#which is more normal
I simultaneously want to live a lifestyle where I can regularly afford to EXTRAVAGANTLY tip service workers, whilst also living in a world where topping culture is not normal or necessary because minimum wage laws do their damn jobs and actually allow all workers to comfortably support their selves & families without relying on the arbitrary "generosity" of entitled customers
#not a shitpost#anyway tipping is not the norm in many countries bc employers are held to a higher accountability re: liveable wages#and in the U.S. specifically tipping as a cultural norm is DIRECTLY descended from post-civil-war racism#I highly recommend googling that shit bc there are MUCH better sources than my dumb little blog#but basically i believe it arose in industries that employed (exploited) a large newly unenslaved black workforce#by offering service jobs that paid unethically low wages (to post-emancipation black americans with VERY few options/resources)#with the excuse that 'tips' would 'reward' good performance and make up the wage difference to 'deserving' workers#while actually it was a control tactic that enabled racist white customers to financially abuse underpaid black employees#keeping in mind that many white americans at this point resented the new legal right of former slaves to earn money and hold jobs at all#ANYWAY I'm rambling and I don't have a list of sources that's just a summary of stuff I remember reading#I apologize for any accidental misinformation this is why i normally stick to dumb clown biology horror posts#(the nose is the fruiting fungal body. honk it thrice to Release The Spores)#...no wait wait wait i thought i was done BUT:#it's no coincidence that tipping culture has continued predominantly in industries more likely to employ women and people of color#and people without access to higher education. because TIPPING IS FUNDAMENTALLY A FORM OF FINANCIAL ABUSE MEANT TO ENFORCE SOCIAL HIERARCHY#ok whew i think im done#oh P.S. LEAVE A FUCKING TIP for people who provide you services in industries where tipping is (unfortimatrly) standard#Yes even if they do a crap job. TIPS AREN'T A 'BONUS' for 'good performance' they're literally something exploited workers need to SURVIVE#you should be able to screw up occasionally at work without being terrified of being able to pay this month's bills#Humans are human. Which means we are DEEPLY FLAWED and IMMINENTLY DESERVING OF DIGNITY AND COMPASSION.#There i did it i summarized my personal core theology nobody asked for. and in entirely too wordy a process okay i am going to BED
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obsob · 2 years
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knight of swords
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andstuffsketches · 2 years
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[comic of Yor and Loid from Spy x Family.  Yor says, “we need to practice kissing to avoid future suspicion” and Loid agrees.  They both look at each other, blushing, with words behind them (cut off by the art and panel) showing their thoughts. Yor is thinking about kisses on TV and that Loid has experience she doesn’t because he was married.  Loid is thinking about his mission and that he hopes this time will be less boring since he actually enjoys Yor’s company.  Yor reaches in, blushing, and pulls Loid in for a kiss.  They awkwardly press their lips together, then break apart blankly.  Yor smiles and says in confusion, “That’s it? Oh, I mean... that was-- easy?” Loid beams at her and says, “In my experience, yes! Great job, Yor!” the bottom of the page says “Normalcy achieved”]
oblivious aspec twiyor 💚💜
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twstedforyou · 2 years
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--by the way, Cheka and Che’nya are your familiars too!
(No one’s more surprised then them, though...)
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salamispots · 3 years
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dogs dogs dogs dogs dog-
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petr1kov · 3 years
it's pretty sad that so many young people see turning 30 (or even just 25+) as already 'becoming old'. you've barely started living as an adult, still can have roughly the triple of your current age and more ahead of you, yet you already think your life is near over. only goes to show how this cultural obsession with youth is highly damaging
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the-romcommunist · 2 years
I have two groups of comfort shows: the ones that completely destroy me emotionally, and the ones that are just super light hearted comedies and slice of lifes. The second category makes sense as a comfort show but it's just ironic that the shows that have me bawling all the way through, somehow, bring me some comfort.
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Aredian sneaking into the physician’s chambers to plant the bracelet so he can solidly accuse Merlin of sorcery, just to come face to face with a sidhe staff, a stack of spellbooks, some left over glowing poultices from the afanc sickness, and a notebook labeled “advice from the Great Dragon and what the fuck it could mean”
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homemadebabka · 2 years
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good to know luffy and i are similar amounts of feral right now
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july-19th-club · 3 years
favorite costume detail from the untamed belongs (big surprise) to nie huaisang, whose wardrobe gets darker and plainer and more nie-like the further into the story he gets, so that he starts out in gentle ivories and then moves to stiffer silvery-greys as sunshot takes place, and when we meet him again in the present he is dressing like the longtime clan leader he now is, with sweeping sedate overrobes and subtle detail in dark serious colors, except for scenes in which, as we learn, he's deliberately projecting incompetence or naivete: then he's back to the soft cream shades. until by the time the final showdown in guanyin temple takes place, he’s in full gunmetal grey, no pattern, and he is dressed almost exactly like mingjue did on an everyday basis. it reinforces how in his own, less-direct but no less effective way, he emulates his family. he’s not a soldier, but he’s still a nie, he has a fight to win here, and by god he’s dressed for it. and then at last, in his final appearance, he gets some color and pattern back again. it’s still on the darker side, but we see some muted greens in there,  a bit of dove grey. now that he has done the thing he set out to do, he can start to reclaim the older parts of himself. that cool tessellated fabric is the most distinct pattern we ever see him in, it has a lot of contrast; it’s a visual shorthand for a person who is something of a mosaic now, with pieces of the person he became and the person he originally was. his costumes track his evolution from quiet, naive artist to heir of a military clan to tactician at the moment of victory to sensible survivor retreating to a quiet life.
