#who's kind and brave and much more willing to trust his emotions/intuitions and keep an open mind
moonchild-in-blue · 4 months
Somehow I forgot it was Arthur who introduced Jack to Lucy. Kinda funny if you think about how their relationship will later evolve - what a massive cringe fail guy 😭
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I love how the first description of Seward is "hot rich successful doctor who's smart and cool", and then when you actually meet him, he's just the most pathetic wet cat emo guy who really needs a good nap and a hug. I love him lmao.
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urkpoppsychic · 4 years
SF9 reading ⭐️❤️💰personality & Love + career.
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Note: This is just a reading, it is for entertaining purposes it might not be 100% accurate. Move on if you dont like the reading. Thank you and enjoy the reading 😉💝.
Young Bin
Personality:This person is playful and not that serious as you think he is. He cares about having fun at his workplace than being always so serious. To make other people feel good about working with him. He might be good at doing multitasking. He is a good public speaker, and a communicator. He might be a logical thinker and honest with his words. He is someone who doesn't have enough patients. He is fast when it comes to taking actions. He doesn't have time to wait around. He might be always active and busy. He is someone who will fall asleep easily. because of his busy day. He seems to be an optimistic guy. He might need to learn to say NO to others. Because he loves to help. 
Love life
Past: There could be a woman or lover who was hiding her true self or didn't follow her intuition to pursue the relationship. 
Present: He is the knight in shiny armor, he wants to pursue now or never and feel loyal to her. No one can stop him. He will move towards his lover passionately. 
Future: The woman who wasn't true to herself will rethink this connection. He might also rethink if this lover could be the one. 
outcome: He might see the clarity in the connection that he might be better of single and that when the time is right, there will be the person who will be his true self and be open for him to love. 
Personality: He is someone who is very stable when it comes to his money. He knows how to save his money and is careful not to overspend it. He might not be very open towards strangers. He has his own friends and people who he can be his true self. He might have many talents. It is good in almost everything. He is good with manifesting. Making new connections might be a bit of a struggle for him. He is the person who is very charming and attractive and he might take advantage of his appearance to get attention.  to feel wanted and whole. He might be a bit in a player role. because he still needs to figure out how to make true connections. He might not know how to do it right. But he is learning. 
Love Life
Past: Juggling within 2 people.
Present: He is now working with 2 people with the same interest. He isn't even thinking about choosing between them. as if 2 girls are fighting over him and he is standing there and doesn't know how to solve this. 
Future: He will find another way to get out of this situation cus it is no longer serving him. A new passion with somebody else is coming on his way who will catch his interest. 
Outcome but this time he will be the one who needs the chase and take effort for the new woman. before he was a bit laid back and not doing anything for a relationship. But for this new person he will need to put more effort or else he might lose her. 
Personality: He is someone who is dependent on others, He might be an extravert ( That will mean he doesn't like to be alone, that he gain his energy from other people and to be with people. ) It will make him feel alive and whole again. He doesn't really know how to be on his own. He might struggle to handle things on his own. how to deal with his money and his self-care and career wise. He might be naive when it comes to his experiences with new connections and with love and friendships. He might be emotionally and mentally out of balance at this moment. He might be a bit rebellious or ignorant. because of how reality hits him. He has a strong will and desire to understand the new perspectives and let the old idealism go. He has still a long way to go. 
Love Life:
Past: There was an unexpected positive movement in the relationship, could be an offer, text message or a call or a date. 
Present: He is trusting in the relationship that he is in. He feels really balanced and whole with this situation. He might be in a romantic relationship. 
Future: He is choosing her as his longlasting partner. 
Outcome: He is a bit insecure or afraid about the future investment. more about his financial stability. He might have some codependency on his side. might deal with some fears or addictions that might be affecting his lovelife. or he is spending too much on his relationship on her feeling like addicted and possessive over her.  
Personality: He is someone who is independent and he can take good care of himself. He is grateful towards the little things in life. He might sometimes hide his honest opinion or feelings about something or someone.  He might also sound a bit cocky.  He is assertive and wants to be the one in control and he would like to be the hero. He is strong-willed and is confident and has a high self-esteem and is brave. He might be a perfectionist and well organized person. He has his cold side and has high ideals.  He intelligent and willy and smart. 
Love Life: 
Past: He might have dealt with someone who he broke some rules with or  actions that might be rebellious. That is beyond the Korean standards. 
Present: He is at all-in control with his strength towards a relationship. He is the man in the relationship.
Future: He wants to be honest, and wants to bring more justice in the relationship. 
Outcome: Somehow he might be in a situation that he might feel trapped/stuck. of his own high ideals/ illusions. 
Zu Ho
Personality: This person is carefree and a big dreamer. He is always full of joy and unexpected surprises. He is overwhelmed by passion and emotions towards his sudden focus. have a willpower to keep going. He is someone who won't easily give up on things. He will fight until he breaks down. He might have always needed to be responsible and wants to take care of things but he might dwell and end up being over his limits . He is very giving and romantic. It might emotionally overwhelm him. He might take things too fast/quickly while he is someone who actually needs to do things slowly and step by step. When a change is too quick he might feel overwhelmed and out of balance. 
Love Life
Past: He is ready for a new beginning to dive in. He is open and ready to trust and fall towards the opportunity. 
Present: He is working on himself cus he wants to be fully ready for something he really wants. 
Future: He might sometimes act childish because of his insecurities in his career/financial situation. But he is still wanting to bring her an offer.  
Outcome: He might be not single anymore and be in a romantic relationship. 
Personality: This person is very friendly, intuitive, sensitive and artistic. He is someone who is very stable and financially stable and a great father figure. He might have some wisdom in him. He might be good with kids and love to have celebrations and hang out with friends and family. He also loves animals. He believes that somewhere he can find his one and only soulmate. He has good intentions towards others. but people might misinterpret that. He is a good person. 
Love Life:
Past: He might have been through some sleepless night but it comes to an end for him luckily. no more nightmares and worries for him. He might have dealt with a break up or rejections. 
Present: It was something that was meant to happen to help him grow as an individual. Luck is on his side, unexpected things will happen, maybe a new person or a friend will come towards his path.  
Future: He is now slowly investing in his future to build a long term goal. To build a stable foundation to be able count on himself. so that in the next relationship he has balance in himself and her. 
Outcome: He might be in transformation/ changing new ideas and old things that no longer serve him will be gone. Time for a new beginning. He will recover from the past. 
Personality: Independent, experienced and smart. He is realistic and lively. He is someone who makes decisions based on objectives. He stays out of toxic people. He will not tolerate any kind of misbehaviours in his environment. He is someone who looks serious but he is someone who sees humour in every situation. He is someone who is very helpful and is always ready to give advice. He is materialistic. He makes sure he got the nicest clothes on and the best accessories, He cares about his appearance. He loves to buy his close friends and family nice gifts. 
Love Life: 
Past: He is walking away from a connection or a situation. He might have dealt with someone who he knows for a long time. Like a friend or childhood friend. 
Present: He seems to be still stuck in the past and naive. Missing the nostalgic moments. 
Future: He will finally be in the energy to be on the right track to control his own destiny and his own choices in life. He has to remember that there are more opportunities for him and if he still is living in the past he might miss new opportunities. 
Outcome: He might still have struggles with seeing the truth. He might still have difficulties letting this idea go. Not really ready to see it. But he needs time to accept it. 
Hwi Young
Personality: He is strong minded and confident in his talents. He knows what he wants. He has a lot of excitement in his energy. He loves new challenges and new things and wants to try out. He might have dealt with a lot of pain in his life. He has a lot of wounds. Because he might have to deal with people who take advantage of his good and soft personality. Poor guy :(. But he grew strong cus of this. He knows how to defend himself now. He wants to create a better situation of experiences that he learned. Make the best out of it. He is balanced, harmonious and well-being. He is getting his life together. He might at the beginning be ignorant and different but he grew out of this old energy and transformed into a better version of himself. He might dealt with someone who used to be manipulative. 
Love Life:
Past: There is a feminime figure who he admires and sees her really high. 
Present: He has hopes and wishes about his love life and the person he requires. 
Future: He might feel insecure and might hesitate to move forward not knowing if she would reject him. 
Outcome: He might not move towards the person he likes. He is not feeling secure to pursue her and put it stagnant. 
He is very calm and he shows within his appearances that he has it all. He is grateful and is easily satisfied or maybe a bit spoiled.  He is charming and attractive and he knows it. He might have a lot of female admires. He might be young at age but he would be very great as a leader. He knows how to make others feel special. He might be a bit flirtatious. He kinda loves the attention. He is also a very caring and good father figure and stable partner to be with. He might be a player because of curiosity. But when he found the one his loyal heart will be for the only one. 
Love life:
Past: He is running away from all of the attention and the admires. Run away with his price but didn't expect that this price would affect his heart. 
