#white america niggers
voskhozhdeniye · 3 months
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indianfartysummers · 6 months
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Seeing a worthless nigger like Ralph breaks my heart
Your daughters dying.
All said kill a kitten
That’ll teach a teacher a scholar huh white hooker
You may ask yourself, why in the world would any person give the white people the illusion of winning
Look at what that pig thought she was going to get away with
It doesn’t matter if it’s the veterinarian from Snodgrass or that bitch from the video
A lot of animal energy because a lot of white sugar is in America don’t care about animals
I said a lot of white hookers
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Yeah, I understand that a lot of white people have been influenced by my love for animals and I do love animals. Of course, they learned a different side of economy when they realised that when you withhold goods from a person
Right LOL well that’s your struggle right now and moving forward
Because white people will not rain supreme
LOL, just another pathetic example
Brandon tried lol
And we lol we lol ed
Add honey, add baby, you’re almost retarded, Johnson
Ed baby
You’re almost retarded, dumplin
Okay Johnson and Johnson, we will never be friends honey you’re also retarded and clearly you have no forethought
Right right I don’t care about your daddy cock
Baby cock
I don’t care honey, kill yourself okay
It’s not your world, Dumplin
0 notes
seas-storyarchive · 2 months
There are racists in hell, everyone finds that out when something about Alastor is brought to light
There was a knock at the hotel door. charlie answered it first, a big smile on her face.
"Hello! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" She greeted the two men, one of which looked elderly.
"Greetings, Princess. My father and I are considering this redemption thing.. we were hoping for a tour first?"
"Uh, sure, of course." Charlie said with a smile. She turned to the bar, waving someone over. "Um.. Alastor!"
The man's ears turned to her, and then said man got up from his seat, dusting his suit jacket off as he approached.
"Hello, my good sirs. I am Alastor, manager of this hotel! What ever may I-"
"Uh, this nigger again?" The older man asked a little loudly as to cut Alastor off while looking to his son, who nodded with a displeased look, before looking to Charlie, "is there a place without THESE folk about? I don't want him dirtyin' my things."
Charlie was.. genuinely confused. What was he talking about? Everyone in Hell was a different color! She glanced at Alastor from the corner of her eye, seeing him frozen.
"Hey! What'chu say about my buddy?" Angel had come over, looking pissed off, with an equally pissed off Cherri and concerned Niffty. The most latter of whom crawled up Alastor's pant leg and then his arm to rest on his shoulder to pat his hair to soothe him.
The younger man spoke up, "we don't deal with those," he points to Alastor, who was uncharacteristically still, "types. Filthy, dark skinned, son of a gilly whore-!"
Angel showed a machine gun in his face, resting just below his lower lip, held by his lower arms as his upper arms were cleaning his ears. "What was that? I couldn't hear you. Speak. Up."
The man backed away. "You know what, never fuckin' mind. Come on, dad. Let's go somewhere with civilized folk."
As the door shut, Charlie turned to look at the group again.
"What was all of that about?"
"What'chu you sinners know about racism?" Cherri asked, slipping her unlit bombs into her pocket.
"Not much, honestly." Charlie said, looking to Husk at the bar who was pouring a drink, and then to Vaggie and her dad - former of whom shrugged while the latter said nothing.
"Well, racism is based on those who were like me and Cherri, born Caucasian, or white if you prefer, being mean and prejudice against people of other colors, like Al here-"
"And me." Niffty said, hugging Alastor's head because the man was still a statue. "I was born to a mother from China and a father from America. Not a single person would give me the time of day, it was horrible."
"Did- did they beat you?"
The 'no' from Niffty nearly drowned out the soft 'yes' of Alastor.
"Who did it, sir? Point'em out!" Niffty said, producing a needle from the pocket of her dress as she looked at her boss.
Alastor gave a shaky beathe in response, trying not to cry, when the radio dial of the radio at the bar moved rapidly as the previously turned off object came to life.
"I looked like my Maman, my mother, when I was alive." Said the radio, in Alastor's voice.
"I still don't understand." Charlie said, as Vaggie and Lucifer both decided that by Charlie was best to get away from the radio.
"Charlie, I told you that humanity fucked up the free will I gave them-"
"Fucked up indeed, monsieur charlatan." The radio responded bitterly. "My maman got tha worst ah father's beatin's. We hardla' had sud ta get new clothes ahcause father spent it on drinkin'."
"You said you looked like your mother, I assume your father was-"
"White, Vagatha, yes." The radio sighed, heavily, sadly. "Maman felt so guilty tha I came out lookin' like her, cause she couldn' pass me off as'a white chil'. Father hated me fer that more than Maman hated herself.."
When it stopped talked, there was a pause, and the radio started crying - but not as the radio demon, as a child.
"Daddy! Stop it!" Said the tearful voice of the child, as there were sounds of someone being struck.
"Alastor, bebe, I'm okay." Said the laboured voice of a woman. "Charles, leave 'im alone!"
"Oh, so you think your tough, huh boy?" There was the sudden sound of someone being stuck again, going to the floor with a grunt. "Huh? Do you?" There were more grunts.
"Charles, stop! Stop-!"
"Enough!" Lucifer had summoned a giant champagne bottle and spilled it on Alastor, making the already crazy going radio that was starting to smoke and flash like an emergency light go all static-like and then explode.
