#while the girls try to pick an herb to spice him up with
angieschiffahoi · 1 year
yellowjackets au where everything is exactly the same but coach ben is joe from you and he narrates in the background 
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jungle-angel · 9 months
Home is the Warmest Place (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett know that despite your hardships of the past, your home is everything to you
Warnings: Mentions of breastfeeding
Rhett lay fast asleep on your bed with one arm curling around one of the twins who lay all swaddled up in his blue blankie, peacefully asleep in the circle of his father's arm. Tatum's soft little whimpers drew Rhett from his deep sleep, his gravely groan following the heaviness that had filled his whole body.
"Alright my little ghoul," he groaned. "I think you're wantin your momma."
Very carefully he picked Tatum up and cradled him in his arms. The day had turned to a dusky blue sky as the snow kept falling, the thick forests and the Abbott land completely covered in white. Rhett calmly rocked Tatum in his arms, but it was clear that his baby son needed to feed soon, his tiny pink tongue poking in and out of his mouth.
"You hungry buddy?" Rhett cooed to his tiny son. "Yeah, I know that look, that's the 'I want momma's boobies look'."
Rhett felt a hotness beginning to bloom in his chest, the sight of his tiny little son in his big arms filling him with a feeling of pure love that he held for you and the rest of the kids.
He headed downstairs, following the tantalizing smells coming from the kitchen, only to find Amy and Hannah playing happily on the living room rug while Tanner managed to stay asleep in his little wicker sleeping basket.
"Hey darlin," Rhett greeted happily, kissing your cheek and making you giggle. "Whatcha cookin tonight?"
"I'm cooking that roast that your dad gave us two weeks ago," you informed him happily.
Rhett groaned, his eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head. Royal had gotten some beef butchered a few weeks before the snow had hit, the freezer filling almost to the top with the beef, elk and bison meat he had gotten on the hunt with Thomas Rainwater and one of Wes's uncles. You and Rhett had planned on doing a store run after the fervor of the Thanksgiving holidays had died down, but the birth of the twins had come much sooner than expected, leaving the drop-freezer in your pantry sparse and almost empty. The rib roast had been somewhat of a lifesaver along with the fact that Cece had told Royal to clean out or else he wouldn't be getting any until he did.
"Did he wake up?" you asked, looking up from the potato pot boiling on the stove.
"Yeah I think he's hungry," Rhett answered.
"Mind watching the potatoes?" you asked.
Rhett nodded and carefully handed a still whimpering Tatum off to you, carefully placing him in the curve of your arms before you were off to the big sectional in the living room and opening your shirt to feed him.
"Daddy, Daddy," Amy chirped. "Can I try the potatoes?"
"Nope, not yet doodlebug," he told her. "Daddy's gotta take the meat outta the oven first."
Amy made a little pouty face before she zipped off to the living room to peer into Tanner's sleeping basket.
Out of the oven came the roast, filling the whole house with its savory smell, the herbs, the spices, carrots, pearl onions, celery, red wine and garlic all mixing together. As soon as Tatum was full and good, you put him into the sleeping basket next to his brother, the two of them fitting in perfectly as you placed a crocheted blanket over the two of them.
You took care of plating the food while Rhett loaded a few more logs into the woodstove so that it would burn through the night and warm the whole house. Dinner was eaten with the girls chattering away, the boys asleep in their basket, the dogs in and out of sleep near the boys and the cats probably lurking about the house. You felt Rhett's hand clasping yours under the table, holding it tightly as he leaned in and kissed your cheek.
"I love you," he whispered.
"Love you too," you whispered back.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Stripped Down - Joel Miller x Reader
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Summary: You and Joel haven’t found the time to see each other for a few weeks which means a ‘family dinner’ at your dad’s has a lot of pent up frustrations
Words: 3.8k 
Warnings: smut; fingering; somewhat choking; dirty talk 
Notes: Chapter Four of Forbidden Fruit
It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been able to see Joel due to work, Daisy wanting to drag me out and my dad wanting to see me but today Dad wants a family meal which means me, him and The Millers. My heart is racing as Daisy has invited herself as well, pretty much being another daughter to my dad at this point. 
I arrive at my dad’s with Daisy early so we can help him prepare as my dad is definitely a decent cook but Daisy? Shit, she should be a fucking chef. Dad greets us at the door, pulling us into tight hugs as he asks, “How are my fave girlies?” 
“Daadddd,” I laugh, wriggling out of his grip while Daisy just flicks her auburn hair over her shoulder and hip checks me on the way to the kitchen with a shit-eating grin, “We’re here to make sure you don’t burn the house down and I brought the beer.” 
“Thanks pumpkin.” Dad joins us in the kitchen as Daisy goes over to the hob to see what Dad has for dinner and pulls a face that has Dad frowning slightly, “What’s wrong with my meal head chef?” There’s a teasing tone as Dad moves to stand next to Daisy. Daisy just raises as eyebrow at him and begins to rummage through the cupboards while I busy myself with filling the fridge with the different types of beer and ciders I bought with me. Daisy has begun pulling out some various herbs and spices and is ordering Dad chop up certain vegetables to add to the dish which looks like it’s going be a good old-fashioned roast dinner. The pair work together perfectly, having a father-daughter bond I’ve never quite managed to create with him, a small flame of jealously igniting in my chest but I quickly stomp it out as I’m just happy they get along so well. 
The doorbell ringing snaps me from my thoughts and I find myself smoothing down my hair and wiping my suddenly sweaty palms on my jeans before I head to the front door to open it. I’m greeting by the sight of the Millers standing there, a case of beer and some soft drinks in their hands so I’m stepping aside to usher them in. Sarah and Ellie pass me with sparkling and knowing eyes, heading straight to the kitchen to greet Dad and see where they can help Daisy. Tommy’s next, pulling me into a brotherly hug before he’s following the girls which leaves me and Joel standing there. 
Joel steps inside, closing the front door behind him and putting the case of beer down before he’s glancing past me then his warm honey eyes find mine again, lips curving into a small smile. Without a word, he pulls me into a tight embrace, his hands sliding down to my waist, we have to be so careful as we know how dangerous our relationship is. I tilt my head up to meet his gaze and he’s leaning down to press his lips to mine in a gentle but urgent kiss, as if we’re trying to make up all that time we’ve spent apart in the last few weeks. After a few moments, too soon for my liking, Joel is reluctantly pulling away, foreheads still touching as we catch our breath. 
“I missed you.” I whisper, feeling my heart race at how pained his honey ones turn. 
“I missed you too,” he murmurs, thumb rubbing circles on my hip, “Are you okay?” 
I just nod, even though I know I’m not. It’s hard to be around him yet not be able to show everyone that he’s mine as we still don’t know how my dad would respond to us together. Joel is my dad’s best friend and I am his daughter but hey, if he finds out a disowns me he still has Daisy. No, what am I talking about?! 
Joel is stepping away, squeezing my hip once more before he’s picking the crate of beer back up and heading to the kitchen to greet Dad. I can hear their excited voices and I have to take a deep, shaky breath before I join them. Almost immediately Ellie is moving to my side and hugging me in an awkward sideways hug but I don’t reject it, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as she speaks, “I’m gonna kick your ass at Monopoly later.” 
I just caught, pulling her closer to me, having always felt such a bond with her I wished I could have had with my own mother before she cheated and left us. Ever since meeting the Millers I have always strived to have a somewhat maternal bond with the girls, unintentionally at first until Ellie once accidentally called me ‘mom’ one night while I was babysitting them. Sarah is only three years younger than me and Ellie is six years which makes my bond with them both slightly different but I wouldn’t change it for the world. 
Sarah is hovering over the stove with Daisy, trying to get a glimpse of what’s cooking while Tommy is setting the table with plates and cutlery. Joel and Dad are already engrossed in a conversation, their laughter filling the room and I can’t help but smile at how happy and content everyone is together. My gaze being drawn to Joel and it’s like he can sense my gaze on him as he sends me a small smile, honey eyes full of understanding which makes me feel a little better about this all. The knot in my stomach loosens a little, my mind telling me to just be grateful I have him, secret or not. 
“Come on Trouble, let’s get drinks sorted.” I hip check Ellie lightly and she reluctantly lets me go before we move head for the fridge. I can feel eyes burning through me when I bend down to grab the ice from the bottom freezer tray, sending Ellie a glare when she snorts into her hand before taking the ice from me to fill glasses with, her eyebrows shooting up when I hiss out a quiet, “What?” 
“Joel’s staring at your ass.” She whispers back and I’m jumping up, too quickly for Ellie to shut the fridge door and I smack the crown of my head against it, letting out a yelp of pain. 
“Shit, you okay?” Ellie asks, sincere concert lacing her voice as she rushes back over to me, ice forgotten. Dad, Joel and Tommy have migrated into the dining room now so none of them got to witness my idiocy, “I was only joking.” 
Speak of the devil and he shall appear it seems as the broad shouldered man appears in the doorway, warm eyes flickering to where Ellie is hovering close to me and I’m rubbing the crown of my head and kicking the freezer door shut in annoyed pain, “Everything okay here?”
“Hit my head,” I grumble, trying to ignore the heat rising to my cheeks and the frustration bubbling in my veins as how can Joel be allowed to look this good. It’s unfair. Joel is wearing a simple navy t-shirt that hugs his broad chest and toned arms perfectly, paired with faded jeans that fit him like a glove. His hair is styled messily, giving off a laid-back vibe that he somehow pulls off effortlessly. His scruffy beard only adds to his rugged and masculine appearance, and it's hard not to notice the way his muscles bulge and flex as he moves closer. I somehow have to keep my hands off of him for the whole evening after not being able to see him for nearly three weeks. 
“Let me see,” Joel steps closer, hands coming up to bush my hair from my forehead, leaning in to examine the spot I smacked my head. It sends a flutter through my stomach as his breath brushes against my skin but I force myself to focus on the pain. Joel’s touch is gentle as he checks for any bumps or bruises, his fingers trailing over my scalp. When he’s satisfied that I’m okay, he straightens up and gives me a playful wink, “Be careful sweet girl.” 
I roll my eyes fondly, unable to hid my smile at the pet name that he’s reserved for me. Ellie pushes three cans of beer into her dad’s hands, nodding towards the dining room where the other two men are waiting. Joel nods knowingly before he leans down a presses a quick and extremely risky kiss to my lips before he’s gone. 
Daisy’s excited voice interrupts my thought and I turn to see her with a grin as she leans against the counter, arms crossed and perfect eyebrow raised, trusting Sarah to make the gravy, “Sweet girl, huh?” She teases, wiggling those eyebrows at me and I can feel my cheeks flush with heat. Sarah and Ellie are laughing lovingly along now, telling Daisy all the details I haven’t been able to tell my best friend yet and Daisy’s grin just gets wider and wider as the three all serve up the meal parts onto plates.
“What are you talking about?” I ask, trying to sound nonchalant as I carry the tray of roast potatoes and assorted veg to the table where Dad, Joel and Tommy are talking about their latest construction job. 
“Don’t worry, sweet girl, we won’t tell anyone?” Daisy snorts, setting down the sliced chicken, the smell mouthwateringly good. 
“Won’t tell anyone what?” Dad quirks an eyebrow at me, eyes narrowing as Daisy flashes an innocent look at I feel myself flushing an even warmer shade of red. 
It’s Sarah who jumps in, covering for me, “Oh, just about how Dina and Ellie have been getting close recently and how she’s such a sweet girl.” Dad’s expression softens while Joel’s head whips around to Ellie who is now sat next to Daisy and Dad. Sarah and Tommy have the heads of the table which leaves me with the open spot next to Joel. From the glances shared between Daisy, Ellie and Sarah this was very much planned. 
The meal is fucking amazing, a classic roast dinner with all the trimmings. Daisy’s worked her magic as usual, the chicken being to tender and juicy, the roast potatoes are perfectly crisp and crunchy and the veggies are cooked to perfection. The gravy is rich and flavourful, the aroma of it filling the room and making it feel warm and inviting. It’s the kind of meal that feels like home. As we eat, the conversation flows easily and I find myself laughing along with everyone else. I can feel the warmth of Joel’s thigh against mine under the table as I try to focus on a stupid joke Tommy is telling us but all I can think of is the way Joel’s hand feels on my thigh. It’s a secret little touch, one that no one else can see but it feels so intimate and personal. I can’t help but feel a little thrill of excitement and a slowly building amount of frustration, wanting the meal to hurry up and finish so Joel can drive me home and hopefully come inside. 
Ellie did in fact kick my ass at Monopoly and it’s currently just past one am, everyone having mellowed out and I can see Ellie is struggling to stay awake. Joel notices it too as he’s breaking the comfortable silence that has fallen, the muffled sound of the TV in the background. 
“I should take the girls home, I can drop Y/N off on the way.” Joel tells Dad. We all get up, thanking Dad for the meal and each of us hugging him goodbye. The tiredness is creeping up on me as we head out the front door, the cool night air refreshing against my skin. Dad’s telling us to be safe and to message him when we’re all home safe before the front door is closing with a quiet click. 
Tommy’s voice is breaking the silence as we reach the cars, “You know, I can take the girls home Joel. You should take Y/N home.” He tells Joel as I lean into the older man’s side, head on his shoulder and eyes struggling to stay open at the warmth radiating off of him plus the safety his muscular arm has wrapped around my waist. I’m rolling my eyes but can feel my heart skip a beat at the thought of being alone with Joel finally after so long, gripping onto him when he agrees with Tommy. 
Joel’s helping me into the passenger seat and I can feel the warmth of his hand on my back as he steadies me until I’m settled into the seat, the leather still warm from the day’s sun and I’m letting our a content sigh. As Joel starts the car and pulls out of the driveway, I lean my head back and let my eyes close. The sound of the car and Joel’s voice talking about the last weeks events lulls me into a sleepy haze. I struggle to keep my eyes open, the comforting feeling of being with Joel making me feel relaxed and at ease, trying to keep up with the conversation but my mind keeps drifting and I’m fighting off sleep. 
“We’re here, sweetheart.” Joel’s telling me softly after what feels like minutes but when I’m trying to blink the sleep from my eyes I see we’re outside mine. I thank him as he helps me out of the car, gasping when he presses my back to the cool metal of his car and crowding his body with mine. His hands find my neck, thumb rubbing my jaw lovingly as his honey eyes search my features. Before I know it Joel’s lips are crushing against mine, my breath hitching in my throat as I’m quickly swept up in the intensity of the kiss. His tongue exploring my mouth with a sense of urgency that sends shivers down my spine. His hands are firm against my neck, fingers sliding into my hair as he pulls himself even more flush against me. My arms are wrapping around his waist, fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt as I hold on tightly. I can feel the heat radiating off of him, the hard planes of his body pressed against mine as he continues to kiss me with a fierce intensity. 
It’s a few moments later when Joel’s bulling back, both of us gasping for air, my heart pounding in my chest. The cool night air doing little to cool the heat pooling between my thighs and I’m whispering, “Stay the night.” 
“Sweet girl, you’re tired and-“ 
“Please.” I feel a little embarrassed begging but Joel’s eyes are darkening and his pupils are suddenly blown out wide. 
“Fuck me,” His voice is low and husky as his head falls against my shoulder, “Don’t beg like that.” I smile against his hair as his arms tighten around me, knowing he’s staying and that he feels the same intensity that I do. The way his fingers are pressing into the flesh of my hips has me knowing he’s just as frustrated as I am and it has me taking his hand and leading him inside mine. 
My small one floor apartment is cozy and cluttered, filled with mismatched furniture and decorations I've picked up over the years. There's a comfy, worn-in couch with a colorful throw blanket tossed over the back, a coffee table stacked with books and magazines, and a TV on a stand in the corner. The walls are painted a soft shade of blue-green, and there are various framed photos and artwork scattered throughout the space. As Joel toes off his shoes and pulls his shirt over his head, I can't help but notice how right he looks inside my home. His broad, muscular build fills up the space in a way that makes me feel both safe and incredibly turned on. He looks around, taking in the cluttered space with a small smile on his lips, and I feel a rush of affection for him.
Joel’s moving through my apartment, heading for my bedroom and I can’t help but admire the way his muscles ripple as he walks. My heart races with a mixture of anticipation, excitement and desire as I kick my shoes off along the way, my jacket falling somewhere between the living room and the bathroom. My mind buzzing with the though of finally getting to be with alone, of feeling his touch and exploring the depths of our desires. 
He’s sitting on the edge of my bed and I watch with bated breaths as he shimmies out of his jeans, leaving him in only very tight looking boxers. My eyes roam his body, taking in every inch of him as I bite my lower lip, eyes gliding between his thick thighs and loose curls before he’s patting those thighs, voice low and husky as he says, “Come here Doll.” The pet name sending shivers down my spine as I find my body moving towards him eagerly, straddling his lap and pressing my body against his. The heat between us is almost tangible, something heavy and sweet on my tongue as one of his large and calloused hands finds its way to my hair and the other settles on my hip. He’s dragging a gasped moan from me when he tugs at my hair, dragging me into a hot and hungry kiss. 
The kiss is fiery and passionate, sending jolts of pleasure through me, Joel’s lips soft and plump against mine, his tongue exploring my mouth with an urgency that has my head spinning. He’s swallowing a moan, my hands finding his hair as I press my hips down and feel his hard length press against me through his boxers and I’m breaking the kiss to whine out, “Need you Joel.” 
“F-fuck,” He’s groaning, eyes fluttering shut, “No, not tonight. You’re tired and I want it to be meaningful and-“ He brings his lips to my ear, breath hot against my cheek, “And I plan to have you screaming my name so loud your neighbours hear it.” 
“Need you.” I’m begging and before I know it I’m being flung onto my back, Joel’s frame hovering above me, his eyes so dark they’re almost black and his pupils blown wide with want, “Fuck, Joel please.” 
“What did I say about begging?” One of those hands finds my neck, fingers squeezing my pulse point gently, as if testing the waters and I arch my back into it. His hand moves away, replaced by his lips as he leaves hot and open mouthed kisses all along the bare flesh. His kisses leave a train of fire across my skin, making me gasp and moan as I tilt my head back, giving him more access to my neck. I can feel him pressed against my thigh and the thought of him wanting me just as badly only makes me want him more, ‘You’re so beautiful.” He murmurs against my skin, fingers dipping into the waistband of my jeans and tugging lightly so I’m raising my hips for him. He leaves me open and exposed, sitting back and gently prying my knees apart, eyes glued to my soaked and fluttering heat, “Fuck sweet girl, that all for me?” His fingers slip through my folds, gathering as much arousal as he can on his fingers before he’s plunging in two fingers with no warning, making me arch my back and cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. 
Joel curls his fingers deep inside me, his thumb finding my aching clit, already knowing how to make my body sing for him. He’s pumping his fingers in and out, groaning softly and groaning out, “That better?” His dick would be so much better but I’ll take whatever I can from him so I’m whimpering out a broken ‘yes’ rocking my hips down into his hand, meeting his thrusts. My hands are reaching for him and he complies, my hand finding the tufts of hair at the nape of his neck as I yank him down into a dirty kiss. My lips parting under his, welcoming him eagerly as our tongues slide together in a slow and sensual dance, his thumb quickening on my clit as my legs begin shaking as the pleasure builds. I’m whimpering and moaning into his mouth, my hands tugging at his soft curls and his kisses become deep and demanding. His hands speed up until my nails are digging into the back of his neck and forearm, my back arching off the bed and my head flies back as an orgasm ricochets around my body, leaving me shaking and crying his name so loud I’m sure my neighbours are going to complain but right now I don’t care. Joel’s fingers continuing their abusing pace until I’m trying to wriggle away from him in overstimulation. 
I feel numb for a moment as I come back to myself, Joel whispering sweet praises and pressing gentle kisses along my neck and jaw before he’s pulling back enough to meet my gaze. He looks completely blissed out, voice low and rough as he moans out, “Fuck, what would your daddy say if he saw you like this hmmm?” 
“J-Joel,” I’m whining, my hands running down his chest and a gasp is drawn from me when my fingers meet stickiness, eyes flying down to see he came. Fuck, that’s hot. He came from pleasuring me alone, untouched. Fuuuuuck. I’m swiping my fingers through the sticky mess and keeping my eyes locked on his as I suck the bitter come from them, walls fluttering at the way he lets out a guttural groan. 
“Not tonight sweet girl,” He’s climbing off of me and shimmying out of his now soiled boxers, using the fabric to wipe his torso clean before he’s manhandling me under the covers. I don’t hesitate to throw my shirt and bra aside so we’re cuddling naked, feeling completely content and sated in his strong arms. As I lay there, my head resting on Joel’s chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat and feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest, I realise that this is what I wanted for such a long time. 
“Sleep well sugar.” Joel’s pressing a kiss to the crown of my head and I’m pulling him closer. 
“You too handsome.” 
The Last of Us Masterlist
TAGS: Tag List Form
@clover723​​ @sexyvixen7​​ @iraot​​ @gemimawrites​​ @twopercentmilk​​ @amythenortherner​​ @urnewghostfriend​​ @grooveandshit​​  @canpillowscry​​ @ginger-swag-rapunzel​​ @quinnverses​​ @librafilms​​ @notsosecretspy​​ @certifiedhunter​​ @yourmommilf​​ @mediocrewallflow3r​​ @fariylixie0915​​ @randomhoex​​ @secretsthathauntus​​ @ems-alexandra​​ @quinnsgrapejuice​​ @marvelsimps​​ @cutesyscreenname​​​ @misspascaliverse​​​  @pedritosdarling​​​ @letsgroovetonighttt​​​ @chaotic-mystery​​​ @forthetears​​​ @casual-obsessions​​​ @katmoonz​ @scoliobean​
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Hello! This is my first time making a ask so sorry if it's wrong!
Can you please make a Dante x reader scenario from the event? With the "Fall-Mark AU" prompt? Thanks :)
Aaaah yeeeessss!! I hoped I'll get the Fall-Mark Au ask!
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A crisp cool wind blew through the bustling square, taking a few golden leaves lying on the sidewalk. The place was swarming with people moving from one stand to the next. Children were trying to hide behind decorative haystacks while their parents picked the labors of this year's autumn harvest, proudly displayed in neat wads or in straw baskets. Every now and then, the air was saturated by the strong aroma of hot punch and freshly baked pretzels.
This October morning looked straight up from the shoot of Gilmore Girls and you were currently preoccupied with colorful rows of herbs and spices.
"I'll take these small bags of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and uh..." You racked your brain what other spices belong to pumpkin spice mix, you already have allspice at home, so that leaves... "Cloves!"
The old lady behind the stand in a patterned poncho and thick fingerless gloves placed all of the ingredients in the bag and handed it to you. As you were paying, you noticed a can with pizza spice mix, "Ah, that reminds me, Dante...Dante?"
You looked next to you, a place that was occupied by your boyfriend not so long ago was now empty. He was gone, with all of your previous purchases from the other stands you visited. You looked around when you caught a flash of red near a street lamp. You ran towards Dante when you noticed he was swarmed by two olden retrievers.
"You two are the best bois. I'm taking you home with me." He grinned at the dogs as they licked his hands affectionately.
The sight made the biggest smile grow on your face. You really can't be mad at this goofball.
"I think one of them is a girl," you replied to him.
Dante peered up at you, and his smile grew even wider.
"You think so?"
"Hm. She has a pink collar."
"Guys can wear pink too!" Dante prompted as he picked up the shopping bags sitting next to him.
"You mean that t-shirt with a unicorn that says, alpha male?" You smirked as you both set out to the next stand, finding your way into the crowd of windbreakers.
Dante shrugged, "I bought it for the irony, then found out I rock the color pretty hard."
"You rock every color babe. I heard there'd be a place where you can make your own pizza, choose the toppings and everything."
"Well then! Lead the way."
Some browsing through the market later, Dante bit into his pepperoni-ham-beef-sausage pizza with gusto as you watched the slaughter on the pizza dough in amusement.
"So, what's the next thing on that list of yours?"
You pulled out the hands-scribbled note of places you wanted to visit you made at home and put it next to your own order, the biggest cinnamon bun you've ever seen and a cup of coffee.
"Let's see we've got veggies, sweets, pastries, decor - oh, that wrath I got will look great on the front door - spices, pizza..."
"That ugly-ass knitted scarf Vergil wanted."
"Right..." Your eyes got to the end of this list and you felt excitement bubble up in your chest.
"Now to the best part..." you thrust the list right in front of Dante. Whilst he tried to squint at the letters you beamed giddily, "Pumpkin picking!"
"Ah, yes," Dante rubbed his hands in a devilish grin. "Let's put the little twist on it, shall we?" He made a dramatic pause, "Whoever finds the ugliest, most deformed pumpkin wins."
"Just look inside your pants luv," you quipped.
With cackling laughter, Dante chucked pepperoni at you.
"Alright, alright, what's the prize?" You conseded as you tried to fish the food out of your hair.
"Uhh, apple on a stick?"
Dante wolfed down the rest of the pizza and soon you were prowling the rows of perfect round, plump, bright orange pumkins from which none looked too bad, not bad enough for you at least.
"Any luck?" You came towards Dante as he was scounting the nearest patch of pumpkins.
"Nah. How 'bout you?"
"Dang!" Dante but his hands on his hipsand looked over the entire patch once more "Don't tell me this place is filled with nothing but postcard-looking pumpkins."
You tugged on his sleeve, "Let's just pick whatever and call it a draw. I boy both of us caramelized apples."
Dante didn't answered you, instead he kept his trained gaze on the rows of vegetables before his pensive frown split into a grin.
"Look over there." He nodded with his chin.
"That's him."
