#who is violet myers
themilkshanghai · 2 months
Mia and Marta's Profile
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" When human Mia meets witch Marta, The story of them is began… "
Mia Wynn
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Identity Name : Mia Wynn Date of Birth : August 8, 1997 Gender : Female Blood Type : O Blood Status : Muggle-Born Myer Briggs Personality Type : ISTP Ethnicity : American-Thai Nationality : American
Appearance Height : 175 cm Weight : 56 kg Hair : Dark gray, Shoulder length Eyes : Light green Skin : Tan, Scar on the waist
At Hogwarts Hogwarts House : Ravenclaw Wand : Hazel wood, Dragon heartstrings, 12 inches, Flexibility Quidditch : Beater Animagus : Gray Fox Patronus : Whale Boggart : Parents's body Riddikulus : Paper doll Flower : Red Poppy
Food/Dessert/Beverage : Candy, Chocolate cake, Omelet, Ramen, Donut, Ice cream, Black tea, Hot & Iced cocoa
Hobby : Sports, Singing & Playing music, Photography, Gaming, Traveling
Color : Gray, Black, White, Dark blue, Green, Red, Purple-Violet
Subject : Charms, Transfiguration, DADA, Flying, Astronomy
Mia is Muggle-Born who has talented and live an ordinary life. But when she was 7 years old, there was a fire at her house (America), her parents died in the fire and she was admitted to the hospital for several months. Mia's aunt heard the news and then took her to move to England for new life.
After months later something happened to Mia. The mysterious voices, sounds, Magic?! She felt shocked-excited and interesting that made wanted to learning about Magic.
Marta Waltsher
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Identity Name : Marta Waltsher Date of Birth : January 10, 1997 Gender : Female Blood Type : A Blood Status : Half-Blood Myer Briggs Personality Type : INTP Ethnicity : English-Thai Nationality : English
Appearance Height : 170 cm Weight : 50 kg Hair : Black, Long-Straight Eyes : White Skin : Light
At Hogwarts Hogwarts House : Slytherin Wand : Cedar wood, Dragon heartstrings, 10 inches, Pliable Quidditch : Keeper Animagus : White Swan Patronus : Raven Boggart : Thorny Vines Riddikulus : Flower Vines Flower : Poison Hemlock
Food/Dessert/Beverage : Herbal tea, Cookie, Salad, Vegetable soup, Beef Stew, Hot chocolate, Honey toast
Hobby : Cooking-Baking, Reading, Gardening, Dancing & Playing music
Color : White, Green, Black, Blue, Silver, Pastel
Subject : Charms, Potions, Herbology, Flying
Marta is Half-Blood witch who comes from a wealthy and strict rules family. Her mother disappeared after she was born for some reason, she heard that her father's relatives thinks she lured him with black magic to married.
Now she lives with her father and nursemaid (Younger sister of her mother) in mansion near the cemetery in the valley. Her father taught her about magic until able to use magic without a wand.
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cowgurrrl · 11 months
Love you writing - so I have a request please! Joel taking the twins and Sammy trick or treating. Him just trying to wrangle 3 wild nuggets. I image the girls in this scenario being like 4/5. I also love the ideas of the girls being little weirdos and just picking odd costumes like the Nun or Michael Myers. They have of course never watched either movie.
I love this!! I changed it around a little but this idea made me giggle. Thank you for the request and the sweet words 🥺❤️
I’m Just Ken
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: A Halloween fashion show with the Millers [~700]
Warnings: horror movie characters, delusion, a surprise at the end
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“What is my daughter wearing?” You ask unceremoniously as you walk into the bedroom. Joel is sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling his boots off, and he chuckles at your question like he’s been waiting for it all day. 
“Your daughter picked out her own costume at Spirit Halloween and wouldn’t take no for an answer.” He says. The insinuation that it was your stubbornness that passed to Violet and put you in this situation is not missed.  
“So you let our four-year-old buy a Michael Myers mask and jumpsuit as her Halloween costume?” 
“You didn’t even see what the other one picked out.” He laughs, and you scrub a hand down your face. 
“Joel…” you sigh as you walk back down the hallway to ask Sophia to show you what she picked out for Halloween. Sure enough, she comes up with a black robe and a Scream mask. 
“Me and Vi are gonna match!” She exclaims from behind the white, permanently screaming mask. You take a deep breath before crouching down to her level. 
“Baby, do you know what this mask is from?”
“No, but look!” She smiles as she pushes a button, and fake blood spills down from the top. “Cool, right?” Her excitement is heartbreaking, and you don’t dare to tell her no. 
“Very cool, honey,” you say. “There weren’t any other costumes you saw there that you liked?” 
“No, I like this one the best, and I get to match with sissy.” Almost as if on cue, a tiny Michael Meyers walks into the room, giggling like there’s no tomorrow. Normally, this would be any parent’s nightmare, but you can’t stop yourself from giggling right alongside them. 
“Alright, c’mere, you little freaks.” You say as you wrap the girls up in a big hug, smooshing their masks in the process. The girls snuggle into you before chasing each other around in the weirdest, cutest horror movie crossover you’ve ever seen.
“Mommy, you didn’t even say anything about my costume!” A voice whines from the doorway, and you look up to see Sam in a Mario costume, mustache and all. The snort leaves you before you can stop it. It’s insane how much he looks like Joel with the Mario stache on. Thank God Sammy isn’t fazed by your laughter and runs over to hug you, too.
“You look so handsome, bud!” You kiss his cheek. “You didn’t want a scary costume like your sisters?”
“No, those are way too scary for me!” He shakes his head like he’s proving his point, and you laugh again. 
“Did Daddy get a costume, too, or just you guys?”
“Daddy did get a costume.” Joel’s voice is the next one in the doorway, and when you look up, you cover your mouth with your hands and do your best to hide your laughing. There before you is your life partner of a little over a decade dressed as Mojo Dojo Casa House Ken, complete with the minx and everything. The kids all laugh and run over to Joel, climbing him like a tree, which he takes in stride. You knew Joel loved the Barbie movie— he loves anything you’re in— but this is a new feat. 
“No way they were selling that at Spirit.” You say as he tickles the little Mario and Ghostface. 
“They weren’t. I texted Greta bout a month or two ago and asked her if I could borrow it.” 
“You just texted one of the most successful female directors of our time and the woman who has signed my paychecks to ask if you could borrow a costume from a billion-dollar film?” 
“She thought it’d be funny.” 
“Mommy, are you gonna be Barbie again?” Violet asks excitedly, and you laugh.
“I guess so.”
“Sublime!” Joel yells. Halloween isn’t for another couple of days, but you wouldn’t be able to tell with all the screaming costume-clad children running around the playroom. They’re obviously excited, but once Daisy comes into the room wearing bumble bee wings, it’s over. The kids and Daisy run down the hallway, trying to “catch the Daisy Bee” and leave you and Ken alone. 
“You are absolutely ridiculous.” You say, but you’re smiling a little too big for it to be believable. 
“There are worse things.” He says as he leans down to kiss you, but you put a hand on his lips before he can.
“I love you, but I’m not kissing you while you’re dressed like my coworker.” 
“I’ll change.”
“Good idea,” you smile as he turns to leave, but you grab his hand before he can get far. “But if you happened to skip putting a shirt back on, that’d be cool, too.” 
“Whatever you say, Barbie.” 
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TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha
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slaptasticturtle · 11 months
Hallows Night
Yandere Male Werewolf X GN Reader
Warnings: Gore, Death (not reader), unhealthy relationship, unpleasant description of violence, swearing.
The night crept in on this year's Halloween, a holiday y/n quite enjoyed. Candy, costumes, scares, and the general atmosphere all made for a fun night. They hadn't gone full out with their costume, having been fired from their job a few weeks ago, they couldn't afford more than a simple Walmart costume. They had dressed as Ghostface and their friends decided that it would be fun to all be iconic slashers.
David, one of their oldest friends, had dressed as Michael Myers. He was the only one with the correct stature for it. Bulky, tall, and very imposing. The only thing that didn't match was his friendly personality. He couldn't harm a fly, even if that fly killed his entire family.
Caleb, the most recent addition to y/n's friends, dressed as Jason. His stature was wrong, but he insisted on being his favorite slasher. He was pretty short and slim, almost twig like. He carried a real machete for self defense, and to make the costume more real. Despite being shorter than everyone in the group, he was probably the best fighter. He was considered a delinquent and would constantly get into fights with others before meeting the group.
Sarah, who was like a sister to y/n, dressed as ghost face as well. There were always 2, so she thought it would be cool. Sarah refused to add any fake blood, as she didn't want to scare any kids that decided to trick or treat. She was kind to a fault, refusing to state the faults in others; even if it helped them.
Jim, who accidentally joined the group, dressed as Billy the puppet. He liked horror movies and really enjoyed Gore, so being the puppet from the saw series was his go to. He wanted to watch horror movies instead of going to the party they were walking to, but Violet convinced him to go. He hated the large crowds, but he had a not-so-secret crush on Violet. Opposites do attract.