"Oof!" Niffty fell off of Alastor's shoulder as he landed on his ass.
His eyes were blinking rapidly, from the champagne or the tears, no one knew.
"Smiles.." Angel took a step forwards first, something in him feeling awful.
Alastor's wide eyes snapped up to Angel, his ears up in alert and alarm, before they went to the gun in Angel's hands. "Oh, uh.." he dropped the gun. "Look, Smiles.. none of us knew that-"
"I.. I know.." came the soft, tear filled, shaky voice of the man who kept his eyes on Angel as Niffty began to rapidly wipe off his face of any liquids on it.
Charlie, still not understanding, looked around. Angel, Cherri and Niffy were looking at Alastor in loss. Husk seemed like he was enjoying this, his ever so slight smirk as he sucked down a tall bottle wasn't missed by Charlie - or Vaggie who looked so mad at a thing she didn't understand either and had settled on a target. Then she looke to her dad, wbo looked so guilty, close to crying, glaring at his feet.
"I'm so sorry.." the man said, his voice as small as his stature.
Alastor said nothing back, too.. something to even leave, even as his shadow moved around him to hug him. Just to curl in a ball. Too lost in a time where he was beaten and judged and everything was bad that the present was non-existent for the time being.
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kemetic-dreams · 11 months
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How Italians Became ‘White’
Congress envisioned a white, Protestant and culturally homogeneous America when it declared in 1790 that only “free white persons, who have, or shall migrate into the United States” were eligible to become naturalized citizens. The calculus of racism underwent swift revision when waves of culturally diverse immigrants from the far corners of Europe changed the face of the country.
As the historian Matthew Frye Jacobson shows in his immigrant history “Whiteness of a Different Color,” the surge of newcomers engendered a national panic and led Americans to adopt a more restrictive, politicized view of how whiteness was to be allocated. Journalists, politicians, social scientists and immigration officials embraced the habit, separating ostensibly white Europeans into “races.” Some were designated “whiter” — and more worthy of citizenship — than others, while some were ranked as too close to blackness to be socially redeemable. The story of how Italian immigrants went from racialized pariah status in the 19th century to white Americans in good standing in the 20th offers a window onto the alchemy through which race is constructed in the United States, and how racial hierarchies can sometimes change.
Darker skinned southern Italians endured the penalties of blackness on both sides of the Atlantic. In Italy, Northerners had long held that Southerners — particularly Sicilians — were an “uncivilized” and racially inferior people, too obviously African to be part of Europe.
Racist dogma about Southern Italians found fertile soil in the United States. As the historian Jennifer Guglielmo writes, the newcomers encountered waves of books, magazines and newspapers that “bombarded Americans with images of Italians as racially suspect.” They were sometimes shut out of schools, movie houses and labor unions, or consigned to church pews set aside for black people. They were described in the press as “swarthy,” “kinky haired” members of a criminal race and derided in the streets with epithets like “dago,” “guinea” — a term of derision applied to enslaved Africans and their descendants — and more familiarly racist insults like “white nigger” and “nigger wop.”
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The penalties of blackness went well beyond name-calling in the apartheid South. Italians who had come to the country as “free white persons” were often marked as black because they accepted “black” jobs in the Louisiana sugar fields or because they chose to live among African-Americans. This left them vulnerable to marauding mobs like the ones that hanged, shot, dismembered or burned alive thousands of black men, women and children across the South.
The federal holiday honoring the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus — celebrated on Monday — was central to the process through which Italian-Americans were fully ratified as white during the 20th century. The rationale for the holiday was steeped in myth, and allowed Italian-Americans to write a laudatory portrait of themselves into the civic record.
Few who march in Columbus Day parades or recount the tale of Columbus’s voyage from Europe to the New World are aware of how the holiday came about or that President Benjamin Harrison proclaimed it as a one-time national celebration in 1892 — in the wake of a bloody New Orleans lynching that took the lives of 11 Italian immigrants. The proclamation was part of a broader attempt to quiet outrage among Italian-Americans, and a diplomatic blowup over the murders that brought Italy and the United States to the brink of war.
Historians have recently showed that America’s dishonorable response to this barbaric event was partly conditioned by racist stereotypes about Italians promulgated in Northern newspapers like The Times. A striking analysis by Charles Seguin, a sociologist at Pennsylvania State University, and Sabrina Nardin, a doctoral student at the University of Arizona, shows that the protests lodged by the Italian government inspired something that had failed to coalesce around the brave African-American newspaper editor and anti-lynching campaigner Ida B. Wells — a broad anti-lynching effort.
A Black ‘Brute’ Lynched
The lynchings of Italians came at a time when newspapers in the South had established the gory convention of advertising the far more numerous public murders of African-Americans in advance — to attract large crowds — and justifying the killings by labeling the victims “brutes,” “fiends,” “ravishers,” “born criminals” or “troublesome Negroes.” Even high-minded news organizations that claimed to abhor the practice legitimized lynching by trafficking in racist stereotypes about its victims.
As Mr. Seguin recently showed, many Northern newspapers were “just as complicit” in justifying mob violence as their Southern counterparts. For its part, The Times made repeated use of the headline “A Brutal Negro Lynched,” presuming the victims’ guilt and branding them as congenital criminals. Lynchings of black men in the South were often based on fabricated accusations of sexual assault. As the Equal Justice Initiative explained in its 2015 report on lynching in America, a rape charge could occur in the absence of an actual victim and might arise from minor violations of the social code — like complimenting a white woman on her appearance or even bumping into her on the street.
