#which means i'm gonna gif a lot of the same moments i already did but with added text
funforahermit · 2 years
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The Masked Singer NZ rewatch: Episode 3 - bigger version -
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reiderwriter · 10 months
😝 brain rot from my character ai scenario… the team goes out to a bar to celebrate and you wear a tiny little dress (just to rile him up obvi) but you also end up attracting a lot of male attentionand he gets SO jealous and protective of you he’s like sitting off to the side just watching you flirt with everyone and the team is like “he looks like hes gonna explode wtf” and then the SMUT HES ALL “they can’t have you, you’re all mine” “you really like all the attention huh? i’ll give you what you wanted” OMG it’s making me crazy i hope i described it good enough 🥰🥰
A/N: Is it really a reiderwriter smut if I don't have to clarify that 'I got carried away' at some point in the authors note? No, it is not. Thank you for the request. My brain is now equally rotted, oops.
Warnings: complaints, dirty talk, semi public sexual activity, partial voyeurism, fingering, hard/rough sex.
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You weren't even dating.
Which made the situation even more frustrating for Spencer, and even more exciting for you. 
You'd always flirted with the man a lot, had been told multiple times to knock it off even after getting a little too close for comfort on a case. 
But you couldn't really blame yourself on that one. You'd had to do a quick takedown at a dive bar, and you'd been tasked with pretending to be a touchy couple at the bar to block the back entrance at the staff entrance. 
You'd draped yourself all over him, allowing yourself to get closer than you'd ever been before. 
If you'd just happened to let your hands fall down to his crotch, it was pure coincidence. So was giving his obviously erect length a few strokes through his jeans as he sat staring at you like you were his last meal and he was back in prison. 
Emily had to pull you aside after that one personally. 
You knew she was protective of Spencer, seeing him as a little brother, but it seemed like she was more protective of you at that moment. 
“Are you sure you know what you're doing?” She'd asked, waiting carefully for your answer before she said anything more. 
Two could play at that game. “What is this concerning?” 
“With Spencer.” 
“I'm not sure what you mean, Emily.”
“Yes, you do. Listen, I don't care what you get up to in your personal life, but Spencer has a way of making others feel very… seen. He can get protective and pushy. And I just want to know you're ready for that, and you're not going to let it affect your work.”
“Is Spencer having the same talk?” 
She laughed at that. 
“Spencer? No. I already know it's going to affect his work, because it has since you joined our team. He still gets his job done, but I know where his priorities would lie if there were an emergency.” 
You'd shivered at that and excused yourself. 
If he was that obsessed with you, why had he not told you? Stepped over that line from friends to more than that?
You needed to force the issue, and you had the perfect opportunity when Penelope invited you out for drinks. 
“Y/N! Don't go, it's Friday night, we-” she said gesturing wildly to the team gathered around you, “are going to a bar. No, you can't rain check either.” 
“Can I at least get changed first?” 
“You need to get changed. We're going to a nice bar, Y/N.” Running off again to grab the rest of your team members and force their attendance, you grinned after Penelope. 
It was time to see exactly how focused on you Spencer Reid was.
And how willing he was to let you slip through his fingers.
An hour later, you were stepping out of your taxi, pulling your skirt down as you did. The short black dress had a terrible habit of pulling up your thighs to flash your underwear at anyone in a 10 foot radius. Usually, that bothered you, but tonight, you planned on using it to your advantage. 
After all, you'd left out the underwear tonight for a reason. 
Pulling your jacket around you tighter, you pushed the door to the bar open and scanned the room for your team members. 
“Y/N, over here!” Tara called you over, nursing a beer. Luke sat next to her, Penelope on his other side, and Matt on hers and completing the group was Spencer Reid. 
“Where are JJ and Emily?” You asked, doing your very best to ignore Spencer as you sat down next to him, practically falling into his warmth. You sat so close to him. 
“At the bar. Emily is convinced she can flirt her way to a free drink, and JJ is convinced she cannot. The girl she's working on now has to be 22 at most, so it could honestly go either way.” Penelope answered, and you felt Spencer shift slightly beside you. 
“Speak of the devil,” Luke said as the two women approached. 
“Well? What's the result?” You grinned up at them, letting your head fall back against Spencer’s shoulder as you gently rested your hand on his thigh. He sat silently for a minute, not moving and just taking in the conversation. 
“I've still got it.” Emily grinned triumphantly. 
“Maybe I should give it a try. There are a few hot male bartenders tonight. Who knows, I might score more than just a drink.” 
Spencer choked on the drink he was sipping as you spoke quickly, a few knowing looks passing between every other person at the table. You'd have to be blind to miss it. Or Spencer. 
“Spencer, are you okay? You should be careful, I wouldn't want you to choke. That's how I want to end my night, but it's not for everyone.” That one earned you a few snickers from the others and a glare from the man himself. 
“I'm fine, thank you, Y/N.” He smiled down at you and gave your knee a friendly tap that turned slightly less friendly as he pushed it further up your leg. 
The others had since averted their attentions, moving their conversation onto other things, but you and Spencer were still stuck in each other's orbits. 
Your heart beat faster until you were sure it could be seen, raw and fit to burst out of your chest. His fingertips brushed your hem. He was seconds away from realising that you were going to get the attention you wanted that night. 
Slipping just an inch up the hem, he twitched almost imperceptibly as he searched for your panty line, brows knitting when he couldn't find it. 
“What's wrong, Spencer? Searching for something that isn't there?” You enjoyed watching his frown deepen as he registered your words, but you enjoyed it even more when you gently pushed his hand away as you stood. 
“Well, I need a drink. Let's hope I can recreate your success, Emily.” You said, finally pushing off your jacket. The dress may have been short, but it was also low cut, burning the candle at both ends as your breasts threatened to spill over with any particularly deep breath. 
“Sweet lord in heaven! You didn't come to play tonight.” Penelope exclaimed, practically applauding your body as you twirled for her and showed off the form fitting dress, giggling all the way. 
“You said it was a nice bar, Penelope. I'm hoping there are also some very nice men here, too.” With a wink, you turned on your heel and strode to the bar, making sure your hips swung seductively with every step. 
You couldn't immediately give in and turn to see if he was watching you when you got to the bar, though, not willing to give him the satisfaction. You were doing it all for him, but you still didn't want him to know that.
It didn't take long for men to swarm you. They came one at a time, and you entertained them each as you waited for your unnecessarily complex cocktail order to be prepared. 
In the 7 minutes you'd been away from the table, you'd been approached by three separate men. They all tried lines on you, gave you their numbers and tried their best to woo you, but with Spencer’s eyes burning across your body as you leaned against the bar, you really couldn't have cared less. 
Still, you leaned in, giggled in the appropriate places, and took the numbers, knowing they'd never be called.
When your cocktail was finally ready, and the last one offered to fund it for you  You finally felt a hand at your back. 
“That won't be necessary, thank you.” Spencer ended the conversation, handing his own card over to the bartender as he kept his hand on your back, his body crowding yours. 
The man walked away in defeat, and you turned on him, sipping your drink as you refused to move away.
“Now why ruin all my fun, Spencer?” 
“You're really enjoying all this attention, huh?” He said, pushing your hair behind your ear as he leaned closer to you, his next word a whisper against your skin.
“I can see your pussy from all the way back there,” he said, tugging down your skirt slightly. You weren't surprised though  simply taking another sip and maintaining eye contact. 
“I know.” His hand, having slipped up to your waist, tightened as his gaze dropped to your lips. 
“You want everyone to see your dripping cunt? Want to let all the men here take a turn trying to catch your attention so they can slip in?” His voice was low, practically a growl as he licked his lips.
“No. I wanted to see how long it'd take you to come over and do it. By my count, that was eight minutes, correct?” 
“Good girl. Just remember that you're mine. I'm not letting anyone else have you.” Giving your face a gentle stroke, he let it trail down your body, subtly cupping and squeezing your chest on the way down. 
“All of a sudden, I feel very tired, Spencer. Take me home.” He wasted no time, grabbing your hand and gathering you up, your jacket and bag collected from the desk as he gave minimal answers to the others as you departed. To their credit, they asked minimal questions. 
The cold air hit you hard as you pushed the doors open again, but Spencer was unperturbed, pulling you over to his car silently, a strong hand on your shoulder helping you into the passenger's seat.
You dare not talk the entire drive to his apartment, so sure that any word from you would have him turning immediately to deposit you right back at the bar. 
He didn't, though, but he also didn't look at you or touch you. You sat squirming at the heavy atmosphere, suddenly desperate to know exactly what thoughts were trapped inside Spencer’s impressive brain. 
“We're here.” He announced, pulling up quickly and cutting the engine, climbing out in a hurry. 
You fumbled with your own seat belt as he pulled your door open, catching you up in his arms as he closed the door behind you. You wrapped your legs around his waist as your arms wrapped around his neck, letting him carry you up the stairs to his apartment.
His lips didn't meet yours until the door was firmly closed and locked behind you, and even then, he didn't immediately dive in. He out you down, and a touch of disappointment flooded your body as he completely entangled himself from you. 
It dissipated completely when his hand wrapped around your throat. 
“Let me be clear, Y/N. You are mine. If you want attention, I will give it to you. If you want to choke on something, I'm more than happy to provide it. If you want to dress like a little whore, go ahead, but don't forget who your sweet little cunt belongs to.” His fingers tightened with each word as you gasped for air, back resting on the nearest wall as his body pressed up along your own. 
“Do you understand?” He asked, and you nodded repeatedly, fast and desperate. 
“Good. Now, ass up on the bed. I'll meet you there.” You practically sprinted to the room in question, slinking up onto the bed. He said ass up, but you hesitated slightly as he quietly shut the bedroom door behind you, just long enough to earn a slap on your ass as he finally returned to your side. 
“You have to listen, Y/N. You wanted this, so you have to listen nicely.” 
“I'm sorry, Spencer, it won't happen aga-” He stole the end of your sentence as he slipped his fingers into you, gently working the two longest ones up into a frenzy as he finger fucked you. 
“Sorry, what was that? I don't think I quite caught your words.” You could only moan in reply as you buried your head in his pillows, ass pressing back into his fingers to help him get deeper.
“So needy. Look at this little black dress. You knew this was going to happen, right?” A third finger slipped inside you, and you screamed out in pleasure as he continued using you.
“Burying your head isn't going to work, Y/N. Your cunt is answering for you.” 
You heard the rattle of his belt unbuckling as his fingers finally slipped out, the emptiness only a relief for a second before his cock was hitting deep inside of you. 
Thoughts escaped you as you finally got what you'd been begging for for weeks. His every frustration was pounded into you as he tugged at your hair, pulling your torso up so he could hit even deeper. 
Pulling back your head with a hand on your throat he laid a barrage of kisses across your upper back and shoulders, making sure to bite and suck and nip as his spare hand toyed with your nipples, pinching and pulling. 
In a second, you reached your climax, not having the breath left in you to let him know before you tightened on his shaft and let your body fall limp under his hands. 
“I'm going to mop up our cum with this dress, Y/N, and then I'm going to make you put it back on.” With a final grunt, he pulled out, jerking his cock through his release as he shot his load right over your pussy lips. 
He collapsed on top of you, and you finally gave up your last bit of strength beneath him, enjoying the pressure of his weight pushing down on you again. 
“Thank god that worked,” you gasped, catching your breath. You smiled as he flipped you over and pulled the dress off your head, true to his word. 
“What worked, Y/N?” 
“This. You don't know the lengths I'd have gone to to get you yo finally fuck me if this hadn't worked.” 
“But suddenly, I'm curious, and I have all the time in the world.” You laughed lightly but snuggled into his chest again, meaning to sleep. 
“Unless you want to get dressed again now…?” 
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thefloorisbalaclava · 2 years
like a bad habit
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▸pairing: simon 'ghost' riley x f!reader
▸words: 4,906
▸warnings/rating: EXPLICIT - some angst, arguing, lots of fucking, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, power imbalance, power play, size kink, facials, oral sex (m and f receiving), woman on top, wall sex, frottage, panty kink
▸summary: after you and ghost sleep together, things go wrong.
▸a/n: these idiots are either fighting or fucking. it's all the same, i guess. enjoy.
⮞[part I]
👻[simon 'ghost' riley masterlist]
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Ghost could not get enough of her. He was surprised they hadn’t been caught yet. The lingering glances, the ridiculously loud and intense sex they had—it’s a wonder no one was coming to knock on his door to ask what the hell was going on.
Even now, as he had her pinned against the wall with his hips grinding up into her, he had wondered how they had been so lucky not to get caught. Of course, he had picked a utility closet that people rarely went into, but he purposely left the door cracked open. He got off to the thrill of getting caught, and it seemed she did as well.
“Simon…fuck yes!” she whimpered. “Harder.”
He grunted and angled his hips differently as he pistoned up into her. He kept his eyes on her as her eyes rolled back, and she came around him again.
“Another?” he asked, and she tried to say something, but it was all gibberish. “You take me better each time we do this.”
She looked at him then and smiled before biting her lip. “Cum inside me. Fill me. I wanna feel you dripping out of me all day.”
