aredhels · 3 months
for the wip ask i’m intrigued by the “maemags2” one!!
!!!!!!! it is the sequel to the maemags fic with obsessive manipulative maglor i wrote last month in a frenzy when the pairing grabbed me in a chokehold, idk yet if it's gonna be split into multiple fics or not but it's gonna cover their years in beleriand starting from burning the ships :) and ending in maedhros's death :)
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charlesdesvoeux · 3 months
for the ask game i’d love to hear more about “song of jirv”!
a very soft post-rescue AU where jirv goes to spend a little while on william malcom's country house and uhhh. things happen. thing is jirv is one of my favorite guys to write about but i sometimes feel i don't have the cultural repertoire to do him justice, i guess? i don't know much about the bible, or the 19th century presbyterian mentality. and bc i'm a little crazy it makes me feel like i shouldn't be writing him too much, i guess. i know it doesn't make sense lol. here's a snippet (at this point he's in his brother's house):
In his nightmares he sees a pale, monstrous thing towering over him in the shale. He’s lying down; he can’t move, no matter how much he wills himself to rise, to fight it, to not go down like a calf bound for slaughter. The figure both is and isn’t a man; it has a large mouth with unnaturally sharp teeth, like a beast, but also reddened hair and blue eyes that look down on him with a viciousness he thought human beings simply weren’t capable of having. The thing lowers himself until its face is close enough to touch his; it snarls and then it bites-- John wakes up screaming. But he looks around and all he sees is a small but comfortable room, mostly shrouded in darkness, though the first few signs of dawn peek gently through the curtain. He grips the mattress with undue strength; his other hand reaches up to touch the wooden cross he wears around his neck. He takes a deep breath. All is well, John. All is well. [...] The cold brings a dull ache to the many scars spread across his chest. He wonders if his family is already up. Perhaps it would be best to wait until sunrise to go down and break fast. Meanwhile, he contemplates his room-- the guest bedroom of his brother’s house in Falkirk. It is quite simple-- a rather faded green wallpaper with floral motifs covers the walls; there is a writing desk with a small stack of papers and a pen, and a little shelf with a Bible, a prayer book, and some writings by theologians-- all quite familiar to him, of course. For most of his life these texts would have been enough; they would have satiated his hunger for explanations, for comfort, for salvation. But now, they felt strangely lacking.
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perenial · 3 months
for the WIP game heathcliff it's me cathy?(!!)
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The remains of Thomas Jopson are disturbed on a cold, bright day in the high Arctic summer, having laid one hundred and seventy years in unrest. The marauding sun, which has long since bleached his bones a brittle soapstone, crowns an unearthly figure as it picks a path from sea to shore across God's acre on acre on acre. It cups his skull so its thumbs rest in the hollows of his cheeks, temples to the cradle of its palms, and turns the sockets that once held his eyes to that brilliant, unending light. Thomas, mistaking the touch for his mother's, wakes.
this was going to be my big bang entry but i ran into time commitment issues so it's just another wip now :') basically a modern day archeologist dave k finds jop's skeleton and his spirit, which has been in a weird time loop dream for 170 years, is woken and ends up poltergeisting it up as he cycles between being rly pissed off and incredibly distraught over being abandoned at sick camp. after a bit of introspection and traveling we find out crozier (and another character) have been alive this whole time – the same force that brought jopson back has kept crozier (& co) functionally immortal and stuck in their own 'loop'. this fic would be more vibes-based than my reverse bang and heavy on the fucked up jopzier(/other character) as per ms bush's directive 🫡
ask me about my wips?
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midwrites · 3 months
ohhhh for the wip ask “the one that got away” is very much enticing me, i would love to hear more! (the the jopping of grim if you’re so inclined!)
I'd love to share more on the one that got away but it is my most recent WIP and thus the one I have the least written for, regardless, you can have all I have for it in this other post <3
Regarding jopping my grim!! It's a crossover fic for Terror/Musketeers in between Lucien Grimaud and Thomas Jopson *three freaks and I start clapping*, which I started working on purely because no one has yet written Jopson topping for that ship tag (Topson if you will) and I need it more than I need to breathe. Here's a little snippet of porn turned into character study, as it is wont to happen!
