#which is really interesting in this case tbh
The Space Between Sounds
Chapter 4: Finding A Place
SYNOPSIS: After a silent week at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech, someone finally reaches out and invites you to participate with everyone. Are they just being pitying or are you really going to find your place?
WC: 2.8K
You were sitting alone at lunch today, as usual, and you had noticed that Tired Guy was observing you. You had no idea why, he was probably just being judgmental or something but you couldn’t quite convince yourself that was the case. He looked almost sad for you so you assumed he was just pitying you.
But your assumptions were quickly proved wrong today.
A few bites into your meal, he came over and sat down across from you with a small smile in greeting. He pulled out a yellow notepad and pencil before writing something down and turning it around for you to see.
—Hey! You know you don’t have to sit alone. You’re always welcome to come join us if you want to. Just tell us how you need to communicate and we can do that. We did it with Toge so that’s not a problem at all. Want you to feel like you fit in and everything. And if it’s any consolation, I struggled to fit in at first but they’re all really good people/panda—
You looked at the message a little shocked. You were not used to people taking the time figure out how to communicate with you, let alone inviting you to participate with them. You picked up the pencil and wrote back, hand a little shaky in shock.
—Thank you. I really appreciate that. Kinda used to not fitting in anywhere tbh. Thing is, I can speak, I just don’t sound normal and hate talking—
—We don’t care if you think you sound weird. Toge only talks in onigiri ingredients so you definitely won’t be alone in the unique communication situation—
—I’ll manage. But thank you for including me. I kinda don’t know anyone’s name still since I struggle with new words—
—I’m Yuta. Panda is pretty self explanatory. I told you about Toge and then that’s Maki. She’s a bit intimidating but nice once you get to know her—
—It’s nice to officially meet you. Sorry it took so long. I’ll come sit with you guys—
He nods and smiles at you before leading you over to the table everyone else was sitting at. He gestures for you to take a seat and you end up between him and Blond Guy— Toge, that’s his name.
Picking up on the fact that you knew nothing about anyone, Yuta says something to the group that you don’t quite catch before he hands the notepad to Panda.
He takes a second and writes something down before handing you the notepad back. In his, interesting, handwriting is a proper introduction and an explanation of his cursed technique. Rather the fact he’s a cursed corpse.
After you read, Toge gestures for you to hand him the notepad and does the same. Cursed speech is his technique and it makes sense as to why he covers his mouth. You hadn’t noticed before since you sat alone during meals but he has cursed speech marks, a snake and fangs seal as he explained, on his cheeks and tongue along with having actual fangs which you found pretty cool.
Maki goes next and explains she can’t use cursed energy which you find interesting. Could you potentially give her some and teach her to use it? You had tried with Mari but it didn’t work so you weren’t too hopeful and didn’t bring it up.
Yuta went last and explained his curse, Rika, and his newfound technique— copy. He rambled a bit on the paper and you figured you might be able to help him control cursed energy if he wanted your help that is. He seems pretty damn competent with it already.
He requests you introduce yourself as well since Gojo had apparently not done a good introduction for you and they also had no idea what your cursed technique was. You figured this would be a good time to explain that, while you were touched by the gesture of using the notepad, you could get by without it. So needless to say, you wrote for quite a bit.
—Hey, I’m Y/N. Obvs I’m deaf but I actually can hear cursed energy. Sounds like how electricity feels if that makes sense. My technique is called Energy Flux and along with hearing cursed energy, I can manipulate it. Give it, take it, move it around, stuff like that. But there’s some stuff that’s important about me you should know. I can usually hear you guys coming up behind me because of your energy and stuff but it’s really loud around here and I’m still getting used to it so you’re welcome to tap my shoulder to get my attention if you need. You all sound different so I’m figuring it out. We don’t have to use the notepad the whole time since I can read lips but new terms and names are hard for me at first. So that’s why I had no idea who you guys were until now. But let me know if you have any questions about me and being deaf and stuff. I don’t get offended about it so you’re welcome to ask anything.—
Everyone reads your message and nods, letting you know they understand and will ask when they need. Toge notes the two of you will probably need to keep writing or typing since you don’t know his onigiri language and that he prefers it anyway since his language doesn’t exactly convey much.
Today at lunch, Y/N was sitting alone again, as she had done all week, and I watched Yuta’s mind race. I knew what he was thinking so I nudged him and nodded my head toward Y/N.
He gave me an appreciative smile before digging through his bag for a notepad and pencil. I heard him take a deep breath before going over and sitting down across from Y/N.
Obviously I wasn’t privy to their written conversation but a few minutes later, to my delight, Y/N followed him over to our table. I scooted over on the bench so she could sit between Yuta and I. She was clearly comfortable with him so I hoped she’d be okay with me too.
