#who needs romantic relationships when your friends think of you as a dangerous powerful and mystical being??
yanderes-galore · 2 days
can you do a yandere giorno giovanna concept if you don't mind?
I love Giorno so yes. This takes place maybe a few years after Part 5 where he's been the boss for a while.
Yandere! Giorno Giovanna Concept
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Stalking, Violence, Blood, Murder, Possessive behavior, Implied kidnapping, Condescending behavior, Delusional behavior, Isolation, Emotional manipulation, Implied attempted mind break, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Giorno could've met you as an adult or maybe even knew you during the events of Part 5.
However, his obsession wouldn't start until after Part 5's events either way.
Giorno, by this point, has already grown into his role of being The Boss of Passione.
With Diavolo gone he's managed to make the streets a little cleaner of drugs.
Giorno's character is described as "your friendly neighborhood gangster".
He wants to help people, even if his role is intimidating.
He and Diavolo are complete opposites in everything, including how they act as Boss.
Giorno is often serious and calm.
Since a young age he's been taught to read people and often puts on masks around people.
He's charismatic and often gets along with people, even as The Boss.
My favorite idea for a yandere Giorno plot is the idea of befriending the mafia boss in some way, only for him to fall for you.
Giorno is a good ally to have, especially when he has power.
Unlike Diavolo he actually cares about you, often checking in once he's befriended you.
I like to think he was inspired by Bruno Bucciarati befriending those around him.
So, once he took over, he wanted others to know he's here to aid them.
Including you.
Maybe you need help from him for something.
A debt, you're a target for something, any sort of problem that would get you involved with the mafia.
Giorno, having a kind heart, offers you such aid.
Maybe he even sends Mista as a bodyguard just in case there is any danger after you.
Giorno is a yandere who's calm and tranquil, not much sets him off.
Even if something did he doesn't show it.
He's really good at hiding how he feels... yet reading how others feel.
You can't hide anything from Giorno.
He seems like he'd often invite you to private chats, considering you a friend.
Plus, he likes to keep an eye on you.
If something was bothering you, like a new controlling partner or some other issue, Giorno can tell.
You can't lie in front of him.
Giorno is adamant on letting you know he cares.
He doesn't want any harm coming to you.
As a Don, he can make that happen.
At first, having Giorno as a friend isn't too bad.
His words often bring you comfort and your presence brings him comfort.
Being involved in the mafia can be a dangerous game, yet Giorno tells you not to worry too much about it.
I feel Giorno could be really subtle about his obsession.
Even if he begins to feel romantic feelings, he waits until you're ready... usually.
Although, he'd influence your mind with his words and gifts.
Giorno has traits from Jonathan and DIO, one of my favorite aspects of his character.
Giorno often echoes aspects from Jonathan when it comes to you.
He lives for your happiness and would do anything to protect you.
He echoes DIO when he feels he has to get rid of those around you.
If Giorno found out someone hurt you, he's cruel.
They'd be gone immediately, be that by Mista or Giorno himself.
He'll make it graphic but hide the whole scene from you.
Then he carefully cleans the blood off himself before returning to you with a smile.
Giorno doesn't want to be a monster in your eyes... despite his heritage.
He's always comforting and welcoming.
He lets you into his home and base of operations willingly... just to see your face.
He just likes knowing you're okay.
Once he has you trust enough, Giorno would start trying to nudge you in the direction of letting him treat you.
He keeps a close eye on you so much he's found himself falling for you.
He's gone many nights thinking about you, worrying about if you're okay or not.
Being friends with him is both beneficial yet dangerous.
He can protect you... but what about when he's not there?
I can see Giorno sending other members to watch over you if he can't do it himself.
You've caught his eye and the last thing he needs is you getting hurt.
Giorno is definitely one to spoil his beloved.
He has the money and he wants to spend it on buying you things.
It doesn't matter if you aren't dating yet, he's adamant on giving you the prettiest items.
Giorno probably gets jealous but has learned to hide it.
Oh... you found someone to date...
They get caught up in a shootout, one of Giorno's ways to get rid of them while also driving you into his arms.
He seems so nice and kind.
But he's also manipulative.
He knows how to get what he wants, hiding it just enough to make you not suspect anything.
Why wouldn't you want to date him?
He is patient, waiting for you as long as he has to.
Although, the moment he wins you over, he smothers you.
Gifts, affection, anything you could ever ask for...
As long as you never leave his sight.
He can protect you, love you, sacrifice anything for you...
Yet you're locked away in a private shared home.
Giorno never likes to show you his more ruthless behavior.
He tells you he keeps you in your shared home because he loves you.
Dealing with gangs can be dangerous and while he can patch wounds... he can't resurrect the dead.
Giorno is paranoid behind his calm facade.
He may even be delusional when you have your inevitable fights.
You'll learn he's doing this for your own good, won't you?
He's primarily protective, like Jonathan.
Yet when he holds or kisses you, possessive behavior like DIO shows itself.
Giorno wants to be patient, however he also likes to know you're his.
He's not quite as bad as DIO, but isn't as harmless as Jonathan.
He isn't fully like them, either, he's his own character.
He's addicted to your warmth and voice, clinging to you whenever you're near.
This behavior is most likely due to his childhood and the events of Part 5.
He hates being lonely... He hates losing those close to him....
As a result, Giorno becomes what he is now.
Under his stoic facade, he's scared.
He's scared to lose you...
So locking you away with him feels like the best way to soothe himself.
While Giorno is often kind and patient with you.
Although if you don't listen to him, I imagine he gets irritated.
He is shown to hate repeating himself.
So I can see him losing his patience if you ignore his advice, orders, or rules... Giorno would feel he'd have to discipline you.
Giorno would never hurt you physically... he seems like he'd go for messing with you mentally.
For example, locking you in your room if you're fighting with him.
It starts with just hours, but soon it may escalate to days... weeks.
He feeds you but withholds affection.
His punishments aim to break you down, to drive you back into his arms.
Giorno wants you to need him... to rely on him...
Once you realize that, then he's won, and he has you all to himself.
"I do everything to protect you, my love...."
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stellarree · 1 year
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fae-morrigan · 2 months
people… like jonjay? i didnt know that. curiously, what is the appeal besides yknow, gay superman?
This is worded hilariously, so I will deign myself to answer it.
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In short: It has nothing to do with Jon (the aforementioned Gay Superman) and everything to do with Jay. Most jayjon shippers are Jay stans first and Jon is there too, I guess.
You probably have heard a lot of things about Mr. Jay Nakamura. Basically none of them are true, other than his hair being obnoxiously pink.
No, he's not some evil mastermind who manipulated Jon into a relationship with him. No, he's not a cruel and mean evil man who mistreats Jon. No, he's not a boring character with no personality. Frankly I don't even know how you get that last one, he's got an insane amount of presence on page.
What is Jay Nakamura then?
He's an investigative political journalist who was pushed into becoming that when a western-backed American dictatorship took over his country and subjected him to medical torture (giving him his powers). He's a refugee from a country that has been in turmoil since its creation by Jim Lee all the way back in the 90's Wildstorm universe. He, despite all of this, is overwhelmingly chill when Jon straight up cannot be, up to and including being the voice of reason and formulating complicated plans on the fly. He's a sensitive, caring man who deeply concerns himself with the well-being of others, but never himself, up to and including putting himself in danger. He's the real protagonist of Son of Kal El, and he dresses and has the color scheme of a poison dart frog. He looks like if Oscar the Grouch went to a drag show and came back with ideas. He's like if a 100 gecs song was a guy. And he's Superman's beloved. That's interesting by itself before you even get to Jon's side of things!
They meet under the following circumstances for Jon:
He's more or less just returned from the Volcano & his stint with the Legion. So, fresh off the heels of life-altering Trauma.
Clark, genius, decides this is a GREAT time to leave to liberate Warworld, leaving Jon (unstable) to be Superman alone.