“Well, well, well. Who do we have here?” The man speaks with an accent borne of not having been raised in this cesspit of a country, his long legs shifting under Grimaud’s glare, posture unflinching despite the iron shining on his belt. “Grimaud!” Gericault whines, his words followed by a sharp thwack, Adonis’ left hand leaving an red imprint over his naked rear, the leather of his glove flexing before his eyes shift back to Lucien. “Now, furniture does not speak,” he chides, shifting posture a little, as if he were trying to lean more of his weight on top of the man. Vicious, this little thing is. “I assume your business with Monsieur Gericault is rather urgent, but as you can see, he is not home at the moment. Is there any way I may assist you, monsieur?” In other circumstances, Lucien may have killed them both. In other circumstances, a day in which he was more world weary and Feron’s slow descent into addiction supposed a heavier toll over his tired shoulders, he might have slit Adonis’ pale neck from side to side, watch his hot blood stain that pig Gericault’s naked back before he got to work. But today, Lucien holds, and regards him with a slow, calculating gaze.
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rahabs · 1 year
🌹 for the ask meme — i think beggars and scrimshaw are my favourite fics of yours so I would love to see a sentence from either of their sequels!
The hunger was the same—worse, even, he thought as he gently stirred the pot draped over the flame, pausing only to reach up and tuck his hair behind his ears.
From Down to the Bone, the WIP sequel to Scrimshaw.
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boogiewoogieweeb · 2 months
11, 16, 65 🪽
hi curry! 🤗🤗🤗 thank you so much for the ask - it's always a pleasure to see you on my dash or in my notifs! (and congrats on FINALLY getting the nedward shirt🥳 i can't think of anyone more deserving after having to endure such long waiting times trials and tribulations!)
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
oh, now this is a difficult one, because how on earth do i link only three??? tell you what; i'll compromise, and we'll do five, okay? okay. and because i know you're a fellow joplittle afficionado, i'm listing five of my faves for our mutual otp (unranked and in no particular order):
To Guide His Banners by mia_ugly
quiet hours by MyresLight (aka the inestimable and my dearly beloved @maedhrus)
the comforts of home by hazelmotes
i've become the person who says darling by vegetas
ringing in your ears by @manicpixiedreamjop (hi gus! plugging your latest fic because i simply can't shut up about it!)
five, as i said; though i have so, so many more i wish i could share. and just so you know, having to choose these five alone was already an unbearably cruel, nigh herculean task 😩
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
a better question would probably be "do you ever stop nurturing fic ideas?" 😂 at any given moment, there are at least ten fic ideas rattling around in the lobster pot i call a brain, most of them half-baked and vaguely formed; some of them with some actual substance and merit to them.
lately, i've been overtaken by a nefarious subset of particularly horny thoughts regarding a certain first lieutenant from a doomed arctic expedition and all the various ways in which his anger and frustration at his captain's questionable leadership might manifest... which i wholeheartedly blame on matthew mcnulty's line delivery of, "you were told not to speculate", along with that delicious little lip-curling sneer he does when he says it.
granted, it's not really sharing an idea so much as it is Thirsting After That Middle-Aged Man™, but i figured if anyone would understand, it would be you, curry ❤️
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
as everyone and their mums probably knows by now, i'm currently busy with several wips. but the ones i'm most proud of and probably the most eager to finish are my terror lieuts vampire hunters/dhampir!jops au, and the sequel to two cupped hands; both of which are sitting at about 35% completion rate. unfortunately, i haven't had much motivation to write lately, and so the actual completion of said wips remains a sisyphean task at present. that being said, i'm nothing if not stubborn, so if it takes me ten more years to publish either of those wips, so be it. i know they'll find their audience regardless of how much time passes 😁
aaand that's it! once again, thank you curry for a wonderful set of questions - i had an absolute blast answering them, and i hope you have just as much fun reading my answers! ily!
