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Our all star.猸愶笍
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theminiartblog 7 months
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Happy Valentines Day all you Goofy Gooobers~!
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braveclementine 4 months
Chapter 20
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (Please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
饾暱饾枟饾枂饾枔饾枌, 饾暯饾枈饾枓饾枤饾枠, 饾枂饾枔饾枆 I spent as much time outside as we could over the following days. Considering Remus and I had been pretty much confined to exactly one room for most of the year, it was nice to be outside and feel the fresh air on our faces.聽
The sea wasn't exactly how I imagined it would be. Trang said it was much nicer in France as well, more sun and less grey clouds. Apparently the water was bluer in France was well, instead of this dark, cold grey water.聽
Despite the look of the sea however, it was still pleasant. I enjoyed the smell of brine and sea salt, and the feel of swimming in the ocean was more enjoyable than a pool once I got used to it, though since I was pregnant I could not go very far out.聽
Most of the time, we simply sat on the beach, reading newspapers and books, or talking to Remus and making sure that he didn't try to eat any sand. He did make friends with a very small sea turtle, which would occasionally come back to the beach for 'sunbathing'. Remus' eyes lit up every time he saw it and would crawl over to it. It didn't seem to fear him, because it would let him pick him up, before eventually wiggling away and back into the sea.聽
"Elizabeth! Griphook wants to talk to us!" Harry called down from the cliff. I knew he'd been sitting up there for some time. And I'd heard Ron and Hermiones' voices drift down.聽
I groaned. "Why does he think I care?"聽
"Because you've cared and tried to be in on the action in the past six years." Trang said sleepily from where she was laying down on the sand, one arm thrown over her eyes.聽
"Fine." I grumbled. "Don't let Remus eat sand."聽
Trang groaned, sitting up so that she could keep an eye on my baby. I got up slowly, and gingerly made my way back up the slippery, rock stairs that were carved into the cliff side. I always hated this part of getting to and from the house. I always feared that I was going to slip on the steps and fall down them.聽
Bill appeared the top of the stairs, which he quickly came down, before helping me back up the rest of them. "Elizabeth, I said send a Patronus." He said in an exasperated voice. He had indeed asked me to send a Patronus if I ever needed help with the stairs.聽
"I know, I know." I said with a sheepish smile on my face. "Sorry Bill."聽
Once I was actually in the house, I met with Harry, Ron, and Hermione outside of the door that Hermione, Luna, Trang, and I slept in throughout the night.聽
Griphook was sitting in the wooden chair next to the crib that I would sit in to breast-feed and sing Remus to sleep in. "I have reached my decision, Harry Potter. Though the goblins of Gringotts will consider it base treachery, I have decided to help you-"聽
"That's great! Griphook, thank you, we're really-"聽
"-in return, for payment." Griphook finished.聽
"How much do you want? I've got gold."聽
"Not gold. I have gold. I want the sword. The sword of Godric Gryffindor."聽
"You can't have that. I'm sorry."聽
"then, we have a problem."聽
"We can give you something else." Ron said and I bit my bottom lip, knowing what was coming, "I'll bet the Lestranges have got loads of stuff, you can take your pick once we get into the vault."聽
"I am not a thief boy! I am not trying to procure treasures to which I have no right!" He spat angrily.聽
"The sword's ours-"聽
"It is not."聽
"We're Gryffindors, and it was Godric Gryffindor's-"聽
"And before it was Gryffindor's, whose was it?" the goblin demanded.聽
"No one's. It was made for him, wasn't it?" Ron asked.聽
"No! Wizarding arrogance again!" Griphook said, bristling with anger as he pointed a single, pointed finger at Ron. "That sword was Ragnuk the First's, taken from him by Godric Gryffindor! it is a lost treasure, a masterpiece of goblinwork! It belongs with the goblins! The sword is the price of my hire, take it or leave it!"聽
Harry glanced between the three of us before saying, "We need to discuss this, Griphook, if that's all right. Could you give us a few minutes?"聽
The goblin nodded, looking disgusted with all of us, though neither Hermione nor I had said a word the entire time.聽
We didn't just leave the room, but went downstairs into the living room. Gratefully, I sank back down on the couch while Harry walked to the fireplace, thinking. Ron followed behind him. "He's having a laugh. We can't let him have that sword."聽
"Is it true? Was the sword stolen by Gryffindor?" Harry asked Hermione and I.聽
"I don't know." Hermione said, sounding both desperate and hopeless. "Wizarding history often skates over what the wizards have done to other magical races, but there's no account that I know of that says Gryffindor stole the sword."聽
"It's possible, I only deal with the future, Harry." I replied wearily. "However, like Hermione, I have never read an account on either side of Gryffindor stealing the sword. I was under the impression he had bought it or it was gifted to him freely."聽
"It'll be one of those goblin stories about how the wizards are always trying to get one over on them. I suppose we should think ourselves lucky he hasn't asked for one of our wands." Ron said in that supremacy that I disliked. Sure, I did not like to think of us as bad people, but there was a bad egg in every group of people, no matter their blood purity, colour, religion, or species. Wizards were no exception.聽
"Goblins have got good reason to dislike wizards, Ron. They've been treated brutally in the past." Hermione tried to reason.聽
"Goblins aren't exactly fluffy little bunnies, though, are they? They've killed plenty of us too. They've fought dirty too."聽
"But arguing with Griphook about whose race is most underhanded and violent isn't going to make him more likely to help us, is it?"
