#who's fighting to get his pcs with his cats? ME
wayvs · 4 months
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bombshelllblonde · 1 year
rdr2 head canons about modern technology, social media, etc-
dutch is convinced the 5G is ruining our brains, covid vaccines are just microchips, all the right wing conspiracy theories are correct. he owns a flip phone and uses t9 word to communicate. texts that arthur and john receive look like this “COME HOME SON. ND 2 TLK ABT PLAN. DO NOT REPLY”
hosea has an ipad, a kindle, a laptop, a home PC, and alexa echo, an amazon fire tv, a smart fridge, etc. he is actually one of those old guys who accidentally went viral one time on tiktok and he has a loyal following
the video that went viral was jack recording the fight that broke out in camp between hosea and bill. that video got over 1 million views and everyone loved it
jack helped hosea make his own tiktok account and he immediately gained followers overnight
arthur is the “hot son” who doesn’t like to be on hosea’s tiktoks. arthur always turns his back when hosea tries to include him in the videos
john is the other son that actually wants to be on camera but Half of hosea’s comments are “where’s the hot cowboy, we don’t want the greasy one”
sean pretends to be a twitch streamer and only plays truck simulator or untitled goose game. he has about 300 viewers and he gets money just because of his accent
charles has a facebook but it hasn’t been updated since 2009. his profile picture is a stock photo he found online of a bison with one of those BLM frames around it. his youtube recommendations are just asmr pottery making videos
bill gets into fights on reddit constantly. moderators have banned him from almost every subreddit he has joined, except for two sentence horror stories. he loves that subreddit too much so he leaves it alone
lenny has 76 unopened text messages from the last 6 months. his gmail account has over 20k emails
trelawny loves snapchat. he loves a multi part snapchat story rant from the inside of his tesla, while he is wearing the cat ears filters. he sets the tesla to auto pilot so he can use both his hands to speak and record and animate the retelling of the “bullshit from the starbucks drive thru”
javier is strictly android
tilly is strictly apple
kieran got a hand me down blackberry phone and still uses it to this day. no one understands how it still works
ok well that’s it
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Claude propaganda:
"To say Claude has trust issues is an understatement—you have to spend half the game earning his. (Claude isn't even his real name!) Once you have it, though, he's absolutely ride or die for you until the stars go out. He is so full of heart and ambition: He wants both sides of his heritage to get along, he wants to open borders and eliminate xenophobia and promote equality between commonfolk, and deep down, I think he craves a partner to stand with him at that new dawn, or an equal who sees his vision for the future and will fight for it just as hard. Nobody believed in him when he was a kid, but if you put your faith in him, he'll return it tenfold. Some people don't like that he's calculating, or has to leave the player character at the end of the game to go back to his homeland, but both are necessary elements for his goals to change things. He will always come back, and everyone who bets against him and his love for his companions is wrong with a big fat W. #KhalidForMostDatablePrez"
"Claude is a fun little onion of facades. He calls himself the embodiment of distrust, he acts like he's carefree and without worries, an unscrupulous schemer--and so many in universe buy into that hook line and sinker. He's used to others viewing him with suspicion and uses it as armor to obscure his not-so-dark truth: that he cares immensely, that he values minimizing the loss of life, and that above all he has so much hope that people will fundamentally choose to do better given the choice.
His front guards a center that his conflict filled world would be happy to tear apart. As the child of people from two nations in constant conflict--one of which is explicitly isolationist and dehumanizes those outside its church's reach--he hasn't really had a place where he can be without his facade. As a child he thought he could run, but when confronted with the fact that this hatred existed no matter where he ran, he chose to instead try to create a more just and kind world.
His inability to let others in beyond his facade at first may lead to a sense of distance, but isn't it then all the more satisfying when you're allowed in? All he wants is a little trust, a little faith, and--like what he wants to give everyone--a chance to be better.
And like that you got a charming young lad with a fun personality that your grandma would be thrilled to have stay forever."
Milo propaganda:
“they were in the last contest sure but i feel like they could get farther. like they're literally a nonbinary grim reaper that's also an influencer and sure sometimes the influencer stuff can get kinda overwhelming i feel like it's very clear that they care about you and want to be around you. you guys go on a reaping date. their eyes and nail colour change based on their mood too and i think it's a really cute detail!! also SLIGHT SPOILERS but they even reference rocky horror in their special ending. they are perfect to me and i love them and i believe they deserve a second chance <3”
"Vote for Milo because they deserve it
They're literally so attractive
- They are a social media influencer
- They are obsessed with an adorable little kitty and will do everything in their power to make this cat the most beloved creature in existence
- They love makeovers and helping their friends rebrand (this includes working with Damien and the PC to help Jerry the Murderer rebrand so that they really has a brand identity)
- They are a grim reaper and even help the PC plan the PC's own funeral (special ending) and they give a great speech and it's super sweet
- They will sometimes take the PC on reaping jobs with them and shenanigans ensues
So in summation, vote for Milo because, as I repeat, they deserve it"
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plantboiart · 3 months
Hello. List of what animals I believe each just roll with it pc I know would be. I am objectively correct but if you disagree please tell me anyways I crave other people’s opinions to steal.
Jay: a bird, obviously. Saying she’s a jaybird is easy and low hanging fruit and extremely valid. Personally I think she’s maybe a corvid since very smart but also absolute fucking menace. Honestly? Could be a seagull. Loud and lives near water and also smart but also? Absolutely insane. Yeah sure I could say she’s something cool like an eagle or whatever but I think in our hearts we all know she’s a seagull.
Gillion: of course he is a sea creature! But what kind? Fish. More specifically? Swordfish. Of course. What else could he be (he could be a shark but shhhh im saving that one for later)
Chip: the bastard man himself! Which animals are the biggest bastards? Raccoons. Yes I am basic. He’s either a raccoon or a little dog. I am specifically thinking my mom’s 11 year old small dog who yells at men and tries to pick a fight with every single dog that is larger than her. That’s some Chip energy right there.
Goobleck: bro who knows like what the hell is that thing i do not. Hes whatever he ate most recently. Bros fursona is just straight up slime. He is an enigma.
Prime defenders (+Ashe I don’t care that technically he was just a guest he deserves to be here)
William: ravens, black cats, bats, butterflies, snakes, crows. All associated with death which makes sense for our little ghost guy! But of course we can’t forget wolves! He has two wolves inside of him after all. But also? He is not cool enough to be a wolf. That man is a black cat with a dream and sharp sharp claws.
Vyncent: I think it would be funny to call him a rat. Since he eats them. And also he just kinda is a rat. But no, I believe he is a deer. Don’t really know why, just….. vibes.
Dakota: my beloved son. He’s a yappy little dog. Bouncing all over the place and screaming at evil-doers. I believe in him.
Ashe: strong cat energy. Is william already a cat? Yes. But so is ashe. He’s like a fully gray cat with short hair :)
Rumi/Elena: fox! Because Sunny :) also because I can’t really think of an animal that would be a good representation for an identity crisis
Peter: “lizard” no. Peter Sqloint is a mouse. Just a lil guy. I’m right fuck you he. Is. A. Mouse.
