#who else remembers 3-2-1 penguins
toadslug · 5 months
Me and my friend were reminiscing over old Qubo shows and we made a very VERY stupid connection 😭
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xxchaosjojoxx · 3 months
Prompts ideas
If you wanna use them please tag me, i would love to read your writings <3
I wrote which one piece character i could imagine seeing in it. But of course everyone will work i assume :3
1. They were docking on an island and he went into the library looking around. The cute librarian comes around and asks if she can help him, he is flustered all of a sudden by her beautiful appearance and grabs a random book. “No thanks, I found what I was looking for.” She was blushing heavenly and couldn’t contain a giggle that she tried to hide. At this moment he looks at the book cover and realizes it’s a book from the erotic section. (Penguin/Shachi/Law, maybe Sanji?)
2. Got hit by the truth devil fruit and is being horrible honest for the next 48 hours. Tries to cover his mouth so the words can’t come out. Running away from their crush after telling them how beautiful and cute they are. Pure Chaos (Reader, Law, Penguin, Shachi, Sanji, Zoro, Kid, Killer honestly it works for everyone)
3. Soulmate like AU. When they dream they see the memories of the other person. One day the pirate crew docked on the island and remembered it from reader dreams running towards your house. “I finally found you.” (Like above it works for everyone I assume)
4. He found love letters everytime they docked on an island and has no idea who or how they sneak it into his clothes or give it to the crewmates for him to find. Reader think it’s too obvious if they are doing this while being on the sea. (I can totally see the heart pirates or kid pirates in it)
5. Reader got hit and a little Amnesia. He is unsure if Reader remembers their  relationship cuz reader is shy, nervous and interested in someone else.  (Penguin /Shachi or Sanji/Zoro or Kid/Killer dynamic)
6. You’ve been dating for a long time and he still hasn’t proposed. One evening the reader gets impatient and is drinking with their friend (Robin, nami, Ikkaku whatever). After being wasted and completely drunk, the reader proposes to him and even though he loves the reader he refuses. He believes that this is a “man’s job”. This could lead to a lot of angst/chaos. (Everyone as well)
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ssruis · 4 months
Hello welcome to yet another post that was 1) originally meant to be a short thing but it rapidly got out of hand 2) caters to me specifically 3) is all over the place because I kept finding more things I wanted to talk about
The way rui approaches emotions is so fascinating to me bc like. He approaches everything with a very rational/logical thought process instead of an emotional one and he tends to either ignore his emotions or view them as an obstacle/hinderance.
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(From his gleaming stars card story)
If he acknowledges that he’s upset or unhappy he tends to just go “oh well. What can you do.” & then berates himself for not wanting to be unhappy. I feel like a lot of that can be explained by his childhood alienation from his peers.
In RMD his reaction to his classmates refusing to take part in his play once he explained the tree jump stunt & them calling him weird is to blame himself:
Little Nene: Rui, what’s the matter? Did something sad happen?
Little Rui: Nene… No. That’s not it. I pushed my show onto everyone and bothered them.
(From RMD - TL by Arven Oven)
Which is pretty telling. To Rui, the issue is that he asked for too much, that he as a person is something that must be tolerated by his peers.
But ultimately he still has faith that he’ll find his people.
Little Rui: …That’s right. People like you, Nene, who would say that they like my shows, surely exist out there. I want to make my own shows. But as of now - I think it might be a little hard.
And he *did* keep trying to find people who would accept him for a while - Wonder Halloween shows that he continued to try to reach out even after the stuff that happened in RMD, but eventually anyone he got a little close to would end up leaving & reinforcing his idea that he was too different from others to form relationships.
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(From Wonder Halloween)
I’ve seen some people say him giving up on forming relationships was due to the events shown in RMD, but I think it was more of a result of him experiencing the same rejection over and over again. The definition of insanity is trying over and over again when the result never changes, and despite what his peers may think, Rui is not insane. I think he gradually lost faith in his parents assurance that he would find people who accepted him - he begins pushing Nene, the only person who hasn’t left him yet, away.
Middle School Rui: I’m working on a solo project… but I haven’t found anyone else like you that’s willing to help.
Middle School Nene: oh, I see…
Middle School Nene: then would you like to join the troupe I’m in…?
Middle School Nene: I mean, uh…
Middle School Rui: hehe. It’s nice of you to invite me, but there’s no need to pity me. I’m doing ok on my own, and it’s for the best anyway.
(From Wonder Halloween)
Why he pushed Nene away is sort of left up to interpretation - To protect her from himself? To leave her before she left like everyone else? - but I think the assumption that her invitation is out of pity show that at least part of his decision to push her away was out of the belief that she, like everyone else, was simply tolerating him. If he assumes everyone hates him/is scared of him right off the bat, he can avoid getting his hopes up and being crushed when he’s inevitably abandoned. It’s not unhealthy or detrimental to forming relationships he’s just recognizing a pattern and using it to predict the behavior of others (blatantly wrong).
Zombie Plushies: We can tell you’re just pretending to be friends! Deep down, you’re probably scared and disgusted by us too!
Zombie Plushies: We’ll never fit in with them anyway…
Rui: …! (Never fit in with them, huh…)
Rui: When I look at them… I remember how things used to be.
(WXS world link, TL by Haruka’s penguin)
He rationalized his loneliness with “I’m just incompatible with other people” which
1) ow.
2) if he’s incompatible with other people, there’s no reason to get his hopes up because he’ll never find people he fits in with
3) if nothing is ever going to get better, he should be content with being alone. There’s no reason to be sad over a fact of life. It is what it is.
4) being sad over this is inconvenient, unhelpful, and a distraction from following his dreams (on his own)
5) inflicting himself onto others is a selfish desire and he should just keep to himself. “It’s for the best, anyway.”
6) he’s perfectly fine on his own. He doesn’t need anyone for his shows, and he doesn’t need friends.
By the time the WXS main story takes place, he’s already fully convinced himself that he’s better off alone, and that Actually It’s Super Beneficial For Him & His Shows And He’s Fine Like This.
Middle School Rui: Solitude isn’t as bad as people make it out to be.
Middle School Mizuki: huh?
Middle School Rui: In fact, it has had certain benefits for me. It’s given me plenty of time to see plays and to think over ideas for shows, for example.
(Kamikou festival)
Rui: hehe. Unfortunately, we won’t be doing a show together.
Rui: you see, I like to work alone and with absolute freedom to stage any show I want.
Rui: as long as my shows fill my audience’s hearts with joy, I’m perfectly satisfied.
(WXS main story) (“I’m perfectly satisfied” me when I lie)
I feel like it’s overlooked that the only reason rui joined wxs was to get nene in the group. I’m probably going to talk about his continued pushing of Tsukasa’s limits/suggesting insane stunts and over emphasizing how dangerous they are at a later date - and how that was (imo) an attempt to find the point where Tsukasa would hate and leave him too -
(surely this is too good to be true, Tsukasa/wxs will be like all the others -> wait he’s not calling me a freak and leaving ok I guess I’ll go full throttle on the insane shit surely at some point he’ll get tired of me -> he got injured because of me and he’s still here?? what the fuck???? Well now I care about him & this group so I need to pull back I’m not going to get a second chance)
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(Wonder Halloween)
- but I would like to briefly mention that Rui literally suggests risking Tsukasa’s life right off the bat & when Tsukasa is like “?? I don’t want to die???” Rui just goes “alright I’m out of the group I guess bye. have fun nene!”
Rui: Don't worry, the device can be securely attached to the stage in a way that will keep the audience perfectly safe. Please make sure you don't touch it or you'll die.
Tsukasa: what about keeping ME safe?!
Tsukasa: I’m not going to risk my life on-stage!
Rui: but you said you’d perform any role I gave you to, quote, 12000%, unquote!
Rui: I'm afraid that I have no choice but to step down as a stage director. Nene, good luck working with these people.
