#wheres the fanfiction guys gals and nonbinary pals
sparklecryptid · 9 months
Look sometimes the ending of a storyline sucks despite everything else about it being great and that’s when you pick up your little guys and gals and nonbinary pals and wander into the wonderful realm of fanfiction where you can make them hurt each other in new and terrible ways and provide them with a decent ending while you are at it
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effervescentdragon · 4 years
I just watched Stardust again and I can’t believe I never noticed that it implied that Captain Shakespeare and Humphrey were A Thing?!
I mean, look, at Tristan’s coronation first we have The Wink -
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- and we all know Captain Shakespeare was very heavily (and somewhat clumsily) implied to be gay, and then we have Humphrey’s reaction -
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- look at that side eye fucking moment, he’s all like “Heeeeeello there, you dashing old gentleman pirate winking at me, you?” and I’m just?!? And for the cherry on top, look at that self-satisfied smirk at the end (also Victoria’s face, bcs she was just mean and I don’t like her) -
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I’M SHOOKETH and also so happy I caught this, bcs I know why I didn’t, when Stardust came out I was like, 13 and living in a world of heteronormativity. So yay for Stardust and dashing gay DeNiro and cutie twink Cavill. Thank you Matthew Vaughn for this, also for always having Mark Strong in your movies, he a babe.
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sanderssidessims · 4 years
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Hello Guys, Gals, & (of course) Nonbinary Pals! 
This is the Tumblr for my simming/gaming Twitch SandersSidesSims!
     ★ Who is SandersSidesSims?
SandersSidesSims is run by a dude named Finn. He is 32 years old, trans FTM, gay, and exhausted. He very much loves Sanders Sides and making people laugh, and so it is with that thought in mind that he created SandersSidesSims!
Also, as a fun note, I decided to use a unicorn as my mascot/logo. I am currently using a clip art unicorn (he’s dabbing so it fits) but I will be commissioning an official one soon, so if you are an artist and interested, please Submit or DM me your commission information. 
     ★ What is the purpose of my Twitch Stream?
The main purpose of SandersSidesSims is to stream Sims 4 gameplay from creation of the sides/ships, to actual gameplay, to fun little challenges set by all of you. 
I also have purchased Minecraft, a game I have never once played and am completely out of my element, so that I can can have something other than just Sims 4 to share with you guys. I did get skins for each of the Sides as well as Remy and Emile so when we do Minecraft, it’s like the Sides are playing. (You guys are totally allowed to laugh and poke fun as I learn since I am a total Minecraft newb!
     ★ What links can viewers/fans use to keep in touch/keep updated?
Okay here are the links that will get you everywhere that I currently have my Twitch identity connected to:
Twitch [ http://www.twitch.tv/sanderssidessims ] Discord [ https://discord.gg/NgwErbH ] (this is an invite link, if doesn’t work PM me) Patreon [ https://www.patreon.com/SandersSidesSims ] Tumblr [ https://sanderssidessims.tumblr.com ] Steam [ https://steamcommunity.com/id/SandersSidesSims/ ]
     ★ I am a minor. Can I still watch and support?
YES! ABSOLUTELY! In fact, I pretty much plan to be a non-adult oriented type streamer. That means anything that would be deemed inappropriate for minors is a complete non-issue. I do curse in reality, so there is a chance a word or two might slip through, but you guys are TOTALLY allowed to get onto me about it if, and when, it happens as I am here for everyone, regardless of age.
     ★ Is there anything we can do as viewers/fans to help support you?
Okay, so! As of right now I do not have any plans on doing this professionally. That may as of yet change, however, the main point of all of this is to HAVE FUN together while I’m playing something I have always loved and has brought me happiness. 
That being said, streaming is a HUGE undertaking and I would love to be able to get all the Sims 4 games, which I do not yet have, as well as better equipment and things for streaming. If you guys are financially set and taken care of and want to help me grow in this, my Patreon exists for that purpose (though there will be more purposes for it in the future) and I have one single monthly Tier at $2 a month. 
It’s basically there as like a “tip”. I will have more Tiers in the future once I have things I can award for them outside of just the base everything goes, which is what the Tip Tier is for. Also once I start drawing and using it for my art as well. 
    ★ I can’t afford $2 a month. Is there anything else we can do to support?
