#who needs an umbrella when you have F E A T H E R D U S T E R
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it CAN'T just be me who's thinking it
[Image ID: an image of Jon Hamm as the archangel Gabriel from a poster for Good Omens Season 2, side by side with an image of Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor from Doctor Who. They are both wearing colourful patterned sweater vests, collared shirts, a tie and a long coat. End ID]
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Cuddles were definitely a favourite of YangYang, he would try and keep himself cuddled up to you as much as he could and keep you close, often running his hands through your hair or encouraging you to do the same to him.
You both found yourselves bumping into each other a lot on your ways home from work until one day you both found yourselves caught a rain shower. After offering your umbrella up to him to try and keep him out of the rain too, the two of you soon got chatting and never looked back since.
YangYang’s confession to you was as romantic as you could have dreamt. He paid close attention to the things you said so when you mentioned you always loved the idea of a night time love proposal, he made sure that that was what you got from him. A lot of thought went into it, and thankfully as far as YangYang was concerned it all went perfectly too for you both.
Your dates with YangYang varied a lot, you never found one thing that you could settle on as a go to for your dates. However, you did often find yourselves having games nights together, especially throughout the recent winter when it was far too cold out. The two of you would sit for hours in front of his computer, embroiled in competition. It was friendly, of course, until it came to deciding which game you’d play to see who would pay for the takeout that night. That was always the time when neither of you would hold anything back.
Love had always made YangYang curious, he was intrigued by the notion of falling in love with someone and spending the rest of his life with them. Having never really dated before, he found himself incredibly quizzical at the start of your relationship as he noticed how his feelings began to develop and how quickly the two of you bonded. It was a feeling that he loved, and recognised soon after that it was something he also wanted to make sure that he tried to hold onto for as long as possible.
Arguing isn’t something that YangYang is particularly fond of. He doesn’t like negativity and tension, and if there ever is any, he doesn’t like for it to last for too long. He’s only human, so there are definitely times when he can find himself feeling like he wants to fight, but he’s also very good at keeping his emotions in check and keeping himself calm despite how agitated he may feel. The last thing he ever wants to see is the smile removed from your face, especially if he’s the one at fault for it, so he’ll always try his upmost to keep it there all of the time and make sure you’re happy.
YangYang couldn’t wait to introduce you to all of his family, and you knew just how close they all were. It took a long time for you to settle, despite how welcome they made you feel. His mother especially was more than patient with you, understanding how nervous you felt and always reassuring you.
A bunk bed didn’t exactly scream romance, which YangYang knew firsthand. Whilst he didn’t want to move out of the dorm too quickly, he wanted to find a space where the two of you could live comfortably and be by yourselves without all of the chaos that came with living in the dorm with all the other guys too.
You were the first to say, ‘I love you,’ when YangYang flew home from tour for a couple of days to be with you. You’d a special event coming up that you’d talked about nonstop and you were gutted YangYang couldn’t make it. Or so you thought, until he surprised you that morning straight from the airport, assuring you that he wouldn’t have missed it for the world.
There were definitely times when YangYang got jealous, and he’d be the first to admit that to you too. He often worried that he didn’t spend enough time with you or didn’t show enough interest, so when someone else did, it instantly got his back up. He’d be glued to your side whenever he got jealous to send a silent to message to whoever you were talking to that you were his. If he spots something to worry about, he’ll hover around the situation and pay close attention to make sure that you’re alright.
The idea of becoming a father was one that excited YangYang greatly. He couldn’t wait for the chance to pass on his catalogue of pranks and mayhem onto his child, and also make sure that he played a few jokes on them too. Regardless of a boy or a girl he knew that he’d use them to help pull more pranks on you too, and make sure he had them wrapped around his little finger so that he could always gang up against you.
Life with YangYang usually finds the two of you in some sort of trouble, he loves to prank you, and also get you involved when he decides to prank the others as a tag team together. He doesn’t want to be the only one told off, so he’ll take you down with him. You’ll always find yourself laughing when you’re around YangYang, he’s lucky and built with funny bones which can keep you entertained for hours on end. There is never a dull moment with him, and if you’re ever feeling down, he’ll be right there with a joke to pick your mood up and make sure that the smile on your face reappears as quickly as it possibly can.
Before he started dating you, he was convinced that homesickness was something that he had just gotten used to over time, but all of that changed when he met you. The other members would be able to tell when he was missing you, as the spark in his eyes would go straight away. The jokes would disappear and be replaced by frowns and the usual endless conversations would be replaced by a few mumbled words that no one could understand. One of them would always end up messaging you to let you know that he was feeling down as they knew that you were the only solution to try and lift his spirits back up.
YangYang was known for having no nickname, so you decided to change that. Each time you spoke to YangYang you gave him a new nickname to make up for all the times he could have had one, which he loved.
He’s obsessed with your laughter, he loves to prank you anyway, but hearing you laugh without him even doing anything is like music to his ears to know that you’re smiling.
YangYang isn’t someone who is huge on affection, but he certainly wouldn’t create a distance between the two of you either. He keeps you close, without making a big deal of things. Subtle affection works perfectly for YangYang, an arm around you either at your shoulders or your back, usually does the trick for him.
A lot about the world pushes YangYang’s curiosities, and that will definitely reflect on you. He could ask a question on just about everything just to gain a bit more information or try and learn something new, or just to get your opinion on things too.
YangYang loved to make you blush in public as often as he could, with that, he’d usually introduce you as his wife or something in front of both strangers and close friends to see how anxious it would make you. You’d always be far too shy to correct him, but most definitely scold him when the two of you are alone again. He loves to tell you that he’s practicing for the future, even if it may be a long way off for you both.
He always makes sure to take great care of you and quickly learn all of the things you like and dislike. YangYang isn’t afraid of being quick if he needs to be, if he has five minutes to be with you, then he’ll make sure that five minutes is all that it takes. He’s got a proactive mind and so he can work very quickly if he needs to, but with that, he also knows exactly how to take his time with you too and make sure that he teases you.
YangYang is one of the busiest members of the group and so he won’t text you often. You’ll soon get used to not hearing from him for a while, and patiently wait for whenever he’s free to receive a text from him, even if it does take hours.
Despite so many things going on in his crazy life, you’re always top of the list. At the hardest of times and the easiest, you’re there. A permanent fixture and exactly what he needs to get through everything that comes his way.
YangYang had told you a lot about Germany, and he couldn’t wait for the chance to take you there and show you around somewhere that meant so much to him. When he had a few days off, he was determined to take you there and allow you to see where he grew up and see a place that has helped to shape him.
You’re the more likely of the two of you to whine, YangYang tends to be a little more understanding that space is needed, but it’s not something you’re a fan of.
Kisses aren’t something that YangYang is big on, he much prefers to hug you and use his arms to offer you affection. His kisses are usually very soft and small, YangYang much prefers to pepper kisses against your skin rather than engage in anything too long and passionate. His sweet kisses are perfect for when he wants to offer you affection in a moment whilst he’s busy, making sure that you know that you’re loved by him.
You were his tag team partner, the two of you were always in trouble together.
YangYang often plays with his hair, but night time is when he wants you to play with it instead. It comforts him greatly when he’s trying to sleep to feel your touch and know that you’re right there with him as he rests.
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bored-mumma · 3 years
Thor Odinson - Fluff alphabet
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A = Attractive. What do they find attractive about the other?
Thor found your bravery unbelievably attractive. It would never matter who you were up against, you always gave it your all and never ever backed down. He admired that about you. 
B = Baby. Do they want a family? Why/Why not?
He wouldn’t mind children. His entire life he had always yo-yo’d between wanting them or not but he believes now he’s finally made the decision to have them. Having a son or daughter to carry on the family name and to pass on his wisdom, it sounds like a dream.
C = Cuddle. How do they cuddle?
His arm beneath your head, you using it as a pillow. You would cuddle into his side as he uses his other hand to stroke shapes onto your skin. 
D = Dates. What are dates with them like?
Very, very rare. Thor wasn’t particularly keen on actual dates. You would more just spend your evenings together watching the telly or going for walks. Its very simple but rather intimate moments, although not technically dates.
E = Everything. You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
You are my reason to smile.
F = Feelings. When did they know they were falling in love?
It took Thor a little while to realise his feelings for you. He would love to admit it was love at first sight but it wasn’t. He always thought you were very good looking, very kind, very intelligent. But it did take Thor nearly a year to realise that he doesn’t just like spending time with you because you’re a good friend of his. He realised he could never stop thinking about you and when you said someone had asked you for a drink, a wave of jealousy went through him - Making him finally realise his love for you.
G = Gentle. Are they gentle? If so, how?
He’s always gentle with you. He knows his strength and will always be careful. Not just physically though but emotionally or verbally too. Even if Thor is extremely angry or upset, he’ll never yell at you. He’ll never speak harshly or say things he may regret. He’s a gentle giant.
H = Holding Hands. How do they like to hold hands?
Gently with your fingers intertwined. 
I = Impression. First impression/s?
He didn’t really notice you much. You were just another Stark employee hired to help the Avengers as much as possible. It wasn’t until the both of you had to work pretty closely for a mission that Thor really started to notice you.
J- Joker. Are they into pulling pranks?
Not particularly. He’ll joke around with you and have fun but actual pranks he’s not too keen. Probably a side effect of growing up with Loki as a brother.
K = Kiss. How do they kiss?
He usually gently holds your chin in his large hands, lifting your face to look at him. He’ll start off gently dragging his lips against yours but will quickly turn more needy.
L = Love. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
You did. You were always the more forward one in this relationship and had no problem admitting you were utterly in love with the God. At first, Thor was taken back at your vocalised love but it only took a moment for him to return it
M = Memory. What’s their favourite memory together?
When he brought you to Asgard to meet his family - more importantly, to meet his mother. He would never admit it but he was desperate for her approval. Which of course, she gave. Watching you and his mother happily chatting, speaking of your mutual admiration of Thor and of each other, made his heart swell with pride. 
N = Nickel. Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?
Not so much on Earth as he doesn’t have much money. But when you go to Asgard? oh my god. Everyday is a new outfit for you to wear with matching accessories and shoes. Everyday is a new bath scent for you. Everyday he’ll bring you books, flowers, food, art, jewels. You always try to return the favour but Thor is definitely the God of gift giving.
O = Orange. What colour reminds them of their other half?
Red. His signature colour that you started to wear a lot when you began dating seriously. Thor will always buy you some red roses or red earrings because the view of you wearing his colours is one he’ll dream of with a smile for the rest of his life.
P = Petnames. What petnames do they use?
My dear or my Darling are the most common.
Q = Quaint. What is their favourite non-modern thing?
Horse riding. It’s a very normal thing to do on Asgard  but on Midguard its a little less modern. 
R = Rainy Day
Thor loves the rain! He bought an extra large umbrella to hold for you both when you go for a rainy day walk. He finds them so peaceful and enjoys your company.
S = Sad. How do they cheer themselves/others up?
His sadness tends to turn into anger. When that happens he’ll throw himself into battles and take it out on anyone on the opposite side. You will always try to help him, to get him to talk. But sometimes you just need to allow him to get on with it in the way he deems fit.
T = Talking. What do they like to talk about?
He loves to learn about you and your culture. Not just that but loves just hearing about you in general. Every evening he’ll ask how your day was and unlike most people, he’s honestly interested in what you want to say.
U = Unencumbered. What helps them relax?
Thor adores you playing with his hair. He’ll sit on the floor with you sat on the chair behind him and rest his head on your thighs. Dragging your nails across his scalp, you’ll style, plait and play with it as it relaxes you too.
V = Vaunt. What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
His history. There is nothing he loves more than telling people tales of the glorious battles he’s fought or of the amazing planets he’s visited. Tales you will never get tired of hearing.
