#which i dont mind so much because neither of them are typical
rxttenfish · 1 year
also fuckin. thinking about miravi with food. aaravi with a foodtruck and enjoying making people food and the love language of it all. miranda slowly recovering from an eating disorder* and needing both patience and a safe environment with support to begin healing. yeah.
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Hiiii!!!! Uuhh sorry I get a bit awkward to approach new people but oh my god I needed to say that I absolutely love your work!! Im truly a fan!! Your Fierce Deity fics bring me to life and I cant stop thinking about it <333
Not sure if this idea is interesting enough but I cant stop thinking about it and I thought you could maybe like it!!
I keep thinking about Reader talking with the Fierce Deity's mask (imagining he still sealed in the mask) like he was physically there, just rambling. We could show him the sky and the grass, mundane things, talk about our thoughts and ask questions to him, like what is it like to be a god and if he is happy with his life.
One question that also pops a lot in my mind is asking what gods thought of humans or maybe, what he thought of them, of us!! Ofc he doesnt respond bc he is inside the mask but then one day he is off of it and he remembers each and every question we ever asked, and is willing to answer them all NFKENFKWFKWKKFKWKDKW
Its just an idea, you dont really have to do it, but everytime I think about it or Fierce in general, I cant help but also think about you <333
Im really glad I found your work!! I hope we can be friends!! :DDD
I wish you a lovely day my little leaf!! Toodlessss 🍃🍃🍃
𖠰 Woods 𖠰
Okay first of all, this idea this absolutely amazing!! I'll have you know I was practically VIBRATING with excitement while reading this! You have no idea how stoked I am to receive asks like this, so do not feel bad at all for sharing! Also what we're literally already besties <3
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Man In The Mask
Pairing: Fierce Deity x Reader
Warning(s): N/A
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What are you?
It was a question the Fierce Deity had heard a thousand times, often accompanied by blood and blaze: a question of those he protected... and those he did not, whispered on the heels crimson-dripped lips and frightful eyes. He was a god of war, and thus not one to engage in the folly of mortals. Orders were his foundation, and steel his soul, wrapped in a righteous evil that not even the goddesses could bear to gaze upon.
Which is why he felt nothing short of hedonistic when it fell from the lips of the paltry mortal's holding the wretched mask that trapped him centuries earlier. Voice soft and eyes softer, touch featherlight on the chipped edges of his prison. There were thumbs on the apples of his 'cheeks', and the deity was caught between rage and sorrow. Tumultuous emotions were not his strong suit, and neither was restraint, from the way things were looking.
He didn't need to stand before them to feel their weakness, as was typical of most humans, but there was an ember in your eyes that seemed to burn with a light he didn't dare remember, shining like a beacon in the night.
"I wonder who painted you," the human, you, mused, stroking again over the half-glossed finish of the mask. Gentle, comforting, and utterly indecipherable to the deity inside. "You're so dusty; did Time even polish you?"
Why... Why was that relevant? Never in his wildest thoughts had the Fierce Deity expected Time to intrust his 'care' to a human, much less you. His very existence was a burden; how could a so-called hero willingly place something so... so destructive in the hands of, well, he considered you quite innocent to the tribulations of war and bloodshed and sorrow.
But what could he do but wait, snug under your arm, as you prattled on about anything and everything. The notion that you were naive enough to talk to a mere mask, of all things. Had you no sense? No discretion? It was a question he often asked himself, though only because there was no one else to answer.
That didn't stop his dull wonderings on whether you would ask such questions if he stood before you in the flesh. Would you cower? Fight? Flee? Perhaps he would remember the words that fell from your mouth, just to prove himself right once again.
The Fierce Deity mask weighed heavy in your hands as you plodded down the small path towards home. A thick forest bordered you from the east, while a blooming prairie stretched as far as the eye could see from the west. There was no doubt in your mind that you were incredibly lucky to live where you did, a fact that was only exemplified by the nine heroes that had crashed into your life (and living room) through a portal that looked straight out of Coraline or some shit.
Never in a million years would you have expected Time, the distrustful forest child he was, to entrust anything to you, much less a mask that supposedly held the spirit of one of the greatest entities of his world, but you supposed it was only proof that miracles did still exist. Maybe.
Either way, you had taken up the mantle of caring for the mask, and there was no way in hell you were going to screw up. Not that Time would let you, the worrywart, and you were only just beginning to catch him not staring holes into your back.
Chronic mother hens aside, it didn't take a genius to figure out there was something terribly wrong with the item tucked under your arm. Whether it was the crimson and navy facial markings or innocuous radiation of something akin to evil, you had no doubt that Time's warnings were not in jest.
Despite this, you couldn't quite shake the idea of a soul being trapped inside, well, the mask was practically a prison at this point. And maybe, just maybe, you felt a modicum of guilt at the entity's fate. Had he deserved it? Perhaps. Was it cruel? Without a doubt.
Which is why you found yourself taking the Fierce Deity's mask with you when you went to the store, or the library, or simply for a walk in the forest, tucked in your satchel to protect from prying eyes, though you always adjusted the cover so at least one of the eyeholes was free to gaze upon the wonders of your world. It was a small mercy that you were willing to afford, one that quickly spiraled into conversation with the mask itself. You always had a habit of speaking out loud, and now you, presumably, had an ear to listen.
But it was all speculation at this point; Time had never outright confirmed whether a living creature resided within the painted oak, only that it was imbued with an evil so ancient it could challenge the goddesses. You had stopped listening at that point, muttering 'drugs' under your breath, but there was always hope in your tone when you reminisced about the world around you.
With a sigh, you stopped, bringing the mask to the forefront of your vision, thumbs instinctually tracing the crimson stripes on the cheeks. It was baffling that something so beautiful could feel so wrong in your hands. You desperately wished to uncover the truth, to breathe in the big reveal and revel in the known mysteries of life.
"What are you?" The words slipped off your tongue like silk, right enough that you could have chalked it up to fate. The mask felt warm, basked in the fading rays of the golden sun, and you had the distinct feeling of being watched. The pads of your thumbs stroked the raised cheeks of the mask, disturbing a thin layer of dust, as more words spilled forth. "You're so dusty; did Time even polish you?"
It felt strange, talking to the mask as if it was a person, but you were too intrigued to care. If an entity truly resided within, you wondered what he thought of you. Was he impressed? Disgusted? Resigned? You had grown up with the belief that if gods truly existed, their disappointment would be without bounds, but that assumption didn't feel accurate when you stared at the shadowed skin of your palms through the eyeholes.
What horrors had a deity of this caliber seen through eyes of oak... and why were you so desperate to find out?
The Fierce Deity was convinced you were either crazy or stupid.
Night had fallen some time ago, filling your small quarters with only the pale light of the moon. His prison sat propped against the contraption you called a 'lamp', facing the bed in which you slept. Your nighttime routine was... unusual, to say the least. In his time, maidens wore long shifts to sleep, while here, you had treated him to the ludicrous sight of what could only be described as the shortest britches he had the displeasure of viewing and a sleeveless rag of a tunic that looked as though you wore it to a scuffle with a large animal, not to mention the sheer audacity you had to undress before the mask without regard for decency. Had the Hero of Time not informed you of his status in this wretched prison, because it was as though you had forgotten or simply didn't care at all?
Whatever the case, it was with much dread that the Fierce Deity only found himself more attracted to the mortal cursed with his care. Your life was, at most, mundane, yet you spoke as though every day was a great adventure, in a tone that could have inspired countless scribes into a flurry of activity. More shocking, however, was how he could feel himself clinging to your every word, like a dog waiting for scraps. He had been alone for so long, and the reality that a mere mortal considered him, well, mortal enough to converse with was a reality he never imagined contesting with.
But, despite how thrown off he was, there was a certain comfort in the quiet nights you spent together, however inadvertently they came to be. After a life of isolation, he found a purpose in the steady rise and fall of your chest, in the snorting giggles of your laughter, and the way you flipped the edge of your pack to grant him sight, never mind that he was fully capable of viewing the world without it. It was for that reason that the rage in his battered soul waned a fraction, leaving a sliver of room for whatever this was, and the reason his mind refused to release thoughts of your whispered queries, always centered on him, whether it be his health, status as a deity, or happiness.
Farfetched as it was, the Fierce Deity, god of war and blood and death, waited hours for you to wake, unblinking because he would be damned to miss the very moment of your return to the land of the living, the languid stretch your body performed as you groaned softly, rubbing the creases of your eyes with the same gentleness you treated him to. He would study the outfits you wore, committing them all to memory so he could better understand the core of who he considered to be his savior. Maybe then, when he was free, he could begin to repay your kindness–bit by bit, word by word–until distance became more of a myth that him, and your tender warmth could be validated by more than just a paltry mask. Your very breath became his meaning, your soul his muse, and the Fierce Deity was sure he would never forget it.
But in the meantime, perhaps he would remember the words that fell from your mouth, just to prove you right once again.
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I can't begin to express how beautiful this felt to write. The Fierce Deity truly is my muse.
ALSO there will be a part two, so keep your eyes peeled!
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storiesofsvu · 11 months
For I Have Sinned
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AU Pastorswife!Tara Lewis x married!religious!fem!reader warnings: language, smut, minor derogatory talk, pussy spanking, teasing, technically there's cheating lol
Requested by anon. Also dont come for me i know little to nothing about religion & how shit works LOL. This will likely have a follow up or two as well👀
It was wrong, you knew that.
 It was absolutely sinful.
Immoral, indecorous even.
But for some reason that didn’t manage to stop you.
The enticement was too strong, the thought of submitting to a temptation that had long been nipping at you, living in the back of your brain since the first time her fingers had delicately plucked a small leaf from your hair, a soft smile on her cheeks and a warm look in her eyes. She was friendly, welcoming, whisking you away from your husbands with a gentle hand on the small of your back while she guided you inside the church, giving you the tour she gave anyone new to the congregation. By the time you rejoined the main party in the garden, her arm was linked through yours as you were laughing together like you were old friends, not two strangers who had just met.
A handful of children ran up to her in an excited chorus of ‘Mrs. Lewis!’ and you searched through the group, asking which ones were hers. She was quick to shake her head, quietly mentioning that while they’d tried, it hadn’t been part of gods plan, that they were happy the way they were. It was only a second later she was encouraging you to call your own kids over to join the group, introducing them and guiding them into a couple of games to entertain themselves. The children didn’t just know her because she was the pastor’s wife, she also taught Sunday school, enlightening the minds of the younger generation to the religion you’d always loved, the one you’d grown up with and been faithful to your entire life.
Which was very unlike Tara’s experience. She’d married into it. Meeting her husband in her senior year of high school, your typical meet cute studying in the library. Distraction from studying lead to coffee, which lead to lunch, which lead to dinner off campus, first just one date, then another, then a night where neither wanted to say goodnight, talking all night, laughter and pure heart eyes. While Tara was somewhat unfamiliar with the entire religion thing she was completely in support of him, ever the shining light by his side as he made his way through the ladder rungs, educating herself and eventually taking on the role she had now. They married young, thinking that it was going to be forever, that their mindsets wouldn’t change, that true love knew no bounds.
It wasn’t long after saying ‘I do’ and fully immersing herself into the church that Tara realized she was different from most of the congregation, that while she still supported things, believed in God, agreed with their beliefs, there was a lingering thought in her brain. One that sparked up every so often when a beautiful woman walked into the church. She’d always known that about herself, even if she’d never brought it up with her husband, she liked women, she’d just been unaware of how much and now she was in too deep to try and get out. She did love him, and she loved the life that they had together, she wouldn’t deny that, and she never wanted to bring that much shame and attention to him if she was to file for divorce. So she kept her secret life exactly that, secret. A few women here or there over the years, though none of them meant anything. They were hook ups she found in dark bars in neighbouring towns, where no one would know she was the pastor’s wife, where she was a mysterious figure they’d never see again.
That was of course, until the day she met you.
You were an absolute ray of sunshine, bright eyed and eager to be accepted in a new town, a new church, taking on as many volunteer tasks as you could to get involved with the community. She watched carefully as you chaperoned Sunday school trips, organized charity events, and she knew your peanut butter chocolate cupcakes were the most decadent, rich and delicious things at any bake sale you eagerly helped out with. Tara was completely infatuated with you, her eyes lingering on you longer than they should, finding any excuse to talk to you, for you to stay behind, come in early, help with things she didn’t actually need help with. Anything to get you alone, because she had a natural ability to read people, and she knew that you felt the unnatural, immoral draw towards her as well. You lingered in the hallway after sending the kids to the car, timed your grocery trips to intentionally run into her, drove the long way when dropping the kids off at school so you’d be at the same coffee shop. Your eyes often finding hers during sermons before you’d smile softly and duck your gaze, your cheeks would heat when she complimented you, your eyes darkening with arousal, tongue darting out to wet your lips when you glanced back up at her.
