#which version of turtle to use lmao
heckitall · 27 days
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i am officially out of class for summer break!! this is one of my finals for the busiest, most workloaded class i have ever experienced hgoueghos
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vampwritesstuff · 11 months
Tricky Feelings
I’ve been on a Leo kick lately, so have a fun lil self indulgent oneshot I made for him lol. If y’all end up liking this, then check out my multi-fandom masterlist which is pinned on my blog! Also- I totally didn’t hide a song reference in here at some point 😅 giving y’all a mini challenge to find it lmao
Type: Oneshot
Pairing: Leonardo x Reader
TMNT Version: 2012, because it’s lowkey my fav version lol
Requested?: Not a request
CW: angst to fluff, comfort, mentions of body shaming (body type is unspecified), AFAB reader, brief mention of blood and being cut by a Shuriken on the cheek, playful teasing from Raph, Mikey and Donnie.
Word Count: 2.4k
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You were sitting in the lair, curled up into yourself as Master Splinter comforted you. “I’m so stupid, Master Splinter.. why did I even think that he would actually like me?” You sobbed into the shoulder of the only father figure you’ve ever had. “Y/n, boys are.. dumb. That boy couldn’t see how amazing you are, and therefore, has missed out on such an incredible girl.” Splinter told you, patting your shoulder.
You and April had known the turtles and their master for months. Both you and April were training to be kunoichi under Splinter’s guidance, but you seemed to be more in tune with it than your best friend was.
Originally, you had come down here to take out some frustration by sparring with Raphael, however, he and the other boys were out on a mission when you arrived. So you settled for a therapy session with Splinter, to make up for it. You sniffed and wiped away the tears from your eyes, “Thanks, Master Splinter, I really needed that.” He gave a nod, “If you’d like, we can train to take your mind off of it.” He suggested, and you snorted but gave a nod, you could use the distraction from your emotions. Of course, Splinter wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to train you.
When the four turtles returned, they found you and Splinter in the dojo, training. They watched with impressed expressions as you focused on dodging the Shuriken that Splinter was aiming at you, per your request that he train you on evading and expecting attacks. He had a feeling that it had to do with what had happened prior to you visiting the lair, but you hadn’t told him what exactly had happened.
Once Splinter had run out of Shuriken to throw, he ended the session, also having noticed his sons’ return home. You nodded and both bowed to each other. “Dude! That was awesome!” Mikey shouted finally as he bounded over to you, making movements and sounds that mimicked what you had been doing. “Oh! Dude, Y/n, your cheek is bleeding.” He said casually, and everyone turned their heads to you, even Splinter was surprised to see that Mikey was right. “Oh, guess I didn’t notice..” you hummed, wiping away the blood but your cheek continued to bleed.
“Y/n, I’m sorry, I did not realize that I actually hurt you.” Splinter spoke as he walked to you with Raph, Leo and Donnie following behind him. They must’ve been telling him how the mission went. “It’s okay, Master Splinter, it happens. Besides, I hardly feel it.” You hummed, but Donnie was already leading you off to his lab so he could patch up your cheek. Once you were out of sight, Leo turned to his dad.
“So what was Y/n doing here, anyways?” The leader in blue asked, Splinter shrugged, “That is not for me to tell, my son.” And with that, Splinter disappeared into his room. Leo gave an exasperated sigh but decided to check on you and Donnie.
However, he stopped when he saw that Raph and Mikey were standing outside the door, seemingly listening in on the conversation going on. Before he could ask, Raph turned and shushed Leo, grabbing him and telling him to just listen.
“That guy doesn’t deserve your time of day, Y/n, you shouldn’t worry about him.” Came Donnie’s voice, “But, I liked him Donnie, and I really thought he liked me back.” Your response was muffled, almost as if you had your face buried in your hands, trying to keep the tears from flowing again, Leo felt his heart drop at the mention of a guy. “So you’re gonna let one bad date with a guy affect your view on dating?” Donnie’s voice questioned again.
Inside the lab, you were sat on the table as Donnie disinfected the cut. “No, well.. maybe, I dunno.” You sighed, “Donnie, you weren’t there… he made fun of my body, said extremely mean things and even threw his drink on me.. how do I not let that affect me?” You questioned, only looking up to see a stunned Donnie and three other very angry looking turtle brothers, even Mikey looked pissed. “Uh, how much did you three hear of that?” You asked, nervously clearing your throat.
“Enough.” Raph said as he stomped up to you, you shrunk back as you thought he was gonna blow up on you. Instead though, you felt him pull you into a tight hug, and eventually three other pairs of arms joined his. “Y/n. You’re worth so much more than that guy can see.” Came Leo’s voice, you teared up again. “I swear, when I find that guy I’m gonna shove my foot so far up his-“ you smacked Raph on the head, “No you will not. But, you guys are right, I’ve got all I need right here.”
Eventually you all separated from the hug and had found yourselves watching Space Heroes in the living area of the lair, you were sat next to Leo.
If Leo was being truthful, his heart was pounding at the feeling of you being so close, his heart had squeezed painfully when he’d heard you had gone on a date with another human guy. In all honesty, Leo had a huge crush on you, and his brothers knew it. Raph looked behind him at the two of you and gave his brother a ‘Get em, tiger’ kind of wink, but Leo just shook his head at Raphael. Of all his brothers, Raph was the one who gave Leo the most shit about trying to use Karai as a distraction from his feelings for you. Leo felt bad for being kind of relieved that your date didn’t go well, of course he was angry that you were told those things by that guy, but maybe it was a chance he could use to prove that he was a good choice for you.
Leo heard you yawn next to him, and without thinking he pulled you against him and laid your head on his shoulder. He felt you stiffen for a split second before you relaxed into him and began to fall asleep. Leo looked down at you and his gaze softened at the sight of you with your eyes closed and your head laying on him, your arms wrapped around him in a hug. He was distracted though by the sounds of Raph and Mikey giggling.
He looked at his two brothers and was horrified to see that they were mocking him and you, Raph pretending to be you while Mikey acted as Leo. Then they started making kissy noises, and that’s when Donnie lost it and began to laugh loudly. Rolling his eyes, Leo stood with you in his arms, carefully to not wake you up, however you were already awake and had witnessed his brother’s teasing. In the heat of the moment, you turned Leo’s face to look at you and gave him a quick peck to the lips, laughing at his expression when you pulled away.
You laughed even harder, however, at the reaction of his brothers, they were gagging and freaking out. “OH MY GOD, LEO’S GOT COOTIES!!” Was all you heard from Mikey as Leo took you back to his room, now he definitely needed to know how you truly felt about him.
You let out a small ‘oof’ as Leonardo unceremoniously dropped you onto his mattress, “Hey, what was that for?” You asked sitting up, only to see a flustered and fidgety Leo. This was not something you saw often and you really only remembered him acting this way with Karai when she first came around. “Leo?” You asked cautiously, as if you were attempting to get a stray to eat from your hand.
“Please tell me you meant that.” Was all he said, confusing you. “Meant what, Leo?” You questioned, and you could see him visibly upset. “That kiss. Please.. just tell me that meant something to you, like it did to me.” Leo’s gaze was pointed at the ground, he didn’t want to look up at you and see the pity in your eyes as you rejected him. Your eyes widened.
Truth be told, you had the biggest crush on Leo, like almost as big as Donnie’s crush on April. But when Leo had began to have his little, very obvious, boy crush on Karai you started pushing those feelings way down because you knew you would never be as cool as her. Trying to ignore the squeeze in your chest each time you heard Leo talk about her didn’t help, so you actively began seeking out an old crush from school in the hopes that you could move on and look where that landed you. Then you found out that Karai was his sister, and that changed everything, but things didn’t go back to how they were. You knew that there would be no way that Leo liked you, you were just some random human girl that was saved by them.
You were snapped out of your thoughts as you heard a choked back sob come from the terrapin in front of you. “L- Leo… I,” he stopped you before you could continue. “No, I get it, you were just teasing my brothers…” He mumbled, wiping his tears and attempting to appear unbothered. “That’s not it all, Leonardo!” You snapped, quickly covering your mouth as you and Leo both looked at each other in shock. You hadn’t used his full name since you guys had first met. “What?” Was all he said.
“I didn’t just do that to tease your brothers, or you.” You could feel the word vomit coming up your throat, but you were powerless to stop it and in the moment, you needed to get all of it off your chest. “I like you! I have for over two months now, and I didn’t think you would ever like me back so I started ignoring it and pushing it away, thinking that if I didn’t acknowledge my feelings then they would go away. But then Karai showed up, and all you could do was talk about her and how cool she is and I realized that there was no way you’d ever like me because I could never be like her and-“ Leo cut you off by grabbing your face and pressing his forehead to yours, staring you in the eyes.
