#where’s cioccolata? i don’t know. I don’t like him .
ask-unita-speciale · 7 months
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L’unità Speciale…Going fishing! (For carne and notorious chase in the Tyrrhenian Sea)
(Version without text cause I think it’s neater without my shitty handwriting)
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Hello there! This isn’t a request, but a brainrot of mine. Before that lemme say it will have major spoilers for Jojolion;
I don’t why but out of all the jofoes, Pucci and Toru are the ones who scares me the most especially if we consider them as yanderes (which is not that far off. One is born without knowing unconditional love, seeing he was abandoned the moment he was born by his mother— and the closest thing to a mother or love he had is a wasp, which he didn't hesitate to eat if it meant his survival—which may or may not be the reason for his parasitic lifestyle. While the other could not accept that fate that his sister was dealt and was willing to go the extremes).
Both of them are hella manipulative, and are quite natural at pulling the string with their darling. So much so, I very much doubt that their darling suspect anything about them, until It’s too far late for them to do anything about it. It doesn't help that they both work in a philanthropic jobs; ones a priest, the other as a doctor/nurse. So asking for help against them would only make onlookers doubt your words as mere accusations.
Since I see these two in particular to gradually isolate their darling from the world under the premise of their greater good —They are hella selfish, one denies it (Pucci) and the other is apathetic towards it even if he knows it's wrong (Toru)—and ensure that that they are completely dependant on them. That way they could never leave them. It's quite ironic how both Pucci and Toru share the same fear when it comes to their darling; That being the fear of their beloved leaving/replacing them.
With Toru, I can see him using his position as head doctor to access sedatives and using it on his darling if they’re were particularly antsy that day (Only as a last resort, if he could not sweet talk them). Medical yanderes are scary in general—looking at you Secco and Cioccolata in particular— due to many things like their access to their darling private information and drugs.
I can,also, see that both their obsession pass on their stands too.
With Whitesnake, I see it being privy about his user’s beloved memories (I see Pucci using WS to manipulate his darling’s memories to his benefit. Push them closer to him, it's not like they lost a significant memory or anything. Ngl, It is a terrifying thought. Imagine a strange priest proclaiming that he is your spouse and you can't remember if it was true or anything).
With Wonder of U, the moment that Toru goes into his sleep cycle—like most rock humans do (Darling be like: Finally I can escape him afterall 🥳. WoU: You sure about that? 🤨)—He would tail his user’s darling to ensure that they don't leave Morioh at all by sabotaging their escape attempts. Oh, you want to use the airport to escape? Too bad, the the plane suddenly exploded due to some technical issues. The port? Too bad, unexpectedly a tsunami had struck it drowning whatever available ships there is.
His tailing doesn't stop at preventing his user’s darling at escaping, but also at ensuring that they don't enter into another relationship or/and seek help from let say other people. WoU won't hesitate to goad said people into pursuing him, so they could vanish under mysterious circumstances.
At some point, the darling would stop engaging with people as the guilt eats their mind. Thinking they were cursed.. After all, no matter where they go death—freaky accidents—follow them unaware of the presence of WoU (Which canonically one of it’s ability is to disguise itself. Imagine it disguising itself as one of the darling’s relative, maybe like their grandfather and the darling is none the wiser to it 💀) under their nose making sure that they stay with Toru at all cost. They'll be all alone. After all, they are meant to be together with him and Toru.
Sorry if I prolonged, hahaha: It’s just there’s little content for Jojolion and I have a brainrot for it.. 😅
First off your brainrot is absolutely amazing here, like I’ve read this a few times over and mulled on it before finally making a response. I welcome all and any Jojolion brainrot, it’s one of my favorite parts.
I feel it’s accurate to say both Toru and Pucci would both be extremely terrifying, Yandere. Everything you put down pretty much summarizes what I think as well.
Just imagine having the use of WoU against you, calamity, disguise or otherwise on top of that being around sedatives (and knowing how to administer) is a whole different level of terrifying.
or your memories slightly altered at Pucci’s discretion. Sends chills down my spine just thinking of either of those. Man I’d have more thoughts but this is just so great I barely have any words.
I’ll at least say it’s terrifying being “trapped” by either of those circumstances, You’re practically helpless. Probably one of the more scary types of horror/Yandere in my opinion.
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3xm-draconic · 2 years
Jojo's Bizarre little Adventure. Chapter 23: Celebrate Good Times Come On!
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Chapter 23: Celebrate Good Times Come On!
It was the day right after the Secco fight and like with all the destructive incidents that happened in and around the apartments the destroyed property was miraculously fixed the next day, this had always been weird even to the villains but they had gotten used to it by now. 
Valentine was in the living room with DIO and Diavolo helping to plan out a ‘‘stand obtention day’’ party, “so… it’s like a birthday party…but for when you obtain a stand?” Diavolo questioned with a raised eyebrow, “yes, I mean think about it Mirtillo now has a stand which makes her more powerful and able to see ours right?” DIO remarked, “yeah?...go on…” Diavolo nodded, “which means she has conquered a huge milestone in her life, afterall she had been upset during the past few days recovering from nearly being digested by Cioccolata because she thought herself weak and useless” DIO recounted “which means, like us, she defied fate!..wouldn’t you celebrate something like that?”, “...you have a point there” Diavolo nodded with Valentine in agreement.
“So what are some of your ideas for the party?” Valentine asked DIO, “well I think we should match the party’s theme to her stand, make it look like a royal princess tea party, NEFFEX looks like a tiny golden ballerina mixed with an old china teapot and a fairy princess” the vampire replied, “Squeakers will love that” Diavolo nodded.
Meanwhile at the pillar apartment…
“Mirtillo I know I promised to train you when you got better but I half to help with the party so I am leaving your training to the other pillarmen” Kars told her as he dropped her off with Wammu and Santana.
Karz looked around the apartment “...where is Esidisi?” he asked Santana “out getting food, he said he’d be back in a few hours” Santana replied from the couch. 
Karz turned to Wammu and gently placed Mirtillo in his hands “Wammu I entrust you with training Mirtillo to be a powerful warrior like us”, Wammu’s eyes widened “d-does this mean she is my apprentice?” Wammu grinned, Karz nodded “yes Wammu, Mirtillo is now your very own apprentice”.
Externally Wammu was stoic and had a calm smile when learning this…but internally he was overjoyed, Wammu had always wanted an apprentice so he could teach them all he had learned from his masters Esidis and Karz and even some of his own techniques. 
When Karz left their apartment Wammu turned to Mirtillo barely able to contain his excitement “are you ready little fluff?”, Mirtillo smiled “let’s go!” she squeaked excitedly, her little fluffy tail wagging behind her.
“Are you sure we have enough money for this?” Valentine turned to DIO and showed him the cost of all the decorations and party stuff, “don’t worry about it I’ll cover most of it” Diavolo said as he helped load the shopping cart, “...well that's a little unexpected of you Dia” DIO looked at the ex-don curiously.
“What?, can’t I spend money on Squeakers?” Diavolo huffed, “well it’s just you’d never spend any money on us like that” DIO grumbled, “you would have never risked your life for mine” Diavolo snarked back at the vampire, “...eh you have a point” DIO shrugged.  
The party’s theme was gold, white and various shades of blue, thankfully Party City had tons of stuff matching what they needed.
“Ok so we have decorations and costumes matching the color scheme and princess theme” DIO recounted, “check” Valentine said as he crossed it off the list, “Pucci texted me that he, Karz, Diego and Kira got the party food”, “check”, “Doppio is making the cake and that should be everything”, “yep it all checks off”, “hold on I want to get some things for Squeakers” Dia said as he handed DIO and Valentine a huge wad of cash, enough to cover all the decorations, “what are you getting her?” Valentine asked him, puzzled as to what the ex-don was up to, “and where were you hiding all this cash?” DIO looked at the fat stack of money completely bewildered, “it’s a surprise” Dia told him as he left to go pick out gifts.
“Ok little fluff first I want to see how strong you are, so hit me” Wammu looked to Mirtillo as he took a fighting stance, “ok Wammu but I gotta warn you NEFFEX has increased my physical strength, so I now pack quite the punch!” Mirtillo cheered as she leapt forward at the warrior of the wind.
Mirtillo’s tiny fist collide with Wammu’s chest sending a loud thunder wave of sound and sent him flying out of the courtyard, “...damn…” Santana said, his eyes wide.
“Th-this is INCREDIBLE!” Wammu thought as he sailed through the air and landed in the park, a huge cloud of dust and rubble formed from when he careened back to the earth, he smiled giddily “she hit me even harder than Joseph did, such strength for a tiny being, with proper training she’ll make a fine warrior” Wammu from under his blanket of rubble cried tears of joy.
“Tilly pleas st-stop crying…we’re go-ing to get th-there and see he..is f-fine” Santana reassured a sobbing Mirtillo “Tilly you d-did not kill him”, Santana approached the dirt mound “Wammu…you good?” he shouted at the mound, Wammu’s fist popped out of the dirt and gave him a thumbs up, “see Tilly?”
Mirtillo looked back at Wammu and screamed, crying even harder now, Santana looked to Wammu and saw he had a huge gaping hole in his chest that was sizzling and smoking “woh…”.
“WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!” Esidisi’s voice called from behind them, “Tilly and Wammu were training…Tilly hit him” Santana replied, Esidisi looked over at Wammu who was gawking at the hole in his chest “Mirtillo did that?...damn..nice job!” he congratulated her but she was sobbing hysterically, “hey it’s alright tincy Wammu’s survived worse” Esidisi again tried to reassure her, “it’s true, I once gouged out my own eyes and was fine…for the most part” Wammu told her, Mirtillo stopped crying and looked at him with a horrified expression “that makes me even more concerned” she sniffled.
“Alright the decorations are up, everyone has their costumes, food is here and Dia got gifts now all we need is dust bunny” Valentine said as he checked everything off his list, “Wammu will bring her with the other pillars” Karz replied as he adjusted his fake crown (they had all dressed up as princes and kings).
