#which I now like to refer to as 'the aizawa stage'
thr0wnawayy · 2 days
Which heroes and UA staff knew about Endeavor's abuse towards Rei and her kids?
"Heroes": Burnin and pretty much all of the older members of Endeavor's agecy, Master Driller, Crust (early in his career, was pushed into silence). Sir Nighteye. Just to name a few.
Aizawa (at least he should have. If he had done his job he would have noticed the blatant signs of Shoto's trauma)
Most of UA's staff are guilty of the above but Aizawa is especially so, due to his position as 1A's Homeroom teacher, hd should know the signs of abuse and report them accordingly.
Nezu is put to task as well. For the smartest being on earth, he sure is oblivious to the ongoings of his own school.
I should clarify that when I said staff, I was referring to the in-house staff. The maid(s), the caretaker (seen in Shoto's flashback) as well as any chefs and servants on staff.
Untenmaru, the Chauffer is especially guilty (having witnessed the abuse multiple times and ignored it). Making him someone who Rei hates with near unbridled loathing.
One of Rei's worst memories is of Untenmaru walking in as she was suffering Enji's 4th "attempt" and him willingly closing the door as she begged him to help, leading to Rei being badly burned for her troubles. (She mentions this in the interview.)
The HPSC knew the specifics and Rei puts them on blast for it among other things.
Glacies Invictus
(The Rei Section)
At first glance, the name of this section when taken literally means Invincible Ice.
However, Invictus actually means Unconquered.
Ice cam be beautiful but also deadly. From the smallest flurry to the mightest glacier, Ice is unyielding, much like Rei.
Beaten and battered she may be but noble she remains.
Rei takes no shit, she tears UA a new one as she points out their blatant negligence during her interview.
What's important is what happens later.
Hawks is in the hospital getting what little skin he has remaining grafted, as such the HPSC Rep: Mera, fills in for him.
When the Commission announces that they are to air an official statement (damage control), Rei blasts the doors open with her quirk, marches up to the stage and takes the podium from Mera.
She hits him with a death glare hard enough for security to reconsider there approach. (And really nobody wants to mess with the walking PR Bomb that is Rei atm)
This leads to Rei taking over the entire broadcast and giving a proper statement to the world stage, beginning to rekindle the hopes that things will change.
In the end Mera (completely on accident) unofficially instates Rei as the Commission president because of how she carried herself, calling her Madame President on reflex as soon as he catches up to her backstage.
The Commission just let her because no one wants to take charge in the anarchy (and thus take responsibility)
This later comes to bite the Commission in the ass, as the public believes Rei to be the new president and unless they want a new shit storm. Then they should pick their battles.
I have a lot more of her story, floating around in my head, primarily her reaction to Enji's death and her feelings of both relief that he's dead and how adrift she feels now that she can't confront him.
I imagine she recieved everything on Enji's will (as Shoto wanted nothing to do with him) and as such Untenmaru along with the rest of the staff are bound to her by duty.
She immediately gives them unpaid vacation. With the exception of Untenmaru, who's terrified of her (now that Rei has him on a leash)
Even then I'm sure I've got a few more ideas in there.
Hope this answers your question @spooky-donut-ghost-house
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 164: Life or Death Battle
Previously on BnHA: The internship kids returned to the dorms and were greeted by their worried pals. Iida hemmed and hawed. Momo made some tea. Satou shoved an entire cake into Deku’s mouth. Ochako realized she wanted to save people in addition to earning money to ease her parents’ poverty. Sero and Kirishima showered Kirishima with affectionate concern. Bakugou quietly chilled on the couch pretending not to be worried. Kaminari slid over and called him “Kacchan” like the homeboy he is. It was all amazing. The next morning, Bakugou and Todoroki headed off to their provisional license course. All Might and Present Mic showed up to chaperone them, and we learned from All Might that Kurogiri was indeed captured by Gran Torino and Naomasa, but Giganto escaped after dealing some heavy damage. The group arrived at the training course location, and everyone’s windy fave Yoarashi greeted them along with Camie (the real one!) and fucking Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (Seiji). Also Endeavor was there to watch. And he’s going to have a private chat with All Might. Should be lots of fun, this.
Today on BnHA: Our best boys Bakugou, Shouto and Inasa (and Camie) begin the day’s training course. Endeavor cheers Shouto on from the stands and everyone is like “...” but then they notice All Might sitting next to him and they’re like “OH FUCK YEAH, ALL MIGHT.” Gang Orca walks out onto the floor, compares all of the kids to fish feces, and fucking yeets my three faves across the room. He then informs them that they lack heart, and thus he is assigning them a special trial. Enter a group of about 25 screaming elementary schoolers, plus their harried teacher who is constantly on the verge of tears. Baku, Shouto, Camie and Inasa are told that they’ll be in charge of them, and that to pass this test they’ll need to cooperate and move the children’s hearts. This is, of course, a recipe for perfect chaos, and to make things even more entertaining, Mic decides to do play-by-play commentary. Meanwhile, a surprisingly subdued Endeavor asks All Might exactly what it means to be “the Symbol of Peace.”
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 187 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.) 
looks like the kids have changed into their hero costumes and are trudging towards wherever the course will be taking place
aww Inasa is aggressively trying to be friends
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also I’m kind of with Inasa on this one. sorry Shouto. I’ve only had cold soba noodles like once but I wasn’t that big a fan. but udon is the shit though
Shouto apparently feels very strongly about this
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I honestly can’t tell if he’s just really particular about his food, or if he feels like Inasa is trying to sneak up a metaphor on him and he’s like NOPE, NOT HAPPENING. THIS ZARU SOBA IS NOT GIVING UDON THE TIME OF DAY
oh my god Inasa is literally saying “WE’RE GONNA BECOME BEST BUDS WHETHER YOU LIKE OR NOT”
did you hear that Shouto. WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT
that means it’s happening. because like. look at him. this big fluffy airbending teddy bear is not going to not let it happen
meanwhile Bakugou is watching and being creeped out. by their attempts at friendship? or something else?
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I’ve been having a bit of an insomniac phase myself. so I feel ya bro
also they’re in this gym that, surprisingly, actually looks like a normal gym?? although there’s a bunch of playground equipment in one corner which is odd
Mera says that so far they’ve been doing the training course with the ten of them, but today there will be an eleventh person joining them
so is that Camie then?
meanwhile All Might and Mic are entering the spectator area and looking for someplace to sit
Mic wants to sit near the front to see better, but All Might doesn’t want to stand out
well he is pretty famous. and not to mention that Endeavor’s still right there as well and I don’t know if they’ve had their chat yet orz
oh jesus
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yep. wouldn’t want to distract anyone. definitely not looking to do that, nope
starting to see why Shouto was angsting so much over that text
so Endeavor is actually screaming encouragement at him, but in his obnoxious Endeavor way
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I feel like. he’s actually trying. oddly enough. but he’s just. so terrible. in so many ways
oh snap I forgot all about this
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yep. the guy that wouldn’t autograph your book and subsequently changed the course of your life by causing you to withdraw your application from U.A.
oh shit now All Might’s getting recognized too
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I hope they cheer the fuck out of All Might and it’s like, who even fucking cares about Endeavor
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that’s Bakugou’s dad, you know. ever since chapter 120. and Deku’s dad too, obviously. Shouto he can be your dad too if you want. plenty of All Might to go around, and it’s not like your old man is doing such a bang up job
Shouto is literally saying “hmph” and even Bakugou is staring at him like “what’s this guy’s problem”
Mera’s telling everyone to calm down and pay attention to him again lol
and now real!Camie is properly introducing herself
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so that’s the cover story Shiketsu came up with? or is that a story they’re telling the other kids? or does Camie herself genuinely believe this and no one actually knows she was briefly abducted and replaced by Toga?
and um. just to make sure. this is the real Camie though... right?
she’s acting differently enough that I think it is
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Seiji is sitting with a Shiketsu teacher in the stands and they’re discussing it!
he says she’s “a complete and utter fool” and the teacher is gently correcting him and saying she’s “just bubbly”
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so they did figure it out!
Seiji seems to actually be beating himself up for not realizing that she’d been replaced
(ETA: yeah, so rereading this, I’m getting some definite shipping pings from them now. Seiji’s clearly guilt-stricken about what happened to her, and clearly worried about her still. he didn’t attend any of the previous training sessions, based on Bakugou’s reaction, but he came along to this one now solely because Camie was going. he’s not going to let anything happen to her again. Seiji is, in fact, just a big ol’ softie you guys.)
the teacher is saying they need to make up for the absence of the Symbol of Peace immediately
I guess with this being the first time Shiketsu has been targeted, they’re finally realizing how serious this is too. U.A.’s been mixed up in this for a while, so they already know
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he’s talking some shit about them, oooh
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I assume he’s purposely trying to rile them up for whatever reason. probably because at least several of them are only here in the first place because of their poor anger management
everyone is instantly sobering up
lol Seiji
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wow Gang is really laying it into them
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ben·thos /’benTHäs/ (noun): the flora and fauna found on the bottom, or in the bottom sediments, of a sea, lake, or other body of water
did you just call my son a sea sponge. did you just compare them to fish poop
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his feet
he just. flung him
is it weird that I really want to make this into an icon
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is the whole rest of the chapter going to be like this
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this is now my favorite chapter in the history of time. also this is one instance where I’m already sure it’s impossible for the manga to be outdone by the anime. because how could it be. visually this is flawless
oh wait? is that it? just those three? no one else needs extra guidance?
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so they’ve already singled out these three in particular as being the ones with the most potential, huh. sorry, Rest of the Kids
he’s chewing out Bakugou for his behavior toward the rescuees, and the other two for their whole starting-a-ridiculous-fight-in-the-middle-of-a-disaster-rescue-scenario
he says the thing they lack most is “heart”, and that they can’t expect to be heroes without it
“do you think that everyone will willingly grasp your hand when you offer it to them?!” oooh I like that. basically these idiots need to learn to be more approachable
“survive this life or death battle” lol oh shit
based on the tone of this chapter so far, I can’t help but wonder if this is going to end up being something comedically tame after all of this dramatic buildup
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oh my god. suddenly I’m thinking back to that playground equipment. don’t tell me...
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holy shit. I count at least 24 of these tykes. and it looks like at least some of them have already manifested their quirks too oh shit
oh my god
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Katsuki please don’t murder the small muppet child. I believe in you. babysit the shit out of these brats. you can do it
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why do I suddenly have the feeling that maybe the elementary school just needed a substitute really last-minute and so this somehow ended up happening
now the big bird kid who called the grenades lame is running away crying
Bakugou is being chewed out by the other children and desperately trying to do some crisis management that consists of yelling at the kid to “STOP CRYING DAMMIT”
who the fuck is this
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does Monoma have a younger brother we don’t know about
meanwhile three other children have cornered Shouto and are grabbing something on his utility belt and shouting “IT’S A PEEPEE” repeatedly
on the plus side, I can already sense Endeavor’s fight or flight instincts kicking in, and with any luck he’ll be out of there before we even get started
Shouto is patiently explaining that the thing on his belt is not, in fact, a peepee
this approach is not really working out for him
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meanwhile still more children have surrounded Inasa and are just. punching him. for absolutely no reason
but Inasa is just taking it, and looking up at Endeavor and thinking “I won’t become like him.” awww
and yet this is not really working out either
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you know, I wouldn’t have expected this to be the case, but so far Bakugou is actually managing the best here
Camie’s there too, and she’s asking if she’s supposed to be part of this training as well and what’s up with that
Gang says she’s a special case since she didn’t participate in the real test
she’s exasperated, but says that she likes kids anyway so whatever
and there’s a panel that we’re just going to skip riiiiight on past, thank you very much
suffice to say, the female kindergartners are now ganging up on Camie out of jealousy that their popular male classmate appears to like her
also, forget what I said before about Bakugou faring the best so far
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little Billy, that is not a toy. please put down the grenade
these kids make flashback!baby!Kacchan look like a perfect little angel. at least he was cute
Gang somehow has faith in them though
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you guys. if Kacchan somehow manages to bond with a bunch of snot-nosed little brats and become their mama I will lose my shit. please please please
(ETA: arguably this is exactly what happened. what a fine arc)
the rest of the class is meanwhile being shuttled along to have some boring lecture
lol Bakugou is despairing loudly
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and seriously though, wasn’t he always the leader of his little pack of brats even as a child? can’t he just somehow tap into that little brat energy and take command of this group of kids as well? he does have a weird sort of charisma, and always has. and he’s shown patience and leadership in the past at unexpected times. I really think he can do this if he just puts his mind to it
All Might, Mic, and Endeav are sitting in the spectator section in silence
Endeav and Mic are dotting up a storm lmao
oh my
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he says an event without commentary has no soul
brother I’m right there with ya. why do you think I even do this. we should go get kicked out of a movie theater together
All Might’s asking if they really need “soul”, and FUCKING DUH THEY DO, ALL MIGHT
oh shit he’s commandeered Mera’s microphone
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I can’t believe this man is the fucking U.A. traitor. maybe. admittedly seeming less likely by the minute
anyways, now that Mic is gone, All Might is figuring he might as well get this awkward conversation over with
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he says that he doesn’t really know what to say to Endeavor in his current state
Endeav is asking if All Might’s aware that over the past month the crime rate has risen by three percent
hmm. someone sucks at his current job of being number one, huh
oh no
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is Endeavor
having character development
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okay look. one, dude is basically a rapist, albeit in a manner that’s just barely society-approved. two, he beat his wife and child. and three, he then had his wife committed when she had a breakdown and never bothered to do anything to try to help her (and also, you know, he’s the one who caused said breakdown in the first place)
so just a reminder. that Endeavor. not a nice guy
...but. it’s a story. and if a character actually shows a desire and willingness to try and change... well. I’m not necessarily just going to dismiss it out of hand
but this motherfucker needs to show some remorse, though. otherwise, fuck that
so whatever, Endeavor. let’s see. I have a feeling this is going to be a long, arduous process, and it might not even pan out. but it’s interesting, at the very least. and so in that sense, I’m here for it. hell, I welcome it. after all, we sure as hell didn’t get too much complex character development in the previous arc, Nighteye aside. so this... this is good
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lmaoooooo @ “likes beer” oh god. no salary in the world would ever be enough to compensate teachers for everything that they do and all the shit they have to put up with
the fact that she’s a newbie is apparent just at a glance. give her a year or two under her belt and I bet you anything her personality completely changes. teaching is basically baptism by fire. but she will eventually learn to improvise, adapt, and overcome. and she’ll probably be a lot more drunk too lmao
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
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The BNHA Season 4 BluRay/DVD Vol. 1-6 Box Set comes with a special bonus light novel called the "Cultural Festival Wrap-Up Party" about Class A's after-party they had the day after the Cultural Festival, written by Anri-sensei. Here's the summary! Enjoy~
Boku No Hero Academia Cultural Festival Wrap Up Party
The story starts off with All Might greeting Aizawa as he enters the faculty office, a day after the Cultural Festival. He says good work to Aizawa and asks how the clean-up went for the Cultural Festival. Aizawa says that everything has been put away properly and recalls how it was a bit of a risky Cultural Festival this year with the whole fiasco that almost caused them to stop the festival, referring to the incident with Gentle and La Brava.
Aizawa mentions that the students are now preparing for an after-party. He says, “too bad they can’t put this amount of effort that they did in the Cultural Festival towards their studies instead,” and All Might laughs and says, “Well, they’re still just kids after all.” He also tells All Might that a little while ago, Sero stopped by the office to ask him something. Aizawa says, “What?” and All Might explains, “Well…you see…”
Next scene is at a nearby discount variety store (**note: basically a Don Quihote department store in Japan that sells a variety of things including food at really cheap prices). The Class A band team, consisting of Jirou, Kaminari, Bakugou, Yaoyorozu, and Tokoyami, are buying snacks and drinks for the after-party. However, Jirou seems to be the only one who’s actually taking this seriously as she can’t find where everyone else ran off to. She bumps into Yaoyorozu, who excitedly says, “Jirou-san, look at these super cheap drinks! They’re only 10yen each! If we buy 20 of them that’s only 200yen!”
Jirou looks at the bottles and notices that they’re only on sale because the drinks had already expired. She tells Yaoyorozu to put away the items. She then continues to search for the other band members and finds Kaminari. He tells her that he wants to add these cool snacks into their pile of food, which come with bonus cards or toys. He says, “Look at these! Doesn’t it take you back? Man, when I was a kid I used to collect these all the time!”
Jirou looks at the items and says “put it back,” and Kaminari whines but does so anyway. Yaoyorozu keeps getting distracted by all the things in the store since she’s very rich, she seldom has the opportunity to visit these discount stores that people go to. Jirou finds Tokoyami, and Dark Shadow dumps a whole bunch of sweets into their shopping cart. Jirou says that they don’t need that many sweets and to put things back. Tokoyami then gives Jirou a snack with packaging that says “The Witch of Darkness’ Apple Pie.” Dark Shadow says, “Fumikage used to love these sweets when he was younger!” and Tokoyami gets flustered. Jirou then pats Dark Shadow on his head, and Bakugou comes up behind her.
He says, “What the hell are you guys even buying!?”
Kaminari cries out, “Whattya mean!?”
Bakugou says, “If we’re gonna eat this at the after-party, then we need several big bags of food! And why the hell am I even here shopping with you guys right now!? This is so annoying!”
As he says that, he fills the shopping cart with bags of potato chips, sweets, paper plates, and trash bags. Jirou sighs in relief and says, “Yeah! I was thinking of getting paper plates too so clean-up would be easier!” They then agree to buy some more bottles of juice and soda, and Bakugou says they only need a maximum 5 bottles to which Jirou agrees.
Bakugou then says, “Well then let’s just get the hell out of here!” and Kaminari regrettably puts all of the sweets that he added to the shopping cart back on the shelves. Jirou looks at Bakugou and says, “Bakugou, you’re…kinda like a very capable Mom.”
Bakugou gets mad and says, “WHAT!? Stop saying such stupid crap!”
While the Band members are buying stuff at the discount store, the Dance Team members and Stage members are back in the Class A dormitory preparing food and decorating the common room. The Dance Team is in charge of the food and the Stage team is in charge of decorations.
Satou is the one who is cooking most of the food, but the other Dance Team members are helping him with the food preparation. Iida is in charge of chopping the vegetables, and although he is known for his speed, he’s not used to handling knives, so he chops them at a slower pace. Hagakure is in charge of prepping the oil and oil absorbent sheets to fry the chicken and place it on the sheets. Ochako and Ashido are in charge of stirring the pot, which contains beschamel and bolognese sauces.
Ojiro checks up on the oven to make sure that it’s the right temperature. Satou tells Ochako and Ashido to add the sauce for the lasagna and to not forget to put olive oil on top. Shouji says that he’s done making the dressing for the salad, and Satou samples it. The kitchen is full of lively sounds, and everyone is excited for Ojiro’s delicious cooking.
Ochako, Ashido, and Hagakure then discuss how Christmas is around the corner too, so they should do this again and throw a Christmas party next time. While they think about having a potential Christmas party, Iida says, “Hey now! Christmas is a day that celebrates the Birth of Jesus Christ! You should be spending it with your families, so this Christmas we…”
Satou then says, “Iida, the knife, watch out the knife!” since Iida was talking while swinging the knife around in his hand. Iida apologizes. Ashido then says, “But wouldn’t a party be fun?” and Mineta appears in the kitchen holding some peaches while muttering, “Christmas…Christmas costumes…Santa Girl skirts…That’s awesome…”
However, they eventually convince Iida that Christmas is indeed a time to celebrate things together, and Iida gives in and says he will ask Aizawa for permission to throw a Christmas party much to everyone’s delight.
Mineta had been slacking off on his duties by looking at the peaches and stroking them gently, imagining something lewd, and Hagakure calls him out on his perverted thoughts and tells him to help out along with the others.
He is in charge of cutting the carrots, and while everyone is helping prepare the food, Ochako stares at the fried chicken that just came out of the fryer. She can’t help herself and pops one into her mouth only to find that it’s burning hot. Tsuyu says to be careful since they’re still hot, and Ochako apologizes as the fried chicken looked and smelled so delicious she moved without thinking.
Satou asks her how’s the flavor, and she says the fried chicken is really good while giving him a thumbs up.
Ojiro and Hagakure are washing the dishes, and Hagakure holds the plates, making them look like they’re floating in mid air. Ojiro then tells Hagakure that she should probably put some clothes on if she’s going to be in the kitchen where people use fire and knives, but she said she just wanted to see what people’s reactions were to her small pranks. Shouji then passes her an apron, and Mineta muses that it’s one of those tropes where girls wear aprons while naked, but Iida warns him to not go further.
Meanwhile, in the common room area, the Stage Team is preparing the decorations to be strung about the living room. Deku, Todoroki, and Koda are folding origami together to put on the walls as banners. Deku folds a cool All Might shaped origami, and Todoroki praises him, saying “Wow, All Might! That’s awesome!” Deku actually used to practice folding the All Might origami countless of times to perfect its shape, and he blushes a bit when he hears praise from someone.
He then sees that Todoroki folded a crane, and Todoroki says that his sister taught him how to fold the crane origami when he was a child.
Koda then says, “Oh um…I…made a camera origami!” and shows them a whimsical camera shaped origami that makes a shutter noise when pressed. Deku then notices that Koda actually had folded a ton of different origami flowers and animals, and Koda gets a bit embarrassed at the attention.
Koda says, “But the All Might origami is amazing…” and Todoroki agrees.
Todoroki then asks Deku to teach him how to fold the All Might origami. Deku is happy to oblige, and he says, “Okay first you fold a triangle and then…”
As he starts teaching Todoroki, Kirishima comes into the room and puts up his own dorm room’s fisherman banner on the wall of the common room. He says that this will make the place a bit flashier, and the others agree. Aoyama then comes in and also says that they need something sparkly and bright. Aoyama tells them that he’ll come back with something sparkly.
Kirishima then says, “Oh wait I’ll come help too!”
Todoroki then turns to Deku and says, “Midoriya, so how exactly do you fold the All Might origami?”
Deku realized that he was in the middle of teaching Todoroki before they got interrupted by the others, so he resumes his lesson by saying to first fold a triangle. Afterwards, he goes off on a tangent about how to perfect the folding process as well as making sure to accentuate the silhouette of All Might through the folds, and as he mumbles a bit, he accidentally folds the origami too quickly.
Todoroki is patient with him though and says again, “Um…can you please start from the beginning and teach me the steps a bit slower this time?”
Deku apologizes for folding the paper too fast and teaches Todoroki again, this time at a slower pace.
Kirishima then walks by and says, “Woah Todoroki, you also want to learn how to fold the All Might origami?” He leaves them to their folding and joins Aoyama and Koda in putting the finished origami and other decorations up on the walls.
After Todoroki successfully folds the All Might origami, Deku says, “You made your first All Might origami!” and Todoroki responds quietly, “I think this should be able to fit in the letter…”
Deku says, “Hmm?” and Todoroki says, “Ah, it’s nothing.”
Aoyama them brings a disco ball into the common room, and he, Kirishima, and Sero put up the other decorations.
Finally, the preparations are complete, and the Class A students gather in the common room surrounding a bunch of food that’s placed on the tables. Iida then makes a toast to a successful Cultural Festival, and everyone raises their glasses and says, “Cheers!”
Satou mentions that he also has prepared dessert, and they have two choices of either a chestnut and fig montblanc cake or an apple and peach jelly. Tsuyu chooses the jelly as jelly is apparently her favorite food. Tokoyami also chooses the jelly dessert while Ashido takes the montblanc.
Iida mentions that he and Mineta were in charge of chopping the cabbages and carrots for the cole slaw. Todoroki and Deku praise him and say that the coleslaw is delicious.
Bakugou watches irritably and decides to leave the party, but Kaminari says, “Hey hey hey, where do you think you’re going, Kacchan-kun!?” Bakugou says that seeing everyone making small talk is pissing him off, but Kaminari rebutts by saying, “But you looked excited when you were buying food!”
Kirishima then comes over and says, “Bakugou! I brought you some fried chicken! Let’s eat a ton!” and puts a bunch of fried chicken in front of Bakugou, to which he says he doesn’t want it. Kirishima doesn’t back down though and says, “Oh I got it! So you want lasagna instead!” and brings a slice of lasagna for him.
Satou noticed Kirishima carrying the food over and says, “Hey, you should put a bunch of tabasco on it before eating too!” and pours a bunch of tabasco onto the lasagna and force feeds Bakugou with it. Bakugou yells, “What the hell are you doing!?” but eventually pipes down after taking the lasagna from Kirishima as it seems like he does enjoy the food after all. Kirishima watches him and says, “See, I told you it’s good! I’ll bring you seconds!” and goes to bring Bakugou more food.
Sero then turns everyone’s attention towards the TV in the common room. He says, “Well then now that Bakugou’s calmed down, let’s watch the recap of our Cultural Festival performance!” He turns on the TV and everyone gathers around to watch the recorded performance.
Some of the members mention that Deku was late to the performance, and they thought that he might not even be able to perform. Deku apologizes for being late, but as the performance starts, they can hear the audience’s chatter as someone yells “YAOYOROZU!!!” Ashido and Kaminari tease her about having fans, and she gets flustered. Satou then whispers, “It’s starting…it’s starting…!” and the screen fills with the sound of Bakugou’s drums as well as a huge explosion.
The girls all fawn over how cool Jirou looks while singing, and this causes her to blush and say, “Please stop…” Koda also adds, “You were really cool, Jirou-san,” which makes her blush deepen.
Ashido exclaims, “Look look, the dance is all in line too!” and the class watches as Ojiro uses his tail to swing around. Everyone on the dance team mentions how it was thanks to Ashido being their teacher that they were able to have fun while dancing and making this possible. Next is Deku and Aoyama’s synchronized dance, and Shouji murmurs to Tsuyu, “Wow, they are so in sync!” to which she replies, “Midoriya-chan and Aoyama-chan practiced real hard, right?”
The students continue to watch as Aoyama becomes a disco ball and the stage team starts their part of the performance with Kirishima shaving the ice that Todoroki created while Sero uses his tape, and Kirishima says, “You guys’ timing was perfect, Seroroki!”
Sero mentions that they should try this move out while doing actual hero work next time, and Todoroki agrees. As Kaminari watches himself play the guitar, he says, “Woah there…I feel like I’m gonna be super popular after this with those slick guitar moves…!” and Mineta says, “But wait did you guys see my harem dance? That was the best…!”
