#who's your favorite?
br0kenangel · 12 days
Baby Targaryens as adults headcanon: how would they fall for you? How they are in a relationship in general?
characters: Jaehaerys, Maelor, Aegon III, Viserys II.
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Jaehaerys doesn’t fall in love gracefully. No, he sees you once, maybe catching you out of the corner of his eye while he’s busy rolling them at Aegon or suffering through some royal function he doesn’t want to be at. His first thought? “Great. Another distraction.”
But something about you makes him pause, something makes him stare a little longer. And before he even understands it himself, the moment he lays eyes on you, in that deadpan, signature cold style of his, he mutters under his breath, “beautiful.”
Jaehaerys is different from other men in court. He doesn’t care to charm you, impress you, or, gods forbid, flirt with you. No, that’s Mealor’s job, with his smiles and "how are you this fine evening, my lady?" Jaehaerys? He just glares at you across the room, assessing. He doesn’t need to court you. You’re already his—he decided that five minutes ago. Now he’s just waiting for you to realize it.
If he ever does try to flirt, it's the most awkward, detached, disastrous thing you’ve ever witnessed. He’ll stare at you for a bit too long and say something like, “Your hair... it’s fine, I suppose.” Or worse, “You don’t annoy me as much as everyone else.”
It’s so unintentionally rude that you almost laugh—but he’s dead serious, just standing there, completely oblivious to how bad he is at this.
It doesn’t help that Jaehaerys is unreasonably attractive. He’s taller than his father, with that same Targaryen beauty, but he’s always looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. People fall all over themselves around him, but he just rolls his eyes. When you don’t, he’s intrigued. It’s almost like a challenge to him. Why aren’t you impressed? he wonders, eyebrows raised. You’re not supposed to be immune to him.
Aegon, his one and only friend (though Jaehaerys would never admit it), notices Jaehaerys watching you with a bit more interest than usual and teases him endlessly. Jaehaerys, tired of the teasing, the world, and quite frankly, of you for making him feel something, just glares and says, “Shut up, Aegon.”
Aegon keeps poking him, though. “You like her, don’t you?” And Jaehaerys’s face twists in annoyance before he just groans, “Gods, Aegon, leave me alone. I just want to sleep.” Which, funnily enough, is his attitude about everything. He’d much rather be napping than dealing with feelings.
Most lords would play the long game, trying to win your favor, doing all the polite things. Jaehaerys? Nah. He doesn’t care. He sees you, he wants you, and that’s it. End of story. He walks up to you one day, fully expecting the conversation to end in you being his.
His approach? Straightforward and blunt: “We’re going to wed. That’s not a question.”
You’re stunned. “Excuse me?”
“I'm in love with you,” he says flatly, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, “So you’re mine now.”
There’s no pleading, no coy smile. He’s already made the decision for both of you.
He’s deeply annoyed by the fact that he even has feelings for you. He’ll be sitting in his chambers, brooding, trying to read, but all he can think about is you. He scowls, tossing the book aside. “Why?” he mumbles to himself, irritated. “Why do I even care?”
He’s annoyed that you’ve distracted him, that you’ve taken up residence in his mind, and yet, he’ll spend hours watching you from afar. He won’t admit it, but you’re the only thing that makes him not hate everything for a little while.
The moment you show interest in someone else? Forget it. Jaehaerys is right there, appearing out of nowhere like some shadowy ghost. He’ll stand between you and anyone who dares approach, giving them a cold, dismissive look. And he’ll say, in that cutting, dry voice of his, “She’s not interested.” He doesn’t even ask how you feel—he’s already made the decision for you.
People often comment on how lucky you are to have caught Jaehaerys’s eye, because—let’s face it—he’s gorgeous. But the moment he opens his mouth? Everything gets awkward. He’s either blunt, rude in the most polite way, or just plain dismissive. You’ll walk into a room, and someone will say, “You look beautiful today.”
Jaehaerys, overhearing, just rolls his eyes and mutters, “She looks beautiful every day. Obviously.” Then adds under his breath, “Can we leave now?”
The thing with Jaehaerys is, once he decides he wants you, there’s no escape. Not in a creepy way, but in a he-will-not-leave-you-alone way. He’ll suddenly be everywhere—at your side, giving you that I’m-annoyed-but-interested look. And when you try to argue, he just cuts you off with, “Don’t bother. I’ve already decided. You’re mine.”
You realize, in a strange, funny way, that it’s almost comforting—knowing that once Jaehaerys chooses something (or someone), he’s completely devoted. Even if he’s the most sarcastic, emotionally unavailable person on the planet, he’s yours.
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Maelor has an unmatched talent for getting into trouble, but the way he struts into it is almost impressive. He’ll walk into a room, compliment someone on their ridiculously oversized hat, steal the silverware off the table, and wink at you on the way out like it was all part of some grand performance. When you ask him why he does these things, he just shrugs and says, “It’s called living, love. Try it sometime.”
