can, please add that too, they're so cute (T^T)]
| Hello dear Annon. If requests are open or not will always remain up to date on the rules page and in my bio. Kaeya is one of my favorite characters. I hope that I do him justice. I started this going to make it pure fluff but my creativity said no. So please forgive me annon but it starts with angst and ends in fluff. If you don't like it then feel free to resubmit. My apologies for taking so long on this one-shot. I was doing so much in my personal life. This will be a gender neutral reader. As for the anemo vision the reader will be a knight that works under Jean. The two are already in an established relationship. Feel free to change the pronouns to fit your own. Please enjoy.
Kaeya x GN! Reader.
Warning: a minor spoiler for Kaeya's stories. And slight angst.
Kaeya and (Y/N) were sent out to check on one of the nearby ruins. Jean wanted to them to check out the ruins due to some reports she had gotten. She knew about their relationship but didn’t have too many knights at the Knight’s headquarters because Grand master Varka had taken a decent amount of the knights for his expedition. She knew these two were able to deal with any trouble that may arise. Kaeya looked at his partner as they walked towards the ruins. "Hey (Y/N) would you like to make a bet?" He asked with a smirk. "Not while we are working." They stated keeping their guard up. They watched for any movement. "Plus Acting Grand Master Jean had said that the reports involved abyss mages. We wouldn't be the best team if the abyss mages used cryo Kaeya." They said as the two walked. "Come on what happened to that adventurous spirit you used to have? When we first met you would've been the one who asked to make a bet." Kaeya teased as they entered the ruins. He wanted them to lose so he could get them to do something for him. He didn't wish to ask with a bet it surely would be able to mask his intent. It would also give him something to tease them about later. He looked around as they scouted the ruins. Kaeya noticed an active ruin guard. He smirked things were about to get a lot more interesting. He looked over at his partner. They didn't seem to of noticed the ruin guard yet. He decided it would be perfect to just rush it to see their reaction. The moment he started rushing the ruin guard they turned to see him.
The moment (Y/N) turned to their partner they wanted to hit him. He was rushing into battle with a ruin guard. "Kaeya what are you doing!" They called out. Kaeya gave them a laugh in reply. "I'm getting rid of a threat." He said. Because of his love the ruin guard noticed him sooner than he wanted it to. He gave a sigh and lunged at the enemy with his vision activated. It helped slow the movements for a moment. He saw (Y/N) right next to him. They gave him a glare as they lunged at the enemy. They had quickly defeated it. "Kaeya what where you thinking!" They said with wide eyes. The walked over and pinched his arm. "Hey no need to get feisty, love. I simply saw a threat and removed it." He stated with a teasing tone. Quickly peaked their cheek. They were about to scold him before a distorted laugh was heard. It was definitely an abyss mage. It happened to be a pyro mage. They had to be careful to come out of this injury free. (Y/N) was definitely going to scold their partner when the two got home. They got into a fighting stance to prepare to fight. Kaeya's vision wouldn't be much help in this fight. "It seems like we found what we were sent to find." He stated holding his sword out. "You knights won't get any further." The mage threatened casing a spell. It was aimed at (Y/N) they noticed it and used their anemo powers to block the one they say. They didn't notice that the abyss mage had sent a second attack from behind. Everything happened so fast and they were pushed to the ground. They looked up to see Kaeya taking the hit. His cheek was cut slightly and he was glaring at the mage. The look he had sent chills down their back. "How dare you try hurting them?" As Kaeya spoke his tone was cold and harsh. He waited a second before acting. The mage gave a quick response saying they were the easy target. He rushed forward and swiftly took out the mage.
