lizhly-writes · 1 month
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@whimsicalmeerkat here you are!!!
"Why?" Yue Qingyuan said.
Shang Qinghua raised an eyebrow. "It's only polite to offer Zhangmen-shixiong a drink, isn't it? This master could add poison, if it would make you more comfortable." With that, he retrieved a small bottle from his sleeves, setting it down delicately on the table.
This wasn't the answer Yue Qingyuan wanted. In all fairness, he hadn't asked the right question.
"Why did you betray Cang Qiong?" Yue Qingyuan said.
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whimsicalmeerkat · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
@dear-massacre tagged me for this. It’ll be a few hours before I can get to my WIP Wednesday Game asks, so I figured why not do this. This is the beginning of wash off all this blame, one of the fics on my list for the game.
“Pack a bag.”
Stiles looks up and sees Derek coming through his window. He doesn’t even bother to look at Stiles as he says it. Just casually glances around his bedroom.
“At least a week of clothes. Make sure you bring some sort of jacket,” he goes on.
“Wha-what? Why? Where are we going? Why do you think I’m going to go anywhere with you?” Stiles sputters, waving his hands in time with his questions.
Derek looks at him and rolls his eyes.
“Just do it, Stiles.”
Stiles gapes. He knows his mouth is hanging open in an unattractive way, but, let’s face it, that would never matter with Derek. There’s no way Derek would ever consider if Stiles is attractive. It also isn’t the point right now.
“I cannot just pack a bag and leave with you in the middle of the night. This is not a Regency novel, I’m not running away to Gretna Green with you.”
Derek rolls his eyes even harder. “It’s 11 in the morning, Stiles.”
“That? That is what you took from that? Seriously?”
“If you want any other clothes, you should get them now. I’m not waiting around for you.”
“There is no way I can just disappear for days, dude. My dad will start a manhunt. Literally. With inter-agency coordination.”
“Bring your laptop” was Derek’s only reply.
Stiles stares until Derek huffs.
“Your dad already knows,” he says through his teeth, like giving information physically pains him.
Stiles does not believe that is a thing that is possible, so he grabs his phone. He pulls up his text chain with his father and types Derek Hale says he has your permission to kidnap me. He glares at Derek some more while he waits for a response.
Dad: Don’t forget your adderall.
Stiles stares at his phone. He is baffled. He currently exists in a state of complete bafflement.
No pressure tags: @ragingrainbow, @okdeannawrites, @mrpinniped, @girlwithakiwi, @bad-at-names-and-faces, @anartificialsatellite, and anyone else who wants to do it.
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mad-madam-m · 8 months
Belated request for the three sentence ficathon for the WIP Wednesday game!
And the prompt is:
any, any, you've got a friend in me
Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek, Friends
“Stiles, will you just go away?” Derek snapped.
Instead of running away from an angry werewolf like any normal person would’ve done, Stiles flopped down on the couch beside him and stretched out. “No, asshole. Because like it or not, we’re friends now, and that means you’re stuck with me. So you’re not going to sit here and brood all night, okay? At least, not by yourself.”
“I don’t. Like you,” Derek muttered.
In return, he got a cock-eyed grin. “Aw, Derek, you say the sweetest things.”
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kalira · 4 days
WIP Wednesday Sentences
From my September 18th post here, some Regrets for @anyctibius, @whimsicalmeerkat, and @stonemaskedtaliesin, thanks!
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A laugh, loud and bright, and Léon let his mask fall to the ground to catch Devereaux around the waist and- Tybalt startled as Léon lifted him, whirling in a quick circle, and Devereaux gave a soft cry of surprise, then echoed Léon’s laugh, expression softening, clinging to Léon’s shoulders. He stayed close even as Léon slowed and let him sink back to the ground, hands smoothing down Léon’s chest. Tilting his head, he tugged the ribbon from Devereaux’s long hair, bringing it spilling forwards over his shoulder, and Devereaux shook his head. He didn’t pull away, however, and his expression was indulgent as Léon toyed with it, the other hand lingering at the small of his back. Devereaux all but leaned against Léon, and a small clatter of porcelain on porcelain drew Tybalt’s eyes away from them. Juliette’s expression was smooth, but there was a splash of tea across her saucer and the table beyond, and her fingers clasped her cup’s handle too tightly. Tybalt sighed. Once he might have reached out to his sister to offer comfort in her distress - but once, this would have been something neither of them had even seen.
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adhdavinci · 2 months
Bundling these cus I wrote a ton of GHP for all my GJ requests! That makes a total of 9 (2 GHP, 7 GJ) for @auburnlaughter, @zyrafowe-sny, @whimsicalmeerkat, @violet-prism-creatively (welcome!), @disastardly (love your un!!), @trappedinmymind (wrath really is the mood rn huh), @post-and-out (who specifically requested this pair), @agent-p-94 (welcome!), @lizhly (holy fuck there IS 2 of them), and @kidsomeday! thank you so much everyone!!!
“Eyyy, look who the cat dragged in!” Jinx pops up behind the bar.
