madammalkins23 · 10 months
Am re-reading last chapter of @whinlatter Beasts at work with a nice cuppa cuz I got nothing better to do today (and I need to pick more attention to some details) 🤓✨
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whinlatter · 2 years
Can I ask where does your username come from?
Whinlatter is a place! It’s England’s only mountain forest 🌲🌳⛰️ It looks like this:
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chrisb3011 · 5 months
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#hedgehog minding its own business in #whinlatterforest #photography #photographer #photoeveryday #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #wildlife #photographylovers #photographers #photographyeveryday
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turanga4 · 1 year
For @hinnymicrofic Prompt 30: Goodbye
A better read on a03 because of the initial quote and attributions that set the full context. Nevertheless, here it is.
The sunlit days this time didn't happen near the castle. The hours unspooled around them all summer at the Burrow, mucking out the chicken coop and dipping feet into the pond.  When they talked, it felt just like that—something cloudy underneath, dart of minnows past his toes, not knowing beforehand if the water was too cold. Finally, one torpid afternoon, with his back against an apple tree, Harry offered the apology he knew that she deserved.
“I hid so many things from you, when we were together that spring. It wasn’t fair. ”
Ginny seemed to shake her head hard enough to clear the thought away. “I didn’t want to face it either, Harry.” 
As she spoke again, he saw her eyes trained on the dirt. “When Bill came of age, he didn’t want a new watch.” Bill had always been her favorite brother: Harry’s heart clenched.
“He took my dead uncle’s.” Her right thumb passed over the pads of her fingers: he imagined the watch there, in Bill’s hand. In hers.
“I was six. But I knew. Don’t you see it? I needed those weeks just as much as you did. I needed…I needed just the good things. Couldn’t talk about the rest.” 
The memory hit him, a white tent seen out her window. Ginny’s lips crashing into his, her body pushing him urgently against the bedroom wall. The shine in her eyes of the tears she didn’t show him, tears she must have dropped afterwards, when Ron opened the door. “My seventeenth.”
She flicked her gaze back to him, shoulders thrust forward. “What of it?”
“When we kissed. When you kissed me. You were saying goodbye.”
“Yeah. Maybe I was.” Ginny was flushing; if they’d been back in that room, she might turn away again. If they’d still been in the room, he would look towards the window.  
Hours and days and maybe years in which to talk.
Harry took a deep breath and leaned his body close to hers.
“It wasn’t, though. Goodbye,” he answered, in a soft voice.
Like opening his eyes in the mist at Kings Cross Station, like the crushing hugs of his friends after Voldemort fell, like his hand helping Ginny to stand up within the Chamber. Impossible to believe, but so lucky, to be true. How many times would she need to be reminded? How many times would he?  
Whatever the number, each time, it was a gift.
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sybill-the-seer · 9 months
There’s nothing that hits quite like Hinny angst
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vox-anglosphere · 2 years
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Touring the Lake District is easy.. leaving it behind wrenches the soul
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saintsenara · 1 year
Thoughts on Ron and Hermione as a ship?
thank you very much for the ask, @thesilverstarling!
i’ll state my position straight away: book ron and hermione are the best of the canon couples.
they will have a long and extremely happy marriage made rich by great and stalwart love, lust, fun, and faithfulness, rather than held together by duty and couples’ therapy like so many readers and authors (including jkr, who seems to have decided to spend the years since the conclusion of the series failing to understand anything about her own characters) tend to think.
i will state another position straight away: lest i seem like i’m just a fan with blinkers on, i think this even though hermione is, by far, my least favourite member of the trio. if she were real i would detest her, and i dislike how she is treated by the narrative as always justified in her negative characteristics. i like fanon hermione - perfect and preternaturally good - even less.
as a result, i think that it’s ridiculous that jkr has said that she thought ron needed to ‘become worthy’ of hermione. they belong together as equals - which is what they’re set up in the narrative as being from the off - and i hate seeing that undermined.
