#who let enver and chloe do that i-
sydlovesdaisysous · 4 years
Did Daisy die again after kissing Sousa or does she remember that?
Hi, Anon! Thanks for the ask.
Daisy remembers both the conversation and kiss they shared, so I’m excited to see what she does with that information in the future.
Let’s hope for another “first” kiss. ;)
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realchemistry · 4 years
Chloe, Enver and Clark at The Laugh Track
Question: I have a question for Enver. You got to bring back your character from Agent Carter but in a setting that was very much a Dollhouse setting, along the same people. Did it kinda feel like returning to the best of both worlds joining the show?
Clark: Say yes, Enver, say yes!
Enver: It was better, it was better.
Clark: *cheers*
Enver: No, it was, it was—One of the really cool things about joining the cast was, Jed and Maurissa made it clear that they didn’t wanna just reprise Sousa from the moment that he left the show. That they wanted to go ahead and see, like, some time had passed, and he had continued to advance in the ranks and with his skills. They wanted to see more of a super agent, they wanted Daniel to be a little further along, and—
Clark: That’s what they got, people!
Enver: So that was fun because I got to have the best of both worlds. I got to continue that character in a way that trajectory would’ve gone if Agent Carter had gone on. And also, when I collected Marvels when I was a kid, I loved the What If comics. I don’t know if you guys remember the What If comics. This felt like such an amazing What If, you know? What if Daniel Sousa joined the cast? And, yeah, so I thought it was such a blast.
Chloe: It has to be the most rewarding part of the show, is having probably one of the most dynamic relationships with someone in my life in that relationship with Clark. Where it mutates, and there’s so much growth, and there’s so much openness, and there’s so much respect. I don’t think most people get the privilege of having such a dynamic relationship that you can’t quite put it into any sort of box of “it’s this, it’s that, it’s that.” And it’s only something that you would get in an environment like S.H.I.E.L.D., so that’s, it’s just—
Clark: That and the stuff with Enver.
Chloe: That and Enver. A kiss! They’re happy together, I’m a big Dousy fan, come on!
Clark: And, of all the other things, and [Elizabeth] also really brought home the first weird little moments of the ship between you and Sousa in a way that felt completely unforced. And that was the hardest beat, I think, to do, it’s, is this a thing? And I thought she killed that too. You guys helped some, but she really, really...
Chloe: That was! It’s a really hard line to walk of, “okay, so we have to buy this and by the middle of this episode, they are kissing.” And how do we not only have Daisy understand each timeloop and process that she did a timeloop, and every single thing, there’s also, at the same time, she had to be kind of falling for Sousa. So my brain was fried, thank god she was there, it was crazy.
Question: I wanted to ask, basically for Chloe and Enver, about the future of Daisy and Sousa. No one had to wind up with each other at the end of the show, but how do you feel about them coming together at the end? It looks like that relationship could work. Daisy, to say the least, has had a lot of bad luck in that arena, and it took almost getting a guy out of time, or a partner out of time, to be somebody who she was comfortable with, and she could have a future with. What are your opinions about their relationship and their future as galactic explorer representatives of humanity?
Chloe: Great question! I’ll be honest, I was a little hesitant about a love interest just because I felt like her narrative was about finding herself and her family, and the real relationship was with Coulson and with the S.H.I.E.L.D. family and, you know, independent woman. And this one snuck up on me as Chloe as much as it did with Daisy, I think. And, it’s one of those things where you go, “oh, she needed this!” Like in a way that’s not, she didn’t need a man, that she needed the way that he complements her so well. It just, it felt perfect for the ending for her. In a way that just, I can’t, exactly, it took a man out of time to kind of really come in and complement her in a way that she’s totally taken off guard by, and I think that’s the only way that something for Daisy was ever gonna happen. And Enver did that. You did it so well! You did so well that I’m processing it ten times more now watching it than even like on the day, it’s so great. Enver, what do you think?
Enver: I... there’s so many parallels right now, you know, that something comes in the world and just like smashes everything that you knew, you know? And then you're sailing forward into a completely unknown universe, right? And so we’re, more than ever, actually, I feel like somehow these writers were a little bit ahead of it. Like, you know, cause I was like, wait, okay, so Sousa came out of time and now we’re going in... It feels appropriate, it feels appropriate. It feels like this thing, for my character, get pulled out of time, smashed into a new reality, and now everything’s just like, okay, so let’s do this now, you know? It’s real life, you know, things, you know, some things happen and you adjust and you sail into the future, into some unknown future. I love it, I love it, I think it’s absolutely beautiful. And I also think, this is why I like sci-fi, you get to imagine things that don’t exist. Here’s this new dynamic between the two of them, and we get to create our own future now. So I loved it.