Jirou says, “Tokoyami, you’ve gotten super good at guitar!” and Tokoyami mentions that it’s all thanks to her.
Kirishima and Bakugou are watching the performance from a spot a little away from the rest of the class, and Kirishima smiles at Bakugou, saying, “Man, you’re great at drumming after all!” and Bakugou replies casually, “it’s just average.”
Jirou overhears their conversation and says, “No way! Your drumming was phenomenal! Your rhythm is what allowed us all to stay in sync! Thank you for taking on this role!” and Bakugou scoffs and says, “Well, you’re the one who carried the whole performance though!”
Everyone is really impressed by Jirou’s bass skills as well as her singing, and they vote for her as the Class A Cultural Festival MVP. Everyone, aside from Bakugou, smiles at her, and she blushes, saying, “What…why…”
Yaoyorozu remarks, “Jirou-san, you were shining the brightest!” and Aoyama says, “Even more than me!?☆” But he agrees that Jirou indeed deserves the MVP title.
The class asks Jirou to make a small speech. She thanks everyone for making this performance a reality, and she’s really happy that they were able to perform together.
After everyone is done eating, Sero and Kaminari tells the class that they have some cool party games planned for everyone. Most of the class are excited for what they have in store, but Bakugou feels like it’s a waste of time and gets up to leave. Kirishima tries to stop him, but Sero taunts, “Oh, you’re leaving because you don’t think you can win, right? Well that’s fine, you can go back. Even though we have a quiz specifically tailored for you, but I guess you’d fail anyway.”
This gets Bakugou angry, and he agrees to participate in Sero’s dumb quiz challenge.
The games that Sero and Kaminari have planned are for one member of each Cultural Festival team to undergo a “Can you guess the __” type of challenge. Bakugou is first up, representing the Band Team. His challenge is to differentiate between three different types of pepper spice seasoning purely by taste (called 一味 ichimi).
Bakugou sits down in front of the table that has the seasonings, and Sero blindfolds him by putting on an eye mask that has a funny grinning face on it. Deku and the others snicker at how ridiculous Bakugou looks with that eye mask on, and Bakugou gets mad, yelling, “Damnit Deku, what the hell is so funny!?” Deku replies, “Well, anyone would laugh when they see…hahah!”
Bakugou roars, “You piece of shit!” but Todoroki says calmly, “Hey Bakugou, maybe you should consider wearing a hero suit that matches that mask.” Bakugou is furious and yells, “Shut the hell up, you half and half bastard!”
The challenge then begins, and Kaminari spoon feeds Bakugou the three different spices. He surprises everyone by correctly guessing each type of spice and goes even as far to explain which company manufactures them. Kaminari and Sero are speechless, but Deku says, “I thought that Kacchan would know the difference. He’s always had a very particular sense of taste. He could even tell when sweets expired and would never eat the expired food.”
Bakugou gets mad and says, “Don’t put on that stupid face as if you know it all!” and throws the eye mask at Deku.
The next challenge is Todoroki’s turn, representing the Stage Team. His task is to figure out among three cups of brown liquid which one is soba noodle soup. The cups contain either coffee, soba noodle soup, or throat medicine, and Todoroki cannot smell or taste them before picking his answer.
Iida mentions that Todoroki often eats soba during lunch, so there’s no way he would guess incorrectly for a food that he loves. Deku says, “Good luck, Todoroki!” as everyone watches him study the cups closely. The catch is that he also has to drink from whichever cup he chooses. Todoroki decides on a cup and drinks from it, only to spit it out and say, “That…wasn’t soba noodle soup…”
Kaminari chimes in by explaining that the cup he chose was actually throat medicine. Todoroki apologizes for spitting out the throat medicine, which splurted all over Iida and Deku. They tell him not to worry as more importantly, they need to get tissues to clean up the mess. Todoroki mutters, “I don’t think I want to eat soba anymore after this…”
The next challenge is for Tsuyu, where she has to differentiate from three different types of fluffy things: Koda’s bunny, Ojiro’s tail, and Deku’s hair by touch only. As she puts on the eye mask, Koda, Ojirou, and Deku stand in front of her. When Koda offers the bunny, Tsuyu says, “it’s fluffy.” When Ojiro offers his tail, she also says, “it’s fluffy.” When Deku offers his hair, Tsuyu says, “it’s…fuzzy?” She then correctly guesses which fluffiness was which.
Kaminari and Sero then round up the results of the various challenges, and the winner ends up being Bakugou!
Bakugou says, “Obviously I would win!” but the party’s not over yet! Next up is the Personality Quiz! Sero explains that since the class is with each other practically 24/7, they should all have picked up on small details of each other. This quiz will test how well they actually know each other after all.
The first question they ask is, “What did Iida answer on his Hero Test the other day to name the three most beautiful Heroes of the past?”
The class guesses incorrectly, and the answer was that he wrote on his test “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone has their own different types of beauty.”
Baffled, Iida asks Sero and Kaminari how they even knew what he wrote on a test paper, and they explained that their accomplice, Hagakure, has been doing a bit of spying on everyone in order for them to make this quiz a reality. Hagakure apologizes for doing so, but she says that she saw it as an opportunity to also test out her hero skills too.
The next question is “What has Yaoyorozu been obsessed about lately?” Jirou answers first, saying “Oh, is it furikake (rice seasoning)?” The answer turns out to be correct, and recently, Yaoyorozu has taken a strong liking to furikake to season her rice, which makes her blush a bit.
Sero then says, “All right Kaminari, what’s the next question?”
Kaminari answers, “Okay! For the next question, what made Ojirou disappointed recently!?”
Satou guesses, “Cementoss said his effort was average?”
Shouji says, “Tetsutetsu told him his strength was average?”
Aoyama ponders, “Recovery Girl said his health was average?☆”
The correct answer is actually Ojiro changed the conditioner for his tail recently, but no one noticed. However, Hagakure sidles up to him and says, “I actually saw you looking around near the bathroom area to see if anyone noticed, haha!” and Ojiro gets red, saying, “Well if you were watching me, why didn’t you say anything…!?”
The next question was, “What was hidden in Kirishima’s elementary school yearbook!?” Kirishima panics and says, “Huh!? How did you…!” but Sero grins and says, “That’s only for me to know. But I totally could not believe what was hidden there!”
Ashido guesses, “Maybe a love letter!?”
Mineta exclaims, “A porn magazine!!”
Todoroki says, “Failed test scores?”
All three of them were incorrect. The correct answer is “a photo of him dressed up as a girl!”
Bakugou says to him, “You’re actually into that kinda stuff?”
Kirishima gets flustered and says, “Wait, you’ve got it all wrong! It was during my elementary school’s festival stage play of Cinderella where I played the Stepmother! When I left the picture at home, my mommy kept showing it to other people, so I tried to hide it!!”
Kaminari then continues with the next question, saying “Okay, so next question. Before the Cultural Festival performance, what did Uraraka mess up on!?”
Deku says, “She accidentally made herself float!?”
Iida offers, “She was too nervous she threw up!?”
Tokoyami asks, “She ate too much mochi and threw up!?”
Kaminari says they all guessed wrong and the correct answer is “she was looking for Midoriya but tripped and accidentally went into a room where Class B’s Monoma was in the middle of changing clothes!”
Ochako gets red in the face and says, “I didn’t do it on purpose!!”
Mineta comments something lewd, but Tsuyu shuts him down.
The next question is “What was the reason why Jirou and Hagakure were arguing!?”
Koda says, “Because Hagakure-san was messing with Jirou-san’s earphone jack…?”
Yaoyorozu offers, “Jirou-san accidentally stepped on Hagakure-san’s naked body?”
Mineta exclaims, “Fighting over a guy!”
The correct answer is because Hagakure tried scaring Jirou after they watched a horror film together. Ashido asked whether they actually argued, and Jirou said she got mad because when she takes a shower alone, she’s usually scared of the bathroom area anyway. So when Hagakure messed with her by causing the lights to flicker on and off and the faucet to suddenly turn on by itself, she absoutely freaked out and felt like she almost had a heart attack. Naturally, she was livid, and Hagakure says, “Sorry Jirou, your reactions were just too good!”
The next question is about Deku, and Kaminari asks, “Recently, Deku has been leaving the dorm early to meet with someone. Who is that secret someone!?” (**Note: The word they use is ‘aibiki,” which means secret date/meeting).
Deku is surprised and says, “Wait, how do you know that…?”
Mineta and Satou ask if he was secretly meeting up with a girl, and Iida says, “Midoriya-kun! Are you actually in a relationship with a girl!? You should prioritize studies first!”
Ochako is confused as she says to herself, “Aibiki? Like the type of meat?” (**Note: Ochako isn’t familiar with the word, so she thinks it’s referring to ‘aibikiniku,’ which is a combination of different types of ground meat)
Deku gets nervous and says, “No, it’s not like that…” He thinks of ways to deflect the situation without making it known that he’s actually meeting up with All Might in the morning to train his quirk, but the other classmates continue to guess.
Kirishima says, “He’s meeting with someone from the General Class!?”
Ashido says, “No way…maybe he’s meeting with someone older, like Midnight…!?”
Mineta suggests, “Maybe he’s meeting with a living thing other than a girl…!!”
All three of their guesses were incorrect, and the correct answer was that he was meeting with the Support Department’s Hatsume Mei!
Deku is relieved to know that the others have not found out about his secret rendezvous with All Might early in the morning to do training.
Bakugou snorts and says, “There’s no way that dumb nerd would ever be popular!” but Sero says, “No, Midoriya is quite popular among the ladies. Like during the Provisional License Exam when that naked upper classman got all over him.”
Deku rebutts by saying, “But that was because she was attacking me!?”
Iida then recalls how Hatsume helped Deku out when they went to the department together earlier, and after an explosion, she was also all over him. Mineta then gets lewd thoughts again, but the conversation switches to Mineta using his mogimogi hair balls and puts it on Deku’s head. Iida notes that it looks like Deku’s wearing those infamous mouse ears from “Zoo Dreamland” (aka Disneyland). Ashido mentions that she used to go to Disneyla—…Zoo Dreamland all the time when she was younger. The class chatter switches to discussing their favorite rides, attractions, and food.
The class then asks Mineta to put mogimogi balls on their heads too so they can look like they’re wearing those infamous mouse ears as well. Mineta enjoys the attention and says, “All right I guess…”
Before the party wraps up, Sero mentions that there’s one more video that they want to show to everyone. As they gather around the TV to watch, they see Aizawa on screen with a cat. As the video starts, Aizawa suddenly appears in the common room and reprimands them, asking what are they doing up so late? The video pauses on the screen.
Aizawa stops the party and tells everyone to clean up and go to their rooms. Since the party’s over, he tells Sero, Kaminari, and Hagakure to stay behind. The three students prepare themselves for a scolding, but instead, Aizawa asks them where they got this footage.
It turns out that Present Mic gave it to them after he recorded it while hiding in sight. The footage was of Aizawa trying to befriend a cat, but the cat ignores him and goes to All Might instead. Sero actually came to the faculty department before the after-party to ask for permission to show the footage, and since Aizawa wasn’t there at the time, All Might said it was okay.
However, Aizawa says he will be collecting the footage and tells the three to never discuss the contents of the video to anyone. They agree, and he sends them off on their way.
It’s been a long day, and Aizawa sighs and wonders just when he got caught up in all of this student stuff. However, although adolescence is short, that never stops them from chasing their dreams forever. Happily, while young, without sadness, sweetly, harshly…youth is a precious thing.
The light novel ends with Aizawa saying, “Good luck, everyone” with the words “the festival had ended, but even so, their bright days continue onward.”
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
I really hate you
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— Shinsou knows he shouldn’t trust villains. Especially villains who make his mind spin and stomach twist in joy. But there’s something about you that keeps him coming back for more.
pairing: pro hero!shinsou hitoshi x villain fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, a little bit of juicy plot, pro hero!au, reader is a villain, betrayal, biting, marking, collaring, cursing, hate sex, rooftop sex, body liquids, angst
word count: 8,180
a/n: i like deception :) being a chem TA is pretty fun, except when im in lab for 8 am until 4 pm. listen,,, I also really liked this prompt I made last night because the one I had before wasn’t spicy enough for me anymore. I hope you enjoy though! like comment and share for the algorithm (jk been watching too many tikytokys)
kinktober day 8 main kink: collaring
When the sun sets, and the moon is high in the sky, and the chill of the bitter cold winds raise ceaseless goosebumps on your arms, and the only people who are up are drunken businessmen and tiresome students, it is a common belief that this is when the freaks come out.
The freaks come out to play at night.
You are one of these freaks.
Shinsou nodded at his friends as he walked through the doors of the agency he worked at. Despite the power of his quirks ability, he was an underground hero (unless the ultra-rare occasion where they needed his quirk in the limelight); he was stationed within a large, well-known agency and was one of the founding heroes there at that. His ability to be hidden from the bright lights of the world were both easy and challenging; most of the world knew him as the kid from UA’s Sports Festival that went toe to toe with nearing number one Pro-Hero Deku. It both irked and embarrassed him when that event was brought up; on the one hand, it was true! He had nearly beat Midoriya during that final stage. Yet, on the other hand, their memories seemed to recall some crazy quirk-fueled fistfight where Midoriya had broken his entire body in the duration of their fight. 
‘No,’ he often found himself responding back to the gentlemen and ladies who would awe at his school-day adventures, ‘there was a fistfight, but Midoriya handled it without using his quirk except to snap him out of my quirk.’
They always looked embarrassingly horrified by their faulty memory when they pulled the clip up on Youtube, their bows quick in apology before they made off. 
But people recognizing him from that was rare as it gets, fortunately even with the large agency stapled to his alias, he was quite good at his job—a shadow in the night, an urgent whisper to the villain freaks who roamed the night.
“Ah, Shinsou-chan!” Kaminari pouted, his body draping over his purple-haired friend as Shinsou moved to change from his regular clothes into the black triple-weave kevlar of his hero suit. He had once sported a black cotton-like costume akin to Aizawa, but after many, many gun shootings and stabbing incidents, he figured he needed something sturdier. 
“What is it?” he asked, rising up from his bent position so that Kaminari couldn’t take advantage of his slouched form. 
Shinsou’s tired, purple eyes met the exhausted pair of Kaminari.
“Today was so hard,” Kaminari sighed, his lip still put into the stupid pout, and he slumped onto the bench behind Shinsou. His feet were spread before him, fingers drumming onto his directional equipment. “Since it’s winter, the night comes sooo much earlier now. I swear some weirdos really appear out of the woodworks when the night comes! Like just before I was going to make my way back here, I swear I saw Aizawa-sensei hanging out on the rooftops like some super-secret ninja, right?”
Shinsou frowned. He knew his mentor turned friend was actually on vacation at the moment in Hawaii. Something he thought, at the very least, was long overdue. 
“Aizawa is in Hawaii right now,” Shinsou quickly spoke, his hands buckling the belt on his pants, before moving to lace up his boots. 
“Oh fuck, I told Todoroki he was in Seoul,” Kaminari cursed, the palm of his hand hitting his forehead. 
“Good going, who knows what weird message or gift he’ll end up sending to Aizawa now,” Shinsou couldn’t help the small smirk from spreading on his face at that note.
After being accepted into the Hero Course over in UA, Shinsou couldn’t help but be initially disappointed when he was placed within Class 1-B — Class 2-B at that point — simply because his mentor was with Class 1-A. The initial disappointment didn’t last very long when he got to know the rest of Class 2-B better, and he saw that while 2-A possessed raw talent, 2-B were more well-defined with a much bigger take-no-shit mentality that he appreciated more. That and 2-A were being strangled by a new villain of the month far too often, and Shinsou just wanted nothing more than to graduate from high school. 
Still, his lack of enrollment in Class 2-A didn’t mean that he didn’t see the rambunctious, nearly intolerable group of twenty in class 2-A. As a matter of fact, he thought he saw them a bit more than he’d like. Aizawa was his mentor, so he understood seeing him around, but for some reason, 2-A was never too far away. As soon as Shinsou was admitted into the Hero Course and the two hero classes had weekly meals together, which meant that to him, just the slightest bit, 2-A felt like an unwanted, annoying, ugly stepchild.
So no, Shinsou could not tell you 2-A’s inside class jokes, but he knew a lot more about the forty other hero students than he’d ever like to admit. 
And through his knowledge, he knew that the ever so powerful Todoroki Shouto was an idiot, probably a bigger one than Kaminari.
“I hate that you call Aizawa-sensei just…” Kaminari trailed off, a disgusted shiver running down his spine as if it sickened him to remove the single formality.
“Aizawa,” Shinsou said once more.
Kaminari hit the floor, his chest heaving with fake, bitter sobs while Shinsou couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of his over-dramatic friend on the ground. He had to admit, Shouta felt weird on his tongue too.
“Stop making a huge deal about how Aizawa and I are closer than you are,” Shinsou half-joked half-told-the-truth.
He was more than well aware of his mentor’s former students trying to become even closer to their beloved homeroom teacher. All doing it in their own ways, all relatively unsuccessful because unknown to them (but not Shinsou), Aizawa already loved them all thoroughly, not that he’ll ever tell them.
Oh yeah, that had lost a lot of love points for Kaminari.
Sighing softly, Shinsou placed his newly replaced coiled capturing weapon around his shoulders, and his artificial vocal cords mask onto his chest until he was off on patrol.
“Why’d you think you saw Aizawa?” he asked again, trying to finish the conversation so that he could leave. It felt like it was going to be a long night if Kaminari confirmed where his thoughts were already trailing. 
“Hm?” Kaminari finally looked up from his puddle of tears on the floor, tears streaking all over his face, small charges of electricity humming off it. He blinked once, twice, his eyes shooting to the ceiling as if the answer was there before his fist came down to hit his open palm in a flash of realization. “Oh, I remember! There was this person, obviously not Aizawa-sensei, standing by the edge of a building watching everyone below. Hair whipping in the wind and his capturing weapon fluttering around them!”
Just as Shinsou thought.
“Where did you see her?”
“Where, Kaminari?”
“Uh… well, I guess by Gramps convenience store. Don’t tell me this is some super sexy megafan of yours! Wait… do tell me, or… no, I’ll get jealous if you’re having rooftop sex with — eh?! where are you going?! Hitoshi?!”
“My shift started two minutes ago,” Shinsou explained, one of his hands lifting in a wave as he exited the locker room, his heart hammering quickly, knowing just who he was going to need to track down tonight.
It was dark.
Shinsou’s eyes squinting as he hopped from one rooftop onto the other, his capturing device assisting him in clearing the dooming crevice. He wasn’t exactly the most physically threatening, and unfortunately, that also meant he wasn’t exactly the greatest at parkour type movements, although he was getting better. Maybe had he started to ask for earlier shifts, where he would be out when the sun was, he could get better faster.
It was tricky with only the moonlight to guide him, but that’s what he could get at the moment.
As he scuffled through the gravel rooftop of one of the abandoned buildings, Shinsou found himself squinting at the figure in the distance. The one perched near what Kaminari oh so fondly refers to as Gramps convenience store.
He studied the form of the picture still person, noticing if it wasn’t for the slight wind through your hair and twisting capturing weapon around your neck, he would think you’re a statue. But he knows better now, he’s known better for quite some time now. 
“What’re you doing out here, y/l/n?” Shinsou found himself speaking the moment he stepped behind you, hands shoving into his pant pockets.
You didn’t move, nor did you respond, your body still completely still while peering down at the empty world fascinated on who knows what.
“How can I help ya, Mindjack-senpai?” you interrupted him, your gaze still not removed from the world below the building. “I hear it’s supposed to be a busy night tonight.”
Shinsou paused, his brows scrunching at your words.
It was plain to see to Heroes that you were a villain, you did what you wanted when you wanted, whatever the price, but if there was one thing Shinsou had learned with this rather weird cat and mouse game the two of you played time and time again was that you didn’t lie. 
What was happening?
“A busy night?” Shinsou questioned, his quirk still unactivated, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to Brainwash an answer out of you anyways. “Where at?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Mr. Hero?” you teased slowly, and Shinsou had to deny the way that the way your head finally turned to lock eyes with his made his stomach clench.
It meant nothing.
Nothing at all.
“You know what happens when you slight me,” Shinsou couldn’t help but warn, the bandages on his neck rising under his command. But your eyes blinked slowly, lips spreading into a lazy, cunning smile.
“And you know what happens when you underestimate me,” you returned, fingers gliding against his old weapon — yes, old weapon. Just two months ago, just before your last arrest, you had viciously stolen it from him, your foot crushing his vocal cords while you managed to pry the weapon from his broken fingers. “Anyways, Mindjack-senpai, it’s a bit unethical of you, a hero, to be threatening me in such a way! I’m just a poor girl waiting for the love of my life to show up.”
“And have they?”
You blink, a soft giggle escaping your lips as you nod, “I got him right where I want him.”
“Don’t be stupid,” Shinsou snapped despite the lick of warmth against his chest and cheeks. “I’ll have you arrested again.”
Now, this has you turning from the edge of the building, you sit on the ledge of the building, fingers supporting your head as you stare at him without fear. Shinsou really fucking hated how fast you riled him up.
“Arrested? But Mr. Mindjack-senpai, didn’t you know?” you ask, the taunt evident in your voice, the twinkle in your eye devastatingly bright. “I’m a changed woman. I’m what you call a hero now. You wouldn’t arrest an innocent heroine, could you?”
“You’re hardly innocent,” Shinsou responded back smoothly and deftly, not at all yet entirely impressed by you. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
He blamed his deep impressions of you on the stupid black and purple attire you wore.
“Well, you know as well as I do that I just got out, but I feel like except what happened two days ago, I’ve really changed,” you emptily promise, pushing off the ledge, sauntering closer to Shinsou until he felt the tip of your nose brush against his. “I’ll make sure to think about you whenever… bad feelings come up.”
He prays you don’t see the scarlet flush on his face.
You’re already back at the ledge when he blinks, and he watches you raise two fingers to your temple in a mock salute as you wink at him.
“You didn’t hear it from me, but two blocks east, seven blocks south from the heart of Tokyo is where you’ll find trouble,” you inform him, dropping the salute as you turn to run.
But Shinsou wants his damn weapon back.
“Y/l/n, wait!”
You froze at the ledge, your eyes spacing out, and Shinsou sighed, moving to collect his weapon from you until you suddenly dove off the building, a burst of cheerful laughter on your tongue.
“Oh, I forgot to tell ya!” you screamed from the next building over, your fingers threading through the alloy metal cloths. “I got some earbuds just for when you’re around! They make your voice into electrical signals just for me! So guess what?!”
Shinsou didn’t need you to complete that sentence in order for him to realize what you had just gotten your hands onto.
As long as you wore those, his quirk was useless against you.
Despite knowing that a villain held the key to his demise as a hero, he chuckled, running a hand through his short purple hair.
You really were something.
Shinsou never took himself as an especially suspicious person.
He figured he had days where he was suspicious of some people the correct amount, especially when they had the most painted on emotions he’s ever seen. Some days he was overly trusting and blamed tight smiles on something acute to nerves. Without meaning to brag, he felt like he was healthily suspicious of people, unlike others he knew who wouldn’t dare to interact with anyone new or would spill their darkest secret to anyone who would listen.
But there was something entirely, conspicuously suspicious with how you were behaving.
Winter had long passed, the long winter nights and graveyard shifts of endless freak encounters had worn a hole in his patience and boots. The spring season was beginning to end, and the warm days and nights of summer were setting on his skin.
Six full months of you, the first-ever villain he had fought as a Pro Hero, the first-ever villain to have openly flirted with him and to have him flirt back, being suspiciously… kind. 
Every shift of his, he would find you waiting for him on one of the regular rooftops. Every time he would check in with the database to make sure you weren’t wanted for some crime to find that you were innocent. Every time he would feel pissed off because you wore those earbuds that rendered his quirk useless and you somehow mastered the capturing weapon within weeks.
Now Shinsou didn’t pout, he really didn’t, but there were moments where you would appear from behind him, finger swiping down his spine as you effortlessly twirled around him, a stupid sly grin on your face as you held onto the collar of his hero costume.
“Don’t pout, Mindjack-senpai, I’m here now,” you’d purr each and every time.
He loved the dangerous purr to your voice, the way your eyes hooded over, peering at him through your eyelashes, but he knew better. He had to know better. It wasn’t that villains were terrible people per se; he’d learned a lot of villains were just thoroughly sick of being mistreated (and he had wondered what would have happened if he had been denied from UA… would he be one?). He knew that for the most part, you were quite harmless, merely sticking your nose where it didn’t belong, living a life to your personal laws and rules.
It didn’t make you evil, merely dangerous.
But he had a job to do where even if it was justifiable to beat the ever-living shit out of your sister's abuser, nearly murdering him in rage and refusing to calm down when Shinsou had arrived on the scene with the use of his quirk didn't hold up well in court. It had started this long chain of events where you had absolutely hated him for a time as you were forced to stay overnight in a jailhouse. And many horrible days afterward where you performed what Shinsou had thought to be illegal actions only to find that no, they weren’t. As a matter of fact, entirely legal because Japan had yet to update their codes. 
Long after he had discovered this, you had returned to actual crime, your physical ability growing by leaps and bounds as he ran after you after catching you doing something dangerously illegal. Shinsou was a proud hero and was incredibly proud of the impact he made as a Pro Hero, but it was clear as day, even to him, that he often let you slip through his fingers. Like a child opening their cupped fingers and wondering why the water had left.
He wasn’t sure what it was about you that made him act this way, but he certainly didn’t wish to find out.
“So what’s on the schedule today, Mindjack-senpai?” you asked, appearing from the shadows of the rooftop, not scaring Shinsou in the slightest as this was always where you greeted him. “Are we saving the Prime Minister today? Stealing — I mean, protecting those stupid bedazzled eggs in the museum? Perhaps solving an unsolvable case?”
“Smooth,” Shinsou snarked, his tired purple eyes piercing through your bright ones that seemed undoubtedly excited. “How many times do I gotta tell you that there aren't that many actual case assignments? Besides, most team-ups happen in the morning when I’m asleep.”
“Being a hero is so boring!”
“You’re not a hero.”
“Am too!” Shinsou snorted, turning on his heel and began walking away, listening to your footsteps running after him to keep up with his long paces as you cried that out.
Shinsou stopped, his eyebrow raised in slight forced annoyance but much more amusement, when you spun in front of him, hand on his chest, cheeks puffing with your heavy breathes.
