#whitty headcanons
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the headcannon I'm ready to fight for
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weenwrites · 2 years
Whitty, Ruv, and Agoti finding their s/o bloodied and bruised at their doorstep? Maybe s/o got mugged on the way back from work or somtheing? I’m just in the mood for some hurt/comfort with these overprotective boys qwq
Have a good day/night!
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FNF Whitty, Ruv, & Agoti Finding Their Injured S/O At Their Doorstep
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Pairing - Romantic Category - Headcanons Trigger Warnings - Mentions of Injury
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He was completely horrified to find you all bloody and beaten in the alleyway, but his shock didn't keep him from acting. Without another thought he immediately scooped you up and bolted off to the closest safe-spot he could think of. He wishes he could do more—that he could do better to help you, but given the circumstances he's under the best he can do is set you down on an old couch in an alleyway and patch you up with what little materials he could find in the trash.
Unless your injuries are too severe for him to try to fix, he'll rush you to the nearest hospital and drop you off. If he could, he would stay with you or wait till the doctors were done treating you, but unfortunately he might get caught if he does, so instead he checks in on you a couple hours later, or perhaps the following day (it depends on your injuries of course.)
If he were ever to encounter the person who hurt you, he wouldn't kill them, no, he'd beat them in a rap battle and leave them at the nearest police station to be apprehended and jailed. However, he wouldn't deny that he wanted to punch them in the face in turn for hurting you. However he doubts that he'll ever find them, there are thousands and thousands of people in the city, and the chances of finding someone he doesn't even know are very slim to none.
Whenever he can, he tags along to protect you while you're out and about around the city, especially when it's late at night. He isn't too overprotective, but you can tell that he's now more protective over you than normal after what happened. At times, you'll be able to persuade him that you'll be fine on your own, albeit with a lot of determination and perseverance, but you'll get him to believe you eventually. Even then, he'll start to feel anxious or paranoid when he doesn't see or hear from you in some time, and he'll begin to fear that the worst has happened to you once again.
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To say that Ruv is furious that this happened to you would be a complete and utter understatement. He is so far beyond angry at your attackers that words wouldn't be able to describe just how livid he is. You're completely weightless in his arms as he takes you inside the church and sets you down on the nearest couch or bed he can get to. He only leaves for a moment to fetch a first aid kit and an ice pack for your wounds and he gets right to work patching you up. All the while, he's completely dead silent, not uttering a single word until after your injuries have been treated.
Then, he asks you if you know who did this. If you don't know their name or what they go by, then he'd ask about if you can recall any details surrounding their appearance such as height, facial features, hair color, clothing—anything he can use to piece together who this person is so he could deal what they did back to them tenfold.
If you don't want to talk about anything related to what happened, he wouldn't press you to talk but he wouldn't let it slide. For the rest of the day or night—just up until he catches and kills them—he'd be completely hellbent on finding and slaughtering whoever was stupid enough to hurt you, and when he does find them, he won't show them even a smidge of mercy no matter how much they beg and plead for it.
It wouldn't be difficult to notice that he's now rather overprotective of you. Literally, the next time you go outside he's rather insistent on accompanying you so he can protect you in the event that you get hurt again. He keeps a keen eye on you at all times and the instant someone—anyone—(unless they're a person he knows and trusts) starts getting too close to you he's immediately thinking of punting them through the nearest wall. It'll be a good while until he stops being so overprotective, so perhaps you'll get around to questioning if he'll ever stop at all.
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He was beginning to question what was taking you so long, and contemplated calling you until he heard someone knocking at his door. While he guessed it might've been you, he wouldn't have guessed you'd be bruised and bleeding at his doorstep. While he questions what the hell happened to you, he's helping you to his couch so you can sit or lay down. He's trying to wrack his brain for any ideas on what to do—and in his head he doubts that slapping a band-aid over whatever injuries you have won't do it, so he opts for getting you to the hospital to be treated.
Once the doctors get you to stop bleeding, he asks if you remember who did it. What did they look like? What sorts of clothes were they wearing? Were they tall? Short? Did you hear their voice? Where did it happen? He tries to piece together as many clues as he can in hopes that the cops can take whatever info he's scraped up and set out to find and arrest whoever did this.