Of course! The above is just if you can afford it! Please do not feel obligated. There are other ways that you can help:
Reblog this post. (Once is fine, but feel free to periodically do it as that would be so helpful to me! :D)
Tell your friends! (The more the merrier, am I right?)
Come to my streams! (This one is a no brainer.)
Join my channel’s Discord Server. (Interact and have fun with other viewers!)
     ★ What is the purpose of the Tumblr page in regards to your Twitch?
Great question! So, I will be a little different than other Twitch peeps in that I am a fanfiction writer/future author and that will come into effect in this blog. As I am playing a game we are playing through together, I will likely have times where I get muse for a fanfiction or fan art (once I actually have talent in fanart) and so I will post those here. 
I will also answer questions about the characters in the games here that the game doesn’t really answer (i.e. headcanons and in-character answers for questions that are directed at the characters).
I will also likely reblog stories and art from other fanders. Help use this to signal boost fan stuff! So if you want to rec me stuff, send it in! :D
    ★ Anything else we should know?
Nope, this is a new journey for all of us! Let’s enjoy it together! Lastly, I just want to thank each and every one of you for your interest and support! Let’s do this!
I want to thank everyone who reblogs, comments, and likes this post! I also want to super duper thank anyone and everyone who chooses to join me in this little (big?) passion project of mine! 
Thank you!!
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theladykit · 3 years
Today in We're Going to Learn a Thing from Lady Kit Even if We Hate It™: the eye roll!
I read a lot of period fiction. I also read a lot of period fanfiction. In these stories, characters often roll their eyes to express sarcasm, displeasure, rudeness, and the like. Just like us, right?
Unfortunately, no. The eye roll has long had my attention as a gesture that isn't tonally consistent with other gestures of most historical times, and you hardly ever see it in American and European white-centric fiction written before our contemporary period. Sarcasm was not so openly expressed then as it is now, and certainly wouldn't have been viewed positively in a person who did it regularly. Displeasure, the same. And there were definite class differences as to who was allowed to be regularly sarcastic and displeased–think Lady Catherine in Pride & Prejudice (or Darcy, in the beginning), or any “disapproving aunt” figure in mainly-British fiction. I also had some vague memory of reading the history of eye-rolling somewhere, and it definitely didn't mean what it does now.
So I finally went and looked it up to see just where history stood on eye rolling, and guys, gals and nonbinary pals, you're not going to like it: pretty much in any time before the 1980s, it was unheard of to use the eye-roll as a gesture of impatience, sarcasm, etc. In fact, it was used as flirtation, or a way to express romantic or sexual interest in another. And you know what I see most often in these stories? People rolling their eyes at their parents and/or siblings. Gross.
So I beg authors of historical (fan)fiction, for the love of any supreme being or unified theory you may believe in, stop using the eye roll this way if it's not your intent to be anachronistic. Maybe we who know the difference could let it go, but why should we when all it takes is a three-second Wikipedia search? Context matters in history, or we rewrite it, often with unintended consequences (see: abolitionists vs equality, though I'm pretty sure that one was intended).
Stay tuned for The Next Thing Lady Kit's Going to Ruin for Us™! Yes, there will be rants about corsets.
