#who knows maybe the others will join him here or ill make more stuff for them!
theashpit · 27 days
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its been such a long as time that i forgot how fun he used to be before he was kinda deved into a hole. but now in this new setting he's like PERFECTION.
idk if i can keep my little mouth shut about this enough to lock it behind patreon so,,, AOUHGH... HI HI PLZ ENJOY MY NEW STUFF.
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liquidstar · 2 months
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a friend who'd wait :)
#im posting this very late because i was sort of weary of how it came out and ended up messing w it until it was like 4am oops.#and i have plans tmrw so... oh well! i did my best and ill put it out while i can!#and i tried to make the scene match barnard's colors lol#finn's ocs#finn's art#i know i said id do more sillay stuff with the simpler screentone only style but i had a couple more of these in me#and this is the first piece im making thats like an actual part of the story too rather than just setting stuff for fun#i wanna write something to go with it too but for now ill just sort of briefly explain the context in the tags here:#barnard has a pretty bad case of OCD and his compulsions have made it difficult to make friends in the past#he was never outright bullied or anything but people just didnt really have the patience to deal with it#he has compulsions that include stuff like walking through doors until it feels right and needing things to be perfectly aligned#which in group settings has lead to people having to wait for him to finish his rituals and join them#they might find it tolerable at first but eventually they grow impatient and hes just... not invited to stuff anymore#but juno is a newer member of the guild who ends up frequenting the same library. hes also kinda a little weird#and they dont become fast friends or anything but just sort of naturally spend time in the same place#though they never plan meetups they eventually fall into a routine. around the same time theyd just both be at the library#and read next to each other. and maybe talk a bit. and eventually they end up walking back to the guildhall together#since theyre going to the same place after all. and juno always waits for barnard outside the door#eventually barnard asks if this bothers him. juno kinda just tells him 'of course it does' without any malice or anything. just a statement#barnard is surprised and apologizes and juno says not to. but the next day juno doesnt show up at the usual time.#barnard assumes hes committed somekinda more by bringing it up. he ends up staying there late reading to get his mind off it & not ruminate#but when he leaves juno is in fact still waiting for him down the hall (see pic) having collected a bunch of books literally abt ocd#he fell asleep bc barnard stayed later than expected. and hes an eepy guy generally. and also one very bad at expressing himself#but now barnard gets that juno's 'of course it [bothers me]' had the implication of 'but its worth it' which no friend has previously done.#and from the interaction juno was also able to understand that this isn't something barnard just does for the hell of it so. he studies.#and checks a bunch of stuff out because he thinks it could help his friend too (theres ocd workbooks and such- i remember working w them)#and thats the point where they became more ''friends'' than ''pleasant library acquaintances''#from there on they also do get into juno's problems. whole other bag of worms. but this specific scene is more about bernard from his pov#sorry about when i said briefly explain. i lied </3#but compared to the whole sequence im picturing its brief so shhh
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Hey! I love your writing, you have quickly become one of my favorite blogs on this site! I was wondering if you could do more yandere Superman stuff. There isn't alot of it on tumblr and your other ones have been awesome! As for ideas maybe one about the reader having powers or a mental illness similar to gaps? No matter what you decide to write I look forward to it reading it though! 🤗
Thank you so much 💕💕💕! You have no idea how flattered I am, agshshd.
Since you didn��t specify, I’ll do a platonic yandere, since I am much better at writing those 😅. Enjoy!
The standard warnings in all my works (really only implications of stalking in this case) apply here! Reader is a meta, with a teleporting ability!
One would think that being able to teleport at a moments notice made life easier. You would be able to go to work, go to school, save money on gas money, all at the drop of a hat whenever you decided to use your ability.
It did not. In fact, it made your life actively harder with all the criminals that routinely tried to extort, blackmail, or manipulate you into using their powers for them.
“Listen, if we’re going to do the whole song and dance of you threatening me, can you at least be creative about it?” You drawl, absolutely exhausted. The man in front of you is dangerous, sure, but no more dangerous than a common criminal and you were already late for work. “I have dealt with this more times than I can count, can you maybe just like, not?”
“Listen, I don’t know what kind of death wish you have to be talking to me like that, but I’d keep my mouth shut if I were you.” He threatens, brandishing the gun in your direction. You huff. He was hardly as threatening as he liked to think he was.
“You’re holding the gun wrong.” You point out, and he blinks, adjusting his flimsy grip on the gun. He was still holding it wrong.
“Shut up! Listen, just come with me, and no one gets hurt.”
“That’s not going to happen.” A strong voice echoes from the alley way, and you tilt your head, recognizing it. Your attacker does to, and he pales, turning his gun toward the speaker frantically before dropping it. You hiss out a curse. He was lucky the thing didn’t cook off when he dropped it.
“Superman! I was just- we were just-!”
“You were just going down to the police station to turn yourself in. Unless of course you’d like me to help you get there?” A raised brow, challenging the man, who shakes his head frantically. Given that the police station wasn’t very far, you were curious as to which option Superman would go with.
“I’m not sure I believe you.” There’s not even a blur, and he is behind the man, lifting him up by the back of his jacket.
He turns to you, and his eyes soften.
“Why don’t you head on to work? And stay out of any dark alleys, yeah?” He jokes gently, and you snort, nodding. “Once I have this guy sorted out, I’ll join you.”
He’s gone. You leave the alley, leaving the gun on the dirty floor. He would come back to collect it, you knew, and you had no desire to touch a firearm that had been pointed at your face.
It takes him less than five minutes to catch up to you. You know by then he had already gotten the gun to the police, talked to the officers, and dropped off your would be kidnapper.
“That’s the second time this week you showed up, you know.” You comment. He flies alongside you, the cape rustling with the wind. “You’re starting to make a habit of it.”
“This is also the second time this week you’ve been held at gun point, and it’s not even Friday.” He points out, and there’s a concerned frown on his face. “Why didn’t you teleport away?”
“He would have gone to my house instead. Better to keep him occupied until I could come up with a plan.” You shrug, and he only frowns more, eyebrows furrowing. You sigh, pushing your hair back from your forehead. Your hands were shaking, now, from the excess adrenaline.
“I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to deal with criminals constantly hunting you for your ability.” A warm hand on your shoulder, and you smile, a little bitter, a little sad.
“Not much that can be done about it. People see a power, and they want it, and a lot of the times they don’t care about whether that power is attached to a person or not. It’s how the world works.”
You had been dealing with this since you were a child, when your powers first manifested, and sure it didn’t exactly make for a stable childhood or a well-adjusted adult, but you knew how to handle it. You knew what to do.
“It doesn’t have to be. You know that, right?” He looks… so hopeful. Earnest. You wonder how he can keep that up when he sees and fights the worst things humanity has to offer. When humanity doesn’t even like him because he was strange and other, even though he had saved the world so many times you had lost count.
Maybe it was different for you. You had been young when the Justice League formed, had been even younger when Superman became a known hero, maybe you just grew up with it.
“I do.” The relieved smile he sends you lights up his entire face, and your stomach swoops low with a strange sort of anxiety. You weren’t used to this level of… transparency. Everything he did seemed written on his face like a book, and it was new and strange.
“I’m glad. I, uh, wanted to give you something. Here.” He holds up a small item, and you take it, curiously.
It was a watch. Silver, and blue, your favorite colors although he couldn’t have known that. A strap made of some undetermined fabric, the wrong texture to be leather but to thick to be anything else.
“It’s basically a panic button.” He explains, rubbing at the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. “Press the dial used to adjust the time and it will emit a frequency only I can hear, so I can come and help.”
He takes it gently, affixing the strap to your wrist with gentle hands. It was strange to think those same hands could bend steel, that you had seen them bend steel.
“I… thank you. I really appreciate it.”
It was a strange level of care, your new watch, but it makes your chest warm. You had never had anyone show this much concern over you before.
“Well, with everything that’s happened, I figured you could use a direct line just in case, you know? I don’t want you to get hurt. And since I tend to only give them to civilians who are my friend..”
You laugh, grinning.
“Is this you asking to be my friend? I would think we were a bit past that after the fourth rescue.”
“I didn’t want to assume.” He defends, hands up in mock surrender, laughing. You both stop. You’re at the door to your work, and he smiles.
By now, it’s almost routine to wish him goodbye, and while the warm and quick hug surprises you just a bit, it’s pleasant enough that you don’t simply teleport out of his grasp in surprise.
There’s a faint smile on your face the whole day as you work. It was nice to have a friend after having been alone for so long.
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ncteez · 1 year
HI MEE AGAIN (i did the 5 member ranking question thingy BUT ANYWAYS) ima call myself - 🐻‍❄️ anon butttt rank all the members 1-13 on who would enjoy watching their partner get fucked by one of their members
ill put you on my anon list!!
just a heads up, i don't do these the same way others do. each member getting a whole paragraph explaing why they're at their spot.
warning: some member x member stuff is mentioned
most likely:
minghao: bro would want you to offer him to other ppl too, don't fucking lie. not only would he be the one suggesting you fuck around with another member who hasn't stopped looking at you, but he would be the one setting it up. Fr, asking if he can have cameras involved and everything for the personal spank bank. Would eventually get tired of cucking and snake his way into the situation. Would probably be a switch too, especially if the other guy is someone like mingyu.
jeonghan: balls to the walls into it. he loooooves cucking and feeling pathetic, all isolated in his corner with a neglected cock. loves seeing you getting railed from different angles, and obsesses over the fact that you're shameless about it.
soonyoung: hell yeah, the more the merrier. fr treats this shit like friendly competiton. Offering advice through pathetic moans as he tugs at himself like "she likes it when I do this, try it--". probably high fives the band member after they finish, wiggling his brows like "ain't ya jealous that i get to do this allll the timeeee?" 100% treats you and his bandmate to food after to discuss why he does it better.
joshua: never would've thought about it until one of his band members mentioned how he would feel about it. politely asks you if you wanna do it and isn't even mad when you immediately agree. Would watch timidly at first until it becomes a normal thing, obsessing over how hot you look with one of his friends. maybe suggesting doing it with another member, or even multiples of them at a time. He doesn't try to join though, he just likes watching his friends pleasure you.
mingyu: he's down but only if you say his name and make fun of his friends for not touching you the same way he does. like he would be fucking damned to let one of those little bitches get you off better than he does. Maybe at some point he actually jumps in when he notices you making a sound you've never made for him, finishing you off just so the other member can't say that they did it.
vernon: wouldn't really be down for the idea at first, and for real would be FIGHTING you when you say you can tell he likes it. he gets jealous a lot but for some reason that gives him better orgasms, especially when you play off of his jealousy and look directly at him when you get off by a cock that isn't his.
wonwoo: it's either or for him. he wants to please you and if that's what does it, sure. he knows you love him and only him, and it's not like his bandmates are always involved. He timidly admits sometimes that you look good with [insert member here], or that he got a little jealous of cock sizes. Still, he's there to please and is confident in himself. plus, releasing on your face while your mouth is slack from whoever is pounding you into the next dimension is one of his favorite things ever now.
junhui: tries it once to check it off the sex bucket list the two of you made, doesn't enjoy it but knows you do. sets stuff up with his friends for special occasions like ur birthday. fr doesn't like jerking off all by himself but loves the way you look at him when he does it, so he doesn't entirely mind it sometimes.
chan: ehh, he knew you were a cock slut but that was supposed to only be for his eyes. still, he thinks it's hot to see you act out like that from time to time. doesn't really let it happen too often, but when it does you spend a good three days sexually praising him so he doesn't feel like there is competition.
seungkwan: too technical when it happens. fr taking notes in his head on things he should be doing to you bc clearly his cock isn't enough if you asked him for this. he doesn't get off at all while watching, and needs hella reassurance after the single time he allowed it to happen. it doesn't really cause relationship issues, but he would have preferred you not like it as much as you did. Or at least like, talk a little shit about his friend after or something.
jihoon: he can be kinky but that's for you to see and experience. He doesn't mind that you find other men attractive but he will be damned if he actually let them touch you, let alone his own friends. one thing though, after the initial suggestion, he upped his game a lot in bed and is now a little more dominant. Also maybe obsessed with praise now.
seokmin: has an internal meltdown about it. needs constant reassurance now that your curiosity is out in the open about his friends. fr becomes the god of service tops thinking his relationship with you is on the line when it's really just that you were curious about trying, plus you think he would be hot getting off all alone. He ghosts his friends for like 3 days without explanation until you tell him "i was just joking, why would i wanna fuck [insert hot man] when I have you?"
seungcheol: he would be swinging at the mentioned friend the second it's even suggested. i like the idea of him being super protective to the point of possessiveness if someone tries to see or touch you the way he does. fr he would probably get his feelings hurt and take it out on whichever other member caught your attention.
