#who need kisses when we have secrets touches?šŸ˜…
hopelesslygaysstuff Ā· 4 months
Heyy, long time no talk! Lifeā€™s been kinda crazy but Iā€™ve just had a Wanda thought so why not come here to share it
So Iā€™m my Bridgerton era right now and I canā€™t stop thinking about Wanda in all of those amazing dresses and how cute she would be at a ball.
But imagine you and her being best friends, but also being in love. Now of course during that time you know nothing about sex or anything of that nature, but Wanda being the avid reader that she is (she definitely reads smut), learns about all of the different ways you can be pleasured. One night when the two of you are kissing Wanda craves more. She canā€™t stop thinking about something she read, so she pulls away from the kiss for a moment. ā€œDarling, do you think that we could try something that I read about?ā€ Of course you agree so she has you lay down. She starts moving down towards the hem of your night dress and lifts it up. Being met with the beautiful sight of you bare and drenched. You look at her bewildered but let her keep going because youā€™ve never felt this type of heat before. She slowly lowers her head, nerves almost getting the best of her but she canā€™t deny how much she wants to know what you taste like. You feel her tongue on you for the first time and you canā€™t help but jerk and moan. Wanda feels like sheā€™s in Heaven. She suddenly realized why her parents and every one of the Ton keeps the pleasure of sex a secret. If she has know the joys of it she might have acted rash and cause a scandal by taking you in the halls during a ball. She becomes addicted to the taste and scent of you, devouring you as if she had never had tasted anything so divine. You canā€™t contain yourself as your body involuntarily thrashā€™s and moans fly out of your mouth. You feel a sudden surge of heat from deep within and the pleasure intensifies tenfold. A broken moan comes from your throat as your mouth hangs open and your body stiffens. Wanda, who is new to this and unaware that youā€™ve just came, keeps going not knowing you would grow incredibly sensitive. You start pushing her head away pulling her towards you. Everything in your being desperately wanting to feel her lips on your own. The moment they touch yours you feel contest. Nothing could be more perfect in this moment. She pulls back from the , laying her forehead upon yours. ā€œNow I need to find whoever that author was who wrote that book and thank them,ā€ she hears you say slightly out of breath. She smiles and laughs, telling you that she will tell you all about the author and what else intrigued her about the book.
Whew thatā€™s long but I feel like you will enjoy the read, at least I hope you do šŸ˜… Anywayssss I do hope you are doing good!!! And Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be here again when I get an itch to share my Wanda thoughts that wonā€™t go away. Much love!! ā™”
Ooooooh you always serve with these omg
I love the trope of innocent reader and knowledgeable Wanda and she's such a service top in this I love it. God, the way she would overstimulate you and admire the way your body flushes under the candlelight as your arch your back for her.
Wanda making you taste yourself on your lips? Whispering about how divine you taste and how badly she's craved this and how wet she got just reading about it.
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sophiie2000 Ā· 2 years
MK LI's React To MC Being PregnantĀ 
Hey Guys!šŸ¤—
So I made these little HCs casually to break up some of the longer writings I have been doing. I didn't plan on posting them at the time because they seemed so far fetched from what would actually happen in Masquerade Kiss that I didn't think anyone else would be interested in them!
But then I saw a post shared by someone where it said write and post ideas that YOU would want to read, so I thought why the hell not post it! šŸ˜‚šŸ’ž
Who knows, maybe someone who reads this post will enjoy it!šŸ˜…šŸ„°
Or maybe I'm the only one who enjoys the idea of tying down these men! šŸ¤«šŸ˜
Anyway, these are the reactions of Kazuomi, Yuzuru and Kei to MC announcing she is pregnant!
I'll be honest, it's pretty fluffy with a little bit of angst thrown in!
Characters are not my own, and belong to Voltage Inc.
Kazuomi Shidoā€¦
When he invited MC out for date Kazuomi had expected the night to go in much the same way as it usually did. Wine and dine, exchanging teasing remarks, build up one anotherā€™s desire, and end the night locked in a steamy embraceā€¦
What he did not anticipate, was MC picking at her food, being distant, and not touching any alcohol.Ā 
He knew when they both arrived back in his suite he would try encourage MC to share her secret. What was bothering her? He would never admit it, but her acting differently from usual set him on edge too.Ā 
He had anticipated an evening of probing, a game to try get MC to divulge her secret. He had not expected MC to suddenly blurt out that she had something she needed to tell him.Ā 
There had only been a handful of times Kazuomi had ever seen MC nervous or unsure before discussing something with himā€¦Ā When telling him who she really was; When she was a target; When she left the EAC; and when she decided to get back into espionage.Ā 
What MC told Kazuomi next, was something he had never expected.
He looked down at his hands, which held the pregnancy test MC had just removed from her bag.Ā 
ā€œYouā€™re pregnantā€¦ā€Ā he responded quietly, eyes focused intently on the positive test.Ā 
ā€œI-I donā€™t know what to do Kazuomiā€¦ I-I mean, we never planned any of thisā€¦ Iā€™m meā€¦ and youā€™reā€¦ well you.ā€Ā MC struggled to get the words out.Ā 
Kazuomi could feel her anxiety. Heck he felt anxious too. But he was too stunned in this moment to comprehend fully what was happening. He didnā€™t have the mental wherewithal to soothe his lover when he hadnā€™t fully grasped the situation.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m sorry MC, could you give me some time?ā€Ā The words were all he could force out. They hurt to say, and he could sense the hurt MC felt as he gently pushed her away.Ā 
All he could picture was the sad, desolate life he had as a youth. Living on the streets, never knowing when his next meal would come. Alone.
Could he offer a child a happy life? He wasnā€™t sure what was needed to provide a child with a happy childhood, not when his had been so far from one.Ā 
What made matters more complicated was his and MCā€™s lifestyles didnā€™t exactly screamĀ ā€˜Letā€™s start a family!ā€™Ā as a spy and a businessman who tinkered on the fine line of right and wrong.Ā 
A few days passed, and after much thinking, the news had finally set in.