Present: He is thinking about investing in her and wants something long term. Planting the seeds. 
Future: He is still a bit immature and doesn't really know how to give the person the right enough material offers, He might also be unsure to continue this relationship. He is still used to his old habit (getting a lot of attention from his admirers).
Outcome: He might be in trouble for not understanding the consequences if he is not able to change his habit. He might lose her or feel guilty or regret. Trying to change for the better but isn't fully committed to change yet.  That will be his lesson that he can't have both. Life will teach him to break free when he finds the one. 
Career reading for the group SF9
PAST: They had to deal with a struggle to feel left out in the cloud by their own agency. Feeling a little helpless sometimes. 
PRESENT: There is a sudden disruption. An unexpected change. Maybe a fight or disagreements and things. Confrontation. A new opportunity is going to be on the planning. Preparing for an album.
FUTURE: Planning new ideas in the future. Orientations. Acitvities.
OUTCOME: Open and generous energy. moving and working. The team needs to learn how to bring balance and be equal.  because I see some problems within some members or with a manager or mentor.
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sophygurl · 5 years
Adam/Gray parallels
One of the (many) things that I love about The Raven Cycle is how rich it is in character parallels. I have ideas going for parallels between Gansey and just about everyone; Blue with Maura, Calla, Ronan, Adam, and Gwen; Adam with Ronan and Persephone; Ronan with Kavinsky, Calla, Gray, and his father and brothers, Gray and Greenmantle, and more.
But I’m gonna start with Adam and Gray. Partially because it intrigues me the most, and partially because I did tell @sparkly-things I’d do a Gray-focused post months ago. (Also more Fox Way/Maura stuff. I swear I have so many things to say about this damned series I will never run out)
Okay, so Adam and Gray have a lot in common both on some obvious surfacey levels, but also some more hidden in-depth ones.
We can start with the big obvious one. They both come from dysfunctional families in which violence was inflicted on them regularly. 
With Adam, his father fills the classic abusive parent role. Adam has memories going back to early childhood of his father saying vile things about him when he didn’t even know he was listening, but Robert also regularly yelled at and beat Adam. Adam was made to feel worthless, always on edge for what the next excuse his dad might have to be angry with him about, and generally terrified of what might happen to him next.
With Gray, however, it’s his brother. And the abuse is less typical in his case, both because it comes from a sibling and because of the nature of it. His brother was a violent sociopath (I’m making the distinction here because not all sociopath’s are violent). Gray’s brother not only physically abused him, but tortured him and ensnared in games of torture of others. This left Gray feeling worthless, powerless, and always on edge waiting for the next horror. 
Both Adam and Gray experienced physical abuse and terror from a family member, but in addition to that - they also experienced familial neglect. Adam’s mother not only doesn’t intervene in his abuse, but encourages Adam to go along with it, accept culpability for it, and cover it up. We don’t know much about Gray’s family, but his parents either never saw what his brother was doing, which suggests a level of neglect, or they saw it but refrained from intervening or stopping the behavior. 
So both Adam and Gray grew up not only being terrorized both physically and emotionally from a family member, but ignored and allowed to continue to feel unsafe from at least one other family member. Neither of them had a family member to intervene, to comfort them, to tell them this wasn’t okay or normal.
In some ways, we can see Gray as a possible outcome for Adam if Adam hadn’t found Gansey and Ronan and the women of Fox Way when he did. And, in fact, we can see how both Adam and Gray are healed by interactions with these people. 
One thing both Adam and Gray have in common is their longing for a life other than the one they’re currently living. 
Adam is always dreaming of becoming his own man. The way Adam envisions this is by working hard, earning a good education, and eventually becoming rich enough to be able to leave his family and home behind. He doesn’t think in terms of love or friendship or family - it’s all about earning what he can on his own so that he can have the things that he sees other people having. He sees the Aglionby boys and thinks about how he can get the lives that they have. 
Gray, on the other hand, had at one point in time pursued an academic interest that he was passionate about, but felt forced to leave behind. He can’t even recall exactly how he became a hit man, but when he wants to feel better, he takes out the syllabus’s that have his published works on them - reminding himself of a better life.
Gray also becomes attached to Henrietta and to Fox Way very quickly. He begins to imagine a life there, one where it’s safe for him to be with Maura and be close to Blue and live in this small magical town. 
It takes Adam a little longer to feel attachment to this home because of it’s association with his parents. But eventually, due to his friends, and to Cabsewater’s influence, he starts to imagine a life for himself, too. And it’s no longer a life of being by himself surrounded by things he can now financially afford. It becomes about him and Ronan and Opal and the Barns and living in community with those he loves. 
So both men have a journey of understanding that it’s okay to want something for themselves, that they are capable of love and of being loved, and that happiness is actually achievable for them. Both of them begin by feeling solitary and alone, but both find love and community in the end. 
Both Adam and Gray also have to overcome quite a lot, psychologically, owing to their abusive families. Both men dissociate, for example. Gray talks about having gray days where he loses time and literally just gray’s out - not being awake or asleep. Adam uses Cabeswater as a way of dealing with his dissociativeness, allowing the forest to take some of his pain away, and learning how to have enough focus to come back again on his own. 
Both men have trust issues, understandably. Early on, we see how Adam is paranoid about other people knowing about their quest and taking it from them. Gray leaves his entire identity behind in order to escape from his brother. Both of them channel that paranoia into sharpness. They’re both very intuitive about other people’s motives and emotions, they’re both observant of their surroundings to the point of hypervigilance, they’re both insightful and clever in their thinking and capable of coming up with painstakingly thought out plans to achieve their goals - using all that they know about the world and the people they need to manipulate to make those plans perfect. 
But more than all of that, underneath all of the thinking and planning and careful observation - both men are inherently kind. Everyone copes and heals differently, but for both Adam and Gray, coming out of what they did made them able to sense other’s pain and gave them a desire to do something about that pain, when able.
I’m thinking of the way Gray drapes his coat over Blue when they’re sitting out on the patio missing Maura together. I’m thinking of the way Adam gives Opal his watch when he senses her fear about being left at Cabeswater. They both have a willingness to help others, and beyond even that, to sacrifice of themselves for others.
Despite Adam’s need for control over his own destiny, he sacrifices the use of his hands and his eyes to Cabeswater. Adam is someone who knows how much this will cost him, and he does it anyway. More than that, he learns how best to communicate with the forest and is willing to do what’s necessary to live up to that sacrifice. 
“When it came down to it, Adam had been making sacrifices for a very long time, and he knew what the hardest one was.”
So too, does Gray give up what he most wants for himself - a small quiet life with Maura - when he realizes that to keep Henrietta and everyone who lives there safe, he has to become the new head of the supernatural artifact business there. 
“He wanted to stay so badly, in this place where he had begun to put violence down. In this place where he’d learned how to feel again. In this place that he loved.”
Gray goes from being closed off to opening himself up to realizing he needs to make a sacrifice for what he loves. Adam makes his sacrifice earlier on, and it’s partially the consequences of that sacrifice that allow him to open himself up and to feel love. In this respect their journey’s don’t so much parallel one another. But in another way, they do again.
Gray has to leave behind the life he was starting to get attached to in Henrietta with Maura. But he wants to come back to it. He asks Maura “will I come back?” He doesn’t receive an answer, but the fact that he wants to, is open to, and is not closing back down entirely is an answer in itself. Gray sacrifices the life he wants, but not permanently. Gray is no longer giving himself up as someone else’s weapon. He’s making decisions for himself in the name of helping to make the world a little better.
Similarly, Adam is finally off to college, on his way to making the life for himself that he always dreamed of. To do this, he has to leave the Barns, has to leave Ronan behind. But he makes it clear - he’s coming back. 
So both Adam and Gray are learning that things don’t have to be such extremes, doors don’t have to close forever. They can leave, attend to other business, and come back ... come home.  
Another interesting parallel in the narrative between the two characters is in their tarot readings.
Adam draws the Two of Swords and Maura interprets it for him. It’s about a hard choice he has to make, about his ambition, about someone wanting him to make a choice that compromises his principals. She guesses his father, Persephone says she thinks it’s a brother. (We know he is torn between his father and Gansey, who is like a brother to him)
When he asks what choice to make, Maura further tells him there is no one right choice, just one he can live with, and that it might be a third option he hasn’t thought of yet. She tells him he’s an analytical thinker, that he’s learned to ignore his emotions, but that this isn’t a time for that. 
Later, when he’s forced to make a decision about where to live after the arrest of his father, when he’s trying to decide how and if to go against Gansey’s wishes regarding Cabeswater, he asks Blue for more advice concerning this reading. Her advice? “Keep being brave.”
Later than that, under Persephone’s guidance, he draws the Magician card for himself. 
