#while having time for maaaybe a half XD
idiotdriftinginspace · 4 months
Mars 2 electric boogalo ᕦ( ᐕ )ᕡ
hey @lets-try-some-writing i've made more stuff, since:
1-i can't control myself or the amount of ideas that just come to my mind XD; and
2- I'm having SO MUCH FUN AND JOY making these and seeing other people also enjoy these :)
So Mars despite his near non existent magnetic field and atmosphere also have aurora borealis, smaler but still aurora...and I just couldn't help myself :D
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A little eplenation since Mars doesn't have canon design, I just winged it and tired to mash Ares and a planetary titan, hence why the shoulder pads and skirt flaps both have the surface texture just like Earth, but at the same time are stylized after whatever greek armor Ares have
The big circles on his left arm - that's Olympus Mons: It is Mars's tallest volcano, its tallest planetary mountain, and is approximately the tallest mountain currently discovered in the Solar System. So what's a better use for it than to use it alongside classical ✨transformers mass shifting✨, and turn it into hidden/compressed shield - also borrowed from Ares, but i also think it fits his personality to have one
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And now i think my absolute favorite detail: The Markings
I couldn't get your drawing of Convoy with these markings out of my head, and the fact that Mars is old and definitely had an amazing relation with his citizens before departure, so I just thought that it would be really cool and cute if the markings were a gift from his previous citizens. Either during their stay, simply as a "thank you" or "we love you", or as a parting gift, so he could always remeber them the "we're always with you, we'll never forget you" :')
And i had to throw the biolights? the energon lines running on the body (or as I like to call them: "TRON lights". I just love the concept of cybertronians to have such thing, and this is why (among many other things) I love TFP Soundwave and Shockwave and the whole IDW/MTMTE designs :D
Overall I had SO MUCH FUN drawing these AAAAHHHHH and again I'm so happy you like it as much as i enjoy making them
Bonus, because I CAN NOT BE STOPPED (⊙ヮ⚆)
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Yeah he holds them in a baby carier, as for the (way to small for a titan and a buch of rovers barely the size of a car) size difference, ehm: ✨the magic of transformers mass shifting✨...and it being a cute image
close up on the babies:
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(shhh I know that as of writing this post Marie Curie and Ingenuity are not canon, but neither is Marss design and I want one big happy family ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ )
Part 1: Earth
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ghoulfr13nd · 5 months
i took my sweet time listening to ur oc playlists, and i've been taking notes during! so my thoughts are kind of chaotic fgsgdfj
hmmmm Ves seems/want to seem like the type that is reserved and very badboy/girl-ish outside to someone that doesn't know them well but has a burning fire inside, is rebelious and seems devoted/attached to someone to a fault? maybe Ves is someone that'd love to cut people off from their life, to isolate, but emotionally can't?? they're a little self-destructive and are not very comfortable with themselves? they're someone stuck in the past maybe? maaaybe they had a rough break-up? they have terrible relationship with their parents and troubling past?
Mac seems to have very strong personality, is dominant and overwhelming, unbashed and confident, not open to genuine connection often, a life of the party. they're lived through a bad/abusive reletionship and that's partly why they can be so flippant to their partner(s), because they don't know how to take good ones? ("Good Ones" and "bury a friend" seems to be especially suggesting this in my eyes fdgj) they also seem very sensual, vindictive, they seem dangerous to people around + themselves? but maybe that's the persona they're projecting, hiding their hurt and softer side under? all this solemn classical and instrumental in the middle of mostly pop songs gives me such vibes? maybe they think they're broken and beyond repair? lost all trust, changes lovers like gloves (hey that kinda rhymes!), overachiever, they know what they want and they will get it no matter what. maybe adrenaline junkie? attention seeker?
mac and ves both seem to not be doing too well 😔 bpd feels in both these playlists are strong to me ;v; (hope it's not weird to say? fsdhkf)
also both playlists start with Until It Doesn't Hurt hmmmm! and both have all the good girls go to hell HMMMM
LINSEY WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM NO 10-12 YEAR OLD'S PLAYLIST SHOULD BE LIKE THAT chough let's just say after seeing their age and then listening to their playlist i got whiplash ;v; i got a lot of melancholy in this one! what happened to their parents! im scared!
(if something seems like a conclusion from a left field pls don't worry my brain just sometimes makes the weirdest connections fgsdj)
anyway! was able to nail at least one thing??? (im curious to hear about these ocs btw listening to their playlists made me attached xd)
music anon 🎶
uhhh i’m unsure if you meant borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder but i’ve recently been diagnosed with the latter and i’ve had these guys for a while so i wouldnt be surprised if some of that slipped in ;-;
i’ve been really critical of my playlists and sort of unsure if they convey the right vibes and this has confirmed for me that they absolutely do 🥹 i’m so happy you are so so right
Ves is a half demon and on a physiological level, she has a lot more demon qualities than human. Her dad was human and just doesn’t live as long as demons do, and so he died from old age when she was still pretty young by demon standards. Her mom remarried to THE big bad demon King Of Hell himself, and I haven’t decided yet if I think he’s a good stepdad or not, but it doesn’t really matter. neither of her parental figures can relate to her because her heart is so very human. shes pretty lonely and my concept for her is that she runs away from Hell and starts spending time on Earth, driving her dad’s old car around. she slips in and out of clubs and is generally pretty closed off, she doesn’t have a very clear self-image.
she also likes to dress up and make Linsey dress up so they can go to church and steal from the collection plate to go buy snacks from the gas station fjsjdjdj
Mac is an angel! Specifically, she is the angel sent to smite people. Except, what actually determines whether someone is to be smited? Is this right? Is this holy? It must be. It is her job to do it. And she does it so, so well. She refuses to think too hard about these questions. She has been ordered to hurt someone she cared about and she did it and has been struggling with the internal conflict of it ever since (read: hundreds of years). she blocks most of that out and takes on this dominant, in your face, larger than life personality. when she’s not on a job, she definitely likes to live on the edge. she’s immortal, but she can still get hurt, and that thrills her. when she finds out there’s a demon from Hell crawling around, she’s given an order to take her out. But that turns out to be a lot harder than she expects. (they are GAY they are IN LOVE)
somewhere along the way, they meet Linsey. its been a while since i’ve thought about her lore, but she’s my baby and I love her. something does happen to her parents (i havent decided if its her or not lol). Ves finds her at some point wandering on the side of the road and Linsey stabs her. Ves is like. damn nice try kid. I’m immortal though lol. and takes her to get wendy’s. Linsey hasn’t had a very good childhood, and like Ves, doesn’t have a very strong sense of self.
the story I would like to have for them is about these twenty-somethings trying to find themselves and what they want, while clumsily trying to take care of this kid, and all of them learning about what it means to be alive.