Kazuomi had been busy in those few days, and he was finally ready to discuss this properly with MC. He even had a surprise of his own for her.Ā 
When he rang MC inviting her over, he could hear the stress in her voice. He felt his chest tighten. His inability to comprehend things at the time had left MC dealing with the burden of both their anxieties alone.Ā 
But he knew he was ready to help ease that burden now. He knew what he wanted to say.
When MC arrived at his place, Kazuomi immediately blindfolded her.Ā 
ā€œKazuomi! What are you doing?!ā€Ā MC screeched at him. He only chuckled in response and placed a chaste kiss to her forehead.Ā 
ā€œI have a surprise for you. Trust meā€¦ just this onceā€Ā he responded in his usual teasing tone.
Being blindfolded, MC could not see the way his lips curled up into a gentle smile as he guided his woman through his home, and into a spare room adjacent to his own bedroom.
Undoing the blindfold, Kazuomi pressed his lips to the back of MCā€™s head, as he uncovered her eyes and revealed the room.Ā 
MCā€™s eyes widened in great surprise. Tears filling their corners. Her eyes surveyed the freshly decorated room.Ā 
ā€œW-what is this, Kazuomi?ā€Ā She asked, emotion burning in her tone.Ā 
ā€œI thought this could be the babyā€™s nurseryā€Ā Kazuomi responded, his hands firmly gripping MCā€™s arms.Ā 
The room had been painted in neutral tones. A cot sat in one part of the room, a rocking chair with a blanket seated beside it. A changing table lay against the back wall. Nappies, baby lotions, wipes placed neatly on a cupboard beside it. Various toys were neatly piled in another location in the room.Ā It was perfect.Ā 
ā€œThis isnā€™t allā€¦ Iā€™ve also opened a savingā€™s account called ā€˜baby Shido fundā€™ ready to start putting money aside for when our baby grows upā€
ā€œYou, the third richest man in the world, has opened a savings account?ā€Ā MC laughed. Kazuomi simply smiled.
ā€œMy birth family had everything, until they had nothing. I donā€™t want to risk our baby going through the same sad childhood I had. This savings account will be all theirs, ready when it is needed. Whether that be for university, their first home, or if something happens to usā€¦ theyā€™ll be okā€¦ they wonā€™t ever have to know what it is like to survive on the streets. I promiseā€Ā 
Kazuomi pulled MC to him, burying his head in the crook of her neck. When he had first found out she was pregnant, it had scared him.Ā 
Yet in this moment it felt right. They may not had planned thisā€¦ yes MC may be a spy, and he may be himā€¦ but they were going to be the best parents to their baby.
Before MC, Kazuomi had been content living a life of solitude and engaging in loveless relations. Now, she had shown him the warmth of loving someone, and was giving him the privilege of loving and raising his own child.
Yuzuru Shibaā€¦
In the years since Yuzuru had entered into a relationship with MC, both had changed in a number of ways. One way in which Yuzuru had changed, was that he had become much more aware of the feelings and changes in other people.Ā 
So, when MC had started behaving differently in recent weeks, Yuzuru noticed.Ā 
He had tried to subtly get MC to tell him what was going on. Was it a difficult mission? Was she eating and sleeping properly? Was she sick?Ā 
Each time he asked MC about her day, however, she regaled the usual story. Missions were simple at the moment, she was eating fine, if anything more than usual, she was tired but nothing she couldnā€™t handle. Yet she always avoided answering if she was sick.
MC had stayed that night, yet when Yuzuru woke up, she was not beside him in bed. Instead, he heard the sounds of her being sick in the bathroom.
His hands felt the warm sheets beside him, telling him she had not been up long.Ā 
Making his way to the bathroom, he called out to MCā€¦Ā ā€œI knew something was wrong, youā€™re sick arenā€™t you!ā€Ā 
ā€œNo!ā€Ā MC yelled back, flushing the toilet and vacating the bathroom.Ā ā€œNoā€¦ Iā€™m not sickā€
How could she say she wasnā€™t sick when he had just heard her throwing up through the door?Ā 
Yuzuru was about to respond, frustrated, but MC thrusting something into his hand gave him pause.Ā 
In his hand he held a pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test.Ā 
MC then handed Yuzuru four more tests, from different companyā€™s all displaying positive results.Ā 
Yuzuruā€™s eyes bulged in shock. His mouth went dry. He looked between MC and the test numerous times, before he made his way into his secret room. The heavy metal door locking firmly behind him.Ā 
He placed the positive test down on his desk. His eyes then automatically moved to the picture frame on one of the shelves. The man, woman and two smiling boysā€¦ a happy familyā€¦ looked back at him.Ā 
The sort of family he had lost so young. Jun had taken care of him, and while he had many misgivings about his time in Italy, he was thankful for what she had done for him.
But he wasnā€™t sure he knew what being a family truly meant.Ā 
He had devoted himself to his work. Until MC, he had never fully considered being a family with anyone. Although, since his relationship with MC began he had begun to picture marriage for love rather than for convenience.Ā 
But a child? Was something like that possible for them?
As he thought about it more and more, Yuzuru came to the same answer over and over.Ā 
ā€œYuzuru, you have been in here for 4 hours now. MC is still sat in the living room are you going to ask her to stay the night again?ā€Ā The sound of Victoria brought Yuzuru out of his trance.Ā 
MC?! Rushing from the room, he approached MC where she sat calmly waiting for him.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m sorry MCā€¦ something has come up. I need you to go home for today, Iā€™ll contact you again as soon as Iā€™ve sorted thisā€¦ I promiseā€Ā He spoke, kissing her gently and watching her go.
As soon as she leaves, Yuzuru enters his secret room once again. He doesnā€™t emerge again for three days, despite warnings from Victoria about his lack of sleep.
Finally, after three days he is finished with what he has been preparing, and contacts MC asking her to visit him at his home when she has the time.