You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, you never could. “I like you too, a lot, and when I heard you had gone on that date, I thought I had lost my chance. But, I’m taking it now because I know that you feel the same way.” He had said something else but it fell on deaf ears as you were now hyper-focused on how close he was to you, there were just inches between you both.
Leo felt a shiver run down his body as you whispered his name and moved closer, both of your minds were clouded. Leo couldn’t describe what it felt like when he finally closed the distance and kissed you. He swore that it was probably the most amazing feeling in the world, it was nothing like he had imagined before. His hands rested on either side of you, one of his knees propped against the bed while his other foot was planted on the floor, giving him stability. He didn’t really know what to do with his hands.
You were in a similar situation, eventually your hands had found their way around his neck and were twirling the tails of his blue bandanna around them. You had expected his lips to be rough in texture, and while they kind of were, they weren’t nearly as scale like as you anticipated.
The kiss was hesitant, neither of you fully committing until either of you fully relaxed into the kiss. But once you both had relaxed, your movements became more fluid and Leo moved his hands to your hips. The kiss only lasted for a few moments, but to the both of you it felt like minutes as you pulled away to take deep breaths of air.
Neither of you returned for a second kiss, but instead you kept your foreheads together. Leo found comfort in listening to the soft inhales you took to catch your breath. There was so much Leo wanted to say, but he couldn’t find the words to express how he felt.
“Thank you.” He blurted without thinking, what an odd thing to say after your first kiss with a girl, and Leo was mentally cursing himself for that. “For what?” You asked with a chuckle that made Leo blush, “Well, uh for everything? For not pushing us away, for keeping our secret, and just.. everything thing you’ve done for me and my family. It means so much, especially to me.” You felt your heart swell with happiness, you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face.
“You guys saved my life, it’s the least I could do.” You told him with a soft voice. Leo moved to sit beside you, and this time he was the one who laid his head on your shoulder. “Will you be my girlfriend?” Leo asked, he was still nervous to ask despite knowing that you would most likely say yes. “Of course, I’d love to be your girlfriend.” Was your answer, and it made Leo’s heart soar with happiness.
He snaked his arms around your waist and easily pulled you into a laying position. You definitely were not used to Leo being this touchy or clingy, however, it was definitely nice to be cuddled up and held close to him. Leo supposed this was what it meant to be touch starved, because oh boy was he now addicted to the fluttery feeling in his stomach that he got each time you gave him a reassuring squeeze.
You lightly traced the scutes of his shell while your head was resting against his plastron. The feeling made Leo’s eyes droop and he began to fall asleep. Thankfully, it was a weekend and you wouldn’t have school in the morning, which meant spending the night at the lair would be okay.
Oh boy, Leo is going to kill his brothers when he finds out that they got hundreds of photos of the both of you sleeping together, cuddled up.
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angelpuns · 9 months
I said I'd work on some villain sketches tonight so I did!!! I'm not totally in love with my Shredder design just yet- mostly just the armor. I can't reveal his actual face jus tyet cause spoilers and all that big teehee
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Baron Draxum, however, I put a lot of thought into his design and I actually really like what I've got so far. I decided yes actually I am going to lean into the Catholicism fuckery cause it's my religious trauma and I can get silly if I want to. Anyway his motivations have changed (not really actually)
His main goal is still to get the turtles back ( he created them with research funded by the government - they also fund the church but without proof of his research going places they've decided to no longer fund him)
It's kind of like in FMA:Brotherhood where the state alchemists have annual tests to determine whether or not their research is worth pursuing otherwise they lose their state alchemist title. It's sort of like that. Baron Draxum is a 'Catholic' priest, it's a bit warped due to being in the hidden city, but it's still definitely a Catholic church. He's also a scientist, I think in this warped version specifically they have kind of combined science and religon?
I'm still working on it.
Anyway, Baron Draxum created the turtles because he was experimenting with the mutagen, which he created.
( created from a mystery substance that the sort of underworld creatures - not sure if I wanna call em yokai yet, probably not- that birthed the hidden city creatures/mutated them way way wayyyy far back ?? again, wip onthat front) .
He originally used it to further advance his botanical studies, but then got a little silly an thought ' hmm wonder if this can change animals/humans' and yeah it can, but there's a very specific DNA trait you have to have (wip) or else it will just sort of destroy your system :/ that bit's a wip as well. Lots of this is wip stuff cause I never planned on getting so into this iteration LMAO
ANYWAY- he wasn't too impressed by Splinter because he initially didn't transform, but the turtles showed signs that they had been significantly changed. Splinter managed to escape with the turtles to the surface. He then transformed into a rat :/
Then Splinter fucking goes back to the hidden city o purpose because he knows he can have a social life there smh. Local rat man lonely so he goes back to the place where he got turned into said rat man. He's got his own issues tho-
There's more, but it's too loose to talk about soooo yeah.
I originally was gonna make Draxum a wolf, but HOW COOL WOULD IT BE IF HE WERE A WOLF/GOAT SORT OF CREATURE RIGHT????
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bestworstcase · 9 days
Oh okay, i see your point better now, sorry if the "hating Ozpin" thing looked like a excuse to start a fight btw! One last thing, do you have any opinions on Tyrian?
o7 no worries
tyrian is, imo, so far the least interesting of salem’s inner circle primarily because we don’t yet have any idea of his backstory beyond that he went on a killing spree in mistral and later burst into tears and started worshipping salem on sight, as per his arrest file. whether we ever get more than that remains to be seen—and in and of itself "faunus with dangerous trait growing up in the place notorious for being virulently bigoted" might be enough to make someone crack, if he didn’t have anybody in his life to counterbalance the evil way humans would’ve treated him throughout his life.
but i would ideally like to know a little bit more about his background. not like backstory-episode levels because that’s far out of scope for his degree of importance but like we know a lot more about watts’s history and the background with hazel and gretchen is carrying a lot of narrative weight (and may continue to do so if i’m right about gretchen having been the last spring maiden).
this post is about mercury but it does touch on what currently interests me most about tyrian, which is that he’s a narrative foil to mercury and specifically a twisted ideal form of the (false) nihilistic self mercury projects—a living weapon with no conscience whose purpose in life is to be pointed at the enemy and obey without question. this is what mercury pretends to be and what tyrian gladly chooses to be. also i want to see what happens if jax uses his semblance on tyrian.
his rivalry with qrow could also develop in an interesting direction in vacuo—i’m not 100% convinced it will, because qrow’s big moment of growth in v8 is about letting go of vengeance, but if tyrian crosses his path in vacuo it’s not like he’ll hold back lmao—because what kicked it off back in v4 was that tyrian couldn’t faze him. a lot of tyrian’s power in combat arises from his cackling unhinged behavior, it’s off-putting and strange and unpredictable and that knocks his opponents off their game, except for qrow; when qrow just calmly decks him and kicks him away tyrian stops laughing and cowers because he doesn’t know what to do and his vengeance in v7 involves pushing qrow into an emotional enough state that he loses his focus and tyrian can shock him by stabbing clover in the back. so now (in tyrian’s mind) they’re even. what happens the next time they meet? there’s a lot of narrative curveballs that could be thrown here.
um his allusion to the scorpion is also something i roll around in my head a lot, because he’s long since killed his frog… but there’s an older version of the story where the scorpion asks a turtle for passage across the river, and the turtle of course isn’t harmed by the sting and so drowns the scorpion on purpose out of disgust with its refusal to control itself. and well. the fanatic nature of tyrian’s devotion to salem feels like he’s one shattering disappointment—like say, finding out he’s mistaken about what she wants?—away from snapping and attacking her, or perhaps going for cinder (<- i think this is foreshadowed pretty unsubtly by that scene in 4.11), and then salem. er. flattens him. scorpion, turtle. if he’s killed i expect it’ll either be gillian (whose semblance is the inverse and natural counter to his) or salem (immortal) who does it.
i do sort of expect that he’ll reveal a new layer or two in the vacuo arc simply because he’s one of the very few notable characters who has hitherto not really wavered from being what he says on the tin—watts and hazel both had a bit more depth and with tyrian taking point in vacuo and evidently infiltrating the crown, the narrative opportunity to do the same with him is right there. so…
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punkeccentricenigma · 9 months
headcanons with the rise boys and a reader who is in med school! Graduated high school early and is training to be a doctor! Romantic or platonic, your pick
Rise!Boys with Reader who is in Med School
Relationship status: platonic
Reader prounouns: They/Them
TW: Mention of slicing the frog, Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language.
Author's note: Just so you know, I am not familiar with medicine at the college level, only what I had in high school biology, so I tried to write these headcanons as neutrally as possible. And all in all, even if I learn anything now, it is only in the field of physiotherapy because my friend is going to such studies this year, so sorry if it's not what you wanted, but still, enjoy!