W = Wedding. When, how, where do they propose?
He had planned the perfect proposal. He took Clint with him to find a ring - him being the only Avenger with a long, successful marriage. He planned a romantic day of your favourite things only to return home with your living room to be filled with your favourite flowers. That is when he would get down on one knee.
You however had other plans. Three days before the amazing day Thor had planned, you two were cuddling in bed when you looked up at him, saw the love in his eyes and decided right then and there to say. “I think we should get married.” Thors eyes widened as he grinned, a sign that you two were on the same page. “Will you marry me, Thor?”
X = Xylophone. What’s their song?
Falling - Harry Styles. 
Not that Thor will admit to many people he actually really adores that song.
Y = You. You are the ___ to my ___ (e.g. the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You are the thunder to my lightening.
Z = Zebra. If they wanted a pet, what would they get?
Thor might want a cat but he really doesn’t care much. If you want one, go for it but he’ll never ask for one.
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toorumochi · 3 years
KaruShuu OTP Questions
Ah- I created ehhh 4?? I suppose KaruShuu head-canons posts today but do I regret it? Absolutely not, I loved it. So here you go, have another one, don't be shy, read it.
Also, please keep in mind that these head-canons are completely made up by me in a way of that it's just how I would see it sksksk also here, KaruShuu would be probably adults?? Also married??
Anyways, enjoy~ 🌸
Who is the most affectionate? Sinceee they got married, I'm sure the longer into the relationship, the more they have opened up to each other? Karma would be the type to wake up first in the morning and kiss Shuu good morning, but since Shuu is an early bird, he would wake up before Karma and make breakfast for him. Thats how he shows affection ❤️🧡
Most common argument? Sad to think that they NeEd to argue 🙄💅 but oh well- I thinkkk they would argue over super silly things. For example what to watch (If you have read my previous head canons, you will know what I mean by 'Shrek Marathons'):
"Let's watch something"
"Sure, what do you have in mind?''
Karma would just grin over to Shuu and Shuus eyes would widen, "Hell no"
"Absolutely ye-"
"Karma don't you dAR-"
They ended up watching (again for the 12 time this week) Shrek.
Who apologizes first? Karma apologies fly out of his mouth faster than they stop arguing. Karma would rather apologize than not let them talk for the next few hours.
Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together? They enjoy getting massage! Ifff KaruShuu was too lazy to go out to get a professional massage for a few hours, they would do it to each other. (It usually ends with them making out later on but I'll delete that part)
Who is most likely to carry the other? Karma would carry Shuu ❤️😩 Ugh bridal style to embarrass him 💀💅
For Karma, by Shuu: Tamponhead (I used this one in my fanfic and I will forever love it), Moron, Karma. Tbh, I don't think neither like these pet-names or nicknames since that think they are 'cringy'.
Tho, Karma has quite a few: Shuu (Main, he doesn't use 'Gakushuu' but when he does, Shuu melts lol), Pumpkin, Orange, pumpkin pie, Strawberry shortcake (bc he loves strawberries so why not call Shuu one 😌🤚🏻), Sugar cube (Idk I think it's cute, tho I don't know if that's even a nickname- 💀💀)
Also a note: They would definitely not use 'baby', 'babe', 'honey' bc- noooo 😩💀
Who proposes? Karma 💅
Who sings along with the radio? Karma would sing along but he is horrible at singing and Shuu makes him KNOW it by him singing and Karma shuts up but finds it hilarious at the same time.
Who worries most? Both do, depending on the situation. Shuu would be worried about stuff like paying taxes or things like that, meanwhile Karma is worried for Shuus health, if he is eating enough as well as getting enough sleep every night. Shuu is a hardworking bee after all ✨
Who always wants to take selfies with the other? Karma wants to, for example they are traveling somewhere for vacation and Karma wants to take as many pics as possible with his husband so he can later on put them into an album ❤️😩 (KaruShuu as a married couple >>>>)
Who likes to playfully tease the other? Ohhh~ Karma teases Shuu all the time, but there are times where Shuu would feel playful so he would tease back
Who has the weirdest taste in their music? Karma I'm begging you- his music taste changes every week and road trips are a disaster for Shuu
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Karma remembers because Shuu is always ordering the same things since he is minimalistic lol but Karma is a living chaos when it comes to food so Shuu can't remember it all.
Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other? Lmao no matter for how long they are already together, no matter if they are married, no matter how many times they had done it, Shuu would be the one to be embarrassed about it every time.
Who tops? ...Okay so here, personally as someone who writes Fanfics, Karma tops. Always. I just- I just can't imagine Shuu as a top?? my friends gave me some really valid reasons for Shuu to be a top but I just can't see it 😩
Who initiates kisses? Both I guess? But mostly Karma
Who reaches for the other's hand first? Oooo here an example! If they are driving in the car, and Karmas hand is free, Shuu usually reaches for it but as soon as Karma needs it to drive, he has to let go. Or if they are in the cinema - Shuu would definitely hold onto Karmas hand the whole time - as comfort, since they usually watch Horror movies together so yea 😌
Who kisses hardest? Who is most ticklish? Both is Karma, but when it comes to tickling, even tho Karma is more ticklish, he is also stronger than Shuu so he can easily pin him down and tickle him, just for the sake to see Shuu giggle which kills him bc God damnit isn't he adorable?
Who brings an animal they found home? Lol depends on the animal. I would say Karma is a cat person and Shuu is a dog person b u t Shuu is allergic to cats so they can't have cats. But I think if Karma would be the one to bring an animal home, it would be a dog.
Who holds the umbrella for the other when it's raining? Karma's shoe laces often get untangled, so when Karma bends to tie them, Shuu stands over him with an umbrella to keep the rain from pouring on him.
Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public? Karma 😭
Who kills the scary bugs? Oh lemme tell you about this one:
Shuu HATES bugs, since he always had the feeling of his father having a bunch of centipedes around himself whenever he acted manipulative and so on so he hates them. So one time when Shuu was taking a shower, and Karma was in the kitchen, Shuu suddenly screeched so Karma went to check on him. He walked onto a Shuu, covering himself with a towel and looking absolutely T E R R I F I E D at the ceiling, stuttering. Karma was hella confused so he looked up and oop here we go, a spider. Karma obv took the spider off the ceiling to free it, but first he had to tease and scare his husband a little by walking towards the shower stall, "Shuu look~ He wants to be friends with you~", the way Shuu screamed at this made almost all of the windows in the apartment break.
Who asks the weird questions at random in the middle of the night? Karma does that on a daily basis, but when Shuu is a little bit drunk, he would ask weird questions to which Karma never has an answer but he jokes around.
Who hogs the blankets? Karma hogs them and Shuu ends up having a cold the next morning 😭
Who wakes up first? Shuu is an early bird, but Karma wakes up first for work.
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer? On weekends, they both stay in bed a bit longer to cuddle ❤️💕
Who always makes coffee for the other each morning? Karma makes coffee for Shuu before he leaves for work 🥰
Who cries during certain films or when reading sad books? Lmao Karma cries during Shrek every time the scene comes up where Shrek had an argument with Donkey 😔
Who gets scared during horror films? Shuu 😩😩 He would (as said before) take Karmas hand for comfort
Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first? Lmao none since GakuHOE is well, a hoe so they won't trust him b u t I have the feeling of Karmas mom being actually super supportive?? But they wouldn't tell her, she would just get the hint and then when she receives the wedding invite she goes "oh-".
What do their friends/family think of the relationship? Rio was shipping this since the beginning of middle school aight, she loves it and she even threw a party for them. #IstanRioNakamura
Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them? Karma would ask Shuu to dance obv but Shuu would go along 😩💕
Who cooks best? Karma! And Shuu loves his cooking! :D
Who wears the other's jacket? Shuu is the one to wear long coats, and Karma those thicc jackets. Shuu usually gets super cold even with the coat on, so Karma gives Shuu his jacket on top of the coat lol.
Who uses cheesy pickup lines? Karma- anywhere. Have an example:
"Hey Shuu, could you feel the shirt?", he asked Shuu while they went shopping and Karma wAsN't sure about his T-Shirt choice so Shuu was running his fingers slightly over Karmas chest with the shirt still on and thinking about the material, then Karma went: "Know what it's made of?", and Shuu looked at him and was about to answer him, but Karma was quicker and continued, "Boyfriend material", ObViOuSlY with a grin and Shuu was a gay blushing mess 💅 but then Shuu went along, "What do you mean boyfriend? I can only see Husband material", and tuRNED AWAYYYYY~
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear during inappropriate times? AAAA I T H I N K I've written sum like this before- So two things that happened:
KaruShuu were invited to a funereal or sum and pls the church was quiet and stuff but obv Karma had to joke around and he leaned over to Shuus ear and whispered a joke into his ear which made our stubborn Shuu giggle and the church was this close👌 to throw them out lmao
Shuu was at work, and Karma likes to call him randomly, but oh well Shuu picks up and Karma starts to tease him over the phone maybe something very sexual stuff (knowing Karma he would) and Shuu just- he is sitting at his desk and his workers are giving him looks about why is he blushing so much.
Who makes the other laugh most? Karmas jokes always make Shuu laugh, sometimes even cry since they are hilarious.
Who would have to bail the other out of jail? Oh my God- Shuu would have to bail Karma out of jail maybe during college years, but I think Karma would mature a bit more as an adult
What would be their theme song? YOOO- A WHOLE PLAYLIST WOULD BE NEEDED-
Who would sing their child back to sleep? OOO!! Karma would be the type to read stories, but Shuu would sing them to sleep :D
What do they do when they're away from each other? I can imagine that they both have those business trips from time to time, so when they are apart, they FaceTime each other every evening to check on each other. Yes indeed they must stay at fancy hotels for their business trips and they are being served food, but they still check that the other one is eating and sleeping well. Oh and good morning and goodnight texts™️🥰
A headcanon about them that stabs your feels? Oh- oH GOD- That maybe they tend to act very distant at first in their relationships?? Or more cold? For example Shuu, he would not really know nor show much affection to Karma and Karma at first thinking that Shuu doesn't love him at all (which isn't true bc Shuu loves him deeply) but then he after some time figures it out when Shuu opens up to him more.
A headcanon that mends the previous one? That they both after some time spend together, have the opportunities to open up to each other, know each other better as well as find out each others weaknesses and strengths which makes their relationship stronger. I absolutely love them ❤️😩
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thehanwen · 4 years
Quarantine Netflix Recs
Since were all at home watching Netflix I thought I would give my fav show/movie for every letter so everyone has something new to watch. Please send me your own recommendations or make your own alphabet list and tag me! Here goes:
A: Anne with an E- This modern take on Ann of Green Gables is quirky, fun, and dramatic. It has good music, writing and is all around a good watch. It deviates from the books a bit, but keeps the spirit.
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B: Broadchurch- If you like crime dramas, this is for you. With one crime spanning the complete first season it delves deep into motive and emotions. David Tennet stars in this tense British mystery. 
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C: Cargo- A dystopian zombie apocalypse film set in Australia with a focus on human connection, and sacrifice. This is honestly so different than any other zombie movie I have seen in the best way. 
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D: Daybreak- Sticking with the apocalypse theme, daybreak is a humorous view on what happens when a nuke kills all the adults and leaves all the teenagers. Its like if high school was the whole world, but the world had also ended. Strong characters and ‘Ferris Bueller’ esc fourth wall breaks give this show something special. 
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E: The Worlds Most Extrodiary Homes- For a change of pace this mindlessly beautiful home reality show shows off architecture that could be classified as art and makes me wonder how anyone can actually live here. If you just want something with no stakes what so ever, this is the eye candy for you.
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F: Frontier- A gritty, and dark period piece starring Jason Momoa as the badass outlaw working against the British in the Canadian wilderness. Half political, half survival drama this show focus on the fur trade during the 1700s as well as themes like revenge, family history and love.
