#while I’m imploding trying to do animation stuff
galaxyhanart · 1 year
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@unknown-traveler-of-the-universe TRUST ME I WANT TOOOOOOOO I’m in my senior year of college so fan-projects are kind of on the back burner rn. I’ll always answer questions sent my way about it, I love talking about it! But I’m kinda drowning in animation homework rn too badly to do anything concrete SGSKDGDJ
IF YOU WANNA WRITE STUFF GO AHEAD!!! Writing, drawings, anything based on the AU, I gladly accept! I’m working on my own fic for the AU but **looks at my workload** that won’t be happening for. A while. So feel free to write stuff and tag me in it!
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calliecat93 · 1 year
I think I’m going to do a big step away from the animation world for a while. I’ll still reblog stuff but it feels like everything in the industry is imploding and I am stressing myself out. I’m a mix of done with everything and tired of everything and I think that’s a sign that I need to step away. As in not keeping up with any news or anything because it doesn’t make me feel anything anymore except either irritated or apathetic. That’s not good. I’ve been thinking of getting into some live action shows and stuff since it’s an avenue I’ve never really explored, and heck maybe I’ll try to get into classical animation and anime again to fill the void. But yeah… when the thing that makes me happy is causing the opposite, tbat’s a BIG sign that it’s time to step away.
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Do you do “cuteness”/safety ratings?
I do not. I am not a fan of the concept of “ratings” blogs in general, honestly. There’s a couple of reasons for that.
Firstly, I am a Tumblr Old, and every ratings-type blog I’ve ever seen that existed to tell people if animal content was okay or not has imploded over time. Sometimes that has been related to their content/topic of choice, sometimes not. It happened when the first blogs like that showed up, and it’s still happening now. Either way, they seem to be a direct path to endless drama, and I want none of that, thanks.
Second, ratings blogs have to be really, really tightly curated to the expertise of the blogger in order to be trustworthy, accurate sources. And when you’re in a position of being seen as an expert on animal stuff by the internet, it’s incredibly tempting to step outside your area of expertise to pass judgement on things. People like your opinions and want to hear them! You’re respected for your knowledge! It is a seductive, seductive path to being far too comfortable speaking outside your wheelhouse.
This is actually part of why the blog slowed down a few years ago and eventually went on hiatus for a while: as it got more and more popular, people wanted me to cover more and more things, and I ended up kinda paralyzed by the need to do so much research in order to respond to those requests. I didn’t want to spread misinformation, but it was so hard to just say no and not try to answer questions. I’m much more comfortable now setting boundaries for myself about what I know enough to address and what I don’t have the appropriate credentials for.
Third, to do any successful science communication - which is what running a rating blog effectively is - you have to know what you don’t know! This is something that comes with time and professional experience in a field. You can’t speedrun it or skip it. And if you don’t know what you don’t know on a topic you want to write about, you’re at high risk of spreading misinformation. Guess what? I know this one from experience! There were times I overreached in the early days of WADTT, either because I didn’t know I was unaware of something, or because it just felt so good to have people want to know what I thought! (My goal is to find the time to go back and share those posts with updated, corrected content and commentary).
As mentioned above, I do a lot of work to be comfortable with not knowing things. I either do the research needed to find an answer when I run into an unknown, admit I don’t know and can’t answer, or simply don’t engage with the topic if I can’t contribute productively. This is where a lot of ratings blogs run into issues, as they generally reflect just the individual knowledge of the blogger(s) writing them. There’s a big difference between having an opinion that you discuss with your friends, and having an opinion that you share with thousands or tens of thousands of people. If you’ve shared an incorrect opinion about something in a way that’s amplified across tumblr, even if you fix your mistake publicly, there’s no way to stop the earlier misinformation from continuing to spread.
And fourth, there’s that word I keep using: authoritative. Content that provides a rating is very black-and-white. This is bad. This is good. Do support this, don’t support that. Unfortunately, there are so, so few situations involving animals are actually that clear cut. This is especially true when we’re talking about recorded animal media, like photos, videos, and even documentaries, because a lot of the context has been removed. So that authoritative perspective? It’s really just someone on the internet telling you what you should believe.
I’d rather teach people how to think about animal content and draw their own conclusion. People gain so much more knowledge from engaging with the concepts themselves. If you just give someone an answer about a video being ok or not, for instance, they don’t learn how to assess the next one themselves. But if you teach them what questions to ask, how to work through what they want to learn, how to assess context, and where to find the information they need, they’re able to do it themselves with content in the future. Teaching and encouraging independent analysis of animal media is a much better way to stop misinformation or unethical content from spreading compared to just telling people some stuff is bad and they should stop sharing it.
So nope, no ratings here. Sometimes I’ll comment on things that my professional background allows me to be comfortable having an authoritative opinion on (e.g. the danger of unmonitored interactions between dogs and babies) but most of the time, I’m going to tell you what I see, what I know, what I don’t know, and what my thoughts are and why. My goal in running this blog and teaching people is about the journey, not the destination.
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disgruntledspacedad · 3 years
Jayyy!! Sweet, slutty in the AM.
Without giving BL spoilers, or maybe you won't? Idk 👀👀 not *cough* fishing or anything *cough*
Can I please have 💖 for Javier??? I'm curious...
Angel out-
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Javiears pregnancy headcanons? You got it, babe!
Quick and obvious disclaimer to treat all of these as if they are a Better Love AU, at least until I tell you otherwise. 😘
Any baby that these two have would be a total surprise. Ears never wanted kids, and Javi has never thought long enough about it to decide how he feels about a family. He’s always assumed that was never in the cards for him.
Once the initial shock wears off - and that’s gonna take quite a while for both of them - Javi and Ears both jump feet first into the parenting thing. They each harbor some intense opinions about what a kid should and shouldn’t have to put up with, and there are lots of deep conversations that Last into the early morning hours. They nail down the important stuff pretty early, decide that they’ll figure out the rest with time, and discover a whole lot more about one another in the process.
Ears’ body hates being pregnant. She doesn’t realize it, but she’s got her Ashkenazi ancestry to thank for this. Ears is sick as dog snot clear through her first trimester and well into her second, exhausted and achy and throwing the fuck up. She gets awful migraines, too. There are days when Javi is convinced that carrying this baby is going to kill her, and he worries a lot.
Ears handles all of this as stoically as she can. She’s miserable, but she’s not about to complain and make Javi feel even worse.
Speaking of Javi, that protective streak he’s got goes into overdrive the instant Ears tells him about the baby. Ears has got to constantly remind him that she’s pregnant, not dying, and Javi good god, please just let me do things, okay??
That being said, it takes Javi a little while to connect the idea of Ears being pregnant to Ears carrying his baby. It’s all very abstract to him, to the point that on Ears’ worst days, Javi almost feels a little resentful.
That all changes at Ears’ sixteen week appointment. She’s just starting to feel like a human again, and this time, Javi is allowed to go back with her.
Oh my god, you guys, when Javier Peña sees that blurry, black and white, tiny little baby on the ultrasound screen... yall, his entire world shifts.
Ears notices instantly. It’s kind of hard not to, given how tightly Javi is suddenly gripping her hand. He glances over at him to find his eyes glued to the screen, silent tears rolling down his cheeks. It takes her aback a little. “You okay?” she asks quietly, and Javi nods, drags his eyes away from the ultrasound screen and gives her a soft, wet smile, and something slots into place for Ears, too.
Javi quits smoking cold turkey that day. Seeing his tiny little daughter for the first time put a lot of things into perspective, and Javi decides then and there that he wants to be there for her as long as possible.
The first three weeks are miserable. Javi does his best to get out of the house when he’s feeling tetchy (which is always), and Ears does her best to be understanding, but they get into more than a few little spats.
The makeup sex is 🔥🔥🔥, though.
Ears is not a big girl. When she starts to show, she shows fast, and Javi swears he can see her body change every day. Ears is pretty indifferent. She’s not self conscious - Ears finds pregnancy to be inconvenient, more than anything.
Javier Peña has never seen anything as beautiful as Hannah Aarons carrying his child.
Javi fucking loves it. There’s something primal about running his hand over the gentle swell of Ears’ belly and knowing that it’s his daughter that’s growing there. He’s not one to talk to the bump, but Javi can hardly stop himself from touching it. All the fucking time. Ears will sometimes playfully shoo him away. “Hands to yourself, you animal. I’m trying to nap!”
Seriously, their sex life doesn’t suffer at all. It doesn’t help that Ears refuses to buy maternity clothes. She’d much rather lounge around in Javi’s t-shirts and his old sweats, something that makes Javi’s cave man brain damn near implode every single time he sees it.
Ugh, and he’s sweet to her. Observant and affectionate and accommodating of absolutely everything. Cravings? Tell me what you want, babe, I’ll get three. Foot massage? Come here, mi reina, let me make it better. Yawning through dinner? Go get in bed, Ears, I’ve got dishes tonight.
Javi starts noticing Ears’ puffy feet somewhere around the 28th week or so. Ears swears they don’t hurt, exactly, so they both write it off as one of those weird pregnancy things.
It’s not. Ears has severe pre-eclampsia. Javi only finds this out after Ears gets a migraine so bad that she can’t see straight. Javi carries her to the car and forces her to go to the hospital. They’re there for all of five minutes when the doctor on call deems Ears’ blood pressure to be high enough to constitute a medical emergency, and Javi’s world is turned upside down again when he hears the word “c-section.”
Ears is only 33 weeks pregnant.
Less than an hour later, Javi is holding his baby girl. She’s tiny, the tiniest little human that Javi has ever seen, but she’s got a hell of a set of lungs on her, and Javi has never been so relieved, so stunned, so riveted, or so enraptured by anything in his entire life.
Oh, shit, he’s crying again.
She’s absolutely perfect. Off her oxygen within two days, taking feedings like a champ, and obliterating every goal her pediatrician sets for her.
Javi is so fucking proud when his girl is discharged a full week earlier than the doctors anticipated. She’s still a little small, but growing like a weed, and Javi just knows that between her and her mom, he’s gonna have his hands full.
Ears is fine, just a little sore. There are no long term complications from pre-eclampsia, so as soon as she’s up and sort of moving, Ears in full mom mode.
Ears loves being a mom, but she and Javi are in full agreement on this - one and done.
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ging-ler · 3 years
My Goals for 2022
A New Year is upon us! Which means it’s time to reset my little art brain, and figure out what I wanna work on more this year. Last year gave me so many opportunities to grow as an artist, but its time I explore new things as well. So, here’s what I wish to accomplish next year:
1.) Comics. This is a big one for me. If I ever want to become a graphic novelist, then I need to start working on this format. This means I’ll have a lot more stories to tell, both for fandom works and my own original stories (small stories).  I’m both nervous and excited to try this out, it takes a lot longer to make which means it’ll be harder to get stuff out, but I hope the experience is more enjoyable to consume!
2.) Original Characters (for originals stories). Bruh I’ve had these characters in my head since I was 16 if I don’t show them to the world soon I’ll implode. But I also need to flesh out their designs. This story I have may not be fully developed for years but if I don’t start the process now, who knows if it will ever happen at all?
3.) BNHA Next Gen. Okay this might seem a little silly bear with me here, but I have 8 next gen kids, who all have their own characters and personalities and connections to other characters. And I just think it would be a lot of fun to tell their stories! You guys have only ever seen one (Kirari) but soon you’ll be introduced to 3 more and then over time I plan on giving everyone their own character sheets. This, to me, will be a refreshing way to keep making art for the BNHA fandom while also being able to create my own characters, and to keep myself making new BNHA content that isn’t just Shinkami every single time (not that I’m going to stop drawing Shinkami, are you kidding? I’ll never stop, I just need something new to draw too)
4.) Animation. Nothing big!! even if it’s just a few blades of grass blowing in the wind, or eyes blinking, I just want to explore the medium a little more. I think it’ll be fun and give my art a new flare!
5.) Oh. I wanna write too. This was a goal I set last year and I completely failed. Thats okay, I’m still alive so that means I get to try again. I already plan to post my first ever shinkami fic within the next few days, but I hope to make at least one or two more fics of my own. Even though writing isn’t my strong suit, I wanna do it anyways because I do think it’s fun (when I’m not in my own head about). 
These are the 5 goals I have just going into 2022, but who knows what I’ll want to accomplish as the year goes on. I may never get to any of these goals, which is okay too. As long as there in my mind, someday, I’ll get to them!
What are you’re goals for 2022?
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bleachanimefan1 · 3 years
Oblitus Part 26 I.M.P
39 Days Left Until Extermination...
"Will all hotel staff come to the main lobby for an important announcement!" Charlie's voice echoed throughout the hallways. Everyone walked into the lobby to see the princess and Vaggie, waiting.
Husk eyes were red and blood shot, while his fur had several tangles and mats as Niffty tried to brush them out. He tried to shove her away as she did. Angel was half naked while he had on a very short shorts much to Alastor's discomfort while Husk on the other hand was flustered. Alastor was perfectly dressed as always, standing and waiting, with a smile etched across his face, although he had slight dark circles underneath his eyes. Anna, who was standing next to him, looked worse for wear. Her hair was a complete mess, not even brushed as if she just crawled out of bed. Her eyes were bloodshot as well as she let out a yawn wanting to go back to sleep. 
"What's the big idea calling so damn early at 6 o' clock in the morning?!" Angel questioned angrily still half asleep while holding Fat Nuggets who was sleeping in his arms.
"Since, everyone's been cooped up at the hotel for awhile. I thought that we should go out and have some fun. In celebration for Niffty's redemption, we are going to my dad's theme park, LuLu World!" Charlie explained.
 "LuLu World?" Anna asked, confused half asleep and dazed.
 "LuLu World!?" Niffty exclaimed, excitedly.
 "Lu Lu World!" Charlie shouted, happily.
 "I can't wait to tell Baxter!" Niffty said.
 Alastor glanced down at Anna. "Looks like this is a perfect opportunity for our date!" He said. 
 "Y-Ay!" Anna answered while smiling nervously. She did not the smile that the radio demon had on his face. 
The limo parked right in front of the park's entrance and everyone stepped out. Husk pulled Anna aside away from everyone and whispered.
"If he does anything weird to you, just scream." 
 "Got it." Anna nodded.
Everyone went their separate ways, Husk with Angel, Niffty with Baxter, and Vaggie with Charlie along with Razzle and Dazzle, Charlie bodyguard goat pets, as they left Alastor and Anna alone together.
"So what do you like to do first?!" Alastor asked leaning in far too close to Anna's personal bubble.
"Why don't you pick then I'll choose the next one?" Anna shrugged. Alastor hummed in thought before answering.
"Merry go round!"