Thanatos: spider! Kinda scary and lots of people dont like but in reality just an awesome dude. Shoutout to my friend’s pet spider Mörkö I love them
Blood in the bayou
Rolan: shark!!!! Im right and i need to say it. That man is a fucking shark. I love sharks. Sharks are generally misunderstood as violent and evil but they are just lil guys. Fits Rolan being an evil alien monster but just also a lawyer. (Also i just really like sharks)
Rand: y’all ever cry about pigeons? How we domesticated them and then abandoned them when we didnt need them anymore? How they dont even know how to make proper nests because they didnt need to for so long? Yeah. Im normal about this campaign.
Kian: he’s so hard to figure out because like…….. honestly? In canon? Weve got no fucking clue what his personality is actually like. We dont get a single moment with all the masks off and just the person underneath. The closest we get is him admitting that hes not really a rockstar and even that is so short and just. Auehgeh. This is why im obsessed with him btw i love a mystery i know will never be solved. Also so much room for headcanons. Is he a cat? A butterfly? A dog? A snake? A songbird? A dove? Something else? I dont know!! Lets go with a moth
The suckening
They are all cats. I mean c’mon. Emizel is a feral street cat that hisses at everyone who gets too close. Shilo is an indoor cat with an anxiety disorder. Arthur is their mother. Im correct.
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macabrecravings · 4 months
Ohhhhhh... Very optional. And, naturally, something that could have multitudinous answers, so multiple could absolutely be given. But ALSO...
Given that they're talking again/have made up, enough that they could get away with it, what do you think the first non-"book criminal" thing Sydney would write on Kylar would be? Would Sydney change how they write book criminal on them, even, like they do for PC? Or would they not write on Kylar at all, maybe!
(BONUS: ADORE YOUR WRITING!! The thought you put into Sydneyposts and both your understanding of him and how he'd articulate things absolutely fucks to read :} your ocs seem really cool too... well wishes)
I HAVE!!! SO MANY THOUGHTS about Sydney (& Kylar) bodywriting <3 This got LONG but I'm genuinely rotating this so hard, thank you for prompting me.
— When they're closer, I imagine the normal "Book Criminal >:(" would become “Book Criminal :(“ with a sad face. Reason being...? Well, he's disappointed that Kylar's still destructing school property, even after all of his lecturing
— It's really fun to picture Sydney writing "Interesting" on Kylar, like he does to the PC when he's intrigued by them/getting closer to them. Interesting is... definitely one way to describe him, for sure. Kylar scrunches his face at it, trying to decipher what he means by it. Gets all grumpy and huffy, tries to glare at him but he just kinda looks like a wet cat LMFAO.
— Playing off of another canon Sydlar scene, I'm going to go ahead and take his "Kylar >:(" and make it "Kylar :)" [The original scene happens while Sydney & Kylar are fighting over PC and taking turns writing on them, but in this scenario I imagine it like most of his other PC bodywriting scenes.] - "Hey, can I write something on you?" - "Ah? Uh... y-yeah, I guess...?" - **Kylar :)** Kylar stares at it, confused. Why'd he... label him?
— Putting aside the fact that Sydney is super organized & clean, I loooveee the idea of him being a doodler. Hence why he draws little hearts and faces on people. Unlike Kylar, he refrains from drawing on school assignments & library books, but he still finds it enjoyable!! So, hear me out. Little stars, hearts, swirls, dotting the back of Kylar's hand and up his arm after he sits at the same table as him :)
Bonus points if Kylar rolls the sleeves of his school uniform/jacket down over them and forgets about them until that evening when he heads home. When he sees them again, the little red doodles are all smudged and he's kinda like, "Ah. Right." Maybe daydreams about it a little bit before he washes it off.
— Bit of a mushier, more self-indulgent one here but ummm...! Sydney writing nice little quips / little motivational phrases on Kylar's arms. Supportive little phrases to boost his confidence and keep him going throughout the day when things are rough. He rolls his eyes at the gesture, thinks it's dumb. But... at the same time, they’re validating. Having genuinely supportive reminders on his skin that contrast his scars? Ough...
(P.S. That means THE WORLD to me...!!!! My absolute favorite part of writing is characterization & I genuinely put so much thought into taking canonical bases and fleshing them out / expanding them while trying to keep it in the general realm of possibility!!! A lot of the time w/ the roleplay account, it's like taking a shot in the dark and running off of pure vibes so I looveeee that y'all enjoy what I do w/ it :))
Also. I'm so obsessed with my OCs, I can't wrap my head around the fact that people enjoy them as much as I do but I wouldn't change it for the world ;w; Characterizing and fleshing them out is a blast too, I'm not limited by anything really,,,, I find myself going "ugh I wish ____ would do *this* and I've got to be like. "I mean... who's stopping you...?" </3 Be free!!! Do whatever you want forever!! <3)
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thebestofoneshots · 6 months
It’s your favourite (and only to my knowledge) moose annon!! I’m back! I have some random questions you can choose to answer:
1) how are you
2) what’s your opinion on sausage dogs
3) if you could do one thing right now, what would you do?
4) who’s your least favourite Harry Potter character?
5) if you could pick one marauder to battle in the back of a Greggs, who would it be?
Thank you for Moose’s random questions, with Moose. -🫎
Hey darling Moose!
I'm great! Thanks for asking. The godawful flu I had is finally gone and I'm feeling like new. Also, my new computer (got it as a Christmas gift) just arrived and I'm super hyper to use it for writing even more of GC, the screen's a lot bigger than my current PC so my eyes love it. How are you? It's been a while since I've heard from you.
Umm.. they're adorable, though a little fierce. My uncle has one of them, and he has lots of energy, loves getting balls thrown at him and fetching them. I must admit I'm a cat person (because they require less care) but if I could have a dog, I'd get a huge black dog. Bet ya'll can guess why.
Right at this instant? What are my parameters? Does it have to be realistic? Because if it does not, can I be snogging Sirius somewhere? Now, if it does have to be realistic, I'd like to be eating something tasty, I'm rather hungry atm.
Dolores and Peter. Silly because I actually kind of like the Peter I've created on GC, but his treason is still something I'm not over yet. But yeah, those are definitely the characters I dislike the most.
Omg, this requires analyzing actually... because I mean, again what are my parameters? For example:
Remus wouldn't hit a woman, so I'd be in advantage. But then, if for some storage reason, he didn't care about that, then I would easily be fucked by trying to fight Mr. Werewolf strength / tallest marauder (and probably the strongest one too).
Sirius might be skinny, but something tells me an angry Sirius would beat the shit out of me just as well as Rem could, perhaps I'd come out a little less scuffed, but let's be honest, If either of the two actually wanted to beat me up, I wouldn't stand a chance. Having said that, I think fighting Sirius would be fun because if it's like a sexy fight with sexual tension. Think black widow, knifes on throats, that kind of thing, I'm so IN!
James is another marauder I'd be a little terrified of battling on a fistfight, first, the boy plays quidditch, he can definitely beat the shit out of me. Second, he gives me playful Peter Parker, jokes when he fights vibes, which is super cool, as long as you're not the one being punched.
