#whimsigothic tips
whimsigothic-tips · 2 years
hi~ could you maybe make a post on how to have that whimsygoth vibe in daily life?
I really hope this makes sense!!♡
Oh absolutely! I think that the feelings an aesthetic evokes is one of the biggest appeals of the concept, so I'm honored to present:
Feeling Whimsigothic in Daily Life
- check your horoscope every day
- start learning tarot
- take some time to just look at the night sky if you're able to
- collect cds and play them in the car, or get a walkman cd player to use on public transport
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- start collecting random shiny objects you find laying around and display them or put them in jars
- make your friends friendship bracelets
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- fill your pockets with crystals
- paint your nails with sparkly gold polish or dark colors
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- wear shoes/boots that clack as you walk to make your presence known
- decorate everything you own
- sit on countertops and floors more often
- go on long walks
- wear lots of jewelry that clicks together when you walk
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- rediscover reading
- try new things with your hair; wear a scarf, try space buns, put a random braid or two near your face. you're whimsical remember!
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- get a library card and visit often (they have way more than just books)
- wear lipstick (especially if it's brown)
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- find a sparkly eyeshadow and wear it everyday (it's even better if it's not perfect)
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- watch the sunset/sunrise
- dance to a song that speaks to you alone in your room and lose yourself in it
- find a signature jacket/necklace/color and wear it everyday so that people associate it with you (just don't make your signature item a hoodie)
- and make playlists that speak to the whimsigothic side of you
- consider whimsigothifying your vehicle, i made a post about that here
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whimsigothwitch · 1 year
Everyday witchy tips
Not everyone has time for daily spells or rituals, here are some witchy acts to incorporate a bit of magic into your day!
Glamour magic while getting ready for the day, while washing your face first thing in the morning imagine washing away all negative thoughts. Draw sigils with sunscreen/daycream/foundation on your face, incorporate color magic (eyeshadow, lipstick, nails). Braid your hair with an intention for the day (being protected against harm, attracting luck etc.)
Color magic while getting dressed; red for confidence and strength, yellow and orange for happiness and energy, green for attracting luck and abundance, blue for focus and communication, pink for (self)love, purple for intuition and wisdom, black for protection, white for purity and protection. Gold jewelry for the sun, succes and prosperity, and silver jewelry for the moon and intuition.
Drinking herbal tea, start the day with a warm cup of tea. This can be made with fresh herbs from the garden, or from tea bags. Stir clockwise with a teaspoon or the teabag it self to put an intention in your tea for the day.
Crystals in pockets, bags, even your bra. Choose an crystal for the day, charge it with it’s intention and carry it with you.
Shielding from negative energies, imagine being surrounded by a white light that protects you. Or have a short mantra that you can say to yourself or in your head when needed, this can be as simple as 'I am protected against negative energies in any shape or from'
Showering, washing any lingering energy, thoughts or negative feelings away from the day. If you have trouble imagining negative energy washing off you in a color, see the soap you are washing off as this energy. Watch it flow away from you into the shower drain.
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grandmawitch · 1 year
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🌿 Herb Of The Day
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Title: Lilac
Gender: Feminine
Element: Water
Planet: Venus
📜 Folklore & History 📜
Lilacs are an old, old, species that originated in Persia and then traveled to Europe. They were brought to America in 1750 and then planted at New Jersey Governor Wentworth’s home. Other prominent men fell in love with lilacs. They were reportedly one of Thomas Jefferson’s favorite flowers, and he documented his lilac-planting-methods in 1767. George Washington followed suit and moved existing lilacs on his property to his garden in 1785.
In Greek mythology, Pan, the god of the wild, chased a nymph named Syringa. She turned herself into a lilac bush to escape Pan, and in anger, he broke off the reed-like branches which made pipes. With regret, he tried kissing the broken branches, and as his air pushed over them, sounds were made. Lilacs were responsible for the creation of “Panpipes.”
Russian folklore believed that hanging lilacs above a baby’s bed would bring the child wisdom.
American folklore thought that lilacs could drive away evil and that placing them in a haunted house would displace ghosts. Thought to be symbolic of “old love,” Victorian widows often wore lilacs as a sign of remembrance. One hundred and fifty-five years ago today, April 15th, Abraham Lincoln died after being shot by John Wilkes Booth. Any American — and much of the world — knows the story of the self-educated, country lawyer who became one of our nation’s most beloved presidents. But what many Americans might not realize is how the death of Lincoln reverberated into so many areas of our collective psyche, including literature and horticulture, thanks to Walt Whitman. Walt Whitman was a reporter, printer, writer, traveler and Civil War nurse who is considered one of America’s greatest poets. He self-published Leaves of Grass and worked on it throughout his lifetime, eventually modifying it so that there are eight different editions. Whitman felt a great affinity with President Abraham Lincoln, and when Lincoln was assassinated in the spring of 1865, Whitman grieved.