Violet, the party girl, was going as a genderbent freddy Krueger. She loved cosplaying, and that allowed her to spend hours working on hers with how long the makeup would take. She happens to be in a rich family and was able to spend much more on her costume than the others in the group. She loved showing off her talents and loved to be in larger crowds.
Finally, there was Samuel, the survivalist. He was dressed as leather face. He wasn't as buff as David, but he was still pretty strong. He had more of a sleeper build, which he got from working in the forest. He worked as a lumberjack, and just happened to go to the same college as y/n. He met the group when they had gone camping in the forest his family owned. They hadn't known, but Samuel was pretty forgiving and allowed the to camp. After that he showed up to one of y/n's classes and slowly became a member of the group.
They had decided to go to a party that one of their fellow students was hosting. They had invited just about everyone in the college, so the group was expecting a large crowd. Y/n, while not afraid of large crowds, was worried about how large this one may be. They had decided to walk there, as it wasn't to far, and Sarah wanted to see the trick or treaters. She had brought a bag of candy for the walk, and was passing out candy to truck or treaters as they passed by. Violet was skipping as she walked, which was slightly unsettling with the costume she had. David was walking in the middle, in order to appear scary to any wannabe hooligans he claimed, but the group knew it was because he didn't want to get lost. He was known to suddenly wander off when something caught his attention.
Caleb was glaring at anyone who passed by, and would occasionally jump out at little kids. Everytime he did, Sarah would slap the back of his head and the group would need to stop for Sarah to lecture him. Y/n was just walking along with David and Samuel, all three pretty silent on the way and only really talking when they were talked to. Violet joked that Y/n had scary dog privileges, as both Samuel and David towered over them and anyone would think twice before approaching Y/n.
After half an hour, they finally began to see lights. The crowd wasn't in the thousands, but there were atleast a few hundred people. Luckily that classmate was the product of an eccentric millionaire father, so the giant mansion had more than enough room. The party was loud, and y/n could tell that most party goers were either drunk or high. Caleb scrunched up his nose as one person passed by, reeking of alcohol. Violet immediately ran off, and Caleb began to follow leaving the rest of the group behind.
Dave looked around for a second before turning to the others.
Dave:"so, what are we going to do?"
Sarah:"stick together, have fun, and not get too drunk or high?"
Y/n:"sounds like a plan."
Samuel:"should we look for the other two?"
Y/n:"nah, they probably are going to end up in bed together and I don't want to interfere with something we have been waiting for."
Sarah looked disgusted at that comment, and gave a little "hmph" while Dave giggled and Samuel let out a full belly laugh, which attracted the attention if a few nearby party goers.
Samuel:"I agree with y/n on this, we knew it would happen eventually."
David:"yeah, let's leave Mr Guard Dog with Ms. Princess so they can finally get together. I see the punchbowl, does anyone want a drink?"
Y/n shrugged.
Y/n:"only if it is not spiked, don't want to get drunk yet."
Samuel:"I'll take one, and I didn't know you liked to get drunk y/n."
Y/n:"I really don't, but it's a party; so why not live a little."
Sarah shook her head.
Sarah:"not thirsty at the moment."
David:"suit yourself."
David wandered to the punch bowl and proceeded to fill three cups. He took a sip of his, and poured one of the cups back into the punch bowl. He then walked back over with his cup and one other.
David:"definitely spiked. I could taste the vodka"
Samuel took a sip.
Samuel:"yep; vodka, tequila, and a little bit of wine. Pretty weird combination. Maybe multiple people tried to spike it?:
Dave:"man, I wish I had those kind of taste buds. How could you tell about the wine?"
Samuel smiled and boastful stated
Samuel:"my mother's a natural when it comes to cooking. My pallete is very advanced. Wine has an off taste when it comes to the grape flavor, and the punch does not contain grapes."
After a few hours of partying, y/n decided to give get some punch. David noticed and walked over to them.
David:"I can go get you some punch now, there is quite a crowd near there and I would rather you not be assimilated."
Y/n:"thanks. I'll be right here."
David nodded and began to head to the table. After a minute, Samuel approached Y/n with a cup of punch. He held it out and said
Samuel:"David told me to give this to you, Sarah needed his help with something."
Y/n nodded and thanked him before drinking it. It had an off taste, but y/n assumed it was the alcohol. After a few minutes after finishing the punch, Y/n began to feel dizzy and saw David approach. He had a cup if punch in his hands.
David:"are you feeling OK? You look a little pale. I got the punch finally, the line was massive."
Y/n looked at David confused, but was to dizzy to form a complete sentence. After a moment, Y/n lost their balance and David caught them. He brought them to an empty room and sat them on the ground.
David:"I'll watch over you, get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."
With that y/n slowly fell asleep.
After an unknown amount of time, y/n awoke to David shaking them. The first thing y/n picked up was the sound screaming. David in a hushed tone hurriedly explained to y/n what was happening
David:"Y/n, you awake? Good. I barricaded the door and called the police. Someone went crazy and suddenly bit the throat of someone else. They then grabbed a knife and began to stab other people. We need to be quite."
Y/n, now fearing for their lives, quickly nodded and began to shiver in fear. David noticed and wrapped them up in a nearby curtain. They happened to be in a storage room, and a lot of old furniture was stashed there. David began to search for a weapon. Y/n noticed a second exit, an emergency exit, that didn't have an entrance. They pointed it out to David.
David:"we will use that as a last resort. I checked, it leads to the hallway outside. This room is like a panic room it seems."
Y/n agreed, as they were in the room and were definitely panicking.
After the screams began to die down, they heard footsteps approach the barricaded door. They heard a growl, and suddenly the door was being slammed into. The barricade, which consisted of a dresser and mirror, began to Crack. The door was splintering, and David quickly turned to y/n.
David:"you need to go. I will distract them while you escape."
Y/n began to shake their head, but David hushed them.
David:"I will not let you be killed. I love you to much to allow you to be hurt. Live your life, remember me, and get outside. The police will be here soon. I'm happy to be your friend."
Y/n looked shocked for a moment, then nodded now determined. Another slam caused the mirror to fall and shatter, the dresser was beginning to fall apart. David grabbed the curtain pole, and got into a stance. Y/n quickly pushed against the wall and immediately began to run. They were shocked at the carnage. Dozens of dead bodies, blood everywhere. The floor was surely going to be stained crimson. Some bodies were missing limbs, others bad their throats torn out. A few of the bodies were moaning in pain, but y/n couldn't afford to stop. The person slamming into the door broke through, based on the sudden crash behind y/n as they continued to run. Tears streamed down y/n's face as they continued to run as a sudden howl rang out. Y/n gasped, and came to a stop, the tears growing. Sarah's body laid infront of them and seemed to be the worst of all. She was missing both legs, an arm, and had a large scratch going through her face. The only reason Y/n could even recognize Sarah was the torn costume, and the necklace they wore. Y/n came out of their shock and began to run towards the entrance again. They were lost, though, not knowing the directions of the mansion and how they got to the storage room. Suddenly someone grabbed their shoulder. Y/n turned and gasped.
Caleb was getting along with Violet for a while when suddenly screams ran out. Caleb turned for a minute and heard violet chuckle. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder and could no longer feel his arm. He looked at his arm and let out a cry of agony. Violet, who now was nearly 7 feet tall and looked like a monster, had ripped his arm off. He quickly began to run, while Violet began a rampage. She quickly grabbed one of the other party goers and ripped their throat our with her bare teeth, blood gushing onto her brown fur. Caleb ran to one of the curtains, and using his machete, cut a large section off. He was loosing blood fast, ND would die if he did not hurry. He made a tourniquet and quickly tightened it onto his shoulder, which slowed the bleeding. He used another strip to package his wound, hissing as he did. He would survive this wound for a bit longer, but he needed to get out. He placed his machete in his holster, and began to head to the entrance when he noticed someone familiar. He grasped at their shoulder, and Y/n turned around, gasping.
Caleb:"do you know where the others are?"
Y/n, with tears in their eyes,:"David sacrificed himself so I could escape. Sarah is dead. I don't know about Samuel or violet."
Caleb gritted his teeth and said:"violet is one of the monsters. She suddenly grew several feet taller and ripped my arm off. We need to find the others, if they are still alive. Based on the dead bodies around us, there is more than just 1 or 2 monsters. I am ahead of Violet, but she may be gaining ground."
Y/n was shocked, but quickly regained their resolve. They nodded and began to search rooms as quietly and quickly as possible. A voice suddenly rang out from the hallway they were in.
Violet:"Caleb, I can smell your blood! I know you are out here! If you show yourself, I can give you a quick death. Almost painless. If you surrender Y/n, I will let you go. After all, this is all for them!"
Caleb quickly whipped around and told Y/n
Caleb:"we need to go. Split up, we will meet in the main lobby. If I'm not there in 5 minutes, leave without me. You just need to go straight and to the right. Last door. I will try and lose them."
