#whoever basils parents are I hate them so much
dannybobany · 5 months
Really sad omori headcanon I have (small spoilers) (Basil thing)
So, it’s never said which side of the family basils grandmother was on, but in my head she was basils maternal grandmother (as in his mom’s mom) and while this was something I just arbitrarily decided one day and didn’t give a lot of thought to…. Thinking of it now I can’t help but imagine that towards the end of her life Basils grandmother began to mistake Basil for her daughter,
And Basil wouldn’t correct her, wouldn’t tell her how she was mistaken and he was not his mother, he would let her believe that her daughter was there for her, that she had not abandoned them both … because not only did Basils parents leave him in the darkest days of his life, but they left Basils grandmother in the dying days of hers
Basils mother left her son to take her place, to let his hair grow out more then usual, to let his grandmother call him “daughter” when her real daughter had left them both behind :(
(We may not know much about Basils family but where there is potential I will FIND the angst and I will share it with everyone I can to make you all sad too)
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
any chance we could get some trans!hero hcs? feelin particularly dysphoric today 😓
Damn nonnie that sucks :/// I’m 10+k deep in a BNHA WIP one shot right now, but I clawed myself out when I saw this in my inbox because dysphoria sucks and maybe this will make you feel a lil bit better!! Just remember, no one decides who you are but you, and no matter how your brain might be feeling, you are you and that’s so awesome!! My DMs are also always open if you need to talk (assuming you’re still awake when I post this) Also some of these aren’t me projecting...no not at all. TW: needles (I’ll put a secondary TW if you want to read the top part)
Hero’s mother is more upset about his name change than the fact that he’s transgender. Her child is her child and she will love whoever that ends up being, but the name she gave her child was chosen with care. It was a name she had wanted to give to her daughter from when she was just five years old. 
She eventually made it Sally’s middle name, and even though her husband was worried about what Hero would think, he seemed happy when he heard from his mom what she had chosen. Hero doesn’t hate his birth name, it just isn’t his. He’s more than happy to let his baby sister have it. 
Hero really wants to grow facial hair. At thirteen or fourteen he starts to check to see if maybe he has any, and Mari loves to tease him for it. She draws a fake moustache on him at one of their sleepovers, and the kids all howl with laughter when they see it. Hero is a little annoyed when he figures out why they’re all laughing at him, but then he gets into it. he takes the top hat that sits on the chest at the end of Sunny’s bed and talks in a British accent for the rest of the day. The kids dub him “Fancy Hero” and demand that Mari help them to find their own “fancy” outfits. 
Speaking of sleepovers, Mari’s parents are...unsure of what to do about the kids sleepovers once Hero comes out to everyone. They hadn’t had a problem when it was Mari and Aurora but now the rules had to be..different. Didn’t they? 
Mari pitched a fit the first time they tried to say she and Hero couldn’t share a bed anymore. They had shared since they were toddlers, and Basil and Sunny shared all the time, so what was wrong? Since they didn’t have a good answer, she won that argument and they were allowed to continue their little traditions. 
When Hero starts taking testosterone he isn’t as happy as he wants to be. He should be ecstatic, it should be one of the best moments of his life. After almost a decade of trying to figure out who he is and what that means finally he can start to feel like every other guy. Except he isn’t that happy, because of one tiny little thing. 
Hero is afraid of needles. 
He isn’t afraid of giving shots, he learned that when he volunteered to help give flu shots at the retirement home near his college, but something is so different when it comes to getting them. When he was little he had to have both of his parents there to help him get his immunizations, and even when he was getting his vaccinations for college his dad had to come be in the room with him. Now he’s supposed to give himself an injection every week. 
He manages to do it for a few weeks before it becomes too much and he just...stops. It sets off his brain into a bit of a downward spiral and he wants to just man up and deal with the issue, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still terrifying. 
I honestly think Hero might eventually stop for awhile. He is a little bit self conscious of stopping, because his parents don’t really understand what that means. He doesn’t stop being a guy just because he’s stopping T, it just didn’t work out for him. They’re trying to be understanding and open, but they still don’t get it. Kel as always is really supporting, and even offers to help Hero with his shots if he wants, but that wouldn’t work during the school year. 
Then his doctor introduces testosterone gel to him. It’s every day, but it’s just a gel he puts on his shoulders instead of sticking himself every week, and he’s ecstatic. 
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Grown to Love Secrecy - Chapter Three (Petekey)
Can be read here.
Summary:  Mikey Way hates Oscar Wilde but Pete Wentz convinces him to read The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Chapter Three:  The Tyranny of an Old, Loveless Man
It’s been a few days since Mikey and Pete’s first night together on the bus. It was an awkward endeavor, but Pete found it quite charming, seeing how nervous Mikey was and how much Mikey wanted to make him happy. He couldn’t help but smile the whole time he was with Mikey.
