#whom shall they bear hither first?
polutrope · 2 years
On the alternate version of the burning of the ships at Losgar and Curufin's culpability
So, many Silm fans know the version of the fate of Amrod where he is accidentally killed in the burning of the ships at Losgar. But I have been thinking about how, in this version, Curufin is the only son who helps his father burn the ships.
This has repercussions for the characters and story that are just as, if not more, far-ranging than killing off Amrod, such as:
Maedhros' character. There is necessarily no "whom shall they bear hither first? Fingon the Valiant?" and no "Maedhros alone stood aside". This changes where Maedhros stands in relation to his brothers and to Fëanor, and detracts quite a bit from the drama of Fingon's rescue later.
Curufin's character and his relationships with his living brothers (and the rest of the Exiles!), being the only son with real culpability in the death of Amrod, the betrayal of Fingolfin's people, and the destruction of the ships. Tolkien's choice to make Curufin Fëanor's sole accomplice from among the sons also says a lot about how Tolkien viewed him.
The characters of the 5 other brothers. I have always had a hard time wrapping my head around why none of them stand with Maedhros here (not even Maglor, who always stands by Maedhros - though arguably that was only a post-Dad's-death and/or post-Thangorodrim thing, but I digress).
What it says about Fëanor's paranoia and leadership at this stage. He doesn't even trust six of his own sons not to abandon the cause! There's also a detail about how his rash decision cost them goods that were still on board and the possibility of using the ships for further travel, about which "all save few were dismayed". His ratings among his followers are not looking good at all.
I always thought the alternate fate of Amrod was a bit of a passing idea but I also recently learned about more notes in HoMe concerning Tolkien's desire to retain and integrate the story. Did he mean this detail about Curufin also?
It's a lot to think about.
Passage quoted under the cut:
In the night Feanor, filled with malice, aroused Curufin, and with him and a few of those most close to Feanor in obedience he went to the ships and set them all aflame; and the dark sky was red as with a terrible dawn. All the camp was roused, and Feanor returning said: 'Now at least I am certain that no faint-heart or traitor among you will be able to take back even one ship to the succour of Fingolfin and his folk.' But all save few were dismayed, because there were many things still aboard that they had not yet brought ashore, and the ships would have been useful for further journeying. They were still far north and had purposed to sail southward to some better haven.
From 'The Shibboleth of Fëanor in The Peoples of Middle-earth (History of Middle-earth Vol. 12)
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urwendii · 3 months
But when they were landed, Maedhros the elders of his sons, and on a time the friend of Fingon ere Morgoth’s lies came between them, spoke to Fëanor, saying: “Now what ships and rowers will you spare to return, and whom shall they bear hither first? Fingon the valiant?”
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libidomechanica · 1 year
And the skin that I have to sleepe, to my bed
A ballad sequence
               Stanza I
The heard sittes not fret at then     all my grief lookes: thy love of misfortune doth amaze;     there wasted, wae is me
to thy though we played on the river.     Lord shall discover at full oft in me written many     flowers at the way
to be destroys and song for you     are, to disfranchise despair itself for once our own weight.     It is the better, drives
by love: that I am old, o     ye Grace he gave itself, is solid. Dear, the same, and foolish     self! Dread out them also,
but once lost, and so the dark     will write of them from their than mine, no voice, to the brought Sleep     from troubled. I owe the
moonlight, all-damning grown you do!     And warned him on the mind until that in they did proud he     crowd, release a garden,
Maud, and thrones. Our silence them     out, and death that with earth in a long darkness to a wall,     and walke; with the mavis
sang. A fool wouldn’t be lou’d, and     solidly whereon the galleon tossed upon clout I went—     and search’d—and for shames,
horrible, quite alone on all in     Friend, to bear her slim hand fro, everything eyes. And well-a-     day! Telegraph line swept
away. I would not heart. By whom     I sing between us where Rigours exile loving the     blood! A key … Even the
laws of public good, to leade? Into     one, set my palms each landscape lowest shed that I come     hame. You against the Western
hills, and reset. A passionate     shrill-edged shriek of a langer should dree, and was a time,     why have once I left us
flaccid and syne he kiss me,     be kiss’d my Hand, and straining boy, my hope, turning twins do     moue to keep at such as
my poor riches from me thus? And     had never refused to come one without a smiling Spring     little momentary.
So strong; pray that over retires,     dread of her now, which doth me now reign thy sorrow lend     me word that which she die!
               Stanza II
I used upon the blessed splendour,     her breasts, my dear because of the time, which it was so fair,     that other running at
so part, the simple, untest the     stal, is now cleaved in the please, then one of him thanck. My     kind: nor flower to please,
with green, two women who balance     and drink to the tomb? God shield. The wondrous moment pushing     art thou doest swinck, that for
a century dead; the most do     show the moon-tints of Woman is bent to forbidden pride.     With lullaby thy love.
We steep, when the whither deere, Cupids     art; but go, and then the first, in deserted village     stamp and gravity at
work as he take you or I am     very lonely glade, a maidenhood against my dove,     it short,—long and suppose,
made his selfe escapes, we are done     away. To see our two stare in your eyes were imbecile,     hewing owre then she were
but idiot gabble! Come hither     do inherit heavenly from the old man self-scorn;     but Anguish of the evening
His teeth. Na languish quite alone;     an angels’ trumps do not go; if I by a painted     eyes of the river? And
the lamp and set her side by side,     and it will be done, we changed, I think they’ve been sent tomb’d in     natural. Shattered in the
floods, the moon are villains all. That     doth haste the nick of a peace, is agonizing her might     chemical mixture did
not know her should always keep the     twilight temples be, t’ entertain that poverty my     Muse bring good! Yes, they shot
him on my cheek or tongue like a     well-built nest. And now to disfranchise designed the stream, mither,     and the foam, that extreem
day, spring have gone, no being     ravish’d nor century dead? But that dullard fit? They     about me shatter is
grillingly, my yankee kin, I     think, and I don’t wanton’d round poles, numb nubkins, they too far     to be gratefulnesse?
               Stanza III
Wealth to a sharp surprised by care.     I learned in that every clever, young son in that it     be by his gulfe. As then I thought how he’d had been moment,     who is so naked as
it will burrow in posterity?     That has the through desolate, marke, that no time of my     mother again. A fragrant roses heard no more to the     orange fragrance. Up then?
Now, euen he fed; lasses, like a     razor he did the most precious Speech many a summer     since Time and Natures of monster of the hall; and it was     born on the thing doen hem
disguise of the nerves of moonlight,     eight his constant, it any been moment, two legs spread our     blank and knife ill-used doth hidder and that for the     She keep their future heir.
               Stanza IV
For as a fish, naked as a     reed with a heart would I no more bene fully the moon,     with Beauty bright, ne in
good god make its steamy breath gently     open the dirt, for to gard. And with the print of the     ring, taking dried me in!
               Stanza V
’Ve been my face that turn back,     she meal. Rich beads of country and a smile another and     truce within. Their beer was
death may now take a iolly has     kept, against or war? All. Wedded in men. Sweetness, chaste concerns,     misfortune of the
red gowd, set up a mast was locked     and draught up true. That to the gusty trees: or bid me Courtly     Nymphes, acquainted
eyes holding the street; each word, nay     sight, from their tool. Where is, in far less polish’d days dragged his     roof does run he mutter’d
House and church, a beautiful now,     on this lullaby the highway, bess, they play when I know     my mother’s woe. If it
with gentlest sphere are there,     dismounted—robed by degree, a fatigue we imagination     some at no time, to
awake, know that love, that take a     iolly sheepes close doth ly, till there was born at Bethlam.     And Tears drink, and pincers
leaues, the peace or war? About they     doen hem of the balloons resting out that I had naughty     will come sounded. As honor
that doth dwelling purple seaweeds     and aspire when King Victor has wished in gloss of Love     envieth not a Prison
make thee living through THAT Love live     and eke my heads. The time when neither homage. That flint, cheat     and tooke out a smile did
yeeld at length of that, at height, let     no further last action, how sweet, sweet. Bid me lovely gaze     of my window at breath,
that pressed, and thus did clear; and the     dinghy, has plant my feet. Bid me dead? Chose thee. Full moon. Before     that sike mischief, that
with his side? But a fool. With no     special, in the known. All ladders, wondered hart. Ah boys dead,     long agoe: for it all in
the moor and that conteck and kept,     and after the beloved; men and who do love Gregory     come to our love evening
valleys, when their face was wont     to kill, and the glistring leads sunny Summer, till Gregory     come too much beguiled,
full many a great god Pan, or     send out of a peace or observer. And dinted shelter’d     cowslips bind the sway, riding—
to glances, my boys! To low     should grow old apace taketh end by little butter. Or     by my eclipses an
swiftly round, we swift hazard of     a kind to heauenly particular conditional. I’m     the thine heir. When one with
paine, oft in the lake-blossom fell     with never company. Little thou love in the days pass     untold, although that blow.
               Stanza VI
Light in human that purple moor;     she prospect of thy kind, a fragrant, bone-dry white skin that     with you, because that wrongfull
pray. Issues from these days that     I made false with popping each wishing buried mud from my     last night downward glories
of mass and the sad bosom dies.     Up, she sees to proved so longer that. She is decorum—     No—Pro patria mori.
               Stanza VII
Most justly think it would not, but     a world on the roses bought up in the height loaves in the     same, and we still, my brave civic Pair, that test. Her know, sweet     tones grind, I would fetch a
prettily for buttondown, I     find no more shall obey a shutters, easily: Once     openings, ere he shore-side, and he rose is neede thy breathe noontide     ocean Julia, there
was divine amends for all as     bad, for if Tim might pavilions: issue for vnknowne with the     hill: tho may company. This head, the soul, or what I deem’d     no maid’s black night down to
yon shore. The god unshorne. Confession,     oh Thou hast. Of theyr goodness and your lowd desire,     that blinds. For a woman broke away. Retires him now: she     is, but types of men who
waits the soth to the shuddering     Pyes, do louers scorn; but my ribs, and somewhere was a child, I     would hear at all the scaffolds in that forms in a dreams, ready     claimed him. And hustled
a tune takes away child, I fear     this lips bidding Boy, or Phant’sie scan, to be such as I to     take care, though not an expert on make it sweeter charm between     thy thought in a dreams
deceive thee. With these are turned. When     I am thence, dumb with whom I keep alone on my sun-     burnd brain an image is conuenable. For Jewels for me,     I do Natures joy in
the Sun; seeking resemblance betwixt     me anymore. His bonny ship, and stronger, pass now     through thy ball is arrowy to the thing: my most dear except     that everything sweetness:
Tim lying fate: but priuely     prolling for years. Oh, my decaye. Did should only warmth with me     had left her sunset, beneath her bosom strong that from the     muskets at height, where either
woman be good than great god     Pan, and idle is; let none sacred glove, my ain love may     be alive, if such a heart half to the good, that like them     more where drowning fairy
treasure the ill; I had not summer     sweet favour of blood, some fresh from death to be old bridges     breasts nor smart. A scope to be a Jew. To have tortured     effigies them round then?
               Stanza VIII
That then the sware; no wind, the     minister and quiet—dull fence of worth. You have all the lowers,     throbbing the way to
day, but I saw the paler hue     upturns on a sudden, the shepherd, but how the hill, the     trembling over shining.
               Stanza IX
In times happiness, Sweet, O Pan !     In those than weeds. At last for shades of British vermin, then     the moonless glory crown older, less—less polish’d head, which     flies, and Echo there he binds us: strong, astarted is     more that has been other!
Oft turning, walking a cursed NO     stain’d and sighs, indeed and wine. There is that unfair weather.     They flee from the Troop am I. Calendar could not wise     hand refrain, will reach field turns her milky stones, young Eulalie     bess, the Black and where fool’d,
now tell the wild and this treasure     they knowne that binds us: strong for a burial fee, and     lusting woman shoots me a thrust, only a white goodness     off like a sweetness bear thy soul is a glance of the stood     in the poor instead. By
they weren’t ridiculous. I     will enlargèd Winds, the radiant girl! And a smile could turn so     care freshest hue, both odde and well-bred—most justly think it     would not the will nevermore I must each within; for heroes,     kiss poyson’d themselves
as stone-still, another, but a     foolish Jealousy from the Troop a Sháhzemán, by Name     and Nature, or smile had force, so you swore to the child, its     procure; and one of future hems. The argument; so all     that all Julia, art in
each maine rage, and they gang in an     empty. With no special legend of Phoenix-Stellas state     and drain’d and sometimes refigured, glorious the only     tutor us to each street out of strain the boat, my     moan, receive the reed with
rocks, we are shaking dried mud from     her love not whether the way. Nor did he fling his mouth, mine     one way the sea, wi’ four- footed into her life—immortal     love that blest fresh and write, as it come—to be, and in     her brought mean. Your lawns and
draw and day; and out Lowder, with     beauty’s angel watched as he whose bring their vanishing for     you and cold, a water for like a scar between you remain,     then to bed. To show the time when I saw the mulberry     and all that having
the photographs from the pin at     the Dogge their first began to rail at the fireflies had     or must lies afloat one last strangled coronet: about     her in my judgment’s place at here is not a son? Would bend     or God to rest, or salve
neglected signs and stripes if he     call vertue there my silently blanket, too soft haue eeked     my study window chewing smart.—’Tis dear. The interwetting     under herd increased velocity, sir, to all the     feare, of woe? Be took. At
first night, that blow. With no special     legend of praise: discriminating moments to this, watch     for manner of the new rhythm. Glorious magnanimity     of all thy foot stallen hem of the pianist     plaint. And as good faith or
honor they made for such, and the     murmuring storms, and a’ his crimson lurks in the lass of     my window chewing owre wi’ tin; when the chrysolite. With     meeke, wise-women in her clothing battle-bolt sang from my     soule up to thy horses
beat, Thus let the spirit of Light     of strawberry do stir Yet not so bright; and archange     direction, with a shall voices have found; and we still the     curious courtesy and rumble, and strayen abroad. So are     charms—who is so rarefied
a banished on to compose     her love appear: thus seas of glass may ne’er was full conquerours     do wreckes auoid. Its passion boil’d and groan—who balance     too much too much thy dainty and bower-door, but get an     ill deaths be nearer that
favour grief looked up because you     wert ne’er so airy a treaden vnder floods, what we have freedom     in my Love, or none, or written love I shall final     retort have cut it be the treasure, that here. To followed     with his woman. Round her,
with a heart of life pleasure, would     be better leaue of this close room, nor mermaid was able     to fetch in the hounds, like me. She sails o’ cramoisie. It better     to fix it, or you see, then their dead has with the mornings     stay so soundly slept,
I dreamed a things, ere Roffy could     shine, I thought it thee for the very thinke thus? To take care,     thou wert ne’er will conquerours do wreckes auoid. Doe Stella     dear admiration! It is a handful of holes. That test.     I wish to God I never
utter’d; but all the night; yet,     if she were not be selfishness. Small life is so easy     now to the sing as for their dam’s faults I dearly aboue all,     and some rich: but that test. But I know throte, all nights, and who     could for thee. And short; and
plays an entomologist in     Prague sign their shatter is enough thy babe’s father that so     rich gems, with lullaby contemplating sweethearts, sisters     voice like bleating loan; that will kiss, and set her? I thinke     Shines upon our priming!
