#why I can’t support her
my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
Why Temple Grandin is NOT my Hero
Hello everyone,
As the title says, I wanted to talk about Temple Grandin. I got to meet her when I was 12. She seemed very standoffish (which isn’t surprising). I did some research on her for some time and I’ve come to realize that she isn’t the best autism advocate. According to this article:
As a believer in functioning labels, Temple Grandin believes in preserving “high functioning” autistic traits while eliminating “low functioning” traits through Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and cures and even special diets for autism, such as wheat free and dairy free. ABA is a harmful early intervention that causes PTSD in autistic adults and attempts to eliminate autistic behaviors and replace them with neurotypical behaviors, which causes distress and emotional and psychological harm in autistic children and adults who undergo ABA. The Association for Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABAI) even endorsed electric shock therapy at the Judge Rotenberg Center, the only care facility in the United States to use this horrific form of “treatment.” The fact that Temple Grandin divides autistic people into those that should be “preserved” and those that should be “cured” is a very harmful and ableist belief, and this view is damaging to the pro-acceptance and neurodiversity movement.
Article will be below:
Clearly she supports ABA therapy, which is harmful to autistic people. Plus she also mentions how she thinks autism can improve in time. Which…isn’t how it works. You can manage your traits and symptoms, but you can’t necessarily “improve”. Your autism is your autism. It’s not going to change.
While she did do some good work for the world, I cannot bring myself to support her advocacy. If you aren’t advocating for all autistic people, higher needs included, then you aren’t advocating for us at all.
Some autistic people have high support needs. And she doesn’t seem to understand that, and thinks it can magically improve is the gist I’m getting here. That’s not how it works. You don’t “improve” an autistic individual. You “support” them. No matter where they are on the spectrum.
According to another article I found:
Temple Grandin believes that "high-functioning" autistics are talented, intelligent, and necessary to human survival, while "low-functioning" autistics cannot function or live independently, and thus should be cured in the present and prevented from existing in the future. Both I and others have thoroughly deconstructed the false dichotomy of high and low functioning, but suffice it to say that such claims not only reinforce ableist hegemony, but also reinforce a capitalist notion of success and value in that only people who can produce are worthy of inclusion in society; all others are burdens.
That’s all I wanted to share. I will leave the source below if anyone wants to read it. I find this very disappointing because I looked up to her when I was younger.
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theamazingian · 9 days
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Go to your local comic book shop and ask for Sonic comic #69 today for
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ra-vio · 10 months
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Kainé, my beloved u_u
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uselessnocturnal · 5 months
i just think- that maybe- perhaps- if i may dare say- please don’t come at me guns ablazing- the pacing for the pjo show could be improved
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teeth-draws · 1 year
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Hhhhighschool au bus ride with trouble from @shepherds-of-haven ;;;; haha
#shepherds of haven#trouble alder#halle beren#if you were wondering why red and the others had such different styles it’s bc this is the missing link#thought I’d try and paint aka no lines! and a background! wild!#anyway in a hs au where their respective single parents are alive#trouble is supported and thriving as the king of social butterflies#she is less feral but also less confident and she pines for him night and day#she is positive he can’t be that thick and he just wants to be friends - every time she tries to ask him out he invites a group#hang in there girl#this will all come to a head where she swears off her feelings for him and finally starts dating the guy from her smart girl class#and trouble who has always kinda liked that tall redhead or whatever suddenly wants to crack his head in the door#-what’s he got that I don’t got?- but all the girls just laugh at him so he sulks#what do you mean you’re going to the library with him what about our Tuesday night taco tradition??? bruh#the vibe as always is energetic extrovert x introverted baddie#teenage trouble punches walls and that’s a shame but also can’t be untrue#here ig he’s like 17 and she’s 18?? they both live in the poorer district of the city and she uses his mum’s laundromat#it’s a fixture in the community and part of the reason he’s so nosy and earnestly involved with everyone#her ears are pierced so much to mimic THE halek prince of whom she has a picture of in her locker#she is overthinking which music to play on their shared earphones even though he’s off with the fairies#this is why AirPods suck like the intimacy of earphones is unparalleled it’s all about the lean#anyway no doubt years of on and off infatuation vs his obliviousness culminates in dating someone else and avoidance#until either his dad shows up out of nowhere and he bangs on her door in the rain OR like her dad does something extra depresso#and she goes to him straight away#then there is a dramatic confession at the school festival or something#or his mum whacks him over the head ig and makes him walk her home when it’s still awkward between them and he can’t stand the weird mood#also they were going to be wearing their school bags but I got tired lmao so they’re on the ground while they commute it’s fine#he ate her up though tbh lmao#as usual the tags are nonsensical there is so much moisturiser in my eyes I’ve been writing reports for hours and have met so many weirdos#her phone is the shiny drampa that rotted my brain enough for me to create her in it’s image when I was shiny hunting
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robinsversion · 6 months
As someone who once had their art stolen by a mutual who has many times more followers than me and I only found out because I happened to click on her ig stories on the right day,
Get his ass.
