#which then turned into him bottoming all the time LMFAO that was NOT my goal
compacflt · 2 years
okay here to pick ur mind…i know you’ve alluded to it throughout WWGTTAI and debriefing but do u think bottoming is something that i’ve struggled with throughout his relationship with mav-especially if he enjoyed it-bc it may have been “more gay” in his mind and therefore harder to excuse due to the inherent misogyny wrapped up in men’s homophobia? it’s something we’ve talked abt in my gender studies classes so i just wanted to know how you think your ice may have approached that due to the repression of his sexuality so throughly and for so long!
as always with questions like this there’s a diegetic (in-universe) answer and a non-diegetic (writing theory) answer so I’ll start with the diegetic answer (not tagging this as nsfw but obv refer to the subject matter & discretion advised):
he isn’t thinking about it. I mean, he has to think about the mechanics of it, because sure there’s a lot of prep work involved, but he’s not really thinking about what it means, because no one’s telling him to. He knows it’s “wrong” —but the whole thing is “wrong,” anyway! The fact that he’s doing anything with Maverick is already wrong... I think he categorizes things as “not-fucked-up” and “yes-fucked-up” in his head, and any form of non-societally-approved contact with another man is “yes-fucked-up,” and there’s not really a sliding scale. Which is why Maverick’s weird extended hug thing right when Ice leaves TOPGUN (ch.4? I forget) is like literally the biggest deal in the world to him. I think Maverick could’ve actually groped him and he would’ve responded the same way. It’s all fucked-up, in his head. No difference between hugging/kissing/fucking/being fucked; it's all the same. There are the rules, and then there’s breaking the rules—no gray area in Ice’s mind (though note, in turn, Maverick’s analysis of Ice bending the rules—there is a gray area, just an unacknowledged one). 
So, yeah, he isn’t really thinking about the implications of the specific act. Maybe he knows that he enjoys it, and that thinking about what it means that he enjoys it would ruin it, so he doesn’t think about it. Also, he’s operating under the unspoken assumption that there’s something “wrong” with Maverick and not with him, because remember that Maverick already confessed to engaging in same-sex acts in ch. 4. There’s something fundamentally “wrong” with Maverick, so anything Ice does automatically looks better in comparison, because (he thinks) his transgressions are isolated incidents, whereas Maverick’s are a known pattern—even if Ice’s “transgressions” amount to literally being fucked by another guy. Hey, well, at least I’m not as bad as rule-breaker Maverick, who does this all the time, apparently! 
In Ch. 8 I was kind of trying to harp on that fact with the use of the word “resentment” during Ice’s discussion of choice/free will—there is kind of a sense that Maverick did this to him against his will, as in, he wasn’t “yes-fucked-up” until he met Maverick/this whole FWB-situation started, and maybe there is some deep-seated resentment about the fact that he might have been “normal” if it weren’t for Maverick (he wouldn’t have been, but he doesn’t realize that). I was close to having him just say this outright in Ch. 8, but as I’ll talk about below, their relationship is already pretty toxic, and there were some lines of toxicity I didn’t want to cross explicitly.
As for the non-diegetic answer, AKA the reason I wrote it this way: I’m kind of hesitant to politicize sociosexual (esp. “hierarchical”) roles in fiction, because I feel like it’s an easy way to betray your own political biases (as a writer) towards male sexual roles—it’s just too slippery of a slope IMO. Especially once you introduce ranks and professional/financial power dynamic differences, I feel like it’s all-too easy to portray the relationship as incredibly and toxically sociopolitically unequal. Yeah, I guess it would make more sense for very-closeted Ice to top 100% of the time, but he’s already “hierarchically” above Maverick 100% of the time anyway—politically, professionally, financially, in terms of social respect, etc. I didn’t want their dynamic to be skewed all the way towards one character having all the social/external/traditionally masculine power, so I didn’t write it like that. That in and of itself is a political decision that betrays my beliefs about male sexuality, and might not make sense in-universe, with characters this repressed, but…I personally felt uncomfortable with the alternative.
I think I’ve explained this a couple times elsewhere, but I wanted Ice & Mav to be true equals in this fic, because it reflects the equality they achieve in canon— “You can be my wingman anytime” vs. “Bullshit, you can be mine.” They are canonically equals. And, yes, of course in a sexual relationship you can be “giver” or “taker” and still be “equal” with the other person, but—like, you see how it would be different, right? If you’re only ever the “giver,” in our society’s traditional understanding of gender roles, you have an insane amount of power over the other person, and I wanted Ice & Mav to be equals when they’re with each other. It’s why I was hesitant having like an actual D/S dynamic with them as well—and the lack of that dynamic is itself a plot point. Ice in ch. 8 rebels against what he thinks their dynamic is—namely, that Maverick always leads/gives the orders, and Ice always follows. He portrays himself as submissive in that moment (“I’ve never had a choice”), but in reality he has just as much control over this relationship as Maverick does—i.e. he is just as “dominant,” and wants it just as bad, he just can’t articulate that. Which is the point of his whole character arc. Their equality is the point, not the transgressiveness of the act itself.
Also related to his character arc is the passivity of the act of bottoming as well, which is maybe why it's "overrepresented" in the story (sorry coming back to add this graf after doing the tags already &then Having A Thought). Like if Ice's whole thing is following orders/not having a choice, which makes him a great naval officer but a deeply flawed and confused person, then it makes sense that his narrative focuses most on the following/passive act of "taking," not necessarily the more leading/active role of "giving." These are simplistic terms obv but hopefully you can see what I'm getting at.
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jean-kayak · 4 years
Anon Request: As someone tired of Y/N’s being spineless cowards around fangirls that disrespect her and cause her issues cuz they love her bf, let’s have Atsumu, Terushima, Oikawa, and Sakusa react to their usually gentle black!gf clocking these bitches with no hesitation. She’s nice and tried to avoid them, but they wanted to intimidate her and they were greeted with a fist to the face with the force of a pro-boxer.
Fangirl: Stay away from him! He belongs to us!
Y/N: 🙂 *cocks back and punches her before looking at other fangirls* Anyone else? No? Good, I’m getting my back blown out after this anyways *goes to her bf*
A/N: lmfao, anon, thank you for giving me a good laugh with this one
Characters: timeskip!Miya Atsumu, Terushima Yuuji, Oikawa Tooru, Sakusa Kiyoomi
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🏐This was one of his games that you could finally go to, your schedule finally being cleared up
🏐It definitely wasn't the same watching your boyfriend play on TV, once again amazed at your boyfriend's talent
🏐He had scored the game winning point, his teammates and the crowd growing wild
🏐You hadn't told him you were coming, wanting to surprise him, so you waited outside of the stands, but you could see the many reporters lined up to interview him
🏐When he was done, you couldn't help but bounce on the balls of your feet, ready to see his reaction
🏐He doesn't notice you at first, so you call his name, and he looks around, his eyes widening when he spots you, and he's running over to you quickly, giving you a huge, sweaty hug
🏐"What're ya doing here?" he asks in disbelief, and you respond that you finally had free time from work
🏐He gives you another hug despite your protests before peppering your face in kisses, and your giggles stop along with his kisses when someone calls his name
🏐You both look and see a group of women all with his jersey number on them, and you instantly recognize them as the fangirls that you've noticed always hanging around whenever he did interviews
🏐He keeps his arm around your waist, and he steps a little closer to them. "Can I help ya?"
🏐You don't miss the way they eye you, and you raise an eyebrow at them
🏐"Is she your sister?"
🏐You laugh beside yourself at the petty question, not even being the least bothered by it, and Atsumu denies it, telling them that you're his girlfriend
🏐They all seemed more than shocked. "Oh," one of them starts. "I just expected her to be different?"
🏐Now you're pissed. Atsumu starts to defend you but you cut him off. "No, no, it's alright. They clearly have something to say," you start, stepping forward. "So, if you do. Say it."