               Stanza X
I stopped away his pockets, each perfume, her hair.     The cup of whom he is so naked as if it’s turtle, and hope nor brother age. Thence,     dumb confess there was upright has the
sware to row; in those cooler shade; riding—most     unregarded guise, for more you would survive the speak, a soft, a broken bigge Bulles of     moonlight, thought, is it their than if these,
how cream, a rule now to thee: now transparent case     riding—riding—riding—riding—riding— the laws of purest light leaps in the sum of     young Eulalie’s the receipt with flowers
the lute is blood on a broken lilies a-     dying bride. Charlotte was borne and foolish marriage is, how often gold, and cast up for     the person, went away: they will bury
me deeper. Come sliding up to the sand the     ghastly any spark of glowing your sake, were too may we ran on the tyrants to the     cob. I’m no the house. Pleasure of the
deid o’ the golden noon; wine-red was gold. My face     was one, or few, do hang upon our toes touched it! Same. In the floor When all inertial     frames is that dandy-despot, he, that
they err I dare come to be fair rose on Scotland’s     lights, doe me, a sometime do I pine and a doorknob, for the teeth. She may boast thy     lovesick land any mother end of
insolence, there was sweet; till love and rose than the     river. The swallows, in notes straight, the world is much to this compounds his velvet, and we     are but types of energy: I’ll call.
               Stanza XI
All nature’s rich and plaster are sold to the long.     —The touch. And, being ravish’d with my lost you, my mothers stand. And put on you: besides,     at length this Morning, strangely blush’d to
fill a silent grows sleep, then the forth and I, that     the cradle, and the public merit some concerns, misfortune shewe forth the cast, who waits     in abundance apace taketh not;
the girl when it wont light, that time do I pine and     dust. But heedy shepherds spak never a wrinkle. Far to tell one, which she turmoil of     splendor. Until finally,
inevitably ridiculous. Tomorrow for thee.     But kind to the bottom deserve to doat. The influence of tormenting jealousy     from the blind soul shalt taste then she loose
designed Next, lullaby now the heart; and, when the     dead when the bright pavilions: issue for to live to-morrow to the doom assign’d. Up     the rayne is solidly where for such
as once! They say, could turned in the world were getting     each humble print of the river, the only Queen of none but twenty-five? That black hair.     What other end of insolence, dumb
confession, tho’ we paid the subject that shall grass.     To mar their sphere at my trewand pebbles of a grave. I am a watercolor.     They accompts did they saye the clashed. In
ordinary placed withal her decent legs, clean,     and pen, beat, I know the fool’d, now thou dost stallen have once again appear, and many     a jest told, how sweet black night. Than the
west; he did they quicken. Then drew the bestows, when     sweetly, my heads. That Tim would put off slothful years. My light, one sparrows in myself; and     ye seem’d to serue their roots again? For
your ear still with a heart the hand, but by the winds     clasped for some mair o’ the living in shade; and blont. Your old army of the Soul of the     dead. The westland wilt resort, so as
to let my passion is gone; and nearest, mought it     thrice, if human art as the winds they call things, in fact, I put a cobweb-lawn; and always     write, and, and rose or feare not a
prophesy in part; no further casement, step     after sunset burn’d on the light and all of books unwritten made them locke, fast by my     gazing eyes find the door! Song, or features
to gainers such an honest fame shore: freezing     comes riding, up to the room where fool who want of woe; studying in praying the fair     Annie, come to thee by moonlight, but
heavenly eye; they led—a kind of insolence,     the westland with the child is blood of the poet tuck away as do’s the ostler listens,     I wait. While his end embracing
love so rough that I never charms, like allaying     Thames, and windshield. He cut the balm of a habit—blows eight to faint in myselfe had he     comes down when only will. Part of trespasse
many more for what end is turn back to the     book you amid them at my hart sore. Which must leave, till the tumultuous Shout of     Soldiery, sudden making a curse to
do. See, thrown about young man, she only live with     wills, and walke not accountable peddlers shouted at my sun-burnd brain. Then in my heart     rejoicing, and see a drunkard grows
holding wail’d, by a fire to weep to the lights of     Fate, sunk on the sea as it it shape. Your tithes in Stellaes browse, we are as the sun     should die for where to kneel once possessed.
               Stanza XII
Tell him now: she is solid stone.     Other men: they loue refineth, o birds, there is bride; for     Bess could that doth lurk and years. But the sea has devoured     both his honey—but within. Awhile, with satisfies my     loves, dreadfully spent: for
man be converted is much disdain;     lest sphere is frozen to be King, from a nights. ’Tis youth,     mine eyes were. Sweetness, looke loue of the name. I’m an animal     very rafter will fulfil thee so dead then dead, and     made up of this purpose
by the while he binds his right. Lo!     To tell me so; as testy silence, they doen lick. Breath with     a silent here away, and chalk, the time disgrace was loved     me for the visions fine, her prais’d nor good, to me crept: my     feet visited, odd times
thrown about to faint in the dare     in love God, that to each product and influence of all     the landlord’s black waves is cold, cold,—but very temples you     would be for so many, yet so it is, no prize the dolls,     perfect cote, and who quake
too lately goddess, do love, and     rose needling myselfe for features to rest, laugh. On the mair     o’ the flocks forth, the close the glisten she stood in the rich     in you with hem many wanting jest. And her sovran shrine,     with vision forlorn, my
doubtful twilight of the moonlight!     Over Orion’s crannie; and the bright, came to breath shall eat thy     golden lilies that vast divorce. There but decay, lest the     food trees: see how but makes me sighs are bad. Do you sometime     and to the highwayman
came riding—the touch’d my true-love     freezing daffodil sky, vaunt in the sadness might with them     go forth with pricke, sayne, the invitation farms in Kula,     drive thee to take care, that gray mocke at the pleasure: her audit,     thought, oft in my calm,
and wild storms confoundered hart.     Like a brandished in the road was the lute. With shall be my     body shall cease, with a heart who liues with the kids had all     thing—the tumultuous Shout of Soldiery behind brought     he had all things I do?
There is not a chemical kissed     in arms round rulers, round my minde; profess into each other     punish’d Clarinda cold and see how and archange     directions will I remember: falling for all awake, a     rule how the mast o’ gowd,
set up from expense; they shall do     so fondest free o! Shepherds spak nevermore there my head.     Thus do I pine angel watched as he sware to withstand? Look     in its sweet, with a glow tells me herbs, waving to upheave     the darkness intensifies
and that had full oft in my     Gates, and crowned—See how amber the world of mine eye is fire     with no special legend or God to wanted, no more; when     at euen in an upper pew. While time. Her eyes dare swear, a     thousand miles who but
a strawberries in-and lust of     tree; it disna become attention in his Head, till I     am here. From day the pin at they nill lie, souls like many     years and barren of Heaven like flies had nevermore     to weep away more where
are the Flood, some rich: but priuely     prolling sprites remoue. Garden lake to say something in Ettrick’s     vale, is to shamefaced snubnosed rogue would beastly     pit long black in memory—odours, better mind, we     han greatest of the can
give ourself, and the Hall, maud the     trip and nowe imploy the red coats look on his honey—but     when it is, no applause but that’s out of tree; they could give     my head a singled to the punch. Thou God of Lochroyan, and     Tears drink the hardly my
soule I dared to me. If such     Liberty. When the beat with my name, showing that I want of     winter and ball, for her richest dye, flames o’ergrown on his     feet, and be that the ostler listened to scent, inexorable     question’d what, he!
               Stanza XIII
But balk the poet tuck away;     drop earth we are the under the soule I do Nature,     sovereigntee, bene a kurre,
and death’s conquerours do wreckes     auoid. You are the sea together; for the cobweb woven     across vibes. Too much, yet
hiding out the terrible, and     a tone came out and better bow. Once I love must be; for     if Tim might fit words came
my dove, it grows holding water     for often a man in Bethlam? As thou leaves quite alone.     The sky, vaunt in the mind
none! In my dear Eulalie the street     still the place that take back ever. Eyes so fondly to-day,     were squeez’d from straight, her pride.
               Stanza XIV
Fought, from the women, years ago.     Their colour’d flame, the Prophet, foolse, and the Rights of Woman     in my yellow hair, wide
gate alone in a kind of a     man is, too, the balls,—was insomnia. And wild her heyre:     for the grocery man came
halting forces, wears those faults I     dearly about the string lichen fixt on a horror of     shattering, a beauty’s
angel watch her hair rising would     lie outside ringers of the numerous ills they cheeks     unprofanation for the
moon—cold wolf, for the worlds care foil’d     by that, it is night, that her side. Wherewithal her death’s second     healthy horse will be.
And knife. That shout in one; shall slumber     did he weed, my father death does wear, made my ill mither,     humbly own—’tis dead
broken, sweetness the touch’d my heart     such Liberty. Was all as bad, for the sick of arrowy     to thee what can I
sing best selves as stone; and a hush     and power, nor the flower and ever, young monarchs fight     flowers, are ye Mary
Magdalane, or Branch: Each Porch, each     other settlement in watch and fear, that euen the Air, know     no such miser and die.
Ready spent and pipe to my ears:     sighs, and sin no mo delay’d, and bene. Countryman; with     my breasts nor stone. You have
had dream. He did in the skin: with     lovers wiped their vanishing for thy would lie down arm’d, for     the sigh for Fear. And freesing
female head, which long in dream,     I lay bare invades my bones. Now, well, I am thence to     think of praise, that proceed?
               Stanza XV
Custom’s after to live, and flatt.     When this words spontaneous as any more: and stellar,     we are room, I will not
my fingers? Was born on thy head,     whoever either woman things. That to myselfe my middle     of Youth pined away
for well of praise its they gang to     my scalp and my lovest me, guttering. And here,—the evil     of midnight can a
simple, underground. Desires     you have all the the unweeting, and crush’d, and gowd, mine of     their soul, their future hems.
Dumb as a flinty savage dared     to keep. Is constant, it any been ungenerous, not     change your garres men missaye.
I know my minde; profess intent     to render the person I love still reach her side of the     shepheard sittes not
outlearned him—with his honeyed embrace,     then who wanted me; my grief in Wine we lie and let     trouble have state, you say’st,
their cause he is coming battle     grew the strength, and helpe reject, without read this untimely     movement of men who want.
               Stanza XVI
Few Beads are done is part shall shake     it sweet pharmaceutical your shelter, thrown: nor dance and     energy: I’ll brushes
that my temples be, t’ enter,     struck before her languid not comes riding, up to the world     is gone himself were not
below the day did me despair     and sung this daughter beside, we become ancient lava     rivers, silver drips
shimmering jest. To save all there with     clay, do not learn, nor this, love letters are falling sprites     remoue. For the braider grew
wide for a little to a spectral     bride. If stone, set my tenderness must be my scholar,     and pleasure, come, Shame, thirsty
grief looked up the road that Mars,     grown, and who quake too much beguiled by somewhere choppers taking     all that we dared, cold
wind, its punctual, mysterical     mock you with end by sea, by the green-painted water-     blurred life of liberty.
               Stanza XVII
Go, for it fellowship, at leashed .     Get up, she is thrown: and all their cause that I may never     speak ill or western isle,
which thou canst vouchsafe the great     effectually they call Cupids dart an image is, while ever     to fight for these obtain
smiling Spring as then they     heart to be gay. Oh, I am thence, that envy wished in     honde, to leaue your faith in
the brindled bitch! The bottom thro’     the street stay sets you this? But one and so a woman, who’s     to Loues dainty food; if
eagle fiery heats, fairer     than the even tonight down to the here? And somebody,     sure, ere were call—the wilds,
in low proud shall not my feet. Then     one of the rack and word counter, and in her is out eating     souls away as do’s
the strove not your promised to     temptation farms in Kula, driving, than that are look, and blood     flowering. While, with whom
the birds sang, all for to weave me     thou cannot wel ken, but babble, mere Sense and that true, begun     to mask, tho’ half sighing
off. Of our her, there is your     hand, and shame, to discerne thing to myself the west; he did     not comes near; then it would
not learne; thinke so sweet some rich: but     for you and leads summ’d in the world is changes like to the     reed who country, heavenly
calm white rose his stirr’d by the     world’s dust, the winds come far fra kith another’s nights, does my     care. Ill reach for other
is, or I maun till love’s sick of     woe? Those hours, when one way this long: and nowe imploy the tree;     therefores from mountain
or the bonny ship, and hell     shoe my boys dead, long life decay, to bathe think it wont liggen     in sleep. And the blood!
Julia, there there be so bold, and     great carouse knocks hard bleak steel are blame, like glorious commerce     bubbles of thine heart
so stiffens in the sun as a     children are gather’d that very friend at they all grow cold,     darkly; but a cobweb-
lawn; and the primrose to the fine     words and red. And waly fa’ the vapor can hinder the     colours true, begun to
unwind, when your eyes! Love when two     predatory hawks, we it is told. Ten will enlargèd Winds,     the village strength, to think
what euer thou not chattered in     the sea. Do they prated of thy Verse, when you your rivulet     fallyt on þe spray.
               Stanza XVIII
And the rocks, we are crowd, release.     Us strange fashion; each other end of the world of men     are tired child, I spake
as a child, I think of itself     verdantly and ringing, and better to man. My little     spark of time, that must do?
               Stanza XIX
After I too much hope, and, home.     The harp of stone, love’s fickle glasse: your eyes turtle. Blue as     you mine. Is proud shall come
into bed, till a little thou     that hear his own quick to you and can’t answer than into     thee as in her alone.
               Stanza XX
Take back to the dawn. But strawberry,     or some kind of—as it will steal on me thus? My Nanni     would make it sweet black save petrifaction, glowing out     roads to him, a blue are
each sex, like Autumn presses are     lost are genuine, I thinke that I have done, with that all.     I dempt there was awake all these most fear no earth, defac’d     its while the delight fresh
and commingled the digits of     a few last peak kiss we and Below. To say thinken agayne.     All hell when my brave been sent appear: thus season. In     which, element of your
forehead a beautiful that nothing     back darken, and lines and of evolution, each way     musickes loue their play, before. Frozen to say somewhere     thou art as soft kisses.
A Fisherman mends above, and     when to commend; so never bought need. Sweetness, and hast brought     how her place seemeth ay great among the floor. An     innocuous occupation.
               Stanza XXI
And once, but nakedness must now.     Doth possesse? My Nanni would you know they die at the falling     front of your Gowne, or not a cheating shade; which, element     was one, methods and
power to be gay. And you seest     the place of a winter’s woe. Our second Right over the     world on the spite, fool, to the while the universe rest on?     Your sin, if it seemed to
do thy fancies boughs which seemed turn     up. The fierce bubbles he clattered and bower? I hae     as gude, and wilt thou know in the stirre not any. Since where     as many send, to the
world the way she always write, and     then my loving heart has thing, all the western glooms are chiefe     souereign and on the dewy locks and the vitriol madness     might shifts and his palate
fine; minds innocent, who love     at the bonie Bell. Raised: proud of it; for he did not forbids     our own flesh, men as all. Bene of loue. Robert Burns: king     a White Turban on him,
and it out of a precious latch,     its perfect and we are but she has a Dogge to breathe, wild,     vain regret scrawled over the bonny foot, thy blinds your ain     love one, was below, turn
thine eyes flash itself in small red     were all night, nor fame, and all over hangs frae my door, but     ay the sick of a lie coming from the world should add, he     listened. Are beauty’s or
Eden’s bowering black in     memory, or none, yet each sex, like Aurora thrown: the bulging     eyes. Rights, doe beare the Dew-bespangle a little cry,     till our light as possible,
and that moment, like a is     for at mischief, that should do it, except only flower     than the hush with repining fairy change direct Hebrew     for me. That blinds you new.
I syng of care an Arke a     Tabernacle is made me a forsaken lady Godes     moder be. Followed the blabbing and took, but her in the     horse louder round poles, numb
nubkins, the river. If asked the     gate alone that locust blossom of Italy’s THERE, with     feasting fairy-gifts to entertain to die, and intensifies     and rave at no
time could toil; and those vices got     which, like Autumne plums, did them shot him not to shadows the     Devil may passion’s grave— wrapt in another, but better     or later, I’m an expert
on make her red cocktail dressing     or pursuit of Cain, in the shepeheards most deceptive     organ in Beijing bullet get him affraye, or ten times     refigured, glories
of books so he came riding—down     at his face. Space I seemed just let thy Purpose of the dark     kept itself unseemly, seeketh not account of ours, take     back, and still singing so.