He's not had a proper possession or attachment in years. Everything was fleeting and painful in the Volcano. He's now older than his best friend, his parents expect him to act like he did when he was 12, and the whole world knows who he is so he can't even walk to the coffee shop and buy himself a fun drink to calm his nerves.
Imagine you're Jon and killing yourself isn't an option: What do you do?
Well, you talk to your only friend in the whole wide world, Damian, and Damian (autistic) recommends you solve your turmoil by watching his favorite political twitch streamer, a guy named The Truth. So you do, you wake up at seven in the canonical morning to do so, and you find out about a boat of refugees that need saving, and you go and you save them because you may not be coping well but you ARE still superman!
And that leads... directly into Jon meeting Jay (who is in fact The Truth) on the rooftop at the end of issue 2 of Son of Kal El. In their first real meeting, Jay becomes the first person since the age up to fully emphasize with Jon's situation and to offer him a tangible solution and partnership.
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So obviously Jon becomes obsessed. Immediately.
I'm not joking: I think people assume that Jay was the instigator for their romance, but no, actually, Jay was just kind of a helpful dude who gave tips on where to be and how to help, and Jon was straight up blowing off Clark to go meet him and get arrested for his cause.
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Even their big romantic scene in issue 5 is characterized by Jay offering him basic care, taking Jon in when Jon's on the brink of collapse:
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And then Jon kisses him. And it is Jon who kissed first, by the way. Its much clearer in the initial sketches from the first volume trade. First kiss Jay canonically initiates is in issue 15!
And this caring, this protectiveness, this understanding, characterizes their romance from then on: Its fast, its heated, its intense, but its never blind.
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They help each other- Jon helps Jay free his country, and Jay helps Jon rest. It is the kind of romance that begins with infatuation and continues with devotion.
That's the real appeal of jonjay, anon: These are two weird ass people who found each other when they needed each other most. Two people on the verge of Giving Up who then carry each other out of the darkness.
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So why the hell am I the only one who give a shit?
I think the hang up on people liking Jayjon comes from two places:
Firstly, people don't like the age up. Which, fair, I mean, it was a wack ass decision on Bendis's part, but its been what, six years? Get over yourself, like, actually. They're not reversing it. Either acclimate or leave people who like it alone. I'm saying this as a longtime Legion of Super Heroes fan, if you can't find the good and interesting in otherwise stupid decisions, comics are NOT the medium for you lmfao.
Secondly, people go into Son of Kal El expecting a queer romance, and then are annoyed when Jay and Jon get together fast and the book is more plot-motivated. But that's uh, that's the thing, SOKE is not a queer romance, the gay stuff is just the cherry on top, the seasoning- Son of Kal El is a book about fighting colonialism. Why do you think so many marginalized comic fans like it? The entire plot of the book is about overthrowing an American-sponsored dictator in order to liberate an Asian country. Jay & Jon's romance is not only flavoring for this plot, but an expression of its core idea- If you have the power to be an ally, that's what you have to be. Jon's arc in that book is basically entirely learning how to be a good ally to an oppressed group. Just so happens part of how he learns that is by kissing a man!
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deramin2 · 4 days
Essek constantly gushing about his partner but pointedly not giving his name hits me so hard in the feels.
Two formative childhood experiences for me:
I was severely, mercilessly bullied as a child at every school I went to even if they're was no overlap of kids, and authority figures either ignored me or directly told me it was my fault. I was socially toxic. Any other kid who publicly associated with me was also targeted for harassment. I was best friends with a girl around the corner but because I was a couple years younger (in itself an invitation for bullying) and a parish, we could never let anyone know we were friends.
I've been told I should be upset at her for this, but it wasn't her fault. It was the other children who made it a fact that she would be harmed by publicly being my friend. She didn't make those rules, we were both just honest that it existed and there was nothing we could do to change that. The best we could do to survive was at least protect her. And that benefited me by actually having a friend.
So if we talked about each other it was"my friend." No names. No acknowledging we knew each other in public. No introductions to other friends. Keeping that divide up was necessary to survival. I had a couple friends on the same freak level as we and we were in fact targeted with additional harassment to get to the other person. It was a legitimate threat to live with. At some point I just stopped thinking it was ever necessary to reveal who my friends or family are unless it's both explicitly relevant and necessary.
I learned to use the internet in the late 1990s when anonymity was considered a best practice. Don't give out your age, sex, location, or other identifying information. You don't know who is on the other side of that screen or what they will do to you if they know. Sperate your online and offline worlds to protect yourself.
This helped reinforce experience one because clearly adults also acted like those kids and this just normal human behavior no one will ever put a stop to that you need to be on guard for at all times. Build in air gaps so if one of you is compromised it's harder for the perpetrator to get to other people you care about. Defending them through anonymity is a way of showing you love them.
Also since some family are searchable through have state government jobs that right-wing nut jobs chips target them for, I wanted to make sure they couldn't be connected to me as a queer trans disabled person active online. In case something I said led to them being targeted.
(This is correct advice, even though it flies in the face of modern online conventions. There are tons of malicious people on three internet who will target you and anyone you love if they decide to hurt you.)
By default, I refer to people by their relationship to me, not their name. My friend, my partner, my parent, my family, someone I know, etc. Often I avoid gendering them to make it even harder to identify them. I have to consciously consider if the person I'm talking to has any reason to know my associate's name. Blacklist everyone, then whitelist exceptions.
I do this even if both people know each other because the specific association feels dangerous. Better to be viewed as acquaintances than a meaningful relationship that changes how either of us could be viewed. It's not even really a judgement on thinking the person is untrustworthy, I just don't want to spend any extra energy thinking about it. It doesn't even feel relevant because my relationship to this person fellas like it conveys more information that actually matters.
Essek knows both he and Caleb are being targeted by powerful people who have shown they will target loved ones to get to them. Additionally, tensions between the Empire and Dynasty are still high and it could very easily compromise how their own sides view them if it's known that they're romantically entangled with someone from the other side. It could also blow each other's cover and make their meeting places more vulnerable to attack. Especially if their enemies know they could hit both of them at once.
It's genuinely dangerous for their connection to be known, so they don't name names. It's not even a matter of whether Bell's Hells would intentionally misuse that information, but what they also could just let slip to the wrong person. It's not really worth the risk when "my partner" is all the information they actually need to understand him.
My guess is that Essek said "Bren" is hiss partner because they already know a Bren sent them to Astrid. And since Caleb no longer uses the name Bren it would be much harder to connect them. It would have caused more questions, more prying, and more risk to give no name for his partner when directly pressed. So he gives a truthful but less dangerous answer. The anonymity is an act of love.
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oraclemilf · 27 days
Thankkk YOU. Astarion is NOT Wyll. I like what they’ve done with Astarion as a character but the fandom is so so so so wrong about so many things. I’m always like, “Astarion would NOT say that/do that/think that/etc.”
I think the big problem with astarion fans is that they want him to be secretly nice. He is not nice. Even after you go all the way through act 3 and convince and build him up to being a better person he only really gives a shit about your small party of friends and a few others he can vaguely empathize with and that's IT. Even at his best, he's very ride or die for a select few people only. He's not a romantic he's been through a horrible abusive relationship, so he's super gun shy about any intimacy that's not a manipulation tactic or sex. Yes, he has a beautiful romance arc with Tav, and he's a very well written character, but he's also deeply corruptable and self-serving at his core level. His character development hinges on guiding him away from his true nature. He doesn't have a secret heart of gold or whatever he has to do the dirty work of changing his mindset and actions from scratch. I like him, truly. But I'm tired of the portrayal of him as a poor, helpless little guy who didn't know better. He did that shit! Love him despite it. Or don't I'm not your Mom.