(Wxs main story)
Unfortunately humans are a social species & emotions don’t follow (faulty) logic so rui *was* unhappy on his own and he *did* want to have friends. Which I’m sure he continued to call himself selfish/greedy for feeling. Rationalizing all of this was a way he could accept/make peace with being miserable (because it must be this way, because this is how it will always be).
Rui: I was the same a long time ago… I gave up on fitting in with anyone.
Rui: If they don’t understand me, that just can’t be helped, if they disagree with the way I think, that just can’t be helped… I would think like that.
Rin: Rui-kun…
Rui: - in reality, I really did want to put on a show with someone else. But people didn’t understand the shows I was making. On a subconscious level, I convinced myself it wasn’t going to work out and gave up on the idea.
(WXS world link)
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(Wxs Journey to bloom animation)
This added scene from the main story animation adds to this - why he leaves WXS did have to do with Tsukasa yelling at Nene, but the reason he doesn’t come back after Nene forgives Tsukasa is because Tsukasa’s self centered attitude is something that antithetical to a belief that Rui thought he’d given up on a long time ago: great shows *can’t* be made alone, no matter how many times you insist that you don’t need anyone else. As much as he denied it, Rui *did* still want to connect with people and be accepted - not just for the purpose of making shows, but to have a place where he belonged. For the first time in years Rui got his hopes up, started believing in what his parents told him, and Tsukasa proved to him that he never should have done so in the first place. Unlike the other times, though, Rui is the one to walk away first. & then tsukasa/wxs do the whole “true feelings” show etc etc we know how the main story ends.
That being said, I think that Rui still subconsciously believed WXS would grow to hate him and leave because he would finally be Too Much. Wonder Halloween showed him that this wasn’t true (Which is why it’s so important that the zombie plushies in the world link performed potato ghost to connect to the other plushies - it’s the show that was performed when Rui fully realized that wxs was not going to abandon him.) but I feel like that only cemented the fact that wxs would keep performing alongside him, not that they were his friends.
Rui also very clearly did not process or evaluate how his childhood impacted him.
Nene: When you talked about the old days, you seemed happy.
Rui: fufu. I don’t mind it anymore because it was so long ago.
(His RMD card story - TL by Rubilia Heartfilia) (me when I lie part two)
After so long by himself, with shows as the only thing he had, I think that having a connection to people *outside* of shows was completely unfathomable to Rui.
Which is why he’s kind of incapable of realizing why the idea of leaving wxs hurts him so much,
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(Curtain call)
why he doesn’t realize why he starts holding back in wonder Halloween or why he holds back on the cheer squad,
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(Cheer squad event)
And why he’s surprised that wxs cares for him not just as a director, but as a friend.
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(Festival bathed in twilight)
I make fun of him for taking a year to finally be like “yeah tsukasa-kun and I are friends” but I think it’s pretty reasonable taking his trust/abandonment issues into account. Accepting Tsukasa’s offer to join wxs (twice) changed his life drastically - he realizes that he can connect to others outside of shows, that it’s possible for him to form relationships with people outside of wxs. Rui just needed to make the choice to accept the outreached hands - not changing the parts of himself that people previously deemed too weird or strange (not that he was ever going to do that anyways) but changing his attitude of “it’s just impossible for me to be accepted.”
Rui: I had always thought that I could never properly understand everyone around me.
Rui: as I started doing shows at Wonder Stage with everyone, my way of thinking and feelings began to change.
Rui: now, I am able to understand and connect with someone without relying on shows, and I’ve come to value the beauty of laughing alongside others
Rui: that’s why — tsukasa-kun. Thank you for giving me the chance to change.
Tsukasa: but… it’s not only just thanks to me, y’know?
Rui: eh?
Tsukasa: think about it. No matter how many chances I gave you, if you had refused to change, you would never have done so, right?
(Pandemonium, TL by Tsukasa’s #3 fan)
This is also why he tends to berate himself for having the very normal desire to hold on to wxs. He’s never had something like this before, where he has people who accept and love him as he is. He’s never wanted to keep something as badly as this. He’s asking too much of them, he’s imposing like he did with his classmates in RMD, he should let them leave. It’s the mature thing to do. He spent so long on his own, he should be fine going back to that, isn’t it selfish and greedy to want more?
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(Curtain call)
(Talking abt wanting to keep doing shows w wxs and his actions in OHE) Rui: Now that I think about it, I’ve been pretty selfish.
(World link)
Rui: (…When the time comes, even I, too, will have to move forward.)
Rui: (…Moving forward, can I do that?)
Rui: (…Geez, I really lack a backbone. When will the time come when I find myself satisfied with the way things are?)
Rui: (While working to make my dream come true, together with everyone, I will make their dreams come true. A way to do that - let me think of one.)
Rui: (fufu, how greedy of me.)
(Curtain call - TL by Arven Oven & Tsukasa’s #3 Fan) (fuck you ensekai)
I think that, in future events, he’ll (hopefully) come to realize there are more people who will accept him (& get more trust ranks. Please.). I think it’s an impossible ask for him to be completely fine with wxs going their separate ways some day (and the same goes for everyone else in wxs), but I think when the time comes it will at least be bittersweet and with the knowledge that he can find other places to belong & that his relationships with the rest of wxs is strong enough to withstand not being in the same troupe. Things can’t stay the same forever, but change doesn’t have to be bad. Etc etc.
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vashtijoy · 1 year
Do you know when Akechi first starts calling Akira by his given name? I noticed while playing 3rd semester he was doing it during the 2/2 scene, but it made me wonder where else it happens. Due to fanon content I've always been under the impression he *never* calls Akira anything other than Joker or Kurusu.
Oh, that last is definitely not the case. But you have to remember how at ease Akechi is with etiquette—he switches between names for people based on context, on things like who he's speaking to. For instance, if Sojiro is around, Joker appears to be Kurusu-kun, no matter when it is.
Akechi, actually, rarely calls Joker by name at all. Here's the tiny handful of times he does. tl;dr: he starts out with Kurusu-kun in June, is still using it in September, but is using just plain Akira by the time of Sae's Palace. It looks like the Akira-kun phase may be very short, and probably takes place in October, if it happens at all. Overwhelmingly, he refers to him as Joker, in the Metaverse.
In the script, he has sets of greetings that are hard to nail down to a date or location, but which segue from Kurusu-kun, through Akira-kun, to just Akira.
In July, when he runs into Joker and Yoshizawa in Shibuya, Akechi uses his family name. "Huh? Kurusu-kun?"
In confidant 6, which unlocks on 9/3, Akechi again uses Kurusu-kun... but in Leblanc, in front of Sojiro.
On 9/21, outside Penguin Sniper, he still greets Joker as Kurusu-kun.
By the Sae's Palace arc, Akechi is using Joker's given name, without the -kun: "Akira".
In the engine room, Akechi uses Joker's given name. "I wonder why we couldn't have met a few years earlier, Akira..."
In the third semester, Akechi uses Joker's given name, without an honorific: "Akira". But, when he responds to Sojiro's "We're closed" on 1/2, he uses the family name. "I merely wished to speak with Kurusu-kun for a moment."
He has one use of Akira-kun in the third semester—but in the deleted Mementos mission, so it might just be an uncorrected error. On the other hand, Akechi is congratulating him, so it might be intentional—whether Akechi is sincere or not, suffixes can be affectionate, like that Goro-san that throws him so off-balance.
