#whew got a little drabbly there
pathetichimbos · 1 year
What kinds of decorations do you think Thomas has in his room? Is he pretty goblincore with handmade animal skin trinkets and various pretty things stolen off visitors? Or does he keep it classic and relatively bare?
Hmmm, I've always headcanoned he keeps a blank and empty room, but I know he enjoys making things... So, let's talk about it!
I think Thomas enjoys making things like jewelery with things he finds interesting, like various nature related things he's found outside, or even cool looking teeth or something off a victim, and of course a claw or something from an animal
It's not exactly a relaxing process but he's gotten really good with working with the jewelery over the years and it gives him something to focus on, and when he's wearing something he's made it gives him a way to stim and provides comfort when he's overwhelmed with something, so he makes the jewelry really strong so he can pull on it, maybe lightly snap it against his wrist, or just rub the charms between his fingers. Though, this habit died down a lot as he got older thanks to Hoyt and Montys unfriendly teasing.
He'll make other similar things from time to time, like wind chimes or sunlight catchers, using things like (again) bones, or sticks that make a certain noise he really likes when they clonk together, pieces of glass from a busted window in the barn, or light catching jewelery or anything of the sort off a victim.
I also think he'd enjoy working with clay. I like to take from the original movie and assume there's a lake nearby the Hewitt household that Thomas used to skip school (when he first went) to go play at as a kid, when no one else was around. He used to dig clay out of lake shore and make little sculptures to leave in the sun and dry. He still goes to the day, but it's harder to do since he has such a big responsibility in the household, but when he manages to sneak off he'll enjoy trying to make something again.
As for keeping things from the victims, I think Hoyt generally has first grab rules that Thomas doesn't try to fight against, and he gives his mother any particularly pretty jewelery he thinks she'd like. After that, it's free game, though there's not much left usually, so that's why he works with the actual body so much more.
But, at the end of the day, where's all this stuff go? You've been in Thomas' room, there's just a bed and a dresser, even the mirror is covered with a sheet. No trinkets, no decorations, nothing.
You've seen him make a few things, on one of the occasions you were sent down to fetch him by Luda Mae, and he's even given you a couple of the trinkets himself.
You'll see them in the house, scattered around. An unidentifiable clay figure, sitting on the shelf with family pictures. A handmade bracelet in the bowl kept by the door. A light catcher swinging around in the kitchen window, even a few he really liked kept in the basement at his crafting station, but never any in Thomas' room.
But, you can find them. If you start showing extra interest in his makings, asking to watch him work, lighting up like a Christmas tree when he gives you something, you can find them.
You'll be laying on the couch with him, your legs thrown over his lap as you lay out, his hand in your own lap as you tug and stim with his bracelet as the two of you watch the old black and white TV across the room, and you'll mention how nice the bracelet is, and how you wish you had one of your own.
You didn't really mean much by the comment, just sort of lazily mentioned it as you zoned out watch the cartoons you had found, but suddenly Thomas is standing up, one arm under your knees and the other cradling your back as he lifts you with ease.
He carries you up the stairs, and you're caught a little off guard when he takes you to the bedroom the two of you have been sharing.
It wasn't uncommon for him to simply grab your hand and pull you places when he needed or wanted something, since he couldn't exactly tell you directly, but it wasn't often he carried you like this.
He'll set you on the bed after shutting the door, and hesitant for a moment, before pulling a small wooden box from his closet and showing you.
When he opens it, it's filled with a lot of things he made over the years, things he couldn't part with but couldn't find anything to do with. Several bracelets are inside, all with different kind of textures and things, and he insists you pick your favorite and keep it.
You can't help but notice several things you really like, though, and you ask him if you can keep them out and put them on the dresser.
His immediate answer is no, after all, men aren't supposed to make things and fill their room with such pretty and happy things, right? That's too childish, that's too girly, and that's exactly what he hears for years from his uncles.
You're persistent though, after all, *you* were the one that wanted them out, if they had such a problem with it they could take it up with you, and after living there so long you had built up a thick skin to the two men, something that Thomas admired and worried over often.
So, in the end, I think Thomas would love to decorate his room with all the pretty rocks he finds and trinkets he makes, but he won't really do it unless he's given that push, because Hoyt and Monty are old school, even for the 70s, and Thomas would rather comply than deal with their relentless bullying.
Thanks for sending in the ask!!!
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quinloki · 1 year
Birthday Request Event
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader: transmasc!Reader (he/him pronouns) Character: Donquixote Rosinante Kink: #1 Merinthophilia #3 Spanking Prompt: Dealer's Choice #3 "Sit on my face." Gift Giver: @dotdotdotdotsometingidk
Summary: Your relationship with Rosinante is still in the "trying new things" phase, and the gentle giant is helping to ease you into certain pleasures.
Content Notes: Transmasc can present a LOT of different ways - this story's reader has not had bottom surgery. Vaginal fingering, vaginal oral, spanking, bondage, forced orgasm, soft dom Rosi, ends a little suddenly otherwise it was about to become my newest multi-chapter story.
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
“Are you sure?” You ask again, taking off your top and tossing it into the corner.
“It should be me asking if you’re sure,” Rosi admits, giving you a bit of a sheepish look. “It won’t make you uncomfortable?”
“Awww, that’s sweet.” You say, realization dawning. “I’m not less of a guy without a dick, love.” You assure him, taking his face in your hands – a feat you can only manage because he’s sitting on the edge of the bed. “If I wanted to be a different kind of man, I’d work on having surgery. You love me as I am, right?”
“Yes, I do.” Rosi answers, face turning pink.
“I love me as I am too.” You assure him, leaning close and kissing him softly.
Rosinante returns the sweet smooches, and the two of you quietly pull the last few pieces of clothing away from on another. Rosi’s lips and hands travel over your body, nearly engulfing you with soft groping hands and a hungry mouth.
The rope appears in his hand, almost like magic as he gently folds your arms behind your back, threading through your fingers and around your wrists and forearms. The soft kisses continued, pulling heavier sounds and trembling moans from you before the ropes had even been pulled taut.
“My sweet boy does like his rope, doesn’t he?” Rosi muses and you nod as he pulls the ropes snug with a deft hand as he brings them around to the front of you. Crossing them against your chest, and wrapping them around your upper arms before turning you around and bringing it all together in the middle of your back.
His hands wander over your skin again, though they hadn’t really stopped, soft kisses pressing against your shoulder. You adjust your stance, opening your legs as long, large fingers slip down your lower belly. Needy sounds are already falling from your lips, and you’re half blissed out just from being tied up a little.
“Your sounds are as delicious as the rest of you,” he purrs, sucking harshly on your neck and filling the room with a needy growl from you as his hand moves away from your untouched slit. “I’d leave you bound all the time, just to hear you whimper like this.”
“It’s not… not just the ropes,” you gasp, as he turns you to face him. “You – you keep touching me I can’t… take it.”
“Mmm?” He hums as he leans in, leaving kisses and nips along your shoulders and collarbone. “But listen to you, you’re taking it all quite well.”
“Pl-please, relief – give me relief.” You beg, lifting your leg this time and resting your knee on his thigh. “Please, Rosi – my Cora-san – I’m already so close.”
“If you want relief,” he says softly, licking your neck and nipping at your ear as he lifts your other leg onto his thigh. “You’re going to have to sit on my face like a good little doll.”
You make a strangled sound, you want relief, but even with as big as Rosinante is, you’re nervous about sitting on his face. It seems dangerous.
“The only thing that will grace that wet slit of yours is my tongue.” He leans in close, fingers wandering over your body easily. “And the only way to urge my tongue out of my mouth, is if you… sit… on… my… face.” Rosi punctuates each steady word by nipping at your skin, leaving light toothy marks and pulling strangled cries from your lips.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t that dangerous.
“Then… please…” You beg, scooting yourself as close to him as you can, your eyes shifting from his eyes to his lips as he steadies you in his lap. “Please let me sit on your face, Rosi.”
“Certainly, my sweet.” He grabs you by the waist, lifting you up easily as he leans back and sets you down slowly onto his face. One large hand is against your clavicle, thumb and fingers curling gently against your jaw and neck, supporting you as he leans you forward a little.
On your own, especially with your hands bound behind your back, you’d be off balance and unable to hold yourself up, but he doesn’t let you worry. You open your legs wider, bringing your hips down against his face until you feel his smiling lips against your skin.
A large hand rests against your lower back, trapping you in place. In one motion he opens his mouth and pushes down on your back, making your legs spread wider as his tongue dives into your soaking pussy. Your toes curl and your legs twitch as the sudden pleasure nearly rips a scream from your throat.
“Silent,” he says softly, though it’s not directed at you. You know the command for what it is and aren’t surprised when the large hand lands heavy on your ass, cracking sharply inside the sound-stopping dome.
You writhe, arms twisting against the ropes as his tongue teases your clit, the sharp crack of a second blow causing your eyes to roll back in your head a little as pleasure drips from your entire body. The sharp sting of the well-place strikes against your ass, turn into a throb that digs into your body and makes everything feel better.
He shifts you a little, his tongue diving deep inside you as another crack lands on your ass. Your feet and legs seemed determined to find some kind of purchase, to squirm you away from the pleasure that has you trapped, but even if Rosinante was closer to you in height, you wouldn’t be able to get away.
He leans you forward again, landing a sharp slap on your ass again and causing you to yelp. Your ass cheeks are hot and red, and the tingle of it is traveling through your thighs and down your legs. As he begins to practically suckle your clit, two of his fingers push into your cunt, filling you full and teasing deep inside of you, his thumb running over your stinging skin softly.
You couldn’t beg, you couldn’t form words of any real content. All you could do was babble Rosinante’s name in a dozen different ways as you came, squirming against his hands, twitching powerlessly against his tongue, only for him to continue. The gentle younger brother delighted in your sounds, and showed no mercy as he enjoyed them, forcing one orgasm into another as your gushing pleasure leaked down his chin.
Check out the event - requests are accepted until 7/31/2023 EST
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eveningbluemoon · 9 months
💭 + childhood + jujutsu politics
Oh I've been itching for this one !! ☺️☺️☺️
(Note: I may have gone overboard.)
Kusakabe was born into a non-sorcerer family
The lack of CT also meant it took a little longer for him to be brought to attention to anyone, so he was pretty much a gloomy kid who saw curses and his parents were likely very "oh our kid is so creative^^".
He often skipped school too because of this. Bro was not having it.
Kusakabe liked after class kendo practice and he was the best there, mostly because he was instincitively using ce reinforcement and accidentally embuing ce to his shinai. Unfair advantage from the get go.
At some point, I think he got checked into a hospital for unrelated reasons and a nurse realized he ticked off enough of the "sorcerer checklist" and went to do standard protocol like "hey, so this is what you are, you have higher ce levels, these are curses, etc etc" at around 14 and informed jujutsu society of Kusakabe's existence
Honestly? The lack of CT wasn't very interesting and they considered Kusakabe just kinda... not worth putting into jujutsu high. He was living a pretty normal life now and his prospects of survival in an actual fight were low.
Until he started exorcising curses himself with his shinai from kendo. He did NOT realize he could fight back and man, was it CATHARTIC.
Beat the shit outta the one in his house. At school. Low-level curses but lil Kusakabe was having a blast.
Yeah, jujutsu society were not impressed still, they were CONCERNED. This guy could get himself killed or kill others 😭😭😭 humbled Kusakabe real quick when he realized just how far he could get without CT or a special domain, but you learn from that.
Aside from that, he cares a great deal about his sister. She was there majority of the times he didn't want to get out of bed because the "weird creature no one else can see" was staring him down.
She even made excuses up for their parents.
The two just couldn't be close as they wanted to because of the sheer difference in their worlds. She couldn't see curses, after all.
He would say he had a normal-ish childhood compared to most sorcerers.
Jujutsu Politics
Considering he was the least likely to reach Grade 1 status in his class, and of all sorcerers around that time, I'd say he struggled trying to both prove himself to jujutsu society and accepting he didn't want any of it.
Kusakabe did believe that sorcerers were born to protect non sorcerers, becoming jaded overtime as he watched the bodies of his classmates pile up.
He still believes in it, mildly. He just doesn't want to do it anymore. And he wants to teach his students they shouldn't feel obligated to do so.
He believes it's in the higher ups best interest to make students believe that they should offer up their life for their cause.
Kusakabe also believes the higher ups are fucked in the head but opposing them is not his role, not when he has his sister to look after. Someone else will deal with it.
There is a bit of guilt that comes with looking away from what they're doing, especially the execution orders on students. But he trusts those that can do something ( Gojo ) will ensure it doesn't happen, even if he won't admit it.
Kusakabe will keep accepting missions to exorcise even if he despises that the foundation of jujutsu sorcery is built on the corpses of those that have passed. And man, a lot of those corpses aren't even half his age.
Classes were small to begin with given the rare nature of sorcerers. How is it that there are only few left by graduation?
Kusakabe doesn't like thinking of it anymore. He's alive and he can deal with the guilt, exactly because he's alive. He has a paycheck, he can use it to forget a little.
He doesn't consider sorcerers as heroes at all. He believes he'll die in this field of work before he gets a chance to retire.
If he keeps thinking about that, he'd lose it.
He doesn't want his sister to lose the last of her family and maybe that's all he really needs to think about anymore.
There's times he wishes he could have just passed for a non-sorcerer all those years ago and avoided all this mess.
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I'm craving for your writing, please spare me a crumb 🛐
ATEEZ favorite positions maybe?