Yuta explained that she didn’t even catch our names during introductions last week and that we should do a proper introduction. We all took turns writing on the notepad and passing it around.
Y/N’s turn to introduce herself came around and I was actually a bit excited to get to know her. Figure out how she talked in a sense— what she was like.
She handed me the notepad after writing down a good bit of information and I scanned the page. The first thing I noticed was her handwriting. I really liked it and it was a nice personification of how she would sound if she spoke. It gave her tone and emotion that normally wasn’t present with written words.
She explained her technique which I thought was really cool. She could hear cursed energy? That was, well, unheard of. Not only could she hear it but she could manipulate it too. I wondered what exactly she could do with that.
She said we were welcome to ask any questions and after a few basics about how to communicate with her that Panda and Yuta asked, I scribbled down a question.
—What do I sound like?—
She smiles and takes the notepad back, writing down her answer.
—Like a humming noise. It’s not low like a bass speaker but more like a machine. Soft and not annoying. Kinda nice actually. You’re not as loud as Yuta but you’re louder than Panda. He sounds like a cat purring. Yuta sounds like a storm. Crackly, buzzy, the most like electricity. Maki is a quiet buzz but when she gets angry she sounds like electricity too.—
I chuckled at her response and was honestly happy that I didn’t sound annoying to her. I liked that she seemingly liked how I sounded the most. Based on her description, everyone else sounded kinda annoying except maybe Panda. I loved that he sounded like a purring cat— I was definitely going to give him shit for that.
I loved finally getting a little glimpse into who Y/N was and I really liked her personality and seeming resilience. She was doing her best to make the most of her situation and while clearly frustrating, she was still upbeat and kind to us.
You have a good time with everyone at lunch and after going back to the dorms to change into your training outfit, meet up with them in the arena. They’re all talking together when you arrive and you walk up to join, your notes app pulled up on your phone so you can communicate with Toge.
They all greet you and Maki indicates to you that she has a question for you.
“So, theoretically, can you give someone or a weapon cursed energy?” She asks, placing a hand on her hip.
You nod and smile, not expecting someone to be that interested in your technique.
“Show me.” She requests simply, brows raised.
You give her a thumbs up and everyone takes a few steps back, not knowing what to expect. To take or give cursed energy, you have to make contact with the target entity. You can still repel, amplify and manipulate the energy otherwise without physical contact. It’s just that the transfer process is much faster and safe for you this way.
That being said, you simply extend you hand out to her and she gives you an odd expression. You glance from her, to your open palm and back to indicate to her to hold your hand.
She furrows her brows a bit as if she was skeptical of the experience but places her palm face down on top of yours.
You already know she can’t use cursed energy, you can hear her or rather, she’s almost silent, so you channel a very small amount into her hand. To you, cursed energy feels and sounds like electricity, buzzing and slightly tingly and you don’t want to freak her out.
She flinches a bit at the new feeling, her eyes widening as she feels it move through her per your direction. You donate a small amount of your energy to her and once completely transferred, you drop your hand out from underneath hers.
She looks down at her hand, turning her palm up and making fist a couple times before she gives you a genuinely grateful smile. You then point to her polearm lying in the grass next to her and raise your brows. She picks it up and hands it to you, and upon touching it, you feel the energy flowing through it. It is already extremely powerful on it’s own, clearly compensating for her lack of cursed energy so you don’t tamper with it and quickly hand it back.
Training goes by faster than you could have thought and on your way back to the dorms, you reflect on your interactions earlier.
Sure everyone was nice to you which was surprising but welcome but were they just doing it out of obligation? Were they just being nice out of pity? It didn’t quite seem like it, Toge and Yuta being the most genuine with you. Maki was a little more closed off and Panda was hard to understand but was clearly trying to cheer you up and lighten the mood.
Maybe they weren’t being fake.
Y/N seemingly had a good time at lunch and didn’t struggle as much during training today so I figured it would be a good time to invite her to hang out with us again. Dinner would probably be a good, casual, no pressure opportunity for her to join.
I wanted her to continue to feel included and not like lunch was a one time thing. Plus I liked hanging out with her so I pulled out my phone and typed up a message to her.
Toge walks up next to you, snapping you out of your thoughts, and hands you his phone with a message typed up in his notes app.
—Wanna have dinner with us at 7?—
You smile and nod as you hand him his phone back and he accepts, smiling back.
You showered, changed, and hung out in your room until seven rolled around. You walked down the hallway to the kitchen to discover everyone already there, Toge and Yuta cooking something that smelled really good while Panda and Maki sat at the table, chatting.
They all greeted you in some form, smiles and waves once more, and Panda gestured for you to join him and Maki at the table. You sat across from the pair and Panda said something that was clearly directed at you. But you still couldn’t read his lips yet, or snout rather, so you furrowed your brows and pointed to your mouth as you shook your head.