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I have to do two for F: Feel Good- This emotional comedy is about Mae, a gay, ex-addict comic and her previously straight girlfriend. It is real and emotional and hilarious. It’s filled with amazing characters and amazing writing and explores hard to talk about subjects, including addiction, love, coming out, and family and romanitc relationships. 
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G: Godless- A refreshing addition to the western genre. An injuryed outlaw, a headstrong widow, the whole of the wild west. Gritty and dramatic, this mini series is a must watch
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H: How it Ends- Another apocalypse film, can you guys see a pattern? This one is less about the event however and more about family. A young man and his future father-in-law travel across the desolate wasteland of the USA to save his fiance. 
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I: I am Not Okay with This- A sci-fi coming of age story, based on a comic book, about a young girl who develops mysterious superpowers and is not okay with it. Also shes gay and in love with her best friend, its great.
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J: John Mulaney- I assume everyone has already seen all of his specials, but if you haven’t go check them out! They are hilarious and relatable on a deep level. 
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K: Klaus- This is my new favorite Christmas movie. Its got wit, charm, great character development and beautiful animation. It’s the first original Christmas movie that I've liked. It gives a new spin to all your favorite Christmas traditions while holding on to the essence of the Christmas spirit.
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L: Let it Snow- Based of the book co-written by Maureen Johnson, John Green, and Lauren Myracle this film is a feel good romance with quicky characters that have thier lives changed forever by a snowstorm in their small hometown. Friendships and romances are formed and tested as these teens figure out how to deal with what life throws at them. 
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M: Maniac: In an unlikely pair Emma Stone and Jonah Hill work amazingly well together in a drug trial that is supposed to cure all mental illness, of course not everything goes as planned. Our heroes go through multiple stages of the trial and discover their brains are miraculously linked. This series merges multiple genres into something surprisingly cohesive. 
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N: National Treasure- “I’m gonna steal the declaration of Independence”
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O: The OA- A psychological sci-fi thiller about a blind girl who gets kidnapped and held prisoner by a mad scientist looking for other dimensions. The friends she makes along the way mean everything, but when she gets found not only are they missing, but she can see again.
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P: Princess and the Frog- A cute Disney twist of the classic fairy tale. A young woman working hard to buy her own restaurant meets a prince that has been turned into a frog by a shady magic man. But when she kisses him he doesn’t turn human, she turns frog. Together they have to figure out how to get back to being human and along the way they learn what they really need.
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Q: apparently I have never watched a single thing on Netflix that starts with Q. So Queer Eye I guess. I’ve never watched it, but I've heard good things.
R: The Rain- After a deadly virus is discovered in the rain, sister and brother, Simone and Rasmus are separted from thier family and hide in a bunker for 6 years. Once they are forced to emerge they discover the world is much different than how they left it and their family wasnt all they thought it was.
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S: Sense 8- This sci-fi drama focuses on 8 people from all over the world connected by some kind of psychic link. As they discover the extent of thier new abilities they also find out they aren’t the only ones and some others aren’t so friendly. This series was made with so much love and divotion and it shows throughout. The character development and backstories are rich, the writing is witty and thoughtful and the representation and focus on love above all else is so refreshing. 
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T: Tallulah- This drama is dark and witty, while simultaneously being bright and uplifting. When a young drifter kidnaps a baby from a neglectful mother and pretends the baby is hers, her boyfriends mother takes them in. The story is about family and doing the right thing, even when you can’t find the right choice in the grey area.
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U: The Umbrella Academy- This series based on a comic book written by Gerard Way is about superheroes with out being about superheroes. They don’t save the day. They can barely save themselves, oh and also the world. Numbered 1-7 these siblings all have their own issues and getting them to work together was the dying wish of their asshole of a father.
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V: None? Anyone have any ideas?
W: The Witcher- This series, based on a video game based on a book, is about a mysterious monster hunter and the bard he meets a long the way. Somehow full of action and also full of humor this series delves deep into the history and culture of this fantasy world. 
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X, Y, Z: I got nothing guys, but thanks for reading all the way down here. I hope you watch some of these shows and that you send some of your own recs to me! 
Also None of these photos or shows or anything are mine and all belong to their rightful owners
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murswrites · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet ⎯ Diego Hargreeves
Character/Celeb: Diego “Number 2″ Hargreeves Fandom: The Umbrella Academy MASTERLIST
A/N I love Diego can’t you tell :)))))) Can you believe it, I’m once again neglecting my requests <3
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Not to be that person, but he’s an ass man <3 But he also likes how soft your eyes are whenever you to meet eyes from across the room.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
I think he’d want a baby in theory. But in practice, it wouldn’t be ideal for Diego considering his dangerous lifestyle. I feel like he may daydream about having a mundane life but he knows he’s not cut out for it.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Some days, he’s the big spoon, other days, he just needs to be held. He runs real warm so there’s no need for any sweaters, he’ll rest his head on your shoulder if he’s the big spoon. But when you two huddle together, Diego likes to rest his head against your chest. Sometimes he likes sitting with his head in your lap because he enjoys the feeling of you playing with his hair.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Very lowkey, casual, cute. He’ll cook for you because we all know that he watched Grace in the kitchen. Diego isn’t the best chef but he makes a killer spaghetti and meatballs. He’ll set up candles around the apartment, maybe even some rose petals if it’s that kind of night. Definitely has wine out or beer if you prefer it.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You’re my joy.”
You make him the happiest he’s ever been and Diego truly trusts you with his life.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
When you two were commuting via the subway and when you lost your balance and fell into him, he obviously caught you. “You caught me falling for you.” Sure, it was cheesy and corny, but damnit if Diego wasn’t whipped.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Yes!!! He tends to hold your face between his hands and look deeply into your eyes. Diego’s unsurprisingly gentle due to his agile skills because of his knives. He also speaks softly quite often and smiles a lot around you.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
He doesn’t tend to intwine your fingers as he likes the warmth of your palms. But you two often get clammy hands so he prefers an arm over your shoulder or you holding onto his upper arm.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
You were a glorious idiot. But in the best way possible, sure it wasn’t your fault that you were carrying far too much for your arms and maybe Diego should have helped you but the sight of someone trying to carry about a million things was hilarious... that’s until you tripped and fell on the sidewalk 0-0. He felt horrible and immediately rushed to help.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Sometimes. Whenever he does, he’ll probably stare the person down but if Diego’s already in a bad mood, he’ll definitely cause a scene.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You kissed him first, it was on the cheek but he still considers it to be the first kiss. Diego is soft and tender despite popular belief. He holds your face between his hands and oftentimes is slow about it due to him just wanting to enjoy every second.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He does. And it isn’t with those words, this was before you two started really dating so it surprised you that Diego noticed what your favorite drink was. Because you knew you were all out but he didn’t... and yet he showed up that night with it in his hand. “It’s your favorite, right?” You kissed him after that.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Spring cleaning is hell but Diego offered to help, not believing you when you said you absolutely detested it. The entire day was spent blasting music and singing/dancing together. Diego made it fun for you and it was quite enjoyable.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
He likes to make you cute things like little notes, roses out of napkins... a bloody knife with your name engraved :))
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Soft blue grey.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Darling (unironically), pumpkin, cutie, just soft stuff.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Reading classics but don’t tell anyone.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Watch movies and just hang out all day.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
He tends to exert all of his negative energy into his vigilante work so he tends to just push his own emotions aside. But if you’re sad, best believe!! Diego will MOVE THE MOON AND SUN TO MAKE YOU SMILE!!
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
His “work” and the things he likes and you.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Being around you and those he trusts honestly just... makes him comfortable. But he does enjoy a good back massage.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
His skills, duh! Diego is very proud of his powers and I feel like he’d enjoy showing you how they work once you two get close enough.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Diego would probably do it on a whim, just deciding one day that he’s done with the vigilante work and that he wants to settle down with you.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Lonesome - SHAED ?
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Not really, he’s aware of the dangers of just being seen with him so he doesn’t tend to dwell on what he “can’t” have.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
A black cat (or Maine Coon) or Alaskan Malamute, something big and fluffy. He’d definitely give his pet a nice, fancy name like... Stuart or Stanley... maybe Shelby?
TUA Taglist (open)
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queenofsassgard · 4 years
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
Pls!! 🙏🙏🙏😊😂😂
OMFG you😂😂😂
A- Available?
For a cup of coffee? Always 😌
B - Birthday?
18 Feb
C - Crushing on?
Tom Hiddleston 😍
D - Drink you last had?
E - Easiest person to talk to?
Myself lol
F - Favourite song?
G - Grade i hated?
8th. I scored the highest in that grade but my personal life was the shittiest.
H - Hometown?
I - Icecream flavour?
Hm... Coffee(yes again), dark chocolate in particular.
J - Jellybean flavour?
K - Killed someone?
In my mind? Thousands of times.
Irl? Oh I wish-
L- Longest friendship?
One of my second cousins, besties since birth almost 😂
M - Milkshake flavour?
N - Number of siblings?
Just one.
O - One wish?
A day when I don't have an existential crisis or the need to die.
P - Person who called me last?
My teacher, for some program- (oh shit almost forgotten about that oop😬)
Q - Question your always asked?
How are you?
R - Reason to smile?
S - Song i last sung?
The Fear -the Score
I was in the shower and feeling powerful-
T - Time you woke up?
5:55 today morning
U - Umbrella colour?
A purple one and a black one.
V - Very best friend?
W - Which celebrity i’d marry?
I would say Tom Hiddleston but MARRY? Nah-
X - X rays i had?
A LOT. Suffice to say I'm... Fond of heights-
Y - Your last time you cried?
Like, CRY cry? I would say about a month ago.
Z - Zodiac sign?
WHY would you do this to me, yaar-🤣🤣🤣
Anyways that's the most personal info I've ever given away, I feel e x p o s e d-
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
What is your age? 31.
What annoys you? Eating sounds will definitely do it.
Do you have any allergies? Seasonal and to tangerines.
Do you know anyone named Billy? No.
When is your birthday? July 28th.
Who is your best friend(s)? My mom.
C What's your favorite candy? White chocolate.
When was the last time you cried? A couple days ago.
Have you been out of the country? I’ve been to Mexico once.
Do you daydream? Yeah.
What's your favorite kind of dog? I know I’m biased, but Labs and German Shepherds.
What day of the week is it? Friday.
How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, over-easy, hard boiled, and deviled.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Yes.
What's the easiest thing ever to do? Breathing is for a lot of people. 
Have you ever flown in a plane? Yes.
Do you use fly swatters? If needed. I can’t stand flies.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: No.
G Have you pet a goat? Yeah, at petting zoos as a kid.
Are you a giver or a taker? I’m probably more of a taker, but I do love giving to my family when I can.
Do you like gummy candies? Nah, not a gummy fan.
How are you? Tired and hungry.
What's your height? Like 5′4.
What color is your hair? Naturally it’s dark brown, but I dye it red.
What's your favorite ice cream? Strawberry, mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, and birthday cake.
Have you ever ice skated? No.
Have you cheated the IRS? No.
What's your favorite jelly bean? I’m the odd one who actually likes the black jellybeans. They’re the best.
Do you tell jokes? I’m not much of a jokester. 
Do you wear nice jewelry? I haven’t worn jewelry in years, but I think I have some nice jewelry pieces.
Do you want to kill anybody? Uh, no.
Do you want to have kids? No.
Where did you have kindergarten? At a local school.
Are you laid back? I think I come off that way to people who don’t know me.
Do you lie? I’m definitely guilty of telling white lies. <<< I’d be lying if I said no this question. I’m not a compulsive, habitual liar, though, or go around making up extreme things. What I tend to do is downplay things more than anything.