"Are you serious?" Anna questioned.
"Why, yes, indeedy!" Alastor replied. He dragged Anna by her hand as they headed towards the ride. Some of the carousel were shaped like apples while some had a dark horse. Both Alastor and Anna, each, climbed onto the horse. The ride started up and slowly began to spin around. Anna held onto the pole as the ride began to pick up speed. It couldn't go faster could it?
It did... 
The ride went faster, and faster as it went around. Anna shut her eyes as she began to lightheaded and dizzy. Alastor on the hand was enjoying every second of it as he leaned back, raising his hands in the air as the ride went faster, hooping and hollering. Who knew he was such a big man child!I
As the ride continued to go faster, not too far off from the side, hiding in a abandoned booth were the three imps. Blitzo fired a couple rounds but missed mostly hitting some unfortunate demons and imps and shooting and breaking some of the carousel as well.
At the end of the ride, Anna found herself face first into a trashcan as she puked up the remains of the breakfast she had earlier. She glared up at the radio demon who was standing beside her, innocently, with a smug smile on his face. 
"Now, let's go on that ride!" Alastor suggested, pointing over towards a rollercoaster as it plummeted down to the ground fast, combustion in a fiery explosion. Anna whimpered as she stared at the ride with wide eyes. This guy is going to kill me! Alastor laughed but suddenly stopped as he saw something strange. 
 He noticed a red dot appeared on Anna's forehead. "You know what, I changed my mind. Let's go do something else instead!" He quickly insisted.
 "Okay? Up for a little shooting?" Anna asked. Alastor smiled.
"You read my mind!" He replied then linked his arm around Anna's, heading towards the stand.
Pop! A random balloon, that was held by an imp child, imploded, from out of thin air as it was shot, crying as it did.
The two walked straight up to a shooting stand. It had angels for targets as well as cherubs. There were an assortment of stuffed prizes hanging from the walls. 
"Step right up! Step right up!" The imp shouted. "Shoot the angels and win a prize!"
"Mind if I have a try?" Anna asked.
"Are you sure that you can handle it?" Alastor mused, teasing. Anna frowned. She wanted so badly to wipe that smirk off his face. She picked up the pistol and the imp started the targets. Anna turned to the vendor.
"Make them to faster." She stated. 
"Are you sure?" The imp laughed. "I think your at cream puff level at best." 
Anna nodded. "Do it." 
"Okay, don't say I didn't warn ya!" The imp exclaimed, pulling down the lever. "Cranking it up to God speed!" 
The targets began to move at an excessive alarmingly fast rate, hard enough for everyone who was watching to see. Suddenly, one by one each target fell as Anna fired each round. There was a stunned silence as no one made a sound as they stared frozen in shock. Alastor, with wide eyes and a frozen smile, standing rigid. Each target was down, not a shot missed. 
"Holy shit!" The imp vendor exclaimed in shock.
"I'll take the deer stuffed animal, thank you." Anna replied, blushing, a little, embarrassed from everyone staring. The imp still standing in shock handed the animal out towards her. Anna took it and gave it to Alastor who was along with everyone else still in shock, a deer in headlights.
"Let's do something else, shall we?" Anna suggested, quickly walking away. Alastor chased after her right at her heels.
Where did that come from?!" He questioned.
"What?"Anna shrugged, acting like what just happened was no big deal.
"THAT! What you just did back there!" Alastor pressed further.
"Well, I did tell you that my father was a hunter. Sometimes he would take me with him. It used to be a hobby between just the two of us." Anna explained.
"Why didn't you tell me that you can shoot!" Alastor shouted.
"You never asked." Anna answered.
Alastor laughed. "Fair point." 
 "I'm getting a little hungry mind getting some shaved ice?" Anna suggested. It wasn't what Alastor was used too or liked, but he agreed.
"Sound's like berries to me!"
Eventually, the two were now sitting down on a bench eating their shaved ice in silence. Alastor chose Cherry flavored while Anna went with Blueberry. Every once in a while, Anna would glance over at Alastor before looking away when he noticed her looking at him.
"Have your parents ever told you that it's rude to stare?" Alastor asked. "Something on your mind, darling?"
"Well, you know some stuff about me. But, I hardly know anything about you, besides your mom. Like did you do in your past life, when you were alive? How did you end up here?" Anna asked, curious.
Alastor tensed as the remains of his cone fell to the ground. "You are asking some very dangerous questions." 
"I still want to know." Anna insisted.
 "Why?" Alastor questioned.
 "Don't you want to be redeemed as well?" Anna asked. Alastor laughed.
"Darling, I'm far from redeemable!" Alastor said. "If you know of the despicable things I've done. You would be repulsed!"
"Try me." Anna replied. Alastor twitched, a little irritated. He sighed and started.
"Very well, then. I was a very popular radio star in New Orleans. I gave daily announcements about news and events. One of my most famous reports was a serial killer."
"Really? Did they ever catch him?" Anna asked.
Alastor laughed. "You can say that. You're sitting right next to him!" 
Anna's eyes widen and she nervously swallowed. "Y-You're a serial killer?"
"Yes. Now you know my dirty past." Alastor rolled his eyes. "Any more questions?"
 "Why?" Anna asked.
 "Why, what?" Alastor questioned.
 "Why did you do it?" Anna asked.
Alastor shrugged. "Well, at first for a while, it was abusers, rapists, anyone who were lost causes. But, soon I had a craving for more. Pretty much every other week there was a killing." He finished while Anna listened, taking in everything that he had told her. 
"Alastor," Anna said. "Most of those people were murderers. You probably saved a lot more lives than you took."
"You think so?" Alastor laughed. "Well, I hate to break it got you, my dear. But, you are wrong. It wasn't my place to judge for their actions." Even he couldn't believe the words that escaped from his mouth. 
"Surely, you must feel a little remorse?" Anna pressed. "Even a little?"
"No, not a bit." Alastor answered.
Then Alastor noticed the strange red dot again as it appeared on Anna. He made a strained smile. This was getting annoying! He briskly signaled his shadows, while Anna was looking away, that were hiding, to find out where it was coming from. His shadows immediately took off, darting away to the source. High on top of the ferris wheel, Blitzo was aiming a rifle at Anna setting it's scope on her.
"I got you now, bitch!" Blitzo shouted.
As Blitzo was about to squeeze the trigger, several dark shadows loomed over the three imps.
"Holy shit!" Blitzo screamed. The shadows lunged at the three terrified imps.
"They belong to the radio demon!" Millie cried out.
"This is not worth risking our lives over, sir!" Moxxie screamed out.
"OH HELL NO!" Blitzo shouted. FUCK THIS! SCATTER!"
The three imps desperately tried to get away from the shadows as they bailed out from the passenger car. Now falling from a great height and hurling towards the ground, landing right onto an inflatable bounce house. It began to deflate as screaming kids were trying to get out.
Then a thick blue book fell landing right in front of Charlie and Vaggie who were walking nearby.
"Hey, what's that?" Vaggie asked. Charlie's picked it up, examining it. Her eyes widened in surprise. The latin labeling on the cover gave it away. It was indeed the book. She glanced over at Vaggie who was looking at her, waiting.
"Uh, nothing!" Charlie quickly answered. "Absolutely, nothing!"
 "Hon,-" Then Vaggie stopped as she saw Alastor and Anna approaching as they headed towards them. The princess quickly hid the book behind her back. Vaggie walked over to them. Charlie looked behind her to see Razzle and Dazzle.
"Take this and hide it away for now." She whispered to them. Her two goat pets took the book and ran off heading towards the limo as everyone got ready to leave. 
A s everyone left, the three jumps crawled out from the popped deflated bounce house.
"oh, nice job, sir. You lost the book." Moxxie groaned.
"Shut the fuck up, Moxxie!" Blitzo growled.
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doomstypewriter · 4 years
sorry things have been crazy but im back and maybe i should start using a signature or sth but:
firstly: could you elaborate on the carnival idea? because it sounds cool but im not fully sure what to imagine (bear with me ive only seen the phantom of the opera once several years ago) unless you think that would give away too much
leaving dead animals and destroying the chandelier and effectively half of the palazzo would certainly be very much in typical remus fashion sksksk
secondly again you dont have to use anything (let alone multiple things) i say but: i cant stop thinking about patton and romina awkwardly being each others beards and virginia and janus standing off to the side laughing at them
i also love the idea of them creating their own slang like ""talking"" and ""token of friendship"". if they made references to that i would laugh very hard
pirate intrulogical! pirate intrulogical! pirate intrulogical!
logan being a mad scientist of his era! suggesting outlandish things such as the earth revolving around the sun!
logan being perfectly respectable and janus thinking 'finally. someone normal' only for logan to turn around and be completely unhinged when he goes into science mode
remus essentially dreamily going 'i like your funny words magic man'
perhaps an an awkward "in a different universe were married" type of moment between rem and pat
patton deserves to be a little shit. as a treat.
maybe he could bond over it with his ex fiance
janus offering to nudge ppl down a flight of stairs and everyone screaming 'no' except for remus
janus making off with some costly vases or something and not even being discreet because 'what are you going to do about it romina? tell them im not really your fencing instructor and get both of us in trouble? thats what i fucking thought.'
patton returning the vases
me: i like prinxiety but i dont Love it
fem!prinxiety: exists
me: 👀
so like if they could have a tender moment or have a crumb of hurt/comfort, my gay little heart would probably implode
tbh i just generally need more of virginia sksks
and also if all of them were friends in the end id give you my first born
thirdly: how about "🏳️‍🌈🕰️" for my signature to symbolise my emotional investment in this gay history au or sth? idk sksk
Hi again!!! 
I am going to start addressing the signature, and yes! I love the pride flag and the clock. If you’re okay with it, I shall address you as R.C. (Rainbow Clock), given that finding the emojis on my laptop would be slightly impractical. 
The carnival, yes, I was thinking about having them go to Venice during the carnival to socialise, announce Patton and Romina’s engagement... When I say Phantom of the Opera I am specifically referring to two things: the mascarade scene and the part near the end when the giant chandelier of the theatre falls. 
In essence, the carnival would be an excuse to play with obscured identities and use them as a resource for characters to be able to sneak on each other. I would, of course, first have to check the timeline and origins for Venice’s carnival. I am also thinking about including Poveglia island as a location seeing that it was inhabited around the time the story is set and that could be useful.
I have ideas for what the dead animals could be for, like sending a message, but I’m thinking maybe I’ll subvert that and make something cooler and plot-twisty, we’ll see. 
 I intend to mercilessly milk their attempt at heterosexuality for laughs, so I’ll certainly have Virginia and Janus mentally laughing their asses off at them trying to look like a couple. Perhaps this can also be used as a way for Virginia and Janus to bond. 
I can make references to them talking about “talking” and sharing “tokens of friendship” and I will, you have my word. 
I’ll have Logan just go ahead and calculate the curvature of the earth, heck, I’ll even have him make the renaissance equivalent of the Antikythera mechanism because he’s worth it and because he can. The Kraken? Logan will be the first to suggest it may be a dork (slightly nsfw link so proceed with caution), yes, the whale kind, while the entire pirate crew is panicking thinking they’re about to be devoured by a giant monster just to go “huh” at his theory, and, yes, Remus will be absolutely delighted. 
To be honest, I love that Janus is relieved by Logan only to find him unhinged, but I’ll do you one better and have Janus not understand at all how Logan does some stuff. It must have an explanation (and it does, it’s science) but he can’t find it. The rest are inclined to believe it’s magic. 
Yes, it is going to be clear why Remus fell in love with Logan when he goes into science mode. And also!!! I am planning to write how they met, just say it involves saving someone from drowning and immediate fighting after that. 
The “we would be married” moment will happen and I’ll make it extra-awkward for you, with some comedy sprinkled on top. 
HMMMM. Patton and Remus teaming up for plot reasons seems very tempting. My mind is already coming up with stuff. Tension-building stuff. 
But, what if the solution ended up being nudging someone downstairs? I think Janus should get that, as a treat. (I’ll have them go “no” though, it can all fit). 
I’ll make the vase controversy happen. 
Well, would you care for some hurt/comfort prinxiety where one tends to the wounds of the other? 
Virginia is going to be the best character. Like, I can’t help it, whenever I write this AU she’s just the best thing going on, it’s what she does! 
Then I think you’ll owe me more than your firstborn because I have plans. I’ll settle for more of your lovely asks, though. 
If you have doubts about anything or any more ideas, ask right away. 
As always, thanks for the ask!!!!
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pomrania · 4 years
Fantasy space
Spelljammer is a cool setting. Unfortunately, it was first written in 1989, for 2E D&D. I'm not going to require anyone to read old sourcebooks, even if they're really cool once you remove the old-edition-mechanics from them, so here's an overall summary of how it works. Additionally, there were some things I didn't like in "official" Spelljammer (like clerics not being to regain higher-level spells in a different crystal sphere), so it just makes sense to write out my version of things. (To clarify: everything I put here is consistent with “official” Spelljammer, to the best of my knowledge. If there is something I didn’t like, then I simply did not include it. There are also other things which I did like, but I did not include here because they were too specific for a general overview, or because I forgot.)
1. Fantasy space follows different rules than real-world space
We're not playing a sci-fi game, we're playing a fantasy game, after all. I'm putting in a brief summary of everything here, so hopefully it will make sense. Further sections give more details.
Planets happen inside wildspace, which is kind of like space-space but it isn't a vacuum. Each planetary system, with its planets and wildspace, is encased in a crystal sphere. The various crystal spheres are surrounded by the Flow, which is flammable and also prevents dimensional travel.
When in wildspace or the Flow, everything has its own air envelope; the air inside this will not vanish, but it will get used up and go bad. The larger the thing, the larger the air envelope. Large enough things have their own gravity, and the effects of its gravity reach as far as its air envelope.
2. Wildspace
Wildspace is what you get between planets. There is very little there, other than asteroids (which may or may not be inhabited), other ships, and wreckage (which may or may not have already been picked over). Most space travel happens in wildspace, because the things to travel between are closer together.
You will not die from imploding if you are thrown unprotected into wildspace. You will however probably die from suffocation once all your air has gone bad, since wildspace does not have atmosphere, but you will have some time to be rescued or find air before that happens.
3. Crystal spheres
A crystal sphere contains a planetary system. Inside of it are planets and wildspace; outside of it is the Flow.
The shell of a crystal sphere cannot be damaged by any known means. If you want to get through it, you need an opening. These openings happen naturally, and they seem to be at random. If you do not want to wait until an opening happens nearby, you can use magic to make an opening happen where you are. Sometimes this magic is built into a ship, but that makes the ship more expensive.
