#who’s notoriously accident prone
neatsprout · 5 months
🤓 Meet the Intern! 📁
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Hello TF2 nation, this is the TF2 oc my roommate dreamt up and we've developed together!
He's notoriously bad at his job and is very accident-prone. The administrator brought him to Mann Co. to complete tasks the other mercs are unwilling to do (organizing files, cleaning up blood stains, dry cleaning, etc.)
While the team has mixed opinions on him, he tries his very best to impress both the mercs and administrator (except spy, who HATES his guts).
Bonus sketch!!
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sir-sunny · 6 months
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all about shino!!!!!
below is shino's background and role in the killing game >:)
SO BASICALLY on the the lucky student spectrum we've got makoto whos got rly good luck, nagito whos got rly good luck and rly bad luck, and then shino who's just got rly bad luck
shino's a very accident-prone person. in their early life, they were an adventurous kid. however, they were inflicted with many injuries nearly every time they left the house. because of this, they started to fear the world. as they got older, they became more reserved, unwilling to go outside or talk to other people.
unfortunately, shino's bad luck only followed them as unlucky things would start happening at home. like a large tree falling on the house destroying their bedroom, the entire house being flooded, blackouts occurring for days, and the list goes on.
until finally, a fire breaks out the engulfs the entire house and claims the life of shino's parents. (this fire is the reason that shino has scars all over their body)
time passes blah blah shino goes to an orphanage, bad things continue to happen, until one fateful day, shino recives a letter from a certain school (hopes peak)
at hopes peak
around school, their bad luck is notorious and their classmates lovingly dub shino the ultimate unlucky student (much to shino's annoyance)
shino doesn't really have any close relations within their class. save for one student who often goes out of their way to include them and be kind to them. and that person is lucy mitchel. shino of course is outwardly very irritated with lucy and her gifts and check ins and jokes, however maybe there's a part of them who likes the idea of having someone they can call a friend
not that that matters in the killing game, however. considering shino along with everyone else lost their school memories along with all their relations.
killing game
speaking of the killing game, shino is a killer. in the second chapter (chapt name pending im trying to think of a good name), shino drowns lucy mitchel in the school fountain.
NOW the resoning behind this killing can be traced back to the motive of chapt 2, "if a killing doesnt occur within 48 hours, a student will be chosen at random to be executed." as u can imagine this motive was particularly concerning for shino to hear.
shino firmly believes that if a killing doesnt happen, they'll definitely be chosen to die. this drives them a little bonkers. lucy notices shino's inner turmoil and has a talk with them at the fountain and well.. u know how that turns out.
(its also worth noting that evidence shows that lucy put up no kind of struggle and may have given up her life in hopes to help shino survive but its up for interpretation hhhh)
SO OKAY shino's execution is a good ol game of russian roulette. with multiple guns
a multitude of guns are each loaded with a single bullet and and the cylinders are spun. the guns are pointed at different areas of shinos body, for instance, theres one pointing at their, foot, calf, shoulder, thigh, etc. while their tied up in a chair.
theres a very long pause when suddenly the guns go off one after the other, each and every one of them go off without exception.
unfortunately these bullet shots are not fatal and shino is still faintly conscious, bleeding profusely. they watch as one final gun is loaded with a bullet and pointed directly at their forehead. the trigger is pulled aaaaand
the gun jams
suddenly the guns all lower and the lights dim and shino is left to bleed out slowly and painfully
and thats unfortunately the end of shino tokuma (unless i can figure out a way to bring everyone back to life like sdr2 did but prob not)
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paradoxcase · 1 year
Chapter 36 of Harrow the Ninth
I've spent most of Saturday entering 145 of my ~200 sims into a new family tree program, which is sort of like the mental equivalent of stimming, but I think it's time to take a break and do more Locked Tomb liveblog
The symbol on this chapter is, I gather, meant to be a Herald, or possibly something else that's resurrection-beast-adjacent. Also, we are at one week before the prologue, now, if we can trust these chronological notes
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Harrow has an absolutely massive case of Former "Gifted Child" syndrome, but she's only 18
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She's one week away from probably dying while fighting a resurrection beast and she's way more worried about who is betraying John. It's also interesting how she compares her various experiences to decide whether or not something was a hallucination
I kind of wonder if at some point she is going to come to the conclusion that BOE can perform resurrections, since she saw three apparently resurrected (based on her memories of them) people, who claimed to be with BOE, or if that would be too sacrilegious an idea for her
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First of all, what does "G" stand for in "J. G."? If John has a cavalier, I'd expect it to be A.L., or possibly the soul of Earth, not someone whose name starts with G
Second of all, why do they have callsigns? The purpose of callsigns (at least in ham radio, anyway) is to uniquely identify each individual radio geek, communicate their position in the radio geek hierarchy (and thus what frequencies they have access to, etc.), identify where they are from, and be relatively short because Morse Code is pretty verbose. But they are communicating in spoken language here, there's no reason for them to use Morse Code or a similar system, so there's no reason for them to shorten their names. Also, if this really is meant to be English, enunciating single letters over radio in English is notoriously prone to miscommunication due to how similar a lot of letter names sound, and for the purpose of being clear while doing this the NATO phonetic alphabet was invented, if you're actually going to do a radio thing in spoken language, you should be saying "Juliet Golf" instead of "J. G.", etc. Anyway, in addition to all this, this system is not even guaranteed to create a unique callsign for each Lyctor, it happens that all of these are unique, but that's just an accident. Goddammit, this pisses me off and I'm not even a real radio geek, I was just raised by radio geeks
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So I'm guessing the resurrection beast/herald fear aura is directly related to guilt over the indelible sin, which makes sense if they specifically pursue people who committed the indelible sin. I believe when they were discussing how BOE hunted down a herald in order to make it into herald bullets (which I now retroactively realize means that BOE must use guns) they said that it affected all necromancers, so I wonder if it's more generally about gaining power from death
Also "it knows what you did to its kin", maybe referring to John consuming the soul of Earth? Or locking it in the Tomb? I'm not sure anymore
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I mean, I think the Body going away probably has to do with the resurrection beast and not with Harrow, but haha, poor Harrow
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You know, I've heard non-Americans complain that saying "Not!" after a sentence in this way is an Americanism, so I'm surprised to see this here. Or maybe it's only here to emphasize how grating Mercy's lecture is?
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Is this a reference to the "it's for a church, honey, next!!" lady?
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I know this is supposed to be a "Mercy is not fun at parties" thing, but honestly I feel this
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I was curious how far that actually was, it turns out that is 33 and a half astronomical units. Yeah, that's pretty far away
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That 2,000 kilometers is a mere 1 2.5 millionth of the total distance of 5 billion kilometers, though. I would think just covering that whole distance in a reasonable amount of time would be harder? Supposedly they don't have access to the stele system out here
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This is the "Sex Pal" moment of this book, isn't it? I have no actual idea if John is lying about the peanuts or not, but I love the idea of Mercy just fuming over this one peanut incident for a significant part of 10,000 years
Also, the way describes this fantasy exchange between her and John feels like a bible story to me. Is it just me?
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Ok, so this is interesting, because Number One has been mentioned, which means that if the beasts are numbered according to the way the Houses are numbered, then Earth can't be the missing beast. Previously we had only heard about Two, Six, Seven, and Eight, now we are up to One, Two, Four, Six, Seven, and Eight, which leaves Three, Five, and Nine. John said at the beginning of the book that there were three left to defeat, one of which is obviously Seven, and I guess the remaining two are Three, Five, or Nine. I wonder if the beasts are instead numbered based on their order from the sun, which would make Earth Three? That would make Seven actually be Uranus, which does match up with the 50,000 kilometer in diameter number from earlier, but I thought the point of that number was that the resurrection beast was supposed to be bigger than the original planet?