Tilting his head back, Shinsou grunted when your phone was shoved in his face. “What is this?”
“Hero Commission Regulation Handbook, page fifty-four, Article three, sub-article twenty-three,” you chirped, turning your phone back to yourself so that you may read it correctly. “It states that besides attending hero school like a bunch of nerds, civilians have the option of securing internships with approved Pro Heroes and work side by side with them for six months! Once finishing their internships, said Pro Hero must simply sign my licensing papers and bam, a hero I’ll become.”
“And which sniveling hero did you get to do your dirty work?” Shinsou scoffed, not at all buying the notion that you of all people wanted to become a hero. A vigilante at best, an anti-hero much more realistically, and staying a villain as default.
“You,” you smirked, winking at him before turning on your heel and sauntering off, knowing full well the patterns of his routines. 
Shinsou sighed, but he let a familiar smirk fall on his face as he walked after you, enjoying the way you glanced back at him with your wide clear eyes. But that suspicious, gut feeling didn’t leave his core, no matter how sweet and beautiful he found your smile. 
“So, Mindjack-senpai, who are we apprehending today?”
“You want me to sign your paper this entire time, and you’ve been addressing me as senpai?” Shinsou commented, his weapon shooting off to a nearby building, snapping straight in his hand when it was ready. “Where are your manners? It’s Mindjack-sensei to you.”
He didn’t wait for your response, choosing to swing off the ledge of the building with no hesitation, but a part of him wished he could have heard the sound of your laugh he only seemed to hear through the streaming, far away air.
While usually, Shinsou didn’t have actual cases during his patrols, this job, after all, was much more spontaneous than anything else, today was different.
Today was different altogether, really.
First off, he showed up to work when the sun was still up just to get his meeting intel down in time for him to be out on the scene in time. He had nodded plenty, silently taking in Creati’s information on the drug cartel they wanted to in the next few weeks take down for numerous charges. The creation of dangerous, illegal drugs, prostitution rings, robbery, and murder being the main ones. It was some bigger stuff, so they needed all the evidence they could get.
Shinsou stared at the faces of the more prominent names of the cartel, studying every crook, nanny, and scar on their faces as Creati simply ended with where they focused down onto where their drug creating facilities were at, but still needed confirmation. “They’re pretty difficult to get to without knowing where they are,” Creati admitted, handing him a GPS. “You’ll need this.” He would be the first to start evidence gathering; after all, his old classmates would begin tomorrow.
So he had left, going to the first hideout and finding out it was completely empty. Not a single spec of evidence remaining, not a secret door or trap to get him to where they could be hiding from sight.
So was the next.
And the next.
And the next.
Something sat weirdly in his stomach as he began walking towards the final one on his list, and he froze when he saw lights shifting and moving from around the building. Quickly, Shinsou hopped to higher grounds, his phone already out, ready to take pictures. He lay low to the rooftop, practically army crawling to get to place to place as he neared the windows on the rooftop, allowing him to peer in onto the building he was scouting to find precisely what he needed. 
The entire building was a drug production spot.
His eyes scanned the building floor, singling out ten of the twelve main heads on the cartel, and he smirked. Perfect.
“Whatcha doing here, Mindjack-sensei?” your voice whispered millimeters from his ear, and Shinsou bit his tongue harshly to keep the instinctual scream from ruining his covert operation.
He snapped his head over to you, eyes slightly furious, eyebrows knitted tightly as he looked to see you leaning toward him. You were in a different outfit today, completely black, drowning you out in the night. He blinked; even the capturing weapon he had still been unsuccessful in stealing back from you was pitch black.
“What’re you wearing?”
“Do you like it?” you asked, straightening up and twirling for him as if you were wearing a magnificent dress and not personally created ‘hero’ clothes. “Ah, I hoped you would! Sorry, I had to get rid of the purple. I just felt it made me look too cute, right? I know I can’t have villains falling for me like you had me falling for you!”
Shinsou did not blush, no he didn’t, “shut up.”
“So what are we looking for today?” you asked, pressing down onto the floor beside him. Your arm touching his as pressed your face towards the glass. “Is this a stakeout?”
“Less stakeout, more information gathering,” Shinsou grumbled, typing some needed notes onto a file on his phone. It seemed to him that there was plenty here for the drug making charges. “We’re trying to get their bigger names caught in the action.”
“Oh, I thought heroes just burst in whenever they wanted, that’s what they do in the movies. Plus, you always threaten me with being arrested with no evidence,” you giggle, shifting closer to the glass, smile wide on your face.
“After saying that, say goodbye to me signing off that paper of yours,” he grunted, slipping his phone back into his pocket while you scrunch your nose at him. Shinsou couldn’t help but stare at you as the palms of your hands supported your chin as you hummed some song he couldn’t recognize.
“Ne, Mindjack-sensei, did you get the big boss?” you asked, your finger pressed against the cold glass, and Shinsou frowned, returning his head to the glass.
Right where you were pointing was, in fact, the head of the cartel. He was horrendously scrawny, holding no sense of fear or malice, and Shinsou wondered what his quirk could be that he was in charge of an operation such as this one.
“Oh, his right-hand man came too! All twelve are here!” you cheered quietly as Shinsou took documentation on his phone, and that suspicious rock in his stomach finally made sense at this second.
“Y/l/n?” he asked, head turning toward yours, tired eyes glinting with emotions he didn’t know how to handle.
“How did you know there were twelve main members, and how’d they look like?”
Shinsou’s lips pulled back into a snarl, his canines glinting as he locked eyes with yours that were wide with shock and disbelief.
“How’d you find me—?”
He watched you lean away from the glass, fingers shooting to your earpieces. And with the inkling of suspicion sprinting through his veins, the purple-haired hero still found that he moved too slow. 
He blacked out when his body flew with the explosion.
Shinsou could only hear ringing in his ears as soot and ashes fell down from the sky, falling on his body, coating his gaping, open mouth as he tried to breathe, trying to calm himself. Was he bleeding? Was he dying? Where was the explosion from? Were you okay?
His eyes blinked heavily, altogether so irregularly that Shinsou couldn’t help but feel he was out of his body when you reappeared in his sight. Your hand pressing to his cheeks sympathetically, eyes truly hurt as you shook your head, hand grabbing into his bloodied pocket to take his phone.
“I’m sorry,” your voice seemingly whispered, just loud enough for him to hear you through the ringing from the explosion. “You weren’t supposed to be here, Mindjack… these are the scumbags that hurt my friends and family. I couldn’t let them live. Plus… I didn't have a choice, they were competition.”
He spluttered, the warm goo of blood and saliva choking out of his mouth as he convulsed on the ground, his eyes watching as you went.
“See you later, hero.”
He tried to yell at you to come back, that you were a coward, a fucking menace that he would destroy the next time he saw you, but his voice failed to work. Nothing was working except his pain receptors, his heart that kept shoving blood into his lungs that he kept spitting up, but he saw flashing white and red lights as unconsciousness sank its jagged teeth into his neck.
An ambulance was here.
It took four months to recover from the accident.
His hearing had been fucked up. Not even medical quirks had managed to save his hearing entirely. But hey, it did get him the chance for Bakugou Katsuki to come to his room, called him pathetic, and showed off his own hearing aid that he had needed since his quirk had damaged his own hearing. Not to mention that for the past four months, he had been teaching him sign language just in case.
He wasn’t alone, it seemed.
But it was four months, and he had recovered fully.
The hearing aid he required in his left ear still made his ear ache in pain, and he found that he liked it much better shoved in the back of a draw than anything else. But he knew it was dangerous to be a hero without his full hearing. If it hadn’t been for Bakugou’s trial through this all and the help of Hatsume Mei to create a more appropriate hearing aid for heroes, he wasn’t sure if he would still be here — working that is.
But today — or well, night — was a new day, and he was going to push ahead. He could do this, no sweat, no problem. 
Well, that was until an all too familiar figure sat perched on a ledge on his usual route, legs swaying in the air as uncontrolled rage bubbled in his chest. It wasn’t entirely your fault, but a large part of Shinsou was embarrassed to have been caught up in all of this because of you. He had trusted you above all else even when his instincts yelled at him not to because he knew what it was like to be painted as a villain, and he had hoped by letting you in more, you would have changed. He thought you had.
But you hadn’t.
Not one bit.
You sat at the edge of the building, already having heard the loud crunch of Shinsou’s shoes against the gravel rooftop, but you didn’t turn around. You didn’t know how to face him, how to tell him that you were both sorry that he got caught up in your schemes, but that you weren’t sorry for what you had done. Those bastards had it coming.
“Give me one good reason not to push you off the building,” Shinsou growled, probably much louder than he intended. 
Instead of answering, you shrugged.
You hadn’t brought the earbuds that would keep you from being immune to his quirk, and you slightly feared what would happen if you gave in to the whispers of his words. Would you blackout in a daze before coming back to normal only when placed in the prefectures jail? Would he actually attempt to kill you? You had no idea.
But you turned on the ledge, looking at his tired purple eyes that shook with his anger and betrayal. You had done a number on him.
“So, now you can’t seem to respond back to me?” he laughed bitterly, his teeth bared into a way too fierce smile, one that made your heart thump and sent a shiver down your spine. “What game do you think you’re playing?”
You still didn’t answer as you planted your feet back onto the rooftop and stood up, watching as his binds flared to life. Dancing and weaving around him in a dangerous coil of fabric, like a frilled dragon lion lizard extending its skin in a warning.
“Should’ve taken you down with that first time I found you,” he spat, his eyes narrowing as you took steps toward him, and the weapon seemed to snap at you. “Did your sister pull the same bullshit on him as you did me? Is that why he became ‘psycho?’”
Now that one nearly got the response out of you as fury thrummed through your veins as you were suddenly nose to nose. You couldn’t help it, but you knew there was no point in explaining your reasoning for doing what you did because he would never understand; he couldn’t. 
So as his eyes flashed dangerously from your eyes, his breathing coming down harshly against your upper lip, the hatred he had for you (that was probably reignited from a year ago and make it double) simmered between the air between you and him. You couldn’t resist.
Your lips pressed against his in a simmering hot kiss. 
Shinsou shoved you away, as quickly as you had pressed your mouth against his, but you were back on him before he could utter a word. Only that this time, he kissed you back with scalding, burning heat. 
You never really knew how much smaller you were to Shinsou until you were on the tips of your toes to kiss him, his hands practically burning you as they gripped onto your hips, pulling you so close there was hardly any room to breathe. His kiss was hateful, spiteful, and full of unspoken passion the two of you had never addressed during the period that was good. It had been so good, but he was a hero, he would never understand.
His teeth bit harshly onto your lower lip, and you hissed, your fingers burying into his hair and tugging at the root of his hair as his tongue came and pressed dangerously against yours. His tongue was hot against yours, he was undoubtedly much more hotblooded than you were, and with his emotions heightened, he exhausted what. 
Tongues clashed against one another, but it wasn’t even a battle of dominance; it was a battle to find who surrendered. There was to be no joy or excitement for whichever tongue prevailed, just the burning of the tears falling down your face and the acid taste on your tongue as he suckled on your pink muscle.
Your eyes were partially opened, watching his angry yet blank purple eyes meet yours, neither one of you allowing yourself to give in to the pure elation and sensation this was bringing. No, he wouldn’t allow it, and you wouldn’t have it.
The stubble of his beard scratched into your skin repetitively, feeling like sandpaper against your own skin as the kiss deepened, consuming the both of you on a whole new level as your crotches ground roughly against one another. Hisses and groans couldn’t stop pouring from your collective mouths, both of you hating yet craving more from this all. You couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he spoke to you like this, would he do something to you while you were like this? So when his massive, thick hand made contact with the underneath of your ass, scooping up your leg so that your covered cunt could now correctly grind into his hard cock, the weapon you stole from him a year ago bound around his neck, choking him, collaring him.
“I like my bitches chained up,” you mocked against his lips, but somehow, someway, Shinsou liked it. 
You groaned loudly at the way Shinsou gasped for air against the makeshift collar, your grin widening as you nodded your head, pulling away from his mouth as the grin became a smirk. “Didn’t think you wanted to talk when we were fucking?” you lied, teeth biting onto his lower lip and sucking on it as your hips oh so artfully bucked against his covered cock. You could feel the growing slick in your panties beginning to feel uncomfortable with the lack of proper friction, and your head lolled backward when he slammed your core against his, devilishly grinding against you.
He picked up your other leg and dropped the both of you to the floor, the uncomfortable gravel stone floor digging painfully into your back, but you could care less. Shinsou’s mouth was already back on your body, scratchy, scraping kisses placed on your neck, making you moan out, legs wrapping around his waist as you cant your hips upward to grind into him.
Unamused with the lack of his hands on your body, you took his arms that were planted at your shoulders and pressed his heavy palms on your breasts, avoiding the pissed look in his eyes as his teeth marked you painfully. You actually shrieked in pain. The feeling of his teeth tearing through the skin on your neck, while his finger kneaded and pulled at your covered breasts. It was unashamedly painful with how he played with your breasts. He seemed to grow happier with every sound of distress you made.
Fisting your hands back into his hair, you pulled him back to your face level, your eyes fluttered at the way his clothed erection carded perfectly between your sopping wet cunt. Blood stained his mouth, making his teeth slightly orange in tint, and you clicked your teeth in partial anger and pain as your neck throbbed. Slamming your lips back against his, you almost gagged at the taste of iron that soared through your senses as his tongue wasted no time to seek yours out. His lips and fingers were so ardent, manipulating your every body movement, cry of pain and pleasure as thrumming hatred for the stupid, stubborn hero above you still coursed through your veins. 
Sweat began to form at your temples as your lips gilded against his, your hips snapping up to meet his grinding hips, and an airy response keened from his mouth as you moaned loudly.
His incessantly grinding hips were making your legs shake with stimulation, your whines and whimpers for more opening like a flood gate as you finally stuck a hand between the two of you and shoved his pants to his knees. You dropped your legs from around his waist, and he assisted you in ripping your pants off from one side of your body, the fabric still clinging to your right leg, but you could hardly care. All you wanted was for him to plant his cock into your blazing heat and to fuck you, to claim you here on this rooftop that started and would end it all. You wanted him, his cock, and him.
“Fuck me,” you begged into his ear, and his back shivered with your words. You hooked your leg around his waist, carding his hot, throbbing cock against your soaked pussy, as you rolled your hips. “I want you to fuck me, fill me with his cock, and cum deep within me to show me just how much you fucking hate me.”
You cried out when his hand shot down to his cock to line it up with your squeezing, dripping hole, his mouth once again covering yours, kissing you aggressively, fueled with an emotion you could taste as bitter hatred. Your legs trembled as the tip of his cock continued to press against your entrance, not entirely entering it, not giving you friction to send you into a euphoric end. You could help the snarl that passed through your lips, your eyes angry beyond repair as the head of his cock continued to deny you. Whenever you tried to grind down, to force your walls around his cock, he went down with you, he wouldn’t allow it, and your cunt clenched against nothing as he gave you nothing.
Shinsou wheezes out a bitter chuckle, his hand raising his cock from between your soaked folds to slap his heavy, thick, and long length against your throbbing clit.
Hatred and desire soak your body, and you needily rub your clit against his cock, your hands shoving up his shirt to feel the scarred pattern of his back as you give him new ones that were produced by your nails.
“Don’t tease me, hero,” you snapped, fingers tearing into his skin to draw blood. “You fuck my pussy so good, right now, or I promise next time you’ll go out with that bomb too.”
That seems to do what you want because before those words settle on your nerves. His cock penetrates deeply within you, bottoming out entirely as your head thrashes back against the gravel of the floor, throbbing pain from that entirely ignorable because fuck, his cock was stretching you out. He was so thick, so fucking veiny that you could feel the pulsating veins on his cock pressing against your puffy, sensitive walls. You scream his name as the pleasure-filled pain pulses within you, your hips thrashing, wildly bucking in your attempt to calm from the sudden placement of his cock.
“Why are you so fucking big?” you splutter, a whining pitch to your voice as you clawed at his back, trying to separate your joined bodies but also trying to get even closer. “It’s so big, my walls feel like! Oh fuck, Shinsou, it feels like Imma split in two!”
It seems that Shinsou holds some great pride over those worse, because he growled deep in his chest, and his hips begin to fuck into you. It sends your hands to the base of his neck, clutching onto his skin with hope as you scream in pleasure, eyes rolling to the back of your head as the wet squelches fill the air and tickle your ears. The head of his cock keeps dragging against your spongy wall, brushing over your g-spot over and over again as if he knew where it was, as if it was common knowledge as he fucked you further into the gravel floor. It didn’t even hurt anymore, your skin singing with joy as his cock fucked you stupid.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck me!” you whined, and Shiinsou made an approving noise. 
He grunts as your cunt flutters and clenches around him, his balls hitting your skin in possibly bruising force and speed. And his pelvis crashing against your stings ever so slightly, but has you begging for more, sobbing for more.
Your vulgar words and moans are unstoppable at this point, your legs and thighs trembling as they are still circled around him, sometimes assisting you in coming up to meet his driving, drilling hips. You whine into his ear, your mouth pressing blind and sloppy kisses against his slick with sweat neck.
It’s when both his hands bring your hips up to him, his cock finally bottoming out entirely within you, does the most primal moan rip through your mouth. You convulse underneath him, trying to move as the head of his cock buries against your cervix, poking your womb with power and speed that has you swearing behind the blackness of your vision that this sensation brings. You can see the entire galaxy, the world lighting up when his cock leaves the thin wall, and you gasp, shocked that the heat and slick of your cunt is still going. You tremble underneath him, wordless cries pittering from your mouth while he bites on your earlobe.
You soon readjust to the numbing pleasure, the bruising pleasure, and pain that comes with his cock slamming against your cervix. The way that he thrusts up into you, stretching out your walls far more than you were ever used to.
 A pathetic cry escaped your lips when he rolled over so that you were now on top, your body bouncing as soon as it could against him. You keened and whined, feeling the top of his cock licking your cervix, and you spluttered.
“Fuck this angle, this angle and your cock!?” you stammered, fists curling into his collar as you rode him, his hips snapping up into yours with that same animalistic power and speed.
His pace is irreplicable, near maddening with every successive thrust of his hips. Each snap, each wet noise sends you close to the edge, your inner walls clenching and milking his length with greater power as your senseless cries fill the night sky. His grip on your waist will leave purple bruises later tonight, you just know it, but the fire in his eyes as you lock fazes is enough for you to be okay with it.
Its intensifying, deepening, fire erupting in your core as your cunt throbs.
Sweat, tears, and spit fall from your face, and Shinsou surges upward, kissing you with everything he can. It's a maddening escape of lust and need and hatred being exchanged, saliva spreading between you, covering your hot faces with slimy coldness, But you keep him close, your mouth drinking him in more, begging for more as your tongue sinks into his mouth.
His fingers rake down from your back. Past the curve of your clapping ass and onto your powerful thighs that helped in your action to claim his cock. Your joined mouths, both parted in silent screams, wordless begs for more, branding curses that spoke of his hatred for you, your hatred of his job.
Fuck this, fuck that, fuck, fuck, “fuck!”
You held each other impossibly close. Despite the barriers of shirts and armor separating your chests, you swore you could feel his hammering heart flush against your chest. A steady, consistent beat reminding you that this was a one-time thing, that this was yet another bomb with only one explosion to it.
“S-Shit!” his voice finally managed to escape from the makeshift collar, and you nearly sobbed at the sound of his gravelly, husky voice. 
You still hated him, you really hated him and his stupid deep voice. 
Your back arches as the control you had on collar suddenly slacks, as if you had never had it there, and his own noises of sex, of hatred, of pleasure fill and echo in your ear. You can hear him mumbling something in your ear, your head pathetically nodding, tears streaming down your face only you can’t seem to figure out why. The throbbing pressure in your stomach made you near uncomfortable as his cock sank and disappeared from your cunt, your walls' vice grip becoming tighter and tighter and tighter.
There’s vigor, untapped lust, pent up frustration as he rolls you both around, pushing you back into the gravel and dives his length into your wet, loud cunt without mercy. You were overworked, over thrilled, the pressure of your coming orgasm snapping into your every fiber of your being, your toes curling, and drool seeping from your lips as he growled. 
The noise seemed to resonate deeply in your own chest, and he pressed his sweaty forehead against yours, pathetic, needy noises escaping your lips as you stared into his angry, lusting eyes. And as he buried his teeth into your bottom lip, his nose scrunched in an aggressive snarl, he spoke with finality:
You weren’t sure if you had suddenly fallen under the persuasion of his brainwash, or he just knew you were overfilled with pressure, but you went rigid in his hold, your eyes rolling backward, and your vision going white. You came in powerful waves, electric stimming vibrating through your entire body as your spongey, wet walls clamped around him, and Shinsou came in a guttural groan. His hips snapping into your with five last, robust, resounding thrusts until your trembling abdomen and thighs were stilled with his crushing weight.
 You could feel his hot cum pulsing and thriving deep within your cunt, and you panted heavily, your body feeling alarmingly weak as the both of you lay there. A puddle of cum, tears, drool, pain, longing, and hatred.
He lays on top of you, his chest heaving with his breathing, and you felt frozen beneath him. The pain of the gravel roof no longer adds to your pleasure but rather is stabbing you in pain. It’s quiet as you lay there.
He’s quiet.
You’re silent.
“Why’d you do it?” he asked suddenly, interrupting the silence that you hated.
“I can’t tell you,” you admit, voice thick and heavy with untold emotions.
“You know I’ll have to arrest you, right?” Shinsou spoke softly, but he didn’t move to capture you, and you didn’t move to run.
What was the point? It wasn’t as if there was ever a fighting chance for the both of you. The world would have never allowed it, so why bother?
“I don’t think you hate me enough to arrest me right now, sleep on it,” you softly chided, your eyes staring up into the universe, begging to know why they made you a freak?
“Not right now, you spent all my energy,” Shinsou admits, rising up from you, his soft cock removing itself from your humming core, and you looked away to keep from staring. “I really hate you though, y/l/n. I don’t like liars or pretenders.”
“Convince your cock of it next time,” you couldn’t help but fire back, your upper lip curling in your anger and hatred at the sound of his zipping pants.
Silence and a beat follow your words.
“I’ll tell you this now,” Shinsou spoke, turning on his heels, his tone was cold, distant, like a stranger who could care less for you. “Don’t let me see you again. If I do, I promise you, I’ll send your ass to Tartarus. We’re no longer on good terms.”
Anger, hatred, and fury course through your veins as you stand up, legs weak, but spirit wounded as you pull up your pants, uncaring of his cum leaking from your slit. 
“Don’t you dare show your face to me again! Next time I won’t save your fucking ass when I blow something up!” you snapped, the tears running down your face uncontrollable although your voice never gave it away. It didn’t have to though, he turned around one last time, and his eyes met yours, and the two of you glared and simmered. 
But, he didn’t bother to respond back as he disappeared into the shadows of the night sky.
You collapsed onto your knees, exhaustion finally catching up with you, and you realized his capturing weapon you had stolen was finally taken back by the rightful owner. You fell forward, the tears and silent sobs muffled by your bitten lip as you stayed on that rooftop for an hour. Crying like a freak.
Truth be told, you weren’t even sure if you ever hated him.
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New Text Message Received!
From Unknown:      ↳ Good job, y/n. Phase one is complete.
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the-final-sif · 4 years
BNHA Venom!AU (set in the US for ease of writing) where Izuku is a baby symbiote who accidentally ended up on earth. He ended up lucking into a host, an 8 year old Katsuki who’d been backpacking through the woods nearby where he landed.
Katsuki was always a bit of a weird kid. He didn’t get along well with any of the kids he knew, and his parents were rather distant, being high-end fashion designers meant they were always off across the world doing other things. As a result, when this weird alien attaches itself to him, he’s annoyed for sure, but he doesn’t panic, or call the police, or really do any of the normal things that a child should do in that situation.
He just kinda,,, puts up with Izuku. Sure, he’s pissed off and he tells Izuku to go away for awhile, but soon enough he learns to accept this weird alien that’s a part of his life.
Quickly, both he and Izuku discover that Izuku can help him do some pretty cool things, and Izuku needs lots of chocolate to stay healthy. Both things are just fine by Katsuki, and he ends up deciding that Izuku is actually alright in his books.
Some government agents snoop around, at least somewhat aware of an alien being in the area, and Katsuki quickly learns to hide Izuku from anyone else. He doesn’t want them to take his new friend and hurt him like they described. Katsuki manages to escape suspicion as not even his own parents know about his backpacking/hiking hobbies, and nobody really thinks a spoiled 8 year old kid of two fashion designers would be 10 miles out in the woods.
After that, life keeps going for Izuku and Katsuki. They learn to live together, how to adapt to all the various quirks of sharing a body, how to use the powers Izuku can give Katsuki, and how to keep Izuku well hidden.
It’s all going great, right up until Katsuki makes it into an extremely prestigious boarding school; UA. It’s his dream high school, but it’s so much harder to hide the fact he’s got an alien living in his body when he’s living with other teenagers, and the security at the school is much higher than what he’s used to. For fuck’s sake, the vice president’s kid goes to this school! There’s no way they aren’t getting caught.
Still, Izuku doesn’t want Katsuki to give up on his dream and encourages him, so Katsuki reluctantly goes to UA anyways, trying his best to keep Izuku hidden.
But there are... incidents. Not ones where anyone dies, but people seem intent on harassing Katsuki, from fellow classmates to muggers outside the school, and Izuku is very protective by nature. After a few of these ‘incidents’, a certain underground branch of the government starts getting suspicious again, launching an investigation into the school.
Meanwhile, Aizawa, Katsuki’s primary teacher, has started noticing lots of weird things about Katsuki. Like how he always has two columns in his notebooks, with one side full of carefully written notes and the other side filled with random excited musings in rushed handwriting. Or how sometimes he'll seem to become a different person for a moment, or how he seems to vanish at odd moments.
Weirdest of all is his homework/essays, where Aizawa would swear half the time it's a different person writing them (he only knows for a fact it's Katsuki doing both, since he's watched the kid write most of his essays at various stages in the library). The core ideals themselves seem to change between essays, and that’s what bothers him the most since he’s never seen that in a student before.
Being the good concerned teacher he is, Aizawa considered all the evidence before he called Katsuki into his office. Katsuki and Izuku are sure they've been caught.