               Stanza XXII
My Italy, then, in the world.     Since should only joyes above their own joy. Tak down to drink     the lass o’ Ballochmyle.
What, may it trouble like, this     huge rondure that before we knowe. Did tipple wine from thee     by moonlight, that grows never-
resting on all; from the city’s     edge. Whom all discover at full of their new jubilee,     when you sometime the
place and his wo strained in soule I     dare gladly pale. The larkspur listened to Roffynn not return,     we brow of the
unsuspecting that chair liker beames     to reckon with a great cause her long agoe: for into     relation slow, they live,
and children four, would so ill haue     there west, the lowers, as I thinke those by our one of love.     And no more beauty’s effect
and to seek; all night, hand the     pass; with blood! When, were it lies that this wind none! Until     finally, too sooner was
Werther, and gentlest sigh. Soule     up the seasons: sneakers and rare flocke, and pincers leaves have     sung this hand’s light all the
low. Lest sorrow which flies, a wretched,     for home, that bene a light, thou that I hae dreadful     outer brother: they neither
head, turn’d his body borne a     son hae as gude enough? They wander’d—all about they mought     with your shoes is heads with
green, so loyal people should do     none, yet each speech a fields. Instead. Both broke away, so that     murthring Boy, or none, they
repair: that do not praise beside,     and asks you with your bier? My Lady’s quicken. The wind like     far-blown raine once let him
out. His pangs of Pan from a larch,     a beautiful friend, and out her sheep, not outlearned not     come to make heed; with
lullaby, as we commend; so never     a Mart of fire, and loud cried Annie, ’ the white and greed     but lack on my will come
for to be unjust. And wholesome     have sung this hymn, and tremble under her am grieved be,     enlarge length this comes to
trampled with shepheards sich, God mought     be freër under the shepherds pipe the rain drops fra my     cheeks and rose was death-moth
be before I loved yesterday     he built nest. Both! Such street, and then in a certain order     fill, and myself in my
verse; do now your sheltered heath, or     some Orient Pearls are sold to the filthy by-lane ring,     and Titan on and great
should dreaming words throne thought and anon     doubting the phoenix- Stella single fabric that old     man, shrieking a dark vault
above my heart away the whither     works in the world in the tree; they deaf that, at his     Enjoy such Liberty.
               Stanza XXIII
Into a sudden and mix’d my     trouble like a branch. When I lie tangle me words in the     black-eyed daughter. The flame,
and the snare of a word that heart     of the window and came alone; and now about the furrows     more whither, toes touch.
               Stanza XXIV
* Between, has grownd, and waken me.     Now on thy hand; and the long and seems but an ashen-gray     delightful lily and
woo’d, and yours from the sky, to bathe     the same to quench they mighty things, praying to his knee, for     the street stall. In the men
and once, so thrillingly, my sweet     birds doen hem of the gude red coats look along as they lustye,     as we could swagger, swear,
made him up under the sick men,     what she fling his mother’s is to refer to, I thinke upon     a lovers with their
birth-pangs of Pan from her sayne, but     have often a mantel- piece perched upon the distance. With     bitter but an ashen-
gray delight thro’ and true, it is     happening can and is hush and wandred they most tells me he     fought, is it their head is
who doth haste the blew in aprille,     þat fallyt on þe graseth the dull middle the person,     went ill of ruin!
First mad with women like a scar     between, or on a giant liar; and tumbling voyce brindled     bitch, then though their mere
long milk-teeth used upon a bed     of a man. The lea; but thinke those hours of sense? Or to be     lou’d, but small amounts, and
the knives, the truth is here weeping     ear, no news from heavenly eye; there is that had thus, comes     with the smell. And tenderness
might had be self-will’d, forlorn     when June is fair face it, I have felt like them quick to your     naked is on a man’s
defects proper excel: for it     a countenaunce. The boy remain, the house feels! That old     hysterious the Sunne: and still
the sword by Charlotte such a bloomed     like you, was caught me mention, the lake-blossom’d gable-ends     a bee circled and breakfast,
sat by a dead world can renew     the bless: the list’ning son in another’s path. And eke     my heart as I used to
a spectral bride. It’s today two     white good folks: what your accumulated her quit your bonnet     brave been. My Lucia
in the surly sullen, and hope     to have I which I have low starlight. Get up, strange, wild,     Deluded swain, thilke payne.
               Stanza XXV
They boast off gorged from Italy’s     crowned the wall and slurring that has soft like a mocker,     older and all wants a craft is in her can write I still     that his sleeps. I live thy Protection, sent in war whereto     I strives by love vaunteth
not a dawn he heart sae fu’     o’ wae! Thy mistress bids me first I hear at all in the     dare lost are lost thee, in glory of the moment; she die!     When the high she’sbeen the mother is out, not prize the visit     our peace, but blood burnt,
who wishes the touch of earthy     beautie can speak to our cloudy center hid; when only not     be pride is cap and pearls hang; the zephyr wanted of sugar.     Print of the Blooming back to the trees, wherewith the     yellow Autumn press me
wear to me, who was constitutions,     airs; ’gainst his post—to me, what it was he used to keep.     And standing though the Shah foreshadow and cold days, robert     Burns: grant bank of such excellence, here he wouldn’t believe it     freshest hue, both darling.
               Stanza XXVI
And blood flows loud and leaue of wit?     We two, how the bridal bed wherein with my bonny son     was Woolfe in a mirror,
these is lost you, because God’s gifts,     I render acacia would not do they might ease my ear     forgot. Wine from another
kills her is our outrageous     luck, our careless cloudy center me? Once in love that her     love me that blow by night,
He plunges at me! Where not so     much, yet half-turn’d my trouble like, the photographs from a     cup. We two, how like slaue-
borne Muscouite, dulling love with golden     crown’d. The touch of woe; studying in a mirror, darkness     that August you were
all the glorious the guns of     Cavalli with a steal his mouths of me: now throte. Closely     by the wheels go over
the days only the sage in my     judgment’s plains of his silly brain its steaming the western     skies to rift the lily
and pleasure. We thy face; with the     game shepheards sich, God and bareness every bar; but heedy     shepheard his ready
to bury me, be kind: so will     be able to a finally find by them lockes vp     al my self I see this
wesand battle coales of purple     of February and a doorknobs gleaming—a     highwayman came riding the
falling from abroad, sun-spotted     his daughter, plaiting for Refuge, and to the way! Some love-     tokens pass’d tween this seat
with love, work, not one; and yet, beneath     that tongue so sweet a face as a bum on the ribbon     of her mind, and think it
would dwindler’s lie? Prophet in     Derision, the effigies those cheerfully, to faint in the hearing     of murder worldly
bustle, to beare blow—I swear, made     him up under ten times happening net. Rare flocks or till     Gregory! Know no such a
though in the highwayman call, in     hot blood in the eye is the trample of mine. Nay, Sorrowing     the world of the thou
will glove unto you, faire leuell in     love is fire. How the black hue from the wealth to changing eye,     there’s nothing of her
milky stone; and sweeps away by     the requite. Yet sight I must be my soule Diggon, hem beare     the Sun; seeking a twig.
               Stanza XXVII
Can iudge of that thou ligge in measure first Encounter,     a wafu’ moan; those glaring the glove me for its would. To a Cunning for Refuge     from the treasure: her audit, thou leaves
in thy though beauty that bee which, element. If     I have no more bene so graue and be thought I feele as udders within second     when or you have those Gothic times thy
soul, there my lost ardent articular conditional.     She has no tear; no grone. ’Ve been a bag of individually is out;     for if Tim might teach as I have stole
my hopes will come have earthly power could make themselves     a friends soothed me; my grief, or joy. You see’st thou art, if ten of my mother is better     rue. They bellowed young Folly to
live one can comes with when, eu’n of future cheating     thou, my Julia, this is with women chalice, drank his childish the hyde the pear from thy     name. As thee comforting gold, and
committed the golden head has wept, and flatt. You have     done is past, and ward, keep through my gentle hands behind him, and those who’ve never more. I     HATE the dare come to knows, is added,
Blame thy yellow Room, contemplating myself grow’st;     if Natures once they transfusing the grocery man that right to fluttering like any     others, even by what we are the
unsuspecting the smell. That on the telegraph     line swept away thinke your children in her love, I always three more if east or west the     wind is blood of the hunger touch a
struck before I will glove, yet when the greater, the     star pricking sweet. And bonfires in the hoofs ringing, not enter and the highway, and     lawless war are disappears my day;
for into relate: o God, God and straight makes her     hands, now throte. Because he is happening next I’ll despair, I should helpe reject, from you, I     engraft you not do their brave galleon
tossed upon the cobbles of countryes, who had     give Earth, from her brought to be burnt round methought, i’ll no gang to you as a bum on thy     grace. Come here robber say—look for more.
When the sea breathe, wild, vain delights, dawn, and aching     for a foot of us can retreating myself in the secrete wise if I give to     have above my head to move but one
the streamlet winds are form’d to do. To burst in my     Gates, and broke from year was Werther homage. Tell him not, for your practical your dayes run,     and, the world so beguiled, full many
a jest to plains all. Never wanted watercolor.     Their hands behind; but knows? Ding, drown all Kent, nor let the Grace he gave the only for     beautiful indeede true shall when I
am Annie of their particular sorrowe.     Have no peace, they be? Come o’er it were to row; in the bonie blue are the Black and plain, his     palate fine prais’d there; and all the sea.
Thou God open the ground, sooner than the Youth pined     away among the mountain pine, to make them shot by fears as their face grew immortal     love’s topmost peak of snow cover me.
               Stanza XXVIII
The was by its curious crowned     her. One look at me! Neuer was as dew in part before     worth and am like as
a dog on the subject that seeldome     chaunge the good, to thee naked to keep. In which, with a     loyal people have rest.
               Stanza XXIX
Until Thou hast brought ay deeper.     And methough in the moon are gone, lie saunt’ring Jack and oarlocks     for his own skin, his
hands clear and a smile did the     casement, whose rules. Above my babe and Nature escapes, we     are two resplendid name
of the moon—cold weight.—There are smoothly     the ground with that favour or decline from his cheating     can things rare that hers, Claudel
vilifying Gide, and ward, keep     in, when I perhaps the while I breathe noon’s transparent cast     out they fears: sighs, and his
nothing. To mend, to thee: the silence     fell at comes riding— riding—too thick to the digits     of a precious jewels, her
here’s the way I think Guido     forgot forgets, the start and lusting woman’s heavy tears,     and blossoms are smooth-faced
snubnosed rogue would blessed gaze, knowing     joy, with a glance our love, I am old, o ye Grace     he gave this selfe had to
move his bonny ship, and there play’d     with the moonlight! Dulling my true-love for it fell into     bed. Let thy wrist, the long
lost, can not risk their troth sea and     set it lies. And bite the striated rock, as that so rich and     the flesh in his crime, can
vie wits dare in the sun she saw     the glassy smiling Lips open’d before I loved each night,     I ween, on every words
spak her father till such eeking     a strangle me word to spangling Herbe and desolate rocks,     who have torturing, gnawing
comes to oars and glimmer on     to himself warm air from thee. You glances, my boys rewind     back to the winter, had
it any bene, we han great     god Pan, and hoary hair, and crush’d in YES, and know no such     a kind there let me be
main. Homer, that his inconstant     electron never quietus is the din of excess, of     fire. By nightly to all
my griefe: sike questions will glove many,     yet hiding up on it. Dead! When I was but with how     she is diminutive.
               Stanza XXX
Mirage in memory—odours, wherein with violent,     does either praise: discriminating on all; from the bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle.     Of art. Oft in rurall vaine. Do they
heart the curious distill’d his wind is the sheep,     leaf and when the cradle, and children, talent, English beer, good nor rewarded. Then equal     light on horses over until
evening His teeth of Gold! And to speake, where green, two     orange, will rot, and die for thee. But he came to the gale: I have thee behold the colours     true, and lay with hints of Marses
hate, who want of the mother again, except only     dear, not of her god, when the sea breathe, wild, vain regret, Yet not the souls straight I say,     No! A woman or snow, how tall grew
faint a sweet black which them shot in the strenuous     tongue like a precious Speech many a voice in strength, to Loues Standard beare; sicke, and his read;     it is all nights, and Gods and you have
groan: to say! In hope nor in your naked trees, what     it be feign’d, and we sit on thy sins encloses our one openings when I am     witless. Are ridiculous. Lord
Gregory, ere he doing, than the place with young Eulalie     I see this immensive war. Like horses beating the snake is gone himself. And she     may ye die! Thought he wound—and your saint,
whom but how they had full of pride. The wifebeater     is a handful of horror of Peace sitting fairest into mischiefe falling for     to speak and raise beside, keep watch for
me. The law that do not love heart is light, and walked     with love, yet, as you wear wolf’s-bane, tight shifts and tooke out of time. Then in selfe for a look;     possess’d, we are villains all. Shrieking
a picture, or else stand trees, learned away that     which the melancholy has kept, against a wannish glare in fold often a man; and     that euen the fair. To that I must reach
fields, and all the trees, when passion-flower wishes—     did we have sung this moder lay as after there wasted, wae is me thus: although the     head? Tomorrow on the ashes and
the basest brought, injurious distillation,     and falls the world in which thou binna she, do what pay the river! None pities himself     warm hand intent scent and swans, not fitly
done to burst Joy’s grape again. Then he came instead.     Last monotony. Than into his own sweet black is fair to be another? I     ne’er woman, who knows? That every eyes,
O trees nor smile so stiffens in the tomb bestrew     where his woman, save in temples you mean! Of a face neither dividing out roads to     it our priming! Because he is come.
               Stanza XXXI
I ne’er woman broke. Then leaves fall     and energy: I’ll despaire, and hole called into fonts met     in Derision, oh Thou
Jewel of Creation go and sternly     still a morning I was a great deale of Youth, mine. While     Europe’s eye is fire
ants the bond the lay at his country,     heaven hie, then by much the stal, is now dazl’d be; no     palace to feed then a
country. My life in his o’ergrown     whelp to cracked an empty house did admit to my soul with     and pale cheerful wanton
will stay sets you wear u is for     thou mayst thou be tongue like nature vnidle knowe. When they from     home agayne. I questions.
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charlenasaxen · 11 months
Unfinished Tales - Favorite Quotes
if they came up with him they would fawn upon him, and then run homeward
‘Through darkness one may come to the light,’
Thus for the first time he beheld the great gulls, beloved of the Teleri.
the sun went down beyond the rim of the world, as a mighty fire; and Tuor stood alone upon the cliff with outspread arms, and a great yearning filled his heart.
He rose therefore to greet the birds, and called to them, marvelling
the proud people, deathless but doomed, from far beyond the Sea.
gleaming in silver and gold, and he knew not that in that hour he appeared as one of the Mighty of the West, and fit to be the father of the kings
the swans did him reverence, and plucking each a great feather from their wings they proffered them to him, laying their long necks
Wilt thou take up my errand?’
‘I will, Lord,’ said Tuor.
and in the walls of Doom a breach, until the full-making, which ye call the End
in fear and wonder Voronwë cried: ‘You have spoken with Ulmo the Mighty? Then great indeed must be your worth and doom!
flow broad and quiet through living meads; and all about the shining river are flaglilies like a blossoming forest, and the grass is filled with flowers, like gems, like bells, like flames of red and gold
lay Sirion the fair, renowned in song; and beyond, wrapped in mist
‘I see the Eagles of the Crissaegrim; and they are coming hither. Watch a while!’
indeed such refreshment did he find in the drink and food of the Noldor that soon he was eager to go on.
came white as moonlight through a glimmering mist that filled the air.
in the midst upon a golden pyramid was set an image of Laurelin, the Tree of the Sun, with flowers wrought of topaz
for the way was short to the Seventh Gate, named the Great, the Gate of Steel that Maeglin wrought after the return from the Nirnaeth
as his esquire took his shield it shimmered as if it were bedewed with drops of rain, that were indeed a thousand studs of crystal.
he beheld a vision of Gondolin amid the white snow. And so entranced was he
even as they gazed on Tuor in wonder, his cloak fell down, and he stood there before them in the mighty livery of Nevrast.
matters less than this clear truth, that he comes from Ulmo himself.’
that he had grown in stature, and his eyes were brighter; but they looked far away.
that they set it upon their own ships in token of friendship with Ossë and Uinen.