And lastly, Peter. I think, if we're talking about a clean fistfight, it's here where I would stand the best chances. Not because I think I'm stronger than Peter, like hell nah, but because I think I could outwit him. Especially if this is a no-magic universe and he can't just Avada me in three seconds like he did to Cedirc.
Now, even if I could actually win a fight against Peter, I think ultimately I'd pick Sirius, for two simple reasons, he's probably less strong than James and Remus and he'd definitely be the kind to flirt-fight. Even if he didn't, I'd rather be punched by him than Peter so...
Yes, I am a simp.
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basileus · 3 months
I promised the beautiful @madroxed a Seattle Kraken current player primer so she can get into a West Coast (best coast) NHL team and then I went mad so it ended up too long for ask box without a read more. So here it is for your enjoyment, babe. 🦑
1. When Kraken started playing their first season in 2021, there was a lot of discussion about the expansion plan, how many years they would take to become as successful as other expansion teams (cough VGK). That plan… has not fully panned out. So even though they made it to the playoffs last year, they're not super successful this season and likely won't squeeze their way into a wild card spot. This is okay because the Kraken are full of love.
2. This is important enough to say twice: THE KRAKEN PLAYERS ARE FULL OF LOVE. They don't need to be good if they're having fun and being friends! And they are!
3. Kraken has no captain right now, just four As. Democracy, baby! Every game there is tons of talk on reddit about how it's a good thing because it's made the guys closer, or how it's a bad thing because they don't have a leader and they keep losing. IDK, it's just our thing. There will be a C eventually.
4. There's a joke on tiktok that Kraken is a team of beautiful shy horses, treated badly on their last teams and now learning to love again. Keep this in mind when you see them interacting with Coach Hakstol. They all deserve to have their hooves (skates) farrier-ed gently, ribbons braided into their manes and to be tenderly fed sugar cubes. Anyways.
5. Haha, Seattle runs on love and tentacles.
- Jordan Eberle (Jordy, Ebby, Ebs, Ebber) - Ebs was MY MAN for the longest time because I was soooo fond of him and the mid aughts pre-McDavid Oiler rookie crew. Now he's 33 years old, everyone calls him dad, and just had his 1000th game ceremony. It makes me verklempt.
He just signed a 2-yr contract this month, which people agree is mostly because of his role on the team and less because of his points (which are just okay).
He is also a noted Nickleback fan :(
Also, Jordan Eberle... naked... singing.
- Jared McCann (Canner, also Jordan's on-ice wife) - Kraken's lead scorer right now. Has the saddest backstory ever (he's had troubles with his teams since draft) but the Kraken team loves him. I love him too. Jordan was in his wedding party! Fun fact: Canner is the one who KISSED Ebs' head after an OT win this year, the organization framed & posted the picture, and it's the most romantic thing that has ever happened on Kraken ice. Recognized PC gamer boy. He also wears really really ugly hats with his game day suits.
- Philipp Grubauer (Grubi, The German Gentleman) - Gruuuuu. The more experienced goalie on the team. Noted horse girl (loves horses, there's a video all about his volunteer efforts with them). Gets a lot of undeserved shit from dude fans for being a conservative goalie, the man is NOT gonna move. He straight up close lined a player yesterday because they got too close to his crease lol.
- Vince Dunn - You already know this guy. Feral, but also submissive and breedable. I sent you the "screaming with a bloody face" vid but here's one where he drop gloves for a Matty hit and another from Juniors where he fights OFF ICE. His nickname is Dunner but because he's a pretty princess, he also goes by "Vincess" in hrpf. He's very popular this season both for his looks and his performance this season. Unfortunately injured right now due to a bad hit. Noted "gamer (fornite) boy" lol.
- Adam Larsson - You also know this guy. Big Cat. Quiet but a leader to the D rookies. Surprisingly funny - he's a silent prankster and the custom t-shirts this season with his face on it were a hit. Outside the hrpf space, he's engaged to a beautiful blonde Swede and about to be a dad this month.
- Jaden Schwartz (Schwartzy) - Peak millennial. Is it wrong that I think Schwartzy is the hottest Kraken after Vince? Because I don't care. He gives hot dad, with two dogs with girl names.
He changed his hockey number to match his sister's who died of cancer :'( Has been injured a lot this season and we miss him :'(
- Yanni Gourde (Gourdo) - FERAL!! FRENCH (CANADIAN)!!!! A tiktok star, sassy, charming, and also part of the team leadership.
Married and dad to little girls, who he has allowed Matty to babysit, if you can believe it. There was a super cute vid of them at the pumpkin patch this year. I'm a proud member of the GOURDO IS HOT club but even people with bad eyes and no love for goofy faces love Yanni.
- Andre Burakovsky (Burky) - You might remember him from his Cap or Av days. He's a beautiful little bird who is so good at scoring but so broken. The man has two Stanley Cups but he's played like 2 games for Kraken where he was both healthy & productive lol. People ship him with Gru sometimes in hrpf because they have cute nicknames for each other and also vacation together. He also just had a baby like two months ago so my sisters and I call him a teen mom even though he's like 29, lmaoo.
- Pierre-Edouard Bellemare (Belly) - His shirt is always off in every video I have ever seen him in. Handsome. Beard. French, like literally from France, but we won't hold it against him. He's an older guy who was brought in to help the team with offense (which we badly need).
- Oliver Bjorkstrand (Bjorky) - I always describe Bjorky as like a less handsome Dylan O'Brien if he played hockey. A chill, smiley dude who cares a lot. He played in Portland for the Winterhawks back in Juniors and I saw him a lot there! He's playing super well this year, he even was at the ASG!
- Matty Beniers (Matty, Benny) - OUR BEAUTIFUL FIRST DRAFT EVER. A baby boy. Ebs and Canner are his mom and dad. If you're on tiktok, he made that viral "Yes, Yes, Nope, Nope" sound while mic'd up.
He's growing up :') but also is having kind of a bad season :'( Part of the planned growth of the Kraken team though!
- Will Borgen (Borgy) - One of the baby D. He kinda looks like Canner but more frog. Matty and Borgy are roommates & pretty much BEST FRIENDS during the season. There's a lot of good locker room videos of them giving each other shit. He has also bullied Karts lol. Self describes himself as a little deer.
- Joey Daccord (Joey, Dacs) - Baby goalie. Gives the F1 recaps on tiktok. One of the biggest joys of my year so far was chanting "Joey" in the crowd after his shutout in the Winter Classic. Sometimes he strays too far from the net and makes boo boos. We love & cherish him.
- Kailer Yamamoto (Yamo, Yams, Yammer) - Little man. So little. Great at shootouts & stealing teammate's jerseys. He's the only Washingtonian on the team. Was a Oilers rookie and I've heard he featured in the whole Draisital hrpf narrative thing (idk I'm not an Oilers fan rn lol). Has a terrible goatee right now.
There's a funny af tweet about a reporter seeing a huge cheering section for him at a game and assumed it was friends & family but went over and it was just random people rooting for Yamo purely because he's short.