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Black Gold (CH Fanfic)
(Hey guys, gals, nonbinary pals! So, I’ve been working on a fanfiction book called “Black Gold.” This is just Chapter One. I hope you enjoy!) Chapter One November 5th, 2019; 11:37 A.M .“Come on, Dad! Blowing up coal deposits has always been our tradition!” Wyoming said to America. “You literally let me blow up my first coal deposits when I was 100 years old!” She then said, her arms now crossed as she looked up at America. “I know, but now it’s far too dangerous Wy. Your people have been using C4 for crying out loud!” America replied firmly, looking back at his daughter. “Yeah, I know, but it’s really fun!” Wyoming retorted. “Besides, it’s not like I can get hurt from the explosions,” she then added. America was still uncertain. His daughter-- one of many he had, along with sons-- was very risk-taking because she could always lose her life. “Hey, Wy! I think we found a new deposit!” Colorado suddenly called out from one of the towers, which loomed over a giant hole on the side of a mountain. “Awesome! Bring a sample to me!” Wyoming called back. “You do seem to have a lot of coal deposits around here,” America noted. “Obviously. I’m known for coal, dad! Especially around these parts!” Wyoming said proudly. “Here’s the sample, sis!” Colorado said. “Uhm, Colo? That’s not coal.” “Well, then what is it? It can’t be anything else.”America studied it and realized what it was. “Why, this is oil!” he said proudly. “Oil?! What? But I’m known for coal! Not oil!” Wyoming said. “Texas and Alaska cover the oil, don’t they? I can’t take their places! They’re the biggest states for crying out loud!” She sounded freaked out because of the whole situation. “Hey, don’t worry, Wy. you won’t take their places. You’ll be joining them in their ranks,” America replied. “Besides, only we know about it. Well, your grandfather as well since he’s currently visiting to see how you’ve all been,” America muttered, giving the sample back to Colorado. “Now, come along. We have to get you approved to be a member of OPEC.” Wyoming stopped in her tracks. “What’s OPEC?” She asked. “I mean, I’ve heard of it mainly because of Venezuela speaking about it with you, but what does it even stand for?”“Well, it’s simple really: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.” “So, where does the oil part come in?” “Petroleum is oil, Wyoming. It’s the scientific term for it. I thought you knew that already.” “Well, I never knew I had petroleum in the first place, so there.” America just let out a soft chuckle. “Come along, champ. We have to get you into OPEC now,” he said, leading Wyoming out to their car. “Oh, can I drive?” “If you’re British and drive on the passenger side, sure.” “Dad!” OPEC Headquarters: Vienna, Austria, 5:35 P.M. “Hey, Russia! Get in here! You’re going to love this!” Iran called out of the Meeting Room. Russia sighed. “What is it now? Can’t you see I’m busy?” Russia asked as he walked in. He looked up from the ground to see Iran balancing on a thin wire that looked nearly invisible. “Iran. I’m trying to work. I don’t need your preposterous distractions,” Russia said firmly, his arms crossed as he held a giant folder of paperwork from the OPEC leaders in his arms. “Oh, come on, mi amigo! Live a little! Life just isn’t about working!” Venezuela commented with a smile on his face. “Russia’s right, you two. We can’t just get so easily distracted from work. America will be very disappointed in us if he finds us fooling around,” Saudi Arabia said formally. Iran hopped down from the wire with an annoyed sigh. “Fine,” he said reluctantly. “We’ll get back to work. That was really impressive though, Corrí,” Venezuela said. Corrí was Iran’s name in Venezuela’s native language: Spanish. “Ah, thank you,” Iran said with a smile. “Oh, hey, Austria,” Iran said quietly when Austria entered the room. “Were these two getting easily distracted again?” Austria asked Russia, looking up at him. “Yes, unfortunately,” Russia replied. “Well, their penalties will have to wait. For now, we have to focus on Wyoming; the new, secret member of OPEC that America nor the UK want anyone else to know about, not even us,” Austria said, having everyone sit down as he explained. “As you may know, America and the UK both are the reasons why oil is referred to as ‘black gold’ in the economical world. They’re also the reasons why Alaska, Texas, and Wyoming are a part of the organization, but secretly,” Austria said. “Recently, this morning no less, Wyoming and America struck an oil deposit in Wyoming’s mountainous region.” Austria then pulled down a diagram of a map of the United States, showing the land formations, all fifty small and large states, and many other qualities the United States shared with many other countries on the face of the planet. He then grabbed a stick that looked as though he was conducting an orchestra, pointing to where Wyoming’s land was. “I’m sure you all remember that Wyoming is located on the Western side of the United States. Oil is very uncommon here, but not impossible,” Austria explained. “There are currently 18,000 estimated oil rigs taking the oil from her land. Now, if we want oil ourselves, then we must