#which is dumb af
sebastianshaw · 2 years
When you see someone call Shaw straight
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clown-demon · 6 months
((I did NOT make starter call and ask banners for Fyodor and Dazai or a new promo.. but I DID update my Nikolai PSD...
I also meant to draw some Erni today but I did not... I mostly just wanted to sit back and relax today.
I'm gonna aim to wake up early tomorrow and work on drafts and let them publish while I'm at work. Tomorrow is not a Monday thank God, so it shouldn't be as heavy.
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There’s a reason borzoi aren’t supposed to have prick ears
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phoenixcatch7 · 8 days
Absolutely insane to me that anyone either in universe or irl believes anything the main wen clan says.
We see from the very beginning in every adaptation that their modus operandi, nay, their way of life, is to lie, threaten and bribe people into doing their dirty work for them (you see this even easier in untamed).
Their favourite thing in the whole world is to make other people look bad, ESPECIALLY when they get a scapegoat out of it.
This is one of the ways the jin clan at the time follow in their footsteps - they capitalise on wwx as the pre prepared scapegoate they can blame and use to sow doubt, discord, distrust. They use the exact same tactic to remove a perceived threat on wwx as the wen remnants, mxy, even jrl - isolate them, make their word untrustworthy, assert themselves as the Righteous and Generous side in the process. But not without rubbing everyone else the wrong way just to make double sure they uncover anyone willing to stand against them!
The main issue here is, of course, the burning of lotus pier. First of all, wwx had no part in the physical actions the wens took, just to get the most obvious out of the way. Secondly, gusu burned first. That had absolutely zero to do with wwx or any rising rebellion - it happened before the indoctrination! (Side note, I can't believe that's how it gets translated when that's the biggest possible red flag term to use. It's genuinely insane when the clans remain complacent as they toss that word around and prepare to send their kids to it. At least pick, like, Education or Examination or something with plausibly less brainwashing cult kidnapping energy.)
Anyway. The wens chose their targets well. Gusu burns first: it is the best connected, hosting the lectures, it is the biggest repository of knowledge in the entire jianghu (including assassination techniques!!), it has two rising stars, one set to take up the role of new (and thus more alert and proactive). It's got the weakest actual sect leader by far. It's also, perhaps, the most isolated. None of the other clans are aware it's been utterly decimated by the time of the indoctrination.
Then it's either the Nie, already partially crippled with the previous sect leader already killed by wrh, leaving a child to fill the boots with no parents, no previous instruction, an infant brother and no elders. They're prone to deviation exacerbated by resentment (which human battlefields are FULL of) (though they can be helped by, you guessed it! Lan techniques, whom they've just burned all of). They have no rising star, their heir is famously useless. Or the Jin, the most closely allied major clan, with immense wealth but little actual stake in the war as long as they themselves aren't targeted. You'll remember it's the sect heir who finally drags his men onto the field. The jianghus whore is too busy coddling up to and yes manning the wen to be of any concern.
This just leaves the jiang. A strong and powerful great sect filled with dangerous, head strong warriors. I'm explicitly including yzy in this, who is a harsh taskmaster who continues taking night hunts into marriage and motherhood to keep her wit and skills sharp. The daughters engagement with the jin is cancelled, which means they won't alienate the jin by attacking. The father is both alive and active, capable and willing to actually run the sect and lead it into battle with the wen (or at the very least his wife is practically chomping at the bit). It's got two rising stars glued to each other's hip, one of which is the heir and the other the brightest, most troublemaking, most ready to throw hands in the name of justice in his whole generation. Their people are wealthy and loyal.
Oh, and also, they basically own the waterways. I'm not sure if it's explicitly canon, but they are the sect most connected to the rivers that (canonically, remember the waterborne abyss?) run between at least three of Great sects, including (drumroll please) the very first sect they just burned to the ground and are notably keeping surpressed (wen chao, at the very least should have bragged incessantly to everyone who looked at him, never mind his captive and isolated audience), and the wens themselves!! Lotus pier basically borders to its town, which is very clearly thriving af. It's loud, it's colourful, it's exotic, it's getting so much trade it's not even funny. The jiang are so much more experienced in water and water enemies (remember wwx noticing lwjs weird boat waterline?) than even gusus heir and spare! They are trade, they are TRANSPORT, they are INFORMATION (merchants and gossips).