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Does north/east/south/west even have any meaning in space, or in the River, without the presence of a magnetic field? I mean, the resurrection beast is a planet, so it might have a magnetic field, but we've established that they will not be attacking its actual body
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Is this actually some missing information about what the fuck Mercy's powers even have to do with the rest of the Eighth House, or is Augustine just saying things to be saying things?
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I wonder if it actually turns out to be something different, seeing as John literally has no intel on it
Also, you definitely do believe in sin, like, I don't think the concept of sin is necessarily universal across all religions, but it's definitely a big part of this one, necrophilia has been mentioned as a sin, we also have the indelible sin, and Mayonnaise Uncle definitely seemed to feel like some things were sins back in Gideon the Ninth
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addaxus · 9 months
Part three of the timeline is out!
Terror of El Ojos Diablos
1877-1884 (Age 21-28)
Word spreads about a notoriously violent and inebriated man. A man with the devil's eyes that allegedly flashed an unholy green before he began shooting anybody in his way, man, woman, or child. Folks who had been going about their business only to be gunned down by a drunk on the street. This earnt him the moniker El Ojos Diablos (Butchered Spanish meaning The Devil's Eyes). And the legends around El Ojos Diablos were so tall that identifying him proved difficult. This Wild West Boogeyman's descriptions ranged from overblown to hideous. Witness accounts proved untrustworthy because of the terror and superstition that surrounded him. The only constants about El Ojos Diablos were that he wore a tattered poncho and spoke Spanish.
Any outlaws who rode with El Ojos Diablos never lasted long. They died either because they irritated the boss, were a convenient meat shield, or for some other reason that benefited El Ojos Diablos—as bitter and selfish as he was.
El Ojos Diablos committed crimes for two reasons: To keep his men around and to ensure he had a regular supply of alcohol and bullets. For the devil suffered from frequent mood swings and terrible visions, which did little to improve his already sour demeanor. Alcohol relieved his agony while also putting him to sleep. He appeared to want to drink till darkness overtook him so that time would pass swiftly. Bullets put an end to any grievances he had. And if he ever ran out, you can bet he'd crawl out of whatever hole he'd hidden himself in to start the cycle all over again.
El Ojos Diablos' terrible tales spread far and wide. Tales that eventually reached Encanto. This was too much for the Madrigals because El Brujo's acts paled in comparison to those of El Ojos Diablos. So much so that Alma forbids any mention of Bruno's existence. Alma, Julieta, and Pepa all deal with their sadness privately in different ways.
Agustin pays frequent trips to Julieta since his accident-prone antics get him hurt all the time. This helps them to become more intimate. Agustin discusses the incident in Perdition, but he is too ashamed and guilty to go any further.
Felix Freeman, a former Caribbean Island plantation slave turned excellent marksman known as Halcon Eye, sought out Él Ojos Diablos in 1878. He wishes to join forces with Terror Numero Uno. As a test, Él Ojos Diablos has Felix compete against his present marksman, an annoying braggart named Ramon, whom Halcon Eye then kills with a single shot through the heart. Felix rides as Él Ojos Diablos' unofficial right-hand man for four years. He essentially became the gang's longest-living member, a feat deemed unthinkable given the low life expectancy when riding with the devil's eyes.
Agustin and Julieta married joyfully at the end of 1882. Meanwhile, El Ojos Diablos and his crew are hiding out in Revelation, New Mexico. When El Ojos Diablos shoots down five street youths who insulted him, Felix witnesses his true cold-blooded character.
Unable to follow El Ojos Diablos any longer, Halcon Eye persuades fellow gang members Buscemi, Quinn, McGinley, David, and Levine to grab what loot they could and depart to Mexico. This sentenced all five of them to death. Nobody leaves Terror Numero Uno unless it's with a bullet. He'd pursue them to the ends of the Earth. And he did so.
The deserters, led by Felix, did everything they could to elude their former leader while fleeing to Mexico. They each die one by one. Buscemi has a hole blown through his face; Quinn is shot up until Felix puts him out of his misery; McGinley gets left behind after his horse is slain but remains defiant till the very end; David commits suicide out of sheer fear and paranoia; and Levine is killed just as they reach the Rio Grande.
Facing the end, Felix manages to kill Diablos' remaining men, leaving only himself and the devil. He is unexpectedly saved by a swarm of glowing butterflies, allowing him to escape by leaping into the Rio Grande. The now-alone El Ojos Diablos vows to kill Felix if they ever cross paths again.
Felix floats down the river till he reaches the site of Pedro's death. Felix pursues a golden butterfly into Encanto after dragging his ass out from the river. When Alma questions him, Felix decides to provide an incomplete truth: He and his buddies were attempting to cross into Mexico when they were pursued by outlaws, his comrades were slaughtered, and only he escaped. This response suffices for the Madrigal Matriarch, who greets him as a new inhabitant of Encanto.
Felix keeps his vow and works hard to become a better person. He falls in love with Pepa, which leads to marriage. Their wedding day turns into a hurricane when a scraplet detailing El Ojos Diablos’ latest misdeeds causes Pepa to become emotionally distraught, though Felix is quick to calm his beloved down.
1885 (Age 29)
Agustin and Julieta’s daughter Isabela is born. A few months later, so is Felix and Pepa’s firstborn daughter Dolores.
1887 (Age 31)
Agustin and Julieta’s second daughter Luisa is born.
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ofwindydays · 2 months
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☆゚.*・ ◞hirose suzu/ cis female / japanese /she/they ——— is that NAGISA ABE  on bourbon street ? the TWENTY SIX  year old WITCH who stays in the CENTRAL DISTRICT ?  they are notoriously known for being COMPASSIONATE AND CALMING  but also REACTIVE AND HEADSTRONG. which is probably why they are considered THE BUNNY EARED LAWYER around town.  i wonder if they had their tarot cards reading, yet? either way, the cards on the table will reveal their fate soon enough
triggers: death bed discussions in the beginning dialogue and one bullet point
ctrl + F Death bed over and next point to skip
(death bed tw) "Nagisa I lament to tell you this so late in life. But you are not like your siblings.I only hope you don't tap it my little star."
"Grandma! Tap what! Tell me."
"You are a miko nova.... the seventh daughter in the seventh generation of a japanese witches." (death bed tw)
Death bed over
Nagisa Nova Abe was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. It would be behest not to acknowledge it.
Nova is the youngest of the Abe siblings. If her older siblings possesses the beauty and finesses, the Nova was the "plain-sibling". The title stuck as her hair was stuffed into a baseball cap.
But perhaps that was a blessing when she met (wanted connection) a person she noticed always got injured. She pulled person away for a while to help her with whatever excuse she can muster
Nova to the best of her efforts just wanted to make sure they were safe, much to the chagrin of her siblings
When the curse reared its ugly head Nova tried to rationalise everything, maybe it was fluke, an accident, maybe they were in a better place.
Sleepless nights she started to rationalise everything, dunking a basketball in hopes whatever was going on would stop.
(death bed tw) Her grandmother watched her around that time, teaching her the family secrets only she knew. Her grandmother never explained why as her dying breath she said "Shine bright Nova." (death bed tw)
Next point For a while she felt lost, maybe more prone to the darkness New Orleans can bring
"With my frizzy hair and graphic tees people find me unserious. What have I been called by people. Beautiful and careless? Stuck up. Conceited. A nepo baby that takes things for granted . Is that what my coworkers whisper when I'm not around.*Sigh* My looks always cause me so many problems."
But that didn't stifle Nova, in fact it drove her to want to become a nurse, someone who isn't standing on the sidelines.
Her beauty grown as well, being nicknamed the dazzling nurse heart breaker, much to her chagrin.