聽Harry went to look out the window at Dobby's grave. From my angle on the couch, I could just barely see Luna as she arranged sea lavender in a jam jar at the headstone. I saw that the rock I'd carved the weird engraving into was propped up with the headstone Harry had made. I wondered when he'd done that.聽
"Okay, how's this?" Ron asked and the three of us looked at him. "We tell Griphook we need the sword until we get inside the vault, and then he can have it. There's a fake in there, isn't there? We switch them, and give him the fake."聽
I rolled my eyes and almost scoffed out loud. "Real classy."聽
"Ron, he'd know the difference better than we would! He's the only one who realized there been a swap!"聽
"Yeah, but we could scarper before he realizes-"聽
Ron actually seemed to shrink under Hermiones' glare. "That, is despicable. Ask for his help, then double-cross him? And you wonder why goblins don't like wizards, Ron?"聽
"All right, all right! It was the only thing I could think of! What's your solution then?"聽
"We need to offer him something else, something just as valuable."聽
"Brilliant. I'll go and get one of our other ancient goblin-made swords and you can gift wrap it." Ron replied sarcastically.聽
"Maybe he's lying. Griphook. Maybe Gryffindor didn't take the sword. How do we know the goblin version of history's right?" Harry said.聽
"Does it make a difference?"聽
"Changes how I feel about it." Harry sighed.聽
"Use grammar." I said.聽
"What?" The three said together.聽
"Liz, I know you love talking and using words, but really, I don't think that's going to work in this case." Ron replied.聽
I huffed, "Tell him he can have the sword, but do not tell him聽when聽he can have the sword. Tell him he can have the sword after he's helped you get into the vault- but avoid telling him exactly when he can have it."聽
"I was going to suggest that." Harry nodded. "It's good."聽
"Harry, we can't-"聽
"He can have it." Harry said in a finalized tone. "after we've used it on all of the Horcruxes. I'll make sure he gets it then. I'll keep my word."聽
"But that could be years!" Hermione protested.聽
"I know that, but he needen't. I won't be lying. . . really."聽
"I don't like it." Hermione said.聽
"Nor do I, much."聽
"Well, I think it's genius. Grammar, hah! Let's go and tell him." Ron said, getting up.聽
I followed them back up the stairs because, why not? Harry made the offer very carefully, just as I had suggested. Hermione frowned at the floor while I continued to stay impassive.聽
"I have your word, Harry Potter, that you will give me the sword of Gryffindor if I help you?"聽
"Then shake."聽
I knew grammar was important because the goblin himself had used it. He would help them get into the vault, but he would not help them get out of it. That was the danger, though I knew they would escape on the back of a dragon anyways.聽
"So, we begin!" Griphook said.聽
"Well," I said softly, getting up off the bed. "You don't need me from here on out. You've got it all on your own." I squeezed Harry's shoulder, kissing his cheek, leaving the bedroom. I was glad to be away from it all, away from the adventure for the first time.聽
I just wanted to be with my son.聽
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droidfuneral 2 years
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Guysss great news! I was finally able to get some hogwarts mystery models. I'm working hard to convert some of them for The sims 4!