When is the last time you sent a hand-written letter? Uhhh. I have no idea.
Ever talked in a microphone? Yeah.
Do you still watch Disney Movies? Yes. I love Disney.
Do you like mangos? Nope.
Do you have a nickname? Just Steph or Sis.
What’s your favorite number? 8, I like the way that it’s shaped. <<<
Do you prefer night over day? Yes.
Are you an only child? Nope, I have two brothers.
Do you wish this was over? Nah.
What is the closet orange object near you? Hmm. I don’t see anything orange nearby.
What one fear are you most paranoid about? Losing my loved ones.
Do you play any instruments? No.
Do you think you are pretty? Nope. 
Are you quick to judge people? I try my best not to.
What do you keep quiet about? How I’m really feeling a lot of the time. I keep to myself or downplay things.
Do you have any quirks? I think we all do, but I feel like that’s something you’d have to ask someone else and see what they’ve observed about you.
What’s a good reason to cry? Stress.
Do you think you're always right? Absolutely not.
Do you watch reality TV? Yeah, I’m a sucker for it.
Are you a social person? Nope.
What states have you lived in? Just California.
what is your favorite season? Fall and winter.
When did you last sleep in a tent? I’ve never slept in a tent.
Do you like tomatoes? I do.
What time did you wake up? Around 715. I had a doctor appointment at 8.
Do you have an umbrella in your car? I don’t have a car or an umbrella.
Do listen to Usher? I like a few of his songs.
Describe the underwear your wearing? They’re blue.
V What’s the worst veggie? I’m picky, so I’d say most of them. It’d be easier to say which ones I like, which are spinach, broccoli, potatoes, green onions, green beans, and corn.
Do you like movies with violence? Some have violence in them.
Where do you want to go on vacation? I need a beach trip.
W Ever been on a wave runner? No.
Where do you work? I don’t.
Do you wish on stars? Nope. I’ve actually never even seen a shooting star.
Have you ever had an x-ray? Yeah, I’ve had countless x-rays of various types throughout my life.
Do you own a xylophone? No.
Have you watched the x-games? Nope.
What did you do yesterday? Same stuff I do everyday.
Do you like the color yellow? Yeah, it’s one of my favorite colors.
What year were you born?: 1989.
Do you believe in the zodiac? Nope.
Has your bank account been at zero? No, thankfully.
Ever been to the zoo? Yeah, many times.
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samshogwarts · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet Charlie x Samantha Edition
First: Thank you @carewyncromwell and @mizutoyama for tagging me! This fluff Alphabet is so cute and I just realise I never really post much Details about Charlie x Samantha! Let´s change this!
And because this post is super long again, I put it under a line.
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A: Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
For Charlie: In the first Way it´s Samanthas Character. She is a “Ravendore”. Brave and adventurous, but also smart and have a unsual point of view.The Adventure comes with her. And to be honest, I think he even like the fact, that Samantha is a half-Vampire. She can get sharp Theeth, can be dangerous for  humans...just like a DRAGON! From the physical point of view he loves her unnatural green eyes. And yaeh, she simple look good.
For Samantha: Its the Way he treated her! He was the fist one who know about her Vampireside, her past, her problems and her family and simple don´t care. He cares about her true personality and even like it! (he must be crazy or something!). And Samantha never tought about it, but she actually like the muscular type, so Charlie is totally her type. XD
B: Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
This is a good Questions. I´m still unsure if Samantha and Charlie will have kids. So I can´t really answered this. A few weeks ago I created a daughter, but she is still not canon. :/
C: Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
While they are at Hogwarts not really. They keep  their relationships as a secret,so they don´t have a lot of chances to cuddle, hold hands or stuff like that. But when they get the chance, they take it! Samantha turn into a Koala-Panda-Cuddle-Typ and while she is in Charlies Arms, he likes to play with her hair. 
D: Dates (What are dates with them?)
They keep their relationship as a secret, so they never really have a Date. But everyone at Hogwarts knows they are best friends, so it nothing special, when they go to Hogsmead, drinking butterbeer together or etc.
E: Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
For Charlies: Samantha, you are my Adventure.
For Samantha: Charlie, you are my Peace.
F: Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It took a while since both realise they are in love. Both are acting always like “naaaa, we are best friends. and beside he/she would never fall in love with me. NNAAAAA!” But....
For Charlie: I think he always found Samantha interesting. But he realise it was Love a few Days before the spring yule ball (details later). He was jealous of Samanthas Danceparnter and didn´t know why. He talks with Bill about that and realise after that conversation, that he loves Samantha.
For Samantha: She realised it after Qudditch match (Gryffindore vs Hufflepuff), where Charlie gets injured. Just the thought of losing him, takes her breath and she knows that this is not normal. When she knows he was alright, Samantha went to her Room and cry secrently. On the one hand because she was happy, on the other hand because she don´t know what to do because of her feelings.
G: Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
They are very gently with each other. There is just one exception - Qudditch. When both are on a qudditch field they are rival (and also want to impress the other one with the own skills). It´s their way of respect the other as a seeker and its some kind of honor. 
H: Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Acutally - no. They are cuddling (later, after Hogwarts), or do something. Both are no holding-hands type. It´s really rare, like they are on a walk in winter.
I: Impression (What was their first impression?)
For Charlie: he was the first of them who notice the other one. He saw Samantha at her Duell with Merula on their first year. Later Bill talks a lot about the O´Connell Girl and their adventures. He was impressed, that a Ravenclaw is so brave and likes the adventure. And...she ist also playing Qudditch? What a cool person! It would be very cool to be friend with her.But how ....?
For Samantha: it took a while before Samantha really noticed Charlie. She saw him a few times in the great hall or on the corridors. And she know he was the Gryffindor Seeker.She noticed him the first time in the magical creator class,while he was talking to Barnaby about Dragons. She found Charlies Dragon passion cool and she was suprised, when he wants to be her friend. But Bill always talk about how cool is younger brother is, so why not?
J: Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Both are not very jealous. It takes a long time, but when one of both is jealous they become very quite and sassy. Charlie would directly say he is jealous, but Samantha wouldn´t adminted it. She dosen´t want to make Chalire things, she didn´t trust him, but at some point she isn´t good in sharing her boyfriend/husband.
K: Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
They do all kinds of Kisses. On the cheek (Samantha), on the forehead (Charlie), passionate, short, to annoy the other one, to win a argument. Thery are actually a lot of resons why and how they kiss.
But the Story behind the first kiss would be huge spoiler, so I don´t give you much Details. >:) let me just say, both initiated the first kiss.
L: Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
It was Samantha. She was afraid of Charlies Answer, but she couldn´t hold her feelings back. She never thought he would love her back and Charlie never thought a Girl like Samantha would love him.
M: Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
N: Nickel (Do they spoil one another? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
For Chalrie: It was the last Qudditch match at Hogwarts. Before the game start both do a bet. The winners owns a favor. It was the match where he realsed their Relationship. Gryffindor wins, Charlie immediately redeemed the favor and kissed Samantha in front of the howl School. So cheeky.
For Samantha: it's their first kiss. So I can't tell you details right now.
Yes and no. Both want to make the other one happy, but not in a materials way. Without doubt, Samanthas Family have money and she could buy what ever she wants, but Samantha loves selfmade prasents and Charlie and his Family knows that. The one reason why Samantha still BUY stuff is because she has to right hand (she is left hand), when it comes to selfmade thinks.
Its more the little things they enjoyed. When Samantha cooks, when Charlies crafts things with Dragon Material.
O: Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
For Charlie: Samantha is green! Like the Dragon scales from the welsh Green, or her eyes or her irish spirit.
For Samantha: It´s Gold. Not red, not Orange, Gold. A warm tone, that makes her feels comfortably. When the sun goes down and the light shines on his hair, she sees this gold. 
P: Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
For Charlie: I don´t know if you can call it a pet name, but Charlie calls Samantha “Sam”. It´s an unwritten law, that just Charlie is allowed to do that without making Samantha angry. As an Adult he calls her sometimes “Honey” or “ my irish green” (because the welsh green is Samanthas favorite Dragon).
For Samantha: You know Charlie is in trouble, when Samantha calls him “Charles”, you know Charlie is nearly a dead men, when Samantha calls him “Charles Weasley”. But thats a other story XD. Normally Samantha don´t use pet names. There are just a few moments, where she calls Charlie “ Darling” or “my Dragon”.
Q: Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?)
Both like walking and personaly I think they to a lot of  quaint stuff. As Adults both like to travel in their holidays and also hiking, rafting (the only thing Samantha do on her own is diving and I can´t imagen Charlies likes to be under water for a long time, and he also don´t like it when Samantha does.)
And of cause Charlie can´t escape Samanthas love for books. So both reads a lot if they can´t go outside.
R: Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
It depends on how much it rains. You can also go on a walk with a umbrella and see how the world looks like while its raining. And beside, Samantha loves the smell of the Rain and Charlie loves to take a bath after both get wet ( cough cough with Samantha cough cough XD)
When the rain is so strong or there is even a storm, both normally read a book, watching muggle tv. Sometimes Samantha plays videogames and Charlie watched her.
S: Sad (How do they cheer each other up?)
For Charlies: Samantha knows, when Charlie is sad he needs his time. She would cuddle him in the first way, but she wouldn´t leave him alone. She would sit just beside him and waits till he start talking. It give Charlie the knowledge that he is never alone and no matter what, Samantha will be there for him and waiting for him.
For Samantha: Samantha has a lot of reasons to be sad and she is glad to have Charlie by her side. He knows, that Samantha need a lot of attention when she is sad. He cuddles her gently and pets her head. She can press her face against his chest, so no one will see her crying.
T: Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Darongs, Qudditch, their adventures, Samanthas students at Hogwarts, their family, friends and crazy (just for charlie) Muggle technology. That´s their favorite topics.
U: Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
After a stressful day a bath ( cough couhg together cough cough) is just the right thing for both. After that both relaxing in their living room, Charlie talks about the Dragons he work with and Samantha plays guitar and listen to him.
V: Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
They are proud of each other and show it to the world (as Students at Hogwarts and Adults). But htey are also proud of their work and what they do. 
W: Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
First - yes, they will marry. And Charlie is the one who ask. It´s a bizarre while the battle of hogwarts, where both were under attack. Charlie just say:” If we survived this, would you marry me?!” and Samantha will be like:” What?” but before she could say anythink, Charlie jumps out of cover and start his counter. And Samantha is still like:” WHAT?!” ( at this moment, both dont know´, that Tonks and Fred will not survive. Like some of their Friends too)
I have already Details about the Wedding in my head, but this will be too much. Let´s just say, they get a happy ending. Bill will be Charlies Best man and Carewyn Cromwell will be Samanthas Maid of Honor (if she say yes, looking at you @carewyncromwell XD) .
X: Xylophone (What’s their song?)
This is their song (its a old song, form someone how wins a germany casting show. Iits over 10 years ago, but I think it suits them and I still like the song.)
Y: Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yes. they will get married. Samantha will get a double name, but most of her students will call her “Professor O´Connell”, just a few people in this world will call her “Mrs. O´Connell-Weasley.
Z: Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
They will have an Owl and call her Freya. And they will call all the Dragons at the sanctuary their pets. XD
Okay I´m finally ready. it was acutally very funny to write more about Charlies and Samanthas relationship! So thank you again for the Tag! And now I will tag @lunasilvermorny, @kyril-hphm, @theguythatdraws @annabelle-tanaka-official​and  @unfortunate-arrow :D
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alicedoessurveys · 4 years
Alphabet Tag
A - Available? 
B - Birthday? 
11th June
C - Crushing on? 
many celebs that have no idea I even exist 
D - Drink you last had? 
E - Easiest person to talk to? 
myself, I do it all the time 
F - Favourite song? 
too many and they change regularly. But right now I cant get Arcade by Duncan Laurence out of my head 
G - Grade i hated? 
all of them
H - Hometown?