It didn't help being one of the smarter ones there. Performance Punishment while others took credit for her work
But beneath her beauty is a deadly secret, having the ability to chi block and read chi
There were many who tried but only saw the heiress or the beauty. To invest or try to fuck. It wore her down.
Nova wished there was more to life than ridicule and awful set up dates.
"I can't explain it. He gets hurt a lot and is a bit brash but I want to know everything about him. I think there's more to him that meets the eye. He's the first guy who wanted to know me not Miss Abe.There's something about him that makes my world a bit more colorful. It's a cliche but Choi Taejin completes me."
But there was one prince amoung the men- a man named Taejin aka TJ the one who saw her beaneath her masks.
Unlike many of the men before, he actual asked about her to give him a chance. And she was surprised and enamoured to say the least.
Time skip
A new shrine maiden took Nova's body in stride Kyo
Kyo was detemined to kill anything that desitrubed the balanced
Kyo in her own way is trying to push Nova towards her destiny but Nova is afraid
Nova just wants to marry Taejin but thing stop her
Things to know
She's very stubborn and ritualistic
Usually nice but dont push her buttons you will get hell.
Miko heritage from her grandmothers side, as of right now shes the only Abe child who has it so far because the seventh child, but if anyone wants to play the other abe siblings im down. Note they are probably half siblings
I think she knows the supernatural but if you asked her she couldn't describe it. Not out of malice but fear.
Superstitious and Rational - to the point its now taken over her life and the energy seeking is going off
Can come off very obtuse but that because she hates being too attached to others. Has been burned before
A romantic at heart just would never say it aloud
Would love companionship and give people extra food and advive
Weekly Cooking Buddies
Father figure
Regular Patient
Suck her into the drama
Optional but this is the kinda vibe im trying for nova post time jump especially post kyo posessions
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callofthxvoid · 5 months
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Please welcome BEATRIX "TRIXIE" VOS (SHE/HER) to Huntsville, WV. They are a 32-year-old VISITOR who lives in TOWN. You may see them around working as a NURSE AT HUNTSVILLE HIGH. They are looking for FOX VOS, their BROTHER, and CHANDLER VOS, their SISTER. Poor unfortunate soul. We'll see if they survive.
quick facts
Title: The Flight Risk
Name: Beatrix Kendra Vos
Nickname: Trixie, Trix (by Lance), B (by Ven)
Date of Birth: November 22, 1991
Age: 32
Place of Birth: Definitely Somewhere
Hometown: Also A Place That Exists
Languages: English, Spanish
Faceclaim: Skyler Samuels
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: In a relationship with Lance Cerulli
Myers-Briggs: ISFP - The Adventurer
Enneagram: Type Four - The Individualist (4w3)
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Occupation: Nurse at Huntsville High
Role: Gatherer
[+] adventurous, generous, empathetic, patient [-] conflicted, inconstant, thrill-seeking, self-sabotaging
Character Inspirations: Dr. Emma K. Kurtzman (No Strings Attached), Elaine "Lainey" Dalton (Sleeping With Other People), Bridget Vreeland (The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants)
TW: Alcoholism, Parental Neglect
Born the second of three children to neglectful, alcoholic parents, Trixie has spent her whole life feeling torn between two sides of herself that seem impossible for her to reconcile with each other. On one hand, her early childhood was defined by being the careless, accident-prone little sister who always needed help from her big brother Fox, because she was always the one messing up. On the other hand, she simultaneously found herself stepping up to be the responsible, nurturing older sister to her little sister Chandler—especially after a blowup between their dad and Fox resulted in the former getting arrested and the latter being going into a second chance program.
At the time, Trixie was barely going into middle school, and her teenage years played out in much the same fashion. She had good grades, but she spent way more time in detention than any other honours student at her school did. She refused to drink or take drugs, but she was almost notoriously promiscuous, known for rarely (if ever) saying no to a hookup. After graduating, she attended community college to get an associate's degree in nursing, while she made a living getting paid under the table to work at a dive bar that was a popular concert venue for underground bands.
Trixie was on the precipice of having her life together when her older brother went missing during a job. At the time, she had just qualified as a nurse, was working her first job at a local hospital, and had been in a committed relationship since college. Her boyfriend was a nice, stable person from a nice, stable family, and while he was incredibly good to her, she always felt like there were things that she couldn't share with him—like she always had to hide her messy side, or the parts of her life that weren't as pretty. When he proposed, she had a small meltdown about the whole thing, freaked out and turned him down, and has not been in a serious relationship since.
Life carried on, and she continued working as a nurse while making friends from all walks of life. Among them was Lance Cerulli, whom she met while directing him to an AA meeting after he was admitted to the hospital she was working at; so when he told her that he was going to Huntsville for a fresh start, and she realised that was the same area that Fox had gone missing in, she had no qualms about deciding to accompany him on the road. And yet, despite having now spent two years in a place where her old problems hardly seem to matter, Trixie finds herself stuck in the same dilemma she has always been in—torn between the part of herself that wants to grow up and settle down and the one that recoils at the very thought of doing anything like that.
She classifies herself as straight edge and has xXx tattooed on her left wrist. She also has two other tattoos - the first is her siblings' birth dates in roman numerals on her ribs and the second is a stylised lance going up the back of her right ankle.
She is an avid runner. She will figuratively and literally run from her problems.
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not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
Hi!!! I was wondering if I could request a pre-death Kyle Spencer x Gn!reader?
Something along the lines of the reader being forced to go to a party with their friends and being obviously uncomfortable so Kyle comes over to talk to them and hopefully make them more comfortable but they keep blowing him off (in like an anxious way) and he just keeps persisting until they finally get comfortable enough to talk to him. Then something happens between reader’s friends and the rest of Kyle’s frat boys (like an argument or something) which makes reader kinda shut down so Kyle brings them outside and helps them and eventually asks them for their number or something?
I’m sorry that was so all over the place, my brain can’t have a single thought at a single point of time LMAO. Thank you in advanced for even just reading this and a bigger thank you if you decide to try it! <3
warning: language uhh party stuff like drinking or whatever. i don’t know. does anyone actually read these
note: hehe i took my sweet time writing this hehehe. also this sucks
“i didn’t say it wouldn’t be fun, i just said i didn’t want to go,” y/n snaps from the backseat. hazy yellow lights from december-like decorated houses whirr past the window their head rests on and the others occupying the car are getting on her last nerve, quite frankly.
some enjoy living a wild life, or at the very least a life of excitement, and that’s perfectly fine. it’s the way y/n’s friends choose to live their own lives, and as adults, y/n respects that. they just don’t understand why their dumbass friends need to rope y/n into it all.
tonight, the culprit is violette, a young woman not notorious for living a party-filled lifestyle, but quite prone to speaking her own mind, which gets her lots of attention, and in that, invited to crazy parties like the one y/n is currently being dragged to, but it can get her into trouble quite often. too often, in y/n’s opinion, but that’s violette’s problem, not their’s.
“do you ever want to go?” violette drags out their annoyance verbally, and if y/n’s arms were longer, they’d reach up front and smack her, but lucky for violette, she was the one driving, and y/n knew better than to cause a car accident. it would prevent them from going to the party though…
shaking the thought from their troubled head like an etch a sketch, y/n finds the words to clap back. “no! how many times do i have to make that clear! i hate parties!”
violette sighs. “then why did you agree to come over when i said we were getting ready?”
“i thought we were just gonna play dress up…” y/n trails off, trying not to cringe at their own words, something they do too often. sometimes it’s better to just shut up and let them have it.