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bohemian-nights · 8 months
I can't believe I saw a Tumblr post DEFENDING Rhaenyra for pursuing and wanting to sleep with Daemon at Laena's funeral, they basically said it was because she was a victim of his grooming (which is true she was groomed by him) and she couldn't help herself which is.... Rhaenyra is a grown ass woman, the heir to the iron throne, and is expected to take over and rule once her father passes she knew exactly what she was doing, in the scene with Laena she wasn't a victim she genuinely did not give a fuck about Laena's death or even Harwin for that matter and got with Daemon, now you can say that yeah, Daemon had Rhaenyra believe that they were "soul mates" and that they were meant to be but that is no excuse for her to jump on him the moment his wife's casket hits the bottom on the ocean, and this isn't taking blame of Daemon but.... it's Daemon, expecting Daemon to be a decent human being is almost impossible to hope for. He's the rogue prince who hosted a celebration after his sister-in-law/cousin and nephew's death, who murdered his wife and neglected his own children. And here you have Rhaenyra, who the show tries but fails to put on this progressive feminist pedestal. Rhaenyra is the equivalent of those women who don't care for equality and instead want to power and privilege men all to herself so she can hold power over others, there's no defence for why Rhaenyra chooses YES chooses to sleep with Daemon the night of Laena's funeral, she did it cause she could care less about Laena and because she wanted to, she didn't need to rush to get with Daemon but she did it anyways because SHE DID NOT CARE ABOUT LAENA AND ONLY CARES ABOUT WHAT SHE WANTS! Sorry for the lengthy rant, but seeing how far people will go to defend Rhaenyra's actions and try to infantilze her in order to justify her actions piss me off and it's only going to get worst when Nettles steps onto the scene. They're already finding bullshit excuses to justify her degradation towards Nettles, which means it's just going to get worse. Laena's Character (and people need to shut the hell up about the books and stop using that as a pathetic excuse) did not deserve to be treated that way, Rhaenyra never liked her, she was all to happy to see 12 year old Laena married off the Viserys, she was glaring daggers at her while she danced with Daemon during the wedding feast and of course she could care less seeing Laena's casket dropped to the bottom on the ocean once that means she can get a chance to get with Daemon.
It's very weird. They know that it makes Rhaenyra look pathetic chasing after Daemon(who should’ve told her to f*ck off, but he seems to love the throne/Viserys more than anything so Rhaenyra was an easy way in) when his wife just died, asking him if he was happy with Laena, and begging him to marry her(if a man loves you, you don’t have to beg him for anything) so they come up with a million and one excuses to justify her behavior.