Chloe: It was great, it was so special. For her to, I think she kinda, I feel like right when she settles into who she is, who her family is, the history of her, be it losing her family, settling into her powers, understanding of what being powerful means, that’s she’s like, I know myself and then, BAM! This guy comes in and I think it was the perfect way to end it for Daisy, so, very special.
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geraltcirilla · 4 years
On the romantic side of things, Chloe Bennet (and several of her co-stars) couldn’t be happier with Daisy’s choice of Daniel Sousa as her partner.
“He’s so stable, and so supportive, and so willing, and so understanding of who she is,” Bennet says. “[Daisy needs] that kind of stability in her life, and that support. And I think it doesn’t hurt that he’s a strapping young man!”
“She has become such a kind of a power house, physically,” Bennet continues. “I love that he kind of brings her down to Earth a little bit.”
For Enver Gjokaj, Sousa’s relationship to Daisy’s power was a crucial factor in their developing bond.
“They don’t seem to have a lot of [things] in common,” he notes, “But the fact that he’s attracted to strong women, and that he’s worked with strong women in his past, and that’s who he is — I think that becomes the foundation for a relationship. The fact [that Daisy’s power is] not threatening to him at all, that that’s actually a positive, that… made total sense to me.”
“And [Gjokaj] played it with such a quiet confidence, and just you’re so grounded,” Bennet continues. “Sousa is so grounded in himself, and he’s not threatened by her as an entity and by Quake, and it actually finds it slightly amusing. which I think is really sweet, actually.”
Clark Gregg also expressed a certain relief at Daisy’s choice, which he feels reflects maturity on the part of friend and castmate Bennet.
“One of the things that happens, especially when you do play a character for 200 years as I have… is that the life and art blend together,” he says, noting that it was challenging to repeatedly “watch Chloe/Daisy go through these various things and get her heart broken, and have people die.”
So “to have Enver show up and create — recreate — the new version [of Sousa], dealing with different kinds of stuff, was just cool!” Gregg says. The character’s new incarnation on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was “tough. Not calling attention to himself. It felt so real, and I love so much what he did, and the way that [he and Chloe] just kind of quietly backed into this thing that everybody has been rooting for. [It’s] such a testament to their work in the chaotic final season, and how lucky we were to get Enver. It’s just facts!”
For their part, showrunners Jeff Bell, Maurissa Tancharoen, and Jed Whedon felt it was critical that their cast of female characters be seen as much more than partners in relationships, regardless of how matters concluded.
“They’ve had relationships [but] we never defined them by that,” says Bell. “But Daisy hasn’t had great luck in the past, bad things that happened or it hasn’t worked out. And so when Enver showed up, it was more than we could have imagined. We’d hoped that they would have chemistry, and the fact that it worked so well was great.”
Bell also observes that even more significant than the romantic developments was Daisy’s re-formation of a new kind of family for herself.
It was important, he says to let Daisy’s sister “Kora come over at the end and [give] Daisy family to continue. So it wasn’t just ‘Now I have a boyfriend!’ It was like she had a new unit. I think that was something that happened organically through the force of the storytelling that was a nice thing that we hadn’t foreseen.”
“The whole drive of Daisy’s character arc was, she was in search for her identity. She was in search for her family and where she came from,” agrees Tancharon. “And what she stumbled upon was new one, and so at the end, it’s very clear that she is actually starting her own little family in space, with the man she loves and her actual sister.”
— Hypable Interview, the AOS cast discuss Daisy and Sousa’s romance
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mydemimonde · 4 years
Debunking  some things about Hayley Atwell
I decided to write this post to address some rumors about Hayley Atwell. I’ve seen some posts years ago, about how (supposedly) problematic Hayley is, and as a 17 year old in that moment, I believed everything I read on the Internet. I'm not saying that everything you see on social media it's a lie, but you have to stop, think about it and do your own research (if you really care about it), like I did. The rumors I’ve read on Twitter (and here), basically said that Hayley hates Emily VanCamp, that Hayley and Chris Evans mistreated Emily, that Hayley is homophobic, that she said she should play Sharon wearing a wig, and that she also hates on Chloe Bennet. Like I said, I did my research to show you some stuff as regards these rumors/assumptions.