“what are you, 10?” y/n’s mouth opens to speak but violette won’t allow it. “who cares. anyway, we’re here now. you can stay in the car like a freak or you can come socialize like a normal adult. your choice. but you can’t leave because i’m getting shitfaced tonight.”
the door slams behind violette as she skips off to the party and now y/n sighs, feeling like it’s all they ever do these days. y/n hates parties, but they do love violette, and ditching them alone at a party would be a trashy friend move, right?
right! so with that, y/n gets out of the car, feeling renewed in their sense of meaning at this event. they’re not here to mingle, to get drunk, anything stupid like that, they’re just here to watch their friend. that sounds perfect.
kicking rocks across the paved walkway up to the door, y/n approaches the big wooden slab tastelessly left open, like a big neon sign saying ‘come on in!’
something about that calms their nerves just the tiniest bit, knowing that anyone is welcome here, and with that, they open the door, mentally screaming in relief when no heads turn once they enter, no record scratch or loud gasp.
still, they don’t feel at home, but it’s a good start. they hope they can stay undetected like this forever, just a minor background character in everyone’s narrative.
scanning the room, they find an empty lounge chair in a mostly empty room, a few stragglers leaning against a wall, red solo cup in hand but ultimately talking amongst themselves, making it a perfect place for y/n to sit and look at their phone for a good long while.
but alas, it wasn’t meant to be. unbeknownst to y/n, their mousy entrance did not go completely unnoticed. the moment they stepped foot through the door, they caught the eye of a a young blond man, surrounded by his pack of likewise young men, all identical in breed and morals, at least in y/n’s opinion, who crowded around him in conversation so densely he nearly lost sight of the attractive individual making their way to the living room.
it wasn’t until he broke free from his hoard of young men did he catch sight of them once again, sinking into a chair, his favorite chair, as this was his frat house/residence. he soon decided this will be his talking point.
“great chair, huh?” he sneaks up behind them like a creep and watches them jolt in surprise, turning around slowly like a character in a horror movie about to get murdered, and sends him a nod paired with a tight lipped smile.
expecting them to have actually responded, kyle takes a moment to himself to recollect himself, finding another approach quickly enough before it’s too weird how long he’s been standing behind them, staring at the back of their head.
“so, you come here often?” kyle pressures on them to talk, wondering if their voice is as lovely as they look. he knows it’s a stupid question, as he lives here and he’s never seen them before, but he doesn’t care at all.
“no, first time,” their hands wring together behind their phone, picking at their pop socket and kyle perceives this as just a simple gesture of boredom, which is something kyle can easily fix for them.
taking a leap of faith, he perches himself on the arm of the chair. y/n leans ever so slightly into the other arm, away from him so they can keep a closer eye on him to make sure he’s not up to something, which he seems as if he may be.
“cool, really cool. you drinking anything tonight? anything i can getcha?” once he’s in host mode, y/n relaxes just the slightest in the knowledge that they just need to shoot him down and he’ll leave them alone soon.
“no, i’m driving,” they nod their head in an attempt to convince him they were alright and he could leave now, but he didn’t.
“oh, you’re here with somebody? who are you here with?”
again, their hands go to the pop socket on the back of their phone, popping out, popping in, out, in, rapid fire. their gaze steadies into the other room, onto violette, who’s playing beer pong with a few frat guys who’s names y/n never bothered to learn, not that they needed to know them anyways.
kyle follows their line of vision, landing on violette. “you’re here with little miss crazy? how’s a person like you become friends with a girl like her?”
y/n’s not sure what this guy’s deal is but he just will not leave and do anything else. it’s not that he’s annoying, or that he’s unattractive, because that’s actually far from the truth, but y/n didn’t anticipate meeting someone new tonight, they need at least a week to prepare before having brand new interactions with a stranger like this, it’s just what introverts do.
“i don’t know, she’s just my friend,” not once in this entire conversation does y/n fully meet kyle’s eyes with their own and somehow he doesn’t realize it at all, but he doesn’t need to when a loud commotion begins in the other room.
“get the fuck out of here, you bitch!” a man, one of kyle’s boys, yells at someone who y/n can only assume to be violette, and their suspicions are confirmed when they hear violette screaming back.
“why? because you don’t want your besties to know how rapey you are?” violette’s voice echoes through the entire house and everyone’s attention is unintentionally drawn to the fight slowly accumulating.
“is this not concerning to you?” y/n finally shows genuine interest in speaking to kyle, it’s a shame that it’s paired with a look of worry written on their face. their breathing is picking up rapidly and their body starts to shake.
“this whole thing? it happens twice a week. we don’t call her little miss crazy for nothing, always coming in here, stirring up something big, we just let her, it’s good entertainment,” kyle shamelessly smiles at his own words as he stares at the theatrical argument unfolding, but when he turns back to look at the person who’s name he never caught, they’re gone. one quick slam of the front door informs him where they went.
he bounds through the door, head whipping back and forth until he spots them on the pavement, leaned up against the back of a car, head in their hands. confused, he approaches with care.
“hey, you alright? what happened in there?”
their breathing is still labored and quick, like they’re hyperventilating and kyle doesn’t really know what to do other than take a slow seat beside them, back leaned against the car he hopes is theirs and not some random person’s.
still, he’s not sure on what to do, but he wraps a careful arm around their shoulders, weary not to seem too creepy by this action, and he gently rubs his hand up and down their shoulder.
it takes a few minutes of deafening silence for y/n to calm down and fully recover, but once they do, kyle has no idea what to say, so they realize they will have to break the silence.
“i’m sorry, i just really can’t handle fights like that,” y/n doesn’t move from next to him, in fact, they stay frozen in place in hopes kyle doesn’t want to move, either.
“it’s okay, they aren’t for everyone.”
when neither of them know what to say after, kyle changes the subject. “i’m kyle by the way.”
the moon is out tonight, it’s shining brighter than usual, and y/n can’t remember if it’s a waning or waxing gibbous, or what gibbous even means, but it sure is beautiful.
“so, now’s the part where you tell me your name.”
“oh, right. it’s y/n,” they grin. kyle smiles back.
“it’s nice to meet you, y/n, is this okay?” y/n’s eyes narrow in confusion until they realize he’s referring to his arm, still layed upon their shoulders.
“yeah, it’s fine,” they try their hardest not to stutter their words and sound stupid but it comes out that way, anyway. who cares?
“well, you really need to learn to let loose if you’re gonna be going to parties and all that. maybe i could help you out a little.” kyle stands up, pivoting back to face them and outstretching his hands for them to grab. he hoists them off the concrete.
“oh really?” they sound condescending but they mean it genuinely, what could he have to offer?
“really. one condition though,” one pointed look to them and they can’t help but laugh a little just at his ridiculous aura.
“what’s that?”
“that you give me your number.”
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jendoe · 2 years
blaming @denerims and @shadowglens for igniting the part of my brain that lives and breathes st lmfaoooo... no prompt, just vibes and chris and rhea being stupidly married!
wc: 1512
"Chris, I have a problem."
Well, that wasn't a concerning statement coming from his accident prone wife. Chris glanced at his communicator, still chopping carrots for their dinner. "What do you mean you have a problem? Is it the killer plants again?" Entirely a joke, though he wouldn't be letting her forget that did actually happen. "Pollen?"
Rhea was silent. That answered that question, but she provided more detail when she continued. "…Okay, two problems. If it helps, it was the one I collected on our last away mission that just increases dopamine production." She clicked her tongue. "I'll probably be giggling like an idiot for the rest of the night, but on the bright side, I'll be able to take some more notes on it. I mean, it was a little hard observing the side effects since Connolly was the one who collected the samples and he is notoriously difficult to work with even when he's not experiencing a boost in–"
"Rhea. Focus."
She inhaled sharply. He figured she'd gotten so caught up in her spiel that she'd forgotten to stop and breathe, which was per the norm for her. "Right! Right. My other problem. Uh… don't laugh, please?"