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◇I won't lie, I'm sure this guy admires you.
◇Not everyone gets a chance to get into such a school!
◇But knowing his personality, he'll probably tease you a lot, calling you a 'nerd.'
◇It usually doesn't cross the line, BUT if Leonardo goes too far with his teasing, especially when you're tired after classes, you often threaten to perform a dissection on him like a frog.
◇And when he arrogantly waved it off at first, you and Donnie pulled a prank on him with that theme.
◇Everything was recorded as he lay pinned to the table, and you stood over him with a scalpel.
◇Leo thinks you're very diligent, hardworking, and disciplined, which also means mentally exhausted.
◇Such a school demands a lot, so expect that during study sessions in your cozy home, that idiotic turtle will come and drag you to the hidden city to relax.
◇I'm sure he'll try to make you laugh often using elaborate medical jokes he found on the internet.
◇Sometimes he also feels a bit jealous. He has some basic knowledge when he has to patch himself or his brothers up, but deep down, he would also like to go to such a medical school to enhance his skills. But you see the whole situation.
◇But don't worry! In your free time, you'll give him a bit of education with the knowledge you've acquired so far.
◇Even if he tries to hide it, he's a bit overwhelmed by the vast amount of knowledge and skills you possess.
◇But despite that, he's proud of you for taking on the challenge and fulfilling your dreams! Or at least you're on the right path to doing so.
◇The proudest big bro! You got into that school?? Amazing!
◇Your number one supporter!
◇Raphael truly appreciates your intelligence, hard work, and determination. He never imagined himself getting into a medical school, not only because of the whole situation but also because his knowledge absolutely doesn't go in the same direction as yours. But that his friend managed it? Nice!
◇He admires your selfless need to help other people. He's keeping his green fingers crossed for you to achieve that dream medical title!
◇I'm sure he suggested some ‘experiments’ on himself for you to practice a topic from lectures. In the end, you hit him on the head for such an absurd idea. You didn't intend to do that! That's Donatello's role! Besides, mixed human DNA with turtle DNA would probably mess with your mind more than help.
◇Although their biology sometimes interested you.
◇When he notices you're tired and stressed from all the medical material, he'll gladly take you to their living room, and under a warm blanket, you'll have a Lou Jitsu movie marathon (where you'll eventually fall asleep, lmao) or play a bandana takeover with his brothers, all tricks allowed for your amusement!
◇Hey, don't complain about his support. Many times, you've helped him when he was stressed about being the leader before Leo or after the Kraang invasion. That's all he can do!
◇Sometimes he was confused and a bit unhappy when you started explaining various medical terms or tools to him. Raph is simple; give him a lighter version of all that.
◇Sometimes he wasn't happy that you declined meetings because of studying or lectures. Hey! He also needs attention sometimes D:
◇Donnie is really proud of you, even if he doesn't express it in words every day.
◇But as a reward for your hard work, he'll fine-tune the devices you use for practice or build something helpful.
◇He appreciates your genuine interest in understanding difficult concepts and your ability for critical thinking. You don't even know how much he needed someone like you in his life, looking at his family.
◇Despite your enthusiasm and intelligence, he thinks you might overly stress about grades and perfectionism, which in the long run can lead to stress and burnout. So, he often forces you to take a break in his lab, sipping mint-flavored coffee.
◇It's also his small revenge for taking him away from his work on new inventions when he hasn't slept for two days in a row, lmao.
◇But if it's not spending time with him, the guy will go through all your material at the moment to make cheat sheets with the most important information.
◇You pose an intellectual challenge for him and keep him on his toes, but he always enjoys discussing and exploring different perspectives on a topic with you, even though he leans more towards technological knowledge than biological.
◇However, despite his intelligence, Donnie in those moments can be a bit 'know-it-all' and doesn't always consider the opinions or feelings of other people, or even the actual facts.
◇You won't convince me he wouldn't be initially confused; I mean, he's the least interested in medical topics.
◇But as soon as you start explaining, he'll immediately admit that he's impressed and that he's really proud of you!
◇He'll always mention how much he appreciates your determination to achieve your dreams!
◇Personally, I have a headcanon that Mikey wants to become one of the most recognizable artists, so he roughly knows how frustrating it is when something doesn't work out.
◇In a way, I think Mikey sees you as his role model, so feel proud to be compared to Lou Jitsu :D
◇Mikey sometimes worries a lot about your mental health after lectures. So, expect many long conversations about self-care.
◇Being the youngest of the brothers, he got a lot of attention, so he'll often be jealous of how much time you spend at school and with human friends rather than with him. He knows it's immature behavior, but he can't help it!
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bambiraptorx · 5 months
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[I.D. A redesign of Splinter from ROTTMNT as a ferret mutant. He is shown in two mirrored versions of the same post, a full body drawing at a three quarters angle. In the first one he's facing to the left, smiling slightly, and holds his arms in front of him in the t rex arms position, his tail curled downward behind him. He is somewhat chubby. His face is mostly grey, but he has a dark brown, mask-like patch of fur that circles both his eyes, and his hair is gathered into a bun held in place with a hair pin. He has pale yellow eyes, a light pink nose, and a small notch in his right ear. At his jawline, his fur transitions from grey to dark brown. His body is mostly covered in dark brown fur, except for lighter patches on the backs of his arms and legs and the top of his tail. In the second drawing, he faces to the right, wearing a reddish brown robe with yellow trim and a red circular flower design on the left side of the chest. From this side, his hair pin has the shape of a dagger hilt. End I.D.]
This is a project I've been planning for a little while, but I finally got around to my splinter redesign! I've never particularly liked drawing his canon design (and I don't care for some of its associations), so it was nice finally getting a chance to draw him as something other than a rat lol. I'm currently planning to make this design canon to my fics, actually, which I think will be fun.
Anyway, here's some lore specific to this version of Splinter, as a ferret:
Rather than a pet rat in the Battle Nexus, he had a pet ferret. It was a sort of emotional support animal and it was actually allowed by Big Mama, but she used it as a way to manipulate/control Lou Jitsu. He may or may not have had it with him when the gargoyles took him to Draxum, I haven't quite decided
He has a different hairstyle from canon! This is 100% because I saw a girl at school with a hairpin shaped like a dagger and thought it would be cool lmao
He has plenty of other hairpins I just like the idea of him using an actual weapon to hold his hair out of his face and everyone thinks its an aesthetic choice lol
The reason the turtles wear masks is because as kids they all thought their dad's face markings were the coolest thing ever and wanted to imitate it
If you have any questions or art requests for this version of Splinter, send them my way! I need the practice so I can get more familiar with drawing him lol
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 10 months
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I CAME BACK FROM THE MOVIE LIKE AN HOUR OR SO AGO- AND HOLLY CRAP- Here is some stuff I will say and I'll give my review at the end.
I love how to movie doesn't waste time and immediately jumps straight into action and also the backstory of it's soon to be main villain.
The designs are really nice I like them a lot. They are nice to look at. Maybe for some it might take a while to get used to but their decent at best.
I enjoy that right when we are introduced to the turtles they don't waste time showing their personalities.
This movie's angst inspiration definetelly came from the fandom lmao
like bro they just threw a bunch of angst in there.
Speaking of angst, I like how they immediately establish how much the turtles genuinely wanna be accepted into humanity and how they don't hold back on making sad scenes.
I don't mind Leo's crush. It's cute and I like how it's depicted. It's not that focused on which I don't really mind. I don't know where I sit with MM Aprilnardo, I'll wait until the series drops or we get a sequel and see what happens. If nothing happens between the two then I guess I won't be too hard into it. Unless maybe we see April and Leo both sharing feelings or something. Though if April politely rejects him I'll leave it at that. Again I still don't know where to sit with this ship.
Splinter is cool and funny. Also- we don't talk about that scene with him and scumbug-
The backstory for the characters is sad and I like how you can genuinely sympathize with them and it's not forced or anything.
I-I-I-I-I-I had to look away at the Puke scenes and the make out scene- Yeah I did get second hand embarrassment with this movie-
I enjoy how cringey it is- Like I get second hand embarrassment and yet it's funny to me-
MondoMikey shippers DNI. They are cousins in Mutant Mayhem.
I love how the movie's style is that of 87 and take more inspiration from the 87 version though to me the personalities for the characters were a mixture of rise and 2012 with some inclusion of 87 as well.
I actually watched this movie in my language not the english one. Sadly I didn't record any of the scenes so I can't show it to ya'll. :( Mainly cause I assumed it wasn't allowed to be recorded.
Shocked I didn't cry at certain scenes-
I enjoy that each character shines in his own way and all of them manage to do so.
Don't lay a finger on Leo... I will bite your legs off...
Sadly me and my papa didn't stay until the cliffhanger but I watched it on YouTube though.