Then Aizawa asks Katsuki if he's ever been tested to having multiple personalities.
And listen, Katsuki does not believe in faking mental disorders. But by this point, he's really worried that the government is gonna get Izuku, so when he sees the chance to excuse all his weird behaviors he latches on with everything he’s got.
So Katsuki explained, while trying to lie as little as possible, that he's never formally been tested (and he doesn't want to be), but there is another person living in his body named Izuku. Izuku is very shy though, and would prefer to not be mentioned/brought attention to. As such he asked Aizawa to not tell anyone else about him. Aizawa agreed easily, after all he doesn’t see any real risk from Izuku, and he’s happy that Katsuki was honest with him about the situation. He tells both of them that they can come talk to him any time if they need help, Katsuki agreed to that, and for a little while Izuku & Katsuki were safe.
I dunno exactly how the class finds out about Izuku, but I do know that Iida is one of the first ones during a tense situation. As a result, Katsuki and Izuku get to watch as straight laced goody two shoes Iida looks a government agent right in the eyes and lies his ass off to him to protect Izuku.
 For this AU, the ‘Kidnapping’ happens when the government managed to catch onto Katsuki. They’re sure they’ve finally found the alien, and they move in to capture Katsuki.
Only, Katsuki gets wind of this ahead of time, so in a quick moment of desperation, he forces a weakened Izuku to transfer off of him and onto Shouto, since Enji is like the vice president in this AU and that makes Shouto much, much harder for a government agency to fuck with. Shouto is somewhat aware of what Izuku is, and he agrees to take the other to safety.
Poor Izuku can only watch as Katsuki is captured, while Shouto forces him to stay hidden for all their safety.
It's okay though, because the four people who know about Izuku and what happened (Shouto, Kirishima, Iida, and Momo) decide to break into the government base to get Katsuki back, with Izuku's help obviously.
They get most of the way through their super secret infiltration mission, but something goes wrong and they’re almost caught. 
Until while they're hiding and the people search for them are a hair away from discovering them, an absolutely furious Aizawa just fucking waltzes in with the fucking president (All-Might for this AU) to demand his student back.
Now at this point, the agency has no actual proof of alien life. They have half connected incidents and eyewitness reports, but nothing definitive. When they took Katsuki into custody, they’d tested him immediately, sure that they were going to get their proof that way, but since Katsuki no longer has Izuku, the tests all came back negative. As such they have no real justification for having basically kidnapped him.
The agent guy or whoever has been chasing them tries to justify themselves by offering proof of 'Izuku' existence, specifically recordings of Katsuki talking to himself and referring to an ‘Izuku’ as well as written notes. Aizawa's responds that he was already aware of Izuku, that Katsuki had already discussed the other with him, and that he cannot believe they've detained a 16 year old on account of him having multiple personalities. All-Might backs Aizawa up, and shuts down the entire thing as there’s no evidence they’ve done anything but harass Katsuki.
That leaves the agents shit out of luck, so they have to let Katsuki go. The other kids sneak out the way they came in, before quietly joining Aizawa and Katsuki. Aizawa waits until everyone is outside and out of range of any cameras, and then he just turns on the entire group.
"Okay, so first of all, I'm extremely disappointed that you four decided to break into a government agency with armed guards before so much as texting me."
"I'm so sorry sir."
"We could've thought that through a little better, I'll admit."
"Katsuki was in trouble, but yeah, I guess we could've asked for help."
"I stand by what I did and I'd do it again."
Aizawa, actively chooses to ignore Shouto's comment for right now, but does still glare at him for it.
"Second of all, that man may be a fool, but I am not. Where's the alien?”
Everyone's quiet for a tense moment before Izuku makes his choice and pokes his head out from Shouto, introducing himself politely.
After getting a full explanation on what happened, Aizawa gives Katsuki a Look (tm) to which Katsuki defends himself.
“Listen, I did not lie, I just purposefully omitted that the person living in my body is also an actual alien from outer space.”
And Aizawa can’t really argue with that, so he just accepts that his class has an extra student in it from now on.
They let the rest of class 1-A in on the Izuku secret, since a lot of them had been coming close to figuring it out anyways, and so the entire class slowly adjusts to having an alien as one of them. It’s surprisingly easy to come to terms with, and as Izuku slowly starts coming out of his shell (ie hiding inside Katsuki whenever someone tries to talk to him), the entire class discovers he’s a total sweetheart & adore him.
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purekesseltrash · 4 years
My Fic List
Whelp, decided I should do one of these.  I have mostly written for Hockey RPF and BNHA, as you have likely already seen!
My BNHA Fics
Bury Them Deep
- “Shouji Mezou's entire life has revolved around being a goalie and playing hockey since he was five years old. After being drafted in the third round in the NHL, Shouji has two more years of college before moving on to playing professional hockey like he's always wanted. Or at least like he always thought he wanted. An injury that ends his season throws him into a tailspin, forcing him to take a look at his life and how he is going to live it, especially after meeting his fascinating new goth history tutor.”
(This bad bitch is 81k total and is chock full of my red hot hockey takes and midwestern references.  I love it very much and it is a sweet baby.)
The Rooftop Necromancy series AKA my black metal band AU:
Downhill from Here 
- “ Hizashi just wants to tour the country with his best friends with their metal band in their shitty van like they've been planning for years. He'd successfully hidden his crush on one of them for years, after all, he would definitely be able to make this work and keep things fun and uncomplicated. Until Aizawa decided to start acting weird. “
(In which I take you all on a nostalgic trip to 2006-2008 metal culture and you can see the black metal love song that my dumb ass wrote.)
The Perfect Mistake
- “ It wasn't as though Hizashi had planned on breaking up with his boyfriend while they were on tour in a tiny cargo van with no room and no peace. He would have much rather preferred to do it when they were home and he could easily go and crawl back into his mom's basement. But he didn't have a choice. “
(As relationships tend to do, theirs goes through problems.)
Rooftop Necromancy
-"He’d even ended up leaning into the crowd when someone’s elbow had connected solidly with his nose and thrown him back. They’d gone quiet as Hizashi got himself up to his feet, ripped off his now bloody ‘Within Temptations’ tshirt from 2004, whipped his hair back from his face and screamed, “That’s what I’m FUCKING talking about.” into the mic.
They went wild for it, cheering as blood ran down his nose, past his mouth and dripped onto the stage, leaving him feeling like an otherworldly monster performing an occult ritual. Metal, he thought dazedly to himself, why in the fuck had he ever stopped doing metal."
(I hyperfocused so hard at the idea of Mic as a metal head that I wrote this in seven straight hours and WROTE THROUGH THE ATTEMPTED COUP ON DEMOCRACY WITHOUT KNOWING IT.  It’s a bit rough, but it’s got some good parts and it spawned the whole damn series.)
Hands Up
- "But of course he had, they had always been able to read each other and what they meant. That had often been their problem, if he was going to be honest."
(In which they figure their shit out.  Basically it was written when I was thinking alot about how my own mental health had evolved through the years.  It’s basically the story of two people who are both very good for each other and also very bad and how they deal with that.  It’s probably the most personally meaningful thing I’ve ever written.)
The other BNHA fics:
Waking Up With Ghosts
-"Hizashi opened his eyes to a world that belonged to ghosts. His headphones were gone and the gray, grimy world that he felt more than saw was muffled and still. This was bad, he hazily thought."
In which we follow Hizashi shortly after the events of 296. How he's found, how he finds out and how he has to tell.”
(I fished this one out of the garbage of my Google Docs because I’d written most of it and forgotten about it.  I dragged it out, prettied it up a little and threw it up on AO3.  It is by far my most well read BNHA fic, go figure.)
Leave Her Johnny
-”Captain Hizashi Yamada has combed the Seven Seas looking for the elusive smuggler Eraserhead. He has spent years searching for him, tracking his movements and trying to anticipate where he would be next. But he had never considered what would happen when he finally found him. “
(I wrote a paragraph of this and was immediately like ‘I MUST CREATE THIS’.  I take some chances writing wise in this as the whole thing is done in a Victorian Era ish style of writing.  But I think it’s effective and the ending is likely one of the best that I’ve ever managed.  I’m proud of it.)
Gold Rush
-”"That earned him a laugh and Mashirao’s smile made something in his chest ache, something that made him want to hurt. Why had he ever left?
“I’m really not,” Mashirao was saying but Shinsou just shook his head and kissed him once, twice and wished he could take the sunny afternoon and make it stay forever. Make it stay forever like Mashirao somehow had, while the neighborhood had adjusted without Hitoshi’s permission.
“You are,” he said, “And I love it.”
I love you, he should have said.  But as Mashirao’s eyes softened and the blonde pushed him back against the bed, Hitoshi knew he didn’t need to say it."
(You know how sometimes you listen to a Death Cab for Cutie song about gentrification over and over until a fic comes out?  Because that’s basically what happened here.)
Black Sun
‘"But then he remembered the way that Shouji had eaten the night after, one hand curled into his hair as he hung back in the corner. Shouji hid when something was wrong, like a wounded cat trying to find a dark place to either live or die and he was being released tomorrow. Now was the time to push or he’d find Shouji right back on his bed, staring at nothing."
Something happened to Shouji on the beach. Tokoyami is sure of it.‘
(Aaaaaand Death Cab for Cutie strikes again.  But heyo, my first published ShouToko and it is SOFTTTTT)
In the Far and Mighty West
Mic came closer and despite himself, Shouta could not find it in him to feel afraid. “You won’t understand, not really. I’ll try, though. I’m like Pecos Bill or Paul Bunyan or a jackalope or that fish that your friend caught that he swears he brought in but that you’ve never seen proof of. I’m the herd of dogies moving sweet and steady in the right direction, I’m no stragglers to worry about, I’m that perfect dog that’s there to keep them in line. I’m that group of good friends that you would kill for, I’m the woman who you’re dying to come home to, I’m that promised home of milk and honey. I’m Mic.”
Shouta stared at him dazedly and licked his lips, feeling drunk and stupid as he stared at the man. “You’re… magic?”
“I suppose you could call me that.”
(Cowboy!Erasermic.  Inspired heavily by American Gods and my own love of folk heroes.)
In Your Violence
- “'Mezou frowned, eyes narrowing. “Are you trying to say that you’re scared that I’ll be killed by having faith in you?”
“It would be in your best interest to stay away from me,” Fumikage finally said, his voice falling flat and quiet. “I am destined to be a monster.”
'Mezou gets the call he fears, the one that says that Fumikage has lost control again. But this time it's different, in more ways than one.”
(I listened to Silence by Marshmello until I went insane in this is the result.  Featuring some of my super depressing headcanons about Shouji!  But it’s not awful.)
My hockey fics that I still like:
Hufflepuff Halfwit  
- ““Zhenya, the wind is coming from the west, I will not remind you again. You shut that window before the house stinks of factories!” She snapped and Geno stared at the owl as though maybe it would know what to do. But instead, it had given a little hoot and wiggled inside, only to drop it’s letter on the counter.
He turned his head very slowly back to look at his mother, who had suddenly gone very quiet. “It… just showed up, Mama. And um. It brought a letter.” He waited again, looked back at the owl who had begun to nose at the pirozhkis in interest and then looked back at his mother with the best puppy dog eyes he had ever attempted. “Can I keep it?”
(This is a part of my hockey/Harry Potter au that still legitimately haunts my dreams.  It’s basically a Sid/Geno in Hogwarts but I really love the world building I got to do with Koldovstoretz, the Russian school of wizardry.  Don’t read ‘On the Word of a Slytherin’ though, I’m not as proud of that one.)
The Prince  
- “What the fuck.” Matt breathed out, sitting back heavily onto his hotel bed as he stared at his phone.
‘This is Henrik.’ The text read. ‘I would like to meet you. I will book a room in Pittsburgh at your convenience. Let me know what time will work for you.’  - 
(Listen, it’s Henrik Lundqvist/Matt Murray smut, I feel like that is novel and interesting and worth your attention.  I wax poetic on goalies in this, as you do.)
The Zoo of Toronto 
- “No one missed it when a massive porcupine had shuffled in between the reporters with a single minded focus, pushing media away until it was able to grip onto Phil’s suit pants and try to pull itself up. He hadn’t been able to do more then besides pick the animal up before it could shred his pants to shreds and walk out of the locker room before the decision had been made with the Toronto media.
Phil Kessel was guilty.” 
(Not gonna lie, this is probably my favorite of the hockey fics I’ve written.  And it’s Phil/Carl, which is never found anymore but it was a good pairing.)
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bnhabadass · 4 years
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Pairing: Aizawa x Reader Warnings: NSFW, face fucking, mentions of weed Word Count: 2.3k A/N: This is my third submission for the @bnhabookclub​ bingo event. This crosses of the oral sex category of my bingo card which can be found here. This piece was so fun to write and even though my favorite music festival was canceled this year I am glad I was able to incorporate that concept in this story.
Also shout out to @dragonhrte​ for beta reading!
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Loud blaring lights, warm bodies rubbing up against each other in what some people referred to as “dancing,” the hazy smell of pot lining the air. This was the last place Shouta wanted to be.
He had lost you in the sea of people, most of them barefoot which thoroughly disgusted him. The uneven dirt floor was covered in a coat of glitter and food wrappers were scattered about. He should have never let you convince him to come to this music festival.
You said it would be fun, that the four of you would be camping and that he could spend all day in the tent if he wanted. When Nemuri and Hizashi finished setting up the tent however, you dragged him away before he could even roll out his yellow sleeping bag.
You had dragged him from stage to stage for hours, working up a sweat while you danced around him and he stood still, refusing to move a muscle. Anyone watching probably would have thought weird of the situation, but it was quite normal for the two of you. You were always trying to get Shouta to go out and have fun with you, and he would always begrudgingly agree while Hizashi and Nemuri watched and laughed from the sidelines.
“Where is she?” he said to himself. Shouta turned his head only to bump into someone he didn’t know, a teenager no older than his students, taking a drag off of a long, thick blunt.
“Sorry, man,” the kid said, blowing smoke into his face.
Shouta scrunched his nose up at the smell. It’s not that he was opposed to smoking weed, far from it. The smell just reminded him of his high school days in which he, Hizashi and Oboro would smoke behind one of the gym buildings. It was a time he didn’t like to remember too much, a time before he met you.
“There you are!” he heard you call. “Sho, I’ve been looking all over for you.”
Shouta turned around to see you weaving your way through the sweaty bouncing bodies. His eyes traced up and down your form, starting with your thighs and how your shorts perfectly framed them, inching up to your bare midriff and the the goosebumps that came and went in the blink of an eye as a chilly wind brushed past you, your chest which heaved up and down as you finally reached him. For a pro hero you sure seemed to get out of breath a lot.
“Where have you been?” he cupped his hand around your shoulder blade, pushing you closer into him and shielding you from the people around.
“I went to get us crepes from the crepe stand but I couldn’t find you so I ate mine,” you said with a spark of innocence to your voice.
“And where’s my crepe?” There was a sense of humor behind his question, like he already knew the answer.
Your face dropped and you wrapped your arms around his torso.
He could feel you mumble something into his chest and he laughed. “What was that? I couldn’t really hear what you said,” he mocked.
“I said I dropped it.” The bite to your voice was almost childlike as you looked up at him with a pout.
Shouta bit back a smirk and weaved his hand through your hair, nuzzling you closer into his chest.
“Let’s dance,” you said, pulling back and grabbing onto his wrists.
“Pleeeease.” You looked up at him with big doughy eyes.
“We’ve been dancing all day. Besides, it’s getting late.”
“But you’ve barely moved at all. Come on, show the world your fancy erasure moves.”
Shouta quirked his eyebrow down at you. “Erasure moves?”
A light blush made its way across your features but it was hidden by the flashing lights strobing around the current band on stage. “Yeah! Take all these people’s quirks and show them how a real hero dances.”
Shouta chuckled and placed a firm hand on the top of your head, smoothing your hair down. “Fine. Take me to one more band and then I’m calling it for the night.”
You lit up. You hadn’t expected him to agree to a whole ass other band. Maybe one more song but even that was a stretch. You must really have him whipped if he agreed that easily.
Taking one of his hands in two of yours, you dragged him through the sea of people, past the food vendors, behind the restrooms and all the way over to the second stage. This one was a lot closer to where your tent was set up.
There were fewer people at this stage, which Shouta was much happier with. No one seemed to be barefoot or terribly stoned and there was less of a risk for accidentally stepping on a stray needle or used condom.
As the music started, you swayed your hips along with the beat. Shouta paid close attention to the way you shimmied around him, how your thighs rubbed against each other, the way your smile glowed brighter than the stage lights against the midnight blue sky. You were heavenly, and even though he refused to move along with you, it was clear that he loves the way you move.
It wasn’t until he felt something bump against him that he was taken out of his daze.
This can’t be happening now. This can’t happen right here.
Without saying another word, Shouta left, briskly walking towards the tent.
“Shouta?” you called.
He didn’t stop, even placing his hands on a young woman’s shoulder to move her out of his way.
“Where are you going?” Your voice trailed behind him, slipping in and out of the crowds and in between bodies in order to catch up with him.
He made it to the tent. Although he struggled with the zipper for a few seconds, he was inside and safe. He leaned over, keeping his hands on his thighs as he took a shaky breath in.
The tent was spacious. It was six feet in height, giving Shouta enough room to stand relatively comfortably. The tent had two rooms, the one he was standing in and one off the side of the main entrance which is where you had set up your and Shouta’s stuff. Every time the four of you go camping, Nemuri tries to get you to sleep with her on her side of the tent, but you know she just wants to get any gossip about Shouta out of you.
“What happened?” you asked, ducking your head under the door of the tent and standing to face your boyfriend. “Is everything all right?” You brought your hand out to touch his face but he shifted back, turning away from you.
“I’m sorry.”
“What’s going on, Sho? This isn’t like you.” The amount of concern in your words made his heart ache and he felt like such an idiot for running away.
He scoffed at his own immaturity. “It’s stupid. I shouldn’t have ran away in the first place.”
“What’s wrong?”
Shouta cautiously turned to face you and in turning around revealed the huge erection nearly poking out of his pants. Though it was harder to see in the darkness of the tent, you were almost positive that the outline in his pants was exactly what you thought it was.
You couldn’t help but giggle like a schoolgirl at seeing it. You had never expected that watching you dance at a music festival would cause your boyfriend to pop a boner.
“Yeah yeah. Laugh away. I know it’s hilarious.” Shouta rolled his eyes, keeping them as far away from your laughing figure as possible.
“Hey.” You leaned in to caress his cheek, bringing his face closer to yours. Your foreheads and the bridges of your noses touched in a moment that would seem romantic to anyone who happened to stumble into your tent. But it was just the two of you.
Shouta relaxed into your touch, the scent of your favorite perfume drawing him in.
Your thumb caressed his cheek, running over his stubble. A sweet little giggle escaped your lips as a sound almost like a purr came from his throat. Leaning in, you pressed your lips to the shell of his ear. “Would you like me to take care of it for you?”
Shouta nearly choked, staring at you with disbelief. No. He couldn’t. You were too exposed doing it in a tent in the middle of a crowded music festival. He grabbed your wrists before you could even think of reaching for his twitching cock. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”
You pursed your lips in contemplation as your lover refused to make eye contact with you. “Nemuri and Hizashi are busy,” you said. “They wouldn’t need to know.”
Oh God, Shouta thought. If they found out...
You leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth. You wanted this much more than you were letting on. The ache between your thighs worsened as you pictured the precum leaking from his slit, the boner that you caused when you danced around him. “Besides,” you lowered your lips to kiss his neck. “I can be quick about it, if you really want me to.”
Shouta’s grip on your wrists loosened as you made your way further across his neck.
“Is this good for you?”
The predatory breaths laced between your words made his breath stifle. It wasn’t long before he tangled his fingers in your hair and gently pushed you down.
You smiled as you were finally face-to-face with his cock. You reached your hand out to palm him through his pants. He took a sharp breath in and you smiled. Your fingers danced on the button of his pants; you took your sweet sweet time zipping them down and pushing them past his hips. When they were finally out of the way, his cock sprung to life, hitting you in the face.
“Shit, sorry,” he mumbled under his breath.
You licked the palm of your hand and grasped the base of his dick, giving his length a few pumps. You could feel him tensing up. The precum oozing from his red tip confirmed it. You darted your tongue out, licking the salty substance.
“Fuck, kitten.”
Sliding your tongue from the base of his cock to the tip, Shouta let out a moan. You were shocked. He was never one to be very vocal during sex other than lone grunts and ocassional dirty talk. But then, he was always the one in control.
He slapped a hand over his mouth, cheeks turning the same color as the head of his cock.
“What was that?” the two of you heard a voice ask from outside.
Another voice chuckled. “Sounds like some people are getting their freak on.”
Shouta was about to tell you to stop when you engulfed his cock in your mouth. He choked at the sudden pleasure.
With your mouth wrapped along his shaft, you pumped your lips up and down while swirling your tongue against his tip.
Another involuntary groan left his lips. “Fuck. When did you, ugh, when did you become so good at this?”
You squeezed your lips and slid his dick out of your mouth with a pop. You couldn’t help but smirk at the praise you received as you went back to pumping his length with your hand. “Practice makes perfect.” You dragged your tongue from the base of the length to the tip.
Shouta’s eyes followed you like a beast prowling for a meal. They raked up and down your perfect form, slightly sweaty from all the dancing you had done earlier.
You hummed lightly, the vibrations sending shivers down his spine.
Shouta’s dick twitched in your mouth and he took a fist full of your hair, yanking you forward.
You gagged at the sudden movement, bleary eyes watering and you tried your best to breathe through your nose. You couldn’t pull back, no, because Shouta held your head in both of his hands, pressing your face further and further against his pelvis.
He slowly dragged his dick out of your mouth. “You don’t know how much I needed this, kitten.” He bucked his hips forward, jabbing the back of your throat with his tip. “How much I needed your pretty little mouth around my cock.”
His balls slapped against your chin and the drool leaking out of your mouth began to pool onto the fabric of the tent.
“Such a pretty kitty,” he cooed as he continued face fucking you. His thumb swiped under your lips to drag your spit against your chin. “Letting me face fuck you like you’re my little pet.”
You tenitavely reached your hand out to squeeze his balls.
At the tender sensation of your touch, Shouta bucked his hips forward one last time shooting his hot ropes of cum onto the back of your throat. When he was sure he was finished, he pulled out of your mouth, leaving a bead of his cum to dangle on your lips. When you had finished swallowing, he leaned down to kiss you, swiping at his cum with his own tongue.
When you managed to stand up, Shouta was looking at you with such loving eyes. It was almost as if he had forgotten what you could do to him and how much of an animal both of you could be. “Would you like me to return the favor?” he asked, tracing the curve of your brow with his thumb.
Biting your lip and looking up at him, you were about to respond. But as if on cue, the sound of a hand slapping against the fabric of the tent shook you out of your thoughts. “Hey!” Hizashi giggled from the other side of the tent. “Are you two done in there yet?”
You could hear Nemuri laughing next to him.
Shouta turned to look at you and sighed, the animalistic feeling within him to devour you in that moment having washed away. He weaved his hand in your hair and brushed it out, caressing your precious head. “Sorry, kitten. Maybe next time.”
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animensfw-smut · 4 years
Class 1A + The big three + Eri x Male! Reader
This was a request by @Mins000 on Wattpad.
Hope you enjoy!
The song is Remember by Sawano Hiroyuki. I’m not familiar with this song but this is the song that @Mins000 has chosen for the reader to play during the Class 1A festival. 
Other info: Reader is childhood friends with Aizawa and All Might. He is a former pro-hero, but is now a pianist. 
This will probably be pretty short considering there is only one scene to this. This is also my first time doing Male readers, so I’m sorry if i get some things wrong???
*Third pov*
“Aizawa-sensei!” Aizawa turned his head to acknowledge whoever called his name. The rest of the class was discussing what to do for the festival and they came to a conclusion. Izuku decided to be the one to speak up. 
“Can we invite (l/n)-san to the festival to play after us? We feel like it’ll make the festival even better!”
“But we don’t know where to fucking invite him do we, Deku?” Izuku stiffens up and chuckles nervously,
“Hah, you’re r-right Kacchan...” Aizawa sighs before shaking his head,
“It’s fine, I’ll get it sorted out.”
“Will you, Aizawa-sensei?!!!” Izuku had heart eyes, a bright smile lighting up is face. Aizawa nodded,
“Now get out of here.”
As soon as everyone left, Aizawa took out his phone to text a certain someone. 
Time skip~
“Glad you could make it.”
“Of course i made it. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, what’s up?”
“Are you free next week?”
“Yeah, why?” A small smile lit up Aizawa’s face,
“My students want to invite you to play for the UA concert next week.”
*(y/n)’s pov*
I chuckled,
“Sure. Do you want me to play any specific pieces or choose from my own?”
“Choose from your own. After all, that’s why the students want you there.”
“But anyway, how have you been holding up Shota?”
“Same as always. You?”
“Just been doing a few jobs here and there. The life of a pro-hero doesn’t suit me after all.”
We chatted for some time, ordering a few cups of coffee.
“Right well, I think it’s time for me to go. I’ve got a meeting in an hour. It was nice talking to you though.”
“See you next week, (y/n).” I smiled, leaving the shop in a good mood. 
*Third pov*
“(y/n) will be going to the concert next week.”
“REALLY, AIZAWA-SENSEI?!!” He sighed at the obnoxiously loud voice,
“YOU’RE AMAZING SENSEI!!!!” Izuku continued. Izuku adored (y/n) because of how elegant he moved as a pro-hero.
Another sigh escaped Aizawa’s lips,
“Why am i a teacher...”
Time skip~ Day of the festival~
*(y/n)’s pov*
“Toshi! Long time no see!” Toshi turned around, a big smile on his face,
“My, my, is that you (y/n)? I’ve not seen you since that time!” The time he was referring to was when i quit being a pro-hero.
“Yep, it sure has been a long time.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m performing after Class 1A, they invited me here.” He pointed finger guns at me,
“I’d love to hear your music again. Well, I’d better not keep you here, you’re performing in a few minutes.” I gave a smile in return.
Walking towards the back stage, i came across a little girl with three other people who seemed to be in this school.
“W-Wait! A-Are you (y/n)?! The pianist (y/n)?!!!” Screamed the blonde-haired guy. 
“Ahaha... Yes. What may i do for you?” He rubbed the back of his head,
“M-My name is Mirio Togata! I’m a huge fan of your pieces.”