Tara was a mystery to you at first, something enticing, intriguing, that you wanted to know more about, explore, figure out why you were feeling the way you were. Why you always had a lovestruck smile on your face when you talked about her, why you were always so excited to see her, the way your heart would nearly beat out of its chest at the mention of her name, the tingles you began to feel pulsing their way through your body. Those were the strangest, you’d thought she was someone you were going to become best friends with, that you’d finally found someone you could double date with, that was of course until you caught yourself thinking about her while your husband’s hands traced your skin.
It was no longer a mystery, you wanted Tara, physically, intimately, in a way that God certainly would never understand or be accepting of. You ached to feel her lips on yours, to have her body pressed against yours, to explore every inch of her skin with your hands, you craved her in a way you’d never craved anyone else before in your life. She was all you could think of, invading your senses the moment you stepped into the church to the moment you went to bed, wishing you could touch yourself and pretend it was her, every fleeting moment you were in her presence drove you wild.
Which was exactly how you ended up propped on her desk, your dress bunched around your waist, her hands keeping your thighs spread wide while her face was buried between your legs.
You could never quite wrap you head around how good she was with her mouth, tongue slipping into your core, quiet groans leaving her lips as she truly tasted you, juices dripping down onto her tongue for her to eagerly lap at. Her lips wrapped around your lower ones, gently sucking them into her mouth, nose nudging at your clit, pulling little gasps and whimpers from you as she continued her motions. Tara could feel you building up, knowing that you were close, that it was almost too much to bare and she pulled away ever so softly, her lips tracing across your inner thigh while she let you catch your breath. Her teeth sunk into your skin and you gasped, a hand flailing to swat at hers when she did it again, sucking in the same spot.
“Don’t be so rough there can’t be any marks.”
“No one will see them down here.” She murmured; her breath hot on your skin.
“He might.” You mumbled, urging her face back between your legs. A quiet moan escaping your lips when she did exactly what you wanted, tongue flicking at your clit before dragging slowly across it and your body shuddered, “oh god…”
Smirk on her lips she sucked your clit into her mouth, a hand sneaking between your legs and two fingers slipped into your aching pussy. She pumped them a few times, slowly twisting and twirling them inside you as you felt the electricity firing through your body, moaning when she crooked them perfectly.
“Right there.”
“Hmm…” She groaned against you, vibrations causing your body to shudder, pussy fluttering around her fingers as she continued to fuck them into you.
Your breathing began to pick up when she curled them again, this time the pads of her fingers pressing harder into the sensitive spot, brushing back and fourth while she sucked harder on your clit. Your hand clamped over your mouth, muffling your cries as you hit your peak, pleasure surging through your body as your back arched off the desk. You could feel your juices dripping out of your cunt, leaking down Tara’s wrist and onto the wood beneath you. With one final flick of her tongue she pulled off your clit, fingers fucking you through your orgasm as she watched your body tremble with a grin on her lips.
“I thought you were a good girl, but here you are getting wet in church.” She murmured, this time gently nipping at your inner thigh before finally pulling her fingers from you, watching with amusement at how much slick smeared across your skin.
You could feel her eyes on you, knowing she was watching you fluttering around nothing, taking joy in just how good she could make you feel, pride from just how wet you were. You’d been ruining your panties since you’d laid eyes on her hours ago and she knew it, that you’d been aching to escape your reality, to have her touch you, lick you, taste you in the way only she could. No longer on cloud nine, the warmth of pleasure vanished, replaced with embarrassment of her staring at your most intimate parts. Your hand covered your face, cheeks burning now as you tried to close your legs.
“Uh.” Tara clicked her tongue, hands splayed on your thighs as she stood from her chair, pushing your legs back open, “sweet girl, you’re not done yet, you know better. You’ve sinned…now you have to be punished.”
You let out a whine in protest, but left yourself on display, legs wide open for her to do with whatever she pleased. The heat was still present in your cheeks, knowing that it was only Tara you could ever do something like this with, that she was the only one who could get you this vulnerable yet this turned on in the same moment. Glancing up you caught her sucking your juices off her fingers, making sure they were wet and ready for whatever punishment she had in mind. Her hands gently gripped your ankles, sliding up your legs and your breath hitched in your throat.
“Well… you really are a naughty girl, aren’t you?” She purred, leaning over your body as she spoke and you whimpered softly, distracted by her being so close to you, you missed when she pulled her hand back, a gasp escaping your lips when she spanked your pussy sharply. “Getting so turned on, so horny and in a house of God.” Another spank, leaving your body jolting, “and this isn’t stopping it, huh?” Spank. “I can feel you getting wetter,” Spank. “thinking about all the dirty things you want me to do to you, hmm?” Spank. “all the different ways I can make you come?” Spank.  Tara leant forward, her lips brushing the column of your neck before she nipped at your earlobe, her breath hot on your skin when she spoke again, “god your little pussy just loves how I fuck you, hmm?” Spank.
You could feel the heat prickling through your body again, your chest heaving as Tara’s hand swatted at your drenched cunt once more and you let out a loud whine. You pulsed around nothing, your clit throbbing at the thought of being touched once again, even if it was a quick spank that she delivered right as you thought about it.
“Everyone thinks you’re such a good girl,” spank, “the perfect little wife. But here you are begging me to do whatever I want to you.” Spank. “like a little whore.”
The final spank hit right where you needed it, Tara’s free hand quickly coming up to cover your mouth as you cried out, your cunt throbbing as your hips rocked up off the desk, juices squirting out of you, dripping down onto the floor below.
“Oh g-god…” You whimpered, your body shivering as Tara chuckled softly above you, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your neck before righting herself between your legs. Her hands soothed up and down your bare skin, watching your chest heave as you caught your breath.
“You alright?”
“Mhmm.” You nodded, eyes fluttering open as you gazed up at her, “more… please.”
Tara’s lips split into a smirk, a small laugh coming from her as she shook her head, “oh you needy little thing, you still want more?” Her hands shifted to the buckle of her belt, slowly undoing it before her pants, a hungry look in her eye as, of course, this had been her plan all along, “want me to stretch you out with my cock so you can take the lord’s name in vain… again?”
“Yes!” You cried, “oh please yes!” Your body trembled with anticipation, a whimper leaving your lips and Tara practically pouted at you, her hands moving your feet down to the floor as she gently tugged you off the desk. A finger curled under your chin, tilting your face up to hers before she left a kiss on your lips.
“Sssh. It’s okay honey, I know, I know.” She kissed the tip of your nose, “I can make you feel so much better than that pathetic excuse of a man ever could.” She swatted at the side of your hip, “now turn around and bend over.”
You did exactly as she asked, bracing yourself against her desk as you listened to the sound of her undoing her pants, shoving them far enough down to let the toy pop out of the fabric. Her hands trailed up your inner thighs, fingers ghosting through your wetness, pulling a shudder from you. Tara’s hand wrapped around her cock, rubbing it through your folds until you were pushing back toward her.
“Please…” you whined, “need you.”
“Alright.” She chuckled softly, pushing into you until she was fully seated and you let out a low moan at the sensation.
“Such obscene language from such an innocent girl.” She teased, her hands gripping your hips as she began to fuck you. “Whoever would have thought?”
Her cock plunged deeper into you with each thrust, your hips gently crashing into the desk as your pussy began to flutter around her, whimpers and whines leaving your lips. Pleasure coursed through you, tingling down your legs, making them shake when the tip of the toy brushed the sensitive spot inside your cunt.
“S-so good.” You mumbled out, your words already airy as you were back amongst the clouds.
“That’s it angel…” Tara soothed, her hand running up your back, “taking me so well.” She thrusted particularly hard, jerking your hips into the side of the desk and you gasped. “You just love being a little cock slut behind closed doors where no one can see you.”
“Mmhmm!” Doing your best to nod, your eyes scrunched shut, your teeth digging into your lip in an attempt to not make too much noise. You knew the worst thing for the both of you was if you were ever caught, not to mention here of all places. “M-close.”
“I know baby.”
Heat coursed through your veins, tingling down to the tip of your fingers and toes, curling tighter and hotter in the pit of your stomach with each thrust of her hips. Your cunt was clenching down so hard around her you were certain if it wasn’t for how drenched you were she would barely be able to move. You could feel your slick leaking down your thighs, all you could hear were the wet sounds echoing from your pussy as Tara continued to thrust into it.
One hand remained braced on your hip while the other snuck around your body between it at the desk, quickly finding your clit and pinching it.
“Fuck!” You whined and she gently spanked it in retaliation of your language, making you shudder. Her fingers began to rub it, slowly at first, building faster and faster until she was in time with her thrusts, pressing harder with each pass of her fingers.
“That’s it angel…” she purred, “let go for me one more time. I know you can.”
She circled her hips and your body tensed, thighs trembling when you hit your peak for a third time in the last hour, nails clawing at the wood of the desk and you bit down on your lip so hard you swore you could taste blood.
“Jesus Christ…”
Tara chuckled darkly, her hands moving back to your hips, soothing across your skin while her hips slowed, softly fucking you through your orgasm. She leant over your back, placing a gentle kiss on the side of your neck before murmuring into your ear,
“Really gotta do something about that mouth of yours.”
“I’m sure you can think of a better way to keep it occupied.” You replied with a sigh, your body relaxing into the desk as she stilled behind you.
“I’m sure I can.” She said, swatting at your ass as she pulled out, watching your juices drip from the tip of the toy with a grin.
She dropped back into the chair behind her, reaching for a couple of tissues, drying her cock before tucking it back into her pants. Fresh tissue gently slid up your thighs, ridding you of the mess before she softly wiped at your pussy. You pushed up off the desk with a groan, turning to face her as she stood and you reached out for your discarded panties but she snatched them first.
“Uh-uh.” She smirked, tucking them into her pocket “you’ll get these back next time.”
“There shouldn’t be a next time.” You stated and her finger curled under your chin, lifting your face up to her before she left a tender kiss on your lips.
“Oh but there will be.” She smoothed out a few pieces of your hair, adjusted your dress before turning to face the mirror so she could fix her lipstick. “Now come on, the bus will be back any minute, we can’t be late to meet the boys.”
And just like that her arm was slid back into yours as you were making your way through the hallways together like nothing ever happened. That whatever you did behind the locked door of her office didn’t exist until you were back in there alone. That you were two women very happily married to their husbands with not a single secret to be kept.
But that’s the thing about life, there’s always someone with a secret.
@mysticfalls01 @evilregal2002 @maybe-a-humanbean @dextur @wchipxchipxp @m00nkn1ghts s @daddy-heather-dunbar @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @prentiss-theorem @svushots @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @akingcalledkris @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @kalixxh @s1ut4nat @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @louderfortheback @elz-artzzz @rustyzebra @alexusonfire @blackbird-brewster
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lnkedmyheart · 10 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
In no specific order. Did i take this opportunity to post pics of these characters? Yes.
Revy (Black Lagoon)
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A dual wielding gunslinger from Roanapur. She is badass and deeply unhinged. A seriously traumatized woman with solid character flaws and a weirdly pseudo romantic relationship with the guy she kidnapped for a ransom and is now desperately trying to protect without realizing that she can't save his innocence, because he was never innocent and pure.
Fredrica Sawyer (Black Lagoon)
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A cleaner from Roanapur, uses a chainsaw as her primary weapon, cannot talk due to a severe injury to her larynx and uses a voice synthesizer. An adorable and creepy goth girl who may or may not have in universe ties to the Texas Chainsaw massacre. Which yes, implies that black lagoon is set in the same universe as the TCM movies.
Dazai Osamu (BSD)
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Love the depiction of depression and mental health problems with the guy. Love how he is constantly present everywhere and is seen through everyone else's perspective and yet we know so little about him. He is a dork and a brat and so annoying. He is usually aloof and distant but deep down has the capacity to be tender and kind that is only seen in the rare moments of vulnerability. But he is so hopeful and yet completely convinced he deserves nothing.
Chuuya Nakahara (BSD)
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He's such a tragic character like his life is one compromise after another as he gets pushed further and further into a bad situation but he will not let that stop him from making the best out of his situation. His compassion and empathy for even those who hurt him is so powerful but his brutality and intelligence is another aspect that makes him stand out against the other characters of his kind. And then you have his incredible loyalty where he will cross all boundaries to protect those he considers his people. Gorgeous characterization honestly.