Olivander would make a greate Decosim! I don't know if I'm able to convert him for CAS too, but we'll see! Stay tuned.
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hptheboywholived 1 year
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Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone by Kazuhiro Kibuishi
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valentine-escape 1 month
Mystic Wands
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In a world full of magic, love is the most enchanting spell of all.
Ilianka's been nudging me to write this for ages, and amidst the whirlwind of leaving my job and packing up all my magic paraphernalia for the big move, I kept pushing off the most exciting blog update鈥攖he one about the Mystic Wands a.k.a. the story of how I proposed!
This wasn鈥檛 just any escape room鈥攊t was an experience designed to be booked as a special add-on to The Secret Chamber I wrote about in my previous update, and it exceeded every expectation I had.
What set this room apart was the presence of a live actor, who truly brought the experience to life. He was remarkably enthralling, making me laugh out loud with every word. His quick wit and sharp humor added a unique, unforgettable charm to the experience, effortlessly engaging us in the story while keeping the pace of the game. The way he integrated the magic wand into the narrative made everything feel incredibly immersive, like we were part of an actual magical world. A piece of advice - DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT call him Olivander. (Ok, we both know you will now, so don't say I didn't warn you).
But here's where things get really special. A month before our escape room date, I had an idea that I wanted to make our experience truly unforgettable. I reached out to NOT-OLIVANDER and told him about my plan to propose. Without hesitation, he embraced the idea and made sure it was nothing short of magical.
When the moment came (after about a 30-minute back-and-forth improv with him), he presented me with a beautifully crafted wand box. Inside was a stunning wand, and on it was my fianc茅e's ring. With lights, effects, and music creating a cinematic atmosphere, I knelt down and said, "For my next spell, I鈥檒l need to kneel." It was a moment straight out of a movie鈥攁 perfect blend of romance and magic.
If you're curious about the ring, you can check it out in the photo I've posted. And here鈥檚 a tip: if you're inspired by the experience, you can even order your own handmade wand right on the spot. These wands aren鈥檛 just props鈥攖hey're beautifully crafted pieces that add a touch of magic to any moment.
I can鈥檛 wait to explore all the escape rooms they offer. I think I've got my eyes on the Game of Thrones one they have - Ilianka never agreed to watch the series with me, so I hope Infinity Escape brace themselves for my next arrival that we can title "MUM is coming".
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Tripping Down
Brain Thoughts hurt too much
Heart Hunger Love hurts too much.
Knee Ankle Wrist Bones hurt too much.
Dreams Hallucinations Nightmares Night terrors Fright hurts too much.
Fear Loneliness Desperation Nostalgia You are now all just memories that will wash away with much too wonder As memories go under.
I hurt too much.
0 notes
a-morningstar-120 1 year
Holly is one of the rarer kinds of wand woods; traditionally considered protective, it works most happily for those who may need help overcoming a tendency to anger and impetuosity. At the same time, holly wands often choose owners who are engaged in some dangerous and often spiritual quest. Holly is one of those woods that varies most dramatically in performance depending on the wand core, and it is a notoriously difficult wood to team with phoenix feather, as the wood's volatility conflicts strangely with the phoenix's detachment. In the unusual event of such a pairing finding its ideal match, however, nothing and nobody should stand in their way.
As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells.
Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types.
While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Most wands will be in the range of between nine and fourteen inches. While I have sold extremely short wands (eight inches and under) and very long wands (over fifteen inches), these are
exceptionally rare. In the latter case, a physical peculiarity demanded the excessive wand length. However, abnormally short wands usually select those in whose character something is lacking, rather than because they are physically undersized (many small witches and wizards are chosen by longer wands).
Wand flexibility or rigidity denotes the degree of adaptability and willingness to change possessed by the wand-and-owner pair - although, again, this factor ought not to be considered separately from the wand wood, core and length, nor of the owner's life experience and style of magic, all of which will combine to make the wand in question unique.