With that he quickly rushed into a bedroom. Y/n turned and began to spring down the hallway as Violet called out to them
Violet:"Y/n, please come here. I won't hurt you, none of us will. We just want to welcome you to the family. No one else needs to die, not Caleb, Samuel, Sarah, or David!"
Y/n turned and shouted back as they continued to run
Y/n:"you monsters killed Sarah and David. You probably killed Samuel. Leave me alone, I don't want to join whatever you monsters are!"
Y/n heard a snarl, but they heard a door open and saw a giant wolf monster go into the bedroom Caleb went into. Y/n finally burst through the doors to the main lobby, which was surprisingly clean. Almost no dead bodies, and the few that did exist were placed into the corners of the room. Y/n rushed to the bodies and began to search for Samuel. None of the bodies matched.
Caleb was dashing from room to room. His adrenaline was causing the pain to be a mild discomfort. He needed to escape. He need to save atleast one of his friends. As he ran he was replaying all his memories of Y/n, Samuel, Violet David, and Sarah in his mind. They pulled him out of the roughest place in his life and saved him, and now because one of his friends happened to be a monster; he was going to lose them. He needed to save Y/n, whatever Violet had planned for them was not something they deserved. He might also be able to save Samuel, but he wouldn't get his hopes up until he saw them.
Violet called after him as he ran
Violet:"Caleb, this is all your fault! If you hadn't scared Y/n off, you would still be able to live. We would have welcomed you as well. Your death and Samuel's is on your hand."
Caleb ignored the taunts and continued to run, before he entered a bathroom. The bathroom didn't have a way to escape, so he turned back to the guest room he was just in and suddenly went pale. His adrenaline immediately cut off, and the pain came in full force. Standing infront of him was Violet. Violet and a grey wolf. There were atleast 2. Atleast he would die knowing Y/n made it out.
Y/n grew worried as the minutes passed by. They didn't know how long it had been, but they were sure it was more than 5 minutes. They knew Caleb told them to run, but they couldn't. Not until he got back. There was 2 exits, so if they needed, Y/n could rush out if one of the werewolves appeared. After a few more minutes, with Y/n growing more and more worried, they noticed a clock. It was almost morning. Only a few hours until the sun would be up. Hopefully that transforms the werewolves back into their weaker forms, like the stories say.
Suddenly they heard footsteps and cackling. Y/n looked towards the hallway entrance and saw two werewolves, one grey and one brown, werewolf appear. They were carrying the corpse if Caleb and slowly munching on it. They saw Y/n as they entered, and both their lights lit up. Y/n turned to run, but was quickly tackled by the grey werewolf.
Y/n looked up at it and pleaded with defeat
Y/n:"please kill me quickly atleast."
A familiar voice came out of the werewolves mask and Y/n looked at it with a feeling of betrayal.
Samuel:"we aren't going to kill you, silly. Although it is to late to turn you and welcome you into the family. We have to do that next year, but don't worry. We won't harm a hair on your head."
Suddenly a white furred werewolf walked in, towering over the other 2. The others acknowledged it, and began to speak.
Violet:"sorry alpha, I got to occupied chasing Caleb. He was able to allude me for a while. I didn't know he would survive his wound."
Samuel:"I apologize as well. I was to focused on finding survivors that I didn't think to search the main lobby for Y/n."
The white werewolf addressed them both and as soon as he opened his mouth; Y/n's brain completely imploded.
David:"it is not that big of an issue. I knew it would be a long shot to both get then and turn them by the time limit, especially with so many people. That is why we built that special room for them in our den after all. You two have not failed me, you got me my beloved."
He then turned to Y/n
David:"I know this must be shocking and traumatizing for you. Do not worry, my beloved, that shall pass. None of us shall harm you further than the mental harm we caused today, and you shall forget all of this soon enough. I shall explain our motives as well, nod if you can hear me."
Y/n, with tears in their eyes, glared up at David.
David sighed, but continued.
David:"not exactly a nod, but you can clearly hear me. We have been friends since elementary school, friends longer than you have even known anyone else. I grew to love you, and while it may seem obsessive to you, it is natural for my kind to stalk and be protective of our loved ones. Especially when they aren't the same as us. Over time I noticed that you would not be safe all the time with just me watching you, so I decided to find others. I was born a werewolf, the others were chosen by me and turned. Violet was the first and was chosen due to her popularity and loyalty. Samuel was soon after, he was obsessed with the myth of the werewolves and; when he found me during a hunt in his parents woods, surrendered his flesh to me. I gave him the chance to be part of the pack."
He paused, allowing Y/n to follow and register what he was saying
David:"after I found them I left my parents pack. We created a den in Samuel's forest, and I have been keeping you safe ever since. I prevented you from being kidnapped a few years ago. Samuel prevented you from being mugged while you walked home a few weeks ago, and violet kept you away from bad influences. We all adore you, but you will be my betrothed. You will be the Luna of the group, the spouse of the Alpha. Your word will only be rivaled by mine. Until then, you shall remain human. I have gotten a bunch of your hobbies, interests, and some nice furniture. You will be kept in your new room until it is time to turn you, but you will be entertained, fed, and doted on by me. Once you turn, you shall gain your freedom."
Y/n mustered the courage to speak after David finished his explanation
Y/n:"why did you kill Sarah? Why did you kill Caleb?"
David sighed once more and began to explain
David:"we offered Sarah to join us before we killed her. She refused. Caleb was a bad influence on you, however if he gave you up we would have also allowed him to join. It was their choice to die. We did not wish to kill them, but we will always prioritize you. Them being alive kept us from having you."
David nodded to Violet, whom turned to Y/n.
Violet:"don't worry, when you wake up you will be comfortable and safe."
Violet began to walk towards Y/n, who began to struggled under Samuel. Violet smiled apologetically, before shoving a pill down their throat. Violet quickly covered their nose and mouth and began to coo at them.
Violet:"just relax and swallow. You will be safe, I promise."
After a few moments, Y/n swallowed the pill. The group all waited as Y/n grew sluggish and fell asleep. David walked over an picked them up.
David:"they are so adorable when they sleep."
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kittyamore0 · 2 years
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ★⋆.
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★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ★⋆.
@kittiescrownedsoul━ LOVE THIS HOE!
Status: editing, uncompleted Masterlist for all works
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔
( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━ Slashers with a GN! S/O who has a low self-esteem, part I:
( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━Slashers find out their S/O has killed, part I: ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━Slashers find out their S/O has killed, part II: ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━Slashers find out their S/O has killed, part III:
( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━Slashers with a S/O who gets their favorite color lingerie, part I:
( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━Slashers with a vampire S/O, part I: ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━ Slasher with a Vampire S/O, part II:
( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━Genshin men with a nice! Fatui harbinger! GN! S/O:
( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━ Slashers with a S/O who kills for fame:
( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━ Knocking at deaths door, Ethan Landry x Reader, part I: ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━ Knocking at deaths door, Ethan Landry x Reader, part II:
( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡━ Paper, part II, Scream 4 x child! reader:
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆.