🏐They all look between each other as you raise your eyebrows. "Atsumu there's no way you'd go for someone like her--"
🏐You deck her in the face, rolling your eyes when he falls onto the floor like a dramatic bitch
🏐"Oh, no, it looks like my hand slipped," you reply sarcastically as Atsumu's eyes widen, never seeing you or expecting you to do this
🏐You start walking away, stepping over the girl rolling on the ground holding her nose before turning to Atsumu. "Babe, you gotta get changed, right? Let's go."
🏐He jumps out of the shock he was in, glancing down at the girl on the ground, who's now being helped up by her friends before he runs after you
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✂️"I know, I'm sorry. I'll remember next time," and you roll your eyes at the phrase that he says every time he forgets
✂️You were visiting your boyfriend at work because he had an annoying habit of forgetting his lunch
✂️You walk into the salon, seeing Terushima immediately, and his eyes widen in surprise before turning into a guilty smirk when you hold up the food
✂️"What did I tell you?" you scold when you walk up to him, and he kisses your forehead as he takes the food from you
✂️He thanks you again before giving you a soft kiss on the lips, and you're walking towards the door when you hear it
✂️"You know, Yuuji, you're pretty cute. Did I ever tell you that?"
✂️You stop in your tracks, spinning around on your heels to see his client blatantly flirting with him when you know she saw you interacting with him
✂️He responds with an awkward chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck, stating that he's taken, glancing your way
✂️"Oh, I didn't notice," she replies, and you watch her with a deadpanned look
✂️You walk up beside him, tiltling your head to the side
✂️"You need something?"
✂️She doesn't even seemed phased, giving you a simple shrug that makes you narrow your eyes at her
✂️This was sort of a regular occurrence, but no one's been this bold before, and you always caught the stares from other women, because duh your boyfriend's hot
✂️"This your girlfriend?" she asks, distain in her voice. "She seems like a bitch."
✂️"Excuse me?"
✂️"Aww, don't be like that. Most guys lower their standards, you know?" You cut her off, your fist connecting with her face before Terushima can even blink
✂️She actually tries to fight you back, but she obviously loses, getting to the point where her only goal is getting you off of her
✂️Terushima's thinking that's my girl, but then he's like oh shit, I have to stop this LMFAO
✂️He's quickly pulls you off of her, having a surprisingly hard time doing so
✂️"You chose the wrong one, bitch. Show your face here again and see what happens." She's quick to leave, and when you finally calm down, you realized that you just beat up someone in public, and Terushima almost loses his job 💀
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🇦🇷You both stop when you hear someone call his name, both of you turning your attention towards the voice
🇦🇷You were walking out the gym hand-in-hand with your boyfriend going somewhere to celebrate after another win
🇦🇷When you walk out of the gym, the crowd has pretty much disappear due to Oikawa having a ton of interviews
🇦🇷He wraps his arm around you as you both laugh at an inside joke that you both had before he plants a kiss to your forehead
🇦🇷There's a small group of women with flags and wearing your boyfriend's jersey and he gives them a polite smile
🇦🇷This is nothing new for either of you, both of you already knowing what they want
🇦🇷He asks if they want a picture, already knowing the answer, and you easily take the pictures, this routine like clockwork to you
🇦🇷They giggle happily as you hand the phone back to one of them, and they all thank him before one of them speaks up
🇦🇷"Uh, this might sound weird, but are you seeing anyone?" You blink dumbly at her, like they didn't just see the two of you together
🇦🇷Oikawa has the same look on his face as he walks back to you, wrapping an arm around your waist before kissing your temple as he gives them a duh look, silently answering her question
🇦🇷"Are you sure?" another asks, and both you and Oikawa frown at the same time, as you feel yourself scoff
🇦🇷"More than anything in the world," he responds confidently
🇦🇷This isn't the first time fangirls have tried to come between your relationship, and he'll be damned if he lets it happen again
🇦🇷They all give each other questionable looks as you roll your eyes
🇦🇷"Is there a problem?" The tone in your voice surprises him, this being the first time he's heard aggression towards someone
🇦🇷"No, of course not," one answers sarcastically before reaching over and tugging your boyfriend over to them, the force so hard that he almost falls over. "We just think he would look better, happier with one of us."
🇦🇷You chuckle as you shake your head, and you reach over to take your hand off of your boyfriend, but she grabs at your wrist
🇦🇷Your reflexes are quick to kick in, and you yank both yours and Oikawa's wrist out of her grip before punching her in the face, probably harder than you needed to, but you were fucking pissed
🇦🇷Another girl tries to lunge for you, but you buck at her, making her quickly recoil. "You trynna get hit too?"
🇦🇷Oikawa's more than surprised, but he quickly puts his hand in yours before pulling you away from them with a proud smirk on his face
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😷He sighs heavily as he turns to see a couple of women walking towards the both of you, his shoulders slumping slightly
😷Sakusa's never been a big fan of groups of people coming up to him after games, his number one priority getting home and relaxing after his game
😷You understand this pretty well, always helping him make his way out of the gym trying to find the route with the lowest chance of coming in contact with a lot of people
😷You had just made it out the doors, and Sakusa's about to take a breath of relief when he hears someone yelling his name
😷He's not really used to having "fangirls" a term that you use, and bottom line, he doesn't like it
😷They always crowd him, always trying to pry into his personal life, which is why he was so drawn to you when you first met
😷You were the complete opposite, more on the gentle, quieter side which he appreciated, liking that he could come home to you after a lot of excitement and just relax
😷"I'm sorry, but Sakusa doesn't really do pictures," you speak up, another reason why he really appreciates you, showing you by giving your hand a soft squeeze
😷But to his dismay, they don't back down, they actually turn pretty hostile pretty quickly
😷"Oh, relax, it's just one picture," she argues, and you give her a small smile
😷"I know, but seriously, he doesn't really care for them," you try again, and they both scoff
😷"What are you? His babysitter?" You raise your eyebrows at them as you turn your body towards them
😷"I'm his girlfriend. And I'm telling you that he doesn't want a picture."
😷"Well, you seem like a piece of shit girlfriend." You run your tongue over your teeth as you nod your head, and she actually has the audacity to try and reach for you
😷Before Sakusa can stop her, you dodge her hand before clocking her in the face, she hunches over in pain
😷The other girl tries to do the same, but you repeat your actions, putting her in the same position as her friend
😷"You got some audacity you dumb bitch, the fuck?"
😷To say the least, Sakusa is floored, your actions he least expected to come from you
😷"Hope you enjoy your broken nose. I'm gonna enjoy my boyfriend fucking his piece of shit girlfriend into next week."
😷Sakusa chokes as you pull him away, his face heating up at your words
😷"Did you really have to end with that?"
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egg-emperor · 3 years
Even more details about the Eggman of my casino au (guess that's what we're calling it) because I have so much I want to share and I can't hold it back any longer! You can see the rest of the info I've shared of it so far here.
So in this post, I mentioned he has a golden tooth and how there's a story behind it that he doesn't like to tell. Well, he lost it when he was punched in the face by someone he wronged in the past. It was so fast that he couldn't defend himself and his perfect set of teeth got ruined after decades of taking great care of them. He won the fight but was heartbroken by his loss. He quickly had it replaced with real expensive gold so he still had something to show off and he's never gone too far without bodyguards nearby ever since.
Like main universe Eggman, he can actually fight and he's just as strong. It's even rarer for him but when he resorts to it, he's brutal and people regret underestimating him. That's how he made it out alive after the situation where his tooth was knocked out. He wears golden knuckle dusters to make his punches stronger and brings them to dangerous places at night so he's always prepared. He also keeps a gun on him and it's pink OF COURSE dhbdfbdsjsgd
Although his intelligence isn't widely known in this AU, he's much smarter than people think. Just like main universe Eggman, he uses it to be sly and cunning. That's why he makes so many smart business moves and is so successful. Even on the occasions that people know a bit more about him than the general public and have speculation or insight into his ulterior motives, they still can't turn down his business offers because they're just too good.
No one that knows him merely for his casinos has any idea what his true goal is because he's great at hiding it. His extreme narcissism is obvious because he's so full of himself and he slaps his pink logo on everything but it doesn't stop them from visiting his casinos and bringing in money. They think that's all he does it for because he doesn't hide his greed with the way he finds every opportunity to capitalize and flaunts his wealth. While it is something he's always after, it just plays a part in something much bigger.