The Times was not owned by the family that controls it today when it dismissed Ida B. Wells as a “slanderous and nasty-minded mulattress” for rightly describing rape allegations as “a thread bare lie” that Southerners used against black men who had consensual sexual relationships with white women. Nevertheless, as a Times editorialist of nearly 30 years standing — and a student of the institution’s history — I am outraged and appalled by the nakedly racist treatment my 19th-century predecessors displayed in writing about African-Americans and Italian immigrants.
When Wells took her anti-lynching campaign to England in the 1890s, Times editors rebuked her for representing “black brutes” abroad in an editorial that joked about what they described as “the practice of roasting Negro ravishers alive and boring out their eyes with red-hot pokers.” The editorial slandered African-Americans generally, referring to rape as “a crime to which Negroes are particularly prone.” The Times editors may have lodged objections to lynching — but they did so in a rhetoric firmly rooted in white supremacy.
‘Assassins by Nature’
Italian immigrants were welcomed into Louisiana after the Civil War, when the planter class was in desperate need of cheap labor to replace newly emancipated black people, who were leaving backbreaking jobs in the fields for more gainful employment.
These Italians seemed at first to be the answer to both the labor shortage and the increasingly pressing quest for settlers who would support white domination in the emerging Jim Crow state. Louisiana’s romance with Italian labor began to sour when the new immigrants balked at low wages and dismal working conditions.
The newcomers also chose to live together in Italian neighborhoods, where they spoke their native tongue, preserved Italian customs and developed successful businesses that catered to African-Americans, with whom they fraternized and intermarried. In time, this proximity to blackness would lead white Southerners to view Sicilians, in particular, as not fully white and to see them as eligible for persecution — including lynching — that had customarily been imposed on African-Americans.
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Nevertheless, as the historian Jessica Barbata Jackson showed recently in the journal Louisiana History, Italian newcomers were still well thought of in New Orleans in the 1870s when negative stereotypes were being established in the Northern press.
The Times, for instance, described them as bandits and members of the criminal classes who were “wretchedly poor and unskilled,” “starving and wholly destitute.” The stereotype about inborn criminality is plainly evident in an 1874 story about Italian immigrants seeking vaccinations that refers to one immigrant as a “burly fellow, whose appearance was like that of the traditional brigand of the Abruzzi.”
A Times story in 1880 described immigrants, including Italians, as “links in a descending chain of evolution.” These characterizations reached a defamatory crescendo in an 1882 editorial that appeared under the headline “Our Future Citizens.” The editors wrote:
“There has never been since New York was founded so low and ignorant a class among the immigrants who poured in here as the Southern Italians who have been crowding our docks during the past year.”
The editors reserved their worst invective for Italian immigrant children, whom they described as “utterly unfit — ragged, filthy, and verminous as they were — to be placed in the public primary schools among the decent children of American mechanics.”
The racist myth that African-Americans and Sicilians were both innately criminal drove an 1887 Times story about a lynching victim in Mississippi whose name was given as “Dago Joe” — “dago” being a slur directed at Italian and Spanish-speaking immigrants. The victim was described as a “half breed” who “was the son of a Sicilian father and a mulatto mother, and had the worst characteristics of both races in his makeup. He was cunning, treacherous and cruel, and was regarded in the community where he lived as an assassin by nature.”
Sicilians as ‘Rattlesnakes’
The carnage in New Orleans was set in motion in the fall of 1890, when the city’s popular police chief, David Hennessy, was assassinated on his way home one evening. Hennessy had no shortage of enemies. The historian John V. Baiamonte Jr. writes that he had once been tried for murder in connection with the killing of a professional rival. He is also said to have been involved in a feud between two Italian businessmen. On the strength of a clearly suspect witness who claimed to hear Mr. Hennessy say that “dagoes” had shot him, the city charged 19 Italians with complicity in the chief’s murder.
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The monument to David Hennessy rises above nearly all the other tombs in Metairie Cemetery in New Orleans.William Widmer for The New York Times
That the evidence was distressingly weak was evident from the verdicts that were swiftly handed down: Of the first nine to be tried, six were acquitted; three others were granted mistrials. The leaders of the mob that then went after them advertised their plans in advance, knowing full well that the city’s elites — who coveted the businesses the Italians had built or hated the Italians for fraternizing with African-Americans — would never seek justice for the dead. After the lynching, a grand jury investigation pronounced the killings praiseworthy, turning that inquiry into what the historian Barbara Botein describes as “possibly one of the greatest whitewashes in American history.”
The blood of the New Orleans victims was scarcely dry when The Times published a cheerleading news story — “Chief Hennessy Avenged: Eleven of his Italian Assassins Lynched by a Mob” — that reveled in the bloody details. It reported that the mob had consisted “mostly of the best element” of New Orleans society. The following day, a scabrous Times editorial justified the lynching — and dehumanized the dead, with by-now-familiar racist stereotypes.
“These sneaking and cowardly Sicilians,” the editors wrote, “the descendants of bandits and assassins, who have transported to this country the lawless passions, the cutthroat practices … are to us a pest without mitigations. Our own rattlesnakes are as good citizens as they. Our own murderers are men of feeling and nobility compared to them.” The editors concluded of the lynching that it would be difficult to find “one individual who would confess that privately he deplores it very much.”