Wyll, though? He has never done anything wrong in his entire life. I don't care. Like everyone wants the grizzled overprotective guy with a heart of gold who got in a bad way with a being more powerful than them but trying to be good despite that and try to turn Astarion into that WHEN WYLL IS RIGHT THERE. He's even a rich noble who got kicked out on the streets and had to survive on his own with a demon breathing down his neck AND STILL he chooses kindness. Wyll is similarly a dangerous soul pact with a much more powerful being that has total control over his body and actions, but he still tries so hard to always do what is right despite it. He will take any punishment to protect people. He met Karach for 5 minutes after trying to kill her on false information for weeks and was literally ready to die by Mizora's hand to atone for his mistake. I love him so fucking much he needs more love from this fandom he's my favorite guy of all time. His story needs to be finished so fucking bad. WYLL SUPREMACY FOREVER.
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lucysarah-c · 4 months
Do you think Levi would be with someone who was canonically "innocent" or "weak"?
Would he have a relationship with an ordinary civilian?
Considering how much shitty hard shit he's been through, it seems like he wouldn't be with a partner who has a good life, who hasn't been through hard shit and who is pure.
Would he get cold and distant from a partner who is weak, insecure, unable to get up from a fall?
I felt the need to ask this question because I read a Hc about Levi being uncomfortable with weakness and that he can't be with someone who is weak and innocent
Especially in the manga, he said something about hating the weak.
Or if he saw the weaknesses of the average partner, would he accept his flaws or would he grow cold and distant from him?
Ahh I don't know, maybe his behavior towards his partner depends on the dynamics of their relationship. For example if he has been friends with S/o since childhood. Even if S/o was a weak person, maybe he wouldn't distance himself from her. But I don't know if he would like her romantically.
If you are the last person I will ask this question to, I can ask it on another blog. I didn't know which blog to ask.
Hi, sweetie! How are you? Mmh… Excuse me if I am wrong in assuming this after reading your ask, but since you mentioned that this is something that had been on your mind lately after you read a hc and you felt the need to ask me… I do not know who or what made you feel like you're weak, first of all, and even if you felt that way, therefore you're not worthy of Levi's love.
I have a particular… you may call it a "personal" issue with the word "weak". What do you consider weak? What is weakness in a person to even begin? "That person is weak" compared to what? Or to whom? Under which circumstances? Is what people consider "weakness" truly a weakness? Because everything may look dark if you don't consider the source of light.
I'll give my reasons later, but to make a long story short, no, I don't think Levi has any personal issue with weakness.
To start the argument, you, or maybe what they have made you believe, is "weakness" as you mentioned "innocence, ordinary civilian, good life, pure," all related to "weakness." Which leads me to ask you, what do you see as weak in all those characteristics? Because I see none. Let me explain. You see, people consider "ordinary civilians" weak, but if ordinary civilians didn't rise from their beds every single morning and do what they do for society, soldiers like Levi wouldn't have what to eat, what to wear, streets to walk, beds to sleep, or houses to hide from the cruel winter. To set a clear example, after Europe was DEVASTATED by the war, who rebuilt it? Who grabbed the helmets from the dead soldiers that were their men, their sons, their husbands, and made strainers to cook meals for the kids? Who picked up each and every single piece of debris so the cities could be rebuilt? Who worked the lands that once were trenches for kids to have what to eat? I see no weakness there. Weakness is in a human when they need to hold a weapon to feel powerful.
About the words "innocence, good life, pure"… why would Levi consider a person that didn't have his tough life someone not worthy of his love? There's nothing wrong and there's no fault in not suffering; romanticizing a harsh and poor life is something very dangerous. To set a clear example that Levi wishes that those he loves have a peaceful life, is him watching that mother with her child before the expedition to retake Wall Maria. He himself thought of his mother and the peaceful normal life he wished she had, he wished he could have given her.
Levi himself is an extremely sensitive, open-hearted, and altruistic person. He craves a normal life; his dream was to have a tea shop and live an "innocent, peaceful, pure" life. This reminds me of the movie "Sociedad de la Nieve," when Roberto Canessa is told "you have the best legs of the team, you have to walk for the rest of us," to do what others can't. THIS, for me, is the reason Levi joined the scouts. Because he KNOWS he can do something that others can't, and he will carry that weight because he knows he can carry it. Levi isn't in the military because he thinks he's "strong" or the power of being "strong," because he wishes to protect those who can't do the job he can, because he wants to be the person who helps others as he wasn't helped as an innocent, pure, weak little kid.
Levi values life, and he would never look down on someone because their life is perhaps more peaceful than his. On the contrary, I think he fights so everyone can have the peaceful life he couldn't have. Maybe, the "character" that others may consider "too innocent, pure, weak" is the character that has the tranquility and safety in their daily life that allows Levi to find refuge in their peacefulness to recover his energy to keep going. Maybe he enjoys spending time with them, admiring the little moments of life, to understand for what he is fighting.
Maybe this partner is going through a hard moment they can't see through, and perhaps that struggle isn't as big as what Levi's has been through. But only a very selfish person would measure someone's pain with their own; feelings have no proportions, we just feel them. Diminishing them won't do any good. It's easy to judge a cat for not being as strong as a dog, while nobody is calling a dog weak because they can't climb a tree. Life is too beautiful and complex to see it through a single lens. No, I do not believe Levi would do such a thing.
Hope this helps… if you ever feel like you need someone to vent, feel free. Stay safe.
Lots of love!
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shroomi1e · 2 years
realistic reasons why genshin men are undatable
pt. 2 ft: ayato, scaramouche, dottore, pantalone, heizou, venti (part 1)
cw: light cursing, mild violence
a/n: WOO IM BACK FROM HIATUS🥳 im treating this as a warm up and just kinda throwing it out there, ill start working on more content so stick around for that :)
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he's incredibly overworked, constantly running around trying to carry his clan and the yashiro commission on his shoulders
and him being a powerful person, it's likely that you'd be put in constant danger from those who want his position
he might be overprotective because of that, and would very much like to stick to your side 24/7 but obviously he can't
so try to get used to having bodyguards and the shuumatsuban tailing your ass all the time
but on a lighter(?) note: he probably plays really dumb pranks on you☠️
we already know that he's into seeing people struggle and squirm
so i can imagine he purposely sets things up to make you uncomfy or make it easy for him to tease you
he's still very much a gentleman so he won't push it too far but... that doesn't change the fact that he's a sadist
he's not as bad as diluc or childe, but he definitely needs some getting used to
well for starters, he greatly lacks in emotional capacity, he might not even tell you he has feelings for you
he's definitely bossy, does NOT want to be told what to do, even if it's "kind suggestions", he will not be tolerating anything
because of this, it might be difficult when trying to teach him about romantic relationships, he just kinda does whatever he wants to protect his pride
i feel like he'd also be rly pissy, he probably throws tantrums over the littlest mistakes or inconveniences
not to mention he's possessive, i can definitely see him as a more yandere-ey type
so say your final goodbyes to your friends and family because it's likely you're not ever seeing them again☠️
but before you lose hope! if you manage to get on dottore's good side, he might just help you do a factory reset on him
but then it wouldn't be the little electro gremlin we know and love, so you're better off just trying to change him by yourself (you can't)
i feel like he's similar to albedo, except he's sociopathic and a little more cynical
it's pretty obvious, he's experimented and hurt countless numbers of children and god knows what else
his experiments are on par if not worse than alice's experiments
dottore is most likely desensitized from this and rarely worries about your safety, brushing it off by saying, "I can fix it later"
but if we get past all the dark stuff, he's probably a nerd. a huge nerd.
since he was always an outcast and has been lonely for a while, I can imagine him rambling about his project for hours and hours on end
gets really really excited and happily tells you about how he's successfully chopped someone's limbs off☺️🥰
(I mean it's lowkey cute but like...)
he's always been shamed for what he does, so when you finally accept him he is determined to never let you go. ever.
keeps you around at all times, you're almost like a doll to him
he has some redeemable parts, idek at this point to be honest
as of now, the only information we have on him is the harbinger trailer so this one is a little difficult
since he essentially manages the finances of the fatui, he's rich, even more so than childe
holds money to a very high regard, thinking it can solve and fix any problem
of course money can work in many situations, but rarely does it ever solve relationship issues
will give you gifts and money and other luxuries, but never sacrificing anything else for you
if you complain about him not giving enough affection or time to you, he'll simply state that he is indeed giving his love to you, just in a different form
has a hard time understanding that not everyone thinks about money like he does
he has good intentions and genuinely believes that throwing luxury items at you will convince you that he loves you
but unfortunately he's very set in his ways, i believe it will take some time for him to understand and relate to you
i think he is definitely better than childe, scara, and dottore
as of now it is assumed that he hasn't committed any violent or heinous crimes other than corrupting other nation's economics
he's perfect.