The truth is, he wants power and world domination just the same, only his biggest internet and strategies are different than the main universe Eggman's. He also has more patience for it to be a steady long-term process as he builds his way up with his secret operations. As for what he runs beside his casinos- I have the ideas but won't share them until I've got more of the details down. Until then, they'll have to remain a secret to you too. XD
Like I mentioned briefly in my other post, he's great at sugarcoating and sweet-talking his way into getting what he wants. He can lie his way through everything and play up a convincing act. He also knows how to work up the charm to be extra persuasive. The more gullible and vulnerable the person is, the more he can take advantage of them but he's good at outsmarting anyone. He can always trick or persuade them to work with him but it's not guaranteed to end well.
Although he's aware of the risks from a lot of experience, he remains certain and daring enough to try regardless, so he never feels fear or holds back because of it. There's no challenge too great for him and he's determined to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. Even if that means working with people he hates, doing certain favors for them (and vice versa), or even threatening and forcing them to obey him and do exactly as he says.
Most of the unlucky instances where it's ended with trouble were his fault because of the way he talks behind business partners' backs. Not everyone keeps their lips sealed about secrets he's shared and shit he talks like he hopes and some have overheard him too. Even while making deals and planning work, he scowls and sticks his tongue out at those he hates every time they turn away. He also whispers about them to Orbot and Cubot and laughs about how foolish they are for thinking it's all genuine.
He's very flirtatious with many of his male clients/customers/business partners as a part of being persuasive and so he can get extra special perks in the deals he makes with them. Sometimes he only plays it up until they've shaken hands on it and get to work but it can escalate and lead to flings if they pursue him during the time they're working together. I love how this was already guessed before I even shared it but I suppose it was obvious since I love it when he's such a tease lmfao
Like main universe Eggman, he likes to be independent and free so he's not interested in commitment and is never too serious with them, he just wants to have fun until the dealing is done. Most of his partners understand this but a few hearts might get broken because how couldn't one get attached to such a handsome and interesting man? Or they get pissed off or fall out with him due to his trickery but he teases them like "But you still think I'm sexy, right? >:)" and they hate it, especially if they still can't deny it!
Also, while main universe Eggman is a vers/switch too, this Eggman is actually primarily a bottom/sub. Have fun imagining how that might be until I finally share the details on one of my future blogs that are coming very soon lol
He used to refuse to disclose his sexuality but people quickly realize he's not straight with the way he boldly shows attraction and flirts with guys that are working with him, either as partners or guards. He later became open about it and wears pride pins on his blazer during pride month. But he still mostly keeps relationships private because he doesn't want people to think they're serious. But so far, everyone can tell that he has something going on with Zavok.
Those that he's wronged have a burning hatred for him and want him dead. He has a lot of enemies, he's been jumped a few times, and has had multiple brushes with death. Security at his place is tight with all his robots and cameras and he also has a lot of the big strong power type characters as his guards, some of which he flirts and messes around with. His group of guards includes characters like Zavok, Big, Vector, Axel, and Bark. Some end up having the same feelings and grudges against him as their main universe selves and quit later on.
Despite his enemies knowing just how rotten and sneaky he is, the details of his secret operations never get out to the general public because most of it happens underground. He has multiple false identities that he can easily detach himself from, making it harder to identify him as the culprit and have any evidence against his real name. He also knows how to threaten people into keeping silent and quickly resorts to it whenever necessary. If they still don't, he has ways of making them 'disappear.' >:)
Plus, those that would be brave enough to share the truth can't actually show their faces in public because everyone is aware of their criminal statuses and would never believe their word against the seemingly convincing and credible Eggman. When he says he has nothing to do with their illegal practices, they believe him. He's mastered living his double life and can always cheat his way out of paying any consequences! Aside from that one time where he had to pay with the loss of a tooth... but still! XD
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session 14 notes
• Sylvia's siblings r screaming 
• Dom broke his brother's headphones
•  oh god we're starting but I'm still trying to fROST MY CAKE
• Yava I think her name is is like ok gonna join y'all
• Adam's racist
• Yava hates drows?
• Yava's gonna help protect the house
• I currently cannot breathe because there is a dirty diaper being changed around me and it is
• Aerana theo and asyna r downstairs
• Adam busts down the door and tells asyna to cook
○ Pushing yava into our house
○ "hi everyone this is yava this is my bard teacher she's gonna b basically our security for tonight"
○ Yava tugs on adam's shoulder and gestures to the pile of bodies
§ "yava remember when I said I got attacked last night . This was our self defense pile"
§ Yava apologizes to us for the nature of our circumstances
§ "if any of my friends - or you - " ok a/n: adam has put a suspicious amount of trust in yava given the amount of time and I'm shook
• Outside entrance doors
• Door opened by someone not a member of adam's party or by yava after dark, then spell set off
• All of our windows have been blown up but were boarded up
• Adam puts glyphs on doors and windows they used to get in last time and on basement hatchet and one on kitchen entrance
○ Making them all cold
○ Den on the second floor?
○ I wanna eat my cake
○ Glyphs will unspell around 8 a.m. the next day
○ I !! Wanna eat my cake :)
○ "when u wake up tmrw morning can u deactivate all the spells"
§ She would not b able to reactivate it if we did that
○ It won't dispel until the three days r over
• Jacob forgot celandine's name
• There r street vendors
• There's no ice box like no place to keep drinks cool in the house and apparently that's weird
• We need to feed yava
• "if asyna ,,, turned into a pig" marguerite, 2020
• Dom brings up lotr count: 1
○ Specifically namedrops "the fellowship of the ring" count: 2
• We're going grocery shopping
• Adam and asyna and theo r gonna go grocery shopping ? 18 for investigation
○ Not rlly grocery stores but ppl selling food everywhere
○ I want . Grilled chicken
○ Or like fried chicken
○ chicken
§ Maybe I'll microwave the pasta I made for dinner w some extra cheese on top
• Adam gets pork loins, potatoes, green beans, butter, bread, garlic, salt and pepper (which we have), strawberry sponge cake, heavy cream, chardonnay
○ Cel is making way back to house
○ Perception check, aerana 6
○ Aerana is looking around, sees yava making rounds; yava doesn't seem to treat aerana any differently
○ Eventually aerana sees cel arrive
○ Cel gets back
§ The bodies r not there anymore
□ There is no mistletoe
• "heh. That could be scary" dom, 2020
• I'M H U N G R Y
• "tuesdays are pork loin nights" adam 2020
• Theo works on potatoes
• Cel pops in
• "adam did you make the garlic bread like I asked you to" theo, 2020
• Adam makes cooking intelligence check, 15
• Dinner is done
• Yava is done with one of the spells
• Something's happening I tuned out for two seconds
• Yava no longer considers self as one who goes on adventures but is now asking for our motivation for seeking this treasure
• Yava asks us for our motivations
○ Adam: revenge on bingbong
○ I don't remember the rest but it's not for the money
• Yava says she admirers the nobler goal of keeping the gold out of the hands of the xanathar guild
○ We don't know what we'll do w gold; cel is on team chuck-it-into-the-ocean
○ Could throw it into typ pit
• Oh my god. My cake slaps.