The pumpkin looked like someone dropped it, but upon closer inspection one would notice that that's just the way it grew. Half of it was green, covered in bumps and lumps. Dante lovingly wrapped it in scarf Vergil requested and had to reassure the poor farmer that that's really the pumpkin you wanted.
When you arrived home with all of your purchases, the other twin was waiting for you in the office.
"Welcome ba- what in the sweet mother of Satan is this??"
Dante proudly raised pumpkin right in front of Vergils nose.
"His name is Shmoopy and he's got every disease."
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ms0milk · 2 years
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a scent like spiced flowers
| virgin ! tanjiro x reader
a/n: the virgin Sun Hashira brainrot is real folks
warnings: inexperienced ! tan, accidental peeping, boners, a big old messy blowjob, lots of whimpering, semi-public <- teammates are outside the door at one point, all characters 21+
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Imagine Tanjiro, the Sun Hashira, all grown up and much too busy for romance. That is obviously, until he met you. The fight in your eyes when you stand between a demon and it’s prey. The strength of your stance when you wield your sword– the dip of your hips–
You're outgoing with his noisy teammates and professional in battle. You were protective of his sister, and competitive at the bar when celebratory drinks were in order. But he doesn't even think about the possibility of falling for someone. Of being attracted to someone. It doesn't actually even cross his mind, not with all the training that needed to get done and all of the civilians he needed to save.
Not even when he catches himself staring while you huff and snort and laugh at Zenitsu’s stupid jokes. Or when he nearly fell down the stairs a few months ago, distracted by your quiet singing instead of focusing on your breath when you thought you were training alone. Not when you always stay up late trying to braid Nezuko’s hair the way she likes. Or even when Tanjiro finds himself getting shamefully aggressive in battle when you’re in danger.
Actually, he found himself getting more and more aggressive when it came to you.
Forcing thoughts of your shining eyes out of his mind. Jumping to your defense when Sanemi or Obanai chose you to pick on at Hashira meetings. Even just tonight, when an unruly teammate was too impatient to wait his turn for the bath.
“Inosuke nooo!” Zenitsu sobbed from the other side of the Beast Hashira. Tanjiro helped to grip his shoulders and the pair of them failed miserably at slowing down the rampage.
“They’re taking too damn long!”
“It’s the girls’ turn in the bath, Inosuke! Please calm down!”
“Tanjirooo! Do something!”
The three Hashira looked anything but pillar-like as they wrestled in the hallways of the wisteria manor. Images of you after that night’s battle bullied their way across Tanjiro’s brain: bruised, bloody, laughing with relief. Nezuko practically carried you through the forest path as the sun rose, so that the woman of the mansion with the wisteria crest could tend to everyone’s wounds. You slept side by side for nearly the entire day in recovery and you deserved this bath.
“Inosuke I don’t want to hurt–!”
But the boar headed boy had dragged the group far enough down the hallway to reach the sliding bathroom door, and by god he’d already ripped it off its tracks. Zenitsu shrieked and gave up his grip on Inosuke in favor of covering his eyes. Tanjiro gave up the fight for a different reason; he was too stunned by the smell of you to move.
“What the fuck!” Aoi screamed and hurled anything she could get her hands on at the intruders. A bucket flew past Zenitsu’s head and clattered into the hallway. Nezuko shielded Kanao’s body with two big hands and you sank deep into the spiced water, cackling.
“Yeah guys what the fuck?” You teased as Inosuke stripped– boar’s head and all– and leapt into the bath water.
You covered your ears to protect from Aoi’s wails. Kanao physically held her back from trying to claw at scratch at him while also trying to keep her face from heating up so much that it killed her. Inosuke had always been shameless and you playfully hid Nezuko behind you when he ducked his head under the water.
“ ‘takin too fuckin long,” he gurgled and closed his eyes to finally relax.
“Tan, are you getting in too?”
Your voice chimed over the intoxicating smell of wet wood and whatever medicinal herbs were being used. But it was mostly.. you. That spicy floral scent that followed you around everywhere. Like you yourself were a charm to ward off demons.
“You’re a little overdressed don’t you think?”
Tanjiro startled from his standing daydream and gawked in a panic. When he spun to find Zenitsu, the Thunder Hashira laid unconscious in the hallway and he realized that you, you– you must be talking to him.
“I’m so sorry!” He cried and scrambled to reattach the door to the bathroom. If the smell of you was enough to stop him in his tracks, the sight of you was enough to kill him. Your injuries from the battle long gone.
Soft light from the setting sun made bathwater glow and the droplets of water that skipped down your body turned to gold. He’d never seen you with your hair pulled up so messily before and attempted to ignore the knot your smiling, sleepy eyes tied in his gut.
About five seconds of failing to reinstall the door later Tanjiro abandoned his mission, kicked Zenitsu's body away and leaned the door against the frame. Finally able to open his eyes without getting so flustered he went blind.
“A-Again I’m so sorry!”
“You should be!” Aoi shouted back, although Inosuke was fast asleep and everyone had already crawled out from the corners of the bath where they shirked away at his sudden intrusion.
As Tanjiro dragged Zenitsu down the hall (and failed to remember that Inosuke was in fact currently flashing his little sister) he heard your voice ringing like bells again.
“C’mon leave him alone. Or am I the only pillar who can handle a little nudity?”
He didn’t quite laugh, but smiled, at the indignant responses immediately hurled back to you and over each other. And then his face fell when he realized that you might genuinely be the only one who could handle it because, in a horrifying turn of events, his dick started to twitch.
No no, no no no no.
Tanjiro had gotten boners before. He’d been a teenager once. And on top of that, Mitsuri’s breasts had been spilling out of her uniform for years– but to think he’d get aroused by peeping? He must be sick. He dropped Zenitsu with a thud and rushed to their room.
It was fine, he told himself. One too many late nights– maybe the adrenaline from battle was wearing off weirdly. He sat in concentration and tried to clear his mind. All this breath training and he couldn’t even stave off a little hard-on? He had to calm down.
But then he smelled you again. That scent of you from the bath, floral and heavy, and wet– wet– he needed to focus.
Your voice rang out and he wasn’t sure if it was real or just another sick, perverted fantasy of his. But then your head peeked into his room through the space in the door and he startled, wrapping his robes around himself.
“The bath is free.” You tried again, more gently and less teasing this time.
The light from your candle illuminated the highs of your cheekbones and cast a shadow over the bridge of your nose from your sleep heavy eyelashes. Not helping.
“Thank you!”
“Shh, Tan why are you shouting?”
“I’m not!”
You giggled and looked both ways before stepping into his room and closed the door behind you, “You gotta be quiet, ’s late.”
His entire body heaved, like a magnet trying to find its match, when you scurried over to him. And the smell of you, christ alive, like being pelted with potpourri from all side. He was too distracted to even beg you not to come in and then you touched him.
You sat behind him and rested a hand on his shoulder, reaching forward to set your candle on the kotatsu. Tanjiro didn’t budge or turn around to face you, but he did do a bit more shouting, “I’ll j–just be a minute!”
He always got a little weird when there was too much downtime between missions; he was an active man and felt guilty for relaxing. You didn’t think much of his poor volume control and stretched out on the ground beside him, happy to get the rare moment alone.
“Why is Zenitsu in the hallway?”
When he didn’t respond immediately you rolled closer and pressed your shoulder against one of his legs. How was he going to escape?
He crumpled his discarded haori in his lap and turned to stand but you tugged on the hem of his robe, “Tanjiro?”
The murmur of his name from your lips surged from his ears down to the lost cause throbbing in his lap. How had he ever survived you?
How had he fought alongside you all this time? He could barely manage to breathe. You sat up, noticing the glass of his wide eyes.
“You get a little funky when you relax for too long, are you okay?”
“Mhm!” He responded too quickly. Sitting up, a fresh wave of you wafted through the air.
“Is this about earlier? Don’t feel bad, Inosuke gets naked all the time. And Aoi isn’t actually mad at you Tan–”
“Don’t–! say that.”
You would have been mad at him for snapping at you if it wasn’t more of a plea than a command. Why was he being so strange? You reached for his arm. Putting your silly little crush on the backburner for a moment so that warmth of his skin didn’t send you into a spiral later when you were trying to fall asleep without him.
But when you reached him this time he snatched your wrist in his hand and pinned it to the ground above you. You yelped at your sudden contact with the floor.
A jerk reaction from his training no doubt, but you'd never known him to lose his temper. And still there you were, clutching your own robes closed with your free hand and spread out underneath him.
“I.. I’m sorry I..” He hovered over you on all fours, the right side of his face illuminated by candlelight. God, the first night of good rest in months and suddenly the sight of you alone could ruddy the peace of his clear mind.
Your eyes traveled from his ever-sparkling eyes down to where his legs caged you in at the hip. Oh-
“Tanjiro, you–”
“I’m so sorry,” He murmured again, unmoving. He was in a haze. He loosened his grip on your hand and leaned down into the crook of your shoulder. He apologized again. Tucked his cheek against your neck and finally drank in the smell of you, two deep breaths, and a shaky exhale onto the prickling skin above your jaw. The feeling of him so close to you sent chills across your back.
He seemed to realize what he was doing after he had his fill of you, and reeled backwards so hard he hit his head against the far wall.
“I’m sorry!”
“Stop apologizing.”
Ignoring the trembling of your hands you marched over to his spot on the floor. This fucking guy. Acting strange all day then pinning you the ground and sobbing about it. You knelt in front of him and ghosted a hand over his lap while he stared at you, dumbly trying to figure out what you were planning.
You weren’t stupid. His erection pressed into your stomach when he dipped you into the floor. Was this the reason for his bizarre attitude? Were– were you the reason?
“I’m–it’s not–”
You grazed his thigh from your seat in front of him, cutting him off when his breath hitched in his throat at the faint tickle.
“You don’t want me to?” You murmured and pulled one fold of his robe aside while resting your hand back in your lap. His comically hard dick was hidden under only one layer of material now and it twitched as he tried to sit up and looked around nervously.
He rushed to cover himself after a few glances between your eyes and his lap, but you reached under his hem and ran your hands up his legs to lean closer into him. Now it was your turn to cage him in.
“You can tell me to stop Tanjiro, I promise you’re safe.”
For as loud as he had been earlier, he was dead silent now. You scooted between his legs on your knees and waited patiently for a response, pulsing your fingernails over the meat of his thigh in warm rhythms.
“Tan, I want to.”
“You– auh!”
You made sure not to break eye contact as your hand left his leg and brushed over the bulge in his robe. The cloth was damp when you grazed it and you smiled, “I’ve really wanted to for a long time.”
Something about the man before you– the strongest demon slayer, the hero of the country, built like a brick house, renowned for his might– god, something about having him whimper at your touch made you fucking feral. He could throw you fifteen feet in the air if you asked him to, hell he’d just pinned you to the ground with one hand, and still you had him trapped with a few delicate flicks of your fingertips.
“Y/n, I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”
And then it dawned on you. That this man might be a virgin. An honest to god virgin. When would he have had the time for romance? You knew him, he wasn’t like Zenitsu or Inosuke– he couldn’t spend the night with just anyone to let off some steam before a mission. Tanjiro was so disciplined, oh my god did he even masturbate? You suddenly felt a little guilty about your eagerness.
“Is it okay that I’m touching you, Tanjiro?”
“I– I really like it when you say my name.”
The honestly in his response had you suddenly flustered. You looked down to distract yourself with the growing mess in his lap. And growing was the perfect word, you never thought Tanjiro would be so big.
“Can I?” The question barely fell off your lips before Tanjiro whispered,
You wasted no time folding your hands under his robe and grasping his length with gentle fingers. He stifled a sound from deep in his chest and shuddered with a sigh instead. Pulling his robes open, you finally freed his erection of its soft confines and stared at strawberry brown hair, trailing neatly from his stomach to the tuft at the base of his cock. It had two prominent veins traveling up either side to a flushed pink tip, and when you pulled his foreskin down his pink melted to eager red.
Every slight move of your hand elicited a grunt from the Hashira, or an accidental buck of his hips into your fist. His shoulder-length hair fell messily from its ties and shrouded his eyes in shadow. You shivered. As putty as he was in your hands, you still felt so small compared to him. Small and like you were in a dream, a dream where the man you loved finally wanted you to touch him.
“Y/n,” Tanjiro’s voice shook you from your thoughts, “P-please don’t slow down.”
You smiled at him apologetically and without saying anything gave his leaking tip a few quick pumps of your hand. Precum wet your palms and Tanjiro had to ball his haori up in his fists to keep from moaning out loud.
You scooted back a breath and leaned down close to his lap, “I know for a fact you can be louder than this.” You stuck your tongue out and gave the length of his shaft one wet lick from the base before closing your lips around him.
Tanjiro did moan at this– a desperate sound that broke when he tried to hold it back.
Fuck. He didn’t know what to do with his hands. He didn’t know how to keep quiet, he didn’t even know if you were okay– if, if you liked this. He hadn’t bathed all day– But the swirling of your tongue around his sensitive tip was enough to elicit feverish whimpers from him.
You liked that sound, and you like to tease him. But what you really wanted was his cum to paint the roof of your mouth.
You cupped his heavy balls with one hand and rolled them around in your fingers as you finally took his entire length down your throat. There was no stifling the sounds he made now, not that he was trying anymore.
“Y-Y/n! Fuck fuck– I- this–mmph”
The uncharacteristic cursing you forced out of him pooled alongside the wet between your legs. You squeezed your thighs together for any type of friction as you milked his cock with your mouth.
He wanted to touch you too, so badly, but he could barely keep his eyes open. He’d never even imagined something like this, even after hearing all the obnoxious stories Zenitsu told about his 'wild love affairs.' And he certainly never imagined you of all people, asking for permission to do it. The wet warmth from your throat paired with a lewd squelch of saliva dripping from your lips was enough to do him in. Every hum or perfectly paced bob of your head choked a whimper from him.
“Y/n I–I- shit– can I t-touch you?”
Without slowing your rhythm you guided his hand to the back of your head. Instinctively he tangled his fingers in your hair and when you hummed in satisfaction he cried out at the vibration. He grabbed your hair in his fist and pulled you up for a moment with an uncontrollable jerk of his arm.
He was immediately ready to apologize again, but when he saw your face it was all he could do not to cum right there. Your eyes were glassy and your lips were pink from friction. Drool dribbled from your open mouth and down your chin, and best of all you were panting. Sucking him off so hard you, a pillar, were forgetting to come up for air.
You leaned back down with his hands still in your hair and moaned softly when he pushed his cock through your lips again. His grip became less tense with every press of himself into your throat and the two of you naturally found a rhythm. His hand guiding you up and down his dripping length, thanking every god in heaven.
As soon as he could breathe again he’d repay the favor, he swore. If you could even call it repayment; the thought of burying himself inside of you was so fucking tantalizing he almost felt guilty about it.
And he wasn’t going to last much longer.
“Y/n please wait– I’m gonna– it’s–”
“Oi! Kamado!” Aoi’s voice shattered the quiet of the night from the hallway outside. Tanjiro could have screamed. “Get this yellow fuck out of the hallway before Oku-sama trips!”
You weren’t slowing down.
He raised his hands to his mouth to stifle feeble whimpers. A whimper was all he could compress it into. If he was being honest he wanted to cry from how good you were making him feel. If he had an ounce less self control he’d be a fucked out babbling mess, begging you to keep going.
“Tanjirooo!” Zenitsu cried when Kanao kicked him awake. A third set of footsteps approached as well, and he still couldn’t bring himself to stop you. Fuck, not when he was so close.
“Tan,” you breathed heavily and pulled up, speaking his name at barely a whisper, so that no one else would hear you. He hissed at the loss of friction and cupped your face in two large, calloused hands, as if to ask why, why?
You blinked at him sleepily and opened your mouth “Cum in me Tanjiro.” He nodded furiously and silently, and glanced between you and the growing crowd outside the door battling with poor Zenitsu.
You lolled your tongue out and balanced his cock on your lower lip. With your other hand you flicked your wrist quickly at his tip, the way you knew made him stutter, and plunged his shaft into your throat a final time. He bit the back of his hand to contain his incoherent gasps.
Your eyes rolled back as he finally unloaded his hot seed into the back of your throat. His balls seized against your face as he poured and poured into your mouth while his other hand gripped the back of your head as gently as he could manage. He hissed your name over and over again, stroking your hair in praise until his hips finally stopped bucking.
When you finished a noisy swallow and pulled away to catch your breath his cock hung heavy and limp underneath you. Nothing could have prepared you for the bolt of electricity that sparked in your gut at the sigh of the Sun Hashira, flushed and panting. He had his own thread of drool hanging from his lips and a blissfully clouded gaze. He still cupped your face and you smiled dreamily at him.
“T-thank you,” he whimpered, and thumbed your cheek. Holy shit, was he crying?
“Thank who?! Get out here and get these boys!” Aoi stomped around outside, although you knew she was much too shy to open the door to the boys’ room.
Tanjiro took another second to stare at you before Kanao knocked on the door asking for him as well, albeit more politely. He stood to answer them and then seemed to remember the situation. Right. He helped you to your feet and rushed to wrap his unsoiled haori around your shoulders.
“I-I’m so sorry! I’ll help you clean up in a moment!”
“By all means,” you giggled sleepily, and stood next to him, “I’ll be in the bathroom.”
And then the door flew open. Nezuko rolled her eyes and stood in the doorway, pointing to Zenitsu who was somehow unconscious again.
“I’ll leave it to you.” You saluted the group and smoothed down your hair as you left, butterflies practically pouring from your stomach and flooding the corridor.
No one else noticed the skip in your step or the smell of sex you tried to clear from your throat, except for Tanjiro. As he knelt to pick up his friend, he watched you sway down the hall towards the bathroom and swore he saw a trail of flowers blooming everywhere your scent bounced off the walls.
He needed his hands on you.
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part two >>
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One Night| Hunter
Note: Nsfw content,
Warnings: creampies, p in v, facials, squirting, name calling, rough, hair pulling, light choking, smoking 18+ content
Reader: Female
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"Thanks again." Y/n thanked the kessel burbon slid to her, sliding credits to Cid, "any more missions?"
"No,those clone boys took the last one I had." Cid spoke, "there won't be any more for a few cycles."
"Clones took my jobs?" Y/n questioned, sipping the hard liquor.
"Yeah! When wrecker through those KT troopers like it was nothing!" Omega cheered as the group walked down into the bar.
"Speak of the devil." Cid spoke, Y/n turning her head.
"Yes Wrecker's strength was acceptionally helpful this mission. Yet Omega's new tracking skills came in handy." Tech spoke.
"And Echo's climbing skills! How do you do that with one hand?!" Omega cheered.
"Pratice." Echo spoke.
Hunter chuckled at Omega's happiness.
"We did good boys-"
He stopped, seeing Y/n casually talking to Cid, sipping on her drink, her hair a mess, a few braids in her short hair making her hair uneven in both long and short length. In baggy black robes a belt tired tigh around her waist. Boots knee high with her baggy pants tucked in. Her eyeliner red and in sharp wings up towards her relaxed brows.
She turned her gaze towards hunter, her eyes a cybernetic white, then her head followed. Her gaze lingering on him as she smiled smally.
"Oh no no no! Watch your eyes dark and broody!" Cid argued, rushing around the counter.
"Don't mind me I'm also looking disrespectfully." Y/n teased getting up from her seat, following behind Cid.
"Uh," Hunter tried to speak, woah was his only thought process, "Your...new."
"Not knew. Just havent seen me before." Y/n smiled, standing next to Cid with a hand on her hip, "names Y/n's and Im presuming you all are the clones that have been taking my jobs?"
"Oh, we are?" Omega looked up at Hunter, who was still at a lost for words.
"What?" Hunter asked looking down at Omega.
Y/n chuckled, walking up to the longer haired male, "Listen, dark and broody, we can be friends. I just want my missions."
She leaned into his face, his face becoming red "Y-yeah..."
"Thanks then." Y/n smiled, his eyes gazing to his banana, "I'll take this as payment for taking my last missions."
With ease she pulled the headband off his head, turning her head half way to talk to Cid she smiled.
"I'll see you late then mom." Y/n chuckled, nudging Hunter as she passed, "Im off to collect some credits Im owed."
"Did she just call Cid Mom?" Wrecker questioned Y/n walking out the bar and up the steps.
"I believe she did." Tech responded.
Hunter was hit in the side with Cid's walking staff, "I'm docking your pay half!"
"What!?" Hunter argued.
"Thats what you get for lookin at my kid like that!" Cid defended, "watch it next time"
"Well if our pay has already been docked. She was quiet pretty. Her eyes especially." Tech repsonded as Hunter nudged him hard.
"Don't worry, Hunter if you marry her Cid's your new mom!" Wrecker laughed shoving the man.
"I don't even know her!" Hunter argued.
"And that'll never happen!" Cid defended, "now watch it before I dock all your pay! You won't be seeing her again."
"But she took Hunter's bandanna." Omega pointed out, Hunter feeling his head.
"She did?!"
"And I thought Wrecker had it bad for that twilek girl he helped at the market." Echo told.
So there Hunter was, left the whole day with no headband, atleast 3 standard hours he waited, rubbing his head feeling as if he was missing something, well he was missing something.
"Hey! Mom! You'll never guess the load I got this time!" Y/n called out walking down the steps and into the bar, "I beat fifteen of the finest warriors apparently! Yeah right!"
Y/n walked in, gym bag at her side, the boys turning to the girl, stripped down to a tank top and a diffrent set of black pants that were tucked into her boots, a certain red bandana around her thigh.
"Oh you're all still here." She spoke, "I was-"
Hunter stepped infront of her, "I'd like my bandana back."
"Hm? Yeah come on." Y/n spoke, walking around him, "follow me."
"Yeah no sorry- not happening-" Hunter argued grabbing her wrist, "just hand it over."
Y/n ripped her wrist from him, hurting his hand in the process, "well then take it off, its right there."
Hunter kept his gaze away from Y/n's thigh, her ahoulder looking interesting at the momment.
"Well its mine then." Y/n spoke going to walk away but her arm was grabbed, Hunter turning to her as he kept his gaze up, his hands feeling for the band,
She chuckled, "little higher and you'll be at my zipper-"
He sighed looking away as he felt his bandana, his hand reaching around and untying it from her thigh.
"You smell nice." Y/n teased
"I don't see how you're Cid's kid." Hunter commented.
"Not by blood sweetheart." Y/n commented.
There was a chuckle as Hunter turned his head, Tech and Echo going back to there silence Wrecker luckily out and about with Omega. Hunter removed the band finally as Y/n chuckled.
Y/n leaned over, kissing Hunter's cheek as he flushed, "rooms down the hall on your left, we should be lucky my mom's on the upper floors."
Hunter only nodded as Y/n walked away, waving to his two brothers who were playing sabbec at the bar.
Hunter turned around to follow her a few mintues later, "don't be too loud."
Hunter glared at the two but made his leave anyways, following Y/n's instructions. Making it to the last door he knocked the door sliding open as Y/n sat on the floor, a tray in her lap, neon fairy lights on the strung carelessly on the walls and ceiling, weapons littered on the floor, some things hanging on the walls, there was a mess of the bed.
"So you came." She spoke popping whatever she was rolling into a jar, setting it on her nightstand and pushing the tray into the drawer. Standing up zhe grabbed a box of matches, throwing herself into one of the large bean bag chairs, big enough for two people, "lock the door would you?"
He did as asked, "why call me in here?"
"Well...Dark and Broody." Y/n spoke, "sit, come on."
Patting the seat besides her he walked over, "I have a name."
"Okay? Tell me it."
"Okay Hunter." She spoke, "you seemed tense. So we. Me and you. Are gonna smoke-"
"Smoke? Smoke what-"
"One of these." Y/n spoke holding up the jar, "Kessel herb."
"Spice? Yeah no-"
"No. Herb." Y/n defended, "there's a big difference."
Hunter watched her swish the jar around in front of him, "you pick one for me atleast."
Mentally sighing he did as asked, Pulling out a joint for her she smiled, closing the jar and setting it aside, "atleast this doesn't smell bad, smells like flowers."
Hunter watched her open up the match box, the joint between her lips as she striked the first match, a complete dud, she moved onto the second one, also a dud, by the fourth one Hunter was wondering if she'd ever light the thing.
"Dropped them in water-"
"I can do it." Hunter cut off, Y/n gladly handing him the match box as she leaned over, he striking out on the first match but the second one he got working, the flame bright and prominet despite the red undertone of the lights, leaning over as well he lit the thing easy as pie.
He watched her take a deep inhale in bowing out through her nose she leaned back, muscles already calming and relaxing.
"Why did you really call me in here."
"I told you to smoke." Y/n spoke, "I know a stressed man when I see one. Shit half the time I am a stressed man."
Hunter watched her take in another puff, "Plus it would ruffle my moms scales."
Hunter chuckled Y/n was right about that much, "yet also wanted to see if you wanted to hook up for a night."
Hunter coughed, not because of the smoke but the abruptness, "I'm sorry?"
"Well I seen you look at me the way you did earlier," she told, "and you're pretty good looking, but you seem to atleast have a good head on your sholders, men I know that look at me usually make a comment right away, you kept them to yourself."
Hunter responded with silence, "it's just a suggestion, an idea." She told him turning to look at him.
Again silence and Y/n contuined to smoke as if it was no problem that he said no, he found it, hot, sexy even. She knew what she wanted and she asked if told no she was okay with that, carrying out through her day.
"Why me?"
"I just explained why, you." Y/n spoke, "its yes or no tense guy."
Hunter shifted, its been a while, he mentally sighed, Y/n returning to smoking casually. Was this a way of teasing? If it was, it was harsh, and it was working. Shifting once more there chlothed and armored touching one another.