I’ve even seen them try to say that Laena was the one originally in the wrong cause she “stole” Daemon away from Rhaenyra so Rhaenyra was well within her right to go after and reclaim “her man”🫠 (Receipts because I know people will say I’m lying):
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You are right that since Rhaenyra’s wedding, she’s behaved like a jealous cow towards Laena. There is no justification for that considering Daemon could’ve told Laena to f*ck off if he was actually in love with Rhaenyra, but nope. The wedding descends into chaos, Rhaenyra could be trampled, but where is Daemon? Off with Laena. Keep in mind that this is after her a** asks him to take her away and marry her(yes Missy Anne asked him twice🤣) which he doesn’t do, but you know who he does marry instead? Laena didn’t have to beg him to do it(their marriage was f*cked up but she never begged him to be with her. Home boy “chose” her 🤷🏽‍♀️).
Oh god, it’s no wonder why they still are obsessed with Laena 🤣 Imagine being “irrelevant” and having your story f*cked over because of racism, but you still have people mad and jealous of you for existing and making their fave “look bad.”
This is why I laugh when people claim that Dumbnyra has been portrayed as “soulmates” on the show. Like we clearly aren’t watching the same show. Rhaenyra is obsessed with Daemon, but his a** only sees her as a tool.
I’m getting a little distracted myself, but let’s keep in mind that these people justifying a grown a** Rhaenyra, being of sound mind and body, throwing herself at a freshly widowed man are the same ones throwing a hissy fit at Nettles being with Daemon.
If we use their logic, Daemon and Nettles love each other so even if Daemon cheats on Rhaenyra(i.e. unlike in the books they don’t have an open marriage) it should be all good because they can’t help it 🤷🏽‍♀️ They love one another, Daemon would die for Netty, and you just can’t keep a love like that apart. Nettles doesn’t owe Rhaenyra anything (including respect) just like Rhaenyra didn’t owe Laena anything. So it’s fine that Daemon left Rhaenyra’s a** to become dragon food😊 Rhaenyra shouldn’t be mad because it’s love. Right. Right🙃
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I am pissed at Su-Won this chapter (RANT) ch 242 spoilers *Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled*
See stuff like him disregarding the state of Kuuto, the Earth Tribe, and the dragons really makes me think ONCE again that his ambitions are about doing what his father wants rather than for the “country” which is actually giving him such an awful look this chapter dude…
Like I get he's ill, and that's likely making him in such a rush to get to the South Kai capital and make Kouka the glorious empire that his father wished it to be....
But he’s not thinking about the casualties on Kouka’s side at all. What happened to
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Like I cannot tell if this is a writing problem or a Su-Won problem. Either way I am PISSED off at this character. It's off when not only Kija, but even Su-Won supporters like Judo, Kye-Sook and Geun-tae are going "Uh, Heika? Wtf are you doing :I"
And it's like "Su-Won are you REALLY doing this for the country boy???? OKAY, then why is Kouka in such a bad shape right now????”
Edit: So I made a mistake, even “keeping sacrifices to a minimum is my job” was a bluff. Maybe this is consistency? I guess I might just hate Su-Won LOL, cause I don’t see how he’s being “intelligent” as he’s proclaimed to be at all.
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Dude I’m still new to the test tumblr rp scene as @koebi-san but man- I’m sorry y’all gotta deal with that
Tbh I feel kind of bad. I know it probably doesn’t come off as that. Considering how much I went off on them, but I do.
And it’s not that I feel bad for revealing her as the terrible person she is. Because she deserves that and she obviously doesn’t care because I happen to know she is still using her accounts like nothing has happened. Even messaging some of the blogs of mods from the discord she was banned from to ask if she can roleplay with them - like they weren’t present and aren’t fully aware of the situation and who she is.
It’s more I feel bad that I’m causing drama in the twst rp community? Because I really do just want to have fun and rp Che’nya.
But this mod was really making it not fun for me and several others. If it was just me, I could have kept ignoring them, honestly. I didn’t interact with them enough for me to do all this.