○ I want to focus on what yava is saying rn basically she's proposing we return the money if/when we get it but MY C A K E S L A P S
○ I N C R E D I B L E
○ Yava thinks there's a need for the money
• We don't know if yava is gonna report us
• Adam is gonna feed ot
○ Adam scoots the food back
○ Adam walks upstairs and says he's gonna b gone for five minutes and doesn't come back
• Cel asks yava abt her adventuring days
○ Was part of a nobles court years ago
○ Pirates too ig
○ I want cheese I want pasta with cheese
○ Has been to island of chault
○ Am I microwaving my pasta uh yes
○ Bet my fbi agent is judging me for how I'm reaching for my pasta from the microwave to avoid unplugging my earbuds
• Theo asks for advice from yava
○ Advises us to be safe but also to seek adventure where we can
○ Can get in over our head tho
○ Yava is spending the rest of her time still guarding our house
• Never have I ever
○ Adam
○ Aerana
○ Theo
○ Cel 
○ Asyna
§ Been in a relationship
§ Been outside of waterdeep
§ Had drugs
§ A good relationship w parents
§ Not had Pets
§ Worn pajamas
§ Thrown up on someone
§ Education
§ Talked to a god or deity
§ Eaten meat
□ Asyna is a vegetarian but made the best pork loin
§ Met my mom
§ Swallowed a key
○ Asyna wins
§ Adam has to kiss ot
□ "this is super important the xanathar r upstairs" tells him to whisper kisses him on the forehead then runs upstairs
§ Cel and theo have to be one big person, go find yava and have a short chat as one person
□ Takes aerana's cloak
□ "do you want to be the top or bottom"
□ Theo is legs cel is heads and arms
○ Aerana has to hug everyone
§ Slaps adam when he accuses her of touching his butt; 11 damage
§ It's canon aerana can't hug
○ Cel sits on theo's shoulders (doing this bc yava is back)
§ Adam gives them a mustache w the purple wig
§ Gave up on walking in coordination
§ Yava is in kitchen standing near entrance, eyes closed kneeling, focusing on spell
§ Plans change cel and theo r gonna go to fallah's shop
§ They're gonna do it the next day w yava actually
• It's abt 11
○ Before yava leaves n during theo's shift, hear a knock at front door
○ Theo looks through peephole
§ Dwarf at the door wearing a guild uniform
§ Two other ppl w her
§ Gnome w them, one appears to b taller
□ Female dwarf, male gnome, somebody taller
□ Yava looks through the peephole and says they don't look to b armed
□ Theo opens the door a crack; the ppl had been repeatedly knocking
□ "female dwarf woman"
□ Half moon spectacles n long ponytail + taller human woman w cropped hair
□ They're all wearing a uniform
□ Utilitarian brown clothes
§ "hello there my name is kalima n these r mertram and harriet; members of one of the city guilds the plumbers guild"
□ Informed by city watch of magical explosion
□ Theo says to reschedule their inspection
□ Theo roasts n says they should've come earlier
® 5 persuasion check
□ They'll come back in two days
□ Lmao lavinia we learning
□ They step down the stairs and confer on the doorstep as leaving
® Look around house and discussing + carrying out informal measurements
® Can't hear anything then they walk away
□ Tells whoever has next watch what happened
□ Yava leaves during adam's watch
® Before she leaves adam thanks her for her work + says he's glad she's become a relevant character in this campaign
® "don't thank me yet adam"
• That's it
• Lord of the rings mention counter: 2
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strikecommanding · 6 years
Okay so imagine if in your prof jack au ; reader has tried to switch which college she is attending due to convenience or maybe she says that there are classes she wants to attend that they don't have there and then Jack finds out because one of her teachers low-key snitches by talking about being concerned for her. But the transfer hasn't gone through yet and he is pretty pissed about it? Sorry for the long ask but like I wanted to share lmao
i almost made this too soft 🤔
this is a story chapter btw (with some artistic liberties, ofc lmfao)
previous updates and extra content
You sat in front of your laptop, mindlessly refreshing the page that displayed your current grades for the semester. Your orgo grade stood glaringly at the top, having risen from bottom tier ever since you started meeting privately with Dr. Morrison. Normally, the sight of an A in the class you’d been struggling with the most would have thrilled you, but you knew you didn’t earn it by your own merit. You knew what it actually took to get you there, and thinking about it made you sick.
Once you finally tired of the repetitive motion of clicking, you slumped back in your chair to reflect on the direction your life had abruptly taken as of late. You were aiming for pre-med when you first started attending classes here, but you were discouraged by your remarkably low grades, along with all the other factors that simply prevented you from being able to do better. So when Dr. Morrison initially showed compassion and sympathy for your situation, you thought you’d finally be able to turn things around for the better. But it could never be that easy.
The light at the end of the tunnel, your goal of eventually becoming a nurse and helping people who were suffering, had already begun dimming significantly, but the hopelessness of your situation extinguished it even faster. What was the point in studying if the people who were supposed to guide you only wanted you around for sick and twisted things? How could you eventually make a living off the filthy grades you managed to acquire in exchange for your body?
It was only when some distant voice deep in the back of your mind whispered the words ‘drop out’ that you quickly shook the thoughts out of your head, and jumped back up in front of your laptop even faster.
You didn’t want to become a college dropout. You expected too much of yourself, and you didn’t want one sinister man to change the entire trajectory of your life. Doing so would just confirm for him the amount of control he had over you, and you wanted more than anything else to prove to him that you were your own person.
You looked up your university’s transfer policies, along with other universities you could easily commute to. All things considered, your only option was the local community college, but you felt anything that got you away from Dr. Morrison would be a godsend.
Your eyes strayed from the information in front of you long enough for you to notice the time and realize you were due for yet another ‘appointment’ with Dr. Morrison. You scowled before deciding quite soundly that you simply wouldn’t go. A plan was hatching in your mind, and you’d be damned to let him get in the way of it.
The transfer center was efficient and accommodating when you went in to ask about their procedure. While you wanted to sort everything out as soon as possible, you only had so much time to sit and talk before you had to head to your next class. So the woman there sent you off with a transfer sheet to be filled out for the records, and you promised you’d come right back as soon as you had the chance.
You were still looking over the form and scanning its details as you headed to your English class. Because you were more focused on reading and relying only on cursory upward glances to ensure you were going in the right direction, you couldn’t react in time to avoid the pair of strong arms that grabbed you and pulled you into a small, empty classroom. The door was shut and locked before you could process what had happened, and you suddenly found your hands empty of the one thing that would grant you freedom.
Dr. Morrison looked at the transfer form he snatched from you with a growing scowl before crumpling it up in a single fist. “I was wondering why you missed our appointment, but it seems you’ve got plans to go somewhere.”
He’d tossed it blindly over his shoulder, and you had more dignity than to scramble after it. Glaring up at him, you coolly said, “You can’t keep me here. I’m not just property that you can fuck and humiliate whenever you feel like it.”
His cold gaze narrowed as he closed the already slim distance between you and him, backing you into the wall and caging you between his arms. You willed yourself not to be intimidated, but his physique was truly something to marvel every time you were faced with it. “Stop being selfish. There’s more going on than you could possibly realize.”
You growled and gripped his wrists in an attempt to shake him, but he was unmoved. So you let your words fight where your body couldn’t. “You found me suffering from tough circumstances and you took advantage of that, you sick pervert. What else is there?”
“It’s too soon to tell you,” he murmured, and you frowned at his cryptic answer. Abruptly, he shook your hands off of him and you found yourself with your wrists restrained instead. “But at the same time, you’ll never find out if I let you leave me now.”
Because you couldn’t back up any further, you tried to sidestep him. In an effort to get around him, you just made it that much easier for him to pin your back against a nearby table. You fell uncomfortably on your heavy backpack, but he easily rid you of it along with your shirt and bra. When he tried to slip your pants off your legs as well, you started kicking at him. “Don’t fucking touch me!”
Dr. Morrison stunned you with a sharp slap to the face, immediately followed by his fingers wrapping around your neck. Now that you were too preoccupied with trying to get him off of you so you could breathe, his free hand could go about undressing you without hindrance. Your legs kicked uselessly on either side of him as he found a comfortable position between them. “Until you decide to behave, you don’t get a say in what I choose to do to you. You need to be reminded that your place is next to us, always.”
With ease, he managed to rip your thin cotton panties right from your body, pulling an indignant sound from your throat. The sight of him unbuckling his belt before you was nothing new, but that didn’t make it any less upsetting every time it happened. Letting your head fall back in defeat, you weakly croaked out, “Please, I have to go to class…”
Predictably, he ignored you in favor of stroking your lower lips and clit with his hot length, making you involuntarily shiver. You weren’t completely wet yet, but that didn’t stop him from pushing in past the resistance of your tight walls until your body took him in as deep as it could. His persistent thrusts into your unprepared heat made you bite your lip to maintain the dignity of not squealing out in pain. He stared at your pitiful expression before leaning down to try to capture your lips in a kiss. “I don’t think you realize how much pull I have in this place,” he mumbled between kisses you continually tried to deny. “One word from me and the transfer department could conveniently lose all your paperwork. You could keep trying to meet someone or have it go through, but you’ll just find yourself at a stand still each time.”
