#which is a whole other opinion in itself that i won’t get into <3
plinkcat-gif · 2 years
OBKK IS A SMALL SHIP?? i mean there aren’t a Ton of people who ship it but i feel like there’s still a substantial amount
yeah on tumblr at least </33 ik it’s more popular on twitter and stuff but i don’t think twitter would be a good app for me and tbh. i don’t really like any other social media shdjksjsjd
also just. not gonna get into it bc ewwww opinion put it away but there isn’t a whole lot of fresh and new content for me to consume. personally. like within my very obscure interests that i recognize are obscure and stuff jdjskajajdj
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 months
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Ronance; childhood friends; Barb Holland haunts the narrative; S1-2 AU; grief/mourning; 3.4k Written for @strangerthingsfemslash week day 1: different first meeting read day 2: women over thirty read day 3: secret relationship
Nancy technically meets her before she meets Barb, but the two events are inseparable in her memory. 
It all happens the same day, after all, five years old and being dropped off at a Summer day camp on the Hawkins High grounds because her mother is all ballooned up and wobbling with the little brother that’s already claimed the attention Nancy has gotten used to dominating. 
The day camp itself isn’t big because Hawkins isn’t either, but Nancy gets put in a room with the other first-graders-to-be and some teenager who seems infinitely old and wise from behind Nancy’s big round eyes and it feels big. She’s never spent all that much time with kids her own age before, not having made any proper friends in kindergarten and living in a house where day care was considered shameful since it meant Karen Wheeler wasn’t doing her job as a stay at home mom. 
This room is only kids her own age, though. A grand total of ten of them split into pairs of two and that’s when Nancy meets Robin, that’s why she technically meets her first. 
They’re declared buddies by the teenage girl in charge and told to stick together for the whole week they’ll spend here doing activities and playing games, and Nancy doesn’t know how to talk to kids her same age, but Robin doesn’t seem to have the same issue. 
She’s babbling about a book her mom is reading to her at bedtimes within the same second they’re turned loose with coloring pages and crayons, turning the leaves of a tree pink and orange and saving the green for the trunk. 
She’s got dirty blonde hair tied into two pigtails hanging over her shoulders and with pieces sticking out at the sides, but Nancy’s smart enough to know that just because a little girl talks to you doesn’t mean she wants to be your friend. 
It’s why she doesn’t talk much back, in those first five minutes before their lives are set on a path towards tragedy, because she isn’t sure how and she isn’t sure it’s worth it and she, generally speaking, isn’t sure. 
Five minutes. Nancy meets Robin first, in all technicality, and they might not have even been friends if it weren’t for a little redhead coming in and disrupting the even numbers as her frazzled mother apologizes for their lateness and—
Nancy meets Robin first, but it’s Barb that makes them what they are. 
She’s got these glasses that are too big for her face but just the right size for her attitude, all opinions and snark wrapped up in a little pink dress and white sneakers. They’re deemed the group of three in a class of pairs just by chance, just by the wave of a teenager’s hand making a decision that she’ll never think twice about but which will change all of their lives forever and which will— which will one day—
“Trees don’t look like that, you know,” Barb says as she peers over Robin’s shoulder, sitting up on her knees in the seat of the chair so she’s the tallest of them all. 
“Yeah, but I like it,” Robin responds simply, not an ounce of self-consciousness and not even an inkling that her feelings are hurt. 
“Okay,” Barb shrugs, like it’s easy as that, and then turns her attention across the small desk to Nancy. “Can I use your green?” 
Nancy hasn’t ever spent much time around girls her own age. Mostly they call her weird because she stares too much with eyes too big for her little face; mostly they don’t notice her at all because she doesn’t speak unless spoken too; mostly it’s her and her mom, but even that won’t last much longer, will it? 
Nancy stares at Barb across the table for a moment, so still in all this newness, but Barb doesn’t flinch. She just looks back at her expectantly, waiting for her question to be answered, waiting for Nancy to fill the empty space whenever she’s ready. 
“Here you go,” Nancy passes over her green crayon and Barb smiles. 
Robin tells them more about the book her mom is reading her at bedtimes. 
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By the time they reach middle school they’re not just inseparable, they’re impenetrable. A trio— no more and no less— and anyone who tries to break that down or build it up simply can’t.
There’s no space for anyone else, not in romps through the woods in search of fairies and not in their corner of the lunch room where they gossip and giggle and roll their eyes at each other as much as the world around them. 
There’s no space for anyone but the three of them, and Nancy loves it. She loves being a part of this thing with these girls, not having to worry about relating to anyone but them and not having to be anyone other than herself. 
Because they allow that of her, don’t they? They drag out the dorky bits of her that don’t read ladylike the way she’s supposed to be and when they tease her it is as wonderful as it is relentless. 
Nancy chases Robin on their bikes down the road to the Holland house and they stay up all night watching movies and pretending that their laughter really is quiet enough to go unheard from upstairs. 
They’re thirteen when Robin, sitting out on the rickety dock over Lover’s Lake, looks down at her two friends clinging to the edge and still panting from trying to push each other under, says that Gareth Watson wants to go to the movies with me. 
And Nancy knows that something is off, even if she can’t tell what. Just because there’s no space for anyone else in their little world doesn’t mean she doesn’t still hear the way other girls their age talk. 
Boys and crushes and getting asked to the Snow Ball, it’s not the galaxy the three of them make their homes within, but she hears it. She knows. 
She senses the tension in Robin’s shoulders more than she even sees it, and she’s five years old and staring again. Staring to the point of eyes stinging and staring with ears burning as Robin and Barb go back and forth about it. 
Do you want to go to the movies with Gareth?
He’s a nice guy.
But do you want to?
I want to go to the movies with you guys.
Nancy stares, and her breath comes in sharp at the admission. She pulls herself up out of the water and sits on the edge of the dock shoulder-to-shoulder with Robin. 
“Then we’ll go to the movies,” she says, a nudge and a thought about plans for husbands and picket fences and babies and—
Her parents have been fighting a lot lately. 
Her parents have always been fighting, in their perfect little house at the end of the cul-de-sac. 
“We’ll all go to the movies, right, Barb?” she looks down, sees the way Barb looks up at her and feels that same itching at her skin, that sense of difference that’s chased her from childhood through to this moment and onwards forever. 
“Right,” Barb says with a small smile. 
Something goes loose in Robin’s posture. 
Something else moves them closer to the tipping point. 
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Barb hates the idea of going to some party on a Tuesday night, but it’s Robin who hates the idea of Steve Harrington more specifically. 
It’s all is he even nice to you? with her. It’s all he’s a douchebag and do you know how he talks about girls? 
It’s all very vocal and it’s all very silly until it’s not and until it’s only two of them going to the Harrington house that night instead of all three. 
Nancy’s never gotten mad at Robin before, not like this anyway, not enough for them to split up like this, not go through what Nancy considers one of those teenage experiences they should be checking off together. 
“I could drive us to her place right now, you know,” Barb says from where they’re parked out on the street, Nancy changing out of one shirt and into a different, prettier one. 
“She didn’t want to come, Barbara.”
“Yeah, I wonder why, Nance!”
Barb doesn’t want to be here, but Nancy drags her along anyway. 
It’s Nancy who does it. 
It’s all Nancy. 
It will always have just been Nancy who brings Barb to that place and who lets all of her too-big feelings overflow past the flush of her skin and down the staircase to flatten her best friend for the second time in a day. 
It will always just be Nancy, trying to shake off all that sense of difference for one night, to just be normal, to be young and stupid. 
It will always be her fault, the blood that spills. 
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“Something is wrong, something is so wrong, and no one is listening— Robbie, no one hears me, I’m just trying, I know I— I made you so mad and I’m so sorry, but we have to— no one is listening to me—”
“Okay, come here, I hear you, I know,” Robin drags Nancy the rest of the way through her ground floor bedroom window, the whole trembling and hysterical mess of her, and grips her tight in her arms. 
There’s no easy way to say it, that Nancy had taken her eyes off their best friend and now she’s gone. She’d taken her eyes off of her and let a boy touch her and now Barb is gone, Barb is gone and so is her car and nothing makes sense. 
There’s no easy way to explain it except the string of half-coherent confessions that spill out of her and onto the shoulder of Robin’s shirt— my fault it’s my fault it’s my fault mine mine my fault mine—
Robin is still upset with her. She’s upset about all of it, but Nancy knows she’s upset with her, even as they stumble into Jonathan Byers’ orbit and through the woods and into Hell. There’s a set to Robin’s mouth in everything she says, to her shoulders in every move she makes, that tells Nancy she’s messed it all up. 
She’s separated the inseparable, she’s broken the impenetrable. 
She’s ruined everything and Barb is dead and she is shooting a gun and burning a monster alive and she is the worst person on the planet because when Will Byers comes home, there’s a not small part of her which hates him. 
Someone took their eyes off of him too, but here he is. 
Someone let him get lost, but they’ll never have to live with the burden of not finding him again. 
Nancy ruined everything. 
“I need to go home,” Robin tells her when it’s all said and done and the Feds have driven away and the battle is over. 
Her voice cracks and her eyes dart everywhere except Nancy’s face and there are tears in her throat, Nancy hears them. 
“I need to go,” she repeats, clears her throat, and snatches her bike off the ground. 
They don’t speak for a year. 
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She breaks Steve Harrington’s heart on Halloween and it feels like she’s dying. 
Her heart races too fast and her lungs don’t bring in enough air and she genuinely thinks this is the end, almost welcomes it, in fact. 
She breaks Steve Harrington’s heart and then before she knows it, she’s climbing through Robin’s bedroom window again. 
Crying again. 
Throwing up in a trash can, all stained in red, and passing out on her bed. 