“Ok this looks bad but honestly it’s not, I barely even feel it” Wammu said as he entered the villains apartment with Mirtillo, Esidisi and Santana, “ah Wammu your ba-AHHHHHHHH!” Valentine screamed as he saw the hole in his chest, “....Wammu…how did that happen?” Karz asked him, a look of mild worry on his face, “well you told me to train Mirtillo, I asked her to hit me with her best shot, she fired away…….and punched a hole in my chest…no big deal”, the room fell silent
“...what the fuck?” Diavolo muttered as DIO’s laughter broke the silence.
The party as usual went well,  Mirtillo who could now grow to the size of a small child with the power of NEFFEX got to play video games with Santana and Terrence, she could also eat a whole hot dog and other foods that would have been 3x her size and there was even a pinata which was promptly obliterated and it’s confectionary guts consumed. 
“Alright Mirtillo I want you to open your gifts up now” Diavolo said as he handed her one of several huge boxes, “Dia what in hell did you get her?” Valentine asked him, “let her open it and find out” he shot back, Mirtillo gasped.
“THEY ARE SO PRETTY!” she squeaked as she held up a beautiful designer dress,
The other Villains (except Karz and Diego) were stunned speechless, “you bought her designer clothes?” DIO gawked as he looked at the tag on the dress, it was a Givenchy brand exclusive, “DIOR, Versace, Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Marc Jacobs, Loui Vuitton, Balenciaga, Fendi, SALVATOR FERRAGAMO?!” Kira screamed “DIA HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU GET THIS?, THESE ARE EXPENSIVE AS HELL!”, “I hacked into an old off-shore account Giorno hadn't gotten into yet I had here and took out all the funds….don’t worry I didn't spend it all on Squeakers, Doppio and I still have 55,000,000$ left”, “YOU EVEN GOT HER GUCCI AND PRADA!?” DIO and Pucci yelled, Diavolo took a sip of his sparkling grape juice “what can I say? I wanna be the fun rich Uncle who spoils their niece rotten” Diavolo looked over and a very grumpy Doppio “right little bro?”.
Doppio huffed “I hope you know that most of that 55,000,000$ is going towards rent and Topolino’s school and college fund” Doppio angrily scolded his boss/big brother for being so frivolous.
“SCHOOL…EH COLLEGE?!” all the villains (except Doppio and Valentine) gawked, “yes school and one day college, Funny and I want to enroll Mirtillo in the local school now that she can grow to a bigger hight” Doppio said, “personally I think that is a great idea…and I’am not being sarcastic” DIO added, “w-what, why?” Diavolo turned to DIO shocked, “hear me out…I went to college and got a degree in law, I think giving little darling a higher education will give her a lot more opportunities in her future”, “I…got to agree with DIO, a good education is a valuable asset to have” Kira pointed out, “this will also help her make friends and have something to do besides stay in the house all day” Pucci added, “expanding one’s knowledge is a noble pursuit I can support” Karz nodded with them, “funsize could use the experience” Diego agreed with Karz, Diavolo shook his head “I guess Squeakers is going to school”.
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cophene · 6 months
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pairing : vento aureo x gn reader summary : with virtually nothing left in their credit account, a gang of space thieves turn to the richest man in the galaxy to give them  a job worth millions. too bad those never come easy, even with stand abilities and pretty-faced crew notes : sci-fi au, multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn’t follow canon plot word count : 3k+
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“And where would you be taking them?” he asked Rati pointedly.
“They have an appointment with Dr. Polnareff. I’ve been told to escort them.”
“What business do they have with him?”
“Whatever it is, it’s none of yours.”
Cioccolata sneered. “This group? Are you sure they have the clearance for that? Dr. Polnareff is a busy man. He doesn’t need to be bothered by—by—”
Rati showed him something on his holopad. The contempt in Ciocacolata’s eyes morphed into shock.
“What? But how is that possible?”
“It’s above your pay grade,” replied Rati. “Please excuse us. Feel free to go back to whatever it was you were doing.” He brushed past Cioccolata and you’d be lying if you said didn’t feel pleased at the dumbfounded look on the tech’s face.
Rati led your crew down the corridor and then into an elevator. It was surprisingly large enough to fit everyone, and you supposed that came in handy when they were wheeling down specimens and equipment between floors. Once the elevator doors opened, Rati led you down several more winding corridors, the frosted glass and soundproofing in all of the rooms preventing you from discerning what was going on inside.
You felt slightly nervous despite yourself. More nervous than when you had been going to meet Pericolo and Polpo. You truly didn’t know anything about Polnareff. His age, mannerisms and appearance would all be a surprise to you. There was no one to coach you about how to act around him. Even Rati seemed more like a messenger than a close associate.
You found yourself running scenarios of how the meeting might turn out. You hoped Polnareff would hand over the Stand Arrow without difficulty, but who could say? It seemed more likely that he would refuse outright, seeing as you were space thieves and not a genuine research group. In that case, Zero’s pin would do better talking than you ever could.
“You sure you know where Polnareff’s lab is?” Mista asked, directly behind Rati. “How long have we been walking, anyway?”
“You’re welcome to lead if you think you know better,” Rati said.
Mista jabbed a hand into Rati’s back. “Listen, if you’re planning on ambushing us or something, I’d suggest you think twice. We didn’t get this far just for some visor-wearing flackbag to stop us.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
Mista snorted. “Yeah. Sure you don’t.”
You felt someone brush your arm and turned to see JoJo.
“I had a question. Captain,” he added belatedly.
“What’s going to happen after we find the Stand Arrow? Has Zero specified a drop-off point?”
“Not that I know of,” you said. “We’ll contact him directly after we get the Arrow. See what he wants.”
“Do you have any plans for . . . afterwards?”
“I’ll be honest and say I haven’t let myself think that far yet.” When you thought of the future beyond the Stand Arrow, all that came up was far-off, golden mist. Whatever happened afterward would be glorious, you were sure.
Huh. You never used that word.
“Why do you ask?”
JoJo scratched beneath his jaw again. “It’s just that . . . I was wondering if my position on the crew was a permanent one. I would completely understand if . . . I had to leave once this job was over.”
You blinked. “Is that what’s got you twisted up? You can stay with the crew as long as you want, or leave, depending. No one’s going to force you.”
JoJo only looked a tad relieved. “I see.” He smiled faintly. “Thank you. For everything so far.”
“I haven’t done much other than nearly get you killed, but you’re welcome.”
“Here we are,” Rati said, stopping in front of a set of frosted double-doors. There were no markers anywhere to indicate it was Polnareff’s lab. He scanned his ident chip and then his iris, waiting a moment for the doors to slide open. 
“Just wait here a moment and I’ll get Dr. Polnareff.” Rati disappeared somewhere inside the lab, leaving you to squint around at your surroundings.
It was very dark in here. The only illumination came from a wall of screens near the back, displaying diagrams and equations for stars-knew-what. A few innocuous displays of animals and plants took up one of the counters and on the other was a complicated contraption you could only guess at. Not overly impressive. No Stand Arrow lying around, either.
“Stars, that Rati guy gets on my nerves,” Narancia said, rubbing his arms.
Mista rolled his eyes. “You too? I thought that was just me.”
“The fact that Asswipe seems more trustworthy than him says a lot,” Trish said. Then winced. “Abbacchio, I mean. Sorry, old habits.”
“There’s definitely something off about him,” Fugo mused. He’d drifted over to the wall of screens. “But he did bring us to Polnareff.” He craned his neck to look at the uppermost screens. “What’s our approach, Captain?”
“Be direct about it as possible,” you said. “We don’t have time to go beating around the bush. I don’t want to resort to force, but if it comes to it…”
“So, your usual approach, I’m guessing?” Abbacchio said. You side-eyed him.
The sound of whirring made everyone straighten. Rati reappeared behind a man in an automated wheelchair. He was well built, with receding silver hair styled straight-up in a flat-top. His legs had been replaced with prosthetics, along with what appeared to be two fingers on his left hand. One of his eyes glowed blue—a cybernetic, you guessed, covered by a half-visor. Eerily, the cybernetic made you think of Narancia, and you couldn’t help glancing at him. 
Polnareff didn’t smile when he saw your crew. In fact, his mouth turned down in a frown.
“Dr. Polnareff, allow me to introduce Passione. They expressed great interest in meeting you,” said Rati.
“I’m sure they did,” said Polnareff. He studied each of your crew intently, forming a silent opinion before stopping on you. 
He waited expectantly.
You cleared your throat. “Thank you for meeting us, uh, Dr. Polnareff. My name is Y/N L/N, Captain of the Passione.” You introduced each of your crew members in turn, hesitating only a beat on Abbacchio, who nodded curtly.
Polnareff wasted no time with the preamble. “Why are you here?”
Fugo darted a look at Rati. “Could we talk about this somewhere private?”
“Whatever you have to say to me can be said to my assistant,” Polnareff said gruffly. “I trust him entirely.”
Assistant? Rati certainly didn’t look like a lab assistant, least of all to a scientist apparently as respected as Polnareff.
You traded looks with Fugo. You said you wouldn’t beat around the bush, so you wouldn’t.
“We’re here for the Stand Arrow. We’ve been told you have it.”
“By multiple sources,” Trish murmured.
Rati stiffened visibly. Meanwhile, Polnareff made no outward reaction. He directed his wheelchair over to the wall of screens and stared up at them.
“And what sources would that be?”
“Pericolo, for one a croupier at a casino on Laius,” said Mista. “And Polpo, an inmate at Penitentiary IV.”
“We also got our hands on a supercomputer,” added Narancia. “Coco Jumbo.”
At this, Rati’s head whipped up. Polnareff turned slightly.
“Would you repeat that?”
“Uh, Coco Jumbo? Like the drink?”
“Show it to me,” Polnareff said urgently. Quickly, Narancia handed over his holopad, Coco Jumbo already queued up.
“You actually have it,” Polnareff said, holding the holopad like it was something precious. “I thought you might be lying and yet—”
A smile lit Polnareff’s face. It was so unexpected you gawked at him.
“Come into my office,” Polnareff said. “There is a lot I would like to explain.”
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Polnareff’s office was a lot more homey than his lab. Your crew took up the various seats and table space he had in the room while Rati grudgingly handed out mugs of tea. Polnareff hadn’t stopped playing around with Coco Jumbo, laughing a little whenever it snarkily answered one of his questions.