I don’t have any art of Mac but here’s two (2) Ves’s and a Linsey and another character I do not have a playlist for and haven’t done much with in a while. (These are both older pieces and the first Ves is from when I initially created her when I was much younger and imagined her under 21 — shes aged with me fhskdj)
These are both done by my wonderful and dear friend @/kitochi @/kitochiart who is a fantastic artist that mainly posts about their starwars ocs fjskfjdj.
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I do have some personal (not very good) doodles of them as well (and some lovely physical art my friends have sent me in the mail!!!) but I’d have to go dig em up. let me know if you’re interested though and i will!
i hope you like them i totally get they’re not for everybody…. i’ve never posted them before bc i’m worried people wont like them. they’re meant to be sort of problematic and so. yknow. shrug.
anyway. yeah. idk how to end this. i feel shy. sorry again for not responding sooner i straight up didnt know i had asks:((( yours are not the only ones i’ve found sitting in my inbox fkskdjdksk
i hope you’re doing well!!! thank you SO SO MUCH for listening to my playlists and telling me what you think. it means the world to me and it makes me so happy that you do and that you’ve shared your thoughts with me. thank you.
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one-last-puku · 2 years
I think I just realized I participated in something akin to Special Ed during high school.
Like no shit. I remember having "some thing" called Section 504 after my NVLD "diagnosis" (2009, by the way). I'd go to this thing called "the Learning Center" that was one of my school's programs that the students usually used as a tutoring facility, but I started going there during the day. I don't really remember much about what I did there... I think they helped me make organized folders for my classes and some other things I swear I can't remember. I was able to take many of my class tests in there, because I took literally forever to finish my tests, if memory serves, I was able to ask an administrator what a question was trying to ask and the person there might help me along to find the right answer, from time to time. One thing I'll never forget for some reason, is that each day I had to go there and draw "figure 8s" and sometimes I'd have to guess measurements without a reference. I would try to overanalyze what the precise number could be, and one time I was able to perfectly predict what the measurement was from just eyeballing. I still really don't know what the figure 8s were supposed to do, but maybe I aught to practice that again since I can't seem to stop sucking at drawing circles. (I just remembered, I think I had to practice those tangram things too! I kind of hated those as a kid.)
My parents have always sworn that I'm normal and that the system just wants to medicate the children, but the whole reason I started having these accommodations was because I just couldn't seem to catch up with my peers. My parents just always told me I'm just not trying hard enough, get angry, or just give up on trying to make sure I was getting good grades. My mom would always say "A's make scholars, but C's make dollars." which is stupid and an excuse, but at the time I took advantage of my mom's leniency. HAHAHA perhaps I... "took her quote too literally" because I pretty much always had a C average. XD My parents would admittedly say some seriously ablest shit too, like my mom would say "#myname, you're perfectly normal. If you were m̷e̷n̷t̷a̷l̷l̷y̷ ̷r̷e̷t̷a̷r̷d̷e̷d̷, you'd be in a wheel chair like "dur dur durhur"," while hitting her chest with the side of her hand. "you're not like that." It felt like a hopeless conversation, and perhaps I was just lazy, taking aids that people more deserving needed.
I mean, I'm not... uhh. as they say, intellectually impaired or whatever that means. I mean, the private school I attended during the first half of my high school career required you to score a certain pretty high score for the pSAT in order to be able to enroll. I just struggled to pull that knowledge out in a timely manner or without getting anxious, especially when timed.
My handwriting still sucks too, though I've been told it looks nice? Bull, I tend to have other people write for me if I have to fill out an official document because my handwriting sucks so much. lol
Anyway, part of the reason I pretty much forgot that I "maaaybe" have a mental impairment after all this time was because of how much my parents vehemently insisted that there was nothing wrong with me and how I was perfectly normal.
I was admittedly also a bit concerned because I have never liked to stand out or feel like I was having special treatment, so often, despite needing the aids, the anxiety of feeling like people around me were secretly judging me was enough to make me blank out even more if I did need more time on my tests. I remember this one instance, when I decided to go back to public high school for the latter half, in physics class (The private school had us one class level ahead of public school, so I was a Junior taking a Senior course.) I was unable to finish my test before the teacher needed to move onto the next part of class, so I had to go to a back room to keep working on my test. I got soo soo anxious and self conscious, my mind became too blank to finish my test. Instead I had drawn a dancing banana in the space where my answers were supposed to be. It was probably drawn in an attempt to distract and calm my nerves, but it failed. I felt so embarrassed.
That said, I made a mental note to myself that I just needed to get faster at taking my tests, and if I didn't feel like I knew the answer quickly enough, I'd have to move on and try to go back later. If everyone was pretty much done, I made myself check it over quickly, and then just turned in what was there.
By the time I went off to college, I had forgone the 504 aids and just went on pretending I was a normal person. So even to this day, it's like everyone around me just.. decidedly forgot that I did have all of these things happen in the past.
I did graduate college without aids, but I was very close to dropping out once. I had to write a letter in order to have it waved so I could keep attending school. I sometimes feel like I don't really deserve my Bachelor's degree, I guess it's that lovely imposter syndrome.
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novantinuum · 5 years
So, some thoughts on the sequence of events.