4. Phlogiston / the Flow
(The "proper" name is "phlogiston", but I'm going to call it "the Flow" because a) that's easier to write, b) it is synonymous in the sourcebooks, and c) I don't know how to pronounce "phlogiston".)
The Flow is what you get between different crystal spheres. It is luminous and rainbow-coloured, and also extremely flammable. If you light a fire while your ship is in the Flow, you're going to have a bad time. If you light a big fire while your ship is in the Flow, like if you're trying to cast Fireball, you are going to have a very bad time. Even if you're fireproof, and if your ship is made of things that don't catch on fire, chances are that your friends and your cargo are not also fireproof.
The Flow provides as much light as an overcast day. This is good because if you need to see, you do not want to light a candle or a torch if you enjoy not being on fire.
The Flow prevents any dimensional travel or access. If you have a Bag of Holding, you will not be able to access its contents while your ship is in the Flow. You will not be able to teleport, go ethereal, or summon creatures from other planes.
The Flow can preserve things. If you run out of breathable air while in the Flow, you go into suspended animation, and then wake back up once you have proper air. This preservation only lasts while in the Flow. Sometimes there are ships floating around in the Flow, where all the ship's air has gone bad, and everybody on board is in suspended animation. They could be there for days or months or years or decades, and nothing would change for them. If you have to be thrown off your ship and left adrift, try to have it happen while in the Flow. You will start to suffocate as your air runs out, but it will not kill you.
The Flow has its own currents. If you know them well, or are lucky, you can arrive somewhere faster than anticipated. If you make a mistake, or are unlucky, it could take you a very long time to arrive.
5. Gravity planes
If something is large enough then it will have its own gravity. "Large enough" in fantasy space is significantly smaller than you might think. Gravity points "down", instead of "towards the centre" (unless you are dealing with a spherical planet).
The larger something is, the farther its gravity will reach. If two different large objects come close enough that their gravity fields interact, then the gravity angle of the smaller object will change to match the gravity of the larger object. This can be extremely inconvenient if the two objects are ships, you're in the smaller ship, and "down" is now "sideways" and everything has fallen all over the place. Because of this, if two ships come near each other, the smaller one will generally turn so that its "down" is pointed in the same direction as the larger ship's "down".
Gravity in fantasy space is a yes-or-no kind of thing. You are either within something's gravity field, or you are weightless.
6. Air envelopes
The larger something is, the more air it carries with it. If you go in space just with your own body, you will have enough air along to survive for a little while, but not for as long as you would probably like. If you go into space with a large object like a ship, there will be a lot more air.
The air around something is called its air envelope. The size of an air envelope is the same as the size of its area of gravity, if it has a gravity field. If you can fall, then there is air available, even if that air might have gone bad. Things that are too small to have gravity still have an air envelope, but it is smaller than the air envelope of something that is large enough to have gravity.
When you breathe, you use the air in the air envelope which you are in. If the air envelope is small, then you will run out of usable air sooner than you would like. If the air envelope is large, then it will not be a problem for a long time. A ship generally has enough air to last its crew and passengers for a couple weeks or months, depending. If there are more people in an air envelope, the air will go bad faster. If there is a fire in an air envelope, the air will go bad faster.
There are ways to keep the air fresh for longer, some of which are plants and some of which are magic. It is possible to have it so that the air never needs to be replaced, but usually something goes wrong along the way.
7. Ships that travel space
"Officially" they're called spelljammers, but I just call them "ships".
a) Helms
Space is large [citation needed]. Normal ways of getting from one place to another, even very fast ways, are impractically slow when it comes to travelling in space. There are several ways of powering a ship fast enough to make space travel feasible, but helms are by far the most common. A helm gets a ship to go fast and also gets it to go where you direct it to go (which might not always be where you want it to go, but that is why navigators are a thing).
A helm is a chair with ship-go-fast magic added to it. It can be transferred between ships, which is good because it is expensive. In order to use a helm, a spellcaster sits in that chair, and that both powers the ship, and lets the spellcaster mentally direct the ship what to do. This uses up their magical energy for the day. A spellcaster can only helm a ship if they're full up on magical energy before they start.
Helms are designed so that a ship will automatically slow down from space-travel-fast when it approaches something large enough that it would hurt if they collided. You can still run into things, but it will be at a speed where you have time to try and move somewhere else if you want.
b) Ship varieties
There are many different types of ships in space. Some of them aren't able to go space-travel-fast. These are mostly used to go short distances, like to transport stuff between big ships and places where the big ships can't land, or for space combat, when nobody can go space-travel-fast anyways. These are generally smaller ships that are more agile, but they can also be larger ships where someone didn't or couldn't put in a helm.
Many ships in space look like a cross between a water-ship and a fish or insect. This is because that is cool. There is almost always an open deck, since air won't escape the envelope, so there's no reason to close everything in.
These are a couple of different things people might want in their ship, which is why there are so many different designs:
more storage space
more agile
harder to damage
more weapons
needs fewer people to crew it
able to fit into more places
able to land on ground or water
fits someone's standards of a good-looking ship
easier to repair
costs less money
((Black lives matter, and trans rights are human rights.))
((Also posted on Pillowfort, here.))
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
Heyoo, sorry for disturbing on whatever ur doing but.... Is it okay if you can do headcannons for any boy u choose, don't worry I simp for all of them, with a s/o who has fluffy hair and it's split dyed
Love ur writing and I luv u
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U R NOT INTERRUPTING ANYTHING MY LOVE! and omg a free pass to any character!!! so i did a few bc i couldn't decide on one, then i decided to do characters that so far have not appeared in my writing much, just on a whim, and split dyed hair is 100/10 i wish my current job lets me do that but no (;-;) here u go i hope this is what u were looking for!!! i love u too ♪( ´▽`) also that image is adorable ♡
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* honestly? he probably egged u on and helped u choose the colours
* after u finished doing up your hair he was like ooooooo ✨✨ lemme touch
* and suddenly he's totally addicted so fluffy!!! soft!!
* not worried about being rude or annoying will 10/10 just ruffle hair cos "it looked so soft?" rubs "how is this real?" rubs "it's so fking fluffy babe?!"
* from then on it's like a daily thing he will pat or ruffle hair whenever he meets you
* and whenever u say/do something cute
* and whenever you're sad
* and whenever you're angry
* and whenever he wants to, which is p much all the time (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
* u can use it to threaten him tho. teru i swear if you don't stop being annoying i'm not gonna let u pat my head anymore and he will straightaway just stop everything
* boy loves touch so if u take away any touch he will b sad (;-;)
* he likes to play with each half of the colours separately, then try to braid mess it up so that the colours "will mix? will it mix?"
* your hair will get all messy and knotted up and you'll b royally pissed
* he's no good at combing thru the knots tho
* make him do a boba run while u undo it
* he will not b messing with it in a long while (about 2days only LMAO)
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* tbh he has always wanted to touch your hair
* i mean look at this child u can't tell me he doesn't like soft things he is soft
* very in love with the fluff but very afraid to indulge cos it's invading personal space
* he only realised it was ok to touch when semi and tendou patted u on the head for a job well done (idk maybe u r shiratorizawa's manager or something) but even then he was like but they are third years is it rlly ok
* it was
* anyway even if you two are dating he will still have same resistance cos he thinks it's rude to touch other people's heads without permission* (idk about other countries but i've been told not to pat people's heads cos it's rude/condescending? idk if asian parenting in general or just my asian parents)
* you'll have to tell him explicitly that it's ok
* even so he will only do it in private and when he is feeling courageous/confident or when he really can't resist anymore LOL
* was surprised when u dyed it
* doesn't know what to think about the colours "i... er... it's pretty? what about work/school and like do your parents know r u sure i mean it's pretty but Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)"
* can't get used to it
* but he won't complain he thinks it's pretty he's just worried about what other people think he doesn't want them to think badly of u
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* he's got fluffy hair too you know
* it's almost a competition. whose hair is softer. fluffier. you compete to see how many people prefer whose fluff. spoiler: hinata wins, even if he wasn't supposed to be part of the competition.
* anyway! suga loves to just. bury his face in your hair
* nice smelling. soft. he can't resist
* a surprise back hug and then he will rub his face in the floof and b all like babe u smell nice today (♡-♡) pls don't move and let me live in your hair
* and u have to shake him off sugaaaaa you're heavy pls moveeeee /offended noises i am not heavy!!
* when u dyed it you didn't tell him
* impromptu decision maybe? he was a little surprised when he saw you after that
* chaotic baby loves the colours. will bring u out in front of daichi to watch daichi implode from shock (he can't explode cos it's impolite)
* a bit sad that u didn't ask him to help cos
* will 100% help to bleach/dye hair! "why waste money when we can just do it ourselves! ♪( ´▽`)"
* also bc helping u to do your hair means he gets to play with your hair for a whole day! objective achieved (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
* secretly he wants to match u but he's working now and he can't! (;-;)
* will ask if u want to do the same to your eyebrows. pls say no this boy is the epitome of chaos he just wants to see shit hit the fan
* otherwise why tell daichi? LOL
requests are open!~ send me stuff ♡
masterlist here (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
please save me they are all chaotic characters here and i cannot. deal. also chaotic suga needs more love y'all!!! anime sugawara is always so... calm and perfect senpai vibes but manga suga is chaos and anxiety and i love him so much ♡
likes and reblogs appreciated ♪( ´▽`)
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leemaht · 4 years
uwa i just found your blog and i- i love your writing??? if it's not a bother can i request hcs (or whatever you're okay with!!) kuroo and konoha with an s/o who is dark skinned (and insecure about it) because same 🥺 you don't have to do it if you don't want to though!! thank you
thank you so very much, all the love there is for you!💓 of course it is not a bother! (also I'm sorry that you feel insecure about this, so I'm trying my best to make you feel better. remember you are perfect the way you are!)
i hope i went in the right direction here!
dating scenarios with a dark skinned s/o who feels insecure about their skin colour
kuroo tetsurou, konoha akinori
warnings: none
pairings: kuroo x dark skinned!reader, konoha x dark skinned!reader
i think he is the kind of guy who falls in love with somebody mostly because of their personality but doesn't disregard looks. sorry to say this but i don't believe that he would date someone he considers unattractive
so that says much about you if he is dating you, am i right? *wink wink*
you started dating because you caught his eye i think. you just moved there and attended nekoma high. and i mean this is japan. a rather dark skinned person is bound to catch the eye.
mostly because of curiosity. but with kuroo it was different. when he first saw you he was curious for sure but... how do i put it... love on second sight
when he overcame his curiosity he seriously wanted to get to know you better
he would shyly approach you, greet you every day, invite you to practices and stuff, tightening the gap between you slowly but steady, bonding as friends first before asking you out.
seriously i think after approaching you he would totally disregard your skin colour, i mean it was a reason for him to look at you first but as he got to know you better your personality was all that mattered to him (he still loved your looks though, they made you special to the ones around you and when you are dating already he would often brag about your looks)
he wouldn't just date anybody either. he needed to really get to know you first. and he needed approvement from kenma too lol
after he was entirely sure he would ask you out
but seriously his behaviour wouldn't change compared to having an s/o with fair skin
but if he found out you felt insecure about that, oh boy be prepared for a 400 sheet power point presentation with pictures he secretly took of you and reasons why you are the most beautiful being on this planet, cuddles, many kisses, of up lines and spontaneous dates
he would be your personal hype man and compliment you even more then he already, which wasn't little
but usually he would rather compliment your inner qualities but would now rather focus on your looks. makes sure that you know how gorgeous you were and that you knew how much he thought how gorgeous you were
once on a date (you went to a crowded place) passing people just wouldn't stop staying at you as if they ha never seen a human being before
it was kinda like in a zoo and you felt like the animal everybody was starting at
you tried to swallow this feeling for kuroo's sake but he read you like a book
he would pull you closer in kind of a protective manner and stare anybody who as much as look at you curiously directly in the eyes angrily
this boy wouldn't mind getting physical if anybody ever made you uncomfortable. he did one actually when you came to one of his matches and a few guys tried to get with you, mentioning your skin colour over and over again, not budging even after you literally begged them to leave you alone
he broke a guys nose and the others got a few nasty bruises
kai and yaku had to pull him off while the rest of the team cheered you up
literally this guy would do anything for you. in his eyes you are perfect
well it started when you transferred to fukurodani and bokuto the precious, innocent like baby he is, approached you because you caught his eye and he got curious
seriously he doesn't mean any harm, he is just very curious to begin with
you befriended quickly (took like 5 minutes) and he invited you to have lunch with him and a few teammates including konoha
when he first saw you.. saying he was staring would be an understatement
not because of your dark skin though but because love at first sight, duh
he had never seen such beauty and honestly your skin colour doesn't even matter to him, he would have stared the same way if it was different. but at the same time it mattered as it made you special and in a way even more gorgeous
bokuto would definetly invite you to all the practices from now on and the matches and even to be a manager
konoha secretly would be so grateful for the opportunities to see you that often
he also would approach you slowly, starting conversations during practice first, then meet with you in school, like in the hallways and eat lunch with you until he finally asked for your number and organised meetings out of school
i think he would get to know you better before asking you out but i don't believe you two needed to have a very strong friendship
he was the happiest person on earth as you accepted and still is because every day he gets to spend with you is a blessing for him
he would brag so much and i mean SO MUCH about you and everything about you. every one of his teammates know everything about you. he is so proud to have you by his side. he would brag about how kind and caring and smart you are but seriously would talk about your looks 24/7
as i said to him you are the most gorgeous person
so when he found out that you actually felt insecure about your skin tone his whole world imploded. seriously. like boom
he would be so confused and ask you questions on why you would think less about yourself. he would definetly make you talk about it, so he would understand your concerns but as soon as you said anything bad about yourself he would directly invalidate all your arguments
mostly with compliments. everything you said was the exact opposite to him.
after he told you how much he loved you and everything about you he would engulf you in his embrace and shower you in kisses and compliments and wouldn't stop until you actually felt it
whenever he noticed you feeling uncomfortable about yourself he would shower you in affection and verbal reassurance
even if it was in public
once as you walked in a park and people shot curious glances he would embrace you.
if somebody stared too intensely he wouldn't hesitate to start a make out session no matter how many people were watching
the same it is in private. when he saw you looking in the mirror longer than usual he already came up being you, wrapping his arms around your waist, kissing your neck and whispering compliments in your ear. sometimes he would instruct you to look at yourself in the mirror while he listed things he loved about you or things that especially suited you
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nite-shay · 5 years
“You’re stuck aren’t you?” - Kirishima Eijirou x Reader
A/N: First time posting. Hope I’m doing this right. Just a cute little idea I had one night and wanted to post it up. Sorry for any spelling / Grammar mistakes.