Compare to Gray’s reading. He first picks up the Ten of Swords. Maura tells him that this is the end of the cycle, so good news for the Ten of Swords - this is the absolute worst it will get. He and Maura banter about him being the man with the swords in his back and her being one of the swords. 
Then, after playing the game with Maura, Calla, and Persephone for awhile, Persephone calls out for the King of Swords and predicts exactly where it will be in the deck. She says this is Gray’s card. The King of Swords is described as “master of his own emotions, master of his own intellect, master of reason.”
When asked, Maura explains that the card is powerful - strong, but impartial and cold. The King of Swords is good at making decisions based on facts and not emotions. Then both she and Calla admit that, when interpreting the card for Gray, they are picking up a sense of violence. This is when he admits he’s a hit man. 
Later, when he’s seeking guidance from Maura, he guesses this is his Ten of Swords moment. She advises him “You’re going to have to be brave.” He says “I’m always brave.” She replies “Braver than that.”
Later than that, he realizes that he wasn’t at the end of his cycle yet then - it was still getting worse for him. He remembers Maura telling him to be “braver than that”.
Okay, where am I going with all of this? 
First, both of them are given cards from the Swords suite (is it suites in tarot? whatever). Both are told by Maura that they are used to making decisions based on intellect instead of emotion, and that they’re going to have to change that when the going gets rough. Both are given a different card from Persephone (Adam chooses the Magician card on his own, but under her guidance - whereas P. gives Gray the King card). Both are given further instructions from a Sargent (Blue in Adam’s case, Maura in Gray’s) about bravery. Both characters are thinking of one situation, when the guidance is really about another (or about both). 
So we have Adam, the Magician, given the Two of Swords to help him understand that he needs to consult his emotions when making the difficult decision to 1) leave his parent’s home but also not run straight to Gansey’s and 2) make the pact with Cabeswater. 
And we have Gray, the King of Swords, given the Ten of Swords to help him understand that he needs to consult his emotions when making the difficult decision to 1) defy Greenmantle and 2) confront his brother head-on. (Interestingly, when he makes his sacrifice in the end, he thinks of it as becoming a king - just as when Adam makes his sacrifice to Cabeswater it’s about him becoming a magician)
Very similar journeys, these two. 
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rurulaura · 7 years
Chosen Children ZOdiac
Here is my own headcanons about the Chosen Children and the Zodiac signs they are. I know most people like to put one zodiac sign per kid. But I just couldn’t do that. 
Taichi - Aries - 
Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive
Aries likes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challenges, individual sports
“ Aries rules the head and leads with the head, often literally walking head first, leaning forwards for speed and focus. Its representatives are naturally brave and rarely afraid of trial and risk. They possess youthful strength and energy, regardless of their age and quickly perform any given tasks. “
Taichi was shown  a lot in Adventuer to be reckless and go head first into things without a second thought. Like when Sora is kidnapped by Nanomon, only then does that start his journey to think things through. But he still has the determination to finish things. Like in the latest movie, Symbiosis, he came to the decision to save Meicoomon, eveen if that meant killing her. Because he  trusted Meiko’s word. Despite protest from Yamato, he was driven to accomplish that. 
Yamato - Scorpio 
Strengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend
Weaknesses: Distrusting, jealous, secretive, violent
Scorpio likes: Truth, facts, being right, longtime friends, teasing, a grand passion
Scorpio dislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, passive people
“ Scorpio-born are passionate and assertive people. They are determined and decisive, and will research until they find out the truth. Scorpio is a great leader, always aware of the situation and also features prominently in resourcefulness. “
Taichi and Yamato commonly butt heads because they are so passionate in their beliefs. Yamato always tried to be rational and more realistic, while Taichi thought more emotionally what was best for everyone. 
Yamato was shown to get so jealous of Taichi that it caused a rift between the team later in Adventure. Yet, it was what brought them together.  Yamato still looks to take care of everyone when Taichi ‘dies’ in the end of Symbiosis. He is very much leader #2 in the group. 
Sora - Cancer
Strengths: Tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive
Weaknesses: Moody, pessimistic, suspicious, manipulative, insecure
Cancer likes: Art, home-based hobbies, relaxing near or in water, helping loved ones, a good meal with friends
Cancer dislikes: Strangers, any criticism of Mom, revealing of personal life” As children, they don't have enough coping and defensive mechanisms for the outer world, and have to be approached with care and understanding, for that is what they give in return. 
“ As children, they don't have enough coping and defensive mechanisms for the outer world, and have to be approached with care and understanding, for that is what they give in return. “
Sora is a hard person to read. She keeps all of her feelings to herself and it eventually consumes her, via the dark cave. As she grew to understand her Mom and Piyomon, she was able to help others in return. Even in tri. she is seen helping others get through their hard moments (Meiko and Mimi) and making sure everyone is happy, making food for everyone in the Digital world. Also calling everyone in Confession to make sure everyone is taking care of themselves. 
Mimi - Aquarius 
Strengths: Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian
Weaknesses: Runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof
Aquarius likes: Fun with friends, helping others, fighting for causes, intellectual conversation, a good listener
Aquarius dislikes: Limitations, broken promises, being lonely, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them
“ The biggest problem for Aquarius-born is the feeling that they are limited or constrained. Because of the desire for freedom and equality for all, they will always strive to ensure freedom of speech and movement. Aquarius-born have a reputation for being cold and insensitive persons, but this is just their defence mechanism against premature intimacy. They need to learn to trust others and express their emotions in a healthy way. “
In Adventure, Mimi hated having to fight, watching comrades die one after another. She even needed to leave the group to clear her head. But in the end she found her will to fight and even brought an army with her to help fight the Dark Masters. 
In tri. she is much more carefree and expressive. But it comes off as selfish because she’s not taking everyone’s thoughts into consideration. Feeling like she was being constrained bothered her to the point she wasn’t motivated to do the cafe anymore and didn't want to  trust her instincts to fight to get Meicoomon back. 
After realizing it’s ok to be a little loud, she continues to wow the group with her food creations. and wild bikini  party ideas
Koushirou - Virgo 
Strengths: Loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical
Weaknesses: Shyness, worry, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play
Virgo likes: Animals, healthy food, books, nature, cleanliness
Virgo dislikes: Rudeness, asking for help, taking center stage
“ Virgos are always paying attention to the smallest details and their deep sense of humanity makes them one of the most careful signs of the zodiac. Their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is left to chance, and although they are often tender, their heart might be closed for the outer world. This is a sign often misunderstood, not because they lack the ability to express, but because they won’t accept their feelings as valid, true, or even relevant when opposed to reason. The symbolism behind the name speaks well of their nature, born with a feeling they are experiencing everything for the first time. “
Koushirou has always been lost in his own thoughts, continuing to ramble on even if no one was listening. He takes pride in being able to find the answer to any solution. But loses face when he couldn’t find one. 
He is also very loyal to his friends, even putting himself below them. He calls everyone with “-san” even if they are younger than him. He has grown out of this and learn to even see people’s emotions and react to them more. But in tri., it was evident he struggled with giving himself some credit. 
Jou - Taurus 
Strengths: Reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable
Weaknesses: Stubborn, possessive, uncompromising
Taurus likes: Gardening, cooking, music, romance, high quality clothes, working with hands
“ Practical and well-grounded, Taurus is the sign that harvests the fruits of labor. They feel the need to always be surrounded by love and beauty, turned to the material world, hedonism, and physical pleasures. People born with their Sun in Taurus are sensual and tactile, considering touch and taste the most important of all senses. Stable and conservative, this is one of the most reliable signs of the zodiac, ready to endure and stick to their choices until they reach the point of personal satisfaction. “
Good ol’ Reliable Jou. He is the papa to the group like Sora is the Mama. Taking people’s health and safety into consideration, and even more so when he’s the oldest and must take responsibility. 
In tri. especially, he struggled to not see things from a realistic stance. Why couldn’t the other Chosen take care of the Digimon? Why did it have to be them again, when it was time ot be an adult? Jou learned to not be so strict with materialistic views. 
Takeru - Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor
Weaknesses: Promises more than can deliver, very impatient, will say anything no matter how undiplomatic
Sagittarius likes: Freedom, travel, philosophy, being outdoors
Sagittarius dislikes: Clingy people, being constrained, off-the-wall theories, details
“Sagittarius is extrovert, optimistic and enthusiastic, and likes changes. Sagittarius-born are able to transform their thoughts into concrete actions and they will do anything to achieve their goals.Like the other fire signs, Sagittarius needs to be constantly in touch with the world to experience as much as possible. The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the largest planet of the zodiac. Their enthusiasm has no bounds, and therefore people born under the Sagittarius sign possess a great sense of humor and an intense curiosity.“
Takeru may be young in Adventure, but it didn’t stop him from being maniplutive and playful when he had to. To get away from Puppetmon, it was a great show of his quick thinking and playful behavior. Then in 02 he disliked Daisuke’s ideas that they couldn’t possibly hurt MetalGreymon. Takeru understood there was no other way.