1. Hayley said she should play Sharon Carter on the MCU.
Literally how is that a bad thing? She just simply said what she thought back then (this interview is from 2011, 9 years ago). Besides, it's the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ANYTHING can happen. I think that I don't need to remind you that actors and actresses can play different characters in a same franchise, Gemma Chan played Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel and will play Sersi in Eternals, Enver Gjokaj played Daniel Sousa in Agent Carter and another minor (veeery minor) role in The Avengers as a policeman, and all those things take place in the same universe. So Hayley's thoughts back then are not as crazy as you think they are. And it's not a bad thing if she wanted that to happen.
Update (10/8/21): 
About Hayley saying she should play Sharon: as I said before, this shouldn't be even considered as something bad. Besides, Emily wasn't involved with the MCU then nor was she in talks of getting casted. Why am I pointing this out? Because so many people took that as Hayley saying she can do a better job as Sharon than EVC. AND THAT'S NOT TRUE.
2. Hayley saying she would ground Sharon for kissing Steve: 
(Source, minute 9:25 - 10:15) She's joking guys. You might not like or share her british humor, which is very dry, satirical, sarcastic, but what can we do about it? Stop making such a great deal about it.
Besides, there are more things that you're missing. Or, actually, things that the people who made up these rumors chose to omit. I don't know if you guys were in the Marvel fandom back in 2016 (year in which this panel took place), especially during may/june. After "Civil War" premiered, Marvel released a comic in which we discover that Steve Rogers has always been working for Hydra. So, when a fan asked Hayley if she disapproves of Sharon and Steve, she says that Peggy would be so protective over Sharon, that she wouldn't let her get close to Steve, (because of all the Hydra stuff) HERE’S THE SOURCE, minute 12:20.
3. Hayley and Chris mistreated Emily VanCamp.
Who told you that? Emily VanCamp herself? If you show me an actual proof that this happened, I'll believe you. But since there's no evidence of that...
Update (10/8/21):
About Hayley "hating" Emily: this was said a lot back in 2016 when Hayley said she didn't approve of Staron. That's literally her opinion, if she doesn't ship them that fine! She's entitled to her opinion, like everyone does. They’re not best friends, they get along. They made some videos together (back when there was a Dubmash war between the AOS and Agent Carter casts). Here's one.
Plus, Emily talking about Hayley when asked about not sharing the screen with her (minute 1:42).
I recently found this video in which a fan asked her about the jokes/comments she made about Sharon that got out of control on social media. She said she didn't know about that (by that time she deleted her twitter account, where both Sharon/Emily got so much hate) minute 24:05 onwards. She said she was joking of course, and recognized they were wrong!
Many people blame her because of all the hate Sharon and Emily got. I admit it: I didn’t like Sharon that much. But even with all those jokes Hayley made, I never thought about bullying neither Sharon nor Emily. The problem here are the toxic fans who took everything she said seriously and saw it as a chance to bully both Sharon and EVC. And if you’re one of those fans, you’re disgusting.
4. Hayley is homophobic. Oh yes, that's why she wanted Peggy to date Angie in Agent Carter (Source, minute 31:50). And also, how she approves of stucky.
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Update (10/8/21):
Besides supporting the LGBT community on social media, she's once again showing support for Cartinelli and Peggy Carter being bisexual (a win for me btw) 
May I add that Hayley supports the BLM movement not only on social media, (which many people including myself see it as performative activism in sooo many celebrities), but she actually went to protests in London last year, and kept posting about it + she allowed black activists and artists to post on her Instagram.
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5. Hayley making fun of Chloe. Where the fuck is the source for that? Did you work for the cast of Agents of SHIELD to confirm that you witnessed that? Did Chloe say it? No. Don't make up bullshit.
Update (10/8/21):
So I found this post and I can’t believe how this person (please don’t bully them) has the nerve to accuse Hayley of saying “Daisy is not good enough woman to help Ward” and NOT PUTTING THE LINK OF THE VIDEO where (apparently) Hayley said that. Here’s the video, pay attention to Hayley’s answer. Literally, where does she say that? Stop taking things out of context, and stop making things up.