My wand:
Holly wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 戮" and slightly springy
0 notes
@wandmore hello, I've always loved your blog but now I have a predicament that I might need so help with it's is okay if you do not want to awnser, however I've been searching for and wide across the peaks and valleys of the internet, trying to find the perfect wood to make twin wands out of for a logo of a business we want to start up. If you could help me that would be greatly appreciated! I'm mostly trying to find a wand wood that is flexible but yet strong, one good at transfiguration and charms, but also healing magic with a propensity for Defence against the dark arts and want to defend those who the wix cares about most.
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doomingthenarrative 2 months
my favorite characters are actually just my friends pcs from the dnd campaigns we鈥檒l never finish. my favorite lost media ever
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againstthegrainphoto 6 months
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Our all star.猸愶笍
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theminiartblog 3 months
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Down with Clownin'
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braveclementine 4 months
Chapter 19
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (Please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
"饾暞饾枖饾枃饾枃饾枮. . . 饾暞饾枖饾枃饾枃饾枮. . . 饾暞饾枖饾枃饾枃饾枮!" Harry's voice kept calling out the dead elfs name. I didn't even have a chance to say or do a single thing to save the elf. I could only sink to my knees by Harry's side, placing a hand on his shoulder.聽
Bill, Fleur, Dean, and Luna came over after some time, probably to assess if we were hurt since we weren't moving.聽
Harry noticed them and said, "Hermione? Where is she?"聽
"Ron's taken her inside. She'll be all right." Bill said softly. He glanced over at me, then back to the dead house elf in Harry's arms.聽
Harry looked down at Dobby before pulling the sharp, sleek blade from his chest. He pulled his coat off, covering the small, childlike body with it.聽
Bill made a few orders of the others. Dean helped Griphook into the house, Fleur hurrying after them.聽
"We can bury him." Bill said gently to Harry.聽
"Uh huh." Harry agreed, sounding distant.聽
"Just give him a moment." I mumbled, wiping away the tears that were forming in my eyes. I really hated my pregnancy hormones.聽
"I want to do it properly." Harry suddenly spoke. His voice was strained, full of pain, sorrow, grief, and guilt. "Not by magic. Have you got a spade?"聽
Bill said nothing, only standing to go and retrieve the said spade, before returning to give it to Harry.聽
I waited outside with Harry, the pregnancy spell having dropped since I was no longer apparating. I felt rather large as I sat there, on the rock, but I wanted to be here, since I couldn't help. Besides, I was going to have to sit through many more of these, I was going to have to get used to it.聽
Eventually, Ron, Dean, and Trang joined us. Trang didn't have Remus in her arms, so I had a based assumption that my son was in the house.聽
"How's Hermione?" Harry spoke the first words since Bill had left us alone.聽
"Better, Fleur's looking after her." Ron responded, before the two young men simply jumped down into the hole with spades to help Harry finish the grave. Trang meanwhile, sat down beside me, resting her head on my shoulder. She had never met Dobby, but she knew how much the house-elf meant to Harry and me.聽
When they were done with the grave, Harry wrapped Dobby up tighter in his jacket, Ron gave him his shoes and socks, while Dean placed a hat on his head. I slowly undid the scarf that was around my neck, handing it to Harry, who helped put it around his聽 neck. Trang produced gloves, which were placed upon Dobbys' hands.聽
"We should close his eyes." Luna said softly. I flinched a little, my back having been towards them. I turned to see that Bill, Fleur, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Trang were all there, Trang holding Remus in her arms. I felt a sudden, unwarranted stab of anger at Ollivander and Griphook. They should've been out here for Dobby's burial.聽