Damn, Hunter thought, to have her strong thigh in his hand, his head between her thighs. He looked up seeing Y/n pull the joint away once more, feeling the stare Y/n turned her head
"Wanna try it after all?" Y/n questioned, bringing the joint infront of him, "if not more for me."
Fuck it, the empire rules the galaxy, the republic fell, his brother is trying to kill them, what could he possibly loose from having any fun.
He took it with gloved fingers bringing it to his lips, Y/n watched him take a deep inhale, Y/n impresssed.
"This isnt your first rodeo." She teased.
He leaned in closer to her, if even physically possible, removing the joint from his lips, he pushed closer to Y/n, his lips placed on her's softly, and only for a momment, then pulled away, strings of smoke coming from both there lips now as Hunter's mind felt clear, relaxed.
"Lets do it." Hunter responded, usuing his armor as an ash tray, pressing the ashes to death on his chest plate as the embers died.
"One puffs not gonna get you anywhere." Y/n teased.
"But you will..." he whispered against her lips, pressing furthur once more he kissed her.
The kiss much more passionate than the first, Y/n running her hands through his hair, his bandanna slipping off in the process as she tossed it away.
"Fuck you're so hot..." He whispered into the kiss, Y/n moaning softly, his hands untucking her white tank top from her pants.
"Don't tell Im sharing with someone, thats why you came back all undressed." He teased against her lips, his hands hiking up her t-shirt past her covered breast.
"If sharing means arena fights. Then yes." Y/n teased back causing Hunter to chuckle.
Hunter pulled away, unclapssing his armor as she watched, letting it be tossed to the floor he was stripped down to his blacks. Bitting her lip at the buldge in his blacks, he leaned back into her,kissing her lip's passionately, forcing his tongue into her mouth she groaned, his touange pressing against his as they fought.
The kiss ended in a tie, both pulling away panting, Hunter let his hand's find her bare skin in the mean time, traveling up her adoment and covered breast he found her shirt, pulling away he lifted it over her head and arms. About to kiss her again she stopped him, pulling on the edge of his blacks, she pulled his shirt up, he lifting his arms in the process, his gloves rolling off with his sleeves in the process. Tossing the article of chlothing somewhere random. He removing her black sports bra, he kissed her just above her breast.
She humming in pleasure as he did so, traveling up to her neck, kicking her boots and socks off in the process, her legs tensed squeezing together Hunter had found her sweet spot, the space just above her collar bone, where her muscle was tense.
"H-hunter..." she panted, kissing the side of his head as she let out a soft groan, her head rolling back as her fingers tugged on his hair.
"You drive me crazy doing that..." Hunter whispered against her skin, dragging his kisses down her chest, and to her breast, where he let himself take in one of her soft buds.
"Fuck..." he moaned, his hair being pulled once more.
"Maker you're mouths amazing-" Y/n spoke her legs squeeze together tighter, adding to her pleasure as she groaned.
Switching over to give the second one just as much attention his hand cupped her other breast, squeezing her battle scared flesh softly, his other hand slipping behind her waist band slipping into her panties.
Hunter pulled away from her bud with a intoxicated look, "Your soaked..."
Y/n chuckled, "and you're hard as a rock..."
Pulling his hands away from her, she watched him undo her pants, pulling them down as quick as he could, and with her help of kicking them off they were gone.
Y/n reached for the last of his blacks, pulling them off his hips he pulled at them as well, removing his boxers as well. His chlothes barely releasing his length, Y/n's hand wrapped around the base of his aching cock.
Y/n's face laced with warmth and a teasing smirk she let her thumb rub the strip under the base of his cock, he groaned watching her tease his cock. His hand pulling at her panties she raised her hips to help, and he loosely pulled them down enough to let his hand go between her legs.
His finger's teasing her clit softly as she meweled, "Fucking hell..." she whined softly.
Both messes under each other's touches Y/n picked up a pace, her hand starting to milk his cock as he moaned heavily, body both relaxed and tense he gripped her thigh.
"Easy- now..." Y/n whispered to him, planting a soft kiss on his lips, "Don't wanna finish just in my hand do we?"
Hunter shook his head no, "you better be on something...I'm gonna cum in you till you beg me to stop..." he moaned.
She chuckled, leaning into his ear, "yeah? Am I gonna be sitting in pools of your cum?"
"Fuck yeah you are." He told her, "f-from every fuckin hole, starting with you're mouth."
She was taken back both by comment. He stood up as she looked up at him, his cock in her face, she moved forward, her lips brushing against his cock as she licked his tip, the taste of Pre-Cum now on her touange.
"Salty..." she teased kissing down his shaft, her hand wrapping around his base. Looking up at him his face was flushed, yet still held a determined look of lust in his eye.
Pulling back to the tip of his cock she kissed the tip, opening her mouth she pushed his tip in, her hands resting on his hips.
Fuck does he feel so good down my throat, Y/n thought, her eyes closed as she moaned, bobbing her head almost instantly causing Hunter to groan.
"Easy doll. You don't wanna choke." He teased, watching her bobbing increase he moaned loudly, her pace only increasing, "Maker you know to suck cock- s-shit-"
Y/n pulled away jacking his siliva covered cock off, "H-hunter fill me with your cum please. I wanna be in a pool of your cum."
He covered his mouth, what the fuck., but he wasnt complaining, watching her deep throat him again he groaned, his hips starting to pool back and thrust, and as soon as he knew it he was holding the back of her head, mouth fucking her hard.
"Yeah baby take it all...like a little slut take it all for me." He moaned, " hell- I'm-"
Hunter hit deep inside her mouth, cumming down her throat, mid way pulling out letting the rest coat her face.
"H-hunter!" She meweled, but he covered her mouth, not wanting anyone to hear.
She swallowed his cum, groaning into his hand as he pulled his hand away.
"They can't hear us..." she panted, cum covered her face and mixed with her drool as she tried to catch her breath, "t-the walls are solid concrete..."
"Well then...I suppose I will be making you scream..." he panted as she bit her lip, looking down at her he chuckled.
Face covered in cum, running down her lips and chin, her breast perky, marks already starting to form on her neck, her panties down to her knees as she sat waiting for him, flushed and horny.
"Maker I can not wait to put my cock in that tight pussy of your's." He told her, his thumb holding her chin.
"Then do it. Fuck me till you can't cum no more" she begged, watching him kneel down infront of her, causing him to chuckle.
"I want a taste of you first." He told her.
Pulling her panties off she bit her lip as he grabbed her legs roughly by the back of her knees, spreading them from one another, she shifted in her spot, allowing her legs to spread a bit wider and give him a better veiw. Hunter didn't bother teasing her, her pussy soaked and aching as he dived in, eating at her clit.
"F-fuck Hunter!" She cried, her back arching as she gripped onto his hair immediately.
Y/n was in heaven, Hunter between her legs completely devoring her.
"Baby so sweet..." he moaned into her cunt, licking up every bit of her fluid he could, shoving his touange deep inside her.
"Oh- maker! Fuck me! Please fuck me!" She begged, his fingers joining his touange deep inside her, as an incoherent mewel escaped her lips, his fingers thrusting deep inside her.
"Come on baby..squirt for me i wanna taste it." He whispered against her cunt.
"H-holy shit!" Y/n exclaimed, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, eating her raw her back arched and her legs squeezed together but he pulled away, spanking her on the back of the thigh.
"Do that again and I'll stop eating you out and fuck you until you're raw." Hunter deamnded, she nodded mindlessly, as he went back to devoring her.
Her pussy pulsating as he shoved his touange deep insider her, his fingers competing for space.
"H-hunter..." she whined, feeling like she was to snap, "H-Hunter- Hunter! Hunter!"
She squirted into his mouth, her legs squeezing together in pleasure.
"F-fuck!" She moaned, back arching as her legs shook, "F-fuck,"
He pulled away from her, flicking her clit with his fingers intesifiying her orgaism. Moaning loudly she watched him getting up to his knees he leaned over her grabbing her face.
"I told you if you closed your legs again I'd fuck you until your raw." He argued as Y/n blushed deeply.
"I'm sorry sir..." she apologized, pussy still pulsating, still completely soaked with a mix of her own cum and his siliva.
"What did you call me?"
"S-sorry daddy." She apologized.
"Atleast you know your place."
Holy fuck, where did this Hunter come from? Not that she knew Hunter at all, but it was still a shock to see the 'dark and broody' man become such a sex addict that liked to be called daddy.
"You either call me daddy or sarge," he demanded grabbing her chin, "understand?"
She nodded in response.
"I can't hear you."
"Yes daddy."
"Good girl..." he praised, "the better you are the more cum you'll get, understand?"
"Yes daddy."
He spred her legs open again, his knees resting on the bean bag below her as he lined himself up with her soaked entrence. Pushing his tip in her she moaned loudly, her feet resting on his hips, he chuckled, grabbing her hips tightly he shoved himself in her fully.
"F-fuck!" She cried out, "Oh maker yes!"
He started beating into her without warning, she crying out in pleasure as her body shook.
"D-daddy so rough! Oh-yes!" She shouted.
"Touch yourself While I fuck you," he demanded, her hand hand reaching between her legs,rubbing her clit while he fucked her senseless, "Good girl, looks like someone wants to be filled with cum."
She moaned nodding her head in the process as he beating balls deep into her, hearing his cum filled balls slapping against her soaked skin.
"F-fuck daddy please!" She begged, one of his hands finding the back of her hair as he gripped it, arching her over.
"Please what baby girl? Come on. Tell daddy what you want."
"P-please cum in me!" She cried drooling in pleasure, he groaned her tight pussy walls clenching around him, "H-Hunter!"
Moaning heavily he gripped her hair tighter, her free hand gripping his forearm as she bit her lip. The feeling built up in her stomach.
"Y-yeah! D-daddy! Daddy make me cum!" She begged, he watched her come unraveled, beating into her roughly her back arched, toes curling as she moaned loudly, soaking his cock as she squirted onto him, he pulled out of her, rubbing her clit intesifiying her orgaism.
"Oh- Shit!" She cried, the quicker he rubbing her clit more she squirted, slipping back into her he delievered a few hard thrust as she cried out, pulling out once more her orgaism intense as she held her legs open.
"Fuck daddy!" She cried.
"Come on baby let it all out." He praised, slipping into her again and fucking her roughly for a few more thrust, pulling out once more as she squirted the last she could.
"H-hunter- Hunter!"
"Shh baby. Shh." He spoke leaning kissing her roughly she kissed back, pulling away he looked down at her, "You still need my cum in you huh baby?"
"Mhmm, yes please." She begged.
"Good girl." He praised, kissing her sloppily as she groaned.
Pulling away she held onto his arm as he pushed his way back into her, causing her to mewel out his name.
"What a perfect little pussy." He told her, starting to thrust into her, his hand rest at the side of her throat as his thumb pulled her chin down, she wore a curled smile with a deep blush, her pupils dialted wide and pupils seemingly in the shape of hearts.
"H-hunter...daddy..." she meweled.
He grunted down a groan, feeling himself starting to become unraveled, "pussys still tight for me,fuck-"
His gripp tightned around her neck, causing her to choke slightly, as his thrust became sloppy, becoming increasingly rougher as her moans grew louder once more. Loosing rythem he pulled his hand away from her neck, his hands gripping her hips for leverage as he pulled them against his thrust, groaning loudly he still beat into her harshly, his cock pulsating in her. She begged for him to creampie her, her hands finding his hair as she tugged and pulled.
"Ah! Fuck! Yeah! Fuck!" He groaned, "Oh! OH!"
He shoved himself deep inside of her keeping her steady as her back arched, his own body arching into her's as he released a massive load of cum into her.
"Oh! Fuck yeah!" He groaned, completely loosing control, contuining his rough thrust.
"H-hunter! Hunter! Holy shit!" She cried out.
"Fuck Im cumming again!"
"H-hunter! Fuck!" A second smaller load was shot into her, filling her womb with his hot seed as he held her hips tight, rocking into her steadily as to make sure he stuffed her. He panted heavily, his ears seemingly ringing as he looked down at her.
Her mouth agape as she breathed heavily, her breast rising and falling with heavy pants.
"Good girl..." Hunter praised, slolwy pulling out of her, Y/n letting out the last of her soft moans.
He panted heavily, his hands spreading her legs as she ended up holding her legs open by her inner thighs, Hunter watches the thick cum leaked out of her, cum covering her pussy folds.
"Good girl." Hunter praised, a few of his fingers scooping up some of the cum as she opened her mouth, letting it sloppily leak from Hunter's hand to her mouth and face, "Now, turn over on all fours, Im not done with you yet."
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
Y/n's a witch and Harry's her soulmate
lanfvksbkvjbs I hope you guys like it because I poured my whole soul into this!!!! I wanted it to be over 10k but I felt like I was just dragging it on and the ending isn't great but it's ok.
I switch between present and past tense without meaning too- oops :)
wordcount: 9911
warnings: uhhh, swearing, google translated latin :) catcalling and unwanted male attention (with a bad witch moment... see what i did there😏), a little bit of violence, very lightly edited lmao
She didn’t quite understand what was going on. Was this another witch? No, she would have felt that energy differently. So he had to be a mortal. But why did it feel like she had just been set on fire in the best way possible.
“Thank you…” He muttered, eyes glazed over. “M’Harry, by the way.”
What a magical name, she thought.
Harry walks into Y/n’s shop one day, sees the brooms sweeping by themselves and gets a little curious.
“Althea, get your claws out of there. You’re gonna get hair in the muffins!” Y/n shrieked, quickly shooing the troublesome feline away from the open bowl of batter sat atop the counter. The cat just meowed at her, unbothered by her person's shrieking. Thea was quite the diva. She couldn’t give a flying fuck even if she tried.
“Oh Stars, look what you’ve done!” Y/n continued, cleaning up the trail of paw prints left in the flour on the table. “How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of the kitchen when I’m baking Thea! Why don’t you ever listen!”
Y/n has been a little strung up lately. That’s probably the understatement of the century. Maybe if she hadn’t been put in charge of the shop for the first time by herself while her mother went to gather supplies and place orders for said shop, she wouldn’t be so stressed. She’s only 22 years into her eternal lifetime. She’s yet to learn the virtue of patience, her mind never ceasing to run with ideas and thoughts and feelings.
Her mother always griped about how she needed to take a deep breath and let go of the tension in her shoulders because now that she had stopped ageing- she had all the time in the world (literally) to do everything she was worried about. Y/n would argue that she’s not worried so much as eager. She’s just very excitable.
“Why do I even bother yelling at you anymore.” Y/n grumbled, flicking her wrist in the direction of the broom closet. The broom and dustpan came floating out and got to work sweeping up the bits of flower seeds and petals that had dropped off the table instead of into the mortar like she had planned.
Y/n’s never been known for her cleanliness.
Out of the blue, the hair on the back of her neck and arms stood at full attention, a warm shiver shooting down her spine. What the hell? She thought to herself. Thea didn’t seem bothered by whatever energy was coming closer so she knew it wasn’t any danger, but it was something. Y/n flicked her wrist once more, quickly sending the broom away and going to hide behind a wall where whoever this was couldn’t see her.
The little bells above the door chimed, alerting anyone inside that someone had just arrived. In walked, who Y/n thought to be, the most beautiful boy she thinks she’s ever seen. Chestnut curls shielded by a knit beanie, sea glass eyes, broad shoulders, a kind smile on his face. He looked as ethereal as she was.
She felt the earth shift under her feet, her heart speeding up slightly in his presence. He was magnificent, she thought. The shiver she felt was steadfast and unchanging, finding a home in the goosebumps covering her whole body. She had never felt like this before.
The witch watched from behind the wall as the man gazed about the shop, his hands rested behind his back. In a pair of black jeans with a rip in the knee and a white tee shirt with a cardigan thrown over it, he shuffled about.
Y/n took a deep breath, collecting herself before making her presence known. She walked out from behind the wall, stepping behind the main checkout counter and clearing her throat lightly.
“Welcome in! I’m Y/n, let me know if you need any help!” She said, trying not to cringe at how scripted that sounded.
His head popped up, eyes connecting with hers and that’s when they both felt the energy in the room grow. Thea came sauntering out of the kitchen area in the back, Y/n made a mental note to check the muffin batter for cat hair later, no doubt at the electrical charge of the room.
She didn’t quite understand what was going on. Was this another witch? No, she would have felt that energy differently. So he had to be a mortal. But why did it feel like she had just been set on fire in the best way possible.
“Thank you…” He muttered, eyes glazed over. “M’Harry, by the way.”
What a magical name, she thought.
There was a pause, where neither of them wanted to move, in fear of this moment passing and never getting to feel like this ever again.
It felt like having a picnic on a warm summer day, where it’s not too hot but just right. It felt like the first breath of fresh Spring air, like hearing a baby giggle. She felt fuzzy and warm. Like she was wrapped in a hug. Y/n felt… peaceful. She felt all of her anxiety about the shop melt away, as if it had never been there.
Harry smiled at her, a pink tinge coating his skin, and pulled his eyes away (he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable by staring), continuing on with his peruse of the shop. He had no idea why he was here, truly. Didn’t realize where he was until he pushed through the door. He doesn’t even know what any of this stuff is, he’s just looking so it seems like he knows what he’s doing.
He felt something brush his ankle, looking down and seeing a fluffy snow white cat with striking green eyes (just like his!), and cooed at her.
“Is it alright if I pet her?” He asked, looking back up at Y/n. He would take any chance he got to look at her. She was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. With her shiny hair and kind eyes, a smile that made you want to hug her. She looked so welcoming. He felt… oddly peaceful.
“Yeah of course! She’s my little attention whore, aren’t you Thea?” Y/n giggled and Harry thought his heart would stop right there. Her little giggle was the most glorious sound he’d ever heard, he decided.
She got up from her little stool behind the counter and floated over to him, using her cat as an excuse to get closer. She just couldn’t figure out why she had such a pull to him. It didn’t make sense to her. Maybe he was a witch and was just masking his energy really well, maybe he was some sort of other creature, or maybe… no, that can’t be it.
Maybe… he’s her Flame. Her Twin Flame… Her Soulmate.
No. There’s no way. It’s so rare for witches to find their flames. And especially at such a young age. Y/n’s parents didn’t find each other for almost 75 years, and here she is at just 22, stumbling upon some magical happenstance where her Flame just saunters into her family’s shop.
Harry scratched behind Thea’s ear, a motor-like pur erupting from her little belly. She nuzzled into his touch, and then sprung up onto his shoulder from the table, startling the man. Y/n giggled at the look on his face, reaching up to scratch just above Thea’s tail, her favorite spot.
“She does that when she likes someone.” Y/n explained. A blush appeared on his face at this.
She likes him.
“So was there anything in particular you were looking for?” Y/n continued, hoping to make more conversation with him. Her fingers are buzzing, wanting to reach out and hold his hand or touch his arm, anyway she can get her hands on him really, but she knows that would be inappropriate so she refrains (however difficult it may be).
Harry was in the same boat. He felt the need to wrap her up in his embrace and never let her go. It was the strangest thing he thinks he’s ever felt.
“Honestly, no. I don’t really know what any of this stuff is… I didn’t even realize when I walked in but I didn’t want to look like a psycho just walking in and out of shops randomly.” A shy smile displays on his features.
Y/n chuckled. This furthers her hunch that he is, in fact, her Flame. Getting a random urge to come in here could only mean that the invisible string tying them together was leading him to her. Pulling them closer and closer everyday until this very moment, when they were fated to meet. Written in the stars to know each other, whether that be for love or friendship only time would tell.
She really hopes it’s love.
“Ok… We’re kind of just a general shop. We carry crystals, herbs, spices, oils, candles, and my mother does a lot of crafts, so we sell those here too.” Y/n went on to explain, Harry’s eyes flitted around to all the things she mentioned. He saw glittering crystals, by themselves but also made into jewelry like rings and necklaces, he saw bundles of different flowers and vials of liquids he assumed were the oils she mentioned.
“What is all this stuff for?” He questioned. He had never heard of anyone suddenly needing Oxeye Daisies or black onyx crystals, but he’d never been one to judge.
Y/n paused, thinking of the best way to explain everything. Practising “witchcraft” wasn’t an unusual topic to humans, but they didn’t know that witches with magic that was (semi-inaccurately) portrayed in movies and tv shows actually existed.
“Uhm, anything in the shop can be used for a number of things. Apothecary, gardening, herbal remedies, manifestation.” She explained. He nodded along with her words, doing his best to focus on what she was saying rather than just her. His body was tingling the closer she stood. He never wanted this feeling to go away.
Whatever this feeling was.
Harry looked around, his sights landing on a shelf full of colorful candles. His eyes lit up, trotting over to them, picking up one that was a light lavender color. He didn’t know he was drawn to this one in particular, but something had pulled him to grab it. Something was telling him to buy it, bring it home, and burn it on his bedside table, right next to his head every night.
It was Y/n’s favorite color.
The girl's cheeks burnt when she realized this was the one he had picked out. The occurrence might seem random to anyone passing by, anyone who didn’t know two halves of a soul had just been reunited with one another after being apart for however many years. But Y/n knew, and hopefully Harry would know soon.
She didn’t want to scare him though. He would think she was crazy. Imagine a random stranger that you’ve never seen before in your entire life tells you that you’re meant to spend the rest of your life together. He would run away screaming.
So she has to start slow.
“Think I might get a few candles…” Harry trails off, looking around at all the different shapes and sizes of colored wax sitting before him. Y/n smiles at this and nods, letting him know she’ll be at the counter if he needs anything.
Please need something, she hopes to herself.
He didn’t end up needing anything, but he ended up purchasing 3 candles, all of them being that same lavender color.
* .
. * .
It was a few weeks later when Y/n felt a familiar tingle run down her spine. Harry must be near, she thought.
She had spent the last fortnight and then some moping about the shop and her flat, hoping her Flame would turn up again. Her mother, Asteria, had been ecstatic when she heard that her daughter had found her Flame, and empathised with her pain, understanding that he was a mortal and it was difficult to form bonds with them quickly. The woman always found it interesting how the most indefinite creatures took the longest to form their bonds. But then she remembered they had no knowledge of Twin Souls and often settled for one not fated to them.
“Mama, he’s close. I can feel him!” Y/n cried, tidying her appearance in the reflection of the window. She hopes to the Stars that he’s coming to see her and not just passing through.
Waving away the brooms fluttering around the shop, she busies herself restocking shelves. Asteria had just finished a new batch of candles that needed shelving. The mother had been trying new recipes lately and was excited to see how they would fare.
Y/n almost misses the little chime of the bells signaling that someone has just entered. If it weren’t for the energy in the room skyrocketing and all the hair in her body standing at attention, she wouldn’t have noticed it at all. Turning, her gaze falls upon a familiar set of sea glass eyes and chestnut curls that have enchanted her mind every passing second since the first time they met. She tried her damndest to hide her grin, but had to turn away so he wouldn’t be able to see it.
Harry looked around the shop before his gaze fell upon the girl he hadn’t stopped dreaming about since he last was here. There she stood, back turned to him, with her shiny hair and adorable outfit. In a lavender colored sundress, hair pulled back by a white scarf, she fussed about the candle shelf that Harry had searched the last time he came.
Everytime he burned that candle, he thought of the way her eyes sparkled when she talked about the different items in the shop and how she smiled at him when he asked her a question.
Harry had never been one to jump into things quickly. He was the kind of guy that liked to get a feel for a situation before he really dived into it. But there was something about this girl that made him want to jump in head first, fearless. He hadn’t stopped thinking about her, daydreaming about little scenarios that he wished would happen between them.
He knows he sounds crazy, but he has a crush on her. And he’d only met her once! That is so not like him at all.
Y/n turned once again, sure that she had calmed the burning in her cheeks, greeting Harry as if she hadn’t thought of him in weeks.
“Welcome in,” she says, wondering if it would be weird to him if she remembered who he was, she decided she doesn’t care, “Oh, hi Harry!”
“Hello Y/n!” He smiles. Y/n felt her heart stutter in her chest when her name fell from his lips. As if she was floating (she had to check to make sure she actually wasn’t), she followed the sound of his voice, going to stand before him. Her first instinct was to hug him, and she was very sad that she had to stop herself.
“What brings you back?” She asked, itching to reach out and hold his hand. His gaze flits around for a few seconds before landing back on her face, a rose tint now on his cheeks.
“I- uh, I don’t really know. I just felt like I needed to come back…” He stuttered. A smile graced her lips, causing an identical one to grow on his own. Asteria watched from behind the counter, beaming at the couple.
“Y/n dear, who’s this?” The witch called. Y/n snapped out of her love-drunk haze, looking to her mother.
“Mama, this is Harry. He came in a few weeks ago while you were away.” She answered, giving her a look that said “please don’t say anything.” Asteria had a tendency to butt into her daughter's life, and Y/n needed to figure this out on her own.
Thea came flouncing out from whichever corner she had burrowed herself into and nosed at Harry’s feet before launching herself onto Y/n’s shoulder and staring at Harry from her new height advantage.
“Well look at you Thea, sittin’ all pretty up there!” Harry reached out to scratch behind her ears. Thea began purring loudly, louder than she did when Y/n petted her (Y/n did her best not to roll her eyes at her attention whore cat). The one thing the girl loved about this was now she had a reason to step closer to the boy before her. He smelled like citrus and woods, with a hint of weed (she’s not judging, she just wouldn’t peg him for a stoner so it’s a little surprising). She let it take over her senses until all she could think about was HaryHaryHary, having to stop herself from purring just like the cat.
“Well, whatever led you back here, it’s nice to see you again!” She blushed, deciding to let her affection for him shine through lightly. Y/n realized she didn’t really want to waste time dancing around mortal niceties. She didn’t want to scare him off but she wouldn’t feign disinterest. The witch wanted to make it clear she was smitten with him. So this was her way of starting slow, letting her blushes be seen, maybe resting a gentle hand on his bicep if he says something that makes her laugh, letting her longing gazes be caught before she looks away.
