#which good book but i have no tiiiime
caffeiiine · 7 months
solitaire was really good i should reread it
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ectonurites · 3 years
What are your opinions on Teen titans
'Teen Titans' is very broad. lots of things that could refer to, so i'll give my opinions on all the possible ones i can think of:
Vol. 1 / Silver Age - i have read like 3 total comics from that era but love the vibes tbh
1967 Filmation shorts - THESE ARE SO FUNNY PLS WATCH THEM!!! they're like on youtube. theres so much going on
The New Teen Titans (80s) - i still need to actually read this run start to finish not just in random chunks when the mood strikes/i have a specific question im trying to answer but like, iconic
Vol. 2 (90s) - i forgot this one existed until i was just looking at all the different possible teen titans things to talk about. so. i think that says my thoughts about that
2003 Cartoon - i grew up on this one babey (like i remember watching it as new episodes came out and everything) its always gonna hold a special place in my heart and tbh was one of my first introductions to superhero stuff in general
New Teen Titans shorts - these were so cute. the who is red x one where gar insists its jason... iconic
Vol. 3 (2003) - Geoff Johns face my wrath for what you did to the core four. but um. a WILD ride from start to finish i can tell you that!!!! i shit talk this comic a lot but like it does definitely have its moments and there are some cool and interesting things it did, it just also showed a blatant disregard for previous characterization of four of its main characters which annoys the shit out of me and always will.
Teen Titans Go! - im going to be so real with you i understand why so many ppl hate this show but its actually so fucking funny to me. i dont regularly watch it or anything but like. it is so amusing to me. every time i remember the urn marked 'Robin II' displayed next to a crowbar i lose MY MIND. or the 'NOBODY CARES ABOUT TIIIIM DRAKE'.
Vol. 4 (2011/New 52) - this comic caused me physical pain to read. nothing makes sense. none of the characters are themselves. shit is just a mess, an absolute mess. however Bunker? Miguel? I love him. best thing to come out of this damn comic.
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies - go watch this right fucking now if you haven't seen it. its literally so good even most ppl who hate ttg still will admit its good. my friend recently reminded me that when we saw it in theaters there was a part that made me laugh so hard i literally fell out of my chair
Vol. 5 (2014/Still New 52) - this one is also really bad but at least its kinda funny. definitely more pleasant to read than Vol. 4 but like its still not good or pleasant to read, i just mean that like, in comparison. the last two issues i actually genuinely like tbh (bc #23 is a standalone like, just nice team story, and then #24 is a memorial for Tim after he 'died' in Rebirth)
Justice League vs Teen Titans movie - the dcamu is a fucking fever dream but like the concept of max from wizards of waverly place voicing jaime while violet from american horror story voices raven amused me so much. also the FUCKIN UHHH MAGICAL GIRL-ESQUE TRANSFORMATION SCENE WITH DAMIAN THEN JUST TRYING TO BREAK INTO THE CAR FOR HIS SWORD IS SO FUCKING FUNNY
Teen Titans: Judas Contract movie - its the judas contract. it is what it is.
Vol. 6 (Rebirth) - i have not read too much of this one (like. ive read... chunks of it but not the whole thing) but eh. i've heard bad things about later parts of it especially and from what i've read that seems to... line up.
Titans TV show - a hot mess. superhero riverdale. i binged the first two seasons within 48 hours. very nice costumes and mostly very well cast but the writing makes me die
Tween Titans - in that one episode of dc superhero girls. im just obsessed with Dick having the thick jersey accent its so fucking funny
Teen Titans Academy - I really was not vibing with it early on but as we've actually gotten to focus on the new kids more i've liked it more, but overall its just way too bloated of a cast. having the new characters students, the previous team older students, and then the og titans as teachers is just... too much to focus on in one book. then also did not like the attempt at dick/babs/kory love triangle drama in like issue 2 get tht shit outta here
and if u meant more just the team overall like. i think the titans are cool
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silma-words · 3 years
14. “Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to.” for adrian x mc?
N/A: Thank you for the prompt @detectivedumortain 😊 I don’t know if this is what you had in mind, but I hope you will like it!
Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC (Ellie)
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Alcohol consumption
Category: Random fluff
Summary: Bloodbound AU (after book 1 – the events of book 2 never happened) – While Ellie is gone out with her friends, Adrian receives a much unexpected message from her after she has had one too many drinks…
Inspired by prompt #14 from Prompt List #1: “Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to.”
Words: 2450
**Disclaimer: Characters and background plot are the property of Pixelberry.**
The hangover
Adrian was lying lazily on his couch, nose buried deep in the folds of an old worn-out book, when a sound made him jump out of his concentration, drawing his attention to the phone lying face down on the coffee table. He hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting between the device and the page he very much wanted to keep exploring. When the ping was immediately followed by another four, he smiled fondly and dropped the book onto his lap, knowing with certainty who these texts would be from.
*You don’t know what you’re missing*
*Drop your boring book and join us*
*I promise you won’t regret it*
*They have that fancy whiskey you love, Macallan Sherry Oak*
*And play decent music that even you would approve of*
Her texts made him chuckle, secretly filling him with warmth knowing that she was thinking about him on her night out with Lily and a few of their friends. As much as Adrian wanted to spend all of his time with her if he could, he was convinced that they both needed some time for themselves once in a while. Especially when Ellie and Lily were planning to meet with some of their common friends, with whom it was always a little tricky to keep up appearances to make sure they did not find out about the vampire world.
Adrian was not a huge fan of texting, but he couldn’t leave her hanging. That, and he also did appreciate the chance to interact a little with her despite the distance.
*Macallan Sherry Oak, hum? Consider me impressed*
The fact that she remembered which whiskey his favourite was made him smile. She did not lie during her interview: she did have a great memory.
*Sounds tempting, but maybe another time? I feel that I’d enjoy this new bar way more with you alone*
Once he read over his text again, he worried for a second that it might have been a tad too blunt. He really needed to get a hand around these ‘emoji’ thingies, and start using those. It took a few minutes until the phone pinged again with her response.
*Is that a date then, Mr Raines?*
The winking smiley face ending her message eased his worries instantly. Another proof that emojis did actually have a purpose.
*Sure it is, Miss Reed*
His answer was met with a flurry of pictograms, making him smile brightly, before he drifted back to his reading, confident that Ellie would be soon too distracted by her friends to continue their exchange. And he was right. His phone remained awfully quiet for hours, letting him indulge in his ‘boring book’ (her words) and slowly doze off on the sofa.
When he eventually woke up from his unexpected nap, his attention was captured by the flickering light of his phone, indicating that he had missed a few notifications while he was out. A couple of work emails, a few newsflash from his financial news app, and... eleven text messages, and five missed calls. All from Ellie.
He raised up quickly to sit properly and open the messages, a ball forming in his throat at the idea that maybe something had happened. It wouldn’t be the first time. This woman had a talent for trouble. But his worries faded instantly upon browsing quickly over her texts, which were... nothing but a succession of random pictures of her evening, accompanied by random sentences full of typos. The series of text ended with a bunch of random fruit and veg emoji that Adrian was not quite sure how to interpret.
Adrian chortled at this. Well, the girls were having a good night by the looks of it!
Checking the timing of her missed calls, he saw that these had been only a few minutes apart, but that she had eventually left a couple of voice messages. He could not repress a laughter upon hearing her inebriated voice as he started listening to the first recording, nearly able to picture from her pitch the blissful smile that must have adorned her lips as she spoke.
*Hey, handsome! I guess you’re probably asleep or something but... huumm, I just wanted to hear your voice... because I... hum, well... I guess ‘cause I’m missing you like crazy right now and I wish you were here... although tis’ probably best you’re not, you’d probably be embarrassed of my sorry drunk ass right now but... aaarh, I guess I just wanted you to know that I miss you, even if I see you aaaalll the tiiiime and... aaarrg I probably shouldn’t say that... you’re goin’ to freak out and think I’m like some kind of overly needy panda bear clinging to your leg... oh god, why the hell am I sayin’ t...* /end of message/
Adrian’s smile was nearly reaching his ears by the time that first message was cut by the robotic voice, the corner of his eyes crinkled with amusement, but his eyes gleaming with warmth at the sound of Ellie’s declaration. The seconds he had to wait for the next voice message to play nearly seemed interminable.
*Hum, well... sorry about that... hum… right, hum… nevermind! Well, I should probably get going now and leave you to whatever your old ass is doin’ right now but… aaarh I guess I’ll see you soon at work on Monday anyway… or before if you want, or… but if you don’t that’s fine… aaarh ok, that’s me hanging up now, before I get even weirder… byyyye!! I love you!.......... ooohhh sh…* /end of message/
Well. That was a hell of a message. Adrian was beaming, the sound of her voice still ringing in his ears, the sweetness and awkwardness of her ramble warming his body all over. And his heart was slowly restarting after it had jumped and landed with a thud when he had heard her last words.
He had definitely not been expecting that. Neither did she, by the sound of the muttered curse that seemed to have followed. Neither of them had spoken these words before. Neither of them had dared rushing things by voicing their feelings out loud. Although to Adrian, those feelings were as clear as day. Silently expressed in the way he looked at her, touched her, cared for her. But he did not want to presume that Ellie was feeling the same, although he had been desperately hoping so. Hearing her saying it out loud was a relief, an unexpected gift that he was not still entirely sure he deserved.
But what to do now? Should he say it back? Run to find her to tell her he felt the same? She might not even remember saying it, judging by the state of intoxication she seemed to have been under when she called. She might even regret it, or might not have even meant it. The conflicting thoughts now rushing through his head instantly washed down the smile from his lips. Oh God, it was like being a teenager all over again!
He had to go and see her. At least to check if she had made it home ok.
His mood swinging from elation to anxiety as he was replaying her messages in his head, he made his way to Lily’s and Ellie’s apartment, eager to see her but nervous about what he should say. That journey seemed to last forever. So did waiting at the door for someone to let him in, his ears trained on the slow and familiar heartbeat he could hear through the solid wood. Luckily, Lily was quick to answer the door, although she was clearly surprised.
“Hey A!” she greeted him with a smile, before furrowing her brows in concern. “Oh no, what kind of messages did she send you? Did she freak you out?! That was a bit of a struggle at some point to get her hands away from her stupid phone..!”
“No, no, don’t worry Lily”, he reassured her. “I… I just wanted to check up on her as the night seemed to have been quite… wild?”.
Lily sniggered at his choice of words.  “Oh yeah, that was a good night!”, she beamed, gesturing for him to come in, before adding with a grin, “… although I don’t know what Ellie would say right now… I had kind of forgotten the lovely after-effects that overly sweet and cheap cocktails can have on a human organism… and so did she, I reckon.”
Lily giggled a little at this, shooting an adorable apologetic grin at Adrian as if to prevent him from even thinking about blaming her for Ellie’s massive hangover. If she had reached that stage yet.
“Well, may I go and see the damage for myself?” he asked with a grin.
“Be my guest! But I hope you have learnt how to block your nostrils over the years, coz in there... yuk!”
They both shared a laugh at this, as Adrian dropped his coat and jacket on a chair before heading towards Ellie's room, bracing himself as he knocked softly at the door “Ellie? May I come in?”
His call was met by the sounds of ruffling sheets and by an intelligible grumble that he interpreted as a ‘yes'. Slowly pushing the door open, his eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness of the room to find Ellie’s form, surprisingly not tucked in the sheets, but instead awkwardly sat on the floor by her bed. Her cheek was resting on the edge of the mattress, her arms sprawled around her head lazily as if to prevent herself from slipping off to the floor.
Adrian quietly crossed the room to kneel by her side, laying a comforting hand between her shoulder blades while reaching over her arm to brush away the sticky strands of hair from her face, revealing a pale figure staring ahead into nothingness, her mouth slightly open as she was taking in shallow breaths.
“Oh sweetheart…” he sighted softly, offering her a warming smile as her eyes finally seemed to have focused on him. Caressingly gently the burning skin of her temple, he offered: “Do you want to stay down here, or do you want me to move you to the bed?”
It took Ellie a while to answer, as if gathering her thoughts as well as her strength to voice them was beyond achievable for her. She finally nodded weakly, her lips finally moving to let her feeble voice out: “I tried but… couldn’t get back on the bed after I…”.
Nodding back at her to show her that she did not need to say any more, he pressed a quick peck on her forehead before gently moving around to collect her limp body in his arms and deposit her carefully onto the bed. Helping her out of her clothes was the next step, and Ellie did not complain whatsoever during the whole process, focused on keeping her eyes closed to try to ignore what this shuffling around was doing to her stomach. Once he was done, Adrian sat by her side on the edge of the bed, one hand holding hers onto his lap, the other on the side of her neck so he could brush his thumb over her cheek soothingly.  
“Sounded like you had a great night yesterday” Adrian teased, as Ellie looked at him with foggy eyes, attempting to raise a sceptical brow but failing miserably.
“Yes we had… but” she had to stop for a second, her stomach heaving dangerously, “not so much fun now”.
“Yes I can imagine”, he chuckled lightly, his eyes roaming over her features to check everything else was alright.
Lost in the peaceful silence that was filling in the room as she was gradually relaxing next to him, securely tucked in in the bedsheets, Adrian had nearly forgotten why he had initially rushed to her place. That was until he saw her eyes suddenly snap open and her brow furrow, as she broke the silence to ask: “Wait… what do you mean by ‘sounded like you had a great night’?”
Well, at least that answered his previous concern that she might not remember was she had said in her messages. He could just pretend that nothing out of the ordinary happened, and leave it at that, hoping that those words would grace her lips once more in the near future, under better circumstances. Hopefully. Except he did not want to pretend. Or could not.