His remark turned your blood to ice. You knew Dr. Morrison himself was a corrupt man but for that poison to reach as far as other departments was a rude awakening. The implication that the entire university could be manipulated just so he could keep you here was shocking for a number of reasons, with the most notable one being that he would go that far at all. Weakly gripping his wrist, you pleaded, “Please, I’m sorry… I’ll be good…”
The hand that wasn’t clenching your throat came up to pet your cheek affectionately. Judging by his ragged breaths, you could tell he was close. “What are you going to do to be a good girl?”
“I won’t leave… I’ll stay here,” you choked, feeling tears brim at the corners of your eyes. “I’m sorry.”
Your voice was pathetically small, as you’d lost all your ferocity when the illusion of your wonderful university was shattered to pieces. That expression of absolute powerlessness on your face must have been enough to bring Dr. Morrison over the edge, as he finished with a harsh thrust and a groan that made you shut your eyes and turn away. He didn’t pull out immediately, instead adding insult to injury by holding you close, affectionately, like a lover would. As he kissed your tears away he murmured, “I’m glad you’re starting to see things my way.”
He lingered, as if waiting for a response from you, but he would be disappointed. You did little more than tremble and sigh as his breath tickled your skin, only letting your own breaths escape when he finally parted from you. Once he stepped out of the room, you got dressed and gathered your things, leaving your crumpled transfer form behind.
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dreamss-of-boston · 6 years
Rise - ch2
Sonya’s first expedition.
hello! this chapter was hella fun to write, cuz ive never really written too much action before and it was interesting describing everything. i hope i was able to write down what i was visualizing accurately so that it makes sense lmfao. i hope u all enjoy!! thank u for reading love u bye
-the expedition-
link on AO3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/16998978/chapters/40117439#workskin
The Survey Corps thundered out of the gate, spilling out into the wide expanse of Titan territory. Sonya would have been lost in the throng of soldiers if it weren't for her squad leader-- Moblit Berner-- to guide them to the right position. Sonya couldn't help but gaze up at the blue sky, dusted with clouds and uninterrupted by the off-white walls which usually surrounded her vision. No, out here, there was merely sky and Earth, meeting at one single point.
“Eyes front, soldier!” Peter yelled at Sonya sharply, and she turned in annoyance to see him smiling cheekily. “We don't want you running into any trees, now, do we?”
They rode on. This particular mission was intended to be a quick one: they were to enter the forest, gather supplies left there by the previous squad members, and leave. It seemed simple enough, but the supplies were in an area of thick forestry, and the only reason they got there in the first place was because the previous Commander had attempted to set up a safe-house there. A ‘safe-house’ in titan territory seemed like a very obviously stupid idea to Sonya, but apparently the Corps had made it their top priority to establish one before she had joined.
A red flare went off to her left, and another, and another. She felt immense fear rise in her throat, and she and Anna locked panicked eyes next to each other. Peter noticed this, and actually didn’t make a joke out of it.
“Hey, it’s okay! Look, we’re totally avoiding them.” He nodded to the green flare that was now ahead of them, pointing in the new direction which the Corps were slowly turning in. Peter gave a reassuring smile to Sonya and Anna. “We’ll be okay! We’re in one of the safest parts of the formation.”
And on they rode. There were some red flares here and there, but the Commander’s green flare would always guide the formation to safety. Eventually, Sonya felt a sort of rhythm within herself, and felt part of a whole-- like how she felt standing among her soldiers as they were accepted into the Survey Corps that night.
“Heads up!” Moblit called from the front of their squad. “Once we get close enough to a tree, deploy ODM gear and follow my orders.”
Slowly but surely, the corps were approaching the forest line and Sonya began to feel a little more at ease. She eased Chuck to a stop, and gave him a little pat before she dismounted and whisked herself up into a tree beside Moblit, Peter, and Anna.
“Well done.” Moblit said, and pointed to the other Corps soldiers ascending to tree branches not too far away from them. “Our job, for now, is to guard the entrance to the forest while the other half of the formation enter and gather the supplies.”
“Oh, so we-- we’re actually gonna kill some titans today?” Peter said.
“Pray you don’t have to.” Moblit said grimly. “Spread out so that we cover more area.”
Sonya grabbed Anna’s hand and gave it a squeeze-- the poor girl was trembling. Anna breathed in sharply at the contact, and attempted to smile at Sonya.
“Look at the sky, Anna.” Sonya nodded to the clouds. “Isn’t it beautiful out?”
Anna looked up, and that seemed to distract her a bit. She gave a little nod, and with that, Sonya glided to another tree branch, a bit closer to the ground. She could still see Chuck, and it was of some comfort knowing that the titans had no interest in eating her horse. At least Chuck would make it out okay. She stood alert, scanning the horizon for any sign of titans-- and just like every soldier there, she waited.
The waiting seemed to last forever-- even Moblit was getting restless. He kept glancing back, as if he were expecting to see the others exiting any time now.
“Captain,” Sonya called, “would you like me to relay a message to the teams inside?”
“Yeah,” Peter responded before Moblit got a chance, “tell them to hurry it up!”
“Wagner.” Moblit said sharply, shooting him a glare. “As for you, Romanova, yes-- I suppose you could. Ask them if they require assistance. Take Weber with you.” He gestured to Anna. “And be quick about it.”
“Yes, sir!” Sonya and Anna barked, and off they went, whirring into the trees.
Sonya had to admit-- it was very freeing using her ODM gear in the forest with no goal of slaughtering a wooden titan, without any officers barking at her to straighten her posture.
“Check this out!” She called to Anna, and used the momentum she had built to launch herself into a backflip-- she clumsily regained balance, causing Anna to laugh as they continued onward.
“How much farther in?” Anna asked.
“Can’t be that far--” Sonya began, but stopped cold as she saw the bottom half of a Survey Corps members’ body hanging limply over a low tree branch. Sticky red blood was oozing out of the exposed guts, and Sonya almost slammed into a tree if she didn’t stop herself in time. Anna had stopped, too-- the two girls looked at each other, panic-stricken and sick.
“What…” Anna whispered.
“I don’t know.” Sonya felt a sort of gear shift in her brain as she looked away from the soldiers’ body. A static-filled numbness took over. “We need to keep going-- but let’s get higher up.”
Anna nodded, and they continued. Sonya was right-- it wasn’t much farther until they reached the rest of the Corps, who were all perched high above their goal, staring down in terror. Sonya almost smacked into one of the soldiers from her training-- Alfonse Gunther.
“Watch it!” He cried. “Wait-- what are you doing here?”
“We came to see what was happening…” Sonya mumbled, although looking below told her everything. There they were: about ten or fifteen titans, standing among the wrecked safe house, staring up at the Corps with dead, hungry eyes.
“They just came out of nowhere!” Alfonse said. “They got my brother… They got Hans…” His voice broke off, and he didn’t say anything more.
“We can’t leave now that they’ve seen us-- they’ll just follow and that’ll send them straight to the rest of the Corps.” Edith Gutherie, a veteran soldier, said grimly. She had her blades out and ready, and yet she made no move on the titans. She glared up at a branch occupied by Commander Erwin and Captain Levi. “They haven’t given us orders yet… They’re scared to risk lives unnecessarily. After the last mission… we lost too many soldiers. We can’t afford to lose more until the next round of recruits come in.”
“Then why did we go on this mission in the first place?!” Ernst Klauffman, another new recruit, shrieked. “Why did we come out here and risk all these lives, huh?!”
“There’s eight months food and water down there, soldier!” Edith snapped. “In case you haven’t noticed, food is becoming scarcer by the day, and financial support for the Corps is at an all-time low. If you want to eat and keep your position in your comfortable living quarters, I suggest you keep quiet and follow orders.”