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
The fact that combining Zedaph (you know, the guy who lives in a hill filled with chaos contraptions pretty much every season and speaks in sound effects just as much as words) and Joe (you know, the guy who's... Joe) somehow resulted in several minutes of the most completely normal conversation I've ever seen on Hermitcraft brings me so much joy
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foulserpent · 2 years
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a selection of the megafaunal birds and rodents endemic to the Red Rock archipelago, homeland of the sole remaining archin (giant sapient bees lol) people.
the descendents of seabirds and castaway rats fill most vertebrate niches, with a few unique families developing here seen nowhere else. two of these translate to “groundbirds” and “hoofrats”, the former being flightless birds with vestigial/absent wings, the latter being large rodents who have developed hooves.
the biggest examples are shown here. descriptions under the cut
(youll notice most of the names here seem very literal- archin language is a visual sign language and thus the unique signs for specific words are either untranslatable into phonetic languages or must be translated literally like such)
left to right:
‘assassin moundbuilder’: large solitary ambush predator groundbirds who kick prey to death with their enlongated middle claws. males build and compete over mounds which females lay their eggs in. there are a few (much smaller) moundbuilder species.
‘birdmouth’: midsized predatory hoofrats whose incisors have taken on a self-sharpening, beaklike shape to better tear open the flesh of its prey. they live in colonies and show great behavioral plasticity depending on the environment- some clans will hunt alone or in loose groups for small prey, some are specialists of large animals. 
’nightwalker’: this one isnt a groundbird at all but a species of heron and a relatively recent addition to the ecosystem. they are nocturnal (likely to minimize competition with comparable birds, mostly diurnal) and hunt both on land and in water, as well as scavenge. they are one of the more dangerous species to archin with the least adaptive fear of their guns, and will occasionally prey on them 
middle: archin (and mrinitialman default human silhouette) for reference. 
‘reinbird’ ‘reined shrieker’: a mid-large omnivorous groundbird that has been widely domesticated as mounts for archin. domestic populations have very long wattles regardless of sex, which may be used or augmented as reins for a rider. 
‘twilight shrieker’: a very large, mostly frugivorous groundbird closely related to the reinbird. its named for its  resemblance to an evening sky (sunset on one end, starry in the others) and the haunting territorial calls of the male.
‘mudleg rat’ the smallest hoofrat, this is an omnivore that fills a similar niche to pigs, and will opportunistically eat almost anything. these are occasionally kept as livestock.
‘maned leaper’: a group of mid-sized highly cursorial hoofrats, who fill a very similar niche to deer. they are a favored prey of birdmouths, and will leap and kick high in the air while fleeing to confuse predators
‘the ground shakes’: a massive herbivorous hoofrat who could be considered somewhat analogous to a hippo. while they are exclusive herbivores, they are very aggressive and can do tremendous damage to archin settlements with their mere presence. a naming taboo has developed as a result- there is no specific sign for this animal and it is referred to in the abstract (in hopes of not attracting them). ‘the ground shakes’ is a common phrase, or occasionally the slightly more specific ‘giant’. 
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loudlyunladylike · 3 years
I literally hate the phrase "semi-lore" so much
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it-begins-with-rain · 6 years
This was just going to be a little whispering in the notes but then I got totally sidetracked with tumblr metrics and they just completely fascinate me.
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bionicbore · 2 years
Listen okay I get the criticism that Adam’s constant heckling was a bit much at times. I get it 100%
But I think everyone should also take into consideration that Chase could do this literally whenever he wanted
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starbuck · 3 years
You know, the turn away from “chubbie men hav cute sqwuishy tummies uwu!!!!” and towards “fat, hairy men are hot, actually” has done WONDERS for both my gender dysphoria and just generally how I feel about my body.
The former reeked of infantilization and fetishization and made me feel gross whereas the latter makes me feel good and like I have agency in way I present and how that’s perceived. And it definitely makes a difference that I’ve primarily seen the latter sentiment coming from queer men - it feels more like us saying “this is how I look (or want to look in the future) and it looks good!”, which is not what the former ever felt like to me.
#does this make sense??#and like. no offense to anyone to whom the first sentiment was validating/helpful but this is just how I felt#i’m not in either of these fandoms so i’m probably about to get crucified twice over#(this is just based on what’s ended up on my dash over the years so FAIR WARNING)#but it’s essentially like the way I’ve seen Az*raphale treated by the g**d om*ns fandom#(who like. isn’t even fat btw… it’s been too long since i’ve read the book to recall if it’s in the text anywhere there but as far as the#show goes - it feels to me like the fandom just decided he was chubby/fat 100% in order to fetishize him under the guise of fat positivity)#vs. what I’ve seen of the ww.dit.s fandom’s treatment of Guill.ermo#which is VERY LIKELY biased since I’ve not seen the show and i’m not in the fandom so i’m sure plenty of gross fetishy stuff gets said/made#about him#but as far as I’ve seen people are just like ‘he’s hot’ in a totally normal non-gross way#and that all the other Large Hairy Men in the show are hot also#bc see that’s what it is#I see the former thing and it feels fetishy and i’m like ‘that’s gross’ but then in turn it makes me feel gross about myself#I don’t wanna think of myself as having ‘chubbie tummie uwu uwu uwu!!!!!’ - I just wanna Exist ya know?#and feel good about my existence#and seeing other queer + trans men talking about their own experiences in a really affirming way has been SUPER helpful to me#and okay one more thing - REALLY swinging a bat at a hornet’s nest now but being weird/fetishistic about fat/chubby men is a BIG problem in#the t*rror fandom#some of the shit I’ve seen about Cr*zier is just… bleghhhhhhhh#again i’m sorry if this stuff is the peak of validation to some people and i’m stomping all over it#but it just makes ME PERSONALLY uncomfortable and that’s all i’m saying#oh also this is okay to rb btw!!#if anybody wants to
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