put or own oil rigs within the region.” this whole idea provoked a comment from Libya, one of the African countries in the OPEC organization. “Yeah, sure!” Libya said with a laugh. “That’ll definitely work! We won’t get arrested or classified as war criminals because of this whole preposterous plan!” Austria glared at Libya. “Quiet. Do you want oil or not? We can cut off the trade routes to your own country for oil, you know.” “Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Dr. Austria.” “I’m not a doctor! I’m a psychologist!” “That’s still a doctor, Austrian wanker!” “That’s enough you two!” Indonesia said from his side of the table. “If we want this oil, why not just ask America to sell it to us? It’s the only reasonable option. Stop trying to break and enter into a government site!” Iraq looked at the group. “He’s right,” he said. “Breaking and entering could get us killed, especially if you have someone like me or Venezuela, who are war criminals.” “Fine. Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Austria, Saudi Arabia, and Russia: you’re all going to Salt Creek Field in Wyoming. That’s where the oil is supposedly located based on our sources,” Ecuador said firmly. “The rest of us will stay behind and make sure neither America nor the United Kingdom gets here to hear of our plans to steal oil.” The six chosen all nodded. They were all sent to the warehouse for tactical gear and weapons just in case things went south or if someone found them in the act. After getting everyone ready (and finding Russia the right tactical gear), they were all being loaded into a bulletproof truck. Of course, the truck had to be bulletproof. Paranoia could reach anyone at any time. “Saudi, you seem out of it. You okay?” Russia asked his ally. Saudi Arabia looked at Russia from his side of the truck. “Oh, yeah... Yeah, I’m alright,” Saudi Arabia said hastily, fiddling with a small string he always brought with him. “Are you sure? You’re never this quiet.” “I’m sure. Thank you for asking, though.” After that, everyone was silent. A couple of the ones who were sent out began falling asleep. Russia was one of them. The only person who stayed awake was Saudi Arabia. He was never a sleeper; never could be in a million years. As he waited for someone to arise from their slumber, he watched the sunset over the Mediterranean Sea. It wouldn’t be the last time, right? Hopefully not. Saudi Arabia hoped it wasn’t the last time he saw the sun. He hoped his paranoia was wrong. He hoped. And hoped. And hoped. Salt Lake Creek, Wyoming, 12:30 A.M. All five of the members reached the location with no troubles, thankfully. “Alright. We have to be as quiet as possible. Remember that,” Algeria said to the others in a hushed voice. “Be careful, too. America always has guards around the oil rigs. Take them out if needed.” The others nodded and split up. Saudi Arabia took the Northern Area of the Creek with Russia next to him. The two were heavily skilled fighters, so if they were caught, they had little to worry about. “Russia. Take out those guards on the East. I’ll take them out on the West,” Saudi Arabia said quietly. Russia nodded. Saudi Arabia snuck towards what he assumed were guards until he got closer and he heard America talking to someone. “Oh, come on, Dad!” The voice said. They had a very Southern accent Saudi Arabia only heard from America when he was in one of his multiple phases. “What’s with all of that paranoia? I reckon you’re hidin’ something, but I know you wouldn’t hide anythin’ from me!” America chuckled at the voice. “Well, you know me, Texas. Your dad’s gotta keep secrets from you and your siblings just in case something goes wrong. I can’t have you all in grave danger that could’ve been prevented,” he replied, clapping Texas on the back. Texas! That one cowboy kid! Saudi Arabia knew it! He kept listening to their conversation until Russia came up next to him. “What’s taking you so--” Saudi Arabia covered Russia’s mouth immediately. “What was that?” Texas asked, turning in the direction of Saudi Arabia and Russia. “What was what?” America asked. “Did you hear something?” “Well, more or less of someone,” Texas replied. The clicking of his boots got closer and closer as he steadily went to the sound. He found both Russia and Saudi Arabia. “Ah. Two old enemies of my old man, huh?” Texas said, a smirk on his face as he tilted his cowboy hat up. “Let me get a good look at y’all,” he then said, studying the two. “Texas, who are you..” America trailed off when he saw Saudi Arabia and Russia. “You two. What in God’s name do you want now, you heathens?!” America said angrily, glaring at his old enemies. “W-We didn’t want anything--” Saudi Arabia started. He was cut off by America. “Security! We have a breach!” He said to the guards. Three guards came and arrested both of them. “Let go of us!” Russia said angrily. “We did nothing wrong!” America scoffed. “Say that to your little buddies, Russian spy,” he said bitterly. The guards brought in Austria, Algeria, Iran, and Nigeria. “No! You don’t understand!” Saudi Arabia said, struggling to get out of the handcuffs. “Sure I don’t,” America retorted. There seemed to be nothing but arguing until a gun was fired and Texas