On second thought, the silence was preferable. Daxter glares, “The hell are you doin’ back there, Explodeo?”
“Coverin’ for yer sweetheart, o'course,” the brunette drawls with a wide smile. “Though it ain't like I'm needed yet! Decided ta come in early, take advantage of the goods.” He wiggled his eyebrows, brandishing a bottle of booze like it's his newest bomb. The cork is missing, replaced with a weird cloth hanging out of the top. “Krew won't miss some shitty vodka.”
“Huh. Didn't take ya for a thief, too.” Daxter crosses his arms. Maybe he can respect the bomb bimbo a smidge more. Though the guy doesn't have to know that.
Still, Jinx's grin only widens. “You know it, short stack! Ain't got the light touch anymore, on account o’ these fingers,” he wiggles them, and a few click mechanically. “But how d'ya think I got my hands on my supplies the first time? Sure as hell couldn't afford that on a garbage man's salary!”
Daxter hops up on top of the bar. “Did I ever tell ya that I nearly made off with that fancy stone? Ol’ Tubby woulda been none the wiser if Jak hadn't messed it up!” His ears shoot up. “Eh, speakin’ of -”
“You two always spill secrets where anyone can hear?”
Big metal boots clomp across the floor as Sig strides into view, his brow uncharacteristically low. “You're lucky Krew stepped out,” he says, “I could hear you all the way in the back room.”
“Sig! Boy are you a sight for sore eyes,” Daxter holds out his paws, “ya haven't seen Jak, have you?”
“Can't say I have,” the hunter shakes his head. One shaved brow raises in the other man's direction. “Jinx?”
“I wish! Mar knows how much I miss that sweet ass,” Jinx sighs, “but I ain't seen him since two nights ago. Say, how'd that date go, anyway?”
“Date?” Sig blinks, “Jak's dating someone?”
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mirrorthoughts · 7 months
find the word tag game
I got tagged by the lovely @whimsicalmeerkat 💕💕💕
My words were: random, awe, believe, food
And since I'm tired we're doing this short and sweet 😂
low-pressure tags for: @aurevell, @midmorning-bomb, @lavender-lotion, @meggie-stardust, @vmures, and whoever else wants to do this xD
Your words are: wonder, simple, sweet and morning! 💕
random: found in "Blue Moon" a wip that actually only needs some translation and polishing for me to get it out 😂
Because yes, he really didn’t want to hurt his nephew. Not because of some random guy Peter had only known due to his nephews stories and one single night of talking.
awe: sadly, no one is in any way, shape or form awed in my stories, apparently 😂I only had its "close" relatives 'flawed', 'clawed' and 'gnawed'.
believe: from The little things:
"Alright. If you say so, I'll believe you. Since I have no idea how that would feel like, to be honest." Derek just shrugged and Stiles worried at his lip. "And how is it with leaving an Alpha?" he asked again, getting another vague shrug from Derek. "You can. But you become an Omega if you don't have an Alpha. Not immediately but eventually."
food: from the same chapter of The little things 😂
"How about food? Food helps usually, right? Are you hungry? … How are you, actually? I mean you look well-ish. Which. How the fuck did you do that? I thought you were dead to be honest and was prepared to see your body once we left the school. Though I'm pretty relieved that you aren't dead and if that's due to your healing factor then your healing factor must be really sick and use up a lot of calories, right? So… food?"
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aparticularbandit · 7 months
“immortal witch riding hood” for WIP Wednesday, please!
WIP Wednesday Game
Can do and have done! Sorry for the wait!
“You’re welcome.”  Your papa reaches out, hesitates, and then ruffles your bright orange hair.  “Sleep well, little one.”  Then he turns away and leaves you standing right outside of the bedroom door.
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daughterofhecata · 5 months
the perfect part about it is: it's all that i've for the WiP Wednesday game, please!
[WIP Wednesday]
Das Display verriet ihm, dass es ein Anruf von Bob war – umso willkommener also.
Schnell ging er ran. „Hallo, Bob!“
„Hey, Peter“, erwiderte Bob, „Ich wollte bloß kurz Bescheid geben, dass wir wieder in L.A. gelandet sind. Wenigstens beim Rückflug hat alles reibungslos geklappt.“
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lucky-bishop · 5 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: what is a trope or pairing that feels especially self-indulgent for you to write?
I love having characters go through journeys where they have to put in work for things to change or improve. I love a realization, a 'come to Jesus' moment, what have you, but more than that I love seeing them be gruelingly human and have no way to avoid all the effort that comes with improving or changing your circumstances or outlook.
Peter has been my go-to for this lately but I like it for more than just him! There's so much that ties in with this - that progress isn't linear, that changing your mindset alone doesn't necessarily change your whole life, and that even 'changing your mindset' is difficult and much more active than I feel it's often perceived.
Basically I enjoy afflicting characters with being inescapably human! Even when they are more than human!
Thank you <333
Talk Shop Tuesday! Ask me about what I create!
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denizenhardwick · 6 months
P5 Hunger Games AU for the WIP Wednesday game, please!
i ended up writing four paragraphs, so yippee!