Luna knelt down, her fingers moving Dobby's eyelids until they covered his glassy, unseeing eyes. I was suddenly struck funny by the realization that Dobbys' eyes were green. Maybe the universe had something against green eyes and they just all needed to die.聽
Harry and Dean climbed out of the grave, looking down at the small body. I wondered if it would feel the same, looking at Dad and Tonks. . .聽 No they'll be fine. They'll be fine. I tried to convince myself, forcing myself to focus solely on Dobby. I had had a plan and Dobby simply had not worn the shielded clothes I'd created. Dad and Tonks and Severus would be different, I would deal with them directly, not second-hand.聽
"I think we ought to say something. I'll go first, shall I?" Luna said, and then without waiting for a response, said, "Thank you so much, Dobby, for rescuing me from that cellar. It's so unfair that you had to die, when you were so good and brave. I'll always remember what you did for us. I hope you're happy now."聽
"Yeah. . . thanks, Dobby." Ron murmured.聽
"Thanks." Dean followed.聽
"Good-bye Dobby." Harry said in a tight voice.聽
Bill lifted the dirt with his wand, letting it settle into the hole, forming a mound of sorts.聽
"D'you mind if I stay here a moment?" Harry asked as the others started to make their way back to the house.聽
"Sure." Bill murmured, patting Harry on the shoulder.聽
I hesitated, looking down at the rock I had been carving into a headstone with words carved into it. When I had been writing the words on it, they had made sense in my head, painting me a picture of sadness and yet love at the same time. Now, staring at the words, they didn't make any sense:聽
饾挷饾捊饾搸 饾捁饾憸 饾挾饾搧饾搧 饾搲饾捊饾憭 饾挿饾憭饾搱饾搲 饾搮饾憭饾憸饾搮饾搧饾憭 饾捁饾捑饾憭 饾挷饾捊饾憭饾搩 饾搸饾憸饾搳'饾搰饾憭 饾捑饾搩 饾挾 饾憯饾挾饾搰饾捁饾憭饾搩, 饾搶饾捊饾捑饾捀饾捊 饾捇饾搧饾憸饾搶饾憭饾搰饾搱 饾捁饾憸 饾搸饾憸饾搳 饾搮饾捑饾捀饾搥 饾挴饾捊饾憭 饾搨饾憸饾搱饾搲 饾挿饾憭饾挾饾搳饾搲饾捑饾捇饾搳饾搧 饾憸饾搩饾憭饾搱 饾惛饾搷饾挾饾捀饾搲饾搧饾搸
I scoffed silently to myself and dropped the rock in the dirt, walking past Harry, joining the others in the house, leaving my words to wear away for years to come.聽
饾暣 饾枩饾枂饾枠 饾枂饾枒饾枟饾枈饾枂饾枆饾枮 standing in the foyer of Griphooks bedroom when Harry came up the stairs with Bill, Ron and Hermione. I went to stand aside, but Harry shook his head. "I want your advice in here."聽
I glanced over at Hermione, who gave me a small smile.
"In here." Bill said, opening up the door to his and Fleurs' room. It was a beautiful room, with colours that matched the sea and sand outside. I realized now that I had never actually been to the sea, though I had always longed to go. I supposed I could make the most of this visit, though I now wished it was with Severus and Dad as well.聽
Hermione took a seat besides the dressing table, Ron sitting on the arm of the chair. Harry moved to the window, turning his back to the beautiful view outside to lean against the sill, his arms across his chest. The familiar flicker of pain in his eyes told me that his scar was hurting again. I'm sure if I had still been wearing our mums' locket, I would've felt the same pain against my chest.聽
Bill came into the room with Griphook in his arms, gently putting him down on the bed and Bill left without another word. Now that Griphook was in the room, I decided to sit on the loveseat, the babies in my stomach kicking hard now. I put a hand against my stomach, rubbing it gently, hoping it would soothe them.聽
"I'm sorry to take you out of bed. How are your legs?" Harry asked.聽
"Painful. But mending."聽
I looked at the Gryffindor sword that the goblin held in his hands, clutching it with reluctance, as though he already knew what we were asking for, though I knew that wasn't the case.聽
"You probably don't remember-" Harry started, but Griphook interrupted.聽
"-that I was the goblin who showed you to your vault, the first time you ever visited Gringotts? I remember, Harry Potter. Even amongst goblins, you are very famous." There was a long silence, where the two of them seemed to be sizing each other up. I knew who won when Griphook continued, "You buried the elf. I watched you from the window of the bedroom next door."聽
I bit my tongue to keep from saying something I wouldn't regret. I wouldn't even have to feel that I needed to berate him for not showing up to the funeral if I had just been able to save Dobbys' life.聽
"You are an unusual wizard, Harry Potter."聽
Harry rubbed his scar as he questioned, "In what way?"
