astrocatdotexe · 1 year
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Some drawings of Robin Sena from Witch Hunter Robin because a friend got me into it :)
Also ignore the hand I couldn’t decide on which one to go with
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bestkillerin87 · 10 months
Manager theory:
Probably, many people are interested in the question, is our zombie manager running this whole company, or is there someone behind him and running it? Who is the manager really?
To begin with, you can look at it from a logical point of view: there are many stitches and scars on him, and this is evidence that he is not alive. Usually such people become after accidental cases, that is, not quite intentionally.
"A zombie is a fantastically animated corpse or a zombified living person who has completely lost control of himself and his body, or obeys someone's orders, or is infected with a so—called "zombie" infection. In a figurative sense, this word can mean an obsessed person who is strongly influenced by any beliefs, hobbies or destructive cult."Zombies, for example, are people who were once normal, but circumstances turned out differently. They are not born.
Or maybe a revenant manager?
Revenants are individuals, usually people who have died and been resurrected by necromancers. The process is a complex biological, magical and mechanical one that must be completed no more than twelve hours after the expiration date of the object.
The legal definition of a Revenant is: any sentient being brought back from death to life by magical, biological, and mechanical means. Unintelligent creatures brought back to life are usually referred to simply as "undead" or "zombies".
Revenants are often called losers, undead, corpses, dolls, zombies, in other words, alive, previously deceased.
Interesting fact:
Most Revenants have a “seam” located on the front of the body, usually in the form of a surgical y-shaped incision that can only be seen through a lens. This seam can be opened by a necromancer or mechanic so that he or she can perform the necessary maintenance on the Revenant. More detailed information about physiology is provided below, although it should be borne in mind that these are generalizations, and they do not necessarily apply to every Revenant.
Blood circulation: As mentioned earlier, all functional revenants have some kind of blood circulation. Sometimes it's their real blood, but more often it's another chemical compound. Oil is not uncommon.
Digestion and Excretion: Most Revenants do not need food or water; their energy is generated through a resistance mechanism. In fact, many Revenants simply cannot process nutrients like living beings. It is not unusual for the digestive tract and/or excretory organs to be completely removed.
The psyche and personalities of Revenants are as colorful and diverse as the living beings they once were, however, there are some common patterns of thinking and behavior that have been observed in Revenants. The most notable of these is that a large number of Revenants partially lose their desire for autonomy and self-government after resurrection; many are quite content to submit to someone else. This does not mean that they do not have free will or are always easy to control or manipulate, it's just that their desire for independence has generally decreased.
So, it's time to compare zombies and the revenant, relying on the manager.
1). Zombies. Perhaps the manager is really a zombie, but does not realize this, since he has been under control for a long time. Most often, zombies are infected. Most likely, someone fed the still-alive manager toxic burgers, which caused the manager to die, but some substance in this food brought him back to life, but his mind was intercepted by someone. Or.. Intercepted by the same substance from food, if it is alive. This can be explained by the fact that customers worry after consuming toxic substances, but not as much as an adequate person would worry. Substances can get the better of the mind and convince them that everything is fine, but the sober part of their brain tells them: "run for treatment!".
The same story can happen to a manager: he ate unhealthy food, and some substances convinced him that everything was fine. He ignored the possibility of his own death and became a corpse, becoming inanimate, in submission.
However, there is a catch in the zombie theory: most often zombies are more fragile and not as healthy as Revenants. They usually have no hair, and overall their appearance looks less healthy. But our manager looks pretty decent (unless he's wearing a wig.. and it doesn't powder..). But this does not mean that the manager is a zombie, because zombies are easy to break, because they literally hold on to tendons and bones, and the manager clearly faced a job of an average physical level. + in general, the zombie psyche is mainly focused on survival and eating, since zombies are always hungry. But our manager is sitting in his office and does not need food.
The theory of mind-grabbing substances is very interesting and logical, but outwardly our manager does not look like a zombie under absolute control.
Let's move on to the next option.
2). The Revenant. A Revenant is a creature created by a necromancer from a corpse. Now let's also draw an analogy between him and the manager.
Revenants are more intelligent and rational than zombies. The manager has shown that he is able to communicate in the ordinary language of people, has a sense of humor and, in principle, follows what he says, while a zombie cannot think like that.