If you don't want to talk about it, however, he'll instead offer to distract you from what happened. Or perhaps the two of you could drive home for some dinner. Or you could pick up some dinner from your favorite restaurant. However during the entire time, part of him's still thinking of whoever the hell hurt you. He's concerned about who it may be, and he most likely thinks it might be someone the Dearests may have sent after him. And since you're with him, it most likely means there's a big red target on your back as well.
Afterward he's pretty skeptical of letting you go out late at night on your own so he tags along unless you'll be with a group of friends that'll be accompanying you home, and he starts driving over to pick you up from work rather than letting you walk by yourself. He doesn't get too annoying when it comes to being overprotective, unless you go on walks by yourself for some alone time then you might think that he's getting a bit annoying.
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gkrbox5 · 8 months
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I love Updike and Whitty's father-son relationship
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kawaii-octoalt · 2 years
I'm bored sooooo...
Whitty, Julian, and Nitty-gritty headcannons!
(Type: affection, nicknames, and what their purring sounds like, just some fluff for your soul)
(Warning: my cringe writing skills, if you don't want to see the cringe, DO NOT READ!! but if you wanna I ain't stopping ya)
He's not one for nicknames, but from time to time he likes to call you "bubs" or "hun"
His purring sounds like a normal cat but slightly distorted
He is a bit of a cuddlebug, but then again, he hardly knows anything about the world , when you first hug him, he's confused af
But maaaaaan you ain't got no idea what's gonna happen next....
He likes to cuddle with you just about anywhere
He especially likes to pick you up and hug you from behind
He's very warm so it makes it even better :)
He likes to bury his face into your chest and purr
His purring is also really soothing to hear
He likes to set you on his lap while cuddling
He LOVES snuggling on sunrises
He just loves to hold you
He also LOVES to give you nicknames, he especially calls you either "doll" (if that's ok with you), "darlin'", he even calls you "love" or "lovebug"
He loves to snuggle with you!!!
His purring is like whitty's, but slightly less distorted, and more like a broken radio. But still soothing to hear.
Like whitty, he likes to bury his face into your chest and purr
He's very warm like whitty :)
he'll let you rest your head on his chest
Whenever you both are snuggling, he likes to kiss you on the forehead :)
His favorite time for snuggles is on cold rainy nights, the rain is so soothing to hear ♡
Dude's very affectionate but won't immediately tell you
He likes cuddling on your lap, since he's smol
His purring is as soft as you'd expect
He doesn't call you nicknames very often, but he calls you "Bae", or "shawty"
He's not as warm as julian and whitty, but you (hopefully) don't mind
Julian and whitty Don't have a specific favorite way to cuddle/snuggle, but Nitty kinda does lol
He likes to wrap himself in a soft blanket and sit on your lap while purring
Sometimes he falls asleep doing this and you just carry him to bed while he's in his blanket cocoon
He likes to snuggle on autumn sunsets, it really sets the atmosphere for him :)
(Tf is wrong with me aaaaaa)
(All three of them belong to sock.clip)
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storfulsten · 1 year
lol did I just lose 3 followers for mentioning a cool new song? ok
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yallmakemyassitch · 2 years
ok hi sorry i had to get eat and i was busy being nervous for 5 minutes but anyways HI THEREDJSJFHH
i made a post of some lee whitty hcs a while back lol so you can read some here if you want
do i still have more yes the heck i do but i do not want to destroy your inbox
Edit because am dummy and answered the wrong one :')
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These headcanons are... ✨ Très Bien, my friend
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icey--stars · 4 months
Contact Headcanons
How do they communicate? Azriel and Eris are very physical communicating individuals, but their banter is quite important as well.
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Day 3 of @azrisweek (Contact)
a/n: just a few short headcanons for my favorite ship :) also I kinda just let myself ramble so its definitely not my greatest work, but hey, oh well.
WARNINGS: SFW, but some mentions of sex
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In my imagination, I see Azriel and Eris as very physical lovers
While Eris is prone to use words, they’re taunting. A shield that he’s used all his life to hide himself.