Despite her insistence, he stifled an amused noise. "I won't laugh, sweetheart."
"I'm… stuck."
Chris paused his vegetable preparation, knife already halfway through the carrot. "You're stuck? Stuck how?"
There was a hiss on the other end– and a very loud gust of wind. The sound of the door to the greenhouse slamming closed followed. When he glanced out the window, he could see her standing behind it, one hand on her hip and her communicator in the other. "Cold. Snow. I don't like it. Why'd you move me to the mountains?"
Ah. That explained a lot. Time for a little rescue mission. "First of all, you agreed to move here with me," Chris said, as he set his cutting board aside and hung up his apron. "Secondly, why did you go out to the greenhouse if you knew you wouldn't want to walk back to the house?"
"I don't know!" Rhea cried out with a whine. "I missed my plants and you know I get restless if I stay in one place for too long."
Chris took another quick glance out the window at the snow coming down harder and harder. "Well, you sure did pick a prime time to do this. I think we're in for a blizzard tonight."
"Fantastic." Even from this distance, he could see her pouting. "You're coming to get me, right?"
"Of course, sweetheart," he said, shaking his head. He reached for his coat to bundle up. "Just give me a second, alright? I'm going to end the comm now."
All he got in response was a mumbled okay before she herself hung up. He breathed out a sigh (albeit a fond one, as the things she did would never fail to endear him) and tugged on his boots. His gloves were next, and then for an extra layer of warmth, a scarf that he intended on sharing. Knowing her, she hadn't dressed too appropriately for the weather since she often joked she felt like a plant herself and that the greenhouse kept her plenty warm when she was tending to her samples.
The trek there wasn't far since it was right across from the back door. Really, she could've easily walked to the house on her own, but what kind of husband would he be if he didn't aid his wife in her hour of need? She proved his point by launching herself into his arms the second he stepped inside, kissing his cheek.
"My hero," she joked.
"Careful, you'll give me a big head." He gave her a tight squeeze before carefully setting her down. "So, what did we learn?"
"To stand back when I'm watering that particular plant so I don't get sprayed with pollen," Rhea said, flicking some yellow dust away from the shoulders of her sweater. "And to stay inside the house when it's snowing this hard."
Chris hummed in agreement, as he pulled his scarf off to let her have it instead. She accepted it with glee, winding it around her neck and snuggling her face into it. He wasn't entirely sure if the impossibly wide smile tugging at her lips was because she was happy to be quote-unquote rescued or if the effects of the pollen were starting to kick in. Maybe both.
She suddenly gasped. He raised his brows in curiosity.
"Wait, wait, wait, before we go!" He remembered how Connolly had greeted him when he came back from the away mission they'd found the plant on– same cadence. Not too unusual for her considering her happy-go-lucky nature, but there was just the slightest hint of over the top enthusiasm that suggested that yes, she was definitely feeling the effects. It showed in how she practically bounced away to pick up one of the clay pots lying around. "You remember how you said you missed the poppies your mom grew in the front yard?"
"Yeah," Chris said. "Did you–"
"Plant some? Yes." She held the pot up with a grin. "Happy anniversary."
He couldn't help but laugh. "Our anniversary isn't for another month," he said, taking the pot from her to examine the yellow flowers inside it. Sure enough, they're the same ones his mother loved so much. "And you're already trying to one up me. Shame on you."
"Hey, I was growing them before I decided they'd make a good gift," Rhea said, standing up on the tips of her toes to look at the flowers herself. She was still beaming, clearly proud of herself. "It was hard keeping them a secret, but well, you rarely come out here since–"
He sneezed, interrupting her. She burst into laughter. "You're allergic to half the things I'm growing," she finished, body still shaking as her giggles died down. "Come on. Let's get you inside before you get too sick."
Making a face, Chris merely sniffed when his nose kept itching. "I think that's my line. I came out here to rescue you."
"You did," she said, taking the pot from him to set it back where it was. "Why don't you be a gentleman and carry me so I don't have to walk through the snow?"
He glanced down at her feet. Honestly, he shouldn't be surprised that all she'd worn to walk out here was a pair of fluffy, blue slippers and with another fond sigh, he lifted her up off the ground. "Lesson number three. Try to avoid hypothermia and wear your boots for once."
"Okay, okay, I promise I'll put them on next time," Rhea said, wrapping her arms around his neck to presumably feel more secure, which was… fair. He had dropped her before, though not on purpose. "I was just going stir crazy being cooped up in the house."
Chris pressed a kiss to her cheek before adjusting his hold on her so he could get the door. He winced at the sudden blast of cold air, the stinging sensation of snow hitting his face more than uncomfortable, but he managed to compose himself enough to cross their backyard. "Well, our leave is almost over and you'll be back on the ship with plenty to do."
She stayed silent until they were in the warmth and safety of the house, clearly not enjoying the weather anymore than he was. Once he set her down, Rhea reached up to brush the snow from his coat, even though it was already starting to melt and seep into the fabric. He was quick to get it off before it reached his inner layers.
"I'm looking forward to it," she finally said. "I've got a ton of ideas for experiments if my captain will allow them."
He exhaled in amusement. "As long as you're not breaking any rules and you run them by me or Una first." He cupped her face in his hands, leaning in to press a kiss to her nose. "I can never be too careful with you."
Rhea tilted her chin up. He didn't need to ask why and so, he moved down to her lips next. "And," he continued, "I'd prefer it if you didn't inhale anything else."
"It was an accident." Her eyes lit up– or at least, more than they already were. "A happy one! This sample is still new. I don't know much about it yet and like I said, Connolly didn't exactly give me a chance to observe him, but–"
He cut her off with another kiss. She giggled in a daze when he broke contact. "You've made your point. Not like I can exactly go back and stop you now, anyway." He gently patted her cheeks before stepping away to get back to the kitchen. Dinner still needed to be made. "Full report, lieutenant. I want to know everything you learn about it."
Chris didn't need to look back to see that she was grinning again. "Aye-aye, captain."
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gloryundimmed · 9 months
L U K A R O W E // F L U K 3
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25 / Human / Chaotic Neutral / ESFP / OC
Luka became an unethical hacker out of necessity instead of choice. Up until he was a teenager, he stayed with his uncle, who was in major debt and would use any money he earned irresponsibly. Every time he asked about his parents, his uncle would tell him a different story. One day, he would say they died in an accident; the next, he'd say they abandoned him; and on another, he'd say they were victims of a drug trade mafia boss. Luka grew up not caring too much about such trivial matters and spent most of his time wondering where he'd get his next meal. It seemed inevitable that he would try to make money on his own, and since he had a natural knack for computers, hacking came naturally. Within a year, he became a notorious hacker under the name of FLUK3.
Whatever money he made, though, his uncle would confiscate for gambling, and Luka would be back to square one. Eventually, Luka realized his uncle was holding him back and making him live a miserable life of never knowing when he'd have to take a beating from loan sharks, so he cut a deal with one of the them, who happened to be the head of a mafia group. If Luka promised to do whatever the mafia asked him to, they would forgive the debt and have their own personal hacker. Luka agreed to the terms and signed a contract. The next day, he found his uncle dead in their shared apartment.
For the next few years, Luka was forced to do whatever the mafia told him to despite the fact that they murdered his uncle. They kept him on a short leash, but he slowly made plans to escape. After what felt like an eternity of being the mafia's slave, Luka finally put his plan in motion and escaped the country. Now, he works for himself as an infamous hacker known all around the world and works as a graphic designer for his "day job". Although he escaped the mafia, he knows they will look for him forever, so he moves around a lot and doesn't tie himself down to one place.