because ronald weasley? he’s an icon. and he doesn’t get anywhere near the respect he deserves in fandom.
there are multiple reasons for this - ron’s narrative purpose is to be the everyman sidekick, and so he is able to be less special than harry or hermione (the helper-figure); the amount of aristocracy wank in this fandom means that the weasleys’ ordinariness is less appealing to writers than making harry have twenty different lordships and call himself hadrian; the narrative interrogates ron’s flaws - especially his capacity for jealousy - much more intensively than it interrogates either hermione’s (cruel, inflexible, meddling) or harry’s (reckless, self-absorbed, judgemental) - but one i feel is particularly significant is that ron is such a british character that many of his traits are not understood as intended by non-british readers.
in particular - as is outlined in this excellent meta by @whinlatter - ron’s sense of humour isn’t indicative of immaturity or a lack of seriousness, but is, in fact, evidence that he’s the most emotionally aware of the trio.
ron is shown throughout the series to understand how both harry and hermione need to have their emotions approached - and i think there is no piece of writing which says this better than crocodile heart by @floreatcastellumposts:
That was what she liked most about Ron, she thought vaguely. He was very good at being suitably outraged on your behalf. For Harry, for her, for Neville. That sort of thing mattered, when you were hurt or embarrassed or wronged in some way. You needed to have someone else on your side, to be as emotional as you felt, maybe even more so, so that you might feel a bit more normal. It was very decent of him, and she was not sure he realised he did it.
ron’s inherent emotional awareness is an enormous source of comfort to other people. he does the work which isn’t flashy or special - he makes tea and tells jokes and is just there - but which is needed in healthy human relationships far more frequently than a willingness to fight to the death for the other person.
[as an aside, this normality - even though i think it is assumed rather than justified by the text - is also what ginny provides for harry. if you believe that hinny are a good couple but romione aren’t… i can’t help you.]
but let’s look at some specific reasons why ron and hermione belong together:
their communication styles mesh perfectly. ron is the only person hermione knows who feeds her love of being challenged and debated, and who is able to engage in this way of communicating without becoming irate when she refuses to back down. ron is good at picking his battles, but he’s also good at recognising that hermione’s tendency to argue isn’t intended to be confrontational a lot of the time - it’s just the way she works through feelings and problems. he’s far more easy-going about her tendency to nag, interrupt, try to provoke arguments, or speak condescendingly than he’s given credit for - and hermione evidently respects this, since when he does tell her not to push a situation (above all, when she’s trying to needle harry into talking about sirius), she listens to him.
that ron and hermione’s tendency to bicker is taken by fans to be a bad thing is because it’s something harry - from whose perspective the narrative is written - doesn’t understand. harry is extremely conflict-avoidant - he tends to take being pushed on views and opinions he has to be insulting; and he has a tendency to assume that he is right which is just as profound as hermione’s. he and ginny communicate not by debating, but by ginny having no time for his rigidity and refusing to indulge it - but ron and hermione bickering about everything is not a negative thing within their specific emotional dynamic.
[as another aside, this glaring chasm in communication styles is why harry and hermione would be a disaster as a couple.]
they each provide validation the other needs. it’s clear - reading between the lines - that hermione is a tremendously lonely person. the friendlessness of her initial few weeks at hogwarts seems to be a continuation of her experience as a child, and - outside of ron and harry - that friendlessness endures through her schooldays. i’m always struck, for example, by the fact that, when she falls out with ron in prisoner of azkaban, she has no-one else to spend time with, and that this is only avoided in half-blood prince because harry decides not to freeze her out. i don’t think her friendship with ginny is anywhere near as close as fanon seems to imply (ginny has no interest in being nagged either), nor do i think that she’s anywhere near as close to neville (not least because she is so condescending to him) as she’s often written to be.
and this loneliness seems to stretch beyond hogwarts. the absence of hermione’s parents’ from the narrative is - in a doylist sense - clearly just a device to maximise time with the trio all together, but the watsonian reading is that she doesn’t have a particularly good relationship with them. hermione’s obviously upper-middle-class background - the name! the skiing! the holidays in the south of france! - can be presumed, i think, to come with a series of expectations from her parents which she feels constantly that she’s not entirely meeting, particularly expectations attached to academic success.