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━ "Im sorry. This is all my fault." -- An angst, KIt walker x Fem! Reader:
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━Our first time -- A NSFW, Brahms Heelshire x Fem! Reader one-shot:
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━My dear best friends -- A SFW, Post-death Tate Langdon x Fem! Reader x Post-death Violet Harmon:
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━Yandere! Male! Crush x GN! Reader:
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━Yandere! Elias Del x Babysitter! GN! Reader head canons:
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━Yandere! Secret admirer x GN! Reader:
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━ Scaramouche/Kunikuzushi x Fem! Reader -- NSFW post:
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━ My return, scream 6 x Ghostface! Reader:
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━ My sweet baby, Ethan Landry x fem! Reader, part I: (づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━ Our sweet baby, Ethan Landry x fem! Reader, part II: (づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━ Our complete family, Ethan Landry x fem! Reader, part III:
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━ Confessions, Ethan Landry x Fem! Reader:
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━ Opposites attract, Ethan Landry x reader:
(づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡━ His lover - Jill Roberts x GN! Reader
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ALL SLASHERS!━
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━Slashers with a GN! S/O who has a low self-esteem, part I: ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━"Im sorry. This is all my fault." -- An angst, Kit walker x Fem! Reader:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━Slashers find out their S/O has killed, part I: ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━Slashers find out their S/O has killed, part II: ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━Slashers find out their S/O has killed, part III:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━Slashers with a S/O who gets their favorite color lingerie, part I:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━Slashers with a Vampire S/O, part I: ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━Slasher with a Vampire S/O, part II:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━Our first time -- A NSFW, Brahms heelshire x Fem! Reader one-shot:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━My dear best friends -- A SFW, Post-death Tate Langdon x Fem! Reader x Post-death Violet Harmon:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━ Slashers with an S/O who kills for fame:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━ My sweet baby, Ethan Landry x fem! Reader, part I: ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━ Our sweet baby, Ethan Landry x fem! Reader, part II: ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━ Our complete family, Ethan Landry x fem! Reader, part III:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━ Knocking at deaths door, Ethan Landry x Reader, part I: ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━ Knocking at deaths door, Ethan Landry x Reader, part II:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━ My return, scream 6 x Ghostface!Reader:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━ Confessions, Ethan Landry x Fem! Reader:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━ Opposites attract, Ethan Landry x reader:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━ Paper, part II, Scream 4 x child! reader:
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა━ His lover - Jill Roberts x GN! Reader
✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.* SOLO SLASHERS! ✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊
Jason Voorhees
2. Micheal Myers
3. Charles Lee Ray
4. Tiffany Valentine
5. Patrick Bateman
6. Tate langdon
૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩━ My dear bestfriend -- A SFW, Post-death Tate Landon x Fem! Reader x Post-death Violet Harmon:
7. Brahms Heelshire
૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩━Our first time -- A NSFW, Brahms heelshire x Fem! Reader one-shot:
8. James March
9. Stu Macher + Billy Loomis
10. Jennifer Check
11. Billy Lenz
12. Kurt Kunkle
13. Vicent Sinclair
14. Bo Sinclair
15. Lester Sinclair
16. Bubba Sawyer
17. Pennywise
18. Carrie White
19. Hannibal Lector
20. Norman Bates
21. Jill Roberts
૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩━ His lover - Jill Roberts x GN! Reader
22. Amber Freeman
23. Freddy kruger
24. Ethan Landry
૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩━ My sweet baby, Ethan Landry x fem! Reader, part I: ૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩━ Our sweet baby, Ethan Landry x fem! Reader, part II: ૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩━ Our complete family, Ethan Landry x fem! Reader, part III:
૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩━ Knocking at death's door, Ethan Landry x Reader, part I: ૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩━ Knocking at deaths door, Ethan Landry x Reader, part II:
૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩━ Confessions, Ethan Landry x Fem! Reader:
૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩━ Opposites attract, Ethan Landry x reader:
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ALL AMERICAN HORROR STORY WORKS!━
•ᴗ•━ My dear best friends -- A SFW, Post-death Tate Langdon x Fem! Reader x Post-death Violet Harmon:
•ᴗ•━ "Im sorry. This is all my fault." An angst, Kit walker x Fem! Reader:
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆ AMERICAN HORROR STORY SEASONS!━
Tate Langdon
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚━ My dear best friend -- A SFW, Post-death Tate Langdon x Fem! Reader x Post-death Violet Harmon:
2. Violet Harmon
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚━My dear best friend -- A SFW, Post-death Tate Langdon x Fem! Reader x Post-death Violet Harmon:
3. Debating on if i should put more characters
Kit Walker
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚━"Im sorry, this is all my fault." -- An angst, Kit walker x Fem! Reader:
2. Lana Winters
3. Grace Bertand (only if requested or on rare occasions)
Kyle Spencer
2. Zoe Benson
3. Madison Montgomery
4. Cordelia Goode
Jimmy Darling
Kai Anderson
James March
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆.
Nothing here, yet.
✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.* SOLO AVATARS! ✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧
Jake Sully
2. Neytiri Sully
3. Neteyam Sully
4. Lo'ak Sully
5. Kiri Sully
6. Tonowari
7. Ronal
8. Tsireya
9. Aonung
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆.
Nothing here, yet.
✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧ SOLO AIB CHARACTERS! ✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚
Ryohei Arisu
2. Shuntaro Chishiya
3. Kodai Tatta
4. Dakichi Karube
5. Sunato Banda
6. Hikari Kuina
7. Ann
8. Yuzuha Usagi
9. Mira Kano
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆.
Nothing here, yet.
✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.* SOLO DINEYS! ✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧✩‧₊
Too many to name.
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆.
ღ━Yandere! Male! Crush x GN! Reader head canons:
ღ━Yandere! Secret admirer x GN! Reader:
ღ━Yandere! Elias Del x Babysitter! GN! Reader:
✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.* SOLO OCS! ✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧✩‧₊˚ ✧
Elias Del My dear babysitter:
☁︎━ Yandere! Elias Del x Babysitter! GN! Reader head canons:
2. Noah Whitlock Love letters:
☁︎━ Yandere! Secret admirer x GN! Reader:
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪━ Genshin men with a nice! fatui harbinger! GN! S/O A SFW head canons of the genshin men:
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪━ Scaramocuhe/Kunikuzushi x FEM! Reader -- NSFW post:
✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧ SOLO CHARACTERS! ✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧₊˚ ✧.*✩‧
2. Venti
3. Xiao
4. Kaedehara Kazuha
5. Shkanoin Heizou
6. Scaramouche
𓆩𓆪━ Scaramocuhe/Kunikuzushi x FEM! Reader -- NSFW post:
7. Lumine
8. Jean
9. Sucrose
10. Faruzan
11. Albedo
12. Zhongli
13. Arataki Itto
14. Gorou
15. Noelle
16. Ningguang
17. Yun Jin
18. Razor
19. Cyno
20. Lisa
21. Fischl
22. Beidou
23. Keqing
24. Raiden shogun/Raiden Ei
25. Yae miko
26. Kuki Shinobu
27. Baizhu
28. Tighnari
29. Al Haitham
30. Childe/Tartaglia
31. Xingqiu
32. Kamisato Ayato
33. Mona
34. Sanganomiya Kokomi
36. Yelan
37. Diluc
38. Thoma
39. Amber
40. Hu tao
41. Yanfei
42. Xinyan
43. Yoimiya
44. Kaeya
45. Eula
46. Rosaria
47. Ganyu
48. Kamisato Ayaka
49. Shenhe
50. Dottore
51. Pantalone
52. Columbina
53. Arlecchino
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆.
This program is too tired to continue, and will carry on working when we have recharged its battery. Please, come back when updated. Thank you...!
★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆.
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★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆. ࿐࿔★⋆.
202 notes · View notes
slasherhoe87 · 2 years
What Cologne I think the Slashers Would Wear:
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Fcuk Friction by French Connection
"Fcuk Friction is an attention-getting fragrance for men. Let it tickle your senses with a musky ensemble of fruit, lavender, coconut and geranium notes. This well-balanced fragrance has a spicy finish and is perfect for everyday use. It is an excellent choice for the man who wants a magnetic fragrance that is appropriate to wear to work or a date. Make this warm, fruity and aquatic fragrance your new signature scent"
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Minotaure by Paloma Picasso
"Mysterious and virile, Minotaure for men embodies the symbolism and spirit of a mythological creature. Its bold Oriental composition features tart bergamot citrus in juxtaposition with savory spice notes of coriander and tarragon. Wear this intriguing masculine scent to stamp yourself as a rugged individual possessing an uncompromising free spirit"
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Obsession Night by Calvin Klein
"Anticipation builds when evening approaches and Obsession Night casts its seductive spell. The alluring oriental elixir blends crisp pear, sweet vanilla and incense-like patchouli with spicy accents of cardamom and nutmeg"
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Bonus cologne because Michael is my one true love:
Halloween Man by Jesus Del Pozo
"Wrap yourself in mystery with Halloween Man. Its intriguing contemporary formula for men combines tart mandarin and the crisp note of apple martini with ginger spice and pungent violet leaf. A fine example of aromatic alchemy, the unique masculine fragrance conveys a free-spirited attitude along with dark allure. Dare to show your devil-may-care spirit with Halloween Man"
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Toy Boy by Moschino
"Liberate yourself and feel wild and free every time you walk out the door wearing Moschino Toy Boy, a playful men's fragrance. This tempting cologne blends spicy, floral, fruity and woody accords for a well-rounded, exhilarating scent that's sure to leave you feeling confident as you glide through the night in style. Top notes of Indonesian nutmeg, elemi resin, green pear, pink pepper and Italian bergamot immediately set the tone with their bold, bright intensity, only to be smoothly calmed by middle notes of flax flower, clove bud, magnolia and rose absolute. This tantalizing bouquet is further enhanced by base notes of sylkolide (musk), amber, cashmeran, Haitian vetiver and sandalwood for a warm, seductive comedown that saturates the air with its luscious charm"
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Old Spice
"Top notes are Nutmeg, Star Anise, Aldehydes, Orange and Lemon; middle notes are Cinnamon, Carnation, Pimento, Geranium, Heliotrope and Jasmine; base notes are Benzoin, Vanilla, Musk, Tonka Bean, Cedar and Ambergris"
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Hunter by Armaf
"The top opens with a refreshing burst of citrus notes, coming in strong and zesty with a combination of grapefruit, bergamot, lemon and mandarin. The heart settles into floral accords, the romantic aroma of lavender, geranium, tuberose and ylang-ylang spiced by fragrant hints of cardamom and black pepper. The cologne finishes on a warm, aromatic base, featuring the alluring aroma of cedar, labdanum, musk, patchouli and vetiver"
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Close Up by Olfactive Studio
"This fragrance almost defies categorization. It's a little tobacco, a little Oriental, a little gourmand, and everything you want a perfume to be. It opens warm and sweet with top notes of Santos green coffee, Griotte cherry, and fresh spices. The heart notes are complex and mysterious with white tobacco, California rose, Atlas cedar, and patchouli. Base notes of amber, tonka bean, and musk shine through in the dry down for an earthy finish to this alluring scent"
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Craftsman by Tabac Original
"Sharp and confident yet charmingly balanced, Tabac Original Craftsman is a spicy-citrus cologne enhanced by accords of aromatic herbs, clean florals and spice. The opening refreshes and invigorates with a bright blend of tart-sweet grapefruit, bergamot and piquant black pepper. Crisply herbal florals of lavender and peppery geranium merge with almond nuances of tonka bean at the heart. A smooth, enveloping base of vetiver, patchouli and supple leather leaves a clean masculine trail that’s perfect for casual wear"
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Brut by Faberge
"This manly mix features woody and balsamic accords accented by aromatic and sweet notes for an exhilarating yet simple aroma that enhances your image"
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Psychedelic Love by Initio
"Fall under the dizzying rush of Initio Psychedelic Love, a powerfully seductive essence that can leave you in an emotional trance. This decadent elixir blends floral, citrus and exotic accords for a deeply bright and satisfying scent that has the power to ensnare that special someone from across the room. Top notes of sparkling bergamot and sweet ylang-ylang work together to form a radiant energy. Following this is a provocative heart of hedione, heliotrope and Bulgarian rose, which walks a fine line between playful romance and immense passion. Completing the alluring perfume are spicy and sensual elements of myrrh and sandalwood, creating a mystifying foundation that intrigues and attracts with ease"
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Mickey Mouse by Disney
"Mickey Mouse is classified as a refreshing, fruity fragrance. This masculine scent possesses a blend of citrus, lemon and lime"
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Thallium Black by Yves De Sistelle
"Thallium Black is an enticing men's fragrance that is both sensual and gentle to attract plenty of attention. Fruity notes of apple are warm and welcoming, while cardamom is spicy and aromatic. The scent of bergamot adds a fresh citrus quality to the fragrance, plum notes contribute sweet and fruity tones, and nutmeg infuses a warm spiciness to the scent"
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Realm by Erox
"Transcend the veil of the mundane, and enter into a realm of otherworldly sensuality with Realm. This seductive scent for men sets itself apart with its bright notes of orange and ginger, offset by the deeper and more mysterious notes of lavender, patchouli and juniper"
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CK In 2U by Calvin Klein
"A fragrance for men that consists of perfume notes of lime, gin fizz, grapefruit leaves, frosted tangelo, pimento, shiso, cocoa base, vetiver, white cedar and musk to form a well balanced cologne"
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313 notes · View notes
olath124 · 9 months
Thank you @ouroboros-hideout for the tag! It's always super fun to do this kind of stuff!