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sergeifyodorov · 2 months
Hi cody which of the big names (or lesser known guys that are your blorbos) do u think will play for their team for their entire career and who do u think will leave? Tampa bay is on my hit list for dropping stamkos like that
ohoho this one is FUN... everyone is my blorbo im gonna go through every team and See...
the biggest difficulty in making this list is that like inevitably b/c of the Inevitable Passage Of Time the babies grow up and sometimes they grow up into like. diff ppl... like i imagine rn the sharks and hawks respectively want mack and bedsy to be with them for life... but is that Happening? it's too early to say ... bedsy seems like he might though. he's goodcanadianboy enough.
boston bruins: marchand and pasta are 100% lifers... mcavoy seems like they want him to be a lifer but he hasn't made up his mind yet.
buffalo sabres: if they make the playoffs within the next five years (BIG IF) then i can see one of power or dahlin sticking it out. but at this point i'm pretty sure the only thing that can save the sabres is a serious exorcism and i mean a SERIOUS one so i doubt this'll happen in truth
detroit red wings: larkin. duh.
florida panthers: barkov
montreal canadiens: n/a. see buffalo sabres but replace "power" with "caufield" and "dahlin" with "slafkovsky" . i mean i guess you can put arber on that list but mostly because his career isn't gonna be that long probably
ottawa senators: the one and only THOMAS CHABOT
tampa bay lightning: i WOULD have said stamkos until this offseason... fucking crasy... ok anyway here's my juice: vasy's back injury/surgery have meant he is no longer the goalie he was and i doubt he'll command much after this contract is over. i say 50-50 he leaves vs stays as a reasonable backup/tandem guy. kucherov Wants 2 Win and has a much lower tolerance for Bullshit than stamkos, which means if a competitive price is not being paid for him he will Just Leave. victor hedman is going to be a lifer though
toronto maple leafs: morgan rielly is the only one i know in my heart is a lifer, but only because a) jt was already an islander and b) willy and auston will probably play most of their reasonable careers as leafs and then have like 1-3 seasons somewhere else as ancient old men to Cup Chase One Last Time. don't ask about the other guy you know how i feel about jinxes
carolina hurricanes: n/a
columbus blue jackets: n/a
new jersey devils: n/a... they will try to keep at least 1 hughes but i think we have seen so little of the current devils era (hischier/hughes) that it's hard to say anything about their future atm. can you believe nico was only drafted the year after auston like they haven't gotten off the ground at ALL.
new york islanders: [squints in trying to name islanders]... actually a bunch of lifers looking at it. sorokin. anders lee. barzal if you're nasty. brock nelson. etc
new york rangers: chris kreider FER SURE, igor shesterkin FER MAYBE
philadelphia flyers: see devils re: brink of something new. they're going to try and keep tk forever though
pittsburgh penguins: do i REALLY have to say anything here
washington capitals: Do I Really Have To Say Anything Here
chicago blackhawks: was about to make another bad seth jones contract joke here before remembering he's already played on a different team. no further comment
colorado avalanche: natemac has made it pretty damn clear he wants to stay an av forever, because sidcros stayed a penguin forever. do what you will with that information
dallas stars: jamie benn definitely, but everyone else is too young to say something about or has been on other teams already. good luck with your jrob21 contract negotiations stars front office You Will Need It
minnesota wild: ...jared spurgeon...?
nashville predators: did you guys know puckpedia has the preds abbreviated as NAS and they're ahead of the devils. crazy. anyway roman josi and juuse saros are gonna be preds for life, and probably filip forsberg too
st louis blues: vlad tarasenko IN MY HEART...
winnipeg jets: hellebuyck and schiefele fer sure
anaheim ducks: because they've been trying to trade him for a decade and have been unsuccessful yet: john gibson
calgary flames: n/a
edmonton oilers: nuge + mcdrai also
la kings: doughty + kopi
seattle kraken: n/a
san jose sharks: logan couture
vancouver canucks: my hot take is nobody because quinn hughes is going to pull a mark giordano or jason spezza or perhaps even a chris tanev and play the last couple years of his career as a leaf. petey is gonna slut it up somewhere else later, brock is straight up going to leave as a ufa OR sign a short bridge and then leave as a ufa, and jt miller was a ranger
vegas golden knights: n/a
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sabo-has-my-heart · 5 months
Hello! This is the last anon who sent in an emergency request regarding my boyfriend and I, and sorry this is pretty late but I’d love to see both sides ! Don’t pressure yourself though and have an amazing day💗 (sorry if this sounds rushed it’s bc it kinda is)
Hey! so here's part 1 of the Law request, the... uh, happy ending? I suppose. you did say HCs in the original request, so that's what I did. Sorry it took so long, alone time in a house with 3 people + myself is hard. Especially when 2 of them are disabled (3 disabled people in one house 😖)
Warnings: violence, arguments, regret, talk of unsafe situations
Word Count: 850 
A relationship with Law is going to be difficult.
It can still be healthy if you work at it, but the man doesn’t strike me as the type to be terribly open about his feelings or past.
So it’s going to take some time for him to open up to you.
He also strikes me as the type to waaaay overwork himself. (I don’t remember them outright stating that he overworks himself, but I can totally see him being a workaholic).
The beginning of your relationship was… bumpy.
Frequent arguments about him overworking.
Frequent arguments about how he never talked to you about anything.
You got through to him eventually, but it took quite a bit of time.
We’ve seen Law fight, we know he’s not exactly a pacifist.
That being said, he’s not particularly violent either.
He’s also usually pretty calm and level headed (Doflamingo excluded)
So for him to hit you, holy shit!
It’s not that either of you was being particularly unreasonable, just that things got a little too heated.
Instant regret!
But it’s Law so he doesn’t apologize easily.
You open up to friends (who aren’t the Heart Pirate Crew) who are very displeased with Law.
They (probably) weren’t exactly happy that he was a pirate in the first place.
But now he’s hit you?
Nope, they want you away from him!
So you’re torn between your love for Law and your need to make others happy.
You do eventually talk to the Heart Pirate crew. (Of course you do, you live on the ship with them)
Many of them are kind of on the fence about the whole thing. 
After all, it’s their captain, they love him, they trust him, he means a lot to them. But he did hit you.
Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin are, of course, Law’s biggest supporters. 
Totally keep telling you to talk things out again, their captain regrets it.
You two do start talking it out again but try harder to remain calm and see each other’s point of view.
It’s not easy for either of you.
After a lot of talking and a lot of effort, you both get your points across, sort of. 
He understands you’re just worried about him and you sort of understand why he’s overworking himself.
I mean, he’s a captain and a doctor, it’s practically inevitable that he’s going to overwork himself… plus it’s Law, his definition of relaxation is probably organizing his coin collection (for the hundredth time).
You do give him a second chance, it’s just a part of who you are to do so. 
He, oddly enough, tells you to stop being such a people pleaser after you tell him about what your friends and family said.
“Don’t break up with me because that’s what they want. Break up with me because you’re unhappy with me.”
He realizes this means that you could very well leave him one day because you weren’t trying to make someone else happy by staying with him, but Law is a good guy.
He might be a pain in the neck, but he really does want you to be happy.
Even if it’s not with him.
Because if you’re not happy with him, he screwed up and he needs to take responsibility for that. 
Whether it’s changing to be a better man or living with the fact that you left him. 
I think he’d try and change for you, but personal opinions.
I mean, you managed to get Law to fall in love with you, the man will probably go to the ends of the earth for you.
Law totally makes sure to keep himself in check from then on.
He will not hit you again.
If, by chance, he does hit you again, he will literally send you back home himself.
Like, you gave him a second chance and he betrayed that.
Clearly you aren’t safe with him and he doesn’t deserve a third. 
Tries 10x harder to keep himself in check, like, he really doesn’t want a repeat of what happened. He doesn’t even want anything close to what happened.
Despite being standoffish and quiet, I really do think that if he’s in a healthy, loving relationship, he’s going to do anything for you….
Well, almost anything. He’s still Law, there are some things that just aren’t going to happen. 
In private, he frequently asks if he’s scared you recently or if you feel unsafe with him or anything. 
If you don’t feel comfortable talking to him about it, he’ll have one of the crew talk to you about it.
Will absolutely change or send you home if you don’t feel comfortable. 
If it’s just a matter of being uncomfortable, he’ll try and change things to make you more comfortable.
But if you’re afraid or anything, he’ll send you home until either A) he can do better, B) you’re no longer afraid of him, or C) you leave him.