he's the type to just sing anywhere and everywhere, it's tolerable since he's a great singer but itd be lowkey embarrassing
drunk 24/7
an extremely heavy drinker, always reeks of wine/alcohol whenever he walks by
requires assistance for when he blacks out while drinking, sobering him up will be a routine
but on a more serious note, he is an archon, an immortal being, while you're a human
much like zhongli, he might not even consider staying with you
he is the god of freedom, and the last thing he'd want is for you to be chained down to a relationship with someone like him
will respect your wishes if you insist on staying by his side, it just hurts knowing that you'll age and grow while venti never looks any different from the day before
even as an archon, he has his own issues to, such as his trauma from losing his friend
you could work him through it, though it might be difficult since he's lived with it for thousands of years
you might also fix his drinking problem if you work out his dead-friend trauma, you'd have to have his trust though
he is most definitely messier than zhongli, but i can see him being a genuinely kind person minus his chronic alcoholism and messy trauma
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manofbeskar · 28 days
Okay, I am interested in your Dracule Uta posts now. (She's just so cute and I just know he embroidered that flower on her onesie!!) I need to know more!!
I don't have too much details yet but this is what I have for now:
While Shanks finds her in a treasure chest after raiding another crew, Mihawk instead finds her after killing some marines and discovering her on their ship, eating a devil fruit. He figures the Marines probably don't have good intentions for her so he takes her with him.
For the first few days/weeks, he tries to find another home for her. He thinks his life as a marine hunter and lone pirate is too dangerous to care for an infant. A bit of a Buddy Daddies thing in that way, that he's too dangerous to be around and frankly doesn't want the responsibility.
When he finds out which devil fruit she ate (still the Sing-Sing fruit), he realises he can't risk her falling into the hands of someone more corrupt who can manipulate her powers. He decides to go all in and try his best to raise her properly.
He goes to Shanks for help. He himself never had good parents, but he knows Shanks had a good relationship with Roger and his crew also has older men who may have advice to offer. He gets closer to the RHP this way, learning from them how to best care for a baby.
Shanks grows close to Uta. He likes that her hair makes her look like his and Mihawk's baby. He also treats her like she is their kid, always accidentally calls himself her father. Uta also thinks of him like that. Similar to Buddy Daddies again, Mihawk and Shanks both acknowledge they have parental roles in her life but, at this point in time, don't view themselves as romantic co-parents.
(Of course, they have feelings for each other but Mihawk is oblivious to his feelings and Shanks is secretly crushing hard. He loves how good Mihawk is with the kid and how hard he's trying)
Shanks likes to bribe Uta with sweets to talk him up to Mihawk. Always backfires on him because she's way too frank about it (learned that from Mihawk). She'll just say shit like, "Mihawk, Shanks told me he wants to kiss you!" and it embarrasses Shanks every time.
Uta loves being carried by Mihawk. He carries and controls Yoru so easily. Even teen Uta is practically weightless in his arms. It reminds her of when he first found her and rocked her in his arms as they rode his boat back to his home.
Uta sees Mihawk and Shanks's feelings for each other grow over the years until on her 12th birthday she told them to get a grip and go out already. They went out and have been together ever since.
Mihawk and Shanks figured out a co-parenting arrangement a few years before Shanks docked at Windmill Village. Mihawk thinks it will be good for Uta to go sailing with Shanks every once in a while as his experiences sailing with him have always ended with fun stories and meeting new people.
Mihawk wants Uta to get out there and appreciate the world's vastness. He often takes her sailing (if she isn't sailing with Shanks) and shows her all his favourite spots. Sometimes Shanks comes along and tells her stories of "that time me and Mihawk came here ourselves and this really cool thing happened"
Mihawk let Shanks take Uta for longer than before when he docked at Windmill Village as he wanted Uta to make long-term friends that weren't twice her age like himself and the RHP, so she still meets Luffy. While he is a loner, he wants Uta to experience everything and meet people from all walks of life so she can figure out exactly who she wants to be.
Mihawk trained her to be a strong swordswoman since young. She's very skilled with the blade but told him she wanted to be a singer. Mihawk supports her preference and is happy to listen to all her new songs. As he strived to be the greatest swordsman when he was young, he now wants to help Uta become the greatest musician. He tunes in for every broadcast she does and makes sure the RHP catches them too. Uta still cares a lot about her swordsmanship and practices it often to stay sharp.
She carried a bamboo sword as a kid, then got Shanks's old one with the red hilt as a hand-me-down when she was 15. For her 18th birthday, Mihawk had a Yoru-inspired blade crafted for her. She named it "Musica". It looks similar to Yoru but the orbs are red and heart-shaped, the blade isn't black, and it's shorter.
She lives at Kuraigana with Mihawk but splits her time between there and wherever Shanks is. When Perona moved in, they became close friends. Perona loves hearing about her Mihawk stories. She also regularly duels with Zoro when he moves in, insists he doesn't stand a chance against Mihawk if he can't even beat his first student.
Uta's favourite colour is teal because it's the colour Yoru's blade shines.
Her eyes have rings as Mihawk also taught her powerful observation haki (I don't know if the rings are directly relevant to that but I like how the rings look on her)
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Hey, you should watch Kyo Kara Maoh, and here’s why:
I feel like, when I try to get people into Kyo Kara Maoh, all I ever say about it is “You know how there’s this thing in shounen anime where there’s always some rival character that makes you wonder if he’s kinda gay for the protagonist? Yeah, in this one, it’s canon, and blatant about it. It doesn’t make you wonder for a second. It’s just upfront about it and you can watch him being gay on main the whole time.”
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But like, that’s not the only reason I like the anime. Far from it. It’s just what I think is most likely to draw a new fan in. But it really is just a solid story with or without that.
It’s an isekai--and I know, I know, isekai are a dime a dozen now, but at the time this came out the only thing I really had to compare it to was Chronicles of Narnia--about a guy who goes back and forth between our world and a fantasy world where magic exists.
And he’s your typical plucky shounen protagonist, energetic and kind and willing to make friends with absolutely anyone. You know the type. Not really covering any new ground there. But unlike One Piece or Naruto or, I don’t know, Black Clover, he has no interest in becoming the best of the best. He kind of just wants to go home and be a kid and play baseball.
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But the thing is, he’s king of this world by divine right. He was chosen to become king before he was born and he’s just been left to incubate in our world until he was older. His whole family has always known this, though he doesn’t find out until he’s magically pulled into the world and it’s sprung on him right away. And he wants nothing to do with it at first. It’s not something he has to do, either. He’s given the option of turning down the position and going home.
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There’s been this cold war going on between magic-users (”Mazoku” or “Demons” though the use of “demon” is more of a reclaimed slur than anything literal) and non-magic-users (humans). The real bloodshed has been put on hold for a while, but there’s a real threat of that cold war turning hot at any second. There are laws against humans and Mazoku being in romantic relationships, their mixed children face severe prejudice both from the people and institutionally, for instance being shoved into ghettos and left to starve, and tensions are high. And the protagonist realizes quickly that these people have been living this way for so long that peace is not going to happen naturally. They need someone with fresh eyes who can see that peace is possible. And that someone needs to be in a position of power to do something about it.
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So the protagonist accepts the job. Not because he wants to--he HATES it; there are so many scenes of him complaining about all the paperwork and the struggles of trying to learn the cultural norms and mores of surrounding nations so he doesn’t fuck something up in his position of power and accidentally start the war he’s trying to prevent just by unintentionally insulting another nation’s leader or something--but because he feels responsible. He has to do something to bring peace to this land because he might be the only person who has both the power and the good intentions to do so. Hell, the MacGuffin of the series is the protagonist trying to steal four magical nukes from other countries so he can seal them away where they can’t be used. (They’re just wooden boxes, nothing impressive about their appearance. Not romanticized at all. They’re as boring and dangerous as war.)