These scenes were mixed at random throughout the movie, but from aligning some of the stills that have similar color schemes I think I’ve pieced together a small glimpse of what might be happening towards the end of the film, as it approaches the climax. I still have no clue what that climax could even be, (I doubt it’s the shot of Steven in front of the moon, since I don’t think they’d put it in the trailer), BUT-
Steven climbs the injector, alone- to meet with Mystery Gem. (From now on, referred to as MG.) The other Crystal Gems are notably not with him. What’s left of Beach City looks like a hellscape. My guess is that this is Day 2, with hours left until Earth is destroyed from this.
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The meeting doesn’t go well. Steven prepares to defend himself.
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MG advances to attack him.
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Things get Super Not Great pretty fast. 
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MG picks Steven up and YEETS him.
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Steven falls from all the way down from the injector. Thank goodness this guy can float. (Happy thoughts are probably few and far between right now, though. Gonna be a rough landing, I bet.)
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But! That’s just a play by play prediction of one scene. XD Overall, my prediction on the order of events for the whole movie is as follows:
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Shortly after opening, and dealing with Steven’s message to Gemkind, he returns to Earth and reunites with the main CGs, many who he probably hasn’t seen in at least a few weeks/months as he’s been out and about between Homeworld and the Colonies. Steven visits the new Gem constructions with Amethyst, helping install a new warp pad. We reconnect with Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot there. There’s prob a whole big ensemble song about how everything is great right now, and the future looks bright. Then it’s photo time!
Back at the house, Connie finally gets to see Steven after a while apart. (They’re standing in his lil’ diamond communication hub built right next to the house. I think it’s also gonna be a garden inside.) They have a private moment in Steven’s room shortly after, talking... maybe Connie just finished training, or maybe she’s leaving on a short trip or something?
CGs and Steven relax together, and it’s the first time they��ve really gotten to let loose for a while and do nothing since they’ve been so busy. MG rears her nasty self, then. She kinda digs her drill into the ground to land, but it’s not a full drill since she’s not quite ready to inject yet. This is her being super extra in her first meeting face to face with this... hybrid diamond.
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Words/threats are exchanged. Eventually Steven has enough. Things turn violent as the CGs try to defend. MG is too much and overpowers them. She prepares to move her ship to actually drill. Steven tries to stop it, but to no avail. (I’m wondering if MG disappears somewhere while Peridot and Steven are talking about the threat to the earth, because the sky/grey grass colors and the town still being in one piece suggest it’s post injection, but if MG is there why isn’t she fighting them?)
After that I believe there’s a HUGE chunk of story we have zero footage/hints towards. Beach City probably evacuates. I’m sure Connie and Greg are a big part of this. First night falls.
Whatever Steven’s singing when he’s in front of the moon will probably be my new favorite Steven song. Good ol’ Stretch Armstrong be fightin’ the Gems in the sky, maybe knocks him down... Hopal for Opal happens. 
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The Steven and Greg stuff is still during that same night. (I HOPE THEY FUSE! PLEASE, REBECCA I’LL GIVE YOU MY BLOOD)
Stuff starts to get really bad, and cracks begin opening up in the ground.
Right after that I believe is another bit where a BUNCH of stuff we’ve seen zero footage for happens. Surprise content. 
I believe the shot of the decimated Beach City is with hours left until irreversible damage is caused to this planet. The civilians are long evacuated. The CGs (I’m sure there’s more here that aren’t shown in the trailer) are giving their last stand. Steven isn’t doing so hot, because he’s half organic and maaaybe is being effected by the injector/life being legit sucked away from this world, or he could just be really tired from not sleeping in two days. Take your pick.
Alexandrite time! :D
Somehow, Steven is separated from the Gems, or they’re incapacitated and he’s the only one who can keep on defending. Cue my interpretation of the scene I described above.
Some completely unknown climax stuff happens that will probably make me weep like a baby.
Garnet sings ‘True Kinda Love’ while embracing the others after some form of resolution or victory has been reached. (I’ll talk about my full interpretation/theory about the song in another post.)
Aaaand those are my theories. I’m probably super far off, but for now this is what I’ve got. XD
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takatofan · 4 years
For the first time, I just got done watching Digimon Tamers, subbed, and I really wanted to talk about it. I know I don’t have many people following me but I wanted to talk about this anyway, just put my thoughts out there. (Don’t expect major dub bashing, because I’ll always love my dub, but I may point a couple things I don’t like.) Note: I will always use Dub names out of habit/it’s what I know best.
The dub has a special place in my heart. It was one of only two anime's that I ever got up on Saturday morning for as a kid. (I didn’t get the WB in my area, so I couldn’t watch Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh! as it aired.) I was an outcast in school, and Tamers made me so many friends online, a friend I even called once a week for a few years, and a few years later, a boyfriend, who I’m still with. (I didn’t get into Digimon until a month before Tamers came out, and I didn’t get connected with the fandom until then.)
But all these years, I wanted to eventually see the sub. I had been aware of some edits, but even besides those, I always wanted to see my favorite anime the way it was intended to be seen. But first they weren’t available, and by the time they were, I got to a point where it was harder for me to focus on subs. But I finally watched it.
I will always prefer my dub, but watching the original was just fascinating. First off it amazes me how quiet the sub is. The dub usually filled it with something - In earlier seasons a joke, but in Tamers while it could be a joke, it was also quite often exposition.
I knew the sub would have less random jokes, but I wasn’t prepared for just how reserved and polite the kids were. The thing that got me the most was, in ep 21, when Leomon first appears, when Juri tells Takato that Leomon is her partner, and Takato says congratulations, and Leomon in the dub says “Now hold on...” In the dub, Takato replied a - NOT sarcastic, but funny, serious/intimidated “Sir yes sir...” But in the sub, Leomon says “Wait a second” and what does sub Takato reply to hold on? .... “I will.” ..... That... is just a level of politeness I was not expecting. If someone asked me to wait a second, I would either not say anything and wait, or maaaybe say ‘okay’, or ‘what?’. But to SAY “I will (wait a second)?” I just XD. I’m all for polite but that's too much XD.
