#mia wynn
themilkshanghai · 1 year
Darkness Incarnate
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lusserllaart · 1 year
Art Collab - Happy Winter
This is HPMA mcs in winter season collaboration!! We had a lots of fun to drawing them~ Thank you for accept my collaboration 💖 
Meeting - @lusserllaart
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Snowman - @copycatg
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Dinner - @themilkshanghai
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Back home - @lusserllaart @copycatg​ @themilkshanghai​
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why-i-love-comics · 2 months
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G.O.D.S. #5 (2024)
written by Jonathan Hickman art by Valerio Schiti & Marte Gracia
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yen-sids-tournament · 2 months
Alice in Wonderland: Animated (1951) v Live Action (2010)
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You do not have to see both to vote, but it might have been helpful.
Feel free to share opinions or explanations with comments/tags/rbs
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neverscreens · 9 months
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Part One, 420 Screencaps.
Part Two, 420 Screencaps.
All in GALLERY. Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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im-yn-suckers · 2 months
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vanoincidence · 11 months
Mama Mia! || Van & Wynne
TIMING: before van started to crave the great Hay. PARTIES: @ohwynne & @vanoincidence SUMMARY: wynne comes to sly slice to see van drowning in pizza! CONTENT WARNINGS: none!
“This is too many.” Van stared dejectedly at the number of paper plates that were stacked on top of one another. The grease from each slice of pizza seemed to pool through to the next plate, and so on and so forth. The few tables they did have were covered in plates of pizza. “Why did you take a preorder?” The new employee, Janice, hadn’t known that they were a order-at-counter business only. Rocky wasn’t answering his phone, and the last time something like this had happened, Van was the one who got yelled at for it. 
She continued staring at the paper plates as Janice quickly ducked away towards the back. Well, this was a great start to Van’s night shift. It was a random Wednesday evening, so the hope that flocks of college students might venture in and eat hours-old pizza was a slim chance. Too transfixed by her current predicament, Van didn’t hear the door when it opened, or when they spoke aloud– something about pizza. Obviously. This was a pizza shop. Van blinked a few times before looking over at the person who had come in. “There’s so much pizza.” It was all she could say and all she could register. “Do you want hour old pizza? Discounted at 3.50 instead of the usual 4 dollars?” 
Customer service was far from an ideal job, that much Wynne had learned over the past two months. That was not to say they were looking for brighter horizons, as they hardly felt deserving of it (and didn’t have the energy to apply for another job, anyway). It did mean that they made a concentrated effort to be kind to any and all people they came across working a customer service job. That went for this evening, too, during which they were in need of some dinner and had little energy or drive to make it themself. So they walked into Sly Slice, quietly witnessing the stack of plates. It was a miracle it didn’t collapse.
The person behind the cash register seemed transfixed by it too, as she didn’t hear Wynne when they quietly ordered. Not that they blamed her, nor her unhelpful comment: it was something Wynne might have done, if the roles were reversed. “It is a lot. Did someone change their mind?” They imagined the coffee bar filled with cups of coffee, slowly cooling down and not being taken home. Wynne would hate such a situation. They considered the discount, then nodded. “Sure. I like it cold, too. If you have any cheese or vegetable pizza, that is?” Surely there had to be some, among all those plates.
She should make it a bigger discount, and Van knew Rocky would be upset if they lost any money on this, especially because it was an employee's fault. It’s that damn coven again. Van could hear the string of his obscenities in her head, and though she wanted to remind him that covens weren’t real and it was probably a group of bored teenagers, she often held her tongue. But Rocky wasn’t here to protest the discount. Janice was in the back, probably doing something not very useful, and Van was… left to deal with it all. She could cry. 
“Somebody decided to take an order over the phone, which we aren’t supposed to do.” The earlier shift leader had left as soon as Van clocked in, so she hadn’t even had time to see what was happening before she was left to deal with it all on her own. Van tapped her fingers against the counter and tried her best to count the number of plates she saw, but it was no use. There had to be at least thirty plates, if she could guess. “It doesn’t have to be cold. Janice can heat them up for you.” She spoke loudly so that she knew Janice would hear her, then she looked back over at the customer. “How many do you want?” 
Wynne frowned, feeling for the employee and her strange, pizza-filled situation. “Oh. And now they didn’t come to pick it up, I take?” They wanted to make sure they understood the situation, as they tended to misinterpret or misunderstand plenty of things. They pushed their lips into a sympathetic yet awkward smile, the same one people passing them on the street gave them. They did feel really bad for the other and hoped no manager would come barking at them, the way Todd had done with them before when things had gone missing in the shop.