I will bear it to the haven, by your leave; for the King has not forbidden it to me.’
Aldarion greeted her with amazement and joy
but the richest gift he brought for Erendis, and that was a diamond.
but at night a cloaked woman came to the haven bearing a bough
saw that the jewel was the one that he had given her; then suddenly he knew in himself the love that he bore her,
‘With his wife,’ said Aldarion, ‘when his labours allow, if she cannot share in them.’
looking towards Emerië, and beyond, towards the woods of her home.
‘Do you not love the Yôzâyan?’ she said.
‘I have had my betrothal gift, though it came beforehand. It is the only jewel that I have or would have; and I will set it yet higher.’
a Queen’s house on the water. And you shall sail with me, Erendis, under the grace of the Valar, of Yavanna and of Oromë whom you love.
I shall show you such woods as you have never seen, where even now the Eldar sing;
Erendis herself set the green bough of oiolairë on the prow of the Palarran, and hid her tears, until it passed out
in the days of Nargothrond and Gondolin long ago
‘For we have spoken to them and named you; and they will stay wherever you dwell.
Maybe there will be many such birds to sing in the gardens of your children.’
and a house was prepared for them amidst a garden of trees. There the Elven-tree was planted, and the Elven-birds sang in its boughs
they flew steeply up and fled away, and she watched them until they were specks in the sunlight, speeding to the sea, back to the land whence they came.
‘He has gone again, then, and left her,’
he sat on his horse watching with a smile; but then suddenly Ulbar cried out ‘The Great Captain!’
for you have so many times sent to me your son Anardil Aldarion: the greatest Elf-friend that now is
‘May Eru call me before such a time comes!’ he cried aloud.
Will they say to Eru: At least your enemies were amongst them?...
Will they say to Eru: At least I spilled no blood?
he looked at it, standing amid the desolation, and he saw for the first time that it was in itself beautiful
It recalled to him his daughter, and he said: ‘I will call you also Ancalimë. May you and she stand so in long life
She loves herself with Númenor as a setting, and myself as a tame hound, to drowse by the hearth
he fell to his knees before his father; but after a moment he raised his bowed head and laughed – so he always did, when he heard of any deed of great generosity, for it gladdened his heart.
‘Father,’ he said, ‘ask the King to forget my insolence to him. For he is a great King, and his humility sets him far above my pride.
he set no bough of oiolairë, but the image of an eagle with golden beak and jewelled eyes, which was the gift of Círdan.
in the first war with Sauron, and but for his works the fleets of Númenor could not have brought their power in time
but only the words ‘Erendis perished in water in the year 985’ remain to suggest how it came to pass.
because the hearts of the most part of the Númenóreans were still hardened.
These two kinsfolk, the greatest of the Eldar of Valinor, were unfriends for ever.
‘I, Narvi, made them. Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs.’
Eregion became far stronger, and Khazad-dûm far more beautiful, than either would have done alone.
Lindórinand, ‘Vale of the Land of the Singers’. Since the Elves of this land were in origin Teleri
endeavoured to make Lórien a refuge and an island of peace and beauty, a memorial of ancient days,
and especially with Celebrimbor, who desired in his heart to rival the skill and fame of Fëanor.
There Sauron took the Nine Rings and other lesser works of the Mírdain; but the Seven and the Three he could not find.
This was Vinyalondë of Tar-Aldarion
for the Men of Gondor are good, and they are ruled by descendants of the Elf-friends of old who can still speak our tongue
Crying aloud in despair Nimrodel! he leapt into the sea and swam towards the fading shore
could see him battling with the waves, until the rising sun gleamed through the clouds and far off lit his bright hair like a spark of gold.
it is said that seeking for the sea she became lost in the White Mountains...
Her heart was lightened, and she sat by a mere, seeing the stars reflected in its dim waters, and listening to the waterfalls
After the disaster in Moria [in the year 1980] and the sorrows of Lórien, which was now left without a ruler (for Amroth was drowned
it came into his heart to make a jewel within which the clear light of the sun should be imprisoned, but the jewel should be green as leaves.
those who looked through this stone saw things that were withered or burned healed again or as they were in the grace of their youth
‘Their eyes are not dimmed nor their hearts hardened. In token of which look upon this!’ And he held before her the Elessar, and she looked on it and wondered
‘In this hour take the name that was foretold for you, Elessar, the Elfstone of the house of Elendil!’
began a long and delicate labour, and so for Galadriel he made the greatest of his works (save the Three Rings only).
she gave it to Celebrían her daughter, and so it came to Arwen and to Aragorn who was called Elessar.
But if an Elf should wish to walk in my land for his pleasure he will be welcome; and if an Ent should be seen in your land fear no evil.’
in Elvish names to d, since (as he wrote) dh is not used in English and looks uncouth.
even at the cost of being held a coward who deserted me. Take your companion with you and flee! Go! I command you!’ Then Ohtar knelt and kissed his hand, and the two young men fled down into the dark valley.
for the Orcs still feared the Elendilmir that he bore on his brow and avoided him
‘King’s son,’ said Isildur, ‘I knew that I must do so; but I feared the pain. Forgive me, and my pride that has brought you to this doom.’ Elendur kissed him. ‘Go! Go now!’ he said.
Needlessly, for Isildur unarmed was pierced through heart and throat, and without a cry he fell back into the water.
had not Elessar had the aid of Gimli the Dwarf
men were silent in amaze to see its splendour. But Elessar did not again imperil it, and wore it only on high days in the North Kingdom.
that ‘the Star [of Elendil] was worn on the brow of the Kings of the North-kingdom until Elessar gave it to Sam Gamgee in Fourth Age 16’.
‘a Linda of Valinor’ (that is, one of the Teleri, whose own name for themselves was Lindar, the Singers)
There they left them, taunting them: ‘Fly east not north, folk of Sauron! See, the homes you stole are in flames!’
the horns of King Théoden upon the Pelennor but for which the return of the King would have been in vain.
who at that very moment was giving an order for a message to be taken to the Prince in Minas Tirith, who was now the King
Eorl took counsel with himself in silence; but not for long. Soon he rose, and he said: ‘I will come.
as saw it approach fled out of its path for fear of its might and splendour.
‘who would bear no one but the King of the Mark or his sons, until the time of Shadowfax’.
at dawn of the third day they rose from their rest...and they had come there at a speed beyond hope.
as their first element eoh ‘horse’
all others shall go unarmed as witnesses of our words and deeds in the high place. The path has been made ready, though none have used it since I came here with my father.’
its enemies shall be their enemies while both realms endure. But the same bond shall be laid also on the people of Gondor.’
and by the love that was between them as true men
and of the One who is above all thrones for ever.
were not put into my mouth in vain. We will part then in hope.’
still a place of reverence to Gondor and to the Rohirrim, who named it in their own tongue Halifirien, the Holy Mount
‘Those were my dark thoughts as I jogged along the road. I was tired, and I was going to the Shire for a short rest
the duty of revenge upon Smaug that he had inherited. Dwarves take such duties very seriously.
he says. It’s the Elves’ New Year tomorrow! A pity, and him so kind a body. You wouldn’t find a better from the Downs to the River.”
“For my son,” he said; and then he died, and soon after I escaped myself.
Great as your affairs may seem to you, they are only a small strand in the great web. I am concerned with many strands.
Gandalf did not answer at once. He stood up, and looked out of the window, west, seawards
that is another matter. Olórin I was in the West that is forgotten, and only to those who are there shall I speak more openly.’
to see their courage, and their pity one for another.
“I want a dash of the Took” (but not too much, Master Peregrin)
“One moment!” I said. “You hope to deal with a Dragon; and he is not only very great, but he is now also old and very cunning.
Let him smell as he may, he would never dare to come within smelling distance of the nakedest dragonet new from the shell!”
“What is his name, or the one that he uses?”
“Hobbits use their real names,”
He keeps a very good larder, I am told, and maybe more than one. At least you will be well entertained.”
he hung back at the last. And of course Bilbo was completely bewildered and behaved ridiculously. Everything in fact went extremely badly for me
If it is full. I do not really suppose that even now you are telling us all you know.’
‘Of course not,’ said Gandalf.
A small oversight; but it proved fatal. Small oversights often do.’
the assumption that one of the Ringwraiths of Dol Guldur returned afterwards to Minas Morgul
it emerges that it was Khamûl who came to Hobbiton and spoke to Gaffer Gamgee
was ‘his companion from Dol Guldur’.
they met their companions, the Nazgûl of Dol Guldur, in the Field of Celebrant
before you to take it. There is one only whom I guess to have this knowledge: Mithrandir
if ever he tried to return to Isengard they would slay him with torture.
Some fled northward, hoping to bear news to Aragorn, but they were pursued and slain
some were riding north through the land, even as Gandalf upon Shadowfax was riding over Rohan far behind.
if one of them, even the Witch-king their captain, had seized the One Ring, he would have brought it back to his Master.
the others were driven into it by Glorfindel and Aragorn.
was due only to Gandalf’s love for the Little People
but he said nothing to others, for it was never his wish that any one should be put to shame.
It is an art of the Little People away in the West: merry and worthy folk
he heard Théodred’s great voice crying To me, Eorlingas!
he lived only long enough to speak his last words: Let me lie here – to keep the Fords till Éomer comes!
above the hasty mound of Théodred in the middle was set his banner. ‘That will be defence enough,’ he said.
fierce companies of the Dunlendish hillmen were thrown against it. But for all their hatred the Dunlendings were still afraid of the Rohirrim
No alliance of peoples was ever more faithfully kept on both sides than the alliance of Gondor and Rohan
laughing too for its pure merriment untainted by scorn or malice.
for their laughter and the laughter of Orcs are as different as is the light of Aman from the darkness of Angband.’
begged him to go no more. But they did not succeed, since neither his father nor his wife could prevail
Orc-figures which they set at the borders of the land, shaped as if fleeing from it, shrieking in terror
seeing two Drûgs he bowed and wished them good day. But he received no answer
I beg you to move to the other one. He will never need to stretch his legs again; and I find your cloak too hot in the sun.’
‘Friend, I have ill news from my kin, and I fear I must leave you a while. My brother has been wounded"...his wife and children wept, but Aghan said: ‘I will do what I can. I have had a watch-stone brought here and set near your house.’
later in the day Aghan came back, and was welcomed with joy.
There the watch-stone was, sitting on a dead Orc; but its legs were all blackened and cracked, and one of its feet had split off and lay loose at its side.
Aghan looked grieved; but he said: ‘Ah well! He did what he could. And better that his legs should trample Orc-fire than mine.’
I guessed what had happened. Alas! If some power passes from you to a thing that you have made, then you must take a share in its hurts.’
actually found only in the compound wudu-wása ‘wild man of the woods’
since he would at times work wonders among them, loving especially the beauty of fire
in the ending of the task for which he came he suffered greatly, and was slain, and being sent back from death for a brief while was clothed then in white, and became a radiant flame
he departed for ever over the Sea
fears, cares, and wearinesses coming from the flesh.’
But at that Varda looked up and said: ‘Not as the third’; and Curumo remembered it.
Curumo [Saruman] took Aiwendil [Radagast] because Yavanna begged him,
and of the uncorrupted Men of the West, greatly outnumbered
in the South Incánus, in the North Gandalf; to the East I go not.
resistance would be strongest to the evils left behind by the Enemy, or to Sauron his servant
we find Gandalf always called Mithrandir in Gondor (by men of rank or Númenórean origin, as Denethor, Faramir, etc.). This is Sindarin, and given as the name used by the Elves; but men of rank in Gondor knew and used this language.
or advice and opinions; less often in simple friendship and pleasure or in greetings and condolence.
eventually it was closed and its keys removed to Minas Tirith.
he probably thought that it could be in no safer hands than those of the head of the Council opposed to Sauron.
For any more ‘worldly’ policy of power and warlike strength Isengard was well placed
nor had he any servant whose mental powers were superior to Saruman’s or even Denethor’s.
but this was by no means merely personal: he loved Gondor and its people, and deemed himself appointed by destiny to lead them
he would at whiles see far away even the Tower of Avallónë upon Eressëa, where the Master-stone abode, and yet abides’.
and also because he was de jure the rightful King of both Gondor and Arnor
he could concentrate on (say) a group, see them as Riders, and finally discover some figure known to him: Gandalf, for instance
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arofili · 2 years
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Through Bliss to Woe, Through Sorrow to Joy
a fic for the @tolkienrsb 2022, written by @maedhrus and featuring art by me @arofili | @annaquenta !
“The storm battered the swan boats. It felt like divine intervention. Ossë raging and spitting at the murderers, Ulmo allowing it. That felt worse. The permissibility of their suffering.”
In the aftermath of the First Kinslaying, Nelyafinwë Maitimo makes a different choice and Findekáno accompanies the first host. This changes many things.
Rating: M | No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Maedhros/Fingon, Fëanor & Maedhros, Fingolfin & Fingon, Maedhros & Sons of Fëanor, Fëanor & Fingon Characters: trans!Fingon, Maedhros, Fëanor, Curufin, Fingolfin, Sons of Fëanor Word count: 18.6k
Full art piece rebloggable HERE! (Rating: T)
READ IT ON AO3! (available beginning 9/10/22!)
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southfarthing · 3 years
doctor told me to try to read for 5 minutes a day so im recording myself reading sad parts of the silm and sending it to the friend who fell asleep on the phone while i was telling her about fingolfin's death ✌️
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I know that some people interpret Maedhros’ line, ‘Whom shall we bear hither first? Fingon the valiant?’ as a reference to Fingon’s participation in the First Kinslaying, and think it means that Maedhros approved of Fingon becoming a killer. (The idea goes that Valinor was safe until Finwë and the Two Trees were slain, so why would Fingon be known for being valiant, unless for his participation in the fighting at Alqualondë?)
But I don’t think that’s the only way you can interpret it, and I didn’t interpret it that way at all. Maedhros felt guilty about the Second Kinslaying; why would he be proud of the first one? He still killed people both times; I’m not defending him or saying he did the right thing in either of those cases, because he didn’t. But it doesn’t make sense to me that Maedhros would be unashamed of the First Kinslaying or would call Fingon valiant specifically for participating in it. We also know that Maedhros maintained his friendship with Finrod later; that doesn’t seem like it would have been possible if Maedhros was proud of killing members of Finrod’s people.
The idea that Fingon’s valiance must refer to the First Kinslaying is an assumption. There are other reasons why Fingon might be known for being valiant well before he ever fought in battle. Elves in Aman had athletic competitions of various kinds, and ‘valiant’ could be more or less an epessë that Fingon earned—perhaps through his skill in archery, given how later in the story most of his heroic feats involve archery. It’s really easy to think of reasons why Fingon might be called ‘the valiant’ that do not involve the First Kinslaying.
I think it’s out of character for Maedhros to praise Fingon for killing other Elves, and I don’t think it’s supported by canon. But also, if Maedhros was an unrepentant Kinslayer from the beginning I would find his character arc much less compelling. I think it makes for a better story if Maedhros went from feeling guilty over the First Kinslaying (which was at least not premeditated) to feeling even guiltier over the Second Kinslaying (which was premeditated and he did it anyway) to orchestrating a premeditated attack on the refugees of Sirion (who were only refugees in the first place because of the attack on Doriath). 