After a weekend full of Christmas markets I'm quite delirious but I'll try to put the things I am working on in some kind of order.
Ok, the thing I’m doing exactly right now is a drawing of Violet, Misty, and Jackie when they were kids. I've just reached the part where Jackie dies and… so many FEELINGS. So I had to do this!
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Here they are… probably I’ll post the finished version tomorrow.
On the artistic side I want to draw chibi Aurore, Aymeric and Jhonny at least. But for them I only have an image in my head so far… The gremlin in my head is also yelling: “What about Jackie, Misty, Viktor and Jago!?!? And your other two Vs (one is not even already made in game xD) ?!?What about them?!?” So… yeah, Ill be drawing them way into next year…
As I said in a previous post I’d like to write something about Hansen and V. So far I've only some crazy thoughts and things in a really colloquial form. This is the only part I’m comfortable showing. Oh, it's probably a bit… I don't know, there’s some psychological/physical torture? Nothing too extreme for now. Their relationship in my head is not romantic at all and it probably never will (but there's absolutely some tension). They are just two assholes who find it funny to mess with each other ❤️.
There are also probably some mistakes and some phrases and words I'll definitively need to change later. I haven't proofread it and I'm too tired to do it now!
And that's when he's behind her back, a tight grip on her throat and the knife resting on her jaw. Probably a quick use of Sandevistan, because it's a matter of seconds. "If it wasn't for you and your friend, Myers would be already dead. You saved her once, why the change of mind?" The answer is simple, even if the thumb resting not so softly on her carotid artery makes her feel every heartbeat in her head. And probably he's feeling that too. And that's without the knife which still hasn't cut her skin but it's just a matter of an infinitesimal amount of pressure. “Two people who helped her are dead despite her promises. Two people are alive and well even if they were actively fucking with you, just because you've promised to let them go. If I have to guess who I need to trust to survive I think I’ll bet on you.” She has rehearsed this part during the wait, so the fear won't paralyze her. “Not mentioning the whole Songbird’s shitshow.”
So, that's it for now!
I'll tag some of you, feel free to do it if you want to!
@theviridianbunny @cyberholic77 @8oo8erry @dustymagpie @aggravateddurian @cybervesna
23 notes · View notes
athenianwit · 6 months
jonathan bailey, homosexual + homoromantic, cis man + he/him, support «—◦—→ well met, atticus welby! the godling born child of athena. it’s been thirty-five years and now they have answered the song in their veins. can he change the course of history with their pragmatism, perception, + creativity? or will their shrewdness, callousness, + neuroticism hinder them? only time will tell before this godling’s name is sung into myth and legend!
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🦉 : # BASICS
full name: atticus nathaniel welby. nickname(s): atty. age: thirty-five. date of birth: august 28, 1988. hometown: london, england. current location: mount olympus, greece. species: demi-god. ethnicity: white (english). nationality: british. gender: cis man. pronouns: he/him. occupation: trauma surgeon / emergency room surgeon. living arrangements: athena's cabin. language(s): english, french, spanish, latin, greek. accent: london
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face claim: jonathan bailey. hair color: brunette. eye color: brown. height: 5'11". weight: 160 lb. build: wiry. tattoos: none. usual expression: solemn, serious. prominent features: smile. warm brown eyes. dominant hand: right. clothing style: business casual. lots of trousers and long sleeve/button up shirts. crewnecks. polo shirts. lots and lots of sweaters and turtlenecks. loafers, oxfords, lace up boots. lots of neutrals/browns + darks/blues. minimal accessories, usually only a watch on his dominant hand. old money aesthetic.
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astrological sign: virgo sun, aquarius moon, capricorn rising. positive traits: pragmatic, perceptive, creative, disciplined. negative traits: shrewd, callous, neurotic, critical. myers brigg: intj. element: air. enneagram: the reformer. temperament: melancholic. hogwarts house: ravenclaw. moral alignment: moral neutral. primary vice: pride. primary virtue: diligence. fears: failing to save another patient's life, spiders. habits: constantly swallows while talking when nervous, raising or furrowing his eyebrows, taking off and cleaning his glasses, readjusting or pushing up his glasses constantly, rubbing his temple when anxious or contemplating, pacing back and forth in a room, bouncing his legs up and down while in a chair, checking his watch repeatedly. quirks: counting his teeth with his tongue when distracted, looking down at his feet when walking, drumming his fingers along surfaces, putting the earpiece of his glasses in his mouth when contemplating, cracking his knuckles when idle, licking his lips when nervous, biting his bottom lip, biting his fingernails, clicking a ballpoint pen open and close, picking at his flesh, shredding paper when idle, constantly needing to organize his own space. pet peeves: people that ignore others, people that roll their eyes when others are talking, blasting music in public/quiet spaces, people who invade his personal space. hobbies: reading, knitting, crocheting, chess.
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🦉 : # FAMILY.
parents: athena, nathaniel welby, harper welby (nee finch) (stepmother). siblings: violet welby, maude welby, louise welby (half sisters). other relatives: none of importance. pets: none
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🦉 : # SEXUAL.
sexual orientation: homosexual + homoromantic. sexual position: versatile with a strong bottom lean. kinks: tbd. anti-kinks: tbd.
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class: support. innate abilities from athena: history, insight. other abilities: acrobatics, medicine, perception, survival, stealth. character inspirations: annette hargrove from cruel intentions. annie edison from community. caroline forbes from the vampire diaries. clarice starling from the silence of the lambs. dana scully from the x-files. diane nguyen from bojack horseman. haley james from one tree hill. jane foster from thor. jemma simmons from agents of shield. meredith grey from greys anatomy. rory gilmore from gilmore girls. spencer hastings from pretty little liars. velma dinkley from scooby-doo. what was atticus doing when he heard the song of their godling blood? he'd been working in the emergency room on a 24 hour shift and was in the middle of surgery with a patient who had been in a fatal accident
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violet-yimlat · 11 months
A bit about me! I meant to do this for a while but Procrastination!
Hi I’m Violent I mean Violent I mean Violent I mean Violet I mean Violent I mean Violet Morningstar (but more on that later). I’m 16 and my birthday is in October. I have ADHD and Autism. I’m Asexual. My Myers-Briggs type is INTP and my Eneagram is four. I’m a Libra, but that means literally nothing.
I’m female, I use She and It pronouns, and I identify as a demon. I use the demonkin and fallen angelkin labels.