Despite his awful childhood, Luka is naturally sociable with a strange kind of charisma. He loves to make friends wherever he goes and never minds playing the fool to make others smile. Whatever negative emotions he feels he tries to cover up with humor, but he's prone to anxiety and panic attacks, although they are very rare. To help cope with his anxiety, he smokes weed from time to time. Luka is very clearly an ADHD child who can't sit still for more than a few minutes at a time, so he often does his hacking from a small laptop he can take anywhere. He always needs to be moving part of his body, like tapping his foot or shaking his leg. Whenever he sees someone he finds attractive, he'll try to play it cool and flirt with them but often ends up saying the wrong thing.
He makes a lot from hacking but often spends it quickly on expensive food, which is his favorite thing in the world, and there is nothing he will not eat. Luka is constantly broke but doesn't mind too much. His favorite genre of music is hyperpop, and he loves looking fashionable with his ear piercing and clothes. He always wears his favorite shades, even indoors, but it's secretly due to the fact that he's nearsighted as fuck and doesn't have any other prescription glasses. More than anything else, he wants people to like and accept him, and he can be easily hurt when they don't.
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rossumsautorepair · 3 months
Car Diagnostics and Safety: Keeping Houston Roads Safer
Houston, Texas, is known for its bustling city life, diverse communities, and of course, its extensive network of roads and highways. With millions of vehicles traversing these streets daily, safety should be a top priority for all Houston drivers. Fortunately, modern technology, particularly in the realm of Car Diagnostic Testing in Houston, plays a crucial role in ensuring safer journeys on these busy roads.
 The Importance of Car Diagnostics
Car Diagnostics in Houston, often associated with the check engine light, might seem like a mysterious feature to many drivers. However, it’s a vital aspect of vehicle maintenance and safety. At its core, car diagnostics involves monitoring various components of your vehicle to detect issues, both minor and major, before they escalate into dangerous situations.
 Early Problem Detection
One of the primary benefits of car diagnostics is early problem detection. When your vehicle’s onboard computer system detects irregularities in its various components, it triggers a warning light, commonly known as the check engine light. In Houston, where extreme weather conditions and long commutes are the norm, timely detection of issues can prevent breakdowns on scorching summer days or during torrential downpours.
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Improved Safety on Houston Roads
Houston’s bustling roads can be unforgiving, with heavy traffic, fast-moving vehicles, and unpredictable weather. Car diagnostics systems help maintain vehicle safety by monitoring crucial aspects like brake health, tire pressure, engine performance, and emissions. Ensuring these systems are in top condition can significantly reduce the risk of accidents, especially in adverse conditions.
 Houston’s Unique Challenges
Houston’s unique geographical and environmental factors present specific challenges for drivers and their vehicles. Car Diagnostic in Houston become even more critical in this context.
Extreme Weather Variability
Houston experiences both scorching summers and occasional heavy rainfall, making it essential to have a vehicle that can handle the extremes. Car diagnostics help ensure that your vehicle’s air conditioning, cooling system, and other vital components are in top shape to navigate Houston’s climate safely.
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Flood-Prone Areas
Houston is notorious for flooding, especially during heavy rains and hurricanes. Car diagnostics can help identify issues with your vehicle’s electrical system, which is crucial in preventing water damage to sensitive components.
Heavy Traffic Congestion
Traffic congestion is a daily challenge in Houston. Car diagnostics can help optimize your vehicle’s fuel efficiency, ensuring that you’re not only safe but also economical during those long commutes.
 How to Utilize Car Diagnostics for Safety
Now that we understand the significance of car diagnostics in Houston’s unique context, let’s explore how you can use these systems to keep yourself and others safe on the road.
 Regular Check-Ups
Schedule regular check-ups with a qualified mechanic who specializes in car diagnostics. Rossum’s Auto Repair can use specialized tools to access your vehicle’s computer system and identify any potential issues. This proactive approach can save you from costly repairs and ensure your safety.
Pay Attention to Warning Lights
Never ignore warning lights on your dashboard. The check engine light is your vehicle’s way of communicating a potential problem. Promptly addressing these issues can prevent breakdowns and accidents.
Keep Your Vehicle Maintained
Routine maintenance, such as oil changes, brake inspections, and tire rotations, is essential. Car diagnostics can help track these maintenance schedules, ensuring your vehicle remains in top condition.
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Educate Yourself
Take the time to learn about your specific vehicle and its diagnostics system. Understanding what different warning lights mean and how to respond can empower you to make informed decisions regarding your vehicle’s safety.
In a city as vibrant and dynamic as Houston, safety on the roads is paramount. Car diagnostics systems are not just fancy technology but crucial tools in ensuring that your vehicle operates smoothly and safely, especially in the face of the city’s unique challenges.
By embracing car diagnostics, scheduling regular check-ups, and being proactive about maintenance, you can contribute to keeping Houston roads safer for everyone. Remember that a well-maintained vehicle is not only more reliable but also plays a significant role in reducing accidents and ensuring the well-being of both drivers and pedestrians.
Experience top-notch Car Diagnostic Testing in Houston with Rossum’s Auto Repair! Our state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and expert technicians ensure your vehicle’s health and safety on Houston’s challenging roads. We offer comprehensive diagnostics to pinpoint issues before they become costly problems, giving you peace of mind during your daily commute. Trust Rossum’s Auto Repair to keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently. Drive with confidence – choose Rossum’s for all your car diagnostic needs in Houston!
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ainews · 4 months
In the 1740s, trams were a relatively new form of transportation that offered a faster and more convenient way for customers to travel within cities. However, during this time, there were also many complaints about trams being non-responsive for customers. This caused frustration and inconvenience for those who relied on trams as their main mode of transportation.
One of the main reasons for the non-responsiveness of trams was the lack of proper maintenance. Trams were typically pulled by horses, and the tracks were made of wood or stone. These tracks were often uneven and poorly maintained, causing the trams to shake and jolt, making the ride uncomfortable for passengers. The constant wear and tear of the tracks also meant that trams were prone to derailment, causing delays and disruptions to the service. This was not only a danger to the passengers but also to pedestrians and other vehicles on the road.
In addition to the poor track conditions, trams were also known for their slow speed. This was due to the limited power of the horses pulling the trams. The horses could only travel at a certain pace, and any deviation from that speed could result in accidents or injuries. As a result, trams were often slow and had trouble keeping up with the demand of their customers, leading to long wait times and crowded carriages.
Another factor contributing to the non-responsive trams was the lack of regulation. During this time, there were no set schedules or routes for trams, and they were often operated by multiple companies, making coordination difficult. This meant that trams would often arrive at stops off-schedule or not at all, leaving customers stranded and frustrated.
Furthermore, trams were also notorious for being uncomfortable. The carriages were cramped and lacked proper ventilation, causing discomfort for passengers, especially during the hot summer months. There were also no designated seating areas, and many customers had to stand for the duration of their journey, which could be quite long.
Finally, there was also a lack of communication between the tram operators and their customers. Passengers would often have to shout to the conductor or the driver to signal for a stop, and there was no way to communicate any issues or concerns to the operators during the ride. This lack of communication made it difficult for customers to provide feedback or report any problems, further adding to the non-responsiveness of trams.
In conclusion, trams in the 1740s were non-responsive for customers due to poor maintenance, slow speed, lack of regulation, uncomfortable conditions, and communication issues. These problems made trams a less reliable form of transportation and caused inconvenience for customers. However, with the advancements in technology and infrastructure, trams would eventually improve, becoming a more efficient and popular mode of transportation in the years to come.
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cinema-hallucinations · 5 months
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Prompt: develop a concept for a sci fi comedy about a full-conversion cybord struggling with the difficulties brought by the fact their body is classified as a motor vehicle (credit to @prokopetz)
Title: Licensed to Cruise
Tagline: You thought your parking bylaws were weird?