- Ryker Evans - The newest baby D. Has the deadest eyes you will ever see but he also spent an entire Firebirds youtube interview series just hanging out in a child's pool. He's played great since being called up from the Firebirds and we love him. So new he doesn't have a Breaking the Ice sheet yet :( Also his middle name is GARTH!
- Tye Kartye (Karts) - It's important that you know his last name is pronounced like "Cart-che" but even the announcers say "Car-ti-eh" like the jewelry brand. A quiet-ish sweetheart but also kind of spicy while playing. Rooms with Ryker. They're flirty and have been since the Firebirds. Scored his first NHL goal in his first NHL game, during the Kraken's first ever playoffs!
- Cale (& Haydn) Fleury - REAL LIFE BROTHERS. Not actually related to Flower. Haydn is on the Lightning now and we miss him. Cale mostly plays for the Firebirds but he's developing well and has gotten called up several times this season.
- Ryan Winterton (Wints) - A goofy little baby. He's still playing mostly with the Firebirds but he had his NHL debut this season.
- Shane Wright - I don't actually know his nickname. (EDIT: I have been informed it is Shaner or Wrighter!) Big boy. Our SECOND DRAFT EVER. Playing with the minor leagues right now. We'll see him playing a line on Kraken next season or so, probably (?). If Coach Dave is willing.
- Brandon Tanev - Turbo. He's fast. Has beautiful long hair. Keeps getting hit by pucks because he's in the way. Fun fact: he helped start the 'Kraken are horses' thing because there was a video on Tiktok where an equipment manager was adjusting his skates and they used a hoof care video sound and it went viral. We might lose him when he's a free agent and that's fine.
- Jamie Oleksiak - Big Rig, Riggy. In my shit list right now because he's playing bad and I hate his stupid credit card commercial that they always play during games. Member of the 'my sister is prettier and a better athlete than me' club. People speculate there's a chance we might lose him over the summer when his no-trade clause opens up as well. He's often Borgy's d-partner, and he and Borgy are very very sweet though.
- Tomas Tatar - Tuna, he's fun and nice. I like his accent. Sometimes I forget he exists.
- Eeli Tolvanen - Tolvy. I also sometimes forget about him. Sorry. He's a buddy to everyone on the team though.
- Justin Shultz - Shultzy, he's fine. Gets injured a lot. Not the best player. I think we're gonna lose him eventually too.
- Brian Dumoulin - Dumo, he's also fine. He's won a couple Stanley Cups. Cute baby face for an older player but he gives a kinda empty brain, 'there's not a thought behind those eyes' feeling lol.
HOPE THIS HELPS. I ALSO HOPE THEY DON'T CRUSH THIS PRIMER OVER THE OFF SEASON WITH TRADES LOL but who knows. Whatever happens, happens. Just remember this team runs on love (and tentacles).
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jorality · 4 months
I need to play Poppy Playtime for myself cuz even with all the videos I've seen I'm still confused, BUT what if people who HAVE played the games are just as confused as me? So here are my spoiler filled thoughts.
Warning it's long but hopefully coherent.
First off, the thing that's been bothering me since chapter 2.
What the FUCK was Playtime Co.'s plan once Elliot died? Like it's been posited that Elliot wanted to immortalize a child he lost by putting their consciousness into a toy. Y'know, like a crazy person.
Like the idea was immortality, but did the toy company sell the meat toys to the public? Why were there so many of them? Who would want a toy that used to be a person?! Who signed off on that?
When it comes to PlayCo's overarching goal I just wanna understand what it was. They put people into the meat toys to save their lives, but did they sell the meat toys? Can someone just give me an answer? I need to know.
Then there's the frickin' civil war between Poppy and The Prototype. Several people have pointed out that CatNap, while terrifying, doesn't really do anything to you until his boss fight.
But, we also get told that he will stalk you throughout the chapter, and he does. Mans will be right behind you, or next to you in the shadows. It's a game of cat and mouse. Others have pointed out that Huggy also was more of a stalker who didn't bother you until the end, and Mommy was hands off too, but she was by far the most antagonistic of the three and I think that's because Huggy and CatNap were for sure followers of the Prototype while Mommy was her own faction who didn't care for Poppy or The Prototype.
I mean if we go by the idea that The Prototype just wants the PC to leave then why let Mommy ruin the PC's chances of getting on the train?Mommy was just chillin' in her area full of death traps.
Then there's the player character and how everyone knows they used to work there. The PC missed the Hour of Joy even though they were supposed to be at the factory. We don't know why they didn't come into work that day.
In the video 10 Things You Might Have Missed in Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 by Tericho on YouTube, Tericho points out that the CCTV footage the PC has been shown throughout the games has been tampered with. Meaning that the PC still hasn't been given the whole truth.
Which Tericho pointed out by showing footage of Kissy Missy being transported via the train only for there to be a sharp cut to PlayCo workers lying dead around her while she's perfectly still.
There is footage we the audience have been shown that Kissy Missy did in fact kill those people during the Hour of Joy.
So then, that brings back the age old question, should the Player Character trust Poppy?
Survey says No.
Kissy Missy and Poppy are allies, besties even.
Poppy makes it sound like the Hour of Joy was all the Prototype's doing. She says he's the one who put her in her case from Chapter 1. So then why would her bestie participate in the massacre? Why would Kissy have aligned herself with The Prototype even though her best friend was imprisoned by him?
At the end of Chapter 3 something happens to Kissy, presumably she gets attacked by the Prototype and what happens to big toys that the Prototype gets his umbrella skeleton hands on? ASSIMILATION!
But why?
Why are Poppy and the Prototype at odds? Is it simply because Poppy doesn't condone the Prototype's murderous habits? Every other toy was aligned with the Prototype. But what the hell does he want?
Poppy repeatedly says that she needs the PC's help to save lives. Whose lives? All the humans in the factory are dead, most of the meat toys are dead (especially the Bunzos) are we supposed to believe that The Prototype is going to be a threat to the outside world? Why? All the people who did him wrong are dead. I don't think The Prototype wants to bother the outside world, I think he wants PlayCo and everything about it to disappear.
But what does Poppy want? I've been turning it over in my head and while I can come up with a few motives for the Prototype such as revenge, solitude, maybe find a way to die. Poppy though? I mean if I were her I'd want to go home with the Player Character and leave the horror of PlayCo behind.
What is the beef between Poppy and The Prototype?
On one hand I want MOB to follow through on the prototype being the big bad he's been hyped up to be, but I also think there are a few ways this could go.
Okay hear me out. Here are some ways I think the saga could end.
(PC ending) The player character burns the factory to the ground after killing both The Prototype AND Poppy.
(The Prototype's ending) The PC finally comes face to face with The Prototype, and they recognize each other. "You didn't deserve this." the PC says looking up at what was once someone they cared for. The Prototype hands the PC a tape, it's a compilation of the truth, it's confessions from the scientists, it's Elliot Ludwig's last words. The public has to know, the factory has to be destroyed. "What about you?" the PC asks. The Prototype reaches out his um without the brella hand, the PC hands over Poppy, who is now motionless blood staining the back of her dress, her artificial spine severed. "We die with the building." The Prototype says Poppy is silently crying unable to speak. The PC leaves and we cut to the credits. It's a news broadcast detailing every crime committed, the death toll, the aftermath. There's a press conference and the PC is finally revealed to be Rich from that one tape in Chapter 3.