ATEEZ favorite positions
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❥ATEEZ (separately) x afab reader
➯a/n: i'm deep deeeeeeeep in the depths of writers block and trying to claw my way out like the feral writing gremlin i know i am- but i have no idea if this is any good, please forgive me for the atrociously long wait. happy valentines ! 💌💕
♡´・ᴗ・`♡▼・ᴥ・▼genre: smut, bullet point style, drabbles
ಠ_ಠwarning/content: eldest to youngest, unprotected(booooo), so much romance im a sucker, soft & rough sex, head(giving and receiving), dacryphilia, overstimulation, possessiveness, brat taming in the form of dumbification, strength kink, restraint, switching holes (LMAO?), forehead touches!!!!!!!! not proof read :(
⁂perm taglist: @stvrfir3 @tunaasan @marievllr-abg
he's a hopeless romantic, and it definitely shows through his favorite positions
he's seated on the edge of the bed, or couch, or chair, even seated on the floor-
and youre seated in his lap like it's your throne
your legs wrapped around his moving hips, arms around his neck and hands tangled up in his hair
it's his favorite position for many reasons
the angle of his hips which makes his cock tease the deepest parts of you
your heavy breaths falling right onto his lips, breathing the same air during such a passionate act
and the way he can see your eyes well up with pleasure with every little thrust until you come undone right infront of him
Seonghwa can see every little twitch of your face as he rests his forehead against yours, his hips had set an unrelenting slow and loving pace long ago and have yet to stop. His tip drags along your g-spot every time he pulls out, and you almost want to beg him to just stay buried deep because of the maddening slow building pleasure. Any attempt to speak on either of your parts only comes out as a puff of hot air into the others mouth. It isn't the first time you've done it in this position, but the intimacy of it completely blankets you every time. You can't feel anything other than each other, and it's pure euphoria.
彡★KIM HONGJOONG - cuddle fuck
it's not that it's his favorite persay, it's just the one that happens the most
people say this man hates affection, they couldn't be any more wrong
he loves to be close to you !
after a busy schedule and tiring day, all he wants to do is cuddle
but your body is so soft and warm pressed against his, he feels so safe and comfortable
he won't say anything at first, either because he's too embarrassed or too tired so it usually goes like this:
Hongjoong has his arms wrapped around you- one cradling you to his chest warmly as the other traces his racing thoughts on your lower back. One of your legs is hooked over his hip, the other tangled between his. You kiss over his tattoo with all of the care in the world and that's when the feeling in his lower belly stirs to life. As you go on about mundane things, like what you should cook the both of you for dinner, it only gets hotter and tighter. Your skin is searing against his in the most pleasant and simultaneously daunting ways. The way you bite your lip tells him you finally feel it, that hardness pressing against your thin house-shorts. You push aside the other topic at hand and move both of your shorts away, wordlessly slipping him inside of you. You're so close, you may as well be one soul. And that's just the way he likes it.
yunho is TALL.
no matter what position you're in, innocent cuddling or sinful fucking or walking down the street-
he shadows over you like a demon
the softest demon ever but still
he's huge and it drives him over the edge when he can see and feel the difference compared to you
so when you've got your legs stretching up as far as they can go and they barely reach over his shoulders????
whew baby prepare your cervix to be bruised
It started as a simple mating press, Yunho' s cock begging him to just fill you as far as possible without breaking you. But when he sat up, your legs followed; no longer being pinned by his chest. You laid them flat against his sweaty chest and arched your back, breaking his mind in an overwhelming horniness as he felt your toes curl just on his shoulder blades when you came. Oh, he'll be damned if he stopped there. He went on for hours, he had never been so hard. He wanted to cum so badly, but at the same time, he never wanted to move away from the ethereal image of you below him like that. When he finally did (and hello wow that was so much cum it literally came splatting out between you) he made a mental note to most definitely get you worked up again tomorrow.
彡★KANG YEOSANG - mating press
this man's beauty and personality is so soft and silky
don't let that shit fool you breh
he is a beast in the bedroom, he goes feral when you're behind a locked door together
there's something about you that just makes him want to overtake your entire being and become one with you
something that makes him want you to break- break just for him
he loves every fiber of your being and he's possessive over you like no fucking other
because of his career, he's not allowed to show that publicly, and he more than makes up for his need to express his dominating feelings for you by-
well, by dominating you
Your thighs are crushed to your chest, feet dangling in the air and bouncing with every rough thrust of Yeosang 's skilled hips. If there was a time that this position was uncomfortable, that time is long gone. All of his deep, quick thrusts wipe away anything in your mind other than him, and the glazed over look in your eyes only makes him go harder. His eyes nearly roll into his skull every time he feels you clench around him, your cunt completely at his mercy. You're ripe for the picking. Laid out for him helplessly, stuck in position by his rough and loving hands on the back of your sore thighs. Completely weak beneath him as he fucks you like it's the last thing he'll ever do on this mortal earth, and you simply let him because you love him. And he absolutely revels in it.
彡★CHOI SAN - against the wall
"sannie bulked up after wooyoung chest bumped him across stage!!"
erm no
sannie bulked up when he saw you watching an against the wall video!!
his brain immediately fried at the idea of doing that to you and now here we are a few years later
he prides himself in how strong he's gotten, how muscular he is
it's an ego boost really, and a deserved one
he loves bending you into whichever position he wants to just because he can
but this will always be his personal favorite
San has his arms wrapped around the underside of your knees, pining them to the wall and effectively folding you in half while he demolishes your holes. All of his praise falling to deaf ears as your head spins with a dizzying pleasure. He lets your forehead fall on his, breathing in your fucked out groans as his thrusts slam your hips and lower back into the wall. You lost it and started cumming the second he man handled you and lifted you with his cock still inside, and now it's his turn for that blinding white pleasure as you grab his big, flexing biceps and drool as you clench around him.
song mingi sloppy toppy champion and i don't take criticism on this sorry
he enjoys eating pussy or sucking dick over sex most days, like his soul purpose is to make his significant other feel on cloud 9 (get it they're the 9 and he's the 6 haha okay-)
and when he's balls deep he can't help but go full sub mode and hump like a wild animal searching for primal release
so- head it is
but you want him to feel good too, obviously
and despite his reassurances that making you feel good in turn makes him feel good, you just can't help it
so, a mutual position is found: one were he gets to have his tongue on you, in you, all over you-
and you get to make him an even whinier mess than usual
It turns Mingi on so badly when he gets to taste you, you barely have to touch him. His tongue is deep inside you, hands kneading your ass as he makes a mess of his favorite meal. Hes so lost in the pleasure of giving that he doesn't even realize you've got his cock stuffed in your throat until he cums into the warmth of it. He's always a whiny mess between your legs, and this new position quickly becomes both of your favorites when you continue to tease him through and past his release, and he continues to slurp up the ever flowing arousal that comes from the pleasure of making him cum. It's a never ending cycle really, and neither of you dare complain.
彡★JUNG WOOYOUNG - spooning
now i would say reverse cowgirl because he's obviously an ass man- but that's his second choice
y'all seen that video of him getting all up on yunho on stage from behind ??
yeah that's why i chose this and because it's infecting my brain
something about it just makes him even more feral than usual
everything about it tbh-
let me just *licks pen*
His leg wrapped over your hip and around yours like an anaconda, using his leverage to spread your legs as you're both laid sideways, giving him all the access he could ever want. And boy does Wooyoung take advantage of it, holding you in place with his arms wrapped under your armpits and holding your shoulders tightly so you can't escape the burning heat of his body against yours while he fucks you to the next millennium. In your ass, it's slow and deep, a beautiful painful stretch. In your pussy, fast and shallow and hard, banging your g-spot until you sob. He can feel your ribs wracking with sobs of overwhelming pleasure, and he doesn't stop until you've made a mess of him just as he did you.
彡★CHOI JONGHO - prone bone
big cock!!!!!
there i said it, it had to be done
it took ages and ages to get used to his absolute girth
and even now that you're used to it it still stretches you out and shuts your brain off to put all of your willpower into your cunt so you don't break in half
and he can't help it as his mind begs him to take advantage of that fact when you're being a brat
he knows you turn into a cock whore the minute he stretches you out
and he plans to make use of that fact
Jongho is still so sweet and gentle when punishing you. He doesn't have to be rough, his veiny girth does the job naturally. Usually he'll spread you out nice and wide- not today. Not when you're a brat. He lays you face down and ties your legs together. He can barely shove his member between your pushed together thighs to get inside of you but when he does. It's like the tightest and warmest fleshlight in the world, and it's attached to the person he loves. He will make you forget your own name, just with his goliath friend and slow passionate thrusts.
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megamindsecretlair · 3 months
Like What I See
Pairing: Big Stunna x Baby Girl!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. SMUT. FILTH. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (female receiving) teasing/mocking, size kink, dirty talk, praise kink, all consensual. Soft Black reader.
Summary: Stunna is dealing with a lot in regards to the business. He sends you off to have a relaxing day shopping and pampering yourself. But when you get home, Stunna can't resist you.
Word Count: 2,856k
AO3 Link
A/N: WHEW. I've been FERAAAAALLLL. So I needed to bang this out. This is as close as I get to a drabble. Toss a coin to your writer by leaving a comment or reblog!
Taglist: @planetblaque @blackerthings @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @iv0rysoap @notapradagurl7 @sevikasblackgf @miyuhpapayuh @xo-goldengirl @kindofaintrovert @flydotty @judymfmoody @slippinninque @soufcakmistress @henneseyhoe @westside-rot @melaninpov @twocentuar @blackpinup22 @babybratzmaraj @theyscreamsannii @kiabialia @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @00aijia00 @hopefulromantic1 @lesbiantreehugger @longpause-awkwardsmile @badassdoll @kholdkill @blackpinup22 @cardi-bre91 @blowmymbackout @jay-mach @sageispunk @yourofficialgal @liyaah02 @monaeesstuff @amethyst09 @harmshake @satoruya @theunsweetenedtruth @ciaqui @multiversefanfics @tvchi
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You could not wait to get home. You stared down at your freshly painted pink nails. The soft, pale color went well with your beautiful brown skin and looking at them only made you feel prettier. Doubly so because your man chose the color for you today.
Typically, your man didn’t like you driving yourself around but he had a lot of business to take care of. He handed you a stack of cash and told you to pamper yourself today. And you nearly spent every last bit of it. 
First, you stopped by your favorite beauty store and grabbed your favorite bubble bath, some candles, and some lotion. Then, you made it to the makeup store, grabbing things you did not need but absolutely wanted. Lip shine, mascara, whatever your little heart came across just because you could. Lastly, you went to the spa and got one of the best massages of your life.
You had nearly fallen asleep on the table as the masseuse worked out lingering kinks and knots into your plump skin. You had gotten the works. A facial, foot rub, nails and feet done, and some quiet time in the sauna. You were mighty relaxed and now, all you wanted to do was see your baby.
You pulled onto your quiet street, the houses as nondescript as possible. Stunna didn’t want to flaunt his wealth that much. He preferred to flaunt it in other ways. Helping out in the neighborhood, taking care of those in his employ, or simply treating you. You loved that he wasn’t a braggart. Or thought the world owed him something just because. 
When you pulled into the driveway, you frowned a bit. He was usually at the door for you, pulling it open before you even had a chance to stop the car. You got out and locked the door, leaving your bags in the back because you knew Stunna will carry it inside for you.
Once inside, the sweet aroma of fresh apples wafted through the air. It was just an air freshener, but this was one of the best things you loved about coming home. That it felt like a home, small as your family may be. It was just you and Stunna for now and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
But where was he? With all the nonsense going on in his little feud with Malcolm, you had to contend with Stunna’s diverted attention. You hated it. You didn’t want to impose, but enough was fucking enough. 
“Baby?” You called out. Your heels clicked on the runner in the foyer as you walked down the hallway in search of your husband. He wasn’t in the kitchen where he usually was or on the couch watching his games. 
You took out your phone. There were no missed calls from him. There was just the text from him telling you to drive safely when you told him that you were on your way home. This just wasn’t like him. 
You sighed. So much for being excited. You had wanted to show off your nails and gush about your day. You wanted to show off your sinfully short black skirt and white button up shirt. The sleeves billowed slightly and gave you a slightly artsy look. Paired with your heels, it was a little dressy, a little cutesy, and you loved it. 
You went upstairs, a little miffed that your outfit went to waste. The bedroom door was closed so you opened it, ready to call Stunna’s phone and see where the hell he ran off to. As the door fully opened, you were grabbed from behind with a loud yell.
You screamed, arms stretching out wide to hang onto the doorframe and prevent your attacker from pushing you inside. Raucous laughter filled the doorframe as your husband, Stunna, kissed your cheek. 
Your heart was beating so fast, it took you two tries to yell out, “You scared the shit out of me!” 
“I’m sorry, baby,” he said. “You didn’t see me on the couch and I wondered what you’d do.” 
You tried to twist out of his grasp, lowering your hands to his so that you could forcibly remove him. He didn’t budge. He held you tighter about the waist, planting soft kisses along your neck and cheek.
“Forgive me?” He mumbled in between kisses. 
“I ain’t hear no apology,” you said and sucked your teeth. Meanie. You crossed your arms because you already knew that he wasn’t going to let you go until he got what he wanted. 
“I am so, very, completely, passionately sorry,” he said in between kissing your neck, cheek, and jaw. “I won’t do anything like that again.”
You sighed. You could feel the pout in his words. “Fine, I guess I forgive you,” you said, losing the bulk of your anger. You were more scared than anything else and now that your heartbeat resembled something close to normal, there wasn’t anything left to be mad about. 