It’s not that there hasn’t been space for words between them up until this point, but rather that there’s been too much of it. A whole person’s worth of emptiness too tender still to fill, but Nancy is drunk and she keeps hurting people in an effort to save herself and she doesn’t know that she can take it anymore— the unrelenting loneliness. 
She says as much, if in fewer and less coherent words, and Robin washes her face with a warm, damp washcloth on the floor of the bathroom before guiding her to bed and tucking them both between the twin-sized sheets. 
The space for words is massive, so impossible to breach. Nancy hopes that maybe the quiet and the dark and the surrealness of this moment might help cross that gap. 
I’m sorry. 
It’s not your fault, Nance. 
You can’t even look at me.
I don’t know how. 
To look at me?
To keep going. Without her. She didn’t even get a— a funeral, and I just. Don’t know how. 
A funeral. We need to give her a funeral. Her parents still think— they still believe—
I know. 
Robin, we have to give her a funeral. We have to prove that she’s…
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Nancy’s never been one for mystery novels, never cared for the chasing of a puzzle like this. 
It doesn’t come to her naturally, but because she chooses it. It comes to her in a desperate feat of searching, of putting herself in dangerous situations because it’s the only option left if they’re going to be able to lay Barb to rest and grieve her out loud. 
Nancy scrambles through the mess of it, dragging them to the Lab for a long-shot attempt at catching them in a lie, dragging them to Illinois and a man who looks between the two of them with a knowing glint to his eye and a comment about oh, we liked Steve but he’s not really our type, is he? 
She and Robin sleep in the same bed because they’re in a stranger’s house and because suddenly the gaping, wide-open space between them feels painful. A tender bruise they’re prodding at with watered-down justice for the girl who made them. 
Because Barb did, didn’t she? In so many ways it was Barb who was the glue to their little trio. It was her house where they made their memories, it was her games they played, it was her confidence they chased through the creek on hot Summer days. 
Who are they without her? For the past year they’ve been nothing, been separate, been lost, but now there’s a sense of newness here. The painful sort of realization that maybe they are their own thing without her. NancyAndRobin. An entity all its own in the wake of what’s been stolen from them. 
They sleep in the same bed and then they return to Hawkins and another fight for humanity already in progress and by the time it’s all over for the second time around… 
“I missed you,” Robin admits, sitting on the hood of Nancy’s station wagon because neither of them are ready to go home yet, even if neither of them has said as much. 
The sun is rising out over Sattler’s Quarry where they’ve parked and the town feels heavy in its quiet, laden with more death and more hurt all over again. Bob Newby is dead and Nancy can’t really feel the weight of it. A whole lot of people at the Lab are dead and she can’t find it in herself to feel sorry for them. 
They brought this to their town. They’re the only ones other than herself where she can push blame. 
“Please don’t leave again,” Nancy croaks, no tears in her eyes but plenty of hoarse aftermath caught in her throat. 
“I can’t— After the funeral, if I lose you again—” she shakes her head, staring out at the rise of the sun, the fog hanging low atop the ground. “I can’t do it. I can’t keep—”
It gets stuck, the rest of the sentence, or maybe it’s just halted by the sudden drop of Robin’s hand above Nancy’s knee. Her fingers are so long, a spindly thing from the day they met, and Nancy has watched her grow into them with dexterous pressing of keys on her trumpet for so long. 
The touch itself is small, a single point of contact, and yet catastrophic to Nancy’s psyche all the same. She thinks about the last time Robin touched her, about a year ago in the Byers’ living room and the smell of gunpowder clinging to her clothes. 
It’s been a year. 
Nancy is a collapsing star, curling in on herself with the force of it, and although Robin doesn’t say it with her words, she does stay. 
She wraps her arms more fully around Nancy and she stays until the sun is in the sky again. 
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On the day they bury an empty casket in the Hawkins Cemetery, Nancy laughs for the first time in over a year. 
A real laugh, no mask and no posturing, just genuine feeling spilling out of her body. 
There’s no closure here, not really, not when they can’t tell Barb’s parents what actually happened to her and not when Barb’s body will be forever lost to that terrible place, but something in Nancy snaps. 
In as good a way as snapping can go, probably. 
It’s like a piece of her settles in knowing that she did what she could, even if the grief isn’t remotely sated by the prospect. It’s like sitting down after too many hours spent on your feet, like release of tension, but maybe that’s just what it feels like when Robin holds her hand. 
They go out to Lover’s Lake when the service is done, when they’ve paid their respects and when they’ve had enough of curious and pitying looks shot at the girls who everyone knows knew her best. 
They sit at the end of the dock and pull their coats close around them against the cold of December, and although temperatures aren’t low enough for the lake to freeze, the water is frigid where it touches the tips of her fingers as she sets a tea light out to float. 
Nancy curls in close against Robin, sharing the warmth of bodies and watching orange flicker over the rippling surface of the water where they once made Summer days endless. 
You know there are weeds at the bottom that will wrap around your ankle and drag you under, right? Barb would tease at Nancy when they were ten, eleven, twelve. Little tentacles that’ll grab you! 
And then she’d push her weight against Nancy’s shoulders to dunk her in all of her squealing glory, Robin cackling from the dock before diving in to join. 
They don’t speak now, don’t tease, but Nancy wonders if Robin is thinking about it too. All the little comments Barb would make about their melancholy, all the pride she’d take in being missed so deeply. 
Nancy looks over, barely an inch between them, only to find Robin’s gaze already roaming across her curled-up form at the end of the dock. Her hands and wrists, her neck where her scarf comes loose, the undeniable pink of her nose and cheeks. 
Nancy watches her back, watches her focus travel, watches the winter-faded freckles on her cheeks glisten in the orange glow of an early sunset. 
She can’t help it, ultimately. Robin touches her again, but Nancy is greedy and Nancy needs more and she just needs to know, needs to test—
Robin tastes like the wind when Nancy kisses her, all cold and chapped. The surprised hum at the back of her throat is Nancy’s new favorite song and the fabric of her mitten where it comes up to cup at Nancy’s jaw is her favorite dance. 
She tastes like salt and she tastes like the little cheese cubes that they served with crackers at the wake and she tastes like the stuttering breath on Nancy’s own tongue as she pulls away quick after too-short a time. 
Robin looks at her still, watches her, but this time focused entirely on her eyes. Her lips are parted in stunned quiet and her eyebrows are pulled together all confused and sweet and wonderful. 
Nancy is filled with a fondness she can’t carry and she is overflowing with a loss she still knows is her own fault, no matter how many times Robin tries to tell her otherwise nowadays. 
Robin looks at her, still holding her face in one hand and hardly breathing. 
“Will you help me cut my hair short?”
On the day of her best friend’s funeral, Nancy Wheeler laughs. 
It doesn’t matter that she’s crying when she does. 
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seiberries · 1 year
Hello! Can I ask you for Rin, Reo, Nagi and Chigiri headcanons? How they'd react if they find out that their s/o is an amazing dancer (maybe something like k-pop girls group cover dance or something like this)? Thank you so much!
thanks for the request!! i like dancing, so this was fun to write! <3
blue lock boys: kpop cover dancer s/o hcs
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includes: chigiri hyoma, itoshi rin, mikage reo, nagi seishiro warnings: mild swearing!
chigiri hyoma
finds out as you film a cover in front of him, he smiles the whole time. you really were so amazing; he basically falls in love all over again.
the boy’s heart warmed, loving that you were enjoying yourself.
were you really his? it becomes one of the rare moments where chigiri is rendered speechless- no playful banter or snarky comments.
after the song finishes, the air is loud with claps from your boyfriend; his eyes showed all that he felt.
wants to learn from you, honestly. dancing requires a lot of focus and precision with how different body parts coordinate, so he asks about how you change your legs to go from once dance move to another.
there are concepts from dancing that he starts to utilize on the field.
while memorizing steps isn’t for him, he really enjoys doing just dance. it’s a competition that way, winner gets a wish from the loser.
oh, it’s so on.
itoshi rin
he’s really impressed, though he won’t express it out loud.
and that is because, rin... can’t really dance.
his body programmed itself to know football and football only, so he finds dancing very impressive.
the striker somehow finds you even more alluring than you already are, a silent pride fills his chest.
he catches himself humming the songs you dance to, they’re in a private playlist of his. it’s hidden, and he has to be alone to listen to it.
imagine the shit the other blue lock boys would give him for listening to TWICE, his image would be ruined. (in his opinion, he’d rather not hear shidou yap about it.)
you know about it though, it’s incredibly cute. his airpods disconnected, you heard cupid by FIFTY FIFTY play from his phone as he showered.
when he came out, a knowing look glossed your face- rin could practically hear your thoughts.
you yapping about it was okay, he’d much rather you than the antennae freak. (rin would probably return the broken nose to his teammate if it were the case.)
has multiple anonymous accounts to like your videos, and you have no idea about it. if anyone ever leaves a bad comment, rin is on their ass in dms.
the things he says to them would make even sae shiver.
mikage reo
reo insists to fund your covers, immediately.
the outfits you wear are suddenly the same as what the idols are styled with. the locations where you film at are reserved entirely for you, no distractions. even the filming process, which originally just consisted of you recording and editing- now involved a team of professionals.
he loves spoiling you.
i imagine that he likes to dance with you too, he’s very willing to learn choreography. multiple videos are uploaded with both of you dancing.
totally a natural too, his moves are fluid. dancing becomes a shared pastime for you two, he documents all of it to brag about how wonderful his s/o is.
his favorite concepts are refreshing ones, he listens to new jeans frequently. (hype boy and omg are his top songs!)
tell him your favorite group, he’ll have a private meet and greet arranged by the time their next comeback happens.
with a text from reo telling you to go downstairs, you’ll just be surprised to find your ult group sitting at your dining table.
nagi seishiro
the boy doesn’t understand how you can memorize so many movements, and then execute them after. it looks like so much work. (it is!)
when nagi watches you dance, he really watches. it’s like he takes note of every action you put out, his attention solely on you.
would ask a lot of questions, he’s interested in anything you’re interested in. he likes how you get excited over it.
genius-y as ever, he memorizes some of the choreos you learn in his head. he wouldn’t be opposed to doing some of the lower difficulty ones, it gets him many kisses as a reward.
your affection is more than enough of an incentive for him to get moving. but he’s exhausted after, so you better recognize his efforts!
cuddles are in session immediately after, he used up so much energy. (it was a thirty second tiktok.)
his teammates are in shock that you got him to move for something other than basic needs and football.
how do you do it?
the answer is simple- nagi seishiro loves you enough to “bust a move”, or two.