Birmingham, UK
I - Icecream flavour? 
salted caramel
J - Jellybean flavour? 
don't like ‘em
K - Killed someone?
hahaha no... 
L- Longest friendship? 
me and rhys met in nursery and we’re still best friends now 
M - Milkshake flavour? 
chocolate, im basic 
N - Number of siblings? 
one, older sister
O - One wish? 
covid to piss off so life can resume 
P - Person who called me last? 
my friend Addison 
Q - Question you're always asked? 
“are you jewish” - im not, but apparently my surname sounds like a jewish name 
R - Reason to smile? 
my niece :)
S - Song i last sung? 
All That Matters - from Finding Neverland 
T - Time you woke up? 
about 9 I think, I didn't go to sleep till 2.30am
U - Umbrella colour? 
black with purple flowers. but I shut it in my car door and its bent so I need a new one.. 
V - Very best friend? 
rhys, friends for 20 years 
W - Which celebrity i’d marry? 
theres too many to chose from :’) 
X - X rays i had? 
apart from a few when I was a kid which I dont remember, ive only had 2. one in my mouth (which was horrendous) and one of my chest 
Y - Your last time you cried? 
Z - Zodiac sign?
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supervillain-smut · 5 years
Has anyone requested the fluff alphabet for Boomerang yet? If so ,, you can delete this ask. 💜 You are an amazing writer btw -- happy late thanksgiving!
I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but thank you anyways!
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Of course this being Digger, at first it’s your body, but after a little while it was his inability to phase you with anything he said.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
He already has Owen, but if you wanted one, he wouldn’t mind. He did miss out on Owen’s youngest years.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He pulls you into a big hug, and rests his head on your shoulder.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Risky, usually. Being somewhere you shouldn’t for a nice view, or going out to something nonviolent but still illegal.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
Boomerang, unsurprisingly. No matter what happens or who decides to get in your way, you always come back to him.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
When you punched him for laying his hands where they shouldn’t be.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
He is very gentle physically, but you have to take everything he says with a grain of salt. He’s not mean, he’s just Australian.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
He usually only takes you by the hand if he’s excited or needs to keep track of you.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He thought you were hot, and that’s all he needed to start pursuing you.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Like you wouldn’t believe. Nobody’s allowed near you unless he’s there, but if you ask for your space he’ll give it to you. If you say they’re okay, then they’re okay.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
He does in a really inappropriate moment; you were ready to head out on another mission, and he made a joke about how if they die there was one thing he wanted to do.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He does, after you punched him. You didn’t think he meant it until he repeated it when you came back from that mission.
M = Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
Usually when you two got to relax and hang around the Rogues. You were both less tense and just being you.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Oh does he ever. As soon as he makes a score, he’s got something for you.
O = Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?)
Anything gold he takes as a personal challenge to swipe it for you.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Love, darling, sweetheart, and occasionally heart breaker.
Q = Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?)
Vinyl records. He loves music, and vinyl is hard to come across these days.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Sit in it. He loves the rain, but hates the cold he gets after because he never brings an umbrella.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
He’ll start singing. Really badly. If you don’t cheer up, he’ll try to tickle you.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Everything and anything, he’s a chatter box alright.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
A massage or a nice warm bath. Unfortunately the latter are more few and far between than you’d like, and you have to force him sometimes while trying to not let him pull you in too.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You and the expensive things you’re wearing.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He does it jokingly the first time while you’re hanging out with the Rogues with a ring pop to gauge your reaction. When you jokingly said yes, he decided a good time was during a heated battle with the Flash, on tv.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
He likes ‘Supermassive Black Hole’ by Muse, and you picked ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love With You’ by Elvis.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
He didn’t at first, and usually joked about it to cover up his nerves about the subject. He was only absolutely sure after the joke proposal went well.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Dog, 100%. A big friendly one like a husky or pit bull
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purplesurveys · 5 years
~A~ Is your birthday before August? Yep, and the month starts with A, too – my birthday’s in April. Are you an Aries? Close enough. I’m a Taurus. Would you consider yourself Artistic? Hell nah.
~B~ Are you a Brunette? I am not. Do you have Blue eyes? No I don’t. Hair and eye color questions get so tiring to answer, lmao. Your Best friend? I have two best friends.
~C~ What is your favorite Channel on TV? Mmm I don’t watch TV anymore but I think my favorite would be either TLC or E!, because I’m a sucker for dumb reality shows, lmao. Back when I still used cable religiously I’d normally tune in to Fox. Have you ever been to Chicago, IL? Nope but it’s one of my dream destinations for sure. Do you have a Crush on anyone? Yep. It’d be weird to be in a long-term relationship with someone I didn’t have a crush on haha.
~D~ Where is your Dad right now? As far as I know he’s stationed in Australia and is staying there until the end of his term. His ship normally has cruises around Japan, China, and South Korea but because of the coronavirus going around exactly in that region, his company has made everyone stay in Australia for the meantime. Are your parents Divorced? No. Even if they wanted to they couldn’t, because divorce is illegal here. Do you have your Driver's license? Yeah, I’ve had it for four years.
~E~ What did you last Eat? I’m eating chocnut at the moment :) I haven’t had it in a while but I had a sudden craving for it last weekend, so my mom bought a pack just for me.
How many piercings do you have in your Ears? Two, one in each earlobe.
Is it past Eleven o'clock am? Way past, it’s 7:17 PM.
~F~ Who was your First friend? My first friend was a girl named Kaye that I met in kinder. She has very common first and last names, so it’s been impossible to find her on social media and reconnect with her.
Who was your First Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Gabie.
Where was your last airplane Flight to? Flying back to Manila from Batanes.
~G~ Are you a Gemini? Nope, but you’ve mentioned the star signs before and after my real one, Taurus.
Have you ever been to Germany? I have not. But Germany is kinda close to my heart because Nacho was always studying to be fluent in German. When he passed we came up with an inside joke that he actually just moved to Germany to finally fulfill his dreams, and that joke became a source of comfort for us. 
How many of your Grandparents are still living? Three out of four.
~H~ Are you in High School? Nope. It’s been nearly four years since I graduated. :)
What is your favorite Holiday? My birthday, if it counts. If it doesn’t, Halloween. If that also doesn’t, I don’t have a favorite holiday I guess.
What do you Hear right now? Just my electric fan whirring. I don’t feel like having background noise at the moment.
~I~ What is your favorite flavor of Ice cream? Cookies and cream!
Have you ever been Ice skating? Yesssss it was one of my favorite pastimes as a kid. I never took lessons, I never learned a single trick, but I could glide for hours, and that was enjoyable enough for me. My parents used to drop me off at ice skating rinks while they did the groceries and went window shopping, because they knew I’d find those boring.
Can you play any Instruments? No. I can play simple tunes on the recorder but like almost everybody can use the recorder, so I don’t even count it anymore hah.
~J~ Does your name begin with J? It doesn’t...and my name is still pretty far down the alphabet.
Does your birthday fall in the months of January, June, or July? None of those months.
Do you know anyone who speaks Japanese? I probably do. UP is a very diverse community and I just know there’s a community out there with varying degrees of knowledge of Japanese dedicated to learning the language.
~K~ Do you regret your last Kiss? Not at all.
Do you have any Kids? I don’t.
Have you ever taken a Karate class? No but I used to be jealous of my kuya because he regularly took taekwondo as a kid. I thought it was super cool seeing his uniform and the color of his belt gradually changing.
~L~ Who was the last person to tell you 'I Love you'? My girlfriend.
Have you ever been to the Statue of Liberty? No.
When was the last time you went to a Library? Uhhhhh last week. For one of my classes, we had to go to the main library’s AVR to watch a documentary on Jose Rizal. 
~M~ What is your Middle name? Meh, I’m not saying that on her.
How old is your Mother? She’s 48, but is turning 49 later this year.
What is your favorite kind of Music? It varies. I have favorite artists, not genres, so my taste in the latter is really spread out.
What are the last 4 digits of your phone Number? Nope.
What does your Name mean? Last time I checked it means something like fame or bright or star.
Do you have any Nieces or Nephews? No, but I was already assigned to be a godson to my cousin when I was 15 which is close enough. About nieces or nephews though, I’m one of the oldest kids from our generation so if anything, my relatives are waiting on me and my other similarly-aged cousins to be the first ones to have kids haha.
~O~ Do you live on your Own? I don’t. I still live with my parents as do most Filipino kids/young adults do. I’m planning to move to my own place within a couple of years, though.
Are you the Oldest child? Yes I am.
Do you know anyone who lives in Oregon? I don’t think so.
~P~ What are your Parent's names? Edgardo and Abby. My dad goes by a certain nickname also but he hates it, so only family and close friends call him that.
Do you have any Pets? Yes, I have the cutest, sweetest, chubbiest dog on the floor beside me.
Do you have any Polish ancestry? I’m like 300% sure that I do not lmao.
~Q~ Have you ever been to Quebec? Nope.
A Quote you like: Just because I recently rewatched Titanic: “A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets,” said by Rose by the end of the film, when she talks about how she has never talked about Jack until that moment, not even to her granddaughter’s grandfather.
Do you ever eat at Quizno's? I have never eaten there and have only ever seen one branch here in Metro Manila, which has since been replaced with a Krispy Kreme as far as I know.
~R~ When was the last time you saw a Rainbow? A safe guess would be a few weeks ago.
Are you a Redhead? Nope.
What was the last book you Read? It was a book on communication theory that I needed to read for my community press elective.
~S~ When was the last time you Slept in someone else's bed? A month ago, I think? I have bad short-term memory lmao, but that’s my best guess.
Are you a Scorpio? Again, no.
Would you consider yourself a Shy person? I am at first but I can warm up pretty easily.
~T~ How many Tattoos do you have? Approximately zero.
Are you a Twin? No.
Do you like Techno? No.
~U~ Do you own an Umbrella? Not anymore. I used to keep buying new ones but I keep losing them, so I just stopped buying altogether and just relied on hoodies whenever it would rain.
Are you Under 21? Nope.
Have you ever been to Utah? I have nottttt.
~V~ Are you a Virgin? No.
Have you ever been to Vatican City? No.
Where did you last go on Vacation? Our last legit vacation would be the one in Batanes. We’ve had several out-of-town trips after that, but those were usually quick, weekend getaways.
~W~ How many Windows are in the room you're in? One, but there’s also a set of glass doors here.
What are you Wearing? Just an ordinary t-shirt and shorts.
Can you Whistle? Yes I can.
~X~ How many X-rays have you had in the last 2 years? Zero.
Are you on good terms with your last Ex? So good I’ve been dating her again in the last four years, lol.
Do you own an Xbox? We’ve never owned an Xbox. This family takes their Playstation love seriously.
~Y~ Who is the Youngest person living in the same household as you? My brother, who is currently 16.
Are you wearing anything Yellow? Nope.
Are you Younger then the last person you kissed? No. I’m older, but only barely.
~Z~ When was the last time you visit the Zoo? I’ve never been to a zoo. The closest thing to a zoo that I’ve been to was a safari, and that would be like 6-7 years ago.
How many Zippers are on the clothing you’re wearing? None.
What is your Zipcode? No thanks.
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Woojin Fluffy Fanfic Recommendation
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Hello! Welcome to my fanfic recommendations! If you would like to see other groups or other content in regards to this artist or their group, please click the links below! All of the masterlists/posts I’ve made will always be updated when I find new content or scenarios! Feel free to recommend me some blogs to check out! Also, you like my fanfic recommendations, please like and/or reblog so that more people can see it! I will release more groups as time goes on!