The goal had been to acquire two slices of pizza, but they looked at the large stack and then the other’s face and decided that maybe they could do two acts of kindness. Get some pizza for the flat and maybe Emilio, and help out the other. Wynne considered how much money they had. “Maybe something like seven slices?” They should be able to cough that up. “And if you could just heat up one, then that’d be perfect. Otherwise no problem, too.” 
“They didn’t.” Van bit her tongue from saying, isn’t that obvious? This was a customer. She couldn’t be rude. Even if they weren’t a customer, Van probably wouldn’t have been rude. She was just stressed. That’s all this was. She tried her best to keep her expression neutral, but it had distorted into something uncomfortable as her gaze continued to wander over the mountain of paper plates. “But I’ll figure it out.” She had to, or else she might lose her job even though it wasn’t her fault. 
“Seven?” Van’s eyes lit up. That would make a dent in her problem, but she didn’t want the customer to feel obligated to buy them just because Van was about to have a breakdown about the number of pizza slices she’d been faced with. “No, no– I can heat them up.” Van held up her hand for them to wait for a moment before she went into the back to find Janice, but she was nowhere. “Again? Seriously?” With a frustrated sigh, she returned to the front of the shop and gave them an awkward smile. “I’ll be right back.” Van grabbed the seven slices, balancing them precariously on her arms like they did in the movies before heading towards the oven. She heated up the one slice, then decided to do so for the rest, before putting them in the individual to-go boxes. Why Janice hadn’t done that and instead put them on paper plates, Van couldn't be sure. Maybe to fuck with her. “Here you go.” The stack of boxes was over her head as she slid them onto the counter. She held onto the middle part, balancing them so that they wouldn’t fall over. “We have… plastic bags.” 
They felt a little powerless, in this situation. If Wynne had money to spare – and they most certainly didn’t – they’d splurge and buy all the pizza, redistribute it among the people they knew and those they didn’t. Instead, they just lifted their shoulders. “That’s very shitty and inconsiderate of them.” The word shitty felt a bit foreign to them, but it seemed to fit the situation. “I’m sure you’ll be okay! Maybe you can put a message online about there being a slight discount? People do love a bargain.” A Latte to Love used their social media plenty, though Wynne couldn’t say they were very good at it. It was a very good lesson in marketing, even if that wasn’t a skill they were looking to develop deeply.
“Please take your time,” they said as the other looked more and more stressed. Wynne did hope that she didn’t feel rushed, that they were being a good customer. After all the bad customers they’d handled themself that day, they really didn’t want to be in the same category as them. Once they observed the large stack of pizza boxes and wondered how they’d walk home balancing all that, though luckily the employee came with a solution. “Maybe a bag would be nice, yes? It’s okay if that’s extra.” Though it wouldn’t be a solution to the other problem starting to pop up: the pizza smelled very good, and they were afraid they’d eat the slices they’d intended for others all by themself. They gave another slight smile to the employee. “Sometimes you just have those days, right? With customers, I mean.” They frowned, concerned that that was vague. “I work as a barista, so I can kind of get it.” 
“Oh, you’re right. I forgot about the internet.” Rich, considering Van spent all of her time on it. She nodded, poking her pen into the air between herself and the customer. “That’s a good idea. Thank you!” She could kiss them on the forehead for the suggestion, as well as for even buying the pizza in the first place. “Thank you, seriously.” She peered over the stack of boxes and leaned around to grab a plastic bag. She shook it out awkwardly before grabbing a few of the topmost boxes. She aligned them perfectly to the bottom of the bag and lifted the handles, testing the weight to make sure that the bag wouldn’t rip. 
It seemed secure enough, so she added a few other boxes and nodded to herself as if it were some enormous accomplishment. Van looked up at them and shook her head. “Not charging you extra for bags.” That would be shitty of her to do, especially because they were helping her with a massive chunk of the slices. “Sucks that it’s not a bar crawl day. Could’ve gotten rid of these so easily.” She sighed dramatically before nodding at their comment. “I guess so? Sucks, but you’re right.” Van scrunched her nose and grabbed a second plastic bag, just in case, and began to fit it around the already bulging one. “A barista? In town?” Van looked up at them. “You didn’t go to my school.” She paused. “Sorry, like– elementary, middle, high– I was born and raised here. Are you here for college?” 
“Hey, it happens.” Wynne smiled a little in recognition, because there were plenty of moments where they forgot the internet was right in their pocket. They nodded, waved a little as if to tell the other not to worry about it. Then, they looked a bit more serious: “You’re welcome, of course, but you really should try not to thank people. Some people might use that against you.” They hoped the other would not ask for an explanation, as they didn’t want to seem like someone who had possibly lost their mind, but it still seemed like a fair warning to give. The other seemed nice, after all.
