#DOESNT mean their queerness should be ignored
sebastianshaw · 2 years
When you see someone call Shaw straight
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I saw your post about the leopards eating faces and democrats and if you think the us is bad under biden have a good look through project 2025 and please fucking realize that queer people, those that can get pregnant, and people of color are going to be absolutely fucked if trump wins in November.
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If you ACTUALLY read it then you'd know Biden is ALREADY carrying out the goals outlined in project2025. You'd also know that his administration is even using the SAME exact language that's found in the Mandate for Leadership. Such as "protecting the freedom of navigation in the Suez Canal"
I literally have a post floating around somewhere where I said he was gonna escalate the genocide and smoke out all the rebel groups because guess what? Project2025 outlined that too. Literally listed them as targets that the administration should focus on.
Another part of it says they should continue to protect and support Israel's "right to defend itself" at any cost.
So yeah that thing you're afraid of? It's here. And it's here because you thought the fascist with a blue tie was less scary than a fascist than a red tie so you stopped paying attention when Blue Tie Man was around. And that blue Fascism that's allowing book bans and abortion bans and making trans people illegal is going to stay here and grow because you don't fucking care to address it unless the tie is red.
Maybe fucking read the thing you're trying to fearmonger me about because I guarantee I've read more of it than you.
And it's not that I find the realities in it less scary, it's that I'm not such a privileged shithead that I would prioritize my own comfort over lives being lost in a literal fucking genocide.
Yeah shit sucks for queer people and trans people and trust me, I know that, but we aren't being killed in broad fucking daylight and having people go into denial about it so maybe instead of barking up MY blog about how fucked up everything is you go and send the DNC and your representatives some emails and tell them to give Democrats a candidate that doesnt commit genocide?
How about instead of yelling at me to lower my standards cuz things MIGHT get scarier for you if Blue Tie Man doesn't beat trump (and he won't) you ACCEPT that reality and DO SOMETHING USEFUL about it. How about you and your party just BE BETTER????
There's seven months before the elections and Biden is tanking every poll and Democrats are voting uncommited in swing states and what's Biden doing? Doubling down on every single policy that he's losing voters over (like supporting Israel). If he loses that's not my fault or anyone else's.
Maybe stop asking people to vote for a warmongering white supremacist.
"think of the queers and pregnant people and PoC"
I Am.
They live in Palestine and Sudan and the DRC.
Or did you mean I should prioritize different queers and pregnant people and PoC?
Don't be shy. Did you mean I should prioritize you?
Cuz yeah. Fuck that.
(white) USamerican citizens prioritizing ourselves over everyone else is exactly how the world got so fucked up.
I'm NOT voting for Biden under any fucking circumstances, don't waste my time with another bullshit uninformed scare mongering ask like this again just cuz YOU lack the solidarity to care about any community but your own.
The fuck?
Do you think the queer community only counts Americans? What an ignorant thing to say. "Think of minority communites but only from this specific part of the world"
You wouldn't know community if it hit you in the fucking face.
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txttletale · 9 months
roadhogsbigbelly is doubling down. genuinely incredible (yes i am aware how deeply funny it is to start a serious post with that sentence. it is my one allotment of levity)
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oh okay you just assumed that "loliporn" was involved and something that i deserved to be associated with defending and accused of making "integral to the queer identity" because of stuff that the OP (who i cannot stress enough i never followed or talked to or knew in any fucking way!) did that got called out months after i made my addition?
the rest of his post is just a very lengthy way of saying "umm if you didn't want to be called a pedophile because you were mean about stardew valley maybe you should be more careful about how you reblog from". yeah buddy im sure you apply that standard to yourself too huh. im sure you pull out your Bad Person detector every time you reblog a fucking post and beam OP with it. you literally screenshot my post about how as a trans women i get this standard uniquely applied to me and went "um its a good standard though. answer for the actions of every fucking person youve ever reblogged a post by".
and all this whole fucking schtick where he's like "ummmm im not calling you a pedophile :) i just assumed you thought 'loliporn was integral to the queer identity' based on source: i made it up and am going out of my way to repeatedly say you're agreeing with pedophiles and not being wary enough about pedophiles and that 99% of people who make the type of post im accusing you of making are pedophiles" is so fucking pathetic and if you fall for it you are a blatant transmisogynist like come the fuck on man.
i am no longer having a nice time on the computer, i am pretty fucking angry. and all this because he "doesnt have much skin in the game" but he doesn't like my stardew valley takes! yeah man real proportionate response.
not to mention the aside he makes to say 'wah wah someone told me to kill myself' amiguito do you have any fucking idea what my inbox has looked like since this entire transmisogynistic harassment campaign began a week ago? i delete those asks because i'm not into flaunting every piece of online abuse i get to make myself look like the victim in computer arguments but it has been constant and graphic! breaking news, women are people too, some of the most cutting-edge research suggests they might even have feelings!
"oh i censored her identity i dont know how she even found it" oh okay so you were anonymously pedojacketing me to your thousands of followers while vaguing about a post i made that had thousands of notes and using the same screenshot that an uncensored version of was passed around with thousands of notes as part of a transmisogynistic harassment campaign last fucking week?
how could anyone possibly have guessed it was me! it's a real mystery man it was basically witness protection. "oh but i didn't know, i didn't know she was trans", maybe he'll also say he didn't know about the harassment campaign, hey fucker, maybe apply some of the constant scrutiny you're reserving for women who are mean about farming game and apply it to yourself and consider looking into these things before baselessly making pedo accusations against someone!
this transmisogynistic crybully shit is absolutely fucking insufferable and i am absolutely sick of it and anyone who buys into it. i'm done assuming good faith or ignorance. i am not going to be a good placid little bullying target and acquiesce to this vile shit. it's truly fucking incredible that a tme guy can be found out as an actual pedophile and guys like mr. belly can immediately jump into action to use this as an opportunity to denounce a trans woman who had one interaction with him ever that consisted of five minutes spent typing an addition to a post and hitting ''reblog''. & if you don't find that sickening then straight up you are not safe for trans women to be around.