Still no Stand Arrow to be found.
“So, what’s all of this about?” Trish finally asked. “You act like you know Coco Jumbo.”
“I should. I was the one who programmed it.”
“Wait, really?” Narancia exclaimed. “But Coco said you had it decommissioned and that you were going to put it up for auction.”
“A convenient lie, isn’t it?” Polnareff smiled fondly. “It was part of my attempt to get Coco out into the galaxy. I didn’t really wipe its memory banks. Merely encrypted them, for later use.”
Something lit in Fugo’s eyes. “So that’s what I was seeing, those secondary lines of code. It looked like you’d imprinted something on top of them but I couldn’t investigate without the console crashing.”
“Precisely. I’m impressed you were able to tell.”
Fugo looked down, pleased but sheepish.
“What kind of later use are you talking about?” Mista asked. “What did you need to encrypt?”
Polnareff leaned back in his wheelchair. “For that, I would have to start at the beginning.
“I liked to travel when I was younger. I was insatiably curious. I had the dream to visit every planet and colony that I could and document my experiences. My life was easy for a time, until someone murdered my sister.” At this, Polnareff’s eye darkened. “My focus quickly shifted. I desperately wanted to avenge her. The GA’s were of no help, so I was forced to find the man myself.
“I managed to track him down, and in the process, became acquainted with a group of like-minded individuals. It was with them that I gained knowledge of the Stand Arrows. You know of them, yes?”
“They’re made from a meteorite that crashed on Earth,” JoJo piped up. “Anyone who doesn’t die after being stabbed is granted a Stand ability.”
You didn’t remember ever telling JoJo about the Stand Arrows. How had he known about them? Coco, maybe?
“That is correct. A collection of them were made, and I wanted to find all of them to safeguard. One of them happened to be in the hands of a wealthy businessman.” All of a sudden, Polnareff looked at Trish. “Am I correct in assuming that you are Trish Una?”
Trish started. “Yes, that’s correct.”
“I thought so. You bear a slight resemblance to your father. Most people would have known him as Diavolo.”
Trish blanched. “How do you know him?”
“Your father was in possession of a Stand Arrow. He nearly killed me over it. I only just managed to escape with my life, and even then, it was an associate of mine who was able to retrieve Diavolo’s Arrow.” Polnareff steepled his fingers together. “What became of your father, Miss Una?”
“He was arrested,” Trish said faintly. “For drug trafficking and extortion.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
Trish set her jaw. “Don’t be. I was never close to him. I … I’m sorry for what my father did to you, Dr. Polnareff.” 
Polnareff closed his eyes. “I was reckless back then. It was by no means your fault, Miss Una.”
“What happened after you got Diavolo’s Arrow?” Abbacchio prompted.
“I recovered for a time, and set about searching for the other Arrows. I would’ve continued searching, if not for a discovery I made by accident.
“The Arrow accidentally fell behind a shelf one day and I was having difficulty retrieving it. I resorted to using my Stand, but its finger caught on the arrowhead.” Polnareff’s voice became faint. “It was then that I discovered that when a Stand is stabbed by the Arrow, it gains abilities beyond what it already has. Its potential increases tenfold. 
“Before my eyes, my Stand shifted. It was … overtaken. I had never felt as much unease as I did in that moment. I yanked the Arrow away from my Stand before any lasting damage was done. I understood that whatever abilities the Arrow might grant my Stand, I would not be strong enough to control.
“From then on, I resolved to become the guardian of the Stand Arrow. Although I was too weak to harness its power, there would come a time when a worthier user might be able to take up the Arrow’s mantle. I programmed Coco Jumbo with all of the necessary information and gave it to Pericolo for safekeeping. I entrusted my location with Polpo, to be updated as needed. And I have waited ever since for a Stand user to find me.”
You thought that if you concentrated, you would be able to see Polnareff’s words hanging in the air. So that was it. The complete story. It made sense; filling in the holes from Polpo’s and Pericolo’s perspectives. You found it impressive that Polnareff had managed to maintain such secrecy for so long.
“So,” Polnareff said. “Do you accept the Arrow?”
“It’s not for me, or any of us here,” you said quickly. “We were sent by someone to bring the Arrow back to them.” Something told you to abstain from saying Zero’s name.
Polnareff’s eyes narrowed. “They didn’t think to come themselves?”
“We were hired on a job.”
Polnareff exchanged a glance with Rati, who chuckled.
“Well, that makes this entire mission a little redundant, considering it’s meant to test the mettle of whoever wants to take up the Stand Arrow.”
Your heart quickened. “Does you won’t give us the Arrow?”
“I would’ve preferred if they had come themselves,” said Polnareff. “Who is this individual, exactly?”
“We can’t say,” you said, and realized it was technically true. “They chose not to share their identity with us.”
“That makes things difficult.” Polnareff thought for a moment. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to relinquish the Stand Arrow until I can meet with this individual directly.”
You felt yourself starting to panic. How long would that delay things if Polnareff had to meet with Zero? You only had seven days left.
“With all due respect, I’m afraid we’re on a deadline,” said Fugo, swooping in to rescue you. “If it’s possible, would you be able to come on our ship with us? If we could take you to our employer directly to meet, it would save us time. It would also give you both a chance to speak to each other. If you find our employer unworthy, we would be willing to bring you back to Minos.”
Your chest flared. Fugo was just saying that. You would make sure Zero got the Stand Arrow regardless of what Polnareff had to say about it.
Polnareff mulled it over. “I suppose that would work.”
Fugo nodded. “I’ll send a message to our employer promptly and see what they say.”
Zero responded to the ping almost instantly.
I would be delighted to meet with Dr. Polnareff, he said. I am very pleased with your work, Passione. Please direct Dr. Polnareff and the Arrow onto your ship and transport them both to Bend Gate I. From there, I will arrange further accommodations on my personal ship.
This message Fugo showed to Polnareff, who agreed reluctantly. Within half an hour, both Polnareff and Rati were with your crew on a ferry to take you back to the main docks. Tucked under Polnareff’s arm was a slim black case containing what you could only assume was the Stand Arrow. 
It was right there. Within reach.
“This certainly wasn’t what I had in mind when I thought about the Stand Arrow being retrieved,” Polnareff said to Rati, the sea breeze ruffling his flat-top. He seemed to be enjoying himself, and you had to wonder just how long he’d been cooped up in his lab.
“I was imagining a different scenario as well,” said Rati, a hand over his visor. 
“Ah well,” sighed Polnareff. “I suppose both of us are due for a vacation, eh, Bucciarati?”
Your heart tripped over itself. 
Everyone in your crew turned to stare at Polnareff and Rati.
“Wait,” said Narancia. His dark hair whipped into his unbandaged eye, blown wide as a dinner plate. “Did you just say…”
Your heart thudded dully in your ears. What were the odds? Here? On this ocean planet in the middle of nowhere?
Rati smiled. “Well. I suppose I couldn’t wear this skinsuit forever.”
He lifted off his visor and hood with one hand. His hair was so black it shone blue under the sun.
He looked different. His hair was longer, tied back in a low knot. Days of working under the sun had tanned his skin and painted new, tiny wrinkles around his eyes. He was rougher around the edges. Harder.
But his eyes were the same. The deep, depthless blue of blown glass.
It was Bruno. In the flesh.
Not dead.
Trish made a small sound. Narancia was still staring. Mista and Fugo wore twin expressions of shock, their eyebrows drawn together. JoJo had become very pale, although this would be the first time he’d ever met Bruno. A shadow crossed Abbacchio’s face and he turned away.
Polnareff looked bewildered. “Is there a problem?”
“Not at all.” Bruno grinned, showing all of his teeth. “Only that I used to be a part of this ragtag bunch of thieves.”
“How are you here?” Trish said, so soft the wind nearly carried it off.
“We thought you died!” Narancia burst out.
Mista was reaching for his elector. “Is this some kind of trick? Are you really Bucciarati?” 
Fugo’s eyes darted toward you. Your mouth was suddenly too dry to speak.
“I thought I was dead too,” said Bruno. He looked out at the ocean. “But the stars gave me a second chance, thankfully.”
You clenched your hands into fists. The stars had nothing to do with what had happened to Bruno.
He tried to catch your eye. You refused to meet his gaze.
Why did this have to happen now? When you were so close to handing the Stand Arrow to Zero? To putting an end to this damn job? 
Why did he have to go and make everything so flacking complicated?
Narancia let out a little laugh. Trish’s face softened, tears sparkling in her lashes. Mista dropped his elector, Fugo’s expression eased. 
You could feel your crew relaxing, starting to remember, ready to have him back.
Something whistled through the air. You didn’t see it move, only saw it find its target—a soft part in Polnareff’s neck.
Bruno lunged forward. “Dr. Polnareff!”
Polnareff slumped forward, and the case with the Arrow fell to the floor of the ferry.
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ghosts0ap · 2 years
Ive changed lore a little so now cioccolata and mars met in college
And then I had to write something for it
Cw for medical talk and talk about gore? Common Cioccolata trigger warnings ig
Mars sprinted through the building, they had overslept and were late for class. Luckily it was for a subject they had prepared for, so they likely wouldn’t have any trouble knowing where the class left off after they got inside.
They skid to a halt in front of the classroom, and took a minute to make themself look presentable. Smoothing down their hair and clothing and trying to steady their breathing.
They opened the door and quietly slipped inside, nobody reacted to their late entrance. Everyone way too absorbed into the lesson.
Everyone except one student.
Cioccolata Vaniglia had looked up the second they stepped inside and grinned eagerly at them. When he caught their eye, he pointed at the empty seat next to him. Motioning for them to sit down.
Mars looked through the rest of the lecture hall desperately, but didn’t see any other empty spaces to sit and avoid Cioccolata.
They groaned internally and walked up, sitting down in the chair next to their fellow student. Cioccolata was still grinning at them.
Mars pointedly ignored him and started to pull stuff out of their bag they would need to follow the rest of the lesson. They mourned the loss of the first fifteen minutes and hoped they hadn’t missed any important information.
Cioccolata’s heavy gaze left them when he realized he wouldn’t get any reaction out of them and Mars slowly let out the breath they were holding. Finally they could focus on the lecture. They would have to ask another fellow student if they had missed anything later.