Logline: Chrome "Chromey" Johansson, a sarcastic and accident-prone cyborg with a full-body conversion, finds his life turned upside down when the DMV flags him as an unlicensed motor vehicle. Now, he must navigate the absurd bureaucracy of robot registration, rogue robot gangs, and a determined parking enforcement officer to avoid being impounded.
Chrome "Chromey" Johansson: A sarcastic and cynical cyborg with a full-metal body. He dreams of opening a space bar but is constantly bogged down by the bureaucratic nightmares of being classified as a vehicle.
Officer Diaz: A by-the-book and slightly overzealous parking enforcement officer who becomes Chromey's nemesis. He takes immense joy in ticketing illegally parked cyborgs.
Gigi "Gigabyte" Hertz: A brilliant but eccentric hacker who helps Chromey navigate the DMV's labyrinthine online system. She lives in a tricked-out van crammed with salvaged technology.
The Rustbucket Renegades: A ragtag group of rogue cyborgs led by the charismatic but short-tempered "Rusty." They operate outside the law, modifying their bodies and evading robot registration.
Chrome "Chromey" Johansson, a full-conversion cyborg with a sleek chrome exterior, dreams of opening a space bar called "The Rusty Bolt." However, his plans are put on hold when he receives a hefty fine in the mail – a parking ticket addressed to "Vehicle Johansson, Unit CH-RM-7."
Confused, Chromey discovers his fully functional cyborg body is classified as a motor vehicle by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Without a proper license and registration, he faces impoundment.
Desperate to avoid being scrapped, Chromey seeks help from Gigi "Gigabyte" Hertz, a brilliant hacker with a knack for navigating the DMV's notoriously complex online system. Together, they embark on a hilarious bureaucratic odyssey, battling glitches, endless forms, and unhelpful AI assistants.
Meanwhile, Officer Diaz, a by-the-book parking enforcement officer with an unhealthy obsession with ticketing illegally parked vehicles, becomes Chromey's nemesis. Their encounters are a series of escalating clashes, with Chromey's attempts to avoid Diaz leading to even more absurd traffic violations.
The plot thickens when Chromey accidentally stumbles upon the Rustbucket Renegades, a group of rogue cyborgs who have modified their bodies to evade registration. They offer Chromey a way out of the system, but their methods involve illegal black market parts and defying the law – something Chromey is hesitant about.
The climax involves a high-stakes chase through the neon-lit streets of New Los Angeles. Chromey, with Gigi's hacking skills and the grudging help of Officer Diaz (who just wants Chromey properly registered), must outsmart the Rustbucket Renegades and avoid getting impounded by the DMV's robotic enforcement squad.
In the end, Chromey finds a legal way to register himself (with a custom "Cyborg" classification) and finally opens his space bar. He learns to embrace his unique status as a "licensed to cruise" cyborg, even if it means dealing with the occasional parking ticket.
The absurdity of a fully sentient being classified as a motor vehicle.
Chromey's struggles with basic tasks like parallel parking due to his bulky metal body.
The DMV's hilariously unhelpful AI assistants and bureaucratic red tape.
The contrast between Officer Diaz's by-the-book personality and Chromey's wisecracking attitude.
Finding humor in the complexities of bureaucracy and technology.
The importance of individuality and defying arbitrary classifications.
The power of friendship and unlikely alliances.
0 notes
wallong1 · 10 months
Designing a swimming pool may be an easy step, but deciding the decking material is challenging. The pool deck can easily become wet, making the surrounding area slippery, which may lead to slips and falls. Especially with children running around and attempting diving, a slippery floor can be a big cause of accidents. To prevent such disasters, you need a decking solution that will make your swimming pool a safe place to relax, and WPC composite decking is an excellent choice, for that matter.
So, let's discuss different commonly used materials for flooring around the swimming pool and which one should be your preference in terms of longevity, style, and of course, safety.
Materials Used for Swimming Pool Decking
Getting the right material for your pool requires special consideration.
Wooden Board
Wooden board decking is both classy and contemporary and gives you more variety and choices. For example, Pine, Cedar, and Brazilian Ipe wood are the commonly used ones, and for an expansive touch, you can go for Timber.
Although wood decking offers more designs, it requires regular maintenance, or it can become a breeding ground for mold and result in cracking. Wood decking demands seasonal cleaning, sealing, and sanding.
Stone is also a fine material for its anti-slip properties. Stone decking solution gives a bit of a rugged look, while the natural texture of stones makes the area less slippery. Flagstone, Bluestone, Marble, and Granite pavers are popular choices for designing swimming pool decks. Natural stones are durable, require minimum maintenance, and are able to withstand hot summers. But you may start to regret using it after you fall on the hard, cold, and rough stone.
Ceramic Tiles
Ceramic tiles are preferred because of their clean and modern look. The polished tile texture can transform a simple deck into a stylish outdoor space. Tiling offers perks for people who want their pool decks to complement their home décor. Ceramic tiles can endure the pool's chemicals, and with proper care, they will perform well for years to come. However, they are notoriously slippery.
WPC Composite Decking
Wood Plastic Composite (WPC composite decking) is a hybrid decking material made of plastic and wood. This sturdy and durable material is prepared by mixing 60% timber fibers and 30% HDPE and additives. Unlike the traditional wooden decks, WPC Composite decking is a perfect decking solution, ticking all the deck beauty and safety boxes.
It is anti-slip, comfortable, durable, low maintenance, less prone to fading and rotting. Above all, WPC is the best anti-slip composite decking that comes at an affordable budget.
Why is WPC Composite Decking Your Best Bet?
Unlike traditional wood decking, outdoor wpc decking is a type of WPC composite products, using recycled synthetic material. The end product not only gives a nice resemblance to the natural wood but offers a plethora of benefits over natural wood.
WPC Composite decking is made of wood and plastic and covered by a special finish. The anti-slip finish provides strong traction, making it completely anti-slip and safe for the poolside area.
Comfortable Surface:
WPC composite decking surface is way smoother than a deck designed with natural wood. The firmer surface of the deck can take the pressure of any fall without showing signs of damage.
Heat Resistant:
WPC composite decking is the best decking solution for hotter regions. The deck's outer surface is resistant to UV rays, giving you a colder surface to walk under the scorching sun and avoid foot burn.
No Mold:
Compared to other decking materials, WPC composite decking does not absorb water, preventing the growth of mold, keeping your deck clean and healthy.
No Cracking:
WPC Composite decking is UV rays resistant, making it last longer without cracking or splitting.
No Color Fading:
Natural wood loses its color as they absorb heat from the sun. But since the WPC decking is resistant to UV rays, it retains its impressive appearance for years to come.
Hybrid Wpc Flooring
Wallong Superior Quality Wood for Your Swimming Pool Decking
Businesses prefer WPC Composite Decking because of its numerous benefits, longer life span, and cost-effectiveness, but only if it features a high-quality build.
Therefore, Wallong WPC manufacturers should be your best choice for all your commercial and residential needs. We have rich hands-on experience in the field and have brought many innovative designs and solutions to the table.
By getting a WPC Composite Decking from Wallong, you get superior wood decking with the following benefits.
It comes with an uncanny resemblance to the original timber wood, making your swimming pool deck look luxurious and exquisite.
The deck's core is resistant to crack, stain, or fade.
The deck surface is smooth and comfortable, with no bubbles destroying the look and strength of your decking.
We use high-quality HDPE and innovative technology to support the contraction and extraction of the material used in the decking. This prevents your deck from damaging under heavy use.
The decking is completely scratch-free.
It is anti-slip and prevents the growth of mold and mildews.
With 14-year experience in WPC composite decking, Wallong keeps launching new products to meet the various needs of our clients. We have built a team of talents and experts to serve every customer from business, real estate, and industry with perfect and professional decking solutions.