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Lynchers in 1891 storming the New Orleans city jail, where they killed 11 Italian-Americans accused in the fatal shooting of Chief Hennessy.Italian Tribune
President Harrison would have ignored the New Orleans carnage had the victims been black. But the Italian government made that impossible. It broke off diplomatic relations and demanded an indemnity that the Harrison administration paid. Harrison even called on Congress in his 1891 State of the Union to protect foreign nationals — though not black Americans — from mob violence.
Harrison’s Columbus Day proclamation in 1892 opened the door for Italian-Americans to write themselves into the American origin story, in a fashion that piled myth upon myth. As the historian Danielle Battisti shows in “Whom We Shall Welcome,” they rewrote history by casting Columbus as “the first immigrant” — even though he never set foot in North America and never immigrated anywhere (except possibly to Spain), and even though the United States did not exist as a nation during his 15th-century voyage. The mythologizing, carried out over many decades, granted Italian-Americans “a formative role in the nation-building narrative.” It also tied Italian-Americans closely to the paternalistic assertion, still heard today, that Columbus “discovered” a continent that was already inhabited by Native Americans.
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The “Monument to the Immigrant,” commissioned by the Italian American Marching Club of New Orleans, stands along the Mississippi River in Woldenberg Park.William Widmer for The New York Times
But in the late 19th century, the full-blown Columbus myth was yet to come. The New Orleans lynching solidified a defamatory view of Italians generally, and Sicilians in particular, as irredeemable criminals who represented a danger to the nation. The influential anti-immigrant racist Representative Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, soon to join the United States Senate, quickly appropriated the event. He argued that a lack of confidence in juries, not mob violence, had been the real problem in New Orleans. “Lawlessness and lynching are evil things,” he wrote, “but a popular belief that juries cannot be trusted is even worse.”
Facts aside, Lodge argued, beliefs about immigrants were in themselves sufficient to warrant higher barriers to immigration. Congress ratified that notion during the 1920s, curtailing Italian immigration on racial grounds, even though Italians were legally white, with all of the rights whiteness entailed.
The Italian-Americans who labored in the campaign that overturned racist immigration restrictions in 1965 used the romantic fictions built up around Columbus to political advantage. This shows yet again how racial categories that people mistakenly view as matters of biology grow out of highly politicized myth making.
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bandiera--rossa · 1 year
"Well, a very peculiar thing has happened. Historically you got what Malcolm X calls the field nigger and the house nigger. The house nigger had privileges, a little more. He got the worn-out clothes of the master and he didn’t have to work as hard as the field black. He came to respect the master to such an extent until he identified with the master because he got a few of the leftovers that the field blacks did not get. And through this identity with him, he saw the slavemaster’s interest being his interest. Sometimes he would even protect the slavemaster more than the slavemaster would protect himself. Malcolm makes the point that if the master’s house happened to catch on fire the house Negro will work harder than the master to put the fire out and save the master’s house. While the field Negro, the field blacks was praying that house burned down. The house black identified with the master so much when the master would get sick the house Negro would say, “Master, we’s sick!”
The Black Panther Party are the field blacks, we’re hoping the master dies if he gets sick. The Black bourgeoisie seem to be acting in the role of the house Negro. They are pro-administration. They would like a few concessions made, but as far as the overall setup, they have a little more material goods, a little more advantage, a few more privileges than the black have-nots; the lower class. And so they identify with the power structure and they see their interests as the power structure’s interest. In fact, it’s against their interest.
The Black Panther Party was forced to draw a line of demarcation. We are for all of those who are for the promotion of the interests of the black have-nots, which represents about 98% of blacks here in America. We’re not controlled by the white mother country radicals nor are we controlled by the black bourgeois. We have a mind of our own and if the black bourgeoisie cannot align itself with our complete program, then the black bourgeoisie sets itself up as or enemy. And they will be attacked and treated as such".
Huey P. Newton’s interview with The Movement (1968).
Photo: Kenneth P. Green
Huey P. Newton at Black Panther Party Rally in Richmond - 1966
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realjaysumlin · 3 months
White identity in America is ideology, not biology. The history of 'whiteness' proves it.
The only way to end racism is to end whiteness because this is something that they made up and used to justify the so-called white people as free people who were slaves themselves, just under the name of indentured servitude.
It is annoying to hear Black Indigenous People say that they are a minority without realizing that a minority to what? Religion or politics? Other than that, why would anyone who considers themselves as a Black Indigenous person even accept that?
Black Indigenous People globally have always been free people before colonization and slavery took place. Again I hear the foolish beliefs of Black Indigenous People calling themselves that their history is surrounded by slavery.
For those who think that need to research the human migration out of Africa and to see all of the fossil records of the Black Indigenous People globally and this should change your view.
I said this before that I admire my Black African sisters and brothers in South Africa who never call themselves kaffer but I hear Black Americans calling themselves niggers all of the time or something resembling negro which is just Spanish for Black and I don't hear the opposite of Black in Spanish which is Blanco which means white.
Black Indigenous People globally will never be free and independent people until we stop following the narrative of what someone else says about who we are because free and independent people define themselves.