Like she said before, she’s going to start slow.
“I am too…” Harry wondered if maybe she felt the things he was feeling too. If she couldn’t stop thinking about him the way he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He wondered if it would be weird to ask her out. See if she wanted to get dinner with him, or have a picnic in a park on a sunny afternoon while he stared, as uncreepily as he could, at her bright smile and star-stricken eyes.
Very quickly, like it almost didn’t happen, Y/n saw a blush pink haze surrounding the boy. He was feeling love. The heat in her cheeks rose, fluttering of her heart increasing.
Now she knew for sure, he was her soulmate for love- not friendship. Thank the Stars!
* .
. * .
The next few weeks, Harry would come in every few days just to see Y/n. After realizing that she might be feeling the way he was, he wanted to make it clear to her that he was smitten. So he’d come in after he got done with whatever he’d been doing that day, bring her flowers or a blue-raspberry red bull italian soda (he saw her drinking one one day when he came by) and they would talk and sometimes he’d bring food if it was late and they would eat at the counter in the back kitchen. It became a routine, and he started showing up almost everyday. On slower days, she would close up early, so as not to have a single distraction from her Flame.
The two would talk about the most obscure things, not giving a rat if others heard them cackling at each other's jokes and misspeakings (Y/n stumbled over her words quite a bit when she was tired, he came to realize. He thought it was adorable).
In return for the beautiful flowers and the delicious drinks he’d bring her, Y/n would give him little spell jars or charmed items to make his life easier. He didn’t know they were spelled or charmed, but he thought it was cute how she gave him a lavender colored pen and told him he would think of her every time he wrote anything down (she had charmed it to always spell things correctly) or a little jar filled with lavender and chamomile buds, a few drops of lavender oil and a small amethyst crystal sealed in white wax to help quell the anxiety he’d been feeling with his job lately.
He appreciated them more than any material thing she could have purchased for him. He liked that she wanted him to think about her or that she wanted to do away with his ailments. He came in with a cold once and she spent the better part of an hour fussing over him, telling him all these little tricks to clear his sinuses and giving him different blends of herbs and spices that should clear this up in no time! He thought she was very adorable, worrying over a little cold and wanting to make him better.
Harry found that each time he left her, the force that pulled him to her grew stronger. He wanted to be in her presence more and more every time he walked out the door of the shop. The boy still didn’t really understand what it was about her, but he’s long since stopped asking questions and was just rolling with the punches.
Speaking of things Y/n did that Harry thought was cute- the things she said enamoured him, rendered him so speechless sometimes all he could do was sit there and look at her, (ironically) wondering what magical force brought her to him. He had no idea that the Universe herself was the one who chose his favorite girl.
“Oh Stars Thea! Get out of the nettle! It makes you sneeze, silly cat!”
“Stars forbid you ever listen to me, mother.”
“Althea Rose get your furry ass away from that hot wax before I feed you to the hellhounds!”
He loved how she was always saying Stars where he would normally say Jesus Christ. He never was one to be into religion but it was just something people around him said.
As the weeks went by, they began to sit closer and closer to each other. What started as across the table from one another, began to turn into her at the head and him on the corner next to her, then both of them sitting on one side but a bit of space between them, and then side by side, thighs touching, on the bench seat. Eventually, Y/n would lay one of her legs over his and he would rest his hand innocently on her skin, his thumb absentmindedly brushing back and forth, tapping his fingers to an imaginary beat as she told him a story about a kooky customer that came in.
That was another thing he loved that she said a lot: kooky.
Their goodbyes had grown more and more affectionate over time as well. From a little wave and a shy smile to a little hug, to a bear hug with a kiss on the temple from Harry.
Things were moving very swimmingly. Y/n was happy with the progress the two had made in getting to know each other. She had learned that he worked at a marketing firm but his passion was music, that he was in a band when he was in high school, and he’s from a village in Manchester.
Harry learned that Y/n has a degree in herbology and really likes the woods, and the show The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (despite the inaccurate depiction of witches, she thinks the characters are pretty).
Y/n has been trying to figure out the best way to tell Harry about her… lifestyle. It’s going to be a big shift in his reality and she worries that she’s going to overwhelm him. Her parents didn’t have this problem because they were both witches, but she had been fated to a mortal, which she’s not complaining about because loves Harry and all his human afflictions (loves!), but it’s quite a task keeping him in the dark until she’s ready to shed light on everything.
Especially on a day like today.
Her mother is out again, leaving her in charge of the store, again! And as previously mentioned, Y/n gets a little strung up when she’s left in charge. She’s forgetful, her mind flying all over the place. Her messiness gets worse, leaving different things all over the place (she somehow left a grimoire in the refrigerator at home), losing things… Basically, Y/n’s not doing so hot at the moment.
A busy spell had just finished, she had like 7 different customers in at once, all of them needing her for different things and all the chamomile and lavender oil rubbed behind her ear in the world couldn’t calm the anxiety flowing through her at the moment. She’d been so strung up that she hadn’t noticed the warm golden shiver running down her spine or all the hair on her body raising to attention or the jingle of the bells on the door when Harry walked in.
Walked in to see… the brooms sweeping up by themselves? And different pots and pans flying back into place… with no one carrying them. And Y/n muttering words he didn’t understand while her fingers wiggled, making the pestle inside what he learned to be called a mortar, moving by itself.
To say the least, Harry was very confused. And a little scared. Was he dreaming? Did today even happen? Was he still at home lying in bed?
The only thing that makes him realize he’s not is the shriek Y/n let’s out when she sees him standing frozen in the doorway, eyebrows pulled together in confusion (and a little bit of terror), mouth agape like he wanted to say something but didn’t know where to start. All at once, every moving item ceased and dropped, including the pots and pans which made a very loud noise, scaring Thea so much that she did the loud “meow!” that you only hear cats do in movies, and Y/n let out a quiet“Shit!”
“Harry…” She muttered, standing up slowly and treading towards him.
“Um… Y/n. What- what the fuck… was all of that?” He stuttered, and she continued to walk to him.
“Love, why don’t we go sit down and I’ll explain everything to you!” Y/n said slowly. She had taken to calling him Love lately, not being able to stop herself. They had yet to really “confess their feelings” to the other, but it was like a silent thing that no one said but they both just knew. So the name didn’t surprise him. Actually in the midst of all this craziness (and how his whole world had just seemed to be flipped in a matter of 5 seconds) he was clinging to the familiarity of the pet name.
He nodded, his eyes glazing over as he tried to wrap his head around what he was seeing. Y/n waved her wrist, everything that had dropped seeming to come to life again and be put back into their rightful places. Harry stared in amazement. Seeing it for the second time really drove the nail into the coffin that holy shit this is really happening…
They sat down side by side on the bench where they normally did but Y/n didn’t put her leg over his like they had grown used to. She missed the contact but figured a little space while she explained everything would be best for her Flame. Harry didn’t agree and tugged her closer to him. She didn’t fight it.
“Ok,” She sighed, cracking her knuckles as she took a deep breath, “Harry… my darling Harry. I need you to keep an open mind while I tell you all of this ok? It’s gonna be a lot for you to take in and I don’t want you to get a headache.” He nodded, and she took his hands in her own, running her thumb over his palm and channeling positive energy between the two of them. She saw Harry relax a little, letting her know it worked. He was ready (as ready as he could be) to hear what she had to say.
“Love, I’m a witch.” She says, letting it sink in for a moment. Harry doesn’t say anything for a moment. Y/n wonders if he’s even breathing. The strong pulse thumping in his wrist is a steady reminder that he’s ok, just shocked. (Very, very shocked).
“I come from a very long line of very powerful witches. I have magic, kind of like you see in movies and tv shows except I don’t worship the devil or eat children. None of us do. We’re usually very gentle creatures, unless we’re put in danger. Witches don’t use magic to hurt others, quite the opposite actually.”
“So… you cast spells and stuff?” He asks quietly. She breathes a laugh through her nose, nodding her head, continuing to channel him by rubbing her thumbs over his palms.
“I do, that’s what you saw me doing at the counter. I was actually strengthening the anti-anxiety jar I gave you a few weeks ago, because you told me you had a big project coming up and I didn’t want you to get too stressed out.” The girl said.
Harry couldn’t really focus on one thing for too long, letting his gaze flit around the kitchen area. He felt oddly… calm.
“Why do I feel so calm right now? I feel like I should be freaking out a little bit more than I am…” He voiced, finally looking into her eyes.
“I’m channeling you… look.” She said, pointing her gaze to their hands. He sees her thumbs rubbing gentle circles into his palms and looks back into her eyes.
“You’re casting a spell on me right now?” Harry wonders out loud.
“Channeling isn’t necessarily a spell, I’m just focusing and directing positive energy onto you right now, to help keep you calm. Like I said, I don’t want you to get a headache or pass out on me. I can stop if you want me to though!” She added quickly at the end but he shook his head.
“No, don’t stop…” He almost cried, pulling her closer to him.
“Ok, I won’t. It’s ok!” She shushed him, letting one of her hands float to his cheek, brushing over his cheek bone and pushing a fallen curl out of his eyes, before her hand found his again.
“Was it a spell that made me want to come in here that first day?”
“No baby, that’s actually a little different. This might be a little much so you gotta bear with me ok?” She explained and he nodded, heaving out a heavy breath.
A beat of silence passes and Y/n lets her eyes lock with his.
“We’re Twin Flames… or what you would know as Soulmates. We were fated to be together. That’s why you felt a pull to come in here. We were… destined… to meet each other.”
Harry doesn’t say anything and Y/n feels like her heart is about to beat out of her chest. She knew he was going to find out someday, but really didn’t expect that day to be this one. This crazy long day where everything had seemed to just bubble over and explode. She should have known something was going to happen when this morning, the flame on the candle she had lit for Harry on her altar was taller than it ever had been. She had written it off to him just thinking about her or something (if this was the case, it would be to the ceiling all day everyday because he never stops thinking about her), but she should have known. And now, here she was, terrified that Harry was going to walk away from her. She would understand if he did, it’s a lot to take in, and having your whole world flipped on its head is a bit much.
It would still break her heart though.
“So… this is normal?” Harry broke his silence.
“Is what normal?”
“That I want to be around you all the time? That I think about you all the time? What I’m feeling is normal?”
Y/n’s face softens. He’s so cute, she thinks. She could just wrap him up in a little bow and keep him all to herself for the rest of time.
“Yes, baby. It’s normal! I’ve been feeling the same things as you ever since we first met!” Harry’s mind is a little clearer now, so he picks up on the new pet name. Baby. He likes it, he decides.
“You feel this way too?” He looks like a little puppy right now, Y/n could just cry. She nodded her head, scooting impossibly closer to him, practically sitting in his lap. It seemed now that he was even calmer than he had been before, even without her channeling. She stopped for a second to test his reaction and he was ok. He didn’t tense up, eyes didn’t well in tears, didn’t lose consciousness. So she moved her hands to cup his cheeks now, feeling him lean into her touch.
“You’ve been the only thing on my mind since before you even walked through the door that first day. You’re in my dreams every night, I see you every time I close my eyes, I’m completely taken with everything you do.” Y/n confesses, feeling a weight lift off her chest.
“I know it seems fast to you, as a mortal. Your kind usually takes this kind of thing slowly, really learns a person before you become vulnerable. Out of fear for being judged or whatever it might be, but I would never judge you. I want you to know it’s ok to let your guard down with me. Whatever you're comfortable with! I don’t want to overwhelm you in any way, and I know all of this is so so much to take in. I just want what’s best for you, my Love.”
It’s not lost on Harry that she adds my before Love. He feels his heart flutter.
“I’m taken with everything you do too. Absolutely everything.” He whispers, if he speaks too loudly the moment might be lost.
They stare into each other's eyes, feeling the energy in the room grow. Flames from the lit candles around the room grow tenfold, reflecting the rising energy. Harry has half a mind to break his gaze from the girl before him, seeing the tall flames before bringing his eyes back to hers. He sees her gaze drop to his lips repeatedly. He doesn’t think she even realizes that she’s leaning in to him, but he’s not going to stop her.
When she’s so close he can feel her breath fanning over his face, she pauses, looking back up to his eyes, silently asking for permission. With her hands still cupping his cheeks gently, she closes the distance between them, pressing her lips delicately to his. Harry places his hands in two places: her waist and her neck. He pulls her in closer, pressing their lips together more firmly. A wildfire spreads from head to toe on both of them. It seems as though time has paused for this very moment, and again the earth shifts. A piece of the universe has just been restored, two halves of a soul reunited.
Harry’s fingertips send sparks flowing down her spine, she hums against his lips. The kiss is simple, just two people getting to know each other, learning the other's body, but it’s long. It’s not just one peck. Harry presses his lips against hers multiple times, slotting her bottom between both of his.
When Y/n pulls back to catch her breath, Harry chases after her, not ready to end this moment yet. She chuckles and grants him a few more kisses until she really is about to pass out because she needs to breathe. Pushing him gently, she breaks the kiss and rests her forehead against his, keeping her eyes closed.
She so badly wants to let the three words sitting on the tip of her tongue go, but doesn’t want to overwhelm him with too much all at once.
“Do you feel that?” He whispers, pulling her to sit astride his lap. She moves pliantly, letting him take control of the situation.
The air feels charged, thick, like it should be hard to breath but it flows, smooth as water, into their lungs.
Y/n’s head feels heavy, like she’s high on every drug there ever was, her mind fuzzy, unable to think outside of this moment. Outside of this little wrinkle in time where Harry is the only other thing that exists.
“Yeah,” She whispers back, reconnecting their lips, slotting them together over and over until their lips are puffy and red. Harry slides his hands around her waist, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her flush against him, not even a slip of paper would fit.
Pulling away, Harry heaves in a deep breath, squeezing Y/n’s hips.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long…” He says, nudging his nose against hers. She smiles, letting his affections wash over her, warming her eternal soul.
“This doesn’t freak you out?”
“Oh, I’m so freaked out but I'm kind of just going with it, living in the ambiguity and all that shit.” He heaves a laugh through his nose, pressing kisses to her cheek and down her neck, smoothing his hands up and down her back.
This was the best possible outcome of the situation, if Y/n had to be honest. It could have gone so many ways. Harry being freaked out but rolling with it… she’ll take it.
“How about we make dinner and you can ask me any questions you have?” She suggested and he nodded.
So they did just that. But Y/n closed the shop early and they went back to her place. Hand in hand they walked the few blocks, side glaces of reassurance and little squeezes of the hand, letting the other know they were there, and they weren’t going anywhere, with Thea in her little travel backpack (that she was absolutely in love with surprisingly).
They came upon an unsuspecting alleyway. Harry thought they were just passing through as a shortcut but Y/n stopped walking in the middle of a blank brick wall and muttered a few words she didn’t understand while waving her hands. He started to realize maybe this wasn’t just a shortcut.
Before his eyes, a door appeared. His brows shot up in surprise (he’s gonna get worry lines on his forehead if he doesn’t stop doing that, he realizes). Y/n looked over her shoulder at him, trying to hide a smirk but the look on his face was too good.
“Pretty wicked huh?” Harry didn't say anything, just chuckled and nodded, following her when she opened the door and a set of stairs appeared. Walking up the dimly lit hallway, they come to another door with the cheeky The Witch Is In sign.
“Cute.” Harry smirks at her and she laughs, opening it and letting him walk through first.
“Make yourself at home! I’ve got records on the shelf over there, you can pick one if you want. I’m just gonna feed Thea and get her all settled and we can get to making dinner.” Y/n explained. Harry ventured off into her living room, seeing the shelf she was talking about and browsing through. There were many different artists from Fleetwood Mac to Taylor Swift to Weezer. He picks out Hozier's self-titled album and puts it on, the beginning of Take Me To Church crackling through the speakers.
“Good choice,” He hears from behind him and smiles, turning around to see the girl he was apparently destined to spend the rest of his life with standing before him.
“Jackie and Wilson has been stuck in my head the last few days so,” He said, sauntering over to her and snaking his arms around her waist.
Taking a look around, he sees many different trinkets and items similar to what was in the shop. A lot of jars filled with different things, candles of all different colors, crystals, a broom (he didn’t realize witches actually had brooms but ok), among other things that he didn’t know the purpose of.
“Wait… how are there windows in here? I didn’t see any outside.” He asked, pulling back from the hug and looking at her.
“Well, there aren’t any windows in the alley. But there’s also a glamour spell on this building so nobody can see my apartment. That’s why you can’t see the door until I do the little thing you saw me do.” She answered. A sheepish smile broke onto his face.
“Oh,” he said and she laughed from her chest, petting a few fallen curls back from his forehead. She could get used to this, she thinks as she stares into his eyes, green as the forest and wide with wonder at everything he’s discovered today.
Who knew the girl he was falling in love with would be a witch… with actual powers.
* .
. * .
“Wait so, if no one can see your front door… how do you get mail?” Harry asked, reaching around Y/n for the salt.
“At the shop,”
“Oh,” He says. She laughs, kissing his cheek and continuing on cutting up veggies for the salad they're making.
“Have you always been able to do magic or was it something you grew into?” Y/n thought back to when she was little, remembering how she struggled to harness her powers for a few years before she started getting the hang of things.
“I always had powers, but imagic isn’t something you just wake up and know how to do so it took a while for me to really settle into and control. Magic is a skill, same as reading and writing, so I had to be taught and I had to work on it. Does that make sense?” She pauses while she explains, looking into his eyes. Harry nods, but his light hearted curious expression turns into one of embarrassment and she doesn’t understand why.
A rosy red color surrounds him, telling her he was feeling… embarrassed? Why did he feel embarrassed?
“Baby? What’s going through your head?” She asks, wanting to help him feel better.
She doesn’t like when he’s feeling anything other than happy!
“I just… I feel like I’m asking you so many questions about all of this stuff and it’s just tough to wrap my head around I guess.” She puts the knife down and sets her hand on his wrist, stopping from what he’s doing. She places her other hand on his shoulder, coaxing him to face her.
“Harry, this is a lot to take in, yeah? It’s not something you can just find out and move on from. It’s gonna take time to process. You’re gonna feel a lot of emotions, and that’s ok! I would be worried if you weren’t feeling a little off, as much as I hate that you’re not feeling 100%.”
She places a series of gentle pecks on his lips, doing her best to soothe him in any way.
“Ask all the questions you want! You don’t have to worry about being judged or saying something wrong, you have a right to be curious.” She feels him relax in her hold which in turn makes her relax.
“Thank you for being patient with me,”
He’ll get used to this, he thinks. He’ll get used to the fact that real witches actually exist, he’ll start to understand the words she mutters when she waves her hands, he’ll get it eventually. But right now, he doesn’t really get it, he’s not really used to it. But she’s worth it. She’s worth more than everything.
“I think you’re the one thing I know how to be patient with,” Again, she wants to mutter those three words on the tip of her tongue, but he’s already been through so much today, she doesn’t want to overwhelm him any more than he already is. So she’ll wait, because one day (hopefully soon) he’ll be ready to hear them.
“Can you do a spell? I kind of want to see how they work…” Harry asks after a moment of them just enjoying the silence that only really comes when two people understand each other.
She chuckles and nods, telling him she will show him a few spells after dinner. He agrees and they go back to making their meal, dancing around each other and laughing just like they always did and it felt good. Felt like this would be ok. Y/n was still scared because he could still decide to leave, that this was too much for him. That she was too much for him.
But for right now, things were ok.
* .
. * .
“Amoris et lux sum ego ipse, et carorum beatum facere potest, per potentiam solem et lunam, ut superius, et inferius.”
(I am love and light, I bring happiness to myself and my loved ones, By the power of the sun and moon, as above, so below)
Harry doesn’t think he’s ever heard anything weirder in his life...and his college roommate freshman year was a conspiracy theorist.
As Y/n spoke the words, she stirred a brew of tea infused with different herbs clockwise. He watched from beside her as she did this, his hand placed on her thigh so that his energy could be used in the spell along with hers.
Before she said the spell, she told him to set an intention and he had no idea what that was so she did a little lesson after reassuring him that his question was valid. (He’s still feeling insecure about not understanding anything she was talking about.) She told him to “close your eyes, take a deep breath, and clear your mind. Think of something you want in life that isn’t material.”
His immediate thought was that he wanted to spread kindness and love in the world (Y/n did her best not to tear up at her Flame’s pure intentions) so she nodded, telling him to think about that and only that, and set her intentions to the same thing so the spell would work. Mixing lavender, rose petals, and chamomile in a large mug, she pours in hot water to steep the herbs and, as previously mentioned, stirs it clockwise (something about clockwise being for manifestation), , rubs her palms together and snaps her fingers, and snuffs out the candles she had lit.
When all is said and finished, Y/n pulls Harry into a sweet kiss, and then has him take a sip of the tea telling him be careful my Love, it’s still hot. He kisses her back, taking a sip of the tea (he’d never been one for lavender things but this was actually really good. He wonders if it has anything to do with the fact that Y/n made it).
“So we just drink this and then what?” He asks, handing her the mug.
“We sacrifice an animal,” She says, not skipping a beat and taking her sip. Harry chokes on his spit, gasping for a breath of air before the girl bursts into a fit of giggles.
“I’m just kidding, baby. That’s it. That’s the whole spell. You just have to honestly believe it for it to work.” She says and he heaves a sigh of relief.
“Don’t joke like that!” He whines, more giggles escaping from Y/n’s throat.
“I’m sorry bub, I won’t do that anymore.” She says, still fighting off laughs. They continue to sip the tea, Y/n telling Harry about different things she did during the day.
Harry looked upon her as if she hung the moon just for him, and was telling him all about how she did it. Without even realizing it, he started to feel warmer and like a buzz was coursing through his veins.
“I feel weird…”
“What do you mean you mean you feel weird?” She voiced, pressing the back of her hand to his forehead and then feeling his pulse. Both were normal.
“I feel warm and like I’m buzzing… Kind of like I’m high…” He explained and she nodded her head, a small sigh of relief escaping her.
“That’s the spell working baby. You’re ok!”
“Oh, ok. It just worried me a little,”
“You’re ok! I want you to tell me when something worries you or feels different or off.” She says, and places a hand on his thigh. Harry agrees and they continue with their conversation.
When they both took their last sips on the tea, they cuddled up on the couch, an incense stick and candle lit on the coffee table.
Y/n sat, manipulating the smoke and flame simultaneously while Harry watched with a wide eyed gaze. She had explained how this was something he would be able to learn if he wanted to, and that she had been practicing for years to be able to do both things at the same time.
“I started when I was… I want to say 5. It’s a simple skill that promotes concentration. You have to stay extremely focused to even manipulate one element at a time. It’s only been these last few years that I’ve been able to concentrate enough to do both.” She explained, taking a break. As much as she loved showing Harry all these different things, it took a lot of energy out of her and it had already been a dreadfully long day.
“How about we go to sleep and I’ll show you more tomorrow? I’m pooped!” Harry hums an agreement, lifting his head from her lap and letting her lead the way to her bedroom.
Light lavender walls adorned with shelves full of plants and different nicknacks, and a desk with more candles, herbs, and other eclectic items sat atop it.
“What is all of this?” He sifts through all the things on the desk, not touching as Y/n had explained to him at some point today, I know you don’t have any ill intent, but a lot of this stuff absorbs other people's energy which can mess up what I use it for, so look and don’t touch. If you want a closer look, I’ll pick it up. There are different colored stones of varied shapes and sizes and many candles. One in particular catches his eyes. A green one with a very tall flame with something carved into the side of it. “What’s up with this green candle?”
“This is my altar, and the green candle is the one I have lit for you. I’m assuming that because you’re here, it’s going a little crazy. Nothing to be afraid of! I’m actually going to put it out since you’re here with me.” She explained quickly, reaching towards the flame with her finger and snuffing it out.
“Wait, you had a candle lit for me?” His eyes rounded, a shy smile coming onto his lips. An identical smile graced her features as she turned to look at him.
“Yeah, I’ve had one lit for you since the day we met. I made a sigil and carved it into the side and keep it lit day and night as an extra layer of protection for you.” She explained. Harry felt his heart melt at this.
She couldn’t get any cuter, he thinks.
A candle lit for him… to keep him safe. That’s adorable.
He leans in and places a gentle kiss on her lips, brushing the little hairs away from her face.
Y/n led him further into her room where her ensuite bathroom was, giving him a tooth brush and letting him know he could shower if he wanted to. When he came back into the room after getting ready, Y/n laid out on the bed in a sports bra and shorts. He just wore his boxers.
Climbing into bed next to her, she cuddled up to him right away, his arm finding a home around her body and her head laid on his chest, listening to his heart beat.
“Been dreaming about this moment my whole life,” Y/n mumbled, cheek smushed against his skin, making her look all cute and cuddly. Harry had to hold back a coo at the sentiment.
“Me too Moppet, me too,” He sighed, and they both drifted off into warm, fluffy, dream-like states, wrapped in the safety of each other's arms.
* .
. * .
Walking down the street at night isn’t the best idea for normal women, Y/n had learned over her 22 years of life. But Y/n is not a normal woman. She’s a witch.
And while most women carry their keys between their knuckles and have tasers or pepper spray or mace at the ready, Y/n didn’t really need that. This was one of the only instances where she would use her magic to harm anyone. Like she’d said before- only when she’s put in danger (or someone else around her is put in danger).
So when a prick who reeks of whiskey starts tailing her, she waits for him to take the first blow. Waits for him to get a little too close, so she can turn around and unleash her wrath on him. All the while making it seem like it’s not her doing. Like causing a brink to fall off the roof above her and hit him in the head. She wouldn’t actually do that but a witch could dream.