I really do see him as a good guy, just because he’s not public about it, I think he’s a very good person.
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So, I have a lot of friends with dissociative disorders, one actually became aware of their (they as in multiples, neither of them uses they/them iirc) DID quite recently.
And like, I’ve been trying to talk about my experiences with dissociation and depersonalization with them, but no one seems to relate to what happened to me and I just feel so alone.
So, if you find any of the following relatable, I’d love to talk about it. I am very scared of it, but I think it would be nice to meet people who have gone through the same.
CW: Mentions of death and descriptions of dissociation
I feel like I have died multiple times. Well, not me, but someone else died and now I’m in their place.
I think this has happened about 3 times, the last time was around 2015.
When “I” died, I just woke up one day, feeling strange and out of place. Nothing usually felt real. My memories felt like they weren’t mine, I had no connection to my names, my family felt like strangers that knew me. I still recognized everything, but after waking up, I was a completely different person. Eventually the odd feelings would disappear and I’d assume my role as the person leading the body, or at least most of the time that happened. It was a very weird experience, like growing up suddenly in one night, feeling completely altered, but still somewhat like me deep inside.
I don’t think I have multiples, or at least not ones that existed simultaneously, if that even makes sense. The different identities just replaced the past ones, one after the other.
The first one was what I assume was a girl. She loved to wear one of my sister’s purple dresses and role play as Minnie Mouse. She was really jealous of the cute little princess costumes my grandma made for my sister and cousins. She must’ve died when I was like 7.
Number 2 was a weird one. They didn’t think of themselves as human, to them they were just in this body temporarily and soon they’d return to their home to their real family. They’d also communicate with their family using methods I will not describe because I don’t really want to talk about them.
This must be the time where the autism dehumanization kicked in or smth.
No idea how long they lasted for really.
Then there was number 3, probably a girl, like a sequel to number 1. She was really not that remarkable. Since the purple dress and my sister’s other clothes were too small for us then, she explored her gender through club penguin and MLP. She wanted to be a club penguin YouTuber and then a MLP YouTuber and then an everything YouTuber. She died around 2015.
There’s a possibility there might be a secret number 4 since I have a lot of missing gaps from 2016, but eh, the others didn’t cause me amnesia, that might be something different.
And then I was born! I’m by far the oldest, at almost 10 years old. Idk what else to say. I’m not a girl. I’m somewhat a guy, so he/they pls, in that order.
I don’t think I have alters. I don’t think I have DID, I don’t have amnesia and stuff and my personality and sense of self is fairly consistent.
There’s been times I’ve allegedly woken up, done stuff, talked to people, promised to do stuff, go back to sleep and then wake up again, remembering nothing. But I think that’s more a sleep disorder, night terror or sleep walking rather than me having a cohabitant that only wakes up to make me look bad and untrustworthy.
Anyways, remember, if you relate to any of this and wanna talk about it, pls DM me.
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toomoonfic · 4 months
AO3 Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @dimplesandfierceeyes! I really enjoyed this trip down memory lane.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
So across my main account (jjjat3am, toomoon, boneflower, yvenger) + my hockey account (savedby), I've somehow managed 283 works.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
901 767 words. Getting closer to that million, huh.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ah, tricky question. Right now I'm writing mostly in the Thai BL fandom, if I can label it that way. According to my dashboards, I've written across 59 different fandoms.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. you're not a ghost (I'm not afraid of you) - KinnPorsche, Arm/Tankhun 2. safe (right here in your arms) - KinnPorsche, Arm/Tankhun 3. devil is in the details - KinnPorsche, VegasPete 4. how does a penguin build his house? - Hockey RPF, Crosby/Malkin 5. this life (all I know) - Black Panther, M'Baku/Killmonger
Is it weird that I didn't realize that my KinnPorsche fics had gotten so much traction? But I guess it just proves what a huge fandom that was that a rare pairing got over 2k kudos in the case of ghost.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I feel like communication with your reader is integral to building your community, and that's why I'm grateful to everyone that reaches out to me. I've noticed that I don't do it as much when my mental health takes a nosedive, which is why I still owe people replies from last year. I'm still doing it, but I hope it's not weird that people are getting replies like a year later.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm fairly allergic to angsty endings, so it took me a while of searching to get something that might fit this criteria. I'll go with some things never change, which is an Almost Human fanfic, so that's a definite throwback. It features robot death and I remember I exorcised some demons with it for sure.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Pretty much everything else? Just looking at some of the last things I've posted, holding on to patience (like a sunrise) my DBD fic was pretty much a typical Julija happy ending. In general that story is a very typical Julija fic start to finish.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not anymore, thank fuck. I did have a stalker back when I started posting hockey fic, that's why I made a whole other account, but that seems to have died down.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I've written 12 explicit fics in total, which is just funny when you think about it. The conditions have to really be perfect for me to be able to produce, and when I do, weirdly, it's mostly like, awkward handjobs I guess. I haven't mastered the art of the smut fic yet and likely never will.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
Don't do this to me. There's only one fic I've posted that I'm genuinely embarrassed to speak about and this is it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! It's always a joy.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! Take a Chance on Me was written with @zevons and it's so close to my heart. I've done a bunch of collabs and I love them all, not just for the story but just for the connection with another author.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
This is also a difficult question for someone as disloyal as me...
I think ToddBlack has such a hold on me to this day, and it's still not totally let me go, so I'll go with that, their dynamic is so compelling to me.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
on the bridge between water and clay is never getting another chapter unless I decide that I'm really into Naruto again, which, okay, stranger things have happened I suppose.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm just the funniest person who's ever picked up a pen, personally. Strangely some people don't agree?? Weird.
I don't know, I never have a witty answer to this particular question, so funny is what I default to, because the funny moments in my fics are the ones that always stay most memorable to me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, descriptions for sure. Things like setting and what people are wearing, and the little details that really transport you to the place in a story. I don't really notice details like that in every day life so there's nothing I can base this on to improve myself.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't have many thoughts, I try to generally avoid it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think it must have been Lord of the Rings.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I posted hung from ladders last year and I'd have to say it's my favorite thing that I've written in a very long time. It's a horror fic I suppose, but at its core it's a story about grief and how you deal with it, and I think in so many ways I was more honest in it than I anticipated I would be. I love it for what it represented for me in that moment but I also love that while not that many people read it, I think that it really impacted the people that did and through that I really felt that sense of community that I hadn't really felt in a long time.
I don't really connect with that many people on this website, so I'm not up to date on who writes and who doesn't, but I'm tagging a few people anyway, hopefully this isn't one you've done before:
@tungtung-thanawat, @mightymightygnomepriest @grasspetty @returning-spring
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2a8n · 1 year
Shirogane's dream
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I wanted to speculate a bit about Shirogane's dream shown to us in the Ice Scream Original (Round 2), since some of the moments shown will either be redone in the Ice Scream Remake or confirmed in it. And according to the old tradition, I write in advance: "Sorry for the quality", because some screenshots might not turn out in the best quality, but I tried to make them at least better than my previous such screenshots. Well, let's get started!
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It all starts with showing the ceiling in one of the rooms of the Ice Cavern and our depressive wolf lying on the bench there. Personally, I would be very scared to be there simply because I would be constantly afraid of one of the icicles falling from the ceiling on me. At the same time, Shirogane can easily be in this pleace, and even more so lie and sleep on the bench there. The other one who was there was a bunny, and that's to arrange a GAME OVER player on the screen.
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Next, we are shown the dream itself. It starts all this confusion Suno-san jumping into the middle of the white space like a bunny. At the same time, in Round 3 we will be shown that he can teleport, and also when showing his moving game sprite, we can see a movement that looks more like crawling, but not like a jump. I don't know if this snowman is really capable of moving in as many as 3 distinct ways, or if Suno-san's jumping in this dream is just Shiro's own fantasy.