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ausetkmt · 9 months
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Protest observer (Walter Gadsden, 17) in Birmingham, Alabama, USA, on 3 May 1963, being attacked by police dogs during a civil rights protest.
On July 11, 2017, a video circulated throughout social media depicting the San Diego police deploying a canine against an unarmed suspect. Posted by a bystander named Angel Nunez, it revealed a large police dog lacerating a Black man’s arm while he was handcuffed and subdued on the pavement. The officers appeared to lose control of the animal, while the man screamed in agony as the dog ripped his flesh. Since the video did not reveal the events leading up to the attack, some viewers suspected the man surely antagonized the animal. Shortly after the original post, however, Nunez provided a second video depicting the preceding events. It revealed no premise for the dog’s attack. The suspect appeared to simply hold his arms in a defensive posture as the dog lunged and tackled him to the pavement.
The image triggered various reactions throughout social media. Though skeptics attempted to explain the procedure, and deny its racial overtones, many believed it manifested yet another example of police brutality. Though police shootings and violent beatings typically dominate mainstream perceptions of police violence, the use of canines to subdue people of color has a deeply racist history that not only engulfs the United States, but much of the western hemisphere.
Scholars note that European colonists brought dogs to the Americas and used them as tools for intimidation and violence against indigenous populations, but the deliberately racialized breeding of canines occurred during the expansion of Black chattel slavery. As slave rebellions erupted throughout the western hemisphere in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a breed called the “Cuban bloodhound” was diffused throughout the slaveholding colonies. Named for the island from which they hailed, they were physically imposing and extremely aggressive. Used in Cuba to confine slaves to the plantations, they were eventually exported to quell Black revolts. The British used them against the Jamaican Maroons in the late eighteenth century and the French engaged their services during the Haitian Revolution in the early nineteenth century.
A few decades later, the US government was engrossed in a lengthy conflict with the Black Seminole Indians in Florida, and military officials followed the French and British examples by importing Cuban bloodhounds to help crush the revolt. Following this event, entrepreneurial white southerners interbred the dogs with local breeds, birthing the occupation of professional slave hunting in the antebellum South.1Cuban Mastiff
The targeting of enslaved men and women was so pervasive that Black authors called them “Negro Dogs,” as the fugitive comprised the most lucrative target for the dogs’ owners. These animals held a prominent legacy in the testimonies of former slaves, as their oral histories recollected stories of pursuit, evasion, and, oftentimes violent, capture. The assault on Black people was so widespread that a reader gains a sense of its normalcy in the literature. According to one former slave from Mississippi, “Some folks treated the slaves mighty bad, put nigger dogs on ‘em” Far from a haphazard practice, the business of hunting Black bodies was ritualized throughout the South.
Emancipation brought little relief. The legal subversion of Black Americans continued after the Civil War and the backbreaking requirements of southern agricultural labor during the Jim Crow period largely mirrored its antebellum predecessor. One 1903 headline entitled, “Slavery in Alabama,” accused southern sharecroppers of developing a system of neo-slavery by preying upon impoverished African Americans who remained in perpetual debt: “Planters in want of labor…paid the fines and took the negroes into slavery, ostensibly to ‘work out’ their fines.”2 Such economic exploitation perpetuated debt bondage that mirrored antebellum slavery, and the report detailed how the workers were treated with “great severity” and received whippings for disobedience. Upon any attempt to abscond from the plantation “they were hunted down in the old slavery day’s fashion with bloodhounds.”3
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Being “hunted down” with bloodhounds became a familiar experience for Black fugitives, but canine violence was also used to dismantle peaceful protests in the 1960s. Though the “Dogs of Birmingham” often dominate images of violence during the Civil Rights era, the practice spanned much of the Deep South. In 1963, the New York Times reported that police in Greenwood, Mississippi, a city notorious for its violence against Civil Rights workers, used canines to perpetuate anti-Black oppression. James Farmer, national director of the Congress of Racial Equality, condemned the attack of a Black minister by police dogs, declaring, “When that dog’s fangs sank to the ankle of the young minister…they also sank into the hearts of the Negroes of Greenwood.”4 By the time of the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965, canine units had threatened and intimidated Black protestors throughout the South.“The author caught by the bloodhounds.” Illustration from Narrative William W. Brown: An American Slave
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Despite the public’s outcry against southern police tactics, the violent images of dogs attacking Black victims did little to curb the persistence of this practice throughout the United States. Though police departments assumed that “many lessons were learned since Birmingham,” largely through better training approaches for handlers and their canines, modern statistics remain quite troubling when viewed through a racial context.
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is one of the worst repeat offenders. Throughout the 1980s, African Americans leveled complaints that officers jokingly called Black suspects “dog biscuits” as they deployed canines against them. The issue came to a head during the 1991 class action suit Lawson v. Gates, which spotlighted the LAPD’s unlawful use of canines as vehicles of terror and intimidation against minority communities.
Evidence was especially damning, and the plaintiff’s attorneys were able to prove the LAPD deployed dogs principally in African-American and Latino communities, even though “crimes for which dogs are used occur at equal if not greater rates in communities with substantially higher Caucasian populations.”
The case was settled with a monetary payment to 54 plaintiffs, and that the LAPD would institute reform measures for how officers deployed canines. Law enforcement agencies in Los Angeles would later celebrate these reforms throughout the 1990s, claiming bite ratios were markedly down from previous years. However, recent data from the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (LASD) provides a vastly different picture.