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squipdop · 2 months
Howd they bring up the junior scouts idea to max??? Was he like Whatever sure or super tsundere or surprisingly emotional that they wanted him back after he aged out?? Did anyone else come back or do special day-long visits like how schools bring in visitors? What does max think of the new kids? They all look so cool i love Max's hair!!!!
Okay so. I call it the '6 years later' AU but technically i have Stuff Planned for all the time that passed between now and then too, so this'll be a bit longer, sorry!!
Max joining the counselor team was actually kind of a natural/gradual development?? Basically, since I can't make CC content that isn't found family Max has a shit home life, and, even if he hates to admit it at first, the three months of summer camp become his bright spot each year. David and Gwen catch on to that, but there isn't much they can do to help outside of camp - until one day Max (age 13/14ish) shows up on Gwen's doorstep because he ran away from home, 'since his parents won't care either way'. While he does return home after hiding out at Gwen's place for a weekend, this kind of kicks off a pattern of Max running away sporadically, to Gwen's, later David's, or his friends places. I could go into more detail here but. this is already long. oop.
ANYWAYS. So with Max spending basically all the time he can away from home and the summers at camp, once he ages out there's. A Bit of panic starting in him once summer gets closer again, because his Safe Place seems inaccessible, and two of his OTHER options, especially for longer stays away from home, would also be unavailable. Gwen and David notice this (it manifests in Max staying over More but Angrier) and try to find a solution. Gwen proposes the Jr Counselor idea. They introduce the idea to Max by kinda implying that workload around camp is a lot, and it'd really hurt to miss one of their most experienced campers, but... maybe, if he worked there too (well, interned. basically unpaid. but! no camp tuition!) he could help them? so they basically give Max a way to say yes without admitting that he's the one who needs camp the most. He does insult the whole thing ofc, and says like he's just doing it because he knows camp would burn down without him there ("actually, most of the fires we had were started by you...?" "shut it, david") but secretly he's really really happy. He might even thank them later that evening. Quietly. Before complaining about it preemptively. <3
WAH THATS ALREADY SUCH A WALL OF TEXT ok ill hurry up w the rest:
While most of the other campers had some rotations over the years, I don't have conk rete plans for most of them - Nikki and Neil are still Max' gang, and returned for multiple summers, if not all. This year though, Neil is busy with college prep, and Nikki is spending the summer at home because of family crisis. They still video call a lot, they're still The Gang. I have sketched designs for them, but I'm not quite happy yet.
Max at first doesn't take his role seriously, because he's basically just Back For Another Summer, but pretty quickly realises Gwen and David DO have expectations, and DO give him responsibilities. He takes a while to come around on his new relationship to the younger kids, and especially one of the youngest kids takes a liking to him, a very anxious young girl, which annoys him at first, but... well. It's a whole ~character arc~ for Max waiting to happen tbh.
OK THANK YOU IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR IM SORRY ITS SO LONG. i wasnt lying when i said i have So Many Thoughts about this. ANYWAYS as thank u for getting this far heres a doodle of Max putting up his hair. :3c
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bamdelune · 1 year
In Hindsight 📹 Ch. 09: "ping pong"
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You feel a tap on your shoulder just as you claimed your change from the student who was running the stand you were buying from just now. You turn your back to see Kuni awkwardly standing behind you, stiffly waving — you look behind him and see who you assumed to be his friends. One was face palming, one was trying to stifle a giggle, another was calmly observing and the last was probably cheering behind Kunikuzushi.
"Kuni! I didn't know you went to stuff like this?" You greet with a smile, holding your snack and phone in one hand while the other rested on your hip.
He scratches his purple locks, "Yeah, I was kinda dragged here but I guess it's a nice change. Oh yeah— um, my friends were wondering if you wanted to join us explore the fair. I believe the twins are running a few things as committee members and Xinyan is kind of busy."
His words would've been drowned out by the crowd's chatter if you weren't standing so close to him. "Woah, you actually know my friends' schedules by heart." You joke, patting his shoulder as if to tell him good job.
"Actually, yeah. It's kinda boring not hanging out with anyone," you pout slightly. "Are you sure you don't mind me coming along? I don't wanna intrude on anything."
Kuni's face shifts and shakes his head no, chuckling awkwardly. "It's fine. After all, they were the ones who quite forcefully asked me to invite you. Those losers behind me? Yeah. That's them."
You peer behind him once more to see 4 people conversing (you think, maybe they were trying to act natural which you laugh at their attempts).
"Auhm... sure! I just have to leave you guys for a bit before 8pm since I have to assist something for the concert." You say, walking to their table.
Everyone exchanges greetings and introductions, Ajax and Venti send a few weird smug looks between you and Kuni but you assume it's just in their personalities. You swoon for sometime over meeting Venti in person, you've heard of him a few times in the industry and frankly, his songs were addicting. You spend the rest of the day playing the game booths with them. At some point, you receive Kunikuzushi's prize from the ping pong cup game ran by Hu Tao and Yanfei from the Humanities department — it was a medium-sized penguin plush that seized your heart the moment you laid your eyes on it.
When 7:50 pm strikes, you say your rushed goodbyes to the group and make your way to the backstage of the venue. It was time to do your role for the fair's concert. Your excuse from earlier was a cover for your actual job for tonight:
...which was to perform in front of the university for the first time ever as a performing artist.
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synopsis. You are a singer-songwriter. Music has always been a part of you, it's a part of your identity that no one can ever take away. However, there's always a catch: you are diagnosed with a chronic illness that puts your life on a timer. Those who have heard your countless melodies have grown to notice that the notes on the sheet played a gloomier tune. Would the snarky and capable medical student you've met be able to bring life back into these melodies? Even as life begins to seep out of your own body? (scaramouche x gn!reader)
tags. gender-neutral reader, angst, fluff, crack, heavy contexts of death and illnesses, friends to lovers, slowburn, profanities, drinking (characters are in college), suggestive themes but no nsfw.
taglist. (open, reply or send an ask to be added) — @beriiov @alatusorrow @br0oke96 @ohmyfinggod @itzblazekun @featuredtofu @sketcheeee @lazy-sanns @sakurapeach @sheraffim
masterpost ★ masterlist © bamdelune 2023. do not repost, translate, plagiarize any of my works without permission, thank you so much! reblogs, notes, and comments are always appreciated!
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theaviskullguy · 5 months
D&D Obey me- Lucifer, Mammon, + The Twins!
@trash-opposum here you go. seperate post so people can find it but here!
Disclaimer, if i do the rest, im going to avoid making EVERYONE a tiefling or aasimar, those are just for who i think are exceptionally appropriate/is how im playing them as my current dnd character is just Belphegor. If yall want me to make the others (Asmo, Levi, Satan, maybe Diavlo but who knows) let me know!
so let's GOOOOOOOO
Aasimar, the kind from Mordenkainen so no special extra type
Noble background, mainly cause i cant think of anything else
As for class, we have four potential options
Two varieties of Paladin, cleric, or warlock
First paladin variety- Oathbreaker
In this case he was probably originally Devotion before the revolution, and whoops! Oath Broken!
It'd either be a point of pride for him ("I fought for what I believe is right, and there is no shame in that") or he'd hide it from everyone
Second paladin- order of the Crown! obviously because of Diavlo. fellas is it gay to swear undying devotion to your future ki- *gets shot*
Cleric, then Order Domain. clerics are sworn to gods and not demons but shush his patron might still be Diavlo. in an actual D&D setting i can see him instead swearing to like Tyr or something.
he wont be healing. clerics are tanky he's out here ordering people to drop their weapons and then fucking murdering them
Warlock, gotta be fiend patron. im not sure if its possible to be your own patron but itd be funny as shit. worse case its fiend patron with some flavor homebrew as i call it to literally just be a fiend in his own right climbing the infernal ladder as he levels up
i promise the others wont be as long
Earth Genasi as those are descended from the Dao, which are the greediest genie. Also, they just look rich with gem-like stuff growing in cracks on their skin you just know Mammon's one of them
Charlatan background. he is scamming people left and right and it works
Rogue, thief subclass. Honestly any subclass other than Arcane Trickster (hes not smart enough) or Scout (hes not equipped for the "outside of civilization" shit)
Unlike for Lucifer, the others have Backstory! Woo!
Mammon is the son of a Dao and a human. His human parent helped him escape from the Elemental Plane of Earth, but then he was left on his own
So. He quickly learned how to con people. At first it was for survival, and then greed.
He found Lucifer while running one of these cons. In particular, his "con" was a vanishing act. He claimed he could become "one with the earth" when really he was curling up on the ground and casting Pass Without Trace. Lucifer saw through this illusion and threatened to out Mammon as a conman, unless he joined him as his ally. So, he did.
Lucifer keeps him in check, but that's not to say Mammon isn't fully on the straight and narrow
Tiefling!!! variant tiefling favored to have fly wings.
Outlander background, ill explain why in a sec
Barbarian. Need I say More?
actually i will- Totem animal, spirit of the bear. Since bear gets resistance to all damage (other than psychic) while raging and i feel that works with Beel more than anything
now for his backstory! he isnt canon in the campaign im playing belphie in but his backstory has the same catalyst. When he was five years old, the kingdom he lived in was caught in a rebellion against a tyrant. In which, Beel saw his older sister get killed by a royal guard. Belphie was going to be killed- but was protected by a tiefling in a knight's armor (my previous character who was killed. rip avi)
Beel, in his five-year-old mind, just ran. He took off without a second thought- a decision he now regrets deeply.
He ran into the surrounding woodlands. And gets an Atalanta-style backstory. For those who dont know, Atalanta was a princess who was abandoned in the woods and raised by bears
So Beel is raised by bears. Which is way better than being raised by wolves
They teach him how to hunt, gather, and its all well and cute. He sometimes entered the rebuilding kingdom to trade in leftover meat for clothes and weapons- and, to try and find Belphie. No luck.
Eventually, Beel grows to be a powerful warrior. Hangry, sure, but his rage hold the rage of freaking bears. so keep him fed. please.
Anyways Lucifer and the gang (everyone minus belphie) encounter Beel in the woods, watching the cubs. Beel agrees to adventure with them. He says goodbye to bear mom and promises to visit- hopefully, with his twin, next time.
hehe its ME
Zariel Tiefling but i dont give a shit about the infernal legacy its just There. tail is a cow's tail he basically just looks like his demon form
Hermit background. again ill explain in a sec
Druid, circle of stars! to people about to scream "i just checked the wikidot why he no circle of dreams??" because that doesnt have to do with dreams and sleep as i wished it did. its the obligatory faewild subclass. i hate the faewild subclasses (other than the bard one that ones fun)
Currently n the campaign im in we're level 5, so his two wildshapes are wolf, and a bull. But he also has his three starry forms due to being circle of stars.
now. backstory! strap in this is Long
he's saved by my previous dnd character- Avi- and is taken in by him and his husband when the rebellion was over.
Except. due to seeing his sister die and not seeing his twin after that, Belphie assumed the worse and thought that Beel also died and he was the last one of his family
He fell into a pretty deep depression and had no motivation to do anything besides sleep, cry, and eat very tiny portions of meals.
eventually his adoptive dads start telling him stories. and. surprisingly. they seem to help! Belphie is still a shrinking violet but he eats more and can cook and do basic chores!
And Then Avi Goes Missing
His husband- Skull- asks the now 11 year old Belphie if he wants to come along to find him. Belphie declines, saying he needs to get in control of his life and some big quest is probably just gonna leave him with more trauma
Skull lets him stay home, and gives him one of his feathers. So if Belphie ever needs a hand, he can call Skull over and. well. have one of his dads at least
For five years, Belphie took to studying druidcraft, and the stars. He also enchanted his favorite pillow to float and be able to carry him. So he had a little more comfort when going out to buy groceries. He'd make detailed star maps to sell in return
When the sun rose on his 16th birthday, he left a note at home saying he felt ready to tackle his own destiny, and left.