He wrote years later in Specimen Days about learning of the President’s death:
"I remember where I was stopping at the time, the season being advanced, there were many lilacs in full bloom. By one of those caprices that enter and give tinge to events without being at all a part of them, I find myself always reminded of great tragedy of that day by the sight and odor of these blossoms. It never fails."
While lilacs are first to bloom, their flowers are short-lived. The heady fragrance lingers sweetly at first, but then the blooms start to die, leaving a heavy, cloying smell. One of the first flowers of spring, lilacs contain a natural compound called indole that’s found in flowers — and feces. It’s that undercurrent of the “bottom note” of fragrance that suggests decay and death.
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🔮 Metaphysical Properties 🔮
The beautiful May-blooming lilac is one of the loveliest tokens of spring. But they are much more than beautiful shrubs with showy, sweet-smelling flowers. Originally lilacs were planted to repel all evil. Planted near the entryway, lilacs were believed to send out protective vibrations. When the flowers are cut and brought into the home they cleanse any living space. And they'll also remove any unwanted spiritual presence. Blue and white varieties work well for this purpose. Since lilacs are ruled by Venus, they are also used in love spells. Try placing some pink lilacs on your altar while performing a love spell. The dried flowers make a powerful addition to any love sachet.
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🍴⚕️ Culinary & Medicinal Properties
The simplest way to enjoy lilacs is as an infusion of the flowers for a lilac sugar. The sugar can then be used in recipes to add lilac flavor to baked goods. This also works with a lilac simple syrup which is just a liquid form of the same thing that’s perfect for making cocktails. For my money though, I think lilac infused honey sounds the best. The sweet floral flavor of lilacs translates beautifully into an ice cream base.
To prevent the recurrence of disease, lilac flowers were used to help strengthen the system and prevent relapse after a patient had healed. They’re said to be specifically good after cases of malaria. Tasting the raw flowers you can actually pick up some of the astringent qualities, as they make your mouth dry and pucker a bit (along with their floral flavors). This astringent quality makes them good for use in skin care products. Lilacs are used as a folk remedy for intestinal worms, as well as a treatment for gastric discomfort and gas. Regardless of the purpose, the most likely medicinal lilac preparation is a tincture, which is just a lilac infused alcohol
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maryhale1 · 2 months
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Calling all my witchy sisters and brothers (or whatever you feel comfortable calling yourself ♥️)
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agblend13 · 5 months
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Sometimes I feel like painting something and don't know what. And sometimes I find a twenty sided die in a drawer. Which means there are times when I make lists (three lists of twenty items each, to be precise) so that sometimes I may roll the die three times for a randomly generated art prompt.
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Stone/ Demon / Technology
Hands / 2 Colors / Sword
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agirlnamedthom-blog · 3 months
Devil's Ivy
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whxmsical90switch · 1 year
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Dream boots! Do you agree?
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ahberdeen · 2 years
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☼ tote bag for the witchy girlies ☼
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krishnamali786-blog · 2 months
What to Wear With Black Jeans: 20 Best Ways to Style Black Jeans Combination
What to Wear With Black Jeans #womensoutfits #jeans #womenfashion #trendyoutfits #womens fashion
Black jeans are a timeless wardrobe staple, perfect for creating both casual and dressy looks. Whether you’re aiming for a laid-back vibe or something more sophisticated, black jeans are incredibly versatile. In this post, we’ll explore 20 chic ways to style black jeans, providing you with endless outfit inspiration. Ready to elevate your Black Jeans Combination? Let’s dive in! What to Wear With…
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whimsigothic-tips · 1 year
Any tips for the whimsigoth aesthetic on a budget? It's really cool and I'd love to do it, but also I don't have a whole lot of cash to revamp my entire style immediately lol.