Yes, I hated they were over-saturating the twst rp community with their blogs (them having 11 is absolutely ridiculous) but I could just leave it. Whatever. They weren’t making characters connected to Che’nya. But they were stressing out and hurting my friends.
And so I finally just… snapped.
And I’m hoping making such a big deal out of this - making such a loud noise, such a huge callout - will just make sure that this drama both starts and ENDS quickly.
I just want to go back to having fun with all of you roleplaying the mad eldritch horror, self-aware Cheshire Cat that gets his head stuck in teapots and bends reality to his will… but only sometimes because other times it’s funnier not to.
So, I’m hoping now that me and the others that joined in finally broke down and made the callout post about her, we can get back to that sooner rather than later.
But thank you for your kind words. It is what it is. It’s the internet! Toxic people are kind of par for the course.
I’m just happy that, for the most part? I’ve really only had great experiences on here as Che’nya. 💜
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sakhafa · 1 month
thinking ab men makes me go insane actually
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placeinthisworld · 1 year
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spill-to-t · 9 months
People supporting ER even though she said what she said… fuck you, thank you. People who feel the need to share their transphobic thoughts right now and writing in the comments she was right… fuck you even more. People calling that lady a man… what is your fucking problem? I just can’t understand why people want to hate so much. It’s motherfucking none of your business, you don’t have to care about someone’s sexuality and how they feel in their body. You don’t always need to understand why people feel certain ways, but just fucking accept it. No one gets harmed, just personal step, nothing you need to care, comment or even think about. If your brain can’t process all of this… well that would explain a lot…
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eeunwoo · 10 months
nothings turning me away from lsrf faster than the fact that it’s physically impossible to see ppl talk about them without bringing up t@ylorsw!ft in some capacity
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hafwen · 4 months
I figured out one of the problems with one of my prescriptions is that the doctor wrote a 90 day one instead of a a 30 day. I called my doctor and had them send it into cvs to it filled. Then the pharmacist called to yell at me for not fixing some billing code in my health insurance which is weird because she told me I couldn’t do that and she had to tell corporate and then it would take 5 business days.
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Me reading a cool new novel: hah wow this is cool it has a neat premise and a promising plot line let’s see our protagonist level up and learn how to use his new power in interesting and cool ways—
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and defeats her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and impresses her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and rescues her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and defeats her PT 2
Me: Ah nvm it’s a harem novel god damn it
#it was cool at first but now I’m grinding my teeth like wtf#I was okay with it at first bc like. he defeats the beautiful cold hearted prodigy by a hairs breadth and we get this sad backstory for her#which could be better’d by the MC who doesn’t fear her and can teach her how to socialize and become a brighter happier person through their#developing friendship and potentially romantic relationship and it could have led to character development for both of them as they struggle#through the feeling of being cast aside as an ‘other’ by society and learning how to stumble through a relationship that involves#communication and admittance and honesty#something our MC and FL can’t get through their mentors#instead we get her genuine attempts at becoming friends being brushed off by him who assumes she’s going to eventually want a romantic#relationship by the end of it and ARGHHXHHD she’s a shy person!! she’s trying her best!!! you asshole!!!! and then the author has the#AUDACITY#to make her continue yearning after this guy who doesn’t give 2 shits about her and she’s only used as a support character for the#ensuing battle and then he promptly leaves her behind for his own adventure#and don’t even get me STARTED on the lack of compatibility with the other women in this story#they aren’t even being used as potential love interests they’re just there so the author can say he added strong female characters and then#IMMEDIATELY turns around and makes them fawn over this 19 yr guy who cAn pRoTeCt ThEM AnD HEs sO cOoL FUCK#I was holding out but now he just annoys me dude this is why I don’t like reading male lead perspectives if there’s a DROP of romance#it ruins it! romance is dead no one knows what chemistry is they only want to be fawned over by women to stroke their egos#not a reblog
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my Shadowheart origin run is extremely fun because I’m really leaning into the fact she has negative charisma and minimal social skills
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