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Note that in Shirogane's dream, squid tentacles appear, a flower dancing at night in the Peraco house, bunnies, and Nekoyama. This tells us that Shiro saw/met all of these things/characters, which is confirmed by the following: 1) In the Remake, Shirogane lies on the snow and sees a Squid, whose tentacles stick out of the water surface; 2) A similar flower stands next to the television in Peraco's house, but it differs from the flower shown in the dream in the absence of a leaf and a thinner stem; 3) There is no need to talk much about bunnies - they can often be seen on Iceberg Isle (as well as Rock running from anger, probably…); 4) And finally, Nekoyama - our cameo from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. He can be found in Round 2 delivering cigarettes to Orca. As a result, it can be assumed that the rest of what is shown is also familiar to Shirogane. And this makes me wary:
if our wolf could see a simple fish in the same fishing buckets of Rock, then to consider the moon-fish or those white squids, he would have to dive straight into the water, most likely;
Tori-san can be either a simple easter egg (remember Tori-san's toy in Rocma's house), or a frozen Tori-san that Shirogane once saw;
has Shiro met the Mogekoels? I hope they didn't try to hit him with their arrows while doing so…
the head of a huge white "something" with an outstretched tongue raises many questions in me. Is there a possibility that this is the head of a huge turtle, on which a huge glacier has frozen and, thus, having formed Iceberg Isle, it swims in the northern latitudes, preventing the isle from melting and the inhabitants on its back from dying?
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It doesn't surprise me that the phrase "Bad doggy" and Suno-san appear here. I'm more surprise why he uses the parachute of Mogekov Hashasky and… bees on a background.
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If there are good Japanese translators with good eyesight, please translate the symbols on the background. I will be very grateful for this. ( v _ v )
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Here you can see Peraco's name-calling towards Shiro. I don't know what else to add here.
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What did I ever even do? It is this question that our wolf asks when once again the hot-tempered penguin, familiar to all of us, takes out his frustration or anger on him.
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Fall - it is unclear only, emotional and/or physical.
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Shirogane managed to be a wolf, and a dog, and a bunny, and even a caterpillar in his and others' fantasies. It remains only him managed to be happy in real and then his life was a success! =D
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It is noteworthy that the snowman appears here only on the red background. Neither he nor Shiro can be seen on the black background. Because of this, I get the impression (or maybe it's an attempt to convey the impression of the wolf himself) that the talking pissed snow is stalking him and/or watching him quite often…
That's it for now. Yeah, there are some monologues to Shirogane that were later moved to Watch 1 of the Remake, but I want to give them time in a separate post. I will also pin here a video with this very dream from the official DSP channel and a walkthrough of one of the youtubers with this very fragment of the dream game (9:36 - 10:33) in case you yourself want to disassemble it. Until then, see you soon! ;)
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🪢 KH-OC Week 2024 🪢 - Day 5 Package
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Prompt: What's one Kingdom Hearts / Disney world I should visit? You're the OC. Recommend me your favorite.
This is Dinh-Yu asking here. And as the OC, I am to give him my opinion. Now obviously for him alone, I would have the 'golden preference 🏆', but for the sake of KH-OC Week, I am providing the Top 3.
Preference #3: Traverse Town
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At first glance, someone might think "what a boring world", but then what makes Kingdom Hearts, hey? Traverse town is where you start out in a sense (excluding Destiny Islands), so like everyone else, Dinh-Yu needs to get a taste of Traverse Town, especially if he doesn't know where to start or even what Kingdom Hearts is about. I'm imagining to bridge this to an OC idea that in a KH storyline, he could meet Natasha and Erika there. I'm imagining Erika being the welcoming one, and Natasha's either suspicious of him, or like she couldn't be bothered being in the scene she's in. As Erika's all inviting, Natasha is saying something serious or foreboding, but then reluctantly goes along with the other two and loosens up further in to the journey.
I also imagine that due to the Day 2 designs, Natasha and Erika already have their keyblades. And shortly after they wielded theirs, one appears on Dinh-Yu's hands [he is getting a surprise design for Day 7 as a thank you present. No one tell him] but he doesn't know what it is. The girls tell him what it is and teach him how to use it. Natasha would be the more in the lead with this task, and Erika would chime in with little quips here and there.
Also, finally, the idea, remember, of Traverse Town being a refuge for those who do not have a place anywhere else in Kingdom Hearts; so a really cozy world if you think about it.
Preference #2 (🏆): The Land of Dragons
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I mean Dinh-Yu's Chinese, so of course he's got to swing by the Land of Dragons and meet Mulan and Li Shang! Perhaps they'll be having secret conversations behind my back that I don't understand, that being in their native language. Once again, Natasha and Erika would be by his side as his 'Donald and Goofy', and just like in KH2, one of them can be swapped out for Mulan if the player wants.
It's time to see how well Dinh-Yu can combine his Kung Fu skills with a keyblade and kick the Emperor's butt in the main square. Or try not to get rolled over by the avalanche on the mountain unlike his bad encounter in Flashfreeze Cape. Instead of penguins, he'll be facing wasp-like heartless here and potentially a rude man in a black coat that he doesn't realise was his interviewer back on 13 May this year.
Side note; I can't seem to find too big-a-role for Natasha and Erika in this world. I guess it's like the actual KH2 story where the side party are really only more prominent in the bigger worlds. But hey, feel free to contribute some great dialogue/cutscene ideas for them!
Preference #1: Twilight Town
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This has always been my favourite world in Kingdom Hearts, and not JUST due to the residing trio itself. It's funny, because both my KH dream guides come from other worlds, but the one where they're not from is the one where I feel most at home.
Well, that's a clashing idea as Terra has managed to ease me into the Land of Departure and has made me feel at home there. But I can't necessarily do heaps of stuff there.
So it's like no matter what other worlds I might be in, I seem to keep revisiting Twilight Town time and time again, which is likely also why Lea has befriended me and acts as a supporting figure to Riku and Terra if you will.
I remember in 2020 and early 2021, asking Riku to take me to Twilight Town lots of times and I bonded with him there more than I did on the islands. So in the dream world, it has mainly been just Riku and I (and Namine on some occasions). But in waking life and in general KH-OC Week lore, Selvian and Sierra have also had a large part to play in this world. In-fact as a bonding experience, Riku would take me up to Namine's mansion and we'd do things over there with her (so as a threesome as it were). Like Riku was very short and snappy in 2020, but in times where were at the mansion, he'd ease up there... Maybe because there were two girls around him? I can't say much for Terra in this instance because I haven't been to Twilight Town with him near as much [he and I used Neverland]. But this world was a memorable foundation for Riku and I, and once again, is revisited from time to time when I my IRL body and mind can catch a break from spiritual bombardment / retrogrades and the 'spiritual grind' 😅.
Neverland is among my favourite worlds for the above reason. But as this is recommending where Dinh-Yu should visit, there are higher preferences.
So for Dinh-Yu's case, there is a lot to do in Twilight Town and you will make friends with at least one if not more of the locals. As part-time participants, even Selvian and Sierra enjoy spending time in Twilight Town and the two eat Seasalt Ice-creams as they walk up to the train station or down to the sandbox with me, or both me and Riku. In a sense, Riku, myself and those two may sometimes have 'family outings' there and occasionally meet up with Lea. The teddies have never been seen on the clocktower. Either they have just never gone there, or as little teddies, are scared of what would be extreme heights for them, moreso than a person.
Remembering from my IRL dream archive, Twilight Town is actually the place where Sierra first manifested her keyblade. She would definitely invite Erika to hang out with her there one day.
Now for if Dinh-Yu was going to Twilight Town, my recommendation would be to befriend the Seasalt Trio. He used to interact with Roxas more until I got lethargic, so he does know him. Only Xion he hasn't really gotten to know. Also, opportunity for Kung Fu and/or Keyblade training on sunset hill... Away from the locals. And please don't terrify anyone travelling underneath the train station network.
Discussing the 'worlds' prompt is now finished.