If you would like to get high-quality WPC composite decking, feel free to contact us to receive the most satisfying wood plastic composite products and services!
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insurgoservices · 11 months
How Builders Cleaning Services Can Make Your Space Sparkle
Construction and renovation projects can leave your home or commercial space in a mess. Our post construction cleaning services can make your space sparkle and remove hazardous materials to protect the health of everyone.
For this reason, it is important to hire a professional cleaning company. A good cleaning service will be able to help you avoid the hassle of hiring extra workers for this type of cleanup job.
Professional builders cleaning services understand the importance of safety during the cleaning process. They use the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as safety glasses, dust masks, and gloves. They also ensure that they dispose of waste in a way that follows certain regulations.
Construction sites are prone to a variety of risks, including stray nails and screws left over from the construction process and glass shards that can cut unprotected hands or feet. These hazards can make it difficult to clean effectively without the help of professionals.
Aside from removing these hazards, a professional cleaning service also ensures that their employees are trained in workplace safety to avoid accidents or injuries. They can conduct regular inspections to ensure that construction sites are safe for their staff, and they can take quick action to correct safety issues if they find them. They can also rely on SafetyCulture, an online workplace operations platform, to improve inspections and cleaning processes through better documentation and reporting.
Construction projects create a lot of dust and dirt that gets carried from site to site. This is a problem that can take a long time to solve, and it is usually best left to the pros.
A professional after builders cleaning service will have all the tools and products that are necessary to get the job done right. This means that you don’t have to spend money on cleaning materials that will probably be used for one or two cleans, so you save time and money in the long run.
Moreover, professionals also know the safety measures that need to be taken while cleaning a new construction site. This includes using special equipment and products to make sure that no safety hazards are uncovered. This is especially important for people who may be allergic to dirt and dust. It’s a good idea to hire a cleaning company that will use the newest and best technologies to ensure that your building is properly cleaned.
Construction sites are notorious for creating a lot of dirt, debris and messes. These messes tend to pile up over time and can be difficult to clean up on your own. Using a professional after builder cleaning service can save you time and money in the long run, as they will do the heavy lifting for you.
While a builders clean isn’t a cheap process, it’s well worth the investment in terms of money saved. For example, hiring a professional team can also help you avoid buying unnecessary cleaning materials which you might use just once or twice. Additionally, you can be sure that your home will be cleaned to the highest standard by professionals who have more experience with this type of cleaning. Moreover, a good builder cleaning service will make your property look and feel like new for potential clients. You can even call them to carry out a pre-sale clean, so that you are able to sell your building to prospective buyers quickly and easily.
If you’re a home or business owner who has recently finished construction work, then you might be wondering how you can make your place look clean after the project is over. After all, there’s a lot of dust, debris, and other stuff that needs to be cleaned up.
Having professional cleaners do the task is one way to save time and energy while still getting the job done efficiently. After all, they are trained to handle cleaning messes that come after building or painting projects, so you can rest assured that the job will be done right. They also know how to use special cleaning tools that can remove stubborn stains and paints from floors.
Moreover, they have the necessary safety measures in place and use cleaning products that are safe for your health. These measures ensure that your home is not only clean but also healthy to live in. It’s worth paying a little bit more to have your place professionally cleaned.
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a-morningstar-120 · 1 year
Holly is one of the rarer kinds of wand woods; traditionally considered protective, it works most happily for those who may need help overcoming a tendency to anger and impetuosity. At the same time, holly wands often choose owners who are engaged in some dangerous and often spiritual quest. Holly is one of those woods that varies most dramatically in performance depending on the wand core, and it is a notoriously difficult wood to team with phoenix feather, as the wood's volatility conflicts strangely with the phoenix's detachment. In the unusual event of such a pairing finding its ideal match, however, nothing and nobody should stand in their way.
As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells.
Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types.
While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Most wands will be in the range of between nine and fourteen inches. While I have sold extremely short wands (eight inches and under) and very long wands (over fifteen inches), these are
exceptionally rare. In the latter case, a physical peculiarity demanded the excessive wand length. However, abnormally short wands usually select those in whose character something is lacking, rather than because they are physically undersized (many small witches and wizards are chosen by longer wands).
Wand flexibility or rigidity denotes the degree of adaptability and willingness to change possessed by the wand-and-owner pair - although, again, this factor ought not to be considered separately from the wand wood, core and length, nor of the owner's life experience and style of magic, all of which will combine to make the wand in question unique.
My wand:
Holly wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ¾" and slightly springy
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k9andcompany · 1 year
As a dog lover, you know that your furry companion is more than just a pet — they’re a family member! And just like any other family member, you want to ensure they feel safe, comfortable, and loved in their home. Creating a safe and comfortable home for your dog is crucial to their health and happiness. But where do you start? In this blog post, we’ll dive into tips and tricks for making your home the perfect haven for your furry friend.
Buy the Right Gear
One of the first steps to creating a safe and comfortable home for your dog is ensuring you have the right gear for them. This includes, at a minimum, a comfortable bed, accessible food and water bowls that are the appropriate height to prevent neck strain, and a leash and harness for safe walks. Additionally, if you live in an area prone to harsh weather, consider investing in dog booties to protect their paw pads and a winter coat or rain jacket to help keep your dog comfortable and protected in inclement weather.
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Dogs are notorious for their love of playtime. Providing plenty of toys helps keep them entertained and reduces destructive behavior by providing them with an appropriate outlet for chewing and more. Choose toys that fit your dog’s size and chewing habits to avoid choking hazards. Additionally, rotating your dog’s toys can help keep things interesting and prevent boredom and the accompanying destructive behaviors.
Make Your Home Safe
As much as we love our furry friends, they can be mischievous and deeply curious. Dog-proofing your home can help prevent accidents and injuries, preventing pain and suffering for both you and your pet. Always store hazardous cleaning materials or chemicals in locked cabinets, keep sharp objects out of reach, and ensure any plants are dog-safe. Additionally, be aware of common choking hazards and items your dog is prone to snag (e.g., socks, kid’s toys, etc.). If you own a home with a yard, ensure you reduce risk there too! Some dogs chew on rocks or eat plants that may be dangerous to their health; others are prone to digging under fences and escaping. One way to help dog-proof your home is by walking through your space at their level and thinking like your pup, then taking the proper precautions in response.
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Dogs are naturally active creatures and require daily exercise to stay healthy and happy. Part of providing them with a safe and comfortable home is ensuring they are mentally and physically stimulated. Don’t worry — that doesn’t require a yard, just a commitment to get moving! Going for walks or runs, playing fetch, or taking them to a dog park are great ways to keep your dog active. Mental stimulation, such as puzzle toys or obedience training, can help keep your dog sharp and engaged when walks aren’t enough. A tired dog is a happy dog and is also more likely to stay out of trouble within their home space.
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Proper nutrition and feeding are essential to making your home safe and comfortable for your dog and their overall health and well-being. Dogs who trust they don’t have to fight for their next meal develop deep loyalty and are more relaxed in their environment. Be sure to choose a high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional needs — consult a veterinarian for suggestions on high-quality dog food and appropriate portion sizes if you’re unsure.
Additionally, ensure that your dog has access to fresh water at all times. Give treats and chews in moderation, and always supervise your dog when they’re snacking. And finally, be mindful of your dog’s food allergies, if any, when buying new treats.
Creating a safe and comfortable home for your dog is essential to their overall happiness and health. Ensuring they have the right gear, plenty of toys, a safe environment, opportunities for exercise, and proper nutrition are all vital components. By following these tips, you can provide your furry companion with the perfect haven they deserve. Remember, a happy dog equals a happy family!
While you’re setting up your home for success, be sure to check out everything that K9 & Company has to offer, both for pets and their paw-rents.
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