“Now, please go ahead and form pairs to answer the following questions about the human heart. We will discuss in about ten minutes!” The professor flipped to the next slide, outlining five questions.
Mars sighed deeply, feeling Cioccolata’s gaze land on them once again.
“Okay let’s do this.” They murmured, pointedly not looking at cioccolata as they clicked their pen and laid it down.
First question.
What would in theory happen if the the aorta gets blocked.
It would shut off blood flow and cause severe pain, if you want to block the aorta during surgery, you’ll need to cross clamp it.
“If you clamp the aorta and don’t let it flow for a while, organs will fail and necrosis will set in a couple hours in. Ohhh and the person it happens to will suffer so much.”
Cioccolata crooned in their ear.
They hadn’t even noticed him move closer. A cold chill settled down their spine and they tried moving away from him. But if they would shuffle any further they would fall out of their chair.
They knew cioccolata was morbid, scary, knew things about the human nobody really should know and delighted in knowing it.
But hearing it being whispered into their ear with such clear delight once again solidified that something really wasn’t right with him.
And once again they realized that they were the only one in the entire lecture hall that noticed.
“Let’s see… question two…” cioccolata was once again right in their ear.
“I think yes, don’t you?”
Mars forced themself to look up towards the questions. Question two.
If you are blood type B- you can receive type A+ no problem.
The answer was no.
Mars slowly shook their head.
Cioccolata leaned back, tilting his head. Checking the graph he had crudely drawn in his notebook.
He clacked his tongue, Mars looked over to see if he had made a mistake in drawing the graph.
He hadn’t. Of course he hadn’t.
They stared incredulously at him, an enigmatic look in his eyes as he tapped his bottom lip with his pen.
His dark green hair was pulled back in a bun, but a couple of strands were sticking out, as if he was visibly startled by Mars disagreeing with him.
“Ah, of course. Sometimes I forget you’re not as enthusiastic as I am. See, I just really enjoy how it looks when blood clots.”
He explained as easily as if he was talking about the weather.
Mars almost expected him to launch into a tirade about blood clotting in life human arteries. But luckily the teacher interjected to resume the lesson.
And Cioccolata’s sharp gaze was once again pulled back to the front of the lecture hall.
Mars should really try to get going right before the lecture would end in about half an hour. Maybe Cioccolata wouldn’t try to talk to them if they were already gone.
A slow tearing sound snapped them out of their focus to the front of the class.
A second later, a piece of paper was pushed onto their notebook.
With a glance, Mars noticed it was the information they missed by being late.
Neatly scrawled out and then ripped off the page.
Above it cioccolata had written something in a different color pen, ensuring they’d read it.
‘I already know all this, you weren’t here, here you go! - Cioccolata’ an incredibly detailed pencil drawn human heart was drawn next to it.
Mars sighed and accepted the gift. Sliding it between the pages of their notebook to pen in later.
They really hoped they weren’t in any kind of debt to him now.
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bovine-providence · 3 years
can we get some ciocolatta writing! nsfw or sfw,just general petplay stuffs >.>
[I wasn’t sure if you wanted headcanons or a fic, so I went with a bit of both!]
Petplay With Cioccolata
Cioccolata x GN!Reader
Cioccolata has already had a petplay dynamic with Secco for years, and there weren’t any plans of changing that… until they met you, of course.  You showed potential as a partner, and after numerous dates, Cioccolata brought up the idea of petplay, and was pleased by your interest.
Minors, DNI. CWs under the cut.
[CW: petplay, suggestive themes, rough sex.]
First of all, Cioccolata much prefers puppies to be his pets (see Secco).  Obedient little dogs who go along with his whims make him ever so delighted.  Fetch him his medical instruments as he operates, and he’ll be sure to reward you afterwards.
Cioccolata is in his surgical suite, operating on the latest unfortunate soul to annoy the Boss; Secco is nearby, recording the proceedings.  “Where is my retractor?” he mutters under his breath.  At the sound of shuffling, he looks up and sees you, in your puppy mask and holding the missing instruments.  His eyes light up at the sight.  “Such a good puppy, fetching me my retractor!  Good puppies get treats.  Want a treat after surgery?  Do you?  Do you?”  You eagerly bark in response, and he chuckles, smirking.  Turning back to his patient, Cioccolata muses aloud.
“Permission to be on the couch this evening would be a good treat, don’t you think?”
Best believe that Secco will be involved.  You’re joining a preexisting dynamic, so Cioccolata ensures you’re aware that he and Secco are a package deal.  Sometimes, he’ll sit back to watch you and Secco play-wrestle.
You and Secco are wrestling on the floor of the living room as Cioccolata watches.  You’re panting heavily, as is Secco; you’ve improved your technique since you became Cioccolata’s puppy.  You lunge for Secco, and are able to grab his shoulders, pushing him back until he’s pinned to the floor.  Victory is short-lived, however, as Secco, unwilling to accept defeat, uses Oasis to sink into the ground.  Making a disappointed whine, you turn towards Cioccolata pleadingly.  He chuckles, but stands up and ambles over to you.
“That was a little unfair on Secco’s part, but don’t worry, I saw you win,” he assures.  Ruffling your hair, he adds, “why don’t you pick the movie tonight?”
Being Ciocccolata’s puppy entails activities on the more extreme end of the kink, so don’t be surprised about doing the likes of eating out of a bowl.  (However, he does ensure you know that before agreeing to the dynamic; while he may be amoral, he’s not a complete monster towards those he cares about.)  It also gives him an opportunity to perv on you…
“Dinner!” Cioccolata calls out, and soon enough, the sound of scampering feet arises, growing louder until you appear at the door to the kitchen.  Eyeing your bowl eagerly as he places it on the floor, he gives you permission to start eating.  Cioccolata eyes your form with amusement as you get on your hands and knees, lowering your face to feed directly from the bowl.  He walks to the table, where his own dinner awaits, and watches you; from where he’s seated, he has a nice view of your ass.
“Eat up, [Y/N],” he smirks, “because I’m going to be training you later.”
Puppy play will lead to frequent use of doggy style, Cioccolata’s favorite position for pet play.  He very much enjoys reminding you the dynamic continues in the bedroom, with plenty of “good puppy” praises to go around.
You’re on your hands and knees on Cioccolata’s bed, panting and gripping the sheets tightly.  Cioccolata is behind you, his hands tightly gripping your waist as he thrusts into you harshly.  “Good dog,” he pants, “taking your master so well.”  You whine breathlessly at that, squirming a bit to get more comfortable before settling down again.  Cioccolata reaches a hand down to rub across your back, before settling on the collar around your neck.  Pulling at it, you follow his unspoken order and lean up until you’re pressed against him.
“Do you think you should get off?”Cioccolata asks you, and you whine needily in response.  “I think so too,” Cioccolata smirks, before reaching his other hand around to pleasure you.
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jar-of-ectoplasm · 3 years
soft cioccolata and secco because there literally isn't any so i guess i'll have to do it myself
a/n: yeah this is super out of character but it's fine shut up
also this is kinda like the random la squadra fluff thing i did where it's literally just cute little ideas that popped into my empty head
-cuddling with secco while waiting for cioccolata to come back to his room with a bunch of snacks for movie night <3
-secco is probably greasy in canon but i'm not araki so his hair is super soft now guys and he really likes when you play with it
-cioccolata would slow dance around the kitchen with you while he's cooking and probably end up burning the food because he got too carried away :/
-secco brings you shiny rocks and pieces of colorful paper as gifts because he is merely a crow in a mans body
-cioccolata can play the piano and he's taught secco how to play very basic songs (twinkle twinkle little star, stuff like that)
-cioccolata really likes the corpse bride movie and he watches it every saturday night with you and secco even though he's memorized the script by now
-if you're unable to sleep for whatever reason, secco will read you books to help you because that always helped him
-also, if you get easily overwhelmed by noise, secco will let you wear his noise cancelling headphones
-cioccolata likes doing your hair, makeup, and choosing the outfits you wear. even if you don't wear his makeover out of the house, he still appreciates you letting him doll you up
-secco really likes play fighting
-cioccolata has 3 little white mice that he keeps on a shelf in his room and he'll let you hold them any time
-secco has a gecko he named mud :)
-one of secco's main special interests is archaeology, another big one is entomology. please ask him about it he loves talking about the things he likes
-cioccolata falls asleep on the couch doing the "dad pose" (arms crosed, feet up, head tucked into his chest, you know the one)
-secco likes waking up early to make you and cioccolata breakfast. if they have a particularly empty schedule that day, you'll have breakfast in bed
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angry-geese · 3 years
Favourite Worst Nightmare
Secco x Reader and that gross green guy i guess >:(
Warnings: sfw. Mentions of violence and injury but nothing too graphic. A little suggestive towards the end. Gn!Reader
Notes: ehhh idk what this is but I feel like i should apologize for it. Reader ends up running a job for Cioccolata and Secco and survives the encounter
Part Two
There were very few things you hated more than running packages for Unita Speciale.
As a courier, you were one of the more replaceable- albeit necessary- parts of the gangs; the gears that kept the machine of Passione running. To put it lightly, this was never a life you wanted. When you came to Italy you never planned on spending the rest of your days as a half-rate mobster.
Technically, you worked independently. You didn't fall under the jurisdiction of any specific group. It was a fancy way of saying you were on your own. God help you if you accidentally pissed someone off because no one was coming to your rescue. Considering you could be targeted by warring gangs for running packages, you hoped the pay would be decent.
It wasn't.
Italy's underground wasn't how you expected it to be. It was harsh- you knew it'd be like that- but nothing like the mafia movies you watched as a kid. As cheesy as it sounds, they were still people, each with their own stories to tell. Being in your position, you listened. It was safer to play along and make friends than become the enemy of your worst nightmare. Jobs for smaller groups were typically safer but didn't pay enough to survive. Those with more reach- specifically ones closer to the boss- paid better.
From the outside, the building was unassuming. It was once an apartment complex- still is, technically- but only two people live there. Long ago it was designated as a hideout.