Flirting is basically Maelor’s second language. He’ll start with something overly dramatic, like, “You, my dear, are the moon to my drunken stumbles,” and before you can even roll your eyes, he’s convinced the entire room that you’re madly in love with him. Even if you’re not. Especially if you’re not. When you point this out, he grins and says, “Can you blame them? Look at me.” (He’s very humble.)
Maelor does not believe in subtlety when it comes to his wardrobe. He’ll walk into a council meeting wearing a deep purple silk tunic, velvet cape, and, of course, his beloved golden earring. He’ll probably have a feathered hat, too, just because he can. When you tell him he’s dressed like he’s going to a festival and not, you know, preparing for day, he’ll just smirk and say, “I know, I’m practically a walking work of art.”
You’d think Maelor’s silver tongue would be infallible when it comes to flirting. But when he really likes someone, the smooth talk disappears. He’ll go from “You’re the most stunning creature in Westeros,” to “You…uh…have very…nice shoes? I guess.” The more he likes you, the worse it gets. You’re watching a man who can talk his way out of a dragon’s mouth completely lose it because he can’t think of a single charming thing to say.
Maelor has a special talent for vanishing from the scene of his crimes just in time, leaving you in awe of his ability to slip away right when things go south. Whether it’s after “borrowing” a lord’s prized horse or sweet-talking his way into a highborn feast, he’s gone with a blink and a laugh. He’ll reappear later with a cup of wine and a grin, saying, “Hello darling.” (He never learns his lesson because somehow, he never gets caught.)
Maelor loves wine. And not just a casual love—he’s borderline obsessed with it (worse than his father). At every meal, he’s got a goblet in hand, and he’s always trying to top yours up like you’re both on some extended holiday. “You haven’t lived until you’ve had this vintage,” he’ll say, pouring you a cup while simultaneously swiping an entire bottle for later. If you ask him why he always has to drink, he’ll flash a charming grin and say, “Life’s too short to be sober.”
Maelor flirts with everyone—it’s just who he is. But with you? There’s a sincerity behind his teasing that isn’t there with anyone else. When he calls you “gorgeous” or “darling,” it’s not just part of his game—it’s real. And when he flirts with others in your presence, it’s to get a rise out of you, just to see that flash of jealousy in your eyes. “What’s wrong? You know you’re my favorite.”
That golden earring he’s so proud of? He thinks it’s the height of fashion. He’ll casually flip his hair just so it catches the light, and if you compliment him on it (even sarcastically), he’ll give you a knowing look like you’ve just confirmed his suspicions of being the most fashionable man alive. He’ll say, “Ah, you’ve noticed. I knew you had taste.” You can’t even tell if he’s joking or not.
Maelor loves pulling pranks and stealing random things, but he’s the worst at being subtle about it. He’ll swipe a coin purse or a golden goblet, only for you to see it sticking out of his coat five minutes later. When you point it out, he’ll just laugh and say, “Oops. Must have slipped in there.” He’s too charming to be mad at, and he knows it.
When Maelor really likes you, he becomes an absolute disaster. His usual suave lines turn into awkward stumbles. “You…uh, look nice. I mean, not that you didn’t look nice before, but like…yeah.” You watch him go from the most confident man in the room to someone who can’t even make eye contact. It’s adorable, really, watching him struggle to be smooth when he’s head over heels.
One moment, Maelor is all smiles and teasing, and the next, he’s quiet, watching you with a calculating gaze. It’s like he’s always thinking three steps ahead, figuring out how to get you closer to him without you even realizing it. When he’s like this, he’ll casually brush a hand against yours, lean in just a little too close, and murmur something so soft it’s almost dangerous: “You know you’re the only one who can keep up with me, right?”
Maelor’s idea of a “cunning plan” usually involves a lot of improvisation and almost no foresight. He’ll convince you to help him steal something valuable or sneak into a lord’s private party, assuring you he has it all figured out. Spoiler: he does not have it all figured out. But somehow, through sheer luck and charm, it always works out. “See? Told you I had a plan,” he’ll say with a grin, as if you both weren’t two seconds away from disaster.
Maelor doesn’t get jealous in the traditional sense, but he’s definitely possessive in his own subtle way. If someone else is flirting with you, he’ll step in with that dazzling smile and start charming them instead, all while keeping you close. “You’re coming with me, love,” he’ll say smoothly, completely unbothered by the competition. And when he steals you away, he’ll shoot you a knowing grin, as if to say, “You’re mine, and we both know it.”
If there’s one thing Maelor loves, it’s teasing you. He’ll steal something of yours, just to watch you get flustered trying to get it back. “Looking for this?” He’ll dangle it in front of you with that mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement. But as soon as he sees you getting genuinely upset, he’ll soften, handing it back with a playful wink. “Alright, alright, here you go. I’m only teasing, darling.”