(Y/N) quickly stood up and rushed over to him. "Kaeya are you alright?" They asked in worry. Their hands cupping his cheeks checking the cut. "This was our last task of the day. Let's go home and take care of that cut." They said. Kaeya looked over at them. "We still have to give a report to Acting Grand Master Jean." He said. "I'll do it you should go home first." They started dragging him out of the ruins. They weren't giving him a chance to protest. The moment they were back in Monstadt (Y/N) went to the knights headquarters and informed Jean. Kaeya knew the cut wasn't bad. He went back to the ruins to make sure there wasn't any other abyss mages. He came home an hour later. He saw that (Y/N) wasn't there and looked around. He heard a voice outside calling his name he poked his head out and saw his beloved. "Hey darling what are you doing?" He asked as he saw them. They walked into their shared living quarters and was dragged into the bathroom. They started cleaning his cut gently. "Why weren't you home? I just spent an hour looking for you." Their voice was concerned. "I went back to the ruins and made sure there wasn't any other threats. How can I make it up to you sweetheart?" Kaeya said when the cut was taken care of. "Cuddle with me." They said with a blush. "Oh being bashful are we. Let's go to our room then." His voice was very teasing. He lead them to their shared room. He laid down and they laid next to him. They felt his arms wrap around them. They held onto him tightly. "Can you look at me for a second sweet flower?" He asked. The moment they looked up at him the saw him lean down and they got their forehead kissed. Kaeya had peppered them in soft gentle kisses. "There's no need to be worried it's just a scratch. I know that no matter what injuries I get that my sweet beloved will take care of me." He teased. "Don't be so reckless. I want to spend my life with you." They stated tightening their hold. "I will try for you." He said pressing another kiss to their forehead. He rubbed their back and held them close for the rest of the night.
| Thank you for reading and have a great day or night.
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stories2you · 3 years
Haikyuu (Genshin AU) Karasuno ver
So previously I posted about Mr Love in Genshin universe, so now’s Haikyuu!! I’ll be doing Karasuno’s edition first so enjoy~
Other anime series: [Mr Love] Haikyuu teams: [Nekoma], [Fukurodani], [Seijoh]
Second years and First years under the cut.
- DAICHI - Vision: Geo Affiliation: Mondstadt, Knights of Favonius Weapon: Claymore
Daichi is easy for me to visualise him as a member of the Knights of Favonius. Heck, his status would be one of the Cavalry Captains along with Kaeya. We’ve seen how strong and passionate he is. He can be intimidating but is actually a softy. He has younger siblings and would often take them out to Springvale or any places around Mondstadt.
He’s always cautious too! He’ll bring his claymore with him and is always prepared to protect the city and his loved ones. Like at one time, he’s with his younger siblings near Windrise. His siblings decided to visit the Anemo Archon statue to send their respects when suddenly they were attacked by the Hilichurls.
Daichi would summon a protective shield and fight against the hilichurls. This may also happen when he goes out on a patrol or escort with his team where they got ambushed by the Fatui or the stinky Ruin Guard or Ruin Hunter.
He’s a reliable person anyway and is always willing to help out. His quick senses and instinct allows him to spot the enemies quickly thus, that is why I think he would be very fit to be part of the Knights.
- SUGAWARA - Vision: Electro/Dendro Affiliation: Mondstadt, Knights of Favonius Weapon: Catalyst/Bow
I had a hard time thinking about what Suga’s weapon and vision would be. But most importantly, I see him as an alchemist, working alongside Albedo and Sucrose. Now, onto his vision;
If he has electro vision, he would probably had a blast on torturing the baddies with the potions that has electrical substance in them or even electrocuting them. He might even create a smol sidekick like how Fischl has Oz. A talking crow. But instead of using a bow like Fischl, he’d be a catalyst like Lisa. 
However if he has dendro vision, he might do various experiments on plants. Using his knowledge on alchemy, he can create lots of ointments or medicine for those in need. He can even detect the poison in the plants and use them as his advantage to fight the enemies. So here, I’d see him using a bow. His arrows varies from poisonous tips to non. If he’s hunting, then he uses the non poisonous arrows. When he’s fighting, he’d use the other. 
Oh, and his skills may also include healing~
- ASAHI - Vision: Pyro/Hydro Affiliation: Mondstadt, Knights of Favonius/Dawn Winery Weapon: Sword/Claymore
Asahi... I see him being affiliated in two places, the Knights and the Winery. His vision, either pyro or hydro. His weapon, either sword or claymore.