Since the dub leaves all the references to them being in Japan, I’m not entirely sure why they didn’t leave in Henry being half Chinese. They left in the Chinese Zodiac and something about Hong Kong later in the show, I wonder if the dub just thought that wasn’t important, or what? And I mean, it really doesn’t change anything to me, but it’s interesting. (If you’re curious the conversation was just changed to how good Guilmon and Terriermon were getting along, and the fight that just happened with Rika) The tone was more serious, which I expected to a point, but I wasn’t expecting this level. Terriermon was a perfect angel compared to the dub. Dub terriermon is a big selling point of my enjoyment, but even so, it was interesting to see how reserved he was.
I had known of changes and things for years, like the rooster was serious and in the dub it was THE DEVAH!!!!! but actually kinda creeped me out in the sub. I’m glad the dub made it more humorous.
Interesting thing I noticed even before watching the sub, was that they cut less stuff out than previous seasons. While Adventure and 02 cut out any references to guns and cigarettes, both made its way in Tamers. In ep 19 or 20, Impmon gets a gun pulled on him by a cop, and it wasn’t edited. I wouldn’t think adding the line “Should I tell him I don’t have any ammo?” would have made leaving it in okay compared to adventure and 02? So it’s interesting. In ep 8, a guy is trying to light a cigarette before Impmon appears to try and light it, and while trying to light it was cut, when we see impmon and the guy, you can still see the cigarette in his hand. Meanwhile twice in later eps we see Yamaki’s apartment and we see a huge ash tray filled with butts. Surprised that wasn’t edited.
My biggest surprise for something being edited came with episode 23. I had always heard that part of hypnos collapsing was edited, which makes sense, since this aired just a couple months after 9/11, but what I didn’t expect was the end to have a 20-30 second scene of just the tamers + Kazu and Kenta, on a blue background, running with determination. Wasn’t a big thing or a big deal, but it was interesting. Not sure it wasn’t shown.
One thing I think the Dub added to it that it got right, IMO (Though I don’t think it was planned ahead of time) : When Leomon died, and when Juri’s mom died, Fate was mentioned, but the dub, in both instances instead said: “A part of (them) will always be with you”, and to me that was more powerful, especially when Juri’s mom died, and she ran around the hospital in the memory saying “WHERE?! WHERE IS THE PART THAT’S WITH ME?!” Looking for it. And then, that was called back in the last couple eps, when Grani sacrificed himself to give Gallantmon wings, and Takato said “A part of you will always be with us.” - where as in the sub there wasn’t a reference to fate. It was just a really good recurring theme, to me.
There were a couple things that I was curious about watching the sub. Namely, if Calumon knew about his power all along and the dub messed it up, and how they were going to get back from the digital world.
With Calumon, the first time Takato asks him, in the dub, what Takato asks comes out wrong and Calumon gets offended. In the sub, it seems more like he knows what Takato’s talking about but doesn’t want to talk about, but as the show goes on, it seems more that he really didn’t know.
As for the digital world... in the dub, Ryo tells them he can take them home, but they have to go through another world first, then Shibumi tells them they have to go to the highest plane of the digital world, where the four sovereign are. But then neither of those things ever come into play, and they just have to wait for the arc. I was really curious if the dub screwed this up, or if the writers just didn’t know what they were doing. The verdict? ... I think the dub was confused - I don’t think they understood what was being said. I didn’t get it at first either. When Ryo said it, he, Kazu, Kenta, and Rika, were all in the giant clock. Kazu says “Do you know how to get out of here?” and he says “Yes, but we have to go through another area.” - I’m not even completely sure I have this straight as I type this (and I just rewatched the sub scene) but I think what it was, is sub Kazu was asking how to get out of the clock, but just “Out of here” and the dub took that as “Out of the digital world”, in which Ryo said, “Yes, but we have to go through another world first.”. With Shibumi in ep 32... that one I do blame the dub, going home was kind of inserted into the conversation about getting to the sovereign out of nowhere.
I’m sure there are other things I would have commented on. I wish I took notes while I was watching. (I watched it slowly with my bf over the last 2 months.) But over all, watching the sub was a very interesting experience, but I will always love my dub. Also even when it was new, I liked the darker aspects that the dub left in, but I’m not sure I would have liked a faithful translation at the age I watched it. I need my Mona Marshall Terriermon jokes, my Steve Blum innocent Guilmon, and most of the dumb jokes.
Ending this with random: A few of my fav dub jokes:
Random man: “It’s just a toupee...” Random Woman: “Yes but you wear it on your chest...” Guilmon: You’re ear is tickling my foot. Terriermon: You’re foot is tickling my ear. Calumon: ....I wanna tickle something!
Terriermon: If I was a big red Dinosaur looking for fun I’d go.... .... .... ... OH WHO KNOW’S WHERE HE’D GO, DINOSAURS ARE WEIRD!!!!!!
(Guardramon was GOLD in the dub.)
Kazu: Two sad girls.... I haven’t even started dating yet.... and I’ve got to deal with two sad girls.... Guardramon: Once you start dating I’m sure you’ll make MANY girls sad!!!!
Kazu: Where’d Suzie go?
Guardramon: She flew away! Kazu: SHE FLEW AWAY?! BUT HOW?! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WATCHING HER!!!! Guardramon: I was! I watched the whole thing!
Many others, but I’ll stop there. :) Sorry for my rant, if you read, I hope you enjoyed. :)
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dazaaaai · 6 years
(person from ur tumblr): CAN I JUST SAY THIS BLOG IS AWESOME :D I cant believe I found another person who likes bsd! btw Im Kunikida's wife, nice to meet you. Tell ur hus that Kunikida wants an explanation regarding the sudden disappearance of his nb XDD Aaanyways, to get to the point, I was hoping maaaybe for a prompt like: Kunikida sick w/ cold and a sweet Dazai takes care of him...?
HI THERE!! Sorry this is so late omg it’s been almost half a year but BLESS!!! It’s always good to have more people who like the Bungalow Wild Pups :D hello Mrs. Kunikida it’s a pleasure to meet you as well, I’ll be sure to tell Dazai to attend to the case of Kunikida’s missing notebook XD And yes !! You may of course, have your request! I think it’s not as fluffy and one-on-one as you wanted, but I had a lot of fun writing, so thank you for requesting and I do hope you enjoy it as much as I did typing it up!!