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Mammon propaganda:
“He was done dirty in the first round, I hope he wins this time because he deserves it 
First of all, he hates you at the start but then he starts to like you but he exclaimed his hate too much at the start so he can't admit it 
Everyone knows that he likes MC, even his little D (who are demons familiars) thinks that they should date 
He is a classic tsundere but doesn't actually hurt you like other tsunderes but he is so bad at hiding his feelings that everyone is just ignores it 
He is the avatar of greed, meaning he is clingy which may be a turn away for some people but he cares for you so so much 
He has never turned into his demon form to hurt you (Asmo hasn't but he has tried to seduce you with his power)
Don't get me started on his story cards, he literally is so cute
He wants to be a mentor to Luke, like Lucifer was to him, he is only mean to Luke because he wants Luke to learn about how life isn't all sunshine and rainbows
He is also so hot, he is a bisexual panic 
He is bullied by his brothers but he cares for them so so much despite their bullying
I am so in love with him and have written so many fics about him 
Anyway, I'm going to stop here because otherwise I'll be here all day”
“First friend, first pact, practically the MC's first everything, he is a major Tsundere, he holds my heart hostage, I just want to smooch him, he and MC share a room, he is such a cute little bab, he does bully Luke (a child) but it's revealed that he just wants to show Luke that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows and want help him figure things out
He is the cutest little guy, he cares for his brother 
His sin is greed so he does steal things from people but since lesson 1 he hasn't stolen anything from MC 
He wrote a song to propose 
Sure he is clingy but in a good way
He is so cute 
He adopted a child, which he had to leave in the care of witches and willingly let's the witches extort him 
There is so much that I can say about him but 1. Spoilers and 2. I don't think you want to read that much”
First person we're able to properly romance in game. AND FOR GOOD REASON. He's had MCs back from the beginning, hes the one real one in the game. He's always trying to protect us and its so nice. Puppy boy. He's so me as well??? Like he's such a doting boyfriend it's literally so cute. When MC had to go back up to Earth, he kept breaking the rotating schedule in order to call us more. He always gets MC gifts (avatar of greed love language being gift giving im gonna collapse) and he just drops the most romantic lines out of nowhere??? Like sir are you trying to give me a heart attack. He's the secretly traumatized comic relief. He has ADHD. He's canonically queer (MC doesnt have a set gender). He even likes Head pats. Vote Mammon.”
Jaehee propaganda:
“only female love interest in MM, not included in the first round for SOME REASON, you literally go off and live your coffee shop au with her at the end of her route.”
“My lesbian wife. Open a bakery with her after convincing her that she doesn't have to give up her happiness to make money. She can pursue her passions. Also her backstory is so sad and I just wanna hug and kiss her and throw hands at her "family" for making her feel like she does. Also the Valentine's dlc, you get locked in the back of the bakery with her and... Yeah that's my wife. I love her dearly. Also can we just acknowledge that she's like the only path that involves almost none of the dramatic death defying nonsense. You're just gay and in love and it's beautiful”
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snaxle · 11 months
just saw someone say the reason bi lesbians are problematic is because they're inclusive of radfems, and that bi lesbians spew terf rhetoric. i dont know what kinda secret alternate universe you're living in where terfs are supportive of mspec identities but im begging you to turn on your brain cells for longer than 5 seconds at a time and then go outside instead of wallowing in queer twitter discourse made by 15 year olds 10 hours every day you fucking idiots.
terfs dont fucking like bi lesbians. terfs would rather watch us either kill ourselves than ever support our identities.
"i hate mspec lesbians because they tell people who hate men that they're sharing terf beliefs, which is exactly what terfs want!!" have you literally never seen a terf's account before in your life? they fucking hate men and want everyone in the world to know that every single man in the world no matter how old they are that they're gross ugly creatures who all hate women and want nothing more than to prey on the downfall of all women. yea, even those 6 and 12 year old boys that live next door to you. so yea, while you're posting your quirky little "i hate all men they're disgusting 🙄" posts every three days for your 400 twitter followers, you're 100% spewing terf rhetoric!! no that doesnt mean you're a fucking terf but you're sharing into their beliefs and spreading their agenda every time you do this shit which is what they want!!!!
"the term lesbian is already inclusive of trans and nonbinary people, so using the term bi/mspec lesbian is problematic because you dont think trans people can be lesbians!" look me in the eyes. do you genuinely, honest to god think that terfs care about that. do you genuinely think terfs are okay with trans people calling themselves a lesbian. terfs dont fucking care, they still want you to either detransition and realize how "evil" being trans is and follow in their beliefs, or they want you dead. a nonbinary trans man who uses he/him pronouns calling himself a bi lesbian is literally the least of your fucking worries.
i am trans and bigender. even if i just called myself solely a lesbian without the extra labels, terfs still wont fucking accept me because i am not a pure innocent 100% woman. they will not accept me even when i tell them i feel more like a woman most days than i do a man because i am not their definition of what a woman should be. "it doesnt matter what terfs say, lesbian is still inclusive of trans people!" no, it's only inclusive of trans people that you deem are good and women enough to use the label.
people love going around talking about how they're so so supportive of any and all identities and then immediately turn around and be like "hmmm but not Yours." i could be the most perfect woman in the world, but the second i so much as mention i think a man looks attractive, then i am not being a lesbian the Right way.
so who the fuck cares anymore. who cares if i use the term bisexual lesbian to identify myself? im already doing it all wrong supposedly, so who cares if im more of a problem than i already am? the queer people im supposed to share a community with would rather side on the side of terfs because im not being a lesbian in the supposedly Correct way, and no matter what i say to try defending myself I'll never be seen as a true and proper lesbian because random strangers on the internet i will never meet ever in my life has already dictated that I'm not good enough. that my existence is problematic and harmful to everyone else, completely ignorant of the fact that they're unwillingly sharing in the beliefs of transphobes, homophobes and conservatives who would like nothing more than to wipe us all out instead of standing together as a community.
but you know, putting bi lesbians on your dni or whatever is more important.
