#omori headcanon
skyisepic · 6 months
i personally think more people should draw younger hero with acne and braces and glasses..,: liek you cant look at him and tell me this was not what he looked like in middle and high school
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sharky-the-idiot · 6 months
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Thought I'd show you guys a lil rococo hc :3
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sophisticatedpjparty · 6 months
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Sunny from Omori a few years post-true-ending 🌷
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aromanticannibal · 6 months
Basil is very mentally ill (SPOILERS)
I just came to this realization in the tags of another post but how deeply fucked up mentally must little twelve year old Basil must have been for his first idea to cover up Mari's death to be a suicide.
Mari has a knee injury that stops her from playing softball - so it must be a pretty bad knee injury. And you know what knee injuries do to you? They make you fucking fall. What are the odds of Mari accidentally falling off the stairs and dying from it after tripping because of her injury (and she was probably tired because of her training for the recital on top of that)? Pretty high me thinks. Even without the knee injury, these are some tall stairs man. Maybe I'm just clumsy but I know I'd fall from that.
So what happened is that Basil saw his best friend made his sister fall from the stairs and she died from it. And his first thought was to... Stage it as a suicide. And not any type of suicide, stage it as Mari having hanged herself. @a-rock-nothing-else in who's tags I screamed already pointed out that it's really weird for a twelve year old boy at a time where Internet isn't that easily accessible to know how to tie a noose.
So. Basil is undeniably fucked in the head from a stupidly young age, which makes sense given his parents are canonically "too busy" to take care of him, and he lives with his grandma + he seemingly didn't have any friends before Aubrey befriended him. So the child is probably somewhat depressed in the first place, and may have been suicidal in the past, explaining his knowledge of how to tie a noose (this is from @/a-rock-nothing-else's post).
But on top of that, even when he's seemingly really happy with his friends, his immediate reaction to Mari dying isn't to either freeze up like Sunny or call for help, it's to frame the "murder" and even then, to frame it as a fucked up suicide that's probably hard to put in place (need to know how to make a noose, need to bring the dead weight of a 16 years old girl down the stairs and then up a rope, all that alone because Sunny isn't responsive) instead of a simple "She fell down the stairs!". Even giving most of the truth would probably have been simpler ("Sunny and Mari were arguing and Mari was tired and tripped and fell down the stairs!").
I have a theory/headcanon : Basil probably was traumatized by something in the past (his parents' absence, his lack of friends or potential bullying, even just his depression) and got the good ol' "You're so mature for your age!" symptom. In this state of mind, he felt he had to help Sunny, because Sunny is helpless and doesn't know what to do, and he's his best friend, so Basil has to do something. He's the only one who can do something. (He doesn't think of calling for help.) Then, his first thought is to stage a suicide, perhaps because he's seeing things through his own eyes too much : when you're suicidal, you might view committing suicide as an escape from everything (good) and think that the people around you will forget everything about it in a few days, maybe (very good). Basil doesn't think in terms of "this is going to break everyone's hearts and might traumatize many of my friends" first because when you're twelve you don't think like that, and second because he's seeing himself in Mari supposed suicide.
Of course, he realizes after how terrible of an idea this is, but well. He can't do anything now, and he knows he did something wrong.
I suppose after all this, when the adrenaline went back down, he realizes that Mari didn't kill herself or die out of nowhere, someone pushed her. And when you're a kid you probably struggle to see shades of grey a bit, so he can't possibly believe his best friend is the one who pushed Mari down the stairs and killed her, no - it was something behind him.
Anyway. I'm not blaming Basil for anything, just trying to understand why his brain works so fucking weird and projecting a bit. I also might have missed some canon points but heh. These are just random thoughts, this is the reason why I labeled this as a theory/headcanon.
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rosekiller-addict · 9 months
i love to imagine that Orange Joe is the equivalent of Sunny D in Faraway Town. Like no, Kel isn't drinking orange juice, he's drinking the sugary, on steroids version
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karakos-little-circus · 8 months
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Caregiver! Sunny (Omori) Stimboard for meee :3
my silly cg <3 i included lotsa fun and cozy stuffs!! yayy :3
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kid-az · 8 months
Omori hobbies headcanon
Kel secretly sews and knits clothing, blanket, and plushies, and in fact made a few plushies and teddy bears for Sally. Post-Good ending, he tells the others of his hobby and would make Sunny some cat plushies and eyepatches, and would knit Basil nice sweaters. He keeps his sewing station and equipment in the attic.
Obligatory Sunny being an artist, but I like the idea of him being into pottery post game. It’d be cool to see him make pots inspired by Headspace, and it would also be some nice symbolism on Sunny forgiving himself as he now views his hands as being able to create instead of just kill or hurt.