“Really? Thank you for supporting me!”
“Can i get your signature??? I’ve got a piece of paper with me somewhere...” Mirio dug into his pockets to search for the paper. The other boy seemed to want to escape whilst the blue-haired girl was tugging him in our direction. The little girl looked at me with curiosity. Giving her a smile, i crouched down to be eye-level with her,
“What’s your name? I’m (y/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you.” She hesitantly took the hand i offered to her,
“I-I’m Eri... Th-This is my first time g-going to a festival...” I tilted my head,
“Oh? How do you like the festival so far?”
“I-It’s alright...”
“Well, I’m performing next! I would love it if you were there to watch!”
“C-Can we...?” She looked up at Mirio who nodded his head,
“Sure!” Mirio handed me the piece of paper which i signed for him.
“I’ve got to go now! Thanks for being my fan!” I smiled a boyish smile at Mirio, and he beamed right back.
I took a deep breath as i walked onto the stage, seating myself on the stool. Closing my eyes, my fingers moved gracefully along the piano. Each note set my heart at ease, a smile working its way up onto my face.  The crowd was silent, focusing on the way my hands moved and the slow tune that was produced from the piano. 
I smiled slightly as i opened my eyes once the song was finished. Everyone clapped and seemed content. Well, that was my duty: To make everyone content with my music.
*Third pov*
Mirio looked at Eri and gasped before a wide smile broke out on his face. 
‘She’s finally smiling...’ He thought to himself.
I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot!
I think the next request is a NSFW request. I’m updating the request next week! ^^
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lollybliz · 4 years
bout to make a Monster of a fic rec post here we go
heyo @jinx108! We’ll start with the complete ones because sometimes you’re just not in the mood to wait for the last chapter, you know? I don't remember details of all of these so i’m just going to copy the author’s summary rather than write my own. I am literally just going through my bookmarks, I got 400 of these to sort through. if ive talked to or am familiar with the author im gonna mention them, but if I mention you and you don't want me to have Please tell me and i’ll remove it.
If you’re not into spoilers Please Tread Carefully, I don't watch out for that stuff so I wont know to label it
1>Crushing Truth by Bunzuku: Tododeku. “Romance is hard enough for a teenager to understand when they have a good relationship role model. For Shoto, it takes two excited meddlers for him to even realize what his feelings really are.“
2>Disowned by b00mgh: tododeku + others. Unrated, some traumatic elements. “Shouto freaks out under a bridge and I use the word "grass" a lot more than I really should. Izuku does his stupid martyr thing and everyone makes continuous references to his propensity to break his bones. Aizawa goes "oh FUCK my kids are dying again" and his students use him as emotional (and physical) support. A friend requests angst, I say what kind, she say idk make someone get disowned and i say oh this I can absolutely provide my good buddy.”
3>cotton candy hands by @chonideno: Kiribaku. I will take Any excuse to rec this fic, its the most fluffy pile of feels Good Lord. also the first fic I ever bound into a physical book. “Studying to become a hero requires knowing how to take care of yourself. Sometimes you might need help on the way so if your crush offers to do your hair for you or to give you a well-deserved back rub, it'd be stupid to say no. A series of soft vignettes in which a love-struck Kirishima and a touch-starved Bakugou care for each other and it's definitely not making their hearts jump through hoops, they’re never this close to kissing, no, they're totally best friends bro“
4>Catching Sight of the Storm by neo7v: Kiribaku, tododeku. A considerable amount of Whump and related angst, and kinda sad tbh. “Blind. Quirkless. Useless.The first two things were stated clearly by the doctor that sat about five feet in front of Izuku. The third was a word that Kacchan called him everytime he failed to make the jump on whatever forest excursion they were on or when he ran into a tree because he hadn’t seen it. “I’m so, so sorry, Izuku.” Was his mom giving up on him already? But he could still be a hero if he tried hard enough, right? Quirkless or not. Blind or not. Just because Izuku was useless now didn’t mean he would stay that way forever, right? *** A Blind!Izuku AU”
5>Yell Heah by fakecharliebrown: Chatfic. M a n y pairings. technically complete, but part of an ongoing series. “Iida creates a group-chat for Class 1-A. It doesn't go as planned.“
6>Sunshine by Rosey_Note: BIG SAD. tw- failed suicide attempt. KiriKamiBaku. “They didn't deserve to put up with his crappy mood. Because Denki Kaminari did not feel like Sunshine right now. And they deserved sunshine. In fact, Denki didn't feel much of anything right now.“
7>Electric Connection by  Onlymostydead: ShinKami. “Kaminari's quirk has always had... Weird side affects. Like his ADHD. And his constant energy. And his insomnia, which wouldn't leave him be right now, when he really needed to just get some sleep. But, thankfully, he has good friends.“
8>The Best (The Worst) by Onlymostydead: no romantic pairing. tw- rampant transphobia, both outside and internalized. “Bakugou Katsuki has known who he was since he was four years old. He was a boy, it was as simple as that. Around his friends, at school... But things couldn't just be that simple, could they?“
9>Lichtenberg Figures by Q_loves_you: no definite romantic pairing. “Kaminari Denki has a very powerful force of nature running through his body. Kaminari Denki doesn't want to hurt anybody. He doesn't always get what he wants, and "anybody" does generally include himself.“
10>Eventuality by KikaTouka: ill be honest I don't remember this one at all, I maaaay not have read it yet :/. anyway. ShinKami. “Shinsou learns more than just hero lessons after being transferred to 1-A.“
11>Pickup Lines for the Soul by MustardSoup: ShinKami. “Denki is twelve when he is flicking through the TV channels and lands on an old RomCom movie about soulmate marks – specifically the same type that he has. “I can’t believe I’ve had to walk around with a cheap pickup line written on my ankle my entire life because of you!” The leading lady yells at the leading man as he stares at her in awe. Denki laughs. “Oh no.” His mother says, watching him. “Oh no, indeed.” His sister repeats quietly.“
12>caught in my own web by @anxioussailorsoldier: ShinKami. “Shinsou needs some help after getting caught up in his capture weapon. Kaminari enters from stage left.“
13>not so summer love by nataliya: ShinKami. “Class 2-B’s common room, although typically quiet, was currently filled with five students—three slowly giving up on homework, one bitching about noise and another that rushes through the front door. “We’ve been waiting for you—” Mina starts, but Kaminari’s vaulting over the back of the couch, eyes wide as he practically buzzes out of his skin, emitting light like crazy as currents dazzle across strands of hair. “I have a big ugly crush,” He steps off the couch and onto the coffee table, much to Bakugou’s chagrin, “On big ugly Shinsou.””
14>Blamed by coldandhotsoba: ShinKami. Tw- they fuckin kill a guy and its a lil nasty. “This was not how the day was supposed to end. They were supposed to end the day like they do most nights.  Kaminari clutching onto him like a koala as he slept, wrapped in the millions of tacky blankets Kaminari had bought. Warm and safe in their bed. It was not supposed to end with both of them tied up in some cold metal room.“
15>Lightning Scars by Present-Mics-Scream (write_your_way_out): Shinkami. “It's hard to be confident in your abilities when you're surrounded by people with incredible quirks. Shinsou Hitoshi would know better than anyone. Sure, he was admitted to the hero course in his second year, but being admitted to the hero course, and keeping up with the rest of the class are two different things. Lucky for him, Kaminari is there to prove that the flashiest quirks come with the largest drawbacks.“
16>See No Evil, Hear No Evil by randomfan188: no romantic pairing. “Kaminari Denki is legally blind. When he forgets to wear his contacts and breaks down during math class, comfort appears in the strangest of ways.“
17>how not to enjoy the weather, an article by kaminari denki by dreamtowns: no defined romantic pairing. “If there was one thing Kaminari hated the most in a world wth villains, it would have to be thunderstorms.“
18>”Studying” by emmyrox22: ShinKami, EraserMic. “Shinsou and Kaminari have been “studying” together for a while (but not for school). Shinsou gets stopped by his dads on the way to another “study” session and mistakes are made“
19>Weaknesses by sunflowerstorm: ShinKami. “Kaminari's quirk and storms compliment each other in the worst way, but he's convinced he can deal with it on his own... until he really can't any longer. When Shinsou accidentally overhears Aizawa confronting Kaminari about recent changes in behaviour and hears about the hell his quirks been putting him through, he can't just pretend he never heard. He wants to help.“
20>it’s hurt denki hours by memeingfultrash: ShinKami + others. ““Certain members of our class are...under the impression that...you’re the traitor.” Denki’s body went cold and felt like he was going to short circuit. ~some of class 1a believes that denki is the traitor and avoid him”
21>Petition to replace Mineta with Shinsou- (signed by Kaminari Denki) by CharaTheQuartz: ShinKami + others. This is one of my favorites, I go back to reread it from time to time. It SAYS 41/42, but that's just a glitch cus chapter 36 doesn't exist for some reason, I talked to the author about it and its fine. “Mineta brings shame to the color purple. You know who does not bring shame to the rich color, but pride and sexual tension to one infatuated Kaminari Denki instead? Shinsou Hitoshi, aka sexy zombie man, aka the most perfect hunk of a man to walk planet earth, aka future husband. Shinsou has finally gotten his chance to prove himself to the hero course, and he did more than prove himself. The only question left unanswered is whether he will start in A or B, and how Kaminari can manipulate the end result.“
22>How to Get a Boyfriend (in Four Easy Steps!) by e1ana: ShinKami, EraserMic, + others. “Step 1: Get kicked out of the house by your homophobic parents. Step 2: Run headfirst into your brooding, mysterious crush. Step 3: Sleep in his dad’s (see: your homeroom teacher) house Step 4: Watch everything you thought you knew go to shit. This isn’t exactly the sweet, romantic plan that Kaminari Denki longed for. Will everything be ok, or will step 5 be to crash and burn?“
23>Bakugou and Todoroki’s Foolproof 5-Step Plan to Fuck with Mineta Minoru by Anubis_2701: Kiribaku, TodoDeku, + others. This is another one of my favorites, and the one I am currently folding and sewing into a physical book. you learn how to do funny things when bored and quarantined ig. “It was a simple enough idea; screw around with the resident bastard of Class 1-A to let him know that his medieval ways and perverted behaviour weren't going to be tolerated by even the most career-focused of UA's students. To say that things had snowballed was an understatement. Todoroki had no idea how he had ended up sitting on Bakugou's floor at 1 am, holding a dossier of incriminating material that would make the FBI slobber, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know. The long and short of it was, fuck Mineta.”
24>Colour Theory by chancellorxofxtrash: TodoBakuDeku. this one’s a series. “Midoriya/Bakugo/Todoroki slow burn soulmate AU. All three of them are nerds with their own emotional issues, trying to navigate their way through becoming heroes, and their own relationship with each other.“
25>Summer Sunshine by Mara97: TodoDeku. Ever want a Barbie in a mermaid tale/Bnha crossover? No? well here you go anyway! “Instead of worrying about college, Izuku spends his summer vacation finding out his father is, supposedly, a dead merman king and going on a quest to dethrone the current king, Endeavor. Along the way, Izuku becomes close to the three journeying with him, makes friends with strangers, starts crushing on an unattainable prince, and, in the end, learns to love himself. Oh, and he saves a kingdom, too.“
26>The snowflakes on our skin and the flames in our soul are one (and the same), my love by missunderstuffyou: TodoDeku, Kiribaku. this is one of the ones I keep a running reread comment going on. its at,,, 6, atm.  “Before your quirk begins to present itself, the soulmate link comes through, and suddenly whatever you write upon your own skin appears on the body of your soulmate. As your soulmate writes to you, the emotions they feel follow through the ink.Izuku Midoriya is four years and a few months old when he first feels the slight ebbing in his arms. It doesn’t hurt… he can just feel something, and it’s enough to make him sprint into his mother’s arms screaming that his quirk is coming. She had been washing in the kitchen, and the sudden screech as her son rockets into her side is enough to make her jump with panic, immediately grabbing at him and looking for cuts and bumps before she understands his words and the stupidly bright, alight smile on his face with large, watery, hopeful eyes. Shoto Todoroki doesn’t feel his soulmate connection open up. It is drowned in the aches of a small body worked far too hard.“
27>It was dark inside the closet by Chad_Champion69420: Pre-ShinDeku? maybe? its tagged shindeku but like. it’ll make sense if you read it. “Midoriya is invited to a party. He and Shinsou decide to play a little trick on the rest of the party during Seven Minutes in Heaven.”
28>how to woo your local trash gremlin: a comprehensive guide by Todoroki shouto by wonhaebunny: TodoBaku. this is the fic that dragged me into todobaku, fun fact. “five times shouto tries to confess to bakugou, and one time he doesn't bother tryingaka: wikihow is a scam and bakugou is a terrible, terrible boy“
29>top ten photos taken right before disaster by Shookspeare: ShinDeku. “Izuku participates in a harmless prank, only to end up ruining it and running for dear life.“
30>Secrets to Share by pechebaie: no definite romantic pairing. “Kirishima comes out first, and nothing changes. Kirishima and Kaminari still hang out to complain about class and talk about boys - and sometimes girls, too, in Kaminari’s case; he still plans stupid pranks with Sero that get them sent to the principal’s or nurse’s office every time; Ashido still kicks his ass at Mario Kart without hesitation; and Bakugou doesn’t get angry at him any more than he usually does.“
31>What One Hides by Pinalinet: TodoDeku. “All Might gives class 1-A an unusual assignment that results in Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shouto attending a weekly acting class. But with a mysterious villain targeting individuals without Quirks, and a developing issue of Todoroki's own, an after-school assignment is the least of their worries.“
32>whether or not we’re fated, we’re meant to be by juurensha: KINDA SPOILERY. TodoDeku + others. “Todoroki didn’t have a soulmark for most of his life.His siblings all did, but up until the day of the U.A. entrance exam, he had shoved the idea aside. It’s not like they could help him anyway. And then a 9 appears on his chest, and a green-haired boy barrels into his life with a fire and ice soulmark on his arms, and suddenly Todoroki cares very much about all this could mean.”
33>The Midnight Shift by meiishu @meiishu @totallytodoroki (idk which you’d rather I attach so I went with both): ShinKami. ““Hey Toshi,” Denki says, and he laughs, clearly embarrassed. He’s got on a jean jacket that did him absolutely no help and a white tee shirt that is currently stuck to his torso. It’s got a pikachu design in the center. “By any chance, do you sell umbrellas?” “You really went out in this weather.” Hitoshi deadpans, instead of dignifying that with an answer. or hitoshi works the midnight shift at the gas station, which also doubles as a pokestop for pokemon go. of course, denki is a regular.”
34>Rock the House by AkabaneKayo: ShinKami. “It wasn’t just his bed. It was his entire fucking room shaking. Only one thought crossed his mind at that moment: “Holy shit. My room is haunted.”“
35>Technically, they’re morning kisses by CharaTheQuartz: ShinKami. “Most nights, Shinsou cannot fall sleep. Neither can Kaminari. It seems counterproductive to have a sleepover then, but they try to make it work. And they fail, but that is okay.“
36>someone to call mine by nearly_theyre: ShinKami, EraserMic “From: Me wish you were here, denks From: kitten 💛💘💛 what if i was tho? OR Four times Denki snuck into Hitoshi's room and one time he walked through the front door.“
37>Pretty by Onlymostydead (noticing some repeat authors? me too): no definite romantic pairing. “(Or, Kaminari still can't figure out bra clasps.) Kaminari has never really felt good about himself. Herself? Whichever way, not knowing doesn't make anything easier. Especially when he (she?) and Mina have their bodies swapped during training, and everything seems too right.“
38>If I offer you my hand, will you take it? by bleukitsune: Kiribaku. SPOILERY. ““Why?” Kirishima leaned back on his hands, trying to create some space between them. Too close. The ash-blond looked really nervous, his usually arrogant and cunning demeanor gone. “What do you see when you look at me? Kirishima is worried. Bakugou is hurting. After his confrontation with Midoriya, he finally reaches out to him. “
Theres way more but I haven't tagged them properly yet so that m a y come later if I can ever finish going through and adding my sorting tags.
and then a last few that Are Not Complete but im really very fond of them. not as many as id like to add, but my hands are getting tired tbh.
39>State of Mind by GuardianOfTheLoaf: no relationship YET but its looking like it’ll be either tododeku or shindeku, probably the former. EraserMic. tw- childhood neglect and severe depression. Izuku’s not a happy kid. “Izuku was a late bloomer, his quirk lying dormant until his tenth birthday when in a fit of emotion he grabs his mother and she disappears. With All Might slowly restoring his confidence Izuku begins the difficult journey into becoming a hero.“ 18/? chapters.
40>Izuku Eats His Problems by CosmicAce: ShinDeku. Izuku’s a flerkin, what more could you want? “His whole life, Izuku Midoriya was taught to keep his powers, his Quirk, hidden from the world. His kind were feared, hunted to near extinction because of it. He just wants to show people he’s different. That he can be a HERO. And nothing is going to stop him. Even if his Quirk IS like an eldritch abomination.“ 43/? chapters
and then probably my current favorite bnha fic- although it fights with Apertum Mortem for that spot but that ones d a r k and not here-
41>family of the year by periiwren: EraserMic. “Hitoshi is done. Done with moving around every few months to a couple that will scrutinize him and eventually dump him right back where he started. Good thing he’s well past his strike limit now- at least he can stay in one place, be content to age out of the system and finish out his training with Aizawa. Maybe transfer into the hero course, maybe be a hero- but none of that was guaranteed. The only thing for sure was that he was going to stay in that center for the rest of his childhood. Or so he thought- because Aizawa Shouta and Yamada Hizashi have other plans.“ 24/? chapters. we’ve been informed that this one’s gonne be l o n g and im Very Grateful.
42>Here There Be Dragons by here_and_there: pre-ShinDeku. “Izuku looked at the small circle Aizawa had motioned to in front of them. "I won't fit," he whispered, thinking. He raised his hand, tentatively. Sighing, Aizawa grumbled, "What?" "I-I have a question. Actually, two." His teacher just stared at him, unimpressed. Izuku continued. "Can we activate our quirks before we step into the ring?" Aizawa looked up into the sky, muttering something Izuku didn't hear. "If you must." "O-Okay. Uh, second question. You said we have to stay inside the circle, right?" "Yes." The man looked disappointed, not only in Izuku but in himself for letting the kid speak. "Great. Uh... does that include tails?"“ 6/? chapters.
43>Another Option by sandersonsister: TodoBakuDeku, Touya/Hawks, Dabi/Hawks. Potentially Spoilery, depends on whether horikoshi has the guts to confirm Touya. this one is waiting around the corner with a baseball bat, its really cute, and then r e a l l y painful. it might be getting better though. maybe. it might be getting worse. “When Touya stops his mother from hurting Shouto, he decides enough is enough. He needs to get out of this house and he's taking his baby brother with him.“ 33/? chapters.
That's it i’m done for now, oof. maybe ill edit more onto this post later, maybe i’ll just make another one. hope some of these work!
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dereksmcgrath · 3 years
That was a really good chapter, and I’m struggling to say anything deeper about why it worked. I will try to summarize why it all works at the end of this post, because before that I want to give some time for topics I haven’t discussed directly up to now--including Aizawa’s disabilities and Mineta’s sexuality. But let’s start with some specific observations about Chapter 325.
“The Bonds of One for All,” My Hero Academia Chapter 325. By Koehi Horikoshi, translation by Caleb Cook, lettering by John Hunt. Available from Viz.
Spoiler warnings for The Big O and Fire Force.
The interactions between Izuku, Kota, and the woman with the giant Quirk were handled very well, in paneling, facial expressions, and dialogue. I love how the panel of tearful Kota reaching out to Izuku is almost identical to Izuku reaching out to Bakugo way back in Chapter 1. It is such a good humorous moment for the woman with the giant Quirk to refer to Izuku as her “crybaby hero.”
And beyond how well these three interact, I also loved Aizawa from afar congratulating Iida for his handling of this entire situation. The most recent episodes of the anime have not shown much in a mentor-mentee relationship between these two, with Aizawa rushing to see Kurogiri at Tartarus and surprised Iida already finished giving the class announcements he was instructed to. The two have not had much in the way of interactions, so having this small moment showing Aizawa does pay attention to his students contradicts a lot of complaints I’ve made how Aizawa has seemed so hands-off, especially when Bakugo has been physically abusive to his classmates.
Speaking of which, Denki dope-slapped Bakugo. That has been a long time coming, and I love that small background gag making its way in the middle of Hawks’s rousing narration. I also spotted Eijiro crying and I think a cameo from Oogami from Oumagadoki Zoo, so overall, the crowd scene was well illustrated.
The final bit I really enjoyed in this chapter--aside from Kurogiri’s return, but I’ll get to that--was the man from Chapter 1 defending Izuku, by invoking one of the metaphors I hate: the stage.
The Big O is one of my favorite anime--at least, until the second season started, then the show became so meta without progressing any plot in a way I enjoyed, and losing the “monster of the week” format that I thought served it better. One of its conceits was that, spoiler, the entire series is fake, just what is imagined as a stage production, or a TV production, or someone who has the power to control everything--and, no, that’s a cheap trick, worse than Dallas or Newhart playing that for a narrative reset or a legitimate series finale gag. This isn’t St. Elsewhere, and Big O is not good enough for that stunt. At its best, The Big O was like watching Cowboy Bebop’s stand-alone episodes: I’m judging it by the quality of its beginning-middle-and-end plot. (Having Steve Blum, Wendee Lee, and others from the Bebop dub with major roles in the Big O dub didn’t hurt.) So, trying to add a second-season arc to justify stuff in the first season that didn’t need to be justified felt like a waste of the stage metaphor.
And another manga, Fire Force, just recently invoked the “what if this is all a fiction, like something on the stage” plotline and, no, God no, we are not going there, we not letting “it’s all a fiction” defend how badly that misogynistic followup to Soul Eater has fallen off the rails, good Lord, no. I was way too kind to that series.
So, I cringed hearing this man defend Izuku by invoking the stage, and Horikoshi and company drawing a literal stage with theater seats. But at the end, no, that metaphor works, especially when it invokes how we first met this man and Izuku way back in Chapter 1: they were watching Woods and Mt Lady fighting that giant like they were watching a live performance of a tokusatsu. Having that man chew out we in the audience for treating this series as spectacle for fighting scenes, and by extension criticizing Izuku too and himself, adds enough humility to have this moment all be easier to approach rather than feeling hackneyed: it comes out of a problem the series has had since Chapter 1, and that any superhero story will have (as I ranted about earlier this week, where the good guy had to fight the bad guy with nothing in society really getting better).
With the good stuff out of the way, that brings me to Aizawa, and ongoing thoughts I have about how MHA portrays people with disabilities.
Over the weekend (through Sunday, September 5, at 7 PM Eastern), the US Embassy of Japan has shared for free online for United States audiences the documentary Tokyo Paralympics: Festival of Love and Glory. As I am not diagnosed with a disability, and as I do not consider myself an expert scholar in disability studies, I leave it to people more familiar with the topics to evaluate the documentary. With that said, I do think the documentary is of its time, as within the first minutes the thesis to the work seems to be that to have a disability is to be a challenge of overcoming having a disability. I do not think that is the customary way of thinking about disabilities today, that it is something to overcome: a disability is something you live with, not necessarily something you think of as overcoming--the verb being used is the problem. Granted, I’m using “overcome” based on the subtitles, not on the original Japanese of the film. But from what I have gathered in disability studies, the focus is not on the responsibility of an individual to overcome anything: it is far more about what societies can do so that, regardless what a person has in way of abilities, they are able to participate fully in that society, as the definition of having a disability has so much to do with society not making access possible regardless of the person’s abilities.
I’ve talked quite a bit about how MHA started with this bifurcated presentation: it wants to show a shiny exterior of a world where people of various abilities all get to participate in society and function within it, before revealing that exterior to be a facade, hiding forms of discrimination, some obvious from Chapter 1 where those without Quirks are maligned, and some soon after, such as a gag strip showing the damage Mt Lady’s ability causes due to her giant size. Then we saw more and more forms of discrimination on the basis of ability. We learned how Shinso, Habuko, Shigaraki, and Toga’s Quirks impede how they may participate in society. We saw how the physical appearance of Shoji, Spinner, Habuko, and now in the manga this woman with the giant Quirk leads to discrimination. We saw how the size of the individual (the woman with the giant Quirk, Mt Lady, and Kamachi in Vigilantes) requires different forms of housing that are often not easily accessible, affordable, or in convenient parts of the city. And we have seen more and more characters who lose Quirks (Ragdoll, Mirio, All Might) or have no Quirks (Melissa) as analogues to having disabilities, and more characters who have what we accept in our real world as disabilities (Ectoplasm’s pre-introduction lost legs, Aizawa and All Might’s Quirks being impeded by physical damage, Compress losing his arm and now more in the PLF Arc, Mirko losing her arm and leg, Aizawa and Nighteye losing limbs and organs in battle).
I don’t know what to make of how Aizawa’s leg prosthetic is first introduced to the audience, as the scene is staged almost the same as how we first saw Re-Destro’s leg prosthetic in the manga: we see the prosthetic clothed in a shoe and a pants’ leg, and that is how much we see to indicate its presence. I doubt the replication of this staging is telling us any similarity between Aizawa and Re-Destro--I honestly think the staging is just a coincidence. But I do think, intentional or not, Horikoshi is avoiding a fixation, an attempt to focus on the prosthetic as if something has been lost, by clothing it in the shoe and the pants’ leg to communicate that this just is his leg now, it’s not an identical substitution but it functions as a leg, it looks different, it obviously is different, but the image will not fetishize it.
I expected Aizawa would pop back up in this chapter after his appearance last time, but I in no way expected to hear references to Kurogiri, Oboro, the Nomus, and Toga--all of that are the real surprises of this chapter, and with All Might seemingly in front of UA, it’s set up for more to come. I have repeatedly complained how Kurogiri and Oboro have been handled since the reveal back in Vigilantes that they are the same body, as I took it as using Aizawa’s back story for plot setup rather than offering anything meaningful to progress Aizawa’s character. I’m not taking back my complaints. But after this chapter, I am less frustrated with those choices made, and less impatient to see where that plot is going, all because of just a few bits of exposition in this chapter to re-contextualize prior scenes to make what wasn’t working work better. It’s not clear to me yet how and when exactly Aizawa advocated for Kurogiri and other Nomus to be transferred out of prison and into medical help--and that is an entire discussion about prison reform that I do not think I can speak to adequately, but I do need to identify. While I wish this chapter or previous chapters did more to show Aizawa’s advocacy, similar to how we saw him advocate to Nezu on behalf of the class he was expelling and re-enrolling, the exposition via brief dialogue between Aizawa and Nezu hit the right beats and ended this chapter on a more positive note. All of this moment felt earned and helped make something more out of Aizawa and Kurogir compared to how I thought their plot had been so far, merely re-shuffling the characters to suit where the plot goes next.