[for example, the grangers - were she a muggle child - would undoubtedly have ambitions for her to attend an elite university and then go into a prestigious career. tertiary education of the type that they’re familiar with doesn’t seem to exist in the wizarding world - most careers seem to be taught by apprenticeship - and this, alongside all the other divides between the magical and muggle worlds which contribute to the distance between them, would be one very obvious area in which she felt the need to prove herself to them.]
ron, too, has quite a difficult relationship with his position in the family - voldemort’s locket is not wrong to point out that he seems to receive considerably less of his mother’s emotional attention than ginny or the rest of his brothers - and he too is constrained by expectations which he doesn’t know how to explain he has no interest in - above all, molly’s desire for her sons to achieve top grades and go into the ministry.
he also suffers while at hogwarts from being ‘harry potter’s best friend’, something which harry never appreciates. but hermione does. she recognises ron’s jealousy and never allows harry to minimise it (and she and ron are very much aligned on having no respect for harry’s saviour and martyr complexes). she appreciates ron’s strengths - above all his kindness and his sense of humour - and makes him feel as though he’s achieved things with them. and ron does the same for her; he is hugely observant when it comes to her, and he challenges and defends her.
the two of them clearly spend a lot of time together one-on-one while harry’s involved in his various shenanigans (including outside of school - hermione has often arrived at the burrow days or even weeks before harry, and they seem to write to each other frequently when apart). they do this within a relationship which is fundamentally equal. one issue with hinny is that, post-war, harry is going to have to get used to seeing ginny as a peer, rather than as someone he has to protect. but ron and hermione never have that issue - equality is baked into their relationship from the off.
because, to be quite frank, fandom overstates the role that jealousy plays in their relationship. it’s true that ron certainly doesn’t acquit himself brilliantly when it comes to hermione’s relationship with viktor krum (it’s because he’s bi and doesn’t know it yet), and a tendency to externalise his insecurity into trying to make others also feel insecure is one of his primary negative traits (hermione does this too, via her patented lofty voice when she’s trying to condescend to people). but this is often taken as the initial red flag for how the relationship would crash and burn, and ron’s toxic jealousy is often used in fan-fiction as the trigger for emotional and physical violence towards hermione which, frequently, seems to drive her into the arms of either draco malfoy or severus snape… who are, of course, the first people we think of when we hear the words ‘not prone to jealousy’...
but i think it’s important to point out several things in defence of ron’s jealousy over krum. firstly, hermione evidently regards his jealousy as ridiculous - she’s upset by it, yes, but her upset must be understood as being caused by the fact that she wanted him to ask her out. she doesn’t think he’s being possessive, she thinks he’s being stupid. secondly, hermione is equally as jealous over ron’s crush on fleur delacour and relationship with lavender brown. she behaves just as cruelly when it comes to lavender as ron does when it comes to krum - and the narrative only treats her actions as more sympathetic or justified both because harry dislikes lavender too, and because, by that point in the series, jkr has dispensed with any inclination to ever criticise her.
but, outside of this teenage pettiness, ron is never jealous of hermione over things which matter. he is never jealous of her intelligence or competence or ambition or success (indeed, he defends her constantly from attacks designed to undermine her in these areas). for someone who struggles with being overshadowed by harry, he is never upset at being overshadowed by her. he is clearly going to be happy to support her in any of the career ambitions she can be written as having post-war.