For the following days, things have been pretty quiet amongst the bands and their missing bassists. One always off with the other but this doesn’t mean that their performance has faltered if anything their new sparked friendship sparked between the two has set off speculation amongst fans and it drives them crazy to be able to sneak a peek at the hottest new bromance in the scene. Don’t even get me started on when the bands would join each other on stage and perform together, fangirls everywhere go wild.
The sun, the music, and the romance (well, mostly on Mikey’s side) has created the perfect summer for the two. Sure, there are some awkward moments of Mikey questioning their relationship status and Pete’s heart thinking for his dick or maybe the other way around. However, these aren’t things that you communicate with the guy you make out with sometimes. So, much like themselves, their feelings stayed in the closet.
Pete conjured up this crazy idea of having their bands being able to hang out with each other and create bonds within the two groups after they leave Texas. Making plans at going to some waterparks before and after their sets to cool off in New Mexico. Maybe watch the sunsets or see some movies as most friends do. And It was during this time where Pete has an inner monologue with himself everyday about his feelings for Mikey.
He promised himself that he wouldn’t hurt after Jeanae. He wouldn’t bend over backwards for another person because he’s the only one that gets hurt in the end and the only one that’s painted as a terrible person. But even so, his feelings for Mikey grow as they stay up late and talk about what the future holds for the both of them and their bands. Both of their widely anticipated third albums and the tours after Warped. Will they ever tour together again? Will they be happy (together)? Does anything they do matter? They are a bunch of existential motherfuckers.
Pete brought up the idea of marriage and Mikey scoffed at the idea which bewildered Pete.
“I don’t think marriage will ever be for me. When my parent’s divorced, it made me believe that love wasn’t as magical as most think it is? Will it really heal everything? Will having someone love me replace the hatred I have for myself? I don’t know.” Mikey looked up at Pete, finishing his mini tangent before his voice faltered and he looks away from him. “Plus, I don’t think I’ve met the person that I’d want to marry yet.” He didn’t want to think what he said was true as he would like to have a potential future with Pete. Marriage? Maybe not but it doesn’t mean that he wants to rid his life of Pete. He’s one of his closest friends and even if this fling isn’t anything but that, he’d still love to have Pete around.
Pete was silent. He didn’t know why he was so upset. Friends with Benefits shouldn’t hurt this much. The benefits of being Mikey’s friend is the occasional make out sessions behind porta potties at Warped and gross, sticky hand jobs and head in gas station bathrooms with the side effects of falling in love with a man that doesn’t believe in the magic of love and what it can heal. Pete shakes his head, who was he kidding. He was the one to initiate this whole idea of a fling with him, why he so upset? This was his grave and now, he must lie in. Or is it his bed? Well, it might as well be grave with the way that this relationship will the death of him.
“Sorry, I was thinking of… stuff.” Pete responded. ‘Yeah, that’s smooth as hell, Pete.’ He thinks to himself sarcastically, mentally facepalming.
Mikey let out a breathy laugh and Pete swore his heart could burst.
“Yeah, ‘stuff’.” He sits up and moves his hands up to make air quotes, “I can tell. Every time you’re deep in thought, your eyebrows squish together, and you bite your lip and look off into the distance. You’re kind of spaced out, deep in your own world. I think it’s pretty cute.” Mikey shies away from Pete and scoots to the end of his bunk.
Pete smiles and crawls toward Mikey, grabbing his thighs and pulling him into a kiss. The couple kiss for a few moments before they pull away, their breath heavy and their faces hot. Their noses are still in contact with each other as they lose each other into their eyes. They swear they can get high off just being around each other. They lay there for a while before they recollect themselves.
After they come down from their high, they get back to working on Pete’s mission to get Mikey to fall in love with Oscar Wilde (and maybe fall in love with him too).
“Alright. So, what chapter did you read up to last time?” Pete asked as he waited besides Mikey who’s flipping through the pages of the maroon-colored book that the pair have been invest in for the past week.
Mikey skims the book as he answers, “Uh, I don’t remember. I think we left off at the part where Lord Henry was saying some bullshit about his selfishness and how Dorian was like charmed, so he ditches Basil to hang with Lord Henry.” Mikey shakes his head at Dorian’s naivety. How can he leave the one man that seems to care for him for some other person who’s clearly not good for him?