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A Gift From The Heart: In which you were Woojin’s secret santa and he was yours 
A Horrifying Night: Movie night with Woojin isn’t as fun when he chooses a horror movie… 
Bad Day:  You were just chilling in your apartment, working on some homework, when your boyfriend decided to show up uninvited. He looked exhausted and just had a really bad day, so you’re there to cheer him up.
Bathrobe: You tried on Woojin’s bathrobe.
brother: older siblings who are better than you in every way possible is a pain in the ass all the time.
Burning Touch:  “Look who’s being all cute today,”
chicken?: “It’s alright, I understand. Just keep me updated, please. I’m still here for you…” 
Chicken Diversions: “Maybe we should actually start on the chicken.” 
Christmas Surprise: On the bright side, you now don’t have to get Woojin a Christmas present
Cuddle Session: “ don’t move right now, I need cuddles,” 
Delayed Gratification: You waited a long time for this feeling. He was your delayed gratification
goodnight song: woojin really is the type of person to sing u to sleep even if he’s tired huh.
Hot Chocolate: “Come on. I’ll make you hot chocolate and then we can go back to bed. It’s too cold out here,”
half an hour:  your mission was to hug a member for half an hour, and woojin seemed to be the only one calm enough to comply with you.
I Don’t Care:  “That’s my shirt. So is that..wait?”
I’m Pregnant: “you haven’t even touched your food”  
I Told You: despite Woojin’s constant nagging, you still managed to not bring an umbrella or raincoat outside and evidently, it rained on you. Heavily. Woojin spent the rest of the day taking care of you and ‘lovingly’ nagging you.
Late: It was a cold night and you came home quite late after studying with some friends. When you got home you boyfriend Woojin got upset because you were coming home late at night, but also because you were only in a pair of shorts and a hoodie.  
Late Nighters: “You want to go for a ride, don’t you?”
Late Night Snacks: You loved to sleep, but if Kim Woojin wakes you up in the middle of the night saying, I’m hungry, let’s go” then you’d follow him anywhere and wouldn’t let out a single whine
Lullaby: “Can you sing for me?”
marry you: woojin proposes
Picnic in the Park:  You hadn’t had much time to spend with your boyfriend since he debuted, and you worked. Woojin’s debut has come to a slowdown, and you both had a day off, so he plans a surprise for you
Recharge: You had a long day but thankfully, Woojin seem to have read your mind and came over
Rescue: Woojin comes to your rescue when your boss makes you work overtime without pay
surprise: You’ve decided to surprise Woojin after he came home from a world tour, not realizing that it was pouring outside.
sandwich notes:  sometimes woojin’s friends actually have good ideas, even when it comes to love. 
Sing To Me: His voice always helps you sleep
Snack, Memories and Him: Cheesy Valentine’s day traditions turn into ‘3 Hours in Heaven,’ locked in a room with nothing but snacks and music
Sunbeam: Loving Woojin was easy because he made it that way.
That time: Its that time of the month for you and each time it only gets worse, thankfully your boyfriend Woojin was there for you 
The Morning After, Kim Woojin: After celebrating three whole years together, it’s just a regular morning. Kind of. 
Toss and Turn:  “I think I’m dying,”  
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ryouverua · 6 years
Chapter 5 Investigation (2)
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Are you telling me Shuichi is not the picture of silence and grace?
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1 is here
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 I.... I spent so much time moving slowly, with my heart just beating strongly against my chest - AND I’M NOT EVEN THE ONE THAT WAS IN DIRECT DANGER I DID THAT ALL FOR NOTHING
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Is it bad that I’m enjoying Shuichi getting progressively more flustered and angry as we go on?
it’s a guilty conscience - all those forbidden trysts are weighing on him -
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Yeah, so he makes an interesting comment about making things a level playing field. Why? And it seems... a bit vague... like, is the other person that knows this information the culprit, or the mastermind?
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“You’re just attacking all of my flaws today, aren’t you.”
shuichi torrents old books and crime dramas pass it on
Now onto Maki’s lab, where to no one’s surprise we find the black bags with the crossbows one short. Could it possibly be the one from the bathroom? MAN I’m glad it’s Shuichi here so we’re not stuck wondering where the other could possibly be like we have video game-convenient amnesia
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And we’ve confirmed Himiko was seen bringing a black bag...
Ah, man, I’m beginning to wonder if both Himiko and Maki were roped into Kaito’s plan. Had Kaito really not fully gotten over his personal issues with Shuichi? Was he still a bit uncomfortable, or did he not want Shuichi to feel responsible if something went wrong?
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Are you putting together the same pieces I am, Shuichi? We had an awfully convenient scene with Kaito and Maki here a few nights ago!
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How many trips do you think it took Kaito to carry all those weapons to the gym. 8′D That’s what, two flights of stairs between the lab and the gym? Damn boy, guess your muscles haven’t atrophied after all!
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Shuichi how in the world did you notice that discrepancy in liquid! It’s minuscule!
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This... sounds like the perfect poison to tip a certain weapon’s arrows with. 8/
With that said, what was the poison bottle in the bathroom for, then? A red herring? But it was empty, right?
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Wait... wait wait wait - are those puns? For like, arsenic, hemlock and nightshade? 
*one google later*
OH STRIKE-9 IS STRYCHNINE! omg that’s actually really good 8′D Bless you translators, you’ve done good work here.
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So basically there’s one, maybe two poisons in play, and possibly antidotes in case something went awry? So... where’s the Strike-9 antidote? Or is there one?
I do like Shuichi making some of the connections for us, like him making the (most likely correct) assumption that for every poison we have, there should be an antidote. I feel like I haven’t shown my appreciation for his evidence and mystery-solving side recently - I will say this again, once, twice, twenty times, but when it comes to the technical bits of the mystery, he is fantastic. Motive and emotionally? Not so great at it - but I think that’s because that involves a lot more abstract thinking. This is where he really shines.
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So this is where we differ - he’s talking about how all the evidence points to Kaito being dead, and Kokichi being alive. I think that’s true on a surface level, but there’s a few key places that I may be ahead of him on that lead to a split in our thinking.
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Which brings me to this - I’m surprised he hasn’t made the connection about Kokichi not being the mastermind like I have - but I think that’s because I have an outsider’s perspective. Once that basic premise flips, things are going to get a whole lot more ambiguous!
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.... D... Did I miss something???
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You mean like EVERYTHING that was on the floor??
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I mean, unless he can activate the hatch of the red exisal with the remote? Maybe? He’s proven really good at hiding around the campus though, so who knows. 8′D maybe he’s in the exisal wash clinging to one of those giant brushes lmao
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But if he was... then we’d have to account for Kaito.
Unless they were both dead under there.
don’t you fucking do it DR.
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I... sort of... understand Shuichi’s feelings, only because he clearly cared for Kaito so much...
but on the other hand, what a cruel way for Tsumugi to put it. Not, “do you think Kaito is still alive,” but “do you think Kokichi died,” do you prefer it that way - the connotations are completely different.
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T.... Tsumugi... it may be best to stop talking now....
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I’m starting to wonder if she can act so calmly because he isn’t dead, and she knows it - but I’ll save those thoughts for the end.
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Kaito’s body is (probably) still warm Himiko, are you about to jump ship to Saiibo already??? 
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What a brave, brave soul.
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Y-Yes but, um, er, what would you have done if it... hadn’t... been a clue...???
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Man, Shuichi’s first solo investigation since Chapter 1 when he discovered the mastermind’s door...
Actually, that might not be true. K1-b0 and Tsumugi have both been helping in small ways - well, K1-b0 much more than Tsumugi - so perhaps I can at least designate K1-b0 as his minor assistant in this chapter?
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OW -
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Those are definitely the marks of a kid attacked by a crossbow!
So if they were both hit, then... was there a struggle? Kaito shot him, Kokichi managed to shoot him back? But if he was shot with two, and there was poison involved... would that be enough for Kaito to overcome him, illness and all?
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Dear lord Shuichi I know you want Kaito to be alive but don’t act so happy about Kokichi being dead!
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Yeah, now that’s the point I’m stuck on - though I do have a few ideas, one of them involving him being too weak to show himself at this point. 8(
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Oh Shuichi, you’ll get there soon. I feel like that’s going to be one of the first illusions we need to dispel going in.
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K1-b0 what in the world do you think Shuichi’s going to do in here?
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In painful, awkward silence.
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And whoever it is.... is going to have a lot of explaining to do. I mean seriously, that’s the thing I’ve been wondering - a lot of the issues have been dependent on not knowing who is dead. How can they maintain that mystery during the trial? Monokuma isn’t going to break his own rule for this - attendance is mandatory!
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If.... If this is going where I think this is going... 
Man, I know you and Shuichi weren’t as close as you and Kaito, but would you be willing to throw him away so easily? I guess it’s easier when you know there’s nothing left outside of this place, but...
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With a murderous aura rolling off of her in waves, glowing blood-red eyes glittering under thick, dark bangs and venom lacing every word out of her mouth: “Don’t you see Shuichi? I am hope, personified.”
“U-Uh, um -”
“H O P E , P E R S O N I F I E D !”
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“Collateral damage falls under the same big ‘hope’ umbrella tbh.”
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Who knew that Kaito would be the one acting as a sober second thought. Kaitoooooo we need yooooou D:
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Oh Tsumugi, you always know just what to say. 8′/
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You are literally the only one with a peppy attitude right now, K1-b0! I guess robots really can’t read the mood
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“Well, I mean, they may have, but the word ‘hope’ kept cropping up so I blocked it all out.”
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Which means what, exactly? The world will still be reduced to ashes. There’s just a handful of you left. What is the point of victory now? 
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Now that’s an interesting thought. Hope as a burden...
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.... Aaaaw. Fair, but aaaw. :(
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SMASHES that fourth wall like it’s no big thing
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OMG they’re.... really not here?!?! Kokichi.... or Kaito???
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“Look, only I’m allowed to make grandiose speeches about despair and hope, okay? ONLY ME!!”
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To think that after the last chapter’s events, Shuichi would be relying so strongly on his gut feeling, despite the evidence he collected pointing him in the opposite direction...
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THEY’RE PURPLE? W... We’re really going in without knowing then?!
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Alright, notes time!
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Oh man, which section do I begin with. Important facts of the case? The basics? We don’t even have an established victim, so...
Alright, location. Top left of the sheet, just to start things off, I wrote down the three important areas: the exisal bay, the bathroom (and window), and the open area in the hallway. There were supplies taken from the two different labs, but the majority of the action happened in those places.
Suspects... well, ruling out Shuichi, there’s Himiko, Maki, Tsumugi, and K1-b0 - but there’s also Kokichi and Kaito, depending on who died! Man! That does throw things off quite a bit, doesn’t it?
Now for the victim... well. Okay. I divided them into two sections, each with a yes or no column.
Kaito Momota - Victim?
Shirt sleeve was visible from the press
He was sick/unwell - an easy target to kill, and on top of that -
If he died, he wouldn’t be considered a person by the press and would be crushed without a problem (aka a callback to the K1-b0 scene)
Shirt sleeve was conspicuous
He got confirmed help from the outside via crossbow, if not more
His illness he has nothing to lose - that could give him strength, and it could also push him to kill someone and become the blackened for the ‘greater good’. If he’s going to die anyway, why not?
Kokichi Ouma - Victim?
Can’t be found
Monokuma is back and the killing game with it
His clothes were hidden, a stark contrast to Kaito’s visible clothing in the press, and had bloodstains
The power cord was cut to hid the body’s identity, which is strange considering the shirt sleeve situation
He was in control of everything. How did he get overthrown?
Just like with Gonta, I’ve circled my decision... I think Kokichi may be dead after all. Shit.
Before I go on though, some more important evidence outside of the hangar include the exisals being powered down and Maki’s hammer being at the scene of where they were circling Monokuma and Himiko being spotted bringing a crossbow to Kaito. I really think this is all pointing to a rescue attempt being staged last night, without everyone’s knowledge!