You've never spent much time at the place. You weren't often desperate enough to take their jobs. People talked. It's reputation was not unknown to you. You were well aware of the doctor and his... whatever the hell the other guy was. Assistant doesn't feel like the right word, and pet- however fitting- seems a bit dehumanizing. Though maybe it should. You've been warned these two were dangerous.
The sooner you get this over with the better.
You knock in the pattern Passione uses to identify other members. Two-three-two.
A set of unblinking purple eyes stares at you from the crack in the door. Part of you is glad its him who answered the door and not the other one. Your meetings with them have been few, and only in passing. These are not people you want to give the benefit of the doubt. Physically, Secco isn't very imposing. But beneath Oasis is lithe muscle that could drop you in an instant.
You pull the package from you bag, offering it to him.
"What is it?" He asks.
"A parcel." You say.
You know better than to open it, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't tempted to. It's likely money. Which you could use, though they'd notice it missing before you could even leave the city. Someone seemed to want it- evident by the man who attacked you. Clearly you won, but you didn't come out unscathed.
"Let them in." Someone says from the other room. It's faint, but clear.
The hairs on the back of your neck stand.
The room is sparsely furnished, with a single leather couch and coffee table, and blank walls. If you hadn't been told someone lived here, you would think the place was empty. It's sterile, white, and clinical in every sense of the word. At least get some decorations or something. You may be a mafioso, but you at least make your apartment look lived in. They don't seem to take interest in creature comforts the way you do.
The door seems to echo in the room as its shut. You take a few stiff steps forward, stopping just a few feet from the entrance. Its then the other man appears- covered up to his elbows in blood. He has the gall to look rather annoyed.
"You brought a gun," Cioccolata circles you, "cute."
"It's nothing personal, Signore." You say. "I need to defend myself."
"Are you not a stand user?" He asks.
It feels safer to lie. Maybe he'll go easier on you. Having gained one rather recently- and then never using it- meant you didn't have the best grasp on your abilities.
"Sit," he switches out his gloves for a new pair, "I'll stitch up that wound."
"That's not necessary."
"Consider it payment," he passes the package off to Secco.
Despite everything within you telling you to run, you sit. It's only a stab wound, though you should get it checked out. God forbid it gets infected. Someone like him doesn't do good deeds, but nothing about this strikes you as dubious. Often times people offered you smokes or drinks in return, this isn't too different.
He doesn't numb the wound before stitching it up. It hurts, but not bad enough to say something. Part of you is alright with that- he didn't drug you. That thought is comforting.
Those unblinking eyes stare up at you from your lap. Secco's hand not-so subtly reaches into your bag, pulling out a stash of chocolate you meant to save for later. The two of you lock eyes.
"That's a weird looking dog." You don't really mean to say it out loud.
He sits by your feet, gnawing on the sweets, rubbing up against your leg like a cat. As uneasy as it makes you, you fear his reaction if you ask him to stop. It wouldn't kill you to suffer through a few minutes of this. Pissing him off might.
"Secco seems to like you." Cioccolata mentions.
You're not sure how you feel about that. It doesn't seem quite so innocent.
"Those sutures can come out in a week." He says. "I'm sure you know the drill; don't get them wet, keep them clean, don't tear the wound back open."
You gather your things and leave.
Maybe that job lured you into a false sense of security.
If they wanted you dead, you would be. The reasoning seems sound enough in your head.
You'd go on to run more packages for them.
The pay was decent enough. Nobody else tried to mug you. People in general gave you a wide berth. For the most part, you were left alone. Whether they had something to do with it- or if it was just rumors- you'd never know. You didn't question it. To be the one who looked the mad doctor in the eyes and live was reason enough. Your situation was far from good, but you were a long stretch from being at rock bottom.
It became a routine for you. Your run wasn't long, and it wasn't in a shady part of town either. Get to a pickup point, deliver the package, try not to die. You got comfortable.
Secco opens the door before you can even knock. He seems to have a sixth sense for whenever you're around. He does his usual act of raiding your bag for sweets- of which you make sure to keep a small stash of. It keeps him occupied, and usually far away from you.
You sit while Cioccolata finishes up whatever he's doing in the basement. Don't question it. Those definitely weren't screams. You should know better than to go poking around where you don't belong. Despite growing used to the sterile nature of their apartment, the basement brought up a visceral fear in you.
Secco practically climbs into your lap. Despite not being too imposing physically, he's heavy. You absentmindedly scratch his head while you wait.
"Stay with us," Secco runs his icy hands up your sides, squeezing the fleshy parts of your hips. His grip is strong, and only tightens when you try to squirm away. He grows tired of you struggling, and pulls you up into his arms, heading towards the basement.
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Could I have some secco sfw and not sfw relationship headcanons? Thank you so much!
♡ Chances are, if you have met Secco, you first meet him when he is playing the part of Cioccolata’s loyal pet. You see that he bends to Cioccolata’s will and does what the doctor asks of him; perhaps you admire his loyalty, or are fascinated by him. When you live long enough to spend time with Secco on his own and you see his true colours, though, you find yourself even more fascinated. Secco valued, in Ciocolatta, his money and his power and his intellect - in you, though, he’s able to see and value the smaller things. Your kindness, perhaps, or the way your eyes light up or your smile.
♡ He’s happy to go along with the flow, as a boyfriend. As long as his primary needs are met, he is amenable to most things. He likes being able to hold you, being able to have long, meandering conversations with you, being spoiled a little bit by you even if it’s in affection and not necessarily with sugar or money. He asks endless questions of you, fascinated always by new things that he hasn’t learnt about you yet - and his memory is enviable. He remembers the smallest detail, the lightest throwaway line.
♡ Extremely physical with his affection. Spending so long as a human dog has made him act like a dog even when he doesn’t really mean to - if you pet his hair and let him lay upon your leg and give him compliments, he practically melts. It’s hard to remember, sometimes, that Secco is dangerous when he is all curled up with his head tucked under your chin and his ear pressed against your heartbeat. 
♡ He can’t abide by somebody who doesn’t communicate with him. He needs to be spoken to regularly - not only for those conversations that he needs to keep his mind active, but because he likes knowing where he stands at all times. He gets a little bashful when you tell him that he’s done a good job, and honestly it’s very cute.
♡  nsfw (petplay, sadism and masochism, recording, scent kink)  ♡
♡ Where to start here? It will surprise nobody that Secco has a petplay kink. He wants to be your puppy - let him sit at your knees and pant up at you, rub his hair and call him a good boy. Coo sweet words at him as you let him between your legs (whatever equipment you have there, Secco will go at it hungrily and with much enthusiasm). He’s willing to go further, too - willing to crawl around on his hands and knees, willing to eat from bowls, willing to have a nice collar made and you call yourself his owner. Just make sure that you can keep up the power of owning him - if you weaken, or he sees a crack in the game you’re playing . . . well. I hope you’re fine with the tables being turned, and you becoming Secco’s little pet for a while.
♡ Both a sadist and a masochist. He likes both parties to leave the bedroom covered in bites and scratches - sex with him can feel . . . animalistic. He loves getting noises out of you, so don’t bite into the pillows if he’s rutting into you - he wants to hear you moan out his name. 
♡ Scent kink! He can’t get enough of how you smell. He’s always nosing against your neck, breathing in the scent of your clothes. He loves the scent of you first thing when you wake up, and he loves the scent of you after you’ve had a work-out (especially if that work-out involved the two of you getting intimate) - it’s often enough to stir him to another round. 
♡ Bathe with him. He likes to be pampered a little bit sometimes; run your fingers through his hair and use good-smelling soaps and shower gels and watch him become putty in your hands. You two will absolutely end up needing to get clean again afterwards, but it’s worth it. 
♡ Likes having recordings of the two of you. He’s grown used to holding a camcorder in his time working for Cioccolata, and now it feels like a part of him. He enjoys taking footage of you on your own - touching yourself, moaning his name - but he enjoys the footage of the two of you hungrily upon one another even more. Send him a video of you touching yourself and moaning his name when he’s not around and he’ll be home in minutes, demanding that he be allowed to help with your little problem.
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kirieshhhka003 · 4 years
Maybe a few secco and cioccolata headcannons? I care about those two so much
Thank you for your requests, my dear anons💚
Warnings: NSFW
Cioccolata x Secco relationships headcanons
Even though those two are literally insane, they have really warm and deep feelings towards each other. But they differ from those, that normal people have, this love is kind of what a pet feels about it’s owner and vice versa
Cioccolata is a great care taker and every time Secco gets ill green-haired man knows exactly what to do. That’s mostly because he’s a doctor, but he also deeply cares about his precious pet and his well-being
As being said, Cioccolata takes a good care of his beloved. Green-haired always checks on Secco’s blood work, feeds him vitamins and controls his ration
Both men are not soft or super affectionate, but there are some occasions when Cioccolata and Secco feel sort of need to cuddle up against each other in bed
Cioccolata is so overprotective of his little boy, if he hears someone talking shit about Secco - his person may consider themselves as dead. Green-haired will sharpen his skills on this person and then, when he gets bored, just lets Secco to do whatever he wants with them
They’re banned from attending almost all shops and shopping malls in Naples. I think there’s no need to explain why, but men had a lot of fun doing their crazy shit among candies and bread
Green-haired loves to lecture Secco about medicine. The face younger man makes while listening carefully to every Cioccolata’s word make his heart flutter in adoration. He loves this feeling of being smarter and stronger, and Secco loves doing everything that makes his owner feel good
Secco is very dependent on Cioccolata, he needs his approval for everything. He believes in green-haired’s every word, his every action is utterly right, he’s literally Secco’s god, his master and owner. If Cioccolata orders him to eat rocks - hell, he’d do it without any doubt
Cioccolata is pretty annoying, even though he’s a center of Secco’s universe, green-haired gets him on nerves pretty often. His eternal bullshit about surgery and crazy ideas about Secco giving a birth to a child really make younger man wanna kill himself (or his dearly loved master)
Those mfs have no shame, they fuck where and when they want to. At the mall - yes! At the cinema - yes! In the park - hell yes, definitely!