A recent study from the LASD revealed that canine bites in the Los Angeles area were leveled solely against people of color for the first six months of 2013, and the bite ratios against Blacks and Latinos remain disproportionately high. But these contemporary problems do not lie solely in southern California. Following the killing of Michael Brown in 2014, the Department of Justice (DOJ) uncovered that police units in Ferguson, Missouri, persistently used dogs to attack Black suspects, including teenagers. Ultimately, the DOJ report concluded that Ferguson police “appear to use canines not to counter a physical threat but to inflict punishment.”
Including animals in the histories of racial violence, in both colonial histories and the African American experience, contextualizes how conceptions of race are made, consolidated, and reimagined by human populations. We must realize that enactments of police brutality are not solely human-to-human phenomena, but such state-sanctioned patterns of violence are deeply rooted in American history.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 6 months
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When I Was Your Age
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
I don’t mean to be sesquipedalian. However, I do relish the use of vulgar, four-letter words. That's my writing style. Don’t like it? Go somewhere else. Don’t let me waste your time. Okay? No! I aint no keyboard warrior, I am a pen and paper iconoclast. Okay? Okay! Now let’s go to the subject at hand.
We have tepid biases, then we have severe biases. Both are an anathema to the traditional liberals, or so-called “Woke.” You know? Racism, sexism, ablism, agism and many others. Then you have acceptable biases like “Generation gap.” Also, there are geographical biases, astrological biases, and other silly ones, like music criticism, sports bias, etc. Does this sound familiar: “People born under the sign of Pisces are assholes! Most of them live in Florida! What a shitty state that is! Not only do they have criminals, but they have lousy sports teams!” It all sounds hateful and hypercritical, but it is acceptable in society. Just like political bias: “It’s alright to call someone a communist, but you can’t call them a nigger!”
The paleo-conservatives are much too cowardly to use racial epithets, so they use innocuous, acceptable biases like “geographical bias” to cover up their racial hatred and disdain for their political adversaries. Instead of saying, “A city full of niggers that is run by a Democratic city council,” they say, “Chicago.”  Now that the conservative movement is being taken over by the White Nationalist movement, they’re even more at ease using racist terminology.
Today, I want to tackle the subject of the Generation Gap. Every race, creed, or color has had this problem. It is an innocuous bias that has been around since 399 B.C., the days of the ancient Greek philosophers. Quote: “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”― Socrates 399 B.C. End Quote. This didn’t just start with the Baby Boomers and their parents in the 60’s.
Every generation has its critics. Why do older people do this? Before I answer that question, let me point out that every individual has their own unique personality. Talking about generational issues, you tend to generalize. People who generalize are too stupid and indolent to elaborate. That is why most racists are stupid. So, why do most older people look down on the younger generation? Because they wish they were young enough to repair their misspent youth. Plus, they resent the better life their children have. Tag it “jealousy!”
Now, what I just said is a gross generalization. That may be true for some, but not all. There are parents who love their children, and those children reciprocate that love.  So, who is “anti-youth?” Mostly, this sentiment comes from the political Right in America! They want all males to be masculine warriors who will protect the ruling class, and all women to be birthing wives to increase the White population. Don’t believe me? Tough shit! Just read the history of any Fascist nation; it’s all the same.
The U.S. political Right wants every male in this country to be a self-reliant, rugged individual. Conservative news website and media company, “The Daily Wire,” makes lots of money from attacking the so-called Left. One of its commentators, Matt Walsh, wears a Fidel Castro beard and is a Millennial who attacks Generation Z. He cited a psychological study that found Gen Z-ers are suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. Matt, being the dumbass he is, did not sympathize with them, stating “they are just spoiled kids.” I get the feeling he never reads any pamphlets published by the Roman Catholic Church. He also stated that he has never experienced a panic attack, so therefore, there is no such thing. Any individual who has this mind set might suffer from psychopathological Narcissism. He has no ability to empathize. I pity his children and his wife.
I am a 69 year-old, Jewish male. Beginning at 11, I grew up having panic attacks. It was embarrassing and frequently occurred in public. These attacks came out of nowhere, not unlike an Epileptic seizure. I got them not because I had Liberal, hippie parents who were lenient with me; As I learned through psychotherapy many years later, it was because my neurons weren’t firing correctly and I had a bio-chemical imbalance in my brain. Matt Walsh thinks with his balls, not his brain.
A major upshot of this modern world is that religion is dying, and science is advancing. So, we must endure schmucks like Walsh until natural causes take hold.
Just remember, the world is getting better and better!
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gabrielslovenia · 10 months
Fuck off nigger
You told me "fuck off nigger"? Listen to me, you, white trash, I reblogged two posts (not yours)…I don't know what rock you crawled out from under, but female creatures like you should be sterilized. And finally…nigger is a vulgar term for Afro-Americans. I am AFRICAN, born and raised in Europe. "America first"? Screw you, white trash.
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voskhozhdeniye · 1 month
You know what, I got time today.
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They just don't fucking get it. What's the old saying, if you're sitting at a table and 9 people announce that they're Nazis, and you don't get up and leave, then there are 10 Nazis at the table. Joe Biden funding this every step of the way isn't just him having a teenage "in with the wrong crowd" moment.