Wynne wasn’t sure what a bar crawl was, but it seemed that it was something that involved bars and pizza — so presumably also copious amounts of alcohol. They only ever saw the after-effects of that, but it did seem that students partook in rather a lot of drinking. “It really does suck. Maybe there will be some spontaneous people that step by, though?” Surely people would come if there was a good deal. They looked at the other for a moment, eyes a little wide as she pointed out not to recognize them. “No, I just moved here, so that would make sense. I work at a Latte to Love. Have been there for a few months!” They shook their head, then. “No, I don’t go to college.” What were they here for? They hadn’t come for anything but a pitstop, and now only remained for others. Certainly not to make coffee. “Just work at the coffee shop.”
“People keep saying that.” Van wasn’t sure how much more happening she could take before she lost it. It was getting harder to see through to the other side. The side without stupid melting objects and stupid situations at work. “But yeah, I guess it does.” Van mustered up the energy to return the other’s smile only for it to falter at their words. It was the same thing Cass had said. Was this person from Hawai’i, too? Not to say she hadn’t heard the same advice before, but it’d become more prominent in the last few weeks that she’d spent away from home. “I’ve heard that a lot, too. But uh, sure. Okay.” It was pretty clear she didn’t believe in whatever higher power would hold thanks against her. She’d rather be polite than not. 
“Maybe.” Van sighed, looking past the customer and towards the door. There was nobody else dropping in, even if they were staring at the massive amounts of paper plates that covered the tables. As they began to explain that they’d only just moved to Wicked’s Rest, Van perked up slightly. So maybe they were also from Hawai’i. “Latte to Love? I go there like, all the time.” She’d bought more red bull than she had coffees in the past few weeks, but mostly because it meant less social interaction. “That’s cool though. I don’t go to college either, I just work at the pizza shop.” She didn’t want them to feel bad for not attending college, especially when she didn’t think it mattered much at all anyway. There was a part of her that wished she hadn’t fucked up so monumentally, but that was what had happened, and there was no changing it. “You know my name,” Van plucked at her name tag, pulling her shirt slightly forward so that it untucked from her jeans. “What’s yours?” The nametag read Vanessa, but the essa was crossed out with red sharpie. 
They looked at the other inquisitively for a moment, wondering what she meant by that and whether all was okay. Wynne didn’t want to pry into the personal life of a stranger, though, even if they understood being down by the mess that life often left people in. They lifted their shoulders a little as their advice was accepted. “I know it sounds weird. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with …” They frowned. “Being cautious. Maybe it’s just superstitious, but even so. No harm no foul, right?” Though it was very annoying to not say thank you to people, especially those that deserved to be thanked.
“I hope so, anyway.” They squinted a little at the other, trying to figure out if they’d ever helped her to a coffee before. Wynne must have, but the first weeks at their job had been a blur and even now they often felt like they were living in some kind of haze. “That’s sweet! It’s a nice place, I think.” Good enough pay, even if certain people insinuated that Wynne could do better — without really clarifying what that could entail. They were somewhat glad when the other revealed that she didn’t go to university, either. It seemed like the norm to do so, especially in this college-town. “Look at us, helping so many students but not being one. I don’t mind it, though.” They did, sometimes. They took a glance at the name tag, noting the name Van. “I’m Wynne. It’s really nice to meet you, Van.”
“Yeah, maybe?” Van wasn’t sure why saying thanks had any superstitions aligned with it. It made no damn sense. But if it was something that someone believed, she’d keep her opinions to herself. It wasn’t like it was hurting anyone, it was just a little rude within certain contexts. Van decided to drop it, forcing an awkward smile. 
“Do you like it? I think I lasted like, a day there.” A customer had come in accusing her of not using oat milk when she definitely had used oat milk and it resulted in several of the syrup containers shattering, sending the sticky stuff everywhere. Van’s boss had blamed her, even though she knew she hadn’t done anything. “It wasn’t really my scene, I don’t think.” At least Rocky didn’t blame her for the weird shit that happened at Sly Slice. If he did, she would have gotten fired a long time ago. Somewhere at the back of her mind, however, Van stifled the voice that told her it was her fault– that all of it was.