He had a brush with Lucifer, but not Beel. so close, buddy.
Anyways he arrives at The Hunters Guild, finds his parents again, and takes residence in the observatory, where he studies his stars and druid magic again. But also, sleep and dreams.
and. yeah thats where we leave off! god that was long im sorry
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steve0discusses · 7 months
S5 Ep : I don't know the episode numbers anymore I never wrote them down, so from here on out, I'm just going to number up from my previous post. So I guess episode 49
Fun fact I finished this post a week ago and then never pressed send. I can blame this on a lot of things, (work, illness, brain fog, etc) but at this point we just know it's the universe trying to keep me from finishing S5 of my Yugioh reblog, lmao.
So, last we left off, Sad Seto was next to die.
What makes this extra weird is that the other Seto is going to just watch this entire thing happen. He apparently didn't have enough traumatic disassociating while watching his Blue Eyes Wife die, now he will disassociate from watching himself go out in a blaze of glory, too.
Sad Seto's strategy against Zorc is not really what you'd expect out of the #2 of Egypt's court. Although...I guess before everyone biffed it, Seto was more like #5? #6?
He's above Mana I feel. Barely. Mostly because Mana probably isn't the right age to legally work, even in ancient Egypt when the working age is like...if you can walk.
But he was apparently so busy doing Aknadin's taxes that he's decided it's good judgement to throw himself at a 800 ft tall dragon/crotch/man.
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for his credit, Sun Tzu's art of war hasn't been written yet.
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And Sad Seto realizes his true purpose, which is that he has a smarter, stronger, and more powerful girlfriend (ish.) Which is a running theme on this show, as we all know.
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In a bizarre cut that I can't believe they left on US TV...other than I think they couldn't cut this any other way, the penis dragon attached to Zork extended it's neck up to grab Blue eyes by her neck and just fling her into the ground, killing her instantly.
I don't like that the neck can extend longer. I don't like that it's a function of the dragon crotch. They knew. They knew what this looked like. Thanks, I hate it.
Also what an embarrassing way for Seto's past self to die. Truly the hieroglyphs about this event will be wild, and thousands of years later, Grandma Muto probably looked at this event etched into stone and just thought it was weird ancient pervert stuff.
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Sorry if you were thinking Sad Seto would recover last minute and realize he's like the most OP person in Yugioh. He instead rotted from his hand and joined the rest of our Egyptian cast in Shadow Hell.
Leaving us with just Mana. And like kudos to her, but how on EARTH did she survive so freakin long!? Like of all of them, I thought Seto would be the last one. Not Mana. Not in a million years did I think it'd be the girl who hid in a pot.
But youknow maybe that's why she survived?
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And then Bakura casually walked away from the only Seto who matters. Which is fitting, because if memory serves, that's also what Yami did to Seto for like half of the Battle City tourney.
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It's such a weird strange bod on this dragon. It's such a strange bod. He's both got kind of a belly, but also is ripped to shreds. Such a weird bod.
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In case you were like "We haven't given Seto enough motivation," we also toss in a few nearly dead brothers just to make sure we have properly traumatized this boy to the point where he'd duel someone who isn't Yugi Muto.
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Seto decided magic exists 6 minutes ago, and he's already better at magic than Yugi Muto who's had access to it for YEARS.
Like he learned about magic in a different culture, a different time, a different language, and now he's fighting the final boss.
But it's Seto, so I buy it. He would speedrun his life like this.
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That's the dialogue of the show where he says his first words were "neutron blast attack" and youknow...he probably has very few memories of himself as a child since his parents died and his other family put him up for adoption...but he knows his first words?
That, or Seto likes making his brand a reality by making up whatever nonsense it takes to make that brand legit. Which I can also see him doing.
Also please don't look at this foreshortened hand, don't look at it, ignore that this happened.
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So thanks to Bakura's weird choice to drag Seto into this universe in the first place, now Bakura has to fight Seto and his 3 blue eyes that would not have existed here otherwise.
TBH it kinda makes the whole Sad Seto arc feel kind of like it didn't need to exist. Like this is the Seto fight that matters. This one right here, and although they share a name, it's not with the same guy who fought Zorc at the beginning of this episode.
And like I could add it to a list of problems with this season. But Sad Seto started out so interesting, and then forgot. It was like he only existed to introduce the dragon, and not explain anything at all about the nature of Seto Kaiba we know and love. Like the possession of Aknadin can be a parallel to how Seto was raised following Gozaburo's footsteps, but youknow...that's all old territory.
Like, I wish I had any sort of new growth from the interaction of either of the Seto's together in the same room, much like we've been getting from Yami facing his past self. Yami's been growing a lot, he's been facing his demons, but Seto? Seto's been walking around this desert trying find wifi.
(which like he did find a "wifey" which is almost wifi but wasn't as helpful because she was dead)
The Seto Kaiba who is fighting Bakura right now, is the same exact guy we saw at the end of the last arc against Zeigfried Von Schroeder.
Which means the reason that Seto is now souped up and capable of going up against Bakura isn't because of anything we witnessed here in this arc, but because of the weird horse guy last arc who taught him how to put up a better firewall.
And maybe there was a draft where Seto decides he is a spiritual reincarnation of the Pharaoh of Egypt. Maybe there was a draft where he gained a new ability. Maybe there was a draft where he realized the gravity of what was happening and wanted to save the world.
But it ain't this draft, unfortunately.
Seto is here not because of an internal growth reason, but because he was on a tablet in S2, and we have to know where that plot thread went to have an ending...but the show rewrote what it initially said in S2.
Like in the OG timeline, it was Seto who killed Pharaoh. But here we found out it was actually Aknadin who possessed Seto to kill Pharaoh. (and at some point in that fight, Pharaoh stuck his soul in a box and sealed away Zorc)
Sad Seto was apparently a chill bro the entire time. Just a nice guy who arrested half of Cairo and had a sort-of-girlfriend for about 8 hours before she biffed it.
And I would have been OK with that, if it were more interesting than what we initially thought happened in the past: where we thought it was a kickass Seto launching a coup. But unfortunately, it's not, instead it's a boy who started out powerless, and continued to be powerless despite working in Pharaoh's literal court. He didn't even have the power to not get possessed.
And I am sure there were other drafts, and endings are hard, and the author did get hella hospitalized while he wrote this season, animation is a miracle of many moving parts and budgets, and we were lucky to even get an ending to this show. So I don't want to sound like I'm complaining when there are so many worse directions this show could have gone. I'm just a little surprised it went this direction, mostly.
But say what you will about Yugioh, it doesn't like to be predictable, doesn't it?
+++++++++++++++++++OK I'M DONE++++++++++++++++++++++
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Speaking of characters who haven't gained anything from being here, Tristan is no longer possessed!
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Tristan begs his apologies and Yugi takes it gracefully. Which means, it's time for the main character of this entire show to finally re-enter the plot.
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And they do so, in style.
Y'all I remember being excited about the look and style of extreme sports, but I do not remember this many heelies in the 00's.
Anyway, this is the link to read these in chrono order, you know the drill. See you next time to see yet another girlfriend biff it!
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H-Hey….. gulps…. Cultist Vox with a worship kink & male reader…. :3
SAY NO MORE this gonna get kinda 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂.
Cultist!Vox x Male reader hcs & fic
WARNINGS: Dom!Vox ,, Praise AND degredation (ima spoil you today),Vox being kinda mean but ina hot way , Power kink, using wires to tie you up idk if that counts as bdsm , etc bro
how do i write a cultist “Haah! join this group of batman looking demons with daddy issues or face my wrath! (dick)”
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• Starting off on a lighter note , i just KNOW he would be a switch, 100% top leaning and would 100% be a power bottom if he had to . (for this fic hes gonna be a top though😇)
• Would love hearing you whine, any noise at all you make he would adore, followed by praises and him speeding up and grunting into your neck from behind.
“Let me here that voice, c’mon now. Doing so good f’me.”
“Cmon baby i know you can take more.”
• Would REVEL in making you beg. He definitely has a power kink so he would adore how much you’d plead for him to touch you.
“Whats wrong, so desperate your already whining for me like a bitch? pathetic.”
• His hands. He has those claws, imagine him grabbing onto you, digging into your skin until you bleed a bit. once that happens and he takes notice, hed lick it off, again praising your endurance for this.
• Pet names and nicknames would be his shit ngl, hed rock with mean ones and praise ones. things like “Pretty Boy, Baby, Good boy” and for mean ones stuff like “Bitch, slut, cockwhore, etc”
• You know how he has wires? All im gonna say is Bondage. (“No bond stronger than those formed through bondage!!!!” -Angel dust) He would tie you up to make you shut up while you take him, and he would adore it.
You sat up, snapping out of a daze, slowly finding out that the entire time youd been in this meeting you’d been half asleep, beginning to lean back in your chair as Vox and the other people with you were droning off in the backround about political-company bullshit as usual, that you werent even intrested in. How you got roped into this so-called “Job” youll never know. Could have been drunk, could have been curiousity, or maybe it was just Vox himself. But now that youd signed your soul off to Vox and his company you couldnt leave, there was no escape, you simply had to attend those boring meetings he hosted, You had to be there to shine his shoes, fetch him documents, keep track of sales and you despised every vile second you had to be there. Atleast the money was good?
You sat up, glancing quickly at your watch and realizing you still had a long, long time before this bullshit was over. You leaned back in your chair, and glanced over at Vox who you had’nt even realize stopped talking. He was staring at you. “Fuck. how long was he looking at me? There goes my job i guess.“ You held eye contact with him as he walked towards you. He looked pissed. He came up behind your chair, placing a hand on your elbow and leaning into you.
“Stay put when were finished with this. I need to talk to you before we leave.”
For the rest of the night you behaved. You sat in perfect posture, chiming into each topic occasionally , praising Vox for his work, all in an attempt to not get fired. He eyed you all night, keeping a close eye on you. He knew you were sucking up to him. As much as you hated this job , Who wants to get fired? Ego damage first of all, second you need money for everything that is anything. Finally eveyone was dismissed. Everyone exept for you. You sat in your seat, attentive to Vox. You sat in that chair for what felt like hours, as Vox looked you up and down.
“What makes a pathetic worker like you think you have the right to pull that shit in the middle of a meeting.” Radio silence. “Answer me, now.” What were you supposed to say? “Sorry Vox! i just hate these dogshit meetings so much i just fell asleep!” He wouldnt take that. Noone would.“Since you dont wanna talk ill have to make you.” He bent down, eye to eye with you in the chair. His eyes were intoxicating. You didnt even realize what he had been doing. All you knew was that you lusted for him. It was like a craving only he could satisfy. You did the only thing you could think of and got on your knees, hoping to rip out any praises you could get from him.Within seconds he was stripping you down, and admiring the way you looked at him. He looked down at you, narrowing his eyes as he said the words “beg for it.”
You pleaded for him pathetically. Mindlessly. All while he gazed down at you, drinking up any whine or plead you had managed to spit out. “How pathetic of you. If you listen youll get what you want.” He pet your head like some sort of pet made for his amusement as he unzipped his pants, letting them hit the floor. only to be met with one word, “Suck.” As almost as if it was normal you immediately obeyed, taking him as he ruthlessly began to ram into you. Grunts filled the room as tears welled up in your eyes from how rough he was being “Whats wrong? cant—mnh—.,cant take it? Suck it up, whore.”
This is getting to lengthy so im gonna cut you off here sorry pooks maybe ill make a part two if your super nice n buy vbucks/j!!
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hunnyandmilk · 2 years
∈𝙄𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙮∋
DSMP members with an S/O struggling w/ imposter syndrome HCs. (GN reader)
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Warnings: imposter syndrome, cursing, fluff {that’s not rlly a warning but I’ll put it in there anyways..}, usage of real name {On Quackity's part})
for those who don’t know what imposter syndrome is: “Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they're deserving of accolades.”
One of the most common forms of imposter syndrome is not feeling deserving of good things which is what these HCs will be heavily mentioning.
Includes: Wilbur Soot, Sapnap, Nihachu, Jack Manifold, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, an OC, Georgenotfound
This was more for self-comfort because I suffer with this kinda thing, but I decided to put it up for other people who maybe suffering with this kinda thing too or for people who just need some comfort <3
Song chosen: Sex, Drugs, etc.