(Poppy's ending) The Prototype has been slain, but it feels wrong somehow. "You did it!" Poppy cheers as she walks over to The Prototype's convulsing body and she starts kicking it. "This is all your fault! I never wanted it to be this way! We could've done something good but you ruined it! All I wanted was a family! And you took that from me, TWICE! WAS IT WORTH IT? TELL ME!" Poppy's pathetic little kicks should seem comical, but she's screaming and crying. It's so uncomfortable. Soon the crying stops. Poppy takes deep breaths and turns to face the PC. "The threat is gone. Thank you for helping me stop him. Now there's just one more thing to do." The PC carries Poppy to a bank of computers and she types something and a secret elevator arrives, a small Cat-Bee toy sitting in the middle of it. "Is it over?" The little toy asks. "Yes Ollie, it's over." Poppy says. "Once I flip this switch the factory will self destruct." The PC picks up Ollie and gets in the elevator. Poppy flips the switch and the PC grabs her with the grabpack. They go home.
Those are just the ones that I came up with, I REALLY want to see what MOB comes up with. Because truly what is the end goal? What do Poppy and the Prototype want?????
And also, whom the fuck is Ollie? This lil guy came outta nowhere! (Well almost nowhere there's a chance we met them in the ARG in the form of a tape) but why? What is Ollie's purpose, other than to give MatPat heart palpitations?
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blue-jisungs · 1 year
✨ txt ✨ (mostly i just rly rly wanna see your albums and stuff cause!! i want txt albums so badly)
OHOHOJO YOU PICKED A GOOD ONE. txt are the band of which i own the most albums when it comes to bg–
my bias order
1. tyun terry the cat-squirrel (are we even surprised)
2. yeonjun (tbh it’s insane bc soob was supposed to be here… uh yeah…)
3. SOOB!
4. kai
5. beom – i love him vv much but i feel like our personalities don’t match that much? but we never know it might change!!
my current favourite song by them
always n forever fairy of shampoo!!
member i want to be best friends with
yeonjun / beomgyu / kai! don’t get me wrong but i feel like i’d be too intimidated to hang out w taehyun or soobin 😭😭
member i'd want as my sibling
KAI!!!! even though my plushies probably would get stolen…. it’s fine🙄
who i like to pair any of the members with (romantically or otherwise)
i don’t ship romantically and i love all of their friendships tbh but seeing beomgyu n tae warms my heart and ID WANT A FRIWNDSHIP LIKE TJAG HELLO??
if i own any albums of theirs (if so, pictures):
hehe the most awaited one!! i have 10 albums!!
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i keep still dreaming on my peg board for aesthetic reasons but in general i keep them like on the first pic! and also fun fact, blue hour was my first kpop album ever :”)
also the lullaby temptation i got is soobin ver!
also i was thinking whether i should put my pc collection too but the thing is i also buy separately pcs if they’re in a good price so some of them r from albums i don’t own etc etc! i might do another post with my collection :D
if i have any posters of them (if so, pictures):
i do! those r in my room please ignore how unevenly hanged they r
i still need a kai mini poster so my ot5 wall would be complete but HE JUST WONT COME???
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the funny thing is also that i have 3 posters from fight or escape but my brother liked them sm and he wanted to hang them in his room 😭 so i have them to him lmao
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sorcerous-caress · 6 months
I like to make all my Tav's co-exist, I have them "cover" The other companions if the current PC doesn't interact with said companion during that PCs playthrough. Ex: Kira wouldn't be that interested in talking to Gale during her playthrough, so in my Canon I'd have Khal'ian in the party to filter out information about Gale to Kira.
Basically, if that Tav/durge isn't the leader during that playthrough the others get delegated to be walking sparknotes, and or being a companion who's story plays out differently that time around.
As for Kira & Khal'ian, I don’t think they'd get along at first initially.
Kira is the type of person that loves to quickly get under people's skin to sus out their motivations and real personalities; To Kira how someone handles their rage speaks volumes.
She'd see Khal'ian shy/soft demeanor as a challenge to split open (her corruption kink coming in). She'd find cracks in his mask; find the pressure points that make him mad only to find that Khal'ian recedes into himself emotionally instead of getting angry.
Not the type to be dissuaded Kira would switch to trying to dig out secrets,but at the same time she'd find his distance an annoyance.
Khal'ian would find Kira irritating. Not for her remarks, he's heard worse from kin and the digging for secrets he could understand given the circumstances.
Khal'ian would hate how Kira uses her charisma, finds himself green with envy. He'd see how easily Kira can get others to believe in her character then see how instead of making connections, she uses that belief to tear them down. If he had half of her charisma, his life at the monastery would've been so much more bearable.
They'd only start being friendly with each other after fully observing how both sides fight.
Neither one of them can pinpoint which battle it was, but they noticed parts of each other that shined bright.
Khal'ian saw clearly how tactical Kira was in battle; to the unobservant eye it would seem that Kira floundered about like a tom-cat in heat, pulling random gambits out of her boot without any rhyme or reason.
But if he grasped her masks, pulled them apart and cut himself on their jagged edges. It became clear to him that Kira was a highly effective tactician, who calculated each detail down to the finest hair.
A woman who used her charisma to pull the worst out of people not to harm them, but to try to protect them from others and themselves.
It was effective.. but it made Kira seem very lonely as an end result. Khal'ian question her about it once and after the shock was done washing over her face, Kira spoke solemnly.
" Life at sea is hard and being a captain even more so, it's not all Tits n' Rum Khal. If I'm not careful enough with my plans, my own men would have my head on a pike before an enemy even reaches me."
"No, a ship needs a captain who loathes the sacrifice of even a single man. And in order for that to be a viable option, I need to know my crew inside and out; even if they curse me in the end, they'd still be able to breathe to do so.."
And she let out a laugh, one that seems to be too tired for a woman her age.
"Unfortunately for the group, that includes you little dragon. I'm starting to see you as my crew"
And as she sauntered off, Khal'ian swore that he would try and help that weariness, because unfortunately for Kira he's starting to see her as a friend.
I'll talk more about how Kira began to see Khal'ian differently in another ask, alongside talking about Issal ( My Drow Artificer). How she met Khal'ian pre-game, but she has to survive the first hour my Honor run first.
Wyll drabbles are fighting their way out of WIP hell
-githzerai anon
You really know your characters well and put a lot of thought into them and the world building! It's impressive
Good luck with the wip anon!