You left that morning for work, leaving your husband alone with your young child for the day. Kirishima Eijirou, also known as Red Riot, was a rising star in the Pro-hero world. Being a pro came with great perks but did have one downfall. He didn't get much time to spend with his family. So he was excited for days he got to spend with his daughter. He loved her and loved their daddy-daughter time. Throughout the day, he would send you text and photos of their adventures. They had painted, watched movies, went to the park and got some ice cream. You thumbed through the messages. The picture of them at the park with ice cream was your favorite. Your daughter, being only 5, was a mess with the cold sweet treat all over her face.  While she was the spitting image of you, she had her father's spirit and his brilliant grin.
You quietly opened the door to your modest home and took note of everything around. The living room was a disaster. Pillows, blanks, and other fluffy objects across the floor in front of the TV.  The tv was muted, but you didn't need sound to know what the characters of your daughter's favorite show were saying. At this point, you could recite that particular episode from memory. After further inspection of the pallet and living room, you didn't see the bright red hair of your husband or the soft black locks of your child. Where are they? You wondered. It was almost 8 pm and even though (Y/D/N) had Eijirou wrapped around her tiny finger, you both agreed on a regular sleep schedule. 
You made your way down the hall and to your daughter's bedroom. If you thought the living room was a disaster, the bedroom was a war zone. It looked like the toy section of a department store imploded itself in the small room. Every toy she owned, laid scattered across the floor. How one child could have that many toys was beyond you. Though, she was an adorable and love child. Thus making her the target for spoiling from both yours and Eijirou's friends. At ground zero of the mayhem was your heart and soul. 
 Your daughter laid fast asleep in a pile of plushies while your redheaded lover sat in a small plastic chair. You couldn't decide what was more shocking, the fact that the chair was holding his bulky weight, or that he managed to fit his hips between the armrests. But there he sat one leg stretched out in front of him while the other one was curled under him and the chair. His chin rested on his chest while his arms dangled beside him. Even though you knew only one of them could possibly be comfortable, you heard two soft snoring echoing through the room. You chuckled softly as you made your way over to your husband. As soon as you were close enough, you gave him a chaste kiss on his lips.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." You teased, keeping your voice low, not wanting to wake your daughter. 
"Oh, hey, babe. I didn't hear you come in. Welcome home." He whispered.
"Looks like you two have been having fun…" 
"Yeah..." He chuckled softly before giving his body a small stretch, examining the room around him. "Guess we got a bit out of hand."
"I'd say." You smirked at him while running your fingers through his silky red hair before making your way over to the sleeping girl. Quickly and gently, you took her to her bed, tucking her in. She was out like a light. “Come on big guy. Now that little ones taken care of, I can take care of you. Why don't we get you all cleaned up and tucked in?" Giving him a wink, and he couldn't help but grin at your implication.
He slowly began to move, motivated by your words. The small chair gave a loud creak in protest. You watched as your giant of a husband froze as a look of panic quickly washed over his handsome face. 
"Uh... y-you know what you've been working all day... Why don't you go ahead and get a bath going... I'll uh... be right behind you." You hadn't heard him hesitate like that in a long time. 
"Love, are you ok?"  
"Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. Just uh... going to pick up a little... ya' know? Less will have to deal with later...." He recovered quickly but you couldn’t help but to notice a hint of embarrassment in those handsome features. It reminded you of the time he accidentally washed a pair of his 'Red Riot' boxers in with a load of white towels. It was back when (Y/D/N) was just a couple of months old. You both were new to the whole parents thing and both exhausted. Your daughter had had a hard night, and you were up with her all night. In his defense, he was trying to help you. Once he realized what he did, he felt so bad. He even went out and bought new ones and hoped you didn't notice the now abundant amount of pink towels that you don't remember purchasing. 
"Oh, don't worry about this. I'll deal with it later." You sauntered over to him. "Right now, I want nothing more than to spend time with the most wonderful and amazing husband I could ever ask for."  
"I don't know about all that." He muttered a bit Even after all these years, he still couldn’t fully see the best in himself.
"You are, without a doubt, the most amazing man on this planet. Seeing this smile on (Y/D/N)'s face is all the proof I need." You kiss him softly while gesturing towards the tea set in front of him.
"Wouldn't have been very manly of me to turn down an invitation to my own daughter's tea party." He puffed out his chest some before giving his signature beam of a smile. 
"And that makes you the manliest." You grinned, grabbing his hands before taking a step back. Allowing him to use you to help stand up, but again he didn't make a move. "Are you ok?"
"G-great. Just uhh... well.." He looked up at you with a sigh of defeat. "Uhhh.. have you ever been to one of her tea parties?" 
"Uhh... yeah, a few. Why?"
"Well.. there are certain rules you see."
"I'm aware... "
"And certain seating arrangements." He sheepishly explained. "Like, Sir. Waddles and Miss. Fluffy can't sit next to each other..."  Gesturing towards the small stuff animals in question.
"And the rainbow princess bean bag chair is reserved for the host of the party…" As he spoke, the gears in your head started to spin.
"Of course…"
"So this was the only seat left open. Otherwise, I couldn't attend … and the host would have been sad…" At those words, everything clicked and you let out a heavy sigh. 
"You're butt's stuck in the chair, isn't it?"
"Yes... Please help me…"
Thanks for the read! If you want see the other stuff I’ve done, click the link bellow!
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drowninginblox · 4 years
Thrown into it
Part: 1,2,3,4,5, 6
Part 7- Congrats! You’re living with the protagonist!
We parked in front of a concrete wall, a green sign of characters being the only thing contrasting its pale grey color. A sudden urge of pain makes its way up my spine and to my head, making me grab my hair and inhale sharply. “Hey? Kid you okay?” I hear Mic ask. My eyes water, making me blink a few times. “Y/n? Do we need to go back to the hospital?” Nezu questions. Is that concern I hear? I open my eyes. The head splitting pain fades as I look up at Nezu. “No..no I’m fine..” Where did that come from? Woods turns back in his seat. “Are you sure?” I looked to him only to see something was different. “T-that.. The sign!” I pointed to the green sign in front of us. It was perfect english. “I-I-”
“Yeah.. parking for thirty minutes. So what?” Snipe questioned. “I-I-I couldn’t read that a moment ago..” Nezu observes me while Snipes brings up something I didn't even notice before. “But you speak perfect Japanese.” My eyes widen. “Wait what?” I questioned. Was it just me or was the world spinning a bit? Snipe laughs whole heartedly while Woods stares at Nezu with a look that screams ‘Are they fucking serious?’
Mic keeps himself composed as he lowers his shades. “What do you think we were speaking? English?” I inhale. What is this tom-fuckery? “Call me crazy, but.. yeah..?” 
The group glances at each other. Snipe and Woods just plain confused while Nezu and Mic seemed to be talking telepathically. “Look I know it sounds stupid but. It’s just true. I know better than to lie to heroes.” Mic glances back at me and speaks in something that sounds like gibberish. “Scus?” I mumble just before the pain I felt when I glanced at the sign returns. A groan comes out of my mouth as I hold my head in my hands. My eyes screw shut from the pain. I feel someone touch my shoulder but I shake them away at the pain. “What the fuck..?” 
“Y/n? Y/n?” I hear Mic ask. First calm, but by the second time more concerned than anything. “Screw it, we need to take em back to the hospital.” I hear Woods groan. “N-no! I-I’m fine.” I gasp. The pain gives way to a newfound lightheadedness. Everything feels a bit fuzzy for a few moments, but with every blink my body returns to normality. I exhale. “I..- I- I’m fine. I’m sorry.. I- I don't know what came over me..” I mumble over myself. “Y/n? Do you understand me?” Mic asks slowly. I hum and nod. “Mind telling me what happened?” I blink away a sudden feeling of tiredness to attempt to explain. “You said.. Something in alien speak, my head started to hurt, and then it disappeared as soon as it came..” Mic nods silently. “Do you know what language we are speaking in now?” He looks over his shades to me. “Japanese..? Like before? Even though it sounds english?” Mic looks over to Nezu. “She thinks we’re speaking Japanese still.” Nezu puts a paw under his enormous, triangular head. “Interesting..” Woods turns back in his seat quickly. “I haven’t seen a quirk like this before! I mean- I’ve seen hyper intelligence- but it takes people like that at least a hour to know a language front to back..” Nezu chuckles while shaking his head. “There has to be drawbacks to this quirk.” Snipe comments. “If not then that thing is damn powerful. Imagine the uses.. Infiltration and undercover work would be easy.” Mic punches Snipe’s shoulder with a look of disgust. “That is a child! The hell is wrong with you!” Mic yells seriously. The older of the two yelps from his seat while waving his arms around. Damn the roles have reversed. “What! I’m just saying! And besides, I’m not saying we should actually do it! That's twisted!”  I try to hold back a smile but Nezu notices me. Mission failed, we’ll get em next time. “Anything funny about this situation?” He prompts. “Your staff is full of brilliant idiots.” I admit lightly. “Absolute, bloody, brilliant, idiots. And god do I love them.”
The once arguing trio turns to me with a shocked look. “Hey you can understand us?!” Woods, Mic, and Snipes yell defensively, making me laugh even harder. Nezu glances between all of us with a smile. He probably would have let this go on. “We better hurry or else the Midorya’s will be concerned.” He prompts. We all take a moment to look at each other before following Nezu’s request. I tried to keep it cool but that kind of backfired when I saw the apartment complex that Izuku and Inko lived in. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes. I’m actually going to be living with the main character. I must be a Mary sue. Someone pinch me. I might just make the world implode with a sneeze. “Ey little listener!” Mic called from the front gates. “Are you just gonna let the world pass you by all the time or are you gonna move?” His tone gave off a subtle hint of annoyance but he was patient all the same with me. “S-Sorry! Just.. Never seen a building this tall before y'know?” Okay so that was a lie, but he seemed to believe it. “You from the country or something?” I nod nervously and walk to the group. “You could say that.” He hums along with my response. Soon enough we meet up with the group. 
“Snipe, Mr. Woods? Do you mind giving myself, Y/n, and Present Mic a moment please?” Woods crosses his arms as if he was about to say something but Snipes beats him to the punch. “Sure. Cmon Woods. I need to talk to you about something.” Snipe grabs Kamui’s arm and drags him ahead by a few meters. I chuckle at his over dramatic struggling and complaints. I fucking love anime. “Now then, L/n,” Nezu pulls two envelopes from his pants pocket, both of which were twice the size of his paw. One of them was a crisp, pure white with the UA emblem on it. The other was more yellow, old, and is slightly wrinkled. “Aniken, should I take the white or the yellow pill?”
“What?” Mic asks with utmost confusion, followed by Nezu with a matching look. I tried to brush off my weirdness with an equally confused “What?” Thank god they didn’t question it. Instead giving me a strange look. Nezu took initiative and moved on from my absurdity. “One of them is your schedule, the other is information you must give to Mrs. Midoriya. State that it’s from your parents.” I look between the envelopes and nod. “What about my uniform? School supplies? I’m.. not really made of cash y'know?” Mic smiles slightly. “Oh we know. The government’s got you covered on that.” He gives an enthusiastic thumbs up. I look to Nezu. “So I’m a charity case?” Nezu shrugs. “Essentially.” Damn Nezu. Blunt much? 
Mic chuckles awkwardly at Nezu roasting me alive. “At least until you're twenty. But that’s a worse case scenario. The government is actively trying to find ways to get you back home.” I smile a little at the thought. Back at home this would make one hell of a dream. Maybe even fanfiction if I remember all this. And not get writer's block of course. “Okay.. When do I start?” I ask. Nezu picks back up on the conversation. “The day after tomorrow should be suitable for you, yes?” I take a moment to narrow my eyes. “What’s the catch? I know I have to do work in order to catch up to my peers. The finest hero school in Japan doesn’t let in just anyone.” Mic covers his obvious smile with his mouth. “OOOooo! She knows her stuff.” Nezu smirks. “Indeed. You will need to catch up. So I’ll give you two weeks to finish all the work. Then you can officially start. Think that’s enough time Mic?” The smaller of the two asks. Mic nods “Oh yeah! Plenty of time for this little listener!” I can't help but smile at that. I feel like I’m going on a pokemon journey. “Thanks for believing in me. Not a lot of people do.” I admit. He dramatically gasps “Well that's a damn shame! You’re gonna be great kid. Besides, you have me as an english teacher, and with that quirk of yours you’re definitely gonna get straight A’s for sure.” I look over to Nezu to see his phone suddenly buzzing. He quickly takes a moment to answer it before hanging up on the caller. “I’m sorry to end the moment, but Snipe has reminded me that we are on a time crunch. It is a school night after all.” A long groan echoed through the lot of the complex, making me chuckle.“Oof- yeah you’re right.” The blonde agreed. “I got tests to grade and a lesson to finalize.”  And with that, the three of us began to make our way to complex 2, third floor. As the light breeze ushered us to our destination my mind went back to the idea of staying with Izuku. Should I tell him what I know? He deserves to know. But what would be the repercussions of my actions? Him knowing that he will be the number one hero can change so many things. It could go to his head like Bakugou and complements. He could back out from the pressure. Fuck I cant do it. Too many factors. Maybe Mirio? I could warn him about what happens in season four. Maybe then he could follow his dream, maybe he’ll be the number one hero then. But not now.. I don't know where we are in the story. I know after the sport’s festival, but is Stain still out and about? Has the exchange between Shoto, Izuku, and Tenya already happened?
Instead of a pleasant nudge to get me out of my thoughts, this time it was a jab to the elbow. “Ow!” I look around to see Snipe glaring at me and motioning to the door in front of us. In the doorway was Inko! She had a bright pink apron, her signature skirt and shirt- ah she’s so tiny! She chuckles. “I-I’m so sorry! Bad habit!” I hug myself tightly. “I-I’m trying to break it-'' She shushes me from my rambling with a wave of her hand. “It’s completely fine! My son has the same habit. I think you two will get along well.” Her kind smile warms me a little. “Mrs. Midorya, do you have the paperwork we gave you?” Mic asks politely. “Oh! Oh yes! Come on in let me make you some tea! The work is around here somewhere!” Inko scampers from the door frame and into the apartment. I didn't hesitate to follow her inside. While I was taking my shoes off I couldn't help but notice how lovely the inside was. The apartment looked exactly like it did in the anime all the way down to the T. It was so welcoming and homey. Almost like Christmas but without the decorations. I was planted in the living room when the hero’s finally came in. From what I assume was Inko’s room, she called. “Make yourself at home! I'll get the kettle on soon!” I look over into the comfy living room before glancing over at the adults. “We’re sorry ma’am but we can't stay for long.” Nezu responds just as Inko appears again. “Oh, well if that's the case, will you at least take something with you! You all help Izuku so much and you work so hard as is!” I see her eyes glance over to the kitchen. “I have cupcakes?” I turn to her. “Cupcakes?” My stomach rumbles at the sound of sweets. She giggles “Yes. I didn’t know what flavor you would like so I made chocolate and vanilla. I hope that's alright?” I point to her like a child. “Are you sure I’m staying with her? She’s too good!” Inko chuckles at my truth. “Don't flatter me, I’m nothing special. You go and take one. They’re over on the counter hun.” She called me hun! I’m weak! I clench my heart and shake in my spot. “The world doesn't deserve you!” I say before bolting it to the kitchen. 