Karl Jacobs <3
-Honestly total sweetheart as is, but when he’s found out you have imposter syndrome and that you struggle deeply with it -Holy shit this boy is so loving and caring it’s almost too much. -“You don’t deserve it? What do you mean? You worked so hard for it though, you totally deserve it! If you didn’t deserve it…” -He will go out of his way to treat you well for the rest of the day -Such a sweet boy <3
Jack Manifold <3
-When he offered to go out and grab some food, and you said “no, I don’t think I really deserve that kind of treatment, but thank you for offering”  -his brain stopped and he went -”wait what?” -He got fuckin PISSED at himself. -no lie he started cussing himself out like, -“Jack, you didn’t treat them right and now they don’t think they deserve anything you dumbass. You expect them to love you when you can’t even let them know they deserve the world? Goddammit!” -then he’ll turn to you and go -“Babe, you deserve so much more than I can give, so let me do at least this for you.”
Sapnap <3
-Mans on god goes; “Yoooo, faking mental illnesses? Nooot cool bro.” -and you just look at him like “I’m serious dumbass. 😐” -and he’s like “oh… you’re not joking-“ -immediately he’s all over you hugging you and pecking your face, “do you wanna go out and get McDonald’s?” -”no I don’t deserve it..” -”alright let’s go, hop in the car we’re going to McDonald’s and you’re getting whatever the hell you want.”
Georgenotfound <3
-So when he brings you out to a nice snazzy resturant and you only get some thing simple, like a salad or something, or just don't get anything at all, George is like -"Hey.. I promise you, you deserve the world, and even more than that, so let me treat you." -He then proceeds to try to order something not as simple to try not to seem like a hypocrite or like he's making fun of you.
Wilbur Soot <333333
-I cannot express how loving this tall boy is, he literally loves you so much -so when he finds out you have imposter syndrome  -He's literally trying so hard every chance he gets to pamper you -"Babe, please, I don't deserve this kind of stuff.." -He whips his head around so fast while making you your warm bath, -"...no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You do, Luv. Plus at this point why would I drain the water? You're already here and the water's already full..." -He joins your little bath (with your consent obviously..) -He's super gentle with you it's not even funny- -I just love him sm 🥺💖
Quackity <333333
-He already knew from the start when you started dating that you had imposter syndrome, but never brought it up because he thought it might be a sensitive topic with you. -You two never really went on fancy dates -When it came to dates it would really just be you both chilling in bed and watching a movie or smth -but when you guys went out to a shop or smth and he bought you something, you immediately go -"Alex, how expensive was this?" -"Why should it matter?" -And you give him one of those 'just tell me' looks -"Babe, it's a gift you don't tell the price of a gift." -You look at him with the most nervous face he's seen you with in awhile and you go, -"Then I don't want it. It was probably really expensive and I don't deserve money being spent on me." -Quackity shrugs and just puts it in the bag he got for it -Later that day you go to your room and see the bag sat on your bed with everything he bought you in it <3
Red Raven (OC) <3
-Okay so, know that Raven can be a little hyper, but she can also be a super calm person when needed. -So when she finds these little hints of imposter syndrome you're unknowingly dropping, she treats you well everyday, and takes you very seriously with your problems -when you finally go flat out out and say it that you think you don't deserve all of what she's giving, she says in the sweetest voice ever, -"Y/N, I love you to death, and I can never promise a tomorrow, even with how healthy and well I am, you never know what could happen, so let me treat you while I'm still alive and breathing. Alright, Luv?" -No lie makes you wanna cry but you hold it in cuz you don't wanna cry in a public area. -We love that- We love Raven. Right? Right. I love you Raven. <3
Nihachu <3
-Girl had no idea what imposter syndrome even was when you brought it up. She was basically like, -"Bestie I have no idea what that is, hold up lemme google it real quick." -Oh, she didn't like what she was reading. -"Y/N, you have this? This is not good, this is bad.." -She makes sure you feel secure at all times, even in not very secure situations,  -She cooks for you,  -She makes little crafts like earrings or necklaces for you, -She buys you so many things, -She takes you out as much as she can, -She's just overall trying to make you feel better about yourself and being super sweet to you.
Hope you enjoyed these HCs! if you have any requests, feel free to request!
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matchamabs · 1 year
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look if im gonna have autism i might as well go balls to the wall with my fixations yeah? tho this time i was planning this for a while so,,, im not that unhinged
hello its black raven week time,,,, in like a month
i would push it further into the year but wow looks like mabs got saddled with some rlly shit legal duties!!! so :(( here we are. its time. im done makin the art and fics, this time i wanna see U GUYS do it!! i know there’s been a lot of weeks recently so this is just lax. u can make art in advance or just do one day idc just have fun with it
and as muuuch as i thought abt making a whole new blog for this i decided bleh not worth it + i already have a follower count so instead of doin THAT im just gonna b reblogging LOTS of ur stuff and also with the tag blackravenweek2023 so like shove that info into ur brain as hard as u can
if u cannot read the picture it isssss february 21st to 28th i just noticed i wrote,,,, 21th,,,,, twenty firth,,,
i have day details below the read more!!! look at them. its my gift of clarification 2 u. also obvs if anyone has annnny questions u can summon me in any manner n ill b there. 
no real rules to this one other than dont be a perv. and also don’t be a coward and draw tweeds thin cmon now. also alllll this content DOES include arianna and tony so like. no need to leave them out! let them join the party! 
Day 1 - Black Raven
The creature himself. The frontman n costume of the group! What a good design he is. Go hamwild with him!
Day 2 - Sweets 
or candy if u live over the water. its basically child jet fuel. the one thing that glues them all together!! they all love sweets so ur tasked with drawing them in whichever capacity u like (personally i love chewing nuts but. google doesnt agree with that as a search term apparently......)
Day 3 - Girls
lets be honest. wren and marilyn are the biggest backbone holdin that group together so show em some love! 
Day 4 - Family
do they have families? or are they each others families? maybe its just a dog. whatever u reckon is what we wanna see. (did u know shackwell is louis’ dad. mental.)
Day 5 - Work
they’re kids but they work hard as balls! do u ever wonder just what they get up to behind the scenes to keep the market running? ill bet its super mundane. 
Day 6 - The Spectre
its where we got to see them the most! the events during the spectre, what they got up to before the spectre, maybe just lying in bed bein scared as shit! i mean did u know marilyns house got destroyed by that thing? :(( rip house
Day 7 - Favourite
who is ur favourite member??? i wanna know! i wanna knowww!! 
Day 8 - have fun :) love mabs 
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sporkberries · 3 months
I want to hear your foxhound headcanons
GHHHHHHH okay this is rough bc idek where to start bc so much stuff in my head is built on other things so ig ill lay out some of em:
- snavid canonically is recruited into foxhound after the gulf war so some time after 1991. fox calls him a rookie in mg1 so i like to think he joined in '94 or '95 so any pre outer heaven foxhound event he's like.... 22 or 23. this isnt really that important but timelines are important to me bc i have problems.
- big boss is the boss at foxhound, venom snake is at outer heaven the whole time. that being said bb does go to africa a lot and loves skipping out on foxhound work but hes not the one running outer heaven day to day. on a similar note i just want to say that imo sniper wolf's "saladin" is venom snake.
- BB is in charge of foxhound but he's notoriously awful to work with. he plays hooky a lot and isnt the most friendly especially to high ranking members of other military branches. unfortunately foxhound brings good results and bb is bb so nobody really calls him on it. tensions within foxhound as well as between government organizations are incredibly tense.
- foxhound is a relatively small operation in terms of numbers. its really the elite of the elite yk so its not massive. BB Campbell Fox and Miller are thus the major players in terms of internal politics, with the power going in about that order. fox is essentially bb's direct right hand and does everything he wants. miller is the opposite trying to ruin bb from the inside and campbell's stuck between a rock and a hard place, he'll always defer to and inevitably agree with bb but a part of him does know something is wrong and he lives with that guilt for the rest of his life.
- kaz is a trans woman about 90% of the time when i refer to anything foxhound related. in some niche corners of my head she isnt but the vast majority of the time shes some sort of transfem wether it be more nonbinary or just a binary trans woman.
- in my weird delusion snavid's relationship with miller parallels bb's and the bosses. snavid looks up to miller and values her a lot, accepting her word above most others with maybe only the big boss hero worship exception. miller initially only wants to manipulate snavid(who keep in mind is a foster kid who never really had any stable relationships or guiding figures in his life) but she does end up genuinely caring about him which makes her feel incredibly guilty that she's manipulating him into committing patricide. not that the guilt stops her tho lol.
- on a similar note miller can sometimes be incredibly callous or cruel to david but this is largely in moments where snavid sounds too much like bb and its an almost involuntary violent response.
- in mg2 it was said that campbell also attained the title of fox alongside grey fox, going by chicken fox. this is retconned in mgs1 but i keep it in my hc.
- ocelot is a member of foxhound but i think he sticks a lot on the dl. putting things into order for bb as well as dealing with the recent collapse of the soviet union which is why hes not mentioned much here(i dont remember if the soviet union had collapsed at the same time as irl bc mg1 and 2 were released in the 80's but its implied to be the same when the solid games release so???)
- fox and snake are friendly towards eachother but not necessarily close, its the outer heaven incident that really solidifies their warrior bond or whatever. they are aware of eachother before that though and fox does have a passing interest in david even sparring with him a few times. however its one of those situations where they just miss eachother. sometimes tho i like to make them close anyways or make them meet in the gulf war first bc ily snox.... this one changes a lot depending on if i wanna adhere to canon or be rlly self indulgent.
- in terms of fox hound internal politics bb is bb. fox listens to bb and tolerates campbell. fox and miller do not get a long at all. miller does not get along with bb. and campbell and miller are kinda friends but in a co worker way.
- i think bb finds it incredibly funny to irritate kaz and make his life worse. kaz not liking bb is foxhounds worst kept secret and even recruits can kinda tell that kaz doesnt like bb. kaz for the most part is capable of keeping up appearances but bb enjoys antagonizing kaz so she'll get upset and then be publicly humiliated or seen as hysterical. its just a really awful work environment and the fact there's still sexual tension makes it even worse. foxhound desperately needs an hr department.
- i have some vagueeeee ocs in my head who are in training with snavid but they arent super concrete and mostly exist as background characters anyways
- i feel like grey fox is the type of guy to take his co workers lunch out of the fridge and eat it even if there is a note
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thatoneidiotdts · 2 years
Billy Hargrove and Eddie Munson poly relationships headcannons/story idk at this point
I would say 18+ but then I would be a hypocrite so uuuhhhh 16+ ig, should it be labeled 18+? yes. but ill be a liar before a hypocrite.
A/n: hello ladies and gentlemen im officially back as it has been a full year and few days since i've posted something is here I am posting about the current crushes I have. Also make sure to comment!
Note: in some cases the reader will be either amab or afab, Reader also uses they/them pronouns in this. Ill try my best to make the reader as race neutral as possible but as a white person I might not do it in the best way so please if you see me make a mistake notify me so that I can correct it. Also reader is a hella rich person with dead parents and a giant log cabin, important to the story.
WORDCOUNT: 8.5k words /30 mins read time
WARNINGS: Bringing up past abuse, Neil himself again, bullying, blood, fights, sex, mentions of sex, Billy being a little bit ooc, emotions, breakdowns, mentions of drugs
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How it started
Eddie and you have been semi dating since the summer before your fourth year. It was never anything really serious, it was more like good friends with benefits. The benefits being sometimes kissing and romantic cuddling and sex but that's it, you pay him for the last thing, he told you a million times you don't need to but you always do, because you simply can.
He did catch feelings for you but was too scared to admit them
You hoped he would pass this year but you knew all your hopes were in vain as he barely passed last year even with your help
On the first day of school you could hear a very loud car pull up somewhere in the school parking lot, probably a flashy, loud, sports car. Either a new kid joined or someone won a small lottery, you didn't care enough to look behind you.
You entered the classroom way earlier than any other student normally would and sat in your usual seat. Soon more and more students entered the classroom and filled the seats from back to front.