“You don’t remember calling me last night?”, he asked softly, unable to hide the gleam of expectation in his eyes.
Her frown and confused gaze answered his question before her lips did. “No I….” she started, before suddenly widening her eyes in silent realisation, as glimpses of last night’s drunk endeavours resurfaced to hit her in the face. Eyes wide, she was starting to remember… bits after bits… and then all of it.
“Oh nooooo…”, she muttered, the blood somehow suddenly finding its way back to her cheeks despite the weakness of her body. If the flush of her skin and the thumping of her heart were not enough to ensure Adrian that she was now remembering everything she had said, the sheepish smile that adorned her face as she dropped her eyes to their joined hands was proof enough.
Squeezing her hand a little more tightly, he braced himself: “Ellie, I…”
But as he was about to speak, Ellie suddenly straightened up in the bed, covering her mouth with her hand and she heaved once more, her body violently reminding her that now was not the time for heart-to-heart conversations. No. Now was the time for her to pay the consequences for over indulging on G&Ts and margaritas a few hours before.
Clutching Adrian’s arm to keep herself up, she pleaded weakly, the corner of her mouth curled in a feeble smile that showed that she was admitting defeat: “Adrian, please… just… please, be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to…. I’m gonna need you to carry me to the bathroom…”.
If Adrian was a little disappointed, he did not show it. Probably because he knew that now was clearly not the right time to discuss this. And probably because he could see the reassurance in her eyes that she was not going to take her words back. They would get to this part again eventually, there was no point in rushing things just because the alcohol had loosened her lips.
Smiling at her warmly, he simply nodded, pushing the bedsheets away to cradle her trembling body once more in his arms and carry her to the bathroom. She was right. Now was not the right time. He would tell her. Eventually. Just not right now.
Tag list: @adriansbiss, @itsjustwinter, @shanzay44, @purvishraick
If anyone wants to be added/removed from the tag list, let me know!
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aahhh @kalmiat tagged me to post 5 books i’m excited to read this year, and i fully forgot to do it!! sorry sophie, i’m a nightmare so it’s late but let’s goooo 
1. piranesi by susanna clarke -- my brother tries to get me to read this once a week and i keep forgetting (a pattern emerges) so it’s finally tiiiime. i know i will love it, i’ve heard only good things 2. gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir -- it’s sapphic necromancers in some kind of sci-fi mystery, and when i flipped to the middle of the sequel, i’m pretty sure there was a chapter written in second person which? i am trash for these days 3. currently untitled dreamer trilogy book 3 by maggie stiefvater -- it’s slated to come out sometime this year and i love those boys more than life itself 4. needful things by stephen king -- a random man at work saw my SK shirt and was like “needful things is the BEST, isn’t it--” and normally i would not trust the opinion of a random man but he said it with such conviction...? i’m curious 5. merry spinster by danny lavery -- i’ve owned this book forever, i love danny, i’m in a lifelong monstrosity phase, it’s truly on me for not having read this yet
thank you sophie!! i will tag @kat-stratfords-ponytail, @sarsaparillia, and @michaelabanes if you want to share your excellent taste in books <3
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emeraldtawny · 5 years
IkeVam Headcanons: Meeting MC’s parents for the first time
Fluffy Friday tiiiime~! More IkeVam headcanons, this time of them meeting MC’s parents! We’re just going to assume that they followed MC to the future and also we’re going to completely ignore that they are famous historical figures otherwise these poor parents will have lots of questions gnreiknerdh
Golden Boy number one. Despite being a little nervous, he’ll be calm and prepared to face your parents.
He has waged war and almost conquered Europe. How hard can meeting your parents be?
He’ll be pulling nervously at his collar as you both walk up to the front door, but after a quick deep breath, he’ll look completely normal and ready to face anything.
“Hello, and Bonjour. My name is Napoleon Bonaparte. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Your parents will be blown away by his politeness and that magnetic charisma of his will have them hooked. He’ll keep conversation with them perfectly fine and the way both of your parents smile seems to suggest only good things. 
When dinner is over, he’s on his feet ready to help clear away the dishes, asking your parents about the food and any recipes they used.
Of course, when embarrassing stories of your childhood are brought into the mix, he’s trying but failing miserably to contain his laughter and everyone else is laughing too, both at the stories and at Napoleon’s contagious laughter.
Throughout the evening, he’s well-behaved in regards to touching you, but he still sneaks in a peck to your cheek when some of your dessert misses its mark. He’s grinning at how flustered you are, but your parents just find it super sweet.
They don’t have a single bad thing to say about him and you can’t help beaming in pride for him. As the night ends and as soon as you close the door to your parent’s house, he sweeps you up into a hug and sighs out how that was the hardest thing he has ever done in his life.
You grin and tell him he did wonderfully and he just laughs exhaustedly into your hair before pressing a kiss to your cheek. You both walk back to your home hand in hand with your parents’ approval lightening the air around you both.
This one will micromanage until the moment his knuckles rap against your parents’ door. He’ll be close to interrogating you on what your parents like, dislike, conversations to avoid; anything to ensure this goes well.
You tell him that this isn’t like meeting the lords and nobles from his past and that he just needs to be himself. While he doesn’t seem convinced, he sighs but agrees on the condition that he can keep holding your hand when he needs to draw strength.
When the day finally comes, you’re almost convinced a stiff breeze could knock him over. He’s clutching your hand like a lifeline as he knocks on the door.
“Hello. I am Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Your daughter has told me many things about you. It’s a true pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
His ‘speaking to nobility’ switch will be on while his guards are up, but he’ll still be able to make polite enough conversation. However, as soon as your mother asks about his profession as a musician, he comes into his own element and instantly relaxes as discussions of his concerts and experiences go back and forth.
You’ll notice how his grip on your hand loosens more and more as the night goes on, but he only lets go when dinner is served (and your parents are completely floored by his exemplary table manners) and even then, he returns to holding your hand, his fingers intertwined with yours.
When Mozart excuses himself for a moment, your parents ask if he’s always this clingy, to which you giggle and say he’s just nervous. They add onto it saying he has a wonderful smile when he looks at you and they know he’ll treat you right.
When the night is over and you’re both making your way home, Mozart squeezes your hand tight and asks if you think he won their approval. You grin and tease him saying you don’t think so (to which he almost deflates) you KNOW so because they told you. Breath returns to his lungs and he scolds you for scaring him before he squeezes your hand again, more tenderly this time, seemingly unaware of the relieved smile on his face.
As soon as you bring up that your parents want to be introduced to him, he just kind of shrugs at you, saying all will be fine and nothing can go wrong.
No matter how much you want to believe him, you aren’t convinced. And after some rather forceful pleading, he relents and agrees to do whatever you tell him to be the “model boyfriend”.
He still complains when you take his cigarillos away from him...and wonders how the hell you managed to convince Comte to help you with taking away every single one, even those he thought were hidden and only known to him.
On the day of the dinner, you’re still nervous wondering if you did enough to ensure things will go well. Leonardo pats your head and sends you a grin, telling you in his usual easy-going way that he’ll convince them he’s the one for you. You practically feel your heart drop as your parents open the door.
“Good evening. Leonardo Da Vinci. Piacere di conoscerla.”
You blink and gape at the formal greeting and how he makes it seem like it’s his usual way of speaking. When your parents ask you what’s wrong, you can see Leonardo’s shoulders shaking trying to hold back laughter.
In his usual fashion, he’ll make himself right at home (on the couch, thankfully), his legs crossed and an arm around your waist pulling you close. You’ll get an eyebrow raise from your parents but nothing more.
They’ll be impressed by his odd mix of maturity and open-mindedness, some interesting ethical and scientific conversations coming up throughout the evening with one of the fathers of the Renaissance. 
He’ll even notice and offer to fix the broken clock on the wall, but not before squeezing your waist and dusting a kiss to your temple. You watch him dubiously, but can’t stop your smile forming as you watch him in his element. Your parents can see the light in yours and Leonardo’s eyes as you sneak glances at each other all night and they know you’re in good hands.
As the night ends and you make your way home, his shoulders collapse with his sigh and he rubs his head, saying you have to repay him for making him suffer through withdrawal for this. You smile as you wrap your arms around one of his, just happy that the evening went so well.
You are genuinely nervous to introduce him to your parents. He basically radiates playboy energy and you don’t want your parents to see him and immediately disapprove because of his past reputation.
He assures you that he will be on his “very best behaviour”, but you still warn him to be civil and to keep his frisky hands where they can be seen.
When the day comes, he’s as calm and composed as ever and as soon as the door opens, he slips his arm around your shoulders and pulls you close.
“Good evening to you both. I’m Arthur Conan Doyle. It’s wonderful to finally meet the people who brought ___ into this world and into my life.”
His charming grin doesn’t stop your parents’ eyes from narrowing a little and you sigh under your breath, knowing you have your work cut out for you.
The evening goes smoothly enough, conversations being lively and non-stop with no shortage of grins from the Brit. He gives book recommendations to your parents and all seems fine.
When the dreaded question of his past antics is brought up by your father, you visibly tense. But Arthur is quick to take your hand and declare that he wouldn’t dare break your heart and that he’ll prove his words to be true with his actions by loving you with all he has.
Both you and your parents baulk, but he quickly laughs off the serious atmosphere and restores the calm conversation.
When your parents move into the kitchen to clear away the dishes, he suddenly reaches for your hand and you notice how shaky he is.
“Th-this is going well, right? Do you think they like me? Because the last thing I ever want is for the people who raised you to disapprove of our relationship. I...well, to be frank, I don’t think I could take it.”
You sigh and give him a quick kiss to his forehead and whisper to him that he’s doing amazing; all whilst your parents stand in the kitchen having heard every word, and smiling in silent relief that the man you love isn’t as bad as his past suggests.
Golden Boy number two. You actually call up your parents beforehand to warn them about him and to be prepared for cavities.
He’s genuinely excited to meet your parents and he even prepares a couple of small landscape paintings to give to them as a gift.
On the day itself, he will be nervous, especially standing in front of the door. You give him a kiss on his cheek and tell him that he has nothing to worry about and he instantly relaxes like magic.
“Ah, good evening. My name is Vincent Van Gogh. I hope I can show you just how much love I have for your daughter, and that you can give me your blessing to keep making her happy.”
Your parents very quickly realise just how right your warning was. When he hands over the paintings with a smile like sunshine, you have to laugh at your mother trying not to coo over him.
The evening goes so smoothly, you’re almost convinced it isn’t real. Your parents were slightly concerned about his profession as a painter being a bit too unstable, but he assuages their worries with talks of his latest exhibition and ones upcoming. Vincent gushes about how he can still be with you even when you travel for your work because his work usually lets him travel as well, and the pure love in his voice when he says that leaves you a blushing mess and both of your parents smiling at how happy you seem.
When they ask about his family, he turns slightly bashful and says that the close family vibe he feels between you and your parents wasn’t a luxury he experienced growing up. He adds that he doesn’t wish to steal you away from them and only wants to make you happy. 
“We all love her...so as people who love her, let's do our best to make her happy" (credit to @snow--blanket​ for this lovely line~)
Ending the night with Vincent receiving a handshake from your father and your mother whispering into your ear that he’s a keeper and he’s welcome back anytime, your steps are practically weightless as you both leave.
When Vincent pulls you closer and asks in a hushed voice if you think it went well, you throw your arms around his neck and say it couldn’t have gone any better. His breath catches before he laughs in relief and hugs you back.
He’ll brush it off as no big deal, but on the inside he is just...screaming. 
He knows better than anyone how abrasive he can be, and the absolute last thing he wants is to get on your parents’ bad side from the very first meeting.
Will he tell you this? Of course not. He’ll just casually hang around you when you’re on the phone to your parents to pick up on any clues he can.
Does he call Arthur and ask him to collect information on them in exchange for him paying the next drinking tab? Who knows...Arthur certainly doesn’t ;3
On the day he’ll be his normal self, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets as you walk beside him. As he rings the doorbell, you jokingly tell him not to call you hondje or knabbeltje for the whole night, to which he only scoffs at.
“Hello. Theodorus Van Gogh, but just Theo is fine. Hope we can get to know each other better.”
Whilst a little crude, you’re still impressed at how polite he sounds compared to what you’re used to. As you walk inside, you freeze as he slips your coat from your shoulders without so much as a word and hangs both yours and his coat on the coat rack. Your parents hardly seem to notice, but you’re suddenly frazzled at this new polite image of the usually grouchy yet kind Theo.
The night continues in the same way. No teasing of wanting a treat, no dog-related nicknames; at this point, you were almost convinced he’s been replaced. Your suspicions heighten with how easily he seemed to be getting along with your parents as well.
As soon as they leave to clear away the dishes, you cup his cheeks and pull his face to look at you, your eyebrows furrowing further when he doesn’t even try to retaliate like normal.
When you ask him what he’s doing and why he’s acting so weird, he just sighs deeply and admits that he has been worried of what your parents would say if they heard him calling you a dog so he decided to tone it down. 
You smile and kiss his forehead, telling him that, while you admit the dog nicknames would have been a weird discussion, your parents would see how clearly he loves you, and how you love him. He grumbles under his breath as he moves his hands to place them over yours.
“I did it for you, mangy hondje. Just enjoy letting me pamper you for tonight, but you best be ready for extra teasing to make up for today.”
That only makes you laugh and as your parents walk back into the lounge, you both pull away from each other and return to the evening’s calm conversations, you stealing glances at how awkwardly adorable your loving boyfriend is.