“Fuck, that mouth of yours is gonna be the death of me….” He stopped thrusting, and she pouted. “On your knees, love.”
She got on her knees slowly and looked up at him. He stroked himself a few times, then stopped.
“Spit for me.” She spat on his cock, and he spread it around, stroking himself right over her face. She opened her mouth, and he groaned, then gritted his teeth.
“Jesus fuck!” He grunted, slapping his hand against the wall as he began to cum. He made an absolute mess of her, some even landing in her mouth. Seeing it on her face and mouth made his knees weaker than they already were.
“Swallow that for me, hm?” he told her, and she made sure to exaggerate for him, showing him her tongue after. He stuck his thumb in her mouth and let her suck on it for a while before hooking it against her cheek and pulling up so she would stand.
“Let me clean you up, soldier.” He pulled out a handkerchief, which he now always kept on him just for moments like this, and cleaned your face.
“Thank you, sir,” she said innocently.
“If you don’t stop, I'm liable to bend you over here and now,” he threatened, moving closer.
“Do you ever get…worn out?” she asked, laughing.
He smirked. “Not while I’m with you.” He kissed her, and she melted against him. “We’d better get out of here.”
“Do we have to?” she whined.
“Unfortunately, yes.” He pulled up his pants and righted himself as she did the same. “See you later?” he asked.
“Of course.” She turned to open the door slowly and quietly, then peeked out. “Bye, Simon,” she whispered before walking out of the closet with a little bounce that made him smile.
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“What’s got you smilin’ like that, numpty?” Soap asked as you stared at nothing, daydreaming.
“Hm?” You looked at him and blinked a few times.
“Is there something you’re not telling me?” he asked, leaning in close to you.
“N-No. What do you mean?”
“Hm…” He backed away and looked at you suspiciously.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you said.
“Ah, got it. You’ve got a new boyfriend,” he said, but you shook your head. “Girlfriend?” Another no. “Partner?” You could tell he was getting annoyed.
“None of your business,” you told him.
“I always make it my business. I’ll get it out of you one way or another,” he said.
“We’ll see about that.”
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“What if he finds out?” you asked Ghost, who was frustratingly calm about this.
“I don’t know,” he said, and you rolled your eyes.
“You could get in trouble. I could get in trouble!”
“I doubt Johnny would go around telling people if he found out.”
You sat beside him on the bed and sighed. “I’m scared,” you confessed, playing with your fingers.
“Of?” he wondered.
“I just don’t want you to get in trouble over…me….” You shrugged. “I’m not worth the trouble.”
“Don’t say that,” he snapped. “Don’t talk that way about yourself.”
You looked at him. “I don’t know how else to feel.”
“You know I’ll protect you, right? I’d never let anything happen to you,” he said.
“It’s not me I’m worried about, Simon,” you told him. You looked into his eyes and immediately felt calmer, then reached up and cupped his hidden cheek.
“You’re a protector. I know. But…how do I protect you?”
“I don’t need protectin’, love.”
“You don’t always have to act so tough around me, you know? It’s okay to feel…different emotions,” you said.
Then immediately wished you hadn’t.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” His entire body tensed, and you squeezed your eyes shut.
“Nothing. I just…I didn’t mean—”
“If you didn’t mean it, you wouldn’t have said it,” he snapped.
“Why do people think I don’t feel things?” he asked.
“Well, you’re not the most…open person.”
“I am. I’m open with you,” he reminded you.
“Simon…there is so much I don’t know about you. And, I don’t know, you could be keeping things from me….”
“You sayin’ I’d lie to you?” he asked, standing suddenly.
“You’re twisting my words.” You stood with him, determined to stand your ground. “But I know no matter what I say, you’ll find a way to take offense. I think you like to be angry because it hides everything else you may feel—sadness, pain, fear, and love! You’re a mystery, Simon Riley.”
“When did you become a fuckin’ shrink?” he asked, and you laughed bitterly.
“I wish I were one so I could get into that head of yours.” You shook your head. “Your face isn’t the only thing you’re hiding from the world…from me.”
“That bother you?”
“Actually, it does,” you confessed.
“Then maybe you don’t understand me as much as I thought you did,” he said, and you glared at him.
“Pushing people away is a defense mechanism….”
“Stop with the getting into my head shit. It’s not working,” he growled.
“Obviously,” you mumbled.
“Go,” he said suddenly.
“You heard me. Get out.” He was so calm while saying it that you were sure he couldn’t be serious.
“You’re kidding.”
“If I wanted to be analyzed, I’d have done it long ago. I don’t need this from you or anyone else.” He walked toward you so you would be forced backward toward the door.
“What did you need from me, Simon? Hm?”
“Who knows? Maybe I already got it,” he blurted, and you furrowed your brow.
“Fuck you.” You were happy that the words came out before your voice broke. You stormed out, not understanding what just happened but understanding it perfectly simultaneously.
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It wasn’t like he could talk to anyone about what just happened because no one fucking knew. He was so close to running after her, but he couldn’t bring himself to do that, so he let her go.
He knew how badly he had hurt her just by the look on her face.
Why did he say that?
He had never been one of those men who slept with someone and left them. He would never use someone just for that, but he let her leave the room believing it.
So, what now? How would he fix this without help?
If he had kept his fucking mouth shut, he wouldn’t be in this situation.
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It had been weeks—weeks of her avoiding him, ignoring him, and making him feel like he didn’t exist. Most of the time, he welcomed the feeling of being unseen, a Ghost to the world, but in this case, he wanted to be seen by her and her alone.
“Hey, Lt.!” Soap shouted, running to catch up with him. “You wanna tell me what the fuck is going on?” he asked.
“What?” Ghost continued walking.
“Why are you sending the lass away again?”
Johnny's question stopped him in his tracks.
“Wait, what?”
“I just heard that she’s being sent to another base. You can’t keep doing that to her,” Soap barked.
“I didn’t,” he told Soap. “Did anyone say where she was going?”
“Wait, you aren’t responsible for this?”
“As shocking as it may be, I am not responsible for this. Have you seen her at all?” Ghost asked.
“Last I saw, she was heading to her room. I hope she’s okay.”
“Yeah. I’ll see you later.” Ghost walked away and made a beeline for her room. He had to figure out what the hell was going on.
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The knock on your door was unexpected. Typically, you don’t answer your door without checking who it is, but you were so distracted with packing that you walked to the door and pulled it open without so much as a ‘who’s there’.
Once you saw who it was, you began shaking your head. “No. I have nothing to say to you. Please go.”
“What’re you packing for?” he asked.
“I decided I needed a change of scenery,” you said without looking at him. You kept walking past him as you grabbed more of your things until he finally grabbed your arm gently.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Why do you care?” You snatched your arm away from him and kept moving. “You already got what you want from me, right?”
“You know I didn’t mean that,” he told you. “I-I was angry. I just said whatever came to mind….”
“It doesn’t matter. The captain already signed off on it, so…I’m leaving.”
“I’m going with you then,” he said plainly.
“No, you’re not.” You sat down beside your packed bag on the bed.
“I can do what the hell I want, love.”
“Don’t call me love.” You sniffled and looked away. “Do you have any idea what it feels like to be told you were only being used for one thing?”
“I was a fucking idiot, and I’m sorry.” He knelt before you, and you almost gasped at the action. “Look at me, love. And, no, I will not stop calling you that.”
“I didn’t mean what I said. I swear to you. I’m asking for your forgiveness,” he said.
“Simon, get off the floor.”
“Not until you say you forgive me or not.” He looked into your eyes.
“I don’t know what to say. I’ve had my heart broken already. Tell me now—do you only want us to be fuck buddies?”
“Because I need to know before I let my feelings get the best of me,” you told him.
“What we’re doing is dangerous,” he started, “But I’m willing to risk it all for you.”
“I don’t want you risking anything for me, Simon.” You shook your head. “And you really shouldn’t come with me. It looks suspicious.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, and you nodded. “Can I at least come to visit?”
“You can do whatever the hell you want, remember?” You smiled lightly.
“Is that a smile for me?”
You shrugged. “Maybe. Now, will you please stand?”
“I kind of like kneeling for you,” he simpered, and you rolled your eyes.
“That’s not working tonight. Sorry.”
He sighed loudly and stood. “I guess I deserve that.”
“Yeah, you do. Don’t you ever say anything like that to me again,” you told him.
“I have a temper,” he started.
“Yeah? No shit.”
He silently watched you pack some more. “I don’t like this.”
“Simon, just let it happen. It might be good if we just…give each other a little time anyway.”
He furrowed his brow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m just saying that maybe this is good—slowing things down a little,” you said, afraid to look him in the eye.
“I see. Are you regretting…this?” He pointed at you, then himself.
“I don’t regret a thing,” you reassured him, but obviously, we don’t know each other very well, and maybe we should have taken more time to do that.”
“You know me….”
“I don’t, Simon. You nearly bit my head off over something I said…something I didn’t know would upset you. I don’t know you,” you repeated.
“Can we stop talking about it?” he asked, exasperated.
“No, we can’t. You hurt me,” you told him.
“With words?”
“Yes, with words, Simon. Just because you don’t think something will hurt someone doesn’t mean it won’t.” You closed your eyes and sighed. “I need to finish packing.”
“You don’t have to do this, you know?”
“I think I do. Look, I don’t want you to think this means that I don’t care about you because I do. I just have to do what’s best for me right now. I have to figure things out,” you said.
“And the only way to do that is getting away from me?” he asked.
“I’ll admit, I’m not good at this whole thing. I’m not a bleedin’ romantic, I don’t write love letters or try to sweep you off your feet, but I am not the monster everyone thinks I am.”
“I don’t think you’re a monster. I never have.”
“I care about you in ways I have no idea how to show.” He stopped talking and just looked at you.
“I know you’re a good person even if you don’t think you are. I won’t say anything else, but just know that you have never been a monster to me.” You put your hand over his heart. “Because of this.”
He put his hand over yours. “Take care of yourself, yeah?”
“Of course. I’m looking forward to that visit,” you said with a smile.
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He couldn’t believe how much he missed her. He honestly didn’t think it was possible to miss someone so much. His heart nearly beat out of his chest as he and Soap approached the base she had been stationed at.
“Maybe she’s found herself a boyfriend,” Soap teased, and Simon’s nostrils flared beneath his balaclava.
“Maybe,” he said. And maybe I’ll break his fucking neck…he thought. That wasn’t fair, and he knew it; she didn’t belong to him, but he felt protective of her and selfishly wanted her all to himself.
He got out of the jeep, scanning his surroundings—a habit. The man who greeted them was boring, and Ghost tuned him out until he spoke your name.
“You guys all worked at the same base together, right?” he asked, and Ghost nodded once while Soap answered excitedly. “I’m sure she’s around here somewhere. Ah, there she is.”
Ghost turned to where the man was pointing, and there she was, talking animatedly with someone. She laughed and touched the man’s arm, and Ghost felt himself getting tense. She only turned to them when she heard their footsteps.
“Johnny?!” she exclaimed and ran into his arms.
That kind of hurt. There was no such excitement for him.
“Hey, Ghost,” she said with an awkward wave, then cleared her throat.
“Soldier,” he said with a nod.
The dull man finally left him alone, but he only felt awkward. He turned to the man she had been talking to and looked him up and down.
“Oh! Forgive me for being rude. Simon, Johnny, this is Lieutenant Martinez.” She put a hand on this man’s back, and Ghost bristled again. Johnny got along with just about anyone, but Ghost was different; he had to build a rapport and learn to trust.
He truly just wanted her alone right now. He wanted, no, needed to talk to her. He needed to be her center of attention.
How fucking selfish is that, mate? He thought. She looked at him as though she could read his mind.
“Simon, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” She turned and started walking with Ghost following closely and silently behind. It wasn’t long before he was walking beside her.
“How’ve you been?” he asked.
“I’m okay,” she said, then looked at him, “How are you? Truly?”
“I missed the fuck out of you,” he said quietly. “What’s up with you and that Martinez guy?”
“Nothing. He’s just…wait…” She stopped walking. “Why?”
“No reason. A man can wonder, can’t he?” He avoided her gaze.
“You’re not jealous, are you?” She asked playfully, and he rolled his eyes.
“Jealous of that man? Not in the slightest,” he lied, wanting to wrap his arms around her and kiss her right there and then to stake his claim.
She laughed and reminded him just how much he missed that sound. “I’ve missed you, Simon.”
“Have you?”
“So, you’ve had no one to…entertain you?” he asked, and she snorted.
“Entertain me, hm? It depends on what you mean by entertain,” she joked.
“You know what I bloody well mean,” he snapped.
“No, Simon, I haven’t been fucking anyone. Is that what you wanna hear?” she snapped back.
“Good lord, woman….” He looked around to make sure no one had heard.
“Have you found any entertainment?” She used air quotes.
“What do you think?”
“You just got here, and you’re already driving me crazy,” she said.
He moved closer. “Yeah? Well, good.”
“Insufferable,” she mumbled before walking away while shaking her head.