Maelor steals more than just gold—he steals hearts, too. You didn’t mean to fall for him, but it’s hard not to when he’s always pulling you into wild adventures and making you laugh. You’ll be fuming because he just got you both chased out of a tavern, but then he’ll look at you with those pretty eyes and that teasing smile, and suddenly you’re not so mad anymore. He knows it, too. “I’m irresistible, admit it,” he’ll say with a wink.
Maelor can flirt, trick, and outsmart most people, but when it comes to saying goodbye? He’s the worst. He’ll tell you he’s leaving for a trip, only to sneak back into your chambers hours later with a bottle of wine and say, “Miss me yet?” It’s impossible to get rid of him, and honestly, you’re not even sure you want to anymore.
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Aegon is the definition of effortlessly charming, with that roguish smile and easy-going nature. He’s the type to charm everyone at court without even trying, and half the time, he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. So when he falls for you, it’s not because he’s trying to win you over—he’s just being his usual, flirtatious self, flashing you that cheeky grin and thinking, “Well, why wouldn't you fall for me?”
Aegon doesn’t flirt. He exists and somehow, people think he’s flirting. He could be talking about the weather, and it would still sound like the most seductive thing you’ve ever heard. When he meets you, it’s no different. “You look lovely today,” he says casually, while inside, he’s mentally patting himself on the back for keeping it smooth. But he’s secretly freaking out because, for once, he actually wants to impress someone.
Aegon is normally laid-back, but with you, it’s different. He catches himself staring at you all the time, whether you’re in the middle of a conversation or just passing by. He’ll be sitting in court, pretending to pay attention, but all his focus is on you. And when you catch him staring, he’ll just wink and give you a little smirk, like it was totally on purpose.
Aegon is a very physical person, and once he decides he’s into you, that’s it. He’s always finding ways to touch you, whether it’s a hand on your back, a playful nudge, or just casually throwing an arm around your shoulders. It’s his way of saying, “Hey, I’m into you,” without actually saying it. And if anyone else tries to get too close? Aegon’s immediately at your side, leaning in close and making sure everyone knows who you belong to.
Aegon is a sweet-talker through and through. He’s always showering you with compliments, and the thing is, they sound genuine. You’ll be sitting there, minding your own business, and he’ll just pop up with, “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, you know that?” And you know he’s probably said it to a dozen people before, but somehow, with you, it feels different—like he actually means it.
Subtlety is not Aegon’s strong suit. If you’re trying to play it cool or make him work for it, forget it. He’ll take your coy responses as a challenge, and instead of backing off, he’ll just double down on the charm. “Playing hard to get, huh? I love that.” He thinks it’s all part of the game, and he’s having a great time, completely oblivious to how flustered he’s making you.
Aegon has big golden retriever energy. He’s the type who gets excited about everything, especially you. If you say something even remotely interesting, his face lights up, and he’s instantly hooked. “Wait, say that again? That’s amazing!” He’s like a puppy, hanging on your every word, and it’s almost impossible to stay mad at him because his enthusiasm is so infectious.
Aegon’s usually the easy-going type, but if someone else shows interest in you? Oh, he’s stepping in real quick. He’s not possessive in a creepy way, but he’s definitely the kind of guy to slide in next to you with a bright grin, casually draping an arm over your shoulder and making very clear that you’re his. “Hey, love, everything alright here?” He says it with a smile, but his eyes are daring the other person to try something.
Aegon is rarely serious, always cracking jokes and making light of situations. But when he’s with you, sometimes the jokes stop, and he’ll get this intense look in his eyes. He’ll brush a strand of hair behind your ear and say something like, “You know you mean the world to me, right?” And it’s so sincere and unexpected that it catches you off guard. Just when you think he’s nothing but playful charm, he hits you with a moment of real vulnerability.
Underneath all the flirting and jokes, Aegon is deeply loyal. Once he’s decided that he’s yours (and you’re his), he’s all in. He might be playful with others, but with you, it’s different. He’s always there when you need him, ready to drop everything for you. And despite how easy-going he seems, he’s serious about his feelings for you. You’ll never have to wonder where you stand with him, because he’s always making it abundantly clear how much you mean to him.
Aegon loves grand gestures. He’s the type to show up at your window in the middle of the night with flowers, or whisk you away for a spontaneous trip, just because. He’ll leave little notes for you, filled with sweet, silly messages like, “I’m thinking about you. Don’t miss me too much.” He may act like a carefree person, but when it comes to you, he’s an absolute romantic at heart.
Aegon’s favorite thing in the world? Making you smile. He’ll go out of his way to do it, whether it’s through jokes, playful teasing, or simply being his charming self. He’s the kind of guy who, if he sees you upset, will drop everything to make you laugh. And once he’s got that smile out of you? Mission accomplished. You’re his world, and he’ll do anything to keep that smile on your face.