You sit him down and take a deep breath, staring him square in the eyes. You say nothing, only handing him your phone so he can read the texts on them. He blinks once he finishes reading and you cross your arms over your chest.
“I have one thing I would like you to promise me, Dazai. I will do anything you want, just, please, use the door to enter AND exit my parents’ house...please?”
He smiles warmly and says he wouldn’t dream of it. The glare you shoot him dulls his smile none. You sigh, mentally preparing yourself for the no doubt weird day to come.
As you’re both walking to your impending doom, your grip on his hand is tight. He squeezes your hand just before you move to press the doorbell and smiles at you - a real smile that freezes your movements yet drains the gnawing worry from within you. He presses the doorbell in your stead and you just stare at him, wondering how he’s so calm.
“Why, good evening to you. My name is Dazai Osamu. I am truly happy to finally be able to put faces to the people who brought this lovely woman into my life.”
The sight of you blushing like mad with Dazai holding your hand and grinning without a care only makes your parents chuckle.
Dazai is his usual self, his odd yet charming aura drawing your parents in as you all speak about a wide variety of different things. When your mother asks about his career, he looks at you and slips an arm around your waist and says that his job is making you happy. You grumble that he’s actually a writer, but he insists that the job he said is much more important.
You’re shocked at how sweet he’s being, even using your actual name when addressing you. Your parents don’t notice your internal crisis and by the end of the night, they’ve been won over by your eccentric, quirky boyfriend.
As you say goodnight and start making your way home, you twine your fingers with Dazai’s and thank him for using the door. Weirdly, he doesn’t laugh like you expect him to. Instead, he stops walking and pulls your hand softly so you look at him. You’re taken aback by the sudden serious look in his eyes.
“I’m aware that I don’t make an effort to be serious in most things I do, but that’s because I haven’t found anything I’m this serious about until I met you. I’m pretty sure I would do anything to keep you with me.”
His name ghosting from your lips is stopped by his lips sealing yours shut with a gentle kiss. When you open your eyes, his usual smile is back on his face as he whispers, “Or something like that.”. You stroke your thumb gently over his own, wondering why you ever doubted him for a second.
Anxious sigh.mp3
This poor boy will be mumbling to himself like he’s trying to discover the ultimate secret of the universe, questioning everything from what he should wear to how he should stick his hand out for a handshake. You show you shouldn’t find his panic so endearing, but you can’t help it.
You’re constantly reassuring him that he’ll be fine and you’ll be right beside him the entire time. He mumbles out that he knows and that he really loves you for that, though he peters off at that last part so you don’t hear it.
On the day, he is sweating bullets and questioning every life decision he has ever made. You hug his arm and give him a peck on his cheek, whispering that you’re right here. You feel his tension dispel a little bit, even if he still looks petrified.
“Uh, um...hello. I’m Isaac Newton. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
He bows his head, the movement stiff and forced. Your parents can practically feel his nerves, but you’re quick to drag them all into the lounge to stop the awkwardness settling in too much.
Despite the bumpy start, the evening starts flowing more calmly as it goes on. At the dinner table, your hand rests on Isaac’s on his lap. You squeeze his hand whenever he fumbles his words or just freezes under your parents’ questions and, just like magic, he finds his words instantly.
You’re worried when your mother asks you to help clear the plates, but Isaac’s soft nod is enough for you to believe in him. Sure enough, when you come back, he’s deep in conversation with your father about some of his most recent research efforts, and you have to laugh at how it just flies over your dad’s head.
As the evening concludes, your parents smile at this awkward yet intelligent and caring man and it takes everything within Isaac to not immediately collapse with relief. You say your goodbyes and as soon as the door shuts behind you, you’re pulled into his arms and he buries his face into your neck.
“Oh, thank God and everything that is holy. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
You keep your grin to yourself as you wrap your arms around him to return the hug, letting him recharge a little before heading back home.
“I’m not sure meeting your parents is the best idea, ___. What if I scare them?” Jean pls.
It takes longer than you’d care to admit to convince him that your parents do want to meet him and that he won’t scare them. The build-up until the day is spent with him asking how to best approach this. He seems perplexed when you tell him to be himself, but he can’t bring himself to argue you and your smile.
If you believe in him, then surely it can’t be that difficult, right?
As you both arrive at your parents’ house, Jean clears his throat and bows formally at the hips, his hand over his heart.
“Bonjour. My name is Jean D’Arc. It is an honour and a privilege to meet you and I wish for us to get along.”
Your parents just kind of freeze at Jean’s formality and seriousness, but you just smile as you take his hand and tell them that’s just the man you know and love. He turns red in an instant, but thankfully your parents don’t seem to notice as you all make your way inside.
Conversation is not the most abundant throughout the evening, but it’s by no means awkward. When he’s asked about his time in the armed forces, you quickly step in and ask for lighter conversations, aware of Jean’s usual reluctance to broach the subject. His eye softens and he smiles a soft smile at you, but it disappears a second later. Your parents notice, however, and share a smile of their own.
As the evening draws to a close, Jean bows again to thank your parents for the evening. They simply smile and say that they’re happy their daughter has found such a lovely devoted man. He completely freezes but you just blush and sidle up next to him, smiling with a hint of pride.
He seems in a daze as you both return to your home, unbelieving that they accepted him so easily. You smile up at him and move to wrap your arms around his waist and tell him that him just being himself was all he needed to do. He sighs out a laugh and strokes your hair, smiling with equal parts relief and awe.
You can’t lie to yourself, you are more than a little nervous to introduce this one to your parents. His aura is distinctive, to say the least, and you’re worried about how your parents will react.
He chuckles at the way your eyebrows draw together and kisses your forehead, telling you that he will do his utmost best to win over your parents.
You’re wringing your hands together anxiously as you both walk up to the house, but Will dusts a quick kiss to your temple and whispers to you that all will be fine.
“A fine evening it is. My name is William Shakespeare, and ‘tis a true pleasure to maketh thine acquaintance.”
Your parents just blink at his manner of speaking; a reaction you expected. But you have to laugh at your father saying “Oh. He’s a theatre man, I see.”
Will simply smiles at his words, saying that he works as a playwright for the local theatre. He pulls out two front-row tickets to the newest show and hands them over as a gift - an extravagant gift if your parents are theatre enthusiasts.
The rest of the evening is...vibrant. Unusual conversations come up asking about Shakespeare’s career and where he draws inspiration. He admits that once he spoke of tragedy being his driving force, now he finds romance and love to be equally as stimulating. Cue you blushing and grinning like a fool as he gazes sweetly at you.
While not entirely convinced, your parents can’t deny that you both love each other and that they see no reason not to support your relationship. You breathe out a sigh of relief as Shakespeare shakes their hands and wishes them a pleasant night.
You’re smiling happily as you make your way home, saying you’re glad that it went well. Shakespeare smiles as he rests his hand on your hip to draw you closer, saying that he has to try harder to win them over so he can propose to you all the sooner.
You’re practically steaming the rest of the walk home.
Golden man Boy number three. When you broach the topic with him, he’s more than happy to set aside his schedule to meet with your parents. 
You get suspicious when he starts asking about your parents’ taste in aesthetics and furniture and tell him that just a simple bouquet of flowers should be plenty if he’s wanting to bring a gift.
You walk up to their house on the day, your arm looped comfortably through his and his free hand holding a bouquet of pink roses. As you knock on the door, you both exchange smiles and any nerves you may have been feeling vanish instantly.
“Bonsoir. I am Le Comte de Saint Germaine, but I realise that’s quite a mouthful so just Comte is fine. It is wonderful to finally make your acquaintance.”
As gentlemanly and amiable as ever, he hands the bouquet of pink roses to your mother, its meaning of appreciation and gratitude apparent if your parents know of the language of flowers. Either way, they’re a nice centrepiece and have already earned your boyfriend brownie points.
The evening is filled with pleasant conversation, Comte’s sophisticated and mellow nature allowing everything to flow smoothly. 
You tense slightly when they ask what he does for a career, but he shoots a quick wink your way before saying he’s an “entrepreneur of sorts”, which isn’t exactly wrong. You giggle silently to yourself at that.
They might be slightly wary of your relationship considering how much older Comte may appear compared to you, but Comte is quick to wrap an arm around your shoulders and, though he understands where they come from, he vows to love you with his entire being because he has never felt this strongly about anyone in his entire life; words that hold a different meaning to you, considering you know that he’s immortal.
In the end, they can’t condemn your boyfriend in any way, though your dad wonders why he looks like an aristocrat from the 1900s and you have to hold back the look of shock from showing on your face at how accurate he doesn’t realise he is. As you both leave, you heave a sigh and say that went better than you expected. Comte only chuckles and offers you his arm again, ready to escort you home like the ineffable gentleman he is.
He just blinks at your phone as he reads the texts before slowly raising his eyes to look at you. You ask him if he’s comfortable meeting your parents and he assures you that after meeting his historical idols, nothing and no one could ever fluster him again.
You giggle at that, but then immediately turn serious as you look at your boyfriend. He raises an eyebrow.
“I have one condition for the evening, Sebastian. When they inevitably ask about what you do for a job, your answer should be no longer than five minutes’ worth of talking.”
He grins wryly but agrees. He knows as well as you do how excited he gets over his career, and doesn’t want that of all things to scare your parents.
The day arrives and you’re not as nervous as you thought you would be. Just before he rings the doorbell, Sebastian brings your joined hands up to press a quick kiss to yours before he reverts back to his usual serious self.
“Good evening. My name is Akihiko Satou. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
He shakes your father’s hand and bows his head respectfully to your mother, the smoothness of his actions reminiscent of his butler days. He removes his jacket and moves behind you to remove your own, folding them neatly over his arm before hanging them on the coat rack. Your parents already look impressed and you just smile.
Old habits die hard for Sebastian. He pulls your chair out for you to sit at the table, but you can see out of the corner of your eye how antsy he is in wanting to help. 
The night continues calmly until the dreaded career question comes up. You click your phone to life to check the time and, like it’s his cue, he begins gushing about his job as a historian with a focus on European history (carefully leaving out details of him meeting said historical figures).
As soon as five minutes pass, you reach up and flick him on the forehead (a little payback). Your parents baulk, but Sebastian is quick to step in, saying that if you didn’t stop him he’d keep talking until the new era.
The evening draws to a close, and your mother whispers to you how you found such a straight-laced and lovely man. You just grin and say it’s a long story.
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stardustweare88 · 4 years
I was tagged by lovely @oleander4,thanks pal! :)
As often in my life many of these are rather ambivalent,but i enjoyed it!
Rules: bold the statements that apply to you and italicize your aspirations
i have small hands // i love the night sky // i watch small animals and birds when i pass them by // i drink herbal tea // i wake to see dawn // the smell of dust is comforting(on antique books yes in the household no ;))// i’m valued for being wise  // i prefer books to music  // i meditate // i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair(not locks but wavy)// i like to wear jeans and overalls // i play an organized sport // i love dogs // i am not afraid of adventure(again it’s ambivalent) // i love to talk to strangers // i always try new foods(i often try new vegan things coming out,more often than not they are disappointing which is good cause they’re usually expensive,lol ;P // i enjoy road trips // summer is my favorite season // my radio is always playing
i wear bracelets on my wrists (I’d love to but ocd makes it unpractical)// i love the bustle of the city(sometimes i do,sometimes it gives me emotional breakdowns) // i have more than one set of piercings // i read poetry // i love the sound of a thunderstorm // i want to travel the world // i sleep past midday most days  // i love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs// i rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia // i see emotions in colors not words
i wear glasses or contacts ) // i enjoy doing the laundry(very heavy subject,since the laundry is essential in my ocd routine,so yes it gives me relief but is also highly influenced by immense tension) // i am a vegetarian or vegan // i have an excellent sense of time // my humor is very cheerful // i am a valued advisor to my friends (depends on the topic ;)) // i believe in true love(oh well..) // i love the chill of mountain air // i’m always listening to music // i am highly trusted by the people in my life (often i doubt it,but overall i think people do
i go without makeup in my daily life // i make my own artwork // i keep on track of my tasks and time(depends,daily ocd routine has to keep going no matter if i crawl on the floor but other things like answering messages might take tiiiime) // i always know true north // i see beauty in everything // i can always smell flowers // i smile at everyone i pass by // i always fear history repeating itself // i have recovered from a mental disorder (recovered? no. Had it worse? yes)// i can love unconditionally(I’m highly afraid to let myself fall into relationships)
I tag: @abbys-little-whippersnapper @lizzy384 @krimsnkrams @distantsnows @luckymoony @duoloopo @maru2703
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sally-mun · 5 years
TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY AWESOME BIRTHDAY PARTY~ below the cut since it’s a biggie!
So as is tradition in our household, I’m sequestered in my room while the party is set up downstairs. I mostly spend the day watching Dance Moms (shut up) and playing Animal Crossing, amusingly to get my birthday party there as well. Eventually @fini-mun​ comes to my door and summons me, and says if I want to record it I should start. I got my phone out and recorded the “First-Person Leda Experience” as I called it. I’m glad I did, because THIS WAS AN EXPERIENCE.
So right outside my door is this chufty motherfucker:
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Deebs explains that this is a time machine that’s powered by imagination, and we’re going to take a journey through time. At this point I’m a little puzzled, because the time traveling thing makes me wonder if the theme is Doctor Who, but this clearly isn’t a Tardis so I guess not??
Turns out, I’m correct that it’s not a Tardis; it is, in fact, a Time-A-Tron. Deebs first says we’re going to go into the future and encourages me to turn the dial clockwise. And, well...
