#whole point is that they shift!
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 20 days
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Unsolved Mysteries.
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lovecolibri · 5 months
I truly, TRULY, do not understand the Night Yorb hate. The fact that it was invented whole cloth from a bit is so fun! It was the cliffhanger from the last season! It burst out of Riz's chest after they said the name too many times! It's a giant sting-ray of darkness! The Hangman and Hanvan have been warning everyone about saying the name since the middle of last season!
Sorry you all hate joy and fun and are begging Brennan to get it out of the way to move on to the REAL story, but I'm here for any and all Night Yorb content, and would honestly be *thrilled* if they kept up stuff about it all season. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go join the Choir of Eternal Night and continue petitioning for a Night Yorb plush from Dropout.
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titansarmy · 4 months
at some point rick decided that the big bad, the big evil tyrant, was zeus and all of the gods were also victims and powerless to him even though that was never the case in pjo and sadly this mid-hoo/toa caricature-ish characterisation of zeus and the gods stains everything rick comes out with now
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zeb-z · 5 months
There’s something so important about Gillion - who never heals himself, who rushes into danger, who hides his wounds- facing death and realizing he isn’t unafraid as he was raised to be. He uses his magic on himself to help with the exhaustion, to keep his life intact. And still he tries to comfort Jay and Chip while he’s coherent, being realistic about his chances but refusing to make it painful. Wanting their possible last moments to be light, to be about seemingly inconsequential things, small favorites that still mean the world to him purely because they’re Chip and Jay’s favorites. And then when all is said and done, he makes a raccoon for Jay. He talks about raspberries for Chip. He uses his last saved up arcane energy to try desperately to stay awake, and it works, and it saves him in the final hour.
It’s just. There’s something about how he hasn’t had a chance to rest since the Feywild, really, truly rest. How this whole time he’s been down on himself and taking extreme risks. And now, at what might be the end of it all, he realizes he doesn’t want to die. He wants to live. And not to be able to save others, not to fulfill his destiny, not out of obligation to anyone else - but purely for himself. For all the little things. And though it’s not quite healing in the literal term, his nearly final act was spent trying to save himself - and it worked.
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lunarw0rks · 6 months
sitting on price’s lap and feeling him get hard <3
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lesbiangracehanson · 1 year
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another day, another j7 scene that makes me feel insane 
#insane + turned on at the same time. it's a terrible predicament#olivia watches voyager#j7#seven of nine#kathryn janeway#star trek voyager#i think janeway Did need to hear this im ngl.....#like the fact that she clearly takes it on board + it affects how she proceeds with the doctor confirms that imo#and seven was making good points!#i'm glad she advocated for the doctor#bc it did feel like the whole crew was regressing a bit in their treatment of him recently idk#voyager's continually grappling with this tension between 'giving' someone their freedom/encouraging them to explore it#and then abruptly retracting that freedom when it's convenient#e.g. obvs the doctor with the memory wiping + the fairly regular 'i'm gonna deactivate ur programme' threats#seven with the 'ur an individual but there's also ever-shifting parameters to ur individuality' etc#also 'ur an individual but we will harvest u for nanoprobes on demand + ur objection will be noted but ignored' lol#but also tom in a recent ep of s5 - janeway bringing up how she freed him from the penal colony#+ also b'elanna in s5 - janeway barely giving her 2 seconds to recover#before ordering her to 'move on' from her anger re: that holo cardassian operating on her#it's like. yes all starfleet ships have their hierarchy + individual freedom exists in tension with that#but bc there's such an amalgamation of characters on voyager#from backgrounds that aren't starfleet/aren't strictly starfleet#and that - by their presence on the ship - have been 'indebted' in some way from the beginning#it all feels even more complicated#anyway why have i just written all these tags lol <3
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skinnypaleangryperson · 4 months
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cookinguptales · 5 months
but if you see only one photo from my trip to Yamagata, it should be this one. when I first started climbing Hagurosan, it really did feel like I'd stepped across the threshold to another world.
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 8 months
Yeah, people like to think that (adult) Jason’s snarky, cutting, and unapologetic post crisis characterization and the (mostly) “watered down”, docile personality he’s had from N52/rebirth onwards are irreconcilable, and that the shift was just an editorial decision with the intent of marketing him as a “likeable” hero.