“Hm, let me see,” he said. He finally released you and you turned in his arms to look up into his gorgeous face. It felt like it had been longer than just a few hours since you’ve seen him. Like every second expanded into hours the longer you were away from him. 
You looked him over. He wore a black T-shirt and matching black sweats on his long frame. A gold chain lay around his neck and he smiled, showing off a set of gold canines. He perused you in much the same manner, taking the moment to appreciate each other and the moment. 
He smiled, so you smiled in response. He took both of your hands in his and looked at your nails. “Hm, lookin’ so pretty,” he said. He kissed the backs of both hands and then took in the rest of your outfit. 
“This what you wore outside?” He asked.
You nodded. You stepped away and did a little spin for him. “You like?” You asked.
“I love,” he said, his voice getting deeper. Lower. Your eyes flicked to his and saw the raw hunger in his eyes. He looked from your heels, to your thick thighs, all the way up to the top of your head. 
“Matter of fact, you look good enough to eat,” he said. “Get yo ass on that bed.” 
The back of your thighs tingled instantly from the sheer power of his voice. Dangerous, dangerous man. Your mouth opened into a pretty little ‘O’ as you gaped at him. “Can I freshen up first?” 
“You heard me. Bed,” he said. He stood stock still, still framed by the doorway that his head nearly brushed the top of. He rubbed his small beard, looking at you as if he wanted to rip your clothes off. 
You began to walk backwards towards the bed, keeping your eye on him with a small smile. His mouth quirked to the side, watching your shenanigans. Yes, you were complying, but in your own way, dammit. A small bit of payback for scaring you. 
When you got to the bed, you sat down, tossing your phone onto the nightstand. The bed was a Grand Turk Plush mattress, so soft and plush that you sank down onto it. It wasn’t the greatest for the wild lovemaking you two did, but it was heaven on both of your backs so you’d take it. 
Stunna finally moved from the doorway, stalking towards you. When he got in front of you, you had to lean back just to continue looking in his eyes. He was that damn tall. 
You gently rubbed your thighs together, already needing a bit of friction. Nothing escaped Stunna. He smirked at you. “Open,” he said. 
Slowly, you shifted on the bed to open your legs and accommodate him in between. He sank to his knees, shoulders pressing your legs out further. Then, he reached under your skirt for your panties, drawing them down your legs. 
Your breathing turned heavy. Everything about this man just ramped up your horniness. And it wasn’t always his sex appeal. It was just him. Kind, loving, and an absolute gangster out in the streets. You’ve seen him get medieval nasty when it came to his business and the good Lord help you, but you loved it. 
Free of your panties, Stunna pushed your skirt up and around your hips. He sucked in an appreciative gasp, eyes getting bigger. 
“Please, don’t tease me right now,” you said. You couldn’t stand it. You needed him feral. Softness right now would absolutely crush you.
“”How you need me, then, baby?” He asked. 
“More. I need more. Break me in half,” you said. 
Stunna chuckled. “As my lady commands,” he said. His hands jerked out fast, grabbing the back of your knees and pulling you forward on the bed. You squealed at the unexpected roughhousing. 
Wasting no time, his lips latched onto your clit and began sucking like his life depended on it. With his gold canines and the dim room, you almost felt like you were getting devoured by a vampire. It only turned you on. 
You throbbed in his mouth and he moaned, pushing your legs on top of his shoulders. You were pretty sure your heels were digging into his back but he made no indication that it bothered him. 
“Oh, oh fuck,” you moaned. “Yes, yes, yes!” Your nails flew to his head, lighting scratching at his scalp and holding him closer. Fuck, you felt so good. You grinded on his tongue. Each swipe of his tongue pushed you closer and closer to the edge. 
If you could pay this man to eat you out for hours on end, you absolutely would. After a few years of marriage, you found that there were still things to try with him. Still new positions or a bit of role playing to introduce. Things to ask for. That would have to be one of them. See how long you could give oral before the person climaxed.
Stunna removed his mouth and you whined. His mouth was quickly replaced with his fingers. You were so slippery and wet, that it almost didn’t feel different to not have his mouth there. You continued to twist and writhe on the bed, body tensing as you got closer.
“I been dealing with shit all day, but I’ve been dreaming about tasting you,” he said.
You huffed a laugh. “You ate me out this morning,” you said. 
“Fuck that mean?” He asked. To emphasize his point, he dipped two fingers inside of you. Once his fingers were coated in your essence, he pumped them faster and harder, shaking his palm against your clit. Your toes curled in your heels. Your thighs strained around his shoulders. 
Your breathing turned ragged. Your hand flailed, looking for a place to grab on to. But he was too far out of reach. Stunna only watched you struggle and squirm, not giving you the anchor you were seeking. 
“Even at my angriest today, I just pictured this. You absolutely undone on my fingers,” he said. His voice grew quieter as if allowing room for your climax to get louder. Your whimpers and whines turned to keening cries as your back bowed and you finally came. You gushed onto his fingers.
Stunna continued to finger fuck you, encouraging the sounds you were making. “Music,” he said.
“So, so mean,” you panted as you shivered from such an intense orgasm. 
“You wanna see me get really mean?” He asked.
He didn’t wait for you to respond. He stood up abruptly, dropping your legs to the edge of the bed. He stood up to his full height and then grabbed your legs once more, pulling you until your ass half hung off of the bed.
“I’m gonna fall!” You screamed.
“I ain’t never gon’ let something happen to you,” he promised. He hooked your legs around his waist and then he pushed his sweats down low enough to free his thick, fat dick. 
You may have moaned. You may have drooled. Whatever it is that you did, made Stunna chuckle as he tapped his dick against your wet pussy. It made delicious wet smacking sounds and you moaned from the impact and from the filthiness of it. 
He swirled his tip through your folds, coating his dick in your essence. He looked at you, right in the eye. “I just want you to know that I love you,” he said.
You tilted your head at him, wondering what he meant by that. Then, he slammed home in one hard thrust. It was so quick, you were feeling so full, that your mouth dropped open but no sound came out. 
Stunna didn’t care. He began to pound away inside you like a man possessed. As if your pussy held the fountain of youth. Or was the lost city of Atlantis. You could hardly breathe as he rammed his fat dick inside of you, over and over. He found a steady, punishing pace that made you see stars.
You could only look up at the popcorn ceiling as he rammed inside. “Breathe baby,” Stunna grunted. “Breathe or I’ll stop.” 
You nodded, still not trusting your lungs. But you also didn’t want him to stop. So you forced air into your lungs, taking heaping big breaths to get your mind acting right again. “Oh fuckfuckfuckfuck,” you cried. Tears gathered in your eyes. 
Only him. Only your husband. Only this man made all others pale in comparison. The world could go to hell at the moment and you’d still only have eyes and love for this man. 
Your hands clawed at his shirt as he drooped forward, planting a wet kiss on your forehead. His necklace swung powerfully with his thrusts. His gold canines flashed as he tilted his head up a bit to give you a quick glance over. 
He moaned low and deep in his chest. Never breaking stride, he lifted off of you and then began to unbutton your shirt with one hand. The other pressed into the mattress against your side to keep his balance.
“Put them hands on me,” he commanded. You obliged by wrapping your hand around the arm beside you and the other on his shoulder. He groaned as your hands found his skin. 
“Fuck, feeling so good. Baby. Fuck, fuck,” you moaned. You were so close again. So soon. It was too much. Your head flopped from side to side. Trying to stay in the game but knowing that your ass needed to tap out. 
The hand on his shoulder tried to push him, to ease him up, to slow him down. But he persisted. “Just remember, I love you,” he said again. He smirked as you groaned, your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
He freed enough of your buttons to push the shirt apart and show him your white bra. He hooked a finger down the center and pulled far enough to free your titties from the cups. Pushed under your titties, the bra made your titties stand out. 
He grinned as if he’d found the prize at the bottom of a cereal box. He leaned forward again, bringing his lips to your sensitive nipples.
Once he latched on, your body began to jerk and twitch out of your control. Fuck, that felt amazing. Pleasure rippled through your body like waves, as you screamed and cried his name. 
“Yes, baby, let them neighbors know my name,” he grunted. He pumped a few more times, tongue laving at your chest as he finally moaned one last time and spilled inside of you.
His cum was scalding and shot out in spurts, bathing your insides. You cried as he continued moving as if his body was no longer his to control. 
You both panted as he half collapsed on top of you. He looked up at you and you couldn’t help giggling with him.
“What the hell got into you?” You asked when you finally trusted your voice. 
“Everything about you, my love. Everything,” he said. 
He climbed further onto the bed, not leaving from inside of you as he dropped the full weight of himself on top of you. You laughed under the weight of him. 
“You get on my nerves!” You giggled, struggling for breath underneath him. 
Stunna chuckled and then finally rolled over. He brought you with him until you were the one laying on top of him. His hands gripped your waist, pushing your skirt further up so that it could flutter naturally around his waist. 
“I wanna feel you bounce on this dick. I got some more loads for you,” he said. He thrusted his hips, making you bounce on him as if he were an unruly pony. You laughed and laughed, sides starting to hurt.
“More loads for me, huh?” You asked. 
“Hell yeah. I need to fill you up so I can watch it slide out,” he said with a saucy wink.
You rolled your eyes but nothing was stopping you from getting what he promised.
The end.
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More Big Stunna here we goo: The Secret Big Stunna Files
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kuwdora · 29 days
Witcher Recs - Villains & Bad Guys Edition, part 1
Please enjoy these 23 fic recs featuring Emhyr, Dijkstra, Radovid, Vilgefortz, and the Wild Hunt. I tried to indicate what witcher canon is predominant but sometimes people blend the canons. I'm a voracious reader when my brain lets me read, and I read so many different things. I have many tastes! I haven't done a witcher recs post since 2022 and I have 18 billion more recs in the pipeline that I had collected since like 2021.
With any luck and squeeful motivation I'll share more villain recs in the future.
These recs feature mostly rarepairs. I'm still experimenting with formatting these recs on tumblr, let me know what y'all think on that front. Hope you enjoy the fic!
This got pretty long so I'm putting it under a cut.
Prickly Urchin by @seventfics. Game canon. Dijkstra/Emhyr. 2200w. Pre-relationship and tagged ‘Shady Rich Parties with Questionable Ends.’ Based the prompt ‘cursed’ and Dijkstra meets a prickly Duny. Few people still alive can say they've met the emperor before his ascension to the Nilfgaardian throne. A young Count Sigismund Dijkstra is one of them. It's just that neither of them knew.
A great little AU/missing scene, tackles the premise of these two meeting shortly after the Law of Surprise in a great way.
the sweetest flower by @witch-and-her-witcher. Ambigious canon. Emhyr/Yennefer. 700w. Explicit. Oral sex, cunnilingus, power dynamics. Satisfaction comes when Emhyr relinquishes power.
The way Cee opened up my brain with this ficlet made me gorge myself on everything in the Emhyr/Yen tag after I first read this. The possibilities of this pairing, whew. This ficlet sdlfjasldfkjasldfkjasl.
Quills by @bittydragon. Game canon. Emhyr/Geralt. 7500w. Teen. PTSD, Flashbacks, nonsexual touch. Emhyr can feel the quills and claws growing from underneath his skin again. It’s only a matter of time before they burst out—so it’s lucky that a witcher has ended up in his rooms.
There’s so much great Emhyr/Geralt fic out there, and I’m such a fan of this one because of Geralt managing to soothe Emhyr during an anxiety attack.
Animal Symbiosis by @seventfics. Game canon. Emhyr/Dandelion. 3400w. Teen. Soul bond, Fake/pretend relationship. An emperor and a bard accidentally tie their souls together.
I can’t get enough of where sevent’s ideas take me. This pairing sounds wild on the surface and it is but I am so fucking compelled by the dynamic, esp when it’s been an accidental bonding.
Wild Hunt
Schneeweißblind by jo_writes_fic. Game canon. Emhyr/Eredin. 2200w. Explicit. Temperature play, political sex, unsafe sex. Pre-TW3. Eredin’s been coming to Emhyr’s temporary court in Vizima for several months now, about once a fortnight. At first it was to weasel information out of Emhyr, to try and find Cirilla, but the elf quickly learned that Emhyr knew less than the king of the wild hunt himself about his daughter’s whereabouts. And once he realized that, their meetings turned into the pretence of a tentative political alliance to cover up the carnal truth of what really happens when Eredin deigns to visit. Ice magic and masochist Emhyr.
My brain whited out from how brilliant this fic is and I think it changed my brain for the hornier.
Plaything by @eatingcroutons. Game canon. Geralt/Wild Hunt. 100 words. Explicit. Rape. Voyeurism. Eredin and his Riders enjoy making use of Geralt in their down time.
Outplayed by zemyr. Game canon. Geralt/Wild Hunt. 100 words. Explicit. Rape, size difference. Remix of crou’s Plaything.
🔥🔥🔥 This drabble lives rent free in my brain.
Commander’s Discretion by @witch-and-her-witcher. Game canon. Eredin/Geralt. 100 words. Explicit. Anal fingering. Eredin has a soft spot for pretty, lethal things under his possession.
😳 Cee still making me go wild with this drabble.
Spymasters and secrets by @dancingwiththefae. Show canon. Radovid. Radovid/Dijkstra. 3400w. Explicit. BDSM, daddy kink, impact play. Radovid always pushed and pushed Dijkstra. Sometimes he needed to be put in his place.