Speaking of seams, the manager has an even seam on his neck and seams on his arms. Stitches on the arm may mean that they are being opened to balance blood flow, which is necessary for revenants. As mentioned earlier, Revenant creators can open seams to fix problems. And there may be oil instead of blood. The manager mentioned that customers drink butter, but he doesn't care as long as they pay. Since the oil CAN get into him, he may be indifferent to those who complain about the oil in the products.
I quote from what was said earlier, so as not to return to the above: "The most remarkable of them is that a large number of Revenants after resurrection partially lose their desire for autonomy and self-government; many are quite satisfied with subordination to someone else. This does not mean that they do not have free will or that they are always easy to control, it's just that their desire for independence has generally decreased." Although our manager runs the restaurant, he does it without much enthusiasm. He speaks ironically about machine and products, but does not want to take responsibility for everything he does, and takes everyone to the hospital. A manager may be under someone's influence, which controls the entire business beyond measure.
In addition to these options, other methods of resurrection are not excluded, such as self-healing with the help of future plans, freezing of the body, human agony and treatment of the cadaverous body with any substances. I have given the main ways and types of deceased people that first come to mind.
There is no clear answer to the question of whether someone manages the manager, or he manages the company and the business himself. The psyche of Revenants can be completely different from the typical description, so a lack of enthusiasm may be a trait of our manager's character. Only from a zombie point of view, the manager has his own manager "in the shadows". It is also possible that the manager is indeed the owner of the company, but he has his own person who atones for sins in his business.
The dude with the camera standing at the entrance may be a friend of the manager, because from time to time he says "hi, bro!" if he addresses the manager. The camera is also similar to the description of the revenant – a corpse with machine parts. His head could have been replaced with a camera due to the lack of eyes in the corpse. Perhaps he is a colleague of the manager or someone who puts things in order in the business. But I doubt that he is actively involved in the management of the company in any way, because he stands and watches all day. So it's unlikely that he's cleaning anything up.
Well, it was a little theory about the essence of a manager and his role in business. You can theorize about the rest as much as you like, about secretaries and clients, but more on that later.
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nathanhynes · 1 year
The Ch2 Finale is almost upon us.
Are you caught up yet?
The thrilling conclusion to Chapter Two: Not Heroes is almost here! Our band of strangers has already been through so much together, but the things they have seen pale in comparison to the coming horrors.
Join Peter, Shaw, Vincent and Vanessa as they prepare to take on their next obstacle; the "Scary Man," an EP with Luminosus Evanescerus; the mutation to vanish entirely under light.
But what's coming isn't just a fight. We've dug the hole, and we are about to strike metal together- the secrets of the true nature of Bright Labs Co.
Join us, won't you? You'll always be welcomed Within Hell's Reach.
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fmarkets · 7 months
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Whirlpool Corp's Earnings Soar with $191M Tax Provision Boost https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=WHR&date=2024-02-14195541&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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naoqkidoodah · 9 months
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1月10日 & 24日 水曜夜7時 ~12時
また、集団即興演奏"DADALOGUE COLLECTIVE"への飛び入り参加も歓迎致します。御自身の楽器は御持参下さい。
現代実験ビートミュージック …
自由即興と作曲による混合 ...
人間文化の奴隷化に反対 …
戦争反対 … 大量虐殺を止めろ … !!!!
There is basically no timetable.
All rights are left to the spontaneity of the performers.
You may decide your appearance time in advance and notify us in advance.
With the abolition of timetables, the miracle unfolds even more dynamically.
We also welcome participation in the collective improvisational performance "DADALOGUE COLLECTIVE". Please bring your own instrument.
contemporary experimental beat music …
mixture by free improvisations and compositions ...
against the enslavement of human culture …
against war … stop genocide … !!!!
#dadalogue #clubcactus #dadaphonics #naoqkidoodah #moofire #ganesan #tetsumolotov #whr #dull #objectivesaw #dadaloguecollective #freemusic #freejazz #freeimprovisation #bebop #dixies #blues #folk #rocknroll #reggae #funk #hiphop #electronica #experimental #anarchism #dada #surrealism #situationist #punk #diy
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chorinz · 2 years
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jupiterswasphouse · 3 months
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[Image IDs: Two images of the Cazadores from Fallout: New Vegas, one being a render of the in-game model and the other being an official illustration /End IDs.]