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ryuichirou · 2 months
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Anonymous asked:
I’m sorry you went through all that crap. I hope things are better for you. ):
Oh, if you’re talking about the situation from my past, then yeah, it’s much better now! Thank you so much for your concern <3 It is very sweet of you.
However, we do have a more serious situation on our hands right now, but I won’t go into details. This blog is for discussing the colour of Idia’s nipples, not this.
Speaking of which…
Anonymous asked:
I want to lick Idia’s chest. Apologies.
Quickly, Anon, Ortho is holding him just for you to lick! Ahh shoot he ran way…
Anonymous asked:
a lot of people tend to forget we’re asking you about /your/ hcs. and it’s perfectly ok if we disagree! what fun would the internet be without different opinions (the only valid hc is rook’s love language is stalking lol).
anyways who out of the cast do you think would own yaoi manga/doujins? personally i think idia would. maybe. if it’s physical/paper he can hide his naughty stuff from ortho and his mom…
Exactly! A lot of things influence the way people come up with ideas, this is such a complex thing, of course not everything is going to cater to everyone – this is simply impossible. Picking and choosing and reading stuff that interests you while avoiding things that annoy or hurt you is always the way to go.
(Rook’s love language is stalking, fuck yeah lol)
Oh, that’s a fun question. I feel like Idia would be the only one, and he would also probably have this excuse/explanation, like he really isn’t into BL, but this particular work is just very good, it has great art style, good writing + Idia’s favourite artist was influenced by this manga/series of doujins, so of course he had to get it, this is an important otaku artifact! And OF COURSE it’s paper, that’s the whole point! Even if it’s smutty, it’s art!
Ortho could start getting into BL himself; he would start by reading this one manga that Idia owns lol Idia was sure he’d hidden it well.
The rest of the cast strike me as normies… but hey, Lilia could have some! If he has any manga at all, I can imagine him owning a BL book just ‘cause. But since he probably bought it years ago when he was traveling around the TWST equivalent of Japan, it might be a bit outdated lol And probably a little cursed, which is why Lilia got so into this book back then.
Anonymous asked:
I just think it’s cool how you’re so detailed with the characters and their personality/psychology etc. You could even explain how each of them would go skydiving and I’d think, “yeah, they would do that.” Toodles.
Thank you so much, Anon! It truly means a lot. This is one of the most fun parts of writing replies and drawings stuff, to be honest: the cast is so good that the jokes write themselves sometimes lol
If only I knew enough about skydiving to write or draw something about it…but thankfully, we have a lot of other things to do. 💪
Thank you for enjoying our stuff, I am very happy to hear that.
Anonymous asked:
That's just fucking wrong. Jade is EXTREMELY well behaved for a Leech. "ill behaved" my ASS!!!
+Anonymous asked:
LOL YOU’RE GOOD ANON, no worries! <3
“For a Leech”!!! Exactly! Which means he isn’t well-behaved at all!
Anonymous asked:
my guy, my friend,, my buddy,,,,
a hetalia mention? in 2024? why would you do this to us? 😭
Anon dear… Hetalia is a party that is never over 🥳🥳🥳 It forced itself into our lives in 2009 and has been there ever since.
In all seriousness, we do come back to it from time to time; some of the drawings that we have for it are pretty recent!
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 2 years
Let’s talk: Busan and what came after
by Admin 2
Hi guys!
After waiting in a limbo for four years we finally got the answer, being that the members will go to the military after all, as announced by HYBE a few days ago. I have a feeling that everything is slowly coming together like a puzzle into one whole picture. Of course we could speculate in which order they’ll go, who will go to which type of service and for how long, but I don’t think there really is any true point in that, instead it’s better to just wait and see. We’ll find out soon enough. One thing is clear that Jin will begin this new phase since we will have to say goodbye to him before the end of the year, by the end of this month even. Because of that we’ll be getting Jin’s solo song, The Astronaut, very soon.
With Admin 1 we had a few speculations about the song, the most logical (based on both going to LA at the same time, more or less) that Namjoon would be involved in the song, but we certainly didn’t see Coldplay coming at all. It’s yet another surprise no one had any idea about which only goes to show, once again, that speculating is fun but ultimately pointless. We’ve read at least snippets of the lyrics that were revealed with the album last night and it’s so romantic, and of course officially it’s said to be for ARMY but unofficially? We’ll never find out. So here, too, we won’t speculate about the song but instead wait until the song comes out next week and we get to listen to it and find out more about it from Jin. But looking at stores in our area it’s a bit shocking to see that Jin’s single album will cost about as much as WINGS does. Nonetheless we’re very curious about the song, its MV, and the pictures within the album.
And now a few words about what we got to see last week below the cut:
Starting with Jimin’s birthday. We might not have made a post about it, like we didn’t for JK and Namjoon either, but of course we wished him a happy birthday on social media and thought about him lots. We both thought Tae wouldn’t post anything again, just like he did last year, so we were only so much more surprised that he posted something and that he was the last one. Finally we got another vmin selca which made both of us yell in joy and surprise, even more so when looking at Tae’s emoji choice. And then to make it even more WOW Jimin reposted the wishes to his IG story, the first time he’s ever posted one (and he didn’t repost anyone else wishes, just Tae’s), and Tae went on to like Jimin’s birthday post on IG. The next day Tae also posted a picture of a Jimin bus with Jimin’s head in the frame as he was looking out of the window at the bus. So many cute interactions.
The Busan concert. Unfortunately neither of us was in Busan so we watched the livestream instead which meant that we, too, had to suffer through weverse and naver giving up and thus missed out on at least 3 songs which was very upsetting. So we’re thankful to vminies who were at the concert who caught all the cute vmin interactions and shared them with us, especially since there was quite something to catch.
As for the whole group itself, they presented themselves quite maturely and powerful on stage. You can feel that they are grown men and not a group of boys anymore. Sure there is still that freshness and enthusiasm for performing and giving their best, that they are still loving it and having fun, but their behavior and visuals have evolved and matured alongside them. 
Since Tae is my bias I’ll start with him and I’ll admit that I’m very proud of Tae, who in my opinion has evolved quite a lot vocally since we last heard him at the Las Vegas concerts. He’s truly using his voice like an instrument and in a way that he knows exactly how to move us emotionally and how to touch us. His voice is completely different from the other members. I’ve seen a few snippets from the rehearsals where Tae showed us his opera like singing and it was brilliant, if he wanted to, he could take up a role like that, too. 
All the members were brilliant, really. It was sad though that Jin had issues with his throat leading up to the concert and you could see it in a few spots that his throat was giving him a bit of a trouble still. I certainly didn’t expect him to announce that he would have a song next, since word was that it would be Namjoon or Yoongi, but it was a very pleasant surprise that had us very excited.
Speaking of Namjoon, I’m not sure where to start. Be it his mature look or his incredible stage presence that’s truly unmatched. Namjoon, more and more with each concert, grows when it comes to his presence and the way he carries himself, so much so that it seem like he’s more confident about himself and his looks, his talents. His aura is very striking. Along with Yoongi he doesn’t need to do much on stage and yet he still commands your attention effortlessly. The whole package he presents is truly something else and in a way it only makes me so much more excited for whatever he has waiting for us when it comes to his solo work in the future. I’ll admit that after Tae, Namjoon is next in line visually for me. He’s gorgeous, but a tiny bit less than Tae since Tae is above everyone.
As for Yoongi and Hobi, when those two stand on stage alongside Namjoon, it’s an absolute feast, it’s like a heavy train that gets more and more momentum and takes you along for an unforgettable ride. I love those three together on stage. I don’t know how Yoongi manages to rap so fast without getting out of breath or looking like it takes any effort at all, and how someone as small as him can fit just that much energy and power into himself. And also how much someone so calm and kind and warm can still also have this force that’s very much to be reckoned with inside of him. Hobi, after releasing Jack in the Box and performing at Lolapalooza, has gained even more confidence and transformed his presence. The choices that were made when it came to his outfits and his hair, truly whoever decided that style for him deserves a raise because he was absolutely impeccable. 
JK like JK was solid as he always is and didn’t disappoint in any kind of way. Unlike many, or most, I didn’t quite like what was done to his hair for the concert, but each their own. He, too, stood very maturely and confidently on stage and was eye-catching in his presence and vocals. 
Jimin. You could still see that happiness from his birthday and from being in his hometown radiate off of him and carry him across the stage with so much energy and that signature dancer prowess. He was in his element beginning to end and didn’t falter even once, and he got so happy and surprised when ARMY started to sing Happy Birthday for him, albeit very out of sync but that just adds to the charm. And as much as I like black haired or blond Jimin, I don’t quite understand his current hair color choice and when I saw him with his hair hidden I quietly hoped he might’ve changed it, which he obviously didn’t. But the hairstyle itself suits him so well and I really like this longer hair on him a lot.