But speaking of where the plot goes next, the invocation of Toga and the safety parameters to deal with her potential impersonation of anyone entering UA strikes me as similar to Nezu explaining the safety measures at UA: you explain the safety protocols so that, when the Villains inevitably break them, we are shocked but understand how this happened. It’s like Ghostbusters: you have to say “don’t cross the streams” so that, when it happens, you know a rule has been broken and things are that desperate. Theoretically, based on the information UA has, if you keep Toga in isolation for so long, her impersonation will wear off: that makes sense. The problems are twofold. First, no, I still don’t trust that Nezu isn’t pulling something. But that’s a conspiracy theory, so I need harder evidence. Therefore, second, UA may not know how much Toga’s Quirk evolved in the fight against the MLA and may have evolved since the PLF fight; predicting the duration of her impersonating abilities, when paired with her ninja-like ability to hide her presence, means that Toga could pop up in UA in the near future. Having All Might somehow now in front of UA instead of having a chat with Stain leads me to think Toga could just as easily have impersonated All Might to get into UA and close to Izuku, but I’ll have to wait and see.
I also have avoided discussing Mineta in these recent chapters. At the time of his reunion with Izuku, I honestly did not read a queer subtext at all: his “I love you, man”-esque reaction to Izuku struck me as homosocial rather than queer. Now that he again has been prevented from getting close to Izuku in this chapter, I can’t avoid bringing it up now.
In the immediate time when the chapter came out, I noticed to distinct interpretations of his remarks to Izuku, based on what he says in Japanese and how Caleb Cook translated it into English: the homosocial as I just said, in terms of Mineta having always been prone to using language and passionate language to express his feelings, unfortunately almost always in a perverted way to girls and women; and the queer reading, that Mineta is indeed making a love confession to Izuku.
I’m not sure which side I find more persuasive, but the latter queer reading is effective, especially in retrospect seeing how often he is near Izuku in different chapters. And it recontextualizes his reaction to seeing Ochaco giving Izuku attention back in the Classes 1A vs 1B Arc: I thought he was jealous that Izuku was getting Ochaco’s affection, whereas it may be that he was jealous of anyone else showing affection to Izuku.
However, I could just as easily take a page out of Scrubs (yes, forgive me for citing a cringey show like Scrubs) when they tried to portray the Todd’s womanizing as part of a larger pansexual identity--which is also problematic, and really is not how I want to read Mineta as being bi or pan, because it again falls into the argument that being bi or pan means you’re hedonistic or horny all the time when, no, by themselves, the terms bi and pan just refer to your emotional and sexual attraction, not at all implying anything about your sex life. This is all the more infurating to have to explain when being a pervert is not tied explicitly to any one sexuality, gender, or sex, so to have it associated with being bi or pan is offensive. Granted, I also am offended by how popular culture associates being a man with immediately being associated with being a pervert, but that’s the fault of toxic masculinity and failure to recognize broader constructions of being a man and masculinity, but that’s another topic.
To summarize, I pause at any notion that Mineta’s characterization is anything beyond just a pervert to his girl and woman colleagues, or any notion whether he was just exaggerating his chauvinism and attraction to girls and women in order to cover up for being gay, bi, or pan, because either case has unfortunate implications. At best, this portrayal suggests is the victim of toxic heteronormativity--which, if that was the case, that doesn’t work because we just had to sit through his groping of Tsuyu, Momo, and others, and no, the story doesn’t get to excuse that bullshit behavior by saying he is young and influenced by the toxicity around him. At worst, this portrayal suggests that being bi or pan just means you are one big pervert and will grope anything that moves--and, again, no, that is not at all what being bi or pan is. That’s like saying “apples are red, therefore this red Stapler is an apple so I’m going to eat it.”
God, this is why I really wish Horikoshi would take the cue I’ve seen from more fanfic writers and just headcanon someone’s sexuality and making it apparent in the fiction: it’s not that hard to show someone’s attractive to someone else in ways that defy our heteornormative assumptions, it’s just that much harder to commit to it beyond some authorial-intent JK Rowling footnote. (And since I invoked her by name: fuck Rowling; trans rights now.)
But I want to wrap up this review on a positive note, even if that means I’m again invoking another cringey TV show. How I Met Your Mother (I warned you this would get cringey) built its symbolism around umbrellas. Having the umbrella scenes around Izuku in the rain, after this manga already invoked Kenji Miyazawa's “Be Not Defeated by the Rain,” coupled with Hawks’s narration--that is all really well-done. Umbrellas are that shield against the elements. It even ties back into Aizawa and Oboro: we first meet these two in Vigilantes when Aizawa couldn’t stand to bring a stray kitten out of the rain while Oboro, whose power is literally clouds, had no hesitation about shielding the cat. Shielding Izuku like this with the umbrellas as a metaphor for how the older man all the way back in Chapter 1 wants to shield Izuku, and how UA can shield Izuku, is a really good way of visualizing what is offered to Izuku. UA is not his home, but like an umbrella, this is a temporary fix against the elements awaiting out there. I’m not as convinced by Izuku saying he can bring things back to how they were before: that’s nonsense, because for society to progress, you can’t just go back to how things were, you have to take what worked and improve it and fix what was broken. I know Izuku knows this, especially after his talk with Nagant, but it is an awkward line for this chapter. But like how we’re dealing with COVID, like how we need to mask up just like we would hold an umbrella against the rain, just as we need to work together (even if, paradoxically, we do that by social distancing, not gathering in crowds like the UA people are), we need to get through this awfulness, and I appreciate that this series again communicates the value of collaboration and not persisting with the “I alone can fix this” approach All Might, for all his good intentions, unfortunately propped up that led to Shigaraki, this mess the characters now face--and, yeah, being political, is why we’re in this mess in a post-2016 atmosphere.
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nobodywritesthings · 4 years
Some more random bits of trivia about With Great Power
Part 1
Might as well just… put this here.  Spoilers below!  I ended up talking a lot about the villain side of things.
All for One uses a quirk he refers to as “Clothing Swap” to replace Izuku’s hero gear in Chapter 1.  For some random reason, I made a description of the quirk that ended up in my notes, though it never became relevant again.  Here it is: Clothing Swap: The target may have any article(s) considered to be “worn” swapped with any other article(s) the user has seen them wear previously. The user may choose themselves as a target. The swap may be uneven - a hat can be swapped for a full outfit, leading to someone really overdressed, or a full outfit for a hat, leading to the opposite - but “nothing” is not an option for either side of the swap. Objects in pockets or similar places of holding may be transferred into similar places in the new outfit, if available; otherwise they will stay with the clothing they were originally in. See that part about the user needing to see the target wearing the clothes previously?  All for One’s been stalking, and Izuku would’ve been able to guess almost immediately if he heard the details of that quirk.
Speaking of my notes, I tend to name the random fic ideas I write down in order to keep them easy to reference in my notes (or head).  I don’t always use those names for the finished product.  I liked the reference to the quote, “With great power comes great responsibility”, that I ended up going with for WGP’s story/chapter titles; but I actually came up with that theme after the majority of the fic was done.  For most of the writing process, I kept it filed under “Kingmaker AU”.
All for One’s threats to Izuku in the first chapter were something of a bluff.  If Izuku refused to listen, All for One would’ve been in quite a pinch - he certainly didn’t want to kill or Noumufy Izuku, and he had the feeling that “lock him in a vault and make him listen” wouldn’t work any better here than it did with his brother.  He did have other plans in case getting Izuku to agree to parley failed, but he was massively relieved when it worked.  (Izuku’s threat in Chapter 10, on the other hand, was definitely not a bluff.)
Gigantomachia saw the resemblance between Izuku and All for One the moment Izuku opened his mouth - not just in the contents of Izuku’s self-introduction, but Izuku’s voice itself.  As seen in canon, he has a very dramatic emotional reaction to hearing All for One’s voice; and while Izuku’s isn’t an obvious match, he could hear similar notes.  This was helped by the fact that Izuku was very tired and decided to start making threats, and was consciously using All for One as a model for those.  Gigantomachia’s easy initial acceptance of Izuku was mostly down to this (”He speaks with the voice of my Master”).  Of course, Izuku’s speech about not proving himself to everyone who asked did make something of an impression on its own merits.
As for the rest of the villains, Shigaraki and Kurogiri were the only ones close enough to All for One to notice Izuku’s resemblance to him (or care; if Dabi had any suspicions, he kept them to himself).  It took a few days after Izuku was left with the dictatorship for Shigaraki.  Kurogiri, on the other hand, noticed years ago - but decided it wasn’t his place to wonder about it, so he didn’t.
None of the villains guessed that Izuku was a close relative of All for One’s.  They all thought, at best, that he was some distant relative who All for One had taken an interest in and who happened to suit his plans.  They were immensely surprised by All for One’s choice of successor.
Shigaraki and Kurogiri got emails after All for One disappeared, too, not just Izuku.  All for One drafted them beforehand, as well as a few alternate versions for theoretical scenarios that didn’t happen.  Shigaraki’s gave him some sarcastic advice on how to make nice with the new Overlord, which worked surprisingly well.  Kurogiri’s included advice on Izuku’s preferred coffee brands, which also worked surprisingly well.
All for One had discussed a few things with Gigantomachia beforehand and so didn’t bother with an email - namely along the lines of, “I’m planning to make someone else the Supreme Overlord in my place.  Do what you want, but your life will be short and painful if he doesn’t stay in one piece.”
Shigaraki and Kurogiri spent most of their free time after All for One disappeared trying to track him down.  Izuku won their loyalty over time - or more accurately, having gainful employment and being surrounded by decent people while trying his best to behave himself helped Shigaraki feel less inclined toward villainy, and Kurogiri appreciated being given a fair chance at all.  However, Shigaraki in particular had many questions for All for One, and Kurogiri followed his lead.  Gigantomachia them helped out for a while, until…
Gigantomachia saw Izuku’s “father’s” signature, and realized he might’ve accidentally stumbled upon a secret that All for One would be happy to kill half of Japan over.  He smartly refrained from telling the other two, and pulled back somewhat on his assistance in their search.
When Gigantomachia met “Hisashi” in person for that trip to America, he sent a panicked text to Shigaraki that he wasn’t offering any more help and that they should stop going behind Izuku’s back if they truly valued their lives and limbs intact.  This sparked their decision to bring their research to Aizawa while Izuku was away.  Yagi’s assumption that they were afraid of Izuku’s reaction was entirely legitimate, but that wasn’t the full reason for their choice of timing.
One more note about Gigantomachia: When Izuku had his panic attack in Chapter 5, the reason Yagi showed up was because Gigantomachia made a beeline for his office and told him that the Supreme Overlord needed his help.  Yagi ran.
I honestly didn’t expect for the villains to take up so much of the fic (or this trivia).  I also was hoping to have more of Aizawa and Class 1-A in the story.  But since criminal rehabilitation ended up being such a focus, the villains ended up being particularly relevant.  I’m still a tiny bit annoyed about it.
How much did Inko know about Hisashi?  He tried to give her a similar story to the one he gave Izuku once he returned.  However, she knew him and his views well enough that she managed to get out of him that he wasn’t “working with villains” entirely under duress, and that he had done a few things to earn the enmity of “people who were after him”.  She was surprised when Izuku made All for One tell her the truth about his villain identity, but less than Izuku expected.
I don’t usually have soundtracks for my writing - I’ll put on whatever music I feel like listening to, or even nothing, depending on my mood.  However, for Chapter 10, I wrote most of it while listening to “Devastation and Reform” by Relient K on repeat.  I think it fits the self-inflicted tragedy that is All for One’s existence pretty well, and helped me capture the right tone for his side of the story.
Alright, a cheerier note is in order.  Originally, Chapter 6 (now the Social Media Chapter) was an utter slog of exposition that made me despair.  I ended up scrapping it and rewriting it as a social media interlude that communicated the stuff I wanted it to communicate, but I ended up cutting along with it a draft of the scene Hatsume’s video refers to.  Y’know, the one where Izuku sets an attempted assassin on fire.  It was indeed accidental - she was hounding Izuku to let her make the perfect Supreme Overlord outfit, and had shoved an ordinary-looking watch at him when the assassins showed up.  He threw the watch at one of them and it exploded.  Hatsume got yelled at by a tired Izuku afterward for endangering the paperwork he’d have to fill out all over again.
In the Discord conversation where I mentioned the initial concept of this fic, someone proposed a scenario in which Izuku starts crying in the middle of the UN because some representative was being an asshole about how Japan was being handled, and then everyone else would jump in to go, “Nice going, Rick, you ruined a perfectly good Supreme Overlord, now he has anxiety.”  I therefore decided that I would indeed make Izuku cry at the UN.  This was how the UN chapter came to exist.  Of course, in my version, the tears were because of the support Izuku got, and the good guy was named Rick.
Izuku setting someone on fire was also a concept I got from my favorite Discord server.  Several other people had Izuku setting people on fire in their stories.  I decided to join them.
Finally… you know how I abbreviated “Supreme Overlord” to “S.O.”?  Yes, I’m aware that the abbreviation usually stands for “Significant Other”, and I decided to go with it because I thought it was funny.  And a good way to embarrass Izuku even further.
I think that got all the major trivia and a few minor bits too.  Though I probably can dig out other things from my brain if people have questions; my askbox is open.  Otherwise, I’ve got a new prospective writing project in the concept stage, so I’ll switching mental gears off of WGP, I think.
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I also created a BNHA self insert that I took waaaaay too much time with. Info dump time!
My OC who we shall refer to as N (cuz is still the interwebs we can't be putting our real names on here pft-) is a year younger than Aizawa and was friends with him, Mic, and Oboro (as you can see my angsty backstory train will not die. Ever.) Her quirk is Storm Manipulation which means she can create storms using the molecules around her. She can't control the speed or intensity of them though so she had to be careful when using it. N was originally Oboro's next door and met Aizawa and Mic while chilling in Oboro's kitchen. Their dynamic was fine until Oboro died which led to Aizawa and N distancing themselves due to grief. Afterwards N gets absorbed into her studies and graduates like a bad b. Her hero name is the Action Hero: Uproar. Fast forward 2 years and while she's patrolling she ends up finding a hostage situation with a kid's quirk going out of control (second OC that I shall explain later). After dealing with the situation she helps said kid (who passed out after overusing his quirk) and brings him to the police station. She learns that the kid is an orphan and offers to adopt him.
Now to explain my second OC. His name is Hiroto Suzuki and his quirk is Pulse which means he can take the natural vibrations in his body and send them out as well as control the output of said vibrations. Overusing his quirk leads to migraines and in extreme cases passing out. He was 8 when he was found by N.
Fast forward once again 7 years to when Hiroto is a 1st year and N works as a Heroics Law teacher for the 2nd and 3rd years. Hiroto is friends with Mirio and they both notice the tension between her and Aizawa. So being the lil dorks they are, they stage a fight so that N and Aizawa can finally talk to each other. They both got grounded and got detention but it was worth it cause IT WORKED!!! The two of them finally talked it out after a WHOLE ASS DECADE (needed to do sum quick mental maths for dat) and made up :). Now we shall do our final timeskip where we begin the actual BNHA plotline! Hiroto is part of the Big 3 (now 4) and honestly I didn't think of what to do for my OC in the actual plotline besides staff interactions soooooo.... if you wanna drop some ideas for a girl that'd really help?
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talpup · 5 years
Erase the Shadow: 9
Please remember, this fic is rated explicit and has warnings of sex, violence, and other possible triggers.
***If you prefer reading off AO3 here’s the link for that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22027552/chapters/54545182
I write for my own enjoyment, but edit and post for yours.  If you enjoyed reading this at all please comment and let me know.  It’s the only thing that encourages me to keep editing and posting.
Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a VERY special thank you to those who have recently left comments or re-blogged. They really mean a lot.
As always, an extra special thank you to @inorganicone2230 for their encouragement and friendship.  This fic was my personal guilty pleasure, and without them never be getting posted. If it weren’t for our brainstorming sessions I probably wouldn’t be updating today.  Your help with Nemuri's backstory and encouraging my thoughts and plan with the Void have been a HUGE help.  Thank you!
Shouta’s class of 3-A dismissed, Teris turned to him.  “Can I ask you something?”
Shouta lifted his eyes from the paper he was grading and waited till the final student had exited.  “Of course.”
“Do you not trust me with your class?”
“What? Of course I do.”
“Then you doubt my teaching ability.”
“I do not.”  Shouta said, lowering the red pen.  “Why would you think that?”
“We’re in the third week of school and you’ve yet to leave the classroom when I come in to teach.”
Shouta's mouth suddenly felt dry.
She had noticed.  Of course she noticed, he thought.  You sit at your desk listening to her voice during the lecture segment of her strategics lesson.  How could she not notice?
“I don’t teach ethics on Friday’s.” Shouta said, lamely.
“And grading papers while I’m talking is preferable to the teachers lounge?”
“You’re not in here talking the entire time.”  Shouta remarked, glad when his voice didn’t sound as disappointed by that as he felt.  “In case you haven’t noticed the teachers lounge can get almost as rowdy as the cafeteria.
“Right. Sorry.”  Teris turned back to the podium.
Shouta could tell by the way she moved that she still didn’t fully believe him. “If I doubted your trustworthiness or ability as a teacher I would’ve mentioned something to Principle Nedzu.”
She looked at him out of the corner of her eye.  “Did you?”
“If I did he clearly didn’t listen.”  Shouta said, dryly.
Teris smirked.
Shouta got to his feet and moved around his desk.  “Look.  If I had any real concerns about you I would say something.  At the very least I would join you out in the training yard for the practical part of your lesson instead of staying in grading papers.”
He saw the slight tension in her shoulders ease and was grateful that he had never given into the urge to go watch her put his class through their paces.
“You shouldn’t care so much what people think.”  Shouta said.
Teris looked back at him, scowling. “I don’t.”
“You cared what I thought.”
“You’re not people.”  Teris’ eyes widened.
Shouta’s heart did that funny little stutter step it did whenever he saw her. “I know most think me a grouch or a gremlin, Shadow, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a person.”
“People think that because you are a grouch and a gremlin, Eraser.”
The blushing heat in her cheeks only grew when he gave her a fraction of a smile, blinking slowly at her.
She turned back around, ducking her head till her hair shielded her face from view.
What she wouldn’t give for something like his capture weapon to hide behind.  The thought had her mind imagining what it would feel like wearing it.  Would it carry his warmth?  His scent?  Her thoughts took a less wholesome turn and she cleared her throat.
“I gotta admit I was a bit surprised at how many students you still had in your class.”  She said while needlessly shuffling papers.
“Those lacking potential are weeded out the first few weeks of their first year.  Anyone expelled after that is usually re-enroll the following day.”
“A sort of wake-up call.”
Shouta lifted a shoulder and nodded.
“You know that stays on their school record.”
“As it does on mine.”  He grinned.
“That’s how you have so many student expulsions yet still have a class to teach!”  She said, realization dawning.  “I wondered at those numbers.  Figured you were walking around expelling students from other classes.”
“You read my file?”  Shouta questioned.
He didn’t tell her that he had expelled students from other classes. As director of the hero course he had that ability.  Much to Kan’s annoyance.
“Well… Yeah.”  Why was she blushing again?  “I read the files of everyone I would be working with.”
“Hey, Babe.” Hizashi called, entering.
“Mic.” Teris answered, pointedly.
“Sorry. Shadow.”  Hizashi corrected himself.
Teris rolled her eyes.  School was over and it was Friday so the hallways were mostly empty.  Still, her boyfriend had to learn to keep it professional while at work.  Though after three weeks of school that seemed unlikely.
“I’m gonna go get ready.  You sure you’ll be fine getting there with Nemuri?”  Hizashi asked.
“I’m an adult, Yamada.  I’d be fine getting there without Kayama.”
Hizashi knew it was because they were still on campus, but he didn’t like Teris referring to him so formally.  “It’s a big city with lots of villains.”
“And I’m a pro hero.”  Teris countered.
It wasn’t as if she didn’t know her way around town.  Heck, she had begun taking patrols two weeks before school began.  Much to Hizashi's chagrin.
“Shadow.” Hizashi corrected.
Shouta watched the two mildly amused by their banter despite the usual hurt and annoyance he felt.
“Yes. Midnight and I will be going together.”  Teris relented.
“Awesome!” Hizashi stole a quick kiss.  “I’ll leave your names at the back door that way you won’t have’ta mess with the lines out front.”
He practically barreled through Nemuri on his way out.
Nemuri shook her head and entered.  “He’s so sweet, Ris.  I don’t know why you give him such a hard time.  He’s only looking out for you as any good boyfriend should.”
“You heard all that, huh.”
Nemuri slipped up beside Shouta a smile on her lips.
“Although,” Nemuri drew out, wrapping her arms around Shouta's, “the club is on a somewhat sketchy side of town.  It wouldn’t hurt to have a big, strong man there to protect us.”
“Kayama. You know Aizawa doesn’t like dance clubs.  We’ll be fine.”
“Who are you?  His girlfriend?  Let the man decide for himself.” Nemuri turned to Shouta and grinned.  “What do you say, Eraser? Wanna go out with two hot girls?  Make sure no one dances too close or touches things they shouldn’t?”
Shouta swallowed.
A possessive wave raced through him at the thought of someone touching and grinding up against Teris.  What had he planned to do tonight anyway?  Feed the stray cats that lived in the alley behind his apartment.  Grade more papers and work on lesson plans. Watching Teris dance sounded like a far better evening.
“I’ll go.”  Shouta mumbled.
Teris blinked in surprise. “Really?”
“I haven’t seen Mic DJ in a over a year.”  Shouta said with an easy shrug.
“Pick us up at my place in a couple hours.”  Nemuri said, stepping away from Shouta and pushing Teris out the door.  “Wear something other than the usual, Eraser.”
Shouta had never been one to fuss about what he wore.
His wardrobe consisted mostly of black with a few various items of grey.  There was the exception of the three pairs of pink track pants that he had purchased on-line late one night while running on too little sleep and far too much coffee. But given the clearance price he had paid for them, he was somewhat proud of the buy despite the unfortunate color.
Having everything pretty much one color made things easy on him.  He didn’t have to concern himself with trivial things such as matching stuff up.  The fact that he had several copies of the same top and pants meant that he didn’t have to fuss about what he was going to wear. Until now…
He knocked on Nemuri's door still annoyed that she had made him worry about what to wear.  He still was sure what she had meant by, something other than the usual.   A different fabric or cut of pants? A different color top?  Different shoes?
Just to be safe he had changed up all three, choosing to wear dark denim with a charcoal grey button up and a different set of black work boots.
Nemuri answered the door.  “We’re almost ready.”
“I didn’t expect you to be ready.”  Shouta drawled, entering the apartment.
“Hey! I would've been if Teris had been more agreeable.”
“You wanted me to dress like a slut!”  Teris’ voice sounded from Nemuri's bedroom.
“Slut! I wear that outfit all the time.”  Nemuri said, leaving Shouta to his own devices as she made her way back to the bedroom.
Shouta sat down and tried to calm his nerves.  He didn’t know why he was so nervous.  It wasn’t as if this were a date.  He wouldn’t even be alone with Teris.  Nemuri would be there.
But Hizashi wouldn’t, he thought. Well he would but he would be on stage doing his thing, Shouta's mind corrected.
The thought of being with Teris outside of work without Hizashi present excited him. Not that he was going to try anything.  He respected Teris and his friendship with Hizashi too much for that.
“We’re ready.”  Nemuri sang, exiting the bedroom several minutes latter.
Shouta turned.  At the sight of Teris he rose to his feet.
She looked...amazing.  An unpleasant wave of jealousy washed through him at the thought of other people seeing her like that.
“Tell us we look pretty, Shouta.” Nemuri prodded with a knowing smile.
“You look..”  Beautiful.  “Very pretty.”  Shouta said, dark eyes on Teris.
They were stopped at the clubs back door by a bored looking bouncer.
“Go around the front if you wanna get in.”
“Present Mic said he would leave you our names.”  Nemuri said, pushing forward.
The Bouncer reached into his back pocket and took out his phone. “Names.”
“It should be under Teris.”  Nemuri supplied.
The Bouncer’s eyes lifted from the phone.  “It say girlfriend: Teris, plus one.”
“Yeah, and?”
His eyes moved between Nemuri and Teris.  “Which one of you is the girlfriend?”
“I am.”  Teris said, raising her hand slightly.
“Look,” the Bouncer sighed, “I’m normally don’t care but your boyfriend draws a huge crowd.  Everyone loves Present Mic.  So when it says plus one, I’m gonna have ta hold it at that.  Pick one of your friends and send the other home.”
“Excuse me?”
Nemuri held a silencing hand up to Teris.  Chewing the guy out was unnecessary.
“Trust me.  If Mic had known that her boyfriend was getting in a day early he would’ve said plus two.”
“Her boyfriend?”  The Bouncer repeated, furrowing his brow at Nemuri before glancing back at Teris.
“What? You’ve never heard the term poly-ship before? You gonna judge Mic for being a confident guy who shares his girl?  Are you gonna hate on Mic’s girlfriend for having two boyfriends?”  Nemuri asked crossing her arms.
“N—n—no! Of course not!”  The Bouncer stepped out of the doorway.
Nemuri grabbed Teris by the hand and pulled her inside. “I know you miss Shouta, Ris, but try not to get yourself off dry humping him in the middle of the dance floor like last time.”
Shouta stepped passed the Bouncer, keenly aware of the man’s wide following gaze.
“Have a good night.”  The Bouncer called after them in a daze.
Nemuri turned back and smiled.  “I already am, Sweetie.  Thanks!”
“I can’t believe you did that!”  Teris squeaked, pulling her hand from Nemuri's as soon as they were out of sight.
“Yes you can.  You know me too well.”  Nemuri countered.  “What about you, Shou?”  She looked back at Shouta.  “Wanna scold me for getting you in without a fuss?”