Now, if he’s with the Knights, I see him wielding the claymore like Daichi and has pyro vision. The reason I chose pyro as his vision is because, despite his timid personality, he can be scary and intimidating whenever he deem it fit. His burning passion to protect his beloved ones and his city symbolises his bravery.
On the other hand, if he’s with the winery, I see him working with Elzer (Diluc’s assistant). He would handle the accounting when Elzer’s not around. He’s mainly at the grape field. Using his hydro vision to water the plants. But I think he would be more to being Diluc’s assistant or partner. He would be at the tavern whenever Diluc goes there or when the latter told him to be there in his stead.
As for his weapon with hydro vision, he’s either using the sword or claymore. If he wields a sword, his fighting style would be a mix of Kaeya’s and Xingqiu’s. But if he wields a claymore, it’ll be like how he fights as a knight.
- TANAKA - Vision: Geo Affiliation: Mondstadt, Knights of Favonius Weapon: Claymore
Tanaka definitely has a geo vision and wields a claymore.
He’s strong and keeps a positive mindset that’s very hard to break. He knows what to do if he’s down. His positivity is as strong as his skills of mastering the geo vision which targets him as a formidable opponent.
As for his weapon of choice, at first, it’s just because he wants to look and be manly. According to him, “A man must wield a strong weapon.” But his mindset changes when he meets Kiyoko. His show off attitude fades as he matures. He vows to protect not only Kiyoko, but everyone. Thus, how he really mastered his techniques. He can even be on the same level as Daichi if he really works for it.
- NISHINOYA - Vision: Electro Affiliation: Mondstadt, Knights of Favonius Weapon: Sword
I may or may have not made a reference of his “Rolling Thunder” for his vision. With his vision being electro, he can finally make his favorite skill be a reality. Like his role as a libero, he’s more of a support. Like Zhongli, his ultimate skill has more critical damage.
As for his weapon of choice, he’d go with sword. His fighting style would be similar to Keqing but with more aggression. Despite so, his fighting style is smooth and quick. He can summon a shield as a primary skill that attracts magnetic force of the enemies. So he’s def a reliable support.
His affiliation tho, he’s more like a trainer. He only goes out on missions when they need him or when they’re short of knights. But he’s reliable in any way.
- ENNOSHITA - Vision: Hydro Affiliation: Mondstadt, Cathedral/Medic Weapon: Polearm
Ennoshita’s canon occupation is a Psysical Therapist, so he’s very much likely to be a medic. Either part of the Cathedral or he’s a travelling doctor hailing from Mondstadt.
He’s a good fighter as well so he may even come along with the knights on a heavy missions as the medic and a support. Ennoshita is also a good guide, so the junior medics are all well trained in terms of health as well as fighting. 
He may be a support but his basic attacks contain lots of damage and his ultimate skills allows the fellow knights to instantly heal and provide damage increase. His basic attacks are similar to Durandal from Honkai Impact 3rd, which is her stab throw on the enemies. I’m sure Ennoshita is strong enough to swing a Mitachurl if he dares.
- KINOSHITA -  Vision: Cryo Affiliation: Mondstadt, Dawn Winery Weapon: Bow
Okay.. Kinoshita here has lots of character improvement. From being timid and anxious to a positive guy. But I don’t see him being with the Knights. He’s more of a business type, he might be one of those people at the Winery who are able to fight.
Idk why I chose cryo for his vision, but he just has the face of a character with cryo vision. As for his weapon of choice though, considering his big character development, Archery is a sport/activity that really trains your patience and aims. So seeing how much he focuses to improve on volleyball, he can excel fighting with the bow. I see that his fighting style would be very similar to Childe.
- NARITA - Vision: Pyro Affiliation: Mondstadt, Dawn Winery Weapon: Sword
Honestly, I don’t know much about Narita but I’m using the fact that he’s close friends with the other second years. I can definitely see them working together when they fight the baddies.