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Viserys is the grounding force in Maelor’s whirlwind of trouble and adventure. While Maelor is off flirting, tricking, and scheming, Viserys is the calm, steady one, always there to clean up the mess. He watches from the sidelines with a soft, knowing smile, ready to step in when things go too far. Maelor often drags you into his escapades, but it’s Viserys who quietly ensures you’re safe. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you both survive Maelor’s next ‘great idea.’”
Viserys is the type to care deeply but silently. He’s not the type to loudly declare his feelings, but his actions speak volumes. He’ll subtly make sure you’re taken care of, always offering help without you having to ask. Whether it’s making sure you’re comfortable during a long journey or pulling you out of one of Maelor’s risky games, Viserys is always there, quietly protecting you. He’ll brush it off with a modest smile, saying, “It’s nothing,” but you know better.
When Viserys falls in love, he falls hard. He doesn’t do things halfway—once he’s set his heart on you, that’s it. You’ll notice how his attention lingers on you more than anyone else, how he’s always looking out for your needs before his own. He’ll give you his full attention, listen to everything you say, and remember the smallest details about you. It’s not dramatic or flashy, but it’s deep and unwavering. “You matter more to me than you realize.”
Viserys and Maelor are a duo that’s practically inseparable. While Maelor is the mischievous troublemaker, Viserys is the one who always steps in to help him out of sticky situations. Maelor gets himself into ridiculous trouble all the time, but Viserys is the one who makes sure things don’t go completely off the rails. “Honestly, Maelor. What did you do this time?” He’ll say it with a sigh, but there’s affection in his eyes as he helps his best friend out yet again. It’s a relationship built on deep trust, and you’re often caught in the middle of their dynamic.
Viserys’s love is soft and gentle. He’s not the type to overwhelm you with grand gestures, but he’ll show his love in small, meaningful ways. He’ll remember the way you take your tea, ensure your favorite book is waiting for you after a long day, and offer a reassuring smile when you need it most. His presence is soothing, like a steady flame that never burns too bright but never wavers either. “I’m here for you, always.”
Viserys is smart—incredibly so. He’s the one who sees ten steps ahead, the strategist who quietly observes and plans, ensuring that no one can outwit him. When Maelor’s wild schemes start spiraling out of control, Viserys is already two steps ahead, subtly pulling strings to fix everything. With you, he’s just as attentive, always knowing what you need even before you realize it. “You���re more predictable than you think, but I like that about you.” He’ll say with a teasing smile, his eyes warm with affection.
There’s something about Viserys that’s endlessly comforting. He’s the rock in a storm, the one who remains calm no matter how chaotic things get. When Maelor’s antics get overwhelming or life becomes too much, Viserys is there, offering quiet support. He doesn’t need to say much to make you feel at ease—just being near him is enough. His hand on yours, the way he softly says your name—it’s like everything is okay again.
Viserys is an excellent listener. He’ll sit with you for hours, listening to everything you have to say with genuine interest, no matter how trivial it might seem. He makes you feel heard, like every word you say matters to him. He doesn’t interrupt or offer advice unless you ask—he’s just there, present and engaged. “I’m always here to listen, you know that.”
Viserys’s loyalty is absolute. Once he’s decided he cares for you, there’s no changing his mind. He’s fiercely protective of the people he loves, though he does it in a quiet, understated way. If anyone tries to harm you or Maelor, Viserys won’t hesitate to step in, but he’ll do it with such calm precision that no one will see it coming. He’s the kind of person who would go to great lengths to protect you, without ever needing to brag about it. “You don’t need to worry. I’ll always take care of you.”
Viserys may not be as overtly flirty as Maelor, but he has his own way of showing affection. He’ll give you knowing looks from across the room, say something that seems innocent but has a deeper meaning, and brush his hand against yours just enough to send a shiver down your spine. It’s all so subtle that you might not even realize he’s flirting until you catch the way he smiles when you blush. “You’re adorable when you’re flustered.”
Once Viserys falls in love, everything he does starts to revolve around you. He’ll prioritize your needs over his own, making sure you’re comfortable, happy, and safe. He might not be as vocal about his feelings as some, but the way he makes you his priority in every situation speaks volumes. “Your happiness matters to me more than you know.”
Viserys rarely gets rattled. While Maelor might be loud, dramatic, and prone to theatrics, Viserys remains calm and collected in nearly every situation. It takes a lot to get under his skin, and he’s always the one diffusing tense moments with a soft word or a calm demeanor. Even when Maelor gets himself into the wildest situations, Viserys never loses his cool. “I expected this from you.” He’ll say with a sigh, shaking his head fondly.
When Viserys finally admits his feelings, it’s like a dam breaking. All of the quiet affection he’s been holding back comes flooding out in soft, earnest confessions. “I didn’t want to say anything because I wasn’t sure… but I can’t keep this to myself anymore. I love you. Deeply.” His love is steady, unwavering, and all-consuming in the best way possible. Once he’s yours, he’s yours completely, and there’s no turning back.