Yato (Noragami)
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Another extremely tragic character and one who is trying so hard to change his fate despite everything. My guy does NOT catch a single break through the centuries he has been alive and he is still so hopeful. Not to mention letting Bishamon despise him for so long just to protect Kazuma, a guy he barely knew at the time. UGH. And his whole thing for Hiyori and his affection for Yukine. Kill me!
Yukine (Noragami)
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This was the first time I cried honestly. His backstory had me curled up in my bed unable to eat for an entire day. And his growth from an annoying unlikeable brat to one of the most lovable characters is crazy. Also no, I will never not cry over Yukine calling Yato 'dad'.
Jeremy Pascal (Tales from the Gas Station)
I didnt realize how much I liked him till I thought he died. In that regard I'm like Jack I guess, neither of us realised how much we cared for this adorkable himbo ex cultist. The fact that he is genuinely heartbroken that his suicide cult abandoned him and committed without him is so...oddly endearing and just the energy he adds is charming. He's also such a great friend to Jack, man better start appreciating him more.
Sorey (Tales of Zestiria)
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This is my son. And my sun. He is the most precious, sweetest boy to me. Aside from being ridiculously gay about Mikleo, the guy is what you'd think is a typical hero figure in such a setting. Pure, celibate, sweet and even tempered etc. But he is snarky as hell, constantly teases others, is NOT oblivious contrary to popular opinion. He is also irritable. I also love that he is an archaeology nerd.
Irma Lair (W.I.T.C.H)
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I dont remember too much about her but I always really liked her. Enough that she is still amongst my absolute favorites. It probably helps that she was made wlw in the tv series and has some shippy moments with Cornelia in particular.
Balalaika (Black lagoon)
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Listen, she is an ex military woman, who went MIA with her entire squad of loyal soldiers and now runs the fucking mafia in Roanapur. Woman is gorgeous and has acid burn scars all down her face and body. And she is terrifying. She will break necks with a smile and values loyalty and efficiency above all else. But she is such a deeply damaged woman who deserved better. But see, the people in Roanapur are there cause this is their last stand before they end up dead.
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TW for menstruation.
I've been giving more thought to all the small things that weren't obviously signs that I may be non-binary that I've felt since I was very young and consistently held. I never had the language for how I felt back then. Realising how some of what I thought and felt probably had a bit of dysphoria along with the other reasons, is comforting but also sad.
The main one for me, who was AFAB, was they ever since I was young I never wanted children. It was something I was very, very clear about. But as this was primary school it was put down as that I was just a child and all girls grow up to have babies so you'll meet a man and change your mind. I'm 39 now, I still do not want children. I know a lot of my reasons are because I simply don't want to, it would cause me some physical problems, I couldn't afford to anyway but what I didn't realise as a child because I found, and still find expressing my feelings difficult, is that the whole idea disgusts me. I'd be changing in a way that I don't want. I hated it when I started my period because even although we had been told all about that at school, I never really connected that also included me. And when they did show up, Mum got all weird about it. I didn't understand why she got so proud and at the same time, ashamed enough that she just gave me these awful pads and not told what to do with them or how to look after myself. The whole teenage female experience and growing up into a woman wasn't something I ever connected with. It was a performance because I have a certain body that is capable of certain things. As a girl, as a woman in order to be accepted you should dress a certain way, behave a certain way. I didn't hate my body but I never felt comfortable in it, not entirely.
As I joined the military, I loved the gym. I worked out, tried to gain muscle as much, as I could. But I was way more feminine because the other women were, the women's uniform trousers were so stupid and I wasn't big enough to get the much smarter men's ones. I wanted to fit in. I cut my hair short but people always mistook me for a man in a nasty mocking way. Weird as it sounds, when I deployed and a local man addressed me with none of that, I wasn't upset because what he saw was a person with short hair, my chest hidden under my baggy shirt. It always upset me when people were snide and I wasn't even trying to pretend I was a man, I was just being myself. I dont suit long hair anyway!
Workouts almost became a bit of an obsession. It wasn't just about being fit for the work but with how I looked and I guess that was a bit of dysphoria I wasn't aware of because I didn't want a typical feminine shape.
I left, returned to civilian life and because I no longer felt the need to fit in with everybody else, I slowly dressed less feminine. I still wear some things but that's because I want to. It's just being me not presenting in a way I think others will accept. I thought about how I identified and that I never really felt like male or female fit or described me. I never had a sense of what it meant to be a woman. But neither can I say the same for man. I like being free with dressing in a way I like regardless of how masculine or feminine it is. I do think about if top surgery would be a good thing for me, just family would have a problem with it. I don't know if I'd go on T, I got used to the fact that I have periods. But I have short hair and nobody mocks me for it or say snide things about it. In fact if people can't tell which I am, that makes me happy. That's sometimes the point; I don't want to be viewed as either. I use they/them pronouns. I want to change my name to a non-feminine one. Being seen and accepted as a non-binary person means the world to me.
It took me so long to understand but I finally feel like I know and feel more at home with myself simply for understanding why I felt the way I did when people probably knew bit didn't want to face that they don't have a daughter but still a loving child.
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khaleesiofalicante · 11 months
Hey Dani, a little rant cuz I don't have anyone I can talk to abt this lmao.
Little background because I think it all factors in d problem
My mom is not that well educated, She can't speak English very well and it's her biggest insecurity specially because we live in a city and a society that gives it soooo much importance. She never pursues any interest. Had an arranged marriage and she always says she feels very lonely. Lmao while I'm writing this I realise I wanna tell u so much but il try to keep it short.They are both nit that physically well. Mom's got hepatitis B, dad's got diabetes and stuff.
She has many friends but like they are all typical gossip aunties, even my mom is one haha. My dad on the other hand is well, more educated, goes to the office and stuff but he's VERY introverted, doesn't talk much at all, you literally have to beg him and like coax stuff out of him which can get super tiring and annoying ngl. Today, they fought again and their topic is always the same
I have tried to talk to my dad and well he says he ll work on it but he never does or maybe he just can't so I tried to tell my mom to try new things independently and not depend on my dad so much. Obviously neither of them listen to me but they make me losten to their shitt. I'm just so tired at this point. Don't know what to do. Today my mom said that if this goes on, either one us (mom or dad) will not remain. And I'm like wow dude such a nice thing to say after coming back from 5 hrs of college and 4 hours of travelling with no food.
At this point, Idk who's wring or who's selfish. Me, my mom, my dad or all 3 of us. Thank god my brother is not involved in dis shitt.
Oh, sweetie, this is such desi daughter trauma and i am so sorry that you're caught in the middle of it.
I'm proud of you for protecting your brother and for trying to do something about it.
But it's not your job to fix your parents' marriage but i totally understand why you feel the need to do so.
Something that might help (and definitely helped for me) is to help your mom find some hobbies that might make her feel less lonely. It should be something new and something she'll enjoy and something she can look forward to.
A lot of our moms don't have a life of their own (because they were told their life is about caring for someone else) so their loneliness is very valid - but, i repeat, not your responsibility.
Something you can also do is perhaps organize some kind of activity you all do as a family together at least once a week (yes this is a headache i know), it could be cooking a meal together or watching some stupid reality show (this is what we did at home) and or just whatever that comes to mind.
You're not selfish at all. I hope this doesn't interfere with your studies. If it does, PLEASE tell your parents about it. Sometimes parents stop fighting when they realize it's affecting your grades (desi math istg).
Sending lots of love!
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I kinda feel wrong for disliking and scolding the show through and through so I got an idea to list and talk about the things that I LIKED in the show. Plus I think thats much healthier than looking for negative things to scrutinize
warning: trauma, abuse mention, propaganda mention
Russian character representation: It was very impressive to me how Buffrog was portrayed in the show and his development in general was very nice. Usually “Russian” characters are used as a means of propaganda against Russians and russian characters are either 100% irredemable villains or ridiculously erratic. Buffrog wasn’t crazy or evil, he was just a monster with personal things, and he was also rational and had a huge character development, 10/10 I never really paid attention but now I realize how great it was that there was zero bias or even zero stereotyping toward Buffrog’s character in the show. 
Well written domestic abuse victim (About Ludo) : When I watch older scenes with Ludo in them, I realize that there are many details in his behavior that hint on his unhealthy background. And that stayed sonsistent throughout the entire show, which is actually so..great? Ludo is one of the most consistently written characters? and he’s also relatable to viewers? That’s actually such an incredible achievement. Even in small gestures, in what he says, I can see the influence of his past. In season 1 Ludo acted the same way as Brudo acted toward him, Ludo treated his monster army like his children, but he constantly abused them because that’s what he knew. Even in a small scene when Toffee was talking badly about him, Ludo said in a stern voice “Toffee, What are you doing?” which is exactly how a strict parent talks to their child. ALSO the scene where Ludo touched Toffee’s arm and slightly pet it, it could also be interpreted as him trying to show “parental affection” toward the lizard aka “You did so well im proud of you” but because he doesnt know how to show pride in someone, it looks awkward. The way how Ludo tries to persuade his monsters to trust him over Toffee was the exact same way as abusive parents act toward their kids “I raised you. I took you in” when they want to win in an argument. The way how Ludo acted in season 1 fit So well in his backstory it blows my mind. Also because - according to his past, he was not independent and was stuck with his family for most of his life, meaning that, despite hating his parents (for very valid reasons), family was the only thing he knew. So essentially, Ludo sees everything and everyone in the prism of “family or stranger”. Anyone he wants to be a part of his life is essentially his “kid” but because of having never known parental love, he thinks others are his “items” that he “owns”. 
Just Toffee’s existence in the show: Toffee is an incredibly written villain who didnt follow the typical tropes aka “I will reveal all my plans to the hero because I know they’ll die by my hand anyway”. His design is also super good, its simple but recognizable. Just the fact alone that Ms. Nefcy created him makes me feel very much in awe toward her. And what was also so cool to me, was that Toffee was a serious character in a very comedic show (in season 1) and yet it didnt ruin neither the character nor the show’s flow. Also there was No any cliche where a villain waits too long or gets overly dramatic, he just finished his enemies off the second he got the chance to
Just Eclipsa’s existence in the show: I think I dont have to speak of this one because everybody would say the same as what id say about her..
Tom Lucitor’s development: It was just so nice and consistent(?), and it felt believable. Plus it makes Tom a good role model for people who struggle with anger issues and it is so great that the show didn’t demonize anger issues and people who struggle with being too possessive through his character. Btw it is also great that Tom showed emotions and was an emotional character, it did not feed into toxic masculinity trends which i find admirable
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rotshop · 3 years
hewwoooo i had a funney little thougt and so now im continuing it <33333
n e wayssss here's sum fnky little mag main 4 hcs :]
-the blueprint the man the myth the legend the firestarter. anyways
-he struggles a lot more with speaking than he did pre-magnification, he can understand it fine but when it comes to finding his words he struggles. so!! he kinda just uses asl when he can and short phrases / grunts / noises, also has his own kind of language w/ you??? lot of tapping and misc noises that just mean things only you two understand its. funny actually. he'll just make some chirping noise at you and you go 'haha yeah that was pretty dumb.' deimos and sanford are both so desperate to know what ur both talking abt its insane.