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And that’s...basically the series. Kid gets sucked into a fantasy world and becomes a king because he actually has a political agenda to make the world a better place and he saves the world with the help of a found family of nobles who are fondly exasperated by his incessant pacifism because they don’t think it’s reasonable, until he gradually and sincerely starts to change their mind and they all reevaluate their own prejudices. (And the prejudice reevaluation is really subtle, too. They don’t have big awakening moments like, “Wow, I’m not racist against half-humans anymore!” They just...slowly get better and bit by bit see the world the way the protagonist does.)
Other little details you might want to know are:
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The protagonist has a Yu-Gi-Oh-esque alter ego. (The anime is from the mid-2000s, after all.) The protagonist himself isn’t super skilled in magic, despite having the ability to use it, and it’s...left kind of vague, but it seems like the magic itself takes over his body from time to time. But it’s not as helpful as that trope usually makes it. His alter ego is basically a big self-destruct button. It’s just an eruption of power that leaves the protagonist unconscious nearly every time. The typical result is that he wakes up a day later with his head in the gay rival’s lap and the two of them in a cell because, guess what, passing out on a battlefield isn’t super convenient. The alter ego is treated a bit like training wheels the protagonist needs to grow out of, and it’s extremely cathartic when the final conflict of the series is solved without the alter ego. Not because the protagonist can use strong enough magic that he doesn’t need to lose control to get the same result, but because the solution is not to use magic at all. To put his money where his mouth is and show himself as the pacifist leader he spends the whole show trying to be.
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The protagonist is the reincarnation of someone who died in the war, a woman who overexerted herself trying to heal the injured. Unlike the alter ego, the protagonist’s connection to this woman is treated as a strength rather than a weakness. She, like the protagonist, wanted peace, but unlike the protagonist, she wasn’t the king and lacked the power to achieve that peace. Her gentle and kind heart shines through in the protagonist’s nature and actions, and those around him who knew her, and who know that he is her next life, can’t help but see how little she’s changed from one life to the next. All the features the protagonist inherited from her, that were treated as feminine, are his biggest strengths. This shounen anime is so far from toxic masculinity and it’s beautiful.
To be entirely transparent, this is an older anime, and as such, there are some problematic tropes that were common around that period. For instance, “Hahah an adult is creeping on a teenager, that’s funnie.”
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I’m not the biggest fan of that, either, don’t worry. I acknowledge this as a flaw in the show. But if Master Roshi and Shigure could get away with it while DBZ and Fruits Basket are still beloved series, I’m willing to roll my eyes and overlook Gunter and Cheri as well.
And another thing I feel I should be transparent about is that the first half of the first season A) Is devoted to fleshing out the characters and the world, and B) Doesn’t have the best animation quality. What that means is that you’re going to have to sit through some wonky drawings and not a whole lot of plot for the first twenty episodes or so. But there’s a point--I won’t get into spoilers, but the shift is VERY obvious--where the plot really kicks into gear halfway through the first season. The animation quality starts to skyrocket at around the same time, and the entirety of the second season is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
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Also one of the supporting characters is this beautifully tragic character who is slow to trust the protagonist because he’s half-human and he’s never had a reason to believe in a leader before. It’s treated not as a thing that character needs to get over, but as a completely reasonable doubt, and the protagonist understands that. He actually gives that character quite a bit of power--basically the keys to a very powerful weapon--and tells him, more or less, that if they ever need that weapon, it’s up to him to decide if they get to use it. Like the equivalent of giving a post-WW2 Japanese refugee the full power to veto the use of hydrogen bombs, and I love that. ...This character, who is very serious and very cool, is also a drag queen. This removes nothing from how cool he is. He’s still an utterly sincere character, because this show is cool as fuck.
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Last thing: What I’m advertising here is the first two seasons of the show. It’s something like 80 episodes. That was where the anime proper ended and should have stayed ended, imo. I know some people like the third season, but the first two seasons tell a complete and extremely satisfying story whereas I find the third season (as well as the OVAs) has the vibe of a straight-to-video sequel to a great movie that tried its hardest to further a great story but only managed to invalidate all the original movie’s strongest moments by making them suddenly mean nothing in the face of new information. If you want my advice, stop where the story was originally designed to end and only watch the first two seasons. (I’m also saving you from having to look at the bad CGI skeletons. You don’t want to look at the bad CGI skeletons.)
Those first two seasons, though? Go. Go watch them. Watch them right now. They’re so fucking good. You won’t regret it, I promise.
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revvethasmythh · 2 years
it's like, the thing I like the most about widobrave is that it's COMPLICATED. like written on a hill in ten foot tall letters, capital C complicated. it's like there's this person who is the only person you have and the way you engage with each other isn't exactly platonic but that's okay because honestly both of you needed that level of intimacy at the time in order to survive. you call her your "life partner" and when a near-stranger asks if you're a couple, you reply "Sure" with the confidence of someone who knows that she is your person just as much as you are her person. you are unsure of everything (everything) in the world and deeply distrustful, but not of her, not even when you try to convince yourself you can't trust her, not really. because she's your person, she's your life partner. and if people assume you're a couple? well. are they really wrong? (you huddled for warmth with her, and isn't that where romance has started for you once before?) why, then, would you dissuade them of that notion?
then everything changes (when the fire nation attacks) because it turns out she is not your person. she's been married this entire time and she already has a person and he is not you. that your place in her life is disrupted as you realize she was never really yours to begin with. you were too intimate to be just friends--the first time you meet her husband, she compliments you a little too much and then has to rush to assure him you weren't her romantic partner--but never quite lovers, even though you wouldn't have minded if people assumed you were. everything from then on is walking that tightrope of platonic-romantic love, trying to maintain that intimacy but also trying not to cross the line in the sand anymore. you are not her familiar soul. you don't get to see her interior whole. and that's just the way that it is
and also like there's this guy. he's handsome and sad and you hate dealing with your own problems--jesus fuck you have a lot of them right now--and you'd do just about anything to worry about someone else's issues rather than your own. and he's handsome. didn't you already think that? whatever, it's true. he's quiet and he's smart and he's awkward and gods he kind of reminds you of your husband sometimes, when the moonlight streams in through the window just so and make his eyes glitter like that. now, you've given up on ever returning home and seeing your family again. your problems aren't relevant. but this guy's are. so you attach yourself to him, you help him, you support him, you care about him. he knows magic. transmutation. you think maybe there's a chance there that he could save you one day, if only he gets strong enough, smart enough, powerful enough. he could be your salvation and sometimes, when he doesn't realize you've noticed, you catch him looking at you like you could be his too.
maybe you start out thinking this relationship is going to be transactional. you help him get stronger, he puts you back in the body you're supposed to be in. simple. not really, as it turns out, because you actually adore him. some latent part of yourself that just wants to care for someone comes to life again and you're going to care for this guy if it's the last thing you do. you'll be his advocate, you'll be his person, and you have no doubt he'll do the same for you. until your home is attacked--his people did this--and the family you'd resigned yourself never to see again are in danger. no question about it, you have to save them (it's what you always do, after all). revealing this rocks your relationship with him, but this is just more important that some guy you've come to care about who maybe you cared too much about on occasion. it just is. then you get your husband back and what do you do after that? leave him and this family of friends you've created? go back to being the person you used to be? no, you can't do that until you have your body back. you have the time to figure it all out.
except this guy you've tethered yourself to is brilliant, actually, and it doesn't take him that long to figure out how to change you. you love his brilliance and his goofiness and the bone deep way that he cares. you kiss him one time, sweetly, before you think you're turning back into you, because this is the last time you're allowed to behave so transgressively. besides, in your old body isn't it possible all these feelings will just go away? but they don't. when you get your body back, the feelings stay and--fuck--they get worse, actually. you try to brush it off but those feelings grow and your conflict deepens. you love this guy, this brilliant wizard you've tethered yourself to. you love your husband, too, but you can't figure out if you're in love with him anymore. you have one foot on either side of the divide (your family or your friends, him or your husband) and you genuinely don't know what to do, what the right choice is, which version of you you want to be. your heart is in a cage and it keeps on beating away
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Ugh, Panther I don't know what exact time you'll be getting this ask but as if now it is not the 2nd in my time zone. But I don't have any time tomorrow so I hope its okay to send something earlier. If not, please feel free to ignore!
