#which i will read in a heartbeat if they're ever written)
junityy · 11 months
love letters
pairing. bf!jay x gn!reader
synopsis. in which jay reads your first, unfinished attempt at writing a love letter for him by accident.
genre. fluff
wc. 1k
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"I'm back!" you exclaim as you close the door behind you with your foot; unable to use either one of your hands since they're both carrying the grocery bag in your arms, which you didn't even think would be this heavy. Well, you might've gone a little overboard when trying to decide what snacks would be best for tonight; so that'd explain it, at least.
Finally putting the bag on the kitchen counter after the way back here felt like seven years, - when in reality, it was barely ten minutes - you sigh loudly in pure relief.
"Jay?" your voice's tainted with a little confusion; you didn't get any response like you thought you would. Leaving the keys right beside the bag on the counter, you make your way to your bedroom to see what he's up to.
"Hey, I got all the snacks for our-" you pause, and your jaw even drops the tiniest bit when you see Jay sitting on the bed while holding a single piece of paper and, what looks like, reading it. ".. movie night." finishing your sentence, - way quieter than you had started it - Jay finally looks up and meets your eyes.
"Oh I didn't hear you, love." he briefly explains, eyes big as he realizes he didn't hear you coming through the door, nor that you were talking to him just about thirty seconds ago.
"What are you reading?" you ask in a small voice with a slightly nervous undertone, since the paper seems to look a little too familiar for it to be in Jay's hands.. yet. Even from afar.
"Oh- this. Yeah, I found this on the desk earlier. I almost threw it away, but then I saw that it was addressed to me. Y/N is this a love letter?" Jay explains and asks with a tiny smile on his face, sounding only a tad bit confused about the paper in his hands.
And when your eyes widen, his eyes flicker between you and the paper in even bigger confusion and his yet so tiny smile fades. "What?" he asks innocently, eyes big as your reaction makes him feel slightly concerned.
"You weren't supposed to read that." you frown a bit, ready to drown yourself in embarrassment any second now. ".. yet." you almost forgot, but this only made his curiosity grow.
"Oh, this is embarrassing." you mumble to yourself as you walk up to the bed, sitting down in front of him, while his eyes are basically glued to you the whole time.
"I, uhm, couldn't really sleep last night, and then I remembered that you briefly mentioned how you adore love letters a few hours prior." you begin to explain, not even realizing how you're actively avoiding looking at him. "And then I realized that I never wrote you one, like, ever. During all the time we've been together." you add, still a bit saddened by the fact that he never received one from you.
"And so- I got up and.. tried to write one. It's not finished, though. And I thought I put it away, but apparently not.." you continue to explain, shrugging towards the end when you realize you clearly didn't put it away. Writing it at about four in the morning must have made you so tired, you went straight back to bed without noticing it was still on the desk - open for anyone to see and read.
Finally, you look up and meet Jay's eyes. And well, he looks rather surprised, a little shocked even - in a good way, so you assume. His jaw might have dropped just the tiniest bit, and his eyes have not left you still, but now they look even bigger instead.
"I've never written one, like.. in my life." is the last thing you add - as a way to defend yourself in case it was somehow bad by any means; since, well, you barely remember what you even wrote last night.
"I love you." Jay simply scoffs in disbelief, clearly realizing by your change of expression that this is not quite the reaction you were expecting. But still, you're not complaining - hearing him say those three words makes your heartbeat increase an embarrassing amount, like when you first met him and could barely say a word.
And even now, after over two years, you're left speechless again. And so of course, Jay can't help but chuckle; softly grabbing you by the chin to pull you in closer for a short kiss just a second later.
God. You really do feel like when you first met with the way you still get butterflies around him - more and more each day.
"Your letter was beautiful, my love." is the very first thing he says in a low tone after the kiss, your faces still dangerously close and his hand still touching your chin. "I loved it." he adds with a smile, trying to justify just how much he fell in love with those words you wrote. But saying 'he loved it' doesn't seem to be nearly enough.
"I love you." you return, the big smile forming on your face almost impossible to overhear in your voice. Immediately pressing your lips onto his yet again, Jay can't help but smile into the kiss when he can feel you doing so.
"Wait." he suddenly says, breaking the kiss after not too long; your smile fades and confusion overtakes you instead, while Jay's smile only grows bigger by the second.
Sitting straight again, you watch Jay reach down to one of the drawers in the bedside desk, looking for something. When he finds it, he sits straight again and closes the drawer again.
And when your eyes go down to see what's in his hands, you see that it's a bunch of papers just like yours. Except they have much more written on every single one of them; beginning to end of the page, they're full with texts.
Compared to yours, though, every single one of them has a date written at the top.
And instead of being addressed to Jay, they're all addressed to you. Every last one of them.
Your jaw actually drops at the sudden realization, and immediately your head shoots back up - only to find an even bigger smile on Jay's face now. He chuckles at your reaction as it's adorable to him. And also at the fact that he just pulled all these out at once.
"I wrote you a bunch over the years."
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note. JUNITYYS FIRST EVER WORK AFTER NOVEMBER 2021 and ofc its jay 😭😭😭 so hello again! not sure just How back i am again but i wanna try and write more again!! (just keep in mind that i WILL 99% still be inconsistent as hell and just post much Much random stuff please, thank you 😸🙏🏻) - also i hope this drabble layout is somewhat fine LMFAO i forgot how you do all this and also tumblr is acting up </3
taglist @tyunni @geombyu @jaeyunverse
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epickiya722 · 5 months
If you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top favorite fics that you've written (feel free how much that you want to list)? Why they're special to you? Is there a specific inspiration when you wrote them?
Thanks if you want to answer....
I'll tell you, all my fics are special to me and most of the time, I find myself having fun writing them. Writing isn't just a hobby, but a way for me to release pent up feelings I have or express an idea that came to me.
To name a couple...
Beware of the Bunnies - It's the first fic I wrote for "if Miruko was Midoriya's mentor". It was fun writing that fic, especially when it's a fic for my two #1 faves. I honestly didn't expect the amount of attention I got for it!
Not Red, Black - I sometimes like branching out from writing warm-hearted, funny fics and this is one of those times. Another AU idea I had, but if Miruko and Midoriya were eldritch-like creatures and related. Unlike its prequel, this one stepped more in horror imagery and I think the direction the fic took.
Forbid a Woman from Being Great - Yes, another Miruko fic and one I actually wrote out of spite. When it comes to this fandom (as with any), is how double standard they can get. With Miruko, I have seem people hate her for being "too aggressive" or "too mean", but praise other characters for those same traits or even give excuses for their behavior. Or with fanservice, the same people who complain about it also thirst over the male characters getting bloody and shirtless. I don't hate characters like Dabi, Shigaraki or Hawks but I can't stomach how their fans act when it comes to Miruko or any other character really. It was actually a Hawks fan that irritated me enough to write this fic as well as get me out of the writing funk I was in.
An Absolute Menace - This is a fun little fic. It's part of a series of Class A and occasionally B partaking in antics. With this one, writing Koda as this troll was new, but fun.
Let's SK8 Over the Rainbow - This is actually a SK8 series that I wrote and it's still one of my favorites. It started off as a headcanon (Reki allowing Koyomi to paint his nails) and then spiraled into a collection of short stories themed around colors and I love colors so much. One of the fics, You're Lime Green Jell-O, I dove into expanding a character that only appeared once in SK8. Her name is Miki and she has green hair and I remember seeing her and going "You, you're getting some personality, a story, etc." Best decision ever. I just loved writing Miki and I think it was the first time I wrote a whole story for a character that only had two lines in canon.