And now it’s later. I have quite an odd family life because, like several others here on Tumblr I have been adopted by @morningbloodystar because that just seems to be what he does.
So that’s my dad. Which makes @chloe-decker-lapd my sort of mom.
My irl mom is also on Tumblr. I won’t @ her, but in the event of an actual emergency, she’s cakeomatic.
My siblings, the best and only internet siblings (and exclusively online friends) I’ve ever had in order of age are;
@ask-eric-the-disposable-demon Eric Morningstar. I’m pretty sure that he’s closest in age to our dad (like, how big are the age gaps between angels anyway?) but whatever, he’s our brother. He can turn into a rabbit and multiply like them too (when did you guys get the “multiplying like rabbits” joke in Zootropolis?)
@e-w-w-morningstar Eddie W.W Morningstar, who is sometimes a termite and crawled out of the ground in the 18 something-somethings. He has several children including @jessica-woodson-morningstar , my favourite niece.
@janeway-lover Abby Morningstar. She’s “the sensible one”, and apparently she’s cool with that. Big sister energy. One of these days, she’s going to end up saving all of our asses. @urielwiththegoodhair’s partner. SIMPS.
@helphowdoiusethis Jay Morningstar. God of glitter, Quing of ducklings (almost wrote dicklings lol) and somehow an ancient entity of stardust with a traumatic backstory while also being about a year older than me.
Me. I accidentally turned into a demon. And now a cursed book called “Evil Wizardry for Beginners” won’t leave me alone. My familiar is @barrythebabyturnip.
@echosghoast Echo Morningstar. Chaos sibling supreme. The younger sibling I never had, and much less annoying than the one I actually do. Can’t wait to commit a crime with you lol.
@hivemindofevilbats Hive. Literally vampire bats.
@adam-n-dog Adam Young. Nearly caused the apocalypse that one time. Great at naming dogs. He has a dog named Dog. Good boy! Good hellhound!
Last but certainly not least, @three-surnames Trixie Espinosa Decker Morningstar. Awesome little sister? Yes. In complete denial about the nature of reality? Also yes.
Also more siblings?
@angel-and-the-serpent @fallen-starmaker @vans-ghost
Then there are my other relatives.
@the-almighty-lucifer Dad from another reality who’s decided that he’s our uncle.
@one-coming-is-enough The aforementioned Uncle J.
@god-in-the-basement said she’d be our weird aunt but I guess she’s our great aunt?
@g00brielandbeez my uncle and how do we feel about Titi? In Spanish tia and tio are aunt and uncle so that’s the combination and it works.
I’m going to list some fandoms I’m in now;
Good Omens
Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel
Heaven’s Design Team
Certain literature like Paradise Lost, Dante’s Inferno and Lucifer (as in the 17th century Dutch play)
Obey Me!
Yes, I’m into theology. And mythology. I’m an atheistic Satanist btw.
I like reading, listening to music and drawing, but I haven’t felt very inspired lately. I also like identity theft cosplay.
Well, those are the facts about me, and if none of them make you hate me, then maybe we should hang out sometime!
Always up for shenanigans.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Hannibal Crack-Cannons: aka Incorrect Quotes:
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@myers-meadow-selfship @iloveslasher @the-limp-linguine
Despite what you think, Hannibal IS a himbo…
Now hear me out. He’s obviously very educated, but when it comes to being a person he is CLUELESS.
Like Hannibal never expects someone to actually get close to him, and when they do, he panics. And he makes a bunch of clumsy little social mistakes, that frankly, are adorable.
He’s a friendship himbo and I stand by that!
S/O: *touches Hannibal’s hand in public, unprovoked*
Hannibal who is not used to genuine affection: *staring at them* why?
S/O: *facepalming*
But if we wanna talk real Himbos….
Cause bro! Wtf are you doing? Homeboy is a MESS.
The only thought in Will’s head is that tik tok audio that’s like “I don’t know what’s going on, and frankly, I don’t wanna know” and he likes it like that.
Will on his 4th cup of coffee of the day: *pushes a door that CLEARLY says pull*
S/O: For your sake, I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that *holds open door for him, smiling at how adorable he is when he gets flustered*
This man is a FREAK!
Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t think he’s into a lot of kinky shit in the bedroom. Man is a respectful switch!
Will: *seeing his boss by rope and duct tape at the corner store*
Jack: it’s not what it looks like-
I think Alana is also a switch, don’t know when this became a NSFW post but we’re rolling with it 🤪
But I totally see her letting men be dominate cause she doesn’t want to hurt their fragile little egos. But with a woman, oh boy! Alana cannot keep her hands to herself, and she doesn’t pretend to want to.
This woman is a flirt by nature. She will Gaslight, Gatekeeper and Girlboss her way into your heart. She’s a smooth motherfucker and you’ll never see her coming… I mean… unless you want to 👀 then by all means 😉
She totally humble brags about you latter.
A Roxy kinnie, prove me wrong!
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That’s it, that’s the whole headcannon. If you know, you know!
Abigail is just Violet Harmon in a different universe, and thank god she never met her Tate. Oh dear god, what a night mare that would be!
Abigail with S/O:
There’s not even a headcannon here, just like, imagine if Fred was played by this motherfucker…
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Instead of this motherfucker…
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Also have this video of Fred’s actor being iconic, this is just Frederick when he’s alone 😂.
So I guess the headcannon is that Frederick is a musical theatre kid confirmed!
Wine Mom confirmed!
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As we fucking should!
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This is just a shameless way for me to promote one of my old videos. I was proud of this meme and more people should see it!
Drinks respect boyfriend juice!
But I also hope you like being a third wheel on dates, cause where Brian goes, Jimmy will be there. Good thing they’re both cute 😉
Jimbo texting his S/O:
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And anyone who gets a glimpse at these text is instantly terrified and convinced you’re both doing some sort of seance through the phone. But it’s just you’re average Tuesday.
Margo Verger as a lesbian icon:
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sebastiancroftupdates · 10 months
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BBC announces cast for major new drama series Dope Girls 
"Filming has begun on #DopeGirls for BBC One @bbciplayer The series is inspired by a forgotten time in history when, after the losses of World War One, the streets of Soho were home to female gangs running the clubs, drugs and moonshine…
Julianne Nicholson (Mare of Easttown) stars as Kate Galloway, a single mother who establishes a nightclub amidst the hedonistic uproar of post-World War One London, embracing a life of criminal activities with the dedicated aim of providing for her daughter Evie, played by Eilidh Fisher (The Power). This is where we find Billie Cassidy played by Umi Myers (Bob Marley One Love), a bohemian dancer whose life is turned upside down by Kate’s arrival.
Geraldine James (Anne with an E) will also star as Isabella, the leader of the criminal Salucci family that also includes Sebastian Croft (Heartstopper) as Silvio Salucci and Rory Fleck Bryne (This Is Going To Hurt), Dustin Demri-Burns (Slow Horse).
Eliza Scanlen (Little Women) will play Violet Davies, one of the first wave of female officers for the Metropolitan Police, who is assigned to go undercover and investigate the illicit world of underground Soho nightclubs."
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derelictlovefool · 2 months
Author: Achilles, he/him & they/them pronouns
Status: Hobbyist, low writing activity
Writing: OC x Canon, Reader Insert, Original Fiction
Requests/Suggestions: Open
note: i'm a full time student so any requests I get will be done when and if I have time and they spark my interest!
Active in regards to fandoms & characters simply means most enthused about and interested in writing, inactive means least interested in writing but still willing if the idea sparks my creativity.
active | inactive | semi active
Far Cry 5 | Supernatural | The Last of Us | Marvel | DC | Doctor Who | Sweeney Todd | The Witcher | Dying Light 2 | Z Nation | Inkheart | Bridgerton | Slashers | Outlast | Resident Evil | Overwatch | Undertale/Deltarune | Ib | TWD Telltale | Motor Crush | The Arcana | Kingsman
active | inactive | semi active
Faith Seed | John Seed | Joseph Seed | Jacob Seed | Sharky Boshaw | Hurk Drubman Jr | Adelaide Drubman | Jerome Jeffries | Mary May Fairgrave | Eli Palmer | Grace Amestrong | Joey Hudson | Staci Pratt
Dean Winchester | Sam Winchester | Castiel | Charlie Bradbury ||| Joel | Tess ||| Wade Wilson | Tony Stark | Pepper Potts | Bucky Barnes | Steve Rodgers | Thor Odinson | Bruce Banner | Natasha Romanoff | Clint Barton ||| Harley Quinn
The Doctor (4, 9-15) | Jack Harkness | Rose Tyler | Donna Noble ||| Sweeney Todd | Mrs Lovett ||| Geralt of Rivera | Jaskier/Dandelion | Yennefer of Vennenberg ||| Hakon | Aiden | Lawan | Frank ||| Alvin Murphy | Roberta Warren | Addison Carver | Cassandra | Sarge | George St Claire
Mo | Dustfinger ||| Penelope Featherington | Benedict Bridgerton | Anthony Bridgerton | Colin Bridgerton | Eloise Bridgerton | Violet Bridgerton | Kate Sharma | Edwina Sharma ||| Jason Voorhees | Michael Myers | Bubba Sawyer | Brahms Heelshire | Thomas Hewitt
Eddie Gluskin ||| Ethan Winters | Karl Heisenberg | Alcina Dimitrescu | Donna Benniviento | Slavator Monreau | Mia Winters | Chris Redfield | Leon Kennedy | Ada Wong | Claire Redfield
Jack Morrison | Gabriel Reyes | Cole Cassidy | Genji Shimada | Hanzo Shimada | Mei ||| Sans | Papyrus | Asgore | Undyne | Mettaton | Queen ||| Gary ||| Calax Gothard | Domino Swift | Lola Del Carmen | Sonoya Vernilion ||| Asra | Nadia | Dorian | Portia | Muriel ||| Merlin/Hamish Mycroft
OC's: David Thorn (Slasher), Z (God Symbiote), Xander (Robot)
Tropes I enjoy writing:
Variations of the Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers | Childhood Friends | Neighbour across the hall/street | Mutual Pining | Devotion and Obsession | Making each other worse | Making each other better | Romance in Violence | Ride or Die Friends | Royal Guard/Gardener x Royalty | Crime Boss x Bodyguard | Dog Coded x Cat Coded | Fuck Love Triangles Make it Poly | Fake Dating | Meet Cute and more!