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WELL THAT DOESN’T BODE WELL. Deebs and I abort this idea and I turn the dial the other way. It turns out, we were going back to the 80′s and 90′s! This was SUCH a great idea for me because I whine all the time about how much I miss these two decades, so I’m very excited to do my time warp!
Deebs sends me on ahead to go back in time, mentioning that they’ll catch up because they want to check out that apocalypse first. So, I head through alone.
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There’s a pretty cool warpy swirl on the door ahead of me to give me the full time vortex experience, then I head downstairs. There’s lots of 80′s and 90′s themed swirly banners hanging from the ceiling, balloons with various animal prints all over the floor, and garland in the kitchen doorway featuring boom boxes and sunglasses and lightning bolts and all kinds of nostalgic icons! My friends are waiting for me and I quickly realize they’re dressed for the past too: Jay is wearing overalls and Ivan is wearing a Metallica shirt.
As I’m descending the stairs music suddenly starts -- music from the 80′s radio channel on our TV, and I can’t help myself from bopping around, so the camera got a little shakey at this point (sorry, future!me). We have a little mini dance party at this point while waiting for Deebs to catch up. I even flip my phone around to do my best at filming myself dancing, and upon reviewing the video as I write this I KINDA DID SHOCKINGLY WELL.
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(Yeah I normally don’t post pics of myself but I just HAD to show off how well I did for filming myself completely blind.)
I also used the opportunity to teach my young friends the Hand Jive, proving once and for all that even in my prime I am nothing even remotely resembling “cool.”
So finally Deebs rejoins us, and now also has a great retro shirt! It’s got “Totally Rad!” written on it with lots of color splashes. Deebs then explains that in the future Water World is how the world ended, and as a result the survivors elected Kevin Costner as Godking due to his experience making the movie.
We then move into the kitchen and review the food: McDonald’s chicken nuggets, which I loved as a kid and still do to this day! Macaroni and cheese, for the same reason! Little weenies wrapped in bacon, which I only discovered last year but are fucking delicious! Faygo Red Pop, which I practically drank intravenously as a wee one! And of course, ZEBRA CAKES!
The plates and other food vessels are all retro and neon, and I can see that the party’s goody bags (which have become a tradition of our parties at this point) are all very neon as well.
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Then Deebs brings out the cake: A DIRT CAKE~ I haven’t had a proper dirt cake since I was like 12 years old!! Deebs even went the extra mile and got rock candies and gummy worms to mix in to enhance the delicious dirtiness~ Deebs also mentioned worrying about having gotten the recipe right, but I pointed out that there are like a thousand “recipes” for dirt cake and there’s no single right way.
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I’m so excited and already having such a good time, and I make a passing comment that I’m glad I wore a neutral shirt since it’s not something that would clash with our time traveling. Deebs says it’s funny I should mention that, then hands me a present and tells me to go to the bathroom and change. I obey, and I find that I’ve been given this shirt to wear!!
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IT’S SO AMAZING AND I LOVE IT!! It’s like THE essence of what I love about the 80′s~
We all get food and go sit down to hang out, and Deebs mentions we should watch a retro movie. My mom starts flipping through the TV guide, and I can hardly believe my eyes: Coincidentally, THE WIZARD IS ON!! I direct my mom to go to that channel, and it’s actually still pretty close to the beginning of the movie. I just CANNOT believe that this happened to be on during my party, I’m fucking stoked.
We watch the movie and make some pretty great commentary over it, though I notice that one of my guests is spending a lot of time on her phone and the other is preoccupied with a book he brought. OH WELL, THIS IS MY PARTY AND WE’RE WATCHING THE WIZARD. DEAL WITH IT. Besides, I can’t fault them TOO badly because let’s face it, most of us just watch that movie for the game battle at the end anyway. (Speaking of the ending Deebs and I got each other going and eventually concluded that the actor playing the host of the game tournament spiked several small children into the floor. It’s a long story.)
So once we’re done eating Deebs hands out the goodie bags, and holy shit they’re amazing. They’re so smartly put together: A slap bracelet, a pencil and mini-phone book (because we don’t have cell phones yet so this is the only way to save numbers!), some Pop Rocks and Bazooka gum, and we each got a miniature version of a classic 80′s toy of some sort: Mini Rock’em Sock’em robots for Jay, a mini Rubik’s cube for Deebs, a mini Etch-a-Sketch for Ivan... and guys, I nearly rocketed through the roof when I saw I got A MINI LITE-BRITE!! I legit lost my mind for a minute, I didn’t even know this EXISTED as a mini and I was SO EXCITED because I fucking loved my Lite-Brite as a kid and I couldn’t believe Deebs found something like this for me!!
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So after we have dirt cake and the movie wraps up, Deebs brings me the rest of my presents, and I was not prepared for how many there were. The gifts carried through the theme very well, as I got some new classic Sonic dolls, an officially licensed Genesis controller for the PC, and 80′s/90′s-themed card games! Ivan was also very shrewd in getting me a couple of Rurouni Kenshin graphic novels, as I’ve not only mentioned to him several times that it’s my favorite anime but also that I have a very, very strong preference for 90′s anime in general!
After that Jay had to leave, so Ivan, Deebs, and myself went up to my room to unwind from the excitement by watching Youtube for a while. We did what we call a “friend pile,” aka where we all try to cram onto my little-ass twin bed and just sort of watch TV and cuddle and hope our limbs don’t all go numb. We took turns suggesting videos to watch, which exposed us all collectively to a lot of new stuff. Some of the videos were fucking insane.
All in all, it was a pretty fantastic day XB I’m very satisfied with my time traveling adventure! Thank you SO SO MUCH to @fini-mun​ and my friends for showing me such a great time!!
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mssjynx · 5 years
MiniCat NSFW and 16????
alpha / beta / omega au
minicat drabble
16. We’ve been best friends forever but I moved away for two years. Now we’re tipsy at my welcome back party and we’ve been dancing really close. If you keep looking at my lips I won’t be able to hold back much longer.
warning: slight nsfw
a/n; some of these are ending up only partially nsfw i hope thats okay! i dont have the energy to write full smut each time ^.^;
At four years old they found themselves in a sandbox with one another. Their older siblings dated all throughout primary school and it seemed they couldn’t spend a single day without one another.
Going into high school, Craig cried until his mother enrolled him in the same school as his best friend. In year nine they both got girlfriends, both fresh young betas. After three months, Tyler wasn’t dating again and after six months, Craig had traded in his girlfriend for a boyfriend instead; an alpha.
In year twelve they ended their year with no relationships and started planning a trip to Europe together in the following year.
That trip never happened. Craig got a scholarship offer in Europe. To refuse it would be ridiculous so he had to say his goodbyes and book a plane ticket.
Two years later, he was on a flight home.
He was tired; exhausted, by the time he was dragging his feet up the path to his family home. The lights were out despite the cars in the driveway and it was only barely six p.m.. The spare key was where it always was.
Door open. Lights on. A wave of mixed familiar scents. Then people jumped out from behind ever corner and piece of furniture, shouting unintelligible words with huge smiles on their faces. His mother reached him first as someone hit play on the radio, party poppers going off light fireworks in the room. Arms thrown around his shoulders with a squeal of glee.
“You’re home!” His mother’s cry deafened his right ear as he scooped her up in a hug. “Oh my Gosh, I’ve missed you!”
He laughed, swinging her around with a grin. “I missed you too, Ma!”
Then the party began.
There were at least forty people in the house, all crammed together sharing loud music and copious amounts of booze. Craig’s mother dipped out quickly, knowing that by the looks of it, there would be no peaceful sleeping for the sober. This many alphas, betas and omegas all in the same place was like a breeding ground and there no doubt would be several rooms occupied by the end of the night.
Craig was engulfed in hugs; friends and friends of friends, pressing drinks into his hand and convincing him to down far more alcohol than he should have. Within two hours he was crammed in the living room, dancing and swaying with friends he hadn’t spoken to in forever.
The first time he ran into Tyler, the world was already spinning. “Holy shit you’ve grown!” he’d gasped as he fell right against the man. Taller. Broad shoulders. Muscles and facial hair. His scent was even more intoxicating. He smiled goofily up at his best friend who wore confliction across his face. “I’ve missed youuu,” he cooed, ignoring the two Irish idiots snickering on the side.
“You haven’t texted in a year.” Blunt response. A voice Craig had missed for two whole years and he managed to block out the scent of distrust.
“I got- I got so busy,” he slurred, giggling to himself at how ridiculous his voice sounded while so drunk. He pressed in closer to his best friend, cheek to his shoulder as he beamed up at the man who he’d known since he was only a boy. “And you got a girlfriend!” he accused, jabbing a finger to his chest and laughing at the shocked look in Tyler’s eyes. “Got all… jealous th’t she had all your tiiiime. What was she? Omega?”
“We broke up a few months ago.” Tyler’s voice sounded so far away as Craig tugged on his hands, leading him to the crowd of drunken dancers.
“Oh good!” In the back of his mind, he told himself that perhaps he sounded a little too cheerful about that fact. “Dance, dance, dance,” he sung, swinging himself back and forth as Tyler followed, hands in his.
“You’re hammered,” Tyler told him, slinging an arm around his back to stop the floor from rushing up to meet him. Craig only laughed, throwing his own arms around Tyler’s shoulders and hugging him close. “Absolutely smashed,” he muttered and Craig didn’t let the older man look away.
Despite seeing four eyes instead of two it didn’t change how bright and blue they were. How bright and blue they always had been. They flickered with joy, rolling with a kind of affection and care that no one else noticed in the hardened lines of Tyler’s face. Craig noticed. Craig always noticed.
“When you smile like that I wanna kiss you!” The words rolled out of his mouth without him even realising it and he found himself spinning in an awkward circle in search for who would have spoken the words. When his eyes returned to Tyler there was a different look in his eyes.
One of surprise, disbelief, a smidgen of concern and fear and perhaps something that the intoxication didn’t let him read to clearly.
Then the hands in his were pulling and Craig was helplessly following his best friend out of the room and into the empty hallway. “You want to kiss me?” Tyler asked, voice still but unreadable.
Craig giggled, nodding as he asked: “Did I say that?” At Tyler’s unimpressed look he tripped forward and found himself pressing Tyler to the wall. “Every time I kissed Charlie I pretended I was kissin’ you!” he exclaimed, childish glee swelling in his chest at the smile that lifted Tyler’s lips.
“You sure it ain’t the alcohol talking?”
“The alcohol isn’t making me hard,” he uttered, cheek falling to Tyler’s chest again as he giggled up at the man. The red blush that prickled his face and shoulders was a beautiful look on the man and he settled his hands over Tyler’s.
“You’re crazy.” The laugh was a breathless one and Craig couldn’t not fall a little bit more in love.
“Crazy for youu,” he cooed, giggling as he squeezed the hands under his. “D’you remember where my bedroom is?” he asked, seeking out those beautiful eyes once more.
Tyler didn’t wait any longer, “Do you?” winding his fingers through the drunken Brit’s and leading him down the hall. “C’mon, focus on climbing the steps for me.”
“I’ll focus on- on climbing you.” Craig giggled as he went, stumbling on every second step and pushing Tyler through his door. He attempted a sexy climb but stumbled, falling on his back on the mattress instead and cackling up at the man who shook his head above him. “C’mere!” he exclaimed.
“I think you’re far too drunk to make any smart decisions right now,” Tyler chuckled, taking a seat beside the hysterical beta who was rolling around on his own bed for the first time in two years.
Craig’s smile was broad, pushing awkwardly up to sit. “Not too drunk for a kiss!”
Tyler shook his head. “You sure it ain’t the alcohol talking?” he asked, not shrugging off the hand that Craig trailed up his bicep. He tilted his head, smiling sweetly as he dropped his eyes to the little smile on Tyler’s lips.
“Kiss me, please?” he asked, nibbling on his bottom lip.
Tyler shook his head, a laugh following the roll of his eyes before he leaned into the hand pressed to his cheek. “If it’ll make you shut up,” he joked, before finally dropping to press his smiling lips to the grin on Craig’s face.
Almost instantly, Craig’s hands were gripping his shoulders like if he let go, he’d lose everything in the moment between them. He hooked an ankle around Tyler’s thigh, pulling him close as he leaned back into the mattress. He keened as Tyler followed, mouth fit against Craig’s like it was his only source of oxygen and his hand on Craig’s cheek made him even dizzier than the alcohol.
The mattress shifted, weight pressing in over Craig and he spread his legs to make room for Tyler’s body atop his. Hands on his those broad shoulders slid up the side of his neck, fingers tangling in his hair and tugging as he slid his foot ankle up the backside of Tyler’s leg. “Tyler,” he gasped as their mouths parted for a half-hearted inhale and he giggled as kisses trailed across his cheeks and jaw.
He managed to get both legs hooked over Tyler’s hips, pulling him closer to settle deep between his thighs. With a needy rock of the hips, he was sparking in his gut and feeling Tyler’s low hum against the column of his neck.
“You’re so drunk,” Tyler laughed, the words mouthed against Craig’s jaw as he pulled Tyler’s bottom lip between his teeth, bucking his hips up and moaning breathily against Tyler’s tongue. “God, fuck me,” he sighed, sealing their mouths together and grinding his hips down hard and heavy.
Craig giggled, dropping hands to fumble at Tyler’s crotch. One hand cupping his arousal which he gleefully found hardening beneath that denim. “I was actually- actually thinking about doin’ this the other way ‘round,” he giggled, too lazy to even pull away from Tyler’s mouth to speak. “You can knot me if you’re good enough.”