Tu es le Moment Auquel J'appartiens - Another series I adore. I wanted to write some jealous Vanitas since I don't think I had seen a lot of Vanoé fics where he was the jealous one while Noé was more oblivious. Not at the time, I don't know about now since I haven't read a VNC fic in a long time. The title translates to "You are the moment I belong to" which is a line of lyrics from the anime's first ending song that I love so much.
It's the Pink Hair, Isn't It? - Do not get me wrong! I do love the AUs I see where Sukuna and Yuji are brothers, but the idea of this fic came from what if they were identical strangers and not related in the slightest. Even funnier, in the fic, Kenjaku and Suguru are siblings that look like twins, but Kenjaku is older. My favorite scenes probably have to be Kenjaku and Yuji interacting and Sukuna and Yuji meeting. I've also been cooking up a sequel so I can write more of Kenjaku and Suguru being siblings and Yuji's brothers and I do mean all nine older brothers. (I relate to Choso so much.)
Your Heartbeat Is My Comfort - Ever see a beautiful piece of fanart and you want to write a fic about it? That's what happened here. I saw this FushiIta art post here and it was like BAM! I had to write a fic. It was also another I didn't write something comedic, but more somber, bit of tragedy yet comfort in there.
Maybe Someday We'll Meet Again - I'm all for the Teacher Geto AU! However, this fic came from a what if scenario had Suguru and Yuji had met when they were younger and I always how Kenjaku was even aware of Suguru's technique. So I put both ideas together and thus this fic was born. It isn't dark, but little less comedic than others and I tried my hand at focusing on more of Yuji's strangeness and innocence here along with Suguru's character before he became a curse user.
You Are My Special - Again, another time I went for less comedy and fluff and tried with something else. I actually don't know how to categorize this one in terms of genre. SPECIALZ was stuck in my head for a long time and it got when I really started thinking about the lyrics and decided why not try writing something from Kenjaku's POV about Yuji? It may have took forever to write, but I'm glad I did. I actually wanted to write a companion piece of sorts but from Sukuna's POV about Yuji.
The Pink Sky and Cherry Blossoms - I actually just posted this fic and I'm glad I waited to answer this ask because of it. I was rereading the manga and came to Uro's fight with Ryu and Yuta and instantly fell in love with her character and thought about how would it have been like if Uro met my other favorite, Yuji? They have some similarities going on there and it was eye-opening writing those into this fic, especially with Uro's character. I wasn't around when that arc came out, so I didn't know how the fandom acted towards her, but for me, I just felt there's more to her than the surface. She's the Miruko of JJK to me as Yuji is the Izuku. Just as I would love for Miruko and Izuku to be a duo in a big sis-lil bro/mentor-mentee way, I love the same for Uro and Yuji.
The Craving That Paints Your Lips Red - The last fic I wrote for 2023 and a sequel to another fic, I wanted to try my hand at the horror again. But more tame, but still "Oh my gosh". I'm writing a post about it, but I have thoughts about Yuji and Sukuna's relationship and sometimes I have this feeling that Sukuna wants to corrupt Yuji, kind of like shape him to be the next him almost. Not for certain, but it's an idea that kind of struck me. For this fic, I wanted to explore a more horror fic side of Yuji housing the King of Curses. The best part of this fic for me is how I unintentionally stuck with the idea that Yuji keeps getting back up no matter how many times Sukuna tries to break him.
That list got longer than intended, but again, I have a lot of fics I have enjoyed writing! I'm glad to have talked about them and I thank you for asking! 💜
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Your Charlos omegaverse... I have no words. If you ever wonder if people want yo keep reading about it the answer will always be: YES.
I'll read every continuation you decide to give us.
Carlos offering and Charles realising that Carlos makes him feel good.
Thank you so much for this.
i am in a mood. it helps to read this, this, and this before :) thank you for the prompt nonnie ❤️
"I'm good," Carlos says, and his fists clench. "I'm good," he says, as if he doesn't believe it but he's trying to, as if he needs Charles to reassure him, as if the fire in his eyes holds something that's balancing precariously on an edge of some precipice Charles neither understands nor sees, and whatever Charles says will be the thing to either ground it, or make it tumble right off.
Charles can't stop thinking about it. Not in a way that matters anyway. He is used to compartmentalisation and he uses it regularly. There is no other way to get through a day sometimes, and Charles is a master of getting through days that feel more like a simulation than actual life. He knows how to push down everything except what he needs to focus on. It's usually racing, and racing is the most important thing in the world to Charles, so he manages.
But sometimes... sometimes he is alone at night, or alone in the sim, or alone in the gym, and his thoughts go back to his last heat. Go back to Carlos, really, and the way he acted when he had Charles at his mercy.
Charles hadn't expected it, not really. Expectations were always only a way to disappoint yourself, but he couldn't help but hope. And Carlos lived up to that hope magnificently. The way he kissed Charles, the way he took him, the way he took care of them both. The way he asked Are you okay and What do you need and What can I give you in a way that felt like he was prepared to give everything, if only Charles was to ask.
Charles thinks he asked. He can't remember it properly, the skin and the heat and the kisses and the pressure and the scent and the look in Carlos' eyes, the look which couldn't hide what Charles never wanted to hear Carlos say because words don't mean anything. Words are meaningless unless they're written down and bound by a law agreement, and even then, they are not set in stone. They can be taken back, and they can be turned around and used to hurt, used to make Charles bruise and bleed, make him wish he didn't exist, or that his heart was something that was unbreakable. And despite all that, Charles still thinks he asked. Begged.
He remembers begging, for more, for anything, for everything. He remembers saying more and please and Carlos and so good and yes, and he remembers Carlos indulging him and satisfying him and answering every plea from Charles' lips with kisses and touches and caressess that soothed the burn in his skin and made him burn even more somehow. It was wonderful. It was excruciating. It was good.
He does remember leaving. That much, he remembers. He remembers waking up with an arm around his waist, not restraining, just holding him. He remembers Carlos' chest underneath his head and the steady heartbeat he could hear, and the scent of sex in the air, and the stickyness of his own skin. He remembers feeling content, and safe, and like everything was good.
The very next moment the panic gripped him, so he did the only thing he could. He ran. He gathered his things and kept his breathing in check, and then he ran from the room, from Carlos and the deceitful feeling of safety. He ran, because this was a one-time thing, and this was a favour that Carlos did him at his own disadvantage, and this wasn't something Charles gets to have. This was just one in a line of things Charles couldn't allow himself to hope he could have.
It never ends well, when Charles tries to reach for the stars.
"I'm good," Carlos repeats, sitting next to Charles on the couch where they are filming the challenge. He is looking at Charles, and Charles loses his train of thought, about what happened after he left, about how he cried in Lolo's arms, about how he won the race after it. Carlos' eyes are on his face and Charles can't help but want his hands on his face too, again, maybe just once more. Playful touches are one thing, but touch with intent... Charles hasn't had much of that in a while. It's addictive. It's daunting. It's good.
Fuck, he thinks. "Yeah," he says, and Carlos' nostrils flare. Charles is pretty sure he knows what Charles' body is doing. He shouldn't let himself indulge, he shouldn't encourage this, whatever it is, because it will only end badly, it can't end any other way, but he also wants. "You are really good," he says, and remembers saying the same thing as Carlos held him close, skin against skin, breathing each other's air.