As the pair read the rest of chapter three and move onto their transition into chapter four, Pete couldn’t help but notice the similarities between himself and Lord Henry. From his own perspective, he’s charming and witty yet so destructive. Almost everything good in his life has been ultimately destroyed at his own hand. He’s surprised that the band has lasted as long as it did. Maybe it was the other guy’s efforts into keeping the band afloat or maybe the band is what keeps himself sane. Hopefully, he isn’t the Lord Henry to Mikey’s Dorian. However, Mikey doesn’t see himself as that way. He hasn’t gotten that far into the book to find a character to relate to yet, he finds them all to be either too obsessed with someone else or self-obsessed and he doesn’t think that he’d ever find someone to fall that madly in love with to obsess over.
Despite, Mikey’s constant jabs at Gerard for loving Oscar Wilde so much he can see where Gerard in high school was coming from. This book is amazing and tugged at his heartstrings in a way that was too embarrassing to admit to anyone but himself. And well, maybe Pete. He is his boyfriend. In a way. Maybe. Probably. I don’t know.
While Mikey was having his third relationship crisis of that week, Pete couldn’t help but watch him. He realizes that he’d like Mikey around longer than the summer allows. But would Mikey want that? Is that what’s the best for either of them? Pete shakes away those thoughts of self-doubt. Why wouldn’t Mikey want to hang out with him and the guys? They’re best friends and Mikey’s pretty close with everyone else in the band.
Mikey could feel Pete’s gaze on his face, feeling himself grow hot before he turned to face the older man, “Anything wrong, Pete?”
Pete quickly snaps out of his own mind and shakes his head, “Sorry. Thinking again, aha.” He exhales before he speaking softly, “So… Mikeyway. Would you… and the rest of My Chem like to… I don’t know, erm, hang out tomorrow? Like all of us. As a group.”
Mikey was a bit startled by this proposition; their bandmates hardly hang out with each other off stage. It won’t be that hard to convince them though, considering all they do is hang out with Jamia at merch, sign autographs, hang with the fans, and mess with Cortez.
“I mean, sure? I think tomorrow will be great. I’ve heard New Mexico has the best sunsets.”
Pete smiles, “It’s a date.”
“Alright, who the fuck ate all my Cocoa Krispies” Bob exclaimed entering the main room on the bus. The rest of the guys looked up at him confused while Frank as stoic as ever without peering from his magazine answers, “Yeah, so what if I did it? It wasn’t labeled.”
This set Bob off and the rest of the guys and they all got into an argument over how the labeling system is bullshit and that if you know it’s not yours to not take it. All the guys except Mikey. This isn’t unusual behavior for him as he tries to avoid all conflict if possible. This was evident to Gerard and the guys when some drunk guy punched Gerard without warning and Frank tried to run up on the dude while Ray was holding him back. Leaving Mikey nowhere to fade into the background talking to some girl he took home later that night.
However, Gerard was skeptical, he hadn’t spoken all morning even during rehearsals, he didn’t even leave a few snarky remarks at Frank or Gerard as he usually did. It was odd.
Later after the bands small quarrel, they decided to take a small break and go on a walk while Gerard said that he’d rather stay with Mikey, leaving just the two of them on the bus.
Mikey on his sidekick, texting whoever the hell he’s always texting. Gerard guessed it was the guys from lostprophets or maybe the dudes from Fall Out Boy or Adam or Geoff or the countless of girls that ask for his number that he gives out on the random. He’s surprise that Mikey hasn’t gotten his number leaked yet. Mikey chewed on his lip as his fingers stayed frozen on the keyboard of his sidekick, glancing up at Gerard ever so often.
Gerard was the first one to break the silence, “So, do you have any plans for today?” Mikey kept his eyes glued to the sidekick, scanning the screen as it has the answer to Gerard’s question. Mikey sniffled a bit almost as if he needed some time before he spoke then he wiped his nose with the sleeve of his “Mikey” hoodie. He was prone to allergies, no matter what time of year it was, hay fever is one of his biggest enemies.
“Uhm,” He looked down at his sidekick once more before closing it and setting it to the side, “Pete and I were talking last night. You know, how he’s always trying to make me read The Picture of Dorian Gray? Well, we’ve been hanging out a lot and I know, I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to talk to you guys or hang out with you guys much.”
Gerard nodded along as Mikey spoke, agreeing with everything he said as yes, Mikey did hang out with Pete a bit too much to his liking and he hardly hung out with the band unless Pete is with him. It bothered him a bit, but Frank already said that he shouldn’t speak on it so he’s going to leave it at that.
“And he feels bad and wants us to all hang out as a group. Not just us performing onstage to rile up the fans or anything. Not My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy. Just a couple of dudes from Chicago and Jersey.” Mikey picks up his sidekick, reading the message that’s displayed before him but before he texts back a response, he looks back up at Gerard, “We can all go out to a waterpark far from Warped and we can just relax and swim and be us.”
Gerard smiles, “Yeah, I’d like that. I think the guys would like that too.”