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invinciblelikeu · 6 months
random dream facts that are ingrained in my head:
dream would’ve been a psychology major if he went to college
he had a collapsed lung
he doesn’t like coffee and chocolate, hates caffeine in general but drinks tea
he loves bubble baths, bath bombs, and candles
he sometimes puts tanning drops in his moisturizer
he loves banana pudding but only if his grandma makes it
he had a bet with his grandma that he would never drink (he lost)
dream was a massive bookworm - he used to read every single day
instead of going to school, dream would fall asleep in the garden
he had a roblox girlfriend
his first kiss was at the nickelodeon resort hot tub
he dyed his hair purple once
he painted his nails and walked around his neighborhood for a date/bet
movies dream has cried to: marley and me, everything everywhere all at once
he almost cried when he almost didn’t get to see spiderman no way home in theaters
he once cut his older sister’s hair as a prank
the most complex dish he’s ever made is eggplant parmesan
he wrote percy jackson self insert
he loves avocado on everything except sushi
he would eat olives straight out of the jar as a snack
he witnessed a fight at a denny’s
he loves broccoli on pizza
dream used to finish whole episodes of shows while working out
he wanted a quail coop at the dream team house
he was originally going to name patches "muffin"
he almost adopted patches' shelter sister
he once ran a red light with drista in the car, causing another driver to yell at him - to which he responded with a thumbs up, and made up for it by getting drista chick fil a
dream used to do contracting summer jobs in high school
he once got mustard on his clothes on a day he was supposed to work, and cleaned it off with sprite
his childhood home had a library
he watched anime’s that are recommended by his brother
he paid off his grandparents’ mortgage
he has a breathalyzer to use on his friends to make sure they’re sober enough to leave the house
he once cooked pancakes shirtless
he and george took the harry potter quiz together and he got slytherin
he prefers country taylor swift
his first album was of the jonas brothers
his mom caught him dancing to selena gomez’s naturally while he was cleaning his room
as a toddler, his dad would bounce him on his lap when they would watch OU games together
he once got a teacher fired because she pushed him off his chair
at one point in his childhood, his favorite color was pink
secrets is one of his all time favorite songs
he used to have bbh on call when he would go on long drives to keep himself from falling asleep
one time dream was speeding so much that bbh yelled at him on the phone
he once told ant and velvet that he thought they were gonna get married one day
he accidentally liked an ig post of a guy who was interested in alyssa
back in 2021, whenever sapnap would go skating, dream would tell him, “see ya later boy”
night changes is dream’s favorite one direction song
dream likes granny smith apples
dream used to collect yugioh cards
when his cat before patches passed, he immediately drove home from work and dropped to the floor by the door crying
that same cat once startled him enough to fall onto the lake while he was on a skype call with his friends
he has seen every single spiderman movie in theaters
his first real gf was his bff at the time and when she broke up with him, he cried under his bed - and kept it a secret from his parents
dream’s parents used to tease him about DNF
he ate cat poop as a toddler
he once had a whole frog in his mouth, and his mom didn’t believe it when his father told her until he took a picture
throwback to when i–
he has “george is gay” engraved on his ipad
he used to use a windows pc for gaming/streaming, and an imac for editing
dream uses film cut pro to edit his main channel videos, but uses adobe premiere to edit his dreamxd videos
the first person he told his youtube plans to was drista at a walmart parking lot
he used to send different publications his novels/manuscripts
he used to make football and skating edits and posted them on youtube
he once immediately cut ties with an online friend after they ddosed sapnap
dream and sapnap once had a falling out and stopped talking for 4 months
he once sharescreened himself editing manhunt in a discord call with corpse, techno, sykkuno, etc
dream was supposed to fly george out to america in early 2020
dream and sapnap almost met up 3 times prior to january 2021 )
dream and george used to be on call when george would go walk his dog
it was dreams idea to be the dsmp villain bc no one else wanted to be
dream would describe his writing style to be plot-driven
his favorite color is forest green but recently it’s been baby blue
he uses exfoliator and tree hut sugar scrubs
dream used to lift weights for more than an hour straight
he was going to get his ear pierced earlier than when he actually did it, but drista convinced him not to
he wants to get a 123 tattoo with sapnap
he used to be so reluctant to consume anime media that sapnap has tried and failed to convince him to read manga
he and george used to watch game of thrones together when it was still airing
he and bad watched prison break together
his favorite merch was the white hoodie with smileys all over
he donates a lot to the oklahoma sooners community
he has homeless kits in his car
he once paid off a cc’s gofundme to save their cat
he sent 5 dream fanartists free drawing pads
dream’s cosmetics in his makeup bag that we currently know of: blue garnier micellar water, charlotte tilbury blush, lip oil
he almost died in quicksand while geocaching
dream’s favorite planet is neptune
dream identifies himself as poseidon, sapnap as ares, and george as hera
dream types on his phone with only one hand
dream watches good mythical morning every day
dream once said “sorry i don’t speak australian” to a local in australia because he didn’t understand his accent
prior to the face reveal, dream has kept the fact that he was dream to several of his relatives
his cover when asked what his job was: advertising
he thought he failed his drivers license test after he accidentally knocked a stop sign - and begged his instructor to let him pass
he once injured his big toe after a football incident and almost refused to wear a cast until the doctors told him his big toe would grow to be smaller than the rest of his toes
dream has a porta potty under his bed
dream once got demoted from skeppy’s server
the longest dream has gone without showering was one week
dream was gifted a guitar when he was young and it was hung up on his bedroom wall but never got to play it
his love language is acts of service
he used to want a white picket fence marriage
he can find hidden minecraft chests using just the sounds
he helped sam build the dsmp prison by collecting a lot of the blackstone and obsidian
his mom accidentally got him and drista to drink alcohol as kids
his ring size is one size smaller than sapnap’s
his shoe size is 13.5-14
he was prescribed vitamin d pills after some of his hair had fell off
his favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla
he had to get carried as he was forced to ride a rollercoaster
he made duct tape wallets and sold them at school
he used to have a guitar hung on his wall but never used it since it was a gift
he once hacked all the computers in his school’s computer lab
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kimarisgundam · 1 year
I'm happy for you that your GM let you have humanity points for talking to the therapist anon
What is the problem here? That rockerboy PC is your type of guy so why don't you like him? He is in love with your netrunner and I want this ship to sail
Stop thinking as your OC and think as yourself Forgot about survival in Night City and THINK
Your OC and that rockerboy arent compatible because he is problematic? BULL SHIT
You like Johnny Silverhand
Imagine that rockerboy had Johnny's face
If that is Johnny will you accept his """problematic"" actions cheating smoking drug use and drinking? THINK KIM
You like bad boysand theres a bad boy waving a sign around with the words I love you and your OC rejected him?????
Why are you so fixated on this???