A few hours later, MC arrived at Yuzuruā€™s home.Ā 
ā€œWere you working?ā€Ā He asked surprised under the circumstances.Ā 
ā€œIt was just a surveillance mission, and anyway I canā€™t exactly not show up to work when no one else knows Iā€™m pregnantā€Ā 
Yuzuru smiled softly at her. Soā€¦ only they knew still. He then asked her to wait for him to return on the sofa, quickly rushing into the secret room he had spent the last three days holed up in.Ā 
Blushing slightly, Yuzuru emerged with his hands behind his back.Ā 
ā€œLookā€¦ MCā€¦ Iā€™m sorry for holing myself away these last few days, especially when you needed me most. I just wanted to show you how serious I am about all thisā€¦ā€
Suddenly, he brings out from behind his back two handmade toys. A space rocket and a doll house.Ā 
ā€œYuzuru?ā€Ā MC asked, her eyes wide in wonder and a smile gracing her features.Ā 
ā€œI wanted to make our baby one of their first toysā€¦ but I not knowing if they are a boy or a girl, or what they would like playing withā€¦ maybe theyā€™ll like dolls, or maybe theyā€™ll be like me and love space and mechanics. All I know is, theyā€™ll be ours. And I will adore them always.ā€
MC teared up hearing his confession.Ā ā€œYou want this? Youā€™re sure?ā€Ā 
ā€œI couldnā€™t imagine anything happier than being a family with you, MC. I love you. And I canā€™t wait to get to love a miniature us running aroundā€
Yuzuru pulled MC to him, pressing his forehead to hers, he closed his eyes and smiled.Ā 
Ā ā€œOh and MCā€¦ā€
ā€œYes Yuzu?ā€
ā€œJust so weā€™re both in agreement, you need to tell the EAC about this sooner rather than later, so they donā€™t try sending you out on any dangerous missions for a whileā€
MC laughed, agreeing happily
Who would have thought the CEO of Shiba would one day be starting a family with the woman he loved? A spy at that? Yuzuru himself, certainly never expected it.
But he was ready to provide his own little family with the lifetime of happiness he had wanted so desperately when he was growing up.
Kei Soejimaā€¦Ā 
When Kei had received a message from MC stating they needed to talk, he had felt himself grow cold with concern. He had readily agreed to her coming over to discuss whatever was bothering her and so he had made himself available for her arrival.Ā 
Hearing her pacing back and forth outside his door further increased his concern.Ā 
As such, he readily prepared a special blend of tea, known for its calming effects. One he knew MC would enjoy.Ā 
When she finally picked up the courage to enter his room, Kei acted as though he had not known she had been outside all this time. Welcoming her in and handing her the cup of tea with graceful movements.
Yet his eyes did not leave her. He tried to analyse her. What was she thinking? Was she sad? Worried? Angry? She certainly seemed nervous.Ā 
But what could be making her so nervous? Things had been going quite well between them recently.Ā 
The main stress facing them was MC still had not signed the contract to develop an agency with Kei.Ā Ā Could that be what was bothering her?
Yet what MC finally disclosed as the issue concerning her was so far from anything Kei had imagined, he was momentarily shocked speechless.Ā 
She had been very delicate in the way she told him that she was pregnant with his child, gently placing the positive tests on the table in front of them.Ā 
Kei felt the emotional trauma from his youth spread through him. The burns and scars on his body began to hurt, as if they were being inflicted all over again.
To keep himself safe, to distance himself, he slipped on his princely faƧade. His mask firmly in place he smiled charmingly at MC.Ā 
A dark shadow passed over his eyes as he relived those horrid days down in that church basement. His fingers, subconsciously, traced the outline of MCā€™s choker as she offered her warmth in a fruitless attempt to keep him with her in the moment.
Love had been such a foreign concept to Kei, until recently when he finally understood that feeling. While he understood it, he struggled still to accept these feelings of love. How was he supposed to learn to love another? A child?
As he struggled emotionally, Kei distanced himself from MC and the idea of being a father.Ā 
Days passed. Then weeks. Still his turmoil left him unable to face MC.
That was until Kazuomi and Yuzuru, who he had shared the news with, informed him MC would attending her first scan soon.Ā 
Had he really been so caught up in his past that he had left MC to deal with this alone for that long?
It seemed this was the news that Kei needed to cement him back in the present and fully understand what was happening.Ā 
He immediately called Luke asking for him to be the doctor seeing over MCā€™s pregnancy. He then called MC telling her he had arranged with Luke the first scan, and that he wished to attend with her.Ā 
When Kei and MC arrived for the scan, Kei was still cold. His eyes still held no light. Yet as he sat beside MC and watched as the scan picked up their baby the light finally returned to his hollowed eyes. A genuine smile even finding its way onto his face.
After returning home, Kei finally explained to MC what had been going through his mind when she first told him of her pregnancy.Ā 
ā€œI canā€™t promise you Iā€™ll be perfect, I truly do not know what I am doing, but I will support you and our child, MC. That is something I am certain of.ā€
He finally embraced MC, breathing in her scent and sharing her warmth. His cold finger tips seemed to warm slightly too.Ā 
He was still unsure of how to bring happiness to his child, but he was certain of two things.Ā 
Firstly, he was going to do his best to provide his child with a warm and happy childhood. And second, he actually felt a surprising excitement at the prospect of being a father.
Two facts, Kei never thought he would be experiencing himself. Yet it came as no surprise to him that the woman who taught him it was ok to love and be loved, would also be the one to teach him what it truly meant to be a family.