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liquidstar · 10 months
i think that on here we've kinda talked a lot about how the traditional "coming out" narrative presented in popculture is flawed in reality. because it always presents this idea that you have to tell everyone who you Really are, that youre Hiding parts of yourself, that you can never be You until you bare your Secrets to the world. and that actually this isnt because people feel entitled to your personal business but that its hurting YOU when they dont know your personal business so you should really just tell them. (but also dont be "too" proud because thats annoying :( act mostly cishet please but dont lie about it! hehe!) it will work out every time for sure :)
but ofc thats not how real life works. i mean, naturally i understand that there are OF COURSE people out there who want to be loud and proud about who they are, and that this is incredibly important to their identity which theyve suppressed for so long. but that "coming out" narrative is harmful because it ignores many of the reasons it had to be suppressed to begin with. its fucking dangerous! its dangerous to a lot of people for a lot of reasons. they can lose their support system, family, job, house, and their entire life. both in the sense that they'll be completely uprooted from it, and in the sense that they could be killed. so constantly presenting the notion of "coming out is good for you no matter what because its the Only way to be your Real Authentic Self and also you HAVE to do it eventually because thats how this narrative is just Meant to go. be a good little queer and please dont stray from this path."
and the problem is that plenty of young LGBT+ people completely internalize it too! ive had so many convos with young people worried about coming out to their conservative family because, well, theyre supposed to! and their minds are completely blown when i tell them that actually they dont have to do that. that theyre under no obligation to tell everyone their business and its okay to just keep being them w/o making an announcement about it. ESPECIALLY IF IT PUTS THEM IN DANGER!!!! and to be clear this issue doesnt stop at age 18 or at moving out or anything like that either, there continue to be many obstacles for many people that make coming out unsafe, or just a bad life decision to uproot everything Right Now. it's okay to just be in the closet and it isn't a moral failing like cishet media wants to convince us. we all agree, right?
good! but here's what my actual real point is:
when we talk about this, for some reason, we seem to only reaaaallly be talking about the gay side of it, right? like im sure lots of people imagined, like, teenage gay boy movies. maybe a couple lesbian and bi characters too perhaps. and that makes sense because thats like the most common narrative for this sort of trope, so ofc those are the first examples we imagine. and ofc theres the more complex addition of "passing" when it comes to trans versions of this story, the idea that you gotta look a certain way to be "valid" adds another layer.
so i think its time more people started to acknowledge this about trans people too, right? i think we can all agree with this on paper already; no trans person is obligated to come out or present a certain way if theyre not in a place where they currently are able to do so. physically, mentally, financially... or just because they dont wanna! whatever the circumstances are, there is no criteria they have to meet to be vindicated in this. it doesnt only apply to 14 year olds living with shitty parents who plan to move out soon and become "Really Trans" (as if they didnt count before conforming to The Narrative), the person could be 40 and never planning to be completely out, and its the same. they dont owe you this "showing the world who you Really are in order to [earn the right to] Be Yourself" crap. thats their choice only.
however, i also think that even if most ppl on here in lgbt circles on here agree with the general sentiment... sometimes it doesnt always get applied it practice. though the whole "truscum" thing kinda died down (thank god) i still think that rampant transmedicalism has left its scars on lots of people and the things they internalize, combined with similar cisheteronormative messages in popular media about how your narrative Should go and how you Should act and look to be respected, and its Morally Wrong not to fit that mold.
so when encountered with people who dont pass, who dont TRY to pass and instead actively choose to look like their agab due to the fact that they are literally in the closet irl (lest we forget people have whole entire complex lives outside of the net) this sort of short circuit happens in ppls heads, where that internalized idea of "but you're supposed to be THIS WAY! youre not doing it RIGHT!" pops back up and they end up labeling that person as fake or Not Trans Enough for this reason.
and i do also think part of this stems from people not having enough sympathy for those whose paths are different, because they were told not to. theres a Right way, and they did it the right way. and likely they struggled for it a lot, so isnt it unfair that people are doing it the Easy Way (as if its easy to be closeted to begin with) and claiming theyre like you? thats Wrong. they have to Earn it. you lgbts should all get mad at EACH OTHER actually! this will help your community be better [in the eyes of cishetero society that doesnt really want you to exist to begin with]
additionally the reason im emphasizing the internet side of this so much is because... well, in this day and age, thats the space lots of people go to to NOT be in the closet. to at least microdose on being "out" while in real life they very much arent. like i said before, being in the closet is rough and taxing, suppressing yourself hurts which is why so many people wanna be loud and out and proud! not everyone can though, so turning to a place with relative anonymity to get that is great, and i think its probably saved a lot of people. but also because of this, its pretty much the only way to get the scenario this is positing to begin with- where you know a stranger can know that youre trans even if youre otherwise closeted completely, just so they can tell you that youre Not. but how many people in the past do you think lived lives where they never let these feelings out at all? how many alive today do you think dont even express them online?
you know that sort trope (often stereotypes in media) of a trans person "crossdressing" only when alone, in order to get a short bit of relief or euphoria that they cant in their closed life? i think that today we have the internet to do that. i think its kind of the same thing. but its also very different, because its not as private. its still secret, because its anonymous, but its also something shared with plenty of strangers at the same time. they dont know you irl, so its safe, distant, and gives you that rush of being yourself, and being referred to correctly by others too. theres community, theres support, and theres friendship too, once you get to know those strangers. its not a "second life" or a "persona" is just a side of yourself you dont show elsewhere, an identity that needs to be let out one way or another.
who the fuck are we to deny others the right to this life-saving connection just because they arent out? because they dont pass or dress the Right way irl? because we decided they arent trying hard enough to "fit in"? because they dont plan to change their lives to fit the right narrative anytime soon?
should they not be allowed into the community then? that would be perfect wouldnt it? leave many who need support out to die, because they did it Wrong. fight within our community over who is doing it Right until we've broken it in half. the righteous ones [according to cishet standards] are surely going to be treated with respect once they get rid of the Bad ones, right?