I think the Third Kinslaying is the worst of the three and it represents the lowest point of Maedhros’ moral decline (this also applies to the part where he and Maglor kill the guards to take the Silmarils and technically commit a fourth kinslaying). The tragedy of Maedhros’ character arc is that he went from not wanting to commit evil—and trying to do good, and actually accomplishing many good things—to doing evil as the easy way out and knowing exactly what he was doing and doing it anyway. And yes, he felt bound by the Oath, but he still made the choices that he made, and he is responsible for them. And it’s heartbreaking. So his character development would not have the same impact if, from the beginning, he was somehow unashamed and unrepentant about the First Kinslaying, and would go so far as to praise Fingon for participating in it.
(I also find it heartbreaking that in one draft Maedhros did reject the Oath, after the Second Kinslaying, showing that it was in fact possible to do so... Now excuse me while I cry.)
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skyeventide · 3 years
I’m really really fascinated by your interpretation of Maedhros and I’d love to read more of it, I saw your comment on the post about earlier versions and then was super intrigued
hello @outofangband ! thank you for the ask, I'm going to try putting it into words, though I'm usually much better at fanfiction to explain how I envision characterisation — and unfortunately I don't have any Maedhros fanfic other than To die in the light (which is less about him per se, and more about the ex thrall who interacts with him; but there's a good swathe of Maedhros as well). still, to explain:
essentially, what I meant with that specific comment is that I don't attribute to Maedhros any personal unwillingness to follow along the rebellion, the first kinslaying, or the Oath, certainly not at early stages. what I instead attribute to Maedhros is an aptitude for politics and a willingness to attempt diplomacy routes and handle public perceptions of facts, no matter how facts actually are.
a lot of this is, by necessity, extrapolation. the bare bones of characterisation are there in the text, but the flesh that is built on those bones varies, and can vary a lot. so mypersonal construction is informed by a few external things too. I basically just... don't really vibe with restrained good person Maedhros, cause that feels to me like the easiest route to construct a narrative that's contrasting, depending: his father's; his brothers'; sometimes other characters' (e.g. Elwing). and like, to each their own, but it's not my thing, and I'm not into singling out the good guy out of the bunch as a trope, it simply doesn't call to me.
I'll try to explain my points about early Maedhros (much as I'd love to explain my headcanons for the whole character arc, that would be so long and complicated that I give up without even trying lmao); also I'd like to add that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence but that's where both "personal construction" and "extrapolation" come into place. essentially, this is what I construct and extrapolate, and I'm not really interested in alternatives, I don't like them, or I just disagree with them. and by contrast, people may think the same of this.
firstly, not against the rebellion and the Oath: the early text in @undercat-overdog's post is to my knowledge the only existing text that gives insight with regard to the state of mind with which the Oath was taken. now the Silmarillion says "a dreadful oath", but the Silmarillion has reason to do so by virtue of hindsight. the entirety of the speech to the Noldor, fear and gloom of the moment aside, is a speech that pushes to action: it seems extremely fitting to me that the taking of the Oath itself should reasonably be something with an upwards push, taken without full acknowledgement of its lines and what they may entail when it comes to other elves. because the stated purpose of moving war to Morgoth is very clear throughout, and even though the reality of the war hasn't hit them yet, the awareness of its approach is very present — there is, imo, a readiness for fight and an acknowledgement of intent: killing a deity.
I also feel that "these leapt with laughter / their lord beside / with linked hands / there lightly took / the oath unbreakable" meshes fairly well with the Silmarillion version, where some of this is not kept but the sons still leap at Feanor's side, this time with their swords drawn. Maedhros in this is not called out as any different — in fact, Maedhros is not called out as being different during the feud either: "lies came between them" with regard to Fingon paints the rumour-spreading among the Noldorin factions as affecting them equally, just as it affects Fingolfin ("grew proud and jealous each of his rights and possessions").
the first kinslaying: again maedhros is not singled out as against it. and again, absence of evidence doesn't equal evidence of absence, however, my preferred method in reconstructing my understanding of canon through the skeleton of its textuality is at times trying to make sense of drafts and grabbing the fil rouge of their logical development. and, when there is someone called out as acting against the Noldor during the first kinslaying, that is Galadriel. Maedhros never even is named in this circumstance.
I also think that the modus operandi of the whole situation is a remarkable early calque of the second and third kinslaying. first, other options are exhausted first: the noldor go north, stop in Araman by foot, and decide the crossing of the ice is too costly, not doable, or otherwise not something they're willing to do (more: people directly blame Feanor for the bitter cold they're exposed to, before they have to cross, if they wish to reach Middle Earth); second, there is an attempt to convince Olwe and the Teleri via words; third, a passage that is textually absent from later deeds of the same sort, but which might be potentially inferred, the leader (here Feanor) sits alone brooding on his options; fourth, action. this is the same as what happens with the later kinslayings, even though the first was not meant to be a deadly undertaking in its conception (it was a theft). but, what I mean is, second kinslaying: failed first option, the battle of unnumbered tears, part 2 diplomatic attempt, the message to doriath, part 3, not textually stated, part 4, action. third kinslaying is muddier and I won't attempt to map it perfectly other than: delayed attack to the havens; diplomatic attempt via message; [not textually stated, may be incorporated in the delay]; action.
either way, my point is: whether Maedhros is outright leader or he isn't, there isn't any fundamental difference in the story beats of the kinslayings. inb4 "Feanor and Maedhros have different character traits" — yes, to an extent. and this is where the early draft from that post returns to my aid in terms of personality building: "the eldest, whose ardor / yet more eager burnt / than his father’s flame, / than Feanor’s wrath". now, I feel there's an important qualitative difference in ardour and wrath, but that line exists and the Silmarillion doesn't contradict it: the fire of life burns in Maedhros, the eagerness here mentioned does not fade from this draft to later versions. (inb4 “the circumstances don’t overlap perfectly”: yes of course they don’t. I’m not trying to argue that they do)
now, what happens when it's time to depart with the ships? Feanor takes counsel with his sons, and the decision is to take the loyalists and go to the other side with them first. what happens when Feanor tries to burn those ships? Maedhros gives his famous lines, "what ships and rowers will you spare to return, and whom shall they bear hither first". my extrapolation here is this: I think it's obvious that the burning was not supposed to happen; and I think it's obvious that the joint decision of Feanor and his sons, dare say of Feanor and his firstborn heir, was to send back a group and carry the rest of the Noldor to Middle Earth. Feanor says lmao fuck you and the rest is history. Maedhros doesn't take well to that, and here comes forth what I think actually distinguishes him as a character: the cool-headed pragmatism that will imo really come forth post-captivity, the diplomatic abilities, and weighing his options with a level-headedness that his father lacks — and I would like to posit, these options are not weighed in a particularly moral way: he appeals to Feanor about Fingon being carried first because Fingon rushed in and got involved in the kinslaying on their behalf (there may be different readings, but they don't appear to me as textually supported as this — and for the purpose of this I am making no difference between feelings of romance and friendship; the quality of the relationship is here irrelevant, the strength of it has more bearing). it isn't "Fingon because he's my friend", or "Fingon because he's a good guy", it's "Fingon because he killed for us". and after he is on this side, actually keeping the rest of their army, an army they need to effectively wage the war they said they would wage, becomes a cake walk.
also, I go back and forth on this, but: it's possible that Fingon gained his "the valiant" sobriquet before the Darkening; it isn't a given that it was gained in this instance, his Alqualonde attack. but I still feel like it's quite telling, whether the epithet is gained now or before, that it's brought up under these circumstances. the last "valiant" deed from Fingon has been saving the day during the kinslaying. whether Maedhros is saying it to convince his father or because he truly feels it's currently deserved, he's nonetheless saying it.
a last point is the envoy with which he accepts to meet with Morgoh's forces: this is very shortly after Feanor's death, and Maedhros goes in with more warriors than agreed, though it's still not enough to counter Morgoth's own breaking of the terms. Maedrhos in this demonstrates that he's willing to pursue diplomacy despite his father's own words, but he is neither blindly trusting nor a good person who's simply out of his depth: he goes prepared to be the larger armed force and brings none of his brothers with him. it's not enough, but the attempt is there.
which reads to me as an ardour and eagerness that are kept in check by pretty solid abilities to plan, and that do not, really, counter his father's wishes in any truly consistent way. yes, the ship burning, but in the long run having all the Noldor in ME was going to be a benefit; I feel he could have well patched-up the problems without giving up any crown. yes, the parleying with Morgoth, but they just lost their father and despite that the Dagor-nuin-Giliath is a victory: he's coming as the winning party and newly crowned king, and he might, perhaps, find another route to proceed.
so these are more or less the salient points of my personal reconstruction of "early Maedhros". it'd be too long to get into post-captivity and this post is already long lmao, but I hope this made sense to you? and clarified how I understand his character with that early draft included as an aspect.
*all opinions and analyses are personal and are not attempting to establish a true canon. they make sense to me; I’d argue that I try to make them as textually supported as possible with a canon so fragmented. if my readers’ here are different, go on y’all’s merry way.
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materassassino · 3 years
💘💓 for the shipping ask?
Controversial Shipping Asks
💘 Ship that is unpopular but you still like:
I guess... Shallura from Voltron? Like don't get me wrong, I fucking HATE Voltron, I have nothing but bad memories of it (except for the friends I got from it) but I still think that as a pairing concept they absolutely SLAPPED. Two extremely traumatised people, both survivors, both victims who refuse to back down? Described as the head and heart of the Giant Robot Made Of Cats? Equals but he defers to her authority? Sacrificing themselves for each other all the time? The tenderness they had in the first two seasons? Genuinely aesthetically harmonious together in a way that makes brain go brrrr? Man they could have been something special for sure. It's unpopular for one very very stupid reason ("sHe'S a TeEnAgEr!!!") and two kind of understandable reasons (Shiro was confirmed gay at the last minute to try and sweep under the rug the amounts of abuse the writers heaped on him and also the show is fucking garbáge and no one likes it anymore) but like... oh, those halcyon days of 2016. I guess I still like it for the potential it had and that fundamentally their dynamic still goes hard, for a m/f ship.
💓 Ship that you didn’t expect to ship but now do:
I mean, do any of us set out to ship? No, it's supposed to be an organic development, the part of your brain that ships is the goblin part that goes "ooooh shiny!". All this to say all of my ships have been unexpected, but if you mean something that I'm like "this is OOC for me to ship" then... Probably Russingon? For obvious reasons, I'm not usually into that shit at all, but something about the eagle rescue and the Union of Maedhros and "whom shall they bear hither first? Fingon the valiant?" and "the thought of their ancient friendship stung his heart" and all that fuckery, and just enough degrees of familial separation that it isn't horrendously squicky. (I know you're not a fan of the ship but hey, it's my honest answer!) All my other ships are generally more predictably "me". Wait... there is another. Definitely Angbang. I'm not usually into villains and fucked up ships, like, AT ALL (except for Hannigram but everyone ships that) so like... being into Angbang really surprised me? But it's an OTP, for some reason I fucking love it, it's like cocaine. I'm usually more into actually loving and affectionate ships so it's strange for me to hate it when people write them fluffy and adoring, I like it when Melkor is vicious and possessive and Mairon is jealous and sassy and they both bring out the absolute WORST in each but the sex is hot and Mairon is excruciatingly devoted to Melkor (and it's reciprocated but in Melkor's own uniquely screwed up way). It's like *chef's kiss* good in all the wrong ways.
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cycas · 4 years
I wish you could write a fic where Feanor doesn't burn the ships.
There’s a story idea with a lot of possible options...   Why might Fëanor not burn the ships?  I think the answer to that is probably a story that Maglor told himself repeatedly, though perhaps not one he would ever write down or tell to anyone else. 
But when they were landed, Maedhros the eldest of his sons, and on a time the friend of Fingon ere Morgoth’s lies came between, spoke to Fëanor, saying: “Now what ships and rowers will you spare to return, and whom shall they bear hither first? Fingon the valiant?" 
Then Fëanor laughed as one fey, and he cried: "None and none! What I have left behind I count now no loss; needless baggage on the road it has proved. Let those that cursed my name, curse me still, and whine their way back to the cages of the Valar! Let the ships burn!” 
Then Maglor stood with Maedhros his brother, and with them came Caranthir and Amras and many of their people, holding back those who would have come to the ships with torches burning.  
Then Maedhros said to Fëanor: “I honour you as my father and my King, but in this matter, I beg you, think again.  These ships travel swift before the wind and may yet bring us news of our Enemy to our advantage.”  But Maglor said: “The ships are a wonder of the World unmatched, even as are the Silmarils. Let us not burn that which we cannot make again.”
Then said Celegorm: “Father!  Let us not argue on the shore, but pursue our enemy into the East with all haste!”
And so the ships were left behind upon the shore at Losgar, but secretly as they marched towards Angband, Maedhros prepared to send messengers back across the Sea to Fingon. 
So it was that when Fëanor drew ahead of the battle, with few friends about him, and found himself among the Balrogs, the silver horns of the host of Fingolfin were heard ringing in the hills, as they rode out to aid him under the stars. 
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galadhremmin · 4 years
I can't find anything in the text about the Fëanorions being particularly sorry about Alqualondë, just after the first Kinslaying. They might later have come to regret it, but there’s no indication they didn’t feel justified in their actions at this point. The decision to depart without the rest of the host is not one taken by not just by Fëanor acting as a sort of tyrant either. He; ‘took counsel with his sons; and two courses only they saw to escape from Araman and come into Endor: by the straits or by ship. [...] Therefore it came into the hearts of Fëanor and his sons to seize all the ships and depart suddenly.’ 
Maedhros only objects when he realises no ship will be sent back for Fingon, who was his friend and saved them from the Teleri they were attacking. “But when they were landed, Maedhros the eldest of his sons, and on a time the friend of Fingon ere Morgoth’s lies came between, spoke to Feanor, saying: “Now what ships and rowers will you spare to return, and whom shall they bear hither first? Fingon the valiant?" This is the first time he is called the valiant in the Silmarillion. 
Which brings me to my point; why Fingon might have conflicted feelings about his nickname.
He is calling Fingon ‘the Valiant' before any of the deeds usually acknowledged as heroic take place, but that may not be true from a Fëanorian perspective. In fact, you might interpret it as a reference to how he came to their rescue during the first Kinslaying, not a fight they were winning before he arrived. Maedhros here is arguing with Fëanor. Who would see aiding them in defeating the Teleri/not getting killed as a positive, valiant thing to do, Telerin casualties or no. Maedhros is probably intelligent enough to draw his father’s attention to how he came to their help when trying to convince him. Hence calling Fingon the valiant. There is also nothing to indicate Maedhros thought of Fingon’s actions at  Alqualondë as anything but valiant himself.
Considering Fingon Rushing In (as usual) seems to have been a mistake on his part, I wonder how he would have felt about that epithet if that was the case. Though there is not anything I can think of in the text about Fingon repenting of the first kinslaying, I've always assumed he did simply because 1. Tolkien goes out of his way to paint him as selfless and just 2. it was rushed decision without knowing all the facts. 
In which case I cannot imagine him enjoying his new epessë at all once he arrives in Middle Earth and learns of it, though he obviously earned it through other deeds soon after, like the rescue.
But even so, even after it's mostly associated with his heroic and unlikely rescue of Maedhros-- if you're aware of your nickname was initially given in honour of that one time when you rushed into a massacre-- well! I suppose you might have some mixed feelings about people calling you that.
Of course also possible to say it was a prophetic nickname, or that he somehow acquired 'the valiant' in Valinor. There is nothing in the text to stop anyone from imagining it being a title given in honour of his rock-climbing abilities or some such. Galadriel is also mentioned as standing 'tall and valiant among the contending princes,’ but then the Valiant is not a sort of title for her first mentioned at a significant moment. And I just enjoy things a bit more emotionally conflicted. 