Tyler snorted, pulling away to laugh. “No way, not while you’re this drunk,” he told the man, not stopping as Craig yanked off his shirt. “I’ll knot you if you still want me to when you’re sober,” he promised, mouthing down Craig’s throat.
Craig grinned, running his hands over the packed muscles of Tyler’s chest. “I’ve dreamt about you knottin’ me for years,” he purred, catching the way the alpha’s breath hitched against his collarbone.
“Sober,” he promised, Craig laughing at the growl edging his voice. “Now get your pants off so I can mark up your thighs,” he commanded and Craig laughed, biting back an eager whine.
He didn’t make his alpha wait any longer, gasping and moaning as hands spread along the underside of his thighs as Tyler buried his head between the beta’s legs. “Fuck,” he gasped, head rolling back. He was in for a great welcome home party.
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sophia-sol · 4 years
The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions: The Leading Liberal and Conservative Jesus Scholars Present the Heart of the Historical Jesus Debate, by Marcus J. Borg and N.T. Wright Tiiiime to judgementally read more theology that's been sitting neglected on my shelf for many lots of years!
The sub-subtitle of this book basically explains what it's about. Two theologians present their understandings of Jesus, which are different from each other. So the main point of the book, as far as I can tell, is that you can live in friendship and have civil arguments with people you strongly disagree with, instead of getting all up in arms and being unable to listen to anything that people on the "other side" say. To a certain degree, I would agree with this message. And in the context of the kind of stuff this book is talking about, I would ABSOLUTELY agree with this message. For example, yes, people can have fundamental disagreements about whether or not the historical Jesus would have thought of himself as the messiah, and still respect each other. HOWEVER. There are some things about which you cannot just agree to disagree. For example, one of the authors of this book, NT Wright, has gone on record elsewhere with anti-queer statements (both anti-gay and anti-trans). I cannot have a convivial discussion with Wright or people like him about theology as relates to sexuality or gender, because his fundamental position is one that actively causes harm to queer people. I cannot just be like, "ah yeah me and him have different opinions on whether or not it's okay to enact structural violence from a position of power against vulnerable populations, no big deal, it's cool!" So it's a little uncomfortable to me that the book doesn't address that level of disagreement at all, and seems to be making the case that no matter what the other person believes, you can and should still follow this model for how to remain in positive relationship with people who you disagree with. Anyway, the book as a whole doesn't actually talk in any detail about how to have productive disagreements, it just discusses in the introduction that that's what it's doing, and then the rest of the book is the record of a productive disagreement between Borg and Wright about what can be known of the historical Jesus and what that means. And that aspect of the book (which is most of the book!) is fine. I mean, turns out that even aside from the specifics of his theology I find Wright rather tiresome, so whenever I was reading one of his chapters I was constantly flipping forward to see how much longer I had to endure him before getting to Borg again. But the two authors do a good job of laying out what their positions are about Jesus' life, death, birth, and what it all means, the points on which they agree and disagree, and where they're coming from in thinking the way they do. The part I appreciated the most about reading this book was the reminder that a prominent Christian thinker (Borg) can have a coherent and biblically-grounded theology that the popular narrative in the West would on the whole find heretical. The conservative viewpoint gets too much airtime in public discourse and it's easy to start thinking of that as the "standard" theology against which all others are weighed. There's this pervasive sense that even if, say, you don't take the story of creation literally, you absolutely do have to have a literal interpretation of the story of Jesus as told in the gospels in order to count as a "real" Christian. But that's not the only approach with a sound theological basis! It's nice to be reminded that there's genuine diversity in opinion out there, even if I don't agree with everything Borg says. Not sure yet whether I'm going to bother keeping this book, but after having read this I'm definitely tossing the other two books by Wright I have on my shelf, even though they're apparently important and widely-studied texts. Why bother subjecting myself to that much more of him?
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eponymous-rose · 6 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E40 (November 6, 2018)
Tonight’s guests are Marisha Ray and Matt Mercer!
The next episode of All Work No Play will debut on CR’s twitch channel on Friday at 7 PM Pacific. This week, Liam and Sam are building a custom MAME cabinet, along with Felicia Day and Brittany Walloch!
CR is raising money for Operation Supply Drop!
The second art book will be on sale via pre-order on November 12th at 9 AM Pacific!
There will be an exciting announcement for Critters in the EU going up on social media on Monday.
Stats for this week’s episode:
The 200th PC natural 20 happened this episode: Beau’s acrobatics check to land outside the temple.
Beau has used 90 ki points so far. The top 3 uses of those ki points have been:
Flurry of Blows (25)
Stunning Strike (20)
Patient Defense (19)
At the end of the escape, the party had 6 points of exhaustion and 0 spell slots remaining. Marisha: “I had 10 hit points that whole game.” In typical Beau fashion, she wasn’t telling them anything. Matt points out that this is true of Marisha as well.
Fjord is responsible for 30% of all kisses in campaign 2.
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Matt: “Here on Critical Role, we learn how words are actually used. And pronounced.”
A question points out that Beau slept with Keg and the party reached level 6, and Fjord slept with Avantika and the party reached level 7. Matt: “I mean, if you guys want to hit max level real fast...”
Beau’s enjoying the pirate life because of the lack of authority. “It’s what she always dreamed of in her fantasy head as a rebellious teen stuck under her super-strict parents. Matt keeps being like, ‘Do you have goals with this character?’ Yeah, to fuck off.”
The details of the, as the question says, “dank water powers”: cast Control Water as a spell once/day without expending a spell slot. He prepped it as a boon based on who got there first.
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who had the Sonic the Hedgehog drowning music in my head during the underwater fight.
Brian: “I worried about Taliesin more than I did Caduceus. Poor guy. Six characters in this one campaign.” Had the group failed the skill checks, there were opportunities for traps, nets could have been thrown and members of the group could’ve been pulled away by the lizardmen... it could’ve been bad.
Matt figured there was a chance, if Fjord’s underwater grapple on Avantika had succeeded, that he indeed could’ve drowned her, since he could have held his breath much longer than she could, which would have led to a very complicated turn of events. “It caught me off-guard. I wasn’t expecting it from Fjord.”
Brian can’t remember whether Yasha and Beau have actually kissed yet, because he’s seen so much fanart at this point. On the Travis-as-Yasha flirting with Beau moments, Marisha: “I’d say take them with a grain of salt. I’m not going to hold Ashley’s feet to the fire over anything that Travis says puppeting her.” Brian: “I think you should. I think you should make her pay for being gone.” Marisha calls Travis a Shipping Yard. Matt: “It’s that sailor background.” Brian concocts an elaborate scenario where Matt and Travis would have to act out another sex scene. Matt... will think about it.
Gif of the Week: Laura is plotting Travis’ demise.
Matt with a Kiri update: “She’s doing okay in Hupperdook. AS FAR AS YOU KNOW.”
Matt was already exploring the idea of bringing in avatars like the three beasts (as remnants left behind by the gods in Exandrian lore) when worldbuilding. He was building some of these lieutenants up a long time ago. “These three in particular became their own pseudo-gods.” He hadn’t quite figured out the definition of what they were until Travis came along with Fjord’s backstory that slotted in nicely.
Marisha points out that Beau’s relationship with learning is complicated. She’s pretty smart, she’s a seeker of knowledge, but she isn’t comfortable admitting that. “She’s a seeker of knowledge in ways that she’s not fully aware of yet.” Brian calls this “the human heart in conflict with itself” and wonders where she was before and where she’s going to end up. Marisha: “A lot of Beau’s story is about running from something. When you try and buck something, that hard course correction can be worse or just as destructive.” 
Matt: “She’s running from a lot of college debt.” Marisha: “In fact, my arch-villain is Sally Mae. It’s the lich that I’m fighting.” Brian: “I saw the mini out here, yeah.” Matt: “I’ll release the stat block next week, guys.”
Matt thinks Travis would’ve gone for the night with Avantika even if Laura had been there. “There’s that kind of chaotic trickster in him, deep inside.” He wants to make big choices, fundamentally, as he gets more comfortable with the character. Marisha points out how good Laura and Travis are at anticipating and going along with each other’s character choices. Matt: “I was surprised by him going for it, only because my intention of that scene was to find ways to build that power dynamic. It was about trying to get answers, trying to get trust, trying to learn more, and trying to see how much control she can get in those environments. It’s a large part of who she is.” There may have been more to it than that, and Matt’s curious to see how it’ll play out.
Fanart of the Week: the Fjord/Jester kiss.
Matt handles sex scenes based on the comfort level of the group (and himself). While this group is comfortable with there being sex in the game, they’ll definitely go for the fade-to-black approach. “I’m telling a story with people, but not every story needs to be too explicit.” He’s had some bad experiences in the past... Travis’ constitution save was a joke because he hadn’t been at the kind of table that had people who took that seriously and made the rest of the group uncomfortable.
Beau’s still appreciating the power of water from an aesthetic perspective, even after all that’s happened. “It might be more meditative now, having had those experiences.”
Matt on Fluffer-Nutter: “I love players doing non-standard things.”
Matt gets asked how far through the campaign they are. Matt: “I legitimately have no idea." He points out that they’re not even at the level Vox Machina was when they started on-stream yet. They honestly could’ve ended that first campaign at the end of the Conclave Arc, but wanted to continue playing with those characters to level 20. It’s possible that this campaign might feel resolved and a natural ending point might hit before that level. On the other hand, Marisha points out that, 40 episodes in, they’ve only really touched on Fjord’s backstory in particular so far (and so many of their backstories are tied in with the Empire, which is awfully far away now).
Talks Machina After Dark: It’s Sully!!!
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Matt gets asked about Sprinkles’ possible fate. Matt: “...spoilers.” Marisha and Dani: “That weasel is so dead.”
Marisha’s dad, a little overwhelmed by what he’s heard of the show so far, calls D&D players “hyper-intelligent creatures from an alien race.” Brian: “That’s just proof he hasn’t met Sam yet.”
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Ashley FaceTimes in! She hasn’t had a chance to catch up on the episodes because she’s been working on Thursday nights, but she’s looking forward to it. She confirms that Yasha and Beau haven’t kissed yet, but “there’s still tiiiime.”
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forsakenpumpkin · 5 years
NAME/ALIAS: Joth, it’s from “Alhajoth” MUN FC: twig from owlboy ;P GENDER: (hangs my head back and dramatically groans in a put-upon manner) HEIGHT: 5′6" HAIR COLOR: brown EYE COLOR: hazel, babey RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single SEXUALITY: (the dramatic groan migrates into a terrible scream) BIRTHDAY: november 17th! it’s a-comin’! ZODIAC SIGN: vriska NATIONALITY: welcome to the US, it’s, (sucks air in thru my teeth), a place TIMEZONE: isola tiiiime HOBBIES / LIKES: drawing, writing, vidya james, and watching movies such as “angry birds” and “hotel transylvania” for inexplicable reasons # OF SIBLINGS: one lil brother # OF PETS: one cat, one dog, annnnd A Quantity of horses which aren’t really “pets,” but. CURRENTLY HAVE A JOB: yup FAVORITE COLOR: teal? FAVORITE SINGER/BAND: The Family Crest! LAST SONG LISTENED TO: Terrible Things by Brick + Mortar CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: Great Vacation by Dirt Poor Robins LAST MOVIE WATCHED: toy story 4 FAVORITE BOOK: The Mysterious Benedict Society CURRENTLY READING: still very slowly working my way thru Good Omens BEST SCHOOL SUBJECT: probably writing. i am also “good” at math, but it is not “fun” MAC OR PC ?: PC, because the mouse scrolls the correct direction ;P DAY OR NIGHT ?: hmm. day, but in a storm. SUMMER OR WINTER?: winter aesthetically, but i handle heat better than cold. MOST-VISITED WEBSITE?: tumblr, twitter, cucumber quest
tagged by: i love crimes and theft tagging: you also love crimes and theft
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tenebroustm · 6 years
Finally a more detailed account of Edward! 
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will include dark themes so a general tw but important read if you write/want to write with my Edward. Feel super free to hmu if you want any details on what could be triggering !
Anything marked with ** & italicized , means these parts are highly adaptable to change or completely dismissed ,  for either partner’s portrayals or canon expanding on edward’s story bc ultimately I do wanna have him as show based.
For those who’ve read the comic:
What i’m keeping / what can be kept or changed:
Most of Edward’s background will follow that of the comic however if these are at odd with your portrayal of a canon character they can be tweaked! Check them “*” ‘s out to see points that I could see needing an adjustment now and then.
What goes:
My portrayal will NOT include Edward returning as Harvey or the awful incestuous thoughts towards Sabrina // Edward is evil enough and that was unnecessary and all kinds of discomfort. yikes. ** Idk if I picked this up wrong but in the comic I think Diana was brought through the wedding ceremony in an actual like trance , and Edward is an evil manipulative piece of shit so there will be plenty of deceit towards Diana and I’m not saying he’s not evil enough to do that but there is a limit to that I am comfortable with when , as I said , Edward is already a constant manipulator and deciever.
For those who haven’t read the comic , here's the bio:
This is SCRAPPY and will possibly remain so because I do not want to tie down a time and location , when there’s so many sources from comics / shows. Obviously CAOS is my main setting for Edward , where he will be based but until they expand on his further I gotta attempt to tie his story together from all these sources and listen , I am not good at this. I am dumb and indecisive. So in the chilling adventures comic Ed is younger than Hilda & Zelda where in sttw and idk possibly other sources Edward is the eldest. Similarly there isn’t a set D.O.B , on the wiki for STTW!Edward he’s born 1342 , no date is given in the chilling adventures comic only what you can guess from clothing / architecture. BUT , look it is damn fun to be free to play with different time periods SO if it’s relevant it can be discussed , if not I’ll leave it vague. In comic book lore he is apparently from New York , the Bronx to be precise! That’s likely to be the case as my default. As a child Edward is a mischievous and in his own words “precocious” child. He adored books , devouring them ravenously and retaining knowledge well. He became an alter boy for the church of night , then under the watch of Father Constant. & an over achieving ( but troublesome ) student at the Academy of Unseen Arts.