Sonya said nothing, she only stared at Captain Levi and Commander Erwin. They were stoic as usual, never allowing their inner emotions to betray their outward appearance. She glanced at the soldiers around her, all clearly waiting for any sort of command, and turned to glare back at Commander Erwin.
“Commander!” She yelled sharply, and both he and Levi turned their piercing gazes on her. Now that she had their attention-- and everyone else’s, for that matter, she grew suddenly self-conscious. Was it right of her to yell like that? Nevermind-- forget it, now is not the time to think about it. “Orders?”
Commander Erwin paused. “The plan,” he called, “is this. There are a total of fifteen titans of the 10-meter class below us. Therefor, fifteen veteran soldiers will be tasked with taking them out.” He listed the names of the soldiers, including Captain Levi and Edith Gutherie. “However, we cannot risk killing them while they are around our supplies, for we risk them damaging all of the food and water when they fall. Half of you all will join the fifteen veteran soldiers by working as a group to lure the titans away from the supplies. The other half of you will join me in descending, packing our supplies on our carts, and exiting the forest. Once the titans are slain, the rest of you will join us outside the forest, and we retreat.”
The soldiers all nodded-- Sonya felt herself tense up, and instinctively unsheathed her blades.
“You don’t need to do that-- you can count on us.” Edith said with a little smile.
“I’m sure I can count on you,” Sonya said grimly, “but I’d rather prepare for the worst.”
And so the plan was set in motion. The scouts divvied themselves up, with Anna being part of the group to retrieve supplies and Sonya to lure the titans away. The soldiers began their move, but the titans still seemed intent on watching the others, staying still in the trees.
“Drop lower!” Captain Levi commanded, and reluctantly, the troops descended a few branches. Still, the titans did not seem to notice or care.
“Are they abnormals?” Edith wondered aloud.
Sonya gritted her teeth-- and without thinking, she swooped down, swinging directly in front of one of the titan’s monstrous eyes. That caught its attention. It turned towards her with a sickening grin, and sluggishly began to reach for her.
“Sonya!” Anna screamed, just as Sonya pulled herself up, using an excessive amount of gas on the way. She clumsily perched in a tree, and watched with satisfaction as the titans began to turn their attention on her and the other soldiers.
“Good work, Sonya!” Edith called, and the other soldiers followed suit, dropping to Sonya’s level as the titans began to trudge their way away from the supplies.
Sonya caught Anna’s gaze high up in the trees, and for her sake, she flashed her a confident thumbs-up. Inwardly, her heart was racing and her limbs felt hollow. She was sure that she was going to throw up at any moment, but she pushed on, following behind the soldiers.
“We’ll get them surrounded in that clearing up ahead,” Captain Levi called, gesturing to a sunlit absence of trees in front of them.
And so the soldiers went-- swooping right by the titans noses, narrowly missing their giant hands, until they reached the clearing.
Captain Levi, Edith, and the other thirteen veteran soldiers took their places in the branches as the titans stumbled right into their trap. Some of the other soldiers had followed Sonya’s idea and stood with their swords unsheathed, just in case.
“Now!” Captain Levi commanded, and the soldiers whizzed forward, slicing and spinning with rapid movements. Sonya was impressed by Captain Levi especially-- he seemed to literally be flying, a focused concentration of death for titans. The veteran soldiers made quick work, luckily-- all except for one.
“Captain!!” One of the soldiers-- Klaus Vernon-- screeched. He was trapped in the grip of a titan, one with brown hair and a permanent frown. It’s monstrous jaw gaped open, bringing Klaus right up to its slimy tongue.
Captain Levi grunted, pushing off of the titan he had just slaughtered, and swung around to the back of the titan gripping Klaus. Before the titan could bring its jaws down to crush Klaus, Levi dealt the finishing blow, and Klaus was released from its grip. As he fell, Edith swooped in to catch him and bring him to safety on a branch.
Levi wiped some blood off of his cheek with a grimace as steam fizzled off of his cloak.
“Move back to the supplies.” He ordered, and so they went.
When the troops made it back to the supplies, they had made pretty fast progress on loading everything on to the carts.
“Any casualties?” Commander Erwin asked Levi as he joined him.
“Klaus got grabbed by a titan, but otherwise no.” Levi reported.
Sonya went to join Anna, who was on the fringes of the supply yard, loading food on to the carts. Now that danger was relatively gone, she was brimming with excitement to tell Anna about seeing the veterans in action. Before she made it to Anna, though, something made her stop cold.
Behind her friend, shrouded in the shadows of the trees, there was something glistening-- something moving. Sonya’s breath caught in her throat-- was that…?
“Anna!” She shrieked, but it was too late. A monstrous hand was reaching towards her friend, and it was moving much faster than the titans Sonya had just seen. Anna looked behind her, and screamed just as fingers wrapped around her arms, pinning them to her torso, and she was lifted off the ground. Anna kicked and screamed, and as the titan brought itself up to reveal itself, it was too late.
The five-meter titan brought Anna into its mouth head-first, and snapped her body in half as its jaws closed.
Sonya’s feet were glued to the floor-- no one was closer to this situation than her, and all she had done was watch her friend get eaten. The crunching of Anna’s bones rung in Sonya’s ears, and as the crouching titan turned its hungry eyes towards her, she felt a gear shift in her brain once more.
Numb and angry, Sonya charged straight at the titan. She could hear the other soldiers yelling at her to stop distantly, and as she leapt from the ground, deploying her gear to swing around and behind the titan, her unsheathed blades and the nape of its neck were all that she chose to focus on. As she made her way behind the titan, she readied herself, attaching her wire to its neck and bringing herself forward.
Using all of her strength, she made the cut she had made a hundred times before-- while cutting through flesh felt much different than cutting through leather, the result was the same. The titan fell, with Anna’s blood staining its mouth, and Sonya held on to it on the ride down.
Steam surrounded her as the body began to decompose-- she detached herself from the corpse, and stumbled onto solid ground. At the edges of her vision, she could see the soldiers running up to her to see if she was hurt, other soldiers deploying ODM and whisking off into the trees. Sonya paid them no mind. She fell on all fours, and retched onto the forest floor.
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briteboy · 7 years
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stealing @bratsims format because i need a less ugly way to mass answer your messages which will hopefully motivate me to stay on top of this! at least i can say i tried
so if you sent me an anon message in the past...idk MONTH (i’m bad i know) it might be here. (older ones are near the bottom) if not, check my faq because it’s probably answered there. (and if you’re the person/people who sent the twin flame & 7th house asks, i plan to answer those separately because i have a LOT to say. get ready)
game of thrones, nuclear war, real life santis, lou theories, i’m evil, HERE WE GO!! i literally had to cut it off at the last one because it was just too much for now. i’ll try to answer some more later ok
we’re starting off on a great note
Anonymous said: gaddamn rooney's tiddies lookin' hella ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
STOP!!!!!!!!!!! THAT’S MY CHILD soaidfnjds she’s supposed to have like b/c cups (goals for me tbh, the big boob life is not fun) and sims 4 pregnancies just fuckin make them...NYOOM i’m mad you can’t edit sims’ bodies during pregnancy even with cas.fulleditmode on -___- so i let her live with her giant preggo tiddies for now
Ngl I want a kiss between Santi and Gianni (I'm sorry I'm literally trash)
then i’m here to satisfy your desires: they do kiss periodically because gianni is one of those people who’s like “why shouldn’t you kiss your friends?” free love 4 everyone
hey this is kinda random but i thought joe seaward from glass animals looked kinda like santi? he has quite a weird face too lmao
oMG i actually love that, i know what you mean. that dude reminds me of a bull terrier lmao i actually saw glass animals like two weeks ago!! i didn’t really get a good look at the drummer but now i wish i did. missed connection
i just finished reading santi's story and ugh it almost had me in tears! beautiful, your story telling skills and editing skills are perfection!
ahhhhsdkgkds thank you so much ;____; that means the world to me <333
Unpopular opinion: im so done with game of thrones tbh. It's not even good anymore :/ I liked the first season but since then i've skipped through episodes because they are just sooo fucking boring and dragged out!