When he’s with Azriel, he shouldn’t hide himself and Azriel has never been the one to use words much.
So, Azriel and Eris communicate best through touch and maybe a few prickly words shared across their bond or taunts/challenges through a little sly letter sent with magic into the other’s pocket
But it’s always been touch for them
This doesn’t always include sex (just most of it XD) but also just the littlest touches throughout the day that make it just slightly more bearable
Neither of them share too many words unless it’s important, so they find little ways to show their love
Little kisses during the day
Sly brushes from Azriel’s shadows that can shock Eris due to the coolness
When one of them is feeling stressed, just the other resting a hand on their thigh or maybe even playing with their hair (Eris adores this but Azriel will never pry that secret from him. Though, the cheeky shadowsinger already does know. He just acts like he doesn’t.)
After a fun time in bed, the two will deny it to others, but they love to cuddle. In bed, in the bath, in the shower- wherever the hell they end up. They always spend just a little bit of time breathing in each other’s scents and calming their hearts with the soft touch of their mate.
Azriel loves to encircle Eris with his wings in bed and it makes for the perfect sleep as well: Azriel is generally someone who runs cold while Eris runs hot obviously. They even each other out.
The closeness also tends to scare away the nightmares of the past from their minds, though they’ll still occasionally wake up screaming
When this happens, few words are shared unless they need to talk or they’ll explode (on occasion, Eris just needs to ramble about something, anything. It calms his anxiety and Azriel likes to listen and gently, silently, affirm Eris that everything is alright by keeping him close)
On nights when it's a nightmare that regards touching being triggering (ex. Beron’s dungeon or Azriel’s brothers), it’s always one of them talking the other down until that touch is non threatening and instead grounding:
“Eris, Eris, you’re not there anymore, baby,” Azriel whispers into the night. “You’re alright. Beron’s dead, remember? You killed him. Ripped off his crown. He’s not there and he never will be again. Come on, Eris.”
Eris would eventually wind down a little and then it’s back to the ever persistent theme of touch:
Azriel brushes Eris’s hands with his own, keeping Eris’s eyes locked on his as he traces his scarred hands up Eris’s body until he could cup his wet cheeks. “You’re alright,” he whispers and moves closer to encircle Eris with his arms. His shadows move to the scars Azriel knows are burning with the memory until Eris finally grapples onto him desperately, tears and silent sobs making their way out.
Azriel only puts one hand on Eris’s head and lays them both down gently so Azriel could wrap his wings around his mate and gently play with his hair until he passes out again in exhaustion.
In the morning, they don’t share words unless the other needs it- just the affirmation that they’re not alone is enough.
Another way they communicate is through spouts of whitty (albeit rude) banter.
When they’re away from each other, it’s little notes in their pockets. Teasing and bantering back and forth.
Sometimes they do go a bit far with it and one of them ends up getting a bit offended or disappointed, but they both know most of the stupid shit they end up saying is just for fun.
They really do enjoy messing around with each other in any way they can– after all, that’s how these beautiful enemies-to-lovers started, isn’t it? Whitty, annoying banter that they wouldn’t change for the world
I’d also like to say that I don’t think Azriel and Eris have the best communication skills as a couple. In fact, it probably takes them at least a century to talk about some old hurt. Eventually they will, when it starts hurting the relationship, but do not take them as an example of “aww! they have great communication!” you are lying to yourself.
Definitely not my greatest work, but I hope you all enjoyed the little short things regardless! It made me want to write a nightmare comfort scene...
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Btw, feel free to ask more questions about the headcanons <3
TAGLIST HERE! - see post for specifics <3
Tagged in all ACOTAR Stories: @bunnymallowo, @officiallyunofficialperson, @margssstuff, @rebloggiest-reblogger, @inpraizeof, @graciereads, @eos-princess, @bubybubsters, @fieldofdaisiies, @skyesayshi
Tagged in all Azriel Stories: @ladylokilaufeyson5, @marina468,
let me know if you'd rather not be tagged for AzrisWeek2024 or be added! (there's one more fic!)