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Was he really asking you that right after touching down? He saw you laughing and talking with Martinez, which put him on high alert that easily. Part of you wanted to tease him a bit, but you changed your mind.
“You think I’m insufferable?” he asked, catching up to you again.
“When you’re like this…yes!” You took him by surprise. Perhaps he had forgotten that you weren’t afraid of him. “Let’s go…sir.”
“Would you slow down?” he huffed.
“Why?” you asked. Then when you both rounded a corner, he grabbed you by the hand and put it behind your back, gently pressing you into the wall.
“Because I said so…” he breathed in your ear. “Because I want to get a good look at you. It’s been too long.” He smirked under his mask when he felt you push back against him.
“Simon, we’re gonna get caught,” you said, but there wasn’t a hint of worry in your tone. “You can’t possibly fuck me right here.”
“Oh? Can’t I?”
Your knees buckled slightly, and he let go of your wrist so you could turn around. You looked up at him, his eyes nearly black.
“That wasn’t fair,” you whined.
“You loved it,” he quipped, and you shrugged. He knew by now that you had a thing for his size and power over you.
“When are you gonna let me kiss you, love?” He had you caged in again.
“Do you think you deserve to kiss me right now?” you teased.
“You think it’s safe teasin’ me?”
“Probably not, but you can’t make me stop…sir.”
“Stop, soldier. That’s an order,” he said, leaning in even closer.
“Make me,” you whispered before ducking beneath his arms and escaping.
“When can I see you?” he asked as you walked away.
“Room 415. An hour,” you called over your shoulder.
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Simon had to slow himself down as he made his way to her room. His dick was leading him, if he was being honest.
He slowed his breathing and cleared his throat before knocking on her door. She answered without asking who it was.
“Lieutenant…” She held the door open to let him inside.
“How’d you know it was me? I could’ve been anyone,” he said.
“How many people do you think I invite back to my room, Simon? Jesus…”
He shook his head. “Sorry.”
“Show me. Kiss me,” she said, giving him that innocent look that had something hidden behind it.
He sat on the side of the bed with a manspread that he knew would catch her eye. “Come and sit on my lap, soldier.”
She walked over slowly. He watched how her hips swayed, and he couldn’t wait to see her bare skin again.
She climbed onto his lap, straddling him, then put her hands on his cheeks. He just looked at her, and she looked at him before pressing a kiss to his covered lips.
He growled, quickly pulled the mask over his lips and nose, and then crushed his lips to hers. She yelped in surprise but kissed him back with just as much urgency.
“I’m gonna ride the fuck outta you, Lieutenant,” she murmured.
“Oh yeah?” He slid his tongue into her mouth, and she sucked on it eagerly. When she pulled away, he watched the saliva stretch from her mouth to his.
“You dirty fucking thing.” He grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her hard, not caring that he needed to come up for air. She swirled her ass against him, and he pushed his hips up to meet the friction. They both looked down at where her covered pussy pressed against the bulge in his pants.
“Make yourself come, and then I’ll let you have it,” he teased.
As they dry-humped each other, he pictured the way her panties were probably clinging to her because of how wet she was. He wanted to taste it badly.
“Si-Simon…” She let out a few high-pitched moans then he felt her body tremble as she came.
“Look at you. Aren’t you a good girl for your Lieutenant?” he asked rhetorically. “Undress for me, hm?”
She stood on weak legs and undressed, saving her panties for last, but he stopped her as she hooked her fingers under the waistband.
“Come lie down.” He stood and tapped the bed, and she did as she was told. Fuck, she was so fucking good.
He crawled between he legs and kissed her thighs, biting down here and there. As he got closer to her pussy, he met her eye. Then he buried his face against her clothed pussy, breathing in deeply. He held her steady as he swirled his face against her, breathing her in before pressing his wet tongue against her panties. He pulled away and then spat, getting them even wetter.
He found her clit easily, even hidden by her panties, and pushed his tongue against it. Suddenly, he pulled on her panties, ensuring the crotch rested between her pussy lips. He licked again, then began moving the material up and down and side to side against her. It gave her enough friction to get her going but not enough to get her off.
He enjoyed hearing her whimper and watching her squirm, but he needed to taste her. He pulled her panties to the side slowly; it was almost like opening a present he had been waiting for too long. She was glistening for him, and his mouth watered. He spread her lips and zeroed in on her clit—licking then sucking it into his mouth.
God, he missed her taste. He closed his eyes in pleasure, drinking her in. Pushing her legs back to get better access, he began tasting her earnestly. She held her legs open and back for him, looking down at him as he sucked on her clit and pulled away slowly before releasing it.
“This fucking pussy…” he murmured before licking again. “Is addictive.” He was going to cum in his pants, which was not what he wanted. He wanted to save it for inside of you—to mark you as his on the inside.
He pulled away from her pussy reluctantly, standing quickly and undressing. She made him feel unbelievably confident with how she looked at him—scars and all. He was about to climb on top, but she stopped him with her foot.
“Remember what I said, Lieutenant?”
“Oh…right.” He stroked himself as he lay on his back. He felt vulnerable and unguarded this way, but he was willing to handle any and all of it just for her.
She straddled him again, and he noticed her panties were still on. Why was that so fucking hot? He didn’t know or care, he just wanted her—to feel her. She lifted herself just a bit and pulled her panties aside before grabbing his cock and sliding herself onto him.
“Oh, fuck! You’re stretching me so much!” she whimpered. “I fucking love it.” She leaned down to kiss him, then sat up again, putting her hands on his chest for balance. Then she was bouncing on him nice and slow at first. He kept his hands on her hips as his eyes rolled back.
“Fucking…pussy…fuck…tight…give…me.” It was all he could say.
She looked like a fucking goddess bouncing on him. She moved her hands to his, where they dug into her thighs. She held his hands as she rode him now. There was something about that that made everything so much more intimate. And he actually liked it.
“You’re gonna make me cum all over your cock, Lieutenant,” she moaned.
“Mm mm…my name,” he grunted. “Say my fucking name, love.” He grabbed her arm and tugged her down to him. Her forehead rested against his. He met her thrust for thrust, and she began to fall apart on top of him.
“Keep your eyes open for me. Look right at me, sweetheart. I’m right here.” He kissed her deeply then her mouth fell open against his as she hit her peak again.
“I…I…I…fuck, Simon. Yes, yes, yes, Simon. Please!” she cried.
“Look at you go. Cummin’ all over your Lieutenant’s cock. Feels good, don’t it?”
“Mmmmm.” She couldn’t speak—going completely cockdumb on top of him.
“You gonna let your Lieutenant cum in that pretty pussy, hm? Gonna let me fill it up?” He flipped her over in one swift motion, not even faltering in his thrusts.
“Yes!” she screamed.
“I know you’re gonna let me, know why? Because you are mine. I’m your superior, and you love it. You love when I tell you what to do, don’t you? Yeah, you fucking do.”
“Simon…do it. Please,” she begged. “Please, sir.”
“Oh FUCK!” he shouted. He grunted louder and louder as his thrusts slowed but got harder. “Ahhhhh!” he groaned as he began filling you, nearly whimpering as he noticed that you were spreading your pussy lips for him. He pulled out slightly early, ensuring some of his cum got on your pussy as the rest dripped out of you. He made sure your clit was covered in his cum, then slapped the head of his dick against it, making an obscene sound.
“Fuck,” you whimpered breathlessly.
“Made a mess of you again, love.” He collapsed on top of you, summoning enough strength to kiss you, gathering extra saliva in his mouth to share with you. He slipped his softening cock back inside you, keeping it warm.
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You woke up a few hours later, still covered in a heavy warmth you wished could last forever. You felt sticky but in a pleasant way. When you shifted, he immediately woke up and blinked down at you.
“Shit…sorry,” he said, voice still full of sleep. He rolled off you and then turned his head to look at you.
“Didn’t know you were such an intense dirty talker,” you joked.
“Have you heard me fucking talk? Nothing clean about what comes outta my mouth.” He gave her one more kiss before pulling his mask back down.
You were going to ask if he wanted to shower with you, but that would involve him removing the balaclava entirely, and you weren’t sure he was ready for that.
“Come with me,” he said quietly as he rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. You followed him, and he was turning on the shower.
“Simon, you don’t….”
“Close your eyes,” he commanded, and you quickly did. You could hear him moving then you felt his hands in yours as he helped you step into the shower.
“You first.” He began washing you, cleaning every inch of you thoroughly.
“Will you help me with my back?” he asked, and you nodded, reaching out blindly. “You can…open your eyes,” he said in a quiet voice you had never heard him use before. You were nervous. Why were you nervous?
You opened your eyes slowly to see the expanse of his wide back and broad shoulders. His back was covered with a tattoo, and you remembered imagining him having a tattoo there. You slowly let your eyes travel up to his neck and the back of his head.
Blond. That made you smile. You weren’t surprised on account of his eyelashes and eyebrows.
You reached for the body wash and rubbed it into his back. It was pure muscle and sinew that rippled beneath your fingers. You looked down, taking in his shapely bottom and thick, muscled thighs.
You took a deep breath and took a chance to move your hands to the front of his body, feeling his stomach beneath your hands. Somehow, it was softer than the rest of him, which made you all the more attracted to him.
He placed his hands over yours, and you thought he would move them away, but he just kept them there, moving his thumb soothingly over your fingers.
“Thank you,” he whispered. You rested your head against his back, hearing his heartbeat through it—it was pounding.
“Do you want to get out?” you asked.
“Just a little longer. That all right?” he asked.
“Of course, Simon. It’s perfectly fine.”
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papakhan · 4 months
Episode 1
Fuck it, I'm gonna do it anyway. Here's all the notes I took when watching episode 1 of the godawful fallout tv show. enjoy. I'm gonna run through this with notes I made while I watched the show so formatting might be kinda weird, I haven't done anything like this before so bare with me. I will try to explain things as if you the reader have not seen the show. This is gonna be very long and heavy on the hate and the spoilers.
Content warnings:
gif of the fight scene violence
self harming
Things I liked:
Vault Dwellers reusing the same wedding dress and everyone who'd worn it writing their names on the inside. that's sweet
"don't lose your head" vault poster during a firefight
Johnny Cash
I like Brotherhood Clerics but they totally fucked up the ranking system
The vault dwellers just painting over the blood on the walls
Horses are canon now
Goofy wasteland urban legends like "a feral ghoul does not abide a chicken"
That's literally it. Now it's time for everything else. I'll break it down into character bits since that's what the show does
So Cooper Cowboy ghoul man is divorced and he's at this birthday party in I'm guessing Hollywood overlooking LA. It's a beautiful sunny day :) Bare in mind that in this scene the nukes drop so Bethesda has already fucked their own lore of the nukes dropping at 9:40am in Boston would mean that it should be 6:40am in California. Sunrise in California in October is 7am, btw. So already we're fucked. Real "design documents are a waste of time" behaviour on display here.
Anyway, nuke goes off. Now let me ask you something. What's one of the most infamous things about nuclear bombs? The flash, right? A nuclear explosion is bright enough to blind a person. Fallout 4 understood this, at least a little, where the flash of light from the bomb would fill your screen even if you weren't facing it, which is how nukes work. Closing your eyes in the face of a nuke would be pointless because the light would pass through your eyelids. There's even reports of people who held up their hands to shield the light and could see THEIR BONES THROUGH THEIR HANDS. That's how bright they are. They are horrifying weapons of mass destruction.
The nuke that hits LA is not a nuke, the flash of light on Janey's face (cooper's kid and the ONE SINGLE PERSON who notices a NUCLEAR FUCKING BOMB) is more akin to a camera flash. again. she is the only fucking person who notices a nuclear bomb go off, everyone else at the party is distracted by a TV of all things.
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In the time between the ""flash"" of the bomb here's everything that happens before Cooper and co feel the shockwave
Janey notices the pathetic flash and looks up.
She holds up her thumb in the "vault boy" way
Cooper comes out of the house and walks over to Janey
He crouches down beside her and says some bullshit along the lines of "i got some cake for my favourite cowgirl"
Janey says "was it your thumb or my thumb?"
Cooper looks towards the source of the nuke and slowly stands up, watching it for a moment
He says "that's just a fire janey" as the smoke unfurls into a very obvious mushroom cloud
He realises that it was not. just a fire
then they get hit by a shockwave
This takes almost a full minute and none of the segments is supposed to be slow motion. Listen I know that light moves faster than sound and heat but come on. It's way too slow and also. dead fucking silent. also the shockwave comes before the mushroom cloud but who cares.
Anyway cooper gets on a horse with the girl and rides off down the road in the direction of LA. good job dude.
I've already read up about yknow who it was who wanted the nukes fired and I know that it was Barb who wanted the nukes dropped on America for?? vault tec profit??? so uh. why did she let Janey go to a birthday party with Cooper?
x3 Incest jokes may not seem like a lot but it was 3 too many for me. I hate the "good karma" noise that played when Lucy got arranged married. I said I liked the vault poster of "don't lose your head" but I hate the way Lucy keeps getting her inspiration from Vault Boy I'm sorry but its annoying and dumb to me. Interconnected vaults in LA is also. dumb. you're telling me The Master didn't notice these fucking things? you're kidding. Look at it, it's not even hidden in a cave or anything its just out in the open.