At Wynne’s comment, Van laughed, slapping her hand down onto the counter. “You’re so right. We are the backbone of society. Fuck the professors, they don’t do shit.” She leaned forward, the pads of her fingers pressing into the counter. “Wynne? That’s a really nice name! I like that a lot. People probably don’t mistake you for a car, huh?” She frowned slightly before shaking her head. “I’m glad you came in today, and not just because of the pizzas.” Wynne had an energy about them, and while Van wasn’t typically a good judge of character, there was something that told her they wouldn’t suddenly try to stab her. It was a nice feeling. Maybe she was being a little too forward. She wasn’t used to conversations taking place anywhere but offline. Not meaningful ones, anyway. “I’ll throw four on the house, I sort of just want them gone now.” The frustration and anxiety from the situation had slowly dissipated, and if Rocky really had an issue with how she resolved the current conundrum, she’d tell him to take it out of her paycheck. 
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rotten-debzee · 1 year
I am watching mamma mia 2 and skipping every single scene until Jessica appears in the screen 😭😭😭
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lynns-art-blog · 7 months
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Repostober Day 10 As much as I love draw Teara and "Evil Teara" together, I will never get over the first ship I ever had between these goobers. I love them both so very much, and I love what they have together. Childhood friends who stuck by each other through thick and thin, who love each other deeply, and want the best for each other. A small feisty ball of anger and her calm and gentle giant. I love them so much ;u;
Also Mia is there
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themilkshanghai · 7 months
Lady Seer • Novice Alchemist • Little Esper
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usernameproxy · 9 months
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heehee... my* silly spidahmen... (only one of them is spiderman, and hes not even a man)(but he IS a regular guy)
meet wynn awbrey, myla delgado, mia taylor-moore, brodie holland, and petra parker! send me asks about them :3
*i share custody of these ocs with solar @solardashpraxus :3
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I always think Rachel McAdams is Jessica Keenan Wynn. I don't know why, probably the face blindness. Do they look alike?
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mthguy · 9 months
Lily James, Jessica Keenan Wynn, and Alexa Davies sing "When I Kissed the Teacher" in Mamma Mia - Here We Go Again.
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allamericansbitch · 2 years
based on this thread, here is a list of famous people who have supported johnny depp and/or made fun of amber heard. fuck all of them:
Aly & AJ
Alissa Violet (Influencer)
Ann Coulter
Ashley Benson
Ashley Park (actress from Emily in Paris)
Auli'i Cravalho (actress from Moana)
Bailey Muñoz
Bella Hadid
Ben Shapiro
Booboo Stewart
Chase Hudson (Lil Huddy)
Chase Stokes (actor from Outer Banks)
China McClaine
Chris Rock
Cierra Ramirez (actress from The Fosters/Good Trouble)
Cody Simpson
Connor Swindells (adam groff on sex education)
Cazzie David
Critical Role
Dakota Fanning
Dakota Johnson
Daniel Ricciardo
Diana Silvers
Dillion Francis (DJ)
Dominic Fike
Dove Cameron
Elle King
Emma Roberts
Florence Pugh
Gabby Douglas
Gemma Chan
Halle Bailey
Henry Golding
Ian Somerhalder
Jaime King
Jamie Campbell Bower
Javier Bardem
Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Coolidge
Jeremy Renner
Jessie J
JK Rowling
Joe Perry (Aerosmith)
JoJo Siwa
Jordan Fisher
Julian Kostov (actor from Shadow & Bone)
Justin Long
Kali Uchis
Kat Von D
Kelly Osbourne
Kelsea Ballerini
Kyle Rittenhouse
LaKeith Stanfield
Lance Bass
Lennon Stella
Lewis Tan
Lucy Hale
Madelyn Cline (actress from Outer Banks)
Maren Morris
Matthias Schoenaerts
Michael Clifford (of 5 Seconds of Summer)
Molly Shanon
Nicholas Braun
Norman Reedus
Nyane (popular instagram model)
Olivia Jade
Paige (from WWE)
Paris Hilton
Patti Smith
Paul Bettany
Paul McCartney
Penelope Cruz
Perrie Edwards
Phillip Barantini (director of Boiling Point)
Pokimane (Twitch Streamer)
Reeve Carney
Robert Downey Jr
Rian Dawson (Drummer of All Time Low)
Riley Keough
Rita Ora
Ryan Adams
Sam Claflin
Samantha Hanratty (actress from Yellowjackets)
Samuel Larsen
Seth Savoy (Director)