I need you to be the one to do something first, and I need you to do it with me, Charles thinks as he lowers his eyes to Carlos' hands. They are clenched into fists, and Charles thinks that, if Carlos wanted to touch him right then, Charles would let him. If Carlos reached out, Charles would let him. If Carlos just did something, anything, to take first, to - lead, overtake, pass - grasp Charles' hand, Charles would let him. So long as it wasn't Charles reaching out first. So long as it wasn't Charles who had to ask. So long as Carlos wanted him, too.
Carlos doesn't reach for him. His fists stay by his side, and his breaths stay irregular. He isn't looking Charles in the eyes anymore.
Charles sits back on the couch and tries to make his heart calm down. He fails. No matter.
He's used to it.
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seijorhi · 5 months
rhi, i have a confession. you know i love your writing immensely, right? i’ve at least read every single one of your fics THREE TIMES. i love your writing that much. well... there is one fic of yours i can only handle to read once and never ever again. disclaimer: not because it was terribly written or anything. no, so so far from that. you wrote it so well that i can only handle going through the heart break once of reader being so desperate for kuroo’s love even if it’s just a fraction of how he felt for his late lover knowing deep down that she (reader) will never compare nor will kuroo love her even quite close to her (kuroo’s late lover)
also, wow. remembering that fic and has made me think about how incredibly... sad... obsession can be. now i’m thinking about what will happen if reader dies before the yans whether it may be from an illness, an accident, murder, or natural causes. i can see some yans literally die from heartache (i heard somewhere that it happens 😧) or go batshit crazy killing spree (if it were caused by an accident / murder) or i also can see some try to find an imitation of them to fill in the hole in their heart (that they most likely never fill)
personally, i am not one for the concept of a yan that tries, tries and tries again. it kinda kills the fun (again, for me) when they're willing – eager, even – to just move onto the next one after it doesn't work out. like it didn't matter, didn't rewrite their fucking DNA, loving you.
no, i like an obsession that rots. that twists like a knife, that digs its claws in so deep, even if its wrenched out there's no fixing the mess left behind. which, in a weird way, is why i love imitation.
like i said, normally the idea of a replaceable darling really doesn't do it for me, nor do fics where the reader/object of obsession dies. it's why beyond imitation i'll probably never write the trope again BUT looking at imitation through the lens of that first love? kuroo being absolutely destroyed by her death, and with every failed replacement losing himself a little more?
he was never good, obviously – he stole her, too. he gets worse without her. colder, angrier, more callous. less human. they aren't people to him, they're not her. deep, deep down, he knows all of this is a fool's errand. they'll never be her, so they don't have a hope in hell of filling the gaping, bloody hole she left behind. he's dragging kenma down with him, he doesn't care about that either. the smart, healthy thing to do would be to accept it. there's no moving on for someone like him, of course not, but he could stop hurting other people, stop taking the pretty girls that remind him of her, at half a glance anyway.
but that's not going to happen either. because if he can convince himself, for a single moment, a heartbeat, that he's got her back in his arms, that she never left him in the first place–
he'd burn the fucking world for that.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons for yandere icarus?
''Let me take care of you my love, I always will even if you don't want to.'' - Icarus.
❝⚡— lady l: I hope you like these headcanons, anon! I certainly enjoyed writing Icarus as a yandere a lot and I hope you will also enjoy how he was written. Feedbacks are always welcome and I'm sorry for any mistakes :) Good reading!!! 😊❤️
❝tw: yandere themes, obsessive and possessive behavior, uncontrolled jealousy, implied physical aggression, dub-con, implicit murder, threats, slight nsfw, unhealthy relationship.
❝pairing: yandere!icarus x gender neutral!reader
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Icarus is known for his disobedient and impulsive behavior when he tried to fly across the Aegean Sea and this culminated in his death. His yandere features are slight but they're still there and he's developed a new obsession after laying his eyes on you and he doesn't intend to lose you.
His love for you is very strong and he is always there for you, he doesn't like to be left out and will act annoyingly if you ignore him. Icarus likes attention, but your attention even more and he lives for it, he craves your approval and love and he is willing to do anything to get it.
He is very delusional actually, he thinks you are together before you are and if anyone dares to try to break the illusion he will act in strange and even violent ways depending on the person. He won't listen to anyone but you, and he will even go against his own father if he objects to your relationship. He loves you, why can't others understand that?
There are few things he wouldn't do for you and one of them is letting you fly, he might be being extremely hypocritical and it's not like he really cares but he doesn't want anything to happen to you. He can't let anything happen to you and even though he trusts you and his father, he's still not taking any chances.
Icarus is the type of person that will always put you first in everything, he lives for you, he breathes and would die for you, he is willing to do anything for you. If you asked him to kill his own family he would do it without question, he is an obedient yandere for you and you only. You wield all kinds of power over which even he doesn't know, even he doesn't quite know the extent of his obsession with you but one thing is certain, he will do whatever you order and ask.
In contrast to him being obedient to you, Icarus will demand your presence constantly, he won't listen if you say it's not possible or how unrealistic it was, he'll take what he wants and if he wants you, he'll have you. He knows he might be being a bad boy but he doesn't care about any of it, he wants you all the time, in every way and will act violently if his demands are not met.
To say he's clingy is stupid, Icarus is a very, so much, clingy. He wants to be with you all the time, if he can follow you to the bathroom for example, he will. You're the one who has to set limits for him, and chances are he won't respect them, but you're the one who has to control them. You are the only one who can make him listen and he will listen to you, even if he doesn't like being too far away from you, he will if you tell him to. But he likes to snuggle with you, he likes to have you in his arms or to lay in your arms and listen to your heartbeat, he loves everything about you.
Icarus is insanely jealous of you, he is a spoiled man and he will not be deprived of you, ever. He will act irritating and needy when he's jealous (something that happens all too often). He's not the type of guy who share you with anyone, no matter who it is, you are his and you will always be his. He is not the type to threaten people, but if he is feeling threatened by someone he will make death threats and promises to whoever is making him jealous and will be even more clingy than usual. Icarus will remind you who you belong in every possible way you can imagine.
He is overprotective of you, he has your back all the time, even when there is no danger of any kind in sight, he will still hold you protectively in his arms and make sure you are safe and warm. Icarus likes to take care of you, he always has, and even though he'll never tell you out loud, he likes it when you're vulnerable and allow yourself to be loved and cared for by him and him alone. It's adorable when you cringe and crawl into his arms, it's rhe Elysian Fields as far as he's concerned.
Icarus likes to take you in his time, taking all the necessary care and affection, you are and always have been his priority and he wants to make you feel nothing less than a goddess/god and he will. He would take you slow and agonizing, slowly pushing into your heat, enjoying your changing expressions, he wants to see the pure pleasure on your face, he craves it. Icarus likes to give more than he gets when it comes to you, he loves to eat you, lick your juices while circling your clit with his index finger is making slow finger movements, or sucking you hard, squeezing your entire length and licking your glans as if he was starving and he was, starving for you. He prefers to lick/suck you, he likes to taste you, but he won't protest if you want to do the same for him. He's kind and loving normally, but if he's jealous or you want him to, he'll be hard and rough with you.