Faye serving up a heaping mess of with this messy messy Radovid with Dijkstra. I could have put this in the Dijkstra section but ahhhh I wanted it here with the Radovid fic. 🔥
Villains Aren’t Born, They’re Made by ALJordan. Game canon. Radovid/OC, Radovid & Philippa. Mother/son relationship. A storm counts omens as Radovid hunts Philippa Eilhart to stand trial for treason.
The worldbuilding with the OC and vibes and characterizations in this fic are outstanding.
The Shade of Your Eyes by @kuwdora. Game canon Radovid & Philippa. Post game, canon AU. Body horror, existentialism, magical theory as torture. He remembers the weight of the crown that used to sit upon his head but he doesn’t remember his own name. Anger and resentment curdles because he cannot recall his mother’s face or the last food he ate before he died but he knows the source his ire. It originates from the woman who chortles when she sits at the table. Her laugh stokes the rage in his disembodied soul.
Philippa tortures Radovid’s soul. Radovid POV. I couldn’t help but play around with the darkfic idea for Phil getting some revenge.
Don't worry I have a whole other stack of Philippa fic to rec later.
You Seem To Enjoy The Feeling by galactic_roses. Game canon. Dijkstra/Gaunter. 2800w. Explicit. Dijkstra has made a deal with a merchant of sorts in exchange for something he values above all else: information. However, the price he has to pay is not quite what he was expecting, and now he has to face the consequences of his words. Sharing a body, smut, body horror, some more tags,
My favorite tag from the author: dijkstra is an adult he can enter into a sus contract with a sort of demon man if he wants to. This is like the most galaxy brained rare pair idea and can’t stop thinking about it when I consider rare pairs that changed my brain.
Diagram: Master’s Weapon Repair Kit by butt_muncher_seven. Game canon. Dijkstra/Geralt. D/s, PWP, 2500w. Djikstra knew men the way Geralt knew monsters; how to kill them, how to hunt them, what their motivations were, what they were going to do next. And in Geralt he saw a man about to do something incredibly rash and self-destructive. A normal man would've gone home, drunk himself stupid and got in a fist fight with the nearest person he could beat. Maybe he'd recover, maybe he'd burn his life down around him, because the chaos of such upheaval was worse than the certainty of reprisals, of consequences. It was the kind of thing a skilled spymaster knew how to counteract proactively. For a less valuable player he had less personal means of redress, but for Geralt… Geralt required a personal touch.
This Dijkstra fic is my everything and I fling the link to anyone I can because it’s so fucking good.
Hostages by @limerental. Isengrim/Dijkstra. Book canon. 26k. Mature. Rescue missions, fairy tale elements. When Isengrim Faoiltiarna's commando is taken captive by the Aen Elle, Sigismund Dijkstra must play unlikely hero in order to come to his rescue.
Lim’s written so much great Isengrim/Dijkstra that I want to rec it all but if you are a fan of some plot and amazing storytelling, hostages is a great gateway. Click to see Dijkstra’s feelings for Isengrim as he mounts a rescue for his old elven husband.
He Comes With Gifts by @bittylildragon. Game canon. Dijkstra/Geralt. 4800w. Explicit. Slice of Life, King Dijkstra, snarky Geralt, PTSD and more. A little slice of life with King Dijkstra and his sometimes-resident witcher boyfriend.
I live for bratty snarky Geralt and Dijkstra putting him in his place. It’s fucking delicious and hot.
Bath by GilliganGoodfellow. Dijkstra and Bart. 1200w. Mature. Fluff and humor, slice of life. Dijkstra gets a relatively good idea of how his evening is going to go when, while descending into the basement to check on his troll, he slips on the ladder.
I can’t help but love anything with Bart and Dijkstra and this is so cute and lovely.
Bloody little beast by @gleaming_silence. Game canon. 100 words. Gen. Domestic Gruff. Dijkstra with a kitten. Even after Geralt broke his other leg, daily life goes on for Sigi Reuven and Novigrad’s underworld never sleeps.
This fic was written for me so I love it. Cutest drabble for a Novigrad crime lord.
Degradation for degradation by @limerental. Book canon. 1700w. Explicit. Geralt/Dijkstra. Humiliation, facials. Over a decade later, Dijkstra finally has the opportunity to repay the humiliation Geralt subjected him to in the wake of the Thanned coup. He doesn't expect both of them to like it so much.
I can’t get enough of this Geralt and Dijkstra dynamic. Eating it up with a spoon and always wanting more.
The Need For Love, Revolting by ptork66. Show canon. Rience/Vilgefortz. 2200w. Explicit. Dubcon, posessive sex, choking, drugging, bdsm. Vilgefortz wants to consume Rience like Rience’s fire consumes the air.
🔥🔥🔥 Fucked up fic for a fucked up pairing. All the kuwdos from me.
the mirror man by seasofglass. Show canon. Rience/Vilgefortz, 12,000w. Mature. Canon divergence, d/s, manipulation. When a mysterious benefactor frees Rience from prison after the fall of Cintra, he decides to play along in his dangerous game and try to further gain Vilgefortz' favor. Little did he know that playing with fire was the fastest way to also get burned by it.
This is a messy intense look at Rience getting swept up in Vilgefortz’ plans. The shaving scene drives me up the wall in the best way. I love me posessive fuckedupness in this pairing.
Yours, lock and key by zemyr. Ambiguous canon. 100w. Explicit. Rience/Vilgefortz. Master/Servant, magical sex toys. prompt: possessiveness kink deluxe while fucking.
Zemyr’s fic melts my brain in the best way, and the drabbles are 100 words of hotness.
Staves by @sassaffrassa. Show canon. Geralt/Vilgefortz. 100w. Explicit. Object insertion. inappropriate use of vilgefortz's magical staff.
😈 This drabble gets me cackling.
Ouroboros by @kuwdora. Show/book canon blend. Geralt/Vilgefortz. 20,000w. Explicit. Show/book canon blending, fanon continental art history, illusions, sexual fantasy, dubcon, masturbation, d/s, body worship. Geralt turns Vilgefortz proposition down at Thanedd. Vilgefortz makes a Geralt painting and masturbates to it and it spirals into an elaborate sexual fantasy.
Okay this is the fic that ate my brain while writing it last summer. It has layers of book and show references, literary inversions and way too many metaphors.
You know that tumblr post "you're so obsessed with imagery and symbolism, you stupid homo"? That's this me with this fic, lmao.
So come for 20k of Vilgefortz wanking to the Geralt fantasy in his head. Warning that the fic seemed to have driven the 8 people who managed to read and finish it and sounded insane after reading so take it with a horny grain of salt.
Previously on Kuwdora's Witcher Recs:
Istredd Recs
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italiansteebie · 1 year
Babe, with the most kindness I can muster, I need to see more Steve with a prosthetic leg!!! 🫶
I only saw the beginning of this and got so scared that someone was telling me i got something horribly wrong or something, or that it was complete shit, BUT I AM SO RELIEVED THIS IS NOT THAT
here you go babes, some prosthetic!steve hc's
- when he gets a new socket (the part that holds his leg) he gets the party and family to draw little guys on it BEFORE they put the outer shell on, that way the drawings are protected
- he's got insanely good balance
- when the socket rubs his leg raw, bc they can do that sometimes, hes really good at hoping place to place on one leg even though it scares the shit out of everyone else
- fresh amputee baby steve cried for hours and hours bc his mom said that it ruined her perfect boy and he was so scared that she didn't love her anymore.
(different universe than the one i just posted)
robin was spending the night at steve's house. they were best friends, and it was their first sleep over, and robin couldn't tell you how excited she was.
she didn't get to have these when she was younger, the other girls deeming her too weird to be invited. she had it all planned out!
they built a fort, ordered pizza, watched movies, and even talked about girls together! and maybe steve talked about boys too... who knows?
it had gone so well, it was going so well.
until they were getting ready for bed, and a thump came from the bathroom.
and then "uhhh. rob? could you... i need help." steve's voice floated through the door, it was hesitant. she put her hand on the handle, "wait!" he said, "uh. before you come in, i. well."
oh shit.
this was the part where he kicked her out, says he isn't comfortable with a lesbo in his bedroom, oh god, she was freaking out, she- "maybe it better if you just come in here..." steve voice cut through her panic. why did he sound nervous? he was the one kicking her out!
but she opened the door and there was steve sitting on the tile floor. "what?"
steve blanched, "i um. i need help standing. i..." he murmured something she didn't catch. "what? why do you need help standing up steve just get-" she paused the motion of bending down when she noticed it.
"where the fuck is your other leg?"
and steve just... breaks, he's laughing so hard that there are tears coming out of his eyes. "that was so much better than any other reaction i've gotten." he's still laughing, and he's clapping now. robins only a little embarrassed, and she thinks he looks like a seal.
"sorry, sorry. just- whew. that was great. i uh- i lost my leg when i was 10. tore it up in a car accident. so there it goes! no more leg. uh. can you help me stand up now?"
and she's still a little shocked. so she silently helps him to his bed, grabbing his prosthetic out of the bathroom where it had fallen and places it next to the bed wordlessly.
she sits on the edge of the bed.
"did i ruin it? is... am i too weird?"
and that breaks robin out of her thoughts, "what?! no way. sorry, sorry, i was just thinking. i never... pegged you as- well. you always just looked so. normal." she says nervously.
"well. yeah, uh. here comes another sad steve fact!" he sing songs before continuing, "my parents really wanted me to remain as normal as possible after the accident so it was a lot of physical therapy... and a lot of emotional therapy... and yeah! they couldn't have me losing a leg effect their whole 'perfect harringtons' image."
"oh. steve..."
"it's okay! really. because now i've got you, and dustin! and even like... mike. so. yeah."
"i mean. missing a leg is pretty cool."
"no really! it seems kinda like... spooky. but in a good way! imagine the pranks you could do!"
and what started out as a sad confessional, turned into an excited prank planning session.
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
HOLD ON umm not to come in unannounced but do you have any boba fic recommendations asking for a friend 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙏🙏
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NEVER apologize for coming in my inbox asking for Boba content because I always vibrating with need to talk about the daddy in chief!!!
Under the cut are some off the top of my head (you can check out my #fanfic tag too) and I will reblog with additional recs if I think of them.
All are 18+ and Boba x F!Reader unless noted, and in no particular order.
Homecoming by @thefact0rygirl
I would pay real money for the chance to read all of Vee's fics for the first time again. Her masterlist is my go to when I crave that good Boba 🌶️.
Afflictions by @rexxdjarin
This Empire-era fic lives rent free in my head. Julie gives me my regular Boba fix with her trove of thots and drabbles in her masterlist.
Verman'alor by @galacticgraffiti
Deliciously spicy read with lots of cool Mando'a used. Gala has some other great Boba pieces listed in their masterlist as well.
Hurts So Good by @saradika
Honestly I can't pick my favorite of her Boba fics, this is just the first one I had saved. The Little Mess duo is also amazing fucking hot.
The Duality of Us by @acatalystrising
You can really tell how much Eliza loves Boba in her writing! She's got a few other series and oneshots in her masterlist.
Tea Shop series by @pickleprickle
You want the sweetest Boba fluff you can imagine? Look no further than this series!! Brings a smile to my face every time I see a new part. Check out Lee's masterlist too.
A Simple Thing by iridan [Boba Fett x Din Djarin]
This fic... whew. I binged it in two weeks and I still have yet to fully recover. Excellent world building and FEELINGS. i am also into bobadin now
A Pillar of Salt by acomplicatedprofession
One of the most achingly beautiful things I've ever read. 10/10 in the feelings department.
I Know What You Like by millennialfalcon
Let's just say I found out that I'm definitely into that.
Rescue of the Wretched by @mando-cyare
One of the earliest Boba fics I read when I rediscovered my undying love for obsession with Boba when the Mandalorian came out, and this is still one of my all-time favs.
Bred by the King by Much_Ado_Abt_Novels
Another early fic. Guess I'm into that now too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And last but not least I want to give a shout out to all the creators out their sharing their content with us!! Thank you for giving me the serotonin I need to survive 💖
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cecilysass · 3 months
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @bakedbakermom.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Listen, I have no "WIP folder." I don't even know what that would look like; I'm not about organization in a Google Drive in that way. But recently I went through and made a list of all the WIPs I've got going, and I was kind of shocked when I realized how many there are. Especially because I really do write on most of these semi-regularly.
Honest Man (close to being ready for beta, I think -- this will be its name)
Bambi (close to being ready for beta, I think -- this won't be its name)
Rotten (longer, four chapters in, not close)
Door Sc (barely more than a drabble, but this concept may evolve into something else altogether currently in the works)
Nun AU (I have a strong first chapter, but whew just can't find my footing on this)
I have a dribs and drabs document where I start writing little scenes and sometimes they take off (e.g. All the Dead Mulders, Negotiation). There are a few scenes in there with more legs, including an All Things scene.
I can't imagine anyone has that many questions about these cryptic titles, but I'd answer some if you do.
I'll also tag @phillippadgettwrites, because I'd love to know what Mr. Padgett has in store for us. I'll also tag @oohnotvery, even though she's got plenty on her mind. What about @atths--twice or @katy-kt-katie? Anyone else who wants to play, please do, too.
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kiszuster · 8 months
LA . SEXY ✗ satoru .
hey hey .ᐟ note from manager kiszu ! singer! satoru x singer! reader, lowercase, fluff, slight crack, short drabble for the kiszu nation 😖, fem coded reader but race isn't mentioned !
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satoru always acted as if being on time was hard. news flash, it literally wasn't, and the "fashionably late" excuse was getting old. his manager, god what was her face? oh. kiszu was it? oh god. she was gonna wear his ass out about this once again.