Mikey smiles back at his brother, “Awesome. I’ll let Pete and the rest of the guys know.” Mikey jumps up from the booth and towards the back of the bus.
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hpdabbles · 5 years
Brother Dearest
“Are you sure about this Harry? Once you go through with it, you’ll be stuck for a month or longer.” Dean warns one last time. His friend had gone over the runes nine times, given the same warning ten times and was still worried.  “I’m not even one hundred percent sure I can pull you back.”
Harry smiled at him “You have a good theory that you can”
“Yes but it’s still just a theory. We haven’t tested it yet” Dean counters
“You’ve been able to bring back the portraits spirts you sent”
“Those weren’t conclusive” Dean huffs “We have no idea what the effect it can have on a person and not magical paint.”
Shrugging his shoulders The-Man-Who-Conquered leans back into his pillows making sure medical robes don’t accidentally flash his school friend. He glances down at the glowing runes, carefully crafted around his bed and humming with magic.
Maybe this was a crazy idea. Maybe it wouldn’t work. But maybe Harry didn’t care.
“Look, Dean, you’re an amazing magical researcher. You’ve been studying and developing this for three years, have been able to rebuild a time tuner and done a full year of testing. It’s ready for a live one. Besides, I trust you.” Harry says, grinning when it makes the ex-Gryffindor blush. “Now, we aren’t getting any younger, let’s get to it yeah? Pull the lever, Kronk.”
Dean throws his hands into the air.  “Not you too. I took Seamus to watch that movie a month ago and he still runs around quoting it. He’s my husband so I have to put up with it but I am not going to listen to you quote that ridiculous rubbish.”
“Aw, Dean comes on. It’s a great movie!” Harry laughs, as the other rolls his eyes “It has potions and referenced amimagus what’s not to like?”
“It’s a kid’s movie”
“It’s art.”
Dean sighs like Harry’s appreciation for Disney was a sign of a huge failure. Harry didn’t care. Some may call him odd for being excited about the latest releases but he spent his whole childhood wishing he could enjoy the cinema like his classmates could and then spent his teenage years fighting off a mad man.
He may be twenty, but he had the right to enjoy what he couldn’t then. He’s earned it.
“Pull the lever, Kronk!” Harry repeats pleased as a peach when Dean’s face sours.
“Fine, I will!” The other man snaps then somber up as his wand touches the outline of the runes. Harry feels his skin rise with goosebumps as the wave of power washes over him. “Remember, I’m going to aim for a timeline similar to ours but I can’t guarantee it will be the same year or that I will actually land you in one that is alike. You’ll take over the body of whoever you are in that timeline and they won’t feel a thing. Once I pull you back, they will be fine. Hopefully. Maybe. You can still say no.”
Harry shakes his head. “I want to help. Take care of my body while I’m gone.”
Dean sighs then nod his head to a notebook he had a place in a runes circle a little further away from Harry’s bed. The two runes circles were connected with smaller inscriptions laid out like a spider web between them. “That is design to bring back the ink from the other timelines. You need to write in it every day as part of the research and so I know you’re doing okay. In the worst-case, I can pull you out if needed once you write for help.”
“Not to worry beautiful, I remember my safe word.” Harry jokes 
Dean's face goes amusingly red. “I hate the fact your sense of humor has turned to this. I still remember a boy who chocked anytime  someone even mentioned kissing.”
“I bet your husband would have a laugh” 
“It’s a one-way form of communication” Dean hurries on blush still lingering on his cheeks. Harry can’t help but grin, unable to explain why flustering others was so much fun. It’s fine anyway, he only does it with his friends and they all know his flirting is in jest. “I won’t be able to speak to you. But you can’t forget to write at a set time. If you miss any day at that time I will drag you back. Understand?”
“Yes Daddy”
“Okay! Okay!” Harry laughs hands held in front of him as if though to plead innocence. “I’m sorry. Yes, I understand. And yes I still want to go through with it.”
Dean levels a hard stare on him before nodding. He goes down on one knee and casts the starting spell, incantations falling from his lips with practiced ease. Harry quickly settles into the pile of pillows and tries to relax, wondering what the sensation of having his soul thrown across dimensions would feel like. 
Probably like death. Good thing he’s done that already.
The runes grow brighter and brighter, forcing him to close his eyes as Dean is suddenly impossible to look at. Magic reaches under his skin, clamps down on his soul and starts to tug. Just as Harry feels himself descend he makes out Dean’s words  “Of course I will. Good luck Harry.”
With one last flash of light, he’s gone.
Next thing Harry knows he’s laying in a softer bigger bed, with multiple pillows piled around him. He blinks his eyes open trying to figure out where and when he is but everything is fuzzy seeing as the body he’s just taken over also seems to need glasses.