I understand if you don't like her jokes or humor, or even if you think that they are odd. But, honestly, what can we do about that? That how she is. She has bad things and good things, flaws and virtues. She might have commited mistakes, like EVERYONE ELSE HAS, because she's a HUMAN BEING. People change. Just like her, I'm not the same person I was a year ago. Even weeks ago. I'm not saying that you should love Hayley or Peggy from now on, all I'm trying to say is that instead of blindly believing everything you read on internet, try to take some of your time to search for evidence. Sorry if I seem to be angry, it's just that I'm tired of seeing so much hate on Hayley. It's not something I see just now, it's something I've been seeing since 2016. Leave her alone and stop spreading hate.
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agl03 · 4 years
TVLINE | How would you describe Daisy’s arc in these final 13 episodes?
If anything, this season she is a perfect hybrid of all the versions we have seen of her. I feel like I’ve played so many versions of her within the show, because each season was so, so different, whether it was aesthetically or what she was going through and how much pain…. It’s not Skye Season 1 where she’s learning about this world. It’s not Daisy Season 2, where she coming to terms with discovering her powers. It’s not Daisy Season 3, where she’s coming to terms with the responsibility of being a superhero. It’s not Season 5, where she’s coming to terms with the idea that Coulson might not always be there, and it’s not Season 6, where she was her finding her own self after someone so important to her was gone.
TVLINE | It’s almost as if the theme is, “Let’s have some fun saving the world this time.”
Yeah, I think she is super grounded in who she has become over the past six seasons, so there’s a little bit more room for playfulness. And I tried to bring more elements of Skye to her, going back to those roots. It was fun to bring that bit of lightness back, all while the stakes are very high. And it was exciting but sad to put on the Quake suit for the last time, to show up to work that last day. We were all going through stuff, Daisy and Chloe.
TVLINE | Outside of Daisy, is there a storyline this season that you found particularly interesting? I think the writers do a really good job of balancing out and giving everyone a satisfying ending, for the character, for the actor and, No. 1 obviously, for the fans. There are a few people that I think fans are going to be really excited to see.
TVLINE | We know about Patton Oswalt returning, and Enver Gjokaj reprising his Agent Carter role. Might there be surprises beyond that? Definitely. It’s a really rewarding season for the fans. It’s a love letter to them, really.
TVLINE | And the series finale itself, it delivers closure? We’ll feel like a complete story has been told? Definitely. They do a beautiful job at giving every person on this show a fitting ending. They do a really good job… but I don’t want to give anything away!
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realchemistry · 4 years
The way I fucking adore daisy and daisy/sousa like I cannot believe that they're perfection on every single level their chemistry alone is absolute magic but like also how they complement each other as characters how he teases her and makes her laugh and supports her unconditionnally risking his life so many times how she thinks he's solid but also a dork how he loves her strength and drive and is just in awe of her (continued)
(Continuation)The way the fell in love in such a short time because they're just so good together and everyone sees it the way they're going to heal each other of their past heartbreaks because all of that just lead them to each other and how they're going to be each other's family and travel the galaxy together, I just can't get around my head how they struck gold with this pairing the person who thought of it should get a medal I wish I was rich so I could finance a spinoff my damn self
Nothing to add, I’m like this reading you:
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This is what TPTB said about how it came to be:
What went into the decision to bring Sousa onto the show, keep him on the show, and involve him in a relationship with Daisy?
WHEDON: Over the years, we’d talked about trying to find a way–
TANCHAROEN: We were like, “How do we get to work with Enver again?”
WHEDON: [Daisy] has had some trouble with her relationships. We instantly fell in love with the concept, during the season, of bringing him in and letting him play with us for a little bit. One of the good things about TV is that you can make decisions as you move. We were hopeful that they would have chemistry, and we felt like we could write Sousa and Daisy to a place that we felt like would be organic to them. Seeing them on screen and seeing that play, we were pretty confident that it would work. And Enver is great and can do anything. So, it was one of those things that we had hopes for, but only when he came on, did we cement that idea and run with it.
BELL: Our plan was always for him to come on for more than one, but to make it feel like one, so that we could surprise people with that. But the chemistry was even more than we had hoped.
WHEDON: They don’t, on paper, seem compatible. She’s always calling him a dork and laughing at him, but he’s so solid and so confident in liking strong women, so it just felt great. We were happy with that.