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ripnevillestrevor Ā· 3 months
heghan abcā€™s
Tumblr media
pairing: prince harry x ā€œreader/ocā€ x meghan markle
summary: no summary for this one, youā€™ll just have to read to find out ;)
warnings: smut ish, talk of sex, minors dni, only ooc if you know the royaltyā€™s but yā€™all donā€™t so haha šŸ˜›, LOWERCASE INTENDED
word count: 1,632.
note: iā€™m backkkk šŸ¤­ ok so the title is heghan abcā€™s but letā€™s be fr itā€™s mostly just harryā€™s abcā€™c. lmk if you guys want meghanā€™s abcā€™s. kinda proofread kinda not, please lmk if thereā€™s mistakes that need to be corrected. comments/requests are open!
important: i do not allow my work to be copied, republished, translated, or reproduced. please do not use this story on wattpad or on other platforms. respect the author's work <33
A- AFTERCARE (what heā€™s like after sex)
pda was always a thing, especially in public.
he loves to show his love for his girls.
so aftercare was most definitely a part of the relationship.
heā€™s always so stoic in the public eye but you know him entirely differently.
harry has described to you and meg how when we have kids, he plans to parent his children differently than Charles.
heā€™s been raised by THE Princess Diana, so of course, heā€™s going to treat the both of you like the women that you are.
heā€™s not a big one for the LEDā€™s but heā€™s still a very prepared person. he always has things to clean you up, now itā€™s not certain itā€™ll be all set up but itā€™s there šŸ˜…
he presses kisses up your legs as he gently cleans you.
after he was done he pulled you against his chest and talked to you for literally hours.
your future kids names, how much you both loved meghan, what drama you both thought was going on back at the palace. he always cares for you every time you guys have sex.
and he does 100.9% every time.
harry does it every single time.
B- BODY PART (his favorite body part of his & yours)
harry really does love all of you, but he spends a lot of time kissing, touching and rubbing your stomach though
so itā€™s safe to say that your stomach is probably his all-time favorite part of your body
your favorite part of his body is most likely his hands
not only do his hands make you feel safe when youā€™re holding them or when his hands are sat upon your stomach but the absolute ecstasy they can make you feel
when he fingers you it straight up makes your toes curl.
C- CUM (anything to do with cum, basically)
this oneā€™s a sensitive topic for the three of you but
harry loves the way your cum tastes.
he could spend hours between your legs, mouth lapping up all you have to offer him
itā€™s his favorite place to be, honestly.
youā€™re kinda shy about your cum, but harry loves it.
funnily enough you love his cum as much as he loves yours.
you love when he cums in your mouth.
and harry is almost more bashful about his cum then you are about yours.
cute boy is a little shy.
D- DIRTY SECRET (a dirty secret of his)
one of harryā€™s dirty secrets is he absolutely loves when you dominate him and he surrenders all control to you.
maybe heā€™s just way too polite, maybe itā€™s just a kink. who knows ?
thereā€™s always something new in his glaze when he secretly leads you to your secret hideout where no servant, no niece nor nephew can find the two of you.
he trusts you, you trust them it just works.
it makes both you and him feel loved, the way you both do things.
more specifically, the things you do- it makes him fall in love with you even more.
E- EXPERIENCE (how experienced is he? does he know what heā€™s doing?)
harryā€™s is not as experienced as you assumed he was before you and meghan started dating him.
I mean.. heā€™s a prince, surely heā€™s had- has girls flocking at their feet for him.
ā€œhow many girls were there before us?ā€
you couldnā€™t help but ask him because you knew he certainly wasnā€™t a virgin when you slept with him the first time
you were definitely shocked to say the least
you expected him to say 10 or something.
harry havenā€™t really slept around before he started dating you and meg.
sex wasnā€™t really an item on his mind at the time where he had wanted to find love. someone to be happy with.
but now that heā€™s dating you?
heā€™s practically addicted to sex
because sex with you and meg is 100 times better than sex with anybody else
soā€¦ yeah the Duke of Sussex wasnā€™t as experienced as some other guys
but it didnā€™t make you and meghan love him any less.
F- FAVORITE POSITION (this goes without saying tbh)
harry likes to look at you
heā€™s a very affectionate person
that trait was 100% used in the bedroom
he likes to see your reactions, to see how heā€™s making you feel.
he loves when your eyes roll back into your head as his tip rams into your g-spot
so his go-to position is face to face so he can look at that face.
heā€™s always murmuring ā€œmy darling girl,ā€ under his breath while heā€™s fucking you
most of his compliments during sex have to do with how beautiful he thinks you are
ā€œfucking gorgeous sweetheart, youā€™re absolutely stunningā€
ā€œyou look so beautiful bouncing on my cock love,ā€
he likes it when you ride him too
he can relax and watch you do all the work
and you always try so hard to please him
and he gets to freely run his hands down your body
but if youā€™re in a hurry heā€™ll always be up for a quick door-sex session.
G- GOOFY (is he more serious in the moment? more humorous? etc)
goofy isnā€™t a word you would use to describe harry especially during sex.
heā€™s more on the serious side but he isnā€™t emotionless during sex, oh no.
he takes sex seriously, itā€™s not some game to him.
harry takes your pleasure very seriously.
itā€™s important to him that you cum at least twice every time you guys have sex
that being said, itā€™s not as though you guys donā€™t have fun.
you always have fun when youā€™re being intimate with harry
especially when meghan walks in on the two of you asking for opinions on her baking
you both chuckle and go to cover up but sheā€™s not phased and just tell you both to ā€œchop chopā€
H- HAIR (how well groomed is he? does the carpet match the drapes?)
harryā€™s also been self-conscience about his hair, and how ā€œfull and lushā€ it was before it went to.. well
but.. heā€™s never shy about his pubic hair harry really doesnā€™t care what his pubic hair looks like
itā€™s never been a concern for him
you however usually demand that he trims it when it gets too long
though, youā€™re never the one to bring up the hair on his head as itā€™s a sensitive topic on his part.
ā€œyou want a blowjob? fix your forest.ā€
ā€œvery well darling, your wish is my command.ā€
and yes harry does allow you to be bossy
mostly because he loves it
like a lot ;)
I- INTIMACY (how is he during the moment? is he romantic?)
harry is the perfect amount of intimate that people would expect.
heā€™s always showing a little too much pda for the royal familyā€™s comfort but just enough for you.
most people just assume harry doesnā€™t truly care about anything or anyone just because heā€™s a prince. just because heā€™s raised in a family he never asked to be raised into.
but harry is so deeply in love with the two of you, so heā€™s way more intimate then even you ever expected a prince like him to be.
no matter what kind of mood heā€™s in, whether heā€™s jealous and angry or sad and just needs to feel you he always makes sure you know he loves you
gripping your hand while he thrusts into you
whispering ā€œfucking love you sweetheartā€ into your ear
thereā€™s always a little intimacy even when heā€™s pounding into you
harry always wants you to know how much he appreciates that youā€™re there with him despite all that heā€™s done to you and more specifically what his family has done to you.