“so sorry, miss ( last name ), he's literally always like this.” kiszu spoke. a frown on her face as a familiar car pulled up. mmtch, you smacked your lips as you seen him get out the car waving with that same annoyingly cheeky grin on his face. yup, you already thought he was punchable by just looking at him.
"satoru! your late! again." kiszu scowled as she looked over to you, seeing your hand on your own hip. making kiszu frown worse.
you was completely second guessing this collab all together.
"you can't have someone waiting. especially when you wanted this colla—"
“quit yapping kiszu! i get it i get it, satorus so so sorry." satoru said pointing at himself as he walked past kiszu and to you. kiszu particularly could've slapped this punk. but, he's here now. so. i guess it didn't matter anymore, did it?
"ah, you must be ( name ) yeah?" satoru said, looking you up and down. your irritated expression— pretty lips with obvious glossy lipstick on them folded up into an annoyed frown already, to your pretty curly hair. holy shit, you were WAY prettier in person.
but satoru could never be seen getting nervous. not ever. but at the end of the day he was just some stupid loser.
"I'm aware." you say to his question. watching him laugh like you just said the funniest shit in the world, correction. you didn't by the way. your eyes narrowed down to a glare before you said: "okay, satoru. im not here to waste time. you wanted this collab remember?" you said crossing your arms and sitting on the leather couch in the producer room that you two stood in.
"oh im aware. so since i don't wanna waste the rest of your time. here." his tone was coy and smug, ugh. as he slid over a paper of some lyrics with little scribbled drawings by them. making your eyebrow perk up.
guess that help him when he had to read over his own lyrics? something. you picked up the paper and he caught a glimpse of your pretty light blue painted nails. making him grin a bit.
"oh you painted those for m—"
"no." you immediately shut him down. making his grin widen. oh, you were WAY more of a challenge for him. he liked that. maybe this collab wouldn't be so bad. he saw that you placed the paper down.
"booooo" you said, giving him a thumbs down. making his grin flip into a quick frown with the quickness. that almost made you laugh and laugh hard— you were just kidding around with him.
"bye satoru I'm just playin'. but i can say one (1) thing." you said lifting a finger up, "why can't we change a few lyrics? like maybe a overlap. where both of our voices are heard singing some lyrics then i have a whole verse to myself."
satoru listened to you— he didn't hate the idea. he's heard your voice in some songs, and it was downright gorgeous. so the idea didn't make him wanna wrap his hands around his neck and scream. maybe this wouldn't be bad.
in his silence of thinking, that's when you really got to see him. blue glasses resting on his nose, pretty blue eyes and only slightly messy white hair, sitting in a ever so slightly man spreading position. whew. lord. he actually had a slight kick to him— but okay what if you threw a bomb at him instead.
“i totally see you eye balling me, ( name )." satoru spoke up, a lazy grin on his face. making your lips frown up because that grin looked nice on him.
but why was he acting like he wasn't eye balling you too? looking at your outfit and everything. he definitely thought you had nice fashion skills and even if you didn't, you were so damn pretty. but he wasn't gonna say that.
"oh shut your mouth, i saw you looking at me too. now what do you think of the idea?"
"ACKKKK, wrong." satoru said, making his voice sound like a game buzzer. which— made him start laughing. at his big grown age....you rolled your eyes before you heard his voice.
"okay kidding. i actually like your idea lots, i say we record it and put it all together and see how it comes out." satoru spoke with a shrug. leaning back into the couch opposite from you. you nodded your head with a slight smile. only happy because he agreed with you.
"okay, im game with that. pleasure doing business with you i guess. satoru."
"oh? you know that's the one time i seen you smile miss ( name ) do it again."
"ughhhh shut up you ruined it."
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straykids-97 · 1 year
Mingi Drabble 💭✍🏻
Alright. Ok. Alright. Ok. Whew.
Let’s talk Pinkgi 🥵 (it auto corrected to Kingi and I’m all for that too cuz holy shit) mans is a fuckin god. Oi-
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Like lord Jesus- take the wheel 😭😭. I have no idea why this look has got such a chokehold on me but FUCK. He’s got me feeling all types a things
It’s like it gives him supernatural powers over me. I thought I was already down bad for Mingi but Pinkgi got me in a headlock.
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Like, even between hair dyes it’s doing something. Like maybe it’s the short hair combo? Idk. But like man’s be acting up and got me feeling things 😭
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Gaw damn man 😭🫶🏻 this mine is so fine! I like big boys holy shit, that’s no secret but 😮‍💨
He just trying to make me pass away at this point. This man is so fine. Like, honestly, he’s just so pretty 🫶🏻 it hurts.
You’re home, standing in your kitchen when Mingi comes in. “Hey!” He announces his arrival. “In here!” You call back. “So, I did something a little different,” he begins, the sounds of him coming closer made you pause. “Yea?” You start to stack plates to put away as he enters the room.
“I’ve never done this before so,” You turn around and nearly drop the dishes in your grasp. “Holy shit-“ all you can do is stare. “Is it bad?” He begins to fidget. After no words come out of your mouth, he speaks again, “I knew it was too much at once.” Mingi looks down at his feet but you finally manage to speak. “Min- mingi- it looks. Wow. I- it’s just-“ you struggle to form a sentence as your brain malfunctions.
The bright pink hair on your boyfriends head was soft and short. They didn’t style it as he didn’t have a function to attend. And ask you wanted to do was wrap your fingers in it.
“Babe?” His voice brings you back to earth. You hum in reply, not really paying attention to what he said. “Did you hear me?” You blink up at his warm chocolate eyes, “hmm?” He scoffs and looks down at the plates in your hands. “Do you think the color is too bright?”
“Uh- no it’s pretty.” You finally form a coherent narrative and watch as he tucks away the dishes. “Really?” He turns, his eyes lighting up. “Of course, Min.” You put your hand on his shoulder, “The length and color just caught me off guard, is all.” He pushes the dishes into the cabinet and closes the door.
He turns to look at you, eyes shining the way that makes you melt. You do your best to tuck your chin to hide that you were biting your lip. But he catches it. Mingi’s finger hooks your chin, pulling your face up to look at him. “Babe,” he says softly. His warm chocolate eyes meet yours, skimming your face as it begins to turn red. You’d been caught.
“Baby,” he purrs, sending jolts of heat straight through you. You helplessly grip his elbows as he nibbles the spot where your jaw and neck meet, sucking a bruise on your skin. You let out a mewl, legs starting to get weak. Mingi effortlessly picks you up and places you on the counter, revealing that you were only wearing panties underneath the baggy shirt you were wearing. He lets out a satisfied sigh as he paws at your thighs, sucking air through his teeth.
You watch as Mingi kneels, his big brown eyes focused on yours, “been dreaming of this.” He pulls your hips to the edge of the counter, shifting your panties to the side. You let out a pathetic moan as he sucks on the skin of your thigh, guiding your hands to his hair, “Go ahead,” a sly smirk graces his plump lips, “use it as a handle.” He winks as he dips his head into your core, lapping a bold stripe through your folds.
You arch your back, “Holy-“ you gasp. Mingi grins against your skin, your reaction was exactly what he wanted. Mingi knew he had to keep the pink as long as possible. Especially if it meant he got to feel you pull on his hair while eating you out.
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demon-blood-youths · 9 months
Demons of Oda - Pre-Battle || Drabble
Hi everyone! This is a drabble for my rp partner and friend,
Not to get confused with the Sengoku! AU. Demons of Oda is a demonblood youth fraction in Nagoya, Japan.
Here are the actors:
My OC ( Taz Hellion and Kinie Ger )
Supporting Characters ( Miko Yotsuya and Yuria Niguredou from the anime/manga Mieruko-Chan )
Other OCs ( Demons of Oda - Hayato Itachi , Iku Takiyasha, Mundo Namazu )
Name Mentions and Canon Characters:
JJK Cast canon muses rped by Peahen-mun ( Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Ryomen Sukuna and Gojo Saturo )
---- Warning -----
Violence ( dismemberment, blood, cursing )
Incorrect Grammar.
Spelling errors and typos.
A VERY LONG drabble...
---- Summary -----
Taz is on a training mission to clear out some low grade 3 curses with Yuria and Miko. She and the girls are going to do this for training in the city before hitting the cafe for lunch. However, they came across a group that ended in a bloody fight. Would Taz and her friends get out of this? Read to find out.
Taz is on a mission. Gojo-sensei told her this mission is a little different. It's mostly clearing out grade 4 curses mostly flyheads as a sign of training. Taz nods her head happily. She heard from Gojo that her friends; Yuji, Megumi, Nobara and Daichi are on a mission meantime. Taz nods, happy to take Miko and Yuria. After all, they were given their cursed tools to put it into good use.
So far, the training mission went smoothly as possible as Miko had her shikigami badger, Anaconda tackling them and eating them while Yuria practice her barrier techniques to trap them. So far, they're doing good. And now they're taking a short break.
"Wow. That was something." Yuria lets out a whew while Miko sips on her iced tea. Taz nods, "Yep! It's good to practice in the field once in the while. But those grades are...just training. Not the real thing." Taz informs them. Taking a page of Megumi's notebook, she has to be blunt and truthful about it. Megumi is nice but is serious about jujtusu sorcery.
"Yes. We had that full experience of that." Miko said. She remembers when 'God of the Mountain' sent cursed spirits after her family in order to get her soul. She can't ignore ever again. She needs to become strong for herself and her family.
"Yeah. Daichi did said that jujutsu sorcerer is serious business. She managed to understand the basics while raising her cursed energy. Daichi and everyone at the school really help.
"Still...I can't get used to Maki's training regiment. It's so brutal." Yuria sighed.
"But it was good." Miko smiled. Taz laughs, "Maki's training is good. She gives me pointers along with my big brother, Yuji."
"I gotta ask, Taz. Um...if it's alright to ask." Yuria begins.
"Sure what is it?"
"Why do you call Yuji, big brother?" Yuria asked curiously. Taz blink and thinks, "Because he reminds me of my older brother, that's why!" She smiled.
"Oh." Yuria wonders if Taz can ask.
"I haven't seen him in awhile. So Itadori reminds me of him when he left on a journey." Said Taz.
"Left?" Miko thought. Yuria nods. "Got it. That makes sense. Is it because of his personality?"
"Uh-huh, that's right. And also his smile reminds me of him!" Said Taz. Miko and Kisho understood. Miko smiles, "I think I get it. If I see someone who reminds me of my little brother. I would call him my little brother as well." Miko smiled.
"You know...Itadori and Megumi are super strong! I would call them big brothers too!" Yuria said which got everyone laughing.
"Hey you three!"
Taz's nose picks up a scent. She turns around to see a group of teen boys coming over. Yuria and Miko were tense as they see a handful of boys wearing bottom oni face masks. What the? Are they in a gang, they clutch their bags tightly to their waist. In the front of this gang, there stands a brown-orange haired teenage boy with a cocky grin looks at them. His hair is tied in a ponytail. He had that look that screams 'troublemaker' and 'bully'. If Sukuna is here, he would describe this person as a 'punk.' He has a snake bite pericing on the bottom lobe of his left ear.
"Sorry to bother you three, but me and my boys are going to arcade and I was wondering if you three want to come."
"Um..." Yuria hestiated.
"No worries! It's fine. It's just a friendly hangout." Said the man.
"Sorry. We don't have time..." Yuria speaks.
"Don't have time?" The guy can't believe what he's hearing. "Like been out like this? You guys skip school or something."
"We have permission from our teacher." Said Taz. The other looks over to Taz. He raised a brow at Taz and sees the three marks. "Are you..some kind of gyaru or something." Then he takes a whiff of her and her friends.
"Oh." The male blinks.
"Anyway...we have to be on our way." Taz said. But before they leave, one of the group blocks their way.
"Come on. We don't bite." He said, showing his sharp teeth.
"We're sorry. We're not interested. We have to go." Taz said firmly and clear as possible. Then the other got in her space, making her put her guard up.
"Come on. I know that you know..."
'Pup. This one is a not human.' Kinie growls in her mind.
'I know, Kinie.' Taz answered.
'That we are both aren't like the ones around us." The one grinned. Taz had that look. "And that's why..."
"Taz....let's go." Miko tugged on her arm. Right now, Miko and Yuria said.
"Whose your fraction?" Asked.
"I can't tell you. Excuse us, we have to go." She said firmly and clearly. doesn't want to bring trouble to anyone. The last thing she wanted was a fight. Especially with another fellow demonblood youth. The DBT didn't come across any other fraction like the ones in America. Until now. Taz came across this group.
It almost reminds her of the Lupins group. Except, they stay on their turf. She had never seen this group before in Tokyo. Where did they come from?
The redhead male laughed, "Ha! Seriously? You know, we're going to take over this territory soon so tell your fraction that they can get the hell out or serve us!"
Taz narrows her eyes. Then one of the men goes to grab Miko's wrist to which Yuria slaps the one across the face. "Don't touch us!"
This is bad!
"Wow. I like it when they're feisty." Said the leader as everyone laughed. Kinie seeing this through Taz's eyes is getting ticked off by these pests. Taz's lip became thin and then she quickly tripped the ones blocking the way and took each wrist of Miko and Yuria, dragging them away from the group.
"RUN!" Taz yelled. Miko and Yuria didn't need to be told twice as they are now running. Thanks to the training, they got from Maki. They managed to catch up with Taz. Taz makes sure not to leave them behind.
However after a few turns and one block...
The redhead is in their path. "I forgot to introduce myself. The name is Hayato Itachi." He laughed Taz became tense as she had the two girls behind her.