Icarus is many things, impulsive, reckless and obedient, but he's all of those things just for you. He doesn't care if he needs to be any other way to please you, he will, because all that really matters at the end of the day is his happiness and he will do anything to see you happy. If you want expensive gifts then whatever, he will give it to you or if you prefer simple things he will give it to you too, none of that matters but only you and he will remind you of that every day of your life. You're important to him, the love of his life, and Icarus can't risk anything happening to you, ever. You are everything to him and he will protect and love you forever. Remember this, he is yours and you are his.
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redbelles · 1 month
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by: the wonderful @carry-the-sky 💖
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
i don't ever really abandon old fandoms, but so far 2024 has been all berserk (nothing posted yet, unforch) and masters of the air
4. top five fics by kudos
like a heartbeat drives you mad
the dreadful need in the devotee
and my body found the wind
stuck in colder weather
all the love you need
5. do you respond to comments?
yes! it may take me a hundred million years, but i appreciate each and every comment i get, and i often go back to them for a little jolt of "hey, people actually like your writing!" motivation when i'm stuck
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lmao uh. known angst goblin meg redbelles here, but i honestly didn't have to do much work to the canon endings of robert baratheon (the clouds will form a crown) or judas iscariot (in the violence of our dreams) to make them even more horrifically angsty, so. one of those, probably!
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i don't tend to go for out and out happy endings—i prefer bittersweet—but i feel like the answer is either the mercy wheel, which fixes dany’s gabarge season eight character arc, or tongue’s talkin’ riddles (sticky sweet), which gives chrissy and eddie a mostly happy future together instead of horrible deaths in deeply cursed hawkins
and! for what it's worth! the chimneys hardly ever fall down is going to end on a happy note! they're just going to have to Suffer a lot to get there! it's fine!
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut?
me, currently 3k into a m/m/f threesome scene:
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10. craziest crossover:
i enjoy spitballing about crossovers, but i doubt very seriously that i'll ever write one
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of, no
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had offers before, but i've declined every time; they all wanted to host the translations outside of AO3, which is not something i'm comfortable with
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep! keep calling me home is a really fun little round robin fic i wrote with three other authors a couple years ago
14. all time favorite ship?
i can't read suddenly.gif
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. what are your writing strengths?
imagery, emotion, themes, dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
plot? never heard of her. also, i feel like i still suck at writing humor
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
to crib from a previous answer: unless you speak the language, it gets real dicey real fast. i personally avoid it unless a) it’s a canonical term/phrase, like all the faux-russian bullshit in the grisha trilogy, or b) i can check the grammar/usage with a native speaker or someone who is solidly fluent
19. first fandom you wrote in?
[redacted] way back ages ago on [redacted]
20. favorite fic you've written?
recency bias talking here, but i am so, so, so fond of the chimneys hardly ever fall down; i challenged myself to write the first chapter as one continuous scene (i feel like i sometimes abuse scene breaks to heighten tension), and honestly i think i nailed it. also, this sequence:
Maybe he is drunk. That would make sense. He’s going to wake up and find himself alone at the bottom of a bottle. Back in the cold blue, Fort shot to shit and tumbling from the sky like a wounded bird, trailing fire and screaming as she falls. Maybe he won’t wake up at all— maybe he’s dead in a potato field, a ghost who never made it back in the first place. His heart can’t fucking take it.
like, i'm sorry, but that's brutal! and i am so proud of it!
tagging: @sluttyhenley @littlelindentree @oatflatwhite @meyerlansky @ladywaffles
@charmtion @anthropologicalhands @jacyevans @thatworldinverted @thatgirlnevershutsup
and anyone elso who wants a go ✨
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yuikomorii · 2 years
Saw a post about inconsistencies in Diabolik Lovers and I have prolly the biggest ones:
In Shu’s HDB ending Shu calls Yui an Asian woman and Yui also refers to herself as an“ average Japanese high school student” but later on in Laito’s and Reiji’s routes it is mentioned how she’s actually a foreigner and her step father only left his old country because he didn’t want Yui to be caught by the vampires there and settled in Japan for a peaceful life.She even only called herself “ an average high school girl” without using “Japanese”as in Shu’s route.Now all games follows the lore presented in Laito’s and Reiji’s routes, so what was written in Shu’s one was a mistake because it doesn’t really make sense anymore.I don’t really mind it because let’s be fr, she’s the definition of white girl but I feel like the writers should pay more attention to those details. |:
There was this test battle CD drama where Yui got the highest scores out of the Sakamaki’s but in the routes she’s a pretty bad student as far as I have seen.There’s no day she doesn’t ask anyone for help when doing her homework although it’s based on what was taught in class and heck she was even on the verge of failing her math class in HDB if Reiji didn’t study all day with her.I even remember that one time when even she got wrong even the first answer, and there are several times she doesn’t pay attention during class because she doodles or thinks about different stuff.Beside that, she has the cultural knowledge of a toddler wym she couldn’t even name one fricking painter like what the f?
// Referring to the first one:
Perhaps Shu's route was the first to be written, because Cordelia, who is a major character in the HDB plot, edit: only appears in the after story for a short time, and the writer most likely went with the flow and didn't add too much lore because it had nothing to do with Cordelia. After his route, they probably wanted to give Yui a proper backstory and added: dead orphan child with an implanted demon heart given to a vampire hunter who fled to Japan not to be caught, in order to fit the whole plot. It's also possible that the writer didn't read the other routes before. I mean, I can't blame them entirely, given that those details were largely irrelevant in Shu’s route and weren't presented as lore as they were in Laito's and Reiji's routes. However, yes, it was a mistake. Shu's HDB route had a slew of errors in general, such as in Ecstasy 3, where Yui mentions Shu's heartbeat, despite the fact that vampires don't have one, haha.
Referring to the second one:
It's fine to like the silly Tokutens, but you shouldn't take them too seriously. They present funny and plot-twisty scenarios to generate laughter, such as when both Kou and Subaru entered an ikemen contest, but Shu won despite the fact that he wasn't even registered. xD They can be very OOC, as I doubt Subaru would ever participate in such a superficial activity, but as I said, they're just for fun. In terms of Yui being a bad student, I wouldn't necessarily label her as such. Sure, she gets some low scores, and I also recall the scenes you mentioned, as well as one in which it is revealed that her physics exam was a disaster, and another one where Ruki threw shade at her for getting a bad grade on the foreign language exam. Nonetheless, I believe she is simply not good at that kind of subjects, maybe she’s good at something else. I guess it’s already obvious that Yui catches things pretty slowly, since her learning ability isn't exactly the best, so it's no surprise that she asks for help and has to study harder and longer in order to show good results. I still consider her a good student though; I don't mind that her grades aren't good all the time; she still tries to study and to complete her assignments even if they're wrong, doesn't like skipping, and takes her school duties seriously; she's exactly what I'd call a conscientious student, to be honest. I can't defend her on the painter thingy though, that was the bare minimum, but again, Yui doesn't have much knowledge in general other than what’s common so… it can’t be helped. :P
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im-immortal · 5 months
author interview
i was tagged by @galadrieljones and @pipergirl17 (two of my favorite fic authors, thank you both so much!!) pretty sure i've done this before, probably like a year or two ago, but hey, some things have changed and it's fun :) happy new year!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
The Walking Dead - Beth Greene/Daryl Dixon
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Don't Make Me Haunt You
risk it all
Longer Than A Heartbeat
Breathe. Please.