          After finding a scribbled incantation in one of his copious books , Edward discovered his skills for conjuring and when he tells his friends word gets back to the high priest who encourages Edward as he becomes this conjuring prodigy. Father Constant eventually calls on young Edward to conjure the dark lord for the congregation to inspire faith , encouraging him , bribing him and when Edward has difficulty getting the spell down , beating him. Edward tricks Father Constant by summoning the shapeshifting demon named Empusa instead to appear as the dark lord. It works , and so Edward performs his trick again and again deceiving everyone and climbing the ranks of the Church. Until he only has one man to usurp , Father Constant. Edward gives the high priest’s soul to Empusa and takes the position as high priest. He takes full advantage of what comes with the power and influence. ** Including a brief triste with Madam Satan / Lilith. ( I feel a lot of the details of their relationship would change , if it happened at all IDK ) Though ultimately , guided by some clairvoyant sisters ( NAMED THE WEIRD SISTERS IN THE COMIC ,, jhfierhfrhjhhhh ) , Edward seeks a out a human woman to give him the powerful daughter the sister’s prophesized. He marries a mortal named Diana , which is against the laws of the church of night , but Edward is ever the rulebreaker and he simply calls on Empusa again to masquerade as the the dark lord ( who ofc , grants “his” blessing over their union )
** Based on a pact , agreed to by Diana , she would give up Sabrina to remain within the influence of the witches. 
When she breaks the pact and runs away with her daughter , Edward & the coven surround her in the woods , take Sabrina & Edward has Diana committed to an asylum and left her to cruel , inhuman treatment.
** Edward & his sister’s raise Sabrina until she is six , when Hilda and Zelda discover his deceit of the church of night ( passing off Empusa as the dark lord ) , the two decide they will not risk Edward disgracing them and lock him away in the hanging tree / a portal to witch purgatory where Edward now dwells in unending torment
Until …..
v.01. daddy’s home.  ** Through an incantation written by Edward himself and hidden away in one of his old diary’s Edward is returned to the world of the living ( by Sabrina? by Ambrose? By Nick Scratch? Lilith?? Whom knows )
v.02. take my place in hell. ** Like Madam Satan’s role , Edward is pulled from witch purgatory by the dark lord himself , on the condition he joins the efforts to get Sabrina to sign her name in the book.
( more verses / au’s tba when i can articulate myself ajkhefdshjhhhh )
Extras that I either forgot or can’t put an exact time on
  ( at some point he was terrorized by the sleep demon batibat for weeks , showing him all his deepest fears so vividly he began to lose his ability to tell his dreams from reality but Edward eventually trapped the demon in the Acheron configuration. )
( Faustus Blackwood became Edward’s mentor which he eventually surpassed! )
HCs. / do not have to be interpreted in threads.
Edward DID hold a lot of affection for Diana , even considered he may love her , however love isn’t what’s important to Edward , only his legacy and name take position as his top priority.
In some verses Edward is aware of Harvey’s connection to witchhunters / von Kunkles.
Edward has a soft spot for his sister Hilda
Though he is very connected to Zelda in a complex way , the two are similar in ways and they as a rule can’t seem to hide secrets from each other easily.
Edward is fully aware that Diana had Sabrina baptized in a Christian ceremony BEFORE he signed her name in the book of the beast ( this can be played out a number of ways )
( more tba in tiiiime !! )
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theolivechickken · 6 years
Wie geht's aaaaaaab?
Translation: What’s uuuuuuup?
Jan 12
Oh dear, the days are already zooming and fading away into each other.
Our nature hike was cancelled since there was too much snow. But was perfect for sledding! We hit the hills, tumbled down on our plastic seats, and walked on scenic trails on the Mönschberg.
The afternoon was still young, but the city went to bed a little early. We tried to go down to get sim cards at the store but left too late in the day and missed the bus. We had 2 hours to chill before dinner (and didn’t want to hike back up the mountain just yet), so we crossed the bridge and explored the New Town. Most things were closed since it was Sunday, but I found us cute little hipster coffee house. We all got hot chocolate and had a good time chatting and hanging out on the couches. I think this was my first time waving down the waiter for the check, too. I really like this system of payment and knowing how much you owe (taxes and all included). If something costs 3,50 you can round up to 4 and the rest is considered a tip (or you can ask for the change back).
The clock towers started ringing and we realized we should head to the restaurant that was a 20 minute walk in old town. At Gasthaus Krimpelstätter, we ate plain and simple comfort food: salad, Schnitzel, and french fries :) Back at the Mönschberg, we went down into the dungeon for a Salzy bonding game night.
Jan 13
In the morning, we got the rundown on community service opportunities for the semester and had time to prepare for our first volunteer session at the elementary school. We would be running workshops that allowed youth to practice their English.
In the afternoon, we sat down together in the student room upstairs and brainstormed an outline of cities we’d like to visit this semester. Even if we don’t completely stick to the outline, it’s nice to know that we have places we are interested in traveling to together, and it makes me more excited that this will soon be a reality for us each weekend :)
Later in the evening we had a dinner party at the house. Marcus made traditional sausages and salads for us to try. We were also able to try some grapefruit radlers. Quick historical background: drinking and driving is illegal, and that counts for cyclists too. So the radler was designed so that cyclists could enjoy a drink but would still be legal enough to ride their bikes.
Jan 14
My crusty, tired eyes took some time to open when my alarm went off. I splashed my face with some soap and water and head downstairs to have some bomb ass pancakes with fresh jam and hot tea for breakfast. Climbing 4 sets of stairs gets your heart pumping (and can make you sweaty if you’re wearing too many layers). Katharina walked into the room, plugged in the Aux, and got some bops playing in our classroom. She had us dancing around and stretching, which definitely woke all of us up for our 8:30am class.
I'm actually super excited to be learning German! It's activating the Spanish that's been sitting unused in the back of my head. It’s the weirdest thing ever. Every time I hear questions in German, I want to reply in Spanish. I’m honestly surprised by how much Spanish I actually know and remember. I almost feel like once you learn an additional language (other than your first language), it can be easier to pick up new languages.
Lowkey forgot that studying is part of studying abroad. I’m mentally here for the abroad part. But I’m also taking a handful of classes split up by different professors so it feels like 6-8 classes but it’s just 4??
German 101
Intro to German taught by Katharina
Austria in Europe: History, Identity, and Remembrance
Part 1 taught by Sara
We have to keep a tagebuch and write several entries within each week as well as maintain a literary journal where we answer prompts inspired by one of our books
Part 2 taught by Wolfgang
Studying and analyzing Austrian and European history to understand the identities and cultures formed within society, and also exploring Austria’s role in the two world wars
Sights and Sounds of Salzburg: An Interdisciplinary Window on European Culture
Sights taught by Elisabeth and Sounds taught by Betty
In the classroom, we will be studying Western European art, architecture, and music in different styles and time periods. Outside the classroom, we attend museums, architectural sites, and concerts.
And our final mystery class will begin sometime towards the middle of the semester. It was originally going to be taught by Kathleen Feely (one of the History professors from the University of Redlands) but she wasn’t able to attend last minute. So I believe we will have two visiting professors from the Salzburg area (or maybe one is joining us from the US for two weeks) and they will be focusing on Austrian (and/or German) film and social justice within Austria.
After classes, we had an Asian fusion stir fry/ chow mein dish for lunch. It even had a little kick to the flavor too  (okay Marcus I see youuuu - and also hear all your little hums and random songs and noises in the kitchen)!
DOWN TIIIIME - will it ever exist other than today?? We all gathered in the Winter Garden to watch Deadpool. I joined everyone on the couches but focused on starting my journal entries since we have to get 20 down each week.
Raine and I were also responsible for making brownies for one of our community service organizations (Caritas). I am the girl who burned water twice when trying to make mac and cheese, and nearly forgot to add the third ingredient to a 3 ingredient boxed brownie recipe. Cooking and baking stresses me out. At least I learned from previous mistakes and now know what not to do! And this was just another round of boxed brownies where you just add ingredients. Easy peasy, right?
Welp the directions were in German and the stove was foreign. We had no idea what setting to put the oven on so that it would warm up and bake the goods. I ended up watching 3 YouTube videos on German ovens and their settings so that I would understand de ways.
Luckily, we figured it out, shoved them in the oven and left them there for 40 minutes to bake. We came back just in time for them to be done and the kitchen smelled delightful. I mean, one of the corners was slightly crispier than the others, so we cracked a few windows open so the smokey smell wouldn’t set off the overly-sensitive fire alarm. But I would call it an overall success.
We got ready to head down into the city and Patrick forgot to set an alarm to wake up so we were a little late to dinner. We went to a pizza shop (Il Sole) and I had salami pizza. They also brought out little glasses of neopolitan ice cream for dessert. I feel like all I write about is food. But what can I say, I'm a fan of eating. Terrified of cooking but I'm down to try any dish.
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sungwanns · 3 years
oh my - you're so tall! i'm kinda jealous! i really feel my height difference with the skz mems whenever they bring up how short changbin is HAHAHA ( ;∀;) and you're right - you and seungmin would look good together since your heights are so similar. perfect for hugs and hand-holding indeed! i hope you two got pics together.
and yess the roommate theme is so cute! i feel kind bitter-sweet that they have separate dorms now, but eh - at least they get their own rooms. also i'm manifesting that you get the seasons greetings for christmas, whether that means someone gifts it to you or you win one or something XD i may lift my self-imposed merch ban and just buy it.
awww felix as your best friend tho - it's like platonic destiny ♥ you can't get rid of him even in your dreams hahahaha. let me know how your experiment goes and if you can summon the other members too!
oh i'm a leo (born july 28)...though if i understand correctly, i have other signs depending on other factors too, right? i know there's a different 'rising' sign...yeah sorry you'll have to correct me here (・・;) also i'm imagining you to be really pretty - sharp features are gorgeous in my book! tho that sucks you have to be asked that and you have to do the awkward 'i'm still underage' speech when people offer you alcohol XD
aw man yeah social anxiety...that's great you entertained I.N at least but i totally feel you about all the butterflies in the stomach (≧▽≦) i think if i ever get the chance to video call with them, i'd babble like an idiot (watch me tell 3RACHA "OMG DANNY DEVITO I LOVE YOUR WORK") then completely break down and lose it when chan shows genuine concern after he asks how i am HAHAHA
...yeah maybe it's best that i just admire them from afar LOL
the days are just not long enough to deal with IRL stuff and fandom stuff at the same tiiiime. i stay up late just to get stuff done too (currently 3 AM as i write this), so i wish being a fan would just be my fulltime job - that way i'd have more time to do actual normal people stuff like...i don't know - read? (-"-) i feel like everything i do is just on the computer now HAHAHA. do you have any hobbies outside the internet you like to do?
and YES I LOVE ANIME! i say that with such confidence when i haven't watched one in a while due to lack of time/energy ( ;∀;) the last one i saw was Coolheaded Hozuki (love how it really took "not only have i been through hell, i was assistant manager there" literally), though i read random shoujo manga from time to time when i need something cheesy. what about you - have you seen any anime recently/currently watching one? or do you have any recommendations?
okay it's official we need seungmin to rap in the next skz-player or something. and speaking of which - do you have a favorite skz-player song?
that's so adorable tho - clare bear! my family nickname comes from my second name (literally they just call me by the letter it starts with). now i'm kinda excited for reveal day so i can just tell you what my name is already (≧▽≦)
oh and you're right - we assigned VERY similar colors. i guess it's just their aura? man felix is just the eternal yellow boy - i feel like that's the color most stays would associate with him.
eyy good luck with the christmas tree! mine's been up since october HAHAHA my mom did all the work all i did was tell her the star on top was crooked i'm very glad it's been a relaxing week for you so far! i'm still counting down the days when i can finally go on vacation...being an adult sucks LOL. ooh if you don't mind me asking btw (and i'm assuming you're currently in university), what do you major in?
- your secret santa ^^
Yeah haha there’s not much to be jealous about besides pants that consistently don’t fit 🥲 but my whole family is pretty tall!! The last time i saw one of my cousins he was 6’9 (206ish cm) and he was only 16… it’s been a few years now i wonder if he’s grown any more… but!! 🥺 thank you haha we could even wear each others clothes seungmin i love your fashion sense even if it’s much milder than mine, i will be raiding your closet!!