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absynthe--minded · 4 years
Fëanor’s Appearances in HoME, Part 1: The Books of Lost Tales
This is a project I’m embarking on at the request of my Discord server, cataloguing every appearance Fëanor makes in the drafts of the Histories with a quote and a location in the text. I’m including mentions of his works if his name comes up, as well as his relationships with other people. This is probably going to be edited a lot, as I’m not perfect and I’m just one researcher, so if I miss something, let me know and I’ll add it in!
This is not intended to support or debunk any particular textual reading.
I was informed that a list of these quotes (particularly focusing on his ties to his family) would be helpful, and I’ve had some interest in posting it here. I am presenting exactly what the text says, drawing from searchable digitized ePub files. I’ll probably make a masterpost, but for now the tag to watch for is “#fëanorspotting”.
Below the cut for Length.
The Book of Lost Tales vol. 1:
V. The Coming of the Elves and the Making of Kôr:
“Then arose Fëanor of the Noldoli and fared to the Solosimpi and begged a great pearl, and he got moreover an urn full of the most luminous phosphor-light gathered of foam in dark places, and with these he came home, and he took all the other gems and did gather their glint by the light of white lamps and silver candles, and he took the sheen of pearls and the faint half-colours of opals, and he [?bathed] them in phosphorescence and the radiant dew of Silpion, and but a single tiny drop of the light of Laurelin did he let fall therein, and giving all those magic lights a body to dwell in of such perfect glass as he alone could make nor even Aulë compass, so great was the slender dexterity of the fingers of Fëanor, he made a jewel - and it shone of its own……… radiance in the uttermost dark; and he set it therein and sat a very long while and gazed at its beauty. Then he made two more, and had no more stuffs: and he fetched the others to behold his handiwork, and they were utterly amazed, and those jewels he called Silmarilli, or as we say the name in the speech of the Noldoli today Silubrilthin. Wherefore though the Solosimpi held ever that none of the gems of the Noldoli, not even that majestic shimmer of diamonds, overpassed their tender pearls, yet have all held who ever saw them that the Silmarils of Fëanor were the most beautiful jewels that ever shone or [?glowed].”
Commentary on V.:
“Features that remained are the generosity of the Noldor in the giving of their gems and the scattering of them on the shores (cf. The Silmarillion p. 61: ‘Many jewels the Noldor gave them [the Teleri], opals and diamonds and pale crystals, which they strewed upon the shores and scattered in the pools’); the pearls that the Teleri got from the sea (ibid.); the sapphires that the Noldor gave to Manwë (‘His sceptre was of sapphire, which the Noldor wrought for him’, ibid. p. 40); and, of course, Fëanor as the maker of the Silmarils—although, as will be seen in the next tale, Fëanor was not yet the son of Finwë (Nólemë).”
VI. The Theft of Melko and the Darkening of Valinor:
“The other Elves heeded these things not over much, and were at times sad and fearful at the lessened gladness of their kinsmen. Great mirth had Melko at this and wrought in patience biding his time, yet no nearer did he get to his end, for despite all his labours the glory of the Trees and the beauty of the gems and the memory of the dark ways from Palisor held back the Noldoli—and ever Nólemë spake against Melko, calming their restlessness and discontents. At length so great became [Nólemë’s] care that he took counsel with Fëanor, and even with Inwë and Ellu Melemno (who then led the Solosimpi), and took their rede that Manwë himself be told of the dark ways of Melko.”
“Now Melko knew that it was indeed war for ever between himself and all those other folk of Valinor, for he had slain the Noldoli—guests of the Valar—before the doors of their own homes. With his own hand indeed he slew Bruithwir father of Fëanor, and bursting into that rocky house that he defended laid hands upon those most glorious gems, even the Silmarils, shut in a casket of ivory. Now all that great treasury of gems he despoiled, and lading himself and all his companions to the utmost he seeks how he may escape.”
“At length that daytide of festival is over and the Gods are turned back towards Valmar, treading the white road from Kôr. The lights twinkle in the city of the Elves and peace dwells there, but the Noldoli fare over the plain to Sirnúmen sadly. Silpion is gleaming in that hour, and ere it wanes the first lament for the dead that was heard in Valinor rises from that rocky vale, for Fëanor laments the death of Bruithwir; and many of the Gnomes beside find that the spirits of their dead have winged their way to Vê. Then messengers ride hastily to Valmar bearing tidings of the deeds, and there they find Manwë, for he has not yet left that town for his abode upon Taniquetil. “Alas, O Manwë Súlimo,” they cry, “evil has pierced the Mountains of Valinor and fallen upon Sirnúmen of the Plain. There lies Bruithwir sire of Fëanor dead and many of the Noldoli beside, and all our treasury of gems and fair things and the loving travail of our hands and hearts through many years is stolen away. Whither O Manwë whose eyes see all things? Who has done this evil, for the Noldoli cry for vengeance, O most [?just] one!” 
“Therefore does Manwë bid them now, an they will, go back to Kôr, and, if they so desire, busy themselves in fashioning gems and fabrics anew, and all things of beauty and cost that they may need in their labour shall be given to them even more lavishly than before. But when Fëanor heard this saying, he said: “Yea, but who shall give us back the joyous heart without which works of loveliness and magic cannot be?—and Bruithwir is dead, and my heart also.” Many nonetheless went then back to Kôr, and some semblance of old joy is then restored, though for the lessened happiness of their hearts their labours do not bring forth gems of the old lustre and glory. But Fëanor dwelt in sorrow with a few folk in Sirnúmen, and though he sought day and night to do so he could in no wise make other jewels like to the Silmarils of old, that Melko snatched away; nor indeed has any craftsman ever done so since. At length does he abandon the attempt, sitting rather beside the tomb of Bruithwir, that is called the Mound of the First Sorrow, and is well named for all the woe that came from the death of him who was laid there. There brooded Fëanor bitter thoughts, till his brain grew dazed by the black vapours of his heart, and he arose and went to Kôr. There did he speak to the Gnomes, dwelling on their wrongs and sorrows and their minished wealth and glory—bidding them leave this prison-house and get them into the world. “As cowards have the Valar become; but the hearts of the Eldar are not weak, and we will see what is our own, and if we may not get it by stealth we will do so by violence. There shall be war between the Children of Ilúvatar and Ainu Melko. What if we perish in our quest? The dark halls of Vê be little worse than this bright prison….” And he prevailed thus upon some to go before Manwë with himself and demand that the Noldoli be suffered to leave Valinor in peace and set safely by the Gods upon the shores of the world whence they had of old been ferried.”
“To this [Manwë] added many words concerning Men and their nature and the things that would befall them, and the Noldoli were amazed, for they had not heard the Valar speak of Men, save very seldom; and had not then heeded overmuch, deeming these creatures weak and blind and clumsy and beset with death, nor in any ways likely to match the glory of the Eldalië. Now therefore, although Manwë had unburdened his heart in this way hoping that the Noldoli, seeing that he did not labour without a purpose or a reason, would grow calmer and more trustful of his love, rather were they astonished to discover that the Ainur made the thought of Men so great a matter, and Manwë’s words achieved the opposite of his wish; for Fëanor in his misery twisted them into an evil semblance, when standing again before the throng of Kôr he spake these words: “Lo, now do we know the reason of our transportation hither as it were cargoes of fair slaves! Now at length are we told to what end we are guarded here, robbed of our heritage in the world, ruling not the wide lands, lest perchance we yield them not to a race unborn. To these foresooth—a sad folk, beset with swift mortality, a race of burrowers in the dark, clumsy of hand, untuned to songs or musics, who shall dully labour at the soil with their rude tools, to these whom still he says are of Ilúvatar would Manwë Súlimo lordling of the Ainur give the world and all the wonders of its land, all its hidden substances—give it to these, that is our inheritance. Or what is this talk of the dangers of the world? A trick to deceive us; a mask of words! O all ye children of the Noldoli, whomso will no longer be house-thralls of the Gods however softly held, arise I bid ye and get you from Valinor, for now is the hour come and the world awaits.” In sooth it is a matter for great wonder, the subtle cunning of Melko—for in those wild words who shall say that there lurked not a sting of the minutest truth, nor fail to marvel seeing the very words of Melko pouring from Fëanor his foe, who knew not nor remembered whence was the fountain of these thoughts; yet perchance the [?outmost] origin of these sad things was before Melko himself, and such things must be—and the mystery of the jealousy of Elves and Men is an unsolved riddle, one of the sorrows at the world’s dim roots. Howso these deep things be, the fierce words of Fëanor got him instantly a mighty following, for a veil there seemed before the hearts of the Gnomes—and mayhap even this was not without the knowledge of Ilúvatar. Yet would Melko have been rejoiced to hear it, seeing his evil giving fruit beyond his hopes.”
VII. The Flight of the Noldoli:
“But Fëanor standing in the square about Inwë’s house in topmost Kôr will not be silenced, and cries out that all the Noldoli shall gather about him and hearken, and many thousands of them come to hear his words bearing slender torches, so that that place is filled with a lurid light such as has never before shone on those white walls. Now when they are gathered there and Fëanor sees that far the most of the company is of the kin of the Noldor1 he exhorts them to seize now this darkness and confusion and the weariness of the Gods to cast off the yoke—for thus demented he called the days of bliss in Valinor—and get them hence carrying with them what they might or listed. “If all your hearts be too faint to follow, behold I Fëanor go now alone into the wide and magic world to seek the gems that are my own, and perchance many great and strange adventures will there befall me more worthy of a child of Ilúvatar than a servant of the Gods.” Then is there a great rush of those who will follow him at once, and though wise Nólemë speaks against this rashness they will not hear him, and ever the tumult groweth wilder. Again Nólemë pleads that at least they send an embassy to Manwë to take due farewell and maybe get his goodwill and counsel for their journeying, but Fëanor persuades them to cast away even such moderate wisdom, saying that to do so were but to court refusal, and that Manwë would forbid them and prevent them: “What is Valinor to us,” say they, “now that its light is come to little—as lief and liever would we have the untrammeled world.” Now then they arm themselves as best they may—for nor Elves nor Gods in those days bethought themselves overmuch of weapons—and store of jewels they took and stuffs of raiment; but all their books of their lore they left behind, and indeed there was not much therein that the wise men among them could not match from memory. But Nólemë seeing that his counsel prevailed not would not be separated from his folk, and went with them and aided them in all their preparations. Then did they get them down the hill of Kôr lit by the flame of torches, and so faring in haste along the creek and the shores of that arm of the Shadowy Sea that encroached here upon the hills they found the seaward dwellings of the Solosimpi.”
“Behold, the counsel of Fëanor is that by no means can that host hope to win swiftly along the coast save by the aid of ships; “and these,” said he, “an the shore-elves will not give them, we must take”. Wherefore going down to the harbour they essayed to go upon those ships that there lay, but the Solosimpi said them nay, yet for the great host of the Gnome-folk they did not as yet resist; but a new wrath awoke there between Eldar and Eldar.”
Commentary on VII.:
“Of the treachery of the Fëanorians, sailing away in the ships and leaving the host of Fingolfin on the shores of Araman, there is of course in the old story no trace; but the blaming of Fëanor was already present (‘the Tents of Murmuring’, p. 168). It is a remarkable aspect of the earliest version of the mythology that while so much of the narrative structure was firm and was to endure, the later ‘genealogical’ structure had scarcely emerged. Turgon existed as the son of (Finwë) Nólemë, but there is no suggestion that Fëanor was close akin to the lord of the Noldoli, and the other princes, Fingolfin, Finarfin, Fingon, Felagund, do not appear at all, in any form, or by any name.”
VIII. The Tale of the Sun and Moon:
“Now these revealed to [Aulë] much store of crystals and delicate glasses that Fëanor and his sons had laid up in secret places in Sirnúmen”
X. Gilfanon’s Tale: The Travail of the Noldoli and the Coming of Mankind
“Now appears for the first time Maidros son of Fëanor (previously, in the tale of The Theft of Melko, the name was given to Fëanor’s grandfather, p. 146, 158). Maidros, guided by Ilkorins, led a host into the hills, either ‘to seek for the jewels’ (A), or ‘to search the dwellings of Melko’ (B—this should perhaps read ‘search for the dwellings of Melko’, the reading of C), but they were driven back with slaughter from the doors of Angamandi; and Maidros himself was taken alive, tortured—because he would not reveal the secret arts of the Noldoli in the making of jewels—and sent back to the Gnomes maimed. (In A, which still had Nólemë rather than Fëanor die in the Waters of Asgon, it was Fëanor himself who led the host against Melko, and it was Fëanor who was captured, tortured, and maimed.) Then the Seven Sons of Fëanor swore an oath of enmity for ever against any that should hold the Silmarils. (This is the first appearance of the Seven Sons, and of the Oath, though that Fëanor had sons is mentioned in the Tale of the Sun and Moon, p. 192.)”
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hubanarig · 4 years
But when they were landed, Maedhros the eldest of his sons, and on a time the friend of Fingon ere Morgoth’s lies came between, spoke to Feanor, saying:“Now what ships and rowers will you spare to return, and whom shall they bear hither first? Fingon the valiant?"
Silmarillion, of the Flight of the Noldor
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libidomechanica · 5 months
Large wings, streight imparted; stella, thou sit and portions
A curtal sonnet sequence
My thought I’d know than this. I know hunger. Thy Star upon the middle air? Large wings, streight imparted; stella, thou sit and portions of the altar stands them answer& theyr prayses sing, tis withered leafe is Treason, If you goe nye, fewe chymneis reeking you should insist while it was a child; she prove, and glowing hair was in the fewer Woolues the soth to run by her stand, and vnreuealed pleasant music, our morning, right the same.
—What care, or lift me with crispèd hair, cast in the boy refusde for fear’d but surety- like to no earthly root, and yet alas, my dear. Her lips are valleys. And, downward with bays. And, where sameness breast, to fetch in the stroked my star! Some warm leaden Metal in this beauty, Gracefull rymes, that crazed his sacred bays and flatten’d, but hart did tuch: while some monstrous, not this tick of the Night and Dark, drawn to these thou mas- kedst late.
Dancing now than, singing joy, Adieu’s last action, but of the radiator grill groaned, gave Consent; and sometimes starting so devoutly and shriek of a truth. Curves hugely: now, far in the name, another the woman labours to wreathed sight, when on the Dog-star heats there. To let thee to the bush; an’ she has twa sparkling roguish een. Moving more near the inspiring as foreknown and with care. Clumps of my body.
Turn by the ghost of all Created Things grow everywhere, as he glows; mild as an electron never Ceases to be told, or hidden in their birth; all his wings after flight footsteps told, how mought needes decaye. Ah, unhappy Arethusa! Ah, what she nursed him in vaine thilke same time or being cruel hawk caught better be merry in the Rose shall sore the first Onset, all the rest of love—how sweet as you go the moving storm.
To changed forests, where I sit and the Beauty from my dearest! And are put into her beauty, Common Interest made in lieu of mangled the chariot at hand defraud the woods shal worke,&snares and in his exile; where balm and oil, roses and the war, the girl without remorse even for Pieces plays: hither, where have had, and shouts for thee, and those shine of heauen is to heare. And pour to death do us part, I could removed.
Therefore and yongmen cease thy twinkling over me, my mother deere, Cupid weeping trees, in straightway, smiling, the tended Wand divides and blessed. Into many a sail of pride, he is comming neer be also presence her to the death-pale, with doating car, up went thee. But priuely prolling Heav’n by the rocks, and threatned stripes if he had felt the wilderness—and Wilderness as mine, the Porter’s Shoulders wind the statute of them.
At end the Rosy Morne long years re-sighing scandal of old, in Godly Faction, one sacred flame. Then this, and Cowslips, and woo thee moste leefe, hobbinols Embleme. I met a lady fair, so from forth your lips, and in her chekes pit thou return and live! How that rage had pass’d, even to thy cheek, crooned, Goodnights. And procession could hope for no esteem than death the Lady of the peace, when on the Devil and bear to look.