Vmin at the Busan concert. I don’t even know where to start but fkdmwexf While all the members were doing their proper ending pose for RUN BTS, it seemed like vmin were overcome with joy and the need to share that with each other since, instead of doing the pose as well, they decided to hug and then seemingly fall to the floor together once the lights were off. No idea what else they were doing, if anything, but the fact itself just left us speechless and gave us butterflies. But I’ll admit that as much as that made me, as well as Admin 1, scream and squeak in excitement, just like many other smaller interactions that vmin shared, my absolute favorite moment was during the dance break in Butter. When they danced with Hobi, Tae and Jimin shared these big, happy, radiant smiles with each other. And another one that also made my heart flutter was when Jimin smiled at Tae and Tae got so cutely flustered and shy. And vmin were just so vmin during this concert. They were just so happy to be on stage and to share this with the members and each other. You could just see that they were simply doing this for each other, and that’s just so cute and this wonderfully gentle thing between them, so wrapped in fondness and the uniqueness of their bond.
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Let’s not even talk about their interaction during Zero O’Clock during rehearsals where they first held hands (where it also looked for a moment like Jimin wanted to kiss Tae’s hand), then Tae caressed Jimin’s cheek and then pat his head before walking away before turning back and smiling back at Jimin, because I have no words still. It was just something they did for each other and not for the audience since there was none, except for their staff, since it was a rehearsal after all. From what we could see of the rehearsals there were quite a few interactions between them, ranging from just shared glances to actual small touches and silliness. It just highlights once again how close they are.
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And then once you use hindsight and look at those moments with the knowledge we have now, as in that this was their last concert as seven until 2025 because of enlistment, then that only makes them that much more special. Their emotions must’ve been crazy and to know that they felt the need to share those moments with each other and make them their own, especially in Jimin’s hometown just after Jimin’s birthday, it truly shows you that there is no other bond quite like theirs. 
Perhaps we should also soon talk about Jimin’s photobook since I have a lot of thoughts and theories on it, but that’ll come next time.
Lastly shout out to Admin 1 for editing this post a little which didn’t have any influence on the actual content just the language. Since they have more of a way with words than I do.
Talk to you next time!
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satellitesoundwave · 1 year
top five IDW1 dynamics? doesn't have to be ships!
This was harder than I expected! A thing that varies by fandom for reasons completely unknown to me is that for some media I get more attached to the dynamics between characters, and for others I get attached to particular characters themselves. tf is firmly one where I get attached to individuals, so a fair few of my favourite dynamics kind of end up being ones where it’s a “look I really like character A, and I may not feel as strongly about character B but what they bring out in A is fascinating” situation, which for me is a distinct feeling from when I get attached to the dynamic itself
Now, for the actual top 5:
5) Rewind/Chromedome my beloved. James Roberts has an excellent grasp on utilising foils which I covet from a skill standpoint, and cdrw is like, the pinnacle. The memory surgeon. The archivist. The one who lets go too easily. The one who holds on too tightly. Together they bring each other into a sharp relief that clearly defines them as individuals, but they also feel like two halves of a whole. And then they build a better understanding of each other across the series? Ideal
4) Hmm. you know, I think I’m gonna say Tracks & Jazz in Spotlight: Jazz? There’s something neat about Jazz taking his anonymity with a stranger and using it to style himself as this kind of platonic ideal of an Autobot solider. And how it being framed as a memory Tracks is retelling gives us insight into Tracks, but leaves ambiguity around what Jazz is thinking and feeling that the reader can read into
3) Whirl and Cyclonus. As an enthusiast of both slow burn and characters going from enemies to friends and/or lovers, their gradual development from actively trying to kill each other to friends who care deeply about each other really hit the spot for me. Also, it feels like they’re on the same axis of fucked up, but Whirl’s at the end labelled ‘mouthy’ and Cyclonus is at the end marked ‘silent.’ It’s nice to see them meet in the middle
2) We see very little of it but Pharma and Ratchet, because the professional side of things with those two is a question I rotate in my mind regularly. I haven’t studied medicine myself but I work in patient-facing medical administration, so I have first hand experience with how the interpersonal skills of doctors affect their ability to provide adequate healthcare to their patients. A lot of what doctors do depends on a bond of trust between them and their patient; a patient’s willingness to initiate contact with the doctor when they’re concerned (which patients don’t do if they feel like their doctor doesn’t take them seriously), mention symptoms that might be relevant, answer questions honestly, etc. And doctors are gatekeepers in several ways (of advanced medical knowledge, of medications, of services you can only access through them) and it gives them a lot of power. Patients’ who’re sensitised to that power imbalance often have their guard up, and a doctor who can’t or won’t use interpersonal skills to get the patient to lower their guard and extend trust will struggle to provide that patient the best possible healthcare, no matter how good that doctor is in terms of their medical knowledge.
I reckon this would be actually kind of critical in a place like the Lost Light where Ratchet is essentially a GP in a very small pool of GPs (though this issue does apply to specialists/surgeons/etc to a degree as well). His grouchy and gruff demeaner and tendency towards dismissiveness could really work against him here, and it’s not like patients who find him alienating can go to a different medical centre and see a doctor they know isn’t friends with him or potentially asking him for his professional opinion. And you have the contrast of Pharma who we get the impression is a lot more interpersonally astute. That he was able to negotiate a deal with the DJD, and that he could keep running Delphi while experiencing the worst god-awful stress of his life without his coworkers noticing how far off the deep end he was being pushed, suggests he’s decent at reading people/situations and willing to pack away his negative emotions and only present affableness or something similar when a situation calls for it. and because of this I think there’s a real possibility that Pharma could have been the better doctor compared to Ratchet, due to putting more work into his interpersonal relationships with his patients and so putting himself in a position to provide better long term health outcomes for them (which imo is the main metric by which how ‘good’ a doctor is should be gauged). Add how this also provides room to explore how much awareness Ratchet might have had about this difference between them, and it has secured its spot as a compelling dynamic to me
1) Tarantulas and Prowl, surprising absolutely no one. They are such a mess, it is very fun
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ramblingdisaster73 · 1 year
I was engaged for three years and i can honestly tell you that we never talked about kids or if we even wanted kids. We were engaged for a whole year and again those topics never came up. We didn't talk about kids until after 3 years after marriage.
So, yeah its not that uncommon for people not to talk about that sometimes you think it'll work itself out. And sometimes it will.
I doubt this is the last time they'll talk about this. But it might be after they get married.
I didn’t say it was uncommon, but that it can be a make it or break it thing for some people. If you don’t have a hard and fast opinion on having them, are more if it happens it happens (like my husband and I were) – then it isn’t a big deal, you can take it as it comes. It is about communicating the things that ARE important or could be make or break.
But if you know you do or don’t want them – like are very sure one way or the other – you should talk about it. I say that as someone that is a wedding officiant, that has these conversations with couples when I am getting to know them.
In this case TK wants/ed them and Carlos doesn’t – pretty firmly. One or both of them should have made this known to the other when they realized the other did/n’t want them. If TK makes comments about kids, but Carlos never said “I don’t want them” or anything – then it is a decent assumption that they are on the same page. Likewise, if Carlos had ever given a hint that he didn’t want kids, TK should have started that conversation, try to get them on the same page. It seems like the first time Carlos indicated he didn’t want children was with that officiant – and TK initiated a conversation as they were cleaning up (which as an officiant makes me very happy)
You are right, sometimes you can just not talk about it, and hope for the best – and sometimes get it. But – sometimes you don’t.
Was having kids a big thing for either you or your spouse? Or were you more go with the flow, if it happens it happens? Or were you on the same page when it did come up 3 years in? (I doubt you would send me this if it didn’t work out, so if it did – AWESOME and I am happy for you) when it finally came up, were you worried that you weren’t on the same page or were you fairly confident in their thoughts and feelings on the subject too? Did you talk about the things that were “big issues” for both of you? (I don’t expect you to answer these questions – but they are similar to the ones I ask when I meet with a couple.)
I agree that we won’t hear about it again for a while, we don’t really need to. They left it pretty settled as of this point.
I have no opinions ever way on them having children, I am cool with them being pet dads or no dads at all.
I only care that they are on the same page and communicating. If they can do that, I will be happy.
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ohmdrglsblog · 1 year
Aengels are weapons, part 1.
Sike! I guess I actually will post my Eldarya fanfictions or whatever.
-  Huang Hua! We can’t find them anywhere; I sent all my guardians and they’re not at the HQ, not even nearby!
- Keep looking for them, Chrome! We won’t rest until we find them.
- Huang Hua there 's no time! If we don’t take action we’re going to be attacked first.
It’s been 3 days since the entire HQ is looking for Erika, Leiftan and Lance after the members of The Light Guard were taken as prisoners and Huang Hua decided to monopolize and start a monarchy here, with her being the Supreme Leader. Maybe that’s why we’re being attacked, probably we had a mole amongst us and they noticed her evil plan before ourselves did. Chrome said that Huang Hua had been planning something big a while ago, but that he never expected this situation. Guess who’s by her side? It’s not even her lover but that freaking traitor Mathieu.
We’re in a risky situation; Chrome and I helped Erika and the other two hide after what she told us before running away. A week ago she came to our room in the middle of the night, all shaky, full of cold sweat and with panic in her eyes. She said she overheard Huang Hua talking to Mathieu in the most arrogant way and heard their whole plan. The whole story she told us was so made up that it was impossible not to believe her; she couldn’t have thought of that the very next day she told us she was excited because Huang Hua mentioned to her she was going to be vital for her next great plan. 
-She lied to me. She said her greatest plan would involve a happy HQ no one had ever seen, not even in dreams. She said pain would completely go away and we would only see light, but all I heard today in her words was misery and sorrow. There will be an extermination, she plans on getting rid of everyone, in her words: unuseful, weak or too young. That’s the way she thinks we’ll be living in the best era Eldarya has ever known. It seems Mathieu found a strange way of controlling Leiftan and I, I'm not sure what he meant; and after winning Lance’s trust, they both think they’ll be able to manipulate the three of us into their malevolent plan.