"Taz..." Miko begins. When Hayato approached, Taz was quick, she sliced Hayato's open palm, and blood spilled out. "I'm serious. Leave us alone."
To which Hayato grins, "Heh. Alright, but how about we play a game. A game of tag? If I win, you get to spend time with me and my boys and if you win, I leave you alone. How is that sound?"
'This annoying-'
"Fine. I will accept. However, you will be the one chasing me as I am the quickest of my group to make this fair." Taz said. Right now, she needs to stay calm. Megumi always tells her to stay calm if things get dangerous so she needs to play it cool and smart.
"Alright then. You and me! Then the boys get the girls. It's only fair, right?" Hayato grins as Hayato's crew catches up.
Taz looks to Yuria and Miko who are now worried. Learning from Yuji, she makes sure to give her best smile to tell them it's okay. "It's okay. Make sure to run as fast as you can, okay! You can do this. Don't worry! I will make it back." She smiles.
Miko sees this and tightens her fist, she nods, "Right."
"Okay, guys!" Hayato tells them. "We're playing a game of tag. Right now, this gyaru here and I are going to be doing it. You just need to catch these two." He points to Miko and Yuria.
The boys nodded to their leader.
"Good! Don't let me down!" Hayato smiled. Then Taz and Hayato disappeared in a blink of an eye. Miko and Yuria took the signal to start running. The chase has begun.
"Wow! You're quick!" Hayato laughed as he kept on chasing Taz. Hayato looks to be gliding as if he is riding the wind. Taz makes sure to go faster and faster. Every time, Taz turns a sharp corner. He managed to catch up. She needs to do something about it. Noabra tells her if things get tough, you gotta trick them!
"Huh?" Hayato blinked.
"I'm going to kick your ass!" Taz proclaimed. Hayato raised a brow, "Haha?! What the hell you say? What makes you think you can beat me? Because of that stupid knife?" He asked but as he raised his palm and looked at it. His palm is yet to be healed. He narrows his eyes. Huh?
'That's why." Taz points. This got Hayato to sneer a bit. "Really? Then let's play!"
And thus, the game of tag became a battle. Soon, several slashes have appeared on streets, sidewalks, and houses. Taz is still running away, entering a construction site.
"Huh?! What's wrong?! Didn't you say you're going to kick my ass?! What's with all that talk, you little brat!" Hayato said as he cut through the building. Taz is still running.
Hayato keeps swinging his sickle but keeps on missing the girl. She is jumping everywhere, using the poles, walls, and trees as launchpads. She enters a building this time, an abandoned one. Hayato chuckles but he gets whiplash as he gets sucker punched in the face. He bounced across the floor and crashed. He was taken by surprise then he looked to see some kind of shadow creature.
Then he got kicked in the face, sending him against the wall. What the? Another shadow creature. He looks to Taz who holds her knife up while having one hand free. Her amber eyes glow golden under the dark.
"Are these things yours?" Hayato questioned.
'For now, I will lend you some of my power. Make sure to beat this pest whatever you can, pup." Said Kinie telepathically.
Hayato growls as he lunges at Taz but the shadowy beastmen pin the demon down with their sticks. What the hell are those? Hayato thought. It hurts like they stabbed him as he got pinned down. Are they carrying spears? What kind of power does this girl have?!
"Are you ready to give up." Taz said with eyes glowed. Hayato growls now and then he lets out a fierce roar, blowing Taz away. The power sent her flying but one of the kinfolk catches her and puts her back on her feet.
"Thank you." Taz said before seeing a kinfolk thrown at her direction. She ducks as the two kinfolk collide with each other.
"Little brat! You think I will give up after doing this to me?! You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Hayato laughs as he goes after Taz by swinging his sickle. She quickly dodges the teenager. It's speed against speed. The problem is that Hayato has more strength than she does and his weapon has more range than her knife. So she needs to make things even. Maki did say that to make things fair, you have to be unfair to win. There is no such thing as a fair fight, only an honorable one if you want to level the playing field.
Her kinfolk recover as they are now ganging up on Hayato. Hayato goes to slash them, some of them take the hit but it goes past them. What the fuck? Then a shadowy fist hits him on the side of his face. "What the hell did it pass through?! What are these, ghosts or some shit?" Then Hayato got punched in the face by both before he got slashed by Taz on the chest.
'Not true. It did hurt my kinfolk but they can easily heal quickly.' Kinie chuckled, seeing Hayato struggling as he is getting beat up by the kinfolk. Serve that dumb fool, right!
Hayato coughs as he staggers. His ponytail is now loose. His orange-brown hair is now loose. What the fuck?!
He thought this girl was weak because she was running around. Did...she lead him here?! Then those shadows of hers are pummeling him while she keeps swinging her knife around. I got hit and cut. This is so annoying!
"Time to get serious," Hayato said, grinning demonically now.
'Huh?' Something has changed. Something is happening.
'Pup. Get ready. He's about to do something.' Kinie speaks.
Taz sees Hayato transform. He grew an orange-brown coat on the top and beige under with dark markings on his face. He grew in size as his neck became long. He doesn't look like a wolf as his ears are short and has whiskers with a long tail. He looks like...
'A rodent. A squirrel?' KInie growled.
Ferret. Taz thought. But the correct one is weasel.
Regardless, Hayato isn't cute in that form as he looks pretty demonic. He has red eyes, sharp teeth as he has overbite with two fangs, and curved claws that look like sickles.
"Little shit!' Hayato laughed, now tossing the sickle behind him. "Bet you don't have a form like that! That's what you get for protecting some weak humans!"
Taz grips the knife tightly as she frowns. As long as they're in the clear and with people getting caught in the crossfire. It's fine. As long as Miko and Yuria are out of here and are safe, it's fine!
"I call this werebeast from; the Kamaitachi!" Hayato swipes his claws at the air towards the side and right away, a powerful gust of wind and several trees are cut down. "See that?! Even your shadow dolls won't get near me. So what are you going to do about it?!" The weasel laughed.
Taz didn't falter. She is nervous but she didn't do all this training for nothing! Also...this place isn't safe. If his claws can do that, she needs to run again.
'Let's show him what we're capable of." Kinie growled as two more kinfolk appeared. "Whatever I can do to beat you." Taz answered making Hayato sneer.
"Alright then!"
Then Hayato lunges at her. Taz quickly dodges. Hayato swipes his claws at her but one of her kinfolk pull her out of the way as the wind slashes missed her.
The battle is still ongoing.
---- Meanwhile ----
The two girls, Miko and Yuria are now hiding behind a vending machine as they can hear the sounds of the men trying their best to look for them but they haven't yet.
"Can you go to Jujutsu High by yourself?" Yuria asked seriously. Miko widen her eyes, "What?"
"You're the one with the best chance in escaping and getting to the school, letting our classmates know what's going on." Yuria said. Miko blinked. "B-but..."
"With your shikigami, you can have him ride you back to town. I will just slow you down. That way, we can split up since those guys are just easy to run away from. I will buy you some time, okay? We just need to split up." Said Miko.
Miko grips her skirt as her badger comforts her. "Alright, let's do it. Knowing Taz, she will be okay! If we spilt up, I can get help while you distract those guys."
Yuria grins, "That's right! Together, we can do this-"
"So you're the ones that Hayato wants?"
A voice is heard. They look up to see a teenage boy with white hair with a goth look. They both froze seeing the other. Miko breathes. His cursed energy....
"Tch. Guess I have to stop him from doing something stupid, again. Look, let's talk this out and-" Yuria swing her staff, hitting the man on the top of his head. He staggered and Yuria screamed, "Miko! RUN!"
And so Miko did.
This leaves Yuria to deal with this guy. The goth teen hisses, rubbing his head. "Tch."
"Listen here you jerk! I won't let you get any of us, you heard?!" Yuria yelled. The goth looks bored by this. "That right? Sorry about this but it's going to get scary." The goth snaps his fingers and right away, a figure overshadows Yuria whose eyes widen in terror.
----- Taz and Hayato ------
Taz is moving across the property, creating distance between her and Hayato in his demon form. Hayato kept on slashing, huge gashes appeared on the walls and a few columns were cut. Taz's uniform has tears and some blood spilled. She is bleeding from her shoulder. A cut across the leggings. Hayato laughs as he gets one of her kinfolk in its grip. He crushes its head, killing it. Taz has one kinfolk remaining. She needs a plan. A good one.
Then an idea hits her. Maybe she can use that. Yes. That can work, right. She has been training this one for a while. So it's time to put this to the test.
"Smash," Taz commanded her kinfolk to smash into a wall. She enters a hole as smoke fills the floor. Hayato snorts.
Inside the hole is a dark room. Hayato steps into that room.
"What? You think...you can lose me in the dark. Weasels like me can see in the dark, gyaru." And then there she is. She is kneeling while having her knife ready. Hayato laughs as he keeps going. Then he raises his claw but then...he steps on something on his feet. Huh? He looks to see several pieces of paper with some incantations.
Daichi. No Kisho...
---- Flashback ------
"Kisho. Can I borrow your papers for the barrier training?"
"Hm? What for?" Kisho said, blinking. Eito on his shoulder chirps. Both are curious about the request.
"Well...I heard from Maki that she has been using them as traps. Not the paper but the cursed charms."
"Huh? That's what she has been using for?" Kisho is surprised by this.
"Yep! She said it's very useful when slowing down curses!" Taz smiled. Hearing this, Kisho is flushed, "Is that so?" Kisho looks to the side as his cheeks are flushed pink, "I'm glad that the remains of the cursed charms are put to good use." Kisho said. Eito chirps happily while Taz giggles.
"That's why I want to use them."
"If you say so, why not! I hope my work can help you a lot!" Kisho smiled, patting her on the shoulder.
"Thank you very much." Taz smiles.
Not only that. She quickly puts the knife on her hoslter and makes a sign with her hands. She presses her wrists together with her hands open but opposite from each other. Both hands look be open mouths with her digits bent slightly almost like teeth.
----- Flashback -----
"Hand signs?"
"Yes, with mine. I have to create shadow puppets using my hands to summon my shikigami." Said Megumi. "But I'm not the only one, there's one from Kyoto sister school who has to clap his hands to switch places with another. Gojo has to use his finger to summon one of his techniques. Same thing with Nobara, she has to snap her fingers to activate Hairpin."
"Ooh..." Taz said. "I think I want to do something like that." Taz smiles while watching Yuria and Miko continue their barrier technique training. They're getting better.
"I think you will, Taz. Knowing you, you just found a way right?"
"Right. I did, Fushiguro." Taz thought. That I did.
"Trap." Taz said then a glow was seen Hayato became confused as the yellow glow blinded him. "What the hell?" He raised his arms to cover his eyes. The moment he steps on the paper, he activates a booby trap.
What Taz made is....
---- Flashback ----
"Taz. Are you making a barrier?" Nobara asked. Taz blinks, "Yeah. I'm doing something different. But I was thinking of a barrier that traps curses in place since they can be pretty fast. So I want to help as much as I can."
"Well....I see you're doing hand signs. Are you trying to make a beartrap?"
"That's what your hand signs remind me of." Nobara said with a smile.
"Really?" Taz blinked. She never thought of it.
"Yep! But if you ask me, I can teach you how to activate it. You just need a catchy word followed by closing your hands together." Noabra grinned. "For now, let's take a break. I found this great clothing. Look at the clothes they have." Nobara shows the outfits that they're selling on her phone.
"Oh!" Taz said, looking interested with a smile.
"Yep. I got these cool snapshots of these outfits." Nobara said. Then Taz pauses. Nobara blinked, "Taz. You okay."
"I think I got it. I think I got the perfect word!" Taz smiled.
"Snapshot!" She clasped her fingers together and the beartrap snaps shut, trapping Hayato. The painful jaws that put Hayato in place makes the demon gasp. He is trying to push the jaws away but it's hard. He can't get out of it. He growls.
"You little...shit!!" His red eyes glow with fury. Then another glow is seen. This is the first step, the second step is an explosion.
An explosion came about and smoke fills the area. Hayato is now staggered as he is in smoke. His world became spinning as his fur was burnt and he coughed up smoke, receiving a lot of damage. Now for the third part.
Hayato widens his eyes at the kinfolk now staring him down as it raises its fist. "Huh?!" He sweatdropped.
---- Flashback -----
"Wow...big brother Yuji is so strong," Taz said, watching him spar with Panada. Both are heavy hitters if her friends watch them fight. Remembering his moves and all. Seeing him is so awesome especially when he fights. She hopes to be as strong as him someday.
"Kinfolk. Itadori Barrage!"
And that's what kinfolk did as commanded. A fury of punches came at Hayato's way. The demon felt all of them. Each hurt worse than the last. A knuckle at the throat, one in the gut, one across the face, at the temple, at the ribs, and everything.
Hayato is now on the ropes. His back hits the wall as he is getting a relentless beatdown. All his senses are ringing. He can taste the blood and bile in his mouth. The kinfolk didn't let up until Hayato is down. Hayato tries to counter but kinfolk wraps a arm around Hayato's wrist where his claws won't touch. It punches the weasel at the cheek. A tooth came out of Hayato's mouth.
And now take a page out of Sukuna's playbook. The kinfolk let go of Hayato.The kinfolk slashes the weasel demon across the chest and then brings two fists together, slamming him down against the ground. Hayato coughs as he connects with the ground harshly. He twitches.
Taz panted as the kinfolk came back to her side. She did. The plan worked. She did it. She brought Hayato down.
'Not bad.' Kinie commented in her head. She is impressed at how the pup managed to bring down someone twice her size. Then a growl is heard.