and, on this point, i think it’s worth interrogating why so many readers still seem to feel uncomfortable with the idea of ron and hermione having a dynamic where she is the more ‘powerful’ one. [it’s always a bit trite to say ‘but what if the genders were reversed?’, but actually that’s not irrelevant here]. if hermione ends up taking the ministry by storm and ron becomes a stay-at-home father or has a job which is just to pay the bills, what, precisely, is wrong with that? why, precisely, should hermione regard ron making that choice for himself as a negative thing? hermione so often seems to leave ron in fan-fiction because of a lack of ambition - something which seems to be particularly common in dramione - but, in canon, she is shown to not particularly care if ron and harry do the bare minimum when it comes to studying etc. she nags them to do their work so they don’t get in trouble. she doesn’t nag them to do it to the same standard that she would.
and, actually, i think that ron being less ambitious than hermione is something which is key to how well they work. because ron provides not only emotional support, but emotional clarity.
hermione is shown throughout canon to - just as harry does - have a tendency to become obsessive to the detriment of her own health. she is also often - as harry is - emotionally or intellectually inflexible, and finds it hard to move on when what she feels or believes is proven to be wrong. both she and harry are micro-thinkers, who lean towards knee-jerk assumptions and stubborn convictions (and, indeed, hermione has a remarkably hagrid-ish tendency towards blind loyalty).
ron is none of these things. ron is a big-picture thinker (it’s why he’s so good at chess). he’s a pragmatist. he’s the least righteous of the three. he understands that faith and loyalty are choices, and that sometimes these choices will lead to outcomes which are bad or hard. he is the one of the three most willing to own up to having made mistakes. he is the one least likely to act on gut instinct (and, therefore, the hardest to fool - i think it’s worth emphasising that he clocks that tom riddle is tricking harry immediately, the only one of the trio to do so). he understands that things are a marathon, not a sprint. he is the least obsessive.
and these traits contribute to aspects of his character which are underappreciated. ron worries about hermione making herself ill during exams, or when she is using the time-turner, and makes an effort to get her to set healthy boundaries and redirect her anxiety. ron stands on a broken leg in front of sirius or goes into the forest to fight aragog not out of righteousness, but out of choice. ron takes over the burden of preparing buckbeak’s defence when it is clear that hermione is approaching burnout. ron is completely right that harry hasn’t done any long-term planning for the horcrux hunt, and his anger does force harry to tighten up after he leaves the trio. ron has a clear head in the middle of battle. ron makes harry and hermione laugh. ron is unafraid of human emotion. ron arrests harry’s tendency to brood over the little things by looking at the bigger picture. ron will always come back.
ron is bringing his politician wife regular cups of tea and making sure she doesn’t work all night. he is helping his lawyer wife to feel less upset over losing one case by reminding her that she’s won ten others. he is noticing stress creeping in and whirling her off for a dirty weekend, or even just a takeaway on the sofa. he is teaching his daughter to be proud of her ambition and his son to treat women as equals and both of his children that all you can do when you fuck up is apologise and try to do better. he is making hermione smile on the worst days of her life. he is helping her strategise her long-term goals when she gets stuck on the short-term ones. he is telling her straight when she needs to get it together. he is seeing a misogynistic head of department call hermione a ‘silly little girl’ and choosing to tell him exactly what he thinks of that.
ron is the ultimate wife guy. hermione is a very, very lucky lady.
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sophie-hatter-jenkins · 3 months
New Writing!
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Ginny Weasley character study written for @ladiesofhpfest Character Chic. I'm really pleased with this one!
Body positivity is a social movement that promotes a positive view of all bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities. Proponents focus on the appreciation of the functionality and health of the human body instead of its physiological appearance. Eight lessons that Ginny Weasley learns about her body, and her changing relationship with it, throughout her life.
HUGE thanks go to two wonderful writers for their help:
Firstly @fizzyginfizz who beta read this for me and was so supportive and had so many brilliant suggestions, really building my confidence in this piece - thank you for everything!
Secondly, to @whinlatter, who has written several fantastic Ginny metas that I found super helpful when I was thinking through how to approach this piece.