I think Erika truly wished for all this to be a nightmare, I saw her pinching her own hand several times, even leaving marks of how strongly she was pinching herself. And I can totally empathize with her, she went through a war she never expected nor wanted, she saw several loved ones passing away in completely cruel ways and even lost one of her best friends right in front of her. Not to mention her life itself, if we could say so. I see where her fear comes from.
You can see why we had troubles in knowing what to do? Dealing with Erika’s traumas wasn’t easy and it actually took her some time to process and heal after she woke up from the Crystal; but she can’t deal with a war, neither do we. And having Huang Hua as the main enemy was one of the worst things that could happen, everything we could say or even think that was a lie would be noticed by Huang Hua easily, after all she can read our auras.
Sooooo... hello :D do I still have at least one follower? Anyways, I'll have to think I have 0 audience or else I'll get shy and nervous of your opinions. If you follow me and you are thinking: "Why?" That's an easy answer! A while ago I posted a One Shot? Tbh I do not remember which one of all my unseen unrevealed stories it was, but it also involved a Eldarya situation that I like to think it's better than the actual one (that is not bad but could've been handled in a MUCH better way, such a disaster of history and horrendous timings, but BEEMOV <3).
However, last time I said I was going to keep posting my stories... HA! I felt cringe about my own story :( and you can even read in my very last post before this that the pain was real, because I even erased the post. BUT, I'll make a promise here and right now: " I Madrigal, citizen of the Planet Earth promise to keep posting even if I feel like I wrote pure trash after a few months". Let's hope this makes me feel guilty of breaking my own promise to myself so I can keep writing and posting muahahahaaa!
And some quick notes:
I'm sorry if there's a mistake! I'm not an english speaker but I think I have quite a long vocabulary :) *I like to think so*.
The entire story I plan to keep in the white colour (or black idk depending on your tumblr page and colours), but I'd like to make the characters dialogues more noticeable by using colours; so the sudden pops of colour are the things the character said. Not thoughts, not narrative, but SAID.
The orange colour I'll use it for my thoughts, opinions or things I'd like to say. SO, after my longa*s explanation and excuse, my afterwords are coming: I hope you enjoyed this at least a little and I hope you did not think it is boring. Having said that, thanks and see ya.
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eaglefairy · 2 years
I was writing up my thoughts on Xenoblade 3 as a whole when I realized that I'd written a mini-essay on why I like the ending and why letting the nations stay together from the start would've been narratively and emotionally unsatisfying. Instead of trying to cram that in with the rest of my thoughts on the game, I figured I'd make it its own post (since this is much more of a meta piece than the rest of my opinions). Spoilers below the cut for the ending!
3 is a heavily thematic game.  One of those themes is that even if the future is uncertain, it’s worth fighting for anyways.  Noah and the party make that choice, and there are two options for what the narrative can do from there: it can reward them narratively for fighting a fight with an uncertain outcome (making the right choice), or it won’t.  They make the right choice, but the narrative doesn’t reward them for it.  I hesitate to call the ending of 3 a “punishment” in any sense, but narratively it somewhat is.  They make the difficult choice to continue fighting against Z, the Moebius, and the endless now, and the consequence of that is that the worlds separate and they have to leave behind the friends they’ve made form opposite nations.  Why would the narrative punish them for making the right choice?
For a second, I’m going to take a tangent here.  In her Trope Talk on magical otherworlds, OSP Red discusses some of the pitfalls of escapist stories, one being that a “happy ending” in a portal fantasy where the hero is allowed to leave their boring life in the real world forever can actually depress the audience, because we will never get that same opportunity to literally leave the dissatisfying parts of our lives behind.  It’s the same principle here.  The narrative could have rewarded the party for making the right choice by giving them a no strings attached happy ending, but that’s not how real life works.  In real life, we also don’t know if the future we are moving towards will be better than what we’re living in right now.  But unlike in Xenoblade 3, we don’t have the option of grinding to max level and beating the superbosses before moving to the future–that is, we can’t live in the endless now.  In a constructed narrative, we expect heroes to be rewarded for their good deeds because that’s a convention of storytelling: good is rewarded, evil is punished.  Good people win, and bad people lose.  But real life doesn’t work like that, and I believe the impact of the ending on the audience would have been diminished significantly if the uncertain future the Ouroboros were fighting so hard for turned out to be unequivocally good.
The other main theme of the game is about grief, loss, and accepting those things into your life, which is another message the ending conveys supremely well.  Just because everything goes back to the moment the world stopped in the beginning doesn’t mean that anything that happened on Aionios doesn’t matter.  It all mattered!  Just because something ends doesn’t mean it doesn’t have meaning while it’s occurring.  That goes for lives, events, relationships, and even worlds.  Nothing in this world is permanent, not even the world itself, and to pretend that none of it matters because it doesn’t last–to say that nothing we did on Aionios meant anything just because it’s all been erased and it’s remembered by no one–is to say that the only things that do matter are those that last forever, and that is a road that leads to nothing but grief and regret.
And besides, the game is very clear that they’ll all meet again at some point in the future.  Even if Monosoft never elaborates or tells us about the reunion from on high, that does nothing to stop us all from imagining it and writing it ourselves–giving the characters a lifetime of joy, and giving ourselves a path to hope.
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murasakina-plays · 2 years
So the BSD crossover is delayed, what do we do now? I doubt the devs will tells any new info on dates nor what was their issues. There was a lot of people speculating it might be Yosano being the problem but that isn’t a full confirmation as when she got leaked by the devs in doc’s role reveal no one complained in China. Another rumor I heard before the delay was announced was that Dazai’s price package was ridiculous and everyone was complaining about it yet devs didn’t care either so what’s really happening anyway? Like the Junji Ito one for what I remember it wasn’t that horribly delayed and the devs acted before releasing Part 2 or am I mistaken? I just know it wasn’t that long for a single skin since I remember seeing both Picture Woman and Tomie coming together already.
If any IDV player or BSD fan sees this please let’s start a discussion on this as a way to pass time for the crossover! Whether about the series or the game BSD is trying to collab with can be both interesting to discuss. Besides I’m a little bored…
Just nothing like false information as the ppl who said the Yosano situation was confirmed isn’t really 100% confirmed yet as the devs would announce this to the whole community as to why it was delayed, not to a single server or region.
I really hope with the time they take, they should reconsider on some things on the crossover other than Yosano, like their Dazai package being too expensive for other regions who had the price go higher due to apple’s policies and I believe the discount they added for the pack is too expensive still in my opinion. In my country, the package is literally 60+ dollars and the skin itself is 58 so it’s not much of a change…
The rng for the essences is also bad and I say this by own experience on crossover essences, they said you won’t get repeats after getting one said A skin for the first time but I got double Chiakis and Nagitos but never got Mikan on the second DR essence. It’s a god damn scam, the same happened when I got L, before him I got Light twice in the same essence. For P5, I guess it’s fair to unfair because I got 3 makotos and 2 Harus before getting Futaba but I never got Akechi which I really wanted. They should make crossovers more player friendly for both new players and veterans :/
Would be cool if they made Dazai frags too like the Junji Ito skins and Edward Scissorhands, just keep the pack echoes only for the whales or people who can’t save frags, they would still receive a ton of money from their essences anyways, mainly crossover ones where people have to spend 500 dollars or more for 1 S skin and if the player wants, upgrade the Atsushi accessory into S rarity with Echoes which it’s the only way to get it S tier anyway, it’s 760 echoes which is around 10-25 dollars which in my opinion it’s still dumb how a small acc costs to upgrade. And don’t give me excuses about they also need to earn money and the author too but the BSD author has a game itself that is big on Japan and is winning tons specially with S4 out there plus IDV already earns tons with other crossovers and in the past 3 years, releasing echo only skins which costs real money and worst part is limited to certain period while some are unknown of its return. Some people I have seen struggled to get 1 S skin for 2000 or so because they know the player is a whale based on previous purchases or their YouTube status, I’m just amazed how no one decides to fight against this whole scam as for me a echo pack of 29.99 with taxes is only with 20 pulls while other games with the same pricing would give you better pulls around 40-80 pulls specially with first purchase bonuses resets, idv never had bonus reset because they will always give the bonus but you will barely get 20 pulls and even less an A skin in shop if you aren’t a NGP member.
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one complaining about these things with reason. Then people throw hate at me for trying to help this game get better, no wonder this game is aimed to kids at some things. Because it’s very tame compared with a mature audience who fight against this abuse. But then again adults I meet in this game are just as childish for even having an opinion or point out a truth about the game that’s in their face. This is why I often get so off mood when I log into the game that I used to enjoy back in 2018.
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eater-of-thoughts · 1 year
Tw: sh urges, abort!on, ss ideation, se>< and overall a shitty life
I just wanna start off by saying I’m not writing this to make anyone feel sorry for me. I don’t have any friends to talk to and I’m feeling incredibly lonely and sad. I need to take it somehow out of my system before I lose my mind.
Here goes nothing.
So on the 25 of dec 2022 I found out I have gastritis which was bad in and of itself, but than on 30th I found out I was pregnant and had to have an abortion since I’m 22 and barely managed to make ends meet. I’m in a 4 y committed relationship but we both agreed we couldn’t keep it. That was in my home country. I flown back to UK later that day. During the abortion they found a 5.5 cm big cyst on my left ovary and the doctor recommended that once I recover from the abortion I’ll have to come back and have that removed as well.
My partner is very supportive, but it became painfully clear that he does not fully comprehend my state of mind, even tho I did not want the baby at all, my hormones are all over the place and I feel like I’m losing my god damn mind. I can tell the lack of sex isn’t helping either.