While that last part might be true, have they considered that textually it makes perfect sense that being consistently in contact with an abuser just does that to a person. Wears them down until they feel like nothing but a husk, without any discernible direction or opinions of their own. If it isn’t completely burnt out yet, they (consciously or unconsciously) suppress that part of themselves that thinks independently either for self-preservation or to keep the peace. Considering anyone, even “mentally strong” people could fall victim to mental abuse, it’s actually pretty realistic imo.
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drinkingdeadpeopletea · 2 months
and shout-out to weepe's guards! competent enough to move quicker than kozma's people, strong enough to overpower them despite being outnumbered, and seemingly didn't even blink at not just killing other people but at doing it with horrific weaponized tearror-blood. weepe found these guys in the fucking TRUST?
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nellasbookplanet · 1 month
Sorry but my thoughts are still on the nature of death in dnd (and other fiction where resurrection is possible), specifically on the implications it has on worldbuilding.
Resurrection magic existing kind of makes for cultural issues that have no parallel in our world. Some of it compares - such as the inherent class divide and tensions when the rich and powerful can literally buy their way out of death (a class divide is a class divide, this just digs the chasm deeper, which I'd love to see explored more in media btw) - but the implications on grief and acceptance are on another level. In our world, there is no bargaining with death. So much of our lives is spent coming to terms with the fact that we will all die one day, and mourning and moving on whenever death strikes near us. We experience stages of grief like denial and rage and bargaining but in the end there is no escaping it, no matter how hard you work or beg or rage. Clinging on can only hurt you. It's pointless. All you can do is move on, and it is so hard.
But if death is conditional. Impermanent. Something that can be defeated with money or power or faith. How do you ever move on. On a societal and cultural level, there should be entire rebellions based around who has access to resurrection. Powerful people offering resurrections as incentive would be all over the place, with desperate people selling their souls and freedom and entire lives to save a loved one. Would soldiers fear dying, seen as disposable, or would they fear being brought back again and again to die eternally on the battlefield?
But on an individual level. Is acceptance of the inevitability of death even possible when it’s no longer inevitable? If you decide that no, you can not give up everything to go pursue resurrection of your child, will you hate yourself? You could save them. Why aren’t you? Why aren’t you doing everything in your power? How much do you hate the people who have this power but won’t offer it freely? If you yourself are brought back from the dead and find out most of your loved ones just, let you go, would you hate them? Would you feel abandoned and betrayed? If you’re watching from the afterlife and see your loved one, who’s been working to get you back, decides to accept your death and move on because they have found new love, would you find a way to fucking haunt them? Oh, you think I only lived for you? That I don’t want life just because I can’t have you, too? How selfish is that. But how selfish would it be to bring someone back only to salve your own feelings of guilt, whether they want to or not? Would there be an entire industry of mediums based on people needing to ask their loved ones if they wish to remain dead or not? How much more powerful would hate and love and hubris be in this world, lacking the absolute limit of death?
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fayevalcntine · 9 months
The whole "Claudia is now his sister"/Louis' sibling comparisons are never gonna sit right with me because that's never going to erase the fact that Claudia exists as a vampire partly because of him. Their relationship will never have this clearly defined role of siblings in the same manner Louis had with Grace or Paul, even if he was their older brother and was implicitly given the role of providing for them as the successor and manager of his family's estate. Because Louis was never responsible in part for their creation, the reason why they existed the way that they do in terms of behavior and life itself.
It also makes his betrayal of her all the more heartbreaking in ways that him and Grace drifting apart never will. He was her father, and didn't provide emotional support for her. She had to turn the tables and try to assume the role of being on an equal level because of this failure but this doesn't make him not choosing her any less painful than it did the first time. Even as they shift roles, take or give emotional responsibility one has towards the other, the fact that Claudia exists the way she does because of him and Lestat will always be there.