The bell rang a minute after the teacher entered the classroom, she started reading out all the names. She soon read out a new name, while you surely couldn't remember all the names, you were at least familiar on hearing all of them except this one.
At that someone entered the classroom, everyone looked over to see who it was, it was definitely no one you recognized. "Ah speak of the devil. Class this is our new student, would you like to introduce yourself?"
She asked and he smiled and introduced himself, William "Billy" Hargrove, moved from San Francisco and is 18 years old. You could hear all the girls melt at the sight of him, it annoyed you if you were being honest. You wouldn't deny that he wasn't handsome, but that handsome? No.
You could see the way he eyed the classroom, you could smell the fake smile on his face. Guessing from the way he dressed, he was surely a typical attention seeking bad boy, maybe someone could finally be Steve's competition.
"How interesting! There should be an extra seat next to miss/mister/mx (L/n) right over there." Of course she would sit him next to you, she expected you to help him out, like they don't teach anything in that sunny California.
After a few minutes of the class out of the corner of you eye you could see a paper being thrown on your desk. "So (L/n) huh? What's your name?"
Of course he was bored, you didn't expect anything better. You pulled out you note book from your previous year, after pulling out a paper you responded back.
"The name's (Y/n), I'll borrow you my old notebook so that you can copy it somewhere. I recommend you do. Ms. Cambell is a real devil when it comes to knowing stuff from the previous year, comes with being a chemistry teacher I guess. Don't get used to my help please, I already have enough idiots begging for it."
After putting the note in the notebook you handed it too him, the semi surprised look made it worth just a little bit. You didn't get a single note after that, he probably figured you weren't that impressed my him.
Soon the class ended and everyone gathered around his desk, asking him a million and one questions he barely have the time to answer. You could hear one of the students gasp "Is that (L/n)'s notebook?"
Oh no
Everyone looked at you with a very surprised look, god did you hate Tommy H. What a prick. "Dude what did you bribe them with? Last time I asked they didn't give me shit"
"Well I'm my defense you had time and the ability to write it down, he's the new kid so I'm cutting him some slack, you guys get enough help as it is."
Everyone groaned at your words, they knew how strict you were with your notes and other school stuff. Out of the corner of your eyes you could see Billy smirk. Smug son of a bitch, you knew he was gonna use that argument to get you too help him and you knew it will work.
After your final class was over you walked out of the school and into the parking lot, at this point you just wanted to go home, first days at school were almost always the worst, and today it seems like its the special kind of worst.
That idiotic jerk Tommy was yelling at Eddie probably for some wildly absurd thing, as you got closer you could actually make out what the idiot was saying, you should have expected it honestly. It was again about how 'demonic' dungeons and dragons was.
"Tommy I swear to whatever is playing dolls with this universe I'll never help you in spanish again if you don't let the poor guy go until he graduates"
He tried to protest you but a single look from you was enough to shut him up. You grabbed Eddie by his hand and stormed off to your car. You could feel him try to catch up to your walking pace.
"Hey you know you can slow down a bit right? your car won't run away!" he said as you continued with your fact pace. in less than a minute you reached your car.
You look him straight in the eyes, you could feel your face become warm "Do you need to be some where today?" He scratched his head in confusion "No? Why are you asking?" and then it clicked for him, his face suddenly became red, his whole body language changing. "Well why didn't you say so babe?"
He said as he got into the passenger seat, you groaned in annoyance as you got into the drivers seat, turned on the car and finally left the damn school parking lot. The road through the forest was nice, no cars in sight, no worries.
Suddenly you could feel a hand on your upper thigh, slowly going more inwards but still waiting "Color?" He asked "Green" You answered. Eddie smirked as he started to palm your sex through the fabric.
All you could do is focus on the road in front of you as best as you could, sometime you wanted to pull over and finish everything then and there but you knew he wont be all that pleased with that, you both preferred the privacy of a bedroom.
You tried your best to not let out a sound but from time to time something escaped from your mouth. Maybe you couldn't see him but you knew damn well he was enjoying himself while teasing you like this.
The drive to your place was finally over, as you parked your car the two of you quickly got out and walked over to the front doors. You didn't really worry about someone seeing you, your butlers and maids were having afternoon tea right now.
The two of you quickly walked up the grand staircase and got to your bedroom, locking the doors after yourself.
You didn't know how much time passed by now, a good while surely passed as you realized how close the sun was to the line of the horizon. You slowly got up from the bed and out of your jacket pocket pulled out a packet of cigarettes.
Your body was not surprisingly aching from the previous activities, your legs slightly shaking and your ankles and wrists sore from the rope he used.
Opening the balcony doors you put an extra pillow on your chair and sat on it, soon Eddie joined you. After he took a cigarette from you the two of you enjoyed the sunset in silence, sharing a few words here and there.
After the sun went fully down and the blue hour started you got back in and put a few hundred bucks in an envelope, you weren't paying attention of how many you put in nor did you really care. When you tried to hand it to him he quickly tried to reject it like he always does.
But after some time you got him to take it, like you always do. He started to dress himself with the clothes that were messily thrown on the floor as you plopped yourself on the freshly made bed, you knew exactly who re made it after completely wrecking you.
"If you need a drive home ask Jeremy, and please be safe" you said as he walked up to your bed and placed one final kiss on your lips and walked out off your bedroom, softly closing it after himself, you quickly fell asleep after that.
School was hell like always, the first two months were finally over and November was starting which only could mean one thing, preparations for the pre-Christmas holidays exams. This was one of the worst times of the year for you, constant begging for help and tutoring when it was obviously too late.
The semi rich kids offering to pay you, not knowing that u truly don't need the money, the popular kids promising that they'll get you into their circle, the basketball players promising you a shoutout on their next big game, it was all so annoying.
You spent so many of your lunches in one of the bathroom stalls, hoping that no one would find you here and yet they did so now you started to hide under one of the less used stairs with Eddie by your side and yet you were found again.
You almost screamed as a somewhat familiar face entered your field of view. It was Billy, he said hi to you and Eddie and sat down next to you like nothing happened. This wasn't a surprise for you, the three of you actually became friends but mostly only on the school grounds.
The three off you only went out to get food twice but you could see that he was slowly putting down the 'bad boy' mask when he was in your company, but you knew why he was here and before he could ask you something you already had an answer prepared for him.
"No I will not tutor you I have a shit tone of things too do already without counting the sheer number of people who asked for tutoring, you had your time to learn now suffer the consequences"
"I just need help with algebra and precalculus its nothing major I promise! And I can pay you." he said, if you didn't know better you would see the little smile on his face as innocent but of course you knew better. Eddie was holding back a laugh behind you.
"For the last time I don't need the money and if those things are the 'only' thing you don't know that also means that you don't know at least the last three to five lessons! It'll take me at the least 4 full hours to explain it all"
You swung your hands wildly for just a moment to emphasize how stressed out and mad you are but out of the corner of your eyes you noticed how Billy flinched, and it wasn't a small flinch at that.
You decided to not comment on it, making it seem like you didn't see it. This intrigued you, you wondered what would cause this behavior, you decided to push your luck.
After letting out a sigh you gave in "Fine, but it can't be at my place. is yours ok, today after school?" You watched as his whole body became a tense. "Ah umm are you sure we can't go to a park somewhere? I just need to drop off my sister and I'm free from then"
Eddie raised an eyebrow "It is pouring outside?" His eyes darted back an forth as he broke the eye contact, he probably forgot about it. "Ooh yeah right! I guess it's my place then..." Billy sounded a little bit like a kicked puppy right now and tried his best to play it off like nothing was wrong.
You tried not to feel bad, if your concerns were really true you could help him and his sister. it will surely be a giant breach of privacy but he might understand later on. "Alright, I'll follow you with my car to your place"
After that you handed him 10 bucks "Could you go get me some snacks from the vending machine, you can also get something for yourself" He took the money and nodded, the moment he was gone you quickly pulled out your walkie talkie from your bag.
"Kimberly are you there?? over" You hoped she would respond quickly like she always does "Right here miss/mister/mx (L/n), over" You let exhaled in relief "Could you please cancel the meetings I have on 20th and move the todays ones on that date? Over"
"Of course, do you want me to pass on some excuse for you? over" You thought for a moment before answering "No need, just tell them about the change of plans, over and out" you said as you quickly put the walkie talkie back in your bag.
Eddie looked at you with a vey confused look on his face "Isn't that the very very veeeeeryy important meeting you've been stressing over for the last month or so??"
You sighed and nodded and Eddie squealed in excitement "Someone has a cruuuush!!" Your face became flaming hot as he said that "You have a crush on him too!!" You said defensively, maybe a bit to loudly too. He didn't deny your accusation and just laughed.
Not even three minutes later Billy was back with the snacks, after he sat next to you he handed you back the change and the three off you talked and enjoyed the snack until the end of the lunch break.
The bell of the final class finally hit as everybody got up to go home, you and Billy walked out together, luckily your cars were parked right next to each other today. "Will Max be late today again?"
He groaned at the thought, he truly hated when she was late, but luckily she wasn't today. In the distance you could see the little girl on her skateboard. She quickly picked up her skate board and put it in the trunk of the car.
She smiled as she said hi to you, and of course you smiled back and returned the gesture. Once Billy's parents made him take her with him when he was going out with you and since then you two became friends.
When the two of you finally drove off you followed his car all the way to his house, you tried your best not too groan at the thought of having to park on the street, a whole street down none the less, like he did but you were given no other choice. And of course you had to walk all the way back again.
The house was quiet and nice, quite minimalistic with decorations but still nice, and yet, there was no warmth in this house, not physically of course, their heating worked just fine.
There was no family like warmth in the house, hell your own home had more warmth and your parents were dead and you don't have any blood relatives that you know off. You were raised by your butlers and maids, drivers, tutors and many more, and yet, you have a house that is a home, this is no home.
Billy showed you his room, it wasn't too small nor too big, there was workout gear in the corner alongside large loudspeakers, a twin sized bed, a nightstand, a closet, rock band posters and more stuff here and there. nothing short of what you would expect from him.
You could see some damage was done to the door and to the wall, hell there was evidence of damage from different kinds of impacts all throughout the house, you wondered if all the 'fights' he got himself into were actually abuse.
He closed the door behind you as you plopped down on his bed as you pulled out your textbooks and notebooks, he brought a chair closer to the bed and sat on in. You started to explain the first lesson, it wasn't anything complicated for you, the same couldn't be said for Billy.
It took you two full hours to explain the first three lessons, he was finally catching on as you started to explain the fourth, sometimes he looked bored and sometimes he looked like he was actually paying attention but you were glad he was at the very least trying to understand.
Soon he started to take clothes out of his closet "Sorry I have a date lined up soon so I have to get ready. You can watch if you want" He smirked at you as he started to take off his shirt and unbuckle his belt.
You quickly turned around, feeling your face become extremely warm. Did you want to watch? Debatable. Did it feel like a giant breach of privacy even though he gave you verbal and clear permission? Definitely.
Lets be real if you are masc presenting he would call you a slur but its pride month so I'm making him a bit out of character
The ten minutes it took him too change were completely and awkwardly silent , at least they were for you, he probably didn't care. "Alright I'm done" You finally turned back around.
Your face became even warmer now, he definitely didn't take up the number one spot of the most handsome man you've ever seen. The tight jeans made his ass look so much better, his shirt showed just enough of his chest and that earing pulled everything together perfectly.
"You look..great" He snickered at the sight of you being so embarrassed. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, the room becoming dead silent as you became more confused by every passing second.
He quickly grabbed you by your arm and dragged you over to the side of the door "Stay here" He quietly whispered as she gently pushed against the wall. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. He took in a deep breath before opening it.
"What's wrong?" He was clearly annoyed, someone answered, probably his father. The moment they mentioned that Maxine wasn't in her room your anxiety got worse, you hoped she was ok. Billy claimed she probably went to the arcade or somewhere but that she was probably fine.
In the reflection of the mirror you could see his father move closer to him, if you could only warn him. "You were supposed to watch her" A thirteen year old? At thirteen you were signing important documents and held meetings by yourself, she was probably fine alone.
Billy gave him a good excuse, the were in fact more than three hours late. The more you listened to his fathers voice the more you wanted him to shut up. After some more arguing Billy turned of the music following it by saying that she isn't his sister.