yeah, i dont think so. thats horseshit. we're stronger together than we are apart, thats why infighting is so useful to those who dont want us to be strong to begin with. its important to help each other, boost each other up, even if some of us arent playing the "right" part irl. are we really just going to sit around and accept the cishet norms as rules to live by? fuck that. not everyones story will reflect it, and you have to accept them anyway if you want a strong community. it doesnt matter how much they might look/act like their agab irl, if theyre telling you otherwise take it at face value, respect them the way you would any other. again, many of us agree with this on paper, but i think we still have to put work into acting on that too.
the end <3
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sassykinzonline · 5 months
what’s your opinion on people who say sns is platonic? like i’ll see well done essays about sns and how they changed each other for the better and their love. then… theyll say its platonic.
is it just blissful ignorance or? 😭
oh wow this is a really good question, thank you.
um hm, i never really want to totally shit on anyone's interpretation of anything so long as its accurate to the information thats presented so im not really against any interpretation thats well-defended. i havent read the kind of opinion youre talking about so i cant really say anything more specific than that.
what i will say though is that i think sometimes some snsers get caught up in "fighting homophobia" that they kind of miss the essence of naruto and i's specific relationship: that we are every type of attraction and every kind of love. its obvious in the manga's arts, the different parallels, the words we use to describe each other, the progression of our relationship, the intimacy we share with each other, i could go on and on.
so, do i think our relationship is presented in a way thats exclusively platonic? nope and the only way you could come to that conclusion is either a) homophobia or b) genuinely not being able to grasp the storytelling elements in the manga (ie. you dont necessarily need to be able to understand or feel romantic/sexual attraction to see that the manga shows you it exists between us explicitly). the anime is a bit...worse but i still feel like most people have seen the anime ONLY and still feel discomfort because they cant figure out if we're gay or not, and ive never heard of another shonen anime with a problem that big.
however, the platonic element is a huge and important part of our relationship. there was no one among our "friends" that could truly understand, sympathize, or care for us. but at the same time, that wasnt enough. there's the familial element too, in the sense that we wanted the safety that we knew a family should make you feel. we knew the "family" we had (iruka and itachi) were broken. there's a professional side to it too, where our profession is so intimately tied to our sense of self that thats how we communicate our feelings to each other. there's a romantic element yes, the feeling of completion and feeling that someone is "for you". there's even a sexual/aesthetic element, where just the appearance of someone overwhelms your senses and consumes your body. i would also look at the relationships you have with other people and ask if they dont include different kinds of love/attraction despite mainly being one thing.
ultimately though, i think that the way the narrative is presented (and the way i feel), the point is meant to be that we have all those different types of love except because of our context (familial, political, social, whatever) its difficult to realize the romance that we both desperately wanted from the other. the manga presents the double suicide proposal as romantic, and thats the climax of the story. so the relationship should be looked at as a romantic one. at the same time though, if people feel like "well just because the manga says its a romantic relationship doesnt mean this is inherently romantic, theyre exclusive queer platonic soulmates that kiss and bone" or something then i think thats fine too. so long as they understand that naruto and i will always come before anyone else to each other, and that whatever we feel for the other is not only mutual but mutually desired and all encompassing.
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cumscrotesailboat · 11 months
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I finished Citrus, the "infamous" GL that i keep hearing about and as far as i've seen, its only the anime thats insanely weird. The manga is super different from the anime adaptation. There's a lot to critique with this series BUT the argument i hear saying that it caters primarily to men is not quite accurate. It was made by a sapphic woman, of which the story was inspired by a real experience she had, published by a company that caters to QUEER women. It certainly wasn't made with men in mind.
(Also, spoiler at the bottom if you have plans on reading it)
With that out of the way, the "incest" subplot of the series felt like it had little significance to the narrative of the story. The only time it was being mentioned was the Blonde MC's inner dialogue about how she can't possibly be with the Black haired MC because they're sister and that's it. At the end, their parents agreed to not get married so the two can legally be married. There was no push back on the parents or anyone they knew, it was just there. I can't tell what the author's purpose with it is. In another wlw series i read, the incest subplot was there to shut down the argument "If same-sex love is ok, then that should mean incest love is ok too bcs it doesnt affect anyone right?", but in here I can't be sure if its for drama or if its for the "spicy forbidden love awoogawooga" japanese anime fans seem to love. Personally, i think its the former. It's drama but very weak drama. I don't wanna write off the latter that fast either. Sapphic women can get weird with incest fantasies too. I personally am not into it bcs its incest, crazy take i know, but sure ig? This one I don't really care since it had such little effect on the narrative that you can just ignore it or even delude yourself with thinking it wasn't there at all and your understanding of the series would still be fine.
For the sexual assaults in the early chapters. I dont fucking know man, why did she do that? I mean, we know why, she was trying to push the Blonde MC away as seen in the letter but uhh.. 🤷🤷🤷? Sexual misconducts, harrassment, and assault just makes me feel uncomfortable so this is the one I dont like with the series at all. To give meaning to it (just bcs i dont wanna gloss over it that fast), the black haired MC did that as an impulsive act of selfishness, isolation, and fear of companionship. Early chapters has her shown as shackled by her family's legacy so she was cold and also fucked up.
Another thing are the supporting characters, there's this middle schooler that just fucking REEKS of trauma and the series just doesn't address that. It's so funny bcs you are 13 girl, don't talk as if you're in that grown up world you keep talking about. They're all great tho, even if they felt flat. One thing i keep noticing with nowadays consumption of literary is that every character has to be well-rounded, no it doesn't! its fine if the main cast are the only rounded ones! but yeah, that middle schooler has to be stopped. Please author, what the fuck is wrong with that kid😭☠️
Overall, its really not as bad as its reputation precedes it to be. Its weird yeah but not as weird as the majority of people say it to be. Its fluffy and drama and it definitely wasn't made for men. It's really whatever and only got its reputation bcs of that weird ass anime adaptation thats trying to cater to those freak ass "otakus". Saying that word makes me feel disgusted, jesus christ. I have mixed feelings if its a series I'd recommend bcs there are other series that are better but what i'm sure is its an okay read. I'm big to romance and drama and this series has that. It didn't make me cry but it made me feel tense and sad for the characters, and in my book thats a successful attempt at those genre.