TANCHAROEN: They’re a very unlikely match, but we knew that it would work. And also, in the time travel of the season, it made sense to us to have Sousa, who is a man out of time, coming along for the ride. We knew we’d get a lot of fish-out-of-water funny and a lot of generational funny. Not only was there chemistry between Daisy and Sousa, but with Sousa and Mack. Those were some of my favorite scenes.
In a different interview:
“The chemistry was something that was a hope," Jed Whedon explained. "It was a hope, but we weren't for sure. But fortunately, because TV is made on the fly, you can react to what you see, and we felt like the chemistry was there right from the start. Once we found the angle, it actually came from Chloe laughing at something Enver said and just laughing at it, like 'This goof', and that was like a light bulb of, 'Oh, she thinks he's a dork.'" 
Tancharoen said, "We liked the idea of Daisy -- this, strong, powerful woman who's been through a slew of failed relationships -- doesn't even realize that she's finding him charming."
"She can't quite put her finger on it until it's right there, until she has to go through a time loop over and over and over again, and has that same moment where she realizes, 'My God, this guy is so solid.'"
So we have to thank Enver, Chloe and TPTB for making it happen. And I’m with you about wishing I had the means to make it happen.
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agl03 · 4 years
Any new thoughts/theories or existing theory updates based on the press release?
Hi Anon,
Me after reading that press release:
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For those who missed the lets have like 800 things going in one episode Press Release here is what we got.
Patrick Warburton Returns as Guest Star
“A Trout in the Milk” – After a bumpy landing in the disco decade, the team – Daniel Sousa in tow – reunites with more than one familiar face at the S.H.I.E.L.D. hangout and discovers exactly how to dismantle the Chronicoms’ latest plan. But when they get too close for comfort, the Zephyr unexpectedly leaps forward again, this time to a date pivotal to not only the future of S.H.I.E.L.D. but to the future of Director Mack as well on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” airing WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 (10:00–11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, V) Episodes can also be viewed the next day on demand and on Hulu.
“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” stars Clark Gregg as Agent Phil Coulson, Ming-Na Wen as Agent Melinda May, Chloe Bennet as Daisy Johnson, Elizabeth Henstridge as Agent Jemma Simmons, Iain De Caestecker as Agent Leopold Fitz, Henry Simmons as Director Alphonso “Mack” MacKenzie, Natalia Cordova-Buckley as Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez and Jeff Ward as Deke Shaw.
Guest starring is Joel Stoffer, Tobias Jelinek, Thomas E. Sullivan, Neal Bledsoe, Dawan Owens, Cameron Palatas, Sedale Threatt Jr., Paulina Bugembe, with Patrick Warburton and Enver Gjokaj.
“A Trout in the Milk” was written by Iden Baghdadchi and directed by Stan Brooks.
I’ll start with the Guest Stars since we got a hit here with Stoners Return!  I love Patrick Warburton so I expect him to be nothing but a delight.
Joel is back!  Yay Enoch though I am putting out for the fact he’s been away from the team for YEARS I have some concerns.  
Tobias:  Creepy Cop and he is done after 6.
Thomas E. Sullivan:  I think this will be a new Chronicom, he kinda looks like the dudes we see attacking Mack and Sousa in space on the Zephyr and he has a double listed in 10.  He’ll be around a bit.
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Neal Bledsoe:  Adult Freddie, owner of the baddest bad guy beard there ever was.
Dawan Owens:   Listed as Agent Ford in IMDB he is also in 6....with a stunt double.  His IMDB profile lists him as a towering 6″ 3′ and doesn’t have trouble commanding attention.
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Paulina Bugembe:  While not listed in IMDB she does have a double in 6 as well...my early money is this is Mack’s parents.
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, Writers please no more tragic backstory for Mack.  Also Hold strong with whatever the temptation is here Mack!  Ripples not waves!
Cameron Palatas:  Is a returning actor, he played young Gideon in Paradise Lost so looks like we’ll see him with Papa Freddie making all sorts of icky plans.  yay.
Sedale Threatt Jr.  the press team has stopped putting who is who because they are onto us with the whole googling and searching for spoilers that way.  So hello ????
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So right at a glance we almost have a tale of two families going.  