After I grab a cupcake I watch from the counter as the grownups talk. Munching through their attempt at hush talk. “Are you sure you’re okay with this ma’am? We do have other applicants.” Snipe starts. “Oh no, it’s fine! Besides, I need some more pep in my step! These old bones need some movement!” She assures with a wave of her hand. “You don't look at day over twenty Mrs. Midoriya!” I call. The group turns to me, Inko’s face a light pink in embarrassment. At least she has a smile on her face. “Oh you-! No flattery in this house!” She retorts. I laugh. “No flattery, just honesty.” 
I glance over at Nezu. It could have just been me but I think his smile relaxed a bit. “We should be off Mrs. Midoriya. I can see they are in good hands.” I get up from my spot and bring the cupcakes over to them. “Her cupcakes are great. You shouldn't leave without them.” I suggest. Nezu sighs and takes one of the vanilla. Over his shoulder he glances at the heroes. “Go on. I’m not gonna stop you!” Mic exhaled as if he was holding his breath all this time. “Oh thank god!” He snatched two and gorged them. “Oh wow.” I comment. Woods jabs Mic in the rib, making him cough on some cupcake. “Hey!” Woods glares at the blonde. “Just because you’re my senior doesn't mean that you have the excuse of not knowing some manners.” Snipe carefully takes one and thanks Inko. Is that a blush I see?  No. Calm down inner shipper. “We best be off now.” Nezu restates and soon  enough the heroes leave me and Inko alone in her apartment. 
We take some time getting to know each other at the dining room table. And true to form, Inko was just as sweet as she is in the anime. Apparently she’s also into American culture and late night dramas. Wouldn't have pegged her for that kind of stuff but the surprise was pleasant. “You’re really great at baking Mrs. Midoriya!” I exclaim while taking our plates to the sink. “Oh- thank you! I’m happy to know someone besides my son likes my cooking.” Oh right.. I should probably ask about Izuku. “Oh right-! I forgot to ask about your son! What’s he like?” This is gonna be interesting. “Oh well, he’s a little shy but once you get to know him you'll see who he is.” Right on que the door opens. “Mom! I’m home!” I hear that iconic voice followed by the front door opening. “Oh Izuku! In here! The exchange student is here!” Something falls and Izuku yells. “I-Izuku?!” Inko begins to get up only for Izuku to call back. “I-Im fine mom!” I glance over at Inko and back at the hallway. Izuku eventually walks into the dining room. “W-Where are-” 
Inko motions to me. “Izuku, this is Y/n L/n, they will be staying with us. They’ll have the guest room.” Izuku’s eyes fall on me. As mine do the same for him. He was still in his school uniform. Pants baggy, tie dishoveled, shoelaces untied, the imperfections out weighed the perfections in his uniform. No wonder the hot mess energy he was radiating was all the more powerful. I can't help but smile. “You must be running around a lot.” I smirk in attempts to break the tension. He jumps a little at my sudden remark. “O-Oh! Um.. y-yeah. The school is pretty big so..” He trails off into silence. Silence that lasts a whole minute. I bite my lip. “Sooo uh.. I saw you at the UA sports festival? You won the first round! I was so smart of you to take off a chunk of the robot and use it for the later portion of the race.” His face flushes a bright pink. “O-Oh no! I bet anyone would have thought of that if they were in my situation!” I chuckle. “Dude that's unique to you! Noone can replicate that now without bringing you up!” He goes and scratches the back of his head. “Y-yeah.. I guess you’re right.” I hear Inko let out a sigh of relief. 
“Now that you two have met, how about we get you settled Y/n.”
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nasty-b · 4 years
Should have left it to rot - A Hawks x Reader Fanfic
Warnings: Creepy Crawlings, Manipulation, Blackmail, 
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Right on. This could not go any worse if you fucking tried, right? All in all, the entire fucking day had been an absolute disaster. It was so bad. So.. disappointing. Starting with the fact that you got fired like a loser for something you had not even had any control over. It sucked majorly. Especially because not only did you have no control over the event, it was also not even in your jurisdiction. Not your job. End of story. Your superior should have become the person they nailed down but instead you got to play scapegoat.
It was proper stupid. But even ranting a bit around like this did nothing for your mood as you were making your way back home, the box with the stuff from your desk clamped under your arm. It’s not like paying rent was easy enough, even with this job paying you barely enough for the necessities. Now you got to stress over being put out on the street. Your landlord was enough of an asshole to put you out right now if he found out you got fired.
That man was as thick in the head as he was fat. And he was fat. Nothing against people who were on the heavier side but him being obese had nothing to do with- ok you need to calm down. Right now you were just letting your emotions insult anyone inside your head to let out the stress and anger of the situation. Is it beginning to rain? “Shit..” You wiped your h/c hair out of your face and picked up the pace. If you got hit by a storm now you were going to fucking implode. And after imploding you’d explode and probably take half the neighborhood with you.
That was a metaphor. You did not have the power to actually do that. Sometimes you wished you had it though. Just to have something. Sure, you had a quirk, but it was totally useless. You could just dislocate and relocate your bones without abstaining any damage and you could only do it with your arms or your legs. It also hurt like fucking hell, even if you did not catch any damage. You hated pain more than anything.
A lot of people do not enjoy pain. Hard surprise. Wow. Fucking shit it was raining. The drops were coming in hard and fast now and you weren’t even close to home. You’re not running in this weather. You’re gonna fucking slip and then get hit by a car or something.. this week was bad enough to make you feel like you were going through bad luck on purpose. Maybe you were. Maybe someone had cursed the shit out of you for existing. Not that much of a surprise.
Would not be.. much of.. a surprise..? Your step slowed down and cast down towards the small.. red ball of fluff sitting there in the middle of the road. Oh shit- it’s a bird. Poor thing must have hit a tree or something.. You glance up at the darkening sky. Yeah. Must have. Except for when you hear a soft chirp and glance down only to see the fluff moving. Wings stretching weakly and making you jump. Ok yeah no- not a fucking bird. It’s a hawk. A fully grown hawk. Jesus those claws looked mean-
It’s crooked wing also looked kind of unfortunately mean. Yikes there. The poor thing would likely not be flying anywhere anytime soon. That was a death sign for any bird. Broken wing. You should leave it- Law of nature and all. Except for where you were in the middle of the city and this was not exactly.. the most nature rich place. Oh god it’s coming towards you. Limping on it’s gangly legs. “Ahh, hold on- no- bad bird. Don’t come over hereEEK!” Saying this was embarrassing was an understatement.
The thing just hopped vaguely into your direction and you almost dropped your box and landed on your ass because you decided the smartest move was to jump hectically backwards as if the devil was about to bite you in the tit. Take a chill pill y/n. Maybe two. Hakuna your tatas. Think of funny internet pictures. It’s hard to do that with the bird still pathetically trying to communicate. Communicate?
It was kind of squawking at you but, well, obviously you understood none of that. You were no bird person. You did not speak chirp. Unfortunately. That would have been a great quirk to have instead of.. dislocating your limbs as many times as you wanted. You could have been a hero with that kind of quirk. Your own quirk just made you able to use your arms as meat nunchucks. Which. Sounded really fucking stupid oh my god- The image won’t leave your head but you’re forced to concentrate on the bird when it hopped onto your shoe.
First instinct is to scream and kick it. Second instinct is to not move at all. You were wearing short pants and you do not want the thing to peck at your legs. “Jesus christ- I’m so fucking dead. Please don’t hurt me-“ Just in case that thing spoke human, you were very willing to beg a bird to not bite you. But now that it was sitting on your shoe, looking at you. Something did poke at your subconscious. Which would be..
Normal hawks were not red. They might be brown.. with a red tint. But red? This poor animal looked like someone dropped it into a paint bucket. Probably what happened. Maybe that explained the broken wing. “Aw.. Was someone mean to you?” Maybe some kids pulled the poor creature out of a tree or something. “Uh..” It just sat there. Giving you the beady, sad look that only a bird could give someone. It pulled on your heart strings. Badly.
“Wanna.. come with me? For now?” The weather was bad. You were not going anywhere far today. But there was a vet on the way that would be able to set the wing.. at a cost of an arm and a leg. The thought makes you wheeze softly. The bird presses against your leg and you just kind of. Ah hell..
It takes the effort of two hours and most of your savings to get the bird to your shitty apartment. By now all sanity had left you, carrying the box with your stuff and the bird inside. They gave it a little muzzle cap. To ensure you did not get bit or clawed to shit while you waited until the weather cleared up enough to bring it to the nearest wildlife center.
By now you’re drenched. Severely. It was gross and made you shiver and ugh. Back to the loss of your sanity though, because right now you’re ranting to the damn bird about the week you have been having. Currently at the point where you got fired. “-and you’d think they fire the person responsible. Do they get fired? No. I get the shit put on me while I wasn’t even in said department when the whole thing crashed! Fucking bastards I tell you. Proper melts.”
It was oddly therapeutic. Talking to this red bird. Which, by the way, was not dyed. Apparently this had to be it’s normal colors. The vet had been confused but had shut up about it once you paid him. He just wished you well and ushered you out the door as if you were garbage. To be fair, you looked like it. You looked like the girl from the ring while she was climbing out of the well by now. Your hair’s a mess.
Any makeup you had on was runny and your clothes stuck to your body, making you feel oddly naked. “Hold on-“ You put the box down and immediately shimmy out of your clothes. “I suppose I oughta give you some new place to nest for now too, I don’t want you catching a .. cold..” While you had been undressing your gaze fell back onto the bird. Who was.. pointedly not looking at you? It was even shoving it’s head into the box. What the hell?
“Uh.. Buddy?” Was it throwing up in there? Please no. You shuffle over. “Hey, Leggie,” A nickname born out of the length the birds legs had. “If you throw up onto my shit, please, aim at something that is easily wiped down.” But of course you get no response. It does not even answer you. Rude little shit. “Fine.” You conceded.. after making sure the bird was not hurtling out some dead mouse or something. “Hide.. or whatever..”
Taking a shower was overrated after just getting fired so you get into a hoodie and some panties, some comfy socks to fight the cold, tiled floor and then got to moving stuff around. Once you emptied the box of the stuff inside, you filled it with towels and one pillowcase to create a weird sort of nest. Putting the bird back inside. You’re so glad it does not scratch you either. Oddly docile the little thing.. “Ok so.” You clap your hands.
���Welcome to your .. new nest. For now. We’ll be roomates until I have the time-“ and mood “-to get you to the nearest wildlife center.” You needed motivation for such a travel. The nearest one was five hours away with public transportation. You had no drivers license. Well, you used to have one but you lost it because you .. mhh.. you don’t actually remember why you lost it. It never mattered that much so you never bothered taking care of reclaiming it. It wasn’t like you had any money for gas and maintenance anyway.
It ended with you just walking everywhere or taking the subway if it came push to shove. You’re losing track of what you were doing but once you refocused.. you just sighed and hung your head. You were talking to a fucking bird. Wow. And they told you romance was dead. “I’m.. yeah.. let me just..” You turned away and shuffled to your fridge to pull out some raw steak you wanted to make for dinner today. You were not hungry anyway.. not anymore. So, you cut the thing up and just put it all in a bowl before walking back.
It leaves you with the danger of unhooking the muzzle and losing your eyes. Ahh that was bad.. Very bad. You pout a little and just.. carefully pulled it off. Holding the bowl over and putting it into the box, quickly retracting your hand and then lifting the box to put it in the bathroom. You had no bathtub but a shower, which is why the bird box went in there. You closed the glass door and watched the bird stare at you.
“Stop.. judging me.” It felt like it was. It was an ugly feeling to have such an elegant and majestic animal judge you. It sucked majorly. The bird tilted it’s head and just turned it’s head on the meat. Fine. Starve then you little rat.. It was late. You were tired. You got the little thing a bowl of water before you forgot and then you closed the bathroom door. Leaving the weak light on to make sure it found it’s food and it’s water. Time to sleep.
You can watch the bird choke down food tomorrow. No more today. Too late.. Did birds overeat? Naw right? Hawks were like.. eh- they hunted for themselves, surely they knew when they had enough or something. Yeah. Sounded more reasonable. You move to your bed and drop onto it. Taking your two room apartment in one more time before closing your eyes and just .. letting sleep claim you.
For some reason, sleep does not wanna claim you at first. A blood red hawk dancing around in the back of your mind.  That was weird, right? Red hawk. Hawks were brown, usually.. Unless.. did animals have quirks? Nah.. You’re putting too much thought into it. Finally. You drift off.
Only to wake up 6 hours later by a loud crash. You screech in panic and fall out of your bag, kicking and punching the covers off of you and scrambling backwards in reply. Jesus fucking christ what the hell? The noise continued. Clearly, coming out of your lovely apartment. This is hell. You’re in a horror movie. Any moment the monster will come around the corner and kill you.. does it? No. It doesn’t. You need to act before that monster does though.. Very likely a burglar but your imagination is running away with you. Where the fuck is your phone- you left it in the kitchen to charge. Fucking shit.
You grab the nearest thing, which would a polo stick. You don’t polo. You just found the damn thing in a trashcan once and thought it looked cool. Someone had clearly customize the thing and thus it was covered in painted on sunflowers on very dark wood.. They’re very tiny sunflowers. Very tiny. That stick is also not extremely sturdy, being as thin as it was, but you had nothing else and to get to the kitchen for a knife you might already get attacked. Be brave y/n. You do not wanna be brave. Yet, here you go-
With shaky steps, slowly but surely, you make your way to the door. There is still rustling and shuffling, which ensured that it was not right in front of your room. Mhhh carefully you peer around the corner and notice two things. 1. The light in the bathroom was on. 2. The door was open. And suddenly, the idea that came to you very quietly when you were about to sleep came back to kick you in the ass.. But you had been a fucking idiot about it. Because what if, what if.. that hawk was not a hawk. But someone with a hawk quirk. And you brought a stranger into your home and.. undressed in front of them.