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jollyimposter · 7 months
I’m gonna reply to the asks privately later on when I have some free time, in the mean time have some doodles I did of that crack headcanon I had where Gabriel is near-sighted, with Whitty.
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Have this little short comic with Gabriel swearing because I said so.
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riddle-me-ri · 5 hours
I saw your Lupin asks and I’m super excited! How about a beautiful cat burglar who is completely infatuated with Zenigata? Gorgeous, whitty, and a lone wolf but turns into a puppy, eager for attention when he enters the scene. They might even drop a heist and rat out Lupin to the others to Zenigata if it meant getting on his good side. God forbid he actually has them handcuffed, “Please tell me any I say will be held against me, including you~”
a/n: aaahhhh omg omg anon this idea is absolutely big brain top tier energy asdfghj I couldn't wait to write it. I wasn't sure whether to do headcanons or a drabble but a scenario started forming so I went with drabble! I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.1 k
Content Warning: suggestive language, heavy flirting, but nothing explicit.
Inspector Zenigata x Criminal!Reader - Cat Got Your Tongue?
The job tonight should be child's play.
Just reclaiming a one of a kind, priceless jewel necklace that you just know you would appreciate far more than any mere museum visitor or a pompous businessman with way too much money on his hands that bought it just to prove he could.
Get in and get out, clear and simple.
You got in simple enough. You already shut down the laser grid protocol, so walking up to your prize would be a breeze.
You walked up to the glass case, and just before you were about to cut a neat circle into it…the case was lifted up.
“What the-” You looked up and noticed a red jacket and a shit eating grin.
“Lupin? What the hell are you doing here?” You groaned in frustration.
Of all the museums, exhibitions, galleries in the world, why did he decide to rob the one you were robbing?
“Ah it appears we have the same sophisticated taste!” Lupin chuckled before sliding down a rope from the ceiling.
“Oh please, don't lump me in with the likes of you.” You rolled your eyes before turning your attention to the necklace that was now one swipe away from being yours.
Lupin clicked his tongue. “So cold…”
Lupin the Third, the infamous international gentleman thief.
That descriptor alone made you want to gag.
Sure, he had a high success rate, but he wasn't exactly a gentleman, not to you.
Just a cocky, selfish, lanky man child who can't seem to leave you alone. He always wanted you to join his crew (and/or his bed), and it took everything for you to keep your body from cringing in on itself.
However, there was one upside to his presence…
“LUUPPIINNN!!! I've got you this time!”
“Huh?” Both of the men looked at you with incredulous looks.
Did…did you just squeal the Inspector's name like a fangirl at an idol?
“I guess you do have some perks…” you muttered to Lupin before making your way to the officer, totally forgetting about your previous goal.
More jewels and treasures will come, but you don't always get to see the person you adored the most.
Lupin's jaw was practically on the floor. His eyes are as wide as pans in bewilderment. He usually prided himself in his problem solving skills, but Lupin for the life of him couldn't figure this one out.
“Pops?! You give me the cold shoulder but have the hots for Zenigata?!” Lupin exclaimed exasperatedly.
The Inspector was just as in shock as the thief.
Zenigata shook off the surprise by shaking his head.
Lupin was right there! Just within arm's reach, he couldn't let him get away!
He wasn't going to let anything or anyone distract him–even someone as gorgeous as you.
Inspector Zenigata made an attempt to lunge past you and grab Lupin but your next statement caught him off guard.
“Duh! Who wouldn't adore such a dashing, charming, and handsome inspector?” You turned your back on Lupin with crossed arms.
Zenigata stopped dead in his tracks mid-run.
The man immediately felt a warm blush rise in his cheeks. As he resorted to a more default pose and looked at you with a giddy grin.
“Who…me?” He asked as he pointed his index at himself sheepishly.
“Well, of course!” You squealed in delight. You enjoyed the fact that you got his attention.
“Uh, well gee….I don't know what to say…” Zenigata scratched the back of his neck nervously and pulled his hat down to hide his reddening face.
You giggled. He looked so cute being all bashful and modest. You quickly walked over to him, longing for nothing more than to be closer to him.
Meanwhile, Lupin slowly but surely was trying to get away with the jeweled encrusted necklace.