❝​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— male/trans/enby/gn!reader (I'm here for the guys and gays)
— oc x canon, oc x oc, canon x canon, reader x canon, reader x oc
— sfw & nsfw
— platonic, queer-platonic, romantic, familial, etc.
— headcannons, one-shots, multi-parts
— AU's, crossovers
— gore, violence, toxic relationships, death/angst
❝​🇼​​🇴​​🇳​❜​🇹​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— fem!reader (There's thousands out there already y'know)
— genderbends
— pregnancy related topics
— self harm topics
— incest, paedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia and any of that nasty crap
— non-con
— infidelity
— Characters I really don't know or care about </3
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emilythezeldafan · 11 months
Mel's muse list [copy-pasted from Quotev]
A/N: I'll add OC journals whenever I finish them
Evelyn Hart (DC) (Evelyn Hart Muse Journal 2.0)
Erica Nygma (DC)
Justice Myth (Marvel) (Justice Myth Muse Journal V2)
Scarlett Myth (Marvel) (Scarlett Myth Muse Journal 2.0)
Persephone Odinsdottir (Marvel) (Persephone Odinsdottir Muse Journal 2.0)
Cassandra Jones (Marvel)
Helena Stark (Marvel)
Irena Banner (Marvel)
Alora Eirsdottir (Marvel)
Skye Taylor (In Sound Mind)
Emily Winters (WKM) (Youtuber Emily Muse Journal (Youtube))
Lizzie Barnum (WKM) 
Violet Hope (WKM) (Violet Hope Muse Journal 2.0)
Marcia Krolik (WKM)
Emma Cipher (Gravity Falls) (Emma Cipher Muse Journal 2.0)
Amerie Rowe (Doctor Who)
Adriana Rowe (Doctor Who)
Rose Aguillard (Multi) (Rose Aguillard Muse Journal 2.0)
Samantha Gordon (DC)
Katrina Lancaster (DC)
Johanna Crane (DC)
Amara "Amy" Cobblepot (DC)
Maddie Amherst (FNAF) (Maddie Amherst Muse Journal 2.0)
Victoria Reynolds (FNAF)
Laura Reynolds [FNAF]
Lilac Strange (DC/Egos) (Lilac Strange Muse Journal 2.0)
Lyra Krolik (DC/Multiple)
Annabelle Underwood (Once Upon A Time)
Leilah Rattigan [Generation Loss]
Maria Shuster [Generation Loss]
Andrew Shuster [Generation Loss]
Alexandra Williams [Generation Loss]
Mariana Dragmire (The Legend Of Zelda)
Marissa Harkinian (The Legend Of Zelda)
Isabella Dreemurr (Undertale)
Chloe Moore (X-Men) (Chloe Moore Muse Journal 2.0)
Petra Rose (X-Men)
Aria Harper (SCP Foundation)
Lucy Macnamara (Starkid)
Thea Carvour (Starkid)
Winter Cross (Starkid)
Hazel Avery (Marble Hornets)
Bella The Ballerina [Hello Puppets/Hello Puppets: Midnight Show]
Ashley Anderson [Hello Puppets/Hello Puppets: Midnight Show]
Olivia Gubberson [Hello Puppets/Hello Puppets: Midnight Show]
Natalie Bates [Psycho Franchise/Slasher Fandom]
Melissa Myers [Halloween Franchise/Slasher Fandom]
Samara Macher [Scream Franchise/Slasher Fandom]
Charles Hopkins/Woormy Charles/Mr. Hopps (Multi)
Glitch/Rosa Hatcher/Juanita Garcia (None/Multi)
Agatha Harkness
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Starkid/Tin Can Bros
Wilbur Cross/Uncle Wiley
Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
The Legend Of Zelda
BOTW Princess Zelda 
Doctor Who
Jack Harkness
Amy Pond
Clara Oswald
Jacksepticeye, Markiplier & Natewantstobattle Egos
Actor Mark
Canon Actor Mark
Guard Mark
Tim Wright/Masky
Nikolai Krolik (his Glitchverse name)/HABIT
Tim Burton (does his movie fanbase have a name?)
Beetlejuice (from Beetlejuice the Musical)
Friday Night Funkin'
Jackson Prince (his Glitchverse name)/Senpai
IMSCARED a pixelated nightmare
Gavin Johnson (his Glitchverse name)/White Face
Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion
Jamie/Monster 1
Woormy Charles 
Mr. Hopps Playhouse 
Mr. Hopps
Mr. Stripes
Ms. Bo
Hello Puppets/Hello Puppets: Midnight Show
(Human) Riley Ruckus
(Human) Nicholas "Nick" Nack
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Bee’s Masterlist
Last Updated - 10/14/23
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Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Fire and Fear -  Sam has awful nightmares about Jess and Dean is there to help. (Angst)
Jack Kline (Platonic)
Rowena Mcleod
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Criminal Minds 
Aaron Hotchner
Spencer Reid
Penelope Garcia
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentiss
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Harry Potter
Young Sirius Black 
Young Remus Lupin 
Young James Potter 
Cedric Diggory 
Hermione Granger 
Neville Longbottom 
Luna Lovegood 
Draco Malfoy 
Harry Potter 
Fred Weasley 
George Weasley 
Ron Weasley 
Oliver Wood
Confessions Of Love - Small stories about you confessing your love for HP characters. (Fluff)
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The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Death - The Greene Family farm was a miracle to everyone. Except for one person.(Angst)
Glenn Rhee
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Pirates Of The Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
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American Horror Story
Tate Langdon 
Violet Harmon 
Kit Walker 
Lana Winters 
Cordelia Foxx 
Kyle Spencer 
Misty Day 
Zoe Benson 
Blushing Butterflies -Zoe and the reader have massive crushes on each other, only Zoe doesn’t realize it because of the readers calm nature. (Fluff)
Jimmy Darling 
James March 
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The Hobbit/LOTR
Thorin Oakenshield 
Kili Durin 
Fili Durin 
Bilbo Baggins 
Samwise Gamgee 
Legolas Greenleaf 
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HOO Books!Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson 
Grover Underwood 
Annabeth Chase 
Hazel Levesque
Jason Grace 
Leo Valdez 
Piper McLean 
Frank Zhang 
Nico Di Angelo (Platonic) 
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Tony Stark 
Steve Rogers 
Bucky Barnes 
Wanda Maximoff 
Pietro Maximoff 
Jack Thompson 
Peggy Carter
Daniel Sousa
Howard Stark
Natasha Romanoff 
Clint Barton 
Sam Wilson 
Bruce Banner 
Peter Parker 
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Stranger Things
Steve Harrington 
Eddie Munson 
Robin Buckley 
Nancy Wheeler 
Erica Sinclair (Platonic) 
Gareth Emerson 
Jonathan Byers 
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Michael Emerson 
Michael Myers
Bo Sinclair 
Flowers -  Giving Bo the flowers you picked. (Fluff)
Vincent Sinclair 
Lester Sinclair 
Bubba Sawyer 
Disabled S/0 - Bubba Sawyer with a S/O who uses a cane. (Fluff)
Nubbins Sawyer 
Choptop Sawyer 
Thomas Hewitt 
Patrick Hocksetter 
Henry Bowers 
Victor Criss 
Reggie Huggins 
Losers Club (Platonic) 
Norman Bates
Billy Loomis 
Stu Macher 
Spooky Lovers - Just two people confessing their love during the spooky season (Fluff)
Randy Meeks 
Tatum Riley 
Brahms Heelshire
Billy Lenz
Tiffany Valentine
Carrie White
Meetings - Meeting all the Lost Boys (Fluff)
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Grease (Retired From Requests)
Danny Zuko
Fear - Putzie has a nightmare and Danny gets worried. Platonic or Romantic; your choice.(Fluff)
Fever - Putzie is extremely sick and after trying to tough it out he seeks help from Danny and Sandy.(Fluff)
Date? - Putzie gets help from his friends to ask out his crush.(Fluff)
The Sting In His Heart 1/2 - Putzie’s been bullied his entire life, it’s been getting worse and worse with every school year. But now that he has four overprotective friends on his side, what's going to happen to those bullies? (Angst)
Blurb - (Fluff)
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illspirit · 6 months
for @wrongtrain !
