#which is the saddest
k0nanharv3y · 1 year
Ok, so, I was talking with my friend about Cass apocalypse series and we started a debate, which do you prefer, Cass apocalypse series or L.O.V.E.?, and we started our argument
First, Cass apocalypse series (very long, we'll call it C.A.S. HAJDHAHA IS STILL CASS LOL) It is the one that has inspired most / if not all / the series of The Bad Time Line. And it is one of the most advanced and almost finished, and all of us in the fandom love and revere Cass, BUT, however, the characters are not that deep, because we don't see the duel after death, I mean, we see a part of it, but it doesn't hurt so much, because Cass rips your heart and soul out by showing you the death of the characters, but nevertheless, it doesn't totally show you how the others cry for hours or stop doing things they did because that reminds them of the person who died
Second, L.O.V.E. AHHHH GOD, I can't say much, Tapakah(? it has been very inspired by C.A.S., and we can easily tell it with some things, but, L.O.V.E., it rips you out and plays with your heart showing you the death and mourning of the brothers (I was literally a week suffering to see how Mikey missed Raph so much, and how Casey reminded him of him), but nevertheless, L.O.V.E. gives you moments of togetherness and moments of "we all have each other, even at the end of the world" and That, that makes your heart scream and cry when one of them dies, because you know and see how much they loved and needed each other, Leo, loving Raph, Mikey loving Raph and showing Leo how much he's matured, and after Raph dies and it looks like Mikey is willing to sacrifice himself just to get him back.
And my friend and I started arguing, about, no matter which one is better, they're both great and have their strengths and weaknesses. But one, one brings tears to your eyes in a worse way than the other
The thing is, he defends CAS with all his soul and says that this is what makes you cry the most, because it shows you the evolution of a child who had to live through hell and came back alive, but no one else did.
And I defend L.O.V.E. to the death, because it shows you THE LIFE of the apocalypse, and how that hell had no mercy, and how the brothers survive a world that is taking their entire damn family from them
And I want to know your opinion, which is the series that makes you cry the most? Neutral opinions are valid. What do you think @tapakah0 @somerandomdudelmao?
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notfeelingthyaster · 3 months
"all hail me" with the WOBBLIEST voice ever, screaming crying throwing up
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lesbianzorak · 2 months
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we’ve all been there buddy
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dhmis-autism · 2 years
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DHMIS doodle pages that I managed to cut and paste together and color! I personally like them a lot haha.
2nd doodle page is sorta inspired by @mariaisshiki ‘s piggyback trio drawings.
 B/c it reminded me of the time I tried to carry my baby cousin on my back and I am SO short that even though I got her body off the ground,both her feet were still firmly on the floor. That memory was so horrific I had to project it onto the smallest one.
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tzimtzum · 1 month
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no matter what happens I'll protect you thursday
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findmeinthefallair · 25 days
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*eats recycled cardboard* Won't be the last time they both experience suicidal ideation too T_T
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pinazee · 4 months
Because im in a polling mood (take two- i had to fix one of them!)
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lunarkittenn · 4 months
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I rarely take pictures anymore. It’s like I just don’t want to remember any moment from this part of my life lol
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moeblob · 10 months
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No one loves Sharena like I do (except Lif. He also loves her like I do).