Whimsigoth on a Budget
my biggest tip is honesty to GO TO THE GOODWILL BINS or something similar to them!
also, more than likely, you will have family members who have pieces from the 90s and 2000s that align with the style perfectly, so ask to see any old clothes that they might be getting rid of
upcycling your old clothes is a great option, and they can easily be transformed with just a few changes. bleach, fabric dye, fabric paint, safety pins, and ribbon are your friends!
accessories can also completely change up your look with the clothes you already have, and my suggestions for that are: pile on as much jewelry as possible (WAY more than what seems reasonable), try wearing a little bandana headscarf, grab a tote bag, put on some small sunglasses, and find a chunkier pair of boots or shoes.
experiment with your appearance and try out some of those spiky 2000s updos, wear sparkly or brown eyeshadow, find a cheap brown-ish lipstick, paint your nails jewel tones, black, sparkly colors
if you do devide to buy any new pieces, your top priorities should definitely be maxi/midi dresses and skirts, lacy camisoles/tank tops, a pair of chunky boots, and some kind of jacket/overshirt/cardigan wear to open
that's about all you need to be the whimsigothic/witchy character of your dreams!
p.s. the key to getting the funky spiky 2000s hairstyles is just using sooo many hairclips and bobby pins, and there are tutorials for them almost anywhere on the internet
- love, jess
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whimsigothwitch · 1 year
Back 2 school tips for witches
School/college has already started for some, others begin next week. I thought sharing some tips on incorporating witchcraft while going back to school would be the perfect timing! (these can also be used for those who go to work!)
Meditate before getting up, we all know those 5 minutes before getting up from bed contemplating whether or not you should get up or just roll over because you are laying so comfortable... Use those 5 minutes to do some meditating, breathe in 4 seconds through your nose, hold 4 seconds and then release through your mouth 4 seconds. Feel how the air fills your lungs, see it as charging up with fresh energy. And what you release is old, negative thoughts and feelings.
Tarot, quick morning draw. Ask advice for this coming day, and reflect on your pull in the evening.
Shielding from negative energies, imagine being surrounded by a white light that protects you. Or have a short mantra that you can say to yourself or in your head when needed, this can be as simple as 'I am protected against negative energies in any shape or from'
Shielding from negative energies, imagine being surrounded by a white light that protects you. Or have a short mantra that you can say to yourself or in your head when needed, this can be as simple as 'I am protected against negative energies in any shape or from'.
Planner, Write all the moon phases with timing and zodiac, retrogrades etc in your planner. Together with all the sabbats, you can plan spellwork this way much easier.
Read a book, choose a witchy book, this can be an informative book, digital book of choice. Sometimes lessons are canceled and you have to wait a period, or if you have lunch you can read to make time pass faster. If you can, go on a walk around your school/work place for some fresh air to connect with nature for a bit. Does wonders.
Sigils drawn on or inside notebooks, your hands, written in (gym) sport shoes, sewn in clothing/bags etc. for luck, protection or strength for the day.
Crystals in pockets, bags, jewelry (necklaces, earrings, rings), keychain, on your desk while studying.
Enchant your makeup for glamour magic, jewelry, pens with intention of choice.
Color magic, while getting dressed; red for confidence and strength, yellow and orange for happiness and energy, green for attracting luck and abundance, blue for focus and communication, pink for (self)love and friendships, purple for intuition and wisdom, black for protection, white for purity and protection. Gold jewelry for the sun, succes and prosperity, and silver jewelry for the moon and intuition.
Sachet, make a sachet you can always carry with you in your bag, add herbs, crystals and intention of choice.
Showering, washing any lingering energy, thoughts or negative feelings away from the day. If you have trouble imagining negative energy washing off you in a color, see the soap you are washing off as this energy. Watch it flow away from you into the shower drain.
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thesecretsofthedivine · 8 months
Pick a Pile Reading | Who’s Coming Into Your Life Soon? 🌠 🌸
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*Disclaimer: This is a collective reading — take what resonates and leave the rest. If this resonates with you, please show support by reposting (with credit), tipping, or booking with me! :)
*Exchanges with other intuitives/readers are available via dm’s
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This is a person who is a lover of the arts! You may meet them in an artistic environment (think art class, concert, museum, etc.) or they’ll just enjoy visiting those places and have a knack for creative talents. They also seem to be a people person who is a smooth talker and has a very strong aura. They like to entertain and make people feel relaxed, which could inspire them to host a lot of parties or be an active member of their community. For some, the person coming into your life will be a part of the LGBTQ+ community or advocate for such causes. This person will have a romantic purpose for most of you, but some may choose to keep this connection as a lighthearted friendship or FWB. You may feel slightly reluctant to take them seriously because of how carefree and popular they are. They will be comforting, but some of you could feel like you’re just another person under their spell and may become resistant to these romantic feelings as a result. It’s important to mention this person‘s energy feels very sincere. They want to cater to you and can often struggle with people pleasing tendencies.