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Way to retroactively make the Master look like a moron, though I know they do this to Mr House later on. ugh.
Her intro makes it sound like she's supposed to have Tagged Skills in repair, speech and science but she displays none of this in the later episodes I have seen, in fact her speech seems like utter dogshit so what was the point in introducing her in a "game protag" way if none of that was gonna get used later?
Anyway, lets get onto the raiders. If you know me, you know I love raiders. They're a cool and interesting critique of individualism and "might makes right" and also aesthetically just kind of fuck.
Now, knowing what I know about Moldaver and her being the current ?leader of the NCR remnants, that implies that the people she has led into Vault 33 are former NCR citizens or soldiers, right? right?
So the ""fall of shady sands"" according to the show is 2277 and yeah sure okay that's during new vegas' time and sure okay right todd howard promised that this didn't de-canonise fallout new vegas. however. it's 2296 meaning it's been 19 years since Shady Sand's.......decline. and 15 years since New Vegas where we last saw the NCR. And i know that the NCR aren't exactly the good guys To suggest that in less than 20 years the citizens of shady sands have been reduced to Bethesda-style raiders who:
Are unable to use utensils such as knives and forks
Can't grow crops
Don't know how to use cups
Will rape a woman, wipe his dick on a curtain, and then try to murder said woman
Shoveling fistfuls of cake into their mouth during a firefight
Threatening a pregnant woman
In another episode one of these guys is interrogated/interviews and shows their asshole to the guy talking to him.
is fucking ludicrous
Anyway Monty looks like Jerma
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Anywayyyy how come only Lucy's pipboy picked up on the radiation from these outsiders huh? everyone else was wearing a pipboy during the wedding, they sat next to each other, those geigar counters would have been going off. what? they had them on silent out of respect of a good Christian wedding? if you try to convince me that's the explanation I will eat your liver. Bethesda raider style
anyway no.2 girlypop (lucy) straight up pulls a knife out of her wound which is medical petpeeve no.9394328 for me but then its immediately resolved by a stimpak. I hate how stimpaks in the show are used exactly how they are in the game. I was under the impression that it was a video game mechanic and not how it actually worked in the narrative. What's next? Jet gives me extra action points or some shit? I'm so tired
the fight scene sucked. the choreography of the raider guy shooting a vault dweller through the head of another vault dweller just kind of looked like shit and seemed impractical, clearly just there to be like WOAH THATS COOL it wasn't cool it looked clunky and weird. do not fucking tell me that fallout is supposed to be clunky and weird I will kill you.
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the doors cutting the raider in half was also dumb since its been routinely established that the dull and ominous "thunk. thunk. thunk" heard deep in the bowels of a vault is a door that's trying to close but there's something stuck under it, if they could just slice a whole man in half then they could cut through a table or skeleton in game. Also irl I'm a health and safety officer and that moment made my toes curl. lol
It jumps from Lucy to Max and then back to lucy but I'm just gonna continue talking about her shit here. quick fire round because I've been yapping too long already
Her little brother looks way too old to be acting like a teenager this much.
Chet (Lucy's cousin and ex boyfriend. gross) wants to come with her thank god he doesn't
why doesn't she give a shit about the sky
Why doesn't she give a shit about the ocean
"stupid blimp is back" is at the very top of my notes, lol. anyway I still don't understand where they got this thing from
Latrines made out of stacks of tires is so dumb. like I cant even explain how dumb that is. surely rubber has better use for that. surely. just shit in a hole in the ground like everyone else please for the love of god
I know the twist with Daine and let it be said, having your first on screen transgender character cut themselves with razors to get out of the military is not, in fact, Bethesda trying to be on the side of transgender people, it is in fact them making fun of us, okay? do we understand?
hiding baby max is a fridge made me so angry I blacked out. do not remind me of "kid in a fridge" ever again.
Anyway Bethesda finds it so difficult to keep the BOS consistent to the point that they are all so different from each other with little to no explanation as to why they've changed so much. In fact it feels like to me that at some point between fallout 3 and fallout 4 Bethesda has totally mixed up the BOS and the Enclave, since now the BOS hate ghouls for no reason and want to colonise the wasteland. This is just that again. Once more, no design doc behaviour.
Quotes from the BOS i think suck ass
"Duty of the Brotherhood of Steel is to secure the wasteland"
"Flesh is weak by steel endures"
"Violence is a tool we use it to bring order to the wasteland"
When Max is getting interrogated for being a suspect for cutting Daine with razors, mentions "send me to Eden or wherever" and it confused me so much. The only Eden I knew about was John Henry Eden from Fallout 3. Turns out I think what they're trying to reference is New Eden a BOS base from. Fallout Brotherhood of Steel 2?? of all fucking things?? really strange I can't imagine what else he could possibly be referencing though. This is literally just thrown in for the loreheads and I hate it.
Anyway after being a suspect for cutting Daine with razors and also failing his classes Max gets a promotion! this is not explained. They also brand him which people a lot smarter than me have discussed at length about why branding a black guy on screen in your fallout show is a bad idea. Read it here.
I don't really understand why the BOS all do shit in latin now, I know some of them had latin names in fo1 but IIRC Frank Horrigan of the Enclave was the only person in the og games who spoke latin. it feels like Bethesda wanting to capture the interest of people who liked the Legion. maybe that's a reach but given how much right wing propaganda is in the coming episodes I wouldn't put it past them.
Cooper again
I am not calling this idiot The Ghoul that's fucking dumb. what like he's the only one? ever? dumb. whats up with him being buried huh? did Todd not want to tell Nolan that ghouls arent actually zombies and arent actually undead? that just wanted him to jump out a coffin because oooh spooky zombie. honestly just kill me.
My notes: "Don't tell me the ghoul is in that grave I can't take it"
this guy gets dug up once a year and gets pieces of him cut off and put back?? why? for what purpose? how is he down there without eating or drinking? is it a kid in a fridge moment where ghouls don't need to eat or drink, well he drinks a whole lot of water in episode 3 so that's afucking lie. get real. the glowing IV? what is that??
the yodelling is really gonna piss me off, isn't it.
Not him ending the episode on the same quote he said to his daughter. whatever.
Rating: 3/10
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r-is-typing · 2 years
not my type | e.m
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summary: in which eddie loses the best thing that’s ever happened to him
requested?: yes! requested by anon!
request: Ooh can I request a Eddie x cheerleader!reader who are friends and hang out a lot despite what people think. They become a little more than friends but keep that part a secret. His friends (the older ones not the kids) notice he's hanging out with the reader and asks if they're dating but then he lies and says something like "never, she's not my type". Then the reader hears him and gets really upset and confronts him? Sorry I'm just a sucker for something angsty!
pairing: eddie munson x cheerleader!reader
category: angst
content warnings: super angsty
word count: <1k 
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To say Eddie loved her would be quite an understatement.
Eddie didn’t just love Y/N. He adored her, worshipped her. But, of course, he couldn’t let her know that. At least, not for the first two years of friendship. Especially when he was an outcast and she was a cheerleader. The head cheerleader at that. She had to keep up their social standards, but she didn’t care. 
Which, in turn, did cause a lot of issues.
Chrissy Cunningham was the only one out of the cheer and basketball teams that actually respected and felt happy for the two. Chrissy didn’t know Eddie, but she didn’t need to. She saw how much the friendship between the two meant to Y/N and that was all that mattered. 
Then, she became the first to know when Y/N and Eddie’s friendship evolved from playful shoves and friendly gestures to kisses and secret sleepovers. 
It was a Friday night, which usually meant dinner and a movie night at Eddie’s trailer. Y/N stood at her locker, putting away textbooks from classes she had already gone to, and grabbing the textbooks she needed for classes later in the day. 
“Hey, so, Harrington and I were thinking,” Robin approached her, making the girl press her back against the locker, holding her textbooks to her chest. “We wanted to do something fun, maybe go bowling or something.” Y/N nodded, looking at Robin curiously. “You wanna go?” 
She stood still for a moment, debating on what to say.
On the one hand, she’d love to spend time with her friends. It wasn’t very often it was just them without the younger kids. As much as she loved them, it was nice to be able to talk about whatever without Dustin groaning in disgust or El exclaiming her confusion as she didn’t understand a lot of social normalities. 
But, on the other hand, it was date night. Just like she didn’t get time with her friends, she got even less time with Eddie, their relationship being secret and all. So, the couple made a deal that one day a week, no matter what, they’d spend time together. 
“Sorry, Rob. Chrissy and the rest of the cheer team wanted to hang out tonight. Go over some routines for the pep rally. Maybe this weekend?” 
Robin nodded, understanding that extracurriculars were tough, and required a lot of attention. “Yeah, no problem. Ready to go to lunch?” Y/N nodded, closing her locker and following Robin to the cafeteria. Since Robin and Steve became closer to Y/N and Eddie due to the couple’s discovery of the Upside Down, they’ve been sitting with the rest of the Hellfire Club on occasion. 
As they walked closer, Steve’s voice got louder. 
“Alright, so c’mon, Munson. You’re seriously going to sit here and say you’ve never thought about being with Y/N, man? I mean, there’s nothing going on there?” This caught the two girls' attention. Y/N looked towards Eddie, noticing his whole body tense up and then relax in the same few seconds.
“Harrington, how many times are you going to ask?”
The snarky voice of her boyfriend almost made her laugh. Almost. It would’ve had his next few words not stung so badly. Eddie had spoken words that she was afraid of and worried daily about, yet he spoke them. Eddie knew her fears and still said something that had he known she was listening, would’ve been well aware that it would’ve broken her heart. 
“No, man. Never gonna happen; she’s not my type.”
Y/N looked toward Chrissy who had heard every word and stood up quickly, rushing to her side. “Y/N, come on.” Robin looked confusedly toward the two, and Steve looked up from the table, calling out. “Rob, Y/N, you gonna sit down or what?” 
Eddie froze, his body becoming tense again at the mention of his girlfriend. 
“Y/N-” “Not now, Munson.”
Chrissy cut him off sharply, wrapping an arm around Y/N and leading her out of the cafeteria. Eddie stood quickly to his feet and chased after the two. “Cunningham, let me talk to her.” He choked out, out of breath as he caught up to them. 
“You’re joking, right?”
Chrissy shook her head in disbelief and joined Y/N where she was hiding in the locker room. Echoing sobs escaped the room before Chrissy could close the door fully. Eddie’s heart broke, just like every time Y/N cried, but this time… 
This time, it was because of him. He made her cry. 
A week passed since the events. Y/N did everything she could to avoid Eddie in every possible way. She closed her bedroom curtains so Eddie was given the signal that she didn’t want to see him, she sat with Chrissy at lunch in the cheer coach's office, and she got Nancy rides to and from school. 
Y/N avoided Eddie as if he was the plague. 
But, she decided she needed to do the right thing and put an end to it. Officially. So, she asked Nancy to drive her over to Eddie’s, Steve and Robin in the backseat, one large box in the trunk of Nancy’s car. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Nancy looked at the teary-eyed girl in front of her as the four stood outside Eddie’s trailer, one of the lamposts barely lighting their surroundings. Y/N ended up telling the three of them about everything, especially after she couldn’t hide her heartbreak anymore. 
“No, but I have to.” 
Y/N sighed, brushing her hair out of her face, taking the box into her arms, and walking closer and closer to his trailer until the familiar smell of weed and Eddie’s familiar musk filled her senses. 
Her knuckles rapped against the screen door and she backed away against the railing of the porch as she waited. 
“Baby, I’ve be-” Eddie grunted as the cardboard box once in Y/N’s arms shoved against his chest. “Stop, Eddie. Just stop. I don’t want to hear it, alright? You’ve done enough.” Ouch, Eddie thought. 
“Just come inside and we can talk.”
Y/N scoffed, looking back at her friends who were now back in Nancy’s car. “Talk? About what, Eddie? About how I’m not your type, how after almost six months, I’m suddenly not the girl you told me you loved?” 
Eddie’s features softened as he looked at her, seeing how badly he had hurt her. 
But, on top of the pain, he could tell there was something she was trying to mask, or trying to fight. “I, uh, guess I should give you this back too..” Y/N reached around the back of her neck, pulling something over her head. Eddie’s eyes widened as he realized what it was. 
Y/N placed the item into his hand before walking down the steps and stepping onto the gravel. “Goodbye, Eddie.” She gave a final nod before turning her back towards him and jogging towards Nancy’s car.
Eddie looked down at his guitar pick necklace in his hands. The item screaming at him in the face that the damage had been done, he’d lost her for good, and it would be the biggest mistake of his life.
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r is typing... i'm not crying, you are... i loved writing this so much <3 thank you for the request! i hope you like it! r is signing off... join the taglist! taglist: @jojoisawesome @howardshottub @jssmth5 @alexxavicry @angelbunnyboo @meaganjm @ruinedbythehobbit
639 notes · View notes
jongbross · 1 year
if requests are still open, can i request? i was thinking kyungsoo and reader are mixed martial arts fighters and they train and teach classes at the same gym. they’re just a pair of bickering coworkers as they’ve always been some of the toughest fighters at the gym. idk, take it whatever direction you’d like, i can’t see what you write! thanks!