My only gripe with it really is the unnecessary incest and SA, thats why its getting a low score for me. Everything else was fine
anw balls
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theoldgvard · 2 years
am i about to rant about my love for brother bear? oh yes i am.
im sorry but denahi dropping every ounce of his anger and malice once he learns the truth is so healing to see as a queer person, or for any member of a marginalised community who has not received immediate and unconditional support and acceptance from their family/those closest to them. the message of this movie is so important and relevant.
such a small detail, but the visual image of denahi’s hand guiding kenai’s paw to the wall to make his mark, showing that being supported should be celebrated instead of taken as weakness, how yes you can forge your own path in life but dont be afraid to lean on people or seek guidance to do it
denahi saying he passed on the wisdom he learnt from kenai. just the simple idea of listening to others increasing your own knowledge and awareness. so important in today’s world where ignorance more often than not equals violence or complicity in violence.
‘no matter what you choose, you’ll always be my little brother’ this is the true meaning of blood is thicker than water. it means family should be there for you no matter what. such a beautiful phrase that sadly often gets twisted to inspire guilt.
the visuals. the music. stunning. the emotional impact is so raw and gets me every time.
the scene where kenai and koda see the drawing of the bear and man fighting. kenai’s journey to understanding the world isn’t so black and white, and also understanding that loving is manly, that loving doesnt sacrifice his masculinity. kenai’s undoing of his hatred and also his toxic masculine ideals is so lovely to watch.
i also think denahi as the villain type character was handled incredibly well. i think they kept it very obvious that his anger was the outpouring of his grief as a young man having lost his family and although you can’t help but feel tense when he appears for kenai and koda’s sakes i dont think he is ever portrayed as evil at all, just misguided and confused on how to deal with his grief. the ending is extremely cathartic and his unwavering acceptance of everything prevents me from believing he is anything but a good person.
did i mention phil collins bringing out more bangers?
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arromantica-lucha · 1 year
i got a lot of thoughts about loveless by alice oseman and if this post seems very one sided well thats just how it read to me. my opinion isnt the end-all and i value how everyone interpreted and was affected by this book. this isnt a closed topic lets talk about it
gripes with loveless by alice oseman
took a while to actually explain that ace and aro are two separate identities and still not that well. it makes aro seem like a subset of ace which is entirely false. its cool there was an aroallo character involved but still
the book title 'loveless' is a real term and identity and the entirety of the book kinda shits on it by enforcing the ideal that its still okay to be aspec cause platonic love can be experienced and any type of love is required or at least better than "not feeling anything and being alone forever"
it was weird for her friends to forgive her over gestures that had nothing to do with apologizing before georgia actually apologized and explained but that may just be more of a personal thing that i didnt like. likewise the story being about platonic love it kinda sucks her deepest connection is with her roommate and not the people shes known for years and wronged
kinda sex negative. i mean rooney says she doesnt dislike casual sex but then that whole thing becomes the reason she hates herself and a reason to cope with being "unloveable" and its kinda lame. you can tell that story without making it seem like casual sex is just a means of devaluing yourself. and you can be sex repulsed and still not do that. it just feels unfair to aroallo people especially who are told they are monsters for enjoying and only wanting casual sex when this book is supposed to be about aromanticism too
(can we also be done with harry potter references??? lets stop hurting trans and jewish people thanks)
basically particular identities' stories shouldnt come at the expense of others and other ways of life. its great and important to write different experiences because no one is gonna relate to them all but no one has to replace romantic love with ANY type of love to feel good about themselves and be human. loveless and aplatonic people shouldnt have to read something that uses rhetoric against their identities within a book about aspec people
things i like about loveless
i didnt relate to it personally but the experiences felt very genuine. internalized aphobia, being hounded by aphobic comments, finding it hard to portray love even in a fictional or artistic sense, etc.
I appreciate the references to race and intersectionality that come with being queer even if they were minimal. so few times is it actually acknowledged that there is privilege when it comes to being understood, coming out, being accepted, etc. the references to that were nice to see because too often intersectionality being brought up is brushed off and blatantly ignored or people pretend like they understand
it was written by someone who is aroace even if there are some things that can be less isolating within the aspec community with the language being used. someone being open about their identities and how they choose to define them in the mainstream world is how we get more peoples voices in there
it has helped people discover their own identity though id still recommend further research on the actual identities being named and ones not named. these stories are the first introduction of aspec identities in mainstream and that hopefully means itll start to expand to other identities within that community that have not yet had representation
this should be the start of developing more rep. the first takes are not gonna represent everyone and its a good thing it exists to tell a few peoples story. but that doesnt mean it should be free from any criticism because thats how we make them continuously better. i hope to see an aroallo character soon. i want the term loveless to be properly used in media and expressed for what it is. i want to stop pretending like ace is the umbrella term for all aspec identities. i want amatonormativity explained as the sociological term it is that harms all life not just aromantic and polyamorous people. i want a polyam aspec character and polyam characters in general. i want disabled and ethnic aspec characters where the intersectionality is just as important to the narrative. i want a whole lot more and to stop prentending like any of that should be unreasonable
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
I think if hori wrote toga better more people would like her but he hardly gives a shit about her so her story and personality and thoughts are messy (as in badly written) and nonsensical. I wanna like her but you have to do a lot of leg work to make her interesting and worth the time and love, Hori doesnt love her enough to but a lot of effort into her, unlike the other two male villains who he wont shut up about. Togas always just been (for me personally) an underutilized, underdeveloped waste of what could have been a cool idea. The Anti-toga people are not unfounded in most of their criticisms (MOST), shes the only seemingly queer person and of course shes a lustful blood sucking pervert psycho murderer with no real depth.
(btw you are more than welcome to both ignore this and LOVE toga I am not saying for you shes not worth the time or energy, this is just me reflecting on her and how hori has treated her, i appreciate and value fanon and the effort fans will put into loving her, thats so cool and based, im glad you can find joy in something like that, for people who like her- I wish she was cared for by her writer 💕)
Uh… what I see or believe isn’t fanon broski.