I’m not even gonna start ranting about how terrible I was treated by the doctors and nurses or in how much pain I was during the whole procedures or that the doctor refused to give me a break when I was yelling in agony and begging him to stop.
Now I’m staring down at the surgery for the cyst and I found out there’s three small chances that, they’ll have to remove either one or both of my ovaries as they suspect it might be cancer. I’m beyond heartbroken and mortified of what’s to come. I’m not even mentioning the minimum 3 months of abstinence that will follow that procedure. At this point I’m too mentally exhausted to care about that. I care about my partner and how that’s gonna affect our relationship since we’re living together and have had regular sex over the last 4 years. I worry he won’t be able to put up with that since we already have to go through a month of absence due to the abortion and would ask to let him see other people to take it out of his system tho it’s not been mentioned yet.
I worry a lot… about the idea of cancer and being unable to ever have the big family I wanted. I worry our relationship it’s gonna go down the drain and that I’ll lose him. I love him from the bottom of my heart. I feel hopeless and my mental breakdowns make me wanna sh so badly. I considered walking off London Bridge on my way home from work today after I was sent home early due to a mental breakdown. If I lose him on top of everything I’ll have nothing.
I’ve got no close enough friends to talk to about this. The only person, apart from my partner, that I would’ve considered confiding in it’s going through a very very rough breakup herself and it’s struggling. I wouldn’t wanna burden her with this. The only person I can trust was my partner and after last night’s breakdown (3rd Jan) he said he can’t deal with them anymore as they are getting out of hand. Too much to handle I guess. The only people that know about this are the manager that saw the state I was in and offered a shoulder to cry on and my partner and parents. I just lost it in front of him (manager) and poured my heart out. I regret it so much. We had a very good relationship but I feel like the conversation we had changed his opinion over me tho he appeared supporting and understanding. I am not sure.
I’m now home alone, my partner won’t get home until the evening (as I write this it’s late morning). I told him what’s had happened at work, and that I was sent home. He’s a teacher. He can’t leave his work for this but I feel like I’ll end up sh at best. Doesn’t help that I also live in a skyscraper at a relatively high floor. The balcony it’s looking more and more appealing. I’ve never truly considered ss before. It’s always stayed at a “ideation” level. Where I wished I was unalived, and how much better it’d feel. Now it’s starting to look like a real option and it’s terrifying. I can’t stop thinking of how much it’d hurt him but in how much pain I am.
I don’t know how to end this… rant, I guess. I feel like nothing is worth the effort and energy. I feel like I’m gonna d!e anyway from some fucked up complication. In some way it feels comforting to know that if that’d be the case nobody can blame me for being too weak to deal with this shit. But I fear they’ll butcher me and my life will be completely ruined. I might update this as the situation develops and I feel like I can’t handle it. As I said, I don’t have people to confide in so writing my thoughts here feels somehow therapeutic as no distraction seems to manage to make my mind shut the fuck up.
I’m sorry.
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future-oscarwinner · 1 year
I am back to bringing you your daily correspondence. I had to write this down somewhere separate cuz I had to write it in small parts and I really hope the formatting isn’t to fucked. I won’t apologize for how long it is this time though :)
For some drivers I find it hard to separate the two (looking at you Perez I will never like you for what you’ve done). Lando does have a good personality he’s fun to watch in the McLaren videos. Though I liked his dynamic with Carlos more than the one he has with Danny. I used to really like him back in 2020 but now I’m kind of over that. The excitement of the opening race that season really got to me I think. Watching him drive like crazy to get within 5 sec of Hamilton and succeeding was really good. Yea I don’t think lando is going to win a championship in that car anytime soon :/ not like Charles chances are any better right now. I just gave up with the championship and started focusing more on the smaller battles the mid teams were having.
Yea the whole Max thing here is terrible in my opinion. As soon as you say you like/watch f1 here everyone always assumes you love him. And a lot of Dutch people only know him and no one else. I remember once I was talking to this guy and he got so offended when I told him I didn’t like Max and that I liked Seb more.
Yea no I’m more of a Vettel fan actually.
-.. A GERMAN!?
It was kind of funny, he didn’t talk to me anymore after that.
I think that the same obsession people have with max will most likely also happen with Nick. Last I heard they were already calling him our Nick like he is some kind of object to own. Anyway a lot of this just boils down to my dislike for chauvinism and my own country lol. It doesn’t have that much to do with the drivers themselves.
It’s always sweet when people share something they love with you, and it’s also sweet when you share something you love with someone and they also like it <3 but that’s amazing, it doesn’t matter that you only just got into it and she has been watching longer, you have to start somewhere right?
Oh Singapore all I remember from that race is watching George slide around on the slicks and like 5 people retiring. So it was kind of an exciting first race to watch.
Japan was just one big shit show. The FIA really failed on that one. I was so angry when I was watching it. Like you put those cranes on the track in the rain while no one can see shit, are you trying to make history repeat itself. And then their half assed apologize. Though there has been an improvement made with the announcement of the cranes entering the track. That whole debacle shouldn’t have happened in the first place.
The whole wag life just seems so intense to me, like all those eyes on you and the stress of watching a loved one do some crazy shit. Though the FIA isn’t always to blame sometimes they (the drivers) just do stupid shit on their own.
My love for Seb mostly comes from little me just being so in awe of this guy who was winning everything and just refusing to let go.
THEY ANNOUNCED IT TODAY!! He’s officially mercs reserve driver now and I’m so happy <3 the pictures are so cute as well. Yea Felipe is definitely right I think the older drivers still hold Ferrari on this pedestal while the younger ones know it’s just a bunch of clowns. Maybe with Binotto gone and Vasseur there to replace him it’ll get better.
I have a love hate relationship with Gunther, I love him cuz he’s an idiot without a filter which makes for great entertainment but I hate him for what he did to Mick. Horner on the other hand I just hate for a lot of different reasons.
That’s nice :) I didn’t realize how long the whole thing actually was until I saw it on my phone. Reading your answer and writing this kind of makes me feel like a woman from the 1800s who writes these long letters to someone far away.
I also had a good day kind of busy because I had to travel back to my parents house but that just gives me time to read. I think we might be close to the same time zone so I’m gonna take a wild guess and say I hope you have a good evening (if I’m wrong just ignore this you didn’t see anything) <3
Sorry, I fell into one of my "have no energy to respond to anyone" episodes again and no one knows how long this one is going to take, but I'm back now sorry to keep you waiting <3
Oh this is a big one, I like it
Ooh I don't know what Perez did, but he does look shady. I am so sorry I didn't get here sooner to experience Carlando 😩 and I only got here 2 months before the season ending and already had to suffer through two divorces 🥲 Lando is an excellent driver and deserves a better car, but not red bull. I swear when I see people wanting him to go to red bull I'm like if you want only the best for Lando you DON'T want him going over to red bull, at least not with Max still there. But he deserves a seat in one of the top teams and I wouldn't mind him going to Mercedes (I like mclaren but I've always been a Mercedes girlie at heart even before f1 pls). Hopefully next year will be Charles' or at least we'll get an entertaining fight till Abu Dhabi
Oh gosh I was with friends at a pub a few nights ago and we somehow ended up talking about f1 and one guy asked me which team I support and I really have a hard time answering that question 😂 but ended up saying Ferrari because Charles is my no. 1 driver and he goes like you should support Verstappen he is the best and I'm like yeah maybe but no and he goes when I tell you, you should listen to me yeah thanks but no thanks
If he knew better he'd be Seb's fan as well 😌 Good, the trash took itself out.
Yeah and she was so supportive and willing to teach me everything, she even made a small quizzes she randomly sent me and I was so eager to learn. I still am since I have a lot of things to catch up on still
Oof yeah I don't remember a lot of the others during the race because I had myself fixated on Charles 🤣 but remember a lot of dnfs, will definitely have to rewatch it
Ugh Japan sends shivers down my spine when I think I could've lost Pierre and potentially Carlos. FIA is a joke and had it for Pierre ever since because he didn't hold back from calling them out and they somehow made it all his fault???? Get a grip
My whole life I wanted to be a footballer's wife, but now I added f1 driver to my wag list 🤣
Oh that's so sweet you got to grow up watching Seb just like my cousin 🥺
Yes I'm so happy for Mick he deserves it so much!!! Here's to the better things in the future 🥂
I can't wait for the next season for Ferrari to see who this change will play out.
Yes, I totally agree with you about Gunther and I can't yet pinpoint why I dislike Horner but I just do, he gives off those vibes yk
Hahaha I love the 1800s though!!
Yes, I had a great evening and I hope you did as well. Since it's the nighttime now I wish you a good night <3
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death2normalcy · 2 years
Part 2 of my post from last night of me talking about Ateez music videos/songs!
See that post for notes, but basic break down: I’m new to the group, I’m watching all their music videos first, then moving on to other songs. These are just my initial thoughts, my opinions change all the time. If I make a mistake or get something way off, let me know!
OKAY. gonna have to do a part 3, since I talk too much. This one has my thoughts on Utopia, Answer, Inception, Thanxx, The Black Cat Nero, Fireworks, and Dreamers.
Let’s go!
Utopia - This one was weird, just with me finding the video? The only version I could find was the Japanese version, so I’m assuming that’s the correct official one?
Okay, first of all. The ending of this one being a viral sound from tik tok is hilarious to me. I’ve been hearing Ateez for longer than I even realized, lmao.
Overall, I loved this one. I loved the overall vibe and feel of the song and video. And honestly, I kept getting distracted by the choreography and forgot to read the lyrics, so I don’t even know what they were saying half the time, but that’s okay, lol. But yea, I loved it.