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pairing: do kyungsoo x reader word count: 611 genre: fluffy? warnings: kyungsoo is really annoying and there's a plot twist at the end. got inspired by those k-dramas where the dude "hates" the girl, you know? a/n: had a lot of fun writing this! thank you so much for requesting <3
"oh my gosh, you're such a softie."
it was always like this, every single day, 24/7 - bickering was now considered a background noise whenever you and kyungsoo were at the gym at the same time.
i mean, kyungsoo was a really great fighter and an amazing teacher, you could admit that, but he was also the most annoying person you have ever met.
"what did i do now, kyungsoo?", you asked with a sigh.
"you're really cleaning up the mess your kids left behind?", he said, a playful smirk on his face. "discipline is part of what we teach, y/n, you should let them do it themselves."
you rolled your eyes, picking up the last towel from the ground and getting up to face kyungsoo. he had his arms crossed against his chest, his black belt tied firmly around his slim waist.
"and you should worry about your students, not mine", you fake smiled at him. "should i remind you i got three kids wanting to be transferred to my class because you were an asshole with them?"
"they're softies just like you", it was his time to roll his eyes. "taehyun couldn't even learn how to kick properly."
"he's 5 years old, kyungsoo!"
"so? all of my other kids can do it."
you scoffed, even though you weren't a bit surprised by his behavior. you just passed by him, getting back to what truly mattered: cleaning up the room so the next class (kyungsoo's class) could start.
"i still don't get why you act like that with them", kyungsoo kept going though.
"cause i'm a great teacher and i respect their timing."
"wow, you're wrong two times in that sentence, that's a new record!"
"i'm not a great teacher?"
"well, you're a teacher, that's for sure", the bastard chuckled. "but you're a better fighter though..."
you hummed in response, folding your last towel and sighing one more time.
"you wanna know why?"
"honestly? no, i don't", you replied, turning around to look at him. "i have had a headache since the moment i woke up this morning and you didn't let me be for a goddamn second. can you please save this conversation for tomorrow?"
kyungsoo frowned, relaxing his arms. "headache?"
"yeah. you're gonna complain about that too?"
you sighed in relief when kyungsoo just murmured a tiny 'idiot' and finally walked away towards the back of the gym, leaving you alone to finish your tasks.
it truly didn't take long until his students started to arrive, a few of them greeting you before taking a seat on the floor, just like kyungsoo taught them to do it so they could wait for him.
the moment you finished what you were doing was the moment kyungsoo appeared for his class. you walked away to let him do his work, frowning when he said "check your locker" as you passed him by. so you went to the locker room, meeting and greeting some other teachers there.
to your surprise, you found your locker unlocked. you pulled it open to find a bottle of painkillers - the one you've always seen kyungsoo taking - and a little note, which you took it between your fingers so you could read better.
"take two of these, it should help you with your headache. go eat something too, and if it doesn't get better, i already texted minseok hyung saying i could take your other classes for the day. rest! don't make me say it twice. see you at my place tonight! - kyungsoo ♥ (:"
at that, you smiled - sincerely, this time. perhaps kyungsoo was as good of a boyfriend as he was of a teacher.
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - RIP Claudeleine
Here we effing go, y'all. 🤧
The coven tortured them b4 the were put on trial--W T F 😱
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Yep, in the rat box--what practical PURPOSE or POINT was there to put Claudia in there to get gnawed on by feral rats, other than sick sadistic viciousness? We know Celeste & Estelle used the Mind Gift on Roget--you mean they could'n't've done that to Claudia like Santiago did on Madz? You HAD to stuff her in there? EVIL.
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Daaaaang, they used a wombo-combo Mind Gift to tell her to STFU; her effing nose is bleeding!
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"In all their chilling premeditation"--yep, this is why criminals should never leave diaries or use social media! 😅🤦‍♀️ And omfg they let the audience read her diaries, I can't. 🫣 And the Baby LouLou fangirls aren't in the front row this time; effing fair-weather fans! 😒
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GOD the coven frikkin hamstrung them, too!? 😱 To the BONE!
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"Evil of my evil," SAY IT. Claudia laughing like she finna dance in his innards. "It moved Claudia, right up on her [HAMSTRUNG] feet," I was AGHAST. If y'all don't step TF back and give my daughter room to tear his a-hole wide open!
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I love how AMC changed Ghost!Claudia's legacy, cuz the diaries were all Lou had, which implied that Claudia died "hating his guts," as Daniel said in 1x7. But by regaining his memories of the Trial, AMC!Lou gets to see that Claudia actually went out DEFENDING him. The one she REALLY had beef with was Lestat. Ofc she resented Lou, but most of all she loved her Daddy Lou, and was traumatized seeing him broken like an EGG from an airplane that SHE tried her darndest to piece back together. And Lestat can't say EFF ALL, cuz he already admitted that he broke him to hurt him.
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(Girl we all know you ain't sorry, lol. But PREACH!)
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SPITE! 😫 Lestat was being SPITEFUL. Yes, this IS his big revenge; he DGAF about Claudia, he came there for Louis, YES! Did he expect Claudia to die? No, he EXPECTED Armand to get TF up and save ALL of them. But he DID go in there ready and willing to throw Claudia under the bus to get Louis out of there.
Claudia called herself "just a roof shingle" that flew off Loustat's townhouse, as she shuffles her way back to her seat. Chile, this whole audience us dumb as a pile of bricks to not notice that she's LITERALLY hamstrung. The unbelievable pain she must be in, omg.
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"Took the air out of the place with that one" EMMYS WHEN 😫 "Got a lot less fun real quick" EMMYS WHENNNNNN 😫
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("'RHIIISE!" Santiago's campy accents & pronunciations STAHP.) WHY ON EARTH would anyone wanna join this nasty AF coven after seeing the hypocritical effed up way y'all treat people!? Y'all shoulda just kept her hypnotized and made her say yes, which proves that y'all really didn't care if Madz joined or died anyway! She was just collateral; and I guarantee if she'd joined they'd've used her in their actual mock trial plays, making her relive her shame the same way they did with Baby LouLou.
I get that Claudia shook her head, only wanting Madz to join so she'd stay alive, but I'm with Madz--they'd've killed her for some bogus reason sooner or later. Might as well die with her companion.
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😭 MY COVEN IS CLAUDIA, TOO! 😭 Claudia finally feeling like someone in the world picked her first. 😭
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STFU Santiago. 😡
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STFU Lestat. 😡 (I had to make a separate post for this, cuz it's both ironic AF but also wildly in-character that Lestat of all people would mock Madeleine for doing this.)
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Flip them all off, yaaas! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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I was on the edge of my seat; I knew my BAMF daughter was gonna do or say SOMETHING crazy. 👀
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My daughter said "Until you do right by me everything you THINK about gonna fail!" 😤 Armand said moment of defiance; PLEASE! ALL HER LIFE SHE HAD TO FIGHT!
Rest in power, Claudia! ❤️👸🏼👸🏽👸🏾❤️
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My life every time a new IWTV episode airs.
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That's the same flute dude AND SONG playing when Armand set that Children of Darkness/Satan vampire on fire. Execution dirge WTF 😭
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The ultimate gaslight.
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Not Claudia embracing Madz as she singing that effing song take me out back and end it. 💔
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Look at Lestat's bish arse standing back there watching while HIS BLOOD DAUGHTER burns to ash--Mr. I Could Not Prevent It #2! The last thing she saw on earth was her deadbeat father not doing a effing thing to help her--
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--but Louis leapt through FIRE and a whole burning building to save his daughter; a girl he didn't even KNOW, and already loved unconditionally! Blood ain't thicker than water, eff what ya heard! 😤
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EXCUSE ME!? 😱 Santiago I hate you so much, wow.
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"Tweedley deedly dead" written on the mirror in Claudia's (or Santiago's?) booth at the Theatre; you can see her yellow dress in the corner too; omg this coven is nasty. That BETTER NOT BE her ashes.
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We been expected this my guy; the movie's like 30 years old and the book's 50+, be serious. But y'all did an AMAZING adaptation; adding in things I definitely didn't expect, like Claudia singing the song. 😭👌
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Claudia's the GOAT. 🐐
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So, random thoughts about the recent update (update 3) on EN. (I don't know what's happening on JP server, so please don't tell me anything.)
I was thinking.... Maybe it's because I'm tired.... (2 hours of sleep), but I had a thought. What if Malleus just wins? Even if only briefly.... like he actually manages to engulf the entire world with his sleep curse. (Ahem, blessing.) I mean, how are we.....
Supposed to stop that.
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(The dragon looks so cool though!)
I.... I don't think fighting is the answer here... I really dont.... Malleus is the next thing right under omnipotent. He's not quite there... but dang! What the heck man! What is going on in your head!? You're so weird it's actually intriguing. I want to know what he's thinking, because this plan of his is just ridiculous! Ridiculous in the sense that there's no way his plan can actually pan out the way he wants it to forever. Like, 1000 years of sleep huh? What do you think will happen when you allow everyone to wake up? Or.... you gonna change your mind and just keep them asleep longer? You're not giving everyone their dreams. You're dangling it in front of them like a carrot on a stick. Making them think they have what they want, only for it to be stripped from them one day. But hey, at least you get to keep Lilia, right? I get it. He's hurting. And he's acting pretty desperate. I'm going to ask the same question I have asked before. How much is the blot affecting his mind? Morphing in with his thoughts to help him believe that this is rational? He wants something so simple and innocent, but is going about it in an incredibly selfish way.
In the original case of Maleficent, she is defeated by a sword stabbing into her heart.... I hate to say it, but there's only two ways to stop Malleus at this point. Either manage to talk him out of it, or killing him. Yeah, it hurt to type that. But I'm just typing the facts. There is no way we'll be defeating him the way we did with the other overblotters. Which is how I got the idea of, what if he "wins". At least the type of win where everyone feels like they're all doomed and all hope is lost right before someone figures out a way to stop him. I know from Malleus' perspective at the moment, he's already won.
Okay, rant over.... maybe
..l really need sleep.
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No! I don't need help from you.
Here's random Dragon Gifs... because.... I don't know. Because I feel like it.
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K, this one below, not a dragon, but it looks cool!
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Y'know, my blog name has become Ironic now. I named it 'Once Upon A Wonderland Twists into A Dreamland' because I decided it sounded cool, and I wanted a blog name that had a meaning behind it. The "Once Upon a" part alluding to the fact that a lot of fairy tales start with "once upon a time". Though I believe half of the tales Twist takes from technically don't start like that. But y'know... popular trope.... and then the "Wonderland" part in my blog name because: "twisted wonderland". Now the "twists into a Dreamland" part came about because I had thought of make-believe worlds that we find ourselves going to as a sort of Dreamland. A place to escape to for a while.... (also I wanted "Twist" somewhere in the title.) Hence the name: Once Upon A Wonderland Twists Into A Dreamland. Now it seems my blog name has predicted what happens in book 7.... 🤣 I don't know. I like ironic stuff like this. It's funny.
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seumyo · 19 days
hi eumeum, im finally here after taking such a long time to figure out something for your event. happy 1000th, eumy. im soso proud of your journey ! i'm gonna send in an entry of me + dabi ♡
i'm a very laid-back and chill, but i can be serious in certain areas. for mbti it's istj-a. my hobby is performing (singing/acting) interests includes gothic culture and rock music. um um i like spiders and i dislike overly loud people.
uh i actually don't have any idea what to write for the description thingy, i apologise 😭 but id love to have a totally like expectant relationship w dabi like the "oh ofc they'd be tgt, they're literally made for eachother 😒" typa thing
colour uhh black, white, blue. song is always been you by chris grey :v aesthetic? rockstar core.
teehee im so excited for a scrapbook thingy from eumy herself 😳😳 take your time and don't stress, okay? giving you jars of hearts and affirming you from here. mahal kita eumyyy
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★ The moment Dabi met you, it's like every other day, something that isn’t new to him. In an alternate universe where Touya is a burnt-out music prodigy set to inherit the family business (which he doesn’t particularly take interest in because of how strained his relationship with his father is), he’s a college student in psychology when he met you.
★ Did not even notice you because he was blinded by all the pent-up frustrations he had with the expectations placed upon him as the first son of the Todoroki family, plus he wasn’t one to be drawn to people that much considering he also had his studies to focus on. He was balancing everything all at once, so he doesn’t notice the well-known lead vocalist on campus trying to talk to him.
★ That is, until he’s encouraged by his classmates to try and join the school band to pass the time. He didn’t see the point of trying, but he decides to stay and watch one of your performances during an event to see if it’d pique his interest. Man, he was pulled into a trance when he heard your voice and took note that the band was indeed lacking a bass player to tie it all together.
★ It’s a shame to let your talent go to waste, so he thought about it thoroughly. And finally, he finally approached you after one of your performances with his application sheet.