Most of the promo was dedicated to what is going to happen in the Lighthouse and Enoch’s Kool Aid man hard core 70′s hero entrance.  My money is that Enoch who has had plenty of time to work on it was the one who figured out how to stop the Chronicoms current plan, however the surprise jump will mess that all up leading to the return to the Lighthouse and what is going down with Mack.  Here is where I want to take things back a notch.
Yes the surprise jump does have me concerned but I need more to go on.  This for me is a possible first sign things have gone wrong “elsewhere”.
I’ve seen and even myself instantly was like oh, where in the 80′s now after the second jump.  But there is no guarantee in that and after some time to think, I don’t see them leaving such a fun decade as the 70′s after 20 minutes.
The dates we have fixed is 1976 because of the Bicentennial flag.  The Alice Cooper Song means that they arrive at least after 1973.  I theorize the surprise jump keeps them in the 70′s.  
Enoch saves the team, says hey I’ve got a plan, said plain is foiled by get in guys time to move it along, and hello party time and the Bicentennial.   The big date for Shield with all the patriotic to do, big wigs, and Hydra in the promo is likely the date jumped too and has something to do with the Rocket Launch  I personally have concerns over anything Hydra is involved in launching and could be how the Confederacy was brought in play..  A Young Gideon on hand for such a momentous occasion and maybe even the beginnings of Project Distant Star. 
The big day for Mack....could be the day he was born. They could be pulling that take out the leader before they were born trope and part of the team has to make sure whatever is going on with Mack’s family doesn’t mess things up as well. 
This will also mean that we’ll see at least Mack’s story based on the stunt doubles for what I think are his parents will continue into 6.   Its a matter of time to see if the Malick’s follow.  We also know that 6 will be where Creeper Cop meets his end.
I hope that made sense.  It took me most of the day to work this all out and I still think I’m missing some major pieces here.
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geraltcirilla · 4 years
Your latest daisy/sousa gifset ? Gorgeous, is the quote you used from a showrunner chloe or is it like from someone in the fandom also ie agent carter, everyone was white like the two main female characters were right and so was everyone else, and I don't think it had anything to do with the time period there are shows set way before that are 1000% more inclusive like anne with an e or black sails also no lgbtq characters although that's an issue aos had as well
Thank you!! :’) The quote I used is from Maurissa Tancharoen from this interview with Hypable. I’ll go ahead and give you the entire Daisy portion of that interview because it’s filled with gold.
On the romantic side of things, Chloe Bennet (and several of her co-stars) couldn’t be happier with Daisy’s choice of Daniel Sousa as her partner.
“He’s so stable, and so supportive, and so willing, and so understanding of who she is,” Bennet says. “[Daisy needs] that kind of stability in her life, and that support. And I think it doesn’t hurt that he’s a strapping young man!”
“She has become such a kind of a power house, physically,” Bennet continues. “I love that he kind of brings her down to Earth a little bit.”
For Enver Gjokaj, Sousa’s relationship to Daisy’s power was a crucial factor in their developing bond.
“They don’t seem to have a lot of [things] in common,” he notes, “But the fact that he’s attracted to strong women, and that he’s worked with strong women in his past, and that’s who he is — I think that becomes the foundation for a relationship. The fact [that Daisy’s power is] not threatening to him at all, that that’s actually a positive, that… made total sense to me.”
“And [Gjokaj] played it with such a quiet confidence, and just you’re so grounded,” Bennet continues. “Sousa is so grounded in himself, and he’s not threatened by her as an entity and by Quake, and it actually finds it slightly amusing. which I think is really sweet, actually.”
Clark Gregg also expressed a certain relief at Daisy’s choice, which he feels reflects maturity on the part of friend and castmate Bennet.
“One of the things that happens, especially when you do play a character for 200 years as I have… is that the life and art blend together,” he says, noting that it was challenging to repeatedly “watch Chloe/Daisy go through these various things and get her heart broken, and have people die.”
So “to have Enver show up and create — recreate — the new version [of Sousa], dealing with different kinds of stuff, was just cool!” Gregg says. The character’s new incarnation on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was “tough. Not calling attention to himself. It felt so real, and I love so much what he did, and the way that [he and Chloe] just kind of quietly backed into this thing that everybody has been rooting for. [It’s] such a testament to their work in the chaotic final season, and how lucky we were to get Enver. It’s just facts!”
For their part, showrunners Jeff Bell, Maurissa Tancharoen, and Jed Whedon felt it was critical that their cast of female characters be seen as much more than partners in relationships, regardless of how matters concluded.