Next to his bed he thinks is a stand and, assuming The-he-of-this-timeline would put his glass wear there, he fumbles a hand over the surface wincing when dull pain runs up and down his spine. A thumping in the back of his skull is killing him, making him wonder if had woken up after a wild drunken night. A flash of red enters his eyesight blurry like the rest of the world but it worries him that he’s seeing it out of the corner of his eye.
Did the body owner do something worse than getting blackout drunk? 
It’s when his finger finally touches metal and glass, that he realizes something is wrong. For one his hand is smaller and the flash of red is actually hair. He tugs on it with his other hand wincing as it makes the pain on his head worse and confirms that the red hair is his.
Harry has red shoulder-length hair.  It’s soft as silk and straight as lines, falling gracefully into place when he lets go. 
Just as manages to get his glass onto his face- not the circle kind he’s used to. These are a fashionable rectangular style- a healer burst through the door. He pauses when he sees Harry staring back at him before grinning.
“Mr. Potter! How wonderful to you” The healer greets, and Harry can make out the St. Mungo’s crest in the healer’s uniform now that he can see. “Your parents are here to sign you out.”
“My parents?” Harry breathes confused and shock to his core. He regrets it because this experiment is meant to be a secret to the people of this timeline. Dean didn’t want to risk his research falling into the hands of someone dangerous- say the Death Eaters- and they use that to either follow him back to his world or wreak havoc in others. 
Everything right now is in just testing zones. 
 He’s supposed to sink into the skin of another version of him and record what is different about this place. He’s not doing a good job of blending in if mentioning his parents makes Harry react like this, however, and he wonders if he can pull out the notebook and bail right now.
Thankfully the healer offers the perfect cover.  “Yes, your parents. Lily and James Potter. I know you’re still missing a lot of your memories but don’t worry, they understand that you need time to adjust. I’ll let them in now”
Watching him cast a spell, which shoots out the open door, Harry gives a weary smile unsure if he’s ready for this or not. He’s going to meet his parents. He’s breathing, living parents! “Thank you sir.”
“They brought your brother as well-”
“Brother?” Harry has siblings here? He was a big brother? His heart starts to beat faster in his chest, he’s not sure if he’s nervous or excited. 
“ Your twin, Harry Potter.” The healer fills him in not missing a beat, his words not fulling registering in the overwhelm young man. It takes a beat for him to process the words, but when they do he throws a wide eye look at the man.
Harry Potter, his twin? He’s not Harry here then? Oh, Dean will be ever upset he missed his mark.
Suddenly Harry can’t breathe because in that second a mop of dark uncontrolled hair pops into the doorway, and he’s staring at the face of his fourteen-year-old self. 
This could explain why his hand was so small. He was younger, also missing the year. Dean is going to be really upset.
Wait if he wasn’t in Harry Potter’s body, then who the hell was he?
“Basil!” Other-Harry shouts looking like’s about to burst into tears. The boy rushes in, bypassing the healer that tries to get his attention, while a dark-haired man and a red-haired woman follow.
Harry doesn’t get a good look at them because he is suddenly in a tight hug from Other-Harry, who wraps himself around him like a koala.  “Basil I’m so glad you’re coming home today. I missed you!”
Harry finds his arms automatically returning the hug and he wonders if it’s the muscle memory of this body or just the fact he always returns hugs to children. “Um?”
“Harry sweetie, we talked about this” Lily says moving forward with pain in her eyes.  “Basil doesn’t remember. Please let him go.”
“oh sorry!” Other-Harry says pulling back, much to Harry’s relief. He finds himself staring into familiar green eyes, ones he’s used to seeing in a mirror and it’s jarring. 
“Is my name Basil?” He asks because really? Basil? They named him after a herb? 
“Yes, son” James answers stepping forward with worry in his hazel eyes. “Basil Potter.”
“Oh well that’s just fucking fantastic isn’t it?” Honestly! Basil! His parents may as well have tattooed “Come bully me” onto his forehead when this body was born.
Harry is only aware the words had been said out loud by the way his new family gains wide eye looks. Other-Harry seems to have gotten hit by a truck.  “Did you just swear? Basil, you never swear.”
It seemed like Dean’s experiment may be inconclusive again.  
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smblmn · 5 years
Favorite  clips of s5 :
@flying-elliska tagged me on this (thanks Ellie! I wish I had your eloquence but I’ll do my best ❤) and it’s taken me a century to answer but here it is!
First of all I have to say that I have very mixed feelings about this season. I was one of the people who thought they would make a love triangle happen with the first underwater clip and that made me react very badly to all the clips with Noeé and Arthur. I know that from an aesthetic point of view there are amazing clips with them like the one where they’re rollerblading through Paris, Noeé dancing or the one in the pool from episode 7, but I can’t include them bc the love triangle ruined them for me.