They both have fabulous Ginny-POV WIPs, (Quidditch is for Losers and Beasts respectively), which you should go and read NOW if you haven’t done so already!
Rated M for language, mature themes and discussion/depiction of sex
9k words
Snippet below the cut
The Weasley family, as was apparent to anyone who cared to notice, came in two very different varieties
Some of them were really-Weasleys, like their Dad - tall, lanky, all hands and feet. Bill was a really-Weasley, as were Percy and Ron. The others were really-Prewetts, like their Mum. Charlie and the twins were really-Prewetts. Really-Prewetts were shorter and stockier, and just generally much more compact, as though the same amount of person was somehow compressed into a much smaller body.
Ginny didn’t really give much thought to the distinction between really-Weasleys and really-Prewetts when she was a child. Obviously she knew that some of her brothers were tall and thin, and some of them were… not. Equally obviously, she knew that her Mum was also… not. So yes, she knew - of course she knew. It’s just that she never really considered it in relation to her . Though to be fair, Ginny was very much on the small side, even before it became clear which side of the family she would take after, so perhaps the signs were there had she cared to notice.
Eleven year old Ginny was, quite frankly, absolutely tiny, just a little dot of a thing really. She felt so small and so intimidated as she huddled in the corner of her train carriage on her way to school for the very first time. Ron had promised to look after her on the journey, but he wasn’t there, and neither was Harry (lovely, lovely Harry), and Ginny didn’t know why. Instead, she made herself even smaller (which wasn’t hard, cocooned as she was in her hand-me-down robes, so large she could have used them as a tent), hoping that no one would notice her as she scribbled messages in her diary to her new friend Tom. She told him how tiny she felt, lonely and afraid and scared by this new world around her. Everyone else seemed so big and so confident, swishing their wands with abandon. Ginny already felt anything but; overlooked and overwhelmed, shrinking further by the second. 
Continue reading on AO3
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remus-poopin · 1 month
do you happen to have any fic recommendations that are well-characterized? (i.e. follow their canon personalities quite faithfully?) :)
Ok I don’t read as much fics as I would like to so I fear that the ones I’m about to recommend are ones I already have before haha.
I have to recommend literally anything by @evesaintyves ! I love the way she writes Lupin so much! He feels so real and gritty while still keeping true to his character. She also writes my favorite version of Tonks!
Couple of my favorites are
“The Rougarou” (Remus/Sirius) Such a good exploration of Remus and his sexuality omg.
“It’s just what you do to get by” (Remus/Tonks) Genuinely the best fic I’ve ever read. I love this so so much AHH
Some other Lupin fics I’d recommend:
“Introspective to say the least” and “home for Christmas” by Thecat_iswritting. I feel like @thecat-isblogging-blog gets Lupin’s voice so right it’s crazy
“Toys in the attic” by @ashesandhackles and @thecat-isblogging-blog I feel like I’ve talked about this a thousand times now so I’ll just say if you’re a Sirius and Lupin fan read this
“The grace unasked for” by Leftsidedown. Feels like it could have been in the book because it feels so true to Tonks and Lupin’s characters and voices.
“Of the fallen” by DopeyTheDwarf has a great Hermione and Lupin, and it’s also super sweet!
I’m mostly a Remus fic reader because that’s my girl but I’ll occasionally dabble elsewhere:
I’ve really been enjoying @whinlatter’s Ginny in “beasts”! though this is another one I haven’t finished yet because I’m taking a very long time to read cause I’m enjoying it so much lol
“I hope this comes back to haunt you” by humanveil is a really good Snape fic that @seriousbrat recently recommended!
I talked about this recently but “the last enemy” by CH_Darling and “The darkest days” by betweenfactandbreakfast are two really good marauder era fics that again I’m taking my sweet time to read.
That’s all I have right now, if anyone has any other recommendations pls share!!
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ashesandhackles · 8 months
Why Ginny fell in love with Harry?