-carries u around a lot!! he's always super duper careful and he prefers to hold you in his more normal hand, he always gets worried about his talons poking you too rough or him accidentally shocking you if he gets surprised. also likes it when you ride on his shoulders, u also like it because it makes you feel tall :]
-his jackets fucking massive on you you could get lost in that bitch. sometimes if you two can't get back to base for one reason or another he'll just let you lay on him and use his jacket as a blanket for you,,its always super warm and he purrs so !! bonus points
-if u get hurt he goes fucking mental buuut i dont rlly wanna add a bunch of violence warnings to this,,,so,,,we'll leave it at that
-also he adores the size difference, you do your best to kinda cup the sides of his face in ur hands when he leans down for you and they're just??? so fucking small?? he puts his overs urs and just melts in ur hands lol
-he's VERY nervous around you for the first while, he's incredibly not used to his new form and he's so so worried about accidentally hurting you. his hands always just awkwardly hover around you whenever you're nearby bc he!! fucking wants to be affectionate but hes scared!! hank has to kind of. give him a whole pep talk on this sorta thing and it does help calm his nerves a little but he's still super careful,,,whenever he's holding you or cuddling w/ you he always asks to make sure you're comfortable and he isn't suffocating you or anything,,
-once he gets more adjusted then whooo bestie. he already liked showing off his strength to you before but now its worse. whenever he picks you up and you kinda yelp a little in surprise before you lean into him and hold onto him a lil he just goes bonkers on the inside. he's carrying you most of the time since it just keeps him cool knowing that ur nearby and ur safe in his grip. also tends to keep you behind him whenever you two are on missions (u have to kind of. get him outta this habit just a lil bc he keeps being a lil too paranoid abt it and freaks out when you wander off)
-has claws now which he's very careful of around you but if u ever just like. grab his hands and hold onto em and just kinda. trace over the callouses and scars and scratches then he melts. has to look off to the side or something because he has a big dumb grin on his face, it doesn't rlly help tho because you can hear him purring
-he doesn't talk too much since it feels odd and it's easier for him to keep it to a minimum,,HOWEVER,,the exception is you ofc lol. he murmurs little 'i love you's and such to you a lot still, though he has to be real careful of his volume but!! on the bright side deep-ass voice lol
-terrible awful man who loves to cause problems for you <333
-he's like a cat in the sense that he's always hanging around you and bugging you to get your attention, cannot keep his hands off of u for more than 10 minutes. im so sorry 4 you,,,,on the bright side though he does have this kind of like. shaky and faint purring that's a lil fucked up bc of his smoking but it's pretty nice. really likes just leaning over you and resting his head on your shoulder or laying down by you and laying his head on your lap. will not stop pawing at you or making little 'chirrup' sounds at you till you pet him :| get a hobby king
-OH YEAH ALSO HES SO FUCKING HAPPY 2 BE TALLER THAN U LOL,,,rubs it in your face a lot by looming over you and resting his chin on top of your head or putting his shoulders on top of your head like a rest. you can counter this by just stepping forward / to the side because he WILL stumble and he will eat gravel and honestly?? he deserves it. also he really enjoys being big spoon w/ you, same as the previous point he'll sometimes just make u (read : annoy you until you oblige) lay down if neither of you are busy so he can curl up with you. again his purring makes up for it
-he's surprisingly the most animalistic, given he's got a tail and claws now. he likes putting you up on his shoulders or back and carrying you around like that (but also having you wrap ur arms around his neck while he's carrying you like. bridal style sorta and leaning into him is fucking HEAVEN to him. adores it). its fun until he gets on all fours and skitters around :|| u spray him with a water bottle bc of this and he hates it
-speaking of animalistic y'know how animals playfight w/ each other?? he does that with you. he still minds his strength ofc but sanford or 2b will be watching from the side and there's almost always at least one, 'fucking CHRIST deimos, be careful would you?' but yeah no it's usually very careful and its rlly just him roughhousing w/ you a little. usually devolves into him just trapping you down into cuddling w/ him lmao
-oh baby u dont even know.
-(un)surprisingly he's the most like his usual self. his intelligence didn't drop too much unlike the others (there's always at least one offended grunt from Hank when someone says this aloud), meaning he was able to mostly keep to his typical routine. HOWEVER,,he does get a little more laid back surprisingly?? like?? he still works most of the time but if you work alongside him it's a lot more common now for him to just stand by you a little awkwardly until you reach back for him so he can rest his head in the palm of your hand. ur the only one he allows to see him this vulnerable and openly affectionate so please enjoy that. his purring is a little quieter than the others but you can usually feel it instead
-has some funny fucked up wings now. he barely even notices that he does it but whenever you come stand by him he ALWAYS tucks one around you and pulls you closer. also has a habit of just placing one over you while he's laying next to you on his stomach like a blanket. they're sensitive tho so if you ask to touch them he's a little hesitant at first, he trusts you though so he gives in eventually. but. yknow. please do be careful, even just tracing along tender spots with your nails can make him jump a bit
-his speech is relatively the same, a little bit lower and rougher but not too much change. you can hear the little bit of scratchiness in it but !! yeah
-his touch starvation bites him in the ass like this. at first he was able to ignore it for the most part but after getting mag'd??? no gd way. its part of why he just kinda hovers around you a lot more, he's not too good at asking for things like affection so he just kinda. hopes you get the gesture. but on the bright side he doesn't mind if you mess up his hair because he's a little too blissed out whenever you're running your fingers through it. more than a few times has he fallen asleep on you because you were petting him,,,he apologizes whenever he wakes up but you can tell he was happy you let him rest around you like that
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
had another idea,, imagine super young hikaru and kaoru, maybe like 6/7. their maids are practically raising them, parents are never around. and while the maids do take good Care of them, they're not really that empathetic or gentle with them because,, they're not supposed to be parents
i think that due to the lack of parent like attention the twins act out to get it, basically harassing and tormenting the poor maids. so if the maids were kind to the twins at the beginning, they definitely keep their distance now because the little shits are just mean. really sad stuff because its a vicious cycle at that point, they act out for attention and in return get even less each time
anyway the point is that the maids try to stay as distanced from the twins as possible. and the twins don't really like or trust them either because they're so distant with them
so maybe one of them, could be either but Kaoru this time, wakes up not feeling well. its not too bad yet so when the maids check on them in the morning, they don't see anything's wrong with them
but hikaru knows and is really worried and scared. kaoru starts getting a fever, its probably just a flu or something, but that still scares little hikaru so badly because he doesn't know how to function with kaoru in a state like this.
typically, when they get sick it happens at the same time. and when they do get sick, the maids will take them to a different room, put them in separate beds so they won't pass it back to each other, have private doctors monitoring them a lot, refuse to let them leave their beds/go play/talk alone. basically their worst nightmare. (dont ask me why they're so overkill. idk. dealing with sick kids sucks i dont blame them+if something really bad happens to the twins they're at risk of getting sued for everything they have)
so hikaru and kaoru realize that if they tell the maids kaoru is sick, they'll split them up. kaoru will be alone in that room being monitored, since its only him who's sick, and they'll kick hikaru out so he'll be all by himself all day (or until they're sure kaoru's better, and they tend to be really cautious so he'd probably have to sleep alone as well) and neither of them want that.
cue tiny hikaru sneaking around spy style trying to get things for kaoru without anyone noticing because itd be a dead giveaway something is wrong if he was seen alone. trying to steal soup from the kitchen and extra blankets from the cabinets to bring back to his brother. as well as just trying his damndest to make kaoru feel better, all while being worried out of his mind about him
a lot of cute stuff could come from this i think
But!!! I love this!!!! So so so much!!!! Ok. I will be Normal about this.
Firstly, your idea is EXACTLY my headcanon and tbh I read it in a fic before but I can't remember which one it's been so long... but I 100% agree. I think as little kids, Hikaru and Kaoru would act out a lot and do all those nasty and mean things for attention. Since mom and dad never gave it to them, they tried to get it other ways and the only way they knew how to get people to pay attention to them was to be devious little bastards and cause trouble. Bad attention is better than no attention. And it's really sad too, cuz this just pushed people away from them in the long run. But theyre little kids, of course they didn't think that far ahead. And they probably aren't very conscious on why they do what they do either. They just know it's funny and that it makes people look at them, and so they do it. If they're lucky, they'll do something really bad that makes Mama Hitachiin come home and scold them so they can see their mom again
...that sounds pretty sad saying it aloud, huh
and the second scenario. i fucking adore. I already am a big fan of tropes of characters getting sick bc of the Vulnerability (it can also just be goofy and comedic sometimes) but with the little kid Hitachiins.... oh boy oh boy.
Because, Hikaru isn't nearly old enough to be smart about this. It isn't like now where, if he was tasked with having to take care of Kaoru, he could do a basic good job. Make sure he drinks water, check his temperature; he'd know when a high fever was too high, he'd know who to call if it got bad. But as a kid? He knows none of this. And who can blame him? He's just a kid; it isn't his job to look after his brother like a doctor would. He still takes on the responsibility anyways, because it's Hikaru + he doesn't want anybody impeding. In the situation you laid out, he sure as hell doesn't want to be separated from Kaoru or let Kaoru suffer alone.
So, he just... decides to take care of Kaoru himself! Can't be too hard, right?
Tbh, it'd probably go very badly. He doesn't know what kaoru should eat- soup? He's seen it on cartoons. He'd sneak him some soup. It doesn't even occur to him at any point to check his temperature to make sure it isnt getting critically high or make him drink water or cool his body temp down, bc what 7yr is gonna know that...
And sadly, since they've pushed away so many of the regular maids, none of them really notice that they're more quiet than usual, or that they see only 1 at a time.
And when it comes to younger kids, esp if they have a high fever, it can get really bad really fast (tbh i speak from experience form an Incident i suffered as a child). Kaoru is really sluggish and really not feeling well, and after the third day mark, he's not getting much better. Probably just getting worse. Hikaru is afraid out of his mind.
Being just a kid (and you know how kids are. not very bright. would rather do ANYTHING else other than the right option if theyre afraid of it) he probably tries doing research on whatever Google was like at this time period or looking thru the books in their library at home. He's still young, so he has trouble reading much of the complicated words and things he doesn't understand.
I think dehydration would definitely be the biggest issue, esp if Kaoru has an upset stomach and is getting sick. Combined with the sweating from the fever - yeah, hopefully he's drinking water. And I'm sure Hikaru brings him some. But more realistically, he's probably giving him juices and other things which aren't bad, but not as useful as just...water. And he probably isn't drinking enough, anyways.
idk how it would end........ realistically? I think some maid comes in to clean their room or something and realizes, oh shit, this kid is REALLY sick wtf how long have you been like this. And then they're calling like ER and shit.
Oh, and a final thought: dunno how realistic it would be, but I'm a sucker for the trope of when somebody is hurt/sick/other ailment and Nobody Believes Them which I think could be very likely here. Maybe Hikaru and Kaoru pulled a prank like this in the past. Maybe the maid he asked that day was just pissed off and wanted to go home. Either way when Hikaru breaks and does try to get help he's shooed off and told to stop messing around. Which if he didn't trust these people before, he certainly doesn't now.
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dramioneasks · 3 years
HP FESTS: DramioneFanfictionWriters (Part 4)
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Famous Shakespeare Lines, February 2021:
Short Life For A Daffodil by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Hermione and Draco have a wild daughter who likes to pull up daffodils and frustrate her parents, but the duo wouldn't be without their children.
Friends Dont by Lostinthenightrain - T, one-shot - "You don’t choose who you fall for!” “No, because I sure as hell wouldn’t be standing here now would I?” Hermione mourns the loss of a relationship.
The Malfoy Mistress by ThebeMoon - M, one-shot - Unable to bear the sight of Bellatrix carving into Hermione Granger at Malfoy Manor, Draco Malfoy whisks his hated former schoolmate to safety. He should have known better.
Rules of Engagement by Art3misiA - T, one-shot - Lucius just had to be difficult about the idea of Draco and Hermione getting married. Will Draco and Hermione allow him to throw his weight around, or will they bring him to heel?
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Popular 90's TV Shows, March 2021:
The Death of Theo Nott by Lostinthenightrain - T, one-shot - “Hermione.” Her head whipped up to see the broken expression in Draco’s eyes. “He wouldn’t kill himself.”
The Night of the Rats by rennaissance_woman - not rated, one-shot - What happens when a prank war goes too far?
Perfect Harmony by Talonwillow (TalonWillow) - T, one-shot -Professor Slughorn's star Potions pupil Hermione was tired of being the ugly duckling, so she created a potion that would transform her into a beautiful swan. Everyone seemed to like the shiny new version of her... Well, except for herself and maybe one other. Would Draco Malfoy convince her that what everyone else was seeing was what he saw every day, and would Hermione finally be able to live in Perfect Harmony?
Dramione Go Star Trekking by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Riker has made a pass at Hermione and she doesn't quite know how to deal with it.
Bloody Colonials by Maira - T, one-shot - Hermione Granger has had a long week, and the last thing she wants to do is leave the comfort of her home. But when her best friend asks for her help in dealing with a possible cursed object, what can she do but help? Brownies, Potion-making robe etiquette, and a cursed Nigerian mask all add up to a typical night at Hogwarts. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal challenge.
The Latest Teenage Drama by Art3misiA - T, one-shot - Teenagers. Gotta love em. Teenage dramas? Not so much. Draco and Hermione navigate the perils of unwanted teenage behaviour - 90s family sitcom style.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Around the World, April 2021:
The Assignment by Art3misiA - G, one-shot - Hermione and Draco, Aurors, have been sent to Cape Town on a top secret assignment - to track down a former Death Eater.
Finding Them by KrysKrossZee - T, WIP - After not finding her parents in Austrailia, Hermione enlists Draco's help and the two make their way to Vancouver when they have a new lead.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: The Language of Flowers, May 2021:
Spilled Ink by Maira - M, one-shot - It's nearly Christmas, and things aren't great. Draco Malfoy is still on house arrest due to the Wizengamot being a bag of dicks. Hermione Granger is out of the country on a job, which means he won't see her for a few weeks. And to top it all off, Hermione has sent Draco a plant. A green, spiky plant, for no reason that he can fathom. Oh, and a spelled journal that he's now supposed to write in. Because nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan. Written for the DFW Deal or No Deal Challenge!