No, she’ll trip him up without turning around and if he still insists on gaining her attention, she’ll spin around quick, flick her wrist and send him into an unconscious daze and let him sleep off his inebriation on the lovely warmth of the concrete sidewalk.
That’s exactly what she does.
“Hey sweetheart, where you goin’?” He slurs, beginning his trek behind her. She’s unresponsive which leads him to believe she’s playing hard to get because his fragile little man ego can’t fathom that a woman would ignore his attention.
“Oh c’mon baby don’t be like that!” He speeds up, already wobbling but this only serves to make him clumsier.
She does her thing, flicking her wrist in his direction (discreetly) so he trips, but this doesn’t stall him. He reaches out, effectively grabbing her arm. She whips around to face him, cheeks growing red hot with anger. Ripping her arm out of his grasp and twisting his arm around, she gets close to his face.
“Touch me again, I fucking dare you!” She snarls, doesn’t even realize her grip is burning into his flesh- her magic gets a little crazy when she’s mad. Releasing him (tossing his arm away from her in a rough manner), she flicks her wrist once again and mutters a quick “et obliviscere somnum*”, watching him fall to the ground, unconscious. She looked around to see if anyone was watching the scene go down but no one was sober enough to pay attention to some drunk bloke harassing a young woman.
*(forget and sleep)
She shakes off her frustration as she comes to a stop in front of an unfamiliar building. Where her Flame lives.
She had agreed to let him make her dinner at his house, so she packed an overnight back and made her way further into town. He had given her an address and while, yes she did use it, she also let their bond lead her to him. She just kind of knew where to go, it seemed. Harry had expressed that he felt something similar the first time he went into the shop, though he didn’t understand why he wanted to walk in- just felt like he had to.
Making her way up the stairs, she let’s Harry know she’s there, beginning to feel the familiar tingle rush down her spine. She hadn’t seen him for a week and a half since he's been busy with a project at work- a client wasn’t happy with all the work he and a coworker had done so they had to quickly re-do an entire proposal to meet the client's deadline. Needless to say- the little anti-anxiety jar she made him was coming in real handy lately. Y/n had also had him put citrine and amethyst points on his desk while he worked to help him focus and stay calm so he didn’t stress too badly.
She always had a little something to make his life easier, whether it be a stone, or a jar of different things (a spell jar, he’d learned), or whatever it may be- she always had something to help.
When she made it to his floor, he was standing there waiting for her with open arms. She ran to him, jumping into his arms and holding onto him tight.
“I missed you, my wild girl,” He muttered into her neck, spinning her around. Her face flushed without fail, her arms wrapping tighter around him.
“Missed you most,” She sighed, nuzzling into him.
“Don’t think that’s possible.”
She hummed in disagreement while he walked them inside, Y/n still wrapped around him like a koala bear. His house smelled of peach and mango. It’s sweet- just like him. The thought made her smile.
Giving him a big smacking kiss on the cheek, she pulls back to have a look at his face, seeing he’s smiling like an idiot. It warms her heart to see him smile, butterflies breaking out of their cocoons and fluttering about her tummy.
“What’re you smiling for?” She voices, giggling at him.
“M’ happy you’re here,” He sighed, “Don’t like not seeing you.”
“I don’t like not seeing you either,” She frowned, petting his wild curls back and placing little pecks all around his face.
His cheeks flushed at her affection.
Harry set Y/n down on the kitchen counter, standing in between her legs, hands resting on her hips. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to hers lightly, before slotting them together, fully indulging himself in his girl. She responds immediately, letting her hands rest around his neck.
She will never not be amazed by how soft his lips are. Kissing him feels like floating through clouds, like laying down in bed after a long day on your feet. Kissing him is like the first breath of warm summer air after the longest winter. Kissing him feels like coming home.
Y/n’s heartbeat picks up as the kiss becomes more needy, leaning into him further. Harry pulls her closer, his hands ghosting up the bare skin under her shirt and fiddling with the band of the bralette she’s wearing. A gasp escapes her lips when he pulled the fabric up, letting it snap back to her skin causing a smirk to grow on his face- struggling to keep up with her lips.
He kisses her breathless before pulling away, watching as her eyes flutter open and she heaves air into her lungs, her cheeks flushed and supple.
“Don’t want the food to burn,” He smirks again, hands falling away from her body, moving the pots and pans on the stove around to the counter so he could plate their dinner.
“Asshole,” He hears her mutter.
Harry could get used to this, having Y/n around. Being able to come home to her, make them dinner, make out in the kitchen, fall asleep together. He can’t believe he ever thought he loved anyone before she came along. There was just no way. Y/n came into his life and took over every aspect and now he couldn’t imagine a world without her in it. He hopes to the Stars he doesn’t have to.
Yeah, she’s got him praying to the stars now.
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thewritingginger · 3 years
Will It Ever Be The Same? P.1
Ok I made the first part of this idea I had that was going to be a one shot but it was getting kinda long so here's what I've got so far!
The beginning was a trip for me to write/edit when I decided to change the tense it was in 🥴  So forgive any mistakes, I’ve read and edited this as many times as I physically could handle before I got tired of the words on the screen :)
Enjoy ~
Fandom: Blood of Zeus Pairing: Seraphim x Fem! Reader Word count: 4.5k+ words  Warning(s): 16+, Mentions of violence and death, Angst, Fluff, (More might be added over course of writing)
Summary: Seraphim saved you from a pair of boys when you were young and from then on your friendship grew. Everything was perfect till disaster struck, causing you to flee. It’d be 10 year till you saw each other again. Will this rekindled friendship grow to be much more or will it end in disaster once again?
The midday sun was high in the sky, beating down on the flooded marketplace. There were stall keepers hollering their offers and deals that blended together with the rest of the nonsensical crowded chatter. “Make sure you keep up with me. You wouldn’t want to get lost again.” The boy's mother said, giving him a knowing glance as he refocused on their path.
He stood in a shaded bit by the shop hut as his mother was exchanging herbs and spices for coin pieces. His attention was then drawn to the sound of children yelling.
“Hey, wait up guys!” A girl, younger than he, yelled winded as she chased after a pair of boys.
“Leave us alone! We don’t want a girl with us, you’re too slow!”
“Yeah so go away.” A boy with sandy hair added as he shoved the girl to the ground. The duo started to laugh and make fun of her as she began to cry.
“Well that’s not very nice.” The boy’s mother said, breaking his attention. He turned to her with a raised brow.
“Well not like we can do anything about it.” He shrugged, about to walk away.
“Seraphim.” He stopped. “You should always try to help others if you can.” She smiled at him, sweeping her palm over his hair as she walked past him to the next stall. Letting out a huff he glanced up at the back of her head then back to the girl crying in the dirt.
Walking over to the two boys still joking and laughing he strode right up to the sandy haired boy and shoved him to the ground with a hard thud. “What the heck! What was that for?”
“Now you know how it feels to be pushed in the dirt.” With his hands on his hips Seraphim looked down at the boy then up to his accomplice - who took a step back.
“Whatever.” The boy stood up, dusting himself off. “Let’s get out of here, he can deal with her.” The two of them scampered off through the crowd as Seraphim turned to the sniffling girl.
Looking up she saw his extending hand. Hesitantly she reached for it and got up. “I’m… Seraphim.” He introduced awkwardly as she whipped away the remaining tears and snot on her sleeve.
“I’m Y/n.” She stuttered. “Thanks for helping me.”
“Yeah it was whatever. My mom said it’s good to help people so… that’s why I did it.” He scratched his head and looked around like he wished to be elsewhere than in silence with the snot nosed girl. “Well I’m gonna go, bye.”
“Wait!” She interjects. Twisting her hands together she then shook her head and looked down. “Nevermind.” Seraphim looked at her for a second more and before he could say or do anything else he heard his mother’s voice.
“Seraphim are you ready- Oh hello.” She smiled before looking down at her son. “I saw that some boys were giving you trouble. I hope my son wasn’t one of them.” Seraphim tsked and looked at his mom, a small curve of her lip grew while she kept her gaze towards the girl.
“Oh, no. He actually helped me, he pushed the boy that hurt me and got them to leave.” Seraphim gave a nervous smile to his mom when she raised a brow at him.
“Well I’m glad my boy could help you. I’m Ariana, would you like to join us for lunch?” His mother asked, which caused Seraphim’s head to whip towards her but she just chuckled sweetly.
“Uh, I don’t want to be a bother…” the girl trails off meekly glancing at the dark haired boy before looking to the ground.
“Nonsense! We would love to have you join us. Right Seraphim?” She places her hand on his bare shoulder.
“Yeah, sure.”
Seraphim’s mom directed the two of you to go hangout in the shade as she gathered a few more things.
Sitting under a tree, Ariana’s back still in sight, you and Seraphim were in silence. He was standing with a  stick in hand, prodding the ground and loosely swinging around like a sword as you ran your fingers in the grass picking at the small white flowers littered about. Growing bored you asked, “How old are you?”
“Twelve.” He responded, crouching down to look in the dirt.
“Oh well I’m ten.” You started to feel like he didn’t want you around because the conversation just teetered off from there.
About 15 minutes later you heard Seraphim’s mom “Okay, are you two ready to get some lunch going?” She smiled at the two of you. Walking a bit ahead of them you noticed Ariana whispering to her son before she directed you towards the entrance of the forest. “This way, my dear.”
After walking for about 10 more minutes you were in a clearing with a river and a small cave. “Wow, do you guys live here?” You asked, looking at the pretty flowers around the edges.
“Yes we do. You know Seraphim was gonna catch us some fish, if you’d like, I’m sure he’d enjoy the help.” You turned to join them by the river and you heard Seraphim give a quiet whine.
“Mom I can do it myself.” His mother just shook her head and walked away to get things together in their rock home. Then it was just you two. Again.
Maybe I should just go help his mom instead You thought, as you turned to walk away Seraphim interrupted you.
“Where are you going? Aren’t you gonna help me?” He asked, looking up from the spear he was sharpening with a pointed look.
“Oh I thought I could go help your mom. I don’t want to get in your way.” Standing up with a small huff he walked away towards the hut leaving you alone by the river. A few minutes later he arrived back, breaking your thoughts as he stuck the base of a spear in the ground next to you, his other hand holding another.
“Here. Now you can actually help me instead of standing around.” He leaned it towards you to take with a trace of a forced smile on his lips.
So for the next hour you were practically just standing in awe of how Seraphim stood in the gentle flowing river looking for fish and throwing his spear in the water. He even tried to teach you the best way to catch fish as well.  “You want to make sure you don’t disrupt the water too much when you move or you’ll scare them away.” You just nodded and focused on what he is doing in hopes to replicate it.
Standing in the middle of the river a few pases away from the boy you suddenly felt something slippery touch your ankle. Letting out a squeal Seraphim looked at you just in time to see you fall back in the water.
“Something just touched me!” Looking up with eyes the size of dinner plates, you just saw Seraphim laughing. Really laughing, with his spear in the water using it as a crutch as his head reared back. “What’s so funny?” You asked, your face began to heat up.
“It was just a fish you scaredy cat.” He said between laughter. “Are you okay?” He walked over to you offering a hand, much like he did earlier in the day but much warmer than before.
Standing up dripping wet you decided you were done “fishing” for one day. Besides, Seraphim had already caught five fish to your zero.
Walking back to the cave where a fire has been made you sat on a log.
A hand rested on your shoulder, “Here Y/n. How about you change into this and we can lay your clothes out to dry.” Ariana said, handing you what looks to be one of her simple cotton dresses. You accepted it and trudged into the cave to do so. The dress, as you expected, was way too big on you. You had to hold the skirt up so it wouldn’t drag on the ground as you made your way back to the fire pit. Seraphim was roasting the fish over the fire, snorted when he saw your new attire. You were right to think you looked ridiculous. “Y/n, you look lovely. Doesn’t she?” Ariana gave her son a look.
“Yup, she sure does.” He said, trying to hold back another chuckle. You just rolled your eyes at him and took a seat.
Ariana laid your drenched clothes out on a giant rock that was soaked in the sun's rays.
From there everything went quite smoothly. You actually ended up spending the rest of the day with them till the sun was beginning to hang low above the horizon. You honestly had so much fun. Once the newness between you two wore off it became much easier to talk and play.
After your clothes weren’t soaking wet anymore you spent much time after eating, running around in the forest and even playing in the river looking for cool rocks.
But all things have to come to an end at some point.
“Y/n, don’t you need to head home? It’ll be nightfall before you know it.” Ariana reminded the two of you of the time. As you walked back to the cave you thanked the woman for allowing you to stay. “It was not trouble. You’re more than welcome to come back anytime, I’m sure Seraphim would enjoy the company as well.” She smiled. The boy in question looked at her.
“Mom!”  He whispered, embarrassed.
“Oh hush now. You should walk her home, make sure she gets back safe.” His mom nudged him forward as she left you two.
At that point walking side by side wasn’t too weird anymore. “Thanks for letting me play with you.” You said.
“Yeah, it was fun.” He smiled.
A few times throughout your journey home the two of you got side tracked, to look at different rocks, flowers and even by an animal passing by.
“That’s my house over there.” You pointed towards a modest cobblestone hut with a straw roof. “Thanks, again.”
Standing at the door Seraphim gave you a nod. “You’re welcome. See ya.” He turned but you stopped him.
“Wait, would you like to- Maybe we can hang out again? There’s a place over here that has a lot of rocks. Maybe you can find some for your collection?” You said, wringing your hands together, admittedly a nervous tic. He thought about it for a few seconds then nodded his head again.
“Sure, that sounds cool. But I should go now before my mom worries. See ya later Y/n.” He said with a slight smile and wave.
The next few weeks you and Seraphim began hanging out more and more till it became an everyday occurrence. After the first week Seraphim’s mom wasn’t even surprised by your presence.
“Good, you two are just in time to help me pick apples.”
That day you met their bears. It came as quite a startle when you just saw a bear walking up from behind Seraphim. “Oh my god, there's a bear!”
“Don’t worry, these guys won't hurt you.”  He said as he scratched the animal next to him. Taking a few experimental steps forward, the bear accepted your touch when Seraphim guided your hand atop the creature's head. It’s black fur was so soft you couldn’t help but wrap your fingers in it and smile. Then not only did you have Seraphim to play with but also a few adorable bear cubs to pet and roll around with as well.
Though all this joy would soon come to an end a few short weeks later.
You and Seraphim were fishing in the river a bit away from his home. That day he brought his bow and you your spear. You were actually getting better and even managed to catch one that day. Heading back to the camp laughing Seraphim stopped abruptly making you bump into him. “Hey, wha-”
“Shh.” He cut you off. You felt uneasy by the seriousness on his once smiling face. You heard male voices and then a woman’s cry. Sticking close behind him, he crept around the lightly wooded area of your destination. Peering through the foliage of the forest you saw that it was Seraphim’s mother who cried and she was with company that seemed less than welcomed. There was a group of men holding swords talking to Ariana that was kneeling on the ground before one of them.
“Where’s the boy?” The man barked.
Seraphim? You look at your friend, his eyes glued on his mom. The grip on his bow tightened.
“I swear there is no one here but-” Her pleas are cut off by a sharp smack, you saw Seraphim’s body tense as if he was about to stand up. You grabbed the cloth around his waist to silently stop him, your eyes pleading. He glared at you, eyes locked. As you are growing more frightened you can see the fire in him was building.
Your staring contest was broken by a new voice. There was another  woman the man referred to as Ariana’s sister. Your blood ran cold when you witnessed her apologizing before one of the men stabbed their sword through the back of her neck. Covering your mouth your eyes began to brim over with tears. Seraphim’s reaction was just as shocked till he saw another man grab his mother’s neck, strangling her.
Pulling out one of the arrows he readied his bow, his mother looked at the two of you with worry filled eyes. They were screaming for you to run, to leave before the two of you were hurt. Which was exactly what everything inside you was telling you to do but your body felt numb and unable to move. You were then soon brought back to earth when Seraphim released the arrow into the back of that man’s skull, the head sticking out his mouth.
Before climbing the tree he shoved you to the ground. “Get out of here!” His command startled you. You couldn’t just leave him.
After that everything happened so fast it felt like daze. First the bears you’ve played with countless times charged in mauling the men as Seraphim shot arrows at others. Then everything slowed when you saw your friend racing towards his mother as the man in charge grabbed her and sliced his blade across her throat, a wicked grin you’ll never forget played on his lips. Your heart broke for the loss for your friend and from his cry.
You wanted to look away or run, anything besides watching this nightmare playing out before you. The family you found was getting cut down one by one. The bears, Ariana, and all that was left was Seraphim.
You wanted to scream. Get to him. Anything to stop what was happening in front of your eyes. But you couldn’t. What could’ve you done? You could barely catch a fish without Seraphim’s help so you were forced to watch him face off against a grown man with a sword. This can’t be happening! Run! Your mind was pleading but you were frozen in fear once again. No matter how much you prayed to the gods it was all a dream and to make it stop, it didn’t.
Then in a horrifying moment you witnessed the vicious man’s blade strike down Seraphims face. He fell and so did you. Hiding behind the bushes your palms cupped over your mouth, trying to muffle your tears and quickened breath. Then once more a fire was lit under your ass when you heard more screams from the men and the roar of another bear. This time you got up and ran like Seraphim told you to. Glancing back all you saw was someone riding away on a horse and the blurred image of two figures crumpled on the ground.
~ 10 years later ~
For the past few years you’ve been working odd jobs where you can to earn coin. You’ve swept shop fronts, washed and fed horses, and stocked shop stalls with newly delivered goods.
At the moment you were working at a small tavern, filling drinks and cleaning tables.
You were out front serving a couple when you heard some commotion.
“Hey! Watch where you are going asshole!” A man yelled to another.
Probably just a drunk that wasn’t watching where he was going and is looking for a fight. The man just tsks, “Freak.” Before walking past you. Looking up, you catch a glimpse of the man he was referring to as he was pulling his hood back up. You paused. 
That guy- 
But you’re pulled from your thoughts by a voice. “Excuse me.” An older woman calls you, cup held up. You sighed and got back to work.
Another long day of work is over, thankfully. “Okay, I’m heading home. See ya tomorrow.” You wave to your friend as you leave through the back of the tavern. Turning the corner you see a large figure in a cloak. It resembles the man you couldn’t shake from your thoughts some weeks ago. You decide, against your better judgment, to take a detour and circle around a building hoping to be in a position to catch another look at his face. You don’t allow yourself a moment to really answer yourself as to why it was so important, you just let your legs guide the way.
Crossing the road, the evening sun casting it in a warm orange glow, you stopped at an abandoned stall that was shaded behind the building, trying to get a look of him from the corner of your eye.
Then your eyes locked!
You looked down and tried to walk away as nonchalantly as possible but you were stopped by a booming voice.
“Why are you following me?” The mystery man asks. You froze, turning on your heel to face him. You are about to respond when your words get caught in your throat. You must’ve looked like an idiot with your mouth ajar. It can’t be, can it? He gives a tsk as he begins to step away
“Seraphim?” You finally say. It came out as more of a whisper to yourself but he must’ve heard cause now it was his turn to freeze. You shake your head, That’s ridiculous! “I-I’m sorry. I must have the wrong-”
“How do you know my name?” He cuts you off, turning towards you, advancing a few steps. His build is much more threatening at a closer distance and his question certainly didn’t help. Though it was more of a command. You just open and close your mouth to find the words. Any words, literally anything at all would work just so you could stop looking like a fool that hit their head. Which you might have because this can’t be happening.
“Is it really you?” He just squints his eyes. “You remember me right? We played together a lot as children.” You can tell your words have begun to sink in the more his eyes scanned you, his face drops. Standing there, nerves getting the better of you, you began to rub your palms together awaiting his response. You’d be relieved even if he just spat a “fuck you” in your face cause than atleast there wouldn’t be this deafening silence. Unable to keep his gaze you look away but you can still feel his eyes burning a hole into the side of your head.
“…Y/n?” He finally says. Your name travels hesitantly past his lips. You feel like you might pass out or scream or just simply cry cause it’s him. It’s really him!
His expression reads the same as yours. For a final silent second of looking over each other you take a tentative step towards him, he stays like a statue.
Standing before him you think about touching him.
He is just like you remember, minus the height and strong build, his tanned skin and long brown hair you were always so jealous of. Though when your eyes reach his face yours falls, he notices and turns his away slightly.
His eye.
The right one is the same hue of obsidian as you remember but his left is cut through with a scar and left white.
That must have been from that day. You shudder at the thought.
Reaching up your palm grazes his cheek, he stiffens from your touch. You don’t know why you did that. Maybe you just needed proof that this wasn’t all a dream. That your old friend really is flesh and blood before you.
Turning his gaze to yours, you tilt your head taking him in. He really is the Seraphim you remember just… hardened.
“I- I thought you died.” You say, voice threatening to cry, because perhaps some part of him did that day and in the years apart.
He stays silent a moment longer, you assume it’s due to the similar shock you’re feeling. But then he pulls your hand away before turning. “You’d be better off keeping it that way.”
His body moves further into the shadows and you feel your blood begin to heat up. Does he really think he can just walk away like that?
Stomping after him you catch his shoulder and spin him back towards you, his brows raised. “What’s the big idea? What do you mean I should keep it that way?” Your hands are on your hips, chest is heaving. Unsure as to why you’re reacting like this you just keep your eyes locked with his.
“Do you have any idea how many nights I spent beating myself up for not going to you? The countless years I’ve spent wishing I could see you again? Just for you to tell me, now that that would be possible, that it’s better that I think you dead?”
After your outburst your arms drop to your side. You look up hoping to halt the tears threatening to seep out and just when you were about to tell him to forget it he responds.
“I don’t know what you’re hoping for Y/n but -” He trails off.
“You want to know what I was hoping for? That you were alive and I could see you just one last time even if that was all I’d be allowed.” You let out a breathy chuckle. “Call it pathetic if you want but… you were my only friend and I missed you. I mean it became pretty lonely without you.” You wipe away a loose tear that betrayed your will.
“Then what do you want?” He asks. You look back up with glossy eyes.
“Meet me tomorrow. I have work but I’ll be off two hours till nightfall and if either of us wants to leave after, then that will be that.” You say matter of factly with your hands on your hips. Another moment passes with him in silence. You let out a defeated sigh. “You know what, forget it.”
“I never said no.” His eyes bore into you in thought before continuing. “Meet me at the river.”
And that was it.  He turned and walked back into the dimming streets, hood pulled high before you could say anything else.
So to say you were a bit shaken would be an understatement. Walking home you just kept replaying the image of his face and his voice.
He’s changed so much. Well of course he has, it's been a decade since you last saw him. He’s practically a stranger at this point.
A stranger…
And you’re going to be meeting with said stranger at the river before dusk tomorrow. Leaning against the door of your home you knock the back of your head against the wood. Y/n, what have you gotten yourself into?
Getting through the door you just flop yourself onto your bed, not bothering to change. The whole night was spent tossing and turning thinking about the coming day.
This is a bad idea! You don’t even know him. I mean sure he is your friend but what if he isn’t the boy you remembered? What if things are weird? What if he’s... different?
You somehow managed to sleep, though your unconscious mind was still spinning with thoughts of Seraphim. You had a dream, a memory actually. One you almost forgot.
You were running around in the forest like you guys did countless times. But this time the two of you were ‘battling’ but you were doing a lot more running than fighting.
“Come back and face me! For I the mighty Seraphim will take you down!” The raven hair boy declared boisterously, making you laugh. The air was filled with the sound of rustling leaves and laughter from the two of you. You saw a clearing up a head which would make a perfect arena. However, you didn’t make it there before your foot got caught on an outstretched tree root. Tumbling to the ground you let out a small cry. “Y/n! Are you okay?”
Seraphim kneeled beside you on the damp earth. Looking you over he sees you clutching your knee to your chest. “Let me see it.” He said. You removed your hands to show him, you scraped your knee pretty badly. It was starting to bleed a little but nothing too unmanageable. “Stay here, I'll be right back.” He instructed before rushing towards his home.
About 10 minutes passed and your tears had stopped, though you were sure your eyes were red and your nose snotty. You hear rustling coming towards you and looking up you see the boy returning with a small pale of water and a cloth. “My mom is still at the market so this is the best I could do.”
He soaked the clean cloth in the water and started to wipe your wound. “OUCH!” Your knee jerked away from his touch.
“Sorry. But you need to wash it so it doesn't get worse.” You nodded your head and allowed him to continue. You kept wincing and hissing every so often.
Whilst cleaning your knee Seraphim saw you had a big splinter. “Uh this might hurt but I’ll do it quickly.” He tried to reassure you. Bracing yourself he took out the small piece of wood, you actually started to cry again - which felt embarrassing.
Once your knee was as clean as he could get it he then wrapped the clean side of the cloth around your knee. “Are you okay?” He asked, his onyx eyes laced with concern.
“Yeah, thanks.” you sniffle, wiping away the tears from your cheeks. Seraphim leaned towards you and placed a small peck on your cheek, which startled you. “What are you doing?”
“Uh, well I uh- you were hurt so I gave you a kiss better.” He hastily stuttered as he got up and dusted himself off. Without looking at you he extended his hand for you to take. “We should head back, my mom should be there by now.” He then took your hand and started walking back.