Zenigata barely noticed Lupin move out of his peripheral vision.
He did a double take, for once he was hesitant to chase him in fear of losing your affection.
“Uhh, err, sorry to run but Lupin-”
You gently placed your index finger over his lips to silence him.
“Shh, don't worry about him…” You wrapped your arms around his neck before you pulled him closer to your body, your chest pressed against his.
You leaned in closer to the side of Zenigata's face, your lips centimeters from his ear.
“I know where his hideout is…I can tell you where he is…” you whispered.
Despite the heavy thumping of his heart against his ribcage, he was able to hear your tidbit of information.
“R-Really?” He stuttered. “You would rat out Lupin?”
You scoffed. “Of course! I have no loyalties to him..”
Zenigata hummed in thought, trying to ignore the close proximity of your face to his. After taking a deep breath and finding some clarity, he grabbed your wrists and unwrapped your arms from his neck.
You were utterly ecstatic to have his warm hands touching you, even if it was just your wrists.
“This doesn't mean I can let you off the hook! You were also here to steal!” He declared, desperately clinging to some form of authority he had over the situation (or he at least hoped he still had)
“Ooohh” you gushed. “Does that mean you'll put me in handcuffs?”
“Huh? Uh..y-yes, that's what usually happens..” Zenigata stammered as he struggled to retrieve the items in question from his trench coat pockets all of a sudden.
You compliantly offered up your wrists for him to restrain.
You weren't too concerned with going to jail, you can escape just about any cell, but you were more focused on being with Zenigata just a little longer by any means.
You beamed when you thought of how good he may look to his superiors if he brought you in.
You giggled as the metal clasped around your wrists. As Zenigata walked behind you, directing you to his car, you couldn't resist.
You looked over your shoulder with hooded eyes and a sultry smirk. “Is this where you tell me anything I say can and will be held against me? Including you~”
Zenigata scratched behind his neck, your innuendo at first flying over his head. “Erm…well I'm not required to--oh!”
The Inspector thought he would overheat if he had his coat on for a moment longer. His whole face was a bright red, and his palms started getting sweaty.
Even though he didn't exactly reply to your remark, his flustered speechless expression was more than enough.
Just before he had you sit in the backseat, you quickly leaned in and gave a sweet, longing kiss on his cheek.
“Mwah! Thanks for the ride, Zeni!” You giggled as you got comfortable in the seat.
White noise filled the man's ears and head. He had been rendered utterly stunned. Yet, he couldn't help the giddy lopsided lovestruck smile that grew on his face.
Zenigata blinked his eyes rapidly, wiping his face, anything to help himself regain his composure.
He still has to drive you down to the station after all.
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Headcanons on what the FNF crew think of various mods
-Boyfriend really liked Vs Tricky, mostly out of being a long time Madness combat fan. He's still practicing to actually sing that fast. He's obviously a fan of a lot of mods where his GF has the spotlight too, ofc. "Nothing beats her actually singing in person, though", according to him.
-Being a longtime horror fan, GF naturally navigates to a lot of the creepypasta/horror mods. She actually liked Hypno's Lullaby enough to catch a Hypno in her latest Leaf Green play through. Of course, she's very adamant in the ending being completely inaccurate and that Hypno would have been a free sidewalk paint job should she actually try and hurt her man. The only horror mod she really doesn't like all that much is Mario Madness and, yes, it's for the ending. Plus her powers being gone, which she just thought was lame.. Really, any mod that has Boyfriend dying in it, she'll counter with a very stubborn, "Nah he'd win IRL. Source: trust me, I'm dating him and he's very cool."
-Daddy Dearest isn't big on the mod scene. Out of curiosity, he downloaded Vs Whitty when it first dropped, gave up on his fifth retry on Ballistic, uninstalled and it is now very strictly canon-only. He doesn't know who Garcello, or Carol, or Tabi are, and he'd prefer to keep it that way.