Suddenly there was a loud bang, you almost jumped out of your own skin. There was another sound, a punch, out of the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears you could barely make out what they were saying, but you could hear him force Billy to apologize.
"Neil, really its okay-" Neil, you will remember that name for later "No, it's not okay, nothing about his behavior is okay." Hypocrite "But he's gonna make up for it, he's gonna call whatever whore he is seeing tonight" The definitely earned him another punch from you "And cancel their date"
For a moment you tuned out what they were saying and looked around yourself, there was nothing near you that you could use as a weapon, you looked in front of you, your backpack, closed, filled with heavy textbooks.
It could be useful, a good hit would surely knock him out or at least stunt him which would give you time for you and Billy to run. In that moment you realized how bad of an idea that was, for now it would solve some problems but not long-term, he could easily say you kidnaped him and Max and make the police forcefully take them away, no matter how much you wanted to you couldn't play hero in this situation.
"Isn't that right?!" The words snapped you out of your thoughts, there was some muttering you couldn't hear after that "Yes, sir" you could hear in his voice that he is about to crack "Find Max" the fuckhead said and finally left, after the door clicked closed did you finally got up.
He snapped his hand to the side and cupped his face, you could hear the quiet sobs he was trying to keep in. You slowly approached him, you made sure he knew you were in front of him before putting your hands on his forearms.
You slowly pulled them away from his face, giving him a chance too decline the gesture, the look he gave you broke your heart, he looked like a lost child. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting him bury his face into your neck, softly crying into your shirt.
After a few minutes he pulled away, letting you go. You quickly got one of his bags and started to fill it with clothes, without shame you put in some boxers and socks alongside a few shirts and pants. After the bag was full you grabbed a two or three of his jackets in your hands.
"What the hell are you doing?" he was obviously confused "What does it look like, I'm packing your stuff, should be enough for a few days. Until he fully cools off I don't want you here, it's obviously not safe" You pulled out a piece of paper out of your pocket and gave it to him.
"On it is my address and a code, you'll need it to get in. As soon as you get max home go there, don't get back in here, I don't want to know what he will do to you. Do you want me to get Max's stuff as well? Is she safe here??"
Your worry warmed his heart "He won't hit her, she'll be fine" He said as he opened one of the windows. Before jumping out you hugged him one last time "Don't do anything rash please" you said as you let him go and jumped out, speed walking to your car never felt more stressful.
As you were driving home you stepped by Eddie's place. You knocked on his window and he quickly answered, you were right about him almost never sleeping. He quickly got out and got into your car and you drove off.
He could see that something bad happened, he decide that he would wait for you to say something. For the entire ride the two of you were quiet, while you were getting to your bedroom you were quiet and for the next hour and a half you were quiet as you sat on your bed.
After a while you started to talk about everything, about how you noticed signs, how you agreed to tutor him, how Billy's father treated his own son, how irresponsible the fucker was and then blamed Billy for his consequences, how you wanted to be a hero but couldn't.
"I'll hire some private investigators and then ask Benny to take guardianship over them, and then ill pay whatever judge to keep that twitchy little man behind the worst pair of bars America-no, the world has. I'll re open the god damn Alcatraz if I have to Eddie!"
You spewed pure venom as you paced around your room, cigarette in hand, already planning the man's painful execution "You can't just throw money at a problem you know? It may just make the things worse" You knew he was right, you hated that he was right, but he was also a little bit wrong.
"At this one I can! And I will gladly do so, that disgusting pig will be behind bars in no time! Hell in two calls or less I can order this man's death like a pizza! God I should have made my presence clear maybe then this shit wouldn't happen"
Eddie grabbed you by your shoulders and almost shook them as he looked you in the eyes "(Y/n) you are NOT above the law! Just because you can doesn't mean that you should. What if he wouldn't recognize you, not everyone knows how important you are"
He was firm with his words, he was worried you might actually order the man's death like a simple pizza just because you could which could throw you into legal trouble. You looked down in defeat, trying to make sense of what he just said.
Eddie pulled you into a hug, lightly rocking you back and forth "I know you want to help, I do to, but bribing someone may not be good for Billy or Max, have you thought that maybe they don't want him dead, behind bars sure, but dead?"
You didn't answer his question, the only thing you could do was sob and accept that by the end of the day you were just a mortal human being like he was, like Billy was, like Neil. like everyone. He gently rubbed your back as you cried.
After what felt like an eternity he pulled away and took the cigarette from your hand and extinguished it. He took your hand into his and slowly guided you to your bed, before you laid down you took one of Billy's leather jackets.
Your bed was a large Alaskan king sized bed and yet you tucked yourself to the side closest to the wall. His jacket smelled of cigarettes, cologne and his musk, it was different from Eddies but equally as comforting.
Eddie laid down besides you, letting you cuddle up to his side, nose still buried In Billy's leather jacket, Eddie could smell it too, he liked the way he smelled, he was always well groomed, used deodorant and cologne, unlike a typical highschool boy.
He decided to stay up in case Billy showed up, you did mention that you gave him the code and the address to him. Eddie hoped he was okay.
Billy opened his eyes as he tried to understand where he was, he was still on the floor, he could barely remember what happened, he found a note besides him 'I got home myself, I'm fine -Max'. He looked at the clock next to him, it hit 1AM just a few minutes ago.
He stumbled as he got up, still clearly under the influence of whatever the hell was in that syringe. He felt his pockets for his key and quickly got them. Walking felt like an entire workout, and driving was even worse.
If it was normal daytime he would surely have a car crash by now, he could barely drive straight. It took him a full half an hour to drive to his house. Suddenly he remembered your words 'don't get back in here'. He should have probably listened but he needed to know if Max was home.
He noticed that the lights in the house were on, he almost prayed for his own safety in that moment. When he stumbled into the house he could see Neil on the couch, obviously waiting for him.
Before he could say anything Billy asked him "Is Max home?" Neil said that she was but that wasn't the point now. Billy nodded and turned to walk out the door but before he could Neil stopped him by roughly grabbing him by his neck and throwing him on the floor.
Billy didn't know how many times he has been kicked and punched. it was a lot, more than usual, nose and lips bloody, traces of blood on the floor. He could barely breathe by now, his legs and arms were numb from the pain.
He could feel his hands on his neck again. Neil dragged him to the porch "Now ill give you a week to do whatever the hell you want and when you get home you will be the nice big brother to Max and you'll take your responsibilities more seriously okay?"
Billy could just nod as Neil kicked him for one final time before he got back in the house, locking the door behind him. Billy laid on the porch before attempting to get up, before he could get on his knees he fell down again, groaning in pain.
It took him three or four tries before he finally got to his feet, he slowly dragged himself over too his car. Everything was extremely fuzzy and his head was spinning, he felt like he could vomit any second.
After he started the car it took him three too four minutes too get his act together and drive off, he didn't know if he should speed off to get to the address sooner or should he take it slow so that he doesn't die on the way there, he decided that the second option would be better.
It took Billy a full half an hour to get to the address when it would normally take maybe eight to ten minutes. At first he couldn't believe that he was at the right address but the sign told him otherwise. before he could enter some guards stood before him.
"Code?" They didn't aske why the hell was he here in the middle off the night or why was he beaten to a pulp. He gave them the paper as the guards looked at each other. The guard waved to the one who was behind the gate.
All of a sudden the large gates opened and the guards motioned him to drive and so he did. There was a parking lot on the right side of what looked like a giant mansion he parked his car near yours. Getting to the front door was a pain in the ass, he was shocked when the guards just let him in.
The inside of the mansion looked larger than the outside, he couldn't believe that this was your house. He almost jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice behind him "You're here for miss/mister/mx (L/n) correct?" Billy nodded in confusion "My name is Benny Adams, I'm one of the butlers who work here, do you want me to show you where miss/mister/mx (L/n)'s room is or will directions be enough?"
After a moment of thinking he answered "Directions...please" The man nodded and started to explain where your bedroom was, third floor, hallway on the right, second door. It was easy enough to remember, climbing those stairs sure as hell wasn't.
He was finally at your door, he knocked lightly, not expecting you to be awake, he was surprised when Eddie opened the door for him. Eddie looked at him in shock as he quickly pulled him in. After he told him to sit down on a chair he quickly went to the bathroom.
A moment later he returned with the first aid kit and a clean towel. With the towel he gently cleaned off any cuts on his arms and face, making sure to not re open any of them, after that he used some alcohol to make sure everything was completely clean.
He was surprised when he saw how calm Billy was, he just let him take care of him. Eddie started to talk softly about something, Billy didn't really listen, he wasn't sure if he even could. Eddie looked nice like this, soft, caring, a little bit worried, he made Billy think thoughts he thought he never would.
He knew he was still very much under the drug's effect, but he just couldn't contain the feelings inside of him. He leaned in and put his head on Eddie's shoulder, almost hugging him "I like you... but I also like them.. I'm confused"
Eddie's face became red at his words, while he did feel the same now he was sure that Billy was under the influence of something, a drug probably. He placed one pf his hands on his head, combing Billy's curly hair with his fingers.
"Did you take something, some drug?" Billy shook his head but then gasped "Yeah! Max drugged me with....something? I don't know, it was in a syringe. It hurt like hell" Eddie was confused "The syringe or the effect of what was in it??"
Billy giggled "The poke, I swear like haaalff of it was in my neck" Eddie panicked at that and quickly but gently lifter his head to reveal his neck, he quickly found the entrance point and gently massaged around it, trying to feel if maybe the tip of the syringe snapped somewhere in him.
Billy definitely misunderstood what was Eddie trying to do, he completely leaned into his touch, if he could he would probably be purring right now. "look who's getting handsy" Billy said as he wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist, pulling him closer.
After a minute Eddie was sure there was nothing in his neck, he sighed in relief as he looked at the face of the man in front of him. There was an unsure look his eyes, like he wanted to do something but wasn't sure if he should.
In his mind Eddie tried to understand what drug did Billy take, until a few minutes ago he was probably also high on adrenalin, that's why he was waaay more relaxed now. it was probably some party or sleeping drug, but how did Max out of all the people managed to do this to him?
Eddie snapped out of his thoughts as he could feel someone poke him on his temple. "You think waaaay tooo much. But (Y/n) takes the number one spot in that, they also think too much, nerds" Billy giggled as Eddie stared at him in confusion, trying his best not to laugh at his words.
"Alright big guy lets get you to bed" Eddie said as he got up and walked to the bed, halfway there he realized that Billy was still on the chair, he gave him a confused look as he mumbled "I don't think I can stand"
He let out a sigh as he walked back to him, he kneeled in front of him with his back faced towards him. Billy somehow understood what he was trying to do. he wrapped his arms around his neck as Eddie placed his arms around his thighs.
Billy 'weeee'-ed like a little child, quietly as Eddie picked him up, god he was heavy which wasn't a surprise, he was a hunk of pure muscle after all. After he placed him down on the bed, before he could go to his side of the bed Billy suddenly grabbed him by his forearm.
He pulled him towards himself, holding him close, Eddie could see what was Billy trying to do. Eddie looked at him in the eyes, god he will regret this. Billy slowly leaned in, closing the space between them, pressing their lips together.
To Eddie it felt exactly like how it felt kissing you, magical and breathtaking. Eddie deepened the kiss, pulling Billy impossibly closer to him, stealing his warmth. He pulled away as Billy's head dropped down to the base of his neck.
He let him place a few hickeys here and there before he pulled him away "You're clearly under the influence of something, I don't want to do anything to you that you might regret later" Billy whined but nodded as he got under the covers.
Eddie snuggled up besides you again, he laid on his back as he watched Billy on his side of the bed. Soon he groaned in annoyance and crawled over to the two of them and snuggled into Eddie's side and then covered all three with a blanket. It took almost no time for the two of them to fall asleep like this.
You could feel the sun hit your face before you even opened your eyes, Billy's jacket was still in your hand and Eddie was still by your side. You slowly opened your eyes and looked at the clock on your desk, it read 08:22
You slowly sat up on your bed and yawned. It was finally Saturday, you could feel and arm wrap around your waist, pulling you back to bed "Eddie I have a meeting at 10:30" you mumbled into his neck. He groaned as he let you go "Good morning as well"
You slowly got out the bed and walked into your closet, you picked out some more professional clothes for the meeting. After placing the clothes on your table you walked out on the balcony, it would be freezing if it weren't for the greenhouse instalment you hire someone to put before every winter.