Forever by Art3misiA - M, one-shot - Though they may be gone, our memories of them remain forever.
The Little Things by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - When Hermione buys Draco a cup of coffee and leaves it on his desk, it throws Draco through a loop and he wonders what he should get her in exchange.
The Climbing Vine by rennaissance_woman - not rated, one-shot - After receiving some startling news, Draco runs out of the house. He receives some advice from a surprising source.
Changing of the Seasons by Lostinthenightrain - M, one-shot - Hermione & Draco find a local park and two unlikely faces to greet them.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Draco's Birthday Soundtrack, June 2021:
Straight to the Heart by AdAsttra - T, one-shot - Draco's ready to tell Hermione how he feels, but Cupid has other ideas.
Stick Around by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Hermione doesn't know why Draco is the only one who makes her feel safe, but she is glad that she is able to get some reprieve from her brain.
Wild and Wired by Maira - M, one-shot - Need your lovin' here beside me, Need it close enough to guide me, I've been hopin' you would find me, You're the biggest part of me. - Hermione was expecting a fun night out with her boyfriend and her friends. She was not expecting ice cubes, sick ponies, and a serenade beautiful enough to melt her heart. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal challenge.
Let's Get Serious (Please, for the Love of Merlin!) by Art3misiA - G, one-shot - Draco wants to get serious, but Hermione isn't so sure. Will their opposing views make or break them?
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Magical Monsters, July 2021:
There's A Zouwu In My Basement by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - When a creature has broken into the Malfoy Manor dungeon, Draco has to call for help.
Miseria by crochetaway - T, one-shot - Hermione tames a Dementor.
Aegis by Maira - M, one-shot - Their world is in ruins, and their only protection against creatures wanting to kill them is about to fall. They make a plan to trek across the country to Hogwarts, where others have gathered to make a new home within the castle. There, they will be safe. One problem - before they go, there's a queen to kill. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal Challenge.
Fear & Desire by myladymay - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy wants to change his life. He returns to Hogwarts for Eighth Year and finds himself confronted with both his biggest fear and greatest desire, all wrapped up in a Gryffindor tie.
Innocent Monsters by itscometothis - T, 12 chapters - Draco Malfoy thought he had reasonable expectations for his mandatory Eighth Year at Hogwarts, where he would be confined to the grounds as part of his probation. Isolation, hatred, and passing his NEWTs were really all he had in mind. What he wasn't anticipating: 1) Having a small firstie latch onto him like a bloody koala 2) Said firstie adopting an erkling as if they didn’t feed on children. To protect his little nuisance, he’ll have to seek help from uncomfortable places, including the Swottiest Witch of Her Age. Joy of all joys.
Transformed by Art3misiA - T, one-shot - Draco and Charlie have a dragon to catch, and time is running out. Meanwhile, Hermione is missing, adding to Draco's woes.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Legendary Duos, August 2021:
Three's a crowd, four's trouble by AnnaRitaLi - M, WIP - p>My sister is right. My life did change that evening. I just don't think Rosalind meant for me to steal her boyfriend, or I don't think I stole him, Draco, not precisely. You cannot steal something that doesn't want to be whisked away. That's my experience, at least, and I've stolen quite a few things over the years. So I can say this with confidence. You can't lose something you never had. But you’ll have to read it in the book, dear. While the Crown doesn’t wish for me to speak out in public, I have been silent for too long. You see, There were three of us in this marriage. And people, the press, have assumed many things over the years about Draco and me. So this book, as you’ll see, it’s my attempt to set the record straight. Yes, there were three of us in this marriage, but there were also much more going on than that. -- This is the story the Crown never wanted to get out. In other words, I bring you the x-rated version of the book ‘Diana - her true story - in her own words’.’ It’s the Dramione as Charles & Diana AU you didn't know you needed.
The Marquess and the Kitchen Girl by Art3misiA - E, 8 chapters - Draco Malfoy is the son of the most powerful Duke in Wiltshire. One day, he will be the ruler of a large duchy. Hermione Granger lives happily with her parents - that is, until tragedy strikes. Two children will become friends, and gradually discover a forbidden love that seems as if it might one day defy the odds. Alas, this is a tale of doomed lovers.
In Her Arms by KrysKrossZee - M, one-shot - Draco's worked his way up through Voldemort's ranks but it would seem that all of his work has been for nothing when Dolohov captures a new prisoner.
The Happiness I Seek by Maira - M, one-shot - To those without a soulmate, the world is devoid of colour. They say that if you are lucky enough to meet your soulmate, everything changes. The world is brighter, food is richer, and you find a love you never knew you needed. Draco Malfoy has never been lucky. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal challenge.
darling! by itscometothis - M, one-shot - When Draco and Hermione are invited to help demonstrate a path forward for Wizarding Britain and its reconciliation, neither really feel like they can refuse - Hermione for moral reasons and Draco for practical ones (read: Azkaban sounds bad). But they have very different ideas on how to play up this fake relationship. Written for DFW's Deal or No Deal: Legendary Duos - Kermit and Ms. Piggy. It's as ridiculous as you expect.
A Thousand Ships by floorcoaster - M, WIP - Draco Malfoy knows what he wants, and he's not afraid to reach out and take it.
Quiet My Demons by Lostinthenightrain - M, one-shot - “Unhappy, darling?” He murmured, his cigar placed on its resting dish, dashed out - a little puff of smoke rising into the air between them before disappearing. “Yes, completely.”
I Love Draco by crochetaway - G, one-shot - A few slice of life scenes with Hermione, Draco, and Scorpius ala I Love Lucy style!
DFW's Deal or No Deal: The Final Word, September 2021:
Crime & Punishment by itscometothis - T, 12 chapters - TRIAL TRANSCRIPT OF DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY IS FORMALLY CHARGED WITH THE FOLLOWING: CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT MURDER AIDING AND ABETTING A MURDER USE OF UNFORGIVABLE CURSES: IMPERIUS (2 COUNTS) USE OF UNFORGIVABLE CURSES: CRUCIATUS (47 COUNTS) PARTICIPATING IN A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION -- I don’t regret hoping. I thought I might, at the beginning, do you remember? But I don’t. I regret nothing about you, my love. Eternally yours, Draco -- A story of hope, punishment, and the nature of justice told in trial transcripts, visits in an interrogation room, and letters.
Boats Against the Current by AlannaTCooper - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy is trying to escape his past by running as far away as he can. But the past - and his nightmares - keep pulling him backwards.
By His Side by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Hermione is lonely but there's at least one person who can break through her loneliness.
Trying To Live by IzzieStellar - T, one-shot - After her husband dies, Hermione can’t seem to remember how to live and her friends vow to help her.
In the Dead of Night by AdAsttra - G, one-shot - Hermione and Draco are some of the last people to leave Hogwarts under the veil of a cold, dark night.
This fest is ongoing.
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shadowwalking · 3 years
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Spirit Keeping Journal Entry #9: Dancing With The Devil- The Hitmen Of The Other World
⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️ Sexual violence and general violence
“Black arts can only do harm”
My journey through spirit keeping has opened up my opinions quite a lot over time and also introduced me to spirits who aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. I believe nature is chaotic, cruel and at times sometimes comes in the guise of an innocent child- she’s neither good nor bad but, She is destructive and must be respected…. I hold this same regard to darker entities and spirits. The first time I was introduced to something much darker it was a water symbolic entity with a taste for games. Now, traditional witchcraft teaches a certain rule of respect to entities who are on the darker end as it fashions the witch into being “one step ahead” and beginning working relationships. This respect allows us to create the most beneficial of relations with a being who is often quite powerful.
Now… the above being said…. Black arts do have a purpose other than magic, but you will find that often they are more interested in a sort of give and take friendship which allows a working project. They help you and you help them with whatever the agreement was originally. Black arts are not the same thing as feeder entities who exist solely to feed and leech off of others- they are intelligent and able to hold their own. They do still ask for energy feedings but they can be contracted. Feeder trickster beings will only make you believe that you are in control and take regardless of what the agreement was.
Many will not agree with my logic here, and that’s fine. In my household there is limited house rules- there is only “treat others with respect”. Being a conjurer I like to know the true nature of things and with these beings they have a bit more rein so they can really show who they really are. I’ve found that in my journey, if you give that respect to the being, accepting that they are more powerful than you and could probably snap you in two… an understanding is formed. In terms of goetic gods, it’s stated that the gods should never be treated with ignorance or trapped within confines. The magician knows that these beings are hella powerful but doesn’t seem to entrap or order them around. in a way this is DONT POKE THE VENOMOUS SNAKE! because if you keep poking him with that stick you will receive the fangs.
Being a much darker Spirit Companion, I believe that BA are a thing of beauty in their own right. They truely are a wonder.
Now, keep in mind what I said before…. And now remember this…. If you have not been spirit keeping for at least 6-7 years- you should not be having entities of such a nature without house rules. You must respect the snake, but also keep the anti venom to the side where it is easily accessible. Make sure they know the boundaries but do not order them around asking them to do your dirty work without payment. You gotta pay the hitman who’s protecting your house. Mention to them that if they do slip up then you will have to resort to keeping them out- usually spirits who lash out after this are only after one thing.
I’ve had a certain angelic entity within my circle for about 5 years now and we have recently started a romantic partnership. E is not your typical angelic being… he would be considered a fallen angel by human standards but still fashions his white wings. E is an entity used specifically by others of his race to seek out others and destroy them- a sort of angelic hitman if you will. This is generally difficult to explain as his case is so complex and so is his cultural background. You may ask why angels are running around killing other entities- but that is his purpose. Now, on this plane… e spends a lot of his time around others of my family who all adore him regardless of his difficult and sometimes chaotic nature. E is very good at noticing things that are going awry and reading between the lines and this is why he has been assigned a companion protector. He not only looks out for me but also keeps an eye on everyone’s general safety and has also chased away a few rotten spirits looking for a free feed. We are under the assumption that most BA are bloodthirsty and have no redeeming qualities. Bloodthirsty… yes, in some cases. E does have a bloodthirsty streak and sometimes does lack empathy- he also hides his gooey soft side as his job and his actions require him to close off so that his prey cannot get to him. He will sometimes go missing for a week at a time and usually this is when he’s working. E does not usually show his softer side and has only come forward once to sort of show sexual gratification- it was rather strange in the way that it sort of opened up that we both felt something for eachother.
Within my keep is also an entity who is not so much involved with the others- he tends to be quite solitary unless he comes forward to help with curse magic etc or moon workings. I mentioned him before early in this post, he is the shadow man if you will… the one who lurks in the shadows and sends the tingles up your spine. B is more so electronic in his personality- loves a good riddle, the trickster but also the one to get the job done. B is considered BA because there really is no boundary to his morals.
The thing is, they come in all shapes and sizes, they each are different.
It’s wise to understand why they are calling to you though- with B it was because I sparked his interest at the time with my moon magic and he had also witnessed my energy after being with another conjurer that I know of… E it was because of energy similarities and he felt that I was a person who was understanding of his difficulties.
Remember that magic is neither black nor white and as mentioned before.. is balanced in cruelty and kindness.
When things go wrong
Early in my conjuring career I deliberately conjured something I thought I could reason with. At first he came forward and seemed relatively approachable. He was approachable but in a way also had an air about him that was more insidious. He regularly showed up talking about how a certain thing in my household had intrigued his interest and this thing sort of led to the next steps- he was all smiles. Being a cult worshipper in life he clung to the fact that I had a baphomet statue within my room and brought it up quite regularly. (No offence to any satanists here but this man followed a warped view of satan worship and was very violent in nature). I didn’t think much of his ramblings at first but as I did get closer to him I was experiencing dreams each night of being chased. The dream would always start in a blank room and he would be standing before me. I was chained to a chair in this room and he would then proceed to carry out sexual acts even though I screamed… during one episode I broke free and sprinted down a long corridor. The dream repeated for three days. On the 4th day he was banished from the household and several companions were alerted to his dealings.
Entities and spirits who do lash out should be exorcised from the home and you without any second chances… especially the ones like above. In folk magic there is also a way to catch and dispose of beings who are difficult… the same as the trad witch will use a blade to threaten any being who oversteps his or her boundaries. Letting a being who is doing you harm know that you are armed is sometimes crucial to stopping the abuse- but this is used more for ceremonial act and for spirits who are strangers to the witch.