Maelor and Viserys are best friends through thick and thin. Maelor might be the more adventurous one, but Viserys is always there to support him. He doesn’t get involved in Maelor’s schemes for the thrill—he does it because he cares. And even when Maelor gets them into trouble, Viserys never holds it against him. It’s the same with you—once Viserys cares about someone, his loyalty is unshakable.
Viserys’s romantic gestures are thoughtful and subtle. He doesn’t go for grand displays of affection but instead does things that show how much he knows and cares for you. He’ll leave your favorite flower on your pillow, write you a heartfelt letter when he’s away, or make sure you’re always warm on a cold night. It’s not about impressing you—it’s about making sure you feel loved every day. “I don’t need to shout it from the rooftops. You should know by now how much you mean to me.”
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@ 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚, 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒃𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒔.
513 notes · View notes
Let's play "Who's Your Favorite..." - Bad Batch edition!
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stayalix · 2 months
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Banica for me. She just went and escaped her consequences... and she got with her man in the end... and her kids... and her lackeys... and her restaurant...
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ch703-c4rt00nst4r · 10 days
Who is the best or your favourite Villains/antagonist from Smg4?
(I may be pain in a bum, but it's one of ny ideas)
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little-pup-pip · 11 months
Hi, can I have a gender neutral Australian shepherd mood board? No paci, please. Thanks! (Also, who's your favorite Bluey character? I love the show!)
Absolutely!! (My favorite bluey character is Socks!)
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55 notes · View notes
shinigami-striker · 3 months
Who's Your Favorite in Crash Team Rumble? | Thursday, 06.20.24
With 13 playable characters divided into 3 categories (blockers, boosters, and scorers), who's your favorite character to play as in Crash Team Rumble?
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
Who's Your Favourite? Full M.list
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Complete masterlist for this series!
Summary: You are an actress from the UK. When you go onto the Jimmy Fallon show to promote your new movie, you end up being on at the same time as BTS. A relationship between you and a certain rapper begins to bloom...
(Side note, please don't take the timeline for this series too seriously. I know they would not be on break or they would be on tour at certain times but I'm only using years and the eras as a guide! Just know it starts in September 2018 when they first appeared on Jimmy Fallon and ill put dates when necessary!)
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 5.5
Part 6
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Drabbles/One Shot J-Hope On The Street
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koala2all · 16 days
Favorite Character Poll
Tons of thanks to @akiwitch for tagging me in this! Sorry it took so long to write this out!
Rules: list all your main ocs and give brief descriptions of them. then, create a poll with their names and allow your followers to vote on who their favorite character is.
I'll be using the main adventuring party from The Pirate Knight!
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Pirate... sea elf... trouble with a trident. She loves drinking, brawling, and her bonny lass, Tessa. But when Tess goes missing, Nonie vows to become a paladin to the god of the sea if he will help in the search. Now she's trying to learn how to be a hero, before time runs out! (Art by the amazing @akiwitch )
The best boarder in the Azure Sea, Jakara is a pirate without compare. Tall, muscular, and with kohl smudged around her ice colored eyes, she does everything she can to enhance her frightening visage. A former girlfriend of Nonie's, when she hears of Tessa going missing, she joins Nonie on her quest to rescue the girl. Besides, someone has to keep Nonie focused, or this quest will be over before it starts.
The healer of the group. A young orc out on her own for the first time from the strongholds to the north. She's naive, cheerful, and a hopeless romantic who sees the world through rose colored glasses. As soon as she heard Nonie's tale of her missing love, Yella was determined to join her on her journey and be present for what would certainly be a true love's reunion.
A world weary halfling, Ziphar runs into the group in the town of Halpren. The were on their way to investigate a couple of disappearances. Knowing they would need help, Ziphar insisted that he accompany them, and stuck around for the adventure and good company. He's adept at using magic, an excellent cook, and has a magical way of telling stories.
Gently tagging @paintedbutton @saphoblin @cozy-fish-crow and anyone else who would like to play!
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
Please feel free to explain your choice if you want to. I'm curious as to who the favorite is.
I'll even go first, my fave is Boss. Yeah, I know. I was surprised too, lol
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mishtergoose · 11 months
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br0kenangel · 11 days
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ 𓇼 ࣪ HEAVENLY KISS 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ⭒⠀
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꒰͡ ⠀ ִ 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛 𝑀𝑒𝑛 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 ⠀ׂ ⠀ ͡꒱
♡ㅤWhen they kiss you for the first timeㅤೀ
— 𝘑𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘴 𝘛𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘦𝘯 (𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘯 𝘐𝘐), 𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘳 𝘛𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘦𝘯 (𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘯 𝘐𝘐), 𝘈𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘯 𝘐𝘐𝘐 𝘛𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘦𝘯, 𝘝𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘴 𝘐𝘐 𝘛𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘦𝘯 <3
˚꒰♡꒱‧ Hi there! Before you read this, you should know that English is not my first language. All characters are aged up. Hope you enjoy!