Look Horikoshi has always had a problem of pushing aside the women in his series, the worst of this case has ALWAYS been ochako. Do I think that’s because he wanted to write a gay love story? Yeah, I do. Does that make it okay? Absolutely not. I will be the first person to shout from the rooftops that horikoshi does not write women as well as he should. He has fan service abundant, he makes crude jokes using women that really aren’t all that funny, he’s pushed aside his women and their moments in order to forward bkdk’s development.
But you can absolutely not come into my ask to tell me that she is an, “underdeveloped wasted idea”. Because she’s just fucking not.
People think toga is just “the blood sucking bisexual who likes animals too”, but she’s just fucking not. That’s never been her defining trait or character.
Toga is a subversion of the yandere trope. That sadly means there will always be misogynistic rhetoric because that’s what the trope is. At least BEFORE the subversion happens, which is now! Where Ochako DOESNT FIND HER CREEPY!
She’s going to be creepy and weird and have issues because she’s a villain. She’s a queer villain. Her entire story is one that defies the tragedy of carmilla and refuses to let her identity be anything but “Himiko Toga”. She has always been a character about identity. She’s never been “possessive” or “jealous” over Izuku for this purpose. It’s the reason why she’s bisexual, why she just “has an attraction to blood”. It’s a queer story wrapped in metaphor and it always has been. Why is THIS monster/villain queer story any worse than, idfk, the joker and Batman. I haven’t found a single person able to genuinely voice that to me in a way that is convincing! Horror and unconventional ways of love and ESPECIALLY blood has always always ALWAYS been a part of queer coded stories for a LONG TIME. We are the unconventional. We always have been. And that’s not me “bending over backwards” HER PARENTS LITERALLY CALL HER A DEVIANT AND SHE ASKS WHY NO ONE ELSE STRUGGLES WITH THE URGES SHE DOES.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll fucking say it again, Toga is horikoshi’s most well written and thought out female character. Ochako got kicked over and over again, same with momo, Tsu, Mina, and whoever the fuck else.
And I’m sorry, but writing a queer villain inspired by the lesbian vampire trope isn’t homophobic or bad writing.
She’s HAD depth. Idk if you read her backstory or her feelings on Ochako, twice, hawks, or even Izuku but she’s HAD depth. And I’m tired of pretending she hasn’t.
Normally I wouldn’t engage with shit like this but you reached out to me DIRECTLY. So let me make this clear: you can have whatever opinions you want on toga, and I will not get angry or express anger in any sort of way. But this account? This is not your fucking space and I will ABSOLUTELY meme on you for it.
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xxcherrycherixx · 1 month
Never seen she-ra but I wanna hear the rant
Ok so
While she0ra as a show seems to have a pretty sweet goal of normalising people and relationships that aren’t the norm, it does something that i cant forgive.
It normalises abuse.
While it constantly shows us that shad0w weavers abuse is bad, it somehow then completely tries to erase all of catr0as abuse of ad0ra.
Cat0ra abused ador0a. Theres nothing you can say against that. She abused her emotionally, verbally and physically. She took every encounter after their split as a chance to hurt ad0ra as much as she could and enjoyed it. She tried to literally kill ad0ra, all because she ‘left’
Now i love toxic yuri and toxic yaoi and just some good angst in general, and if catrad0ra was just a non canon toxic ship i would probably eat the fuck out of it (ok maybe not, i do have some other issues with the show. *cough* the ableism *cough*)
But the ship is made canon. Cat0ra’s abuse is basically immediately erased by the writers with a shitty ‘redemption arc’ just because they wanted their catrad0ra. Cat0ra is suddenly the perfect girlfriend and wont ever lash out at ad0ra ever again, the two live happily ever after!
Thats not how it works. And that shouldn’t be how you portray that it works to children.
She0ra is a kids show. That is my biggest fucking issue here, if it was a show aimed for adults i wouldn’t give a fuck as much. But this is a show aimed to kids, and they basically just teach the audience that its actually a good idea to keep trying to fix your abuser because maybe it will change them and you can be happy together 💀
When the real lesson they should have taught is that its good to move on from someone who hurt you, that you can and will find other people who care about you without hurting you when you do something they dont like. The best ending would have had ad0ra realising how far this has gone and cutting cat0ra out of her life completely.
The canon ending completely disregards ad0ras trauma, it slaps you in the face and says ‘you thought any of that affected her? Haha she’s she0ra! Why would abuse ever affect her. You’re an idiot for worrying. Abuse? When? I dont remember abuse, shut up and watch her kiss her abuse- i mean her childhood friend 🙃’ it acts like this is the best ending for ad0ra, that this is the relationship she should have. But all i can think about is how she’s likely going to be abused again, what if she decides to break up? Do you really think cat0ra will just say “oh ok, thats fine im sorry it didnt work out” no. This is the woman who spiralled out of control and tried to destroy the world and kill everyone because ad0ra ‘left’ her once before, if ad0ra tried to break up with her its very likely cat0ra will lash out at her again.
Catr0a has a pattern of explosive anger and abuse, dont act like that suddenly has disappeared because shes with ad0ra now.
But the fans and the writers do act like that. They champion the ship as healthy and good representation, they somehow ignore all the abuse ad0ra suffers because they want their lesbians. I kind of understand why it was so big back when the show came out, we had hardly any representation and we clinged onto any we could get. But we have more now, we have representation thats good and healthy- why are people still treating catr0dora as good representation?
Its gross. Its really fucking gross. All i can think about is the young sapphics who watched the show and took away the lesson that they should accept and ‘help heal’ their abusers. It doesnt help that sapphics and other queer people get stuck in abusive relationships quite badly, especially those in areas where the queer community isn’t as large. ‘What if i break up with them and cant find another woman who likes women? I will be alone forever’ while im thankfully not in any abusive relationships, im currently seeing a girl who i don’t really feel a strong connection with. That “if i break up i will be alone” is very much a thought that goes in my head, i dont know other queer women, i dont know queer women who would want to be with me. And so i stick with her, because who else is there for me?