Skipping the chairs you walked over to the pomegranate tree that still had some ripe fruit. Sorry if you hate or are allergic to pomegranate. After picking five of them you walked back into your room, you placed them on the tray in the dumbwaiter.
You took a paper from the notepad and wrote what you wanted to eat and drink "Hey Eddie what do you wanna eat this morning" a moment later someone responded "Waffles and hot chocolate" that wasn't Eddie.
Shocked, you quickly whipped your head in the direction of the voice. On your bed didn't just lay Eddie but also Billy, cuddled up to his side. "Billy!!" you exclaimed in joy as you jumped on the bed to hug him. "Thank god you're safe! When did you get here?"
He could barely answer your question, his head throbbing from the drug and the hits his father gave him. Soon you realized there were more bruises on him then from the last time you saw him. "He hit you more didn't he"
Billy didn't want to look you in the eyes, he could only nod "I had to check if Max was okay, ill explain everything later" He said as you looked at Eddie "Ill have the same as him" you smiled as you placed a kiss on each of their foreheads before returning to the paper.
Alongside everything you ordered a few bags of ice wrapped in kitchen towels, after putting the note down on the tray you closed the door and pressed a button so that everything can be sent in the downstairs kitchen.
You walked over to the telephone in your room and dialed a number, it took him longer than usual to respond, given it's so early in the morning. "Uh yes hello?" Ah, finally "Good morning doctor Turner. It's miss/mister/mx (L/N). I sincerely apologize for calling you this early but I will need an appointment, not for me, sometime today. What's the earliest you could be here?"
After a few moments and a few sounds off pages ruffling and the doctors grumbling you finally got an answer "The earliest I can be here is 10AM sharp, will that work with you?" You were very satisfied with his answer "Yes that would be excellent, thank you for your time on such a short notice, farewell" You said as you broke the call.
You sighed tiredly as you looked at your schedule for today. meeting 10:30 to 12:00 and then another from 15:00 till 17:00 and then you needed to work on your speech for an another event next week. You groaned as you dropped down on your bed again, whishing you could stay here forever.
After a few minutes you could hear the dumbwaiter bell ring, the food was here. "Get up guys food's here." Both of them groaned and slowly rose from the bead like some zombies. You took your food and drink with the large bowl of pomegranate seeds and placed it on the table outside.
The three of you ate in silence, enjoying the morning rays of sunshine that reflected off the horizon, the sky still having an orange pink like gradient.
After a while the three of you finished your food and sat in silence, still tying to wake up. Eddie was the first to break the silence "Do you remember that happened last night?" Billy looked in the distance, obviously deep in thought, then his eyes widen and his face became bright red.
Billy looked down, trying to hide his bright red face "Yeah..." He mumbled, for a split second he looked at Eddie's neck, the hickeys were definitely still there. Eddie was the first to admit that he liked both of you romantically, followed by the two of you admitting the same.
It took a lot of talking, the three of you discussed about the bad and good thing of a relationship like this, you discussed what you considered cheating and what not, setting boundaries, what you wanted to do with your lives and other stuff, in the end you concluded that this relationship, if kept secret, would be great.
While talking you and Eddie held the bags of ice on Billy's bruises, now that the bruises fully formed he looked worse than yesterday. At first he watched your moves like a hawk, obviously not trusting you, but soon he relaxed, not fully but it was a step to a better path.
"Never thought i would get myself into some hippie shit like this" Billy said as the two of you laughed at his joke, you looked at your watch as you almost screamed, 9:49 "Billy go get some clothes and wait for doctor Turner downstairs! I need to rush" you excused yourself as you run to the bathroom.
After taking care of some things you could hear them leave through the door "Ill be with Billy! Good luck with that meeting" Eddie loudly said and shut the door behind them, you sighed with a smile on your face as you continued to get ready.
The two of them got downstairs a minute before ten and sure enough the doctor walked in through the front door the second the clock turned to 10. Mister Adams showed them where the doctor will examine Billy.
It was obvious he had trouble walking, limping, almost hopping on his good leg. Eddie offered him help but at first he refused, almost fell down, twice, and then finally accepted defeat and let Eddie help him.
After they finally got to the room the doctor started to examine him. They did the usual stuff, taking blood samples, checking his eye movement, reflexes, sensory functions, coordination. Everything was going fine until he stared to check his leg.
Luckily he was done rather quickly as it was clear that it was beaten pretty badly, after the doctor was done he sat back into his chair and looked at his notes for a moment or two "Well the good news is that per my estimate there shouldn't be any long-term to the brain or your knee but i will order a CT and MRI scan for your head and an X-ray for the knee."
Both Billy and Eddie sighed in relief "But if you play any sports, forget about it for the next month and a half, your knee hasn't crossed the 'will never be the same' line but it will if you don't stay in bed for said time period."
Great, just great, Billy could feel like half of his world crash down. There are not one but two important big games coming up that he will have to skip. Eddie tried his best too comfort the now angry man as the man packed his stuff and left rather quickly.
After a few minutes they got back to your room, Billy decided to take a nap while Eddie sat on the balcony, as soon as he sat down the phone rang. Annoyed, Eddie answered the phone "Hiiii, this is Kimberly, their highest majesties' personal secretary, they wanted me to let you know that they wont be having lunch with you because they needed to switch up something in their schedule, Toodeloooo"
Eddie was left in confusion as the woman on the other end broke the call, Billy let out a hum, wordlessly asking him what's going on "They wont be having lunch with us, schedule switch up or something" He said as he laid down on the bed next to Billy and feel asleep next to him.
It was somewhere around 1PM when the two of them woke up, after some time they decided to order themselves lunch in the same way you did. After eating they went back to bed but neither could fall asleep again.
Eddie took Billy's hand into his, there palms resting on his chest as he traced his knuckles with his thumb. "Do you want us to help?" Billy looked at him in confusion "You don't need to stay with them Billy, I know it feels like you can't leave, but you can"
Billy looked at the ceiling, he didn't say a word "If you only heard what (Y/n) had to say about your dad! You would be rolling on the floor, out of all the things they called him a twitchy little man and a few other choice names"
He snorted at that, twitchy little man, it didn't fit his father at all, he will remember it though. He looked Eddie in the eyes, as if he's waiting for him to ask him something. He sighed as he squeezed his hand.
"Do you think you're ready to talk about what's happening at home?" His questions wasn't out of malice but out of simple curiosity. Billy looked back at the ceiling then after a minute or two of thinking he shook his head.
Eddie nodded and smiled "That's alright, when you feel like talking just know that both of us are here for you" he said as he brought Billy's palm to his face and placed a kiss on his fingers then at the base of his palm.
His hands smelled of cologne and cigarettes, nothing out of the ordinary. Billy for the first time in forever fully let his guard down. It almost felt like a trap, like its all a ploy just for you and Eddie to make fun off him. He wanted to back away, to just leave, to never see either of them again.
What will his father say when he fids out about his new relationship? He knew all hell would break loose. Maybe he should just break up with both of you and go back home to play the nice older brother like his father wanted. He probably would if he could.
Maybe his father would finally stop hitting him. He did it because he was nothing but a rebellious teenager and he needed to beat some sense into him. It was all his fault.
He flinched as a hand cupped his face, scaring the living shit out of him. "Are you ok dude??" Eddie asked as Billy finally snapped out of his thoughts. "I know you don't want to talk about it but whatever is happening to you is not your fault, normal parents don't hit and kick out their children when they are mad at them."
Billy let out a sob, one after another. He wondered how did Eddie know what to say at that exact moment, like he had read his mind. His shoulders shook with his sobs as he curled into himself, hiding his face out of shame.
Eddie sighed as he cautiously put his hand on the man's shoulder, letting him decide if he wanted his touch. Billy violently pulled away, scared of the intention behind Eddie's touch. He stared at him cautiously as he tried his best to stop crying.
He reached his hand out again, this time so that Billy can see it. First the hand cupped his face an with its thumb brushed his tears away. Slowly his hand moved on pass his jaw. Billy could feel his hand play with his curls at first.
This was it, the moment he pulls his hair like his father often does, this is the moment he yells at him for being a crybaby, for being a softy, for ever being so naive and thinking anyone would ever love him and offer him help.
But it never happens, Eddie never does anything like that. He just continued to play with his hair, softly scratching his scalp and combing his hair with his fingers. There was no malice in the nature of his actions, only the need to comfort him.
It shook Billy's worldview a little bit, the last time someone touched his hair like this was his mother. The night before she left him, it all felt a little bit too familiar.
He slowly opened up his arms and tried too say something but his own sobs wouldn't let him and yet Eddie understood him perfectly. He pulled him closer too his chest and let him cry out his pain and sorrow, and soon he started to cry too.
Thank god the second meeting was over way before it was supposed to, a whole hour earlier none the less and since you finished the speech during lunch you were completely free until Monday hits. You almost skipped out of happiness back to your room.
You slowly opened your door not expecting to see both Billy and Eddie crying their eyes out. You quietly got out of your business clothes and slipped into your pajamas. You quietly approached them and when they both saw you their eyes suddenly got a specific shine of happiness in them.
You laid down behind Billy, spooning him from behind as his face was still buried in Eddie's chest. You softly kissed away each of their tears and dried their faces with your sleeves. After you were done you kissed both of them all over their faces. When you saw that both of them have finally stopped crying you turned off all the lights and made sure both were tucked in.
Billy could feel his heart swell with love and joy for the first time in forever. He would never admit it of course but he finally felt wanted somewhere, not for his looks or charm or popularity but for simply being himself, not for the typical bad boy stereotype Billy, but for one who needed help and comfort, for the one who was simply just a little bit lost.
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vodka-glrl · 11 months
Sean's story voice-lines ᰔ
Tumblr media
So you're the oh-so mighty traveler everyone keeps talking about... No I'm not judging you or anything! Just thought you would look different... If you get what I mean. Anyways I'm Sean it's... Nice to meet you I guess.
Oh good morning. I wasn't expecting to see you up in the mountains so early in the morning...
Hey traveler! I'm going to Seirai Island to get some Naku Weed care to join me?
Oh, it's you again... No no! It's not that I don't want to see you specifically I just like being alone but that can't be helped I guess... Well since you came all the way here why not have dinner with me?
It's night already... You should leave before it gets even darker... It was fun spending time with you... I guess
When it rains:
Shit it's raining! Now I can't even use my vision. Huh, why? Because all it's going to do now is electrocute me...
When the sun is out:
Ahh that's much better. Come on let's get going before it starts to rain again!
About Sean (family):
"What happened to my family"? I lost my mom due to an illness and my dad... I'd rather not talk about it.
About Sean (Isolation):
I... Don't like people... I don't like crowds... I don't like socializing...
About us (Acquaintances):
Huh? You want to know how I view you?... You're a great friend I guess.
About us (Traveling partners):
*friendship level 6*
I see you as a great friend and a traveling partner no-nothing else! Don't get the wrong idea.
About Visions:
*friendship level 4*
My vision isn't something I'm proud of... But it's something I should hold close to myself.
About Raiden Shogun:
*friendship level 6*
Her ways of doing stuff is rather... Interesting. As someone who also wishes I could be with my loved ones for all eternity her excellency show her desire of eternity in a rather inhumane way so to say.
About Shumatsuban Sayu:
*friendship level 6*
She is an... interesting child. She claims she is a ninja but slacks off quite often. I once found her sleeping around the shrine, I tried to wake her up but she didn't even move an inch... Weird...
About Thoma
*friendship level 6*
Oh... The butler of the Kamisato estate? I don't really know much about him other than he is much more friendly than I like... It really bothers me how kind he is...
About Sangonomia Kokomi:
*friendship level 6*
I've known lady kokomi for a long time... We weren't acquainted or anything we just grew up in similar environments... Maybe if I didn't make some drastic choices I would have gotten to know her more.
About Yae Miko
*friendship level 6*
Ugh! Why bring her up all of a sudden? If I told you Thoma was bad she is ten times worse. She is such a nuance... Can we...not talk about her?
About Shikanoin Heizou
*friendship level 6*
That scoundrel of a detective is so persistent of me opening up to him... Ughh! As if me disappearing before his very eyes isn't a way of saying I'm not interested.