The animation kind of seems messy but I do feel like it's something a little kid would design and considering this is a kids movie and all it's understandable. Though it gives us a lot of funny expressions xp
Story is unique, fight scenes really fun and amazing, the ending felt deserved and overall I enjoyed it.
Now, I know Superfly is a villain and all but if I'm gonna be honest- He didn't deserve death. I wish he got a redemption arc. He's just a broken villain who I ended up sympathizing and understanding. Yeah he wasn't doing the right thing but can you blame him?
Off topic but what gender is Leatherhead-? I kind of got confused ngl lmao
So in my opinion, it's either 8.5 or a 9/10. Mainly because there are some cringey scenes that I did cringe at and ngl I feel like certain scenes's pace was kind of a bit too fast. I don't know really-
BONUS: My papa's thoughts on the movie:
Found it cringe and stupid
He prefers the old TMNT
Prefers it when they stick to the shadows rather then go to high school
He thought Splinter was stupid and how he said the old one was a 'badass mothefucka'. His words not mine.
He prefers when Leo is really serious and calm, Raph a hot head and constantly wanting to smash things, Donnie being calm and smart and Mikey- Mikey he didn't mind since he said he is always stupid and a dumbass- (not really his words but close enough-)
He found the story not to be that really consistent and also the animation to him wasn't fluid. He didn't think it was the best or that good.
The story is interesting to him and unique and all though.
Don't hate my papa pretty please-
He pretty much grew on the 87 and OG comics. He kind of also probably had to deal with watching with me and my bro the TMNTs we grew up with. If anyone's curious, my bro grew up on the 2003 and kind of also 2012 since we both binged watched it a lot every time we came back home from school meanwhile I grew up on the 2012 but also in a way with 2003. Mainly since I have a few memories of seeing some episodes of it so I know some stuff.
Anyway- his score is a 6/10 for the movie and he says that is a VERY generous score.
Extra add in:
I realized my outfit looked similar to April's- Just- it had different colors and- I'm white as fu- Loved April a lot in this movie by the way.
I watched it with 3D glasses.
They were also selling masks of the TMNT. I only saw Raph, Mikey and Donnie but not Leo. I didn't buy one by the way-
I annoyed my dad with how much I was jumping and kicking my feet around.
And yeah that's all-
Loved the movie, I enjoyed it, I hope ya'll have enjoyed it as well and yeah!
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Can I have a headcanon for yandere donnie x therapist reader? just like how you did with raph's version? also love your writings! <3
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We're all mentally ill here let me just point that out.
Thank you~ I always write at like midnight with little to no thoughts going through my head so it will never be my best work lmao (I still prefer writing at night than daytime tho. Just makes everything a little different).
Tw: Kidnapping, Mentally ill turtle, clingy af
Yandere Donnie with Therapist MC
So obviously, you need to build some trust with him. He's not going to expose the entirety of his mind with a friend he's known for a month. Once you are after the initial stage, does he start to spill out everything.
He's awkward about it for the first few times; he's not used to releasing all the problems and anxieties. I think he would be the type who would rather write it out than voice it. This may be my own interpretation, but part of the reason he doesn't like speaking his feelings is fear of being judged in a sense: Where I get this reasoning is that episode where he goes with April to a magic town. And he struggles to admit his views until towards the end (which also has influence from struggling to admitting wrong).
Anyway, it's a steady increase in exposure for him. After numerous times he starts to really show his mind. The dark thoughts, the fears, everything. And slowly his personality when around you will change. He becomes more obsessive, more desperate for attention. He craves your eyes and ears to be on him: it brings such ecstasy.
He's clingy, texting you every hour, every minute. At night he falls asleep to recordings of your conversations. He's never felt so loved, so appreciated, like fortune has finally been bestowed upon him. You're willing to listen to him! You want to let him express himself without getting bored or uninterested!
In the end, he becomes a mixture of Raph and Mikey: he doesn't want to stop talking to you at any moment's notice. He gets anxious if he doesn't have his darling therapist around! You're all the comfort he ever needs!
And before you know it, he's kidnapped you, with a lovesick grin plastered onto his face.
"Now we can peacefully talk for eternity without anyone bothering us~!"
Writing this while listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata hits different because the music literally follows the progression of Donnie's madness.
The first movement, where it's all sad, depicts his protectiveness and unfamiliarity with his feelings. The second, the forgotten one lmao, is all happy, where he's content with MC. And his therapy is going well. Finally, the third one, where everything is chaotic and dramatic, is the perfect representation of the obsessive behaviour he develops.
Now excuse my nerdy piano self.
(It’s one of my favorite pieces, especially the 3rd movement)
- Celina
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darkscaleswriter · 1 month
⭐️⭐️ *Tosses stars at you for the ask game*
(ask for a director’s cut on any of my fics!)
!!! thank you for giving me the opportunity to ramble :D
SO for Write Our Names in the Wet Concrete, which I just updated a couple days ago so it's still very much on the mind, I have many many feelings about casey junior (as I'm sure anyone can tell lol I'm not subtle). specifically, I have many feelings about his relationship with his mom, bad future!cassandra jones.
I know there was some stuff from the rottmnt crew on the former bird site or something (?) about how cassandra died when casey was pretty young and he was mostly raised by future leo, but I personally do not subscribe to that. not for his backstory in wonitwc, at least. as much as i love dad leo, it's important to me that he's just as much a jones as he is a hamato, especially given that he uses the jones last name.
anyway, many thoughts about the wonitwc iteration of bad future!cassandra jones under the cut, bc i uh. definitely rambled haha ^.^
(also, important note: a lot of my characterization and backstory for cassandra is probably inspired - both consciously and not - by the mean teen fighting machines fic series by @radishhqueen, which is an absolutely incredible character exploration series for april and cassandra that made me fall in love with cassandra jones as a character. please go read it if you have a chance, it's SO good!!!)
so in wonitwc, after cassandra found casey as a baby and decided to raise him, she fully committed. it definitely wasn't an easy decision to take a step back from field work, but a baby is a 24/7 job, and the shift to handling the more organizational/admin side of the growing resistance (as mentioned in chapter 10) helped her feel less like she was costing the group by making others fight in her place. she never regretted that decision, but I think there were a few times she came close. maybe when a mission party would come back having lost someone because they didn't have enough eyes, maybe when a scout never returned after running into a trap that she knew she could've spotted.
as a parent, i think that cassandra was, honestly, not too different from what we see of her in the show lol. a bit more even-keeled with age, but still wholeheartedly committed to everything she put her mind to and not shy about it, which is why i find it extremely funny that casey somehow turned out a Good Kid (TM) who listens to authority (mostly) and respects his elders (unless theyre wrong). he's definitely got moments when his temper breaks, like when he yells at teen leo in the movie, but on the whole, his brand of feral is less… loud, i guess. not sure that's the best way to describe it but it's all my brain is coming up with right now haha.
part of casey's comparatively calmer personality can probably be attributed to the turtles and april, who also played large parts in raising him, but it's not like they're chill either. the final movie opening didn't get to really show this, but in the storyboards for a previous version of the movie's opening, it's shown that future leo has still retained a lot of teen leo's goofiness, though it's hard to say how much of that is performative. at any rate, i interpreted that as showing that the turtles were still themselves in the bad future, at least in some small part.
speaking of the turtles!! my general headcanon is that they and april informally adopt cassandra as family at some point in the future, and joke that she's a distant cousin since the hamato clan started as an offshoot of the foot clan. they get very emotional when cassandra decides to include "hamato" as part of casey junior's full name, which is a real whiplash moment from their reactions when she told them she was going to name him directly after herself lmao. anyway, casey junior grows up knowing that he's a part of the hamato clan, in name and spirit if not by blood.
cassandra was definitely grateful for the help raising casey junior, too. i don't think she ever really considered herself a single parent - raising casey was very much a team effort, even if she was his primary caregiver. cassandra is the only person that casey ever used a parental title for, though. i think she first started teaching casey to address the others by their titles out of ingrained tradition (foot clan was traditional in an oddly random assortment of ways lol) but then let him keep doing it bc it was funny. this does not help casey's Good Kid (TM) image haha.
cassandra's feelings on becoming a hamato, meanwhile, are initially mixed. on one hand, nothing brings people together like an external threat that's in the process of ending the world, so she's bonded a lot with the remaining members of the hamato clan in the apocalypse. on the other hand, she was still in the midst of finding herself after leaving the foot clan when the apocalypse hit, and the invasion triggered by her former cult definitely did not help with that. especially not when she had to put down the krang-infected foot brute and foot lieutenant. i debated taking that out, since it got darker than i expected, but it felt fitting for the tone of the chapter, so. sorry, cassandra :P
i think that cassandra's relationship with her sensei's was very much a "it didn't change anything, but it matters that the love was there" situation. they did terrible things, but they were her only family for a long time, and they cared about her. i don't think she ever fully reconciled with that. there's a reason she never really talked about them to casey junior, besides the fact that reminding people in the apocalypse that she was a former member of the clan that started said apocalypse by summoning the krang would've been a terrible idea.
but. there were times, especially when casey was little, that cassandra would catch herself wishing she could show him off to her senseis. the brute would let casey ride around on his shoulders while the lieutenant would teach him how to fold perfect origami. in another world, maybe those would've been casey junior's eccentric grandpas, visiting on alternate weekends to spoil him. fighting splinter for the position of "favorite grandparent," lol.
maybe something like that could happen far in the future of wonitwc, depending on how things go. we'll see!