I wanted to make the list from most to least liked but I can’t decide so I’m going to do them in chronological order bc it’s easier. And sorry in advance bc this is way too long.
Mardi 23:49 31/12 - 3, 2, 1… : What a way to start the season, I remember the buzz in the fandom before this clip dropped and the excitement from the notification of a new clip (and hiding in the bathroom of my parents’ house to watch it while they were all celebrating the new year). And it was so good seeing the cast all together again dancing and being happy... And of course the moment Arthur loses his hearing is so well done... A great first clip.
Vendredi 20:45 - In the present moment: Of course I love Elu and seeing their flat with all the little details of their love story hanging in the walls was amazing. Eliott talking and Lucas reassuring him (and calling him mon amour)... All of them together again dancing and having fun and being happy... it was great.
Samedi 00:25 - The shock: This was such a powerful clip. I knew something bad was coming but it was still a shock: the blow, the silence, the snow and Arthur walking around totally lost and looking right at the camera in the last shot... I think there’s one thing that we can all agree on: give Robin all the oscars.
Dimanche 15:02 - Something to do: In this clip we saw a glimpse of how Basile would be like for the rest of the season when he immediately wanted to go for whoever punched Arthur. And it felt great seeing Arthur tell his friends (mostly) all that had happened to him. And of course Eliott being a ray of sunshine and taking them to the graffiti place, and the check the gang, and the hugging... 
Mardi 7:00 - 4 days: I liked all the 7am clips showing how Arthur slowly loses hope, but this one especially when he thinks he is hearing the alarm and suddenly realizes he only heard it bc it was connected to the speakers... again, give Robin all the oscars.
Vendredi 13:12 - Bro check: The clip where I started loving Basile with all my heart. He is just so sweet and loves Arthur so much and he is not afraid to show it and say it... The definition of wholesome and the real MVP of the season.
Lundi 10:31 - Silicone is life: I just love Alexia, and her reassuring Arthur felt so good. And then those idiots being idiots and everybody hugging in the end again... it felt great.
Lundi 19:02 - Hearing: I loved watching these stories and this clip showed that Skam fr had really made an effort to learn about the Deaf community and show it to us. 
Mardi 10:37 - Touch bench: This isn’t one of the most especial clips but I liked it. Arthur getting rid of running and Lucas acting like a little bitch. Emma joining Arthur on the bench and them bonding... and the SM we got was great too.
Samedi 8:30 - Lies: There’s not a lot about this clip but it was so satisfying watching Arthur going off at his friends for lying to him... 
Dimanche 14:41 - Wanting nothing: I loved Alexia talking about her insecurities (even though later it would feel like a punch in the face with Arthur cheating on her) but it is a beautiful love scene and I’m glad they gave Alexia that speech about acceptance.
Ep. 8: This episode has lots of bits that I loved (and others that I hated but lets not talk about them) so I’m not going to choose clips bc this is already waaaay too long... so, things I loved: Elu talking about being 50 and married and going to Kathmandu, meeting papy Basile, Lucas calling Eliott Mon amour and FIFI, the story about Jeanette, Emma talking to the horse, Lucas apologizing and Basile being a disaster in the background, that shot of Basile and Daphné (fuck, that was beautiful) and the group photo.
Vendredi 20:17 - Choose for you: What can I say? Just: ALEXIA MARTINEAU. Given the circumstances this was the best possible outcome for her and I loved her song and the grace and dignity she showed... 
Samedi 13:29 - Mom: I think this is my favourite clip of the whole season, I love Carole so much (also, I’m so glad Patrick didn’t hit her too). Bc this is a show about teenagers, I think adults are often used only as antagonists and this clip shows Carole and Arthur as a team. She is completely wrecked for not knowing what had happened to her son and Arthur is so sorry for mistreating her by being condescending sometimes. They share their fears and their doubts and they talk like equals. They smoke and they cry and they hug and I loved seeing that (I also cried my eyes out).
Lundi 10:04 - The same life as you: I loved all the clips with Laura and Melchior, but this one sums up all we’ve learned from them and shows the necesities disabled people have with humor but without taking away the importance of the message.
Vendredi 20:37 - Le meilleur des mondes: Yeah, I didn’t like the idea of a new character as a main but they got me with that ending, ngl. They got me super intrigued about Lola, so we’ll see... It was super cheesy but I don’t care, give me all the cheesiness in the world as long as you show me my favorite characters being together and happy... I can’t believe how much I’m going to miss them when this ends... 
Special mentions: Gif attached as a proof of the interaction I’ll never get over:
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Elu being cheesy and in love even if it was in the background was all I wanted for them this season, so that was great. Sofiane dancing and Imane calling him Habibi, Emma and Arthur’s sister/brother bonding, Camika, Noee being a badass and of course Broussary.