About Naganohara Yoimiya:
*friendship level 6*
Oh the firework girl right, I've seen her a few time... She is nice. She invites me to go watch the fireworks. She's always cheery and energetic... Cute...
About Arataki Itto:
*friendship level 6*
There are only two things that irratate me in life: one crowds, two Itto how could anyone be so stupid and loud a t the same time... Beats me...
About Derreth (@nogenderbee 's Oc):
*friendship level 6*
If I remember correctly she was Heizou's partner was she not? She isn't as annoying as him. Strange enough I can consider her a friend as well.
About Gorou:
*friendship level 6*
Gorou is like a younger brother to me... We obviously have our differences but we manage to put them all aside.
Favorite food:
I'll eat anything. I was never a picky eater, still am not I mean not like I have a choice not to eat what I can find up here In the mountains.
Least favorite food:
Remember what I said about not being a picky eater... Just throw that out the window when it comes to mushrooms. I would rather die than put a single bite of mushrooms in my mouth
Receiving gifts 1:
Oh my... This is better than anything I've ever tasted! You're a really great cook.
Receiving gifts 2:
It's okay... I guess
Receiving gifts 3:
Ughh, thanks I'm not hungry!
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static-sulker · 5 months
Tavs as an Origin Character (Pt.2)
ANOTHER ONE. I CAN'T BE STOPPED. From both posting about my baby, as well as making more tavs
This next one is Reef Solrane. Assassin rouge/Great old one Warlock high elf, very chill man but also is very much blind.
also, first one here! Next one here
Reef Solrane is my silly adult man who is my friend. He is a lot more mature and less of a goofster but I do still see him as yippie cat. Like Sniper from team fortress two.
He was raised in Silverymoon and very much not like the happy cheerful place. He's not evil persay but he isn't very chipper. More like a gambler type of good person. Has the best intention He lost his sight early in his life, about 23 years old. He was cocky and persuasive and stole from the wrong traveler, who actually was a very famous and ill-tempered Wizard of the Sword Coast. He ended up getting cursed, loosing as much as he stole. Which was his left eye. Kinda harsh punishment. He then has to live with it for about years at this point. Grew to gain incredibly well hearing and works around his disability. The Wizard, Morden comes in every now and then to see if Reef as "proved himself worthy of seeing whats right." Later on in their life, about 200s maybe, they gain contact with a mystical being from the far realms who wishes to strike a deal. If he gives up his other eye, he'll gain power beyond his own comprehension. Reef was a bit of a hungry guy for power, so he accepted. He gained shaded Pince-nez glasses, that gave him what is practically truesight and enhanced power, with it being a conduit for the godly beings power. He did begin to have highly increased hearing and overall learnt how to know his surroundings far easier in a natural state as well. He then spent his time killing for hire and some petty thievery from his clients.
If he was an origin character, he'd have a pretty strange questline at first. He'd be found in the little beach area right after Shadowheart, searching for his glasses. If you help him, he'll thank you and become able to join your party. When you see them, they'll gain attention to your steps at a pretty quick pace and call to you, asking if your friend or foe. They will have their eyes jammed shut and quickly get up from the floor when you get close. If you ignore them with a failed stealth check or say foe, they'll grow aggressive and try and either attack or look for their glasses depending on your response. If you say you are peaceful and not wish to hurt them, they'll calm down and try and find his glasses. Once he joins you, his questline would be called "The Blinded Thief" and the first part of the quest is to find his glasses. When he does (Stolen by an Absolute member at the goblin camp) He gains access to his warlock spells.
He's a bit hungry for power as he literally is the prime example of "selling an arm and a leg" for the stuff but in this case it's his eyes. It's less of an Astarion hunger of bending people to his will, but more of a type of hunger to make sure he is never in a situation where he can lose more than he has. In this playthrough, I romanced Astarion and I think it's very funny how their dynamic works. Astarion is the type of flirt that uses his form and longing glances and smirks to get people under his command. Reef can't fucking see. So Astarion has to improvise and Reef is completely in the know how that Astarion is not used to it. I also think Reef is a very good example for Astarion of what greed and hunger for power can do to people. They are very epic fail together.
In his epilogue, he actually has three possible endings. The "third eye" ending (He bets more of his body away to get more power, specifically his arm), the "truesight" ending (He finds a way to take control of the being he uses for power and uses it for good) or "Open-eyed" ending (he gains his sight back after proving himself to Morden). In the third eye, it can only be gained by learning in the sorcerous sundries vault that his ancient helper can take more deals if he commits a sacrifice of another body part in his name. It could give the party the strength they need to defeat the brain. If he isn't persauded to not do it or in a situation of the game where he emotionally is better, then he will cut of his arm in the name of the being, gaining an etheral one during combat that does WAYYY more damage. During the epilouge, in this ending he'll already be looking for a way to do more and seems now to be like Astarion in less of a protection type of power but more for the sake of having the power. To gain the truesight ending, you can avoid the vaults information and go through a route where Reef beings a "better person". He'll end up becoming a treasure hunter with the help of his truesight and hearing. he's happier and working around his loss of sight and progressively trying to relax more. If romanced (you can't romance for the third eye, he'll break up the relationship due to his newfound "view of a new future for himself" when he finally cuts his arm off.) He'll be hunting for treasure wherever the two of you go, seeing you as "grounding" or "giving him just enough beauty just through words to make sunsets or starry not matter to blinded eyes.". In the "Open-eyed" route, he finds the book and doesn't do it, realizing he doesn't need the power (either by persuasion by romanced partner/ally, or being a better person and persuaded in a good route several times before the event.) After this , he will gain his sight again. Well, at least his left eye, the right is still gone because of the godly being. In this, he just is a wanderer, seeing the world with literally new eyes. He sees the world and tries to get used to the colors of everything again. If romanced, he travels the world with you and just takes in how beautiful you are <3
He's a bit less tricky to romance than Astarion, but isn't a cake walk. Anything that is overly cautious or maybe a few tricks on people who deserve it are very common. Normally avoiding Jaherias drink is a good example. Kinda like shadowheart.
Voice-lines - approval greetings
Low: ""Stop staring and go on out with it." "What?", "I can hear you fidgeting, out with it." "Yes?", "What is it?"
Neutral: "Hmm?" , "What is it?" , "Oh, hey. Didn't see ya there.", "What can I do ya for?", "Hey there, kid."
Medium: "Just the person I was thinking about." "Can I help you?" "I can hear you, do you needs something?", "Didn't expect to see you around here-well-I suppose hear you." , "Why hello, my trusted companion."
Romanced: "What can I do ya for, Love?", "Ah, theres the voice I know and love." , "Now your a sight for sore-ears? That didn't sound right...", "Hello, Love. Do you need something?
Third Eye: "Oh, it's you. Sorry I was stuck in my own head, can I help you?", "...Ah! Sorry, you surprised me. Yes?", "*muttering to himself on plans idk* I'm preoccupied but I am listening." , "Great god of old, grant me this-Oh, hi. Need something?" , "I'd shake your hand but It's...busy."
Broken up after Third Eye: "Hello, my past sliver of humanity." , "Oh, my little flame, you have returned." , "I sensed you were here, I didn't expect you to speak though." , "You seem awfully cordial with me. I applaud your ability to see my newest perfection."
Truesight: "You look different then I imagine." , "You were saying?" , "Apologies, It's hard to focus with the newly added vision." , "Anything you ask." , "What can I do you for, my trusted companion?"
Truesight, Romance: "You look stunning. Just as I thought." , "My Love! You are truly a sight for sore eyes. Eye, I suppose." , "Yes, Love?" , "Im listening. And seeing. Oh this is going to take awhile to get used to."
Open-eyed: "Oh, hello there!" , "My most trusted companion, and wisest. What can I do you for?" , "Are you alright?" , "Thank you for coming by and helping me. You truly are a good friend."
Open-eyed romance: "My love, thank you for staying to chat. And many other things..." , "What can I do you for, love? I am in your greatest debt after all.." , "The voice of my savior, what can I do you for?"
Misc lines-
"I heard that..." , "Wherever my feet take me." , "Let's get this over with." , "Let's get going, everybody." , "I didn't expect to enjoy a walk like this." , "Let's hope it's not rough terrain..." , "Let's do this professionally, alright?" , "Trained for this." , "Oh, hello there." , "Didn't expect this today..." , "What was that?" , "Walking in a new place is definitely harder than I imagined." , "Now thats a smart idea."
Selected (Combat)
"Taking the shot." , "Now isn't this just terrible for you." , "Ain't you surprised, ha!" , "Fighting is just muscle memory now." , "If I can hear you, it's too late." , "heard that..!" , "let's make this quick." , "You shouldn't have done that." , "By the ways of the old one, You'll be on the floor before ya know it." , "Not the best luck for you." , "Aim for the eyes." , "Oh, sorry mate. You got me on a wrong day. For you." , "Your blood will clean my blades." , "I like where this is going..."
"Thank goodness for truesight." , "Let's hope it's this way." , "Don't bump into a tree please..." , "Keep going." , "A nice jaunt." , "Let's hope for smooth terrain..." , "Keep up everybody! I need eyes ahead." , "Right on time." , "Easy." , "One foot in front of the other..."
Low health
"I need some help over here!" , "HEY! Somebody get over here and heal me!" , "I'd say the light was fading but-hells this is no time for jokes." , "Everything sounds...foggy.." , "That was too close..."
After Short rest
"A little shuteye was nice..." , "Time passed a little too fast." , "Back to the job." , "Welp, time to start moving again."
Character deaths
(Tav) "Oh hell, it can't be you!" , (Durge) "You can't die just yet, you have people to slay!" , (Astarion) "Astarion, don't you bleed out yet, we need you!" , (Gale) "GALE! Not yet, oh hells not yet." OR with low approval on Gale Origin "don't explode don't explode don't explode..." , (Shadowheart) "Stay here Shadowheart, we'll help!" , "KARLACH! You can't die out now!" , (Wyll) "The Blade can't break just yet!" , (Minthara) "You have so much more to do! For better or for worse, you can't die!" , (Halsin) "HALSIN! don't shrivel up now...!" , (Jaheria) "Jaheria! Don't give up yet!" (Minsc) "Minsc can't die! not now!"
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farahsamboolents · 11 months
WIP Wednesday Weekend
i got tagged (ish? i'm counting it :P) by @shares-a-vest in this, and a) i forever wanna share what i'm writing, i genuinely LOVE these tag games and b) maybe the yay squishy feelings from people interacting w my post will unfuck my writers block, so IM DOIN IT YAAA
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
On The Mundane (Sarge Series)
Broken Crown
The Will Camping Fic (Sarge Series)
The "what if Eddie was only on the periphery of S4?"
Snippet: so this one was actually supposed to be for a birthday... in may... but the writers block did the writers block thing, and also chronic illness and other life stuff, blah blah blah. anyway, Deanna, look away. Anyhow so this is from the "On The Mundane" fic, which is really just a collection of mundane lil one shots from my Sarge Series :) Y'know, the kind of thing that isn't gon be big enough to be a fic fic, but lil minor updates on their lives. Here ya go:
“Hey, I heard a loud noise. You okay in here, dude?” He said.
“Just peachy!” Said Robin, trying not to voice the irritation she felt.
“Is Steve okay?”
Robin froze.
“I heard the window, man, you know you guys don’t have to hide from me, right? I’m cool.” Argyle frowned. “You don’t think I’m like, a prude or anything, right? I’m not gonna tell anybody’s mom.”
“Uh. No. There’s just nobody here, just me and the open window, because it’s cold, I mean hot, my room was just stuffy, so I wanted the window open to make it colder. That’s all.”
“But I heard the fire escape?”
“Neighbour has a fat cat.”
“We’re not allowed to have pets.”
“We’re also not allowed to smoke weed.”
Argyle shrugged, turning back around. “Show me the fat cat next time, I wanna pet it.”
“I’ll try. It’s shy.”
He closed the door closed behind him.
Robin rolled to her side and peered underneath the bed, meeting Vickie’s sparkling eyes and shining smile.
Ta-daaaaaaaa okay this was fun, I tag @dreamwatch (thank u for tagging me last time), @eddiequinns, and @atmilliways :D and also anyone else who wants to do it, i genuinely love love love these things.
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