"You dug the grave."聽
Griphook didn't answer, so I did.聽
"Certain ah, species don't expect Wizards to take the time for a proper burial for those we are supposed to see as 'below us.'"聽
Griphook gave me a look that said he didn't like my way of explaining it, but it had been the nicest way of putting it that I had been able to see.聽
"Griphoook, I need to ask-"聽
"You also rescued a goblin."聽
"You brought me here. Saved me."聽
"Well, I take it you're not sorry?" I heard the impatience in Harry's voice.聽
"No, Harry Potter, but you are a very odd wizard."聽
"Right. Well I need some help, Griphook, and you can give it to me. I need to break into a Gringotts vault."聽
Ron and Hermione looked at Harry like he had gone mad, while Harry's eyes flickered just a bit. I hoped he wasn't in too much pain, but that was a big hope.聽
"Harry-" Hermione started, but was interrupted immediately by the goblin.聽
"Break into a Gringotts vault? Impossible."聽
"No, it isn't. It's been done." Ron quickly backed Harry up.聽
"Yeah, the same day I first met you, Griphook. My birthday, seven years ago." There had to be some sort of poetic justice to that.聽
"The vault in question was empty at the time." The goblin snapped, clearly offended. "Its protection was minimal."聽
"Well, the vault we need to get into isn't empty, and I'm guessing its protection will be pretty powerful. It belongs to the Lestranges."聽
If Hermione and Ron hadn't been looking at him like he had a screw loose before, they most certainly were now, as they exchanged a glance.聽
"You have no chance. No chance at all. If you seek beneath our floors, a treasure that was never yours-"聽
"Thief, you have been warned, beware- yeah I know, I remember," Harry interrupted "But I'm not trying to get myself any treasure, I'm not trying to take anything for personal gain. Can you believe that?"聽
"If there was a wizard of whom I would believe that they did not seek personal gain, it would be you, Harry Potter. Goblins and elves are not used to the protection or the respect that you have shown this night. Not from wand-carriers."聽
"Wand-carriers." Harry repeated.聽
"The right to carry a wand, has long been contested between wizards and goblins."聽
"Well, goblins can do magic without wands." Ron replied.聽
"That is immaterial! Wizards refuse to share the secrets of wandlore with other magical beings, they deny us the possibility of extending our powers!"聽
"Well, goblins won't share any of their magic either, you won't tell us how to make swords and armor the way you do. Goblins know how to work metal in a way wizards have never-"聽
"It doesn't matter. This isn't about wizards versus goblins or any other sort of magical creature-
Griphooks laugh made the hairs on my arms stand up. "But it is, it is about precisely that! As the Dark Lord becomes ever more powerful, your race is set still more firmly above mine! Gringotts falls under Wizarding rule, house-elves are slaughtered, and who amongst the wand-carriers protests?"聽
"We do! We protest! And I'm hunted quite as much as any goblin or elf, Griphook! I'm a Mudblood!"聽
I felt uncomfortable with both her words and the way she sat up straight, her eyes bright and passionate. I physically cringed where I sat, feeling weird about it.聽
"Don't call yourself-"聽
"Why shouldn't I? Mudblood, and proud of it! I've got no higher position under this new order than you have, Griphook! It was me they chose to torture, back at the Malfoys'!"聽
I thought for effect she might pull her robe arm up, to show where Bellatrix had carved the word 'Mudblood' into her arm. Considering that would've had greater effect to punctuate her words. Instead, she simply showed the thin line across her neck, not to deep, and already healed into a scab.聽
And don't get me wrong, I'm sure that hurt like a bitch. But I feel that the dramatic effect would've been a lot better.聽
"Did you know that it was Harry who set Dobby free? Did you know that we've wanted elves to be freed for years?" Ron fidgeted and I rolled my eyes. "You can't want You-Know-Who defeated more than we do, Griphook!"聽
True. I definitely wanted revenge for my parents and for ripping my entire family apart.聽
"What do you seek within the Lestranges' vault? The sword that lies inside of it is a fake. This is the real one. I think that you already know this. You asked me to lie for you back there."聽
"But the fake sword isn't the only thing in that vault is it? Perhaps you've seen the other things in there?"聽
"It is against our code to speak of the secrets of Gringotts. We are the guardians of fabulous treasures. We have a duty to the objects placed in our care, which were, so often, wrought by our fingers."聽
He stroked the sword as he spoke, his beady black eyes darting between the four of us.聽
"So young, to be fighting so many."聽
"Will you help us?" Harry asked. I could hear a baby start to cry downstairs and knew that I needed to depart. "We haven't got a hope of breaking in without a goblins' help. You're our one chance."聽
"I shall. . . think about it." Griphook said.聽
"Thank you." Harry said softly.聽
"I think, that the Skele-Gro has finished its work. I may be able to sleep at last. Forgive me. . ."聽