was on his knees, holding his blood-stained leg tightly. “Texas!” America said, kneeling next to his son. “Who did this?!” He suddenly screamed at the six. Nobody answered. “Fess up, or you’re all getting executed!” America shouted. “It was me!” Saudi Arabia suddenly said. “I shot him!” Russia looked at his friend in shock. “Saudi, what are you doing?! This is suicide!” Austria said desperately, looking at him. “It was me,” Saudi Arabia said. America smirked. “Finally. Some truth out of all of you. Guards! Let the other five go. Keep Saudi Arabia in a cell until further notice,” America then commanded. Russia caught Saudi Arabia’s eye one last time. Saudi Arabia just simply waved goodbye, knowing all hope he had of seeing the sun again was lost forever. It was all over for him. European Union Headquarters: Brussels, Belgium, 8:30 A.M. “Good morning, UK!” Germany said with a smile to his ally. The United Kingdom looked up from his paperwork. “Good morning, Germany,” he replied calmly, sitting next to Germany as he quickly put his paperwork away. “Another meeting… Fun,” Germany said sarcastically. The UK chuckled. “Yeah, well at least we don’t have to sit next to Spain,” he replied jokingly. “If we did, this would be a bloody--” The UK was cut off by his lover and best ally: France. “Bonjour, Royaume-Uni and Allemagne!” She said happily, sitting next to the UK. “Good morning, dear,” the UK replied with a smile. “Good Morning, Frankreich,” Germany replied, fixing his glasses. Everything seemed perfectly normal until Germany noticed his brother, Austria, wasn’t next to him like he was supposed to be. “Polen, have you seen Austria anywhere?” Germany asked, turning to look at Poland. Poland looked up from his paperwork. “No. Why? Is he late?” the Polish asked. Germany nodded. “He could be running errands, Niemcy.” “Most likely. Or he got in trouble again. I wouldn’t be surprised if Vater held him back for getting in trouble.” “The Weimar Republic? Being strict? Thought I’d never see the day!”Germany chuckled, but immediately stopped when the European Union leaders walked into the room with the European Union. The man himself. “We have unfortunate news to bring upon all of you this morning,” the EU announced. “As you may or may not know, Salt Creek Lake in the mountainous state of Wyoming was broken into last night. Six suspects were found, five of them were freed. If you have not yet noticed, Austria was one of those suspects.” The UK, France, and Germany all tensed. People they cared about were in danger. In grave, grave danger. “The one suspect that was not freed is a war criminal you may know of: Saudi Arabia,” the EU continued, looking mainly at the three. “There will be more information given to us of the matter as this meeting continues. If there is an important detail or one that is just important to you, please come to my office immediately after this meeting. We will speak of the situation from there and figure out what you need to know.” Shortly after the meeting, the UK, France, and Germany were all walking-- well, running in Germany’s terms-- to the EU’s office. They had to know. Was everyone okay? Were there guns involved? Will there be anyone held responsible? (I hope you guys like it so far! Let me know what you think!)
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jynxlovesluck · 6 years
So besides playing with the new color feature, I need some help picking on a WIP. As you who have talked to me for more then 5 minutes know, I have about... 48 Sanders sides WIPs? I'll be posting my Changes AU one shot I made for @the-incedible-sulk before anything else, but picking after that is just uuuggghhh. So any way, if you guys could help me pick? That would be swell.
I have:
-Princey Bride, aka the Princess Bride AU
-Jeep Me Safe, a funny story purely based on a mistake made by my favorite Birb. (I'm sorry Sparrow it has a full plot forgive me) Where a truck driver accidently picks up a spy and bow has to take him across the country in a terrible beat up old Jeep.
-Reliability, a one shot story for Prinxiety where Childhood friend Virgil who loves his friend Roman goes to comfort him (it's mostly just angst and then enough fluff to kill a man)
-Lie Me to Sleep, (working title Oof) where Remy is an insomniac who tries to cope with being in love with his best friend who has three boyfriends, the death of his grandfather, and exploring all the wild twists and turns a boy who won't give up his name provides him with.
-Sew, You Like Me? A oneshot/maybe more where Virgil has been patching things up for years for the other sides, and is discovered.
I Spy Something New: Basically James Bond Sort of universe meets having to crash a royal wedding with a partner you don't like fake dating AU, because I'm weak and love the idea of a bunch of gay spies trying not to ruin a wedding while dying because their rival is also hot.
Our Lives Aren't Fanfiction: This is literally a mash up of ever sickly sweet fanfic troupe I could think of, I asked 5 different people about troups, this would rot my teeth out. Oh my god. Y'all have no idea.
I have tons more, but those are some I've been putting off forever! Please comment or reblog with what you guys would like to see!