★ Touya finds himself not being able to say no to you. Your other bandmates could ask if he could start again from his succession, but he’ll just say he’s on a little break (maybe even pretend to be busy on his phone for a few minutes), but when you do ask the same thing from him, suddenly he’s already ready to begin from that exact part as many times as you want him to.
★ He’s chill whenever he’s not stressed with anything and would take most opportunities to tease you. “Oh, you want me to teach you how to play? You sure you’re up for it, hm? I mean, you could just say that you want to spend some one-on-one time with me.”
★ Practices with him include just Touya staring at you (he can’t focus on the music sheet). Whenever you have him as your sub vocalist, he's secretly happy that he can finally see your face when you’re singing (he's used to seeing your side or back most of the time since he’s playing the bass).
★ He confesses when he’s sure of his feelings. Touya doesn’t want to rush into things haphazardly, so it takes him a lot of time to even consider confessing. In your graduating year, he finally confesses on your last performance together. He’s so scared of rejection (and the fact that he might not see you as often anymore—so he’s just imagining getting rejected and losing contact with you) that his hands were slightly shaking.
★ Everyone isn't surprised anymore. You’re right, Sen, you and Touya are that couple that just screams, “Oh, definitely. They’re each other’s halves, if you ask me.” You complement and balance each other so well that it just works. Yes, there may be ups and downs on the relationship, especially since Touya hasn’t really pursued anyone but you (he’s new to everything that one does in a relationship), but he tries his best to ease arguments as soon as he cools down, remember your likes and dislikes, and put in a bit more effort than he already was doing.
★ The relationship includes him being just soft (he tries to hide it) whenever he watches you perform, whether it’s acting or singing; he’s your number one fan. Touya introduces you to Natsuo first, then his mom second, and his other siblings last. He never introduced you to his father because he just didn’t want to. Him sending you videos he sees of couples doing subtle yet romantic things together with the message that says, “us.” Him letting you use his phone for whatever reason you have, he doesn’t have anything to hide, and trusts you so you could literally just take his phone whenever he's not using it, and he’ll be ok with it. His love language of physical touch comes out whenever you two are out; he just holds the top of your head with his hand and thinks it’s the most appropriate thing to do so he doesn’t lose you in the crowd.
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casperghosty · 2 years
Puppet History S5E1- Analysis and theories
Everything about The Professor is so very confusing. We know he got eaten and possibly turned into a dinosaur (we see him hatch from an egg in the trailer) but now he is alive and well....
Or is he ??!
The first strange thing about him that I've realized is his color: on the left it's him from the s1e1 on the right it's him in the new episode.
Maybe it's just diffrent lightning, but his furr looks pale and over all weird.
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the more prominent things that show he is not the real professor, or that something strange is happening to him is his glitching and demonc voices
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I also just realized, DID HE JUST GIGGLE??! at first I thought it was Sara giggling
"The algorithm is better than ever" I've seen theories before this episode that maybe the algorithm is sentient and is making Ryan lose every time. I also saw theories regarding this epsidoe that maybe the physical algorithm took over the professor? But why would it let Ryan win this time....? I will get back to that one to
And of course the misterious Box, that adds to every theory while makes them even more confusing, but before I get to the theories I qanted to point out some of his behaivers that I found unusual:
He didn't flirt with Sara?? The two epsisodes she's been in so far he called her "my moon and stars" or called her the most beautiful guest he had.
In addition, the B- ball bit...?? they never did anything for B boys only for C dogs... which might not be much but if I'm already suspicious of him not being the real professor, I'm gonna criticise all his moves.
At first I didn't realize this but I saw people point it out, his weird obsession with meat, we could say it's because the episode was meat centric... but this moment in particular was creepy
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There is something on the PH set, a ghost? maybe the energy if something is disturbing the environment??
Ryan asks a fair question, I mean the last thing he knows is that the professor got eaten (Ryan doesn't know the professor potential got reborn from a dino egg)
R:"You know a lot about ghosts. Are you a ghost?"
P: "what kind of question is that? come one"
P:" I mean I went through some stuff"
The proff ignores the question and doesn't answers, but we can conclude he went through stuff (maybe through a dino??)
Something shocking happens... RYAN WON?! But this win feels weird, Ryan didn't get a cup, the professor said he is out of it which is unusual because the Devil said to Ryan the professor buys them in batches.... instead he got... a Puppet Cream (I do not wanna know what part of the professor this is if jelly beans is his poop....) It was pointed out to me, that he is very insistent that Ryan puts on the lotion
p:"Make sure you use that a lot.You gotta moisturizer that skin of yours"
and the design on the lotion brings up questions
this design of the professor looks weird, his smile is weirdly mischievous, unlike any cartoonis version of him on any merch, and the weirdest THE EYES, WHY IS HIS EYES BLUE WITH WHITE PUPILS?! THE PROFESSOR HAS BROWN EYES?!
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Now lets look at the end scene with final-girl Ryan, he is trying to bid on the Genies's lap (we know it's the same because in the item description it says it was sold by the devil and a three-headed demon, and it's surounded by jelly beans) this raises so many questions
Why would they sell the lamp? why does Ryan need it? We can see from his open tabs he was looking at "puppet necromancy" was he trying to bring the professor back?
Another thing that confused me is Ryan using Burgess Montclief as his name when buying the lamp. It's the name he came up with in the epsidoe, so are the events that happen in the office after the ep, play out after his lesson with the professor? why does he want the lamp still if the professor is more or less "back" and if it's after the history class, what does that glowy eyed professor doing there?! If it happens before his class is the professor who's teachen Ryan that creepy one with the glowing eyes? why was he in the Watcher hq?Ryan pointed out watcher and the puppet theater are far away!
To add to my confusion, the article Ryan is reading says they found Prof's glasses and hat, but when he gell to the dino's mout only his satchel fell he was eaten with glasses and hat, but in the episode he had all three with him?!
Who is Connie.M why do they want the Genie lamp? (again? for how long has Ryan been chasing the lamp??)
Now to my theories
The Professor is a ghost: He doesn't want Ryan to touch him, maybe because he isn't physical? someone pointed out that ghosts mess up election items and gain energy from them so maybe he uses that box for energy to manifest himself in a way he looks more physical (FBO kinda thing)
He is a hologram, the same way I assume the box powers a ghost professor what if he is a hologram Professor, this can explain the weird glitching we see ,and amongst the articles Ryan is looking at there is one very suspicious about holograms... foreshadowing???
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He might be part dinosaur or some kind of zombie; this would explain his hunger for meat and why he wants Ryan to be soft and moisturized, maybe he is planning on reveng?? but this doesn't explain what is going on with the box?!
He is possessed by a demon or a genie, which would explain his demonic voice, but not the box, UNLESS the box isn't there to power HIM but the box sucks out his energy to power someone else that's why at some point he powered down or feel asleep!
In conclusion I'M SO VERY CONFUSED I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS AND ONE THEORY DOESN'T EXPLAIN IT, maybe he is a part dinosaur ghost hungry for flesh and needs energy from the electric box?!
I know that this creepy thing
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Can't qait for next week and and having to analyse even more things !!
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thebonggirll · 1 year
in your league (oikawa x reader) - part one
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pairing: oikawa tooru x reader.
genre: angst with happy ending, jealousy, pining.
synopsis: he made it clear how their secret little arrangement in study sessions isn't going to involve any emotions. y/n however, uttered those words in the heat of the moment. but she wanted to see how he reacts to it. it was now or never, and she was willing to come clean about her feelings.
warnings: sexual themes, cursing.
word count: 1.1k
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She was always wary of people. Y/N has seen her best friend suffer more than once and she didn't want to be the one to experience the same things. But life really has a way to make you face the things that you most would like to avoid. It was time that she starts facing these feelings she had been harboring. And obviously, her best friend was there to give her a reality check on that. 
"You know you can just tell him about your feelings?" Jooin said.
"Are you insane? No way I am doing that," Y/N said. Her eyes, once again, drifted towards the boy who, as usual, was surrounded by his fangirls. 
"Then stop staring at him like a creep," her friend sighed.
"Hey, have you noticed the girls we are surrounded with? You might wanna be careful about what you say about fangirls," Y/N chuckled.
"All I am saying is that you don't know if he's gonna reject you. Why are you already thinking about so far ahead? Besides, aren't the study sessions going well?" Jooin asked.
"....yes," Y/N looked as if she was in a daze, "just because he's helping me with studies doesn't mean I can do something that is going to crush me emotionally." She could see Oikawa taking pictures with the fangirls, their cheeks squished together.
"I'm just saying-"
"You're not helping Jooin," Y/N started getting annoyed, "You don't think I'm aware of how painfully average I fucking look? Do you think I don't see the difference between the girlfriends he has had and me? For fuck's sake, they even ace in their studies."
Jooin just stared at her, empathizing, and said, "Wanna have a sleepover today?" He couldn't say anything back. Sure, he could provide encouraging words but those will do more harm. She would probably kill him. The thing is, he knew as well how average they were. It's not like his best friend was the only one struggling on the romance ground. Both of them were on the same page.
"I'll let you know later," she said looking back at Jooin, "Thanks for being so cool, bro!"
"Ew, that was cringy," Jooin grumbled getting up from his seat. He waited as Y/N started packing her backpack, a grin on her face for successfully embarrassing him.
"Hey! Are you coming to study today?" A voice boomed from outside the classroom. Y/N's ears reddened as she shouted a 'yes' back to him. She did not want to have this reaction. She knew how painfully obvious she was being by hurrying to get out of the room.
Thinking back on it, Y/N could've never imagined that she would be having study sessions with the hottest person in Aoba Josai High. If she was honest though, the past Y/N didn't find Oikawa 'hottest'. He behaved more like an idol which seemed a lot fake. Maybe his intentions were actually pure and he genuinely appreciated the love from fangirls. What bothered her though was his actions. He played around with their emotions, and it didn't even take much of an effort for him. He would flirt mercilessly with some fangirls, leading to heartbreaks. 
Ofcourse, she knew all about how it felt since she was one of the victims now.
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She could feel his eyes on her breasts for quite a while. 
"Can you finish it quickly so that we can fuck?" 
Oh, yeah. This was something that no one knew about them though. About them being in a sexual relationship. 
She never expected someone like him to be attracted to her sexually either. And it was always like this. He would waste no time opening up her shirt with expertise as soon as she was done. His hands were all over her body. It didn't take much time from there. Soon enough the air would be hot around them, sweat covering their bodies. And Oikawa holding her hips tightly, as he moved. Sounds of skin slapping and breathy moans.
Y/N felt her orgasm building up as Oikawa started picking up the pace. She wanted to stay with him after this. Not pretend like nothing happened. It looked way easy for him. 
Like it's just a random Friday for him.
Today was different. When they were done, a wave of shame came over Y/N. 
"You ruined it," Oikawa sighed, an annoyance laced in his voice, "Did you really think we can be in a relationship just because we fuck?"
She was surprised. This was a different Oikawa. This was a mean Oikawa. She started tearing up, but Y/N had her ego as well. She wasn't going to cry in front of a dick. "I didn't mean to...it was just in the heat of the moment," she said.
"You really expected me to believe that?" Oikawa said, "You know I already said not to involve your feelings in this arrangement."
She felt so stupid. When they climaxed, Y/N confessed her feelings. It was in the heat of the moment, yes, but it was also true. And she already knew his answer but still, Y/N wanted to know the reason. "But why can't we be in a relationship? I mean...you like me, right?"
"Oh...I'm sorry for the confusion," Oikawa smiled, "I like you, but not enough to be your boyfriend."
Oh, this was disgusting. Now he was lying. She knew that fucking expression. The look of pity is an answer he gives to let the other person feel better about themselves. 
She couldn't take in the unbearable atmosphere around them any longer. Y/N went to get freshen up in the bathroom and afterward started packing her bag. "You don't have to lie about it. I know I'm not as pretty as the other girls. It would be embarrassing for you," Y/N smiled at him and then started walking towards the door. She expected some kind of comment from him. A denial? Or at least an outburst? 
It was worse that he was completely silent after her statement. Oikawa had a way of doing things and making people feel like shit. And this was one of them. She always knew the kind of a twisted personality he had and yet she allowed herself to fall for him. Y/N was doing a pretty good job of keeping her tears in. You can say, practice makes it perfect. She didn't know how she was going to continue this anymore. This arrangement was clearly over the moment he expressed his annoyance.
"Uh, since we are not doing that anymore. Let's just focus on the study sessions and get this over with. If I find anyone else willing to tutor me, I'll let you know," Y/N said walking out of the door.
Oikawa's eyes stayed still, observing all of her little expressions. He smiled, ".....That would be for the best."
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next >
anime — short length
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Even when he says that he's gonna leave Scott for dead, we all know he would NEVER leave Scott behind.
As much as he loves and respects his dad, Scott means too much to him, and he would jump in front of that bullet any day, no matter how much of a risk it was.
And while he may have stumbled a little bit (...okay, a lot bit XD), we gotta give this boy ALL the credit for thinking on his feet (which, as an aside, he was THIS CLOSE to figuring out the random keys gosh darnat. Oh well. I'm sure it'll come to him any minute now. XD).