Now just for disclosure / a reveal to Terra's situation. Day 3 and 4 have prompted a need to review the situation with Terra's teddies and there has been a change-over:
Terra now has guardianship over two Obwana siblings.
Terra's teddy buddies, as of 4 AUG 2024, are as follows: 1. MR. MABO OBWANA - INFP 2. MISS NASHA OBWANA - ESFP
Again the prior dynamic clashed and Terra slowly got neglected. Terra has met Mabo before, even if briefly, and the two bonded instantly, so I think Terra will be really happy to find out that Mabo will be working with him as one of his closest friends (different level to Aqua and Ventus). And this is consequentially I guess Terra's birthday present for 2024.
Also, as Siblings and a strict parental foundation, Mabo and Nasha will likely get along, and there will be less motivation for Nasha to fight/argue with anyone.
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I thought now would also be an ideal time to show off Sierra's Heart Station as I did say that any further bonds with her and Erika would be explored over time if ready. I drew it a few months ago, but edited it just now to include her sister:
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I thought it'd be a cool concept to have the teddy that it's centred around, in their human form.
Her connections (L-R): - KARLA B: Her creator/'The Mistess'. - MISS ERIKA TAPALADOS: Her younger sister. - MR. LESTER ZHANG: Her husband. - MR. RIKU CAELUM: The Dream Guide that introduced us to Kingdom Hearts. And took Selvian and Sierra under his wing as well when he finally came to terms with me.
Sierra and Lester have 3 children, but this would be too much to add on to her station, and dad and the kids are more in Warioware, whereas mum's gone to Kingdom Hearts. Hey maybe Lester and the kids can visit her in Twilight Town.
Oh God, I just realised that the instance and direction of KH-OC Week 2024 is facilitating a family reunion for Sierra 🥲, even though she still remains much loved and a solo powerhouse in Kingdom Hearts. Selvian is an excellent work-partner towards her and makes her not be homesick (hubby and children regardless of franchise).
Okeeeey I'm done with Day 5. Man am I going to have anything as equally as engaging for Day 6 and 7? 😅
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sercezgazety · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @zyrafowe-sny, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
21 at this point (and I’m sure glad you’re not asking about older platforms because uhhhh. My FFN era was terrifying)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
257,205. Huh.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Welp, Re-Animator, currently. But the majority of my works is a result of a powerful The Owl House obsession, and I do have another TOH fic in the making. Star Trek, though it’s really odd how little Trek fic there is on my account – I guess that’s because most of my hyperfixation went into the papers I published on the franchise.
Terra Ignota my beloved, but the books are so incredibly well-written, I get scared whenever I want to write anything about those characters. Everything I do is going to suck in comparison (and the one fic I did write indeed sucks balls). I had some flings with Sonic (kek), Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, and before that, Phineas and Ferb. In the pre-AO3 era, The Penguins of Madagscar (a fic after which I stopped writing for almost a decade), Discworld, Kick-Ass (my first English-language fic; what a trainwreck), Invader Zim, Storm Hawks (oh boy), Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Sherlock Holmes (the original, ACD one), Teen Titans, and some insane amounts of insanely bad, angsty Xiaolin Showdown fics with insane ships and insanely bad characterization. Look, I was 15. I’m pretty sure there was even more, and I can only be grateful that I don’t remember.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Oddly enough, Inhale, Hold, Exhale with over 1,1k, even though it was just an ultimate traumadump. Then, A Silver Platter (992), A Comparative Study in Redemption Arcs (789), The Matter at Hand (778), and The Deal (718).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! First, they make me happy and I’m grateful for them. But it’s also just a polite thing to do, and honestly? when I want to comment under a fic and I see OP doesn’t respond to comments, sometimes I shrug and decide kudos will suffice (not proud of myself for doing that, but oh well).
There were some comments I left unanswered, but those were from people I know IRL and I answered them somewhere else, or they were hate comments. Aaaand some comments I left unanswered back when I didn’t know it was possible to answer on AO3, and now answering them would be too awkward.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I write almost exclusively angst, so it’s more of a question about the specific flavor. I guess the biggest number of characters suffer miserably in a very mundane way in A Potter’s Field. In The Deal, the main character suffers in a very mundane way to such an extent, he willingly chooses to be possessed just to feel useful, so there’s that. Both stories have been bookmarked by people with notes such as “jesus fucking christ dude” or just “JESUS CHRIST,” and thus, I consider my mission accomplished and people's days ruined.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Red Crayon. Even I couldn’t write angst about Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus. Like, come on.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
YEAH BABEY. And I don’t mean the ‘I liked the fic, but there’s this thing I disagree with’ kind of comments, I mean the ‘this fic is terrible, have you ever watched the show?’ type of comments. The first time I got one like this, I was crying hysterically for two days.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not sure? This year, I did write some sex scenes or almost-sex-scenes, but the thing is, they were about everything but sex. And one of them was very, very awkward.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nnnope, and I hate those. But at one point, when I was very much into French Revolution, I had some grand plans for a Doctor Who fanfic in which Ten would meet Robespierre and realize he was a good guy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so? I had my fanart and my photos stolen, yeah, but not fanfic.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, though there was one person who asked if they could do that (I think they lost interest/didn’t have the time).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, back in middle school me and my friend ran a blog nobody read, and it was about two Discworld OCs. It was horrible.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Spones (Spock/Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy). I will go down with it. I’m married to it. I’ve been happily married to it for half of my lifetime (and the entirety of my adult life).
I like other ships in other fandoms, especially the ones with a similar dynamic. Spones, though, is the archetype.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
A Star Trek fic about Spock being unable to fully process the death of his pet sehlat, and that fact influencing his approach to animals in the years to come. I’m quite happy with what I have – for instance, there are five pages of Spock and McCoy arguing over the factors that make animals cute, with Spock being super scientific and judgemental, and McCoy having a gotcha! moment when Spock says axolotls are not cute.
I started writing it when I learned about my beloved cat’s diabetis. Then he died, I had a massive depressive episode, and now it’s been almost two years and I still cry because I miss him and he deserved so much better. And perhaps I would be able to finish the fic, given that half of my fics are traumadumps anyway, but I have no idea how this thing is even supposed to end.
16. What are your writing strengths?
POV and characters not knowing things that the audience knows
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting to the point. Or, like, having any point.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Erm. Everything I write is in another language. English is not my native language, I never had private lessons, I still don’t understand how the tenses or the punctuation work. But in case of Luz and Camila, I do tend to use Spanish words or expressions from time to time.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Okay, so back when I was 7, I had no idea fanfic existed or that you could just use the names and locations somebody else created, so I was writing stuff that was very much the terf-created wizard boy and very much Lord of the Rings, but like. With different names. The headmaster of the magical school was named fucking Ambli Dimbli. The first fanfic that I knew that was a fanfic, though, was for Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
The Matter at Hand. It’s not my most popular fic, it doesn’t have my favorite TOH character in it, but it’s about politics and scapegoating, and it has puns in it. And I’m really proud of how everyone in this story sucks. I like it when characters suck.
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Talk Hockey to Me
tagged by @giirlinterrupted 🤍💙
Tell me about:
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
I grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, about an hour south of Hershey, PA. My dad grew up going to watch the Hershey Bears play minor league hockey in the American Hockey League, and he continued the tradition with me (and my sister sometimes.) At first, I only really liked to go to the games for an opportunity to spend time with my dad, which was rare sometimes, but in middle school I somehow ended up being really good at floor hockey when we played it in gym class. One day I managed to score a hat trick, even though I was terrible at every other sport. (I also had a crush on one of the players on my school's hockey team at that point.) So I just kinda thought hockey was fun at that point and started enjoying the actual games more. Then I picked a favorite player from the Bears independently for the first time, and it was Mike Green. I didn't know much about him, just thought he was cool. He turned out to be really good, and when he got called up to the NHL to play for the Capitals, I started watching the Caps games on TV. (I was also lucky that we got the sports channel from Washington DC, despite not being all that close to there.)