J- JACK OFF (masturbation headcanon)
harry in general is not a very sexually driven guy
it really isnā€™t all that important to him
so of course he masturbates a decent amount, every guy does
but he doesnā€™t masturbate every second youā€™re not there to please him
if you turn down sex harry is completely fine with it, and doesnā€™t really feel the need to masturbate
heā€™ll just go ask meghan.
Iā€™m kiddingā€¦
but if you and meghan both turn down his temptations, he doesnā€™t push it.
you love that he doesnā€™t pressure you or meghan to make you feel like you have to have sex with him, itā€™s probably one of your favorite parts about him.
L- LOCATION (favorite places to do the deed)
somewhere private always
one of your secret hideouts
his office
your joint bedroom
a locked bathroom
never anywhere somebody could see you
because harry is sort of afraid of the violence heā€™s capable of.
so if any man ever saw you getting fucked
or saw that beautiful fucked out look on your face
harry is worried he would literally beat that guy to death
because he could
he would.
and if someone saw you stuffed full of cock, harry would want to beat them to death
so harry plays it safe and only fucks you in places that have a lockable door
also for women, well meghan can take care or those ;)
M- MOTIVATION (what turns him on?)
everything about you turns harry on
your ass
your tits
your legs
literally everything
but emotion is also a very strong motivator for him
whenever heā€™s upset about something (usually something having to do with his family) you and meghan also try to cheer him out ;)
harry needs to release that pent up tension somehow
and if he hadnā€™t met you or meghan, he would release that tension by breaking some poor guards nose.
but he would never hurt you
he breaks way less noses then he used to
yayyy im back, hoping to release more fics of all my drā€™s soon specifically my avatar so dwwww it will be out soon. also if you notice some letters missing, no you didnā€™t.. thank you for all the support with my fics :) hope you enjoyed!
return to my royalty dr masterlist
return to the main masterlist
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taegularities Ā· 9 months
Cmi review:
Theyā€™re such a cute couple I canā€™tšŸ˜æšŸ˜æ they love each other so much. You can tell no words can describe how much admiration they have for each other and Iā€™m in awe at how much of their love oozes of the pages, I feel it right in my heart.
ā€œYour soul was already awake, lit up from todayā€™s events; but he dunks it in a brighter shineā€ Iā€™m sobbing šŸ˜­, thereā€™s nothing bigger than their love and want for each other. I can only hope I find a love as true as this in my life
ā€œI knowā€¦ You donā€™t care.ā€ His hand leaves the nape of your neck, caressing your face. ā€œBut you care about me, yes? You care so much.ā€ I think this is the cutest piece of dialogue in the whole chapter for mešŸ˜­, he knows but just needs to say it out loud for him to really encapsulate what it means. I know kook fell so hard for her, but itā€™s in little moments like this I can actually see just fragments of HOW DEEP in love he is with her. Itā€™s the cutest ever
The tiešŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜…šŸ˜…
ā€œā€¦now if youā€™re daring me, Iā€™ll have to.ā€ Their banter is to die for, they never cease to amaze me
If I had 3 wishes, Iā€™d use TWO of them to be on the receiving end of cmi!Jkā€™s head gamešŸ˜Š, but maybe just me???
ā€œThereā€™s already a finger to your pussy.ā€ Iā€™m sorry I laughed so hard reading thisšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­, like he couldnā€™t even wait a good 5 secs without needing to touch her, but whereā€™s a jk when u need himšŸ™„
No and Iā€™ll say it againā€¦ when she turns around and heā€™s staring at her assšŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ idk if I wanna be him or her like you never fail to add something new and unconcerned a secret kink I didnā€™t know existed???šŸ˜…
ā€œSomewhere, it stings. That heā€™s surprised by constant company. By someone not leavingā€¦ by someone worth all his affection glueing themselves to him. And yet, you understand.ā€ My babiesšŸ˜£ we all just need a group hugšŸ«‚
Her relationship w her momšŸ˜­šŸ’” I wish her mom saw her as her own person and not just an extension of her legacy. Oc has such a beautiful personality and her capabilities go so far, but her parents only see her as what she can do for them. To have parents who have shown time and time again they donā€™t care about you as a personšŸ˜£ā€¦ Iā€™m glad she has the friends she does bc that takes such a toll on ppl and some donā€™t ever find a way out. Iā€™m so happy for heršŸ«¶
ā€œYou feel bad immediately ā€” even in a playful tone, your heart knows nothing for Jungkook but praise. You guess thatā€™s how kindness affects people.ā€ Stoppppp Iā€™m blushing awwwwšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø
Her meeting kooks mom by making a sex joke is sošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ like ofc when sheā€™s at most ease, kook has to set her up by having his mom overšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ this was like the funniest thing ever
ā€œWith those barely blinking, calm eyes. An ocean of fondness in them, a light, lost smile around his face. As though youā€™re soothing him, pumping oxygen into his lungs.ā€ HOW DO YOU COME UP WITH THESE LINESšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I JUST CLUTCHED MY CHEST AND SHOOK MY FIST IN THE AIR!!!! CURSE YOU RID, I FEEL SO LONELY ITS INSANE
Jks dadšŸ˜­šŸ’” I actually want to avenge him, I want so badly for his dad to sit him down and talk to him and apologize. Having a parent not talk to you/ show you their love and affection is so damaging. You can totally see how each of their relationships w their parents held a weight in their hearts during their breakup and how they both act towards lovešŸ˜žšŸ’”. I only want the best for them, but Iā€™m losing hope that either of their parents could ever reverse the trauma they put into their kids. My babyā€™s I just wanna hug themšŸ«‚
The constant kisses, kook is so head over heels itā€™s insanešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ļæ½ļæ½
ā€œThe plastic stars are twinkling ā€” or as much as plastic allows after all. Part of the ceiling is adorned with them; makes your shared space even more of a quiet sanctuary.ā€ EEEEEEEEKKKKKšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ hes so thoughtful like who would even think about bringing in plastic starsšŸ˜£šŸ«¶ the way they love each other even in the little things, puts so much faith back into love because this can happen!! Iā€™m so glad youā€™re able to share such cute and romantic aspects of a relationship (even if itā€™s fiction) because this can happen and people can be loved in such a way