“You can’t read his words?” Maki asks, picking up on your confusion.
You nod, happy someone understood. You pulled out your phone and typed to the pair.
—I’ll pick it up eventually so don’t worry. I’ve just never exactly talked to a panda before—
You watch the pair chuckle at your message and Panda nodded to acknowledge you. He said something again and you picked up on an ‘okay’ assuming he was telling you it was okay and that he’d be patient.
Maki looked up over your shoulder as you heard someone come up behind you. You turned to see Toge sit down next to you, setting a plate of yakitori in front of you. You flashed him a grateful smile that he reciprocated and, after Yuta served Panda, Maki and himself, the five of you dug in.
The food was absolutely delicious and you tapped the table between you and Toge to get his attention. He looks over at you and you point to the plate before giving him a thumbs up. He gives you a thumbs up back and elbows Yuta who is on the other side of him, pointing to you, his plate and giving him a thumbs up.
Yuta peers around him. “Glad you like it.”
Everyone diligently includes you in the conversation and as delighted as you were to be accepted, you knew you were only slowing it down. Toge noticed your change in demeanor and typed to you.
—What’s wrong?—
—I appreciate being included but I know I’m just hindering the conversation—
He vigorously shakes his head no before typing back.
—You’re definitely not. Promise. We want you to participate so we can get to know you and learn your gestures and stuff—
You smile, a bit sadly, but accept and continue answering questions and typing to everyone until you finished eating. After you cleaned up dinner the five of you migrated into the living room to continue your conversation.
In the middle of dinner, Y/N’s expression and body language suddenly changed. She looked sad and upset with something I couldn’t quite tell. No one else seemed to notice so I did what I would have wanted and typed up a quick message to ask if she was okay. For all I knew she could just be lost in thought but I got the feeling something else was wrong.
I tried to hide my sad expression after she answered my question.
She felt like she was being a burden. And I knew exactly how that felt. The two of us have unique communication needs and while I knew everyone here didn’t mind adapting, I understood why she felt that way.
I made sure she knew she wasn’t hindering the conversation in the slightest. She was actually contributing quite a lot to it and everyone was having a particularly good time tonight. Maki was more involved, Panda was a bit crazier and Yuta was more relaxed. She was helping for sure.
In the living room, Toge sat next to you on the smaller couch and you were more comfortable with his presence than you thought you would be. He seemed to understand you in a different way. Quietly. Intently.
Whatever it was about his presence was comforting in a way and you found yourself relaxing into the couch and social situation more fluidly and easily than you had ever done before.
Usually you were pretty guarded when it came to sharing details about yourself aside from surface level explanations about your deafness and the like. But the group had really put in an effort to include you and you could tell they were being genuine. Not pitying.
As you all settled into the living room, the conversation drifted to topics like favorite movies and embarrassing childhood stories. You found yourself laughing more than you had in weeks, and when it came time to share something about yourself, you hesitated for a second before revealing a small detail about your life before Jujutsu Tech. The group listened intently, their reactions kind and encouraging, and for the first time, you felt a glimmer of belonging.
You slowly opened up to them some, still a bit guarded because of past experiences but you could tell they all meant well so you revealed a few little pieces of yourself. Maybe you had found another little band of misfits.
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imogenkol · 1 year
tagged by @shadowglens and @socially-awkward-skeleton thank you both! 💕
as always, no pressure tags: @marivenah @shegetsburned @detectivelokis @risingsh0t @voidika @corvosattano @shellibisshe @florbelles @sstewyhosseini @aceghosts @simonxriley @jinfromyarikawa @chuckhansen @queennymeria @inafieldofdaisies @roofgeese @jackiesarch @nokstella @unholymilf @jacobseed @indorilnerevarine
Another Imogen flashback post Order 66. Finally got around to writing her bleed her master’s kyber crystal🩸🖤
Shadows seemed to swallow every corner of the small room apart from the meditation circle Imogen kneeled in. Even there, dark wisps reached across the edges like tongues of flames that burned ice cold. Her master’s lightsaber lay just before her on the stone floor. Dim illumination from the handheld lantern shined clearly in the chrome hilt, reflecting a distorted image of the young Padawan’s ghost of an expression. 
No longer a Padawan. No longer a Jedi at all.
Imogen reached out to her connection with the Force and lifted the weapon until it floated at level with her chest. Her form remained as still as a statue as she disassembled the lightsaber with her mind piece by piece, pulling each component apart with meticulous precision. A vibrant blue light ignited in the darkness as the Kyber crystal emerged from its chamber. So strong and pure was its glow. Imogen took a very long minute to allow the brightness within her one last time. 
The light never sat well with her. 