This one's an interesting one! While the vast majority of fictional (non-ant/bee) wasps are based on Vespids such as the paper wasps, yellowjackets, or hornets, the Cazadores of the Fallout universe are based on spider wasps (Pompilidae), more specifically the genus Pepsis, one of two genera of tarantula hawk wasps (the other being Hemipepsis), a set of species that is, in fact, found in the deserts of the southwestern US, in which New Vegas is set.
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[Image Source: Wikimedia Commons, Niklas299 | Image ID: A photo of an almost blueish black tarantula hawk wasp with orange and black wings, Pepsis grossa, on a leafy green plant /End IDs.]
They share many of the most famous features of these insects, such as their black coloration, curled antennae (in females, the opposite of paper wasps, whose males are the ones with curls), orange wings (although some species of the aforementioned genera have entirely black wings), and a similar body shape. These wasps also have some features, however, that don't match up with their inspiration, such as their red eyes (in-game), jagged wing shape, and much more pronounced setae (hair/fur), perhaps being adaptations brought on by the extreme radiation of the wastelands, or instead by something else entirely, which we'll be getting to later in this review.
They also have another key difference from their inspiration! Real world spider wasps are solitary and will either create or reuse existing underground burrows, whereas the Cazadores are eusocial! They create basket shaped nests out of an indeterminate material, very similar to the paper nest building hornets or tree-dwelling yellowjackets, but with multiple cells that have individual baskets and entrances, like that of a mud dauber nest.
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[Image Sources: Ohio State University, Joe Boggs and Brisbane Insects | Image IDs: Three images, including one render of the Cazadores nest, and two photos of real world nests, those being the paper nest of the bald-faced hornet (actually a type of yellowjacket) and the mud nest of the vase-cell mud dauber /End IDs.]
"Well, why?" is what I asked when I first heard that this solitary wasp was suddenly eusocial, something that's not easily explained even by heavy amounts of fictionalized mutation-inducing radiation. Well, this may be best explained by the work of our resident brain-in-a-jar Think Tank robot, Doctor Borous. His work in the Z-14 Pepsinae DNA Splicing Lab of Big MT is what directly lead to the creation of the Cazadores, potentially having been spliced with the aforementioned hornets, yellowjackets, mud daubers, and possibly many more species, permanently altering their DNA and behaviors!
The idea of this is fairly fantastical, but highly likely in this universe, given Borous' other experiments, which lead to the creation of the Nightstalker, a mix of rattlesnake and coyote DNA.
Doctor Borous himself, meanwhile, seems completely unaware of his creation's prevalence throughout the wastelands of New Vegas' Mojave, content to deny their existence elsewhere and even their ability to reproduce. This fact, of course, is easily proven through the multitude of individuals you find throughout the desert and the eggs you might find alongside them.
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[Image ID: A render of the model of a Cazador egg /End ID.]
Our good Doctor claims to have castrated the individuals he had in captivity within the research lab, but this only further goes to show his confident incompetence, implying he either: Heavily botched the procedure, or outright neglected to do so to female specimens.
You may think that these wasps would be incapable of reproducing, should the males be successfully castrated, however, a female wasp can still produce an unfertilized egg. This unfertilized egg, in Hymenoptera, will always contain a male, making it that much more likely to be able to reproduce with the females of its kind, creating fertilized (female) eggs, and thus the cycle continues until you have a desert full of wasps!
Finally, as for their defense techniques, Cazadores seem pretty standard for eusocial wasps, attacking potential threats to the hive when they get too close with repeated stings from multiple individuals, while having a notably higher than normal level of aggression (I would too if I was created by a supremely incompetent yet skilled mad scientist and/or floating brain like Doctor Borous). I have to wonder what their hunting techniques are, and what they go for as well. The adults would presumably still feed on nectar, but, being such large insects, might need to turn things up a notch in terms of what they collect for their young... A tasty radscorpion, perhaps?
In any case, I actually don't doubt a genetically engineered superwasp's ability to incapacitate or kill a human in a few stings, with such a large stinger doing massive mechanical damage to the skin and possibly the internal organs and presumably scaled up venom built to deal with larger creatures!