Even if wwx didn't exist, it's just the most tactical thing to do. If you want to cripple your enemies, you target their knowledge and ties. You sabotage supply lines and communication lines. You do that as fast as you can, make sure to damage moral, prevent them from rallying together. The wens win when their enemies are divided. All together and united, they form the sun shot campaign.
WHICH IS WHY. Absolutely NOTHING they say or do can be trusted!!
What's her face coming into lotus pier and targeting wwx is so blatant and transparent a divisive tactic (so identical to the rest of the clan) I was honestly shocked anyone even pretended to listen. Jc believing it even slightly really surprised me. And I'm!! Not trained! In leadership tactics in fantasy land, SECT HEIR. At the very least living with his mother should have given him some idea of how to spot when someone is lashing out and scapegoating for their own gain, good grief.
Unfortunately. Pink antenna (I don't know how but the anime makes her look really old) dangles the possibility of sparing the jiang in front of their faces. It is a long, unlikely shot. It's playing into their hands, it's giving them the jerk off material and superiority high they want, it's undignified and self sabotaging. It's probably stalling at best. But. It's literally the only option either wwx or yzy could live with. If they didn't at least try.
It's exactly the same tactic the jin later use with wwx (again) and the remnants. Give us your strongest people, your glue, your most clever and loyal. Let us ruin them, kill them. In return, we will let your people go free <- lying so openly and blatantly to people so cornered and out of options that they might just, desperately, make the willing sacrifice. It's scummy and cruel.
Ironically, I think this is the time wwx and yzy are most in agreement, and it's when jc would rather anything else. They play this awful role, really ham it up, demean themselves and pretend they're playing right into the wens hands. She says no, she hesitates, she backs out or fumbles, she gets pressed for harder, more, make him really bleed. Wwx is willing to perform the farce and be the sacrifical lamb, on the longest shot to keep his home safe. He wears his own mask for this, because you'll notice he's able to get up and fight immediately after, whereas lwj was bedbound and healing for literal years.
Yes, wwx is insane and martyrish and has way too little self worth. Yes, yzy would not have been so willing if jc was picked. Yes, she stopped the SECOND they realised the wens were just going to keep pressing until wwx was dead and then probably demand she desecrate the corpse. She wasn't about to cripple her best fighter and son's best chance of survival. And she recognised that becoming a supervisory office would be pretty equal to being destroyed by them, but also grant the wen a HUGE boost in everything a war monger could want. If the wen took lotus pier, forces overwhelming as it already was, they would win. Full stop.
Whether or not all that was going through her mind as she slapped pinky idk, and I won't say she made the right choice, but again, either way they did what the wens wanted. This is how they isolate and sabotage threats. They will say and do anything to keep their hallucinated high horse and get that sweet sweet bullying high.
They cannot, under any circumstances, be trusted to give a reliable word on anything. In fact, I'd argue that you should believe the opposite of what they say.
So stop acting like anyone genuinely believes them. Have characters (wwx) blame themselves for events with their guilt complexes but not their head!
Also shout out to mianmian for being the only other person to call anyone out on it.
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curry-and-gunpowder · 7 months
Real talk. Don't wanna be controversial here but. Shouldn’t shipping be something you do because you enjoy a pair's dynamic? What's literally the point in trying to drag another ship down?? It's not going to somehow make your ship more legitimate??? Ship rivalry is literally so stupid, why tf are people so pressed about the things other people like? If you just focus on the stuff that brings you joy and stop comparing it to the things you dislike your experience is going to be so much more enjoyable, I guarantee.
Just. Stop being babies whining and crying about other people doing things you don't like. Grow the fuck up.
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friendsdontlieokay · 5 months
"Right out of the gate like I'm super confident you know, but I'm also like an idiot, which is just- I mean it's a brutal combination"
My man didn't lie when he said this, trust me! He shares one sweet moment with his ex-girlfriend and tries to impress her by quoting Sherlock Holmes? I mean nice choice ngl, but can you at least please do that right Harrington? What made you think you'd be able to quote a quote you just heard- Oh you know what? Nvm, I just remembered you're confidently an idiot. You didn't leave her speechless cause she was impressed, she was left speechless because you confused the hell out of her!