5. do you respond to comments?
yes! i try to respond to every comment, though sometimes i get lazy. i want to make sure everyone knows that i read and appreciate their comments and the time they took to leave feedback!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
well that's tough lmao according to @pipergirl17, it's Lunacy Fringe, but i think the ending of The Crow's Song is probably the angstiest. (or maybe the ending of thirsty lol)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably any of my holiday fics. When The Clock Strikes 12 and A Kiss For A Drink. Longer Than A Heartbeat has a pretty happy ending, too
8. do you get hate on fics?
i have, but not recently. and it wasn't even hate on the specific fic, just hate on me as a person for being unable to finish things or unable to finish them in a satisfying way lmao which is... fair tbh.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
yes. the dirty, raunchy, graphic kind.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
nah. i can't get into crossovers.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
yes, weirdly enough. it was way back in my iCarly days, a smut fic called Measured Rumors on FFN. someone copied+pasted it under a different title and i didn't even know until a couple of people told me. they reported it as stolen and it was taken down pretty quickly.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
not yet, but someone did ask for permission to translate one of my fics a year or two ago. idk if they're still doing it or not lol
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i started co-writing a fic with @courtneyshortney82 years ago, but other stuff happened and it fell to the wayside. we may need to pick it back up sometime!
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
Beth & Daryl. duh.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Crossing Galaxies :(
16. what are your writing strengths?
scene descriptions and dialogue, i think. i’m also pretty proud of some of the more original ideas i get and how i can be very inventive and creative when the mood strikes me.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
oh god, where do i begin... probably action sequences, pacing, getting too wordy, FINISHING WHAT I START. though there are many others for sure.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i try not to!! i'm chronically monolingual and google translate is not always reliable. if i have to, i'll do the speech in italics and then put "they said in (language that is not english)" lol
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Green Day RPF lmao
20. favourite fic you've written?
this is so hard!! i can't pick just one, it's a tie between Longer Than A Heartbeat, In Toto Corde, and Don't Make Me Haunt You.
tagging: @courtneyshortney82 @weapon13whitefang @mistressheroine @spield @deerdens @xx-cherryballerina (sorry if you've already been tagged!!) and also, anyone else who sees this and thinks it looks fun :)
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calamity-aims · 8 months
20 questions!
thanks for the tags @gaeasun @saltsanford @purgetrooperfox <3 love you guys
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
238,592 (ooh I'mma celebrate when I hit a quarter million)
What fandoms do you write for?
mostly Star Wars! I wrote fic for some other fandoms early on but we don't talk about those
What are your top five fics by kudos?
your heartbeat's a countdown - crack fic in which the Jedi know the clones are a trap and try to avoid them at all costs
Necessary - a whumpy Voltron Klance fic I wrote after the first season (before the show went to hell)
their days are darker - in which Wolffe doesn't know how to drop anything and Fox is having the worst two days of his life
the broken-hearted rang their steeple bells - tropey Witcher kinkmeme fill that for some baffling reason has tons of kudos
exploitation, hesitation - short oneshot in which Fox assumes General Kenobi is just like his natborn superior officers and reacts accordingly
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to reply to every single one (unless it was just emojis) but then I fell off and now I feel bad :( I read them all though! and they are so treasured! one day I will make it through the backlog
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ooh see despite writing a lot of angst, I almost always write happy endings, so maybe I'll take no gold, I'll take no silver (please read the tags on that one). maybe spit some blood at the camera is pretty sad too, actually
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of them!! yayyyy! even if it's not spelled out, I usually resolve things because that's the world I want to live in! every fic is a fix-it fic
Do you get hate on fics?
not really, mostly just people asking when I'm going to finish, although I have seen people complaining that my version of Fox/Corries is banal and overdone which like yeah. I agree. but my brain won't let me move on.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
hell yeah I do! I don't know what "what kind" means - I write characters fucking, never x reader and rarely OCs; and it's usually somewhat kinky because I just can't not
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written a few fusions/AUs - elysium is as far as to is a Gladiator AU, everyone wants a double feature is a Pacific Rim AU, and more human than human is a Bladerunner AU. but I've never done a straight-up crossover, although there are a few bouncing around in my brain (namely, the GAR joins the Decepticons and another where Boromir meets Rex and falls in love)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah I've had real problems with people plagiarizing fics, from lifting whole sections of dialogue to copying really specific scenes
Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope, but one got a podfic
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
yeah I cowrote hold me like a grudge and sometimes a parrot talks (unfinished) with the fabulous @postapocalyptic-cryptic!
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
oh man. I love Quinlan/Fox to death. but I will admit that I was Stucky trash from the very beginning.
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
ooh there's a lot. Mace/Fox fic, sometimes a parrot talks, deaged Corries, chroma...
What are your writing strengths?
hm. I don't know. I think I'm good at characterization and dialogue?
What are your writing weaknesses?
fukcin plot beyond "there is hurt and then there is comfort". and also explaining more about people's emotions, like, I know what they're feeling but I need to tell other people
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I just use google translate, I'm sorry
First fandom you wrote for?
oh boy oh fuck. The first fandom I ever wrote for was Phantom of the Opera when I was in eighth grade. go ahead and laugh
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
uhhh. aaa? um. probably unexplain the unforgivable, but I also really liked how a once and future sun turned out
no pressure tags for @postapocalyptic-cryptic @meerlichtz @milfmisspiggy @catboydogma @jaigeye
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alicehattera03 · 9 months
I come with theories this time!
You died. But hey! You were lucky and some Goddess took pity on your soul and stuffed it into the body of the still unborn Athanasia de Alger Obelia. Oh and you have no Idea if this new world follows the book, the manwha, or some fanfiction.
How would you cope? Would you run away like Athy tried at the beginning? Would you crave your new dads attention and try to win his love? Would you start a revolution? Follow Aetherntrash? Give Jeanette the throne and be her shadow? Fall in Love with somebody? (Our Male Protagonist or even the reclusive wizard? Or find a new love not being known to you?) Would you even be able to see them as people? Not just characters you loved and liked to read about? How would you cope being an older soul in a younger body?
How would you rule if you tried the Empress Route and sit someday on your golden throne? How would you manage?
Just...general stuff I am really interested about because of what you write normally and what you would do personally would differ I guess.
Love and hoping the heat didnt grill you yet because here its only a few grades away :(
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Hello dearest!!!
And - I WHAT NOW!?!
[AliceHatter has died.]
Ah, shit. Here we go again. 💀
Ahahaha okok well, this is something new. Considering, I've never really thought about what it'd be like if I was actually Athy, cause well, hmm...idk really, I guess I just never really thought about me personally, so this will be interesting. Also, pls goddess, let it NOT be my fics because good god, that is hell on earth whew.
How would I cope?
Well, humans are by nature very adaptable(whether that's good or bad idk lol) so I'd probably get used to not having wifi and throw myself into studying for some validation and probably ways to get rid of black magic lmao
Would you run away like Athy tried at the beginning?
I wouldn't run away, but I'd probably try to kms when I'm able to walk after being born because hello, there are no phones, no laptops, no wifi!!! What do I do for entertainment when I run out of books!!?!?
Would you crave your new dads attention and try to win his love?
Considering I tried to kms when I was just a baby, maybe at some very early point Claude would get interested and keep me at his side just to keep watch over what I do and in turn, starts saving me from the brink of death?? Maybe around then, I'd start to get attached to him and try to attract his attention by acting older than a baby...maybe like those FLs who act like geniuses at a young age when they're actually reincarnated(wow that sounds awful when I write it out but hey, it's a solid idea)
Would you start a revolution? Follow Aetherntrash?