So so many kinks: pet play, daddy kink, slave/master, face sitting, face fucking, praising, rimming, fisting, bondage and lots of other horny shit
Secco is way more hornier than his lover. He’s the one who initiates almost every make-out session, but it’s not that hard actually. It doesn’t take much to make Cioccolata going, just a sight of Secco laying on his back with his legs spread wide, all needy and craving for his love
Yes, they definitely film their sex. Why? Nobody knows. Men never re-watch those videos, they don’t sell them, don’t show it anybody. Maybe they just like the feeling of being filmed while fucking, but we’ll never know
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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ask-unita-speciale · 7 months
Thoughts on the new boss?
I don’t know much about him but I think he’s alright. He did take out the drug trade which I thought was an interesting decision considering that’s where passione gets most of its funding..
I still can’t believe he’s 16. Doesn’t he have other things to be doing? Like completing his education? He strikes me as the annoying type
he scares me a little. If he wasn’t that intimidating I would’ve probably just continued about my ways with secco but I suppose not. Also I’m with squalo on this, he’s only 16, he should be in school.
I don’t mind Giorno but I do miss our old boss..
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daisys-gard3n · 3 years
Can we tslk ab how Cioccolata is so under appreciated. This man coukd turn me into a bimbo in SECONDS. He probably has every pleasurable spot on the human body memorized
- pubby
Pubby, dearest, i hope you're a masochist because this man is the most sadistic mf alive.
He knows the human body like the back of his hand, so he'd be able to turn you into one of those limbless human dolls everytime you disobey him. Then he'd pick you up and use you like his personal pocket pussy, giving his sloppy seconds to Secco (who has absolutely no problem raw-dogging you) like that. When you actually have all your limbs, Cioccolata would string you up and contort you until you were crying from pleasure as he jerks off at the sight. Each slice and hit is an erogenous zone he knows of and you don't, you'll be second guessing where he'll strike and grin at the sight of you writhing pathetically in lust.
One the days he's feeling a bit sweeter than normal, he'll just have you be his cute little puppy and play with him and Secco. He'd lovingly give you your own collar (with your name and 'property of cioccolata' engraved in it in whatever color you want!), deck you out in puppy play gear, and order you and secco to fuck each other for his amusement until he gets too horny and fucks the both of you. It's rounds and rounds of 'playtime', your hole would be filled with Cioccolata's leftover cum just for Secco to be order to lick you clean while you choke around your master's cock. He'll grin down at you, stroking your hair lovingly:
"What a good little puppy, aren't they Secco? That's right, choking on their Master's cock like a good little bitch in heat. Are you turned on by Secco licking you like that? Do you feel aroused when I fuck your throat? Oh, what a good good puppy! Good puppies get good rewards, and I have one just for you my sweetie~" As he shoves his cock so deep down your throat and cums down it as your 'treat'.
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bugslaststraw · 4 years
Summary on how Vento Aureo could play out in a nobody dies AU, ft Bruabba, Avpol, vague La Squadra/Elite Guard as well as my horrible tired morning writing
- for starters, Bruno gives the order to try not to kill any other Passione members. This means that the gang is merciful on purpose towards La Squadra, and the other group get away with major to minor injuries. It's also worth mentioning that Gelato manages to activate his stand in time to save Sorbet, who loses his legs but also survives.
- Bruno obviously can't die halfway through VA for this to work, so Giorno gets to him just in time and heals him, keeping him alive but very tired after the fight.
- Tiziano and Squalo are spared and also probably kiss on-screen, Cioccolata and Secco miraculously and accidentally survive somehow, whatever, on with the story
- now onto the meat, staring off with where Abbacchio would have died if I wasn't such a little bitch about it. Giorno loses hope as he is trying to heal their teammate, Bruno turns away, believing it's already over, Narancia is doing about exactly what he does in canon, when Giorno gasps as he realized it worked. The sound shuts everyone else up and stops their trains of thought. Leone shifts, and starts breathing again. Narancia makes some happy exclamation, Mista praises Giorno and expresses his relief that it worked. Bruno doesn't move. Giorno notices and asks what's wrong. He's just standing there for a moment. Jaw clenched, nails digging into his palms. Giorno notices that too, that's why we see it. Then he snaps, almost shoving Giorno out of the way, he kneels down by that rock Leone dropped on, and fumbles to look for a heartbeat somewhere. It isn't particularly important. Abbacchio is breathing visibly, and no doubt is he alive. But Bruno more does it for reassurance, for comfort, as a moment ago he thought he lost him. The others just watch. Giorno may show some sign of surprise but the others saw to coming. Leone opens his eyes just a little, catches sight of Bruno, sighs, and smiles. He asks if he and the others are okay, to which Bruno smiles (rather tearfully, Giorno is shook) and tells him that everyone is fine. With Bruno's hand still resting against his cheek, Leone passes out. He's brought into the turtle to rest up.
- Leone's survival means that Bruno does not entire what I like to call the "scary stage" aka where he acts all cold and bossy towards the others about up until his death. When Narancia is injured and throws the turtle, Bruno openly shows worry for him and make sure he's okay, prompting Trish to ask why Bruno cares so much for his team instead of the opposite, as in canon.
- onto the Seccolata fight. Since Bruno is very much alive at this point the fight between him and Secco plays out very different as he also has to watch out for Green Day's mold effect while trying not to die from a serious case of human pet attack. At the end of that battle he ends up bruised, bloody and tired in the same spot as in canon. He taxes himself to his limit during the fight and has little to not energy left. Doppio has been following them and is instructed to strike Bruno down before he notices anything's wrong, as per canon.
- he doesn't gwt the change though, because a certain someone has woken up and gone to find his friends. Leone turns up, snaps ar Doppio, who is told to back off and go around the back way by Diavalo. Bruno lights up when he sees Leone, and lets himself be carefully lifted onto his feet. He asks if Leone is okay to which he replies that it's Bruno they should be worrying about. The two of them proceed to the Colosseum to meet with the others.
- meanwhile, other things have been happening there. Avdol, Polnareff and Iggy have been waiting for the others, but Doppio gets ti the Colosseum first. They ask who he is, to which he tries to lie and say he's part of the team. Things go canonically (- Bruno), Diavalo reveals himself to the three of them. Iggy is too old a dog to actually fight so he stays back. Nevertheless, there are now two stand users on Diavalo's ass. Polnareff stabs Chariot. The fight continues. And just as Diavalo think that he can at least knock off that wretched Polnareff, Avdol, well, does an Avdol, and saves his stupid ass, blasting Diavalo out into the Colosseum. Polnareff chides Avdol for risking his life for him again, but he really isn't angry and it shows. The two share a Moment™ before the effects of Requiem put everyone to sleep just as the others reach the Colosseum from at least two different directions.
- Narancia's death is completely eliminated. He's fine and does not get spiked.
- now for Requiem's switchups. Trish and Mista switch, as do Giorno and Narancia. Diavalo hides in whoever the hell he hides in canonically, Bruno ends up in Diavalo's body and Doppio takes Bruno's. Avdol and Polnareff also switch, and poor Abbacchio is unfortunate enough to switch with Iggy. Requiem also works a little differently now, a little more logically let's say. The light soul shadow thing is entirely eliminated, partly because I didn't even understand it while watching but also because it forces Bruno to sacrifice himself. Now it works like how Polnareff describes it in that flashback. Take the arrow away from Chariot Requiem and it will turn back into it's original form, removing the effects. On with the story.
- Polnareff and Avdol explain the arrow briefly. Bruno turns up, orders Mista to shoot his body, there's a brief gag with Abbacchio in Iggy's body, Iggy (in Leone's bod) as well as Avdol (who doesn't know how to handle himself in a body without legs) stay at the Colosseum to make sure Doppio doesn't cause trouble, even as he is currently passed out. The rest of them set off for Chariot.
- the end fight goes like this: Diavalo attacks as his stand, Giorno takes the arrow, everyone is put back in their own bodies, Giorno and Mista have that one Moment™, Trish and Diavalo have an intense punching match because god does the girl deserve it, Giorno stabs his stand with the arrow, Gold Experience Requiem springs forth, rips Diavalo out of his shared body and tosses him into the infinite death loop, where je unexplainably has a body, meaning that the death loop may not be taking place across dimensions but in GER's own hellish little torture loop dimension. And so the battle is won. But I'm not done yet.
- Mista picks up Doppio, now in his own body and alone in controlling it, and he, Giorno, Trish, Avdol and Iggy (both back in their own bodies!) as well as Narancia all head back for the Colosseum.
- Meanwhile, Abbacchio wakes up in his own body. He takes a moment to orientate himself. Polnareff is still out. In the middle of the Colosseum lies Bruno's body. He gets up, a little unsteadily, and runs to make sure he's okay. Bruno is conscious again, but he's now got three bullets in his body and he's in quite a bit of pain. Abbacchio does the Caesar thing where he picks Bruno up and cradles him in his lap because that's one of the best tropes in the world of tropes. They talk a little, and I'm sure I could craft some decent dialogue if I wasn't so god damn tired right now, all I know is that it's tender and basically a confirmation that they're in love. The others arrive, Leone snaps at Giorno to heal Bruno, which he does. Polnareff and Avdol have a shorter, slightly louder reunion that nevertheless gets the message across.
- Then Doppio wakes up. Then he realizes that he's alone in his body. Then he panics. Bruno's parent instincts kick in as hard as ever, and Fugo can't help but feel just a little bit exasperated as his capo starts talking tk their former enemy in a soft voice, slowly calming him down and explaining the situation to him as easily as he can. Diavalo wasn't on your side, he says, as kindly as possible, and although he doesn't know if he's telling the truth or not he thinks it's better that Doppio thinks so. Doppio calms down a little and agrees to come with them. Trish kind of takes over at that point, and she and Narancia decide to keep an extra eye on Doppio to both make sure he's okay and so he doesn't kill anyone. All of them head out of the Colosseum...
- except Leone. This is the final scene. Leone kind of stays behind, staring at the ground. Bruno stops as he notices he hasn't moved. "Abbacchio?" Leone looks at him and goes "what happens now?" Bruno smiles. "I think we all deserve some rest, don't you?" Hw reaches out a hand. Leone also smiles, and takes it, interlocking their fingers. They head after the others. The screen does the arrow freeze thing. The episode ends. The outro plays. The credits roll. It's over.