I’m going to tag @lallemanting, @lepetitepeach, @surrealsunday, @elsarah, @mirroroferisedx, @jebentnietalleen, @lifeisevak and anyone who wants to talk about this. But no pressure if you don’t want to, of course. ❤❤
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paintsflowers · 6 years
the only word that could describe the look on his siblings' face was  devastated.  claude had been outside when the messenger and come and while he had hurried to the main hall, he had come too late to hear the news --- though one glance at the familiar faces of the others told him that whatever news the man had brought, it had not been something anyone had wanted to hear.
déodat was quiet and motionless, something that looked strange and wrong on him, but he slowly turned his head to face claude, despite his attention never leaving his twin. “ it's johannes, ” he said.  prince  johannes, he meant, but this went without saying; king johannes was awaiting his burial in the capital. “ he ... has died. ”
slowly, the weight of déodat's words reached claude. their prince, their friend was no more. and as everyone around him was not just sad but also consumed by underlying fury, it was not hard to guess that johannes had not died in an accident. the risk of assassination was, of course, a constant hazard for any member of the royal family, but --- this felt particularly wrong. johannes was ---  had been  a good man. honourable, diligent. the kind of man that had made freya worry that perhaps, he would break under the responsibilities of a king. anyone knew that to be a good king, one sometimes had to do the bad thing for the right reason.
“ murdered. ” claude could barely speak, managed to merely say one word before he collapsed onto the nearest chair. it was --- it was impossible to comprehend, just now. impossible to think that a man he had seen alive, mere days earlier, was gone now. still, despite his own pain, he thought of the princesses and the princes, of the queen who had just lost her husband, of princess gabrielle who would have to bury her twin, only a decade after she had buried her parents. the royal family was no stranger to loss, but this loss felt particularly cruel.
the sound that left asce's throat was barely human and this made sense because no one among them, not even freya, had loved johannes as much as asce had. in the name of everything that was holy --- asce had wanted to accompany the crown prince into the feuding south the way he usually would follow johannes anywhere dangerous and he had been so frustrated when his duties had kept him in bellrose. and the heir was a knight; the thought that harm had befallen his liege while he had been away had to be more painful than words could ever express.
by the window, basil turned around to look at the others --- and claude nearly flinched back; it had been many years since basil had looked like this, aflame with fury and grief alike. freya was next to him, two pale hands clinging to his upper arm, two blue eyes filled with nameless sadness. and while this picture would look wrong to an outsider, it did not feel wrong to claude. for all their fights and disagreements, for all their conflicting ideas --- when despair came, basil and freya would always present a united front. no one in the entire family was was alike as they were; thus, no one could ever hope to understand the bond that tied them to their fate.
“ murdered, ” éloi confirmed quietly, his eyes downcast and his fists clenched at his sides.
all of them loved the royal family fiercely  ( and probably more than their own lives ),  all of them wanted to see them happy and alive. this was why déodat had fought the last three royal tournaments as princess karla's champion --- because she trusted him and because he would never assume that it meant anything. this was why éloi had travelled with princess anna when she had gotten married, why he had stayed at a foreign court for two months before coming home. this was why freya had agreed to go to the capital and  fight  other noblewomen for the honour of becoming the crown prince's wife --- not because she had wanted the crown but because she had wanted to make sure that whoever would be the lucky one was someone the kingdom could rely on.
for them, ianthe would always come first. whether they could admit it or not, they were all used to putting country and crown first. even if it cost them relationships, even if it meant dealing with the resentment and the envy of other nobles. ianthe was their priority. they all would put the royal family first, before their own ambitions, before their own happiness, but freya and basil nearly matched their father in their dedication, a dedication that bordered to devotion. asce, too, though he had only ever been fully dedicated to johannes  ( and maybe princess eleanor )  as they had been friends from birth almost, having sworn oath upon oath, always vowing that he would protect them and their interests. the rumours that asce would cast away his title to join the kingsguard as soon as johannes became king had been a rumour the family had never commented on, but claude had always thought that it would not surprise him if it came to this. 