Wow. Okey if you made it through that I hope you enjoyed it. This start feels a bit rocky but lets hope it only goes up from here 😅  
I’m definitely more of a One shots & HCs kinda girl not a big Fic writer, perhaps that’s because I haven’t done much multi part/”chapter” writing before so 🤷🏻‍♀️
If you enjoyed this let me know your thoughts :3
💛 ~
~ Masterlist ~
106 notes · View notes
scriptaed · 3 years
bygones of the sun. 08 (m)
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genre: angst/fluff/(future)smut || dance captain!hoseok, bad boy!au, uni!au
pairing: reader x hoseok;
length: 4.6k;
synopsis: Jung Hoseok was once the sweetheart of the school, the dance captain whom every girl, including you, can’t help but fall head over heels for. But like the force of the ever-glowing sun, everything that rises must also set. A year of inactivity later and he’s now the school’s resident bad boy. You’re a firm believer of allowing the past be the past, and yet you can’t help but wonder where the risen sun has gone into hiding—because perhaps its shadows have out-shined its own radiance.
Regardless of the endless praying in the waking hours of midnight and desperate texts to Hani and Junghwa for help, the sun rises nevertheless; rather than replacing, the radiant glow of the sun blinds the darkness of the cold night into nearly nonexistence and the morning comes along with it in an inevitable solar system bound to revolve around its center.
After hours of rolling around in bed—too hot, kick one leg out over your blankets, too cold, bury yourself under the heat you had insulated from tossing and turning—you manage to barely get in a few hours of sleep before waking up only to look into the mirror in dismay over the dark circles drooping under your eyes.
Well, at least that might turn Hoseok off from doing whatever the needy, mischievous, and maybe even horny bad boy deprived of action side of him did to you last night.
A few splashes of fresh, cold water in the sink of your motel room and a messy albeit best bun you could every tie up are all that you figure you would need before marching off into the dining hall just three flights of stairs down; after all, who are you trying to impress? Certainly not Hoseok…
...or at least that’s what you tell yourself; because nevertheless, even after chanting to yourself under your breath that you would do everything and anything to avoid garnering his attention today, and perhaps the rest of eternity, you still take a quick glance in the mirror to assure yourself that your casual black tank top and gray sweatpants are of at least a presentable state. Maybe it’s the lack of sleeping getting to you or maybe it’s the adrenaline mixed with shock from last night’s incident with the boy you’ve been dreaming of since last year that endorses your self confidence that you smile at yourself after a quick scan in the floor length mirror and proceed to skip your way down into the first floor of the niche motel where Jimin had informed you last night that he and the rest of the boys would be getting breakfast.
As you jog down the stairs like a child on the eve of Christmas, you find yourself subconsciously humming to an oh-so-familiar tune; although you can’t quite put a finger on the exact title of the track, the image, the senses, the serenity that comes along with the nostalgic tune floods you into a timeless reverie. An earphone plugged in your right ear while the laughs of others and the tires rolling against the gravel rushes into your left, you can practically feel the cotton of a sweater wrapping you in warmth along with a crisp, spicy masculine scent as you lay your head against the comfortable crook of someone’s shoulder. The squeaking of broken in sneakers against the hardwood floor and the beats of the track echoing in a vast, empty room. You can imagine it all, evidently too real to be conjured up in your head.
“Y/N! Over here!” Taehyung’s voice snaps you out of your daze. Stepping a foot into the relatively small, cozy dining room, the enticing aroma of warm soup mixed with traditional spices and herbs fill your nose and state of mind as it pulls your growling stomach closer than ever. You find Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin already decked out in workout attire as they seated themselves with three other less familiar faces before you quickly skid your way to their table. Taehyung flashes you his signature warm, boxy smile, “morning!”
“Good morning,” you press a smile at the five other greetings which follow shortly after.
“Oh?” Jungkook quirks a brow and you reciprocate his gestures. “You’re pretty dressed up today, Y/N.”
“Dressed up?” you nearly choke, eyes popping at your supposedly exact opposite intentions. “Uh no, no, I just threw on whatever I found first in my luggage. Dressing up is the last thing I wanted.”
“Uhuh,” Taehyung drawls, winking at his partner in crime Jungkook. “So, who’s the lucky boy? Is it someone you met at camp yesterday?”
You sigh, “I don’t have my eye on anyone—”
“—oh my God,” both Taehyung and Jungkook gasps, gaping and turning their head in sync, “is it Hoseok?”
“What?” you nearly yell and it feels like your heart is about to fail you. “No!”
“I know we were the ones who asked you to talk to him and convince him to return to the club, but that’s only because we heard you two were a thing… or that you two went out on some dates. But you said you guys didn’t, so…” Jungkook’s voice trails off as he ponders over the rather imaginative albeit somewhat accurate thoughts of his, whereas Taehyung picks up where he left off, “did you catch feelings? Or did you already have feelings for him? You know, how did you convince him to attend camp anyways?”
You gulp. There’s no way you’re telling them the absurd offer Hoseok had proposed, a kiss in exchange for his presence, not to mention the fact that you actually gave him what he wanted and more. The recalling of the tender scene in the kitchen flushes your cheeks to rosy hues as you mumble, “I just begged him until he was too annoyed to decline.”
The boys glance at each other in wariness before Jimin chuckles to break the silence, “where is Hoseok anyways? I told him to meet us here last night, but he left me on read. Do you know what happened to him, Y/N?”
“Huh? Me? Hoseok?” you say louder than intended.
The grim look on his face after he had unexpectedly pulled you in for a session you could only imagine in your dreams just a year ago, when he answered your last question, when you turned your back and left him in the jacuzzi out of shock flashes before your eyes; regardless of having witnessed the sudden change in Hoseok’s demeanor, even you can’t quite explain the reasoning behind it. You thought you were done worrying for him throughout the entirety of last night, however, now that everything around you seems to always come back to Hoseok, you can’t help but wonder what you can do to help him… despite how much he has changed.
“Oh, there he is,” Jimin calls out and your entire body freezes in place, too scared to turn around and face him after last night. “Hoseok—”
“—Y/N,” you can hear the familiar voice of his as his low uttering resonates in your ear and rumbles throughout your chest.
You take a deep breath and gulp, pretending as if you had heard a apparition and turning to grab a plate and utensil to fetch some steamed vegetables in the hotpot placed in the middle of the wooden table.
“Y/N,” Hoseok mutters sternly. You can see his maroon tee and grey sweatpants in the corner of your eyes while Jimin glances between you and Hoseok as the latter takes a step closer to you. “Y/N, we need to talk. I’m sorry about last night. Please, at least listen to what I have to say—”
“—I see we have hot pot for breakfast today,” you interject, turning to Jimin and stuffing your mouth with boiled food which burns your mouth, but not before blurting, “kind of unusual, but I’m not complaining. Thanks for the meal.”
Hoseok sighs, looking the other way in lack of amusement for a split second before placing his hand on your shoulder, “Y/N—”
“—actually, Y/N, guys,” Jimin cuts in and gently extracts Hoseok’s hand from your shoulder. “Hoseok and I have to discuss our plans for today and the rest of the camp. You guys eat first and we’ll join you afterwards in the practice room.”
With that, Jimin ushers Hoseok out of the dining hall, dragging him forward as your eyes briefly lock with Hoseok’s as he reluctantly looks over his shoulder to glimpse at you for a few times. A part of you pangs with guilt for blatantly ignoring him like that, especially since you could sense the sincerity in his apology, but it was just too soon, too awkward for you; and while you know Hoseok as a person completely unaffected by the public’s eye, you’re less than willing to review last night’s moment of intimacy in front of the other boys.
One of the boys clears his throat to break the silence, and everyone turns to stare at him wide-eyed. Chestnut hair and tan skin, you manage to recall him as one of the main albeit in need of Hoseok’s guidance members, Namjoon. He reaches his hand out to firmly shake yours before gesturing for you to take a seat next to him on the wooden bench, “I don't think I've ever introduced myself yet. I'm Namjoon. I've heard a lot about you… Y/N?”
“Yeah, Y/N. That's the name,” you grin and seat yourself next to Namjoon. “It's nice I'm finally meeting the oh-so-popular dance group of our school.”
The boys chuckle at your remark when the rather fair skinned, blond and petite albeit carrying a mien years more mature than boys his age leans forward next to Namjoon to give you a pressed smile and a small wave, “the name's Yoongi.”
“And I'm Jin,” the boy across from you and next to Taehyung and Jungkook waves both jointy hands at you before digging his chopsticks into the shared pot and chiming, “now let's eat already. I'm starving here!”
The rest of breakfast passes by smoothly as you and the boys laugh over small talk and gather your things to head over to the first practice session of the day. While Taehyung and Jungkook went to find Jimin, you stayed behind with Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi. Although they’re not as energetic and bubbly as the other three, you soon find your new friends to be just as dorky as they goof off and even tease Hoseok as he leads the practice through stretches and choreograph; but even through all the teasing and giggling, Hoseok never seems to lose his cool over something which happened all too much back in his days as the captain, for he simply rolls his eyes and directs his attention elsewhere.
Everything passes by smoothly, or at least you think, because shortly after laughing at Jin’s less than sufficient, duck-with-a-broken-leg looking spin, you become determined to show him how it’s properly done before placing one leg over the other and somehow managing to trip over your own feet in midspin. It all happens too fast for you to register, but what you do recall is your right foot twisting at the weirdest of angles, sending a crack echoing in your vicinity and a spike of pain traveling from your feet up as your body tumbles to the floor. You’re grasping at your ankle and hissing at the wincing pain still numbed by adrenalin when you look up from the ground to suddenly find Hoseok right next to you after having dropped all things and rushed to your side, scanning you up and down in worry while the rest of the boys peer over at you from behind Hoseok in sympathy.
And the next thing you know, you find yourself hoisted into the air as Hoseok carries you in his firm arms out of the dance room. The spur of the moment prohibits you from protesting, for all you can do is lie there and peer up at Hoseok in complete awe. You don’t know if it’s the return of the glimmer in his eyes when times of crisis lures out the former captain in him, but the stern, serious and worried expression of his furrowed brows and pressed lips enables you to put your full trust in him. The Hoseok you’re looking at now is more capable than you’ve ever seen him before; war scars, adversities, sympathy and empathy, he’s gone through it all.
The fact that he doesn’t even notice you ogling your eyes at him, or at least the fact that he chooses not to comment on it, only further supports your observation as he carefully lays you on the floor of the empty hall right outside the practice room where a vending machine remains buzzing throughout the silence.
“So,” Hoseok finally says, your eyes widening and darting up to stare at him as his own line of sight remains on the first aid kit and your swelling ankle. “Mind explaining to me how this happened?”
“I… um…” you mumble; something about his new mien akin to a stern captain tells you to be cautious of how you answer. “I accidentally tripped—”
“—tell me the truth,” Hoseok deadpans, glimpsing up from your injury to lock eyes with you and you swear your heart had never panicked more.
Clearing your throat, you bashfully look down at the ground in shame, “okay, fine. I was playing around with Jin and lost my focus, which caused me to trip midspin.”
A few seconds of silence pass, and it feels like an hour of intense pondering over endless penalties or scolding are running through his unamused eyes before he finally sighs and his body language along with his aura softens, “really? You tripped because of that? How clumsy can you be? I used to encourage everyone to dance if they wanted to, but maybe it’s safer if I don’t do the same with you. You really aren’t cut out to be a dancer.”
“...well, sorry I’m not as good as you,” you mumble and pout when you recall the contradiction between what he’s saying to you now and what he had to said to you a year ago.
Another moment of silence passes, and whether it’s from exhaustion having practiced for an hour and a half or from this entire stressful situation playing out right before you, you can feel beads of sweat trickling down your temple.
“No,” Hoseok finally utters as he wraps a roll of cloth tape bandage over your throbbing ankle. He follows his statement without looking up at you, “I should be the one apologizing. I’m sorry about last night. Whether you liked it or not, I shouldn’t have forced myself on you. I don’t really have the explanation you deserve, so an apology is all I can give right now.”
His words freeze you in place. You don’t think you’ve ever heard him as genuine and serious as he is now, at least not since the tense moment you two had shared in his car after your first date with him. You don’t what to say, because it’s not like you’re mad at him. You’re completely worried over his mental well-being, and the grim look on his face only worries you more.
“It’s okay. I understand and I forgive you,” you meekly say, and you can hear a soft sigh of relief escape his slightly curved lips.
He continues wrapping your leg until your ankle is fixed into the right position and the bandage prohibits you from moving it for as long as it’s on while you intently gaze at him out of your subconscious. Sweat thinning his bangs and dripping from its ends, his chest rises steadily with each intake of breath as his eyes and focus completely fixates on your injury. It takes you a while to notice and admit, but your foot isn’t the only thing swelling, for your heart swelters and grows tender at the sight of him.
Unlike the bad boy demeanor of Hoseok you had come to know, there’s something so attractive about a boy who’s ambitious enough to reach for the skies, tough on the outside but soft to the weak, and stubborn but willing to own up to his mistakes. This isn’t the dance captain you had fallen for in the dance studio last year. This is a mix of all the unknowns and wonders of the universe, the sun and the moon collided into one.
Why does he have such an effect on you?
Why are you so weak to someone as confusing as him?
Why can’t you convince yourself that the only persona of his you’ll ever like is the one you had fallen for back then? 
It’s as if the mystical moment when the sun reached its zenith high in the sky and its rays showered upon you and him in the midst of the night fallen dance room refuses to leave the back of your mind?
“You know,” Hoseok lowly states, finally trailing his eyes up to find your own wide ones before cracking a smug grin, “I can take you out to dinner as an apology, if you’d like.”
You scoff, jaw slacking wide open, “uh, no thanks. I wouldn’t have been so careless and gotten myself injured if I knew this was the comforting I was going to receive.”
“The ‘if you’d like’ part isn’t a question. It’s mandatory,” Hoseok chuckles before the stern look on his face returns along with the lopsided, pressed smile. “But as much as it pains me to hear that, I’m glad to hear you won’t be so reckless anymore.”
The deafening silence filled with the buzz of the vending machine behind him pushes you to finally address the thought that had kept you up late into the night. “Hoseok,” you utter, and maybe it’s the tone of pity or concern he spots in your voice, but his head and his eyes remain lowered to the ground. “Is something bothering you? Are you okay? Yesterday… you didn’t seem… right.”
Hoseok then settles into stillness, even his fingers stop in the midst of tying a knot in the bandages; but after a couple of more dreadful seconds, he resumes the work at hand without looking up at you. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he mutters before tying the knot and lightly patting your foot to signal the completion of your treatment. He glances up at you and gives you a small smile, “Be more careful next time, okay? For the sake of my poor heart, please stop being so clumsy.”
You snort and lean back with hands planted flat on the ground behind you, “I only sprained my ankle. You’re acting like I broke my leg or something.”
“You might’ve just sprained your ankle this time, but that’s because you lucked out,” he shakes his head. Then, his eyes flicker to gaze straight into yours, as if speaking from the heart, “injuries can be detrimental to dancers, and I know I said you’re not cut out to be a dancer, but if you really want to dance or even remain in this world with me, then please be more careful. Alright?”
“...okay, but be in the same ‘world with you?’ Please, don’t flatter yourself,” you refute, and he chuckles. “Plus, I’m not a dancer.”
Hoseko sits back with his hands spread out on either side of him, planted on the hardwood floor. He cocks his head to the side along with a brow, “who says?”
“I was just messing around with you as always. You know that I don’t mean it.”
“But I bet you really meant it. Most of the newcomers aren’t even half as good as you,” you remark. Seeing how swell the mood had become, you decide to test the waters. “In fact, you’re probably thinking I’m just another one of those silly girls who always watched you in dance practice and is hoping for you to make a return.”
Hoseok raises a brow and chuckles with minimum effort, “I never said that.”
“But dancers are…” you struggle to find the right phrase, “dancers are like… you.”
Silence ensues as he watches you with a void hole in his eyes and an amused smile dancing in the corner of his lips.
“Hm…” he hums and lolls his head back and around the other side of his neck. “How so?”
His question catches you off guard, because while the Hoseok you had gotten to know would have gotten irritated and brushed off your question, this Hoseok seems intrigued by your constant pestering.
What should you do? Should you really tell him how you felt? About how you were one of those silly girls who watched him during dance practice? About how you had fallen head over heels in love with the old him?
This is all or nothing; and while something in your gut tells you not to, the irrational part of you follows the spur of the moment and decides to embark on a final mission to retrieve the sun that had long fallen and given rise to the dark night.
“I don’t know… I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s… it’s something about the way you dance. When you dance,” your brows knit as you struggle with your words, but Hoseok remains still as he patiently waits for you to finish your thought, “it’s like the entire room lights up in your presence. Even at night with the shades closed, you manage to somehow brighten the room, as if… as if you’re the embodiment of the sun itself.”
Hoseok maintains his silence, so you continue to fill up the awkward aftermath of your confession.
“You probably don’t get what I’m saying, but it just amazes me what you can do with your dance,” the more you speak, the more you can envision the enlightening moment you had first taken a peek through the cracks of the dance room’s door, “when people watch you dance it’s like the sun revolves around you and time slows, manipulated even, because you’ve suddenly become the center of the universe.”
Getting ahead of yourself, you decide to shut your mouth where you had stopped and fold your hands uncomfortably in your lap as you sheepishly stare the ground; you can feel the piercing gaze of his boring a hole into the top of your head.
“You’re right, you’re not a dancer; you’re a God damn poet,” Hoseok snorts, averting his eyes as he chortles at your splurge of awe-inspiring words before returning to lock his eyes with yours, a mix of amusement and lack of amusement, maybe even irritation, filling the dark orbs of his irises. “You know, you sound awfully like one of those girls who’d always watch me at practice back in the days… sometimes makes me wonder who you really are what your purpose is. Tell me, why are you trying to get me to dance again?”
With the tick of the clock’s hand, the entire world turns upside down. The soft, empathetic Hoseok had dissipated and the curious yet mysterious bad boy had returned. Even with warm, yellow lights illuminating the hallways, all you can see is pitch black and all you can feel is the wrath of the cold at being caught red handed.
Does he know? Or is he merely speculating? You had completely forgotten his previous more than suspicious speculations regarding your identity, but now all of it has resurfaced once again.
“...what?” you barely manage to utter.
And out of the blue, your world reverts to its normal state like the flick of a lightbulb. The warmth of his pressed smile and the shake of his head brings you back into relief, but your panicking heart never fails to initiate the flight-or-fight response in your veins.
“Nothing,” Hoseok laughs and pats your ankle once again before standing up. “There, all wrapped up and good to go. I’ve got errands to run. I’ll see you later, then.”
The extended conversation proves to be rather taxing when you stumble over your own foot the second you get up. Figuring your wrapped ankle and lightheaded state would only hinder you further, you decide to skip the rest of practice and retreat back to your room.
Complete darkness envelops you into a dazed state of mind as you awaken from what you discover to be a lengthy nap. Your entire room is pitch black, your head throbs along with your ankle, and you can barely weave your way through your room without stubbing a toe on a furniture hidden in the dark. Your eyes peep open, dry and heavy as if weights were suspended on the edges of your lids, and you clear your throat in a futile attempt to rid the sore scratches of its walls. Unfortunately for you, water isn’t one of the many things you had packed on this trip, so you grab your wallet and keys and stumble your way down to the vending machine.
With each step deeper into the dark halls illuminated by the moonlight pouring into the windows which lines the wooden walls, your consciousness becomes clearer and clearer and your senses begin to pick up things that had only been registered as blurs; the patters of your footsteps, the chirps of the crickets high in the mountains, the buzz of the vending machine, and the distant groans echoing from down the hall…
...the groans and hisses of pain which shouldn’t have even resonated in the halls hours past midnight.
Whether it be a member of the club breaking the rules, an employee of the motel, or maybe even an outsider intruding upon private property, your pulse races at the thought of someone within the vicinity of you. Crouching low, you cautiously and ever-so-slowly tiptoe as much as your injured foot could muster towards the dance room where the noises are coming from.
A few squeaks of sneakers inciting friction between itself and the polished, wooden floor are followed by ample panting and heaving before one last loud squeak and a pitiful yelp which tugs at your heartstrings—collapse.
The sympathetic side of you kicks you into action, and just as you’re about to go running into the room at full speed to aid the person in need, the sight which lies ahead keeps you locked behind the doorway—eerily similar to the past you, peering into the dance room and fearing confrontation…
...except this time, there’s nothing so enchanting about what lies before you.
Something in your stomach falls, pain gnawing away at your gut as if to tell you you should have known. Fallen, head low, chest heaving and lips grunting. Pitiful, vulnerable, helpless, turned against the wrath of the entire world. No one can understand him. No one can feel the mental and physical pain he’s experiencing right now.
The moonlight floods through the windows and showers the sun rays which contaminate him of the looming past until all that remains are the shadows of the facade of the old him he had tried to put up for the sake of you throughout camp. Alas, the full moon reaches its zenith tonight and there’s something about its blinding presence which tells you it’ll be a while before you see the sun.
Teeth gritted and jaws clenched, he crawls his body back against the mirror walls and curls into a state of vulnerability you had never seen before in the tough Hoseok you knew and had reluctantly fallen for; but the thing is, this isn’t that Hoseok. The boy brings one of his legs into his chest and his hands grab helplessly at his lower swelling leg, groaning in pain.
The only reason he isn’t dancing anymore is simpler than you would’ve ever thought. It can’t be the complete story, for the only thing you could see outside of his flooded, frantic mind is the sudden revelation that the only reason he isn’t dancing anymore is because he can’t; however, what lies underneath is of utmost complexity akin to the origin of the sun, the moon, and the universe itself.
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nelapanela94 · 3 years
Of ginger and cranberries
It was a cold Sunday morning of early winter. You were walking through the market stalls looking for the most important ingredient for your ginger cookies: ginger. The town's main square was crowded, the bustling sound was getting louder and the smell coming from the different food stalls engulfed the place. People were gathering supplies for the upcoming new year celebration that would take place within a week.
After stopping by several stalls without success, you found an empty bench and took a seat. Walking around with a heavy jute bag on the shoulder was exhausting, and you deserved a rest. You placed your cane next to your leg where you could feel it and put the groceries bag on you lap just to make sure ginger was the only ingredient missing.
As soon as you opened it, a smell of cloves and cinnamon greeted your nose making you smiled. That's how winter is supposed to smell. Putting your hand in the bag, you hissed. The only thing you hated about winter was wearing mittens. Hands were the eyes for people like you, and having them covered make you double blinded. You took one of the mittens off and proceeded to check the content.
Flour. Checked.
Sugar. Checked.
Eggs. Checked.
Butter. Checked.
Cinnamon and cloves. Double checked.
You put the mitten on again before your hand froze and rolled your neck to stretch, placed the bag strap on your left shoulder and took the cane to continue your quest. Ginger was not slipping away from you; but the smell of freshly-baked cranberry pie filled the air forcing you to take a little detour. Your pace fastened following the source of the sweet, luring scent; however, someone blocked your way and in matter of seconds your bottoms hit the cobblestone ground. You whined, and your hand patted your surroundings looking for your guide.
"Tsk. Are you blind? Watch your step, brat" You heard and turned the head towards the voice's source. The man you had bumped into turned around and facepalmed inwardly.
"Sorry, but you're right, as you can see I am blind" You chuckled and waved a hand in front of your face. Levi sighed extending a hand and 'tched'' at himself when he realized his idiocy, you could not see his gesture.
"Give me your hand" He ordered.
You raised your hand in front of you, waited for him to take it and stood up with his aid. "Thanks" You smiled at him, or so you thought.
"I'm right here" The man lifted a brow crossing his arms over his chest.
"Oh" You turned towards the voice and thanked again.
Fortunately, all the ingredients were safe and sound in the bag, even the eggs. Nonetheless, your cane was still missing.
"Do you know where my cane is? I couldn’t find it" He looked around and found the stick broken in two. "I don't think it'll take you anywhere" he replied.
"Holy Walls!" You scratched your head and sighed. "Hey, stranger, are you free until noon?"
"I have no intention of becoming your guide" He harshly responded.
"But... would you let this poor, blind girl wander around on her own?" You sniffled with your bottom lip jutting out.
"Alright" He rolled the eyes. "What's our next stop?" You celebrated your little victory by throwing your arms in the air. Levi, indeed, was free until dinner time. Hange and the others had kicked him out of the headquarters and told him not to be back before seven bells. That's why he decided to go to the market and try his luck finding rare herbs and special blends.
"Wait, I'm not supposed to leave with strangers" You said adjusting your woolen cap. "I'm (name)"
"Pretty name" you noted. "Well Levi, I'm on a special mission to find ginger; but first, we must make a strategic stop at the cranberry pies stall" He took your hand and placed it right above his elbow. "Thanks" You muttered and gently squeezed his arm, feeling the muscle beneath his coat.
"Sorry about that" You lowered your head in embarrassment, your cheeks getting warm. "but, you feel good" You mumbled. Levi snorted and shook his head, the corner of his lips lifted. "You're not bad looking yourself"
You lifted your head batting your lashes in a flirtatious manner and leaned closer to him. "You think so? Well, you're good looking too" You laughed. "No, but seriously, your voice is really attractive and I like the smell of fresh lavender of your hair"
Your words made him blush slightly.
As you walked, Levi studied you and found odd that your coat, cap, mittens, scarf and boots were all the same blue color. "Who picks up your clothes? An eight-year-old?"
"A ten-year-old actually. But my winter clothing is all blue because it's my favorite color, and I don't have to waste time matching each piece"
"So, you know about colors" His curiosity sparked.
"Yeah, I wasn't born blind. I lost my eyesight due to an infection when I was a child" you explained. "At first, I felt insecure and vulnerable, but as I grew up I started to accept my reality and learnt to adapt. Besides, I've been blessed with the people I've come across, they're always willing to help." you smiled.
You reached the pastry sale and bought two pies to go. You wanted to surprise your older brother, and if you were lucky enough, he would forget about your broken cane;  the other one was all for you.