In tri. his sense of humor and teasing is showcased. He always says inappropriate things at inappropriate times. It’s to change the subject, but let’s be honest, he’s a little shit. Even so, he is still to help and give a hand. Still trying to protect Hikari all these years. 
Hikari - Pisces 
Strengths: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical
Weaknesses: Fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr
Pisces likes: Being alone, sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, spiritual themes
Pisces dislikes: Know-it-all, being criticized, the past coming back to haunt, cruelty of any kind
“Pisces are very friendly, so they often find themselves in a company of very different people. Pisces are selfless, they are always willing to help others, without hoping to get anything back.”
Hikari has always been the one to harbor bad feelings onto herself. Even when it’s not her fault, HIkari always blames herself. Something that Taichi knows of and destroys him knowing he almost killer her once. 
Her soft and altruistic is what causes her to be so vulnerable, so much so that it’s taken advantage of in tri. to create a monster and target the real world. Her vulnerability in 02 led her to the Dark Ocean, and her anguish escalated in seeing her brother die, creating a fusion to destroy the real world. 
Daisuke - Leo 
Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous
Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible
Leo likes: Theater, taking holidays, being admired, expensive things, bright colors, fun with friends
Leo dislikes: Being ignored, facing difficult reality, not being treated like a king or queen
“People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. There is a specific strength to a Leo and their "king of the jungle" status. Leo often has many friends for they are generous and loyal. Self-confident and attractive, this is a Sun sign capable of uniting different groups of people and leading them as one towards a shared cause, and their healthy sense of humor makes collaboration with other people even easier. “
Daisuke strives for Hikari’s heart and Taichi’s admiration. When the group gets beat down, it’s him that picks the pieces up and comes back stronger than before. He knows how to cheer his friends up and cheer them on. He does have his down times, losing face when people ignore him  and laugh at him. But it doesn’t take long her him to make a come back. 
He learned to be patient with Ken, that trying to force him into the group wouldn’t work. That Ken needed time. There were times that he refused to listen to anyone else, that his way was the only way. His stubbornness has been good and bad. He almost got Vmon killed because he didn’t want to fight an infected MetalGreymon, but on the flip side. He refused to back down against BelialVamdemon, which led to victory in the end.   
Miyako - Gemini
Strengths: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas
Weaknesses: Nervous, inconsistent, indecisive
Gemini likes: Music, books, magazines, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around the town
Gemini dislikes: Being alone, being confined, repetition and routine\
“ Expressive and quick-witted, Gemini represents two different personalities in one and you will never be sure which one you will face. They are sociable, communicative and ready for fun, with a tendency to suddenly get serious, thoughtful and restless. They are fascinated with the world itself, extremely curious, with a constant feeling that there is not enough time to experience everything they want to see. “
Miyako quick witted mind has saved the kids in several situations. The Big House Episode with Arukenimon is a great demonstration of that. She was able to use a big computer to switch the audio around to make the Digimon go back to normal. 
But she has had her moments where she got a head of herself and almost got herself killed. She had to learn to slow down a little and think things through. She wasn’t sure how to feel about Ken after he turned good. Or even to beat him when they found out Ken was the Kaiser in the first place. ]
Iori - Capricorn
Strengths: Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers
Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst
Capricorn likes: Family, tradition, music, understated status, quality craftsmanship
Capricorn dislikes: Almost everything at some point
“ Capricorn is a sign that represents time and responsibility, and its representatives are traditional and often very serious by nature. These individuals possess an inner state of independence that enables significant progress both in their personal and professional lives. They are masters of self-control and have the ability to lead the way, make solid and realistic plans, and manage many people who work for them at any time. They will learn from their mistakes and get to the top based solely on their experience and expertise. “
Iori was always the serious one even at such a young age. Determined to follow every word that his late Dad taught him and follow his lead. He saw the world as black and white. All good was good and all evil was evil. 
But he grew to learn there was a difference. That even though Ken once did so many awful things, he could still be a good person. Or that his dad was friends with Oikawa who was now doing terrible things. It showed him there was a lot of grey in that world of black and white. 
Ken - Scorpio 
Strengths – Although it can sometimes be hard even for Scorpios to accept this fact, their greatest strength is their sensitivity. While many Scorpios hide from their own emotions, not knowing what to do with their intensity and depth, when they find a way to regenerate and forgive those that hurt them, they become amazing healers, psychologists, partners and friends.
Weaknesses – Once they do get hurt, this pain goes too deep and they have the urge to turn to vengeance, often becoming filled with hate and anger. These emotions can get destructive, to others and themselves, and their true challenge is to accept them as normal and usual, in order to set free and turn to the future instead of staying buried in the past.
Ken was faced with hatred of his brother when people constantly praised Osamu, but never recognized his accomplishments. He soon grew vengeful and wished for his brother to disappear, when it actually happened it affected him greatly, to the point the dark spore and influence from Oikwawa made him into a different person. 
After Ken comes to his senses, he is greeted with such grief that he even wants to end his life at one point. The whole second half of the series is him learning to forgive himself and not let his past ruin him. 
Meiko - Virgo
Strengths – Virgo is considered the most intelligent sign in the zodiac, as the place where Mercury is exalted. They are in fact truly practical and smart when it comes to everyday issues. Analytical and deep, their greatest strength is their mind at they should use it to resolve matters of life that obviously present to them for a reason. Clean and thorough, a Virgo will make everything that was broken, tainted or spoiled, clean, fixed and working again. This is why they are often found as healers, for some Virgos have a talent to fix broken hearts, souls, egos or bodies.
Weaknesses – the greatest weakness of any Virgo hides in their emotional world. While they rely on their mind to give them all the answers they seek, lack of understanding can lead them to hurtful, irrational experiences that they simply don’t understand. They need to accept their fragility, sensitivity and approach matters of the heart as valid, important and sensible. The other weakness these individuals have to face is lack of awareness of their self-worth, shown through their need to always think less of themselves, as if they cannot do anything that is satisfying enough.
For years Meiko had been hiding shame and resentment of herself under a veil of shyness. She thought she could control Meicoomon, as long she was there, Meicoomon wouldn’t go berserk. 
When she realized Meicoomon was the source of the infection that caused her friends so much suffering, she kept blaming herself, even running away. She felt she had no right to be around the DIgimon or her friends. 
Even with the reassurance of the others, it was hard to have faith in herself and to think good things about herself. To see what was good in her. 
Meiko has shown to use what she learned from everyone else to help in her goals. Reiterating SOra’s words back to her, and having to come to the conclusion that ultimately, her partner would have to die in order to save both worlds. Despite the harshness of the decision, Meiko still very much loves Meicoomon 
Daigo - Sagittarius
Strengths – Sagittarius is an adventurer, both physically and mentally. People born in this Sun sign have a broad mind and they are able to change perspective with ease, until they find the right version of words spoken, events or reasons for anything they want to examine. Highly adjustable and with a deep understanding for different people, nations, countries, governments and in general – ways of life, they blend in perfectly with the natives, wherever they are. They need enough space, don’t want to be contained in their home, by their partner or in any other way. Movement will fill up their batteries, energize them and make them confident and strong. Independent, optimistic and sincere, this is a friend you want in your life, especially if you need someone to help you find hope or a purpose to anything that troubles you.
Weakness – The greatest weakness of Sagittarius is their inability to find focus. With such a broad vision, it is not easy to pay too much attention to details, be practical and narrow down their sentences to be understandable and unambiguous. As a consequence of their faith in the goodness of human kind, these individuals will often end up disappointed or challenged, and their faith has to be built up from a point of deep understanding, or they have a tendency to turn into inflexible, grumpy people who had high hopes, once.
Daigo is very laid back and cares deeply for the people around him. So deeply he doesn’t see the big picture and how destructive Maki’s suffering actually was. He tried to be the hope she desperately needed, but couldn’t help her. 
As his time as a Chosen Child, he was the leader of the group, and probably was their hope in many desperate situations.  
He teaches Calligraphy as his part time job and helps Taichi to find a good career path for him to take. 
Maki - Capricorn
Strengths – The greatest strengths of a Capricorn are his ambition, discipline and patience. With their ability to plan ahead and think of all necessary steps in their chase for a certain goal, they are often successful in their career path. Reliable and dedicated, these individuals often have trouble opening up to other people, but become trustworthy and stable in a relationship once they decide to be a part of it. With their endurance and patience, there is hardly anything that seems impossible.
Weaknesses – While they set extremely high goals for themselves, they often do so without the proper basis in their hearts. If they separate from their emotional needs and stay focused mainly on the image they will show to the rest of the world, they easily become unsatisfied, grumpy, and even angry at their circumstances, however successful they might get. The lack of compassion that comes as a product of their own, personal lack of satisfaction, leads to them becoming cold, distant and detached from others, while selfishly pursuing their goals with no regard to other people along the way. Their direction needs to be founded in their true personality, creativity and their hearts, in order for the rest of their life to have true quality.