2. Your first ever fandom friend
I'm not too established in the hockey fandom on here. I have a personal blog that I rarely use anymore that I used to post occasional Caps stuff on and follow a few Capitals people, but that's on a different account that I rarely use. I know hockey has become a lot more popular on footieblr over the years. I remember a few years back when it was more unusual for these fandoms to overlap that I sent a message or two to people who were in both fandoms that I thought it was cool that they liked both sports like I do. Basically my only hockey friend on here is @giirlinterrupted (and I'm so grateful that she doesn't put Sidney Crosby on my dash like so many other footieblr hockey fans seem to do.) IRL I have been surrounded by hockey fans most of my life though, because it's pretty big in my state in general, so the main time I felt a little more alone on that was the 2 1/2 years I was living in San Francisco. Unfortunately I am currently surrounded by Penguins fans :( as I am living in Pittsburgh. My IRL best friend is also into hockey, but she is a Sabres fan since she is from Buffalo and now lives in Rochester, NY.
3. The jersey you would most like to own
I wish I had an old Mike Green or Jay Beagle Caps jersey. Mike Green is now retired, and Jay Beagle, I don't even know.
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
I still have an unhealthy attachment to Jay Beagle even though he's been off the Caps for years. None of the current players can live up to that.
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
Don't really read fic much, but Ovi/Backstrom (I'm so out of the loop that I don't even know if they have a ship name) are adorable together, and idk how popular they are, at least outside of Caps fans.
6. Your favourite on-ice moment
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6/7/18. What else? I still cry when I think about it sometimes, and I can barely listen to "I Will Wait" by Mumford and Sons without crying due to that "Worth the Wait" video the Caps put out on social media after the Cup win.
link someone else's art/fic/etc that you love & think everyone should check out
He's here on Tumblr (@mxgicdave) but I could only find my favorite pic of his on Twitter:
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link something you made & are proud of & want people to see
Got nothing. I tried to write a few things about hockey in the past, but not since I was like 13. I was writing a story about a minor league hockey player whose playing got impacted by past trauma. Didn't get very far, then I was also trying to write a murder mystery featuring the Capitals, and I got even less far with that.
no pressure tagging:
I have no one to tag! :(
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Does anyone remember the teaser trailer for 3-2-1 Penguins that came before the main show on the VHS tape of VeggieTales’ King George and the Ducky? For those who don’t, I’ve linked it here.
When I was little my mom’s mom, who my sister and I called Memaw, had a lot of the VeggieTales VHS tapes including King George and the Ducky. We loved watching all of them, but until I was around 9 maybe we could never turn on King George by ourselves. We had to have Memaw in the room with us because this trailer would play, and at around 0:36-0:40 seconds what my sister and I called the Scary Archibald Face would be on screen.
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Now of course know that this clip of Archibald in a trench coat is from The End of Silliness 2 and is nothing to be afraid of but back then for some reason Archibald making this face and just that trailer in general scared us
Was anyone else scared of this trailer? Or was it just us?
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 2 years
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I posted 11,609 times in 2022
That's 5,335 more posts than 2021!
2,665 posts created (23%)
8,944 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,880 of my posts in 2022
#princess of dreamland au - 713 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 352 posts
#miraculous - 347 posts
#psychonaut in paris au - 337 posts
#psychonauts - 328 posts
#kirby - 143 posts
#mobians in paris au - 107 posts
#pip meta - 102 posts
#mint drew a thing - 100 posts
#sonic frontiers spoilers - 81 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#can't wait for canon to come and dash all my hopes and dreams of alix skating circles around her foes in rabbit cosplay
My Top Posts in 2022:
My second favorite scene from the Sonic Riders Real Time Fandub is when they were all at the beach and Sonic said “You know what? I HATE BOARD SHORTS!” while actually wearing board shorts and this confused Jet so much
53 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Hey so remember when I wrote a thing about Dedede in Forgotten Land?
Well, I've now written a sorta follow-up with Forgo Dedede.
(Spoilers for Kirby and the Forgotten Land)
“This should keep you more compliant.”
(No–get it off of me–I don’t–)
He struggled, trying to pull the wooden mask off of his face, but to no avail. He didn’t want to forget again, please–
The whir of machinery churned in the background, metal grinding against metal, somehow sounding both far away and deafening at the same time.
“Now, you will buy us time against the intruders.”
(No, not–not them, don’t make me fight them–)
He barely registered the elevator doors closing in front of him, leaving him alone as the other being left.
(Leaving him to his post.)
What–no, this wasn’t his–he didn’t–
There was something about this mask, he had to get it off, it was messing with his head even more than he had been before–Why wouldn’t it come off?!
The mask just wouldn't budge.
(I have to–I have to get this off–get it off–GET IT OFF OF ME–)
Everything seemed to grow fuzzier with each passing second, and it felt harder and harder for him to even think clearly.
This was wrong. This was very wrong.
There were footsteps behind him, clattering against the metallic floor.
(I–no–I don't want to–to fight them–no–please–don't make me–I don't–please–PLEASE–)
Who...was it, that he didn't want to fight?
He...couldn't remember...
...It...well...it probably wasn't important...
(No, not important.)
...Yeah...it...it wasn't important...didn't matter...
It all seemed fuzzy now, like static.
See the full post
60 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
Juno just did Beam Attack WITH LYRICS! The surprising thing is that THEY GAVE WADDLE DOO A MOTIVATION AND THE SONG SLAPS!!!!!!!!-JT Anon
Juno you absolute madlad you struck again and gave us a total banger
66 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Me: *Is filled with an immense urge to write something about Dedede's whole situation in Forgotten Land*
...Look, what can I say? Mind control just fascinates me.
(Spoilers for Kirby and the Forgotten Land)
Dedede dismissed the tiny bird with a wave of his hand, watching as it flew off with cage in tow. The Waddle Dee inside the cage cried out as it was lifted away, making the penguin pause for a moment.
Why...why did this make him feel sad? There wasn't any reason he could remember for it (he was only doing what he'd been instructed), so why did it seem...wrong?
...It didn't matter.
All that mattered was fulfilling his task.
(Nothing else is important.)
The sound of footsteps on the stone floor behind him shook him back to reality. Tightening the grip on his hammer, Dedede turned to face the intrusion, ready to fight.
And then he stopped, as something about the scene before him threw him off. Something was wrong.
There was a Dee with a bright blue bandana on its head, holding a spear. And a light blue rodent-looking thing (weren't we all looking for this one?).
But what made him pause was the small, pink puffball staring right at him. It seemed...familiar?
There was something he was forgetting here, something important, he just knew it...His head was starting to hurt...Shaking it off, he raised his weapon, eyes narrowed.
"Who are ya?" Dedede demanded sharply, pointing his hammer towards the pink blob threateningly. "What d'ya want?"
The figure's face fell, like that was something it hadn't wanted to hear. "...Dedede? What are you--"
The penguin narrowed his eyes further. "And how'd ya know my name?"
"Your...but, your majesty, it's us!" the little guy in the bandana piped up. "Don't you...don't you recognize..."
('Your majesty?' Does the guy think I'm royalty or something?)
And why did that feel right? He wasn't a king or anything...was he?
Everything felt fuzzy for a second. (No, it's probably just a mistake.)
"I dunno what you're talking about, kid. I think I'd know if I've seen ya guys before..."
(I would know, right?)
The pink puffball looked distraught. "You mean you really don't remember?" it asked him, a pleading kind of look in its eyes. "You don't remember us?"
"What are you talking about?!" (Why would I remember someone I've never met?)
"Come on!" the bandana guy said desperately. "You know us, it's me and Kirby!"
Dedede froze.
That name...
He held his forehead as it started to hurt again. (Why...why does that sound so familiar?)
See the full post
100 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey so y'all know the "Driving Sky" color from Dream Buffet?