Right, so to add onto the ‘Kokichi is probably the victim’ hypothesis, I need to establish that he isn’t the mastermind because a lot of the evidence hinges on that (aka Monokuma’s return and the killing game being back). Honestly, seeing the exisal formation around Monokuma really made me confident in that - it really just seemed like they were guarding him, not protecting. Actually, with that in mind, the real mastermind has a very strong reason to want him dead! They would definitely help with the escape/coup effort with that in mind!
So... if it went something like this...
Kaito hears about the escape plan from Shuichi. Fully convinced that Kokichi is the mastermind along with the others and suddenly with his own motivation to move as fast as he can because he doesn’t want the others to risk themselves against Kokichi and the exisals, he formulates his own plan. Maki visits him - he asks her to bring him a crossbow from her lab. Or... Himiko, maybe. Either way, a decision is made by either Kaito alone or Maki, if it’s through her, to have Himiko bring him the bag because Maki skulking around would immediately raise Kokichi’s suspicions.
I think the crossbow bolts were tinged with poison, though? Would that be with or without Kaito’s knowledge? I can see Maki maybe doing that without Kaito knowing - I don’t know if he would aim to kill, even if the crossbow to Kokichi’s back suggests otherwise. I’m sure his aim is pretty poor either way. Maki does seem very intent on ‘killing the mastermind’ and the fact that it’s Kokichi is almost convenient for her, honestly. Kaito certainly wouldn’t want her to kill again, but if she can do it through him she’d be able to kill Kokichi without giving Kaito a chance to stop her, as well as take on the responsibility for his death... I don’t know. I might need to workshop that. 8′D
Anyway, there was definitely a scuffle of some sort - that’s the only way they would both have wounds. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more tragic it’s all becoming - it’s really starting to seem like Kokichi was trying to stop the game in his own strange way, but couldn’t find a way to do it without building up this huge target on his back - and now, just when he’d managed to steal control of the whole thing, Kaito may have killed him while making the exact same mistake as Kaede...
Ah, right - so I think I’ve been waiting for this moment where Kaito gets pushed off the pedestal of hero, but I shouldn’t be surprised he would do it in a way where he would think he was doing the right thing before getting the rug pulled out underneath him - he would take on the role of the culprit, the embodiment of the ‘self-sacrificing hero’, and die thinking he saved everyone, or even worse, die knowing he fucked up in his attempts to be a hero for Maximum Despair. ffffff
Any last things... oh, no matter the situation with the poison, Maki was definitely involved in that. I’m sure she was the one who brought the antidote just in case Kaito got himself poisoned. I also think she was the most involved third party - I don’t think Kaito would have the strength to bring Kokichi to the press by himself, and I can see Maki tampering with all the evidence after the fact like the cord for the press and the marks on the panel outside. Maybe she did a lot of the work with one of the exisals? But in order for her to enter in the first place, she would have to have someone on the inside to open the shutter for her, and if Kaito had fought Kokichi by that point he’d be able to do it. It would explain why she’s acting so cagey right now - she’s covering for him! Though... if Monokuma is back, would she risk everyone dying to save him? Does she think he doesn’t have the power to enact the punishment if his controller is dead (even if they really aren’t?).
With that said... I still... think... Kaito is the culprit, despite Maki’s involvement. Maki seems desperate to help him survive this (pushing that Kaito’s the culprit, continuously bringing up Kokichi despite Monokuma being a functional AI), but Kaito knows there’s no time left for him, and the whole reason he took the role on of culprit in the first place was because he knew that. Is the reason he hasn’t shown up because he’s too weak to appear at this point? ooooh boy oh boy oh boy, this is... bad.... W-What are they going to do when they figure out Kokichi wasn’t the mastermind......
Anyway, man we’ll see how much is right and how much is wrong - will this be right on like my conclusion with Gonta, or tragically, hilariously wrong like my attempt at guessing Korekiyo’s motive? still better than the game’s
oh right but if Kaito is still alive this is still relevant
that theme of every character taking at least one second distinct role/alias/persona continues - I had said Kaito was wearing both his actual role of ‘Ultimate Astronaut’ and as well as his proclaimed role as ‘Hero’, but I think ‘Culprit’ will work just fine here.... 8′(
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danganronpawritings · 6 years
I summon the Ascendant Ruler of Ice, Tanaka the Forbidden One, to judgement under the fluffy alphabet! Welcome back Mod Anju!! Sending lots of love
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A = Attractive. What do they find attractiveabout the other?
He finds your understanding and fearlessnessattractive.
B = Baby. Do they want a family? Why/Why not?
Of course the Dark Lord needs an heir!Besides, human babies cannot be much different from human babies… right?
C = Cuddle. How do they cuddle?.
He will just hold you face-to-face
D = Dates. What are dates with them like?
He takes dates VERY seriously, and makes apoint to not let anything interrupt you. He likes the usual dates, you know-summoning otherworldly beings, gathering materials for a potion or recipe orwhatever, and reading you ancient tomes. Typical stuff.
E = Everything. You are my ____ (e.g. mylife, my world…)
You are my eternal partner in this world ofcruelty and injustice, but together we will rise to become the most powerfulcreatures of all worlds!
F = Feelings. When did they know they werefalling in love?
When he found that you were actuallyinterested in all his dark culty stuff. You didn't think he was weird, nor didyou cut him off to talk about the 'more important things' of this world.
G = Gentle. Are they gentle? If so, how?
He is very gentle with his dark lord/lady, ashe is your knight, your guardian, he will protect you from all things evil.
H = Holding Hands. How do they like to hold hands?
Bu-but you can't touch him! You'll die!*grabs hand anyway* *you don't die* *Gundham is shocked and buried self in hisscarf*
I = Impression. First impression/s?
He thought at first you were just a meremortal, but then he began to notice a strong energy radiating from you, and hehad to investigate further…
J = Joker. Are they into pulling pranks?
No, he is a very serious person, he doesn'thave time to pull childish pranks.
K = Kiss. How do they kiss?
He is more for short and sweet pecks on thelips, cheek, forehead, nose, wherever. He is also one for butterfly kisses whenyou both are having an intimate moment.
L = Love. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
You do, and he is stunned, completely frozenin shock.
M = Memory. What’s their favorite memorytogether?
One day you had come home out of athunderstorm, soaking wet, but you were holding a box. In the box were 6water-logged, thin, abandoned kittens. Before you could even explain Gundhamhad grabbed the box and ran to the kitchen. Together you both nursed thekittens back to health.
N = Nickel. Do they spoil? Do they buy theperson they love everything?
He occasionally spoils you, but doesn't getyou EVERYTHING you want.
O = Occupation. Dream job?
He really would rather not participate in themeticulous work this world requires, but if he had to…. Animal trainer/breeder.
P = Petnames. What petnames do they use?
Something that references you being hiseternal partner in his journey to conquer the dark realm and gain immortality.So something like 'my dark lord/lady'
Q = Quaint. What is their favorite non-modernthing?
Does ancient casting and dark art bookscount? He is constantly studying those to gain more power.
R = Rainy Day
First he would be concerned… obviously one ofhis enemies is trying to manipulate the weather to hinder his activities thatday… but no matter, such obstacles won't stop him! He will go on with his dayas previously planned, but now with determination… You had a nice picnic at thepark planned? Well you better bring your umbrella because nothing is stoppinghim.
S = Sad. How do they cheer themselves/othersup?
Well, the Dark Devas of Destruction alwayswork to cheer everyone up.
T = Talking. What do they like to talk about?
He loves to talk about the other world, hisdark powers, ect… He also loves talking about the Dark Devas of Destruction andother animals he has interacted with recently.
U = Unencumbered. What helps them relax?
He truly relaxes when he is with animals.They are so sweet, unjudging, and pure. They are so soft and loving, just beingaround animals puts him at ease.
V = Vaunt. What do they like to show off?What are they proud of?
He loves to show off his knowledge of thedark arts, but he must stay humble, so he rarely actually brags.
W = Wedding. When, how, where do theypropose?
He would be quite traditional, but in a darkway. He would get on one knee, he doesn't give you a ring, but a necklace. Thenecklace would have various stones embedded in it. Black obsidian, forprotection, amethyst for calming and emotional stability, tiger eye forself-discipline, aventurine for happiness, rose quartz for love, and kyanite tocleanse the others, and to remove any energy blockages.  
X = Xylophone. What’s their song?
Beethoven Virus, nightcore remix
Y = You. You are the ___ to my ___ (e.g. thecookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You are the light to my darkness
Z = Zebra. If they wanted a pet, what wouldthey get?
Well, he already has his Devas, but he loves allanimals. If he could, he would have his own zoo.
~Mod Anju
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pendragonfics · 7 years
In Love Or Something
Paring: Sherlock Holmes/Reader
Tags: female reader, writer’s block, writer, angst, roommates, Sherlock being Sherlock, idiots in love, fluff.
Summary: A young writer living with Sherlock is the new John 2.0 when there's a spare room available in 221B. This also means she's the one who puts up with Sherlock, and gets in close to life as he knows it.
Word Count: 2,992
Current Date: 2017-12-14
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There was an idea that writers could just pick up a pen, and whenever they wished, the words would come forth. That idea was, sadly, just an idea, and ever the mundane human you were, there was nothing that could make it get any better. Tea did nothing. Meditation, well, that was out of the question. You stayed in the room above the flat of the Sherlock Holmes, asshole supreme, and, notorious noisy man. Whenever your fingers would poise to write the fictional story you were destined to (or taught to, after five years spent at a very expensive university where you studied novels and deconstructed them to buggery), the tall man would shoot the wall, would call your name, would bang the door on his way out to solve a crime.
You see, the was your plight. Middleclass, female. Owner of a diploma in the arts, or really, a fancy paper that failed to get you into a publishing house two years ago when you graduated with honours. Your uncle, a policeman at the Scotland Yard knew you were soon to be penniless and had no problems shaking up anywhere until you found a job, and pulled strings to allow you to stay in the spare room in 221B Baker street, prime real estate in London. Well, that was a month ago. You now worked as Sherlock Holmes’ new Watson, since the other man could not run around to corpses and crime scenes after becoming the primary caregiver of his daughter.
But your story…!
“_________, I need you to look at something,” Sherlock called your name, that baritone tenor getting to your nerves like tears when gas comes.
You barely grit your teeth, and pushing the computer from your lap, you march down the stairs to see what’s wrong in the land of Holmes. Sherlock stands in the middle of the lounge room, holding his head like it’s a football, or perhaps, on fire. He’s wearing pyjamas, yet, it’s after ten o’clock on a Tuesday and he’s usually elbows-deep in a bag of thumbs from Molly Hooper or finding someone’s amnesiac step-grandmother.
“Yeah?” You ask, hands upon hips akimbo. “Don’t tell me you need an idiot’s perspective on something.”
He releases his hands from his head, giving you a small smile. “You’re not an idiot…” He goes to protest.
You raise a brow at his claim. “Just last week you yelled it at me before I went to bed. And threw a slipper at me.” You say bluntly, staring him directly in the eyes. “So, what is it? I’m not telling you where your cigarettes are.”
His eyes look bleary, come to see it, and there’s a slight stumble in his step when he moves back to sit in his favourite chair. He’s not using, you’re on him like a hound about that, and there’s no way he’s drunk, he absolutely loathes day-drinking when the days of the week don’t begin with an S. You’re not an idiot, he’s right, but even an idiot could see that Sherlock Holmes, detective extraordinaire, was –
“You’re sick.” You say.
He goes to protest, “No, I’m not,” he exclaims, wincing at his own tone. “I – I didn’t call you down here to mother me, I need a hand on – on –,” he repeats the word once more, and then, sneezes into his pyjama sleeve. “How am I sick?”