Maki had plans of a reboot since University years and saw an opportunity to turn her plan into action with Meicoomon and eventually “Gennai’s” help. She carefully thought of the plans and actions in hand in order for the plan to work. 
But one thing she didn’t foresee was what the reboot could mean other than reviving perma dead Digimon.  Bakumon not remembering her then running away caused her to snap.  The circumstances caused her to have an emotional break and end up in the Dark Ocean, begging for Bakumon to come back to her. 
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tavrosian-disaster · 7 years
Headcanons About Hiveswap Classpects
Yes, yes, I know that they aren’t playing Sburb/Sgrub and that Classpects will likely play no role what-so-ever in Hiveswap/Hauntswitch, but still, I can’t help but analyze.
Here’s a hecka long post about why I think these Classpects fit our four main characters. (I directly use the classpect analyses by @dahniwitchoflight​ here and I have added my own thoughts and opinions in (italicized parentheses), so, there’s that.)
Also, spoilers ahead! Read at your own risk!
Joey: Sylph of Life: One who Invites Creation of Life or one who Invites Creation through Life
Sylphs will calmly, analytically and happily give their opinion all about their Aspect. They meddle, healing or fixing any lack of it they notice. (Joey is extremely enthusiastic about healing and helping, and she herself has noting that loves “especially the healing.”) Their challenge is act upon their opinions instead of waiting by the sidelines
A Sylph of Life is one who definitely encourages the people around to live and grow and enjoy the life they are given and live it to the fullest of their ability! (Having experienced negative emotions herself, she is dead set on telling Xefros that he is brave and kind and all about how worthwhile he is.) They have an infectious kind of joyous energy about them and often have large domineering personalities. (Boy, yes.) They might have all kinds of ideas and suggestion for how to live life to the fullest and often try to get their friends and family to join in these things and activities with them. They always have a cheerful suggestion to offer, or a comfort food, or a cute plant or any number of cuddly animals they found wandering in the streets. (This is so Joey, don’t talk to me if you disagree.) They have this pure optimism and confidence and willingness to help others achieve the happiness that they have.
They also have an enormous power or strength, being unafraid to break down walls (literally and figuratively) pick you up from your depressed state and slap some joy and happiness into you. (Again; Joey and Xefros’ ending conversation in Act 1.)  They’ll physically pick you up and shake the sad out of you, like GET A GRIP YOU. They are also very effective in their optimistic methods and very efficient at creating possibilities or luxuries that the sad person cannot resist. They always have an answer or possible solution to your problem or “oh maybe you should try this? Have you thought about this? What about this?” And may not know when to quit and just mind their own business.
On the other side though they will not hesitate to tell you that they think you are enjoying yourself the wrong way and really you should do it the way the Sylph of Life would do it. They can get pretty picky about the details in this respect. Maybe they will share something that they enjoy very much with you, like a song or a TV show, and if you blink at the wrong part or talk through another or just plain don’t enjoy it the way the Sylph does they can get pretty stubborn about it and ask all kinds of questions and try to get to the very root of WHY you don’t like it? “Its amazing, it has all these good points etc.,” and may try to force you to enjoy it over and over and over until you admit its actually pretty good. (Joey seems this way towards a lot of Jude’s interests. “Why are into this? It’s not something I’m into, so I don’t get it.” i.e. Pogs, conspiracies, guns, his “pet”, etc.)
Jude: Heir of Space: One who Invites Manipulation of Space or one who Invites Manipulation through Space
Heirs naturally gravitate towards their Aspect or unconsciously seek it out. (It is heavily hinted at that Jude discovered the pieces/blueprints for and built the portal. I wonder how he came to this discovery, and why he choose to assemble it?) They huge amounts of Aspect related strength as well. Their challenge is to not get stuck on one thing, to know when to move on and adapt.
An Heir of Space would have a very strong sense of intuition and precision. (Jude is very detailed about his plans, even though it comes off as a playful act. And his intuition is off the charts and helped Joey a lot throughout the first part of Act 1.) They unconsciously seek out and gravitate towards the origin of things that interest them. They want to know how and when and where it all started. They are very likely to be history buffs due to this. (Conspiracy nerds double as history buffs often. And Jude is very fixated on the origin of things, thus his interest in conspiracies; they work with potential reasons for unsolved or mysterious events. And Jude wants to know all about it.) They may seek out art or fashion because it interests them, or they may have fixations on strange objects they find and wonder where they came from. (Absolutely Jude, just look at his tree house.)
They flit from interest to interest, being very changeable and impatient in nature, and nothing probably holds their interest for too long before they move onto the next thing. They may even wonder about the origin of abstract concepts like legends and myths and ancient stories. (Fits in with his interest in conspiracy theories again.) They may be very easily manipulated by others egging them on with rewards of their favorite object or obsession. They might even be manipulated by their random and changeable nature making them very willing to try new things.
They tend to like to share their varied and changeable interests with others as well. They are naturally very impatient with those not willing to try new things and may use their stubbornness to let others be manipulated, kind of like going “well if you’re not going to do it or listen to me then HMMPH to you! *crosses arms and looks angry*” cue adorable guilt trip. (Literally Jude. He is extremely passionate that Joey listen and believe him and everything he says. Even if it is a little silly sounding.) They might be small physically and easily pushed around, or easily led into anything that seems new or fun. It brings to mind the image of a child with a passionate hobby or a small socially awkward bookish nerd. (JUDE.)
Xefros: Page of Time: One who Invites Exploitation of Time or one who Invites Exploitation through Time
Pages start with a deficit in their Aspect that they confidently overcome through obvious overcompensation. (Literally doesn’t have enough time to work on his sports, music, and butler training.) Their challenge is to keep at it, even if they fail and the journey is slow, for they become the strongest players. (I want to note that Xefros’ lusus is a literal sloth and also that his theme was specifically noted as “plodding”)
A Page of Time would then actually like they totally got a grip on Time, when they really don’t. They may act like they understand the concepts of fate and destiny, but will more than likely be a little off. They may try very hard to seem to be patient and understanding when really you can see they feel impatient and don’t understand. (Makes very clear remarks about being confused about a lot of concepts Dammek has taught him and also gets a little irked on occasion with Joey during their first interaction.) Pages at first give the impression that they’re not really trying hard enough to get the obvious stuff, even if they are. They might have horrible singing or musical skills, but be totally convinced that they’re actually pretty good. (Xefros makes a comment that Dammek’s mic gift might have been a hint that his voice wasn’t that good. He also mentions that Dammek probably wouldn’t let him compete in a deadly singing competition without the autotune mic, probably because, he would likely not win, and thus, be culled. Yet still, Xefros is very much into his singing.)
They might at first not grasp the concept that eventually everything ends or leaves or goes away sometime. They may even have very bad instincts about things and even bad memories. (This boy has bad instincts; he thinks being under a pile of rubble is “ok” and, honestly? I’m surprised he wasn’t frightened of Joey being an alien, the boy really is too trusting. Speaking of! Xefros even says Dammek said he “needs to stop being so trusting.”) They might let their own fates or destinies be used against them. (Seems pretty hung up on being stuck as a Rustblood and is overall compliant with whatever Dammek wants him to do. He doesn’t put much effort into control over his destiny.) Pages of Time may be a bit over destructive in their attempt to overcompensate for not really knowing when the right Time to strike really is. (I have a feeling his whole ‘putting the batteries into the portal without being explictly asked to by Dammek’ may be a good example of Xefros’ poor timing and how he is prone to jump the gun. Also, how he immediately jumps to conclusions a lot in his and Joey’s conversation.) Picture someone playing whack-a-mole, constantly missing and saying ‘I got this! I got this!’ unintentionally destroying things in their one-track minded attempt to win. (He has too many burdens to handle and not enough hands.)
They might be totally convinced by someone using horribly fake fortune telling bullshit that their destiny was one thing, and then head towards it full speed ahead destroying their chance at their real destiny. (Xefros going blindly along with Dammek’s endeavors at teaching him butlery and even getting him into their band, pulling away from his true interest, cueball and sports.) Their challenge is pretty straightforward, don’t be discouraged and practice makes perfect. (“Practice makes adequate. That’s the Burgundy way.”) Pages have the unique ability to keep trying without really getting discouraged even its obvious their failing horribly no matter what they do, but eventually all that practice and failure is going to make them masters of their Aspect. (Xefros might be overly anxious and concerned, but Lord knows this child doesn’t necessarily seem discouraged. He’s pretty brave despite his submissiveness!)
(Also, the boy has a lot of Dave Strider references in his home. You know, Dave Strider? Knight of Time?)