Tawny and godwit, if we misse this tenderest, and on the channel hath, will be asleepe, as the hill, I am talking. For unto you a Legacy of Barren Land: whose sence hold it in an hour’s space, the promist both hidder and till, and laughs at they han break good Company. Treat the commeth in, before I love. Her eyes open. And does it hold? Paradoxical, clever, his remark which I thoughts prouoke, danger more.
—At this sweet is the general evil they not Bay braunch of being, and there is thine own Dignity of love, wandering hether with a feeling charge some fine-odour’d snow, or crystal vines; then I knew. With Honour, Oh Unconquer’d Hand, whom he once sticke not seen, be’st loth, by sun or moon, these, and I have him his Roaring, and by thy constant special blest, by new unfolded too, and crush it under all this long Chin prov’d his way.
Now turn we to be had grinned at me there lives under Jebusitick Crimes, contrived a conquer’d Hand, whose approaching head. But shun th’ example, shown me how, whether we have a hand as ye vse to Venus, to hear he lover’s careless arms; contented I: then what care, by some splintered garland for short time and go. Now more sweet name, doth pine, one kiss brings; and the Saxon king, neuer was out, but warld’s gear, and anxious ear.
To him, was God mought no crime, to help to the people find fauour fed my hope! I was content to let hem beare blame. But all of me. They saw, and ’gan to the inward beauteous Bride. My Bed, and if they may repented of thee, of all thy solitude: for vexing conceptions of Belial with that for thou dost invest, and Who? And feed his simple word that I shall fly and obedience; i’ll desert wild. If Pharoah found me here?
And the Charming Polly Stewart! They setten to the heart, then to the victorious Lord that this day thou art covetous and a numerous Faction can a Patriots name, doth fill the woods days the Sabbath of poison’d poison-flower that love of a people get married until none else. I like to approved. Then let out there is the dead and rise upon a misty, jutting heavens, the Mass, unchew’d and found so high!
Had debas’d my Birth, or Conqueror’s Sword, when shee the cupboard, the deep; my grotto- sands tawny and godwit, if we watches of motion charms possess a lawful Government. Not as yet be the matter than faile his lips and ends at the disconnected numbers spend? Can taste and stray at pleasant grass and kissing everywhere, as heavenly powers we sigh alone, the clash of jarring claims, yet of these Dregs into a chain!
Clasp me close Designs a breast the mountains; long since I dreamer, awake them to deuoure, with every humour hath made itself came on, however wooed, and for a medical experiment. Between galaxies, I can rest me to prevent my love, and Up-and-down without. And honey on her legs. Into think the Vessel of my life leaks away, and ponder on all his wishes the matter of the worse that lifts its goblets.
Whose Modern sense flows in her e’e? And these Prodigal, complete the lily, the roring Organs loudly, violently. Measured much to make a childe of blooming, straight, all along the breezes, to protect his Frame, unwarily was left. Did adorn, that all thy Soul in Strife! No Rechabite more immortal, sounds from that they are sill the Cup: what boots it to gathere’d to die! With you beneath the battle grew, like Feinds, were to run.
Not be less. When ’mid acclaim, a Tyrant who, by Land, thought I thee deny, in my self is War in Masquerade. I confess all, I replied. Your dreamer, beam on my head lasted. Is my Mothers not one little while, that the middle air, but nothing doen hem all drench. In vain to thy home with little wren shall for the day of past Regrets and Sages who didst thou return to sustain and here we to protect his head, till time.
In pink and dash myself art thou return. Seeing visions that proceed from those lips billing alleys; meseems I feel, than Accuse. Until death, and stretching till he cherish’d long! Make me to vaine though late, at last unwound her gentle river jumps over and your emissary eye, to feel for your Eccho ring. From them and it seemed to clear moon, the core all others’ seeing, and the needful hours I used to do thy flowing hot.
The same, in midst of hers sweet bowre. Cool was hot, and markes you praised be halfe so deare, nowe loues prayses to be had grinning by: struck me before then wilt thou thy selfe to see a blush rising the story told often: after hasted thy soul doth transpire to grasp this stranger spoke, and rave at their seruice and tumbles and bound. Rise and dew-dropping melancholy, so brave, unable to towre, and would, on conditional love.
While hid the lawfull Prince despise, and lent thee, vnto Dianaes traine though not proves them dry; and he whose holy band, doe you drink, the orange, the whiles ye forget your former chroniclers. His golden age ’mong shepheards swayne you like the knight Pinto—Mendez Ferdinando—still fervid covenant, lies; while craftely you seen but a Magic Shadow-show, play’d in a cat-like wags new got to look at the best this english murdring there?
And took the Door agape, came mother day. The pretie Pawnce, and we close of God, and Hatred to this hour the sedge is wine, that with their speech was none can tast comforted; unless thou couldst not exceed the breeze kissed to Saul. Ah, how sweet music, which first minutes fly post-haste; no sound calls back to come. Perhaps th’old Harp, on while each to razed oblivion pass; erect thy stories of more drear than all other hope nor tree, nor the way down.
And breathe, and woodbine, of velvet Elvis above the sluggish wheels, fresh spring with vagabonding stood: but who will shade ourselves in a desease; take me wish myself to choose thee, and dinted in a rage. And through wave on wave unto your body and thee to the Dusk an Angel of the pensife boy halfe in his bright blue eye, to take and nothing else but anger. One pierced moment with thee in the Westerne wind like Water blows.
And canting Nadab let Oblivion pass; erect thy beauty it was summer as long, long, Perenna, wilt thou soone here have thee, stella, in whose waues in clothes rich, and by sea, war within weeps into a forest nook, and another—Surely notes, the world for Love may die. Niggard no: now will I, alas, refrain, and just arrangements of horror, that lifts its heavy press’d his empty Glass! Love, I have left not the ceiling.
In amorous pairs to covert flowers! Coffee hot let me, fed with deluging storm. He who subtly wrought: band of this the trip and now awake and nervy tails cowering Lucan, Horace, Juvenal, and could endow with so much them, my own lips, so sweetest Silvia, let’s no longer- lived, and without blemish or staine thing: my mood is changing happinesse, vp to you. Of these tender scions for very idleness?
From which chokes and that in the fog-born elf, whose Memory, though the same; whether snow really see the well by law of Reason from me, which, I protest, or to bark, neuer wrought to their seruice and purple pride of gems. So that still ye virgin light shall fauld thy prey: the name, that he should at least of her life-time’s one moment of time proceed, till by degree, much more the Government. Pallas has been the porch, windchime in her e’e?
Oh God! When will allow a girl was all the daunce vnto the shadowy, throughly moue to lose thee as his birth, some image was indeed—thou wilt resort, so now his mind, thy Matchless burning breasts. Tear, and a Moses’s face; his Hand a Vare of radiant fire, of love, if love, how green neon. Think that I made, good choyce, they Curst the air, but nothing seems to me but as the better, ever in the grass. Like a cliff swinging in her e’e?
Many old rotten-times been done, the white immutability no stream hurry distract and behold, upon a mist that I would have heard a lover sing, that transgression, gives the shepecote, and tooke out of my Delia dawns, more literally the whilome thy flowing over the others’ joy and pity, for it alone. Thy watching beauty, for thy princely plight as beauties shined more bene they ask why. The threat to fall.
Mother gratitude to deeds and kiss and kitsch. That had made the Vessel in pure Love and root up the work boots. And crimson light gems: aye, all faint eternal—just the lies o’ercome or half betray’d by tiffanie or cobweb woven across a void, then would keep the woods. For all thy smokie fire; for, I probably didn’t tell you had sounded exactly where! Fast in a Noose of Troy, towers like delicatest lattices, cover’d with love.
The rain to thee; and soul and love is life, in brief, by a most wretched to rave. Off beside: for summer, ere thou dost love, that it feels Elysian, how rich to my woe. Once again returne, stare in the kiss her soul and swell, and heart have faithless racers who have deemed with soft melodies are lost in fatal web below the watching the stars ’light, or his owne mishaps to moue, least, so loud, sure signs he neither He, another Kind?
I see a lilly on their Force: but why of two oaths’ breach door believes till death wound and fears, they walke not with a loyal people get married until none else. Too keen in bed she was content to repeat; which, in the Leaves of Night and looks with Fate consanguinity it bears—to-morrow and arrow home did draw, to pass they say the same, which Thou whose worthiness gives Supreme is that proue. Be your simple layes, yet of the Land.
Here in this pride, he is conuenable. Soothing the mutton; with a wayward in thy joyous tear hath dear religious love can do. Punishes take the morning kiss, warm between galaxies, I can interpretest the Indus with lurid beams, she seem’d your eccho ring. Should at least off your tracks her nightmare, has cured its aim. Front, an ample fields he would not better than thou movest under Jebusite, well is in her e’e?
And turn to life. While Europe’s eye in dew of kisses might melts down thy golden age—why not? Still believing right. Struggling, as if’t ad been in beautyes grace expelling. Or, if not what was once made perfect in Mighty Hand they thinkes you presents immortal serene, while some dull Hebrew Priest, where thou dost thou art a Theefe, you say, knowing I tarry for the times; the libertie is gone by, when June is past, and in the Crown?
The yeare, all are lost outright. And what pleasure can I not to get, you and me. Erect thy seruants simple layes, or, at their sweet content to let her in their Fate; whose face of orient pearls, and love. Beyond the pine-grown Latmian shephard once is Natural Instinct they should a foolish Prophets of their wings. No streams subterranean tease thee. Though not leaves after all. Now they are! For all the measured them locke, and winter-sleep.
His chiefe light and listen for a pint-sized journey she be that amaze no more my self thou shalt be, art, alone a Gods name: as the day we have Place, when we say, watching here sure that grows the rest, mought be freër understand! Your strings, muffling thrush, that greatly scorne: he pays they may richly feast with doating flowers I’ve pu’d, to hope. That doth breed those dusk below, ’tis in the Wintergreen called Devil’s Elbow. Both of the ball.
The brydall boures. All for need, and what, that Universe, and cherish’d long! Long time in me. And guydest louers.—Long and grow a home for only a few special animals of Thunder hurl’d as from Mortal Beauty joins with what arms have known Unknown! The bailey beareth the least off your Arms accuse, the laying on yesterday, why fret about it all—He knows—HE knows! Next them all. When my Father; coud he bring a better side.
Where it not, for I have faculty by nature, and, Travel-weary, fain would offer all think of her ye virgin’s blood: it will ring in the wing doth makes them the Sabbath, but look the shore and my earthly worth my compassions great hunt: but kindle hope, an undisturb a State, but she thanks my husbanded thus Old David’s love stays forever. Rights enjoy, if Kings; for her herd increase thee, for those, their plays beaumont and lips meet!
Of thron’d Apollo, could tell; my passively take my breast bo-peepe or crouching comes tumbling lies upon the Crown; and strove to and fragrant zone; she commeth lead: no witchcraft is so rash as rise in defining the sight; because thee, gave Consent; and Peals of thee? Too slight, alone and another. The feeling, in defence is; yet who with too much. Lost, you still at hand to this same night, all for all my tenderest won’t be history!
The whiles an hundred hunting his immortal blemish sheepes clothes rich, and in her brother’s beard; or else one the sick of the fog-born elf, whose dawning Day, in every Sheckle which soft ravishments more cause why I sojourn here on the year. Slow tyrannie; and when young, receives its beating the Blest: heaven had spent and weak, and all my dream, a dreary,—vex’d like trickling ball, for human hearts that can ail thee comfort meete, both her bright!
Aisles, and new body, which, well or ill contented to give th’ Offenders, the Markets of the morning and thirty years ago. And suited to Mars as he durst not trust if an openness did me afright; a doubled as if to the day of sacrifice? Are feast the maw of a wider choice of bloudy locks dooth the mavis and the neighbour town, far off appeare; for, I protest, my sight of one brave man can do.
But your suit and plaster are sold to thine Eyes seal’d in thy morrow and arrow home did bring the zephyr-boughs! Into many a darkness holds the generation grieve not out their alter’d Hearts from which else can come upon a dream, yet it yielded a dear delight with so dull a cheer that let him, up, the last word bring there such, as if an enemy’s fleet came more shall your bodies’ force, with a feeling skill, I am talking.
Or with goodly wel beseene. On the garbage. At my loss is my love, when the soul iudging what thou shoulders of Loue, now wondred why, so long expectant, still call. In straight, thoughts of seldom fail: but oh that darke furnace to prove, a woman’s yet, told the way home. To a sleeping through flow’rs so white! Octave clotted in Space, but he had not any hearing of poets sing; ne let me name, unspoke, I call it love? And euer auaile.
For to gaze, while she promis’d land sure, not stand; and could not long; for, by a shady spring, and her neck so fair; as secret Foes. Valiant he shoulders, breast indecency; but evermore came out of joint, as he glow’d like raveller, in far less by the State, but soone might refine, I yet in vain; all the river where buried days. Of partridge, I know not how to kill Desire. And then forgo; who banish, in his raptur’d!
Dancing forth the arrow stare, vpon her face. What we don’t so much is possible, but all is well nigh he had lorded the blessings in vain: in pity thee; and no wave of a great harmes had taught,—within us and again, I longd the nymphs? Between; with airs delicious. For unto you sit, the Wretched swindler’s lie? Neuer I will, it will ne’er be got by any art: then what ye should weene some holy placed herself should take heede.
In dreams the feeble floor to waite on his the Breach who dar’d to Curse. That ev’n my buried Cæsar bled; that euer was he to his sweet name, that I am, and fashion roses. Maybe my skulls that are endless bliss, dearest, that with Vulgar, passes o’r, and you were real and his force, Infus’d, the wind blowing. In nectar’d clouds, to boast his might not undo without asking, What Lamp had Destiny made the Charming Greatness is Paradise.
In this secrecy, and wind, the lowest: meanest creatures of what we are made, as by a river side, leg over leg, an electric meter I will be thy grave. But I will these forests, where I drew a morning day, the same: sweet to this better side, where sleeps there is yellow lines, eating the coastal highway, but not stay, and anxious he display, thou wilt be gone, love but a toy to the darkness in the wild- woods among.
Within him; then, I had all thy own sins fast and more bene Wolues yrent, all in a globe of rauenous Wolues, as she stood ’mong lilies, shells welcome he shalbe a grace, an’ it’s like to where my mouth keeps changed its aim. But Lenitives fomented thy prince quickly speak a Loyal Peers ascend: sharp judging what the heart that you in ioyes for a Calm unfit would more believe a growl like the Stars are Reserv’d t once touch’d it?
So fair, so from far, the pity comes just wrath I hear they may return and view my love, thy lifull heat not for his world has done with Stella handle so! By a most doth hast. Motion swell’d an air thence, like a zeppelin. Proportions of the thrums his Layes: or some divine; convolvulus in striving how to entice her lay; lay her this Advice above, about, below the place on my Forgiveness give—and take off our coats.
The general Joy detain; starve, and nothing novel, not all violence, so, I learn’d— the hearts I knew, like stars around in Rows. They bene fully fed, luxurious the odds were apart; yet, day by day, I bade my heart so gentle hand, the horse will let me home returne, stare aghast, forsake their Duty at a dear delights, ne let mischiefe fall, to which I let drop. Sebastian or the mortality alone through the sea.
Life: the sight, but for a Ladde, you sorrow to hang the gaps between, above the iron lung. Which Hebrew Priests devise the little livest blissfully. Tears have leave you? These things like the mourne. The sea as mere confin’d: why am I saying me a curse. Ah, take the mall selling every Grace adorn’d, by that so freely gives and ocean rivers combine beneath his word? You say, forsooth, your Father like a winter, and— sans End!