ā€œyouā€™re always there for everyone. I want to be there for you, too, because your worries are just as real. Let me take care of you, tooā€¦ yes?ā€ Iā€™m literally tearing upšŸ„² she loves him so much
Iā€™m so excited to see more of rĆ­a and just family bsck home. I know they have such cute and embarrassing stories of kookšŸ˜‚
ā€œHe comes to a stand, one hand in his joggers; heā€™s not going to work until a bit later.ā€ Just what I needed in my mindšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
Heā€™s so stressed over her I canā€™t even imaginešŸ˜ž
ā€œHi. Itā€™s me, sweetheart.ā€ My heartšŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”
I love eunšŸ˜ž, I canā€™t wait to see more of herā€¦ & taeā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø
This whole scene is so heartbreaking. Iā€™ve seen couples really break up just because of a scare and they already have their own inner troubles, but this really solidified their relationship for me. WRITE THEIR NAMES IN THE MOON YA!!! But it was honestly so tear jerking, her crying relentlessly and him trying his best to comfort her even though heā€™s equally as scared. I love this couple so much I didnā€™t even know it was possible to love them morešŸ«¶
KoooooooookkkkšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶ stawpppppp Iā€™m gonna tear up, I canā€™t believe we got it so soonšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ I feel like they even transcended beyond ā€œI love youā€, you could feel the love radiating from them since silhouettes really!!! They are love personified and I canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s in store for them
Hi!! Doing it a bit diff this timešŸ˜œ. Sorry for being MIA after telling you how much I loved CMI, a lot of stuff had happened/happening in my life and Iā€™m not really ā€œokayā€ about anything yet, I still have a lot to work through, but I think Iā€™ll get there soon? (I hope). Just had to makes sure i sent this in because itā€™s the least I could do for all that youā€™ve done sharing this story with the worldšŸ«¶
And How are you rid? I hope youā€™re doing well and taking things day by day. I miss you lots and hopefully soon I can check up on you againšŸ«¶ I know life is a lot and thereā€™s so much factors into how we feel but just know Iā€™m by your side and always rooting for you, youā€™re never alone as long as Iā€™m herešŸ©·
And please do whatever your heart really wants. I wouldnā€™t want you to leave because youā€™re one of the happiest things on tumblr for me and itā€™s one of our only ways of communicating, but I support no matter what decision you decide. All your feelings are valid and you deserve to be on here feeling loved. Iā€™m all for you choosing happiness and thatā€™s all I truly want for you riddie.
Please take care of yourself I love you
STARRR STAR THANK YOUUUU!!!! oh my god, i love your reviews so much!! even if it takes me a bit to get to them, i enjoy reading and rereading them a lot, like you're so incredibly kind and supportive like šŸ˜­
i'm so beyond thrilled that you liked cmi11!!! i'm saying it rn, we will one day love and be loved just the same, lighting candles rn rn!!!
the banter will never cease lmao like that's who they are :'D i'm happy you're still enjoying it and there's so much more where that came from!! like, can you believe we're just halfway through? the shenanigans between them shall only increase!! also yesā€¦ the tie @.@ you'd use 2 wishes to be on the receiving end of his head game? that makes two of us, starā€¦ then again, can fully understand being confused about who you'd rather like to be, bc i also have a crush on both of them </3 always there to help you explore unknown kinks šŸ¤£
her mom is indeed a beast to conquer :( we can just hope that she takes a bit of time to think about her daughter and who she truly is. to reflect on her anger and come to terms with the fact that her girl has grown and is such a wonderful person, even without charmante. oc will definitely be burdened by this neglect for a long time, but what a relief that she has her friends and kook <3
BUT THEN AGAIN HIS MOM AHHH I KNOWWW HAHAHA THE SEX JOKE. she's such a clown and jk knows, too šŸ˜­ that was so so evil of him though šŸ˜­ "how they both act towards love" hurt me so much :( please do give them the tightest hug. they so deserve it sigh. and don't lose hope šŸ„ŗ we shall see how things play out, there's still a lot to go!! :D
you're so rightā€¦ this can happen šŸ„ŗ i've experienced love in the most painful way and have had moments where i gave up on it, too, but honestlyā€¦Ā this can exist, so we need to keep hoping that one day, we will be loved in such a way, too šŸ¤ it can absolutely happen. talking of romance, you shall see more of eun and tae sometime soon for sure šŸ˜›
yeahā€¦ pregnancy scares are no joke. it needs quite a bit of resilience and patience to withstand that stress and be there for your loved one, no matter what, and oc was definitely fearing that jungkook might not hold on. but he did prove to her that he'd stay, no matter the result šŸ„ŗ ugh, god, they were both so broken im gonna cry too fkashfkajjf
and the confession actually did make me cry so much lol i remember writing the first 'i love you' and pausing and starting to sob like crazy kjfhsykjfhsafgjk and yes, there was definitely something going on since silhouettes ahhh :') 'love personified' šŸ„ŗ star šŸ„ŗ
don't worry about taking a bit to get back to me!! i can be so slow, too. i'm just glad you're here and i hope you feel a lot better soon. life is so cruel ugh and you deserve all the happiness and love in the world šŸ„ŗ i'm here if you ever need to talk!! thank you for your kindness regardless <3
i've beenā€¦ okayyy. it's a constant up and down, but it's gotten a bit better, so let's see. i miss you as well <3 thank you for reaching out, for saying all you said and for being so sweet to me. i love you sm šŸ¤
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gusu-hotel Ā· 3 years
Stolen caresses compilationšŸ„²
source IG: @_xx.13_
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šŸ‘‘ Being Seijoh's Manager šŸ‘‘
Miss Manager Secretly Dating Iwaizumi Hajime
Tumblr media
Iwaizumi Hajime featuring Seijoh x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, Toru Oikawa
AN: This is an Anon request!