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blueluneacy · 4 years
i was sad so i wrote this. its the cioccolata/reader n/sfw that i planned for Wrong with the Reaper that never ended up happening
warnings: not sfw, non con, knife (scalpel?) play, aphrodisiacs, drugged sex, implied kidnapping, bondage
Also on AO3
“And what is it now that you’re whining about?” Cioccolata asked, rolling his eyes as you still squirmed on the table, trying to take deep breaths to calm yourself down. You should be feeling better according to what he injected in you, and by his reaction, it seemed like he too didn’t understand your reaction. Maybe you had an allergy you didn’t know about? Who knew, you weren’t exactly given hospital grade painkillers often. 
All you knew is that your body, rather than calming down, felt like it was getting hotter, your heart rate speeding up and your pupils dilating. You squirmed in your restraints, trying to keep yourself calm enough to not disrupt your fresh stitches. He just wanted to put you to sleep so he could easily move you back to your fresh chains in the corner of the room, now fortified with brand new steel, but you were instead throwing a fit. 
“God, will you calm down? I swear, you need to stop fighting what I put into your system.” Cioccolata pointed out, turning around to finally look at you again, only to pause and raise an eyebrow. As he saw your state, the way you were shaking and your breathing quickened, he actually stepped back over to you, looking you over as he reached up and felt your cheek. 
“Hmm… This isn’t even some of the possible side effects, so why are you…” He looked over to his table grabbing one his syringes, only to…
“Well then. It seems I made a bit of a mistake. What a pain…” Cioccolata chuckled. It didn’t seem like he was bothered at all.
“What…. What the hell did you do to me?” You asked, gritting your teeth in an attempt to try and make yourself seem stronger than you were, but your voice ended up just coming out as whiny and breathy. Cioccolata just chuckled, placing it back down.
“Well, I have this medicine here-” He held up the empty syringe to you. “In case I wanted to have a different type of fun or you became a little underwhelming. What I meant was to use my other vial, which had something to knock you out. What a shame! I can’t just give you the other one for a few hours, there’s a terrible reaction. I suppose you’ll just have to suffer like that.” He chuckled a bit. You gasped, blinking a bit as you tried to take deep breaths. 
“W-Wait, you’re just going to leave me like this? Come on, I… You’re the one that fucked up, and now I just have to suffer more? Fuck you!” You yelled out, only for Cioccolata to pause for a moment, leaning over and letting a gloved hand run from your stomach all the way up to your neck. You gasped, realizing just how sensitive your skin had become, and your eyes widened.
“You really are such a fickle thing. First, you don’t want me to touch you, and then you want me to help you? You need to learn to make up your mind.” He told you, humming a bit as he waved Secco over. You felt your lip quiver a bit and you squeezed your eyes shut.
“I hate you so much. I really do.” You told the both of them, wanting nothing more than to lay down on that mattress and cry until this was all over. But of course, now that you had accidentally drawn the two of them to you, they weren’t going to let you get out of this easily.
“Now don’t be like that, dear.” You hated the tone of Cioccolata’s voice, you really did, swallowing as he leaned into your neck, letting his lips barely graze over it. “If you so desperately want me to help you, I will.” You bit your lip, trying incessantly to ignore it, to try and get yourself together against whatever drug was coursing through your veins. But, you couldn’t help but let out a gasp as Cioccolata grabbed your hip, your eyes shooting open at his face as you felt him adjusting the table you were strapped down to. You swallowed and looked at him as he tilted the thing so that you were almost upright, making it much easier for him to do as he pleased. 
“Hmmm… Now, what is it that you wanted again?” He purred into your ear, reaching down to let a hand to brush against you through your underwear. You immediately bucked up without even realizing it. You gasped, wishing your hands were free so you could cover your face, to hide from what he was doing to you. It wasn’t your fault, after all, it was the fault of the stupid drug that he had injected you with, right? Right, it couldn’t be your fault.
“Shut up. It doesn’t matter what I say, you’ll do whatever you want to anyway.” You mumbled in reply, sounding a lot less confident than you usually would in a situation like this. What were you even supposed to do? There was no way you could wriggle out of your restraints, no way to do anything. 
“Hmm, and yet you still have that mouth on you. You know, maybe I should just sew those lips of yours shut. But then,” He let out a purr as he let his teeth bite into your neck, leaving you to let out a moan. You perhaps expected a scream, or maybe a cry, but that was completely out of left field. But didn’t want that to feel good, and yet it did. There was no way around how you felt, nothing but despair in it all. “How would I be able to hear something like that?”
“Shut up. God, just shut up.” You told him, panting a bit as you felt Cioccolata’s god awful hands start to run over you, trying to keep a hold of yourself the best you could. But it was so hard, with whatever was making you so needy to the point where you were almost admitting to yourself that it felt good. Key word, almost.
“And there it is again. Do you ever just try to enjoy yourself?” He hissed. You just scoffed in return, your eyes shooting up as you felt cold metal against your skin, looking down to see a scalpel just barely grazing your stomach. You swallowed and he moved it down slowly, creating a small red line. You grit your teeth, feeling the delayed sting from such a sharp instrument being used on you, until he finally got to the hem of your underwear, pausing for a moment, before easily cutting it away. You actually sighed in relief when you realized he hadn’t cut you in that motion. Heaven knows what would happen if you were cut down there.
“Ah, well, you seem to be excited, in the very least. What? Are you a masochist now too?” He asked you teasingly, looking over at Secco. You shuddered as you realized the camera was still on, the sounds of Secco panting soft in your ear but probably terribly loud in the camera.
“You forced a drug in me, and couldn’t even bother to make sure it was the right one. This is all your fault.” You told him, but Cioccolata just chuckled, using the time to start working bruises onto your neck, leaving terrible lipstick stains on you that you were sure would be a while until you could wash off. You felt your eyes widen as he let a finger run along your entrance. You gasped as squirmed for a moment, but it was a futile effort, leaving you just to whine as he pushed a finger inside of you. God, why did that feel good? You let your eyes shut as you hung your head, trying to ignore it, but it was no use. Cioccolata, for better or worse, was intuitive, and while he was slow at first, once he had realized what made your tick, he was all over it. 
“I can hear your cute little moans, dear. Come on, you don’t have to hide from me. You already know I’m going to be able to hear and see everything anyway.” He told you, watching closely as he added another finger inside of you. You gasped in return, Cioccolata just laughing at you. You were so silly, attempting to run away into your little world, to find out your own version of the truth instead of seeing what was right in front of you. Cioccolata sighed a bit, pulling his fingers from you as he began to fiddle with his belt. You blinked, pausing before realizing what he was doing, swallowing as you stared right at his cock. Well, he was tall, but that just wasn’t fair! There are plenty of nice men out there, and here Cioccolata was, hung like a fucking horse. 
“I… I am going to have to respectfully decline that.” You said. Secco and Cioccolata looked at each other, before the two of them laughing at you, Cioccolata moving to grab your hips and begin to line up with your entrance.
“You should already know you don’t have a choice in this.” He told you. You swallowed and laughed nervously, desperately looking around for something, anything, but nothing was there to grab onto, a rope to lift you out of here.
“Well, worth a shot, right? Don’t know until you try.” You tried not to sound as nervous as you were. It did not work. 
And god, when Cioccolata pushed in, all you could do was scream. Your screams were probably music to his ears, but you couldn’t help it. It stung so badly, you could nearly see blotting at the edge of your vision. And Cioccolata only held for a moment, a single moment for you to take a breath, before his nails dug into your hips, and he moved with wild abandon. You really did just feel like a piece of meat, right there and ready for this monster to do whatever he wanted to. But god, you hated how good it felt too, the way Cioccolata seemed to hit parts of you that you didn’t even know were there, making you let you a practically endless stream of moans and gasps. 
“God, what a cute little pet I seem to have gotten. You like this, don’t you? You love what I do to you, you little whore.” You shuddered at the way he growled, the way it only made your body clench down onto him even tighter. You were practically losing your mind in the feeling, but you did your best to shake your head. 
“You still have the capacity to lie? I’m impressed, to say the least. I’ll just have to fuck such stupid thoughts out of your head. Wouldn’t it be nice, to just be mindless?” He asked you, leaning in to mouth at your shoulder, unable to control his own impulses. The way he curled over you reminded you of some sort of lumbering monster, all teeth and claws, biting into you and drawing blood. You let out a whine, and you wished your hands were free so you could grab onto something, to try and get a grip on anything that was happening. A small portion of you even wanted to grab onto Cioccolata, to grip the back of his coat until it tore apart, until you felt something make sense with you. 
“C-Cioccolata, please, God, it’s too much!” You found some capacity to speak, but it really was nothing but babbling, wasn’t it? Cioccolata practically purred in delight at the way you were calling out his name, absolutely losing control of your tongue. “I can’t, please, slow down!”
“Aw, but doesn’t it feel so good? I can feel you squeezing down around me. Your body certainly knows what it wants.” He chuckled, before forcing his lips against yours. You gasped, but it only allowed Cioccolata to force his tongue into your mouth, forcing you into submission against him. You didn’t dare bite, for fear of what he might do to you in a state like this. When he finally pulled away, you were gasping, fruitlessly attempting to get a grip on yourself as you moaned.
“P-Please, Cioccolata, can’t take it! God, please!” You cried out.
“I wonder if you really think any God can hear you here.” He hummed, before reaching one of his hands up and tangling a hand through your hair, forcing you to meet his eyes. “Are you close? Does my pretty little bitch want to cum?” His voice was so low you thought you might be fading away. And against your better judgement, you just nodded pathetically. You couldn’t help it. Your body was just so, so sensitive, to the point where the slightest movement made it feel like you were going to burst. Cioccolata just smirked, pushing into you faster, god you didn’t even think that he could go faster, barking out his order.
“Then cum. Clamp down on me and make you cum right inside of you.” He told you. You gasped, trying to shake your head, to try and refuse him, but Cioccolata just gripped your hair tighter, starting to pull. “Don’t make me tell you again, pet.” His voice was so dangerous, to the point where all you could do was whimper and do your best to nod.