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see like the first three seasons were pretty good because they stayed true to the books. (actually that’s a lie, littlefinger’s chaos speech in the s3 finale was real fuckin bad because guess what: it was original material LMAO) the fourth season was where it started to get messy and then the fifth season was a fucking shitshow because they completely IGNORED the fourth book and cherrypicked all the “good” parts out of it (read: the most action-y parts, while ignoring all the most important pieces of character development) and they botched the dorne storyline, oh and who could forget the iconic moment of throwing in a rape (THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN IN THE BOOKS) just for fun :) love it! but anyway if you think the show is boring i probably wouldn’t recommend the books, they’re even slower getting through them lmao. but it’s worth it in my opinion. there’s so much they don’t include in the show and it makes me Angery
Okay, game of thrones fan here, I haven't read the books (yet at least, I bought book 1) but I feel like dany is going to practically turn into her father, this season she is already showing traits like his.......
OH YEAH i definitely feel like they’re moving in that direction in the process of revealing jon as the “true” king of westeros and it’s so bad lmfao. the thing is, like...cersei is already mad king 2.0? why do we need another one?????? the entire point of dany’s arc is that she’s constantly trying to deviate AWAY from the way her father ruled, demonstrated by the fact that she freed the slaves (whereas all the targaryens before were slave owners), the fact that she’s not perpetuating the whole incest thing (LMAO GUESS AGAIN BECAUSE JONERYS HAS TO HAPPEN FOR SOME FCKING REASON), the fact that she has dragons which haven’t existed in how many years...like, if she ever ends up being like her father in the books, it’s NOT gonna fucking happen like this. but i don’t think she will anyway, george rr martin has been pretty clear about her trajectory thus far. anyway this show is so ugly, next question
rooney's eye are so BIG
just like her tiddies lmao i kno sometimes i forget how big they are and then she does one of those silly endearing animations and i’m like o ;-; hello big dumb baby cow eyes
Cows? Are you secretly Matthew Daddario?
WHO i had to google him lmao i was about to say “oh the teen wolf guy” but jk @ myself u idiot it’s shadowhunters damn i literally googled “matthew daddario cows” and
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I love how fragile Lou looks like but the truth is that she is strong af and you can't play with her bruh
SHE IS ;-; and that’s a huge theme in her story, i’m excited <3
ima leave ur blog and come bk and spam you so you will finally notice me
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im part of this online forum of girls that talks about our period and weather or not one of us might be pregnant and once this girl posted saying that her husband invited his mom without telling her to thier honeymoon and she didnt find out until they arrived at the hotel and she was already there. the most recent part reminded me of it. but long story short, her dad moved all her stuff out of his house and her friend came to pick her up and they got a divorce.
OISOJDFAKNLJSD WHAT!!! i’m guessing you sent this because of that thing i said about the reddit post lmfaooo imagine your mom on your honeymoon. why. that’s soooooooooo good 4 her u know. u don’t need to be married to his mom as well
thanks 4 trusting my love santi. he's beautiful
thank u he thinks ur beautiful too 💘
do you have any tips for runing game in good quality and fast?
euhhhhh the only tips i have for you are to merge your cc, close all other programs while you play your game, maybe invest in a cooling pad uhhhhhh yeah idk any other tips you can probably find on google
You told that thing about unfollowing people and I thought you unfollowed me, but then I checked and you didn't and I'm crying omg
lmao omg ;-; i literally cut my following list in half, it was so chaotic and it was making me anxious. so if ever unfollow any of you please don’t take it personally (i know it’s a stupid thing to say, and it’s a lot easier said than done) it’s just my brain explodes when there’s too much going on at once and some content blends into others, i’m trying to only follow people who i’m genuinely interested in enough to keep up with their posts from now on
I haven't been able to sleep in over 72 hours thanks to the constant fear over the looming world war. I'm fine. Completely fine
Oh shit, have you noticed that the media has been putting out more 'what to do during a nuclear attack' kinda articles? This world is slowly going to shit, for real. I'm not even near any of the danger really, but it still absolutely terrifies me to see all of that bc it could very well go wrong and hit my place as well yknow? I have no idea why i send this to you but you seem chill and calm so thanks for reading my freakout askfjsls
YEP it’s pretty terrifying. but at the same time don’t let fear overwhelm you, fearmongering is an ugly, ugly thing and you don’t want to live your life constantly worrying. so just prepare yourself for what might come, but at the same time, just spend as much time with your loved ones as you can, do all the things you’ve ever wanted to do, and then if it doesn’t turn out as bad as we thought it would, you *tim mcgraw voice* lived like u were dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyin’
@ Jesus anon: I really don't think it's the right time to complain about "using the lord name in vain" when there are people terrified of leaving their homes bc they are afraid to get killed (aka that poor, poor Jewish anon in charlottesville)
yeah idk like i want to respect everyone but it seemed to be in poor taste to bring that up at a time like that lmao. and also i’ve literally never in my entire life met someone who actually takes “don’t say the lord’s name in vain” seriously. 
I asked about the poses and HOLY CRAP THANK YOU SO MUCH! I finally have good poses to use for story telling. Thank you soo so so so sooooo much!
YAY i’m glad you found some good stuff <3 and honestly just going through lana’s blog you’ll find a ton of good poses, it’s a gold mine
Idk how much tv you watch, but have you've ever come across a tv show that used music from The Sim? Because once in a while I'll hear Sims 3 build/buy music on some random show and I'll get a lil shook because I find it so weird that the generic music they're using comes from a major game title.
OMG LMAO NO what i wish i’d come across that tho. one time i used sims 1 music in a video i made for school and someone recognized it
I love your stories gosh I check your page "it's everyday bro with femmesim flow" Lol sorry for that awkward Jake Paul "poop" ❤️
lmao thank u i had no idea who jake paul was until my friends started talking about him
yo, I also remember once in french class real life santi asked me what videos games I like to play. When I told him the sims, he looked at me for a while and shaked his head. He was like, "why do you want to watch your sims use the toilet?"
WHY DO YOU WANT TO WATCH YOUR SIMS USE THE TOILET SAME that’s all i care about when i play
that rooney face in the 5 facts is so iconic, its my fave picture of her. You should blow it up and frame it
i should tbh. i should print it out and put it in my wallet to show everyone because she is my child
sorry the bother you, merging cc makes your game smoother? can you explain to me please?
hi i love you ♡ pass it on
Can I say that hearing a MacBooks fans screaming for dear life as they try to cool down when playing the sims has actually started to haunt my nightmares
SAME my macbook is actually doing it right now for no reason. thanks laptop
Maybe Santi should go to therapy to talk out his issues.
maybe he should 🤔  but tbh he’s already talked out everything, there’s nothing really more to talk out. he just has to cope with it. he’s treated lou like his therapist thus far and that’s not okay
i love ur story and omg i totally get where lou is coming from with being tired of being compared to molly by santi, thatd hurt so much esp with how much she cares about him
thank youuu ;-; i’m glad you understand, this was a part i’d wanted to get out for a loooong time now, and i know you guys were always like “um why does she put up with this” lmao. she just loves him, that’s why. but you’re right, it does hurt.
My theory is very similar to the other anons in that Fiona's dad/Lou's ex had a mental illness (schizophrenia, depression, what have you) but he actually did kill himself and that's why she's not completely losing it on Santi because I feel like most people in that situation would have not handled it as well as Lou did
🤔 you’re right about the last part, and there’s a reason she has so much patience, das all i’m sayin
i started your story from the beginning last night and i am in awe. Its amazing. It inspired me to put a little more effort in learning to edit and write. It was like reading screen caps from a movie! I didn't want to stop reading. Anyway thing was a super sappy ask, but i appreciate your stuff. And i'm bad at putting my thoughts into words.
omg ;__________; when people tell me i inspired them it means the most to me, my brain just can’t process it lmao. so thank you so so much ;-; <333 THE MOVIE THING ESPECIALLY GOT ME IN THE HEART because i feel like that’s my aesthetic with most things i create because i’m such a film person lol. don’t worry i love super sappy, and you did a good job of wording everything because it got me right in the feels <33
Okay I've been snickering for about 43 minutes bc SANTI GOT THAT GRU CHINNN
WOT is that i googled it and the only thing that came up was the dad from despicable me lmfaosdkjfs but ok
Please, please do punk edits of your some of your characters! I'd die.