šŸŒ  Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing šŸŒ 
Ok Tiffany YN
Sorry habit šŸ˜… šŸ¤øā€ā™€ļø
You are the luckiest bitch to ever exist šŸ’“
And I mean that with all the pettiness I hold in my heart
Seriously YN?
As in future, timeskip IWAIZUMI HAJIME, 27, ATHLETIC TRAINER šŸ—£
God I can not STAND YOU šŸ˜­
It's always hard seeing people living out your dreams šŸ˜¢
Anyways enough of me being a petty jerk
Let's move onto you
Freaking gorgeous? No spectacular? No amazing?
All of the above āœ”ļø
The fact that you landed at Seijoh and Seijoh landed you as their manager?
Where do I even start??
You are a transfer student your third year
Ouch šŸ„“
But never fear YN, the welcome wagon is here šŸ„³
The welcome wagon includes Oikawa and that's it šŸ˜…
So maybe you should fear
Anyways, Oikawa approaches you and sits across from you at lunch
"Hello gorgeous and who might you be?"- Oikawa
Eww gag šŸ¤¢
"Umm I'm YN"
"YN is such a pretty name. Has anyone shown you around school yet? Maybe I could-"
"LOSERKAWA WHAT THE F-" Iwaizumi, stopping dead and staring at you šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘
Freaking spectacular šŸ˜
He's never seen someone as gorgeous as you
You smile and wave at him because šŸ¤¤ ughhh he's so hot šŸ˜­
"Iwa-chan!! I was just about to show YN around the school!"- Oikawa
"Ummm no you weren't"- you
Iwa šŸ‘‰šŸ» instant love ā¤ļø
"YN- chan šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­"- Oikawa
"Shut it shittykawa"- Iwa
Thus begins a blossoming friendship šŸ˜
On that regularly involves bullying of one Toru Oikawa šŸ‘šŸ»
When you find out you need a club, you ask Iwaizumi for suggestion
You tell him the swim team needs a manager but you aren't sure
Iwaizumi is not, I repeat NOT going to let you manage the Swim Team YN šŸ™…ā€ā™‚ļø
"You know we could use a manager on the Volleyball team"- Iwaizumi
"REALLY šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©"- You behind so freaking adorable
Iwa is melting bro
He has the biggest freaking crush on you
So when you ultimately become manager, the crush only intensifies
Serious he will growl at Mattsun and Makki for even touching you
If Oikawa touches you, he's going to cannonball a volleyball so hard at his head you aren't sure Oiks will recover
Better make sure your first aid training is up to date YN šŸ˜…
The final straw for Iwa is when Oikawa asks you to come over to his house and watch tapes to prepare for the prelims
No way in HELL is that happening without Iwa there
"YN can I talk with you?"- Iwa, already pulling you the hallway
"Umm sure Haji"- you
God he loves when you say his name šŸ˜­
He doesn't even stop before he's pulling you into kiss him
Seriously man is bold āœ‹ļø
When he pulls back, he does that adorable thing where he lays his forehead on yours and you literally melt
"Go out with me"- Iwa, our dream man
"Ok"- you šŸ„ŗ
Thus begins the ship that is IwaYN
When you start dating, you do it on the down low
Because you and Haji enjoy spending time just the two of you
Iwaizumi does not like that you are keeping your ship a secret
He would rather everyone knows your his
Literally this man is into PDA and the fact that he can't touch you šŸ‘€
It drives him insane!
Also the fact that you made him promise to not murder Oiks everytime he talks to you šŸ¤£
That takes some serious restraint!
Nevertheless, you manage to keep your relationship secret for 2 months
Then it finally happens
You are at the interhigh prelims
The boys are practicing when you decide to quickly sneak out to use the restroom
You think nobody will notice your gone
Thing again
Within .02 seconds Iwaizumi has noticed
He's frantic šŸ˜³
"Have you guys seen YN?"- Iwa
"Dude chill she probably just went to fill up water bottles or something?"- Mattsun
"Who knows, maybe she went to talk to that guy who asked for her number earlier?"- Makki says shrugging
Wrong thing to say šŸ˜ƒ
"What guy?"- Iwa clips, literally radiating bad energy
He stomps to the gym doors and out, Makki and Mattsun follow
"Hey were are you guys going?"- Oikawa
Oiks never wants to be left out
Meanwhile you just happen to be leaving the bathroom and walk straight into the back of Karasuno's Ace
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"- you
"Oh no! I shouldn't have been just standing there"- Asahi
You go to side step him when you see Iwa blazing through the crowd, the crew behind him
"Haji what's wrong-" you
"Is that the guy who asked for your number?? I kill him!"- Iwa
Whoo what??
"Haji nobody asked for my number! What are you-"
Before you can even say another word, Iwa's mouth is on yours and you are being kissed like your life depends on it šŸ„°
Makki and Mattsuns jaws are dropped šŸ˜²
Oikawa is passed out on the floor šŸ’€
The other teams are just staring šŸ˜³
Iwa pulls away and says "alright listen up! Yn is my girlfriend and anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who so much as breathes in her direction will get a face full of my fist"
Ok then šŸ˜ƒ
Makki and Mattsun are both smirking now šŸ˜
Oikawa is still on the floor
Someone check on him
Or don't
"Come on YN, we have a game to win"- Iwa, pulling you to the gym
Don't fight it YN, there's nothing you can do šŸ„°
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mondscheinprinzessin Ā· 3 years
confused 20-year-old joonas trying to figure out how to navigate crushing on two of his best friends šŸ„ŗ the possibilities for angst and pining are endless with the ot6
i agree that tommi is quite hard to get a grasp on. if niko, olli and joonas are tigether at the point he joins i feel like tommi would at first build more like 3 individual relationship before he starts to feel like it's the 4 of them together?
joel having a breakdown about his feelings would be very on brand for him
Angst and Pining you say? Oh boy that sounds lovely and I'm all in for it. You have six people here who have the possibility of pining for each other, the Angst is off the roof.