Might explain why it looked away from her when you did and did not want to eat the raw fucking meat that had been given to it. God, if this was some kid discovering their quirk you’d be in so much shit. But how did the vet overlook that?? The vet. The vet should have fucking told you what was going on- bastard had probably kept quiet to avoid the drama. Once this is over you’re suing, but the current issue at hand, you dodge the terror of some stranger in your home and straighten out. If this was some kid, their arm was broken. You need to act.
So, gathering all your bravado you stalk over to the door and.. carefully peek inside the room. First thing you notice, this aint no fucking kid and second thing is that there was still an alarming amount of red in your bathroom. Two giant wings were flapping weakly in there and the blonde man that they belonged to was sitting in your shower. Crowded into this tiny bathroom and just looking.. a little bit dazed? He swung from left to right, yikes. Somehow he felt familiar. “E-Excuse me?” Polo stick, firm in your hand. “Are you alright?” The wing that had been broken was still angel awkwardly but by now the bandages had torn. This is bad.
At your voice the man turned his head and blinked owlishly at you. And, oh my god? You knew he looked familiar. You remember this man because his face is on a billboard three or two blocks away to advertise some cologne. You watched an interview with him just four days ago. Hawks. Number 2 Hero. Holy Hell. Hawks was sitting in your bathroom. Uh. Naked? Your eyes try to focus on his face but can’t help check his back out. Muscles alore. The man was short but packed to the sky. God. This was like, out of an fanfiction or something. This happened in fiction. Not real life. “Ah- let me get you some clothes!” Barely you snap out of your dumb stupor and run off to your room to get the biggest shirt and shorts you got- then you run to the kitchen to get a knife to cut two misshaped holed into the back of it.
Maybe those were too small.. But you rushed back only to find the blonde trying to wobble to his legs. The raw meat’s on the ground. Man, guilt coming in hard. You fed the number 2 hero raw meat. Raw.. meat. “Here, come on- uh- you need some pants at least!” He’s clearly out of it. But he’s sobering up quick because when you spoke to him he just held out a hand, to where you handed him the clothes and he started shuffling into them. His wings spread as much as they can, at least the healthy one, crowding you easily out of your own bathroom. Anxiety has your ass so hard you forgot to turn around but when you get a wing in your face you flee to your kitchen and just, shakily start making yourself some tea.
For two. Water enough for two.. he looked like he could need some tea once he got out of your dumb bathroom.. God his poor wing. What happened to it? Why would anyone do this- You knew Hawks, his quirk fierce wings was great but last time you checked, he could not turn into a hawk. But suddenly, there was a hawk Hawks. Which would imply that another quirk user did this to him, right? Oh god.. He saw you undress.. Well, at least he was a gentleman about it.. You’re nervous. Kind of scared of having made yourself look like a total fucking idiot.. you ranted to this man, your idol kind of, about losing your job. The blonde probably thought you were a huge loser.. You were a huge loser. You felt like one.
“Ehhh..” The voice has you snap your head around, almost burning yourself on the hot water you were trying to pour. The man was standing there with a sleepy look and just watched the two mugs on your counter. “..Nh.. Yeah.. Yeah thanks.” He sounds like he’s half asleep. Just moving to your kitchen table and managing to sit down on it, wincing as his broken wing avoided the chair. You wince in sympathy. “I’ll.. I’ll get dressed in a bit and then.. I’ll call you an uber to the hospital. Yeah?” Hawks doesn’t answer. He looked ready to fall asleep at the table. He needs help.. Fucking- Of course he needs help. You finish the making the tea and put some sugar in to help him stay awake before you trot over and put his cup down. “Here. It’s orange. I hope it’s fine.”
Still not much reaction. He just grunted and grabbed the mug to start blowing on it to cool it down. You realize that the shirt you gave him had died. The two holes you put in there had become one huge hole. Guess they were too small after all. Whatever. You’re sure the hospital had better options. Better had better options. Forget your tea, you’re getting dressed, snatching your phone from the counter and speed walking to your room. Find an uber, call them, pay them with the little fucking amount of money you had left which would ensure you’d have nothing to eat for the rest of the month and get Hawks to the hospital.
It takes you five minutes. When you get back the man was staring out the window. He’s looking more awake. That’s good. “Ok!” Your voice had him snap his head around and squint. God, anxiety in your ass. “The uber will be here in a bit, I picked one with a really big care for your wings- Uh,” He’s just staring. “L-Let’s go?” You pump your fist shakily into the air but it just makes you feel dumb. At least he listens, because he gets up and just waits for you to move to the side before walking past you. He’s angry. You can see he’s angry because his face looked angry. His fists were clenched and you’re unsure if it was you or the situation pissing him off.. You’d let him go alone but someone needed to be there to pay the uber driver. Yeah.. You’re praying they take card. You forgot to ask.
All the way down the stairs and then waiting for the uber is nervous hell. The man is super silent and just staring straight ahead as you stood next to him. You wanna go home. Which would be right behind you but you need to pay this shit stain of a driver who was now, five minutes late- Oh is that him? You walk a bit forward and wave the car, which slows down and stops in front of them. The man sitting inside was staring at you two with wide eyes and a pale complexion. Yeah, see who you made wait. Hawks just got into the back, taking in the whole seating. That’s fine. You shuffle to the front and hold up your card. “U-Uh.. do you take card?..”
The stranger just nodded and you can see how uncomfortable he is. He’s feeling like you were right now, which was kind of nice to have that company in a way. Shared pain and all.. You tell him where to and quietly pay. Unfortunately, or fortunately, unsure yet, fate has other plans. When you step back from the car and are about to give the hand sign to go, Hawks slapped his hand onto the other mans shoulder driving the car. “She’s coming with us. I’ll pay for her later.” His voice is hoarse and leaves no room to negotiate. God. What is this. Is he going to sue you for trying to feed him raw meat and locking him into your bathroom..? Hhhgh.. The drive just stared at you helplessly as Hawks fingers dug into his shoulders. No choice then, eh?
You carefully get into the front seat and just .. put on your seatbelt. You’re so fucking scared- but you’re thankful he paid for this? Because. You had nothing left. You were in the red now. That shit cost fifty bucks or something like it- Why did it cost fifty bucks? The hospital was five blocks away or something like it. Right? You’re unsure. Anyway.. “Get his contact info.” Hawks voice made you flinch and you just nodded like a servant or something before pulling out your phone. “P-Please drive, just tell me your info.” Right. Neither of you wanted to be in the company of the angry hero. It just was too much pressure. So, the drive starts and the man manages to give you his info while Hawks was brooding behind you two. This was so stressful. Your veins feel like they’re about to explode.
The next twenty minutes are just as bad and when you get there and Hawks just left you two in the car to get into the hospital without saying anything further. You and the dude just sit there. “Am.. I supposed to wait too?” He sounds confused and worried and you understand. “I.. I don’t know..” You fold your hands into your lap and just watched the hospital. Tensing when you spotted that hawks was coming back with two frantic nurses and a doctor on his ass. He poked his head out and made an impatient motion for you to follow. Carefully you glance around and point at yourself and got an eye roll and a nod in return. Shut the door.
“Good luck..” You groan at the driver and hurry out of the car, thanking him and then jogging over there. Hawks was already on his way back in. Why was this happening to you? You were trying to help- why was he so angry at you? .. Raw meat, shower.. ranting and undressing in front of him might have something to do with it. Damn it.. It’s like, four am or something. You’re only awake because of the adrenaline going through you. You’re in some dirty, stained clothes because you did not pay attention what you were wearing and now that you were a bit calmer you realized you gave Hawks your puppy shirt. The .. the fucking glitter puppy shirt. Ok. He’s going to hate you, he probably already does. This was a disaster.
It’s been an hour and you were forced to sit in the waiting room. Just.. staring ahead and biting your lower lip. You had no friends to call to tell them about this and you and your parents hated each other.. Mostly because they were both heroes and had been so disappointed to have a daughter with a worthless quirk. So disappointed they up and fucking disowned you. Assholes. Whatever. “Miss y/n?” Your head jerks up. Oh no. A male nurse waved you over with a bright, happy smile. “We’re happy to announce that Hawks is stable, you must be so relieved.” Relieved? “Uh, Uh yeah.. Yeah of course I am..” You carefully got up and walked over to the man as he led you down the hallway to the patient rooms.
“We will be right with you bringing you two something to snack on until breakfast. So please just take a seat for now.” What was going on? This was weird, right? You were freaked out. “Thanks..” You muttered and then watched him as he left. Something tells you that you should just leave.. But .. this was the number 2 hero. You can’t just.. ignore him telling you to come along? Especially if he was going to sue the life out of you or anything. Lessen your sentence or whatever. So, you carefully open the door and walk inside. Staring at the blonde man in the bed. He was sitting and reading the newspapers with a focused stare but when he spotted you he gave you a warm smile and waved you over. “Ahh. The savior of the hour.” What?
This was a turnaround. A real 180 degrees one. The anger the other man had expelled earlier seemed gone. “Got that contact info I asked of you, chickadee?” Right. You pull your phone out of your pocket and stumble over to show it to him. His expression warms even more as he gave you a happy grin. “Nice. Great job.” It’s so much different now. Maybe he had just been in immense pain? “Come on, don’t look so scared, I’m not gonna eat you or anything. Sit down, they told me we’re getting some snacks in a bit.” Right, you were told too. This was just freaking you out even further. But what were you going to do?
So, you sit down and give a nervous smile. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.-“ Then you bow and start to apologize. “And I’m sorry about locking you into my bathroom- and feeding you raw meat and-“ It never ends. You end up babbling at him frantically for over five minutes as you tried to convey the emotions of how fucking sorry you were about treating him like, well, a fucking bird. He just grinned at you the whole time and only when you were done speaking did he reply to you. “Ah, well. Yeah that was weird but it’s water under the bridge. It was kinda nice to not have to fight for survival against dogs and cats trying to eat yours truly. That was a thing I got to play around with three hours before you found me.” He makes a face. “You can imagine a broken wing makes that a tad annoying.”
Oh yeah. You finally relax into the chair you’ve been sitting in. “Oh my god.. I’m so glad you’re not suing me.” You groan into the air and just started to giggle all that nervousness out of you. It had been bubbling around in there and finally it was out. God damn it.. “Nah, wouldn’t dream it of.” He leaned back as much as he could in the bed and just continued to read the papers with a soft humm. Which brought in a comfortable, somewhat awkward silence. Right, you had questions still. “Uh, by the way. Now that I’m no longer getting sued or whatever-“ He raises an eyebrow. “Why am I here? Just to like, spend you some company?”
Hawks tilted his head from side to side. “Mhh.. I oughta repay you for your service, now don’t I?” Which, did not exactly enlighten you in whatever the hell he meant. Your smile tightened a little. “Aw, that’s not necessary- I’m just really happy you’re ok.” The door opens at that time and you saw the male nurse bringing a tablet with some bread and stuff. It was not much. But it was some snacks and you could use some nutrition. With all the adrenaline leaving your body you felt kind of faint from all the stress. The male smiled at you two sitting there, Hawks half sitting. “Here you go, you two lovebirds.” Uh. “I’m sorry you have to eat together in a hospital but I’m sure you can have a proper date once you’re out!” Double uh?
He put the tablet down on the bed, on Hawks legs. Who just grinned sharply and side eyed you. “Definitely. Thanks for the food.” You blinked at him with an open mouth. This just, got really uncomfortable? What. The male nurse was already out the door, winking at you as if you were about to get proposed or whatever. What kind of inside joke was this. Joke. Right. Had to be a joke. You laugh nervously. “Haha, wow. He acted like we’re a couple. Crazy!” Hawks had just pulled the tablet closer and was currently busy putting some jam on bread. He’s frowning at the quality of the hospital food. His bread’s crumbling like a bitch. “Is it? I’m hurt.” He deadpans, looking around to see what else was at his disposal. “Am I not up to your standart?” It sounded so serious. You wanna laugh but the look he gives you makes it die in your throat and begin to rot in there.
“We.. Uhm.. What?” Deer in headlights. Right there. Suddenly you felt like you were sitting in a trap that was about to cut your legs off. “Come on, you could do worse.” He smiled warmly and took a bite out of his bread before murring. “This is disgusting.. and at the very least some kind of health violation..” He blerghs before putting the food back down. “I’ll take you somewhere nicer once I’m out, yeah?” What’s going on. You’re having a fever dream. Probably on the floor having a seizure and all of this was not happening. “Y/n. You’re zoning out.” Hawks was still looking at you. You stare back. “Like.. a romantic date..?” It just slips out but the fact that it did made him perk up and smile a bit wider. “Finally, you’re catching on, chickadee.” Is this a dream come true or a nightmare.
“Did.. did you tell the nurses we’re dating already?” There’s no way he would, right? “I mean, obviously.” How wrong you were. “We basically already are.” The blonde picked the bread up again and frowned at it. He’s probably really hungry from having eaten nothing but maybe.. nibbled some raw meat or whatever. “You saving me was like a wake up call. You really did me dirty, y/n. Not once did anyone leave that kind of impression. Also, come on, number 2. I think I’m repeating myself when I say you could do worse. Or more like, you would do worse. Who’d beat me? Endeavor surely is not on that list, believe me.” Your head is spinning. Endeavor? What? Who— How??
“I- I’m..” What? Flattered? You felt like saying no was rude even though it was in your right to refuse this.. advancement. “I’m.. not interested.. I mean- this is kind of rushed, right?” Of course you were interested. Like many women, Hawks was an idol in any form. He was attractive and smart and always there to help and like many, you had been part of some fan forums. He just grinned at you when you were done speaking. “Aw.. Well, that’s fine. I’m up for a game of tag.” Which is not the response one should have to being rejected. A game of tag? “I’m..” You’re out of words. What are you supposed to be telling him? This was fucking out of whack. Suddenly you’d rather be in the car with the dude that you paid than in this room.
“No thanks?” The stupor that had a grip on you was not letting go. You’re too dumbfounded to really just, argue. You’re too nervous to lose your shit on the man. You’re just staring at his smiling face, that was just trying to make you want to calm down and be safe. Instead, it made you uncomfortable. The man shook a bit as if he was holding in laughter before taking a huge bite of his bread. Chewing thoughtfully and then swallowing. Tilting his head to the side. “Hah. That’s cute.” He’s not taking you seriously. “I.. should probably go. But-“ You want to wish him a good recovery but it felt off now. You get up and bow to him before making your way to the door. “You sure that move is in your best interest?” You blink and turn around.