I think I figured out what it's referencing
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See the full post
107 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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survey--s · 10 months
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1 - Who was the last person to knock on your door? Were they there to see you?  A delivery driver - she had a parcel for my husband.
2 - Have you left the house yet today? If not, do you have plans to leave the house later on?  We're pretty much snowed in but I've been in the garden to play with Archie a few times. It's so surreal. We have about a foot of snow outside and all the roads in/out of our town are totally blocked off.
3 - What’s your favourite brand of chocolate? What type of chocolate bar from that brand is your favourite?  Lindt or Milka. I like the red Lindt bars or the plain Milka. I used to love the strawberry one but you can't really find it here very easily.
4 - Have you ever met someone in person who you first met on the internet? Do you have plans to do that anytime soon? Yeah, my husband and a few others too - both friends and dates. I have no plans for that anytime soon, though.
5 - What was the last thing you used a blender for?  Either to make soup or a smoothie.
6 - Have you ever got into an argument with a stranger on social media? Do you remember what it was about?  I like to call them healthy debates lol. And probably all sorts of things, to be honest. It's an easy way to pass the time.
7 - When was the last time you cracked your joints? Is that something you do often?  Just now, and yeah, multiple times a day.
8 - What time is it right now? If you weren’t doing a survey, what else would you be doing right now?  It's 5.40pm and well, not much as we're snowed in and there's nowhere to go and nothing to do. It's also pitch black outside.
9 - If you had ten minutes to run around an empty supermarket and fill your trolley for free, what’s the first aisle you’d go for?  Anything long-lasting - probably soft drinks, toiletries, canned goods.
10 - Aside from Tumblr, what websites do you visit the most and why?  Facebook - just because, I guess.
11 - Has COVID had any impact on your Christmas plans this year? What’s going to change or be different to normal?  No, COVID isn't really a "thing" anymore. I mean, I know it still exists but everyone just treats it as another winter bug rather than anything that needs to have separate rules.
12 - What’s your favourite flavour of cake? Are you any good at making that kind of cake?  Carrot cake, coffee & walnut or Victoria Sponge. I can bake but I don't really enjoy it as it creates loads of mess and washing up lol.
13 - Do you prefer sweet or sour candy? Sour.
14 - What colour is your favourite fruit? Is this a fruit you eat often?  Pink and not really, as they're so expensive. I do buy frozen raspberries sometimes but they don't taste the same.
15 - Is your favourite restaurant an independent place or a chain? What is it that you love about it so much?  They're all independent places. I just love the food I guess, and the atmosphere and service.
16 - Are you genuinely a fan of Starbucks or do you think it’s all hype?  I like it. We don't have one anywhere near us, though.
17 - Do you own a Christmas jumper? What design/pattern does it have on it?  Yeah, one has penguins and the other has beagles in Christmas hats.
18 - What’s your favourite fit/style of jeans?  Dark skinny jeans.
19 - What was the last non-essential item you spent money on?  Candles.
20 - Are you currently under any COVID-related restrictions where you live? Are people generally following the rules?  No, there haven't been any restrictions here for over two years now.
21 - What did you last leave the room you’re in to do?  To go for a wee and to check the weather. It's still bloody snowing.
22 - Have you ever read any self-help books? Did you find them useful?  No, they're not really my cup of tea.
23 - What’s your favourite programme on the Food Network (if you watch it)? If you don’t get that channel, what’s your favourite food/cookery show in general?  Restaurant Impossible but only the early seasons. I'm not really a fan of the later ones for some reason. I also like Worst Cooks in America but I'm not sure what network that is.
24 - Do you still watch cartoons?  I watch The Simpsons but again, early seasons only.
25 - Who do you know with the most number of siblings? Would you ever want to live in a huge family?  Both my parents were one of six and Mike was one of five. Personally I always wanted a brother but I'm happy enough as an only child. I find the idea of big family gatherings really stressful, haha.
26 - Are you a fan of garlic bread? YES. I’m just a huge fan of garlic generally. <–Same. I put it in everything. <--- haha, yep.
27 - Do you own any personalized clothing? What’s the reason for getting it?  Nope.
28 - Is anyone else in the same room as you right now? What is that person up to?  No, Mike is upstairs watching a movie with Toby. The dog is asleep next to me and the other cats are in the box by the radiator.
29 - What colours are you wearing right now? Does your wardrobe contain a lot of those colours?  Grey, black, red and cream and yes, I guess so!
30 - Do you like adding condiments to your food? If so, what are some of your favourites?  Yeah - I don't have a favourite as it depends what food I'm eating.
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adrianharley · 1 year
My Top 10 Reads of (the first half of) 2023
I have lucked out in reading so far this year, so it is now my duty, nay, my privilege, to insist that everyone else read these books as soon as humanly possible. These are all books I read from January through June--I haven't read a single thing in July yet. 
10. The World We Make, by N. K. Jemisin. Everything Jemisin writes is gold, and even though this one didn't quite hit the highs of the first, it was a solid conclusion to the duology.
9. Siren Queen, by Nghi Vo. Early Hollywood, but make it magic--fae magic, where stars become literal stars and a Wild Hunt happens behind the scenes.
8  You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty, by Akwaeke Emezi. I will read anything Emezi writes. I would have trusted very few authors with this premise: an artist grieving the loss of her husband starts seeing other men again, but then starts falling for the father of the man she is seeing. The lavishness of the descriptions, my goodness. The book comes alive.
7. Witch Hat Atelier (volumes 1 through 5), by Kamome Shirahama. It's a testament to the strength of the books I read this year that the series with baby penguin-gryphons is this far away from #1. I cannot emphasize enough how cute they are--and in case you care about something other than baby penguin-gryphons, I cannot explain in words how incredible this world is. Just look. You'll see.
6. An Immense World, by Ed Yong. I am an animal nerd. I love sinking into a good nonfiction animal book, and this one is miles above most. I was blown away and humbled by how little I know about animal senses, and I thought I knew a lot. The writing is engaging and charming, too.
5. The Spear Cuts Through Water, by Simon Jiminez. I have never read a book like this before, and that's saying something. The frame structure of the dream theater, the way the narrative points of view flow back and forth, the dips into everyone's (EVERYONE'S) thoughts... this is one of those books that shows how arbitrary some of the fundamental "rules" of writing are, and how vivid a story can be without them.
4. Little Thieves, by Margaret Owen. A good first-person narrator is worth their weight in gold. This was a delightful romp with a selfish protagonist. She's robbing the rich and trying to outwit the fantasy law enforcement! She might have to Learn About Friendship! She's slowly turning into gems! I loved her and all the supporting cast.
3. The Monsters We Defy, by Leslye Penelope. I hope historical fantasy heists keep on coming, but they'll have a hard time surpassing this one. Features a prickly protagonist who slowly learns to trust and folktale-esque spirit magic, with spirits that can't be trusted and bestow a gift alongside a "trick." The pairing of "You will be a flawless actor who can take any role, but nobody will remember your true self" is one that's going to haunt me for a while.
2. The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi, by Shannon Chakraborty. An absolutely flawless piratical adventure. A retired pirate captain gets called away from her peaceful life and motherhood for One Last Job. This has everything you could want in a pirate adventure--a crew of lovable characters, a sinister job that's more than it seems, sea creatures, and a rich and teeming world (the better to be looted). In any other year--half-year--this might have been my very favorite...
1. Shubeik Lubeik, by Deena Mohamed. ... but Shubeik Lubeik won my heart and hasn't let it go. You know when you finish a book and want to shove it in everyone's hands immediately? This is that book, and all the more so because I had never heard of it before picking it up in the library and devouring it in one glorious evening. This graphic novel is about a world like ours, but where wishes are real. Three interconnected tales in Cairo follow three people who end up with a first-class wish. If you like graph-based humor about mental illness, gorgeous art, well-thought-through alternate worlds, and getting emotionally torn apart and put back together again, read this.
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