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ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐒 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐍 ─ 𓇼 . ♡𝆬
The stone walls of the Red Keep felt even colder that evening, and you were pacing along the corridor, lost in thought. It had been days since Jaehaerys had started acting stranger than usual. He'd always been a bit aloof, distant, as if the very idea of emotions offended him. But recently, there was something more—something that unsettled you, yet you couldn’t deny the odd fluttering in your chest when he was near. You turned a corner and there he was. Leaning against the wall, arms crossed, that perpetual scowl on his face as if life itself was an inconvenience. "You're here," he said, his voice as flat as ever. You blinked, startled by his sudden presence. "I... I am." He tilted his head slightly, his silver hair falling into his eyes. He didn’t push it away. Instead, he simply looked at you, assessing, as if he was waiting for you to say something. The silence between you stretched, growing more awkward by the second. "Is something wrong?" you asked, breaking the silence. Jaehaerys sighed heavily, clearly annoyed that you’d made him talk. “No. Everything’s fine.” You raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been following me.” “That’s ridiculous.” “No, it’s not. You were outside the library yesterday. And at the training yard. And the gardens. Everywhere I go, there you are.”
He blinked slowly, his sharp gaze never leaving your face. "It's not my fault you choose to be where I already am." You crossed your arms, mimicking his posture. "You're terrible at this." "At what?" "At whatever this is," you gestured between the two of you, "Showing affection, courting—anything." Jaehaerys glared at you, lips twitching as if he was holding back a retort. He took a step forward, then stopped. His eyes, cold and calculating as ever, softened ever so slightly, just for a moment. You could almost see the battle happening behind them—the struggle between his usual apathy and whatever new, unrecognizable emotion was clawing its way to the surface. Before you could say anything more, he took another step, closing the distance between you. You expected some grand declaration of love, or perhaps even an apology for his bizarre behavior, but Jaehaerys wasn’t like other men. He didn’t know how to express himself, not like that. Instead, his hand shot out—surprisingly gentle as his fingers brushed your cheek. His touch was awkward, hesitant, as if he wasn’t sure he was allowed to do this, or if it was even the right thing to do. But he didn’t pull away. “Your face,” he muttered under his breath. “It’s... not annoying.” You let out a small laugh, despite yourself. “High praise.” His fingers stilled against your skin, his expression darkening at your laugh. He wasn’t joking, you realized. He was serious. You bit your lip, suppressing another laugh, and just watched him, waiting for him to figure out whatever he was trying to do. And then, without warning, Jaehaerys leaned in, his face inches from yours. His brow furrowed in concentration, as if he was studying the most difficult thing in the world. He paused, lips barely brushing against yours—waiting for some signal, some confirmation that this was okay. You gave it to him. Closing the gap, your lips met his, and his breath hitched. It wasn’t a graceful kiss. It wasn’t perfect. His lips were stiff at first, unsure, as if he was still calculating whether this was a good idea. But after a moment, the stiffness melted away, and he kissed you with an intensity that surprised you both. His hand slipped from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you closer as if, now that he’d started, he wasn’t going to let go. The kiss deepened, growing more heated, more urgent, like he was trying to communicate everything he’d never said in words. When he finally pulled away, his eyes were darker, more intense than you’d ever seen them. He wasn’t scowling, for once. He looked... almost vulnerable. “Now you know,” he said, voice low, as if that explained everything. You smiled softly. “I know what?” His lips twitched in what might have been the faintest attempt at a smile. “That you’re mine.���
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐌𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐍 ─ 𔒌 . ♡𝆬
It was one of those days where Maelor was, as usual, talking your ear off. You sat together in the courtyard, sunlight pouring down, the pleasant scent of flowers hanging in the air, but Maelor was far more focused on recounting his latest grand escapade—something about sneaking into a noble's feast and stealing an entire roasted pheasant. He was laughing, gesturing wildly, his golden earring catching the light every time he flicked his head. "And I told them," he said, grin plastered across his face, "I’m the guest of honor! You should have seen their faces, love! Absolutely priceless! They bought it for a moment, until—" “Maelor.” “—until I grabbed the bird and ran! Can you imagine? A prince—" “Maelor.” “—dashing through the kitchens with a bloody pheasant in hand? And the look on their faces when—" You couldn’t take it anymore. Before he could launch into another exaggerated part of the story, you leaned in, grabbing him by the collar of his tunic, and pulled him into a kiss. His eyes widened in surprise, but after a moment, you felt him melt against you, his hands hesitantly brushing your waist. You deepened the kiss, annoyed but amused, hoping it’d at least shut him up for a while. When you finally pulled back, Maelor’s face was an absolute mess. His usual smugness was replaced by an expression of utter shock, eyes wide, lips slightly parted, and—was that a blush creeping across his cheeks? “Y-you…uh…” He blinked rapidly, at a loss for words for once in his life. “I mean, you didn’t have