Right🥲 and they have all the members that can cook in one dorm LMAO it’s like bittersweet though!! I’m glad they all have their own rooms and space now but also like you kinda want them to be all together!! but as long as they’re happy!! But thank you!!🥺 I really hope i can get it too! i might have to do some asking around haha I already asked my older sister for red velvet’s since theirs came out first so i’ll have to see who else i can bother LMAO
Platonic destiny 🥺🥺 but i really can’t haha he just lives in the back of my head without me even knowing it!! As for the experiment i think my brain has a few wires crossed LMAO instead of dreaming about any skz members i had a dream about jungkook instead????? LMAO
Oh yay a leo i love leos!! but i’m a cancer (july 10th) as you can probably see from my bio!! i love cancers and leos so july babies are just a win all around for me <<3 Oh no worries!!! And you’re totally right!! You can have different signs for all the planets!! I like to use astrotheme if you wanna take a look at yours I’ll link it here for you!! You just type your information in and it’ll make the chart for you and you can click on the different planets and it’ll give you a brief breakdown!! but im a capricorn rising which is probably part of the reason people always think im older than i am!! Rising signs change every two hours though so it’s best to put in your birth time if you know it!! BUT PLEASE YOURE SO SWEET MWAH MWAH I JUST KNOW YOURE GORGEOUS YOURSELF :(((
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HAHA right channie is so sweet i don’t think i would be able to handle him being nice to me i would just… windows crashing sound but HAHAHA i hope that at least chan would get the reference if not we would have to force him to watch it with us as is the duty of a friend 😌 i mean he has to at least know the iconic october 3rd considering he was born on october 3rd but im sure they would appreciate your kind words even if it is a little bit of babbling!!
but it really isn’t!! speaking of which sorry it took me a second to get to this today and yesterday have been more hectic than i anticipated 🥲 but omg don’t push yourself too much and make sure to get enough sleep!! but yes i totally feel the same way!! if being a fan was my full time job i would make so much money bc i would never stop working…🥲 but ah i feel you!! i used to read all the time and i still love to get lost in a story but sometimes it just feels like so much effort… Oh!! but as for hobbies hmm i like a lot of things!! I’m always trying to learn something new, but for the most part i like to draw and crochet in my spare time!! 💙 Hbu!!
Omg it’s totally okay HAHA it’s been a second for me too i just need to set time aside for it and i haven’t for a couple weeks!! Oh i haven’t seen that one!! I’ll have to put it on my list!! but i’m currently on the second season of fruits basket!! I also love one piece i’m like 30 eps behind but, yes, unfortunately i’m one of those people 😭 and I also really love jojo!! I finished part 4 so i really need to start the next part!! Ik they’re both pretty long but i would recommend those if you feel up to it!! but i love cheesy stuff too… HAHA if you have any good ones please send them my way!!
I totally agree!! 3racha please make it happen im begging you… But ah!! Uhm there’s so many good ones!! I really like jisung’s “close” and also “alien”!! but maknae on top holds a special place in my heart too!! What’s yours!!
but thank you omg 🥺🥺 I’m really excited for reveal day too!!
I totally agree!! basically every stay i know agrees on felix and yellow!! But that’s funny bc my fav color is yellow!! and my friends say i give off yellow vibes so i guess we really are twins indeed!!
But thank you!! Haha it was a little hard since it was so heavy so i had to get help putting it in the stand LMAO but i put some lights and some candy canes on it so now i just need to get the ornaments out!! But i totally get you SIGH !! and no i don’t mind at all!! But im an animation major!! but im thinking of taking a semester off as i have multiple drawing classes a week and they’re all 3 hours long not to mention my other classes i have to go to too it gets tiring 😭😭 But i hope your day/night is treating you well!!
Hmm let’s see do you think you could choose a favorite skz album if you had to!!
0 notes
evenstevensranked · 7 years
#17: Season 3, Episode 18 - “Stevens’ Manor”
With the house to himself for the weekend, Louis decides to open up a bed and breakfast to afford a snowboarding trip for the gang! What could possibly go wrong?!
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I’ve been meaning to tell you guys to ignore any typos in my reviews within the first day or so of them being posted. It takes a few read-throughs for me to catch any/all errors. 
That being said...
This episode opens with the subplot. Although, this is yet another one where the subplot and main plot work together super well. I’ve noticed that this is becoming a theme with these higher-ranked episodes. Huummm. 
It starts off with Ren spying on Ruby breaking up with some random guy Dexter. Her oh so serious, love of her life boyfriend of 4 days. Sounds about right. This show seriously nails how ridiculous middle school ~relationships~ truly are. Ruby is devastated, so Ren presents the idea of turning their upcoming weekend sleepover into girls night complete with nail polish, magazines and ice cream! Yeeee!
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Ruby clearly shocked and offended by Dexter’s decision to end it. We don’t actually hear the conversation, so this exaggerated expression really gets the point across.
It cuts to Louis, Twitty, Tawny, and Tom (who I will refer to as “the gang” from this moment forward) discussing how badly they want to go snowboarding at some lodge. Tawny estimates that it’d cost around $200 per-person, and I mean, what 13-year-olds have that sort of money laying around? I’m a grown adult and I can’t even afford Starbucks on some days. So, yeah. To any sane person, the idea would be totally off the table and seem completely farfetched... But not to Louis Stevens!! He’s all “Oh, it’s no problem” as he runs to answer a call on the school’s payphone, which is the millionth thing that closet space next to the stairs has been used for. The call is from someone looking to book a reservation at Stevens’ Manor. I really hope that payphone has a different number than the school and that Louis didn’t give out Lawrence Jr. High’s number as the contact info for “Stevens’ Manor.” I can’t. 
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He explains to the gang that Steve and Eileen are going away for their anniversary, Donnie has an away game, and Ren is sleeping at Ruby’s... which means he’s got la casa all to himself. Twitty asks how he’s gonna get his parents to actually let him stay home alone though... and like??? I know that Louis can get a little crazy, but does he really need a freaking babysitter or something? Actually, wait. What am I talking about?! He immediately seized the “home alone” opportunity to turn the house into a bed and breakfast. Here we go again with the give Louis Stevens an inch and he will take 100,000 miles trope, lol. His plan is to fake cry to Eileen about wanting to come with her and Steve and not wanting to stay alone, before deciding to be ~strong~ and stick it out. Steve even calls Louis a “soldier” for it, haha. Okay. Whatever works I guess! I’d like to point out this kinda ugly transition they do of Louis smirking about his plan, to the moment where he’s actually executing it. It’s so weird looking omg. 
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That morph tho. I guess the editing job isn’t too bad for 2002... but dang, it’s just slightly unsettling to me lol. 
I like how this episode basically jumps right into the plot asap! We’re only two minutes in at this point and the BnB transformation is already underway! Eileen and Steve ultimately leave and trust Louis to man the fort of course, and the birth of Stevens’ Manor happens the second they’re out the door -- courtesy of a short montage. Louis must’ve been preparing for this bed and breakfast idea for a long while, just waiting around for the opportunity -- because he has shirts embroidered with a fancy “SM” ready to go for him and his friends to wear! He’s even set up the technology to accept credit cards. Louis Stevens does not play! 
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The first guests arrive and I’m assuming it’s supposed to be a joke when Louis greets them “Welcome to Stevens’ Manor! You must be the Mannings!” lol. The Mannings are an older couple made up of a “fellow Lou” Louis and his wife Edna. This information is vital for later on. When they’re shown to their room, (which is Louis’ bedroom transformed into the “Lincoln Bedroom” lol) Edna says “This is even cozier than the pictures we saw on the internet!” WOW!!! Louis really did have this planned! He probably whipped out a www.stevensmanor.com domain for this. How did he rearrange and clean his room with enough time to take the photos, post them, and get hits on the website (in 2002, mind you) without his parents noticing though? That stuff took tiiiime back then. Not to mention cleaning that filthy room of his would require the help of a garbage company! Oh, well. That’s an irrelevant detail. I told you he’d been preparing for this moment! 
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Where did he get that bust of Lincoln (see 2 photos up) and that painting too? I searched out of curiosity and found this near-exact bust which costs $850!!!!! That thing better be some cheap plastic knock off because something tells me Louis somehow spent more money on making the place look legit than he’ll ever make back from it lol. 
The next guest is a woman named Mrs. Colepepper. What is up with these writers and throwing the word “pepper” into last names? We already have Ryan Zellpepper and now we’ve got this lady lol. I also just realized that both of these characters are black... not that that means anything at all. It’s just randomly sort of interesting imo. 
The last main guests are a pair of twin teenage boys and their parents. Now, Even Stevens is good at not double casting people (a.k.a being weird and having the same actors play two or more different characters throughout the series and hope the audience doesn’t notice) -- But they messed up here and I gotta call it out!! They’re acting like this is the first time we’ve seen these twins, but they actually already made an appearance as LJH students back in Season 2! Their first appearance is literally sooo brief that only a weird superfan like me would notice, but yeah. 
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The twins in this episode.
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The twins in Season 2! We haven’t covered this episode yet so I feel really weird including a screenshot but.. lol. 
There’s this short scene where Louis introduces Tawny as the Manor’s “human jukebox” because apparently she’s a piano wiz and knows “all kinds of songs” (Also, where’d Louis get the grand piano?! haha) One of the twins sarcastically asks “Does she know ‘I hate it here, we should’ve gone to Hawaii’?” And Tawny adlibs a song “I hate it here, we should’ve gone to Hawaii, where they say Aloha and roast little piggies!” This one line always gets stuck in my head. Always. I’m tempted to continue writing additional lyrics just to give myself more to sing.
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There’s also a fantastic bit here of Tom arguing with Mrs. Colepepper about the pulp in her orange juice. I can’t even explain it, all you have to know is that it’s amazing. Also, Louis tells the twins to check out the “Rec Room” and hands them two ping-pong paddles. They’re like “All you have is a ping-pong table?” and Louis says “Yeah... Well... I never said anything about a table. So.” IT ALWAYS GETS ME! It’s such a small line, but I love it. ALSO Beans is the BnB’s “licensed masseuse.” Right.  
At Ren and Ruby’s sleepover, Ruby gets a make up call from Dex and they talk on the phone all giggly for an hour and a half. Ren is fed up and decides to head home. Safe to say Ren was in for a surprise when Mrs. Colepepper was asleep in her bed... 
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Louis tries to explain the situation to her and of course, Ren is vehemently against it until she sets her eyes on the ~gorgeous~ twins. As they’ve already stated -- The twins hate it there, so she catches them juuust as they’re about to check out. Ren literally referred to these guys by name in S2. They were some weird names like “Mosh and Stosh”?! lol, Smosh. But now she’s acting like it’s the first time she’s ever seen them in her life and it always bothered meeeeee. 
Something that kills me about this bit is when their father says “The boys just aren’t happy here. I kinda have to agree with them. Your kiddie pool hardly qualifies as an ‘aquatic center’ so...” -- LOUIS REALLY PUT “AQUATIC CENTER” as a selling point knowing that all he had was a kiddie pool.
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Imagine showing up to a BnB where this is the advertised “aquatic center.” I am dying of laughter. First the nonexistent Rec Room, now this. I can just hear Gordon Ramsay ripping this place apart on an episode of Hotel Hell.
Ren immediately tries to persuade the twins to stay for obvious reasons by bribing them with lame board games, but they apparently reciprocate her attraction and decide to stay. The fictional board game they pick to play is The Organ Donor Game (sounds like a fun time???) and it’s so suggestive. Ren says “Ooo! You landed on my kidney. That’s gonna cost ya! No cheating and... Hands off my pancreas” in the most sultry voice ever. Like... WHAT?! The doorbell rings while they’re playing and it’s Ruby coming over to apologize, but she too decides to stay at the Stevens’ once she sees the twins. Wow. I love how a fan is always conveniently there to blow Ruby’s hair dramatically whenever she sees a guy she likes.  
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It happened the moment she developed a crush on Louis, too. And, uh... Didn’t Ruby JUST GET BACK TOGETHER with Dexter like, an hour ago?  
Meanwhile, Beans is giving Louis Manning a massage by walking on his back in hiking boots??? Beans just further solidifying his place as “The Worst” in my heart. Old Louis (which is what I’ll call him now I guess) gets his back thrown out thanks to their wonderful, 8-year-old, obviously not licensed masseuse. This place is a lawsuit waiting to happen. 
Eileen decides to call home and check in with Louis, which creates one of my favorite situations everrrrrrr in the series. Y’all know I love when shows highlight the comedic side of miscommunication, and this is probably Even Stevens’ best stab at it. Edna is the one who answers Eileen’s call and all hell breaks loose when Eileen asks for Louis. “Louis hurt his back, he’s in a great deal of pain right now.” Edna explains. And Eileen says “You tell him I’ll be there in two hours and that I love him very much!!” Of course, Edna thinks Old Louis is cheating on her with some woman named Eileen and it’s great. 
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Louis (Stevens lol) overhears the conversation and starts freaking out because how the hell are they gonna get all of the guests out of the house and revert it back to the way it was when it’s only midnight? That’s when Ren gets the brilliant idea (no seriously, it’s brilliant) to set all of the clocks forward to 7am checkout time! Oh my freaking god. Most of the guests have only been asleep for an hour or so, and suddenly they’re being told breakfast is ready. It’s absolutely hilarious! “Skies will be mostly... dark” Ren informs them of the days’ weather, omg. 
There’s no way they have enough time to serve everyone a full breakfast, so they shove all the food into a blender and give it to the guests as the “Deluxe Breakfast Combo To-Go!” Seriously, Gordon Ramsay would have a field day with this.
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They pretty much scream at the guests to “move it!” and get outta the house at midnight while they’re all still in their pajama’s and disoriented. Even if it was 7am, this is some terrible service. At this point, I’d give Stevens’ Manor a generous zero stars on Yelp.  
Amazingly, they get everyone out with enough time to hustle and clean up the house before Steve and Eileen get back! *Whew!* Louis and Ren scramble to explain the whole Enda lady who answered the phone situation and claim that she’s the school nurse. Steve is so confused, “The school nurse made a house call in the middle of the night?!” Honestly, though. Suddenly Edna walks back in the front door “Excuse me, I forgot my umbrella.” Haha. That’s when she and Eileen have their final brush with miscommunication. Eileen is all “Thank you for taking care of Louis!” and Edna says “Well, let me tell you something, Eileen. I have dedicated my entire life to taking care of Louis, so let me give you a little warning... STAY AWAY FROM HIM!” 