Dammek: Prince of Breath: One who Destroys with Breath or Destroys Breath
Princes ghost their opposite Aspects as they destroy theirs. (The opposite of Breath is Blood. Dammek is all for communism it seems, which definitely more adhering to Blood- groups and connections- than Breath- indivualism and freedom. What a way to start this analysis: Alien Communism.) .They are violently stubborn pessimistic people that stop at nothing to reach their goals. Their challenge is to not destroy themselves along their destructive path. (We don’t know enough about him yet, but from context clues, Dammek seems to be a stubborn individual and also headstrong and a natural born leader. A leader with a bit of a narrow view. Not to mention paranoia can often lead to pessimistic viewpoints.)
A Prince of Breath would ghost Blood as they destroy Breath. (Dammek is very attached to keeping Xefros attached to him. He’s all about connections and Blood, and not so much freedom and Breath. I mean, the dude has cameras in Xefros’ room, he definitely doesn’t acknowledge personal space. This is probably due in turn to his paranoia, and he is likely paranoid about being left alone I imagine, so this may be why he is so set on keeping eyes on Xefros and on keeping him at his side.) They might be passionate and committed to some cause or purpose and would very stubbornly focus on some sort of single-minded goal. (The rebellion.) They are good at using their connections they have as a means to an end and can be very good at working as a team with a group of people. (Using Xefros to a bit of an overreaching extent. You took his hoverpad and re-painted it as your own, man.) They are very stubborn people like I mentioned before, always making sure they do what they want, being simultaneously committed to their pursuits and unwilling to let anyone hold them back from them. (This will probably prove to be true in Hauntswitch.) But in this way they can also be somewhat reliable in the sense that they are predictable in what course of action they are likely to take and when.
Just as easily as they work with others, they can instantly separate themselves to move forward in their own goals as they deem it necessary. I can see them being very flexible fast moving fighters, dancing twisting and jabbing at opponents from every angle with their own bodily strength. They can also be good at trapping others, or binding them together in attachments or obligations towards them, creating a mutual interdependence with everyone involved. (Well, he’s certainly made Xefros feel extremely dependent and hopelessly attached to him, that’s for sure. The poor boy sounds like he has a hard time figuring out what to do without him.) They can destroy a person’s sense of uncaring and apathy and make them passionate about a cause, likely the same one they are passionate about. (Making Xefros engaged in the rebellion and in playing a role in their band. Though Xefros does indeed seem to enjoying singing, it was very clear that he started it because Dammek made him get into it. “It’s important to be invested in your friend’s interests” is a direct line from the narrator in Xefros’ room.) They can be very inflexible people but also very good at uniting a group of people under the same cause, the same banner.
Their stubborn single-minded borderline selfish causes can also leave them disconnected and indifferent to the concerns or influence of other people. They might even become apathetic to anything not directly related to their cause. (Dammek seems very much like he cares about Xefros, but unfortunately, there is a lot of proof that he is very negligent about Xefros as well, and is ignorant to things affecting Xefros that don’t affect him as well. From context clues, he seems to be a little bit selfish.) Going too far with these Breathy ideals can leave a Prince of Breath in danger of being caught up in the whirlwind of their own feverish daydreams and goals. If they aren’t careful, they might end up being destroyed themselves by Breath, by all the options they have, all the immaterial things that don’t yet exist but just maybe could one day if they push hard enough. (Once again, we really don’t know enough about the guy, but I feel like, just from context clues alone, this is a very likely candidate for Dammek’s personality.)
So yeah! That’s my analysis on how the kids fit the classpects I headcanon them as having! Thank you for reading this and thank you @dahniwitchoflight​ for your hard work and your own analyses that I used as a basis!
If you guys have anything to contribute, such as other key points, quotes, etc.) or if you just wanna share you’re OWN opinion on classpect headcanons, please Ask or Message me! I love conversing and sharing ideas!
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ncmagroup · 6 years
 Fearless Motivation
Friedrich Nietzsche was an influential German philosopher, widely known for his unconventional ideas about morality and religion.
Although his ideas were controversial among the traditional thinkers, he showed people the true nature of life and how individuals can shape their future with independent thought. No matter how young, rich, or happy you are, Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy will have a lasting impact on your mind.
Here are the 21 greatest Friedrich Nietzsche quotes to change your life for the better:
1.  That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
If you think life is hard, keep going. Don’t seek an easy life, seek strength. Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy often stresses the fact that one must be fearless, take risks, and face adversities to get the fruits of life. Because there’s no greatness without pain and sacrifice.
2. He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
To fight terrorism, soldiers have to become ruthless themselves. Similarly, if you face adversity in life, make sure it doesn’t make you heartless and cold, unable to show kindness toward the weak.
3. He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
If you have an incredibly meaningful purpose, you won’t give up no matter how tough it gets. Purpose gives us meaning and stirs our emotions. And when our emotions are stirred, we have endless energy. Among all Friedrich Nietzsche quotes, this one stands apart.
4. In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs, it is the rule.
Individuals often know how life works and what the truth really is. But tragedy happens when a large number of people believe the lies. For example, a large number of people buy products sold by corporations that have no regard for the health of their customers.
5. How little it takes to make us happy! The sound of a bagpipe. Without music, life would be a mistake. The German even imagines God as singing songs.
People often chase money and things, when all it takes to be happy is music and a good company. It’s not bad to be materialistic, but it’s bad to use it as the only way to happiness.
6. One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
Everyone has fears, doubts, and anxieties. But it is out of the same darkness that they create something new and extraordinary. So don’t hate your darkness, accept it, and work with it.
7. You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
There is no golden way to success. Something may work for your friend, but not for you. You need to learn from your mistakes and trust your gut, to create your own path. This is one of the greatest Friedrich Nietzsche quotes as it shows that there is no secret ingredient to success.
8. There are no facts, only interpretations.
You don’t need to know the big truths of life, but you need to know the truths that apply to you. It is important to learn about life from our own perspective and know that there’s nothing as the absolute truth.
9. The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.
If you cannot expand your mind and listen to people who think differently from you, you’ll never grow. It’s important to listen to new opinions and take new experiences so that we can become better.
10. There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
People often become unrealistic in love, conjuring dreamy scenarios of romance in their minds. But at the same time, everyone loves the same madness no matter how silly it seems. This is one of the best Friedrich Nietzsche quotes because it shows how important craziness is if you want to feel the beauty of love.
11. Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truths than lies. 
Keeping firm opinion about something means that you aren’t willing to change and expand. But change is the nature of life, so always question things and expect them to change over time.
12. And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn’t hear the music.
In life, some people will love your work and your creativity, and others will hate it. Just because some can’t see your light doesn’t mean you should stop shining.
13. The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously.
Safety is the biggest illusion sold by people who never lived it in the first place. You need to take risks and get out of your shell to live an extraordinary life. Meet new people, travel to new places, try new and bizarre ideas in your work, relationships, and physique – because it’s an absolute pleasure to create something entirely new.
14. Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings-always darker, emptier and simpler.
A thought is like the tip of the iceberg. If you want to see the truth, dig deeper. Your emotions reveal much more than thoughts, they form your life experiences and give meaning to them.
15. No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone.
Everybody wants to find the magic pill for success. The truth is that it doesn’t exist. You need to build your own path by making mistakes and relying on your intuition.
16. He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of living creatures.
Learn how to control your mind and discipline yourself, or the world will do it for you. There are plenty of people who have great talents but turn out average because they don’t have the determination to create something great.
17. A sedentary life is the real sin against the Holy Spirit. Only those thoughts that come by walking have any value.
Humans were never made to sit all day and use technology. Scientific research has revealed that walking improves human creativity by 60 percent. Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy reveals the true nature of how our mind works, so walk more and you’ll have a great mind.
18. No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. 
Don’t sell your soul by doing the work you hate for someone else. Own yourself and do what you have always wanted to do because you live only once. Among all Friedrich Nietzsche quotes, this one really stands out as it shows nothing is worth selling your own dreams.
19. Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed. 
You can only help a person who wants to be helped. People often avoid truths because they don’t want to leave their comfort zone. But if you never face the truth, how will you ever overcome adversity and win over your fears?
20. I was in darkness, but I took three steps and found myself in paradise. The first step was a good thought, the second, a good word; and the third, a good deed.
Don’t be scared if life has been knocking you down. You just need to think right, speak right, and do right. Research done by Robert Cialdini, a psychology professor, shows that if you change your behavior, you also change how you feel. So, to feel unafraid, do what a brave person would do. The core idea is: “act and you will become”.
21. You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame. How could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?
You must be willing to look at your problems, your fears, your darkness; to rise above them and become stronger. If you just keep staring at problems and keep feeling bad, you will reach nowhere. This is one of the greatest Friedrich Nietzsche quotes as it shows us that problems are not inherently bad, it is your attitude that makes them bad.