I just need *sucks in breath and clenched fist* Yandere Gojo from JJK with the prompts 14. , 34. and possibly 35.
with someone who has sorcerer powers but has grown outside of the jujutsu society? They fight because they genuinely wanna help people and Gojo introduced them to the school to be a teacher too - in hopes to get another strong ally but uh oh he got obsessed. Like, he does not want to lose you like he lost Geto and maybe you'll grow to understand him too. so imo the prompts work well. Can either be platonic or romantic I think he can be both!
Thank you!
Sure, friend! I hope this is to your taste :) I really hope he isn't too OOC or anything. There was no plot structure here 😮‍💨... I just followed the direction my mind guided me.
He's a subtle yandere here Ig.
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 14, 34, 35
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!"
"No one else understands me except you!"
"Don't push me away, dear... I only want to be closer to you!"
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Fear of attachment/loss, Trauma implied, Clingy behavior, Overprotective behavior, Controlling behavior, Soft yandere, Threats near the end, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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It had been a long while since Gojo had found someone he could relate to in some way. The companionship wasn't quite what Gojo had with Geto long before... but it was close. You were strong... yet so isolated from the rest.
A familiar feeling to him.
Gojo could tell you were a strong Sorcerer when you entered the school for a job. As expected... Gojo wanted to test you to see if you were right for the job. By the end of your examination... you were approved.
Leaving Gojo curious and excited.
In Gojo's eyes, strong allies were important in the field. It's what he strives to find and teach. Strength has always been important to protect the weak.
Gojo at first hated how interested he was in you. Yet you were so mysterious... according to you, you never went to Jujutsu High to learn your craft. Which leaves Gojo baffled on your strength.
You aren't stronger than him, far from it, but you are certainly strong and full of potential. During your job, Gojo often checked in with you. Many students never really saw Gojo away from you for long.
He was always playful and laid-back with you. Safe to say you both get along well as teachers. Perhaps even too well...
Gojo realizes he's too attached when the worry starts to settle deep within him.
The bond you share reminds him a lot of Geto. Too much, actually. Such a thought makes him pained.
Gojo's concern grows, even as he offers to train you. You're a teacher skilled in your craft. Gojo really shouldn't be worried.
But... are you handling the new environment well? You seemed like you lived an isolated lifestyle. Does the city bother you?
Gojo despises the worries he has. All leftover emotions from when he was a teen. He... just can't help himself, however.
You always care so much for others. As a teacher and Jujutsu Sorcerer, you end up sacrificing whatever you can to see students and friends safe. It's honorable...
But Gojo doesn't wish to lose another he's close to... not when he finally feels he has someone who gets him.
Such behavior makes Gojo stick around more often. To the point you even begin to wish he left you alone. Despite being a strong Sorcerer similar to him, Gojo also seemed to treat you like you couldn't defend yourself.
You didn't respect him babying you... it was an insult to your skills.
"Don't push me away, dear... I only want to be closer to you!" Gojo whines, a frown on his face as you sit in your empty classroom. You snort, amused that he acts like a child while treating you like one. You have no idea what's gotten into your friend and ally as of late.
"Satoru, I don't wish to speak with you." You state in a stern tone.
"Why?" Gojo replies, walking over to lean on your desk. He's as casual as ever it seems.
"You've been awfully... suffocating." You admit bluntly. "I am an adult who can handle themselves."
"... not in this world." Gojo sighs, gaze never once leaving yours behind his glasses. He notices your unamused look and straightens his posture.
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that." Gojo frowns. "The city has way more curses running around than where you came from."
"I can handle them." You retort.
"And if you can't?" Gojo responds, staring you down. Something about his staring unnerves you. You're silent, Gojo oddly going back to smiling after you stop arguing.
"I'm the strongest, you should really just let me take care of things for you. It would be much... safer." Gojo's tone is oddly relieved and gleeful.
"... Satoru... you can't be there for me all the time." You try to reason.
"Says who?" Gojo frowns. "No one else understands me except you! Am I just supposed to sit back and lose you?"
His words and lack of composure surprise you. Gojo's quick to fix his sudden outburst, however, sitting beside you and holding your hand. It's an action of comfort...
But you can tell there's a pained expression in his usually playful eyes.
"... just listen to me, okay?" Gojo whispers, looking back at you as his grip tightens. "You'll be safe if you just... keep me close."
"Satoru-" You try to speak, but Gojo covers your mouth.
"I don't care how strong you are... I'm stronger. If you don't let me protect you..."
Gojo's grin turns... unsettling. A twisted show of teeth that makes it look like he'll snap. You swore he even chuckled. Your heart beats faster when he leans closer.
"I may just have to keep you all to myself no matter the cost... that way you'd be safe and I can't lose you. How's that sound?"
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tsugarubecker · 2 years
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El and Choice
Byler/platonic Elmax/platonic Elmike analysis below the cut (extensive)! You ready for 🤯? 🔻🔺
How much of El’s life has really been choice? I’d argue not a lot of it. In the above scene with Brenner, Brenner even mentions Henry manipulating El. Probably most of us watching that scene thought “wow, pot calling the kettle black much?”
But it’s not just those two. Most of El’s life has been other people making choices for her. It is the times when she takes control into her own hands and makes her own choices when she is at her most authentic and most powerful, as seen above. (Other examples include when she escaped the lab, ran away to meet her mom, left Kali to go rescue her friends, chose to go get her powers back, chose to stay with Brenner, etc. Moments of growth for El are often linked to moments of choice!)
I want to call attention to choice as it relates to El and her relationships - and additionally, as it relates to Mike and his relationships, too.
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I made a diagram! 🤪 Sorry, I had a lot of coffee today lol. This diagram isn’t perfect and there are some errors in it (for example, I strongly believe that platonic Elmike is very important to this whole story but I didn’t represent that well in the diagram…. oops) but do you get the idea/my intention at least?? 😅 Take your time looking at it, it’s a bit convoluted. Feel free to come have another look after you’ve read on.
Throughout especially seasons 3 and 4, we see a couple triangles involving El and Mike. In season 3, we see the El / Mike / Max triangle almost as prominently featured, I would argue, as we see the El / Mike / Will triangle. But, the former is a platonic triangle. The latter is a romantic love triangle.
In S3, Mike and Max are constantly shown visually as a triangle with El, constantly pitted against each other, and constantly shown as the two “options” for El. Who will she agree with? Who will she side with? Which of these two will she prioritize?
Same in S3 in regards to Mike needing to choose between El and Will. Y’all probably don’t need me to extrapolate on this one (think of their “breakup” scenes being contrasted visually with lighting and mood, etc).
Then in season 4 this theme continues. Most of volume 1 is focused on the El / Mike / Will love triangle, right? But in volume 2, especially right at the end (as we go into season 5) we begin to see a big focus again put on the platonic triangle between El / Mike / Max. I don’t think I need to explain the love triangle, but I do want to talk a bit about the end of volume 2 and the resurgence of the El / Mike / Max platonic triangle.
We get a parallel between S2 and S4. In S2, El goes into the void, sees Mike in danger, and leaves her “jedi training”. In S4 she goes into the void, sees Max in danger, and leaves her “jedi training.” Mike and Max are being put back into a triangle.
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As soon as the Pizza Gang rescues El she immediately says they need to go to Hawkins to rescue their friends (Max). When that plan doesn’t work she figures out a way to save Max from Nevada.