~ miscellaneous: blueberries. the color blue. a coquette aesthetic. whicker baskets. white snocks + sneakers. aries, capricorn, taurus placements (tons of cardinal energy). piercings. hair parted to the side. ripped jeans. a laugh that sounds like a scoff/sarcastic humor.
For most of pile 2, the person coming into your life soon is a platonic feminine around your age. Their personality is very peppy, organized, empathetic, hardworking, and sensual. You will meet this person through school, work, mutuals, or shared goals. They seem to be a lover of animals as well so they may have pets or easily connect with them. The two of you will bond over music and the type of people you aspire to become in the future. They’ll make you feel lighthearted and bring out a more extroverted side to you. You may have moments where you let them put stickers or makeup on you just to have something silly to do together. For the people who have a feminine energy coming in, they may also be skilled in things like speech & debate, reading long/foreign novels (especially russian), playing chess — something traditional and academic. This person is an avid lover of film, especially vintage or historical ones. They could be multilingual or come from a different culture than your own. It’s clear that the two of you will never run out of things to talk about, making it seem like you finally found your perfect mental match!
~ miscellaneous: blonde hair. teal/blue crystals or blue eyes. the letters c, e, i, s, n, a, l, and p. scarves. whimsigoth/hippie/70s aesthetic. winter time. romeo & juliet. film major. coffee hangouts. mercury or 3h synastry.
Pile 3 has an entire friend group coming into your life (multiple individuals)! Psychically, there’s a lot of overlapping conversations I’m tuning into 😅 so the people coming into your life will be a big part of your life/daily schedule. You’ll stay quite busy because of their presence in your life and may notice yourself becoming more talkative or that you all can be quite loud and rambunctious together. Parties, social events, clubs, concerts, and any other crowded environment can be relevant to how you meet these people or where you’ll spend time with them. You may notice that the group’s energy becomes more alive at night so a lot of these people could be night owls and extroverts. It’s the kind of thing where you’ll always have thousands of notifications blowing up your phone or will always have something fun to do. There’s a huge blend of masculine and feminine energies here so some people may encounter a friend group of 2-4 people whereas others will find themselves with 6-8 new people in their lives. Some of the masculine energies in the group could like to wrestle so be wary of breakables/fragile furniture that’s in their vicinity 💀. I feel that these people coming into your life will all enjoy sharing food, secrets, tips, and so on. There’s a very open and excitable vibe here so some of them may even be slightly younger than you.
~ miscellaneous: matching tattoos. karaoke. late night escapades. musicians. fire sign placements. the book everything i know about love — dolly alderton. bars. pinterest boards/pinterest aesthetics (especially for those who use it to manifest). gaming/dart boards. bets/dares.
A family member will either become a bigger part of your life or start a new relationship with you entirely. For some, this will relate to a grandmother figure and/or deceased relatives watching over you/being around your energy. For others, it’s more of a mentor vibe. Older, feminines with a lot of advice and maturity to offer you. At this stage in your life, you could be feeling anxious or uncertain about your future/career. This person coming in is meant to be a support system for you during this specific transition period. They will help you to broaden your horizons, believe in your dreams/capabilities, and strengthen your willingness to take risks. If your mental health has been low, you feel like you’ve stepped out of alignment with your desires, or you’ve just been processing some heavier topics lately, this person will come in to soften those experiences while helping you to work through them. They will teach you how to validate your emotions without feeling disempowered by the weight of them. “Your depth is beauty” and they will make you into a stronger person by honoring this part of yourself.
~ miscellaneous: the barbie movie scene where she meets her creator (ruth handler). what was i made for - billie eilish. holding hands. traditional baking. words of wisdom/words of affirmation. bridges. feeling at the end of your rope when they come in. disco music. the 60s - 70s as their birth year. gardening hats. flowers.
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🌿 Herb Of The Day
Title: Acorn
Gender: Masculine
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
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📜 Folklore & History 📜
The acorns are beginning to fall. They have a long history of use by witches as sacred and magical implements, and the ancient Celts valued them much along with their druid priests. Acorns represent the miracle of rebirth, and oaks are considered sacred by druids. Acorns are also mentioned in numerous tales and traditions, including those of Native Americans and the Nordic culture. The druids, according to Witchipedia, see acorns as a symbol of magic. Acorns were employed in various rites and customs, such as the Samhain Sabbath, in the oldest traditions.