They’d been chatting. Myers, Violet, and Dorothy. A man and his two haunters. The topics had been relatively mundane—although punctured here and there with Violet’s soured mood—and centred, here, in the cushioned corner of the library. Although librarians oft hushed those who dared speak, Myers himself was a librarian, and there were spare few visitors at this hour. They were all elsewhere.
Then, Dorothy sluggishly poked her head over Myer’s shoulder.
“Someone’s watching,”  Dorothy observed lowly.
“Probably listening too.”
Pointed displeasure cut the corners of Violet’s ghastly expression, but, Dorothy, on the other hand: a downright wolfish grin unravelled upon hers. Then did her body begin to disintegrate, from the bottom up, and feathered pieces of herself tore away, fluttering into the sky ‘til they devolved into nothingness.
In the blink of Emmet’s eyes, she was there. Inches from his face.
Dorothy twinkled her long, curled spectral fingers; a playful, albeit impish wave. She gave him a quick once-over before casting her eerily wide eyes back at her sister.
“Ah, come on, Violet! The intruder is cute! Cute in a way—”
“—that you want to throw him out of a thirty-eight story building?”
Violet joined her sister, pressed up against her side, her displeasure wafted away in favour of mischievous malice.
“Dorothy! Violet!”  Myers spoke in hushed urgency, trying to usher the twins back to him. When it was apparent they weren’t going to listen—whenever did they, ugh—he coltishly shuffled his way towards the man and let an awkward smile plump the apples of his cheeks.  “Uh, hi.”
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afantasycourt · 1 year
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independent multi muse rp account featuring a variety of muses from acotar, bridgerton, the witcher, marvel, and more. written by kel, 21+, she/her, uk based.
open starter tag
currently reading: fourth wing
rules & mules are under read more
hyacinth bridgerton: florence hunt, danielle rose russell
sophie beckett: alexandra dowling
francesca bridgerton: ruby stokes, hannah dodd.
lucy abernathy: adelaide kane.
kate sharma: simone ashley.
daphne bridgerton: phoebe dynevor
edwina sharma: charithra chandran
penelope featherington: nicola coughlan
anthony bridgerton: johnathan bailey
benedict bridgerton: luke thompson
colin bridgerton: luke newton
violet ledger (bridgerton) - ruth gemmell, connie jenkins
lady danbury - arsema thomas
queen charlotte - india ria amarteifio
a court of thorns & roses.
nesta acheron - phoebe tonkin
elain archeron - lily james
feyre archeron - freya allan
rhysand - undecided
throne of glass.
yrene towers - zendaya
elide lochan - danielle campbell
aelin galathynius - skylar samuels
dorian havilliard - matthew daddario
rowan whitehorn - henry cavill
the witcher.
jaskier - joey batey
yennefer of vengerberg - anya chalotra
cirilla of cintra - freya allan
shadow & bone.
alina starkov - jessie li mei
stranger things.
chrissy cunningham - grace van dien
eddie munson - joseph quinn
nancy wheeler - natalia dyer
once upon a time.
emma swan - jennifer morrison
robyn mills - tiera skovbye
alice jones - rose reynolds
snow white - ginnifer goodwin
drizella/ivy tremaine - adelaide kane
the musketeers.
queen anne - alexandra dowling
constance - tamla kari
ninon de larroque - annabelle wallis
aramis - santiago cabrera
merlin/arthurian legends.
lancelot du lac - santiago cabrera
elaine of corbenic - undecided
lady morgana - katie mcgrath
guinevere - angel coulby
the chronicles of narnia.
lucy pevensie - georgie henley
susan pevensie - anna popplewell
wednesday addams - jenna ortega
enid sinclair - emma myers
downton abbey.
sybil crawley - jessica brown findlay
daisy mason - sophie mcshera
hayley marshall - phoebe tonkin ( originals )
hope mikaelson - danielle rose russell ( legacies )
rebecca mikaelson - claire holt ( originals )
freya mikaelson - riley voelkel ( originals )
amy pond - karen gillan ( doctor who )
yasmin khan - mandip gill ( doctor who )
morgan stark - katherine langford (marvel)
bucky barnes - sebastian stan (marvel).
peggy carter - hayley atwell (marvel)
rebecca barnes - tbd (marvel)
RULE ONE/OOC INFORMATION Hi, my name is Kel, I'm over 21+ and use the pronouns she/her. Time zone is GMT.For now, my blog will run on a queue as I'm busy with some real life stuff. But sometimes, I may come online for an hour or two, depending on my mood. Blog is selective, private and mutual only. Also OC, multi fandom and multi-muse friendly too.
 RULE TWO/THREADS AND REPLIES  Replies can take a while to reply to, but I am not ignoring anyone. Please message if I haven't replied within a month.The best way to begin threads are through sending ask memes. I will also post open starters and maybe the occasional starter call. Not really a plotting person either; prefer to go with the flow.
RULE THREE/TRIGGERS I don't really have any triggers. That being said I will tag other people's triggers the best I can, and if I don't feel free to send a message and let me know. Don't send anon hate either. We all make mistakes and can't remember everything. Regarding shipping, I'm open to anything really. That being said, don't force any ships on any of my characters. I'll just unfollow/block if it continues to happen.
RULE FOUR/ETIQUETTE I do not tolerate any forms of hate. Racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia and any other forms of hate are not tolerated on this blog and I don't want to see any of it on the dash. It's an immediate hard block if I see anything. Respect each other, it's not that hard.
RULE FIVE/SHIPPING. Regarding shipping, I'm open to anything really. That being said, don't force any ships on any of my characters. I'll just unfollow/block if it continues to happen. I mostly ship for chemistry, but don't mind discussing ships beforehand if anyone wants to try anything out.
RULE SIX/SMUT AND MATURE THEMES Smut will not be featured on this blog. All other mature themes will be tagged accordingly and I'm pretty much open to anything except rape, incest etc.
CREDIT All gifs, icons etc on this blog do not belong to me. Credit goes to their rightful owners.
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olath124 · 3 months
Ohhh so we are doing this? :smug_kurt:
Hands 22 // Kisses 48 // Touch 8
Show me those writing powers!
Thank you Boro! Always ready to enable my delirium!💜
And of course we are! Those games are always fun!
For this one I had the idea pretty quickly! And it has brought me the stroke of genius of the day (wow… quite bold.)
48. kisses to shut them up
“If you really want to do this, you won't smoke! Nor drink.” Violet exclaims while they’re sitting on the couch in the terrace. “I don't want to kiss you at night and feel like I'm making out with the illegitimate child of an underground distillery and an ashtray.”
Kurt turns to watch her, the cigarette hanging from his lips:
“Are you kidding?”
Violet chuckles:
“No, I'm not, sweetheart! We're in this together, aren't we?”
“Yeah. We are. But…” she takes the half smoked cigarette from his lips, to put it off in the ashtray on the coffee table in front of them.
“But what? I won't renounce everything I like just to see you enjoy it while I can't. I won't…” He leans forward to kiss her, taking her face between his hands. She closes her eyes, grabbing his shirt. Pushing her back slowly he moves over her. He rests his forehead against hers watching her closely:
“So… if you're sure about this, we’d better start now, don't we?” A half smile on his lips.
“Sure…” she whispers softly. “But, Kurt?”
“You taste like the illegitimate child of an underground distillery and an ashtray.”
Ok, I'm gonna go with something more descriptive than actually already written for those two… Because words don't come out and it would take a month for me too!
8. shielding the other one with their body
At a certain point Vio starts to follow Kurt at appointments and work stuff (gang shitty stuff. Still not a member of the idiotic gang in her head…).
I imagine this scene with him talking with some shady dudes, at a certain point guns come out. And Vio first instinct is to put herself between them, maybe already hacking one of the bodyguards to shield Kurt (who in his head is screaming: “what the fuck are you doing?!?!”)
22. grabbing the other’s hand to pull them back from something
This one is the hardest for real. I'm cooking up things as I go, so they won't be fixed in stone. In 2078 in my latest brainrotting session I've decided that Dogtown will fall. You don't mess with Myers as Kurt did and go unpunished.
Vio in 2078 will go back to Dogtown to see the remains of her life. I think that she'll meet Jago somewhere and he'll pass the info to Kurt. So, ignoring the danger, he'll come back too. I imagine this scene where she's observing the remains of the Black Sapphire, tears in her eyes, and she feels someone pull her back by her hand to turn her away from that sight. And there he is. Still alive despite everything.
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