Answer - Okay, so the very first version that pops up for this was the one on Stone Music Entertainment’s youtube, but there was no subtitles, so I watched the whole thing there first, without realizing that KQ Entertainment has the subtitled version. Anyways...
I love this one so much. I don’t know what they are singing about, don’t care. This video, the singing, the looks, all stunning. Another favorite so far.
Inception - First of all, Youtube said I already watched this one, which is simply not true.
Anyways, loved it! Another really good one, honestly. There was a lot going on, but still very good. Maybe I just thrive on chaotic videos, I don’t know.
I do think I’m going to eventually go back and listen to all these songs with the lyric videos because it’s still kind of hard for me to determine who is singing in a mv if they aren’t focused directly on that person. But yes, so good!
------- took a break to be a person for a bit, lmao.
I’m back!
Thanxx - Quick note - I love when someone wears the little half skirt thing (I don’t know what it’s actual name is), so Hongjoong’s half skirt look is a highlight here. Also, does he do that laugh before every rap he does, lmao. It’s not a bad thing, I’m just curious because I just now realized this.
I’m not sure how I feel about this one. I will briefly say that, just from my perspective, there are some things in this video that I imagine didn’t sit well with people and it’s not really my place to talk about them, so I won’t (especially as this video came out in 2020 and I imagine any issues were talked about then) But putting those things aside, the video is really vibrant and chaotic, which is cool.
The songs pretty good and once again, I loved the choreography. Otherwise, not much else to say here.
The Black Cat Nero - OH. Halloween video, yes please. But no subtitles, damn. I’ll look them up later.
WAIT. WHO’S SINGING IN THE BEGINNING? Is that Jongho?? That’s so fucking good, omg. ALSO AT THE END, WAS THAT HIM? my god.
I love the Halloween concept. The outfits, the styling, the makeup, the video itself, all of it. Love it. Loved Hongjoong’s dance break, please. Also, looked in the comments and this is a cover?? Amazing. Gotta be honest, one of my favorites, if not my favorite, so far. I loved it. I have no idea what they were even saying, I don’t care.
Also, I have no idea who that other person was at the end, I’m sorry, I imagine he was another idol or something, not sure, but he did great too!
Fireworks (I’m the One) - Okay, I immediately picked up on the fact that Mingi wasn’t there, since I find him to be one of the more distinctive members. I think I read somewhere a little while ago that he was on hiatus for his mental health? Correct me of I’m wrong. Either way, glad he took some time for himself and glad to see he was able to come back and do well!
Also, had to take a second because that crop top on San is perfection. wait....2 CROP TOPS. Is he competing with Chan, lmao. Seriously, a good look for him, honestly.
Not my absolute favorite, but still really good. Those red and black outfits were stunning. The choreography was so good, which seems to be a common compliment I have, lmao.
------ another break because I have to be an adult, lmao.
Okay, had some deviled eggs and I’m back!
Dreamers - Not gonna lie, this one gives me The View/Time out vibes from Stray Kids. Not trying to compare groups, just the relaxed nature of the videos/songs and the color schemes (?). Either way, it’s a cool song.
Probably not gonna be my favorite, since chill songs rarely are, but I like it either way. Also, San really stood out to me here? Not that he hasn’t stood out before, but specifically in this video, I don’t know.
ALSO. I loved the quick shot of Hongjoong watching the other boys mess around. That was cute.
0 notes
kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
October 17: Hocus Pocus
I watched Hocus Pocus yesterday, for the first time, primarily because I wanted to watch something autumnal, but not actually scary, and not too consuming because I wanted to do some sewing at the same time. Also, with all the stuff about Hocus Pocus 2 right now, I thought I should see the original. Often, I feel like I’m too old for the stuff I see a lot of on tumblr--4 or 5 years can make a big difference when it comes to childhood or adolescent media memories--but in this case... I weirdly feel like I might be too young and other people just know about Hocus Pocus because...magic?
By this I mean that it came out in 1993, which is the year I turned 5. I was probably too young. Also I didn’t get the Disney Channel until, like, late elementary school?
Anyway, it doesn’t really matter. The point is that I didn’t grow up with Hocus Pocus so this was the first time I’d ever seen it. It was nice and it was the sort of thing I wanted to watch while sewing but I do think you gotta see it for the first time when you’re not in your 30s lol.
The Disney Channel movies that WERE part of my childhood are eternal (I’m looking at you Brink!), and certainly it did have that home-y, soft sort of Disney feel that I enjoy in a nostalgic way. But the parts with the kids were... parts with kids. I mostly partly tuned out there and did my sewing.
The witches were obviously what made it. I mean how can I not enjoy Bette Midler being an over the top evil witch, cackling all over the place and then bursting into song? I must, I must find that fun. They were so campy and silly and I truly never get tired of ‘ people from another time period are confused by modern inventions like sprinklers and paved roads’ type jokes. So it was worth watching for them.
The plot itself was very soft--meandering, random seeming. Stuff sort of came together in the end, but it didn’t have a clear big, dramatic conclusion. It had many partial big, dramatic conclusions, none of which was, in my opinion, all that satisfying. But again, I’m here for 3 kickass actresses having fun for 90 minutes, not “the plot.”
I did very much like that there was a talking cat in it, and that sometimes, the cat was obviously played by a real animal. I did not like that they showed it dead, even if it subsequently came back to life--very uncool. And even though I know dying and being set free was his happy ending... nooooo, the cat. The cat!
I was actually kind of surprised at the number of times they used the word “virgin.” First of all, would an 8 year old know what a virgin is? That’s unrealistic. Maybe she’s just repeating it but she seemed to be mocking her brother a little--and why? He’s like 14? He should be a virgin a 14, okay? Honestly they joked about it so much that I half expected some moment with Max and Allison at the end where she jokes that he won’t be able to light the candle again soon or something. Whereas in fact they didn’t even kiss!
On the other hand, the jokes with the bus driver I did like, because I felt like they were a bit of adult humor for adults watching with their kids, but kids wouldn’t even get that there was an undertone to the conversation. As opposed to what I can only assume were the many children who had to have the concept of virginity explained to them after watching.
I need to watch some real horror this year but like everything I’m faltering at the whole... follow through on any kind of plans thing.
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harrowharkboygf · 3 years
rating the locked tomb characters by how good their met gala outfits would be
gideon nav
we can surmise from the “rapier with skulls puking other skulls” quote that gideon’s personal style, if she wasn’t beholden to the ninth house dress code, would be Loud and Tacky and A Lot. therefore, i think she’ll go all out with the theme. her outfit might not look objectively good per se — it will probably be a little too excessive and not super classy — but she will absolutely fulfill the theme and she will have fun, and that’s the most important part! 9/10
harrowhark nonagesimus
oh harrow will go all in on this. she will definitely be of the opinion that all guests should have to submit an essay explaining exactly how their outfit fits the theme, and she absolutely will get annoyed at the people who just wore simple black tuxes and dresses. she‘ll start planning her outfit months in advance, and it’s going to be incredibly complicated and very symbolic. her outfit is probably be a lot creepier and more goth than the rest of the guests, but it’ll still go perfectly with the theme anyways. 10/10
ortus nigenad
how much effort ortus puts into his outfit will depend SOLELY on what the theme was. if he thinks it’s a stupid theme he’ll put in zero energy whatsoever, and if he thinks it’s a good theme he will put in the work and come out with an outfit that’s definitely creative, even if it doesn’t look super great and is a little bit of a stretch on the theme. 7/10
judith deuteros
judith definitely does not care. she does not care at all, and if you asked her what the theme was, she couldn’t even tell you. she wears a simple black tux or black dress every year, and yes she looks hot as fuck and very classy and all of the gay girls on twitter go wild over it, but it’s not particularly creative or befitting of the theme. 3/10
marta dyas
marta cares a lot more than judith does, but she still focuses more on the event itself than the outfit; she’s more excited to dance, talk with her friends and acquaintances, and see other people’s outfits. if the met gala didn’t have a theme, she’d still be happy, but since it does, she’ll try to fit the theme as best she can! she refuses to sacrifice her own comfort or ability to dance in favor of an outfit though, which is very fair of her. no matter what, though, she looks good! 6/10
coronabeth tridentarius
oh you KNOW corona is acing this. she starts planning for her outfit a year in advance, but unlike harrow, she’s way less pretentious about it and willing to do something that might make fun of herself a little or make others laugh. she makes sure to call everyone she knows who’s going to make sure that their outfits won’t be too similar. she also makes sure that ianthe and babs’ outfits go good with hers. it’s the bane of her existence that judith won’t go to the lengths that she does. she fits the theme perfectly, she’s creative about it, and she looks hot as fuck. 100/10
ianthe tridentarius
as mentioned above, ianthe’s outfit is always designed to fit with coronabeth’s. it’s always very similar — not quite the same, but very close. same idea, slightly different execution. it’s always fitting with the theme, and looks really good objectively, but there’s a lack of investment and heart that ruins it a bit, especially next to corona’s extravaganza. still, when she’s next to the other guests, she definitely wins. 8/10
naberius tern
babs cares WAY more about looking good than he does about fitting the theme. his outfit is always a lot less creative than and themed than ianthe’s and corona’s. he never sidesteps the theme entirely, but he often refuses to go all the way in favor of not looking too weird. this is kind of a moot point, since he always looks a little weird anyway. 5.5/10
isaac tettares & jeannemary chatur