WHAT DOES THIS MEANNN do you mean like. those 2010 tumblr edits of punk disney characters and then the joker from suicide squad looked like one of them. do u want santi to be the joker. because my boyfriend already relates him to suicide squad joker because of his face tatt lmao
You love to make me cry
i do i’m sorry. if it makes you feel any better i love to make myself cry too. but my biceps grow stronger with every tear
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I reeeally dont think those chancla comments were offensive??? Why would they be?? I'm hispanic (born and raised in the sunny Dominican Republic, received a fair amount of chancletazos myself) and I laughed out loud when i read them 😂😂
whATT my little brothers name is santiago n we call him santi for short!! guess it's not rly that uncommon but we live in a small country and he's also 4 so like,, no other santiagos!! idk why im saying this its completely irrelevant just kinda surprised me :'))
OMG wow hell yeah another real life santi...santi acts like a 4 yr old so he might as well be your brother
Just curious.. Do you play sims or just use it for storytelling? Sorry if thats weird haha
well my recent gameplay pics should answer your question lmao. i do like to play but i don’t have enough time to both play and pose scenes so i mostly just pose scenes for now. :[ i am gonna be off work for like two weeks tho so hell yeah gameplay here i come!!
I'm starting a Fiona appreciation movement because she is the real star of santis story RT and i love her and she is way underappreciated and I love her KThxBi
SHE IS THE REAL STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’ve said this before but santi’s relationship with her is the most important to me, out of every relationship he has in this story. i’m so glad you love her so much, sorry about what’s about to come in the next few scenes tho
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Oh my heart, Santi is alive, god exist
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I have a pretty hard time understanding Santi's story mostly because I'm not English but I'm sure I'll figure it out:)
ahh oh no D: i’m sorry i wish i spoke every language in the world lmao. if you want, you can message me off anon and i’ll help you understand it!!
Lou is an angel honestly
“there are worse things than seeing an angel before you die”
what tablet do you use? or how do you draw hair? it looks so pretty.
omg haha i don’t have one! i wish i did tho. all of the brushes i got from deviantart, i’m trying to find the specific ones but they’re all elusive wtf. i’ll post them when i find them! for now, here’s a good guide to drawing hair, by airi <3
I’M GLAD U HAD FAITH <3 i know omfg i would’ve expected a mob at my house if i’d actually killed him. if i ever killed him i would just lay down somewhere and die. that’s it for me
Lou & molly almost always have teeth showing, do you draw them on each pic?x
no, only sometimes i’ve drawn them when i felt like their mouths weren’t matching the expression i wanted. but most of the time it’s just the pose.
is it too late to send 16k dollars to guarantee santi's inclusion in a loving home with loving friends
it is absolutely never too late to send me 16k i promise you that
I just bought school books for $550 who knew studying marine biology could be so fuckING EXPENSIVE
EWW WTF...i’ve been lucky and haven’t had to spend a ton on books in my college career (one time i even went to such lengths that i got access to free trial version of one of my school books in a pdf, screencapped EVERY SINGLE PAGE, which was more than 400 pages, just so i wouldn’t have to spend $70 on it. i love cheating the system)
waIT i never saw ur selfie where is it, must see
u could probably just search “selfie” on my blog and find it, or enjoy the ugly closeup drunk snap i posted last night
Hey guys I'm a happy trans man that has no mental illnesses. I'm fucking pissed about Trump's ban. And to any one that says it's logical FUCK YOU! I'm having flashbacks to don't ask, don't tell because this is the same fucking wacked up logic. I'm so angry, like I'm a human, yes I may require testosterone shots once a month but that's it, I even administer them to myself. I pay for them with my own god damn money so fuck you transphobic bigots who say this law is fair. It's not. WE ARE HUMAN TOO Also same anon that ranted. Sorry about that I'm just really pissed and I love and thank you for sticking up for the community. We love you and I love you. And you're right not all trans people transition. We all do what we want to. Some start on T or E and have the full surgery. Some just have top surgery. Some just do testosterone or estrogen. Some never do anything. We're all still trans and we're all valid.
YES ALL OF THIS, sorry i didn’t answer this when it was all happening. but askdkjfas thank you for this message, I LOVE YOU TOO, SO MUCH <333 and i’m glad you feel comfortable enough to voice this in my inbox. yes every trans person is valid no matter what they decide to do with their bodies <3
One of those old hot topic shirts that said " if Darryl dies we riot " but with santi instead of Darryl.
OMG LMAOOOOO NOW THAT’S A CONCEPT who’s making these i want one
your use of references and reaction pics and gifs fucken KILLS ME
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Crystal anon here. I googled around my area to find there are none of those y'know, crystal, candle, incense, magic type shops. I have panic attacks when I go outside and I wanted to look into alternative stuff since I'm on meds and w/e. I wanted to know if you or friends had any experience or recommendations for buying crystals online like on etsy or amazon. How can you tell if they're real?x
ooooh ok. usually there are shops like those in cities or even in towns with like kitschy little promenades with independent shops. (i know there’s one around the town over from mine, which is so random lmao) i do have friends that have crystals but i think they mostly just collect them for the ~good vibez~ and don’t really look too far into the healing aspects of them. i would say first go with the one that coincides with your birth because those are the ones that are like specifically catered to you and strengthen your being. as for buying online, hmmmmm i mean i don’t really know any specific trustworthy sellers because i don’t have much experience with this, but definitely read the reviews! those will help you a lot <3
Hello could you please tell us how you edited the pic of rooney in that one post that the anon asked for the unedited version?
i honestly didn’t do much of anything that differs from my usual editing process! i made her eyes a bit bigger by using the clone tool, cloning the top of her eye and applying it a little bit farther up...if that makes sense. it’s hard to explain how to use that tool lmao. and i think i used the liquify tool to bring part of her eyebrow down to look more worried.
there's still a part of me that says she ain't dead and molly is just in a coma lmao end mE
OMFLDKGKJS yeah she’s not dead surprise. i WILL say there is still flashback stuff that will be revealed. well not “revealed” like molly’s death was revealed, like i just still have to showcase some things that happened afterward. because it doesn’t just end with molly’s death, there’s stuff after that as well :~}
I'm Mexican, have lived around Mexicans, have been to Mexico multiple times growing up, just came back from a family trip at practically the border between Mexico and Guatemala and never in my life have I ever heard the word "joder" i had to look it up xD (not hating or anything I just thought I'd mention it cuz I found it funny...lol) k bye...
OK NOT SURE IF the ppl you’ve been around just don’t curse or whatever but...joder is DEFINITELY something i’ve heard mexican people say before lmao
Okay so this is random, but i was telling my sister the name of one your characters in ur story (santi) and she kinda just starts singing his name, and she said "santi high, santi low, santi go." And im just sitting there, like woah.
u gonna incorporate fis hat into a really like emotional sad thing in her story huh
oMG i wasn’t planning on it but hmm 🤔
Why no el chingo? NO ME GUSTA (I'm joking btw ily)
LMFAOOOO because i didn’t wanna have to defile my son by downloading the penis mod RIP
let santi grow out dem eyebrows 2kforever
omg he does let them grow out except for the little line he shaved in when he was 14 that never grew back RIP
in ur bio it says "kt" and i know why,, it means killing them as in killing off ur characters slowly i see u gurl
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i bet this story was just an excuse for you to see the world burn. well done.
OMG i mean, that was definitely one of the side effects of it all. but really it was just that i NEEDED to get this story out after it had lived in my brain for so long.
ur dead 2 me
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I... just.... can't... too much pain Y U DO DIS 2 UZ?!?!!!
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