To the first, probably not? I'd make lots of alliances with foreign countries and within Obelia itself just in case but I'd want Claude to still rule cause I'd be legitimate that way. Plus, he IS the strongest emperor ever, so...as long as I can figure out how to get rid of the black magic, he's a safer bet than Aeternitas who would get rid of me in a heartbeat so he can sit on the throne himself. So in answer to the second, hell nah, he can go fuck himself or Roger lololol Athy will- I mean, I will find a way to intercept his plans, probably from the debutante.
Give Jeanette the throne and be her shadow?
WHAT- I mean, ok, that's a reasonable option, but in the world where I wouldn't know which plot the world is following, I wouldn't know for sure until I meet her, but even still, a very high probability of no. I wouldn't hate her if she's the WMMAP version but if she's the novel version, ugh. If she's a fanfic version...depends on who she's written by. If she's by me, except for very few, I wouldn't like that at all...if she's written by someone who loves her dearly(which means they hate me...) then I'd die, so I'd rather just keep my distance and send her and Roger packing.
Fall in Love with somebody? (Our Male Protagonist or even the reclusive wizard? Or find a new love not being known to you?
Oooh, I'd love to fall in love with somebody. The question is, would they fall in love with me? Or the version I present as my version of Athy? If I acted like the lovable and intelligent Athanasia, thousands would fall, but if I acted like me and the way I want to portray her as I wanted her to be: stronger, harsher, an heir with an iron fist just like her father- would they be able to fall in love? Anyways, leaving those existential questions for when I actually get isekai-d lmao I wouldn't fall in love with Lucas. Unfortunate ahaha but I'd love to have him as an ally. Ijekiel on the other hand...I was pushing for Athy to end up with him, so he'd be a strong contender. If someone else comes into the picture, I wouldn't mind as long as they have the qualities of: a high rank that is near or matches Athy's, appearance-wise doesn't look like a squid next to her, and is intelligent enough to keep up with her conversations.
Would you even be able to see them as people? Not just characters you loved and liked to read about?
That's a real question...I think for a long while, I wouldn't be able to see them as anything but words on a page. Descriptors that I used to write, strokes of a pen across a tablet screen, I would feel their warmth and even look in the mirror and think, this world feels amazingly real. Would it even register to me that it was, in fact, now my reality? That they were, in fact, tangible people that could laugh, cry, love and die? It would be inevitable that I would find them to be people, but I think it'd be a long road to get there.
How would you cope being an older soul in a younger body?
AHAHAHA depends~ am I an older soul in the first place?? But if we're going off that I was older when I died and got stuffed into Athy's body, I'd use it as well as I could- plus be happy at restarting life lmao. Using all the knowledge I had from my previous life to prepare for my later years instead of learning the basics from scratch. I'd probably go as Athy did, learning new languages and studying early on, I have to make sure I don't act like a useless pawn but a useful heir. I'd also, frankly be annoyed at having to act like a child in a child's body so I'd do away with that and just have people get creeped out by how adult-like I act. Tell them to deal with it, I've got no time for their feelings ahaha
How would you rule if you tried the Empress Route and sit someday on your golden throne? How would you manage?
If I really did go into Athy's body, there would be no other route other than the Empress route imo. I don't have the patience or the large heart to let anyone else take the throne other than Athy. In my eyes, she's always been the one who deserved it the most after Claude, so I'd do anything and everything in my power to make sure she sits on it. Well...that I sit on it. I'd rule with generosity to those who help the weak out of the goodness of their hearts, rule with bared fangs at those who dared to overstep. I'd hope to be a ruler that would go down as being great rather than a powerless coward, but not as a bloodthirsty tyrant. I'd keep Obelia the same size, maybe expand, just a little, being too greedy was the downfall of many Emperors. Increase the networks by sea to increase trade itself, travel to widen my horizons.
Managing though....eek. I hate the idea of managing all those territories and worrying about people coming to assassinate me in the middle of the night + all the political jargon I'll have to learn and assimilate into every meeting with the nobility + having to do so much work...I'll probably make Claude and Ijekiel pull their weight and help me out while I pick out at least one secretary to help me for a while. Maybe my obstinateness will never let me pass the work onto someone else, my pride will get in the way? There goes my lazy days 😭
All in all, I do hope this was alright in terms of an answer-! It was very hard knowing that I was the one doing this and not Athy- at least a version of Athy- but I stopped cringing halfway because I had forgotten how fun it was to imagine myself in situations instead of a character. So, thank you, lovely for the wonderful, wonderful, ask!!! 🥰
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I hope it's okay for me to send another ask for fab Friday. Lots has happened that I'm so proud and excited about and want to ramble briefly about.
So I started this trilogy a couple years ago called The Fall of the Sirens. They're novellas. I've been stuck on the 2nd novella for a WHILE but decided to go ahead and try again, which resulted in me finally completing it!! So I just have the 3rd novella to write the first draft for which is SO EXCITING because Sirens are my favorite mythological creatures and this trilogy was my first siren-based project I ever started... and the 3rd book has concepts in it I've been DYING to delve into including FINALLY revealing the race of beings that show up in the War of the Seafolk, which is the name of book 3.
I'm also hoping to publish these works when they're done-done.
I also have written some for the chinchilla prince concept I spoke of but it's been really difficult for me because my concepts for that series are rather complex and I haven't read children's picture books in so long and don't have childten.... so I'm struggling with the actual content of the books /:
Anyway! That's me the last couple weeks. I hope you're well! 🥰🥰
Thank you again for running Fab Friday. You already know what a huge fan I am of it by now but seriously what you're doing is so wonderful and I appreciate you so much 🥰🥰
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I'M SO HERE FOR A SIREN TRILOGY!!! I would read that in a HEARTBEAT! I'm so glad you worked through that speed bump and FINISHED your novella! AND you're onto book three!! Go go go!! :)
I hope the chinchilla prince works itself out and goes a bit more smoothly for you! Maybe you could raid the picture book section at your library for ideas???
Or maybe it just needs a little rest like your novella did and you'll be bursting with ideas again! 💜
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z-h-i-e · 1 year
It's My Slashy Valentine round-up time. Here's the three new stories I have gifted to specific individuals through the magic of MSV, but also, are out there in the world for all to enjoy.
The New Shadow: Chapter Two Saelon/Herumor
Thirst Fëanor/Melkor
Orchidelirium Finrod/Glorfindel
If you'd like to know more about each, like how each one came to be crafted and silly notes from me, keep reading:
First up: The New Shadow: Chapter Two
I like to pride myself in my swift turnaround times; this, to my knowledge, was the first submitted of anything for the exchange this year, written at the end of last year after a lot of consultation with things I hadn't read in over a decade. I still remember the picnic table I sat at when I would have read these bits of the histories, but I digress. Tolkien envisioned a sequel to The Lord of the Rings, but stopped after rougly the first chapter, when it came to his attention it would be dark--like, cults and dark lord summoning dark--and he shelved it.
Every good chapter deserves a second chapter.
This piece goes into exactly what it was that happened to the missing sailors, what Saelon was up to, who the heck is Herumor, and why Borlas would have been better off if he had stayed at home. If you're looking for fluff this Valentine's Day--this is not the fic you're looking for. But if hot post-murder sex in the same room as the corpse is your jam, this is it. (With thanks to AnnEllspethRaven for betaing during the holidays so that I could get this up by the first of the year.)