I told you, it's really not like that. Our characters are best chooms
What have you done... I didn't have a face to attach to her character cos we didn't make character tokens (everyone's characters kept getting killed 😂)
Now that you made me imagine him as Johnny Frigging Silverhand, I can't unsee it
Oh no 😫! He's my type 😫
Omg I called her character a selfish dumb gonk 😭. I would never say that to Johnny 😭. Johnny is the smartest person in Night City 😭
If I attach Johnny's face to her character, all our "best choom moments" suddenly seem romantic to me @_@
buying my Netrunner stuff
always sitting next to each other in the truck
matching stickers on our guns
starting a fist fight with someone who insulted my Netrunner
asking her to leave the city with him
sharing with her that stargazing Braindance
OMG O_O... everything suddenly seems romantic O_O"
I was mad when he ruined my character's date with his drummer by showing up with our cat. But if I imagine it's Johnny, suddenly that's cute O_O
Omg that cat. He asked me to co parent a cat with him O_O. Best friends don't co parent cats together O_O
I shot his bike tires when he tried to get me out of the city immediately after our other party member got killed (I thought it was insulting, I'm not a deadweight. I can fight)... but if it's Johnny, I'd be touched >_<
He's trying to protect her in his own gonked up way ;_;... omg that's so sweet ;_;
I'm suddenly not even mad about our recent combat encounter anymore... and I feel bad for yelling at our Rockerboy immediately after he woke up at the Doc's place 😭
What have I done 😭. Omg I'm sorry Johnny 😭. I wouldn't have done that if it was Johnny 😭
I would have been gentler, kinder, and more encouraging 😭. I would also have made warm soup 😭. And I wouldn't have said "shut your mouth and eat your tube taco. I paid 1 eddie for it" 😭
Help me I'm dying
My brain just shortcircuited
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ay-chuu · 1 year
Ok this is for the matching event! I would like to be matched with someone in the twisted wonderland fandom! I have short brown hair with bangs and i'm pretty average height. I'm a virgo and my mbti is INFP-T. I'm an ambivert but i lean towards the introverted side and some things I love are anything with spirituality, arts + crafts, and having my own freetime. My top 3 hobbies are drawing, reading comics and fanfics, and playing mobile/pc games sometimes. 3 things I hate are those people who swear they're "blunt" but just use it as an excuse to be rude, being left out/alone, and closed minded people. Some of my favorite games are stardew valley, twisted wonderland and otome games (mystic messenger, obey me etc..). Some of my favorite movies are the live action cat in the hat, son of batman animated, and coraline. I don't have a favorite genre of music I just like songs that stay in my head like movie songs, theme songs, a musical soundtrack...lately i've been jamming out to the happy feet 2 soundtrack And finally I don't really have a idol.
Hello! ٩(˘◡˘)۶
I match you with... (っ^▿^)💨
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Firstly, in terms of astrological and MBTI, your Zodiac Signs are in very high harmony! And I think an INTJ can get along great with INFP with matching traits <3 your ambiverty is great for him because his introversion equates with you and you are pretty tolerant whenever he wants to take some time for yourself! Ideal relationship :3! Malleus can sometimes be jealous of your height. Because whenever you want to withdraw into your own shell, all you have to do is find a small hidden area and it's done. You don't have to worry about your height, your horns!
In terms of personalities, everything seems perfect except for the communication between the two of you which is sometimes too broken! Most of the things you love are among the things he cares about and values. For example, I can imagine the two of you lighting incense at home, talking about art, or creating/making art <3 I think Malleus loves spiritual and mystical things and is even more knowledgeable about it than you. He always amazes you with his knowledge!
The communication breakdown I'm talking about usually happens when the two of you have a fight or when you're very depressed. If you move away from him with your stubbornness and pride, he will also turn away from you with his arrogance. But in the end, you both make up because you can't stand being away each other or because Lilia intervenes. Sebek is definitely not scolding you for his waka-sama. NO
Lastly, some of the memories I imagine for you two: the smell of tangerine peels on the stove while you were knitting together, your races to find and lose each other among the trees, eating ice cream while you were discussing the genre and history of each music you love, while you were teaching Stardew Walley to Malleus, he becoming so angry that he melts controller. And reading to each other what you love together <3
Hope you'll like it!
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absolute-chaotician · 11 months
The List of Reasons to Move On.
I'm not ready to move. I want to, but there's so much to figure out financially and logistically. I won't be pressured anymore.
I might be able to start repairing my self esteem when I don't have a partner addicted to masturbation. He spends hours every day downloading porn torrents. He has a "secret" account where he creates and posts DAILY porn GIFs. He has like 5 Fleshlights that he uses in conjunction with VR porn pretty much daily.
He's fucking slovenly. He leaves trash and food waste everywhere. There are dirty dishes all over his desk. He'll see something get fucked up (crumbs fall on the floor, a drink spills, something gets knocked over) and just fucking leave it.
He knows the cat eats plastic and still doesn't care about making sure it's out of his reach... he's literally putting my cats in danger.
He's wildly hypocritical about mental health and coping skills. I should be perfect despite past trauma (I'm working on it - he's right that I need improvement but I'm making an effort) but he's allowed to lose his shit. If I mention anything he's done to me I'm playing the victim.
He always talks about how he's "scared" of me and has to "walk on eggshells," meanwhile he's the one fucking screaming in my face, ripping the rearview mirror off my windshield, throwing water at me, spitting in my face... because I said I might hang out with a guy friend I used to date and am IN NO WAY interested in or attracted to anymore.
He insults me freely. He repeats what I say in a mocking tone. He thinks throwing/pouring drinks on me and spitting on me doesn't count as assault.
He calls me a cunt, a "bpd motherfucker," and says he hates me and that I'm the worst thing to ever happen to him.
My grandma died. She raised me. She's the only person in my family I loved. He wasn't there for me. In fact, he was a major asshole and made me feel worse on the day I found out she died. Legitimately the worst day of my life.
He has no respect for my stuff. I grew up poor. I have an unhealthy attachment to things... it's led to some hoarder tendencies. I never want to get rid of anything because I'm afraid I'll need it later and not be able to afford another one. He has bent my bed frame, dented my stainless steel trash can, broke the butter door off my (landlord's) fridge, threw my (work's) laptop and monitor onto me while I was sitting at my desk because I wanted to hang out in the office when we were fighting. It's where both of our computers (plus a TV) are and he always gets the office when we argue and need to separate. He broke my bathroom window (that one might have been an accident). He destroyed my journal - that one fucking hurt. Now my car rearview mirror.
I can redecorate without his fugly furniture. No more giant clunky coffee table or disposable cardboard "dresser."
No more feeling like someone's lowest priority.
Maybe I'll find someone who can actually drive so I won't be responsible for another 24-hour roundtrip road trip within a 3-day period.
Abs would be nice. I know I'm being superficial but it's only because I'm so attracted to him and... I'm really reaching for something positive in this breakup.
I wouldn't hate finding someone who would smoke with me again. Vaping is fine but it's not the same as sharing a bowl. Maybe even someone who can drink with me without turning into a violent raving lunatic.
I'll have free reign of my own home. No more feeling like I can't go into the office because he's holed up in there acting huffy.
My own home office. No more doing calls with my giant headphones to protect client privacy. I can create a cute background for video calls. I can even open up the doors between the office and bedroom so I get good lighting all day.
Electricity costs will probably decrease without his 5 monitors, constantly on PC (gotta seed all those porn torrents), and constantly on Fleshlight warmer humming in the background.
I'll finally be free of nasty-ass hard kombucha breath.
I can go back to the economical option of boxed wine...