"Aw, you two make a good couple" The old lady commented while packing the sweet treats, making you blush hard. Luckily, you couldn't see the red shade creeping across your companion's face.
"We're not dating" You stated in unison. Levi shoved his hands in his pockets and his eyes darted around while you toyed with a lock of hair.
"I thought someone had finally stolen Captain Levi's heart" The elder woman winked and handed the bags to the ravenette. "Have a good day!"
When you were on your way to get the spice for your recipe, you were first to break the silence. "Captain Levi from the Survey Corps? Humanity's Strongest Soldier?"
"Are you a fangirl?" He lifted a brow looking at you.
"Nope, not me. My nephew is the fanboy" A chuckled scape your lips. "He wants to join the Scouting Legion when he grows older. My brother is not so happy, though." You shrugged.
Once you found the final ingredient, Levi offered to take you home. You didn’t live far from the main square and, even though you insisted you knew the way by heart, he didn't feel like taking any risk. In truth, he wanted to spend as much time as he could with you. In such brief time, he had fallen into your spell. It might have been your looks, or your charismatic, cheerful personality; or perhaps the combination of both. He wasn't sure about his feelings, but he wanted to learn more about you.
You didn't want to say goodbye either. The little time you had spent with him had sparked your curiosity. You had heard the rumors about Captain Levi, but you knew there was more behind his unfriendly personality and sarcastic remarks. There was more behind that hard shell and you were willing to crack it.
"Here" he handed you the two bags of pies and only released his grip when he made sure you had them secured in each hand.
"This one is for you" you kept one of your arms extended in front of you for him to grabbed the bag. "Happy Birthday Captain Levi"
Levi was taken aback and shyly took the craft paper bag from your hand. "Thanks, but..."
"I told you my nephew is a fanboy, and that lady said cranberry pies are one of your favorites"
You remained silent for a while; you opened your mouth then closed it again, as you regretted what you were about to say. Your heart was beating fast, and the warm feeling invaded your cheeks again. You removed your mittens off and put them in your pockets. With your bare hands you took your necklace off and walked closer to him, patting his coat until you found a pocket and put the piece of jewelry inside.
"What are you doing?" He asked squinting his eyes.
"I'm making sure we'll meet again. You already know where I live, all you have to do is to knock on my door"
"Clever brat" He admitted.
"And, I'm giving myself an excuse to touch you" You winked.
Levi leaned closer and whispered to your ear. "You better have freshly baked cookies for the day I come back"
"Count on it" you grinned.
After that day, you woke up every morning to make a batch of your best recipe of ginger cookies, yearning for his return.
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wilteddaisies · 3 years
Yours - Chapter One
Azriel x Female!Reader (acotar)
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: You are Feysand’s daughter and you’ve just come home from your studies in the Day Court. Azriel needs someone with extensive training in magic in order to complete a mission for the Night Court. You happen to be just what he needs.
Fic Warnings: age gap?, probably cursing, eventual smut, wing kink ;)
Chapter Warnings: injury, mentions of blood
Note: The first chapter is here! I am so excited to share this fic. I usually don’t write fanfiction but I just couldn’t get this idea out of my head, so here it is. As always, feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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Gods, you loved flying. Sure, winnowing back to the Night Court would have been faster, but there was absolutely nothing like soaring through the clouds, so high that the ground below faded away and there was nothing but you and the wind in your wings. You sighed as Velaris came into view. As much as you loved the ancient libraries and golden light of the Day Court, the winding streets and twinkling night lights of Velaris would always call you back home. 
Your father was waiting for you in front of your family’s river estate. You landed gracefully before taking off again in a sprint into his open arms. You squealed as he lifted you off your feet and spun you around.
“Daddy!” You laughed as he set you back on your feet, but still held you. You breathed in his familiar scent. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, sweetheart.” He gazed down at you and smiled warmly. “Your mother is at the studio but she should be home soon.” He picked up your bags and led you inside, prattling on about your mom’s business and the hell Cassian has been raising in the Illyrian camps. The elegant river house was just as you left it in the fall. The familiar lavishly furnished rooms and ever lingering scent of flowers welcomed you home. You followed your father up the staircase and to your room. 
“I’ll leave you to unpack and settle in,” he said, setting your things on the bed. He turned around to place a kiss on your hair. “Welcome home.” 
A welcome home, indeed.
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That night, the entire inner circle met at the river house to celebrate your homecoming and the completion of your studies with Helion in the Day Court. The atmosphere was warm and lively in the dining hall, Cassian had no trouble convincing your father to open some bottles of his precious good wine to celebrate. You were happily chatting away with Mor about how difficult it was to focus on your studies with so many gorgeous Day Court males around, when Cassian chimed in.
“Males? What males? What are their names? I just want to talk,” he said with mock intensity. 
“You do know I am old enough to date, don’t you, Uncle Cass?” you laugh. “But anyways, they’re all too intimidated by me. And by who my father and uncles are, of course.”
“Damn straight.” He winked and Mor elbowed him in the ribs. 
“Come on, there must have been someone that kept you company while you were in the Day Court,” Mor insisted, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Even Amren and Nesta looked interested to hear your answer, but your father just tried not to look too invested in your conversation, looking down at his plate in a miserable attempt to look disinterested. 
“Well. . .” you began, trying to steer the conversation away from the truth, which was that you had never actually felt that sort of connection with anyone. Well, no one except a certain broody shadowsinger who was considered very, very off limits. 
Thankfully, you were spared the trouble of coming up with some half-assed excuse when a loud crash sounded outside the manor. Everyone at the table tensed, the mood instantly shifting. The darkened eyes and battle ready stances of your family were quick to remind you that centuries old warriors were beside you. Suddenly, weapons you hadn’t even realised they had concealed were drawn. You should have known that no one in your family would show up anywhere unarmed. Cassian drew a sword from who knows where, Mor and Amren held daggers, and Aunt Nesta just summoned her power, that alone being a deadly weapon in itself. Your mother drew your Aunt Elaine close to her. You could see darkness curling around your father’s fingertips and you followed suit, the familiar tingle of magic in your veins sparking a rush of adrenaline. 
Your father led the way as you all stalked out the front door to see. . . Azriel. You rushed forward, pushing past your father to kneel by a bleeding Azriel. 
“Oh Az, your wing.” Your heart shattered at the sight of his broken left wing, the flesh in shreds. It must have been done with something strong and fast, very fast if it managed to reach Azriel, who was amazingly swift on his wings and with his winnowing. The rest of the circle gathered around him, trying to help him up and assess the damage.
“The mortal queens,” he managed to croak out, “I heard whispers of a weapon they made to rival the fae. And when I tried to investigate it, I encountered the beast that guarded it.”
“That’s enough.” Feyre said, “Let’s get you cleaned and healed up. I’ll summon a healer immediately. You can tell us the rest after.”
“I can help.” You say and everyone turned towards you. Your hands were still shaking and your voice wavered at Azriel’s state but you steeled yourself. “I learned a lot of healing magic while I was in Helion’s court. Let me help you.” You met Azriel’s eyes and it was like he tethered you to earth, the strength and resilience you found in them seemed to flow into you, too. 
He nodded once. That was enough for Cassian and Rhys to haul one arm over each of their shoulders. 
“Where to, boss?” Cassian teased but you found pride in his eyes. And when you looked to your father, you saw the same thing. 
“Get him into my room. I’ll take it from there.”
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The inner circle had retired to the river house’s various guest rooms by the early hours of the morning, but you stayed awake, the gentle glow of the healing magic from your palms never faltering even though it had been hours. After Cassian and your father got Azriel onto the bed, you made him a salve from the various powders and tonics you brought from the Day Court that would assist the healing process. Aunt Elaine had even supplied some more supplemental herbs and flowers from her garden. 
They all stayed for nearly an hour after you started the healing spell, watching as flesh and bone slowly knitted back together, when your mother finally ushered them all out, insisting that you needed to focus. You shot her a grateful smile as she also stepped out and shut the door behind her. Now that everyone was gone, you could finally focus on the spell. Well, focus as much as you could with Azriel’s shirtless torso gleaming with perspiration. You would think after training in and mastering healing magic, you’d be unfazed by the male body, but Azriel’s stunning beauty was not something you could just get used to. 
It was nearly two in the morning when you heard a soft knock on your door. Your father’s head poked in.
“Sweetheart, you need to take a break.” He said and wiped a bead of sweat from your brow. You hadn’t even realised you were this physically strained. 
“I can’t, dad. Not until he’s healed.” You turned back towards Azriel’s healing wing when your father’s hands enveloped your own, stopping their magic. 
“Dad! He needs-”
“You’re the one who’s going to need healing if you try to continue this spell without taking a break.” His brows furrowed with concern. You knew what he saw, you must have looked a mess. Hair mussed, dark circles under your eyes, and a near permanent wrinkle on your forehead between your brows from holding your deadly focused expression for so long. 
“I know.” You sighed, giving in. “I suppose I could stop for a moment.” He enveloped you in a warm hug that you hadn’t realised you needed until that moment. “I’m just. . . I’m worried about him, dad. He’s always going off on these dangerous quests with the interests of the court being a bigger concern than his own well being.”
“You’re one to talk.” He scoffed. “What was that you said about putting other people’s needs over your own well being?” He brushed a stray lock of hair from your face and then sighed. “That’s my girl, always so selfless and always so stubborn.” He planted a kiss on the top of your head. “You’re a lot like your mother in that way, you know.”
You reluctantly pull away from his arms. “I know, dad.” You rolled your eyes and huffed a sigh, stretching your back, you just realised that standing over Az for so long had really taken its toll on you. “I suppose I could take a shower and change out of this dress.” You were still in your cocktail dress from dinner, you also realised. 
“Yes, please do. I mean this in the gentlest way possible sweetheart, but you stink.” You halfheartedly shove him out of the room. 
“Gee thanks, dad. It’s no wonder how mom fell for that suave charm.” And you shut the door in his face, but not before catching his teasing smile that only he could pull off, somehow managing to look loving and full of himself at the same time. You rolled your eyes before walking into your en suite.
Author’s Note: Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I promise the next one will have more Azriel and a bit more spice. If you wanna be added to the taglist for this fic, you can leave a comment below :)
I do not consent for my work to be reposted or translated on tumblr or any other site, but reblogs are always welcome!
Taglist: @moonchild-cf​ @pansexual-booknerd​ @huffypuffyme​
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julek · 4 years
five times jaskier does nice things for roach, and one time she returns the favor.
(or, jaskier spends a ridiculous amount of time and money on a horse).
“i told you not to touch roach,” geralt says when he hears his mare stomping her feet on the ground, displeased. she’s tethered to a tree near their fire and geralt, now busy brewing some potions, had finished brushing her a few minutes ago.
jaskier curses himself mentally, still not used to geralt and his witcher hearing, capable of listening to a bird’s cry three towns away. reluctantly, he draws his hand away from the horse, grinning innocently in geralt’s direction.
“i was just saying goodnight!” he says, sitting down cross-legged on his bedroll, “first impressions are very important, you know. wouldn’t want her to think i was being impolite on purpose, not when we are this”—he pinches his fingers together—“close to being best friends.”
geralt looks up at him, unimpressed. “she doesn’t like you.”
behind them, roach snorts in agreement, and jaskier splutters in indignance.
the forest is quiet.
no birds chirping, no predators lurking around, no sound. ideal work conditions, in geralt’s opinion. he’s crouched down next to a fallen tree, waiting for the drowners to take his bait.
suddenly, the swamp’s stillness is breached by soft singing and feet stepping on branches. rolling his eyes, geralt stands up as quietly as possible and walks over to jaskier, who’s busy picking flowers from a nearby meadow.
“i told you to stay with roach,” he says in greeting, his eyes narrowed in annoyance.
jaskier yelps and turns around to face him, clutching his heart and letting the flowers fall to the ground.
“gods, geralt! warn a guy, would you? i thought you were one of those, um… what do you call them? swimmers.”  
“my words exactly,” he says, gathering some long stems. “i was waiting with roach, mind you, but i got bored. so i looked around and thought hey! roach looks awfully dull without some pretty flowers weaved in her mane, so here i am.”
geralt lifts his eyebrows, abandoning all hope for a peaceful, quick hunt.
“she’ll trample you to death before she lets you touch her,” he deadpans.
jaskier tsks, already making his way back to their camp with his fresh selection of flowers.
geralt waits for the inevitable.
“fucking ow!” he hears, and feels a smile tugging at his lips. “that doublet was new! that is not how one reacts to gifts, you vicious horse. did that witcher teach you nothing about manners?”
he did, actually. he’s glad she’s putting them to use.
“fuck, i’m cold.”
they’re in the outskirts of blaviken, and much to jaskier’s chagrin, they’re making camp in the forest. winter’s near, and as much as he would have liked to sleep in a warm bed, he would have turned it down anyway. he’d seen the look on geralt’s face as they approached the town, and that had been enough of a reason to follow him into the forest.
jaskier is pacing around the fire, his woolen cloak snug around his shoulders, doing little to protect him from the biting wind. geralt had gone deeper into the forest to hunt something for their dinner and hadn’t yet returned.
he looks over his shoulder at roach, who’s laying down on the ground, her legs tucked under her body. geralt had slung a blanket over her back, and she’d been dozing off for the last half hour, seemingly unfazed by the cold.
he knows it’s a bad decision, and he’ll probably be kicked and yelled at, but right now he can’t find it in himself to care. his fingers are frozen and he can’t feel his ears, and he’s sure he’ll drop dead any minute now from hypothermia, so why not?
“hi, beautiful,” he whispers, crouching down next to roach, watching her reaction. “do you mind if i sit next to you? you see, it’s horribly cold,” he sits down, carefully as not to startle her, “and it’s something my brothers and i used to do, you know? huddling for warmth.”
if roach notices him laying against her side, she doesn’t show it. he gently places his head on top of her spine, and drapes himself in his cloak.
“you’re incredibly warm, did you know that? had i known that before, i would have cuddled you sooner.”
he’s so warm and comfortable he almost doesn’t notice geralt coming back. he hears his footfalls but decides to ignore them, too cozy to move, but roach has other plans. all of a sudden, she stands up, leaving him on the floor, confused.
“wha—roach!” he exclaims, picking himself off the ground. “we were doing fine! what happened?”
geralt smirks as he starts to skin the rabbit. “maybe that will teach you not to bother her.”
“but you don’t understand, i—we were happily laying side by side just a minute ago!” jaskier says, sitting in front of the fire. “you startled her.”
geralt snorts. “i did?”
jaskier rolls his eyes and looks at roach, who’s laying down again, unperturbed. “traitor,” he whispers.
spices, curated meats, oils, and baked goods are all geralt can smell, meaning this particular market isn’t too big and they’ll be out on the road soon. that, if he can get jaskier to hurry and get whatever he so desperately needs.
“oh, that stone is beautiful,” the bard says to a bald salesman, keen on selling him a new ring. “alas, it’s much too expensive for me.”
he gives the salesman a sheepish smile and moves on to the next stall.
“i just need one more thing, dear witcher, and we can be on our way,” he says, grinning.
geralt arches a brow, but says nothing. better not to distract him, he’s learned.
“hello, madam!” he chirps, looking at the goods displayed on her counter, “if you would be so kind, i’d like a full bag of sugar cubes.”
huh. that’s not what geralt had been expecting. cherries, maybe, or a honeycake, not sugar cubes.
jaskier pays the woman and kindly thanks her, then ties the small bag to his belt. “well, i’m done. are we leaving?”
geralt nods.
they make their way to the side of the road, where roach is nibbling on the outgrown grass. he takes the herbs he’d purchased and places them inside roach’s saddlebag, while jaskier resumes his daily chattering.
“you’re looking quite dashing today, my lady,” he says, gently stroking the mare’s neck.
geralt expects roach to hastily brush jaskier’s hand aside, but much to his surprise, she doesn’t, snorting happily instead. he looks at them for a second, dumbfounded.
“geralt? are we going, then?”
summer is kind enough to let a gentle breeze filter through the trees, giving jaskier a breath of clean air.
he’s got his breeches rolled up to his knees, and his doublet is nowhere to be seen. they’d been traveling nonstop for two long, humid days, the burning sun above them, and jaskier had been too tired to even sing, lazily strumming his lute as he walked next to geralt. then, in the middle of a pointless rant about how the world would be better off without the sun and its infernal heat, jaskier spotted a stream.
grabbing roach’s brush from geralt’s saddlebags, jaskier takes her reins and gently leads her into the stream. she complies, braying lightly as she feels the water on her legs.
“i know, girl,” jaskier says, gathering water on his cupped hands and letting it pour on her head, minding her ears, “it’s too hot out, even for you.”
he looks over to geralt, who’s got his back to them, scrubbing mud from his boots.
“you know,” he murmurs, smoothly brushing her mane, scratching behind her ears, “he doesn’t think we’re friends, you and i.” she snorts in response, and he chuckles. “he still thinks you don’t like me.”
she moves forward, and jaskier’s about to move out of the way to let her walk out of the stream when she bumps her head affectionately against his chest.
“oh,” he whispers, overcome with emotion. “as you know, i’ve become quite the expert at reading geralt’s hums and silences, but this is uncharted territory. animal behavior is foreign to me.”
she swishes her tail, and jaskier huffs out a laugh.
“i’ll give it my own meaning, then,” he says, pressing his nose against her snout. “i love you too.”
the tavern is packed to the brim, overflowing with hearty patrons who served as a great audience, generously rewarding jaskier with applause and tankards of ale with his name written on them.
“thank you, my good men and women, for listening to my tales!” he exclaims, hopping off the stool he’d been using as a makeshift stage.
he heads to the bar, picking up two of the mugs and moving toward the corner where geralt’s sitting, half-hidden under the shadows.
“help yourself, witcher,” he says, smiling brightly. “the crowd was kind to us tonight.”
to you, geralt thinks but doesn’t say. instead, he takes a swig of ale. “so i’ve seen.”
jaskier beams at him, his cheeks flushed and his hair matted with sweat. he downs half his glass, sitting back on his chair, sighing contentedly.  
they spend the evening in comfortable silence, jaskier casually making remarks about the town or the last contract, taking small bites out of a piece of bread. after a while, geralt stands up.
“i’ll go check on roach.”
“oh, good!” jaskier says, standing next to him. “i forgot my quill in her saddlebags, i’ll go with you.”
geralt hums, and they walk past the people at the tavern. they reach the half-lit stables at the back, where roach chews on some straw in her stall.
“hey, sweetheart,” jaskier greets, stroking her snout. geralt starts brushing her down, and jaskier looks into her saddlebags for his forgotten quill. a long time ago, geralt had given up on trying to split their belongings into different bags, realizing the your side, my side logic meant nothing to jaskier.
after all, they shared everything. coin, wine, food. beds, sometimes, waking up with their legs entwined, jaskier’s head on geralt’s shoulder, embraced in what they both tried to pass off as the natural seeking of warmth on cold nights, nothing else.
jaskier leans against a pillar, watching geralt take care of his horse. they’d been traveling together for so long, yet it still amazes jaskier to see geralt move around roach. how his gaze softens, and a small smile stretches across his lips, only for roach to see. how he murmurs sweet nothings, rubbing that spot on her jaw he knows she likes.
“okay,” geralt says, “go to sleep, now. we’re leaving at dawn.”
roach bumps her head against geralt’s chest, lovingly, and he gives her a smile.
“goodnight, darling,” jaskier says, sneaking a sugar cube into her mouth. “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
when he turns back, geralt’s looking at them with a fond expression, a small smile on his lips. he moves toward jaskier, his eyes soft.
“you’re spoiling her”, he says, amused. this close, jaskier can see geralt’s got a little bit of mud on his chin, and he wants to wipe it off.
“she’s a good horse,” jaskier tells him, feeling roach’s eyes on him. “she deserves nice things.”
“hmm.” geralt closes his eyes for a moment, exhaling softly.
jaskier moves forward, licking his thumb, and gently wipes geralt’s chin. he opens his eyes, watching jaskier.
“there,” jaskier whispers, his thumb now stroking geralt’s cheek.
suddenly, he feels roach nudge him forward with her snout, and he stumbles onwards, clutching geralt’s shirt for balance. they’re close, geralt’s breath on jaskier’s cheek, his hands on the bard’s waist.
“she’s a clever horse, too,” geralt says, pressing the tip of his nose against jaskier’s, rubbing softly.
“she is,” jaskier murmurs against geralt’s lips.
roach nickers softly in agreement.
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ur-jinji · 4 years
the fire ferret of fate
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bolin x f!reader
summary: the story of a girl who manifested her soulmate as a child and a guy just looking for his ferret
prompt: the red strings of fate
a/n: this is for the second prompt of an avatar/tlok writing collaboration that @twilight-toph is doing! the masterlists for the collab can be found here :)
a/n again: also i totally didn’t get the idea off of practical magic aka the best witch movie ever to grace this world
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When Y/N was eight years old, she dreamed of finding her prince charming.
She would have her parents read love stories to her every night. She remembered one myth that her mother once told her called the Red Strings of Fate, which entailed an invisible thread that connected one to their soulmate. She believed it to be true until she took the idea too literally, and was frustrated to find there was no red string attaching her parents together.
One night, Y/N had to the crazy idea to create her own soulmate. Her perfect match. She grabbed a glass jar and her mother’s herbs and spices. She collected everything and brought it into the dining room and stood on chair. She thought for a while, what her perfect match be like?
“His favorite color will be green,” Y/N manifested, picking up a random green leaf for her parents’ tea, dropping it into the jar. “And very handsome.” Another leaf went into the jar.
“Y/N? What are you doing in there?” Her father asked from the sitting area. He was listening to the radio, and she could faintly hear a Pro-Bending Tournament happening.
“Nothing!” She shouted to him as she picked up a random white powder from a bowl. “And he’ll be famous.”
She picked up a few red flakes from a tiny jar. “He’ll always have something red on him. Like the strings of fate.”
Y/N thought of what else he would like, scanning around the room. She noticed her cat owl, Mittens, looking up at her from under the table.
“He’ll have the cutest pet in the whole wide world,” The young girl manifested as she picked some sugar between her index finger and thumb, sprinkling it into the glass jar. “And he’ll love noodles!” She ran to the kitchen and grabbed a noodle from a large bowl that was meant for supper. She hurried back into the dining room and dropped the noodle into the jar.
“It’s perfect!” Y/N exclaimed. She closed the jar and shook up the ingredients. “Wait. I’m missing something.”
Y/N made her way back to the kitchen, leaving a mess on the table. She found a pitcher of water and opened the jar again. She catiously poured some of the liquid into the jar, trying not to drip it onto the floor, but failing. She set the pitcher down and closed the jar before shaking her love potion again.
“Mama, I made a magic potion!” She announced as her mother entered the kitchen, unaware that she was about to get in trouble for making a massive mess.
Ten years later, Y/N still remembered that night fondly. She kept the jar under her bed despite mold beginning to grow.
One chilly autumn day, she was dressed warmly. Her mother sent to the markets to grab a few things for dinner that night. She made her way through the streets of Republic City, smiling politely at the passing strangers. Eventually, Y/N found herself at the markets. She gently picked up a large, red tomato, inspecting it carefully. As she rotated it, she felt something on her leg, like tiny claws poking her through her pants. She looked down and saw a...rodent with red fur? She shrieked, nearly jumping out of her skin and accidentally dropping the tomato onto the pavement. The rodent flinched but continued to cling onto her clothes, and began climbing up her leg and into her coat pocket. Y/N froze, not knowing what to do. She saw it poke its head out, and look up at her curiously. The more she looked at it, it looked pretty cute. Actually, extremely cute.
“Hey! You’re gonna have to pay for that tomato!” The merchant suddenly yelled at her, pointing down to the tomato guts spread across the street.
“I’m so sorry, ma’am!” Y/N apologized, reaching into her pocket to where the thing was. She gently pulled it out, realizing it was fire ferret, before set it on her shoulder. It held one of her coins in its paws, which Y/N snatched and handed to the angry woman. The woman flared her nostrils at her and turned away. Y/N turned her head to look at the fire ferret.
“You’re in big trouble, sir,” She said sternly, but not being able to hold any seriousness. “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
Y/N stepped away from the tomato stand and continued down the street.
“Do you have an owner, buddy?” She asked the ferret, who simply squeaked in response. “I’ll take that as a maybe.”
She made her to the next stand full of cabbages. She picked up two, paid for them, and the merchant for that stand thanked her before handing them back in a brown paper bag. The fire ferret chirped, sniffing down at the bag.
“No, mister, that’s not for you,” Y/N scolded quietly.
“Pabu!” A voice behind her shouted. The fire ferret on Y/N’s shoulder perked up before quickly climbing down her body, running in the direction behind her. She turned around and saw a guy who looks frantic and out of breath.
“Oh, is that little guy yours?” She asked as the man approached her. She instantly noticed his piercing green eyes.
“Yes! Thank you so much for finding him and taking care of him!” The guy said as the red fire ferret, she assumed who was named Pabu, jumped into his arms.
“He’s a mischievous little guy. He made me drop a tomato and then tried to rob me!” Y/N explained, breathing out a laugh.
“I don’t even know what got into him! We were reading today’s paper and he just took off! I spent, like, forever looking for him!” The guy said, giving really dramatic arm gestures. “And bad Pabu! We don’t steal from strangers!”
Pabu’s ears tucked back in response, seemingly ashamed of himself.
“I thought he was massive rat at first! He scared the hell out me,” She said, gaining a laugh from the guy.
“I’m Bolin, by the way,” He introduced himself. “You might’ve heard of me and my brother, Mako. We play for the Pro-Bending Fire Ferrets Team!”