Ever watch The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs? If this fic was a film, it would be featured there. Probably. Actually, maybe not, most of those films have a lot of boobies and this does not have those because slash, but… anyhow. Remember that time I wrote the Werewelf!Finrod Choose Your Own Adventure, and people thought that was dark? It definitely has a friend now. And this is that friend. Which would sacrifice that fic to Sauron in a heartbeat if this new fic thought it would bring the dark lord back. All this to say, if you squick easy, keep scrolling, and if this is intriguing, then come on down to the murder shack today!
Next piece: Thirst
This pinch hit came in right after I had recovered enough from the one-two punch of covid and bronchitis to get back to upright and writing again. There were a couple of options, but the idea of putting Fëanor and Melkor together was too interesting not to try. The summary is a good explanation of what you'll find here.
An Elda and an Ainu walk into a bar…and eventually stroll out into the back alley for canoodling. No on-screen sex, just a lot of banter about what they're going to do (or not going to do) or did do later. Because these two are 0% shy about that discussion at the pub.
There's a barmaid OC in this one who I simply must invite to another fic in the future. I also have to give a shoutout to cílil, because my usual betas were all busy when I got this one finished, and I had to do that thing where you post in a beta channel on discord and then cross your fingers and try not to look back every five minutes and start to think you're just going to have to volley it out into the world with potential typos. Much appreciation on the beta read!
This selection reads a little like a couple of D&D adventurers at a bar, mainly because I used D&D generators to get the right feel for the place, so I guess they were two D&D adventurers in a way. And like so many D&D adventures I've DMed, two characters ended up in an alley for adult funsies (and yet, I didn't make these two roll for it; I was feeling generous).
Last but not least: Orchidelirium
This is not the fic I intended to write. There's actually the start of a much, much different Glorfindel/Finrod fic, where Finrod and Glorfindel fall in love right before Glorfindel heads back to Middle-earth, and then Finrod pines and worries in Valinor and lives on the couch in Angrod and Eldalótë's house. But that story ended up being this oversized plot bunny of far too many chapters, and then the other night when I was trying to figure out how to dig myself out of the rabbit hole I was in, Fila told me about orchidelirium, this historical mania over orchids that happened during the Victorian era. Jokingly, I started to freeform brainstorm ideas on how this would translate to Middle-earth, and who would be involved, and Orchidelirium was born, with a very different premise.
In this story, Finrod has been growing and selling orchids, and is the president of a fancy orchid society. Glorfindel shows up back in Valinor, and brings his collection of orchids along, which are basically his flower bebes. Promptly, Finrod steps in and tries to buy them all, ala Cruella Devil ("I simply MUST have those orchids!" And now imagine Finrod in a long, fabulous fur coat smoking a long cigarette--it's not that hard). Galadriel is the VOICE OF REASON (tm), Saeros is THE VILLAGE JERKFACE (tm), and cameos by a handful of others in a Fëanorian free fanfic (try saying that five times fast). Also, the best sex I've written in a while. It's two old elves with nothing to lose, and a business venture that would make that one Fëanorian in the middle jealous, guided by AnnEllspethRaven's ability to beta and keep me from falling off the deck when writing ship lingo at the same time.
And behind every speedy writer, there's probably some cheerleaders, so the help from lferion, Ann, Fila, Smaug, and Red to keep me on task and motivated through what was the worst January in a long time helped immensely. <3
Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!
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amazing-spiderling · 2 years
for the fic reader game: 👶🏻❤️‍🔥🥰🍭💔
👶🏻 First fic you remember reading?
It's hard for me to pinpoint exactly the first, mostly because it's been //checks watch// well over twenty years. Also there's a little fuzziness on the order of events, but I can get in the ballpark. The summer before my freshman year of high school I went to a sci-fi convention with a friend. I didn't have a ton of spending money, but I bought a spiral bound zine, which turned out to be a bound copy of someone's Quantum Leap fanfiction. Thing is, I know I didn't read it immediately, so I may not have read it until much later at which point I know I had read a lot of Sailor Moon fic. The first one of those I remember reading was basically the events of the "Doom Tree Saga" (the part of Sailor Moon R made specifically for the anime) except told from Darien/Mamoru's perspective. It was pretty laden with "misunderstandings" and mutual pining (with a dose of amnesia and all those other tropes that are so common to Sailor Moon) and I think maybe they got to kiss like once in the whole story. I printed it out (with some others) and kept it in a binder for future reading.
❤️‍🔥 Your favorite fic with a ship you have?
Can anyone truly have ONE favorite fic? is it not enough to have a library of favorites that you browse and settle into depending on your mood and whims?
Maybe, but I think if I HAVE to pick a favorite it's a Spideypool story called, "you grow old and you lose touch" in which Peter Parker adopts a young Miles after the boy gets stranded in his dimension. What follows is a great found family fic that has Peter growing up just as much as Miles is, while also strengthening his friendship (and eventually romantic relationship) with Wade. It is SO sweet and feels in character while simultaneously being better than anything Marvel could dare to put out, and I can't recommend it enough.
🥰 Your comfort fics that you can re-read several times and still love them?
For MGS (Snake/Otacon) the fic I came back to over and over again was "Sleep Cycle" which is a story about Hal having long bouts of insomnia and Snake helping him sleep by sharing a bed and letting him listen to his heartbeat. It's a 6 chapter medium burn (they're mostly just saving-the-world associates when it begins more than friends, even) but it was a story I could lose myself in when I was having trouble sleeping and it always helped me nod off. I think this can only be found by digging through the Wayback Machine archives, which has taught me the importance of saving backups of favorites.
Matt/Foggy has become a fantastic comfort ship for me so it's hard for me to pick just one, but "Weatherproofing" is another cozy one for similar reasons, with the added benefit of a cold and rainy setting. It's just easy to imagine that feeling of coming into a warm place after being chilled to the bone and slowly feeling the pain and cold seep out of your body.
For Spideypool, it's maybe not quite the same kind of comfort, but "We Give and We Give" is the story I read when I feel utterly wrung out by life and want to feel like someone cares that I'm trying my best and is willing to cut me a little slack so I can recover. If there's a character trait I superimpose on my faves it's "trying too hard and burning out" and this one gives me that "it's okay to chill out" vibe I need sometimes.
🍭 Favorite fic trope?
Same as when writing, mutual pining with that hurt/comfort vibe. The hurt can be part of the pining. >:)
💔 The angstiest fic you ever read?
HANDS DOWN it's "Repeat to Fade" which is another Snake/Otacon story. This one has so much going for it. Aside from being beautifully written in a dreamy way that carries you along the surreal chain of events, it is an utterly tragic story that combines a doomed romance with the trappings of an AI story. The short version is that Snake wakes up in a world he knows is simulated (and takes a lot of notes from the dueling scenery of Utena) and is forced to kill Otacon (again, in the real world mostly just a partner in world-saving-crime) over and over again. It becomes more and more difficult to do so, both as the AI learns how to fight and as he grows this wary appreciation for the virtual personality. I made the mistake of reading this one in a coffee shop and ended up crying over pastries. But at least I had pastries there, so it wasn't all bad.
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newwavesailor · 3 months
Happy 40th to the Cars' Heartbeat City!
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Hey all, just to put it out there, I will go back to posting about KOSA soon. I just wanted to take a moment to talk about one of my favorite albums, which is turning the big four-zero this year.
Everybody has that album. You know the one. The one that resonates with you, really hits you in a special place and makes you want to re-experience it over and over again.