The moral of this post-
Show respect but keep your anti venom on hand and don’t torment the snake.
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angelicmichael · 3 years
hi! could i request some dad!jim finding out you’re pregnant (but it’s very unplanned and you both are like very young adults who are definitely not ready for something like this) but he’s very excited nonetheless? thanks! <333
A/N: hello!! Thank u for requesting this 🥺💖 hope u like it!! I tried to make it pretty fluffy but ofc theres a little angst hehe. This is basically already a given but just in case - Jim is 18+ in this.
Warnings: angst revolving around being pregnant and just.. general mentions of everything that has to do w being pregnant LOL, bit of Jim being insecure for 2 like seconds, lots of fluff
As much as you would like to claim that it was a typical Friday night; to your absolute dismay you found it was proving to be quite the opposite. Instead of enjoying the night and going out with your boyfriend like you had previously planned to do - you were curled up on your bed.. in tears.
You told yourself earlier today that by now you would've pulled your shit together; atleast enough to go see Jim at the bowling alley like you had planned but.. of course, that didn't happen. Things never seemed to go according to plan as of lately.
You currently stayed buried under far too many blankets on your bed.. not bothering to watch TV or go on your phone (going on your phone would only force you to see all of the missed messages and calls you had gotten from Jim) so - you settled on listening to the stormy weather outside your window instead. Rain battering against your glass window helped distract you from your current unwanted, rational thoughts but.. it was soothing and distracting atleast. It helped you take your mind off of the problem you were currently dealing with.. which, had to do with your current state of being.
The past couple of days you had felt odd.. to say the least. At first you merely thought you were coming down with the flu; you had all of the symptoms. Like nausea, aches and pains.. but there was also some inconsistencies that started to make you question whether it was really the flu, because you didnt have a high temperature.. And thats when you conveniently missed your period.
You knew you didn't have the fucking flu.
A pregnancy test sat on your nightstand; the box it came in was discarded on the floor amongst other.. various trash. You had taken the test hours ago; and you were right about your suspicions of your illness not being the flu. The two pink lines on the pregnancy test confirmed your previous thoughts.. and that's what prompted your episode of you staying in your bed all day.
Your first instinct was to call Jim but.. you knew you couldn't do that. There was no fucking way you were ready to let him in on what was happening. You knew that you two were both completely unprepared to be parents; for multiple reasons. You were both extremely young, neither of you had super steady jobs and.. it just wasnt the right time. That's what you kept telling yourself anyway. The more you denied what was probably going to become your reality made you feel more in control and safe than how you currently felt.
However; you still were yearning to call Jim and to tell him to come over but you also didn't want to let him in on the fact that anything was wrong. He had more than enough on his plate as it was with his chaotic family (and even calling them chaotic was a nice way of putting it).. you knew that Jim didn't deserve to deal with how you were acting right now but; you were selfish. Even though you knew Jim would be better off not knowing, you still wanted nothing more than for him to hold you and tell you everything was going to be okay.. even if it was a lie.
Your train of thought was suddenly interrupted once you heard the front door of your house unlock and click open. You immediately jolted up in your bed and pushed your blankets off of you. Attempting to smooth out your clothes as fast as possible; immediately knowing that it had to be Jim Mason. After all, only one person had a key to your house besides you..
You heard his footsteps start to grow gradually louder as he approached your room.
"(Y/n)?" Jim's voice was loud and high pitched as he called out to you.
It startled you a bit to hear how concerned he sounded, but you quickly bounced out of bed and flew to the door - opening it quickly just to find Jim a foot away.
"Jim," you breathed out with relief.
You rushed over to him and greeted him with a harsh hug. Completely disregarding how startled he looked, and instead relishing in how truly happy you felt he was finally here.. but you knew that the complications of him being in your room with you now also meant he would know of your situation in no time at all. You knew there was absolutely no way you could hide it now.. fuck.
You felt one of his hands rub up and down your back - loosely following the curvature of your spine in a soothing way. You let yourself exhale a few shaky breaths; letting the anxiety leave you with every exhale as you tried to fully relax - knowing damn well that Jim was probably going to ask you for a explanation soon. You hesitated before breaking free from his arms to speak.
"How did you know to come?" You asked; your words spoken quietly and delicately.
You and Jim locked eyes as he stared at you - his blue eyes were swarmed with confusion. He looked at you as if he didn't know the answer to the question you had just asked; almost like you had spoken in a different language entirely.
"W-what do you mean? Of course I came.. we had a date tonight and I got worried when you no showed. Is everything okay?" he stumbled on his words; alluding to the fact that he felt uncertain in himself.
You felt your stomach drop as you heard his words. Oh fuck, your date. You and Jim's date was something you had totally forgotten about after seeing your test results.. you instantly felt horrible. The feelings of guilt, anxiety and fear that started to creep into your system was too overwhelming and too much to handle all at once. You took a few steps back from him; partially retreating back into your room.. hoping he wasnt here to solely yell at you or make you feel even guiltier than you already felt. 
"Holy shit. I totally forgot, Jim. I'm so sorry," you admitted; your voice cracking.
You were aware of how your words sounded like a pathetic excuse but.. you were hoping that Jim knew you better than to think that lowly of you. You wanted to say more to help your case but you knew you couldn't.. how could you even explain this situation to him without fully explaining?
Jim slowly approached you, only just to brush past your shoulder and go into your room. He stood close to the center, turning around and seemingly examining the objects and state of your room whilst you continued to stay underneath the doorframe. Watching him in horror as every sense of yours heightened with fear of what he was really doing or thinking.. praying he wouldn't see the pregnancy test you left stupidly on your nightstand.
Your chest was aching now with the unbearable amount of anxiety your heart was infected with. Sweat was starting to grow on your skin; everything nearly moving in slow motion as you watched Jim move to look at your nightstand and then-
"Your room is a mess," he says with a chuckle.
He turns to make eye contact with you for a split second before going over to your bed. Pushing your blankets off to the side  before sitting on the edge, and patting a spot off to his left - urging you to join him.
A soft laugh finds it's way to your lips as you exhale with glee and relief.. but you still try your best to act casual and nonchalant for the time being. You walk over and sit next to him, a bit closer than you had originally intended too but Jim automatically wraps an arm around your shoulders. Coercing your body to melt right next into his.
"I miss our date, and act like the worst fucking girlfriend in the world and all you have to say is that my room is a mess?" you said with a laugh.
Jim is quiet at first, but the newfound silence isn't awkward. However, before you can avert your gaze somewhere else - he puts a finger under your chin so that you're forced to make eye contact with him.
"Dont ever say that about yourself when you know that's not true. I would never think something like that about you."
The pain that lived in your heart so vividly only moments before, struck once more. It was clear as day that he was hurt, but it wasnt by your actions. It was your words that did the damage instead.
"I'm sorry, I just.. I'm not feeling the most like myself right now," you tried your best to not clench your jaw as you spoke.
You figured that from this point forward you were going to have to chose your words very carefully.. but you also knew that Jim deserved the truth.
You started to get restless with anxiety, even with Jim's arm still around you (which had now dropped south to your waist). You gaze fell down to your hands.. the urge to just stand up and escape this inevitable conversation that you knew was going to happen was stronger than ever; but you knew that if you were going to be honest with Jim - you had to start now. It was now or never. Jim seemed to notice that you had more to say because he stayed silent, watching you as you sat with your mouth ajar - trying to find the right words.
"I'm not sorry for just missing the date earlier.. There's something else," you sorely admit.
You felt sick with anxiety as you felt Jim's arm pull away from you.
"Something else?" He spoke timidly.
He stood up; taking a few steps backwards away from you as his brows furrowed and his jaw clenched. You knew you would have to speak fast before anger completely took over him.
"Yes but.. it's not what you think," you stood up and walked over to him.
You took his hands into yours.. pretending to try to not notice how he slightly recoiled from your touch - his hands limp as you held them.
"I've been feeling really different lately.. I've been sick.. and i know it's not the flu or the cold, Jim."
As soon as your words left your mouth - it was almost as if Jim knew exactly what you meant. It was nearly impossible to try to not laugh at his reaction - seeing how his entire demeanor changed so fast. You felt his grip start to tighten on your hands. His blue eyes suddenly held so much emotion and pure joy in them.. His happiness was so infectious that you couldn't help but to smile too.
"Wait.. Your-"
"Yeah. I'm pregnant," you spoke with a giggle.
Jim fully smiled this time and let out a loud, full laugh.
"You're pregnant?? Why didn't you tell me?"
He let go of your hands and enveloped you into a tight hug. You wrapped your arms around him without any hesitation; so happy that he was taking this news greatly but.. you still couldn't help but to feel sort of unsettled  still about how unprepared you two truly were.
You broke away from the hug; and took a step back. Nervously holding your hands together as you spoke.
"I mean.. we're so young, Jim. I wasnt sure this was something you even wanted, or that you would be ready for."
"Is this something that you want? And I mean in regards to us. This is a big deal and this would mean that-" Jim's voice started to shake as he spoke.
You almost could feel his insecurity seeping through his words. You knew exactly what he was getting at - this meant that you two would essentially be settling down. Previously in your life; the idea of settling down so early fucking terrified you but.. with Jim, you would be willing to do anything. As long as he was by your side, you weren't scared and you knew you had no reason to be. Everything happened for a reason and after all.. maybe this was the perfect time for this to happen. You and Jim had been through so much thus far - you knew you both deserved to have some stability and to have something that was genuinely good for once. Although the exact details of how you would make it work were still murky; living out the rest of your life in domestic bliss really didn't seem like the worst option at the moment.. If anything, it was starting to look like the best.
You put one finger up to his lips to shush him - looking at his light blue eyes before muttering, "shut up and kiss me, Jim Mason. Of course I want you."
Your finger fell off from his lips; and your hands gently moved to his face. Before your lips had even met- you felt his hands at your back. Pulling you in closer.. closer.. and closer until the distance between you two had completely dissipated. Your lips moved together at first in a tortuously, agonizingly slow manner. It was soft and tender; yet needy. As much as you wanted things to escalate and pick up -  you thrived in the delicious slow burn that Jim was putting you through.
All fear and anxiety you had previously felt completely melted away and was replaced with utter euphoria. Every fiber of your being felt as if it was on fire; you felt like you were glowing. Your senses being completely occupied with Jim only made your feelings of contentment grow. The smell of Jim (a mixed combination of the ocean, bonfire and cigarette smoke), the taste of Jim (which tasted faintly of energy drinks along with a bit of saltiness that was reminiscent of the ocean) made you feel like you were in heaven.  The one and only coherent thought that ran through your mind was: Jim, Jim, Jim.
Your hands moved from his soft, burning cheeks to his hair, while you let your other hand drop down to his back near his shoulders. Your fingers ran through his hair; pulling a bit on a few random strands when you felt his teeth sink into your bottom lip gently.. You heard a groan expel from his throat in response to this; which only made you smile into the kiss - and then giggle which of course; unfortunately ended you and Jim's kissing escapade. You two didn't fully pull apart from eachother though. Jim took a step or two back but he chose to hold onto your hands.. refusing to let you completely escape his embrace.
"I would be lying if I were to say I wasnt nervous, you know," he said.
You hesitated for a second before swiftly leaning in and kissing the side of his mouth - choosing to stay a little closer in proximity this time when you parted. If it wasnt for him bringing it up - you would've completely forgot the conversation you two were having prior to the kiss. Your hand resided on the side of his face as you looked into his eyes.
"Its okay. I'm nervous too but.. were in this together. Me and you," you stated with a reassuring smile which Jim only mirrored. 
"That's all I need," Jim replied softly.
You knew in that exact moment that you had absolutely no reason to dwell or worry about the future when you had someone like Jim to rely on. Even with the future being as uncertain as it currently was; having Jim's love was really all you needed.
Jim insisted to stay over for the night; even though you tried your best to assure him you'd be fine - he didn't believe you.. and your kind of glad he didn't. You quickly realized that trying to make solid plans for the future would be for another day; for when every time you tried to speak - Jim shut you up with a kiss but you weren't complaining.. how could you, when this is what you wanted so badly? The comfort of knowing you would have Jim forever by your side was enough to let you fully relax and melt into the moment with him.. and let the future become something that you could have dreams about later.
Taglist: @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakescoven @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon @instincts-baby @melodylangdon @littledemondani @langdons-pinkyring
Let me know if u would like to be added to the taglist :)
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just-a-fangirl13 · 4 years
Why s5 *might* be the season MacRiley happens
Okay so...Hear me out! I'm not crazy I promise!!