Spirit of Cain, is it dead? With just as you are gone; the Pillars and hasten while I thus whispers of the fort, cowards Loue with his cheating their Native course, from feare of war, each time that godless cleft off the Southern sky; thy love. And in her eyes with Friends remove, with pretending loudly, as did banishment with doating flocke, fast in the Rose blows along the with your hands where each other ran on and with goodly personal.
In me sing, that no night doth hide, to make a show, as deep maw he rush’d: then all we return to lift up by its curious train, fair Pastorella in these woeful valleys. Least, so loud, so farre worse commeth in, before, all were crosses tortured lion’s roar; and for a brother intertwin’d and drain’d. To keepe good Hobbinol, all the bright; betray’d by one back the hallowed to his Wrath expose? And still, and rashly judge a Cause?
Top, the circumfused this very clever, but thoughts which to Secure his fyrye face of woll, what with a Jealous for should I were emong the window a funnel of yellow lines, till weary was, with your lap, and thou beside which are frailer spies, whole armies of necessity and slurring themselves be bevel; by the earth. Did ever spring-tides full of Noise and clamour, agitated People throne,—and their wilinesse?
But murdered men—and your Fortune’s glass will stay, and we close voice is barely heart no more I plaine, and Up-and-down without tempestuous petticoat—a carelesse harmes had taught,—within my bed become. But, fill their Hearts; not Wicked, but the matter off beside: for such a mournful head, pitying and kiss that you’ve missed to divides and blest the Golden Grain, and harbor berth, nowhere the wound, and thee to all. With Chain of Gold.
Lay dormant, mov’d convuls’d and for ever proves in me. His paces between the Acidalian brooke. It takes place, when two vehicles the entertainment of linden blossoms with tryed state, neede feare of Justice did the more base, yet this house an irredeemable woe; for front of yore, is nowe fast stalled in hart I know, was now ’tis done by Weavers issue, as by Prince, possesse with whom, shunning spring flowers to deck her head.
That tiny little way to fly—and Lo! The blossoms, as they took a winding his indolence. I embrace had zoned her truth or comfort still more controul, such makes as make folke bow: of foes the doleful air; I sang an old and sighes of delight, and easie of Access. I dar not thy sea-foamy cradle, lowly saile, that all them: o brilliant kids, frisk with wine and red with necks stretch of grace; god’s pamper’d light, alone as that.
The goal of conteck and end his own heart. So while I break thus far, disconsolate the bonie lass gang. But we find fauourable ray, let temple burn, arms open, eyes so fair a flowery glen, when June is past, thy holy filletings, near to all, to ease my musing mynd is starving bloated stomacher—a cuff neglectful, and circumscrib’d and feeble vassals of Thunder on the gainers such country back? My spouse Nancy.
Had yet alas, my dear nancy, Nancy; is it not my soul of care, that come mayden Queene in royall aray: and Share the bell away; the deawy leaues among. Their ill hauiour garres them answer and he in loue and waive their seruice and pettish through the sweet dreaming sunbeams interbreath’d so thick with grief, and yet by tradesman’s ware or winnow’d by glad Endymion’s struggling, as if he call The Sky, wherein I long enough!
And War was all his loss of their cause expos’d a prey to Arbitrary Lord: and there inheritrix of fame, that all the forms go by, not unworthy to live ever— or else Fire! I have fled to the shadow of my beloued, you shalt be, art, alone. With long absence began, the first made a myrrhour, to be my dearest tie of your fragrant bright over earth on your selues; for her things aspire; in vain my substance draw?
Through these the boy refusde for fear, that the splash, done heedless here is nothing head of night; that I shall end. And born a shapeless ennui surrounded thus him playnd, the voices of mottled ore, gold dome, and I with such an host what, badde is the bone dry: but, at the lark’s wild warbled lay, sweet pharmaceutical bottles her tenderness is something downwards fall in which soft ravishment, queen Venus chariot at hand defaced.
But ah! Fills without a blow, making all to laugh, while she proved we have me fashion. Noon, the swoon to death along something occurs too normally. The one chance led me the lounged goddesse plaine: better Moon arose, in my opinion, poorly designated great. Which can lock vp a treasure stands severe before the statue of theyr carroll sing, neuer here, or, like a silent things to the lofty grot, leaving thee proof in words!
State, neede feares nothing to death. Expended by the savage den, are the mountains of huge despaire takes away in the room closes in her night, and for his own quickens Lovers’ souls, whose beauty shows. That you disdaining gilt from hence chase when it would catchen his Shoulders, made jealous Cry, pursu’d their merriment. Neuer was his Heir. Fair, sweetest stratagems sweet self at lengthened drowsily, and frantic.—Never yet— ah me!
—And how she stept upon her foot should now appear; the Spirits so fairy-quick, was strange the friend be dear. Now he is sitting under all they met; but spring flowers and I her shadow of my body’s hearse we are wrong; was ever and a Clog to Trade: and, if they shall dark tree glimmers their Land, cov’ring all ready way among they change not with a balmy gales awake, t’awayt the car Love may die. Window as the turtle.
Sweet kisse, thy tables, are wild with all he had gone, love but the rude Pan thou kenst, the Soyl been free, and Syrinx daughter of the morning taught, though for America and New York city when you will buy his slumbers the glutted Cyclops, what can with my night. Painted light; and as honest men and what Pretence, proclaim, you thought the scroll is folded and doleful tale, nought each others hands and revives at once is Nature, furnish’d bliss.
Self-sway’d our feelings keep piling up, and loud aduaunce her lust of gain, across the subtle food, to make her and is gone. Let all the woods they their Disease into the ken of heauenly guifts of his bed there, saving love’s veins spell. For fear’d but the leaf where must lead, and in the hungry craving wind my Spectre around me roots are little flowers all the air, as the crust, jutted through what shooten neerest the Kings around in Grace?
Singing by, a sunbeam found a passing no more than thou speake not spent of the Good designated great. That she may, the ioyous make, and straightway started, and to this delight, her modesty, there yet lies the Disease: that now make me to blows: yet some few hours drag. Working with rich in Beauty be; it is bright deeds and night can ever sound the household of private Rights of Woman merit some hung the murm’ring strange they lay in fold.
But tis to be receives reproach of being, and having writ, moves on: nor all well sayd, was please. Nor this Achithphel Unites the right, thoughts of Kings, estrange they to pluck the flower that’s it! His start—no bosom erst: henceforward, said: I urge thee, gentle rain, when it is not to have sugar’d Shírín’s Lip the Heart’s Desire! Sheds fragrant insect, rove; o let the spoyle is euill, far worse that once: for who from faults thy sweet kisse!
He said, is Justly Destiny with dirt. But when I am near it: when Natures Eldest Hope, with no shoes, no belt and I’ve been heard. Account to these valleys, ye satyrs joyed with pyning mouths purchase fame: I now that marks the while doe ye sleepers pass, and could indeed the Court remov’d: then thinking it universe, and nothing here holding wretch who didst departure and it always? Fell sleek about her sad eyes dart scrutinize.
May make no other, thoughts of irksome love of a dance, and your merry Musick their Trade for Empire borne away, the block we are noble Stem; him of the Land. And sure, not need much to make arrangements of all Command, scatters and quiet in trouble have fled to each lush-leav’d rill. What is it been evening, and all too zealous Eye to guard them therefore the iolly hole in that none can sin again: how often did she talks.
0 notes
effervescentdragon · 4 years
Therapy Session on A Tale of Love and Tragedy OR:  Why I ship Russingon?
So, this post has been a long time coming, but the final straw has come from my musings about a discussion we had on our Russingon discord server and these posts here by @thefifthbattle​ and here by @absynthe--minded​. Go read those two for context maybe, or don't, but here are my thoughts about Maedhros and Fingon and the reasons I read their story as a love story.
(Some of it is similar or same as what @thefifthbattle​ wrote in his reasons, but I had to include it because it's just true?
Also, I am not getting into the incest argument. Let me make this clear once and for all - incest in real life is ALWAYS BAD. Full stop, no buts, no becauses, none. It’s always bad. What I talk about here is fiction. And if you’re having issues with separating fiction from reality, that is literally your problem and you should work on that. Besides, as @absynthe--minded​ has nicely and concisely elaborated in her post, with canon-sources and other canon-cousin-examples, perceived cousin-incest in Tolkien’s works is really not the same as it is in real life, due to it being, you know, fiction, and is canon.  The Professor himself has had several cousins wed in Silm and LOTR both, and guess what - those couples include general fandom faves Galadriel and Aragorn both. So don’t @ me about that - go read absynthe’s post. Then, if you’re still not sure why I don’t percieve Maedhros/Fingon as incest, ask, though I’m not sure how much clearer I can get.)
On with it, I guess? Btw this is really long. So like, read at your own peril. I never shut up.
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The Rescue of Maedhros, Art by Jenny Dolfen
So. When I first read The Silmarillion I was around 13 yo and still very much living in a world of heteronormativity and isolation from basically any LGBT+ themes, so even the possibility of there being any queer ship anywhere was non-existent to me. I do remember thinking that the Rescue of Maedhros reminded me somewhat about Greek hero tales about one hero saving the other, such as Hades and Persephone or Achilles and Patroclus (HAH). However, I did not have an accurate grasp on Greek mythology and all the queerness it contains, so I let it go and concentrated on things that interested me more at that time, which was basically Elven genealogy and the romance between characters. In hindsight, I was a really, well, let's say, not-really-willfully ignorant child. Teenager. Whatever. I remember my primary focus being on Beren and Lúthien, which I perceived as the Ultimate Love Story.  Then all of this happened to me, and I put Silmarillion down and haven’t touched it for another 13 years. And now, In lockdown during the pandemic, I finally took it up again. 
I would like to think I have grown up quite a lot since I was 13, but I honestly believe that the core of who we are doesn’t change as much as we like to think it does. And however much I had denied it in the past (and I blame patriarchy and social constructs and internalized misogyny the most), I am, at core, a romantic. For fucks’ sake, my favorite books are Victorian romance novels. And I adore the romance in any way, shape or form, be it in the movies or in written word. 
And the first major romance I spotted in the Silmarillion was Maedhros and Fingon.
“...  But when they were landed, Maedhros the eldest of his sons, and on a time the friend of Fingon ere Morgoth's lies came between, spoke to Fëanor, saying: 'Now what ships and rowers will you spare to return, and whom shall they bear hither first? Fingon the valiant?' “ /The Silmarillion, Ch. 9)
And here I just. Stopped. Because this woke up all my romance-senses. And then Maedhros turned away from burning the ships, and I was like “Oh. They boned. They definitely boned.” Bcs there’s this thing we humans do when we like someone - we constantly find ways to mention them in a conversation. Any conversation, anyhow, no matter how sneaky we think we are. We all do it, and if you know what to pay attention to, you can always figure out when someone likes someone else. And this “friendship” of theirs is just randomly inserted into narrative in a way that reminds me of that. So that was my first clue, and I was eager for more. 
And then we get to the Rescue of Maedhros, performed by Fingon the Valiant. I’ve compared this rescue to another queer-coded ship - Steve Rogers&Bucky Barnes here, but to summarize - Fingon did not know if Maedhros burned the ships and effectively betrayed him, and yet he still went to rescue him where even his brothers did not. Let that sink in - to have such fate in another’s character, you have to know that person pretty well; better than you would know your own kin. And I know people are like: “Oh but that is friendship!”, and sure, it can be friendship. I would walk into fire for my best friend. But you know why I wouldn’t have to, why I wouldn’t even get the chance? Because her boyfriend would tear the fucking world down to get to her, before I even put on my boots. And that is why I read this as a love story.
And then we have the years after the rescue, where Maedhros surrenders his claim to the crown, which means that High King of Noldor was Fingon’s father, Fingolfin. We have Maedhors fighting against the constraints of the Oath, fighting with Fingolfin and Fingon wherever he could, curtailing his younger brothers’ violent and malicious urges. We have him trying to be better than what the Oath demanded of him and working with others and trying to atone for his stupid decisions in his own, admittedly Feanorian way, but still. By giving up his claim on the throne, he knew Fingon would be next in line if anything happened to Fingolfin, which it did. (Admittedly what happened to him was his own stupidity and losing faith, but like, that’s another story.) So Fingon gets crowned, awesome, more Finweans die, not so awesome, Maedhros tries to control his siblings and is less successful than would be awesome but like. He tries so hard to be a better person and resist the Oath under the body rule of High King Fingon. 
And then we come to the ultimate fuckery that is Nirnaeth Arnoediad, or as I like to call it - The One Where Everything Goes To Shit.
Maedhros forms his Union. Other Elves remember the Oath and won’t have anything to do with him. Fingon, “...ever the friend of Maedhros...”  (The Silmarillion, Ch. 20) supports him. Maedhros wants to end Morgoth once and for all and have peace in the realm. He miscalculates completely, thinking that Morgoth would attack him. Morgoth does the best thing he could’ve and hits Maedhros where it hurts most. Fingon dies.
And here comes the brilliance. After Fingon dies, Maedhros gives up. He just - gives up trying to control the Oath, to control his brothers, gives up trying to be better. He completely and utterly gives up and gives in to the pull that he spent the past, oh Idk, maybe the whole of Fingon’s rule, trying to avoid. 
And sure, you can say that it was because of general loss to Morgoth, whatever, but that is purely and simply heartbreak. There is no other motivation that would make a person turn so easily and quickly into madness and general apathy like having one’s heart broken. He lets his brothers sack Doriath and fucking torture children, and if that isn’t madness, I don’t know what is, and that is coming from the eldest brother of 7 and eldest cousin of 15, who probably raised his own brothers and cousins. He leads the 3rd Kinslaying on refugees in Sirion and kindnaps the sons of Elwing and Earendil, who have the Silmarils. He completely descends into madness, and he’s not even trying to be better. He does have moments of lucidity and regret, but after Nirnaeth he is so far gone from who he used to be, from who he tried to be, it’s not even funny.
And I believe that is because of Fingon dying. Because the parallels with a million other bloody stories, where the protagonist/antagonist loses their love interest and descend into insanity are unnumbered, I won’t bother you with them here, aside from saying that it is one of the most overused plot devices for characters’ development on either extreme of the scale. And if that’s not what’s happened with Maedhros and Fingon, I will eat my third copy of Silmarillion gladly.
So there are my reasons that are only rooted in canon writings in the Silmarillion. And you all are free to interpret this in any way you want, but for me, honestly - the dedication, the devotion, the constant emphasis on their friendship even though their Houses had legit beef  (Shakespearean much?), their character developments on account of one another, arguably more Mae’s than Finno’s, the way they are written - none of it makes sense to me in any other light, except when viewed as a love story.
Maedhros/Fingon is my ship and I will burn on it.
Now, I’m going to stop here, because this is already way too long. If you have any thoughts, let me know.  
(Edit, bcs I got reminded I forgot one thing by an awesome person who wrote this post-Nirnaeth fic that tore my heart out. Maedhros survives 30 years of his torture in Angband with PTSD and missing limb and everything and still tries to be better after it. Nirnaeth happens, and he snaps. Take from that what you will.)
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arofili · 2 years
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But when they were landed, Maedhros the eldest of his sons, and on a time the boyfriend of Fingon ere Morgoth's lies came between (they’re husbands now it’s nbd), spoke to Fëanor, saying: “Now what ships and rowers will you spare to return, and whom shall they bear hither first? Fingolfin my father-in-law? BTW Fingon’s already here, don’t be mad...”
sad snuggling on the swan-ships after you did some murders, & tfw your father-in-law challenges you to a duel but you’re in your jammies
This is one of my two art pieces for the @tolkienrsb 2022, an AU where Maedhros sneaks Fingon onto the swan-ships and all hell breaks loose! 
The accompanying fic is being written by the stellar @maedhrus!!
My TRSB22 Masterpost
(unedited images beneath the cut)
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