-Mommy on the other hand, got really into perfectling every mod people claimed were impossible difficult. She can beat stuff like Expurgation and Fool Hardy with only the arrow keys. She also leaves posts on her social medias, leaving little reviews and thoughts on some of the mods she plays, while bragging about how throughout she crushed them. Her last five Twitter posts were a thread on how MMV2's ending was wrong and dumb and wrong
-Skid and Pump liked Don't Get Spooked
-Pico mostly gravitates to mods that have him in it, which there are a handful, but he really wishes characters like Hex were canon, so he could probably rap with them IRL. He mostly just goes with whatever mods BF recommends to him, who mostly consist of 'Vs characters' from fandoms that Pico really isn't interested in. He does vibe with 'Shell Shocker' from Infernal Bout, though.
-You'd think Monster would like the corruption mods, right? Nope, corrupting others isn't as fun as flat out killing them in his eyes. He also doesn't' play any mods, but will give respect to any that happen to feature him, double especially if they give him a song. He really liked 'Boogieman'.
-John is another case where mods don't interest him, but he'll pop in one if he's bored. He mostly goes for the mods that bring back those old Newgrounds days, so he's also a big Vs Tricky enjoyer. He's one of the few who do like the mods where BF and GF flatout die.
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taterswithranch · 1 year
Do you think Tabi has the same levels of hungers a Whitty?
This question appeared because of your $76 Tabi post
I actually headcanon Tabi to have a practically nonexistent appetite. He eats very little, and most of the time he’s not even aware that he’s hungry, so idiot forgets to take care of himself. Then it hits all at once and he feels like he’s dying hdhdhsk
Being alone for a year living on nothing but spite really screwed his health over.
The inspiration for that doodle was really because that’s exactly something I would do if I were given $76 to get anything I want hdhdjsks
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fierysplash213 · 2 years
I want to see how you'd do a Ruv x Reader. Headcanons? Full Scenarios? Both are fine! I just want to see a Ruv x Reader.
Of course! I just did some research on Ruv, and I will try my best.
Tickets for two
You were watching Ruv battle against Tabi, and after a while, Ruv won.
You handed him a towel, and as he was wiping his sweat, he asked, “Can we meet up later? At the Acolty Restaurant?” (My naming skill are bad.)
“U-um, yeah sure!” You said happily. He was your best friend and your crush, but your introvert self would not let you tell him how you feel.
“Ok, I will see you later then.” Ruv said, he seemed more excited than usual. (Which I’m gonna be honest, in this exact x reader world, Ruv is usually more gloomy.)
When you were at home, you were quite excited about the ‘dinner date’ since you usually ate dinner by yourself you were excited to actually eat dinner with someone. Plus, who would not want to spend time with their crush?
You got out of your house and sauntered to the restaurant. You were just about to walk in the restaurant when you heard a familiar sound.
Eventually, you followed it to see Ruv rap battling Whitty, another one of those ‘friendly battles’, although this time, Whitty was the one who won. Two rap battles in a day, that was very strange of him.
You both waltzed in “Acolty Restaurant” (Once again, terrible name I know.) and sat down at the dinner table.
You said “Two rap battles in a day? Now something is definitely going on.”
You could tell he was panicking.
“Nothing’s going on. Why do think something is happening.” He said while giving the ‘I’m hiding something’ look.
“Come on, we have been best friends for almost eight years now, it’s almost impossible for you hide things from me. Especially if it is really obvious.” you said, curiously.
“Is it really that obvious?” He mumbled.
You gave him a stare, “Just tell me what’s going on.” You questioned, then blushed a little.
“Oh alright… so I got two movie tickets to ‘Spider Man No Way Home’, I was wondering if you would want to come with me. I was a little worried that you were gonna say no and rap battling was one of the only things that can help me get my mind off of it.” He replied.
“Of course I’m gonna say yes!” You beamed with delight, your eyes twinkled like the billions of stars in the night sky.
You were really happy that day, and maybe some day, you can tell him how you really feel about him.
I’m really sorry, this was requested a few weeks ago. Honestly, I had no ideas for this and I was a little busy doing other things.
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xsome-personx · 1 year
hey! this is my rules page so please read it before you make a request!
I will write headcanons, short stories, and long stories.
I will do at max 5 characters for headcanons, 2 characters for short stories, and 1 for a long story.