No, this is who he is, and their continued attempts to coddle him and the Democrats like children who just accidentally funded and aided a genocide is infuriating and disingenuous at this point.
The past 10 years, since Ferguson for me personally, has been America showing you exactly what it is, and what it stands for. This continued focus on Trump and Republicans being the black hole that's going to destroy the country, and not another symptom of the overall rot that's overtaking the empire is laughable.
This is an abusive relationship. In DM's I've been referring to the election as choosing the best slave master.
I don't like master Trump because he beats me, but you're still not free under Biden. Just because he's "nicer"doesn't mean you're free.
At this point, I think most people truly understand this.
They just vote blue as a coping mechanism.
I will say it once again. White liberals HATE Trump because he makes them feel like niggers in America. Those laws you thought protected you, nope, not anymore. Those freedoms you thought you had, nope, not anymore. But here's the thing, that happened under Biden too.
I said on here in 2020 that if Biden won the election, most of the white liberals at the George Floyd protests would evaporate immediately. Why, because they only see Trump and the Republicans as a problem.
They had no problem electing their racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, warmongering president. As long as it's their guy being those things it's okay!
This willful ignorance will be the death of this country.
I want to go back and reblog every post from 2020 pointing out every issue people of color, queer and especially trans women had with Biden and Harris. Shame on y'all for acting surprised now.
They're projecting the horrors Trump might bring while actively ignoring the horrors Biden is currently enabling.
They cannot deal with the cognitive dissonance of the fact that the horrors overlap.
That tweet, Israel was already all of those things before last October.
Now your country supporting it affects you.
There is no fracture in the Democratic party. They are simply ignoring the will of the voters. Isn't that what y'all are so afraid Trump will do?
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a-tale-never-told · 8 months
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Warning!! Some hate speech ahead!
Mr Simmons: Alright, Everyone turned their pages to 53?
Students: YES SIR!
Mr Simmons: Hinata?
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Y-Yes sir I got it.
Mr Simmons: Good, let me read you the page and then you're going to write about this topic in particular. Then we get to the essays you folks wrote down for homework.
Mr. Simmons: " starts to read the page" The"Civil Rights Movement" or whatever the hell that was, was a gang of thieves, crooks, and murderers that operated in the United States from May 17th, 1954 to August 1st, 1968, more specifically, the American South.
Mr Simmons: These scum had ravaged the South with their calls for rights and use of major violence and disobedience against their rightful laws and place to be in. Lead by depraved monsters such as the demon in white, Martin Luther King Jr! and the Whore Rosa Parks! the Dick licker Malcolm X! And who could forget one of our white brothers supported them. I'm talking about the Nigger lover Robert F Kennedy!
Mr. Simmons: These criminals wanted to destroy order, justice, law, and security in the South and they got what they wanted. Because of them, every street in America has Negroes talking with whites, even some of them dating. Intolerable!
Mr Simmons: Luckily our land has stayed tried and true to old beliefs and has not fallen to a Negro rebellion. And it will remain that way because look what happened in America! What's to say that they won't kill us? To massacre and Hang our brothers by the neck? In short, the men who joined the civil rights movement are a bunch of rapists, thieves, cowards, and savages. And that goes for the same to any Black that rises up here, Is that clear?!
Students: YES SIR!
Mr Simmons: What about you, Hinata.
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"reluctantly" Y'-yes sir.
Mr Simmons: Good, Now I want you all to write the things from the page into your notes. I will be grading every one of you to see how much you remember. Get to work, all of you!.
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odinsblog · 2 years
Our country’s national crime is lynching. It is not the creature of an hour, the sudden outburst of uncontrolled fury, or the unspeakable brutality of an insane mob. It represents the cool, calculating deliberation of intelligent people who openly avow that there is an “unwritten law” that justifies them in putting human beings to death without complaint under oath, without trial by jury, without opportunity to make defense, and without right of appeal.
The alleged menace of universal suffrage having been avoided by the absolute suppression of the negro vote, the spirit of mob murder should have been satisfied and the butchery of negroes should have ceased. But men, women, and children were the victims of murder by individuals and murder by mobs, just as they had been when killed at the demands of the “unwritten law” to prevent “negro domination.” Negroes were killed for disputing over terms of contracts with their employers. If a few barns were burned some colored man was killed to stop it. If a colored man resented the imposition of a white man and the two came to blows, the colored man had to die, either at the hands of the white man then and there or later at the hands of a mob that speedily gathered. If he showed a spirit of courageous manhood he was hanged for his pains, and the killing was justified by the declaration that he was a “saucy nigger.” Colored women have been murdered because they refused to tell the mobs where relatives could be found for “lynching bees.” Boys of fourteen years have been lynched by white representatives of American civilization. In fact, for all kinds of offenses–and, for no offenses–from murders to misdemeanors, men and women are put to death without judge or jury; so that, although the political excuse was no longer necessary, the wholesale murder of human beings went on just the same. A new name was given to the killings and a new excuse was invented for so doing.
Again the aid of the “unwritten law” is invoked, and again it comes to the rescue.
— IDA B. WELLS, Lynch Law in America, January 1900
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gabrielslozan · 10 months
You told me "fuck off nigger"? Listen to me, you, white trash, I reblogged two posts (not yours)… I don't know what rock you crawled out from under, but female creatures like you should be sterilized. And finally…nigger is a vulgar term for Afro-Americans. I am AFRICAN, born and raised in Europe. "America first"? Screw you, white trash.