Firstly, after 5x03 (and probably 5x04) it may seem very unlikely that MacRiley could ever happen. But I thought of a few reasons why they might actually happen by the end of s5 after all.... (it gets a lil long winded and kinda complicated but just stick with me till the end!)
1. All the MacRiley moments including the ones in 5x03.
[this Mac smile could not be an accident or something that slipped through both production and post-production right?! that in itself is a whole reason!]
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Every Macriley moment we have ever had- whether it's the hugs, Riley saving Mac, Mac saving Riley, the ultimate show of loyalty when Riley went after Mac during Codex or even just the looks exchanged between the two- to any outsider it would seem pretty obvious that they are dating or at least in love. Keep in mind the writers would have written each of those scenes and Lucas and Tristan have acted them out with a specific build up in mind aka MacRiley.(think about the date episode: Riley just got dumped but was still thinking about how Mac might be hungry. She didnt have to do that. She could have just shown up at his place..) I mean how can they write two people so perfectly in sync and so perfect for each other and not have them end up together? It would just be a waste of all that tension and slow burn. (not to mention all the hugs and glances)
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2. They know we exist. 
The MacRiley fam is very active on twitter with the writers and while they were writing 5x01 they knew we were around. They know we are a huge group. They would not want to risk pissing 90% of the fandom off by not making MacRiley endgame.
[P.S.yes 5x03 was a bait and switch but if you were paying attention you would have noticed that neither Lucas not Tristan live tweeted or hyped up the episode. They knew we would probably hate it so they didnt publicise it too much! so in the future if you have doubts about the episode being a MacRiley one just check their stories or posts on twitter/intstagram]
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3. Yes 5x03 happened. 
I really think it was an episode they HAD to write. Ok so after 4x13 they had 7 more episodes planned and were filming 4x20 (aka the finale) when the pandemic struck. So they have these 6 episodes but no finale for it. [Idk if anyone else has noticed but in 5x01 there were clearly some parts cut out. For example the conversation between Desi and Riley towards the end seemed a bit jilted. Riley asking Desi to forgive her but Desi replied with yeah we are cool (still no apology ofc) I feel like something happened during that which ended up getting cut out so it could fit with the final story.]
This makes me think that they have rewritten a few bits to tie into the new finale episode. In 5x03 when Mac asked Desi to come fishing with him which was clearly something very personal to him she was like no do better.. then we see Mac's disappointed expression. She could have easily said okay but maybe not for our first date? Or its not really my thing? Or just about anything else rather than laughing in his face like that. Eventhough MD is together they still arent compatible. Mac’s final words in 5x03 was him being desperate. I truly think he is so broken and lost that Desi is the only safe thing left, the only thing he feels like he can fix right now. Once he finds himself again and heals...then it's going to hit him like a pile of bricks!!
4. But Riley doesn't have feelings anymore...WELL doesnt she? 
When it comes to Mac, Riley is always in denial. We saw it in s4 when she tells Bozer not to make her say it. I think s5 will show her finally accepting it. Finally accepting that she is in love with her best friend and that it definitely isnt Codex adrenaline because she caught the feels when Codex wasnt even around. While Mac's arc would include realising he and Desi are never going to work and that he is unhappy and that RILEY is the one for him.
[why else would they give Riley feelings for Mac? Something has to come of it.]
5. The slow burn rule.[this point is a lil complicated] 
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Now season 5 is rumoured to have 13 episodes. So here’s what I think: If MacGyver follows the pattern that most shows do when it comes to slow burns, then technically MacRIley should have happened at the end of season 4. But since the season got cut short and they didnt get to air/finish their final episode the writers had to improvise. 
From what I know, 4x19 which is 5x04 for us is the episode where Mac meets Desi’s parents and 4x20 was supposed to be the finale that was left unfinished.(they are definitely moving the timeline ahead if a pre finale episode is suddenly a mid season one.) There might have been a 4x21 or 4x22 but I haven't heard anything about those....EVER.
So what I think they have decided to do instead is extend the MD storyline a bit longer just so they dont end up scrapping all their s4 episodes where they would be together and write a new finale that ties everything together, aka MacRiley.
If you think about episode counts, s4 and s5 together would have 26 episodes which is a how long a normal season runs. Basically what im trying to say is if we follow the ‘slow burns end by s4’ and take season 5 as an extension of 4 then MacRiley should get together in the season 5 finale or maybe the episode just before. (IM REALLY TRYING TO GET SOME LOGIC INTO THIS)
This would be a typical TV thing too where the couple finds out about each other’s feelings while the main arc of the show is also at its peak, which perfectly sets up a future season where fans are hyped but still has a satisfying ending.
6. So what about MacDesi?
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So far the macgyver writers have given us characters we love. Think of every character on the show apart from maybe Desi... Mac, Riley, Bozer, Jack, Matty, Leanna, Samantha, Russ and even Murdoc. WE LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. So then why is Desi such a strange character? I think shes purposely been written as an opposite to Mac or even Riley (I get she’s supposed to kinda replace Jack but Jack is really irreplaceable). 
It's not necessarily a bad thing its just not a great thing to do or have great execution. People have said things like Desi is a badass and shouldnt have to apologise or say I love you back to her boyfriend because she is a strong woman...I'm sorry but your opinion of who a strong woman is, is EXTREMELY skewed. A strong woman is someone who can make mistakes and when she does, she is ‘strong’ enough to own up to it, she is loyal and fierce and also caring while being a badass who can take down bad guys. And for GODS SAKE, RILEY DAVIS IS A STRONG WOMAN...people have called her mushy and feminine on twitter and I'm just very confused by that.....
Anyways before I go off on a rant, it seems like Desi is intentionally being written this way. Every opportunity they get to redeem her and make her more relatable or just a better person they just dont take it. While Rileys character arc is one of the best I've ever seen. Either its intentional or they’ve forgotten how to write characters...which is worrisome but ill give them the benefit of the doubt.
The writers also know we dont like Desi. The amount of times we've tagged them in the toxic posts or pointed out problematic things we can be sure they've seen at least half of those. So theres no way they dont know. RIGHT?
So why then is MD still a thing you may ask??
Well for one they cant break them up again off screen because of those unreleased s4 episodes. (not to mention the other parts of the audience who arent as invested in mac’s love life would probably be very confused.)
Secondly Mac has to be the one to pull the plug, not Desi. 4x13 made it seem like Desi was the annoyed one not Mac. He apologised to her which meant he wanted to fix things. 
Thirdly, they are opening the chpt one last time before they permanently close it. MD is going to be a stark contrast to macriley(it already is in every way possible). Every issue Mac and Desi had can be used to show how amazing macriley really is as two people who arent even dating yet.
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Fourthly, MD being together is a sort of commentary on Macs mental health as well. We can see how happy he is with Riley but around Desi he becomes some one else. If the writers are doing this on purpose or subconsciously still remains to be seen.
And Yes keeping MD around for a few more episodes seems like a necessary risk right now but I have a feeling its going to be worth it later.
[I know we have had like 4 desi entered episodes already but I really think 5x04 will be the last of it since 5x05 is the Jack episode and 5x06 is Mac+Riley+Bozer episode with no mention of Desi at all!]
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The writers know we are a dedicated bunch and they know that once MD breaks up for the last time the entire fandom will be waiting and watching. That's when the show will be at its peak. That will be the perfect moment to bring in MacRiley’s arc to a new start!
Congrats if you stuck with me through this whole thing! if you agree/disgaree with any of these or have other reasons why they could be endgame in s5 let me know!!
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cause ive always liked fire emblem, and cause the questions rested on my head before, the primarchs in fire emblem classes:
lion = paladin. its the most traditionally knightly class, and well the lions never really been depicted on horses or in relation to fast vehicles all that often, the paladin class is more so marked by balanced stats and a sharp increase to res so i feel confidant in giving him a mounted class like the paladin.
fulgrim = swordmaster. lightly armored very fast class, well its limited to just swords for the most part i feel that also suits fulgrims perfectionist nature since as a class its largely about perfecting that one weapon often getting special perks for doing so. plus in terms of outfits swordmasters are one of the more fashionable or exotic classes which also suits fulgrims tendency to extravagant dress.
perturabo = great knight. at first i thought general since its a very representative defensive class, heavy armour, used by enemy armies alot, best used in defensive roles, all that stuff. but on reflection great knight kinda works a bit better, since the iron warriors also notably use a lot of vehicles. this gives perturabo both high defensive properties but decent mobility like his copious tanks without being as high as say a paladin or bow knights mov to represent perts preference for terminator armour.
jaghatai = nomad trooper/bow knight. i specify nomad trooper because it better gells with the whole Mongol thing the khans got going on, but bow knight is also the more common variation of this class. regardless, its a more speed aligned mounted class capable of using swords and bows, that has the khans name all over it.
lemen = warrior. the russ is typically portrayed with axes, has a viking theme, and well hes 'uga uga barbarian' he also strives to try and be better then that. its another easy fit really, even if bows arent particularly fitting for russ but then that also does help to emphasize the sortta duality of the russ as a savage reveling in it whos also embarrassed by it to some extent.
rogal = hero. its not a defensive class like the general but it is the more defensive counterpart to the swordmaster usually, and rogals usually not shown to be wearing terminator armour. aside from that its something of a flexible class used by shady mercs and noble knights in equal measure, so it can work with both an air of practicality and luxury well.
konrad = trickster. assassin seems like the better choice since it jives more with konrad visually speaking, konrad also has psychic powers that let him see the future. thus trickster works a bit better i feel to represent that, placing him in a thief promotion well also giving him access to magic. i thought of dread fighter as well, but konrads not known for sending out warp bolts so the tricksters support magic works better for konrads future sight.
sanguinius = falcon knight. a female dominated class, ignoring that stipulation fire emblem pegasi have the unicorn thing where their atleast rumored to only accept the pure hearted as riders, and well i wouldn't call any primarch pure hearted neither are many of the pegasus knights in fire emblem so it works thematically without being a hard requirement. also, wings and a flying class thats focused on speed and has also at times had access to support magic. another obvious fit for all intents and purposes.
ferrus = blacksmith. thank god for fates giving me this out, well ferrus does wear terminator armour he also notably relies on his arms metal coating to protect that so i feel more confidant in giving him blacksmith which is a defensive class but not a heavy armour class if that makes sense. also, overlap of professions which putting aside the terminator armour stuff does make this the otherwise obvious choice for ferrus.
angron = berserker. the class is pretty much all attack and speed no defense, relying on high health to tank hits. well its usually locked to axes, angron usually uses axes to thats fine, and well its also a class mostly associated with bandits and barbarian and tribal looks its also a class that gets a lot of association with gladiators and arenas so it works in that sense as well.
roboute = hero, great lord. not totally happy with this one so im giving myself multiple outs on it. hero i feel works in a visual sense but its doubling up on rogals, well great lord works better in terms of who roboute is but its pushing roboute into the definitive protagonist class of fire emblem. settled on great lord eventually both because its the protagonist class, and because well its a class capable of defending itself their both usually not the best fighter and also need to be handled carefully or else cause a game over due to dying,
mortarion = oni savage. a defensive class specialized in using axes but which does have access to magic use. it fits in that mortarion prides himself on endurance and physical strength well shunning magic, despite having had training and education in magic himself and arguably because of who taught him. plus visually the class is designed to look intimidating and wears a mask, both vague enough applications to mortarion.
magnus = sorcerer. also called druid, dark sage, or dark bishop. i thought of maybe basara since its a class with access to physical weapons, but i decided sorcerer for two main reasons. first, magnus relies heavily on his magic over his physical fighting skills by primarch standards. second, darks magic which sorcerers specialize in have the narratively appropriate connotations in fire emblem for magnuses character. as dark magic in fe is both a dangerous dark force used by evil wizards to summon dark gods or cast curses, and a neutral force of nature that can be researched and understood like a science, used like a science to consume enemies in black holes even. it is the perfect magic to give the "its not a phase dad, its a science! -consumed by dark forces-" character in essence.
horus = general. perfect class for horus less because of its defensive properties or role as a defensive class, but more so because of what it arguably symbolizes and how horus is the primarch next to perturabo who wears the most terminator of terminator armour. namely that general is the class most frequently used by enemy bosses and commanders in fire emblem, often by one of the head honchos or a minion of said honcho. in that sense, its the perfect class to have the warmaster and arch traitor of the imperium in.
lorgar = war monk. religiously affiliated class that wields an axe, and already a perfect fit for that alone. the war monk class also has access to support magic with jives with lorgar unlocking psychic power through his studies of daemonology and the chaos gods, and also his own psychic visions. my only concern is that to access war monk regularly you have to be in the priest class beforehand [unless your a prepromote] which jives with lorgars history but is also a class locked to support magic, but for a primarch im willing to let it slide.
vulkan = wyvern lord. vulkans another character in terminator armour, but i feel wyvern lord works better. not because vulkans known for flying mind you, but more so because wyvern lords a defensive flying class, involves a a dragon, and because wyverns in fe are difficult to tame mounts but ones that are fiercely loyal and protective of their riders if said rider treats them well. which fits into vulkans friendly, by primarch standards, attitude.
corvus = assassin. well corvus also uses psychic powers to turn invisible, i felt giving trickster to konrad worked better because konrad was more active and constant in his use of psychic powers well corvus tried to avoid using his power as much as possible from what i remember. as such that left corvus with the more physically aligned thief promotion which i enjoy as a sort of 'delightful irony' since the assassin aesthetic better suits konrad.
alpharius/omegon = halberdier. feeling blessed that alpharius omegon have largely been presented as using lances cause it makes this a lot easier. well the ao twins are masters of a sneaky legion themselves, importantly the alpha legion favours infiltration and disguise over sneaking about. and what better disguise then as the promotion of the most generic of classes the soldier class. its a lance locked class, but i feel thats a good enough trade off for the inconspicuous murder angle. and the soldier class is if nothing inconspicuous/cannon fodder.
and bonus malcador and emperor!
malcador = sage. even putting aside that malcadors claim to fame is being a psyker, sage works in relation to the fire emblem trope of wise and crinkly old sages [the gotoh archtype as its referred to] which malcador fits on like a glove.
emperor = emperor, baron, master knight. the emperor class is indeed a thing, and im specifically thinking of the fe4 emperor class which could utilize every weapon and magic outside of light magic and dark magic. aside from that the emperor class was also a heavy armour class which... i dont remember if the emperors wearing terminator armour but it does gel with the emperor being fukin big. the barons an alternative thats basically the same as the emperor class if a bit weaker, and master knights the mounted variation that has access to light magic.