“They’ve had relationships [but] we never defined them by that,” says Bell. “But Daisy hasn’t had great luck in the past, bad things that happened or it hasn’t worked out. And so when Enver showed up, it was more than we could have imagined. We’d hoped that they would have chemistry, and the fact that it worked so well was great.”
Bell also observes that even more significant than the romantic developments was Daisy’s re-formation of a new kind of family for herself.
It was important, he says to let Daisy’s sister “Kora come over at the end and [give] Daisy family to continue. So it wasn’t just ‘Now I have a boyfriend!’ It was like she had a new unit. I think that was something that happened organically through the force of the storytelling that was a nice thing that we hadn’t foreseen.”
“The whole drive of Daisy’s character arc was, she was in search for her identity. She was in search for her family and where she came from,” agrees Tancharon. “And what she stumbled upon was new one, and so at the end, it’s very clear that she is actually starting her own little family in space, with the man she loves and her actual sister.”
I really love this interview and I’ve loved EVERY interview the cast has done post-series. I don’t think I’ve ever shipped a couple quite so beloved by every single cast member, even people totally uninvolved like Clarke Gregg and Elizabeth Henstridge. This interview was especially sweet because Maurissa confirmed that Sousa and Daisy are in love, which we all though but it’s nice to get the showrunners backing that.
Re: Agent Carter, even when it comes to the female characters Peggy Carter was the only one listed as main cast. Peggy, Jarvis, Jack, Sousa, and Dooley are main cast, Angie, Dottie, and Ana are credited as reoccurring. And Angie was only in s1 (she made a brief cameo in s2 in a dream sequence), and Ana was only in s2. Only Dottie was in both seasons 1 and 2 and she was a villain. So I don’t think I can even give Agent Carter credit for having white women in the show. It’s really bad if you can’t even have white women in your main cast.
Agent Carter had an issue with lack of women, lack of BIPOC cast, and lack of LGBT characters (like you said AOS also has that last issue). The writers of the show actually claimed at the time (because even back then people were calling them out for this) that they were just being “truthful to the time period”, which we all know is a crock of shit. As you said BIPOC and LGBT didn’t suddenly spring into existence in the 2000s and lots of other period piece shows include them as characters. 
Also as I said in my previous post, the writers have this unsettling need to woobify and coddle bigots because “they’re a product of their time” and the writers are constantly justifying their behavior and actions and trying to make them seem sympathetic. 
But not only that, the feminism felt incredibly shallow and performative.
For example, one of the famous “feminist” lines of the show was “I know my worth. Anyone else’s opinion doesn’t really matter.” Peggy said this after Jack Thompson took all the credit for her work and effort in s1. I remember at the time people were livid because that was a terrible message to be sending women and girls. It’s okay if a man steals your work so long as you believe in yourself...? No. Hell no. That’s not how society progresses forward. Peggy should NOT have accepted that outcome and should have FOUGHT Jack to demand he give her her proper credit. But she didn’t. She rolled over and took it, and we as an audience were supposed to applaud her for it.
Another “feminist moment” is when Sousa catches Peggy helping Howard Stark and the SSR think that she’s a terrorist. So after they arrest her they all take turns interviewing her and she calls them out, saying: “I conducted my own investigation because no one listens to me. I got away with it because no one looks at me, because unless I have your reports, your coffee, or your lunch, I’m invisible.” Except this isn’t exactly true. She wasn’t invisible to Sousa and she didn’t get away with it because he literally caught her. Since episode one Sousa was investigating a strange blonde-haired woman with a scar on her right shoulder who he believed was helping Howard Stark. That woman was Peggy. And he actually figured that out in episode 1x05 and tried to arrest in her 1x06. Given that this is only an 8 episode season Sousa knew about Peggy for almost half the season, but was hunting her for technically the whole season. How is that you being invisible? How is that you getting away with it? How?? 