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Heyo, it’s Hannah, and a couple of days ago I hit 200 followers! (221 to be exact, holy cats!) So there a lot of you now, so I’m just going to tell y’all a couple things about myself!
1. My name is Hannah, and I am 17 years old (I’ll be 18 on March 31st, I’M NOT READY TO BE AN ADULT). 
2. I’m demi-panromantic and graysexual, and let me just take a sec to explain what that means. Graysexual is an orientation under the “ace umbrella”, and basically it means that while most of the time I am asexual, there are times where I do feel sexual attraction (not a lot though). The other part of my sexual orientation is where things get complicated. I’m both demiromantic and panromantic, or demi-panromantic to make things easier. Demiromantic means that I don’t feel romantic attraction to anyone unless I have a strong platonic bond with them. And panromantic means that I’m attracted to all genders (but I tend to lean more towards guys). So whether you’re a guy, gal, or nonbinary pal, it doesn’t matter to me! I only care about who you are as a person!
3. I have an autoimmune disorder called Addison's Disease. Basically, my adrenal glands (which are near your kidneys) are supposed to produce a hormone that controls your fight or flight responses. What that means is, my body can’t really heal itself as a result when I get sick or injured. To keep me healthy all of the time, I have to take medication every eight hours for the rest of my life. It kinda sounds like it sucks, but trust me, I like not dying. (I’ve been hospitalized twice because of this, so I’d like to avoid another hospital visit as much as possible thank you)
4. I’m a proud Hufflepuff! I’m also a Thunderbird. And my patronus is a stoat!
5. My favorite color is yellow.
6. I really like owls.
7. People say that I’m a lot like Patton, but I’ve also been compared to Roman. I honestly see myself as a combination of both. I’ve got a big heart and am generally cheerful and goofy all of the time. I also can be a bit of a drama queen, and I really love Disney and musicals.
8. I really like the Sanders Sides, and 90% of what I post is about them. The other 10% is nerdy stuff and occasionally personal stuff about me.
9. I’m an aspiring author, and while I primarily write fanfiction, I am working on some original stuff. Maybe one day I’ll work up the courage to try and get it published.
10. Like many other Fanders, I created my own sides! The sideblog where I post about them is @denisse-cira-alyson-galyna! So if you want to learn more about who I am, be sure to check it out! 
So, I think that’s pretty much everything about me! This got a little long winded, but I just wanted to take the opportunity to properly introduce myself! Thank you all SO MUCH for being here, love you lots! <3
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The Hideout
Okay so before you start reading this I just want you to know that this was an idea I had in my head and that I am not romanticizing any of the events. Feel free to share your feed back and go ahead and send anons. These are oc's and it's not fanfiction. If it seems like people like it I will continue. Hope you enjoy it! :b
Bring her in,” Skye said. She sat, back straight, at a table filled with food. The prisoner came in, one guard on either side. She had blond hair with pink highlights. Her eyes were purple, no doubt from contacts, Skye thought. “Well, pull out her chair. We must treat out guest with respect.” “Their,” she said, sitling down. “Excuse me?” “My pronouns are them and their. Not her.” Oh, my apologies, er…?” Skye asked, making a mental note. “Cris. And you are…? “Skye. Pleased to meet you Cris. Now, we must discuss the reason –“ “Food first,” Cris interrupted. They pulled a plate of chicken legs toward them and placed it on top of the one in front of them. “Why the rainbow?" They asked pointing to Skye's short, multicolored hair. She ran a hand through her dyed locks absentmindedly. There was a reason, of course, why she chose these colors, but Skye did not like talking about it with people she just met. "Take a wild guess," was all she said. "Ah," Cris nodded knowingly, "I gotchu." The meal continued. Halfway through, Cris put their black boots up on the table. Their laces were bright green, perfect when paired up with the black. As they talked, Skye began to like Cris more and more. When they were nearing the end, Cris jokingly said that their dream was to become the owner of Pringles. "Speaking of dreams," Skye said after a pause, "I have a very big one that I would like to share with you." "Shoot." Cris swallowed the last of their food and looked at her expectantly. "AS you may have noticed, everything in this city is perfect. No fights, no unkept lawns, no parades, no laughter, no nose rings." She gestured at Cris's piercing. "No, no, no, no, no. That’s all they let us do. You must have a minimum of two children. A marriage is defined as XX and XY. All special needs people are put to death when diagnosed. And no one does anything to stop it." Skye paused, waiting for Cris's reaction. "My parents were the exact same. "No, Cristoper, dresses are for girls." "No, you are not neither." "Boys don’t sing.'' They wanted to confine me to heteronormativity and gender roles. They believed that all the rules were perfect and breaking them meant I wanted to live in a place full of crime, disease, and death. What better parents than that, am I right?" Yah. And that’s what our plan is. We will fight The Bifrost and take over. I want you to join me and my team to do something about it. Now I know that –" "I'll join." "You may have some – Wait what? You'll join?" Skye looked at them skeptically. "Why?'' "I don’t like to run," Cris said, as if this was a valid explanation of why they would be up to joining a group based on destruction and stood up. "Now let's go meet your team."