I won't feel weird inviting friends over to hang out - like they're invading our (his) space. I won't feel judged by him when they're here. I can invite people he doesn't like.
No more dramatics when I paint my nails or use acetone.
I won't find vapes fucking everywhere around the house.
When I do the dishes (fucking daily) they'll stay clean. No more clearing out a full sink while I wait for my coffee to brew in the morning only to find it full again by the end of the day.
I won't miss the aggressive farting. I'm glad he's comfortable around me but JFC.
Not flushing and leaving the toilet lid open so the cats can get in there.
I can listen to the same songs over and over again without annoying anyone - and I can listen to my podcasts OUT LOUD! I can have music on all the speakers in the house at once!
There's only one bathroom in this apartment. It'll never be occupied when I need it.
He slams a door every single time he closes one.
I can get rid of the cheesy fake flower in a jar he got me for Valentine's Day.
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
reading progress: chapter 222 (i had to get some shit sorted but we're back in action here folks)
reading highlights: get the scrolling fingers ready
196 oh theres a character w gender
kdj kind of commenter that just wants a girl character. okay
kdj ID theft yjh: oh there you are
197 "in moments of low self esteem Kim Dokja would say "I'm Yoo Joonghyuk"
198 going to a bar to eat the appies yes (non drinker solidarity)
guy who survived a decade on one story -> maybe [non constellation] people need stories also
kdj: WWYJHD? wait im better than him
199 kdj special fake it til u make it
listening to funky synth music during the reaper fights (cat out of hell on bandcamp)
"my lovely kids LGY & SYS" t-t
200 [processing gamified revolution] HMM
201 hell yeah publican dude (british sense) i want him to make me a butty
Han Myungoh (HMO?) union buster OFC
YJH bar of handsome ness entry #1652
203 kdj unabashed long media enjoyer
LITERALLY comparing this to union efforts at the old job. okay
204 why are all office manager/company men roman philosophy losers
bring out the skill/item from 100 chapters ago
kinda hot to kill people just cause there fucking with the revolution
205 orv a story for people who like wall
JHY videogame siren girl technique :/
206 HMO demon king consort? good for u?
ppl can grow off screen?? kdj lack of human object permanence
YJH widower era babey. uriel not causing problems persay. but on purpose
207 [BAD SOCIETAL THING] isnt the natural state of the world and can be changed. kissing this arc
brooo do get yjh a therapy watch to get him to dissociating/alienating himself less -> kdj is the guy planing this o__o
KNW and abyssal black dragon are u evil or just 14
208 [hsy feels like] an abandoned food processor?
The entire hsy & ysa scene its got everything: sexual tension, fraught emotions, abt secrets and grief, Big Dragon
JHY in a world of minmaxers is a balanced PC
209kdj you have a new kid a they are a foolish teen
4th wall dog training continues. NO eating other smaller wall
Big Guy (derogatory) my fav passive aggressive insult
210 "I forgot to I was Yoo Joonghyuk" yeah rookie mistake man cant forget that
"Tell the Duke to learn to fear the Day" HOOTIN AND HOLLERING
211 why is this egg so cute wtf. it needs story and hugs okay
dokkaebi sys birth im crying. kids man, you gotta love them! they love the whole world!
212 [heh] kdj dad moments! thats his kid!!
SYS LGY LJH kid hang out T_T -> maritime admiral yi sunsin T_T
uriel is so normal about dokhyuk. you abandoned ur incarnation!!
213 yjh uriel Road trip buddy comedy
214 "if you have to sell your story sell it for the right price" THATS PRAXIS BAYBE
kdj doing the blackbeard thing about demon king of salvation
215 kdj cant talk to people. mood. -> praising jhy cute
216 kdj no good billionairs-ing the constellations
the readership to commenter to author pipeline. themes
Kdj existential crisis about the existence of truth and the true self and if its possible to know the other
"I think there is a huge wall" [Fourth Wall is looking at you] -> THATS WRITING
'theres no such think as communication' DOKJA
everyone has a wall, communication is impossible thats obvious -> TEENS ROCK
you should leave your mark
music: loves first explosion
kdj 🤝 me : getting the names slightly wrong
↳ 217 he had sweet lips?
↳ one of swk hairs? -> secret tool that will help us later?
↳ its the gaze of one person...
218 the snake says hes okay cause he has no hands and feet (GOOD JOKE) i missed the twitch chat
many stripes one team! (blaseball ref)
219 dokhyuk's constant one up man ship ID fuckery
219 theres the swk hair. im gonna get a good grade in orv!
220 KNW is a mech. okay
Bye KNW see you in another 50 chapters
UGH YJH [SCREAMING] thx for saving him bbygirl
"He came..." I was so happy I wanted to call out his name... yeah bro?
221 kdj self rationalization speed run. did my friend do smth just to save me? no he must have some convoluted motive
Author is that file A THREAT? sad yjh tho bby.
rotating: i mean shit. i already made a post cause part of of this section was so fucking good. kim dokja! you got problems man. fucking fascinating ones. I love it when teens school him about the philosophy of communication. yeah bro its all signifiers all the way down the platonic realm of perfect objects is inaccessible to us. but meaning can still be created even if its infinite meanings of infinite texts. hang on.... can we get fictional character Kim Dokja to read Borges i think i would fuck him up so bad. delightful revolutionary stuff going on here too, big fan. to think we can kill the trope of the evil revolutionary that takes power for themself if we all just had the most weird intrinsic gay identity thing going on with some guy thats assassinates politicians in ur name.
i think ill leave the actual nibbles of kdj yjh legacy/story swap for next time tho. just based in vibes. also just noteing the veritable gaggle of kids being collected. love em. kdj like many people with parent problems and who is easy to own, collecting them like flies
remember all epiphanies of the self are 80 percent wrong
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junicoins · 1 year
"We were just fighting for our lives,"
Esteemed guests, let me tell you of an encounter with Bruce the Bat. ( I named him Bruce)
So, a bat had gotten into our house.
Bruce started off in my brother's room. My brother made no mention of there being a bat. He just let it vibe in the room with him while he continued on playing soke video games on his PC. Eventually, Bruce was found by one of our three cats.
After being found, the cats chased Bruce. He flew around and made it downstairs for a moment, got his way into the kitchen, turned around, and headed back up the stairs into a different room.
This room was my cousin's, who wasn't happy about it. The cats, however, had a different opinion; they had something to chase. One of the cats, a much younger one, was jumping, trying to catch Bruce whenever he flew low. We kicked the cats out and replaced them with three clumsy humans.
Our attempts included guiding Bruce out through a window we opened, letting the bat just fly around until it managed to get out on its own, and trying to trap him in a bot whenever he managed to land somewhere on the door frame. All failed except for one.
My brother grabbed a pillow sheet and, through a couple of failed attempts, managed to grab Bruce in the sheet. He then walked over to the window and let Bruce fly out, shaking the sheet to encourage the frightened bat to flee.
Bruce will be missed, and I now want to make bat boxes for the bats in the area since there are few trees.
All in all, I wish I got to hold it. Bruce looked so soft and fuzzy. 8/10 experience.
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