During the witch hunts, it was customary to deliver an acorn to other witches to let them know you were one. I've gathered a lot, some of which I'll use to make altar wreaths and some of which I'll save in my pocket to give to other witches. I enjoy the concept of smiling and handing out acorns to others.
According to accounts of old English tales, acorns originally had significance in the world of witchcraft and magic. At a time when Celtic witches had to brew potions and cast charms in the shadows, it is thought that witches would exchange acorns in the woods to identify each other and to let the other know that they were in safe company, much like Christians the symbol of the Icthys.
In Greek mythology, the oak was a sacred tree associated with Zeus, the supreme god. To this day, Zeus’s oracle in Epirus has the sacred oak in the middle of the grove, and priests would try to uncover messages from the gods by interpreting the rustling of the oak’s leaves.
Norse mythology has its own history with the acorns. Tall oaks attracted lightning, and so the tree was thought to be sacred to Thor, the god of lightning. After riding out storms, druids would come and collect acorns, which were always miraculously spared from the god’s wrath.
With this legend in mind, Scandinavians would usually put an acorn on the windowsill whenever a huge storm would blow, as a gesture of respect to Thor, and to ask protection from destructive lightning. Of course, these were in the ancient days when people believed that lightning enters one’s home through the window.
Another Norse legend has it that the god, Odin, picked an oak tree to hang himself from, so he could gain the tree’s aged wisdom.
Indeed, some oak trees can live up to a thousand years old, and it’s both fascinating and amazing to think that such a strong, stable and old tree could spring up from a lowly little acorn. This is where the proverb great oaks from little acorns grow comes from to signify that great things can emerge from small and humble beginnings.
While other cultures content themselves with carrying acorns or using them as ornaments in order to recreate the wonderful legends of how oak trees carry the good graces of gods and witches, other cultures consume acorns both as a standalone delicacy and a tasty ingredient to more complex meals.
The first to do this were the druids, who believed that the fruit of the mighty oak tree contained prophetic qualities. In fact, historians are of the opinion that the word ‘druid’ literally comes from the Celtic word for acorn.
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🔮 Metaphysical Properties
To harness the protective magickal properties of oak and acorns, tie 2 oak twigs into a cross with red thread and hang it in the home or wherever you need protection. This is a strong protective amulet and will keep any malevolent energy and negativity at bay. Placing acorns on window sills will help to keep lightning away from your home while carrying a piece of oak wood will protect your person from harm while also drawing luck to you.
Planting an acorn on the night of the new moon will ensure that abundance will grow in your life. Keeping an acorn on your person brings fertility. This doesn’t necessarily mean physical fertility but can also bring you fertility of ideas, creativity or abundance. Wearing an oak leaf close to your heart will ensure that that you aren’t misled.
To see if you are compatible with a possible love, place 2 acorn caps into a bowl of very still water while thinking about the person you are interested in. If the acorn caps come together then you are well-matched and if they float apart maybe the time for the 2 of you isn’t quite right. Since timing is everything, just because the timing isn’t perfect right now doesn’t mean that it might not be right in the future.
To cleanse a home where someone is sick, make a fire from oak wood (obviously only if you have a fire place) to draw the sickness out. Please don’t do this in place of visiting a trained medical professional though. If you don’t have a fireplace, you can burn some dried oak leaves in order to smoke cleanse your home. If you happen to catch a falling oak leaf, some people believe that you will be safe from winter colds and flu.
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🍴⚕️ Culinary & Medicinal
Acorns are the nuts of oak trees, which grow abundantly across the globe. Once a staple food for various societies, acorns are not as frequently consumed today. Acorns have gained a bad reputation because they contain tannins — a group of bitter plant compounds that may be harmful when consumed in high amounts. Tannins are considered an antinutrient, which means that they reduce your body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients from food.
Additionally, consuming high amounts of tannins may lead to adverse health effects, such as severe liver damage and cancer. However, most of the tannins leach out of acorns when they’re prepared for consumption — often by soaking or boiling. While no studies exist on the toxicity of raw acorns in humans, these nuts are rarely eaten raw.
A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of dried acorns contains the following nutrients
Calories: 144
Protein: 2 grams
Fat: 9 grams
Carbs: 15 grams
Fiber: 4 grams
Vitamin A: 44% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
Vitamin E: 20% of the RDI
Iron: 19% of the RDI
Manganese: 19% of the RDI
Potassium: 12% of the RDI
Vitamin B6: 10% of the RDI
Folate: 8% of the RDI
Scientists have also identified over 60 beneficial plant compounds in acorns, including catechins, resveratrol, quercetin, and gallic acid — potent antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage.