Farther underground than Cris would have ever thought possible, they found them. A group of about thirty teenagers were in a room about the size of a gym with plenty of extra space. Light bounced of their hair which was in so many colors it would have given Iris a run for her money. The occasional glint of metal suggested that each one had some kind of stud. A mix of laughter and curses echoed through the room. Just their kind of people. Skye told them to meet her over at the stage in ten minutes and left to talk to someone. Cris walked around, meeting different people. It felt nice, they thought, to be part of this group. A girl named Pearl was just showing them where the cake was when their ten minutes was up. Cris just got to the stage when Skye began to talk. "Guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!" Through the microphone, her voice had taken on a tone that took away the serious voice that made her role as leader more prominent. "How are we doing tonight?" This got a yell as loud as a crowd at a football game rather than a small group of adolescents. "We are going to meet our newest member today! It is both an honor and a pleasure to introduce to you – drumroll please..." The noise echoing through the gym turned it into the Fourth of July. After letting the sound go on for a while Skye finally shouted, "Cris!" The group gave a loud applause worthy of a famous singer, Cris thought, not someone like them. It was Skye's voice that brought them back to reality. "Cris's pronouns are they and them. Cris would you like to tell us a little about yourself?" They stepped forward, nervousness seeping in making Cris's bones feel like led. "Er... I-I'm Cris," Their voice cracked at the end, but they kept talking. "I'm er, nonbinary and er, sixteen years old. My favorite color's blue. I ran away from home when I was younger and now im here. So..." "Why'd you run away?'' Someone from the crowd asked. Cris paused. They hated talking about the subject. Whenever Cris opened up to someone, it usually backfired. How could they tell everyone? The last time Cris told anyone... No. These people were different. They would understand. Besides, these people were their family now. They began. I was about six when I realized I wasn't a boy," Cris took a breath. "When I told my mom, well she tried to force it onto me. When I never went with it, she started calling me useless and broken and tried to get me to change that way. I told her over and over that I wasn't a boy or a girl and she began keeping me in my room and from playing with my friends. When I was eight, I finally had enough of it. My older brothers tried to keep me from going, but I kicked their butts," Cris shrugged as if it were no big deal. "it was a good thing I always won hide and seek," they chuckled. This gained a small laugh from the group. "I've been hiding for eight years. Now I'm going to eat some of that cake.
Cris lay awake in their bed, After the talk on the stage they found Pearl. She was talking to her boyfriend who asked them to call him Mama Steve and that he would be their mother now. They stayed and talked (while eating an unhealthy amount of rainbow cake) until Skye came and told them that it was time to go to bed as they were the last ones there. Cris's room was dark with only the projected constellations twinkling on their ceiling. Staring at the stars, Cris new that they were finally in a place that they could call home. No more running, no more living in fear. For the first time in their life, Cris went to sleep content with were they ended up.
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bucky-effing-barnes · 8 years
Get to know me!
I feel like I should introduce myself to my audience….
So, hiya! My name is CC, I was born during the Pisces/Aquarius Cusp, so I’m both, I’m a bit eccentric.
I really like Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, including the love of my life, James ‘Bucky’ Barnes. I write some weird ass fanfiction, so be prepared.
I normally update on Thursdays, but if I don’t, I will let y'all know. I also use the word y'all a lot because I’m from Texas, beware.
I’m a track runner, so there may be a few fics about that. I love talking to you Guys and Gals and NonBinary Pals!
I’m also kinda rude because I am the queen bitch. There will be days where I’ll shit post for no reason or notice, beware.
Other than that, I’m a good little muffin. Ask me dumb questions and I’ll answer them. Let’s be friends while we’re at it. Love me
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