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Just look at how confused she looks already
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curiosity-killed · 4 months
you know when something happens and you're like "eh that's annoying but not a big deal" and then hours later your brain pops back in like "hey! surprise!! i'm actually super upset about this!"
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theartofmadeline · 1 year
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(join the movement and grab a sticker here)
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l0v3c0r3e · 1 year
i need opinions on the barbie movie from the ppl who have seen it as i really want to love and understand this movie more but i can't
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ugh, i wanna write so badly y'all but i just do not have the motivation for some reason 😭
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tiffanytoms · 2 months
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I mean…. I already knew this, but it’s nice to have it verified 😏💅🦌 (thanks @athenasparrow for having this on your page, haha)
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luna7822 · 3 months
reminder that if u side with loserface f^^^ o^^^^ for the sake of being an asshole then i hope u lose and burn in hell since shiver and big man folks have my full support and are better than u anyways lmaooooooooooo
i hope u all suffer next week and get what u rightfully deserve since u ppl hate octolings/octoling idols for no reason anyways as if the world wouldve been sm better if order actually did smth useful for once and won but whatever u ppl still suck ass regardless and be warned that i will get my revenge sooner or later whether u wannabe pearl 2.0 devoted s^^^s of nothingness and all that is fake and boring like it or not since shiver and big man have more personality than loserface wannabe pearl 2.0 anyways lmaooooooo
no offense to any1 who joins theme parks for the sake of actually LIKING theme parks but atp ive bout fucking had it with these losers who got mad over a results screen from a CERTAIN splatfest in november of last year that they fail to understand beyond pointless stacks that dont matter and that the loser they worship for no reason is LITERALLY just pearl 2.0 in every way possible in nothing else which is why i feel like we need a proper octoling idol winner to those who wish to avenge team orders unneccessary loss or better yet an underrated aroace manta ray winner to which ppl need to understand that we need some ACTUAL change atp instead of relying on that dumb bitch inkling loserface 247 since being an inkling is overrated as one wpuld say if u catch my meaning and thay those ppl have treated octolings like shit for FAR TOO FUCKING LONG anyways and not to mention ive SRSLY bout fucking had it with these sore ass losers who shouldve quit playing a long time ago and moved on already if not for them somehow still existing and overall the main reason why splatoon player society is pretty much corrupt in every way possible which is why i feel like marina deserves better from others even if pearl won, shiver deserves better from all of the stupid hate she gets 247, and so to does big man who deserves better since hes not 100% useless and deserves to win no matter what and ESPECIALLY finalfest too since it makes the most sense and overall i feel like it was those on team chaos fault for picking the thing that will ruin and corrupt themselves with literal egotism in the first fucking place
anyway short end of the matter is that shiver/big man folks REALLY NEED to continue dethroning that annoying overrated loserface dumbfuck bitch from her fakeass throne anyways and for ALL of the right reasons since those ppl believe it or not (including myself as some1 whose magnum opus was the music splatfest from months ago and frostyfest as well) have more common sense than dumbass loser f^^^ s^^^s that can burn in hell for all i fucking care anyways and idgaf if u even disagree with my better opinion than urs anyways since ur all nothing but useless fucking losers who should just touch some flowers already and move tf on for once instead of being the most sad, useless, and overall pathetic """"players""""" u idiots could ever be in ur sad and pathetic boring ass life anyways :333333
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buntress · 3 months
lmao we got hate for being pro endo while we were gone, i just like deleted it bc like ✨ ew ✨ but how tf you gonna send hate to a completely inactive blog???? wild
anyways our stance on endogenic systems has not changed <3 if you dislike this, cope away from me. My opinion is firm and will not be changed by a hate comment from someone probably half my age. I gotta make sure my family can eat yo, I do not have time for all that.
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bottom-lexa · 4 months
I started my first adult job last week. It’s 8am to 5pm and it’s been a week. It’s been one week. And like. I gotta do this shit my whole life????
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Life's been crazy my goodness
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scortchedtoast · 1 year
HOW does this keep happening, is no one in these companies clearing copyright??
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