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Steve: “These school nurses are so protective...” 
Steve and Eileen decide to head upstairs and go to bed immediately, to Louis and Ren’s relief -- which actually made me realize something... Where do Steve and Eileen sleep?! From what we’ve seen of the upstairs it seems to only have a bathroom and Louis, Ren, and Donnie’s rooms! I’ve never seen space or a door for a third bedroom up there! Omg. Maybe they have a secret bedroom in a hidden attic or something? Hey! They had a giant secret cave underneath their house. It’s possible. 
The final minute bit of this episode is great. Steve and Eileen are watching some local news program and Mrs. Colepepper happens to be the host. She shares her experience at Stevens’ Manor and how she’ll never forget it in a strangely positive review segment. The best line is when she says “I don’t normally sleep through the night, but when my head hit the pillow -- the next thing I knew, it was morning!” HAHAHAHA. She makes a point to mention the “hip, young staff” and shows a picture of the gang (see cover photo.) And yeah. Steve blows a gasket. 
This is a great episode. I mean, really. It’s super memorable, funny, and it’s an awesome episode for the cast as an ensemble. I cracked up countless times writing this review! It definitely gets a lot of “iconic” points for sure. I just personally prefer episodes that have more of a story to them and focus on the characters. As great as this episode is, it’s definitely one of those wacky plots that could only make sense in crazy Season 3. But I gotta give it to them... This is such a wild and elaborate plot, but they somehow make you believe that Louis could’ve actually pulled this off irl. I’m sure there were some impressionable kids out there who entertained the idea of doing something similar themselves, lol. I want y’all to know that #17 isn’t a “bad” spot by any means. I feel like I say this a lot, but at this point in the countdown, everything seriously is pretty much top notch. I’m simply arranging the best of the best in an order I hope is both personal and objective. It’s a difficult line to straddle, believe me.
To top off the review, I’ve added not one -- but two Stevens’ Manor designs to the Redbubble shop!! AYYYYYYYYY! I got carried away. I’m actually really excited about these, haha! Ya can now get the main “Stevens’ Manor” design and the employee logo design printed on whatevaaa you want. Doing these reproductions of things that exist within the shows’ universe is so fun. I’m really trying my best to get as close to the way they appear on screen as I possibly can (with my limited photoshop skillz)
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They’re available in the shop now! Yay!
Thanks for reading!!
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bubbledropsvt · 7 years
Who Killed Jihoon?
A Long Analysis No One Asked For
So! This murder mystery case has been making waves on twitter. With whatever medical knowledge I have, let me share to you my 50 cents take on this case (and I am taking this as seriously as I can; I used up 3 pages of my think book, 4 pages of MS Word, and 4 hours of my time for this asdfghjkl):
What do we know?
Lee Jihoon died via hydrogen cyanide poisoning, with his estimated time of death between 2-2:30. There was noted blood on the piano stool and the glass door, with leftover spaghetti by the piano. There were noted bruises on his right hip caused by a supposed fall. Blood found on the scene was Jihoon’s which looked like vomitus as it was mixed with bile. Last known food intake were tteokbeokki, spaghetti, and rice crackers. There were episodes of stomach cramps prior to death. No puncture wounds on body. Coroner reported that the killer must have some knowledge on the poison used because of the intricate amount needed, the route of delivery of the poison, and the means by which he got it. The poison takes effect in 3-4 hours, so the time of ingestion should’ve been around 10:30-11:30.
 All murders answer to the 6 questions: WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHO, WHY, and HOW. But before I give you a rundown of my take on this, let me first give you a very basic background on hydrogen cyanide.
 Hydrogen cyanide is a colorless, poisonous liquid usually used in mining. It is extremely poisonous as even a small amount of it is enough to kill a person. How does it do it? It stops cellular activity by stopping the production of energy needed by the body, in a simplified sense. The lethal dose of it is around 50 mg (Medscape), which is approximately about as much as big as a 50-centavo coin if you spread it out (you can think of various 50 mg medicine tablets too). At this amount, it can work in less than a minute. Even when ingested, it is easily picked up the body and travels quickly through the blood vessels to take effect. When this happens, it becomes nearly impossible to reverse it. Unless you’re able to take the patient in less than 5 minutes to the hospital, it is close to impossible to reverse the effects. This is the reason why it is a very popular means of elimination: not only is a small amount needed for it to be effective, but also the fact that it is nearly impossible to detect in the body given the small amount that can be used to kill a person. One of the few ways of detecting hydrogen cyanide poisoning if there is any exposure to it (mining work, prolonged exposure to car exhaust, eating lots of fruit seeds, prolonged pesticide exposure) or if there is the distinct almond smell.
While it is possible for hydrogen cyanide poisoning to take effects hours after it has been ingested if there has been a small amount, it would mean that the ingested amount would’ve been smaller than 50 mg, so imagine it having to take effect 3-4 hours after ingestion: it would probably mean maybe even a dot of it had to be ingested for it to take effect, and by then the body would’ve eliminated it from the body or by then it would’ve been impossible for it be detected via autopsy. We may also look at this from the point of view of the poison being put inside an extended-release capsule where the film would’ve only started melting approximately 12 hours after it had been ingested, but that wouldn’t fall in the timeline given. Also, with the way hydrogen cyanide works, I don’t think the victim should’ve been able to cough up blood like that. At most, he would’ve literally dropped dead because of how quick it works.
So what am I saying? It means a lot, since the murder weapon and how Jihoon was murdered plays a vital role in answering our case. If it has been really hydrogen cyanide, then the time of ingestion becomes different: it would’ve been a few minutes prior to death, which would make Wonwoo a very likely suspect as he was the one who gave Jihoon the rice crackers, which were the last thing he ate. However, if we need to go by the number of hours it should take for the poison to have an effect, then our time line would be different.
I will be thinking in terms of the timeline, so from here on out, I will be using the term ‘poison’ as I believe hydrogen cyanide wasn’t used.
Another note, it is important to note the bruising! I’m glad someone asked about the bruising because bruising appears differently pre- and post-mortem. If it is pre-mortem, a fall would be a likely explanation, but it would not rule out a possible fight (unless you take into consideration the surrounding: were there signs of struggle?). Post-mortem bruising would mean the killer would’ve been at the scene to move the body to a certain extent that would’ve gotten him that bruise, which would mean that someone had come in during or after his death (aka someone who had been to the Music Room from 1-3 PM!!). Compare this with someone who didn’t even have to be in the vicinity at all when he died once the poison had taken effect.
Let’s get down to the nitty gritty!
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This is everyone’s collated timeline of events. The ones in grey have already been eliminated from the suspect list.
WHAT? Lee Jihoon is dead! Foul play is suspected and we have 12 suspects (now narrowed down to 8).
WHERE? No whereabouts/timeline is available for Jihoon but it’s a piece of evidence! SO! I! WANT! IT! j/k lol @thicckwan made a really good timeline for Jihoon! But it’s still a mystery where he was from 10-11:30, the supposed time of poisoning. Is it safe to assume that he was in the Music Room? I think not. For everyone who had Music Theory, they only had it once a day. If Jihoon was at the Music Room that time it is probably safe to assume his Music Theory is at 8:30. Which means he could be having Core Class or Dance Practice at the Studio. However, by elimination, he was not at the Studio (S. Coups, The8 did not mention him at the studio). That leaves us with either him being the Practice Room with Wonwoo or in Core Class.
And this is where we’ll need that map! (pls release the evidence please :’( ) The map is important because it’ll show us where everyone was. Was it really possible to see someone from the bathroom if they were walking down the hallway? If so, how well could they see him? Where were the classes held? Is it possible to go past the Music Room at one point to get to the Studio or Practice Room? HELP ME I’M DYING THIS IS THE ONE BIG THING MY BRAIN CANNOT COMPREHEND???
WHEN? In the field of forensics, the only thing you can trust is evidence. If the coroner says that the poison needed 3-4 hours before it could take full effect, we can trust that. That is why I will work on the assumption that the murderer had given him the poisoned food at around 10:30-11:30.
HOW? It was poison that had to take effect in 3-4 hours. Probably something odorless, colorless, or tasteless. Something that, even when mixed with food, wouldn’t make a victim suspect. Something that would give the killer an alibi for the time of death. If we are to go by murder-mystery anime logic, Wonwoo is someone we can eliminate. He gave him rice crackers at around 1:30 PM, and by then the poison was already ingested. So it is safe to assume that it had to be someone he was with somewhere between 10-11:30.
WHY? Motive, motive, motive. No murder occurs without one, even if they were unplanned. Let’s list down all the possible suspects and their motives!
Josh – he was close to Hoshi and knew Jihoon and him were secretly dating. Take note that if the poisoning did happen before 12 nn, the ‘fight’ hadn’t happened yet, so him poisoning Jihoon for the fight is out of the question. But! That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have a motive. He could be out to plot revenge for (MAYBE!!) being closer to Hoshi than he was.
The8 – Good friends with Jun! We don’t exactly know what his relationship with Hoshi is, but he wasn’t that close with Jihoon, but it is safe to assume he respects him enough to ask him how he should interpret the song into a dance. Do we have a motive? If it is the general motive of Jihoon pissing everyone off at some point, then yes.
DK – close with Jihoon. Maybe probably jealousy for his talent? (BUT THIS BOY IS SO PURE HUHU)
Mingyu – Acquaintances with Jihoon, but goes tohim for help when writing rap lyrics, so it is safe to assume that he respects him. Again with The8’s, we will probably have a motive if Jihoon getting mad at everyone counts.
Wonwoo – Close with Jun! (WHAT IS UP WITH EVERYONE BEING CLOSE WITH JUN *eye wiggles*) He considered Jihoon and Hoshi as his friends, bu we have no idea how close. In Wonwoo’s interview, he refused to elaborate on how close he was with Jihoon by using a tactic well known to suspects: reversing the question (*MORE EYE WIGGLES*). Same with The8’s and Mingyu’s, we will probably have a motive if Jihoon getting mad at everyone counts.
Jun – AVOIDS THE QUESTION SO SMOOTHLY when asked of his relationship with Jihoon. Suspicious? Honestly him arriving at 10 AM with a car is really questionable for me. So what if your car had stalled? Normal students would’ve tried to commute. Or is he one of the rich kids who can’t and won’t commute? HMMMMMM well—close friends with Wonwoo and The8! Him getting to late to school gives him sooo muuuuch tiiiime to acquire the poison (and honestly, you’re in high school why do you have a car how old are you and how rich are you you’re probably from a family of dealers???). Did Jihoon catch him red-handed and now he’s out for revenge?
Hansol – Jihoon’s classmate who didn’t know him well! Tries so hard to be defensive when asked about his opinion of him. Also uses the excuse of ‘not being there at the time of death’ to escape suspicion and create an alibi (which, btw, is not airtight. I mean, no witnesses? Very suspicious.) Did he have a motive? Probably the same as The8’s, Mingyu’s and Wonwoo’s if ever.
S. Coups – Jihoon’s best friend! Denies having any other feelings for him other than being best friends. Knows of his relationship with Hoshi. GAVE SOMETHING TO JIHOON AT 9:30 AM??? What is this I am very curious???
I think that’s pretty much what I’ve summed up so far for motives.
I’ll be honest here ok I am no expert when it comes to things like these (I’ve been to 3 escape rooms, haven’t solved any of them //GROSS SOBBING) so this is just my honest opinion!
I’m cutting down my suspect list to people who are in the probably vicinity of when the poisoning took place: either the Core Classes or the Practice Room. Those in the Core Classes were S. Coups, Jun, and Josh. The only one in the Practice Room was Wonwoo.
But! More mysteries remain yet to be solved: Where was Joshua? Why couldn’t he remember anything from 1:15-3 PM? Was Vernon really in the vicinity when Jihoon died? If so, why?
Jeonghan has been announced innocent, so it is safe to assume his testimony is true. He had skipped class that day with DK and S. Coups, but now the question is: did they go out of school grounds? If they did, then S. Coups and Hansol’s testimonies confirm each other, and confirms that Hansol was in fact at home and not in school as what Jun claims.
Jun’s testimony reeks of holes because no one can confirm his alibi prior to 10 AM, and he had shown weird behavior by staying behind after school to practice while everyone else went home (and again, this is where the map comes in: where was studio placed anyway for it to be in a place where he can’t see students filing out?). He could’ve been lying about spotting Hansol to divert suspicion away from him, or he could assume that it was Hansol he saw (when in fact in was Joshua?!) during the 2:10 time OR EVEN NOT HAVE SEEN ANYONE AT ALL BUT HE NEEDED TO PUSH THE BLAME ON SOMEONE BECAUSE SUPRISINGLY THE TIME HE SAID HE WENT TO THE BATHROOM FALLS DURING JIHOON’S TIME OF DEATH?? What if he had not gone to the bathroom but in fact had checked in to make sure Jihoon was dead and erase all possible evidence leading back to him?
Joshua. This poor boy. What happened, really? He had left the library at 1:15 PM, arguably with his backpack (as evidenced by Chan’s testimony). He clearly insisted he was wearing a button down shirt but Wonwoo insisted he was only in a t-shirt. What if Wonwoo just had bad eyesight (this is a running joke ok)?
 In conclusion! I still have no conclusion y’all I’m just leading you on a wild goose chase lol
But as of this moment, without any new evidence I need, Jun is my number one suspect.
I’ll probably update this post once new questions have been answered and once we get our new evidence!!
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