Basil uses his attic to cultivate mushrooms, mainly edible mushrooms that he and Polly can use as ingredients for dishes. He’s shy about revealing others his hobby as he believes they would think he grows Those type of mushrooms.
Aubrey….. I love to imagine she spends a lot of her time outdoors feeding cats and other animals. Just… keeping cat food and seeds with her at all times to feed whatever small animals and felines she comes across.
While he largely gave up on being a cook, that didn’t mean he abandoned the lifestyle entirely! In college, he often has a part-time job as a barista, and he’s an amazing brewer of coffee and tea, and greatly enjoys doing that. He often also brews coffee at home and in his dorms, and has a small collection of coffee beans/grounds and various types of teas.
Do any of you people have any headcanons on the character’s hobbies and what they might do for fun?
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slugbrain-thoughts · 2 years
My favorite Omori headcanons are that Sunny doesn’t blink, and when not moving, is eerily still like a statue.
His hair is also vantablack, and doesn’t catch any light whatsoever. You could put him in a room with the walls being made of flashlights, and his hair would still be pitch black.
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mikkokomori · 1 year
Rowan related headcannon:
After the games true ending Omori transforms into Omoriboy and Stranger transforms into Rowan, and they both try to help Sunny with various tasks, but the two mostly disagree over what "help" is, for example:
Rowan: "You've got this Sunny! get pumped!"
Omoriboy: "It's okay to fail, no pressure, just relax."
Sunny: "I'm just trying to open a peanut butter jar!"
Kind of like how in some cartoons someone might get an angel and a demon on their shoulders, except their not on Sunny's shoulders, they're not tiny, and who the "angel" and who the "demon" is changes from time to time based on the scenario.
This was genuinely funny to read, I like it HDBCBSNNX
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messy-jaxx · 1 year
Kel duct taped Basil's grow-lights all around Sunny's body while Sunny was wearing sunglasses.
Aubrey scowled at Kel "What are you doing now!?"
Then Kel, with sunglasses on his face and a remote in his hands, while his torso faced Aubrey and Basil, pointed both of his arms towards Sunny while pressing a button with his thumb "Behold! the power of the Sun!"
As all the grow-lights turned on Aubrey screamed in rage while Basil nervously laughed.
Basil then said "Wow Sunny! Now you're as bright on the outside as you are on the inside!"
Aubrey then tried to chase Kel, but she couldn't see so he kept throwing her off with the sound of his voice.
(In the end, everyone would get a "sunburn" that night.)
As much as I love this I'm not going to draw the whole scenario so instead, I offer you...
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aubunnies · 6 months
i imagine basil and aubrey both being regressors and taking turns being one anothers cgs. or regressing with one another and having little playdates and just being overall silly with one another. coloring together and playing toys and stuff. i think aubrey would regress more overall as a way to cope with her abuse, but i think that just acting like silly kids again would be really nice for both of them.
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skyisepic · 5 months
“hero from omori isnt transfem-“ MAKES YOU EXPLODE!!!!
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i love her so much
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crowbasils · 4 months
Also random headcanon but - I headcanon that sometimes Basil goes to visit some relatives on their ranch and he helps them out with the horses and sometimes even helps trains the horses
ooo? not sure if i can see this (considering him & his grandmother and his parents seem to be pretty distant to an extent—which probably does extend to his relatives 😭) but it’s an interesting hc :D
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clarelabellerose · 1 year
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My OMORI Headcanons. I shall not be stopped.
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limoncats · 5 months
many ppl headcanon Hero and Kel as Spanish/Mexican
what about them as Turkish?? (i headcanon them like that)
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rosekiller-addict · 8 months
here are the last names i Headcanon for omori characters (if y'all have any suggestions feel free to tell me, i might change it)
Hidaka (for mari and sunny): the first part of this means "sun" or "day" and considering Sunny's first name its kinda a funny pun. The second part means "high" or "tall" which is also kinda a pun bc they both died falling from high places
Duran (for Hero and Kel): Duran is a spanish surname that means "Enduring" I think this fits Hero and Kel well because after Mari died, Hero went into a state of depression which he had to endure and even though Kel represents acceptance, he still had to endure the pain of Mari's death
Tristesse (for Aubrey): Tristesse is a french name that literally means "sadness" and is often associated with misfortune. This fits Aubrey perfectly because of her situation with her parents and mari's death
Cheran (Aubrey part 2): Cheran is a biblical name that means "Anger" which fits her because she represents anger and its also a biblical name and Aubrey started to go to church after Mari died soooo (i hc that Aubrey doesn't like either of her last names bc she doesn't like her parents and each name is either her mom or dads so if she has to use one she'll use both but after the truth she starts to use Duran)
Demetriou (for Basil): Demetriou is a greek name that names "Child Of Demeter" which fits him because he likes plants and Demeter is the goddess of plants
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