You shake your head, moving toward the kitchen. It’s a mess, as always, but some of it is your mess, so you do not complain. You flick the kettle on, and tidying up the dirty dishes into some semblance of a pile, you ruminate on how Sherlock got sick. “It could be because of that time you went out and didn’t bring an umbrella, you know, the night when all the taxis were on strike,” you call out, pulling down two mugs and tea bags. “…or that night when you didn’t bring your coat and we went into the sewer to follow a lead on foot,” you gag at the memory, remembering how cold it was underground, and how lucky you were for wearing one of Uncle Greg’s knitted jumpers. “Or –,”
There’s another sneeze, and a splutter, “Okay, I get it. I’m the idiot.”
You bring the tea to the lounge, and handing Sherlock his cup (a mug with a picture of a panda on the centre), you take yours to the window, far away from the germs he’s giving off. “I wish I recorded that, it would be so nice to hear you say that phrase over and over,” you laugh to yourself, blowing the steam from your chipped blue and white mug. “But I wasn’t called down here to fuss about and make tea out of goodwill. I am an author.”
“You will be if you ever write something,” he says into his mug.
You decide right then to ignore what the asshole of the year has muttered, and take a deep chug of your tea. If your mouth was full, you couldn’t spar with him with insults and mockery.
“So?” you prompt, with an air of irritation to your tone. “Do I have to sniff a cadaver, or look at a case file…?”
Sherlock is silent, cradling his tea in his lap. If he wasn’t six-foot-tall, and owned a handgun, you could have no problem picturing him as a small, sick boy, nose red and eyes bleary and breathing congested. “It’s…it’s nothing.” He finally says. “Forget about it.”
You place your half-drunk mug on the windowsill, and take your leave.
When you come down six hours later, it’s almost afternoon tea time, and having written fifteen words shy of a thousand into your word processor, you decide it’s time to stretch your aching back, work out the kinks that found their way into your smooshed buttocks, and get more tea. You hardly look around, but when you see the milk’s all gone, and there’s no orange juice, and none in the cupboard either, you grab your wallet, and prepare to take leave to the Tesco’s around the corner.
But before you call out to say where you’re going, you see him. Face pressed into his shoulder, sitting upright in his sofa seat. Legs out like they were full-length broomsticks, and not appendages, a hand dangling over the side of the armchair in a way that could never be comfortable. You’re not a heartless woman, just a killjoy realist, and instead of just turning and going to get milk and juice, you go to Sherlock’s room. The one he said never to go into, even if the world was ending.
Selecting a spare blanket, you drape it over your roommate’s sick body, and retreat to the outside world to complete the chores.
You’re over a thousand words on your story now, and having told Sherlock you’re taking the day off, it’s now a week after he got sick, and now better, he’s back to being an asshole about everything and anything. Thus, while he goes around solving policemen’s unsolvable puzzles, you’ve got your head down in a silent zone block, typing away madly before the inspiration leaves you. It’s been a hard week, and hardly getting to type around the lifestyle as Sherlock’s new blogger, you’re down about your progress. Thank goodness it isn’t November, because otherwise you’d doubly punish yourself, and try and do the writing challenge where people write 50,000 words in a month.
There’s someone sitting beside you in the next cubicle, impeccably dressed. You peer over at him, and narrow your eyes. You’ve met Mycroft Holmes before, and like you don’t like Sherlock at the best of times, you most certainly don’t like the eldest Holmes brother at the worst. He’s nothing but a pencil-pushing moral compass, and you’re nothing but a keyboard-tapping writer with a slight anger problem.
You deserved a holiday. Perhaps Berlin was nice this time of year? Somewhere the lifestyle of the Holmes wouldn’t follow you.
In Morse Code, he clicks a pen against his leg.
You roll your eyes. You wonder if there was a possibility that one day, you could roll your eyes so hard, they’d roll backwards into your head. Or out, and roll away to their heart’s content onto the sidewalk. You look through your laptop bag, and finding your loyalty card for an ice creamery, you tap against the desk.
He chuckles dryly, and goes on.
You reply, T-A-L-K—O-U-T-S-I-D-E.
Taking your time, you tuck your laptop into its bag, with now a thousand words, and four hundred and thirty on top of that. You fold the cord into itself, and slip your phone into your pocket. You do this all while knowing that the elder brother of your roommate is watching, and while your time is not worth money, his is, and wasting it is as sweet as the petty squabbles you win against Sherlock.
But once you’re outside the library, and you’ve bought yourself a coffee with extra sugar and cream, you take a seat under a monument, and listen to what bargain that Mycroft has intended to strike.
“So, Sherlock needs an eye on him?” you say, inhaling your coffee. “What else is new? Is the show Doctor Who British government propaganda to hide the fact that there is alien life?” He doesn’t say anything to that. “Ooh, no news is good news, I’ll tell all my friends that gossip…”
Mycroft sighs. “He’s volatile still. Getting over the whole ordeal of losing his close friend, finding his sister…ah, there’s so much trauma in his life you just have to close your eyes and point, and there’ll be one there to choose from.” He eyes your coffee, seemingly jealous of your sweet dose of caffeine. “And don’t tell your friends that that show is real, you’ll just sound crazy.”
You laugh to yourself. “I’m a twenty-seven-year-old woman, sitting on a bench on her day off, and yet, still talking to a Holmes. I am a writer. I am a lackey to whatever Sherlock gets up to! I talk to myself when I’m writing to get an idea of what the words will sound like when read! Crazy? Oh, man, you don’t know crazy until you’re where I am.”
Mycroft doesn’t contest on that. Instead, he hands you a note. It’s handwritten, in a curly font that makes you think it’s from a woman. The paper is nice, a soft yellow cardstock, bought probably at a newsagency. You’re no idiot, yes, but you’re smart enough to deduce that this note is from his mother, and not a woman he works with. Or maybe, just by reading the first few words gave it away.
Sherlock, I gave birth to you, raised you and taught you all that you know! It says. You can almost picture his mother scowling writing this, Don’t forget to call your father for his birthday –
You close the notepaper in on itself. “So, am I a carrier pigeon now?”
He considers it, but instead says, “I don’t trust the postal service –,”
You make a noise, “Her majesties own postal service? I should go to Buckingham and tell her myself that the Mycroft Holmes, backbone of the United Kingdom doesn’t trust –,”
He rolls his eyes. “to get there in time. Father’s birthday is in three days.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll keep an eye on your brother,” You chuckle to yourself, eyeing him. “But not for money, and not for your sick obsession of watching people constantly on CCTV to satisfy your strange ways.” You stand, and chugging the rest of your coffee, place the empty cup into Mycroft’s hands. “Until next time, Microsoft Holmes.”
You would be at forty words off the next thousand on your creative piece, but instead, you’re standing beside Sherlock with your notepad and recording device at the ready, and looking at a very deceased man.
“Sixty, male, ambidextrous, straight. Woodworker, low education, raised in the country. Lived, still, in the countryside.” He states, examining the corpse that looks like it was either ready to get from the slab and dance in a Michael Jackson music video, or go straight into the furnace to become ashes. “See the dirt under his nails? Callouses on fingers, splinters.”
You nod, doing your best to make sure you weren’t being disrespectful to the deceased man, but also, not show how much the seven-day-old corpse who had once been named Alvin Ludwig was making you feel about the curry you had for lunch (and how much it wanted to make a reappearance).
Your Uncle stood by the door of the morgue, beside the man who had been doing the post-mortem. It was Molly’s day off; she and her friend Harry had decided to take a trip to Bath. But Uncle Greg watched the both of you, perhaps a little too closely.
“So, what’s the verdict?” He asked Sherlock.
He placed his magnifying glass away in his pocket. “He’s a victim of that perp of yours.” He states. “If you see here, by his ear, there are two holes that seem unnoticeable, but appear to be deep enough to pierce the skull.”
The other man at the door’s eyes are wide, and comes the corpse to see it. “Cause of death?”
Sherlock shakes his head of curls, “If you checked the mouth, though, you’d notice a lack of hydration –,”
“This means that Mr. Ludwig had been attacked by the killer,” you say, “but instead of the standard death the others had, he survived it. Starved to death.”
Sherlock smiles to you. “Exactly.”
Later, you’re not in a morgue, but outside it, and Sherlock is off speaking to a detective heatedly about his observational skills. You barely get to get a word in edgeways, and waiting it out, see your uncle alone, pocketing his phone from whoever he was calling at the Yard with the new evidence.
“_________, you look well,” he grins, bringing you in for a hug. “I haven’t seen you in months! How’s everyone going at home?” You talk about your family, and he rants about how your mother would always be on the lookout for trouble. You don’t believe it, but laugh away. He’s her twin, anyway, he’d know her better than anyone. “So, I see you and Sherlock are getting along fine. You’ve even taken up John Watson’s blog, yeah?”
You blush at that. “I’m not replacing him, or anything,” you say, “He’s busy being a father, and I’m busy running around after this one.” You glance to Sherlock, who’s now teaching the Dewy-decimal system or something to another detective. “He is a handful and a half!”
Uncle Greg raises his eyebrows so far up, you wonder if they’ll disappear into his receding hairline. “Understatement of the year, _________, I’m telling you,” he laughs, “no, I thought, you’d get right on like a house on fire, I knew you’d be good together.”
You pause at that. “We’re not…just because we live together and work together and I complain a lot about him and a lot about his brother together doesn’t mean I like him.” You say, crossing your arms. “We’re just…Uncle Greg, honestly? Was this a matchmake from the beginning?”
He shakes his head, holding his hands out. “No, no! I just – I know Mrs. Hudson, and I knew there was a spare room –,”
Sherlock approaches, collar flicked up, cheekbones looking like they were made of cut glass, “What’s going on?”
You punch your uncle’s arm lightly, and tug on Sherlock’s sleeve. “Nothing, we’re leaving. I don’t want to pay for takeout when there’s perfectly good leftovers in the fridge.”
Once back at 221B Baker street, you’re thinking of the two thousand six hundred words you could be writing, rather than forcing Sherlock to eat around the clock, and with him at the little dining table, pushing around yesterday’s peas on a plate, you sigh. This story keeps evading you, and slowly, you place your head in your hands, and groan.
“Don’t tell me what’s wrong,” Sherlock states, a pea speared upon his fork, “let me deduce.” You keep your head in your hands, but not protesting, he goes on. “You’ve been on edge about your writing for as long as I can remember, but it isn’t that…it happened recently, so it isn’t something my brother said.” You glance through your fingers, and see him. He’s got his thinking face on, fingers poised under his chin, “Not two hours ago you spoke to your uncle.”
You’re silent as he goes on.
“You’re a headstrong person with a sense for humour and such, so it wasn’t humiliation in the conventional sense, no, he’s an uncle, not a cousin, so he’d naturally ask about the same topics that your parents would, and parents ask about more personal issues, not that I would notice from personal experience…” His eyes meet yours, and slowly his face grows red. “He thinks you’re in love with me.”
You chuckle at the wording. “Sounds more like an inflation of that ego of yours when you put it that way,” you don’t deny the fact. Yes, your uncle thinks you’re in love with Sherlock Holmes. That is a fact.
He quirks a brow. “No denial?”
You place your hands in your lap, and look at Sherlock in the eyes. “You’re right. I am an idiot…” you go to stand, but as you go to walk away, he catches your wrist in his hold, those thin fingers capturing you. “Sherlock –,”
He shakes his head, voice no more than a whisper, “No, I’m the idiot, for not realising that the feelings were mutual,” he says.
You grin to yourself. “Looks like we’re a pair of idiots in love or something.”
Perhaps writing down something fictional when you lived a life alongside Sherlock Holmes would never work. Besides, it was more interesting anyways.
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