And then the fact that the conclusion he DID come up with while thinking on his feet is something his dad already said...LITERALLY his father's son I love him.
And THEN, to top it ALL off, he just goes AFTER Rafael and I am HERE for it.
I know I'm not supposed to know what Stiles is talking about in that scene (about how Scott's dad got drunk and accidentally pushed Scott down the stairs and knocked him unconscious when he was little and that's why he left), but honestly, I think the fact that I do makes that scene soooo much better, because it just accentuates how protective of and loyal to Scott Stiles really is (and also how protective of his dad he is, 'cause he was willing to call out Rafael in that moment to not just defend Scott, but also defend his dad's honor <3).
Okay but, like, my understanding is that this happened YEARS ago, right? Like, when Stiles and Scott were KIDS.
Which means Stiles, at the mere age of, what...seven? Eight? MAYBE nine? He heard that conversation, and he held onto that for YEARS, and he didn't say ANYTHING to ANYONE, but he filed it away for a moment EXACTLY like this, where he could tell Rafael to shut the f*ck up, because he knows the truth, and Rafael is the last person that should be judging anyone for their struggles and/or parenting decisions.
Get yourself a best friend like Stiles, because holy sh*t, if that's not loyalty and love, I don't know what is. <3 <3
Anyways, as a random aside, Danny and Ethan are so cute and I love them so much and I hope they officially get back together, because I love them.
But SERIOUSLY!! Stiles is one of the best, smartest, funniest, most loyal human beings on the planet and no one can convince me otherwise.
I love this man so much. <3 <3 <3
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(The little face he made at realizing he and his dad were on the same page I love him and his relationship with his dad so much. <3 <3)
UPDATE PART II: Okay but let's not sneeze at how great of a friend Scott is too like... The way he was like "hey we don't have to do this, let's figure out this thing that's bothering you". And then the way he was sooo excited for Stiles when that girl came up and kissed him. STOP I CAN'T WITH THEM! XD <3 <3 <3
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 👋🏼 ¿cómo estás? ¿Sigues de viaje? How did it go with HR? I hope everything is going well and that you're staying hydrated like a queen!!!
I have to tell you... the post about the royalty AU Mavid has given me life, it fixed all my problems, cleared my skin, watered my crops!!! I know it's just an idea but I can already picture myself waiting for each chapter to drop!! OMG!!
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But this not about that, so let's get on with the new chapter...
The One with the Theory
A warlock was using magic – the second most beautiful thing in the world – to hurt David – the first most beautiful thing in the world.
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“Max,” David said, his blue eyes frantic. “Don’t you get it? It’s Mallory.”
*Pretends to be shocked* although... I don't actually think is Mallory, she is an evil greedy bitch but I think there's something else going on, however... I'm on David's side always so let's blame the wicked bitch 😌
“Because she wants you!” David said, his voice angry. “And I’m standing in the way.”
This is 100% true!!! Shower her with fire 🔥
“Because that’s exactly what she wants, Max!” David screamed at him. “She attacks the institute to keep me occupied! So that she can have you all to yourself!”
That does sound like something she would do
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“It’s the truth!” Max yelled. “Stop turning this into something it isn’t, David! You’re just overwhelmed and paranoid.”
Maxwell!!! You better watch your tone when you talk to my primary source of serotonin 🥺🥺
“You don’t have time for me anymore,” Max said, his voice threatening to break. “You’re never here. I felt so abandoned.”
Aww Maxie!! 😭 David you better fix this you little shit! 😡
He blinked back the tears. “I…I’m gonna go.”
Nooooo noooo nooooooooo... my happiness!! 😭😭😭
“Leave me alone, Magnus!” Max yelled.
Maxwell stop 😭😭
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“Look stunning and kick ass,” Camila winked.
Always a great plan!! 😌🙌🏼🥰
Sometimes people wanting to help felt better than them actually helping you.
OMG this... 😍 So true!! 100% 😍
Georgia thought it was weird that Marcus didn’t acknowledge Anjali’s presence.
Look at my Gigi capturing the red flags like a queen! 😌🤩😌🤩
Marcus looked out of the window. At Idris. “Maybe it’s something amazing.”
I hate this creepy bitch!!! 😡😡
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Jace considered that for a moment. “No.”
Jace is such a mood, I love him!! 🥰
“It was probably a mistake,” Alec pointed out softly.
No my beautiful, beloved, blue eyed twin brother, it wasn't!! He was being a little shit *whispers* on propose *le gasp*
“Okay,” Alec said. “Can I be alone with you?”
If I ever get one of those 3 wishes deal, I will make every one know how to do this!!
“You’re assuming we’d still be hanging out in 500 years,” Max grinned.
Maxwell!! Don't make me laugh when I'm not 100% happy with you!! Also, don't say shit like that!!!
Sometimes you needed to run away. It was self-care.
So much same!!
“That means this warlock could have the magic of more than one person.”
Aha!!! It all makes sense now, the missing magic is being used to make the portals, those fucking bitch ass bitches are behind this!!!
“The Clave is made up of hot, respectable people,” Gabriel told her, kissing her finger. 
I would listen to them to 😌
He didn’t answer. He looked at her. “Selena. I think…I think Max is going to break up with me.”
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When she opened them, David’s hands were still bleeding.
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Ok but... every chapter I end up with more and more questions 🥲🥲 why Dani?? Why??
Thank you Dani...!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Buenos dias!
(that's all i have for today, i have not downloaded duolingo yet smh. but i did get a lot of work done this week and i am happy about that. HR is very meh. They haven't gotten back to me yet. They were all about making sure the project gets resolved instead of addressing my issue anyhoo fuck that)
Funny thing, whenever i get your ask, I'm ALWAYS at a boring meeting (which I don't have to attend) and your ask really puts me in a good mood.
You are a hilarious bean, Alex. Love you!
Some questions MIGHT be answered soon ;)
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lennjamin-o7 · 2 years
you'd be surprised at how many people reread your fic lmao, I also love rereading your fic (esp for the angst 👀). One of the funniest thing I realized at one of my rereads is that all of the blessed ones have the same 'short word + name of weapon' pattern techno does. I did an irl facepalm for not realizing it sooner lmao.
My favorite scenes is definitely techno's dream sequences, esp because it's genuinely does feel like a dream. Idk how to explain it, but it's scratching my brain in the best way. Plus the way you revealed the blood god!! Honestly I think that's one of the best application of "show don't tell" I've seen in a while. Cuz, you never said that it was the blood god, but Everything in that exact moment just Screams it. I just love the dream sequences alright. Also, the fact that the blood god actually hates how the church is treating techno is really funny to me, cuz now there's three parties who wants techno, and none of them will go down easily (unless techno's gonna off of blood god's hand with that little bet 👀).
Alright this is getting too long, I've already poured out so much in the comments and somehow I'm still having thoughts abt this fic 😵‍💫 what I want to say is, this is such a good fic I love it very much mwah /p
side note: I don't know why, but my brain has decided that your blood god looks like Mohg from elden ring (tw for body horror if you decide to look him up tho). I mean, his title is Lord of Blood so it kinda makes sense.
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I'm so happy that something I created gave you enough joy that you read it not once but TWICE. But you insinuating that you read it more than twice. Bruh. I'm just incredibly flattered 💚💚💚.
I am incredibly proud of the names for the Blessed so I am glad people enjoy that, too, and it's not just me giggling at it. I originally was making it that every Blessed had 2 Syllable Adjective + 1 Syllable Weapon, specifically. So it had the exact same stressed syllables as Technoblade's name when said outloud. Just so it was even more integrated into the fic. (Also, Subtleknife is a nudge at His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman, which also has religious themes to it. Especially in relation to religious zealotry and overreach. So, I thought it would be a fun little fitting addition)
But as I added more names, it became harder to do that pattern because there are only so many 1 syllable weapons. And I really didn't want to keep reusing weapons, even if in Universe that's what they would have had to do. And I had the wiki for Melee weapons open on my computer for so long lol. So, I know I eventually caved on sticking strictly with that setup as more side ocs were named.
I am so glad you like the dream sequences! I have a BLAST writing those, and I have actually written two or three that never made it into the fic because I felt I needed to use them more sparingly. If I use them too often, I feel like it will ruin the tension of them, you know? So, as much fun as I had writing them, I do have to restrain myself lol. But trust me, I love them very much. And there will definitely be more in the fic because I am weak and want more. It definitely scratches my brain, too.
And I am glad I've been successful with the Show, Don't Tell. That is one of my personal goals when I started writing this fic in particular. To do better with show don't tell. And its really encouraging to hear that it was successful. Especially with the Blood God, because I was trying to hit that niche of, like, eldritch horror. Which HAS to be show not tell. Because I can't just say "hey, this guy is horrifying and incomprehensible!" and have the same impact. I had a lot of fun trying to find the right words to get across the feelings of those scenes. It was a lot of effort, but really really fun effort.
And Techno is in the middle of a multi-sided tug of war and doesn't even realize it lololol. Unfortunately, he's the rope. Which isn't, you know, great. I mean, for him anyways. All of us that like angst are having fun.
I love every word so if you are worried about it being long for me, please don't worry. I'm screenshotting it, printing it out, and eating it. I love it. Delicious food. Chef kiss. I love it. And I love the comments. And I am so happy it makes you happy enough to rotate it in your brain. Because it also rotates in my brain.
And I've never played Elden Ring, but I did look that up and fuck that is a cool design. The people who designed that game really went off. And feel free to imagine the Blood God like that, its looks neat as hell!
And its not like I've described what the Blood God looks like.
Because Techno hasn't looked at him yet.
Which I'm sure isn't significant. :)
Have a great day! And seriously. Thank you for the ask 💚💚💚
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The ‘one week wasn’t enough time to mentally prepare for what Aisha and Tracie are about to do to me’ reaction dump:
This is going to wreck me I know it
I’m so stoked for HenRen but at this cost???
Actually feed me the tension and suspense
But also not too much bc I can’t handle it 🥺
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Ohhhhh Karen acting like a bossssssssssss
neighbor Chim to the rescue
Hen was so smitten already
Y'all I'm so excited for baby HenRen
I'm also LIVING for all the home life scenes with Denny ♥
Denny's 'momma' 🥺
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Also, I'm loving the music choices this season
I'll be honest, I never even considered how the fostering would be affected by Hen progressing with the med school story line. It makes sense and if they don't go through with it, I wonder if this will set up more placements? I'd love to see that more for HenRen
yall I KNOW they did NOT just have hen on the phone for THAT ?!
I -
Get them to a vow renewal honeymoon on a tropical island stat
I love Chim catching her sneaking out lmao
jesus the suspense rn
wait was that a fucking arm?
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nice to see they've still got their gag factor going
Buck you shoulda known she was gonna go fully Buck too lol
All yall are the same
So wait, I'm terrified to know how we go from this to her being worked on in the bus ??????
Nightmare for Hen or ??????????
Well tbf it is a nightmare but
I love the glimpse of Karen reacting about Eva calling about Denny - it really hits home harder how the eventual cheating hurt her, and it's kinda incredible she overcame it enough to move forward with Hen.
Bobby in the bus???!!!
Howard. Chimney. Han. You can't just -
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that was too fucking close for comfort okay
sob. city.
I can't believe there's only 15ish minutes Itleft - this episode FLEW
It's a little thing, but once again I noticed how Eddie looks to Buck to reassure him - that little nod and affirmation that Karen would be alright. I really enjoy seeing those subtle choices between them ♥
Karen has such a big heart 😭
Yep, Denny thanking her broke me thanks fox more dramatic sobbing here
So like - here's the thing: I would love to see her as a doctor. I would love to see Hen being a boss bitch saving people and doing surgery, and maybe even getting her own show, but selfishly I'm glad she trashed those papers because I love the Wilson family so much and am afraid that if they moved to a spin off that we'd get significantly less crossover with the 118 fam. Plus the doctor storyline would definitely have her having to make even more sacrifices in the long run (just thinking about residency alone, which is another year off) and I'll be honest I don't trust Fox to give the storyline good attention. I mean, we went how long with it chilling on the back burner?
I'm at least glad they put a lot of thought and effort into fading the storyline, because we got HenRen backstory, we got Karen backstory, we got so many cute Denny-and-Moms moments, and we got to see Chim being a meddling little shit.
"Are we supposed to take him out of the carrier?" lmaooooo
baby denny is fucking adorable ahhhhhhhhhh
Paralleling Karen giving up her dream with Hen giving up hers (at least temporarily) has me sobbing again
Karen's little snarl at Hen on the couch lmao I love them
Denny is too fucking cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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"This is my dream"
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editorandchief · 2 years
Daddy Issues | Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw | Part II
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Summary: Part One
Warning: None
Request: Yes! I’m so happy you guys liked it.