El then spends the rest of volume 2 fighting to save Max. It’s all about Max after this!
S4 V2 even ends with El not really talking much with Mike, going into her bedroom and thinking about Max. The end of V2 is very platonic Elmax-centric. El is beginning to truly prioritize her friendship with Max over her romantic relationship with Mike. She is beginning to make her choice about what she wants - and it’s based on what feels more real and authentic to her.
Others have written a million hours of analyses about Byler - check my pinned post for some excellent examples of those analyses - so I won’t get into that in too much detail here. Suffice it to say, I believe that Mike is also beginning to lean into what feels more real and authentic in his love triangle - and that’s his relationship with Will.
If they both lean into authenticity, El’s narrative arc leads towards Max and platonic (friend/family) love. Mike’s leads towards Will and real romantic love. Both of their arcs necessitate acceptance of self - and learning to believe that their inner moral compass is not wrong, it is good and right.
Right now Mike and El need each other to affirm for one another that they are not monsters. El has believed for years that deep down she might be evil. Mike is gay and closeted - he also believes that deep down he is morally wrong. Their arcs revolve around discovering that they are not monsters - and truly believing it, on their own, without relying on each other to prove it 🤯!
So. What does this have to do with choice? I’m glad you asked!
El chose Max. Mike chose Will. El and Mike did not choose each other.
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El and Mike did not choose each other.
El chose Max. Mike chose Will.
El chose the person who trusts her to self-determine. Mike chose the person who believes he is The Heart. They both chose to put someone in their life who can help them see that they are not monsters. Who can love them for who they really are, as they are.
Season 5, I am confident, will center on El finding a way to save Max - and maybe on Mike finding a way to save Will. In any case, I strongly expect to see El leaning into the person she feels the most authentic with - and same with Mike. I expect - or maybe hope - to see their narrative arcs come to a satisfying close as they each choose to trust in their own inherent goodness.
Something something forced conformity (choice being taken away) that’s what killing the kids
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Thanks for reading!! 🤪😅😁
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lanaevyssmoved · 9 months
i hope this doesn't come across as an attack, i'm genuinely just curious. on the one hand you say that a fictional character and headcanons for that character or actions/attractions towards that character is never cause for being mean to anyone, but also that people who headcanon astarion to be mentally young and still fuck him are weirdos. i just don't see how it's less 'problematic' to say that you find astarion sexier as an unhealed abuse victim/abuser so you're going to go the ascendant route than it is to say you find astarion sexier when he's mentally underage. both of those things are bad in that they'd be shitty to do to real people, but in the context of fiction i don't understand how one is fine and the other is weird or evil.
for what it's worth i agree with your astarion age opinions! i absolutely think it is weird to be attracted to someone you view as a child! it just feels incongruous with your other takes on fiction.
i think people romancing and sleeping with a character they are viewing as a child/teenager is strange, that's all. i didn't even say 'don't do this!' i just said it's "weird and sus", because i want to help people realise how they are sounding to others, who may instinctively judge them and possibly attack them. at the end of the day, i can't stop people for going against d&d lore for their own preferred headcanon, but what if they're misunderstanding? what if they don't know lore? what if they're just explaining themselves poorly? what if they're just not aware they're making themselves sound this way?
i don't put this on the same level as telling someone they are a terrible person because they say, ascend astarion or keep astarion as a spawn, since we're talking about him, and saying "bit weird you wanna sleep with someone you think is akin to a child". one of these could have dangerous connotations to real life, it could genuinely paint someone has a dangerous person.
i am victim of a romantic relationship where someone picked me because of my vulnerability. to share a bit about myself, i have abusive parents who purposely sheltered me from the world to control me. they did not even allow me to get a job, or to go out and meet people. i was told, from a very young age, that the world will hurt me and they won't understand me (because of disorders i have) and they will keep me safe. they never want me to leave. and thus i have mentally aged 'slower' than i should have. i shan't say more than that, but this person i met, and became aware of this, immediately sought a romantic relationship with me, which led to them using my lack of experience in life and lack of know to also control me, and continue to infantilise me and keep me as 'young' as they could. control my entire life, my money, what i do, where i go, what i dress, everything about me. i know how terrifying it is to be chosen by someone because of 'mental immature', being 'under developed'.
when i think of this, and think of people who choose astarion while viewing him the same way- do you know what i think? "do you realise how much of an abuser you sound like?" you are those people who choose someone due to how easy it would be to abuse them. so yes, i worry these people just aren't aware of how dangerous they sound. i word it like 'weird' and 'sus' because i would never target them with such harsh and powerful language, but i think that alone is enough to make someone think about it, maybe enough to realise they need to change how they talk about astarion, or adjust their pov.
i've had friends come to me in tears because someone attacked them viciously for a choice they made in the game, a choice available to everyone, a choice there because you are allowed to pick it. that they are legit a bad person to their core because they picked something in a damn game. this is no where near the same to me as wanting a sexual relationship with someone you think is mentally underdeveloped. they cannot be compared.
i hope this all makes sense and i didn't miss one of your points, admittedly i don't want to look at this any longer.
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kakiastro · 1 year
Astrology of Zendaya
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Using whole sign system
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Aquarius rising with chart rulers Saturn Aries 3h(traditional) and Uranus Aquarius 1h(modern)
-she stands out from the crowd, she’s unique, she seen as classy and mature in media. She’s also seen a force but she’s not overdoing it, like her presence is powerful enough, so she doesn’t need to do PR stunt if she doesn’t want to. Aquarius placements gives off star power as well due to Leo being it’s sister sign. Aquarius placements stand out more when they’re authentically themselves.
Sun Virgo 8h
-She’s very private with her life, sun represent fame and public but the 8h is private.
I don’t think she likes fame because of this but she loves her career. But I think she’s done a great job a maintaining her private life with public. She may be a perfectionist but her hard work pays off. Her sun is 9°(Sagittarius) this degree indicate mass fame.
Taurus moon 4h
- emotions are stable and balanced. She has a beautiful singing voice and would be successful if she decided to pursue that career. Taurus rules the throat and vocal chords and moon is considered a good placement for singing. She’s probably been in the arts all her life like I know she was on Disney but I think she’s been performing since forever with a Venus ruled 4h plus the moon is here. Her moon is at 7°(ibra) this indicates fame at early age which is true for her.
Scorpio Mc
- she’s seen as a force to be reckon with in her career field. Mc is our public image and how we act in public. She’s very private in public and it works in her favor! Pluto conj Mc, Pluto is extrêmes so her fame kind of blew up especially after euphoria. This aspects indicates obsession, her Pluto is in the 11h of society and social circles.
Leo 7h
- 7h is the people close to us and she’s the star of her close relationships. It’s also one of the public houses. This placement also explains why the public is so interested in her romantic relationships especially the one she’s in now with Tom. But I feel like no matter who she dates, it’s going to be a topic of discussion due to the fact she also has Juno 3h. 3h rules over the media. Juno rules over your serious romantic relationships
Juno Aries 3h
-Juno represents who we will marry, our ideal marriage, this also shows our devotion depending on the house. now this doesn’t mean they’ll be that sign but may have the qualities or aspects to that planet ruler. She’ll end up marrying someone fiery, bold, a protector, aries is the first zodiac someone who has a youthful presence. 17°(Leo) they may also be well known to the public. with its ruler (mars) in Cancer conj Venus 6h. They could be co-workers, may meet through family or is close to family, meet through a friend. She’s in a relationship with Tom and they’re co workers! Even if they don’t get married, these are the type of partners she’ll be ideally attracted too!
Neptune Capricorn 12h
-Neptune rules over movies and can show you what kind of movie an actor will thrive in.
Her most famous role right now is euphoria, Spider-Man and Dune.