"But it's not over yet.' Kinie warned her. Hayato is getting back. He is wounded. There was damage on his back and shoulders. A slash across the chest and some internal injuries that are going to take time to heal.
"You! Goddamnit! There's no way I would be taken down like this!" Hayato growls now. He is now moving slowly. He never got beaten like this! What the hell! She does belong to a fraction. Whatever it is. He won't let this last.
"HAhahahaha! You really got me there but I won't be beaten by a trick like that!"
'Pup. Get ready!' Kinie tells Taz. However, the demons did not move. She can barely move. She tries to jump but she is stuck and so is her kinfolk.
"What the hell?!" Hayato growled as he is in the same boat as her. What's trapping them?! She sees what's trapping her feet. Mud?!
Then a sheer force slams Taz against the ground hard. She coughs as she can taste the mud in her mouth. She then sees the kinfolk smashed as well by another skeletal hand.
"Damn it, Iku! Who told you to get in my way?!" Hayato shouted.
"Seriously." Said the teen Iku. The teen named Iku wears a choker, spiked bracelets, and a piercing. He has a gothic style to it.
"We're trying to stop the fight!" Said another teen.
"Who asked you, Moudo?!" Hayato barked at a timid boy with squinted eyes whose hair is slick with two long twirled strands over his forehead. He wears a button-sleeved shirt where underneath is a tee with a fish on it. He is hiding behind Iku.
Taz sees this and she sees what's holding her down. A large skeleton pins her down with its hand. Is that person controlling it? The skeleton is big and only it's upper half appears.
"You probably be dead if I didn't butt in, Dumbass." Iku answered.
"Who the hell are you calling a dumbass!" Hayato yelled.
"You are! You're going around picking a fight with some demon having no idea which fraction she belongs to." Iku glares.
'Ha! Seriously, Iku?" Hayato scoffs. "That demon brat over there is with humans! I highly doubt she has a fraction. If she did, they could of shown up by now!"
"You know we have humans in our ranks?" Iku said, making a face. "Besides I hear from the guys that you're starting shit again by picking up some girls. Then you caught a whiff of her and she was kicking your ass." Iku explained. Hayato glowers.
"Screw you both! I don't give a shit!" Hayato said. "Anyway! Let me finish this fight because I know I didn't get my ass kick!" He growled through his fangs as his whiskers twitched.
"Tarohito wants to talk to you." Said Iku which shut Hayato up. "That's what I heard from him." He tells him. Hayato grits his teeth in his were form. Iku stands his ground, "And you know Tarohito isn't the kind of guy that waits around when you're messing around."
"Goddamnit! Fine! But I need to-"
"What if that girl belongs to Shinseina Hogo?" Iku tells him which makes Hayato grumble and Moudo whimpers, hearing the name. "If she belongs to them, I doubt Fuji-Hime would love to hear that one of their own got harassed and hurt."
Then Taz starts to struggle to which Iku looks over to her, "Forget it. If you try to move, I won't guarantee your friend here." Iku has Yuria by the arm.
"Y-yuria..." Taz said. Yuria apologizes, "I'm sorry! We spilt up. B-but...Miko...she got away! I help by distracting them!" Yuria said.
No, that's good to hear. As long as Miko got back, that's fine. Iku narrows his eyes at this, "Just do what we said and no one gets hurt. I make sure she gets home safe." Iku said. Taz growls. She was there. So close to beating Hayato but with Yuria here, she has no choice. She can't let Yuria get hurt!
And so, Taz relaxes.
'Pup! What are you doing? Let's summon a kinfolk-"
'I can't let Yuria get hurt! I don't know what they're capable of. I can't underestimate them.' Taz tells Kinie in her mind. At the same time, Taz tells him. "I will stand down. Please don't hurt her."
"Good." Iku looks to Yuria now. "Don't worry, we won't kill her. We just need to get her away from us." And how? Iku snaps his fingers and the skeleton lifts Taz off the muddy ground. Then suddenly, the skeleton threw her across the town making Yuria scream as she struggles to get out of Iku's hold. But his grip is like iron.
"WHAT THE HELL?! TAZ!" Yuria screams, "LET ME GO!" She hits Iku on the arm. Iku sighs, "Relax. Since she's a demon, she'll live." Iku shrugged, now dragging her away with Hayato following behind him, grumbling, rubbing his arms.
Taz's world was spinning before she landed hard on the ground. She heard a crack from her back and she was in the ground. Her eyes were half-lidded as she was sprawled against the ground.
"Ugh...I got to get back.'
'Pup! Don't worry! I will get you back!' Kinie yelled. A kinfolk is conjured and takes Taz in her arms. It runs through the forest, trying to make its way to the campus. Soon, Miko arrives at the campus and sees Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and Kisho, gasping as she got off her shikigami badger with tears in her eyes, telling them the situation.
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alj4890 · 2 years
Day 4: Travel
Choices Red Carpet Diaries Appreciation Week
(Seth Levine x MC*Jessica Clarke) in a Choices Red Carpet Diaries Drabble (Taking place between books 1 and 2 before Jessica moved out of her cheap apartment)
Prompt: "Can we go ice skating?" "It's 70 degrees, where are we going to find ice?"
Song inspiration: Walking In a Winter Wonderland by Darlene Love
Rating G for nothing but Fluff
@choicesrcd2022 @hopelessromantic1352 @promptnonny @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @trappedinfanfiction @flyawayboo @krsnlove
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Hollywood Magic
Jessica sniffed as she finished trimming her tiny tree. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she gazed at the pitiful little thing.
"You look like you should be Charlie Brown's tree."
Taking a stuttered breath, she tried to calm down before answering her door.
"Ho Ho Ho! Merry Chris-why are you crying?" Seth came in, arms filled with presents, and kicked the door shut.
Jessica shrugged. She swiped up a dish towel to wipe her face.
Seth set the gifts down on her kitchen table. He folded his arms and waited for her to explain.
She ignored the silent prompt and began to search for something to drink.
"You want anything?" She asked.
"Yeah." He replied. "I want to know why you're crying."
"Well I want to know why you're wearing a Santa hat." She quipped back. "I guess life is full of unsolved mysteries."
"Nice try, Iowa. But there can only be one comedian in this apartment building." He spread his arms out with a grin. "And you're looking at him."
Jessica rolled her eyes as she brushed past him to sit on the loveseat.
Seth pulled his hat off with a deep, over exaggerated sigh.
Plopping down next to her, he set his arm around her shoulders.
Tears began to fall freely once again.
"Will my work never cease?" He grumbled playfully. "Hey Jess?"
She looked up at him.
"What do you call a kid who doesn't believe in Santa?"
Her brow furrowed. "I don't know."
"A Rebel Without a Claus."
A heartbeat of silence fell between them before a tearful laugh slipped out.
"Whew. I was worried I had lost my touch there." He gently shook her. "What's going on?"
"I guess I'm homesick." She mumbled, dabbing at her eyes.
She then narrowed them at the sunshine spilling in through the windows. It was so... unnatural.
"I've never had a Christmas without my mom or snow."
"Ah yes." Seth pulled her closer. "Who can forget freezing your extremities off while shoveling snow for five months of the year?"
Jessica laughed, settling her head upon his shoulder. "We always got the biggest tree we could find on old Mr. Winslow's lot. Then we'd pull out the ornaments passed down through our family and tell the same stories we tell every year about them."
"Hard same, but with a menorah." He quipped. "Nothing like polishing great Uncle Morty's for eight crazy nights."
Jessica chuckled. "Then we'd bake goodies for all our friends and neighbors. There'd be caroling."
"Sugar comas while singing in below zero temperatures." He smiled when she laughed again.
"There'd always be a group of us who would go ice skating on Christmas Eve." She continued. "Then we'd hurry home, nearly numb from the cold to sip hot chocolate by the fire."
"Now there's a thought." Seth turned towards her. "How about a date tonight, Iowa?"
"Um," Jessica replied, a little surprised by the abrupt change in topic, "okay."
"Can we go ice skating?" He asked.
She stared at him as if he'd lost his mind. "I don't know if the heat has gotten to you, but it's 70 degrees here, where are we going to find ice?"
His smile grew. "Oh Iowa. You're in the city where the magic never stops." He got up, pulling her to her feet. "Go wash that beautiful face of yours. We are going to do one of your holiday traditions tonight.
"Welcome to Pershing Square's Holiday Ice Rink!" Seth gestured out where people were gliding along to music.
Jessica blinked, trying to take in the sight of an outdoor ice rink in downtown Los Angeles.
"How?" She asked.
"Magic." Seth replied.
"Sure, but seriously. How??? It was almost ninety degrees out today!"
"Oh Jess. We don't do science here." He wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked over to a skate rental booth. "I mean, I'm sure whoever runs this does. But we locals--"
"You are from Ohio." Jessica reminded him.
"I've been here long enough for the sun to burn away all those Midwest winters." He winked at her. "Anyway, we don't ask questions. We put on our skates and rock out to whatever DJ HowLy puts on."
"Walking in a Winter Wonderland is something you rock out too?" Jessica teased.
"We rock out when it's a remix of Darlene Love's version." He knelt down to tie her skates.
Jessica felt her loneliness begin to lessen as she watched him. Her heart ached over how sweet he was in trying to bring a holiday tradition from home to life out here amongst the palm trees.
He took her hand, smiled at her, and tugged her out onto the ice. He then let her go.
"Okay Iowa, let's see what all those years of ice skating taught you."
Jessica's smile made his heart race. He still couldn't believe someone like her was always ready to go out with him. After the unexpected success of her first film, he'd thought she would consider him a part of her past.
Instead, she acted as if nothing big had happened to her. She was still that sweet, gorgeous, incredibly talented girl who'd been completely lost in the big city six months earlier.
He whistled when she began to skate, doing elegant twirls and jumps around him.
"All right. You passed the test." He held his hand out to her. "I believe this is a couple's only skate."
"Oh?" Jessica pretended to think about it. With a huge smile, she took his hand, lacing her fingers with his. "Then we shouldn't break the rules."
He squeezed her hand as they skated, both belting the lyrics to songs as loud as they could, laughing the whole time.
"You know?" Jessica cut her eyes towards him. "I like this couple's only idea."
"You do, huh?"
She nodded.
He stopped them off to the side of the rink.
"Anyone in particular you'd like to be the other half of your couple?"
She lowered her eyes while a pretty blush made her cheeks rosy.
"I had a few ideas." She looked up at him. "But clearly there's only one that will do."
"A few ideas?" Seth felt the wind get knocked out of him. "Wh-wh-who is it?"
He knew she and Matt Rodriguez made their love scenes in Tender Nothing's look like the real deal. Plus he'd seen how close she was to Teja and Victoria. Then seeing Thomas Hunt talking to her after the premiere revealed a lot potential romance there. He didn't stand a chance against any of them. Not only was he not in the same league with them, it wasn't even the same universe!
Jessica skated forward, pinning him between the barrier and her body.
"It's you, you dope." She draped her arms around his neck. "Who else has gone out of their way so many times to make me stop crying and encourage me?"
His smile reappeared. "You are pretty lucky, aren't you?"
He held her close as he sought her lips.
She hummed her agreement in the midst of it.
Her eyebrow raised in expectation once the kiss ended.
Seth took her hand again and pulled her back out on the rink.
"Yes, you are very lucky, Iowa." He continued. "But nowhere near as lucky as me."
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I'm sorry to ask this again, but I can't find the post where you answered me anymore. Do you happen to have a link for the first Mystrade Mondays list?
Thank you for the inspiration you gave us with this prompts. Have a nice day!
You’re most welcome. I’m glad you enjoy the prompts and adding more excellent Mystrade content to the fandom.
Whew! Took me a bit, but I found the list I used for my very first round of Mystrade Monday posts.
Drabble Challenge 1-150
“The skirt is supposed to be this short.”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“I may be an idiot, but I’m not stupid.”
“Who gave you that black eye?”
“You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?”
“I just like proving you wrong.”
“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
“Forget it. You fucking suck.”
“Quit it or I’ll bite.”
“If you use up all the hot water again, I swear to god! You’re on the couch for a month!!”
“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.”
“Take. It. Off.”
“Well, you’re coming home with me whether you like it or not.”
“I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.”
“Stop it! It tickles!”
“It’s okay to cry…”
“And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.”
“D..did you just make that noise?”
“He’s a bad kisser.”
“You can scream if you want.”
“I didn’t know we were keeping track.”
“We’re playing checkers. If you don’t like it, leave.”
“One of them’s missing.”
“Save some for me.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“You’re still mad?”
“Come over here and make me.”
“You better watch yourself.”
“Eat your lunch and you wouldn’t be hungry.”
“Why did we have to have kids?”
“Call on Line 1”
“He creeped me out. I’m not gonna lie.”
“I’m done! You can fix it!”
“Can we just watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch?”
“Where did he go?”
“You leave whenever you feel like it.”
“I forgot I was a single parent.”
“Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it.”
“You’re going out dressed like that?”
“For the hundredth time, I’m not your babysitter.”  
“Frost the damn cupcakes.”
“Well that’s the second biggest news I’ve heard all day.”
“You look pretty hot in plaid.”  
“I thought you were dead!”
“I thought it was a one-night-stand…and now we’re married…”
“We’ve become the clingy couple that you used to complain about.”
“Quit touching me. Your feet are cold.”
“You know you want it, sweetheart.”
“I’m your husband. It’s my job.”  
“You just wanted them because the light up.”
“That wasn’t very subtle.”
“He thinks he’s a mind reader.”  
“It’s just you and me tonight. I was thinking we could have a little fun.”