“What?” He’s bandaged up and his one wing was in a cast and somehow he still intimidated you with a weird, predatory smile. “No money, bet you got no insurance..” Right. How would someone like her pay for insurance.. “At this rate you’re ending up on the street. Would fucking suck if somehow your landlord caught wind of that, eh?” Oh what. “I’ll.. stop- you’re really freaking me out. I’m telling-“ “Who?” He cut you off. He just leaned back a little and grinned wider. “Who are you going to tell that would believe you over me?” He points at himself. “Come on, chickadee. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Don’t you want a comfy life? Doting partner? You can’t do any better than this.” You’re going crazy. You’re going stir crazy. That’s the only explanation.
“You.. I.. do not- Why are you doing this?” Your eyes are tearing up and it seems to make something snap a little in him, because he winces and his expression softens. “Ah- No, hold up don’t cry- Come on-“ He actually got up, dragging the IV drip after himself as he made his way over to him. His left leg was bandaged up and in a cast too- she’s confused how that break happened. Did the vet just overlook it? “Don’t you get this? Can’t you see the raw opportunity in front of you? This is like, a golden ticket into a better life. No one else would slap this down. Literally, people would kill to be in your shoes right now. You should be happy!” He gently takes your hands into his hands and leaned a bit in. “I know I am.”
You weren’t happy. Not at all. You were scared, your idol was blackmailing you with becoming homeless. No one would believe you, some random chick that had no friends and a family that hated her and there was no getting away. You’re not smart enough to come up with some detailed strategy to get out of this. “I wanna go home.” You whimper quietly as he leaned his forehead against yours. Only getting a soft, happy sigh in return. “Don’t worry, little chickadee.. I’ll have some people bring your stuff to my place. I got enough room for us two. You’ll love it. Do you like pools? I got one-“ His talking is getting muffled as ringing took over your ears. He was trying to make this sound so much better but it does not change anything. Somehow you felt like this was the end of your life, or, at the very least, the start of something awful. Maybe it’d be beautiful if you gave it a chance in the future but right now? Right now you were scared. A lot. Looking at his eyes you felt like there was no escape. Maybe there really wasn’t.
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paintedrecs · 4 years
@mad-madam-m​ tagged me in the “list 5 OTPs from 5 fandoms” meme a couple days ago, which I laughed at her for because (a) she knows my otps FULL WELL (b) our lists are very nearly an exact match (which i am by the way delighted about because half my list right now is full of rare pairs, and I have never before known the hell of treading that landscape alone)
I’m gonna do the meme and double it up as an announcement of what I am currently into and what you’re likely to see on this blog if I start picking up my activity levels a little.
I honestly have no idea how active tumblr is at this point - how many of you are still around, and how many of you I might lose if I start reblogging my other fandoms in addition to Sterek - but after doing a Pillowfort experiment for a while, I think I’ve finally figured out how to use social media again in a way that works better for me.
My old method, before tumblr kinda imploded and fandom got weird (filled with antis and ship hate and constant infighting, ugh why), was to create a separate blog for everything I was into, which is why I have appreciatederek, appreciateshiro, appreciatejack, and...is that it? See, this is why I need to stop scattering myself into a zillion different pieces.
So I’m going to consolidate more (like I do on twitter and now Pillowfort), and also hopefully get back to my fandom roots: digging into more meta, like I did 8 years ago when I first fell in love with Sterek, and posting fic recs, like I also did thanks to Sterek. (And sharing my own fics as I write them. Guess which fandom pushed me down that path, too.)
So it’s fitting that the first ship on this list is...well, an obvious one.
1. STEREK (Teen Wolf)
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Y’all know this one. Sterek will always, always be the OTP of my heart. I love their dynamic. I love the creativity and passion of the fandom. I love that they brought my writing back to me and introduced me to so many of you.
I still have dozens of Sterek fic ideas; quite a few of them are partially written or have significant outlines, so at some point I will still be writing them. Life is just, as you know, very busy and very tiring and it’s so hard to fit everything into my days. I’m working on it, I promise. 
I’d like to start doing more updates with snippets of my upcoming fics, maybe a lil Q&A if anyone wants to chat about what I’m working on/my thought process behind what I’ve already written/what you’d like to see from me, etc. Interactive fun stuff! Sterek fandom is still the best and most supportive fandom I’ve ever been a part of, and it makes me happy every time I’m reminded we’re all still around and thriving.
And here’s some of the other stuff I’m into right now...
2. XANATOWEN (Gargoyles)
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I have been sailing this ship entirely by myself since January, recently joined by the aforementioned M, who also created this gif for me while she was still in the patient “I’m your friend, I will listen to you yelling about this show” stage. (ha ha ha look at her now, that’s what you get)
I’ve been genuinely holding myself back from spamming tumblr with my thoughts about this show and this ship, which I’m beginning to realize is...maybe silly. I’ll still try to keep it a little bit balanced, but you can definitely look forward to more Gargoyles on the horizon, including:
Fics - 30k so far, with another 4.6k that I’m hoping to post this afternoon, after I look over it and decide if I still like it (ha ha fic writing amirite). I also have a fairy tale AU that I’ve done a substantial outline for, so I’d really like to get that underway.
Episode recaps/meta posts - these are currently being posted over on Pillowfort. The goal is to get the last two episodes of Season 1 up there, then to start crossposting them here.
As long as it’s not a gigantic hassle to paste over all the screencaps, because I uh. I have a lot of them. And a lot of thoughts about the show as a whole, but particularly about the relationship between David Xanatos and Owen Burnett: the meta’s currently averaging from about 1.5k to 2.5k per episode, whoooops.
I love them. I love them a LOT. See my meta posts for very detailed explanations as to why.
3. TREVORCARD (Castlevania)
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I honestly did not expect to get this deeply invested in this ship. I watched and liked the first two seasons of Castlevania and really enjoyed the dynamic between Trevor and Alucard, but it wasn’t until the lead-up to Season 3 (and then the devastation of how absolutely terrible that season was) that I realized how much I loved these two together.
So now I’m having a very Sterek Fandom moment of “eff you canon, they’re ours now” in regards to Trevorcard. 
I’ve written one fic for them - it’s a 20k coffee shop/modern/college/artist/musician AU because they deserve all the fandom tropes and so much happiness together..
I don’t currently have plans to write any more, although if I do, it’ll likely be some sort of neighbors AU with wolf!Alucard, since my vast experience with Sterek fandom has taught me the absolute joys of exploring characters who can canonically turn into a beautiful giant effing wolf. 
I’ve also been steadily reading my way through every single Trevorcard fic in the AO3 tag, which unfortunately is only ~200. (HOW is this a rare pair. I will never ever understand it, they’re perfect together, and the animators literally said they intentionally storyboarded moments like the one above with the knowledge that people would start shipping them.)
Once I’ve finished up my AO3 tour, I’m going to compile the ones I enjoyed into rec lists. There are some really wonderful fics in there, and I’m excited to see what the rest are like.
4. TAIBANI (Tiger & Bunny)
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I really don’t talk about this ship much, but it’s so immensely close to my heart. I have...so much...official merch of Kotetsu and Barnaby; it makes me happy every single time I see it. If I used my Tiger & Bunny stuff as the standard for what sparks joy during a konmari, the rest of my apartment would probably wind up empty.
The show (which is finally getting a second season in 2022 - Kotetsu & Barnaby had better be getting married) is wonderful. I genuinely can’t recommend it enough. Great writing, wonderful character development, beautiful animation, and Kotetsu and Barnaby are absolutely perfect together. Here’s an old post where I talk about that a little bit.
I’ve only written one fic so far: a canon compliant established relationship future fic that focuses more on their family dynamic as Kotetsu’s daughter adapts to turning 18, becoming a hero, and living with her frustratingly affectionate dad & his new husband.
I have ideas for two AUs: a single dad mature student/young professor one and a sorta weird circus/steve irwin-inspired one. We’ll...we’ll see if I ever get around to either. What I end up writing always surprises me, so I sorta give up on planning what words will come out.
And oh wait! I totally forgot about the third idea, which will be roughly canon compliant, with “Kotetsu sets Barnaby up on a series of blind dates that Barnaby initially thinks will be with HIM” angsty/funny fic. Hrm. I should get back to that one, I’ve outlined part of it.
I haven’t actually read a ton of fic for this pairing, because the more I like canon material, the less I seek out fandom content to “fix” it, but I would like to start going through the AO3 tag after I finish my Trevorcard project. I did an initial rec list ages ago and would like to follow up with another.
5. SHEITH (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
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Here’s the last pairing I write fics for. I have several more in progress that I’d really like to finish - including a dragon AU that I wish someone else would just finish for me so I can read it, hahhhhhhh sigh. I wrote 15k, did a ton of research, and basically intimidated myself out of continuing, because it’s one of my Big Projects. Not gonna be like, PDIW length or anything, but it should be a pretty hefty fic once it’s done.
Then there’s the roommates AU, the burrito shop AU, the....wow. I really need to get back to these, don’t I. A couple of them are super close to being finished, too.
I’ve also compiled a few fic rec lists, although I haven’t updated those (or my Sheith blog) in a while.
This fandom has been...interesting. Rough sometimes. Sliding into some of the other pairings on this list has provided a good break for me, particularly since they’re all such small fandoms that they’re relatively free from drama and hate. Once I’m fully refreshed and re-inspired, I’d love to get back into writing Sheith. They’re such a perfect, feel-good, extraordinarily balanced and supportive ship, and I am disappointed every single day I remember that Voltron didn’t stick the landing with making them canon.
Look at that almost-kiss. Just...look at it. And tell me they aren’t in love.
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aftermathdb · 4 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Wally West vs. Archie Sonic
Time to find out who deserves to have their picture next to the definition of speed in the dictionary!
Wally′s Preview.
The story opens on the most iconic feat of the Flash: Saving the multiverse. But as it cost him his life, the world was left without a Scarlet Speedster. So, who better to take up the mantle than his protégé, Wally West?
The hosts note the sheer number of coincidences that led to Barry getting his powers, only to then segway into how Wally got his.
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The guy literally got the exact same scenario as Barry had. Why?- Because Speed Force.
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First off: That last line about Lex Luthor having no idea who he is made me laugh a bit more than was probably intended. Second: The hosts then go over Wally’s feats and powers.
They’re pretty much the same as Barry’s, so a lot of scaling can be done.
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They also note that pulling this off requires Wally to be smart.
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(Wiz lets slip that he spiked Boomstick’s beer with some cosmic whatchamacallit, and that kinda ends the gag).
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They go over more of Wally’s powers, and to be honest, I’m surprised that I haven’t accidentally put “Barry” In place of “Wally.” Their names aren’t that far off from each other.
Anyways, Infinite Mass Punch Physics!
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Anyways, Wally has pulled off some pretty crazy feats of… ignoring reality.
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Like manipulating energies not native to his own universe,
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outrunning the speed force,
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outracing DEATH ITSELF! To the point that DEATH DIED!
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And outracing instantaneous teleportation!
In a race against the previous Scarlet Speedster, The sheer amount of speed the two were giving off managed to nearly break not just the universe, but the MULTIVERSE!
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At some point, you gotta wonder: What DC Writer failed Physics so hard that he made a hero that just broke all laws of physics? Also, Wally is still somehow still considered to be human.
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And thankfully, Wally’s family has kept him tethered to this plane of existence, so it’s hard to disrupt him or paradox him out.
But the most impressive feat that Wally did?- Proving to himself that he was worthy to carry on the mantle of the Flash… Aaah!
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(I remember this episode. This was one of my favorite episodes ever).
A!Sonic′s Preview.
For reference, I will be referring to this version of Sonic as A!Sonic. Just to keep things consistent. I think I missed it in one area, but I don’t think that matters.
So, a brief history on the Archie Sonic universe… The hosts are quick to emphasize that Archie!Sonic is much much different than game Sonic.
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Anyways, after a brief backstory on the Hedgehog, the hosts go over his absurd powerset.
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And when I say absurd, let’s just say that that’s putting it lightly.
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The comic even states that Sonic’s speed is incalculable.
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In a missed moment, this is all thanks to the Chaos Force. Which is very similar to the Speed Force, so I’m a tad disappointed that they didn’t bring that up.
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In a nutshell: The Chaos Force is infinite energy that fuels all living beings on Mobius… or something… It takes physical form as rings or emeralds.
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Sonic has collected so many of these rings, that he now has a permanent force field that keeps him protected at all times.
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But, much like the games, Sonic has a super form. Super Sonic. A form that could stop this guy
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from ripping him apart molecule by molecule.
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Wiz notes that it still has a time limit, much like in the games, but that that limit is pretty long. But it’s overpowered by Ultra Sonic.
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The Chaos Force is so absurd, that it can rearrange molecules. And that’s not just limited to non-organic beings, as shown by Boomstick:
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DUMMI gets set on fire after this. It’s a niche gag.
Then they go on to list how crazy stuff that the Chaos Force can do.
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Like grant wishes.
However, Sonic and Eggman are kinda… Two sides of the same coin.  And Sonic’s thirst for adventure and action means that he can’t really get rid of him.
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Even still, Sonic’s feats are impressive.
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In fact, this Sonic is so absurdly powerful, that the only way to really beat him would be to just wait until he dies. As he is essentially an embodiment of chaos.
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The Battle Itself.
Luis and Zack are heading this animation, Wally West will be voiced by Joshua Waters and Archie Sonic will be voiced by Nicholas Andrew Louie. Way Past Flash by Brandon Yates. Audio led by Chris Kokkinos.
So the fight opens up on Flash and Sonic having a race.
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Typical trash talk and stuff, Sonic eats a Chili Dog, and Flash steals it, and they trash talk a bit more.
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At this rate, the season finale is going to start because the two combatants are both racing to the last cinnamon roll in a mall or something.
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Anyways, it takes a while, but Wally eventually steals Sonic’s speed.
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Sonic notices an Emerald, and he’s back in the race.
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Anyways, after a while, the two are now in a different part of the multiverse.
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Wally apparently has pushed Sonic to the point that the Hedgehog needs to use Ultra Sonic to keep up.
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And, credit where it’s due: This does trip up Flash a bit. But not by enough. Flash manages to get in a good kick on Sonic.
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So, yeah.
Finishing Blow in
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Verdict + Explanation.
This part got a bit glitchy on Tumblr. So if it’s blank, that’s why.
Now for starters, the two combatants are so absurd that it’s hard to determine where to start.
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Speed is essentially a non-factor due to how absurdly fast the two are. So that alone wasn’t enough to net a win.
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That Black Hole implosion wasn’t as impressive as you might think. Sonic’s been knocked out by far less, Black Holes are already imploding (so it’s not that special), and there’s some snow that survived the whole thing. Plus, even if it’s taken literally, the Infinite Mass Punch is still stronger than a Black Hole.