Imogen’s hand slowly extended and the crystal came down to suspend above her palm. Rejna, the Order, the Republic – all of them so desperate for the war to end that they mistook peace for sovereignty. No one stopped to consider the price for their self righteousness until the Temple burned. Now all that remained were the ashes of her brethren in a hollowed out tomb. 
Though, they were not her family. Not really. Not once did she feel accepted in their halls. To Imogen, the Temple had always been a tomb – her final resting place where the shadow of a life she could have had haunted her. 
The cobalt blue of the crystal flickered. 
Imogen thought of every moment her master lectured her. Rejna, so dutiful and virtuous. If only she had seen her apprentice as anything other than a problem to be solved. No matter the lengths of Imogen’s efforts, she simply could not change the look of disappointment written in stone on her master’s face. Rejna’s eyes always gave it away. There had been a gleam about them, so subtle that Imogen convinced herself she had imagined it more than once. Rejna looked at Imogen like she knew she would fail, but refused to admit defeat in her role as Master. In doing so, she resigned the two of them to a fate worse than death. That is, until Imogen plunged her blade into Rejna’s heart and freed them both. 
Bleed, Imogen commanded in her mind. Bleed for her.
A dot of crimson appeared at the center of the crystal and pooled outwards, gradually infecting its old light. Then she pictured the vacant expression on her master’s face as her eyes – finally devoid of all judgment – stared lifelessly up at the Temple arches. Whatever Rejna may have been, she was all Imogen had. She did not wish for her master to suffer. Her actions had been merciful. But now, in the cold, dark room, Imogen was truly and utterly alone. 
Her pain brought forth a couple of stray tears. They quietly rolled down her cheeks and dropped off her chin. It was so silent in the room that she thought she might have heard them fall onto the stone beneath her knees. Imogen and the crystal were one in the same. Each suffered from a heart that dripped scarlet. 
Bleed for me. 
The blood red heart in the crystal released one more pulse of energy before it completely consumed what once powered a weapon of peace. With her mind, Imogen set the old saber components aside and assembled a new hilt. A sharp emitter. A sleek handle. Gilded electrum and smooth greel wood, contrasted with dark metal. The red Kyber crystal perfectly slotted into its chamber and with that, Imogen fused it all together. 
The lightsaber gently landed in her palm as she stood. She waved her other hand to extinguish the light of the lantern. Now bathed in total darkness, her fingers gripped the saber tightly, and she ignited it. A red so deep and brilliant coruscated across all surfaces of the room. Imogen was mesmerized by the blade. She gave it a few swings, its hum vibrant and invigorating in her ears. 
It finally felt right. 
Imogen could not wait to put this new weapon to use. Together, they would do magnificent things.
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marshmallowgoop · 6 months
no thoughts just Heiji Hattori (HD)
#detective conan#case closed#amv#my amvs#eye strain#heiji hattori#harley hartwell#conan edogawa#shinichi kudo#funimation english dub script#video#happy two-year anniversary to 'no thoughts just heiji hattori'!#while it's not my first amv (it's maybe my... fifth?)#it was the first one i made with davinci resolve and the amv that really got me into editing amvs for real#it's the amv that made me believe i could make amvs 🥺#and in remastering it i deeply understood how ambitious it was! i thought i did a lot of audio mixing for 'messed up'#but that's not even close to all the audio mixing i did here--cannot believe that i did all this for my first big amv project#it took about 20 hours *just* to remaster!#which is something i've been meaning to do for a while now so i'm very happy to finally share the results!#to make this a 'remaster' and not a 'redo' the only changes i tried to make were to the source footage and audio#video now uses almost entirely hd remastered footage from my blu-rays or netflix rather than my dvds#but oh gosh was it *hard* not to touch anything else! i'd do so many things differently now#but this video will always be really special to me (and i can't believe i did it at all tbh!)#i hope seeing it in hd is fun too! i'm so blown away by all the love this vid's gotten#and that it helped increase interest in funi's old english dub is amazing and 100% what i was trying to do with it!#thank you everyone for all the support <333 i wouldn't be the video editor i am today without this vid or your encouragement for it <3333#like the original the sources used are mostly from what funi dubbed (but mixed in hd by me!): eps 48-49 57-58 77-78 117 and 118 and movie 3#but i also used episodes 141-142 174 189 239 263 277 291 293 345 479 491 517 and 522#and ova 3 and tv special 6 (episode one) and movies 10 and 13 and ops 27 31 and 33 and the funi 5.2 dvd blooper for the one line lol#the song is 'you're stupid aren't you' by toshio masuda (from jubei-chan 2)
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jalluzas-ferney · 1 month
I don’t think this is an unpopular opinions but lowkey fannon kailor is sm better than cannon kailor.