the awful teens were coordinating outfits each year, and each year they desperately want to fit the theme and do something cool, but they’re a little TOO eager about it. there’s always either a little bit too much going on with their outfits for the message to be fully cohesive, OR they didn’t go all the way because they were too embarrassed to do so. however, they definitely try their best and that’s what matters! 7.5/10
abigail pent & magnus quinn
abigail and magnus treat the met gala like a halloween party. they’re committed to the theme, but not in the militant, obsessive way that harrow and coronabeth are — it’s more that they have fun planning their coordinating outfits because costumes are fun! often their take on the theme is very nerdy and sweet, but maybe not super well done. still, they compliment everyone on their outfits and are so genuine about it that they get points anyway. 7/10
palamedes sextus
pal could honestly care less about the met gala, but he attends anyway and spends the whole night deep in conversation with anyone who will talk science with him. as such, his outfit is. Very Lacking. cam usually designs it for him and it fits the theme pretty well and looks objectively good, but he gets points off for not coming up with it himself. 5/10
camilla hect
pal and cam don’t wear coordinated outfits, but they are still somewhat cohesive, as cam plans them both. camilla’s outfit is definitely much better than palamedes’ is — it fits the theme and is more creative and she just generally looks hotter. however, she’s not putting the same level of energy most of the people listed above. but it’s fun, it looks good, and she passes the test. 7/10
dulcinea septimus
dulcie’s attitude towards the met gala would be very similar to magnus and abigail’s in that she treats it like a fun opportunity rather than a life-or-death situation, but she definitely leans more “tasteful” over magnus and abigail’s typical style of “dorky”. she follows the theme closely and she looks good! 8/10
protesilaus ebdoma
pro always goes with dulcie, and he just dresses in an outfit that she’s planned to be coordinated with hers. he’s a little bemused at the intensity of some of the others, but he goes along with the whole thing because it makes dulcie happy. points off for not coming up with his own idea, points added for looking very dashing regardless. ortus is fuming at how well-put-together his outfit is. 5/10
silas octakiseron
silas shares the same all-or-nothing attitude that ortus has towards the theme, but when he approves of the theme, his execution comes very close to beating out harrow’s outfit in terms of Drama and Sophistication. his outfits are often a little impractical — they’re hard to walk in or require elaborate props to be transported alongside him — but they’re worth it. 9/10
colum asht
colum just wears a suit the same color as whatever silas’ outfit is that year. boring! 2/10
augustine the first
augustine tries his hardest, but he never quite nails the theme. somehow, it always goes straight over his head, so when he explains it to people, they’re always like “*confused head tilt* hmmm, okay now i think i get it! huh!” he looks,,, fine in it, and he tries. he tries! 4/10
mercymorn the first
mercy’s sense of style in general is very good, so she always comes in a dress that’s fashionable and well-designed. the problem is that she actively abhors the idea of a themed party; she actively campaigns to the organizers each year to not do a theme. she thinks that everyone who does the theme is ridiculous. as such, she ends up with a low 3/10
cytherea the first
cytherea has a good Idea for the met gala every year, but for some reason — she bites off more than she can chew or she fails to accurately articulate her vision or she procrastinates until the last minute — that idea never translates into an actual outfit, so she always falls back on a simple, soft clinging dress. fashionable, but unfortunately not very standout-ish. 3.5/10
gideon the first
gideon (original flavor) just wears a boring black suit every year. THE most boring black suit ever. 1/10
pyrrha dve
okay, admittedly we haven’t seen that much of pyrrha in canon, but from what we do know, she is smart and talented and funny and good at everything and has a dramatic streak and is incredibly hot. therefore, i think we can surmise that she’ll absolutely nail her met gala outfit. it’ll fit the theme, it’ll be very original and very well-done, and she’ll be sexy as fuck! good for her! 15/10
john gaius
he wears the exact same black tux every year. the same one. he pays no attention to the theme whatsoever. this is very confusing, since HE is the one who organizes the met gala and picks the theme! weirdo! even worse, john makes a point to give backhanded compliments to people he thinks don’t fit the theme or don’t look good. bitch! -10/10
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spaceman-earthgirl · 3 years
Supercorptober 2021 Day 3: Luthor
Lena is intriguing, that’s the first word she thinks when she meets the other woman, besides the obvious word, which is beautiful.
Rao, is Lena beautiful
But yes, she is also intriguing, and Kara feels this pull, this invisible force that almost feels like it’s drawing her to Lena.
She wants to learn more, wants to know more about the woman standing in front of her and Clark, wants to ask what her favourite colour is, wants to ask where the slight accent she can hear is from, wants to ask how she appears so calm yet Kara can hear how fast her heart is beating in her chest.
She doesn’t learn much in their brief conversation, but she believes Lena had nothing to do with the crash, believes her when she says she just wants to make a name for herself outside of her family. 
It’s not until Kara gets home later that evening, when she’s getting ready for bed, that her feelings suddenly make a bit more sense. The name takes her by surprise, tattooed across her ribs, but it’s not the name itself that surprises her, something sitting so right in her chest at the sight of ‘Lena Luthor’ written on her skin.
No, it’s the fact that she wasn’t sure she’d ever get this, a soulmate, not after she’d lost her whole world, she wondered if she’d lost this too.
But she hasn’t, it’s right there in black, she has a soulmate, and she can’t help but smile at the prospect.
Just as quickly, other feelings start flooding in. Namely, nerves. Because she’s on a planet that doesn’t have soulmates, how is she meant to explain to Lena what it means. Rao, she’s going to have to tell Lena who she really is too.
And not only that, it’s not just anyone, it’s Lena Luthor, and she knows at least her cousin is going to have a few opinions on that fact.
She flies straight to her sister’s apartment, because that’s what she does when she needs help, she finds Alex.
“Jesus!” Alex exclaims, hand flying to her chest when Kara flies through her window
“Sorry,” Kara says, smiling sheepishly at her sister. “I’ll text you next time?”
“Please,” Alex says, walking into her kitchen, pulling a bag of potato chips from her cupboard and tossing them at Kara.
Rao, she loves her sister.
“What’s up?” Alex asks.
“Umm…” Kara says, not looking at Alex as she speaks. Kara has told her about the idea of soulmates on Krypton, told her when she’d had to explain to Kal why he had ‘Lois Lane’ written on his shoulder, but she’s not exactly sure her sister will be on board with a ‘Luthor’ as her soulmate. “Do you remember when-“ the bag of chips tears in her hand, Kara managing to catch most of the chips but a few fall onto the floor.
“Is everything okay?” Alex asks, eyeing Kara uncertainly.
Kara puts the food down on the coffee table and decides to just say it. “I found my soulmate.”
Alex gasps, eyes wide. “You got a name?”
Kara nods, feels some of the excitement she’d felt earlier thrum through her. “I did.”
“Who is it?” Alex asks, eyes flittering over Kara’s body, like she might be able to see the name through her clothes.
Kara takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly. “Promise you won’t be mad?”
Alex is the one that looks nervous now. “Why would I be mad?”
Kara pulls up her t-shirt, revealing the name on her ribs.
Alex’s eyes somehow widen even more than before. “Lena Luthor? Kara, you can’t, she’s-“
“Please don’t,” Kara cuts in. “I already know what you’re going to say, don’t you think I haven’t thought about that? But Alex, I trust her, I trusted her before I saw the name. I can’t explain it, but I could tell she was telling the truth earlier. She’s not like her family, I can feel it.”
Alex sighs, pinches the bridge of her nose. She suddenly looks tired. “Okay, I guess I can’t argue with that,” she says, pointing to the place where her tattoo is, now covered by Kara’s shirt once again. “You’re going to have to talk to her, right? She’s going to have your name on her skin and that’s going to be a bit of a surprise, just like Lois got one too.”
“Oh Rao,” Kara hadn’t considered that part of it.
She definitely has to talk to Lena.
She goes to talk to her the next day, easily getting another meeting with her. She’s nervous and excited and all it does is make it hard for her to talk when she sees Lena again.
“Miss Danvers, back so soon?”
“I…uhhh…yeah…hi…” Kara manages to get out, adjusting her glasses as she does. She can already tell this conversation isn’t going to go as well as she’d been hoping.
“Or is it, Miss Zor-El?” Lena asks, tone shifting to something much less confident.
“Oh,” Kara breathes, she hadn’t considered that, what her name might actually say, and there’s no avoiding it now, she knows.
Lena has Kara Zor-El tattooed on her too.
“Should I ask why I woke up with your name tattooed on my back?” Lena asks, genuine curiosity in her eyes.
“I…I’m not exactly from here.” Kara swallows. “Earth, I mean.”
It takes Lena less than a second to figure it out, sees it in the widening of green eyes. “Supergirl?” Her eyes widen even more. “And Clark Kent is Superman.” It’s not a question. “Some things make a lot more sense now.” The last sentence is quieter, Kara thinks it’s mostly to herself. “So,” she continues. “That’s one mystery solved, but it still doesn’t explain why I suddenly have a tattoo.”
Lena’s not mad, or upset, she just genuinely does look curious about the whole thing, which makes it easier to just tell her the truth.
“On Krypton, when you meet the person you’re destined to be with, you know because their name appears on your skin."
Lena gasps. “We’re soulmates?”
Kara bites her lip. “Essentially, yeah.”
“You…have my name too?”
Kara untucks her blouse, undoes the bottom buttons, enough that she can lift it to reveal her tattoo.
Lena gasps again when she sees it, reaches out. Her fingers brush lightly over Kara’s ribs, red hot, yet Kara still shivers at the touch.
“But how?”
Kara shrugs. “I’m not sure how it works exactly, only that it does.”
Green eyes look up to meet hers, even closer now. “A Super and a Luthor? Is that really wise? My family-“
“You’re not your family,” Kara cuts in. “And I’m not mine. We’re our own people, and all I know is that I like you. This doesn’t have to mean anything yet,” she says, gesturing to her ribs. “We can be friends for now, see what happens. I just want to get to know you better.”
Lena’s smile is small but genuine when she replies. “I’d like that.” 
Fic link: ao3
Series link: ao3
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