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21 Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes That’ll Change The Way You Think  Fearless Motivation Friedrich Nietzsche was an influential German philosopher, widely known for his unconventional ideas about morality and religion.
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
21 Days: What are Ryder’s personality traits? Describe 5 strengths and 5 flaws.
Claire Ryder is very friendly, as in she wants to be your friend even though you just met. She’s the girl that makes friendship bracelets and hot cocoa for everyone. Very protective as well, if you talk shit or take down one of her squadmates she will literally hunt you to the ends of the planet. Claire is super family oriented and goes out of her way to take care of them, trying to fill the role her mother left open (lets be real she's so dead, or missing, or whatever). Very goal driven, nothing is left hanging or undone, whether it be a mission, a favor or just something that fits into her routine. But most of all she is creative, and not in the artsy sense, she can't even draw a stick figure. Claire is the MacGyver of space babies, if she's pinned down by the Kett she can use a rubber band and a bone from Drack's armor to get them out and blow up the entire base.
Alternatively her friendliness causes her to be over trusting or leave her open to having her feelings hurt. Hence Papa Ryder putting her through tough love hell. Claire is also a burden handler, when something is wrong she finds a way to put it all on her own shoulders which stresses her out endlessly. She has anxiety, and when Christian's cryopod gets messed up it made her very unprepared during the first mission. Which leads into her other flaw, she hates not being in control of a situation. It irks her really bad when she feels powerless or following orders, it is fortunate she became Pathfinder. And finally, Claire questions everything. This isn't always bad but it can be.
Jericho Ryder is everyone's cool big brother. He was born five minutes before Cass so he just inwardly considers himself one even though they're twins. But this extends to everyone he comes in contact with. Jericho is very self confident of himself, he knows his capabilities and he takes pride in what he has accomplished. It is hard to get him down. Meaning he is also mentally and emotionally resilient, no backhanded snide remarks bother him. If anything he finds them amusing. Jericho is an excellent leader, direct and to the point without risking the admiration of his crew whom he also sees as his friends. Finally he is also a joker. Even Jaal gets the humor, most of the time.
On the down side all that bravado makes Jericho arrogant at times. When you go so long having everything go your way it is a real punch in the gut to think you're wrong. Leading into his second negative trait, he hates being wrong, in fact he hates it so much he rejects it until it gets heated. When he is mad Jericho can be very cold and distant, wanting little or nothing to do with anyone until he has calmed down. More often than not he works off intuition and not logic, which has gotten him in trouble many times. Finally he is extremely awkward around women he likes, meaning Cora. He still can't help but see her as his commanding officer and him the son of the Pathfinder.
Astrea Ryder is extremely intelligent, straight A's in the best school on the Citadel smart. She's very peaceful and is the type of friend to make flower crowns for everyone on board while still able to keep the flowers alive and healthy. Very bookish and soaks in knowledge like a sponge, going to Andromeda is such a big deal for her because Astrea gets to immerse herself in a new world with new concepts and lifeforms. She's the type of person to stop and try to talk to animals, every life means something to her. Call her empathetic or a flower child. Finally she's very open minded and tries to see things from both sides of the spectrum, she won't just side with someone cause she might be more fond of them.
Astrea is very introverted and hates confrontation. Some days she'd like to recede from civilization and just sit with her digital pad and read articles while eating chocolate. She also has anxiety with being Pathfinder, it is way too much pressure on someone like her but she knows her duty and tries to keep her loved ones in mind. Astrea can also be a bit of an ass when it comes to believing things. She won't accept anything without the proper sources to back it up. Don't ever say 'did you hear that-” because she will want to know how you heard it, and how that person knows until you realize it was either a rumor or fictional to begin with. Oh, she's very spiteful. She has a tattoo just to rebel against Alec, also lots of eyeliner. Astrea can be rather emotional, cry at the drop of a hat. Even if it seems trivial to others.
Siren Ryder is very outgoing and vivacious. The world is her oyster and boy does she love sea food. She can come off as annoying but that annoying usually catches onto others and becomes that nifty little quirk everyone can't deny they love about her. If it isn't already obvious Siren is a major people person, she can't thrive without being surrounded by others. A real life of the party. She acts like the big sister to just about everyone, willing to get in the face of someone who has wronged her squad and intimidate them. Finally she has this soft inner core hidden within her spunky attitude that she rarely shows but when she does, you know you're special to her.
On the flip side she is very antagonistic with her family, especially Alec. But there is some sibling rivaly with Seth too. Siren is very careless and will take the fun dangerous route instead of the safe logical method, as long as everyone makes it out in one piece what's the harm? Siren has a bad temper that can and will get her in a lot of trouble, that is for sure. She can be slightly selfish but only because her mind works things out with how she wants things to be before considering others. Last but not least she hates following orders, her whole childhood was living beneath Alec and Ellen's rules, now that she is an adult she hates having others demand things of her.
Maxson Ryder is honest, that is his key trait. He refuses to lie to anyone about anything. He is very outspoken and won't let something pass by the radar if he doesn't like it. He's a fantastic puzzle solver, his sister jokes that in a former life he was either a detective or the record holder for most rubix cubes solved in one minute. Maxson is very well spoken and persuasive when the fighting stops and rules/plans have to be put in motion, swerving them to favor his own interests. Not sure what the word for this is but Maxson will put himself in a risky situation before others. For example when they were kids he climbed up a tree with no certain way to get down in order to grab Kenna's kite, knowing he'd rather be the one in harms way than her.
On the other hand his honesty can be harsh. Blunt during times when a nice little white lie would have been preferable to the truth. He can become absorbed in what he is doing and become somewhat neglectful. He likes to be in control of every situation, as programmed in by his parents, and becomes edgy when he isn't. Maxson is known to push himself too far for the sake of his responsibilities and exhaust himself, as well as expect the same amount of effort from others. And he's a huge perfectionist. If things aren't on par and above he deems it all a failure.
Rey Ryder is very chill, she wants no trouble but doesn't mind ending it. She likes art and immerses herself in the culture of it, she's super curious as to what kind the new worlds have waiting. Rey is very analytical and likes to understand things about mortality, such as those conversations you can have with SAM about the meaning of life. She is a huge mama's girl and since Ellen has been gone she's tried to fill a role at least for herself, Lincoln doesn't need it and Alec sure doesn't want it. Rey is a huge animal lover and volunteered her free time to them on Earth in shelters. Her favorites were the pyjaks.
Rey can be spiteful, going out of her way no matter the task to bite back at people she feels wronged by. Such as getting several tattoos and telling Alec about them. She's not wholly accepting of views she deems unworthy even if they mean a lot to the other person. If it sounds dumb to her it is dumb. Rey is possessive of people and tends to like to be the center of attention. But most of all she is extremely intimidating. When she does get angry few forget it, and due to her RBF, everyone is convinced she's mad 24/7
Remy Ryder is dedicated to his sister, she is his #1 best friend and confidant in the world. He's very good with guns and has the record for disassembling and reassembling one in under fifteen seconds. Remy is very athletic, works out once a day and eats like a rabbit with the appetite of a large wolf, aesthetic driven. He tries to help everyone he can since he has a sensitive conscience, he thinks if he doesn't help no one will. His biggest strength is trying to work with others in any way possible, as in he will figure out how best to help someone whether it be talking it out, going a few rounds in the gym or shooting cans with lasers.
On the other hand he is very self conscious and worried about his image, he can be irritable and say things he doesn't mean. Remy can put himself in places people don't need or want him while trying to be helpful towards them. Sometimes he just does things at the last minute and rushes it having forgotten it. He's more likely to lie and say he didn't do something to skirt blame, or come up with an excuse as to why it happened.
Lexa Ryder is loyal to the bone, if you trust her she won't let you down or turn her back on you. She's very compassionate and flirtatious even though she's never had a boyfriend/girlfriend. Lexa is very brave, few things scare her and rather than fear she will get this rush of excitement. She's a walking talking lie detector, you literally can not lie to her and her not know it. She does yoga and meditation to keep herself healthy and centered, Cade refuses to join her in this.
Loyalty can be to a fault, there are times you have to draw the line or your choices conflict how something has gone down. Her flirtatious nature has gotten her into some confusing situations, but she just loves doing it. Lexa can be judgmental and see the outside before thinking about who someone is behind the cover. A little over dramatic when she feels overwhelmed and prone to throwing things when displeased.
Gage Ryder always tries to give back. When she was little her mom gave her a birthday present and in return she gave Ellen a bunch of flowers from the neighbors garden. She's always open to new things from food to, oh you know, going to a new galaxy. She's a jack of all trades, knows a little about a lot of things. She puts effort into how she looks to make herself feel good and Gage has a very soothing singing voice that you can hear when she thinks she is alone.