That is what i hate. The normalisation of abuse taught to a group who are already predisposed to accepting abuse.
Anyway support canon wlw ships that actively dont teach abuse is fine-
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jenyifer · 2 months
Alright so I have to stop reading this.
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The sell: T4T great gatsby reimagine. The first part of the book I was trying to put aside the age stuff which Nick is 17 and the fact no one in his home town would care after they became themselves and the langauge is modern and the portrayal of the stock market was definitely interesting? They have siblings etc. I mean parents okay… but still. I could see the bones of the original story. However soon that is tossed aside. If you like the glitz and glamour of the movie while ignoring the actual themes of the literature have I found the book for you.
I had really liked Most Ardently so gave this book a try. Also Great Gatsby is one of the books I almost had memorized as a teen. I could see the Great Gatsby being a Queer love story. The themes could apply. Now this book didn’t do that it threw out anything deep about this classic and turned it into a coloring page of too many things. Daisy and Jordan get together and there’s a mystery ooooooooooo. The stakes are just not high the plot too unbelievable the heart ripped out on the floor. YOU NEED TO LOVE NICK HE IS THE “EVERYMAN” THIS NICK IS DUMB AND DUMB AND NOT REDEEMABLE HE DOESNT HELP DAISY IM NOT SURE HE LOVES HER AT ALL?! As the reader you should follow him feel his story. But nope I didn’t care he didn’t like Daisy or want things to be better for her. He only shallowly did everything Nick was the gilded hero without a fight who makes his own problems.
Maybe someone with a history degree and a special interest in the Great Gatsby shouldn’t read this? Did make me want to re read Great Gatsby so I could make sure I wasn’t remembering it with rose colored glasses.
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munamania · 1 year
ok everyone i watched lemonade mouth and do revenge tonight. i wanted to share my notes from lemonade mouth or at least the highlights. (edit from later jk i posted nearly every thought soooo sorry) not much to say abt the other one it was okay. lemonade mouth is my baby though
wen is such a hater
queer as hell movie
i like that this movie doesnt talk down to its audience it's still silly but it treats each character like a full person and it's earnest
flashes into their lives to get to their destiny to meet. i heart storytelling
'use your voice' ok dyke. sounds like jo maskin
'this is the underground (in all caps)' oh this is so rife with queer pleasures
principal brennigan.... what does this say abt society.....
this is so like gay club queer joy i know a place moment fates colliding queer utopia
music is everything adn everything is love btw
none of the girls are in competition for any of the guys and in fact are arguably queer coded. i mean overall obv the group is
showing the power of queer joy
like MUNA
random little commercial jingle was so catchy
people that have known and paid attention to each other forever and challenge each other to be their best selves through their very existence soulmatism. olivia and wen btw
dynamic lighting <333
'just because you cant see the agony doesnt mean it isnt there' ok gayass
'i could start a revolution' broccoli close up. hilarious theyre just fuckin around
naomi scott brings a comfortable bisexuality to her characters. me when im just saying shit
SOMEBODY.im gonna kill myself.
'or cher' get his ass mo
stella is a true action forward activist im obsessed with her. she and hazel callahan bottoms should team up and rig the school with bombs
lemonade mouth is such a sincere true inside joke for a band name they are all so lovely. theyre my losers club
Determinate. Get determined! Revolution
bridgit mendler egot when
'i like when you smile' theyre just giddy weirdo soulmates
taking away pride?????????? (lemonade)
corporate buyouts. capitalist ownership and what that entails
wen who cant deal with change whos living in honor of his mother's memory and his sense of idealistic family and those rigid definitions and olivias odd broken family and beautiful unconventional relationship with her grandmother and opened up raw vulnerability that she tries to protect but exudes in her songwriting largely inspired around and by him
adult babies. ok
idk if this is a strange observation but it's relieving that it's not a huge deal for the boys to go in the girl's bathroom to be supportive and lovely to their friend
lemonade. symbol of hope revolution pride also fruity
i used to live and breathe for mo's little bass shimmy
disability representation ayo
mo's back vocals okayyyyyyy also the little dance!!!!
distributing lemonade to the masses!!!!!! proletariat comrades!!!
why r they literally revolutionaries im screaming
'political tirade' 'complete'y disruptive' slayyy
'decisions i make are for the good of this school' ok fascist
Dante's pizzeria -> HELL!?!
'maybe... we do matter' 'of course we do' ok yippee gay people <3
shes so gone... i just felt so understood
naomi has such a beautiful voice. the naomis should combine naomi scott produced her own shit it would be sooooo cool
olivia being forced to accept her full grief for her mother
friends are everything btw
seeing things in the clouds... natural human inclination to find purpose in everything
'i wish my dad would ignore me' REAL. it's complicated
dad in prison - i feel like they didnt touch that sort of thing often on disney idk maybe sometimes
more than a band. love and community and god in other people
these are my bestest friends btw
'im not pretending to be what im not for anyone anymore' ok gayass
they are such DORKS <3
theyre all so linked together in fate and time
oh bridgit is about to slay so immensely shes amazing
bridgit mendler school of acting
gabe saporta ass outfit stella has on
music center of the universe and love
theater kids <3
okay that hug made me cry
'that is the limpest wrist fist bump i have ever seen' - lydia (about charlie and his brother)
there was some coming out to your family in that hug
fucking good lighting
lemonade mouth school of acting
fucking up that guitar i cannot lie im obsessed w that performance of determinate at the end it makes me cry every time and also that guitar is soooooo
this guy is cooler than steve harrington yeah i still just have stupid beef with that stupid fandom
kiss on the cheek is so sweet <333
he brought her a kitten. he brought her a kitten. he brought her new life/a feeling of rebirth of coming into yourself and just living. not perfect but okay. they could do peeta and katniss who will follow you to your ruined home and plant a garden there. i threw my pen across the room and screamed over this btw.
queer utopia
faghag pair
charlie = afycso, naomi scott ~ dianna agron, wen ryan ross pretty odd outfit
okay goodnight <3
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will80sbyers · 1 year
One of the things that made me stop reading analyses in the Byler fandom is how people just tend to pick 'parallels' that they like while ignoring or dismissing other parallels that do not suit their takes. Especially the most/more obvious parallels that are put on the show. For example Byler being paralleled to other romantic ships show that byler is also romantic but apparently Mlvn being paralleled to Byler and other romantic ships don't count as a romantic parallel. Mike being paralleled to Vickie apparently isn't a parallel because it doesnt support the intended *parallel meaning*. They literally framed Vickie and Mike in the same way and gave them same lines while paralleling Vickie's ex and El, and Will/Robin.