“Oh, yeah! My father and I have listened to many of your matches!” Y/N said, smiling, and feeling a little starstruck. “And I’m Y/N.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” Bolin replied while grinning, his emerald eyes sparkling. He held out his hand, which she took, and shook it firmly. “And you’ve already met Pabu.”
She smiled, reaching her hand out to pet Pabu’s red fur, who was planted firmly on Bolin’s shoulder.
“I have to repay you somehow! Would you like to accompany Pabu and I to Narook’s Seaweed Noodlery? They have the best seaweed noodles in Republic City!” He offered. Y/N felt her stomach grumble.
“Oh, wow. That sounds great actually,” She replied. “I just need to finish getting a couple things for my mother.”
“Of course, of course. We’ll tag along with you!” Bolin insisted. Y/N nodded eagerly, sending him a warm smile. He lifted his arm, offering it to her. She didn’t hesitate to wrap hers around it, and they began their walk down the pavement.
Pabu jumped over to Bolin’s other shoulder closest to Y/N’s and settled in between. As they made their to next food stand, her mind began to wander to the potion she made years ago.
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
In the Steel Steeds Heart
Chapter 27: Lessons in House Beneviento
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, hints of trauma
Summary: Juniper takes a visit to the Beneviento house for sewing lessons.
Feedback appreciated. 18+
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“It’s not too late to cancel,” Heisenberg pointed out, almost hopeful, as he watched Juniper get ready.
“It is.” She insisted, combing her fingers through her hair.
“Nah, I have a phone right over here!” He strode over to it, “I can give her a quick call in no time flat.”
“Heis.” Juniper’s voice was a warning.
He seemed to deflate, shoulders sagging. “There’s no way to talk you out of it?” He pressed.
“Nope.” Juniper stuck firm, tying her curls back into a poofy ponytail.
It didn’t stop him from trying. He badgered her the whole way through the village, ever worried he wouldn’t be with her. Juniper kept firm, knowing she needed to learn this. His constant pestering didn’t cease until they were at the dilapidated wood bridges. Juniper gulped as she started across. The closer they got to the far side the more the mists thickened. By the time her boots made contact with solid ground again the air was heavy with it.
The path was narrow with overgrown hedges, small garden statues covered in ivys here and there.
Something drew Juniper’s attention. She paused as Heisenberg kept walking, turning to squint for better visibility.
A human stood in the mist, almost obscured from view. As Juniper came closer she could make out everything but the face.
It was a woman, about Juniper’s height and sporting the same ebony curls, but the other woman's hair was mostly tied back into a messy bun.
Juniper sucked in a breath, even without a face the woman pulled at a deeply familiar string of her heart.
The woman’s featureless face looked down, her light almond hands bunched into her floral skirt. She almost made a weeping sound.
“My dear….my angel.” The woman cried softly, “I've missed you.”
Juniper felt frozen, a tear running down her cheek. She wanted desperately to remember her face, her smell…anything.
“I’m sorry.” Juniper’s voice wavered.
She suddenly felt a strong hand on her shoulder, she turned enough to see Heisenberg chin almost on her shoulder.
“They aren’t real, buttercup.” He soothed, whispering into her ear, “Only hallucinations.”
Juniper tried to nod, blinking away more moisture from threatening her eyes.
She shook to clear her head a bit, the other woman fading.
Heisenberg saw his own share of ghosts among the mists, though he did his best to ignore them.
A sturdy outline of a man stepped forward down a fork in the path.
“Du bist so groß geworden, mein Kleiner.” The man smiled.
Heisenberg grimaced. He looked away, ignoring the shadow. It wasn’t who it pretended to be, it was just a cruel twist of his heart.
He led Juniper ever forward through the mists. Eventually their path opened onto a clearing. A mound of stones and flowers occupied the center, while a door stood on the opposite side’s rock wall.
“It looks like a grave…” Juniper frowned, seeing the dolls stacked up around the large stone.
“It is.” Heisenberg trudged forward, around the delicate stones and blooming yellow flowers.
Juniper read the stone:
Juniper gulped, picking up her pace to rejoin Heisenberg. They went through the small door, following a cave path to an elevator. It looked out of place but was still alive with electricity.
Boarding it, Juniper looked around. This elevator was much more lavish and comfortable then the ones in the factory, more suited for recreational use.
Leaving the elevator and darkness of the caverns, Juniper gasped in awe.
“It’s beautiful!” She exclaimed.
Before them the old estate sat on a hill surrounded with blooming yellow flowers. A large waterfall thundered behind it, it’s mist coating the valley.
“Mhm.” Heisenberg agreed almost dismissively. His sour mood worsened with every step towards the estate, knowing every boot length was that much closer to not turning back.
Juniper stepped up onto the wooden porch, closing the distance to the heavy door. Before she reached for the knocker she glanced back to see Heisenberg did not step onto the porch himself, instead grimacing at the edge like an old dog.
Juniper turned back to the door, lifting the heavy knocker, drumming it a few times. Almost instantly Donna answered, pushing open the door, Angie close behind. They looked happy to see her, Juniper worried she had kept them waiting.
“Hello!” Angie exclaimed, “We’re so happy you came!”
“Hello.”Juniper smiled.
The sound of a throat clearing drew their attention. The three turned to look at Heisenberg.
“Return my girl in one piece.” Heisenberg spoke with his lips a thin line.
“We will.” Angie nodded.
“And no turning her into a fucking doll or some shit.” His voice was a steely warning.
“We know that!” Angie snapped.
He gave a cold look at the doll, “I wasn’t talkin’ to you.” His pale eyes shifted upwards, “Donna I’m serious, take care of her…she means an awful lot to me.”
Donna gave a slow nod before raising a single finger to her chest. She made a little ‘x’ motion over her heart.
Heisenberg nodded back in understanding, mimicking the gesture, “Cross my heart.”
Juniper watched them closely, never seeing him act in such a way with another person before. The small interaction was almost childlike.
Whatever weight that gesture held seemed to be enough for Heisenberg. He tipped his hat to the three before turning back and heading into the mists.
They watched him disappear until Angie started hopping. Her tiny feet made a tapping sound as she happily spoke, “Come on, come on!”
Donna pulled open the thick wooden doors, a warm glow cascading over the porch from within.
Juniper walked behind her as Angie trailed closely. The door seemed to close on its own after they all entered.
“We made cookies!” Angie exclaimed.
“Oh, thank you.” Juniper stammered, being led into the main hall. The estate house was very cozy inside, with ornate woodwork and flowery designs on the rugs.
The air held the smell of spices and herbs, a heavy hanging of dust as well but Juniper was used to far worse.
Where Lady Dimitrescu’s home was a lavish palace, a place of showy status-ship; and Heisenberg’s factory was raw and hazardous, a cesspool of secrecy and honed functionality. Donna’s home was neither.
It was smaller but looked to be well lived in and even held remnants of a loving family. Juniper had known this house once belonged to Donna’s parents but was very unprepared for it to still hold the shadows of normality to it. Certain things looked to be completely untouched since the time of the previous owners, left to sit as a time capsule to happier days.
Juniper was led into a parlor of sorts, a heavy table set with linens and dying flowers was in the middle. A smaller sitting room lay off to the side. The whole place was covered in porcelain dolls. Not surprising, considering Donna was called the Doll-maker, but Juniper thought she saw one more out of the corner of her eye. She stifled a shiver, wondering if Angie wasn’t the only sentient one.
“Come sit.” Angie instructed, “We’ll get the tea.”
She did as she was told, sitting and waiting as the pair went out the far door.
The manor was eerily quiet, Juniper hadn’t realized how used she was to the constant hum of machinery. It almost made her anxiety thicken.
Was this what Heisenberg felt like whenever he was away?
She thought. He’d been living in the sounds much, much longer then she had.
The sound of an elevator piqued her interest, a small sliver of something familiar.
They returned rather quickly, Donna holding a tea tray and Angie pushing the door open for her. Donna set the tray down, busing herself with preparing three cups.
“Donna makes her own tea!” Angie told Juniper, hopping up in a chair.
“Yea! She’s really good at it.” The doll gushed proudly.
Donna set a porcelain teacup in front of Juniper, offering her a bowl of sugar cubes.
“Oh, thank you.” She smiled, putting two into her tea before stirring it.
She brought it to her lips almost tentatively, the liquid dancing over her tongue. It was nothing like the prepackaged stuff Heisenberg kept around, no this was fragrant with floral notes and hints of herbs. Juniper took a deeper gulp, smiling.
Donna offered her a plate of cookies neatly stacked.
The cookies were a type of butter cookie, small and crisp with an aftertaste of vanilla. Juniper took a big bite.
“We made them from scratch!” Angie announced proudly. She happily picked up a cookie and began to dip it profusely into a cup of tea. She cackled as tea splashed out onto the lace tablecloth.
Donna seemed not to notice, lifting her cup up. She carefully moved the veil eough to take a sip.
After they enjoyed their tea and cookies, Angie telling Juniper so many random things during, they started to head towards Donna workspace.
They took another elevator, the one Juniper had heard earlier, down to the basement. They led her down a hallway lined with white painted doors before opening one.
The room had dirt floors and a heavier curtain of dust. The walls were lined with heaving shelving, filled with all assortment of fabrics and sewing supplies.
Angie excitedly showed Juniper the rarer fabrics, things the Duke had brought from far off places, as Donna cleaned off the table in the center of the room
The three sat down with a little pile of supplies before each.
Donna nodded, picking up a needle and threading it easily.
It took a while for the woman to find her voice, and when she did it was breathy and strained. Juniper thought it must’ve been a long while since it was used in any stretch.
Donna frequently forgot the proper words for items or techniques, having to stop for a moment to think how to explain things. Juniper was ever patient, just thankful the woman was taking the time to teach her at all.
When she did get going, Donna’s fingers were nimble and quick, making even intricate stitching look simple. She could put a sewing machine to shame.
Juniper tried to keep up, showing her results. It was lopsided and messy, earning a concerned little “Oh!” From Donna. It sent Angie into a fit of giggles.
“Take your time.” The woman instructed, “Make every stitch the same size.”
Juniper nodded, trying again.
“Not like that silly!” Angie pointed to the cloth, “Tinier! Make them cute and tiny.”
“Ok.” Juniper smiled at the doll’s enthusiasm.
“Practice stitching is im-important.” Donna nodded, “Mother made me sew for hours on spare fab-ric.”
“How do you make the clothing for the dolls?” Juniper asked, thinking clothes that size could easily be augmented to fit a baby.
“Are you making dolls?” Angie asked excitedly.
“W-well…” she thought, almost sweating, “I may, there’s not much to do around the factory you know.” She lied.
“How do you deal with living in that grimy old factory?” Angie asked.
“I've gotten used to it.” Juniper shrugged, “Its home now.”
“But what about Heisenberg?” The doll pressed, “He’s so mean!”
“Oh he’s not all bad.” Juniper looked at her hands, cheeks gaining a rosy blush, “He’s just a bit rough around the edges.”
“And loud!”
“He is rather loud.” Juniper agreed, giggling.
“But Donna is super good at making cute outfits!” Angie got back on topic.
Donna nodded, standing to look on the shelves behind her. She pulled a handmade book free, brushing dust or before setting it on the table.
“These are my patterns for the common clothes I make for them.” She opened the book.
Juniper looked it over, seeing many small measurements around the sketches. It reminded her of the schematics Heisenberg made of his Soldats.
She asked little questions here or there. Mostly about how Donna found the correct sizes and how to properly measure an object to make clothing for it.
She soaked everything the quieter woman said like a dry sponge. Even pulling out a sketchbook to make notes. Donna and Angie loved to have someone care so much after so many years of solitude.
Eventually Juniper’s eyes caught the clock overhead. She gasped, “Is it that late already?”
“Time flies when you’re having fun?” Angie laughed.
They cleaned up her workspace before heading back up into the estate.
Donna sent Juniper home with a better stocked sewing kit, easy patterns to practice with, a bag of scrap fabric, and a container of cookies for Heisenberg.
“Thank you for taking the time today.” Juniper’s voice was genuine.
“Oh it was fun!” Angie gushed, “Come back soon, ok!”
Juniper nodded, taking the bag thankfully from Donna. It was very sweet for her to provide so many spare materials.
Heisenberg was already waiting on the end of the porch, looking irritated as he smoked the last bit of a cigar.
He dropped it, tamping it out with the end of his boot before he stepped towards the three.
“You’re late.” Heisenberg growled when he was close to Juniper.
“And you didn’t send the Lycans?” She smiled playfully.
He gave a huff.
Juniper handed him the bag, he took it questionably. “What’s all this?” He asked.
“Sewing supplies for me and something for you.” Juniper answered.
Heisenberg glanced into the bag, making a little sound of surprise when he saw the parcel of cookies. He quickly looked up to Donna and Angie, almost embarrassed.
“Thank you!” He stammered, cheeks a bit rosey.
Donna nodded happily, waving them goodbye.
Juniper smiled, taking Heisenberg’s free hand and started the walk back to the factory.
“Not used to gifts, are you?” She giggled, seeing how flustered he was at the simple gesture.
He made a grumbling sound, not entertaining her with a real answer.
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huskeddevotee · 4 years
Snack preference hcs because I'm bored and love the characters in this stupid game
Amara: Fresh, bright, healthy snacks. Fruit, jello cups, Popsicles - anything cold and refreshing, especially if it's fruity. Loves froyo on her cheat days. Gets strawberry yogurt with cake, more strawberries, and chocolate sauce as her regular.
Ava: Tortilla chips. Could live off of Tortilla chips and some dips. Favorite is Onion dip with hot sauce. Makes a dessert dip of chocolate and caramel that is...controversial to say the least.
Axton: If it's at night, likes a salmon dip with whole wheat crackers. Daytime? Jerky with gravy. Makes his own gravy, family recipe. It's absolutely addicting, everyone tells him he needs to cut the Vault Hunting and bottle that sh*t for market.
Brick: BEEF. BURGER. PATTY. COLD. (It's actually a protein wrap chock full of vitamins but that doesn't work for his reputation)
Maya: Makes killer soup. She makes a huge batch, puts it in the fridge, and pours a cup and puts that into the microwave for a quick bite. Really likes veggie based soups, or soups with seafood.
Moze: Something easy to throw together. It's usually great hang over food. Quesadillas, grilled cheese melts, microwave mac-n-cheese - something filling, savory, and comforting. And yeah, fond of cheese. Also likes peanut butter cookies with black coffee.
Moxxi: Candy. Grandma candy, specifically. Those strawberry things? Is the biggest buyer for them. Licorice is also a favorite. Anything spicy with cinnamon, as well.
Lilith: Gummy candies, cucumbers with tuna or chicken, or some unholy sandwich creation that makes you think she's high. Her tastebuds are f*cked from Phasewalk, now likes peanut butter and jelly with ham and provolone cheese. Her arguement is that peanut butter is savory like ham, and grape jelly is 'pretty much wine' and wine is good with cheese. It's horrible.
Mordecai: Dried meat. What the meat is, no idea. Could be skag, could be human. It's meat, it's impossible to chew, it has no flavor. The popular theory is that it's for Talon and he's softening it in his mouth. As for what he actually eats, likely part plant and feeds off of sunlight. God only knows.
Tina: Rock candy. Loves sour watermelon rock candy. Oh, and also spicy sweet potato chips. And cookies with tea, of course. Likes Chamomile tea and chai.
Zer0: Legends say you can find candy wrappers in their room. They just like cool wrappers. Collect limited edition foodstuffs just for the wrapper or can. Has a wall lined with soda cans with unique patterns.
Zane: Heathen man. Pours spices onto his hand and licks it. Likes stale gummy candy. Licks the salt off of crackers and gives the defiled things to Mr. Chew. Puts cheese and pineapple in shrimp ramen with oregano. Vile, vile, vile.
Krieg: His roasts are to die for, and he eats it cold from the fridge when he's peckish. Uses Pandoran ingredients like cactus honey, salty hail found in glaciers in the tundra, skag bone broth for marinating, and a blend of local herbs and spices. They put Axton's gravy on it one time and had a collective transcendent awakening. The combo is now banned, for anyone who tries it will never enjoy other food again.
Gaige: Girl stalks the clearance section of the bakery in supermarkets for cheap baked goods. Lives off of expired cupcakes.
Tannis: Doesn't snack, but enjoys a cup of tea in between meals. After breakfast, has a green tea. After lunch, chai, and after dinner, chamomile and lavender for bed. Sometimes has a shortbread cookie with it.
Troy: Depends on the week, position of the stars, his horoscope for his moon sign, and the tide. His taste in food cannot be tracked. Goes from eating something bizarrely plain to so complex you think you're having a stroke when you look at it. His inner circle have a game called "What The F*ck Is The God King Eating Now". His personal chefs say they black out when cooking for him. Whatever it is, he doesn't eat anything pre-prepared or from a wrapper. The one time he ate something identifiable, there was a conspiracy he had been replaced by a clone.
Tyreen: One time while she was eating, Troy asked her what she was eating, and she responded, "Your mom" without thinking about it. They didn't speak for a week after the incident and never mentioned it again. Still gets embarrassed about it.
Lorelai: Has not consumed anything but burgers and coffee for months. Please stop her. Her colon is about to pop out of her stomach and strangle her itself.
Hammerlock: Dark rye with tomatoes, basil, fresh mozzarella, and a tall glass of lemonade. It's a snack he's had since he was a boy and it hasn't lost its simple comfort.
Wainright: Fried tomatoes with a coleslaw and peach iced tea. Fried vegetables in general are underrated in his book, despite his father's attempts of trying to get him to accept meat superiority.
Clay: Moonpies and scotch. Time of day doesn't matter. This is bad because its a shot for every pie. And he can put away an absurd amount of them. However, there are only so many shots he can drink before he's pretty much dead to the world.
Fl4k: 101 recipes for birdseed, skag treats, and 'humanfeed' as they call it. Once tried making pancakes for Zane and Moze while they were both sick, gave them food poisoning with nutrient supplements meant for spiderants. The supplements was to boost immune system - hence why it was added - and, unfortunately, venom production. Ergo, making it toxic for humans who do not produce venom. Zane was paler than snow and Moze was beyond delirious. Fl4k felt horrible for months.
Salvador: Makes croquetas in bulk and has a handful when he needs a pick-me-up. Filling varies, but likes them with fish and potato. As for drinks, cannot survive without his grandmother's horchata recipe. Makes it for the whole team whenever it gets cold. Also likes lime soda with pickled vegetables.
Marcus: probably other passengers on the ship
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hoffmannwrites · 4 years
You Better You Bet
Previous - PART TEN - Next - Masterlist
Author’s Note: I’m garbage. You know what it is. Also, editing this in the bathtub by candlelight, drinking wine and listening to a twilight playlist. Very on brand for me I think.
Pairing: Riverdale, FP Jones, and 19-Year-Old Reader
Description: A bet with Jughead leads to so much more than winning.
Warning: Language, Adult themes, Age Gap, Forbidden love bullshit, brief mention of female masturbation, bi!FP and top!FP if you squint, fluff in a sarcastic way, getting caught red handed
Song Inspiration:  illicit affairs - Taylor Swift
The word felt weird on your tongue. Girlfriend.  It felt even weirder calling him your boyfriend. You didn’t use them in front of other people, not yet. It all still felt so delicate. You had admitted to Betty and Veronica that you were seeing FP, but didn’t divulge that it was exclusive or serious yet. You were also quite aware that Jughead was not as oblivious as he pretended to be, but neither of you dared bring it up to the other. 
As days slipped into weeks, you got more comfortable with the words. Eventually, you had slipped into a routine with FP. You’d see each other a few times a week, either at his trailer or the Wyrm or occasionally the overlook. Usually, you’d sleepover and either drive yourself home or to school in the morning. It was comfortable, almost domestic, how easily you wrapped your lives around each other.  He bought more food (you preferred that he let you cook, but he at least owned spices and herbs now); the trailer stayed cleaner and brighter with fewer empty beer cans littered around. You were brighter, too. You had always felt like a person out of their time- too old to still be in high school by most standards, the oldest kid in your family with no siblings or cousins to keep you company, forced to grow up too fast, but too young to be considered an adult in all the ways that mattered. Nothing that was supposed to feel right ever did. So it made sense that the first thing to ever feel right was a man that was supposed to be wrong. It worked, though. Somehow, it worked.
Easily your favorite part of your newfound relationship was sleeping next to FP. Falling asleep to the sound of his even heartbeat and low breath had become soothing in a way you would have never imagined. Waking up to his messy hair and gruff voice might have been even better. On the nights you couldn’t spend with him, you tossed and turned violently for hours-unable to find the comfort of sleep without being wrapped up in your man’s arms. Unfortunately, this was one of those nights. No amount of pillow flips, weighted blankets, or calming audios would put you to bed like FP could. You picked up your phone to text him- but the bright white numbers reading “3:30” made you decide against it; it was much too late to bother him. Instead, you decided to tire yourself out in the only way you knew how: with your hand slipped into your sweatpants lazily working yourself up until maybe-just maybe an orgasm would tire you out enough to put you out. But apparently, sleep wasn’t the only thing FP has ruined for you. Why were you sitting here touching yourself in vain when you could be getting railed by your boyfriend? Unfair. Ridiculous. You would just have to spend the rest of the night tossing until maybe sleep took you. 
The next day was frustrating, to say the least. Working on barely two and a half hours of sleep, school was painful to get through. The only thing keeping you from going home to sleep was knowing that you were headed to FP’s trailer as soon as the end-of-day bell rang. You spent most of your day tapping your foot impatiently and chewing on your pen cap with heavy-lidded eyes, praying that somehow the clock would speed up. Somehow, you slugged through your day and eventually heaved your limp body into your car. By the time you had realized you had forgotten to turn on your radio, you were already halfway to FP’s trailer. 
Once you finally arrived, you wasted no time on the usual once-over of yourself in your rearview mirror. You walked right into the trailer without even bothering to knock, took one glance at FP sitting on his sofa, and collapsed directly on top of him, head snugly in his lap. He chuckled as he ran his fingers through your hair and brushed it out of your face, which turned to look at him. “Long day, huh, baby girl?”
“You have ruined my life, Forsythe,” you informed him in a low monotone. 
“Naw, don’t say that, baby. What happened?” He was actually concerned which made you feel a slight pang of guilt. Maybe you shouldn’t have started with that. Oops.
You sat up and took off your coat which you hadn’t originally bothered to peel off. “I can’t sleep…” you muttered softly. 
“How exactly is that my fault?”
“You’re too comfy!”,  you whined at him dramatically. “How am I supposed to get any sleep in a cold empty bed, when I’m used to passing out on your stupid warm, soft chest?”
He looked at you with stars in his eyes as a smile grew on his face. “You’re mad at me because I’m too good of a cuddler?”
“Jesus fucking…” he muttered as he got up from the couch and took your hands, leading you up with him. “C’mere…”
You followed him gratefully into the bedroom and sat down on the corner of the bed, slowly inching up towards the pillows to crawl under the covers. 
“You’re gonna sleep in jeans?” he asked for with a quark of his brow. 
“Sorry I didn't put PJs in my backpack today,” you replied snarkily, ready to just sleep. 
“That hasn’t stopped you before,” he threw a large flannel over at you. “Get comfy, kiddo.” 
You started to strip down to just your panties, “I hate when you call me that.” 
He shot you a questioning glace, prodding you to explain. “It makes this weirder than it already is.” 
“Wasn’t aware that it was weird.” It was his turn to strip down now, just to his teeshirt and boxers. 
You lifted up the covers and set underneath them trying to get comfortable at once. “I mean it’s not weird but I just don’t need to be reminded that you’re over twice my age, thank you very much.”
He followed you into bed and pulled you close, hiking your leg up as far as it could go. “Shush. You’re just mad that I was backstage with Motley Crue while you weren’t even born.” He kissed your forehead with a smile. “Now sleep, little girl.” 
Sleep started to take over your body but you’d be damned if you didn’t get the last word in. “I still can’t believe Tommy Lee bottomed for you.”
As your eyes closed and you faded into sweet oblivion, you could hear FP faintly whisper “I never should have told you that.” 
You woke up with a startle to what sounded like the trailer door opening. FP was still next to you, also starting to wake and looking just as confused. 
Your first thought was that this was going to end bloody. Some ghost from FP’s past or some new Riverdale Psycho was gonna come to turn your cozy little life upside down in mere seconds. What ended up being reality was quite possibly way worse. 
“Dad?” Jughead’s voice rang loud and clear through the trailer. You and FP looked at each other with wide eyes, panicked, to say the least. 
“Go!” you whispered to him, hitting him out of bed frantically as you began to look for your pants at least. 
He scrambled out of bed and the small bedroom slamming the door shut behind him as he came into view of his son. It was close too; one more corner and Jughead would have found you. 
It wasn’t so much that you didn’t want Jughead to know. it was just easier. You had no idea how you would begin to explain how this bet had blossomed into so much more. When the time finally came, you definitely wanted it to be on your own terms and not caught half-naked in bed on a Tuesday afternoon. 
You could barely hear the conversation between the father and son, too focused on your own thoughts of what you would say if Jughead for some reason needed to come into the bedroom. From what you gathered, Jug needed help fixing up a motorcycle he picked up and wanted to see if his dad was up for the task. All you could think about was how that could have been a phone call, a text even. But no, he just had to come all the way here to ask this 5-second question. FP was quick to agree to help him and set up a time later this week for him to come over with the bike to work on it. He made up some excuse about having a long day and being exhausted, ushering Jughead out the door just as quickly as he burst in. once he was sure Jug was gone and not coming back, he walked back into the bedroom and ran his hands through his hair. God, he looked sexy when he was stressed. 
“Well that was close,” you said simply 
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