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melestasflight · 11 months
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For @nolofinweanweek a rec list of some of my favorite takes on Nolofinwëan characters. I tried to include diversity in styles and authors. These are all amazing, take my word!
Fingolfin: No Way You Can Fall by @hhimring
Anairë: His Brother’s Wife by @cuarthol
Fingon: Now a Quill, Now a Sword by @zealouswerewolfcollector
Turgon: Glasshouses by @searchingforserendipity25
Elenwë: So We Rise by @sallysavestheday
Aredhel: To Find a Home in the Twilight by yours truly
Eöl: Who chose the stars by @foxleycrow
Argon: Gone Astray by @maedhrus
Idril and Tuor: The Blessed by daphnerunning
Maeglin: Half Mourning by @skyeventide��
Eärendil: Ungoliant's Bane by @polutrope
Elwing: Carrying the Hope of All the World by @imakemywings
Elrond: Touch of a Vanished Hand by @elfscribe
Elros: You Belong Among the Wildflowers by @jaz-the-bard
Gil-galad: Remember no grievance by @ettelene
Celebrían: A Marriage Plot by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor
Arwen: A Web of Stars by @idrilsscribe
Nolofinwëan OCs: A Bridge in the City of Rivers by @grey-gazania featuring Ianneth of Mithrim, daughter of Annael and wife of Fingon.
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nailsinmywall · 2 years
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the nailsinmywall MAGLOR zine (digital version) is releasing this friday, November 4th 💜
70+ pages. remastered artworks, 2 exclusive new pieces. with a STELLAR line up of 9 phenomenal writers: @amethysttribble, @skyeventide, elwinfortuna, @crownlessliestheking​, @samarqqand​, @athenaiskarthagonensis​, @maedhrus​, @feanorianswelcome​, @vviths​ telling his story.
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abrahamvanhelsings · 3 months
tagged by @zaegreus to make a poll with 5 of my all-time favorite characters and tag 5 people to do the same. thank you !! 💙🐳 this was hard as hell tho there's so many guys im permanently deceased abt lol. i specifically did not add our beloved edward bc i think most of my active followers are terror crew so i want to see who else y'all like
lau tagged half the people i know on this webbed site so uhhh @garlandgerard @tideswept @maedhrus @croziers-compass @wlwoodnymph
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manicpixiedreamjop · 2 months
Got tagged by @erythriina @maedhrus AND @boogiewoogieweeb ages ago to do this and just remembered so uhh pick one of my 5 favorite characters that you like the most (no terror included bc that’d make it too easy)
Also this is gonna be hilarious because it’ll tell you exactly HOW out of my usual vibe the terror is don’t worry about it just go with it
Tagging @ithaca-awaits @hypallepse @tommyjop @choptail @emotional-support-lieutenant and @jamesjamesonfitzjames
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aredhels · 3 months
WIP game
thanks for the tag @hobbitwrangler! 💖
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
not including all because there are. so many. but here are some:
act 4 scene 2
aredhel x galadriel ffc 19
arranged marriage
cleeg 2
cody x princess reader
codywan lightsaber
este x miriel
ghost au
lonely eyes mirror smut
meladriel learning
messy musicians
office scene divergence
silvergifting hananaki
no idea who's done this already but i'm tagging @morluin, @maedhrus, @tiesanjiaoshenanigans, @welcomingdisaster, @imakemywings, @elvain, @sabetha, @violasmirabiles, @andreth-with-a-sword
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charlesdesvoeux · 3 months
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perenial · 3 months
wip game
tagged by @maedhrus & @erythriina!! thank u loves 💖
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs. im copping out but if ur a writer and see this consider urself tagged ok? ok.
these are all terror fics btw. im nowhere near completing any of them. having a normal one 👍
2 iceblink 2 luck (sequel to my reverse bang)
mind the gap
joplittle affinity au
rimming that old man
fresh laundry allie x dot mp3
don't you just wanna go apeshit?
all you get from love is a love song
stupid sexy tradie sol
where did that other dog come from. who is he
i have a couple of other vague ideas that i haven't written anything for so if ur interested in a wildcard wip just shoot me a 🃏
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midwrites · 3 months
Tagged by @manicpixiedreamjop!