Peggy continues and says: “You think you know me, but I've never been more than what each of you has created. [At Dooley] To you, I'm the stray kitten, left on your doorstep to be protected. [At Jack] The secretary turned damsel in distress. [At Sousa] The girl on the pedestal, transformed into some daft whore." This statement was also weird as fuck to me because Sousa never thought she was a whore, never called her a whore, and never accused her of being a whore, etc. When the SSR found out Peggy was helping Howard Stark they were trying to figure out why she would do it. A working theory was she was in love with him (a fair theory given Howard’s a bit of a womanizer and actually has hit on Peggy in the past). So Sousa (along with literally everyone else interviewing her) accused her of having an affair with Howard. But somehow only Sousa received that scalding drag, when technically it was true of everyone. Also how was he viewing her on a pedestal when he called her out all the time (during their “quirky banter”) and once again, investigated her for terrorism. Some pedestal huh. (This quote actually bugs me a lot because some people to this day will reference it as a reason to hate Sousa - “He was obsessed with her and then when he thought she was with Howard he called her a whore!” That never happened, that’s Peggy’s false version of events. I have eyes and a working brain and I watched the season myself and it’s simply untrue.)
Peggy will just say stuff that sound Cool and Empowering but if you break it down and analyze it, make no sense and mean absolutely nothing. It’s just cringey.
And let’s not even get in to the ableist implications of Peggy fantasizing about Sousa suddenly having two legs and being able to walk perfectly. That was her romantic vision of him. A version that could not only walk, but dance. Who throws aside his cane like it was just an accessory. Okay.
I really did not like Agent Carter at all (problematic stuff aside the actual plot sucked) but I watched the whole thing because I was a fan of Peggy Carter and Jarvis and I really wanted to make it work. When it was cancelled I didn’t cry about it, I was actually relieved I wouldn’t have to watch a third season. That show was just such a cringey, embarrassing mess.
Sorry for the long rant about it. It’s been a long time since I talked about this show and it still bothers me to this day because people reflect on the show so fondly and are still making petitions to bring it back as if it’s wasn’t a heaping mess.
Thank God Sousa was saved from that show. lol
Disclaimer to anyone reading this: Me hating the Agenter Carter show is not me hating Peggy Carter. Obviously I love my mans Sousa, and I also love Jarvis and Angie. I loved a lot of the characters and my issues with the show has to do with the showrunners and the writing.
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agl03 · 5 years
some people are so creepy with what lil or iain are doing (especially now that the show is over) like they will stalk their every step and their families instagrams just to find out stuff.It’s just wrong bc i feel like they are the most private about their families unlike the other cast members but that just makes people much more curious. They seem like people that commit fully to a job and go MIA. I get why people wanna know but i wish they could just enjoy whatever they are willing to share.
Hi Anon,
Some may have noticed I get a bit “testy” in some of my responses when it comes to Iain and the other cast and if its been a long time since we’ve ‘seen’ them kind of asks.  Because yes, these are actual human people that have every right to their privacy and to share what they want when they want.  They owe us fans absolutely nothing.   They don’t have to post telling us where they are, they don’t have to come to cons, they don’t have to maintain a daily presence.   Like I wouldn’t want you guys stalking my social media for my every move...trust me its pretty boring.  
And yes I have frankly been scared by some of the lengths fans have gone to get information on some on the cast members.   Some of the things I’ve heard over the years would make your toes curl.   And no I will not respond to a “What did you hear ask”.  
I followed a lot of the cast and crew on social media as part of my notes for theorizing.   But it wasn’t all I did, I just would check in a few times a day.  And some days I got nothing and then some days Ming posts a picture of Lil directing or a picture Enver’s thank you gift.  
I do understand that the characters mean a lot to the fans.  Otherwise we all wouldn’t be on here.  I respect and understand we have some cases that a character or show have saved a life.  The show and the fandom have been my escape over a very difficult few years in my life. I don’t know what I would have done without my metas and asks to take my mind off of things or my dear dear dear friends that let me vent or gave me a shoulder to cry on.   
There is a level of comfort that comes from seeing Chloe posting fun videos from set with Wally or singing with Jeff.   Or Briana spinning around in a Chair on the Zephry before she falls over.  Not only is there the comfort of them filming so you know they are in the mix but also its fun to look at the clues from costumes, make up (ie who has boo boos), and the sets.  But those are what they chose to publicly share with us.  I feel that some got more upset and desperate as the show put Social Media on Lock down for spoilers.  
The best advice I feel I can give on this kind of thing is to not feed it.  If someone posts something that they got through a less than desirable means don’t interact with it, don’t pass it on.  If it doesn’t get attention its not as powerful.  I also appreciate those who have been brave enough to call out those who post pictures from private accounts of close friends or family kinds of things.  
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