12h rules over fantasy (Spider-Man), addiction(euphoria) and foreign land(Dune)
Capricorn means her roles will be remembered for a long time. Neptune is a generational planet so her legacy will be remembered long after she’s gone
She also has Jupiter her which means long term mass fame. like I’ve noticed celebrities who has Pisces influence carry “gods among us” energy. People look up to you and think they know you when they really don’t, it can be dangerous cause people form fictional relationships with you in their head. If you establish boundaries with your fanbase which she’s done then it’ll calm that down
North Node Libra conj mercury and Chiron 9h
-north node is the lessons we need to learn this lifetime, it’s our fate and destiny. Chiron is the wounded healer and mercury is the learner and communicator. 9h is also the higher learning house
I would say her lesson this lifetime is to learn from your relationships, learn to work with people and be a team. She had south node Aries conj her Juno. South node represents early life and pass life. She’s been very independent since a young age and was probably heavily independent in her pass life but now she has to learn to work with a team, her romantic partner or business partner, maybe all three of these things! With Chiron here, someone betrayed her trust early in life or her parents split early in childhood so that left a hurtful wound and shaped how she view relationships.
Long term transits
-The lunar nodes are changing this year from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra for 18 months. Aries NN will be aspecting her Saturn and Juno while Libra SN will be aspecting her NN, Chiron and Mercuryy
I suspect she’s going to be having more responsibilities due to her career, she may have moments on what she wants to do long term with her life. Pass wounds from relationship may pop up but she’ll work on healing this and may start focusing on what she wants when it comes to those closest to her, especially relationships. She may get engaged or be more committed to her partner
Saturn Pisces for 2.5 years
It’ll be in her 2h, so maybe be more responsible with her finances. She may start looking into long term investments for her future.
Pluto Aquarius for 20 years.
-it’ll be in her 1h so some sort of drastic physical change to her looks or fashion choices. This could be an empowering time for her as well. She’s going to be force in society since that’s what aqua rules. People(especially social circles)will start to feel intimidated by her with Pluto in her 1h. It’s like having a Scorpio rising. She may really be private from public eye now lol
I Hope you enjoyed this reading, can’t wait to look back on this to see if some of the things I mentioned actually come to pass lol
Have a good day guys!
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scribefindegil · 1 year
Howdy, I think you might be making an ekurei shipper out of me XD I never really thought about them much but I'm really resonating with these posts. Not only that but I'm realizing that its so up my alley because I love love love like, unusual fantasy situations where characters experience intamacy in unconventional ways, something I feel like I don'tfind very often outside of my own and my friends' writing in our own lil corner. Like woah...the romantic potential of possession, being closer to your partner than humanley possible...imagine how humbling it would be to realized you are loved and trusted enough to be invited to share your partner's mind and body as an act of love instead just using that ability against strangers to your own ends...[cries a little] Who even needs that dang guard. Maybe I'm so enraptured with this stuff cause I'm ace, lol
Yeah yeah yeah that's it exactly!! The potential for sff to create types of intimacy that wouldn't be possible in real life is a huge part of its appeal! I've seen people compare Dimple possessing Reigen to Steven Universe fusion and I've compared it to drift compatibility myself and both of these things are very tasty, but for me it hits even harder because for them the intimacy is a choice, not a natural byproduct or an intentional prerequisite. Like, it's one thing for a sff setting to make an unconventional form of intimacy part of its worldbuilding like SU and PacRim do, but it's another thing entirely when it isn't an established part of the worldbuilding but something that the characters figure out on their own!
Like you said, for most of his existence Dimple has used possession as a tactic of violation and control. That's what you do when you're an evil spirit! It represents where he is at the beginning of the series; his view is that relationships are about who has the most power and who has the least, and if you have more you're going to use it to manipulate and subsume anyone less powerful than you. And then he starts changing! And by Season 2 he's using possession as a form of protection, not for himself but for Mob. Even when he possesses people without permission (Shinra and that one bully), he's not doing it to help himself! He does it to Shinra to get him out of danger (and says, notably, that if he let Shinra die then Mob would never trust him again), and he does it to the bully to protect Mob (and he stops when Mob says to!). And then in Mogami Arc we get the first instance of Dimple possessing someone because they explicitly asked him to, where he protects Mob's body while his soul isn't in it. Possession not only as protection but as trust! And you can tell from his reaction that this is something that Dimple has never considered before! And you can tell from how shocked he is during World Domination (manga) when he's able to possess an unconscious Mob that he especially never considered that trust like that could be an ongoing thing!
The point is, by the time Dimple meets Reigen in the middle of a psychic tornado, his concept of what possession can be has already undergone some major changes due to his friendship with Mob. But there's never been anything like what he and Reigen are able to do. There's been trust, there's been protection, but there's only ever been one consciousness in a body at a time. There's been vulnerability of body but not vulnerability of mind.
And it would have been easy for Dimple to push Reigen's consciousness down until they got to Shigeo. That's another thing that gets me; there's no reason that they had to both be awake on a technical level. But on a thematic level it is Everything to me that they're able to achieve a state that we've never seen before, that I bet if you'd asked them before this happened they both would have said was impossible, that is dependent on complete vulnerability and openness from two characters who will fight tooth and nail to prevent anyone else from seeing who they really are. It's about their shared familial love for their boy and it's about how much they understand each other in that moment.
And, like, I'm also ace, and generally not much of a shipper, and I tend to care a lot about group dynamics and platonic bonds, and I think that part of the appeal of ekurei bodysharing stuff is that even if you write about it in the most romantic way, you have to remember that the first time they did this it happened because of their shared platonic love for their kid so to me it feels just. Infused with all the different types of love and connection that the show is built on. Sometimes when someone focuses on a romantic relationship it gets deified in a way that undersells all the other bonds the character has, but for me at least romantic ekurei only works because of their other connections.
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roalinda · 10 months
☆Prongsfoot Week 2023 - Day 1☆
What are the first 5 things that pop to mind when you think about Prongsfoot?
Private and co-dependent 
Call them friends, brothers, lovers, it doesn't matter. They are soul mates. They are a puzzle with only two pieces. There are no intruders allowed. There is no space for another in the special thing they have. Yes, they are friends with others and have social relationships, but nothing can ever come close to what they have. No one dares, because it is impossible.
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?” 
"You, My Queen." 
"Snow White, My Queen."
Right? Wrong. 
Forget the old fairytale. The fairest of them all is Sirius Black, with his marble cheekbones and haughty expression, shiny teeth between smirking lips and satin hair, too bright to look at, too wild to tame. Vicious and sarcastic Sirius Black, the one who thrives in danger and smoke. 
The fairest of them all is James Potter, with his mischievous eyes and laughing mouth, honey and hazel shining in his irises behind the glasses like the sweetest caramel, too fast on the broom and too proud on the ground. Cruel and pitiless James Potter, the one who runs riot in exuberance and grey games.
But it doesn't matter, neither to James nor to Sirius. To them what matters is that one's reflection is the other's face, that one's voice is the other's silence. What matters is for them to be in touch and fill the unwelcomed distances. 
They are sick in the head and the heart for each other. People call it unhealthy but to them not being like that is unhealthy.
They make sense. 
In all honesty, I have never understood why prongsfoot is not a popular pairing in HP fandom. 
They make the perfect sense and any logical mind can see their potential. It's not even a possibility, it's a reality that has the strongest evidence. 
Do you want a tragic love story? 
Do you want shenanigans? 
Here, I present you prongsfoot on a silver platter. They are practically canon without the need to change in characterization or how they look. They are a perfect duo and a unique power couple.
Love, love and more love
They love each other and are in love with each other, in both senses. It's something exclusive to them, so unconditional and deep that buries them down within. They are each other's poison and medicine. They are drowned in profound sensations, breathing those in and out.
Bonnie and Clyde 
Yes, you read it right. Prongsfoot is a ride or die and until the end pairing. Make them protagonists or antagonists, heroes or villains, it won't make any difference. They are a pair of mischievous geniuses, each handsome on their own way who are blind to the others but themselves, be it romantic or platonic.
Trust and open admittance 
James - literally put his and Lily's life in Sirius' hands - Potter and Sirius - It's been fourteen years and still a day doesn't go by I don't miss your dad - Black.
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