(Read the tags)
#I’m not even huge on kailor but I this thought just came into my head as I thought ab Sky#cuz I was thinking ab how it would be awesome if we got Skylor to come back at least for a cameo#but then I thought ab how sucky it would be if the show tried to keep on trying to push Kai and sky to be together#because it would feel so forced atp#the show just writes them so bad it just feels like everytime they bring Skylor back to the show#which is like- whenever there’s BIG emergencies#the writers remember that ‘hey! Skylor is also Kai’s love interest! let’s give them some cute moments together!’#it’s like they’re not even trying 💀#and even in the book ‘quest for the lost powers’ they were *KINDAA* cute but tbh the way Kai acted w Skylor pissed me off#and I love Kai btw but damn reading their part made me feel like she deserves better 😭#but if they really tried#they could actually make a great couple#srs#which is why fannon content for them is sm better#but I feel like usually that’s the case for most fandoms or shows#so that’s why I doubt it’s an unpopular opinion#and tbh it would also be interesting to see Kai just admit that his past relationship failed and that’s ok#portray a healthy breakup that would be awesome 🔥🔥#but that’s just my personal opinion and my desire to see more complex relationships and stuff like that lol#lego ninjago#ninjago dragons rising#ninjago#dragons rising#ninjago dr#Ninjago Kai#Kai Ninjago#skylor ninjago#ninjago skylor#kailor#kai x skylor
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
I think one of the biggest differences between bangel and spuffy is that angel isn’t a partner to buffy. he’s not even someone she knows that well. he’s not someone she’s ever familiar with, and he’s not someone she can ever fully rely on.
yeah their romance was big and grand and all the things a tragic fairytale romance is. but at the end of the day their relationship is so incredibly surface level. all there is is the idea of love, and not even the real thing.
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just watched gems latest episode and theres something about how bdubs is like. yes i killed the dragon for you. i killed it for you gem. for you. i assume it was his task bc he was rly pushing for her to go kill it but tbh theres something about how he's latched on to gem opening the portal and instantly being like ah, finally, a leader. someone i can pledge myself to. he was kind of angling for mumbo to be his new kingmayor but mumbo isnt really like that so gem opening the portal was a relief. finally a king to follow. and he just goes when she tells him to and basks when she praises him for doing it. the guy really just cannot cope without having someone take charge of him huh. he needs a figure to swear his undying loyalty to (other than etho ofc. thats a whole other thing) and if he doesnt have one he will make one. and in this session he had the opportunity to be the hero and become a leader himself and he was like no actually im going to kill the dragon for gem. ill join her army and fight for her. because he doesnt know how to do things for himself he HAS to be an underling. he doesnt know how to be anything other than a loyal dog i guess. god.
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waywardsalt · 3 months
with my phantom hourglass replay, there are two things i noticed;
a possible theme you could glean from the game is action vs inaction, and i think it's especially prevalent before you even leave mercay the first time, with oshus frequently urging link to not go after the ghost ship, then to just wait until the broken bridge is fixed, and seems reluctant at every turn while link and ciela are more than eager to go and do something about this problem, and the people of mercay in general talking about things and their problems but never seeming to act on their fears or desires, as well as the mention that due to the ghost ship, very very few people are still sailing around, while linebeck is one of the only people we see in the game actively going after the ghost ship and still sailing around. i might make a longer post just talking more about the action vs inaction in phantom hourglass but i just noticed it a bit and thought it was a bit of an interesting sort of theme you could find in the game.
linebeck moves so fucking much. i think he moves more than any npc in the rest of the game. not just in his intro cutscene where he is very animated, just in how much he moves when just standing in his little idle post, it's damn near distracting when the camera is focused on him, he moves a lot. i don't think i've really acknowledged how much he moves, and it really gives the impression that he's antsy or eager to get going, both of which fit him pretty well with how he acts.