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surveysonfleek · 3 years
If you were given a plane ticket for free right now to Florida, what part would you go to/what would you do? thats easy. disneyworld! and probably miami because ive never been
Do you prefer nail polish with sparkles in it, or matte colors? neither. i just like glossy or chrome
Are you the kind of person who makes a lot of lists? What kind? nope. i only ever make lists when i go grocery shopping
When you get upset, do you prefer to go to friends for support or to be left alone? Do you wallow or do you continue on with life? im happy with dealing with things on my own
Would you rather have the ability to speed up time, freeze time, or go back in time? go back in time without changing anything in the future
Have you ever had a teacher you got really close with? unfortunately i never did :( 
What are three things you wish you could go back and tell yourself 2 years ago? save save save
Which type of pattern/print is your favorite to wear? pretty much floral
What chain restaurant (Applebees, Ruby Tuesdays, Outback, etc..) is your favorite? hooters but they closed everywhere here. i miss the chicken wings and i cant find any places that are anything similar :(
What do you generally use Youtube for (music, specific types of videos)? vlogs, interviews, beauty stuff, music videos
In the summer, what type of shoes do you typically wear? flats, my fake birkenstocks, sandals
Would you rather get a new pair of heels or new running shoes/sneakers? sneakers for sure
Do you think plastic jewelry is cute or tacky or neither? it depends what it looks like
In the summer, would you rather have ice cream, water ice, or freeze pops? i dont really like any tbh. idk what water ice is though
Can you actually picture yourself getting married/having kids, or is that something that seems too distant in the future to imagine? yes. its time
Have you ever tailgated? Would you want to? like while driving? no because if u hit the car in front its instantly ur fault
What was the last thing to really really frustrate you? work
Is there some part of your personality that is generally thought of as a negative trait, but that you actually like/don’t mind about yourself? brutal honesty
When’s the last time you spent time with your cousins? i saw them just before christmas last year
What kind of lip balm do you use? i have a different brand littered everywhere. laniege at my bedside table, cocoskin at my vanity, aesop in my handbag (which is the most expensive and also the worst lip balm ever) and lanolips at work (my fave!)
Are you frustrated with anything? im content rn
Why did you fall for the last person romantically? idk, it just ended up that way
What’s your younger sibling’s name? rather not say
Can you speak in a different language conversationally; if so, which language? sure can :)
Do you ever fear of falling asleep? no? even at my most tired i wont fall asleep unless im in a bed
Do you have an idea of what kind of profession you’d like to have? nah
What’s the last thing you had to eat? pork adobo and rice
Would you rather eat all day or exercise all day? eat all day 
Which countries have you traveled to? too many to list. i listed them in another survey not long ago 
Which beach would you say is your favorite? santa monica. not even for the beach part, the sunsets there are amazing
When’s your birthday? 5 dec
What kind of cookie is your favorite? subway cookies
What is it that you really want right now? money!
Do you write? no
Is there a map hanging in your room? nope
Have you ever gone to see a movie past 9:00 PM? yes
Do you ever pick up your house phone? never lol. our landline is basically inactive now
Would you say you’re a nice person? yes
Would you rather hold hands or link arms with your significant other? link mostly. he has sweaty hands all the time haha
Have you ever had a churro? yes!
Truth be told, are you more into looks or personalities the most? personalities
How is/was your chemistry class in high school? i never did it
What’s your zodiac sign? sag
Would you rather eat rice or bread? rice
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Meeting and Dating Kevin Pickford
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(Not my gif)(requested by anonymous)
(I love this pointless movie)
- You and Kevin meet after your friends convinced you to go to one of his parties. You could of made up ten different activities you’d rather do than go to a highschool keg party but your friends insisted and you soon found yourself packed into their car.
- Now you had had a little crush on Kevin for a while, ever since freshman year when you saw him for the first time, so even though you weren’t very excited to spend your night surrounded by your drunken peers you were a bit excited to maybe, hopefully see him.
- So you arrive at his house; let’s pretend this is another party that didn’t get shut down, and you walk through the front door to see the typical shit show. You stick by your friends for a while, nursing a beer and trying to convince yourself you’re having a good time. That is until your friends all but ditch you to go and mingle.
- Soon enough you’re all alone standing uncomfortably in the relatively abandoned kitchen. You’re debating the idea of just leaving, walking home didn’t seem all to bad given the circumstances, but just as you feel like you’ve made up your mind...in walks the host. You felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest when you saw him, you stared down at your cup hoping he would just sort of ignore you as he rummaged for whatever it was he was looking for.
“How ya doin?” Shit.
- It seemed like he was just trying to be friendly so you gave him as much of a smile as you could muster and a small “fine” before glancing down at your drink again. From your experience this was usually when the person would just nod and walk out but he didn’t. He gathered the stuff he had came in for but paused at the counter.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around before... whats your name?”
- I think you’d have to be a year younger than him because if you were in his grade prior to this he would have asked you out or at least spoken to you before. So you’re a sophomore going into junior year and he’s a junior going into senior year.
“Oh you wouldn’t really know me, I’m a sophomore. My friends brought me, I’m y/n.”
“Oh cool man cool. I’m Kevin.”
“Yeah, I-uh, I know,” you chuckled a little. “Nice party.”
- He smiled and was about to say something before he was called back to the party by a loud shout. “Well I’m gonna go deliver the necess-it-ies. You should come out, join the living, raise a little hell.” And then he was once again lost in the sea of people flooding his living room.
- After he was gone you freaked out for a hot minute over the fact that you had just talked to your longtime crush. You decided that maybe you could stomach a little more of the party and took a deep breath before wandering out of the kitchen. It was maybe thirty minutes later that the two of you found each other again and started up a mini conversation.
- Soon enough the two of you were heading up to his bedroom so that you could actually hear each other speak. You spent a surprisingly long time just talking to each other while the party went on downstairs; it was four in the morning by the time you checked the clock again.
- You figured it was time for you to go home, so you stood up and began to say goodbye before he tried to convince you to stay a little longer. It’s nearly impossible to deny him, it’s pretty much been your dream for this exact scenario to happen. You promise to stay for another hour, which turns into another hour, and finally you really need to go so that you can avoid meeting your parents at the front door. He asks for your number and you write it down for him before you leave.
- You end up walking home in the rising sun which almost feels like the perfect way to end the night.
- He calls you a few days later asking if you’d want to come over which you obviously agree to. You get together, chat some more, listen to music, all that fun teenager shit. But then he leans over and kisses you, pulling away with that gorgeous smile of his and, well, you’re walking on clouds for the rest of the day.
- Later on you kiss some more and he gives you a “so does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend from now on, cause I think I’d like that, a lot”.
- Listen most of your dates are more or less just the two of you hanging out not really doing much besides enjoying each other’s company.
- But he does take you to a drive in restaurant for dinner so you can count that as your first “official” date. He wanted to “give a good first impression for your relationship”.
- You’re together like 90% of the time. The both of you are kind of clingy with each other and neither of you seem to mind.
- Whenever you’re together he always has some form of physical contact with you at all times.
- Sitting on his lap.
- He loves PDA but it’s mostly because he just loves affection in general.
- He’s a big baby who likes being cuddled and that’s a fact. He lowkey loves being the little spoon but it genuinely doesnt matter to him how you cuddle as long as you do it.
- Keeps tabs on you whenever you go out together. He usually stays close by or at least knows where you’re going to be, he likes to make sure you’re alright.
- You definitely have little routines together whether it be when his parents almost catch him smoking or cleaning up after a party or just when coming home from school.
- Helping to make sure his parents don’t catch him smoking in his room. You’re usually sent out to distract them or you clear things up while he talks with them.
- He’s so interested in your talents and hobbies, show him what you’re passionate about baby! He wants to know!
- Always being offered free booze or weed.
- Awkward first introductions to his friends when they crash one of your hangouts to try and buy some herb.
- Being invited to all of his and his friends parties.
- Helping him plan his parties.
- Helping him with all his antics.
- He’s always fiddling with something whenever you’re together so be prepared to see him doing something at any given moment in the corner of your eye.
- Making out, he could kiss for hours.
- Always having shotgun reserved for you.
- Laying on the hood of his car together and talking about random shit.
- Trying to hide your laughter while you listen to his weird weed fueled theories and stories.
- He shows off everything you make or do, he’s a subtle cheerleader.
- You spend most of your time in his room, sitting in his egg chair or on the windowseat while he smokes a joint.
- You’re constantly on the same wavelength.
 “Thats what I was gonna say!!”
- Braiding and running your fingers through his hair.
- He plays with your hair as well, twirling strands between his fingers and stroking it when you’re cuddling.
- He’s honestly so adorable and absolutely smitten with you. All his friends can tell he’s whipped but he doesn’t care.
- He thinks it’s so cute that you had a crush on him, well that’s if you ever admit it to him.
- Hand holding especially whenever you’re walking together.
- Staying up till dawn together.
- Making flower crowns together, dont deny it he’d do it. 
- His parents love you and are always really sweet, his mother is an absolute angel.
- He isnt going to force you to smoke with him but he does need you to accept that hes not stopping just because you dont want to. He’ll agree to not smoke around you because thats fair enough but he’ll still do it with his friends or on his own. I can assume you’re alright with that if you want a relationship with him.
- Kevins pretty chill so there’s rarely any fighting and the fighting you do have are more so just arguments rather than actual fullblown fights. They’re usually over a dangerous idea or stupid action he had/did. These arguments usually end with him realizing and admitting you’re right or saying how he can see why you’d think that. He gets it even if he doesnt think its as big of a deal as you do.
- Kevin is a moderately jealous person, he doesnt think every man you talk to is a threat to your relationship. He’s pretty calm, which is what you’d expect from a stoner, he more so just smirks at the guy he knows is flirting with you and shows that you’re his with an arm around your shoulder and/or a kiss. He never dwells on it or let’s it ruin your night. 
- He’s a very loyal boy, no cheating, no flirting with other girls. You’re the only girl he has eyes for.
- Swapping clothes and accessories.
- You share pretty much everything; food, drinks, homework, joints, a single braincell. 
- Going to the emporium and playing fooseball and pool together or jokingly cheering him on while he plays someone else.
- A lot of nicknames; he definitely calls you flowerchild and other very 70s sounding ones. 
- Having a lot of Polaroids together.
- Concert dates.
- Record store dates.
- Late night hangouts.
- Going on random trips to different stores to get food or drinks.
- Well if you’re becoming a junior then you’ll have a year in highschool without him in the near future. He doesn’t really mind waiting for you to graduate so that you can advance your relationship but it will bother him when he isn’t able to see you for more than six hours, five days a weeks
- Probably proposes to you in bed, late at night with a “how would you like to be a Mrs. Pickford?” while he spins the ring between his fingers.
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