Gimme a line from your latest WIP or project that involves hands. (Search-find hand, hands, fingers, fingerpad, nails, wrist, palm, thumb, heel, lifelines etc)
Laughter bubbles out of him unbidden. “Weird, weird,” Tommy says, dipping his finger inside the book not to lose his place. “There’s this bloke in a world like this—you know, all snow and cold—that’s searching for this girl with silver hair, and he simply can’t find her.”
Sol hums in assent, gaze straying away from the road to show Tommy he’s listening. Good like this, Sol is.
Tagging @redxluna @charlesdesvoeux @rosemaryandbrine @maedhrus @van1lla-v1lla1n @selfconsciousfangirl and whoever else wants to give it a go!
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unrealwasteland · 28 days
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
i was tagged by @thistableforone, thank you so much! 😇 (and sorry it's taken me forever!)
I choose:
the terror
a song of ice and fire
the witcher (i'm mostly familiar with book canon and tw3)
the first character you loved:
it took me a while to start recognizing any characters. probably goodsir or fitzjames?
it's been so long i'm not sure. let's say arya, i feel like she's always been my girl
geralt, but i think it still took me a while to warm up to him
the character you relate to most:
...i'm not sure about relate, but i sure project a lot of stuff on dundy and/or edward
brienne has some relatable qualities but she's also like 100x more amazing than me
probably someone like (book) triss because she has some kinda pathetic moments lol (but she also has her sweet moments!)
the character you'd slap
i feel like many of them could be slapped at some point in the story. but i'll choose dundy when he and edward first bring up leaving the sick behind. while james is still alive!!
so many but especially theon in the early books
geralt when he's being a stubborn idiot with the "geralt's company" characters
three favorite characters in order of preference
james, dundy, ned
arya, brienne, theon
geralt, ciri, and uhhh i can't really decide between dandelion, yennefer and milva
a character you liked at first but don't like anymore
idk. there are characters like goodsir that i liked in the beginning, and i just don't really think about him in fandom context, but i wouldn't say i don't like him, you know?
i can't really think of any
again, i'm not sure there are any
a character you did not like at first but now do
probably all of those guys i didn't recognize at first?? i also can't remember what i thought about fitzjames when i first started watching, but i could see him going in this category
i think i was kinda lukewarm on sansa but i appreciate her these days. also possibly theon, but i've loved him for so long that i'm not sure anymore
cahir! he's soooo poor little meow meow material, i love him. but i definitely didn't expect to start liking him
three OTPs
fitzier, fitzconte, joplittle
arya/gendry, jaime/brienne, theon/robb
i've mostly read geralt/emhyr and geralt/eskel fics. i'm also kind of intrigued by the enemies-to-lovers possibilities of ciri/cahir
no pressure tags:
@zaegreus @homosneksual @saintdundy @maedhrus
@fredoesque @charlesdesvoeux @flyingbodysymphony
@joondemiel @norsevibes @thedailylifeofafailedvodkaaunt
and anyone else who wants to do this! ✨ (also, i know some of these are side blogs, feel free to do this on whichever blog you'd like)
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boogiewoogieweeb · 3 months
i got tagged by @zaegreus and @unrealwasteland to make a poll of my top 5 all-time favourite characters, and then tag 5 people in return! thank you both so much, lau and lily! 💖
while i've included five characters here, the actual number of my forever faves would greatly exceed the parameters of the poll, so i've gone with the ones that immediately sprang to mind. also i am cheating with the terror one because while edward little is my number one cold boy, thomas jopson is a very close second, and i would feel terrible not listing him as an option, so...
here we go!
tagging: @maedhrus, @manicpixiedreamjop, @theredontbedragons, @thedailylifeofafailedvodkaaunt, and of course, mel, my dearest @worm-person (if any of my other mutuals or followers want to take part, consider this an open invitation to join in!)
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