#phantom hourglass#linebeck#loz#legend of zelda#salty talks#imo the action vs inaction thing feels esp interesting to me when looking at oshus specifically. he and his world are in grave danger#and he knows it and he actively does nothing and even seems reluctant to let ciela and link go ahead and do something.#of course he comes around on it but it's very interesting. has he given up at that point? thats what it suggests to me#that hes like. joined the people of mercay in just lying down and waiting for other people to fix their problems or just. not do anything#otherwise on mercay you have that old guy in the bar who spends the whole game not leaving bc he doesnt want to face his wife#and she never goes to the bar to actually look for him and just talks about it if anything#the guy with the blue tunic talks a lot about linebeck and his ship and almost gives the impression that he really wants to talk to him#but yknow. doesnt. theres the women that tells you about docks being shut down and how linebeck is the only person who's showed up#the woman you see at the broken bridge who's just like oh well! time to wait til someone fixes it.#even the guy fixing the bridge iirc is like well fuck i gotta do it or else oshus is going to bitch at me abt it#everyone seems reluctant to act which makes for an interesting way in how our main crew stands out#it is less so oh theyve been chosen specifically for this its moreso they're the ones who are fucking doing something about this#for their own various reasons some of which are more selfish but theyre still doing something#will likely have more stuff to say when im done but ofc we have other characters in the game who have to do with this#anyways. linebeck is so animated all of the fucking time it's great i dont think theres any other character that moves as much as him#when he's just standing around to talking to link it's great. he's so ready to get going.#it works with him being an anxious mess and also with like. oh he's probably understimulated. you know he's got a nasty case of wanderlust#i can put it with the idea that he's understimulated and afraid to stim in public so he's just constantly moving#he probably drums his fingers on tables bounces his leg when sitting paces around switches the way he sits or lays down often#tbh this kinda fits in with him being one of the main characters who takes action moreso than a lot of other characters#his arc culminates in him taking action he's going after the ghost ship he's moving around the world the only issue is that one of the#actions he takes is running away from his problems literally n metaphorically (tho idk if facing the jolene problem is a good idea for him)
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squishosaur · 1 year
why is twisted wonderland like "i am going to ruin your life maybe destroy your worldview a little bit <3 i am going to make you get attatched to these ridiculously named anime boy versions of disney characters and then watch them go through every trauma imaginable that keeps getting progressively worse and more complex as we keep going. i am going to fundamentally change you for better or worse and you will never be able to watch a disney movie again without thinking of me. i am going to make you watch as these awkward teens navigate through Evil Highschool and you have to find Your place in it, knowing fully well that, at the end, after all of that, you will leave all your friends and return to your own world alone again" but also "omg hey girl do you want to see your babygirl as a bunny or a plushie perhaps? say yes"
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swordfaery · 6 months
anyway my favourite thing about dead men fanfiction is the wildly different characters we all write. like. not even the ones who have been dead for years and have so little actual characterisation but even the ones who were alive in canon were probably very different one hundred, two hundred, three hundred years ago. also theyre under characterised in fiction. also we are all just having fun
#guy who barely posts about skulduggery pleasant: so ive be rereading some of my old favourite dead men fanfiction#as well as my own dead men fanfiction#and damn if we arent all writing a bunch of different fucking guys. to be fair i have gone rogue bcos like. cant be fucked w canon#dont wanna write about war#heyo what if it was pre war and everyone was still. convinced their wouldnt be one#also i love the idea of skulduggery being. just super fucking irresponsible devil may care live laugh love sorta guy pre-war#spoilt. rich parents who dont care much about him. loads of magic tutors.#i mean think about the class implications of the dead men#skulduggery. an elemental. a difficult discipline that clearly requires a level of training and scholarli-ness#his NAME is skulduggery#you come across that name if your educated. if you read a lot#this is a man who has been afforded every privilege#and like. i think a lot of sorcerers are implied to be very upper class#or like. kinda rich and fancy about it#but obviously that wouldnt be the case for everyone bcos magic isnt just genetic right like some ppl just show up with it#and like even then#dexter vex#anton shudder#like as far as im aware these are just names ppl have#and slightly uncommonly used words#disciplines which are more emotional/physical#as opposed to 'learned'#i just think its interesting#i was gonna have my dead men all meet n be friends pre war#but tbh i think them meeting and not being friends is better#i think theres a sort of tragedy in them being as close as they were because of the war#and not having that post war or pre war#its actually really fucking sad but like. evidently they didnt hang out in the interim when most of em were still alive#or at least that much#im wondering if like. they needed a couple hundred years of like. detox bcos seeing each other just pulled them back into that mindset
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justusjonas · 1 year
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reading crime busters is really like Where Am I
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twilitfox · 7 months
I FINALLY BEAT TOTK!! After like 3 detours for other Zelda games lmao
And I did it in the Twilight Armor set. because I could 😌
It was alright! Honestly, I don't know if I liked it more than BoTW, I'd need to replay that one. It's been a bit. But that last fight was more Zorah Magdaros than I was expecting (iykyk) and not in a good way. Idk, I think people are focusing purely on the spectacle when they say it's amazing, which is fine! Dragons are cool and it's cool that you get to ride around on your girlfriend, but mechanically it's just Colgera again. And yeah, the ending felt like a big ass-pull, I'm sorry lmao. zelda just suddenly isn't a dragon anymore?? With no lasting effects of giving up her entire being? Which clearly wasn't true, but she doesn't even remember any of it?? Link doesn't get to keep the arm?? Or isn't at least down one?? Where even was Sonia before that last bit?? Could they have done that the entire time?? And Link didn't even hug her???!? Also did the ancient sages even have names???? Idk, suspension of disbelief and all that but the little things the devs don't address add up and take me out of it. It'd be easier to ignore if there wasn't so much, or if the rest of the game made up for it and it doesn't for me lol.