Many say she's perfect for Harry ( which is true) but people forget and don't mention how perfect Harry is for Ginny and why she loves him
What are your thoughts about this?
oooof, i can answer why Ginny likes him, but Harry as he is canon needs work to do before he can be a perfect partner to Ginny (or anyone else, for that matter).
First things first, Ginny likes (and aspires to be) a hero - "I knew you wouldn’t be happy unless you were hunting Voldemort. Maybe that’s why I like you so much."
Bill Weasley was her first hero - someone she and Ron clearly look up to, admire and kinda want to emulate: " “I’ve looked forward to coming to Hogwarts ever since B-Bill came” in CoS, her parents planning a trip to Egypt (to see Bill) post her very traumatic first year, and of course, "Bill doesn't like him either," she said as though that settled the matter.
Bill, as we see in canon, is extremely brave, kind/ non-judgemental (the fact that Ron can go to him with something he is ashamed of speaks volumes on who Bill is), an acts of service kinda caretaker (Bill moving back to the UK to be close to his parents, Bill moving them out of the Burrow to Muriels). These are the qualities Ginny finds admirable - and these are the qualities Harry also shares.
Harry never makes fun of Ginny's crush - quite rare for a 12 year old (pretending not to notice that she stuck her elbow in the butter dish), is quite kind and has saving-the-people-thing which covers the acts of service quality. He is also funny - and has a biting humour that Ginny very clearly appreciates. The only scene of them together as a couple in HBP has both of them feeding into the tattoo joke to take down Ron - "what did you tell them Ron's got?" "a Pygymy Puff, I didnt say where".
That said, growing into a perfect partner for Ginny post war - Harry has work to do. In canon, Harry has idealised Ginny into "something out of someone else's life" where he can see her marrying someone in a Voldemort free future. She is his "best source of comfort".
Given what Hogwarts was under Death Eaters, given the fact that Ginny is a revolutionary leader in her own right of DA, Harry and her have to fill gaps of their vastly different experience of war, and perhaps not corral her out of his regular dangerous life because he can't stand a repeat of Sirius' death ("what if this was your funeral, and it was my fault?"). @whinlatter does a very, very good job of exploring this dynamic in Beasts.
Anyway, that's my two cents.
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ginnyw-potter · 8 months
Could you give a hint about how you think Ginny felt kissing Harry on his 17th birthday? because for him the feeling was better than fire
There is a lot going on in that scene. Yes, for Harry it was better than firewhiskey. Harry doesn't expect to be kissed but then Ginny calls him into her room and the boy makes smalltalk, which she ignores to everyone's relief.
Ginny calls him inside with a purpose. She knows exactly what Harry is going to be doing. She has known it since they broke up, and his slip-up a few days before confirms that. She pales, but she's not totally surprised.
There is some meta on it already and I wasn't able to find it back right now, but for Ginny this is a goodbye. She is not worried about him finding some Veela. They both know it. It's what she says because she doesn't want this moment to be sad. She lets him know she understands what he's about to do, that she understands this kiss doesn't change that they broke up. I think Ron severely underestimates both Harry's and Ginny's attachment and understanding of one another then.
Ginny knows this might be the final time she kisses him. His odds weren't all that good. That's why it's a goodbye. There is a lot of pain in it for her, I think. We don't have as much insight about how Ginny feels kissing him in general, but we're going to assume she's about as smitten for him as he is for her.
If she is fire, he is water. Calm on the surface a lot of the time, but with things brewing in depths that only very few people understand, like she does. They can both cook up a storm in different ways, in their own powerful ways.
And she kisses him like she is parched. We know this, because Harry tells us she kisses him like never before. There is so much longing from both of them because they need more time and it's just not enough. I think she calls him inside because she wants to give him a goodbye, but I think as soon as their lips lock, she lets her emotions take her over and take any second she can get, and even that moment is sadly cut short, it's poetic but it's painful. And in a way it's Harry's unfinished business (metaphorically for Ginny and a happy future which she is inevitable tied to), the thing he thinks about when he is about to die.