This Can’t End Well
⋆pairing: none that are mentioned!⋆ characters: Doppo Kunikida, Osamu Dazai, Akiko Yosano (main); Atsushi Nakajima, Junichirou Tanizaki, Kenji Miyazawa, Edogawa Ranpo, OC (secondary); Fukuzawa Yukichi, Kirako Haruno and the clerks (mentioned)⋆genre: mostly comedy, fluff near the end⋆ rating: K+⋆warnings: mentions of vomiting and other sickness symptoms⋆words: 2051→  summary: Kunikida’s definitely sick, and neither the Agency nor he himself are entirely certain what to do. Dazai, however, has a plan…
   This couldn’t end well.
    He didn’t want to admit it. It was shameful, and he had work to do! He couldn’t just slack off, couldn’t just stay at home… He had a schedule to keep to, an ideal — there was no way he could allow himself to be lazy, no way he could allow himself to act like…
    Dazai pinches his cheek, “Kunikida-kuuuun. You look awfully red.”
    Kunikida growls, “Well. Maybe if someone weren’t standing here trying to annoy me to death, my complexion would be a lot paler.”
    “I don’t think it’s just that,” Dazai hums, moving his hand from his cheek to his forehead, Kunikida doing everything in his power to keep typing and not snap Dazai’s wrist. “Kunikida-kun, I think you have a fever!”
    “Absolutely not,” Kunikida quickly swats his hand away before returning to his ever-important document. Click-clack, click-clack…
    “I think maybe Yosano-sensei should take a look at you.”
    “Absolutely not.”
   And then, to Kunikida’s horror, his body completely betrays him. His nose seizes, his lip quivers, his face scrunches up…
   He does an awful, awful thing.
   He sneezes.
   “Bless you, Kunikida-san!” Comes Atsushi’s voice from across the desk, from where the tiger boy is sitting, on the other chair.
   Kunikida swiftly wipes his nose with a hanky, returning to his typing.
   “You know,” Dazai says, leaning against his chair. “Our little photographer says that where she’s from, a single sneeze means bad luck, or very simply, ‘be patient.’ Maybe your work can wait?”
   “Nonsense! I do not procrastinate,” But his voice sounds stuffy — stuffier than usual, Kunikida’s sure Dazai would remark — and his eyes feel weary. His throat is scratchy, too…
   “Uh-oh,” Dazai coos. “I think somebody’s definitely sick.”
   “You really don’t look so well, Kunikida-kun.”
   “I’m fine, Dazai!”
   “You’re sick,” Dazai’s teasingly insistent, turning to his subordinate, “Atsushi-kun! Doesn’t Kunikida-kun seem sick to you?”
   Atsushi glances nervously between his two superiors — one wears an easy-going smile and the other’s glaring daggers at Atsushi, as if daring him to speak up.
   “W-well,” he begins. “Kunikida-san’s a logical man… Why would he come to work if he wasn’t feeling well?”
   “I don’t know,” Dazai hums. “Why don’t you ask him?”
   Atsushi takes one look at Kunikida, yelps, and buries his face back in his paperwork.
   “I am not sick, Dazai,” Kunikida says, with a sense of finality — he refuses to accept any prolonging of this discussion. He has work to do.
   But then…
   It’s a small, tickle of sorts, within the back of his throat, at first. Then the tickle turns into scraping in his lungs, and soon enough Kunikida’s hacking up spit and bile into the palm of his hand, desperately trying to keep the contents of his stomach inside his body where they belong.
   “Kunikida-san?” It’s Junichirou this time, he’s walking by with a stack of folders and binders. The boy’s bright red eyes gaze at Kunikida with concern, “Are you alright? You don’t look too good.”
   “Tanizaki-san, I assure you, I’m in perfect health—” Kunikida says, but ends up being unable to continue as another coughing fit wracks his chest.
   Junichirou frowns, “You should go lie down in Yosano-sensei’s infirmary, if only for a bit. It’d help a lot — I can take over what you need to do for today from here, if you need me to.”
   Kunikida dismisses him with a wave of his shaky hand, “No, I insist. I have it under control.”
   He returns to his typing, only to realize upon hitting a certain point in his document, that he needs to refer and source something from a case they’d solved last year — the files to do with that are not on the hard drive belonging to the computer he’s currently working with. In fact, they haven’t been digitized yet, so they’re on a shelf against the walls of the office, a little ways away from where Kunikida’s working.
   All he has to do is get up and get the binder. Simple, right?
   Not right. He gets up and is immediately hit by a wave of dizziness so intense that both Atsushi and Junichirou shout at once, “Kunikida-san!”
   They rush to his side just as his head’s about to hit the ground and catch him, the two younger, weaker boys barely holding the man upwards, dragging him back to his seat, which he collapses in gratefully, and while breathing heavily.
   “You definitely need a break,” Junichirou puts a hand to Kunikida’s forehead, tutting when he feels the high temperature of his skin.
   “No no,” Kunikida insists, but when he sits up he again finds himself dizzy, collapsing back once more in his seat.
   “Everybody needs to rest sometime,” Atsushi says, voice soft.
   “I can rest at night, when I’m asleep…”
   “Kunikida-san,” Junichirou continues. “We’re going to take you to Yosano-sensei and see what she thinks, okay?”
   Kunikida’s face manages to pale, at least, in comparison to how red it is from his fever. “Oh no.”
   Dazai cackles maniacally, “How exciting! Gotta get treated by the scary scary doctor when you have the suds, Kunikida-kuuun…!”
   “Is he alright?” Kenji asks, poking his head out from behind Atsushi and Junichirou, who’ve been waiting outside of Yosano’s office for about half an hour.
   He was asking this question to Yosano, of course, who’d finally unlocked the door and stepped outside, seeming bemused in expression but smiling gently at Kenji, then laughing.
   “Oh he’s fine,” she replies at last. “He’s just sick.”
   “I knew it!” Dazai yells cheerily from across the floor.
   “So he really is sick?” Junichirou bites his lip, “Can you heal him?”
   Yosano shakes her head, “No. My ability only works on injuries, and is mostly intended for the life-threatening kind… It can do nothing for psychological damage, medical problems you were born with, nor, in this particular case… The common cold.”