For me, The Cars' 1984 offering Heartbeat City is that album.
The Cars are certainly a favorite of mine. In fact, they're probably my favorite full stop. Much of my look is based on that of Ric Ocasek and Benjamin Orr. That is, if I can dress like them, and more often than not I just pull what's clean.
Growing up with my mother's taste in music, I was exposed to a lot of 70's and 80's new wave music, and I loved it. (I think it's part of my username?) However, in a weird twist of events, I originally hated the Cars. I thought the song "My Best Friend's Girl" was one of the most annoying songs ever written. However, as time went on, and as I started actively listening to them, I grew to appreciate them immensely. My mom had a similar experience with Duran Duran.
One day at the record store, my dad (who knew I loved the Cars) plucked a scuffed-up copy of Heartbeat City from the racks. Though I was a little turned off by the rather risque-looking album cover (I wouldn't even touch a copy of Candy-O at the time) I eventually bit the bullet and bought it, as my first Cars album.
Yes, you read that correctly. While I had heard stand-alone songs from them in the past, including some from Heartbeat, this was my first full-length drive. And I was in love.
Being a synth pop fan, I swooned over this album. If I didn't know what album to listen to, I put this one on, and it always calmed my nerves. "Magic" was akin to a fairy-tale to me; listening to it felt like being whisked away to a magical place, a pool-party in the skies.
"You Might Think" was already a familiar to me, and was the album's big single. But not the biggest one -- That goes to "Drive", the album's signature ballad, and probably the second-most popular Cars song behind "Just What I Needed"
In a way, this album was just what I needed. It was what really kicked off my fascination with the Cars. People love to talk about their 1978 self-titled album like it was the stuff of legends, but in my personal opinion, Heartbeat City was a magnum opus that nothing afterwards could possibly measure up to.
Happy fortieth to Heartbeat, and happy twentieth to me real soon.
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
Now People Are Mad About Pink Floyd’s New ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ Anniversary Logo
Lauryn SchaffnerPublished: January 20, 2023
Every now and then, we see something that makes us scratch our heads and question our existence, and then feel the need to share it with you. Now, people are mad about Pink Floyd's new social media logo, which commemorates the 50th anniversary of The Dark Side of the Moon, because it has a rainbow in it.
Spoiler alert — the cover of The Dark Side of the Moon, which came out in 1973, also has a rainbow on it.
Pink Floyd officially confirmed a box set for the 50th anniversary of The Dark Side of the Moon yesterday, which will be available March 24 (see more details here). Thus, the banner on their Facebook page has been updated with a quote that reads, "50 years in a heartbeat," and next to it is a revamped logo of the album.
The original album work features a prism with a beam of light entering it through the left side, and dispersing the light out as a rainbow on the right, though it's missing the indigo color included in a traditional ROYGBIV rainbow. It's one of the most identifiable album covers in music history.
The cover art was designed by Storm Thorgerson, who worked on several other Pink Floyd album covers as well. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Thorgerson explained that the light and the prism were supposed to represent the light show that was part of Pink Floyd's concerts.
"They hadn’t really celebrated their light show. That was one thing. The other thing was the triangle. I think the triangle, which is a symbol of thought and ambition, was very much a subject of Roger [Waters]’ lyrics. So the triangle was a very a useful – as we know, obviously – was a very useful icon to deploy and making it into the prism – you know, the prism belonged to the Floyd," he said.
The 50th anniversary logo features the band's name above a prism that has the number 50 in the center of it, and the 0 in 50 has the same indigo-less rainbow in it, with The Dark Side of the Moon written underneath. The prism with the rainbow 50 is now the band's logo on all of their socials — which is just symbolic of the legendary album's anniversary.
But, of course, people always need to find something to be mad about, so they're yelling at Pink Floyd for having a rainbow in their logo because they think it has some sort of underlying social message behind it — the rainbow flag is a symbol of the LGBTQ community.
"Yeah, cuz I always hear Pink Floyd fans saying 'I wish Pink Floyd was more gay,'" one person commented on the Facebook picture.
"After seeing this logo I will not buy the reissue," someone else said.
We don't need to say how we feel about these remarks, though. Enough people have sarcastically spoken our minds in the comment section.
"Good job Pink. You just lost another fan," someone said. "I have been listening to this album for the past 50 years since I picked it up at my local record store for 50 cents. I just happened to never look at the album cover."
"Oh my God... Pink Floyd is triggering the hell out of the homophobes without intentionally (or maybe they are?) doing it and it is GLORIOUS," wrote another.
Also, even if Pink Floyd did have an underlying message behind the rainbow in the new logo... have you ever listened to their lyrics? It's like when people were mad when members of Rage Against the Machine made political statements online.
Happy Friday, everyone!
Rock + Metal Songs With Social Messages
Music has the power to move people. It also has the power to move them to action.
Sent from my iPhone
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divinesouldariax · 2 years
29 for ao3 wrapped? i’ve definitely read some banger passages from you, would love to see what your favs are
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
(Send me more of these?)
Ohhh man this was hard, I don't think I can limit it to just one fdkjshfkjd but here goes:
Probably if I had to pick my absolute favorite, it would be the ending of chapter 1 of the days may be long:
This kind of messy, clumsy, earnest love wasn’t something written about in books or in the songs of the bards that Dorian had seen perform when he was younger. Nobody had told him about the way that nearly dying felt cold, or that you could love a person who came from a different world without needing to understand the way they worked, or that a friend’s grief could hurt worse than a knife in your back. Being an adventurer probably was about killing dragons and casting spells and great romances sometimes. It was also about shivering by the side of the road and ruining clothes with blood and spilling mugs of overly-sweet tea and paying too much for a single room in an inn because of a desperate need for some safety and comfort.
Dorian wouldn’t exchange this for the grandiosity of storybook adventure. Not for anything. Not for the world.
Also this paragraph from chapter 5 of pick up the glass:
Their exhausted mind is half delirious and they get a little poetic. They're gilding Ashton, taking someone already beautiful and valuable and repairing them when they break with gold, with something precious. When Milo can't find any cracks left to fill, they drag over a chair and kneel in it next to Ashton's head, stroke one finger along the wide vein of gold running diagonally across their forehead. "Never really thought much about art until you came along," they whisper. "Now look at me. I think you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever worked on.”
And this line from Chetney in Between Heartbeats:
"That's exactly how it feels to lose somebody--everybody feels it, everybody knows it, and it's always the worst thing anybody has ever gone through, like it's the very first time there's ever been grief, every time. Brand fucking new. Every time. You've still got a chance, a good chance, that you'll get your Laudna back. We're gonna do everything we can. But right now, she isn't here, and you're scared and sad and it's the worst fucking day of your life, and it's gonna be the worst fucking day of your life no matter what anybody does. But you're not alone. You're not alone. And that's better."
And (I'm almost done, I swear) every part in the path we walk where Orym is thinking about translations from Halfling to Common, but especially:
The Halfling word didn’t quite mean unhappy, but that was the easiest way to translate it in a single word. It was more like…mired in dark thoughts and complicated emotions, in need of clarity or comfort. [...] “I’m just…lost right now,” he told her. That didn’t translate directly, either. It wasn’t just lost, it was more like small. Unsure where to go in the world or in a conversation that felt too big. Without a point of reference with which to stay tethered.
Also from the path we walk, but a chapter that hasn't been posted yet, have a single sentence:
The picnic, like all picnics with friends you were about to lose, ended much too soon.
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