Characters I will write
Mid fight masses
(Platonic only for Rasazy)
Skid and Pump (platonic only)
Tankman John
Lemon demon
I can't remember the other characters I know, so if you don't see who you're looking for on the list, just ask! I probably know them. I just forgot to add them, lol
What I will write
hard topics (suicide, self harm, trauma, exc)
wholesome content
parental figures (child reader or parental reader)
slight gore (nothing horrendous, but still considered gore)
and more, once again, if you can't find it, and its not in my won't do list just ask and I'll give a yes or no if ill do that or not
what I won't do
sexual assult
abuse (character abusing reader and vise versa)
nsfw (I'm a minor. and even if I wasn't. writing it makes me uncomfortable, please accept that.)
neglect if it's a parent pov
and probs more, once again, just ask, and I'll give my opinion if I'll do it or not
and lastly, Reader will ALWAYS be referred to as they/them. You can switch the pronouns out as you read, but I will not write certain gender inputs
request away!
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Sunday General and Relationship headcanons
General Headcanons
I like to think that they love musicals ( Minus Hamilton obviously )
They are just a huge huge fan of music and anything that includes it really, especially if its a main part
She actually doesn't like things like energy drinks, she just prefers soda
She is like a cat
Sleepy, hungry all the time, snuggly, and very shy
I like to think they sometimes eat edibles before her shows or just in general. They help her relax ALOT more than she already is and they can help them perform better
That being said, they aren't really addicted. They usually eat them one or twice a month for fun
In the mod universe, I'd like to think they'd get along with Tricky, Cassette girl, Annie and Pico and would make a friend group with them
Just a random hc but I'd think they would wear men's boxers to sleep at night just because its super comfy and makes her feel gender happy
They would definitely own a pet cat that they name Licorice
She loves Licorice with all their heart and would die for her precious kitty
They are still super close to Carol and sometimes misses when they were a thing
Not like they wanna go back to dating Carol because she's happy for Carol and Whitty but she can't help but miss the memories they made together
Would probably make her own clothes
When sleeping, they sometimes put on music either on a speaker or with headphones so they can sleep better
So if you randomly hear Green Day or Metallica, they are either working or sleeping
Relationship headcanons
Sunday is a super laid-back partner
Like they don't really get jealous, don't mind your friends ( as long as they aren't trying to flirt with you or her ), or what you do outside her vision
If anything, they are willing to open the relationship if it means the both of you will be happy
They love to snuggle you
Big spoon Sunday lmao
They love to kiss your neck, especially when big spooning you
You will always get a vip pass for their shows
Late night burger trips ....like all the time
They love it if you constantly look over them and care for them
Like either making her something to eat or reminding her to sleep or shower
She loves being taken care of
Will let you wear their clothes. She finds it cute honestly
Sunday loves to spend the holidays with you
Something about snuggling up with her lover drinking coffee or hot chocolate during those seasons make her feel weak in a good way
They will constantly hand over headphones or lyric sheets so you can look and listen to her music and give her feedback
I just really wanna date Sunday lmao
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yallmakemyassitch · 2 years
HELLO sorry I fell asleep like 30 minutes after raiding your inbox but uhhhh
I have a lot of lee whitty (and I mean a l o t of lee whitty) hcs, sunday hcs cause no one even mentions her existence in the tickle community, a few carol hcs, and some ler hex hcs (i just personally hc him as not ticklish lol sorry)
Sooo take your pick djkdhf
Can I take them all?
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(but on a serious note, some whitty headcanons would be nice ✨)
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cloudy--star · 2 years
“Carol, just let me sleep, I don’t feel well..!”
Gently pulling him down the sidewalk*
“No Whitty. You are going to help the community for one instead of scaring everyone in it.”
“Hh-! hhaAA-SHUh!!”
*bro fucking explodes
When Carol goes to get him*
“How was it?”
“SDFF..I mean, the building collapsed and I think we lost someone inside, but fine fine other than that..-“
lmao i love this
the idea of whitty fucking exploding when he sneezes is so funny to me 💀
but i headcanon him to stifle most of the time so he doesn’t cause too much damage to others around him
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