In conclusion, the Cazadores are fascinating creatures, and, while not entirely accurate to their original inspiration, New Vegas does a fantastic job making them make sense within the world they created, inaccuracies and all, clearly putting some thought into these creatures! Plus I quite appreciate the more unique and fitting choice of inspiration.
Overall: 8/10
This wasp review was suggested by @cupidtheartsy ! Leave your wasp review suggestion in the replies, tags, or askbox!
Make sure to tune in next week when we cover the Zingers from the Donkey Kong series!
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it's so incredibly funny to me how himmel indirectly ushered in a new era of mages being terribly unprepared for dungeon raiding. he was so fond of 100% clearing dungeons across the continent that future mages simply had no dungeons in which to use those techniques on and just didn't learn them.
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xia0ming56 · 1 year
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Im drawing. A lvl prelims is next wk and im dRaWinG!!! 😭😭😭
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chaoticlandworlder · 3 months
The official Mclaren account adding fuel to the fire... disgusting
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 10 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook 蓮花樓
Harper's Bazaar x iQiyi Scream Night
IQIYI Scream Night 愛奇藝尖叫之夜 (13/?)
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oshisanbignaturals · 8 months
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[Curiously, this zombie you and your party have chanced upon has managed to keep his wits about him. His speech still coherent, he asks to join your party in the hopes of finding his ‘other half’. He says he can offer protection from the other zombies and help venture into densely populated areas that only a man with a death wish would enter. A normal human man that is. What is your course of action?]
▶️[Let him join] [Abandon him]
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Without the words lol !!
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i could read a whole webtoon that's just hestio & ephael's slice of life adventures tbh
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hogans-heroes · 7 months
Me at Sir Hanks’ house when I was promised Tuskegee Airmen and it’s been 6 episodes
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chorinz · 2 years
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jupiterswasphouse · 2 months
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[Image ID: The official artwork for the Hiveling, Hive Soldier, and Hive Knight, followed by a second image for the Hive Guardian, from Hollow Knight /End ID.]
Now this is one of my favorite bug games! I'm sure almost all of you are familiar with it, being the lore-heavy indie hit and highly prevalent, much deserved bugblr fan art fodder that Hollow Knight was. This is a very good one, and takes inspiration from many different species of terrestrial arthropods as well as other invertebrates and fungi. However, many of them are much, much different from their real world counterparts, in part due to their design style as well as the infection which has taken hold in Hallownest, which certainly calls into question how The Hive and its honey bee inhabitants fare.
First, as always, let's take a look at them visually! All the bees that you fight generally seem to share many of the same features. Black and yellow stripes, a generally darker upper half, and fuzzy bodies, as found in real honey bees (although you tend to be able to see more of the exoskeleton through the setae of a real bee), but they also are all missing the middle pair of legs (Which I've noticed is shockingly common in fictionalized depictions of bugs). Most of them also have somewhat accurate antennae that bend forward with an 'elbow' (the pedicel, which sits between the flagellum and scape, allowing greater movement control of the antennae) in the middle, the antennae not present in the Hiveling, and a pair of wings, as opposed to a real bee, which has two pairs, the wings not present in Hive Knight. Another thing I find notable about these guys is, they all have a fairly round body, fatter than the average honey bee, with no discernable waist nor separating point between the head and mesosoma.
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[Image Sources: Jupiter's Wasp House, ie Myself, and Wikimedia Commons, Tanner Smida | Image IDs: Two photos of different, black and yellow honey bees, one on a light-skinned human hand and the other on a wooden surface /End IDs.]
Another two things that these bees lack, which real bees have, are ocelli (the three simple eyes on top of their heads), and a pair of mandibles (and seemingly other typical mouthparts). It is, at the very least, shown that the Hive Soldiers and Hive Knight do have mouths, although they're more like mammalian mouths but with a sort of sharp, angular outer edge. Also, strangely, the Hive Knight is also shown to be capable of spitting out Hivelings, which raises a few questions.
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[Image IDs: Two in-game screenshots that show both the Hive Soldier and Hive Knight opening their mouths, the Hive Knight spitting out Hivelings rapidly /End IDs.]