"Yeah, of course." Harry said, leaning forward and taking the sword of Gryffindor from where Griphook had laid it down. The four of us left the room, my skin prickling as I turned my back to the goblin.聽
"Little git, he's enjoying keep us hanging."聽
"Harry, are you saying what I think you're saying?" The crying grew louder. "Are you saying there's a Horcrux in the Lestranges' vault?"聽
"Yes. Bellatrix was terrified when she thought we'd been in there, she was beside herself. Why? What did she think we'd seen, what else did she think we might have taken? Something she was petrified You-Know-Who would find out about."聽
"But I thought we were looking for places You-Know-Who's been, places he's done something important? Was he ever inside the Lestranges' vault?" Ron asked.聽
"I don't know whether he was ever inside Gringotts. He never had gold there when he was younger, because nobody left him anything. He would have seen the bank from the outside, though, the first time he ever went to Diagon Alley. I think he would have envied anyone who had a key to a Gringotts vault. I think he'd have seen it as a real symbol of belonging to the Wizarding world. And don't forget, he trusted Bellatrix and her husband. They were his most devoted servants before he fell, and they went looking for him after he vanished. He said it the night he came back, I heard him."聽
He rubbed his scar. Trang came up the stairs, carrying Remus, who had stopped crying so loudly, but still whimpering slightly.聽
"I don't think he'd have told Bellatrix it was a Horcrux, though. He never told Lucius Malfoy the truth about the diary. He probably told her it was a treasured possession and asked her to place it in her vault. The safest place in the world for anything you want to hide, Hagrid told me. . . except for Hogwarts."聽
"You really understand him." Ron said after a moment, as I took Remus into my arms. I bounced him just a little, before looking up.聽
"Well, and also Bellatrix and him had a daughter together." I said nonchalantly, without thinking really.聽
"He what?" Ron exclaimed vehemently and Trang choked out.聽
"I thought it was obvious." I said, then cooed to Remus, "Let's go down and play with toys." I turned and walked back down the stairs, Trang tailing me closely.聽
"What was that all about?" Trang asked. I explained the conversation to Trang as we made our way to the living room, before turning to other conversation as Bill came into the room.聽
"I suppose you can't tell me what you're doing here either?" Bill asked.聽
"Oh, actually, it's quite simple. You-Know-Who was going to be where Trang and I have been hiding out. We left hours prior to that visit, and I figured here was a good place. Sorry for the intrusion." I explained quickly, putting Remus down on the floor now that he'd stopped crying. I had brought a few of his favorite toys with us, and I put them down next to him now, which he immediately picked up and started to play with.聽
"It's alright, I'm just glad you guys are safe." Bill said, still surveying me as I gingerly sat down on the couch, putting a hand over my stomach. "Er- Snape?"聽
"Oh, uh yeah." I mumbled quietly, not meeting his eyes. "Twins, possibly."聽
It was silent for a moment and then Bill said. "I get it. I mean, not Snape, hearsay, but uh, the love part. . . it's hard to stop loving someone who already had your heart."聽
"Yeah, it is." I murmured.聽
"Your rooms are upstairs." Bill said. "We put you and Trang in with Hermione."聽
"Thank you, Bill." I said softly. "We appreciate it."聽
Bill nodded and then continued on his way.聽
"So what's the plan?" Trang asked lightly.聽
"We pretend we're on vacation. Spend our days down at the beach, help cook and clean so we're not overbearing guests, and then a week before Harry and the others leave for Gringotts, we'll leave for Hogwarts. The future there is a little fuzzy admittedly, but it seems like a sound plan."聽
"Understood. I'm going to go lay down, I'm pretty tired." Trang said softly, standing up. She squeezed my shoulder and headed upstairs.聽
I continued to sit in the living room, lost in thought, until Harry strode out of the house, Hermione and Ron tailing after him.聽
Flashes of visions played in my head. Severus was bustling down the steps of Hogwarts. . . meeting with Voldemort. . .Severus headed back up the stairs after Voldemort instructed him to do so. Severus would attempt to look out the window, see what the Dark Lord was doing, but he could not see him. . . he had casted a Disillusionment charm. And Harry was telling Ron and Hermione the same things I was seeing. Ron was bemoaning the fact that they hadn't gone after the wand.聽
But everything would work out somehow. I could see the vague image of a person finishing Voldemort inside Hogwarts. Which would most likely take place in June although I didn't know the exact date. It could even possibly be late May. I was only predicting June since all of our other escapades had happened in the last month of school.聽
I stood, gripping the couch arm as I felt the dizziness of doing so. Black dots danced across my vision and I waited until they were gone to move again. I made my way up the stairs and into the bedroom.