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papirouge · 1 year
I feel so validated now after reading what a gross scrote that tradmidwesternman is. I briefly saw his account and blocked it a long time ago but reading that stuff he has “kick all these niggers out [but keep the white western europeans coming in] and make sure all these white girls are having many babies 🤪” while also being a ddlg degenerate wow
Also he really said “us whites treat women better than jews and other races” then went “I don’t help women ever at work.” And “we must shame women again to keep them in line” and “women are useless vaginas”
My toxic trait is that I don't regret bullying him into blocking me 🥴 lmao I replied to his stupid post coping about Jesus Jewishness but I think he blocked me when I tagged him in a PSA from a tradfem blog warning off against scrotes LARPing as tradmen lmaoooo
Yeah, he's one of those delulu American White supremacist evangelist who thinks Blacks should be kicked out of the USA bc they are from Africa but will never remotely think that their "back to sender" logic would also apply to them, and that they too should pick their stuff up and go back to Europe and make space for the real Americans = Natives. They'll try to cope about they "but the White man built America" yeah Joshua.... over BLACK SLAVES labor and exploitation. So Black American have as much of a reason to remain there.
It's crazy to see them fearmongering about the Great Replacement when the Great Replacement already happened....and that's what made the United States of America 🥴 Those scrotes are soooo delusional and stupid. For people thinking they have big IQ bc of Muh bIg bRaiNed cAucASians they for sure have a hard time to show it 🥴
tradmidwesterman once said he wanted to marry a woman from 'accross the pond' so I guess he's too much of a weirdo to attract (even the most desperate) tradfem in town. Since he's against interracial marriage (incels are often against interracial marriage bc women opening their dating pool to a bigger pond = more concurrence, which makes it harder for them to latch on them lmao. Incels are EXTREMELY insecure) so I guess he's one of those weirdos willing ordering Eastern mail-order brides 💀
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black-paraphernalia · 2 years
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This will be a 5 part post to give details of the above statements also the underline links are left so you can click for more of the back story and informational history.
I will post only a synopsis of the information given to the 5 points of truth listed in the introduction, for this is not my story to tell, I am only sharing a bit of truth.
The full story is for the five truths click below the synopsis 
2. Terrorism, even if we refuse to acknowledge it
The largest terrorist attack in Oklahoma was not at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. It was down the road in Tulsa in 1921.
The Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was unique. In the early 20th century, it was referred to as “Black Wall Street” and was home to Black and Native Americans who had become wealthy from oil discoveries.
Wealth, however, did not mean equality. White residents were disturbed by the growing black wealth and sought to impose official segregation measures.
In 1914, Tulsa passed a law that forbade anyone from living on a block where more than three quarters of the preexisting residents were of another race.
In isolation, Greenwood thrived. Its main strip boasted attorneys’ offices, auto shops, cafes, a movie theater, funeral homes, pool halls, beauty salons, grocery stores, furriers, and confectioneries.
The resentment among whites against this community was a powder keg awaiting a spark. That spark came with a sexual assault allegation against a Black teenager named Dick Rowland. What happened in the elevator of the Drexel Building on May 30, 1921, is unclear.
A game of telephone, the story became more inflammatory with each retelling, and spread rapidly,” writes Dexter Mullins. A Black man took his life into his hands if there was even the suggestion of interest in or offense against a white woman.
When Rowland was captured, some Black World War I veterans from Greenwood armed themselves in front of the courthouse to prevent a lynching.  In front of the courthouse, a group of white men approached the Black men from Greenwood. “Nigger, what are you going to do with that pistol?” one of the white men asked. “I’m going to use it if I need to,” was the reply. The white man grabbed for the gun, and a gunshot rang out. It’s unclear whether it was accidental, a warning shot, or an attempt to injure or kill. In any case, all hell broke loose.
The Tulsa Massacre destroyed more than 35 blocks of the city, along with more than 1,200 homes and left some 300 people dead, mostly Black. Ten thousand people were left homeless. Yet this act of domestic terrorism is rarely mentioned or taught in schools. What we choose to remember speaks volumes.
FIVE TRUTHS ABOUT BLACK HISTORY If we want to understand the state of race in America, we need to know our past — particularly the painful parts. by
Jeffery Robinson, ACLU Deputy Legal Director and Director of the Trone Center for Justice and Equality
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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Sundown Towns
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From Maine to California, thousands of communities kept out African Americans (or sometimes Chinese Americans, Jewish Americans, etc.) by force, law, or custom. These communities are sometimes called “sundown towns” because some of them posted signs at their city limits reading, typically, “Nigger, Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On You In ___.”
Some towns are still all white on purpose. Their chilling stories have been joined more recently by the many elite (and some not so elite) suburbs like Grosse Pointe, MI, or Edina, MN, that have excluded nonwhites by “kinder gentler means.”
The rest of this page and linking pages offer a central registry or Sundown Towns Database with connections to ongoing guidance from Prof. Stephen Berrey, who continues to coordinate work on this important social issue. Even though most sundown towns are “recovering” – that is, they no longer actively prohibit nonwhite residents – many still suffer from “second-generation sundown town issues.”
Therefore it remains important to “out” every sundown town in America and encourage them to take steps to actively transcend their white supremacist pasts.
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