   “He caught a cold?” Atsushi’s almost in awe. “That seems so strange. He’s always seemed so healthy and hard-working.”
   “Finally took its toll,” Yosano sighs. “It’s a sign that he needs to rest.”
   She then narrows her eyes, looking all around at the Agency members.
   “Whatever you do,” she begins, tone deadly serious and commanding. “Do not let that man leave his bed. I don’t care if he begs or pleads or cries, he will not work today.”
   “B-but,” Atsushi tries to argue. “Yosano-sensei! You know Kunikida-san is so very, u-um—!”
   “Doctor’s orders,” is Yosano’s firm reply, as she exits the Agency with her heels pattering against the marble. “Now, I’m off to get cough syrup for the patient. Do what you will to make him feel comfortable, if you feel like it — though I’m sure he’d rather you all be working in his absence.”
   The door shuts, and a silence falls upon the members of the Agency.
   “What…” Atsushi trails off. “Now?”
   “Isn’t it obvious, Atsushi-kun?” Dazai laughs, coming to put a hand on the boy’s shoulder, “We take care of Kunikida-kun until Yosano-sensei returns from the pharmacy.”
   “How do we take care of him though?” Junichirou looks at Dazai, curious. “We’re not doctors.”
   “Oh, pish-tosh! It’s just a cold, right? Everybody has home remedies for a cold! Why not throw some suggestions my way, and I’ll see what I can do for my beloved coworker!”
   “Dazai-san,” Atsushi’s surprised. “I didn’t know you cared about Kunikida-san so much.”
   Dazai puts a hand to his chest, as if he’s completely and totally offended. “Why! Atsushi-kun. I’m struck at the very idea that you thought I don’t care about him. Nothing could be further from the truth! He takes such good care of the Agency, why don’t we return the favor for a change?”
   There are slow, then enthusiastic nods amongst the younger Agency members, but Ranpo simply cackles from where he sits, sucking on a lollipop.
   “Oh yeah,” he shakes his head, eyes ever closed in amusement. “This can’t end well.”
   “Now now,” Dazai claps his hands together. “Ranpo-san, don’t be so pessimistic! So, which of you lovelies has an idea for what we could do?”
   “Well,” Kenji taps his chin. “Honey will do the trick, if he has a sore throat.”
   The brown-eyed girl sitting next to Kenji sticks out her tongue, “Honey. Yucky! I hate that stuff. I have a better idea,” she gets up off her seat, and skips off to the front door, “I’m going to go down to the café, ask Lucy if she has any maple syrup. Same effect, tastes much better!”
   Before anyone can stop her, the door is opened and shut once more.
   “Maybe something hot and warm to eat,” Atsushi turns around. “Like soup.”
   “Atsushi-kun, can you cook?”
   “M-more or less, but—”
   “Wonderful! Accompany the little princess down to the cafe and ask if you can use their kitchen and ingredients — be sure to tell them to put charges on your tab, alright?”
   “You’re the one who suggested it, not me. Now go, go go go!”
   Atsushi sighs, getting up and doing so.
   “What should we do?” Junichirou and Kenji ask in unison.
   “Hmmm,” Dazai tips his head, thinking. “You two should take care of Kunikida’s work while he’s away from his keyboard. I’m sure he’d appreciate that tons!”
   Junichirou furrows his eyebrows, “His work is really complicated, at least to me. I’m just an errand boy, Dazai-san…”
   Kenji nods in nervous agreement, “Yeah. And I still don’t know what a computer is, let alone how to use one!”
   Dazai laughs, like it’s not a problem at all. “You’re two capable boys! I’m sure you can figure out.”
   They exchange glances, then get up, bowing lightly, saying, “We’ll do our best!”
   Dazai waves them off happily, then turns to the infirmary’s door with what can only be described as a grin akin to that of the Cheshire Cat.
   So begins his fun…
   “Y-Yosano-sensei!” Kunikida splutters as the woman enters her office once more, having returned with the cough medicine she’d promised.
   “Hmm?” Yosano raises a perfectly-shaped eyebrow in confusion. “Kunikida-kun, you’re acting so scared as if I might treat you with my ability.”
   “This is worse,” he whispers. “So much worse.”
   “What happened?” Yosano rolls down one of her gloves to check her watch, “I couldn’t have been gone more than forty minutes.”
   “Dazai happened.”
   And Kunikida, with a dying voice, though Yosano insists for him to rest his throat, regales her on all the awful things that have occurred in those devastating forty minutes that Yosano was absent.
   First, Atsushi and his little friend come back up into the Agency, one with a pot of hot soup, and the other with a big urn (that’s the only word that comes to Kunikida’s mind, as it was just so large) of maple syrup, both insisting that he eat it all.
   He, er, had expelled most of it, to his utter humiliation and to Yosano’s complete unsurprise.
   And then, it got worse… Dazai came in and tried to cheer him up, as it were, by driving him “COMPLETELY UP THE WALL” and constantly poking and prodding him, pretending to give him a soothing massage when really he was nearly breaking Kunikida’s foot to go along with his disease.
   Then, to top it all off, Junichirou comes in, maybe five or ten minutes before Yosano’s return, only to tell him that he finished all of Kunikida’s work… When Kunikida asked Junichirou to show him, Kenji waddled in with the laptop, and after seeing the state it was in, Kunikida could do nothing but scream.
   Kunikida’s end up sent home for the week — and the detectives are given a thorough scolding from the President. Ranpo laughs about it nonstop, every day up until Kunikida returns…
   And once he does, nobody goes near him, not even Dazai.
   They know if they do…
   It won’t end well.
   But, when Kunikida arrives, all better now though even angrier than usual, to sit at his desk…
   He finds a little card perched on his laptop.
   He takes the small, thick paper, and unfolds it to reveal the words, surely in one of the members’ neat calligraphy…
We’re sorry!! Get well soon, Kunikida-san!
   And it’s signed by every one of the detectives and clerks, even Dazai and Ranpo.
   So maybe it did end well, after all.