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Base Sonic is essentially a pushover. He has no real defenses against Wally’s powerset, and it would be easy for him to net a win. But that’s not interesting, so they go over what would happen if Sonic could get his Super Forms, which change things up. Between invincibility and wish powers, it would be hard to get around it.
So why could Wally?
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Well, Wally has more absurd speed feats than Sonic, so he’s got an experience advantage.
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Sonic’s powers have limits that Wally can manipulate, Wally has the endurance advantage, and Sonic has no real defenses against Time-Travel shenanigans.
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If push came to shove, Wally could wait out the timer and then just beat Sonic then.
And Sonic couldn’t bend fate to off Wally for him because fate is essentially Wally’s bitch. Like the time when he outraced death, and killed him.
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And molecular manipulation was off the table, as Wally has perfect control over all of his.
Wiz’s experiment kicks in about here.
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Overall impression.
Okay, this part got deleted a few times. So I’ll make it quick: The rundowns are awesome. The hosts trying to comprehend the absurdity of these characters was really great, and added a lot to the episode as a whole.
The researchers deserve far more credit than they usually get, not just for this episode, but for all of them in general, and it was their hard work that made this possible.
The animation is gorgeous. And I really like how they managed to show how each of the powers would interact with one another.
Next Time…
I hope these guys are alright. It must be hard getting work in these conditions…
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But by the GODS! I am excited for this fight!
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
Fallen Heroes Risen (OOh! Track title idea!)
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 years
Full. A 15x05 “Proverbs 17:3″ Coda, Sam & Dean, Dean/Castiel
Dean can't think about Chuck back on his bullshit, writing his own timeline of their lives without their input. He can't think about Cas, his angel ignoring their calls and following through with his promise to 'move on'. Can't think about the end.
What he can do is eat. So he does. And he won't let anyone stop him, especially Sam.
But there's only so much he can stuff down. What happens when there's no more room, and he has to deal with what's left? Will he be strong enough?
Dean frowns at the mess waiting for him in the sink. Plates stacked upon plates with smears of foodstuffs and crumbs on their surfaces. Some wet from being repeatedly drowned whenever he turned the sink on and others dry because of how long they sat going unwashed.
Sighing, Dean adds another plate to the stack. Careful to place it where it won’t fumble, slide, and clatter against the rest. Then he grabs another from the above cabinet’s short supply, walks to the fridge and begins searching for his next meal.
Weighing the roast beef leftovers with his hands Dean guesses there’s enough to slice off and  make a sandwich with. He grabs a few more ingredients to fill out the sandwich. Sprawls them on the island’s counter, surrounding the plate. Finishes preparation by slapping two pieces of bread down and pulling a knife from the door.
Sam finds him squirting mayonnaise on one of the bread pieces.
He walks in sifting through cards, brows scrunched together. “Dean?” he asks, “Have you seen our fake press passes?”
Dean spreads the mayonnaise with the knife blindly, watching his brother. “Why do you need those?”
“Figured after our last hunt we should update our old credentials so they, y’know, so they look like us.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” Dean huffs, “maybe I got a few more wrinkles but that’s it.”
“ Sure, Dean .” Sarcasm drips from Sam’s words like icing off a warm cake. Dean lets it slide off him. Focuses instead on plastering the lettuce onto the mayonnaise so it will stick. However, while he presses his hand flat against the greens, Dean feels his skin burn under a focused spotlight. Glancing up he meets his brother’s gaze.
“You’re eating,” Sam starts, lips pursed, “ again .”
Dean pauses with the tomato, squeezing it. “So?” he asks, “I got a healthy appetite.”
Unimpressed, Sam’s mouth implodes and stretches into a flat line. “Funny. That’s exactly what you said after you made that 50’s spread for breakfast… and made at least three different lunches… buffet dinner. This is…?”
He shrugs. “A midnight snack?”
“It’s not even midnight!”
“Fine, a nine-forty-five snack?”
Sam shakes his head, striding forward and closing the distance between them. Stopping at the island, across from him, he slides the IDs onto the edge. Quickly sneaking a peek, Dean sees a babyface version of himself smiling up at the ceiling. Laughing, probably because he knew the Federal Booby Inspector badge was a stupid risk that would pay off. Unaware of all the crap he’d have to wade through that made the first half of his life seem like a cakewalk. His brother clears his throat, drawing his attention back to him.
“Hey,” Sam says, voice soft and expectant in the way Dean hates . Like he cornered some injured animal, ready to snap. “Everything okay?”
Dean licks his wounds and snarls. “Peachy. Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Well, you seemed pretty down yesterday,” Sam dredges up the memory of the conversation from yesterday. Learning Chuck still kept a vested interest in ‘guiding’ them in their lives. Dean brushes his fingers against one of Lillith’s cuts, remembering how after Sam went to the library for research Dean hid in the kitchen and ate cookies, ice cream, and pretzels dipped in frosting. Fell asleep with a spoon in his mouth, slumped against the fridge.
“Of course,” Dean says, “it was a hell of a day.”
Sam nods, tapping his finger against Dean’s face. Each point of contact makes Dean flinch somewhat. Trying to carry on with what he was doing, Dean sets the tomato on a nearby cutting board. Cleans the knife with a rag and gently slices through it.
“Have you heard from Cas yet?”
The knife stops halfway into the second cut, Dean seizing. Eyes glued to the tomato, watching the juices slowly ooze from where he wounded it, he swallows around the lump in his throat. “No,” he tells him, “he hasn’t answered you yet?”
Sighing, Sam finally stops tapping and snatches the tiny bit of tomato Dean already chopped. He pops it into his mouth. “I’m starting to get worried,” he says, “it’s not like him to be radio silent.”
“I mean, yeah…” Dean says, continuing cutting with careful movements.
“Do you think maybe Chuck did something -”
“ No. ” A sharp whack accompanies him, startling Sam. “Look, Sam,” he continues, pointing the knife at him, “just because Cas hasn’t hit you back doesn’t mean something bad happened. Maybe he’s busy. Maybe he doesn’t want to talk to us.” A panicked filter warps his voice. “Y’know maybe he decided, with all this free will, that he’d rather spend time with people who aren’t us and start fresh elsewhere. Maybe that ’s it.”
“Dean,” Sam says, careful with his approach, “It’s okay. Please calm down -”
“I am calm!” Dean shouts, knife waving wildly, “I’m also fed up hearing about this. About everything. ...Who cares?”
“ I do,” Sam tells him, “And so should you? What’s gotten into you?”
He won’t answer. Instead he returns the knife to the tomato. Slicing through it with enough force to scare his brother away from the path that tempts him.
Except he can’t be scared so easily. Sam rounds the island to question further. “Seriously,” he says, “Cas hasn’t answered us for this long and you’re not bouncing up the walls? You get sent to his voicemail one time and you think he’s found trouble and are raring to get out of here. This isn’t like you, Dean.”
“What?” he sighs, “You think this is Chuck again? Now he’s messing with how I react to things?”
“No! Maybe? I… I don’t know!” Sam bites his lip, his silence distracting Dean while he moves in for the next cut. “Because every time I try and talk about Cas you somehow change the subject and -”
“ Sonofabitch !”
Dean stumbles backwards and into the counter, hissing while pressing one hand against his palm. Sam’s eyes widen as he takes in the entire scene. From the droplets of blood mixing with the pooling tomato juice on the cutting board to his brother staring at his palm in disbelief.
“Dean?” Sam asks, “Dean did you cut yourself?”
His mouth opens and shuts, but no words escape.
Sam sighs, advancing towards his brother. About a few steps away Dean’s gaze jumps from his wound to him. Green eyes, usually so confident, were shaken by the accident. Sam’s figure looks warped like by some funhouse mirror. He flinches when Sam raises a hand with spindly fingers reaching for him. “Come on, Dean,” his brother says, “let’s get you patched up.”
The next time Sam inches close, Dean allows him to grab his wrist. First Sam inspects the cut, a clinical sweep detached in a way he wishes to have. But the second he caught sight of angry red that marred his skin Dean’s mind shot down into a terrifying whirlpool of darkness.
It wasn’t the most painful cut he ever received - especially in the past few days. But it was the straw that broke his back. Crueler than all the lives Chuck stole from their story, again and again, because the only one to blame was himself. He made another careless mistake and he now suffers for it. At the end of the day his own worst enemy isn’t sitting behind a computer screen but greets him in every reflection.
He sobs, a broken sound that surprises both of them. Sam turns away from the faucet, where Dean’s hand soaks under the running stream.
“It… it, it...” he stutters, “it hurts .”
Sam glances at the cut, frown deepening. “I’m sorry if it stings,” he says, “a few more seconds and we can put some antiseptic on, then bandage -”
“Not the damn cut, Sammy,” Dean tells him, “ Everything hurts. In… in here.” He pokes his chest, tears freely flowing and drowning him. “What with Chuck… all that… that happened… Ma, Jack, Rowena, Ketch and… and Cas -” Knees buckling, Dean collapses to the floor. Sam follows and eases him so his knees don’t slam. “It all hurts and I feel so drained and - and empty. Especially after… and I keep eating, and eating, but Sam I’m never full. I… I can’t stop eating, I can’t stop hurting . Hurting everyone ... “
“Hey, hey hey hey hey,” Sam shushes him, squeezing his wrist and dragging him into a hug. Wet hand pressed flat between their chests, Sam rubs his back. “You’re not hurting everyone .”
“I want Chuck to end it already,” Dean admits to Sam’s shoulder, “Before I do it again. You’re the only one who hasn’t left me, Sam. Once you go I… I don’t think I can take anymore losses, man.”
“Don’t say that,” Sam growls, “It’s all Chuck’s fault, Dean. Chuck is controlling our lives - making us run this stupid maze of us. Using us for cheap entertainment to get his rocks off! It’s not you .”
It’s comforting to think it was Chuck pulling his strings in those moments. Dean considered it himself. But Sam only says this because he doesn’t know the whole truth. “It’s partly me,” Dean starts, deflating in Sam’s arms. “Mostly… Chuck put us in this crazy situation but he didn’t… he wasn’t feeding me lines when I said what I did to Cas. Blaming him for everything that went wrong and spitting on eleven years of… of us .”
“What -”?
“And now he’s gone!” Dean chuckles madly, more tears soaking Sam’s shirt, “He… he moved on . I didn’t think he’d do it but he did and I hate every day since.” Gasping, he leans away from Sam to look him in the eyes. Accepting the mild expression of disappointment shadowing his features. “All I want is him here, except every time I think of apologizing I can’t get past this stupid block. It could be fear or - or I’m still angry with Cas. I try and think about why I get this headache and it all becomes so… so confusing . Maybe that’s Chuck or maybe I’m a coward. Can’t talk to him but also can’t live like this… so I stuff my face. Only that’s not working either and I’m… I’m out of options Sam. What do I do?” Dean begs, “What do I do ?”
He quiets after the outburst, waiting for Sam’s response. Sam, his brother who can always see the light in a darkened room. Who can think through the toughest of puzzles and come up with an answer. Who has decades of emotional maturity over Dean who can’t say a few little words his best friend deserves without his palms sweating and jeans dampening. Swallowed his heart more times that there’s nowhere that hasn’t been burned by his stomach acid.
Too much time passes without a response. “Sam?” Dean shakes him, “What do I -”
“I can’t tell you that, Dean.”
“I can’t tell you,” he repeats, smiling, “and neither can Chuck. What happens next between you and Cas that… that’s up to you. I know you can do what’s right.”
“No… no, Sam,” Dean says, body trembling, “I… I can’t. Especially when it comes to Cas, man. My track record with him… I wasn’t always the best to him but he never thought that until… until I…” Chest heaving, Dean wipes away his tears. “I’m a screw up, Sam. I’ve always been… and that’s what I’ll keep being. Chuck doesn’t want me to have any character growth -”
“I wouldn’t say that Dean,” Sam interrupts, stretching forward. Blindly searches atop the counter, he smiles when he finds what he needs. As he brings it closer Dean sees they’re the fake credentials.
“Sam -”
“You’ve changed, Dean,” he shows off the top badge, that same frozen Dean from earlier smiling at him . “Do you think this guy would own up to his mistakes… would he struggle with his feelings… openly admit that he has them so easily like you have… cry in front of me? Dean you’re nothing like you were in the past. These two guys might be the same person but I prefer the you you are now and not the you you were then. He didn’t know who he was, didn’t allow himself the opportunity to explore different parts of himself. Stuck to one path and didn’t question if there were any others. Now you’re right, that on the surface nothing’s really changed… but I think we both know that the boy in this photo is a stranger.”
It’s always hard fighting Sam’s logic, especially with how worn out he feels. Even if he had enough energy to do so, Dean wouldn’t. Because finally Dean agrees with Sam. “It… doesn’t look like me. Like at all.”
Sam laughs, nodding. “I’ve been trying to tell you…”
“Updating these are gonna be a bitch, though,” he grouses, rubbing his eye, “I don’t think there’s a Kinkos left in America.”
Shrugging, Sam tucks the credentials into his shirt pocket. “I’m sure there’s still one kid with a van and a laminator.”
“Probably won’t accept a fake credit card though.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
Dean smiles. Breathes easier without the crushing weight of his worries on his chest. Shouldering them with Sam proves better than doing so alone. Their mirth dies and his brother returns to the heart of their conversation.
“So,” Sam says, “what do you want to do?”
Dean thinks about it. Reflects on his addled mind, extends his awareness past it and to his body. Checking in from the tips of his fingers to his toes. Relaxing against the island, he stretches his legs in front of him. “Kinda don’t feel like doing much of anything right now,” he admits, “just wanna sit here a while and do nothing.”
“That’s okay.” Sam unfolds himself as well, readying to stand from his crouch. Dean catches him before he fully stands. “What?”
“I... “ Dean can’t meet Sam’s curious gaze. Blushing, he stares at his lap. “I also don’t want to be alone…”
Sam’s mouth forms a perfect circle on its journey to becoming a gentle smile. “Sure, Dean,” he says. Mirroring Dean, Sam joins him on the floor. However where Dean’s feet brush the cabinets, Sam bends his knees to fit his log-like legs in the space.
Together they hide behind the island. Away from Chuck and all the responsibility waiting for them. Soon they won’t be able to run away from all that needs addressing. To be the men they are and face each challenge with courage in their hearts.
But for this moment, they’re the boys they were. Boys they haven’t been since before the fire. Brothers sitting in the kitchen, together.
Many things might change, but the most important things don’t. What Dean believes in, what his angel means to him, and how important his brother is to him.
“I love you, Sam.”
“I love you, too, Dean.”
“...I promise not to kill you if you don’t try and kill me.”
Snickering, Sam shoves at him. “Way to ruin the moment.”
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