That is not to say I didn't have fun with it, honestly I spent more time running around on foot than I did in BoTW (mostly because I wanted to complete the map but still) but I only pushed myself to finish it so I could justify replaying Okami since I already took so many breaks and, well. I don't know how to put it better than that. Solid game, others are better, 7/10
#totk spoilers#just in case#i've seen the theory about Sonia's spirit being trapped in the stone Ganondorf stile from her#but there’s no indication of that in-game#you know what would have implied that? a little particle animation going from sonia into the stone during that cutscene. thats it.#not that it matters cause rauru supposedly moved on before ypu leave the first island and claims there's nothing else he can do for zelda#which ends up being either a very poor choice of words or an outright lie depending on how you look at it#which. why even say that then???#also like. you'd think the guy would be more concerned that his wife's soul is in the clutches of the demon king#but he’s rather blasé about it#so i don't really buy it#unfortunately that's about as far as i care about sonia and rauru#They're not very interesting characters tbh#so much of their personalities are explained at you instead of shown#sonia in particular only exists to die#i don't QUITE consider it fridging since her death affects everyone#but she's doesn't have any real presence besides being Rauru's wife and having a cute design. She’s like Ilia that way.#rauru's just kind of an idiot#mineru WOULD have been interesting if she was an earlier quest and could talk to you at all#the zonai make me miss the twili#i do thoroughly enjoy the theory that the twili are early zonai tho and you can pry it from my cold dead hands#but the story in this game is. not presented well despite having interesting concepts.#idk i think totk has the same overall problem for me that botw had‚ only worse#in that all the interesting bits have already happened and you aren’t really part of it#which. kind of defeats the purpose of a silent protagonist#even if you toss that out link is less of a character in this than he was in botw#he just. doesn't react to anything he should be reacting to#previous games (ESPECIALLY Skyward Sword) had this figured out#it feels like they ironically went backwards on as much as they went forwards. ah well.#again i DID have fun with this game! i want to be clear about that! but idk. it just. doesn't hold me as well as other games. that's all.
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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There’s quite a few points in the Consular story where it’s honestly really hard for me to determine what Aria would do, and sometimes the answer is a WEIRD one. This bit on Taris is one of ‘em.
So, you’re offered a choice between saving this woman, Laria (Light-side) and saving the Jedi holocrons with a bunch of medical data that could save “thousands” of lives - supposedly (Dark-side). I always thought Aria would be the “pick to save the holocrons” gal but strangely enough after agonising on the decision for a few minutes....I ended up concluding she’d save Laria. NOT out of the goodness of her heart though (sorry Laria, I like you pfft🤣) but rather because, well...on one hand, Darth Noctis (her father) would certainly have interest/be invested in getting his hands on those holocrons full of information he might be able to eventually use to his advantage. But on the other...letting the holocrons explode means the Jedi don’t have access to them either. Considering Aria’s whole schtick is “sabotage the Jedi from the inside out so that by the time we hit Tython at the end it’s almost a clean sweep” I feel like objectively it makes sense for her to “choose” Laria over the holocrons in this instance.
It’ll be really interesting from my perspective to see where else in this story she ends up choosing the “Light-sided” dialogue options except in Subterfugeverse canon it will be entirely for fucked up and selfish reasons so, you know, objectively it is NOT a light-side choice at all for that reason. 🤣😛
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trans-leek-cookie · 2 years
Do you think that the little mermaid would be jealous of Gerard? She gave up her tail and her voice (we can assume) to live on land and it's likely she, because of the original myth, is in pain A Lot because of her transformation. And Gerard may hate being a frog (which like Yeah. It does suck and there a lot of trauma and powerlessness he associates with his current transformation I'd bet) but he gets to go on land and walk around while she can't go home and even if she can live on land it's Hard. Y'know?