Shannen Doherty
Sharon Stone
SNL cast and writers
Sofia Boutella
Sophie Turner
Stella Maxwell
Tammin Sursok
Taika Waititi
Tony Lopez
Vanessa Hudgens
Vanessa Morgan
Vanessa Paradis
Vincent Gallo
Zachary Levi
Zoe Saldana
Zoey Deutch
People who publicly support Amber:
Aiysha Hart 
Alex Winter
Alexa Nikolas (actress from Zoey 101)
Amanda Seyfried
Amy Schumer
Anna Sophia Robb
Bianca Butti (Amber's ex)
Busy Philipps
Chace Crawford
Chloe Morello
Christina Ricci
Constance Wu
Contrapoints/Natalie Wynn
Corey Rae
Dana Schwartz (journalist and writer)
David Krumholtz
Dolph Lundgren
Edward Norton
Elizabeth Lail (actress who played Beck from you)
Elizabeth McGovern
Elizaberh Reaser (Esmé in Twilight)
Ellen Barkin
Emeraude Toubia (actress from Shadowhunters and With Love)
Emily Ratajkowski
Evan Rachel Wood
Howard Stern
Ira Madison III
Jamelle Bouie (NYT columnist)
Jessica Taylor, Dr
Jon Lovett (podcaster & former White House speech writer & fiance of Ronan Farrow)
John Legend
Julia Fox
Julia Stiles
Julianne Moore
Kate Nash (singer, actress from Glow)
Kathy Griffin
Kristen Bell
Lauren Jauregui
Lena Headey
Lindsay Ellis (YouTuber)
Lindsay Lohan
Lindsey Gort
Mia Farrow
Michele Dauber (Stanford law professor)
Millie Brady (actress in The Last Kingdom)
Mel B
Melanie Lynskey
Melissa Benoist
Monica Lewinsky
Nathalie Emmanuel (actress on Game of Thrones)
Neil Gaiman (writer of Caroline, American Gods, Good Omens, etc.)
Nikki Glaser (comedian)
Patricia Arquette
Rachel Riley
Raphael Bob-Waksberg (creator of Bojack Horseman)
Robin Lord Taylor
Rian Johnson (director of Knives Out)
Ryn Weaver (singer)
Samantha Bee (comedian)
Sarah Paulson
Sarah Steele
Selma Blair 
Sophia Bush
Uzo Aduba
Willa Fitzgerald
Zach Kornfeld (from the Try Guys)
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iirulancorrino · 4 months
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Best books of the year: 2023 edition
When you read north of 200 books a year it's pretty hard (at least for me) to compile a best-of list without things getting out of hand, but here is my attempt:
Best fiction (new releases)
After Sappho by Selby Wynn Schwartz
The MANIAC by Benjamín Labatut
Not Even the Dead by Juan Gómez Bárcena
Time Shelter by Georgi Gospodinov
Honorable mention: This is Not Miami by Fernanda Melchor
Best fiction (non-new releases)
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
The Oppermanns by Lion Feuchtwanger
Pollak's Arm by Hans Von Trotha
In the Cut by Susanna Moore
Honorable mentions: impossible to pick a favorite NYRB read but Zama and Cassandra at the Wedding both knocked me on my ass.
Best short story collection:
In the Country by Mia Alvar
Honorable mention: Savage Harvest: Stories of Partition by Mohinder Singh Sarna
Best nonfiction
We Were Once a Family: A Story of Love, Death and Child Removal in America by Roxanna Asgarian
Bottoms Up and the Devil Laughs: A Journey Through the Deep State by Kerry Howley
Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond
The Paranoid Apocalypse: A Hundred-Year Retrospective on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, edited by Richard Landes and Steven T. Katz
Sex, Science, Self: A Social History of Estrogen, Testosterone and Identity by Bob Ostertag
Feeling Trapped: Social Class and Violence Against Women by James Ptacek
Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO by David J. Halperin
Honorable mentions: Actual Malice by Samantha Barbas, The Devil's Element by Dan Egan, Europe and the Mystique of Islam by Maxime Rodinson
Best poetry
A Hundred Lovers by Richie Hofmann
Hard Damage by Aria Aber
Report to the Department of the Interior by Diane Glancy
Honorable mentions: Deluge by Leila Chatti, Critical Assembly: Poems of the Manhattan Project by John Canaday
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goddessswan · 20 days
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  ﹒ ♡ ⊹ 🌸 𓂃 ﹒ ◞
  🎀 cutefem ⸝⸝ names ₊ 
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  ╭ 🌷  ✦ names ﹒
  ╰   ♡ amia athena anais abbey avril bibi bea bria bunny cassie cleo clair coco caiti dina dove dalia dot doe elodie ellie erin elsie eryn fiona fay fleur flora florie gina gwen ginny honey hazel heidi hope heart ivy iris jenny jodi lisa lovette lydia myra maisie mia nola nia nala olive paige pearl pip robin rue ruby skye susie tara tina valerie vie viv vera vanny wendy wynn yvette ﹒
◌    ❜   request by: nobody   𓈒
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