“I don’t do hugs.”
“Don’t talk anymore.”
“I’m just a guy with a wife, two kids, and a Harley.”
“How do I even put up with you?”
“I said get rid of it.”
“They didn’t just find out. They already knew!”
“You’re not as quiet as you think you are.”
“Can you just man up and change his diaper?”
“Just don’t buy a goat. I don’t care what you do, just no goats.”
“I have a secret.”
“I won’t let you get hurt.”
“You’re strong, baby. You have to be.”
“He’s four years old!!”
“I’ve had enough! I want to be alone!”
“I can’t stand seeing you like this.”
“Me and the boys will handle it.”
“You’re competitive and so am I, and it’s going to lead to a fight.”
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“You’re a dork, just like your father.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“I lost our child.”
“That’s my shirt. So is that..wait?”
“My name isn’t Leslie…who’s Leslie?”
“There’s a surprise upstairs for you.”
“I’ll take care of it.”
“I’m not your boss? Well then who is?”
“You can’t eat solids, only liquids until Thursday.”
“Come on, baby, up to bed.”
“They got you a present. Isn’t it sweet?”
“Am I scaring you?”
“Run! You said you’d work out with me!”
“After everything…I’d still choose you.”
“And when did you plan on telling me about this?”
“Trust me.”
“Scoot over a little bit, please.”
“You’re so clingy, I love it.”
“You didn’t just wake me up at 2am because you were ‘in the mood’.”
“Did they hurt you?”
“You’re cute when you’re all worried.”
“Stop being grumpy. It’s lame.”
“I don’t need a hero, I need a husband.”
“Don’t shut me out.”
“You got a cute butt.”
“I just got out of the shower, I can’t dance. What if my towel falls off?”
“Don’t be an asshole. Asshole.”
“Do you really think I could ever replace you?”
“Sharing is caring. Now give me your fries.”
“…or we can chill in our underwear.”
“You can’t make up for it by giving me a tic-tac.”
“Keep pedaling and don’t stop, okay?”
“You, me, popcorn, two liter Dr. Pepper, and a movie. You in?”
“Have you seen my contacts?”
“Life is a highway, and I’m always drunk. So I’m not driving.”
“Quit stalling. Where’s your father?”
“You can’t just hug me and think everything’s okay.”
“Is he coming home?”
“I prefer blondes.”
“No more dogs. How hard it it to understand?”
“I let you win.”
“I broke your nose, and I’m sorry for that. But what you’re doing isn’t fair.”
“Can I do your hair?”
“Your favorite superhero can’t be a villain.”
“I told you not to jump on the bed!”
“He’s pampering me, let him be.”
“Ready or not, here I come.”
“I’m worried about losing my job!”
“Oh, did I scare you, big boy?”
“Happy new year!”
“Quit moving, I’m trying to sleep. Wait…are you…what?!”
“You nap, I’ll stay awake.”
“It’s turbulence. It’s normal.”
“Don’t touch me. We’re fighting.”
“I’ll give you a massage.”
“You fell asleep in the tub?!”
“Are you doodling?”
“We’re not playing strip poker. I don’t care what I said when I was drunk.”
“Slushies aren’t just for kids, fuck society.”
“Are you scared…Then why won’t you look at the screen?”
“Enough with the pillow talk, I’m tired.”
“You had a nightmare, tell me what it was about so I can fix it.”
“We need groceries, not just junk food. You’re worse than the kids.”
“Is this our closet? Or your closet?”
“If I win, you do dishes for a week.”
“Fist bumps are cooler than high-fives…”
“Use your words.”
“Hold my hand so he gets jealous.”
“Ew, your hand is sweaty.”
“Get out of my face before I hit you.”
“I don’t care if your 4 or 40, you don’t hit people.”
“You only care about football, beer, and raking leaves.”
“Look! Fireflies!”
“Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?”
“I just need ten minutes.”
*Make Your Own*
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jjungkookislife · 2 years
So I’m not sure how well I am going to answer this but I will try my best and I’ll answer them all cause why not 🤷‍♀️
1. Okay, now this is so difficult cause I love a lot of your work but if I REALLY HAVE TO CHOOSE SOME 🫢😂
• The Nanny - cause of dad!Jin and baby Dae-hyun 🥹 need I say more? Lol and it’s also the fic that led me to you so that’s that
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - do I really need a reason? It’s the boys AS TATTOO ARTISTS. I love the whole idea of this story and its characters. The MC is also open-minded about the boys’ relationship which made me love her even more. I really loved this and am actually patiently waiting if and when you update it, no pressure though ☺️
•Ho-Ho-Home Series - cause what’s NOT to love? It’s Minnie as the cutest most amazing human and the bestest bf/husband 🥺
Whew 😮‍💨 that took me so much time cause it was so hard to choose only three 😣
2. • The Nanny - the last one cause everything’s good and fluffy and she’s finally moving in 😁
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - can’t really choose, both were amazing plus, the texts were also fun to read
• HHH Series - well, it’s a one shot so that’s already my fav chap lol 😂 but I guess I’ll just pick my fav drabble and it’s between Birthday boy cause he had the best birthday ever 🥰 and Pain cause it just showed again how amazing he is as a bf 😩
3. I have to choose HHH Jimin cause I can’t help but fall in love with his entire being in the story🫣
4. I’m gonna go with Little Mouse💜Jk and Crybaby💜Joonie just cause both couples are adorable for me
5. None. I read them all 😉
6. When I read your work Shadow, I automatically thought of Shego and Dr. Drakken and found out that it was based on them. I really loved that. And I also could not get enough of that couple, they were chaotic and adorable together 😍
7. Tongue Like Candy, cause I didn’t know it was gonna end that way. I really thought it was gonna have a happy ending so I got blindsided with the ending. Don’t know if you still plan on writing a continuation of this in the future but I just want to say that I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you did 👀😂
8. That you have this ability to mix smexy scenes with fluffy ones, and I just can’t help but love the story and the couple in your work more and more 😌
9. I don’t really have anything specific. I always get excited when you post something new or update an ongoing fic. I literally am just thankful to anything you share with us despite being busy so thank you so much for that ☺️
10. I also don’t have an exact answer for this and I did enjoy it but I guess MC with Hobi along with the other boys. The whole Butterfly Tattoo Studio Series was really interesting when I first saw it. The whole idea behind it along with each of the characters shown was really refreshing. I didn’t know I would love it as much as I did after reading it.
11. Nothing in particular, I would honestly love anything you write so feel free to post and share anything you like when you want to 😊
12. I think I’ve re-read most of your work from time to time when I miss them but I always do it when you update an ongoing fic to refresh my memory on that story.
13. I mean I’m not really that active here in Tumblr but I have reblogged every fic of yours when I first read them and I think I recommended and told some of my friends your stories cause I really loved them.
14. I think I mentioned it above already but it’s Butterfly Tattoo Studio
15. Don’t really have anything with a specific work but can I ask what are your current wips? Like what stories are you planning to work on this year? No pressure by the way, just curious. You can choose not to answer this if you don’t want to disclose it or you’re not sure what to answer.
Anyways, I hope I answered them all correctly and that it didn’t get cut. This took me much longer that I thought it would but I hope it came out okay and complete ☺️
ah <33 this made me so happy! thank you! I'm so glad you enjoy the nanny and that's the fic you found me with <3 I've been working on it here and there so hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon <3
ah BTS I've also been working on the next chapter and i adore them all, especially Jimin's character lmao and HHH I've been thinking of them a lot! I reread it all recently and ugh he's just the sweetest. I have a drabble for them at JK's bar that I'm working on next <3
I'm glad you enjoy those chapters! <3 and the texts as well. i feel like they're so easy to write for in butterfly :)
Jimin in HHH is just the bestest boy! I swear he makes me delulu every now and again 'cause he's a sweetie!
i adore LM!JK so much, he was so shy and sweet! and then Joon in Crybaby! I think that's one of my top 3 Joons <3 I'm happy you like them! :) and thank you for reading all my fics too!
oof i have a lot of series i need to work on lol i just get so excited i post before they're done and then take ages to finish them (if i do) but yes Shadow, i adore them, there's some angst coming around but I've been working on their fic here and there and i have it plot(ted?) out but just writing it the way i want is hard lol
ah yes! it kind of ended abruptly but the OC definitely didn't want to hurt her brother and i have been working on a part 2/conclusion i just got stuck with it and then i hated what i wrote so i had to rewrite some and i got stuck again lmao I'll have to have a look at it soon.
i love writing fluff and smut the most, just couples being happy and in love and just all over each other. i try not to do too much angst especially without happy endings 'cause it hurts my heart :(
ahhh you're an angel, thank you <3
piercer!hobi just came out of nowhere tbh and it was just supposed to be a one shot but then i got an idea for the second chapter with jungkook and tae and of course Jimin !
<33 thank you! that means so much to me! and thank you for reblogging and recommending my fics <33
I'm working on The Nanny, TLC, my collab fic Bad Decisions will be out tomorrow, the last chapter of milk! should be out in February, i think i have a one shot called La Boda and a second/last part of Ah, Mr. Kim :)
thank you so much for taking the time to send this in and writing all that out! I was so happy to read this this morning! Thank you <3 I hope you stay safe and get lots of rest and I hope you enjoy bad decisions tomorrow <3
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markofkaine · 2 years
(just a little mini story/drabble underneath the cut)
"Knock knock," came a relaxed, easygoing voice, even as red knuckles rapped against the doorframe. "Hey, Boss Lady, you got a few minutes to chat?"
"Not especially," Lillibridge Kaine answered without looking up from the files on her desk. "Although were I to hazard a guess, I doubt my preoccupations have any bearing upon whether you'll come back another time." The door shut and a chair moved over beside him. "What is it, Honest? Has Natari returned home?"
No matter how many times she moved things around without even looking at them, he simply would never get used to it. "Not yet," he answered with a shake of his head, one of his short, dark braids falling around the side of his horns before he adjusted it. "Tomorrow, probably. Maybe the day after. But, actually, that's what I came to talk to you about." With an exaggerated, dramatic sigh, the stockboy draped a hand across his forehead. "I have been, very unjustly, elected as the bearer of bad news."
Lilli rolled all three of her eyes, before laying her hand flat on her paper-covered desk. "If I wanted dramatics, there's a theater in town."
Honest clicked his tongue. "You don't like a good story. Noted." Not that it was an surprise to him. So serious, especially since she'd parted way with those others she'd been traveling with. "So I'll just cut to the good stuff. Pretty soon, Natari and I are gonna be leaving. Talira too, I think."
Lillibridge lifted an eyebrow. "Is it a matter of compensation, or your accommodations here? Natari and Talira are very competent assistants who I would prefer not to lose."
After waiting for a piece of praise that didn't come, Honest nodded. "Alright, ouch, so not a lot of kind words for the hot guy who greets the customers and can reach the top shelf without magic, I get it." Really, no credit at all? Not even a little? Cooooold. "It's not about that kind of thing, though."
What it was about, he just hoped she'd understand. "About a month ago, Natari stumbled on some information about our father. It was kind of vague, but she had the opportunity to follow up on it while getting those materials for you." He tapped at the gold bangle that hung, loose, around his wrist. "I talked to her this morning. We said if there was enough to go off of, we'd chase after it. Looks like there is."
Lillibridge's face was blank. She never showed very much emotion, did she? "If you need a leave of absence, I see no reason to deny it."
Honest shook his head. Huh, maybe she cared more than she showed. That was kind of interesting. "It's gonna take a long time, Lilli, and after we're done... I don't know what happens after that, but probably it's not happening here."
The boss's mouth was a neat little line across her face, and she seemed to be thinking. Well, she was always thinking, wasn't she? "And Talira? She has business with your father as well?"
"Gods, I hope not, whew." Honest shook his head. "For her sake." He couldn't imagine. "I think it's more that she's learned everything she could here. Whatever questions she still has aren't ones that you can answer for her." He shrugged. "You can understand that, right?"
There was an uncharacteristically long pause before Lilli answered. Honest wasn't sure if she was at a loss for words, or just carefully considering them. Then, "I would be willing to assist her further, but if she's made her decision, it would be meaningless for me to argue it."
Well, that was probably the best he was going to get. "And, she's our friend, so I guess it just makes sense for her to come with us for a while. Maybe once the situation with mine and Natari's dad is cleared up, we'll go see about checking in with her thing." Although, weirdly, going after his dad seemed like maybe a more achievable goal than figuring out what exactly Talira's thing even was.
"Understood." Lillibridge scribbled a few things onto her ledger, probably something about the situation. "I'll count out your final payments and advance your bonuses so you have enough gold for your trip. We're greatly in excess of certain reagents, so if Natari doesn't mind delaying your departure a day or so, I'll brew some potions for the three of you. Devils should not be underestimated, and proper preparation makes you all less likely to die."
She still didn't have much of an expression on her face, but... "I know I shouldn't speak for everyone else, but I'm going to anyway, because I'm just that kind of incorrigible scamp." Honest grinned, to little reaction. "We do all appreciate this a lot, Lilli. Natari and I never had a permanent home before coming here, and steady work at a nice shop is way better than scraping taverns for risky odd jobs. It's been a good few years."
"It hasn't been unpleasant, no." Lillibridge agreed. "Now get out. If the three of you are leaving, I'll have to account for a great many things regarding sourcing my materials and filling outstanding orders." She returned to looking down at her papers. "Inform me when Natari returns."
Honest thought there might be more to say, but it seemed like that was it. "Yeah," he said with a small nod as he turned back towards the door. "You got it, Boss Lady."
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