Taglist 🏷: @thescarletknight2014 @another-tblr-fangirl @khaylin27 @flareish @sexualparkour @secretsicanthideanymore @clockworkballerina @callsigndiamond @emilyniamh3679-blog @shanimallina87 @adaydreamaway08 @reader8679 @pinksweetssheep @kkrenae @lucky-lexie99 @sarahjoestewy-blog @happyfern2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @wannabewolf @justanothermagicalsara @tomhollandfan2 @thea9900-blog @xoxabs88xox @ebonyhogan24 @speedypeter @spicycrab69 @icecreamgal1 @muushwrites @katiebby04 @lonelywitchv2 @kdoll-7
Y/N stood in the back patio of The Hard Deck watching the moon's reflection ripple off the water soaking the sand, the muffled sound of music and laugher grew louder before being cut off again notifying her that someone had joined her outside.
"I have got to say lieutenant I never pegged you as someone who couldn't take criticism." Maverick's voice filled the silence causing Y/N to whip around. 
"Sir?" She asked confused.
"The training exercise." He reminded holding out a bottle of beer towards her. 
"Oh no sir." Y/N denied with a slight laugh. "Trust me I've taken criticisms all my life."
the two stood there in a comfortable silence for a while listening to the sound of the waves and crickets. Y/N couldn't help but think that this moment could have been one of many shared between them if her mother hadn't stolen that chance from them, she wondered if it would feel as special as it did right now if it was the fiftieth time instead of the first...She liked to think it would.
"If you don't mind I'd like to ask you a somewhat personal question." Maverick once again breaking the silence, continuing after receiving a nod. "You and Rooster...."
"Me and Rooster...." Y/N repeated laughed. "More like you and Rooster." She replied referring to the stand off they had during training that almost lead to both their deaths. 
"Yeah. it's just I saw you guys in there the other night and it seemed like there was something there." He explained. "Look I know it isn't my business but Rooster means a lot to me and I just want to make sure that when I put this team together they are gonna be able to work as a team."
He cares about Rooster? There was obviously some kind of history there, which made Y/N wonder how they could both care for someone yet they never crossed paths. Normally she wouldn't have answered but she convinced herself that Maverick was right, if they were going to work as a team they couldn't let things like this fester, though maybe she just wanted him to know her better, no matter how bad of a light it would paint her in she wanted to him to know who she was. 
"Rooster and I were....Involved a few years back, stationed in the same place, and I hurt him...no matter how much I want to pretend I didn't." She revealed being met with a confused look. "We were pretty serious and one day I put a request...and I left him...he didn't know until I was already gone." 
"Yeah I'm not proud of it." Y/N hung her head when she remembers her actions. "I was too caught up in the past to let myself be happy with what I had in the present." 
"Trust me kid I know exactly what you mean." Maverick sympathized. "Sometime ghosts from the past catch up faster than you think."
"More like I was trying to catch up with them."
"Well now I'm intrigued..." Maverick joked looked expectedly at her wanting to know more. 
"When my mother found out she was pregnant with me...she decided not to tell my father and she left. When I was fourteen I found some of his stuff and I've been looking for him ever since." She told the story trying her hardest to hold back tears realizing this was probably the closest she would ever bring herself to telling him the truth. "I found a picture of him and my mom, I carry it everywhere. When I was with Rooster it was like nothing else mattered I would go days, weeks without thinking about him, but one day...I saw that picture again and something in me just snapped back. I remembered the reason I had done all of this."
"All this?"
"He's Naval Aviator Pilot, he was the reason I first wanted to join. When my mom found out I joined up she disowned me, hasn't spoken to me since, I had already come too far, lost too much to give up...so I left." As Y/N told the story her eyes practically begged Maverick to put the pieces together. He was a Naval Pilot, does he not remember her mother? they seemed so in love but looks can be deceiving. "Not I think about how much I've lost because I refuse to give up on a guy who could potentially want nothing to do with me."
"Hey I've known you for less than 72 hours and I know that, that guy would be an idiot to not want to know you."
"Do you have any children, sir?" 
"No," Maverick answered. Y/N didn't know if she should be relieved or disappointed, she had always wanted siblings. "Rooster is the closest thing I've ever had to a son."
"Did you ever wanted them?" She asked gripping the the railing of the patio as she waited anxiously for his answer.
Before he had the chance the sound of music and loud chatter broke through. "Well Darwin. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were brown nosing." Hangman said strutting outside with the rest of the Top Gun class following. 
"Good thing you know better." 
"Darwin and I were just bonding over being some of the few Top Gun student to shoot down a instructor." Maverick lied causing Y/N to throw her head back in laughter. 
"That's not how I hear it sir." She smiled when his eyes widened in shock. 
"And how did you hear it Darwin?" Maverick asked as the rest of the team looked on expectedly.
"You didn't get the shot until you were 3,000 ft. below the 10,000 ft. hard deck, a technical loss." Y/N stated matter of factly. 
"And where did you hear that?"
"Ice- I mean Commander Kazansky, sir" She answered. "He likes to reminisce."
"I'm sure he liked to say he and his RIO were the only ones to succeed."
"Actually sir, Commander Kazansky says you won." She corrected. "He said out in the sky there is no hard deck and kill is a kill." 
"You know the commander well?" Phoenix asked. 
"Just in passing." Y/N admits. "He'd tell a few stories give a few tips."
"Well lets hope you remember them well cause your gonna need all the help you can get for tomorrow." Maverick said raising his glass as a chores of groans sounded around the group.
"Time is is your greatest enemy, Phase one of the mission will be a low level ingress attacking in two plan teams. You'll fly along this narrow canyon to your target, radar guided Surface Air Missiles defend the area, these SAMs are lethal. But they were designed to protect the skies above not the canyon below. 
"That's because the enemy know no one is insane enough to try and fly below them." Rooster chimed in. 
"That's exactly what I'm gonna train you to do." Maverick replied. "One the day your altitude will be one hundred feet...maximum, you exceed the altitude radar will spot you and your dead. Your air speed will be 660 knouts...minimum. Time to target two and a half minutes, that because fifth generation fighter wait at an air base nearby and a  head to head with these in your f-18s...your dead. Which is why you need to get in and get out before they even have a chance at spotting you, this makes time your greatest adversary."   
"Darwin we are one minute and twenty from target." Halo informed. 
"Good have that laser re-" She started to reply only to be cut off.
"Oh shit." 
"Omaha what the fuck is going on." She asked fighting the urge to turn and look out of fear of running off course.
"I almost hit a wall." Omaha answered. "We're back on course, we need some time to catch up."
"We don't have time, increase your speed and fall back in line." Y/N replied trying to focus on making the turns. 
"We're thirty seconds ahead of schedule." Halo informed.
"And I want to stay that way. Increase your speed." 
"I can't navigate at this speed." 
"Approaching target." Y/N announced ignoring her wingman. "Dagger two behind, I'd have to drop blind." 
"Why are you dead?" 
"I'm not."
"But your wingman is." He corrected. "You left them behind to face bandits. why?"
"The goal was to make it to the target."
"which is pointless unless you can guarantee a direct hit, which is a hell of a lot harder without you wingman." He said. "Who you left behind to be thirty seconds ahead of schedule?" Maverick asked hands on his hips. Y/N opened her mouth to answer  only to be cut off. "Don't tell me...tell it to their families."
"So Kazansky, I hear you like to tell war stories." Maverick joked with his blonde friend. Letting a smile take over his face 'Iceman' started typing.
"I take it you met Darwin." He stated. "What do you think."
"She...nice" Maverick said as if looking for any good word to describe the young pilot before Iceman gave him a look. "Okay, she's confident if not a bit arrogant, she a good pilot and god does she know it but she needs to learn that it take more than just being the best."
"Remind you of anyone?" Ice replied back causing the two to share a small laugh. 
"Yeah you." Maverick answered. "I know I was the same, almost exactly."
"She reminded me a lot of you when I first met her." Ice stated. "I think you two have a lot more in common than you realize." 
Walking down the tarmac admiral Kazansky noticed a piece of paper lying face down on the ground, bending down to pick it up he was surprised to see a picture of Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell and a woman who look slightly familiar.
Looking up he sees a young woman walking around the tarmac looking franticly around until her eyes landed on him, more specify the object in his hands. Cautiously she approached the man.
"Yes?" He asked looking at her intensely.
"Excuse me sir but that belongs to me." She replied trying her best not to reach out and take it from his hands. 
"Does it?" He asked attempting to probe without outright asking.
"Yes, sir." She answered. "It's my parents." She stated as if she herself was unsure of what to call the people in the photo. 
"Are you close." He asked holding the picture out to her. "To your parents, I mean." Ice and Maverick spoke in a regular basis and never once had he mentioned having a child, which is something that would have come up. So either this girl was mistaken or Maverick himself didn't know about her, seeing as he wasn't the kind of guy to run away from responsibility.
Taking a deep breath Y/N stared down at the photo for a while before giving what Ice could see as an obviously forced smile.
"No, but this is all have." 
"What do they call you?" 
"Darwin, sir." She replied looking confused as to why he would even care. 
"Darwin, Your top of your class is I recall correctly." He noted remembering one of the admirals talking about the cocky pilot that buzzed a tower a week prior. The smirk that involuntary spread across her face did little to deter Iceman's assumption on who her father was.
"Yes sir, I am." 
"You remind me a lot of a pilot I flew with when I was a lieutenant...Maverick." 
"I believe I've heard the callsign before, I'd love to put a face to the name." 
"I'm sure you have, it's surprising there are no pictures around, he was peacock." Ice joked. "He had a thing for buzzing towers as well." 
Y/N looked like a child being scolded as she fought not to smile remembering the event that errand her a hefty scolding as well as 350 push ups on this very tarmac.
"She buzzed the tower you know." Ice informed causing Maverick to display the same smirk her had seen on Y/N when they first met. He wished he could tell Maverick the truth, wished he had told them both when he figured it out himself, but something told him that he shouldn't. "Has a habit of getting herself in trouble, almost made it hard to get her into Top Gun." 
"Guess she is a lot like me huh." Maverick agreed. Ice wondered how Maverick couldn't see it, but then again maybe if he hadn't seen the picture he wouldn't have either. "She left her wingman behind...twice." 
"She can be a bit of a lone wolf sometimes, but I know when the time comes you can depend on her." 
"I guess we'll see." Maverick replied before he looked up with huge grin on his face. "Did you know about her and Bradley?" He asked as the two started laughing at the complicated love life of their friends child. 
Ice walked Maverick to the front door after their gossiping about the two pilots and if they would work it out or not. Opening the door Maverick was a bit shocked to see Y/N walking up, while Tom expected her to have come sooner. 
"Captain Mitchell." Y/N greeted yet her gaze stated locked on the fleet commander. She had put together that there was no way that Ice didn't know and that the Maverick that everyone was talking about was Pete Mitchell, the article she read never included callsigns so this whole time listened to Iceman let her stories about her father.
"Darwin." Maverick greeted back sending a small smile to her and Tom before exiting the home.  
Opening the door wider, Ice gestured for Y/N to come inside. Walking in she waited as he closed the door and turned to look at her.
"Was it the whole time?"
He nodded. 
"Were you ever going to tell me?" 
Pulling out his phone Ice began to type out a response. 
"I thought it was for the best." He replied. "Are you upset?"
"I wish that I could say I wasn't, but I am." She admitted never having the ability to lie to him about her emotions, he was one of the first person to know about her feeling for Rooster even before Rooster himself. "I understand that this is something I need to do on my own, I just wish- I don't know."
"Are you going to tell him?" 
"I don't know..."
"Darwin." Rooster called out to her as she walked towards the classroom. Rolling her eyes Y/N knew that he would try to corner her eventually. 
"Yes, Bradley." She asked turning around to face him. 
"Bradley." He repeated raising his brow. "Am I in trouble?"
"Not if you aren't looking for it." She replied crossing her arms over her chest. "Is there something you needed or can I go get ready for the exercise."
"I just wanna understand." 
"Understand what exactly." 
"You know what." 
"I don't have time for this." Y/N scoffed turning away wanting to focus on the mission instead of playing whatever game this was.
"You never do, do you?" He asked walking in front of her to block her path. "when ever thing don't go your way you just walk away. It must be so easy for you." 
"Oh my god Bradley, we have more important thing to worry about." She scolded as he glares down at her. "How do you ever expect to fly this mission if you keep living in the past."
"I'm living in the past?" He asked. "That's rich coming from you. You molded your whole life around a photo that was taken before you were born, of a guy who doesn't know your alive, spent your whole career being this 'lone wolf' so when anyone dares to get close you become emotionally unavailable, your incapable of considering anyone but yourself  which is probably why you abandoned you wingman in the last two exercise missions."
"Wow Rooster if this pilot thing doesn't work out you should become a shrink." Y/N replied sarcastically acting as is his words didn't effect her.
"Please it doesn't take a shrink to realize you have major daddy issues."
Y/N flinched as if his words had just slapped her in the face. "Wow, dad critique from you Rooster....That's rich." She sneered before turning on her heels and walking away.
After a short time Rooster followed behind Y/N into the classroom neither noticed Maverick witness the whole thing.
A/N: ask and you shall be tagged 🏷, if your were already asked to be tagged I’ll tag you for the rest of this series.
Part Three
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