The Hive Soldier specifically also has one big difference, as its metasoma splits apart into seven stingers. One in the middle, and six that spread out radially, seemingly partially retractable into the mesosoma. Whether or not the others have stingers is entirely unclear, as the Hivelings and Hive Guardians attack with their bodies, and Hive Knight (Already predisposed to lacking a stinger, being a male honey bee) attacks using some form of blade or lance.
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[Image ID: An attack sprite of the Hive Soldier /End IDs.]
There is one more bee in this kingdom, which you have already seen in a previous screenshot, that being the Hive Queen, Vespa. She looks very different from the rest of the bees, having a more realistically (although far from perfect) segmented body, which sort of resembles that of a paper wasp's body moreso than that of a honey bee queen, although she maintains the fuzz, specifically around her neck in a way that is reminiscent of a fur coat or a rabbit's dewlap. She also has a teardrop-shaped head, an extra pair of (presumably compound, although they could be simple) eyes, and a notable lack of wings.
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[Image Source: Wikimedia Commons, Scott Bauer, USDA Agricultural Research Service | Image ID: The artwork of Hive Queen Vespa as viewed as a spirit, followed by a honey bee queen, artificially marked with pink paint, surrounded by other honey bees /End IDs.]
When she appears as a spirit, she's not too much taller than the Hive Knight, however, her carcass lays just in the background of the room in which you fight her dear protector, who does not yet seem to realize she's gone. In this form, her final physical self, she had grown too large to leave the hive, easily 5 times her original size or more. Again, honey bees do not get this big in real life, but it is true that queens are generally larger than their "subjects" by way of their longer abdomen.
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[Image Source: Carolina Honeybees | Image IDs: An in-game screenshot of Hive Queen Vespa in the background of the room in which you fight the Hive Knight, followed by an illustration that shows the difference between a drone, queen, and worker honey bee /End IDs.]
Now, I've posted about this before, so I won't go on about it for too long, but I do have to call into question, out of curiosity, the naming of Vespa, given her name is not one that is entomologically associated with honey bees, but instead, their distantly eusocial relatives of the family Vespidae, genus Vespa, the hornets. Something tells me I have an idea as to why she was named this way, but we'll get to that later! It certainly doesn't make the species discrepancy any less confusing.
Finally, there is one more resident of The Hive, although this one is not a bee, but instead, a Hive-specific variation of an enemy that reoccurs all throughout the game. The Husk Hive shambles through the halls of The Hive, surrounded by and/or fused with a structure that is, itself, a miniature hive. The Hunter's Journal describes this enemy as follows: "Cowardly husk, its body colonised by hivelings | Did the hivelings build their nest around this sorry bug, or did the bug squeeze its body into their nest? Either way, they seem happy enough together."
The relationship between the Husk Hive and the Hivelings seems less parasitic and more symbiotic, as the Hivelings protect the Husk Hive and the Husk Hive flees from danger, attempting to remove the Hiveling's living space from locations which may prove to be dangerous.
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[Image ID: The artwork of the Husk Hive /End IDs.]
With all the residents of The Hive out of the way, let's discuss The Hive itself.
Now, of course, being part of Hallownest, The Hive resembles something that's less like an actual hive and more like a human community, or, perhaps more accurately, a town or village built of one continuous building, containing mostly wide open areas, but also including areas of rest, with tables and chairs, and a locale or two that resemble the shelved rooms of a library.
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[Image ID: An in-game screenshot of an area of The Hive which contains a table, chairs, lights, and shelves that contain tablets /End IDs.]
One thing you'll notice, passing through, however, is that the hexagonal structure that makes up The Hive, outside of the shelves pictured above, doesn't seem to resemble the cells of the prototypical honey bee hive. Not only are they elongated in a way that resembles the Rupees of The Legend Of Zelda series, they appear filled in and crystalline. Some of this unusual material glows, which appears to be what the lights of The Hive are filled with, as opposed to the lumaflies used in other areas of Hallownest.
It's possible that a lot of this is built of crystalized honey, as it is shown that the honey of The Hive can become very hard, very quickly. This is perhaps showcased best in the room, in which you find a bench encased inside of a large, already cracked glob of honey, hanging from the ceiling, which The Knight has to smash open as if it were made of glass. Several other objects in The Hive act the same way.
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[Image ID: An in-game screenshot of the bench room of The Hive, in which the bench hangs up /End IDs.]