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ayekanaru · 6 years
{Anonymously or not, tell me who you ship my muse with. || Because this all honestly couldn’t fit into one ask and I didn’t want to split it up into multiple ones}
I know you are aware that I ship our muses for a fanfic I’m trying to write, but I’ve kept mention of it to a minimum on my blog because (1) don’t wanna make it seem like I expect something and force you along with it cuz that’s force shipping and that’s no bueno and didn’t want that coming off as my intention for rping because it really wasn’t. A disappointing and toxic roleplay group plus a mighty need to share my Nappa portrayal with Tumblr was (2) Our muses hadn’t interacted much anyways so who knew if they’d get along well enough?
I’ve been enjoying the threads we’ve had together, they’re worth waiting for and I am pleasantly surprised by how the two muses get along as friends. Their social chemistry is better than I expected, and the banter is so entertaining to read and write for both when they get along and when they don’t see eye-to-eye.  
I know your muse already has @asktenchi as an interested Tenchi and they do an awesome job being IC with him. There are also a great number of other muses that Ayeka gets along with too. However, if you and your muse ever feel a pull towards wanting more than friendship with Nappa, I’m gonna let you know that as of right now she’s one of the few muses I’ve had Nappa interact with that has a legitimate chance of sparking his interest for a romantic relationship. It’s alright if you don’t see it ever going down that road, because that can certainly happen too and both my muse and I would be fine with that. But I figured now was a good time to bring it up since this ask meme has had me thinking about this lately.
I know it may seem like a biased thing, but I’ve been lookin’ around at the other muses who try to flirt seriously with Nappa and…it’s difficult to find muses who have mutual chemistry with the big guy. The only one who did have mutual chemistry with him wasn’t interested in shipping at all so we kept it to flirtatious banter. She left Tumblr because she wanted to focus on her family, understandably. That was so many months ago and since then Nappa’s not felt anything like that from another muse.
Other interested female muses only remark on/compliment his physical appearance – mostly his muscles too lol – as what makes them interested. Honestly it makes me and my muse feel like Odette from the beginning of The Swan Princess. “Thank you…but what else?”
Again, I wanna reiterate that I love and value the friendship between our muses and if it only stays a friendship I’d be perfectly happy with that. And I hope I don’t make you feel uncomfortable bringing it up or make you think I will be counting on things to go down a romantic road. Just wanted to say while we do ship Ayeka with happiness and self-confidence first and foremost, we also wouldn’t turn her away from forming a ship with Nappa. 
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Some things to clear up first: 1) Sydney @nappainanotherdimension​ and I have talked about this on Discord after this ask was sent [because uh, whoops thesis and grad school, I wasn't on tumblr???] so some of this may seem repetitive to her but new to you, dear followers; 2) Nyuck, nyuck, Odette. Who would be Derek then? 2) *Zsa-Zsa Gabor voice* Please. Ze followers. No drama.
Okay, now that this is already pretty long, my answer to this is under the cut. I'm not going to do point by point, bur rather a general full-fledged answer!
I've already told you this, but when I first found your personal blog, and went through your Tenchi tags, I really liked what you had reblogged and written in your personal text posts. It must have been one of the first pro-Ayeka --or at the very least, someone who appreciated Ayeka, because she might have not been your fave, I didn't know lmao-- blogs that had accumulated enough content related to Ayeka and/or Tenchi. I did notice that you, like me, were a fan of the...crossover ships ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What I found "whadda heck" worthy was that you shipped Nappa with Ayeka! My first thought, to be honest, was "...the bald guy from the Team Four star memes?"
[ I knew of him from DBZ, but since most people my age apparently found out about him and liked him from the TFS videos, I thought maybe that's where your like of him came from? At the time, because now I know better :y ]
I'm the type of person who isn't a shipper hardcore, and for most ships that don't make sense to me initially, I go "okay, well, whatever floats her boat!" XD I did like the pieces of art there were, and I think I liked your Raditz/Mihoshi icon more because yay, somebody also appreciates Mihoshi! XD And they like the buddy cop angle of things? LMAO
But anyway, time passes, we get to chatting and then you say you want to make a blog. Cool! You want to make a blog for Nappa!
Aw, jiminy christmas.
Your worries that I'd think you were force shipping on me were the same as mine. I've seen it enough times on Tumblr that I honestly was surprised I found myself in a situation where that could've been a possibility. I enjoyed your fanfics, even the lemon ones lmao, just because they were funny but also it was me going okay, how does she believe this ship works again?
and lemme tell you, I am the absurdist around here in terms of crossover ships, both platonic and romantic. [We've talked about some others of our own too, nyuck nyuck.] I really wanted to understand because obviously, I supposed we were going to interact and I'd wanted to know how you saw them so I could back the heck away, ignore it, and try to do my thing with Ayeka properly. I didn’t really want to think of the ship when I wrote, I wanted to approach it as if Ayeka really did meet Nappa for the first time or had him enough time as a guest in your DBZ/TM verse.
Half of my worries went away when yay, you weren't going to force ship and wanted to actually interact! Whhhaaat, true build up of characters through rp on Tumblr dot com? The devil, you say!
And like you say, and I agree, the banter has been really fun? Surprisingly not really, Ayeka finally gets some respect in the manner that sometimes she doesn't get lmao. Her attempts at cooking, her own thoughts and views -- not saying everyone in the Masaki house's a jerk [they're not, and listen, Ayeka really does mean stuff too without thinking or on purpose] but you get different things with different people, and with Ayeka, it's probably getting some maturity and two-way respect in conversations befitting two super old people 8D
To be honest, sometimes I get a tinge of the cynic in me, and wonder if the writing turns out the way it does because maaaybe it's being geared towards something else? But then, like, I remember Nappa and Skuld --and Sasami!-- and how believable your headcanon about him and children is, how real it feels. Of course, the fact that you would write with anyone, and even with my Skuld who you know less about in comparison, just makes the cynic go shoo-shoo. You don’t seek out ships either -- like most people will notice if they peruse your blog, the ladies come to Nappa LMAO.