Trang was fast asleep and I saw that Bill had fashioned a makeshift crib in the corner for Remus. I laid my son down in the crib, putting the small blanket over him, tucking his favorite stuffed animal in with him.聽
"Goodnight sweetheart." I murmured, before climbing into the bed closest to him.聽
I fell asleep quickly, big green eyes imprinted against my eyelids and Dobby's voice echoing in my ears.聽
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droidfuneral 2 years
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Missing some uv maps but we're almost there! Pretty good as my first time with NR!
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fizzing-whizzbees 1 year
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olivander1270 9 months
ghostly habits. | wolfstar | non-canon!au | wc: 0.497k ( inspired by this pin but originally from @courfeycute on this shithole of an app :) )
content includes course language :)
a.n: the beginning of a new au :) not necessarily a series, but this may have a pt2? i'm not sure. i'm not a huge fan of this but i need to start this blog one way or another :)
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"you bloody wanker."
"i have no idea what you're talking about."
to the naked eye, it would appear that remus was talking to himself; maybe that's why his reputation lately has been so rambunctious lately. or maybe it was the ghostly figure looming over his shoulder like it had been for two weeks now.
"you see that group of teenage girls over there? the ones who have never looked my way before? yes well, thanks to somebody," remus glanced at the ghost over his shoulder, "they've been staring at me for the past ten minutes!" he whispered, attempting to pour every ounce of venom possible into his words.
the ghost, sirius, smiled. "remus, dear, i made you the talk of the town, really you should be thanking me. now, where were we on the list?" sirius craned his neck to get a look at the shopping list remus was holding in his left hand. his right was occupied by a half-full shopping basket. remus moved the list from sirius's line of vision.
"you made people think i'm a witch, sirius. let me go back through the chain of events for you, shall i? somebody throws a baseball at me-- which is a very normal thing to do in a game of baseball-- and remind me, sirius, what did you do?" remus stares expectantly at his ghostly companion.
"i caught it," sirius supplies. remus frowns. "i caught it while invisible." sirius rolls his eyes.
"exactly," remus says while placing a carton of eggs into his basket. "and now the whole town thinks i'm some sort of sorcerer. if one more person asks me to make them float i'm going to perform an exorcism on you."
"oi! i'm the one who has to bloody pick up everything people ask you to levitate. how tired do you think my arms get?" sirius follows remus up to the cash register. the boy scanning the items has a bored look on his face.
"that'll be thirty eight dollars. cash or card?"
"cash, please." remus hands the boy a fifty dollar note.
"i wonder what would happen if i socked this kid right in his face," sirius says, smugly. "it'd get you in a spot of trouble with the coppers, that's for sure."
the boy behind the register hands remus his change. "see you later, man. uh, keep me in your good books, okay? my mam says if i come home reeking of 'bad vibes' from seeing you, she's gonna kick me out."
remus stares blankly at the boy while sirius howls with laughter. "yeah, sure, dude." remus walks out of the store.
"oh my god that was gold!" sirius cackles, wiping iridescent tears from his eyes.
"for you, maybe. you see what you've done to me?"
"you did this to yourself, darling. you are the one who summoned me, whether it was on purpose or not. now you deal with the consequences. aka, me."
sirius winks, and remus knows he's thoroughly screwed.
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divider cred to @cafekitsune :)
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