to—uh, I wasn’t finished with my story…” He stumbled over his words, his silver tongue suddenly useless. You raised an eyebrow, leaning back with a smug grin. “You were talking too much.” “I… was not,” he mumbled, the crimson flush deepening on his pale skin. He tried to compose himself, running a hand through his hair as though that would magically restore his charm. “I just… you—” “You’re adorable when you’re flustered, you know that?” The compliment sent him into further disarray. “I’m not flustered,” he stammered, very obviously flustered. He tried to look away, his fingers fiddling with the golden earring he so proudly wore. “I’m… fine. I’m the finest.” You couldn’t help but laugh. Seeing Maelor, the man who could talk his way out of nearly anything, reduced to this bumbling mess because of a kiss was more satisfying than you could have imagined. “Right, fine,” you teased, leaning closer again just to watch him squirm. “Then why are you blushing so much?” “I’m not blushing!” he practically squeaked, which only made his face turn even redder. “I’m just… it’s hot out! That’s all! The sun, you know?” “Mhm. Sure.” He looked at you, completely at a loss. The usual swagger in his step, the constant flirting—gone. It was replaced by something much more genuine and far less polished. “You’re, uh… a good kisser.” You smirked. “And you’re terrible at accepting compliments.” “I’m… not. I just wasn’t expecting that!” he said defensively, eyes darting everywhere but at you. “You surprised me, that’s all.” You gave him a soft smile, reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind his ear, which made him stiffen slightly but relax at your touch. “You can keep talking now,” you teased. “Or have I finally rendered Maelor Targaryen speechless?” He swallowed hard, then glanced at you, the corner of his mouth twitching into the smallest hint of his usual grin. “I’m just… letting the moment sink in, love,” he muttered, his voice still shaky. Then, trying to salvage what was left of his pride, he added, “But you’ll have to kiss me again if you want me to be quiet for longer.” You leaned in with a teasing smirk, “Who said I want you to be quiet?” And just like that, the silver-tongued prince had nothing left to say, too caught up in his own blushing disaster.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐀𝐄𝐆𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐈𝐈 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐍 ─ 𓇢𓆸 . ♡𝆬
Aegon’s way of showing affection was, in every way, just like him—effortless, playful, and undeniably charming. He wasn’t one for grand declarations or sweeping promises of love. Instead, he preferred a subtler approach, one that made your heart race in all the quiet moments you shared. Like now. You were sitting in the gardens, your attention wandering from the book in your lap as Aegon strolled over, hands tucked casually behind his back, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. He didn’t say anything at first, just stood there, watching you with that familiar glint in his eyes, as if he knew something you didn’t. Finally, you glanced up, your brow arching. “Do you need something, Aegon?” He chuckled, stepping closer, his presence all-encompassing as he leaned down, arms braced on either side of you. “You know, you ask me that all the time,” he murmured, voice low, playful. “But what if I just wanted to be near you? Is that so strange?” Your heart did its usual somersault—something Aegon was particularly skilled at inducing—but you kept your expression neutral, meeting his gaze steadily. “And here I thought you’d come with some ridiculous compliment about how I look like a goddess today.” He grinned, inching closer until his lips were just a breath away from your ear. “You do, though,” he whispered, and the warmth of his breath sent a shiver down your spine. “But that’s not why I’m here.” “Oh?” you replied, trying to maintain your composure as he pulled back, his eyes never leaving yours. “Then what are you here for?” Aegon’s hand came up, fingers gently brushing a stray lock of hair behind your ear. He didn’t answer right away, and for a moment, the playful flirtation you’d come to expect from him faded. There was something softer in his gaze now, something almost vulnerable. His thumb brushed your cheek, the touch feather-light, as if he was memorizing the feel of your skin beneath his fingertips. “I just wanted to see you,” he finally said, his voice softer now, the teasing edge gone. His gaze dropped to your lips for the briefest second before meeting your eyes again. “Is that so bad?” Your breath hitched, the world seeming to narrow to just the two of you as Aegon leaned in. His lips were warm and gentle as they pressed against yours, the kiss soft, almost tentative, as if he was savoring the moment. It wasn’t demanding or forceful—just sweet, a silent promise in the way his mouth moved against yours, in the way his hand cradled your face like you were something precious. When he pulled back, his forehead resting lightly against yours, you could feel the steady rhythm of his breathing, could hear the soft chuckle that escaped him. “There,” he murmured, his voice low and full of that familiar warmth. “Now I feel better.” You couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at your lips as you looked up at him. “Better, huh? That’s all it took?” Aegon grinned, brushing his thumb across your bottom lip, eyes sparkling with mischief once more. “Well, I wouldn’t mind another kiss if you’re offering.” You rolled your eyes, but your smile betrayed you as you tugged him down by the collar of his shirt, sealing your lips against his once more. And as his arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer, you couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, Aegon was more than enough to make your world feel a little brighter.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐒 𝐈𝐈 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐍 ─ ☘︎ . ♡𝆬