#interview with the vampire#claudia#louis de pointe du lac#it's why in a way Lestat's whole 'I am your maker' rant is relevant#not in terms of him trying to keep his veil of control over her#but in terms of how no matter how she tries to shift positions; switch roles#put on the costume of 'sister/companion/mother/knight'#she will always be on a lesser position than him or even Louis#because THEY are her parents#even on a physical level she's technically weaker because she's in the body of a teenager#her given role of daughter will never be shed; especially when both of them took to physically abusing her#and tbh I personally don't like acting as if Claudia having to take on the role of Louis' protector/therapist/sister#is a positive thing in any way#it's basically his own child being forced by circumstances to be the adult#and it's such a fucked up dynamic to me#i'm not saying Louis is responsible for that because he had his own issues and then there's Lestat who acerbates the whole situation#but consider it from Claudia's angle: she keeps Lestat away from Louis for SIX years#then Louis takes him back; and even tells her to get used to it and to try to be more open with her own abuser#all the while Claudia gives him nothing but understanding and time; pleads with him to run away together#i can't even start on how his betrayal of her after the attempted murder is not only the final nail of the coffin#but the only result she gets after emotionally supporting him throughout this entire situation#anyway no offense to anyone that makes Claudia/Grace/Paul edits in relation to Louis#it's just that even without the ep7 reveal the whole thing feels sour to me in episode 6#because that is very much not his sister/brother protecting him; that's his daughter#Claudia should not have to do this shit on her own; she should not have to assume another role just to be considered seriously#in any way by either Louis or Lestat
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ardenrabbit · 9 days
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forgotteneithne · 6 months
A Shift in the Winds | Arthur & Eithne
The festive sounds grew fainter as Eithne slipped from the Great Hall and into the empty corridors, her slippers barely making a sound on the stone. It seemed like a lifetime ago that instead of her silent footsteps she had been racing through these sides alongside Eilia, laughing and making plans about how their futures would play out in these halls. It had been so simple-- as soon as she was of age, Eithne would become one of Eilia's ladies and they might spend all their time together. Back then there was never an idea that her dearest friend would have become Queen so young-- they'd imagined themselves dancing with courtiers, flirting with foreign dignitaries, and staying up long into the evenings without a care. Neither of them had imagined where they would find themselves currently.
Eithne had made a feeble attempt to speak with Eilia but the Queen had been so closely surrounded by members of the Varmont court, it was near to impossible to reach her. Adding to that Cassimir seeming to be keeping tabs on her movements, she had all but given up on having even the briefest of moments to speak to her friend.
When she had noticed Cassimir had become distracted by some raucous story being told by one of the lords, Eithne took her chance and slipped away from the party. It felt overwhelming in a away she couldn't describe and as nostalgic she had been for her time in the castle as a young girl, she now found herself missing the quiet of the kitchens at the estate.
Footsteps much louder than her own echoed in the hallway, causing Eithne to startle from her thoughts. She turned, half expecting to find Cassimir in search of her but it was not.
Eithne knew an entirely different prince than the one standing before her. The one she knew was dressed less formally, marching about the countryside with her. He would eat the humble lunch Cook would pack for them by the stream, help her chase the chickens back into their pen as if it were a delightful game, and somehow had managed to remind her that there were still reasons to laugh sometimes.
The man standing before her was different, dressed in his royal refinery. He looked the part of a future king and Eithne was reminded once again the same thing she told herself every time he rode away from their estate: there was no future for her with Arthur Varmont.
"Your Highness," she dipped into a curtsey that immediately felt unnatural given the casual nature of their relationship when he came to visit her at the estate, however she found herself at a loss of what else she might say to him in this situation.
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jackknife-roach · 29 days
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i've added my new sticker sheets and a one-of-a-kind tote bag to my ko-fi store !! i'm only shipping physical items within australia to avoid expensive and dodgy international postage, but there are digital versions of my sticker sheets for purchase there as well that you can print at home for personal use ^_^
i'm quite proud of myself as this has all been such a long time coming and i've had to save up quite a bit from my shitty day job in order to afford the investment lol. just proud ^_^
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DC needs to pick one person to write Jason for like 5-10 uninterrupted years. Let someone actually make a character with him. Y’know. A consistent personality, consistent traits, an actual moral framework to work with. It’s gonna be divisive and people are gonna piss their pants if he isn’t a tragic softboy victim who does no wrong but whatever, grow up. Commit to something. He’s just not anything and never has been post-resurrection, despite having nothing but interesting potential. Let someone do something with him, and make it stick.
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