Edit: excellent meta was by @whinlatter (https://whinlatter.tumblr.com/post/707539962902577152). It's a slightly different take for some parts but has some amazing analysis)
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brightlybound · 2 months
Your favorite Hinny fics? I love JSYK ILY btw 💖
Aw! Thanks so much! 🤗 I can't believe I'll be posting the epilogue tomorrow. JSYK ILY has been so much fun to write. I might have to revisit epistolary prose again in the near future...
As for my favorite hinny fics (off the top of my head and in no particular order):
Already Gone by @takeariskao3 (amnesia au)
Chasing by @greenhousethree (post-war)
Beasts by @whinlatter (post-war)
Quidditch Is For Losers by @fizzyginfizz (canon-esque slow burn)
The coffeehouse au half awake and almost there and the sex shop au Come Again by @annerbhp
And pretty much anything written by @ashotofogdensoldfirewhiskey
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whinlatter · 19 days
Have you read FloreatCastellum’s works? Yours are on par with hers for my personal love of canon Potter fanfiction. You’ve quite nicely settled into the void she left behind in her fandom retirement and I rank you evenly in my head.
I’ve love Beasts dearly! Keep up the fab work!
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 9 months
My 2023 Hinny Wrapped
I wrote: 3 fics (x,x,x), 7 microfics (x), and one weird tumblr social media au (x) for a total of 20,533 words
I bookmarked: 31 fics
Hufflepup by GinFizz
Not a Done Deal by GinnyWPotter
Residue by EveSaintYves
Because It's You by OgdensOldFirewhiskey
TPFY Missing Moments by takearisk
Homerun by fightfortherightsofhouseelves
Things You Shouldn't Do at Christmas by akissincrisis
After the Leaves Have Fallen by tosca1390
The in Betweens (6th Year) by honeydukesheroine
dreams and schemes and circus crowds by transfiguredtoad
Tiny Bubbles by GinFizz
I Don't Need a Perfect Match, I Just Need Somebody by Willowingends
Seeking You by Startanewdream
Surrender by GreenhouseThree
yesterday we were just children playing soldiers by girlmadeofstars
The Protector by zurimadison
When the Morning Comes by NaruKoibito
Quidditch Is For Losers by GinFizz
Invisible String by thegirlwhowrites642
Like Circles on Water by GreenhouseThree
A Lesson Overheard by stonecoldhedwig
Dudley Dursley's Most Unexpectedly Fortunate Flower by aTasteofCaramell
Valentine's Switch by thegirlwhowrites642
I'm not on drugs, I'm just in love by Annerb
It Was Rare, I Was There by Celtics534
All the little pieces by TherestheSnitch
memento by gryffindormischief
Who Is Ginny Weasley Dating? by JohnMcHacker
take what i took and give it back to you by fairytiger
Brumous by SeriouslySam
Orchards by whinlatter
Drunk Prompts Written: 38
Times Prompted to write Ginny/Dobby: 3
Unpublished WIPs started: 5
Events Hosted: 1 - go read severalsunlitdaylights prompts
I had the time of my life with you hinny fandom. Here is to continuing the hinny fandom in 2024.
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turanga4 · 1 year
For @hinnymicrofic Prompt 22: Slow (author reserves right to yeet this version into the sun cuz we're on a deadline here but oh crap, yeah, perhaps more changes...)
May was white space, blinding, like the nightmare version of the light in King’s Cross.  All the colors, all the feelings, all at once, coming at him. An unrelenting brightness burning even through closed eyes.
June was careful breaths, sometimes deep, sometimes panting.  Controlled, when he could. Counting up and counting down.
July was when he started to look up and around him. Gold sunbeams through the apple trees, the warbling of birds. The orchard was hot and quiet—no games, no raucous laughter.  Still a faint smell in the air, something small coming to flower. Summer fruit ripened above them, with little specks on the fallen ones like freckles on her face. 