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lowkeyrobin · 25 days
Hello I was wondering if you’d be able to write a Ranboo from the we bounced to the death video x Gender neutral reader? :) (only if you’d write for them Ofc, I’m not sure if so but if not then just disregard this)
ooo yeah sure!! ; also any like characters of charlie/ranboo/tommy in sorry videos I will do! even if it's the old ones with the man who we don't name, I'll just cut him out of it lmao. I'd love to write for sorry apocalypse! ranboo or tommy so feel free to request any sorry!character version requests haha ; thanks for requesting! hope you enjoy :)
SORRY! RANBOO ; urban jump
summary ; you and ranboo are both angsty teens working at urban jump when tumgo shows up to hang out with chounce and master zah
warnings ; language, ranboo pulls their mask down for a moment
word count ; 1.4k
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"I literally don't understand this shit"
"Me neither"
You and Ranboo share a quick glance, then look back down at Tungo and Chounce bouncing about the trampolines while Master Zah sits criss-cross on a center stand.
"Do they actually think they're built like sumo wrestlers, or is it supposed to like, impress people? What-what is the point here?" You ask, furrowing your eyebrows as you squint at them.
"I have no idea. Every Tuesday they're in here, they rent the place out all day" Ranboo shrugs.
The two of you travel down, needing to clean up a bit and disinfect the areas they weren't currently using. Their camera man stops you two, explaining some things before flicking it on. You two stand next to each other, tired and confused.
"Wh-What is this for again?" Ranboo asks. "Documentary?"
You rub your eyes, looking back at the weirdos to keep an eye on them so they couldn't reak havoc while out of your peripheral vision.
"Yeah, so, they've been coming here for about, I don't even know how long. I've only started working on this shift a few weeks ago"
"A couple months, maybe." You shrug, "They didn't start renting the place out til then, at least"
"They come in, they rent the place out, and they uhm, they just kinda, bounce for a bit. Fight a lot. I'm just getting paid and it's less kids to work with. So, it's a win in my book"
You nod, "I'd take them over a bunch of disgusting feral children"
He nods before the camera is put down.
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"I need to retreat into my Chounce Sanctum, Chounce Hole!"
You watch as Chounce becomes one with his fake sumo wrestler body, using it as some kind of shell like a snail or a turtle.
"Alright, alright everyone. What do we think of this?"
You and Ranboo share confused looks, watching from the sidelines. You sit next to each other on a hard ledge a few feet away, absolute confusion painting your expressions.
Ranboo looks back at the camera, "This has got to be a disease, right?"
"Maybe he's like... challenged"
"He's challenged in more ways than one"
Master Zah speaks up, seeing Chounce was using his body as a shell. "I don't see enough bouncing!"
"Don't come in. Dude, I'm jacking my hog"
You and Ranboo become even more confused and now concerned.
Ranboo speaks up, "Wait, you're what, man? What're you doing in there?"
"Dude? What? How many times do I have to tell you, dude? I'm yanking on my freaking porker, dude! Don't come here!"
"Ew, what the fuck?" You look at Ranboo, "Biohazard on aisle fifteen, pal"
They stand up, walking toward Chounce, "Dude, c'mon, you can't- you can't do that here"
Ranboo pulls Chounce's weird little helmet back, revealing his defeated face. He walks away to talk to the camera after a few seconds, which you watch.
He then runs back out, apparently destined to do a flip. He quickly falls up the stairs and then cries, though. So, maybe today wasn't the day.
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After some more weird and delusional grown man antics and practically babysitting, you retreat downstairs to the little playground area. Ranboo apologizes to Master Zah, who's sitting in the middle of the Under 5 Soft Play pit, crying as he's hidden in his skin shell.
"Zah?" Tungo calls as he approaches.
"How did you find this place?"
"It's next to the slushee bar"
Ranboo continues with his apology while you sit at the slushee bar, making yourself a treat.
"It's, it's not my place to ruin anyone's fun here."
Tungo falls into the pit, probably breaking a tooth somehow with the fall.
"Hey, man, we're trying to have a moment"
Tungo doesn't respond, he rather climbs into the little playground.
"It's not my place to ruin anyone's fun here-"
Tungo rustles around the plastic balls in the playground pit, causing a loud and obnoxious noise to sprout.
You walk over to Ranboo, sharing your slushee with him after he'd given up on trying to tame Tungo and apologizing to Master Zah.
"Tungo, dude, I was wrong!" Chounce falls into the soft play pit after he lays his eyes on Tungo, hiding in the playground behind a little plastic window section.
He quickly stands up, then pounds on the plastic to get Tungo's attention. He falls back on the ground quite roughly, then breaks out into song about wanting life to be like trampolines?
You and Ranboo walk away, having had enough and now sweating in your hoodies. You warn the trio to behave as you walk away, heading toward the locker room to switch into your company t-shirts.
"I can not believe we're still babysitting these delusional weirdos," Ranboo comments, pulling out his lanyard of keys to open the staff only door.
"Me neither." You shrug, pulling out your own lanyard to open your locker as you enter the room. "I'm so serious when I say I'm grabbing my earbuds, I can't listen to their brainrot anymore"
"Good idea"
You unlock your locker, hang your lanyard on the hook inside the door, and switch your phone from your hoodie pocket to your pants pocket. You pull the hoodie off, shoving it into your locker while you pull out the t-shirt you left in there for emergencies. You unfold it and shake it a bit, wanting to get whatever pet fur that was on it off.
Your backs face each other, both now bare as you rush to put your shirts on. You pull your shirt over your head, adjusting it and slightly tucking it into your pants because it was just slightly too big on your torso. You turn around, wanting to ask if he had any deodorant, because you felt gross being around Chounce, even if he wasn't yoinking his shrimp.
"Oh, fuck, sorry!" You quickly cover your eyes and look down, not wanting to invade their privacy as they're half dressed. They'd been turned around as they slid their shirt on, meaning they saw you see them. "Uh, do you have any deodorant?"
"It's fine, uh," They reach into their locker, grabbing some deodorant out for you. "Have fun smelling like Old Spice White Water, whatever that's actually supposed to smell like," He lightly chuckles, tossing you the plastic bottle as you release the hand from your eyes.
"Thanks," you whisper as you catch it, popping the cap off to reveal the product.
You quickly apply a layer under your arms before tossing it back to him, and he places it back in the metal locker. You stuff your earbud case in your pocket for the moment, deciding to connect them after you left, not wanting to take a long time to get back to the man-children. You do the same with your lanyard, stuffing it into your back right pocket, making sure the goods were safe.
You notice Ranboo's muscles, exposed by the short sleeves. The more you look at them, the more you feel compelled to just explore hid lips with yours.
You quickly turn around, close your locker, and head towards the door, before you're stopped.
"Wait, can you help me with something?" They ask, "This tag is itching me, can you cut it off?" They hold up a little pair of scissors for you to use as well.
You nod, step onto the wooden bench behind him, to get some height that you need, and pull up the collar of his shirt. You place your thumb and index finger on the tag, your remaining fingers holding the shirt down. Your dominant hand holds the scissors, cutting into the plastic tag on the back of his company shirt. You cut it off and he turns around, thanking you.
You handed the scissors to him and the cut-off tag so he could throw it away. He looks up at you, and you look down at him, staring into each other's souls.
He places his hands on your cheeks after pulling his mask down to his chin, revealing the lower portion of his face. You quickly peck his lips, feeling your face heat up. His clearly does the same as he pulls the mask up, his cheeks visibly pink.
"Oh my God, dude!" Chounce shouts.
Your heads quickly snap toward the open door, revealing Chounce, Tungo, and Master Zah all standing in the doorway, watching you.
"They're having romance!" Tungo exclaims
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evenmoreofadisaster · 10 months
Okay okay 2 hypotheticals and one universe question
1. If one/two looked into the mirror of erised (Harry Potter magic mirror that shows someone their deepest desires) what would they see?
2. If they were in a hunger games scenario would one make sure he and two got to the end and then sacrifice himself (or at least have that be his plan) and would two know that was his plan and come up with a different one or would he be blindsided? (Also would either of them come up with the bluff of both “dying together” in order to survive?)