( especially considering that for most his life, people had told asce that basil would be better suited to the responsibilities of their father's title. )
by the window, there was movement as basil steered their sister to the nearest bench, gently pushing her to sit down, to rest. “ my heart breaks for the queen, ” freya said softly. from anyone else, it would have been a meaningless phrase. from freya, someone who hated their mother just as much as they all did, it was genuine sympathy --- and her best attempt at empathy in many weeks. the queen was a woman freya did not respect for her title, she was someone the youngest rosen respected because there was more strength hidden beneath all the silk than most expected. “ this has to be killing her. ”
silently, claude agreed. the idea of a loving mother who respected her children's choices was something he and his siblings were only familiar with because they had observed the way other mothers treated their children. their own mother was widely incapable of genuine affection, after all, and if she tried, she only made everyone very nervous. but queen cordelia? nothing about the way she had cautioned her children when she had been worried for them had ever felt like an act. 
within his family, queen cordelia was a beloved figure because she had been the one who had saved ianthe from the ugly reality that would have come to fruition had an all-too-ambitious noblewoman by the name of audierna vos won the late king's heart and out of all the people who lived in the country, claude and his siblings knew best how bad such a reality would have been for the country and its people. king johannes had not needed a queen who knew how to play the game of high politics, he had not needed someone who blindly supported him. he had needed an equal. in cordelia doren, he had found the companion he had needed.
freya had not cried, not yet, but claude knew his sister far too well; she would cry at night when the wind would drown out the sound of her sobs. he knew because with one look, he could tell that this night, all of them would weep for the friend, for the prince they had lost. and in the morning, they would rise and wash off their faces before putting on their masks, reminding themselves to show strength, to  be  strong for those who would had been hit even harder by this vile, vile murder.
“ this means, ” basil said as he looked away from their sister, a grim expression falling over his face, “ that tess---  theresia  will be queen, no? ”
asce nodded slowly, his own expression mirroring basil's, but it was freya who spoke, her voice bordering to hysterical which was all wrong because freya was usually calm in the face of tragedy. “ i'll tell mother one thing, ” she said, her voice sharper than knives and utterly venomous, “ that i will not marry theresia. ”
no one would expect her to, but her words reminded claude of something and, judging from their sudden flinches, his brothers had realised the same thing: freya would no longer be pressured to marry into the royal family by their mother as johannes was dead and peter was too young, but now,  they  would be expected to woo theresia.
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MEET THE MUSE (repost, don’t reblog please!)
► Name ➔ “Borkul the Beast.”
► Are you single ➔ “Yes.”  ► Are you happy ➔ “I’m content. Life is pretty easy when you can scare people into doing what you want.”     ► Are you angry? ➔ “Yes.” ► Are your parents still married ➔ “Yeah, in Malacath’s Ashpit.” 
► Birth Place ➔ “I’m not really sure. Some long-gone Stronghold.”  ► Hair Color ➔ “Dark brown. Or black? Why don’t you take a closer look for me?”  ► Eye Color ➔ “Brown.” ► Birthday ➔ “I dunno.” ► Mood ➔ “They both used to be hazel, until some dickhead wizard threw frostbite venom in the right one. Hurt like hell. It’s gone all cloudy now, and I can’t see very well out of it. Needless to say, I ripped the guy’s head off.”  ► Gender ➔ “Male.” ► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Afternoon.”
► Are you in love ➔ “No.” ( *side eyes Senna* are u sure about that Borkul ) ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “No.” ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “I’m not a relationship person.” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Probably.” ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “No. They’re just inconvenient. Besides, how many people want to commit themselves to a murderer?”  ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Not in a friendly way.” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “I hope so. It’s a funny thought.” ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Nah.”
► Love or lust ➔ “Lust.” ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Lemonade.” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Dogs. Their teeth are bigger.” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Many regular friends. Connections don’t hurt in my line of work.” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Night out.” ► Day or night ➔ “Night.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Nah. It wasn’t against the rules. I did more-or-less whatever I wanted to as a kid.” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Yes.”  ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “No.” ( *glances at Senna again, coughs* )  ► Wanted to disappear ➔ “No.” ( mhm, sure ) 
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes. Smiles can be faked.” ► Fat or skinny ➔ “Skinny people are easier to throw around, but I don’t think that’s the type of preference we’re talking about.” ► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Everyone’s shorter than me.” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Attraction.” ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Hook-up.”
► Do you and your family get along  ➔ “I don’t remember my orc family, and they’re all dead. There was an older guy in my bandit clan who pretty much adopted me, taught me everything I know - we’re out of touch now, but not for any bad reason.”  ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Nah. It probably wasn’t ideal, but I’m strong and able to take care of myself. The bandits were my family, and so are the Forsworn - even if they are all murderers.”  ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “No. There was no need. My clan took care of me.” ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “No. Could you imagine some scrawny Breton bandit trying to kick me out?” 
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “No. I choose them wisely.” ( he does resent Basil, and is definitely afraid of him just a tiny bit )  ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Yes. Again, I choose them wisely.” ( see above parenthesis )  ► Who is your best friend ➔ “Basil, I guess. I spend most of my time with him, or looking after his wife.” ( >.> )  ► Who knows everything about you ➔ “I don’t know. Don’t think I care to.” 
tagging: whoever wants!!
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