One thing that's completely unclear, is how brood spawning occurs in The Hive, with seemingly no cells that contain eggs or larvae. Furthermore, it's unclear how long it has been since the queen died, so depending on the time past, it may be implied that it's not just Vespa who held sole responsibility over populating the hive.
Perhaps, as is the case with a few Hollow Knight characters species as they mature in this universe, they don't follow the same lifecycle as a real honey bee, emerging as something close to their final form and molting into later stages should the hive need Soldiers, Guardians, or Knights. It can also be inferred that, maybe, the cells in which the young live in their initial stages are themselves living creatures, such as the Husk Hives and the Hive Knight.
Finally, I find it interesting that The Hive is walled off the way it is, in a similar way to how the nest of a colony of hornets would be, as opposed to the open, tree-hanging slab nests of real world honey bees, seemingly with multiple entrances apart from the ones entered in the game, and also partially subterranean, as evidenced by one of the lower entrances of The Hive.
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[Image Sources: Wikimedia Commons, Michael Apel, and wildalongtheway | Image IDs: A photo of an empty paper European hornet, Vespa crabro, nest on the inner part of a human-built structure of some sort, another photo of an empty honey bee hive hanging from a tree branch, and two in-game screenshots showing the upper and lower entrances of The Hive /End IDs.]
With all that said, it's safe to say that Team Cherry really respects their bees, but doesn't mind making them too inaccurate in the name of cool lore! It also provides a lot to think about. I know I've gone on a bit long, though, so I'll get to the point and give these g-
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[Image ID: The artwork for the Mantis Youth /End IDs.]
Ok, this one's outside The Hive, and by its name, not even a wasp, but I wanted to give these guys a quick mention. I always found these guys confusing, but it wasn't until it was brought up in conversation by Rev that I truly thought to question what they had going on.
For one, Mantis Youth? Mantises rarely fly in the first place, but their young don't even have wings in the real world. On top of that, they have a stinger, being literally described in the Hunter's Journal as delivering "stinging attacks", a stinger being a modified reproductive organ only found in wasps (if you haven't gotten the memo by the rest of this post, bees and ants are included in that). Plus, they don't have the same almost scythe-shaped forelimbs as the adult mantises, as well as all stages of real mantises, do.
If anything, minus the specialized forelimbs, with that sort of neck, they moreso resemble Neuropteran mantidflies. But otherwise, I'd say they're the closest thing to non-bee wasps we have in Hollow Knight!
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[Image Source: Michigan Nature Guy | Image ID: A photo of a wasp mantidfly, Climaciella brunnea, on a green leaf /End ID.]
My only guess for why this happened, considering the mantises are unaffected by the infection, would be interspecies mating, but the mantises are, in lore, known to detest outsiders, as evidenced by the fact they completely disapproved of the love between the Traitor Lord's daughter and the Grey Mourner for the very reason of the Grey Mourner being an outsider.
But maybe this happened a long, long time ago, before they became their own long-standing and wholely independent tribe. I mean, having interspecies children with varied features isn't unheard of in Hallownest, the Pale King and Herrah The Beast had a child together, that being-
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[Image ID: The artwork for Hornet /End ID.]
Yeah, remember when I said earlier that the whole weird naming thing would come up again? This is it. The sibling of all the vessels, the half-Wyrm half-Spider, the gendered child (The White Lady's words, not mine), and the probably-still-canon-but-it's-unclear trainee of Vespa after she was thrown by the wayside by the Pale King in his neverending quest to win a Worst Father Ever Award.
Now does this explain why Vespa is called that? Honestly, not really? It's still confusing as to why they decided to name the bee hive queen after a very distant relative and our dear hopefully eventual Silksong protagonist after an insect genus that isn't on either side of her family. But one, certainly, at least, explains the other, as stated by a Team Cherry member here, Hornet and Vespa share a related name on purpose! So one of the two was named first, and they gave a related name to the other.
Now that THAT'S out of the way, though, it's safe to say I can't give either Hornet or Mantis Youth a proper rating due to the fact neither are true wasps, but I can absolutely give a rating to those this review was about in the first place, the bees of The Hive!
... Also please let there be actual non-bee wasps in Silksong.
Overall: 5.5/10
Leave your wasp review suggestion in the replies, tags, or askbox!
Next week's wasp has not been chosen yet!
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