Lore/universe question
1. Are one and two actually completely unable to access their ninpo at this point? Like I read the q&a response from the rise writer on Twitter recently and he answered the weapons they got originally were more conduits for the existing abilities the turtles have and I wondered if it was similar in the emd universe or different or maybe something undetermined? (If it’s too spoiler specific feel free to just say undetermined so we don’t know if it’s undetermined to you guys or to us right now the readers!)
ooh great questions!
I think One would see Two living happily with the Hamatos + April. Above all, he truly wants Two to be safe and happy and I think somewhere deep down he knows that he can't provide the kind of love and stability that Two needs to have a good life (he still tries though). Two would probably see the ideal version of himself, which would change throughout the story in the details, but overall just be a respected and useful individual. Right now, he'd see a version of himself that is understood by Draxum and an equal to One.
2. HUNGER GAMES. One would definitely have a plan to get him and his brother through the games. If Raph and Mikey are involved, then he probably wouldn't tell Two his ENTIRE plan (assuming Two still wants Raph and Mikey alive). If they're not involved, as long as One knows that Two will be on the same page then One would probably inform him of the plan. HONESTLY though I wouldn't be surprised when they're the last ones standing that Two would double cross One--- mind you, One would probably see it coming so they do wind up fighting each other. I think it depends on what the stakes are though 'cause they'd definitely beat each other up but I don't think they'd go through with killing each other unless the stakes were really high--- but even in that case, One would probably just give up bc he won't kill his brother. Two might come close to it but I don't think he'd be able to go through with it. in the end, they band together and take out the whole organization lmao. Two would blow up the walls.
Yes, they are. No ninpo for them. In EMD, the mystic weapons already have some kind of magic on their own, but the ninpo sort of enhances the weapon's abilities, which is why One can still use the portals. He just can't make huge portals and he can't do what Leo was able to do in season 2 or the movie. Any of Two's mystics comes from his mystic crystals, which he uses to make awesome stuff. But yeah, no ninpo, and, to him, that's a very big very bad flaw in their mutation. He's spent a lot of time and resources trying to fix it, even though Draxum doesn't really expect him to. So you can imagine why it's so jarring when their fellow Alpha 9 mutants seem to use their mystic powers just fine :)
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enlighten3d · 11 months
its amazing.
(spoilers for tmnt mutant mayhem!!!!!)
this is all going to be very incoherent and in all caps
SO I FUCKING LOVE IT. ITS NOT MY FAVOURITE (thats rise, i owe my soul to rise), BUT.
gods its so amazing
leo is. in the words of my good friend, @sp-teri, "leo is cringefail". i love leo so much. donnies my favourite, but. leo is wonderful. HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT HES DOING AND HAS LITERALLY NO RIZZ (donnie described it perfectly) HES AMAZING
how is superflys plan even supposed to WORK. i mean, he wants to turn all animals into mutants and kill humans. HOW DOES THE OOZE (i love that its called ooze in this. ooze rights.) DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN ANIMALS AND HUMANS????? HUMANS ARE ANIMALS TOO...
idk, ill chalk it up to movie logic, i guess.
HES A KPOP STAN. im so proud of him.
AND DONNIE HIMSELF. HES MY FAVOURITE. I LOVE HIM. HES SO SASSY AND AMAZING AND HE HAS SO MUCH PERSONALITY AND. i stan every version of donnie (...even 2012 donnie...) BUT MM!DONNIE? HES MY SECOND-FAVOURITE (once again, my soul belongs to rise).
donnie is. hes so cool Ɛ>
i literally dont have words.
and oh, oh! that weird boss lady that wants to milk the turtles (every damn time they said that they were gonna milk the turtles, i was. that shits hilarious. "they/we dont even have nipples!")! my theory, with basically no evidence to it, is that SHES A KRAANG OR SMTH. IDK. i mean, she mentioned utroms????
and omg the turtles get to go to school. im so happy for them. THEY GET TO BE TEENAGERS! i do not approve of them taking their masks off, but pop off ig LMAO.
oh my gods the fuckin childishly drawn scene near the beginning where theyre dreaming about their 'impossible' future is. IT COMES TRUE!!!! almost. BECAUSE THE CHILDISHLY DRAWN VERSIONS OF THEM HAD SIXPACKS, ABHAHAHEBRBDJGJKE THAT IS SO FUCKING FUNNY TO ME-
Back to the art! it was all so... 3d... which is a bit of a redundant statement, considering that i watched the movie in 3d, BUT. it was so... lively ! they were all so animated (pun intentional)!! its such a UNIQUE artstyle and is so amazing and wonderful Ɛ>Ɛ>Ɛ>
im. i dont draw so i cant rly properly marvel at the wondrousness of the art, BUT AS SOMEONE WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ART??? ITS SO FUCKING PRETTY AND BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
oh and all the little connections and references and parallels to the other iterations of tmnt!!! their goofy-ass belts w their initials, splinter being like... was it 2003 splinter that was originally a rat instead of a human? OH the movie also kinda reminded me of bay tmnt in some ways! cant rly explain it... but there are connections to all the other shows and movies and its so cool ... (not pointing out any rise or 2012 connections because theyre just so INHERENT??? mm is, in a way, kinda like if rise were 2012. BUT ALSO NOT. BECAUSE ITS A SEPARATE THING. but its one way to describe it.)
but also, quickly going back to aprileo thing, i dont. im not into it. leo, i support your rights and wrongs, TRUST ME I DO, but. idk abt this one, man... i rly hope they dont make aprileo properly canon and april just rejects leo. tbf im not big on romance in general, but i rly do think of the turtles and april as being family. aprileo is just odd. BUT I AM VERY GOOD AY IGNORING ROMANCE SO. hopefully i wont have to do that tho.
SPEAKING OF ROMANCE. THE FUCKING SPLINTER X THAT ONE COCKROACH MUTANT? THAts KINDA DISGUSTING BUT ALSO FUCKING HILARIOUS. never thought id see a rat and a cockroach making out be animated in a movie. that cockroach is splinters cockroach friend back when he was just a rat, wasnt she... SHE DIDNT DIE AFTER GETTING RUN OVER BY A SCOOTER!!! accurate to real life cockroaches lmaooo
and the climax of the movie!! i cant believe leos 'we can do it' speech worked. like. POP OFF, but. raph is right, only time leo was ever cool Ɛ> /aff
and the ending of the movie,,, THEY GET TO GO TO SCHOOOLLL!!! WITH APRILLLLLLLL (O'NEILLLLL)!!!!!!
mikey gets to join the improv comedy club.... im unashamed to say that i legit laughed at his 'australian nike is crikey' joke LMAO. its. im laughing just thinking about it. dont. dont question me, i love bad jokes sm
mikey looks like a watermelon Ɛ>
watermelon guy... but fr, mikey is v pog tooooo!! i dont particularly have much to say about him,, i didnt pay much attention to him honestly, but hes still VERY COOL
and raph is cool too!!! i just didnt pay much attention to him either qhdhjd
i love them all so much holy shit.
i love this movie so much.
its so amazing.
its so pretty.
the plot is so goofy.
i cant wait for the tv show.
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writinandcrying · 2 years
Hellou!Im the persone who asked about requests a while back(Mainly because I didnt wanna overwhelm you if theyre closed) and Im really glad they are.Anyway,could I request Donnie(TMNT),Tamaki(BNHA) and/or FatGum(BNHA)(Also,I hope I havent gone over the character limit) with a slightly chubby s/o?(Insecure or not,you chose!).You dont have to do this if you dont want to tho!Have a nice week❤
Hellou! Thank you so much for being so thoughtful, I’ll have to apologize tho, I no longer write for bnha, I had a huge burnout fand I do not feel comfortable writing about it anymore, I hope a veeeery detailed Donnie reaction to a chubby reader will make up for the absence of those characters! ♥️
Tmnt - Donnie x Chubby reader (Gender Neutral!)
I’ll have to start that all of the boys wouldn’t judge or reject you based on your appearance, being either chubby, slim, tall, short, there are a few attributes that I think each turtle would find it e seeing or interesting, but it’s more… humanly related(?) maybe one day I’ll make a post about it if you guys wanna hear my opinion on it hehe :)
Donnie(generalized) x Chubby Reader:
just like there are certain stuff about the turtles that they like and dislike about themselves, there are stuff about humans who think the same about themselves! and even though Donnie knows there are beauty standards that control many areas in humans society, he still doesn’t understand why people outcast those who are different
I think some of us (readers / shippers) get a bit :C when thinking about Donnie bc in almost every version, he had a crush on April (who is a babe in every. Version. Specially rise, I love rise-April so much, and that’s the only apriltello I’ll let it slide lmao) and that can give a “perception” that he wouldn’t even glance at some of us ( “us” = being a huge group, trans, guys, chubby girls, chubby guys, skinny girls and guys, everyone who doesn’t fit the normie mold I guess- I unfortunately think about that often. Which sucks cuz I gotta remind myself that isn’t true!!! At all!!)