However Gage can be a bit of a brat, she tends to take her wild teasing too far and ends up hurting feelings or making someone mad. She can be lazy if the activity or chore doesn't hold any endgame value. Her pride in her looks has made her arrogant and rather obsessed with what people think of her
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metafinnwinchester · 8 years
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Task 12: Muse Booster
Name: Finnegan “Finn” Winchester
Height: 5′8″
Age in Story: 24
Birthplace: Santa Monica, California
Hair (color, length, style): Finn’s hair is naturally dark brunet with a subtly wavy texture (most of the time he straightens it), but he’s been dying it blond since he was around fifteen. Depending on how far he lets it grow, it can be full blond and shaggy more often spiked up (x), or if he gets it trimmed, it looks neater with more of his natural color showing styled in either a quiff or left flat and swept over his forehead (x) (x). Currently, he’s letting the blond grow out, so his hair color looks like this (x), with the blond slowly fading in his hair.
Race/Nationality: White; American with Irish ethnicity
Regional Influences: Ireland, California
Accent (voice, style of speech, slang, signature words/phrases): Finn has an American accent, some would say he sounds “straight up Californian.” When he gets angry or frustrated, a little bit of an Irish accent picked up from his parents will slip into his voice. Since he grew up with Irish parents, he does on occasion drop some Irish words (he’s been most known to use “hussy” or other insults). He has a way of spewing out random words and phrases he makes up on the fly when talking, but can never remember them. His most popular signature word he’s sticking with is “bitchachos.” Voice clip here.
Religion: Catholic (even if he’s been bad with practicing the last few years)
Marital Status: Engaged to Daniel Bates
Scars/Other Notable Physical Attributes: He has a few freckles on his cheeks, neck, and shoulders. His back is littered with near-faded, red scarred lines from whippings at C.A.R.M.A. He also has a few other scars from fights and bullet wounds.
Handicaps (physical, emotional, mental): PTSD, anxiety, depression, ADHD, some anger issues. Due to C.A.R.M.A erasing some of his memories at one point, and those lost memories being retrieved by telepathic interference from his sister, Finn also has some very minor memory problems. He’s a functional alcoholic, and sometimes his knees get really sore and stiff after too much acrobatic and agility fighting. 
Athletic? Inactive? Overall health?: Very athletic. Going around as Phantom almost every night and fighting bad guys along with regular training helps keep him in shape. He’s in pretty good health despite his frequent drinking.
Style of Dress: Finn is almost always dressed nice, yet casual, with skinny jeans (either blue or black) with either a simple black or white t-shirt, a casual collared shirt (usually with sleeves rolled up) or a t-shirt with a flannel or plain over-shirt. For shoes, he usually wears vans, converse, or boots. Sometimes he’ll wear his glasses.
Favorite Colors: Blue, teal, black, and silver
How does character feel about appearance? He thinks he’s attractive and likes how he looks, although he sometimes does get slightly insecure when it comes to the scars on his back.
Any siblings?: Aislinn Winchester (younger twin sister), and Axel Winchester (younger brother).
Relationship with parents?: His relationship with his parents is fairly normal, and they get along. There was a brief period of time where he and his dad had some tension after he came out, but that was resolved (with some help from Caitlin), and they’re all on speaking terms. Dylan being in C.A.R.M.A has caused the two of them to talk less for obvious reasons, but he still considers himself close to his dad. He respects and looks up to his dad, and he loves his mother a lot and would do anything for her.
Memories about childhood?: He mostly remembers the good times where he and his siblings would terrorize each other (with love of course) and then laugh about it all later after their mom or dad would tell them to knock it off. He also remembers a lot of trips to Ireland to visit the grandparents, and how much he loved those vacations.
Educational background? (Street smart? Book smart?): He attended Stanford University with a focus in Music and Business. Unfortunately, he only made it halfway through junior year before he was arrested by C.A.R.M.A, so he has not earned his degree...yet. Even though most people don’t think so, he’s actually quite book smart, but his street smarts tend to overpower that.
Work Experience: C.A.R.M.A Meta Agent, and vigilante hero Phantom. Not the best things to put on a resume.
Where does the character live now? Describe home. (Emotional atmosphere & physical): Finn lives in a duplex apartment in West Stone with his fiancé Daniel Bates and their three dogs. The home is rather extravagant, spacious, and luxurious, which is just perfect for the two of them, and Finn always finds it easy to relax and chill out there.
Neat or messy?: It depends on his mood and how lazy he feels, but Finn prefers to be neat. Sometimes he just doesn’t have the energy to pick the clothes up off the floor.
Sexuality: Gay.
Morals: Finn isn’t really sure how to describe his morals. He was raised with the value of always trying to do the right thing, but he hit a dark period where morals were thrown out the window when he was forced into C.A.R.M.A. He had no qualms with assassinating a dangerous Meta or torturing a Rebel without guilt. Now that he’s no longer brainwashed, he regrets his past deeds and uses the Hero Squad as a way to “atone” for those by trying to save anyone needing help and stopping crime without killing the bad guy.
Activities: Playing guitar, singing, occasionally writing, running, dog-walking, sex with Danny, training, being a vigilante, drinking
Friends? Pets?: His closest friends are definitely Kelli, Hope, and Alexandra
Enemies? Why?: Sal Bradbury. The man lives to torment him ever since he was forced into and eventually left C.A.R.M.A, and Finn both hates him and weirdly cares about him.
Basic Nature: Finn comes off as extroverted, entertaining, sassy, and charismatic, but he’s a lot more than that. To those who really know him, he’s kind, protective, compassionate, and will go to the ends of the earth of them. He also has an incredibly short-temper, and when he gets angry, he likes to take it out through fighting.
Personality Traits: Feisty, short-tempered, humorous, protective, brave, intuitive, creative, impulsive, strong-willed, friendly, playful, tough, emotionally unstable, strategic, instinctive, smart, caring
Strongest/Weakest Traits: Finn’s strongest traits are definitely his bravery, his caring and protective nature towards his friends and family, and ability to plan strategies for a fight. His weakest would be his emotional instability since he tends to compartmentalize his negative emotions for extended periods of time until they all bubble up in the form of an emotional breakdown. His short-temper has also sometimes gotten him into trouble as well.
What do they fear?: He fears ending up in C.A.R.M.A again as an agent, forced to kill and torture innocent lives. 
What are they proud of?: He’s proud of surviving the worst part of his life spent in C.A.R.M.A, and the fact that he’s out and using his skills to help do good in Pansaw.
Outlook on life: Finn’s outlook on life kinda wavers towards pessimistic realism and rare hopeful optimism towards the future. Life currently sucks, but it could start getting better.
Ambitions: Finn’s ambitions at the moment are to basically try and really move past his former C.A.R.M.A life, keep his family safe and out of C.A.R.M.A’s hands, marry Daniel, and be happy in life. 
Politics: Surprisingly, Finn is really conservative on a lot of things, but more egalitarian with social issues. He absolutely hates social justice warriors; they are the bane of his existence and the reason he grinds his teeth at night. 
How do they see themselves?: Outwardly, Finn sees himself as hot shit, confident, funny, and bold. But deep down, he kind of thinks of himself as a hot mess at the moment. He doesn’t necessarily think he’s a great person, but he likes to think that he’s working on that. 
How are they seen by others?: Others view him as cute and snarky, but rather entertaining. His friends probably see him as a really annoying but lovable brother they trust.
Do I (the writer) like this person? Why? Why not?: I honestly adore Finn as a person, he’s the kind of guy that I’d wanna grab a beer with and be best friends with. He’d be like the older brother I never had.
Most Important Thing About Them: His resillience.
Present Problem: Finn’s current problem is basically that he feels like Sal and C.A.R.M.A have torn his family apart and it started since the day he was arrested. Sal’s been terrorizing him and his parents, putting ideas into his mother’s head and sharing all the recorded footage of his time in C.A.R.M.A being tortured and doing horrible things. His dad is also still in C.A.R.M.A and it’s been harder to see him more often.
How it will get worse: There are a million different ways this could get worse, but for Finn personally, it could only get worse if he somehow ended up back in C.A.R.M.A and being Sal’s “pet” again. He still has nightmares about what happened to him and what went on during his time there.
Their goals in this story?: He kind of wants to try helping make a difference with how Metas are viewed in the world, that not all of them are bad and some can be good and helpful. That’s sort of the reason the Hero Squad was founded; he and the others who started it wanted to use the skills they had to help others.
What traits will help/hurt them in achieving this goal?: His determination, bravery, intelligence, and skills from C.A.R.M.A.
What makes them different from similar characters?: I feel like what makes Finn different is that he takes responsibility for his actions from when he was in C.A.R.M.A, and doesn’t blame them on the fact that he was brainwashed (even if he says otherwise to other people). He also doesn’t really lament on it a lot or let it hinder him from trying to make it right in his own weird way.
Why will readers remember this character vividly?: He’s kind of a goofball and I find him entertaining, but he also has a bit of darkness underneath that he’s trying to overcome.
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