And of course, after a few more strokes, you let out a loud cry, your eyes rolling back as you had probably one of the most intense orgasms of your life. Maybe it was the drug, or the fear, or a mixture, but you couldn’t help but consulve as you clamped down on Cioccolata, feeling something that just felt boiling hot fill up inside of you. Something you would have to deal with later.
You gasped, the two of you riding out the feeling with each other, before you just hung your head the moment he let go. It wasn’t even the shame of all, but rather the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion you felt. You let your eyes flutter shut, shuddering as you felt some of Cioccolata’s spent drip out from inside of you and onto your thigh. Cioccolata tutted, picking your head up by the chin, but you just leaned in it. 
“You really have no stamina, do you?” He sighed, leaving you there for a moment to go to the sink, presumably to clean himself up, before coming back to you and starting to pull you down. If any time was the time to fight, it was now. No one would expect it, but well, there was a reason why. The minute your feet touched the ground, you were wobbling like a newborn deer, holding onto Cioccolata and leaning your head against him. He just sighed, scooping you up fully in his arms, leaving you to sigh in a strange relief. 
“But, at least you’re cute afterwards.” He teased a bit. You didn’t have the energy to argue, instead letting your eyes flutter shut, exhaustion overcoming you as you fell asleep in his arms. 
You were just too tired to try and justify this with yourself.
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jojo-reader-hell · 4 years
Hello bad and naughty readers it is time for stinking Masterlist of this Hell:
All this is in order of newest first, and done very sloppy because I’m on my phone. I had to go through one by one to find these because my tags don’t show up with HALF of what I’ve written...
Secco is Babey headcanons
Dio is a fUCKING CUNT to Vampire!Reader who wanted Jonathan Joestar headcanons
Trans!Melone x Reader headcanons
The Outside Part 2
I wrote this Abbacchio headcanon when I was laid up in bed for two weeks with a pulled back
Cioccolata x Reader x Secco “Wicked Games”
Dio is a dumb fucking seal (Selkie!Dio Headcanons)
Jean Pierre knocks up Jotaro’s older sister more at 11
That one Selkie!Reader x Jonathan fic where I came for your wigs
Pannacotta Fugo x An Absolutely Feral Reader who was tenderly raised by a good boi Secco
Joseph Joestar and his poor twin who he cannot stop clinging to Headcanons
Josuke’s twin who finally calls their brother “Elvis” (come on we all were thinking it when we saw his hair)
Wolfo Boi Jotaro and expecting his fluffy brood Headcanons
Muhammad Abdul x Reader feat. A very fussy bebe
Leone Abbacchio is best daddo Headcanons
Mewone, Risotto, Bwuno, and the Stinky Cheese Young Nastyman with their sailor mouth babe
I turned Magician’s Red into that goddamn lemme smash bird Muhammad Abdul x Reader Headcanons
I took wigs once, and I will kill again. The Outside Part 1
You’re Josuke’s favorite Niece/Nephew headcanons
Formaggio is a big brubber and uses his stand to play dollies with his little sister headcanons
Narancia and his bestie who are math incompetent headcanons
Josuke’s S/o is the epitome of “no talk me I angy”
Taika Waititi Presents “We’re Wolves”, a Werewolf!AU where no one fucking dies and your great granny Lisa Lisa is there
I titled this Bruno Buccellati x Reader “Slow Dancing in the Dark” and my friend on discord told me they don’t trust like that, they were right not to trust me like that
My bestie always requests the cutest Mista x Reader and we owe her our lives for it
Cioccolata thought it was smart to give Secco a stolen baby and it turns out this was the best thing he could have ever done for the good boy
Kakyoin discovers the Japanese foster care system is fucked up headcanons
Fugo and Bestie Book Club headcanons
SDC x Reader headcanons where Jotaro’s S/O is Bobby Hill of king of the hill (aka that one headcanon list with THATS MY PURSE I DONT KNOW YOU)
Stand fuckers rejoice and have some Sex Pistols x Reader headcanons that my other bestie requested
PILLAR DADDIES!!! Mute!Reader x Wammu x Kars where I make you cry at the end
Mista x Reader where we drive off into the sunset with our boi as we are completely passed the fuck out in the passenger’s side
You and Fugo show Abbacchio your new baby
Melone is a very good doting boi for his asexual s/o
Mewone best boi headcanons
This is a very serious set of headcanons with Jotaro, Josuke and Giorno reacting to a reader who hurts themselves
Glitter Freeze Part 3
Where my gays at lets marry Lisa Lisa
Granny Suzie Q is best granny of them all headcanons
My Nana Ghirga x Reader because he is beautiful and deserving of love
Rohan is a cunt but in this story he’s just a misguided big brother who acts like a cunt, also there’s Moomins
Sweet honey baby boi Jonathan and Cunt Dio with a short s/o headcanons
Mistaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa x reader Valentine’s Day with the best song from Karen Carpenter
Giorno Giovanna’s baby sister is gay and in lesbians with Trish
Kars x Pillarman!Reader aka the best fucking thing ever
Jonathan x Reader x Erina Girls/Girls/Boys poly angst
Someone please help Smolnareff take care of his s/o who got shot
La Squadra thought Melone and his little sister just had a kink someone please send help
I am Very Gay™️ for Trish Una and Spice Girl
Stand Fuckers UNITE part 2 headcanons
Formaggio and Little Sister!Reader, aka the first request to my blog
Mista is a good daddo headcanons (with mini pistol daddos)
Big Brother Jotaro Headcanons
Bucci Gang x Reader: Adheridos Separados
Abbacchio coffee shop AU
Glitter Freeze part 2 aka the one that NEVER FUCKING SHOWS UP IN THE MOTHER FUCKING TAGS
Glitter Freeze Part 1
Narancia Ghirga x Reader with babey Giorno part 2
Narancia Ghirga x reader babey Giorno part 1
That’s Because I’m a Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy Trans!Reader x Jonathan Joestar
Bucci Gang Sudoh Buck AU
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occasionalsnippets · 4 years
Escapism AU (Don! MC) Info
Here’s the AU of Escapism AU where (Y/n) becomes Don. I’ll probably refer to this AU as Don MC AU. Originally, if I were to write this, it would just be a really long one shot chapter. I might go into more specific details for certain scenes a different time?
Escapism AU M. List
Basically, time is reset to the end of 2000 or beginning of 2001 and mc decides that the easiest (and coincidently the hardest) way to save everyone would be to kill Diavolo
In the process, accidentally becoming the Don of Passione
She ends up saving Gelato and Sorbet from Cioccolata and drops them off at the La Squadra, leaving a probably cryptic message that she would be back later
She meets Polneraff somewhere along the line
Mc kills Diavolo roughly one to two weeks before the events of Vento Aureo
Thus, taking over the role of Don since she can’t leave a power vaccum within Passione
It’s hilariously easy to pose as the Don since no one knew what Diavolo looked like
The only thing is that now, she has to deal with paperwork and running the mafia
She goes back to La Squadra to negotiate actual pay
You’d think Diavolo would pay them more for literally being assassins but I guess not
Mc compiles a hitlist, gathers necessary paperwork, and begins overturning the mafia
She’s gotta clean out the streets of Italy
She kills some people for the benefit of the gang and because they were opposing them
Also, the drug trade
Mc cuts off the drug trade about three days into the Bucci gang’s mission to deliver Trish which I’ll get to later
So, a good amount of people who are involved with the drug trade are also going on the hitlist
Don mc crossdresses when she’s on any sort of buisness mostly because it’s 2001 and sexism
At least she doesn’t dress like a stripper
She also does that thing where she pushes her bangs back? You know, that thing
Her capos are kinda simps
On the topic of canon, mc met Trish prior to the events of Vento Aureo and her killing Diavolo briefly
Trish was probably asking for directions to somewhere and mc happened to be there
It’s more of a chance meeting than anything else but mc does say “If you have any problems, feel free to tell me”
That happens, Diavolo finds of Trish’s existence, and she gets guarded by Pericolo
Mc then kills Diavolo and takes the position of Don
Then, she realizes that she probably still has to get the Bucci gang to deliver Trish
Mc has a few encounters with the Bucci gang before canon but it’s mostly just chance encounters and lots of deja vu on the part of the gang
Mc looks familliar but there was no way they could have met her before, right?
Giorno joins the gang much the same way as canon
Mc doesn’t care much for the fact that he killed Polpo since she needed an excuse to promote Bruno anyways
Leaky eye Luca is alive surprisingly
The encounter of Sale and Zucchero still happen because even if mc could have prevented it, she still thinks it would be a good experience for Giorno for whatever reason
The Bucci gang collect the 10 billion lire and get Trish
Mc likely told Pericolo that due to some miscommunication, Trish isn’t the boss’s (her) daughter but Pericolo forgot to tell the Bucci gang that which leads to a misunderstanding later down the line
This time, mc gets La Squadra to help guard her too since they aren’t traitors
They go largely the same route as last time with significantly less conflict than the first time around but this time La Squadra and Bucci gang get to hang out
Mc is still renovating the inner workings of Passione at this point
On the third day of the mission, mc, of course, cuts off the drug trade which gives Giorno and Bruno a “oh sh*t” moment
Throughout the mission, mc does show up from time to time just sort of exploring Italy and meeting a few of the members though they aren’t aware she’s the don either because they don’t or she’s not crossdressing
Bruno delivers Trish to mc at the same place as canon but she isn’t planning on killing Trish of course
There isn’t a betrayal and mc finally meets Bruno face to face with him aware that she’s the don
Things happen and Giorno and Bruno are kinda like “guess we don’t have to betray the boss”
There’s always a vague awareness that mc looks way too young to be running the entire damned mafia but no one bothers to check how old she is until someone asks
Afterwards, it’s mostly just shenanigans that I haven’t fully fleshed out yet
Definitely, the one shot would be written starting with outsider POV (the characters) before getting around to mc’s side of the story
It’s definitely implied but not exactly stated outright that this timeline isn’t the first or second one (aka regular Escapism AU)
Mc has gone on this journey before and lost more than she should have
Sometimes the gang have hazy yet strangely clear dreams of certain events that they know have never happened before but somehow feel so real
And in them, there’s a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes
This concludes my main ideas for don!mc
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