“I wouldn’t say it was without a fuss.”  Shouta muttered rubbing the back of his neck.
He missed his capture weapon.  At least the lighting in here was dim enough that the blush he felt heating his face hopefully wasn’t too noticeable.
“Well the guy said the place would be packed so we better stake out some seats.” Nemuri said.
“You came to sit.”  Shouta remarked.
“No. But comfortable as these heels are I’m gonna have to take a break once or twice.  Plus, I know for a fact that you’re not gonna dance.”  She looked over her shoulder at him.  “You can look after my purse while you watch me and Teris from afar.  You’re good at that.”
“What? At watching your purse?”  Teris scoffed, as she was once again dragged behind Nemuri.
Shouta felt his ears heat along with his cheeks that time and was glad that he hadn’t tied up his hair.
It was both a relief and quite bothersome how oblivious Teris was.  But given that she was currently with Hizashi, Shouta was glad that she hadn’t picked up on Nemuri's none to subtle taunting.
He didn’t know what Nemuri wanted from him.  It wasn’t as if he could flirt or ask out his best friend's girlfriend.  Painful as all of this was, he wouldn’t even attempt to break Hizashi and Teris up. He had been friend's with Hizashi too long for that.
Besides, Teris was his soulmate.  If Hizashi didn’t ruin things himself, she would break things off with him eventually. She and Hizashi weren’t meant to be together.  Everything would work out.
At least that’s what Shouta kept telling himself.
The warm-up DJ was still going when Hizashi sent Teris a text.
Hizashi: Send me a pic of your beautiful self and tell me where you’re sitting.
A few minutes later his phone dinged.
Teris: Stage right, not too far from the bar.  Give you one guess whose idea that was.
Even if Teris hadn’t come with only Nemuri, Hizashi would’ve known who had made that decision.
Then his phone dinged again and he saw that it wasn’t just Teris and Nemuri.  The picture was a group shot of his smiling girlfriend and Nemuri with Shouta squished in between them.
His smiled tightened, a bolt of irritation striking through him.
Shouta hated dance clubs.  What was he doing here?  Scratch that.  He knew exactly what his best friend was doing here.
His fingers hit the touch pad a little harder as he typed.
Hizashi: I said a pic of your beautiful self.  Not you and two losers.  LOL.
His phone dinged, but the text was from Nemuri not a reply from Teris.
Nemuri: You’re just jealous that your hot gf is down here with your bff while you’re up there working.  Make that bank Baby.  Maybe then you can treat your girl to something special and hot, sexy Zawa won’t steal her away.
“Everything alright, Present Mic?”
Hizashi looked up from his phone.
“A-okay!” He said giving a thumbs up and one of his signature smiles to the clubs entertainment director.
“You’re on in two minutes.”  The Director said.
“Awesome!” Hizashi glanced back at his phone.
Nemuri: Come on Zashi. I was playing.  Say something.  Ris is mad at me. ;(
Hizashi: Something.
As the night wore on and he had consumed a few drinks on a relatively empty stomach, Teris and Nemuri were able to talk Shouta into going out on the dance floor with them.
It was kind of nice… Okay really nice.  Even if all he did was stand still while Teris and Nemuri dance around him.
He couldn’t take his eyes off the woman that he loved.  He was enthralled. Hypnotized by the way Teris moved.  The swing of her hips.  The sway of her hair.  The slight bounce of her breasts.
He practically lost it the first time her arms wrapped around his neck, her body moving to the music.  His own arms twitched, wanting to wrap around her waist.  But before he got up the nerve she had spun around and moved back to Nemuri.
She had returned to him a number of times after.  Smiling and breathless, her hands either running up his chest, over his shoulders, or down his back.  It was the most glorious feeling in the world.
For those few moments while her hands were on him as she danced, Shouta could pretend that they were together.  And during the few occasions when someone came up to her, he was able to stop them from touching her.
Sure he had to suffer through Hizashi touching her. But out here on the dance floor while Hizashi was on stage, he could stop any other guy from getting too close.
Nemuri thankfully didn’t say a thing during those times.  While Teris had merely thanked him for shooing off the unwanted attention.
Shouta was both bothered and grateful that Teris undoubtedly saw it as him protecting his best friend's girlfriend.  But there was little that he could do about that.  Just as there was little he could do about Teris leaving him at the end of the night to go back with Hizashi to the apartment they shared together.
Nemuri was in bed asleep but fully aware and conscious of the dream that she was having.  She hated it when the Void interrupted and visited her dreams.  And it had been such a good dream too.
Unfortunately the dark force’s visitations had been happening more frequently.
“Must I show you what will happen if you fail to bring Teris and Aizawa together?”  The Void questioned.
Nemuri stared at the black silhouette.  “No.  And it’s not as if I’m not trying.  These things take time.  After all, you were the one who told me to help get Yamada and her together.  I can’t just break them up and put her and Shouta together like a couple of puzzle pieces.  They’re people with their own thoughts and feelings.”
“It’s Teris’ lacking feelings for Yamada Hizashi that are the issue.  She needs to feel much more deeply if her quirk is to grow.”
“I still don’t understand what you mean.  Quirk training--”
“This has nothing to do with strengthening the so called muscle of her quirk.”  The Void said over her.
Knowing that he wouldn’t tell her even if she asked him to explain, Nemuri pleaded.  “Just give me time.  Please.  Teris likes Shouta.  She loves him. She’s had a thing for him since UA.  The two of them would probably be married high school sweethearts if you hadn’t had me ruin things between them.”
She was unable to keep the bitterness from her voice at that.
Though it had been years, she still felt guilty for letting Teris continue to talk about Shouta’s attempted kiss and cheesy tale about soulmates when she had known that Kan had been listening.
At least Kan had gossiped the story so she hadn’t had to.  She didn’t want to think about how much worse her guilt would’ve been if she had had to blatantly break her friend's trust by spreading the story herself.
“I had hoped to keep Aizawa well away from her.”  The Void said.
It was inconvenient that the only man who seemed capable of making Teris’ quirk grow was also capable of canceling out her quirk.
After all this time trying to keep Aizawa away from Teris, it appeared as if the boy who shared Teris’ dreams was now the only man capable of doing what he needed.  He needed Teris’ quirk to grow, not strengthen. And in order for that to happen he needed Teris to lose herself.  He needed someone to elicit a deep and powerful emotional reaction in her.  A reaction that was raw and primal.
“I will give you more time.  But I demand progress.  Remember, I saved you when your mother’s boyfriends turned their lecherous eyes to you.  I’m the one who put it in your head to become a hero.”
Only because you wanted me to get close to Teris, Nemuri thought.  She loved being a hero but given the lifestyle she had grown up in the idea to become one never would've crossed her mind if it wasn’t for the Void.
She hated that she owed being a pro hero to him and his prodding.  It was far from the greatest thing she hated about the Void, but it was the one that stuck with her and stung the most.
“If you fail me, I will leave you like I did those men who looked at you with lust when your mother wasn’t watching. Locked in a loop of your own personal hell while the world thinks you’re nothing but a poor brainless coma patient.”
Nemuri's voice trembled as she promised.  “I won’t fail you.”
“Good. And just in case you doubt me, I will leave you with a small taste of what awaits you should you do.”
It was the final weekend off before the second semester of school began and Nemuri had planned an evening out with three of her closest friends.
“I love that you’ve been joining us for more things, Shouta.” Nemuri beamed, bumping his shoulder playfully.
Shouta ignored her and tried to ignore the way Hizashi had just shoved his tongue into Teris’ mouth.
He honestly didn’t know why he started accepting his friend’s invitations.  Yes, he wanted to see and spend time more with Teris.  But Hizashi was always there with his hands all over her.
It was torture.  And since he didn’t have to be there, it was all self induced. But try as he might to stay away, he couldn’t.
“You wouldn’t happen to be hanging out with us more often because a certain someone rejoined our group, would you, Shou?” Nemuri teased quietly.
Shouta's eyes turned to Nemuri's sparkling blue.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Across the table from the two of them, Teris pulled away from Hizashi's kiss.
Try as she might not to glance in Shouta's direction, she couldn’t help herself. She wasn’t all that comfortable with PDA to begin with; but when Shouta was around, that discomfort rose exponentially.
It wasn’t that she didn’t love kissing Hizashi or having his hands on her, but there was a time and place.  And that place was most definitely not in front of Shouta.
“Zashi. Settle down.”  She chided.
“Just give us a kiss, Ris Wren.”
Teris turned her face when Hizashi tried to kiss her again.
Hizashi nuzzled her neck.
Teris’ fingers threaded through his loose hair and tugged.
Hizashi was close enough that she heard his needy whine.
“I need to behave for me, Sunshine.”
Teris leaned closer and Hizashi licked his lips.  For a second he thought that she was going to kiss him, but at the last moment she diverted.
Her hair brushed the side of his face as she spoke in his ear.  “It was your idea to accept Nemuri's offer of drinks.  I was fine with staying home.”
She gave his hair another tug.  “So now you have to be good.”
Hizashi wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged at her. “But I need to touch you, Baby.”
“If you’re good and behave for me I’ll do that thing you wanted to try.”
Hizashi's eyes widened.  He had been wanting to roleplay but despite his attempts to talk her around, Teris had thus far remained against it.
“You mean it?”  He asked.
Teris gave his lips a quick peck. “You know I don’t say things unless I mean them.”
“Yeah!” Hizashi exclaimed.
Teris grimaced when people from nearby tables turned, having heard Hizashi's cheer despite the loud drone of conversation and music.
“I still can’t get over how cute you two are together!”  Nemuri gushed over Hizashi and Teris.  She elbowed Shouta who sat to her right.  “Aren’t they cute together, Shou?”
Shouta scowled at both Nemuri's treatment and words.
Cute was not the how he would describe Hizashi and Teris being together. Painful.  Grating.  Maddening. He had never wanted to punch his best friend in the face so badly till the day that he had learned Hizashi was dating the woman he loved. And that desire had only grown as their relationship continued.
He hated that Hizashi was with Teris.  Hated that his best friend seemed to make his soulmate happy.  Hated the way Hizashi looked at and talked about her.  He definitely hated when Hizashi touched her.
At least Teris didn’t talk about Hizashi much when he and her were alone.  The fact that they had found themselves alone together more and more of late made Shouta smile.
“Cats are cute.”  Shouta said, knowing it would annoy Hizashi.
“Cats.” Hizashi scoffed, rolling his eyes.
Shouta chuckled.
Teris lifted her glass to Shouta and took a sip.
“Don’t encourage him by toasting that.”  Hizashi chided.
“What? I agree.  Cats are cute.”  Teris said.
“Not as cute as you.  Not as cute as we are together.”  Hizashi argued.
“That’s debatable.”  Teris said, giving Shouta a playful wink.
Hizashi's near squawked reaction was exactly what she was expecting.  Sometimes her boyfriend was too easy.
“Depends on the cat.”  Teris smirked with a shrug.
Shouta raised his glass and toasted her, downing his drink.
“You two stop teaming up to upset poor Zashi.”  Nemuri scolded lightly.
“But it’s so easy.”  Teris said, squishing her boyfriend’s cheeks.
“I’d drink to that but I need a refill.”  Shouta quipped.
Teris laughed and Shouta chuckled.
Hizashi smiled though he felt no joy behind it.
It wasn’t that he wanted his best friend and girlfriend to hate each other, but he could admit to himself that it was nicer when the two had been so uncertain around each other that they barely spoke.  Now it almost felt as if Shouta and Teris were having secret, unspoken conversations behind every look and thing they said to each other.
“Speaking of teaming up.”  Nemuri said, resting her elbows on the table. “You two really should.”
“What?” The three of them asked, Hizashi's voice by far the loudest.
“I mean you’re both underground heroes.”  Nemuri said, glancing from Shouta to Teris.  “I admit I don’t know all that much about being an underground pro, but I would figure that trying to find new CI’s would be rough when you’re new to town.”
Shouta's eyes panned to Teris, watching her nod at that.
He hadn’t considered it, but Nemuri was right.  Starting out in a new place would be rough.  Even more so now that the streets were on edge due to the whispers of a new dark force.
Though Shouta was certain that this new force people were talking about was somehow the Void, Teris wasn’t connected to him.  At least not in the way people would assume if and when they learned that her quirk allowed her to channel darkness.
“You go out on patrol too much as it is.”  Hizashi told Teris. Gathering himself he chose his words more carefully.  “The student’s will suffer if you take on another patrol.”
“What nights do you patrol?”  Shouta asked, despite already knowing.
“Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and every other Friday.” Teris answered.
“See! Too much!”  Hizashi put in.
Ignoring Hizashi's outburst, Shouta stated. “I patrol Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday, and every other Friday and Saturday.”
Teris was about to say that she knew that, but caught herself before she did.
“Fridays and Saturdays are the most hectic.  Working with someone else would be of benefit.”  Shouta slowly offered, knowing that she wouldn’t accept if she thought he was getting nothing out of it.
Teris turned to Hizashi.  “I wouldn’t be taking on another patrol.  And you wouldn’t worry so much.”
“Worry?” Nemuri questioned.
Teris rolled her eyes.  “It’s how he tries to guilt me into skipping out of Saturday patrols.  Says that even though I’m a capable hero, the weekends bring all the crazy's out and he worries.”
“Well problem solved.”  Nemuri smiled lifting her hands in victory.  “Shouta will go out with her and you won’t have to worry your pretty little head, Zashi.”
Hizashi quelled the urge to yell at Nemuri.
“Sure.” Hizashi smiled.  He pinned Shouta with a look that his best friend would be able to read with ease.  “You just better make sure that my girl’s returned to me untouched, you hear.”
Before Shouta could respond their waiter set a drink on the table.  “This is for you from the lady over by the patio entrance.”
“Tell her I’m happily taken.”  Hizashi said, slinging his arm over Teris’ shoulders.
“I’m sorry, Sir.”  The Waiter apologized, embarrassed on Hizashi’s behalf. “It’s not for you.  It’s for you.” He pushed the drink closer to Shouta.
“What!” Hizashi exclaimed.  “Him?”
“Go, Shouta!  I told you, you were a handsome devil.”  Nemuri grinned, elbowing him.
“I don’t want it.”  Shouta said, not even bothering to look in the direction the Waiter had gestured to.  “Take it back. Please.”
Teris had hated the jealousy that had sparked in her when the Waiter had first set the drink in front of Shouta stating it was from some woman.  But she hated more the swell of relief that had followed when Shouta denied the drink.
She was with Hizashi.  But try as she might to bury her feelings for Shouta, they wouldn’t stay covered.  It wasn’t that she didn’t love Hizashi.  Hizashi was wonderful.  Great. He made her happy.  Happier than she had been in a very long time.
But these feelings for Shouta…
She wondered if it would be easier if Shouta was with someone.  He definitely deserved to be happy.  She wanted him to be happy. But the thought of him being with someone made her anything but happy.
The two of them had slowly become closer again.  Almost like the way they had been before everything went wrong when they were at UA.  But as wonderful as the closeness was, given the way she felt, it was asking for all sorts of trouble.  Trouble she didn’t want and could easily be avoid if she kept her distance from Shouta.  Something she had promised herself she would do.
But now she had just agreed to do her Friday and Saturday patrols with him.  What had she been thinking?  She wondered if she could back out without drawing too many questions.
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makeste · 5 years
a BnHA playlist/fanmix thing
@psqqa so I finally put together a list of some of my BnHA playlist tracks! this is by no means comprehensive because I have literally half a dozen different playlists with different themes (e.g. “instrumentals”, “BakuDeku”, “songs that either remind me of Kacchan or that he would work out to”, “angsty apocalyptic final battle”, and so forth) and omg it’s a lot. but this is my most inclusive playlist, which consists of general character theme songs for most of class 1-A, the League of Villains, and a few others. my taste in music generally leans towards alternative/indie/rock/grunge, but it can kind of go all over the place. so the genres may vary here and there, especially since I opted to go with whichever song I felt fit the character best regardless of how well the tracks all blended together musically.
also I have a bakudeku bias but THAT’S NOT EXACTLY BREAKING NEWS what can I say. and this is actually me holding back lol but oh well.
Deku - Rise (Katy Perry) - “makeste did you really just kick off your BnHA playlist with a Katy Perry song” yeah I did! because!! I won’t just survive/oh you will see me thrive/can’t write my story/I’m beyond the archetype. like, this song was made for anime protagonists. oh ye of little faith/don’t doubt it, don’t doubt it/victory is in my veins/I know it, I know it. this kid just doesn’t give up. this is no mistake, no accident/when you think the final nail is in, think again/don’t be surprised/I will still rise.
bonus: Blood (Archis) - this song is fucking gorgeous both musically and lyrically. don’t let them win/don’t let them get/under your skin, into your head/they’re full of it/you’re full of life/you’ll prove them right if you’re giving up/so let’s go for blood. it really is fucked up how dismissive BnHA society is of anyone who’s quirkless. it’s so stupid too, because the majority of quirks aren’t even all that great. “look at me I can make DSLR lenses pop out of my body!” lol fucking great. so obviously superior to normal people who have to take pictures with actual cameras like fucking scrubs. anyway, so Deku was written off from a young age as helpless, defective, and deficient, all because he lacked a quirk. so it’s been so fucking great to watch him finally prove them all wrong. (...by getting a quirk. lol. but STILL.) well it sure took a while to turn it around/but I never gave up on me.
Bakugou - We Will Rock You (VonLichten mix) (Queen) - I like this version of the song because it adds a bit of an extra oomph and it’s a little bit fiercer. anyways, this has been my Bakugou theme song since day one, and what I love about it is that each verse works for a different stage of his ~journey~. buddy you’re a boy/make a big noise/playing in the street/gonna be a big man someday -- this is Katsuki as a fearless young child, with hints at the growing chip on his shoulder (kicking your can all over the place). and then the second verse is him a little older, starting out at UA -- buddy you’re a young man/hard man/shouting in the street/gonna take on the world someday -- and proclaiming to the world that he’ll be number one. and lastly we have the final verse, with its line gonna make you some peace someday, which I know is meant in a make-peace-with-things-before-the-end kind of way, but in a BnHA context you can totally tweak it to be a reference to the man he’s aspiring to be. gonna make you some peace, because he’s gonna be greater than the Symbol of Peace himself someday.
bonus: Defy You (The Offspring) - the wind blows/I’ll lean into the wind/my anger grows/I’ll use it to win/the more you say/the more I defy you/so get out of my way. perfect song for a boy who cannot and will not be stopped. you cannot stop us/you cannot bring us down/never give up/we’ll go on and on. or, in his words: “I will win... that’s what heroes do.”
All Might - Legends Never Die (League of Legends OST) - listen I have never played League of Legends lol, but ever since I heard this song in a Marvel edit, this has been the All Might song for me. you could probably just watch the Kamino battle on mute with this song in the background and everything would fit. legends never die/when the world is calling you/can you hear them screaming out your name?/legends never die/they become a part of you/every time you bleed for reaching greatness/relentless, you survive. the lyrics basically speak for themselves. we stan a champion.
Aizawa - I’ll Make a Man Out of You (Mulan OST) - y’all I went through so many songs looking for something that summarized Aizawa’s tiredness/doneness-with-life while also alluding to his mentor side, and then suddenly BAM, it hit me. anyways so yeah. you’re the saddest bunch I ever met/but you can bet before we’re through/mister I’ll make a man out of you. also just try to listen to the “say goodbye to those who knew me/boy was I a fool in school for cutting gym/THIS GUY’S GOT ‘EM SCARED TO DEATH” part without picturing 1-A bitching about their scruffy teacher overlord whom they secretly love.
bonus: I’m So Tired (Fugazi) - if you’re looking for something more musically cohesive with the rest of this playlist in general, as opposed to SUDDEN DISNEY SONG OUT OF NOWHERE, this may be a bit more up your alley lol. I’m so tired sheep are counting me/no more struggle, no more energy/no more patience/and you can write that down/it’s all too crazy and I’m not sticking round. anyways Aizawa needs a nap.
Todoroki - Alive (Sia) - I grew up overnight/I played alone, I played on my own/I survived/I wanted everything I never had/like the love that comes with life/I wore envy and I hated it/but I survived. guys this little candy cane boy has been through some shit. but he hung in there and now he is thriving. I’m still breathing/I’m alive.
Ochako - You Gotta Be (Des’ree) - because she’s a badass. you gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser/you gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger/you gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together. anyways I sure would like Ochako to get the spotlight in an arc again one of these days. she’s the best.
Iida - Never Die (FNDTY) - it was actually pretty hard to find a song that fit Iida’s unique forty-year-old man personality since my musical tastes usually run towards moody shit and he’s pretty much the opposite of that lol. but I think the tempo of this song fits his quirk, at least, and it makes me smile, which he does also. you can run/you can fly/you can never die.
Kirishima - Guts Over Fear ft. Sia (Eminem)  - so this is a song all about overcoming your insecurities and finding the courage within yourself. I freaking love how the pre-chorus I was afraid to make a single sound/afraid I would never find a way out builds up and transitions into so here I am and I will not run/guts over fear. I’m so proud of Kiri you guys.
Momo - You Are Young (Keane) - another song about getting the better of your personal doubts and demons! hey now, don’t be scared, baby, don’t be scared at all/of all the things you don’t know/you’ve got time to realize. Momo has so much potential and she’s going to be such an incredible hero one day. now that she’s gaining more confidence the sky is pretty much the limit for her. you’ve got time/you’ve got to try/to bring some good into this world/cause you are young.
Mina - Safe and Sound (Capital Cities) - oh hey it’s the most upbeat song in the world, for the world’s most cheerful and optimistic and endlessly delightful person. I could fill your cup/you know my river won’t evaporate/this world we still appreciate/you could be my luck/even in a hurricane of frowns/I know that we’ll be safe and sound.
Kaminari - Thunderstruck (AC/DC) - okay yeah maybe I didn’t try too hard on this one lol. BUT IF THE SHOE FITS and honestly, it does. title aside, I think this song fits Kaminari musically too. it’s badass and it puts a smile on your face. went through to Texas/yeah Texas/and we had some fun/we met some girls/some dancers who gave a good time/broke all the rules/played all the fools. and then, of course, the chorus. you’ve been thunderstruck.
Jirou - Dream On (Aerosmith) - you know I had to go with a rock song for Jirou, so might as well go with a classic that’s all about (a) loving music (sing with me, sing for the year/sing for the laughter, sing for the tear) and (b) shooting for your dreams. dream on, dream on/dream until your dreams come true.
Tokoyami - Dark Necessities (Red Hot Chili Peppers) - I could have possibly gone with something a bit more goth for Toko as opposed to the Chilis, but the lyrics just fit so well though. you don’t know my mind/you don’t know my kind/dark necessities are part of my design/tell the world that I’m falling from the sky/dark necessities are part of my design/do you want this love of mine?/darkness helps us all to shine. Tokoyami doesn’t get enough respect for being a teenage edgelord without being a cringey mess. he’s setting such a good example for others.
so that’s pretty much it for my 1-A songs, but here are some bonus BakuDeku songs because I am obsessed
Muddy Waters (LP) - this is my theme for Deku VS Kacchan 2. goddamn Katsuki is such a hot fucking mess during this fight. and he’s hurting so much, and he’s reaching out to the only person he knows to reach out to in the only way he knows how. I will ask you for mercy/I will come to you blind/what you’ll see is the worst me/I’m not the last of my kind/in the muddy water we’re falling/in the muddy water we’re crawling. this song brings that good angst you guys. this is a relationship that has been through the wringer, and two boys who have basically no idea what they are doing, just kind of stumbling along. it is not clear why we choose the fire pathway/where we end is not the way that we had planned/all the spirits gathered round like it’s our last day/to get across you know we’ll have to raise the sand. anyways these kids chose the highest possible difficulty level for their path forward, but they’re doing it though. together, y’all.
Admiration (Incubus) - because Izuku is frankly infatuated and doesn’t even try to hide it. you’re an unfenced fire/over walls we’ve trampled/it’s you I admire/my living example. “an amazing person who was even closer to me than All Might.” he’s so open in his respect and awe for practically everything Kacchan does. just staring at him in starry-eyed wonder. and this part of their dynamic has always been so compelling to me -- how unconditional it is on Izuku’s part. that is some fiercely strong love there on his part that it can survive all the bullshit Kacchan heaps onto it, and all his best attempts to snuff it out. he just latched on and wouldn’t let go. anyways it resulted in something extremely unhealthy for quite a while, but it’s turning around now and being reciprocated, even if Kacchan’s version is prickly and tentative. don’t get ahead of me/could we just this once see eye to eye?
Ordinary Love (U2) - I can’t fight you anymore/it’s you I’m fighting for/the sea throws rocks together/but time leaves us polished stones. I fucking love that metaphor, though. yeah, just give them time. they’re gonna figure this all out one day.
and have a bonus theme song for class 1-A in general before we move on
Charlie Brown (Coldplay) - something about this song just embodies that restive, fidgety energy of youth to me. all the boys, all the girls/all that matters in the world/all the boys, all the girls/all the madness that occurs/all the highs, all the lows/as the room a-spinning goes/we’ll run riot/we’ll be glowing in the dark. there’s like a disorderly, disheveled beauty to this. say what you will about Coldplay, but some of their songs are like the musical equivalent of a rainbow.
anyways so now I’m gonna segue into some songs for a few of the season 4 characters. starting with...
Nighteye - While I’m Still Here (Nine Inch Nails) - ticking time is running out/yesterday I found out the world was ending. I still can’t get over how psychologically devastating Nighteye’s quirk is. it’s basically just Major Bummer: The Quirk. this season is really going to fuck me up emotionally isn’t it. a little more/every day/falls apart and/slips away/I don’t mind/I’m okay/wish it didn’t have to end this way. fucking hell. guess I better brace myself for some solid gut punches to the soul.
Eri - Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) (Florence + the Machine) - nothing to see here, just a little girl being treated as nothing more than a human bloodbank, and told that her quirk is nothing but a curse even as her abuser hoards it and uses it to wage a war. this is a gift, it comes with a price/who is the lamb and who is the knife?/Midas is king and he holds me so tight/and turns me to gold in the sunlight. but I also picked this song for Eri because of the way the POV slowly gathers up their courage and tries to fight back. I wish that I could just be brave/I must become a lion-hearted girl/ready for a fight/before I make the final sacrifice. excuse me I need to go hug Eri.