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skinnypaleangryperson · 2 months
I find it sad, pathetic, funny and cute in that cartoon network is airing the old man and his seat two times tonight in a row. All I do is sit around the house and get drunk and cry-I would never waste my precious free time watching Cartoon Network, but I happened upon the schedule for the night and I think it's funny, silly, in a really pathetic way that it feels like Rick has the same drunk sad drunk soulfully loveless aimless energy as much as I do, just sitting on a TV screen instead of real life
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jianqzai · 8 months
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Like father... [1/2]
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aerostaticsurrender · 3 months
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Dream brother with your tears scattered round the world
Dont be like the one who made me so old
Dont be like the one who left behind his name
Cause they’re waiting for you like I waited for mine
And nobody ever came
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peachybuggames · 10 months
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i havent 100%'d it per-se, but i have beaten the final boss of bug fables and am workin thru the post game stuff :)) anyways some characters/character designs that i really really like
idk if i'll finish any of these, i might, but i just wanted to figure out how to draw them tbh jashdasdasd
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cleo-serotonin · 11 months
h2o so perfectly encapsulates teenage girlhood and all the good and bad that comes with it. like building the greatest friendships of your life but also losing friends you once thought were close. your parents divorcing but gaining a new parent. growing up to see the best in your parents and becoming closer to your family. getting boyfriends but knowing they come second to your girlfriends. drinking juices and shit talking and knowing you would swim to the ends of the earth for these people, because they get you in a way no one else ever will.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
“well, you’re probably the first guy in her life that hasn’t tried to rape her” - lip gallagher about mandy milkovich and ian gallagher, 1x03
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pearl-kite · 27 days
Want to see some neat things about how irises grow?
Remember when I dug up and divided ALL of my irises at my parents' place a few years back? And how I ended up with 50 rhizomes, and I had bought 9 more just a bit before that?
Well, my mom wants to try to amend the soil because it's not great. Most of the irises have just been surviving, but not well enough to bloom, and everything else planted in the area struggles similarly. In order to amend the soil, though, I needed to dig them all up.
I dug up 44 rhizomes this time, which is honestly a bit better than I expected. I knew that not all of the ones I put in were going to survive, but I was still surprised by how many I just dug up today.
Anyway, the learning bit!
So irises aren't bulbs, they're rhizomes. Each year they put up leaves at one end, and over time they kind of end up migrating in that direction. If they do really well at gathering and storing energy, instead of just continuing forward, they'll fork, putting up leaves on two sides and a stalk with blooms in the center. The following year, the pattern continues, going forward from each side of that fork. If a rhizome does REALLY well, you'll end up with a bunch of forks spreading out.
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The one on the left has survived, but not gone very far, and the white at the end shows that I accidentally broke some of the old rhizome off when I was digging it back up. It also happens to be a dwarf variety, so the rhizome is smaller to begin with; all my other photos are of intermediate and tall bearded irises with much larger rhizomes.
The one on the right has done well enough to grow forward for a few years, with the oldest of the rhizome at the bottom (still healthy and full of stored energy!) and the newest year's growth at the top. Looking at the rhizome itself, I'd guess that one is about 4 years (which makes sense, 'cause I think I did the splitting back in 2020).
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The one on the left bloomed this year; you can see the flower stalk dried out in the center, and the new fork in the rhizome to the sides. Next year, they'll continue in those two directions, and it won't go forward from the stalk any longer.
The one on the right bloomed a few years back, and though it kept growing forward from there, it hasn't bloomed since. The other side of the fork also died off, and it's now only growing in one direction again.
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Last but most certainly not least we have THIS beast. This one has bloomed the last two or three years in a row. I honestly can't tell if the guy at the bottom right is part of the same rhizome or another one I planted too close that got subsumed by this monster, because it took ten minutes to get most of the clay off and there was still more. I'll need to actually rinse it off with the hose to really see if it's all one plant or two.
But I'm 95% sure that this guy is going to bloom again next year because of those nubs down along the bottom. They were below the soil, and they're too thick to be new roots, so I'm guessing that's what future growth looks like. Honestly, this guy should probably be divided, but I also don't want to ruin the chance of it blooming next year, so I'm going to put him back in the dirt as is and maybe divide next year after blooming season.
Anyway, irises are my favorite, and I think it's intriguing how they work. I'm hoping that we can get the soil a bit more balanced and that they'll do better after replanting them, because even though I just dug up 44, we only had 4 or 5 bloom this year. They aren't thriving in the soil as-is, because for as long as they've been established we should have had more blooming than that. It was still the best year since dividing them, though.
I've brought a bunch of them over to my apartment and I'm going to try them out in containers, mostly the dwarf varieties I had. ONE of the dwarfs bloomed this year and it was gorgeous, but I'm hoping the rest will do better in new soil with some extra attention.
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