The boy, older than Akira but not by much, hesitated for a second. His shoulders hunched in like he was trying to make himself smaller, then abruptly straightened. He didn't look back as he made his way to the stage, and when he faced the crowd, it was with an innocent smile.
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lizhly-writes · 3 months
Belated request for [REDACTED] for the WIP Wednesday game, please!
HAHA. hi there. it's been a while.
Right. So, probably the first thing he had to do was get his amnesia fixed.
Unfortunately, there were a million ways he could have gotten amnesia to begin with. Sure, maybe he had hit his head somewhere, and subsequently forgotten his entire life -- just like in the novels! -- but with the existence of qi, he had a shit-ton more options.
The fact that he didn't seem to have any actual injuries didn't actually rule out "oh no, my concussion has ruined me", due to the healing rate of an experienced cultivator, but it still didn't seem likely. If it had really been as bad as an injury as that, then shouldn't he have woken up to medical attention instead of in his bed like everything was normal?
So far he was leaning towards a number of astoundingly weird plants. Possibly more than one, concentrated into a poison. What kind of poison? Haha, he wished he knew. This would be easier if he could narrow down who wanted to poison him, but hey! Shang Qinghua was a popular guy! Lots of people wanted to poison him!
It was. Kind of a lot of people, actually. Wow, he was good at making enemies. Was this something else he should be proud of? It was almost impressive! He figured it was easy enough to inspire social awkwardness, but who knew it was just as easy to inspire hatred? Lots of hatred! Enough hatred to serve as motivation for murder!
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whimsicalmeerkat · 1 year
I'd like more "wash off all this blame" please
Here you go! Thanks for asking!
“How’d you get my dad to agree to this? I can’t imagine he was happy at the thought of letting his teenage son head off to the beach with an older man.”
Derek sighs. “Did you have to make it sound sordid?”
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mad-madam-m · 7 months
I have a belated request for something of your choice from the 3 Sentence Ficathon or an early request for the WIP of your choice for the WIP Wednesday game, please!
Here's the 3SF prompt:
any, any, snowstorms and cosy sweaters 
And here's my fill:
Teen Wolf, Boyd/Erica, Sweaters
Erica pulled the soft sweater over her head and buried her face in the thick turtleneck. "Brrrr. Sweaters are so nice when it's so cold outside."
"You're a werewolf," Boyd said. "You run hot."
"Shut up, it's the principle of the thing," Erica said with a sniff, and she threw herself on the couch to snuggle up beside him and watch the snow fall outside.
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kalira · 2 months
WIP Wednesday Sentences
From my July 17th post here.
Have worked on three of my [redacted] projects in Clan Pet, Fallen, and Wants, and here is some Twisted for @adhdavinci, @1attheedge, @whimsicalmeerkat, and @aisalynn, thank you!
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While this a vampire with issues around feeding, there's some slant to it that might be distressing if eating disorders are a touchy spot.
‟Sho?” Kei pushed himself back a little, sitting up. He tilted his head. ‟What. . .” Sho smiled for Kei, shaking his head, and moved closer. ‟Nothing. Just planning.”
and from another section:
Sho would choose for Kei in a heartbeat, without a flicker of remorse - not if it meant Kei would feed, would be healthy and strong and stay at his side . . . would not be wracked by guilt - but Kei wouldn’t let him. Sho had tried that, years ago, had begged Kei to let him; Kei had been horrified and the misery of it had taken more than a week to begin fading away. It had been several more weeks before Kei stopped urging Sho to try living in the daylight hours, to try a normal job - as though he even could - to leave Kei behind, Sho thought. Something he could never do. No more, perhaps, than he could convince Kei to feed. Sho tucked his knees up and bit at the side of his thumb.
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adhdavinci · 3 months
gj2: holy fuck theres 2 of them* for the WIP Wednesday game, please!
thank you!! here is some GHP for the 2fer. and it's for 2 (asks)!
Torn rolls his eyes. Of course. “Whatever. Could care less about you.” It's true, literally; even now, the memory of those little hands sits in the back of his mind. He grinds his teeth together until it fades. “Fine. Let's go.” “Whuh?” Daxter's hand drops as he blinks hard. “Us - together? You an’ me -?” “Don't fucking say that,” Torn groans. This is already such a bad idea. “Actually, just shut up.” 
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actuallyitsstar · 4 months
Belated request for 5+1 christmas for the WIP Wednesday game, please!
✨ force me to write one of these five WIPs for WIP wednesday! ✨
it's only a hundred years late and also Not Wednesday, but a much belated reply awaits you <3 tysm for the ask my babe!
“Some of the guys are getting together with Gripper tonight,” Fireball is saying, “I hear he's got a stash. You in or what, man?” Mav thinks they probably ought to take him up on it, half expects him to, but Goose just blows him off. “Nah, I’m good,” he says easily. Fireball squints at him. “What, too good for Gripper and some whiskey?” And everyone knows Fireball has a temper, but Goose isn’t the sort to rile it, unless you come at him too hard or go after someone he likes too much to let you.
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