I personally Headcanon Donnie being… I don’t know if interested would be the correct word, but more intrigued with how humans relate to each other, on their first missions, he knew they could… scare some of them off, “frightened by their own prejudice” as master splinter would say, but it’s far more different to hear about it than to actually live it, and it hurts to hear someone scream their heart out just by seeing you
While growing up, he started to notice not only in television, on and off midia, how people would mess around with others on the street just because of their appearance, he knew society worked though this beauty standards, but he didn’t understand it. It didn’t made sense! value someone based on what they look like? There are so many things, so many attributes to make someone interesting, and you gonna pick the most…. Boring? Plain? Vague? Shallow reason to create privilege over others? Really? (And thst enters on the topic of how almost all beauty standards are rooted in white privileged and racism but I’ll go on a tangent about it once I start it and I’ve already said a lot lols)
He could literally go on for hours about this topic (which he has. At least tried with each one of his brothers, but they never really responded well to so said topic “if humans have it bad, then what do we have left?” Raphael barked back once, an attempt to shut him up, which it worked, btw- he didn’t like to go through that direction when thinking about that topic, but yeah, what does he have left?)
He started searching about different aesthetics, ethnicities, he has folders on Pinterest dedicated different body types, cultures, he swears it’s for research reasons, which kinda is, but Donnie’s guilty pleasure is checking “different” people online, those who would deem strange and weird outside the internet, he liked seeing their content and specially their comment sections being filled with wonderful compliments, people relating to different styles and tastes, that gave him hope that there are someone out there with different views of how everyone should be “shaped”, and that maybe he will find someone who thinks he’s handsome and desirable (Donnie, just like Raph, is also insecure about his body, but he’s more… melancholic about it, if you confessed to Raphael, there would be a high change of him pushing you away, trying not to break his heart from actually believing you, while DonDon here, if you both started dating- on some days Donnie would need more reassurance that yes, his partner does think he’s handsome/hot/attractive. Otherwise he might internalize his insecurities and it will be HARD to get a confession “why he’s so upset out of the sudden” from this turtle)
With that being said!!!! (My god I do know how to ramble) without even realizing, Donnie open his “preferences”? Let’s say, Became more open minded than most, While seeking comfort for himself, and when he says he doesn’t have a type, he really doesn’t. There are so many aesthetics that could be attractive! punks, goths, cottagecore, y2k, dark academia, light academia, grunge, fairycore, alt, the list is endless! And don’t get him started on physical attributes cuz there are so many different combinations that some how, people manage to connect the most random ones and make it look great
Donnie wouldnt fall for someone specially bc of their appearance, or that would be the first reason he would fall head over heels, when you think about it, what happened to April it was that she was extremely passionate and dedicated to *insert which cause she was fighting for* and took Donnie seriously, that light up a lightbulb in his head that has never been on before, people showing how ardently they can be into something, how much they care and such, that’s attractive to him, and after that, everything that person does, or is, suddenly becomes beautiful and amazing for Donnie
Withthatbeingsaidpart2- if Donnie did fall for someone more on the chubbier side, their “plumpy-ness” would def be something to call his attention out after he developed feelings, he longed for your hugs, specially after he found out how soft and warm they were, he actually started having more naps after you caught his heart, imaging how it would be to cuddle someone as soft as you while hugging his pillow late at night on his bed (which eventually he would doze off from day dreaming so much)
Talking about day dreaming, Donnie can totally lose himself in his mind, just like with his projects, he can imerse himself in a fantasy about you two easily, which makes him totally freeze when you show up and he actually have to say or do something he has been constantly dreaming about
So please confess first, cuz when I say he can lose himself in his daydreams, that can last for months until he actually gathers courage to do something about it
While in a relationship, Donnie is totally a hopeless romantic, but not the typical “roses and candlelight’s dinner” kind, as your boyfriend, he wants to help you out no matter what, he will make aaaaas many inventions as he can that might increase the quality of your life, becomes easier to do… whatever, literally. And he always longs for your adorable reactions to his gifts
He adores your chubby cheeks, he will! Get lost! in your face! Your eyes! Eveything! He will oh so slowly caress his knuckles softly across it, sliding to your neck, traveling through your arms, he likes to squish your face a bit as well while cupping it when he goes for a kiss, he just thinks everything about you is adorable (and hot at the same time)
He really like the contraste his skin has with yours, it’s so foreign for him and he can’t help but to love how smooth your skin can be, (which leads his mind to ahem. Certain kind of thoughts. If you know what I mean)
Just like he needs reassurance about his appearance, he knows you probably had to deal with more than one unpleasant comment about your physique, so you don’t even have to ask, Donnie is so whipped with you, compliments about you just drip of his tongue, and it’s always so sweet, followed by a pair of soft eyes, always admiring you, plus, Donnie is a science / fact man, he would gather information about other cultures that value more curvy, chubby, bigger people, he would go as far as making a slide presentation how wonderful and more inclusive people are being (even if it doesn’t seams like it, and there’s still a long way to go) he would include real opinions online other than his on the matter that your body is indeed, a snack, (aaaaaand he is once again right, aaaaand just like everyone else you just have to live with it and accept it 😌 end of story)
He would definitely “put up to test” his theory of how amazing it is to cuddle someone who’s more on the chubbier side (and his theory is ✅ correct)
Cuddling becomes a weekly thing for you guys, that being you sitting on his lap, having naps, watching movies together, he loves to create or update his projects with you on his lap, holding you grounds him. Plus it’s easier to speak some kisses on your cheeks that way
He finds out some people on the heavier side stops themselves to live some experiences the hard way, he never wants to make you uncomfortable, ever. But it takes a while for him to understand why wouldn’t you like to, as an example, wear a bathing suit/ swimwear around other people, wearing lighter clothes when it’s absurdly hot during winter time, that you don’t like when he picks you up? things that don’t connect right away. he promises himself to never force you to do anything you don’t want to, but he slowly will try to support you to do whatever you have always wanted to but stopped yourself from doing so bc of your weight
He would take extra time while making out with you, he wants you to know how much he loves your body, every inch of it. Lowkey likes to drag his nails on your tights and mark you
Overall? Donnie is extremely thoughtful, independently of how his partner look like, if they were “part” of some sort of outcast from society, he would take his sweet time to show how important and special his partner is, he is extremely thankful to be able to experience love, something that not only him, but all of the boys, thought it was out of their reach for a really long time, so you bet he’s going to show how appreciative he is oof your love, of all of you 💜
I really tired to innovate a bit here, didn’t want to add the same stuff as other Headcanons that already exists (I mean, Its cute to read how we as writing blogs / authors “agree” on how the boys would react in certain situations, which it is a FactTM that Donnie is a sweetheart. but it’s also good to read new stuff, oooor you know, a new perspective of it, even if it is a “common” / “already done” scenario, you know? )
even if I mostly rambled about Donnie’s personality analysis than to actual stuff he would do or act around an chubby reader lmao, I truly hope you like this! I didn’t proof read this so I’m sorry if there are any grammar mistakes hehe
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bulbabutt · 1 year
Favorite joke/line in any TMNT version? For me, it's a tie between Rise!Raph's "Donnie, if you don't quit it with your *middle child nonsense*, I'm gonna SHOVE YOUR HEAD IN-THE TOILET!!!" from Flushed But Not Forgotten, and from 12: Leo: There's a force field? Why didn't you tell me?! Donnie: Well, because I wanted us to fail. OBVIOUSLY, I DIDN'T KNOW!!! Runners-up include "Donnie learned to drive in New York City" from 03, and the unintentional hilarity from banking on Vanilla Ice's star power in Secret Of The Ooze
Okay those are all SUCH good choices, especially vanilla ice lmfao
There is like 500 episodes of turtles so let me try and think of the biggest laugh moments me and my sibling had from each show
I can say there was one specific moment in rise where I paused the episode from laughing so hard and then immediately hit super like on Netflix, adding to the hilarity of the moment
which is the part in one man’s junk where Leo says “well somebody put the rust in rustic charm” and we hear BA DUM CHHH "who left this drumset here" because Raph TRIPPED OVER A DRUMSET. so fucking stupid but absolutely killed me
In 87 I feel like I reference it all the time in my comics, but the part in Rebel without a Fin where they’re looking for April in the sewers, Leo says “we’re gonna keep on looking until we find her!” And Raph goes “you know Leonardo, if all the sewers in this city were laid end to end” and he nods his head in such a cheap funny way “UH HUH?” “Well it would be a pretty ridiculous sight” and then Leo looks SO offended “but it would probably be long enough to reach from here to the moon!” And then he shoves his beak in Raphael’s face all mad “THANKS FOR SHARING RAPHAEL” To be honest that whole episode was fucking hilarious, they can’t get the villains name right, the villains henchman being so fucking BORED of being there.