With Noya’s electro, Ryuu’s Geo, Ennoshita’s hydro and Kinoshita’s Cryo, they can counter the enemies and destroy the stinky Ruin Guards and Ruin Hunters along with the Fatui baddies. And Childe
As for his weapon, I see him wielding a sword. His fighting style would be like a mix of Kaeya and Xingqiu.
- HINATA - Vision: Pyro/Anemo Affiliation: Mondstadt, Outrider Weapon: Bow/Sword
Okay, don’t come at me cuz he has the same voice as our cutie bard, Venti. But I really see him having anemo vision than pyro. Like have you all seen how he literally flew?? 
So, firstly, if he has anemo vision, He’d actually master the vision and can be as strong as Jean. But he’d wield a bow like Venti. Now, he can work well with Amber as an outrider and can provide healing as well as huge damage when combined with other elemental visions. His fighting style would be a mix of Amber and Venti. Another thing, I kinda view the two characters be the main role models to Hinata when he wants to master his anemo vision.
Secondly, if he has pyro vision, he’d use a sword instead. Hinata’s flexible but at the same time, reckless. So he’s like Bennet in a way. But the two would actually be good friends and would train together. Maybe if they’re lucky, they’d get Diluc to be their mentor to control their pyro vision. 
Side note, I chose pyro as one of the choices is because of his name. As for anemo, Venti is one of the reasons, but mainly how Hinata is like when he improves on his volleyball skills and his positive vibe.
- KAGEYAMA -  Vision: Pyro Affiliation: Liyue (former), Mondstadt, Outrider Weapon: Claymore
Okay, Mr Blueberry here is definitely blessed with Pyro vision. I had this idea from his personality; easily angered, overconfident, passionate and so on. At first, his overconfidence and proudness of getting his vision made him lose control and burned a field at Liyue. Thus, he was being looked down upon his former friends.
Now that he’s in Mondstadt, he wanted to be part of the knights. But his overconfidence made him lose control once again and he was sent to be trained as an Outrider instead. That’s where he met Hinata. The two clashed so much that they had to be lectured by the Grand Master Varka. 
Like Tanaka, he wanted to look cool by wielding the claymore. As he improved and mastered his vision skills, he truly accepted that being blessed with the vision is not only something to be proud of but also to protect others as well. He’s definitely one of the formidable opponents to the Fatui.
- TSUKISHIMA - Vision: Hydro/Dendro Affiliation: Mondstadt, Knights of Favonius Weapon: Polearm
Saltyshima here, is definitely part of the alchemist with Suga. Like his senpai, he’s sadistic as heck. So he’d actually inflict poison or other dangerous substances when he fights with the baddies with either his hydro or dendro vision.
If he has either hydro or dendro, he’d definitely find a way to create medicine or potion for Ennoshita and creating dangerous experiments to use on the baddies such as poisons, explosions and so on. Even with his polearm, he’d have different types to bring with him; the one inflicted with danger or the regular one for hunting.
He’d actually make Hinata and Kageyama as his guinea pigs other than the hilichurls or slimes. 
- YAMAGUCHI - Vision: Anemo Affiliation: Mondstadt, Dawn Winery Weapon: Claymore
Mr Gucci here, I see him working with Asahi at the winery. Together with Kinoshita and Asahi, they’re often out to protect the winery. With the seniors’ skills, Yamaguchi can double the damage with swirling of his anemo vision.
As for his vision and weapon of choice, we have yet to see a character from Genshin to wield a claymore with anemo vision. So it’s interesting to visualise Yamaguchi to have that image. He can make use of his skill on every swing of his claymore which makes him quite strong. 
If you have any suggestions for Mr Gucci here, do share them~
Alright, I know I left out the managers and Ukai and Takeda, but I’ll put them into different post. I’ll post the next team soon~ I’d love to hear everyone’s opinion on the characters in genshin universe so do share them. 
- Mayu
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