Mirio - Carry On (fun.) - okay so it was kind of hard to pick a song for Mirio, I think maybe I was overthinking it. anyways I ended up going with something hopeful to try and embody his endless, determined optimism. this song has kind of a quiet courage that builds up as it goes on. my favorite part is the second bridge: cause we are/we are shining stars/we are invincible/we are who we are/on our darkest day/when we’re miles away/so we’ll come/we will find our way home.
bonus: Mirio and Tamaki - Kids (Acoustic) (OneRepublic) - back when we were kids/swore we would never die/you and me were kids/swear that we’ll never die. lol at least we have one healthy childhood friendship to stan in this series.
and now on to THE VILLAINS, yay. this is probably the most musically cohesive section of this playlist, since VILLAINS!! means I can go with an overall darker ambiance.
All for One - Sympathy for the Devil (Neptunes Remix) (Rolling Stones) - didn’t even have to think about this one. please allow me to introduce myself/I’m a man of wealth and taste/I’ve been around for a long, long year/stole many a man’s soul and faith. this is the gentleman villain song and a perfect fit IMO.
Tomura - Pet (A Perfect Circle) - or really, this is more “AFO and Tenko”, I guess. manipulating a traumatized child into hating the world and raising him to become a killer. pay no mind to what other voices say/they don’t care about you like I do/safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils/see, they don’t give a fuck about you like I do/just stay with me/safe and ignorant. this is one of those songs where literally the entire song fits both lyrically and musically. just perfect. I’ll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices, son/they’re one and the same/I must isolate you/isolate and save you from yourself. like it’s a struggle here not to quote the entire song. ...eh, one more. swinging to the rhythm of the new world order and/counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.
bonus: Flesh and Bone (Black Math) - Tenko angst. god that last arc was so fucking good. I walk alone, beside myself/nowhere to go/this bleeding heart that’s in my hands/I fell apart. stupid manga with its darkly compelling villain character arcs.
Dabi - Shadow on the Sun (Audioslave) - aaaangst lol. and I can tell you why/people go insane/I can show you how/you could do the same. p.s. Dabi you still owe me a flashback! also “shadow on the sun” is a pretty good metaphor for his relationship with Endeavor. fire quirks make for such great metaphor potential.
Toga - Bones (MS MR) - you know I really have no idea why this song pings me so hard for Toga lol. but whatever, it is what it is. marinate in misery/like a girl of only 17/man-made madness/and the romance of sadness.
Twice - Misfits (Third Eye Blind) - my people are the misfits/the ones that don’t fit in. this is another song that clicked pretty naturally without requiring much thought on my part. well those are the ones for me/yeah those are the ones for me/the misfits, the freaks, the enemy/you and me.
Spinner - Normal Person (Arcade Fire) - is anything as strange as a normal person?/is anyone as cruel as a normal person/waiting after school for you/they want to know if you/if you’re normal too/well are you? this song is such a burn on quirk society and all of its issues. I can’t tell if I’m a normal person, it’s true/I think I’m cool enough/but am I cruel enough? I especially love the ending -- if that’s what’s normal now/I don’t want to know.
and a bonus League of Villains song:
Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Tears for Fears cover) (Lorde) - just change “rule” to “destroy” I guess lol. help me make the most of freedom/and of pleasure/nothing ever lasts forever/everybody wants to rule the world. god I love this cover. this is one of those songs I’ll play over and over again anyway so it’s nice to have a good excuse what with the direction this new arc appears to be headed in.
and lastly, a couple of Hawks and Endeavor songs because they don’t really fit in any other section and I didn’t really plan out this post!
Hawks - Weapon (Matthew Good) - just a really nice, angsty theme for the man who goes too fast, off on his spy mission of doom. careful, you be careful/this is where the world drops off. plus some bonus angst about how he’s trapped in this role that he never wanted to be in. and you give in/and you give out for it/ain’t it so weird/how it makes you a weapon.
Endeavor - Find My Way (Nine Inch Nails) - lord my path has gone astray/I’m just trying to find my way/wandered here from far away/I’m just trying to find my way/you were never meant to see/all those things inside of me/now that you have gone away/I’m just trying to find my way. I don’t really need to comment more on this, do I? also, the part where Trent Reznor’s voice drops to a whisper and says please/I never meant for this, though. omg. Endeavor you’re such a bitch and you had all of this coming, but even so. oof.
and that’s pretty much it! she said, like this post wasn’t long af as it is lol. anyway so there are... 34 songs here, lol. I should probably try and put it all into a youtube playlist or something for convenience. I’ll edit once I’ve done that.
edit: playlist!
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My Dirty Little Shame - The Disgrace and The Incompetent [2/?]
Summary: A Stand User. A villain.
No matter how you were classified as, in the eyes of Abbacchio and Aizawa, you were someone in dire need of discipline by their hand.
And after all that had transpired between you and the two of them, your punishment couldn’t come sooner enough.
Rating: PG-13 [Rating will go up]
Pairing: Abbacchio/Reader/Aizawa
[Next Chapter]
Thanks so much to everyone who expressed their interest in the first chapter of this new piece! With Part 5's anime having ended already while BNHA's new season begins tomorrow!!! I wanted to return to this fic, as there's still much I wanted to share with this work! Especially LEWDZ
Anyway, as always, I hope you enjoy!
Just where the hell was Narancia?
Scowling, Abbacchio reached up to adjust the police cap atop his head. Though he wasn't wearing his usual eccentrically revealing gothic robes, he was still sweltering within Tokyo's humid summer in the police uniform that he was currently wearing. With his black lipstick scrubbed off and his silken, ivory locks tied up in a bun, he was much more presentable--and unrecognizable--in appearance.
It had been a busy week.
Abbacchio had much on his mind, going from caring little about the upcoming Summer Olympics--save for the bit of country pride that would arise if Italy won gold--to jetting off on the next flight to Tokyo as soon as he was given approval.
Namely on how he planned on devastating you the moment he managed to track you down.
Though, he still had to be considerate of why he was allowed to go on what was essentially a revenge trip in the first place.
This office was just so damn golden.
And floral.
And Moschino.
"While Abbacchio had come to see Giorno as a close friend, a trusted ally, and a respected don, there was something so gaudy and tryhard about the young boss's office space that made him want to start smoking and use the coffee table bonsai tree as an ashtray. And, indeed, he was doing just that, a lit cigarette perched between his fingers.
Though, with Giorno sitting at his desk just before the royal blue velvet sofa that Abbacchio was lounging upon, he was at least respectful enough to tap the ashes onto the designated tray.
"--While I'm well aware of where Passione must stand in terms of global affairs, Mr. Polnareff has been a great friend and ally, and I feel that assisting the Speedwagon Foundation would be in our best interest," Giorno remarked, his chin resting upon his steepled fingers, all while his eyes trailed over the array of documents currently displayed on his desk. He reached down to sift through the file dedicated to Koori and the recent attack on the Olympic village, retrieving a picture of the ice skater to show to Abbacchio, his eyes narrowing with resolve.
"After all, we need to make sure Ghiaccio gets captured at last so we can stop La Squadra from spreading out their influence abroad."
Reclined fully back against the sofa, Abbacchio allowed for a haze of grey smoke to escape his lips. "...I'm well aware." His position was familiar, reminiscent of those warm, idyllic afternoons spent with you. Your head on his lap, affectionate eyes staring sweetly up at him while your fingers teasingly trailed along his chest.
Up until he had enough, seizing your wrist before splaying you upon the couch and smothering your lips with smokey kisses.
His eyes were fixed on the ceiling, knowing that if he were to even glance at the photo, he was going to destroy something. While Ghiaccio was always an especially irritating sight that caused sore eyes, Abbacchio's fury came from the connection that the two of you had together.
How your arms wrapped so snuggly around Ghiaccio's neck, one of your eyes fluttering shut in a wink before you disappeared from his life.
Seeing Abbacchio's averted stare, Giorno closed his eyes, a light chuckle escaping him as he slipped the photo back to its file. "Of course." His attention shifted over to another file, one which bore the seal of Japan's Hero Public Safety Commission. "...Still, to better our chances, the Speedwagon Foundation is requesting that we join together with the Heroes Association during the Olympics--"
Abbacchio glanced down.
Giorno's bonsai tree really was looking deficient in cigarette ashes.
Following his gaze and how his hands took hold of his cigarette, Giorno only proceeded to sigh, "I understand that it's already requesting much of you to assist with international affairs, Abbacchio. However, from what I could see, while Narancia will surely be needed, only you and Eraserhead will find the greatest success together since the two of you had similar encounters--"
Abrupt and unceremonious, Abbacchio was suddenly on his feet. His hand lowered, flicking ash to its designated tray. A respectful manner in contrast to the glare in his eyes--still less volatile than from when he saw Giorno as a hapless new recruit instead of the reliable don that he was today.
"Tch--I don't need anyone's help. I've got no reason to work with a so-called Hero who couldn't even do his job right," Abbacchio nearly spat out just before he turned to make his leave, his eyes facing forward to the future he was willing to claw his way towards.
The future he saw was you bound in chains, whether in an Italian prison cell, or locked away in his bedroom.
And though Giorno expected more or less for this mission debriefing to end as it did, he still couldn't help but smile as Abbacchio added,
"Revenge will see me through."
However, while Abbacchio's vengeance could match that of the sun, his eyes couldn't withstand the intense brightness of summer. Reaching for the front of his uniform, he retrieved the rather unfortunate pair of non-Gucci shades that had been provided by the Speedwagon Foundation for his disguise, slipping them on with displeasure.
He peered around the crowd of excited spectators in hopes of catching a glimpse of Narancia. However, in this age of Quirks, to find a scrawny Italian 20-something dressed in an orange Supreme hoodie and a purple Moschino skort proved to be annoyingly difficult.
While Abbacchio was to patrol around the arena for when Ghiaccio would take the Olympic stage, Narancia was supposed to be doing recon around the premises, seeking out all possible escape routes that the gangster-turned-athlete could utilize. It took a great deal of either courage, stupidity, or courageous stupidity for Ghiaccio to have even resurfaced in the public eye to such a degree.
Though, as Abbacchio could reason, by what he was aware of La Squadra, he wouldn't have been surprised if this was in relation to whatever business relationship that was struck up with the yakuza in exchange for hosting him in Japan.
That and pride.
So much.
Contemplating as to why Ghiaccio made his return--along with, more importantly, why you showed yourself once again--Abbacchio prepared to do another patrol around the arena's premises.
Up until he caught a glimpse of a young man running by the stands, his Supreme fanny pack--worn diagonally across his chest--bounced slightly against his front with each hurried step.
With the flash of orange and purple, Abbacchio snorted under his breath.
There was only one person that scrawny who could dress that ugly.
Still, there had to be some reason that Narancia was too busy running about to report back. With that in mind, Abbacchio proceeded to trail after him, right as a Bakugou Katsuki was introduced to the crowd.
While Abbacchio made his way past stands of a different nature from what he was used to, a lone Aizawa was in one of the overseeing VIP rooms, staring out towards the grand obstacle course below where athletes would demonstrate the power of their Quirks. His eyes shifted over to the clock that was hanging on the wall towards his right, his eyebrows furrowing as he let out a displeased hum.
Just where the hell was Midoriya?
With the Olympics set to begin soon, Midoriya should have returned from his run-through of the entire Coliseum space. Having completed his studies and graduated from UA High, he had finally set out to accomplish his dreams of being a professional hero.
While balancing on top of his own participation in the Olympic games, he was tasked with assisting his former teacher, as per the request of Toshinori. Given the international connections regarding this mission, he near pleaded to be able to help out and broaden the scope of his experience.
Though Midoriya looked to be all too eager to take on his new role, Aizawa could only look towards this mission with burning vengeance and bitter longing.
A sight that he could only and truly gaze at by the work of his upgraded goggles.
This office was just too damn bright.
Calmly sitting at one of the many chairs by a conference table, Aizawa was tempted to already slip on the modified pair of goggles that were laid across the sleek oak surface.
A specially designed pair from the Speedwagon Foundation, the international organization that dealt with a certain subset of people who had Quirk-like abilities.
They weren't Heroes by any means.
Rather, as the Speedwagon Foundation referred to them, they were Stand users.
Truly the one crucial point that separated Quirk from Stand was that the former could be seen by all while the latter was only able to be seen by those who also possessed the same power
At least for the most part.
After all, with the goggles that the Speedwagon Foundation had prepared just for him, he would now be able to see any Stand, no matter the user.
And now Aizawa--a Pro Hero who dealt with countless villains--was standing in one of the offices at the Speedwagon Foundation's temporary headquarters: a grand naval vessel that was docked off the coast of Morioh.
The task of hunting down not one but two Stand users was now officially on his shoulders, at the request of the two individuals sitting across from him.
To the left was a familiar face: lead detective for the Ghiaccio/Koori case and representative for both the police force and the Olympic Committee, Naomasa.
On the right was a stranger with a near unsettlingly familiar voice: a fortune teller and one of the top agents for the Speedwagon Foundation, Mohammed Avdol. A man of Egyptian descent, he carried himself ever so calm and reserved with the occasional hearty chuckle. Though, his outfit was bold with vibrant red cotton robes and big, ornate golden jewelry adorning his body. If Aizawa were to so much as close his eyes whenever Avdol spoke, he would have most certainly believed that a calm but prideful Toshinori was in the room.
While not surprising, somehow the world's Number One Hero was involved in this whole ordeal, as well. And despite his logical dismissals, he still felt the beginnings of sparks of vengeance and the pangs of jealousy, the thought of you looking towards a close friend with the same desire you once showed to him.
"--thus, after reviewing the footage from All Might's agency, we have concluded that it is without doubt that Trouble Maker was seen on the premises, posing as part of the cleaning staff," Naomasa noted while presenting security camera stills. "However, considering her insistence on gaining access to Toshi's office, suspicion obviously arose, but she disappeared before she could be confronted."
Sure enough, disguise and all, you could be seen going about your 'duties'. While Aizawa was irritated thinking over what your intentions were, he was even more annoyed--albeit at himself--over how cute you looked in your work uniform.
Trouble Maker.
Apparently that was a familiar name amongst the yakuza, of a tempting siren who was not to be trifled with.
A simple but fitting title for you, even if earlier recollections of the time spent together were much more tender and sweet.
Perhaps now he would finally know just what caused that betrayal which had him scouring for revenge.
"For this to happen just mere weeks before the incident at the Olympic village..." Avdol trailed off, his eyes--once closed with contemplation--opening while his arms remained folded over his chest. "...I'm certain that whatever scheme is going on will most certainly involve Ghiaccio's appearance at the Olympics, whether by sabotage in favor of the yakuza or fleeing the country."
Aizawa reached for the goggles on the table, already rising from his seat. "Regardless, their intentions don't matter. I'll see to it that they are apprehended and brought to justice."
While Naomasa looked to be a bit flabbergasted at how fiercely determined Aizawa was, Avdol held a hand up, motioning for him to sit back down. "It is a relief to see that your resolve lives up to your reputation, Aizawa. However, while I trust you fully to take on this task, facing off against a Stand user is still much too different than facing against a villain."
"Believe me, I have experience with facing against Stands."
There was venom on Aizawa's tongue, a taste made even more bitter when a memory of your cheerful smile crossed his mind. One that was offered to him while he was struggling to so much as sit up from the concrete ground, just moments before you made your escape in the back of a van, the sight of you drawing Ghiaccio close to your chest before the backdoor shut.
Though Avdol's expression looked to be more sympathetic, he remained firm, all while his hand rested over a file that was dated nearly 7 years ago, of which was noted with a simple but resounding 'Mission Failed'. "We would still prefer you partner up with a Stand user, Aizawa, especially since one is on this mission as well." With a nod, he urged, "You should work alongside him. Though he does align himself with Passione, he is to be trusted and his experience would--"
"To work with the Italian mafia?" Aizawa interjected, his eyes narrowing while his tone struggled to remain neutral. "Pardon for what I must ask, Mr. Avdol, but are you out of your mind?" He near slammed his hand against his chest as he went on, lips curling into a snarl as emotions of both heated vengeance and a lingering heartache quickly resurfaced, "The responsibility for this matter falls onto me, and I will make sure this nuisance finally comes to an end with that woman in handcuffs."
Alarmed, Naomasa quickly turned towards Avdol, preparing to apologize for Aizawa's outburst. However, the Speedwagon Foundation representative looked to be calm, his eyes closing before pleasantly remarking, "I see this side to your reputation rings true as well."
Before Aizawa could get another word out, Naomasa immediately stepped in, his hands up in a gesture to calm down, "I understand that this mission has personal context for you, Aizawa. However, the success of this mission is of absolute importance." His expression becoming concerned, he added, "While it is imperative that Koori gets apprehended and whatever yakuza connections he has are revealed, Trouble Maker is a wholly different matter, especially if All Might gets involved."
While still tense, the more rational side of Aizawa struggled to reign him back in, that there was no place for his emotions during a mission debriefing of all things. “I agree that we should investigate further into why she took post at his office. However, I don't--" Recalling how perfectly you fit into his arms while he whisked you away to the bedroom came to mind. "--see how a Stand-- how a Quirk like hers would be that effective against him."
Naomasa quickly sifted through another folder, drawing out a summary report with a compilation of security camera stills at the bottom. Skimming over the details, he remarked, "It was said that during her time at All Might's office, Trouble Maker was asking about more..." Glancing up at Aizawa, he started to look flustered. "...personal questions regarding him. Gossip basically. But from what we know of the volatile and influential power that Trouble Maker's Stand has, if used against All Might then--"
"Shouta! The jig is that the world can't know that All Might fucks!"
Avdol jumped slightly in his seat.
Naomasa covered his face with his hands.
Aizawa readied his scarf.
Closing the door behind him before stepping into the debriefing room--having been out to go use the restroom but was lost after the third winding turn back--a grinning Hizashi proceeded to rub the back of his head while bowing 45 degrees out of respect. "Oh! Sorry! Sorry!"
Cupping his mouth with one hand, he loudly whispered, "The world can't know that All Might fuc--"
The rest of the mission debriefing took much longer than expected.
His expression looking utterly irritated upon recollection, Aizawa reached for his goggles, his grip on them turning into a clench.
At the very least, with Hizashi acting as one of the official Olympic sports commentators, there would always be eyes on Ghiaccio once he took to the field, which was to be soon. He received notice that Ghiaccio was to engage in the Quirk obstacle course, the very same one that he knew Bakugou was to compete in as well.
However, right as he heard the beginnings of the Italian national anthem, Aizawa glanced down towards the stands, only to see a familiar mass of green dashing by.
There was Midoriya.
And he looked to be pursuing something.
Aizawa tensed.
Could it be...?
While logic and rationality would have made him think to contact Midoriya first, emotions had him rushing out of the room in pursuit.
As Midoriya was one to seek after danger to handle it on his own, for him to not report back as ordered spoke volumes.
It wasn't long before Aizawa was rushing out the south gate of the Olympic Coliseum, whereupon he caught up to Midoriya, who had since stopped in his tracks.
At the same time, Abbacchio had just finally gotten hold of Narancia, who also came to a still at the south gate.
Abbacchio grabbed onto his shoulder, "Oi, Narancia--!"
Aizawa seized for the back of Midoriya's collar. "Midoriya, just where have you--?"
Both paused upon hearing an irritatingly familiar inflection.
Abbacchio and Aizawa looked up from their respective partners, soon facing one another, eye to eye.
A disgraced cop who had since fallen to the influence of the mafia.
An incompetent excuse of a hero who had seen better days.
Their eyes narrowed towards one another in a harsh glare.
However, before either could speak up, they heard the delighted cries of,
"Ayy, Signore Midoriya! Any luck on your end?"
"Ahh! Narancia-san! Not yet, but I hope your search has been productive!"
The two greeted one another with a wave.
Alarmed, Abbacchio and Aizawa were quick to utter out a near united, "What?!"
It was then that, at last, Narancia and Midoriya had turned to face their respective superiors.
And all Abbacchio and Aizawa could see was red.
Namely, an achingly familiar shade of rouge that was present on their respective partners' cheeks as a kissmark.
"Ahh Abbacchio! There you are!" Narancia beamed excitedly while his arms folded behind his head, "My bad, but I was helping a pretty tourist who said she was looking for her baby boy!"
"Ai- Ai-Aizawa-sensei!" Midoriya stuttered out in a fluster while quickly wiping the kissmark away. "I'm so sorry! While I was canvassing the area, a distressed woman approached me and said she was looking for her kitten!"
The words that were uttered out struck at the two.
Baby boy.
You were here.
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astreetcarnamedwynn · 5 years
bnha rewatch: episode 5
I’m taking advantage of my last bit of summer free time to go hard on the BNHA rewatch. If you’d like to read the previous analysis, either check out the ‘bnha rewatch’ tag on this post, or you can read them on AO3 (my account link is at the top of my Tumblr).
For episode five, I focus on how Aizawa completes the Adult Version of the All Might dichotomy (along with Present Mic; Bakugou and Midoriya complete the Kid Version), and how the last big hero requirement comes fully to the fore (power, heart, and head).
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“What I Can Do for Now”
If Bakugou and Midoriya are at the opposite ends of the All Might Spectrum: Kid’s Version (win to save and save to win), then Present Mic and Eraserhead are their adult counterparts. Not in the same way, of course. Their dichotomy isn’t winning and saving. Instead, it’s the spotlight and the shadow, or how heroism should be conducted in society.
Previous episodes have touched on this theme. Right from the start, you have Mt. Lady catering to the spotlight (or the camera flashes in this case). Both Toshinori and Midoriya comment on how heroes focus on doing what they can to capture the spotlight in order to sustain their careers. We see Toshinori doing this when he plays the consummate ALL MIGHT after saving Midoriya from the sludge villain. Mic’s introduction ramps up and then subverts this idea. UA uses him to perform a clever hidden assessment of the true nature of these applicants, to see how many of them truly have a selfless, heroic nature.
Part of Midoriya’s arc since he first meets All Might is to have the Wizard of Oz-esque curtain pulled back on the hero world and to learn the truth about what it really means to be a hero. He’s the ultimate fanboy at the start, dazzled by everything heroic. And then the curtain vanishes in a puff of smoke, and Midoriya meets Toshinori, he sees the awful consequences of heroism, both physically in Toshinori’s horrific scar but also mentally/emotionally in how cynical and beaten down Toshinori has become.
Eraserhead (or Aizawa as he will subsequently be referred) takes this schooling to the next level. I LOVE his two introductions. In the first, as other UA faculty discusses the results of the exam, he’s lurking in the background, a silent shadow. He’s defined by dark colors- black and grey- the opposite of the dazzlingly colorful Mic and All Might. In his second introduction, he’s so unassuming that Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida don’t even know he’s there until he finally speaks. He proclaims his dislike for ceremony, and All Might explains how he hates the media, how he hates the spotlight, for interfering in heroism: he “judges celebrity heroes like All Might.” And Aizawa repeatedly takes Class 1-A to task for not taking heroism seriously, first by chastising Uraraka for focusing on making friends rather than on studying, and then by chastising Mina and Sero for viewing the quirk assessment test as a fun game. To Aizawa, heroing is serious business, not flashy entertainment.
And what is needed for a hero to conduct the serious business of heroism? Power, but not just power. In a callback to the start of episode one and Midoriya’s statement about all men not being created equal, Aizawa tells Class 1-A, “The country’s still trying to pretend we’re all created equal by not allowing those with the most power excel. It’s not rational. One day the Ministry of Education will learn.” With this kind of statement, it seems like Aizawa thinks power is what is most important to being a hero, yet his beef with Midoriya disproves this idea. He’s not salty about Midoriya because he lacks power. He’s salty about Midoriya because Midoriya has power, but he can’t control it or use it effectively. Power without control is brute destruction. Aizawa says as much to Midoriya in this episode: despite all his power, Midoriya would be a liability on the battlefield because he can’t use it for any sustained, meaningful purpose. “With your power,” Aizawa says, “there’s no way you can become a hero.”
How great is this parallel to the first few episodes? All Midoriya heard his entire life is, “Without any power, there’s no way you can become a hero.” And now he has power, but it’s not enough. You need more to become a hero. The first four episodes explore how a selfless, helpful heart is needed. It’s Midoriya trying to save Bakugou that impresses Toshinori. It’s Midoriya trying to save Uraraka that impresses both Iida and the judges. In this episode, it’s the other aspect of Midoriya that takes center stage and shows why he does have what it takes to become a hero: his sharp mind.
Aizawa talks about how heroes need to be able to use their quirks creatively. They need to be smart and adaptable because, as he bluntly says, “life isn’t fair.” They need to be prepared for the worst that life has to offer. The two 1-A students that either state or show their sharp mind and quirk adaptability in this episode (aside from Midoriya) are Bakugou and Uraraka. Bakugou outright declares that his quirk has the most uses out of anyone’s (even though he likely doesn’t even know what all his classmates, particularly Momo and Todoroki, can do). But he puts his money where his mouth is, so to speak. An explosion quirk seems like it would only be good for destruction, yet Bakugou uses it to increase his speed and height while running and jumping, and he uses it like the triggered explosion of a gun to propel the testing ball away from him (without blowing up the ball). Uraraka isn’t as boasty, but she shows how her quirk can be used for more than just battle. She lightens her clothes and shoes and does well in the race, and of course, she defeats everyone in the ball throw with her power.
Aizawa said that this assessment is of their quirks, but it’s really of the students’ intelligence. How many different ways can they find to use their quirks in non-combat, non-destructive situations? When all it seems like Midoriya can do is destroy himself when using his quirk, Aizawa is dismissive. And yet that’s not all there is to Midoriya. We saw that in episode two. Midoriya had absolutely no power with which to fight the sludge villain. As he runs to save Bakugou, he uses his sharp mind. He strategizes. His heroic fanboying becomes something substantial as he turns his knowledge into an actionable plan, and it works. He gives Bakugou a chance to breathe, to keep living, long enough for All Might to come. Midoriya demonstrates that same sharp mind here as well. He can’t use his quirk in his entire arm or he’ll break it and he won’t be able to continue at UA, so he’ll “do what he can,” pour the power through one finger, and win. Aizawa’s manic grin when Midoriya turns to him, broken but still standing, is a thing of terrifying beauty.
You need power to be a hero, but you also need heart and a cool head, which is why eventually Horikoshi will elevate Todoroki to the position of tritagonist (third main character). Though Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki possess all of these aspects to varying degrees, they each represent one more than the others at the start: Bakugou → power, Midoriya → heart, and Todoroki → intelligence.
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