In 12 it’s hard cuz so much of the big laughs I remember came from stupid references tbh (which is us being brain dead, not that the show isn’t funny) nothing made me laugh more than when the neutrinos showed up, and the pair of us were WAY TOO HAPPY TO SEE THAT JOE EYEBALL POPPED OUT OF MUCK MAN. Deadass cuz we were sitting there like aw there’s only one of the garbage men, so no joe eyeball? Then HIS EYEBALL BECAME JOE EYEBALL. Again. Brains were broken by that point.
And 03, i think its that part in notes from the underground where mikey complains that raph called him odd to donnie, and donnies like "youre just being sensitive!" and hes like "SENSITIVE? if theres ONE thing i hate its when PEOPLE CALL ME SENSITIVE!" but this might be because this was such a 'oh my god thats our brother' moment. to which, im happy to report, when i showed it to him he immediately said "this is literally bullying", proving my point abt it LMAO
AND. literally no one is gonna ask, but in the next mutation. any time bonesteel was on screen. cuz he makes this cracking noise with his jaw, its so stupid but so funny.
thanks for the question!
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fainthedcherry · 2 months
HAPPY TURTLE TUESDAYYY TMNT FANDOMMM!!!! I have a treat for y'all artists who love to make TMNT OCs!!! If you love the 2012 era, you're gonna love this one too!!!
A FREE TO USE TMNT DARK HORIZONS FLASH GAME CHARACTER SELECT TEMPLATE, MADE FROM THE ACTUAL GAME SPRITES!!! (Scroll below for the Google Drive of the files, credits first to the artist though sorry! :D)
(ft also the fancy animation particles for when you get to this menu, for those who wanna add it too! (( the GIF is the raw version, without the effect settings/scripts added in Flash tho.)))
(I am an artist posting this, who has replicated the game's art as a fan, so I want to disclose clearly, that these are NOT MY WORKS HERE.)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give all the credit to the SENIOR ART DIRECTOR working on this Flash game, Damian Aliberti and his team of artists from Quadramma (I could not find sources online that confirm who are said artists unfortunately, so I can only credit the art-director for now)!!!
He even made a page about this project, for his portfolio! Check it out, it's AWESOME!! (CLICK MEE / TAP MEEE)
^I didn't know they planned to bring this to mobile, so you can predict that I'm happy, that this game is still seemingly loved by the Italian studio that made it seemingly. x) (I can only assume they're Italian, due to the file-names, don't quote me on this though, barely any info exists on this Flash game as you can predict LOL)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
GOOD NOW THAT YOU HOPEFULLY READ WHO MADE THE PRETTY ART: CLICK ME OR TAP ME FOR THE GOOGLE DRIVEE (drive provides the GIF, a PSD, SAI2, PNG and MDP file!! [the joys of owning several art programs, making this much more accessible to people :v])
btw, also like..Maybe not use this for commercial/profit purposes though, that'd be profiting off resources you didn't make, and that are copyrighted. I don't think that's legal. :"v
NO CREDIT REQUIRED. COMPLETELY F2U. I did not after all make the assets, nor will claim so. :V as I mentioned, I extracted these from the actual game, which is why these are all so crisp and nice looking, instead of me using a snipping tool like 2 yrs ago for my fun challenge of recreating the game's artstyle LOL
I do NOT claim these assets or the art I've extracted as my own, this is all purely from the game, and very obviously, these are I guess, owned by Nickelodeon, so I ask you ofc do not...Do some legally questionable things w/ this stuff sdfklsd, pls behave fans, I'd rather not get reported for something I didn't do for providing this to the internet. xD
Whilst credit would be nice, and linking back to this would be even nicer for other fans who might just like me,, wanna replicate this cool game's aesthetic sdfskldglk, it's optional, completely LOL. It did only take like 2 hrs to piece this stuff together, to look like a real screenshot thank god. xD
I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO APPRECIATE THIS GAME'S ARTSTYLE NGL. THAT'S ALL I WANT. And if more ppl also would wanna draw in it it'd make me so happy. I am like...The most acoustic TMNT fan out there man, I have the weirdest wishes in mind xD
Hope anyone wants this orrr like needs it orr dreamt of doing this too orrrr just never thought about doing it, but now that a free template is out there, someone might also wanna do it!! I love whenever like- fandom templates and stuff is made. I plan to maybe make this a Toyhou.se code too, since I do have the raw files of the games and could try to see if I can replicate the animations and stuff and make it non-premium and premium!
(Maybe I should make fandom codes more often in general tho at the topic of that, did it before for Terraria and helped out w/ a Monster High code, to give it a mobile compatible version LMAO)
If anyone or me figures out the artists behind the sprites, I'd gladly show them too, bc GORGEOUS GAME MAN!!!! THEY DESERVE ANY PRAISE THEY GET FOR THE ART AND THE GAME ITSELF ANSAHSHAJS, here I go again I swear, I'm done yapping now. I should participate in internet olympics when it comes to writing essays in every post I ever made. xD
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hood-ex · 5 months
not to sound like a copycat, but my fave is also Mikey 🤭!! 2k12 has a special place with me because it was my intro to the turtles, but 2k3 is phenomenal- also, the 2007 movie whenever i want Leo & Raph angst lmao. that rooftop fight scene in the rain 💔 hmmmm okay SO initially my fave pair was Raph and Mikey, but then in my most recent rewatch, i was like 👀 the Leo and Mikey dynamic sooooo maybe a tie between those two?? but also pretty much anyone with Mikey is a+. it’s so hard to pick. and this isn’t a pair necessarily, but donnie pov things where he’s like analyzing his role/relationships- i am an absolute sucker for those.
ajsjasjsksk STOP ✋, you’re going to make me cry, i will legit never forget reading that scene for the first time and BAWLING. the movie is such a comfort movie, used to rent that sucker from the library, and now i stream it all the time. it’s nice to have on, even if i’m not actively watching hehe
okay, my turn to ask, if you’d like to answer!! which order did you get into them? for me it was, tmnt, the outsiders, and then batfam 😊
Ahhh that makes me so happy that you're also a Mikey stan! I have such fond memories of laughing while watching 2k12. I was sooo sad when Leo's original voice actor got fired and replaced though. His voice fit so perfectly with the other turtles. That's the one thing about 2k12 that makes me 😭. Well, that, and the season they spent most of in space. I preferred the NYC based seasons. But other than that, 2k12 was fun and angsty. Plus it had the cheese phone! *gasp* The cheese phone! Truly an emergency! It also had the scene of Tiger Claw trying to get Mikey, and Mikey just like... throwing himself off of the subway train or whatever the hell it was. Ahh that was a good season for some little Mikey hurt/comfort moments.
Ohh yes the famous Raph and Leo 2k7 movie fight. I'll be honest, I can't really stand the entire plot of that movie, and I also hate the fact that they cut the scene of Donnie telling Splinter he couldn't have any birthday cake bc of his health, and Mikey then sneaking Splinter a piece of cake 😭. 2k7 is also funny because it's Splinter being like, "Leonardo, you must go learn to be a leader by yourself in the middle of nowhere." And it's like, uh idk, sounds like he kinda needs a team to practice leading alksdja. Why did he even need to practice at all 😭.
Yeees the Mikey and Raph dynamic is stellar, and if you haven't read the IDW comics, I love the moments they have together in that as well. Lol now I'm thinking of that scene in 2k3 where Mikey was pretending to be hurt, and Raph was like, "What is it, Mikey?? I'm right here." And then Mikey just laughed at him ASLKDJA. Love when they annoy each other but also act soft/loving to each other.
I love Donnie and Mikey. They're the fun adhd/autism duo, and I love that some ROTTMNT stans refer to them as the smarts and crafts duo. Smarts and crafts 😭. That's so cute 😭. And yeees love Donnie POV things.
You stream it all the time?? Ahhh that's amazing. I actually have the complete novel version of the movie on DVD, I haven't watched it in a long time. I can't remember if it's the edited version or the novel version that has the shitty music 😭. You know what's funny though is that my phone ringtone is actually a song from the soundtrack. It's "Gloria" by Them and Van Morrison. Think it plays while Dally, Pony, and Johnny are walking to the movies and chase those little kids with the cards alsdkja.
Love that! For me, I know The Outsiders was first. I think I got into TMNT and batfam around the same time, so I can't remember which comes second. Did you get into batfam through comics or from one of the DC shows/movies?
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