And then Joonas gets unsure about his touching because he's a tactile person but maybe he's overdoing it and it's getting suspicious and then he overthinks it and Olli notices it thinks Joonas is withdrawing of him because of Niko and Niko thinks he may have done something wrong and upset Joonas so he doesn't get the usual kisses anymore.
Only when Joonas realizes they're all upset and sees Joel getting anxious over the situation because he can't have another thing not working out in his life and needs the band to make it and not have three members have a fallout, that's when Joonas decides they need to talk and grabs Olli and Niko.
But do Niko and Olli want to get into a relationship with someone who loves another person as well, can they handle that? They try out with a few dates first and not jump head first into a relationship to see if it works and they find out they don't mind at all. Actually it feels weird now to be in twos as if someone is missing from them. There still is a feeling that something is missing but the three of them manage. (Deep down all the married couples jokes about him and Joel made Joonas heart flutter but he didn't admit it yet because he was afraid Niko and Olli wouldn't say yes to it).
Tommi definitely feels a deeper connection with Joonas and Olli first, simply because he knows them the longest and they have shared all their secrets and problems, and sees Niko only as competition at first and may be a bit grumpy to him before he spills the tea. He's not one to show his feelings too much so how the hell should we have known, Tommi?, Olli asks and slaps him on the shoulder.
Joel craves attention and touch so badly that he worries it will get weird between him and the couples but he can't deny it himself fully and we're getting to the breakdown again. I always get him to be overwhelmed until he can't take it, aren't I? Sorry JoelšŸ˜…
But like you said Tommi would try out with Niko and Joel individually to see if they fit, he already knows it does with Olli and Joonas, and only when he sees it could work does the fully commit.
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autumnsnuggling Ā· 4 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
I was tagged by the amazing @professordrarryĀ @rockmarina and @maesterchill to do this! Thanks guys, sorry it took so long, life is mean šŸ¤£
Fandoms: Harry Potter. I am a simple girl with simple needs. I mainly do Drarry but have dabbled in other pairings with varying amounts of success šŸ˜…Ā 
Tropes: Um... Where to begin? A lot of them? I LOVE getting together fics, working out all the dynamics, getting over things, SNARK. ALL THE SNARK lol, so Iā€™ve written many a few of those... Ahem. Then anything where they have shitty mental health lol, Eighth Year, Touch Starved... I canā€™t think of any others, but I love SO MANY! The usual ones like forced bonding, fake dating, getting back together, Professor AU, Soulmates, sick fics are all to come :D
Number of Fics:Ā See, are you counting drabbles (which for me is anything under 1k) as fics? If you are then itā€™s 52. If not, then itā€™s literally half that lmao. 26 of each!
Fic Iā€™ve spent the most time on:Ā Um... I donā€™t know actually.. Probably A Change of Chemistry, which would then closely be followed by my current WIP, CluelessĀ :)
Fic Iā€™ve spent the least time on:Ā Um... Drabble wise thereā€™s quite a few that I just churned out, like First Time for Everything, but actual fic? Um...Ā To be honest, many of them I didnā€™t spend THAT much time on, but I feel like I need to mention The Boy Who Lived (To Not Be a Boy) because I wrote 11k in 4 days and that has NEVER happened before so, although thatā€™s a lot of time compressed into one, it didnā€™t feel like it!Ā 
Longest fic: The Boy Who Lived (To Not Be a Boy)Ā - 26k!
Shortest:Ā I technically have a 100 word drabble from the drabble challenge which you can find here, but this is my shortest drabble that I made without a word restriction!
Most hits:Ā It Began With a Royal Sticky Mess...Ā which I am STILL going to write the third part for, I PROMISE!
Most kudos: The same fic šŸ˜…
Fic you want to rewrite or expand:Ā Rewrite? Too many to list. I want to go through most of my fics and edit tbh, because Iā€™ve improved so much in terms of writing style and time enables you to see silly mistakes. But hey, Iā€™m trying to love my imperfect writing lol. Expand? I know I definitely want to write a sequel to A Change of Chemistry, and also a second part to Silence. But thatā€™s all I know for now!
Most bookmarks:Ā Surprise surprise, itā€™sĀ It Began With a Royal Sticky Mess...Ā lol
Total words combined:Ā Um, 119249! Thatā€™s pretty cool considering I started in Feb last year!
Fav fic you wrote:Ā AHH SO MANY! Drabbles? ā€œDo It Againā€Ā (because I am a SUCKER and I actually did something kinda hot here for once!)Ā My Little WindmillĀ (because I was sad when I wrote it and it cheered me up) and Peace at LastĀ (a very self-indulgent piece thatā€™s probably very ooc for Draco but I donā€™t care lol)! And then actual fics? I fucking LOVED writing Iā€™m Proud of YouĀ andĀ It Began With a Royal Sticky Mess...Ā and Iā€™m really proud of the wayĀ CluelessĀ  is turning out, plusĀ A Change of ChemistryĀ and The Boy Who Lived (To Not Be a Boy)! So... Basically most of my longer ones lol
Share a bit of your wip or idea if you have anything planned:
Hehe! This is from a fic entitledĀ ā€˜This Land is Mine (But Iā€™ll Let You Rule)ā€™. First chapter tentatively finished. Weā€™ll see what happens with the others!
TW BREAKUP (not Drarry)Ā 
He'd said it.Ā 
Sweet fuck he'd said it. Gently, and softly, and hesitantly, smiling shyly with those tender lips that he'd kissed so many times before. Lips that had ghosted over his in early mornings, or that he'd captured roughly as shirts and shoes were discarded. Lips that mapped his body with so much devotion, so much adoration.Ā 
It was hushed, barely a breath, a forbidden secret, yet the words reverberated like a clanging gong, igniting sparks in his chest, sending blood rushing to his ears, catching his breath in his throat. As happy, sweet, deep chocolate eyes sparkled, Harry swallowed, unable to stop his words from tumbling out.
"We need to break up."
And finally we turn to tagging! No idea if youā€™ve done this so no worries if you have, and if you donā€™t want too, no pressure! @slytherco, @rockmarina, @gnarf, and @jet-playin-around! :D
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