Plus, again, the threads are fun. I'm still laughing at the Xmas one where Nappa thinks Ryoko and Ayeka are the alpha females XD
In that sense, I can see why Ayeka throughout our rps would have a better chance with him. I mean I've seen your threads, it's pretty obvious who Nappa gets a conversation with, who Nappa gets a Conversation with, and who Nappa gets small talk-y with. Sometimes it's the writing, sometimes it's the character. That's the way rp works. Ayeka and Nappa have Conversations.™
I think I didn't really answer your ask as is, so I'll just say this, which applies to everyone: if the writing takes us that way, it takes us that way. I'm slowly beginning to see your crossover ship as it is, but still feel "hmm, but is it really?" It's like Ayeka and Fang: I didn't expect it, but the writing took those muses to some place along the lines of "are they...or are they???!" I would hope the end result takes us somewhere where we’re both satisfied with whatever relationship our muses have.
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Or maybe you know, either polyamory polygyny or Nappa fights Tenchi, I guess. [I vote for the Pay Per View fight during the Space Travels arc of Universe.]
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tahlreth · 7 years
Questions for the Blogger!
I fucking love these so much guys, it’s ridiculous. Was tagged a while ago by @accio-stark, which thank you thank you, but October is a shit month until Halloween, so it took me some time to gather myself enough to do it.
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
1. Nicknames: Cait, Caity, KTPT
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Pisces
4. Height: 5′3” on a good day, 5’2” on a slouchy, ‘I hate everything day’
5. Time: 5:11 PM
6. Birthday: March 1
7. Favorite bands: Okay, I mostly do show tunes these days, so I’mma go with musicals instead, kay? Current favorite musicals to listen to are ‘Newsies’ (Broadway version, tho the movie version is also a favorite), ‘Finding Neverland’, ‘Into the Woods’, ‘Chess’, and ‘Songs for a New World’.
8. Favorite solo artists:  Reba McEntire (ALWAYS <3), Kelsea Ballerini, Tim McGraw, Martina McBride, apparently any country singer with a ‘Mc’ at the start of their last name...
9. Song stuck in my head: ‘Not While I’m Around’ from Sweeney Todd
10. Last movie I watched:  Iron Man 3
11. Last show I watched: Um, currently immersed in ‘Press Buttons ‘N Talk’ episodes because they make me giggle and I’ve been having a shitty month. Other than that, I guess Teen Wolf? Maybe? I did watch ‘The Lead’ with Jake Tapper a couple days ago, I think.
12. When did I create my blog: Uh. Like. A year and a half ago. Ish? I think?
13. What do I post/reblog: Looots of Marvel/Tony Stark stuff, cat-related silliness, anything that catches my eye. I’d like to call it an ‘eclectic’ blog, but I think it probably verges into ‘wildly, chaotically disorganized’ instead.
14. Last thing I googled: … stuff. Research stuff. For smut writing reasons. Who wants to know?
15. Do I have any other blogs: Just one that I made a shit-ton of content for then never set up a queue to post because I am ruled by my anxiety, depression and laziness.
16. Do I get asks:  Sometimes prompts that I take too long to answer, otherwise not as many as I’d like. I’m not super good at coming off approachable/friendly/interesting. XD
17. Why I chose my url: Well, I’d started a ‘Tahlruil’ blog (which is my username pretty much anywhere else unless someone else gets it first) years and years ago, but when I wanted to really start one up and actually, you know, use it, I’d forgotten the password and no longer had access to the email that I’d made it with. I figured it was easier to just start a new one. ‘Tahlruil’ basically means ‘noble blade’, and ‘Tahlreth’ is almost as fun with a meaning of ‘arcane blade’, and I figured it was similar enough to kinda be a bit more obviously connected to my AO3 Tahlruil account.
18. Following: Uh… couple few hundred?
19. Followers: Like. 300. Ish? Mebbe?
21. Lucky number:  8 is the best number and anyone who doesn’t agree can fight both me and my OCD.
22. Instruments: I can play the trumpet (sort of, though my technique used to revolve around ‘mash lips really hard against the mouthpiece to play higher notes), and because of that I can play the baritone/euphonium (preferred instrument that is not my vocal chords, because despite it’s awkward appearance it’s one sexy-sounding instrument) and the tuba. Could manage the trombone if the fucking positions weren’t so confusing/hit or miss. I can get pleasant-ish sounds out of a clarinet and a flute, but I’m shit at remembering the positions for those too - I’m a simple girl. I like three buttons with maaaybe a fourth when I’m feeling fancy, lol. I can also stumble through simple things on the piano, but I’m pretty shit at it - mostly use that for learning songs for singing. I FUCKING LOVE TO SING, OKAY, so that’s my absolute favorite instrument. I’m… okay at it? People tell me I’m pretty good, but I think I suck, so I feel like ‘okay’ is a nice average of the two positions that I’m comfortable claiming.
23. What am I wearing: Pink and gray plaid pajama pants and a white, pink and gray shirt with ‘love’ on it that I bought one day when I needed to work but didn’t have any clean shirts that were appropriate to wear in.
24. Dream job:  I don’t even fucking know, man.
25. Dream trip: I REALLY want to go to Ireland, maybe Scotland, England and Wales .
26. Favorite food: Rice pilaf.
27. Nationality: American.
28. Favorite song right now:  Uhmmm… probably ‘Stilettos’ by Kelsea Ballerini
29. Last book I read: I thiiiink it was ‘Honor’s Paradox’ by P.C. Hodgell, who is a fucking amazing author that everyone should read.
30. Fictional Universe you’d want to join: Uhhhhm. MCU, Dragon Age, or the world of the Kencyrath that is detailed in the series by P.C. Hodgell? Maaaybe one of the universes created by Tamora Pierce? Dude, idk, because like… I’d end up being one of the boring ‘normal’ people and things historically Do Not Go Well for them in all of the universes that I find compelling.
No pressure if you don’t like these/just don’t wanna! I am tagging: @kiernaserea @ineffablewitch @orbingarrow @orange-kremsicle @rayshippouuchiha @ragequeen89 @fuckingnonions @one-pound-milagro @captainstarkreportingforduty, @captain-amoruca, @xtaticpearl, @all-myfandomtears, @too-many-fandoms-to-list, @tinnitusismymuse, @ anyone else who just wants to do this???
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