It’s always the quiet ones, you think, glancing up at Viserys from where you sit, surrounded by books. His eyes are focused on the page in front of him, brow furrowed slightly in thought. He’s been like that for hours—calm, collected, barely moving, though every once in a while, he’ll flick his gaze toward you. It’s those brief moments of eye contact that leave a soft flutter in your chest, the quiet affection he holds for you making itself known in the simplest of gestures. You pretend to go back to your book, though the words blur in your vision. You can’t stop thinking about him—how his presence is like a steady anchor, how he’s always there when you need him, even when you don’t realize it. A soft chuckle pulls you from your thoughts, and you glance up again. Viserys is watching you now, his book forgotten in his lap, a knowing smile on his lips. “Is something on your mind?” he asks, his voice low and gentle, the kind of voice that makes you feel safe no matter what. You shake your head, trying to hide the warmth creeping up your neck. “No, just… thinking.” He raises a brow, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly. “You’re a terrible liar, you know.” You huff, rolling your eyes at him. “I’m not lying.” Viserys’s smile grows, and in one smooth motion, he stands, crossing the room to sit beside you. His presence is overwhelming in the best way—calming, grounding, but now there’s something else, a subtle tension in the air that wasn’t there before. He watches you for a moment, his expression unreadable, though his eyes are soft, filled with that quiet affection you’ve come to cherish.
“You’ve been staring at me for a while,” he says softly, his voice teasing, though there’s an edge of curiosity there. “Do you want something?” You bite your lip, trying to fight the blush creeping up your cheeks. “No, I—” Before you can finish, he reaches out, his hand brushing against your cheek, fingertips barely grazing your skin. The touch is so light, so careful, as if he’s afraid of startling you. But the warmth of his hand is enough to make your breath catch in your throat. “You don’t have to hide anything from me,” he murmurs, his thumb brushing gently across your cheekbone, sending shivers down your spine. “If you want something, all you have to do is ask.” His eyes are locked on yours now, and for a moment, you forget how to breathe. The room feels smaller, quieter, as if it’s just the two of you in the entire world. You swallow, your heart pounding in your chest. “Viserys, I…” He leans in, his hand still cradling your cheek, his breath warm against your skin. His lips hover just above yours, close enough that you can feel the warmth of him, but not quite touching. He’s waiting, you realize. Waiting for you to make the next move, to decide if you want this. And you do. You want it more than anything. So, you close the distance, pressing your lips softly against his. The kiss is gentle, just like him, tender and careful, as if he’s afraid of overwhelming you. But there’s a quiet intensity to it, a depth of feeling that takes your breath away. His hand moves to the back of your neck, pulling you closer, though his touch remains light, as if he’s still holding back, not wanting to rush you. You can feel the tension in him, the way he’s holding himself in check, trying not to overwhelm you. But as the kiss deepens, as your hand finds its way to his chest, resting over his heart, you feel him relax, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he pulls you closer still. When you finally pull back, his forehead rests against yours, his eyes closed, breathing uneven. There’s a soft, contented smile on his lips, the kind that makes your heart flutter all over again. “You matter more to me than you realize,” he whispers, his voice barely audible, but the weight of his words hangs in the air between you. You smile, leaning into him, your heart feeling light and full all at once. “I know.” Viserys presses a soft kiss to your forehead, his hand still cradling the back of your neck as he holds you close. His touch is so gentle, so full of quiet affection, that it makes your chest ache with how much he cares for you. In his arms, you feel safe, cherished, loved in the way only Viserys could love—deeply, quietly, and without hesitation. “I’ll always take care of you,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against your hair. “You don’t ever have to worry about that.”
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@ 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚, 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒃𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒔.
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Round 5 of "Who's Your Favorite..." - Bad Batch edition!
*** "Favorite" = love and/or love to hate
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phantom088 · 1 year
Just Curious
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nancyheart11 · 1 month
Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite alien (non-human *and* extra-terrestrial) characters? And what do you like about them?
They can be from sci-fi or fantasy, from other worlds or dimensions or realms. All that matters is that they're not from Earth and that they're not human in any traditional sense (and, most of all, that you find them interesting).
hhm well my first thought was Superman, but I feel like that goes against the spirit here
how about, Pattern! from the stormlight archive by Brandon Sanderson.
funky little guy who is a bunch of Escher like squiggles and is trying to understand humans and how they use language.
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ch703-c4rt00nst4r · 17 days
What's your Favourite Arc from Smg4?
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