Ginny, again.  
She was there resting beside him in this world he’d woken up to, her elbows ground like his into the warm, cracking dirt.  There was something different about her, harder—scarred perhaps by separation and the secrets she had kept. Something scabbed over his chest like the lines left by the curse. They weren’t the same people who’d understood each other perfectly.
But in front of him—in front of them—full of promise, lay a terrifying, delicious abundance of time. Harry remembered the day he walked away from her, Dumbledore’s tomb looming white behind them both. “We could’ve had ages,” he’d said, and Ginny had half-smiled at him through her tears—like she’d known, or like she’d hoped.  (She’d always been the one who had more faith than he could manage.)  The moments from before were furtive kisses, half-told stories.  He’d cherished them so desperately, but he’d known they wouldn’t last.  
He hadn’t—he couldn’t have—imagined this July, when the sun hung above them in the orchard like a blessing. Like permission of sorts to start over, do it right.  To truly get to know each other.  
This time, to take it slow.
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nuatthebeach · 9 months
I’ve noticed in your posts you always mention Harry’s endgame is Ginny or no one, but you’ve never mention it the other way around? I’ve always thought those two loved each other equally and they were each other’s endgames in every universe. Do you believe Ginny doesn’t love Harry as much as he loves her? Or that his love isn’t enough for her? I don’t think anyone could love, support, or make Ginny Weasley as happy as Harry Potter could, and I don’t think any man or women could make her feel the way Harry could, and vice versa.
hahah, i do do that a lot, don't i
the following is my opinion, and my opinion only:
to your point, yes, i totally 100% believe that ginny loves harry as much as he loves her. to be explicit, in canon, it is harry or no one for ginny. they have just gone through hell and back for each other that, personally, i just do not see them even considering being with anybody else after the war. the series ended in a way that implied that harry's main priority was going to be centered around building something with ginny, and judging by the fact that ginny never said she was going to wait for him, there's no canon evidence to suggest that she didn't wait in her 6th year (though, obviously, there were more pressing matters at the time.)
to me, it was always inevitable that they would fall back together. they would, of course, have many problems to deal with (harry's communication issues, ginny's fresh grief, harry coming to terms with ginny's very dark circumstances, ginny's sense of self-preservation, amongst so many other things that i think @whinlatter's Beasts does a phenomenal job of tackling, and i can't wait to read more. (those dang eggcups goddamnit 😭.)
now why do i talk more about harry loving ginny than vice versa? frankly because fandom seems adamant on proving just the opposite. and i absolutely refuse to give an inch about it. at risk of pissing everyone off, i'm also more likely to read ginny/other, if not for any other reason than to spite the haters. plus, ginny's love life is so interesting; if you think about it, she really "dated" all tropes of men: the toxic guy (tom riddle, if you count intimacy as not just romantic), the "nice guy" (michael corner), and the guy who's just generally a great person but not the one for ginny (dean thomas). how could you not want to read about it? and it's so beautiful, thinking that after all of that, she finds her way back to harry.
and...(tw) harsh truth alert... 🚨
honestly? truthfully? there just is more canonical evidence of harry caring about ginny. (again, this does NOT mean that i'm saying that harry loves ginny more than ginny loves harry.)
why? because unlike ginny, we can actually see inside harry's head. we know for a fact he thinks of her as his greatest source of comfort from book six. we know for a fact he thinks of her like family since book seven. we know for a fact that she is his last thought before he freakin' dies. we do NOT know for fact that ginny thinks these things because we cannot see inside her head. while ginny's feelings for harry are an interpretation (a heavily evidence-based one for sure, duh, i'd be stupid not to think that), harry's feelings for ginny are just...reality.
it's like arguing evolution vs gravity. one is a theory, and the other is legitimately a law.
though you'll still have people argue that neither are true, and...well. welcome to the harry potter fandom.
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