#I think there's a lot of interesting potential bc she Chose to do this (which tbh I don't hold against her bc she's probably a kid and didn#Realize or didn't have the proper understanding of what she signed up for with the transformation) vs Gerard and Ylfa because like their#Transformations are horrible and out of their control but also seem to make them stronger and better at surviving and it's just so...#“Neverafter”#Which again this isn't ''which character has it worse'' just the idea of choosing to change in a way that hurts you so badly but you#Thought you wanted vs again something out of your control that makes you feel inhuman and worse and scared but that makes you stronger#Like I think shes like... On a scale Gerard and Ylfa are on one end Little Mermaid is on the other and Pinocchio is kinda in the middle#Like - okay order is Ylfa -> Gerard -> Pinnochio -> Little Mermaid#Ylfa: had no choice and transformation was a result of random chance but is VERY STRONG thanks to the change#Gerard: transformed as a result of his actions (unfairly) and his transformation at This Point gives him more abilities#Pinocchio: also transformed as a result of his actions (in this case transforming back to his original state (also unfair)) and it doesn't#Seems to really give him an edge (the magic powers are separate from the transformation) and likes the initial transformation (where he is#A ''real boy'' and not a puppet)#Little Mermaid: (presumably) chose to transform and didn't like her original form as much but the transformation likely Cost Her and she is#Now at a disadvantage in the Neverafter#In general it's not a hard and fast pattern but it seems transforming into a non human can be helpful for surviving in the neverafter#“Anyway I don't think this is spoilers bc this is a mostly stuff that was covered before or stuff from the original Little Mermaid”#Snow white pls pls ask our intrepid heros to go meet the little mermaid I want to see the her#Y'know what I'll add it. I was also thinking gender envy. Make of that what u will
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toytulini · 1 year
god i still couldnt watch final destination tbh
#toy txt post#i remember walking in to my mom and her friend watching one of the paranormal activity movies? and being like#well this isnt that bad yall are just screaming everytime the camera moves at all which is frankly more startling than the movie#and i was like oh maybe i could watch horror actually#and then i think i watched either an entire ir at least part of a final destination movie and that specifically. bad for my brain lmao#im STILL haunted by that god fuck i will NEVER get lasik fuck that#idc how unrealistic or not actually scary it doesnt matter u see cos similar to the spn mirror episode#it was really scary in a way that imprinted itself on my little teenage brain so even if it is objectively Not That Scary.#what i remember it being is scary even if that memory is proven to be embellished. its like. well. we already thought up the scary image#lets just be scared anyway just in case lmaoooo#brains can be so fascinatingly stupid#anyway its good i never watch more of those movies than i already did tbh bc i could drive myself bananas with that content#i do find it interesting finding out which like horror tropes or types or whatever i Cannot deal with and whatever final destination has#going on is one of them i think cos i also couldnt deal w the fate ep of spn very well which had a similar vibe#of like. freak accidents that no amount of being careful couldve prevented or smth. idk#like in that log pic below this one#yea the logs cant hit u dead on now but like there could still be a freak shit to happen that could lead to the logs killing u
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yourbestdream · 6 days
Shout out to the approximately 10 year old child that was serving food and drinks at my cousin's wedding last night. Yes this included bartending with actual real alcohol
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bmpmp3 · 5 months
speaking of genbu's "serious" sounding tone in his voicebank, i think that might be why he was such a dead ringer for teto pre-synthv-bank-release with just a couple little gender parameter tweaks. wait do my followers know this. sorry i know most of my vocal synthesizer talk is genuinely gibberish to my beloved and loyal long time followers but do you guys know this. for a few years, people had discovered that since utau teto and genbu have this similar strong enunciation and dark sounding tone plus teto can have a bit of a tomboyish edge to her voice anyway -> if u mess with some parameters and phonemes he'll sound close enough to her, so it became a bit of running gag in the community, along with just being a genuine and novel use case for his voicebank. actually recently i found out about someone who made a couple of synthv scripts to set genbus voice to his falsetto pitch and set the tension to drop during each syllable automatically to make him sound like the utau sora amaha. genbu's purpose is to impersonate other vocal synthesizers
#i wasnt familiar with sora until i found that video. apparently she's voiced by lon? like that lon? like the utaite?#which is really neat! every day i find out about another utaite or seiyuu or someone who is involved with vocal synths in some fashion#im still reeling from anju inami providing the voice for a cevio bank! oh and the other day#i learned that the utaite kano was involved with the japanese version of luo tianyi#only to clear up some pronunciations - most of the bank is apparently the original provider. but its really interesting!#also jk jk genbu i love you. you are youre own vocal synth. you dont have to be her (teto). be yourself!!!!!!#i do love when people make teto and genbu have beef though. its so funny to me#tbh ive never been a teto user. shes not bad or anything i just never had any desire to use her utau bank. i keep her sv lite around tho#just in case i feel like making her bully genbu or something. bully that grown ass man#wait is she older or younger. i forgot how her fucked up chimera age worked again. oh well. whether ur 30 or 16 u can still bully him <3#its a family activity. fun for all ages! anyway yeah i was never much of a teto user. tbh i think its just because like#if i want to hear a teto cover someone else probably has already done it far better than i could even think to LOL#i like when other people use her! sasuke haraguchi's use of her in hitomania and igaku has been magnifique#but i think with vsynths i prefer to use voices i like that no one uses much LOL#gives me much more drive to make covers if i know im one of the few doing it HJKDSLJ#whenever i get tired to pitchbending fast syllables (my least favourite part LOL) i think to myself.... i must.... i must....#do it for him (genbu)..... hes not very popular since hes not the only male japanese voice anymore..... i must do it for HIM!!!!!!#(tunes one phoneme and explodes on impact)
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