The bacteria in your gut play a key role in your overall health. An imbalance of these bacteria has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and bowel diseases. Acorns are a great source of fiber, which nourishes your beneficial gut bacteria. Additionally, acorns have long been used as an herbal remedy to treat stomach pain, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and other common digestive complaints.
Antioxidants are compounds that defend your cells from damage caused by potentially harmful molecules called free radicals. Research suggests that diets high in antioxidants may help prevent chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Acorns are rich in antioxidants like vitamins A and E, as well as numerous other plant compounds.
Collecting and preparing acorns can be time-consuming. Though abundant in the wild, they’re not commonly sold in grocery stores. You may need to order them online if you’re unable to forage your own. You also have to leach them of their tannins to reduce their bitterness and ensure that they are safe to eat. This can be done by boiling or soaking. Though this process is quite simple, it may feel cumbersome — especially since other nuts are readily available and much easier to eat.
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Some people report nausea and constipation from raw acorns, though this has not been confirmed by research. What’s more, the tannins give these nuts a bitter flavor. Thus, is not recommended to eat raw acorns. You can easily remove the tannins by boiling or soaking your acorns. This process eliminates their bitterness and makes them safe to eat.
Acorns are a tree nut, which is one of the most common allergens worldwide. Allergic reactions to tree nuts range from mild itching, scratchy throat, and watery eyes to anaphylaxis — a potentially life-threatening response that can cause extreme difficulty breathing.
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maryhale1 · 5 months
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Lilith goddess oil
Goddess Lilith oil is often used in rituals or ceremonies associated with invoking Lilith, a figure from mythology.
Before using it, it's important to research its intended purpose and any associated rituals or practices.
Typically, you would apply the oil to candles, talismans, or yourself during meditation or ritual work, focusing on your intentions and connection with the energy of Lilith.
Always use with caution and respect for the traditions and beliefs involved.
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2knightt · 1 year
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insider tip=all my fics are under the ‘2knightt’ hastag if u can’t find anything :3 …expect for my event.
the gang ;
fyi, all are separate unless specified.
||✰ gangs love languages !
||✰ doing the gangs makeup !
||✰ model gf!
||✰ crying!reader!
||✰ platonic, motherly!reader
||✰ sodapop’s daughter!reader!
||✰ the gang crushing on reader—separate!
||✰ the gang is the ken to the readers barbie!
||✰ platonic gang with mickey milkovich!reader!
||✰ the gang comforting crying!reader—separate!
||✰ gang dates a happy go-lucky!reader—separate!
||✰ the gang with someone who stims—separate!
||✰ the gang with an artist!reader—seperate!
||✰ the gang is you and you’re them!
||✰ you’re totally in love with them and make it known!
Johnny Cade ;
||✰ gang meets soc gf, they dont like her.
||✰ whipped johnny treats gf like a princess!
||✰ johnny and reader argue, the gang fixes it!
||✰ whimsigothic!gf! + D.W
||✰ johnny falls inlove with curtis sisters friend!
||✰ motherly!reader
||✰ random moments with your bf! + PB.C, D.W.
||✰ motherly!reader—platonic ver! +PB.C.
||✰ grease AU! + PB.C, SP.C, D.W
Dallas Winston ;
||✰ curtis!reader fails at keeping them dating a secret.
||✰ random moments with your bf! + J.C, PB.C.
||✰ whimsigothic!gf! + J.C.
||✰ dallas falls for the famous sweetheart soc.
||✰ grease AU! + J.C, PB.C, SP.C.
||✰ beauty and the beast AU! pt.1, pt.2
||✰ he’s a rockstar and your his gf!
||✰ dallas winston crushin’ on male!hippie!reader!
Ponyboy Curtis ;
||✰ ponyboy has a crush on reader, wingman dallas helps him!
||✰ random moments with your bf! + J.C, D.W
||✰ motherly!reader—platonic ver! +J.C.
||✰ grease AU! + J.C, D.W, SP.C.
Darry Curtis ;
||✰ darry dates a motherly reader. (true love.)
Sodapop Curtis ;
||✰ sodapop gets a crush on reader!
||✰ sodapop’s daughter!reader!
||✰ grease AU! + PB.C, J.C, D.W.
Steve Randle ;
Two-bit Matthews ;
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