People will analyze all Byler scenes back and forth to show how it's romantic meanwhile completely ignoring Mlvn's romantic moments on the show. Even when Byler itself literally parallels Mlvn..... And it happens all the time not just with parallels but with other stuff like framing/editing or set design clues.
And these are not even ''minuscule details'' or ''subext'' stuff that you have to analyse. They are like the most obvious parallels that the show put.
Dont get me wrong, i like finding clues and reading analyses but they just kinda feel extremely... disingenuous sometimes when you just pick stuff that you like while ignoring other stuff just bc it doesnt support your argument.
Yeah, I get why you feel like this!!
I don't understand the point of ignoring those parallels too, the existence of byler-minteven parallels is part of why I can't think Matrioska is not romantic, that and like also the framing of their scenes where they are framed with a romantic meaning very very often, especially in the first seasons but also in season 4 they have some moments framed as romantic too!
I didn't stop reading the theories because of that though, I hear people out many times even if I don't personally agree and I like seeing all the little details that maybe could be intentional... But I do stop reading the theories in the posts when they are phrased in a way that sounds pretentious to me or seems like they are saying that if you don't think that then you are stupid, but even in that case I just ignore it as long as there is no biphobic idea involved I'm fine with people ignoring what they want to ignore in the show... I just don't care xD
I think it's also a thing about a different interpretation of stuff, I tend to not be able to ignore the big picture of what I see all together, so stuff like the "boys only" thing or the drawing in El's room etc doesn't seem like a good enough reason to say Mike is gay to me I see it as sort of general queer coding for Mike like saying "from now on for you it's only one boy aka Will"
But I also see him as acting genuine with El and also liking kissing her a lot in s3 and other people watch that and are convinced he hates it because he moves her hands...so I just think it's all about the subject that is watching for some things and it can never be super objective because of that unless you are literally the writers
But you know, I still think they all should be allowed to ignore what they want tbh even if I think taking that into consideration gives the best fair judgement on the show if you try to be the most objective possible by looking at everything... but like I'm not here to police people about what they should talk about in the tag so I just skip it and continue my day lol I get annoyed if the arguments used are clearly born from biphobia, for the rest I don't care much tbh
in the end it's not that important if he's gay or bi or just queer the important thing is that he's happy and kissing Will Byers next season
But I definitely still think he's a messy bisexual until they confirm he's not, because that's what makes sense to me for now 🌈
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Ahh im sorry! My brain couldnt think of anything specific and fluffy despite wanting to, but i did send a nonny ask a while of go about a hypothetical scenario with Mansion Hybrid bois au in mind that didnt get posted so i was wondering if it'd be okay to ask u again here?
In this hypothetical, MC is poly-sapphic-bi who absolutely Adores the Boys but goes on that 7 day business trip, and the business trip was actually a 'Hybrid Rights' conference, and they meet the absolute coolest(hottest) Hybrid rights activist lesbian who is a human, whom they develop a mega huge crush on her but she's just oblivious to it? And they invite her over for dinner to meet the boys and discuss some things
Around the Boys, MC is usually confident and in control, but around the activist, they become a blushing puddle of a yes-man no matter how ridiculous the idea
Bo probably who doesnt understand what the business dinner is about: oh! What if nachos were a hat?
MC dry affectionate: Bo honey that's the dumbest-
Activist (obviously joking): I think that's a great idea
MC melting into a puddle assuming she's serious: I-Yes! that is- Yknow I always thought that,, hot melted cheese should be closer,, to the scalp i mean 3rd degree burns aside u can always-you dont need to worry about uhm...perming-
Activist: *laughs* ur hilarious man, I love hangin out with you
MC (red as Jean and Ian's hair): I-well, Yeah! I love you-t-HANGING OUT- hanging out with you-As well, also, too, we're..*bi finger guns* so cool, together-but more like as friends together not married together unless u know u want to, together-
Activist *laughs again*
The Boys probably: -side eye-
Kinda similar to that Poison Ivy meets Catwoman scene in Harley Quinn As Im sure all queer sapphics can relate to, at least once in their life!
But I digress I understand that the boys r distrustful of humans so would they try to manipulate MC somehow through the Activist or would their jealousy send them into murderous contempt?
Oh, they fucking hate this woman. First she rips you away from them for a whole week and now she just waltzes in like she owns the place? Like she owns you? This shit won't stand
Ian usually prefers more feminine clothes but he goes all out for this, wearing that beautiful dress you got him, and if you look close enough, that cute set of lingerie you've been waiting to see him in. If fem is what you want then fem is what you'll get. If he ever thinks the two of you are getting a bit too chummy he'll "accidently" cut his finger and let the tears flow so you're too focused on helping him to see the daggers he's starring at her
Jean is also very active during the dinner, constantly bringing up your relationship with all of them and how happy you are with them. If you try to ignore him he'll simply get up and walk behind you, glaring at the woman while he suckles on your neck
Jack, Shaun, and even Joseph are constantly showing off how strong they are in lightly concealed threats, Rory keeps asking if you're enjoying his cooking, Bo's got a low growl going on the whole time, and Nick's wings are puffed up for a fight
The only person who isn't there is Berry because he's too busy looking for dirt on this woman. And oh boy once he finds it he'll make a whole case file for it and confront he with it. Whether that confrontation happens in front of you or not depends on if that information would make you think less of her. If not he does it in privet
Needless to say, she's not welcome back
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